#the dark eclipse nightshades
To all the girl fractions in NYC, do you think you would forgive Bakugo for what he said to Ashley? Or him in general?
"Huh? What the hell type of question is this!" Bakugo asked but looks to the girls. "Besides, who cares on their-"
"No." Jinx said. "I'm sorry I don't see him being the one to say sorry but I know my friend Ink don't like friends being mean to other friends...and I know the other girls in the other fractions agree with us on this."
"No." Breezy answered next. "One because you call me a monkey and two you were mean to Rust!"
‘N..No. One he’s scary and he’s a big meanie!’ Ping said hiding behind Breezy.
"No way. He was a jerk to her so no." Mouse said worried about Ashley.
"No..He was rude even when he decided to cuss at my friends and me...." Melinda mutters crossing her arms. And she was angry due to him insulting Jaron for no reason!
"...No. Si no puede ser amable con las chicas, entonces no debería decir nada. Vivi said with a cold tone of voice. Translation: If he can't be nice to girls, then he shouldn't say anything at all.
"Fuck no and fuck you asshole! Stupide blond idiot baiseur!! " Echo shouts glaring at Bakugo.
".............." Ashley had no response but looks quiet.
"No. Never even for him being an ass." Yuuka said but did cover Daniella's ears so she didn't hear the bad word.
"I'm afraid no.." Swan said muttering.
"NO!" Winter, Summer, Fall, and Spring said at the same time.
"....I don't think I can unless he really means to say sorry I'm afraid." Willow said worried.
"I wouldn't forgive him if he was mean like that to me or my friends so no." Enya said with arms crossed.
"Nope and never will unless he changes his attitude then no." Mitena shook her head disapproved.
"No, even if he said sorry he won't mean it. So yeah that's a no for me." Tayen sighed looking at him too.
Bakugo's eye twitched then glares. "THEN FUCK YOU EXTRA BITCHES TOO Fuck all of you and the other girls in your damn fractions!!!!" He shouted angry.
"See what we mean anon?"
"GRRRRR!! I should fucking blast you all to bits!" Bakguo tries to attack but he got slammed through a wall by Melinda who was using her telekenesis but he was knocked out while the girls sighed but Yuu was rubbing Ashley's back but she was down or depressed to them walking off leaving him.
"Oh Kachan why can't you be nice.." Midoriya said worried.
"Oh shut up Deku.." He said dizzy.
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warrior-names · 10 months
Edgy Warrior Prefixes & Suffixes
Return to your roots. Make cringe emo cats. etc.
50+ prefixes and 30+ suffixes under the cut!
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bonefall · 11 months
heey you mentioned sorrel tail having brain damage from being poisoned as a kit; any more info on that? also what’s your plan in general for her
I need to redo her character summary along with a bunch of my older ones, but almost everything's right here in this post
Daughter of Willowpelt, has epilepsy as a result of her nightshade-based brain damage which expresses as absence seizures! Her treatment is a regiment of valerian root.
She takes over as Head of Kitchen Patrol from her mother-in-law, Frostfur. She LOVES food and is very passionate about making sure you never eat raw meat, much to the chagrin of her friend Squirrelflight, who finds uncooked meals absolutely delicious. Sorreltail's favorite food is grasshopper, notably strange for ThunderClan.
She got into cooking in the first place because no one was willing to cook her bugs besides her. Turns out she had a knack for it!
And she's living a lot longer. Her mate Brackenfur is killed in BB!Po3 during the Battle of the False Eclipse, as part of a Dark Forest plot, so I won't be offing her in the Battle of the TRUE Eclipse like canon. Dustpelt is dying instead, defending his last litter-- Seedpaw and Lilyheart.
Sorrel is alive to the current era, but definitely looking to retire soon. She also only has one litter of four kits; Cinderheart, Poppyfrost, Honeysnake, and Molepaw/flight (StarClan angel name).
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speedgifposting · 3 months
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oh erebus. my one-eyed beauty. my fair lord of the dark. there's nothing and no one that could ever stop me from fawning over your unnerving elegance and horrific grace. how your brilliant blue quills shimmer a vibrant indigo in the right light, how lovely they are when paired with the pale gold of your jewelry. your petrifying gaze, which strikes fear in the hearts of all who gaze up at you, only serves to drive me further to you. hypnotic like a siren calling a sailor to the sea. you're every bit as deadly as you are alluring, but it could never keep me away from you. you have the mystery of the dark side of the moon, the power of a solar eclipse, all contained in a form that has the glory and awe of a star going supernova. your ferocity, oh, your brutality! how sorrowful it makes me feel that i cant have you without being burned by your cruel charm! you are a venus fly trap, and im but another damned fool who takes the bait, falls for the trap, and becomes another victim of your spell. how enchanting you are, my deadly nightshade, how gorgeous are your ways! yet how vicious and unrelenting you are to your adversaries! my dear, you are vile in the most endearing way possible. you are death itself in its most angelic form. oh primordial being of shadows and the endless night, birthed from the darkest depths of the cosmos, you drive me positively insane, and maybe, just maybe, that's what you want. and whatever it is you wish, i will hand it to you on a golden platter. i could give you blood, i could give you devotion, i could give you the souls of your enemies, if only you would let me, i could give you the world! i love you, erebus, i truly do. please accept my vow, or forever hold your peace.
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biscuitboxer · 1 year
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Naruto redesigns be upon ye
The main point of divergence from the canon timeline is Naruto meets Kurama a few years early (and also Zabuza and Haku live bc i love them <33). This happens because he decided to go foraging for more food and ate a poisonous plant (think deadly nightshade), causing his Kurama's chakra to kick in and heal the effects of the poison and send Naruto to the sealscape. Kurama decides to be nice(r) to Naruto because he's not dumb enough to blame a literal child for something that happened to him as an infant, though he's not exactly friendly until Naruto thinks to ask Kurama's name about a year down the line, on Naruto's 10th birthday.
I've been super into my Naruto au recently. The current name for the AU is Punk Tactics because Naruto's (and eventually all of his friends) a full-on punk who actually wants to change things for the better rather than slather the status quo in orange paint.
Because Naruto's got a millenium old genius monster giving him life advice and bullying him into self-sufficiency for a best friend, he's not really the dead last in class, but he's absolutely awful at tests so he still has the worst academic grades.
A lot of Naruto redesigns take away the orange completely for stealth, but I decided to keep it because orange is such an integral part of his character (bright orange is happy, warm, demands attention, and is very distracting, all stuff Naruto needs in his day-to-day life), and also the kid who stole the scroll of seals and almost got away with it doesn't need advice on being stealthy lol. He also wears dark coloured clothing under the highlighter jumpsuits in case he *does* need to be ultra stealthy, as well as for extra protection.
For younger Naruto, I used bright but more pastel-y colours because he's more innocent and hasn't really become Naruto yet, but after meeting Kurama and growing up a bit he's embraced the obnoxious side of himself and has begun wearing it like armour against the world. He's also a thief in this au, and his pranks are both a way to get revenge on the village for mistreating him and taking attention away from the real mischief he get into (this also provides the experience he needs to eventually steal the scroll of seals). As he grows older, he wears both brighter and darker colours to signify embracing himself more as well his growing maturity, while also being an homage to his jinchuriki transformations.
Also, he makes the highlighter jumpsuits directly after the Wave Mission, where his eyes were opened to injustice that didn't affect him personally, and he goes from wanting to be Hokage so people aren't mean to him to wanting to be Hokage to change the world for the better for everyone, so the black also represents how much more seriously he takes things now and the orange represents his bright hopes for the future. The black is also, one some level, a way to mourn his loss of innocence after everything he's gone through and the childhood he never really got to have. (Can you tell I love nuance, layers and symbolism in stories)
For the jinchuriki transformations I went hard into the eldritch cryptid type aesthetic while adding some symbolism. Hinata thinks of Naruto as the sun and herself as a sunflower always facing towards him and trying to emulate him (her name is written in hiragana but kanji readings of Hinata generally translate to something sun related), and Naruto's base appearance while using mass amounts of bijuu chakra looks like various cosmic events related to stars like an eclipse or a black hole. The eyes are inspired directly from Naruto's canon four tails transformation and Alternates from The Mandela Catelogue. It's also kind of representing Naruto's status as the black sheep of Konoha as he's entirely black aside from the eyes, and the oxymoronic nature of his existence - a glowing shadow, a genius village idiot, Konoha's greatest asset and pariah, a little kid with more life experience than most adults. Also it looks cool
The Highlighter Jumpsuits he wears after Wave are handmade and specially designed to take on Kurama's chakra without degrading like normal clothes would - this allows his clothes to become part of the shadowy body when he transforms.
I decided to make Naruto use a bo staff as one of his main weapons for a few reasons: sticks are the easiest weapon to find for a guy who spends most of his time in a forest, the idea of professionally bonking people with a stick is funny, and I love the stick and rope metaphor from Death Stranding. He can also just tie a kunai to it if he needs a spear
As for why Naruto doesnt have a utility belt or any kunai pouches: he adds a bunch of extra pockets and straps to hold things to any clothing he can and uses storage seals to hold everything. Some pockets are just hidden storage seals to hold things that would be awkward to fit into a pocket.
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emhm · 6 months
Eclipse rippled the slack of neatly folded fabric like a deck of cards. He'd allowed Sun and the clerk to convince him to add two more colors, orange and black. But there was still no real harmony to the subject matter. Slices of oranges in a graphic style, swirly koi fish with ribbons of shiny gold, Halloween fabrics with pumpkins, skulls and crows. He had floral prints and abstract blenders and even one with tiny stars on a charcoal sky. His fingers curled into the folds of the fabric like a cat protecting a favorite toy. Sun was cheerfully discussing his own cats with the clerk. Who by the tiny white hairs on her shirt; clearly had at least one of her own. She folded up Sun's last choice; a repeating pattern of bookshelves with fairy-tale names on the spines. The two stacks were equal in number and volume and tidy next to one another, the edges crisply folded. Sun's stack was mostly yellow and blue. Tropical fish and sunny skies, flowers, geometric shapes and smears. He had three different prints with cartoon cats and a single one with woodgrain to match the bookshelves. Eclipse noticed a scrap peeking out from under the stack of fat quarters the clerk had been cutting. He pulled it out delicately and held it up. A creme colored fabric with a pattern of round black berries on leafy branches with delicate plum colored flowers like tiny trumpets. The clerk looked up, "we had several bolts of botanical illustration fabric. That's the very last piece. Not the nicest plant but it looks pretty. Deadly nightshade." Eclipse held the small piece and stared at it, lost in thought. Sun smiled at him. "I think we'll take it off your hands. Now I just need two spools of black and white thread for the machine and we can go." The lady put her cutter in the pocket of her apron. "I'll get it for you." She could see that the two anamatronics needed a moment alone. The dark sun considered the tiny square of fabric on top of the larger pieces. In that moment he almost pitied it and the burst of empathy for the rumpled scrap left him reeling with the strangely intense emotion. He felt Sun's fingers nestle in between his own. "It can kill people yeah. But it's also used to make heart medication for humans and it's related to potatoes. Which are wonderful." He gave his shadow a soft look. "Are you feeling any better?" "I guess… it's calm here." Sun squeezed his hand. "We need to find you a hobby of your own." He picked up the two piles of cloth and followed the clerk to the counter. "You should be here when they're doing classes in the back." She said softly. "I've always enjoyed the ambience of everyone's different machines all clacking and humming along. People bring their own and there's always a big range from fresh-faced kids with brand new plastic things to grandmas with old metal heirlooms lovingly maintained and oiled. "I see you thinking Sun." Eclipse ventured. "I'm not taking a quilting class. Even if you wanted to lend me your machine; I don't think yours is something that should be drug around. If I wanted to do anything it, would be to make some more clothes." Sun and the clerk exchanged a knowing look. "Okay Eclipse. As you wish."
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morningstar-warriors · 5 months
The Fallen Warrior (Play Group 2)
A few Moons Ago…
Boulder Clan and Rain Clan planned to unite, becoming Tiger Clan. Onyxstar and Northstar agreed to rule together, creating the first Warrior council. Peace flourished, until Northstar was assassinated in the night. The only evidence was the scent of Boulder Clan, but it was enough to shatter the pact. The Silver Child’s fall from the mountains only signified more misfortune. Not so soon after, Onyxstar was found dead in Crashing Falls water. Was this an act of revenge? Will the Clans now be at War?
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Player: Fish (She/Her)
Name: CrimsonStar (She/Her)
Rank: Leader -- Mind of Shadow
About: Born under the solar eclipse, with a name to match, she began as a Rain Clan cat, named Eclipseheart. There was a plan, Boulder Clan and Rain Clan wanted to become one, and her father Floodvalley offered her to Onyxstar, the leader of Boulder Clan. As a selfless act, she changed her name to Crimsonheart, a Boulder Clan name... On the surface everything seemed fine, and their union a happy one. But in the shadows, Onyxstar showed his true colors his treachery poisoning her life and identity. He tried to take everything from her, and unfortunately succeeded. She has two kits, Strongpaw and Heartpaw. Both taken from her as young kits once she had become Leader. Now she rules not with her own choices but as the whims of the clan’s religious and traditional drive. Though these times of strife had gained her a silver tongue…
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Player: Blue (She/Her)
Name: Briareyes (She/Her)
Rank: Deputy -- Heart of Fire
About: Briareyes is deeply loyal to her Clan. So dedicated to the Warrior Code, she follows each instruction to the letter. Often taking on apprentices, and dutifully educating young cats. She has a strong sense for justice, and wants more then anything to give back to Boulder Clan. She had tried before, joining paws with a young tom named Redtalon and having kits... Unfortunately, they had died during birth. She was blamed. A deep sorrow lies within her heart, with guilt so unbearable she finds it hard to be alone. Though some saw her potential outside of being a Queen. She is the Deputy of Boulder Clan, chosen by Crimsonstar due to her faith in her new leader. It was she who stood up for her leader in the darkest moments of their clan. The promise of Tiger Clan shattered, her kin bristling at the idea of a Rain Clan cat taking the lead she defended her, "The word of the clan leader is the warrior code!" and no one dared argue with her.
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Player: Stone (He/Him)
Name: Dreadcrag (He/Him)
Rank: Stoneteller -- Undertaker
About: At the time of the union, two Stonetellers, Skysight of Rain Clan and Leopardlight of Boulder Clan came together in love. Cragkit was born on Silver Peaks his birth seen as a good omen. Some cats called him the Silver Child for his promise of being born so close to the stars. However, when Northstar was assassinated, Cragkit was caught in a terrible accident— tumbling from the mountain, his head slit open on the rock. Boulder Clan was a wreck, terrified a kit so special was locked away in his own head, lost in a coma from the impact... But it was worse then that. During that time, he was lost within the Dark Forest, learning their sinister ways, he awoke differently. The dead rose with the lift of his paw, and the Silver Child became a nightmare. His name was changed to Dreadcrag, and now as an adult he tries to further push the influence of the Dark Forest to his Clan mates...
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Player: Bubble (She/Her)
Name: Moonshadow (They/Them/Any)
Rank: Healer -- Nightshade
About: Moonshadow was once Onyxstar’s left paw. They did dirty work, spying and assassination Things they understood their leader couldn’t dirty their reputation with. These dark tasks left Moonshadow hardened and mysterious. Though his career ended when a secret mission went wrong. They were terribly injured, but Gingerroot the Clan Healer asked no questions. She watched after him, playing off the injury as a fox attack. Though his injuries had him stuck in the medicine den for a long time. From there Moonshadow began to appreciate the work put into healing another, the dedication and giving back to the clan. Meanwhile Gingerroot’s adoptive daughter frequently stopped by. They grew used to the spunky Warrior’s presence and felt a kinship with her. Gingerroot’s profession was far more open and respectable then the work he’d done. She decided to change, becoming Boulder Clan’s Healer.
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Player: Cookie (She/Her)
Name: Blight (He/Him)
Rank: Rogue -- Ritualist
About: Blight is an old tom cat, who lived close to The Barn and relatively outside of Clan Life. He spent most of his days talking to travelers, digging holes, and sun bathing with Jill. Life wasn't always so simple, Blight vehemently believes he'd been abducted by aliens. They conducted strange tests on him, all he recalls are green rubbery hands injecting him with mystery fluids. Strange scars and markings are left behind from his encounter, a thin perfect scar over his head. A green permanent mark on his belly... No one believes him of course, all assume he's crazy. But Blight knows the truth. Present day the old cat walks along side Boulder Clan, the strange clan cats seem to think he can be of help. As did Jill, who left him with medication and her wisdom about the Two-Legs.
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Game 0, Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4,
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hihihi hello Luka!
if your requests aren't backed up, then can I ask if you can recommend us some names/pronouns that are shadow/dark, monster, or static/glitch/tech themed? more neutral or fem leaning, but masc can work too!!
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eee sure thing <3!!(also haiii!!)
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Ciara/Ciaran/Kiernan[Neutral][Irish;Scottish]-“little dark one”
Esmeray[Femme][Turkish]-“Dark moon”
Orpheus[Masc][Greek(mythos)]-“the darkness of the light”
Reito[Masc?Neutral?][Japanese]-“beautiful dark moon”
Lilith[Femme][Assyrian,Sumerian]-“ghost;night monster”
Scylla[Femme][Greek]-“sea monster”
Techno[Masc][Greek]-“relating to technology”
Belladonna[Femme][English from Italian]-“nightshade;beautiful women”
Achlys[Femme][Greek]-“Dark mists”
Dell[Femme][English]-“shaded valley”
Charon[Masc][Greek(Mythos)]-“shining bright admits shadows;name of the guy who took people across the river Styx”
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reqs are open <3!
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journiland · 7 months
Okay, so yesterday. (This is gonna be lonnng.)
I woke up earlier than usual and got the animals done, but Eclipse's udder looked really big and her tail ligaments felt like squish. (Mind you, I'm not great at feeling them.)
So even though it was 5 days early, it looked like she was going to go within 24 hours.
Vampire and I hustled and spent all day building the kidding stall (I'll get pics later), cleaning and putting clean hay on that section, and putting in a heat lamp, hay feeder, and waterer.
Meanwhile, Oldest was ALSO showing multiple signs of imminent labor all day, up in PA. And she really wants me there. (And again, she ALSO was early, not due for another month!)
Vampire and I worked until after dark, then went to clean the church. I had a bunch of milk that expired the next day, so I was making two batches of pudding, plus a double batch of the family favorite ham and potato casserole (for the fam), and ham, sunchoke, and broccoli casserole (for me, the nightshade-intolerant,) all at the same time. (New invention, it's a keeper.)
Oldest went to the hospital because her contractions were getting regular. She was 3-4 cm dilated and having regular contractions. They gave her multiple doses of meds, but she progressed to 5 cm and contractions weren't stopping.
She was really upset and really wanted me there. Her partner was not being very supportive. I hated to leave the goat, but video chat is a thing. I figured I could walk the guys through it if she needed help.
I can't drive in the dark, but I was about to try and just drive really slow. Vampire had skipped an entire night's sleep to build all the goat stuff. (He usually sleeps from early morning to late afternoon.) He wasn't any shape to drive, but he did call his mom, who was just about to go to bed (it was about 12:30 am at this point), and she agreed to drive me to PA. She doesn't mind driving in the dark.
I have distinctively different views than my MIL on many things, but I really appreciate her in times like this. We get along pretty well, though I have to censor myself a lot. (Especially now that the kids aren't little, so my language includes a decent amount of cursing 😂)
We left about 1:30am. Ish. It was very foggy. A few minutes after we left, Oldest said the contractions were slowing down a bit, but still coming. We kept driving, because 5 cm. But they kept slowing and finally stopped. We pulled over about 45 minutes after we left, and I was texting Oldest like mad, trying to figure out what to do. She finally told us to turn back and wait until morning. So we turned around and headed back. Fun little trip in the wee hours of the morning!
I was keyed up, but finally went to bed about 4:30 am. Woke up at 7:30. Goat not in labor.
Oldest was being sent home with a ten-day supply of anti-labor meds. After that, Grandkid will have cooked enough.
Although Grandkid is not due until right after April Fools Day, but he and goat were apparently both tricking me early! 😂
(I can't believe I stayed up and worked all day with no nap, and then went to bed so late. I did have the help of a good bit of caffeine. Possibly a bipolar thing. I was pretty keyed up the second half of the day.)
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||The mokkori's punishment and lesson 4: dragon and Jackal team up/Final||
*Waving* Hi. Just writing the last chapter of the lesson drabble for my friend but it seems we are continuing with this one now being the last chapter. So, lets see what this story takes place for our friends hmm?
IF you wanna read the three lessons they are under here:
Lesson one
Lesson two
Lesson three
((Your reading lesson 4/final chapter))
||Drabble Summary||
Mineta has gone and messed up when both Davion and Jaron finds out he has stolen the panties again from the girls to even sneaking a kiss to Melinda! Now, a Jackal and dragon are in rage. What will happen to Mineta now? Read to find out.
~Beatdown will happen later or in between
~Chase scene will happen with both Davion and Jaron working together in drabble
~scary girl moments will happen and boy scary moments too.
((~Guests in Drabble~))
The DBT along with some other fractions like The Lupins, The Demon Elite Anthem, The Upstander Campagin, and the Knights of Darkness belong to my friend @demon-blood-youths
While The cursed vixens, Shallow Butterflies, The season demon warriors, The Elemental Phoenix feathers, and The Dark Eclipse nightshades of both boys and girls belong to me. A few of the A-1 class members are guests but I do rp as a few of them.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"Well, this is a nice hall. My collection is getting bigger and bigger!" Mineta was happily hiding again near some area of New York City after losing Melinda. He was smiling at the cute girl panties he stole from her and blushing from the stolen ones he has gotten again! He just won't listen and it just gets worse and worse for him.
"Though, I know the others back in the small hotel will be wondering where I am even if we are over seas. This is the best!" he sighed thinking of all the girls in the fractions so far. He already had plans on trying to steal more and more again.
"I better hurry up and get out of here before I get caught." he snickered but he rushes off while not knowing he was going to be hunted in a moment.
"Wait, again!?" Shdwkyz said seeing a very disturbing angry Vivi who was glowing a dark violent purple mixed with black. It seems her panties were stolen again! Even seeing some of the guys trying to calm the girl members down.
"Yes Shdwkyz..again. I'm really really getting sick of this little rat..stealing my clothing.." she said in a cold tone that he sweatdrops seeing her quirk reacting rather dangerous. Oh boy.
"Breezy please calm down! We'll find him don't worry!" Rust said even if Breezy was freezing the air around her showing sharp needles. Yeah the hurricane was pissed!
"But this is getting out of hand! He's stolen our clothes AGAIN! I thought the last beating we gave him told him not to do it anymore!" Haliee cried while seeing seeing Damien trying to calm her down.
"Well, he's pushing his luck because he's stolen a lot more! We need to find that little fucker and make the beating worse!" Kali said in rage now but Rex was calming her down even if he saw his sister Ashley crying and Joshua helping her calm down.
"I say we just beat him worse the next time!" Vanessa said even looking more furious than ever.
"Well, we already have some idea on what to do but we need to spread out to find him. He could be anywhere!" Fin said with arms crossed with the others thinking about it. Even Ahmed sigh to think of this. True, they need a plan but that's when he noticed.
"Speaking of which, where is Jaron?" he asked but the DBT boys tense to think. The last time they saw him he went 'out' for a bit but they had a idea of what and where he went.
"...Lets just say he's.......'out' right now. But I'm sure he will be back soon." Navarro said even if the others were unsure. They sounded worried and nervous. Ink blinks when hearing this but that also includes her cousin. He wasn't seen after hearing a familiar angry shout one time. So where could they be right now?
Mineta was relaxing like nothing was wrong, eating some hot dogs while smiling. He had the stolen panties and bras in the bag so no one knows what was in them. It was like the best day for him even thinking about going to Philly to see the fractions there. Or remembering some of the girls from the Seeker tribe fraction and the elemental phoenix feather fraction. He still even had a pair each from the girls there!
"Well, seems I can move on. I wonder where I should go next?" He snickered finishing up his food and gets off the chair while happily picking up the sack. He was about to head out before hearing some growling. "Huh?"
He sees three growling familiars smelling and trying to pick up some scent. It seems Mineta wonders what they were while holding the bag of stolen girls underwear. "You know...I wonder who they belong to??" he mutters but he turns to start walking off then saw Christine look up. It seems she saw him and smelled the air before growling.
Mineta blinks looking back now seeing the three growling at him. "....Uh oh.." That's when Christine, Sid, and Layla started chasing him! With a yelp, he begins running away from the three that was now chasing him.
~~~~~Back with the others~~~~~~~~~
The guys were finally able to calm the girls down with some sweets which helped but Fosh was seeing Mouse trying to find Mineta with him helping before Fosh was upset inside seeing that Mineta stolen from her again!
"Damn it. Where did he even go. I can't see him on the cameras and he's not even showing up in the regular areas." He said.
"But he's got to be somewhere Fosh. He can't have gotten far." Maggie grumbled with T-bone rubbing her back. Even Ping and Taz were upset with Gerald rubbing Ping's back and Timmy rubbing Taz's back worried. Both were upset too but didn't show it.
"I am looking everywhere from camera to camera. I even asked the other hackers to help us out but nothing yet." he said but keeps looking.
"Well, that little fucker better hope no one finds him but if I did I would have blown his ass sky high! Hell, even the six claws are looking for him!" Echo said in rage that her green eyes were red as Navarro was trying to calm her down and being sure Ink was good. She was thanks to Jinx but he knew they were pissed too.
However, as he was looking he got a call to look at his phone. A Jackal icon was seen telling him it had to be Jaron. He picks it up and speaks. "Hello? Jaron?"
"Fosh....did you find Mineta?" Fosh looked nervous hearing the new tone from the Jackal's voice. Even the others were shocked hearing his tone. He didn't sound like the happy cheerful cook they always knew. Oh no no no, he sounded really cold, and a bit darker than normal. What the heck happened? This even shocked the DBT a bit. Yeah, the Jackal was pissed.
"I...N..No. I'm still trying to find him with Mouse helping me. He's not being seen on the cameras and we been looking for a while." he said but got nothing from Jaron didn't speak to sigh.
"That little thief has to be somewhere..he couldn't have gone far..right?"
"U...Uhh..n..no. But I'll keep looking for him with Mouse helping me. He can't have gotten far Jaron." he said but Jaron was driving looking around but he was already looking about.
"Hmm...well, I'll keep looking..he's bound to be somewhere." he said.
"Yeah, but we will keep-"
"Hold on..." Fosh blinks to look at Mouse as she was checking a camera.
"What's wrong mouse? Did you find something?" he asked.
"Yeah...I'm picking up something near the North! I...wait, isn't that Jaron's three familiar jackals?" she asked showing the screen seeing the three chasing someone holding a bag stuffed with something.
"Wait.....that's Mineta! He's near Davion's location!" he said but Jaron heard that.
"So the thief is there....thanks Mouse and Fosh..." he said before hanging out but everyone was silent to slowly look at one another.
"I..I never heard Jaron sound so cold before..that's new." Hex said looking nervous.
"Y..Yeah..he sounded really an..angry.." Ashley said worried.
"Well, he has a right to be. Mineta stole Melinda's panties like the other girls AND he kissed her cheek! If that's not one way to piss him off then Mineta should be begging for mercy if Jaron finds him." Rust said but Shdwkyz thinks.
"Though remember Davion knows about this so you know he's keeping a eye out for him. You don't think he's just got Jaron on him. He's also got Davion on his ass too." the snake said but they knew it was true. Oh boy.
~~~~Near Davion's section~~~~~
Mineta was running tired but scared from the three familiars trying to lose them. They were quick but he had to get away before they catch him. He looks left and right trying to find a way out before making a right turn in a alley way to keep quiet. The three jackals went by barking trying to find him but the other lets out a breath to see they went off to keep looking.
"Seems I might be hunted again. I better move before I'm found." he said quickly leaving to try finding another area to hide but as he did, a wave of flames hits in front of him to make Mineta jump back startled. "!?!" He backs up from the hot red flames but walks into someone.
"So your the little fucking thief that stolen from my cousin?"
Mineta's face went pale slowly tilting his head back to look up. He saw a very tall but very angry male above him. His eyes were amber red with flames showing in his hands. Even his dragon wings were seen. Davion the dragon bounty hunter has found him. This made Mineta pale even worse shaking in tears.
"Uhhhhh...t..thief? What thief? I don't know what your talking about man! Hahahahaha.." He said scared backing up but Davion growls making the other yelp.
"Don't lie to me! I know you stole from my cousin and her friends! You little sick fuck have their underwear and bras in that bag don't you?" he said.
"I..I don't! I DON'T!" he said but held the bag tight like his life depended on it. "Besides, I don't know anything about the girls in New York. Or your sexy cousin or anything-" he laughed but stops when hearding a very angry dragon that was changing to his dragon humanoid form.
"You fucking little..."
"Uhhhh I'm going to go now sooooo......." backing up, he quickly runs away to get from Davion.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" he roars taking flight while Mineta was screaming.
"LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" he screams running off from the rage fueled dragon. Davion roars out but was chasing him in the air now trying to catch him.
However, down the road, Jaron was checking something trying to figure where the thief was but that's when he saw his three familiars Christine, Sid, and Layla show up. "Did you three find anything?" He asked seeing the three give light nods pointing to the north. Looking that way, Jaron glares to see the familiars lead him as he slams on the gas speeding off to follow them. He was not going to let this slide when it came to his friends but the same goes for anyone messing with his girlfriend.
Mineta was running afraid of a dragon trying to burn him to ashes as he runs with the bag of stolen underwear and bras. He didn't want to die by the scary dragon. He did throw a few of his purple balls at him but the did stick to him. Even using them to jump away quickly.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" he screams.
"GET BACK HERE!" Davion shouted trying to knock him down but Mineta looks ahead seeing a street but he quickly bounces to the right seeing Davion make a sharp turn to the same direction.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Mineta was still running for his life trying to get away from the dragon. But as he did, he heard something speeding to see a car coming up. He blinks to look but noticed it.
Wait, wasn't that Melinda's boyfriend? When getting a look, he can see that the Jackal's expression was..not friendly. He looked ready to do something that scared the grape hero.
"uh oh.." He quickly jumps over a fence and runs through a alley way as Davion sees him disappearing. He growls to look but saw Jaron screech to a stop.
"Shit.....he got away." He said not happy but Davion sighed. "Don't worry, I know a short cut. He can't get far. I'll take the north side but you take the other side. We will catch him." he said seeing Jaron nod but gets back in the car to quickly drive off and Davion taking the skies again. One of them will find him for sure.
~~~~~~With Mineta~~~~~~
He keeps on running but finally gets back to a hiding spot. Seems he was able to get to where he's been able to get a breather from the two hunting him down. He was tired from running but at least he got his so called treasure.
"Too close...they were too close. I think I'll have to keep a eye out from now on. Though, at least they didn't catch me." he smiled now looking through the bag of cute panties. He was nuzzling his cheeks against a few of them with a smile but even already looking happy. His true treasure. He knew nothing would stop him! Nothing would make him give up the ways.
"Though, this is too good haul." he laughed still looking at the pairs of bras too. Nothing could ruin this for MIneta. However, as he was looking through and giggling that's when he heard three growling to make him stop. He blinks to look up seeing three familiars again.
"Oh no.." Wait, did they find him!? He quickly gets up to put the stole panties and bras back in the bag to get away from his hiding spot but as he gets out of the hiding spot, he sees it go up in flames thanks to a Dragon from above who finally found him! He looks scared running off but that's when a car screeches to a stop in front of him to make Mineta stop and fall on the ground wincing.
He sees Davion land but he made sure he didn't get away but he looks seeing the car door open showing a rather silent Jaron Jackal. He shuts the door but looks to walk over while standing in front of the thief.
"Ummmmm...It's not what it looks like?" Mineta laughed only for Christine, Sid, and Layla to growl at him even louder with the baby pup joining who growls and yips at him mad too.
"No? Well it seems like it does you little punk!" Davion said cracking his knuckles scaring the hero before he got scared.
"You know.." he heard Jaron speak but he didn't show the upper part of his face due to the hat. "I'm really never the type of guy to be violent even when it comes to working on a way to make peace with anyone but you know that don't you?" Jaron asked but Mineta blinks getting a bad feeling.
"I..I do..."
"Well...you also know I'm not the one for violence towards anyone......however.." that's when he lifts the hat up that Mineta really paled seeing him. Jaron's eyes were cold and deadly but he was showing that same disturbing smile on his face.
"You..Oh my friend you on the other hand deserve a far worse violent punishment than what you gotten so far. No one.....gets away with being a creep to my friends and team members.." However his expression darkens that the upper part of his face was shadowed.
"And No fucking asshole gets away with stealing my girlfriend's panties or fucking touching/kissing her. So..maybe you need a more...'learning lesson' so you won't do this again...right Davion?" he said with that thrill seeking grin but Mineta was shaking in tears knowing Davion was glaring with a evil smirk.
"True. Lets show him......" he said as the two looks to him that Mineta was crying.
"W..wait, wait we can talk about this! I'll be good! I won't do it again!! Please don't kill me!" he begs.
"Oh? Well, everyone has given you a chance Mineta..and you blew it so..maybe you need a more harder lesson.......but don't worry...it will hurt for a while.." Jaron said as Mineta tries to get away from the two but he got grabbed by them.
"W..wait No no NO! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" His scream was echoing through the area to signal he got caught by both Jaron and Davion while he received the worse beating of his life. Even worse than the ones he's gotten so far.
Seems the thief was caught.
Hours later, everyone was meeting up with each other. Even with the Six claws, the fractions wondering what happened. It seems both Davion and Jaron found him but Jaron gave him the punishment. However during that time, Melinda came back from her look around while she was tired after getting a call from Mouse to come back.
"Mouse, I just got your message. Did you guys have any luck finding him?" she asked but she looks up. Mouse saw but sighed.
"Well no but it seems Davion and Jaron found him." she said.
"Oh? Did they? But where.." she asked for Mouse to point. In the kitchen, everyone was speechless seeing Mineta shaking in fear while cleaning up and behaving for once. He was being watched by Jaron who was showing a smile.
"See? It was not too bad was it?" he said having a hand on his shoulder even if he was gripping it, scaring Mineta even more.
"N..N..N..No s..s...sir. Nope. It was fine. All fine!" he said crying even if he also looked like a mess. Mineta got some burns on him from Davion, a few bruises, a swollen eye, blood was seen but cleaned up and he looked just like a mess.
After catching him, Jaron made Mineta give the girls their stolen clothes again well after washing them well so it was like he never took them but he gave them back so the girls can fold them and put them away in carrying bags to take home.
He then was forced to give a full written down sorry to every girl he's stolen from. Even to the ones on a video chat with the fraction girl members in philly, the ones from the jujutsu group, and the ones from New Jersey. Jaron then had asked Davion help with getting another beat down by the boys this time while making him say sorry once more to insure he wouldn't do this again.
Yeah, he made sure Mineta learned his lesson alright. Even the boys in the fractions was shocked not expecting this from Jaron. And he's usually the peace keeper! Though, they seem even he had a breaking point.
".....Ummm..did I miss something?" Melinda asked with a sweatdrop.
"Yeah..you missed a bit but we'll explain later." Mouse said but the guys were nervous to speak seeing Mineta cleaning up like a good boy. She goes to see then noticed.
"Ummm Jaron?" He heard Melinda's voice to look at her but his gentle happy self relaxed seeing his girlfriend.
"Hey Melinda, I'm happy to see you came back. I was wondering where you been to." he said going to happily hug her tight even if she blinks to hug him back.
"Yeah I was..looking for that little thief but it seems you and Davion found him." she said.
"We did but..Melinda, I believe Mineta has something to say to you...don't you Mineta?" Jaron said in a scary yet happy tone making Mineta more scared.
"I..I do.." he said shaking but he looks to Melinda but was bowing his head.
"I..I'm sorry Miss Brooks. I didn't mean t..to steal your panties, bras and uhh...k..kiss you on the cheek. T..that was wrong of me s..so I cleaned them for you a..and...uhhh...been doing some things to help Jaron around! B..but I hope you like the tea and things I made." he said but Melinda blinks.
Wait, he did what now? She looked more shocked seeing he even had her stolen panties and bras clean like he said but they were resting in Jinx's arms to insure he didn't try anything.
"I...Ummm thank you I think.." she mutters even with Mineta going back to cleaning up. She looks to him but then at Jaron who was happy.
"....I get the feeling you really scarred him for life Jaron.." she said.
"Well, you know I'm not the one for violence Melinda but when it comes to you I have to make a little acception. No one won't harm or do anything to you again." he said happily hugging her but she blinks to blush a little even from that. He even pulls back to gently kiss her cheek while she blushed worse.
Before asking, she then saw Christine, Sid, and Layla appear happily licking her face as they tackle her down. Even the baby pup was yipping and resting on her head.
"H..Hey guys wait that tickles!" she said trying to calm them down but Jaron was happy. See all was well again!
"....Note to self, never piss Jaron off. That was fucking scary.." Rust mutters to the DBT males who agreed on that.
"Agreed.." Fin mutters back.
"T..true.." Joshua said.
"...." Rex nods but agreed.
Yeah, they were scared from seeing Jaron that angry but that's what Mineta gets for stealing and kissing Jaron's girlfriend.
"Yeah...he's scary when pissed off. Even more than me." Bakugo admits that even the six claws were shocked hearing that from him! Though, they didn't question it. But it goes to show, never mess with someone's girlfriend but thanks to the Jackal and Dragon, the days of the mokkori thief has come to a close. So all was well.
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ticktockstuck · 1 year
TTS Aspect Palette Post
Listed color names are the names of these hues in-universe, and may not accurately reflect how the same terms are used outside of TickTockStuck. I’m using this format to show how the colors look next to each other because I don’t have all of the aspect symbols done yet and I didn’t want to go half-and-half with some having the symbol and others not.
Prime Aspects
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This section is a bit moot since these are the canon ones and you’ve got some resource to get these colors for yourselves, I’m still including it so you have a good reference for the specific colors I’m using.
Blood: Scar Brown background (#391806), Blood Red foreground (#AB2822)
Breath: True Blue background (#5077DF), Zephyr Blue foreground (#76DCF5)
Doom: Plague Green background (#3E661A), Black foreground (#000000)
Heart: Heartbeet background (#4E192A), Aortic Pink foreground (#AD2C63)
Hope: Heaven’s Gold background (#FADF6D), off-White foreground (#FDFDFD)
Life: Sand background (#A29789), Growing Green foreground (#92E857)
Light: Citrus Orange background (#E28A34), Solar Yellow foreground (#F7FA6E)
Mind: Decision Green background (#408F47), Synapse foreground (#75FBCC)
Rage: Dark Whine background (#4B135D), Deep Lavender foreground (#9251A8)
Space: Black background (#000000), White foreground (#FFFFFF)
Time: Scarlet background (#A8261D), Ruby foreground (#EA3D26)
Void: Lapis Lazuli background (#244D9C), Navy Blue foreground (#061953)
Vice Aspects
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Glam: Velvet Violet background (#460879), Diamond Blue foreground (#98FCFF)
Glut: Roast Brown background (#CC6A28), Wormskin foreground (#FAF3D9)
Greed: Dollar Green background (#11560A), Gold foreground (#F7D60E)
Grief: Black background (#000000), Mourning Glory foreground (#14553F)
Lies: Freezing Blue background (#92F0FD), White foreground (#FFFFFF)
Lust: Amaranth background (#DF003E), Hot Peach foreground (#F9B1BD)
Pride: Blackberry background (#37282E), Plum foreground (#8865DA)
Scorn: Quicksand Tan background (#B78F4E), Mud foreground (#503119)
Sloth: Light Gray background (#B0B0B0), Stone Gray foreground (#585858)
Want: Envy Emerald background (#4CA830), Greeneye foreground (#6FDC43)
Woe: Sorrow Blue background (#1D3970), Black foreground (#000000)
Wrath: Amber background (#EDAA00), Inferno Orange foreground (#DA3C0F)
Virtue Aspects
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Beast: Savannah Tan background (#FBF096), Fur Brown foreground (#744B18)
Chains: Bruise Maroon background (#71192F), Heated Gray foreground (#C8B6B6)
Grace: Meadow Green background (#BAFF5B), Light Lime foreground (#67B00F)
Heat: Cinnamon background (#861C10), Warm Orange foreground (#F09140)
Jest: Citrine background (#E4CF44), Joker’s Violet foreground (#791542)
Quest: Parchment background (#F4EFC4), Wax Red (#8A241E)
Rot: Miasma background (#5D00AA), Moss Green foreground (#84BB00)
Speed: Deep Blue background (#18049D), Impact Orange foreground (#E4A83F)
Tricks: Storm Blue background (#0D1D47), Electric Yellow foreground (#E7ED4D)
Tune: White background (#FFFFFF), Conductor’s Brown foreground (#5B3C36)
Vim: Violent Violet background (#3A065B), Artery Red foreground (#EA332B)
Word: Inkjet background (#273943), Manila foreground (#F3EEE5)
Free Aspects
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Craft: Leather Brown background (#8B502A), Steel Gray foreground (#99A1A1)
Eyes: Redeye background (#B83A1F), White foreground (#FFFFFF)
Mood: Bubbly Blue background (#81D3F1), Masquerade foreground (#4225A7)
One: Off-White background (#FFFFFE), Cerulean foreground (#0191AB)
Shade: Eclipse Blue background (#05013B), Prism Blue foreground (#6FEDE0)
Sleep: Nightshade background (#5931C6), Dreamy Pink foreground (#FBCBE4)
Strife: Silver background (#C3CCD7), Rust Brown foreground (#7E362A)
Wealth: Dust Gold background (#EEC500), Treasure Yellow foreground (#FCFF90)
Why: Dark Fuchsia background (#7E1890), Fuchsia foreground (#E230C6)
Will: Midnight Green background (#27392D), Phantom Green foreground (#25E7AD)
Aspects of the Macrocosm
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Ash: Crimson background (#B91B31), Charcoal Black foreground (#171624)
Depth: Abyssal Blue background (#232C47), Seance foreground (#8128C1)
Land: Dirt Brown background (#694225), Pine Green foreground (#669C58)
Locks: Toffee background (#494040), Old Copper foreground (#DABA5F)
Sky: Dawn Pink background (#D58CF1), Cloud White foreground (#FCFCE2)
Tide: Dull Turquoise background (#59C3BB), Ocean Blue foreground (#31679F)
The non-aspect of Null is a concept created by the Dolls as part of their contributions to the Alternian Extended Zodiac. It is not an aspect in the proper sense, being named specifically in reference of that fact. Its color palette uses Black (#000000) as its background color and its foreground color is a shade of orange (#D65625) that Dolls have simply named “Ember”.
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seaside-writings · 2 years
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Hi there, all you wonderful people, I'm back with another list inspired by the fact that I'm finally getting my hair cut and dyed today! Because of that fact, I wanted to make a prompt list with the names of different hair dye colors for characters.
I just thought this would be a fun way to celebrate something small since getting my hair cut and dyed is one of my favorite things since it always leaves me feeling refreshed.
So with my small ramble out of the way, please enjoy this prompt list, and if you use these, please credit/tag me so I can check what you created because I'd love to see it!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 💙
Blood Moon Eclipse Black Cerulean Sea Chestnut Peach Solar Flare Smokey Teal Wild Cherry Moonstone Lunar White Crystal Clear Ginger Spiced Amber Clover Electric Lime Cotton Candy Fruit Punch Sunrise Orange Honey Blonde Honey Brown Chocolate Blonde Black Velvet Lavender Haze Orchid Purple Violet Night Amethyst Purple Raging Red Pastel Lemon Neon Tangerine Fire Opal Juniper Green Sweet Mint Blush Mystic Gray Raspberry Fire Dusty Rose Slam Orange Fuchsia Pink Magic Shadow Nightshade Smokey Mauve Neon Guava Jet Black Mocha Midnight Ruby Light Auburn Orange Blaze Green Apple Blue Fairy Sea Witch Aurora Green Beetle Green Rich Eggplant Blue Black Royal Navy Hot Pink Pink Rose Rose Red Petal Pink Coral Pink Silver Lining Platinum Titanium Storm Cloud Ruby Red Slippers Soft Lavender Sweet Cotton Chocolate Diamond Glittering Black Baby Blue Powder Blue Emerald Ocean Blue Sky Blue Jade Dragonfruit Wine Red Yellow Jacket Sunshine Black Wine After Midnight Green Smoke Ashes to Ashes Bad Boy Blue Bat Out of Hell Atomic Blonde Dark Star Tiger Lily Enchanted Forest Green Envy Pretty Flamingo Truly Red Firetruck Crimson Intense Red Raspberry Twist Psychedelic Sunset Serpentine Green Silver Stiletto Smoke Screen Solar Yellow Ultra Violet Tiger's Eye Velvet Violet Vampire's Kiss Wildfire Raven Virgin Snow Sandy Brown Golden Bronze Plum Brown Sun Kissed Cola Lilac Pink Lemonade Honey Lemon Ginger Copper Brown Sunflower Blonde Copper Shimmer Ash Blonde Chocolate Cherry Ruby Fusion Beeline Honey Sparkling Amber
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem || A funny drabble
A funny drabble present I mentioned to my friend @the-silver-peahen-residence and my muses discussing the potiental of harem. 
@the-silver-peahen-residence’s cast
Yuuka ( Her OC and The Dark Eclipse nightshades )
Rex and his fraction ( Season Demon Warriors )
Jinx and The Cursed Vixens
Deamon-Mun ( Me! )
My muses ( The entire DBT and Lupins and Anthem )
----- Brief Summary ------
Things went back to crazy normal at New York after their crazy adventures in Japan.
Navarro is starting to notice things and he doesn't like it. Ever since the class A-1 came back for a study aboard. Along with some people like the weretiger of the ADA and Phantom Thieves. Now more people are coming. Things are making him paranoid and got the team without Ink knowing to discuss. What kind of shenanigans  would ensue???
Navarro is starting to notice things and he doesn't like it. Ever since the class A-1 came back for a study aboard. Along with some people like the weretiger of the ADA and Phantom Theives. Now more people are coming.
Ever since the haunting incident in Tama, Japan. Rin is sent to learn about demons in North America and for some reason, New York City checks all the list for paranormal activity. Taz is still in Japan with Yuji Itadori and his friends looking after her but keeps in contact with Ink and the rest of the team. He heard that Yuji and his friends would come and visit. 
Still....he notices that the boys were getting close with Ink much to his liking.  Ink comes back with a smile and is telling him what she did with them. It went something like this......
"Hi Navarro, me and Midoriya were training and went out for some pizza." Ink smiled. Midoriya is that goody two-shoes hero and always writing quirks and analysis plus he is helping Ink understand her quirk since it's evolving. So he understood.
The next day....
"Hi Navarro, I helping Atsushi with his powers. We're training and we stop some bad guys and went out for some preztel hot dog rolls." The weretiger of Armed Detective Agency. He seems nice and always protect Ink looking up to her. Plus despite being hesitant, he doesn't back down.
Still.....Navarro did apologize to Atsushi for leaving him behind during the whole fiscao of not wanting getting treatment from that crazy doctor, Dr. Yasano. 
The next day after that.....
"Hi Navarro, me and Joker change someone's heart today! It was awesome and went out to get some burgers." Joker aka Ren aka the leader of the Phantom thrives. Seems okay but he looks like a smart ass but pretty smart and clever plus he's the leader, he knows what the heck he's doing. He has that look in his eyes. He has that mysterious thief vibe going for him
Then the next day after that....
"Hi Navarro, me and Rin beat a demon today and went out for buffalo wings!" Rin, the guy with the devil tail ( that looks of his and has blue flames ad his power. Guy has this demon vibe going on which is pretty damn ironic and is pretty damn confident with that sword of his.
And the next day after that....
"Hi Navarro, me and Itadori talked about curses and all that stuff then we played video games together online.." Yuji Itadori is that pink haired guy who is pretty strong and heard he has some kind of dual personality named Sukana yeah...fuck no..his name is freaking Voldermort now. Fuck him. He doesn’t want to remember his cursed spirt ass.  Still...despite all that, Yuji takes good care of Taz so he isn’t too concerened.
And finally.....a week after that.
"Hi Navarro. I saw Bakugo today and we took down some robbers and then we went out for some tacos-!"
Okay...what the actual living fuck?!
Navarro noticed the gifts that they brought her too! Support gear from Midoriya, chocolates from Atsushi, flowers from Joker, a plushie from Rin, Japanese treats from Itadori and Jesus christ...even Bakugo brought her something! What was it? A new jacket?!
Like what the fuck?!
And so Navarro starts an emergency meeting with the team without Ink present. Ink is off with Midoriya again. His team noticed Ink is not present so they ask Navarro what's going on.
"It's those guys...." He began.
"Those guys?" Shdwkyz raised a eyebrow.
"Those guys from Japan!"
"What do you mean, Navarro?" Hellmare looks concerned.
"Does anyone notice how close they're getting to Ink?" Navarro asked the team seriously. The team became confused.
"You know?! Midoriya, Atsushi, Joker aka Ren, Rin, Itadori and even freaking Baka-ass." Navarro named the list of people. 
"You mean Bakugo?" Rust asked.
"Who else did I mean?" Navarro growled.
"Yes well....I think you're paranoid....again." Shdwkyz sighed. Navarro snaps, "I'm not paranoid! Does anybody see the gifts she got from them?!"
"You mean...the support gear that Ink got from Midoriya?" Rust said. "He says that it helps with her quirk and her legs. Ain't nothin wrong with that."The blond said.
"Okay! What about the chocolates from Atsushi?!"
"Atsushi was undecided where to eat so Ink took him to a soul food restaurant. Fin was there. He wanted to thank her so he brought her chocolate cupcakes." Jaron answered.
"With sprinkles that look like hearts!" Navarro yelled. "And don't let me get started with Joker. He got her freaking flowers!"
"Yes that is true. I heard from Ink that they got it as a treasure from their mission and he gave it to her." Oblivion recalled.
"She ask me on how to take care of it." Ophelia added with a smile.  
"Okay, okay, okay! How about the plushie from Rin?"
"Ink told me that after defeating a demon, Rin bought her a plushie since she like it from the store and Rin wanted to buy it for her because she helped him out.' Hellmare smiled. "It looks like a cute dinosaur."
"Me and Ink were playing with Itadori and Taz. Megumi was talking to her on the phone though and sending her stuff.." Gerald smiled. Wait Megumi was the one?! That spiky moody sorcerer?! Fucking hell. But it makes sense, Megumi was with her when dealing with Kinie Ger and Sukana-You Know Who. Navarro cursed in his head. At least Yuji is not the one. Hopefully!
"And what about Bakugo?! He brought her a jacket!"
"Well actually...her jacket is ripped so Bakugo took her jacket and took it to his classmate Momo that creates the same thing since she has a quirk called Creation that makes things and made Ink's jacket brand new.." Maggie explained.
"What are you trying to say here?" Asked Shdwkyz, annoyed wanting to get to the point. 
"All of them are in freaking into Ink! They all like her! That's what going on! Even Jinx said so!!" Navarro yelled. The team went silent as they look dumbfounded before thinking about it.
"Oooooooh..." The team went as they nod their heads, now seeing his concern.
"I think that's wonderful. It means they are in love with her." Ophelia smiled.
"Hell no, Ophelia! That's not wonderful!" Navarro said. "We need to do something about this!" He said urgently. 
"Like what?" Fosh asked.
"We gotta do something! We need information on them and protect her-"
"Navarro. Ink can take care of herself." Shdwkyz said. "Now you're being paranoid..."
"Are you nuts?" Navarro said. "Ink doesn't look both ways when she fights especially crossing the street and she always charges headfirst" 
"True, true, true." The team agreed/
“And she risks her life for everyone even though we didn’t ask her to or we tried to stop her!” Navarro points. Everyone recalling the events with Yokohoma, Tokyo and the haunting. 
“True, true, true.” The DBT agrees that their own leader puts her life on the line, over and over again for everyone’s sake even if they’re not friends. 
“And! Sometimes....she is oblivious to this kind of thing! Did you ever see Ink date someone?!” Navarro said.
“True, true, true.” The fraction said, seeing Navarro’s point.
"Is Ink even aware of their feelings?" Hellmare asked.
"Probably not." Jaron said. "She sees everyone as friends. I don't think she is ever been in a dating relationship like Navarro said.."
"She must be oblivious then." Said Oblivion.
And there is one person who isn't in the team but is invited. Yuuka, leader of the The Dark Eclipse Nightshades. Because Navarro asks her as witness and needs her opinion on this. After all, Yuuka was telling what Midoriya is doing with Ink which prompt the short teen dragging her into this ‘emergency’ meeting.
Yuuka hearing this made her blink. The people that Ink met  all fell in love with her? Honestly, it made a lot of sense and given her track record. She did see Midoriya time to time and whenever he's with Ink. She never seen him so happy being with her as she listen to his quirk analysis and show his notebook to her especially when he mutters a lot. Ink thinks she got some of his muttering which is amazing to say the least. 
Plus when Navarro mention Bakugo. She never took him for that kind of guy. He's always an ass and calls everyone extra except for Midoriya and Shoto. But to heard that Bakugo got her a new jacket? Ink's jacket went through a lot of fights and hearing Momo made the same jacket because Bakugo asked her using her Creation quirk. She wonders who else in Class A-1 falls in love with her. It’s better to not let Navarro know about that either.
"Yuuka!" Navarro calls her name.
"Uh yes?" Yuuka said, blinking. Getting back to the meeting as all eyes were looking at her.
"Did everything I said so far is true?!" Navarro asked.
"Uh um.... I don't know about the rest but I did see Midoriya and he seems very happy being with her. But I never took Bakugo doing something like that but..." Now she recalls, him looking at her when she beat up those bad guys with him. That gaze.
"See?!" Navarro proves his point.
"And Ink might not notice...." Yuuka sweatshop a little. "But if it's true...I wonder which one she will pick. Did any of them confess yet?"
Now that’s a good question. Now the better question is Ink’s response. 
"I don't know man." Rust said leading against the chair. "She might not want to hurt anyone's feelings."
"But it's wrong to string them along though but what if Oblivion says is true. She might be oblivious to their advances. Knowing Ink, it must be." Ophelia said, now feeling a concerned about her and the boys.
"Or......the next good thing will happened is that Ink might have a harem." Oblivon said. Everyone paused for a moment when Oblivion said that. They all look at her. 
"A what?" Navarro questioned for Oblivion to repeat. Yuuka sweatshops the side of her head. Uh-oh. Because she knew where Oblivion is going with this. Shdwkyz had to groan mentally.
"It's like a trope in anime where the girls in a group all like the same guy so they formed a harem since everyone loves the same person and wants to protect this person. Sometimes they fight over the guy but ends up working together to protect him. It's like the same thing here. The boys like Ink so much they might formed a harem to protect. Along the way, the relationship goes to the next level and well, that happens."
Yuuka and Shdwkyz collectively sigh mentally when Oblivion explained the idea. Fosh had to look it up and went 'Oh.' which prompts Rust to look over and blinks, covering his mouth. Hellmare has to cover her mouth to stifle. Jaron shakes his head. Maggie just stares. Ophelia’s cheeks blushed hearing this. Gerald didn’t get it but it sounds like it’s a good thing!  All while Oblivion explains the concept of a harem. Shdwkyz and Yuuka looks over to Navarro as Oblivion explains. The way Oblviion explained it so casually didn't help either.
Navarro went to confusion to shock to horrified to anger hearing this. 
“Oh wow! So Ink is the hero of the party in the harem, right?!” Gerald said since he read a lot of manga after Japan. “That means Ink has a huge fan club! Even the heroes love her!” Gerald said, happy for Ink.
“Uhhh.....” Yuuki doesn’t know how to break this down for Gerald since he’s so innocent. Bless him! 
“Then...when they go to next level, does that mean they’re going to get married and have ki-” But Fosh didn’t get a word in when Navarro loses it shutting him up. “Fosh...I swear to god...if you finish that damn sentence and I will toss your computer out the window.” 
“Eek!” Fosh shuts up. 
Then Rust had this shit-eating grin, knowing what Navarro is mad about so he’s going to tease him for the laughs....”What’s wrong, Navarro? You’re making it  sound like they're going to have s-”  He didn’t finish his own sentence either as Navarro shouts bloody murder making his team startled while Rust is snickering non-stop. 
"NOOOOOO! FUUUUUCK NO!” Navarro throws the plastic bottle at the wall, “ GODDAMNIT NO! HELL NO! NO, NO, NO,. GOD NOOOOO!" Navarro yelled, now imagining it in his head! Slamming his hands on the table. “Those fuckers! Harem my ass!” Navarro shouted. 
Yep. Navarro is mad now. Shdwkyz has no idea why would Oblivion informed him something about that and Rust adding fuel into the fire. 
“It isn’t that bad. I mean-" Oblivion is cut off as Navarro covers his ears.
“Are you sure this has nothing to do with happened at ADA when you ditched almost everyone when it came to Yasano’s treatment and they got their revenge on you?” Shdwkyz reminds him. 
“NO! What the hell am I getting mad at them for that?! It’s either me or them.” Navarro retorted.
“Ugh.....” Fosh groaned, remembering that event.
“We need to call Rex right now!! Call the Season Demon Warriors!” Navarro said. 
“Rex?” Maggie blinked.
"Uh...what for?" Jaron asked. 
"Well Rex has girls in his fraction, shit...that's a harem like Oblivion said, right?! He knows what those guys feel! We need to ask him!" Navarro points out. Everyone looks at Navarro like he lost his mind. 
"Navarro....now you're being an idiot." Shdkwyz made a face while Maggie nodding in agreement.
“OH! I’m an idiot?!” Navarro said. “You know what?! Let’s ask the members of his group! Hell! Let’s ask Rex. For fuck’s sake, his members are all girls, call him Sensei and they’re named after the four fucking seasons except him! We need to ask him about this harem shit and about the guys that Ink’s with!”
Shdwkyz sighs, knowing this is not going to be good.
------ Hours later  at Greenwich Village in Rex’s house ------
Rex stares at Shdwkyz his blind white eyes, setting his tea cup down, hoping he misheard what Shdwkyz said. 
“I...beg your pardon?” He said after hearing the situation from Shdwkyz. 
“Yes...I know.” Shdwkyz sips cherry blossom tea thanks to Spring’s couresty. She is surprised to hear this. “Thanks.” Shdwkyz tells her to which Spring smiles kindly at him.
Shdwkyz sighs deeply after he explained the situation to Rex about it. Shdwkyz volutneers to meet with Rex since he knows Navarro is going to say the wrong thing and the members of the Season Demon Warriors will beat him and throw his sorry ass out. 
He visited Rex at his Japanese themed home in Greenwich Village “Yeah I know...” He doesn’t want to mention that to him but he knows Rex is very reasonable and can clear the air, hoping to get some answers around here. 
“Well...I don’t know what Navarro is assuming but....I understand Navarro’s concerns regarding Ink and the boys from Japan she hangs out with. This reminds of this boy named Rin. He has a flaming katana that is of blue flames, similar to Ink’s greatsword and I must say he’s strong.” Rex hums. “I read his energy and he does admire Ink in a way since they’re so alike in terms of their flames and origins.” Rex said. “But...such admiration can turn into love.”
“Great....” Shdwkyz said.
---------- At Central Park -----------
“C’mon, Breezy! You gotta tell me what’s going on! You said Ink and Midoriya were here like a few days ago!”
“Of course, I’m going to tell you!” Breezy said. “But I need to know why is that so important, Rust!” Breezy said, crossing her arms with a pout. Rust sighed. “Well...Navarro heard it from Jinx and saying something that he likes her and so is Bakugo.” 
Breezy blinks. “Wait? Jinx said that? I don’t think she say that. Navarro did come over and asks if UA students came over. They did for patrols but Jinx, Ink and Midoriya were training together!” 
Oh....that’s a false alarm then.
“I don’t know why is it so important though.” Breezy said. Rust sighs, “Okay....just promise me, ya don’t tell anyone, okay? Ya didn’t hear it from me, okay?” And so Rust tells Breezy the reason for this making Breezy blinked before she laughs, “That’s what Navarro is worried about?! Echo is going to have a field day if she heard that!” 
 “I just.....can’t imagine that Ink has a harem.” Breezy giggles. “Not only Midoriya is in it but there are others too?!” 
Rust nods, “Yep!”
“Well Jinx did said that Midoriya’s face turn red for some reason when he caught her in his arms when trying to catch some villians....some purse snatchers. Jinx beat them up while Midoriya helps her ou..” Breezy chuckles. 
Melinda comes over with Jaron as Jaron tells her what’s going on as well while they’re taking a stroll in Central Park together. 
“Wait....really? I mean....it makes sense but not really sense, Jaron. Don’t you think Navarro is being....well....paranoid?” Melinda asked as she is holding hands with Jaron. Jaron sighs, “That’s what Shdwkyz said and you know him. Navarro is very protective of Ink. Despite the age difference, Navarro is more mature and acts like a concerned big brother.”
“Yes....I can see that.” Melinda nods her head. 
“Not only that, we should ask Rex because Navarro thinks he has a harem since his fraction is full of girls.” Jaron said.
Melinda shakes her head, “Oh dear..” But she can’t help but chuckles at this. 
------- Tribeca at Kali’s penthouse -------
“Yuuka....I’m sorry but what the hell?!” Kali said. Yuuka nods her head as that explanation sounds crazy when she says it while Luna just looks to be in disbelief. Yuuka and Kali are fast friends and Kali always welcome Yuuka since she is training Yuuka and respects her as a fellow leader. Still....Kali had this look as she can’t believe this! At all.
“You’re telling me. Ink.” Kali said this slowly, making sure she gets this, “That dumbass reckless Ink has boys chasing after her? Not just typical boys. But the two pro-heroes, an infamous phantom thief, a freaking weretiger detective, a demonic exorcist and...what a freakin curse wizard?!” 
“A Jujustu sorcerer.” Oblivion corrects her. 
“Yeah, okay! And you’re telling me!” Kali takes a deep breath, “And they’re handsome and strong as hell and she doesn’t fucking notice?!” Kali said. She remembers Midoriya and Bakugo. She does remember Atsushi and Joker since they came over to the Training Regiment. But not the other two new faces. 
“I just think Navarro is blowing this out of proportion. You know how he is, Kali!” Yuuka explains, not wanting to turn this situation into a messy love triangle. “I just want to disprove this so Navarro has nothing to worry about it.”
Luna, her second-in-command of Yuuka’s c the rolls her eyes, “If you ask me, it sounds paranioa!” 
Oblivion is with them, “Hmph.” 
“Well! I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if Ink doesn’t noticed! I never seen her date! EVER!” Kali said. “I went out a few dates myself and whenever Ink sees me on a date, she asks if this is my friend and that’s it!” Kali said. “I told her that we’re dating and Ink looks at me like she doesn’t know what that it is!”
Well..... Yuuka has no idea what to say to that.
“It’s like dating is a foreign freaking concept to her!” Kali said. “My god, and these boys got her things after helping them out?! She doesn’t get the hint?! EVEN THE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES WITH THE HEART SPRINKLES ON IT?!” 
“Urmm...I wasn’t sure if it’s true or not.” Yuuka said. Luna can’t help snicker a little.
“She has this and I’m stuck with catfishes from the dating apps!! THAT’S NOT  FAIR!” Kali yelled to which Welsey pats her on the shoulder while Zed and Sara who is snickering in the background while Beranard shakes his head.
Yuuka sweatdrops, wondering if this mission is a good idea.
------------- Harlem -----------
“Atsushi with Ink?” Fin said as he stops the jukebox, “Yeah! I seen him! I was helping him with his training when it comes transforming between were and fully tiger.” Fin tells Hellmare and Maggie. 
“After training, Atsushi wants a place to eat so I recommend him going to get soul food. For some reason, he ended up getting lost and Ink found him then she helps him. Both of them spend eating lunch together.” 
“Did Atsushi buy her anything?” Hellmare said. 
“Well....after that, there was a bakery right across the street. I was there to pick up a cake order and I saw Atsushi got her cupcakes, ya know what I mean? It’s the good kind. Wondering he got it because of heart-shaped sprinkles. Ink does love the art of cakes.”
“I see....” Hellmare said while Maggie is slumping his shoulders. 
--------- Back at the DBT. A day later ------------
A meeting is now being held without Ink again. 
“I don’t know, man. I don’t think Navarro is not too far off with this one.” Said Jaron. 
Shdwkyz groans, “To be honest, this is all what Gerald said. Ink’s fan club!”
“Fan clubs are cool!” Gerald grinned. 
“Kali is pissed off....as usual. No...she’s really pissed.” Oblivion said. “She got jealous and rant her head off.” 
“Wait....you told her??!” Shdwkyz looks at Yuuka. 
“Well...Oblivion said it!” Yuuka said. 
“I think this might be misunderstanding but I don’t know how we can convince Navarro to rest easy.” Hellmare sighed. 
Then a door is slammed open revealing Navarro whose is a ticked off and a nervous Fosh who shows a picture of a blond with red eyes and sharp teeth to the team. He has a plaid white shirt and he looks to be hanging out with Ink as they are laughing and talking. 
 Seriously....where the hell did Navarro get this photo? Was he spying her?! This is taking too far....
 And he’s not Bakugo this time. It’s a completely new face that nobody has seen before. “Okay.....” Navarro takes a deep breath and yells, 
“WHO THE FUCK IS DENJI?!” Navarro shouted.
This theory has now becoming a damn sitcom of hilarious proportions. Now they need to find out whose this new face is.
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miercolaes · 1 month
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  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️A PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE
repost,   do   not   reblog,   with   the   information   of   your   muse,   including   headcanons,   etc.   if   you   fail   to   achieve   some   of   the   facts,   add   some   others   of   your   own !
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name. wednesday morrigan addams
nickname(s) / sobriquet(s). weds , wends , little (noun on your choice)
alias(es). outcast , embodiment of antichrist (she's not)
age. 18 - 30+ , verse / thread - wise
species. eldritch human plagued with visions and an understanding of witchcraft
gender / pronouns. don't address her , cis female (she / her / hers)
orientation. pan & demi - sexual / romantic
interests. supernatural & nature preserving , investigating , crimes committed by her or others , learning the ancient ways , taxidermy but not limited to animals , delving into romantic (era) art , figuring out how the string theory works so that she can jump timelines , predicting the future (or one outcome out of the infinite options) , cheating death one too many times , visiting haunted places to keep company to those that didn't fully depart , the endless religions dead or existing and their omnipotent entities.
profession. private detective , forensic pathologist , secretary at some random corporation
body type. athletic build , although smol in height so you might miss it
eyes. unnervingly wide gaze adorned with obsidian optics that look the same pitch black shade as the pupil ; whilst in the sun , irises have a blueish - greyish hue.
hair. long ebony hair , reaching to the middle of her back , usually worn in braided pigtails. when not braided , hair has a wavy texture due to the longevity in which she worn the braids.
skin. deep cool olive tone , very much pallid in hue , resembling a victorian era sick child.
face. equipped with a jawline sharp enough to kill , high cheekbones and a very thin layer of skin around her eye sockets that incorporates the ghastly look. a hallow face devoid of emotions. every now and then she presents her emotions only through the ways her eyes twitch , narrow or grow in width. sometimes the rims of her everlasting pout also show some human reaction, albeit a horror show for those unfortunate enough to witness it.
height. 4'11" / 151.1cm
antagonists. everyone else outside her family , particularly those who publicly look down on them or wishes to harm them in any way. the " normies " she assumes are out to get her , like others did , so she does antagonize them judged on past experiences.
colors. jet black , onyx , charcoal , ebony , pitch black , midnight , raven , ink black , obsidian , slate , graphite , carbon black , gothic black , vantablack , smoky black , phantom black , lunar black , noir , black pearl , ash black , lead black , hematite , gunmetal , space black , deep black , nightshade , void black , storm black , steel black , raven's wing , black iron oxide , shadow black , tire black , galaxy black , pitch dark , eclipse , granite black , shadow grey , black velvet , twilight black , amethyst black , plum black , blackberry , madder black , tarmac , blue black , sable noir.
fruits. black cherries , soursop.
drinks. espresso with robusta beans , sparkling water , the blood of her enemies.
alcoholic beverages. bloody mary , whiskey , black magic sangria , mulled wine , tequila , irish whiskey
smokes. ocassionally , mostly tabacco either as cigarettes or cigars. seldom , there is marijuana involved , she likes the strong and bitter taste to it and she does not choke so that's a plus.
drugs. if it's toxic she does it for funsies. i am not talking about your everyday drug , i am talking about arsenic , cyanide and lead. her system is used to it and she wants to gain tolerance. that way, she can't be killed when others attempt at her life.
drivers license. i'm leaving this youtube video for the visual side of it , but yes , she does have it. does she use it? no , not really. she likes being driven to places. lurch didn't make this easy for the entirety of the addams family.
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tagged by the salem's one and only @wickedslip
tagging: you.
0 notes
n0velaes · 2 months
name: raven blackwood, pronom: she/her, stage name: midnight shadow, age: 24, sexual orientation: pansexual, faceclaim: tara yummy.
Hair: Long, jet-black hair with deep violet streaks, often styled in intricate braids or loose waves.
Eyes: Piercing green eyes, often accentuated with dark eyeliner and smoky eyeshadow.
Clothing: Prefers dark, Victorian-inspired clothing with a modern twist. Often seen in black lace, leather jackets, corsets, and combat boots. Occasionally accessorizes with silver jewelry, chokers, and fingerless gloves.
Tattoos and Piercings: Has a sleeve tattoo on her right arm featuring gothic and mythical symbols, a nose ring, and several ear piercings.
Mysterious and Introspective: Raven has a quiet, enigmatic demeanor that draws people in. She's a thinker and often reflects on the darker aspects of life and art.
Passionate and Creative: She channels her emotions and thoughts into her music, creating deep, haunting bass lines that resonate with the band's gothic rock vibe.
Loyal and Protective: Fiercely loyal to her bandmates and friends, Raven is always there to support and defend them, no matter the situation.
Early Life: Grew up in a small town with a fascination for gothic literature and horror films. Her parents were supportive but didn't fully understand her unique style and interests.
Musical Journey: Discovered her love for music at a young age and picked up the bass guitar as her instrument of choice. Joined local bands during her teenage years, slowly building her skills and reputation.
The Band: Became the bassist for the famous gothic rock band "Eclipsed Eternity" after being discovered at an underground music festival. The band's dark, poetic lyrics and powerful music resonated with her style perfectly.
The Band (Eclipsed Eternity):
Genre: Gothic Rock with influences from metal and classical music.
Members: Lead singer (Luna Nightshade), lead guitarist (Damien Thorn), drummer (Shadow Reaper), and keyboardist (Evangeline Frost).
Success: Known for their theatrical performances, haunting melodies, and deep lyrics. They have a dedicated fan base and have toured internationally.
Interests and Hobbies:
Literature: Avid reader of gothic novels, poetry, and classic horror literature. Favorite authors include Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, and Bram Stoker.
Art: Enjoys sketching and painting, often creating dark, surreal artwork inspired by her dreams and nightmares.
Occult: Has a deep interest in the occult and mysticism, often incorporating these themes into her music and art.
Signature Bass Guitar:
Description: A custom-made, black bass guitar with intricate silver designs resembling vines and skulls. It's named "Nocturne."
"Music is the language of the soul's darkest corners. Through my bass, I speak the words left unspoken."
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serephinastardust · 10 months
The Book I'm writing: Requiem of the Rising Flames Rewrite #2 Chapter 4
In the dimly lit chambers of the Nightshade clan house, Lady Clarissa turned with a start as the door creaked open. There stood Odessa, her silver hair disheveled, and the remnants of a once-elegant dress clinging to her like the vestiges of a fading dream.
"Odessa!" Lady Clarissa exclaimed, rushing forward with concern etched across her face. "What happened to you, child? You look like you've faced a tempest."
Odessa's amethyst eyes, once a reflection of innocence, met her mother's gaze with an unwavering calmness. Her voice, void of the emotional nuances that once colored her words, held a new maturity.
"Mother, there's something important I need to tell you," Odessa began, her tone measured and resolute. "Tonight, at the palace, things took an unexpected turn."
Lady Clarissa, worry etching lines on her face, ushered Odessa to a seat. "Tell me, child. What happened? Why do you look so... changed?"
Odessa proceeded to recount the events of the night, sparing no detail of the skirmish on the cliffside and the fall into the ocean. Her mother listened, her eyes widening with each revelation, the weight of a mother's concern deepening the furrows on her forehead.
When Odessa concluded her tale, Lady Clarissa's gaze shifted from concern to disbelief, then to a contemplative silence. Odessa, though emotionally unaware, sensed the tumult within her mother's heart.
After a moment, Lady Clarissa spoke, her voice holding a mixture of objection and desperation. "Odessa, the engagement was not just a matter of familial pride. It was for your protection. The palace has the best safeguards, the most powerful enchantments. We worried that we, as a family, couldn't shield you from the potential threats that loom in the shadows."
Odessa, her expression unyielding, responded with calm determination, "Mother, I understand your concerns, but we cannot continue with the engagement. It's not just for the sake of the family, but for my own well-being. I've seen the dark undercurrents that threaten to engulf me, and I cannot subject myself to this marriage for the sake of protection alone."
Lady Clarissa, her objections fervent, pleaded, "Odessa, you cannot comprehend the dangers that lurk in the shadows. The palace provides a haven, a fortress of magic that shields against those who would seek to harm you. Please, reconsider. This is not just about familial pride—it's about ensuring your safety in a world fraught with uncertainties."
Odessa, refusing to divulge the involvement of the Silvershade family, maintained her stoic resolve. "Mother, I appreciate your concern, but I cannot go through with this engagement. There are other ways to ensure my safety without sacrificing my autonomy. I implore you to understand."
The chamber fell into a heavy silence, the weight of a daughter's rebellion and a mother's protective instincts hanging in the air like a fragile balance on the brink of collapse.
In the dimly lit chamber, Lady Clarissa paced back and forth, the gravity of the situation etched on her face. Odessa, observing her mother's contemplation, allowed a glimmer of confidence to flicker within her. She believed she had won the argument, that her mother would relent for the sake of her well-being.
However, as Lady Clarissa turned to face her daughter, the resolve in her eyes silenced the room. The weight of a mother's decision, grounded in a desperation to protect, became apparent.
"Odessa," Lady Clarissa began, her voice firm and unyielding, "I understand your concerns, but I cannot, in good conscience, let you endanger yourself by abandoning the engagement. The risks you face outside the palace walls are too great, and your safety is paramount."
Odessa, her confidence waning, felt a sinking realization that her mother's decision was final. The weight of familial duty and a mother's love eclipsed the logic of a seven-year-old who believed she knew best.
As Lady Clarissa put her foot down, Odessa's shoulders slumped. She nodded, a mask of acquiescence settling on her face, hiding the turmoil within. The path she had hoped to carve for herself crumbled before her eyes.
Leaving the room, Odessa wondered why her usual charisma and powers of persuasion had failed. It was an unsettling realization that, despite her maturity and the experiences of her past life lingering in her subconscious, she was still a child in the eyes of her mother.
Preparing herself mentally for the lie she was about to live, Odessa knew she had to navigate the engagement ceremony with the grace of an actress, concealing the storm within. The echoes of her past life whispered in the corners of her mind, reminding her of the complexity of the human experience, especially when the heart of a child carried the weight of an adult's understanding.
The next day, as the sun cast its golden hues over the capital city of Celestria, Odessa emerged from her chamber wearing a gown of celestial blue silk adorned with delicate silver embroidery. The dress, though elegant felt like a shroud—a symbol of the compromise she had made for the sake of protection, duty, and a lie that would intertwine her fate with that of the enigmatic Crown Prince Xander.
The grand hall of the palace in Celestria gleamed with opulence as the engagement ceremony unfolded. A symphony of delicate melodies filled the air, accompanied by the rustle of elegant gowns and the murmur of courtiers.
As the ceremonial music swelled, the double doors at the far end of the hall creaked open, heralding the entrance of the young bride-to-be. Odessa stepped into the luminous expanse, bathed in the ethereal glow of chandeliers overhead. The celestial blue silk gown she wore cascaded around her like a river of twilight, adorned with silver embroidery that glinted with each graceful step.
Her silver hair, a cascade of moonlit waves, was woven with delicate strands of silver thread that sparkled in the ambient light. A tiara of moonstones adorned her head, casting a soft luminescence around her. Despite the regal ensemble, the childlike appearance of Odessa betrayed the inner struggle within.
As she made her way toward the ceremonial platform, Xander, standing at the opposite end, couldn't help but notice subtle changes in Odessa's demeanor. The usual spark of innocence in her amethyst eyes seemed dimmed, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty that eluded the grasp of her attempts to conceal it.
The guests, unaware of the hidden complexities, watched in awe as Odessa approached the ceremonial platform. Her steps, though elegant, betrayed a hesitance that clashed with the expected joy of the occasion. The crown prince, keenly observant, couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
Odessa, attempting to embody the demeanor of a seven-year-old, wore a strained smile that failed to mask the undercurrent of tension. She curtsied with a practiced precision, but the grace seemed forced, as if she were navigating an unfamiliar dance.
The atmosphere shifted as the ceremony progressed, the exchange of vows and ceremonial gestures unfolding with an air of formality. Odessa's attempts to maintain the facade of a carefree child grew increasingly strained, her eyes occasionally betraying a vulnerability that tugged at the hearts of those who noticed.
In the hushed grandeur of the palace hall, an unnoticed figure lingered at the edges of the ceremony, shrouded in the shadows. Unseen and unsuspected, this enigmatic presence observed with intent, unaware that the very subject of its sinister machinations, Odessa, had survived the orchestrated treachery.
As the engagement ceremony unfolded, with its intended purpose to unite two bloodlines in harmonious union, the onlookers remained oblivious to the shadowy figure's surprise. The dark orchestrator, expecting the culmination of their sinister plan, was shocked to witness Odessa's presence, alive and standing at the ceremonial platform.
The intricate dance of the ceremony took on a new layer of complexity, not according to the malevolent designs of the unseen schemer, but shaped by the resilience of the child bride who had defied the expected demise. The intended undercurrent of uncertainty now shifted, becoming a symphony of unexpected resilience as Odessa, bearing the weight of her unforeseen survival, grappled with the echoes of a past life and the unseen forces that sought to shape her destiny.
The echoes of the engagement ceremony lingered in the opulent hall, and now it was time for the traditional first dance, a symbolic union between Odessa and Xander. They stood on opposite sides of the room, the distance between them a palpable representation of the unseen forces that bound them together.
As the orchestral melodies swirled through the air, signaling the commencement of the dance, Odessa and Xander moved toward each other with the grace expected of such an occasion. The crowd, eager to witness the harmony between the True Kitsune and Dragon-Kitsune bloodlines, watched with anticipation.
However, as the dance unfolded, a subtle tension enveloped the room. Odessa, despite her regal appearance and the grace with which she moved, seemed to lack the otherworldly aura that was expected of the True Kitsune bloodline. Her movements, while practiced and elegant, lacked the ethereal quality that should have accompanied a Kitsune's presence.
Whispers began to circulate among the onlookers, their curiosity piqued by the subtle deviation from the anticipated spectacle. The discerning eyes of the Nightshade clan members, keenly aware of the unique traits inherent in the True Kitsune bloodline, exchanged knowing glances.
A matriarch, draped in the traditional Nightshade colors, observed with a furrowed brow. She leaned in to confer with a fellow clan member, their hushed conversation hinting at the unspoken question that now lingered in the air.
As Odessa and Xander twirled across the polished floor, the realization began to dawn on the onlookers that something was amiss. The True Kitsune aura, that ethereal essence that should have accompanied Odessa, appeared conspicuously absent. The dance, intended to symbolize the unity of two powerful bloodlines, unfolded with an unsettling undercurrent of uncertainty.
The final notes of the dance resonated through the hall as Odessa and Xander gracefully parted ways. Odessa, her celestial blue silk gown swirling around her, began to walk away from the center of attention, a subtle unease lingering in her wake.
In the midst of the unfolding uncertainty, Xander's gaze lingered on Odessa with an uncharacteristic protectiveness. His usually stoic demeanor softened as he watched her navigate the ceremonial intricacies with a grace that seemed at odds with the turmoil beneath the surface. As the dance progressed, the subtle shifts in Odessa's demeanor did not escape his watchful eyes, and an unspoken determination to shield her from the unseen forces took root within him.
As she moved towards the fringes of the room, a sudden disturbance erupted. The flicker of arcane energy flashed, and before anyone could comprehend what was happening, a burst of otherworldly fire materialized in Odessa's path. The flames, an unexpected manifestation of mystical forces, blocked her escape route.
Gasps echoed through the hall as the onlookers watched in astonishment. The grand celebration now teetered on the edge of chaos, and the Nightshade clan members exchanged alarmed glances. Odessa, startled by the sudden inferno, stood frozen in its fiery glow.
Seizing the opportunity, Xander rushed forward with an innate determination. The flames yielded to his presence, extinguishing as if tamed by the dormant power within him. He reached out, clasping Odessa's hand, and pulled her to safety.
The hall buzzed with murmurs as the onlookers processed the dramatic scene. The flames, an arcane display seemingly targeting Odessa, ignited whispers of uncertainty among the crowd. Some speculated that such a manifestation of danger could only mean one thing—the absence of the True Kitsune bloodline.
In the quiet aftermath, away from the prying eyes of the intrigued crowd, Xander's usual stoic demeanor softened. His deep sapphire eyes, usually veiled in inscrutability, bore a rare glimmer of concern as he looked at Odessa. The flames of the unexpected fire had not only scorched the room but also left an indelible mark on the air of mystique surrounding Odessa.
As Odessa stood there, a moment of shock rippling through her, she felt an unexpected wave of vulnerability. The sudden danger, the flames that danced too close, had cracked the facade she so carefully maintained. A single tear, unbidden, slid down her cheek.
Xander, noting the tear, gently wiped it away with a touch that carried more comfort than formality. His attempt to offer solace in that brief moment of vulnerability spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the weight they both carried.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice breaking from its customary reserve, revealing an unexpected tenderness. In that moment, as Odessa stared into his eyes, the intensity of the sapphire gaze held a silent reassurance.
Nodding in response, Odessa couldn't help but feel a subtle shift in the dynamics between them. Xander, the enigmatic figure with a stoic facade, had momentarily let down his guard. As he carefully set her down, Odessa shut down her emotions, sealing them away for the turmoil that lay ahead. The vulnerability faded behind the mask she wore so well. Xander, watching her closely, couldn't help but feel a lingering concern.
"Did you see that? The fire... it rejected her," one guest muttered, a tone of disbelief coloring their words.
"I always suspected something was amiss. The True Kitsune bloodline should have shielded her from such magical disruptions," another commented, their eyes reflecting a newfound doubt.
In the hallowed hall, King Aurelius, seated upon his grand throne, observed the unfolding events with a furrowed brow. His advisers, sensing an air of uncertainty, approached him discreetly, their voices hushed in a private consultation.
Rumors spread like wildfire through the gathered nobility, speculating not only on the unusual magical incident but also on the enigma that was Odessa Nightshade. Whispers of her cultivation level became the focus of clandestine discussions.
"I heard she reached the peak of the Celestial Realm at a remarkably young age," one noble suggested, eyebrows raised in intrigue.
"Peak of the Celestial Realm? Surely, that's an exaggeration. She can't be that powerful," another countered, skepticism evident in their voice.
The uncertainty surrounding Odessa's cultivation level added another layer of mystery to the already enigmatic figure. The noble guests, once enamored by the allure of the True Kitsune bloodline, now found themselves questioning the depths of Odessa's arcane prowess.
"Your Majesty, did you witness the disturbance during the engagement ceremony? It seems the True Kitsune bloodline is not as certain as we believed," Adviser 1 whispered.
Adviser 2 nodded in agreement, "Indeed, sire. The fire rejected her, a phenomenon inconsistent with the powers attributed to the True Kitsune. We must consider the implications for the union between the bloodlines."
King Aurelius, his concern deepening, furrowed his brow.
As the advisers, in their concern, discussed the implications of the rejected fire and the uncertainty surrounding the True Kitsune bloodline, Odessa felt the weight of the situation pressing upon her. With a measured breath, she decided to reveal the truth about the stolen essence that had triggered the unsettling events.
"Your Majesty," Odessa began, her voice steady yet carrying a hint of solemnity, "there is something I must confess. The disturbance during the ceremony is not a result of a flaw in the True Kitsune bloodline. Instead, it is a consequence of a grave incident that occurred before the engagement."
Adviser 1 and Adviser 2 exchanged curious glances, and King Aurelius directed his focused attention toward Odessa. The hushed whispers in the hall quieted as the court awaited her revelation.
"My Kitsune essence, a vital part of the True Kitsune bloodline, was stolen from me," Odessa continued. "The assailant, shrouded in darkness, deprived me of a fundamental element of my identity."
A murmur of astonishment rippled through the hall, and the advisers' expressions shifted from concern to a mix of surprise and intrigue. King Aurelius, his brow furrowed with a new understanding, motioned for Odessa to elaborate.
"The stolen essence is the reason the fire rejected me. It is a malevolent act that jeopardizes not only the union between our bloodlines but also the very core of the True Kitsune heritage," Odessa explained, her words carrying a weight of revelation.
Adviser 1 spoke with a tone of urgency, "Stolen essence? This is a matter of utmost gravity. We need details, Lady Odessa. Who could commit such an act, and what is the motive behind it?"
Adviser 2, his gaze fixed on Odessa, added, "This incident may have broader implications. The stability of the engagement and the alliance hinges on uncovering the truth behind this theft."
King Aurelius, though visibly concerned, maintained a composed demeanor. "Lady Odessa, I appreciate your honesty. Provide us with the details you can recall. We must address this threat to the True Kitsune bloodline and safeguard the union between our realms."
In the midst of the hall's charged atmosphere, the advisers, eager to unearth more information, pressed Odessa further.
"Lady Odessa," Adviser 1 implored, "the identity of your assailant is crucial for our investigation. Can you not recall anything distinctive about them?"
"Indeed," Adviser 2 added, "cooperation is in the best interest of both our realms. The safety of the Azure Empire and the Nightshade clan depends on it."
Odessa, employing the power of silence, remained steadfast. Her response was measured, and she met their inquiries with a composed yet unwavering gaze, choosing not to disclose more than what she had already revealed.
Amidst the persistent questioning, King Aurelius, sensing an unspoken depth in Odessa's words, studied her for a long moment. His wise eyes, accustomed to navigating the intricate politics of the court, detected a nuance in her demeanor. It was as if the tapestry of truth and secrecy had not been fully unveiled.
"Speak, Lady Odessa," Adviser 1 urged. "Your silence does not aid in resolving this matter. The Azure Empire requires clarity."
King Aurelius, choosing his words carefully, addressed Odessa, "The court awaits your cooperation."
Odessa, maintaining her composure, met the king's gaze with a steady resolve. "Your Majesty, I have already shared all that I know. The assailant was shrouded in darkness, their identity elusive. I regret that I cannot offer more clarity."
Adviser 1 leaned forward, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny. "Lady Odessa, the Azure Empire relies on the unity of our bloodlines. Your silence prolongs the uncertainty and undermines the trust we've placed in this alliance."
"Indeed," Adviser 2 added, his tone firm. "The safety of both realms is at stake. If we are to address this threat, we need your full cooperation. Concealing information jeopardizes the very foundation of our union."
Odessa, aware of the weight of their words, took a measured breath before responding, "I assure you, my lords, I wish for nothing more than the success of this union. Yet, the truth eludes me, and I cannot fabricate details that do not exist."
In the hushed atmosphere, King Aurelius observed Odessa, his wise eyes searching for nuances in her expression. "Speak, Lady Odessa," Adviser 1 urged. "Your silence does not aid in resolving this matter. The Azure Empire requires clarity."
However, Odessa, maintaining her silence, conveyed a resolve that left the advisers and the court in suspense.
In the midst of the tension, King Aurelius made a decision that would alter the course of the engagement ceremony.
"Lady Odessa," he proclaimed, "it appears there are uncertainties surrounding this matter. The safety and integrity of Celestria are of utmost importance. Until this issue is resolved, I decree that you shall be banished from Celestria. The Nightshade clan may determine your fate as they see fit."
The announcement hung in the air, a heavy silence settling over the court. The courtiers, once immersed in celebration, now stood witness to the unraveling of an engagement ceremony into a tapestry of uncertainty and intrigue.
Odessa, her eyes reflecting a mixture of shock and disbelief, felt the weight of the decree settle upon her shoulders. The realization that she was to be banished from Celestria, the home she had known, struck her like a cold gust of wind.
Lady Clarissa, standing at a distance, watched the events unfold with a turmoil of emotions. Her gaze, torn between motherly concern and the duty to the Nightshade clan, revealed the internal conflict that mirrored the broader tensions within the hall.
King Aurelius, his expression stern, addressed the Nightshade matriarch directly. "Lady Clarissa, the fate of Lady Odessa is now in your hands. I trust that the Nightshade clan will handle this matter with the gravity it deserves."
Lady Clarissa, her features etched with both sorrow and determination, stepped forward. "Your Majesty, we will honor your decree and take responsibility for Odessa's future. However, I implore you to reconsider. Banishing her is a severe measure, and perhaps there is another way to resolve this issue."
King Aurelius, unmoved by her plea, replied, "Lady Clarissa, the safety of Celestria is paramount. Until the uncertainties surrounding this engagement are addressed, this decree stands."
As the Nightshade clan members surrounded Odessa, the weight of their collective gaze bore down on her. Lady Clarissa, with a mother's tenderness, approached her daughter. "Odessa, we will find a way to navigate through this. The Nightshade clan will stand by you, no matter the challenges."
Odessa, her eyes betraying a mix of resignation and determination, nodded in acknowledgment. The reality of her banishment sank in, and she knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges.
In the days that followed, the Nightshade clan deliberated on Odessa's fate. The once-vibrant halls of the Nightshade house now echoed with somber discussions and hushed whispers. Lady Clarissa, torn between her duty to the clan and her love for her daughter, faced the difficult task of deciding Odessa's future.
Meanwhile, rumors spread throughout Celestria regarding the unraveling of the engagement ceremony. The nobility whispered of the True Kitsune bloodline's apparent absence and the mysterious assailant who had disrupted the event. Uncertainty hung in the air like a thick fog, casting shadows over the once-glamorous union between the Nightshade clan and the Azure Empire.
As Odessa prepared to leave Celestria, her heart heavy with the burden of her banishment, a clandestine meeting took place in the hidden chambers of the Nightshade house. Lady Clarissa, flanked by trusted advisers and clan elders, devised a plan to uncover the truth behind the disrupted ceremony and secure Odessa's future.
The Nightshade clan, known for its prowess in espionage and shadowy dealings, deployed covert agents to investigate the mysterious assailant. Lady Clarissa, driven by a mother's love and the desire to protect her daughter, was determined to unravel the threads of deception woven into the fabric of the engagement ceremony.
Unknown to the courtiers of Celestria, a clandestine war of secrets and revelations unfolded in the shadows. The Nightshade clan, with Lady Clarissa at the helm, delved into the underbelly of political intrigue, seeking the truth that eluded them.
Odessa, though banished, remained connected to the Nightshade house through the intricate web of familial ties. In the solitude of her exile, she grappled with the consequences of her decisions and the uncertainty that clouded her future.
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