#the essentialy
horrorlesbion · 4 months
we really don't talk enough about what a wild decision it was for riverdale to hire famous new queer cinema director gregg araki to direct only the wrestling episode specifically to make it as uncomfortably homoerotic as possible and then never hire another outside guest director again.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 44)
The next morning was a slow one, spending the night in the buff, Uzi was curled up, head slotted into N's shoulder, her hand placed on his chest almost on top of his core. It was him who woke up first, groggy, humming in contentment as he turned to bury his face into her soft purple locks.
Despite the initial awkwardness, sleeping this way had definitely proven to be the best way to curb both of their needs. For the first time all week, he woke up feeling recharged and recovered instead of needy with a side of brain fog.
He couldn't help but trail his eyes down to his still sleeping girlfriend, [Sleep Mode] painted on her visor, she looked peaceful, content, she made a noise in her sleep purred as she tried to somehow bring herself closer.
How had they ended up this way? The day they met she had shot off his head and he'd tried to kill her. But here they were, she had enough trust in him to sleep completely exposed, he'd never ever, been this physically or emotionally close to anyone. He wasn't sure if he ever could with anyone else, his core fluttered as he continued to lovingly gaze at the drone beside him, drinking up her every detail.
He moved a strand of hair out of her face, only for his hand to linger and trace circles into her cheek, was it weird that even though they were as close as phyically possible he still wanted to touch her?
His alarm went off, internally ringing in his systems telling him it was time to get up and start getting ready, he really didn't want to, he wanted to stay here… just a little longer.
But it seemed even the universe around him wanted him to get up, because Uzi's eyes flickered on, opening slowly, a low whine escaped her lips, clearly not wanting to be awake.
“Morning precious.” He hummed, causing Uzi's first conscious action that morning to be groaning, blushing, and placing her whole palm on his face to shove him lightly.
“Too early…”
“Aw, but you are, you're so beautiful my precious little amethyst.” He couldn't stop himself, his core was overflowing with affection, he nuzzled into her neck, causing a peel of sleepy giggles to erupt from her mouth.
He took it up a notch, ceasing his nuzzling to place tiny kisses up and down her neck, Uzi squeaked, body tensing up for a moment before her giggling turned into squeals, clearly not prepared for his loving assault.
“Ah! N-no!-” Interrupted my more squealing laughter as N explored this newly found sensitive area “N! Hah-cut it out!” She protested through the wonderful sound that was her uncontrolled laughter.
He did stop, but not until she was breathless and squirming, giggles mixed in with small gasps.
But he still held her close from behind, his hand gripping her waist while he trailed a finger up her side, making her shiver as the featherlight touch was registered in her sensors.
“D-don’t you have work?” She asked, turning to face him as he looked at her with half lidded eyes, in all fairness, she was just trying to distract him, his touch had no business feeling that nice.
“You're not wanting to get rid of me, are you?” He replied, his voice husky and spoken directly into her audio receptors, the heat in her visor doubled, and she fought back an embarrassing squeak. Her body getting the drone equivalent to goosebumps.
His voice also had no business being as hot as it was, he had to be doing this on purpose.
“No. Of course not, j-just don't want you to be late.” She replied, shit, it had been her idea to sleep like this in the first place, but with N behaving… like this, she wasn't sure of it was a bad idea, or the best idea she'd ever had.
N meanwhile, was enjoying teasing his girlfriend immensely, there was very little for him to be nervous about when they were already nude, so it may have been bolstering his confidence a wee little bit.
He sighed, unfortunately she was right, it was his first real day of work and he would be late if he didn't get up, but even so, before he left he moved down to give Uzi a slow, meaningful kiss that had her processors melting into useless goo.
“Love you.” He hummed after it ended, chuckling at the heart that had replaced one of her eyes, she blinked, and it was gone.
“Love you too.” She replied back, every time she said it was always softer then her normal tone, and it always made N smile.
He threw the covers off and stretched before digging into his bedside table for his now freshly laundered coat, he pulled it over his shoulders and buttoned it with practiced speed, his tail thankfully not getting stuck this time.
He heard Tera chirp sleepily from her crib and went over to check on his daughter, she'd clearly just woken up, one eyelight open and the other shut as she yawned, arms stretching our towards him as a smile made it's way to her face.
“Morning Jellybean.” He pulled her into his arms as she immediately gripped onto the fur of his coat with one of her hands, she giggled at him, nearly vibrating with energy.
“Papa!” She beamed, blinking up at her father, he tapped her visor with his finger in response, causing it to glitch for a moment and a peel of happy laughter to escape her mouth.
“Be good for mommy okay? I'll be back later.” Tera nodded her head clumsily yet rapidly, And N set her back into her crib, she stood on both her legs for a moment, before falling backwards into the nest of pillows.
He strolled into the kitchen, taking his hat from the rack and looking at it, it no longer bared the pilot emblem on the front, instead he'd replaced it with his WDF badge, the old emblem being stored away in his nightstand.
Maybe one day he'd give it to Tera… when she grew out of trying to eat everything small enough to fit in her mouth.
He put it on his head, grabbed his container of oil, took a big gulp of it, before stashing it in his pocket and heading out the door.
People still looked at him strangly, sometimes with fear or with worry, but after so many months in the bunker, he more often then not was paid little mind, being relegated to normal bunker activity for most of the drones he passed going about their day.
It gave him a little hope, one day he'd not be feared anymore, he just had to be patient, and work to earn people's trust.
“N! Buddy! Ya look way better then yesterday!” He heard Hal behind him and he turned the give the man a beaming smile, he'd been right in front of the WDF office ready to open the door.
“Yeah…just needed to be home I guess.” He said sheepishly, a not-so-well hidden blush on his face.
“That girl must be a doll with ya, with a face like that.” Hal chuckled, a knowing look on his face that only succeeded in making N blush more.
“I'm only teasin’. Come on, let's get ya acquainted.” Hal led him inside with a hand on his back and a smile on his face, the man looked incredibly jolly and his smile was quickly spreading to N.
There were a few people already inside, namely Khan and Dale, which were having some sort of conversation behind the translucent, marbled glass of Khans private office, Guy was here too, though asleep with his legs propped up on the desk, Hal rolled his eyes.
“Kid has no respect…” The typically jolly drone mumbled under his breath, shaking his head and making his beard shake with the movement.
There were several other people there he didn't recognize, a couple drones waved at him, including a green eyed woman with glasses that seemed to beam at him, he waved back, happy to see friendly faces even if he didn't know them yet.
“Alright, here's your desk!” Hal stopped and gestured over to a desk to his right, two desks behind Guy, it was absent of any kind of decoration or tool, aside from a bronze plaque.
Elliot, S-D N.
He inwardly cringed at that, his “last name” carrying a lot of baggage that he truly didn't want tied to him, he didn't want to carry the name of those who hurt him, but now it was here, on his desk.
“Didn't know ya had a last name.” Hal pointed out, his hand combing through his beard as he looked between N and the nameplate.
“I-I don't. Just something I had to do for my daughter…” N explained, he tore his eyes away from it, and looked at Hal for whatever else he had to say.
“Well alright! You're gonna be shadowing me today, seeing as I'll be the one you'll mostly be working under.”
N was surprised at that, as far as he was aware, he was working under Khan.
Seeming to read his mind, Hal spoke up again. “Khan’s leader of the Engineering team, unless you know about hydraulics n’ math, you won't see him much.”
“I'm Chief of Police, Dale covers outside threats, through he's had a lot less to do lately…” Hal trailed off before shaking his head free of whatever thought was plaguing him.
“I'm sure if something serious came from outside he'd come get you, but for now, I'm taking ya.”
“Aye, aye captain.” N gave him a salute that had been programmed into him, Hal looked amused for a moment, before he chuckled.
“This ain't the military son, but I like your spirit.” There was a beep on Hal's visor and his florescent pink eyelights flickered to the side, his face falling slightly as he read through whatever report he'd been sent.
“Agh… not again.” He grumbled, looking unamused as he pinched his visor. N cocked his head.
“Is something wrong?”
“Just Old Mrs. Hopkins calling in another “break in”. No one's ever broken in, She's just paranoid n’ her memories going.”
“Still, we gotta check it out. Can't just ignore it. Stay here, let me go get my coat.”
Hal disappeared into a door in the back, inside one of the three private offices that was in the room, in another moment, he reappeared in a coat that was a little too small for him, opened completely to continue to show off the red shirt he normally wore. His badge was pinned near his collar.
“Come on, this should be an easy one.”
Next ->
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saessenach · 2 years
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"No,” Jon Snow said quietly. “It was not courage. This one was dead of fear. You could see it in his eyes, Stark.” Jon’s eyes were a grey so dark they seemed almost black, but there was little they did not see. He was of an age with Robb, but they did not look alike. Jon was slender where Robb was muscular, dark where Robb was fair, graceful and quick where his half brother was strong and fast.
Robb was not impressed. “The Others take his eyes,” he swore.
Jon and Robb in AGOT | Bran I
EDIT | finished piece here
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boeing-787 · 9 months
i need to clean up my dragon world notes because yes theres planedragons but there are also rail and submarine dragons bc they all evolved from a common ancestor
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victoryrifle · 2 years
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Red Dead Redemption 2 locations - Valentine’s Gunsmith
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perfectlullabies · 7 months
going back to sleep after waking up is such a bliss i wish i could sleep my life away
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
People who prefer the west coast: I just think it’s nice here! the weather is better and the environment is so beautiful and there’s a lot of wonderful things to do aside from the tourist traps that everyone first thinks of
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industrial---complex · 11 months
Rain world Creature Blogs Masterpost
This post links to all blogs that are dedicated or semi dedicated to archiving, sharing or IDing Rain World creatures.
[I am going to tag a few on here but if you are applicable to this feel free to reblog and add your own info below even if you have 1 follower]
Scavenger centred:
ID requests and sharing of scavs.
ID requests and sharing of scavs.
Send your scavenger in they'll tell you if its cute.
Sharing of scav pics no ID requesting (I think I haven't seen any) you can also send your scav pics in.
[I'm not sure if they are still active but I cant send an ask so tagging is the only way I can make contact]
[could be inactive I'm not sure]
They draw scavengers.
[no longer daily they also could be inactive]
Slug pup centred:
Submit your pup!
Any creature:
Me! @industrial---complex: I do requests and i share and you don't even need an ID and-
[oh shit I'm taking up all the space sorry]
Shares creatures.
[this blog got me into sharing gifs, I'm the anon who asked how to spawn with id]
small blog but they will take requests too
Lizard centred:
cataloguing lizards send them in with ids
*end of list*
[if you want to be removed from the list please do not hesitate to ask, also it would be helpful if I haven't mentioned you and you do requests please reblog and share what you do.]
!also don't reblog this unless you are adding to the post!
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rjalker · 1 year
"Reverse misogyny" stories are not the progressive, feminist power move you think they are, especially not when you expect your readers to be happy and content with the status quo presented by your story. Biological essentialism and sexism are never going to be progressive even if you try to dress them up like they're feminist. They're just not.
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swan2swan · 7 months
Honestly, this show's kinda making me wonder what it would be like if, say, Naruto's sequel series had been "Hinata and Boruto get murdered".
Not sure if there's a series that does that. Probably one like that.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
giggling and laughing at the bootleg weird al i drew during animation club. his name is strange matt.
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and why is it that every time danny splits himself in two its always violent. we see the portal accident THREE TIMES (not counting the intro) and every time he's screaming. in tue vlad has to use the gauntlets to rip out his ghost half and it left gaping wounds in his chest. the spectre deflector shocks him until his powers short circuit. the peeler. well. literally peels Dan's skin away to reveal his true form. even the ghost catcher physically splits him apart, to the point where we see the physical pieces of his body stretching away from each other. it's almost like. he's not supposed to do that!!!! and yet he keeps trying it anyway!!
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r2y9s-notartblog · 3 months
idk how my reach is and i'm by no means good with words but ACLU is doing so much work and one of the things they're fighting is the Supreme Court decision that presidents who use their official powers to commit crimes are now presumptively immune from criminal accountability – even after they leave office. in other words, the trump debacle.
now ACLU also has a system for people to enter their name and address and they'll send a prewritten email to your congress representatives. You DO NOT have to donate after you hit send! You can just close out of the window and they'll do the rest!
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yelenapines · 3 months
my friends can talk all the shit they want cavetown is the most comfort artist to ever comfort artist
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rosrets · 2 years
talk to me about omega and shadows relationship. i love thinking about omega copes with day-to-day life when he's not tasked with destroying anything
sometimes omega will waddle up to shadow and demand they fight eachother and shadow almost never says no unless he's busy whenever he is busy he gets rouge to put on one of the movies they have in their bin of "Most Violent Blood Murder Films That Exist" (shadow hates these more than anything in the entire world) and lock him in a room somewhere so they don't have to watch it with him also he claps like a toddler any time he watches a michael bay transformers movie
whenever he isn't watching a plethora of shitty movies from just the most slapstick baby nonsense that exists to um. idk texas chainsaw massacre or something and his bloodlust is momentarily satiated he just watches shadow do things like the worlds scarriest jumping spider and very loudly comments on everything he does like washing dishes or whatever. omega also just picks him up sometimes because he's used to rouge letting him do that and shadow has repeatedly ripped off his arms on instinct upon this happening and omega has learned his lesson maybe twice before immediately doing it again
omega also likes making fun of shadow for having mortal functions like needing to eat food and sleep despite being effectively immortal but shadow is not insecure enough to care about this
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allergic-to-fruits · 1 year
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i dont have the strength to color this but here
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