#the fact that he has antlers in this form is also symbolic
gl1tchxr · 8 months
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hitting juxt with my dragon beam
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blossompigeon · 3 months
Please do talk about your god design!
Okay, will do! And thank you to all the kind people who also asked! Fair warning, this is a bit of a long ramble, so you don't have to read this!
Okay, so, back when King Charles got coranated last year here in Britain, the formal invite contained an image of a green man, which the painter of the invitation cited as an "ancient symbol of rebirth".
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The thing is, this is actually a common misconception - images of the Green Man have existed in Britain since the 12th century but the attribution of it being a pagan ancient symbol of rebirth/new life is a 19th century attribution. The Green Man was used as lot as decoration but there's no evidence he was ever a god.
A lot of old pagan rituals here in England are removed from their original intention. Things like the Jack In The Green and Hoodening (hooded animal/horse) ceremonies went through periods of dying out and being revitilised but detached from their original movement. There's this romanticisation of old Pagan Britain but barely anyone actually took care of all those old rites. They're still alive, but different.
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Which all leads into this character. I wanted to make a deity/young god character who came into existance from the process of people doing some sort of Spring festival they THINK is something old and pagan but is actually brand new. So the God has been born into existance with no idea what to do, what it wants to be a symbol of, and is basically a baby. It THINKS it should be something maybe related to nature or fertility, but isn't sure. It has a Green Man face, a Jack in the Green body (they are made of moss and branches!) and a Hoodening animal hood and garlands! Their "default" body is a deer, an animal that's associated with the forest but is actually a meadow/savannah animal pushed into forest by human settlement and denaturalisation. The antler branches are naked of any actual growth - but as the god learns about itself, figures out who they are, the branches will start to grow and bloom :)
Anyway, fun facts - they can change the form of their body, and take the form of a human, or any animal, but not the face. The face is a mask! They can't change expression. But occasionally they will smile. They can "talk", but it appears as the voice in your head that only appears when you read something. They're good, sincerely.
(If you made it this far I'm both sorry, and thank you!)
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polkadot358 · 2 years
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I made some sprites and boss battle animations heavily based on the content made for the john loves you au by @zzoupz and @salmonandsoup . Big props to them for creating and expanding this au along with every other contributor who helped get my creative juices flowing! 
I have tagged it but just in case !!FLASHING LIGHTS!! for the gif below
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Details, ideas and ramblings on the sprites are below the read more!(I am warning you that it is long and that this is my first time posting)
All sprites are facing to the right and are supposed to be the walking downwards sprites.
For John and Gary I just swapped around their bodies and kept their arms so that their silhouettes would be the same (or at least similar) to the ones in the Faith game. This made them a lot easier to design alongside the fact Zoup gave them distinguishable features (thank you!). The first sprite is John cloaked, second is uncloaked and third is his ‘action move’ like the one in game when he holds up his cross. 
For his phase 1 transformation I like to think this is when Gary and Amy are properly kicking his ass and Buer does not like that so John starts to fervently pray to his “angels” to save him. They do but start to transform John as they feed off his fear of failing his “God” and of being killed by Gary and Amy. As the protagonists deal with the “angels” John escapes (to mirror canon!Gary’s fight and highlight John’s cowardice) and prays in his private sanctuary where he can directly speak to “God”. 
Amy and Gary catch up, leading to John’s phase 2 transformation where Buer has had enough and directly possesses John at the peak of his terror, fully transforming him. You may notice in this transformation that John’s blood forms a cross, I did this because of  ~symbolism~. The flashing yellow references when canon!John first received the golden cross from Father Allred in the Martin house when his faith was strongest. For swap!John he is literally being given the cross directly into his chest and his faith is also at its strongest, although it’s out of pure blind faith to his “God” from fear rather than it being a conscious decision. It’s kinda mocking the canon flashing but its use still means “John” is becoming stronger. Also, the reason the antlers move is cuz I read an interview with Airdorf where he said he liked to keep his demons abstract to allow the human mind to make it horrifying. I know he was referring to the shapes of the demons but I took it and made the antlers move to allow people to think “oh, are those antlers or bloody hands?” Clever, maybe, I dunno.
I’ll repeat what I said above but I just swapped John and Gary’s bodies and kept the arms the same. I made Gary look like he was wearing a cassock, gave him his hat and cane and voila, it’s his first sprite. His second sprite is his ‘action move’ where he whips out his bible and leans on his cane. salmonandsoup said how the AU would be a two player game, I could see this being done by giving Gary and Amy individual strengths and weaknesses. Gary would be a slow mover but would be the only one able to fully kill demons with his biblical knowledge. Amy would be speedy and could hold items but would only be able to stun or ward away demons.
Humans in the Faith game all have that stick figure look outside of Garcia and Allred who get to be a bit knobbly. This is why Amy has a pretty basic look but I gave her some knobbly-ness in her arms as reference to her canon design and attempted to give her some shoulder length hair, this is her first sprite. Her second and third sprites give light to the idea I talked about in Gary’s section where she would be the item keeper. These aren’t her ‘action moves’ though cuz I imagine her swinging the crowbar around and maybe lifting the lamp higher.
The first sprite is based off of canon!Amy and canon!Lisa designs. I gave her that hanging hair that canon!Amy has and used canon!Lisa’s skinny and less connected arms to inform the rest of her limbs to make her more demonic looking. For the second sprite I made it closer to Zoup’s design for Lisa, giving her more wild hair and clawed hands.
Miriam: Another original look, I wasn’t too sure if she was a nun in this AU but gave her the mask that salmonandsoup mentioned based off of her face in her canon design. I decided to give her a nice grandmotherly silhouette, making her shorter than her canon sprite, giving her a bun and a nice dress to tie it together. Overall, just a sweet old lady with good posture. 
The least inspired of the bunch. I just took the hooded design of canon!Gary and slapped Garcia’s arms on there. I gave him his canon colouring even though the cloak should be blue because his grey head did not mix well with the blue clothing in his second sprite. Sorry, Garcia, at least he looks kinda like the grim reaper.
Last thing, I promise! I thought about the themes that the swap AU game could explore that would contrast those made in the OG Faith game. The AU game could explore how limiting faith that is too extreme can be or how faith can become twisted compared to the originals message that through strong and pure faith anything can be overcome. These are ideas that salmonandsoup and vendettapandav have talked about I just think they deserve to be key themes.
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
I was at a museum of natural history looking at deer & moose antler's today when I thought about your au where Lucifer is Alastors bio dad and how cool would be if the (lucifer & charlie) morningstar's calling card were antler horns? they usually hide them in their normal form & the fact that Alastor has his horns out is a subtle sign that he's one of them? even tho he doesn't know, anyway, hope you have a good day!
Hm, while I do really like the aesthetics of deer/moose antlers, I don't really want to change anything overmuch about any of the characters' designs for this AU. I personally think that Charlie's and Lucifer's horns work very well for them as they are.
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I mean look at that. Beautiful.
I also love the irony that stags - Alastor's animal motif - are a symbol of Jesus Christ. Alastor's not a Christ-like figure by any means, but I like how it sets a divide between him and the Morningstars while still giving him a connection to a biblical figure. Because ultimately, he's not a proper part of their family. He's the bastard, the mistake. Lucifer pretty much looked down on Alastor from the get go, and even after learning that Alastor's his son he still does somewhat.
There's a world of difference between the life Alastor lived and the one Charlie did. He was mixed race in the era of Jim Crow laws, and grew up watching his poor black mother get pushed around and abused by the rich white men she worked for, until one of those men ultimately killed her. That same man took Alastor in out of a twisted sense of guilt, but pretty much treated Alastor like a servant. And Alastor was very aware that if his skin had been a little darker, that man would have just killed him too.
Charlie, on the other hand, grew up in a palace with two loving, if flawed, parents. While Lucifer fell short in a lot of ways, he provided her with anything and everything she could have wanted growing up. Decadent food, infinite toys, magical pets that served doubly as friends and protectors.
This is getting away from me a little. I'm very much not an authority on racism, but I know these sorts of things must affect the dynamic between Alastor and the rest of the Morningstars. While Lucifer and Charlie aren't human, their skin is very very very white. There's no way that didn't play into Alastor's reaction to Lucifer assuming he was the bellhop. As much as Alastor tries to lean into his identity as a demon, he still started as a human being and still has a human soul.
That is to say, even with the blood relation, Alastor is set apart from the Morningstars, and he feels that divide much more strongly than they do. He does have design elements in common with them - in fact, many elements of his design are downright satanic - but his design contrasts nicely against them too; the overtly red pallet, the always visible horns, the red sclera. That's actually part of what got me thinking about this AU in the first place. So I feel like the fact that their horns don't match really works well for this AU.
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pinkplasticprincess · 2 months
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Valrayne faeu by @owl-bones and @antlered-prince
Wasn't sure if we were allowed to make our OCs/Faesonas consorts to the kings or if that would be overstepping. If it is, let me know! /gen
-Goes by Luxa, Titania, or Sleeping Queen
-Married to Dream (she wears a cameo choker she commissioned of him to symbolize their marriage)
-Was originally a human witch that decided to stay in the fae realm. Still has her human magic in addition to fae magic, but she misses her cast iron cauldron and being able to touch certain ingredients due to being a fae now.
-Actually has pretty powerful magic when she's actually awake.
-Still works for the deities she served when a human witch. Loki has a FIELD DAY with the fact she's a fae now. So much room for chaos and trickery!
-Still has the same chronic illnesses that she had as a human. HOWEVER, she lost the ability for medication in any form to work on her. Pain meds? Useless. Antidote for poison? Sorry! You MIGHT be able to suck the venom out of a bite wound like the pioneers did.
-Sleeps A LOT due to her chronic illnesses but also because using her magic can take a lot out of her. Sometimes sleeps for days at a time. Doesn't leave the castle as much because of her sleepiness.
-She tends to dream about her husband while sleeping and usually wakes up in a good mood. Immediately seeks him out whenever she does wake up if he's available.
-Although medication doesn't work on her, she has a vast collection of herbs and other ingredients for magic and will personally make remedies and medicines for other fae, regardless of their status.
-Has a fox spirit familiar. He tends to watch over her while she's sleeping or takes care of certain duties for her. Sometimes just organizes her magic items, research notes, etc
-Has a couple of her own magical items, but also uses Ink as her dealer to acquire more, especially things she had to leave behind as a human
-Has beef with Error
-Wings are based off of emerald swallowtail
The hardest part of this was not the wings, IT WAS THE TULLE LAYER ON THE BOTTOM OF THE DRESS
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nitewrighter · 4 months
I know you don’t have any ask games currently posted but just for fun: what has been the favorite bit of symbolism you’ve ever put into one of your stories? Or at least a bit of symbolism that you particularly liked.
Well I think the tough part about this ask is, like, I don't usually set out to have symbolism in my stories, it's more like it kind of crops up in there as I ask the question of "Hmm how can I visually reinforce what's going on here?" And that just kind of gradually folds more and more into the overarching theme of the story as I go along. Which... okay maybe that's kind of how symbolism works? But for me it's more like, visual than really ascribing to any hard schools of "X is in here to represent Y." I would say my most self indulgent case of symbolic writing is definitely in my Reidan fic, "The Stag Prince," and even then I'm not entirely sure if it's actual symbolism or if it's just a matter of being couched in the language and imagery of fairy tales, Irish folklore, and the Child Ballads. So like, throughout the story you have a lot of prevalence of the colors white, red, and black. In Irish folklore, red is considered the most magical color, because it's a pretty rare color in nature, and it's the color of fire and blood! White can also be pretty rare in nature as albinism usually makes animals more vulnerable to predators and whatnot. Red kind of naturally made its way in there because Aedan's a ginger, so it made sense that most of the animals he would turn into would be red. Of course, the stag being his favored form is because we consider stags both cthonic animals and symbols of virility. But like... I don't know if this was on purpose or if I just wanted to create a visual callback to Aedan's freckles, but I write the stag as being dappled--first a red stag dappled with white at the beginning, then a white stag dappled with red for the Wild Hunt. And like, we all know deer/elk only have spots when they're babies, so I was kind of leaning into the concept of neoteny as also a sort of indicator of magic--that Aedan, as an adult stag, shouldn't have spots, so his spots are an indicator that he's a ~magic deer!~ The White Stag bit is also meant to be a callback to English folklore and heraldry with the White Hart. There's a lot of nature-as-magic in the story, and you also see this in the mushrooms/spiders/Snow White scene which, clearly uses a lot of white. Lowkey I wish I knew more about Mycelium at the time I wrote that part, because god, the visual overlap between cobwebs and mycelium is RIGHT THERE.
Basically looking back on this story, it's basically soft romantic fairy tail fluff as a thin rice paper wrapping around me with a megaphone yelling "FAIRY TALES ARE SEX AND DEATH." And like, it's not like I wasn't aware of that at the time I was writing it--after all, another major inspiration of that was the Child Ballads, which have a significant amount of sex in them, so there's a noticeable amount of innuendo in it--Rei doing the Action Skirt Rip, the silly "You have to ride me" exchange, Rei taking hold of Aedan's antlers, Aedan feeling Rei's bare legs tighten at his flanks--and they're doing this to join the wild hunt, which is like... this terrifying procession of ghosts and fairies and monsters, lead by the Dullahan, an omen of death, the fact that they're both doing this because Aedan sought to give up his immortality for love. So... sex and death.
There are also several song callbacks in that fic--Rei's Action Skirt Rip is kind of an homage to Child Ballad 39: Tam Lin's "Janet has kilted her green kirtle aboon her knee" but the white dress she's wearing in the wild hunt is inspired by the Decemberists' Hazards of Love, "My true love went riding out in white and green and gray." Also the witch knots and the spiders webs in the Snow White scene are a callback to the spellbreaking tasks in Child Ballad 6: Willie's Lady (Who was it who undid the 9 witch-knots tangled in amongst his lady's locks?/Who was it split the silken thread the spider stretched all beneath his Lady's bed?)
So like... I don't know how much of it was symbolism and how much of it was just being its own visual and narrative language, but it's mostly me throwing myself into these historic storytelling genres and tropes to tell a story with my beloved kids, and I had an absolute blast doing it, and looking back I still have a soft spot for the story. Even now I can tell it was something I very much wrote for myself, and I'm like "Aw, thank you, Me."
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yan-snowcave · 2 years
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Name: Casanova Valentine [Belongs to @cannibalsweetheart ]
Dragon Species: Zalant
Gender: Male
Dragon Power: Aphrodisiac gas [+control of said gas]
Description :
Casanova is a long, mostly black scaled serpentine dragon with two arms, a pair of large wings and eight horns adoring his face. The largest horns sit atop of his head with a slight curve to them and share the same red coloration like the face, chest and tail tip. 
Two small black horns adore his forehead while on each side of his head, two larger, very sharp, white coloured horns protrude outwards. Those are more often than not covered by a white, pink-ish gas that surrounds Casanova's head, making it resemble something akin to fluffy hair.
Right below his hetrochromic eye's is a pink coloured, heart shaped symbol that has the ability to glow, bright pink when emotions are high.
His face and chest are covered in red scales that can change into a lighter shade or darker shade of red depending on his overall health. Two black spikes adore his upper chest, sitting right below each other. 
His arms have a lighter shade of red which turns into black scales when reaching his wrist and hand. Each hand has four digits with sharp claws attached to them. 
On his back rests two large black wings with a large symbol on his back, a red heart with horns and something resembling a branch or antlers underneath the heart. The insides of the wings are slightly damaged, leaving rips and tears throughout the bottom part of the wings. The red coloured patagium is thinner than that of other Zalants but still quite sturdy like any other regular Zalant patagium would be.
The tail end is partially tinted a red, ending with an upside down, heart shaped fin attached to it that is made out of patagium.
Other Information :
- Casanova has a pharyngeal jaw similar to those of a Moray Eel's, just much larger and stronger. It seems to be used to help him swallow down bigger, struggling prey. That couldn't be ripped apart by his claws or front teeth.
- His hair is made out of Aphrodisiac Gas that he can breath out before taking full control of it in movement, firmness and shape. He can also form them into objects, the only downsides to his power are that he's only semi-resistant to his very own gas and larger doses will affect him. 
And that strong gusts of air can blow off his Aphrodisiac Gas before he can take full control of it. This also applies to his hair and other semi-firm gas objects he created.
- Casanova, like most other  patients in the facility, is capable of human speech. Through comments and clues given by him it's theorised that Casanova might actually be a demon. That somehow either turned themself into a Zalant or got infected by the virus. It is yet unknown what type of demon Casanova could be or if they even, truly  are a demon.
- Casanova is half blind but makes up for it with his extreme keen sense of smell that can detect anyone or anything from a 5 mile radius.
- Zalants are lightning fast, quiet hunters. They either wait in dark areas for prey to come by to snatch up quickly or glide through the air until they find the perfect prey to snatch up for a quick meal. Zalant's don't do well in close combat and will escape any danger the second they can.
[Log #1]
[Click the pictures for better quality & if you're intrested in more Dragon!Nova facts check out the Log below.]
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
[John Doe, the Monstrous]
"Keep the wolf from the cattle."
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"She's no safer with him than she is with you."
As a witch-cursed monster, John Doe is a man who only wants love; However, despite being confined to a human form, his monstrous instincts still reside- resulting in bouts of violent hunger, ruined relationships, and self-hatred.
After accidentally revealing his nature to the rest of the main characters, John has failed to repair his once-budding relationships with them, and most view him as a source of danger.
(An explanation for the quotes, each image, and the board in a unified picture will be under the Read More, as well as a bit of rambling):
It's been a while since I've made a board like this, and I forgot how strangely enjoyable it is to see it all come together.
There were multiple routes I could've gone for this board: his love for humanity, emphasis on his self-hatred and idolization issues, his violent hunger and how it ties into his want for love, but I went with the flow and ended up with a general board; a vaguely ominous one, with the blow softened by the query if he can be loved.
The quote below the board ("She's no safer with him than she is with you") is a direct line from John's story, where Louis states in a conversation with John he's as much a threat to Song as the current monster they're up against [John didn't take kindly to this statement, since while the monster is acting with ill intent, he himself is at least trying to be benevolent.]
Panel Elaboration: {going left to right, starting at the top row & working our way down}:
The antlers have been on his pinterest board for a while; it's a call to his deer imagery, and of coursse the fact he was heavily inspired by the Not Deer cryptid. He even grew a pair of antlers when he first revealed his more monstrous side.
I think with with how the hair is covering most of the face here- and how it's more of a side profile- only adds to the intrigue of this board. Something about how the lack of clear face only adds to the monstrous/cryptid energy. (perhaps turning away/leaving so others won't get hurt?)
The road illuminated by headlights is actually in reference to his backstory- upon turning into a human, he ran out onto a road and ended up meeting what would eventually become his first (and, currently, only) friend. The woods were also his primary hunting grounds as a monster, and can be seen on the edges of the road.
John's story mainly takes place in a suburb; Additionally his monstrous nature and instincts fully showed themselves during the Season One finale, when he was searching for a monster at midnight- so the time of the image fits great.
As mentioned before, the question of "but who could love me?" ties into John's core belief (that he cannot be loved if people know he's a monster) and one of his core character traits (desire for love and company). To me, this line, in tangent with the rest of the violent images, implies his sense of self-hatred.
As for the teeth: While John is inspired by the Not Deer, there's been a continuous trend throughout the story (and his official playlist) of associating him with dog/wolf imagery. Additionally, nearly every attack John has done has been with his maw.
John's second method of harm would be his claws; He hasn't used them much, but I wanted to include images for both of his attack methods- this could also be symbolic of his attempted self-restraint. Truly, I just needed to fill this part of the board up.
The term "witch-cursed" was used to describe John earlier in this post- around three years ago, John, as a monster, had attempted to attack a witch who was practicing a ritual in its woods. Her ritual backfired from its attack, resulting it being bound to a human form. This spiral of stones in a forest clearing is meant to be the ritual setup for the spell she was trying to attempt.
Finally, the bloodied sidewalk steps are meant to be for the scene in the Season One finale in which John attacked Song in a frenzy by attempting to tear out her throat. I feel like the image of blood adds to the image of him being a dangerous creature; if it weren't here, the message probably wouldn't have been properly conveyed.
His story's hiatus is ending tomorrow, and I'm looking forward for his tale (and subsequent suffering) to continue.
"He's a bit of a tragedy, isn't he?"
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iciatheguardess · 8 months
So ummmm Symbolism right?
I like to have a few different bits of “running symbolism” for each plotline/character, so here’s some lol!
Various animals tend to mean various things when it comes to my characters lol, most notably Rabbits, deer, and Foxes.
Rabbits are almost always connected to comfort. Aoki starts having rabbit symbolism when he embraces his role as comforter. Chance gets a rabbit companion when she becomes Hope Anon. One of my characters gifting a rabbit of some kind almost always means they wish comfort upon that person, like Aoki giving Dunite a stuffed rabbit to give her comfort and love when he isn’t there.
Deer are specifically associated with Dusk. She has a noticeably large set of antlers, uses deer for travel, and will transform into an abstract doe when she needs to run at high speeds. Deer are docile and graceful, but dangerous at times, similarly to Dusk. If you restrain them, they’ll break their own necks trying to escape, similarly to how Dusk can’t take that kind of stress.
Foxes are more abstract, being associated mostly with Kitsune. They tend to represent characters that are both predator and prey, depending on the situation. Kitsune hunts witches, but is hunted by her own past and grief to the point where she will physically run away for days on end to escape it. She uses a hunting rifle, specifically Hammer’s rifle, as well.
Cats don’t have a consistent meaning associated with them. Aoki has Deedee, a cat, but also a stuffed animal, so she takes on a stuffed animal’s symbolism more often. Stuffed animals will be covered later.
Arc phrases!
“My, My, How things have changed.”
Associated with Dusk, but used more generally. The presence of this phrase is used to make a contrast between how things worked before and after the event in question, or a comparison between the past and the present, often in the form of a drastic change in characterization. It first started popping up while Dusk was in her Dawn Arc, and stuck around afterwards.
“Ay, Soror Mea!”
Showed up more recently, also connected to Dusk. It means “Oh, Sister Mine!” and is used to show Dusk’s grief over Sun’s situation. Her calling Sun “Sister Mine” is going to be a consistent thing.
Associated with Aoki, he calls himself a liar a lot when he’s having a panic attack. The lie in question is almost never outright said, because it’s a representation of his split nature. He is a comforter, but a murderer. He was made by a child to love her, but was made by the forest to kill her. He wants to give all the love in the world to those he cares for, but is sometimes misguided into thinking that there is no other way than his “mercy”, specifically by Nightmare. His ceaseless apologies can almost always be connected back to this “lie”.
“It is my duty to serve.”
Said by all four of the court members, even before the Lull arc started properly. Each of them entered a form of “service” when they left Lull. Arthur became a conductor, serving travelers. Verie became the owner of the manor and a healer. Assassin anon attempted to serve by becoming a vigilante heroine. Mercutio, while still trapped, served his fellow prisoners by keeping them company and comforting them with his talents. Verie tells Icia that a leader is meant to be a servant of the people, a statement backed by how the court rules. They are the definition of “it is better to be loved than feared”.
Languages can also be associated with symbolism and chaarcters!
Yelena. It’s meant to hint that she isn’t from Candleton, because Candleton is noticeably Germanic. It’s also meant to show the fact that she’s human, seeing as Dusk doesn’t really make characters with specific ethnicities.
Dusk. Dusk often uses Latin when stressed or emotional, and most of the names of her books or projects or weapons etc. are all in Latin. Honestly, if there’s a weird word that Elsie uses, try translating it from Latin.
Aoki, obviously! Aoki’s symbolism is almost always taken from Japan, like how nearly all the death/suicide imagery from his introduction was Japanese: Flowers on a desk, Spider lilies, and his lack of shoes. He nicknames Dunite “KiraKira”, a Japanese word for sparkly or glitter.
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I straight up check your profile daily for the southern raiders analysis you’re working on. 👀👀 where IS IT 😩
bRUH I am so excited to drop this analysis you have no idea (It’s creeping up to 22k+ I am gonna cryyyyyyyyyyyy). The only problem is that my TSR analysis and “Moon theory” are so incredibly hard to structure and articulate. I’m happy you’re so excited for it, though!!! Truly, it’s an honor. I’ll give you a taste of my madness and what’s to come, but be warned: it may be a bit hard to follow because TSR (from how I’ve come to understand it) is about the vagueness of beginnings, endings, and cycles, so there isn’t really a starting point for me to begin with. (So it may seem a tad bit like a ramble in some points that I haven’t fleshed out yet/am summarizing for this ask)
This analysis has me on trails like THIS brilliant nonsense, and I am 1000000000% here for it:
Roku: “The spirit's name is Koh, but he is very dangerous. They call him The Face Stealer.”
Katara: “We’re going to find the man who took my mother from me.”...“That’s him. That’s the monster.”
Lion Turtle: “To bend another's energy, your own spirit must be unbendable, or you will be corrupted and destroyed.”
Roku: “When you speak with him, you must be very careful to show no emotion at all. Not the slightest expression, or he will steal your face.”
Hama: “Congratulations, Katara. You’re a bloodbender.”
(If Katara had killed Yon Rha, she would be giving up her identity--her face. Not only would she have become a killer, but she would be killing what made her Katara)
Aang: “Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.”
Forgive him--approach him for what he is, not the faces your memories or your heart are having him wear. See him for the pathetic man he is in that moment right in front of you.
Aang’s forgiveness is seeing someone for the sum of their parts. It’s judging them and seeing through into their very soul, just like the Firebending Masters saw through Zuko being the Crown Prince and Aang being the Avatar. That meant nothing to the Masters. What did matter to them was who the boys were right there, right then, right in front of them.
“Why should I hold a grudge against you for something you did in a past life? After all, you’re a different person, now. You’ve come to me with a new face.”
But anyways...
If I can give no other take-away from my analysis and moon theory, it’s that Yin and Yang are not two entities; they are three. I think the fandom’s misunderstanding of it may be why the discourse on TSR (and Aang, Katara, and Zuko) is so black and white (pun intended lol). 
“But Yin and Yang are obviously two things. Don’t you know the symbol?” I hear some people already saying.
Wrong, sir.
It has never been just Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang have never existed as just two things.
They are Yin and Yang and Wu Wei.
(Aunt Wu has her name for a reason, and she has the mark of the wise in her hair for a reason, too...AND she is at odds with Sokka in The Fortuneteller for a reason, too!!!...but that’s for the analysis😉)
Balance isn’t good triumphing over evil. Balance is good and evil. Balance is standing on the flow between two opposites--it’s the compliment that connects them. (The koi fish live in an oasis for a reason.)
I’ll explain what Wu Wei is later in the full analysis (like many things in here), but here’s some of my evidences and proofs for the “Yin Yang trio”:
The Tibetan “Wheel of Dharma”
(I’ll also explain the Wheel and Dharma and etc. later because it has everything to do with Koh and the moon) Long story short, the wheel and its spokes are representative of the 8 steps to enlightenment and the cycle of rebirth. 
Look at the hub of the wheel. It’s a swirl made of 3 parts.
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It is also a white lotus
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Here’s the colored version of the wheel (as an alter):
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Recognize the colors?
BLUE, WHITE (or gold, depending), & RED
They symbolize DHARMA, BUDDHA, & SANGHA respectively. 
water, air, & fire
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Bato: “Ice dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery, and trust.
Bato: “The spirits of water bear witness to these marks...”
Why does Bato say spirit(s) plural? The Ocean and the Moon are only two spirits. The Ocean can’t be two things. Right?
Yue: “The legends say the Moon was the first waterbender. Our ancestors saw how it pushed and pulled the tides and learned how to do it themselves.”
The Moon--singular. The Tides--plural (push and pull)
Lion Turtle: “In the era before the Avatar, we bent not the elements, but the energy within our senses.”
The moon pushing and pulling the tide is the moon bending the energy of its world. 
Katara finding balance between “being too weak to do it” or “strong enough not to” is her bending the energy within herself.
It’s two solutions written as a question but said as a statement.
Yue: “Our ancestors saw how it pushed and pulled the tides and learned how to do it themselves”
THE SOUTHERN RAIDERS IS ABOUT AANG AND ZUKO LEARNING FROM KATARA. Katara had already learned from Aang and Zuko all leading up to TSR. That was her studying. TSR was her test.
TSR is Zuko’s and Aang’s studying. Sozin’s Comet is their test.
Bato: “For Sokka, the Mark of the Wise. The same mark your father earned. For Katara, the Mark of the Brave. Your courage inspires us. And for Aang, the Mark of the Trusted. You are now an honorary member of the Water Tribe.”
Aang - Wise (”you’re pretty wise for a kid”)
Katara - Brave (the same mark her mother earned)
Zuko - Trusted (”I was the first person to trust you”)
Sokka - Bato ("I am to have no part in this--you pass or fail on your own.”)
Yin and Yang are nothing without their dance. The Avatar and the Firelord mean nothing if they don’t have a world to rebuild.
The valley means nothing if there isn’t anyone to live in it.
Fighting is useless if there isn’t someone to fight for, otherwise it is “selfish and stupid”
Katara had to have a reason to return from Yon Rha. She needed to have Aang waiting for her. If she didn’t have a reason to stay, then she wouldn’t have a reason to go.
To have a reason to sleep, a person has to have a reason to wake up.
Katara: “Aang. He just took his glider and disappeared. He has this ridiculous notion that he has to save the world alone; that it's all his responsibility.”
Hakoda: “Maybe that's his way of being brave.”
(Bato: “For Katara, the Mark of the Brave. Your courage inspires us.”)
Katara: “It's not brave! It's selfish and stupid! We could be helping him! And I know the world needs him, but doesn't he know how much we need him, too? How can he just leave us behind?!”
(It was, in fact, not easy for Aang to ‘do nothing’)
Katara: “I understand why you left. I really do, and I know that you had to go, so why do I still feel this way? I'm so sad and angry...and hurt.”
Hakoda: “I love you more than anything. You and your brother are my entire world. I thought about you every day when I was gone, and every night when I went to sleep, I would lie awake missing you so much it would ache.”
Thinking and missing: a matter of mind (who) and heart (want). 
Iroh: “Who are you? And what do you want?”
Sokka: “We need to go back. I wanna see Dad, but helping Aang is where we're needed the most.”
Mai: “I love Zuko more than I fear you.”
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(and looks off color when it rises/falls because of the angle of the rise/fall in the atmosphere...it’s normal once overhead)
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“We’re going to find the MAN who took my mother from me.”
“That’s him. That’s the MONSTER.”
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8 spokes on the wheel
Katara was 8 when Kya was killed
8 steps to enlightenment (the “Eightfold Path”)
8 phases of the moon
8 faces of Koh
“One of your previous incarnations tried to slay me! Be it 8 or 9 hundred years ago” (but time is an illusion, so hundreds mean nothing)
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1.) The WOLF MOON--the first full moon of the new year (a love between the wolf and the moon in the harshest winters...connection is kindof obvious lmao)
The Thunder Moon is the full moon of July. It is also known as the Buck Moon--for when young buck regrow their antlers.
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Yue: “My hair turned white.”
Zuko: *cuts and re-grows his hair*
Aang: “I have hair?”
The Thunder Moon--the full moon of July--is also the beginning of a certain Buddhist holiday.
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I haven’t even touched Jung, Koh, Hinduism, and Buddhism yet
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or the fact that Katara and Kya are the only characters in the entire series to wear moons on their clothing and that, together, they form an actual lunar phenomenon
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or why the spirit oasis isn’t a complete circle
or the fact that this thing that Aang is told to chase is just like Whaletail Island:
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or how important the Great Divide and the Solstice are
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TLDR: Idk how the heck I’m going to arrange or articulate this analysis because it is WILD. Be warned: There is literally no exact beginning and ending to this analysis because the whole point of Yin and Yang is that is has no beginning or ending (...kindof...), so you’ll have to bear with me once I’m done editing it into something that’s somewhat coherent.
These are just SOME of the things I’ve been able to answer with my moon theory and analysis of The Southern Raiders as it currently stands:
Why “letting go” isn’t really letting go (as we understand it...see: Aang’s confrontation with Koh)
Why Lake Laogai and the Spirit World are symbolically the same thing.
Zuko’s advice to the bullfrog is actually a summary of the show, energybending, the origin of bending, and the definition of Aang’s “forgiveness” I stg
Why “Sokka’s instincts” are the reason Katara yells at Sokka
Believe it or not, every time Katara mentions her mother, it is at specific times for specific reasons.
^^^same thing for the moon, lack of moon, moon positioning, etc.
Katara’s mother’s necklace is more important than we realize.
Who the faces of Koh are and WHY they are there.
The true meaning of Jet’s sacrifice.
Why Jet’s episode about the dam explains the entirety of TSR as it pertains to Katara (all the way down to the little girl who runs to get her doll after the dam breaks)
Why Katara actually DID forgive Yon Rha, and the fact that she doesn’t even know it is proof that she did
^^^^^Aang’s definition of forgiveness is completely misunderstood by the fandom, and the way he “forgives” is sososo much deeper than “moving on”, and it is DEFINATELY by no means “doing  nothing” or “excusing” past actions.
The importance of lightning, Zuko, Aang, and Katara.
The absolutely monumental and not nearly talked about importance of Jeong-Jeong like holy crap.
How Katara and Azula are just as much of a Yin and Yang as Zuko and Aang but not in the way we think they are
Why Koh has the Blue Spirit’s face
Why Koh DOESN’T have the Painted Lady’s face.
Who Ni-Ni from Katara’s campfire story in The Puppetmaster is 
How and why Iroh was able to learn firebending from the Masters even though he didn’t have a partner. 
How/Why Azula had her breakdown and why she saw her mother in the mirror
Why “Leaves from the Vine” and “Four Seasons” are the same song, explain Azula’s downfall, and explain the Yin and Yang of TSR.
Why Katara and Sokka are so often mistaken for parental figures.
Why Aang’s flashbacks to the Air Nomads are so important in understanding TSR.
Why Toph and Suki disappear after the campfire in TSR.
How Hakoda, Gyatso, and Kya are all connected.
Why it is so dang important that Azula shows up in the beginning of TSR.
The importance of the Spirit Oasis.
Energybending, healing with waterbending, Aang’s trauma, and Zuko’s scar.
Why Zuko gives Katara the exact opposite advise in TSR that he gave her in the catacombs. 
How everything could be predicted and read by the moon.
The ocean is a deep, dark, unknown place with a lot of hidden monsters (like Yon Rah). Katara needed a light to find her monster, but she also needed somewhere she could breathe when she came back up for air.
If she didn’t have both Zuko and Aang, Katara would have drowned. 
I wasn’t kidding when I said this was a thesis, and what I’ve said and listed here isn’t even all that I have.
btw This all does line up on the traditional Yin Yang symbol we know and see in the show, but I don’t have enough space here for that lmao. That’ll be in the analysis
I hope you enjoyed this little taste, my friend, because I need to sit down for a hot second before my brain leaks out of my ears. Sorry for the ramble. I promise the analysis isn’t like this lol. This is just me trying to summarize as best as I can. 
***Disclaimer: My points are always subject to change since I am still researching. These are the facts as I’ve found and applied them to the evidences I’ve noted from in the show. I’m always open for friendly discussion or any directions to better sources on Buddhism/Tao/Jung!***
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emberopolis · 3 years
30DoDD #3: Symbols and icons of this deity. (Loki)
Full list of 30 Days of Deity Devotion. My #30DoDD tag.
For a comprehensive list of common symbols for Loki, I would like to refer you to this post by the Lokean Welcoming Committee.
My personal symbols for Loki include:
Crows.  I always see Loki with a crow's feather in his hair.  I believe this is partially to do with his kenning, meinkráka, and his association with Loki.
Seals.  Seals are one of my favorite animals ever and there is a poem about Loki transforming into a seal.  So naturally my love of seals transposed itself over my love of Loki, and now the two are intertwined.
Salmon.  I grew up in Alaska and salmon fishing was something I did often every year with my father.  I see salmon as a good food offering for Loki for this reason.
Wolves.  This is one of the first things I ever associated Loki with, as when he first appeared to me, he wore a wolf's pelt and a large antlered skull.  He also came to me in the form of a wolf the first time I met him in meditation.
Foxes.  Like many, I associate Loki with foxes because he is a trickster and foxes are famously seen as tricksters around the world.  I have a strong fondness for foxes already, so it felt like a natural symbol to attribute to him.
Mistletoe.  This is the plant Loki uses to kill Baldr in the Eddas, and I receive it as a gift from a friend because of my work with Loki, so I've come to think of it with him.
Fire.  This has nothing to do with the speculation that Loki could've been a fire god and actually has to do with my love of fire and my connection to it.  It's a force of creation and destruction and that rings true for Loki to me, so I use fire to represent him.
Fishing nets.  Loki is an inventor and his most famous (possibly) invention is the fishing net, so to represent that inventive side of him, I use the net.
Antlers.  The first time I saw Loki, he wore the skull of something with antlers (I’ve never been sure if it was a stag or an elk to be honest) so I associate antlers with him, much like wolf pelts and wolves.
While I do see Loki with red hair, I don’t consider that a symbol for him to me, because he is a shapeshifter and can take any form he wants.  To me, the fact that he has red hair when he talks to me is coincidence.  When he talks to my friend, he has black hair.  It’s just his personal choice.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Asura Rana, Cas
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Image by Daarken, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the Heroes of Horror Art Gallery here
[Furtober finishes off with a big bang and a Big Bad. Heroes of Horror introduced Cas, the Lord of Spite, and I remember a lot of people making fun of him at the time. The idea that a supervillain evil god has the head of a moose was seen as ridiculous, and comparisons to Bullwinkle were common. Nowadays, the fact that moose are huge and terrifying relict megafauna seems to be more appreciated, and there’s something I find appealing about the idea of a prey species becoming the hunter. Appropriate for a god of spite and revenge. The knee pads and codpiece made of human skulls are admittedly silly, though.
The original Cas was NE and a god, and his CR 25 avatar was basically just a 20th level ranger with some extra outsider HD and a few surprisingly weak SLAs. I’ve moved him to LE to fit with his retribution theme, and because his hatred of the gods seems very appropriate for the asuras. I’ve left some of the ranger abilities, but added some inquisitor material as well, in addition to a few new surprises.]
Asura Rana, Cas CR 26 LE Outsider (extraplanar) This giant has reddish brown skin and the head of a moose, the antlers stained with blood. It has clawed hands, cloven hooves and brandishes a large mace of black metal. Its body seems to shimmer with heat.
Cas Lord of Spite, the Red Grudge, He Who Balances the Scales Concerns spite, disproportionate retribution, vengeance Domains Destruction, Evil, Law, Strength Subdomains Corruption, Ferocity, Hatred, Judgment Worshipers inquisitors, vigilantes, the wronged Minions asuras, devourers, revenants Unholy Symbol a rack of blood-stained antlers Favored Weapon heavy mace Devotion spend one hour ruminating aloud on those that have wronged you, beginning in a whisper and culminating in a scream. Gain a +4 profane bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, Survival checks to follow tracks, and Intimidate checks. Boons 1: bestow curse 1/day; 2: transformation 1/day; 3: energy drain 1/day
Cas the Lord of Spite is an asura rana who nurses hate and frustration, stoking the fires of vengeance until they erupt destructively. According to his cult, he was once a mortal huntsman with a loving family. He and his family grew isolated from their community, until violence erupted and his whole family was slain. Due to the social standing of his assailants, he could not turn to the law for recourse, and so turned to the gods. When divine intervention was not forthcoming, he swore vengeance against both his assailants and the divine order, fueling his apotheosis through pure rage and resulting in the destruction of the entire kingdom.
Cas’ ultimate hatred is towards the gods, making him a natural member of the asura ranas. His ambition is still greater; he is currently brooding over his lesser position surrounded by more powerful asuras, the Lords of the Nine and even Asmodeus himself. Cas covets true divinity, but he knows he has a long way to go, and this sulking bitterness fuels him. His violent outbursts at every slight make him a fiend of few allies and many toadies, but more powerful archfiends attempt to steer his rage into useful directions.
The Red Grudge enjoys combat, but he even more enjoys drawing out the hunt of a victim and increasing their terror. He is rarely found without the Ebon Rod of Cas, which he wields in two hands in order to feel more savagely its crushing blows. Cas’ blood boils with the heat of his rage, and the shimmer this causes makes him difficult to strike in combat. Cas is a skilled spellcaster despite his love of violence, and uses magic to inflict pain, forbid actions and heal himself and his allies.
Cas’ faithful are few and far between, and often keep a low profile. His cult broods in dungeons and cellars, not meets in exalted temples. He delights in perverting those with legitimate grievances, as he once was, turning them into ruthless vigilantes who kill to punish minor crimes. His priesthood believes that civilization is a thin veneer beneath which lies nothing but chaos, and it must be kept in order through savage violence. They also believe that anyone, even the most holy and pure, can become a follower of Cas if wronged sufficiently. The faithful of Cas have an unfortunate tendency to rise as undead upon their death, continuing their campaigns of violent revenge beyond the grave.
Ebon Rod of Cas (major artifact) The prized weapon of Cas, he occasionally loans it out to his devout in order to strike somewhere where he cannot go himself. The Ebon Rod of Cas is a Large +3 vicious adamantine heavy mace. It acts as a bane weapon against any creature that has caused injury to its wielder for up to 1 year. It is effectively immune to sundering and other forms of direct damage; a creature that deals damage to it must succeed a DC 25 Will save or take that damage instead. The Ebon Rod of Cas can only be destroyed if it is carried for 100 years by an empyreal lord devoted to peace and forgiveness, whereupon it evaporates into mist. 
Cas      CR 26 XP 2,457,600 LE Large outsider (asura, asura rana, evil, extraplanar, lawful) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, Perception +39, see in darkness, true seeing Aura frightful presence (60 ft., DC 34) Defense AC 44, touch 26, flat-footed 36 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 profane, +18 natural) hp 573 (31d10+403); regeneration 25 (deific or mythic) Fort +23, Ref +23, Will +28; +8 vs. mind-influencing, improved evasion DR 15/good, epic and cold iron; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, curse effects, death effects, disease, divinations, energy drain, fear, fire, petrifaction, poison, polymorph; Resist acid 30, electricity 30; SR 37 Defensive Abilities freedom of movement, hateful ward, heat shimmer Offense Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect) Melee Ebon Rod of Cas +48/+43/+38/+33 (2d6+25 plus 2d6 vicious/19-20), gore +40 (2d8+7 plus 2d6 fire) or 2 claws +45 (2d6+12 plus 2d6 fire), gore +45 (2d8+12 plus 2d6 fire) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks agony beam, favored enemy (dragons +2, good outsiders +6, evil outsiders +4, humans +4, magical beasts +2) Spell-like Abilities CL 26th, concentration +35 Constant—detect good, freedom of movement, mind blank, true seeing At will—bestow curse (DC 23), enervation, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. material only), malicious spite (DC 23), permanent image (DC 25), vampiric touch 3/day—command undead (DC 26), fire storm (DC 27), greater dispel magic, instant enemy, quickened major curse (DC 25), summon asuras 1/day—energy drain (DC 28), unhallow, wail of the banshee (DC 28), wish Spells CL 20th, concentration +29 6th (6/day)—blade barrier (DC 25), harm (DC 25), heal (DC 25), mass fester (DC 25), overwhelming presence (DC 25) 5th (7/day)—dispel good (DC 24), geas/quest, greater command (DC 24), mass castigate (DC 24), unwilling shield (DC 24) 4th (7/day)—cure critical wounds (DC 23), divination, divine power, fear (DC 23), greater invisibility, spell immunity 3rd (7/day)—arcane sight, deeper darkness, dimensional anchor, heroism, terrible remorse (DC 22), ward the faithful 2nd (7/day)—cure moderate wounds (DC 21), howling agony (DC 21), knock, resist energy, silence (DC 21), spiritual weapon 1st (8/day)—bless, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, divine favor, expeditious retreat, shield of faith 0th—bleed (DC 19), brand (DC 19), create water, detect magic, read magic, resistance Statistics Str 35, Dex 25, Con 37, Int 22, Wis 28, Cha 28 Base Atk +31; CMB +44; CMD 61 Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dazzling Display, Dodge, Improved Critical (mace), Intimidating Prowess, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (major curse), Shatter Defenses, Spring Attack, Staggering Critical, Stand Still, Stunning Critical, Whirlwind Attack Skills Appraise +29, Bluff +35, Escape Artist +11, Fly +41, Intimidate +47, Linguistics +29, Knowledge (arcana, history, nobility, religion) +29, Knowledge (local, planes) +32, Perception +39, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +29, Stealth +31, Survival +35; Racial Modifiers +6 Escape Artist, +4 Perception Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal, 23 others; telepathy 300 ft. SQ asura rana traits Ecology Environment any land or underground (Hell) Organization unique Treasure double standard (Ebon Rod of Cas, other treasure) Special Abilities Agony Beam (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, Cas can unleash a beam of pure pain in a 120 foot line. All living creatures in the area take 12d12 damage and are filled with pain for 1 minute, suffering a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks. A successful DC 34 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the penalties. Multiple failed saves cause the duration of the penalties to stack. This is a pain effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Asura Rana Traits (Ex, Su and Sp) Cas has the following traits:
Cas can grant spells to his worshipers as if he were a deity.
Cas’ natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful, epic, and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Infernal Resurrection (Ex) Cas rules an infernal domain. If he is slain, his body rapidly melts into corruption (leaving behind any gear he held or carried), his soul returns to a hidden location within his realm, and it is immediately restored to life (as true resurrection) at that location. Once this occurs, Cas can’t use this ability again until a full year has passed. An asura rana that is slain again during this year or is killed by unusual methods (such as by a true deity or an artifact created for this purpose) is slain forever.
Immunity to ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, energy drain, and petrification.
Regeneration (Ex) Only chaotic, epic and  good  damage, or damage from a creature of equal or greater power (such as an archdevil, deity, demon lord, or protean lord) interrupts Cas’s regeneration.
Resistance to acid 30, and  electricity 30
Summon Asuras (Sp) Three times per day as a swift action, Cas can summon any asura or combination of asuras whose total  combined CR is  20 or lower. This otherwise works like the summon  universal monster rule with a 100% chance of success, and counts as a 9th-level spell effect.
Telepathy 300 feet.
Favored Enemy (Ex) Cas gains the favored enemy ability of a 20th level ranger. Hateful Ward (Su) Cas gains a profane bonus to his armor class equal to his Charisma modifier. Heat Shimmer (Su) Cas’ body radiates heat, warping his position and protecting him from attacks. Creatures gain a 20% miss chance on attack rolls against Cas if they use sight, and a creature that strikes Cas with a melee weapon, natural weapon, unarmed strike or touch attack takes 2d6 points of fire damage. Weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielders in this way. If Cas takes 30 or more points of cold damage from a single spell or effect, this ability is suppressed for 1d4 rounds. Spells Cas gains spellcasting as a 20th level inquisitor. He does not gain other class abilities of inquisitors, such as the judgment ability.
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lablass-2882 · 4 years
Soulmark Au with LOTR and Hobbit characters. Part 2
Who’s ready for some character headcannon’s?  Anyone? 
Thorin: Thorin is not proud of his soul-mark.  In fact, he hated it for the longest time. His mark is a delicate bouquet of Belladonna blossoms wrapped in a burgundy red ribbon with a dagger nestled in-between the petals.  The flowers seemed to sway and grow on their own accorded.  Hiding the mark was especially difficult during his exiled years.  Often laughed at for have such a strange mark; at one point he debated slashing the mark off of his left arm.  An old human beggar stopped him.  She warned him that if he harmed the mark in any way, that his beloved would be harmed in the same the fashion.  Thorin is many things, but he drew the line at harming his “one” in such a petty act of anger.  Years later a certain hobbit would explain the meaning of his mark and point out the hidden dagger.  Alluding to his “one” being of both natures; delicate and fierce. He gains a new apparition of his mark afterwards.
Bilbo: Bilbo has a shield for their mark. A rather strange shield with twin swords forming a X at its back. From one sword hangs a crown and from the other hangs a blue coat.  At the shield’s center their lies a rune that Bilbo has never been able to properly read.  The ruin seemed to come and go as it pleased.  The crown and coat seemly wonder off from time to time as well.  While traveling with the company, Bilbo picked up some runic signs and finally was able to translate the ruin.  What they found out was less then illuminating.  The ruin was simple a sign of loyalty or maybe royalty.  Bilbo still doesn’t fully know.  
Dwalin: Dwalin’s soul mark is a closely guarded secret, only four people have every seen his mark. The list is limited to his father, his brother, Thorin and Nori; although Nori will NEVER admit to seeing it. It’s located on the small of his back. Dwalin’s mark is a five-pointed star made of knives.  He hates it because he knows exactly what it means and he is very grumpy about it.
Nori: Nori has a soul mark similar to Vili (Dis’s husband) and Biblo.  It’s a wooden shield with twin war hammers behind it that form a X. Along the rim on the shields are runes for strength, bravery and loyalty.   Several people have seen it and he honestly doesn’t care if people do. This pesters Dwalin to no end.  He also knowns exactly what it means and who it’s for.  Nori is very salty about it.
Dis: Dis soul mark is an axe and chisel wrapped with a golden cloth.  Dis was confused by her mark for the longest time.  Its simplicity made it hard to figure out and since most dwarfs are craftsmen of some sort.  It wasn’t until she met Vili in the blue mountains did she finally figure it out.  Dis and Vili met while building up an outpost in the mountains.  She was visiting the outpost with her brothers and Vili was one of the craftsmen.  Strapped to his right arm was a small throwing hatchet and a wooden chisel. After meeting Vili, Dis pestered him weeks until he agreed to a date.
Vili: Vili’s mark is equally as simple as Dis’s mark.  His mark is a wooden shield with a single sword at the top. Within the shield is the runes for love and beauty.  Its located high up on his right arm and is often covered up by his tools or a sleeve. He never believed that he would find his “one” after traveling to the Blue Mountains.  So many died during the journey and the chances of him finding his “one” were slim.  Then came Dis, daughter of Thain son of Thor. After a chance meeting while working on a project the pesky exiled princess would hardly give him a monuments rest. Vili lasted for three weeks before finally giving in to her demands for a date.  
Fili: Like his mother and uncles, Fili was very confused by his mark.  It’s a delicate pure white snowflake with northern ruins carved into its pattern. It sits quietly at the top of his right shoulder. Fili swears that there are days where he can feel the marks cold touch.  As a child Fili has a very clear memory of his mark burning him.  The pain was so bad that he ran crying into his mother’s arms.  Dis later explained that something must have happened to his soulmate and that his mark is burning because of it.  (Secretly she worried that this meant that Fili’s soulmate was dead, but she never let her worries show.)  Fili hated his mark for a while after the pain calmed down.  As he got older, he forgot that the mark even existed, it wasn’t until he met Skadi that he remembers his mark.  Although, he would take a year to figure out that the runes in the snowflake spelled out Skadi’s name.
Skadi: Skadi’s mark has always trouble her and for the longest time she wasn’t even sure if she still had one. Her mark is/was located on her right shoulder. When she was young her mark took the form of a lion’s face with a sword held in its mouth.  But after nearly dying at the claws of a Shadow Lion, Skadi’s mark disappeared completely.  It wouldn’t reappear until she hit adulthood. Returning with a searing pain that felt like a hot iron being pressed into her skin.  Now her mark shows a Lion’s paw flanked by twin blades with runes etched into the blade.  The left blade spells the name Fili and the right says Lionheart.  Surprisingly the mark exists over scars on her shoulder and when she touched it, she swears she can feel its warmth.  Skadi’s didn’t know what to make of her new mark; it remained a mystery to her until she met Fili.  When they met, Skadi’s mark started to heat up again.  It would take her another year and a lot of research to figure out what the gods where trying to tell her.
Kili: Kili’s mark is an arrow.  A very fancy elven arrow, with vines curling around it. For the longest time, Kili thought that maybe his “one” made arrows.  It wasn’t until someone pointed out the elven design of the arrows the Kili began to worry. This caused a lot of self-doubt in Kili’s mind. It didn’t defiantly didn’t mean that his “one” was and Elf. They probably just made arrows for the elves, or were just a really skilled craftsman, right? Right? Wrong! Once he met Tauriel, Kili’s fate was sealed.  He fell hard for Tauriel and even harder on his pride.  
Tauriel: Tauriel’s is very simple.  Too simple for her “one” to be an elf.  Elven marks are elegant and meaningful. Not a plain trio of arrows with strange symbols on them.  When Tauriel was young she would have done anything to change her mark but as she got older, the more the mark to grow on her.  After serving the high elves, Tauriel had her fill of snotty nobles and their rules.  She hated breaking Legolas heart, but they both knew better.  Meeting Kili was experience for her.  Never in a million years would she have ever thought that her “one” was a dwarf.  But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Stupid, ironic sense.
Legolas: Like many others, Legolas hatted his soul-mark for the longest time.  What prince of elves has an axe for a soul-mark! Certainly not the noble or respectable kind.  No sir. Legolas would hide his mark for centuries before finally coming to terms with it.  For the longest time he believed that battle was is true soulmate, but after the Battle of the Five Armies, Legolas thought differently. Legolas would quietly resign to forget his mark ever existed and submitted to his fate of never finding his “one”.  Then he met Gimli, and then his axe grew vines.  Vines with bright orange marigolds and pretty little white starflowers. Legolas was begrudgingly sold on the idea of dwarves not long after.
Gimli: He has a strange mark. Gimli’s mark is a bow with elk antlers and stars all around it. No one knew what his mark meant; not his parents, nor his uncle, even his cousins were confused.  Gimli took it all in stride, thought.  He my not be the smartest dwarf in history, but he knew that the gods had a plan for him.  Why else would he have a mark full of stars? Then he met Legolas and……… Gimli realized nothing.  Even after fighting together for years, Gimli stilled knew nothing about his mark.  It wasn’t until Legolas spelling the whole thing out for him, that Gimli finally understood.  He wasn’t completely disappointed.
Well that was fun to write.  I have a fanfic in the works about this whole concept.... but I have no clue who long that will take me to write. Fingers crossed that my writers block stays away for a while. Anywho....
Enjoy the content and Peace out. 
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chnqin · 4 years
My Epic MDZS/The Untamed Daemon AU
I’m sure other people have already done Daemon AUs, but this idea wouldn’t leave me alone. I have been working on this for like three weeks now.
I just wrote down my first instinctive thought for most characters, and then researched* further into subspecies etc. What I found for a lot of the animals made me agree with my first opinion even more, although all of these are obviously just my own opinions. I also decided to stick to non-mythological animals. (some characters have been given a lot more consideration than others, I’m sorry)
Wei Wuxian: beech marten Beech martens are quick and clever. The are nocturnal, omnivores, and skilled swimmers. They move through paths made by larger animals such as hares in the snow. {further notes under read more}
Lan Wangji: white hare More solitary animals. They have an association with the moon, which I tend to associate LWJ with. {f/n}
Jiang Cheng: osprey Aquatic birds; good hunters. {f/n}
Lan Xichen: white stag {f/n}
Jiang Yanli: asian black bear {explained in detail under the read more}
Jin Zixuan: lion Ngl it’s probably because the Persian pokemon reminds me of him
Jin Guangyao: domestic cat {f/n}
Nie Huiasang: pangolin {f/n}
Nie Mingju: wolf {f/n}
Wen Qing: Chinese sparrowhawk {f/n}
Wen Ning: black Formosan mountain dog (tuguo) {f/n}
Lan Sizhui: Xiasi Quan dog or red panda or badger {f/n}
Jin Ling: lion {f/n}
Lan Jingi: monkey They’re respected animals but also have a mischievous side
Ouyen Zihzen: capybara No, they’re not native to China, but this is what I imagined him as and I couldn’t get it out of my head or find a perfect substitute
Xiao Xinchen: swan He just gives me major swan vibes, possibly something to do with Swan Lake (as do some Lans but they’re not graceful in the same way or tragic in the same way)
Song Lan: oriental hobby falcon or black horse He struck me as some sort of raptor, but I also liked a horse for him 
Luo Qingyang/Mianmian: lynx
Lan Qiren: sheep Symbolise filial piety. Also follow other people without question (*cough* the Lan Sect elders)
Jiang Fengiman: otter Spends a lot of time around the water, just what popped into my head
Yu Ziyuan: snake Because Zidian
The Jiang Sect favour animals who live near or on the water, some even possessing daemons which are fully aquatic, and thus are unable to leave Lotus Pier
The Lan Sect usually have herbivore animals for daemons and favour swift, elegant animals.
The Jins tend towards lions and panthers, but also flashy, rich birds like pheasants and peacocks (which makes WWX’s nickname for JZX even more funny).
The Nies often have pack or herd animals. Wolves and mountain lions are very common, but also a lot of horned animals like oxen, mountain goats and sheep (bighorn sheep and ibex are common), and also wild boar.
The Wens were typically birds of prey (the Dire Owl becomes Wen Chao’s daemon) or mountain cats.
The Yus often have daemons which take reptile form. Wildcats also common.  I quite like the idea that the Yus are a sect which has cultivated the ability to separate themselves from their daemons.
~Further notes on why I picked these animals, Daemon settling, angsty AUs of my AU, and research disclaimer under the cut~
Story & Research Notes:
(I’m going with the idea that trauma can make a daemon settle into a particular form)
WWX A marten was the first thing to come to mind for WWX, I have no idea why, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it. They’re really inquisitive, playful, and cute, but are also predators and will fuck you up if necessary.  A crow was another obvious choice because they’re curious and inventive, but with a bit of a dark connotation. However, in my version at least (I’m not great on His Dark Materials canon), Daemons usually settle in the early teens, and at that point WWX really didn’t have as much darkness in him as he develops later. 
I think WWX was one of those people whose daemon changed with every thought and feeling of his, whose daemon changed so rapidly and so repeatedly that people would complain of motion sickness watching it. His daemon’s most common forms were a martin, a magpie, an otter (which drove Madam Yu nuts), and (after JYL’s settled) very occasionally a bear.
When WWX comes back most people don’t realise anything is wrong because Mo Xuanyu always hid his daemon (I think it was probably something like a field mouse although how funny would it be if Little Apple was actually his daemon and WWX unknowingly inherited her along with the body), so they just think his has settled into something too big to hide now. However, his beech martin is the other reason Lan Wangji knows who Wei Wuxian is (WWX’s daemon hides from Jiang Cheng at Dafan Mountain, so JC only suspects it’s WWX). (Angsty AU further down)
LWJ I know that arctic hares aren’t native to China, but I want you to pretend that something like that does exist because I need lwj to have a white hare daemon. They are also bigger than other hares and cuter (they look slightly less cursed than some hares do). I’m imagining a lot of the daemons being slightly bigger than their real-life animal counterparts would be, so imagine the ears coming up to a normal person’s hip-height when the daemon is sitting. Rabbits can also apparently symbolise hope, and that suits someone who is known to go where the chaos is, bringing hope and light in the darkness. 
As a child, LWJ’s daemon was expressive in a way he never could be. It liked to take snow leopard form a lot, which was seen as excessively violent to the Lan sect, who preferred non-carnivorous animals, and often snarled at people. His daemon always took snow leopard form when visiting his mother so it could curl up with her tiger daemon. 
LWJ’s daemon settled exceptionally early, shortly after his mother’s death, into an acceptable hare form. Lan Xichen always wondered if LWJ himself made his daemon settle, if she was not supposed to have been a snow leopard all along, and so always looks upon LWJ’s daemon with a bit of sadness because he feels like it was LWJ stifling - almost killing off - a part of his personality (spoiler: it was) in order to fit into the Lan sect.
(More on that in an angsty AU below)
JC Ngl, I wanted to make Jiang Cheng a goose because they’re always angry but I didn’t. Jiang Cheng shifted mostly between a hunting dog and a mouse as a child, both of which infuriated Yu Ziyuan (honestly what she wanted her children’s daemons to be even I don’t know). Jiang Cheng’s daemon settled very late (another thing his mother wasn’t happy with). In fact, it didn’t settle till the attack on Lotus Pier and the death of his parents, when it took the shape of an osprey (because he wanted to be able to fly away and pretend none of it ever happened). 
Even more angsty: One Chinese poem has the Osprey as a symbol of marital harmony and fidelity. Upon seeing his parents death, finally united in a way they hadn’t been in life, JC’s constant wish for his parents to love each other (and, by extension, him) physically manifests itself in his daemon.
JYL I know what you’re thinking. Why the hell did you give Jiang Yanli a bear of all people. Well I’ll tell you. For two reasons: one, because I can do what I want, and two, because I would say one of JYL’s most central characteristics is her wish to look after people. She’s not physically strong in the way most other cultivators are, however, and she’s always having to keep the peace at home - and so I can see her daemon becoming a physical manifestation of that need to protect (bears are known to be protective, particularly mothers), and a physical example of her inner strength which is so often overlooked.
Yanli shifted between a dove, a crane, and a maritime striped squirrel for most of her childhood. She favoured the squirrel and dove (incredibly mild animals) over the crane, which disappointed Madam Yu.  It’s one of the reasons Jin Zixuan never saw her as a potential match, her daemon too small and docile to match his almost constant lion daemon.
When Jiang Yanli was around fourteen Madam Yu took things with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng too far one day, and Yanli saw it. Her daemon suddenly shifted into a bear, a form it had never taken up to that point, and jumped on Yu Ziyuan’s snake daemon. WWX and JC always remembered Yanli standing in the doorway, her expression placid while her huge bear daemon growled with absolute fury and menace. Everyone expected Yanli’s daemon to go back to its usual squirrel or dove form, but it never did. It remained a bear, and remained the biggest daemon of pretty much anyone in any of the sects.
I had already picked a crane as one of JYL’s potential daemons because of its connection to water and positive symbolism in China. Upon further (hopefully accurate) research, I saw that cranes depicted with lotuses in Chinese art symbolise purity and longevity, and I liked making her daemon a bear even more, because her daemon took that form to protect WWX and JC - years after her death, they both wondered if, had her daemon had taken crane form, maybe she wouldn’t have died. From what I found, “crane” is also a homophone for 合 hé “peace, harmony”, which is a quality Jiang Yanli had much of, and tried to inspire in others.
LXC I think its LXC’s hairpiece which always makes me think of deer antlers (even though it’s a dragon?), so that’s probably why I immediately thought of a stag for him. But stags are also very noble and refined looking animals which don’t tend towards violence, but also have horns for a reason. Obviously, like with LWJ, it’s a white stag because aesthetique. Upon further research, I discovered a (hopefully correct) source which says 鹿 lù (deer) is a homonym with 璐 lù (precious jade), and the character for deer is used within the character 丽 lì ‘beautiful; elegant’ - both fit LXC very well.
JGY Cats are sneaky little fuckers (I say this with love). The ultimate predator in small unassuming form. Many of the main Jin family have big cat daemons so this is kind of another smack in the face for JGY - so close to being a real part of the Jin family, but still kept apart from them - and something people like to bring up along with his mother. However, many Jins are also birds (including JGS), and cats prey on birds.
NHS I thought a fox was a bit on the nose. Also I like the way pangolin’s just drop and curl up in defence - it’s a viable form of protection, but to the outside appears cowardly. However, their scales are sharp and can cut predators who come after them. Also I didn’t want him to fit into any of his sect’s typical animals. Also also imagine how cute it would look being carried around everywhere by NHS because it’s too lazy to walk, absolutely adorable.
NMJ A wolf was what immediately came to mind for Nie Mingjue. Wolves are apparently sometimes associated with greed, self-interest, and lechery, but I think the pack elements and the carnivore/hunting nature of the wolf really suits NMJ and the Nie clan in general, so I decided to overlook that aspect (although I did briefly consider making JGS a wolf, but I like them as animals too much in real life to do that to them and also he doesn’t have a soul, so he doesn’t get a daemon).
WQ I always saw Wen Qing as some sort of hawk, I just think it suits her very well. The Chinese sparrowhawk is quite small and very beautiful. It has white, red and grey colours. They are good hunters and swift flyers. 
WN I knew I wanted Wen Ning to be some sort of dog because he’s very loyal, and also (angsty) when the Jins call the Wens dogs I wanted that to hurt even more. He’s very unusual for a Wen, none of the main sect have dog daemons - it is very much a thing that is specific to their branch of the Wen family. The mountain dog I picked for him is an endangered breed, which I also felt fitted WN well. From what I found, dogs symbolise watchful wisdom, honesty, and loyalty, which all fit Wen Ning. 
This was all perfect till I remembered WWX’s all-consuming fear of dogs. I decided to get round this by cheating and saying that for some reason daemons are different and he’s not scared of them (because they represent a part of someone’s soul, rather than being a real animal? I guess?? Please do not look too hard at this delicately constructed card tower) 
Angsty version: when Wen Ning becomes a fierce corpse he loses his daemon, another reason people are unsettled by him and another thing WWX feels guilty about.
LSZ I think Lan Sizhui was the hardest to pick. I couldn’t decide which way to go: should he follow a “Lan approved” daemon pattern; should he have a bird like Wen Qing and a lot of other Wens? Then I saw the Xiasi Quan and it’s white and fluffy and cute but it was also a hunting and a guard dog, which seemed right for him. And I liked that it gave LSZ and WN this one very tangible connection. It is also endangered.  However, I also liked a red panda and a badger for Lan Sizhui too. I really couldn’t decide between the three. I like them all, why is he the hardest to choose for? (I’m still not 100% happy with this, let me know if you have any alternative suggestions)
Again, please suspend your disbelief at the fact that WWX’s child has a dog daemon and he’s fine with this (it would have looked so cute as a little puppy running around the Burial Mounds though).
When he was younger his daemon liked to take on the forms of those closest to him. So you’d often see a bby marten running after WWX’s daemon, a tiny bird perched with Wen Qing’s sparrow-hawk, a puppy following Wen Ning’s dog around, and a tiny bby rabbit in Cloud Recesses. As he got older it shifted between the dog, a red panda, and a badger. (maybe I’ll just say his hasn’t settled yet and that’s why I can’t decide)
JL Jin Ling definitely also had a daemon which shifted because of a) his loved ones and b) his mood, and he hated it. As if his own explosive temper didn’t give him away enough, his daemon always showed his exact feelings. When he wanted nothing more than his mother to be there it would be a bear. When he was feeling defensive about his parents it would turn into a lion (this happens when he and WWX first meet and any time people talk about his parents’ deaths). When he was younger his daemon spent a lot of time as a cat and a bird, although different types to what his uncles had. 
Jin Ling’s daemon still hasn’t settled when WWX is resurrected, and he is absolutely mortified the one time it decides to turn into a beech marten like WWX’s. Eventually it will settle into a lion, and WWX will pretend to be grumpy that it didn’t choose a bear instead.
Angsty AUs:
Daemons are linked to golden cores Jiang Cheng loses his daemon along with his core. When Wei Wuxian’s core is removed it’s more like when daemons and humans are separated in the books. His daemon stays with him, but can move about freely - this is part of what causes WWX to rapidly destabilise, not just resentful energy. Jiang Cheng always feels weirdly aware of WWX’s daemon after that but doesn’t know why. WWX’s daemon is technically connected to JC too, and also finds this weird. JC also can’t work out why his daemon never came back with his golden core, and that loss is part of why he’s so angry and isolated.
The effect of trauma on Daemons Another angsty au is based on the idea that, if trauma can make your daemon settle early, then trauma can also make it change.
When Wei Wuxian is thrown into the Burial Mounds, he wishes so hard to be able to fly that his beech marten turns into a crow (because I do love a crow for him too). I kind of like the idea that after the Burial Mounds WWX’s daemon almost un-settles itself, and can change between a marten and a crow. This really freaks people out and is another reason people say he’s dangerous.
Similarly, after Wei Ying’s death and the Lan sect’s punishment, Lan Wangji wakes up to find his daemon has shifted from its hare to snow leopard form. In his soul, LWJ feels like if he had been less passive and actually stood with WWX then his soulmate would still be alive. His daemon changes from a more passive hare to the more aggressive snow leopard.
He’s criticised by the elders for it, but they shut up when his daemon flattens theirs, while LWJ’s face remains an impassive mask but his eyes promise murder. WWX is really sad when he comes back to see LWJ’s hare gone and blames himself for causing LWJ so much trauma his daemon changed. (personally if I were writing a Daemon AU this is what I would have happen, because I love LWJ with a snow leopard daemon - they symbolise bravery and martial ferocity, while rabbits are virtue and gentleness, and I feel like these two both accurately represent the two sides of LWJ. I really feel like LWJ has a huge shift in himself after WWX’s death which would be represented in his daemon. It also is, in a way, a return of a core part of himself which was lost after his mother’s death)
Sword/Instrument substitute Mixing Daemons with sword sprits - the animal becomes a physical representation of the spiritual tool. Some people could therefore have more than one daemon (for example, LWJ could have Bichen - his rabbit sword daemon - and Wangji - his snow leopard guqin daemon)
Angsty version: WWX actually does die in the burial mounds and Suibian, his beech martin, dies/changes into Chenqing, a raven/crow.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.  .·。.·゜✭·.·✫·゜·。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. 
If you are reading this you have made it to the end of this post, well done.
 I wanted to make it shorter but I had too many ideas and wanted to explain my reasoning for my choices and decided just to put it all in one post rather than lots of little ones.
*Disclaimer: I know only the smallest amount of Chinese, and have taken all my information about imagery, word meanings, and homophones etc from web-sources, and so it is very possible I have made mistakes. Though I have, to the best of my abilities, attempted to check on the cultural/artistic meaning, if any, that certain animals have in Chinese culture, the internet lies and I can’t get any decent books on it atm as the libraries are closed, so I’m really sorry if there are errors and I hope people will forgive any mistakes or blunders I might have made. 
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Entertainment in Inferno! (Alastor Enters Hell)
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Part 1: “Alastor enters Hell” 1933
  Hell: 1933
 Black empty space.
Complete silence.
He felt like he was floating in some kind of void. Where he was, he didn’t know.
 He had no form, no physical sensations of any kind.
For a moment he just…was.
 A small white light emerged from the dark above, and steadily grew. Though it was blinding, the light didn’t bother him.
A choir of vocals were speaking the repeated word in the distance. The voices grew louder as he felt himself rising upward. The word felt comforting to him, and sounded strangely familiar.
 He suddenly stopped and saw a golden gate up ahead within white clouds. A winged figure puffed up his white wings and stared at him.
“I am Puriel,” the angel said. He had a white face with red blotches on his cheeks, yellow eyes and short bronze gold hair. He was dressed in white dress pants, a white shirt, a golden bowtie, and matching shoes.
“I am an examiner of souls and one of many who determine where one goes in the afterlife.”
He spoke an incantation.
“Alastor Roscoe Duvalier,” Puriel stated. “Here is your previous form.”
Alastor gasped as he suddenly remembered his name. A flood of memories of his past life rushed back to him.
Alastor stared down at himself and saw his human reflection in front of him. A thin man with a pointed chin stared back at him with chocolate brown eyes and small round glasses. His skin was a very light brown, looking almost white. His hair color was in-between brown and red, short with a bit of a wave pointing to one side. The longest parts of his hair were slightly past his ears, reaching toward his chin.
A large black bowtie was positioned below his neck. His undershirt was white with buttons and crisscrossing lines forming a few diamonds. The design resembled the structure of a radio tower. Along with tan pants and brown boots, he wore a candy red pinstriped coat with dark red stripes going vertically down toward his waist.
What was disturbing about his reflection was a small red x on his forehead between his eyes that seemed to be glowing. His clothes were stained with blood as was the side of his face.
Alastor sprouted a large grin and instantly felt better. He said his name out loud, surprised to hear his voice.
 The angel in front of him continued. “Alastor Roscoe Duvalier, born in New Orleans to French American Joseph Duvalier and Creole American Loretta Duvalier. Entered Earth January 24th, 1896 at 3:00AM. Died in 1933 in the woods via a gunshot to the head and mauling by dogs.”
A brief flashback of him running from the police, trying to hide in the woods. Hearing the growling of canines and being surrounded by sharp teeth. A loud gunshot and an exploding pain through his head. Briefly seeing a buck in the distance before things went black.
Puriel looked through an endless holographic list of souls. He turned to Alastor with a glare.
“Due to the endless number of people you killed, you are not fit to enter Heaven. You are to either enter Hell, purgatory, Tartarus…” he listed off dark places from other cultures…
“…or go back to the endless void, as those who die a second death are fated to go.”
Alastor could feel a strange sensation, like someone, or something was tugging at his chest. It seemed to come from far below. He suddenly felt the need to follow it.
Having read his mind, Puriel nodded, a look of disgust on his face. “Your fate has been decided. Suffering and death will be there to meet you, unless you can somehow redeem yourself. Farewell.”
 The angel and the golden gate vanished, the darkness filling in again. Like the sudden drop of a roller coaster, Alastor felt himself plummeting rapidly down through the dark.
He literally screamed into the void.
He thought he briefly saw a familiar blue and green planet out in space, but everything rushed by too quickly for him to comprehend.
Breaking through dark ground, falling further into hot magma, uncomfortable heat that was even hotter than the sun…
Falling ever so endlessly, until he rushed through an opening portal in a crimson sky, the rim surrounded by flames.
 Down below, a group of little red skinned imps were forcing enchanted voodoo dolls made of straw to dance on hot coals. Red glowing chains held the dolls in place around their necks, the magic coming from the lead imp’s claws. The lead imp cackled, wearing ringmaster’s clothing and a round hat while the other imps jeered. A few demons watched the show from a distance. Several circus tents were lined nearby. The lead imp looked up in horror as the yelling figure fell down…and crushed him, creating a giant crater in the ground. The chains disappeared and the dolls cheered. They jumped over the coals and chased away their tormentors with sizzling silver pins.
The imp and Alastor fell through another portal, this time into a dark void.  Alastor landed hard on his back despite no visible structure being there. He coughed and slowly stood up, brushing off dirt and ash from his hair and clothes. The imp rubbed his long horns in pain and stood up too. The imp glared at Alastor, baring his fangs, but was quickly held into place via black tentacles pinning down his arms and legs. The imp yelled before being consumed by rows of sharp white teeth that appeared in the dark.
Alastor remained perfectly still, not even daring to breathe. (Not that he really could, anymore.) The black space was nothing like the silent void of death. In fact, it was more like an ocean of dark matter, humid heat and…
…things that were alive.
 Shadow spirits ebbed and flowed through the endless space, some with glowing white eyes, others with horns, all of them blending in within the dark. Shrieks, moans, and the occasional cackle filled the air.
“Hello darkness, my old friend,” Alastor spoke to himself.
“Hello to you as well,” said a voice from behind him.
Alastor spun around and only saw darkness.
“Who’s there?”
“Over here,” said the voice, in a distorted eerie tone.
He looked to the side and nearly gasped. Surrounded by an aura of red was a shadow of what looked like a skeletal humanoid deer. The figure stood upright with large white holes for eyes and sharp teeth inside its mouth. A pair of large antlers sat around shadow deer ears and a mess of hair. A claw with four fingers gripped Alastor’s shoulders.
“Who are you?” Alastor asked.
The being morphed until it was a black copy of him.
“I am you,” the shadow replied. “You may call me… Rotsala. I was born from your deepest nightmares, nestled in your subconscious. All of your evil thoughts, your fear, your rage…and your desire for vengeance. Those thoughts nourished me. Every kill you made on Earth brought you one step closer to not only death, but also to the underground Loas, and myself. Once you died, I was born with this shadow vessel, and separated from your mind. I traveled down here, to my home, knowing you would come. Now we are reunited at last.”
“But you’re not a part of me anymore,” Alastor said.
“Yes and no,” the shadow said. “Though I have my own body, I am still a reflection of your true feelings, your true motivations. So, naturally, once we get to Hell I’ll be your…guide, as it were.”
“But we can’t go back to Hell. Aren’t we stuck down here?”
“Not for long,” said the shadow. He pointed down to Alastor’s arm. Alastor looked and saw three glowing red voodoo symbols etched onto it in blood.
Alastor could sense other ancient beings moving closer to him, speaking in ghostly whispers.
The shadow continued, “Your debt to the Loas and specifically to Lord Kalfu has been paid. A sacrifice of loved ones in addition to your own gruesome death…bestows upon you, neigh unlimited power.”
 It all happened before Alastor had the chance to blink. Shadow creatures rapidly circled around him and black tentacles enveloped his entire body like a macabre cocoon. Alastor yelled as his human skin cracked, and peeled off his body in fleshy chunks, which soon faded into dust. Muscle and bone also disintegrated rapidly. Surprisingly, it wasn’t agonizing. It was more like the natural process of a snake shedding its old skin to make way for something new.
He felt formless, naked and cold, but soon warmed up as new flesh formed where his old exterior shell once was.
 His new skin and face were grayish in color. Empty dark sockets took up much of his face, the home of his new demonic red eyes. Soon, other body features formed: thin gray arms, legs, four fingered hands and four-toed feet…an anatomy of a male human, though definitely not human at all.
Alastor opened his mouth and sharp yellow fangs slowly emerged from the top and bottom. They closed together to form a wide sinister smile.
Thick red hair grew on Alastor’s head, pointing out in a slight wave toward the right like his previous human form. Tuffs of hair ending slightly past his chin on either side completed the look, ending with black colored tips. Instead of round earlobes, thick fluffy deer-shaped ears grew from the sides of his head, ending in black furry tips. In addition, small black antlers stuck out in the middle of his head, along with a fluffy black and red deer tail that appeared near his tailbone.
Alastor waved his hand in front of his right eye, and an old fashioned monocle appeared under it, connected by a thin chain. A burgundy pinstriped dress coat and a red undershirt materialized and covered his body. The ends of the coat were filled with several holes, giving it a tattered feel. An upside down black cross lay under a large black bowtie in place under his chin and neck. He wore the same color pants, plus black shoes with red deer hoof prints on the soles. Black gloves with red tips covered his four-clawed hands.
With his new form complete, the tentacles released Alastor and parted away.
 Tingling hot red electricity spread into his head, then moved down his body, much of it resting in his hands and fingers. He snapped on instinct and a burst of red magic sparked to life like a firework.
Then knowledge of magic and voodoo spells entered into his brain. The new information faded into the back of his head, staying there like he had it within him all his life.
Alastor let out a maniacal laugh that rose higher into hysterical giggles. All this supernatural power was coursing through his veins, and he loved every second of it.
Finally the magic quietly faded with a humming sound.
Two shadow demon figures approached with silent steps, eyes glowing red. Alastor could barely make out their forms in the blackness.
“One more thing,” said the shadow. “Demons make deals down here in Hell, and they are not to be taken lightly. These two are friends of mine. They are a few of the representatives of this world below Hell.”
The shadow creatures morphed into two alternate versions of Alastor. The one to the left had a red deer head with large antlers, radio dials for eyes and a dark blue suit. The other one had an old fashioned radio for a head, and wore a red suit with a black tie with crisscross lines on it like those of a radio tower.
“These two have taken forms suitable to your liking. They were the main ones who helped transform you…you may call them by their pseudonyms Cerf and Muse.”
The two shadows turned men awkwardly waved, feeling out of place in their temporary demon costumes.
“Since they used all their effort to craft you a suitable body to enter Hell…it only seems fitting that you could help them out as well.”
Alastor narrowed his eyes. There was more to this. “A proposal?”
The shadow nodded. “Give some of your newfound power to them and a connection will be forged between you and my brethren. You will be able to summon imps, shadow spirits and even the darkest creatures of the underworld with just a snap of your fingers. Cerf and Muse can serve as your bodyguards.”
Cerf walked forward. “I will give you animal instincts like sharp hearing and fast reflexes.”
Muse elbowed Cerf’s side and pushed forward. “I can give you something even better…your own personal weapon!”
Alastor was intrigued. “What is it?”
Muse smirked and wagged his claw, “You’ll have to agree to the deal if you want to find out!”
Alastor kept his smile on his face, standing proud in the face of uncertainty and risk. “And what’s in it for you?”
Alastor’s shadow grinned. “Why, your power, of course! Your sins on Earth coupled with your granted powers have made you, perhaps the most powerful demon yet to be. It would be quite useful for us in the long run.”
“Yes, yes,” said Cerf, “You know, ‘cause we want to eventually be free to roam Hell…and feast on delicious souls…havoc on the house!”
Muse elbowed him hard and flashed a warning.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“Idiot,” he muttered.
“Aw come on,” said Cerf. “We worked for that Dr. Facilier not too long ago, remember? His soul’s still in Hell and he still has his Eldritch powers. This guy can’t be that bad.”
Alastor grinned, getting an idea. “Hmm…how much power do you want from me?”
“50%,” said the shadow.
Alastor scoffed. “Ha! No. Way too much. After all that effort in giving it to me? No. I won’t relent that easily.”
“Well…if you don’t take the deal, we could always take some away…”
Alastor leaned in close and sneered, “Then I guess I’d be left with fighting myself for eternity then. I think we both know that it would get boring fast.”
The shadow nodded after a pause. “Touche. How about 30%?”
“Still too much. I could give you a wealthy 1%.”
“It’s gotta be above a single digit, or the exchange is off,” said the shadow. “25%.”
“Nonono. How about 10%. You tell me where I can find this Facilier guy…make him my slave…it’ll be all yours.”
Alastor’s shadow held out his hand, the other creatures looking on eagerly. “So, do we have a deal?”
Alastor grinned and put his hand into the shadowy digit. Green electricity sparked as they shook.
Cerf and Muse spiraled around him in circles. Cerf vanished into Alastor’s ears, awakening his senses. Muse turned into shadow once more…and began to change shape. The shadow transformed and Alastor felt something appear in his right hand.
 It was an old red vintage microphone staff. A glowing red eye appeared on the top, just below where the speaker was.
“About time you sealed that surreal deal,” came a voice from the device. It was a male voice with a radio filter over it. It sounded like an announcer on a broadcast.
“So this is my new weapon and accessory you were talking about.” Alastor said.
“Yes indeed,” the microphone replied. “Just turn me on and you can broadcast what’s going on around you, anytime, anywhere. I should say…your desire and love for telling dad jokes…I’ll help you go overboard with it.”
Alastor grinned again. He was already enjoying this opportunity.
“Enjoy yourself while you can, Radio Star,” said his shadow before disappearing behind him.
The microphone muttered something about already feeling trapped but Alastor didn’t listen.
He was already planning his next move.
“What am I waiting for?!” he asked out loud. He concentrated on the space in front of him and a portal opened back to Hell. He stepped through it and it closed behind him.
 This would be the beginning of Alastor’s many conquests of Hell…and his new title of The Radio Demon.
 The very first attack occurred in a dark forest in the moonlight (if there were even moons in Hell). Alastor discovered that when he concentrated and waved his hands over the ground, he could summon tentacles, shadow spirits and even voodoo imps from below.
If he was going to take over this peculiar place called Hell and be entertained, at least he would have help.
The demonic deer could hear the patter of footsteps and hid in the shadows, behind an old tree. Moving his head sideways, he peered to get a better look. Walking on the trail were two skeletal deer walking on two hooves. One of them was smoking a cigarette and the other was talking about “borrowing” coins from his ex-girlfriend. Behind them was a black minotaur in jeans and overalls. The first deer carelessly threw his used cigarette on the ground.
Alastor stared at it and the path ahead, getting an idea.
He picked up a rock and threw it in the distance. It crashed hard into the ground, causing the area to shake.
The two deer froze at the explosive noise and turned their heads around.
“What was that?” one asked.
“I didn’t hear nothin’,” said the second.
“You boneheads be hearin’ things,” growled the minotaur. He unzipped his backpack and took out an axe. He swiped several times in front of him, causing the deer to duck. “I pay you to protect me. Your job’s to cut down these trees for wood. Our saloon’s not gonna warm itself up in the winter ya, know.”
He kicked one of the deer with his hoof, sending the creature forward in a pile of bones. “Hurry up, now!”
The deer got up and continued forward. Alastor stretched out his hand and a black tendril snaked in front of the path. Invisible and silent, the deer didn’t notice it until they tripped over it.
“Aurgh!” they yelled, face planting in the dirt.
“You’re good for nothin’ but shit!” chided the angry minotaur. “Get your fat bony asses up before…”
The lone cigarette erupted into flames from behind them.
“Before…that happens?” asked one of the deer, pointing behind the minotaur.
The flames moved rapidly through the dried wood. The deer rattled as they ran but were blocked as sparks ignited in front of them, with a snap of Alastor’s fingers. The barrier of fire blocked their path. Soon, the trio of sinners were surrounded by the flames.
“Now what?” asked one of the deer.
“Run through it, imbecile!” yelled the minotaur. “Or you’ll be even deader than you already are!”
Chuckling, Alastor turned on his microphone and strode forward, the flames having no effect on him. A spotlight shone from the eye that appeared in the center of the microphone.
“I believe I can help with that.”
“Who the fuck are you?!” spat the minotaur.
“The end of your pathetic existence,” Alastor said. “I’d say your attitude is sheer bullcrap, but who am I to know for sure.” He laughed at his pun as sounds of a laughing audience emitted from the staff.
The minotaur bellowed in rage and charged forward. A hard slap on the face from Alastor sent the bull man to the ground. Alastor stomped his foot and the bone deer were sent down into the depths in pieces.
“I’ve never hunted a bull before,” Alastor said, walking up to the minotaur on the ground. Four black spirits with big white eyes appeared to restrain him. A hunting knife appeared in his gloved hand. “…But I look forward to the new experience.”
He wedged the blade under the bull’s horns and began to saw through the material. The minotaur couldn’t fight off the spirits holding him down. Taking his sweet time, Alastor cut off the bull’s other horn.
“I must say, your horns are exquisite,” Alastor mentioned. He examined one in his hands like it was an artifact.
“Stealing my horns for the black market, are ya?” asked the minotaur.
“Nope!” he said. “I’m just curious to see how useful these things can be. We’re about to find out, ladies and gents…”
He rushed forward and stabbed the minotaur with his own horn. The bull roared loudly and briefly gurgled before falling backward with a limp. The horn was removed and coated with dark red blood.
Sticking out his long purple tongue, Alastor licked off some of the blood from the horn’s surface. He bent down and began to skin the dead minotaur before enjoying his midnight meal. “In case you were wondering, folks, bull meat can be hearty and tasty. Venison is my favorite, though.”
He stood up and wiped off his mouth. With a wave of his hands, the flames disappeared as did the spirits. Clearing his throat, he said in his announcer voice, “Welcome to the first ever radio broadcast, hosted by me, Alastor. 66.6 FM. It has to be deeply embarrassing to get stabbed to death by your own horn. But I don’t have any horns except the severed ones in my hand. Honestly, seeing the life leave that sinner’s eyes got me…should I say…horny. Ha ha ha! Stay tuned for more broadcasts in the future. Ta-la for now!”
He turned off his microphone with a tap and hummed a happy tune as he walked through the woods.
 The second massacre was much more exciting for Alastor. It took place at an annual fair, which was jam packed with demons. Alastor casually walked toward the line of demons waiting to get in. He whacked one demon in the back with his cane. The demon toppled forward, ramming into another demon, who tumbled into the next one. In a comedic domino effect, all the demons crashed to the ground in yelps and grunts.
“What’s the meaning of this?” asked a grumpy old demon with the face of a mosquito. The insect demon wore a white shirt with vertical black stripes.
“Why hello there, good sir!” said Alastor, walking up to the booth. “I felt that the line was going much too slow, so I decided to speed things up.”
“Get back in line, punk,” the mosquito spit. “Or I’ll suck up your blood and energy.”
“Oh no, how scary,” Alastor exclaimed in a mocking tone. Still, he kept a protective spirit in his pocket for powerful demons like the one in front of him.
“Just tell me how much it costs to get in,” said Alastor. “I have lots of dosh.”
“One thousand and ten souls,” the mosquito grunted.
“I believe the sign only says fifty souls,” Alastor mentioned.
“No, it says one thous…”
He glanced at the sign which read: “County Fair, best in Hell, fifty souls.”
“It said one thousand and ten a moment ago.”
“I don’t think so,” said Alastor, laughing inwardly.
“Enough of your games!” bellowed the mosquito. “Get back in line. You should have enough to pay for this.”
“I do have fifty souls,” Alastor replied.
“One hundred and ten, idiot,” said the mosquito.
“Fifty!” Alastor answered.
“Hundred ten!”
“Hundred ten!”
“Hundred ten!”
“Fifty!” yelled the mosquito.
“How about zero!”
“Zero?!” yelled the mosquito.
“Zero it is! Thank you, fine sir!” called Alastor, swatting the mosquito’s face with his staff. He vanished ahead into shadow, leaving the mosquito in disbelief.
 Alastor hummed happily as he walked among aisles of stands and booths. Children monsters threw bombs at a target, sending a sitting bat demon into a tub of acid below.
“Rotten candy!” called a pink dragon at a booth. “Freshly spun for everyone!” Blue and pink candy floss was being spun, and scooped up into a white cone. The dragon burped and the candy turned a sickly green.
A hydra at another stand was throwing darts at live suspended teddy bears covered with sores, some with eyes missing. Another demon with a TV for a head was riding a unicycle while twirling live wires in his hands.
Off in the distance, a family of brown Gollums were riding on a Ferris wheel. One of the parents got mad and threw a baby Gollum off into the air.
A roller coaster with zombies in the cars sent them upside down, then dropping them several feet to the ground on a mattress of metal spikes.
 Inside a red and black circus tent, a crowd of demons sat in the stands, watching some individuals perform tricks in the center. A sign nearby read: “The Amazing Imp Siblings! Blitzo, Tilla, and Barbie Wire!”
Another sign read “The Incredible Blitzo! Big top, tickets now! One night only!”
“Come one, come all!” came the announcer’s voice from a speaker. “Presenting your favorite trio of tricksters…”
Drums played rapidly in the background…
“The Imp Siblings!”
Blitzo and his sisters emerged from an opening in the wooden floor and posed on a podium. The crowd clapped.
“Hello, I’m Blitzo, the “o” is silent!” called the imp in the middle. He wore a navy blue sequined outfit with yellow eye decorations on the sleeves. His face was red and white and his horns long and curved.
“I’m Tilla,” said the older imp sister.
Tilla’s face was red and her hair was long and black. Her dress was pink with black dots along the front.
“And I’m Barbie Wire!” said the youngest sibling. Barbie Wire wore a black and white stripped dress, and her horns were curved in spirals around her head like a ram.
After a jingle about their new Immediate Murder Professional Company, Blitzo mentioned to his siblings, who both grinned. The imps took their places as their performance started. Circus music played nearby, one scrawny demon playing a rusted organ on wheels off to the side.
True to her name, Barbie Wire balanced on a tightrope made of razor thin wire. When flying bats surrounded her, she took out a spear and sliced them down when they flew close. She almost fell, but held out the spear in front of her, steading herself.
Tilla was busy doing flips as a giant manticore was released from a nearby cage. The beast had a lion’s head, black bat wings, and the tail of a scorpion. Tilla dodged the deadly tail and began to jump over it like she was doing jump-rope. With a mighty back-flip, she landed on the manticore’s back and rode the beast around the arena. The manticore roared and reared up, but Tilla brought the beast back down, taming it.
Meanwhile, Blitzo was singing a song about murder into a microphone while twirling a double-sided torch in his hand. The three siblings killed off more creatures before landing gracefully back in the center before taking a bow. The crowd stood up and applauded with hands, claws, fins, and other appendages.
  “Wow, what a performance!” exclaimed Alastor, his voice blending into the cheers. “Now this is what I call one hell of a show!”
 The Radio Demon filed out with the rest of the crowd. Feeling giddy, he played several of the games at the stands (and didn’t hesitate to cheat in order to win.) He ordered hot dogs (made from actual dog), blood punch, bird brains on a stick…and passed on the literal shit kababs.
A pleasant feeling of nostalgia came over him as he remembered the fun times going to the circus with his family as a kid. He loved playing the games and feeding the animals at the petting zoo. He was especially fascinated by the fortune tellers, who had used Tarot cards to predict people’s futures. The Fool card, representing curiosity and beginnings, was drawn as his card for his childhood. For his future teenager card, the Hermit was chosen, representing isolation. Justice was the chosen card for adulthood, adding to karma. Last of all, if he made it past 30, the Devil card was placed in front of him.
At the time, he didn’t know what they meant, but it was fascinating all the same.
Back in the present, a troll with three eyes was dragging a struggling buck toward a sitting group of spider demons waiting to ride it.
“Man, I’m still hungry,” he thought. “Haven’t had venison in forever.”
He summoned a rifle in his hands and proceeded to blast the deer’s head clean off.
“The fuck?!” bellowed the gray-skinned troll, stomping toward him. “That was my prized animal!”
“And that is my meal,” he replied.
The troll raised his fist and brought it down to where Alastor once stood. He materialized behind him.
“Stop trolling around and show me what you’ve got,” said Alastor.
The troll landed more punches, Alastor dodging every one.
“You’re no fun,” Alastor replied. He held out his hand and blasted a fireball straight into the troll’s face. The troll fell backwards to the ground, only a smoking hole of charred flesh where his face once was. Alastor picked up the deer head and smiled at the spider kids.
“You arachnids still want a ride?”
The spider kids scurried away, without saying a word.
 Later on, Alastor saw something that disturbed him inside for the first time. A group of four black reptile-like demons were huddled near a yellow and red striped circus tent. One held a whip in his hand and repeatedly slashed at a living voodoo horse made of straw. The creature was hauling a cart with a cage and was whining in pain.
“Get moving you bastard beast of burden!” sneered the snake demon.
The driver of the cart let out a hiss and a laugh. “Boy, we’re gonna be filthy rich by today’s end. Got lots of good victims to torture, it’ll make the boss happy.”
Alastor walked over toward the cage and saw several small voodoo dolls who were very much alive. A father and a mother doll were comforting little doll children who huddled into their cloth chests. The mother’s eyes were purple buttons and though her mouth was stitched shut, a voice still emerged.
“It’ll be okay, my son,” she said, soothingly.
“Mom, I don’t wanna go to the spectacle,” cried the kid.
The father doll sighed. “I can see why. My mother was used by a demon to harm his rival in the Second Circle of Hell. The pins and needles stuck into her every day, hurt her as much as that poor demon. But we’re stuck as slaves. We have no choice. To the demons and imps, we’re nothing but tools to be used.”
“That is very true,” thought Alastor. “But what if they could be used in a good way?”
The father looked at a grisly array of straw voodoo heads sticking from long spikes in the ground. The dead heads were trophies for the snake monsters. One wrinkled head with white curly hair remained motionless on a bloodstained spike.
“That’s your grandmother over there,” said the father. The boy doll turned away.
“The voodoo dolls who don’t serve their purpose right…” added the mother doll. She mentioned outside to more reptile demons eating living dolls, burning others, tearing other dolls to shreds and sewing them back together, only to repeat the process.
Alastor snapped his fingers and the cage door opened. The dolls stared confused but soon ran out when they saw the demon’s face.
“Hey, get back here!” called a bipedal snake as his captives fled on their short stubby legs.
Radio noises rushed from his staff as Alastor spoke a Creole spell.
Other voodoo imps and creatures slowly turned their heads to look toward him. Round faced dolls who were originally tied by chains broke free. Many gathered nearby knives, pitchforks, and even torches.
“You inssssulent strawberry clown!” hissed the boss snake, slithering over, wearing a business suit of black. “You think you can get away with ssssetting my prizes free like that. I’ll bite you and make you wish you never died!”
A tentacle rose from the ground and constricted the snake’s neck. His yellow eyes bulged and he gasped for air through his fanged mouth. He was then tossed aside into a pit of flames. A nearby doll rebel mob stabbed the snake with sharp pins.
Casting another spell, Alastor grew taller until he towered above the circus tent. His dress coat merged with the tent and flaps. Black spikes jutted from out of the tent and other tents nearby, some with voodoo heads on them.
Telepathically using pins to hold open the flaps, Alastor pulled the rest of the snake-men in with several tentacles. A roaring fire blazed to life right where the demons were standing. The reptiles roared in agony as the flames consumed their bodies. One snake opened his mouth, wide, reaching out from the tent, trying to escape. Voodoo imps off to the side, held their little weapons in the air, attacking any other demons who wondered by. The voodoo minions now had mouths of sharp teeth, with blood around their mouths, eyes white. Alastor, meanwhile was enjoying the carnage below, now in full demon form. His hands were spread out wide, his eyes red radio dials, and his antlers jutting out from his head. All the while, his victory was broadcast yet again over the radio.
“Goood afternoon, you filthy sinners! It’s your favorite radio demon, Alastor coming in live! I am here at the annual county fair. Just listen to that cheerful circus music, and the joyful sounds of sinners on their days off. And best of all, the screams of those unfortunate enough to be trapped in my inferno! Chaos is still running rampant here as voodoo dolls strike down their former masters with every kind of weapon imaginable. You know what they say: “be careful what you wish for…you may soon be on fire, for better or worse!” Tickets are still on sale for those who’d like to experience the show. Well that’s all for now, folks. Stay tuned for more, next time on 66.6 FM.”
 Now in Alastor’s control, the doll citizens caused havoc around hell in the name of their new lord of chaos. They had aided him in his many other conquests, doing his bidding like the shadow spirits.
 During one particular conquest, the voodoo imps stood in a line beside Alastor as they overlooked a city in one of the Nine Circles. The sky on that day was red and cloudless, the color of fresh blood.
The demons who lived there had supported Sir Pentious, the evil snake overlord from the 1800s. The boastful villain himself was there, controlling a hulking machine with metal arms and legs…and lots of blasters, from the inside. His egg minion army stood at the ready, some of them running around the inside, others watching their leader in awe.
“Oh I really wish I could be shot with one of those amazingly crafted blasters,” said egg #66.
“Shut up!” hissed the overlord, his one-eyed top hat on his head. “I need to focus here! There’s a rogue army of…toys straight ahead trying to take over this turf. But several perfect shots from my blasters will do the trick.”
The snake pulled several levers and the blasters fired torpedoes that exploded off in the distance. Alastor had formed a red energy shield which protected him and the dolls.
“Hey, red reindeer man!” Sir Pentious called through a loudspeaker. “What are you doing on my turf?”
Alastor turned on his microphone. His voice echoed through the air, accompanied by radio noises.
“It’s Alastor to you, old serpent. And I believe this territory now belongs to me.”
“Well my cult of demons would disagree with you,” Sir Pentious retorted. The demons stood holding spears and barring their teeth.
“You still have a chance to surrender and run,” said Alastor. “If I were you, I’d take it.”
“Fool!” Sir Pentious hissed. “You’re not getting in my way of my domination goal! Now, prepare to be blasted to bits! Hahahaha! Attack!”
More blasts shot from the robot’s arms. The demons yelled as the eggs charged forward, wearing pinstriped suits and black top hats. Alastor pointed his claws forward and the voodoo imps rushed in. One imp with horns, a black hat, and sharp teeth held a butcher knife. Another imp with horns bit into an egg minion with a large bite. The egg yelled and cracked open in a yok mess.
The eye on Alastor’s microphone created a spotlight that temporarily blinded the approaching demon soldiers. Happy, jazz music poured from the staff, a contrast to the grisly battle occurring.
A wealthy demon wearing a white shirt and rings on two of his three fingers, fled when flames sparked in front of him. Another demon wearing a blue general’s uniform had large black eyes and horns with black and pink stripes. He tried to fight off the imps, but the creatures held onto his legs with their fangs.
Black tentacles emerged from an opening portal, grabbing onto demons and tossing them inside like rag dolls. A final blast fired from Sir Pentious’ machine. “You’re done for!” the snake declared.
The torpedo froze in mid-air after Alastor held out his hand. The missile then flew backwards, right into the heart of the machine. The hunk of metal exploded and Sir Pentious fell out with a scream. He quickly fled while his remaining egg army followed after him. “I’ll have my revenge, Alastor! It’s far from over!”
“I’d say it’s closed curtains for your show,” the radio demon replied. He cut into his hand with a fingernail and droplets of red blood glowed.
The demon general stood up on shaky legs…then was instantly crushed by a large metal pillar. The pillar along with two others held up a tall radio tower that had materialized out of nowhere. A red light blinked ominously at the top, an Illuminati eye, watching everything.
“Now there’s some technology I can truly appreciate!” Alastor exclaimed with a clap of his hands.
Whenever Alastor paid a visit to a city or town, the people would run for cover, shouting, “It’s the Radio Demon! Run for your afterlives!”
Their screams and terrified faces filled Alastor with glee and a sense of dominance. He hovered in the air, his eyes demonic red, antlers long and extending from his head. He was a figure of chaos and power, under the glowing pink Pentagram in the indigo sky. Voodoo imps carried animal skulls on spikes as they roamed the streets. They left several spikes in the ground with severed demon heads attached (and sometimes voodoo doll heads.) The spikes would often stand near piles of dead demons. Some dolls broke into stores and smashed TV screens with their spears and weapons. “VOX EATS SOCKS!” was spray painted in red by two dolls on the glass window of the trashed TV store. After they left, a lone voodoo minion replaced the red “S” with a black “C” and cackled out loud. Alastor’s deer shadow hovered nearby in the air, with red eyes, large antlers and a grinning mouth.
Radios of all shapes and sizes were soon for sale in many stores in Hell. One of Alastor’s favorite ones was an old fashioned one with three panels at the top, a dial, and a row of grinning teeth that was part of the design on the front. A friendly reminder for listeners to keep on smiling.
The voodoo imps evolved further, some growing horns of purple and bright pink. Others rode in battle on skeletal deer with glowing red horns in place of antlers. Those more inclined to water hitched rides from moving skeletons of sharks and underwater monsters.
Even poor Husk, the alcohol drinking gambler cat demon, was dragged into Alastor’s schemes several times. At one point, he was forced to do a tap dance on stage to distract a crowd of demons while Alastor razed the nearby town. It was embarrassing for the winged cat demon, but Alastor obviously got a kick out of it. Reluctantly, Husk continued to serve Alastor in exchange for booze and cigarettes. Meanwhile, Niffty gladly helped out the Radio Demon by making him meals and helping to keep his interdimensional home tidy. She was just glad to be out of the flames and to keep busy. Both Niffty and Husk’s auras briefly glowed red like Alastor’s, indicating they were associates of his. However, they had free will of their own…when they were not summoned by him on occasion.
At one point, Alastor posed with the rest of the villain overlords: Vox the TV demon, Velvet, Valentino the porn studio owner, Rosie, a skeletal deer surrounded by a halo of blue fire, a two-headed bird in a tuxedo, a bird overlord with yellow shades, a black spider demon, a thick haired lady who looked like Helsa, and another woman who may have been Lilith. Husk and Niffty stood as shadow silhouettes. Thirteen individuals in all.
 By the time Alastor heard of the Hazbin Hotel, he had performed eleven successful massacres, all throughout the Nine Circles of Hell. There were even fliers taped around, showing Alastor at the circus with his victims burning underneath him. “THE RADIO DEMON! BEWARE HIM! DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM!” the fliers read.
Alastor hummed a jolly tune as he observed the fruitful results of his carnage. He was one step closer to dominating all of Hell.
 Part 2: “Exterminations”
During one random day, the clock tower ringed twelve ominous tones. Alastor was strutting down the street when he heard the noise. He glanced up at the tower where a counter read “number of days till next purge: 0.”
“Purge?” he thought. “Sounds intriguing. Some kind of killing contest between overlords?”
Alastor soon got his answer when the center of the overhead neon pentagram in the sky tore open. Through a dark hole, dark flying creatures swarmed out and headed off in different directions. There were at least twenty of them, perhaps more.
Upon closer inspection, they were dark angels with black feathery wings, curved horns and bird-like feet clad in dark armor. They wore LED masks complete with creepy glowing grins, large x’s over their right eyes and curved horns off to the back, reaching past behind their heads. Each one also carried a harpoon spear in their hands.
One angel threw a spear that struck a flying demon square in the eye. The demon fell to the ground, lifeless. Another harpoon struck an orange horned demon in the neck, resulting in a gory death. A lone spear flew and lodged itself in the wall right above Alastor’s head.
All around the city, demons were screaming and scurrying frantically for cover. Several Exterminators circled over the cowering citizens of Hell with mechanical laughs.
“Cleanse Hell of the sinner scum!” rang out on of the angel’s voices.
With a spin and swipe of a harpoon from another angel, other demons dropped dead like bowling pins.
One of the angels glanced over to Alastor. Two other angels glanced over too, all turning their heads, grins glowing.
Alastor hid his shock with a sinister smile of his own. The shock quickly morphed into a new excitement.
“Prepare to meet your second death,” said the angel in the middle.
“Am I supposed to be sacred of you crows?” he asked.
Alastor was surrounded by the three angels hovering above him, spears raised.
His eyes turned into red radio dials and his black antlers grew slightly longer from his head.
“This is going to be quite entertaining!”
The three spears were thrown forward and black tentacles reached and slapped the weapons away.
Just as the harpoons appeared back in the Exterminator’s hands, shadow spirits with red auras circles around the angels, screeching, clawing and attacking them. One angel flapped and flailed, shaking off several spirits by striking them with a swipe of his spear. A tentacle impaled the angel through his gut from behind them. The second angel got his wings torn off by two other black tentacles emerging from portals in midair. A shadow spirit grabbed the angel’s spear and sliced off its owner’s head, falling into one of the portals.
The third angel began to flee, but Alastor grabbed hold of one of the angel’s dark arms. The Exterminator elbowed Alastor and scratched his chest with long nails. Alastor glanced down at the tears and new flowing blood soaking into his red pinstriped dress coat.
He growled darkly in a demonic voice. “That was my favorite suit.”
The Radio Demon soon had the angel in a chokehold with one of his four-fingered gloved hands.
“L-let go, filth!” the angel sputtered with a gasp.
Using his strength, Alastor bashed the angel down hard against the pavement several times.  He soon heard a satisfying crack as his victim’s head split open and the dark horns fell off. He tossed the angel’s body aside for the nearby voodoo imps to consume.
 Tom Trench, a white-haired guy with a facemask and a business suit appeared on screen. 666 News logo appeared in neon behind him.
“Breaking news! Exterminators have invaded Hell once again, with an even greater number than last year. Pandemonium is in the air as Heaven’s army slaughters citizens right and left at random, to reduce the population, as is tradition. Please, for your own safety, stay indoors and on lockdown. If you’re looking to take over new territory, please refrain from doing so during the rampage. It’ll be up for grabs after the purge…if you’re still alive, of course.”
There was a sound of glass breaking from the news room as a spear flew over Tom Trenches head.
“That’s all for today! This is Tom Trench, 666 News at 5. Until next time, have a great evening.”
Tom Trench fled the scene as an LED wearing angel eclipsed the careen and smashed it, causing static.
Alastor stood still for a moment…
“Who ho ho! What a great picture show. Wasn’t expecting that nice surprise during this time. Perhaps I should broadcast my acts of destruction on those Exterminators…”
More spears flew in the air, crackling with electricity. Alastor saw more angels fly through the overhead hole. Alastor glanced at his stinging chest.
“One more act it is then.”
 His vintage microphone staff appeared in his right hand and lit up to life. The eye in the center of the microphone moved from side to side.
“You want to take things even further, do you not?” asked a radio voice from the microphone.
“You know me too well,” he replied. “But then again, you are a part of me, so of course you would.”
Alastor lifted himself into the air with a large tentacle, red voodoo symbols surrounding him. He tapped the staff and it blinked on.
 “Well good evening, little sinners! It’s your one any only host, Alastor, the Radio Demon. Right now, I’m in the midst of a bloody battle between you citizens and the infamous Exterminators. It looks like several denizens of Hell have already fallen prey to the invaders. One angel’s beating up an imp pretty bad over there. Another demon with a spear through her mouth by the store window, doesn’t look too good for her…”
Four angels flew headfirst toward Alastor, only to be knocked back by red energy flowing from Alastor’s body. One unlucky angel got set on fire with a simple snap of the demon’s fingers. The angel let out a rather unholy yell before disintegrating.
Alastor’s hands and microphone were splattered with fresh blood. He fooled with the angels for several more minutes and spoke into his microphone. “Time for some jokes, my friends. What do you call a rejected do-gooder from Heaven?”
Alastor punched a charging angel in the face, sending him flying.
“A fallen angel! Ahhahahaha.”
Several exterminators down below were disintegrating Alastor’s shadow spirits with beams of light from their hands. One angel shot beams of light at the Radio Demon, who dodged each one. Her hair was long and blonde in the back. The angel roared in anger and shot light spears in every direction. Tentacles around Alastor blocked her attacks.
“Wow, that angel over there looks pretty mad…”
She looped and spun herself rapidly toward him, her hand in a fist. Her fist stopped right in front of Alastor’s face. He grabbed hold of her chest tight with one hand and karate-chopped her head off with his other hand.
“…I guess you could say she lost her head! Hahahaha!”
He dropped her headless body and continued swatting angels away like flies.
 After a few more moments, Alastor was getting bored. It was time for the grand finale. He stood on a platform of surrounding tentacles.
He curled his right hand into a fist, sharp pointed nails digging into his now-glowing palm. Several large drops of red blood rained down from his hand, falling to the ground.
Several flaming holes appeared in the air around the flying exterminators. Tentacles wrapped around each of their waists, binding their hands and pulling back their wings. Their harpoons were tossed into the portals by separate tentacles. At least a dozen angels were brought close together, each of them bond by tentacles.
Voodoo symbols surrounded Alastor and his eyes briefly turned dark, displaying radio waves sizzling across them. His black antlers now extended far beyond his head.
Long thick shadows rose from the ground until forming into two swirling shadows on either side of the tied up angels. The shadows slowed, and solidified into two large gray four-clawed hands. The pointed fingernails were yellow, the same color as a spot down the middle of each finger.
Indeed, the large hands were uncovered copies of Alastor’s real hands.
The staff vanished. From a distance, Alastor lined up his own hands with the giant ones, which copied his hand movements.
 Then, inch by inch, the hands closed in.
 The angels stared in fear behind their gruesome masks, struggling to free themselves from their bonds. The remaining angels outside looked on in worry. A few bowed their heads and mouthed silent prayers.
The large curved fingers overlapped seconds after Alastor slowly interlocked his own. An invisible force tried to push the palms of his hands apart. But his hands closed in more, like he was molding invisible clay to his liking.
 “For my final act of tonight, you shall witness…”
The last of the angel’s heads and struggling forms disappeared behind gray fingers and flesh.
With an evil grin and a glow of his eyes, Alastor pushed his own hands together.
The large hands closed with a shuddering shake. Muffled crunching and squelching came from inside. Alastor opened up his hand and the giant ones followed. A shower of blood, bits of body parts, and black feathers rained down to the street.
He finished in a low demonic voice, “…the Exterminators’ crushing defeat.”
Applause erupted from his microphone as the large hands deformed and sent out shadowy creatures which vanished through the last several portals before they closed. The remaining angels shivered and fled through the black hole overhead. Alastor’s antlers receded back to normal size.
 “Well, folks, that’s all for tonight. I hope you enjoyed this remarkable demonstration of my amazing power. This is Alastor, 66.6 FM. Until next time, have a splendid evening…and as always, stay tuned!”
No one said a word as the Radio Demon lowered himself to the ground. The tentacles and portals vanished behind him. He stared at his bleeding hand and wrist. Lightheadedness overtook him. He waved his hand one more time and stepped down into a portal, which soon closed above him.
He breathed a sigh of relief. He was back in his lair, a bizarre home-like hideout floating in a void dimension just underneath Hell. It was a place where the Loa and dark spirits roamed.
Using so much power and blood magic had taken a bit of a stretch on his body. Gray circles were under his eyes, barely noticeable. With a yawn, he went into a bathroom to clean his wounds. The two handled faucets were made of gold and shaped like miniature deer heads. A black clawed bathtub decorated with large eyes stood in the center of the room.
After washing up and changing into a red velvet night gown, Alastor wandered past the living room, a room with a blood red rug, a couch, comfy leather chairs, and a fireplace of black flames. Above the mantle on the wall were stuffed deer heads mounted on display of various colors and states of decay. Rifles and several collected angel weapons were displayed in a darker corner of the room. Walking into the kitchen, Alastor pulled out vension deer meat from the icebox and heated it up on the stove. He hummed “You’re Never Fully Dressed” as he cooked.
After he ate his meal, he made his way into his room down the hall. Inside his room was a large bed with a leather comforter and satin red pillows. An old fashioned TV with two antennae sticking out stood nearby. Several different radios were lined up on a polished wooden dresser with a vanity mirror framed with round lights around it. Inside his closet were his suits neatly hung and shoes in a holder. Voodoo dolls resembling himself, Husk, Charlie, Angel and others were lined up in a black cabinet.
Alastor yawned again and climbed up into his bed. He soon had a small relaxed grin on his face. The lights went off after he waved his hand. His eyes dimmed and turned into small red radio dials. The droning sound of a radio powering off briefly filled the room as Alastor slept with his eyes wide open.
    Part 3: “Killing Spree for Three”
 Several years had passed since the Radio Demon had terrorized tons of provinces in Hell. It had started in 1933 shortly after his mortal death, when he fell down into Hell and was granted his powers by the Loas, Voodoo shadow spirits. Alastor, of course, had taken advantage of his new demonic deer-like form and Eldritch abilities, using his vintage microphone staff to broadcast his victories and carnage wherever he went. His sentient shadow had hovered by his side with an ever-present smile on his face like his counterpart.
During his time in Hell, Alastor had conjured looming metal radio towers and stations in the areas he had claimed. Despite being new to Hell in 1933, he quickly figured out the functions of Hell’s hierarchy.
Lucifer and Lilith were the powerful King and Queen, not to be tested with nor disobeyed. It was safe to assume that they knew everything that went on throughout the fiery realm. This was why Alastor never revealed his plans out loud…or if he did, he morphed the meaning into something more superficial.
Sinners, or those that had previously been human, were considered the lowest of the low in terms of class. They were the majority in Hell but also faced various forms of discrimination. Without his powers and charisma, Alastor would’ve fit the lowest sinner category.
Alastor was already familiar with being a societal outcast. Back in New Orleans as a human, he had been mocked and jeered at for being part white and part Creole. It was a time when racism ran rampant and white elites got to enjoy the most luxuries. If it weren’t for is mother and radio career, he would’ve rotted away in jail or in poverty.
 But unlike his previous life, Alastor was much more prepared, and powerful. The Hellborns included imps, hellhounds and other creatures born in Hell, considered “superior” to sinners. However, even the Hellborn were nothing compared to the Overlords, powerful demon rulers with abilities beyond average. Alastor had become an overlord the moment he broadcast his first massacre in a dark gnarled wood.
 It was not uncommon for overlords to not get along and to fight over turf, slaves, drugs and other commodities. Vox, the TV demon, Valentino the Porn Studio owner, and Velvet the doll demon were sometimes called the Three V villains. Vox and Alastor did not get along, for Alastor despised post 30’s technology. Alastor had also defeated Sir Pentious, an inventor snake demon who was previously born during the Industrial Revolution. Though that was so long ago, that he had forgotten who he was fighting with.
 Currently, Alastor had control over a voodoo doll and imp army, could summon shadow spirits at will and create portals to the “other side.” He even created his own interdimensional lair underneath Hell.
 Alas, just those benefits weren’t good enough. Alastor was a man constantly on the lookout for other sources of influence and entertainment. Why would he settle for anything less in his second “life?” Being one of the most powerful demons in Hell was no small feat. He required other allies and servants… those who were citizens themselves. Humming happily with his usual smile on his face, Alastor made his way into the city.
 Under the red sky, monsters and demons of all shapes and sizes wondered the pot-hole covered streets of Pentagram City. A neon Pentagram hovered over in the sky, a symbolic reminder to those below where they were. However, the demons went about their ways like ordinary humans would on Earth. Teen Hellhound females smoked cigarettes while leaning against a wall. A black furry spider demon got into an argument with a zombie over a meth purchase. The zombie punched the spider in the gut and in turn, the spider knocked the zombie’s head clean off. The head yelled swear words as it plopped to the ground.
 From inside a strip club, Angel Dust, a white spider demon was spinning upside down on a pole onstage. He was dressed in nothing but red lacy underwear, his legs spread wide for the viewers to see. Techno music was muffled by the window. Two snakes chased each other loudly and bust into the club, briefly catching Alastor’s attention. One demon spotted the Radio Demon from outside and fainted from terror. Angel Dust puckered his mouth in a kiss and waved at Alastor. Alastor rolled his red eyes in disgust and walked on.
 A vertical neon sign on a street corner displayed a yellow saxophone with white musical notes coming out of it. The words along the side read “Mimzy’s Club and Bar.”
“Mimzy…” Alastor said out loud. “That name sounds very familiar.”
He went up to open the door and walked inside.
 He was greeted by the upbeat sounds of trumpets, drums, a saxophone and even a piano not too far away. Demons wearing cowboy hats and mustaches were playing pool far in the back. Against one wall was a pink neon sign which read “Drinking” over a display of bottles. A humanoid couple dressed in Day of the Dead outfits were smooching in a booth filled with cigarette smoke. A red horned ogre dressed in gray Viking armor was serving up mugs of beer and alcohol to customers sitting on stools at the tall obsidian counter.
 Just then, a short demon dressed like a jester with a stripped hat complete with bells stood up from his chair. He looked up and saw Alastor’s pale grayish face leering down at him. The jester gasped in fright and scurried backward. “It-it’s the Radio Demon!”
The music abruptly stopped and the chatter ceased. Everyone turned to stare at him, fear, anger, and for a few, excitement in their eyes. Alastor snapped his fingers and a spotlight appeared over him.
“Hello, there fellow sinners! How are you all doing this fine evening?”
Nobody said a word.
He chuckled and held out his hands. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to harm anyone. I’ve just come by to relax and have a drink. Nothing wrong with that, right?”
Several demons quickly shook their heads and muttered affirmations. Alastor glanced at the jazz band on stage and tilted his head. “Aren’t you going to play some tunes for us?”
The band members started their next song, making sure it was loud and catchy.
Several other demons moved out of the way to let him pass.
Alastor tilted his hand toward his chest. “Ah, such pleasant company here!”
The spotlight faded as Alastor took a seat at the bar.
The Viking ogre turned to look at him.
“Haven’t seen you here before.”
“Surely you know who I am?”
The ogre shook his head, unfazed. The others turned to the bartender, with concerned looks.
“Well,” said Alastor, “It’s nice to meet you, good chap.”
The ogre just grunted in response.
“I’ll have a small black coffee and a glass of Sazerac liquor, please.” Sazerac was one of the first cocktails in New Orleans.
The ogre nodded. “7 souls each.”
Alastor placed 13 dark coins with a small eye on each one on the counter. The ogre scooped them up in his meaty hand and turned to get the drinks ready.
“Heh, heh, he forgot to count them,” Alastor thought.
 His black coffee was soon brought out in a small white mug on a white plate. Carefully picking up the mug by the round handle with several claws, Alastor softly blew over the cup before taking a sip. A satisfying bitter heat filled his mouth. It filled his core with warmth and made him feel more alert, just like it did every morning during his past life. He took more sips and closed his eyes in content. For a millisecond, unnoticed by anyone, his face briefly morphed into his human one: light brown skin, thin pointed chin, brown eyes and short brown hair with a wave off to one side. Small round glasses were placed over his nose. Then, just as quickly, his face returned to his current one: grayish pale, yellow teeth, red eyes, red and black hair, monocle under his right eye.
 After several musical numbers had played, Alastor’s next drink had arrived. Alastor noticed something was not right.
“Uh excuse me?” he asked.
“What?” asked the ogre.
“I asked for a glass of Sazerac. Why did you get me noodle juice?”
He stared at the cup of brown tea on the counter in disgust.
The ogre shrugged. “We ran out of that kind of liquor. That fellow over there ordered the last one.”
He pointed to a shark demon finishing up the rest of his liquor bottle before smashing it on the floor and pushing open the doors.
“Heheheheh…excuse me for a second,” Alastor said.
He stood up and followed the bipedal shark outside. The visitors sitting in booths and chairs could hear muffled pounding, grunts, and stomps coming from outside. At one point, a dark tentacle appeared out of nowhere and then vanished. The gray shark’s head was slammed against the window, slowly sliding down covered in red blood. The demons shrugged, turned back around and continued chatting.
The Radio Demon stomped back into the room, smile on his face but anger in his eyes. The ogre seemed to be whispering something to someone hidden in the back. Alastor spoke to the bartender, composed, hiding his frustration. “I believe we were at the part where I asked you…why did you serve me noodle juice?”
“I already told you, we were out of liquor.”
“How does a bar run out of liquor so suddenly?”
“How should I know?”
“Do you have anything else?”
The ogre occupied himself with cleaning a mug.
“Besides noodle juice?”
A muffled giggle came from behind a set of curtains. He waved his hand and the curtains pulled back. A demon with black wings, horns, and a hat with a domino on it was laying on the floor with several empty bottles of Sazerac around him. He whispered to the ogre who turned around, “You lost the bet, you fucking lard. I told you he’d say “noodle juice” when you gave him tea.”
“I ain’t giving you any money,” the ogre whispered. “I’m the one who pranked the prankster.”
The horned demon stopped laughing and narrowed his eyes. “6.6 souls, hand them over.”
Radio static suddenly filled the air. “You think I’m a joke to you?”
The horned demon turned around and his eyes met Alastor’s before he was plunged down into a portal that appeared from underneath him. The black tentacle monster swallowed the prankster demon in one gulp. The portal closed and Alastor stared at the ogre. He sat down in his seat.
“Kindly fetch me a bottle of Sazerac before I hang you from the ceiling with your intestines.”
The ogre gulped and ran out of the room. He was stopped by a sharp tentacle slicing through his chest. His mutilated body crashed down a flight of stars in the back, starling a waitress who looked like an ostrich.
Alastor tossed the tea aside and summoned a bottle of Sazerac in front of them.
“Sometimes you gotta do things yourself,” he muttered before taking a big gulp from the bottle. Despite his powers, he enjoyed it when people did things for him, like bringing him drinks. The soul coins he had given to the ogre, flew back into his hand and vanished.
  From backstage, a woman was putting the finishing touches of makeup on her face while staring at herself in a large square mirror framed in round lights. She took a deep breath and stood up from her seat. The music stopped and shortly after, a green suit-wearing alien stepped up to the stage and announced, “Our next performer, the marvelous Mimzy!” A woman walked onto the stage. Alastor looked over and his red eyes widened. His smile grew an inch more. The woman was short and chubby, wearing a pink flapper dress and a headband with pink feathers on it. Her black heels tapped against the floor in a rhythmic pace. Her face was white and her large eyes were black with hot pink pupils. She strutted up to the microphone, proud and confident.
Mimzy fluffed her short blonde hair and waved at the audience. Then she sang a lovely catchy jazz song from the early 1900s. Then she finished off with “Down in New Orleans,” much to Alastor’s delight. What a lovely melodic voice she had!
 Alastor remembered Mimzy as a blonde-haired human, she had been a worker at a jazz club in New Orleans and she and Alastor had danced together on stage. He admired her then and still admired her now. They had shared a kiss as humans but Alastor thought of her as an affectionate friend.
That was all before he went insane and killed her in a frenzy.
Mimzy had been sent to Hell since she killed her husband in self-defense and was briefly a prostitute to make ends meet.
 After Mimzy sang and stepped off to the side, another demon came up to the stage. She was tall and slender with sharp teeth in a smile, black eyes, and a large round pink hat with skulls on it covering her head. Several other demons bowed as she walked up to the microphone. She took out her pink umbrella, spun it around in a twirl and did a song and dance number: “Practically Perfect in Every Way.”
 “By the time the fire has burned the restless souls down,
I’ll tell you, yes I can,
No matter the circumstance for one thing you shall know,
My character is spite, shine, spic and span,
I’m practically perfect in every way”
 “For demons say
Each sin and misdeed knows no bounds
To hate is great and patently sound
I’m practically perfect head to tail
If you found a fault, it would be to no avail
I’m so practically perfect in every way”
 “Both prim and proper, graceful and stern
So passive, at peace yet willing to TURN (briefly goes to demon form)
I’m clean and honest, my manner refined
And I wear hats of the sensible kind
I suffer no nonsense and whilst I remain
There’s nothing much else I need to explain”
 “I’m practically perfect in every way
Factually flawless, that’s my forte
Uncanny ladies are hard to find
Unique, not meek, great matters of mind
I’m practically perfect, and never soiled
Killing like a villain with victims freshly boiled
I’m so practically perfect in every way
Well those are my credentials
Perhaps you have a few questions?”
 “Yeah I have one!” called a boar demon. “Did you copy Mary Poppin’s song and just add your words to it?”
The crowd laughed and clapped.
Rosie took a bow. “Yes, so what if I did? I did it for my audience!”
 On Earth, Rosie had been the CEO of a clothing company. She had also danced and met with Alastor as a human. She went to Hell due to forcing her employees to work long hours with hardly any breaks. Stern, elegant and vain, she was a perfectionist and it showed at her job. She did well when it came to organization, dressing fancy…and killing those who stood in her way. In Hell, she was an overlord and owner of an emporium.
Like with Mimzy, she and Alastor enjoyed singing and dancing…and terrorizing others. However, they had only gotten a glimpse of each other during their individual conquests and work.  
But now was the chance for Alastor to warm up to his lovely lady friends.
 Rosie finished her song and took a bow. Alastor clapped enthusiastically. “Bravo, bravo, what an outstanding performance!”
Alastor waved at the two performers who briefly glanced at him.
“Who’s that?” Mimzy asked, curiously.
“One of my fellow overlords. Haven’t interacted with him, though,” Rosie replied.
Alastor morphed into shadow and teleported onto the stage between them.
Both women gasped as Alastor appeared with either hand on their shoulders.
“Why hello, lovely ladies! Care if I join you?” He kissed Rosie’s hand, then Mimzy’s.
Rosie raised her eyebrows. “Aren’t you that super-powered radio guy that terrorized half of Hell?”
“Yes indeedy. How do you do?”
“Be thankful that you’re a fellow overlord,” Rosie replied. She stared into his red eyes, “…and I’ll admit, devilishly charming. You name?”
“I’m Rosie.”
“Mimzy,” said the other lady, already blushing at the handsome stranger.
“Boo!” shouted a white demon shaped like a fox. “You’re interrupting the show!”
Alastor merely shrugged and laughed, the spotlight now on him. He conjured up his microphone staff in his right hand, which glowed red. “How about one joke before the next dance?”
“No dad jokes, get off the stage!” the fox yelled.
Alastor turned to the booing demon. “What time does my radio show start in Hell?”
“No one fucking cares!” the fox yelled.
“6:06…A-M. But thankfully, you won’t have to listen to it.”
He snapped his fingers and the fox demon exploded in a shower of guts and blood. The other demons stepped away from the mess.
Having the time of his afterlife, Alastor smiled even more and held Mimzy and Rosie’s hands. With a wave of his hand, his usual outfit turned into a red suit, and a white undershirt with a black bowtie. He now had black tap dancing shoes plus a top hat complete with stitches and two small pins sticking out.
“Embarrassing fact, I can’t tap dance,” Alastor said under his breath.
“I can teach you how,” Rosie said.
Alastor’s red eyes curved slightly into arches, his smile genuine. “I’d like that very much.”
The jazz band began to play a catchy tune. Alastor stood between the two women.
“I think you may have heard this song on the radio. Ready?”
Mimzy and Rosie nodded, already knowing the lyrics and familiar music.
 Together the trio danced and sang Alastor’s favorite song: “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile.”
 “Hey, hobo man, Hey Dapper Dan
You’ve both got your style
But Brother, you’ve never fully dressed without a smile!”
 “Your clothes may be Beau Brummelly
They stand out a mile
But Brother you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
 “Who cares what they’re wearing
On Main Street or Saville Row
It’s what you wear from ear to ear
And not from head to toe that matters”
 “So, Senator, So Janitor
So long for a while
Remember you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
  After a standing ovation from the audience, Rosie, Mimzy and Alastor sat together in a both. The table in front of them had a white tablecloth over it, though it was smeared with bloodstains. A small vase of black roses was placed in the center of the table.
The brown-haired bipedal ostrich waitress came over and asked them what they’d like to order.
“Rare venison, a side of Jambalaya, and a glass of New Orleans whiskey, 1901,” said Alastor.
“Shrimp Creole with champagne,” Mimzy added.
“Bouillabaisse and a glass of red wine,” Rosie said.
 “Deer meat?” Mimzy asked curiously as the waitress walked away on her long yellow bird legs.  
“Yep. Still got the old hunter in me.”
Alastor mimicked gunshots with his hands and Mimzy giggled.
“I must say, you’re a really good singer, Alastor,” Rosie said, smiling.
“Why thank you kindly, dear.”
“Despite what many may say, even genocidal overlords need some time to unwind and relax.”
“I agree with you there. Say, how did you meet Miss. Mimzy?”
“Strangely enough, at Lilith’s Resist concert,” Mimzy replied. “Rosie wanted to sing a song for Lilith and needed a backup vocalist. Naturally enough, I volunteered.”
“Were you nervous?” Alastor asked.
“Nervous, terrified…and super excited! Me, singing with an overlord and beside the queen! It was too good of an opportunity to waste. Heh, I’m glad I did well on the stage, otherwise Rosie would’ve incinerated me on the spot. People soon heard about my performance and more sinners came over to my jazz club!”
“Oh how wonderful!” Rosie replied. She then sighed. “Nothing out of the ordinary; still beating up my workers with my cattails made from hardened cat tails. (They feel like barbed steel, despite the appearance.) They still moan and complain but it seems to work. Business is business you know. There are those boring overlord meetings, occasionally discussing politics with the Magnes, the whole 66 yards. I bet that someday, my associate Franklin’s gonna get murdered and I’ll be the head of my emporium.”
Alastor laughed. “Oh my, how intriguing. You plan to kill him?”
“No, I’ll let mother nature do the rest.”
“Don’t you mean…stepmother inferno?”
Rosie rolled her eyes. “Puns are not funny.”
“They’re punny to me,” Alastor added. “Such great classics.”
Rosie cleared her throat, “No dad jokes. Please.”
“Aw come on,” Alastor teased in a mocking tone, “I was about to do my “Radio not, here I come” knock knock joke.”
Mimzy crossed her arms. “Spoilers, much?”
 The trio’s dinners had arrived: a large rotten shrimp and clams for Rosie, Creole shrimp with demon bones for Mimzy and a fresh deer head over shrimp, rice, sausage and vegetables for Alastor.
“This is such a splendid meal,” Rosie said, satisfied.
Alastor whipped his face with his napkin. “I agree. Just as tasty as my human victims I ate on Earth. Though I will say, in regards to my…ignorant father, nothing beats the sweet taste of vengeance!”
Mimicking a choking sound, he leaned his entire head backwards with a loud crack and the others laughed.
He repositioned his head back to the front.
  Alastor raised his bottle of whisky as Mimzy and Rosie lifted their drinks.
“To eternal chaos and happiness for us,” said Alastor, “and eternal damnation to our enemies.”
“Here, here!” they all said as their glasses clinked.
 Soon, they had all finished their meals.
Mimzy then took a closer look at Alastor. “You…act familiar. It’s like I’ve known you before.”
Alastor tilted his head slightly. “You don’t say? Because I can say the same about you. I remember this beautiful singer I encountered at a bar in New Orleans. She was confident in her singing and loved doughnuts and desserts?”
“Yes…yes that was me!” she exclaimed. “Heh, being busy in Hell doesn’t give you much time to think about your past life.”
Then her eyes grew wide, suddenly fearful. “You…did you…”
“What?” Alastor asked.
“You were the one will killed me!”
Alastor’s eyes moved off to the side. “No, that was a different Alastor.”
“Phonus balonus!” Mimzy exclaimed in anger. “How many people in New Orleans have such a unique name?”
Alastor shrugged. “A lot, I imagine.”
Mimzy shoved Alastor off to the side and grabbed hold of his fancy red outfit. “Why? Why did you do it?”
“You know… I don’t like…to be touched,” Alastor seethed.
“Answer me!”
Alastor took a breath and removed her hands from his shirt. Memories came flashing back to him. “You were about to call the coppers on me. I knew I’d be caught and my life would be over. I wasn’t in my right state of mind and...”
Alastor stared down at his hands. He hadn’t felt this kind of regret and numbness since he watched his mother die and eat her remains. “Ending people’s lives…it was my only purpose…the one thing I could control besides broadcasting on the radio. I could lash out my frustrations and see results…I felt powerful when I did it, and I still do.”
He paused, unsure of what to say next. He held in his oncoming tears. “I…was holding your body, feeling regret at what I had done…”
Mimzy slowly backed away.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” His voice cracked slightly, despite his smile.
“You just ended my life because you could! I tried to stop you.”
“Sometimes, I wish you would have,” Alastor said softly. Then his regular voice came back, though it didn’t display the usual showiness in it.
“But look at you know. You have a new life here. It’s in Hell, but you’ve made the most of it. You’re a star and everyone knows it. Aren’t you happy with your life here?”
Mimzy shrugged. “It’s still better than death.”
“I didn’t really know if there was going to be an afterlife or not. I…I wasn’t thinking.”
“No, you weren’t.” Mimzy replied. “I lost the Alastor I knew, that day, and…and now he’s gone.”
Tears fell freely from her black eyes. Alastor wiped away her tears with his finger. “I might not be human anymore, but I’m still here. Deep down, I’m still the same entertainer, but more than that, your close friend. I swear by Lucifer that I’ll never harm you again.” He held her hands and she sniffed.
“A-apology accepted.”
Alastor lifted up the corners of her mouth. “Don’t forget to smile, my dear. You’re never dressed without one.”
Mimzy leaned her head into Alastor’s chest, then abruptly sat up, hands on her hips.
“But you owe me…big time. 666 souls, daily groin kicks, plus swimming in the lake of fire.”
Alastor grinned.
“…without extra powers.”
Alastor’s grin shortened.
“So… it’s a deal then?” Alastor asked with a smirk.
She slapped his hand away. “No deals, jackass!”
Rosie’s eyes darted between the two of them. “Okay, this is awkward. Should I leave you two alone?”
“No no no, sweetheart, it’s fine,” Alastor reassured her.
“Don’t forget the midnight overlord meeting tomorrow. Lord Lucifer’s orders,” Rosie mentioned.
“Ugh how boring,” Alastor scoffed. “One of the bad things about my status.”
Alastor and his lady friends talked and enjoyed themselves throughout the night. It was a “dinner date” but it was also a “hanging hang out.” Afterwards. Rosie came up with the name after dinner when the three of them hung other demons from trees.
Soon the three friends embraced (Alastor hugged them, then stood back) and they said their farewells. Although Alastor was tempted to turn them into his slaves, he decided against it. Using his powers on another overlord could prove tricky. And he already made a promise not to hurt Mimzy.
Alastor glanced over at a casino and noticed a black and white cat winning a gambling tournament for the third time in a row. The way the cat moved and gulped down bottle after bottle of booze seemed familiar. A cyclops demon was sitting within the flames of a fireplace inside the building, sewing a quilt.
“Hmm,” Alastor thought. “A Niffty darling…and a Husk of a gambling guy…this should be quite entertaining…”
He finished with a low laugh.
 Next time… “Shady Deals” 1973
 Next time... “Daddy Dearest”
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ichor-hunter · 5 years
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Artemis Blood Code Study- Mia Karnstein
"A blood code received from Mia. It holds a dauntless will to strive to overcome a cruel fate and liberate those who suffer. This code has high stamina and attack-type Gifts, but suffers from low endurance. It also features Gifts that boost drain abilities."
Introduction to Blood Codes and Mia
Blood Codes are the abilities imbued within a Revenant's Blood. Each Blood Code is unique to each Revenant that resides within the Gaol of the Mist. Once a Revenant has awakened from their slumber after the BOR parasite has been placed in them, the blood takes on a Code which I believe derives from the characteristics of that Revenant.
Mia is also a Third Generation Revenant. She awakened after the Queen was slain as seen from Nicola's memories. Mia is devoted to protecting her brother but as she meets MC and the others, she joins their cause to discover more about her brother's memories and helps to save the Successors.
Greek Mythology
Mia's Blood Code is based on the Greek Goddess Artemis.
Artemis is a Moon Goddess who is notably known for her being a huntress and a defender of purity. Most people know her for using a bow and arrow.
She plays a part in the Trojan War of Homer's Iliad and she was on the Trojan's side. Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae killed a sacred deer and dared to boast about his bloodthirst for war and also proclaimed that he bested Artemis herself. Now Artemis like the rest of the Gods and Goddesses was enraged and demanded the sacrifice of his first daughter Iphigenia would appease her. Agamemnon lied to his daughter that she would be married to Achilles but in reality, she was going to be sacrificed instead.
In the end as a protector of women, she took Iphigenia and transported her elsewhere. Artemis replaced Iphigenia with a Stag by the altar.
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Artemis also relates to Heracles 12 labors.
In Heracles' third labor, he was tasked with capturing the Golden Hind (Stag) of Artemis. The main hope was for Artemis to be angered at Heracles for going after her sacred golden deer of hers, which is what ended up happening. Heracles begged her to forgive him and explained to Artemis why he needed to capture the stag. He was commanded to bring the stag to king Eurystheus to make the stag one of his pets. Artemis heard his pleas and forgave him. As long as he lets the stag go she won't harm him. Heracles brought the deer over to the king but knew if he gave the stag to the king, Artemis would harm him in some way. Quick on his feet, he told the king he'll give the deer to the king if the King comes out and gets the deer for himself. He agreed. Of course the minute the king walked to the stag, the stag ran back to Artemis.  
Similarities between Mia and Artemis
Artemis is a divine huntress, Mia is a Revenant that hunts the Lost. Artemis cares and protects wildlife, nature and women and children. Mia's brother Nicola is her life, and she was willing to steal blood beads from other Revenants to ensure his survival.
In Greek lore, Artemis and Hephaestus are in fact siblings. While there's not much interaction between them in mythology, it makes sense that Rin gets along with Mia so well since Rin holds the Hephaestus blood code. They're both close in age and this helps Mia transition better with the crew at home when she joins them.
A really intriguing point to mention is that Davis holds the Hermes blood code and Hermes in Greek Mythology is also Artemis' sibling. Sadly, they don't really interact in the game but it demonstrates how they would have a good friendship with each other. They both have a similar way of seeing things through so if these two were to interact, it would be in respectful terms.
"It holds a dauntless will to strive to overcome a cruel fate and liberate those who suffer." This connects with Artemis' compassion towards humans. Seeing how Artemis was willing to switch Iphigenia with a stag even though she demanded the sacrifice in the first place? Or she relented with Heracles pleas when he begged for Artemis not to slay him where he stood?.
Artemis is a Goddess who empathizes and shows pity and the same goes for Mia. Out of anything in the world, she would never want her brother to suffer. That's why she desperately incorporated Carmilla's teachings to her everyday survival. Artemis and Mia have a sense of stubbornness when it comes to the things they want to protect but they know when to do things fairly when they see things from both perspectives.
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Mia’s weapon is a bayonet, Artemis' weapon is the bow and arrow. Both of them have long-ranged weapons that they use in their battles.
Mia was willing to hunt other Revenants down for their blood beads to save Nicola and Artemis has no hesitation to bring down punishments to those who cross her for a good reason. They always do things for the greater good. When Mia partied with MC and crew, her mission of saving the successors became a part of her journey and her character. Not only did she want to save Nicola, she wanted to help the other Successors that were suffering, just like Nicola. That humility also attributes to Artemis as well.
Interestingly enough, the two stories from Artemis' mythology both feature Stags. The first one being the story of the Trojan War. Artemis was enraged at the king of Mycenae when he killed one of her stags. Alternatively, in the beginning, Mia is enraged at Jack for killing Nicola. The difference as we know that Jack didn't 'kill' Nicola out of pure bloodthirst, it's aligned with his duty. However, the King of Mycenae just did it just to pacify his ego.
The second lore is when Heracles ends up saving the stag he tried to capture by letting it escape from the king and allowing it to go back to Artemis. Similarly, the MC saved Nicola from his frenzy and allowed Mia and Nicola to reunite.
The unique part is that just as Artemis closely cares for nature and Stags (and they’re usually symbolic to her), Mia cares a lot for her younger brother Nicola. If we take a closer look at Nicola's Successor design, he has two antlers as if he's a Stag.
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Artemis’ Gifts
Focused Gift Speed-Increases the speed of your Gifts while you are focused.
Shock Web-Manipulates ichor to create a low-power trap at your feet that staggers any assailants.
Dexterity/Willpower Up-Increases dexterity and willpower.
These Gifts of Mia's involves the skillsets of Artemis'. Having a great amount of speed, a trick or trade to stall your prey (web) and having the dexterity and the willpower to keep up with an opponent would be similar to the features Artemis exhibits as a goddess.
Bloodsucking Blades-Temporarily increases the drain rating of weapon attacks for you and your partner.
In Greek Mythology, the only warrior that Artemis approved of and hunted with was Orion. For those who aren't aware of their story, Artemis and Orion were companions and possibly lovers. Their story ends in various ways with mainly Orion dying because either Artemis defending herself from him or the other gods who tried to protect Artemis' chastity and wanted to rid of Orion. Mia will not kill you of course, but this Gift could probably related to Artemis' relation with Orion and how they would hunt together and gave each other strength.
Fusillade Rondo-Fire a barrage of homing bullets. An offensive skill performed with Bayonet.
Bayonet Mastery-Increases attack power when equipped with a bayonet.
Blood Grab- Dodging enemy attacks drains their ichor according to your weapon's drain rating.
These Gifts are aligned with Artemis's proficiency as a Huntress. For Fusillade Rondo, Fusillade means "A series of shots fired in rapid succession" and Rondo is a musical term that's utilized in a concerto/sonata and instrument composition, it's used in a refrain four times. Bayonet Mastery is simple since Artemis is a master at using her weapon so it makes sense that Mia has this Mastery Gift. Blood grab could relate to Artemis' dexterity in general when facing her opponents.
Ice Armor-Temporarily creates a barrier around you and your partner that boosts ice resistance.
Freezing Roar-Fires a projectile of freezing ice at the target.
Guard of Honor-Generates a number of ice pillars that unrelentingly bombard the target.
In terms of affiliation with the element of ice, there isn't much correlation to go by asides from Artemis' (possible) personality since she is a goddess that only favors wildlife, nature, and women and can easily be enraged at injustice. The properties of Armor, the Roar and the Guard of Honor, each of them can relate to Artemis and how she protects herself. Ever Hunter/Huntress would require some form of Armor, the Roar could represent her ties with the animals and nature itself, and the Guard of Honor metaphorically displays Artemis' allegiance with the system of justice and how she would target those who would go against it.
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Concluding Thoughts
Mia is a really strong character, and I think this Goddess is a perfect choice as her blood code. I'm not too sure about her alternate Astrea's Blood Code at this point, but with how everything fits in with the story Artemis is the way to go. I was excited to type Mia's blood code analysis, the ideas in my head just kept pouring in with how her lore mixes in so well with how they designed Nicola. This is brilliant. It's the little things in character designs that make me so amazed at times. Even when I first played CV I never thought of these details until I started looking back on it. I can understand why Mia is highlighted a lot and I honestly enjoy how her side of the story played out and her contribution to the crew back at home base. She's a very warm character that is always there to support MC and the others, and I hope she and Nicola can continue to be happy.
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