#the ethics of being a pokemon fan
lastoneout · 7 months
hi idk if you're a huge kalos fan but how are you feeling about the direct
I haven't watched it yet, but ngl Kalos wasn't my favorite OR my least favorite pokemon game, I was pretty neutral on it overall. My main complaint was how annoying the map was to traverse before you got fly, but aside from that it was fine, introduced some cool pokemon and had a decent plot. Tbh for the next Legends game I would have preferred Jhoto, but eh. It's not a huge deal to me.
My real issue is that it's a little hard to get excited about it when I know how bad crunch is at Game Freak and that despite saying they were reevaluating their tight release cycle bcs like, ScarVi was borderline unplayable at launch and Arceus got abandoned the second they were done with it despite being the most popular game in years....I just have no faith that this game will be good, or at least it won't be anywhere near as good as it has the potential to be :/
I hope I'm proven wrong tho, and I don't think it's wrong to be excited about the game, something something no ethical consumption and I'd be a major hypocrite if I told people to drop any game company that has bad practices bcs almost all of them do, I just can't get hype. I was really, really hoping Game Freak would slow the hell down and stop making new games for a couple of years, put all of their focus on gen 10 and release that maybe in 2026 or 2027, but nope gotta make that money even if the games we release are falling apart at the seams and our devs are working on two or three projects at once.
And like, given the current trend in decreasing quality I'm genuinely unsure if the game is even going to be functional enough to be worth playing, especially since I figure to hit a 2025 release they probably started working on this right after Arceus came out, and there has simply not been enough time to make this game good. Plus there were a lot of points in ScarVi where I legit just wanted to put the game down and stop playing entirely bcs the graphics and glitches and framerate drops started to make me annoyed and dizzy, and once I was done with the main story I lost like all motivation to keep playing(I like finishing my dex, I did it in Sw/Sh and Let's Go and have almost done it in BDSP and Arceus, but I don't care about ScarVi's dex at all), and I haven't even bought the DLC yet. Tbh I'm probably not even gonna pre-order this, I'm waiting till it's out to decide if I want to buy it or not.
Anyway sorry to be a buzzkill, I don't fault anyone for being excited, I've loved Pokemon for more than half my life, it helped me meet my fiancé, it really means so SO much to me, so I get it, but like....I think I love the series too much to get excited for this. Seeing what Pokemon is turning into is just...painful and sad. I hope y'all enjoy it tho, and who knows, I could be wrong, maybe it will be fantastic and super polished and we can all breathe a sigh of relief bcs they got their shit together! That would be nice.
Edit: I do want to say I'm glad it has been 3 years instead of the usual 2, and I'm VERY glad they didn't announce gen 10, but unless the scope of this game is narrow as fuck and they also don't release until like November-December 2025 AND this team was NOT the same team who worked on ScarVi's DLC that is still not enough time to make a game with the scope they've been establishing as their new baseline. TOTK took SIX years to finish. Elden Ring's DLC was built on top of an existing game and it still took TWO whole years just to make it. Most open-world games take a really, really long time. Adding an extra year is great, but they need to be taking a lot longer than that between games. This is a step in the right direction, but it's not enough to inspire confidence.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Waypoint sounds cool but I'm not much of a game person. Do you have any entry point episode recommendations for someone with super basic gaming tastes (Fire Emblem, Pokemon) and a nostalgia and spotty memory of 90s and early '00 anime? Also fondness for mainstream fantasy and sci-fi, and current queer sci-fi books.
Do you like Star Wars? Rob and Austin and Natalie have a Star Wars podcast which even me, a Stars Wars Disliker, enjoyed listening to a few episodes of. It's A More Civilized Age. You might enjoy that.
Also, the podcast I can't stfu about, Into the Aether, is outspoken about being partially inspired by Waypoint, and they are EXTREMELY good at covering a wider range of games and are enormous huge massive fans of the Fremblem and Pokemon series (while also being open-eyed about the series' faults). I would recommend the Pokemon Crystal bonus ep of ITA to anyone and everyone. You can search for it in their main feed pretty easy.
Also ITA lists all the episodes they cover in the summary of every ep, so they are highly searchable.
Waypoint...... OH SHIT you might like some of the short Waypoint Miniseries. They did a FULL episode by episode rewatch (and first time watch for many of them) of Neon Genesis Evangelion which honestly helped put my mixed issues with NGE to peace and is STAGGERINGLY smart talk.
But by definition, the NGE rewatch is Very Heavy, because it's NGE. If you want something fucking delightful and fun as hell, look up Lore Reasons (also in the main feed) where Austin, Cade, Natalie, and Patrick all decide to learn What Kingdom Hearts Is Actually About. It's HYSTERICAL and also insightful and the way they backdoor themselves into genuine love for KH is amazing. MEGA recommend that.
But the average Waypoint episode is... full of diversions about baking, or about ethical Yoshi use, or about the evils of centrism, or about the Chicago Cubs. They talk about video games (the culture and the industry) on a sort of deeper level, and are reknowned for covering topics like queer identity, the influence of POC creators, labor and unionization efforts, and The Broader Media Ecosystem as a whole.
If you wanna try them out, I would.... I have no idea, gosh. Go listen to episode 249. For the Yoshi Discussion.
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cassyapper · 1 year
If I'm being nosey, 5? Don't have to name names obviously but I DO wanna know if you've got any JoJocord horror stories
ask game
5. worst discord server and why
FORTUNATELY i dont really dip into discord servers much cause it's just not a form of communication i'm super interested in so i dont have any horror stories <3 but i have heard terrors of how the [redacted] discord got overrun by the worst kind of jojo fans but that was a secondhand story so idk how true it is or the details of it. regardless im just glad i havent experienced anything like that <3
i will say tho i have my own discord server and as such it's both the best and worst jojo discord i know and one time this person joined, never introduced themselves, started various arguments about capitalism, part 6's quality, the ethics of pokemon (LMAO?), and misgendered someone (it's unknown if that was intentional or not), and then when i kicked them, they went out of their way to comment on one of my fics to have the last word 😭 now THAT was insane but still inspires a chuckle seven months later
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grim-echoes · 2 years
the disconnect here is that you seem to be equating 'plays the game' with 'thinks the graphics are fine and not worth complaining about' which is a reach and you know it. you're upset that other people still get to enjoy it because it hurts that you can't anymore. you want to like it, I know, it sucks to see other people able to like it, but being mad at other fans accomplishes nothing when gamefreak is the one that made the game unplayable for you, not other people who chose to bite the bullet and make the most of a rushed product.
i know why i dislike it, anon, you don't need to try and tell me how i feel. you're talking to an adult.
the issue actually isn't "i hate that people are enjoying something i can't", it's that people are willing to let that enjoyment override the ability to recognize that these games are being made under sickening working conditions without the necessary resources that should be afforded to the highest grossing media franchise in the world. I PERSONALLY KNOW people who are so intensely impassioned about this franchise that they will have genuine mental breakdowns triggered by even the most menial of criticisms directed towards it, completely separate from them as people, because the idea of acknowledging that something they love is a subpar product made with extremely unethical labor causes them a level of discomfort they don't want to engage with because it means leaving their personal construction of paradise--which i am extremely familiar with as a metalhead who used to be a huge sonic fan as a kid--but when workplace ethics are involved, when real people's mental and physical health is involved, when your very limited money and self-respect are involved, it's a worthwhile and often necessary decision to make. fleeting entertainment from Product You Like is not more important than the labor that was involved in making it and the people who routinely exhaust themselves and sacrifice their personal lives just to make ends meet.
it's why i will in fact be angry at the fans more than gamefreak: because gamefreak are just the developers. their jobs are to make the game--they do not get to make decisions when it comes to how those games are made, the marketing, the publishing, or the financial backing that influences these games' release schedule and projected profits. i'm angry at management, i'm angry at shareholders, i'm angry at the pokemon company, and i'm angry at people who pay for subpar products made by breaking the backs of exploited and underpaid workers on a heinous release schedule who are fully capable of acknowledging that their money is being spent on supporting these practices, yet will downplay the collective impact of their decisions and prioritize their own comfort and entertainment over the suffering of the people who were overworked to the fucking bone to bring them these products and don't see a single goddamn penny from those millions of sales.
this is a topic i have extremely strong feelings about so if you're going to send me another patronizing ask telling me how you think i feel because it's clear you have no respect for my stance, take up in the inbox of someone with zero conviction.
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readygetsetjoey · 7 months
The Digital Renaissance: Navigating the New Media Landscape
[Graded activity - "Writing for New Media"]
Can you picture your life without the internet? Instead of browsing through the screen, picture yourself holding this exact text on paper and turning pages. Rather than quick Google searches, you will need to visit the library for research. No viewing of funny videos, no social media, and no binge-watching sessions of your favorite TV series and films. It is true that life would be quite different—possibly difficult—without the internet.
The "New Media", is defined as products and services that provide information or entertainment using computers or the internet, and not by traditional methods such as television and newspapers.
As we navigate through life in the 21st century, we are experiencing a new "Renaissance". Our lives have been getting better as time goes on. "New Media" is keeping us educated, connected, entertained, working etc...
Let's dive in!
I found out through internet search that in the 1990s, the term "new media" found popularity as a part of a sales pitch for interactive CD-ROMs intended for both educational and entertainment purposes.
With that, we can tell that New Media has an impact on Education.
Starting with communication and spread of information, the way we communicate and access information have improved with the help of New media. Whether on how we acquire knowledge, the way students and teachers participate, the creation of knowledge - New media plays a big role.
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In terms of the advantages of New Media in Education: Visual learning became handy with the use of pictures and videos; according to research studies, people will learn easily with verbal and visuals combined. Also, the use of new media promotes active participation, cooperation and collaboration. Students start being creators rather than being just consumers. Moreover, the use of new media technology lets us use techniques/strategies, improving education while motivating creative and competitive students.
There also have been learning spaces beyond the classroom. For example, online learning platforms—we can learn whenever we want, wherever we want. Additionally, some social media platforms help students, parents/guardians and teachers to share information, and discover new ways of learning.
Although, everything has its downsides and with that, education and new media have its challenges and opportunities. One of them is the teachers/educators whom we expect to adapt to technological advancements. We can't expect them all to be knowledgeable at all times and that makes teaching and learning difficult at some point even if equipment is available. Education can also be personalized but it isn't possible to narrow it all down and tailor everything to everyone as it's not the same for everybody. Lastly, ethics should also be considered like using technology responsibly.
New Media has also affected entertainment (or how we entertain ourselves)
With the rise of social media, platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter changed how fans interact with celebrities. People can also discover new artists, musicians and creators timely—which allows talent to be discovered. Some platforms allow live streaming where we can watch concerts, interviews and even gameplays where anyone can feel connected.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are on the rise as well. VR engages users in a computer-generated environment replacing physical surroundings—which is not only used for gaming, it can be used for simulations, training and therapy as well. Whereas AR puts digital items on your vision of the actual world. In comparison to VR, AR devices, such as smartphone screens, maintain their visibility, enabling you to view your surroundings while engaging with digital content (e.g. Pokemon Go, Snapchat filters).
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Streaming services, gaming and User-Generated Content are trending and have risen as the time pass by. We can't deny the fact that we're able to binge watch our favorite TV series and films. Gaming has improved as well in terms of graphics, design and accessibility. Youtube, TikTok and Instagram allow users to create and share content.
Let's not forget how the New media influenced Communication.
Digital communication has been efficient through social media, messaging apps and email. It changed how we connect and interact. However, it can also affect our capacity and or ability regarding verbal communication and face-to-face interactions.
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Reporters and academics have observed that people's personal and social characteristics are how new media spread power to the people. A book also implies that these platforms increase participation and interaction while letting users have more control over media choices and content.
Of course there are some challenges and opportunities as well. Like the quality of relationships and connection—the genuineness of human connection in general. Privacy, authenticity and empathy are also critical.
Additionally, New media changed the game in Business.
With the rise of social media, a new generation of businessmen and entrepreneurs are finding success. Promoting products or services have changed. An influencer can monetize their presence through sponsorships or collaborations.
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With Digital marketing, consumers are on the internet to buy products and services (e.g. music, e-books, digital downloads). Examples of effective social media marketing strategies are: engaging content, collaborations, ad campaigns etc.
In conclusion, the digital renaissance has been helpful and efficient in so many ways in different aspects of our lives; although there are some challenges and opportunities. For us to thrive in this new landscape, let's be curious, have critical thinking and use technology wisely.
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paragonrobits · 8 months
some vague OC teams and minor characters I would be interested in developing, so I'm open to people sending in suggestions or vague concepts they think fit my criteria
bear in mind that the default assumption in my OCverse is that each team is functionally its own faction, and given the resources and enough followers, they are assumed to automatically start building their own kingdoms or empires as befits their particular ethics. (This does not necessarily involve invasion or conquest, as its quite possible to literally generate whole worlds out of raw magic, if you're powerful enough.) Therefore, the teams
Super Cool Rival Team: a team of friendly rivals to my main OC faction, and are functionally opposites to them in every way. As my main OC team favors aesthetics ranging from mad science with big clunky parts, spiky punk aesthetics, whatever 40k orks have going on, these guys are much more fashionable, streamlined and elegant. They're role models, while my main OC faction are a bunch of outcasts and weirdos that feel uncomfortably inferior around this bunch. As such, this group needs to have characters and concepts that contrast them; high fantasy archetypes and epic characters meant to be awe inspiring or just plain cool would work here; if my main OC squad are generally monsters, this group has epic heroes. They are professionals, by the book, and elegant.
Example creatures related to this group could include animals or creatures associated with regality, power, elegance and cool factor. Dragons, lions, griffins, particular breeds of dog, dolphins and elephants could be potential examples, whether as inspiration for chimeric creatures, or the team's members including humanoid variants of these creatures. They might also draw from elves, streamlined robots and so on!
(They likely shouldn't have domestic cats, tigers or tyrannosaurs or raptors invoked in their imagery, as these are all traits my OC squad has in general.)
Cutie Team: Another team of rivals competing for similar resources or adventure plot hooks (important artifacts, valuable magical lore, taking part in battle tournaments, ect), but rather than being cool and stylish foils, this team is specifically a harmless and cutesy group of friendly, positive heroes inspired by the tone of 80s cartoons like the original Thundercats and Transformers, with the recent She-Ra reboot and Steven Universe as other examples, as is the original Pokemon and Digimon anime; they're showy, colorful and full of friendship! This makes them a contrast to my main OC squad, who are rough around the edges and a bunch of destructive freakazoids.
Additionally, something about this team sets off false alarms for the OC Squad, whom largely come from dystopic or bleak origins that make them resentful of people whom they think had it all handed to them, or think this team seems like malicious villains putting on a positive front. They're not USED to people who genuinely are super positive and genuine about it, at least without ulterior motives. As their dynamic develops, they may become more protective of this squad, depending on the actual nature of their changing relationship. (The Cutie Team might actually be fans who look up to them, or were inspired to become adventurers because of them, which causes the team to reevaluate their impact on others, eventually leading to their decision to find a place where people like them can call home by literally BUILDING it.)
The OC squad has a large number of characters with parental themes; accordingly, the Cutie Team might be younger adventurers, potentially orphans who found magical power by befriending magical monsters or spirit creatures, and wind up getting adopted by the OC squad in some capacity. An alternative view might be that they're of similar age to the OC Squad, and their role is instead romantic in some form. (A mix of the two might also work; some members being younger and others being equivalent age or so?)
A major theme for this group could be 'cute and deceptively dangerous, in their element', or just cute and small things in general; they can incorporate aspects from things like snakes, ferrets, otters, mustelids in general, songbirds, cats and beetles. They might tend to be unusually short or small-sized in general, as a contrast to the OC squad generally being VERY large (ranging from 7ft to over twice human size).
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vipesterix · 2 years
Y’know what, I should really cook up a caard here soon but for now I’m just gonna make a pinned post about me. Eventually I’ll link a caard though I promise,, Greetings and salutations! My name is Gabriel, however I mostly go by the neat and simple letter “G”, [it’s like a trademark at this point LMAO]. But I also don’t mind kin names like Yesod and Glitchy, in fact it makes me very happy. [They’re my mains rn and I love them dearly as they represent my transmasc goals /gen]  Pronouns: He/Him [FtM/Transmasc]  Age: I’m 18 Hobbies: I do a LOT of things,, drawing ofc, gaming, baking/cooking, crocheting [I’ve been doing that since 2011 I kid you not.], taking care of plants, collecting ethically sourced animal skulls, and also deconstructing old pcs! [Did that for my internship] Fandoms: ProjectMoon/Lobcorp/LoR, Splatoon3 (and 2!!), NSR, Pokemon, The Owl House, etc etc Temperament(?): Uhh. It really depends..? I guess I’m the “Adam of Yesods” as I coin it. I can be super chill and super rambly and psychological, and then the “Adam” part of me is super upbeat and a bit chaotic [within reason, of course.]. One thing to keep in mind with me is I am VERY bad at reading tone, and thus I use tonetags. [If you don’t use them that’s totally fine, if I ask you to specify what you mean that’s mostly why! Not a you problem, it’s me lol] Also I get EXTREMELY anxious in general. I love to talk to people so much but augh, it’s really hard for me to start conversations with new people sometimes so bare with me... I would LOVE to talk, just really not good at initiating. Socials:  -- Discord: Gasterix#4802 [PLEAAASE do not use my dms for smalltalk it makes me SUPER anxious. /lh  Idm being asked to join a server and whatnot though!] -- Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Gasterix_ [I have other socials but I hardly use em’, so if you find me there don’t expect me to reply  😭] -- Splatoon3:  ★Yesod★#2308 Tags I use: #gabe wip art #grimmcorp [Fan ProjectMoon project!!] #gcorp [Same thing],  #gabe doodles [Very self-explanatory] That’s all! You’ll find out more about me the more you get to know me.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Okay, but while I admit I’m enthused about new Pokemon, I do have to say I’m genuinely concerned about the dev team’s workload.
Were there almost certainly two teams, with one on Legends Arceus and one on Scar/Vio? Yes.
Does it seem highly likely Legends Arceus was intended to release last year and got hit with the COVID delays, which Gen IX as a new cornerstone of the Massive Pokemon Behemoth doesn’t have the liberty to do as much? Yes.
(Note: The anime is always timed to launch a new season when a new game comes out. Plans for that have to be finalized well in advance, both to keep the anime running and because Pokemerch has to be manufactured and on store shelves when the new games are out. This means ‘Gen IX for 2022’ was probably finalized well over a year ago, when there was still hope COVID could get under control. Delays are much harder to manage logistically in a massive toyetic franchise like this than other games, and I don’t think Gamefreak has as much control over the Pokemon train as they really need. This is not me saying that this structure is reasonable - I honestly think they COULD start the anime before the games and starter plushes are usually out ahead of time - just that it’s likely how the business decisions are being made.)
But the fact that they’ve got crouching in the trailer confirms to me this is being built off the base of Legends Arceus, and that’s… surprising, to say the least. Maybe that gameplay was all set up and finalized early in the process so it could be used in both games, and the delays were largely in fine-tuning and designing the precise environments and Pokemon behaviors. The character and region design are the most important aspects to hammer out at the start of development, after all, since the anime needs them, and Legends managed to have fewer of both. Maybe they’re not under killer crunch. I hope so. But still, two games in ten months at this scope is hard not to be worried about.
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prof-peach · 3 years
I guess you probably started to play the game, so how is your experience so far? The fact that within the first five minutes of the game we learn that it is pokemon that go small and not the balls making them small still blow my mind!
I personally am choosing to look at that like some misconception due to a lack of prior knowledge. I have yet to figure out how to rationalise it, but honestly its so jarring. why is it only back in time that this has been discussed??? Hate it haha, makes zero sense lore wise, functionality wise, and generally begs the question, why has no one mentioned it sooner? It feels like somewhere along the line its disproved in more modern games, where i'm not sure yet. Does every single pokemon know Minimise? cant be possible! Makes little to no sense for me personally but i see folks enjoying it so whatever, gotta run with the stuff you love! That aside, i'm actually really enjoying the game, this is ooc obvs, speaking as a player, and a fan, but peach will have BIG issues with Laventon, totally hate Volo, BUT theres a good number of characters that she will vibe with SO hard, one of which is Cyllene. That stress eating crazy stern woman will fill her with such joy when they finally meet, something about her will just amuse peach so much, perhaps it's her harsh reality checks, or her work ethic, theyre very symilar in being brutally honest, and after handling so many adults who coddle the kids, this one being so forward about potentially dying at every turn would nourish her soul. She will love Kamado, he's got her energy for battle, they're on the same page, I can see them fighting together in a friendly way. Oh theres that strong lady who teaches people fighting styles (can't recall name, red hair, head of something) again, love her, and so will peach haha. Thats as far as i got today, been running around doing not a lot! found an eevee in my first visit out of the town, (near that place where theres a big ass rapidash) so that was a surprise to get so early in game. I have however made a lot of notes, and been working along side playing, so i've only been able to put about 2 hours into it so far. theres no jump button, thats a bit strange, and I was saddened that your pokemon don't follow you once released from the pokeballs, BUT its so far been a lot of fun, and i've had a great time with Grey tearing it to shreds, planning fixes for the comic, and designing villains and story lines to fit the actual gameplay! Until today i've had little clue as to why we were thrown back in time, and what the story will be. Turns out its so very loose and vague that ANY story will fit into this just about. Opens a lot of doors. Just makes me excited to do my job so win win! Hope everyone else is enjoying, seen a lot of nice feedback! people have warmed to it, even if only some aspects.
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artbyblastweave · 3 years
BLASTWEAVE what does steven universe have in common with watchmen?
Both Steven Universe and Watchmen are groundbreaking entries in their respective genres that demonstrate a deep understanding of the appeal of the genre they’re working in, and engage with their ideas on a previously unheard-of level for the medium. That breaks ground and clears the way for what other works in the genre can get away with. 
Steven Universe showed that, well, first of all that you can make a cartoon that’s fundamentally ideologically queer beyond a few side characters, but also that you can have an emotionally intelligent and mature children's cartoon where the character nuance and depth and development are all taken very seriously. Watchmen showed that you could write serious and interesting narratives about superheroes if you were willing to roll with the crazy. (Neither of them was the first to do the things I’m ascribing to them, but I do think that they’re what made it stick for their respective fields.)
In doing so, though, both works create/created a catch 22 for all future works in their genre. Part of what made both of them so good is that they were willing to critically unpack and air out the ugly implications of their format that usually get chalked up to suspension of disbelief, and now that that’s out in the open it becomes very difficult not to think about how any other given work is or isn’t addressing those issues- even if they aren’t equipped to address those issues in the scope of the story they’re trying to tell. Watchmen asked questions about who sanctions superheroes, what qualifies you to do that work, where the line is between heroism and fascism or if there even is one, whether the agency to act means you have a right or a duty to act, whether anyone who seriously bought into the superhero thing could possibly be doing it for good reasons, and, if they somehow were, how long you can care with the intensity necessary to be an effective hero without suffering burnout (not long.) I literally can’t think of a single superhero thing worth reading that isn’t in some way in conversation with Watchmen - you now kind of have to answer those questions, explicitly or implicitly, even if your books thesis is “Alan Moore sucks eggs and being a superhero is very sustainable and fantastic.” If you just leave the question of whether your superheroes are justified completely unaddressed, there’s an uncomfortable discordance there, because we’ve seen the extreme end of that sliding scale in the form of the Comedian and if the narrative doesn’t engage with what makes the protagonist not Edward Blake, it can feel worrisome. If they try and then botch it it can feel alarming.
Steven Universe has a similar thing going on, at least for me. It’s the only unironic, non-parodic children’s series that’s really, seriously unpacked how fucked up and traumatic it would be to grow up as the archetypical All-loving Spirited Saturday Morning Cartoon Protagonist, how warped and dysfunctional a household that enabled that lifestyle could be at its worst, and what the future looks like when your whole childhood was centered on a now-ended conflict. ( a lot of cartoons flirt with that last one but don’t commit.) I’ve seen jokes and intended-as-cracky fan theories about this for years, surrounding lots of other cartoons (Ben 10, Pokemon, Powerpuff Girls) but almost never with the assumption that the creators are on the same page as them. I’ve seen stories that are post-modern reimaginings using the same general archetypes or whatever (Venture Brothers) but that’s not this! SU told an entertaining story earnestly, and then engaged with the emotional fallout of the story it told, with an unheard-of breadth and depth. A whole season of unpacking! No other show has ever been allowed to sink that much effort into closure. That’s usually what Fanfic is for.
I think it’s great, and that shows like Infinity Train and The Owl House are able to go as hard as they do largely because of Steven Universe’s precedent- but no matter how good a cartoon is, I can’t watch them without having this voice in the back of my head going “Oh, these children are going to grow up to be broken wrecks, bar an extensive and harsh healing process that kinda hurts to watch, huh.”
The issue is that not every cartoon can be Steven Universe, where the project was to thoughtfully and sensitively unpack this stuff. It’s a fair bet that we’ll probably never see a show with that exact project again (not least because of the loss of novelty value.) You’ve got your own stories you wanna tell that’ll run their own course, mostly aimed at children, there objectively isn’t narrative or financial room for most stories to unpack these assumptions if that wasn’t the goal going in. For example, Gravity Falls had pretty tight storytelling and a narrative that absolutely had room for a post-script "where-do-we-go-from-here” plot- it sped-run the “oh no, childhood’s ending” thing- and it’s pretty telling that the aftermath, healing process, interpersonal relationships and so forth are one of the things that that fandom heavily fixates on. The narrative had such a clean ending that it made people go looking for the mess. That’s not bad! It’s how most storytelling works! But now I look at any cartoon with kid heroes that’s meant to be taken even marginally seriously and go, Oh. Win the battle, lose the war. Then I feel sad. The contrast, of course, is that most superhero works actually can be, and in fact benefit from trying to be like Watchmen, because all the questions Watchmen raises about the ethics of power are also just.... like.... the most interesting storytelling hooks if you want to write a cape thing with real themes. They’re the kind of stories we’d have gotten years prior naturally if not for the CCA boondoggle. Admittedly it kinda creates a different problem where most “good” cape media is inescapably self-referential and draws on picking apart the conventions of a 60-70-year old canon that hasn’t been in wide circulation in years. But! I also think there’s a stronger obligation there to keep superhero fans in check- if your superhero thing isn’t making the reader question the ethics of violence and individual heroism in the face of systemic injustice, you wind up with people who unironically think Frank Castle is a role model to be emulated. We all know that guy. Children’s media doesn’t really produce that guy the same way, although it can draw them in from other corners. Superhero media often needs to be self-critical in a way children’s cartoons don’t always have to be.
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I recently read one of your posts about what the gym leaders dislike the most about each other, so I want to request a post about what they like the most about each other :)
Hell yeah, spread positivity.
-Nessa: Her confidence. Milo admires the way she seems to never let anyone get her down.
-Kabu: His advice. Kabu always seems to know what to say, and Milo really appreciates that.
-Bea: Her care for her pokemon. For as strong as she gets, and as hard as she trains her team, she always makes sure to keep her pokemon healthy and happy.
-Allister: His individuality. Milo knows Allister the least, but the fact that he stands out unapologetically is something Milo can appreciate.
-Opal: Her tea. Milo loves visiting Opal because she gives great tea and snacks. Visits are very pleasant.
-Gordie: His jokes. Milo and Gordie share very similar humor.
-Melony: Her cooking. Milo loves a good home cooked meal and Melony’s dishes are welcome in the middle of the Circhester cold.
-Piers: His ambition. Piers was scary to Milo at first, but once they got to know each other, Milo began to realize that Piers has a lot of goals, most of which are to benefit others.
-Raihan: The way he treats his fans. Raihan seems like the type to brag and boast, but Raihan is a really cool dude. Milo can’t stand people who flaunt things too much, so the fact that Raihan could and doesn’t is appreciated.
-Leon: The way he cares about other people. Leon is always looking out for other people, and he always strives to help others around him.
-Milo: The way he supports his friends. Milo does a lot for his friends and supports them no matter what.
-Kabu: His passion. Kabu very clearly cares about his career, and not much holds him back. Nessa is inspired by that.
-Bea: Her strength. Nessa appreciates that Bea is super strong and doesn’t let the fact that she’s a girl hold her back. Nessa’s all about girl power.
-Allister: His humor. Not many people hear Allister tell jokes, but Nessa gets to hear pretty frequently, and he’s funny.
-Opal: Her stories. Every times Nessa sees Opal, she has another exciting story to tell about when she was younger.
-Gordie: How he stands up for himself. Nessa is on Gordie’s side when it comes to the fight with Melony. The fact that Gordie keeps going with rock types no matter is really cool.
-Melony: The way she’s a mom to everyone. Melony takes care of people no matter what, and Nessa appreciates that. Melony proves that you can be kind and strong.
-Piers: The way he does music. Nessa knows how hard it is to be a model and a gym leader at the same time. She understands how much work Piers puts in to do music and pokemon training, even when no one sees it.
-Raihan: His personality. Raihan is a lot of fun to hang out with. He and Nessa have similar personalities, so they get along well.
-Leon: The way he looks out for the rest of the league. Leon is the reason Rose never got the chance to pass a rule to stop the Gym Leaders from doing outside work. Leon protected Nessa’s modeling career, despite all the trouble it put him through.
-Milo: His commitment. Milo always follows through on promises and agreements. Kabu really appreciates that.
-Nessa: Nessa’s work ethic. Nessa puts in a lot of work to do all the things she wants to do. Kabu knows that not everyone would be able to do that.
-Bea: How hard she works. Bea is always training. Kabu always admires those who work hard to get stronger.
-Allister: How advanced he is. Allister is the youngest gym leader Galar has ever seen. Kabu is very impressed.
-Opal: Her attitude. She’s always sarcastic and sassy, and Kabu thinks it’s funny.
-Gordie: The way he looks after Piers. Kabu has known Gordie since he was very young, and he knows that Piers is his best friend. Gordie has always been there to support Piers when he needs it, and it reminds Kabu of his friendship with Melony.
-Melony: She’s a good friend. Kabu and Melony have been best friends for a very long time. And despite how long it’s been, Melony and Kabu are still as close as ever.
-Piers: How hard he works. Not everyone sees it, but Piers puts everything he has into taking care of Spikemuth and following his own ambitions.
-Raihan: His passion. Kabu relates to and admires Raihan’s commitment to becoming stronger than Leon.
-Leon: His strength. Leon is so strong it’s unreal, and yet he’s still very humble. It’s a source of inspiration.
-Milo: His physical strength. Bea loves to spar, and Milo is a formidable match.
-Nessa: Her involvement. Nessa is always seen doing something for her community. Bea teaches martial arts, so seeing Nessa teaching swimming is something they bond over.
-Kabu: His desire to better himself. Kabu and Bea train together relatively often.
-Allister: His childishness. No one knows Allister as well as Bea, and it’s refreshing to see him act like a kid.
-Opal: Her stories. Opal was very strong and chaotic when she was younger. Bea loves to hear about it.
-Gordie: His type specialty. Bea loves to train her pokemon against Gordie’s because of how tough they are.
-Melony: Her kindness. Melony is very strong, but she’s also very kind and generous. Bea always loves seeing her fellow female gym leaders proving their strength.
-Piers: His advocacy for his pokemon. Bea knows that Dark Type pokemon have a huge stigma, and she appreciates that Piers works to change that.
-Raihan: His drive. He’s great to train with because he wants to get stronger so badly.
-Leon: His generosity. Bea would understand if Leon refused to help the gym leaders so he could stay stronger, but Leon is always happy to help the gym leaders train.
-Milo: His food. Milo always has something tasty to share with Allister.
-Nessa: How nice she is. Nessa is always thoughtful and kind to Allister. She laughs at all his jokes, so it makes him feel confident.
-Kabu: His stories from Hoenn. Kabu visits Hoenn pretty often and brings snacks and other things back for Allister. And his stories are interesting.
-Bea: Her care. Bea is usually seen as strong and cold, but Allister knows that she takes care of him. He thinks of her as an older sister.
-Opal: Visiting her. Visiting Opal is very nice. The visits are always peaceful and quiet. Opal gives him good snacks, and she seems to understand him.
-Gordie: His gifts. Gordie loves to give material gifts for any occasion he can. Gordie is a really good gift giver, too. Allister doesn’t know Gordie well enough to think of something better.
-Melony: How she takes care of him. Melony is very understanding and accommodating for Allister. She also takes care of Bea, which makes Allister feel better.
-Piers: He accommodates for Allister. Allister used to think Piers was loud and scary, but he’s actually really calm and quiet. Piers is able to take Allister somewhere quiet and keep people away when he’s overwhelmed.
-Raihan: His love of books. Allister likes to read, and Raihan is a good person to talk to about books. Raihan also lends Allister really good books.
-Leon: His understanding. Leon is very loud and energetic. He knows he’s a lot for Allister. He just really appreciates that Leon doesn’t get offended when Allister gets too overwhelmed.
-Milo: His connection to nature. Milo gets plants, and bonds with Opal over the forests around Ballonlea.
-Nessa: Her advocacy for strong women. Opal grew up in a really sexist time. She really appreciates Nessa encouraging girls to be strong.
-Kabu: His humor. Opal thinks Kabu’s humor is hilarious. She gets along will with him and Melony.
-Bea: Her care for Allister. Opal thinks it’s fascinating that Bea cares so gently for Allister while she’s still so stoic and strong.
-Allister: His mystery. Opal relates to him more than anyone else. How different he is from others is endearing.
-Gordie: His kindness. Gordie is really supportive and kind to everyone, especially his friends. Gordie takes a lot of time to make sure his friends are okay.
-Melony: Her stories. Opal likes to tell stories, but she loves to hear about when Melony was young and wild.
-Piers: His resilience. Opal can tell that Piers is a survivor. He adapts to everything and has achieved success despite everything he’s been through.
-Raihan: His history knowledge. Raihan likes to ask questions about events that Opal lived through and Opal likes to share those stories with him.
-Leon: His care for Hop. Opal’s favorite side of Leon is the caring brother side. She knows how happy it makes Hop when Leon is with him. It’s heartwarming.
-Milo: His humor. Gordie likes to crack jokes with Milo because they always seem to land.
-Nessa: Her attitude. To Gordie, nothing is funnier than watching Nessa put someone down for being a jerk.
-Kabu: His involvement. Kabu is a close friend of his mother, so Gordie saw him a lot when he was a child. Kabu is like a father figure to Gordie in a way.
-Bea: Her eagerness to fight. Gordie loves pokemon battles against her because she understands rock types really well.
-Allister: His ambition. Gordie knows that Allister has goals for his future, and he can admire that.
-Opal: Her gossip. Gordie gets to hear juicy secrets, either from Opal herself or from Melony, who heard it from the source herself.
-Melony: Her love. No matter how much they fight, Gordie knows Melony was a good mother to him. He can’t hate her ever.
-Piers: His supportiveness. Piers has been Gordie’s best friend since they were children. Piers puts his entire self into being a good friend and helping Gordie. Piers has done a lot for Gordie, especially with the fight going on.
-Raihan: His energy. It’s tough to keep up with Raihan, but it’s an adrenaline rush to hang out because of how much always seems to happen.
-Leon: His involvement with the rest of the league. Leon could be some greater presence, but he isn’t. He’s a friend to the gym leaders, and stands up for them when they need. Gordie really appreciates it.
-Milo: The way he takes care of his Pokémon. His flock of Wooloo are well loved and it shows.
-Nessa: Her unwavering determination. Melony admires the way Nessa sticks to her choices and hardly ever budges for other people.
-Kabu: His sense of adventure. Especially when he was younger, Kabu would take Melony on plenty of exciting adventures. Even now that they’re older, her best friend is still a lot of fun.
-Bea: Her care for Allister. Melony is one of the few who knows how kind Bea is to Allister. All they have is each other in essence. And Melony is glad Allister has a solid person to stick to.
-Allister: His childlike curiosity. Melony adores kids, and Allister is no exception. She loves that he asks so many questions and it always learning.
-Opal: Her wisdom. Melony is hardly ever caught off guard or at a loss, but when she is, Opal always knows what to say.
-Gordie: His independence. Even though Melony doesn’t like that Gordie doesn’t train Ice Types, she has to admit that he does well for himself. He’s a big presence without riding the traditions of his family, and he built that himself.
-Piers: The way he cares for Marnie. Melony has known Piers and Marnie since they were kids. Melony is grateful that Piers is such a good caretaker for Marnie, even though the fact that they’re in this position breaks her heart.
-Raihan: His generosity. Raihan is very famous and rich, so he’s always donating things or giving to the people around him. Melony thinks that’s a good attitude for someone like Raihan.
-Leon: His humbleness. Melony remembered when Leon first became champion. He’d been a little arrogant at the time, but he’s humbled himself a lot. She’s glad for it.
-Milo: His open mindedness. Piers knows Milo was afraid of him at first, so he was surprised when Milo tried to get to know him. He’s glad for it.
-Nessa: Her confidence. Nessa never lets hurtful comments get her down. That’s something Piers admires and is a little jealous of.
-Kabu: His patience. Kabu and Piers aren’t the closest, but Kabu was there for Piers when he needed him. Piers had been a lot of trouble for Kabu to deal with then, but Kabu never lost his temper with him and was patient the whole time.
-Bea: Her relationship with Allister. Piers know what it’s like to be a kid responsible for an even younger kid. Bea’s not exactly in the same situation he was in, but he still admires her resilience.
-Allister: That he’s introverted. Piers relates to Allister not wanting to be around people. Allister also gives Piers and excuse to get to a quieter place to rest in big events.
-Opal: Her ability to read people. That skill has saved Opal and the people around her a few times. Piers included.
-Gordie: His consistency. Gordie has always been a safe haven for Piers. He’s always been sturdy and supportive and hardly ever wavers when Piers needs him.
-Melony: Her care. Melony is the closest thing to a mom Piers has ever had. He doesn’t know where he’d be if she didn’t insist on taking care of him any way she could.
-Raihan: The fact that he’s extroverted. Raihan can be a chore to deal with sometimes, but Piers also appreciates him because he takes the lead. It’s refreshing to just be dragged around and not have to make any decisions.
-Leon: His understanding. Leon has always been someone who wants to understand and accommodate people. He’s saved Piers’ hide many times because he made the attempt to understand Piers.
-Milo: His laid back view of training. Milo is a strong trainer, but he’s friendly about it. Milo makes for a good relaxing warm up or wind down battle.
-Nessa: Her attitude. Raihan and Nessa are a force to be reckoned with when they’re together. Nessa makes Raihan feel even stronger.
-Kabu: His passion. Kabu is an intense trainer because he wants to better himself. This is a trait they both share.
-Bea: Her intensity. Raihan loves training with her because it’s so difficult to keep up. Certainly, a welcome challenge.
-Allister: His mystery. Understanding Allister the way Raihan does makes him feel exclusive. Also, they talk about books a lot, and that’s fun.
-Opal: Her gossiping. Raihan loves to be in the know, and he’s glad Opal is willing to share with him.
-Gordie: Hanging out with him. Gordie is a fun person to hang out with casually. He always seems to know someone or have something to do.
-Melony: Her cooking. Raihan is a sucker for home cooked meals made with love. When he’s in the area, he always wants to stop by for dinner.
-Piers: His reliability. Piers puts up with a lot, but he always follows through on his promises. He may not seem like it at first, but Piers is a very trustworthy person.
-Leon: His strength. Raihan always looks up to Leon. He worries that if he ever does surpass him, he’ll be without a goal and start to decline.
-Milo: His love of kids. Milo is an old friend of Leon’s, since they used to live so close together. Milo was always there to help out with Hop when Leon needed, and he taught Hop a lot of important things.
-Nessa: Her dedication. Leon knows she models and trains Pokémon at the same time. She works hard to do her best with both.
-Kabu: His want to be better. Kabu is always working hard, and it pays off. Leon cares a lot about people who want to be stronger.
-Bea: Her training. Bea throws everything into being a Pokémon trainer, and Leon looks up to her for that.
-Allister: He’s a prodigy. Allister is the youngest gym leader Galar has ever seen. He’s also very strong at the same time. Leon has high hopes for his future.
-Opal: Her experience. When Leon has a problem, Opal always knows how to help. She’s gotten him through a lot.
-Gordie: He’s fun. Whenever Leon needs to go out casually, Gordie knows how to help. Hanging out with Gordie is a good stress reliever.
-Melony: She cares about him and Hop. Melony is very sweet, and Leon knows that she took care of him when he was first settling into the league. He was very grateful, but not surprised, to know that she did the same for Hop later on.
-Piers: His dedication. Piers juggles a lot of things. Being a gym leader, his music, taking care of Marnie and Spikemuth. It’s a lot for one person, but Piers perseveres. Leon doesn’t know if he’d be able to handle all that.
-Raihan: His rivalry. Raihan is always at Leon’s heels. He inspires Leon to keep working hard for himself and the people around him. He knows how important he is for Raihan, too.
I tried to do my best but for some reason it took me three days to get through this.
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rosameiwhitley · 3 years
Further Ramblings about Pokemon special
surprised by how frequent pokemon evolve compared to the anime
cool how they justified the whole badge thing but doesnt that only apply to traded pokemon lol kinda cool seeing the 3 good gym leaders helping out the heroesit seems another theme this manga has in spades is the moral ethics of animal testing and genetic experimentation
34 chapters in, im surprised at the quick pace so far. already they're doing the mewtwo arc
not a fan of how they gave bill some southern accent tbh
also dang apparently balls are just interchangablethings really heat up in the yellow arc
ok tbh here i just kinda picture giovanni having the voice of Fat Tony from the Simpsons and idk why. Is it because he's a mob boss? 😅
damn the level of complexity here amazes me
oh god another thing but the scans just
i think they fudged up the doublelength pages cause it'd be so much cooler otherwise XD
giovanni is defeated.... now what?
alright! can't believe we're at the league arc only 39 chapters in
this manga's goin fast
ok but all jokes aside, kinda cool how they added the oak championship thing in that was never in the games. maybe this was inspiration for the masked royal in gen 7?
is it a reference though? i am not sure if the people writing this were in the know about that hidden battle in RGBY
lordy lord thats cool
gonna be frank here, leaf's heelfaceturn would probably be more impactful if we got to see more of her arc before this chapter. but sadly the manga's been like, solely focused on red with the other 2 dex holders so far getting pushed back in favor of putting him in the spotlight. like maybe i didnt notice, but this change comes somewhat from nowhere in my opinion
like i dont think we really saw any sign of her wanting to change or her wanting to be a dex holder beforehand. that said maybe im just not as appreciative since im p sure these chapters were released like on a monthly basis back then or something. but yeah reading thru them all at once instead of as they release, the pacing issues start to bubble thru imo. but maybe im just being bratty
again, the subtle bits of development green/blue has gotten aren't like, really that impactful when the manga has spent the majority of it's run focused on Red going from place to place
also given how sparse g1's postgame is i really wonder how they're gonna pad out the rest of the g1 stuff
they already took care of mewtwo so what can they really do after this? move onto g2?
yellow is so cute and innocent
im glad they ditched red, because it means they can focus on other characters.
the stuff they do with pokemon like arbok and porygon and also the hey you pikachu microphone is ingenious.
oh my god thisi s legit genius! it makes sense why erika would be included as part of the good gym leaders since her pokekmon are also weak to a type the e4 specializes in
kinda cool seeing the 3 good gym leaders helping out the heroes
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vaugarde · 3 years
do u have any thoughts on bdsp?
i do but tbh idk what to say that other pokemon fans havent been talking about.
i guess i can say that im skipping out on them, ive told myself "well MAYBE it wont be boring and people are being too hard on it!" for the past few years and ive been wrong literally every time. it feels weird to do with long awaited sinnoh remakes, but eh. legends is still on my list though, im tentatively excited for that
also while this exact thing is still totally bullshit, one thing i dont get the outrage behind is the stuff with the roms being exactly the same except for one flag. i mean i get that its repetitive data if you buy both and its shitty that tpci pushes fans to buy both but like... why not just not buy both then is kind of my question to that. again, its still a huge issue, but honestly im kinda too far into the whole "we shouldnt even have two exclusive versions in the first place" opinion anyways.
i think my general thoughts on All That is. im just tired. i'm already a fan of one franchise thats got an incredibly divisive audience and continues to keep digging a whole for itself in different ways, and it just really, really sucks to see the same thing happen to the series thats been my number one special interest since i was 8. (now sword and shield wont have the impact that sonic 06 did, not much can top that imo, but still) i really want this franchise to be better, and i want these games to be made under more ethical workplace conditions and time frames.
one last thing, i remember saying on twitter or something in like 2020 that if tpci didnt get a grip and stop pumping out yearly releases, and actually improve workplace conditions so its a healthier environment and we get better games, then i didn't really want a sinnoh remake soon. and well. here we are and i was right to hope for otherwise methinks.
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tainted-wine · 4 years
New Year’s Love and Rambles
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Will 2021 be better? I don’t know, but I’m happy to see 2020 go!
In hindsight, 2020 was merciful to me for the most part, though the last 3 months were rough with some unexpected losses and sad events. I’m grateful to have friends and loved ones that are willing to help me through these tough times, as I know that not everyone has this privilege. I hope this will be a better year for everyone, whether you’ve been struggling or not. ♥♥♥
On January 18, my blog will officially be a year old. I didn’t know what to expect when I hopped onto Tumblr, the site that I’m still mad at for removing all of my favorite adult art and comics. I’ve always enjoyed consuming fan-created content, so it was great to finally join a platform where I can keep track and send love to all of my favorites.
Dipping my feet into writing for the first time was the really hard part, but if there’s anything I’ve learned from lurking in art communities, it’s that most creators, no matter how experienced, are always at least a little nervous about sharing their work. So I started writing shit and...whatever this is taking too long I’m not here to write an autobiography I’m just here to say I’m incredibly thankful for all the great interactions I’ve had with loving readers, talented writers, and other kind souls that I’ve had the pleasure of crossing paths with.
There are days where I wish I had decided to do all of this earlier, during a much less hectic year. But that means I probably wouldn’t have met all of the people that I know now, and besides, it was very heartwarming to watch the community bond while we’re all trapped together in quarantine.
My Hero Academia and its fandom have claimed a special place in my heart, as there’s only one other franchise that I’ve ever felt this fixated on, and that franchise needs to get off its ass, put every Pokemon model in their game, and make that shit feel like its worth $60. I still love you Pokemon and will probably buy your next games anyway.
Moving on, time to tag some awesome folks that have played a big part in making my time here amazing!
A thank you to the writers that I’ve been following since the beginning. Hell, I’ve been lurking on some of these blogs long before I even had an account!
@kazooli @dee-madwriter @keigos-dove @lady-bakuhoe @wings-flames-and-ashes @trafalgar-temptress @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @pleasantanathema @seigesinbin @katsukisprincess @queensynderella @tomurasprincess
All of your amazing fics helped pave the way and gave me the strength to try creating my own. I know that I haven’t interacted with all of you, but you all have made an impact on this one little blogger that you haven’t even talked to, so thank you very much for that!
Kazooli, thank you for giving me and so many others the courage to explore our darker fantasies. I hope you’re aware of how big of an inspiration you are to lovers of dark content!
Leah! Y’know, I’m still really picky when it comes to bdsm and daddy/mommy dynamics, but your hot works never fail to pull me in. Thank you for being such a generous and kind writer and educator! I hope to be able to talk to you and the citrus crew more in the future!
Keigos-dove, I hope you’re doing alright out there in the real world! I fell in love with your blog the moment it was created. Your soft and heartwarming content was only the beginning of my descent into Hawks madness.
It’s been tough accepting my place as a Hawks whore, and thanks to many equally thirsty writers, climbing out of this hole gets harder each day!
@lovekeigo @keilemlucent @keiqos @keigosbirdie @hawnks @bibbidi-bobbidi-birb @smutbardpeach 
Wami you amazing queen! It’s been such a joy watching your blog grow, dishing out one quality fic after the other! I strive for your drive and work ethic. 😫 I cherish the time we spent thirsting for the bird together. You made summer a magical and horny time!
You too, Salem! The variety in your spicy content is incredible! Please know that your talent in hitting every kind of emotion and tone, whether it be heart-melting softness or painful angst, is a rare one and you should feel proud!
Peach, I know I’ve gushed about your writing before but the fact that I’m doing it yet again shows how amazed I continue to be. The elegance in your wording is one of a kind, and it’s still difficult to describe. Thank you so much for your masterpieces.
BIRB! Don’t think you’re safe from my ass-kissing, you master of building original worlds and lore! Seriously tho I’m so glad that you created a blog, we’re so happy to have you. I’m excited to see what your next portrayal of Hawks will be so that I can hate and love him at the same time.
And now for some additional thanks to other special folks!
@writeiolite I’ve already told you but dammit thank you for being both an awesome chatting buddy and such a supportive follower I don’t deserve you. You’ve given me so many smiles and laughs.
@la-saffron Your sexy art continues to dodge Tumblr’s trigger-happy hand and I don’t know how the hell you keep doing it. I adore both your original characters and your Hawks fanart; you really know how to capture the beauty of bodies.
And of course, thank you to all of my lovely followers! I know that both my content and schedule is unpredictable. You all have stuck around as I wrote about bird ruts, plushie brawls, and monster fucking. Never in a million years would I have expected so many people to enjoy this...stuff that I make. You sweethearts help push away my ever-lingering self-doubt and keep me motivated. I hope to keep providing whatever the hell comes to mind throughout this year.
You all have made my Tumblr experience as great as can be! Happy New Year! - 🍷
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themurphyzone · 3 years
Murphy! Tell us about Nova!
You got it, shuun!
So the idea for Nova came after I watched too many old sci-fi shows with my dad. Including Star Trek (1st series), Battlestar Galactica, and all those other low-budget sci-fi shows/movies with laughable special effects.
And a lot of my favorite cartoons have sci-fi influences too. For instance, Pokemon has very advanced technology. The creators of Phineas and Ferb are huge Doctor Who and Star Wars fans, and those influences can be felt in the show itself. Ford Pines of Gravity Falls is literally a space crime grunkle. Batman the Animated Series has several episodes that are reminiscent of the morals and ethics in sci-fi.
And for Pinky and the Brain, the concept of them came from an era where genetic technology was making great strides. DNA testing in forensics, Dolly the Sheep, the Human Genome Project, all came within years of each other at that time.
The characteristics of sci-fi are often: advanced tech, often space-themed, characters that live in a universe where everything is so fantastical yet they must recognize their limits as living beings. How ethical/moral are our actions? The matter of using logic vs taking a humanitarian approach in problem-solving.
So I decided on a very basic sci-fi plot: Alien invasion. Now combine that with the premise of PatB.
In this story, Brain struggles between two worlds: one that insists on doing everything to benefit himself no matter the cost, and a foreign one that insists on enjoying life's little pleasures.
Pinky makes the best of his situation, but with Pharfig literally off to the races, he's lonely. So he often pretends inanimate objects are real as a coping mechanism, something that comes off as very strange to observers.
And by some twist of fate, they've found each other.
Bonus: I wanted to fit in a joke about the Irken Empire being a real race of aliens in this story, but I just couldn't figure out how to word it. But Brain takes great issue with the Irkens for discriminating against those of short stature.
My plans for the mice's visit to the mall also included Pinky riding on a Merry Go Round, on a pretty white horse he names after Pharfig. Brain tried, but he disliked the up and down motion and wanted something more stationary, like the solid ground. But this was cut since the chapter was long enough.
I changed the names of the minor human characters multiple times. No their names don't matter, but still.
Thanks for the ask! Hope you enjoyed my little info dump!
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quartings · 3 years
This is a rough continuation of that post I made about superpowers a few weeks ago, but from more of a Pokemon perspective.
For a recap, what I said was that it's annoying when a series gives characters "worse" superpowers just to justify making them less important, instead of writing scenes to highlight their non-superpower abilities so the story isn't just a punch-fest. And the same thing goes for how different kinds of Pokemon trainers are presented too. I've seen Pokemon anime characters get absolutely and unfairly trashed by fans over the last two decades for not having a full team of six fully-evolved Pokemon, or having an amazing win-loss ratio when those characters don't even want to battle in the first place.
If the character wants to battle as part of their main goal like say, Ash Ketchum himself, then there's no excuse to write him with Pokemon who don't or won't evolve besides Pikachu, who is a special exception as we all know. There's tons of "cute" or marketable fully-evolved Pokemon to not come up with dumb excuses for Pokemon like Totodile, Snivy, or Rowlet to just stay as they are. Ash's companions already have cute Pokemon to market, and not fully evolving his Pokemon to indicate progression has made Ash very unrelatable to any kid who wants to compare his journey to their own playthroughs.
But back to the characters who don't battle. Just like in our world, there's so many people in the Pokemon world who do non-fighting jobs that are just as fun and important as Pokemon battling. As long as they make visual progress towards their goals, and show a passion to practice their talents, I think it's completely fine if they don't have a full team of fully-evolved Pokemon. Plus, there's trainers in the anime who have battle-related goals, but have un-evolved team members, empty party slots, and embarrassing losses and work ethics, but seem to get a free pass from some people in the fandom just because "being aggressive is cool" I guess??
To list some good examples of non-battle-focused Pokemon manga characters, there's Crystal who wants to complete her Pokedex, Diamond and Pearl who are comedians, and White who's a talent agent. As such, they've all incorporated their Pokemon into improving and developing their passions and skills. There's even several protags in the manga who have actual superpowers, but said powers are listed as pretty much equal to the talents and even personalities as the other protagonists. Because all the manga protagonists have very unique skills and contribute hugely to the finales of their respective arcs, there's never any need to "belittle" any of them, even if some of them don't like or aren't good at fighting.
With one last paragraph to talk about the game characters, any mandatory battle in Pokemon games should be difficult regardless of what kind of opponent it may be, because otherwise the game just isn't good.
TLDR: I'm tired of hearing people rag on Pokemon characters who don't constantly battle and win. There are so many cool non-battle Pokemon skills, and people should be mad at the writers instead for not writing better stories that show off those skills.
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