#the entire room either just went quiet or said OOF
julesnichols · 5 months
Shoutout to the professor at this event tonight who absolutely BODIED this kid when giving him an award by saying "oh he's here tonight, he wasn't in my class earlier today"
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vivianquill · 9 months
Jimmy hadn't realized he was alive. Not at first. He'd been frozen to the spot, static buzzing in his ears and eyes shut against the incoming pain.
He flinched, when a too warm hand touched his shoulder.
"Hey, Jimmy." Tango's voice cutting through the static, a hand cupping his cheek, "You're quite the treasure, hm? You make letting those fools paw through my hoard worth it."
Jimmy hunched in on himself, his wings coming up in a protective mantle. He was too scared to make any noise, too frozen to open his eyes. He didn't want to see his troupe. Not like this.
"Hey now-- hey sh sh shhhhh. . ."
Jimmy felt a rush of cold air, before something scooped him up and tucked him close. It felt almost like a giant hand, but a little bit too cold and smooth. He didn't dare look, ignoring the vertigo of sudden movement.
It took him being dropped onto a pile of something soft and warm to shock him into opening his eyes with an 'oof--'
Jimmy wished he hadn't. He'd been deposited in a nest-- one much bigger than any avian would make, obviously big enough to house a dragon comfortably--
And Tango was staring at him.
Tango. As a dragon. Right.
He couldn't look more different that the form he'd taken as a human to trick them into his lair. His scales were silver, as far as Jimmy could tell, what with the horrible lighting and the shock and the way everything was sort of swimming--
So he was a good dragon then, not one that would torment Jimmy just to eat him later. Maybe. He had just-- Nope. Not the time to think about that.
The dragon circled Jimmy once, almost like a dog bedding down, before plopping next to him, one big eye staring at Jimmy.
"You're not going to keel over from stress, are you? I hate losing my treasures."
Jimmy pulled his wings tight around himself, "N-no. I'll-- I'm not going to die."
"Good." Tango huffed out a soft breath of mist, draping a big wing over Jimmy like throwing a blanket over a birdcage.
Jimmy let out a soft 'eep-'. Then he went quiet. He was probably in shock.
He was most definitely in shock. Jimmy's memories were fuzzy, at least for the next few-- somethings. The next stretch of time.
It came in waves, almost.
The memories were tinged with fear and static first; who wouldn't be terrified of a dragon? Tango brought him food and water, and bundled him up in warm furs and draped him in jewelry. Like Jimmy was a glorified statue. To be fair, it was how he'd been acting.
Then Jimmy either got over his fear or got used to it-- he couldn't remember which. Probably both-- and out came the anger. Tango had murdered his entire troupe on a whim! He had probably done it to more adventurers in the past. And now he was treating Jimmy like a pet-- a very spoiled pet, but still a pet--
There was a lot of yelling, and a lot of static, and there was an attempt at escaping-- It would have never worked, but Jimmy had to try. Multiple attempts at escaping. Anger turned into a desperate need to be free, a yearning for the sun and the open sky after so long without it.
Tango was patient through it all, in a way that pissed Jimmy off even more. It was like-- like anything Jimmy did was so entertaining. Like Jimmy was a disgruntled kitten.
The anger lasted a long time, swinging down into despair and back again. Nothing he did could make Tango angry at him. Nothing he did could get anything other than a condescending grin and an amused laugh and a wing draped over his head in the nest at the end of the day. Tango even started bringing him along when he went to work on his lair; he put Jimmy on a magic leash, one that let Tango keep him close. Tango said it was 'to keep him safe'
There was only one time where Tango did anything to hurt Jimmy. And it wasn't even anything bad, the static said. It hadn't really hurt him.
Tango had clipped his wings.
Jimmy had attempted to throw himself to the floor from the very top of the swooping ceilings of the treasure room. It was the highest place he could get to, trapped underground as he was.
Tango had caught him before he could to anything to truly hurt himself, carefully slicing his flight feathers short and crippling the avian for who knew how long.
It was humiliating.
The static had taken most of the next stretch of time from him-- but it didn't take everything. Jimmy knew that he'd finally found a way to piss Tango off. Somehow. Whenever he reached to grasp at those memories, they always seemed a little bit out of reach.
Tango just wanted to be his friend. Why had he been fighting so hard against him? Jimmy should be happy to have a friend as great as Tango! Who else could say that they were best friends with a dragon?
Jimmy's feathers grew back in as gold as the treasure Tango loved to drape on him. It was comforting, for the dragon to help him preen them.
He couldn't quite remember when he'd made the pact, but he had. How else could he have ended up with more magic than he knew what to do with, and the ability to hear Tango calling for him anywhere in the lair or the Citadel above?
Jimmy was given free rein of the place, after the pact. Tango seemed overjoyed to have someone to show all his clever traps and passages and hidden doors and puzzles and treasure to. There was always some new trick to learn, or some new spell Tango wanted him to try, or some new magic artifact for Jimmy look at or wear or use.
Jimmy didn't quite know when he'd picked up singing, either. It wasn't singing like most humanoids sang. It was birdsong. And it was something Tango could hear no matter how far away from him Jimmy wandered.
The dungeon continued to bring in adventurers. Wanna-be heroes, after gold or magic or who knew what. Time was a fickle thing, down in Tango's lair, and Jimmy had no way of telling how long it'd been since he arrived. Whenever he asked, Tango would give him an answer that wasn't really an answer. Surely he'd been here for less than a year.
Tango started letting Jimmy help. The adventurers made for good magic practice. And not all of them were the punch first, ask questions later kind of adventurers.
Jimmy couldn't help but warn them about the danger. That this was a dragon's lair.
Tango found it amusing, how some of them tried to backtrack, after they found out what they were up against.
He didn't let them, of course.
Jimmy found it at least a little bit interesting, how Tango's lair was set up to reward those who played his games and solved his puzzles and were clever in ways Tango hadn't thought of yet. His troupe had had so much trouble because they'd ignored all of it, in favor of slogging through the dungeons and killing the monsters.
The fastest he'd ever seen a troupe get down to Tango's lair proper was less than a week.
That was the first troupe where Jimmy had a significant hand in guiding them past the worst of the danger. He'd grown fond of them. They had treated Jimmy like one of their own.
Tango let them each choose one piece of treasure.
They'd earned it, Tango whispered through the bond. He did give treasures away to those who had earned the reward. And besides, they'd treated Jimmy so well. Even before knowing this place was a dragon's lair.
It was up to them to get out with the treasures, however.
Tango didn't let Jimmy help them on the way out.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Bakugou’s daughter brings home a Boyfriend
Bakugou x wife!reader
Ft. Bakugou’s daughter
Warnings: fluff, lowkey Crack, sexual mentions, small angst, cursing, Bakugou being such a dad
A/N: This is one of my favorite types of Bakugou. Domestic father Bakugou!! So bc of that fact, this piece was born. Hope you enjoy!
Bakugou as a boyfriend? Bliss. Bakugou as a fiancé? Heaven. Bakugou as a husband? Euphoric
Bakugou as a dad?.......he sure is something
Don’t get me wrong, Bakugou would be the ultimate dad
Baby crying in the middle of the night? Sleep love, daddy’s got it. Baby needs a bottle? He can warm it up with his hands. Baby’s feeling bored? Look at these mini fireworks in his hands!! Katsuki’s got it all
But that’s a baby Bakugou
Bakugou with a teenager
Katsuki’s teen will be either one of two things
His best friend
Or his mortal enemy (whom he still loves endlessly)
His 16 year old daughter, Katsumi, was both
And yes they loved each other very much, but they also got into battles on who could cook dinner better, who Y/N loved more, hell, when y’all came back from a restaurant THEY FOUGHT OVER WHO MADE IT TO THE FRONT DOOR FIRST
But this battle? Y/N might just let them Kill each other...just this once
*SMACK* (thx Y/N)
“Daddy, this is Izuru! Izuru this is my lovely mother and that’s my shitty dad that I love so dearly!”
Katsumi definitely inherited her guts from the Bakugou’s
“Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Bakugou!”
Ah man, here we go
Silence. Pure, awkward, scary, silence. And of course Y/N’s nervous twitching HOPING that her dear husband doesn’t murder the green haired boy. As the young couple stand infront of the doorway smiling, the older couple is staring at them, one in nervousness, and the other in shock. (I’m talking Denki going 4 million volts shocked)
“Well.....Welcome Izuru! I knew you’d be coming over soon but I didn’t expect it tonight. It’s lovely to meet you,” Y/N ever so kindly said once she let out a sigh.
Her husband almost got whiplash from how fast he turned to look at her. “Knew?!? You knew about this kid?? And didn’t bother to tell me?!??”
“Well if I told you, you woulda stopped this meeting from happening ya jerk!” Y/N visciously explained.
“YA DAMN RIGHT CUZ-“ silenced with another smack from his wife. Y/N sure learned a lot from Mitsuki. “Please come in you two, I’ll start dinner.”
As the young couple sat in the living room speaking, the older one was in the kitchen preparing food. Well one of them was, the other was too busy burning a whole into the poor boy’s body with just his eyes.
Tumblr media
“Ow.” Continues to stare
“Suki stop that, you’re gonna scare the poor boy.” Y/N said.
“Contaminating? Love, we don’t even know if they’ve had sex. I doubt he’s “contaminating” anything any time soon.” You said with attitude.
Bakugou just stared at you know with the same look.
“Hmph!” And turned to look back at the kids.
“HEY!” Bakugou screamed.
“Heyyyyy~” Katsumi replied.
“No not “Heyyyy~,” Katsuki began and replied with a girly impersonation of his daughter as he walk towards the couple. “I mean, HEY, as in have you had sex with this kid?” He sternly asked.
“KATSUKI OH MY GOD,” Y/N screamed as she dropped something in shock.
“.......Yeah, so what?” His daughter replied.
Y/N wasn’t even mad. She already knew. She could tell. Mother’s instinct I guess.
Katsuki was fuming.
“NOPE! NO! THIS RELATIONSHIP WONT GO ON! YOU’RE TOO YOUNG TO BE HAVING SEX!” The older blonde screamed while looking at the now blushing green haired teen and his rebellious daughter. And Y/N was just giving him this...look.
‘What a fucking hypocrite’ you thought to yourself.
“How old were you when you fucked mom?”
Pure and utter silence.
Katsuki started stepping back from the couple while facing them and nodding his head. “.....use condoms,” and walked back to his deceased wife.
As dinner is placed on the table and everyone takes their seats, Katsuki can’t help but stare at this boy. Why does he seem so familiar?
Everyone just ate and talked. Grades, school, when did y’all meet, how long has it been? The usual. But Katsuki remained silent while thinking. And then..it clicked!
Katsuki slammed his hands on the table and stood up from his seat looking at the boy across from him. “What’s your last name?!”
Izuru was nervous because he was well aware of who Katsumi’s father was and how her father’s relationship with his own father was kinda iffy.
“M-Midoriya sir.” He nervously stated.
Katsuki saw red.
“DEKU?!??????!!!!!” He screamed
“Oh come on Katsuki! Like that wasn’t obvious!” You said rolling your eyes.
“There is NO WAY IN HELL I’m gonna let the Bakugou line be contaminated with Deku’s genes! Our family line only brings in the best of the best!” Katsuki proudly and loudly stated.
“So what am I?” Y/N asked.
“The best of the best! You were and are the perfect one for me Y/N! You know this, I know this, everyone knows this. And look at what we created-“ he was interrupted by his wife.
“A mini you?”
“A MINI ME! And who wouldn’t want that?!”
“Dad.” Katsumi said.
Now that caught Katsuki off guard. For the past 16 years, Katsumi has always been a daddy’s girl. She never called him “dad,” ew. She said “Daddy,” or “Shitty dad.” As Katsuki turned to his daughter he could see the look in her eyes.
“.......you really wanna be with this kid?” He asked.
“I really do.” Katsumi said while grabbing onto Izuru’s hand.
“...Ok then. You can be with him.” Katsuki calmly said.
Katsumi excitingly got up and ran towards her dad’s seat giving him a hug.
“Thanks daddy,” she said while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Dinner continued on as normal as it could. Katsuki was just gonna have to learn how to let go.
As the married couple got ready to sleep, Katsuki was hanging outside their balcony.
“What was up with you Blasty? I haven’t seen that kinda Katsuki since UA.” You jokingly said as you went to stand beside him.
“You’re not scared?” Katsuki asked.
“Katsumi. She’s growing up. She has a boyfriend now. That girl is having sex! She’s not daddy’s little girl anymore.” He sadly said.
“That’s what this is about? Katsumi growing up? Suki, this was always gonna happen. She’s in her prime teenage years. She’s 16! A lots gonna start happening.” You began.
“I know that but-“
“But nothing Katsuki. You can be scared of her growing up, I am too, but we can’t be so scared that we try and stop her. You just have to know that Katsumi will always come back to us no matter how old she is. And she will always, always be a daddy’s girl. Her entire world revolves around you Katsuki, but we gotta let her go at some point. We have to let her grow. That’s how the best of the best are made after all, right? It’s what we look for in a Bakugou.” You finished.
Katsuki couldnt do anything but smile. You were right. He knew you were. And he was willing to let his little cub grow.
“......You’ve gotta stop interrupting me when I talk.” He laughed.
“And you’ve gotta stop saying the dumbest shit in the world.” You teased back.
He pulled you in for a quick peck and just held you there in his arms. He was so glad he had you to keep him grounded. You’re the best of the best after all. It only makes sense.
“Daddy?” Katsumi walked into her parents room, unnoticed.
As the two broke the hug to see their daughter, looking a little timid, Katsuki spoke.
“Katsumi, hey princess. What’s up with you.” Katsuki asked as he walked towards his daughter.
“You’re not...disappointed in me, right? You know, for who I chose to be with. I’m sorry if I chose Izuru but I-“ this time, it was Katsuki who interrupted.
“Hey hey, no of course not baby bear. I would never be disappointed in who your true feelings pulled you to. I don’t want you to apologize for anything when today I caused most of the trouble.” Katsuki said while wiping one of his daughter’s stray tears.
“You know I’m never gonna leave you guys. Right? I’m gonna grow up but I’ll always want to have a close relationship with you and mom. I love you guys, and I’m not going anywhere.” Katsumi said.
“We know Katsumi. And we love you too. And we’re far from disappointed in you. We are so proud of the young woman you’ve become today.” Y/N joined in.
Katsumi ran to her mother and gave her the tightest hug, and Katsuki couldn’t help but stare at his two girls. His world. His entire reason for living. All right there in his arms as he pulled them in for a bigger hug.
“Thanks you guys. Well, I’m gonna head to bed. I’ve got a date with Izuru tomorrow and I don’t wanna be late.” Katsumi began walking towards her parents door until Katsuki called her.
“Hey baby bear,”
“Izuru. He seems alright. He’ll be good for you.” Katsuki admitted.
“Yeah. He really is. He’s the best of the best after all. Reminds me of someone I know.” Katsumi said while leaving the room.
Yeah. Katsuki will be just fine.
A/N: Sheesh. This kinda sucked but I did this in my literature class sooo....it’s still credible work since I was writing, right? Yeah..?....No?...yeah ok. Anyways, HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT BEAR CUBS🧸💗
P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!! And I PROMISE I’ll get better and produce more work. Feel free to leave requests!
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witchyweasley · 4 years
Release the Tension - Fred Weasley
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: The final year at Hogwarts is always a rough one, so you try to find ways to release tension in whatever way you can.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, oral (male receiving), public-ish?
The final year at Hogwarts is usually the most stressful. Professors expect you to be perfect, and every little mistake you make is amplified 10 times more than it should be because “You’re about to be out in the real world,” and “Hogwarts can’t protect you forever.” All of the little things really add up, and sometimes you just need a way to release the tension.
Thankfully, Fred Weasley has felt the same way. After one particularly rough game of quidditch and a victory party in the Gryffindor common room, I found myself waking up in his bed. The bed curtains were drawn, so hopefully none of his roommates saw me in there. They obviously knew someone was there, but they didn’t need to know who.
I quickly threw on my clothes and quickly headed over to my own dorm room, stepping over various passed out gryffindors who just didn’t have the energy to walk upstairs last night. I went down to the showers and got myself ready for the long day of classes ahead of me.
When I got to the great hall for breakfast, I found the Weasley twins sitting in our usual spot, both looking a little worse for wear.
“Oof, what got into you two?” I asked, sitting across from them.
“Firewhiskey. And a bit too much of it,” George answered as his fingers massaged his temples. “I’m going to go take a puking pastille, just to speed up the inevitable. Either of you want one?”
“No, I’m good thanks,” I answered and Fred shook his head no.
“Suit yourselves, I’ll see you in potions, if I make it that far,” George groaned as he headed back to his dorm.
“So, was I dreaming, or did we fuck last night?” Fred asked as he rubbed his forehead.
“As much as I would like to say ‘In your dreams’, we definitely fucked,” I said, loading my plate up with toast.
“I’m sorry, we probably shouldn’t have done that,” Fred said, grabbing a piece of toast that I buttered up for him.
“I don’t remember complaining about it?” I said nonchalantly.
“Oh? Have a bit of a crush do we?” He smirked.
“Not quite Weasley. It’s our last year of school, I’m not really looking for a serious relationship,” I said.
“So that was a one time thing? Damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have drank last night, then I could at least remember it,” Fred groaned.
“Well, it doesn’t have to be a one time thing…” I suggested.
“Oh? And what do you propose?” Fred asked.
“Fuck buddies? Friends with benefits?” I suggest.
“No strings attached?” Fred clarified.
“Correct, just fucking no feelings. We’ve both got a lot of tension with school, quidditch, and worrying about the future, and I think last night we released some of that,” I said.
“Alright, I’m down,” Fred shrugged. I nodded and continued eating my toast, mentally preparing myself for my classes today.
“These are some of the most practical skills you will ever learn in your time at Hogwarts. These are also some of the hardest skills you will learn. Pay close attention to me, this will be on the test next week and I will not be repeating myself,” McGonagall said as she showed us a difficult spell.
My brain was already so clouded from the test in Potions where greaseball wouldn’t let us use our notes to brew a potion he only taught us a couple days prior. I couldn’t focus at all. I found myself staring across the room at Fred, watching his hands as he took careful notes of McGonagall's demonstration. He caught me staring at him and raised his eyebrows at me before mouthing “pay attention” at me. I just winked at him and watched his face flush at my actions.
After class I quickly caught up with Fred and dragged him away from his friends.
“Want to release some tension?” I asked, overly stressed from the last test. He smirked and pulled me into one of the many hidden corridors of Hogwarts, one I had never even seen before.
“How do you always know where these are?” I asked.
“Oh is that what you want to do, you want to talk?” Fred asked, towering over me as he backed me up against the wall, “Or do you want to fuck?”
I grabbed his tie and pulled his lips against mine in a rough kiss. My hands slid up into his hair, as he gripped my waist and pulled me close. A soft growl escaping his lips as I tugged at his ginger hair. His fingers began unbuttoning my top, stopping halfway through. No point in fully undressing in case someone were to miraculously come by and ruin the moment.
His lips travelled down to my jawline, making their way to my neck where he lightly sucked at the sweet spot. After making a small mark, he worked his way to my collar bones, and then down to my breasts. He pulled down the lacey cup of my bra and took one nipple into his mouth while he pinched the other, causing small, breathy moans from me.
As he moved to give my other nipple some attention, his other hand slipped down under my skirt, rubbing circles over my panties.
“Fuck Freddie,” I moaned, causing him to remove his mouth from my nipple and press a hard kiss to my lips.
“Quiet love, we don’t want anyone to catch us. Can you be quiet for me?” He asked quietly. I nodded in response, but admittedly I didn’t trust myself very much. I don’t think he trusted me either, but he returned back to giving my nipple attention. I bit my lip, but lost control as he slipped a finger into my panties.
“Do that again and I’m gonna have to make you be quiet,” He said, smirking at me. He knew what he was doing.
Biting down on my lip only got me so quiet, but not quite enough as he slid a second finger into my pussy. He quickly removed his fingers and put them in his mouth, sucking them clean.
“Fine, looks like I’ll have to make you be quiet. Get on your knees for me,” Fred smirked. I sank down to my knees, watching as Fred quickly unbuckled his belt, and quickly released his erection from his pants.
He watched me intently as I took his length into my hand, pumping it a few times before licking it from base to tip. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as I took his length into my mouth, using my hand to pump what I couldn’t comfortably fit in my mouth. I continued bobbing my head, slowly taking more and more of him into my mouth. I then took his entire length in my mouth, causing a moan to escape from him.
I started to move back to make a snarky comment, but Fred pressed a hand to the back of my head.
“Don’t even think about it,” He said, knowing what I was going to say. He was now thrusting his hips, controlling the pace that I was originally in charge of. His head was thrown back and his breathing was ragged.
“Fuck, you’re so good at this,” he breathed out. His thrusts slowed down and soon he released into my mouth. I looked up at him while I swallowed the salty white liquid.
“What is it Mrs. Norris? Are children in the forbidden corridor?” I heard Filch say. Sure enough, Mrs. Norris rounded the corner and started meowing loudly. Fred quickly shoved his dick back into his pants, helped me up, and grabbed my hand as we started running down the corridor. Barely avoiding Filch, and just barely out running Mrs. Norris.
Once we were safe from them, Fred pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard.
“We can continue this after quidditch practice.”
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
My Life is One Complication After Another 3
Cursing Ahead 🤬
Ao3 *** First *** Previous *** Next
Ever since Mari's classmates stopped talking with her, they also stopped asking her for favors. Along with a blocked and rotating schedule for patrols meant that she actually had a sleep schedule. Sure she didn't get nearly enough but that was what coffee is for.
That was how she found herself down in the bakery with her papa. Roy had called her and the four of them talked and it was comfortable. Mari was the one who opened and was watching the front. She was still talking with Roy, but now it was on a headset, as he was out patrolling In Starling City.
"So as I was saying before we were oh so rudely interrupted." came Roy's voice in her ear. "So Ice cream and movies?"
A soft laughter escaped her and a smile on her lips.
"Sounds gre..." the bell at the door chimed. "Hey guys come in," she greeted the Waynes.
"Let me guess the bats?" Roy supplied as Dick bounced towards the counter.
"Good morning Marinette!" Dick practically sang loud enough for even Roy to hear.
"God how the hell is he so chipper so early." she heard Roy grumble.
"God damn morning people," she grumbled. That elicited laughter from both Roy and Jason.
"Amen to that!" Tim seconded in a monotone lifting a coffee cup. "Maman I'm going to take the Waynes up." she called poking her head into the kitchen. Her Maman nodded so she picked up her phone and walked towards them.
"I'll Let you go," Roy was about to hang up.
"Wait how about we give the Bats a heart attack." she smirked changing to the ancient language of miracles.
"I like the way you think, I'll catch you later." he responded in the same tongue.
"See ya then." she smiled, switching back the language. Ending the call and removing the ear piece. “Are you guys coming or do I have to drag you guys?" she turned back already at the door. Granted most of them showed confused faces and side eyes, but she smiled. They followed her without saying a word.
Once they were in the apartment she excused herself to change into more appropriate gear. She activated Kaalki’s miraculous, who then silently portaled out.
That being said she changed into a pair of black skinny cargo pants with red combat boots. A black long sleeve shirt under a cropped red sleeveless hoodie. Her hair was half down with red and pink streaks and a mini white gold backpack with three patches in the same white gold finished her outfit. She grabbed four parcels and went down.
"So we can either do the boring ground tour or," she held up the bundles. "we can turn up the speed."
"I like the way you think Pixie Pop." Jason stood and she handed him his.
"Roy sent me you guy's sizes, so I altered and customized a few things." she smiled. "bathroom is over there and the guest room is next to it." Dick looked torn between excited and horrified when handed his stack.
Tim seemed awake, but she knew better, "go change and I'll have a fresh pot of coffee ready." He nodded robotically as he got up.
She set the last bunch next to Damian, who was looking like an angry kitten. She sat down next to him and leaned in.
"What are you.." he started but Mari whispered in his ear.
"The jacket has a hidden sling for a katana, which will be practically invisible when on." His eyes widened slightly and there was a bit of slack in his jaw now. Before turning into an amused smirk. "Use my room up the stairs and through the hatch." she finished as he headed up the stairs.
"I'm impressed he let you close without struggling," Bruce broke his silence, as she finished prepping the coffee maker.
"Well he would have if," she began as Damian practically crashed down the stairs and all but tackled Bruce before rushing out the door. The closest she had ever seen her baby brother smile, which effectively made her smile.
"Holy crap! What are you?!" Dick made himself known.
"More importantly what the fuck did you do with Demon spawn!" Jason shouted from next to Tim, who was being propped up by both Jason and Dick.
"Tt. I am right here Todd." The scowl reappearing on his features. "It is adequate Dupain-Cheng."
"I'll take it as a compliment on one condition."
"And that is?" he rose a brow.
"You call me Marinette not Dupain-Cheng. I'm your sister aren't I?"
He seemed to war with himself for a moment before stating. "That is acceptable, Marinette."
At this point all the bats in the room were playing a game of ping-pong between Marinette and Damian. They were trying to figure out what magic spell Marinette must have used, when in reality she just seemed to fall into Damian’s good graces automatically. OK so maybe Marinette being the holder of the ladybug miraculous as well as being the great guardian of the order has that affect on most people, a sense of respect and trust that seems to permeate her aura.
She was handing Tim a huge mug as the front door swung open to reveal her Maman.
"Hello Bruce," Sabine greeted.
"It is good to see you Sabine," was his response.
“Maman," Mari pulled her mother's attention from her biological father. "These are Bruce's boys and my brothers. Tim, Jason, Dick, and Damian." she motioned to each one respectively.
"It's nice to meet all of you." Sabine smiled, "why don't all of you get something from the bakery before you go."
After finishing their small breakfast in the park Mari pulled out a map and a marker.
"So what do you guys want to see?" They listed off places that she marked down. She added a few to the list to fill it out, marked the route and took a picture and sent it to Roy. "Okay so this will work." she glanced at her phone. A quick look on social media showed no one has found Andre yet. She pulled out a case of comms and added, "Also keep your eyes out for Andre."
"Who is that?" Dick asked taking the earpiece.
"Andre's Ice cream cart, the best ice cream in Paris." Marinette answered.
"Then why must we look for him?" Damian added.
"Well he changes locations daily and turns it into a game of tag of sorts."
"Alright, lead the way Pixie." with a smirk she dashed off her brothers close on her heels.
Yes this is the best way to get to see the city, but this was also a test to see how the bats did without their toys.
Getting to Notre Dame was uneventful. Dick kept up a steady conversation with her, just a step behind with Damian, Jason brought up the rear but would constantly toss in quips and questions. Damian and Tim were mostly quiet, unless they were trying to get one of their brothers to stop a particularly embarrassing story.
Getting to the Louve was even more entertaining. Now that Dick had a feel for the Parisian roofs he would do flips and vaults to make her laugh. In the Louve is another story.
They had accidentally ran into some of her classmates, quite literally. She and her brothers were taking goofy 'walk like an Egyptian' group photos on the second floor of the Egyptian exhibit, the mini Ladybug camera was reattaching to her phone charm when Tim began asking her questions about it.
"Well my best friend loves anime, and we kinda sorta binged the entire Dragon Ball series and when we saw the ladybug camera. He said it would be impossible to create and maintain the quality of the image. So I kinda sorta made it out of spite." she mumbled the end.
"Hell if you weren't my sister I would beg Bruce to adopt you," Tim stated. "Do you have the files I would love to look through them. Maybe send them to Babs or Cy!"
"Sure I think I have it on a flash drive." That was when a tall body, walking backwards slammed into her, pushing her into Jason. "oof."
"You okay." Dick was in full mama hen mode fretting over her.
"I wasn't watching where I was going." the figure spoke as he turned around. "I'm sor." the words died on his tongue, Kim.
Max, Alix, Nino, Alya, and oh kwami no Lila, who were now all snickering.
"I'm fine Dick," she smiled to reassure him. However her classmates were shocked.
Lila of course was the one who broke the silence, by beginning to cry. "I'm so sorry about her. I know she hates me but to be so rude to a complete stranger!" her sobs breaking the sentence while her lackeys went to console her, glaring daggers at Marinette.
"Seriously girl," Alya began to scold her. "Your little out burst not only made Lila cry. Your insulting someone who is just trying to be nice."
She and her brothers were now standing awkwardly being scolded by a teenager. After three minutes of trying to figure out what they were being scolded for and why the guys hadn't apparently left.
"What the fuck did she do that your yelling at her for?" Jason finally broke Alya's rant. Now it was the five Parisians and the Italian to stand there confused.
"She called him a dick," Alya sighed exasperated.
"Yes." Dick answered confusing them further.
"Dick."Tim now called.
"Dick!!" Damian, Marinette, Tim, and Jason all called, and immediately began laughing.
"What? Oh, oh," a sheepish smile now on his face. “Names Richard but I go by Dick,” he explained to those who weren’t laughing, smiling at them.
"Tt. this is why I call you Grayson." Damian rolled his eyes. "Besides this one still has not apologized." he jabbed a finger to Kim.
"It's not worth it Damian,” Marinette shook her head. "We should head back to the bakery anyways. Maman has probably finished scolding Bruce." she smirked.
"Damn I wish I was a fly on the wall for that conversation" Jason lamented.
"Well..." she held up the ladybug charm and flipped it over showing an empty space.
"Two!" Tim shouted.
"Anyone who beats me back gets a copy," she smiled.
"Your on." Jason nodded as he vaulted over the safety wall from the second floor. Damian and Dick sprinted in opposite directions.
"Sorry Mars your gonna loose." Tim shouted as the last to leave.
"We'll see," she shot back. "Bye," She turned to her classmates as she grabbed the railing above and flipped up and over to the third floor, running to one of the secret zip lines the miraculous team set up.
"What the fuck" was faintly heard behind her, all but Lila and Max shouted by the sounds of it, as she jumped from the window.
She made up quite a bit of distance and seemed to be on Damian's heel. She had passed Tim and Dick was a few steps behind. Jason was just out of arm reach. So with a burst of speed both she and Damian were shoulder to shoulder with Jason.
The three of them simultaneously practically crashed into the side door of the bakery.
"I won."
"In your dreams Todd."
"I beat both you and Pixie"
"Check your eyes, or do you need the camera installed in your helmet." Jason's gaze hardened at Damian's words.
"How about we call it a three way tie and you both get a copy." Mari interrupted. "We should head up." Laughing Marinette opened the door and went up.
Lunch was rambunctious, but she was coming to expect that with her brothers.
“Too bad we couldn’t find that ice cream guy Mari,” Tim spoke up once everyone had finished eating.
“Oh let’s see if anyone has posted where he’s at today!” She went to check her phone but a message ended up distracting her.
Andres in your favorite spot I’ll meet you there at 7 your time.
"Cool he’ s in my favorite spot in all of Paris which just happens to be the last spot on our list today," she announced, sending off a text, setting her phone down, screen up.
Can't wait Katniss
"Why don’t you all go and Mari can get to know Bruce," Sabine offered.
OK granted it’s a good idea, maybe I should get to know my biological father but am I ready to? Do I want to? Am I yes, yes I want to get to know my biological father, yes I want my family to grow, my brothers are such protective goofballs and I love them already.
"Sounds good," she smiled.
That was when her phone lit up from a message. She went to pick it up, but she was to slow.
Jason was the one who snacked her phone. "Message from Katniss says see ya then Peeta. So who's Katniss Pixie."
"Well..." she started but she began to blush furiously.
"That would be her boyfriend," her Maman decided to add before heading back down to the bakery with Papa.
Dick pounced asking a million and one questions, Bruce physically froze but she could tell his mind was racing because that look was much the same as hers. Jason was pensive, while Tim and Damian just seemed bored or tired.
So that was how she found herself talking about Roy, blushing furiously. While simultaneously avoiding his name and details that would tip any of them off. After about a half hour of her answering questions did Dick start telling her about his fiancée. How they were planning on setting a date for the wedding.
After that the next few hows was spent sharing stories and tidbits of themselves.
However, thanks to Dick a design was swimming in her mind. so she did the only logical thing and ran up to her room. Grabbed three drives, her tablet and pen and ran back down. She tossed the red drive to Tim, and Jason and Damian each a black drive. Plopped down and began stretching out an Italian suit with a nock lapel. A rough coloration of a midnight blue offset by a sapphire. Accents of golden thread, emerald buttons and an Osiria rose in the lapel. She signed the design 'Mira Luck' and handed Dick the tablet.
"So I couldn't help myself," she begun to fidget. "But in my defense you told a designer about a wedding and my brain wouldn't stop screaming at me until this was on something. So what do you think? I know its rough but."
"Holy Shit your Mira Luck as in M, Jagged Stones personal designer. You are M as in the designer for the Lucky Spot!!" Tim screamed lunging to take the tablet from Dick.
"That's me," a blindingly bright smile lit up her features.
"So what do you think?" she asked again.
"It's amazing we were actually hoping to talk to you about Kori’s dress." Dick smiled. "I could call her it's not too late there."
"Perhaps it would be best to discuss it in person when Marinette next goes, that way she can get to know Gotham." Bruce interjected.
"That actually might be sooner than you think," she responded.
"I was actually accepted to be an exchange student for the next semester at Gotham Academy."
"Wait you’re willing we going to Gotham to study! You ’re going to Gotham willingly. Bruce I think your daughter might be a little crazy." Jason surprisingly brought up.
"I might be but but it’s no crazier than Paris and it’s a Akumas. Besides I would love to design your fiancée’s dress and we should head over to Andre’s ice cream before the sunsets that way we can watch the lighting of the Eiffel tower." She got up and called out. "Hey Jason mind passing me my backpack."
"Yeah sure," he went around he couch to grab it and toss it to her but before he did he finally seemed to notice the patches. "Wait are these The Outlaws."
"Yeah Red Hood, Arsenal, Star Fire, and Bizarro." she was smiling.
"Why choose The Outlaws?" Tim brought up.
"Honestly it was because Roy mentioned something about Arsenal and Red Hood and I ended up liking of the logos, so I made them into the backpack," she shrugged. "Besides unless you’re looking at it close enough you can’t tell which is always fun to see if people pay attention to it, let’s go."
At that the six of them walked out of the apartment, away from the bakery towards the Palais de Chaillot.
"So what's so special about Andre's Ice cream?" B asked.
"Personally I think he is a meta. But what he does is he can either see your true reflection or that of the person best suited to you."
"So he sees souls?" Tim added.
"Not quite, more like he sees the main qualities of you or your go." she tapped her chin.
"But he is meta,” Tim tried to figure.
"That's the only explanation I can come up with but I have no idea." Marinette shrugged.
"So how does he do it." Tim was now fully invested in this.
"Well you either ask for love or self and he usually does three to four ice cream flavors and gives a short reason."
They were now at the top of the stairs at the Palais de Chaillot looking out at the Eiffel Tower. They stood there as the last of the light faded from the sky. The city was dark for a moment as the Eiffel Tower lit up and slowly the lamps lit up.
"So that's why this is your favorite spot Minnie." A voice behind her chuckled. She turned around and nearly tackled him.
"Hey speedy." she pecked his cheek.
Not a second later did Jason scream, "Roy!"
"Ready for that movie?” Roy asked her an arm around her shoulders.
"Of course," she smiled. "See you guys around."
"What the fuck are you doing in Paris Roy!?" Jason screamed.
"Um... Date night," he answered. The Waynes were now practically surrounding the couple.
"What?" Apparently it was Dick's turn to yell.
"Seriously. I thought you said the bats and birds were detectives." she spoke just loud enough for them to hear. "It's kinda hard to believe with the big bat having a heart attack over there." Sure enough Bruce was seriously hyperventilating.
"Oh mind giving this to LB?" He handed her a small nondescript red box.
"Sure," Marinette took the box, "Au Revoir."
From there they left and oh kwamii did she wish she could replay that again, oh wait I can.
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Warnings: just swearing, I think :)
A/N: oof I’m bad at posting on time but here’s part eight! thank you all for your feedback on the last part and feel free to let me know what you think about this part too <3
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October 1994
You groaned as you collapsed in the middle seat of the back of Bobby’s car, so tired that you practically fell asleep the second you got off your feet. It was your second weekend in a row of playing all day shows, and every part of your body was screaming at you in exhaustion.
“Remind me why we’re happy about this gig again?” Alex grumbled from the passenger seat, stretching out his no-doubt sore fingers. 
Next to you, Reggie had slumped in his seat. “I can’t feel my legs.”
Even Luke, who was usually still full of adrenaline after a performance, looked a little deflated as he secured his guitar into the trunk and piled into the car. As soon as he sat down in his usual seat on your left, he dropped his entire weight on you, making you fall into Reggie.
“You okay there, Lu?” You asked as you sat as up-right as you could with him still leaning on your shoulder. He muttered sleepily in response and you laughed. “Guys, I think Luke’s dead.”
“I don’t blame him. I’m pretty sure that’s the hardest we’ve ever played.” Bobby sighed as he pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive in the direction of Reggie’s house to drop him off. You relaxed into your seat, watching the lights fly by the window. You all sat in comfortable silence until Bobby pulled up to a red light and turned around to look at all of you. “Votes for just crashing at the garage?”
You agreed immediately since the studio was a lot closer than any of your houses, and having Bobby drive when he was tired probably wasn’t the smartest idea.
“I could definitely go for not going home.” Alex said and you smiled at him sympathetically. Reggie agreed and turned to ask Luke, but all he got was the sound of quiet snoring in response. You all laughed as Bobby turned around and started driving to his house.
The quiet rumble of the car on the road and the warmth of Luke’s skin against yours was making you more and more tired by the second. You leaned over and rested your head on top of his and closed your eyes.
The drive to the garage was shorter than you thought, but by the time you got there, you were practically ready to pass out.
It took all your energy to gently coax Luke out of your shoulder and hop out of the car to help Bobby unload the equipment out of the trunk and back into the loft. While you were up there, you grabbed a pile of sleeping bags and blankets to give to the boys who were now arguing over what to watch.
They settled on The Empire Strikes Back, per Reggie’s request. You watched it absentmindedly from your spot on the couch, wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets. The more time went by, the more your tiredness faded away, leaving you restless and frustrated. When the movie reached the halfway point, you had officially given up on sleeping.
You didn’t realize that you were sighing until Luke, who was laying on the floor under your head, opened his eyes. “You okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” You muttered.
“It’s okay, I can’t sleep either.” Luke said. “Not when Alex snores like a bear.”
You laughed, looking over to Alex who was sleeping deeply across the room, his snore blocking out the sound of the movie. “Yeah, thank god he’s the only one that does that.”
“Are you trying to say that I snore?” Luke gasped, squinting when you laughed and nodded your head at him. After a minute of silence, Luke looked up at you. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, of course.” You said.
“Why didn’t you want to go home?” He asked. “Everything okay with your mom?”
“Yeah, she’s just been working a lot lately and it feels weird being home alone.” You said. “What about your mom?”
Luke was quiet for a minute, so quiet that you almost thought that he fell asleep until he let out a deep sigh. He had told you that things were getting rockier between him and his parents everyday but you could tell by the grimace on his face that something more was going on. “She threatened to make me quit the band.”
“Wait, what?” You said a little too loudly.
“I got an F on a test and she flipped out.” Luke explained. “But if I pass the next one, hopefully she’ll stay off me for a while.”
“I’m surprised that she even let you stay here tonight.” You said.
“Yeah, about that.” Luke cringed. “I didn’t exactly ask her.”
You sighed and shook your head. “You know she’s gonna kill you when you go home tomorrow, right?”
He rolled his eyes but then quickly switched to his puppy-dog look. “Come with me?”
“What? No, I’m not gonna be your accomplice.”
“Please?” Luke begged. “She loves you, and there’s no way she’d kill me if you were there.”
You sighed, cursing yourself for not being able to resist his stupid face. “Fine, but you owe me.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Luke beamed.
You reached your arm from the couch and pushed his face lightly. “Go to sleep, weirdo.”
Being dead was boring.
You had poured over your songbook a dozen times, walked laps around the studio, and absentmindedly threw darts against the wall.
Normally, you would drag Alex out into the city or make Reggie sing country songs with you, but everyone was off getting ready for the gig tonight.
So with nothing better to do, you decided to visit Julie at school. You closed your eyes and poofed into the crowded hallway. You spotted Julie putting books into her locker and you phased right next to her.
“Hi.” You greeted and Julie jumped, letting out a quiet squeal.
“(Y/n)! Normal people don’t do that and ghosts definitely shouldn’t. “What are you doing here?” She asked, smiling awkwardly at people who were giving her weird looks as they passed down the hall.
“Well, I think we should decide what song we’re going with tonight.” You said and Julie tilted her head at you and squinted, knowing that you weren’t telling the whole truth. “Okay, and I was also really bored at the studio.”
“So I’m your entertainment?” She questioned as she dug her phone out of her pocket and raised it to her ear so it didn't look like she was talking to herself.
“Yep, you’re stuck with me.” You smiled sweetly.
“Who knew ghosts were so clingy?” She joked, struggling to hold back a smile when you pouted back at her. “Aren’t you supposed to be hanging out with that mysterious guy from the café last night? Teddy?”
“I figured I’d be too busy getting ready for the gig so I just swung by and told him to come to the show.” You explained, making Julie raise her eyebrows. “What?”
“Nothing.” She clicked her tongue. "I’m sure Luke is gonna love that.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, well, Luke doesn’t get to have an opinion.”
“I don’t get to have an opinion on what?” A voice asked from behind you and you whirled around to find Luke leaning against the lockers with a smile. You had been so distracted talking to Julie that you didn’t even hear him phase in behind you.
“The fact that we’re doing ‘Edge of Great’ tonight.” You said quickly, desperately hoping that he bought your lie. Thankfully, he seemed to believe you.
“Sweet. That’s what I was thinking anyway.” He turned to Julie. “Hey, why not ditch school today? Let’s go rehearse!”
“What? No, I can’t. I promised my dad that school comes first. Plus, I have the dance with Nick today.” She reasoned and you smirked, thinking back at the way that he was staring at her at the dance.
“Ooh, Nick.” You teased and Julie glared at you. After a brief second, her eyes widened. You turned to see Nick walking towards her and you quickly grabbed Luke’s wrist and dragged him to the side so they could talk. "Speak of the devil."
“Hey, Julie!” Nick smiled warmly. “Ready for our performance?”
“Yeah, we’re gonna do great.” Julie shoved her phone into her bag, clearly trying not to look over at you and Luke who were watching with rapt attention.
“I’m glad you’re confident. I think that after three classes, I just got worse. But good thing I have my secret weapon.” Nick nervously shoved his hands in his pockets and you couldn’t help but smile at Nick’s way of awkwardly flirting.
Next to you, Luke whooped. “Oh, I think someone’s got a little crush on our Julie.”
You cringed a little as you looked over at him, expecting to see jealousy on his face. But if anything, he looked the exact opposite. Amused and eager to tease Julie about it, the same way he did back when Reggie tried to hit on girls after a gig. He caught you looking at him and softly smiled, a dramatic shift from the teasing smirk he had on a second ago.
“Shut up,” Julie said to Luke, cringing when Nick frowned at her. “I mean, shut up.”
“No, seriously, Molina. I’m nothing without you.” He said. You walked behind Nick, peering over his shoulder to make kissy faces at her which made Luke laugh.
"I'm sure you'll be great." She pushed his shoulder, making you jump back a little. “See you in there?"
“Yeah, I’ll be the guy trying not to make us look stupid.” You watched him walk away before turning to Julie.
"Julie, he totally likes you!" You laughed excitedly.
"Boundaries." She reminded you, but there was a smile on her face. You and Luke both raised your hands in surrender and she waved over her shoulder as she walked away. "I'll see you guys after school, okay?"
Once she was gone, Luke shook his head dramatically. "They grow up so fast."
You snorted. "C'mon, dork. Let's go rehearse."
After getting back to the studio, you immediately snapped into pre-gig mode.
You collapsed on the floor near the couch, sticking your legs up against the armrest next to Reggie as you all listened to Luke go over the song, he ran his pencil along the paper. "So we add the echoes and then the girls come in with the melody.”
You nodded. “Julie gets home in like an hour and then we can start rehearsing.”
Suddenly, there was a loud thud on the garage door and you spun around just in time to see Willie’s head disappear. You frowned and looked over at Alex for an explanation but he just shook his head.
“Again? What’s that about?” Reggie asked but Alex had already poofed out to chase the other boy. You frowned as you stared at the space where he was just sitting, thinking about how happy he was about Willie not even two days ago.
Just as quickly as he left, Alex came phasing back in with a hurt look on his face. You immediately sat up to question him but he just strolled over to his drums and suggested starting practice.
You all agreed reluctantly and got into place. Luke counted down and started to play, stopping almost immediately as Alex started going off course, slamming on his drums a little harder than necessary.
“Al, you okay?” You asked gently as he set down his drumsticks.
“Yeah, why?”
“I know it’s tough, man. They say you never forget your first ghost.” Reggie tried to reassure him. “But I’m sure there will be others.”
“Yeah, and you’re a great drummer and an even greater guy.” You added. “Don’t let all this get in the way of your music.”
“I don’t know. Sometimes a little fire can make things better on stage.” Reggie said, pointing between you and Luke. “Like you guys.”
You were thankful that Luke was behind you and couldn’t see the look on your face. You glared at Reggie but he just smirked back at you, and you made a mental note to kick his ass later.
“What’s your point, Reg?” Playing dumb probably wasn’t your best move, but you could you really didn’t want to make things awkward with Luke again.
“I’m just saying when you play your little on-stage game,” Reggie said. “You guys ooze chemistry.”
“You should never say ‘ooze’ again, but yeah, I agree.” Alex piped up from behind his drums, giving you a shit-eating grin. Great, now you had two asses to kick.
You looked back at Luke to find him already staring at you as he rubbed the back of his neck. You shared a bashful smile before looking everywhere but each other.
“Yeah, but I have chemistry with everyone I sing with.” Luke reasoned, sounding a little panicked. “Watch.”
He walked over to Reggie and sang directly in his face, making you and Alex struggle not to laugh.
“I see chemistry.” Alex joked.
“That was pretty hot.” Reggie admitted as Luke kissed his fingers and pressed them against Reggie’s lips, making him sputter awkwardly. “Girls, am I right?”
Luke laughed as he walked back over to his spot and tugged his guitar strap over his shoulder. “Yeah.”
“No.” Alex said with a smile, making you burst out laughing.
Hours later, you stood on your tip-toes, peering out at the crowd that had grown enough to fill the entire driveway.
As they all waited for the show to start, you reached down and felt the outline of your parent’s photo shoved in your pocket. You patted it for good luck, the way you always did before a performance.
Julie stood in front of the garage doors as they were pulled open. There was a wave of applause and Julie settled behind her mic, greeting everyone before starting her solo. Her voice rang out clear over the soft piano, and everyone watched intently, waiting for the rest of you to appear. On top of the balcony, the fake projector clicked on and you took your cue, smiling at the crowd as your voice joined Julie’s.
Just like every time you made your entrance, everyone gasped in surprise and cheered.
You did your best to pose as you sang and danced around, trying to get everyone hyped up. A few people held up their cameras and took pictures, one girl holding her phone so close to your face that you were a little worried that it would go through your head.
Out of the corner of your eye, there was a sudden bright light. For a second, you thought it was just another person taking a picture with their flash, but then you looked over to see Teddy leaning against the wall. He waved a little and you gave him a small smile before going back to the song.
Just as Luke’s verse started, he followed your eyes and saw Teddy, his usual charming smile faltering for a second before locking eyes with you.
Then it was time for your verse with Julie, so you turned away from Luke and strolled towards the piano, watching as Julie crawled on top of it. You followed her lead and sat on the edge, facing the audience and launching into the lyrics.
You could hear Teddy cheering loudly to your right, catching the attention of the whole band, but mostly Luke. As the music softened, Luke suddenly abandoned his spot behind his microphone and was now slowly walking towards you.
He started playing a solo that definitely wasn't planned and almost drowned out the sound of both your and Julie’s voices. When you turned around, you found that he was only a few feet away.
Luke put on his flirty, on-stage face as he slowly inched forward until he was right in front of you. But there was another layer under it. Something sharper and completely unfamiliar. You must’ve seen a hundred different expressions on Luke's face but he had never looked at you like that before.
You tried to look over Julie, who was looking at the two of you with a smirk, but Luke seemed determined to keep your attention. You were extremely grateful that you couldn't blush because you would've been bright red.
The bubble was broken as the chorus started up again and Luke smirked at you one last time before walking back to his microphone. The crowd roared and you took a breath, mentally cursing him and his stupid face for distracting you.
The soft piano came back in and the boys phased away as you and Julie finished the song. You bowed and disappeared, poofing back into the garage.
It was just after dark when the last of the crowd went home.
Julie stayed around for a while but she eventually went inside too, leaving the four of you alone in the cold night air.
You sat on the concrete of the driveway, your songbook propped up on your knee as you watched the boys play basketball. You cheered them on and absentmindedly scribbled doodles on the corners of pages of your old songs.
There was a sharp pop in the air and you looked up to see Teddy standing at the end of the driveway, his hands in his pockets as he walked closer.
You had been so caught up in Luke during the performance and then celebrating with the band afterward that by the time you went to look for Teddy, he had disappeared. You quickly got up and brushed off your legs before running to meet him.
“Hey! There you are, you kinda disappeared.” You said and Teddy cleared his throat.
“Yeah, sorry. Uh, can we walk somewhere? We really need to talk.” Teddy said and you cringed when you realized that it suddenly went completely quiet behind you.
You looked back at your friends who were all watching you with different expressions. Reggie looked almost nervous as he fidgeted with the basketball in his hands. Next to him, Alex stared Teddy down with his trademark intense glare and Luke just stood there with his arms crossed as he stared into the street behind you.
“Yeah, okay.” You said quickly, hoping to avoid any more awkwardness. You went to lead Teddy away when suddenly the boys stumbled back, groaning painfully as they were hit with another shock. “Shit!"
Without fully meaning to, you ran to Luke first, quickly inspecting him and watching him carefully as he winced in pain. You glanced over to Reggie and Alex to make sure they were okay before turning back to Luke.
“It’s getting worse.” Luke told you as he rubbed his chest.
“Why is this happening to us?” Reggie asked.
Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the air. "It’s because you guys are in serious trouble.”
You whipped around to see Willie nervously wringing his hands as he stepped into the light.
Alex took a step closer to him, looking dazed like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Willie?”
“Like I said,” Teddy said suddenly, making everyone look at him. “We need to talk.”
Even though you weren’t supposed to be able to get cold anymore, a chill overtook your whole body as you walked down the street.
You could hear everyone talking in front of you but your brain had shut off after Willie explained the basics the first time. Not only was he secretly working for an evil club owner, but Teddy, who you thought was your friend, was teaming up with him in order to steal your soul and make you and your best friends play in a house band for all eternity.
Your brain was so full that you felt like any more information would make you short-circuit.
“So, all these shocks are because of the stamps that Caleb put on us?” Luke asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“He’s threatened by you,” Willie explained as he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and whipped around. “You’re the only ghosts that lifers can see without his help.”
Alex, who had been just as quiet as you this whole time suddenly spoke up. “And you let him do this to us?”
“I can’t stop him.” Willie tried to defend himself. “He owns my soul!”
“He owns half of Hollywood’s souls.” Teddy butted in. “It’s kind of his thing.”
Willie took a deep, unsteady breath. “If he even knew we were here talking to you…”
He didn’t finish, but from the pained look on his face, you could tell that he couldn’t have been going anywhere good with that sentence.
Next to you, Reggie crossed his arms. “So if we don’t join his club, this power outage keeps going on until there’s no power left?”
Willie nodded and Reggie scoffed. “And what exactly happens when the power goes out?”
Teddy cleared his throat. “You disappear forever. No crossing over, you just...stop existing.”
“So we have no choice?” Luke snapped as he glared at Teddy. “We have to leave our friend, our band, behind to work for Caleb forever?”
“There is another option.” Teddy said. “If you could figure out your unfinished business, you could cross over in time and be free from all of it.”
“Okay, so what’s our unfinished business?” Luke asked.
“I don’t know.” Teddy gestured to all of you. “But since you all died at the same time, it’s probably something you have to do together.”
“Why should we listen to anything either of you has to say?” Alex said as he glared at both Teddy and Willie. He sounded so betrayed that it made your stomach turn.
“Because I care about you, Alex.” Willie pleaded. “I hate that it’s my fault that you and your friends are in this mess.”
It was quiet for a minute before he looked around anxiously. “I can’t be gone any longer. I’m sorry.”
With that, he disappeared.
“Don’t be too hard on Willie,” Teddy said once he was gone. “He wanted out of the plan the minute Caleb told us everything.”
“And what about you?” You asked, trying to contain your anger and Teddy sighed.
“(Y/n), I know that being your friend started out as a lie,” He pleaded. “But it’s not anymore.”
“You really expect me to believe that?” You scoffed.
“Look, I know you don’t know me, but I know you.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I know how much Cece cared about you, and I know that this isn’t what she would’ve wanted.”
As if everything wasn’t enough, being reminded of Cece made you feel even worse. Teddy was your last connection to her and now you couldn't even stand to be near him. “I think you should go.”
“(Y/n), please-” Teddy tried to take a step closer to you but Alex fixed him with a look so intense that he backed up almost immediately. With a sigh, he phased away, leaving the four of you out on the street alone.
“This is all my fault.” Alex said, his voice breaking a little. “I met Willie, and he introduced us to Caleb.”
“Alex, no.” You shook your head. “This isn’t anyone’s fault.”
“We have to tell Julie.” Reggie said, washing a new wave of sadness over all of you.
“We can’t.” You said. “She’s lost too much already.”
“If we don’t want Caleb to own our souls, we need to figure out our unfinished business.” Luke started walking further down the street.
“And how are we supposed to do that?” Alex asked as you all followed him. “There was so much that we wanted to do.”
Luke suddenly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, his eyes trailing up to the buildings. “The night we died, there was one thing we wanted to do together.”
You followed his eyes to see the Orpheum’s sign casting a blue glow on the street. “Play the Orpheum?”
“Getting that gig was impossible,” Alex said. “We had to call in favors and impress who knows how many club owners. It took us years.”
Just as the last word got out, they were hit with another shock. You cringed in sympathy and rested your hand on Alex’s arm.
“We don’t have years.” Luke said through a groan as he clutched his chest.
Everyone went their separate ways once you made it back to the garage.
Reggie went up to the house, and Alex barely sat still for five minutes before he left to go on a walk, leaving just you and Luke.
You sat on the rungs of the loft's ladder, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to process everything that's happened. Getting so close to living out your dream only to die and become a ghost, finding out that people could still hear you play, Bobby betraying all of you, meeting Julie and Teddy. It all felt so unreal.
There is no way you’d believe any of it if someone told you all this would happen back when you were alive.
Suddenly, Luke appeared at the base of the ladder, frowning up at you. "Uh-oh. You’re perched up there again.”
“What?” You questioned.
“In your thinking spot.” Luke laughed. “Why do you think we all called you ‘Batman’ in seventh grade?”
"How could I not be thinking right now, Lu?" You said as you carefully slid down to the floor, and Luke backed up slightly to give you space. “I mean, we just found out that we have to play an impossible gig and cross over or you guys will-”
The words died in your throat. You couldn’t even bring yourself to talk about possibly losing any of them. Just thinking about it opened a black hole in your chest.
But there was something else on your mind too. Even though you told Alex that it wasn’t anyone’s fault, you couldn’t help but feel guilty about trusting Teddy. But for Cece’s sake, you wanted to believe that he was actually your friend.
You wanted to tell Luke everything you were thinking, or at least try to explain why you didn’t take his advice. But of course, Luke already knew what was going on inside your head.
“None of this is your fault, Squeaks.” He reassured. Your lips quirked up slightly at the nickname. You almost couldn’t remember the last time he called you that and hearing it again immediately made you feel warm. "Besides, your unique ability to blindly trust people is one of my favorite things about you."
You snorted and Luke fought a laugh before continuing. “Well, that and your snort.”
“If you’re gonna be mean to me, I’m going back up to my perch.” You jokingly turned towards the ladder but Luke was quick to grab your hand, turning your back around and pulling you closer to him.
You looked up at Luke as his fingers intertwined with yours. You had held hands with Luke countless times, and you hated the fact that it affected you as much as it always did. It was normally just a way of comforting each other. But after the way he acted during the gig, you couldn’t help but wonder if…
“Hey,” Luke said. “We’re gonna figure everything out.”
“How do you know?”
Luke gave you a smile as he pulled you even closer and wrapped his arms around you. “When have I ever been wrong?”
You laughed and Luke squeezed your hand playfully in response. Your head was still spinning with everything that happened tonight, but the guilt had lessened a little as you tucked your head into his shoulder. 
You don't know how long you stayed like that. It felt like hours and seconds all at the same time, but when you finally did pull away, you found yourself frozen in place. Your arms still locked each other, your face now just inches away from his.
“(Y/n), I…” Luke started, his voice uncertain as his eyes drifted down to your lips.
Holy shit.
You blinked up at him, actively trying not to freak out while you waited for whatever his next move was going to be. Were you hallucinating or was Luke about to kiss you?
Just as he went to speak again, there was a bright flash and Alex poofed in just a few feet away. As soon as he saw your and Luke’s position, his jaw dropped and he mumbled nonsense for a few seconds before clearing his throat.
“Hey.” He said, sending you an apologetic look as you and Luke separated so fast that it made you dizzy. “(Y/n), can I talk to you for a second?”
You slowly nodded and smiled awkwardly at Luke before grabbing Alex’s arm and dragging both of you out of the studio. All your thoughts from earlier disappeared and were replaced with one simple question:
What the hell just happened?
In Life, In Death Taglist:
@ifilwtmfc @instabull @wanniiieeee @tenaciousperfectionunknown @charliegillespiewife @merceret @itismeasmolpotato @lilostif16 @dangerouslyclose @iainttakingshitfromnobody @givemebooksorgivemedeath @sunsetcurvedotmp3 @askgeoff @mayleenicole5676 @puppy11148 @vampire7595 @wackyworrieruniverse @reallysparklychaos @lovelydaydreams15 
JATP Taglist:
@caitsymichelle13 @sunsetcurvej​
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astriefer · 3 years
Let Me Kiss Your Bleedings Goodbye / Look Around And See How Much You Are Loved
Summary: Alastair just wants to listen to music in his room, but the world won't have it.
Word count: 5718
Warnings: alcohol, implied mental abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships, cursing, mentioned alcoholism, neglect, negative thoughts.
@littlx-songbxrd that one is for your birthday! You chose angst the other day so I just rolled with it-
Happy birthday!! You're an amazing, creative,talented and such a special friend! I'm glad I got to meet you ^-^
All Alastair asked for was to listen to music on his phone and mind his own business. But of course, the fates weren't happy unless Alastair has had a shitty day.
Cordelia knocked on his door politely. "Alastair?"
It was Saturday, so she had no reason to bother him. Lunch had already been served, and she was about to go out with her friends. So why come bother him now?
He made no move to unlock the door, and his annoying little sister repeated, "Alastair!" 
She started to slam her fists at the door like some sort of a madwoman, and Alastair groaned and tore himself from his bed. "What?" he hissed as his bedroom door flew wide open.
"Mâmân wants you downstairs," Cordelia answered, backing away slightly. If she heeded Alastairs's pissed mood, good. She interrupted in the middle of his favorite song. The call of reason would say it was because they were almost nose to nose, and she was repulsed of his closeness as any other sibling would, but he liked the first option better.
"And that you couldn't tell me through the door because?" he snarled, and Cordelia rolled her eyes. He glanced at her and noticed what she wore - one of her favorites clothes Lucie picked up for her a few months ago. He arched a perfect eyebrow at his sister."Is there some special occasion?"
Cordelia's cheeks flushed red, and she decisively didn't meet his eyes. "It's nothing. Just going out with some-- That's none of your business. You're so irking. Oof."
She exchanged to the annoyed-sibling-defense-system mid-sentence. It was Alastair's turn to roll his eyes so he didn't waste it. "Whatever. Go play dolls with Lucie." Closing the door behind him, he ambled down the staircase to the ground floor, ignoring his sister's protest. 
He entered the drawing-room, which he found deserted. All that laid there were a few magazines Cordelia left on the table and an empty cup of coffee. He didn't stall to wonder who besides him drank coffee in the house since his mother was pregnant - and it was unhealthy for the baby - and Cordelia didn't like it. He headed to the dining room, finding his mother seated on one of the dinner table's seats. In front of her, seemingly a pristine-white unopened letter.
"Dearling," Sona smiled at her son, the light not reaching her eyes. "How are you doing?"
"I'm fine," he answered. He perched on the chair next to hers and took one of the pastries Risa brought the previous day that laid in a basket. She would occasionally check on Sona and them. Their aunt had assisted them in any possible way was able to in the past few months. And even before that, she volunteered to do things Alastair wished she wouldn't. She once contacted James Herondale, Cordelia's boyfriend, to give him  the talk . It was hilarious as much as it was terrifying because while Risa picked fundamental English words, she had him by the arm to help her translate. And Holly Lord in the sky, he couldn't look James in the face for a month.
Sona just studied him for a few moments, before her features softened. "You always so self-reliant." she shook her head. "I'm sorry. You don't need your mother to nag you."
Alastair inclined toward her, squinting. "Mom, I never said that."
"You seem peeved at me," she adjusted her deep green roosari - it matched the wide yellow and green dress she wore - before resting her eyes on the letter. "I would think it has something to do with puberty if I didn't have a second teenager in the house."
"I'm not angry at you." Alastair scoffed.
"Alright," Sona said.
"Are Cordelia and I in a competition of who is the worst teenager? Well - at least I'm on the lead. Cordelia should level up her game."
"Dear, it's not it," Sona lifted both her hands, like in a plea, before she dropped them on the table again. Alastair noted her eyes wandered around the room - deviated from how she usually behaved - and suspected he was going to be apprised of some news.
Brows furrowed, he asked, "Is there something you want to tell me?"
"Well-" she rubbed at her eyes, and Alastair noticed - not for the first time - the dark circles around his mother's eyes. Does he keep you awake at night? He wished to ask in worse days, to see if it hurt her as much as it hurt him. Or is he haunting you with nightmares?
Alastair long knew the figure Elias is in Cordelia and Sona's dreams is of some immaculate hero. One with kind eyes, a guiding beacon, a loving man. In their dreams, he would outstretch a comforting hand and still be young and caring. He's the best version of himself, a father and a husband that loves them. He is also the man that dwelled in his most horrifying nightmares  - A drunk, nothing more. He was swigging vodka by the bar, with cold eyes and tousled white hair. This version of his father, he knew, would call him a brat, would complain about his mother pestering him to visit rehab. His father would hug his bottle and glance at him as if he was a nuisance to get rid of,  and he would close his eyes and wish to be elsewhere. But he's small again, and just wants his father to leave the bottle to hug him goodnight, tucked safely under the blankets. But his father wouldn't come.
Was it foolish his heart still stung whenever he came across this truth?
She cut the pleasantries and readied herself. "Your father's lawyer declared he wouldn't waive the trial," Sona conceded, her shoulders sagged. His mother laid a protective hand on her belly, where Alastair's sibling has been growing in her womb for the past few months. "A letter was dispatched."
It was all it had to take to ruin his day. He barely had the restraint to not leap on feet and scream at the cursed photo of his father, hung on one of the walls. Before it was all revealed, before it exploded in their face, and far before Cordelia became aware of their father's afflict, they used to do it often. To talk about what they would do next. How to protect Cordelia, how to help Elias, how to hide the appalling secret of their family their best. Now they did it for an entirely different reason.
Up to a few months ago, they were still a picture of a family in a broken frame. When the court exonerated Elias from any blame, they reunited and returned to posture like they always had been. Act, because that is all they could do. However, upon Elias's trial, Cordelia discovered the truth. Alastair was so exhausted from hiding it, he didn't perceive it until he let the lie collapse. He had blamed himself, he still did, but it changed nothing from the fact Cordelia knew about their father now.
She knew, and she was livid. At Alastair, at their mother and father, at the world. After all, she lived a lie. Who could have blamed her?
It was that day he confessed to her in a shaken voice the utter truth and let the wall between them succumb and burn to ashes. When he looked her in the eyes then, he saw the light in her eyes dimming, reality striking, the way he desires it never would. All those years he kept her safe from Elias were in vain. Although he received his sister back into his life, there was little Alastair could do but blame himself for shattering the delicate reality they threaded around her, the needless pain he caused her. She needed to comprehend, he told himself, what was behind the mask her father put in front of the world. 
But if he never wanted to tell her, did it still count?
And his mother. She looked stiff, if not a bit tired. She held herself straight and proud, yet it was useless. Because what could she do? What either of them could do?
"He accuses me of Parental Alienation," Sona went on, caressing her belly delicately. She peeked at the letter again, and Alastair did as well. Now he realized the sign on the letter, and the fact it seemed unopened but in fact was. "The court is checking out at his claims."
Alastair exhaled through the nose, rocking his leg in rage. "That's nonsense. He's irresponsible alcoholism that can't take care of himself. He was tipsy on the day of the trial! Any feeling we have toward him, it's his own making." Throughout the very beginning of sending the Divorce Complaint to court, Elias had refused to accept he was divorcing. Alastair was awfully aware his father wanted custody over them, and he fought with all his unmighty power to prevent it. When he imagined his younger siblings suffering a fraction of his father's attitude, his nerves set on fire. He was aware his mother fought teeth and nails to proceed in this divorce even without this additional claim.
And Alastair was even more aware they barely had had the money to pay for this. 
"What does he want?" Alastair growled. "He knows we don't have that money! He doesn't have the money to pay for this prosecution either!" His father, being put in jail, fired from his job, and wasting their money on wine, probably couldn't even provide Child Support.
"I thought it was going so well," Sona returned his stare, kind and calm. The giving sign she was upset was that rustling sound her roosari made when she fixed it restlessly.
"And Cordelia?" he made to quiet himself on the spot. He spoke in something similar to a whisper. "Bloody hell, she's upstairs. How can we tell her?"
"Language," she warned, then reached and rested her hand on his comfortingly. "She already knows."
He whipped his head in her direction. His mother didn't bat an eyelash. He managed only to let a strangled "What?" escape his mouth. He couldn't wound his mind around it. The father Cordelia looked up to betrayed her, over and over again.
His mother closed her eyes. Maybe she couldn't look at his desperate, fumed face any longer. "She was the one to fetch the letter from the post." Alastair held himself from swearing again and rose to his feet. It's good his mother didn't look at him - he wasn't sure he could look at her either. He was trembling with agitation, his vision red.
"He can't do that. He can't- get to win. Not after all the pain we've been through because of him. That's not fair. That's not fair." He was breathing hard.
"He wouldn't. Alastair, dear, look at me."
Her words were veracious, so was her voice. He couldn't manage himself to do as she said.
"I'm going for a walk." He declared strongly, hastily. "I need to chill out. Go and rest, Mother. You shouldn't work yourself out."
And with that, he took his leave. He ignored his mother calling him from behind. He brought no chattel but himself and whatever he bore that instant as he closed the door behind him and rushed down the street to disappear among the many passersby of London. Before even thinking about it, his phone was out, and he typed feverishly and pressed send without waiting to reread his text. He tucked his phone back into his trouser's pocket and took a deep breath.
His father wouldn't desist from haunting him, no matter how much he prayed it to come to an end. When his mother announced she wants a divorce, he - not lacking guilt - felt glad. Each day home was a misery. His mother was confined to bed, his father trailed the streets as if he didn't return from rehab just a month before. And this life was a cage he longed to escape, to set free from the crushing weight on his heart. 
His father-
He came to a halt in the middle of the street, letting his head fall all the way back with closed eyes. He wanted to punch a wall or lash out at someone. When he talked with Jem the other day, his cousin told him bottling things inside would only result in a breakdown. He recommended he contact a person he trusted when it all felt too much for Alastair to bear.
Perhaps he should...
No. he shook as head, trying to toss this idea into an imaginary dump bin. There's no need. A nice, solitary stroll is a splendid solution. Alastair needn't anyone to look at his back worriedly like some ailing lost kitten. He didn't need it. He can be fine if he simply composed himself.
He let his legs carry him mindlessly, losing himself in his thoughts. He walked, and walked, and walked. It was a great aid to clear his mind. Even in a crowded London street in the afternoon, he felt the tight cloud of thoughts loosening around his mind. Not for long, however. 
He walked near a club - a club he knew very well, but not because of his father. And in the entrance stood a freckled figure, with silken ginger hair and piercing green eyes.
The sight of his ex-boyfriend was enough to startle Alastair out of his thought. They locked eyes, and Alastair nearly lost his footing. Charles blurted something to whomever he was talking to and advanced toward the dark-haired boy. Alastair felt himself go stiff as if he prepared for a hit.  Swiftly, he considered turning around and flee, and just as he was about to put this thought into effect, he felt a hand seizing his forearm. While Collecting his confidence, he turned to give Charles a blank glare.  
"Alastair." greeted the older boy. "What are you doing here?"
"None of your business," Why did his voice sound hoarse? "Let go of me," Alastair demanded.
Charles's grip on his dark skin did not weaken. It felt warm even though there had been a layer of cloth between them. Alastair attempted to break free, however Charles pressed his hand harder, not enabling Alastair to move. "Come."
And so Alastair was led by his redhead ex-partner to an alley, hidden from any of Charles's companions. Alastair had the sudden urge to laugh - still so furtive. Still so abashed. Charles shoved him into the alley, blocking his way out with his body. "Alastair. I haven't seen you in a long time."
However mad he felt, his voice came out calm. Cold. Indifferent. Like he practiced in front of a mirror when he was small. "That was the point of breaking up with you," he retorted evenly.
Charles ignored his remark. "You haven't answered any of my texts, nor my calls. I ought to speak with you."
A lump rose in his throat. "I can't fathom anything to be said to matter."
He dug his nails in his palm, then understood he'd been doing it and forced himself to relax. Charles had no authority over him. He couldn't reach him now. Yet, it felt far away when Charles studied him like a very interesting political certificate. He hesitated before lifting his hand to touch Alastair's cheek tenderly. Alastair, in turn, backed away. Which was a difficult talk considering Charles still held his hand around his forearm.
"Unhand me," Alastair almost spat. He felt his own shield build up. "Do you want any of your colleagues to see you so close to a man?" The dark-eyed boy knew it would work. Charles always aspired to appear pivotal, even when it was clearly pretentious of his side. Charles's grip loosened him and Alastair hastily put distance between them. Charles gave him a look - one Alastair could only describe as wistful.
"Had I known what I did wrong to make you stop caring for me, I would have made sure to keep you closer to me," Charles said softly.
At first, it sounded almost sweet. Almost. Rather rapidly it turned disgusting as the words sank. Keep you closer, toughen the chains, tell lies to a love-famished soul.
He felt fire spreading in his stomach. Not the good sort of fire - but the kind that consumes everything it touches, that destroys and demolishes and injures.  "You didn't know?" Alastair's voice quivered as he spoke, barely tamed anger in every syllable. "Shucks, so what could tell? What could tell you did something wrong when I told you I was upset you were with Ariadne? And later on, when you went and pushed your tongue into Grace's mouth in front of my eyes to make everyone believe you're straight? Or perhaps that whenever I expressed any feeling that wasn't gratitude you grace me with your presence, you said I'm overreacting? "
Charles straightened. "I wasn't bad to you. I tried to give you everything I could."
"Damnit, Charles, not today," Alastair whirled in his place, his words hot and sharp. "That's not on you to decide if you were bad or good to me! You have no right to decide for me. You gave me what you thought would be enough so I won't talk, and I was a boy desperate to be loved." He exhaled slowly. "So no, Charles. You weren't good for me at all."  
"You wanted me to out myself for you when I wasn't ready?"
He was never going to be ready, Alastair thought. "If you think I was upset with you because you weren't out, you don't know me at all." A mirthless laugh slipped Alastair's lips. Did Charles even listen to him? 
"Don't say that." Charles objected. "I know you better than anyone else. You know that too." he huffed and loosened his tie. "No, that's not it. Do you not love me anymore?"
It was ridiculous. "No, Charles, I don't." The smell hit his nostrils, and the realization dawned on him. Charles's mouth stank from Alcohol, despite not smelling it on his clothes at all.
"You're drunk," Alastair condemned.  It was almost an accusation, spoke so offhandedly. But he truly didn't care enough for it to be an accusation.
"I drank only a drink or two." Charles dismissed, and he looked so ugly at that moment, Alastair wanted to flee from his presence. "If you didn't want me, don't blame me for why this relationship broke apart. I try to make things right."
It was comedic to watch Charles exculpate himself and put the blame on Alastair, had it been another day. Now, it only pissed Alastair furthermore.
"Stay away from me," his words sounded like acid in his ears. "I am not fond of drunks. Or ex-boyfriends. And you seem to be both."
Charles made a comical face, one in another day Alasair might laugh at. Distantly, he realized now why Cordelia and Sona were so reluctant to break him the news. When it came to this case, and to his father, Alastair was always on his toes. He is still too easily riled by the words and deeds of others sometimes. When he had to tell the court about his deeds revolving around his father - the late-night walks outside to pubs, the frequent help; the fear someone would find out - he poured all of his being to try and help his family. Defend them from Elias. But seemingly it had no use, and all Alastair was left with is his contempt with nowhere to pour it into. It slipped from the cracks of his armor like Lava.
He passed Charles, who no longer blocked the alley, and Charles perked up and said, "We haven't finished talking."
His phone buzzed repeatedly, signaling Kamala had received his previous message. "We are done," Alastair growled, loud. These green eyes widened, and he opened his mouth. To shush him, most probably. However, blood boiled in his ears and his words demanded to be heard. "Unassuming, quiet, dark," Alastair snapped. "A bloody puppet, that's what you want. And I refuse to be your puppet any longer. What is in my words unclear to you? Stay. Away. Should I spell it for you?"
Charles glanced at the sides nervously, looking for leery eyes even though there were none. Alastair couldn't believe it. Charles still tried to subdue him. It made him smirk ruthlessly at the older boy. "But you can't take no for an answer, do you? You think you deserve everything."
"You have no idea what you're talking about," The redhead scoffed, squinting at him. "If you're angry at something, don't take it on me."
"Oh, I will do whatever I want to do," His grin widened viciously." All I do is tell you exactly what I think of you. Does it hurt your white-man-superiority complex?" he mocked with a false sad nod. "Too bad."
His phone started to ring, and he could already tell it was Kamala, worried about what he told her. She was straightforward when she told him once to never hesitate to call her if her help is required. In some of his worst days, it was his best friend that contributed to preventing him from knocking his head in a wall. Moreover, Alastair told Kamala everything about the lawsuit and what they'd been through - the Carstairs saw her like family - and she was nothing but understanding. It took every gram of control in Alastair's body to clasp his phone and say, "I must go."
He didn't wait for an answer.
His phone went quiet in his hand. He pressed a few buttons and gripped the phone close to his ear.
After the fourth ring, someone picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Our place," Alastair's voice was strained. It felt like it came out from far, far away. "Now."
With adrenaline still driving through his system, he headed to his hideout. When life would be too much, he used to wander around town or find his escape in the calm of nature. And if this meant hunkering down next to a fence in Hyde Park, that's his business alone.
His phone raged up, and he felt stable enough to answer. The first thing Kamala said over the call was, "Love, I'm so sorry."
"Yes," Alastair mumbled darkly. "Me too."
Eventually, they hung up, and he sat on the ground, so his legs were against his chest and his arms surrounding them. For however long it'd been, he rested his head on the fence and let his overloaded mind take a break. When it didn't work and his head still throbbed, Alastair kicked at the ground in frustration, raising a cloud of dust. Then he sounded the low noise of feet against the sand, and a long figure climbed the fence he leaned on.
He stared at what Thomas was securing at his hands before he made a noise of annoyance. "Hell with this," he reached his hand, "Bring it over."
He grasped the can of beer, opening it with a loud pssh-pop! The can was cold in his hand, as if fresh from the store, and he took a sip. Then he lowered the can, revealing again the image of Thomas in a hoodie and pajama pants. He looked like he put random combination clothes and went outside, which probably wasn't far from the truth. Alastair didn't have the power to hum appreciatively.
"You sounded like you were crashed by a motorcycle, and then was chewed by the cats and dogs of the neighborhood," Thomas offered. "Thought you might need it."
"No shit," Alastair mumbled. "Thanks." He cradled it to his chest and looked away. Thomas looked a bit worried, but he said no words. As silence as a cat - no, Thomas was better described as a tiger - he went and sat next to Alastair. He opened his own beer can, gulping the drink in big sips.
Alastair had not opened his mouth, and Thomas didn't pressure him. For long moments that stretched even longer than they should, none of them uttered a word. They set together, side by side, surrounded by trees and leaves and the sun sinking from the west. With a big 'Ugh', Alastair dipped his head and slipped into Thomas's arms. 
"I don't want you embroiled in this," Alastair murmured, not moving as Thomas started tracing circles on his arm.
Thomas sighed softly, resting his chin on top of Alastair's head, not before he planted a kiss on the line of his hair. "Alright. But you know you can tell me whatever you want, yes?"
"I do," Alastair fell silent for a few seconds. His cheek was against Thomas's pulse point, where he found himself calming down with its steady beat. "I met Charles today."
"Charles?" at this sole word Thomas went rigid, ultimately relaxing as Alastair captured the hand on his arm and intertwined their fingers. "What has happened?"
"Nothing," Alastair answered and he knew without looking Thomas had his adorable face twisted in bewilderment. Therefore he added, reluctantly, "The usual."
Thomas moved to eye him suspiciously, but Alastair's head was still tucked under Thomas's chin. "I wouldn't think you call me if it was nothing."
"I call you for all sort of things. It doesn't have to be because my toxic ex is a dipshit."
"It feels like a low bar."
Alastair chuckled. "It really is."
Silence ensued and the presence of his boyfriend made everything brighter. Later at night, he would wonder how one man could make it so much better, yet now he just felt blessed to have Thomas by his side. A few minutes passed with Alastair closing his eyes and melting into Thomas's hug, while Thomas stroked his back comfortingly.
"Alastair. "
He dug his fingers at the cool ground, taking a deep breath in an attempt to regain his composure. "What?"
He pushed Alastair back gently, and the short boy complied so they were face to face. "Are you alright?"
His dark eyes refused to meet with Thomas's hazel ones. There had been a quiet, "I'm not sure."
Thomas picked at a loose string of his hoodie, and Alastair made a mental note to steal his boyfriend's hoodie and sew it. He sat next to Thomas and reached for the beer, gulping the content of the can. He turned to Thomas, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He furrowed his brows when his boyfriend looked at him oddly, but it soon disappeared from Thomas's face. 
Alastair fiddled with the hem of his shirt, and his eyes were yet low on the ground. He sounded rustling by his side and glanced at his boyfriend as he took off his hoodie. Alastair cocked his eyebrow, and Thomas huffed at him with flushed cheeks. He handed him the hoodie. "You - might be cold. It's rather late, and you wear nothing but a T-shirt."
He scanned Thomas's underneath jumper and deemed it not much warming. "And you?"
"I am big, I make a lot of heat. Cellular respiration and all that."
Alastair snorted, shaking his head. "You daft med student."
He found solace in the warm hug of his boyfriend. And wearing his hoodie was almost the same, although he missed the heat. Yet, it was soft and familiar and all Thomas. His smell was enticing to Alastair, and he put it on and sniffed it -indistinguishably - even if Thomas was just a few inches away. 
As the sun set, it tinted the forest around them orange.
"You're doing the thing," Alastair commented, causing Thomas to blink.
"The what?" the tall boy asked.
"The thing. That you do." he poked Thomas's side. "You get all pensive and thoughtful and furrows your brows in that adorable way of yours. You caress your rose compass tattoo."
Thomas gave him a slight smile. "Genie has been ecstatic ever since Kamala agreed to join our family trip. I'm afraid my father is going to ask you himself if I won't."
"It's a bad timing, though," Thomas cackled nervously. "Sorry, never mind."
"That's fine, I don't care," Alastair said. "What family trip?"
"We thought to visit mom's country last year, but this year we want to visit some rural parts of England. Uncle Will keeps telling us how visiting North Wells, where his family lived. Eugenia keeps threatening to steal my sweets." 
"She certainly would still all your snacks," Alastair speculated. He flapped mindlessly the sleeves of Thomas's hoodie to himself, which were too long for him. Thomas sent him a soft side smile.
"She will," agreed Thomas in false despair, resting his head on the fetch they leaned on. "She's like some sort of sweets monster. The only way to calm her down is to sacrifice our food." 
"I know," was Alastair's response. "She's my friend. My very own short chaotic, havoc-causing, maniac goblin friend." It startled a laugh out of Thomas, and he went to rest his hand on Alastair's knee.
"Dad keeps joking he will cancel the trip if not all of the honorary lightwoods join as well. But honestly, I'm not sure he's joking any longer."
"Honorary Lightwoods?"
"He adopted y'all the moment you steeped a foot into our house. You know that." Thomas's voice sounded almost longing. He added, with a good laugh, "I think he favors you over his own children."
Alastair didn't know why he had to be this way, but it caught him off guard. It made a weird pang in his heart to think Gideon Lightwood would consider him his son. Even more so, when he knew his own father would prefer to engage in a foreign bar than to eat with him. Alastair's throat felt thick all of a sudden, and it was hard to breathe. He made a shaky inhale, as soft and thin as paper. Thomas captured that, of course.
"Baby," Thomas whispered. He acted cautiously, like he was afraid to scare Alastair away. 
"No," Alastair chocked out. He hid his face in his elbow, struggling to take another breath. "Nope."
It was silent for at least a minute before Thomas piped out, "Alastair joon."
Abruptly, Alastair lifted his head and turned to his boyfriend, a spike of anger ignited."I should be stronger," Alastair burst out, heat in his words, like flames. "It shouldn't - why does it affect me like this? This isn't - nothing has happened, so why-" he cut himself off, watching Thomas's countenance. He was the epitome of calm, deep understanding eyes and soft around the corners. His lips were pressed, and he was utterly handsome. Ridiculous. 
Thomas swooped him into a hug, and Alastair didn't accept it. He fought to break loose and jumped on his feet. Raving fear and outrage and agony all mixed together on the tip of his tongue. He felt angry at himself for reacting this way, at Thomas for having such a perfect family, at the world because there was no one to blame for his situation. "A few months ago I still searched for my father in pubs to return him home safely. Now I look for my father from the other side of the courtroom and watch him try to take away my sibling. And my mother - she wouldn't admit it but I know she's stressed. She probably can't even sleep at night without my ass of a father to haunt her! And Charles wouldn't even realize he's in the wrong, because as always, it's just my fault it all broke apart. Mine. Mine alone."
"And Charles is still a jerk, and Mâmân is still unwell, and my goddam father is the worst father of the year," Alastair gritted his teeth. "And I feel so useless. Utterly useless.  because I can't do anything about it. The court will prefer my father's white ass to my brown skin. They would think he's a better fit to take care of the child, even it's crystal clear he isn't. He wasn't for us, he will never be. And this poor child - it deserves a real family. And my drunken father is nothing of what it deserves. So how can he try to get custody over it, Thomas? How can they let him? " 
"Alastair," his name sang on his boyfriend's tongue was like thick syrup. "You are not useless."
The shorter man flashed at him with a growl. "I couldn't help my father with his problem. I can't help my mom in court. I can't even be a good sibling to Cordelia, so how could I be a good one to the baby-?"
He was shuddering, he perceived, even though the night wasn't very cold. Was he sobbing? he couldn't tell. It was like he felt everything detached from afar. He felt bulky arms close around him, and he didn't protest this time. He tried to catch his breath, albeit it kept escaping him.
"None of this is your fault, Azizam. Life can be unfair to fair people. But you mustn't question yourself because of it." Thomas grazed a big, warm hand on Alastair's cheek, sweeping his tears. "And your love is so profound, it can build bridges. It's so selfless and raw and pure, can't you see it? It's all your heart, all of you, aching because you want those you love to be well. And they will be well, Alastair. They can move mountains because it's you on their side. They are lucky to have you." His voice lowered to a whisper.
"This is just too much," Alastair shook his head. "I just- want to be out of my racing mind. I want some quiet."
Thomas gave him a sad look. "I can't tell you it will pass soon. But you're not alone, Alastair. You have many people to hold you when you feel you're about to fall. All you have to do is look."
They set there in their hideout, and Thomas leaned in and left a gentle kiss on Alastair's lips. A promise.
Alastair tilted his head and closed his eyes. "What did I do to deserve you?"
"If anything, it's the opposite. You're spectacular," Thomas leaned in again, so their foreheads and noses touch. It startled a bubbled giggle out of Alastair, and Thomas smirked. He repeated it again and again and again. Until Alastair started to believe his words.
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Faking It Chapter 6
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Hey! I know its been a while so click on the master list if you want to catch up or even start. Im going to try to start updating more frequently in the next few months. Thanks to everyone for reading!!
TW: Language, drinking, sexual references, blood
Faking It Masterlist
Aelin woke with a start to the sound of her phone ringing.
"Shit." She swore, quickly realizing she must've fallen asleep after her conversation with Fenrys. She hung up on the call, silencing that obnoxious ringing as she sat up in bed. Aelin hadn’t bothered to check who it was, but she knew she'd figure it out if she went back downstairs.
It was probably Lysandra, calling to make sure Aelin wasnt already passed out drunk somewhere. It wouldn't be the first time. Groaning internally, she picked herself up off the bed. Despite her falling asleep, the duvet covers looked unruffled. Still, she fluffed the pillow briefly in an attempt to ease her own discomfort at sleeping in Dorian's room.
With one last look to confirm that the room appeared undisturbed, Aelin closed the door shut behind her. She made it halfway down the staircase when the exhaustion hit her. It was a familiar feeling, like when you were abruptly waken from sleep to attend a six am practice at school. Still, she clung extra hard onto the railing for a moment in order to gain her bearings once again.
As her eyes finally focused, she could make out the throng of high schoolers in the living room below her. Her eyes adjusted to the colourful lights as she scanned the area for a familiar face. She saw Lorcan first, and then Rowan beside him, the latter scowling. At first it didn't seem odd, Rowan was always scowling at something. She took another few steps down the stairs, and with closer examination, realized something was wrong. 
She tracked Rowan’s glare across the room, landing on her ex-boyfriend and the guy who’s bed she’d just fallen asleep in. “Shit shit shit!” Aelin said to no one in particular as she hurried down the stairs. She reached Rowan at nearly the exact second that Chaol and Dorian did. 
“Hey guys.” She said, slightly out of breath. Chaol gave her a once over and his brows furrowed at whatever he saw. 
“Pull your skirt down A.” His voice was full of unjustified disdain. “You look like you just got railed in a bathroom.” 
Aelin glanced down at herself. Her skirt was in fact, extremely ridden up, and half her ass was falling out. In her haste to prevent a fight she had forgotten to check her appearance. She knew she should pull it down, what Chaol said was completely logical. And yet, they were broken up, who the hell was he to tell her what to do. 
Aelin shot him her sweetest simpering smile. “Maybe I did.” 
He bit out a harsh laugh, and she felt Rowan’s body tighten beside her. “Who the hell - “ Chaol started to say, but was cut off by his mouth falling open. 
Aelin, tired of hearing her ex speak, had taken action into her own hands. From the left of Rowan, she placed her right hand on his far cheek and spun her body around smoothly, bringing her lips to his. 
For a moment, he didn't reciprocate the gesture and Aelin’s heart began to race. Just as she began to pull away, his arm came around her lower back, and he started to really kiss her. Her other hand tangled in his hair as they stood intertwined. 
The rest of the room seemed to fall away, the music becoming faint and the lights dim as she kissed him. Someone coughed from beside them, pulling Aelin out of her daze. Slowly, she extracted herself from Rowan and turned back around to Chaol. He was staring at them, looking as though he’d just been slapped. 
Aelin delighted in the feeling of power flowing through her veins. She tucked her hands behind her back, and realizing her skirt had ridden up even further, she pulled it down. There were lines that even Aelin wasn't willing to cross to prove a point. 
To Dorian’s credit, he looked incredibly amused with the entire situation, and was clearly trying to stifle a laugh. Chaol’s expression was pretty funny, Aelin noted. 
Unfortunately, it didn't last forever. Aelin recognized the exact second when he went from shocked to angry. Everything about him changed; his eyes, his posture, the way he held his hands. He was on the offensive now, and all Aelin could do was brace herself for the coming verbal assault. 
“You whore.” He spat. 
Un-original. Aelin thought to herself. He really needed new material. 
“I always knew you were fucking him on the side.” Chaol’s whole body was trembling with anger, and even Dorian had the good sense to look unnerved. 
Aelin didn't dare look at Rowan or Lorcan. “Chaol.” She said calmly, “lets go somewhere else to talk about this.” She was quickly growing un-easy. Aelin had wanted a reaction. Yes. But she wasn't expecting the look of pure hatred shining in Chaol’s eyes. The usually soft brown had darkened to a near black, making him look unhinged.  
He ignored her soft request completely. “How long Aelin?” He asked, his voice suddenly deadly soft. “How long did you wait after fucking me before you were back in his bed.” 
Suddenly Aelin felt a little ill. “It wasn't like that.” She hated how quiet her voice sounded. 
“Then what was it like huh?” 
“Please Chaol,” she half begged. “Can we just talk somewhere else?” 
“Why?” The expression on his face had turned evil. “You don't want the whole room to know that you're a fucking whore.”
He yelled the last word, but luckily it got lost in the music. 
“It’s pathetic really,” he turned back on her. “Your constant need for male validation.” 
He gave her outfit a once over, and Aelin found herself wishing she’d worn something more conservative. 
“You are worthless.” He spat the words again, shaking his head with faux-disappointment. “You’re parents probably killed themselves to get away from you.” 
Aelin barely had time to process the words before Rowan exploded. His fist connected with Chaol’s cheek, sending the latter flying backwards. He hit the ground hard, people and plastic cups scattering in his wake. Rowan was on him in an instant, pummelling his face into the tile floor. Blood leaked from Chaol’s face, seeping onto his shirt and the floor. 
Aelin didn't even hear Lorcan swear and run over to Rowan. She was too focused on trying not to scream. Lorcan threw his arms around Rowan, attempting to pull the thrashing high-schooler away. Rowan fought in Lorcan’s arms, before eventually slowing his efforts. 
Dorian, swearing under his breath, knelt beside Chaol. The room was spinning, and Aelin’s head fucking hurt. She stumbled through the room, trying to find the exit. There was a loud roaring in her ears, and spots danced in her vision. 
Fuck. What if she fainted at a high-school party? Aelin would never live that shit down. 
“Oof.” She grunted as she slammed into a wall. Aelin groped about blindly, searching for a door. She nearly collapsed with relief as she found one, and threw herself in, shutting the door. She barely had time to lock it before she was vomiting, most of it landing in the toilet. 
“Fucking hell!” A voice exclaimed loudly. Aelin allowed herself to finish retching before she turned to face her latest stroke of bad luck. Could she not be alone for five fucking seconds?
The male beside her was clearly just finishing up washing his hands, as he was still holding a hand towel. “Aelin?” He asked, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. 
“Cairn.” She grumbled in reply, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Aelin had never really liked Cairn. He hated Chaol with a passion, envied her ex-boyfriend for getting the captain spot in sophomore year, a spot that everyone thought was going to Cairn. 
Despite the poor timing, Aelin had been meaning to track Cairn down to talk. Far be it for her to give up this perfect opportunity, vomit and near panic attack aside. She slowly pulled herself into a standing position and nudged Cairn away from the sink so she could splash some water on her face. The cold helped centre her again, and Aelin let herself take a deep breath. 
Cairn was watching her with a look of apprehension, as if watching a slow motion car crash.
“I heard about your bet.” She said in a monotone voice. 
Cairn’s jaw tensed, but that was all the physical reaction he showed. 
“Im not going to try anything.” He said softly, surprising her a little. “I have a thing about vomit.” 
Suddenly Aelin was thankful for the small nearly invisible chunks of throw-up left on her shirt. 
“Am I supposed to thank you for not being a dick?” She asked him
“I didn't ask you to. You thanked me enough with that show out there. I just won 200$ off a bet I made a year ago.” 
“A bet on what?” She asked, unsure of if she really even wanted to know. 
Cairn smirked. “Who would throw the first punch?” 
Aelin couldn't help the way her whole body tensed. “You seem to be betting a lot lately.” 
“I had a thousand dollars on you and me getting together at this party A.” He shrugged as if the loss of that kind of money didn't matter to him. “You owe me.” 
She decided to ignore the last part of the comment. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” 
He arched an eyebrow. “You’re going to fuck me?” 
Against her own wishes she bit out a small laugh. The joke wasn't even funny, and slightly offensive, but the look of hope on his face did enough. 
“No. I’m just going to let you tell people I did.” 
He opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again. “And why would you do that?” 
She tried to hide how much she had riding on his response. “Your going to let Rowan on the football team. Or at least a try out.”
Cairn laughed, a real laugh. “Chaol will murder me.” 
She tapped her foot. “You get a thousand dollars and can tell everyone whatever you want about me.” She paused. “Just nothing too humiliating okay?” 
His answering grin was borderline wicked. “Deal.”
The shook hands briefly. Aelin didn't really mind Cairn telling people about the two of them, it would either be dismissed entirely as a rumour or forgotten soon there after. Besides, she had more important things to worry about. 
The door handle turned and she spun around. “I’ll leave you alone then.” Cairn said, nodding at her. He had stepped mostly out before he paused once again. 
“Sometimes Aelin I wonder if you and me are soulmates.” 
She nearly choked on air. “What.” 
He just smiled, a softer smile than she’d ever seen on him. “We’re just more alike than you think.” With that he left, closing the bathroom door behind him. 
What the hell was that supposed to mean? Cryptic fucking prick. 
Aelin took a few moments to finger brush her hair and straighten her clothes before exiting the bathroom. God high school parties were awful. She just needed to get to the front door without bumping into anyone of note, call an uber, and get the fuck home. Not too bad right? 
She managed to get about halfway before someone called her name. Aelin didn't bother to look around, just kept elbowing through the crowd as if her life depended on it. 
“Aelin!” The voice was louder this time, getting closer too. 
She had just made it to the threshold when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Choosing to ignore it, Aelin flung open the door and half collapsed onto a step, praying that whoever it was could take a hint. 
Unfortunately for her the weight shifted on the wooden porch and Chaol Westfall took the seat beside her. 
She got up to leave immediately, despite her exhaustion, but he reached out a hand. 
“Please.” He said. “Just hear me out. It’ll be quick.” 
Aelin did. But only because she was pretty sure she would collapse if she didn't rest for a little longer. 
“Aelin I'm really fucking sorry okay. I crossed a line.” 
She didn't bother to reply. Aelin couldn't count the amount of times they’d had this exact same conversation. He said something shitty, she walked away, he apologized a day later. 
For some fucked up reason she always forgave him. Aelin didn't have the energy to make tonight any different. She wanted to be on good terms with Chaol, even if that meant taking a slight hit to her dignity. If she had any left. 
“I mean I know you’re not sleeping with Rowan so everything is okay.” 
She whipped her head around to look at him. 
“Is that the only reason you’re apologizing?” 
He gave her a once-over. “I mean yeah.” He paused. “You weren't fucking him so there was no reason for me to get mad.” 
She shook her head, mad at herself for being surprised. “God Chaol. Each time I think you can't be an ever bigger dick, you prove me wrong.” 
She moved to stand leaning slightly on the railing. An Uber was parked along the curb, evident from the odd looking U on the windshield. She stumbled towards it and rapped on the window. 
“Are you Yrene?” The man in the driver’s seat asked. 
Aelin nodded, sliding into the back seat. She closed the door behind her and rested her head against the head rest, fighting off sleep. 
“I am.” 
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thekrazykeke · 4 years
See You Again [2]
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Fandom(s): Tokyo Ghoul
Relationship(s): Uta & reader.
Summary: in the sound of silence, we found sanctuary. in every word unspoken, love.
Warning(s): Angst, unspoken feelings. Pre-canon events but also very ambiguous timeline-wise. Disturbing mental imagery. Canon typical gore.
This little series was never meant to have a happy ending, so no screaming at me. I’ll accept your appreciation for my love of angst in reblogs, likes, comments or tears. 
Seriously though, in all honesty, I hurt myself as I wrote this. 
I dunno, I might indulge that impulsive urge of mine and write a one shot where they actually get together. Most likely not though, so no one hold their breath ahahaha.
A smart person would never have returned to the little out of the way mask shop in the 4th Ward. You’d have chalked up the experience as weird and as common sense dictated, forgotten all about it. 
That is the safer route, the sane option.
So of course, you decided to be stupid. You kept coming back to the shop, although you were careful with how you planned your visits, spacing them out in between sight seeing and being a general tourist. 
The added bonus of your frequent visits being that although Uta’s face didn’t really change much expression-wise, you got the feeling that he was always a little surprised to see you.
“Do you really like it here that much?” 
Pulling the oni mask away from your face, you glanced at Uta who stood a good distance away from you, hand in pocket, hip cocked against the edge of the counter. “What’s that now?”
“I said, ‘do you really like it here that much?’” Uta repeated himself, red on black eyes intently trained on your face. “This is the second time this week you’ve come by without buying anything.”
“Oof.” You exaggeratedly clutched at your chest. “That hurt, Uta-san. With how frequently I come by here, one would think you’d treat me as more than a customer. We’re friends now.”
“We’re not.”
The words are stated so bluntly and again, you clutch at your chest, miming being struck by an arrow. Uta didn’t respond to your joking around and playing, just stared at you. So, you cut the crap, reaching into your back pocket with a mock pout. “How much for this mask? I think it suits me.”
“10504.50 yen.” At the sight of your suddenly wide eyes and dropped jaw, Uta’s blank expression cracked, he smiled slightly and just for a split second. “Also, the mask doesn’t suit you.”
You turned your back to him, carefully returning the oni mask to the display it’d been set up on. The next second you turned around, you nearly jumped out of your skin at how close Uta is now. “Hey now! Shit, you need a bell or something.”
“It’s not my fault you don’t pay attention.” 
You can’t even pull off your comedic routine and drop your head in an ‘ashamed’ manner because you’d probably most likely hit your head against his chest, he’s standing that close. Before you could ask him to either back up and inquire what was his reason for being in your personal space, a tattooed finger reached out, lightly touching your chin, encouraging you to look up, so that’s what you did.
“...I can create a mask for you. Something that suits you.” He’s now adjusting your face, the faintest touch causing you to move this way and that. 
“Aww! That’s nice of you, Uta-sa-”
“The base color would be silver, perhaps. And the eyes would sewn shut, the better to hide your grief and... the anger.” He’s musing aloud, words quiet and almost a whisper, but you heard him. Part of you think it’s deliberate, that he’s making fun of you, mocking you.
And it worked. 
You reached a hand up, setting it upon his wrist. Uta blinked, staring down at your hand, then his unique gaze switched to you, and he.... for a lack of better words, it’s like he snapped out of that artist’s mode. He dropped his hand and took one step out of your personal bubble then another and another before whirling around and started walking away. 
He lifted a hand in farewell, waving it about in a sort of shooing manner.
“Come back again in two to three weeks.”
That should have been the end of you and his interactions. 
Regardless of how intriguing he is, he’d pressed on one of your triggers, maybe even on purpose, and you already had too short of a life to put up with the bullshit. Then again, maybe it was for that reason entirely that you decided that you were gonna keep seeing him, even after he finished the mask, to annoy him to death of course.
Until he told you upfront to go away, you wouldn’t. That’s what you decided.
And with that resolution settled in your head, you could go about your business. You enjoyed the sights, the food, and although your judgement said it’d be a bad idea, you had a couple of one night stands. The first is a lawyer that you’re like pretty sure has kids and a wife, and the other is a stressed college kid. 
The experience left you unsatisfied and irritated. 
Since your last encounter with Uta had been...awkward and strained, you decided to bring a peace offering. Cream puffs for yourself with green tea and a cup of black coffee for him. You’d picked up on the fact that he liked the beverage without sugar and cream like the total heathen he is. You idly wondered if he even enjoyed sweet things or maybe he was one of those weird folks who liked sour and spicy stuff all the time.
The fact that you’re even thinking about this and it didn’t sink in as odd or out of place until the moment you crossed the threshold of HYSY Studios, taking note of the fact that the place is as gloomy and empty of customers as always. 
“’Ey! Uta, where you at!?” 
There’s a vibration against your leg. You juggle the items in your hold carefully before tugging out your cellphone and entering the passcode to unlock the phone. The most recent text message you’d received from Uta about four minutes ago informed you of the fact that he’s in the back of the studio, like the very, very back, where all the unused and returned masks were. Now the only reason you knew all this information is because of how often you pestered Uta about it. 
You’re at an impasse. 
You could do as he asked and bring your treat to him while you were at it or you could wait and avoid the potential jump scare that Uta was totally capable of inflicting upon you. 
‘To go or not to go, that is the question.’ 
Everything pointed to the clear conclusion that no, you absolutely should not go back there. Every horror movie cliché ended with the female protagonist being killed or gravely injured because she was so stupid as to go in the dark, alone, by herself. 
‘Uta isn’t a killer though.’ That’s what you tried to tell yourself, the argument weak and pitiful in your brain. 
You did not know this man well enough to be in the back where it wouldn’t be easy access to the front door, where you couldn’t bolt if he did something strange. However, you did own a mini taser and always carried mace, just as a precaution, so... 
Slowly, reluctantly, you did as he instructed, every warning and life training you’d received up to this point in your life sending out red neon signs telling you to wait, not be an idiot, to please please stay where you are. And you ignored all those survival instincts, heading deeper into the studio, your footfalls loud and eerie the further in you went. 
Until you find him. 
He’s apparently unfazed by your belated presence, focus wholly consumed with his work. Red on black eyes glanced at you for but a moment and what you carried and then at the coffee. “There’s a mini fridge, leave everything there, except the coffee. I’m almost done.” 
Having some mild experience with artists and creative sorts, you avoid looking at the mask he’s working on, instead setting down the coffee in an empty space he vaguely gestured to. 
Then you walk the short distance to where the only mini fridge in the room is, reaching out, you pull it open. And it’s the scent that alerts you; the fresh tang of blood. It’s too late to stop yourself and you see it, everything. The jar of eyeballs, the carefully wrapped packages of ‘meat’. 
‘I’m in a back room with the potential copycat Jeffery Dahmer or...or....’ 
You’re not an idiot, all these little things you’d casually dismissed because you hadn’t cared enough to pay attention, to see... And now here you are. Here you are. 
Swallowing, you calm and dampen the inner voice sCREAMING, then casually as possible, grip wobbling only slightly, do you put your treat inside the mini fridge right alongside the human body parts and flesh, then close the door, turning around. 
Uta is still hard at work on the mask but his movements are slowing down.
As if nothing is amiss, you stride over just as he finally pauses to take a sip of coffee. “This is one of the ways that you make masks. Really. That’s interesting…” And you meant it too. Legs crossed, you leaned against the table, watching the mask maker in his element.
He smiles at you in that enigmatic way. “Thank you.” 
The visit continues without much else in the way of incidents and subtly unsubtle revelations. 
You don’t really talk and Uta doesn’t make you. 
Less than twenty minutes later, once he deems the mask complete, he stands up and stretches, arms raising overhead, revealing an expanse of creamy, pale, lean and muscled torso. 
Glancing away a beat too late, you catch Uta as he smiles, again, the smile lengthens into a smirk. He reaches out and plucks up the half mask delicately, taking a step towards you and your heart traitorously lurches in your chest. 
Self-preservation makes you want to run as he comes closer, closer, closer...
Logic keeps you rooted in place as he carefully puts the mask on you. Tattooed fingers brush the strands of hair away from the nape of your neck, lingering as he feels the flutter of your pulse beneath his fingertips. 
“Your heart is racing like a hummingbird.” he muses. You stare out at him from beneath the safety of the mask, the bone surprisingly not pinching or cutting your skin. “And here I thought nothing could scare you.”
“Unfortunately fear makes up the majority of the human psyche.” You can’t help the quip, tone dry. “But you’re my friend, so it’s fine.” 
That last comment causes Uta to blink and stare at you in blatant surprise for a minute or two. Then he pulls himself together and shakes his head, a chuckle rumbling through his chest. “...I suppose we are friends.”
“Cool. So how much for the mask?” You reach up, about to remove it but Uta swatted at your hands, the action hard enough to sting but not leave damage. You still squawk indignantly anyway.
“It’s free. Creating it got me out of my block, so thank you.” Bringing out a cellphone, he takes a couple pictures with you, making you turn, pose, and pretty much just show off. 
Once he’s done, he snags your tea and cream puffs out the fridge, then walks you to the front of the studio, giving a small wave goodbye. Brain swimming with what you just learned, amazed that he hadn’t just killed you straight off, you glance at the chilled green tea in your hand then after mentally shrugging to yourself, you take a sip and shove a cream puff in your mouth. 
Hell, after the day you’ve had, you deserve to be rewarded.
Time passes, as it inevitably does. 
You receive more calls from Kiani, from other friends and family members, but you are resolute in staying in Japan. 
Much to your surprise, you’d actually gotten comfortable being there. Though that might have had something to do with Uta, who you continue to visit, and if he’s surprised or put out, none of that shows on his face. It’s fun to drag him places, to be around him, and you can laugh at his jokes, even the deadpan, making-fun-of-humanity ones. 
He even lets you meet his other ghoul friends, Itori and Renji. 
Through it all, these changes and fun things, your health slowly, steadily, gets worse even as you and Uta get closer, muddling about in a rather confusing grey area of friends...and more...
As always, the two of you are hanging out, this time you’d dragged him to an amusement park, and he held onto some of the prizes you won, gamely snapped a couple photos of you in ridiculous poses and making silly faces, etc. 
It felt like a date.
Like, you’re returning from a date.
When that thought ran through your brain, you automatically looked at Uta, catching sight of his profile in the light of the setting sun and your heart clenched as you realized that he’s beautiful. 
It’s with difficulty that you manage to look away but not before he catches you staring from the corner of his eye. “You’re always looking at me… Yet, you never try and get closer…” Uta’s hands are in his pockets and he is barely a foot away. “Does fear keep you at a distance…” He took a step forward. 
Coming almost uncomfortably close. 
“Or is there another….” 
Without conscious thought, you tilt your head up and your lips meet his. 
The contact is light, barely a graze, and there’s the cool sensation of his lip ring...it’s odd but hardly distracting. Your heart is beating like a jack rabbit in your chest and you know this isn’t good for you.
 As you go to pull away, to disconnect, that’s when Uta finally, finally, responds.
He places a hand on the back of your neck, keeping you close before tilting his head, leaned in and kissed you again. 
There’s nothing teasing or patient about it. He nipped your bottom lip, barely waiting for you to part your lips before his tongue twined and stroked, expertly playing with your own, and you felt a zing of excitement travel down you spine as your tongue lightly grazed his tongue ring. 
Your right hand goes to his shoulder, squeezing, holding on desperately as your legs threaten to give out. 
Effortlessly, Uta holds you up, his other hand going to the dip of your back, and when you break the kiss to get some air into your burning lungs, Uta peppers feather light kisses down the column of your throat, sucking a spot just behind your ear. Only when you gasp his name, a mere whisper of a breath really, only then, does he finally stop.
Uta tops that....bombardment off with a light kiss to your forehead, lingering. Then he murmurs into your ear, “That’s how you kiss me from now on.” 
With his piece said, as if he hadn’t pretty much swept you off your feet and left you stuck in LaLa Land, Uta brushed a hand down his shirt, straightening out imaginary wrinkles, before he walked away. It took a few seconds for your brain to reboot and then you hurried after him, chastising him for being mean.
There are a hundred different words that lingered on the edge and never escape your mouth. A thousand questions you never got the answer to. 
There are no more kisses between you and Uta. 
You pass away in your sleep that night December 31, 2XXX at 11:59 P.M. alone in your rented hotel room, dreaming of an impossible reality; of happiness between yourself and the ghoul who for a brief moment, made you feel important, seen, and desired. 
Almost as if he could love you.
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arrow-guy · 4 years
Talk to Me
Original request from @scrawlingwithstyle: Here's a request I've been sitting on for a bit. ClintxReader; Clint is deaf and most people rely on his lipreading skills, but Reader knows some ASL from when her family thought her autistic younger sibling would never speak (they became vocal close to seven years old). They have secret conversations across the room, thinking no one else on the team understands. . . . They're wrong. Adjust however you like!
A/N: Okay, it’s taken probably close to a year to actually get around to this, but i kind of breezed through writing it? And it was a whole bunch of fun to finally put down in a document. I didn’t change much about your request, but I definitely added to it, and made it a little romantic? Idk if it’ll come off as romance, it’s kind of goofy (it’s Clint, there needs to be a goof somewhere.) I really hope you like it, though!!
Page dividers by @carryonmyswansong
Pairing: ClintxReader
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: None
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“Are you sure about this, Bruce?” I ask. “Ross let me go as soon as you went AWOL. I haven’t worked with people like this in years.”
“Of course I’m sure! You were the best back in the day.”
“Back in the day,” I laugh. “You make it sound like we’re ancient.”
“We’re not as young as we used to be,” he says. “But that’s the point. You’ll bring some much needed experience to the table.”
“But I’m not a spy and I definitely don’t have any powers.”
“Trust me, (Y/N), superpowers are not all they’re cracked up to be, and both spies have long since ceased their spying activities.” I cock one eyebrow and he laughs. “For the most part.”
“Saying a spy stopped being a spy is like saying you misplaced the hulk.”
“Ah, very true.”
“I’ll do it, though.”
“You will?”
“Well I can’t very well leave you to fend for yourself, now can I? As it stands, I’m already a shitty friend, working together can’t hurt things.”
Bruce grins and grips my shoulder. “I’ll see you Monday, then.”
I roll my eyes, but can’t fight back my smile. “Do I need to pack a bag, or will I be allowed to go home at the end of the day?”
“Not sure yet. Might as well bring a change of clothes and a toothbrush just in case.”
“Alright, then. I’ll see you Monday.”
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“I can’t believe you actually pulled it off, Banner,” Stark says. “You wrangled a counselor for the team?”
“What,” I say. “Like it was supposed to be hard?”
Bruce laughs and reaches out to place his hand on my shoulder. “I’ve known (Y/N) for just about as long as I can remember. I’m sure she’ll be a good fit.”
“As long as you can remember, huh?” I look past Captain Rogers and find a sandy haired man. He grins when I meet his eyes. “Just how long?”
I bob my head from side to side. “Somewhere between twenty years and most of our lives.”
He whistles. “Pretty long time, then.”
Bruce clears his throat. “I’m sure (Y/N) wants to see where she’ll be working, so I’ll just show her to her office.”
Everyone in the boardroom waves and Bruce leads me out of the room. As soon as we’re out in the hall I sigh and bow my head, finally able to let my shoulders relax.
“That was a lot.”
Bruce chuckles. “Trust me, it’ll either get worse or stay exactly the same as time goes on, depending on who you’re talking to.”
“The blond guy who spoke up, that’s Hawkeye, right?”
“Clint Barton, yeah.”
“Will I be seeing much of him?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t really know much about the guy. He seems pretty happy-go-lucky and stable most of the time, though.”
“Huh.” I shrug and hitch my bag a little higher on my shoulder. “You never know with some people.”
“True. I’m sure you’ll deal with him at least once more after this. He’s the curious type.”
“I guess I’ll have to look forward to that, then.”
Bruce hummed in agreement and leads me to the elevator bank and takes me down to what will eventually be my office. He gives me a basic rundown of the facilities and shows me which restroom is closest to my office. I ask for a baseline reading on everyone on the team and Bruce rattles off what he’s noticed about the main five.
“Steve will most likely drop by to make small talk, but it may take some time for him to open up in any way that counts. Tony will joke about therapy, but once he warms up to you it’ll be impossible to get him to leave.”
“Oof, that bad?”
“He’s long-winded.”
“Then I guess I’ll have to enforce appointments with him when he starts to take interest.”
“Probably wise.”
“And Natasha?”
“I doubt you’ll see much of her. She has her ways of working through her issues on her own.”
“Do they involve murder?”
“Don’t know, and I don’t care to.”
“Got it. None of our business. I’ll let her come to me if she needs anything.” I plop down behind my new desk. “What about Thor?”
“Who knows. He shows up when he wants and tends to be a pretty jovial guy.”
“Ah. Is there anyone else outside of the tower I can expect?”
“Wanda, Sam, and Rhodey will be around from time to time. If Steve has his way, Bucky will move in at some point, and Wanda is currently in the process of moving into the tower, so you may see her more after that. I’m not sure how often she’ll drop by. She’s fairly private due to her powers.”
“Energy manipulation, right?”
He nods. “That, and other mind tricks.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“But that just leaves Clint, and we’ve already gone over what you can expect from him.”
“It doesn’t just leave Clint, Bruce.” I fold my hands on the desktop. “I expect to see you in here at least once a week. Ideally twice.”
Bruce scowls. “(Y/N), you know how I feel about that.”
“Yeah, well, I listen to your opinions on that stuff when I’m just your friend. Now I’m your therapist, and you’re going to listen to me because I know what works for you. So I expect you to get your pasty ass in here when you’re scheduled.”
“You’re making appointments for me now?”
“Until I’m sure you’ll come to me on your own, yes.”
He rolls his eyes. “Fine. Send me the schedule. I’ll see you at my appointed time.”
“Wonderful.” I relax my shoulders, letting my professional mask slip. “Thanks for this, Bruce. I mean it.”
“I know you do.” He cracks a smile. “You’re the only person I trust to get to the root of our issues.”
“I appreciate that. I’ll try not to let you down.”
“Believe me, (Y/N), if anyone’s gonna let me down, it’ll be the team.” I laugh and he heads for the door. “I’ll see you later. Good luck with your first day.”
“Thanks, Bruce. I’ll see you later!”
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“So, (Y/N),” Tony says, spreading out on the couch across from my chair. “What’s your deal?”
“My deal?”
“Yeah, what makes you tick? What motivates you to try and heal the fragile minds of the Avengers?”
“I’d say a decent paycheck is a pretty good motivator, Mr. Stark.”
He seems disappointed with my answer. “Is that it?”
“Well, that, and I want to make sure Bruce is doing alright. He’s struggled with therapy in the past, and I want to make sure he’s getting the kind of help that he needs.”
“I see.” He presses his lips together and folds his arms. “You’re not even curious about the rest of the team?”
“Of course I’m curious, but nothing discussed in this tower will be shared with anyone outside. I take my patients privacy very seriously.”
“You sure you don’t just fear for your life?”
“Living in New York, I fear for my life constantly. That doesn’t mean that I’m worried about getting merced if I get a little loose lipped outside of work.” I sigh and lean back in my chair. “That being said, I won’t be sharing your confidential information with anyone you haven’t specifically given authorized access to your records.”
“Yeah. It’s almost like I’m a professional, right?”
He smiles. “I’m really starting to like you, (Y/N).”
“Then I guess I have a lot more of this to look forward to, then, don’t I?”
I laughs and hauls himself up from the couch. “We’ll see.”
I make a note of his response in my open document. “Sounds like a tentative yes to me, Mr. Stark, and I’ll be here so long as you deem my services necessary.”
He nods and exits my office. He leaves the door open.
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“How are you liking it here so far, (Y/N)?”
“It’s been quiet, Captain Rogers. It’s a bit like pulling teeth trying to get anyone to make use of their resources.”
“I guess it would be. We’re a relatively private bunch.” He pauses a moment. “And, please, call me Steve.”
“Right, Steve. Is there anything that I can do for you today?” I ask. “It’s entirely alright if you just want to make small talk.”
“Oh, well, uh…” He awkwardly clears his throat and shifts uncomfortably on the couch. “I guess I just wanted to get a lay of the land.”
“I understand.” I glance around my office. “I should probably bring in some art and plants. Make it a little less sterile in here.”
Steve laughs. “That might help.”
I smile. “Maybe an area rug?”
He shrugs. “Whatever you think would be best.”
“I appreciate the creative freedom.” I close my laptop, set it to the side, and settle back in my chair. “Is there something on your mind, Steve?”
“No,” he says quickly. He immediately looks conflicted. “I… well, kind of.”
“Feel free to speak. Nothing you say will leave this office.”
“You hardly know me.”
I shrug. “I know how stressful this environment can be. And, while your team is very good at what they do, they’re also the ones who are causing your stress.”
“I don’t know if I’d say that.” I watch him chew the inside of his cheek. “I guess I’m just concerned that things might not get better, even when Bucky’s moved in.”
“Why’s that?”
“I don’t know. I’m worried that it might not be a good fit for him, or that the team won’t accept him, or that he might not even want to be around me.”
“Those are all valid concerns. Have you mentioned any of this to him?”
“God no. I don’t want to stress him out more than I already have with all of this moving business.”
“I might suggest bringing it up. He might be having similar worries himself, and, as helpful as it is to work towards what’s troubling you with me, I won’t be able to settle your nerves.”
“Maybe you’re right…”
“If nothing else, it might open up a new line of communication between the two of you, which couldn’t hurt.”
Steve stays for another hour, just talking. When he leaves, he asks if I want the door open or closed. I don’t give him a definite answer and he leaves it open, just a crack. I laugh and start on his profile.
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Someone knocks on my door and I glance up from my paperwork to see Clint standing in the doorway.
“Mr. Barton,” I say. “I was wondering when I might see you.”
He shrugs. “Here I am.”
“After two weeks, I was starting to think you were avoiding me.”
“If I was?”
“Then it’s none of my business.”
The corner of his mouth lifts in a smile. “I like that answer.”
I rise from my desk and gesture to the couch. He raises his eyebrows, but takes a seat anyway. I sit across from him and watch as he tries to decide just how he should sit. In the end, he leans heavily on his knees. Nothing about him is relaxed.
“I’m starting to think Bruce was wrong about you.”
“What’d the green bean tell you about me?”
“Nothing concrete,” I answer. “He just mentioned that you seem to have a positive outlook on things most of the time.”
He snorts. “Great.”
“Mmm, I see. It’s a facade, then?”
He frowns and presses a finger to his right ear. “Could you say that again?”
“I said, it’s a facade, then?”
I nod. “Interesting.”
He barks out a laugh. “Yeah, interesting.”
I watch him look around the room, examining the art on the walls and the stacks of paper on my desk. When he turns his head to the left, I notice his purple earpiece and something suddenly clicks. He tilts his head to the side when he sees me staring.
“Would it be easier if we signed?” I ask, signing along as I speak.
He looks surprised. “You sign?”
I laugh. “Yes. My little brother is on the Autism spectrum. When he was a kid, he was almost entirely nonverbal. Mom taught him sign, and the rest of the family learned along with him.”
“That must’ve been really nice for him.”
“It was nice to be able to communicate with him when he couldn’t vocalize what he wanted to say. He eventually started speaking when he was about seven, though.”
“And you still held onto the signing skills?”
“Of course! It’s not like he just, bam, started talking. It was a long process, and he still has nonverbal days sometimes.” Clint starts to actually smile and it warms my heart. “It’s come in handy in my particular line of work too. Deaf and hard of hearing folks need counsellors and therapists too.”
“Which brings the topic of conversation back to me.” He shakes his head and leans back against the couch and signs, “You’re a tricky one, (Y/N).”
“I’m not tricky!”
“Then what?”
“I’m accommodating.” I speak again, but continue to sign along. “You don’t have to tell me everything, or anything, really. But I’m here to help, if you need me.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course, Clint. Any time.”
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“Seems like you and Clint are getting close,” Bruce says.
“I don’t know what you mean, man.”
“He’s in here all the time, (Y/N). There’s no way Barton needs therapy five times a week.”
“It’s not always about therapy, Bruce. I strive to make my office a safe space where everyone knows that they can speak freely. He knows that he can come here and chill out without worrying about the rest of the team.”
“Barton doesn’t really worry about anything, though.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”
Bruce stares at me, eyes narrowed, and snaps his fingers. "You like him."
I roll my eyes. "I do not like him, Bruce. And you're not even here to talk about Clint, you're here to work on yourself and managing your stress levels."
He rolls his eyes. "I'm sure there's something we could talk about aside from me."
I sigh and hold my head in my hands. "I've been here for two months. I haven't been around long enough to form anything more than tentative relationships with the rest of the team. I'm more concerned about whether or not they can open up to me than I am with my love life."
“Right,” Bruce clears his throat.
“Thank you.” He looks thoroughly ashamed and I have to laugh. “I appreciate the interest, but it’s just not something that you need to worry about.”
“No, I understand.” He smiles and shrugs. “I guess I just miss having that easy rapport with you.”
“I mean, we still have that, Bruce. It’s just not something that I want to talk about in the workplace. It’s one thing to shoot the shit over lunch on a Saturday, it’s another to discuss my patients with another patient, all of whom are my coworkers.”
“I didn’t think about it like that.”
I smile. “It’s fine. Did you want to pick up where we left off on Tuesday?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
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I’m startled by the woman in the doorway. “Ms. Romanoff?”
She shakes her head and steps into my office. “As long as you’re not a government official, it’s just Natasha.”
“Ah, right.” I sit a little straighter in my chair. “What can I do for you, Natasha?”
“Clint’s said you’ve helped him a lot.”
“I don’t know about that. We just talk. He does all the helping.”
“I figured you’d say that.” She moves quickly across the room and takes a seat on the couch. “I’d like to talk to you, if you have the time.”
“Oh.” I scramble up from my desk to sit across from her. “What about?”
“I need help working through a recent case.”
“Are you sure I’m qualified for that?”
“Well, you said Clint does all the helping. Maybe what I need is a sounding board.”
“Fair enough. Where are you caught up?”
Natasha rattles off the details of a recent mission. I do my best to follow her, but she loses me when she starts explaining the intricacies of a piece of Hydra technology they discovered. Eventually, she perks up, almost looking like she wants to jump up from her seat and run from the room.
“I think I’ve got it.”
“That’s great!”
She calmly gets to her feet and walks to the door. “Thank you, (Y/N).”
I shake my head. “It was my pleasure.”
“Even so, you helped me.” She flashes me an unexpected smile. “I appreciate that.”
“It’s not a problem, Natasha. I hope that we can speak again at some point.”
She nods and heads for the door. “I’ll see you around.”
In the hall I hear, “Oh, hey, Nat.” and Clint pokes his head in soon after.
I smile. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He leans in the doorway and folds his arms. “What’d Nat dump on you?”
“Doctor patient confidentiality, Barton,” I say. “I can’t tell you.”
His arms fall to his side and he dramatically slumps into the room. “I thought you trusted me!”
I laugh. “I do trust you, Clint. But it’s not my information to give.” He drapes himself across the couch and grins at the sight of me fighting back my smile. “If it were, Bruce would have full access to what we talk about in our sessions.”
“That’s private information, (Y/N)!” He laughs. “I see your point.”
“Did you want to grab lunch later? That weird little cafe down the street started serving some kind of coffee burger.”
“Ugh, and you want to eat that?”
“(Y/N), it’s a coffee burger.”
“With all the heinous shit you put in your body, it’s a wonder you’re still alive.”
“If you think I’m bad, you should meet my dog.”
“Is that an offer?”
“Maybe.” He shrugs. “Guess you’ll have to stick around long enough to find out.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s been four months, Clint. If I haven’t run for the hills yet, I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna happen for a while yet.”
Something twinkles in his eyes. “That’s good to hear. I was worried I might scare you off.”
“If anyone were to scare me off, it’d be Tony.” I shake my head. “That man is a handful.”
“What happened to patient confidentiality?”
“Since when is Tony being a handful a secret?” He laughs and I relax in my seat. “But, yeah, I’ll get lunch with you.”
“Someone has to make sure you don’t keel over from physically eating coffee.”
“Oh come on! It’s not like they solidified the coffee and stuck it on a bun!”
“How do you know they didn’t? Maybe they turned the coffee into jello, passed it through a meat grinder, and threw it on a griddle.”
His face scrunches up in disgust. “Ugh, that’d just be burnt coffee.”
“I’ve watched you drink an entire pot of burnt coffee.”
“Desperate times, (Y/N). They call for desperate measures.”
I sigh and shake my head. ”I guess it’s fine, so long as you’re not addicted to caffeine pills.”
“Those don’t do anything for me.”
“That’s terrifying.”
He laughs, hauls himself up from the couch, and offers me a hand. “Shall we?”
“Shall we what?”
“Head out for lunch.”
“Now? I thought you said later.”
“It’s been like five minutes. It’s later now.”
I laugh. “I can’t just go now. I have an appointment with Steve in twenty minutes. We can leave after that.”
He pouts. “Fine.”
“Don’t give me that look, Clint!”
He sighs and trudges towards the door. “I guess I’ll just have to make a reservation for one thirty.”
“That’d be great.”
He flashes a brilliant smile before disappearing out into the hall. I shake my head and move back to my desk.
“That man is gonna get me in trouble.”
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“I thought you said you weren’t involved with Clint?”
“I’m not, Bruce.”
“Then what’s this?” He places his phone on my keyboard.
I pick up the phone and find an article titled “Hawkeye’s New Flame, or Just a Fling?” pulled up. A picture of Clint and I at lunch the other day sits just below a paragraph speculating who I could be. I snort and hand him his phone.
“Clint and I went to lunch. That’s all.” I sit back and fold my arms. “What’s the problem, Bruce?”
“I don’t want you getting dragged into some kind of media storm because you work with us.”
“It’s one article!”
“There’s at least four more like it that I’ve seen.”
“I’m not worried about it, Bruce. Clint just went out for lunch and some pap caught us talking. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it, but I can’t stop people from talking.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with it.”
“No one should have to deal with anyone plastering their personal life all over the internet, but you know what? I’d rather get caught out in public with Clint than Tony.” I laugh. “Can you imagine the shitstorm that’d kick up if that happened?”
Bruce tries not to laugh. “I guess you’re right.”
“It was bound to get out that the Avengers brought in a counsellor at some point. It’s better that it’s like this instead of some media outlet picking up a rumor and deciding that you’re all unstable.”
“I’m not saying you’re the most sane bunch, but that’s no one’s business but yours. Regardless, don’t worry about this. It’ll be fine.”
“Alright.” He pockets his phone. “You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?”
“Of course I would, Bruce. If something comes up, I’ll let you know.”
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I sit on the floor of the gym and lift the collar of my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face.
Clint plops down on the floor beside me and tips his head to the side.
“Definitely didn’t expect to find you in here,” he says.
“What, I can’t work out?” I groan and lay back. “Ugh.”
“You okay?”
“No. I knew I should’ve just stuck to the treadmill.”
“What’d you do to yourself?”
He laughs. “Why did you do that?”
“I don’t know. Is wanting to be able to lift a very large dog a good reason?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s a bad reason.” He lays beside me and props himself up on his elbow. “I could help you, if you want.”
“I don’t know how I feel about being all sweaty gross around you.”
He pokes my stomach and I laugh and shift away. “I don’t know, (Y/N), sweaty’s the new sexy.”
“Aw, that’s sweet.” I laugh and scrunch my nose. “Also kind of gross.”
“Sweet and kind of gross, I think you’ve pretty much summed me up perfectly.” I laugh so hard that I snort and he grins. “So, do you want help working out?”
I press my fist to my mouth to quiet my giggling. “If you’re willing to, I really would appreciate it.”
“Then it’s a done deal.” I thank him and his smile softens. “Sorry about those articles last week, by the way.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“I should’ve warned you, at least. I’m used to it, but you didn’t sign up for pap shots and gossip columns when you took this job.”
I scowl. “Honestly, Clint. If you’re not gonna read my lips, read my hands. It’s totally fine. I don’t care. I had a nice time at lunch. A few dumb articles won’t change that.”
“You mean that?”
“Well, yeah. I like spending time with you outside of all of this,” I say, gesturing to the tower in general. “With, y’know, no expectations of maintaining all of the professional bullshit.”
“Pretty sure you’re the most professional one here.”
“Thanks, I’m glad that comes across in the day to day, but do you understand what I’m saying? Like I genuinely do not care about what a shitty news outlet says. At the end of the day, the only opinions that matter are ours.” I sigh and settle on the floor. “Sorry.”
“Sounds like we’re not the only ones who need therapy.”
I hum. “Maybe I do.”
“No shame in it.”
I smile at him. “I know.” I sit up and get to my feet. “It’s getting late, I should head out.”
“You’re in tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be around till noon. I’ve got a wedding later in the day.”
“Not yours, right?”
I laugh. “No, definitely not mine.”
“Cool,” He smiles up at me. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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“Since when do we have staff meetings?” Clint asks.
“Since we brought on a counselor,” Tony says.
I frown. “I’ve been here six months and I’ve never been to any kind of meeting.”
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you brought that up and just keep moving with the meeting.”
I snort and shoot Clint a look. He laughs and signs for me to stop. I wave him off and turn my attention back to the head of the table.
Tony rambles on for about half an hour before Steve cuts in and the two of them start going back and forth. They bicker for twenty minutes before Thor swans in, greeting everyone with his bright, booming voice. I was stuck in my office the last time he was on Earth, so our paths never had a chance to cross. Steve takes a moment to introduce the two of us and Thor vigorously shakes my hand, unintentionally jostling me around the whole time. He takes his seat on the other side of Bruce and the conversation picks up again.
I catch Clint’s eye twitching in my peripheral when Thor speaks a little too loudly. I gesture to get his attention and he raises his eyebrows when he meets my eyes.
“You good?” I sign.
He nods. “Can’t pay attention to save my life in these meetings.”
“I’ve never known anyone to compliment your attention span.”
He mouths, “Oh, ha ha,” and I laugh.
“You’re mean, (Y/N).”
“And here I thought you liked me.”
“Never said I didn’t.” He grins. “The way things are going, I’d say you’re probably just my type.”
I shake my head and hide my smile behind my hand. “Stop.”
“Aw, you're cute when you're embarrassed." I flip him off and he laughs. “That's a compliment!"
I snort. “Pay attention, Clint.”
We manage to make it through another hour and, by that time, someone has turned off the lights and started giving a presentation. I fold my arms on the table and rest my chin on top and beg myself to stay awake through this meeting. I’m sure it’ll only be a little while longer.
Clint’s hand creeps into my line of sight and he taps the table to get my attention. I shoot him a quizzical look and he lifts his eyebrows.
“You still with us?” he signs.
“It’s going longer than I thought it would.”
“I’m honestly about to fall asleep.”
“Aw, (Y/N), no.”
“This is how I go out. Avenge me, Clint.”
“It’s your job. You have to.”
“But who will help me through the trauma?”
I cover my mouth to muffle my laughter. “I’d be dead, that’s none of my concern.”
He shakes his head. “And you call yourself my friend.”
Natasha clears her throat, startling me away from the conversation. I try to pay attention to the presentation, but I just can't wrap my head around what they're talking about and Clint easily distracts me again.
"Quick question."
Surprised, I sign, "Shoot."
"Would you want to go out with me?"
My brain stops working for a second. "Wait, what?"
"I said, will you go out with me?"
My heart hammers in my chest. "Like as friends, or on a date?"
He sighs. "We've been hanging out as friends for months now. I'm asking you on a date, stupid."
My face heats and I sit back in my seat. “Oh.”
He laughs. “Did I break you?”
“A little.” I frown.
“Just say yes!”
Startled, I glance up the table, only to find Natasha glaring at Clint and I. Everyone is looking at us and I suddenly want to disappear.
“What’s the problem?” Steve asks.
“I’m sick of watching the two of them flirt with each other,” Natasha says. “You’ve been mooning over each other for months. Just say yes and be done with it.”
“Nat, they haven’t said a single thing since the beginning of the meeting.”
“They’ve been signing at each other the entire meeting.” She looks directly at me and signs, “I see everything.”
“Just say yes.” She looks very pointedly between Clint and I. “You’d be good together.”
“I thought you said you didn’t like him!” Bruce says.
“That was months ago, Bruce. Things change.”
“Don’t be hard on her,” Natasha says. “Clint’s an acquired taste.”
“I’m just gonna, um…” I gesture to the door. “I’m just gonna go.”
I see Tony and Steve nod and I shove my chair back from the table and make my escape. The door shuts behind me, and I’m free. I sigh, relieved to be free of the weight of everyone’s eyes on me, only for the embarrassment of having my crush exposed to my coworkers to settle deep in my stomach.
I press my fingertips to my temples and walk down the hallway. “I knew he was gonna get me in trouble.”
I make the decision to just go back to my office. Maybe I can at least get some work done or, at the very least calm down. I turn as the elevator doors close and catch a glimpse of the conference door opening at the end of the hall. I shift slightly so that it’s not in my line of sight.
The elevator ride feels like it’s too long and I immediately flop down on my couch as soon as I’m in my office. I can't get comfortable and shift around until I'm upside down with my legs over the back of the conch, staring at the ceiling. I press the heels of my hands over my eyes and groan out of frustration.
“I left without even answering him,” I mutter.
The door suddenly opens and I freeze, pulling my hands away from my face, waiting for whoever it is to announce themselves.
"Clint?" I try to sit up and smack my head on the edge of the coffee table. "Shit."
"Are you okay?" he asks.
I rub my forehead and sit up a little more carefully. "I'll live."
He takes a seat on the coffee table and watches intently as I sit upright on the couch and face him. He reaches out and gently touches my forehead, only to jerk his hand back when I wince.
"Don't, it's fine."
"Okay." He sighs softly and shuffles awkwardly on the table. He stills when I touch his knee and takes my hand in his. "I'm sorry about the meeting. I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that."
"Honestly, Clint, you don't need to apologize," I murmur. "I got flustered and then embarrassed when everyone else got involved."
"I know. I probably like pushing your buttons a little too much."
"That's not it."
"But I do push your buttons."
"Yeah, but only 'cause I let you." He smiles and I squeeze his hand. "But I'm a deeply private person. To have Natasha butt in like that, no matter the good she meant by it, really set me on edge."
"I had no idea."
"I don't feel like I have to keep everything close to my chest when I’m with you. You tease me, but it’s never from a place of malice and you know me well enough that you never take it too far.”
“I mean, you give as good as you get.” He doesn’t meet my eyes as he runs his thumb over my knuckles. “But still. I should’ve just asked in private, but you know me.”
“Yeah. You’re sweet, but kind of stupid sometimes. More than a little impulsive. And way too fond of coffee.”
“Aw, I thought that was endearing!” He smiles when I laugh. “The invitation still stands, but you don’t have to say yes.”
“What’re you talking about?” He meets my eyes and I shake my head. “I’m not about to turn you down. You haven’t introduced me to your dog yet.”
“Oh, I get it, you only want me for Lucky.”
He shakes his head and kneels on the floor in front of me. “Shoulda known.”
“I know, I’m pure evil.” He grins and takes my face in his hands. “I should be fired, right?”
“Without a doubt.”
I hum softly and lean forward to bump my nose against his. After a moment’s hesitation, Clint closes the distance between us and gently kisses me. I place one hand on his forearm and tilt my head to the side to kiss him back. He smiles against my lips and pulls away, his eyes flitting over my face.
“So… about that dog.”
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I have no idea what would happen to them after that, but I’d like to think they’re having a great time, petting dogs and continuing to mess with each other, all whilst falling in love.
I’d love to know what you guys thought of this little one shot. Did you love it, did you hate it? Did you breathe out through your nose a little bc you kind of laughed but also didn’t? Be sure to like, reblog, comment, or shoot me an ask and tell me all about it!
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Tag list:
@ghostlyhamlet, @claws-of-vibranium, @creaturefeatures101, @buckysendoftheline, @imagine-assembling-the-avengers, @ptprocrastination, @1950schick, @amayasymone23, @arfrona-and-marvel, @ek823, @fanaticfangirl001, @furrywerewolfcollector, @kissofvenom922, @dawn-phantomhive, @fangirlwithasweettooth, @mairhof1, @starryeyesbadguys, @trap-house-homiecide, @buckywhitewolfbarnes, @kaepm981, @howdoesoneadult, @pcdmesamidala, @thefandomplace, @sian22redux, @skeletoresinthebasement, @lady-thor-foster, @jazzcutie, @gaytonystark, @geeksareunique, @nyxveracity, @breezy1415, @feelmyroarrrr, @darling-loki​, @lemonadeorange73​, @princess-unicorn124​, @hermionie-is-my-queen​, @tofeartheunknown​, @queenoftheunderdark​, @avengerscompound​
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Jangobi?? Jango loses his mind over Obi-Wan fighting Jar’Kai style?
(sorry this took so long, i ended up doing a little more research than planned, and angst happened! because i somehow can’t not! because galidraan and jango’s background with komari vosa gives me feelings! this sort of isn’t what you asked for but hey! jango being protective over boba!
this got really long.)
  Of all the Jedi for the Order to send to rescue the Cathar younglings Jango’s been sharing his cell with for the past tenday, of kriffing course it’s Kenobi and that crazy foundling of his, rushing headfirst into the Bando Gora hideout like this particular sect hadn’t killed four Jedi masters before them.
  Between the roar of jetii’kad’e and blasterfire, Jango shoves the younglings behind himself, tucking them low to the ground as rock explodes over their heads. Blaster bolts ricochet off every wall, and Jango shouldn’t be surprised by jetiise incompetence, but it’s still incredible to him that Kenobi hasn’t lost hostages before in his recklessness. 
  His foundling sprints by their cell for a group of droids that stream through a hidden door, his padawan braid flapping behind him as he yells a very un-Jedi-like yell that startles one of the Cathar so badly they squeak. Jango looks helplessly to Kenobi to maybe  get his padawan under control, but any actual words die on his lips when he finds Kenobi through the battle smoke.
  He’d had half a hope of Kenobi maybe falling to the Chiss that had taken over the Bando Gora after Vosa, but Jango is instead treated to the frankly intimidating sight of the Jedi in half-complete clone armour, calmly fighting off both the Chiss and his Rodian second in command, with nothing but the blue ‘kad that Jango recognises from their battle on Kamino.
  Logically, Jango knows he barely held his ground against Kenobi all those months ago, and if he had wanted to kill Jango, he would have, but it’s something else entirely to witness that prowess from the sidelines like this. He seems almost lazy in his defense, easily blocking both vibroblade and blaster bolts as easy as breathing, and it occurs to Jango that he’s stalling, waiting for his foundling to finish off the droids so they can take down the Chiss and Rodian together. And then, it only takes four moves flat, to have the Rodian thrown into a wall and the Chiss stuck through the throat with Kenobi’s ’kad. 
  The silence returns as suddenly as it had left, and Jango strains his ears to hear if any more of the Bando Gora are thinking of making a stand, but the cellblock is quiet aside from the younglings’ whimpering and the padawan’s panting. 
  “Anakin, check the cells,” Kenobi finally says, expression a touch pained as he extinguishes his ‘saber and crouches next to the Chiss that Jango had never gotten the name of. The foundling, Anakin, pulls a key chip from his belt and rushes for the line of cell doors; it doesn’t take him long to realise that Jango’s is the only one occupied — by living bodies, anyways— and Jango carefully straightens, hoping to look as unintimidating as possible. He can either fight or run once he’s recognised, but while he’d like to believe the jetiise will take care of the Cathar in his stead, what sort of Mandalorian would he be if he trusted any Jedi with younglings.
  Anakin unlocks their cell as Kenobi rises from the Chiss’ body and Jango realises Anakin has never seen him without his helmet, so it isn’t until Kenobi joins him at the door that Jango is recognised.
  Kenobi freezes halfway into the cell, expression blank surprise as he takes in Jango’s too-long hair and ragged clothes, the new scar on his throat and the blood still on his tunic from Geonosis. Jango narrows his eyes, just before Kenobi whips his ‘kad back out and swings it to stop inches from the last ‘saber scar he’d received.
  “Where the fuck have you been?” Kenobi snarls, face twisted into an unfathomable rage that Jango really doesn’t think he’s deserving of, and he worriedly takes half a step to the side to put himself between the Jedi and the younglings.
  Kenobi tracks the movement with fire in his eyes, but it’s his foundling that catches Jango’s attention from over Kenobi’s shoulder, quickly waving a hand in an aborting motion that’s clearly directed at Jango, which only adds to his confusion. Especially because Kenobi doesn’t look like he’s going to run him through, at least not in front of the younglings, but Jango also can’t remember the last time he’s had such anger directed at him. Not even Montross had visibly hated him this much.
  “Kenobi,” Jango says, deciding it’s as safe a response as he can give, but Anakin barely refrains from facepalming, and that snarl comes back to Kenobi’s lips. 
  “That’s what you have to say?” he asks, voice a deceptive calm that Jango doesn’t trust for a kriffing moment.
  He glares right back, hands raised just enough to look non-threatening. “To be fair,” Jango tries, “the last time I saw you, your friend was trying to kill me.”
  “Oof,” Anakin mutters, but Jango only realises why when Kenobi reels his free hand back to slam Jango right in the nose. 
  Now, Jango had killed six Jedi with his bare hands at Galidraan. He took Komari Vosa down with nothing but his blaster and his fists, and he sees Kenobi’s punch coming, if a little late, but he still manages to jerk backwards enough that Kenobi doesn’t break his nose.
  “Boba thought you were dead!” Kenobi snarls, which— What.
  The Cathar crowd around Jango’s legs with plaintive sounds, clearly not having learned Basic just yet, and Kenobi visibly forces himself back to calm, turning off his ‘saber as Jango holds his bleeding nose. Anakin steps forward with a kind smile and crouches down to be eye-level with the younglings, murmuring something in Catharese.
  But Jango can’t focus on them. Boba had survived the battle? The Jedi hadn’t killed him? “Bob’ika, he—” He has to swallow around the lump in his throat, and Kenobi visibly takes a mental step back. “He’s alive?”
  Anakin has managed to coax the younglings away from Jango’s legs, asking them questions and letting them cling to his robes, and Kenobi must have great trust in the boy to not be watching him at all. “You didn’t... You didn’t fake your death?” Kenobi asks slowly.
  “I didn’t what.”
  “Your body disappeared on Geonosis after Master Windu said you fell during the battle! We all thought he’d killed you.”
  Of kriffing course no one actually checked his corpse, or his unconscious body would never have been hauled off the battlefield with the droid scrap by a thrifty Geonosian with an eye on the chit the Bando Gora has had on him for the past decade. “I was kidnapped and sold as a bounty to the Bando Gora! Where the fuck is my son?” He gets right up in Kenobi’s face, and Kenobi doesn’t back down, though he perhaps looks as guilty as a Jedi can allow themselves to look. 
  “He’s safe, Fett,” he says, soft enough that the younglings and Anakin can ignore them. “Your backup credits and apartment have been more than enough to keep him afloat until now.”
  “And how the kriff do you know about any of that?”
  Kenobi furrows his brow in what appears genuine confusion, though Jango isn’t sure if he trusts that. “I went looking for him after the battle, of course; I wasn’t just going to let a child wander around a warzone when his father had been killed.”
  Jango growls, but doesn’t get the chance to demand what the kriff a Jedi thought he was doing trying to look after his kid, as an explosion sounds further into the complex and shakes the room. The Cathar squeal and cling to Anakin as he hurriedly gets to his feet, and Jango reluctantly steps away from Kenobi. 
  “That’ll be the others,” Anakin says, scooping the youngest Cathar into his arms. “Master, what do we do?”
  Kenobi looks between the younglings and Jango, and then back to Anakin. “Give me your ‘saber, padawan.”
  Anakin blinks, but then simply hands it over, as if that doesn’t go against everything Jango knows about jetii’kad’e. Gesturing to the other two younglings, Kenobi raises a brow at Jango with something that’s almost like a smile. 
  “Come now, Ser Fett,” Kenobi says as if they weren’t at each other’s throats just moments before, “you don’t expect me to let one of our rescued hostages fight drug-fueled bandits unarmed, do you?”
  “I’m not finished with you,” Jango warns, but crouches to let the last two younglings climb into his arms and settle on his hips. 
  “Well, by all means,” Kenobi returns with a little bow of his head, before he lights both lightsabers and gives them an experimental spin. The youngest Cathar coos excitedly, curling into Anakin’s chest at the green and blue glow, but it isn’t out of fear, and Kenobi smiles at them gently. “Alright, my men are waiting outside the complex, and we couldn’t get a proper lifesigns reading before we came in, so we don’t know how many Bando Gora members are left. Unless you have some insight...?”
  Jango grunts, letting one of the younglings pull on his longest curl. “We’ve only been here a tenday,” he says, “I haven’t had time to case their numbers.”
  “Then we’ll simply have to make do. Anakin, are you ready?”
  “As always, master!” Anakin chirps, falling into step behind Jango as Kenobi quickly leads them from the room. 
  The irony of another Jedi dual-wielding in a Bando Gora hideout is not lost on Jango, but these are not the ‘kad of a darjetii, and Komari Vosa had not moved with even half the grace Kenobi somehow manages in the tight quarters of the hallways. He cuts bandits down before they even get close to Jango or Anakin, and a sour taste rises in Jango’s throat that not a single one of them is a killing blow.
  Kriffing peace-keeping jettise.
  But then maybe the feeling is instead misplaced respect and awe at the way Kenobi switches effortlessly between reverse and standard grip, the fluidity of katas rote in muscle-memory, the concern in his glances back at Anakin and the younglings. It does something weird to Jango’s chest, imagining this man protecting Boba the last six months he’s been captive.
  When Jango later steals a cargo ship off the Negotiator, Kenobi watches him from a balcony with a little frown on his lips, as if he had expected better of him. If Kenobi intends to keep checking in on Boba, their paths are likely to cross again, and Jango is eager to disabuse him of that notion.
  He meets Kenobi’s eye as he steers the cargo ship out into space, and watches the frown slip into a smirk. Oh, he’s looking forward to it.  
Mando’a: jetii’kad’e — lightsabers, sin. jetii’kad (goodness me i could not figure out how or where to pluralise this. please suspend disbelief.)  jetiise — Jedi, sin. jetii darjetii — sith, lit. “no longer a Jedi” ’ika — diminutive suffix, similar to the suffix “ita/o” in Spanish. generally used only by close family and friends. 
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bakugous-abs · 4 years
Oof I was wondering if you could write a angst (scenario) about izuku and the s/o having a heated argument in the dorms she ends up saying some pretty mean stuff to him (in the heat of the moment) turns out he already is pretty sensitive to these comments sense the bullying he went through (poor cinnamon roll) he ends up missing people think he ran away but turns out he just needed some air .
~Admin Milo 
He had come back from training with another broken arm. No matter how hard he seemed to work to control his quirk, whenever he lost control or powered up too much, he seemed to absolutely demolish his body. The bruises were deeply set, causing shades of purple that were nearly black which crept from his fingertips up to the joint of his shoulder. It was currently in a sling, treated by Recovery Girl, who said that he would heal from this in short order but had warned that he could not continue sustaining injuries such as this or he may lose functionality of his limbs entirely. 
You've been with him long enough to know that while he heard this warning, he understood it-- he was going to end up hurting himself again. He would come back from training or fieldwork and he will have overdone it again. He will keep doing this until his body gives out and his dreams are ripped out from under him. 
Because, Plus Ultra, right? 
He is sat on the edge of his mattress in his room, surrounded by the figurines and posters of the Hero he so admires, but his face does not bear a similar smile. His eyes are downcast, his lip pouting as you stand before him in a firm stance with your arms crossed over your chest. Giving him a sharp glare you practically spit with venom, "You are absolutely reckless with your quirk, Izuku. Every day you are breaking your body down more and more. Soon you will have nothing left to give. You have to slow down, babe."
He looks up to you with hurt in his eyes, deep emerald and sparkling with tears as he says, "I am getting better every day. I understand my quirk so much more than I used to. It hardly ever happens anymore. I just went a little too far today."
"A little too far?" You ask defensively. "This is not a little too far, Izuku. You are destroying your body. I know that you want to be like All Might, but you just aren't him. You have to accept your limitations. You are never going to be the kind of hero he is and you have to stop pretending that you are him. You are going to get yourself killed."
"That's not true," he replies, bringing his unbroken arm up to wipe his eyes on the sleeve of his jacket as tears begin to fall from them. He looks back to you and says in a voice that quivers with emotion, "I am going to be the best Hero. I will get even stronger than All Might. I will learn to control this. Just watch, you will see, baby. I can do this."
For a person to hears and sees so much, who can analyze any person at a glance, Izuku Midoriya can be incredibly thick. This isn't a challenge for him to push himself harder. This is a plea for him to pump the fucking breaks. 
Frustration fills you and you find yourself snapping, "Stop being such a dumbass! You are going to get yourself killed thinking you are stronger than you are. When you destroy your body, how are you going to save anyone? What good are you to anyone if you cannot even manage a training exercise without falling apart. For fuck's sake, just stop being so stupid, Midoriya."
You know the instant that you say it that you had gone too far. You see him flinch at the insults and can hear him suck in a pained breath. Your features soften and arms unclench for a moment reaching out to him. He had been bullied relentlessly through the whole of his childhood. He had been insulted and belittled at every turn and you had promised yourself that you would be someone safe for him. Someone who would never treat him like that. 
"Izu… I'm sorry--" you begin, but the rest of the statement is lost as Deku bolts from the bed, running toward the door which he slams behind him hard enough to knock several figurines over, one of the All Mights which landed on the ground letting out a, "I am here!" as it bounced. 
It takes you a few moments to get your feet going to run after him, jogging down the stairs of the dorm building as quickly as your feet will allow. Your path is blocked by Ochaco as you find yourself in the common area, and there is a look of concern on her face as she says, "What on Earth is happening? Deku-chan just ran out the front door looking really upset."
"I really messed up," you confess breathlessly. "We were arguing and… I said some really unkind things. Do you know what direction he went?"
"Hopefully straight to the bus station for a one-way ticket out of town," Bakugou mused from his position lounging across one of the sofas where he was tossing a ball into the air and catching it casually. "If you finally got him to get the Hell out of here for good, I'll send you a gift basket."
You round on him and for a moment you consider giving him a piece of your mind. After all, his abusive and toxic behaviors are largely the source of Izuku's trauma surrounding conflict. However, what comes out of your mouth is simply, "Shut it, Bakugou."
With that, you take off once more, now heading for the front doors. When you have pushed them open and stepped out into the night, the wind whips at your hair and stings at your eyes. You run the perimeter of the building shouting for Izuku, but there is no answer. It is hard to tell quite how long has passed by the time that you return to the dorm, sitting down on the front steps with your head in your hands. From inside you are able to hear the other’s discussion, wondering if Izuku may have, in fact, run away. He isn’t answering calls or texts, and this is very much outside of his m.o. There is a general sense of worry from most and even Bakugou seems to have gone quiet as the hours wear on, particularly when storm clouds move in and rain begins to fall. The sun sinks down over the horizon and the streetlights begin to flicker to life, shining brightly against puddles that have formed on the pavement and in the grass. You can hear Tenya suggesting that someone inform Mr. Aizawa about the boy’s disappearance, perhaps form a search party. The suggestion only makes you curl in on yourself further, guilt wracking you for having said such terrible things to him. 
The call isn’t made, however. Because at that moment, Midoriya comes into sight along the road. It does not matter that it is raining. You launch off of the stairs and make a beeline for him, the tears streaking down your face masked by the falling rain. 
But when you approach, ready to throw your arms around him with a thousand apologies, he holds out a hand for you to wait and says, “I have things to say, and I need you to listen to them.” The green-haired boy squares his jaw and continues, “I am going to be a hero. I am going to push myself every day to be the very best hero that I can be. If that means that I break my bones as I am doing it, that is a sacrifice that I am willing to make. I am going to be a hero. The best hero. And, I love you. I want you to be by my side as I do those things. And I want you to believe in me the way that I have finally come to believe in myself. I needed to clear my head because I was so hurt by what you said to me. I know that you said it because you do not like to see me hurt. But we are heroes, that is an occupational hazard.” He reaches out his uninjured hand to you and adds, “I believe in you. I believe in everything you do and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do to support you. Can you believe in me too?”
In that instant, you rush right past the extended hand, instead opting to throw your arms around his neck, pulling him close and replying, “I believe in you. And I am so sorry. I was just so scared for you and I didn’t think. The words came out before I could stop them, but I do not think that about you at all.” His arm wraps around your lower back as he nuzzles into your neck and responds, “I know. But you weren’t entirely wrong either. I need to be more careful and I need to control this quirk. But I know if you are by my side, cheering me on, well, there is nothing that can stop me.”
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osamiiya · 4 years
Pairing: Akaashi x reader
Warnings: None
Summary: In which Akaashi spends the entire week trying to ask y/n out, not quite ending in the romantic way he thought but would.
A/n: I love Akaashi so much, also I'm gonna try a different format for this fic, please tell me If it was ok, or if it was hard to read!
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Akaashi made up his mind, he was going to ask his longtime crush and friend, you, out by the end of the week.
He sat at his desk thinking of ideas and scrapping the ones that seem bad.
'What if I just ask her? But when?' His thoughts are interrupted by the teacher clearing her voice and starting class.
He takes notes vigilantly eyes wandering to where you sat two seats up and to the left of him, hair slightly falling into your face as you occasionally look up at the board.
The school day goes by slowly, and it feels like forever before lunch.
'Should I just get it over with?'
He stands from his desk right as Bokuto appears in the doorway.
"Akaashi! Let's have lunch in the clubroom." He exclaims, loudly, may I add.
Akaashi sighs slightly, but can't help the small smile that makes its way into his face as he grabs his lunch and walks out with Bokuto, listening as he talked animatedly about a new play he wanted to try.
After lunch, you got paired with a different student for a project, not exactly giving Akaashi the 'golden opportunity' to ask you out.
Once the school bell rang signaling the end of school, your friends got to you first, pulling you out of your seat just as you finished packing up, and disappearing out the door with a "Sorry Akaashi! I'll see you tomorrow!"
'Tomorrow for sure'
It was raining on this Tuesday, nobody though it would, but the drops of water came quickly from the sky, creating a pattering noise on the pavement.
You burst through the door, your hair and the top half of your uniform shirt drenched. At least your blazer was dry, as you bowed to the teacher aplogetically, and fumbled to close the buttons.
Akaashi watches out of the corner of his eye as you opened your bag taking out your book, realizing you forgot your pencil case.
He watched as you ask the people around you, failing to accuire a pencil, before turning to him and gesturing to a pencil.
He nods and gives you one, heart racing as your fingers brush slightly, and you give him a smile that made his head spin slightly. He's got it bad.
The lunch comes and goes, Akaashi insisting you keep it until the day ends, so you have something to write with in your afternoon classes.
He would've asked you out but thought, 'It seems like I'm asking them out as payment for borrowing my pencil.'
'Tomorrow he thought as he changed in the club room'
It was Wednesday when everything went wrong.
He walked into class to see a guy probably from another class leaning over your desk as you both laughed. He couldn't tell who it was at first, and he couldn't help the squeeze in his heart and throat that caught his breath.
'Of course they'd get asked out, they're gorgeous.'
Class started and Akaashi tried his best not to look over at you.
Once lunch started be got up out of his seat and decided to meet Bokuto halfway, seeing you get up and turn towards him, about to walk over.
"Bokuto-san!" He, not yelled, but said loudly as he jogged over to the captain.
"Akaashi! How's it going with the plan to ask y/n out? "
Akaashi frowned as they began walking to the club room. "They're either already dating someone or they got asked out this morning. I saw."
Bokuto frowned "But you don't know for sure, they would've told you."
Akaashi sighed, "Yeah, but I'd rather not take a chance and end up embarrassing myself, besides it's not like I have a say in who they get to date or not."
Bokuto nods in response, ideas brewing in his head how did Akaashi not see the way Y/n looked at him too?
Once they got to the club room Akaashi out his stuff down and turned to Bokuto "I'm gonna try to distance myself, it would be better if I just got over my feelings."
"If that's what you think you should do." He laughed nervously, making eye contact with Konoha, who had an eyebrow raised at the pair.
'Does he know?' Konoha mouthed, Bokuto shaking his head in response.
Akaashi walked into the classroom, his stoic face not wavering as he walked by y/n's desk, replacing his usual small smile with a nod to them.
He only felt slightly bad when y/n frowned, looking concerned. The class felt like it would never end, as he saw y/n take glances at him in his peripheral vision.
The bell for lunch rang after why felt like forever, and he got up right away and walked as quickly as he could out of the door, not missing how y/n stood up from their desk about to walk over to them.
'Should they even be coming over to talk to me when they're dating someone?'
He ran straight into Bokuto's back, head too preoccupied with overthinking.
"Oof" Akaashi grunted, snapping out of his thoughts.
Bokuto turned and narrowed his eyes, it wasn't like Akaashi to be so preoccupied when it wasnt exam week.
"You ok, Akaashi?" Bokuto steadys Akaashi by holding onto his shoulders.
Akaashi nods "Just thinking about the practice game tomorrow."
Bokuto can tell that Akaashi wanted to change the subject by the way he picked at the skin between his middle and ring finger.
They talked all through lunch in the club room, well, Bokuto talked and Akaashi gave input when needed, talking all the way to Akaashi's classroom, where Bokuto left Akaashi with a wave and a speedwalk down the hallway and up the stairs.
He ignored the states you gave him, you couldn't possibly be worried, it's not like you were the closest of friends, only occasionally studying together, eating lunch together and walking home.
The bell rang and Akaashi, who was usually one of the last to leave, was the first out, wanting to avoid your confrontation.
You stood outside of the clubroom that he just disappeared into.
"Ah! Bokuto-senpai!" You jogged down the stairs to where Bokuto just left the school.
"Did I do something to upset Akaashi?" You ask.
Bokuto shook his head "It's not my place to say, but don't worry about it."
You sigh, running a hand through your hair "Should I still go through with it tomorrow?"
Bokuto's eyes widened.
"Of course you have to!"
You nod, "Well, I'm gonna go home, I wouldn't want to keep you from practice."
Sending him a wave you walk home.
Friday came finally, and a small part of Akaashi's brain chatsized him for not asking you out.
He sat in class, feelings repressed as he took notes, absorbed in the lesson.
Lunch came quickly, and you stood out of your seat and left the classroom.
Akaashi sighed with relief and took out his lunch slowly and walked slowly to find Bokuto.
He couldn't find Bokuto in his classroom, so he left the main building to the clubroom, and then the gym.
He was about to turn the corner when he heard your voice mix with Bokuto's.
"No he dosent know yet, come to the practice game tonight to tell him."
Of course you would be dating Bokuto. Who wouldn't? The ace had a vibrant personality and was attractive. He got letters from admirers and girls confessing all the time.
He couldn't help the jealousy that coursed through him as he walked back to the classroom, eating there.
The day went by quickly, Akaashi zoning in and out of insecure thoughts and taking notes.
For the last 30 minutes of the day however, Akaashi pushed all thoughts away except for the notes in front of him, and the practice game after school.
The bell rang and Akaashi's focus was on the game and the new play that the team was going to try.
"Akaashi!" Bokuto yelled once he saw Akaashi.
Akaashi startled himself with the jealousy that bloomed when he saw Bokuto.
'No, you can ask him later, the game is more important.'
He smiled and walked with him, politely listening to what the Ace had to say.
once they made it to the club room, the room was quiet, everyone getting into the zone.
They warmed up, and watched as the other team walked in.
They played, and won after 3 long sets. The team yelling in victory.
They bowed to the other team and began to clean up, some of his teammates on the floor, tired.
Akaashi went with some teammates to put the net away, and once he came back, he was met with you talking to Bokuto. Putting on a wry smile, he walked over.
"Oh! Akaashi! Can we talk?" You exclaimed, a nervous tremor in your voice.
He nodded and walked with you outside of the gym, not noticing how his team gathered behind the door, listening.
"So, um, we've been friends for a while, and-" You started, as Akaashi cut you off.
"Y/n, it's ok, I know you're dating Bokuto."
Your jaw dropped, in shock. The two of you stood in silence for a minute before he moved to leave.
He froze when he heard laughing, your laughing.
"I'm not dating Bokuto-senpai. I was trying to ask you out." You smiled, slightly out of breath.
Akaashi stood there in shock before turning and yelling at the sky.
"Are you kidding me?" He turned back to you, a wide grin on his face.
You looked shocked and had tears welling up in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I must've gotten mixed signals." You sniff, as Akaashi realizes his mistake.
"No, I'm so happy, I've been trying to ask you out all week, but thought you were dating Bokuto."
You smile back at him as he drags you into a hug.
Scrunching your nose you pull away.
"You're sweaty." You laugh lightly.
"Wait here, I'll walk you home once I change." Akaashi can't wipe the grin off his face as he jogs to the club room.
Once he gets back he sees you bowing to Bokuto and Konoha.
"Thank you for helping me even though it didn't go as planned."
Everything fits into place in Akaashi's brain as he walks up and bows to them, and waving to his team as he grabs your hand.
"I'm so happy." He sighs
"All week huh?" You tease, causing Akaashi's ears to burn pink.
"I'm also not forgetting how you yelled at the sky." You continue, swinging your arms lightly.
"I was excited" He says, calm demeanor back.
You both chuckle as you swing your arms walking the rest of the way home.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reactions to Truth!
Just going to go straight into it because this episode is huge! I really like how at the end of a season and the beginning of another, we see the same scene that leads us out of one and into another. Gabriel fixes the Miraculous and ohhh poor Dusuu thought it was all a dream, being in evil hands. So in a way, the Miraculous being damaged may have been a blessing for her. Dx Too bad it couldn't have been fixed after Marinette got it back :/ But at least Nooroo isn't alone right? Legit only positive I can get from this. ;-; Tikki and her little hats omg it's so cuuuute! I wonder if she makes her little clothes, too awww But the other Kwami's are almost like siblings to Tikki if you think about it. Now Tikki has to share things with them all as they cause chaos all around when she's so used to her quiet life alone with Marinette. Even for a Kwami, that must be hard to adjust to.
Okay so it's almost Prince Ali's birthday that Paris is going to celebrate. Interesting! I'd really like to see him back and a storyline with that. :O Marinette holding something, clearly, that the girls can't see over video chat. Talking to what appears to be herself, reacting to what someone's saying from different sides of her room. Camera flashes going off. And then her phone getting yeeted at her all on a video call with her friends when she's supposed to be alone...considering they're all going to have Kwami's and learn some things later as they become heroes, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they think back to this scene someday! OH WAIT spoiler for the upcoming episode Gang of Secrets!!! Fair warning. What if this episode with the plushies she said she's going to make, is one of if not the reason they go over and are looking around her room? Because she's been acting sus and they want to know what's going on. Especially after what happens later in the episode with Luka. Okay, back to the episode itself. Her friends observation: You're acting way weirder than normal.... IS ADRIEN AT YOUR PLACE?! I mean, fair point. xD But the thing is, whenever Marinette tends to act weirder or say/do things that Alya and the girls don't understand, it's almost always connected to her being Ladybug/Guardian. Even Lila. If she wasn't Ladybug and dealt with her so much as her, she wouldn't know a lot of things that made her not trust Lila to begin with. So Marinette has to overcompensate to try to hide everything or can't explain her thoughts or feelings about certain situations, so Alya always just assumes her behavior has something to do with Adrien. It really sucks but at the same time, what else is she going to think?
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These Kwami are a lot of trouble. xD Now she's even more frazzled, so she calls Luka Adrien. More than once. I've done this where I call my siblings the wrong name more of than I'd like so I can't fault her for it. Her mind's probably a mess, poor girl. Dx "I'm sorry it's just that I cheated on you!" BIG OOF. But this gives me Kim Possible vibes when Ron assumed Kim didn't want him anymore and told her he was cheating on her when he meant to say he was cheating to be on the football team so he could be more worthy of her when he thought she wanted to "trade up" her boyfriend. Our poor Marinette! So frazzled she can't remember when her dates are, when they've been rescheduled. She can't remember her patrols with Chat Noir which are really important. She's getting to the point where it's going to be a wonder she can even function. Dx "But Marinette and I are such a big fan of his" wow this sure hits different. The way they kept quizzing each other to finish the sentence with Jagged Stone trivia was pretty cute. Luka having her finish the line with "Kiss me" that she screamed to the entire theater made me choke on my cake. "Well, if that's what you want." Smooth. "I think, yes. I want to." But you know, it gets interrupted by an akuma attack of course because that's just the way things work! :D And wouldn't you know it, it's Mr. Pigeon. AGAIN. Totally worth interrupting the moment lol Ladybug can't pick and choose, however, so here comes the sequence where she's constantly running off and he starts doubting her. Notice the parallel when Marinette started to like Luka after Adrien could never show up to things? Now Marinette's having trouble showing up and Luka's having issues with it. The second Chat Noir started to sneak up on Ladybug, we all knew he was going to get flipped. But it's so adorable and funny at the same time I love it x333 And that whole scene there of Ladynoir. Obviously it's a Lukanette-centered episode but the Ladynoir in this episode! So good! And you know, it's interesting. First time we see Adrien this episode is for FIVE whole seconds! And the way it abruptly cut off as he opened the car door... yeah you know what, Lies is going to be Adrien's POV or something of this same day. It has to be. He has 2 total scenes one of them is 5 seconds and the other one is 2 seconds. Crazy. We got about 7 seconds of Adrien's face today woo! But ugh here's where we get hurt Luka ;-; "A girl, who as always, isn't here." Ouch. The fact that if Marinette said she loved Adrien still, he'd understand and he'd get it is so sweet, and so sad that it's not even because of that, it's because she's Ladybug and the Guardian and she can't say a thing about it to him at all, that he can't accept. It's the one thing he couldn't deal with that's the issue and that really sucks. AND THIS MOMENT RIGHT HERE HAD ME GASPING AND HURTING FOR LUKA. IT'S THE MOMENT HIS HEART BROKE
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But also really guys, did you notice his eyes are different now? Almost like a blue diamond look or something.
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Luka trying to fight it, trying to tell Hawk Moth that the truth needs to be willingly told, not forced. But stupid Hawk Moth's able to get him to hold on anyway and gets akumatized. But not before he told Marinette to run. Which was such an awwww moment. x33 I mean, this is definitely getting a bit close to Chat Blanc territory if you ask me. New transformation music is pretty good! I like it. Also can we just appreciate that instead of trying to track down Marinette to get the truth from her, he's instead asking all her friends and family, pretty much any source besides her? AND ROSE'S RESPONSE "Marinette has no secrets because she's the most honest girl in the world!" She thinks so highly of her and it's just so beautiful. Nobody would blame her for these secrets if they only knew either. But awwwwww I love this scene!! And here's the big reveal! (no not that one) Jagged Stone is Luka and Juleka's father. 😮
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Thomas today tweeted that Luka and Juleka are twins. Which would have to be fairly obvious after this reveal. There's no way that Jagged, who says he'd be a lame dad and left because he wasn't cut out for it, would have Luka with Anarka, then stay long enough to also have Juleka. I also totally forgot that in the French version, Jagged has an American accent when he speaks. XDD Just the fact that even WITH his truth powers, he asked his mother TWICE who his father was. Both times she said Jagged Stone. He still didn't believe it until he went to Jagged himself omg. This poor poor boy. Luka: 😱*gasp* Marinette: 😲 *gasp* Adrien: 😮 WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY OMG. LIKE I'M WATCHING A TELENOVELA OR SOMETHING. THEY EVEN ZOOMED IN ON THEIR REACTIONS I CAN'T And then Luka just yeets his dad because he wasn't ever there for him. I honestly did not expect Luka having dad issues to ever be a thing in this show, even though I knew he wasn't around. So like... when everything's worked out with Marinette and Adrien in the end, will Luka and Adrien end up becoming friends and bonding over things, like the whole daddy issues thing...? Are we really supposed to believe she has no feelings for Chat Noir? I mean really, look at this.
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"I can't imagine what your daily life must look like" ... is she really actually being the one to bring up something about his secret identity? With that face? 😲
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Their flirty banter that at this point I don't even think they realize it is, and those soft looks I just... My top ship is Ladynoir and I was not expecting any significant moments of theirs but I got it anyway. Just watching their scenes, I kept going "See, this is why they're meant for each other." My heart is happy despite all the Luka pain! It's helping me cope with it, okay? "When you're ready, I'll be here for you, Marinette." Awww so they're telling us Lukanette is on hold here. Not a guarantee, but at least on hold. He's an option for her later. So now the Adrienette vs. Lukanette for S4 we heard about awhile back makes sense now. Later on this season, probably when things calm down and she gets the hang of things, she'll be in a better position to be with someone. And by then, Adrien will probably realize and understand his feelings for Marinette. So then she'll be in a position to choose between them. Now we know where Luka gets his ability to turn emotions into great songs. That's adorable! Father-son bonding! Gabriel needs to take notes when a man who was never in his son's life as more than his idol has the ability to try to be there, but Gabriel can't. Ugh our poor Marinette, probably thinking she's going to be alone for a very long time just because of a supervillain. That's so wrong she has to feel like this. If you notice, Hawk Moth's akumatizations help people patch up relationships so much of the time as a weird unexpected result of an akuma attack. And yet, he does nothing but hurt Marinette and at times Adrien, the most when he akumatizes people. He makes me so angry! But I'm too tired for a rant about that. At least the Kwami hugs at the end helped a teeny bit anyway! c:
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rune-writes · 3 years
One Date
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
@zerith-week » Day 1: Church
Word Count: 3178
Rating: G
Summary: Zack visits the Sector 5 slums church with a mind to ask Aerith out on that date he promised, but when rambunctious kids are involved, nothing goes as he planned.
Chapter 1 of Of Wishes and Promises: Zerith Week 2021
Read on AO3.
When Zack visited the church that day, he’d already had a mind where to take Aerith out. A date filled with excitement, he called it. He’d bring her to the Upper Plate as he’d promised. It’d be a surprise—one he planned not to tell until they boarded the train heading for Upper Midgar. He’d show her the cute cafes Kunsel told him about, then the flower shops that might interest her to invest more in her own business. They could visit boutiques, and he’d buy her all the dresses she wanted; threw in a couple of shoes and maybe a hat too. His SOLDIER salary could afford it. He’d checked. Then, they could go to the food plaza with those sweet, fluffy crepes with an overabundant of cream. They could even visit the theater at Sector 8, if that was more of her thing. But one thing he knew was that at the end of their date, he’d bring her to Midgar Tower—the highest commercial tower in all the metropolitan city, bar the Shinra building. With no other skyscrapers to block their view, he’d show her the sky, stretching as far as the eye could see.
She’d love it—he knew. So bright, so blue, so deep. It was the most beautiful place to witness it in the entire Midgar. So when Zack reached the Sector 5 slums church and pushed open the heavy double doors, his entire being brimming with enthusiasm—
A sharp jab to the center of his stomach; Zack doubled over, clutching his abdomen as tears sprang to his eyes. Gleeful squeals filled his ears. Kids, around six to eight years old, ran back down the aisle to the flower bed at the church’s other end, where Aerith sat next to a girl making crowns from her lilies.
“Oates!” she called, stern, but even from the distance, Zack could see her suppressed smile. “You don’t jab people on the stomach.”
The smaller of the two kids running from him skidded to a halt, mumbling “aww, shucks” or something of the like, though he didn’t look apologetic at all.
“Now go back and apologize to Zack.”
Zack remembered the kid now. He was the one who'd stolen Zack’s wallet the first time Zack was here. Oates, was it? He'd never gotten the kid’s name.
Oates reached his side a moment later and, eyes downcast, mumbled a half-hearted apology. Before Zack could say anything, however, the kid had rushed back to where his friends waited, leaving Zack staring after him. His mouth quirked up into a little amused smirk.
“Sorry, Zack,” Aerith said later when he reached her flowerbed. Brows drawn back; her face split into an apologetic smile. “You know how he gets.”
He knew. At least from their brief encounter before. Proud. Cocky. But with a good heart. Zack couldn’t help softening as he watched the boys wrestle.
“So.” He turned to Aerith, who offered him one of those bright, inquisitive looks. A soft little “hm?” that tugged at his heartstrings. Zack fought to contain his bursting emotions as he addressed the issue at hand. He nodded at the children playing at the church. “What’s all this?”
“Oh, Leaf House is having some renovations today, so the teachers asked me to watch over them for the time being.”
The explanation was short and simple, yet it was as though the sky—or, well, the steel sky here in the slums—had crashed down on him.
She met his question with a giggle. “They’re not exactly babies, but, yes, something like that.”
There went his date-with-excitement plan out the window, ripped and blown into smithereens until not a speck of it remained. The tower… The sky…
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Zack shrugged. Well, what could he do if Aerith was already preoccupied? They could save that date for another time. Meanwhile… He sat down next to her, stretching his legs in front of him. A date at the church with a handful of kids in tow wasn’t bad either. Right?
Beside him, Aerith tilted her head to the side. Zack grinned, then noticed the loose hair coming out of her braid. He reached out and slipped it behind her ears. It had been a reflex—the way his hand moved. He only realized it when he spotted the blush coloring Aerith’s cheeks. Even the girl at the flowerbed gasped, quiet. He glanced at her; she ducked her head.
“Hey, Mister.” A bump on his head; Oates stood behind him in that self-important way. The kid should really learn some manners. “Are you going out with Aerith?”
With that question alone, all eyes turned toward him: the wrestling boys, the girl making flower crowns, and a couple others playing with the abandoned piano. The off-key tunes that had filled the church ground to an abrupt halt.
“It’s Zack, Oates,” Zack said into the sudden silence. “I thought we’d introduced ourselves to each other.”
Oates frowned, the way six-year-olds frowned when they were being told off, and folded his arms. “I don’t remember telling you my name, Mister.” Zack struggled to maintain his composure. “Well, are you or are you not?”
“I am.” More gasps, mostly from the girls. The boys only stared, some wide-eyed, some skeptical, including Oates.
Oates looked over his shoulder at his friends. Determined nods from all around. Zack had a bad feeling about it.
When the boy's gaze returned to him, he pointed an accusatory finger at him. “Then we challenge you! Come on, guys! We need to see if this Mister guy is right for Aerith or not!”
The air split as cries erupted everywhere—boys and girls and even the kids at the piano. Before he could prepare himself, the little rascals had leaped from all sides, tackling him to the ground.
Aerith jumped when the children pushed Zack to the ground. Muffled sounds came from that squirming pile of bodies. They pinned him around his waist and straddled him on his chest. A couple climbed up and held his arms to the ground, maneuvering their way around that big sword hilt behind his back.
“Got it!” one of them yelled. A small square object held high in his grasp.
“Hey, you little, that’s my wallet!”
They squealed and shouted and laughed, jumped away when Zack tried to get up. “Spread out!” came a voice louder than the others, and they did, spreading out to the benches and the fallen beams and the room behind the altar. Zack pushed himself off his back, leaped to his feet, then put his hands on his hips. He scanned the church, a little frown playing across his lips.
“Lost something?” Aerith couldn’t help but ask. She pressed her lips together to stop herself from giggling.
“My wallet,” Zack said under his breath. “I know they’re good kids and it’s got nothing much but…” He stopped, glanced sideways at Aerith on the flowerbed. “Nothing,” he muttered.
It was unusual to see him blush, but there it was, the pink shades on his cheeks. She took a picture of it in her mind then saved it in her heart, shifting her attention back to the flowers by her knees, only to feel a stare at the side of her head. Leila, who'd been making crowns, was looking at her. Aerith arched her brows in a silent question, but before neither of them could say anything…
“Look!” Another call came. One of the older boys—Basil—waved a piece of paper in the air. “I found something!”
In the blink of an eye, Zack had disappeared from her side and crossed the church’s length. "Give that back!" she heard him say, and when Basil refused, running to the other side of the church, leaping over benches and hiding behind pillars, Zack quickened his pace. He caught the boy from behind and wrestled for his wallet. Soon, the other children had crowded around them, helping Basil keep his hold on the paper. Aerith snorted. Never had she thought she would see the day when Zack Fair wrestled with a child. That paper had to be very important.
“Are you really going out with that man, Aerith?”
The voice was soft; Leila looked at her with big, brown eyes. Curious, wary.
“I am.”
The frown deepened. The girl looked back down at the crown in her hand. Almost finished, Aerith noticed. Just a little more touch. Behind her, Zack shouted, “A-ha! Got it!” She glanced back just enough to see the fluttering paper caught between his index and middle fingers, before another boy—Finn—leaped from the nearest bench onto Zack’s back and grabbed the paper from his clutch. “Brat—!” Zack swung around trying to catch him, but Finn only clung to his back, laughing with glee.
“Isn’t he from the upper plate?” Leila asked again, pulling Aerith’s attention back to her.
“He is.”
“Aren’t they scary?”
Aerith blinked and stared, before the realization hit her. Like many people of the slums, the only things Leila knew of the upper plate were prejudice and discrepancy, hate and violence. Having to scrap for a living, only to be kicked and shoved by the so-called securities the people they called their government had stationed there; then watching the news and ads on the big monitor at Central District, only to realize how big a difference their lives were. Leila's father was taken to the war, and when they'd refused, those securities had almost crippled her grandfather.
“Zack’s not scary, though.”
“But the sword…” The girl lifted her eyes and looked at the massive sword on Zack’s back.
“He uses that to protect people.” Aerith's smile was warm. “He protected me before. I’m sure he’d protect you with it too.”
The nine-year-old still didn’t look convinced. Maybe there was something, anything, Aerith could use to show the girl that Zack was harmless. A thought just occurred to her mind when, suddenly, a weight pressed itself on her back.
“Aerith, look!”
Oates had climbed onto her back, arms dangling down from around her neck. He waved a small piece of paper in front of her, where she glimpsed her face, smiling, on it.
“Got you!” The weight disappeared; Zack stood behind her, holding Oates on both arms as though the boy weighed nothing more than a sack of rice. “Stop squirming and hand over the photo.”
“Does the photo worth more than the wallet to you!?”
“Yes! Now give it—“
The photo lay on Aerith’s lap, now crooked after having so many hands wrestling for it. She picked it up and turned it around. Her own smiling face looked back at her. Hair braided back; a little smudge of dirt on her cheek; she'd crouched before her flowers as she'd tended to them, eyes crinkling at an ear-to-ear grin. When did Zack take this?
“Why would you put a picture of me there instead of your parents?” she asked the first question that popped into her mind. Zack had left home when he was thirteen without ever telling them. She’d thought they’d be foremost in his mind. But she knew the answer, even before she looked up and saw his beet-red face.
“And why are you blushing?” Oates asked.
“Oh, shut up!” He finally let Oates go. The children had gathered around them then, their expressions ranging from bemused to mischievous grins.
“You’re blushing too, Aerith,” Leila noted beside her.
She believed she was. Her cheeks felt hot. She met Zack’s sky-blue eyes, and as she beamed, he started beaming too.
Aerith asked Zack to tell the kids about his adventures—adventures, because the kids shouldn’t hear about missions or wars; adventures where he went to all corners of the world to protect people and their homes.
“Who wants to hear about my adventures?” Zack asked then. Silence…
“I wanna know more about your sword,” Oates said. “Why is it so big?"
Another voice asked, "Is it real?”
“Of course it’s real!”
“Can I touch it?” Zack didn’t realize a kid was standing behind him, and when he reached out to touch the steel blade, Aerith and Zack shouted at him to stop. The kid jumped, retracting his hand as quickly as it’d come.
“That’s dangerous, Finn!” Aerith said from her seat.
“But it looks so cool!”
“And also very heavy and sharp,” Zack said. “It could easily cut your arm off if you so much as touch it wrong.” Gasps and grunts and nervous gulps. Despite the glare Aerith was shooting him—maybe he should have toned down the gore, though he’d only spoken truth with it—he thought that was enough to scare them away. But then a voice spoke up:
“But you can use it.” It was the girl who’d played the piano before. Jet-black hair tied in twin tails.
“That’s because I’m trained in combat.”
“Show us!” she said, prompting the others to chant yeah, show us, show us.
At the urging, Zack broke into a grin, wide and proud. He told them to give him a bit of space, and they stepped back. Then he reached over and behind his back and curled his fingers around the hilt. He’d show them. Yes, they would see that he was the coolest guy they ever saw.
Pulling the Buster Sword from his back one-handed was an easy feat. He gave it a wide swing in the air before landing it, tip-down, on the church’s wooden floor. Oohs and ahhs greeted his ears. Even Aerith’s emerald-green eyes were wide, joining the children’s cheer. Then he lifted the sword with both hands and bent his knees in his battle stance.
“Want me to show you some battle moves?” he asked them, and they did, so he obliged.
The “show” ended with a series of claps, thrilled cries, and jumps. What skepticism and mischief he’d seen in their eyes were now gone, replaced by nothing short of awe. Zack couldn’t help the smirk that he’d somehow won their hearts.
“What do you do, Zack?” the oldest of the boys, he’d heard Aerith called him Basil before, asked.
“I’m—“ Then he stopped, and he remembered how Aerith had talked about SOLDIER and Turks and Shinra when they first met, and figured he should omit that part. “I’m a mercenary,” he said instead. “I help people whenever they need me.”
“Like how?”
“Finding lost items?”
“Rescuing a cat?”
“Yeah… And, like, bigger schemes.” The kids looked at one another. “Like protecting people from monsters.” More oohs and ahhs. Zack felt proud of himself.
But then, someone said, “I wanna have something like it.” It was Oates. He turned to his friends. “Just imagine: we can be our own Protection Squad! Defeating evil and helping people around the slums.” The idea immediately appealed to everyone’s minds. Before Zack could do anything about it, they’d already crowded around him and begged him for a sword of their own.
Zack broke into a small, weak smile as he tried to figure how to handle this new onslaught. He looked at Aerith for help, but her features reflected the resignation he felt. She offered a shrug, a silent permission to do what he thought best. In that case…
“Want me to make you wooden swords then?” The children’s eyes sparkled at that. They nodded, crowding closer that Zack had to step back and raise his hands, shoulders shaking in a chuckle. “Well, if you can find a good chunk of wood and some sawing equipment, I think I can make some.”
They'd bolted out the church’s double doors before he realized maybe he shouldn’t have told them to grab a saw. But Aerith was laughing, and she patted the spot next to her. Zack sat down with a loud sigh.
“You think they’re okay handling a saw?” he asked.
“Don’t worry, the carpenters won't let them hold it that easily,” Aerith said.
Zack wondered about that. Seeing how the kids had been, it wouldn't be a stretch to think they'd find some way to bring a saw there. But he was too tired to go look for them, so he hoped the carpenter would be so kind as to bring it himself. He sighed again, feeling the tension rolling off his shoulders. Who would’ve thought babysitting was even more exhausting than going on a mission?
Warmth enveloped his head. When he looked, Aerith was patting him, a bright smile on her face. “Great job today.”
And Zack would have broken into a grin, would have leaned in and rested his head on her shoulder and claimed it as energy recovering, if he had not noticed the girl on the flowerbed still weaving flowers into a crown. Aerith seemed to notice his line of sight too, because then she introduced the girl as Leila. In a whisper, she added that the girl had lost her family in the war, so she was a little taciturn around armed strangers.
The reason Aerith had suggested for him to talk about his adventures finally dawned on him. Zack scooted to the girl and peeked beneath the brown bangs. Big, brown eyes were focused on the flower crown in her hands. He noticed she’d braided her hair to match Aerith’s.
“You’re not going with the others?” he asked.
Leila shook her head. When she spoke, her voice was small. “I’m not really into those sword stuffs.”
“What are you into then?”
She lifted her flower crown, then continued weaving in more flowers. Zack fumbled for more topics, but before he could, Leila had risen from her seat. She walked over to him, then plopped the flower crown over his head. Zack blinked.
“That glow in your eyes—I’ve seen it. They took my dad away to the war, and he never came back.” Leila pursed her lips. “But you’re a good guy, Zack. At least, I think so. Everyone likes you. Aerith, too. And, you know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her laugh so hard like that before.” Zack blinked again, and this time, the girl softened her features. “She really likes you.”
With that, she turned toward Aerith and plopped another flower crown on top of her head.
“Well, I’m off. Think I’m going to catch up with the others and make sure they don’t hurt themselves.”
Her footsteps disappeared behind the double doors. The silence that followed stretched awkwardly. When Zack turned his head, Aerith was still staring at the church's entrance, half in daze.
“You really like me, she said.”
She jerked, glancing at him from the corner of her eyes. A frown formed across her lips, even as a deep shade of red tinged her cheeks. “She didn’t emphasize it, you know.”
Even so, that was not a denial. A slow grin split his features. Zack crawled to her side, then gazed at her scarlet face.
“What?” she asked.
His reply was a soft kiss to her cheeks that rendered her speechless. “I really like you to.” He beamed at her stunned face. It wasn't much of a date, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.
~ END ~
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Hello! Hope your doing okay! If it is't too much to ask could you maybe write a Rock lee x reader? Since they made him single and he's a single dad maybe a scenario where reader comes to help him take care of his newborn and eventually they catch feelings for eachother and it's rlly fluffy
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Since these are so similar I’ve put them together. As an aside I’m not a mother but I’ve babysat most of my life so this is just based on my personal experience.  Also I love Lee with like every fiber of my being, I adore my sweet green bean. Have some slow burn fluff. 
   You never guessed babysitting your summers away as a teen would come in as handy as it currently was, everyone you knew was practically at your door step asking for advice on their new bouncing bundles of joy not that you minded, it was nice to see your friends and get to meet their babies but one friend you hadn't seen was Lee, actually the more you thought about it you hadn't seen him since his son was born, you hadn't even heard anyone talk about a play date or anything...and the more you thought about it the odder it got. Lee wasn't a homebody and it was hard to picture him not training even with a new baby but maybe he was taking it easy? Either way you decided you should go check on him.     So the next morning you headed out to Lee's and as you got closer you could hear crying, oof morning crying could be the worst. You knocked on the door and when it opened you barely recognized poor Lee. You'd never seen him so disheveled in the entire time you'd known him, heavy rings lined his big eyes, his smooth hair ratted into different directions, his green jumpsuit stained in what you recognized well as the telltale signs of a newborn. "Y/N? Hey!" He said and even his voice sounded haggard.     But his small smile as he greeted you melted your heart. "Hey, Lee I just wanted to stop by and say hi, see how you're doing." You said softly.    Little did you know it felt like Lee hadn't heard anything soft in what felt like an eternity and it was something he relished in for a moment. "Great, good, I am loving fatherhood!" He tried.     And it's not that it wasn't true, he loved his son with every fiber of his being it's just that every fiber of his being was also incredibly tired and you could see that plain as day. "I bet." You said smiling at him and he smiled back but silence hung in the air, unintentional on his behalf he was just too tired to properly think of what to say, he didn't even realize there was a silence sitting between the two of you as he leaned against the door frame. "Can I come in?" You finally asked.     "Oh, uh of course!" He said nodding and moving to the side.    And sat smack dab in the middle of a messy living room was Metal Lee, you'd never get over how much he insanely looked like Lee. "Look at all that hair, just like his daddy huh?" You cooed.     In the moment of silence Lee couldn't help but to beam at the compliment of both him and his son but it fell a little as he felt himself flinch at what felt like the deafening cries that came from his child. He went over and picked up him and tried rocking him to help soothe him but it always only seemed to make it worse.     Oh Gods.    You knew he was trying, you knew he was trying so hard but never in your life had you seen someone bounce a baby like that, he was actually giving him a small bounce like Metal was leaving the hand holding his bottom each time he bounced him. "Lee." You said trying to keep your voice calm as you went over in front of him. The last thing you wanted to do was shame Lee, he had no prior experience with babies and no parents to go too and you didn't wanna imagine the advise Guy could give. "Here, try like this."     You put your hands over his to stop the bouncing and gently guided him into a nice, slow, calm rhythm and while the crying didn't fully stop it went down to more of a quiet whine which was a God send to Lee, he'd been trying to figure this out for weeks and you just walked in and solved what he couldn't and all that left his tired mouth was a. "Wow."   A small giggle made it's way out of you at the deadpanned praise. "Just nice and easy, takes a little practice but you'll get it." You comforted.   You moved your hands from his to rub Metal's back and try to soothe him a little bit more and it once again took a moment but slowly his whines quieted into nonsense baby gurgles. "That's incredible, Y/N! You truly know the power of youth!" He insisted.   You laughed "I guess babysitting does that."   "Will you teach me this new way of youth?" He asked.   And even as tired as he was you could still hear the excitement that bubbled underneath even dead tired Lee was adorably infectious. "Sure Lee, lets start nice and simple has he had his bottle?" You asked.   He sighed a little. "I made it and followed the instructions on the back and everything but it's always a battle of wills to get him to take this bottle. I fear his youth may out rank my own." He sighed.   "Well, he is a baby that is very youthful." You laughed. "But with the both of us I bet we can figure this out. I'm still pretty youthful and I don't know if there's anyone in all the Shinobi Nations who's more youthful than you Lee."   There was the cheesy smile you knew and loved, you swear no matter the circumstances it's always infectious. If only you knew he thought the same thing about you. "You're right! Together we can do this!" He said with as much enthusiasm as his body would allow him to muster.   But again it just seemed like his mind and body weren't quite listening to one another as he stood there still smiling at you. "The bottle Lee?" You asked.   "Right!"   You laughed as you followed him to the kitchen and he grabbed a green baby bottle, of course it was green. Cute. What wasn't very cute was Metal absolutely refusing his bottle, turning his head to get away from it to spite Lee clearly trying his hardest. "Here let me see." You said.   He handed you the bottle and gently bounced Metal like you'd shown him to calm down his hissy fit. The first thing you did was check the temperature and it felt fine so that wasn't the problem so you just hoped one of the tricks you knew would work for Metal. You ran the nipple of the bottle underneath hot water. "Was it dirty?" Lee asked worriedly.   He didn't see any dust or dirt but maybe he was just so tired he somehow missed it and was shoving dirt into his son's mouth? Oh, Gods no wonder Metal was so mad and fu-- "No it wasn't dirty just sometimes baby's like a warm nipple." You explained    The way Lee's cheeks flushed made you laugh a little as you went over and tried giving Metal the bottle and with some persistence he took it. "Wow, Y/N." He gawked.   "Who doesn't like a warm nipple right?" You teased and his entire face went red making you laugh, he stuttered to find an answer to your question. "Just kidding Lee." You giggled.   He ohed and let out a small laugh too as he nodded. "Where did you learn this? Is this knowledge all women have?" He asked.   You know he didn't mean it offensively and again you wouldn't be shocked in Guy had said something along those lines. "Practice, I used to babysit when I was younger. You learn as you go." You explained.   "I don't know, it doesn't feel like I'm learning or practicing anything." He sighed.   For all of Lee's incredible resolve you knew how down on himself he could get if he didn't pick up on something, you reached over and rubbed his arm and offered him a soft smile. "I don't know about that, Metal looks like a healthy chunky baby." You pointed out. "And hey sometimes we all just need some help and now you've got me." He smiled a little but you could still see the self doubt in those big round eyes. "Unless you don't think I'll be a good teacher? Is that what you're trying to say Lee?" You prodded.   "No! No! I would never say that Y/N! You're already teaching me!" He insisted.   Worked like a charm, gone was any self doubt like it had been a piece of paper in the wind blown away by Lee's own need to cheer someone else on. "Okay, good that's what I like to hear." You smiled. "So you keep feeding him I'll go get you a burping towel, where do you keep them?"   "Burping towel?"   "Oh, Lee...have you just been burping him on your clothes?"   "I didn't think of a towel..."   "That's alright you know now, so what's a towel you don't care about?"   "I think I care about all of them." You gave him a pointed face and waited. "Grey one." He quickly settled on.   "Bathroom right?" You asked already walking down the hall.   "Yes! Sorry about the mess!"   You opened the bathroom door and in was just as messy in here as it was out there, green bath toys felt like they were practically throwing themselves under your feet as you tried to find a grey towel and while you tried for minutes on end the only other towel you found that wasn't green was a yellow one...was Lee colour blind? You know what, that's an entirely different problem for another time. You went back and it seemed like just in time as Metal was finishing his bottle and you just took a second to soak up the adorable scene in front of you, it was clear how much Lee loved his son even with tired eyes they were filled to the brim with pride and admiration. "Found it." You said quietly not wanting to ruin the moment.   He looked up at you and you could've melted, he looked so happy. You couldn't imagine how hard he must've been trying all by himself and having it finally work out must've been so incredible. "A burping towel is a brilliant idea Y/N, did you come up with it?" He asked.   You didn't have the heart to tell him that it was something that almost everyone with a baby had so you settled on a. "Sure." With a small laugh.   You went over and put the towel over his shoulder and watched how he held Metal up to his shoulder and so far so good, he looked at you to make sure he was doing the right thing and you gave him a nod and a thumbs up and he couldn't have asked for a more reassuring gesture. But there was that over zealous bouncing motion again that you had to stop yourself from cringing at again as you put your hands immediately over his to stop the much too large bounces. "Nice and easy, rule of thumb is nice and easy." You let him know softly.   He nodded and tried to take your advice to heart and not let not knowing something so simple get to him but that was hard, he just so badly wanted to be a good dad and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you. This all seemed so simple to you. "Nice and easy." He repeated to himself nodding.   Guiding his hands through gentle pats it didn't take too long to burp Metal. "Good job Metal." You cooed. "And good job Lee." You teased in the same voice.   And maybe it was just meant to be a joke but the praise right now made him melt and made him feel warm inside, especially warm on his back--actually just one spot on his back--oh, that feeling was familiar, that was just spit-up on his back. "I'll be back I just need to change...again." He sighed.   He looked around for a place to set down Metal but the high chair was dirty, the floor was covered in toys and also dirty and it all started to feel overwhelming until. "Here, I got him." You offered putting your arms out.   It made perfect sense and Lee knew you weren't a threat, you were probably less of a threat to his son than he was but he found himself a little apprehensive. No one had held Metal but him and it formed a lump in his throat for a moment as he looked from his son to you, he took a deep breath and with shakier hands than he wanted handed Metal over to you. And the world kept spinning, nothing bad happened and the breath he took in he let out in relief. "Thank you Y/N I'll be right back."   You nodded keeping your eyes on Metal. What a trip this was, it was like looking back in time to back when you'd first met Lee at the Academy. It was crazy to think that was over a decade ago. "You wouldn't believe how long I've known your daddy." You cooed to Metal hoping some talking could coax a smile out of him, his big eyes staring at you told you that you definitely had his attention. "I knew your daddy back when he had a ponytail, hair longer than mine, can you believe that?" You asked mussing with his hair and a small happy gurgle made it's way out of him. "If you told me all the way back then that I'd be here holding you I don't know if I'd believe it." You admitted with a small laugh. "I mean it's incredible, all my friends having babies, people I've known since they were practically babies." You said as it once again really hit you. "Don't tell anyone but I think you've gotta be the cutest out of all of them." You punctuated with a soft tap to the nose and you were rewarded with a tini tiny giggle. "But how could you not be when you look exactly like your daddy?"    Lee hadn't meant to eavesdrop, he just wanted to soak up the moment of watching you with Metal and got nostalgic listening to you talk about when you two had first met, getting even more mushy over the praise of how cute you thought his son was but hearing that you thought he was cute? His entire face must've burned a bright pink but he didn't know what to say about it, was he supposed to say something about it? Should he say something about it? Would you get mad at him for eavesdropping? Would you ha-- "Must feel better to be in clean clothes."    He nearly jumped out of his skin making you laugh a little and arch your brow at him. "Yes, thank you for holding him." He said nodding clearing his throat a little.    "Look at that milk drunk face, that's gotta be my favourite thing about feeding babies." You pointed out.    He looked at Metal and nodded chuckling a little. "Is that what that face is called?" He asked.    "I think he's even got the same drunk face as you." You giggled.    "I don't look like that."    "You do when you drink, me and Tenten had to carry you home pretty much like this on Kiba's birthday, remember?" You teased.    He paused and he really did try to remember. "It's blurry." He admitted.    There was some kind of memory of leaning on you but it wasn't clear. "It's alright I don't even think Kiba remembers that birthday."    "I'm glad I got to spend that birthday with you...I'm glad I got to spend almost every birthday with you." He said looking over at you, fidgeting with his waistband.    "Awe, Lee you know I love spending time with you, birthdays or---"    The moment was interrupted by every babies specialty: Pooping.    "At least you don't do that when you're drunk." You laughed cringing a little. "Do you know how to change his diaper or do you need some help with that?" You offered    "I've got it." He said shaking his head as he took Metal back and held him at arms length.    You laughed a little as he left the room, a warm feeling bubbling in your chest. Lee's compliments weren't always the best worded but they were the best because they were genuine and you knew he really meant them. That was Lee, he was genuine, he always had been it was one of the many things you liked about him sometimes he's misguided but he always means well. The proof was in everything he did and that included all the green toys laying around, you didn't even know they made this many toys in green, there were even tiny green plastic Ninja Stars those had to be from Tenten. You couldn't help but to pick them up and look them over they were just so darn cute as Lee came back into the room you couldn't resist the urge and threw one of them at him and you pegged his poor head and couldn't help but to laugh at this surprised expression even Metal found it funny because he burst into tiny giggles as well. "Prepare yourself." He chuckled.    He went to strike a pose with his arms up and nearly dropped Metal in the process he luckily caught him and for a moment you both held your breath waiting to see if Metal would screech at the sudden movement but besides some gurgling he seemed fine. "I'll prepare myself later, yeah?" You pitched.    "Yes." He agreed nodding.    "How's he looking? Usually after some food and a changing babies are ready for a nap." You asked.    By the looks of Metal he was ready for a little nap so Lee started rocking him like you'd shown him and walking around as he did. "Lee, you should sit and get comfy that way you don't have to keep on your feet." You said gesturing over to the couch.    "I thought you were supposed to walk." He said confused.    "Only if they're fussing, if they're not fussing you can usually sit and get comfy. Get some well deserved relaxation." You said going over to the couch and sitting, hoping it would entice him to also sit.   "But there's so much work to be done." To spite his argument he did follow your lead and sit down beside you.    "That's parenthood, always something to be done. No reason to do it dead on your feet." You soothed.    "Always?" He asked exasperated.    You laughed a little but gave him a sympathetic look as you nodded and he sighed leaning into the couch a little more. "I apologize for the state of everything Y/N, I know it's a mess." He sighed looking around.   "Lee it's fine, don't be sorry." You said reaching over and rubbing his arm. "Plus if it makes you feel better it's way cleaner in here than it is at Shikamaru's." You giggled.   "Really?"   "Oh yeah, I don't think I even saw the floor. Temari is away visiting her family but she's gonna kill him when she gets back." You laughed and he did too. "Though Shikadai does fall asleep just as fast as his father." You said looking at Metal.   He seemed so close to sleep but every time his eyes would close for a moment they would open back up, his little head swaying from side to side whenever he moved it back from Lee's chest. "He's got a fighting youthful spirit." Lee sighed.   He was proud of the youth but he was just so tired. "Just like his daddy." You agreed nodding.     He smiled at you and it was just such a sweet dopey smile, his expression pretty much matched that of his son's, just so exhausted but for whatever reason fighting to stay conscious. You looked from him back at Metal and hoped maybe some humming would help, singing you found out could be much too loud and just wake up a baby further but humming was usually a safe bet. It worked like a charm on the both of them, within a few minutes they were both out which you were happy for because they both clearly needed it.    Very carefully you got up but a squeak caused you to freeze, you cringed as you looked over at them and thank the Gods it looked like Metal slept like his father which meant like the dead. Which was perfect for your plan, you really just wanted to give Lee a break and help him out so you started gathering toys and cleaning. You might not have children but you knew from babysitting it was a whole lot harder to do anything in a messy house, it could feel suffocating and like nothing you did was good enough and that was clearly happening to poor Lee. And really it wasn't dirty, nothing really needed scrubbing it just needed putting back, some clothes needed to be put in the wash, some dishes needed to be done and baby free it didn't take much longer than an hour or two. As you were finishing putting the last of Metal's green toys away you heard him starting to fuss and you didn't want Lee to have to wake up you're positive he needed sleep because if you knew him it'd probably been days since he got any so you went over and aided by Lee's deep sleep you were able to take Metal from his arms and start to bounce him in your own. "Hey little man, what's going on?" You whispered softly, he didn't smell and nothing felt wet so it wasn't a diaper and he'd eaten not too long ago so you just continued to bounce him and hum as you tried to figure out what was bothering him. Soon enough though his whining quieted down. "Oh did you just want some attention?" You giggled.    The lack of weight in his arms and your voice started to wake Lee or at least he thought he was waking up but maybe he was dreaming. Watching you sway with Metal in your arms through his hazy eyes looked like a dream, hearing your humming no matter how off-key had to be the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. This had to be a dream. Your eyes caught his and your smile did nothing but confirm his suspicions that this was a dream. "Hey sleepy head how're you feeling?" You asked had your voice always been this nice? It must've been. "You with me Lee?" You giggled coming closer to him, he nodded. "You sure?" You prodded.    From your point of view he didn't look conscious and you've seen Lee sleepwalk before so you wanted to check to make sure that this adorable sleepy green lump of a man was actually awake and you got your verbal answer but it wasn't what you expected. "You're so beautiful."    The way your face lit up was the first hint to him that maybe he wasn't dreaming and it became incredibly clear he wasn't when Metal let out a small cry from being ignored and now Lee's face matched yours in colour as he stuttered, his mind desperately grappling with what to say, how to apologize, the fact his son was crying, it was all so much at once. He wasn't the only one who's mind was grappling with his sleepy declaration and the only words your mind could come up with was. "Yeah?"    Not the most intelligent response but at least one of you managed to actually get a word out. "Yeah."    Now it was your turn to have a dopey smile as butterflies seemed to vibrate their way through your every inch. "Yeah?" Your overwhelmed mushy brain managed to ask again.    Speaking of mushy brain Lee's finally kicked into high gear with his rapidly beating heart as he realized his declaration of love was wanted. "Yes!" He said springing to his feet. "Y/N, I think you are an angel sent from Heaven! You are--" His loud heartfelt plea was cut short but his sons scream.    Clearly this loudness was not welcome coming off the heels of naptime. You lulled him back down but one thing that couldn't be lulled down was your smile, it practically stretched from ear to ear in a cheesy grin. "We'll have to move that declaration to the same time we do some practice." You giggled.    And the idea of more time with you practically made his heart beat out of his chest, nothing could be better, nothing could ge-- "Did you clean?" He asked shocked.    "Yeah, I figured you could use some help." You said but you saw him deflate a little. "You know like teamwork." You changed.    That worked. "Of course! Teamwork is the root of all partnership!" He said excitedly, tears of joy threatening to spill over.    "Root of all relationships."    There were the tears. --- ~Admin Coral. Buy Me A Coffee?
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