#the edible has hit goodnight
dykeonysus · 1 year
Honestly I enjoy the jjba dub but I REALLY appreciate the part 5 dub actors for being able to shout the stupidest names in the most serious voices ever. ”Lil bomber” this and “Zipper man” that. “Emperor Crimson.” It’s great. Good on em.
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theangelcollective · 2 years
november 22nd, 2022 // day 10
nothing incredibly notable today, and that’s good. boring, normal days are good. woke up early and played some games with friends, went to class, then showered and got some life work stuff out of the way.
got dinner with the girl from stats, and then watched chainsaw man with my boyfriend! he’s the utter love of my life, i could write endlessly about him if given the chance.
he has, in entirety, changed my life. i met him right after i moved out, and i was terrified. no comfort around others, just starting hrt, just getting out of an abusive hell hole, and i met him. he’s kept me grounded, kept me safe, and backed me off of ledges a million times over. he taught me how a healthy, welcoming love should feel. he’s made me feel happier with myself, with others, just.. fuck. i love him. i love him. i cant wait to marry him. i love him. i love him so much and he makes me so so happy.
my weed use has dropped off harshly. it’s been really good progress over the past few days. i’ve gone from needing like 35+ hits off a pen, a bowl out of a bong, and some edibles to sleep to like.. 8ish hits off a pen. im just slowly decreasing the amount i use day by day, until it gets so low i can go without.
im really proud of the progress im making. im feeling normal again, connected again, grounded again.. i love it. this feels so much better. the withdrawal effects suck, but honestly the strength i was given from quitting nicotine far outweighs any struggles from thc.
pretty tired. going to try to lay down. tomorrow is going to be busy, but hoping it’s smooth at least.
goodnight, everyone. sleep safe <3
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aarons-main-blog · 3 years
I changed my mind, and decided to que this up immediately after posting the first one. I won't be home when you see this because I'm attending a funeral, but tell me what you think of it and I will see you when I get home!
Note: this was made on Google docs mobile, so when I get a chance I will actually use tab instead of just paragraphs.
"Wars, you said you knew the area!"
"I thought I did, but this is sure as hell not the same way I remember! Those ruins we passed back there? Those are completely new to me! This forest? I don't even recognize half of these plants! We should have reached a town hours ago!"
"Hey, stop fighting, you two, or-"
The group Link had been following for the last few hours came to a halt as the one with pink-tipped hair argued with the one with a blue scarf. He couldn't tell if they were a threat yet, they just seemed like lost travelers. Then again, that was the main way the Yiga clan tried to trick him. 
Pinky and Wars kept arguing, until finally the smallest one in rainbow colors seemed to snap. "How about we admit it. We are lost, and just happened to find something that reminded Wars of home. It was NOONE's fault, because we ignored the obvious signs something was wrong. Now, we are lost in the middle of a forest, and unless you have an idea of what we should do, then SHUT UP!"
The group all seemed shocked by his outburst, Link and the rainbow included, and once they all seemed to get over it, the kid apologized. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell."
The oldest one, probably the leader, said, "No, it's ok. Today has been a long day, and everyone seems on edge. Perhaps we should set up camp early, does that sound good to everyone?"
The group nodded collectively, and started to set up in the clearing that could barely fit all of them. The one in a green tunic and no pants volunteered for the night's first watch, and while it wouldn't be for a while, they seemed relaxed a bit more by the fact someone was willing to do it. 
Link, who had been hiding a good distance away from them, stood up. He got a stealth potion that would last him a few hours at least ready, then decided he would investigate that night.
As the sun set, an awful smell enveloped the forest. "Legend, what did you do?!"
"I don't know! It was fine a minute ago!"
"It's smoking! How did you burn SOUP of all things?!"
"I didn't burn it, it just got too hot!"
"Because you ****ed up, Legend! That's literally how things burn up!"
"Wind, watch your mouth."
Link had just come back from following the path the group of strangers had taken, looking to see if they dropped anything interesting, when he heard the commotion. It smelled like burning hair or that one shrine he had found with the awful cook. Maybe they were cousins? 
As Link got closer to get a better look, he saw four people standing around a large cooking pot with a brown/green liquid with chunks in it. Pathetic. Are all of them as bad cooks as that one? Link was amazed they had survived however long they had been traveling. 
Pinkey poked the 'soup' with a wooden ladle. "It's still edible, look, the vegetables seem cooked enough."
 "With all due respect, I don't know if I would want to eat that," the kid in a blue shirt said with a grimace. "I don't know if anyone else would either."
The old one took the ladle and used it to try a small sip of what they were calling a soup, and his face scrunched up immediately. 
"Uh, Time?" The blue kid tapped the man's shoulder. 
The man swallowed the drink, coughed, then said, "It is… certainly better than last time."
A few of the others gave their opinions, from encouraging to neutral, before deciding it was better than nothing. 
None of them looked that happy about it.
After what theoretically could have been called dinner, the one in the green tunic, which Link had identified as being named "Hyrule," started circling around the camp, gradually making them larger and larger before returning close and starting again. Near the middle of the third round, Link drank his stealth potion and snuck into the campsite. 
There was a young adult in tan with a tall belt, there was a boy in blue(wind), there was a kid in rainbow, there was a young adult with a wolf pelt on his shoulders, still on in his sleep for some reason, there was one in red with pink hair tips(legend), and then there was the leader. Link got a good look at him. He had a fancy set of armour, a big sword, a bad eye, but the strangest thing was he had familiar markings covering his face. They were almost the same… 
As the ones Link saw in nearly every mirror, looking right back at himself. 
Link turned towards the voice to see the one called Hyrule looking at him. He had to play this right. "Yes?"
"Oh, thank the goddess. What are you up to?"
"I couldn't sleep, so I was going to see if you wanted off early." This was dangerous. If he realized the real Time was sleeping soundly next to him, he would wake up all the others, and then he'd have eight grumpy travelers armed to the teeth on his trail in seconds. 
"You sure that's ok with you?"
"Yes, get some rest."
"Thanks, Time," the boy said with a smile. "I will."
Link somewhat directed Hyrule towards the opposite side of where Time was. He was extremely lucky the fire was ruining the boy's night vision. 
Link stopped and turned his head a bit. "Yeah?"
There was a pause. "Thank you for being here for us."
Link smiled. "You don't have to mention it," mimicking the somewhat fancy way he had heard Time use words. "Goodnight."
Hyrule mumbled it back, seemingly exhausted from the travel. 
The next morning, Hyrule woke up feeling well rested. The birds were singing a song only they knew, the trees provided shade from the early morning sun, the wind rustled leaves and bushes softly, and a nice smell emanated from the cooking pot. 
Wait, did someone cook something edible? Hyrule shot up, feeling excited to see what had made someone unlock their inner cook. 
"Hey, mornin, Hyrule!" 
"Goodmorning, Wind! What's cooking?"
Wind was grinning like an idiot. "No idea, but none of us made it, that's for sure! Four woke up and saw it cooking, then woke up the rest of us, except for you and sky. Time says you didn't wake him up for his shift, so we thought you could use some re-"
Hyrule was confused. "Wait, what? Run that by me one more time." 
Wind's grin fell just a little bit, before coming back up. "Four woke up first, saw something was cooking, and woke everyone but you and sky because we thought you must have kept watch the whole night. Is that not what happened?"
"Yeah, Time said he couldn't sleep last night, so he took over the watch early for me."
Time, who had been listening in, said "I think I would know my sleep schedule better than you would. You didn't wake me up last night, and I didn't wake myself up, that's for certain."
"Then who-"
Four hit the pot a few times. "Breakfast is ready, guys!"
The questions could wait. Nobody had had a good meal for at least a week or two, so they were excited to try the mysterious meal.
It. Was. Delicious!
After discussion, it was determined to be a mushroom, meat and rice based meal. The meat used was probably venison, and a high quality type at that. It was served with some mushrooms nobody recognized but everybody loved, and a strange rice they couldn't find an exact comparison of.
Idle conversation was of generally positive things and how beautiful the world was. All of their problems seemed far away, and the day promised to be a great one. As the last of the food was eaten up, and the bowl was starting to be wiped as clean as it would get, Twilight brought up the question on everyone's mind. 
"I wonder who made this for us."
"Maybe it was a ghost!" Wind exclaimed.
"Maybe it was a passing traveler?" Four said at the same time.
Legend laughed. "It was not a ghost, you idiot!"
"You don't know that," Wind huffed. "I met a ghost once, she was nice!"
"You did NOT meet a ghost!"
"Yeah I did!"
"Cut it out you two," Time said with his signature 'stop' look. "Whoever did it, they must have been a nice person. Don't argue about things this good, ok?"
"Ok!" Wind said. Legend just scoffed. 
Nobody noticed the person sitting on top of a tree, fiddling a strange ocarina.
I hope this was ok! I will be the first to admit my writing style isn't the best, but I think this is one of my better works at the moment. Comments and criticism is appreciated, and I may edit this if I find stupid things I want to change/fix. I should be home Friday, probably Thursday afternoon. Anyway, see you next time!
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jaeminzie · 4 years
day ‘n’ nite | l.dh
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↳ lee haechan x gender neutral!reader
synopsis: smoke sesh with the dream 00’ liners led to best friend!hyuck feeling a little overly clingy and you were the only one available to fulfill his cuddling needs
genre: fluff
word count: 1,131
warning: mentions of marijuana
a/n: um i’m currently writing this high after eating some edibles lmfaoo so if this sucks or if it has grammar mistakes then pls excuse that,, i probably won’t post this until tmrw when i’m back to normal so i can edit haha... hopefully this doesn’t suck
updated a/n: okay i’m back, n e ways i recommend listening to day ‘n’ nite by kid cudi while reading bc of the title and it’s a good song hehe (it’s not related to the story at all but yk it’s still a good listen lmao)
‘day ‘n’ nite’ by kid cudi
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“yo you have to inhale it, dumbass.” hyuck snorted after watching a confused jeno take a hit but only to exhale the smoke out of his pink lips right away.
jeno frowned and wailed his arm up in annoyance, “shut up man. it’s my first time.”
“you don’t say,” renjun muttered underneath his breath but you were all seated so close together forming a circle that everyone could hear everything. “pass it.”
jeno scoffed and handed it to jaemin who inhaled a big hit smoothly but then coughs followed a couples seconds later, passing the blunt to his left— donghyuck. “you know what, whose idea was this?” jeno mumbled, bringing his knees up so he could hug them while watching hyuck taking a satisfying hit. his expression was in awe as he wondered how a person can inhale the drug without coughing nor cringing at the heat and smell.
hyuck sighed contently after inhaling the smoke, letting some extra seep out of his body. “mine.” his eyes slowly closed, letting his whole body relax while passing the blunt to you. “we all need to relax for a bit, jeno.” the name of the boy felt harsh when hyuck spoke it.
as hyuck’s best friend, it definitely wasn’t your first time smoking as he’s the biggest stoner in school so your lungs were used to the burn. yet, you weren’t as greedy as jaemin who took a long hit. you inhaled a good amount but enough to save some for another round in the circle. “damn y/n, why so shy all of a sudden?” hyuck nudged your shoulder snickering at you since he’s seen you at your greediest times during these kinds of situation.
laughing softly, “shut up. just tryna save some.”
jeno cleared his throat, “you guys can have it. i��m done.” the rest of you nodded your heads at his statement, not even trying to get him to change his mind which eased jeno.
the roll only lasted two more rounds but it was enough for you all, leaving jeno to take care of your slump bodies laid on the sleeping mat on his living room floor. he mentally thanked his parents for leaving for a business trip during the weekend, or else he’d be a deadman if his parents saw the condition of their living room.
jeno looked down at the four bodies on the floor and cursed at them before leaving to get a blanket then returning to lay on the couch behind the sleeping mat that his pungent friends were relaxing on. renjun, laying on your left, was humming and tapping his fingertips on the carpet as if he was in his own little world. jaemin who was sprawled out on the other side next to hyuck was fast asleep with his mouth wide open. you and hyuck laid still next to each other, staring at the ceiling like it was a television. super entertaining.
it wasn’t long until jeno and renjun joined jaemin in dreamland, filling the room with snores and deep breathing. “can we cuddle?” hyuck turned his body to face you and pleaded with his sparkling red doe eyes. “you’re really warm. i’m cold.” he pouted.
it took some power to not smile at his words and his puppy face so instead, you extended your arms out for him to enter and embrace your body, leaving you to be the big spoon. hyuck immediately went for your neck to snuggle into, his hair strands tickling your skin but you stayed still for the sake of his comfort. you could feel him smile against your skin as he took in your scent and tangled his legs with yours. “you look pretty with red eyes.”
you waited for an insult to come out of him as that was his favorite term of endearment, but he stayed silent. it wasn’t the first time you two have cuddled obviously since your best friends with hyuck who is, if not the most then, one of the clingiest person in the universe. but it is the first time he’s called you pretty without insulting you afterwards. you assumed it was the drug taking over his system so you tried to swat away the butterflies swarming in your stomach over such a small compliment. though, you couldn’t control your heartbeat and your annoying ‘bestie’ seemed to notice.
“do i make you nervous, y/n?” you could just feel his smirk when he began to play with your hair which made your heartbeat race faster. “don’t be.”
“don’t flatter yourself.” your voice was impressively calm unlike your body that was heating up and forming goosebumps. “you’re making me hot.”
he lifted his head out of your neck to hover over your body. “you’re already hot, sweetheart.” you wanted to slap the smirk right off his face but your palms were sweating excessively and you did not want him to know his effect on you.
“i don’t wanna cuddle, you ruined it.”
hyuck laughed above you, but making sure to stay quiet to avoid waking up the others. “too bad.” he flipped your bodies over so you were the one laying on his chest, his arms trapping you to stay on top of him and his hands began to caress your body softly. “just relax, sweetheart.”
your eyebrows quirked at the petname. “dude what are you on?”
“well, i mean, we did just smoke sooo.” he hummed softly while rubbing circles on your heated cheek with his right hand while the other ran through your hair. “but i was being honest earlier when i called you pretty. sober me would’ve agreed.”
“i know i am,” now you began to draw circles on his chest unconsciously.
his small giggling fit caused his chest to vibrate against your cheek. “you should sleep now.”
you hummed in agreement when you felt your eyelids becoming too heavy to hold. “goodnight hyuck.”
“goodnight, my sweet.” his voice was calm and collected, his tone wasn’t teasing unlike earlier. his fingers continued their movements and he began to quietly hum slow melodies making it easier for you to drift off into your sleep. he made sure that you were asleep before placing a kiss on the top of your head, staying there for a while to inhale the mixtured scent of your floral perfume that he gave you as a birthday gift and the blunt from earlier.
hyuck stayed up for nearly the whole night daydreaming of dating his best friend. although it was just in his head, he felt content inside knowing that you probably have spent sleepless nights thinking of him as well— he was correct. he looked down at your sleeping body and listened to the purrs you made in your deep sleep. looking at you made his body relax under you, a smile never leaving his face when your body cuddled closer to him. it’ll be a long night for hyuck, but he definitely did not mind admiring your pretty face until dawn.
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hold-my-hand-kuroo · 4 years
rainy days with seijoh third years
oikawa tooru
He’s the type of guy who invites you over knowing well that it’ll rain later in the day and go, “Oh no. Not a storm. I guess you’ll have to stay here longer.” He doesn’t even try to act as if he’s already had everything planned out and is insistent that you stay the night, even if the rain stops sooner than expected.
He likes the idea of turning off all the lights in his home. It’s dark and cozy, and he’ll even make a pillow fort with all the blankets he has in his home so that you can snuggle with him in comfort.
X-Files is an absolute must. The combination of you in his arms with aliens in the background is far too good to pass off, and while he has an episode playing in the background, he’ll be talking to you about the latest extraterrestrial news. If you take the time respond back with questions, even simple ones like asking about the names of planets, Oikawa will practically glow. It shows him that you’re interested in his nerding out or at the very least, paying attention to his rambling, and not many people can do that.
Kisses are also important. Every few seconds or so, he’ll tilt his head to kiss you lightly on the forehead or cheek. There’s something about being so close to you in such a dark setting that he finds intimate, and if he’s not careful, he’ll definitely fall asleep with an arm over your waist.
He’s not actually afraid of thunder, but whenever there is a loud rumble that shakes the entire building, he’ll pretend to be scared and ask for you to comfort him. This is secret code for Oikawa telling you that he wants to be the little spoon.
Even if you try to leave the fort to get a snack or use the bathroom, he follows you all the way until he can’t. You practically have to drag him wherever you go, because he really won’t let go of your waist.
When he sees that you’re getting a little sleepy, he’ll turn off the TV and take you to bed. If the thunder is too loud for you to fall asleep, he’ll press your head to his chest and hum offkey to help drown out the sounds. And if that doesn’t work, you best believe that you’ll be up all night talking to him about anything and everything.
iwaizumi hajime
He’s the literal epitome of responsibility, so once he hears the first drops of rain pitter-patter against the window, he’s going around the entire house to check if he’s prepared for a storm. If there’s laundry hanging out to dry, he has that taken back inside immediately, asking you to help but only if you’re willing. He’ll triple-check to see if all the windows are closed properly and if he has enough food in the fridge to last the day.
He cooks dinner with you for a multitude of reasons, telling you that it’s the healthier and more economic option that take-out is, but it’s secretly due to the fact that it’s a small taste of a domestic life with you. From the beginning where the two of you are doing simple ingredient prep and brainstorming what you could make from a limited array of resources to the end where you’re playfully splashing water at him while washing the dishes, Iwaizumi enjoys all of it.
Like Oikawa, there are times were he also nerds out, so when everything is said and done with dinner, he has you sit in his lap with two cups of warm tea set aside on the table. He’ll let you pick a book from his shelves, each one being about monsters or mythological creatures, and he’ll read it to you. He’s a lot more animated this way, going on and on about the origins and lore of his favorites while laughing at the ones that remind him of his teammates.
He’s also the early to bed early to rise type of guy, so once the clock hits 11 PM at the latest, he urges you to get ready for bed. If you whine a little bit, he’ll let you stay up for another few minutes, but the two of you are definitely cuddled under the sheets by 11:30. He’s guilty of having his own late nights or even all-nighters, but he won’t let that happen to you when he’s around. Anything less than eight hours of sleep is a failure on Iwaizumi’s part, and he will not let that happen.
He’s absolutely soft for goodnight kisses and will return them back tenfold. When he thinks that you’ve fallen asleep, he takes it as his opportunity to murmur something about how grateful he is to have you and how he’s the luckiest person in the entire world before closing his eyes himself. He’s definitely up first the next morning just watching your peaceful sleeping figure and thinking about how he wants to do this whole sleepover thing every day. Whether you choose to tease him or not is up to you, but he’ll definitely go beet-red if you do.
hanamaki takahiro
He’ll treat a rainy day in like any lazy day at home except with the added bonus that is you. The only down side is that he can’t really go out and buy sweets, so instead, he makes them at home with you. Hanamaki doesn’t really care all that much if they turn out well or not considering that he’s mostly there to tease you a little bit by putting dough or whipped cream on your face when you’re least expecting it. He may be quiet, but that doesn’t make him not a gremlin.
In fact, he prefers if the entire process is chaotic from start to finish so that he can tease you about about how awful the baked goods will turn out. Argue back that things will be okay, and he’ll be ten times more pessimistic. It’s only to make fun of you though. He’d eat anything you made for or with him, and no matter how charred your cookies come our or how much he wonders if he’ll get sent to the ER for consuming non-edible substances, he’ll find a way to choke them all down.
When the two of you are done with baking, it’s an absolute chore to get him to clean up with you. He’ll put up a tough front as you tug and shake at him to get off the couch, but he’s really just putting an act on since he finds it endearing when you’re being pussy and trying to order him around. He’d never leave you alone to clean up his messes, but he sure does work hard at making you believe that. 
He’s not much of a stickler in terms of eating, so take-out is his first pick when it comes to what to do for meals. He’s already cleaned up once and would prefer not to do it again, especially since he’s not that confident in cooking himself and would hate for you to do it alone. It’s just easier for Hanamaki to scroll through a menu with you and wait with you cuddling into his side for the delivery to arrive. 
Hanamaki will never instigate bad ideas, but he’ll never turn them down either, so if you ask him to stay up all night with you because you just can’t sleep with the thunder, he won’t say no. In fact, he’s the one who pulls you to bed just to scroll through Twitter or Instagram with him. He’ll comment once every few posts about how certain videos remind him of you, but he won’t elaborate on why. It’s left ambiguous enough for you to wonder if you’re being insulted, but he’ll clarify later that they were meant as compliments while kissing you all over.
matsukawa issei
Matsukawa’s the only one out of the four to suggest going outside during the rain. It’s not that he particularly likes it, but what he does enjoy is sharing an umbrella with you only to take it away from right over your head so that you get soaked. He does this all while grinning, even when you take the umbrella right out of his hands to splash him with water. It’s not hard to get back at him since he’s not trying very hard to resist.
It’s all part of his master plan to get you in the bathtub with him, and right when you two get back home, he immediately starts running a bath, mumbling something about how he doesn’t want you to catch a cold and that you should get warmed up right away. 
He doesn’t have fancy candles or soaps, but it’s still enjoyable, especially when he offers to help you wash your hair and scrub your back. You want to stay in the tub for a longer time, but Matsukawa hates pruning and drags you back out right when you’ve begun to melt in his arms. You definitely grumble about it, but it only makes him laugh.
He doesn’t seem like it, but he’s actually deathly afraid that you’ll get sick from his little scheme. Regardless of your hair length, he’ll motion you over so that he can dry your hair for you. He tells himself that it’s to ensure that you don’t catch a cold, but he also likes the feeling of his fingers slipping through your locks. He isn’t expecting you to return his favor, but if you do offer to dry his hair for him, he’s over the moon.
Like Hanamaki and Oikawa, Matsukawa isn’t opposed to all-nighters either. In his mind, it’s more bang for his buck since he can spend a longer time talking and joking around with you; however, unlike Hanamaki, he does instigate bad ideas.
It’s 1 AM, and in the middle of playing video games with you, he hears you mention something about wanting coffee. Suddenly, he’s all over his phone, searching for the nearest Starbucks to order from and making sure that there’s extra whipped cream on both of your drinks. The sugar gets him extra giddy. Sure, he’s been laughing all day because of you, but he’ll laugh even louder during the sugar rush.
And when the two of you crash on the floor in his living room? He does his best to make sure that you’re comfortable and positioned nicely against his body before dozing off himself.
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shewillreadyou · 3 years
Me before you: Chapter 5: Love on the Brain
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A/N: This is a TRR AU. Liam is already married, but see’s Riley and wants his cake. Drake takes an interview and surprises Riley. Enjoy!
Disclaimers: Most characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: Language, adult content, sexual content, IF YOU ARE NOT 18 JUST DON’T. 🍋🍋🍋
Word Count: 4849
Catch up: 
Haven’t met you Yet  
For Real 
Excuse me Miss
It’s Getting Late
Prompts: None
Pairings: Drake & Riley
Song inspiration: Love on the Brain- Rihanna
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy.
There was a knock on his door as he moved around his room to pack for his weekend trip. “Come in,” he said with a raspy voice. It was one of the things she liked most about him. She wanted to hurt Liam, she wanted him to feel the way he had made her feel everyday for years, like she wasn’t enough.. When she stepped inside his room she closed and locked the door. She sauntered over to his bedpost where he looked to be packing a bag. “Carsyn, what’s up?”
She felt her nerves gather in the pit of her stomach. She needed to just say it before she lost her nerve. “Drake, you know that I have always had a thing for you.” He stopped what he was doing and looked at her incredulously. “Yeah right, you’re the queen of Cordonia. Why would you ever give me a second glance?” 
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She moved around the post and let her baby blue robe slip off of one of her shoulders. “Why wouldn’t I? You are strong, loyal, brave, smart, and sexy. You seem like a man who has it all figured out.” He laughed humorlessly. “Carsyn, what can I do for you?” he asked. “Right, straight to the point,” she cleared her throat. “Drake, I just want to feel good, desired, like a woman. If you know what I mean.” He didn’t. “What does that have to do with me?” He was oblivious. She let the robe fall to the floor as she stood uncomfortably close to him. She ran her finger down his lips. “Fuck me, Drake.” 
He swallowed thickly as he took a step back. “Carsyn, that will never happen. You are my best friend's wife.” She pulled the ribbon that unlaced the front of her lace teddy exposing her breast. “Come on Drake, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, Liam is a big boy.” She moved closer to him and he rolled over the top of the bed to put some space in between them. “Listen, Car, this is all very flattering. But really, I can’t. I have a girlfriend. I think you should go.” She rounded the bed grasping his strong arms. “All that proves is that you like sistas. What does she have that I don’t?” He couldn’t believe this was happening. He was sure he was being pranked. “Uh, my heart. I’m a one woman man Carsyn.” She pouted. He passed her robe to her and walked over to open his door. “Bye Carsyn.” With an exasperated huff she made her exit. 
     Drake put his ear buds in and closed his eyes. The 747 took off smoothly and before he knew it he was in the air. He was on the way home, to the States, to her. It had only been a few days but he missed her like crazy. He wasn’t ready to show his hand to Liam quite so soon. He had thoroughly impressed Robert from DHS. They called him back the next day. They wanted a second in person interview with him on Friday. After a conversation with Bianca, he agreed to come back under the guise of Bianca being sick. He only packed casual clothes and planned to shop for something to wear to the interview when he arrived. He had told her about the video interview but didn’t mention the in person interview. He wanted to surprise her. They had spoken on the phone, texted, or video call everyday since he’d left. He took a redeye, timing it perfectly so that he could text her to say goodnight right before she laid down. He hoped she wouldn’t get suspicious when he didn’t text her first thing in the morning. 
When he landed he noticed that he had several missed texts from her. 
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He responded while he waited for his Mom. He only ever packs a carry on. He figured he’d be back on a plane for Cordonia by Sunday night. He rolled his luggage to the curb when he saw her blue Chevy Silverado approaching. She would take him back to the ranch and then he would be able to drive into the city to surprise Riley. He was happy to see his Mom. Their relationship had grown so much closer the older he got. She was still the same ole Bianca though, she wanted to know when he would settle down, get married and give her some grandbabies. 
“Mom, you have Bartie. Besides, if Riley and I get married she might not want kids right away. So you are just going to have to be patient.” 
Riley started her day listening to voicemails and checking emails after grabbing her coffee from the coffee shop in the lobby of her office building. She had a couple of conference calls and a marketing meeting about the  new handbag account she was leading. Her morning was routine by all accounts until she returned from the restroom to find an edible arrangement on her desk. 
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She pulled a note from the pick and it read:
But probably not as much as you miss me. I’m pretty fucking amazing.
She smiled from ear to ear as she plucked a pineapple flower from the arrangement. She picked up her phone as she settled into her plush desk chair to text her thanks. This time he responded immediately.  Maybe she was really in her head. Maybe her friends were right. She was really trying to convince herself that they were moving too fast and maybe subconsciously trying to create some space in between them. It would be easier to push him away. It was her most toxic trait. But it was different this time. Being with him felt different. It just felt right. 
He roamed the aisles of Jos A. Banks. It’s where Riley had suggested when he said he needed a new suit. They looked at the website before he had left for Cordonia and she thought that he would look great in a blue suit, so blue it was. Maurice, a clearly fashion forward gentleman helped him and he was able to get rushed alterations. He left the store with a Kenneth Cole navy blue herringbone slim fit suit, white dress shirt and several ties. He knew that the tie could make or break his look. He wasn’t big into image but he knew that it mattered in this circumstance. For some reason he felt lucky around Riley and he thought she should be the one to make the decision about which tie he wore.
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He glanced at the gunmetal fossil watch on his wrist and noticed that he had just enough time to swing by the florist and make it over to her office. He had never gotten her flowers before and wanted these to be special. Maybe moving forward flowers from the supermarket would be acceptable, but not today. She got his edible arrangement earlier today and had sent him a text to say thanks. She didn’t suspect a thing. He’d hoped that she would be as happy to see him as he was to see her. He’d left in such a haste before that it had been constantly on his mind. 
“That will be $124.83,” the bubbly blond squeaked from behind the counter. 
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He quickly paid before retreating to his Jeep. His Mom would have a fit if she knew how much he spent on the same flowers he probably could have gotten for $40 down at the Kroger. He shrugged off the thought as he pulled into traffic. His phone rang and he sent it to voicemail when he saw Bastien’s number. He was off the clock and did not want to concern himself with the crown at the moment. He had 28 minutes before she would be off work. He drove through an automatic car wash before taking a couple minutes to dry him off. Jax. It’s what he called his Jeep. It made him feel connected to his late father. When it was all clean and shiny he hopped in and headed to her office. He had driven by earlier and noticed that her car was parked in front of the building instead of inside the parking structure. This meant that she was running late this morning. He smirked as he maneuvered into the parking space directly in front of the door. He ran his fingers through his chocolate mane, used breath spray and the cologne he stashed in the glove box. He rolled down the window and played Bruno Mar’s, “Just the way you are” on repeat. He walked around to the passenger door to retrieve the roses from the front seat before leaning against the vehicle and waiting for her to appear. 
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He saw her before she saw him. She looked like a goddess. She was wearing a pink 2 piece suit with pink pumps. She was talking to her assistant, Lexi when Lexi spotted Drake. He held the roses up to conceal his face before he thought to himself, “what am I doing? She is going to recognize the Jeep.” Lexi touched Riley’s arm before she motioned to Drake. She froze. He would give anything to know what she was thinking at that moment. He wanted to run to her and gather her in his arms but he decided to play it cool. When she gathered herself she hurried out the revolving doors before pausing. “Couldn’t stay away, huh?” Clearly, she was trying to play it cool too. They both burst out into a fit of laughter. “What can I say? Maybe I missed my girlfriend.” He handed her the roses. Before she could say thank you he tugged her close and took her mouth in a desperate kiss. The roses laid securely in the crook of her arm, her free hand found its way under his shirt. When he broke the kiss she was breathless. When she could speak again she simply said, “my place.”
He walked her to her car and opened the door for her. Once she was inside she rolled the window down. “I’ll beat you there,” he challenged. “You sure?” she smirked and he leaned inside to sweetly kiss her lips. He was sure that the route she took home added a few minutes to her commute. He got to her place before she did. He was waiting at her door when she approached. She bit her bottom lip and looked at him with hooded eyes as she undid the button on her blazer. His length stiffened and his eyes went wide when he realized that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “You know I let you win, right?” He looked around and made sure no one else was watching before he pulled her close attempting to cover her nakedness before he took her keys from her hand and fumbled through opening the door. 
Once inside she jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist. Riley kissed his neck as he panted,”slow down il mio amore. You have me all night. Let me take care of you,” he said as he lifted her petite frame onto her quartz countertop. She shivered, head lolled back with her eyes clenched tightly. Her body quaked when he ran his hands down her legs to remove her strappy heels. He peppered her with kisses from her feet to the inside of her thighs. White heat pooled in her center as she twitched with anticipation. His strong hands flanked her hips, sliding her thong off. He pecked her thigh and looked up at her with a teasing smirk knowing exactly what she wanted him to do. He could feel the heat radiating from her center. He stopped and her eyes sprung open. It was unbelievable how ready she was. They had an undeniable connection. Her body was responding to him like it never had to anyone else.
He slipped her blazer off and tossed it over his shoulder before Riley reached for him pulling his white t-shirt over his head. She drank in his chiseled chest with hooded eyes and began to blush furiously. “What?” Drake said in a low raspy tone. “This is happening.” He smiled at her, “Oh, hell yeah, this is definitely happening,” he said as he kissed from her tummy up to her breast. She ran her fingers through his hair watching for a reaction when he saw the stretch marks on her waist hips and tummy. He didn’t seem to care. He took her stiffened nipple into his mouth. Noticing the apprehension on her face. “What’s up?” he asked before he went back to sucking the other breast. “Nothing, everything is perfect.” He moved back down her stomach as he threw her leg over his shoulder. “Good.”
He spread her thighs and plunged his tongue into her center. “Drake!” she screamed, caught off guard by the sudden movement. “Oh my God!” she belted as his tongue and fingers worked in tandem. “I’m gonna..ohhh shit Drake!” Her voice echoed in the large apartment. “Do it!” He encouraged her. He used his free hand to unbuckle his belt and pants, freeing himself. He stroked himself as his pants slipped around his ankles. He kicked them off as he pulled her to the edge of the counter. “What are you--” she quickly figured it out. He rubbed the head against her entrance and she gasped. “Fuck, go slow,” her suspicions were correct. Not only was it not small but it was easily the biggest she had encountered. 
“Relax, you’re definitely ready.” He wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her before slowly impaling her. He grunted as she stretched around him. He thrust several times before pinning her against the wall. “Raye, we have to change positions. You’re so fucking tight, I’m not going to last.” He walked her over to the living room draping her over the arm of the couch on her side. “I told you it’s been a while.” Drake rested her leg on his torso as he entered her again. She noticed that he was going even deeper in this position and moved up a bit. “Are you scared?” She was. “No,” she lied. “Then, stop running from me,” Drake said gravelly as he picked up speed. “You could have told me you know,” she whimpered as she whined her hips. “Oh, you knew,” he quipped.
He pulled out, “what are you doing?” He easily lifted her body and re-positioned her on the couch. “On your knees,” he demanded. “No, you sit.” He liked that idea even better. He sat on her couch stroking himself as she straddled him. She slowly settled on top, guiding him into her. He hissed when they connected. She began to bounce on his lap and his eyes sparkled as he watched her perfectly perky breast slap against her torso. He took her breast into his mouth as pure pleasure coursed through her body. Their bodies were sticky with sweat and she screeched every time he thrusted roughly into her. They heard a loud thumping on the wall before he placed his hand over her mouth to muffle the screams. She bit his hand, and he pulled it away. “I can be quiet,” she said as electric pleasure shot through her body. “Sure you can.” She began to contract around him as he grabbed her waist to slow the tempo. “Shit, Raye. I’m close.” They finished together with one final scream. They cuddled for a while in silence before Riley spoke. 
“That was...well damn. I’m famished.” She rose, going to the kitchen before tossing him a cold water from the fridge. I took out some chicken but only one breast. Drake joined her approaching from behind opening the freezer to check out their options. “I have shrimp. That thaws quickly.” He snaked his arm around her waist, kissing her neck. “Let me cook. Relax, you worked all day.” She turned to him, noticing that he was erect again. “Are you sure you can cook like this?”  He smirked. She stroked him, he twitched and hardened in her hand before she fell to her knees and took him into her mouth.  
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Drake prepared a decadent pasta dish with shrimp and chicken before they showered and headed to bed. As her head lay upon his chest he ran his fingers through her hair. She listened to his heartbeat and felt comforted by his breathing. “What was that look about earlier?” he asked quietly. She lifted her head to look at him. “What do you mean?” He shifted to look her in the eyes. “You looked nervous. You said everything was perfect but your eyes said something else.” She closed her hazel eyes and took a deep breath. “Yeah, that. So, I know it’s a little late for this, but I forgot to eat my birth control this morning.” He went pale as a ghost. “Jesus fucking Christ, Raye!” She started cackling at his response. “I was joking, I have an IUD. I’m sorry babe, I was trying to lighten the mood.” He exhaled. “You are trying to give me a fucking heart attack.” “Oh, no kids, noted. I looked like that because I used to be a bit bigger than I am now and when I lost the weight… well, I have stretch marks you know. I didn’t know how you would respond.”
 “Il mio amore, I don’t care about that. You are breathtaking. Don’t worry about that. A real man wouldn’t worry about stretch marks, and I absolutely want kids, but after I’m married.” A soft smile spread across her face. “He wants to be married and have kids. Check and check,” she thought to herself. She wanted to ask him about that before but didn’t want to scare him off. She also didn’t want to get into a committed relationship with someone who didn’t want to have children.
“But Raye, while we are communicating there was something I needed to talk to you about. Something happened and I want to be upfront about it.” Her blood ran cold. She leaned back to look him in his eyes. “I’m listening,” she said in a brittle voice. 
He could see the tears forming in her eyes. “Carsyn came to my room to seduce me before I left.” She felt instantly nauseous. Was this all a mistake? Did she just give him her precious gift for him to turn out to be the very thing that made her cautious in the first place? Did he wait until after so that he could score before breaking her heart? Her thoughts raced. She was not even sure she heard the rest of what he said. When she was able to focus again she uttered, “did you sleep with her?” in a defeated voice. “What? Fuck no! Absolutely not. I wouldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t do that to Liam. She’s hurt and lonely and confused.” Riley gasped for air. She didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath. Drake wrapped his strong arms around her, reassuring her that she was safe with him. That he would handle her heart with care. She was relieved. She felt like she could breathe again. 
When she thought about it logically and took the emotions out, she couldn’t imagine that he returned Carsyn’s affections. He didn’t have to tell her. He is not her past. He could be trusted. She quickly went to the kitchen. He sprung from bed following, to find her in the  liquor cabinet where she poured a tumbler full of bourbon. She swallowed it in one gulp. “You ok Raye?” She looked at him thoughtfully, “yes, I just need a moment. But tell me this, is it the first time this has happened? Like has she made a pass at you before?” 
He moved to the couch pulling her into his lap. “No, it’s the one and only time that it’s happened. I shut her down and put her out of my room.” She was quiet for a moment as she twirled his hair around her fingers. “Wait, then why are you here? You never said, did you quit?” her eyes lit up with hope. 
“No, I didn’t quit.” She deflated.  “I have an interview with the Department of Homeland Security in the morning. Actually, I need you to pick my tie. “Drake!!! That’s awesome. Her voice boomed excitedly. There was another thump on the wall. “Fuck off!” Riley yelled. “That’s my girl,” Drake laughed. “What time is your interview?” He stood and pulled his shirt back over his head. “11 am.” He looked around the room. “What are you doing?” Riley asked. “Where are my shoes?”
She lowered her head and bit her bottom lip. “Raye? Do you know where my shoes are?” he asked in a husky tone. She didn’t answer; she smiled at him and nodded her head. He tackled her, pinning her to the couch. “Drake!” she squealed. He nipped at her neck before kissing her sweetly under her ear. “What have you done with my shoes?” he growled.
“Don’t laugh at me. I’m emotional right now. But I hid them. I figured you couldn’t leave me again if you didn’t have shoes.” 
“Il mio amore, you know I have to leave eventually, right? But, also know that I don’t want to leave.”
She pointed to his shoes, they were on the balcony. “I know, but do you have to go right now?” 
“Raye, I was just going down to my truck to get my bag. I’ll stay here with you all weekend if you want.” He untangled himself from her and moved towards the balcony to retrieve his shoes. 
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“Yes please,” she could hardly believe she’d have him all weekend. “I called into work on Monday. So, I have to go in tomorrow. I pushed my Monday meetings until tomorrow. But I can wrap up early. “You don’t have to do that. I am sure I can keep myself busy, I will go see my Mom and maybe take my favorite girl to lunch,” he smirked as he headed out the door. 
She closed her hazel eyes and tilted her head backward and took several cleansing breaths. She’d say a prayer that Drake got the job. She was still getting to know him but she was pretty sure he was it for her. She only hoped he felt the same way. She would have never thought that she would fall so hard and so quickly. But there she was, sitting on the verge of a panic attack at the thought of him leaving again.
He let himself back into the apartment rescuing her from getting lost in her own thoughts. He had his rolling bag, a garment bag and a shopping bag. “There is room in my guest room closet,” she took his rolling bag into her bedroom. “You, uh have a lot of clothes. When I move in you’ll have to make space for me,” he joked. Her heart warmed at the thought and for a moment she wondered how it would be to have him there all the time. “Do I need to try on the whole suit for you to pick the tie?” he yelled from the guest room. She entered the room to find him standing with his belt unbuckled, his jeans hanging low on his waist. She leaned against the door frame admiring him. He turned to her, holding up 5 different ties. “Navy with white diagonal stripes.” she could picture him confidently entering the interview. 
“Wait!” She disappeared into her bedroom. When she returned she was holding a small black box. “Here, these are for you. I was going to wait until you formally accepted the position, but they would be the perfect finishing touch tomorrow. He opened the box to find a set of Gold Christian Dior cufflinks.
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 “Gee, thanks Raye. But these look expensive.” She smirked, “of course they were. I can’t have my man walking around in cheap ass cufflinks.” They both laughed before she admitted to getting a deal on them.     
After laying out his suit, shirt, tie, socks and shoes, they headed back to her bedroom where she watched him strip down to only his boxer briefs. She bit her bottom lip as he pulled his shirt over his head noticing the deep V that disappeared into his jeans. 
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She thought to herself, if she took away the clear physical attraction, would they have enough to make a go and a real long lasting committed relationship? She thought that now was as good of time as any to bring it up. “Drake?” she said innocently. “Yeah Raye?” He settled into bed next to her, his Sauvage by Dior cologne wafting in the air. “You smell great,” she smiled shyly. “Thanks, but that’s not why you called my name, I know it.” She smiled thinking of how well he seemed to know her already. She also couldn’t think of the last time she had smiled this much. 
“You’re right. I didn’t want to bring it up so soon, but do you think you’d be up for talking about where you see this relationship going, or at least your hopes, desires?” she asked as she nuzzled into his side. He cleared his throat. “Well, I honestly was waiting on you to ask. I didn’t want to scare you off. I think since Liam got hitched, my family, our friends have been expecting me to settle down. I always thought I’d settle down when I met the right person. I thought it would be in the future, like years from now. I never thought that I would meet my person in the States. I assumed I’d be in Cordonia forever.” 
“And now…” 
“Now, I can’t really imagine life without you. I want to be where you are. Raye, tell me, honestly, if I get this position, I mean my Mom is here and my business is mostly here. I could personally check on my investment properties, but that is all a bonus. The biggest part of why I’d take it would be so that I can be here with you. Is that what you want? Should I move back to the States?”
“Drake, I would like nothing more. I had Wyatt put in a good word for you. I have to be honest. I want to get married, and start a family. Like soon. Does that scare you?”
“No, well how soon were you thinking?” he asked as he gently stroked her bare arm.
“I don’t know. I never thought I would meet anyone who would be worth giving myself to for the rest of my life. You have been a breath of fresh air. But, I am getting older. Maybe married in the next year or two, kids almost immediately after. How many kids do you want, Drake?”
“Uh maybe 3 or 4.” 
Her eyes widened in shock. She choked on her saliva and started to cough.
“Are you ok?” 
“Yeah, that’s a big family.”
“I know. It’s always just been Sav and I and I always thought it would be fun if we had a couple more siblings.”
She was floored. She knew that she wanted to be with Drake and if it meant a big family she was sure that she would get used to the idea. She only ever considered 2 children because she never wanted to struggle to take care of them. She never considered that her partner would be wealthy in his own right.   
“I mean, I guess. So, back to you taking this job as DHS? Where would you live? On the ranch with your Mom?”
“That would probably make sense financially, but it would be an hour of driving everyday.”
“You could move in with me,” she blurted. She immediately regretted her words. “He is going to think I am rushing him,” she thought.
“Well, I was going to say I could start looking for places nearby, but if you don’t feel like it would be too much… I mean I don’t want to impose. I would cover the rent and utilities.”
“I don’t need you to do that. But thank you.” 
“I know that you are an independent woman and that’s hot and everything, but if we are talking about marriage, you are going to have to let me lead. We can make decisions together, but I won’t have you taking care of me financially.” His voice was calm and low but authoritative. She had never been with a man who wanted to take care of her. It turned her on. She straddled him and sweetly kissed his lips. “Is this happening? Am I dreaming? Are we talking about moving in together and getting married?” He smiled against her lips. “This is happening.” 
They made love again and she fell asleep in his arms for the first time and she couldn’t wait until it was her reality every night.
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TRR: @twinkleallnight​​​  @bebepac​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @romereadingshop​​​ @romewritingshop​​​ @lem-20​​​​ @texaskitten30​​​
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The guy’s ideal date night?
i miss going out on date nights. i hope you enjoy this request anon! i’m going to assume they’ve been dating for quite a while. ❤️
danse’s ideal date night would be something simple; nothing too expensive or thrilling- they had enough thrill in their lives anyway. he would like to do something productive with sole, such as fixing power armor together or any type of modding or building. he’d find it very interesting to exchange ideas and tips while still enjoying their hobbies in the presence of each other. if not that, he’d love to just take a small walk somewhere nice and tranquil with sole just to get to know them better both as a person and his partner. though very inexperienced with love and romance, he’d try his best to take the lead during the date, often asking sole personal questions and attempting for hours to try and hold their hand or kiss their cheek/lips without having a heart attack. in the end, danse has no idea what to do as a date and bases it off something productive, enjoyable, and simple to both him and sole.
oh boy, it’ll be a tiring date night. no, no.. not because of sex, get your mind outta the gutter. his ideal date would be running around with sole and pulling pranks on others in hq or maybe even out in the commonwealth. they’d both share ideas and try to make the best of both worlds work, excited to see the outcome of their experiments. they would try to do it on a variety of species- humans, super mutants, radroaches, etc., to get different results. if not this, they’d do a small cooking date together. deacon and sole would initially plan to cook a nice 3 course meal for the both of them and let each other try their own cooking. instead, they’d both end up fucking around with each other so much, the whole kitchen would be a complete mess and nearly unrecognizable. there was nuka cola all over the floor, raw brahmin steak stuck on the wall, mutfruit staining the counters, and how the hell did deacons pompadour end up floating in the soup? they would give soles kitchen a stare before letting out a shared laugh, both of them leaning into each other for support. all of deacons ideal dates would be full of energy and very thrilling, leaving them both a tired mess after it all.
hancock doesn’t really have an ideal date. as long as he’s with sole, he considers it a perfect time and will enjoy their presence nonetheless. for sure on his first date, he’d stay clean off of chems to remember every moment he spent with sole- after all, it was a very important day for them both. if he were to choose an ideal date, he’d prefer to stay in his quarters and cuddle up against each other while talking about their lives. hancock found this to be very fulfilling and peaceful for him, having the privacy to admire sole without any distractions to pull his attention away. he would be so enticed with sole and would only ask more questions to get to know them better and to hear their sweet, melodious voice ring in his ears. it was the best thing he’s ever heard in his years of living. hancock would send sole a string of compliments, loving the sight of sole blushing at the sudden attention. at the end of the night, they would both somehow end up wrapped around each other tightly as they slept soundly till the morning sun rose. maybe if they were a little farther in their relationship, things would get more wild the closer they got.
maccready is most definitely a simple man, he’s not one for anything fancy or crazy to make his heart stop. his ideal dates would be something very basic yet enjoyable. he wouldn’t like anything that was too crowded, he prefers privacy over attention any day after all. mac would just love to lay besides (or on their stomach) sole, reading comics together and sharing their interests in every book they read. since maccready is absolutely obsessed with comics, he’d suggest doing an art night just once- after struggling to draw a perfect circle for thirty minutes, he decided that maybe he wasn’t mean for creating art but admiring it instead. if not this, he would definitely would love to go to a hunting date where they’d have small competitions on who has the best marksmanship between the two. he’s a competitive person, so you bet that they’ll both be at it for hours until they can declare a fair winner. somehow during this, he’d attempt to impress and swoon sole with his skills he’d been sharpening for years. of course, this would not go unnoticed by sole and they would compliment him happily, always leaving mac a blushing mess while his confidence boosted. as it reached the end of the date, he would always cuddle up with sole on their shared bed and kiss them goodnight before hitting the hay.
nick is a very, very old styled person and bases his actions off his life before the bombs dropped. he is very biased to that lifestyle, being born with that mindset from the start of his synth life till now. nicks ideal dates would be almost identical to a prewar one, except without all the fancy equipment and top notch clothing, which he didn’t mind. life wasn’t like before anyway. he’d still somehow fix himself up a little cleaner than he usually is and would find a pair of carrot flowers/hubflowers to give to sole before every date they planned. he would pick up sole from their house, allow them to wrap an arm around his, giving them his coat, opening doors, and would overall be a gentleman through it all. their date would usually consist of a nice dinner, whether homemade or not, and a long, deep talk to get to know each other better or talk about their day. if in a private place, much like his or soles home, he would turn on the radio after their meal and ask sole to dance with him. they’d both slow dance or slow waltz to the sound of the tranquil music playing off of the radio until sole began to feel sleepy from nicks humming. depending on the circumstance, he would be willing to lay by soles side until they woke up the next morning or just simply leave them be for the night and visit them the next day.
what the hell was a date? gage wasn’t experienced nor comfortable with this type of shit and he knew it from his core. yeah, he’s seen people go on dates, whether for dinner, dancing, or drinks, but he couldn’t see himself doing that in general. it was just so boring and cringey to him and he hoped that the overboss felt the same about it too. gage would prefer more violent and adrenaline pumping dates, whether that’d be sex, sneaking around and causing trouble, or hunting creatures in the midst of the night. if him and sole had a gun and/or blood was involved with someone else or something, he’d immediately consider it a date. even if sole was drenched in sweat, begging under him breathlessly beneath the sheets, he’d considered that a date too. anytime they spent together was little moments he would treasure secretly in the depths of his mind. every once in a blue moon though, he would set up something nice for his lover, such as a (somewhat bad but edible) cooked meal and nuka cola at their quarters at fizztop grille, admiring the view of nuka world from the couch where they sat at. they would talk about random things that would slowly drift to more personal topics which would lead to light cuddling. sole would lean their head on gages shoulder and fall asleep for the night. sooner or later, gage rested his head on theirs, following after.
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sftpeache · 4 years
Synopsis - a memorable night with the bakusquad. 
Warnings : Teen smoking, Marijuana use, mostly just fluff and cute moments with bakugo and his friends.
Word Count : 689
It was currently 2:30 am, and your friends decided that Thursday was the perfect day to smoke together. Katsuki was against it at first before, but after hearing how excited you were planning the details with Mina he decided he could cope through it. You were all cooped up in your dorm room, the group decided your room was the best option because of the large amounts of blankets you have. You were sitting on Katsuki’s lap enjoying his warmth. It was the perfect mix, being in your lovers arms while feeling so light and calm. Katsuki met you through Denki and Hanta, you three would often sneak off during lunch to take small hits from whoever brought their wax pen that day. Katsuki thought you looked like such a dumbass smoking with those two idiots, but once he got to know you he fell in love with your “pothead dumbass”. You never tried to push your habit on Katsuki, you didn’t really like smoking around him because you didn’t know if he felt uncomfortable with it. Until Katsuki asked you if he could try it, at first you didn’t know if he was being serious. Once you found out he was you were so soft, immediately teaching the stressed boy how to properly inhale. Since then Katsuki will occasionally join you on your little trips. 
“ Maybe we should buy edibles next time guys my room stinks” you whispered from besides your boyfriend. 
“Idiot speak up if you want them to hear you” Katsuki grumbled from beside you.
“Hey Hanta think you can come through with edibles next time, i’ll give you the money, your plug has the good cheeto ones” 
“Bro (y/n), I gotchu don’t worry about it though this ones on me, we basically smoked most of your weed.”
“ ahh thank you bro, you're the best”
“Okay maybe we should all go back to our dorms, we have school in like 5 hours!” exclaimed Kirishima
After 30 minutes of your friends deciding if they should listen to Kiri or stay and of course Mina’s hugfest they all safely returned to their own dorms.
“Suki, bubs,, can we cuddle?” you asked.
“Dumbass we’ve been cuddling all night” Katsuki grumbled while wrapping you in your fluffy blanket. You responded by slithering your way into his arms. You loved moments like this, he looked so calm and collected all adorned by those bloodshot eyes. Most nights like this ended in Katsuki using your eye drops, but much to his dislike you had run out. “ he looks so pretty” you thought.  Slowly you start to press small kisses on his cheek, then up to his forehead, down his cute nose, and ending with a soft kiss on his lips. This was Katsuki’s favourite part of these nights. You were so soft with him while you were high, always peppering soft kisses on his face while you murmured how much you love him. 
“ I fucking love you suki, you are such an amazing person”
“I love you too dumbass come on lets get some rest”
“Nooooo, if I sleep I won’t be able to look at your cute eyes anymore”
“Baby, c’mon you can see them tomorrow okay let's get to bed yeah”
“ but I won’t get to see your red on red you look so cute suki with your red eyes, you look zooted but you look so handsome”
Katsuki was so glad all you were focused on was his eyes at the moment and not his blushing face, how could you be so cute. He loved this side of yours, you were so loving these moments in private were his favorite. He swore he would never get tired of seeing your cute face squished against his arm with those bloodshot eyes staring back at him. He started to notice how you were slowly  starting to nod off, he knew it, he is whipped. Although he might not show it as much Katsuki loved you and your habits. He is in love with (l/n)(y/n) the “pothead dumbass”
“ you are too cute idiot, goodnight I love you”
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vancilocs · 4 years
general, children and misc with gene and quina and griffin rider milf and manlet wolf?
lecture is o v e r and i feel like i retained maybe half of it bc i was battling the ur-dragon while listening
How long will they last? -
Forever man neither is gonna let go now
Been together for decades and they’re going strong
How quickly did/will they fall in love? -
They’ve been friends since they were very little and first feewings came around from Quina when they were teens and then at like 21 Gene realized that oh fuck!! oh shit and went so feral he forgot his sword when Grigori snatched her
It took a little while, Araneia played hard to get but Silas was nothing but persistent (but respectful - would have backed away if Araneia had clearly said she’s not interested). Eventually she returned his feelings and they both realized it’s love babey
How was their first kiss? -
Quina pecked Gene on the mouth when they were teens and he was like thanks and ate a slug
Careful - those teeth. But tender as well
How many children will they have naturally? -
They got a couple and everyone in the village is like oh god no what the hell kind of spawn will that wildchild have. How the fuck is he gonna raise them. Quina better keep them in check
They go 8 kids, two of the oldest ones are werewolves like papá
How many children will they adopt? -
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? -
Probably Quina what with Gene spending his time trawling through the underbrush for things to fight/eat. But he contributes when he’s around/Quina asks/he wants to let her rest and leave the house too
Araneia raised griffins and Silas was the househusband, he dealt with them more earlier. But after his arthritis started getting worse and his hands/legs getting more stiff Araneia picked up where he couldn’t help anymore
Who is the stricter parent? -
Quina because Gene has no limits other than don’t go adventuring without him keeping a watchful eye
Araneia is in general more authoritative than Silas so she kinda keeps the household in check. Not super strict to, mainly just to not cause extra stress or pain to Silas
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts? -
Gene is doing the dangerous stunts and helping the kids with them, so while he enables he also keeps the kids safe
Both in general but Araneia is very watchful around her kids when they want to come see the griffins (and makes sure Hanevold or Kasmiiri won’t drop them when they take them for a flying spin)
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -
You can’t trust Gene with food because he would just drop a whole entire raw fish in the box
Both, Silas as the househusband is used to making sure the family eats
Who is the more loved parent? -
Both but in a different way, Gene has cool things to show and lets the kids go wild and gives the best hugs and Quina is a nurturing and gentle and safe parent to go to and who kisses them goodnight
The kids love both of them, Araneia is the cool mom with griffins but especially the older kids remember how fun it was to sit on wolf dad’s back and run through the forest
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -
Who the fuck is gonna say no to the Arisen’s child (Quina is. And she’s the only one who can keep Gene in check, she will keep their kids in check too)
Araneia, but the kids don’t get in trouble thankfully. 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? -
Quina, Gene don’t wanna (unfortunate when your hobby is digging holes with your bare hands and your hair is long af)
Silas, warm water good for aching joints
Who takes the dog out for a walk? -
No pets
If they had a dog it’d be Araneia bc Silas can’t fucking walk
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -
Sometimes? Put up some pinecones or something. Clarify that they’re not edible
When there’s a holiday then decorate for sure, involve the kids
What are their goals for the relationship? -
Gene lacks long-term goals, he’s just happy to be with Quina and look after his own little ones, Quina respects this and wants to be with him like she has been her whole life practically
Grow old(er) together, Araneia helping Silas deal with his issues, looking after the kids even after they’ve flown out of the nest
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -
Gene after scouring the countryside the whole night
Silas when that sleepytime tea hits and he can sleep from the pain
Who plays the most pranks? -
Neither, Gene is dumb and doesn’t like his stuff messed with and Quina isn’t the pranking type
Both but just small wholesome ones, hiding things in their stuff etc.
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bloodlnthemoonlight · 5 years
Fic: Carry You Home
So this fic was borne from the suggestion further down about Daryl carrying Carol back home from the infirmary at the end of 10x03, and is mostly just a introspection piece on his thoughts at that moment in the ep. This is for you guys, the Caryl fam, hope you enjoy.
The first thing he thinks - as the tight knot of worry and anxiety in his chest starts to unravel into relief - is that she’s finally asleep. 
He looks down at her, hovering at her bedside, and studies the face he knows better than his own, retraces her delicate features with his eyes, fingers itching to touch, to smooth that frown line that’s still there between her brows even in sleep, but not daring to disturb her. Allowing himself the luxury of touching her would be entirely selfish of him right now. Daryl wants to seek out the steady thrum of her pulse beneath the soft skin of her wrist, but reassures himself instead in the continued rise and fall of her chest, her quiet, even breathing. That’s something that’s never changed about her, back to when they were first tentatively drawn together: she’s still so quiet in almost everything she does. 
Carol is so still in sleep that more than once over the years, during the many times they’ve all slept together as a group, he has woken, or returned from watch, and found himself gazing at her intently to catch those subtle, vital signs of life. After Sophia, she’s only ever cried silent tears; tears that he’s sure she thinks she’s hidden well, but doesn’t seem to realise she could never hide from him. 
Hers were the softest footsteps to echo down the prison halls, the quietest laugh only after his own... 
God, he misses her laugh. 
And even when she becomes a force of nature, she’s all stealth and deadly grace, and, as in all things she does, she takes his breath away in her beauty. 
This is why the sound of her screaming his name is still tearing through him. 
Carol terrifies him lately. More than he can remember her ever doing before. The past three days have exhausted them all, but her refusal to sleep, the pills she’s popping to stay awake like fucking candy... she’s making mistakes, getting careless, reckless. Imagining conversations they’ve never had and wandering off alone in the middle of the goddamn night in a way that scares the shit out of him and makes him want to not let her out of his sight ever. But Daryl knows she’d feel smothered and resent him for it, and he’s been trying his hardest not to push her, to give her the most space he can stand. 
He’d asked to her stay with him, but she’s still elsewhere really, trapped in the hell of her own mind and he has no idea how to reach her. 
She’d wandered off whilst he’d succumbed to sleep and could’ve been torn to pieces screaming his name. The thought hits him and his stomach drops, veins flooding with ice and heart thundering. He sucks several shuddering breaths but it still feels there’s no air and -
“Hey, easy.” 
He’d forgotten Michonne was there; she must’ve been watching him watching Carol and maybe he’d feel embarrassed about it if he weren’t currently having a delayed panic attack over nearly losing her tonight. 
“She’s here, she’s fine.” Michonne’s voice, familiar and steady, grounds him, and as one of the few people still alive who know him best, she doesn’t try to reach out and comfort him through touch and Daryl appreciates her so much in this moment. 
He clamps down on the old instinct to run and hide his vulnerability, or to lash out defensively, because Michonne understands. Michonne has felt this feeling and so much worse. And he remembers when she too was once loathe to let anyone see the slightest hint of weakness. 
“We got her,” Michonne continues, quietly, calmly, “You and me. If she’s falling apart at the moment, then we’ll hold her together.” 
Daryl meets her eyes, sees the care and conviction there, and trusts that they will figure something out together. Carol, Michonne, Judith and he, they’re all that’s left of the tight knit family they once had, and even though they’ve built this community back up, even though he has other people he likes and trusts... well, the people in this room, Lil Asskicker and RJ (all they have left of Rick), they’re the ones he really can’t bear to lose. 
Holding eye contact, Michonne takes a deep breath and Daryl mirrors the action, no longer feeling like his lungs are paralysed. He swallows down the lump in his throat to whisper, “Right,” hoarsely, nodding and turning back to Carol, who remains sleeping and oblivious to his minor breakdown, thank fuck. 
Siddiq reenters the room then, and Daryl is thankful for his timing not having been any sooner. He still looks a little rattled, still carrying that haunted look that never really goes away nowadays, but he offers a fleeting, reassuring smile nonetheless. 
“She’s out of it, I gave her something to help with the pain and it knocked her out like a light.” 
Daryl is suddenly torn between being thankful that Carol will at least get a decent amount of rest, and annoyed that it came at the expense of pumping more drugs into her. He wonders if she had gotten those pills from Siddiq but decides that now isn’t the time for a confrontation over that. 
“That mean we can move her and she’ll stay asleep? Take her home?” He asks instead, thinking Carol would prefer the privacy and comfort of her own bed, and Siddiq shrugs.
“Might be better to keep her here, but if you really want -“
Daryl does. He wants her close and safe and home. “Won’t do her no harm, right? You said she’s fine.” 
“She will be.” 
“Then we’ll say goodnight,” Michonne says, diplomatically, glancing at Daryl and motioning towards Carol with her head. “Thank you.” 
Daryl leans over her and slips his arms under her back and legs, lifting her easily and cradling her close. She seems far too slight in his arms and he thinks someone should cook for her more often, makes a note to do so. It might not be nearly as good as the magic Carol can create in the kitchen, but he’s been fending for himself for most of his life and can at least produce something warm and edible for her. 
“Thanks, doc,” He mumbles on their way out the door, and as they emerge into the night air, Carol stirs just a little in his arms, turning her head further into his chest before she takes a deep breath and relaxes more than he’s seen her do in what seems like forever. 
Daryl looks down at her, curled into him, and feels as though his heart must be bleeding all over the damn place for anyone to see and there’s no way he’d be able to control it right now. He’s lucky it’s dark, but there are few enough clouds that the moon shines through, illuminating her face, catching silver in her hair. She looks pale as death, peaceful in a way that only gives further weight to the image, and it’s like a knife twisting in his chest, his mind throwing his worst fears at him in horrifying clarity. He remembers the dead weight of Beth as he carried her from that hospital and the thought of doing the same with Carol... 
Fuck, he can’t. He can’t think about that or he won’t be able to take another step. He won’t be able to breathe through the pain. So Daryl grips her a little more tightly instead, feels her, warm and oh so alive. Soft still, even though she presents such a hard front to the world.  
He grips her as though she might be torn away from him at any moment, by monsters both within and without. And if he takes a moment to nuzzle a little into the crown of her head before he sets her down in her own bed and takes his leave... if he holds on just a tiny bit longer, breathing her in and pressing a secret kiss at her hairline, well, he can only be so selfless, and his heart aches so desperately for hers. 
There is so much he wishes he could say to her, so much that he’s unable, or afraid, to put into words; he’s not ready to say them and he knows she’s not ready to hear them, either. So all he can do is murmur three words - not those ones, though they live in the back of his throat, threatening to choke him everyday they go unsaid - into the quiet darkness: 
“Stay with me.”
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 17)
"Love, sex, fights & international flights"
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After Luna and Colson pull into Ashley's driveway, he shuts off the engine. The car ride wasn't much different from any other so this concerns Luna. She turns to him. "You feel alright?" She asks. This makes him smile as he lights a joint.
"I didn't wanna say anything in front of the guys..." He begins, hitting the joint long and hard. "Probably because it didn't really sink in yet and because you had such control but you scared the fuck outta me tonight, Loons." He says, looking at her while passing her the joint.
As she hits it she asks why.
"When those 2 dudes stood up, we all jumped up because it was about to be on. But, like I said." He takes the joint from her. Inhaling and exhaling deeply. "You controlled that situation, like a sexy Boss Ass Bitch, but...." He looks at her with concerned eyes "I don't know what I would've done if one of them had touched you before I could get to you." He hits the joint again before passing it to her.
Luna's silent. It makes Colson nervous.
"Look, I don't even know what I'm trying to say, because I love you for exactly who you are. But, it made me realize that I don't know what I'd do if ANYTHING happened to you, Kitten."
She hits the joint slowly before speaking. "I get where you're coming from. Buuuut..." She says with a soft smile lifting her right arm towards him, forearm side up. Trying to make light of the conversation, she asks "Do you know why I have this?" Pointing to the tattoo of a cockroach that she has just above the words 'Don't look back in anger, Live like it's the style." right above the crook of her elbow.
He can't help but chuckle "No, but I have wondered." Taking the joint.
"Shoulda asked." She smiles up at him. "It's a reminder, that there are 2 things in this motherfucking world you can't kill. Cockroaches and Luna Smith." He laughs out loudly to her pleasure. She continues "I am who I am, Bunny. I have no fear, am violent as fuck and fiercely loyal." She says, blue eyes burning into his soul, with a shrug. She then says to him sincerely. "I'm am sorry I scared you. I knew I had it though. I've been living my life for a long time. If I hadn't KNOWN that I could handle it myself, I'd have brought you or Benny with me, like I did at the strip club.... I don't know if that makes you feel any better..." She finishes.
He sighs. "It does... And I know you have. And I know why. AND I really can't say shit because I would've acted the same way too, no questions asked. It's just, I'm a 6'4 dude and you're..."
She interrupts him. "Careful what you say next, Bunny." With a knowing eye and cocked smile.
He gives her a side eye. "You know what I'm trying to say." Pulling on the joint.
"I do." She says getting serious. "And I love you for it. But....." She trails off. Taking the joint from him.
"Just....." He interrupts her "I don't even know, I just..... I know I can't lose you."
His words soften her eyes, making her put out the joint and climb across the seat so that she can straddle him. Wiggling in, so that his cock rest between her legs, against her pussy. Where it belongs. She looks deep into his eyes before kissing him firmly, pushing her hips down, pulling him by his shoulders towards her. "Only YOU can make you lose me." She lifts her arm "Cockroach, remember?" She says with a huge grin.
"YOU are a fucking idiot." He laughs pulling her in for a kiss.
"Your idiot." She replies, pulling away laughing at their joke, for only a moment, before easily submitting.
Their kiss is passionate. Creating a roaring fire between them. She feels his dick grow larger against her pussy. "Yeah, you are." He says as she leans back against the steering wheel, beaming as she moves her hips against him to the beat of the music on the radio.
"Unh Hunh." She says as he pulls her back into his mouth. They kiss heavily, she lifts up, unbuckling him, he helps her slide his pants down. His dick is raging. A simple peice of cotton separating them. He slides inside of her as she lifts up high enough for his large cock to enter her.
She still has to take him in slowly, he's so big. Shifting her hips, swirling her pussy around his dick, "Colllllllllson...." she moans loudly, feeling him fully fill her. They start off slowly but as always passion and need take over. It's not long before she's propped up against the steering wheel, riding him like an experienced jockey at the most famous derby. He slides the straps of her dress down, exposing her full breast. His hands grip them. Thumbs playing with her piercings. The view of her naked upper body splayed in front of him makes him harder. She can feel him grow, sending bolts of electricity through her. This kicks her into overdrive. She lifts off the steering wheel, causing him to groan in pleasure in her shift. Hearing his groan tickle her ears, she grabs the top of his hair and bucks against him like a Texan owning their first rodeo. Feeling him deep and hard inside of her, it doesn't take much for her to see stars.
Just as he cries out "KITTTEN!!!!" in sheer pleasure, her walls grip his thick cock. Throwing her head back, shoving her breast in his face, they cum together.
'FUUUUCKKKKKK......" Colson says.
"Mmmmmm.." She purrs into his neck still grinding her hips slightly. They sit together in pleasure.
He lifts her up from his chest. "No double standards." He looks into her eyes. "Just bring me. You have a man for a reason."
"Fucking SERIOUSLY??? She's in mental disbelief. Trying not to explode.
Fighting her urge to argue the sexism of his last statement, she shrugs "Always bring your Bitch. You gotta a Bitch for a reason." She says with a cocky look and shrug.
"You're such a fucking asshole." He laughs kissing her hard on the mouth.
"Yeah, but a Right Asshole." Her head snakes before pushing her mouth back onto his.
They tease each other a bit more before she slides him out of her and herself back to the passenger seat. He promises to hit her up once he's home so she knows he's safe. She asks how long Casie is in town. He tells her she's on SpringBreak, that he'll take her home Saturday. They kiss a thousand more times before she finally slides out with a goodnight kiss.
"He's so fucking different...." She thinks happily walking inside.
"FUCK. She don't need me. She just wants ME. Nobody JUST wants me. Not without SOME-fucking-thing. Fuck, she doesn't even need me to protect her. Or want it..... I'll fucking kill somebody though...... Fuck. I can't believe she did that tonight...." A million thoughts race through Colson's mind after he watches Luna enter the house.
Inside Luna is greeted by a happy Jagger. Petting him she calls out "Heeeeeyyy!!"
"I'm upstairs, grab us beers and come up!!" Ashley shouts. Luna obliges. Upon entering Ashley's bedroom she sees destruction. Ashley comes bouncing out of the bathroom. "Hey!" She says excitedly "Guess where I'm going...." Before Luna can answer she screams "SEOUL!!!!!!" Jumping onto her bed. "Remember that over seas project I was working on....." Before Luna can answer again, she continues "It's finished... You know what that means!!!!" She's jumping on the bed "FREE FUCKING TRIP!!!!!!!!"
Luna laughs. Ashley is her ABSOLUTE bestfriend in the WHOLE fucking world. "Soooooo......" She says with a grin.
"So pack your fucking bags, Bitch, because we going to Seoul!!!"
Luna laughs happily, lighting a joint before she heads to pack and call Colson.
"We're gonna miss you." Colson says as they try to work out Casie's spring break and the 2, 12 hour flights Luna needs to embark on to go and return. It's not gonna work. She won't get back until at least Sunday, they think, while Casie goes home Saturday.
"I feel like an asshole." Luna says.
"Why?" He asks.
"I haven't spoken to her. I don't know if she wanted to see me again before she heads home." Emma's words about disappointing the little girl lingering with her.
"You didn't make any promises to break, Kitten." Colson reassures her.
"Still...." She sighs. "Would it be wild if you made sure to FaceTime me tomorrow so I can talk to her?"
"No." He laughs. "That's actually great." He says giving her a small comfort.
They talk a bit more as Luna packs. Acknowledging that in the 6 days they've been together, that they're about to spend the next 5 apart. "I'll miss you." Luna says sadly.
"But you'll come home to me." He feels the same but tries to reassure her. "And Casie has a whole lifetime with you." He finishes, making her heart throb.
They exchange love and he promises to FaceTime her with Casie before she boards as they hang up.
"FUUCK. I'm missing her springbreak. We should be doing fun things if she's here....." Luna thinks. "Uuuugh. And 5 days without Buuuunny." She whines to herself.
"Damn........ I'm gonna fucking miss her." He thinks sadly about Luna leaving.
The morning is INSANE. Although they had packed the night before, Luna is not a morning person. Ashley is up and raring to go while Luna is still trying to open her eyes. Years have turned them into a well oiled machine. Having a system for gettting themselves dressed, burnt and functional. Ashley handles coffee as Luna procures the bud. Getting dressed and high before an intentional flight together as bestfriends do. "You got any edibles?" Ashley asks as their uber pulls up.
Luna pulls a bag of gummies from her pocket. "For the ride!" She grins at Ashley as they head out the door.
"What do you want to do today? An excited Casie asks Luna on FaceTime. Her heart sinks as she explains that she's at the airport.
"You're leaving?" Are the first words a disappointed Casie utters next. Breaking Luna's heart even more.
"I'll be back, just not before spring break..." Luna hates putting on a fake face. Making her even more pissed that Casie's father didn't tell her. "You're gonna hang out with your dad and have TONS of fun!!" Luna tries to reassure her.
"I will." Casi says, matter of fact. "I'll still miss you though." She says, making Luna second guess herself immediately.
"I already miss you TONS, Sugar!!! But, I'll see you soon." She reassures the little girl.
"Ok..." Casie says. "Here's Daddy!" She passes the phone to Colson.
"Hey Kitten..." He starts
"Is she outta the room?" Luna sternly asks.
Colson looks around confused "Yeah...?"
"You didn't fucking tell her? She thought she was seeing me today??" Luna snaps on Colson. Glaring at him through the screen.
He's silent. Shocked.
"You're a fucking ASSHOLE!!!" She says with venom before banging on him.
Luna and Ashley settle in for a long flight. They talk about Luna's discontent with Colson regarding Casie, laugh a lot as friends do, talk shit on the other passengers and eat while enjoying in flight libations. Both high as fuck. They sleep a bit before waking to catch the sight of the beautiful city overhead they're landing in.
"I can't fucking believe him...." Luna is still fuming. Thinking about Casie's disappointment.
To be continued.......
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Alexi at work (idk if he has a job oops) with an upset stomach, but he assumes it’s just indigestion that will resolve itself shortly; it doesn’t. Micah’s had an awful week and Alexi doesn’t want to bother him, so he doesn’t say anything. He manages to make it to bed, but in the middle of the night, he wakes up with what he thinks is the need to burp. He does burp a few times which wakes up Micah, but when it happens again it’s vomit.
Sorry about the wait! Thanks for understanding, it made me a lot less stressed about getting this story out! 
Fifty minutesleft. Less than an hour. Alexi could make it that long. He could push through tothe end and then he wouldn’t feel guilty as he got home. Besides, it was justan upset stomach, probably from the fast food that the team had ordered earlierfor lunch.
As theysat around the large table with their own computers, discussing the finishingtouches for the latest project, Alexi was quiet. He was listening to theconversation and approving the design, but he didn’t give many suggestions. Hewas slumped back in the chair with both his hands resting on his stomach. Helooked a bit too comfortable, given that his coworkers were all focused on thetask at hand, but he didn’t care what people thought. He was tired. It wasFriday. His stomach hurt.
Alexiexhaled slowly and deeply. He wished he could jump-start his stomach to startdigesting his lunch, but that didn’t happen. His belly lay idle, keeping thegreasy food in one huge brick in his gut. He was happy for the loudconversation because it masked the sound of his rumbling tummy, though it did nothingfor his discomfort.
Whenquittin’ time finally came around, Alexi was first out the door. It felt betterto stand and walk around even if his energy was sapped. He got a few strangelooks from his friends who had definitely noticed his lack of participation,but Alexi was gone before they could comment on it. He sat in his hot car, notmoving for a moment, then willed himself to concentrate for the ride home. Astime went on, his stomach-ache became a simple annoyance, until it fully resolveditself by the time he got home.
He calledout a ‘hi’ which was met with the sound of typing from the other room. Alexipoked his head inside the office and found Micah fervently hitting the keyboard.His boyfriend was lost in the writing process and probably wouldn’t come backto reality for a while. Alexi gave him a kiss on the top of his head and leftthe boy alone. All week he had been religiously writing and working, and workingand writing, with no breaks in between. As soon as he got home from the restaurant,he locked himself in the office, trying to meet his self-imposed deadly. Alexi wasn’tabout to disrupt his rhythm for a chance to cuddle.
Luckily,Alexi’s appetite had returned just in time for dinner. He wasn’t starving likehe normally would be after a day at work, but he was hungry enough to go searchingthrough the freezer for something easy to make. Micah was the one to normallymake dinner because he was a much better cook than Alexi, so it was no surpriseto anyone when the only thing Alexi could make was frozen pizza. It was edibleand filling and that’s all that mattered.
It was a quietand boring night. Alexi had eaten his dinner alone, while Micah had stuffed hisface in between sentences. Alexi was sprawled out across the couch, rubbing hisstomach which again was feeling overly full and kinda gross. The food wastumbling around in his body and making him feel bloated.
Eventually,Alexi gave up on waiting for his stomach to settle and went to bed feeling likehe had just eaten an entire pizza. He stopped by the office and just watchedhis boyfriend work for a while. He looked so tired, with his shoulders startingto drop and his back beginning to curl painfully from sitting too long.
“I’m goingto bed,” Alexi said, which made Micah jump in surprise. Apparently, his stealthwas better than he thought. “You should take a break.”
All whiletyping, Micah shook his head. “It’s only ten and I need to finish this.”
Alexisighed. “Don’t stay up too late. Goodnight.” As Alexi began to shuffle away, hestopped when Micah called after him. He back up and rested his head against thedoor-frame with his eyes partially closed.
“Are youokay?” Micah asked. He had actually taken his eyes off the screen and was nowlooking intently at Alexi. It was far too early for the boy to be tired, but helooked like a walking corpse.
Alexi chewedhis lip, debating with himself about what to say. If he admitted to feeling bad,then Micah would worry all night and not get anything done.
“I’m fine.”
“You sure?You look a bit –”
“I’m just tired”
The rightchoice had been made because Micah turned his attention back to his computerslowly.
As Alexiclimbed into the cold and empty bed, he didn’t feel like he had made the rightchoice, but it was necessary to help Micah. It would be okay in the morning.All he needed was a good night’s sleep. He wrapped himself in the blankets andfell asleep to the sound of Micah hitting the space bar every few seconds.
Late inthe night. Alexi woke up feeling much warmer than when he went to bed becausehe was now profiting from Micah’s body heat. It was almost three…good at leastMicah had gone to bed at a reasonable(ish) hour.
The badnews was that Alexi’s stomach felt like it had been inflated to the point of apotential explosion. Every inhale was risky, for it felt as if he would burstat any moment. Alexi sat up and rubbed his palm across his distended belly. Itwas aching beneath his touch. He could hear and feel the organ groaning indiscomfort.
Hesitantly,Alexi allowed himself to burp. His nausea was intense and made him afraid thatmore than air would come up. The first burp was little but painful. It didnothing to lessen the sick feeling in his gut, though it did trigger a secondburp. This one was deep and prolonged. It erupted from his mouth, causing himto slap his hand across his face to keep quiet. Next to him, Micah stirred.
Alexi was unableto stop the next belch from crawling up his throat. it escaped him with a loudand wet sound. He moaned and hugged his sour stomach.
The sheetsshifted and tangled as Micah stirred again. He hummed and extended his arm towardsAlexi, finding his thigh and gripping it weakly.
“What’s goingon? he said, with his eyes closed and his voice muffled by the pillow.
“Nothing…”Alexi said a little too quickly in between burps.
Hearingthe pain in Alexi’s voice, Micah lifted himself onto his elbows. It was dark,but he could hear his boyfriend’s heavy breathing. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.Go back to sl–” His sentence was cut off by a thick belch that came from the pitof his stomach. Something warm had touched the back of his tongue, but heswallowed it back down. Alexi groaned; he wasn’t going to last much longer.
By now,Micah had fully sat up with his back resting against the headboard. “You don’t soundwell, Lexi.” He turned his phone on, using the screen light to illuminate the darkroom. Droplets of sweat cling to Alexi’s temples, slowly dripping down his chin.His hand was cupped over his mouth. “Do you feel sick, babe?”
Alexi couldn’tanswer because his belly was seizing. He burped sickly into his palm, but it turnedinto a gag that had him lurching forward. A rush of warm vomit filled his mouthand coated his hand in sick. The force of his next heave caused him to uncoverhis mouth which sent a gush of puke splattering across his blanketed lap.
“Oh, Lex!”Micah exclaimed in surprise. In the dim light he could barely see the poorstate of his boyfriend, but he didn’t need to because he could hear it andsmell it. Micah placed his hand on Alexi’s back, and with the other hand heheld his curly hair away from his face. “I’ve got you, babe.”
“S’cuse…”Alexi hiccuped and jolted forward as he spoke. “…sorry.”
In rough circles,Micah rubbed Alexi’s back as he quivered. “No, no it’s fine. Don’t worry aboutit.”
A smallerwave of vomit shot past Alexi’s lips as his stomach wring itself out.
“There yougo,” Micah cooed. “You’re okay. Don’t worry.”
Clearly, Alexi’sbelly was in no mood to work properly and instead just rejected his dinner, andeven a small bit of his lunch. He retched and spat until it felt like there wasnothing left in him, and finally he was able to steady his breathing.
Alexisniffled. “ugh I’m a mess.”
“That’salright babe. You’re just sick.” Micah said once he had turned on the light. “Ithought you looked pale before.”
“Yeah…”Alexi said with his head down.
“You liedto me. You should have told me you felt unwell.”
“I’mreally sorry.”
Micah pettedAlexi’s hair, ensuring that no vomit had gotten in the locks, not that it matteredmuch because he’d be taking a shower. “I know that I’ve been busy and stressed,but that doesn’t mean I stop worrying about you.”
Alexi didn’tsay anything. He felt like a child being scolded. Honestly, he wanted to just hugMicah and make it all better, make himself feel better. He was surprised whenhe felt a kiss on his shoulder. “Let me clean this up for you.”
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azahwrote · 6 years
February Leftovers
The fridge is empty. Bad milk, an egg, half a Yakult and leftovers from February. She’s been too busy to remember herself as a biological being with the need to feed on food, but the edge of the pencil she been chewing since her math practice doesn’t give her enough satisfaction to ring her stomach down. She stares at the empty shelves and wonders if the leftovers are still edible enough – obviously not. February was two months ago, it would be self-abuse to consume food for rats. But she continues to wonder. Febraury, Febraury, February, replaying in her mind like the Connie Francis vinyl on her grandfather’s record player. What happened in February?
Her train of thoughts paused at the beginning of February. Suddenly, she’s sick. She remembers the guilt at the pit of her stomach when she failed to attend her good friend’s funeral and she remembers the regret of not visiting her dear when there was still time. She remembers. She remembers the cascade of despair that hit her on the way home from the airport, waving her grand man goodbye as he departures to the other side of the globe. She remembers the last meal they had together, she remembers his outfit that day and she remembers the empty feeling in her heart when no one picked her up from school the next day. She remembers, she remembers, she remembers.
Tragedies after tragedies in February would not let her wound heal. The rejection letter that exploded next week exposed all kinds of negativity in her head. It didn’t hurt when she read the “We regret to inform you” bullcrap. Her heart was only torn when she came back to class seeing her mannequin mates smile over a “Congratulations!” on their letters. They looked so stupid, so proud over their bunked classes, carelessly-thrown cigarette butts in the bathroom, and their “innovative” ways of passing tests. I’ve done everything. I’m a straightest A student this school has ever had. How could’ve I been rejected? A victim to her own overthinking, she blames the universe for her failure, she blames the past and the future written in her destiny.
Her efforts to stitch her wounds with hope that night had become so useless and unnecessary when a gushing ocean of betrayal swelled beneath her skin the next morning. The secret garden of admiration she had been watering for the boy next door was left bald when a trusted friend of hers had chopped off her flowers for the neighbor’s son himself. It wouldn’t be all the bad news if the boy hadn’t smelt her flowers in full misconstrue, but he did. Drowning in salt water of embarrassment, the butterflies in her stomach had declared extinction in February. Never since then had she seen his eyes whisper “goodnight” like they use to before 11 p.m. His eyes only blaze in disgust while her eyes twinkle in shame. The boy next door does not smile through the window anymore. He keeps his curtains closed.
Like the camellia that tops every Chanel purchase, she had a flu. A really bad, never-ending flu coating her February all through out. The flu indicates that she is stressed, a symptom she’d noticed occur in every exam week. Her leaking mucus had left her sleepless on most nights and gifted her mornings with a blocked, Randolph nose with a matching pair of ashy eye bags and a grand new headache everyday. Oh, boy, the February deal did not end there. Like things couldn’t get any better, her squad had surprised her with an unfollow, unfriend, and best of all, a Replacement! All for no known reason she’s aware of. So, her Chanel is wrapped with a camellia. Except this double C is dragged off counterfeit culture. And there is no camellia. There is only flu. And misfortunes of catastrophe.
She grabs the leftovers from the fridge. She smells it. She dumps it in the bin. She is still hungry. There are only two choices now, go back to chewing her pencil or starve to sleep. She chooses to starve. On the bed does her worldly vessel rest while her mind drifts back to when she felt happiest.
February, her most beatific month in so long. Her wounds never healed in those 28 days, it only sliced wider and wider by every blow that gambled her every week. But she was happy, happiest than she’s ever been. Of course and obviously, she was sad and oddly subdued. February was a roller-coaster of doom but her ride was exciting, buoyant and a new experience. Her mind wrenched in the stress she denied she had, her self-esteem dripped down due to her red-light nose, eye bags and depreciating grades, but it’s okay. It’s okay. It’s sunny because it rained. She is happy because she was sad. It’s day because it was night. She laughed because she cried.
Her wounds never healed but they opened wide enough to reveal an unparalleled epidermis of radiant laughter. In her lowest points of February did she finally see her blessings and all she’s taken for granted. In her lowest ground did she finally see the good in everything. She calms her own gloomy shore by laughing in the mirror, regretting a tear and converting her pitiful February into memes. She imagines February as a Bugs Bunny episode and it’ll all soon end in vibrant colors shrinking just before her face, and she’ll look to the camera and chuckle, “That’s all folks!”. There exists a Sad-O-Metre in her nature, which rings an emergency happiness alarm for every time she feels too down. It reminds her how comfortable the socks her sister gifted her were, or how loud the exchanged laughs were on the last meal she had with her old man. And it reminds her that her sadness is temporary.
There is pleasantness everywhere, even in the littlest of things, like watching dust squeeze in between the sunbeams leaking from the window, or plucking odd strands of grass from your front yard. Our happiness should never depend on anyone, or anything but ourselves. Self-entertainment is not a symbol of isolation and loneliness. We are responsible for the smiles stretched under our crescent-moon eyes. Happiness is not a challenge nor is it an achievement. Even if it was, it wouldn’t be hard at all. There needn’t a reason to be in a state of ecstasy and lightheartedness. Cherish life on its own, gratefulness in every breath let out. Be happy and a reason will come.
Her soul falls back into her vessel. She’s awake and she’s still hungry. She picks up the phone.
“Hi, yeah, I’ll get a margarita please?”
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The anchor in their lives - Chapter three
A/N: My gosh 200 followers, that’s insane. Thank you?! I don’t even know what to say. THANKS! I swear I just hit 100, then 150, which I missed and had to be like thanks for 170, I’m mind blown.
Although this series isn’t that popular I don’t care. I like it and I will continue writing it because I enjoy it and I like my story. So many plans for this. And I realize that Stucky isn't a thing that everyone ships, I am new myself. And I honestly only ship them the way that I’m writing this so yeah. I still do write my regular content as well, so hopefully, you will enjoy that even if you don't like this series.
Summary: When two super soldiers lives get turned upside down, they move into an apartment in Brooklyn, trying to deal with their past and figure out their futures. So what happens when the apartment next door gets a new resident, one who has the potential to change their lives in ways they could never imagine.
The question is; Will they let her?
Pairings: Stucky x Original Character Annie (eventually)
Disclaimer:  This story may contain strong language, poly relationships, and smut, mental health talks( anxiety, depression, PTSD and so on. If you’re not comfortable with any of those, you might not want to begin reading this series.
Interested in reading more of my stories? Well, you can find them right here. 
Looking for the masterlist for this series? Well, look no further. It's right here. 
Warnings: Panic attack, Bucky freaking out. That’s all really? 
TAGLIST IS OPEN, for this series, my permanent one, or if you want to be tagged in a specific character/person, that is possible as well. Contact me either by an ask, message or comment specifying which one you prefer x
Chapter three:
STEVE'S POV (I promise there will be more of Bucky's pov later on.)
Weeks later.
After a long day, Steve came home and was met with two sights he hadn't seen in a long time. The first one, tons of boxes outside the empty apartment next to them. And voices coming from inside. It seemed like they had gotten a new neighbor. Wonder how long they will stay this time, he thinks to himself.
The second one, and the most important one for him. A carefree Bucky who was attempting to cook dinner.
"Hey punk" Bucky greets him with a grin as Steve enters the kitchen. "Hey Buck, what uh, what are you doing?" Steve asks him a bit warily at the new sight of Bucky in an apron. Bucky grins at him again and gestures at the pan, looking mighty proud. Steve examines the pan and its content. Its filled with this red goop with a few pieces of vegetables hiding in the red substance, he was a little unsure what exactly he was trying to cook, but Steve decided not to question him.
"I know it doesn't look that delicious or appealing even, but I just wanted to cook for you. You've been working so hard and we always just order take out. I wanted to uh do something nice for you. You know as uh-" Bucky explains as he scratches the back of his neck, suddenly looking all fidgety and nervous. "Just thank you for all of this Steve. I know it was hard leaving everyone behind and all. But I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything that you've done for me and continue to do so I guess. So yeah, uh" He clears his throat and gestures for him to sit. "Sit down and eat." He finishes off his ramble and fills a plate with the red goo. Steve's heart threatens to burst out of his chest at his words and the fact that he wanted to do something nice for him and all he could come up with was to cook dinner. 
“Hey man, no worries. It's us against the world remember? Just like it has always been. That won't change.” Steve tells him, and Bucky looks away and nodding. 
What Steve didn't know was that his words made Bucky's stomach do a million flips and form a swarm of butterflies in his gut.
Steve sits down and prays that whatever this is tastes okay. Bucky sits down next to him looking at him expectantly and a little nervous, but he can see the hope in his eyes as Steve lifts the fork with the supposed food on it up to his mouth.
Surprisingly it's not that bad, sure it wasn't a five-star meal, but it tastes decent.
"How is it? Is it terrible? I don't know how to use these stoves and such, and I tried to follow a recipe, which was a disaster, so I ended up just improvising." Bucky rants fidgeting with his fork as he stares at him. Steve gives him a big smile "Its good, I mean. It's edible at least." He teases him, and Bucky grins. "Thanks for cooking Buck. You did good pal. I appreciate it " Bucky practically gleams with pride and eats a forkful of his food as well, taking a deep, relieved breath when it doesn't taste horrid. 
And what Bucky didn't know was that Steve's nerves were on fire as the usual warmth spread throughout his whole body as he looks at the brown-haired man happily eating his first cooked meal and bursting with pride.
Steve's eyes fall to Bucky's lips as he unconsciously licks his own. Bucky catches him staring at his, and their eyes meet. Steve's cheeks flush and they both cough and look away, both blushing profusely.
They eat in silence after that until Bucky asks him about his day and listens carefully to every word.
The rest of the evening went just about the same way. Bucky kept asking Steve a bunch of questions and listened patiently. Eventually, they settled on the couch and watched movies. It was nice.
That was; until the night came and their peaceful bubble popped. Steve was woken up by a deafening roar; he shot up in an instant running towards his room. He flung the door open and found Bucky on the floor, hands over his ears as his whole body shook. He was whispering things over and over, but Steve couldn't hear what. He slowly made his way over to him, holding his hands up in a non-threatening way as he tells him. "Bucky, it's me, Steve."  Bucky's eyes meet his, they're big with wild panic. His breathing is rapid and his body stiff and shaking.
"It's me, pal. You're safe, okay? I'm here." He kneels down in front of him, looking into his piercing blue eyes. "S-St-e-ve?" Bucky's voice is raspy and low as his eyes look into Steves comforting ones.
"Yes, I'm right here." He extends his hand palm up and watches as Bucky stares at it, before placing his flesh hand on top of it. Bucky's whole body deflates at the touch of their skin against each other, and he stares at his hand in Steve's. Steve feels a little braver than usual, so he closes his fingers around Bucky's, to which he gulps in response. Steve extends his other hand, and Bucky instantly places his metal hand on it, as Steve closes his fingers around it. Bucky's eyes meet Steve's. And Steve gets the urge to reach his hand up to his cheek, stroking the skin, but he settles for rubbing his hands with his thumbs.
And they just sit there for a long time, hand in hand. As Steve whispers soothing things to him and Bucky just staring at their hands. He visibly calms down as his breathing returns to normal.
After what seems like forever Bucky pulls his hands out of Steves and he knows it's his cue to leave. So he does, he gets up and whispers a "Goodnight Buck" before he goes to bed again.
The next morning it's as if nothing happened. The boys don't talk about it; they don't even acknowledge what happened last night. And their lives continue as usual. The two soldiers are stuck in the same rut.
 Get up. Breakfast. Question. Heartbreak. Work. Movies. Dinner. Sleep. Nightmare. Holding hands. Sleep. Get up. Breakfast. Question. Heartbreak. Work...
Over and over, a neverending cycle. One they both wish to break somehow but seem powerless to do so.
Days later
He is woken up by someone shoving him repeatedly, and he opens his eyes staring into Bucky's panicked ones, sitting up immediately. "What is it, Buck? What's wrong?"
"The lights went out" His raspy voice replies; Steve can tell he feels uneasy. Steve gets up and walks over to the windows and the building next to them is completely dark. There is a considerable blizzard roaring outside, and he shivers.
"Yeah, I can see. It looks like we aren't the only ones though. I'll check with the landlord. I'll be right back." Bucky nods as he walks off to find their landlord.
Steve returns to a pacing Bucky who looks up at him when he enters. "The whole block is without power and heating, the block next to us as well.  They don't know what the problem is, but they bet it's that storm, they are trying to fix it, but it probably won't be fixed until tomorrow."
It wasn't that late only a little past 8, so they would have to spend the night without heating.
"No movie then?" Bucky asks. "No movie then" Steve repeats, and he nods.
They've settled down on the couch, turning on every candle they could find, and Steve moved the portable fireplace in front of the TV. They chat and actually laugh. Steve had forgotten how nice it was just to talk, no TV, no movie. Just him and Bucky in the candlelight in front of the fireplace. It was really lovely and almost romantic if it had been a dame and not his buddy. But why does his whole body feel like it's on fire then? Bucky seemed happy and relaxed today as well as he laughed loud and filled with joy and it warms up Steve more than any fire ever could.
Bucky instantly tenses up and stares at the direction of the door. "It's okay Buck. I'm sure it's just the landlord." Steve comforts him as he gets up to greet him. But to his surprise, it's not the landlord, no not even close. Instead, a brown-haired girl stands in front of him wrapped in a couple of blankets, with the most beautiful brown eyes he has ever seen.
"Hello. I'm so sorry to disturb you, especially this late at night. Um, but I'm your new neighbor. Hi, I uh" She stutters and looks around nervously. "Do you have any spare candles maybe? I haven't had time to buy any, and my apartment is very dark and very cold." Steve is completely mesmerized by the girl in front of him, so much that he somehow forgets how to speak until her brown eyes meet his and snap him back to reality.
"Uh hi. We don't have any more I'm afraid. We've used them all." He manages to say. She bites her cheek and nods slowly.
"Oh okay, well sorry to disturb you then. Thanks anyways." She mumbles and turns around; something comes over Steve as he blurts out.
"No, wait. Come inside. We have a fireplace. Well, it's a small portable one, but it's nice." She laughs a single nervous laugh and shakes her head. "No no, it's fine." Steve for some reason doesn't want her to leave, so he insists with newfound confidence.
"Please, I insist. We can't have you freezing to death within your first week of living here. We won't mind, I promise."
"We?" She asks, and he smiles. "Yeah, me and my friend Bucky. We live together. Please come inside."
She seems to contemplate for a minute before she nods and he smiles at her. He moves away from the door so that she can enter.
"Oh and by the way. Hi, I'm Steve" He tells her as he extends his hand and she grabs it as she smiles brightly at him, revealing two dimples.
"Hi, Steve. I'm Annie"
Fin x
Next chapter... 
Feel free to leave any feedback you wish; I would love to hear your thoughts. xx
* A line through your name means I couldn’t tag you for some reason, also message if I’ve forgotten you. If I can’t tag you repeatedly and I’ve contacted you with no response I will remove you *
Permanent Taglist: A special thanks to @holland-stan-posts for all your help piecing this story together) / @bibegone / @sergeantjbuckybarnes / @hannahll14
TAITL taglist: @fuckthatfeeling / @mia-at-work / @2nameless13  / @lucinapomona / @supernaturallover2002 / @slender--spirit / @kimmiestrawberrykiwi 
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“I Am Alive” - 3. A new threat
Adrien Appreciation Week @wearemiraculous , Day 5: Patrol
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
AO3 / fanfiction
There was a new threat, Ladybug said. Something far more dangerous than his Hawk Daddy, or any other villain in possession of miraculous. Adrien wondered if magical poacher wasn’t the best term here. What other words could be used to describe an alien entity that was drawn by the energy of the miraculous jewels? That hunted the holders and the kwami? As Chat Noir he placed himself near the top of food chain, but it turned out that soon every holder could be at risk of becoming prey.
When there are many miraculous jewels stored in one location, without special precautions, they distort the space-time continuum, they curve the quantum magic field, making them shine like a beacon for anyone who’s searching. Master Fu had created such a beacon by bringing the jewels to Paris. Hawkmoth had helped him, by forcing the old Guardian to activate two most powerful of the jewels. Hand in hand they brought this threat upon their heads, as well as Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s.
This new danger meant a few things for them.
‘No more patrols,’ Ladybug ordered.
‘Sure, no more solo patrols,’ he agreed, already looking for a loophole. ‘But if you or Rena join me-’
She dropped her gaze to her lap. ‘Rena won’t be joining us for a while, Chat,’ she murmured sadly. ‘Master Fu is taking all the remaining miraculous away.’
‘B-but… what about Hawkmoth? Aren’t we going to finally stop him?’ he asked.
The thought that this could still drag for some time hadn’t occurred to him. When he discovered his father’s secret he kind of had been bracing himself for a final solution as soon as possible. They had been fighting for so long after all. Paris deserved to be a supervillain-free city.
Ladybug shook her head. ‘The guardian already left for Tibet this evening. He left us both messages but-’
‘-but I was unavailable,’ Chat finished. ‘Yeah, perfect timing,’ he added bitterly.
‘From what he said this is serious,’ she explained. ‘He wants to take the rest of the jewels to the old temple of guardians. As I understood it, he’s doing this to draw attention away from Paris and buy us some time. And the temple had some screening devices or spells or something, that will hide the miraculous from this entity. Fu is either going to bring the device thingy back here, or secure the jewels there.’
‘But he’s leaving us here on our own,’ he chewed at the inside of his cheek. ‘With Hawkmoth and this new enemy.’
Ladybug put a hand on his shoulder. ‘We can keep Hawkmoth at bay. We’ve been doing this for so long. And with what you’ve discovered maybe we can at least prevent him from akumatizing people for some time?’ she suggested. ‘First thing that comes to my mind is that you can keep him busy so that he can’t release akumas? But I’m sure we can think of something more sophisticated, before we come up with a plan to stop him entirely.’
‘I honestly thought Fu would help us with this,’ Chat sighed.
‘You have to remember, that now us and our kwamis are at risk,’ Ladybug said. ‘Master Fu said there’s nothing more important that keeping the miraculous safe. Those without holders can’t protect themselves, like we can protect Tikki and Plagg.’
‘And Hawkmoth,’ he realized.
‘You said miraculous holders and their kwami. Father has the moth miraculous and a kwami,’ he pointed out. ‘He’s at risk too.’
Ladybug inhaled sharply. ‘Crap,’ she cursed, and instantly covered her mouth. ‘Sorry!’ She mumbled.
‘We have to take that miraculous away from him,’ Chat stated. ‘Otherwise we can’t guarantee the safety of his kwami nor his.’
His partner sighed and rubbed her eyes. ‘Why does everything always happen at once?’ she complained. ‘I’m too tired to think straight right now. Too much information to process, I guess.’
Now it was his turn to squeeze her shoulder. ‘I agree. This is too much for one evening. I suggest we regroup, have a rest and come back to this tomorrow.’
‘Right,’ Ladybug nodded. ‘We need to think what assets do we have at hand.’
That reminded him of a shortage of a very important cheese. ‘Speaking of assets, has Master Fu left anything for us? I’m out of my special camembert again,’ he admitted, wincing.
Ladybug giggled at his sour frown. For the last two years he’d been complaining a lot about the form in which his special powers were stored. She got cute little macarons, that after a few months were still edible, if a little stale. He was stuck with stinky rainbow cheese. It was easier to store than the usual kind, the ingredients possibly making it last longer, but the inevitable result was still a colorful mold of rotten milk that smelled as if something had been living and then died in there.
‘Fret not,’ his partner smiled. ‘I was told a fresh batch of Plagg’s treat is waiting for you.’
‘Yaaay,’ he whisper-cried in mock enthusiasm.
‘Let’s meet at Fu’s tomorrow at eight. He gave me a spare key,’ Ladybug said stretching her arms and yawning. ‘I’m sure we’ll have better ideas after a good night’s sleep.’
Chat slumped at that. He didn’t want to go home. He felt Ladybug pressing herself into his back. Her hands snaked their way around his waist and she put her chin on his shoulder.
‘Don’t worry,’ she whispered into his ear. ‘We’ll handle this together.’
‘I know, Buginette,’ he turned to her bringing their foreheads together. ‘Will we talk about this too?’ he added stealing a quick kiss. His heart skipped a beat when she didn’t pull away, but snuggled closer. It was a nice distraction. Something he really could use right now, to postpone the thoughts of coming back to his house.
‘Something tells me, you would want to do other things than talk, Chat,’ she murmured, tapping at his bell.
‘I might,’ he admitted with a grin. He could feel the heat from her face and briefly wondered if his was similarly warm.
‘Then we really need to talk first,’ Ladybug bopped him on the nose and finally withdrew.
He chased her with puckered lips. ‘Hey! Don’t I get a goodnight kiss?’ he pouted.
‘Tomorrow,’ she offered.
Chat fluttered his eyelashes and scrunched his nose.
‘Not the kitten eyes!’ Ladybug gasped dramatically, but he didn’t need his night vision to see the flush right under the edge of her mask.
‘Purrety pawlease?’ he threw in a pair of begging paws for better measure.
‘Hmmm,’ she narrowed her eyes as if considering his plea. ‘Since you’re asking nicely…’ she grabbed him by the bell and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. She was already a step away before he could even think about reciprocating.
‘Night, Adrien,’ she breathed. ‘See you in a few hours.’ And with that she took off.
The memory of her breath on his face, and the touch of her lips on his, stayed with him on his way home, making the journey and the arrival almost bearable. But they didn’t manage to chase away the dark thoughts that the night brought. He barely slept a wink listening to any suspicious sounds or footsteps. Logically he knew he was as safe as every other night for the past three years, but his stomach was still clenched and twisted. He was actually glad for the sunrise to come, so that he would finally get out and do something.
That’s how Adrien found himself on his way to Master Fu’s massage parlor half an hour earlier than he should. Ladybug promised to meet him inside the shop, transformed. Fu had equipped her not only with a spare key, but also with instructions as to their special treats’ whereabouts. They were supposed to come up with a plan of getting to Hawkmoth without putting either of them at risk, so Adrien was trying to think of every useful fact about his father he knew. Anything that could give them an edge. Despite Ladybug’s warnings from their last encounter he had not been paying enough attention to here and now.
The mental pressure hit him as soon as he turned the corner to Master Fu’s street. As if he walked into a rubber wall, he bounced off of thin air and looked around confused. His head started hurting and his vision blurred. Adrien did his best to focus on what was happening and power through the strange sensations.
There was a figure standing in front of the parlor, as tall as a grown man and vaguely human in shape. But it didn’t look like anything Adrien had seen, in real life or in digital world of games and anime. The best he could come up with was a curved space, that somehow seemed more dense and darker in the place the figure occupied. He stared dumbly at the apparition, until he registered the mad jolting in his pocket.
Plagg was bumping into him and tugging at his shirt. ‘That’s the bad guy, kid,’ he hissed. ‘Snap out of it and run!’
But Adrien couldn’t run. Not when he noticed who the entity dragged out of the shop. Not when he saw her fighting fiercely to break free. Not when his blood froze with the horror of seeing the creature tightening its hold on her. The boy pushed into the rubber wall and the pressure lessened, allowing him inside. But he couldn’t move faster than a snail, as if he was wading in jelly.
She caught his eye and shook her head, signaling him to not come closer. Her hands went to her ears and he saw a flicker of light as two small black items slipped to the pavement and rolled to the side. Her gaze went to the place where they landed, and then to him to check if he understood.
‘Run!’ she screamed at the top of her lungs and stopped resisting.
Adrien doubled his efforts to move to her, but the entity was much faster. It disappeared before he even got to the earrings lying on the ground. Ladybug saved her miraculous, but this time she couldn’t save Marinette as well.
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tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack Season 2: Chapter 24
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My attempt at making breakfast did not go as well as it did in my head. They make it look so easy on TV.
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Dad appreciated the effort though. The poor guy even gave it a try. “Not bad, mijo. Though, next time try to go easy on the egg shells.”
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We visited Sean's, mainly so I could hang out with Sunnie. She got so big, so fast. Any minute now she'd be calling her cool uncle to teach her how to drive. Hopefully, I'd have my own wheels by then. Otherwise, I'd be teaching her how to call for an S-rider. Or jump trains. Kidding.
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She reminded me so much of me when I was little. Causing mayhem, turning everything within reach into a playset. It's a gift, being that imaginative. Curious minds made great inventors. I wondered what awesome stuff Sunnie would create when she grew up. She differently had the genes for it.
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Harley came by teasing me about my second attempt at preparing an edible meal. This time I went with salad for obvious reasons. Lettuce. Tomato. Cucumbers. Done. He thanked me for being so cool about him in Leanne. They weren't official, but clearly they were headed in that direction.
“What about you and Tierra? I'm not sure it counts as a date if you're on the clock.” “For your information, I was off the clock.” “But still wearing the apron.” “....Still wearing the apron.” He was right. If I wanted things to move forward with Tierra, I had to let her know how I felt. So, tomorrow, I planned to ask her out on a real date. Not wearing the apron.
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Early the next morning, me and dad went fishing for a little father and son bonding time. It made me think about that night Sean gave me my first fishing lesson as a kid. When it was for necessity. Survival. It made me wonder if I was taking the fresh start we'd been given for granted. There was a time when that tug on the line meant we weren't going to have to go hungry for the night. I don't like to go back to those places in my head, but it made me even more grateful for where we were now.
Anyway, coming out with dad made him really happy. It was nice to know that I'd put a smile on his face. I don't think I'd done it very often.
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I asked Tierra out to a picnic in the park and I was thrilled she said yes. A part of me figured I didn't stand a chance, but I guess there was something she liked about me. Or maybe she was just hungry. Either way, I really hoped I didn’t disappoint.
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I went all out for our date. “I brought books because I know how much you're into those. Science fiction and race car friendship. Pick your preference.” “Race car friendship sounds promising.” “I thought so too. Seems like a fast read.” We had hand wipes, water, gooey grilled cheese made by yours truly, and pizza from my favorite local shop just in case the grill cheese was too burnt to digest. Always have options.
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By the way she chowed down the grilled cheese, it was safe to say she liked it. Now I had my go-to meal. I thought it was cute the way she gobbled up her food. It let me know she felt comfortable to be herself around me and that I had nothing to be self-conscious about.
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We sat by the pool and just talked. About music. About our culture. About school. Her favorite class was Literature. No kidding. “It is pretty Lit.” She cringed at my joke, but it still made her laugh. “You did not just say that.” “I'd say it again.”
Then she looked over my shoulder at the graffiti on the wall of the park's food court. “It's too bad we have that as our view.”
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I'd been meaning to take care of it, but doing it now was sort of symbolic. A statement.
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I started cleaning off the graffiti and Tierra gave me a hand. Once we were finished, she told me that it was a nice thing to do. I told her it was my mess to clean up in the first place. I told her how I wasn't the same person I was back. That I was trying to be someone different. Someone better. And that she was helping me stay motivated. She said that she was happy she made me feel that way. Then she excused herself to the bathroom. I really hoped I wasn't coming on too strong. I just wanted her to know that I was trying to be someone worth her time.
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While Tierra was in the bathroom, a girl came over to join me. She thought I was alone and wanted to keep me company. I told her that I was on a date and she apologized for interrupting. I told her that it was okay. “If you want, you can help yourself to a grilled cheese. It's my signature.” “Grill cheese happens to be my favorite. I'm Manni by the way.”
She helped her self to my famous dish, giving me the thumbs up. She said she was a surfer. She just came back from the beach with her friends and came to the park for some peace and quiet. “And yet you're here checking up on a complete stranger.” “I can't resist a cute face.” She wanted to exchange numbers just in case my date didn't work out. I didn't think anything of it and just thought she was the flirty type. She seemed nice, and I could always use more friends.
Tierra came back and I introduced the two of them. Then Manni said she was going to go take a walk and gave us our privacy.
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We went for a dip in the lake and continued our conversation. Tierra said she admired that I was a people person. “I'm more laid back while you're a person magnet.” “As someone with a scientific background, I'd say you're pretty magnetic.”  I told her that I wasn't sure where this was going, but I was willing to try and find out if she was. I could tell by the look on her face that we were definitely not on the same page. She said she liked spending time with me, but wanted to take it slow. To get to know me better. I could do that. For her, anything.
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At the end of the night, I made sure to walk her to her door. If I wanted to win her over, I had to go the extra mile. Let her know I was being genuine. She thanked me for the date. “And the books. I had a really great time.” “Hopefully, we can do it again someday. Without the community service.” “That was the best part. I think graffiti looks good on me.” “Me too.”
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We said goodnight with a hug, and that was that. Even though it didn't turn out exactly how I hoped it would, I was actually glad we were taking it slow. It gave me less of an opportunity to mess everything up. I was satisfied enough just being her friend.
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After Tierra went inside, I got a text from Manni.
Looks like everything worked out. Good for you.
Ha. She was something else. But...cool.
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While I was on my way home, I caught a glimpse of Tierra's dad watching me out the window. He did not look pleased. I totally understood. If I my daughter was going out with some kid I'd never met, I'd be on edge too. But I had a feeling he wasn't going to make it easy for me.
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With Tierra's dad on my mind and me wondering if he thought I wasn't good enough for his daughter, I didn't see the car speeding my way, nearly running me over.
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It screeched around the corner and out of sight. All I saw was a glimpse of its green paint as it took off. I had the strangest feeling that it wasn't an accident. Someone was trying to hit me. But why? This wasn’t over. I was going to find out who it was, even if I had to track them down myself.
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