#the day butthead went too far
homefryboy · 1 year
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I like how much effort is put into drawing him in pain : )
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mikejudge · 1 year
hold on we haven't had a single kick in the nads this season ‼️ we still have time
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starshideurfics · 3 months
Thirsty Thursday - Ring My Bell
steddie, omegaverse, flagging/signaling culture, mdni 🔞
Based on a fun worldbuilding convo in the SHOM discord that’s still buzzing around my head. Credit to @itcanbepalped and @jeffgoldblumsmulletinthe90s for vibing on this one
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Steve’s parents never wore rings. They said it was gauche; very new money of them.
“Why bother with jewelry on your fingers that will get banged up on your hands when you can wear a necklace,” Clarissa would say when she spotted someone at the club with a ring, or god forbid two! Her own betrothal and bonding necklaces were layered, drawing the eye to her bite.
That was the whole point of a necklace. Either it emphasized a bonding bite, or it highlighted the fact that the wearer’s bonding gland was intact.
Steve had been given a necklace after he presented, a simple gold chain with a bejeweled padlock.
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Pretty fucking gauche if you ask him.
Steve wouldn’t have worn it, but it was expected. Plenty of omegas wore something similar; he’d rather have his grandmother’s old claddagh ring, but his mother said it was low class.
So he wears his necklace every day, a reminder that he belongs to his father until he is mated. Then, he’ll belong to his alpha. Legally. At least until Congress hot its act together and passed some of the proposed equity laws.
Maybe his mom was right, rings were more easily lost. They tainted the scent of your hands with harsh metal.
It’s just that he’s seen some interesting ones, shapes so far beyond the standard lock, circle, and eternity knot. Meanings far more individualized than his necklace.
Which is why when the pups start following after Eddie Munson, Steve really notices his rings.
He gets what the book means. Or, he thinks he does. Munson doesn’t wear blockers, ever. His scent is an open book.
And the skull could be one of those gothy, ‘I mate for life’ things.
But the pig makes no sense. And no scents. Pigs don’t typically have a smell worth advertising.
The ring on his right hand is so simple in comparison that Steve gets stymied there, too.
He drops it, not wanting to reveal his interest in anything to do with Eddie Munson.
Steve is perfectly ready to let it stay a mystery until the night he comes to pick Dustin up after Hellfire only for Eddie to be the only one left in the lot, hauling his stuff out to his van. 
“Sinclair got his permit; your chuckleheads all went with him so he could show off.”
“Oh,” Steve says dumbly, only for his brain to catch up and spit out, “And they’ve never heard of a phone?”
“Real butthead behavior on their part,” Eddie agrees with a smirk. “Anyway, sorry you came out here for nothing.”
“Eh, could be worse.” Steve’s thinking monsters or g-men.
Of course, Eddie doesn’t know that. He gives Steve an appraising look. Then he surprises Steve. “I could make it up to you,” Eddie says with a crooked grin.
“How?” Steve asks, swallowing back the ‘not your fault’ that almost slipped out automatically. Because it kinda is.
Steve wouldn’t be here if not for Eddie’s club and the hold it has on Steve’s merry band of twerps. So he’s open to whatever Eddie’s offering to make them square.
He shouldn’t be surprised when Eddie pulls a joint from his pocket, sets it in his mouth to light, and inhales.
He holds it towards Steve as he blows out a stream of smoke. “We can hang, take the edge off your night.”
Steve takes the joint. Eddie grins and skips over to his van, opening the back door and giving a joking bow.
Steve laughs. He didn’t expect to be charmed so easily.
But he is, and after a couple hits he feels relaxed and loose in a way that would be fine in the safety of his bedroom, not so much when he has to drive.
He’s going to say as much, tell Eddie he should clear his head, when his eye catches the shine of silver on his fingers.
It’s like his brain isn’t connected to his mouth as he asks, “Why the pig?”
Eddie looks up from the box of cassettes he’s looking through and furrows his brow. “Huh?”
Steve’s brain must be cut off from his body too, since he reaches out and snatches up Eddie’s left hand.
“The pig,” Steve says, tapping on the offending ring. “Like, the book and the skull I think I got, but I’m coming up empty on the pig.”
“I’m surprised you knew it was a book.”
“But it’s book-shaped!”
“You mean rectangular?”
“But it is a book right?”
“So that’s about your scent,” Steve feels smug as he says it.
“I don’t smell like books,” Eddie says, clearly confused. “That’d be pretty awesome, though. Old books smell nice. Unless they’ve been in a basement too long.”
Steve nods sagely. This is obvious wisdom. No one wants to jump your bones if you smell like a musty basement.
Then he remembers his point. “You don’t smell like books, you are a book. Easy to read your scent ‘cuz you don’t wear blockers.”
“Don’t like ‘em. Make my head all fuzzy, and not in a fun way.”
“And the skull is a ‘til death’ thing right?”
“It’s actually a vampire skull.” Eddie points out the elongated canines. “You know, ‘the eternal kiss’ or whatever. I think bites should mean something.”
Steve nods again, feels a weird pull low in his belly. “That’s cool. Not enough alphas I know have that opinion.” He’s seen too many broken bonds at the country club and his father’s company Christmas parties.
Seen too many couples who shouldn’t have bonded in the first place.
“So, what’s the pig?”
Eddie looks down where Steve is still holding his hand. “Ever heard of a truffle hunter?”
“Like the chocolates?”
“No, the mushrooms! You’re rich, don’t you know about fancy mushrooms!”
Steve shakes his head, feels dumb. 
But Eddie just accepts his ‘no’ and moves on, “Well, they’re these rare mushrooms, and pigs like to eat them, so they’re really good at sniffing them out. And that’s me. I fully plan to sniff out my scentmate, and until then…” He shrugs. “Plenty of hot omega pussy to smell.” 
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Eddie slaps his right hand over his whole face in shame. “Shit, sorry. Not appropriate in front of an omega. Or anyone. I promise I’m not a creep trying to get in your pants.”
But Steve’s mouth has gone dry. He wears blockers still, for work, the scent neutralizing deodorants and perfumes good at covering up his scent. The only place he doesn’t apply it is his crotch, because no one should be getting close enough anyway.
Suddenly he wants Eddie to be close enough.
He’s still holding Eddie’s hand, can still smell the edge of his woody scent over the weed. “It’s okay,” he says. Turns Eddie’s palm toward him and brings it to his nose.
The metal smell is there. But also pine and herbs, deepened by dark musk. His tongue darts out for a taste.
His hand mostly tastes like skin, a little like salt and smoke, but the scent is still there. Makes him want more. He pulls back, looks at Eddie who is staring at him with awe on his face.
“Okay, Mr. Trufflehunter, how do I smell?”
“You’ve got blockers on-”
“Not everywhere.”
His movements are slow, giving Eddie every chance to back out as he slides his fingers into Eddie’s hair, gripping the side of his head, and guiding him down towards Steve’s crotch.
Towards his wet pussy.
continued in part 2
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brandnewbabygurl · 2 years
so close, no matter how far
warning: this is sad
"Holy shit, Steve! What is this?" Robin yelled from the passenger side of Steve's car.
"What's what?" Steve asked.
"This mixtape?" Steve's hands tightened on the steering wheel. He was dreading the day Robin found it.
"What mixtape?" He decided to play dumb as if that would help at all.
"This lovey-mush of a mixtape. I mean come on, I'm Your Man AND Head Over Heels. You must really have it bad."
"I don't want to talk about it, Rob," Steve muttered quietly.
"Well, I do! My best friend is in love. Oh my god! In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel! I can't believe this. You're disgustingly in love and you didn't even tell your best friend. This is ridiculous. So who is this Em? She sounds positively dreamy."
"Oh it's nothing, Rob," Steve felt like he was going to cry at any second. "I can't ask them out anyway, so don't worry about it."
"Can't? Or won't? Because I think it's won't. You should just go for it, no chance she can shoot down Steve Harrington."
"Can't, Robin. I can't ask them out. So just drop it," Steve was clutching the wheel impossibly tighter now.
"You need to work on your self esteem there Steve-o. Why is there so much Metallica on this thing? You don't even like them."
Robin went quiet and Steve knew she was putting the pieces together. God, he felt like he was going to vomit.
"Wait. Em? Steve. No. Please tell me this is old. Please tell me you made this a long time ago. Shit. Fuck. Nothing Else Matters came out last year, didn't it? Steve..."
"Robin. I don't want to talk about it," he could feel his eyes start to water. He really didn't want to have this conversation.
"Why didn't you tell me? Or at least tell me you like boys?" Robin asked softly.
"I don't like boys, Robin," Steve didn't know why that was important to say. "I just like him, okay?"
"But Steve, it's been so long," Steve could tell by her voice that Robin was starting to cry too.
"I know. Seven years and four months. But I love him. Loved him. So fucking much," Steve was really crying now. Fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he clutched the wheel so tight his knuckles were white.
"You went on a date last week though, didn't you?"
"No. I didn't. I haven't been on a date in years. I don't want anyone but him. I went to go visit him. I do every time I say I'm on a date," Both of them sobbing as Steve put the car into park outside of the airport. Dustin was at baggage claim and would be in the car any second now.
"Steve, no more going to the cemetery alone. Next time I'm coming with," Robin flung herself at Steve and he put his face in her neck, sobbing loudly now. She rubbed his back and held him tightly.
"Can you play it?" Steve asked quietly.
"Of course, babe," Robin put the tape in and Wham!'s I'm Your Man started. Robin let out a wet laugh. "Jesus, Steve. He would've fucking hated this song."
Steve let out a loud laugh followed by another round of sobs, "I know."
They sat in a far sadder scene of the day Robin came out to him, singing Wham! until Dustin interrupted the same way he did all those years ago.
"Why are you guys crying?" Dustin asked as he flung himself into the back seat.
"Your face is just so ugly, we couldn't help, Butthead." Steve said through his tears.
"Okay, rude," Dustin knew better than to pry, something he would've done years ago. He just decided to let it go. "What is this music? Does Steve have a crush?"
"Yeah, kiddo, I've got a crush"
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gigglymarvel · 2 years
From Strangers to Sisters
Chapter Eight - The Beach (Part 1)
The four women go to the beach, Yelena pushes Kate a little too far when she’s in a bad mood and quickly makes it up to her. (Word count: 2975)
Previous chapter
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The group had yet to truly enjoy a day at the beach, but after Tony working out the security kinks, he finally arranged for them to have a truly private beach.
“Ah, finally, a day when we get to go out without a load of idiots ruining it.” Wanda sighed as she walked out wearing a pair of shorts and a baggy top over her bikini.
Kate nodded, brushing her hair in the mirror as she just wore her bikini for now. “Right? They were a joke.”
Yelena snuck up behind Kate, spidering up and down her sides, "Yes Katelyn, I am glad we will get to have sun with fun," she grinned as she teased the archer, wearing just a baggy top and a vest over her two piece.
Kate flinched and gasped, jumping forward. “It’s called fuhuhun in the suhuhun!” She protested between giggles.
The blonde grinned, "Ah, whatever, same difference." She smiled and then hugged her. Kate smirked and shook her head. “Nope, you’re completely wrong.” She smirked cheekily.
"I will get you Kate Bishop!" She grinned and wiggled her fingers at the black haired archer, chasing her.
Kate grinned and ran, holding Natasha and shoving her in front of her to protect herself. “Here’s a sacrifice!”
Natasha chuckled at the other three, stepping aside to let Yelena continue chasing Kate and then smiling at Wanda as she put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "You pack the sunscreen? Sunburn should be our only worry today."
Meanwhile Yelena ran and scooped Kate up to tickle her sides.
Wanda nodded. “A-are you sure we’ll be safe?” She asked, suddenly a little nervous.
Nat nodded and hugged her close, "Of course you will, I'll make sure of it."
Wanda nodded, biting her lip. “A-and I can’t swim.” She told her fearfully.
"Awww, we'll help you! Right guys?" Natasha called out, but was only met by Kate squealing as she kept trying to use the Black Widow to protect herself from Yelena.
Natasha chuckled and scribbled into Yelena's ribs, "Absolutely not, I will get all of you for your shenanigans," she said as she slipped up her sister's top.
“Hehehehey I was getting Bihihihishop!” Yelena whined as she cackled and slammed her arms down.
"And you're my baby sister so you get tickles just because," she chuckled and pulled her closer. Yelena just rolled her eyes. “You’re an absolute Butthead.” She told her with a pout.
Nat pulled Wanda into a group hug and then motioned for Kate to join, "Picture and then let's get on this fancy ride Tony got us!"
Kate rolled her eyes and immediately covered her face with a peace sign after putting her top and bottoms on over her bikini as Wanda just pouted and folded her arms stubbornly.
Nat rolled her eyes and exchanged a look with Yelena, where the blonde gently skittered into Wanda's sides while Nat tickled Kate before taking another picture.
“Nonono-“ Kate jumped away and shoved at Natasha gently as Wanda whined and brushed Yelena’s hands away from her sides. “Noho fair!”
The redhead chuckled and pulled the archer back to her, squeezing up and down her sides. The blonde Widow grinned as she gently attacked the witch's lower ribs, "Ticktickticktickle! Smile for the camera!"
Kate giggled hysterically and pulled at Natasha’s hands, shaking her head as Wanda scrunched her face up and squealed with high pitched giggles.
Yelena grinned and snapped a ton of pictures, "Awww cute!" The pair glared at Yelena as Kate rolled her eyes. “Disgusting. Anyway, let’s go!”
Nat chuckled and started grabbing beach bags and towels, "Let's ride!" She smiled as Wanda took a load of bags off her and went out towards the elevator.
"Wands! C'mon! I was helping!" She chuckled and grabbed the umbrellas.
Yelena scooped up Kate and carried her to the elevator.
“Too late!” Wanda called out as the doors closed and they were on their way down. Kate raised her eyebrows at the blonde. “I can walk, ya know.”
Nat chuckled and linked arms with her.
"I've seen you walk. It is better I carry you," the blonde smirked and held onto her.
They soon got into the vehicle, which was basically the RV which was turned into a smaller car with more than enough room for everyone.
Once everyone got in, JARVIS started the journey, which was going smoothly until Wanda noticed paparazzi banging on the window. Thankfully, JARVIS was quick to black out the windows and drive away from them, but Wanda was already shaking a little.
Yelena came over and protectively wrapped an arm around Wanda, "No booger men are going to get you or your picture today, sparkle hands,"
Natasha let out a single chuckle at Yelena's messed up euphemisms, reaching behind her and squeezing Wanda's hand.
“You got my picture though.” Wanda replied, tensing up as Kate cackled at Wanda’s comeback.
Yelena's mouth dropped open, "Are you calling me a booger man??" She playfully taunted as she then scribbled into Wanda's sides. Nat smiled and reached back to grab one of Wanda's feet and skitter in.
Wanda smiled a little before gasping and flinching away. “Hey Nononono-“ she squealed, pulling at her leg and covering her sides.
Yelena threw a pillow at Kate so she could get better access to Wanda's lower ribs, "Awwww is the Scarlet Witch ticklish?" The blonde Widow cooed as Nat chuckled, "I know her feet are!" She added as she tickled her toes.
Kate glared at Yelena. “What the hell? I didn’t do anything!” She said in a slightly angry tone as Wanda shook her head helplessly and cackled.
“I’m nOHOHOHOT!” She squealed out.
"You laughed at my expense Kate Bishop. If you're mad, come and put pants on about it," she grinned and kept tickling Wanda.
Nat smirked and let her foot go, pulled Kate into a hug as she poked her tummy, "Feeling left out, baby hawk?"
Kate went quiet, shaking her head as she shuffled away from Nat and just stared out the window, she was secretly in a bit of a bad mood which Yelena just made worse. Meanwhile, Wanda kept cackling and fell into Yelena’s arms.
The blonde hugged Wanda gently, "Aww there's that upside-down frown." The witch rolled her eyes. “Thanks, you butthead.”
"You're welcome," Yelena grinned, but then tilted her head, "Why is baby Hawkeye frowning?" Wanda looked over at Kate, talking to Yelena in her head.
“From what I can figure out, she’s having a bad brain day, she didn’t appreciate you smacking her randomly with the pillow.” Wanda told Yelena mentally.
The blonde Widow nodded, thinking back, "Oh, I guess that makes sense. I want to help, can I?" She asked.
Nat noticed immediately, "Kate? Hey, we're here for you too, you know that right?" She said as she rubbed the archer's back. Kate just shrugged, folding her arms and watching the world go by.
The redhead frowned and hugged her close, kissing her head. Kate let her, but remained still and silent.
Wanda watched Kate closely, before continuing her silent conversation with Yelena. “I don’t know, maybe just be playful around her and I think she’ll open up again.”
The blonde hugged Wanda in gratitude, kissing her head.
Nat gently scratched the back of Kate's neck. The young archer leaned into her, sighing as she just wanted to get to the beach.
The Black Widow smiled as the windows drew open, showing the beautifully perfect beach. Kate was the first one out the car, she grabbed everything she could and ran down to find the perfect spot.
Yelena frowned and bit her lip, grabbing the umbrellas and following Kate down, hugging Wanda once more.
Nat offered her arm to Wanda, "You ready, beautiful?" She asked a clearly nervous witch, who looked around to make sure it was all clear before stepping out.
The redhead smiled and linked her arm with Wanda's as she gently walked down the beach, "We're safe sweet girl." She reassured before looking over to her sister and Kate, hoping the two would make up. But for now, she’s happy to spend some quality time with Wanda.
Kate found a spot and set everything up, she got stripped down to two piece and lay on her belly on the towel.
Yelena came up next to her and set up an umbrella, "Hello Kate Bishop," she said, "So are we going to have sun in the fun?"
“Fun in the sun.” Kate murmured out simply, bringing her arms up to rest her head on them as she let out a sigh.
Yelena asked, "Would you like me to put anti burn lotion on you?" She offered, but Kate just shook her head, grabbing the other bottle and sitting up to apply it to herself.
Yelena tried again, "Well uh, you missed a spot on your back," she said awkwardly and rubbed it in as her fingers pressed into Kate's side.
“I got it.” Kate murmured, rubbing it in herself before returning to her laying down position on the towel.
Yelena frowned, wanting to be close to her again, "I am sorry I threw the pillow," she tried, the archer simply rolled her eyes in response.
“Whatever.” She murmured. Just then, Wanda returned to Yelena’s mind. “Playfulness, remember?”
"So Kate, what do you call a fish who works on pianos?" She tried a joke. The young archer rolled her eyes simply.
“A tuna fish.” She replied with a simply shrug, closing her eyes as she relaxed into the feeling of the sun beating down on her skin.
She grinned and decided to gently tickled Kate's sides, "Coochiescoochiecoochie coo, let's turn that frown upside-down!"
“Yelena…” Kate murmured and slammed her arms down against her sides, trying hard not to react as she let out a groan.
"C'mon, Kate Bishop, we are at the beach, having…funny in the sun!" She grinned and shook into her ribs, making her sigh and push Yelena’s hands away.
“Congrats, you got it.” She said sarcastically.
Yelena frowned, but then saw Kate's feet, "Okay Kate, you win," she said, pretending to give up before standing up, only to sit on her ankles and tickle her feet gently.
Kate groaned and kicked out, stubbornly holding back giggles as she tried to throw Yelena off her ankles. “Get off…”
"Nope," Yelena grinned, "This Little Piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home!" The toe torture just made Kate roll her eyes, managing too stay still as she took her mind to another place.
The blonde then pulled out a feather and ran it between Kate's toes, "Hmmm here?"
“Hey look, your sister is getting wrecked.” Kate told her, managing to throw Yelena off her ankles gently before she turned to lay on her back.
Yelena did turn her attention up for a moment, watching Nat who squealed and batted at Wanda's hands lighty, "I'll GEHEHET YOUHHU FOR THIHIHIS!" The redhead squealed out as she laughed.
The blonde then turned to Kate and asked her, "Have you ever built a sand castle before?" She asked the archer, who simply shook her head in response.
“Can I try?" She asked with a gentle smile and soft eyes.
“I’m pretty sure there’s everything you need in there so sure.” Kate told her with a casual shrug. Yelena beamed and grabbed all the sandcastle supplies, beginning to cover Kate's legs with sand and making a castle out of her.
Kate rolled her eyes when she saw what Yelena was doing, and just let her do it to keep her quiet. She lay back and folded her arms behind her head to fully relax. Yelena smirked and kept covering her legs until Kate closed her eyes. When she closed her eyes, she reached up gently and spidered into her armpits.
Kate yelped and slammed her arms down. “Hey, what the?!”
Yelena beamed, but pretended to go back to making sandcastles. Kate just glared at her before hesitantly closing her eyes once again. The blonde smiled and covered Kate in sandcastles, burying her shins/calves, her chest and her forearms as she lay back.
Wanda looked over Kate. “This is not going to end well.” She told Natasha as Kate looked up at Yelena, pulling at her arms. “Uhhh, Yelena…?” Nat chuckled, “We’ll see,”
Yelena grinned, “There! You are a masterpiece!” Yelena grinned and rubbed her tummy playfully, making Kate flinch and keep pulling at her arms, escaping a little more difficult than she expected.
The blonde widow grinned, “Oh no, it appears you are stuck, let me help,” she said as she pretended to dig but in fact just brushed her fingers all over Kate’s tummy, “Oh no I got sand on your belly!”
“No shit, we’re on a beach with sand on it!” Kate replied in a slightly snappy tone, sucking her belly in as she tried hard not to crack.
Yelena grinned and immediately raspberried her belly, “Aww I’ll blow it off!” she said before rapidly blowing all over her tummy.
Kate shrieked and thrashed around, shaking her head as she kept pulling at her arms. “L-lemme go!”
“I am helping you!” The older woman feigned innocence as she then lightly tickled and brushed all over Kate’s tummy and ribs, blowing a raspberry right into her belly button.
“No you’re not you aH!” Kate squealed and sucked her belly in. “You asshole!”
“Oh well that is not nice Katelyn!” She teased and spidered into her exposed armpits since her arms were held by the sand to her sides.
“NUH-“ Kate gasped out, trying everything she could to get away. “This is so mean!”
“Is it?” She grinned and then moved to sit on Kate’s ankles, spidering into her soles and arches, making Kate squeal and scrunch her toes up. “YES-“
“Oh dear,” Yelena smirked and then turned to tickle her thighs, squeezing up and down till she reached her hips, causing Kate to whine and continue to bite back her laughter.
“Awww c’mon Katelyn! Coochiecoochiecoochie coo!” she said as she then shook into Kate’s belly.
“Give it up!” Kate whined, not wanting to crack since she was still feeling grumpy. “Not sensitive!”
“Tickletickletickletickle!” Yelena tried again and raspberried her belly and shook her ribs. Finally, Kate yelped and scrunched her face up, bursting into loud giggles. “There we goooo! Coochiecoochiecoochie coo!!” She grinned and squeezed in rapidly, causing Kate to laugh and squeal, helplessly thrashing around.
“Nohohoho fahahahair!”
The blonde widow grinned and shook into her armpits, kneading into her ribs as she added a few nibbles, “I missed your smile!”
Kate shrieked at the feeling of Yelena’s awful nibbles. “I HAHAHAHATE YOU SOHOHOHO MUHUHUCH!”
“Ohhh nibbles?? Hmmm??” She grinned and nommed and nibbled all over Kate’s ribs and m tummy.
“FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOHOHU!” Kate screeched out, sucking her belly in as she kept squirming from side to side.
"Awww but you're so cute!" Yelena cooed and nibbled and shook into her tummy. The archer just kept squealing with laughter, shaking her head in response.
Yelena finally gave Kate a break, "Would you like out?" She chuckled and rubbed her tummy playfully as Kate shook her head, not quite hearing what Yelena was asking as she took in deep breaths.
The blonde leaned down and kissed the top of her head, "Do you want me to dig you out of the sandcastle?" She laughed fondly.
“Maybe I’m comfy here.” Kate replied casually, still feeling a little vulnerable but her words did have some truth behind it.
Yelena cuddled next to her comfortably in the sand, "Does someone want more tickles?"
Kate blushed a little, trying to play it cool. “Nah, still mad at you.” She said with a casual shrug.
"Awww c'mon! I made you a masterpiece and then made you laugh!" She pouted and then lay her head on Kate's stomach with mischief in her eyes.
“Oh nonono, one, I will never be a masterpiece and two, don’t you dare!” She gasped out, wiggling around as she bit back a smile.
Of course, the older woman couldn't resist and gave the archer another round of raspberries, "You are my ticklish masterpiece Katelyn!"
“AHAHAHA YEHEHEHELEHEHENA I AHAHAM NOHOHOHOT!” Kate screeched out, shaking her head as she broke into giggly laughter.
"Then what's so *pfft* funny *pfft* *pfft* *pfft* Kate?" She teased as she blew raspberries. The archer laughed helplessly as she thrashed and squealed.
"Uh oh, that wasn't nice!" Yelena smirked and nommed all over her tummy gently, "Guess I'll just have to…EAT YOU!" She growled.
“NOHOHOHO ANYTHIHIHIHING BUT THAHAHAHAT!” Kate screamed out, thankful this was a private beach as she laughed helplessly to the point of her laughter going silent.
Immediately the blonde Widow let up and grabbed a water bottle from the cooler back, she let Kate catch her breath before offering her a drink.
Kate leaned forward and took a few big sips, letting out a few stray giggles in between. “So… mean…”
Yelena helped dig her out of the sandcastle, pulling her into a supportive hug. The young archer rolled her eyes, pouting childishly. “I hate you.” She told her. The blonde frowned and massaged Kate's back, "Not forever I hope,"
Kate rolled her eyes. “I was joking, dork.” Yelena grinned, "So you do not hate me??"
Kate smiled a little, feeling playful enough to be sassy. “Only a little tiny bit.” She teased.
"Oh that's it!" Yelena grinned and pulled her into a tickle hug, making Kate cackle and thrash around. “Neheheheahahahah!” The blonde smiled fondly and then hugged her super tightly.
Kate smiled a little and hugged her back. “Ok, let’s go and join the others, I could do with a swim.” She told Yelena before using all her strength to release herself from the sand, dashing into the water to join Nat and Wanda.
Part 2
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cotton-comics · 1 year
can’t shake this feeling that ‘the day butthead went too far’ has something to do with beavis…
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ribbondee · 2 years
Shadows Of The Past, a PMATGA Fic
Minor trigger warning for mentions of violence and bloodshed. Gonna put both chapters in this post cuz why not.
Ch. 1
Sir C was seated at his work desk, but wasn’t doing any work at the moment. He was too busy staring at what used to be his hand. A prosthetic was in its place, but it wasn’t all bad. It truly was a nifty little thing, being equipped with all sorts of useful tools.
It had been an average sort of day, Pac and the gang came and tested some of his inventions, and Grinder had an attitude as usual. Other than that things went pretty smoothly, and they were able to celebrate without issue.
Indepacdence Day was upon him. The day the war ended, and the rest of the world rejoiced. The day Betrayus and his forces were defeated, and everything everywhere was saved.
But for certain individuals, it wasn't such a happy day to celebrate in spite of the fact that they too joined in the festivities. For Stratos it was apparently the worst day of his life. It was then when it truly came to light that he did indeed care about his little brother, and being forced to banish his soul hurt a lot.
As for Sir C (or Mr C, since he hadn’t been knighted yet back then), he was a mess after the war to put it lightly. The nightmares began to appear, as did the panic attacks and flashbacks. But that wasn’t the part that bothered him- it was… the incident.
He let out a soft grunt, clenching his fake hand tightly. He jumped a little at the sound of beeping behind him. “Wuh- oh. I’m fine, Grinder. Now mosey along.” His words did nothing to comfort the poor robot, but they did continue on their way regardless.
Three words… three little words… that was all it took for his enemy to say for Sir C to let his guard down. How could he have been such a fool? That was all it took to give that buttheaded egomaniac an opportunity to strike, and he had lost his hand in the process in less than a second. He recalled the physical and emotional pain, and Buttocks’ awful laughter. He felt hurt, he felt scared, he felt… betrayed.
Blood had gushed out of the wound like a fountain, and had Stratos not been there he would have certainly died.
Did their past mean nothing to him?! All the good times he and Buttocks had together, did that not even cross their mind?!
Sir C bared his teeth a little, unclenching his mechanical fist. He remembered how badly the war left him, how unbearable the pain was. He was desperate to let go, or better yet forget.
He leaned back in his chair and shut his eyes as he recalled all this. In a drawer on the work desk was an older invention of his own design… a ray of sorts. Not a shrink ray or vice versa, and certainly not a death ray. It was… a memory wiper.
It would be a lie to say he wasn’t ashamed of inventing that damn thing. But, he had been ever so desperate to forget his pain, and the fact that he even knew Buttocks to begin with. It didn’t work- at least, not in the way he wanted it to. He tried over and over again to get rid of the painful memories, but something just kept it from working. His mind always assumed the device was faulty, but his heart said something else…
“You still care about him that much, it kept it from working.”, it would say.
Eventually overexposure to the device caused his present day memory issues, which was a huge slap to the face.
For some reason he kept the memory wiping gun around, possibly as a reminder to never do something like that again.
All these thoughts were fresh in his mind, and he squeezed his eyes shut even tighter. Why? Why did things between them have to go south so far?! Oh. Right. They were going to “change the world together”. What Sir C had in mind was something beneficial, while Buttocks wanted to pursue his own twisted form of justice.
Sir C’s scowl deepened, a stark contrast to his usual jolly self.
Those three words… the three little words Buttocks had said. The three words Sir C would have given anything to hear out of the other’s mouth once more under the right circumstances…
“Ich liebe dich.”
Ch. 2
Pac World University… the most prestigious college in all of Pac World… so this is what it was like. So huge, so grand, so… intimidating.
He stood in front of the campus, and was shaking like a leaf. The sheer hugeness of it all made him feel so puny; it was like it wanted to swallow him whole. But, that wasn’t gonna stop him from going in and pursuing his dream- being an inventor to make lives better for Pac Worlders around the globe.
His grip on his suitcases tightened, and he made his way towards the dorms…
He got to the room he was assigned to, and he could faintly hear shuffling from the other side of the door. Looked like his roommate was already there. He knocked on the door. “Come in”, came a muffled yet nasally voice.
He obliged, and shut the door behind him. Inside the room with him was a sky blue Pac Worlder, and their back was turned to him. “Um hi”, he said nervously. The other snorted curtly. “Just get your stuff unpacked.”
Wow, rude. They also had a strong accent- he could only assume they were from Pacmany. “My name is-”
“I said unpack. I don’t vant to talk right now.”
He DID have quite a bit to unpack, so he figured he’d go ahead and do it. Clothing items, lab equipment, personal items… yep. He did it silently as did the other person, and oddly enough they seemed to finish at the same time.
“Diamitri Cumference.”
“That’s my name. What’s yours?”
“Buttocks Hineyhead”, they said with hesitation. Clearly they hated having to say that, and it was obvious why.
They turned to look at Diamitri, and they finally got a good look at each other. Buttocks was a bit short, and had hair that stuck out wildly at the sides of his head as well as a mustache. He was a bit wall-eyed, his eyes being covered by red framed glasses. But that wasn’t what caught Diamitri’s attention- it was the other person’s forehead. Buttocks noticed him staring and narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare laugh.”
“Why would I”, Diamitri said sincerely, “that’d be pretty rude.”
Buttocks was a bit surprised, yet seemed relieved. “It’s just zat… everyvun else does.”
“Sorry to hear that…” Buttocks shrugged.
A few awkward moments passed. “I’m a mechanical engineering major”, said Diamitri in an attempt to start a conversation.
“Hmph, so am I.”
Well, at least they had one thing in common.
“I’m gonna invent all sorts of things and change the world!” Buttocks narrowed his eyes once again. “Is zat right?”
“Yup! Wanna see some of my schematics?”
“If you’ll look at mine.”
“It’s a deal!”
The boys would then spend several hours viewing and analyzing each other’s invention ideas, for better or for worse.
“This robot’s name will be Grinder”, said Diamitri as he pointed at the blueprints, “he will be my lab assistant!”
“I see. Zis is something I’ve been hoping to vork on…”
They continued to share invention ideas, both of them actually having a blast. By the time they finished it was starting to get dark.
They were both exhausted, yet satisfied. “Your inventions are neat”, said Diamitri. Buttocks flushed a little, clearly not used to receiving praise. “Let’s be friends”, Diamitri continued, extending his hand for a handshake. Buttocks seemed taken aback by this. Buttocks looked like he was about to take it, then stopped.
“Somethin’ the matter?”
“I’m… not… used to having any friends.”
“Well then lemme be your first one! It’ll be great! Come on… let’s change the world together.”
“If you say so?”
Buttocks took Diamitri’s hand and shook it.
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nevalizona · 1 year
[Ivy/Ellis] I: 6 & II: 2, 7 & III: 7,
[Rivera/Aldridge] II: 6, 7, 15 & IV: 13
I tried not to give too many, but ended up doing so!! Aaaaaaa sorry!!! (Also sorry I couldn't figure out how to format this 😵‍💫)
Prepare for a *very* long answer sksksksksk I LOVED this by the way so thank you for all the questions you sent in!
Ivy Nicole/Ellis:
Section I:
6). What was their "flirting stage" like?
--Ivy Nicole flirts a lot but so does Ellis. Both lay it on thick. Ivy Nicole is a touchy flirter and Ellis is a talk kinda guy. They both flirted too much all the time. They just love doting on each other. Both are flirty individuals so it only makes sense that they would have really enjoyed this stage. Ivy Nicole tends to flirt more around folks, and since she’s more hands on than Ellis that would get them in trouble. They shouldn’t be getting handsy in church! But that’s a whole other can of worms about Ivy Nicole that I don’t wanna go into right now lol. 
Section II:
2). Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
--They did and they didn’t. They had been dating ‘practically’ by the time they finally went on an official actual date. Ellis wanted to take her somewhere special, and let her get all dressed up (he did too ofc, he just knows that she likes to get gussied up and has complained about not having much reason too.) It was really fun and Ivy Nicole was flattered to be taken out like this. She has never been on a ‘real’ date before. Her first “boyfriend” was not in a place to take her on dates nor did he seem to want to. She went home and cried because she was so happy. 
7). What is their relationship with each other's families like?
--Sammy and Ivy Nicole do not always get along. Somedays, they are fine. She, Ellis and Sammy all sit around and chat, laugh, whatever, it’s a good time. Other days, they buttheads. Sammy tells Ellis that Ivy Nicole is a bad influence on him. He tells this to Ivy Nicole too, but he also asks her what she sees in Ellis, this softens Sammy up some because immediately she melts and gushes about Ellis, proving that she cares about him far more than he had thought, she genuinely loves him, she’s just not good at the whole ‘love’ and ‘dating’ thing. He tries to help out some but these two are young and they just want to have fun.
--Ivy Nicole does not want Ellis meeting her brothers. Neither him or Sammy (not even Father James). She wants them to stay this way, perfect in her eyes. If they meet her family they will not want to love her anymore (so she thinks). She hates her family and the thought of them meeting the Robinsons tears her apart. She knows that one day, they’ll all have to meet the Harris’ and the Robinsons (and Father James) but she’s trying to put it off for as long as she can. Which Sammy is not a big fan of, he would like to meet her family, since it seems like every day that passes she and Ellis get more and more serious but he respects her wishes. In fact, he is the one that she explains everything to, one late night when Ellis was finishing up something for Sammy. He had asked why she was hiding Ellis from her family, was she embarrassed? And she looked at him like he was speaking a different language. It never occurred to her that Ellis may think she was ashamed of him, in fact, she thought she was the shameful one. She told Sammy about her family, what they have done to her, what they hadn’t done to her, just kinda walked him through everything. He kindly listened, she was more or less ranting but he knew she needed to do it. When she finally finished he said that he understood. He did tell her she needed to explain that all to Ellis, or at least some of it so he didn’t think he was the problem. She tried in her own way. 
Section III:
7).Who is better at comforting the other? How do they usually comfort each other?
--Ellis is far better at comforting Ivy Nicole. She always gets too worked up about things and honestly tends to make them worse. Sometimes though, when she does a good job, it’s lovely. She knows how to say the right things and do the right stuff. But only sometimes. Ellis is just a bit more rational when it comes to his feelings and his actions. He knows that when it comes to Ivy Nicole, words are really special, they mean a lot to her, action and touch are one thing, but telling her sweet things is a whole other thing that makes her feel incredibly loved. Ivy Nicole makes an excellent ear though, if Ellis ever needs to just vent, she’s there for him, and she will not just tell him everything he needs to hear, but she can be critical and balanced. Sometimes she’s capable of that, and for him she really tries hard.
Section II:
6). How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
--They complement her in the same way that they typically clash. He brings her out of her shell, which she loves of course, and he likes doing it but sometimes that’s more of a drag. It makes them buttheads. She doesn’t want to go out, she wants to hide away in her house, he wants to go out but also doesn’t always want to have to coax her out to do it. He loves Genevieve but he would love to do things without her giving them trouble and making things difficult. Overall though, they complement each other.
7). What is their relationship with each other's families like?
--Genevieve gets along great with Connor’s parents and his brother. She enjoys talking to them and connecting. Which is great because as Connor gets older, the more he enjoys visiting his family and being around them. Though, Connor’s mother does constantly try to convince Genevieve to leave Connor. She’s worried about them being together. Genevieve never listens to her though. When it comes to Genevieve’s family… Her younger brother did not like Connor at first. He felt like Connor pushed and pulled Genevieve in directions she typically would not have gone. Thought he could be a bit… ‘toxic’ to say the least. It took a long while for him to finally come around. He mostly realized that Connor isn’t going anywhere and if he wanted to continue being as close to his sister as he wants to be, he needs to accept her and Connor. When it comes to her parents, they were hesitant about Connor. There was something about him that they did not particularly like, but they tried to look past it for Genevieve since she was so head-over-heels in love with him. Connor tries to be on his best behavior around her family.
15). What is their most common argument about?
--Definitely Genevieve’s agoraphobia but also just how Connor is and how he treats her. They can go a good chunk of time without fighting but something happens and it eats away at them until it turns into a big blowout. They are both very… passionate people and when they feel something they really feel it so their fights can be really intense but they try really hard to make it up to the other once the fight is over.
Section IV:
13). Do they have any "couple traditions", or family traditions?
--Ooo!!!! Definitely! I think when it comes to holidays, they celebrate the normal. Connor likes Christmas and Genevieve loves Valentine’s Day. They like holidays and go out moderately for them. When it comes to little couple traditions, they like to have a very nice dinner every couple of weeks. Go all out and dress up and have a nice night. They love having an excuse to have a ‘romantic’ night and everything that means to them.
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Chapter 1: “Unexpected”
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(So I’m not sure how far this is gonna go. Depending on the readers and the amount of attention I may continue. I hope this is good and please be honest. I’m getting back into writing!)
Mornings always started out the same. Feeling the sun creeping into my room across my tired face, through the blinds. Birds on the branches singing their morning lullabies. It felt like a scene from a book. After waking up, I sat up in bed and stretched both arms above my head. It was 6:45 am, as always woken up before the alarm clock went off. Always been the early bird of the Harrington family. Mom said it’s something I got that from her. Along with the strawberry blonde locks of hair and her green eyes. When asked what I inherited from dad, she’d laugh and say his last name. My brother Steve had gotten all of my father’s qualities. His hair, his height and dare I say his knack for ticking my mom off. Granted both of us kids were good for that. Dad also. Our mom was a no nonsense woman, who was highly respected in Hawkins. Member of the PTA and President of the Hawkins Chapter for the WAR group. WAR stood simply for Women And Rights. That’s right folks, Mrs. Sandra Harrington, political woman of the year. We were all proud of her though. Dad especially, knowing he married one powerful woman. He was no different. Instead of politics, he was busy ruling in stocks and the market. He knew when to buy, when to sell, when to pull out from a deal. Always making sure those who worked hard and paid close attention got their buck. Given how busy both of them were with their professional lives, we didn’t see much of each other. Steve and I were on our own most of the time. We’d have our grandmother stay with us when our parents were out of town. She stopped coming out when we had gotten older. As I was trying to remember the last memory I had with Grandma, my alarm had started to go off. At that moment I knew I had to crawl from my bed and start the day.
Made my way to my bathroom and began to ready myself for school. Wrapped my hair in my shower cap and started the water so it’d be warm. As the water warms, I begin brushing my teeth. Once I had rinsed my mouth from the toothpaste, I took my pajamas off and thrown them next to my hamper. Knowing well enough if caught, I’d be lectured as to why we place them in the hamper and not next to them. Stepped into the shower and washed myself up. After drying off, I went to my dresser and pulled out my usual type of outfit. A pair of Levi’s and my cut off black tee. Pulled my button up flannel from my closet and put that on once my other articles of clothing were on. Rolled the sleeves of my flannel up on my arms. Once I was pleased with that, I began to start doing my hair next. Nothing over the top. I braided it to the side and left some tendrils framing my face. Last thing was my makeup. Applied a little blush and mascara. As I was finishing up, I heard the shrill voice of my wonderful butthead brother.
“Rosie Denise Harrington! Get your ass down here. I still have to pick Robin up for school too.” Steve yells from down stairs. Did I mention that not only is he my big brother, but my chauffeur too.
“I’m coming!” I yelled back. Quickly, I put my converses on and tied them. Grabbed my backpack and headed down the stairs to meet Steve.
“Why must you take forever to get ready?” He scoffed as we both walked out the door. I looked at him and stuck my tongue out.
“Oh you’re one to talk. Mr. I use Farrah hairspray!” I teased him.
“Hey! Not another word. You know that’s my secret.” He snapped at me. I get in the passenger seat while he gets in on the driver’s side of his car. “Only you and Henderson know that I use it.”
“Good choice of people to know.” I laughed knowing Dustin and I tease Steve all the time about his hair. He told at one time that it was his babe magnet. Not only did we laugh, but Robin too, causing milk to come out her nose. Steve ignored my response and had changed the subject at that point.
Once we made it to Robin’s house, he had started telling us both about the new girl he had been talking to. Her name was Heidi and apparently she giving him vibes that she could be the one. I turned around in my seat to face Robin. Both of us rolled our eyes and imitated him while laughing. She was like the sister I had always wanted. Not that I don’t appreciate Steve and having him as my brother, but having Robin in our lives has been great because I finally have someone who I can talk to about girl stuff. Given that my mom wasn’t around as much, it was nice knowing Robin was there. We’d talk about our crushes; boys I liked, girls she liked. She was always always at our house if we weren’t at hers. I would hangout after school and watch her practice with the band while we both waited for Steve to pick us up from school. Steve would let me stay at the video store while they worked so I’d have somewhere to go if Dustin and the gang were busy. Being older than them never was an issue. We all looked after one another.
Once we had reached the school, Robin and I climbed out of the car and started walking across the parking lot to go into school. We waved and told Steve we’d see him later that afternoon. We started getting closer to the door when I felt someone push me forward. I fell to the ground, hitting my knees to the cement. Ouch! I felt a stinging pain in the palms of my hands after getting up from the ground. I brushed myself off and looked at Robin.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry.” She put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded as I picked my backpack up.
“I’m fine. Didn’t expect to be pushed or anything, so that was a surprise.” Looking at my palms. They were red, but thankfully I wasn’t bleeding. “Dare I ask, why?”
“Well if I didn’t push you, you would have been hit by that van.” She pointed in the direction of the parking lot. I looked over and seen a beat up caravan parked. The door opened on the driver’s side and out jumped this tall figure. He was wearing a leather jacket with a denim vest over it. The best displayed some for creature I couldn’t make out. He had holes in the knees of his jeans and wore a shirt with an image of a demon… I think? His hair was long and wavy around his face. He popped a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. Eddie Munson. Before I knew it, I started my way towards him. Robin following. “Um uh, what are you doing?!”
“Hey jackass!” I yelled to Eddie, making my way towards him. He looked up and was confused.
“Eddie.” He smugly said. “My name is Eddie.”
“Wha- I know that.” I crossed my arms and glared at him.
“Well then why’d you call me jackass? If you know my name.” Taking a drag off his cigarette, he mumbled.
“You could have ran me over! Do you not look where you’re driving?!” He noticed my arms flailed when I expressed myself.
“I do. I just however wasn’t this morning.” He took another drag and exhaled. The smell of the cigarette smoke reminded me of when my dad would have his buddies over poker. It was, nice. “I’m sorry, I promise I’ll be looking next time. I had dropped something and had gone to pick it up.”
Before I could get another word out, I heard the loud ringing of the bell. Robin tugged my arm and spun me around to face her.
“Let’s go Rosie, he apologized. We cannot be late again.” She was rushing to go. I nodded and we started towards the school entrance once again. I opened the door and heard someone yell from behind.
“Well goodbye to you too, Harrington!” It was Eddie. He put out his cigarette and flicked it across from his van. I gave him a fake smile and flashed him my middle finger. He smirked and reciprocated.
Once inside, I thought to myself about the last time I had even talked to that guy. I couldn’t even place the memory, I had thought he graduated. Oh well, if I can make it the rest of the day with my only hiccup being that I was almost hit by Eddie, I’d be fine. Right?
Okay so this is chapter 1. I’m not sure on a title of story yet but let me know what you think. This will determine chapter 2!
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autumnsunshine10 · 3 years
Two Amandas, One T.J., and Me
We lived in the same neighborhood that summer, all around the same age though they were slightly older--heading into seventh grade while I would be entering sixth. Amanda K. had light brown long hair sun-streaked blonde in places, a smattering of freckles, and glasses over hazel eyes. Amanda J. was taller, more reserved and broody, with dark brown hair brushing her shoulders and an olive skin tone. Her dark eyes squinted when she smiled, like mine did. I had that in common with her and had hair and eye color more similar to Amanda K.'s. Not sure what else we three had in common other than proximity of residence and having younger brothers who were friends too.
Besides their names and being sisters to brothers close in age, they had one other thing in common between the two of them (and boy did it come in between): a boy, the titular T.J.
T.J. had recently moved from Massachusetts, maybe that was his appeal. Lanky and awkward with a Beavis and Butthead type laugh (and humor), he often spent time at my house, playing video games with my little brother. My siblings and I would make digs about his New England accent while he poked fun at our drawls. More than once he got a throw pillow angrily aimed at him, he had that kind of effect. At our house, he could only be taken in small doses, my mom even making up reasons why he had to leave once the T.J. tolerance had run out...and it was never long. Not helped by the fact that he would try to flirt with every female in sight. Like the two Amandas. Only their tolerance for T.J. was much higher.
Amanda K. one day saw me outside and rode her metallic purple bike up, wearing a secretive grin and announcing, "I like someone."
Exasperation took the grin from her face. "Aren't you going to ask who?"
"Okay, who?"
"T.J." The grin was back for some reason.
I felt like I had to pick my jaw up off the ground. "T.J.?! Are we talking about the same T.J.?"
"T.J. _____"
I stared blankly, never having heard his last name.
"You know, the one who lives 3 doors down, that T.J.!"
"Okay but...why?!"
"Because he likes me, he acts like it all the time and even said so yesterday...likes me like a boyfriend! I want to hang out again but I think he's with Amanda J. Do you think he likes her?! I think she might like him. Do you think?"
"Ummm I--"
"Wait, do you like him?!"
"No way ewww!"
"Why not?!"
"Because...he's T.J.!"
"You don't think he's cute?"
"Not even a little bit."
The conversation went along in the same vein for not much longer before Amanda K. got bored and, casting one last glare at T.J.'s house, took off to write her feelings in her diary.
Days later Amanda J. showed up at my door looking to talk to me. She asked if I had heard from Amanda K. who was avoiding her for some reason.
"Oh boy, she is going too far," I groaned with an eyeroll.
"What do you mean? Do you know what's wrong?"
I relayed some of our T.J. conversation. Amanda J. bit out, "Yeah I like T.J. and he likes me. We're gonna keep hanging out and she'll have to just get over it. She doesn't own him, he can do what he wants and like who he wants. She thinks he should pick her because she's pretty and her dad is in that country band with a video on TV, but this time she won't get her way!"
I couldn't believe my ears, that both Amandas were losing it...and over T.J. of all things. I would have laughed at the absurdity but knew it wouldn't go over well...tough crowd.
Then came their individual tactics to make T.J. choose. He said he wasn't a one girl guy and milked the triangle for all it was worth. It culminated at a performance for our girl group of some generic forgettable name. We formed it earlier that summer--wannabe Spice Girls, with the call to be the female Backstreet Boys. Two songs were all we ever had--one inspired heavily by "I Want It That Way" ("Woke up this morning just to hear you say, I want it that way..."); and the requisite girl power anthem I penned, rhyming "girls" with "pearls" while trying to prove our superiority to boys.
Our neighborhood friends had been invited to watch us mumble-sing and move in a way akin to dancing while dressed up in outfits we thought looked pop star cool...mine more resembled a librarian on laundry day. T.J. of course was there, no doubt invited by both Amandas; certainly not by me.
We gave it our best(ish), me flanked by the at-odds Amandas trying to outperform one another while also acting like the other was not there. T.J.'s attention was their main goal. But T.J. wandered off to the video games shortly after we began. Most of the others had too actually; our audience didn't appreciate our attempts at artistry. Can't say I blame them.
Amandas shot eye daggers at each other over my head as I plopped down halfway through the BSB rip-off song I had been the only one singing for a while.
"This is your fault, Amanda, T.J. got tired of your big mouth and seeing you hog the stage!" Our stage was more of a coffee table.
"Nuh uh, the Amanda he is sick of is you! I heard you kissed him in the pool the other day but then he swam away laughing," cold laughter followed.
"Who told you?! He kissed me then laughed because he splashed water. Funny how he kissed me again after we left! But your spy missed that!"
"You. Kissed. T.J.?!" I shrieked.
Neither of them paid me any notice, too intent on fighting over T.J. some more before each harumphed off to their respective homes. The theme carried through the rest of that summer, T.J.  bouncing back and forth without a care to be seen. And beyond that? Would you believe T.J. eventually grew on me and I realized his charms, being the one to end up with him when it was all said and done? Nah that's not what went down, though if this were an entirely fictionalized account it probably would be the so-called surprise ending.
What actually happened was how these things typically play out. The summer of T.J. tug-of-war ended when Amanda J. moved away, then Amanda K. wondered what she ever saw in him, helped along by school starting back up and her crushing on some boy in her class. I moved not long after that and sometimes stayed in touch with the Amandas until the middle of high school. I occasionally saw T.J. around my high school but we never spoke again. Last I heard, Amanda J. moved to New York. Have no idea where Amanda K. and T.J. ended up. For all I know, they found each other again as adults and he felt he couldn't live without an Amanda in his life any more, that Amanda K. was the Amanda for him, and they eloped right away.
I guess that scenario would be the storybook ending...or beginning of a horror story. Take your pick.
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lamortexiii · 2 years
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The HellBilly Pulpit: The Brooding Time - Gen X in the ’90s
What can I say that hasn’t been said already about the 90s and Gen X?
Maybe, I can just reflect on what it was like from my point of view during that amazing time.
I was in high school and if I only knew then what I know now lol. I remember this was when I first became aware of what was going on in life. I was listening to something new that I had just bought, it was nothing like I’d heard before-, Alice in Chains Facelift and I thought to myself, here it is, this is a new beginning, MY beginning, I can be anything and whoever I want to be.
My time was a bit “in-between” so to speak. Big hair and glam metal were fading away and Grunge was just starting to break the surface. So weird that in-between time. We/I didn't know where to go.
During these next few years, I saw things that are now just footnoted in pop culture, although through the eyes of wonder. We didn’t have cell phones and youtube and we BARELY had anything that resembled the internet. Social media was Mtv and Mtv2. Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, Nickelodeon, and man was it fun. We saw Waco go down, the first attack on the trade center, the first gulf war, and President Clinton. Oh, man... We also had Achy Breaky Heart and the first Gen Power Rangers. Comedy for us teens was a mixture of everyday humor, to that cutting edge of the adult world just peppered in there. It was glorious. I remember laughing harder in that time frame than I have through most of my adult life so far. Things were cool. Things were carefree. Things were getting weird.
Then something happened. We got broody, angsty, annoyed, and irritated. We didn’t end up being like our older brothers and sisters who were so eager to live out what our parents wanted for them. We didn’t want to be told who we were supposed to be. A lot of us watched our parents work themselves stupid as we became latchkey kids. Minimal supervision and a shift in our reality all fed into this, “life sucks and everything is dreary” sort of attitude that became what a lot of us perceive as “gen x”. We went from Disney to Tim Burton. We were determined to break that mold and stop living what everyone wanted us to do and be ourselves. We became the “slackers and the losers” (thanks Beck for the unofficial theme song), and not caring as each day that passed was just another dreary reminder that we did, didn’t matter in the end. Life sucks and reality bites.
Music changed our lives instantly. Record stores were a thing and we could immerse ourselves in just about any genre or style you could think of. Man, we were an eclectic bunch. My tape rotation consisted of Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden one minute and then Slayer, Pantera, Suicidal Tendencies, Danzig, and Metallica the next. The more intense, the better. It was cathartic to know that what I felt inside was felt by others too. The music told me that I’m not alone. That still resonates today, sometimes even more with all of the subgenre and side projects that my favorite bands have spawned or influenced since that time.
There was no shortage of fuel for our fire either. We had The Craft, The Crow, Nine Inch Nails, and Tool all reaching out to open our minds and set us free. White Zombie beat the normal out of us and threw on the dirt, it was amazing. Korn brought out our anger and set it on fire.  Big shorts and pants before Jnco’s were a thing. The Blair Witch, Lalapalooza, the second Woodstock, skateboards, piercings, tattoos, and punk rock on top of it all! The freaks were in and we weren’t going away!
In the latter part of the 90s, I was in the military for a brief time, got married at 20, and thought I had life planned out... SMACK- I was discharged, divorced, and living with my bros to watch the turn of the century. Lol... Y2K! Your computers are gonna die!!! Man, we were stupid back then... Wait.. we still are... Maybe worse lol.
I embraced my time as a slacker in the military where my ideals were definitely not what the military needed or wanted. I found myself once again, outcast and brooding. I discovered that I wasn’t just socially different, I was spiritually different. Basic Training found a lot of us regretting our decisions and looking for comfort. I tried the church only to find it just felt too generic. All of the people in the pews reciting the same prayers, praying for the same things, and just being immersed in their cookie-cutter spirituality. It did not speak to my individual wants or needs or feelings. I wanted... No, I needed something more. This wasn’t for me.
Enter the occult. Enter paganism. Enter the anti-established religion mentality.
I started out with learning about some ancient celt myth and magick (my first book), from there I kind of branched out in about a half dozen different ways. I read about Satanism, Wicca, Atheism, and tons of things in between. Mind that when I started this road to discovery, I was an enlisted soldier in the US Army. these things did not go over well with those in charge. We had a prayer once before a holiday-themed run where I did not participate. I stood there, looking around, being respectful to those who were participating, but  I was called into the office and asked if I practiced “the dark arts”. I had to laugh. Such a blanket, stereotype pinned on me for just being true to myself. They must have seen my barracks room. Blacked out with various metal band merch laying about with the quasi shrine to Marilyn Manson. The incense and what probably struck them more than anything was the lack of any Christian-themed propaganda, I mean decor. :)
All of this lead me to believe all the more that I was on the right path when I stood out as an individual enough to make people question who I am and what “is wrong with me”. This was the new brood infecting their rank and file and I’d like to think that I set a path for others that came after me.
When I was discharged and went home, I felt out of place. I had a new appreciation for the world, nature, and humanity all because of staying true to who I wanted to be even beyond the brainwashing that I endured. That is another story for another time though...
Those years in the ’90s really were a crazy time to come of age. But I wouldn’t change a thing about it. It set me up for life’s later difficulties and triumphs.
It was the brooding time.
Ava Satanis
The HellBilly Pulpit Blog by @hellbillyvvitch @thehellbillypulpit
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melismaticmadness · 4 years
Hi..so this is my first ever fanfic/imagine/story thing. (I am not quite sure what this is..) This is just fiction and no part of it is real, nor am I claiming to know anyone I write about. 
Description: Fluff and Friendship - You plan to surprise Owen in Vancouver while he’s filming JATP. Charlie helped you organize it, but something goes wrong in your plan. What happens in the rain?
2400 words
Warnings: Language, Talks of Anxiety/Mental Health
Owen Joyner x Reader
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November rain in Vancouver wasn’t exactly pleasant but as I stood outside hitting the call button for his apartment building for the fifteenth time, I was far past annoyed. Soaked and annoyed. How could this surprise get so messed up that I am standing here at 3:32 am?Charlie and I had planned my surprise Thanksgiving visit perfectly. I would take a red-eye flight, get into the apartment, sleep for a few hours while Owen was still on set with BooBoo, and then we’d have a day together and the Thanksgiving party later tonight. Charlie won’t wake up to answer the call button and let me in!!
I have been out here for 30 minutes already when someone taps me on the shoulder from behind.
“Excuse me, sorry, but do you need help?”
I turn around and the tall, sleepy boy in front of me with a hoodie pulled tight over his hair is shocked.
“What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Well, I could say the same about you! Charlie said you were shooting until at least 6 am!!”
“I’m so good that we wrapped early, and got what we needed. I am still so confused as to how you got here…” He said with a fake hair toss.
“Owen, we’ve talked about this. Airplanes work for everyone, you’re not special.”
“No no, butthead. I mean standing outside my apartment building - in Vancouver - in the rain.”
I went on hurriedly about how I was here to surprise him for Thanksgiving, but the surprise is ruined because Charlie never woke up to buzz me into the building. My anxiety over his reaction was at an all-time high because my plan was derailed and he was here early, and I was drenched, but Owen could see it on my face, and before I could even finish explaining I was wrapped in a hug.
“Let’s get your soggy ass inside,” he said as he entered his pin and the doors unlocked. With his hands on my shoulders pushing me ahead of him, we went to the stairwell and up to his floor. We laughed as my wet shoes squeaked down the hall and into the apartment. I was immediately ordered into the bathroom to strip and shower.
“Hey, you can’t make me strip. I charge for that nowadays.”
“Yeah and I charge for taking in homeless, wet girls off the street, but you don’t see me asking for a check.”
After I punch him in the arm and run off to the bathroom, I can’t help but smile. We’ve been apart for so long, but it feels like nothing has changed. I was so worried that he wouldn’t be happy to see me, or that he would be annoyed that I showed up and messed up any plans he had, or god forbid if he came home with a girl and I was there.
Still, as I got into the warm shower most of my anxieties washed away (besides the ‘bringing a girl home one’). About five minutes into my hot shower, I heard a soft knock at the door.
“Yes?” I whisper-yelled out.
“Can I come in?”
“I just wanted to bring you a set of dry stuff to wear, I’ll put it on the toilet for you.”
“Thanks, O.” I peeked my head out behind the black shower curtain and saw him standing with his back to the shower placing the clothes and towel down. I could pull him into the shower by the back of his shirt from here if I wanted to, but I am not ballsy enough to do that. He thinks of me as one of the boys, and I doubt that line will ever get crossed. The boys would mess with him in this situation though.
I filled a hand up with water and sprinkled it down his neck and back. Hearing Owen gasp when he felt water all over him was hysterical, especially because he would not turn around to look at me.
“You are SO lucky you are in the shower or I would get your ass back sooooooooo good.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get the hell out of here,” I said splashing him again, “I’ll be out in a sec.”
He hurried out and I finished as fast as possible because now I was a little worried he would hand my bras from his balcony or something…
One last look in the mirror as I squeezed my hair out and I smelled like Owen. His soap, shampoo, towels...I wish I could always smell this. Stupid TV shows shooting in foreign countries….
Back in the living room, I found Owen asleep on the couch. Knowing him, he probably did not sleep at all yesterday like he was supposed to for the night shoot.
“Yo, blondie...Owen..go to bed”
“What’s wrong?! Oh, no I’m awake what...what do you wanna do?”
“I want you to go to bed. We can hang out after you sleep for a few hours.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I’ll probably try to sleep a little too. The guy next to me on my last flight was a snorer.”
“Come to bed with me”
“Wh-what? O, it’s ok I am totally ok on the couch.”
“No, no. You’re coming. Let’s go, y/n. I’ll sleep on the floor if you want”
I couldn’t even protest more because I was being wrapped in a blanket with Owen and we were walking to his room. Look, we had had sleepovers before as kids, but the last time we did this we were thirteen, in his childhood room, with two sleeping bags on the floor. He was always working, and I was always in school, so most of the time when he was home I had to go home at night for school the next day.
How do you have a platonic sleepover with your best friend who you are also in love with? Do I just roll over the opposite way and pray that we don’t wake up with me holding onto him?
His bed was made and it smelled like he had just washed his sheets before work. He led me to one side of the bed, pulled the covers back, and simply said, “Get in.” He shuffled over to his side of the bed and did the same.
“Goodnight. Hey, do you have to be up for work or anything? I can set an alarm.”
“Nope, I’m off all day because of the night shoot.”
“Okay, goodnight y/n”
With that last “goodnight”, I felt him get closer to me. My heart was beating so fast I wasn’t sure if I was going to pass out or throw up and nothing was even happening!! Owen reached over to the other side of me and pulled me close.
“It looked like you were shivering. I should've told you to dry your hair before bed.”
“I’m okay,” I said pushing his hair out of his face, so I could see him.
Arms tangled over each other, we both fell asleep.
Hours later the rain got worse. Through the open window, I could hear the thunder was really loud and I happened to open my eyes as lightning lit up the sky. Fun fact about me. I hate lightning and am terrified of it. Being in a highrise apartment building with lots of windows, was a nightmare for me. I curled up in fetal position under the blankets and pulled them all the way up over my head.
I felt Owen moving around next to me and just assumed he was rolling over, but I felt him grab me by the waist. We were now face-to-face, chest to chest, completely under his sheets.
“Fancy meeting you under here.” His morning breath could’ve killed me, and not because it smelled. I didn’t think I could be attracted to him and his voice more than I already was.
“Sorry for waking you. The storm.”
“I know. As soon as I heard it, I knew. You’re safe. It’s loud because it’s passing over us and will be gone in a few minutes.”
The next roll of thunder shook the room a little and a single little tear escaped and I tried to hide it by moving my hair and pretending to fix the blanket over my head but he caught me.
“..hey I’m right here. Do you want to go sit in the bathroom? There are no windows.”
“I’m fine, sorry,” I said and took a deep breath.
“How can I help you right now?”
“I’m sorry. My anxiety went off the rails when my surprise got ruined earlier and I don’t know how to sleep in bed with a boy, and on top of that the worst storm is happening,” I sputtered.
Owen laughed a soft little laugh and pulled me closer.
“You’re just sleeping next to me... I’m not just a boy... we’re not strangers, hell I just walked in on you in the shower earlier...wait... god, did I make you uncomfortable?” He made some space between us and laid his head on his hands while looking at me.
“Oh god, Owen no. No.” I grabbed his hands back and put them under my face pulling him back towards me. I hadn’t noticed until now that he lost his shirt somewhere in the night. “You just know how I get, all up in my head about every little thing.” The butterflies in my stomach felt more like fireworks exploding in an almost painful display under these sheets.
“Well, what is your head saying right now? Let’s talk through it.”
A shaky breath escaped my mouth. I can’t tell him I've loved him since our days of sleeping bags on his bedroom floor. So, I pivot.
“I was worried you wouldn’t be happy to see me and that I was imposing by just showing up here…”
“You know I always am so happy to see you. I wish I could see you every day, we talk every day. You being here is so much better than a few texts and a missed facetime call while I’m at work.”
“Okay.. I love- I mean...I like being here too. I can’t make fun of you if you don’t answer my texts.” We both laughed a little this time.
“Sounds like the lightning stopped. Wanna go watch the sunrise? It should be up any minute.”
“We should get out from under the covers first...”
Pulling the covers down gave me the fresh air I needed to think clearly. I did not need to tell him how I felt. These moments were enough.
“Good morning, y/n.”
“Good morning, O.”
“Grab a towel before we head out to wipe the chairs down.”
“Yes ma’am,” Owen salutes and runs out of the room.
Nothing is better than watching the sunshine hit this smiling boy’s blonde locks and pink cheeks first thing in the morning. Sitting on the same plastic lounge chair, I wanted to pinch myself.
“We slept for like three hours,” I laughed.
“We can nap again before the Thanksgiving party tonight. I’m not that tired.”
“Want me to order coffee? I’ll run and get it, I saw a Starbucks next door.”
“Nah, I put some on when I went for the towel.”
“Smart man. I’m gonna grab some water then.”
“I’ll get it. I added lemon to our pitcher in the fridge for you, when I went for the towel too.”
“Joyner, you do think of everything.”
“I did remember you don’t drink coffee, give me some credit!” He said as he ducked off the balcony.
I stood up to lean over the railing and before I knew it Owen was over my shoulder with a glass of water and his coffee. The rain was picking up again. I took a sip and put it down on the little outdoor table they kept out there and continued to stare out at the city as it woke up.
Owen hugged me from behind and I leaned into him as an instinct. I realized I was probably making him uncomfortable and went to slide over to give him space, but he stopped me.
“Y/n, can you stand still? Your head is blocking my view.”
“My head?! I am like a foot shorter than you!”
“Yes, the back of your head is blocking my view.”
“What can you possibly be looking at? The rain?! Look there’s a bus! Trying to stalk people as they walk their dogs?” I rambled as I turned around to see where his eyes were pointed.
At that moment, he grabbed my neck, and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I think my heart stopped. I stood there like a limp noodle for a solid 3 seconds before I pulled away. The expression on his face was one of being mortified.
“Oh god...Oh, I’m so sorry. Oh, fuck!” He said and started running his hands through his hair and pacing away from me. “I thought..oh god.. It doesn’t matter what I thought because I was out of line..”
I grabbed his arm as he turned away from me again.
“Do it again.”
“Owen, can we try it again?”
“Y/n, I don’t want you to think you have to kiss me because I kissed you. It’s ok. I’m so sorry.”
I walked over to him, put my hands on his bare chest, and kissed him.
“I have wanted to do that since we were thirteen.”
“I have wanted to kiss you since we were thirteen, probably before. I just was scared. Our friendship is so special to me, I couldn’t imagine losing it. Then when you were spending more and more time in L.A. and then coming here to Vancouver, I thought you probably had met someone already and were just keeping it quiet.”
“I haven’t met anyone,” he stammered. “I thought I lost my chance with you for good when I moved out here, but I never was into anyone else.”
“Now what?”
“Can I kiss you again?” We both laughed and as we collided it’s almost as if rain was waiting on its cue from us. It stopped.
I wonder what is in store for us now.
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moristarcake · 3 years
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Biff Tannen x Reader: Chapter Two
There was a terrible screech and a barrage of offending neon colors before the DeLorean lurched to a stop. The momentum threw (Y/N)’s head into the steering wheel with their nose taking the brunt of it. Screaming, they shot their hands up to shield their face, albeit a little too late.
Warm blood rolled down their lips and off of their chin, and a throbbing pain seared through the bridge of their nose. The smell of burnt rubber, iron, and a strange chemical odor flooded the car, making an already terrible situation seemingly worse.
Dizzy, (Y/N) moved their hands away from their face slowly, half expecting to be dead.
Instead what greeted them was a familiar road. A road they’ve walked down plenty of times. But while it was supposed to be a sunny, warm day, it was now a dark downpour that flooded the asphalt and neatly kept lawns of a nearby neighborhood. Streetlights were lit down the sidewalks for as far as the eye could see, allowing some illumination in the night.
Shakily, (Y/N) moved to open the DeLorean’s door and step out, making sure to grab their backpack before exiting the car fully. Rain immediately soaked through their clothes as they started their walk at a brisk pace in a random direction.
Panic scrambled their brain and threatened to consume their nerves. Trying to keep calm, they hugged their backpack close and kept their eyes on their feet as they picked up their pace.
(Y/N) had no clue where they were headed, but they did know they wanted to be as far away from that DeLorean as possible.
“What the hell happened?” They muttered to themself, “did I pass out when I got in the car? Or get into a wreck? Do I need to find a hospital?” Their breath hitched in their throat and the smell of the blood dripping from their nose making them nauseous. “Shit, shit, shit!”
(Y/N) started to stumble into the road, losing control over their legs. Tears threatened to spill over as more panic set in, and the edge of their vision was growing fuzzy and black.
A blinding light cut through the black along with the sound of screeching tires. (Y/N) snapped their attention forward to see a car stalling mere inches from them, rocking back on its wheels.
“Christ, what the fuck are you doing?” An angry voice shouted from the driver’s side. (Y/N) just stared into the white headlights, trembling like a deer unable to move. The sound of a car door slamming shut startled them enough to look toward it, and a tall man emerged into view.
He was fuming, maintaining a threatening posture as he approached. “Are you deaf or something? I said...” His voice faltered when he came close, probably from seeing the blood caked onto (Y/N)’s terrified face. He still looked upset, but he stopped in his tracks.
“I didn’t hit you, did I?” The man asked, not sounding particularly concerned, just confused. (Y/N) stared with large eyes and clutched their backpack, not saying a word but shaking so hard you’d think they were staring at a monster.
There was a long silence before the man scoffed and turned, going back to his car.
“Wait,” (Y/N) called softly, “can I-can I get a ride? I don’t know where I am. I-I need help.” The man stopped and turned around, staring at them and considering it a moment. Then after what seemed like a century he let out an exaggerated sigh and motioned for them to get into the car.
(Y/N) scrambled forward and slid into the passenger side, letting the warmth of the car’s heating flood over them. Fresh blood from their nose decided to drip into their lap and they cupped a hand over their nose, muttering an apology to the man who now was in the car with them.
There was a rustling and some things opening and closing before tissues appeared in front of their face. Taking them, (Y/N) wiped their nose and looked over to the man. Now in the soft light of the car, they could see his features more clearly. He was quite attractive, with pretty blue eyes.
He glanced at them from the side of his eye, still looking disgruntled but a little less hostile. “Got a name?” He asked.
“(Y/N).” They replied, “thank you for doing this. I’m sorry for getting your car wet.”
He looked a bit flustered at the sudden kindness, “it’s fine, I guess.” He gazed at (Y/N)’s face for a moment. “What happened to ya’?”
(Y/N) scrambled for an explanation and brilliantly landed on, “car accident.” When the man looked startled they quickly added, “i-it wasn’t a bad one. I’m fine.” He gave them a weird look but eventually turned forward and started up the car.
“What’s your name?” (Y/N) asked, feeling a little more at ease with another person’s company-even if they were a stranger.
“Biff?” (Y/N) snorted, laughing a little.
Biff reared up, furrowing his eyebrows and leaning over them angrily, “what? Is my name funny to you?”
“A little.” (Y/N) stifled their giggles, unfazed by the giant man glowering over them. “Is that your real name or a nickname?”
Biff looked completely flabbergasted, “it’s my real name, butthead!”
“Butthead? Who says that? And oh my god, your face is so red!” (Y/N) erupted into laughter as Biff practically vibrated in his seat.
“I’m the one giving you a ride, don’t laugh at me!” Biff clutched the headrest next to them, his fingers digging into the leather.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” (Y/N) breathed, “I just-I’m having a weird day. I’m happy someone’s here with me.” They cocked their head up took look him in the eye. “Biff’s a good name. Just oddly cute for a guy as big as you.”
His body went rigid. Biff didn’t really know what to say. He almost hit this strange, bloody person in the middle of the road, and now they’re in his car making fun of his name. And the way they bantered with him made him feel... weird.
“You’re a really weird bastard.” Was all Biff could grumble before he turned back to the steering wheel, and pressed on the gas.
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Summer of Whump #28: Display
So I know this is early, but I am posting the posts with tagged people because my phone is a brat when it comes to tagging and the queue.
Based on this prompt by @amethystpath-writes
“You know, as much as you like to show me off to your little villainous buddies, I don’t feel persuaded enough that you don’t want them all to think you picked me off the streets. I mean, come on. I haven’t seen a hairbrush in days- I’m starting to get dreadlocks. Is that what you want? You want your trophy to have dreadlocks? I mean, I think they’re great on some people, but I’m not crazy about the idea of them on my own head, and I’m not sure that’s what you want either. Ow! It is not nice to throw objects at people!”
“Just shut up, and brush your hair.”
“You know what, I don’t even want to brush it anymore, not if you’re going to be rude about it...butthead.”
"Me?!" Supervillain yelled as he grabbed the clattered hairbrush with way too much effort than what was necessary. Villain raised her eyebrows and regarded Supervillain's attitude with a humorous expression.
"Dang you needed loads of momentum to pick up a two ounce hairbrush," Villain laughed and leaned back comfortably on the chair she was tied to. "I guess big muscle-man isn't has strong as he proclaims himself to be. But hey, don't let me bust your bubble."
Supervillain hurtled the hairbrush again. This time smacking it so hard against the wall that it broke into two pieces. Villain lurched forward in mock excitement.
"And- whoa! Did anyone see that? Supervillain wins another round, of, uh, hairbrush-ball." She smiles, white and flashy.
"Shut up!" Supervillain growled and picked the hairbrush up, carefully this time so that Villain wouldn't comment. But, of course, being her, she did.
"My oh my," she sang. "Scared you're gonna break it again, muscles?" She laughed, "Pathetic."
"You're pathetic," Supervillain stalked over waving the brush in Villain's face. She scrunched her nose and leaned back.
"I really don't want-" Villain was cut off by a smacking sound and a sting in her cheek. "What the heck!" She yelled, half-standing up in the chair. All while glaring daggers at Supervillain and his weapon.
"You don't hit," her angry tone was quickly replaced, however, with her usual carefree voice as she mocked, "Butthead."
Supervillain lunged forward, grabbing Villain's hair.
"Owowowowow," she said so quickly that it sounded animated. "Those dreadlocks hurt, ya know."
"Ya, I know," Supervillain mimicked Villain and let her go.
"Shut up."
"I was just gonna say thank you, but your ungrateful bratty selt can't even allow poor, innocent me to be appreciative. No wonder your girlfriend left you. I mean, I would too if my boyfriend was an incapable mutt that threw his fat self around. Oh sorry, muscles, I didn't mean to hurt your little feelings, but it is the truth and sooner or later, you would've found out and spiraled into a rage of murderous desperation to prove your chubby self. I am so happy that I helped you down that road my guy, so why don't you just let me go and we live our lives like normal citizens. Excpet for you, of course, because you are just too dumb for anything."
Supervillain was staring at her with his mouth slightly open, too dumbfounded to speak.
Villain chewed like a cow chewing its cud as she looked childish up at Supervillain, slightly raising one eyebrow as she egged him on to say something. To retort, or snap, or hit her again, but the supervillain just stood there.
"Need something? Because I'm sure I can help you with your moral dilemma of whether you should be dumb or stupid for the day," She cocked her head as if she was deep in thought, but the twinkle in her eyes suggested otherwise.
"You know what you ungrateful piece of-"
"Shh!" Villain interrupted. "No swearing darling."
"Ugh!" Supervillain started smacking the hairbrush harmlessly in the air, making a whipping sound.
"I don't think you are gonna get far by waving that in the air like a toddler."
Supervillain smacked the bristles into Villain's hair and pulled.
"Ow! You are gonna need some detangler for that."
Supervillain didn't answer.
"Or some water, water will work," Villain continued and shrugged.
"You are practically asking for a full shower. No. Now brush up."
"Can't when my dear wrist are tied up," Villain gave Supervillain a pouty face.
Supervillain's brow crinkled as he uncuffed Villain. She rubbed her tender wrists gently.
"Now's a perfect time to be appreciative."
"You are so right. Thank you," Villain smiled, wide and white.
"You have ten seconds." Apparently, that was Supervillain's way of saying "you're welcome".
"I cannot work with that," Villain pointed out and she went to work on the knots, gingerly brushing them out. Sometimes she would get frustrated and uselessly whip at them with a disgusted snarl on her face.
"Eight... nine... okay let's go," Supervillain grabbed Villain's bicep and yanked her off the chair.
"Watch i- oh do you like my muscles," Villain took her free arm and pushed it infront of Supervillain's face, flexing.
Supervillain looked at the well-formed muscle and tried not to lie. Villain was fit, very fit indeed, but Supervillain wouldn't give her that satisfaction.
"No," he said and continued pulling his captive. Villain blew the hair out of her face. "Rude," she pouted. "Where are we going?"
"In public," came the brisk reply.
"Public? Oh, wait- nonononono," Villain, who was formerly just hanging around limply, suddenly tensed and shoved her heels into the ground.
"I am not gonna go into public without showering. I smell disgusting after not showering for days. You probably don't realize because you smell the same- a mixture of rotten bananas and sour milk, but those guys out there will," Villain extended a palm facing upwards with a shrug like she just handed Supervillain something. "It's for your own good, dearie."
"Ugh fine," Supervillain spun Villain around and smacked the hairbrush into her hands. He pointed to the hallway, "Second door to your right. If you try to escape, I swear- oh I swear on my life- I will burn down all the hairbush manufacturers in the world, so that you are stuck with dealing with those dreaded dreadlocks."
"Pun intended?"
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Our Secrets, Pt. 3
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: None this chapter, mainly annoyed Bucky and fluff!
A/N: This is the follow up to my No Secrets series.
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You waited, outwardly looking patient, as Senator Joseph Tucker read the report provided by Bruce. Internally, you were rolling your eyes so far back into your head you could see your brain. It didn’t help that Bucky kept up an angry internal monologue that only you could hear.
‘If this pencil-neck little fucker thinks he can bench our girl, I’ll be teachin’ him different. Start with the fingers fiddling with that pen. Break each bone, one at a time. Every one of his fingers. Bet he cries like a baby. Pretty sure I can get him to piss himself by the time I got to his thumb.’
You closed your eyes and sighed.
‘She’s probably tired.’ Steve’s concern reached you. ‘I should stop this.’
Bucky knew better. ‘That was probably for me. Shit. Sorry, Doll. Just want to break his face.’
“Are we almost done here?” Steve asked.
“You’re welcome to leave whenever you wish, Captain.” Tucker didn’t even look up from the papers.
“How about food?” You piped in. “Are you hungry? We’ve got chicken fingers.”
Bucky snorted and turned away. This caused the Congressman to look up, scowling.
You smiled sweetly. “Or sandwiches?”
“No. Thank you.”
“It’s been a while since we’ve eaten. Do you care if I call in food?” You picked up your phone. “Or will we be wrapping up sooner than that?”
“I’m just asking because Bucky gets a little hangry.” As if on cue, he practically growled.
Tucker set down the papers. “According to Dr. Banner’s tests there’s still a measurable change in your neurological readings.”
“It’s inconsequential.” Banner spoke up. “Completely within normal ranges.”
“But it is more than her baseline.”
“Brain chemistry is not a zero-sum science. She’s within a normal range. This may be her new baseline.”
“Why do you not specify what triggered the telepathy in your report? You have the remnants of the device.” Tucker flipped through the papers some more.
‘He wants to duplicate it.’ Steve observed.
“Because we don’t know. There are too many factors. The simulations failed.” Banner provided.
“I don’t see any tests involving Miss Y/L/N. Only passive readings and blood tests.”
“I didn’t consent.” Your voice hardened.
“Was that necessary?” Tucker turned to Banner. “You had her unconscious for several days.”
‘Fucker.’ Bucky’s voice growled in your head.
“Yes, Senator, it’s still required to get an American citizen’s consent before running scientific experiments on them.” Steve snipped. “Or has there’s been an amendment passed that I missed?”
“What proof do we have that she’s no longer experiencing telepathic abilities?” He closed the folder and looked at Steve coldly. “How are we to know she’s not going to eaves drop on classified information?”
“The test indicate that her brain chemistry has returned to normal, and she says she’s not hearing us anymore.” Banner was losing his temper. “We’ve been over this a dozen times.”
“And we’re just supposed to believe her?” Tucker leaned back in his chair.
‘Let me kill him. Come on, Doll, they’ll never find the body.’
“That’s enough.” Steve snapped. “You’ve got everything you need. We’re putting her back on duty.”
“Is that so?” Tucker snapped back.
“Yeah.” You pushed your chair back and stood up. “Believe it or not, Senator, I actually know my rights in this scenario. I’ve had plenty of time to work with Stark’s best attorneys to figure out my options whether or not the telepathy went away. This meeting is a courtesy, not a requirement. I’ve been patient, but now I’m tired and hungry and you’re being rude. So, we’re done.”
‘Damn straight, Doll.’
‘Argue with her, asshole.’ Steve thought. ‘I dare you. I’ll throw you out on your ass faster than you can blink.’
“You’ll get my summary response in short order.” Tucker snapped as Steve, Bucky and Bruce stood.
“Can you find your way out, or would like me to show you to the door?” Steve gave a cold smile.
You didn’t wait to hear the answer, and just left. Bucky followed close on your heels. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, and he chuckled. “Chicken fingers?”
“I think I was very well behaved.” You giggled.
“Should have let break him.” Bucky whispered.
“You would have to beat me to him.” Steve’s voice mumble behind you. “What a jerk.”
The three of you made it back to the common rooms in the living quarters. Tony and Clint sat munching away at a huge plate of nachos. Sam was on the sofa, pillows tucked around him. A rugby match played on the television. You’d missed the simple things like this.  
“Hey! There she is.” Sam called out, voice a little slurred from the pain killers. He didn’t look that bad, but you knew he had a lot of healing up to do after his surgery. “Come here and give me some love.”
“Sam, I’ve missed you.” You leaned over and kissed his cheek before kneeling down beside him. “How you doing?”
“Stoned.” He giggled.
“He just took another dose.” Clint said through a half mouth of food.
Sam was making a funny face, having you ask. “What?”
“You really don’t know?”
“I really don’t know.”
“Oh good.” He took your hand in his. “I can go back to thinking naughty thoughts about that fine ass of yours.”
‘Hey!’ Bucky glared.
‘What?!’ Steve’s eyes snapped up from the tv.
You laughed. “You do that, Falcon. Just don’t tell my boys about it.”
“Riiiigghhhtt.” He nodded. “Don’t piss off the super soldiers. Got it.”
Steve chuckled at that. “Are you hungry, love?”
Tony snickered. “Love. That’s adorable.” Bucky smacked him on the back of the head. “Ow!”
Clint laughed.
Steve grinned like a fool as he disappeared into the kitchen. He returned with a beer for you and Bucky, and a platter of food. You settled on the floor next to Sam. Buck and Steve took the chairs across from you. As you popped a piece of cheese in your mouth, Sam petted your hair. “Good to see you happy, kid.”
“He’s so wasted.” You grinned at Steve before turning back and looking at Sam. “Good to see you breathing, butthead.”
“Yeah.” He smiled. “Hey. Who’s a butthead?”
The six of you ate and drank and caught up for another hour before you stood up and stretched. Bucky stood up too. “You as tired as I am?”
“Yeah.” A great yawn overtook you. “I’m heading to bed. Goodnight guys.”
Bucky just followed you out of the room. Steve however was having a moment. ‘Should I go too? I should. I should say something to Tony. Say what? Fuck. Now it’ll look like I’m running after them.’
You stopped before you entered your room. Bucky practically bumped into your back. You called out. “Steve! Where’d you put my purple bag?! It’s got my toothbrush in it!”
“Let me show you!” Steve jumped up and jogged toward you. Around the corner, he found you smirking. He turned pink. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” You pushed up on your toes as he leaned forward to gently kiss your lips.
Bucky was already stretched out on your bed when you closed and locked the door. “These beds are way smaller than the one at the cabin.”
“That was a king size.” Steve commented. “Get your shoes off the bed.”
‘Mmm’ Bucky thought, ‘Nope, I want this pillow.’
You heard the double thunk-thuck of Bucky kicking off his shoes as you dug into one of your suitcases. Steve moved around in the bathroom and you heard him brushing his teeth. Suddenly the total normalcy of the moment hit you, the sense of complete domestic contentment.
Not so long ago the solitude of your suite was a sanctuary your defended vehemently. You’d always worn your independence like a badge of honor. Now, you felt more at home, happier, than ever before with Steve and Bucky filling up your space. They belonged here. Or you belonged wherever they were.
The immensity of it overtook you. You needed this. Needed them. You would never survive going back. They had you, completely. 
“Doll?” Bucky’s soft voice pulled your attention to him. “What’s wrong?”
Steve knelt beside you, the smell of mint on his breath. His thumb wiped a tear from the corner of your eye. “What is it?”
You smiled, shaking your head. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just happy to be home, happy we’re together.”
Bucky’s arms wrapped around you and lifted you in the air. He fell back on the bed with a playful ‘ouff’. He wrapped around you. “Good. ‘Cause you’re not getting rid of us.”
You laughed. Steve climbed on the bed, his fingers finding your ticklish spots. His smile glowing at your peals of laughter. You wriggled, but Bucky held you tight. “Nope! You’re ours. No getting away.”
“Stop!” You squealed. “Okay. Okay. I’m yours!”
‘Damn straight, Doll.’
‘Love you so much.’
Steve relented, lying beside you with bright eyes. You pulled Bucky’s arm tighter around your middle and touched Steve’s face. “Never imagined anything this good. Not ever.”
“Me neither.” Bucky’s face nuzzled your hair.
Steve leaned into your shoulder. “Better that I ever thought possible.”
You yawned again. Steve sat up and Bucky pulled away. You whined.
“None of that.” Bucky chuckled. He tugged at your top. “Let’s get undressed and ready for bed.”
“Oh yeah?” You grinned.
Steve kissed your neck. “In the morning, Love. You’ve had a full day and we can see how exhausted you are.”
“But I’m…” a yawn broke through. “Okay, I am that tired.”
Bucky pulled your shirt over your head. “Like Stevie said, in the morning.”
‘We’ll make you scream so loud you wake the whole compound.’ Bucky smirked.
You fell asleep with your head on Steve’s chest, listening to his heart. Bucky’s left arm was draped over your body with his hand resting on Steve’s ribs, with his legs wound in yours. You couldn’t move, hot and pinned down. It felt like heaven.
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devilbat · 4 years
Quarantine Online
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A/N: sorry I have been MIA for months now. A lot has going on in my life and Depression sucks, making it hard to write, so forgive me.
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: Just fluff
Summery: dating is hard it's even harder when a Pandemic happens.. 
     The picture you stared at only showed a well-toned lean body in a well-tailored suit. Most of the photographs showed the same, never his face. His name was Tom 39 years old, living in London. Though he dose travels a lot for work. Shakespeare fanatic, runner, enjoys cooking, long walks with his dog when he's not running and lots and lots of dancing. Six foot one, six foot two on a good day. Who was testing the waters out there, but will be the perfect gentleman and very respectful.
        His profile stated as you looked through it. He had messaged you right as you thought about giving up once again. Everyone on these dating apps only wanted one of two things. Nudes or sex nothing more. No connection, no relationship, not even a friendship. Sure, you were offered friends with benefits.
That was something you were not looking for. Did it not state in your profile that you weren't going to do any of that. Do men even read?
       The few dates you have gone on all ended up a bust. Then the quarantine happened right as you were getting yourself out there. So it was conversations via text. But soon you were ghosted far too many times because you wouldn't send nude.
        You were all about to shut down your account when this man named Thomas H. sent you a message. You weren't even sure why you click on the email from this man without a face. Here you were reading what he had to say.
           My name is Thomas, but naturally, I go by Tom. I'm sure you might not even respond to this as there is no face to this profile. With my job and for my privacy would be one of many reasons why. But I thought I might give it a shot. And I have to say I'm quite mesmerized by your beauty. You are quite lovely, and I'm sure you get that a lot. But I genuinely mean it. I was a bit fascinated by your profile as I read it, might have had chucked at a few bits of it. I would like to know more about you.
       Like what type of nerd are you? Marvel or DC?
Star Wars or Star Trek? And of course, I'll answer any questions you might have for me. As well I would not ask for any pictures of you clothed or nude as I would like to get to know you as I'm hoping you wouldn't mind getting to know me without the nudes as you put it. Ehehe.
     I genuinely hope to hear from you. But understand if I don't.
Sincerely, Tom.
    Ps, I do hope this quarantine hasn't made you gone completely bonkers.
       Usually, you wouldn't have responded, but something about him told you not to pass this up. What was the worst that could happen that already hasn't happened on an online dating app? Well, there was always the fact he could be a serial killer.
       Hello Tom,
    You may have messaged me in time I was about to give up on this site and return to my habit.  Marvel all the way. I would hope you would agree or we can't continue talking. Though, I can't deny that DC needs to just stop with Batman movies. The should have stopped before George Clooney. Though I will give Christian Bale props, he did a better job than Clooney.
         As for Star Wars and Star Trek? That is a tough one, so I'm just going to say both are good. But let's face it. Captain Kirk is the better star fleet Captain. Sure Picard is excellent as well. But anyone after them just doesn't do it for me. Ha ha..
     And it's all about Baby Yoda. If you are not a baby Yoda fan, you're just wrong. Yes, I'm one of "those" girls.
Coffee or Energy drinks? I would say I dabbled in both. Pancakes or waffles? Yes, there is a difference. I'm a waffle girl myself. Well, that is all I can think of right now.
You hit send before setting your phone down on the table next to you as you yawned. Maybe it was an early bedtime, not like you had anything better to do. You puddled around your usual routine before bed. A loud ding brought you back to your phone.
"That was quick." Recognizing the chim of the app all too well. Grebing your phone, forgetting your face cream as you were curious about what he had to say—settling into bed, getting comfortable before you opened your phone.
I'm delighted to hear from you. If I'm quite bold, and for starters, its tea for me. With two sugars and a splash of cream. As for waffles or pancakes, I'm French toast kind of man, duh. Lol. Though you can't beat a good old fashion English Breakfast and a side of Earl gray. Eheh.
I'm quite a fan of marvel though it is a rather vast universe. What movies/comics praytell do you prefer?
Sorry love to disappoint, but I'm going to say Doctor Who I am British. The tenth and the eleventh doctor. I do hope you've seen the show. I used to watch the reruns of the original with my father when I was a young wide eye lad. I am a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. And there is nothing wrong with liking a baby Yoda. He is exceedingly loveable.
          It says your new to England, where are you from originally? How long have you've been here? Seen any of the sights England has to offer?
       That's all for now.
Sincerely, Tom.
          Emails went on for weeks talking back and forth first on the dating app than via text. You were the one to leap by giving him your number. After hitting send your phone vibrated with a text.
         Unknown number: Hello love, this is Tom. I'm delighted to receive your text.
        More weeks had passed. Still, you had yet to see his face though he did send you photos of random things during the day. You did the same as your toes sticking out from the bubble bath. Then you got a text of his toes sticking out from under the blankets. The two of you would watch a movie together. The quarantine was still in effect. Each of you would pick a film out every other weekend and sit back and watch it—text throughout the movie.
          Y/n: Omg did she just run up the stairs like a dumb big boobed bimbo!!! She makes the rest of us look bad.
Tom: Eheh, you said it darling, not me. Though I think she might survive this.
Y/n: Wanna make a beat? I think she will die within the next few minutes.
Tom: Oh, it's on. Now, what do I get if I win?
Y/n: Whatever it is you want cause mister you are going to lose.
You both patiently wanted to see what happens next. The movie ended, and you waited in annoyance for Tom to respond to gloat about being right. And to see what he desired for his spoils of war.
Tom: Well, Love, it looks like I have won this round.
Y/n: It seems you have butthead. What is it that the winner wishes for?
Tom: Did you just call me a butthead? Eheh. Hmm, let's see. How about a Skype date? I figured it was about time to reveal myself.
Y/n: Tom, I just meet you. I'm not sure I'm ready to see your eggplant. Haha.
Tom: I probably should have rephrased that better. My face love, my face. Eheh. Tomorrow at 7 pm?
Nervous was an understatement. You had cleaned your whole flat even if you were going to stay on the couch, laptop resting on a large pillow setting on your coffee table. You sat playing with your hair, unsure if you wanted it up or down. A chim from your computer startled you from straightening out your dress you finally had settled on. Soon a well-tailored suited chest came on screen.
       "Hold on, darling, trying to adjust this blood screen." The deep British, very attractive yet somehow familiar voice rang through the computer speakers. You only assumed it belongs to Tom.
           You watched the man attempting to fiddle with the view, cursing ever so quietly. Making you giggle relaxing a little bit more. Your laughing came to an abrupt halt when Tom's face came into Focus. Your jaw dropped. And now the unmistakable "ehehe" came in to play as you stared at none other the most eligible bachelor in England none other than loki himself Tom Hiddleston.
           "Darling, I think your drooling." Tom teased point to the side of his clean, shaved face. Tom fidgeted with his now raven-colored hair.
          "Oh, I-I," You stammered out, trying to compose yourself.
           "Didn't see this coming did you?" Tom smiled, wetting his lips with that blasted tongue of his.
           "Well, no. I wasn't expecting Tom
           "Is that a bad thing?" Tom spoke up.
           "Oh, no, no. I would be an idiot to say it was. Hey, wait a minute. I've told you that, that, that. Shit." You muttered.
          "That I was your hall pass if given a chance. Eheh. Well, it looks like you'll have had wasted your hall pass privileges. You only get one and can't use it on someone if you are already seeing them."
        "You know, sir, you are still a butthead." You stuck out your tongue at the man.
        "You do like calling me that. Why are you calling me a butthead this time?" Tom grinned.
              Your time with Tom was extraordinary, the two of you talked throughout most of the night. He told you things you never knew about the actor every woman pined over. Here you were, the one woman out of a billion he seems to fancy.
           "Well, love." Tom cooed as he watched you try not to nod off to sleep. "I should let you sleep."
         "I'm sorry." You muttered sleepily.
          "Do not apologize, my dear. I should be the one to apologize I've kept you up most of the night.” Tom smiled softly. He watched as you rub your eyes, a shy smile softly graced your lips. Making Tom’s heart flutter.
”Perhaps, my dear, would you like to meet for coffee at the cafe that opened back up?” Tom hummed in high hopes.
”Hmm, I don't know.” You smiled, trying hard to look like you were contemplating though you were going to say yes. To hell with this virus, it was Tom Hiddleston asking you to coffee.
”I mean, I'll wear a mask and stay six feet if needed.” Tom added quickly.
”No, no, there is no need for that. I don't mind unless you feel like it's needed.” You pipped up—Tom grind like a fool shaking his head no.
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