#the end of pisces season
happybirthdayanime · 6 months
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March 20th
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retiredficwriter · 2 months
thank you for the tag @morocorra !
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
this was so hard! i chose one character per media and ended up with only 4 characters?? even when i looked at media i was obsessed with in the past, there wasn't one where i was "ah yes! it's that character asgsdlgkdh" maybe it’s time for me to revisit them and see if my opinions changed 🤔
tagging @greeneyesivashkov @ahighlyfunctionalfangirl @sydrianssage @jetsteelyourheart @belikov + anyone who wants to do this!
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inshelliesworld · 2 years
Buckle up. This is long.
Last night after dinner w/my fam I watched the SAG awards so I am a little behind on the conversation around the Chris Evans Clown Show Comedy Hour. However I read a couple of asks received by @nancydrewwouldnever about how he’s been looking like the Raggedy Andy version of his normal self these past few months and I couldn’t agree more.
I thought so watching the SMA videos People put out.
Back during my more naïve days, I just thought he was possibly exhausted and that could very well still be true. But after the rabbit hole I’ve been down for the past couple of months, I am of the opinion he's exhausted for a different reason than work requirements. Which is just that – my opinion: observation mixed with speculation.
I don’t think this RS – if it is rooted in PR like I think it is – was ever intended to last this long. From what I have gathered, the Netflix show and movie for which AB would have benefited the most having a lot of attention were originally supposed to both release in the first half of 2022. One or both were delayed, the show being very delayed -from first/second quarter all the way to the last quarter of the year. So not only did she lose out on a bump for the movie, but by the time her show finally launched it pretty much had already been axed by NF. So when Mr. SMA 2022 does the CP Marathon (horribly) with her, the only project she has going on at the time is hanging by a thread.
That's her fault for being lazy and entitled. A million golden opportunities were missed by her/her team, but I feel like Chris wasn’t going to sell anything very well anyway, as he likely was being pissy about this situationshit lasting so long. Which led me to thinking that “laser focus” press question was a plant to tie back to the earlier article BUT made me think it could possibly have been contrived as a way to signify the end of their "RS" had it gone to plan. The question would allow room for him to insinuate he was single again and “focused on finding the right partner” to “pour himself into” bc “awe, shucks, I’m just so unlucky in love…” 💀
BUT THAT CAN’T HAPPEN… he can’t signal the end of something that hasn’t yet been announced. So it looked to the viewer, and especially his fandom, that he was signaling his singlehood – and for his fans, to debunk the rumors flying around about his Lolita. NOW he has to stutter around and trap himself in word prisons and go take a quick pap sprint the same time as SMA announcement bc that’s when the show drops and do more photos and BS to sell the OVER year-long narrative when they were really prepped to do a 9ish-mos storyline. All the OG pics and scares (IMO) that were preemptively shot not only look slightly better but they also would have fit in with starting the RS storyline Fall 2021 and, if nothing would have been delayed, the end falling somewhere Summer 2022.
I think this is why he does such a shit job selling it. He struggles to sell intimacy anyway, but he’s not even giving it the ole college try bc he’s pissed off that it’s taken more time than he expected and dragging his feet. I mean…. All these rumors about the same chick for months HAS to have a negative impact on his harem, right?? 😂 Now she’s pissed that he’s dragging his feet – or maybe she wanted it to turn into more than what it is and he’s noped the fuck out – so she throws a hissy fit with the yoga cert mess, her mom’s pic, and her OF shower pictorial.  
It's possible had this not dragged along for this long, all the dirt that has surfaced RE: her and her sOuLMaTes being racist, antisemetic, fat phobic, basically all around horrendous ppl that has TANKED his image and lost him a good portion of his fandom would have maybe not surfaced. The mess would have been announced, been annoying, and been over before anyone cared enough to dig that much - or at least make that big of a deal about it, bc he would have been rid of her. I know that this dumpster fire mimics SS a lot but I think that Chris agreeing to a much shorter version in the beginning is why there are SO MANY pictures all at once. He probs didn't want to do this for the 2 years or whatever that SS committed to.
I think he has thrown his own tantrum of “I ain’t doin this shit anymore” and has left it to someone else to handle which is why he is AWOL from everywhere, including going out to dinner with his friend/castmates, and not doing his own SM anymore (I personally don’t think he’s posting anything at all right now himself). Seems he’s also made sure that he/his team control the mass narrative to the GP.
I think they’re riding this shit show out until the end, letting their teams do whatever they need to do. Even if she has the DESIRE to show up for anything like the Twitter reading (was she even invited? Was she wanted by her castmates/showrunners? Hollywood is show BUSINESS afterall so even if she wasn’t wanted she would be expected to show up to make good on production companies’ investments & save face?) the situations aren’t really going to be great for her. There would be – and SHOULD BE – backlash involving the discriminatory posts, which she obvs has no intentions of denouncing. IMO she should have done it anyway for her fans, but her not doing it goes a long way to prove her entitlement, lazy ass attitude, and ungratefulness. But from the looks of  those Star Power reports from IMDB that someone shared, it’s not her that’s hurting… it’s HIM. 🤡
He’s suffering greatly, which is also deserved, and he very likely knows it. It has taken a noticeable toll on his looks, his presence, his gait, and his energy. He looks like a shell of his former self bc he is. And he’s seemingly off licking his wounds until he can start his Chris Evans Redemption Tour.
I would like to put it out into the universe that my birthday is next month and it falls within their usual “drop” timeframe so it would be a fantastic birthday gift if March’s bomb was the BUA.            
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chameli · 7 months
✨ Happy Pisces Season! ♓️
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firelise · 1 year
Mew - Pisces
Top - Leo/Virgo cusp
Ray - Gemini
Sand - Capricorn
Boston - Sagittarius
Nick - Cancer
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29121996 · 7 months
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vestibulodynia · 2 years
Having a pi day birthday is just constantly getting asked what your favorite pie is. I have none shut up bitch
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harmoonix · 2 months
west side
Astrology Observations
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Do you ever have a hard time to accept some planets or signs in your birth chart? Personally i have a hard time to accept my scorpio placements because they are not so easy to have in ones chart
Venus in the 1H, 5H and the 11H are the most outgoing placements for Venus! Social, creative, charming! they got all the plate
Moon aspecting Mercury in good aspects can be liked for their personality and the vibe they give to others
A Fire rising in your mars persona chart can indicate a desirable person, or someone people love to have to around
Lilith in the 2H, 6H, 10H can often charm people with their bossy atittude, they have a specific earthy energy
People with LIlith In air signs can often use dirty words while they are talking and sometimes dirty words are in their everyday dictionary
Venusian Moons (Libra and Taurus Moon) can have a pleasing voice and personality, often they can have a seducing aura
Aries Risings tend to have extremely beautiful relationships thanks to their 7H Libra, is honestly such a beautiful energy
Neptune aspecting ascendant natives can not always see their worth! They are very worthy people but tend to fall under certain stereotypes which can bring them down
Leo Lilith and Leo Rising both need to recieve attention in order to feel loved. They need to be feel seen to feel like they are worthy for you
If someone has their mercury in the same sign as your venus, you can often get compliments from them!! or to be praised by them
I feel like people with a taurus rising dont always realise their beauty, they are so modest and nice when people appreciate their beauty
People who have 11H placements often have the desire to change the world somehow or to make the world in a better place
Chiron in Scorpio or in the 8H can talk about how deeply the natives needs are, they can become needy of certain things or people
You can always tell the majority of zodiac signs someone can have in their chart based on the season they are born, for example people born in spring will mostly have planets in aries and taurus and sometimes even gemini, someone born in winter can mostly have lots of planets in sagitarrius pisces aquarius and so on
Aries Venus/mars and lilith are always full of energy! they can struggle with being stubborn though because when have a plan or an idea, they have to finish it
People with mars in libra, cancer and virgo can be the submissive ones in a relationship but without that toxic "dominant and submissive" thing, is just their energy to not rule but to help the ruler
People with an earth sign in their 8H love intimacy and in the same time will keep it priviate from others, usually those people who are shy to others but the most sexual beasts to their partners
Gemini rules over the hands/nails, gemini placements can have really gorgeous hands and nails naturally
If you have your moon between 0 and 9 degrees , your moon has a new energy which can indicate that is more active, more sensitive, more curious, they are little explorers from a young age
I think i said this more times in my observations but if you have Pisces or Libra placements, do not start a relationship until you dont learn how to love yourself first, because you can end up hurt,
People with Saturn in Libra or the 7H can actually become more mature while in a relationship, is like their partners can open their eyes and teach them how to be more mature
i started to love my 7h Saturn honestly, i have it at 0 degrees in my siedereal chart and is honestly an indictor that i dont have to rush love relationships at all. my mom tells this everytime, love will find a way in your life when you least expect it
Aquarius and Capricorn Moons in my opinion are so loyal they will keep everything private but still being loyal and loving to you, they are honestly so sweet
Usually mercury in fire signs can be a bit harsh in love relationships, they have a harsh humour which not everyone can understand, deep dark humour jokes
If is something im not sure if is accurate about astrology and birth chart is probably those asteroids that are related with genitals.. like you cant tell about someones genitals just by looking at some asteroids
Aquarius and Scorpio in the 4H, 12H house can talk about a deep wound connected with your family or close relatives, if someone hurt you from your family you can easily cut them off
People with pluto or saturn aspecting south node can indicate having a dark past in the current and past lives
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vivmaek · 11 months
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Happy Scorpio season everyone!
Sagittarius Risings are the best at flirting. I may be biased considering that I’m a Gemini Rising, but I stand by my opinion. They know how to evade small talk and make people melt through their warmth and charm. Sagittarius Risings can be cocky, but this serves them well when trying to gain romantic attention. Confidence is sexy. They keep things light hearted and fun. Their commitment issues add a layer of excitement to their relationships, they’re often pursued by multiple people at once. 
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A Cancer Venus or Mars could spend the entire day in bed with their partner. They blend cuddles, foreplay, and sex into long sessions that seemingly have no end.
Those who have their Sun in the third house can carry out a long-distance relationship successfully. A strong sense of imagination keeps the relationship alive within their head. 
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People who have Mars in the sixth house need to find a partner who is spontaneous. Their sex life might start to feel like a routine and they’ll become bored. Sex is important to these individuals, it has to remain exciting if these types are going to settle down. 
Someone with Mars opposite to their Ascendant might find that they give more than they receive within their sexual relationships. They might participate in sexual activities just to appease their partner. 
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A Scorpio Mars might have secret sex fantasies that make them feel ashamed. They also probe into the sex life of their partners through pointed questions. This does not come from a place of curiosity, if they start doing this it's because they feel possessive and jealous. They want to be the best their partner has ever had. 
Individuals with Mars in the first house have the best stamina, hands down. 
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An Aquarius Venus is always getting caught up within the most complicated romantic endeavors. They’re the first to claim that they’re easy-going and just want to fall in love with their best friend. When in reality, they’re avoidant and uncomfortable with conventional romantic affection. They’re delusional for thinking this isn’t going to cause issues. 
People with a Pisces Venus will toy around with multiple people at once and then they’ll have the audacity to become confused when one of their partners finds out and is upset. Their love and affection for others is innocent. They’re just following their heart, and if it leads them into the arms of multiple people, so be it. Unlike other water venus placements, a Pisces Venus is not possessive over their lovers, they’re just here for the vibe. 
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Capricorn Ascendants are incredibly classy. Dating them feels like a high-end experience. They know how to treat their partners right. They show up on time and are always appropriately dressed for the occasion. 
People who have a Libra Sun placed within the tenth house find it difficult to balance their love life and career. It seems that these two areas of life are always in conflict with one another. 
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Individuals who have their Sun placed within the first house are honest and straightforward, they don’t play around with people and they do everything they can to avoid hurt feelings. 
Taurus Moons like to eat before sex. If they didn’t get a chance to do this, they’ll get up and make themselves a sandwich immediately afterwards. They’ll make one for their partner too ofc ;) They are very attentive when it comes to aftercare, they’ll help their partner get dressed and will make sure all their emotional needs are being met. 
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People who have Venus conjuncting their Ascendant end up in relationships with ease, but these relationships also end just as quickly as they started.  
The sexual endeavors of someone with Mars in the tenth house are publicly known. Their nudes may get leaked, and their past partners like to brag about shared sexual experiences. 
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punksocks · 10 months
Astrology Observations No.26
(Just based on my opinions, only take what resonates)
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-Aquarius mars can denote a career around trends, tech, and social media. It can also denote your career taking off during times of social progress or spearheading social progress. (John Boyega’s career took off when he became the face of a much more diverse Star Wars, and a lot of his most celebrated roles have a social consciousness to them, pretty great if I do say so myself)
-Virgo venus gets the reputation of being picky in relationships (and they are) but I feel like Sagittarius Venus can be more fickle. Virgo Venus natives have a set of standards and attributes they’re looking for, but Sagittarius Venus natives will put you on a pedestal then knock you off of it when you do something they don’t like.
-Underdeveloped Gemini Venus will ghost you in the middle of a crisis (man Pisces Venus too, but they may feel bad about it lol)
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-When it comes to a sense of justice, I feel as though (developed) Scorpio moons give everyone a run for their money
-I feel like Aquarius in big 3 (sun, moon, rising) can often find themselves being forced to be humanitarian/being made to work toward the greater good in some situations (to lend others money, to take care of friends/family, to befriend someone lonely, etc.) I feel like these placements often can be forced to give more of themselves than they are comfortable with (developed ones will often find a great sense of joy in connecting with others through care though)
-On the other hand I feel like Leo in the big 3 can find themselves being forced to pay attention to themselves/become the center of attention (elevated at a job for their hard work, given unexpected attention for a talent, etc.) With Leo placements I notice that in their home life or childhood they may not receive the attention they need, but early on they get attention from outsiders. So they end up going through this arch of getting more comfortable with their sense of self and being in the spotlight.
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-Aries placements can often be the first in their family to do something (go to college, start a business, etc) without more long term oriented placements things like businesses may not last though
-Virgo/Gemini/3rd/6th house placements and having an absolute weakness for stationary lol (I have a 3rd house Stellium and I have to force myself not to buy a sketchbook or notebook every time I’m out, with a 40% success rate lol)
-I always expect Libra placements (especially sun/Asc/Venus/mars) to have a very blonde/fair/delicate features naturally but a lot of Libras have this gothic look, like raven hair ivory skin classic beauty (and a lot of PoC I follow with Libra placements can be much darker skinned, which is also a beautifully classic look)
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-I think Jupiter and Saturn count towards your personality, but since they’re slower moving planets I view them as the bridge between the asc/sun/moon/mercury/Venus/mars placements that really directly define your personality and the generational planets that show up in traits across people in your age range (but effect everyone differently because of house placements and aspects)
-Do a lot of people get sick during Scorpio season? Or is it just me ?? (During the last week of Scorpio season like 6 people I knew got sick at the same time and I had a medical thing, wtf it’s uncanny)
-I think Neptune in Capricorn is a big reason that depression became such a focal point for younger millennials and elder gen z- well that and late stage capitalism but yknow. (Capricorns being prone to depression, and Neptune ruling over mental illness)
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-You may show more of the traits of the sign in your 12th house when inebriated (like sun in 12th may be more outgoing when they drink, moon in 12th may be more introverted/emotional, mercury in 12th may be more chatty and inquisitive, Venus in 12th may be more charming/romantic, mars in 12th may be more aggressive/antagonistic/s*xual)
-Mars in 12th/Pisces mars may find that unresolved tension sits on their subconscious and makes it hard for them to do other tasks
-Cancer over the houses can show where you feel at home (cancer in the 4th is super loyal to their family/mother, cancer in the 7th means you feel at home with a nurturing partner, cancer in the 9th means you feel at home abroad and traveling and with other communities or with religion, cancer in 11th means you feel super at home with your friends.)
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bouquetface · 1 month
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PAC: The end of your 2024
Please keep in mind, I am very specific in my readings. Not every reading you come across it for you. Don’t let the content stress or excite you too much. Take it as entertainment.
WARNING: This reading contains darker topics like death. Please keep in mind tarot isn’t set in stone. It’s a read of the current energies surrounding the topic.
Scorpio Asc/First House
Pisces Moon esp @ 10-15 degrees
Libra Moon esp @ 7-9 degrees
Gemini Asc/First House
This reading begins with a change in home and family. This may have already occurred or soon will this Fall.
Some of you may be moving. Some of you may have a family member or roommate moving out. Some of you may experience a death in the family - pet, elder parent or grandparent or aunt/uncle, etc. There is a letting go occurring in the home and family.
For most, this is not a surprise. You may have planned the move for the Fall. You may know this family member or roommate is leaving. You may know someone in the family is very sick - comments about death/dying may have already been made.
This change in home and family will have taken place Aug-October. As a result, late Oct- early Nov, you will now step into a new chapter of life.
Potential changes pile 1 will experience:
❤️‍🔥 You may begin to change/adapt to your new way of living in your new home environment.
❤️‍🔥 You may make changes to your appearance. These changes could be on the face. Ex: New hairstyle, New skincare, Lip filler, Eyelash extensions, etc. Be cautious of impulsive change. Some may regret this change later.
❤️‍🔥 You may feel inspired to embrace sag themes- make plans or take action on travel & higher education. You may feel philosophical - questioning or embracing your religious/spiritual beliefs.
In November, you will meet new people. This could be due to a new career/job, having moved to a new place or school, etc. This person or people could have sag placements, be from a different ethnic, racial, or religious background.
In November, 2nd H is highlighted. Income, possessions, and money in general are prominent. By late Nov - early Dec, you could find a job, be promoted, or make a big financial choice (selling a possession, purchasing something big).
Be sure to read the fine print. Don’t be impulsive with your choices around this time. Rather than a physical appearance change, it may be this financial change you regret. There is a lot of room for error around this time. Regret may be dramatic. It’s more likely you may make a clerical error that will be an inconvenience to go fix.
Sag South Node esp @ 15-18 degrees
Libra Rising esp @ 6-1 degrees
Cancer Mars esp @ 25-29 degrees
You could have conflict with a family member early Fall. This may be a sibling or someone who acts immaturely. Or they could be a literal child. Major childish energy from this person.
You could be cutting ties with this person. It may not be forever for most of you. Some of you simply need to temporarily let this person go in order to regain your peace of mind.
Nov-Dec, Venus themes are prominent - money, love, beauty. South Node card indicates it’s because there is a decrease/letting go. It may be karmic for some of you.
Some of you could end a relationship (platonic, romantic or business). It won’t be a surprise. You’ll likely feel this connection fading out early Fall. The disappointment or stress from this could make you care less for yourself. You may indulge yourself with food or shopping. However, if you are the person who neglects themselves when sad, you may unintentionally loose weight.
You could feel very drained nov-dec.
Possible EXAMPLES:
💜 You could make financial purchases that literally drain your bank account.
💜 You could feel very tired and unmotivated. Seasonal depression.
💜 For some of you in specific, the drained and tired feeling is due to a health matter - pregnancy, cold/flu, injury, etc.
Unfortunately, mid to late Fall seems to be a lot of deep reflecting. You could feel hopeless. You could question the path you’re on. There will be some good moments - you could be celebrating someone else (birthdays, graduation, weddings, engagement, etc).
Truthfully, it seems seeing this event (in person or on socials) will only make you feel worse about your own situation. There is so much inner turmoil here. None of it seems to be coming as a surprise.
On the bright side, at the end of Dec, it seems you are replanning for the future. Some of you may find a new job or be promoted.
Aqua Rising/First house esp early degrees
SCORPIO MC esp @ 7-10 degrees
Venus Gemini esp @ 20-25 degrees
Scorpio Placements esp @ 7-19 degrees
🍂🍂🍂 🍂🍂🍂
This reading starts with a shocking & sudden change. You may have already experienced this or soon will.
Possible manifestations of this:
🍂 You could have made sudden changes to your appearance.
🍂 You could be changing your life direction. Your mindset towards life could be changing. It may be initially darker.
🍂 You may have undergone some kind of crisis. You could be having troubles with home or family. You could have experienced a painful ending of some sort.
There are some feelings & thoughts you can’t repress anymore. This will become more clear early Fall.
10th H Card - This suggests this change may have to do with your reputation and career. Late Oct - Early Nov, you may get a fresh start in career - new job, promotion, new role, etc. You may embrace a teacher role regardless of what you do. People may look to you for help around this time.
You could feel powerful. Some of you will seriously be stepping into a higher role/elevated status.
You may meet people especially Nov-Dec. There is potential for romance. Either you or them will approach cautiously due to past experiences. I can’t promise this spark will go far for everyone. Some of you may find this person or you want to keep things casual/friendly.
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astroeleanor · 15 days
The Four Zodiac Signs That Will Be REBORN in September 2024
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LIBRA (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
During September, Venus conjuncts the South Node in Libra, bringing about:
• Opportunities to let go of outdated beliefs or attachments, particularly in the areas of relationships, self-worth, and personal values, leading to a sense of liberation.
• Reassessment of how you relate to others, potentially ending old relationship dynamics that are not beneficial. This can feel like a “rebirth” as new, healthier ways of connecting and creating balance are established in your life.
• A deeper exploration of your personal identity, beyond your relationships, redefining who you are independently of others.
• Find new equilibrium in your life, shedding what disrupts your inner peace and embracing what promotes balance.
• This conjunction might bring people or situations from the past back into your life for resolution. This could be an opportunity for closure, healing, and growth.
PISCES (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th and the transit of Saturn in Pisces might affect you in the following ways:
• Heightened emotional awareness, deep insights, and the potential for significant release or closure.
• Profound emotional release or awakening, letting go of past emotional wounds, illusions, or attachments.
• Closing of a significant chapter in your life, paving the way for new beginnings.
• Bringing form and structure to your dreams, spiritual practices, and emotional world.
• A strong emphasis on developing boundaries and self-discipline. You may be pushed to balance your compassionate, empathetic nature with the need to protect your energy and establish clearer boundaries.
• A reality check! You may have to confront your fears, illusions, or escapist tendencies. This confrontation can lead to a major personal transformation and a clearer, more realistic vision of your future.
VIRGO (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
With the New Moon in Virgo on Sep 2nd, Virgo Season, Mercury entering Virgo, and the opposition between transiting Sun and Mercury in Virgo and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you may experience:
• A powerful opportunity to initiate new projects, habits, or routines that are aligned with your goals for personal growth and improvement.
• A focus on self-improvement, clarity, and redefining your purpose, making it a perfect time for a personal "rebirth."
• An emphasis on rethinking and reevaluating your thoughts, communication style, and decision-making processes, refining your perspectives and adopting new ways of thinking.
• Confronting where you need to balance your desire for perfection with accepting life's imperfections and integrating more compassion & flexibility into your routines.
• Potential confusion or uncertainty but also the chance to clarify illusions or unrealistic expectations, seeing beyond your usual practical mindset and incorporating a more spiritual or imaginative perspective.
• Integrating more emotional intelligence, compassion, or spiritual awareness into your life, gaining a more holistic sense of yourself.
• Setting new health goals, establishing healthier habits, redefining your daily routine for greater well-being.
CAPRICORN (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
As Pluto makes its final entry into Capricorn for our lifetimes, you may experience:
• A culmination of the transformative energies Pluto has been bringing into your life since 2008, marking the end of a profound cycle of personal and collective transformation.
• Shedding outdated identities, roles, or structures that are outdated. This shedding process allows for the emergence of a renewed, more authentic version of yourself.
• Letting go of rigid beliefs, societal expectations, patterns of control.
• Becoming aware of deep-seated fears or traumas that need healing. This is a final call to confront and transform these issues.
• Reconstructing your personal and professional foundations, building them on more authentic & stable ground.
• Pluto’s energy is about power dynamics, both internal and external. There is an opportunity for you to reclaim or master your personal power, learning to wield it responsibly and effectively in your life.
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loveemagicpeace · 4 months
🧚🏼‍♀️✨Gemini Season🌙
Venus in Gemini- Venus in Gemini is quick, changeable. In love, there can be much more emphasis on communication and thinking. More gameplay and attractions. There can also be a little restless, craving fun and adventure more than anything. During this season, expect your mind to be buzzing with ideas, planning adventures, or untangling intellectual puzzles.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and connection, this air-sign energy can take on a chatty, highly verbal, extra-extroverted shine. This is also an occasion for seeking out a variety of new experiences. Take a different route to work, talk to strangers, or simply watch a movie that ordinarily might not interest you. Don’t imagine that you must travel to the ends of the Earth to find newness. The downside is that this can be a difficult time to attempt work that requires deep, sustained focus. Be honest with yourself about your capacity right now, and avoid making big commitments you’re unlikely to be able to keep.
On May 30, the moon will be in Pisces, which means that will be more compassionate and comfortable energy. You can travel to a place by the sea or be somewhere more dreamy and seaside. Sun conj Venus- you can feel more inspired for relationships and other people.
On May 31 the moon in pisces will aspect mercury, saturn, uranus, neptune. Lots of emotional energy. Moon sex mercury-This transit represents an opportunity to become more conscious of your emotional habits and patterns and perhaps an ability to subtly influence them through prayer, mantras, meditation, and affirmations. Moon conj saturn- this It makes you feel more responsible for loved ones, especially family members, woman. Moon sex uranus- something more unpredictable can happen in a postive way. Moon conj neptune- emotions can be more dreamlike. This day is going to be very positive and you will feel great energy.
On June 1, the moon will enter the sign of Aries. Aries is an impulsive, quick, responsive sign. Emotions will be more expressive, direct and that it is good for expressing energy. It is also saturn day which means that things will be much more responsible and clear.
On June 3, Mercury will enter the sign of Gemini. Communication will be much more playful, all over the place. It may be the time that may demand attention and adjustments to challenges in life. Focus is required over familial matters, emotional outbursts that can disturb domestic peace and prosperity. life.Your innovation of ideas will be strong and with a purpose; you will complete your assignments/commitments with dedication; but vigilance over each prospect is necessary.
On June 6, moon will enter the gemini. New moon will be in sign of gemini. The Gemini new moon is the time to set new aims for your beliefs and friendships. New ideas can inspire and invigorate you, so be open-minded and ready to learn. Get curious! In friendships, decide to give and receive support. Begin to feel connected to others in a new way. Learn about yourself through your friendships. Moon will be conj Mercury- Which is great to express your thoughts and express your intentions on the paper because Mercury is ruler by communication mind and the way you think so is actually great time to set your intentions and write them down. You can also express your feelings more easily and freely. Moon will be conj Venus- It's also great time to spend the day with people that are actually close to you or you feel more enlightened to. U can also be in more loving mood and be more sexually attractive than usual. Fortunately, you are more likely to attract love and beauty under this influence. Moon will be square Saturn-Relationship problems will more likely be due to your emotional immaturity than anything your partner has done.
On June 9, Mars will enter Taurus. If until now it was a fast and bold energy, now the energy will slow down more and things will become more serious and stable. Mars in Taurus is slow and not so bold, it makes slow and deliberate movements, so the energy will also be more like that. In astrology, Mars is the planet of drive, ambition, and courage; when expressed through the fixed earth filter of Taurus, this drive and ambition become very groundedand very practical. Sensible, even, which is not often a word associated with Mars. The Mars in Taurus transit can be very defensive, and in a difficult situation, this is definitely energy you would want on your side.
On June 12
Mercury square Saturn can bring negative thinking that leads to pessimism, fear, worry, apprehension, indecision, procrastination, sadness and loneliness. A larger view of the world must replace narrow-mindedness and paying too much attention to minute details.
On June 17, mercury & venus will enter cancer. Mercury in Cancer means that communication can be more emotional, sensitive, deep. More can happen in connection with family and relatives. It also brings a more emotional approach to people and understanding on a more compassionate level. Mercury will be conjunct Venus good for relationships and conversations. On will be in scoprio which means that emotions can be more deeply directed but perhaps hidden and not so exposed. This day can be more emotional. Venus in Cancer it brings relationships orientation towards loved ones and people who are close to you. More feeling at home and during this time you can spend more time with people who give you warmth and joy. You can go to someone's house more or spend time in a comfortable room. During this time, you can be more exposed to wanting to be in your comfort zone. Mental and social overstimulation gives way to cozy exchanges across the breakfast nook, and the intimacy of a small group may be preferable to the chaos of “everyone.” This wouldn’t be the worst time for a romantic (or platonic) getaway for two. And if you’re stuck on where to go, nostalgia-fueled reveries to the places of your past will tug at your heartstrings.
On June 22, there will be full moon in the sign of Capricorn. It’s called Strawberry Moon. Capricorns are rule followers with a highly developed moral compass. From a young age, it is impressed upon them that their whole sense of worth and meaning is based on their ability to hunker down and force their way to the finish line. Capricorns collect responsibility. And they always seem to take it all on. Capricorns need to be the one to fix everything. Responsibility is their natural state. Moon will be oppostie mercury & venus- Thoughts and emotions will be more difficult to balance. It will be difficult for you to emotionally harmonize with your feelings and thoughts. But It's a good day to get things off your chest, expressing and releasing any feelings that have been building up in self-containment. Moon will trine Mars- you will be able to react impulsively emotionally. And made a quick emotional decision. It may come more from the comfort of security and you may be looking more for emotional security and stability.
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seafoamreadings · 12 days
big things that are coming
here are the next few astrological events i would consider extra serious, in case you like to mark your calendars or be otherwise prepared.
lunar eclipse in pisces - eclipse season kicks off in mid-september with a full moon in pisces. this can be an emotionally fraught period and can also include insomnia or strange/vivid/lucid dreams or nightmares. settle things a bit by establishing healthy daily routines without sacrificing the magic inherent in daily life. stick to those rituals at least until eclipse season wraps up, but you might find you like them so much they become permanent. if you already have such routines, also consider overhauling them around this time.
solar eclipse in libra - the volatility of eclipse season continues into early october with this new moon. you can set intentions here like you can for any new moon but don't expect them to follow the plan you lay out for them. and whatever intentions you do or do not set, relationships (and your relationship with yourself) are at center stage. and they are not meant to be easy, simple, or flowing in this scenario. but that doesn't mean they won't work out for the best.
jupiter retrograde - this retrograde is not like the other retrogrades. this is a benevolent retrograde. in libra season just after the eclipse in libra, gemini jupiter in its station may flare up appetites for the luxurious and pleasureful. you don't have to overindulge; it's a choice. but it's wise to make sure you are enjoying things in this time!
pluto direct - these things really do happen in a chain or a cascade. this station is just a couple days after the retrograde of jupiter begins. tumult occurs mostly on a global or geopolitical scale, but you may also notice some destruction (for better or worse) in your personal life in the window of a few days around this. then pluto heads back for aquarius for the last time.
saturn direct - the next retrograde ending is not for another month after pluto heads for aquarius. but stuck projects, goals, desires, and dreams start to get a little bit unstuck, even if really only a little bit. plans, disciipline, and patience are auspicious; attempting forceful maneuvers will backfire.
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
August 2023 witch guide
August 2023 witch guide
Full moon: August 1st in Aquarius
New Moon: August 16th
Blue moon: August 30th Aquarius into Pisces
Sabbats: Lughnasadh August 1st

August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Corn moon, harvest moon, ricing moon, barley moon, dog moon, fruit moon, grain moon, herb moon, red moon & wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder cedar & hazel
Herbs/plants: Basil, bay, chamomile, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St. John's wort,
Flowers: Angelica, marigold, sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, fire agate, garnet, red jasper & red agate
Colors: Gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Authority, appreciation, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power &vitality
Sturgeon moon gets it's name from the high numbers that are caught at the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain in North America during this time of year. The names come from a number of places including Native Americans, Colonial Americans & European sources.

Also known as: Lammas, August eve & Feast of bread
Season: Summer
Symbols: Scythes, corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, green, yellow, red, orange, light brown & purple
Oils/incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle & chickens
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Foods: Apples, grains, barley cakes, wild berries, cider, honey, potatoes, rice, sun shaped cookies, blackberry, corn, nuts, breads, blueberry. berry pies & grapes
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, all grains, blackberry, corn, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, grapes, myrtle, oak leaves, pear, rye, blackthorn &wheat
Flowers: Sunflower, cyclamen, heather, hollyhock & medowsweet
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Demeter, Freya, Grain goddesses, Ishtar, Kait, Kore, Mother Goddess, Sul, Sun Goddesses, Taillte, Zaramama, Ereshkigal & Ianna
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Ebisu, Dumuzi, Ghanan, Grain Gods, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin, Sun Gods & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Power:  Agriculture, changes, divination, endings, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Sun magick, rituals of thanks/offerings, bounty, abundance & fire magick
Bake fresh bread
Weave wheat
Take walks along bodies of water
Craft a corn doll
Watch the sunrise
Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
Donate to your local foodbank
Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
Give thanks to the Earth
Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
Clean up a space in nature
Plant saved seeds
This cross-quarter fire festival is celebrated on August 1st or the first full moon of Leo & the seventh sabbat of the year. It represents the first harvest when the Earth's bounty is given for the abundance received.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
In some traditions, this day honors the Celt god Lugh, the god of craftsmanship; He is skilled in many things including wheel making, blacksmithing & fighting. Though there is some discrepancy as to why Lugh is honored on this day. Some tales say it's because he held a harvest faire in honor of his adoptive mother, Tailtiu.

Farmersalmanac .com
Boston Public Library- The Origins & Practices of Lammas/Lughnasadh by Dhruti Bhagat
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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phoenixashvibes · 9 months
What Love Has in Store For You in 2024
Your 2024 Love Life Reading is Here :)
Sooo, take what resonates, leave what does not fit; while keeping in mind we all have free will. This is also my first ever PAC blog post :) Please leave feedback I will be sure to respond back ❤️
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Pile One: The 7 of Swords, THE DEVIL, The Page of Swords, DEATH, 8 of Cups Bottom Card : THE MOON
(Capricorn, Scorpio,Aquarius, Gemini, Pisces, Libra signs could be relevant seasons or people)
So pile one I do not know if you are single right now are within a connection that you may consider leaving but there seems to be someone here that experiences a breakup. There seems to be someone manipulative involved and they sneak around and get caught up. If you know you are single the people that may approach you this year are people who may lie and present challenges within a relationship. It would be a karmic connection, that would cause you to need deep healing. From There will prepare an exit strategy to leave behind toxic partners that have obsessive, codependent toxic natures. The ones with bad habits and bind you with pain. You will tell someone to kiss your as$. The deception will be too much. They could have been sneaking around or you will just simply pain on how to detach yourself from any type of people that keep you from being able to evolve and enjoy the refreshing emotional connections that serve your higher good. You will gain clarity on how to move forward in love. You will no longer continue to entangle yourself with people that bring you down and make you face your inner demons in hurtful ways. Someone else will also try to approach you from your past there will be two people that are no good for you and shady that will not be able to bring anything healthy to your love life. You will face your fears around love choosing to purify yourself of emotions that do not help you experience the love you know you deserve. I see you taking a logical approach within your love life and holding more your value and self worth in high regards this year. You will learn to use your wisdom to heal and cut off anyone that is not able to communicate and show you what is worthy of your time and attention. You will vet people and do your homework before you let anyone waste any of your time, you may also block some people and choose to be emotionally unavailable for them any longer. You will also refuse to be a one night stand. When you do decide to date it will be because it is an equally compatible relationship where both parties are on the same page, within the same book. You will learn forgiveness, compassion and how to be strong again. This will give you the courage to be able to allow yourself to love again and help start a new, healthy love life in which you are able to get everything that didn’t work out in your past :) this could be in 2025 or by the end of the year
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Pile TWO: Princess of Swords, Ace ofSwords, Princess of Wands, & 10 of Disks
Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo
There is someone that Is going to have their eyes on you. They may be someone you know from before 2024 or someone who will come to start conversing with you soon. This will lead to them wanting to start talking about establishing something more stable that could leaf to longevity for the long run. They will want to be patient with you and feel you are fated to be in their life. They could be an Aries or you meet them in that season; but they will want to have something stable with you. They are someone that will want to provide for you and make your life comfortable. Initially, this person may give off “player energy” but eventually they will take off the mask and show you who they sincerely are. They have an athletic build or work out. Sometimes their ego gets the best of them. This connection will be undeniable and mutually shared. At some point it may get too intense and someone may want to take a break and heal. Any separation will make you both realize how much you truly matter to one another. They offer security and tell you how they can make more money and  include you with wealth management choices/opinion. They balance you out and make you feel seen and included. This person can really dress and they seem to know how to charm you real good! They have everything you really could want to have in someone you commit to, especially legally. This person wants to make you feel protected and able to have a family legacy with them. They want to have you be a part of the plans and help them manage what it is y’all create together. They are a true born leader who is a ride or die companion. They would go to war over you. The connection they feel for you right off deepens because the conversations you have when you meet will flow very easily. It’s like you two never run out of things to talk about. They feel you both deserve and will be able to live a life of travel and luxury. They want to be able to surprise you with nice things just because. This person may have some debt they need to resolve but they want to marry you so they will get this in order because they feel you’re Wirth the effort. They also want to get all their shit together in general. There is healing that is needed to be done in order for this marriage to last. This person will need to know how to gain and maintain financial responsibility so that the aspirations they set can flourish but also be managed effectively. They will want to lavishly spend on you but you both will need to cut off all other attachments from the past completely that leech. I’m hearing family and old flames wanting hand out! Them especially. I feel you may meet them when they are coming out of a bad situation. This person could have had a bad separation and not offer much at first meeting but will continue getting to knowing you and realize you are everything they thought they could never find. 
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PILE THREE: Queen of Wands, The 5 of Pentacles, The TOWER, & the 2 of Pentacles 
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
I feel like you are someone that is very attractive. This year it will draw plenty of attention your way. If you are in a relationship; I hope your lover is secure/strong. However, You appear to be single and there are people who will be approaching you this year. These people are not going to be anyone that you will want to settle for. You will notice red flags and they only serve as a confidence booster from the Most High that you are desirable. Some of these options will want to settle down with you there just won’t be the compatibility that you seek between you and them. You will feel like a few are disasters waiting to happen. Others you may feel you would have to watch and can not fully trust. There will be at least two main players who will make major efforts to gain your time and attention but you will feel like they lack something that you desire in a partner and I do not see you wanting to commit to anyone because what they offer does not appear to be up to your standards. You will have plenty of options if you want to date or starts something slow that maybe leads something more exclusive. I feel you will have to make your mind up about at least two people and there maybe an argument if anyone finds about about the others lol.. You will not have a bad year in love it just does not seem like the options that present themselves lead to your END GAME but they will be entertainment for sure. Some of these people will be delusional and not everything that they try to present themselves as especially financially. IF you are in a relationship I feel like there is family drama or something changes drastically in the dynamic of things. There is not any balance within the connection. Someone may want to unexpectedly end things and get angry because they feel like the other does not have enough time, money or attention for them. There may even be bad communication that is a factor as well. Social media problems. Drama regarding children. Bad spending habits. Someone expects others to over sacrifice for them and Its just not happening. They are not even able to reciprocate that. Someone from your past is getting blocked because they are bad news. You will be in love with your finances, looks, magnetic charm, radiant smile, amazing hair styles, fashionable outfits and effortless attention that you receive. Everybody that will try to play you this year will play themselves and lose horribly. You are clearly the prize and you finally step in to having the confidence regularly to recognize that. 
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