#the end of teenage dream just made me SOB
demadogs · 9 months
guts is legitimately a perfect album and i cannot stress enough how FEW albums i describe as absolutely perfect. this isnt just me loving a new album. it is genuinely a phenomenal piece of art that perfectly encapsulates girlhood and anger and growing up. this girl has such an insanely bright future.
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The One Who Get Away
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Hi guys!
This one come just from my imagination, I can't stop listening this cover of Katy Perry's song so... Here it is! Hope you'll like it :)
I put the version of the song I'm talking about under this text, please listen to it while listening :)
TW : Break up, angst, pressure.
Summary : Your a singer travelling the world with your group but the distance is too hard for you and your (ex) girlfriend. Will you find a way to make her stay?
"I just can't do that anymore"
Ona's voice, coming from your phone make your heart go heavier. You know how she feels about you always being away from your shared penthouse at Barcelona. Well actually you are away from Spain, and today even from Europe.
It’s been three years since your record company managed to place a Spanish band in the international market. Yours. So, now that it’s launched and that it’s been months that you are at the top of the charts, no one hesitates to make you travel to all the countries of the world, without stopping.
It’s been three years since you and your band arrived here by chance, when one of your single ended up on a summer hit. Since then, it has never stopped. In three years you have released two albums and you have made three world tours. You’re exhausted, physically and emotionally. But you made the mistake of not reading carefully the clauses of your contract, too happy to be able to live your dream.
Well, the dream slowly turned into a nightmare. Away from Ona for months now, you were supposed to return to Barcelona in two days to finally have a few weeks of rest. Except that your agent found it more interesting to impose televisions and various promotions in Japan, preventing you from returning from England where you currently are to Ona.
Yet, it was what you expected the most since the day you left her at the airport.
"I’m sorry" you whisper, feeling your throat squeeze. "I can always…"
"No, Y/N. I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t. There are no more ways out"
"What do you mean?"
You know what she means and you’ve been terrified of hearing that sentence for weeks. You’ve known Ona since you were a teenager, one night when you felt lonely and couldn’t sleep, you came across her blog. You don’t know what prompted you to write a comment to which she replied and you started chatting like that. Realizing that you were both from Barcelona, you met and the rest is history.
"I think we need to break up"
"No! Ona please we can work through this. Please. I need you, I can't lose you."
"It's better this way. I'm so sorry"
You don’t think you heard Ona’s voice shake in this way before and you are convinced that she is crying, too.
"Onita please… don’t do this"
"I’m sorry. I have no choice"
"Why? Did you��� Did you met someone else?"
Ona has a sad laugh and you can perfectly picture her shaking her head sadly.
"Of course not. It has nothing to do with that. But it’s getting worse every time. It’s been going on for three years."
"It’s not my fault" you whisper softly.
"I know"
A new silence sets in and you hope that your girlfriend is thinking and changing her mind. You know you wouldn’t stand a breakup with her. Ona has been your lighthouse in the dark forever. She’s the most important person in your life.
"I have to go, the team is waiting for me. I think it’s better if we don’t write or call each other for a while."
"Ona wait…"
"No, Y/N. It’s over"
"I love you"
Ona doesn’t answer you, but the breath you hear on the phone confirms that she’s crying. She hangs up after a few seconds and you remain motionless for long minutes, stunned. You are dress for your next performance, your presence on stage being required in about twenty minutes. Fortunately your mascara is waterproof and it’s not necessary to redo it when your friend and guitarist enters the room.
"Ona just broke up with me" you say, looking at him through the mirror.
And with that, the sobs that were until now stuck in your throat suddenly come out. In a few seconds you find yourself transformed into a crying mess, hugged by Juan. He’s your best friend, even if your fans imagine you together. The record company has forbidden you to reveal your homosexuality and has fun supporting the rumors of romance between you two, claiming that it helps the group’s popularity.
"I’m so tired. I just want to go home" you manage to say in between sobs.
Said house being mostly Ona. Making a grimace, Juan caresses your hair. You are not the only one to be exhausted by the frantic pace imposed by your record company. Juan, your drummer Marco and your bass player Ricardo are just as exhausted as you.
"I know" is all he can tell you before someone of the staff come looking for you.
Your manager looks at you coldly seeing the state in which you are and hands you a tissue for you to arrange the draws. He doesn’t ask you what’s going on. He doesn’t care. You just know that if you don’t perform properly, you’re going to get yelled at.
"Are you sure you want to watch this? We can switch channels if you want" Cata kindly assures while looking carefully at Ona.
The brunette shakes her head negatively, stuck against Alexia who passed a protective arm around her. Ona was unable to hide your breakup from her teammates, she’s just as devastated as you are. They had planned an evening to watch the charity concert that you and your group are attending, installed in Lucy’s apartment.
After exchanging a look between them, they finally decided to leave the same channel, the artists walking one after the other. Since this is a charity concert, you had the opportunity to cover a song by one of the featured artists. Your group choose a song by Katy Perry, "The One who get away", a slower version than the original. If you had known, you would have made another choice.
After avoiding a nervous breakdown, you go sit on the stool in the middle of the stage. Juan at your side, you wait for his guitar to be tuned.
"She doesn’t look like she’s ok" Aitana begins, before being immediately shuts up when she meets Mapi’s murderous gaze.
Feeling Ona tense against her, Alexia gently tightens her against her as Ingrid starts to stroke her hair. At the same time, the song starts and you wonder how you are going to finish it. Your hands are shaking, your throat is clenched and you have trouble looking up at the crowd in front of you.
From the end of the first chorus, you have tears in your eyes and at the end of the second you feel a tear roll on your cheek. Despite Juan’s whispers of encouragement, you’re unable to hold her any longer. When the song finally comes to an end, you have the impression that every person who has looked at you has been able to read into you and realize how destroyed you are. And you hate it.
After greeting the audience with the three boys, you let yourself be taken backstage by Ricardo. Juan tries not to make too friendly gestures towards you in public, knowing how much it hurts you and Ona to see everyone jump on these kinds of moments to support their theory.
The ride back to your hotel room was awful. All along the way in the van, your manager yelled at you so much that for the first time the boys rebelled against him. It surprised you but also made you very feel loved and cared. They’re the reason you haven’t dumped everything yet, you don’t have the courage to betray them by leaving. If you had been alone, it would have been different. But they are your childhood friends, more like brothers.
You haven’t looked at your phone once since you got back to your room an hour ago when someone knocked on your door. You know Ona won’t contact you. You have no interest in looking at it. You don’t answer when you hear a knock a second time, then a third time. And you don’t move either when the door of your room opens anyway a few minutes later. Juan went to ask for a copy of your magnetic card at reception, not hearing you open.
"We need to talk Y/N."
"Don’t want to" is the only sentence you manage to get out of your mouth.
Rolled up in a ball under your sheets, your cushion tight between your arms and your head resting on the plush lion that Ona offered you years ago, you only want to stay here until the end of time.
"We talked, with the guys," said Juan, regardless of what you just said. "We think you have to go."
You need a few seconds to realize what he just said.
"I booked you a plane to Barcelona. You have six hours to pack and go to the airport. Marco takes charge of the manager and Ricardo makes sure the way is clear, but you’ll have to go out from this shit. You and Ona are more important than all this bullshit. Go take your girl back."
It is 7am when you land in Barcelona and 8am when you arrive on the doormat of your shared penthouse. You don’t have the key, usually Ona picks you up at the airport and opens you. You didn’t think about it until now. You’re too afraid to lose them somewhere in a hotel room on the other side of the world. But despite your doorbells, no one comes to open.
So you resolve to sit on your doormat and wait for Ona’s return. Your phone is out of battery, preventing you from contacting someone close to your girlfriend. You don’t know where she is and it awakens your fear that she actually found someone else. If that’s what pushed her to break up with you, it will be even harder to fix things.
Exhausted, you let yourself go against the door frame, your feet leaning on the other side. New tears roll over your cheeks and you are so tired that you start to doze.
Ona’s incredulous voice wakes you with a start and you bang your head against the handle of the front door while getting up. Your face fell when you realize that Ona is accompanied by a pretty brunette, who looks at you with curiosity. Is she the one she left you for? Why is she here? It lasts a few seconds, until Alexia comes out of the elevator too. Mechanically massaging the part of the skull you just banged, you continue to observe the unknown.
"What are you doing here?"
Ona's question makes you shift your attention to her and you cannot say why, but you cannot gather your ideas. Yet her tone is neither harsh nor accusing, quite the contrary.
Reacting first, Alexia slips between Ona and you by seizing the keys Ona was holding and opens the door, making enter everyone. Seeing you struggling to get your suitcases, Ona bends down mechanically to help you get everything in.
"You never met my girlfriend, I think?" Alexia looks at you, maybe realizing what’s happening in your head. "This is Olga. Olga, this is Y/N."
You simply acquiesce but Olga hug you with a smile and you hug her back akwardly, the relief making you feel like you're hovering a thousand meters from the ground. Ona hasn’t met someone else. Just like she said.
"I think we’re going to leave you. Are you going to be okay?"
The look that Ona and Alexia exchange lasts a few seconds, before the captain decides that she can actually leave you both. She hugs you too before delicately closing the door behind Olga and her.
"You look exausted. Maybe you should go take a nice hot shower?"
You carry your eyes with heavy eyelids over Ona, shaking your head negatively. You honestly don’t know how long you will endure this sleepless journey, but you also don't know how long you will be able to stay with Ona. She can leave at any time.
"Come sit down, at least"
You feel a heat wave invading your body at the exact spot where Ona puts her hand on your arm to train you in the living room. You let yourself go on the couch, Ona settling next to you.
"You didn’t answer me. What are you doing here?"
"I left" you just whisper. "The boys helped me get out of the hotel and to the airport. Juan booked me a plane and I called my manager to tell him that I was leaving once on the plane. I was too afraid that he would hold me back"
"Wait, when you say you left…"
"I… quit? Broke the contract, call it what you want"
Ona looks at you with disbelief. She never gave you an ultimatum about your career, because she knew you had no choice.
"I should have done this before. But I couldn’t betray the boys" you whisper without being able to look at her.
A new silence settles and you end up lifting your eyes on Ona. She was looking at you attentively and you plunge your gaze into hers for a few seconds.
"I came to ask you for a second chance. I know things have been super complicated between us, especially these past few weeks. But I can’t live without you, Ona. I’ll do anything. I swear."
Ona’s face softens. Your eyes close when you feel her hand on your cheek, your whole body in search of any source of comfort from her. She stroke your cheek with her thumps, making you shivers.
"Do you know why I never asked you to choose between music and me?"
Without opening your eyes, you shake your head negatively. Ona’s voice is soft and helps you to calm down a little.
"Because I know how much you like it"
"I love you more"
You open your eyes even though your whole body is asking you not to. You’re exhausted and wondering what you might look like. Ona certainly saw you in a better light. She continues to look at you elsewhere, a few seconds of silence settling between you.
"I love you too" she ended up whispering. "But we’ll finish this conversation later, I think you need to sleep before you lose consciousness."
Without really giving you a choice, she gets up from the couch and makes you follow her, gently grabbing your hand. You let yourself be guided to your room, in which she helps you put on pajamas before letting you go to cool off in your bathroom. You don’t leave her figure with your eyes, even through the mirror while washing your teeth, fearing that she will disappear. But no, she waits patiently for you, sitting at the feet of your bed.
"Will you be there when I wake up?" you ask in a hesitant tone, finding the inimitable comfort of your bed.
Ona nods and even smiles as you slip under the sheets. Installed on your side, you can’t bring yourself to leave her eyes. That she still agrees to stay by your side despite everything makes you as happy as it terrifies you. She broke up with you less than 24 hours ago and didn’t really confirm to you that something was still possible between you. She said she loves you, but is that enough?
"I can hear you thinking from here"
With an arched eyebrow, Ona observes you with a semblance of severity.
"I’m just scared" you mumble without taking your eyes off her.
"Of what?"
"Losing you forever. You’re the most important thing in my life, I shouldn’t have waited until I lost you to fix things. You deserve the best, of course, but give me time to show you that I can offer it to you."
Softly biting her lip, Ona advances into the bed until she finds herself sitting on her knees, at the height of your chest.
"I’m not going anywhere Bebita"
"Does that mean you believe enough in us to give us another chance?"
As before, Ona’s face softens and is soon dress with one of her most beautiful smiles. You wrote in one of your song that only one of her smiles makes you feel better and that’s still the case today.
"I thought it was clear. Of course I want to give us a second chance."
You’re so relieved you might cry. In truth, real tears cost on your cheeks and you realize that when Ona leans over your cheeks to kiss them.
"Don’t cry. Rest. I’ll be there when you wake up later, and every other day."
As if to support her words, Ona slips with you under the cover and sticks you against her, in her arms. It doesn’t take long for you to fall into a deep sleep, lulled by her caresses on your back, the softness of her hair that sometimes tickles your cheek and the smell of her perfume and shower gel.
When you wake up, hours later, you need some time to understand where you are. Only after that you realize that Ona isn’t here and you panic.
You stand from your bed so quickly that you fell, making a terrible noise. While you stand up, you here footsteps coming to you and you raise your head just in time to see Ona enter your bedroom.
"What happened?" she asks you, taking your hand in hers.
"You weren’t here, I thought you left" you mumble while looking at your feet.
But Ona make you look at her, tilting your face with her index.
"I’m here. I’m not going an where, I promised"
You nod, taking your phone on the floor. You have hundred missed call, messages and notifications everywhere.
"I made pasta, are you hungry?"
In reality you are not at all, but Ona took the time to prepare you to eat and you don’t want to disappoint her at all. Or give her the impression that she wasted her time. So you nod again before following her to the kitchen. You sit where she asks you to, wincing when you see the different messages from your manager. He’s really not happy. In truth, he is even completely furious. "Is everything all right?" asked Ona as she sat down in front of you, serving you a plate that would be enough to feed your entire neighborhood. "I’m in trouble" you sigh softly as you let yourself go against the backrest of your chair. "They will surely seek to press charges or make me pay" It will not be easy. Your gaze is lost on the bay window of your living room, giving a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea. It’s partly thanks to this incredible view that you decided to choose this apartment. But you are quickly pulled out of your thoughts by the hand of Ona which lands on yours. "It doesn’t matter mi Corazon. Remember? We don’t care about others... "As long as it's You and Me" you answer with a slight smile. That was your credo when you were both teenagers. And when you grew up it stayed, even if lately the geographical distance took precedence over the rest. Now that you have her in front of you, you wonder how you managed to stay so long away from her. "We’ll find you the best lawyer and I’ll be there every second you need me." "Thank you" you answer simply, throat knotted with emotions Ona smiles tenderly and you feel your heart soaring like a butterfly. You find it hard to believe the reality in which you find yourself. Last night, Ona told you she wanted to break up with you and less than twenty-four hours later, you find yourself in front of her, in your apartment, apparently free of any contract.
"Can I kiss you?" you mumble shyly.
"Since when do you have to ask?" Ona laughs.
You shrug and smile too, inviting her to come to sit on your lap. Ona did and you pass your hand around her smaller frame.
Ona gently puts her hand in your hair, making you shiver.
"What do you want to do now?" Ona ask gently.
"Come see you play at the stadium, eat tortilla de patatas, go to the beach… Catch up on my sleep, if possible with the most beautiful woman in the world next to me."
"Did you already call her?" jokes the Spanish.
You roll your eyes before giving her a little kick on the thigh.
"As if you didn’t know it was you" you snorts before gently kissing her cheek.
"You missed."
Ona’s amused smile makes you smile back and you put your lips on hers this time. It’s a sensation you haven’t felt in far too long. Ona all against you, her skin against yours, her inimitable perfume. She is everything that count for you, well beyond your music group, your success and that we forgive you but obviously well above your fans.
"I’m so in love with you" Ona whispers against your lips.
"Certainly not as much as I am" you answer with a smile.
As you predicted, the record company, your producer and even your manager will launch legal proceedings against you. But thanks to Alexia’s lawyer, you managed to get away with it without much damage. Honestly, you didn’t care about losing money, all you wanted was to be able to get your freedom back.
Like you, the boys came back to Barcelona after the group disbanded. They formed another one for a while, with another singer, but they finally turned the page, claiming it’s not the same without you. None of the three resent you and you still see them regularly.
A few months after you left the band, you came out on social media. Without giving all the details either, you and Ona have not made an official announcement for your couple. You attend almost all of Ona’s matches, sometimes making the trip abroad with her and the team. You post what you want to post on social networks, photos of your holidays, your moments spent with your friends or with Ona, obviously.
It’s fun to see people wondering about your relationship, but you appreciate that they do it with someone you really are. Which you’re extremely in love with and extremely proud of. Wag’s life suits you perfectly, especially when the woman you follow is as perfect as Ona.
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lively-potter · 4 months
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— nepenthe ; jjk ; part one
— genre ; age gap, angst, fluff, smut, sheltered oc, ceo jungkook, mafia/gang vibes ( kinda/sorta)
— warnings ; please note that in the beginning, the oc is in an abusive home — and if this triggers you please don��t read. the oc is of age but nothing smutty will be happening for a while — but there WILL be smut. A small part of SA is in chapter two/part two.
— intro — part two ( coming soon )
— 2024 © @LivelyPotter
SOLARIS ; January 20th, 2024 Charleston, SC ***
I had always wondered what it would be like if I was like other teenagers my age. Would I smile without reason? Instead of looking glum and sullen? Would I have friends? I never had any before. Well, none that I could remember, anyway.
I liked to fantasize of what I wished my life would be like if Mama hadn't died.
I most often dreamed of a world without pain, suffering, and misery.
But didn't we all?
My life has ceased its meaning the moment Mama died ten years ago, at least in my Father's eyes.
I believed he only kept me around because of Mama. He loved her — more than life itself. And the moment her soul left her body and drifted to the heavens, I became a meaningless piece of property Father had to care for.
Not that he did.
I was tossed into the background and continued to exist. No love, no care, no words of comfort when I awoke during the night, sobbing, when the memories of what could have been flashed behind my eyelids.
Quite honestly, the only times my Father paid me an ounce of his attention was he got drunk and turned violent. Which was more often than I cared to admit.
And I couldn't even defend myself.
I had always been weak.
Weak minded and submissive when people — men or women — raised their voices at me.
My first thought would be to find the nearest corner and cower.
I was upset with myself about that fact.
Would I ever get stronger?
Hard pelts of water landed on my cheek and I whimpered, bruised wrists already starting to swell, weakly trying to rid myself of the zip ties encasing them. The shower turned on full blast constantly belted cold water onto my face and shivering body.
The stool underneath my bottom wobbled as I did so, and a squeak left my lips as I nearly fell forward into the cold shower wall. 
This was my punishment for accidentally forgetting to cook dinner tonight.
I had been so tired from picking up the tiny minuscule pieces of glass that was embedded in the living room carpet.
I had been there for hours after Father busted it over the coffee table.
Now I was paying the price for my incompetence.
Tied to a stool in the cold bathroom waiting for Father to sober up and he remembered where he put me.
Another shiver racked up and down my spine. I was so cold. When will this end?
I sniffled, limbs trembling, and looked heavenward.
I pressed my eyes shut and mumbled a prayer under my breath. Nowadays, praying was the only thing I sought comfort in.
Loud bangs were heard outside of the bathroom door causing my heart to skip a beat. The drunken slurs leaving Father's lips made fear creep down my spine.
Mama, please just let this night end.
I wished now more than ever to be sitting on the roof above my bedroom to look up at the stars and pretend Mama was right beside me, pointing out the constellations she was so fond of.
Mama loved the stars — being named after one herself — and even loved them enough to name me after the sun she admired and the heavens she knew she would be inhabiting one day.
Far sooner than any of us expected.
The images around me blurred, pulling me into a comforting memory that dialed down my fear. The memory was my favorite.
"Your name means of the sun, Solaris." Her voice was sweet and as smooth as honey. The unconditional love and care she held within her soul shined brightly as she brushed through my hair.
"Your middle name means heavenly," I heard her voice continued. The banging within the bathroom made an unconscious jerking sensation to my shoulders, but I was pulled in far too deep into my head that I didn't care about what would happen.
"And finally, our last name." My lips pulled up into a sorrowful smile as I heard her laughter, "it means evening star or evening prayer. Pretty, isn't it?"
Mama was my hiraeth – a home that I couldn't return to unless my days on earth were no more.
My body was jerked and the zip ties cut with a clumsy slice of a knife, jerking me back to reality. A cry of pain got lodged in my throat when the knife sliced the inside of my delicate wrist and bled.
"Up." Father's slurred voice commanded as he gave a kick to the stool I was tottering on. I teetered back and forth, my aching arms flailing through the air.
Pain erupted in the back of my head once my body fell back, and I hit the back of my head against the tiled walls.
"When will you stop being so fucking clumsy, girl?" Father looked down at me with cold, reprimanding, watery eyes.
I hesitantly touched the back of my head with my arm, and the cold water continued to pelt down onto my body — making my pain numb.
"...I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." my teeth chattered as I forced the words out. The only thing the water didn't numb was my fear.
"You never mean to." He rolled his eyes, his dark hair sticking up in different directions as he leaned down and jerked my body up with his hold at the top of my arm.
A cry of pain left my lips as my head smacked the glass shower door when his blunt fingers pressed purposely against the gash on my wrist.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I sobbed as I was thrown onto the floor, knees crashing against the hard marble floor. I curled into myself and pushed my soaking-wet body into the corner beside the toilet. "It was an accident."
Father only stared at me hatefully, "Shut the hell up, girl. Don't you know it doesn't do you any good to make excuses for your laziness?" He slammed his fist into the wall above my head. "Now dry yourself off and make my fucking dinner — and don't even think about getting to eat tonight after what you've done."
Throbbing erupted behind my eyelids as I pressed a tender hand to my head. I stood up on shaky feet — took a towel from the basket and dried myself off, and the tears that were rolling down my face in the process.
Sniffling, I placed a small bandaid on my wrist to stop the bleeding and stared at my scraped knees as blood beaded from the tiny cuts.
My body convulsed in shivers as I left the bathroom, freezing. Biting down on my lip, my feet padded on the floor as I took myself up to my room to take off my wet clothes.
Thumbprint bruises were already starting to form on the tops of my arms where he had grabbed me, and my injured wrists were rubbed raw, bleeding,  and had already been bruised hours ago.
"It's okay, Solaris," I whispered to myself — having no one to talk to besides myself. It brought me comfort to hear the name my mother gave me. I never heard it leave anyone's lips besides myself.
I hurriedly changed into my clothes — an old tattered dress the women next door had given me years ago, and a pair of old socks, that had more holes than I cared to admit.
It was the only other clean set of clothes I owned. Father didn't care to buy me new clothing or shoes since I never left the house and hadn't for years.
Most of the information I knew from the outside world, was from the books and magazines Father carelessly threw away. But I always managed to sneak them back to my room and hide them in my hiding place underneath my bed.
I pulled my dripping hair back in a careless bun at the nape of my neck and snuck to the kitchen — hoping to not anger Father more than he already was.
I was as quiet as a mouse as I cooked dinner, silently crying as I did so. It didn't take me as long as I expected and I was grateful for that. My fingers shook minutely while I was plating the spaghetti and garlic bread onto his plate.
"Finally," Father grunted, glaring up at me, eyes clearing and appearing more sober than before. I jumped, flinching away from him the moment he snatched the plate from my hands and set it on the table before him. He smirked at my reaction and cracked his knuckles. "Get my beer, would you?"
I jerkily nodded and flew away from his figure to grab an unopened bottle of Modelo and cracked it open with the bottle opener hanging on a magnetic hook on the fridge.
I shifted in place, picking at the cracked skin on my lips, and waited for him to dismiss me for the day.
I shivered, running my hands up and down my arms to gain warmth. I knew better than to leave without him telling me to.
The last time I did it, two years ago, I was locked outside of the hours, in the middle of the night, during the worst cold spells Charleston had ever experienced. I distinctly remember wearing this dress and no socks.
I felt myself sniffling and made myself stay quiet. I knew I was going to have a cold after being under the cold water for hours – every time this happened, I always ended up getting sick a day or two afterward.
Father slurped down the noodles and leveled me with a stare as I stood by his side, feeling my limbs turn to ice. "I expect you to have this house spotless by the time I get back tomorrow. The guys at the company are coming over to finish up a project."
I licked at my dry lips.
I don't like it when they come over. Why do they always have to come here?
"...w-why are t-they coming here, Father?" I asked meekly, immediately regretting it when my head shot up and looked at me warningly.
"Why else? We got to get that stupid fucking PowerPoint ready for the meeting before Chairman Jeon comes back from his trip."
The blood drained from my face and my blood ran cold. author's note ; ✨
The first chapter of nepenthe is here! I hope you enjoy learning more about Solaris and her story! I'm SO EXCITED to be able to write this one for you guys. it has a more intense and intricate plot than a few of my others and it'll be a little slow to get to the climax of the story. thank you for reading ✨❤️
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barleyo · 5 days
Prom Queen.
Real Dad! Leon Kennedy X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: Look at me with the consistent posts!!! Anyways, you know the drill. Read the tags and skip right past this fic if it's not your jam. This is a work of fiction with dark themes, so use the tags to guide yourself and choose to read it (or not) based on your comfort level. Thanks!
Tags: incest (daddy-daughter), p in v, unprotected sex, misogyny, references to bullying, sexual abuse mentions, grooming, light plot, lowkey insecure Leon, possibly triggering and disturbing content in general
Word count: 1.6k
You had always dreamed about your senior prom. Even as a young girl, you thought exhaustively about how the night would go. You would wear a gorgeous gown, drink spiked punch, dance and laugh with friends, and most importantly, you would go with a cute boy. 
Those dreams fell flat when your strict father outlawed prom for you. He said that prom was just an opportunity for hyped up, hormonal teens to gyrate on each other on school property. Prom was a night where girls opened their legs for their subpar dates who barely made the effort to scrounge up a corsage for them. Prom was the chance for unwanted, "happy accident" babies to be made by teenaged fuck-ups. 
In short, prom was for whores. Leon would be damned if he would have a nasty whore of a daughter. It made him sick to even think of you wasting your sweet, nearly virginal body on a shit-for-brains boy whose only sexual experience no doubt came from his own right hand. 
So, yeah. Prom was a nonstarter. 
Of course, this angered you to no end. You could be heard sobbing each night after Leon's declaration of war on you having any fun was drawn up, but a small part of you thought it was the best. 
You knew that prom wasn't like how it was shown in the movies. You wouldn't get an invitation from the hottest boy in school, you wouldn't get there in a decked out limo, and the punch would be lukewarm and watered down at best. 
You wouldn't dance: you would have no one to dance with. You would sit alone at one of the tables eating fun sized candy bars aimlessly scattered on the repurposed lunch room tables in your school's gymnasium, while a horde of your peers would dance nasty on each other, being free and young. 
The whole time, nobody would look at you, aside from the sly glance paired with a snicker shared between two gossiping teens, indulging in the rumors that floated around about you. 
Nobody would want to dance with the girl who had an overprotective daddy that fucked her. Especially when that girl liked it. 
The more you thought about it, the more you came to peace with the idea of staying in with Leon. Technically, being demanded to stay at home with him meant that you were sort of, kind of asked on a "date" with a hot guy, even if you shared DNA with said hot guy. 
On the day of the dance, Leon had the decency to let you skip school. You sulked in bed the entire day, thinking about what could have been, rather than what was. He did not bother you, having enough sense to let a sleeping dog lay, but at exactly 10:00 PM , you felt your phone ding under your pillow.
'Come downstairs. Wear a dress. Not one of your church ones.'
His texts were always sharp and to the point, just like he was. Commanding. Strict. 
You, as always, obliged. You put on one of his favorites, the one that always left his eyes lingering on your body a little too long. As you made your way down the stairs, you heard the faint sound of romantic music playing in the living room, which you naturally followed like a trail of breadcrumbs. 
"Dad, what's all this?" 
Your living room looked like a scene stripped from a cheesy romance movie. Rose petals scattered on the floor, lights dimmed low, and a tall, hot stud in the midst of it all. Your father's face was stern, but past that you could see the inkling of excitement in him. 
"Your prom. I know it meant a lot to you," he said gruffly, adjusting the collar of the nice shirt he wore, "so I did what I could. Hope this'll make you forgive me." 
Your feet pattered softly against the cool flooring, bringing your body along with them. You took a final look around the room and let your eyes lock onto your dad. 
"I do. S'okay, I'm not mad at you, daddy." 
How could you ever be mad at him? Your perfectly stubborn, grouchy, yet sexy father? Your father who—
"You know I just want the best for you, right peach?" Leon grasped you in his arms, snaking both arms around your lower waist while he rested his chin on your head. "Just wanna keep you safe."
"I know." 
You both stood like that for a moment, neither speaking. The soft sound of the music slowly playing in the background was the only noise filling your sense. Well, that and the husky sound of your father's breathing. And his manly, leathery scent. His strong hands placed on your body, too. 
You heard him clear his throat briefly and snapped to give him your attention, something you found yourself doing often. He liked when you listened to him quickly, made him feel respected. 
"May I have this dance?" Leon asked, giving you a rare smirk when you nodded. 
One of his hands stayed on your waist, while the other took your hand gently and clasped it in the air, leading you into a sweet waltz. With each step, he guided you with rigid, calculated movements. His movements were neat, as if he had been planning every moment of your shared dance. 
The longer you danced with him, the closer your bodies pressed together, creating a faint friction between the two of you. In that moment, any negative emotion you had felt before faded away, leaving only the image of him in your mind.
Leon knew your signs. He'd spent a long time decoding them, and the look on your face was one he read easily. With a tilt of his head, he leaned in, a soft chuckle escaping his lips when he felt your increased heartbeat against his chest. 
You made the first real move, pushing your tongue deeper into his mouth. Kisses were the only time he let you take on a dominant role. He thought it was cute, feeling your smaller tongue fuck into his mouth like you were in charge. Not wanting to spoil your fun, he softly guided you backwards to the wall, giving him a surface to work with. 
"You're a bold one, I'll give you that," he said, breaking the kiss. "Can't ever actually ask for what you want, but you go wild once you get it, don't you?"
You hummed, letting him pull you up and wrap your legs around his waist. His hand slid under your dress and pushed it up, giving him a view of your panties. 
"God, you're soaked. So wet f'me." Leon stuck his fingers in his mouth, slurping on them and covering them with spit before he forced them past the band of your underwear. Tight, quick circles were made around your clit, denying you of any time to think. "Nobody else can play with this, you hear me? This is all mine, you don' let anybody else have you," his voice was a warm whisper that fanned across your ear. 
"I promise, 'm all yours. Don't want anyone else, only you, daddy," you swore desperately, meaning every word even if it sounded like you were just babbling on. 
"Fuckin' slut." He spit a fat glob onto his fingers and spread it around your cunt, lubing you up. "Thought I raised a sweet girl. Bet you act like this for the boys at school too, huh?" Your panties were slid to the side. 
His teeth clenched together jaggedly as he prodded the tip of his cock at you entrance, drawing in a deep breath when he pushed it fully in. 
"No, never! I don't want any of them, just want you. They aren't good enough."
"Yeah? Greedy little cunt only wants her daddy, is that right?" The ego boost he was getting from this ran through him immediately. He wound your clit up with his thumb, quickly zigzagging on the little bud to match his thrusts. "Good. They don't deserve to feel you—"
You cunt fluttered around his length at his words, leaving him biting down on his lip.
"Just like that. Gonna make me cum if you keep that up, baby."
Your mouth hung open, pathetic mewls leaking from it. Each sound he drew out of you was nearly pornographic. He bullied your guts and hit deep, far deeper than your fingers ever could, and left you far more needy than your digits did. 
"Inside this time?" You had wanted it so bad for the longest time, and instead he would pull out of you and coat your soft tummy or the fat of your ass with his ropes. "I need to feel it, please. I don't wanna be empty again, jus' fill me up," you slurred, drool spilling from the corner of your plush mouth. 
"Yeah," he huffed, nodding along with you words, ready to finally jump at the opportunity, "yeah, inside. I need it too baby, you have no idea. Daddy wants to spoil you real bad, he wants to give you all the babies you want." 
Your lower body tensed, squeezing him tightly as the familiar rhythmic pattern of your orgasm set in. It felt so right in that moment, like your body was made for this exact purpose: being a warm hole for your dad to fill with his hot cum. 
"Ready?" He said it more like a demand than a question, and within seconds he was creaming into you, still pounding your cunt like he hated you. "Take it, don't spill."
He kept his dick sheathed away inside of you, hoping that if he kept most of his cum in you, it would take. His brow was slick with sweat and his face was flushed. He had never looked so attractive before. 
You ran your hand through his hair to get his attention. When he darted his eyes up to you, you mumbled something about wanting to go again. 
"Anything for you baby. Night's still young, isn't it? We got time."
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hretoprvdthepltnx · 9 months
would you please write an ineffable husbands fic where they cook together (at Azeriphale's request of course)? It can regard or disregard season 2. Just please make it fluffy and cute
3 O'clock Breakfast
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Ineffable Husbands x daughter-son!reader
Summary: Y/n stayed up late to finish the novel they were reading, and it ended sadder than they expected. Seeking out comfort in their Mother-Father, Aziraphale - a fellow book enthusiast, they didn't except him to insist upon a family Smile, Love breakfast at 3am. Their other parent isn't entirely pleased.
Content: hurt/comfort, reader is written as a teenager (can be older or younger but a teen nonetheless), tears over fiction are valid tears, Aziraphale is a sweetheart, Crowley is sour about having to get out of bed, the reader is Crowley and Aziraphale's biological child - don't ask me how that works, just sweet things with an ethereal family,
Rating: 14+ || 1.5k+ words
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Their eyes burned with exhaustion and the salt of tears. Five minutes ago, they could barely stay awake - but it was only a couple more pages and they couldn't stop there, not with what was happening in the story. Now the book sat, upside down and offending, on the nightstand by their bed. The tears wouldn't stop, it was a numb sort of cry. They should have seen this coming. Everything was leading up to it they had just hoped...but no. They wanted their parents - someone they could rant to who would share in their grieving. They wanted Aziraphale. He was the one who recommended the stupid book to begin with. But they weren't mad, not really, just grieving and tired.
Sliding out of bed, they made the trek from their room to their parents' down the hall. They paused at the door to wipe their eyes and clear their airway with a sniffle, then gently pushed it open. "Are you guys awake?" They asked, feeling fresh tears block up in their throat at being so close to their parents. Why did it have to work that way? One second you think you've got yourself under control and then your parent speaks or shows up and suddenly you're crying again. The bedside lamp switched on and Aziraphale sat up, Crowley grumbling unintelligibly and rubbing at his slitted yellow eyes. "Darling? Is everything alright?"
They made their way to his side of the bed and Aziraphale opened his arms to welcome them into his freely offered comfort. Their tears were now back in full, and they wrapped themself around the softness of their Mother-Father with the need to be held. Crowley sat up and exchanged a look with his husband. "Love, are you alright?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep. "I-I fin-finished it." They sobbed into the collar of Aziraphale's shirt, and he made a sound of understanding, nodding. "The novel I lent you? Did you enjoy it? I do believe the ending was quite sad, I was rather dewy eyed over it as well."
"Wait, all this is about a book?" Aziraphale shot Crowley a look of warning. "I do believe it is. A rather emotional story, wasn't it love?" Their child mumbled something in to Aziraphale's shirt that might have been 'yes' or perhaps 'fuck you'. Crowley couldn't believe he'd been pulled out of what might have been a dream, or perhaps a memory, either way it involved Freddie Mercury, just for this. Why would anyone ever want to read if this was the result? "Do you want to sleep with us tonight, darling?" Crowley asked, flopping back down with his head on his pillow. He looked at the clock, the red lettering projected an offensive 3:07AM.
Y/n sat up and wiped their eyes, then laid their head back down on Aziraphale's shoulder, looking out. He rubbed their back soothingly, always so empathetic. "I don't think I can sleep right now." Aziraphale hummed, an upturned chipper to roll the sound from his throat. "Well," he said, a breathless excitement and loving smile that cast one identically on to the tear puffed face of his child. His little world right there, teary eyed and oh-so lovable, in his warm and inviting lap. "Why don't we go downstairs, and I make us a pot of tea? Perhaps some breakfast?" Crowley groaned and threw his arms up over his face in exhausted exasperation - both husband and his child ignored him. "Can we make pancakes? With toppings?"
Aziraphale smiled. "Why, of course! Anything you'd like! And we can all make it together!" Crowley sat up, glaring. "Woah, hold on. All of us? I never said anything about breakfast, I don't even like breakfast." Aziraphale guided y/n to stand up and then he followed suit, standing at the base of his side of the bed and glaring back at his husband while their child waited in the doorway, amused. "Well, Crowley, not everything is about you. Our child wants pancakes, now get up and come help us make them." Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged a long look, each silently daring the other to act against them. Finally, Aziraphale grabbed the bottom of the duvet and yanked it off the bed, sending pillows and sheets flying to the floor. Crowley yelled out in protest; y/n stood laughing in the doorway. He glared at them; they glared back playfully.
Aziraphale wacked Crowley gently on the foot. "Up." He demanded with an accusatory pointing of fingers. Crowley groaned in the most dramatic fashion and threw his legs over the side of the bed to stand up, cursing Aziraphale under his breath all the while. His husband and child didn't wait for him as they headed down the stairs to the kitchen. "So, what will it be? Chai? Chamomile? Earl Grey?" Y/n took a seat at the bar while Aziraphale hunted for the kettle. "Which ones do we still have?"
"Umm, let's see," Aziraphale set the kettle down on stove and searched the pantry for tea bags. "I can only find Chamomile. Will that be alright, my love? Would you prefer I made us some hot cocoa?" He waved the box of chocolate powder in the air, and y/n found themself fantasizing about tiny marshmallows. "Let's do hot cocoa." Aziraphale beamed and practically skipped his way back to the kettle. "I was hoping you'd pick that one." It was then that Crowley decided to make an appearance, now fully dressed. "Dad," they said, and he stopped in the middle of the walkway, looking at them with a raised brow. "We are planning to go to bed after this, you do know that, right?"
Crowley walked over to his kid, swaying in the way that Aziraphale and y/n often teased him for, and placed a kiss to the top of their head. "You might be, but I'm not." They looked at him with furrowed brows and confusion so obvious he could practically hear their question in his head. It was like looking into a mirror sometimes, looking at his kid - only they were every bit the angel their Mother-Father was. It was a shame, a damn shame. "Awe, it's too late for that now, sugar. I'm already awake." The clinking of mugs brought their attention back to Aziraphale, and Crowley took the seat next to y/n. "Ah, here we are!" the angel announced, setting two steaming mugs down in front of his little family. Y/n beamed at the little marshmallows sloshing against the walls of the cup, yellow eyes gleaming with delight.
Aziraphale retrieved his mug and lifted it for a toast, Crowley and y/n followed suit. "To the fascination that is human literature." Y/n echoed his toast and Crowley mumbled something about ridiculousness, they all took a sip of their cocoa, hissing as it burnt each of their tongues. "Perhaps we should have waited." Aziraphale commented, making a face at y/n who laughed and agreed. "Perhaps we should have all stayed in bed while we still had the chance."
"Yes, maybe we should have left you there," y/n teased, exchanging slitted glares with their parent. "But then you would have missed the pancakes." Crowley leaned back in his seat and rolled his eyes. "I don't even like pancakes." Aziraphale had started grabbing ingredients out of the pantry, y/n and Crowley got up to help. "How could you possibly know that? You've never even tried them." While Crowley grumbled pointless excuses, Aziraphale handed him the flour and the salt. Y/n grabbed the wet ingredients from the fridge. "Yes, yes, you don't care for human food," Aziraphale waved him off, setting an armful of ingredients on to the cabinet and nearly knocking over his hot cocoa. As soon as his arms were free, he picked up the mug and took a sip, y/n following suit. "However, these pancakes are special pancakes."
"Oh, really?" Aziraphale hummed, exchanging glances with his kid. He sent them a playful wink. "Yes, very special. Because we'll be making them as a family, Crowley. Isn't that nice?" The expectant look on his child's and husband's faces were one in the same. Crowley hated the way he never stood a chance against them. "Ugh, fine," He fought back a smile at the hugs that engulfed him immediately after he caved. "But only if the two of you will stop pestering me." Y/n and Aziraphale exchanged a grin and a nod, "Deal." they said in unison. Crowley leaned against the counter as y/n got out mixing bowls and Aziraphale began measuring ingredients, and he sipped his cocoa. It's going to be a long night, he thought and then, despite himself, he smiled. If this is what love does to a demon, it was pathetic. Yet he couldn't help but to allow it to warm him from the inside out. He was going soft.
"Hey, dad?" y/n asked, looking up at him bashfully. "I can't reach the mixer." Crowley sighed, putting emphasis in to an exasperation he didn't feel, and set down his mug. "I got it." Aziraphale looked up from his carton of eggs and smiled at the pair, his little family. Crowley pretended not to notice, and he purposefully ignored the smiles his loved ones sent each other - not so sneakily - behind his back. It would be a long night, indeed, having to keep up pretending he wasn't enjoying it. He wasn't, not really. Well...perhaps just a little.
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|| masterlist ||
story by hretoprvdthepltnx©
Ineffable Husbands/Good Omens copyrighted by Neil Gaiman©
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jackie comforting reader in the bathroom of a party and it ends with her kissing reader.
Teenage Dream
You thought unwinding on a Friday night would be good for you. You didn't think you'd end up in the bathroom with the Yellowjackets captain.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety/anxiety attacks, drug and alcohol usage
You thought getting out of the house would help. You really did. Your anxiety had gotten really bad recently. No particular reason for it. Maybe it was your classes. Maybe it was your friends. Maybe it was the weather. Honestly it didn't matter. You were stressed out.
Parties weren't necessarily your thing. Not to say you didn't frequent them. It was hard not to, when your best fiends were Nat and Van. They were always down for a good time.
You sat and sipped your drink on the couch. Van was somewhere with Taissa. You were glad the two of them were getting close. Maybe more than close.
Natalie, on the other hand, was sprawled out across your lap, high as hell. Not that this was out of the ordinary. Nat was high as hell most of the time.
No one else that you recognized was in your immediate vicinity. There were so many people around you. They were all dancing and having fun. The music was blasting.
Maybe coming out tonight wasn't your best idea.
All of a sudden, you felt a hand on your shoulder. This caused you to flinch away. You didn't know who this was. You didn't want to be hit on. Or touched.
"Hey, y/n, it's just me. You don't need to jump." So the hand on your shoulder belonged to Jackie. At least it was someone you knew.
"Oh. Sorry Jax. I'm just a bit on edge today."
"No worries. It's loud as fuck in here. I'd be on edge if someone randomly touched me too. So sorry about that." She smiled apologetically at you. "Mind if I sit?"
"Oh, yeah. If you want." You nudged Natalie out of the way so that you could scoot over.
Jackie sat down next to you, and you were so close to her that your thighs were touching. The couch wasn't exactly built to sit three people at once.
The party was still loud. Everything was still too bright. And now you were squished between two people on a couch that was only supposed to fit like one and a half people. Not to mention that your long-term crush was sitting next to you. Your supposed fun night out was not at all fun right now.
"I'm running to the bathroom," you said abruptly. Before anyone could respond, you were up off the couch and pushing your way through the sea of bodies. Which wasn't helping your anxiety.
When you finally made it to the bathroom, you locked the door and immediately started sobbing. There were so many people. They all thought you were crazy. They thought that you were weird. They knew you were having an anxiety attack. They knew you were crying.
It was hard to catch a breath. You couldn't breathe. Why couldn't you breathe. No matter how many breaths you took, there wasn't any air in your lungs. You were getting lightheaded.
You slid down the door, head in your hands. You still couldn't breathe. God, why couldn't you just get a breath in? This was pathetic. You were pathetic. Normal people didn't fucking break down over a party goddammit.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. You sat there silently trying to regulate your breathing, praying that the person on the other side couldn't hear you. After a moment, when you didn't say anything, the door handle rattled.
"Y/n, are you in there?" You heard Jackie's voice ask. You couldn't respond. You could barely breathe.
"Y/n, please. You have to say something." She sounded worried. You didn't want her to worry for you. You didn't want her to know anything was wrong.
"I'm not leaving until you say something. Or until you let me in there." She pounded on the door again. You still sat in silence, trying to collect yourself.
She just kept knocking.
Eventually, you caved and turned the lock so that she could open the door. When she heard the click, she immediately pushed the door open. Or tried to, since you were sitting in front of it.
You quickly moved out of the way so that Jackie could actually make it inside. She took one step in and when she saw your red, puffy face, hers immediately softened.
"Hey, y/n, what's wrong?" She asked, moving to sit next to you. You couldn't respond. Your breaths were still shallow, and there were still tears streaming down your face.
When you didn't say anything, she just took your hand in hers and squeezed it.
"Everything's going to be okay, alright? I'm here for you. Just try to take a deep breath. Are you able to breathe with me?" She looked at you expectantly and you nodded.
She started to inhale, and you did your best to match it. You both did that for a while, Jackie breathing deeply and you mimicking her.
When you finally caught your breath, you smiled at Jackie.
"Thanks. I'm sorry you had to see me like this. Normally I'm more put together."
"I'm the one who forced you to open the door. Don't apologize. I wanted to help you." She squeezed your hand again.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Did something trigger this, or..?" She trailed off, looking at you expectantly.
"There was just a lot going on. This hasn't been the greatest week for me. I failed a math test. My friends are being weird. And my anxiety just kind of peaked here," You explained.
"I'm sorry, y/n. That's horrible. You don't deserve that."
"I just wish it didn't happen today. It feels like nothing can go right this week."
"Can I hug you?" She asked.
You nodded. When she wrapped her arms around you, you immediately relaxed. There was so comforting about her.
The both of you just sat there for a while, Jackie's arms around you, holding you close.
"This is nice," she whispered, so softly you weren't sure if you were even supposed to hear it.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted you to do this," you whispered back.
"Hug me?"
"Not... just hug you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked innocently.
"Come on, Jackie. You know what I mean."
"You have to say it," she teased.
"Oh come on," you responded, rolling your eyes.
"Just say it!"
"Fine! Okay! I like you! Is that good enough for you?" You asked.
Jackie pulled back from the hug and smiled at you.
"Yes. Now you can kiss me."
"Oh, can I?" It was your turn to tease her now. But instead of caving, she just waited for you to lean in.
If course, you caved. You leaned toward her, and met her soft lips in yours. She pulled you in, trying to get you as close as possible. Your hands were tangled in her hair, and hers rested on your hips.
You two sat like that for what seemed like ages, drinking each other in. Tongues and teeth and lips. Your hands ran over each others hips and thighs and got tangled in each others hair. You traced the curve of her jaw. She tugged on your hair. It was perfect.
Until someone knocked on the door.
"Y/n? Are you still in there?" Van's voice sounded from outside the bathroom.
Before you could say anything, Van opened the door to see you and Jackie tangled up on the bathroom floor, still kissing. When you heard the door, you immediately jumped apart.
"You know what? I regret asking. Enjoy yourselves." With that, Van slammed the door shut, and you and Jackie were alone again.
You looked at each other and burst into giggles.
"Maybe we should lock the door," you said, still laughing.
"Maybe you're right."
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
hello i am the person who asked for ashley :) i’ve never done this before but there is barely any ashley x female reader stuff and it makes me sad because i have a fat crush on her😞 id love it if you could do something where reader is in the place of leon if that makes sense?? leon still exists but reader is the one on the mission to save ashley (reader is in closer age with ashley than leon is). sorta the same dynamic how ashley has a little crush on reader and doesn’t know she feels the same way because she has to act professional. something Nsfw maybe on the mission either castle or island⁉️⁉️ i just loved ur other ashley thing and this has been an idea in my head as i’ve played the game🤭 thank u for putting out good ashley content u are doing god’s work❤️❤️❤️
☆ ➣ TEMPT WITH PLEASURE. ashley graham
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— “can you confess what i feel for you?”
content warning/s — nsfw content, female reader, sex under the effects of las plaga, reader acts like a pervert or a horny teenager, implied dacryphilia, nipple biting/sucking, fingering, talk of face sitting, 
a/n — a/ns now moved to the end for stories, check it there !
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a gleeful sigh leaves you when you finally see ashley in one of the crimson rooms, sitting on the couch and… crying? the smile on your face quickly fades away as you hear her muffled sobs. you slide your gun into its holster as you hurry to her side, afraid that she was crying because after what happened at the gate she got hurt coming up here.
“ashley…” you breathed, glad that there were no visible injuries on her and she was probably just scared. you tried to sit down next to her, take her hand in yours to calm her down but she put her hands up and fended you off. “no, no, stay back! i might hurt you again…” she cried, yelling at you causing you to take a step back and put your own hands up in the air.
“i’m so scared, when that happened… i wasn’t myself anymore, i was something else!” you nodded, completely understanding what she was referring to. there was an uncomfortable feeling in your chest, tightening as you continued to stare at her and felt bad about what was happening. you shouldn’t have insisted on being the one rescuing her, rather let someone who had no prior relationship of any kind with her. it was selfish, but you couldn’t stand the thought of not being there for her, when her life was in such danger. she was still struggling, trying to regain her lost composure from having been drenched by her own tears after losing control over her body and thoughts.
you felt sick of yourself, for not being able to make out words of comfort, and that her tears dropping from her eyes made you so... excited for some reason.
"it’s okay to be afraid you know.”  you finally spoke up. she turned her head to you, looking into your concerned eyes as though they held the answers to all of life’s problems. “but you can’t run, we gotta keep moving forw-” you tried to assure her, smiling softly to yourself while wiping her tears away with your sleeve, but she caught you off guard with her lips on yours, cutting your sentence in half.
“maybe this isn’t the time…” you didn't know how to react. she had just kissed you; it felt more than anything like a dream come true, yet you were shocked and confused, to say the least. “i’ve been waiting for this, for a while, not really in the mood to stop now.” she whispered against your lips, pulling away from you with a faint smile and red tinted cheeks, waiting for any kind of reaction for you.
your mind was... confused. you have known ashley for a while, not too long but just enough to realize that there was something about her that you just liked, more than you should have. she was your boss' daughter for god's sake, it goes against your contract and anything you believed in when you took the job at the white house. but then again, she looked at you with those beautiful blue eyes...and you just couldn't help yourself from catching feelings.
"i'm gonna get in trouble if this g-gets to your father." you stuttered, gulping when you felt her fingers running up and down your upper arm. she smiled, a genuine smile that made your heart beat a little faster, making it difficult for you to speak clearly and properly, but somehow, everything seemed alright. "i can be very persuasive, you don't have to worry about a thing." she assured you, leaning back in for another kiss. this time you were ready for it, and met her halfway once more, wrapping your arms around her neck and holding her close to your body, relishing the warmth that was emitting from her. she moved your hand slowly down to rest around her waist.
"this is crazy…" you muttered between kisses, and she chuckled. “it's only crazy if you don't stop talking.” she said, pulling away slightly, a smirk on her face before kissing you once more and biting on your lower lip, hard enough to leave it red and swollen, which sent shivers down your spine. you grabbed onto her hair, gently tugging it to force her closer to you, and she obliged. she bit harder on your lip once more, before pulling away slightly, a smirk on her face that you were starting to notice whenever you would look at her; it was almost like she wanted to tell you something without saying the words out loud.
she pushed you down onto the couch, helping you move your legs up on the cushions and undoing the belt around your waist, also quickly pulling the pouch on your thigh off. "how about we take our clothes off, hmm?" she asked, staring at you from across your body with lustful eyes, biting her bottom lip as she ran her hands down her thighs, pushing her skirt higher up to reveal her toned thighs, making you blush slightly. you swallowed thickly, watching as she pulled the scarf from around her neck and then shake her jacket off of her back.
"okay..." you breathed out heavily, watching her every movement carefully before her hands' delicate hands slide your shirt out of your loose pants. "this shirt is sure tight, just for my luck." she chuckled as she pushed the fabric further up, revealing your sports bra under. "i'm not good at this." you admitted quietly, staring at her. she giggled lightly, shaking her head in response. 
"oh trust me, you'll be fine." she told you, moving her hands down to unzip the zip of your shorts. she slid her fingers inside, letting them glide across your sensitive areas until she reached your most sensitive area, causing your breath to hitch and your hips to involuntarily buck upwards. ashley smirked as she felt your arousal through her fingertips, slowly dragging it across, sending waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. she stopped for a moment, glancing down at her fingertips before bringing it to her mouth, and licking the tip of it lightly. “you taste better than i thought." she mutters around her finger.
"d-don't say that or be this unf-fair..." you stutter, finally having the courage to reach for her orange top, pushing your fingers around the rim and tugging it upwards like an impatient child. ashley pursed her lips after taking her fingers out of her mouth, nodding with a smile before reaching to help you with taking her shirt off and revealing her white lacy bra.
lust was cursing through your whole body, flustering every inch of it but heating your cheeks up the most as she put the top on the backrest of the couch before moving up from your thighs to just above your waist. "better?" she gave you a cheeky smile as you nodded vigorously, eyes on her boobs, staring at them like a horny teenage boy.
"you can touch them you know, i've always wanted you to..." she trails off, sliding her hands along the side of your hips, massaging them gently. "you're so fucking sexy... do you have any idea?" she asks, looking at you intensely as her hands go behind her back, undoing the clasp of her bra and sliding it off. "they’re so soft, you could use your mouth on them..." she says, trailing off for a second, before leaving down, her chest in your face, grabbing your hand and positioning it on her breast. you gasped as her nipples hardened immediately and you began sucking them, rubbing your thumb over the bud and hearing her moan. you felt a rush of heat go through your body, as you sucked her breasts roughly. you never wanted it to end, especially not if it meant seeing her this way.
her boob that was in your mouth muffled your surprised moan, her finger back in your pants and teasing your entrance.  you could feel your stomach getting tighter and tighter with anticipation. "ah," you moaned, pulling away slightly to catch your breath. "yes... fuck... yes, please..." your voice cracked, your throat dry due to all the saliva that was currently dripping down your chin. 
"right here?" she asks as she pushes two fingers inside of you, no warning, no more foreplay just her digits sliding in and out of your clamping walls.  you closed your eyes tightly, trying your best to hold back any sounds, biting your tongue harshly as you tried to keep your breathing steady, the pressure of her finger going deeper and deeper inside of you was enough to make you squirm beneath her. 
"yeah... ah! fuck yeah!" you yelled, panting and clenching your teeth against the pain. you felt like you were going insane. "ashley!" you moaned desperately as your eyes opened. she was staring intently at you, a grin etched onto her face, her eyes full of lust as she stared at you with a hungry gaze. you could hardly contain yourself and the noises you were making, taking her nipple back between your lips to fight against your embarrassment.
"already close, huh pretty girl?" she observed, your eyes glued shut and your hand still grasping onto her breast tightly. 
with one quick motion, you felt a wave of pleasure wash through your body as you came undone underneath her, screaming her name loudly. ashley grinned, pulling away from you to remove her panties with her other hand as she watched as your orgasm wrecked your body, whining as you gushed onto her digits and begged for her tits to be back in your mouth. the warm air hit your heated skin, making your core tighten even more, causing a few whimpers to escape from your mouth. 
"god, ashley..." you groaned as the smoke cloud of ecstasy disappeared, feeling a bit weaker than ever before. you lay there, completely exhausted and spent, sweat dripping down your forehead as you looked up to see ashley staring at you, her hand still buried deep inside of you. "you're really sensitive." she pulls out of you, mocking you with not only her words but with her eyes as she takes her fingers into her mouth once again, sucking them clean.
gulping, hooded eyes scanning her hot body, taking note of the small twitches of her hips against your stomach. fisting your hand, trying to regain your strength and get rid of the numb feeling in your arms as you reached for her hips. "can i..." you had to take a second, you never had to be this forward before and she was just so goddamn beautiful, she deserved nothing but the best.
"i s-swear i'll return the f-favor once i get you safely h-home, okay?" you rush your words, fingers digging into her hips as you try to compose your thoughts. "it's just that... we need to go now and if i make you sit on my face i d-don't think i would be able to stop." you finished, giving her a shy grin and she nods softly, her hand coming to caress your face.
"i'll hold you to that. promise you won't back down after you shake hands with my father?" she chuckled, not even taking herself that seriously after once again mentioning her father. you laugh alongside her, nodding your head, "i promise."
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AUTHOR'S NOTE ! i did my best, i rewatched the game a hundred times to get it right because my brain is always short cuts HOPE YOU LIKED IT ANONIE, sorry it took so long but it’s over 2k words so i hope that made up for it :) 
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nemmet · 1 year
What are some of your favorite Fred and Daphne moments? Romantic or platonic
AAAH thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble about them!! always so so appreciated. and for specifying romantic or platonic too!! while a lot of their significant moments together from the 90s onwards have been somewhat romantically charged, i love them even when they're just a goofy pair of friends with no immediate romantic implications.
because (mini fraphne history side tangent), they weren't always intended as love interests! the "fred chooses to search for clues with daphne because he fancies her" reading of the original show technically isn't true — they were just paired off because the writers found them boring and wanted an excuse to get them out of the picture for a few scenes. which makes the fact that they've since grown to become an iconic duo in their own right all the more inspiring!
so without further ado, here are some of my favourite moments of theirs!! 💙💜
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(begins under the cut!)
the best birthday present ever — zombie island
if i could count their general existence in this movie as a single moment i would. i am so weak to the fact that even after the gang splits ways, fred and daphne stick together, and fred plays such a crucial supporting role in daphne's dreams/career/life. and their relationship hasn't descended into being just boring coworkers — daphne has been so busy with work that she forgot her own birthday, but fred is sure to make it special by doing no less than getting the whole gang back together. the way he teases her before revealing them, too!!! and the hug she gives him when he explains. i get such cosy, "known each other since forever" vibes from them in this movie, like they're just so comfortable and silly with each other and (sobs into my hands)
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my hero — scooby doo and krypto too
the way this movie has already given us so many fraphne moments for the books. the Literal Kiss aside, this scene just made me smile from ear to ear. i'm not always so hot on the jealousy subplots these two often get, but i appreciated how this film had a more light-hearted take on it, and how fred was simply confused rather than upset. additionally, his attempts to impress daph are just so funny and sweet, you get the sense that he's just hamming it up to make her laugh and doesn't care if that's all he ends up doing. of course then he gets so into it that he doesn't register the monster right behind him, and jumps into daphne's arms just like the rest of the gang always do with him. the way he clings to her!! and how she says "oh come on". they are disasters and they need each other in this essay i will.
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you're never going to lose me, fred — mystery incorporated
following their relationship in this show sure is a journey... and not always the best one. while i understand that they're teenagers going through a lot, it's sad to so often see their inherent chemistry as a duo lost in miscommunication and arguments. which makes the moments where they connect and come out stronger as a couple all the more rewarding!! this is hands down my favourite scene of theirs — while the conflict that leads up to it is uncomfortable (fred tightly scheduling their activities together), i like how daphne addresses it quickly rather than keeping her feelings hidden and simply expecting fred to pick up on them. by now she understands that fred needs direct communication (autism!!!), and that's ok!! meanwhile, fred has grown too; he actively opens up to daphne about his fears of losing his loved ones, something i don't think he could or would have done at the start of the show. he's come to understand his own emotions and the importance of expressing them. both of them learn from each other, and are able to move forward because of that. it's a wonderful little moment that really showcases the best of them!!
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i love you — stage fright
THE fraphne scene. god. where do i begin. the fact that daphne wrote lyrics about her feelings for fred to the music he composed, and was terrified of ever showing them to him. but then she decides to break the condition she established to velma (only confessing to him after the contest), throws caution to the wind, and just,,,,, confesses her love to him live on stage in front of thousands of people!!!! and how fred looks so happy and content playing along to these lyrics that i'm sure he knows are about him, and when it comes to daphne singing "i love you", he says i love you back with ZERO HESITATION!!! like he was waiting to say it too!! because they're mutually pining dumbasses who will cry if they make eye contact in a remotely romantic context!!! god!!!!!!! also the nose boop before daph goes in for the kiss. adorable.
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the engine / the driver — curse of the 13th ghost
this scene is another that has a lot to say about their relationship in a general sense, and it's so special to me!! i'm not crazy about this movie as a whole, but i love the running theme of fred and daphne's differing leadership qualities, and how they balance each other out. fred just wants to keep things the same as they've always been (autism!!!), but that often leads him to coming off as controlling or dismissive when he's in Planning Mode. he doesn't mean it, because he genuinely believes the best in the gang and their individual skills, so it's no wonder that he grows insecure when his place is questioned. but by the end of the film he accepts that daphne is the engine, the glue that fundamentally holds the gang together and keeps them running as a unit — they would be nowhere without her constant energy and willingness to take action. however, daphne reassures him that he'll always have his place as the driver, the man with the plan, the one to put things in motion and support everyone with all his heart along the way. and the tender way they look at each other to cap it all off!!!!!!!
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knight in shining armour — sword and the scoob
i saved the (probably) best for last. less serious analysis here and more just me gushing because i spin this moment around my microwave brain on a daily basis. continuing the theme of "fred embraces his role as team cheerleader", he's not even upset when daphne has to fight in his place — he planned this and is wholeheartedly supporting her, to the point where it makes her flustered (she’s HIS knight in shining armour)!! and him giving her his ascot as a good luck charm!!!! nem found dead on the floor. not to mention "sir daphne/sir fred" and how they continue to call each other that. i swoon every time. they are so romantic in their own very silly and very teenager-y way and i love moments where they're just so unapologetic about that!!
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i really hope you enjoyed and that this was what you were looking for!! fellow fred & daph fans, please feel free to comment and/or reblog with some of your own favourite moments!! i always love to see them. :D
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zchnlswrld · 1 year
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Jisung stood there in the phone box, the cracked roof barely did anything to save him from the rain leaving his jeans and cotton shirt stuck to his body. He hated the feeling of it against him but there were bigger things than cringing at the feeling of wet fabric and heavy jeans.
His hand rummaged around his front pockets for anymore spare change, the phone box standing over him in such an intimidating way it made him look almost pathetic. He was. He was pathetic. He willingly stormed out (embarrassingly, without his belongings) and now he was here ready to beg for you back.
The boy checked his other pocket and pulled out a few coins. The dim light from the broken street lamp made it hard to see which coins they were no matter now many times he flattened them out on his hand and hunched over to check the other side. He doubt he even had the right amount but he pushed them in the machine regardless.
As soon as the machine made sound he began pushing in your number as fast as he could, still slow enough to make sure that it was the correct number. He didn’t need to think much as he knew your number off by heart. He usually called it everyday just not in these circumstances.
When the phone started ringing he snatched the phone off the holder and placed it to his ear before he leaned against the plastic wall next to him, tapping his foot. He wasn’t sure what was making him feel like he was suffocating right now, it was either the fact he went out of his way to say things to hurt you or the small size of the plastic phone box. Right now he was going to put it down to the size of the space he was in but he knew it wasn’t because he never had an issue with small spaces before. Maybe it’s because you were in them with him, hiding from the members any time you guys kissed like teenagers hiding from their parents.
The rings were taunting him, teasing him. Would you pick up? Would you not? Considering the time you probably wouldn’t but you’ve never ignored a call from him before. Ever. The time never mattered for you because you were happy just talking to him.
God, what was wrong with him? The tapping of his foot increased as did his breathing. You always picked up the phone so why weren’t you now, he continued to ponder until the ringing stopped.
He quickly stands up straight, “Honey, I’m-”
“Please leave your message af-” Jisung slams the phone back on the holder and sighs before going through his change again. He makes sure he has enough this time for another call in case you don’t pick up again.
Carefully he pushes his money in the slot, calms his breathing and dials your number. The taunting ringing begins again as does the tapping of his foot.
Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.
“I can’t do us anymore.” It’s out there now.
Jisung’s brows frown as he prepares a response. “Sweetheart, we can fix it. I can fix it. I know I can, I’m just stressed you know that.”
On the other end of the phone you look disgusting. Hair a mess, tears down your face, lips quivering, Jisung’s shirt hanging over your body feeling so foreign. The smell faded, the warmth gone. Your sniffles tell him everything he needs to know. Your hands are shaking, you’re holding back a heart wrenching sob, you want him to comfort you and you both know he can’t do that for you.
“This distance is unbearable,” You sob and Jisung’s heart sinks. “You’re right in front of me but never there. I don’t know what’s going on with you but I can’t do us anymore and it’s not my fault. None of this is my fault!”
Jisung quickly responds, “I know honey, none of this is your fault, it’s all mine.” You know he can’t see but you shake your head.
“You were horrible to me Jisung. You ripped my heart out of my chest and shred it right in front of me! How could you?” You respond angrily.
“No! No! It’s not like that and you know that! I love you.” He says emphasising every word.
He hears your breathing quieten and realises your phone is now away from your ear. “No! Just let me explain, please. Please…”
A moment of silence passes and Jisung is almost convinced you’ve put the phone down, he looks down to check the change in his in case he does need to call again.
“Please don’t, Ji.” You sob once more and Jisung’s body begins to hurt, the pain in his heart spreads around his body. “It’s 2:09am, you’re supposed to be in bed next to me, but you’re not. Where are you, Ji?” Your voice cracks at the end of the question and he feels tears well up in his eyes, he quickly wiped them away before they can fall. “You left me alone… again.”
At this point you can barely speak and Jisung doesn’t know what to do with himself. His grip on the phone tightens until his knuckles turn white.
“I love you, you know that.”
“No, I don’t.”
All the tension in his body released and he looked up. What do you mean? You know he loves you, he tells you all the time.
“Just because you say it doesn’t mean I feel it.” You shake your head, you know he can’t see you but he knows what you’re doing.
The call falls silent once again and Jisung hears a warning on his end of the phone that the call will run out soon. He rushes to place another coin in, earning him another 3 minutes to talk to you.
“I love you. I. Love. You.” He opens firmly. “I love the way you wake me up in the morning and I love the way you go to bed with me. I love how excited you get when we have plans to go to and I love how happy you are to lay with me after a long day. I-” He cuts himself off to sniffle and take a deep breathe, not wanting to cry. “I love the way you understand me, and I’m so sorry I said you didn’t. I love the way you always want to make sure I’m alright, and I’m sorry I called you names because of that.”
He takes another deep breath and you take this as your chance to speak. “Saying ‘I love you’ won’t fix it…”
“I’m not done!” Tears are falling now and there’s nothing he can do about it. “I love your smile. I love your smell. I love that when you eat a food you like your nose scrunches and you immediately start giving it to other people. I love when you’re excited and you do those little feet taps.” As he think about it he laughs, his heart warming for a moment. “I love you and nothing can change that.”
Jisung waits for a response but is once again met with sobbing. “Y/N, I’ll come home and we-”
You respond with a sound of disagreement. “I can’t do us anymore. I need a break. You pull me in with such lovely things and then push me away when it’s convenient for you and that’s not fair.” To Jisung you sounded like a child right now, you think he thinks you’re pitiful but that’s far from the truth because right now all he wants to do is hold you and tell you how sorry he really is.
“A relationship, our relationship, is supposed to be give and take but all I do is give and all you do is take. What about me? What do I get for loving you so deeply?” You question and the line falls silent, Jisung still there but unable to say anything.
Once again he places another coin in the machine. “I’m sorry I hurt you but please, please don’t go.” He was aware of how pathetic he sounded right now, like a child that couldn’t get their way. As more tears fell he continued to beg.
It was almost painful to hear. All you wanted to do was have him here with you, you would place a kiss on his cheek before putting your chin on top of his head. You would stroke his back and sway side to side until he had calmed down. But you can’t, he walked away. You were always there and every single time he walked away with no explanation as to why.
“It’s like you said Ji, I’m not an idol, I don’t know how it is. I’m just a burden who has nothing left to do in life. I’ll never understand you. You walked away and I’ll never understand why.” He doesn’t reply so you continue. “You said those things to me, Ji.” You whisper, unsure if the line even picked it up.
“But I can fix it, please just give me time!”
“Why?! So you can walk back in, hurt me a bit more and leave again?! I can’t do this anymore Jisung!” You’ve never shouted at Jisung like that. It was horrifying.
Oh. That stung. Jisung? Not Ji or honey or bean or sweetheart? Oh.
You quickly wiped your tears. “I will get Jaemin or Jeno or anyone to pick you up and you can stay with them but right now I can’t deal with you.” You told him firmly.
He shook his head. “Please, I can fix it. I promise. Just tell me what to do. Please.” His grip on the phone once again tightened.
Upon realising his stance won’t change you decide to take a different approach. “Jisung.” You say looking down at your promise ring, coincidentally he does the same. “You’ve made me lots of promises before, and you have fulfilled one of them.” You try to sound strong but you end up whispering, a whimper follows, remember the pain of the broken promises.
“One last chance, please. If I break another promise you can leave but not now, please.” He looked down at his change as the call time warning came through again.
“We can talk when we’re both rational. I promise, when have I ever not gone through with a promise.” You spoke softly. The ring on your finger made you feel sick, how could you let it get this far.
The tension in Jisung’s body rose and his senses heightened. “Don’t you dare lie to me. Just stop lying! I love you and all I ever want is to be with you, please, you know that!”
Another warning came through. “I want to go home, Y/N…”
“I’ll call Jeno or Jaemin to take you home.” You try to soothe him, your own tears falling and sobs going silent.
“The dorm.”
“But you’re my home… your warmth every time you hug me, your smell that’s so fresh, your eyes that look at me so lovingly. That’s home.”
“Well, you need to make me feel the same way. Right now I feel like I’m just another person to you, you don’t make me feel special or like you want to be with me forever. You make me feel like you can throw me aside as there are so many people out there that want you which is so hypocritical because you have spent nights comforting me when I thought you would. And then you did!”
Jisung froze. You were right. This whole time, sometimes he said you were right to stop you crying (that way his heart hurt less, and you knew that), he was wrong. He shouldn’t have listened to that stupid voice in the back of his head.
It told him you didn’t understand, you didn’t know him, that you were with him because he was an idol (the exact idol you spent years crushing on and met by chance later on in life). That voice told him that because it didn’t work out for Mark and Hana that he should push you away before you leave him the way Hana left Mark. He was sick.
“I love you and...” So, you still loved him. It wasn’t the same as before which is entirely his fault but you loved him, right? “I think it’s best if we stayed apart for a while.”
He started to panic, “Wait, Y/N, pl-”
Thank you for using our services at this time.
He looked back down at his hand, this time no change was present. Not a single penny.
“Fuck!” He shouts as he throws the phone down, it hits the wall and phone box before swaying. Pushing the plastic door open and slamming behind him, the slam startling any wildlife in the area, he lets out a sound of frustration.
What is he supposed to do? He doesn’t know how long you want to be apart. He doesn’t know how to live without you. He can barely go a day without wanting as little as a text from you.
Jisung hunches over, placing his hands on his knees as he cries as a car pulls up. He hears two doors shut and footsteps, activating his fight or flight.
He feels a hand on his shoulder and quickly pushes it off, standing up straight. Jeno and Haechan staring back at him. “Hey, hey. It’s just us.” Haechan states, moving back in to place his arm over his shoulder and usher him to the car.
“Get off me!” He shouts and them, pushing Haechan back and making Jeno take a step back. “What do I do?” He lifts his hands to his face, trying to wipe any tears.
Jeno wraps his hand around his wrist, pulling one hand away from his face. “Come on,” he says warmly “before anyone sees you.” Jisung rips his hand out of his grip and takes as few steps away from the pair, who are stunned.
“Y/N doesn’t want to see me, what do I do?” He begs them both for an answer but is met with silence.
They both leave him to cry and shout for a few moments longer, realising he needs that more than comfort. Even if they were to comfort him he’d only cry about how he wasn’t in your arms but theirs instead.
His sobs were heart wrenching but, as much as they didn’t want to say it, he had brought this upon himself. He chose to push you away, he chose to make false promises, he chose to walk out instead of talking to you your house, he chose to say those horrific things about you.
“If it helps,” Haechan interjects and Jeno fulls a face at him to tell him to stop “Y/N sent us here after the first call when they didn’t pick up.” He says awkwardly to Jisung. “They said that you would call and we’ve been looking for you since.” Jisung turns back to face them, his sobs quietening down.
Jeno adds on, “Chenle is there now. Getting your things. He text say that he wasn’t allowed to take some of your shirts.” He laughs and Jisung smiles at the thought of you holding onto his things.
He slowly walks to the older boys. “There won’t be a chance of reconciliation if you stay here.” Haechan says as he lists his hand up to wipe some of Jisung’s tears, they don’t stop falling but he doesn’t stop wiping them in hopes of giving him some sort of comfort.
The three get in the car and go to their dorm, the street light still flickering as the phone sways side to side after Jisung’s outburst. A new crack had be placed in the plastic structure from where the phone hit it when he let go, representative of the crack in his heart. A crack he placed there himself.
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I Love You In Every Universe Part 2 | Wanda Maximoff
Summary: One year after she dreamwalked into a different universe, Wanda finds herself wanting to make amends for her sins.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of PTSD, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 4K
A/N: This is part 2 of a request from @joewatt111 on Wattpad.  I changed the prompt a little bit to fit the story arc, but I hope you enjoy this sequel!
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“Wanda, I’ve told you a million times.  What part of I’m not giving you the Darkhold so you can dreamwalk again don’t you understand?” Agatha pinched the bridge of her nose, completely exasperated.  They’d had this conversation so many times before, but Wanda wouldn’t give it up.
“But I’m not going to do anything wrong!  I just want to go and apologize to Y/N and the other me for what I did.”
“Sweetheart, you already apologized to him.  And must I remind you that if you dreamwalk you’ll be taking over her body again.  What, do you want to keep up this endless cycle of apologizing and going back and apologizing again for taking over her body yet again?!” It was the same conversation every single day. 
Wanda slumped back into her chair, her small frame sinking into its overstuffed cushions.  Her eyes darted to her lap where she fiddled with the rings that adorned her fingers.  Even though it had been such a long time since the incident, the guilt still gnawed at her.  It worsened once she started dreaming about her multiversal counterpart.  She watched every night as the other Wanda and Y/N lived out their suburban dreams with their young son.  They had everything she wanted: a home, a loving family, a normal life.  Yet here she was, completely alone and struggling to piece her shattered life back together.
“Isn’t there anything I can do?” she begged.  The corners of her eyes filled with tears as she thought of the woman she’d terrorized on the other side of the universe.
“Wanda-” “Please.” Her voice cracked as she choked back a sob.  “Please, Agatha.  I just need to tell her I’m sorry.” Agatha sighed.  Many nights Wanda collapsed onto Agatha’s lap, a sobbing mess.  She held the young witch as sobs wracked her body.  Wanda was in excruciating pain.  It constantly tore at her soul, ripping it into smaller and smaller pieces as she felt herself crumble under the weight of it all.  Agatha was patient with her, constantly reassuring her that in time it would become an easier burden to bear.  Yet she knew that Wanda would always carry those scars with her.  She didn’t have the heart to tell her that.  But there was one thing that might be able to help her.
“Look.  There’s something that might be able to help you.  Well, it’s more of a someone than a something,” Agatha finally relented.  She’d been sitting on this one possible solution for months now, not wanting Wanda to push herself too fast and end up in another obsessive state.
Wanda’s ears perked up at Agatha’s admission.  She looked at her mentor, a desperate look in her eye. “Tell me,” she pleaded.  For months she’d been searching for a way to return to the universe she dreamwalked into.  Agatha made her swear off the Darkhold when she started their lessons, citing the fact she almost destroyed her multiversal self’s house and husband.  This took dreamwalking off the table for her.  So she spent hours poring over spellbooks, searching for everything and anything that would allow her to traverse between universes to no avail.
“There’s a girl.  She has the ability to travel the multiverse.  I’ve never met her, but I’ve heard whisperings of a teenager with such extraordinary powers amongst other witches,” Agatha admitted.
“What’s her name?” Wanda asked.
“America.  America Chavez.  She spends her time jumping from universe to universe.  She doesn’t like to linger in one place too long from what I’ve heard.”  Agatha reached in front of her to pick up her mug of tea from the coffee table.  She took a long sip, wrapping her hands around it to take in its warmth.  “America’s the best chance you’ve got at getting back there.”
Wanda’s mind raced as she pondered endless possibilities.  If she got ahold of this girl, she could go back and make things right.  The biggest challenge would be finding her.  If she could travel the multiverse, who knows where she might be at any given time?  Wanda would have to find a way to lure America into this universe in order to get what she wanted.  She didn’t even know where to start.  
“Earth to Wanda: you still with me?” Agatha waved her hand in front of Wanda’s face.  Wanda blinked harshly as she jolted herself back to reality.  She sat up straight in the chair, glancing off to the side as she continued to mindlessly fidget with her rings.  
“Where is she?  How do I find her?” Agatha shrugged.  “Beats me, kiddo.  I’ve never met her.  I’m just telling you what I’ve heard.”
“Great.  Why tell me if you can’t help me?” Wanda stood up, taking a moment to glare at Agatha before she stormed out of the room.  Agatha started to call out to her but Wanda ignored her.  As she stomped into her bedroom, slamming the door shut with her magic, she began pulling spell book after spell book from the shelf.  One of them had to have the answer.  Wanda flipped through page after page, searching desperately for any answer.  Yet the more time she spent in her books, the louder the whispers of the Darkhold became.  So in the dark of night, Wanda crept into the basement to find the cursed book and began her search for America Chavez.
America Chavez woke to find herself strapped to a chair, red tendrils of magic binding her arms and legs tight against the cold metal.  She was confused, unaware of where she was or how she got there in the first place.  But where was there?  Her heart pounded in her chest as she frantically looked around for something to tell her where she was.  As her eyes strained in the darkness, a red shadow appeared on the floor.  
“America Chavez,” a strangled voice echoed through the dank room.  America watched as a pair of red eyes glowed back at her from the darkness.  They were a deeper crimson than that of the shadowy glow.  They bore into her soul, inciting feelings of terror and anxiety within her.  As she attempted to scream, a shadowy figure looming ever closer, she was silenced with the flick of a ghostly wrist.  
The figure came into focus once America’s eyes adjusted to the lack of light.  She was surprised that it wasn’t a demon at all.  She was young and, except for her red eyes and blackened fingertips, looked like any normal person.  Yet something was…off…about her.  Her face told the story of a woman on the verge of a breakdown.  She looked desperate, pleading almost.  The heavy bags under her bloodshot eyes and the disheveled hair were remnants of an obsessive search for the solution to her problem.
“Please don’t hurt me,” her voice cracked as the magical hold on her vocal cords released.  The woman stared down at America, her brows furrowing as she studied the young girl. She tilted her head slightly, examining her as a predator would once it caught its prey.
“Why would I hurt you?” she puzzled.  “I need you to help me.”
“Help you?  Why would I help you when you literally kidnapped me and tied me to a chair?” she scoffed.
“Are you fucking KIDDING me?  When I told you the best way to get America to help you was to talk to her, I didn’t mean kidnap her!” Agatha Harkness snapped as she kicked the door to the basement open.  “I swear to GOD if you’ve been messing with the Darkhold again I’m going to kill you.”  She stormed into the room, now flooded with bright light from the hallway, making her way over to America.  “So sorry about this, sweetheart.  Wanda tends to be a bit dramatic with her entrances.”  She shot Wanda a glare as she undid the red restraints with embers of purple magic.  Wanda rolled her eyes.
“Can someone tell me what is going on here?  Who are you, who is she, why am I here?” America asked as she rubbed her sore wrists.  The restraints cut into her and raised dark bruises on her flesh.
“Agatha Harkness, dear.  Lovely to finally meet you.  That’s Wanda Maximoff.  She’s been looking for you because she insists she needs your help,” Agatha sighed.  
“Why me?” 
“Because I need to go to another universe,” Wanda said.  She leaned up against the wall, her arms crossed as she stared at the ground.  “I need to go find another me and apologize to her for something I did.  Agatha won’t let me dreamwalk, so you’re my only other option.”
“So why the kidnapping?”  
“Wanda’s impulsive.”
“Shut up.”
“As I was saying,” Agatha began as she ignored Wanda’s protestations from the corner, “Wanda needs to get to another universe and you’re the only one who has the power to do that.  Now since she is completely useless when it comes to this sort of thing, I’m asking you politely if you’ll help her out so she’ll drop the damn subject.”
America looked at Agatha, crossing her arms and cocking her head back as she considered the offer in front of her.  “What’s in it for me?” she asked.
“Anything,” Wanda replied a little too quickly.  She was desperate, willing to give anything to make things right.
“Pizza.  Dominick’s.  Pepperoni.  Every single time I come to this universe.  For the rest of my life.”
“Fine.  Done.”  Agatha threw her hands in the air in defeat.  “Just help her.  Please.”  With that she stormed off, her purple magic slamming the door shut behind her.
“So when do we start?” 
Y/N was sprawled on the couch, his eyes glazed over as he stared blindly at the screen in front of him.  Wanda was upstairs with little Pietro, trying anything and everything to get him to calm down.  He’d been fighting off croup for the better part of a week.  Nothing seemed to help his barky cough, which had been keeping Wanda and Y/N awake most nights.  The lack of sleep, plus the visits to the pediatrician and alternating taking time off from work to stay with Pietro, was catching up with the both of them.  Y/N had been home with him all day, so Wanda offered to take him once she got back from work in order to give him a chance to decompress.
From his half-dazed state he heard soft footsteps echoing down the stairs.  He glanced up as Wanda came down from the nursery looking absolutely worn out.  “He finally went down,” she breathed, pushing a sweaty strand of hair away from her forehead.
“Finally?”  Wanda nodded.  “Good.  Maybe we can relax for a bit then.”  He scooched himself up on the couch, pushing himself up so he fit against the corner.  Wanda smiled wearily as she flopped down.  She snuggled up into him, nuzzling his neck as she wrapped her arms around him.  He kissed the top of her head.  The faint smell of orange blossoms warmed him as he inhaled the sweet scent of her hair.
“I’ve missed this,” Wanda sighed.  “I love Pietro, but I miss the quiet time we used to have.”
“Well, look at it this way.  Only seventeen and a half years and we’ll be empty nesters,” Y/N joked.
 A loud explosion shook the room around them.  The house lurched violently, waking the sleeping baby.  He screamed and coughed as he woke from his fitful slumber.  Wanda flew into the air as she anticipated someone or something to appear.  Y/N fell off the couch, completely jostled by the sudden noise. 
“What the hell was that?!” he yelled through the shaking and crying.  His question was answered by the sudden appearance of a hole that tore through the side of the house.  Except it wasn’t a normal hole.  It was star-shaped, illuminated by jagged blue edges, and led not to the yard outside, but to a dark basement.  Two figures stood in the shadow.  As Y/N struggled to make out what it was he was actually seeing, he was surprised when they stepped out into the living room.
It was Wanda.  Not his Wanda but a different one.  This one had fiery red hair as opposed to his wife’s dark brown locks.  She stared at him with a distinct familiarity, like they’d known each other long ago.  It took him a moment to recognize her for who she was but once he did there was no denying that this must be the Wanda who dreamwalked into his world last year.
“Wanda?” He pushed himself up from the floor, returning her stare with an equal level of intensity.  
“Y/N, what is she doing here?” his wife snapped.  She flexed her wrist, summoning red orbs of magic within her grip as she glared at her multiversal self.  Wanda automatically recognized this other version of herself.  She was the same woman who’d taken over her body and terrorized her husband in a fit of despair.  She dreamt of her regularly, watching as she grieved for her family, learned to better control her powers, and fell into obsessive states over apologizing for the mess she’d made under the control of the Darkhold.  Not all of her dreams were glimpses into this other life.  Sometimes she woke in a cold sweat, screaming as she remembered the feeling of being trapped in her own mind.  The trauma from that day still affected her on an almost daily basis, but she did her best to keep the memories at bay.
“Shit, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to break anything,” Wanda apologized.  The awkward tension in the room was interrupted by Pietro’s cries from the nursery. 
“Great. And I just got him down for the evening,” Y/N’s Wanda grumbled as she dropped to the floor, landing with a gentle thud.  
“Babe, I’ll go put him back down,” Y/N offered.
“What, and leave me here with her?  Absolutely not.”  She stormed up the stairs.  Wanda stared as she watched her variant run to go soothe her son, feeling ashamed at the fact she managed to make things worse once again.
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to upset her,” she apologized as she turned to Y/N.  Still the man she was meant to be with, her heart skipped a beat when she locked eyes with his radiant Y/E/C eyes.  While he seemed more worn and tired than he did in their last encounter, he still had that rugged handsomeness and twinkle in his eye that so drew her to him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I…I wanted to apologize to her.  For what I did last year.  Properly.  Without the Darkhold.”
“Wanda, you can’t be here,” Y/N sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he shook his head in disappointment.  He understood where the witch was coming from.  His Wanda was the same way, always wanting to make things right, but the last thing she needed was to come face-to-face with the variant who terrorized her.  His wife spent many nights reliving the fear and horror of her bodily possession and he spent many nights holding her as she sobbed, hugging and reassuring her that everything was okay as he peppered her body with sweet kisses.
“P-please, I just need a minute with her.”  The witch’s voice cracked as she struggled to choke back tears.
“Y/N please.  I’m sorry.  I know you said you forgive me but I need to talk to her.”
“Do you know what it’s been like for her ever since you dreamwalked into our world?  She wakes up screaming, scared that you’ll come back and take over her body again.  I hold her while she cries, as she sits there reliving that day over and over again.  And now we have a son to take care of. You know what happens when she has those flashbacks?  I have to take care of BOTH of them, on my own, with no help from anyone because no one else understands what she’s been through.  And yes, she’s my wife and I will go to the ends of the earth for her, but she didn’t used to be like this…not until you came.”
Wanda hung her head in shame,  Guilt and grief crashed over her, the waves breaking on her already fragile exterior.  Once again, she’d gone too far.  
Y/N watched a familiar scene unfold in front of him: a variant of his wife, completely broken in every sense of the word, crumpled to the floor in front of him, sobbing into her arms as the world shattered around her again.  He felt bad for her.  She obviously was trying to make amends, but once again she let her emotions get the better of her.  Sighing, he slumped back onto the floor next to her, rubbing circles on the small of her back as tears darkened the sleeves of her light grey shirt.
“Hey.  Wanda.  I’m sorry for getting angry.  It’s just….I’m sorry.  It’s been a long year.  Now Pietro’s sick and I’ve been staying home to take care of him and my boss-”
“You named him Pietro?” she sniffled, her face muffled by her arms.
“Yeah.  Pietro Alexander.  After your brother and my uncle.”
She lifted her head as she repeated the names in her head.  “Pietro Alexander.  I like it,” she smiled.
“It was your, well, her idea.  Much better than the name I came up with.”
“Which was-?”
“Claude.  Claude Leroy.”
Wanda giggled as she brushed a tear from her face.  “That’s an awful name.  Did you want him to get bullied?  Because that’s how you get a kid bullied.”
Y/N rolled his eyes.  “Just make sure that I, well, your universe’s me, that he doesn’t make that same mistake,” he joked.  
Wanda’s eyes cast downward at the mention of the soulmate that was supposed to exist in her universe.  For months she’d been searching for him but to no avail.  She firmly believed that he existed in every universe but her own.  “I don’t think he exists,” she whispered.  “I keep looking for him but I still can’t find him.”
“Did you try the old boat launch?”  Wanda and Y/N looked up to see Wanda walking down the stairs.  The silence that followed her indicated that Pietro went back to sleep with relative ease.
“The what?” Wanda asked her variant.
“The boat launch.  It’s where we first met back in high school,” Y/N explained.  “It was one of those late-night summer parties after our sophomore year.  I was there with my friends and at some point we bumped into each other and I just fell head over heels for her.  Granted we didn’t get together for another year, but that was the night I knew I was going to marry her”
The brunette Wanda smiled as images of a crackling bonfire and fireflies painting a thousand dancing scenes over the moonlight lake raced through her mind, bringing her back to that sweet summer night where she met the boy who changed everything.  “Magic leaves impressions, even in different universes.  That spot means something to every Wanda in every universe.  It’s part of a nexus event, so every version of us has to meet Y/N there somehow.  Try there.”
Wanda stared at her variant.  It was a slightly unnerving experience, looking at another version of herself.  She’d spent her entire life observing her reflection in mirrors, but seeing herself in the flesh was something else.  Was this the way the world saw her?  She suddenly felt conscious about her own appearance, noting the way her black fingertips stood out against her variant’s scarlet nails.  
“Wanda I-” she began, but the words stuck in her throat.  What could she possibly say to this woman, the woman she inadvertently terrorized in her search for love last year?
“I get it.  I get why you decided to dreamwalk last year.  If I was in your position, under the same circumstances, I probably would’ve done the same thing.  I mean, we’re the same person, right?” she smirked.  “Just because I’ve given up the magic for motherhood doesn’t mean I’m all that different from you.”
“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I hurt you.  I was hurting and it was wrong of me to turn to the Darkhold to help me grieve Vision.”
Her variant sighed, running a hand through her messy brunette hair.  She stood in silence, looking down at her multiversal self sitting next to her husband.  “You hurt me, Wanda.  And I’m trying to deal with it the best I can for the sake of my son.  So I can’t forgive you for that, but I hope that you find love and happiness in your own universe.”
Wanda looked at Y/N, who was still sitting next to her with his hand on her shoulder.  “I can’t come back again, can I?”  He shook his head, smiling weakly as he gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.  “Okay,” she whispered.  As she stood up, she looked back at herself.  This other Wanda, brunette, dressed in pajamas, a body that had birthed a new life, was the type of person she wanted to be.  A reassuring nod told her that everything would turn out okay.  She walked towards the portal America opened, taking one final look back at the life she so desperately wanted, before stepping back into the dark basement of reality. 
The crisp autumn air nipped at Wanda’s nose as she stepped out of the car.  She hugged her jacket closer to her, shivering as the breeze cut through the warmth of the wool garment.  Looking around she noticed that she was the only one at the old boat launch.  Moss covered docks bobbed in the murky water while dry docked boats sank into the earth.  
It wasn’t Wanda’s first time at the boat launch since her last journey through the multiverse.  She went down every day to sit and wait.  Occasionally she’d encounter a fisherman or teenagers looking for a place to smoke, but she never saw Y/N.  Remembering what her variant said about nexus events gave her the strength to sit there day after day.  She sat in silence, often contemplating what she wanted out of life and what she would do once she met Y/N.  Other times she’d meditate on her multiversal self, allowing her subconscious to drift to the universe where baby Pietro was learning to walk much to the amusement of his parents.
Although it was a cool fall day, Wanda sat down at her usual spot at the end of the most solid dock, removing her boots and socks before dipping her toes into the water.  She kicked her legs aimlessly, skimming the lake’s surface as she looked out towards the surrounding woods.  The autumnal hues painted the trees with all different shades of reds and oranges and yellows.  She sighed, disappointed that she was alone once again.  So she sat there and took in the beauty of the world around her.
She spent most of the afternoon on the dock, reflecting on her life.  As she gazed out over the water, she heard footsteps behind her.  Her breath hitched as they grew closer, the sound of hard rubber soles smacking against the dock echoing off the water.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to disturb you.  I was just looking for a quiet place to sit and read.”  
Wanda’s ears perked up when she heard the familiar voice in her ears.  She whipped around at the voice, looking up into the warm Y/E/C eyes that first invaded her consciousness when Agatha cast her spell for the first time.  A smile spread over her face as she looked into the face of the man who was going to change her life.  “Well, you can sit here if you want.  I’m Wanda.”
“I’m Y/N.  Y/N L/N.”
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smalls-words · 1 year
Fulfil Your Oath pt. 3
Summary: You're supposed to be at the front, but... oh well.
Pairings: Diana x Handmaiden!Reader, others as normal.
Warnings: lil bit of blood, fighting, cool weapons.
A/N: The ending of this might make a few of you sniffle. Also, the song you sing is a cover of For the Dancing and the Dreaming by malindamusic on TikTok :)
Series Masterlist
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*not my gif*
*Find me.*
Not a second later, you found yourself to be by Diana’s side in a bar, with loud men drunk enough to believe they were the next hit singer. You looked over at her and smiled. “Good evening.”
“Gentlemen, this is my handmaiden, Y/N.” She introduced you.
“Y/N, this is Sameer, or Sammy if you prefer, and Charlie.” Steve pointed to the men, who were dumbfounded at the sight of her.
“How… Where do you keep these beautiful girls, Steven?” Sameer asked.
“Do ya want a drink, sweetheart?” Charlie offered, his thick Scottish accent shining through his drunk stature.
“No, thank you.” You smiled softly, facing Diana.
“Vocasti? (You called?)” 
“These are the men that are going to drop us off at the front of the war. Where Ares most likely is.” She explained, to which you nodded in complete understanding.
“There she is, the little bitch!” A man walked up to your table and pointed a gun at Diana’s face.
In a blink of an eye, you grabbed his gun from his hand and threw him across the room. Diana gripped your hand before you could do further damage to his pathetic body and guided you to sit back down.
“I am both frightened and aroused. Again.” Sameer murmured.
“Oh, here they are! I was wondering where you ran off to.” Etta’s voice made you smile, but the sensation that followed her did not.
You were shot back 36 hours to the moment you held your dead mother in your arms, sobbing against her chest. Every moment of pain and agony, even from the smallest of cuts by Antiope’s blade, were instantly replayed in your mind.
“Sir Patrick.” The men muttered with shock, standing up to greet the man.
“No, no, gentlemen, sit. Ms Prince, sit.” He murmured before looking at you. 
“And who may you be?”
“Y/N Themys.” You replied with a smile.
“What a lovely name.” He charmed before addressing the group.
As he conversed, you watched him closely. He seemed incredibly reliant on his cane, whilst his clothing seemed to be that of the highest quality. His mannerisms were few and far between, a few words repeated here and there whilst hand gestures were rarely used unless for emphasis.
“Y/N?” Diana nudged your elbow, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Yes?” You asked, still a bit out of it.
“We’re going.” 
You looked around to see the table was empty, with everybody moving outside to shake hands and promise to meet in the morning. You took Diana’s hand and let her guide you outside, her fingers interlaced with your own as she led you to an alley.
“Steve is letting me stay with him. You will stay with Etta tonight.” She murmured.
You couldn’t focus on her words, only her touch. Her arm around your waist, her breath mingling with yours but it was just that more powerful that it graced your lips. She had all and none of your attention as you stared into her eyes, wondering why your feelings had grown so strong in just a short amount of time.
“Okay?” Her free hand came to your cheek and you snapped out of it.
“Yes, princess.” You nodded.
“Good.” She smiled. “I hope you rest well tonight.” 
“And I for you.” You replied.
You watched her walk towards Steve before she followed him to his house, Etta’s presence instantly bubbling up. “Oh, look how cute they are together. They’re like teenagers in love.” She sighed dreamily.
You turned, offering your hand to her. “Would you like a hand taking these things, Ms. Candy?” 
Walking through the busy train station was easy since you stayed behind Diana, her domineering presence subtly urging others to move out of her way. Yet, you watched her childishness shine through when she took what was apparently called ‘ice cream’, to which she almost moaned in delight.
“Here, Y/N, try some.” She offered her ice cream to you.
You slowly licked some of the ice cream, tasting a strong but delicious flavour of vanilla bean. “It’s amazing.” You murmured.
You handed it back to her and followed her through the crowd, coming to a bridge that was filled with returning soldiers. Some had no hands or arms, no leg or neither, whilst others were shell-shocked with another guiding them off of the bridge. Your heart sank at the small portion of destruction Etta had informed you of, your hand taking Diana’s.
“Habeo te. (I’ve got you.)” Diana murmured, squeezing your hand twice comfortingly.
The boat Steve had led you to was a small fishing boat that then took you to a sandbank, to which you walked on the plank of wood first before Diana. The two of you walked side by side for the miles that were necessary for darkness to fall, your hands never leaving the other’s. 
As you spotted the campfire, your heart became tinged with the nights spent in Themyscira, following after your princess as she danced and celebrated with others. Sometimes it was for a promotion within the army, sometimes it was for a marriage, and others it was for fun. 
“You’re late.” 
“Cowboy sneak-attack, Chief!” Steve chuckled sheepishly, shaking the man’s hand.
The others hugged him tightly, greeting him well, before he walked over to you and Diana. He introduced himself in his native Blackfoot language, to which you both smiled and introduced yourselves too.
“Where did you find these women, Steve?” He guffawed.
He smirked at you both. “Diana found me, Y/N is Diana’s… best friend.” 
You made yourself at home against the seat of a log, your coat as your pillow whilst Chief handed you some dinner. You waited patiently for Diana to receive hers and start eating before you did so yourself, enjoying the bursting flavours of garlic, cumin, black pepper and more.
“Chief, I must say this is delicious.” You commented.
“Thank you. It’s my own blend of spices.” He smiled proudly.
You took Diana’s dish once she was finished, although she did protest that she could clean it herself, and made your way down to the river. You admired the way the moon shone against the water and how the horses across at their station snacked on their hay. 
The breeze that tickled against your skin brought your attention to Chief, who stood a few metres upstream to collect some water. “You’re connected.” He murmured, the wind letting his words brush by your ears.
“I’m sorry, the World of Man is still new to me. Could you explain?” You asked.
He chuckled to himself. “You are connected to the earth. I can see it with my own eyes - the water moves at your command, the horses too. You simply do not see it.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement of his words, but had nothing to respond with since a hand fell to your shoulder. You looked up at Diana, her half-open eyes indicating your next duty like clockwork. 
“Come back. You don’t need to do that.” She murmured, to which you instantly stood.
“Let’s get you some rest.” You chuckled shortly, but her hand simply moved to your waist.
“Let’s get some rest.” She nodded, confusing you - wasn’t that just what you said?
You walked back with her to the campfire, where Chief was already boiling the water from the stream. You stayed by Diana’s side and her hand never fell from your waist, the other only moving to retrieve your coat and tuck around you both.
Thunder struck above you, but it was odd. There was no lightning with it, but it seemed… different.
“Such odd thunder.” Diana turned to Chief for answers.
He gladly gave them. “German 77s. Guns, big ones. It’s the front out there. The evening hate.”
“So who do you fight for in this war?” You asked.
“I don’t fight.” He shook his head.
“So you’re here for profit?” 
“No better place to be.” 
“Nowhere better to be?” Diana frowned.
“I have nowhere else. The last war took everything from my people. We have nothing left. At least here, I’m… free.” He took his dry clothes from the rack above the fire and packed them into his bag.
“Who took that from your people?” You kindly asked, not wanting to push boundaries.
Chief turned to look at Steve’s sleeping form. “His people.” He murmured.
You leaned your head against Diana’s shoulder before groans came from Charlie, muffled words pressed into his sack of a pillow. You stood, the handmaiden in you willing to help, but he lashed out and backhanded you across the face in his thrashing.
“Get off me, woman! Stop making a fuss!” He growled, storming into the dark with his gun.
Diana instantly stood and laced her arms around you, pulling you back to the log where she wrapped your coat around you solely. You pushed off of her, whipping the coat onto her shoulders before tying the strings around her waist.
“I’m fine, my princess.” You muttered, but she grasped your wrist in her hand.
“Shh, shh, shh.” She gently whispered as she laid you down back to where you previously lay, a surprise in your hum when she pulled out her coat from her sack.
“Mine will be the bottom layer, yours will be the top.” She ushered you into silence.
The sound of Chief falling asleep and the fire’s dwindling light allowed you and Diana the privacy you needed. Through the darkness of the covering coat, her hand came towards your face but you flinched when it grew nearer to your cheek.
“Nunquam tibi nocebit. Scis illud. (I’d never harm you. You know that.)” She whispered.
“Doleo. (I’m sorry.)” You apologised, letting her hand fall onto your skin.
Her thumb was the most careful it had ever been. It did not dare to press into your cheek, but rather soothed the harmed area with her cooler touch. Her fingers gently fell into place, lightly caressing your ear, jaw and the side of your neck. You closed your eyes as she leaned toward you, curling your head underneath hers whilst your arm slinked over her waist.
“Goodnight, my handmaiden.” She murmured.
“Goodnight, my princess.” You replied, quickly falling asleep to the rhythm of her heart.
Walking through the mud was the least of your worries.
The trenches of the British Army were barely holding together, many women and children seeking shelter in the trench. You’d already urged Diana to continue walking instead of helping, twice, but she knelt before another woman with a baby and you sighed in defeat.
“Steve, we need to help these people.” You told him, but he shook his head.
“We need to stay on-mission. The next safe crossing is at least a day away.” 
You looked at the soldiers aiming their guns above you, bombs landing above and spraying dirt onto you. “How can Diana and I get up there?”
He bursted with emotion. “This is No Man’s Land, Y/N! That means no man can cross it, alright?! Now forget it - we are going!” 
You took a step back at his outrage, determination in your stride as you threw your sack down and ripped off your World of Man clothes, revealing your armour. Bronze and gold lined the armour of a blue skirt and a golden chestplate, thin leather pieces covering your legs and arms, giving you slight protection.
You turned at the hand on your soldier, eying Diana’s armour of blue and gold. Your eyes widened. “You took that from the vault?! Are you crazy?!”
She smirked. “A princess has her ways.” 
She slid on the crown of a warrior you both loved whilst you pulled out yours, smiling at the engraving on the inside that declared it was yours. You slid it onto your head before retrieving your weapons, a whip of nine tails curled at your hip whilst a bow and a quiver full of arrows slinked over your back.
Diana had her shield and sword at the ready as she stood at one ladder whilst you stood at another, an arrow cocked before you sparked it against metal and shot it into the air, causing a loud boom from its explosive power.
You nodded to her, your minds so closely trained that you could almost read them. Her, with her shield, sprinted forward and took the heavy fire whilst you came behind her. A bomb shot straight into the air and you leapt up, swirling your whip around to throw it back into the trench, then pulling back a set of six arrows before letting them fly into the heads of six Germans.
“Diana! Impetus! (Charge!)” You yelled, the two of you leaping into the trench.
Your whip cracked effortlessly, its slashing metal ends destroying the guns and armour of the Germans. You curled it back onto your hip as the British Army took over the trenches, your eyes immediately following Diana’s to the village ahead.
“Let’s go!” You ordered Charlie and Sameer, pointing to the village before you jumped out of the trench in one leap.
You ran by Diana’s side, your minds falling into one as you wove through the village with ease, taking down the German hostiles. A bomb went off beside you, one that was evidently planted, that threw you both up and into the side of the building.
You spotted many calm Germans inside the opposing building and you both charged through. You left Diana in that room to deal with fourteen men whilst you found your own set in a bomb-making station.
With a smirk, you looked down to see a trail of explosive powder from a leaking box. All eighteen Germans looked at you as your whip descended in a flash, sparking the powder and the boxes beside it. 
You launched out of the roof and rolled out onto a flat roof, thankfully, looking to your right to see Diana burst through the glass of the room full of defeated men. You jumped from rooftop to rooftop, following your princess with a grace and skill none of the men expected.
With a finality, you dove into the centre of the town and left Diana to the tank, taking a bullet graze instead of letting it hit her shoulder. You winced at the pain but only empowered you, whipping the Germans’ guns through the chambers whilst arrows flew into their chests. 
You gasped at the sight of the Lasso of Hestia in Diana’s hands, glowing a bright golden hue that she controlled much like you with your whip. You grinned as you caught glimpses of her using it as both defence and offence, throwing the Germans around with great ease.
When another bullet flew by you, however, things were different. You looked around to see another person drop dead, your quick eyes looking up to the belltower. 
“Sniper!” Steve yelled out, to which Diana gathered others into nearby buildings. 
She spun around, looking for you in a safe spot and she sighed in relief as she saw you standing with Charlie, Sameer, Steve and Chief. You looked around for a solution as Charlie hesitated shooting the sniper, spotting a piece of sheet metal from the destroyed tank.
Steve spotted it too. All four men followed after him but they struggled to lift the sheet, exposing them to the sniper. Your whip lurched out, glowing a gentle green before bringing them back to you.
“How…?” They looked at your whip before you leapt out to the open area, the Lasso of Hestia lying on the ground. 
“Diana!” You called for her, picking it up.
She nodded, exposing her waist for you to wrap the lasso around before throwing her to the top of the belltower. The bricks crumbled beneath Diana’s forceful shield attack, barging through to kill the sniper.
You sighed in relief when she appeared unharmed, but you looked down at the still glowing rope and watched it tighten around your hand. 
The world around you warped and turned before the sight of a woman with your mother confused you. Her hand fell to your mother’s stomach before the woman disappeared, a slight bump forming on your mother. 
*My child.* A voice echoed around you, evidently feminine. 
You shook your head, eyes closed, and when you opened them, you found Diana unwrapping the lasso from your grasp. You were resting against her, your head in her lap, and you could almost see tears springing at her eyes.
“I thought I lost you.” She sighed in relief as she pulled you into a tight embrace.
You matched it. “You could never.”
You stood slowly with Diana before many of the villagers came to thank you in Flemish or French, their cold hands taking yours. Before long, you were asked by a French man to have your photograph taken, of which you simply followed Diana’s instructions. 
After it was done, you stood next to Sameer and Diana, looking over at a shaken Charlie. 
“For all his talk of shooting, he cannot shoot.” She commented.
Sameer shook his head. “Not everyone gets to be what they want to be all the time. Me? I am an actor. I love acting. I didn’t want to be a soldier. But, I’m the wrong colour.” 
You moved next to Diana and your eyebrows furrowed, looking out onto the destroyed village to see Chief denying the people’s money, even when they insisted. You watched Diana walk to where Steve held a device to his ear, but you did not care for it much.
Instead, you shed your coat and weapons and began to help the village tidy up. 
 By nightfall, you were done and all of the debris was piled next to the destroyed tank. The pub was open for food and drinks whilst Charlie played the piano inside. You stood next to him as he tried to teach you a song, but your eyes were on Diana almost the entire time as she sat outside.
“Oy!” Charlie clicked his fingers in your face.
“Pay attention!”
“Sorry, Charlie.” You chuckled at his slightly drunken state, taking a sip of his beer.
You read through the lines and bars of music before you nodded to him, his knife against this glass attracting the attention of those inside. You smiled as Charlie began the piano, the tune starting off slow.
“I'll swim and sail on savage seas… with ne’er a fear of drowning…” You faltered slightly on the Irish pronunciation, earning an encouraging nod from Charlie. 
“And gladly ride the waves of life… if you would marry me.” You reached the low note, causing some astounded gasps from the villagers.
“No scorching sun, nor freezing cold… will stop me on my journey… If you will promise me your heart… and love me for eternity.” 
You looked up to see Diana’s eyes firmly on you, making you smile as you continued to sing. Your eyes never left hers, those warm pools of brown sparkling like gold from the bright lights of the pub, enrapturing you in her beauty.
You laughed heartily as Sameer came over to you, offering his hand to dance which you gladly took. You swung on each other’s arms as you continued to sing, the tune turning jaunty and lively as the villagers began to clap along.
As the song came to an end, you caught Sameer’s drunk state as he stumbled out of the bar, thanking you for your save before he went back inside. You were about to follow but when you turned around, Diana stood in front of you with a warm smile.
“That was beautiful. I didn’t know you could sing.” She murmured as she wrapped your coat over your shoulders.
As her hand came brushing down your arm, she noticed your small wince. Her brows furrowed and she pulled your arm out to see the bullet graze from before, her eyes turning up to yours in confusion.
“When did this happen?” She asked oh so gently.
“When we arrived here.” You gestured to the fountain and the area around in which you stood, soon turning back to her. “A man wanted to shoot you… I didn’t want him to succeed.”
In a flash, Diana had a bandage in her hand and a cup from the pub. She dipped it into the fountain’s newly-clean water and dripped it onto your outstretched arm, hearing you wince softly as it wormed into your cut.
“I’ll be alright, my princess.” You muttered, but she wasn’t having any of it.
Her gaze was laser-focused on your wound as she gently wrapped the bandage around it, apologising quickly for pressing on it, but she did manage to tie it properly. You admired her handiwork before she gave it a gentle kiss, making you shake your head with laughter.
Definitely not to hide your blush.
You looked over the villagers and smiled at their dancing, but Diana was confused by it. “This is not dancing. This is just swaying.”
You chuckled at her words. “My Princess, this is dancing. It is just a different kind than what we have grown with.”
She huffed and blew a piece of hair out of her face, but was confused when your hand was offered. “Come. Let me teach you how to dance in the World of Man.” 
“Well, if I’m going to a gala, I’ll need to know how to dance, and I’ll need to learn it from a brilliant teacher since it is such late notice.” She smirked, taking your hand.
You grinned. “Well, I can’t think of any who are greater than me, my princess.”
You gently took Diana’s hands in your own before shuffling your right to her waist, wrapping it around her loosely. You double-checked your left hand was holding hers correctly, ticking off the list in the book Etta had given you that was safely stored in your sack.
“And now… we sway, as your tongue describes it.” You chuckled, guiding her to sway from side to side.
Diana’s heart soared. The feeling of your intimacy, the distance of your hearts not as far as they used to be. She fell giddy under your touch, your gaze, your soul; and she selfishly wanted it all to herself.
You watched as she grew restless at the sight of white spots falling onto her. You pulled her even closer, looking up at it with her. “It’s snowfall, my princess. It will not harm you - it is simply fractals of frozen water.”
She looked at you in wonder, your lips almost touching, before she looked back as snow fell onto her hand and hair. “It’s magical.” She murmured.
*Indeed it is.* You thought, your eyes solely on her.
She gasped suddenly, making you jump before she apologised. “I have to go ask Steve something!” 
You watched her race off into the pub, your hand still outstretched as if your will could bring her hand back around your wrist.
@frog-bread , @blackcatlogy , @mutlifandomloverblog :)
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lynlyndoll · 8 months
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genre: angst (it starts cute, but uhm.. yeah)
wc: 0.7k
pairing: minho x fem! reader
appearances and specifications: well, this is only a Minho x reader fic, no other appearances of someone... And as specifications, I'd say that Y/LN is your last name and Y/FN is your first name. Also, I'd recommend listening to "Strangers" by Kenya Grace, I wrote it because of the song.
summary: Was it just in your head? No. Did you do something wrong? Maybe. Or Minho just didn't want you anymore. Maybe all these were lies and he never truly loved you. But today, you were ready. Ready to say good bye from him forever.
an: I listened to the song "Strangers" by Kenya Grace and OMFG.. it gave me Minho vibes idk why, but I just thought of this, after.
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You had your first love at a young age. More precisely, you were 16 when you met Minho, the guy in your neighborhood. You just moved into the house and a boy and his family saw you and started helping you and your family in unpacking the new stuff for your new home. He looked interesting, maybe a little bit cold, but with a warmer part of him sometimes showed. You ended up going at the same high school as him. he noticed you as well, a slight smile on his face when spotting you. He came to you, helped you with your schoolbag and books, little talks in between classes.
Soon, these little interactions became bigger and that's how you and minho became friends. Hanging out after school, him accompanying you on your late night walks and little café meetings near the high school. You loved these moments with minho and, when you thought about these moments for more time, you figured out, it wasn't just the moment. But it was minho himself, you loved.
This thought made you think and re-think your entire decisions. You wanted to tell him how you felt, but the thought of minho leaving you alone if he didn't reciprocate the feeling was eating you alive. However, on your 18th birthday, after getting drunk, you vaguely told minho you liked him. Minho was a smart guy, he knew what you meant and for a matter of fact, he liked you too. Since you showed up in the neighborhood, he felt like you were the only girl he would lay his eyes on. Your eyes flickered on his face, his eyes looked at your lips and withing seconds, both of you were making out with each other, stealing passionate kisses.
The next day, you woke up with minho in your bed, him already smiling while looking at you. You smiled at the sight of him, your dream feeling so perfect that you could've said you lived the perfect life.
This only to crumble up in million pieces. Yes, the dream life was, for a moment, amazing. Café dates, movie dates, your own little safe places and little nothings that, for both of you, meant everything. Well, at least, for you. He came back to your shared apartment one day, to tell you he wanted to break up. Not only one explanation given, just a quick good bye and a quick "I'll miss you" being said before the apartment was almost empty. Silence took over the place, only to be broken up by your quiet sobs. What have you done wrong? What if he found someone else? Why didn't he tell you anything?
Your agony lasted years. Years of cries and years of despair. Whenever you liked a new person, everyone turned out to leave you again and again, just like Minho, your first love, did. Until one day. One day, you had enough of it. One day, you looked at yourself in the mirror and saw that you weren't an 18 year old teenager anymore. You grew, you should've been more mature. So, you took a breath and made the most important decision you made till then. You made the decision to try and move on.
Today, you wanted to grab a coffee at the café you always loved going to with Minho. This time, however, you went there alone. No Minho by your side and no stupid giggles at his funny jokes. You did miss them, but you realized that Minho was not the one for you. While you were in the café, drinking your Ice Americano, a guy entered. You glanced at the door, seeing a tall, handsome man. You looked at his face as he scanned the room and saw you. He smiled at you, however you didn't smile back, his smile fading. You saw him trying to get to your table, however you got your coffee in your hands and exited the café, whispering a "Good bye, Lee Minho" to the man who looked at you. You said goodbye to both the versions of him, finally being ready to get over him. His face saddened, but a soft, sad smile appeared on his face. He also whispered a "Good bye, Y/LN Y/FN" and then, you turned your back and faded into the crowd of people in the city.
@agi-ppangx @hyunjin-lover20 @lisaaassophhhieee
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jemmo · 1 year
i cannot even begin to describe how much i just sobbed like a baby. like I think I was crying for the entire ep start to finish. It was just perfect, and ends a series that no word of a lie was absolute and sheer perfection start to finish. they seriously just did something special, like incredibly, unbelievably special. every step, every plot point, every story beat, every character, every relationship, ever song, every outfit, every shot, every choice and performance and inch of it was just perfection. i literally don’t know how else to describe it. it’s sweet and heartfelt and sincere and meaningful and fun and sentimental and kind and so full of care and passion and talent and love, i could try and put it into more coherent words but at the end of the day it is just a show so perfect bc at its core is so much heart. and it just goes to show that silly little high school romcoms, the simple, unassuming, uncomplicated, age old story, when done with care and attention and respect and sincerity can truly be one of the most moving pieces of media. it’s teenage coming of age at it’s absolute finest, and it’s comfort for outsiders and dreamers and for the teenage you that wanted this high school experience, wanted to chase your dreams and participate in clubs and mess about with friends and fall in love for the first time. that’s what this show captures down to a T and turns into a piece of art. it’s the fairytale we all want brought to life and made real and grounded with emotions we’ve all known and felt. I just can’t explain how special this show is, and how much I will keep it with me like an old blanket I’ve had since I was a child, to hold and give me comfort when I need it, to remind me of simple and happy days, and of the love I’ve gave and been given back. this show is the shirt I have with written messages from school, it’s the albums I listened to as a teenager, it’s pictures of me with my friends at graduation, it’s the universal experience of growing up and finding love and happiness and moving forward, holding onto those memories you created. and I just can’t explain how grateful I am for that.
my school president, the show you are. thank you for everything.
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winter-leftovers · 8 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter ten: Relics (10/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim learns about her sister’s secret. Y/n gets a book and a suprise.
Word count: 2838
Warnings: no
(Season 1 Episode 18,19 )
Song?: Little talks by Of Monsters and Men// Kindly Calm Me Down by Meghan Trainor
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Y/n was laying down on the couch watching tv when the feeling caught her. A shiver ran through her spine. Her heart felt hollow. She sat down on the couch with her feet on the ground trying to shake the vertigo she was suddenly feeling.
She looked down at the ground but the carpet was no longer there, instead, there was tall grass hiding her boots, boots that she didn’t remember putting on.
She was walking to the edge of the cliff, to a man wearing heavy armor that was kneeling at the edge looking down at the sea.
“What have you done?” Her own scream shook her bones. She ran to the edge, trying to prove herself wrong. She looked down but the body was already being washed by the sea. The image made her anger start to boil inside of her.
“What have you done?” She whispered not taking her eyes from the water. The violent waves imitated the turbulence of her heart.
Her legs quickly gave out. She felt like someone was reaching through her chest and ripping her heart.
“No” a broken sob escaped her lips.
She stretched her hand down towards the ocean like it would return what she lost, like it would fill back the hole where her heart used to be.
The voices of her brother and friends started to fill the room, bringing back Y/n from her haze. The carpet was under her feet again but so was the grief and a cold space next to her.
The trollhunters were returning triumphant from their second quest with the second Triumbric Stone.
“Y/n you won’t believe what happened!!” Toby screamed.
Y/n turned to them. She couldn’t see well, her view was blurry. She could recognise each of them by their clothes, their voices. She was dizzy like she had just stepped out of the most violent rollercoaster.
Toby gave a nudge to Claire and she slowly took out a stick that looked like stone.
“Y/n, are you alright?” her brother asked after noticing the pain on his sister’s face.
She nodded with a smile and got closer to see what the teenagers were showing her. What Y/n believed to be a long piece of stone opened into something longer, a gray staff made of quartz taller than her.
Something in Y/n shifted. Her vision was blurry but she could see the staff clear as day. The dark quartz shining with purple reflects, the handle made of black stone.
“The shadow staff” her raspy voice was full of anger, of grief “How did you get this?” She said louder.
She didn’t understand a word of her brother's explanation, just one name, Angor Rot.
“He shouldn’t have this. You shouldn’t have this” She laughed incredulously “Why’d he had this? It’s her’s” Y/n screamed and took the staff from Claire’s hand.
The grief she felt during her vision grew. She felt the tears fall to the ground. She couldn’t see, the pain had made everything dark.
“Sorry, sister” a woman whispered, making Y/n drop the staff and fell to her knees letting out a guttural scream.
The heavy darkness became a warm soft orange light. In the tall ceiling, Y/n could see the shadows dance and for a moment, no grief existed. But the moment was cut short by the sounds of glass clinking, the heaviness returning to her chest.
“Ah, I see you’re awake” Vendel walked to the head of the stone bed “ Do you know where you are?”
Y/n nodded sitting up.
“TrollMarket” it hurted to talk.
“Do you know who you are?”
“Do you know what you are, Y/n?” A woman’s voice screamed at her.
Y/n knew it was just Vendel and her. She knew the voice came from inside her brain.
“Y/n Lake”
Vendel nodded.
“Do you remember what happened last night?”
She knew. She could see clearly now, see the confusion, the fear on everyone’s eyes, on her brother’s eyes. She also remembered the anger, the sadness, the hot tears in her eyes, her mind chanting ‘She died. He killed her’.
“Yes” she said between tears.
“You’ve been under a spell” Vendel explained “There’s a barrier in your head dividing your memories, between who you are and who you were” with his finger he drew a line in the air.
“I know” Y/n took her hand to her throat.
“You know?” Vendel shifted his cane to his right hand. He was surprised.
Y/n nodded.
The troll was about to ask another question when a loud meow erupted from TrollMarket.
“Alfred, no!” She heard Jim running but the cat was faster.
Al ran to Y/n’s lap and started to rub their faces together. He was relieved.
“I see” said Vendel.
Jim stopped by the entrance. His eyes focussed on her sister.
Y/n felt the shame rise. She was afraid. What if Jim was mad at her for keeping a secret and almost hurting his friends?
“Y/n” Jim ran to her sister, hugging her with all his strength.
Y/n was confused she was prepared for Jim anger, but not this.
“Jim” she caressed his head, brushing his hair with her fingers.
Her brother held her even tighter in response “I’m sorry” he said.
“No, you shouldn’t be sorry. I’m sorry, Jim. Last night was scary and I should’ve…”
Jim shook his head.
“It’s my fault. I dragged you into this…”
“Jim, is okay. This was going to happen even if I didn’t knew you are the trollhunter”
Jim lifted his head from Y/n’s side.
“She is right” Vendel interrupted “The spell has a expiration date. Even if you didn’t told her she would have this reactions to the reminders of her past life”
“So, it wasn’t my fault?” Al peeked his head from between the siblings.
“Woah” Jim jumped back “He talked”
Y/n laughed.
“No, it’s not your fault” Vendel said.
“He talked. How can he do that?” Jim pointed to Al.
“Yes, I did. I’m Y/n familiar” Al sat at Jim’s feet.
“Is like a wizard assistant” Vendel explained.
“Wizard?” Jim’s eyes shifted between Alfred and Y/n.
Y/n smiled. She was still just as confused as Jim.
“So the red light, that was you and not the staff?” Jim asked remembering the night before.
Y/n looked at Vendel with her eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes. Y/n used to be a powerful wizard”
“What?” The siblings said at the same time.
“I don’t think we should push anymore, Vendel” cautioned Alfred.
“I think we should work to make the barrier fall. After all, having Y/n next to the trollhunter may be of great help” The troll looked at Y/n “I could try help to return to who you were in exchange of your help against Gunmar”
“Of course” Y/n answered immediately. There was nothing to discuss, she was going to help magic or not magic.
“That’s settled then. I’ll see you tomorrow”
“I’ll see you tomorrow” Y/n smiled and left with Jim and Alfred.
“Y/n, are you sure?” Al asked once they were far enough from Vendel.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Al didn’t answer.
“So, you can do magic?” Jim asked.
“Yes, I mean, I only tried moving stuff”
“Awesome” Jim said “that’s so cool”
They laughed.
The walk was cut short by a scream.
“Y/n!” It was Toby.
Y/n turned around and was tackled by the younger boy.
“Oh god, I’m glad you’re okay” he held her tight “I was so worried”
Y/n chuckled, reciprocating the hug.
“I’m sorry, Tobes. I didn’t mean to scare you” Y/n said through the pain in her throat.
“I’m glad you’re okay too” Claire said. Her eyes fixated on the ground.
Y/n lifted a hand from Toby’s back and grabbed Claire’s hand with a smile. The girl lifted her eyes.
“Thank you” Y/n mouthed.
Claire smiled back.
Y/n was browsing the back of Douxie’s bookstore. Those last bookshelf that no one ever looks at.
She had never heard of some the books and that didn’t surprise her. What did surprise her was the top shelf. The first three books didn’t have its title written on it, they looked old, worn, loved. The three that followed were a couple of her favorite books, books that she had loved with all her heart. They were old, even the most recently published seemed loved.
Y/n stroked the spine of all the books in the row, her finger stopping on a small red book, like the first three, it was old and didn’t have the title written on the spine. Y/n grabbed it. It didn’t have the title written anywhere. She traced the golden details but before she could open it, Douxie came looking for her.
“Hey, love” he said after a customer closed the door.
Y/n smiled.
Douxie and her had been taking things slow. After their talk they’d hang out a couple times a week until Y/n got “sick” after the shadow staff episode, then they started hanging out every day.
One afternoon, Douxie called Y/n after she left several texts unanswered and Barbara answered. She told him about Y/n “sickness” so he stopped by. He sat at the foot of the bed and talked with her. At first it was just him doing the talking. He would tell her about the rude customers, about that old lady that went to the library with her dog and how Archie almost got his tail bitten but mostly he would talk about music. Douxie would show her his new favorite song and the new songs he had written.
By the time Y/n got her voice back they would sit side by side at the head of her twin bed with Alfred between their legs. Y/n enjoyed Douxie presence. She found comfort in the small domesticity he had created
“There’s something about him” she told her mother over tea one night after Douxie left for his shift at Benoit’s when her mother commented on Y/n and Douxie’s relationship.
Douxie had caught her staring a couple times during one of their lazy afternoons. She would look at him. Just observe him. She would follow the bridge of his nose with her eyes, having to stop his fingers from doing the job. She would imagine how his soft disheveled black and blue hair would feel between her fingers.
Y/n tried to engrain every little detail into her head. How his eyes would close when he smiled, how he would mindlessly scratch Al’s head, how he hums while making any task, how he knew how to make tea the way she liked, how he would scratch his head when he was nervous. She tried to embroider his little actions into her brain because a voice deep in her heart would remind her how easy it was to forget.
“But how could I forget those hazel eyes?” She would ask but the voice wouldn’t answer.
“Doux” Y/n turned around with the book in her arms.
“What’d you have there?” He furrowed his brow.
“Ummh…I don’t know” she gave him the book “Sorry, I was shamelessly snooping”
He chuckled and took the book from Y/n’s hands. When the book left her hands a piece of paper fell to the ground.
“It’s okay” Douxie smiled “You can do anything you want”
Y/n crouched down and opened the folded piece of paper. It was a music sheet. The paper was really old. Y/n was afraid to touch it too much and break it. The ink where the title was written was smudged but she recognised the piece instantly.
“Oh, I really like this one” she whispered to herself.
“You know it?” Douxie asked.
“Yeah, it’s my…” Y/n brows furrowed.
“It’s my sister’s favorite” almost fell from her mouth.
She shook her head.
“Well…It’s not really my favorite but I really like it” she corrected.
For a moment, Y/n thought about the incident that happened the other day. Thought about the sadness that the shadow staff would bring every time she would look at it and, most important, what that voice had whispered to her ‘Sorry, sister’. Could it be that she left someone so important behind that now they were trying to claw their way out of the exile of her memories?
Y/n gave the paper back to Douxie.
“I would like to hear you play it sometime” He smiled.
“Sure” Y/n smiled back, her cheeks slightly red.
Douxie looked the book on his hands for a second and looked back to Y/n and said:
“You know, this is a really good anthology. It could be really good to start reading again. Would you like to check it out?”
Y/n smile grew. She had told him she wanted to start to read for pleasure again when she found out that he worked on a library. She couldn’t believe he remembered that.
“Yes” She took the book and started walking to the couch but before she sat down she retraced her steps and stood in front of Douxie once again.
“Thanks” she kissed his cheek.
Douxie smiled, his cheeks turning crimson the moment her lips touched him.
Y/n carefully flipped through the yellow pages, inspecting the small letter and finding some illustrations but what surprised her the most was a short note on the last page: ‘I’m so sorry about your book. I hope you love this version too. —H.C”
Y/n smiled at the relic in her hands and wondered if the previous owner of the book loved it as the one they lost and if they ever forgive H.C. She stood up to go to Douxie and ask him but before she could her phone rang. It was her alarm reminding her about her appointment with Vendel.
In the last week, Vendel believed he had made some progress on Y/n spell but she wasn’t so sure. The visions she’s been having disappeared and her nightmares too but no memories appeared. And for a moment, she thought her lack of nightmares were a good thing but she quickly found herself missing them too. She missed the people inside her dreams: the tall man that would walk with his hands behind his back, the woman that was always too far off her reach and that soft blue light that seemed to follow her everywhere.
She found the hole in her chest growing and could only be ignored when she wasn’t alone but she wasn’t sure how much she could be this clingy with the people she loved.
“Hey, Doux. I have to go” She grabbed her purse and walked to the registry.
“Oh, okay “ For a moment Y/n thought she saw him deflated “I’ll guess I’ll be seeing you soon”
She laughed.
“I’ve actually been seeing you a lot this week” he chuckled.
Y/n smile fell. Maybe her fear was becoming true.
“Yeah, bye” she faked a smile and started to walk to TrollMarket.
Her mind repeated her last week with Douxie. Maybe it was too much.
“So how are you feeling?” Vendel asked while he tinkered with some vials.
“Fine” Y/n answered from her place at the bed made of stone.
They had the same routine for the last couple days. He would ask how she was and she would say ‘fine’. She wasn’t lying, she was fine, just fine. She hadn’t remembered anything yet. She had hoped that by now, at least, a small memory would’ve returned.
“Still no memories, huh?” He kept working with the vials.
“No” she saw him stop moving for a second but he kept doing what he was doing.
“Have patience. It’s a process” he turned to her, knocking a vial with his elbow.
“Careful!” She stretched her hands from her seat on the other side of the room.
Vendel didn’t took his eyes from Y/n, smiling proudly when he saw her shocked face.
The glass vile was floating four centimetres from the floor, a faint scarlet light surrounding it.
“Put it back on the table” Vendel asked.
With a small movement of her fingers she put the vial back on the table.
“I can’t believe it “ she looked at the palm of her hands.
“I told you to be patient” he got closer to her.
Y/n looked around the room. Everything seemed different. She recognised the stones around her, she could name most of the stuff inside the vials, she could even read the book in trollish that was next to her with ease.
“Thank you” she smiled and hugged Vendel.
The troll went stiff when she touched him, making her back up.
“Sorry” she chuckled.
“It’s okay, Y/n” he patted her shoulder making a small streak of electricity run through it.
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A/n: i really like this one for some reason ☺️ in the next post I’ll be uploading the playlist!!!
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missfraise · 1 year
This is a fanfic with fanarts about Eddie and Flowey's reunion. This is in Eddie's "POV", I'll right Flowey's in the next few days.
Eddie and Frank are married for less than a year and combined their last name.
Frank uses he/they pronouns
Hope you enjoy ^^
He was running under the rain.
He was running because he was late.
He was running because he forgot, again.
He was running to a school.
He was running to a little girl, holding an umbrella in one hand and a flower in the other.
He was running to a little girl, wearing the forest green school uniform and her schoolbag on her back.
A little girl with orange skin, red cheeks, a round face, a red bobbed hairstyle with a clover-shaped lock on top, a small pyramid-shaped nose, and big black eyes that cross his.
When she turns to him, she gives him a gentle smile.
“You forgot about me again?” she asked with a chuckle.
“It’s okay” she cuts him off, holding the flower to him “I already forgave you.”
He looks down at the purple to blue shades flower before taking it with a smile.
“You made one again, huh?”
“Because I know when it is your turn to pick me up, you would be late because you forgot. And when you do, you always feel bad when you realize it. So I make a ‘Forgiven-you-are’ flower so you stop feeling bad.”
“You also do it because you know I like this flower.”
“That too.”
The teenage man and the little girl giggle. He puts the flower in his chest pocket before reaching out the girl’s hand.
“Come on sis’, let’s go home before we catch a cold.”
It’s cold in the bed.
Frank grumpily open his eyes to see why his source of heat wasn’t there.
Eddie is not in the bed.
That’s weird, the sun is not up yet. Why is he already out of the bed?
They get up to take their nightgown before putting it on to look for their husband. When he opens the bedroom door, he hears the faint cries of the redhead downstairs. Following the sound, he stops midway down the stairs at the sight of the taller man in his own nightshirt sitting on the couch, crying in his hands.
The redhead stops his cries at their voice, but doesn’t look up. Frank goes down the rest of the stairs and sits beside him.
“What’s wrong, dear?”
He sobbed before looking up at his spouse with big tears falling from his eyes.
“I have a sister, Frank.”
It took a few seconds for Frank to register what they had just heard. “...What?”
“I have a sister, and I forgot about her!” cries Eddie.” I forgot I had a sister! The sweetest sister in the world!”
“Hey hey hey! Slow down,” says Frank, taking Eddie's hand in his. “Where does that come from?”
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“I-I had a dream- a memory. I was late to pick her up from school and- she forgave me. She gave me a ‘Forgiven-you-are’ and-”
“I’m sorry, a what?”
“A ‘Forgiven-you- Oh right. Nobody else knows what it is. It’s like a giant, single, purple Forget-me-not’s flower with dark blue hues at the end of the petals. They were my favorite.” he ends with a sad smile.
“I never heard or read about such a flower...”
“They were her creations, so I’m not surprised...”
“… What else do you remember about her?”
“She looked like me, but smaller and veeeeeeeery thin. She looked like a flower herself, especially with her lock. It looked like a clover. She was very sweet and forgiving… And shy, too… Oh, Frank, what would she think of me if she knows I forgot about her?”
“Well… From what you just told me, she is a forgiving person. I mean, she made you a flower specifically for this when you forget her at school, so why wouldn’t she forgives you now?”
“There is a difference between forgetting someone for a few hours and forgetting for years!!”
“Now now, let’s calm down. Say, why don’t we go back to sleep so we can talk about it with a fresh mind in the morning, okay?”
Eddie looks at his partner before nodding.
A few days later…
There is a new house next to them, between their house and Barnaby's.
A green house, with a red roof, surrounded by bushes and fruit trees, with what seems to be a garden behind it.
The two lovers are on their porches looking at each other before looking back at the house.
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“We have new neighbors.” says Frank.
“Yep.” answered Eddie.
“… We have to present ourselves, don’t we?”
“Well, that’s the polite thing to do.”
The couple goes to the yellow door with blue flowers painted on it. Eddie gently knocks at the door and then waits.
“Maybe they’re already out?” says Frank.
“Possible. I’ll go to the post office.”
“Alright.” They give a kiss on his cheek “I’ll go catch some butterfly. See you later.”
“Hehe. Later, love.”
Eddies walks to the post office, while Frank goes back to their house. Once he arrives, he checks the mail he has to deliver. He doesn’t find any new name. The new neighbor didn’t get anything yet. He decides to go do his usual round. The moment he takes his first turn out, he stops at the sight.
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A few meters away from him was Wally, holding a rainbow flower basket, talking to a slim person a few inches taller than him. They were wearing red shoes, light sky blue pants, a white shirt with what seemed to be a rainbow apron tie to their body, red gloves matching the red scarf on their neck and a yellow hat with a ribbon matching their pant on their red bobbed hair. Their skin was an orange color, and when they turned their round head to talk to Wally, Eddy could see a big black eye and a small pyramid-shaped nose.
Tears fall from his eyes and he runs in their direction, letting his hat fall on the ground, not realizing he was screaming.
The person turns to Eddie before being tackled in a hug, resulting in the two falling to the ground, then rolling down to the bottom of the hill. When they stop, Eddie was on top of them, so he lift himself up to look at them. Their hat was gone, letting a clover-shaped lock be seen.
He was right.
It was her.
“Flowey! It’s you! It’s really you!!”
The young lady looks at the postman in shock for a few seconds before her eyes wide.
Eddie vigorously nods, and the girl, Flowey, open her mouth with a giant smile and stars in her eyes. She catches him in a hug. “EDDIE!!! Oh I am so happy to see you!! I missed you so much!”
Eddie returns the hug with a big grin, lifting his sister up to a sitting position.
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“What are you doing here?”
“Well, I guess I just moved here! I woke up this morning and my house just got there. What are YOU doing here? Is it where you’ve been hiding this whole time?”
“Eddie! Miss Flora! Are you alright down there?”
The two siblings look up at Wally, who was now with the rest of the neighborhood looking at them. Eddie looks back at his sister before lifting her up.
“Come on sis, let’s go meet the neighbors.”
The little woman looks at the group a little worried before nodding, and they both go to the top of the hill.
“Are you both okay?”
“We’re fine, thank you, Poppy.”
“Eddie, that lady… Is she?” asked Frank.
Eddie nods before putting a hand on Flowey’s small shoulder.
“Everyone, this is Flowey, my little sister.”
“SISTER ?!!” scream everyone but Frank and Wally.
“I did see the resemblance between the two.” says Wally, holding the basket and both hats to Flowey who takes it and gives her brother's hat back.
“Eddie, you never told us you had a sister.” says Sally.
“Why didn’t you told us you had a sister?” ask Julie.
“How can I say-”
“What? You forgot about her too or something?” jokes Barnaby.
Eddie stays quiet, crumpling his hat, trying to flee everyone's stares.
“… You did forget about her.” states Howdy.
Everyone stays quiet. Eddie starts to feel uncomfortable.
“You forgot about me again, huh?”
“Flowey I’m-”
He turns back to his sister, only to be stopped by the sigh of a bouquet of purple to blue shades flowers looking like a giant Forget-me-not.
Forgiven-you-are flowers.
“It’s okay,” says Flowey with a smile. “I’ve already forgiven you.”
The postman looks back and forth at the lady, then at the bouquet, before taking it and hugging his sister once again under the awws of the neighbors.
“Plus, you didn’t totally forget me, did you?”
Eddie backs away from Flowey, who points her hand to Frank.
“You must have told this gentleman about me for him to guess who I was the moment he saw me.”
“Please do not use masculine terms when talking about me in the future, miss. Although I am alright with he/they pronouns.”
“Oh! My apologies, hem...”
“Frank,” he answers handing his hand for her to shake. “Frank Frankly-Dear. I am your brother’s spouse.”
“My brother- Eddie you’re married?!” exclaim the red-hair girl with again stars in her eyes.
“Yeah, we got married last year.” answer the brother, scratching behind his neck.
“We did talk a lot about you since he started to remember about you a few days ago.” says Frank.
“I am Julie Joyful!” says the rainbow monster, pushing Frank to the side with a “Hey!” from the latter. “I’m Frank’s best friend!”
“Poppy Partridge. Come to see me if you’re hurt.”
“I am Howdy Pillard. I’m the shopkeeper. Prepare your best jokes for payment.”
“If you’re out of jokes, you can ask me! I am Barnaby B. Beagle. Welcome to the Big City!”
“I am Sally Starlet! Come see one of my shows one day!”
“I already presented myself, but I’ll do it again. I am Wally Darling. A pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you all! Huh, I am Flowey Flora. Come to see me if you need help with your garden.”
“Flora?” ask Eddie “You took our aunt's last name?”
“It’s... A long story. Let’s talk about it later.”
Seeing how uncomfortable his sister’s smile was, Eddie just nods.
“In all cases," says Wally “Welcome Home, Miss Flora!”
“Welcome Home !”
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lightningboltreader · 9 months
Char, you know I love you, which is why I'm coming to you with this slightly cursed yet topical ask: rank the Twilight movies from favourite to least favourite and justify your answers 💜
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Ok, let's rumble (affectionate) -
I am a fool for pining and the first book delivers. There's a delicious build-up of snarling, huffing and angst before the will they/won't they collides with lust, infatuation and then danger. I was FED. My paperback barely survived the rereads before I clung to the movie. Then I quickly replaced my hc's with each actor as they were announced and loved nearly everyone. The Cullens are a dream vampire family, their house and cars a shiny bonus. Plus baseball outfits. Iykyk. And yes, the soundtrack still fucking slaps. Supermassive 10/10. We'll always agree there.
Breaking Dawn
I wish I could break this in two. Wait, it's my review. I shall! The first: Breaking, the steamy slayyyy! The literal bed-breaking passionate destruction and oceanfront honeymoon bliss were a satisfying payoff for the build-up in Twilight. This is the fantastical, happily ever after shit my teenage brain craved. The pregnancy experience was about as much as I knew about pregnancy, so perfect level of detail. Bella has to become a vampire to save her family? So relatable. And Dawn: The dawning of a new era, where mother and child learn to love, where mother makes the noble sacrifice, where racing through the woods and hopping off tall trees is suburban bliss, where your friend and former love interest falls in fucking love with your kid. I stg, this was a true testament to my own new relationship. The man who stayed, who listened, who loved me and poured wine for me while I literally SCREAMED and SHOUTED at my teen rated book proved a level of devotion that neither Edward nor Jacob will ever be capable of. Still, I place the whole book at #2 because it conjured far more emotions than "UGH," unlike three and four.
But first, an interlude.
Midnight Sun
Edwards POV, my beloved. While Twilight + Breaking Dawn holds all my teenage dreams, this origin story companion is a fanfic indulgence I imagine Stefanie wrote simply to clear her comment box. "Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt as though mine were about to." It's satisfying because Edward made me swoon but not particularly insightful, unless you're in the market for a little Volvo coupe. The car and driver edition of the series, if you will.
New Moon
My boy drives away, sob! Edward peels out of snowy Forks in a cloud of angst, flinching jaw muscles and puppy-dog eyes in the best interest of his clumsy DANGER MAGNET. He's so dreamy! She's so dumb! I'm so sad! Sweet, furry Jacob lights up our world with his bronzed glow and motorcycle tricks, but the infatuation is short-lived (sweet, attractive boy who only wants your happiness? ew.) because hallucinations of a cute, fanged control freak are better. Until he's slapped around by the Volturi. Love the Volturi though - the name, the aesthetic, the evil popeness vibe - good stuff. If only there were more Volturi and less woe.
Danger, Danger! Victoria wants to kill Bella and destroy the Cullens. But worse than that, Bella has to decide between Jacob and Edward. Is she IN LOVE or does she just like-like supernatural dudes who want to make her their property? Who loves her more? Is it like, too embarrassing to get married at graduation? Do I like have any friends? Like, oh my god, what should I do????? Is there anyone on earth with harder decisions to make? CRINGE. She's insufferable and I lost centimeters on my molars in the repeated gnash. The worst.
The End!
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