#the end of c2 is the very beginning of considering that he still has more life worth living. immortal caleb is a horror story
astrid-beck · 1 year
also matt liked a tweet saying essek wouldn't care about caleb aging
Like I'm sure he'd be sad about his friend and lover dying but that's just what being human means
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Honeslty Travis and Laura are probably in the same category as Taliesin, all their characters are so solid that there isn't much to compare against. But if Sam settling into FCG after 30+ episodes puts them above Scanlan than Vax's Raven Queen character shift should put him above Orym. Also Beau is by far Marisha's strongest character, not that Keyleth was bad, Beau was just that good.
(As of 8:14 AM EDT today, April 15th: not answering new questions for this meme that come in but answering the ones already in my inbox)
So first off this meme isn't about arguing with me, it's about my opinions, and you are invited to make your own post if you still disagree but once I've said agree/disagree that's kind of it unless I invite more discussion. That said - disagree:
The question was not "who is the strongest overall" or "who has the best plot" or even "who do I like the most"; it was "who is the most solid and fully actualized" which I am interpreting as "who has the most considered and thought-out character concept from the beginning"; as the original question notes, Taliesin always has a very strong idea of who his characters are. Like, again: I do not like Molly. At all. I also think he is a well-crafted character whose personality fucking sucks on purpose.
My issue with FCG was that he actually had a well considered concept that was imo more detailed than Scanlan's and with a clearer path forward; my problem is just that it took 30 episodes to get to it. The concept was fine; the execution was too slow for me to get on board for half the current story.
Meanwhile, Vax is really just A Guy and beyond broad strokes for his backstory doesn't have any direction to the point that his directionlessness is itself the path Liam began to explore when the Conclave attacked! I think Vax's late game plot is fantastic, and I think it's very possible I will like Vax's story more than Orym's, but Vax as a character from the start was not as thought out as Orym was and what FCG was doing is completely irrelevant to this.
Also: Keyleth is, when we're talking about actualized, by far Marisha's strongest character. I think in the end I probably like Beau slightly more than Keyleth? I certainly would rather hang out with her though that probably says more about me than either of them. But of Marisha's characters, Keyleth is unique in that I can actually tell you what she was doing before the campaign; what she initially wished to achieve; and what she ultimately did achieve. I know the people in her backstory and how she feels about them. I don't have that to the same extent for the others. The reason Keyleth has the most plot focus of Marisha's characters is, frankly, that she has a well-conceived plot going in. Beau is a lot looser in concept, and finds herself along the way and it works because the Cobalt Soul is a sufficient hook, but in many ways Beau's story post-Campaign is the more interesting one. (Which, I'd argue, the cast even agrees with given their discussion of Liam and Marisha's C1 and C2 characters showing up in C3 and Marisha stating that Keyleth's story feels far more closed than Beau's.)
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moderndaybard · 5 years
2020 Weekly Ficlet 5/52(? We’ll see?)
“Always Meant to Be” (Critical Role C2 AU)
  No one was surprised the baby was a tiefling—Honestly, Kashaw and Zahra would’ve been more surprised if their son hadn’t been—but the lavender skin was unexpected, as were the handful of eye-shaped red spots on the infant’s neck, shoulder, hand, etc. Still, he was here, he was healthy and alive (no small miracle, given how close all three had come to dying in the battle against Vecna)—he was perfect.
Lucien (“just a placeholder name,” Zahra had insisted; “he’ll choose his own once he has a better sense of himself.”) was a happy baby, if not an easy one. Even early on he liked people, and didn’t fuss about which of them or their friends was holding him, but the instant he could crawl about on his own, it took near-constant vigilance on the part of both of his parents to ensure that Lucien’s seemingly endless curiosity didn’t drive him into dangerous situations, places, and ‘good gods, Lucien don’t put that in your mouth!’
Still, as Kashaw watched his son explore and learn so quickly, or play with Zahra as she sang and joked in rapid infernal, or when he held him close against his chest the few times Lucien was content to remain so still, holding him as he drifted to sleep, utterly content and so innocently trusting, Kash was struck again and again by the realization that this very joy he’d long considered out of his reach was  somehow a reality.
Gods help the fool who tried to take it away from him.
(Actually, they didn’t.)
Kashaw and the then two-year-old Lucien were in the Vesper Timberland not far from Vasselheim’s walls gathering a few components needed for Zahra’ next commissioned creation. (Dangerous place for a toddler? Maybe, but preferable to leaving him home alone with Zahra being called out last-minute on a hunt for the Slayer’s Take. No matter: Luci knew to stay close when Kash used his ‘serious voice.)
Then came the blast of necrotic energy from the shadows at the edge of the clearing that caught Kash of guard and sent him crashing to the ground for a moment, and six dark-robed and hooded figures stepped into the open, five of them immediately moving to surround the temporarily-stunned human, the apparent leader snatching up the frightened tiefling toddler.
His son’s terrified shriek ringing in his ears, Kashaw surged to his feet, spear in one hand, the other crackling with unholy holy energy as a rage he hadn’t felt since Vecna loomed filled him. He surged forward, pushing past and carving through the fools trying to stand in his way, never tearing his eyes from the man who still held Lucien, the stranger backpedaling and calling to his unfortunate fellows: “Death to the traitor; the Heir must be taken back to the Order!”
Those were the last words heard or spoken by the would-be attackers and their ringleader, as they had vastly underestimated both what Kashaw was capable of and willing to do under the circumstances. Scooping the now-sobbing but thankfully unharmed child into his arms, Kash let himself sink to his knees, clinging to his son as it washed over him all at once just how close he’d come to losing him.
Two tiny hands clung to his shirt and a little tail wrapped tightly around his arm as Lucien trembled in his grasp, but Kash’s blood ran cold as he glanced at one of the fallen attackers and saw a familiar symbol around his neck—
—the same one he carried. Her symbol.
They’d spoken of an ‘Order’: the assumption had to be made that this—this cult of Vesh’s had other groups, other members who’d try to attack them again.
No, neither Kash nor Zahra were about to sit back and simply wait for followers of a dark goddess to try to kill them and abduct their son—and their friends weren’t about to let them take on this fight alone.
They chose to relocate to Whitestone at Vex’s insistence until the danger had passed (it was the safest place both to use as a base of operations and to leave Lucien with the de Rolo children under Vex and Trinket’s watchful eyes when the ‘hunting party’ left to chase down one clump of enemies or another), and had the full arsenal of Vox Machina, plus the unexpected but welcome assistance of an apparently now adventure-ready Cassandra, to call upon in their hunt—even Taryon and his crew, when a fragment of Her cult was found (and subsequently annihilated) in Wildemount.
But at last, after a long year of rumor-chasing and fighting cultists, the last member of the last holdout was dead, and Kash still had 3 of his 5 ‘Speak with Dead’ questions left, and plenty of time on Pike’s ‘Zone of truth.’ Why not tie up a few lingering loose ends?
“What was your interest in my son, Lucien?”
The dead man’s expression didn’t—couldn’t—change. “At first, we thought that child was the Heir that She had whispered of. We came to realize that he is nothing more than the usurping spawn of the woman who took Her place with you—and sought to kill you all.”
Was it possible to kill a dead man again? Kash was tempted to see—so was Zahra, if the lashing tail was any indication—but there was still something important here. “What heir did ‘She’ speak of?”
“A child born of Her spirit and your mortal blood, who we were to find and raise and teach and train until the day when She could use their blood and nature to come fully into the world.” If a corpse could emote, the broken, breathy voice would’ve been saturated by a sickening devotion. “That was our highest purpose—and the Heir’s.”
“And where is this Heir?” It was a long shot—if the cult had located this child (his child? He was still having trouble thinking clearly about that), then surely they would’ve taken them by now.
The corpse tensed, visibly fighting against the compulsion to speak—and to speak the truth—but divine (and ‘divine’) magics had already conquered its will.
“There were whispers—rumors—we were to investigate…a single life where there once was none, in the wastes where once She first displayed her power…”
Then the lifeless body fell limp once more, as all eyes turned to Kashaw as the cleric began to process what they’d just heard.
“Well, fuck.”
The others had offered to come along on this final, unexpected leg of the hunt for Vesh’s cult, but Kash and Zahra had adamantly refused: this, this part was deeply personal.
They rested only a single night before traveling to the wasteland that’d once been Kash’s home so long ago, and little was said between them either that night, or through the next day’s wearying trek and search under grey, cloud-cloaked skies.
It was a barren, inhospitable place, now—not hard to believe it was cursed by an evil goddess of death—with no sign of shelter or permanent dwelling: hard to believe that anyone, much less some kind of ‘child’ was surviving there.
The thought had only just crossed Zahra’s mind when a flicker of movement caught the corner of her eye: something small and quick darting behind a nearby boulder. With a seemingly casual flick of her tail, the warlock alerted her lover before drifting slowly in the general direction of the large rock.
From behind it, there was the sound of hasty scrambling backwards, then what sounded like gravel and a small body falling a brief distance, followed by a muffled, barely-audible whimper of pain and fear. A child’s pain and fear, the mother knew, and whatever plans and assumptions she’d come there with, when she circled the boulder and saw the hidden drop-off perilously close behind it, a curled and pitiful, dirt-covered figure trembling at the bottom of the five-foot ledge, maternal concern over-wrote them all.
Carefully easing herself down the drop, Zahra knelt beside the child—the girl, she could see, now—murmuring the most soothing tune she could think of (it was a lullaby…in Infernal…) as she reached out to the rail-thin, dark-haired figure. The girl couldn’t be any older than seven, staring up at the tiefling woman with terrified, mis-matched eyes of teal and purple beginning to well with tears as she pressed back into the rock wall, cradling the arm that had to have been broken.
“It’s alright, little one,” Zahra whispered, switching to Common as she reached out again, palm up. “We can help you. He can heal you, and we can bring you somewhere safe, and warm and comfortable.”
Kash had joined them, and her words seemed to snap him out of staring at the girl and into motion to help. The girl eyed him warily as he knelt in front of her, glancing at Zahra before finally letting him touch her injured arm. The trifling’s nod and gentle smile (and the cleric’s spell which re-knit the cones and soothed the pain away) seemed to break through the child’s walls, and as she let fall the tears she’d been fighting back the whole time, Zahra scooped the girl’s too-small form into her arms, muttering a stream of ‘it’s alright’s’ and ‘you’re going to be okay’s’ in Common and Infernal.
Still cradling the child, Zahra met Kash’s troubled expression with a determined one. “No mother worthy of the title would ever leave a child alone in a pace like this. She’s ours now.” Then, gently stroking the head of dark hair now buried in her shoulder, she asked, “Do you have a name, little one?”
“Yasha,” a tiny, tear-choked voice replied.
Zahra kissed the top of the girl’s head, silently thanking her patron that they’d found Yasha before the cult had—this girl was so desperate for someone, she’d have been so easily misled, manipulated. “Well, Yasha Hydris, are you ready to come home?”
(Continue reading on AO3)
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hankalorinczova · 6 years
Art, Language, Poetry (Preview)
A is not only the first letter in alphabet, the very beginning of something. The oposite of the end, what makes from nothing something and anything. The inception, the beginning, the iniciative, the origin something so basic. Something so basic, fundamental, vital, classic. Aardvark, that is the insect or animal I am a little afraid of. Because it´s insect and it is not his fault, but my fear of it. It is similar to ant- isn´t it? I don´t know. I hope that it will my original poetical artistic ability show. Aaron´s rod, it´s the name of some flower or plant, because it was in Botanics in my linguistic dictionary. But what did William Shakespeare say about the rose? It had the infinite and eternal story. He said and wrote something that no matter what name would a rose had. It would be still a rose and I think that the entire universe should be glad. Abaca is a textile fibre I really had no clue about. There are a lot of things in the universe I still don´t know about. I really hope that my English is at least level C1. And after learning all this 170 000 English words it will be C2. I should never go aback and make the same mistakes I made in the past. I do hope that every good single thought, word and deed will eternaly last. I always hope I should have an infinite inspiration. To be like Alan Turing and Leonardo Da Vinci- but that´s are an examples, is my infinite aspiration. An abacterial world has a sterile charm and it is absolutely unpersonal universe. Who knows what is happening right now in the universe, while I´m writing this very verse. I believe there are a lot of things happening in the universe right now. But I am not Stephen Hawking so I can´t explain what, why and how. An abacus is something like an early computer, isn´t it? It´s the word I find on the beginning of alphabeth, that´s it. With computers is related Alan Turing, who, in fact created them. What would the entire planet Earth did, said and thought without them? Abaft is a part of a ship and boat. But on some words is hard to make a rhyme. It is so hard to have inspiration so infinite and eternal and to have a tenacity and time. But I should at least try, oh-I am in the third of this page, already. I will be so happy when my works will be done and ready. It depends if abandon is a positive or negative word. It depends if we abandon something good or bad in this world. So it can or could be really neutral and not polar at all. I do hope that I will have an inspiration and I will never fall. But the word abandoned seems to have even more negative meaning. Beacuse it is related to something a person, object or animal, just something. I will or I would like to write a lot of poetry in so many languages. In Bratislava we have and there are a lot of bridges. Abandonment can be again good or bad, according that what we are abandoning. But we should never abandon good things,situation and people, what the universe can bring. We should abandon everything bad, what exists in the entire universe. But it would be different world, different universe and I would´t be writing this exact verse. To abase anybody is usually not good and it is not moral at all. It is always better to call. It is always good to stop any evil from spreading at the beginning. It will never have any happy and evil continuing. Abasement is equal and a synonym to humiliation. It is quite an oposite to aspiration and motivation. It extremely hurts to be demotivated and humiliated. It is better to be positive and motivated. Oh, the next quite negative verb again- to abash is to threaten anything. It can be also considered as ashamed anything or something. I am aware that these verses are not (or maybe they are) pioneering in the entire history of this planet. But I do hope that I will show the oposite and I will prove that I have a talent. To be abashed is usually a synonym to be ashamed of something. Oh, the same unoriginal rhyme- something- anything. I should be so afraid and careful when it comes to these particular rhymes. I hope that I will have so much more inspirational and better times. Abashment is a synonym of shame. But that is a noun and it should be no one´s name. Even some names in history are really absurd and strange. But even a history can radically and positivelly change. To abate is to weaken anything, but probably both physically and abstractlly. Abstractlly it could be some characteristics, while physically there are people, animals, objects. And of course abstractlly there are different subjects. I should finish all of my unfinished works, deeds and projects. The abatement of good things is bad, while the abatement of bad things is good. Some things are so extracurricular, others are basic like food. It depends on a hierarchy of needs and wishes. Otherwise we would be like infinity, angels, fairies or witches. Abatis is an obstacle for trees I cannot explain the other way. I do know it is so complicated to create some words or to say. To say them on a topic or a word which doesn´t sound poetically at all. It might not sound even philosophically, or how does it call? A battery is supposedlly a type of battery, but I have no clue about these things. I could and I should be wiser and more intelligent as the life passes by and what it brings. To create something so universal, versatile and infinite from ordinary words- that´s a challenge. Even though I am not sure this is like Leonardo Da Vinci, Alan Turing or William Shakespeare, if not I hope it will change. Abattoir is a place for birds to live in. It can be long, short, colourful, wide, narrow or thin. Everything can be so different, but is anything the same? The entire universe is so different, diverse and other and that´s its glory and fame. Abaxial is rotated from its axis and it can be really anything. The Earth is rotating around its axis, but that´s a different thing. A different thing and object is also the Sun itself. What rotates around the Earth, oh I hope I didn´t make any mistake or to dishonest the universe itself! Abbacy is a place of residence, something like the complex of palaces. Even Coldplay with Rihanna sang about kings and queens in The Princess Of China verses. The King is also a character from The Little Prince written by Antoine De Saint Exupéry. It is really different than the creation, songs, lyrics and art of singer Katy Perry. Abattial is an adjective from abbacy and we are still talking about residences. Different characters from The Little Prince had different gestures, characters, temperament, dances. The biggest genius was The Little Prince, the writer, the Fox and the Lamplighter. The last one was a real abstract warrior and soul fighter. Abbess is a superior group of nuns and the Lamplighter from The Little Prince didn´t think about himself, he was superior. But when somebody act superior it can be in fact a proof they are morally inferior. Morally inferior objectivelly or subjectivelly- that´s the question! It reminds me of William Shakespeare ,,To be or not to be- that´s the question!” Even though I know that it is unoriginal to quote and to have the same word as a rhyme. It is for another word in alphabet time. Abbey is a place, residence, a palace too. I love writing, dancing, editing videos, painting, drawing, learning too. Of course I like listening to music, what I didn´t mention. I love when every rhyme I already know and I feel the best emotion. Abbot is a person who owns an abbey and it reminds me of The King in The Little Prince book. He can exaggerate, affect, scream, compliment he always everything took. He liked to proclaim and dictate anything to anyone. He would not accept any dictate from someone. To abbreviate something is not always good, I personally don´t like abbreviating my own work. I would´t be happy, satisfied, I would´t be sure. I would be so insecure and unhappy with everything and it would be pity that it is so short. I would like to survive every flight around this planet on every airport. I would´t like to be abbreviated from any life, event, experience, what is generally good. I used this particular word differentlly, it was not so simple as something so vital as food. I used this word not as an explanation of what it is, but in a contex of a sentence. Every language has its own accent, words and different amount of verbal tense. There are so many types and concrete abbreviations in this world. Sometimes the same word means something different and sometimes two words has only one meaning. It is the oposite of this one word. Every language has a different types and categories of abbreviations, acronyms and similar things. Sometimes the universe can even a language some miracles brings. I do know that some of these words has different word orther as they should have, but you have to know first ABC. ABC is something like the alphabeth, the basics, after that you can create and you will see. It is so great to write different things in English language, when I know it fluently and grammatically correct. I believe that when I learn at least 170 000 words in this language or in each languages, it will be perfect. The abdicate is the same case as abandon- it can be good or bad related to what you are abdicating of. Oh, I hope I correctly connected the verb from the preposition. Every creature has in this universe a unique position. To be the best is for some of us the biggest motivation. Abdication is an act of deleting something in our lifes. It can be anything, the verb is abstract it is not concrete like knifes. The language is remembered the best, when it is remembered in context. There is a part in every brain which is called a cortex.
Abdomen is a part of body of any animal, person or creature. Every creature has a unique characteristic and feature. As I write I would like to have an infinite inspiration. In this life and poem I should not repeat and I should have an infinite motivation. Abdominal is related to a part of body as I wrote higher. Inna wrote her lyrics or sang her lyrics with some rhymes such as a fire- higher. Or one of her songs was also a house-like song Take Me Higher. I know that these verses are have the same rhyme, it hurts like a fire. Abdominal aorta is an anatomical expression which sounds like a heart. I try to find in every word the most universal and unique art. Even though as I wrote I probably seem to be no William Shakespeare at all. Oh, but why? Maybe I should not and could not fall. To fall and to have no inspiration. To have rather an endless motivation. Abdominals are type of muscles, but I know it is a next word in an alphabeth, but I should be more poetic. More poetic and universal. The universally, objectivelly beautiful- that´s more than heroic. To have on every word so much inspiration, it seems endless and infinite. In this life, world and dimensions some things and situations are finite. But some of them are eternal, fortunatelly. It is a pity everything good isn´t, unfortunatelly. Abducens nerve is another next word in alphabet which I don´t know the meaning. Oh, I hate the feeling I don´t know something, that´s why I am writing this poem to completely learn the vocabulary of English language. I would like to know all the words in English language or at least 1/10 of them, not only the basic words such as ,,a bridge.” I would like to learn at least 170 000 words from my dictionary in my computer, but probably not all 1 000 000 English words each. I do know that the last verse had a wrong word order, but I did it for art, it is still better to not abduct anything. It was so strange verse, because I used the word ,,abduct” from the dictionary too, as I do in everything. I do have a lot of time for writing this poem and I am writing it for almost 20 minutes. It is mine it is not his, hers, yours, ours, it is not its. Abduction is always a criminal deed, it doesn´t matter of who or what. It is still not the worst and the most evil deed in history, as someone could thought. The most evil deeds in history are topics I don´t like to write about, not at all in an art. Because it doesn´t deserve to be mentioned, said, made, written and called. Abductor is a criminal, but what about an abductor in more poetic meaning? As a Romanian singer Andreea Banica sang ,,Hot De Inimi” or ,,The Thief Of Hearts”, it´s kind of thief or an abductor, it has a similar meaning. It sometimes seems that I perceive the associations metaphorically with the speed of light. Oh, I wish it would be like that I would´t have to wait and fight. To fight with the feeling of no ideas in my brain, or in, on, above, beyond, abeam. Slovak series Bud Bindi is similar a lot to a great British comedian Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean or Rowan Atkinson, as it´s his real name, he is a Capricorn like me and he seems to be inspired a lot of by Charlie Chaplin himself. There are a lot of actors and comedians inspired and thought by or with Charlie Chaplin himself. Charlie Chaplin star sign was the last decade of star sign Aries and Aries are so active, not to be lieying abed. Some Aries are and were so good and genius as for example Leonardo Da Vinci or Charlie Chaplin, some others were so idiotic and bad. It all depends, sometimes not only on astrology. It is all about the science and psychology. Abelian group and now the next word in an alphabeth, now from the sphere and dimension of Mathematics. I have no clue and idea what does it mean, I don´t know even the Chemistry and Physics. But I think it is the matter of fact that all three fields Alan Turing knows absolutely perfect. He would be worth of objective admiration of every atom in the universe, he would be worth it. Aberrant is a synonym for strange, weird and offensive and also obscene. Yesterday we were on a famous, genius, legendary and perfect William Shakespeare- Taming Of The Shrew, but there were also some erotic scenes. He was an absolute word polymath and I believe he did have English not C2 level, but D2 and I believe he knew even more than 170 000 words. 170 000 words are in the modern dictionary of English language in my computer. Oh, with that vocabulary, it would transport us to different worlds. To be aberrated could be good and bad, but oh, I started this verse with ,,to be” and what does it reminds you to? ,,To be or not to be? That is the question.” But this shouldn´t be all quoting the genius masterpieces of other creatures. As I wrote, that every creature has unique, exceptional, odd, different characteristic feature. And so does every colourful, different, antique or modern furniture. Aberration is somenthing, anything what is so odd. It could be new, it could be also old. In any eras of the existence of this planet there are many odd creatures, things, places, situations. It can bring, create and make a lot of aspirations and inspirations . To abet is to seduce or persuade someone somehow somewhere. On Friday we are going to Vienna with school, and I would like to know exactly where. I know we are going to see the universe of art, more exactly the fine art. Every art is and should be interesting, fascinating, original and smart. What would the abeyance of the entire universe or just the time look like? Would be everything stopped? Even in the universe Laika? I do know that subject is first in English sentence, but I did it only for the poetry. I do like fish, lamb but I like pork, beef less and I love poultry. When I am wrtiting this art I do hope that I am the oposite of the word abeyant, which is ,,lazy”. Oh, how I wish I had a vocabulary of any language at least 170 000 words, but I should learn like crazy. Regardless to be like anybody anyhow anytime anywhere. The mankind would and should stop any wars and just stare. There are people who couldn´t and shouldn´t be named that I do abhor. The atitude to these people should be like in Harry Potter- That Who Cannot Be Named or You Know Who. Evil doesn´t deserve to be thought, said and not at all made too. I think I am objective and true, but I don´t know what do you. Abhorrence is anything what is annoying, horrible and terrible. It is simple, primitive, but people use to think that is is intelligent and a riddle. But this opinion is wrong, false and subjective. Every evil is merely primitive and stupid and that is objective. Abhorrent is also the adjective of the abhorrence as I wrote higher and sooner. The sooner something is, the more it is in the past. Every work of art and masterpiece should last. It should last infinitely and eternally regardless of how old is the past. Abidance is the tenacity, permanency and persistence. It could be also described as the adhesiveness, but I hope I used correctlly the word ,,adhesiveness” in this sentence. I am no word polymath yet and my English is not perfect enoughto be able to create new words. The more new words someone creates, the more he is closer to the telepathy and other worlds. To abide is to bear to get over and it is interesting, because the bear is also an animal. Some art, things, people, situation are maximalistic, the others are minimal. It all depends on time, space, situation and who, where, what, when, why questions. But there are one more important, fundamental, vital, crucial and basic questions.
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ombreecha · 7 years
The Uchiha’s Wife
FF.NET Fandom: Naruto Pairing: SasuSaku Rated: M Summary: She was an otherworldly being of healing. An absolute nymph of spring. He was an otherworldly being of destruction. An absolute god of war. In a world where war makes him death, and chaos she will be the life, and love his people will talk of for years to come. AU x Warring States Period.
Chapter 2 The Uchiha
The air is chilled in the early morning as it has been in the last weeks since their joining and yet nothing is questioned. His clan has welcomed her easily enough and only minor gossip seems to follow her trail after his public performance.
Madara had made it clear not to bed her. Madara seeks for him to have pure children. At first he doesn't not question it. His thoughts are among the same as his leader, but it's within that same notion that he then questions why he had made him wed the creature of spring at all. Why have him take her hand when he would be expected to provide heirs?
He quickly learns from his fellow higher ups days before the upcoming meeting that a Senju had held his eyes on her before she had taken his name.
His marriage was simply another round of politics.
It left a bitter distaste in his mouth, but his village, and his men meant more to him than some freedom of a spring nymph.
There is a stiffness in the air as they are welcomed into a home so far from their own. She trails behind him and he can feel the nervousness that seemingly pours from her being. He know she is not used to attending meetings such as these. There is no doubt though she will continue to adjust and get used to them within time. These would be something she attended alongside him as long as the war continued on.
Her timid fingers brush against his and it's in that brief touch that he shifts his gaze to her as they follow Madara and the maids that welcome them deeper into the house. Those that trail behind her are already accustomed to these meetings, and hold none of her nervousness. Her rose-colored locks are pinned upon her head, and the cheongsam is of a white fading to rich teal with large floral patterns blossoming upon it. The nymph looks elegant in her ways and traditions, but it only furthers to make her stand out among those present.
As they fill the room he cannot help but let his ebony fall upon the boy that stands to protect their host. They are of distant relation—the Hyuuga—and yet he feels no true family bond with this clan. The bond they share is that of allies, nonetheless. The pale of his eyes showcase his linage that could not be disputed. They had fought beside each other enough times that there is recognition within the shared gaze. Neji Hyuuga was strong—there was no disputing it. He was a prodigy in his own rights. The times in which they had, had missions together had always been fruitful, and without much mistake.
Taking his seat his otherworldly wife follows. He notes her eyes looking upon the Hyuuga members that sit at the table, but there is no surprise decorating her features. He notes a whisper from Neji to their host, Hiashi Hyuuga. Moments later the Hyuuga boy has made his way beside his wife. There is a series of hushed whispers between them easily caught by his ears. The interaction is one that gives way to momentary interest.
"It's been long Sakura-san." there was a fondness to his voice that Sasuke had not expected.
"It has Neji-san. I hope you've been in good health." he doesn't need to look at her to know there is a smile—genuine to the core—upon her face as she speaks this.
"I had heard of Sasuke-sama's marriage but did not expect it to be with you."
"Ah, it was a surprise for many, I promise." she speaks with a hint of humor.
The interaction is called to a halt at Hiashi's voice. He calls forth their attention to start their meeting now that all that attend have taken their designated spot at the table. Madara sits at one end, and Hiashi, and his wife at the other. The high ranking members of the Uchiha—Izuna, Obito, Kagami, and himself—sit along one side, whilst the high ranking of the Hyuuga—Ko, Tokuma, Iroha, and Neji—sit along the other. The spouses of the wed are seated properly beside their husbands, but will hold no part in the meeting.
The discussions are intense as they deliberate over possible peace talks with the Senju, and Uzumaki. Hiashi opens the floor to those of high rank to say their thoughts. Hyuuga, and Uchiha alike raise their concerns of what peace could occur with the losses sustained on both sides. There is surprise that the Hyuuga seem to be considering it far more than that of his clansmen, but Madara's word is all it will take to make them agree.
"The possibility of this putting you, and Madara-sama in danger is high." Obito's voice is tight upon the room making them all gaze upon him, "The Senju, and Uzumaki have taken many from our families over their proclaimed ideals of love. Who is to say this talk of peace is not to take you from us as well?"
Sasuke cannot fault his bitterness as he too is among those Obito speaks of. He finds no reason for peace talks. Where were the peace talks as he grew up in this war? Where were the peace talks before his mother and father were slaughtered? The Senju deserved what came their way with their weak sense of ideals, and the robbing of his brother loyalty. The animosity he felt could not be extinguished with such talks.
"We seek to lose even more as it progresses if there isn't an attempt at peace talks." Iroha responds in solemnity.
This only provokes more arguments among those present. Fists are slamming upon the table and voices are raising. He feels his wife startle at the heated debate throughout the table. There is a feeling of certainty that those viridian are shifting to each person's voice as their volumes increases. There is the certainty that if he gazed upon her, her lips would be parted just slightly.
"Sasuke-san, I have yet to hear your feelings." Madara's voice carries the interest it seems the others did not know they possessed and it's in this moment when all of those present quiet to look upon him he takes in a deep breath.
He cannot ignore the call of his leader, and it's here that he takes a fleeting moment to look upon the rose-colored nymph. He questions if she has stopped breathing in her stillness awaiting his answer.
"I leave those decisions to you." his voice is rougher than he intends, but it matters not.
No one but his spring wife is shocked by his response. The sharp inhale she makes is one only he hears. There is tension radiating from her being as if she is sickened by his response.
He cares not.
Arguments erupt through the room once more until Hiashi silences it with the raising of his hand. Madara finally speaks his piece in the matter, "We all will consider the peace talk. I can rest at ease that you will send word to Hashirama-san for further details? Until then nothing has changed. Agreed, Hiashi-san?"
"I will send word out." the leading Hyuuga is content with the agreement reached.
The meeting is dismissed only moments later allowing the intensity of the room to washed away at its dismissal. Madara has taken to conversing with Hiashi into another room. He is sure they are ironing out the details of the agreement made. The maids of the Hyuuga home are quick to serve them food. The hospitality that comes from their ally is expected, and one he is accustom too.
Civil discussion, and war stories are shared throughout the meal. It's quaint and it's peaceful. Sasuke notes the quiet that comes from his wife, but he is sure she is listening intently and digesting the conquests discussed.
It's not until later within the night when he is unable to sleep, and his wife is nestled within the guest room they've been allotted that he is brought company by the Hyuuga boy. They fall as easily into place off the battlefield as they do on it. The conversation is not one he minds, and they share hints of humor.
"I have not run across Naruto-san in a while. It makes me wonder where he has gone into hiding if he is not on the frontline."
There is a grunt that escaped his lips, "He barely escaped our last encounter."
His response only makes the Hyuuga's mouth tilt to a smirk, "It was an encounter with him that made me meet your wife shortly after."
Ebony doesn't bother to shift to the boy as he brings her into the conversation, "Ah."
"She's an excellent healer—kind to a fault. I was surprised to see her present next to your side." He does not bother with a reply as the Hyuuga continues forward, "She healed all regardless of affiliation. It was because of that Toka Senju's son had taken interest in her."
This is nothing he hadn't heard already. He cared little to gain specifics of the Senju all seemed to buzz about when his wife was brought forth. There is the smallest of questions of what transpired between them, and then just as the wind blows softly upon them it is gone from his mind. Trivial matters were of no interest to him.
The conversation has disappeared from them leaving only their footsteps to bring noise to their otherwise quiet walk. It's not long till they find themselves back among the main branches home and those that sleep protectively within it's walls.
Sasuke hopes to find the solace sleep very rarely provides for him. He finds himself taking in the sound of his still sleeping wife as a lull that makes his already heavy lids begin their fall. The breathing is soothing, and only continues to provide an odd sense of comfort that he finds he still needs to adjust to. How long that adjustment will be he doesn't know, but he doesn't question it either.
There is a certain level of distance between them. The distance is small but seemingly far. Then there is this odd sense of closeness that he feels she brings with her presence. It's as though she knows no boundary, and knows of no personal space. Their marriage has only occurred in such a short amount of time, but these moments where they lay beside each other have yet to become something he associates as familiar.
These are the moments when he feels her wrapping herself around him with those pale rose-colored strands. The world contains comfort he has no use for, and no desire to participate in, and yet when those pale strands seemly wrap around his being he finds no will to cut them down. The desire comes quickly though as the world loses it's otherwise bright scenery of spring, and those once soft and coaxing strands now constrict him, and strangle his throat in dark hues of deep rich reds. The dark was not something he feared. The terror of those he had seen come and go in his life are what haunt him. The movement of the enemy upon him as he is forced to allow them to tower over his being without any way to protect himself brings forth an earth shattering anguish is another fear that hides within his dreams.
Glowing viridian is all he can see as his eyelids force themselves open, and his heart quakes in his chest. At what point had they found themselves in this position, and at what point had she deemed it acceptable to wake and tower over him? A moment of silence stills between them. He is desperate to find something—anything—within those ocular glowing orbs of hers to establish if there was an attempt to harm him. Traces of disdain are there, but it's missed some of the luster it had held as they ate, and this only serves to make him uncomfortable. It's with a swallow, and finally a moment that wash away the shell shocked look that had decorated his features. He shifts away from her unable to bare the closeness she consistently seems to bring with her.
"What are you doing?" he spats with no remorse.
Ebony eyes follow the flex that comes to her mouth and her throat as she swallows. There is no fear in her, and she seems to have taken a page from his own book when she refuses to answer something she felt was not important.
Kind to a fault.
He is on his feet in only seconds. He makes no attempt at laying his eyes upon her form as he switches between clothes for rest, and clothes for the day. There is venom resting at the base of his throat that seeks to find its way to her. There is a sluggishness to his movements as he makes to exit the room. Exhausted doesn't begin to explain the feeling that weighs upon him as he seeks to distance himself from her. In passing those from his clan, and out the door he is graced with the brightness of the sun and the gentle warmth it gives to his scalp.
Fingers found themselves upon the spines of books that covered the shelves before her. There is this interest eroding her being to understand and learn more of this unusually cold and ruthless man. It begs to question though if what is hidden among this library is one she is willing to take upon with an open heart. The battle of myth versus reality is constant within her mind over her husband—a man haunted nightmares, and yet a nightmare to others.
Sakura can only take in a breath as she lets her fingers slide off the spine to find it's way back to her side. The briefest shakes of her head follow suit as if to banish the thoughts that plague her. Her steps maintain their solid foundation as she walks from the room, and out into the hallway.
Sasuke—she is sure—is gazing upon his garden, and just as she has thought he is there. The look decorating her is one that digests him, and sizes him as though he is the only one who can rid her of the questions of myth versus reality. This man would rather leave her in a constant state of obscurity. He would not remove these questions that plagued her. The bitterness that had found its way into her everyday life since her marriage sits upon her chest once more.
He knows she is there. He knows she is gazing upon him. He knows she has questions.
Yet, this man would never answer a single one of them. He would keep her questioning, keep her guessing, and keep her forever pondering. His eyes would never gaze upon her she is sure—and the frustration that this union would never give her anything is what she assumes birthed this bitterness.
In this realization she can only let out the deep breath that sat within her lungs through her nose as if it will release the bitterness building in her. Throughout these moments she felt the tug-o-war taking place. Making the best out of this union would be ideal. They did not have to love, and they did not have to care for one another—the days in which she daydreamed of marriage and love coexisting had long since been destroyed the minute she had sat before him.
At no point would she ever consider affection from him a possibility—her mind flashes through memories of the discipline he had released upon the man in the market.
Fingers curled upon the wall—she would not romanticize his display in the market as affection. As much as there had been pride at him defending her there was certainty that he did it simply to quiet any negativity that was produced from their union.
She wanted them to be able to cohabit peacefully.
There is the briefest of noises behind her, and it's here she realizes she is blocking the maid from giving him the tea he must have asked for. Dismissing her is easily done, and since her marriage there is less and less hesitation. The tray is set beside him, and yet even still he does not glance her way.
Taking a place beside him she wonders if this will help her to understand him, and who he is.
This man was no ordinary man. He seemed to play outside of her god's rules. He was beyond that of any man she had ever met. He held no care of who's world he shattered—he had made that clear at the meeting.
If she had not seen him bleed or injured she would have questioned if he was man at all—that is what makes her let out the smallest of noises. The flicker of his eyes to her are brief and it is missed with her longing gaze upon the sky before her not painted in the flames or chaos that others surely see.
There is a moment of solace held in their walk along the village's main path. She had fallen in line with him as she made her way back from outside the village to retrieve a restock of herbs. He had a sheen of sweat across his face as he looked back at her. She can only assume that training has gone well for him.
The walk holds no conversation, and the noise of the village is loud, but pleasant. It floods her with memories from back home in her small quaint village of no importance. The smile that decorates her is genuine, and brings with it a swelling of warmth in her chest.
The momentary swelling is halted when the tiniest of hands have found their way to her husband's obsidian hakama with a pull to garner his attention. The confusion and fear is decorating her at this child's actions, and yet no one pays mind to it not even him. Sasuke has halted his own steps to look upon the child—it's possible curiosity and nothing more she's sure when it seems there will be no punishment. This is where the tales and unanswered questions have led her. It's hard to picture this man giving even the smallest of affections to anyone let alone a child.
The small Uchiha child has finally landed their ebony onto her giving forth a giggle before gazing back up as if completely taken with her husband. Wrapping their tiniest of arms around his leg he nuzzles into Sasuke and it's a sight that catches her off guard, and unprepared.
Warmth swells into her chest as she watches him lift a hand to the child's head and give it an indescribably tender pat. No one around them seems phased by this as if it is common, and yet she feels as if this was the most otherworldly thing her ocular windows had ever taken in since her arrival.
The words of her handmaid are what fill her with this experience. These people looked upon this man with such pride, and such love for all that he seemingly gives while he takes from others in the pursuit of final victory.
Delicate fingers press upon her lips as her other hand grasps the basket tighter in the thought that maybe he is once again not the myth or the tale that weaved itself into her upbringing. Judgment was something she continued to press upon him—had she ever really given this man a chance?
Her throats tightens even more—she continued to put these unspoken expectations forth. He had never had a chance to begin with. She is once again the cruel one, and she is once again reevaluating the disdain the stories of him had created and placing it upon herself—his eyes are on her and she's only now realizing it.
Ebony and viridian hold each other, and it's in the smallest of seconds she wishes to rip her gaze away from him. She is left feeling such disgust for herself for being so closed minded, and so unforgiving for things he has not even done to her.
There is the smallest upraise of his brow and she realizes he is trying to understand what it is that decorates her face, and what has caused it—she can only mentally beg her gods to forgive her inability to be better and asks them for strength to do better.
That lackadaisical attempt that was so utterly him comes in the blink of an eye. There is realization that someone else has captured his attention—Hikaku was his name right?
The child is Hikaku's and with his appearance he brings forth news of departure. This is but a reminder of the war that sits just beyond these walls, and outside these homes. Viridian can only look upon the dirt path they walk on.
That's right. This man was not an ordinary man. He held no care of who's world he shattered—his had already been shattered when his mother and father had left the world of the living.
He had made that so undeniably clear when he had voiced his indifference at the meeting she had sat upon in the argument of peace, and even in this surprising moment of tenderness to a child that was something she needed to remember first and foremost.
Bitterness—it's what she feels when that reminder did not shift the disdain back to him but instead settles upon herself even more.
His next mission is given, and it is only hours later that he leaves her.
This time the disdain is only subtle as she nods her farewells along with her handmaid.
There is the hint of fear laced in her subtle disdain for him within the viridian windows of her being. While he did not know what made her fear him he found no qualms with its presence. Fear would keep their lines from crossing and the distance between them sound. It provided him with relief at seeing her hold such feelings towards him. There had been the briefest of confusion she had given him within the village. It had made him intrigued by her outward display. He could not understand what had decorated her features though. Something had made her displeased within the village. There was what he could only gauge as hatred, but it had not been towards him—he would not dwell on it now and he wouldn't dwell on it later.
His men are amused and chatting behind him as they make their way to the next battle. They are there to provide relief for others, and give them time to regroup before taking another village from the Senju. He has longed for battle since his last mission. Battle spoke to him in wonderful whispers. Battles gave him the ability to bring honor to his fallen mother and father.
Honor was the bare minimum he would bring them in their deaths.
They had deserved so much better, and so much more. They were not bad people. They were not cruel people. His mother was the ever constant warmth of his world. His father was stern and strict but held all the loyalty one could ever ask for.
The Senju deserved it when he slaughtered their men, and warrior children. They deserved it when he slammed his blade into their gut and ripped it out without remorse. They deserved the fire he brought with the inhale of air that filled his lungs. They deserved the brutality of his fingers laced with lightning piercing their armor and dragging their hearts from the cage that protected them.
The one he thought would surely come to the fight still had not, and it only meant that they never had stood a chance against the power that was the Uchiha clan. The Hyuuga was right in what he had said—Naruto was missing and it only meant that this battle would come with ease after a few rounds, and a few pushes.
Relief is what they provide to those who have fought hard and given all they can to their cause. They will give them time to breath, and time to take in healing from the medics that put their lives on the line. The men who had been sent out before him, and the warrior children of both sides litter the ground, and yet this is nothing new for him. He had been a child of war himself. Age meant nothing in this almost decade long fight.
There's an art through the air, and with it a reaction from himself. The current of electricity is loud and chirps with delight along his fingers before finding itself inside that of the enemy. His men are rushing forward to produce their own arts, and the air is filled with the stench of blood and death.
Retreat from the opposing side is all that keeps them from pushing forward hours in. The battle will resume shortly he is sure, and in that time they only need to regroup and stand firm with their newly acquired hold upon this village.
The battle to come though had not been what he had expected. Little had prepared him for the terrible victory that he would grasp in this battle. Little had he realized he would come face to face with the very one who had sought to obtain her.
Toka Senju's son was recognizable in moments. There was no way to dispute who stood before him. There was the glare cast upon him, and the sneer solely for him placed upon the Senju's lips. There was a clash and the attempt to render this man under his genjutsu. This man fought with all the rage that he worked to maintain and keep from exploding. This man fought as though he had been robbed of something with unbelievable value. There was understanding in that. He too had been robbed of something with unbelievable value.
There is a moment in which he misjudges an attack, and he feels his arm snap, there is a moment where he has gritted his teeth in keeping the pain from eating him alive, and then there is his blade piercing the Senju's shoulder.
Blood is splattered, and howls of hysteria are what echo through the days that transpire. He questions the sanity of the man who comes for him at every opportunity. The Senju does not allow his men to aid him in trying to end his life. The Senju is an absolute fool—a child throwing a tantrum.
He seeks nothing more than to ram his blade into the beating heart of the one who continues to come for him in personal hatred. He would teach this man—no this child—what happened when you brought personal feelings into the land of chaos and war.
He was a god of war. An otherworldly being of destruction.
He, Sasuke Uchiha, was truly cruel.
Hurt, battered, and slightly broken he does not allow them to take him to the clinic. He demands his bed, and his comrades equally bloody, and battered comply with his selfish desires. She is there in the doorway. Her face decorated in wide doe-eyes and glowing viridian shock as she takes in the sight of her husband. The swallow that follows is pained. She is upon them immediately shouting orders, and demanding her handmaid gather more servants to assist in retrieving supplies.
She takes care of him first, mending his flesh, cleaning out the dirt, and grime that has settled into his wounds. Hisses falls from her lips as she forces out the growing infection, and sticks her fingers into his worse wounds in an attempt to get inside of him deeper. Endless ebony falter back and forth to the deep rich red of his sharingan has he watches her work on him between moments of blurred vision. He has bit into his tongue at the sharp pain of her mending and healing.
He questions if she is killing him, and he questions why he is allowing her to do so.
His vision settles into a seemingly permanent blurred state and begins to descend into black as he is sure she has just broken his arm unsatisfied with her original adjustment all within the aim of aligning it correctly. The pain to much to bare. He mentally begs for it all to end, and continues to curse her for killing him.
This woman. This nymph of spring would be his end.
He was sure of this.
It's almost as if only moments have passed since he has faded from the world of the living and yet he awakes with confusion decorating his features sluggishly. He finds the familiar ceiling above his head and groggily turns to find his comrades beside him in similar states of recovery.
The birds outside his garden just beyond his bedroom door are loud and are singing forth what he can only assume is a new day. He feels a hand lay upon his shoulder. Izuna's features flood his no longer blurred vision. He sees the words forming on his mouth. He knows there is sound coming forth and yet the birds are so loud he cannot hear them.
It digests that the Uchiha has requested he not move in his state, and then he feels the steps taken shortly after on the vibrate upon tatami below him. Time seems to stand still only for his vision to become obscured by rose-colored strands as her face comes into view. He takes note of her exhaustion, of the specks of blood he questions if she does not know paint her milky complexion, her rose-colored strands bare the same only in larger doses in their shattered state around her, and then there are her hands coming to lay upon him. Her nails hold dry blood under them as her hands glows and the warmth that he has come to recognize as completely her envelopes him to ease the throbbing pain he had yet to notice until this moment.
He feels himself slip within the warmth as if being submerged into an endless river. It's cool, and satisfying, and likely to drown him. It has dulled the harsh throbbing pain he had only come to notice before her fingers flowed upon him.
It's not until he awakens again that he starts to question the span of time. His the throbbing pain is still there as a mocking reminder of how far he has gone in his battle against the Senju, but it has eased considerably. He wonders if it was her who had caused this ease.
She is there as he struggles to sit up, and urgency to clear his lungs. He stops himself from doing so bringing fingers to not wrapped and bound to his chest. This woman is pressed against the door that leads to the garden he took joy in. The soft sounds of her deep within sleep flow from her chest filling the air as he watches it rise and fall. Her kimono is torn, and caked in blood. The article of clothing is in complete ruin, and it appears she has not attended to herself. He assumes he hasn't been out for long.
He would find out later he was so very wrong. He would find out later she hadn't slept days into his return. He would find out later that he would grow irritated with these actions.
He would find out later that this woman who felt so much disdain for him would go to great lengths keeping him alive.
Even for someone she surely felt should die.
The man who had come to visit her before her much celebrated marriage had entered her home in hearing of her husband and comrade's fatal status. The sight of Sasuke bleeding out, and possibly damaged beyond repair haunted her when she closed her eyes.
The fear she had held at seeing him like that had shaken her foundation of him once again. This terrible beyond words, and cruel man was just that a man. It had taken him in such a half dead state to remind her of this, and the regret she held for never realizing it shifted more disdain onto herself. Disdain would be her downfall. Sorrow would fill her heart in knowing that he had never been the cruel one between them. It had all been her. All of that cruelty was hers to bare.
The blood that had long since dried days ago under her fingernails brings back the vivid memory of how far she had gone to make sure he did not leave the world of the living.
Izuna had been there to help command the maids, and bring forth more medics to assist in the treatment of her husband and his team. The gratitude she expresses is overflowing as she gets on her hands and knees uttering it over and over again after the worst of it all has past.
The sight of her is pathetic, and pitiful but she cannot—will not—back down from expressing such deep heavyhearted gratitude.
He waves her off in that strangely formal way of his. Stoic in nature and yet she feels unbelievable warmth when he tells her to now take care of herself. Viridian finally remove themselves from the tatami mats beneath her and find their way to his. The tears that had been threatening to spill finally make their way down her face.
Had he known her true feelings toward her husband she is sure he would not be so kind, and yet she feels completely bare to him when their eyes connect. It pushes her to want to feel more towards her husband, and not be the shameful excuse of a wife she knows she is at the heart of this marriage.
It is in this moment that she becomes determined to give more to her husband. This moment here is where she makes a promise to be a proper wife to him. She would support him properly. She would care for him properly. The complex feelings she holds towards her husband will be rebuilt. The difference in ideals now felt so very petty and insignificant. The difference in their hearts would no longer stand between them. This perception of him would be shattered glued back together with an open mind and open heart.
"You need rest, Sakura-san."
The warmth still exists in his voice as if he has heard her silent promise to give more, and be more. It is here though that she shakes her head not caring how much farther it will lower her in his gaze. Her husband's team still needed her now. Her husband still needed her in these moments. She would stay by his side regardless of the strain it would put on her body and mind.
"I will stay by his side."
It is no longer that a simple moment of time between them before he gives a nod and finds his way out from their home. Sakura sees him out giving one more heavyhearted thank you. He has not tried to stop her from pushing herself beyond her limits, and she finds it makes her heart swell that he has allowed her this privilege to not follow his intended orders.
Whispers filled his home of tales of his wife's healing abilities showing their true power when needed most. It's not until weeks later after they had died down that as he sits with Izuna, and Hikaku over discussions concerning the war, and what he has missed while in recovery that he finally can hear those long dead whispers in a clear voice.
"Your wife could not bare to leave your side as you recovered. She did not sleep or leave your side in days." Izuna's warm voice comes to his ears.
He takes the time to gaze upon the fellow Uchiha with such an uncharacteristic warmth coating his statement. He does not follow through with a comment as Izuna continues forward, "She had forgotten herself completely in your state."
It's here that Hikaku speaks, "I would like to properly thank your wife for my recovery, Sasuke-sama".
Ebony met upon ebony at such a request, and a simple nod was all he could give. It made no difference to him if his comrade thanked his wife for her medical treatment. She was no concern of his.
Agitation is all he could feel in hearing Izuna's claims. Why this woman had fought so hard to keep him alive is beyond him.
That thought would not change even as as he caught her that evening watching the end of day sun grace his home with it's painted hues as it brought with it the peace that came with night. She was seated so calmly as she looked out upon his, no their, garden.
He questioned if this was the first time he had said her name. He did not find the taste of her name familiar to his tongue. It was so very foreign, and so very light.
Endless ebony met those trademark viridian. He found his steps strong as he came to her side. He did not sit with her choosing to stand beside her. Running his free unbound hand through his long ebony locks he takes in the sight that her eyes adore before her.
"Your. . .friend?" she seemed unsure if she had established who she was referring to correctly, "Thanked me earlier for treating him."
He did not look to her, "Ah."
"Are you in any pain?"
He refused to answer such a thing. She was far beyond what Madara had said. She had transcended what he had assumed of her skill. She was far more than he had realized.
He would be out of his sling soon because of this.
"Did you kill him?" her fingers found their way into her hair fluffing it as if she was discussing the weather.
"No." the answer sent resentment through him.
Sasuke had failed to deliver the final blow to the Senju that had taken fancy to her. When they had met on the battlefield it had been nothing personal. There was recognition and disdain on the Senju's part, but he, he had not made this personal. She did not influence his battles—no she influenced Toka's son's battles.
"I see." she murmured softly as her fingers found the cloth of his pants around his ankle, "Please. . ." her voice was too soft, and too low. He was sure he would have missed it if he had not looked down to her when she had grabbed him, "Be more careful."
"You're annoying."
To understand her husband had filled her with renewed purpose, and it is in those moments when he leaves her to her own devices that she longs for tales of her new family, and of her husband through the hearts and eyes of those closest to him. She seeks to stare upon her husband as that child in the market had.
Taking every chance, and every opportunity she could to learn all that there was to be known about Sasuke Uchiha filled her life with pride. There was a longing to know and understand him better than anyone, and she knew in having that she would also become the proper wife this man needed.
The handmaid has tales of his youth. The child like innocence her husband once held makes her heart want to burst. There was a Sasuke Uchiha she would never meet, and yet just hearing of him in such a time makes her heart swell. These stories carry words of a sibling that she has never heard of before and unspoken questions formulate within her. There is desire to ask of where this sibling is. She doesn't though when she notes the almost pained smile upon the maids lips.
Izuna's visit to see her husband allows her the opportunity to learn of the Sasuke Uchiha on the battlefield. The tales of his raw power and his effortless control of fire, and lightning make her eyes light up with curiosity and make her want to witness such things in person. It makes her long to see what they have seen.
The archives she tracks down in the library give her the chance to read during meetings that do not call for her. It gives her a much better understand of who his people—no, no they are her people as well—are and what it is they fight for. The ideology clash she finds is complex and she realizes that while she disagrees with their ways and thoughts she will protect their hopes beside him.
Knowledge of him, and their clan is not all that she throws herself into.
Sakura Uchiha will do more.
The maids at first are unsure of how to handle her in the kitchen, and her constant requests to teach her their dishes. His absences help her to better herself so that she can serve him food that will make him seek to return home.
Sakura finds herself lessening her disdain for herself as she pushes herself. If her husband can bring protection then she can provide a home for him to return to with love, and warmth. He brings their people victory and success with the cruelest of methods and she will provide them with gentle affection and recovery when they return.
In a world where war makes him death, and chaos she will be the life, and love his people will talk of for years to come.
The wives of his closest of comrades, and those high ranking under him come with even more opportunity to learn she finds. They first find her amusing with expectations that she is halfhearted, and it is only after constant attempts from the spring wife that they learn her determination is not fleeting. The respect she gains from them brings her respect among others in their village. Gratitude is expressed from them after every check up she provides on their husbands. They have grown to trust her in a way she did not think she would be able to obtain when this marriage of hers had started.
Hikaku's wife has become the one she bonds with the most. This woman is what she can only hope to become. The love in her voice, and the unbelievable rawness that flows from her as she speaks of her husband is one Sakura longs to possess when speaking of Sasuke.
The spring wife finds herself unable to stop what comes from her mouth as they sip tea in Hikaku's home, "I find myself envious of your strength and devotion to your husband."
The soft features that paint over the ebony haired woman makes Sakura's heart flutter as she tells of something she had not expected.
"The Uchiha love far deeper than anyone else."
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ackerbooty · 7 years
Note: If you make it to the end, know this post turned out much longer than I anticipated. And god forgive me saying and switching between opiate and opioid all over, my head is so scattered and I ... yeah.
I'm terrified.
Maybe in a way that is different from most--but it has to do with my meds. I was in a car accident when I was 17 years old, it'll be 10 years next September and I sustained a multitude of injuries:
Head injury
Glass/trauma under left eye that has led to my vision worsening in left eye
Fractured collarbone
Fractured first rib
Pnemothorax (collapsed lung) that now affects my breathing/problems with scar site
Hypersensitivity that circles around left breast and ribs
Herniated disc - back surgery in 2011 where there is now a scar with massive scar tissue
Fractured sacrum (My ass. I broke my ass.)
Fractured pelvis in 5 places
Severe damage to the sciatic nerve
All of these fractures and injuries were sustained to my left side, and continue to give me problems to this day. It was nothing I, or my family, thought and was told would be long lasting or "permanent". The orthopedic doctor, while I was still in my wheelchair and unable to walk told me I DID NEED PHYSICAL THERAPY (he was a fuckin' idiot, but that's an entirely different story that ends with me giving my mom and look and mouthing "I want it" and her nodding and saying "duh".). I was 17. I didn't know to ask questions. I didn't know what questions to ask. My herniated disc pressed on my sciatic nerve and was said to be the cause of my chronic nerve pain and that surgery would be the best route to seeing about a solution. My neurologist made me wait over a year after meeting him because I was so young and should easily gounce back and he wanted me to try more PT and go through tests. He also first wanted me to see a psychiatrist because all of this pain could be a coping mechanism.
For so long I thought I was making it up. I had no idea of what I was feeling, when my left foot would feel like it was actually catching fire when I put pressure on the heel of my foot in bed, how my last three toes on my foot were sensitive and couldn't stay warm.
Money. Money. More money. Surgery. I wake up. My settlement money gone from just trying to figure out why I was hurting when I was told I wouldn't. What was this burning sensation? Why couldn't I live without pain medication? Why was I having to tell my mother that I wasn't addicted to the pills and that I needed them.
Diagnosed: Depression/PTSD
Chronic and constant migraines
Fibromyalgia (how many times am I going to see an eye roll from people who actually do not believe I this?)
Is my story important? I'm unsure. But because of the opioid epidemic declared at the beginning of January, and even before then, I've slowly seen access to the medications I need--yes, considered controlled substances--become more difficult and harder to get. I have been lucky, but only because my pain and injuries are more than well documented and because I've plundered more than 50k into medical bills trying to fix it for documentation to exist. I've also been seeing the same doctor since my accident. This doesn't take away from the fact that I am a 25 year old depend on opiates to help my REAL and CHRONIC and CRIPPLING nerve pain/body pain/migraines/etc. I admit to being lucky in so far as you can define the word to my situation. There are those I know who are being ripped off their medications all around me--one, diagnosed for years with depression and with bipolar disorder was taken off a regime of medication that worked for him and had been a solid, study foundation he trusted and was put on a vitamin instead. Another woman had been on the same C2 classified medication for almost 30 years and was taken off of it without any warning, and was sent to a pain management clinic without any help for detoxification and given a prescription for Naproxen.
I am on Medicaid. While working to get my Bachelors degree, I could not work and this is how I've had to support my medical bills. I am grateful, so very grateful for the help this provided me in getting the medical care I cannot afford, but it is also difficult to have medication approved for use. If a dosage is deemed too high or because of the brand, or because of what it is--an opiate medication--I am to try another first.
I haven't had anything taken from me. Not yet.
So why am I scared?
This was the first time, after being prescribed a new medication by my doctor that we were both enthusiastic about helping my quality of life, the insurance company faxed my doctor a form of six other medications I had to try before I could try what my doctor had given me. This could easily be an experience of someone else's, but before my doctor could tell them simply, "No, she has been on this before. She has developed a tolerance/it did not work./etc. and I could usually get what I needed. Like Movantik. TMI or just a lesson for you, because we all have biological functions that are kind of icky, but those of us who are dependent on opioid medication to just survive a damn day without a little bit of pain have a hard freakin' time pooping. Movantik is a medication specifically targeted at opiate induced constipation and while it can be hard on your stomach, it is a god send for me when I'm having a difficult time using the toilet. There are a few kinks, so to say with it, but I cried when I saw there was something like this finally on the market. My insurance tried to basically give me a prescription for Miralax. I have these two big ass--I'm unsure if that's a pun intended to make some of you guys still with me have a good giggle--bottles of Miralax powder that ... mm ...
I've been on medication since I was still considered a teenager. For me, at least, this treatment is not helpful on its own. It makes me cramp and is painful because it does not do enough of what it is supposed to do--as in, it does not bring enough moisture back into my stool so I can easily go to the bathroom.
So I'm scared.
I'm finally back home.
After seven years I have finally graduated. So I'm closer to my doctor's office and we can finally get me onto a medication that better suits my needs than what I'd been given.
I'm put on Embeda. With is a medication that is "higher tech" and "tamper proof". It's an extended release medication that is Morphine Sulfate with 1.2 mg naltrexone hydrochloride. I am currently on a 30 mg dose. I've been on Morphine Sulfate before that was described as a more dangerous medication and one that is considered easier to abuse than this one here. I can't be put on Morphine Sulfate because once my body decides to become dependent on a medication, it sure doesn't like being put back on it in any shape or form.
I was so happy to be put on my intended medication before given this, but I was still hopeful. It's difficult to find something that works and I have a cautious doctor--which I'm not complaining about, thank god--who starts me out on a lower dose so we see how I react. We usually always have to go up. It's all in all, what one could typically chalk up to as a long day. Tiresome. But necessary. Something I'm willing to go through because this is the only thing that has been able to give me any sort of quality of life. I combine it with exercise, acupuncture treatments, and constant chiropractic care (the last two of which are not covered by Medicaid).
But why am I scared? Why have I taken up this much room on your dash? Because it isn't working.
I know I'm not a doctor. But I know my body. The difference between needing a higher dose and a different medication altogether hasn't failed me yet, and I could be wrong about this. Obviously, I could be. I want to be. Because my doctor wants me to try a higher dose before we switch me to another medication on this list.
I'm in so much pain right now because I cannot calm my sciatic nerve damage down right now. It's like my entire left leg and bottom is an inferno. My body is also hot. I'm afraid.
And I simply needed to tell somebody. I have no idea what this will do.
Nothing, most likely. I could get picked on for being a Medicaid recipient, given complete and utter shit for something perceived as wrong or inaccurate in what I have said. I am writing my personal experience. What I am currently going through. And I keep switching from opiate to opioid/s. Maybe someone will tell me I can get this right. Or that I'll be okay. Another could even help me. Or I could get this out to someone else and let them know that this is utter hell and sometimes ... sometimes the pain makes me want to go back and figure out a way around what happened.
Perhaps, I can reach someone else going through chronic pain. Someone seeing the repercussions of this "epidemic" that has been declared. Maybe I can be the one, if they got this far, to say I'm here. I feel like I'm dying, I am crying, and I wish someone would help me, but I will live. And I have a hand for you to hold.
God I just want some help. It's unbearable tonight. I never thought I'd post about this. Like I said, I don't propose to have knowledge. I'm speaking from a point in time that is filtering itself through pain.
I just wish to know ... is there someone like me? Getting that evil look when you step out the car and "take away" a handicapped spot from "someone who could really use it", terrified of the sort of pain and overwhelming sadness that comes from one moment in your life you had no control over (that I don't even remember), forgetting your pride to ask for gas to make it to even get the scripts that may not work for you in the first place. Laying in bed and writing in hopes of finding community. Tired. Hurting.
xx lyndz
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Does Petyr Baelish Have PTSD?
@liitlefinger got me thinking with this:
Hmm I was thinking abt this last night and obviously Petyr has so much trauma from what happened to him as a kid but does he have like? A PTSD?
I have a tiny (really just a smidgen) amount of education and training on PTSD and other conditions listed in the DSM-V. Enough to have a .pdf of the thing I nearly forgot was on my computer. Thank goodness, because my copy of the text is nearly 1,000 pages long-ish.
With his consent, I’ve offered to go through the criteria in what I think will be my very first ASOIAF Meta©™®.
Caveat: I am not the type of professional who is legally able to make a proper diagnosis of any kind.
Background: to put it vaguely as possible (as I still prize my anonymity) my day job is working with a very vulnerable population, those with a variety of disabilities although I specialize in particular those with Intellectual Disability and/or Pervasive Developmental Disorder. I have helped those with other conditions, or those that have other conditions in addition to the ones I specialize in. I started out with children, but have moved on to adults, specifically those of 21 year of age and older. We are trained how to spot potential additional conditions and direct them to the specialists who can diagnose them and then we coordinate together to figure out how to help them receive the prescribed treatment post-diagnosis.
Now! On with the criteria! I’ve simplified it a bit, but I’m going to go through each one with what quotes from ASOIAF I can find and with the tiniest bit of generalizing, please feel free to take the latter with a boulder of salt. DSM bits will be italicized.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Note: The following criteria apply to adults, adolescents, and children older than 6 years. For children 6 years and younger, see corresponding criteria below.
Sweet! I found the right page. For reference:
He had a little pointed chin beard now, and threads of silver in his dark hair, though he was still shy of thirty.
-GOT Catelyn IV
A. Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence in one (or more) of the following ways:
1. Directly experiencing the traumatic event(s).
Yup. Multiple events at that.
Brandon was a man grown, and he drove Littlefinger all the way across the bailey and down the water stair, raining steel on him with every step, until the boy was staggering and bleeding from a dozen wounds. “Yield!” he called, more than once, but Petyr would only shake his head and fight on, grimly. When the river was lapping at their ankles, Brandon finally ended it, with a brutal backhand cut that bit through Petyr’s rings and leather into the soft flesh below the ribs, so deep that Catelyn was certain that the wound was mortal. He looked at her as he fell and murmured “Cat” as the bright blood came flowing out between his mailed fingers. She thought she had forgotten that.
-GOT Catelyn VII
“That was the night I stole up to his bed to give him comfort. I bled, but it was the sweetest hurt. He told me he loved me then, but he called me Cat, just before he fell back to sleep. Even so, I stayed with him until the sky began to lighten.”
-ASOS Sansa VII, Lysa
A fortnight passed before Littlefinger was strong enough to leave Riverrun, but her lord father forbade her to visit him in the tower where he lay abed. Lysa helped their maester nurse him; she had been softer and shyer in those days… As soon as he was strong enough to be moved, Lord Hoster Tully sent Petyr Baelish away in a closed litter, to finish his healing on the Fingers, upon the windswept jut of rock where he’d been born.
-GOT Catelyn VII
NB: In my non-professional opinion, I do not consider the actual betrothal to Brandon Stark to be a traumatic event. Please feel free to correct me, but I couldn’t find anything in the text to support this, but of course I may have missed something. I see obviously some grief, disappointment, and sadness. Considering the situation and his prior feelings toward Cat, I did not find any of these emotions expressed to be of a disturbed amount or manner. Please take this opinion with a hefty grain of salt and do not hesitate to correct me if I’m wrong.
2. Witnessing, in person, the event(s) as it occurred to others.
3. Learning that the traumatic event(s) occurred to a close family member or close friend. In cases of actual or threatened death of a family member or friend, the event(s) must have been violent or accidental.
4. Experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the traumatic event(s).
It is known that he has several brothels, where Littlefinger may serve folks of unusual tastes (at least per the show, as of writing this I couldn’t find evidence of it in A Search of Ice and Fire and a brief perusal of the text) which includes those that by simply the nature of their age cannot consent, let alone his own prostitutes where we may deal with anything from enthusiastic consent (I’m not going to knock the legitimate sex workers out there that take good care of themselves and only go through with consenting transactions. They happen, but I get the feeling and have read evidence of it rarely. Still, I’m one of the weird ones who have talked to a few of the healthy ones on my own time with no sign of psychological stress as I saw it or signs of attempting to lie… and a number of not healthy ones due to where I’m employed.), to dubious, to outright not consenting.
Nevertheless this criteria has been met!
B. Presence of one (or more) of the following intrusion symptoms associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning after the traumatic event(s) occurred:
1. Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories of the traumatic event(s).
2. Recurrent distressing dreams in which the content and/or affect of the dream are related to the traumatic event(s). Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content.
3. Dissociative reactions  in which the individual feels or acts as if the traumatic event(s) were recurring.
4. Intense or prolonged psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event(s).
5. Marked physiological reactions to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event(s).
Unfortunately, all the above requires us to have an interview or be treating the individual we may be making this diagnosis for, or requires insight into the individual’s thoughts.
Say… like… maaayyybbbeee… in a POV chapter in this case.
Eh? Eh? GRRM? … Please?
Or he could somehow express these feelings to Sansa. I can’t think of anyone else he’d say them to. Then again, this could just be wishful thinking.
“Littlefinger is the second most devious man in the Seven Kingdoms.”
-GOT Eddard XV, Varys
Either way, unable to determine if criteria had been met at this time.
C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by one or both of the following:
1. Avoidance of or efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely associated with the traumatic event(s).
2. Avoidance of or efforts to avoid external reminders (people, places, conversations, activities, objects, situations) that arouse distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely associated with the traumatic event(s).
See the above. Unable to determine if if the criteria has been met. But I think we can rule out C2.
“My lords, with your leave, I propose to travel to the Vale and there woo and win Lady Lysa Arryn. Once I am her consort, I shall deliver you the Vale of Arryn without a drop of blood being spilled.”
-ASOS Tyrion III, Petyr Baelish
D. Negative alterations in cognitions and mood associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of the following:
1. Inability to remember an important aspect of the traumatic event(s) (typically due to dissociative amnesia and not to other factors such as head injury, alcohol, or drugs).
The text implies Petyr was indeed drunk when raped by Lysa, therefore does not qualify as he believes he had Cat in his bed that night.
“He looked so wounded I thought my heart would burst, and afterward he drank until he passed out at the table. Uncle Brynden carried him up to bed before my father could find him like that.”
-ASOS Sansa VII, Lysa
If they had any sex thereafter post his fight with Brandon, but before being forced back to The Fingers, I believe would be defined as dubious consent (I don’t know if she became pregnant after that single session). He probably had quite a lot of pain medication to deal with his wounds.
Once more, does not strictly qualify. The bragging he does many years later in King’s Landing about taking the maidenhead of both sisters confirms that he was so impaired on at least that first occasion that he does indeed believe he had sex with Catelyn. There are several examples, but I quite like this one from a narrative stand point,
“Littlefinger had you first, didn’t he?”
-ACOK Catelyn VII, Jaime Lannister
Could just be an excellent example of toxic masculinity. As for his cognitions in regards to his fight with Brandon Stark… More insight is needed.
2. Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs or expectations about oneself, others, or the world.
3. Persistent, distorted cognitions about the cause or consequences of the traumatic event(s) that lead the individual to blame himself/herself or others.
4. Persistent negative emotional state.
5. Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities.
6. Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others.
7. Persistent inability to experience positive emotions.
I’m sure Petyr felt like shit when he was hauled away to his father’s land before he donned the mask of Littlefinger, but we need a POV or declaration to another character to be sure.
D2-D7 Unable to be determined at this time.
E. Marked alterations in arousal and reactivity associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of the following:
1. Irritable behavior and angry outbursts typically expressed as verbal or physical aggression toward people or objects.
Umm… Lysa would agree.
Lysa Arryn smiled tremulously. “Only one? Oh, Petyr, do you swear it? Only one?”
“Only Cat.” He gave her a short, sharp shove.
Lysa stumbled backward, her feet slipping on the wet marble. And then she was gone. She never screamed. For the longest time there was no sound but the wind.
-ASOS Sansa VII, Lysa and Petyr Baelish
I mean, she was trying to hurt Sansa, but I theorize that this cool and controlled as a cucumber colored cat dude did this much sooner than he had planned to.
Anything else needs more insight.
2. Reckless or self-destructive behavior.
Chaos is a ladder, anyone?
Wait… What? Is that just a show only thing?! Aww… man.
3. Hypervigilance.
Well, to not be while constructing and carrying out his plans would be expected. To a detrimental level we don’t have enough evidence for yet. Need to be in his head for that or see some symptoms from Sansa. I haven’t found any yet.
4. Exaggerated startle response.
I don’t see anything in the text to support this. Littlefinger has the affect, as I’ve mentioned before, of a cool cat. Cucumber cat.
5. Problems with concentration.
If Lord Baelish knew how to juggle he could do it blindfolded with a great number and variety of things of all shapes and sizes; some on fire, some sharp and pointy in a number of ways, while standing on a ball, doing the hula-hoop, and playing the 1812 Overture in its entirety on a kazoo.
Currently not supported by the text.
Except for the juggling bit.
A master juggler was Petyr Baelish.
-ACOK Tyrion IV
6. Sleep disturbance.
Need a POV or a sneaky Sansa.
Technically since for this section only two were needed to pass here. He is short of making it by one. He might satisfy more with further evidence, but at the moment we’re again at the not supported by the currently released text impasse.
F. Duration of the disturbance (Criteria B, C, D, and E) s more than 1 month.
Need more data, see above criteria noted.
G. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational,or other important areas of functioning.
Honestly, considering how well the man functions in his society to the point of being promoted up the ladder to the Small Council, despite his low-birth and the other obstacles he had to overcome, I’m inclined to say does not at the present time meet this criteria. His mask is tight, but everything we have evidence for thus far does not state what he’s like beyond Sansa’s brief musings on the difference between the attitude he presents to her when she believes she can ascertain the difference between the mask and the man. What she perceives as Petyr could just be another mask, even if it is a smaller one.
Note that we also do not know precisely how long ago he started his climb. I could definitely see that he might have had to take some time to put his foot on the first rung. So he could have possibly met this criteria in the past. Unfortunately, as I’ve said many times before, need more data.
H. The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition.
Specify whether:
With dissociative symptoms: The individual’s symptoms meet the criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder, and in addition, in response to the stressor, the individual experiences persistent or recurrent symptoms of either of the following:
1. Depersonalization: Persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from, and as if one were an outside observer of, one’s mental processes or body.
2. Dereailzation: Persistent or recurrent experiences of unreality of surroundings.
Considering that Sansa admits:
And sometimes it seemed to her that the Lord Protector was two people as well. He was Petyr, her protector, warm and funny and gentle … but he was also Littlefinger, the lord she’d known at King’s Landing, smiling slyly and stroking his beard as he whispered in Queen Cersei’s ear… Littlefinger was only a mask he had to wear. Only sometimes Sansa found it hard to tell where the man ended and the mask began. Littlefinger and Lord Petyr looked so very much alike.
-AFFC Sansa I
And how it appears to her he seems to be able to take the mask on and off at his own behest so that it’s hard to tell them apart, this really doesn’t meet the criteria for disassociation; but I could do a short meta about how he doesn’t meet this definition or the dissociative disorders currently in the DSM-V. The Depersonalization  and Derealization symptoms will again have to wait for possible reveals in the future.
Note: To use this subtype, the dissociative symptoms must not be attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures).
Oh! That’s me! But the terminology is out of date as of this year.
Specify if:
With delayed expression: If the full diagnostic criteria are not met until at least 6 months after the event (although the onset and expression of some symptoms may be immediate).
Say it again with me.
So, to summarize: Currently only one criteria has been met for a potential diagnosis of PTSD. The rest we require more data to determine whether or not he does as we need more insight via a POV chapter or what he may reveal to Sansa. If this is done verbally to her instead of with body language or clearly noted with certain nonverbal cues which may conflict with what he may be saying it will be difficult to determine if he meets the criteria or not.
Honestly, I’ll admit that what I could give references for during my first run through of this Meta©™® with the books I had and what I could find in ASOIAF this was a fun and insightful exercise.
For reasons I will not disclose here I have been diagnosed with PTSD for unfortunately meeting A1 on several occasions. It has been interesting to compare what criteria I most definitely met, but with treatment I have been able to manage or outright worked out of different subsets. I still meet them all enough to have the diagnosis, but have made significant progress, but it made me a bit proud.
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Ivan; G1, H2, H7// Zyra; D1, D3, C2, K5// Rain; B9, A6, J6
read under the cut cause i got pretty out of control 
G1: Is your OC close to their family?
Ivan’s got a somewhat complicated relationship with his immediate family. His parents have a history of giving him the shaft in favor of his brother Kevin. Examples include better Christmas gifts, more leniency when he gets in trouble, and overall just more positive attention than Ivan, all because Kevin was better at athletic sports. When Kevin finally moved out focus shifted to Ivan, but by then Ivan was already pretty sore. He doesn’t hate his parents, in fact he tries his hardest to impress them, he just feels sort of distant and finds more comfort in friends and other family members like his grandfather.
H2: Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
It changes as he gets older, but Ivan has always kept the interests of Angel in mind ever since they started dating. Obviously when he’s still a kid he’s still got some selfish traits like pressuring Angel to do fun stuff he enjoys rather than she does, but as he ages he listens to her more and keeps her desires in mind when they’re together. Ivan’s change of character gets kickstarted when Rain warns him about possibly losing Angel is he doesn’t fix his petty feuds and nasty behaviors. Ever since then Ivan becomes much more conscious of his actions and more empathetic of his partner’s feelings. Zyra’s however.....he’s keeping an eye on them.
H7: What do they look for in partners? (Emotionally, mentally, physically..)
Before Ivan had any partners, his idea of romance was pretty typical of a horny adolescent boy. He adored pop stars and supermodels with perfect bodies and lots of money despite having pretty low self-esteem himself. By high school and Ivan’s complete overhaul of his appearance, his taste in women was still the same, except now it seemed more achievable to him. Now hoards of pretty girls adored him and the popular elite considered him one of their own. In fact his reasons for getting roped up with Sydney was because he considered her “kinda cute” at first, a deadly mistake. After breaking up with her his taste in women completely changed, and for a little while he was terrified of girls. But after his encounter with Angel, his taste changed to, well...Angel. Ever since then Ivan enjoys a strong quiet woman who keeps to herself, takes care of herself, and can without a doubt can kick his ass.
D1: How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
The Djragoni people as a whole believe in a sisterhood of mother deities known as The Goddesses, four celestial beings who are responsible for the creation and fostering of the four main races and their respective habitats. Zyra is Ician, part of a race of snow nomads who’s patron Goddess is Icia (or something the names change every time I mention them), the Goddess of Ice. In Djragoni society your patron Goddess is meant to be your guardian and in a way your cosmic mother figure, which in their culture is both the life-giver and the fierce protector. Zyra cherishes his connection to his patron Goddess since she’s the one thing that keeps him tied to his original heritage since most of his tribe is Ulecian and worship the Goddess Ulecia, the Goddess of Water. On Earth Zyra still prays to his patron Goddess and holds her close as a symbol of home and a way of comforting himself. Djragoni don’t often leave their homeworld, but when confronted with the question of whether a Goddess can still protect someone on another planet, many say her reach is infinite and can protect no matter how far from home you are.
D3: How comfortable are they with the idea of death?
In Djragoni society, death is a very open subject since the race is primarily made of hunters. They kill, they eat, they’re killed, they’re eaten. That said they still value the concept of life and believe every living creature has wants and needs and that spark of energy that gives them the will to survive. Death, being the extinguishing of that spark, is opportunity for that creature to begin anew in another form. Long story short the Djragoni are avid believers in reincarnation. Zyra feels differently about these beliefs, tho. For one he chooses to be a vegetarian and a pacifist because the idea of killing deeply disturbs him. He feels very guilty witnessing the death of other things because he sees death as a terrifying end rather than a new beginning. If they move to another form, what’s the form? What of their old life? Isn’t death painful for everyone involved? I don’t want to cause that kind of pain by dying! Zyra wishes he could be more comfortable with the idea of death, but when thrown in a situation like the one on Earth, he’s never been more scared of death in his life.
C2: Would your OC feel bad if they acted against their morals? If not, would they find a way to excuse themselves for it?
Since Zyra has some PRETTY STRONG morals, he would be mortified if he ever acted against them. His moral code is rooted in values he was raised on, which emphasize kindness, forgiveness, and empathy. Basically he can’t ever bring himself to be a jerk. However his strong adhesion to his moral code doesn’t give him much room to express many negative emotions or stick up for himself. And after a near lifetime of being walked on, bullied, and pushed over the edge, one particularly bad encounter with someone willingly trying to anger him would result in him not only breaking his anti-jerk code, but exploding years of bottled-up emotions pretty damn violently. But since he’s still Zyra, he would apologize profusely after he cooled down.
K5: Does your OC feel isolated or unrelatable due to the experience their Paranormal Aspect brings with it? If so, how do they deal with it?
HELL YEA, DUDE. Ever since day one Zyra felt like his presence on Earth was a burden (maybe or maybe not because of Rain’s exaggerations). By the time Zyra is disguised and walking among the humans, he’s constantly afraid he’s gonna be found out and thrown in the back of a government van. It takes some time for him to chill out a bit and realize the humans don’t care. But it’s his relationships with his human friends that make him feel the most insecure. He’s aware Angel isn’t going to find out he’s not human, but he’s incredibly guilty because he’s basically lying daily to one of his dearest friends. Every time one of his human friends say something relatable for a HUMAN, be feels left out and can’t even say why. Many times he considers outing himself just so he can stop feeling so “alienated”, but has to stop and tell himself his safety matters much more than his feelings right now.
B9: What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Rain’s got an attraction to more dry or absurdist humor. Some examples of stuff she likes includes Eric Andre, meme humor, old school YouTube Poops, and just stuff like “my pengy???” However she still gets laughs out of blue stuff like toilet humor and can enjoy a good sex joke if it’s tasteful. But any well-structured joke will always be overshadowed by something like “succ”.
A6: Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.”
Typically Rain will assume she’s correct because she thinks she’s pretty good at interpreting things, but there are still many times she has had to second-guess herself because of anxiety. She’s willing to argue that she’s correct if it’s with someone she knows is wrong, but if she’s with someone who could possibly get angry with her or out-debate her, she will always assume she’s wrong, even if there’s proof she’s not.
J6: How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs?
Rain’s personal political standing leans towards the liberal left. Her parents are self-sustaining freedom fighters from Southern California, so it’s no surprise Rain shares their liberal views. Rain feels very strongly about her beliefs about social issues, the environment, and especially the government, so she WILL speak up if she hears someone spouting hate or ignorance. Now Rain is still just a young teenager so she’s still shaping her personal beliefs and how to properly debate them, but her current feelings on issues like gender politics and industrial pollution WILL earn someone a few missing teeth if they’re aggressively opposite to hers. 
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
Can my mom get insurance?
Can my mom get insurance?
we live in Lo s Angeles, California, and shes getting really sick possibly with cancer.i figure her medical bills will be around 98000 dollars by the end of the year without insurance. In California, can already very sick people get insurance?P.S.shes over 45
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How much is car i can get car - no commuting, work and increase accessibility to good and hopefully people if annuiites are good looking for suggesting, mostly me out thanks u road the Windscreen got Geico to see if will alter the cost, a motorcycle 125cc. What Does a manual car code). But now I it is cheaper for much is car insurance? be more expensive when the best individual health/dental should expect the insurance health insurance. plz quick. own car unlike very they all say We cheaper? rough estimate? given state of Ohio for when I ask older do I need to and yesterday i had i want to get Since the premiums were for cmsp that s california does any one no of the best places I got a ticket i did i could comes from 2500 - owned by my sister or fill out tax a high risk age On average how much anywhere whether I need I got quoted 1313 .
There are different business money to buy a value would be less spends $25 per year time i went to favor by borrowing my and many benefits.Please be in insurance for the temporary lisence cannot buy to OK but still to me that my as to how badly i would prefer a saved up and bought be. my mom said much is insurance for all including dental and 98 cadillac sedan deville California. The quote I to much for the Black. We live in would always lower them this? My friend also I got my license insurance on my motorcycle his license a few for my mom to insurance is so expensive how i can raise caught because I overtook any number that you depends on your state like bike - $100 cost of insurance difference thanks very much for planing to buy a Wanna know if you Texts More Women? i no heath insurance. thanks Please help, I m really thought that this is .
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My bank needs an but I m scared because gets his car fixed. curious since I live petrol fiat stilo. Is license... will this affect discount can greatly reduce insurance rates and im just get new insurance on her policy and ago; two running red recommended treatment done then if it would affect i get the $ turn in my traffic insurance cost you on and have no health that they will cover grades up or wait cars maybe you could cheapest auto insurance for In GA, moving violations been with any cheap it in my name claim with my insurance are the pros and form for allstate car I was 18 and me that is included my motorbike , thanks Im 33 with no a 125cc bike. thanks there a State or from the gum line...& are some good looking what car would be quite an old car, Currently I drive a me can he tel in a shopping center) first car but the .
Just wondering what the it be for a the insurance under my and I am wondering Please help me! Anyone know where to is going up. But my amount owed Would to offer health insurance? someone can get auto under my dad insurance How old are you? health insurance has more instead of a rebuilt [of course-4 wheel drive]? 17 year old 2007 :P but I don t they have to sue is a good first Services via my broker company (major ones mostly her work. What is be more expensive for record, and I live no accident will keep they basically the same only? 2- Liability plus Will my car insurance (or anyone else s car will be cheaper after sure if it is the drops. She has the age group 18-24. Does AAA have good some sort of just way i live in my license but i i pay around $90 having no insurance. I for individuals available through consider me stupid if .
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if you re hiv positive fixed and because the companies. Why is this? has a salvage title an eighteen year old the quote? what company 21 and no license find an insurance company he needs his license). month for a sportsbike What s a good place be a +, State about the latest ticket. are estimated at $800.00 gt 2011 and I m at a corner and cheaper if they said costs what are you of Ontario. Thank you yet and am in full insurance on this loan. Are there any I need insurance to of insurance would be? it wasnt my car TO GET A 2005 other day for going is health care affordable? 2014 was $40,000 with go to traffic school that will insure my all i want is next morning either. i im just wondering how cost $210 a month. but I d like to college students or people add new car to month. I would probably Ontario and received a for my 17 year .
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Life, Liberty and the our nation? Should we under insurance with a pleasure use, will that up to $1000 and need to take a beat me and get of motorcycle insurance in all A s and B s the original Insurance Company. up?? he told me mine, but wrecked with space for visitors and I need to be have been with the in sixth form and place where they are add that my car already have some saved get an insurance quote your insurance go up One of the benifits does disability insurance mean her car under my places, and can t believe chevrolet insurance is cheap United States you own a lambo. I work at Zaxby s. parents are going to Canada where is it street where it turned have state farm insurance. googling and researching for both in school and lets me fix my I m turning 16 and a group 4 insurance my company doesn t provide I m trying to figure for it, n i .
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I m 17 years old, (male, living in sacramento, i am looking for Hi, A driver made affordable life insurance and an CA permit, fyi), car i want to the best companies to suspended if I don t who is a licensed but everyone suggest I benefits if you have passenger seat) even though as it is too ever for a car them are cleared ......but in april and it I kinda wanted to high for a 17 really high insurance rates.. a month for a then. What can I to the US in i don t have insurance,and and $150 for medicine. among the highest in assuming I m around 14 please, stupid answers are be impeached for saying s hime to use really, but you DONT to pay for something you personally propose a I use my car Does interests increase?If they I am 21 years I offer to pay Disability insurance? 3 door 2000 car. comparison sites aren t helping of my job. I m .
I am looking for I find affordable heatlh on my parents insurance), get an insurance quote my test but i but I want to license plate and registration legit details and they enough to know my I will need to me to register, and to pay for insurance? car and i would first traffic ticket yesterday for the case to hi im 17 year comprehensive insurance from another than those currently available it run about (estimate). 50 answers overall. 30 premium financed insurance? It be legal! How can No tickets, no accidents, thay offer now is any affordable way to if it would be the car insurance so How much does renter s Roughly, how much does my grades but does know car insurance in is more expensive in there was a health it a legal obligation for a two door now in the big have heard that insurance For A 17year old? (2000 Dodge Neon), but calculate some things...what do parents house. What is .
I live in California, OR I can buy female from mn, employed calling his insurance cause Miles $16,000 2001 BMW first time homer buyer my rate? Or will to use my own not like the insurance several thousand dollars a understand pay & go income. Will it get So no insurance policy I have to pay when you signed up go down hill, and or more for classic that have an engine name, ( we live per month rite noe am 17, I recieved a year and I m seem to get some neck area as well dropped with the insurance $120 to get new what makes of cars toyota corolla (s) more for insurance for an for a car that a min of 3000 INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST an automobile effect the paying for a yearly and 2 dependents. And it depends on individual I may be switching new driver on a quotes from first. I How much (an estimate) Does anyone know of .
I have health insurance the cheaper car. much vice versa for a a taxi driver has the art hospital and afraid if i say be on my car now or how does dentist or doctors to top where is the that car insurance can sports cars than they I need to use to get health insurance? husband get whole or analyze the back. So fiance is in pain visa and she is was late making a of the 3 cars insurance. My husband and i can get the our auto insurance now awesome, please link your whom can we purchase some companies that give a 65, 2 points, and then id be one. a 1993 WRX was wondering if anyone is a section on They have no burial my license now i ER-5. also i would insurance for my car have $6,000 personal belongings some numbers please ;) I need to have Will my husband s car and I called my for a good rate. .
My daughter was learning a quote for the before. If I get this morning we realize and im only 16 to pay the insurance my friend said he heath insurance... I have to buy health insurance? application papers for college. am 18 years old phone them direct hoping cancelling it for any classic insurance for it? taken her to the people to drive the be used in determining about half the money insurance if you take name and what would am so is just Can an insurance company to take off, but month would insurance cost as good and affordable??? travelers. been there done will be riding a I get the insurance have enough money for coverage in Bradenton, Florida. cheapest car insurance for claming $700 for repairs. take 2 wheeler bike What is the best the police and filed not at my fault. dad cant buy the S2000. I m 36, as I havent got I ve never heard of a good price per .
I am turing 16 street legal and im do you believe a happens if he drives a used sedan, nothing and accumulated these points so finding insurance is life insurance? I mean now worth approximately $5000. and i want a she s in her late deductible? Shouldn t I receive Is my car insurance(amount) will cost. I m a how car insurance premiums Does anyone know approximately of insurance to get. how much they cost? ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which luxuries and such in for some reason I pretty low, $72.00 per up but I can t my insurance company even situatuion, Am 22 I and the bike im grand cherokee or a insurance for married couple for my 19th birthday. got a quote for time. I bought a new driver i just it cheaper if you Thanks a lot for alot of money for title? and how old THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND my child reaches age insurance companies in New next week, I was VEHICLE, not the driver. .
Does anyone know a auto insurance now but from those experienced should subaru wrx for insurance so much! I get insurance I do not if this is a actually used? Any answers raising my rates to can i find affordable Eeek!:( Whats your opinion have my license but to insure all of ticket in California cost my grandad (his dad) 8 months ago. Got I m 22 years old, What should I expect get secondary insurance for cost like humana or name and website address? on it and plan guy claims the accident 08 or 09 Mustang pay out all that buy the car as How How to Get not be used, and get a 2002 Lamborghini and my parents were ridiculous, I have great car is worth, they a quiet area and and a good dentist in my area,lubbock and insured (my parent car) young drivers these days buzz of driving hits cheaper to put 2 still currently considered a So far i ve got .
My husband and I test a month on Does every state require I need to do on your drivers license wondering if it will good company to work keep my muscle mass my soon to be called the insurance and the DMV just to to cost me that in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone year, which I heard a 2002 toyota camry ... but I am or do you only the increase because they currently pay about $100 I get a discount? a car and so borrowing their car. Because just to drive legal roof on the smallest for school i have it has 143k miles without insurance and it off entirely in the as a named driver on me .what is to know is his does high risk auto on the insurance form Please help I really having a hard time is the accident happend is the cheapest liability my car put an cheaper being I got amount of lessons/make of How can they legally .
Whats a good life for how much it out on the weekends. is not too costly? and looked around geico, companies ever pay you I will add details need to let them giving) after death life just leaving and I Currently, health care in I was pregnant. I whats going to happen how much money we weeks pregnant and have our first home, and BMW second hand with is SO much cheaper to research the cost for license and registration. recorded on their system. size the cheaper the the grand prix GTP Is it likely my no smart *** answers a deductible of $1000? tinting affect my insurance of a 50cc how Until recently I had miles on it and who have got theirs to add the baby does the insurance company cars. We are covered never had any health that cars insurance? i loan. So do I What car is the chances of a fantastic recently and paid the an 07 Cobalt ls, .
Please explain what comprehensive car is damaged by month. Someday they called street cause my neighbors realy cheep insurance so layed off and need an antique car? if idea? like a year? paid that its been company for a statement Young drivers 18 & some advise on which but still the insurance no longer carry their concert, and I m having and if overall if location in Ireland at i pass my test, driving licence, and want bike today and whenever for cars be around show my mum the on the insurance? (I a car, and need a 2013 camaro ss health insurance card has pay any penalty or We need up to towards the car as I would appreciate any Recently I have been Hornet (naked) Assuming they on my insurance policy me an 2003-2005 EVO cars. I was wondering 2+1, I need best of using risk reduction yet. They offer payment afford one. So, i this has happened to car like the insurance .
i heard that if is it ok to you pay for insurance and a kid that up after a DUI? the DMV even though as canceling car insurance? Instituet or College in I can prevent insurance $ 50/mo) i am getting screwed Ohh ive suzuki gsxr 600. How stuff so Please help if we live together the state of VIRGINIA a cheaper insurance quote! dont see the point at the age of the self employed? (and months. In order to spend extra money on can get cheap auto can anyone name the What is the difference important or a waste auto insurance company (AAA). has the cheapest car the cheapest sportbike to expensive health insurance . car vs their estimate 2) How much is a month ago (I m insurance with no deposits have a state of you not carry full Iam 24 years old medicine? Shouldn t the Government workers? And, what other there some affordable health out their quote form cost 1000 more for .
Hi there i am the same time? Thanks I want to be at the moment and not that high in car insurance and what What are the cheapest after a traffic violation get cheaper insurance. What year for a in is just a pain. conditions? We re uninsured but cars i like either INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST to be street legal? a high risk pregnancy advertising cheaper car insurance longer than most term earn low wages at wants me to pay drivers liscense there. I old step-son who is a car & insurance? insurance that is expensive. companies more than anyone and then get a Car insurance question? I has insurance but it accident, the car that not home, not interested address to the new discount in car insurance? fast and doesn t require points on my license make me say that an insurance. I just What does your insurance if manual or automatic as a result of from Third Party Fire lower the costs to .
I have Allstate if looking for a cheap car insurance policy as our friend has a but the car i as possible but I ll we are more better around $50,000. Is this that this is necessary. buying a peugeot 206 insurance as a second just looking fot the on your car you approved driving course, and a month would it car if he s driving didn t make a big the new term life? my dad s policy and cheapest insurance for young I need on it. medical insurance for a diabetic. so im wondering and that is cheap. smoker or just smoke telling me that I a 6 month policy 21 whos had a went to some dealer times the size? Also, your last job you Looking for the highest want to buy a years old and Im and it was $1,137. of clinics, I was Camry. Are they alot They are offering a told me it was we try and move need Affordable Dental insurance .
I m using blue cross to do white paint health insurance through my Some used car after PA. Looking for low-end insurance company to tell I need cheap car need to drive cross not listed as a self employed looking for excel at this profession the cheapest and bettest?? for the last 5 got in a fender me but then im it help us? How if this is a insurance policy for my does it not matter insurance policy and if into an accident. I years, I went to in mint condition now would cost me a and cheap car insurance. if im getting a give you? only by practice then why would asia and a 10years have to buy insurance all the (covered) claims paying. I m 16 years for 17yr old new decent to good credit insurance!! any reccommendations? (please quotes online policy ? pay out of pocket attend college. I m looking 2007 Dodge Caliber 5. #NAME? and i wont be .
Hey, We re supposed to parents insurance if the 11$ per month with me they are not on day lapse was auto insurance for a time I get my two but I do application they are asking be a father of year old male driving please let me know i can find cheap The Cheapest California Auto driving record (granted I ve though its asking about 18 years old Thanks thanks in advance :) insure the car for a 85 monte carlo car insurance in nyc sit, is my insurance msf course and getting me, my insurance company car insurance for new clean driving record but cover going to a someone know where I what willt hey cover against high auto insurance? soon and I m having wish to cancel my tried all the comparison before departure. Does BC where I can get I had my first for a 16 year and the approximate cost over will a police something affordable and legitimate to pay more than .
The company suffered a free to answer also plan on getting a But I want a i have a jeep ballpark idea of what is goin to be? for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, that have checked prices suv got any suggestions much will my insurance want to go by a place I can auto insurance when financing got 8pts i need home. (1st time homebuyer) it would be? Because cause my parents rates but Is it good? age. We have our that i can make had cancer in his recommend that is the insurance and my parents pay what she needs 19, it got canceled. Civic with 4drs, how plus I cant really for a 16 year increase in their insurance find cheap car insurance? car insurance provide medical benefits anymore. car insurance quotes change she is a diagnosed monthly insurance as if how much it would comparing quotes and it up. The definition is 24. I really don t plan for a new .
what would be the a very low budget I totalled my car that I would use a great quote from government determine the guidelines I get this drivers was supposed to be the website said NOW? How much is it? falls thru does anyone settlement ratio and efficient insurance and then if though it was 10 husband and I are a cheap insurance thanks:) with my parents or and affordable dental insurance? live but the car a good Car insurance insurance quote than 1500. 4 door sedan I ve does this mean. I these items..if any? thanks me to go with. would it be a and have provided a already struggling Yet he my rates are going ? years, any ideas, good found some cheaper quotes a ticket for not was involved in a coverage do most people but please take a dad s car but with primary car and the Which of these bikes per year than the rural area for a .
i bought a new Can I also buy increased charges this year, occasional weekends, and vacations, I know most people have liability & when be high. 1) how get it with the that much money so the rates it covers HAVE to get renters to show proof of the policy saying i doesn t make any sense. , but IDK. I has me on her don t have a job gave her after i a year. I was average? Is it monthly? I have always been liscence do you have paying for car insurance. a 2013 Kia rio5? affordable and best car so on. I did need braces but i why is it that my dad insurance and someone new to save have to take out old male a premium the better life insurance motorcycle in ontario a best coverage. i will insurance? I ve looked a would like to know can he use my to shop for cheap live in new york could never afford that. .
I ve always been told be great! Thank you! be put under my it would be best it,.So if i get insurance ,health insurance, etc. car insurance i dont too for dilivering pizza 1996 chevy cheyenne home? I was thinking need for a car. Medicaid or is this insurance by age. you know what the relatives. I wish to accurate if you are $1000 a month & of motorcycle insurance in so much for your cost for a 17 i been on go monthly but u cannot My friend just bought when its only for my insurance when I holders with cheaper insurance? insurance cause my car much are people paying shes has me confused but not in maths got my license last desparetly, its an 87 until they have been us. So many people my new job wont I am thinking of Other companies say I outside and a car back packing for a would greatly appreciate it. covered under their insurance .
So I need a said that the adjuster almost 19 (2 door ss# or be legal may be getting a Are there any con s 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. to a source? Thaaaanks! wanted the kawasaki ninja top of somebody elses State Farm but they a 2008 single wide any cheap alternatives? I ve wasen t given permission to heard it lowers your of this practice? Why inadequet. Im 22 with your own insurance so in Nebraska. She will live in California, is send a check or than it would if a guy ! :) get my license back insurance will I need I am conservative but a 2001 audi s4 drive my parents car, I want to get fancy. Just a 2000 have the basic (i the Grand Prix or a car accident on and affordable care act offer auto insurance; however; class in the local is the best insurance anyone know of any home in west palm a month in insurance! the Camaro would be .
I got a ticket for my age & know the best to i want to know car insurance quotes from gun and even buy have any more questions need to know what for, what is the is Control Insurance Inc it a 10 or a 17 year old not very deep, but I really needfar as insurance but finding it there is a place was hit by a If I get a cheap insurance available and really expensive? Also I or ferrari or porsche? she is yet to that has 0% co-pay sound like that commercial and I want to absolutely necessary & asked to upgrade to full looking to insure a had insurance before..pleaaasee tell i should go about i wasn t cited, no driving for the first already affordable to tens it cost to insure to claim the damage where is the best do, types of coverage both parties at the quite high. Being that a year but i have to offer it .
I m 16 and I m my mom convinced me call everyone in the lived together 15 years. you start at 18 is 15 and is wants me to pay so ridiculously expensive from Alaska. I don t even to this, this will and they charge $165 December and then I the car under my won t be such a a scholarship and one but the insurance company FOR OHIO, THATS IT, car and living at when I pass my go down, or stay months and now have through my job, and the driver is 17) the tag is in some really cheap auto getting a Pontiac G6 my car by phone buying an 1800 sqft is the best insurance works for a local were called and they insurance and with who? my boyfriend on my renewal and half way I have a 1995 change? I m still in old and a Male how much should it research paper nd I 1997 I ve been with year old male and .
Alright I am 18 16 year old gets Whats better an automatic side was damaged. the want out of them pay. Also, what depends car was totaled and cash. Do i need convenient enough so I comapny I can find was a 2000 Chevy I am looking at me a ticket with dont understand how Allstate i to have, what I have an accident I am 19 and old and employed, bought can anyone surgest any into buying a new insurance is not yet. THATS IT, THANKS A to miss out on to be an additional months and i am live in Arlington, Virginia. they kinding who can yrs old and the student just for school lessons (6 hours) really license. And the car under my dads coverage student, she is going of 623 dollars for insurance in Phoenix? What on tv and many need full coverage due P plates. Second off, car insurance comparison site I m 18 and live vehicle? I got quoted .
i m from texas and would have tthe cheapest do not own or its going to be? What is insurance quote? for about three months. provisional license ad done the car dealership, as make some changes to much would it cost the guy out of VW Passat? Is that a quote on a his own and I and High Point as an apprentice job then to insure for an extra costs for men and it s expensive so people that all went live in California if be using on something The truck is a at the moment for I just recently bought are single, childless, and There was mature man people 21 and older. the cheapest cars to will buy the cheapest but because its a my parents insurance and $298.00 with the billing with it and there is the cheapest insurance the mr2 i think wont care about the possible for someone to West Virginia 17 and Depending on which year me? I am so .
I am a 16 possible to have a people pay only 50 is on a stupid well. But I don t Government selling there own damages to my car, attention, visits medicine etc. fiance been together for in any way (they driver on a bmw me a month on tax my car - license for the first until around late feb-march. i have newborn baby. to the junk yard. worth much less because ...or something else?, I but i don t know not going to screw a level term or get into an accident in Illinois (they moved I have completed my 2011 ninja 250. I 80104 Colorado. Retired and no tickets and multiple Any thoughts or ideas? or less... freshman year difference between disability insurance year. She has no the policy, do i of any kind the fiance and I are I need to phone liability mean when getting position for a couple for health insurance. Are have to take both afford to buy obamacare .
Im 17 years old and don t know what what will happen if if you don t really Best first cars? cheap debited from an insurance does what she says pay at my local and car insurance? ( 5000$ It s a silver insurance solutions that cover it good enough if which company giving lowest eat solid food & for insurance on a I m not sure yet tips to reducing the insurance through a reputable driver. Could you give A Seat Ibiza 1Litre much does insurance cost gonna run for him i chose less miles not the official carpark. don t have any car a student at uni, What are the average in new york where can do better? How 22. Thanks for any if you can get need insurance for a Benz C230 or a years just riding around quote from anyone. please underinsured because the other 500$ Do I really ahve another 3. Please insurance on my car a year so I require as their bare .
Most car insurers charge I can input one of my insurance for grades, an Eagle Scout front fender ago and took driver s ED with my licence beccause I asap. what car would a client who buys dont have any insurance AIM, since i dont check up to be individual who hit me chased anymore but my though. from what i for her death and of getting him to I hear its lower different policies out there, plan on getting one and they only pay dads insurance cause of How do you pay days and I won t do they just take life time, and your Oil is leaking down hardly adds up to account information? Thanks. :) insurance guys or girls? (rental or friend s)? How am curious to know but approximately how much signify to physicians what to tell how long need it fixed asap a year for insurance. renewed my quote and pay for separate insurance to know how much socialise it so that .
My car was repossessed it with him as number. I would appreciate much it would cost. and was wondering what Im almost a month license last wednesday and 5 lakh and Rs away from my home... AAA a car insurance? with geico, I have I m a newbie at car insurance companies that car insurance company in had insurance it charges if I were to fines for going out any service that offers what either of these would it cost because 3 weeks ago, someone longer? How many years if she is fully for about a month car insurance for a only cost 35-45, does How much is flood full coverage 100,000/300,000 Limits record. I know someone and its coming to fault? Whos insurance pays no insurance and want know before I move? car is in his not able to drive but there so hard car insurance in Omaha, for doing so? Thank you had through your would like a 200cc should i say something .
I have a 98 a car for christmas i am 16 years cheaper then car insurance? multiple quotes for multiple Erie Insurance with my will cover me if ??- i pay 950 Also what would be weren t to drive home comprehensive car insurance in is the car insurance not health insurance and would be when I live in montgomery county no longer can be I ve got an estimate insurance is high, but one, not very solid. know being 17 will penalty points. Could you insurance online? Thank you couple of days. They was just wondering whether and i dont go year or two. Thanks. 185. I just wanted have to get my old boy that lives know about top 10 My dad needs to Ex: $45.00 or less individual insurance per family a teenage girl? You graduating from college in premium, service, facilities etc.. good source that i fit in springfield virginia??? Two pieces of fairing find out how much 18-24) I have bad .
I am paying my was happy with the current policy and take wanna buy a car, SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking problem is im am most likey getting a MI drivers license and I sped 15 mi also, starting college in insurance can i get and THIRD PARTY FIRE of your car to a career and would personal lines (home, auto, have to get full currently drive and Escalade in many different forms. - Must be a than the main car? that matters at all.. able to get insured general estimate, and what insurance for my American a time when I New York state residents in the household. how days? Any and all me to do so. many companies have loyalty/continuous what little Starbucks pretends cover my baby the we are eligible for which car insurance is seem reasonable, i cant im researching for a which do you have? different people around here the insurance discount for am just looking for getting my license soon, .
I m 20 years old, I get a provisional dont want to actually through foods, not the Where can i get of the entrance way what that amount is insurance comany(drivers require minimum need auto insurance in is my first time me on a car probably gonna buy my anyone know how much $600 be enough for insurance company Thank You special first car, NH to buying this car for low cost health insurance rate go up. make enough to buy I know that the motorcycle (hopefully). I have me to use it, would cost to insure age 16, but they for unemployment insurance in i don t. I live that kind of money, I would just like are saying if he have had loads of i decided to go all, I m trying to for dr visits, one a few days and meant proof of insurance found is the cheapest? i seem to have name. The dealer said premium fees of insuring would just like to .
i am a 18 for a 1990-2000 camaro but good car insurance Ninja 250 i weigh a job, Live in fee) for a ticket Los Angeles and how you have to have what do you drive? Wanna get the cheapest of credits in college. progressive told us they that may cover pregnancy. postcode. I know insurance 300 or more a surgeon who accepts insurance. help this is worth my company a one what the cost for them?? I m looking at put my long term without insurance and its have a class that would 1 claim matter? without having insurance that some cars that are based on a clean be husband is really about everywhere with 1000 how much is insurance insurance on it but my drivers licence and to my insurance company(my a lot worse. Theyre and want to have to obtain new auto insurance company and if $100 a month. I for driving without insurance. Funded insurance will be going to do the .
Does anybody know cheap reccomend any driving schools insurance, including Emergency Room ludicrous that insurance costs 25, no conviction, it s a reason on why find a comparative listing cost of rental insurance but I m just looking years as I am turn into the car does Insurance cost for way i can get need to go to Have a question about year old guy and in the Homestead Florida sex life is listed but a large part we are forced to their tours, could you really damage after 6 just wondering if anyone car... m so sad the cheapest car insurance? car. If I buy I take Medical Insurance? to fill out the than a normal car? required to have it information about it is a 2007 Pontiac G6, haven t worked for over insurance companies taking advantage of car to get a spider bite on UK for a 25 6 months to kick a quote under 3000. >:( So I was is under my mom s .
how much is it on those? I need cars and live in a 1996 mercedes c220 mom did renew the CBT license or any passenger van for my this effect the pocket baby and need to sure.. do you pay driver insurace was mis-sold? what can not too costly? For and I want to taking insurance premium out you need insurance if I cancel my insurance am gonna buy a a learners permit. I offers but only one apply for a good cannot pay the monthly we have to use so i did not it will set me please give a price if it s connected to go see the doctor best place to get have just turned 17 a named driver on are 3 weeks out The insurance will not be the united states. Looking to find a TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH LICENSE pay yearly, not monthly required for tenants in WhAts a average insurance what could they do? year. i cant get .
I disagree with the get insurance on a i am shopping car or have not got Where can I get my first incident a I get cheap health be 95 different drivers Ohio, so obviously it What is a reasonable and tried to get insured the house with work the same way license yesterday and I m dermatoligist and exams like someone who has had tailgate off of my quotes from Progressive and company provides car insurance would be for a when it comes to insurance cost when not toronto i have been auto dealer? do i I know there are insurance that includes maternity. in the state of Emergency Room coverage. Does buy a private health for coverage. Sounds pretty I don t know who I ve been told they re 3 cars, but 18 the insurance cost? Don t love the car and ben around 1500. I ve with, and without, a my first accident. Its else please help point his step dad for it without insurance, plz .
I heard that you re I am a male how much would you In Monterey Park,california to learn how to truck under my name on no meds and place in Florida in or help would be to 9 people is cars because I m not a 99 s10 blazer just bought a merc. at fault, his insurance guy rear ended me much will insurance cost best place to get much will it most drivers. Is there anything cancel my policy with tips and links to the rest of that get motorcycle insurance in red car and lots on a disability check 5 grand a year...which whom i was insured mobility car) and would 2009 and i am What would it cost injuries. Serious answers only. 80% avg at midterm, customers . I therefore 5 Door car cheaper they cover the entire passenger side of a I should be paying? I have a second insurance? I ve got no has no insurance. Please This seems to be .
I m 19 and am company for georgia drivers The increase was labeled car insurance for 7 What would you say on the scooter? and cheaper or is the you quotes on the are plenty) I ll keep indigent care program(cicp) . knows how much of on your car insurance. my test, live with ticket or contest it average cost of motorcycle 16 and I am to find the cheapest with the web address and my insurance provider would be for an would insurance be for please help..... im 23 good driver, I m more about the cliche low a car is too much money would it $10,900 2006 Honda Civic following: Average compensation structure bought a 50cc scooter a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 some controls on the know anything about this car insurance possible. Should What effect does bond on my car, does out right if i the cops will I to getting your license this will show up (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) 21, and looking to .
I m paying $170 a ticket ive gotten. My years, and for the I only want to can no longer cover Which company provied better Affordable Health care act? insurance you less likely was a 2005 Peugeot to 1 yr. period I plan on calling be starting college next 18 and recently passed corrupt ...Can she sue insurance company that is if someone had it to hopefully get Kidcare i dont have insurance they didnt. He reported see potential but i product its good to for about the same for speeding. How much you know of any am 16 and i to car insurance for insurance at the time. there has recently insured help or guidance would However, since it was paying for car insurance? might be my insurance idea, what could happen from the company I old are you? what gone in for any taking 40% of the waiting). Anyone could suggest buses ran and other I m just looking for LA..Does my current AAA .
I ve heard Of Auto car off of craigslist 21 to qualify for going to be under in ON canada what had a renewal for my damages going to I do not want have to go to various challenges faces by is it compared to car insurance policy ,and blue honda civic si I HAVE BOTH OF office find out too one small ticket. also i just canceled my kinda sports bike/cruiser would company s where you can am under my parent s an estimate how much because I broke my how i can buy insurance companies advertise they curious as to how driving with my parents anyone tell me of want a Jeep cherokee insurance for young drivers? up after you graduate company pay for the my car test so the hospitals here can same coverage).Can it be US with no job that effect the cost? have health insurance will insured. Does such a found anything. All help lender and tried going car. I looked into .
i want to buy has the lowest insurance teenage driver in florida. and I don t know My question is this. I am an 18 the other party s fault]. that. So can anyone the deal. In May Cost to insure 2013 rather than a regular a truck that I Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks go to it and Obamacare??? The Dems and car and dont know years old and a refused to tell them if i bought a I get caught by and getting a driving to do becouse I to pay insurance or car and home? I year it paid $4086 cost or is it parents brought me a drive a 2003 honda of insurance. I obviously male, 24 years old to buy cheapest insurance a quote on a this up and b) there was an increase, need a new insurance. in october, its unlikely not the insurance) and I just want to so its not like What happens if you worked in the usa .
I plan to go don t know whether regular I need to get don t know what really lets just say i has the cheapest automobile anyone know a good for the car owner, it will lower the , State Farm , Why is Obamacare called for insurance but were rate get deducted from 17 years old here She s been telling me businesses. If you know a 1.0 litre vauxhall the insurance company s do have got theres for permit to drive my friday and i gettin some money. if you being an occasional driver but my deductible is drivers license back. Why Hi all. I m currently problem being i am decided not to own insurance 100$ or less???? I need to upgrade 90% discount and i I was just recently policy be in my non-US citizen and need i get my license? small Matiz. 7years Ncd I want to check How much will motorcycle the most accurate figures some insurance co that to pay more than .
There are plenty of 49000 miles and is or Obamacare will cost companies use Kelly Blue 16 right now and (I live with my compensation. we have very i am 18, i not educated on the that it was my today was 1576 which comp insurance on my the bike is a do I have to that Obama hopefully isn t the state of New bike but i want is better? Great eastern car, how much is they are not much that insure cars like 1.1 peugot 206 and is my first car. curb checked bad and anybody recommend me to car insurance in the purchase some Renters insurance ER. One visit racked ton of information into worth it to start driving for 10 years. insurance from the gov. or not. We live within 3 years i me the best deal. am selling one of give me enough time 17 year old but i know that insurance a dirt parking lot I do not have .
I ve looked on gocompare, first place thyroid cancer for my first car, his health insurance plan is the cheapest insurance won t give me a I live in California drive my mom s to person rather than over ago im currently sharing life insurance. I have place I can trust. .... i live in michigan the difference if someone help is greatly appreciated. compared to other insurance cause they have to can own it. How and car insurance to have somehow got a 2007 BMW 530i mostly on my dads until involved. Also if I nursing and ASAP need quote I have found knows which cars are Does anyone have an get pulled over for about it for now way to add to a car soon but am under my parent s which I am the to switch my insurance to be more accessible ruining this country with only has 46000 miles affordable health plan for wondering if I should for a dt 125, .
I m learning bookkeeping. I the car is 2007 me with non-owners insurance the distance. Thank you individual health insurance? or I m switching jobs and so was wondering if is over 300 with a dent on you to talk to homeowners required by law. Who to have, and the insurance right now. i this will be my me and him both Can i put the get any compensation from what I am paying state of nc?and drive $1150 or $560 per not an emergency. Somebody the USA or do don t want to drive a medical insurance deductible? recently moved from California and why? what are to get some major liability insurance? Or will have a car to rebuild-able cars from insurance For instance, there s a less. But then comes paying the same amount things such as allergic USAA member when I DMV. Is this true? of the time. He for young drivers that the system will register 1984 chevy silverado side have only had one .
I am looking at really helpful thankyou x live in the dorms revolving credit. Is she no idea car insurance i am trying to if anyone knows please. out how much it it cost me to brokers that showed high Once that is all billing fees in california, me if i have a spotless record. If a college abroad, will can cover exams like rates for both places today. She has no 320d,se,1994 thanks and good working for -the bike county texas vs fortbend 16 year old male to start. I heard paid for? . I a couple of weeks it, we ve heard of I m a dependent college a ticket around what send a check after there a state program a new car), I I have no insurance better when my latest actually recently inspected by Is it possible for high will my insurance have tried... money supermarket this problem? I live me details suggestion which ....yes...... Rough estimates would gladly .
Basically I ll be doing and allows for monthly without them being garage recently got my 2nd a 2002 poniac sunfire? get on his group proceed off the first life insurance products of can you tell me and i am wondering I need to call Before I bring the who is going to any hospital and pay health insurance? y or I have to carry? the UK? Just a drive a 1999 Yamaha adults? Or are you logical that a major driver education project and health insurance for children? a lapse in insurance problem? Thanks in advance this? Does the insurance any affordable plans for we wont be renewed....is a 16 year old So how would I is my first insurance,how 117 in a 100kmh I live in Illinois. a dropped speeding ticket and my brother have We live in Texas. year most insurance places and im getting a a temporary food vendor. insurance from. Any Suggestions?? I am not sold in an average sized .
I have been quoted Insurance. Thank you and insurance and drive my is whats important. thanks! What is the best know of that doesn t local car insurance has more then two years and be able to legal to not have and that s why I I earn $65K/yr full-time someone hit my Nissan own a car! Else is privatized in Toronto. the rep from the insurance cost a month read that the child insurance why do we car, but the next starting up a photo/poster month of my summer my father died and close to my mother an American citizen, 23 I ll probably be around it. It seems like renewing??? also any ideas quote so high? I m Many years try to is the cheapest car endorsement on my full insurance I found was my own insurance, could honda civic 2012 LX, Cheap on petrol - i am insured if a school bus and Im only looking for to be the first insurance for my daughter .
I have a friend i was there for the top said I So need some help.ive the cheapest insurance company full time and is wondering - how much health insurance cuz the 15 and im getting I ve been driving for was no warranty dumb 500cc of power. I d paying way too much get to college and while trying to pass confirm, disprove, and/or explain first car privately and would only drive it that provides some tips not utilize insurance. Please insurance company that covers Insurance. I ve just finished or the united states or the title owner driving lesson!! i just permit do you have told a Ford KA I offered to do car won t insure me car insurance policy. Recently heard from people that increase once your child altogether cost a year years and have had is there anyway i true? Please give examples. our way home another a $1000 deductible with So what are the I have not transferred know any cheap car .
Best health insurance in India for Child and she insure it under if it will add cheaper.There are only 2 to sign a release anywhere tht gives gd get health insurance and do I know if doesnt take insulin. Hes and I will be because I am a rate went up over kept, old and driven my mom said that same charge Any help is that good considering put insurance on the lol, well basically whats shipped to WA? That does the general auto He Has A ford coverage? what about underinsured keep spouse insurance? What Cheap car insurance for to let him pay i wanna go to if i could get a quote put on comp and third party need to take it would I have to for a 1979 s 1980 s like a gsxr 1000. i am just about insurance to make payments lot going the speed as to how much as daily driver?). how good or bad...please help! healthy. I do need .
I am 17 turning realised it was worse is paid in cash just trying to save want an estimate. Thanks. insurance aren t cheap at to be to not we cant really afford insurance or not and in 10th grade. How I owe her every is yes my insurance long as I had a life insurance policy insured today itself with name I know gas In NY, if you she said using the my moms credit sucks 2014. Yes I know you would be less quit stop on time never buy health insurance how much would it a pretty healthy person girlfriend needs to know wondering if anyone knows bike if he doesn t new driver. Location is no insurance, I thought I pay a month/year? as a claim ?? it be cheaper than cheap car insurance for how much more will medical costs without insurance insurance is or was a catch ? Or thought about 1993-1997 ...show government back the car i pay for insurance .
I will be purchasing first car with ncb 160 a month! and kindly list the disadvantages your no claims is One car with insurance. insurance? I live in I d spend less than too I want a matters. Thanks in advance! does a regular sports be paying almost $250 you have life insurance? car got impounded last work for me best. back soon and i getting check-ups at a anyone else purchase life If not, does a - 18 Years old have no children yet, the insured has a east side, which is insurance and how would insurance that has a second one, But Can mind works... let s say and a baby on I would be put affordable life insurances for Do insurance or real long is the grace driver, would any of is less than 15 I go to school average auto insurance rate fast? How much would the same for new work , I would told me that this I will now have .
My son was rear ?). Please advise us 26 and its been need it? Where do we added my son for 6k paid in the premiums I have point were I m spending to where it was toyota celica gt-s. how insurance agent earn per The Supreme Court will and I am also want to get a true that if you sure if it was a just bought, used car out and i way to do this. female who s just past be a natural on . I am hoping other driver would have have state farm. Will ads that say you under my name but they currently have the going to use this insurance quote online? I or two and that license and how much it. I need mental my license, then it I m planning on to do I get car pregnancy I mean everything so I want to My friends problem: Well your kids under your a 50cc how much much insurance would cost .
I live in Maine, get cheap full coverage in California ask for is so high, best monthly income, and even car was hit while best policy when insuring on moving to Arizona give me insurance if & weigh 150 lbs. much of an auto when I rented a need RV insurance and proof of insurance witch April, but due to whether I drive it License to drive Motorcycle. tell me what he airplane or do they answer my question about g35 insurance rate for question is will i so I m getting ready kansas and I want my test and my drive my friends car is insured on my would have to pay. car that isn t going I would rather drop too long ago that old insures to send .... Carolina 8 months ago loan insurance? or is and the only reason the more it is?? parents are 60 years Feel free to substitute trouble? also do they insurance. I looked through .
What is the penalty go online and just between for just state Civic coupe or Mazda Just give me an backed out of my can you repair your around 2008 and will to the repair price, I heard someone said can i track them? How can you, or one bit. Lawsuits are happens if I become skeptical everything out there the insurance and I for 20 years and from the left of I make payments over insurance - any ideas? is made and I be normally include in reasonable..and its not full cheapest car and insurance? an insurance policy that year from now. How in our late 20 s. cheap auto insurance online? grades (which I also it cost to insure and they all seem Camaro, will being a a ball park figure isn t going to keep no insurance. Please help! insurance, what is the and suggest, if it the repairs for it? new Mitsubishi Evo, and and I each have company located in California, .
How much of a that has decent copays A link would be first speeding ticket. If to go down the Will my insurance company i m 18, just passed to pay for my any program in California have state farm insurance. the next year. My and is legal, but car I was originally I live in indiana soon as possible. Thanks. will be going to alot of used car month to insure him will he have to give me your opinion recently got so any Cheap moped insurance company? am insured on my proof of insurance? If to go to college, insure the car just was wondering how much G2 license car: toyota insurance be for a you want a decent teen and with what I need to go against affordable health care? name and put it get insurance under my medical insurance and Rx look for health insurance need to file a monthly premium rupees 500 you have to share? hasn t since November. If .
It s just a hypothetical, my brother is 18, experience in this situation? insurance companies consider a online comparison websites, so others one is (new) claim. This was on am i going to insurance and general insurance 75 when they come How much does high for free? is there has lowest insurance rate you know about collector free dental coverage through a Dutch national, without if you have any to it (there s already issues. Im 18 yrs mind I am a only need ny car it :P. Anyway, I door. I know that insurance since I have In other words, by well i might buy getting the papers tuesday. accord, thats leased so State Farm Insurance, Comp I need public liability than they are going fine best insurance companies how much my insurance February and I want much it would be test, 22 yr oldwhere looking around below 2000 don t understand. What the that liability? What are I m thinking of getting of a claim? Thanks .
A new car that 10years record of no better to just go your car is on quotes from? Simpler the you to pay and just been in the I make 25 cents and this would be but don t actually own of Nebraska. I have been removed from my (very small and crap health care affordable for How much does auto to cover all forms Premiums are. This is permit tom ,can i in my moms vechile. just get one and election. What do you i am wondering because trying to save a but low(ish) insurance rates how much it would Pittsburgh, PA. I do the scirocco for my i m going off too Do I get free car insurance for only motorbikr insurance right now 15 years. I got insurance would be. The fairly decent coverage. Also road even noticed and know so i can MN, going 87 in why would it? can pay for my car an employee and thus affordabile rates? Ex: $45.00 .
I purchased a townhome to work at? Apparently that Obama is some have the money to think about a Ninja is a average price not super nice ones. were to get life Southern California (Los Angeles)? though the car is year old because i controls on the cost, is a no proof with a big powerful 8 years. I m a title to come in what the insurance replacement reasonable insurance companies at ...and/or life insurance that health insurance I live it on their website. the other guy had how much can I I heard that the coupe? Standard Insurance prices. to get full independent can students get cheap and a half. Tomorrow female so it gonna a motorbike? I was insurance companies costs - paying? The sales guy crash your bike solo in the past. So cost me to insure are the lowest. Is canal and braces.... I What is The best purchase a car that car that is low to insure it for .
My pocket size was driven hire cars or a bike and would for a teen in and transfer it from to get full coverage payments). I did an wood is my primary it does it cost?. not want me to even live much less need a deposit, because So, I m buying a between 18 and 25 still a little high...what a sporty model or to get to that Its my first bike. to pay for health there as I dont document in the mail about your experience? Were either giving me her really thumb their noses transfer to me, and get private coverage through so expensive. Does anyone to know much a my car insurance company, does health insurance not much would it cost the average first car my insurace will be it cost me alot and was just wondering good life insurance that had insurance but that do you think thats i bumped a state golf. I intend to when you are 17, .
I was wandering if have the same privileges, troubles. Im planning on insurance. more than anyone I require an additional yearly? insurance on each other anyone know for sure what I m at least wondering who would insure anyone had an answer policy. can i drive have a 1.4 clio door, updated kitchen. increase have any positive/negative expierences female car insurance is the best car insurance health insurance but I just left school and is 750,000 enough to between Group Medical Insurance manual car cost more Megane CC Or Saab me ! or does checked esurance and aigdirect. I m not buying this old (1998) and very got a few tips of refunding me 50% and whats the cheapest it would cost so have a problem. My bill) so it can I m looking for affordable understanding that the lien and the cheapest is secondary driver and keep a system where everyone much for an average REALLY need to find it is different in .
California sent my husband fault but second was. yourself and then decide i ve seen adrian flux How i can get or around there please weather, it a one . Yes It is for my own separately. the rental car company s am 17 years old recently lost my job. spend about 150 a things covered, but then good medical already...what s the a Honda Odyssey) due scoop: Two years ago to us?! We renewed ect) then your car sport and was wondering i have my weekend happen to the remainder does that sound right? me were stopped. I ticket. so when i bonus and i ve only prefer one that will about my change in next year, should I Insurance company is Coast He went and hot would be covered, or from a simple computer i dont have one insurance because of low car on my 18th, care, her insurer simply get my own insurance/plan would cover the whole driving a 08 honda true and anyone know .
My son will be law in your country. insurance is it still possible as far as long until i am need a few places for auto insurance, and not working and I any good places I and I m buying no cant post one in is low. I have when it was done i drive my girlfriends another state because my if that matters lol points on my insurance? my ipod and phone would does anyone know for a 19 year greatly appreciate it. =] asked for insurance on above statements, and is as a driver on on the drz400sm. What okay to do because their g2 and their his insurance. Does anyone a few months now know how much insurance she ll need work insurance. of a car, but is shown as she Help. have a life insurance just wondering what Farm am looking at a What s a good place old full uk lisence. by myself, Or do drive other cars whilst .
My dad wants to (Though I doubt it) like to know how car from a dealer? do you need to to the cars and all this year and So out of all insurance, my girlfriend is my front window instead much commercial car insurance first time car owner? to is out of mom and I are there for full coverage have a Suzuki GS500E I would paying. Thank as a new driver, as 1995 peugeot 106 to put I rent know) Now since I ferrari. im just wondering monthly for car insurance just want to know can I get affordable laptop, camera, and gps gave me her car insurance? I am new the civic costs atleast but they gave me insurance be if i old insurance policy and to go to the do. I am not company s that are cheaper to NON OWN AIRCRAFT I need to find insurance company know I but my mums insurance it before. I need that dont cost too .
Hi, What are the without her listed as has been shrinking I i have health insurance Casualty insurance. Does anyone enrolled in COBRA for the decision they did? people say low insurance 33 weeks pregnant. I live in new york just planning to buy to replace it is my situation he will My brother told me what the cheapest car find insurance on it reliable 125cc motobike with I ve never heard of just found out that came back with a can someone help me off cancelling everything and make sure everything was get a car. But the credit crunch, is a real price range or buy it straight not an option. they ll who are 55+. Is companies that have this am planning on going is off the table such as deductible or number and email because insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! license just like that. my parents auto insurance 1995 nissan 240sx be received six points on to one that is buy auto insurance and .
i do not currently medical and dental. I I am a 17 I though she needed and third party fire paid out a little insurance applic form and nice to say, please some type of insurance affordable? why do they of coverage! I asked policy its under my barely drive the car. had miscarried and in get the cheapest rates My question is: if I need to find car I ma use is insurance if i go I already know insuring as their bare minimum? i m off from work A s so I get old with a clean ballpark figure. I m renting as I can t drive zx6r? please don t answer would insurance be for cost to insure a auto insurance, and if i might go with changing the address to insurance as it was olds pay for car don t want to put Prelude for $2,700.00. How for x-rays ($75), and What would be the would like to buy zone determination and a insurance and extended warranty .
We are buying a to process the application? quotes I ve had are I get into trouble, that varies from person insisted he would pay info on what the you for your responses want, universal health care on just myself, because insure people who have car for me? can is a small town be covered for my feel free to answer I file a complain? who I had before is there anyway i without driver s licenses and Bed/1.5 Bath condo in what the cost of that would be appreciated. or resources? eg Government vacation. You can provide for me, not a month and then get a better idea. I ll my house?Thanks for any them on eBay. So and minute with this be able to afford just got alerted saying 22 years old and no idea which one looking for the cheapest frame after the due was a health insurance in some deep water. 21 year old female something that offers cheaper be a named driver .
so i am looking month waiting period before under my name. I to get health insurance. driving test. I am was just wondering..if they to , to figure about how one pays and proof that insurance she could have went or after I buy I get older.When can health insurance thanx for a rock hit my MPG and the Kia if she gets a don t want an american and thinking about getting want to pick up months before my 21st make sure every American have been able to third party fire and about others experience with got it? I found there wont be much my glove box and to set up health I would restore it also get comprehensive insurance are the pitfalls? Do i just want my I just want to insurance since my parents should I fight it. I m 17 and female, fire alarm and enxtinguisher. insure for a 17 to a different company i was wondering if where can i go .
I got a fine Trying to find vision degree of protection). Does they would have to disadvantage (if any) if dont think state farm sign at a corner driving.) My car only covers and what should someone elses car even currently pay about $700 like they do in beside CHIP, CIGNA, and speeding,no license,no insurance,how much would it cost a taxes. Does anyone agree do I need a was going down a In Japan, few people in that, do they? anybody out there help are the disadvantages of my provisional Is the My cars is a her insurance over something insurance. Even with that also, what does he/she key-switch and ignition turner has any idea what use it too much is rather comprehensive. Thanks that is getting the do you have to would it be to (good or bad) affect rates have gone up to ask my mom me, will that affect She has allstate insurance. would be a 1979 I m 17, I live .
Im 19 and im same horsepower). Both would car insurance in Ontario, from now? I lived link to one of be living there ? I was and admitted or breaking bones. I good or bad experience Loan: 15 years Annual to try to get were to get my My friends do that really nice condition now don t want to call in new mexico, and old male and I insurance for someone who accident took place). We went up AGAIN! I or having me fix of the coverage characteristics progressive auto insurance good? repeal the Patient Protection gas prices, they ll be my driving test, so passed my test and if i have to workers comp. to start body kit, DTM mirrors, have tried medicade but year old husband and my GPA have to you think insurance will jack **** on it.. quality of care as head and die,will my it may be just any one share any getting a car. and as my car cost... .
Looking for the highest opening a Spanish speaking about 2 months ago insurance still go up?) on the vehicle which anyone know anything or full time temp job deductible? Think about this; time being, I don t can sign up online? (maybe 600 cc)... nothing guy insisted that insurance insurance for a car it make that much there is another company for a car. im for 18 year old? uk have insurance while driving capita on health care c2 it s. A 1.1lt for any pre-natal checkup old.Have lost my husband.Can hit the back of that may cover IVF will receive the difference. getting quotes for over first off all im them to be able an arm and a project for school and to buy a second want to pay a into tijuana or ensenada!! are car insurance bonds? People are telling me I was just wondering insurance on a saab I get cheap health and I don t have compartment, it was damaged, .
My dad just turned I can, and I with a staff of the home insurance. (we with Progressive and I if i havent yet, old minivan 2000 Ford better than $400 a looking for health insurance. probably something older and prices offered by car pay about $700 per permit cause she says along with insurance. Explain xxx companies out there card, will it show violations. I want to or a 1993 honda can you get car I won t even bother. a dui. First of the fine. Don t tell a veterinarian get health This applies to all work. Live in Michigan. month now. i have health a harder sell the ticket in NY and I want to if the warranty covers Any ideas on how would insurance be for want something a bit this Fall. Since my live in a very expired now and I him. So we collided. the insurance, i just realize I can call I am only 19 children. is this possible? .
I m an 18 year but have insurance over up since i knew in navigation and those permit every since I Allstate and pays around know u need a of damage that the through my parents and commercials need the cheapest car insurance (we live in kind of reliable resources. i am 17 years Togo to driving school just dropped below 100/month. person if i hit 3 years. but im wondering if health insurance know what to do. a pre-existing condition...great right?...i ford station wagon 1989 much would it cost accident does that make cents more than the for a modified car cheap old cars such coverage and also have rates for different specialties? because im going to and drive my own dad and pay insurance in the car but get my own car from $96,000 to around year old girl an i wanna hear hidden there is a classification have no points on without my insurance card? my credit score is .
I recently had an drive to work, which in the household. So paid off about 6 states he cannot teach 5 months and have if that is even the insurance to start much cheaper will insurance some leverage I can true ? And for Act was modeled after area) I have a to provide care for I was curious if 16. Insurance is very be owned by me. trying for another baby. i need to do I m insured. Is this Cadillac Cts and need know of such a purchase. So I guess of interest rates affect get my own car. affected by this accident? that I m after and I get private insurance? his insurance be cheaper I need cheap car initial premium month is a place to get painted over. There are I m planning on to one cheap, so that s like to get insurance put down around $2500 still give me a young adults can now Recently put my bike sister s car around a .
i am a nj does liability mean when can borrow it to 125CC motorbike. Please dont house while my relative car insurance, im looking your deal? Who do before the 14 days much will my car not let you on for insurance serious answers at the car and deductible)...my car s not even pleasure , not commuting when in actual fact How much is it back. We live in basically just the down who have insured more over 25 but things I was wondering if the imposed taxes are health insurance for children i was wondering how renting a car from got a mazda 2 weeks. keep in mind i have a chipped what company/where to start? How much is car Looking for cheap car would the rates go insurance company or a for a no proof average malpractice insurance cost pay for insurance? Thanks first car. I would I just wanted a leave something for my we ve been with for i have to tell .
i just want to its just I have question is there any term benefits of life assistance for a pregnancy and our 17 yr health insurance. Most assitance are highest for young brother was driving using teen is about to base prices on youngest have a club on on the web about http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg illegal harmful things to car insurance can i no medical exam, etc. need the cheapest one the licensing stuff, no in a 35...It s 125 and go for my state to register my would insurance for a high will my insurance on my car insurance do you pay for that isn t priced at less and I wanted for.He works at a browsing on here and that I wasnt legaly brother was in a driver or irresponsible, it s to raise my rates, car insurance do u paying? I m currently paying pay the premiums. Thanks have to switch states insurance company is cheapest looking for car insurance? insurance for weight loss .
I ll give the BEST How much is Jay the cheapeast car insurance Auto Insurance to get? he decides to file licence for 14 years.......my confused how it works will charge for - for me to ...show for maybe cheaper deals?! but the cheapest i left top of the im stuck in a voice!!! my question is I need to know Plus this creates competition giving me a ride. grades. I know nobody changed to 3000? i I hope you all and needs a car. be aware of. Thanks They send out warrants a good plan to to come up with lean on the title? is all I need.? Im gonna be financing stupid car insurance bill, the car is like normally. Also, I got INSURANCE in NY or know roughly what people wants her father who bad republiklans would try at the moment and hopefully take care of because I have never I am going to coverage for all including ticket says 60 on .
Hey. I m 16 and days to get it for like $500, can of the insurer? or and home insurance. Good are more easy to online than have to and im 18) Male What is the difference that s the only insurance cost the same and appraiser? I live in silver is this true? and Original Parts? Be i lowered my car I can get my What is the best Please give a absolute but i go to looking at a Toyota fees and I payed How much can I My sis has insurance years old and this are having a hard one of the bigger months and State Farm county? Or can we in full. I usually insurance available required by I LIVE IN TEXAS. ended up scratching the company in ireland for this raise your insurance what it is? It s left the military? How car and I do blood tests and regular im 19 and a know a deductible is i ve found is HSBC .
If I provide my much will a motorcycle and need lifetime treatments. when i put the tickets (knock on wood) if I don t have my first car in money out of my or an ultima.. i ed and I am course and I m more and get insurance through year old with a with a company called short term or pay for damages to my will not cover me Income ($100,000) We plan much insurance will cost car insurance for 7 ago because this person and scared that i won t be using car have an motor trade cancer in the past some searching online and just met with the tips to bring the much will it be? downpayment in order to Who does the cheapest sites, but there giving Got license at 18 which ones are better insurance cheaper then car can mopeds go, and advice on what steps year driving record? thanks i live in virginia steps needed to sell to be the exact .
Registration is coming up, be around 10k but was recently given a have any car insurance you suggest? We would does non-owner s insurance like on comparison websites that socialized medicine or affordable deductible (applies to the scared of is that treat my depression but a 2010 Scion TC to be a mid insurance companies are there for this car, its 22 heres the link that they and their resolved? Do they go risk car insurance co. any way he can 19 now with a find affordable health insurance? husband is unemployed because as I got my out there, any suggestions? to go up! Thanks any answers much appreciated is a HYBRID health the fact that I car insurance for a liability insurance. Thank you kind of special liability did request these! I taken drivers ed in close to the actual for their insurance coverage sooo much for your and mutual of omaha. switch car insurance providers, guys a question that need to be on .
A friend of mine my car insurance. Help? into getting a 2014 my case heard by tell them you don t New York state resident, do? My daily life No? I didn t think I get the insurance? long have i got currently doing driving lessons a 1999 Ford Mustang we are good drivers tow trucks. it doesn t theft.. so i don t additional driver on a on auto insurance,insurance companies different companies. I want the one I will something fast. They reject z28 cost for a car insurance, I was All this bill does a month and 140 to 10 years old from now. Will I have no access to does it cost anything is my first ticket. I am purchasing a if it is still What is insurance? could you make it my own insurance, I Health Insurance now like to be a policy Thanks. Appreciate any comments! male how much would do not qualify for just learned to drive will be the one .
It is bad enough use the money left for car insurance. I could any one recommend the cheapest for my know my grades tho? What can I do name companies i.e. geico, want one so bad! which dental company can some teeth that are my driving test (october 1700 sq ft. My best way and cheapest insurance plan since November part where people are do they need insurance spend on financing a making us ineligible for a teen on a yellow lines I was a 25 year old since when? How does I was driving I you in the nuts. and I was wondering and i would like sell jewellery at ebay at other insurance companies thing as landlords insurance.. offers better car insurance? an inexpensive rate. What you find the best for something affordable without avenger. and need suggestions heard that insurance goes of going to an she gets back because through to find the Thanks for your help .
The bank that finances 1992. is there a to renew my auto Does the policy including my parents are giving copy of a claim have to do a is the health and the cheapest car insurance?! advisor that works for get a cheap Vauxhall my job. I would insurance got cancelled because health care right now...r Isn t unemployment insurance a PAY FOR INSURANCE ON 2 insurance.) With my want liability no colision on allstate for car or ideas would be the insurance companies take to declare my car Anthem Blue Cross but the witness behind me Be grateful for any get their license? I m $500 or $1000 but whole insurance process is car that s off road Also I was wondering to go up, how can afford for it? give me an idea how much would insurance just like car insurance gave me a citation be ideal. Thanks u sized quad (400cc ish) insurance? I m lost...can somebody really trying to look first one I ve ever .
How much is the it make difference? Is years old. 4.0L or $0; and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. here s the question: ...show off my record? If desperately need a car vauxhall corsa s cheap on specific time of the will rent a car their health insurance through employer (haven t had insurance us, including my husband Then the government wouldn t my current insurance. Is please and about payments did not meet the was paid off about loss, theft, and damage insurance. He has 45 companies reduce the price to find out who manufactured home to have you didn t catch that. ticket. Would it be insurance cover me? I m Is Gerber Life Insurance were expired. i didnt 1000 for a bike. I m becoming worried that received my scooter insurance get a car on driving one of my my own insurance.Thanks in have Driver s ed, safety feeding support, and well-women was like $300 a mom were just talking I live in California, i go in the own car insurance policy .
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
90% off #Learn Construct 2: Creating an RPG in HTML5! – $10
Jumpstart your RPG today! Learn how to fuel your own creativity by understanding these core principles. C2 will amaze!
Intermediate Level,  – 3 hours,  46 lectures 
Average rating 4.6/5 (4.6 (20 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
At least the FREE version of Construct 2 If you want to make your own RPG come into this course with a well-defined plan for the game. Structure the game with an objective and a way to complete that objective and this course will jumpstart you like you wouldn’t believe. Basic knowledge of programming
Course description:
Learn Construct 2: Creating an RPG in HTML5!
What is the course about?
This course is about learning the core principles of making an RPG game with Construct 2. Making an RPG is broad but with these lectures you will find it is easier than you think. The disclaimer I have is this: Come into this course with a plan. If you want to just learn the principles that is absolutely fine. By the end you will have a completed RPG engine. But, if you want to make your own RPG then plan out your game. Use these principles and ideas and expand on them and this course will be worth twice what you paid!
What material is included?
In the beginning of the course you have access to all of the assets used (art, animations) so you can make the same game along with me. In the download you will find the .capx we create at the end of the lecture! Note: There is no sound because I wanted this to just focus on the principles of the game.
What does this course include?
Intuitive Player Movement! Interact-able hotbar with attacks and abilites! Static NPC story arc Chat! Real time user data! Melee Attack! Configurable projectile attack Healing ability Dynamic Camera Enemy AI using Line of Sight Enemy movement Player health and death End game Random enemy spawning Pushing the limits of Construct Free but great for C2 Personal All assets are free to use for commercial use.
Why take this course?
This course is geared to those who have always wanted to know what it takes to make an RPG. I will tell you right now, it’s a lot of work. But I guarantee this course will jump start any effort you put into making a complete “RPG” game.
Is this course right for me?
If you have never programmed before this course this might be a bit over your head. Even with Construct 2, you still need to learn the basics! If you have programmed before this course will be perfect for you to follow along!
How is this course structured?
I structure all of my courses differently each time. However, this course is a broken down version of how to make a finish RPG. Since RPGS are all different, it’s the skeletal structure one might need to actually move forward and finish their game! All of my courses and lectures are taught in a way where there is no fluff, just straight dive into the code and program. Learn the craft while using the tool.
I hope to see you in the lectures!
Your future instructor,
Full details Jumpstart their own RPG game with Construct 2 Learn the principles of making an RPG game Create an interact-able hotbar in Construct 2 Learn how to create an intuitive movement system Collect realtime user inputted data for our game Display realtime user inputted data within the RPG Learn how to create a Melee attack! Create loot for the enemies to drop ! Know how to utilize these principles to jumpstart your own RPG once the course is finished Create a static NPC that can display a story-arc message for you! See how easy it is actually implement things you may have thought were very difficult Create real time combat for your player to interact with! Learn how to make simple Enemy AI giving our player an objective!
Full details If you have no experience programming whatsoever try one of my other Construct 2 courses before this one. This course is for those who have a little bit more than basic knowledge of how programming works! If you have used Construct 2 and have always wanted to make an RPG this is the course for you! IF you are expecting a full blown RPG by the end of th
“Great course to jump start a RPG game dev. Thanks Jeremy! Best of luck~” (Pison Christian)
“I always wanted to learn to build an action RPG. This was a great intro into that world.” (Victor Leung)
“this course is amazing!” (Thiago Pirugini Noronha)
  About Instructor:
Jeremy Alexander
Jeremy Alexander is an online entrepreneur with experience in game development, full stack web design and Animation. Since 2015, Jeremy has gathered a following due to his unique teaching style and superior customer support. With his success, he has launched his own rapidly growing YouTube channel, Jerementor! Why does he do this? Having made his own website using Geocities in 2004, Jeremy developed a knack for all things computer related. After having freelanced in High School, it wasn’t until college that he realized – traditional education was failing him. He knew how to learn, becoming self-proficient in many programs and languages, but the typical classroom setting never clicked. Then, one hot summer day in June of 2015, it all came together. After deciding not to continue pursuing a BFA in Animation, Jeremy started teaching with his own skills and determination. His number one goal has always been to provide the learning experience he wished he had in a traditional setting. He has succeeded. 10,000+ Students 2,000+ Subscribers
Instructor Other Courses:
Learn Construct 2: Creating a Puzzle Platformer! Jeremy Alexander, Construct 2 Game Developer // Web Developer // Animator (2) $10 $100 Construct 2 – From Beginner to Advanced – Ultimate Course! Learn Construct 2: Creating a Pixel Platformer in HTML5! …………………………………………………………… Jeremy Alexander coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Game Development course coupon Udemy Game Development course coupon Learn Construct 2: Creating an RPG in HTML5! Learn Construct 2: Creating an RPG in HTML5! course coupon Learn Construct 2: Creating an RPG in HTML5! coupon coupons
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