#the fact that no one died is a genuine miracle
nerdyfangirlingbooks · 8 months
Hot take but maybe if drivers are throwing up in their helmet mid-race, constantly opening their visors for air, subsequently getting a face full of sand, retiring because they feel too sick, feeling like they're about to faint during the race, driving with no hands to try get better airflow, unable to see properly around high speed corners from blurry vision, physically unable to get themselves out of their cars at the end, passing out in the medical centre post race, and being taken straight to the ambulance after the race, the race should have been stopped?
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12am incoherent Spider rant incoming:
The fact that a huge portion of Spider fans sympathise with him because they had similar family experiences in life is low-key making me feel kinda weird about people who hate him. Like let us recap the events real quick-
Like why do you hate a kid who did more to keep the Na’vi safe than Jake through the entire movie? “They’re after us” ok? This is not just about you dumbass it’s a whole-ass war, the RDA will still want to find the rest of your tribe because they want to ERADICATE your people 😐 the fact that it took him MONTHS to realise that running will not save anyone is 😬 (though I can get behind it bc family and all)
How is it that a goddamn 16 year old was the one who carried the good guy team??? 😐😐😐 he saved tribes from getting murdered, like literally, Tonowari said that no one had died, WONDER WHY???? DO Y’ALL THINK QUARITCH WAS NICE OUTTA NOWHERE???
And then he sunk a ship. HE SUNK A SHIP BY HIMSELF????
“He backstabbed them” I know you’re not blaming him for it when Neytiri exists 🧍 bestie outright REFUSED to help a literal child and didn’t bat an eye when he got captured. I can get behind her putting a knife to his throat in a rush of emotion but to very clearly ABANDON him? Fuck off. If her active decision to leave him behind didn’t turn into the reef Na’vi’s literal saving grace I’d be hating on her so actively.
“He saved his homocidal dad after he promised to murder his family” first of all the Sullys NEVER adopted him and it’s made abundantly clear. You sound like a gaslighter when you use that rhetoric. 😐📸
And secondly — HELL YEAH HE DID???? I would too if I was him and so would you and so would we all because Miles is the first grown up who GAVE A SHIT. MILES GENUINELY CARED. “It’s morally wrong” NO CAP 😀😀😀 NO ONE SAYS IT WAS RIGHT BUT THE KID HAD A SPLIT SECOND TO MAKE A DECISION AND HE CHOSE NOT TO BE A MURDERER.
You know what else is morally wrong tbw? Neglecting a child for 16 years.
“B-but they had no obligation to take care of a human kid—” cry me a fucking river 😐 what they want or not doesn’t fucking matter when we are talking about the mental health of an actual living breathing being. They ALL (the scientists, the Sullys and even the mf McKoskers or whatever the hell their last name is) were morally obligated to give that kid the best they could to ensure that he wouldn’t turn out like his father BECAUSE THEY’RE ADULTS.
The fact that their collective neglect DIDN’T blow up in their face is a pure miracle. Thant kid had every right to turn evil and burn the village that rejected him to feel it’s warmth but he DID NOT. In fact he is so goddamn kind and compassionate that he sees good even in a piece of shit monster like Quaritch.
It’s mind-blowing when we consider the lack of parental love and guidance throughout his life.
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☝️ THIS is the kid you’re hating on???? Bc it’s starting to look suspiciously toxic 👀💅
Pay my boy some respect. He was a literal hero and y’all act like the Omatekaya, ignoring whatever good he might do and then point fingers at him when he does something morally questionable LIKE ITS NOT JAKES FAULT??? LIKE THE REST OF THE ADULTS ARE NOT AT FAULT TOO??
Neglect makes people vulnerable. Vulnerable enough for an asshole to swoop in and manipulate them and it is only thanks to Spider’s unyielding loyalty and heart that neither Ardmore, nor Miles had pulled anything out of him in MONTHS of captivity. They had NO idea where Jake or Omatekaya were until Norm fucked it all up with his trackable ship.
Listen I love all the blorbos, but the parents dug their own grave so to speak. You fumble the bag repeatedly and then get surprised when it flies into your face? 🤨
Anyway, I’m out. Might delete this later idk.
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yhwhsdaughter · 16 days
Broken Promises
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Gojo Satoru x Reader
The Gojo siblings were like night and day.
When the youngest, Satoru, was born- the balance of the world shifted. Two years earlier, his sister was brought into existence- but nothing changed. She had not inherited any of the techniques; in fact, she could not see curses with her nearly nonexistent levels of cursed energy.
You turned at his voice, watching Satoru slide the door and enter your chambers, “I bought that kikifuku you wanted.”
Blinking and head cocked to the side, you thought, When did I ask for that? Satoru found the confused expression on your face a bit cute. In reality, he just wanted to buy the mochi and used it as an excuse to eat them with you.
“Satoru, are you skipping work again?”
Your lips twitched into a soft smile.
“Just making sure you’re okay.” He pulled out a chair with a hand, his long legs stretching out. “Say aah..” he chided playfully.
“I’m not a baby...”
It was endearing yet humiliating, being taken care of by your younger brother. Your parents had often tried to keep him from you; as you were a weakness to Satoru.
Satoru stares at you rather seriously, pushing the treat your way, ignoring the way your lips slightly turned downward, “You haven’t been eating.”
“Yes I have..” you tried to explain, doing a poor job at it. Crumbling under his steely gaze, you nipped at the mochi. “It’s good..” if there was anything you shared with your brother, other than blood, was a genuine love of sweets.
Satoru watched the way you ate, the subtle signs of hunger as you licked the cream off the corner of your mouth, the grateful expression as you practically swallowed the kikifuku and reached for another. Even your robe looked bigger on your form. His blue eyes raked over your hair; it’d grown longer and was in an unkempt manner.
“I don’t believe you.”
You, his beloved older sister, were a shadow of your former self. Eight years ago, you were a healthy and happily married woman. Your legs still worked and you wouldn’t collapse from a simple cold.
A mere car crash had ended the life of your husband, and health. Satoru was only nineteen when he’d heard of what happened. Your legs, crushed under the car and punctured lungs- it was a miracle you hadn’t died on the spot.
It was the most impotent he’d felt then.
“It’s just that..”
Satoru’s white brow furrowed. “What?”
Despite possessing the six eyes, he could still not see the fullness of your grief and pain. “The servants… they sometimes.. forget to bring… the meals..” you grasped the sheets, head bowed in embarrassment, feeling like a child telling on a bully. Your head snapped upwards, “..But it’s okay..! I’m sure they’re very busy and don’t mean to..-”
“They don’t care about you.” He cut off, stating it plainly. “I’m the only one who does, and I’m busy too.” Satoru wished he could have you with him at all times but it was just not possible.“I can’t be here always. You need to start taking care of yourself, [Name].”
You looked down. “I know… sorry for burdening you, Satoru.” As the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, Satoru was vital to the safety of jujutsu society which meant that people with greater need than you, required his help.
“Please focus on your job, Satoru. Don’t worry about me, I will be fine…”
“You’re not burdening me.” His hand reached forth, enveloping your wrist in his grip. “I worry because I see how weak you are.” You felt warmth creeping up your neck. “That’s rude…”
“I’m not trying to be kind.” Satoru said with a shrug. Despite his irrevocable fondness of you, he could be really blunt which often brought a certain sting to it.. being scolded by a younger sibling always chipped at the ego of an older sibling.
“I hope you don’t talk this way to everyone… how else will you make friends?”
“I don’t intend to make friends,” he responds. “My priorities are different.” Of course, Satoru had more enemies than allies to a certain point. Still, because of his responsibilities and strength, you feared that he was in this unreachable position where very few could even hope to find. He had this… wall, around his heart and it wasn’t because of his limitless.
You sighed, looking out the window. “Well, I wish I had friends..”
After the incident that left you bedridden, it was difficult to keep in contact with your friends. Not that you blame them… they insisted in coming over for months, but were harshly turned away by those at the gate so eventually they gave up. You’d occasionally text, but it was painful—seeing them all create memories in which you didn’t appear. You were a mere spectator in their lives.
“You have me.”
You know he meant that comfort you, but… “It’s different.”
“A friend can betray you any day.” Was he referring to what happened with Geto? “You’re stuck with me.” His fingers absentmindedly played with your hair and there was a moment of silence between you both.
“You know you can ask me for anything, right?”
“What?” Satoru tilts his head. “I said, you can ask me for anything.” He playfully pulled on one of your strands, grinning.
You blinked before earnestly answering, “Take me outside.” You were generally forbidden from going outside because of your tendency to get ill easily. And, no one wanted to bother with you.
Satoru felt a small pang in his chest, his fists tightening. He stared at his sister’s kind smile and wanted nothing more than to make her happy. The sun would hurt her eyes and the wind would give her chills, but when she asked him with that expression, there was no way Satoru could say no.
Satoru made a big deal out of it, choosing to show you a fun time rather than let you see his frown, reveling way you whined when he shoved a sweater over your head and threw some fluffy socks on your face. “Hey-!” Once Satoru was sure you wouldn’t freeze, he squatted in front of your bed, letting you slowly hang off his back, your arms wrapping around his neck gently.
He couldn’t see your face but he imagined the expression you made after softly gasping as he carried you outside, sun warming your skin despite the small puffs of cold air coming from your mouth.
You’d spent so much time in the confines of your room, that you hadn’t even realized what season it was. Satoru took the both of you to a bench, sweeping off the snow with a hand before sitting you down.
The two of sat, side by side, staring at the garden of the Gojo estate covered in snow. You fumbled, taking off one of the mittens that Satoru had forced on you. Sticking out your palm, you grinned, watching the snowflakes falling onto your skin. Despite the cold seeping into your bones, you looked to the sky.
Satoru watches you closely, a fond expression on his face as he witnesses the innocence of your actions. He’s too aware of every delicate detail, from every hair sticking out to every rise and fall of your chest. “Do you feel cold? You’re trembling.”
“I’m fine…” frosty puffs emitted from your mouth, but the twinkle in your eye never faded despite—yes, trembling as Satoru said.
He, too, looked up. It wasn’t anything new, nothing that he appreciated except the woman next to him. “I wish I could get better…” You were tired of living in a box of a room, that kept you contained.
Your face shifted towards him. “Hey, Satoru.” He looked at you. “Let’s make a promise.”
He felt the coldness of your exposed hand on his ice-pink cheek as your pretty features twisted in a serious manner. “Let’s live long lives… the two of us.”
Satoru had a ghost of a smile, “Yeah..”
The two of you stayed there for a while, enjoying the snow and each other’s company.
Gojo, [Name]. Age 29. Deceased after a complication in the respiratory tract infection after catching a cold. (Pneumonia)
Gojo, Satoru. Age 29. Deceased after battling Sukuna, where he sustained mortal injuries. (Cut in half)
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fruitysoupy · 4 months
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100 years later I finally drew all of my AU Links
Say hello to my lads! They're going to be in a comic I've been scripting and planning for about a year now I think? I'm calling it Link and the Links, latl for short!
More info under the cut :]
(please don't tag as LU/Linked Universe!!)
The Plot
The Links find themselves in a mysterious forest that seems somewhat familiar to all of them yet none of them know where they are. Now they have to work together to find their way home. On the way they'll discover a thing or two about each other and grow closer!
The Cast
I could talk about these guys for hours, but to keep it digestible I'll make it short
A bit of info before I get into it - all of them are taken from different points in time after the end of their adventure(s)!
Birdie (Skyward Sword)
Roughly 6 hours after defeating Demise
The start of it all. Unbeknownst to himself and the others, the space they find themselves in was created out of his desire to meet the heroes after him. He feels terribly guilty about the curse and very much blames himself for the possible suffering of future heroes. His main goal is to check up on everyone and help where he can!
Grasshopper (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask)
4 days after leaving Termina
Somewhat disoriented after his journey still, he tags along simply because he thinks Birdie is an idiot who would get lost without him. He doesn't talk a whole lot but he likes listening to other people's stories
Seagull (Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass)
6 months after leaving the domain for the ocean King
He's a real genuine pirate, yarr!! Or so he'd like you to believe. He talks a great deal about his strength and bravery, but really is just afraid and terribly homesick most of the time. He wants to fit in with Tetra's and her crew's toughness so much he might go a little overboard on the act in a way that may or may not end up biting him in the butt.
Choo (Spirit Tracks)
6 months after peace returned to new Hyrule
He wouldn't call himself a hero, in fact he'd say it's a miracle he made it out alive. Self-esteem and confidence really aren't his strong suits, he often finds himself dragged along and unable to say no. He is very friendly however, and if you just give him a little space he might even open up to you.
Wolfie (Twilight Princess)
4 years after defeating Ganondorf
Left Ordon after intrusive thoughts convinced him he was a danger to his village, now works at Telma's bar as a waiter in exchange for a room. He's responsible well liked, though he's not too fond of himself. He has some complicated feelings about the whole turning into a wolf thing
Apple (A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Link's Awakening)
Just a few seconds after Koholint disappeared
From one dream right into the next (sorta?) he's understandably disoriented at first. He pushes that aside pretty much immediately though, much more interested in getting to know everyone. He's a kind and soft spoken, weirdly wise sort of guy and near instantly becomes the heart of the team
Wallflower (A Link Between Worlds)
4 years after wishing upon the triforce with Zelda
Bitter doesn't even begin to describe this uh.. Pleasant fella. After being bossed around for the better part of his life he doesn't take orders from anybody and is this close to quitting his job as a blacksmith. He hates being stuck here, he hates these strange people, really there's not much he doesn't hate. But that can't be all there is to him...
Puzzle (The Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link)
1,5 years after waking Zelda II
Confused, disoriented, but still happy to help and ready for adventure. Though some of the others don't really like him around he's still just as friendly to everyone. Since he struggles to communicate he tends to stay quiet. He appears to be simple minded on first glance, but he'll prove to be a valuable member of the team.
Sprout (Minish Cap)
13 years after defeating Vaati
After his grandfather died he retreated into his house and dedicated himself to improving his blacksmithing skills to live up to his grandfather's name, he was quickly forgotten by his community and faded into obscurity. Now he may be the best blacksmith in Hyrule, so good that even the royal guard hires him, but among the general castletown population he's nothing more than a forest cryptid. He only leaves the house when he has to, carefully avoiding people. Not because they disgust him, he just has a major case of social anxiety!
Squire (Breath of the Wild)
3 years pre calamity
This absolute rascal couldn't be happier about his current circumstances. These unknown woods are his playground and all of these weirdos are his friends now! Though everyone's pretty sure he's a knight trainee, he insists that he's just a stable hand for the guard. His chaotic and carefree nature surprisingly doesn't get in the way of things as he's eager to help out wherever he can, seeing the whole journey as an impromptu camping trip.
Some funfacts :]
Most of them are neurodivergent in some way!
Birdie and Seagull have ADHD, Grasshopper and Choo are autistic, Squire gets the combo platter AuDHD and Wolfie has OCD
Additionally, Birdie has auditory processing disorder and dyscalculia, and Squire has dyslexia
A few of them also have speech disorders
Choo stutters and Puzzle has cluttering speech disorder
Apple has a weak voice, so after a while his voice gets tired and gets hoarse
Choo enjoys drawings and cartography, two skills that will be very important!
One of Seagull's hobbies is photography! He takes his pictobox everywhere
Wolfie also does entertainment at the bar from time to time! He sings or does card tricks
Sprout knows HSL (hylian sign language) because his grandfather was deaf
Seagull's piratey way of talking is 100% for show and painfully inconsistent
Wolfie speaks in a thick southern (in universe ordonian) accent but he's trying hard to mask it since he moved to castletown
Wallflower absolutely hates Puzzle
Squire's special interest is horses
Birdie is a bit of a doormat so he has the ideas but Wolfie is the one to actually get them through
A number of them are blood related (has nothing to do with the colours of their names in this post, I had to reuse some because there weren't enough orz)
That's all I have for you today! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! :]
If any of you have any questions about my Links or AU you'd like answered, my inbox is open!
Have a lovely day everyone!
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useramor · 1 year
buck saying “it’s all a gift” feels very……not genuine. at all. it feels like an echo of his mom calling him a miracle baby. like he needs to appreciate and love his life simply because of the slim odd that he is there to live it. instead of appreciating it and loving it and living for maddie for eddie for chris for bobby for jee yun for the entire 118 for everyone who loves him and who he loves in return. and then we have buck and natalia. natalia, whose entire attraction to him and intrigue stems from the fact that buck beat those odds. and she knows him, seems to get him, but the person she seems to understand is one who is “friends” with death, one who talks about his experiences lightly. not the person who has been haunted by grief his entire life. not the person who has only ever chased death as punishment. not the person who died and hasn’t been able to talk about it. because he’s so far from being friends or acquaintances. death is an angry ghost that follows him around. i’m not so sure he thinks it’s a gift, you know? i think he wants to find good in it so so bad, because he survived. somehow. and he’s got ptsd and this unsettled feeling in his chest but it can’t possibly be all bad, right? except he’s looking for that good in all the wrong places, when eddie is right there. patient and waiting and kind. taking him out to get him to see there’s a bright side to all of this, who gets buck smiling and all dressed up. out of his head for just a night. eddie who opens the door with a smile and listens when buck talks, really listens and opens up himself because he knows that’s what buck needs. because he recognizes he’s changed, but he still sees so much good in buck. always has. still leaves him and chris alone to bake a thousand cookies. still teases him. still gives him space until he feels okay to talk. because buck might not be the buck he used to be, but eddie will love him anyway.
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fluffysucker · 9 months
Fine Line
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Mob Au)
' We'll be a fine line. We'll be alright.'
A/N: I'm so sorry for the long delay. I have been having the busiest of days but I finally have some time off which I'm hoping can get me to write more. Anyway so thank you so much for being so nice.
This is supposed to be the last chapter but I got carried away and hopefully the last one will be out soon.
Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me
TW: Violence. Threats. Cursing. LMK if I forgot something,
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist.
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It was war, and you knew it. All of you did. But it was inevitable. There was no escape or an easy way out. One had to go down once and for all. You wished it would be them, but you could only pray they didn't drag you along.
A bit of time had passed. You were still staying with Bucky. Whenever you brought up leaving or finding somewhere else, he immediately turned the idea down. He never got bored of reminding you that he couldn't let you go, and it was his fight as well. He's got you now.
And he did. He took good care of you. You were well-nourished and fully rested. You didn't lift a finger. The maid and housekeepers were very happy to have you back. They didn't need Bucky to swear them to secrecy. They could tell that nobody should know you were with Bucky, and despite not being part of the mob, they understood why. And they didn't want to be the ones to compromise your safety. They liked you too much.
Along with the food and sleep, Bruce stopped by every couple of days to check on you and change the bandages on your wounds and stitches. He also kept giving you medications, which helped greatly with your recovery.
Since you got married to Rumlow, this was the longest you felt physically fine. And emotionally as well. Having Bucky within arms reach and getting to keep his company once again has been doing miracles for your mental health. You felt almost pathetic at how much you were genuinely feeling better.
The way Bucky treated you was a surprise. You expected some sort of resentment or bitterness, or at the very least, awkwardness. He tried to stop you from getting deeper into the darkness, and you didn't listen, thinking you were protecting him. Yet here you were. Dragging him further into a mess he never signed up for, seeking his protection
But all you saw were adoration in his eyes, kindness in his words, tenderness in his touch, and delicacy in his actions. It was a pleasant surprise.
You never talked about your current situation or even your history. But the love that connected the both of you was undeniable. He may not have said the words again, but Bucky's behaviour spoke louder than any words. The fact that he was risking it all for you showed his true feelings for you, which never died. The feelings that you deeply reciprocated
You couldn't help but feel a heavy feeling in your heart at how you turned his life upside down. One phone call in the middle of the night put this burden on his shoulders. No matter how much he said it was okay, you couldn't help but feel like you were an obstacle he needed to overcome.
However, he never once made you feel like you were trouble. On the contrary, Bucky provided soft, sweet feelings that you could swear you forgot they existed. It was the ease of hanging out with him. The peacefulness of his company. The compassion in his actions. The great care he put into everything for you. The comfort of falling asleep, held by arms that could never hurt you. A silent tradition the two of you developed that made sharing a bed the rule, not the exception. It wasn't shocking when your demons haunted you fearlessly at night or how your nightmares counted the seconds until attacking you in the deep darkness of the night. It wasn't unexpected or new for this to happen. However, this time, you had a knight in shining armor. Your own knight in shining armor A man your heart loved so much that your nightmares couldn't win.
You didn't need to ask. After finishing his nighttime routine, Bucky would join you in your room, getting in bed with you. You thought he was doing this out of the goodness of his heart after your breakdown on the third day here. Your terrified screams and wailing sobs had rung through the floor you shared. It was all catching up to you. The pain. The hurt. The betrayal. The fear. You were finally letting yourself feel it all. And it wasn't just the murder intention in cold blood. It was unfairness that had been your life for so long now. All the strain you had to endure. All the emotions you bottled in.
You were weeping and close to hyperventilating. Only once did you feel Bucky's arms around you were you consoled, pulling you into his lap and rubbing his hand all over your back and thighs while trying to get you to breathe slowly. Even after catching your breath, his gentle voice didn't stop whispering soothing things into your ears. You knew you should have moved once your sobs were reduced to sniffles, but you didn't find it in yourself to do so. You could only wrap yourself more tightly around him, gripping his shirt firmly in your fists. His voice and touch were grounding you, keeping you afloat away from the pain.
After that, Bucky didn't need you to vocalize it. He understood. So he came to you every night. It didn't make the terror stop. You had so much unpacked to just go away. But every time your mind betrayed you and was to throw you into panic, your tensed body would instantly relax against Bucky's strong hold, who pulled you closer to him once he felt the tension in your body. It was like he knew how to calm you down immediately. And he did. He was your safe place. Your fortified castle.
You were extremely thankful, thinking he was doing another good deed for you. The truth is, it was never just for you. Bucky felt a sense of stability and security having you in his arms, so close to him. He wanted to feel you beside him. He needed to know that he was the one taking care of you. He needed to be sure you were okay. Two years of radio silence between the two of you, then finding out what you had to go through, did this to him.
It would have been easy to let yourself get tricked by the restful atmosphere Bucky created, but you knew better. This wasn't a vacation. This was the quiet before the storm. And you knew Bucky was working on something. But he tried his hardest to keep his promise to keep you away from all this mess. Whenever you asked, he didn't give you answers. You told him you had to know at some point. Despite how much he hated it, he knew you were right.
So you embraced yourself when one of the housemaids told you that Bucky was waiting for you in his office. Pulling all your strength to knock on his door. A breath of relief escaped you once Bucky's voice reached your ear. If Bucky was there, you would be fine. That is the only thing you were so sure of.
Bucky got up from his seat after you entered the office, preferring to stay close to you as long as you were here. A smile made its way to your face when you noticed Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson sitting on the chairs in front of Bucky's desk. Being Bucky's most trusted men and his long-term bestfriends, you were familiar with them. Years ago in your dating days, when Bucky first introduced you to them—if you can call catching you cuddling on the coach with face masks and your hair in towels and watching rom-coms an introduction—you were waiting for the rudeness and unacceptance. But it never came. Instead, you got a family. Both men were so welcoming, treating you like a sister. Like you were one of them. So you were happy to see them again, feeling even more secure now.
Bucky led you to the coach, where he sat next to you. Then they started talking. Telling you everything. And you listened. They gave you all the information they were able to find, hoping you could help them connect the dots and figure out your father and husband's plan. And you didn't hesitate to offer all you knew.
It went on for days. Bucky would call you into his office every now and then. You would have long conversations, and they would ask you even general questions, trying to form a better idea out what was happening. Until Rumlow and Pierce pulled a card that exposed their whole game to Bucky. 
So when Bucky called you in this day, you couldn't hide your unease once you took in all the new people joining in. Bucky's hand never left yours, a sign that he was right here. He tried to delay this meeting as much as he could, refusing to risk your safety, even if he trusted every single person in this room. But it couldn't wait anymore. They need to move fast.
You didn't speak a word as Bucky explained everything to you. Listening and taking everything in. Everything makes so much sense now. You had been the pawn for far longer than you knew. You were played for a fool. A mixture of anger and sadness ran through your veins, making you agree to Bucky's plan right away. He reassured you that you could turn it down and they would figure something else out, but you didn't. You wanted this to be over.
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You were declared dead.
It was a weird feeling. On paper, you were gone. In their minds, they had won. However, they were about to be proven wrong. It's the day you've been waiting for yet somehow dreaded the most.
Bucky kept you by his side all morning for both of your sakes. Both of you are praying for the same outcome. The only outcome you can accept You and Bucky stayed together until the last minute possible. Until you had to move.
Everyone was in position. Most of Bucky's men were out of the house or well hidden, so it would look normal. Only Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Natasha were in the house. and, just like expected, at night. Loud footsteps and angry groans were echoing around the house.
Breaking into the house, a very furious Alexander Pierce and out of his mind Brock Rumlow, along with dozens of their men, walked into the house like they owned it.
"BARNES." Rumlow shouted, looking for the man he hated the most.
Keeping his confident, cold composure, Bucky walked out of his office, followed by Steve, Sam, and Natasha.
"That's not a nice way to visit someone." Bucky came to a stop in front of them.
"I'm going to kill you." Brock moved to attack Bucky, only to be stopped by Pierce's hand on his chest.
"How long have you been planning for this?" Despite his calm voice, Pierce was fuming.
"I wasn't planning for anything." This was going to be a long conversation, and Bucky wanted them to be the ones talking the most.
"Cut the bullshit, Barnes." Rumlow tried to move towards Bucky again but was stopped by Pierce again.
"I don't know what you want." Bucky was holding his ground, sticking to the plan.
"You robbed us." Rumlow shouted, anger coating his voice.
"I don't think so." Bucky enjoyed watching the two men lose their minds.
"DROP THE ACT, BARNES." Pierce's voice rang in the house, making all eyes turn to him. Not a single noise other than the unsteady breathing.
"I have been waiting my whole life for this moment. The moment I get back what I deserve. What had always been mine. So I will be damned if I let you play me like this." Pierce moved forward to stand closer, finally digging into the real issue.
"You mean what was hers all the time?"
"It was never hers. She was nothing and deserved nothing. This is my whole life's work. She shouldn't have gotten anything from it."
"Yet her mother left her everything."
"It was a mistake. My wife's only and last mistake A mistake I have been trying to change for so long now."
The piece of information came as a shock to everybody. Alexander Pierce loved his wife so much. They were young lovers. A young, ambitious man who was willing to do anything to get his father-in-law's permission to marry his daughter. Even going so far as to put everything he owned in her name. And he did. And he never changed it. The bigger his empire became, the more his wife had under her name. He loved her enough to trust her.
His wife did love him dearly, but she loved you more. It didn't take Pierce long into the marriage to show his true colors. He was never violent with her or you. However, your mother didn't trust him with you if something were to happen to her. It was distasteful to try and protect your daughter from her own father. But she did.
When Pierce found out his wife left everything he worked so hard to achieve for you, he was raging. It didn't help that he was grieving her and their love as well. His emotions were on high drive. So he channelled them all into hating you and getting back what was his. And all you were told was that your mother left you nothing.
"And marrying her off to Rumlow was going to solve it."
"I had to do something before you would get her to run away with you."
"It has always been about the money for you, hasn't it?"
"Of course it is. Not only did I never want a daughter in the first place, but I got a weak, pathetic excuse for a daughter who could never keep my legacy. My biggest failure in life"
"A stupid bitch who handed you all my wealth"
"I should have listened to him when he said to kill her years ago."
It's infuriating to hear someone talk about you like this when you were nothing but the best. but that was their plan all along. They wanted you out of the picture as quickly as possible so they could have the money. Which is why they had their riot men in the police station to hurry your death announcement. They reported you missing a week ago, and that move exposed everything. Since when do they include the police in their work? However, the fastest way to get your money was a document confirming your passing.
But Bucky was smarter than them. He had you transfer everything to his name before the announcement, making sure to keep the dates unseen on the legal form. And you had no problem doing so. If you trusted Bucky with your life, weren't you going to trust him with money you never knew you had in the first place?
"I just want to know when. When did you get her to sign off on everything for you? I had eyes on her all the time. And she is too dumb and blind to plan something like this on her own." It was Rumlow's turn to ask questions now.
"So, how did you do, Barnes? When did you get our money?"
And that's your sign.
"When you left me to die,"
Your voice echoed through the house as you stepped out of Bucky's office, all eyes turning to you.
"When I found out you wanted me dead my whole life." You came to stop right next to Bucky, in front of your father and husband. Bucky's hand was itching to hold yours, but he knew it wasn't the right call.
"You are supposed to be dead." Rumlow couldn't hide his surprise and shock at seeing you standing in front of him, looking healthier than ever. You were glad Josh wasn't here among the others because you didn't want to put him in a hard spot. He saved your life, and that is not how you repay him.
"Miracles happen. Just like how I survived all your attempts to kill me." Your voice was strong. Stronger than you ever used with either man.
It's important for them to know that you are still alive and well. That their plan failed beyond what they ever thought. That you were finally making your own decisions. Despite how much Bucky hated it, he knew it had to be done.
"And how did he get it? I willingly gave him everything. Because it's my money, and I get to decide what to do with it. Like Mom trusted me with it, I trust him." You were talking to both men.
"I get to make my own decisions, despite how much you like to think you can control me. You can't." You knew you were pushing your luck, but it was now or never.
"You, bitch." Rumlow marched towards you, trying to reach you.
But Bucky was quicker, pushing you behind him, standing tall in Rumlow's face, daring him to come close, daring him to think about touching you.
"Natasha, please take her to her room." Bucky's voice got colder as he called for his friend.
You went with Natasha as planned, putting all your efforts into not squeezing Bucky's hand before going upstairs.
"Oh, she has a room now." Rumlow's remark was sarcastic but so angry.
"Always had. Always will have." There was no point in hiding it anymore. They already knew. It was now time to see how much you really meant to him.
"What exactly are you expecting to happen now, Barnes? We are going to walk out and accept defeat. You aren't that stupid." Pierce said angrily. The sight of you alive and breathing was aggravating.
"Actually, that's exactly what you will do if you want to walk out of here alive." There was no way they were walking out of here alive, but Bucky liked to play.
"Oh, we are walking out of here alive. You are the one who will never see the sun again. And let me tell you how I waited for this moment.."Rumlow's didn't affect Bucky's in the slightest.
Rumlow's command to his men was loud enough for everybody to hear. But none moved.
"Did you all go deaf? I said, Kill them all." Rumlow repeated his order.
"What do you want us to do, boss?" One of the men asked
"We said kill them." Pierce shouted as he and Rumlow turned to look at their disobedient men.
"Take them outside. The rest of the men will tell you where to take them."
Pierce and Rumlow's heads almost flew off their bodies with how fast they swung to look at Bucky, who was smirking. It was the moment he was waiting for.
"What? Surprised?. Of course, your men aren't loyal to you. You aren't the least bit decent to deserve anyone's loyalty."
"Unlike you, they are smart men who knew how to pick the right side.
"You, on the other hand, are not so smart."
"You should have never walked in here. You should have never shown your faces."
Bucky moved to stand right in their faces, enjoying every bit of this. Especially seeing the two men crumble under him.
"You should have never let your ego make you think you could win. Think that you even had a chance."
"I'm going to make you regret everything. I'm going to make you pay for everything." Bucky was stressing over every word leaving his mouth, his cold stare like daggers.
His next words were more for Brock Rumlow.
"Especially messing with my girl."
"For every time you made her cry, I'm going to hurt you worse. For every time you laid a hand on her or touched a strand of her hair, I'm going to tear you apart. For every scar on her body, I'm going to burn you alive. For every time you hurt her, knowing she is my girl, I'm going to make you wish that I would just kill you."
"I'm going to make you pray for death but never get it."
Bucky's demand rang through space, and quickly, the men surrounded Pierce and Rumlow, outnumbering them and dragging them outside the mansion with both men's protests and failed attempts to escape. It was all in vain. They lost. They fell, and they shall never arise again.
Steve and Sam followed the men out, making sure Pierce and Rumlow were taken care of until Bucky had the right time for them. They patted Bucky's shoulder before leaving, happy that it all worked out as planned, knowing how much this meant to him.
There was only one thing left.
Taglist: @ozwriterchick @vicmc624 @pattiemac1 @kandis-mom @dexter99
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orphiczaney · 2 months
uh oh i’ve done it again.
Tumblr media
they’re back, bitches.
yknow what that means? i’m gonna yap about them more.
y’all know that meme that goes “HER pronouns are THEY/THEM!!!” yeah that’s the dynamic between inez and alastor. he hasn’t quite figured out how pronouns work, and inez is very patient with him :]
one day after a long shoot they immediately go to the bar and this conservation ensues:
husk: bad start.
inez: DO YOU PURR???
husk: …why
husk: no-
husk: …UGH fucking fine
speaking of cuddling, inez has in fact done so with angel. they love the chest fluff. honestly, inez has probably cuddled with EVERYONE in the hotel, except for alastor, because other than husk, inez is who most people go to vent to. they are just a very good listener.
they have been hit by approximately 13 different cars. the fact that they are not dead dead is a fucking miracle.
in their life inez was an editor for a big name author, as an attempt to boost their own writing career. unfortunately, their tendency to trip on benadryl to come up with their ideas was their achilles heel, being the thing that killed them.
inez is fascinated by nifty. they just think she is such a silly little creature that they are dedicated to trying to become besties with her.
like real deer, they are incredibly jumpy, and are easily shaken by loud noises. they freeze up when they get startled. because of this they wear sound proof headphones around the hotel, so that the antics of everyone else don’t keep them consistently frozen up. it also means that they are very soft spoken, as even their own voice startles them occasionally. (one time they accidentally dropped something while helping angel clean his room and of course that made them freeze in place. it was the first time angel had seen this happen, and he genuinely thought that they had died again) now this does have very sad implications when you take their relationship with val into consideration, but i’m choosing to keep this post lighthearted, so i won’t get into that
i regret to inform you form you that inez does in fact have four nipples, like real deer.
they have weekly meetings with vaggie to try and improve on their ability to stand up for themself. it is pretty much just a big roleplay session where vaggie pretends to be a Big Mean Guy, and inez tries to speak their mind. it’s kind of working! one time angel was admittedly being a bit of an asshole, sort of undermining inez’s struggles with val, and they WENT OFF ON HIM. they did profusely apologize afterwards for ‘being mean’ and angel had to be like “no, you’re right, stop that, i was being a cunt, always tell me when i’m being a cunt.”
they build legos with sir pentious. he’s like being creative and making his own shit, and inez is just following the instructions to make a big flower :]
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redladydeath · 2 months
Thinking about how though Val and Vel may not acknowledge it (and are still very much hoping for a miracle to happen eventually) they’re both willing to take care of Vox for the rest of their eternity,
Even though it’s a miserable and exhausting experience more often than not. They’re not getting anything out of it. In fact, killing Vox is the most logical option, the pragmatic once.
Heartwarming (heartbreaking?), the worst two people you know are capable of genuine selfless love for an incredibly limited number of people.
They truly are ride-or-dies.
However, that gets me wondering: what will happen once Val dies? Because let's be real, between his canon self and the self-destructive spiral he's in in this AU, he's going to be the first one of the Vees to kick the bucket. How would Velvette handle being left alone to care for an improved, but still very needy Vox? When she's eventually killed, what will become of him? Whoever takes over her empire (or at the very least Vee Tower) will not be willing to do anything for Vox other than put an angelic bullet through his screen. Maybe Charlie and any of the hotel crew who are still around would take him back in but... God, who knows.
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mushiemellows · 1 month
Okay. Okay. In light of the opla news, here is genuinely how I think opla s2 is going to break down (I know everyone has made post like this and I probably have at some point in the past too, but this is my predictions.)
I genuinely don’t think they’re going to do Alabasta. They could do a speed run of enter the grand line to get there, but I don’t think they’ll do that, if the pace of s1 was an indicator. There’s a few reasons but tbh I think the biggest is politics? If I was a Netflix exec and someone asked me to approve a script RIGHT NOW politically, and the script was about resource exploitation in the Middle East, I would uhhh probably reject it. I honestly think they’re going to do Loguetown through Drum Kingdom and leave it there for the moment.
So it would go:
Ep1: Loguetown that uses the character moments to catch us up to speed, get the audience reacquainted with the straw hats, plus smoker, plus put buggy and Alvida back on the board. Smart money is on a barto cameo. If they take their time, really cycle through everyone, episode will prob end with Luffy on the stand. (Smoker gets the logo treatment since buggy already got one lol)
Ep2: escape Loguetown -> reverse mountain -> early laboon. Again, hindsight will add a lot to this, at minimum we’re getting another binks no sake Easter egg, if not a full blown human brook cameo. Episode ends somewhere about 2/3 of the way through them in the whale. I could see them padding this quite a bit, just knowing all we know now. (Laboon gets the logo? Maybe??? I could see them giving it to Roger or Crocus too)
Ep3: Leave Laboon-> a lot of vivi plot -> enter whiskey peak. Party sequence. Start of the night attacks, high tension, zoro fighting the town drawn out into a huge sequence. Like a big ass choreo moment. Probably ends on the “luffy vs zoro” cliffhanger. (Vivi gets the logo)
Ep4: if if if they’re smart, they’re going to have robin in whiskey peak early, not necessarily introduced with Higaram’s assassination attempt. This episode would be quite a lot of her. Rest of the whiskey peak fights, the full baroque works breakdown, the miss all Sunday intro, leaving town, AND her giving the Alabasta vs little garden deal. I think if they’re writing this the way I think they might, she’ll either follow them to little garden OR she’ll be at Drum Kingdom, just to keep her around a bit longer. Like really drive it in that she’s spying on them. (Robin gets the logo)
Ep 5+6: little garden. I don’t think they can do it in 45 minutes, I think they need both parts. (Big brain move with the logo treatments to have one be Dorry and one be Broggy). This is pretty straightforward, idk. Excited to see zoro cut his legs off. Here’s also the start of the crocodile breadcrumbs, but I can see them using Robin as the face of baroque works a little more to utilize the actress.
Ep 7+8: drum island. This way, they only have to animate chopper for 2 episodes, 7 will probably get the basics of the backstory, and 8 will have the rest of how hiriluk dies. We could possibly see some Blackbeard info here. I’m still team “detective pikachu” style chopper. End the season on the Sakura tree happy note, set up early Alabasta. (Chopper gets one logo, Hiriluk or Kureha gets the other) Wapol as the big bad sucks though which is why I can see them injecting either more BW, Smoker, or Blackbeard into Drum.
I think the is season is going to feel a lot like season 1 did, like they’ll have the quick pace of going to a bunch of places the first portion, then 2 longer stories. But I don’t think they’re actually doing Alabasta properly. Also, I think we’ll pull back from Buggy and Garp, but they’ll still have their moments.
I’m pretty firm that I don’t think they’ll ever get past skypeia (a fact that makes me sob for the loss of opla franky but it would be a MIRACLE if we ever even got to w7. But I could see them doing it if they distilled seasons 3 and 4 in a certain manner. I just don’t think it’s likely, knowing how many years this’ll all take at the pace Netflix makes shows. Can talk more about this if someone asks lol). I’d love to be surprised tho.
If they’re still in casting, plus accounting for the writing hiccup of the writers strike in preproduction, we’re probably looking at a late summer 2026 release? It’s a Loooooot of cg though, between Luffy, chopper, little garden, and drum kingdom.
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
I had to write something, I just had to xD
A lil’ silly thingy xD
She was staring.
It was an undeniable fact that Lilith Clawthorne was burning holes in the back of Collector's head. Said star boy was gleefully chatting with Amity and describing something by widely gesturing with hands. Amity was holding a pleasant and patient smile she usually wore with kids in the library. The genuine one that made every kid want to open up to her. It was working wonders with Collector as well. And Titan knows they needed it.
After his attempt to leave and very loud protests from basically all present adults and teary looking Luz and King they carefully snuggled on a couch tightly hugging Francois.
They weren't comfortable. They wanted to be. But now that the adrenalin and fright had died down they were slowly but surely falling back into nervous suspicion. Poor kid.
But back to the nerdy older sister.
Someone naive would have assumed she was strictly against the little god's presence around her family. Eda had heard her story about the short encounter she had with the Collector before she was quickly taken out of commission. Without any fighting chance. Lily was holding a brave face but Eda knew the worry wrinkles when she saw them.
She wasn't that loud when everyone protested against the star child’s attempt to fly away, but she wasn't protesting against him staying here either.
Maybe because she knew they had nowhere else to go. Or maybe she was too preoccupied with her crazy discussion with Hooty. It didn't matter in Eda's book.
No. She would recognise that intense look, that spark, that hunger. For knowledge.
Collector was a bottomless mine full of everything Lilth dreamt about and never dreamt to dream about.
After learning that the Collector was alive and running well before the Boiling Isles Titan became the Boiling Isles Lilith couldn't help but keep throwing little glances Collector's way. She thought she was being sneaky. She was not, not for Eda.
Thankfully Lily kept her distance. Eda would have liked to pretend she was doing it for kid's sake rather than her own nervousness about approaching the little god. Whose eyes looked more and more droopy with every second.
They were half hanged over Amity's shoulder now. She didn't look bothered at all, as if she wasn't in a room full of loud people with someone who played dolls with living beings for months snuggled on her shoulder.
She made an eye contact with Eda.
Welp, that was her cue.
Carefully settling King on the floor with short 'weh' from a little titan, she made her way towards the pair and crouched down. She caught Lilith's glance on her way.
"Someone here looks tired", Eda softly teased, carefully reattaching the kid from Amity and into her own embrace. It was awkward with having just one arm.
Amity shot her an apologetic look, realizing the same, and Eda booped her nose. Mumbled 'm not tired' was the last sign of awareness before the Collector slumped completely.
At least they weren't afraid to be relaxed around Eda.
As Amity sneaked away towards Luz who was happily chatting with her mom, Eda rearranged Collector in her hold and was about to head upstairs before a dark shadow appeared in the corner of her eye.
"Is your tea party already over, Lily?" singsonged Eda fully turning towards her sister who had a bit of a startled look, that was quickly schooled.
"Why yes, Hootsifer was too insistent on adding Hunter to the party and soon all his attention was on the boy. Not that I mind, he is a miracle worker and that kid clearly needs some calming tea."
And yes, in the corner of a room Hooty was pouring yet another cup of hot liquid to heavily flustered Hunter. Eda was sure Willow's tight hold on his elbow had nothing to do with it. Hooty's wiggling eyebrows were also not the case.
Snorting at the picture Eda once again shifted Collector in her arm. He wasn't heavy, yet it was still a struggle to keep him from falling over.
"May I?"
"Sure, go ahead."
In one sweep motion Lilith relocated the star child into her arms. She was much more successful in not letting them hit the floor.
"Comfortable?" teased Eda seeing the droplets of sweat being formed.
"Most certainly."
Ah it was always a joy getting those silly little reactions.
"No need to get all scarlet embarrassed on me!"
Eda waved at her and led the way towards her room. It still had the nest after Raine had their well-needed rest. Dang they really needed to get all their stuff back. That coach in the living room was barely breathing in the first place.
It was still odd seeing her home so empty and gray. Devoid of life and presence. The happy chittering from the first floor uplifted her clouded mood. Things are just that: things. As long as she had her loved ones by her side, nothing could bring her down.
Eda quickly made her way to her room, opening the door and letting Lily in, and gracefully helped her struggling sister to carefully put the child down into a crispy nest where they snuggled comfortably before stilling yet again.
Heavy sleeper, huh?
Lily was still here. Welp.
"I am sure I don't need to tell you not to bother the kid with your questions, right? At least not right away?" she said, trying to sound light hearted.
Sure they had some nice time with the kid, but everything was a new territory right now and Eda would have liked to settle a new norm first and she wasn't sure how her sister's nagging would affect them.
Lily predictably shot her a scandalized look.
"I would never!- Although I wouldn't mind sooner than-"
"Thousands years, Edalyn! Thousands! Do you have ANY idea what value this kind of information has?! The history of-"
"Yes-yes, bla-bla-bla, nerd stuff. All I care about right now is to get this kid comfortable enough to trust us and rely on us. You just..."
Deep breath.
"You didn't see them, Lily. They didn't look like some terrifying mastermind who was terrorizing the Isles for funsies! Actually I am sure they did have their fun, but my point is: they looked scared and lost. They were sad and confused. And all I want is to give them some stability and I have no idea what I am working with!"
The room fell into silence. Not even the happy chatter from below reached them.
Lilith looked stunned watching Eda's tense shoulders. She knew her sister had changed, but she didn't expect her to fall into the guardian role so quickly.
Forcing herself to relax after such a sudden outburst Eda shot her sister a crooked smile. It was a lot. A LOT lot.
After everything they went through, the future had never felt as unstable as now. They won, yet they were walking in the dark.
They got a brand new child with a brand new trauma. And it's not like she could just ask them to list everything bad that had happened to them. She had some vague ideas about their shitty siblings and titan's knows what 'quality' time they had had with Jerklos. Not to mention that they were most likely alone before that pompous jerk had found them. If anything their desperate desire to have friends, even if fake ones, spoke loud and clear.
Lilith's hand woke Eda up from her spiraling thoughts, reminding her where she was. She made a gesture towards her chest and took a deep breath. Eda mirrored after her.
In and out.
In and out.
Giving her a soft sympathetic look Lilith said, "Apologize, sister, I once again... overdid it with my drive and passion and well-" she clasped her hands- "No one is rushing us."
In a second Lily gave her a tight and warm hug, waiting for Eda to curl her own arm around her shoulders. They stood like that for a while, just enjoying being here in this moment, before splitting, coiling smiles on their faces mirroring each other.
"One step at a time."
"Couldn't have said it better myself, sis."
A soft snore caught Eda's attention. Her brand new child was drooling on her nest, mumbling something about bagels in their sleep with the most delightful look on their face.
Soft smile touched Eda's lips.
"One step at a time."
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
GOD! EPISODE 13 IS BITTERSWEET, but I think this is by far the episode where like 80-90% of the scenes were happy. So I love it!
📍I knew they'd find nothing in the panic room, it's kinda frustrating but what's new? At least Hyun-woo had a back-up plan to fuck up Eun-seong and I can't wait for him and his mother to rot in jail. But WAIT--hear me out, if Seul-hee finds out that Eun-seong went to Germany to follow Hae-in, this bitch would be livid and since she sees every member of the Hong family as an obstacle, she'll most likely going to do something to eliminate Hae-in. What if Eun-seong sacrifices himself and dies in the process to save her, then Mo Seul-hee will lose her mind and she'd spend the rest of her remaining days locked up in a mental asylum, alone and lonely. I think that would be a perfect ending for her and Eun-seong don't y'all think?
📍Aunt Beom-ja and hubby number 4 moments, Hae-in and Mama Hong slowly rebuilding their relationship, Baek and Hong parents being besties, Soo-cheol continuing to stand up for his family...I appreciate these little family moments so much I just don't want it to end.
📍Team QOT be blessing us with lots and lots of BaekHong moments!!! Ah, I feel so spoiled as a fan, I never considered their divorce as legit, but more like they went back to the way they were...you know, carefree, happy, being so in-love, making great memories. I love that they re-created the honeymoon scene in episode 1, then the first OST to ever be released (The Reasons of my Smiles by BSS) started playing in the background, it felt so nostalgic to me.
📍I also love the fact that Hae-in's parents, especially her mom didn't argue when Hae-in decided to move-in with Hyun-woo in his apartment. It feels like they are finally giving their full support and blessing for BaekHong to become a married couple. Also, those hubby and wifey moments made me smile a lot!
📍But Hyun-woo once again going above and beyond to make Hae-in happy 🥹🥹🥹 hubby really made the "snow fall in October" so wifey could witness it first hand, then hearing his most genuine laugh when Hae-in confessed that he was his first love was just the best. Those scenes were just so good it made me wish that they could stay like that.
📍But of course, those happy moments won't last because well...who says we can have it all? Now, if this was a typical Kdrama and the lead character would be put in Hae-in's situation, normally we could expect the lead character to take the risk and the other lead as well the people on their side would help her remember or perhaps create new memories. However, I do appreciate the fact that Park Ji-eun didn't romanticize that kind of situation but instead gave us the reality of how complicated it is to be in Hae-in's shoes. It's easy to say, "Oh it's fine Hyun-woo's gonna help her remember," and this guy bless his heart would be willing to do that, but what about Hae-in?
As much as I really, really want her to get the surgery, I do understand why she refused after finding out about the possible side effects. It's not just about losing her memories, it's about losing her loved ones. It's so fucking cruel because if she doesn't take the surgery, they'll lose her, if she does then it's the other way around. She could wake up becoming a completely different person, forgetting about how much she loves her family, her husband and it will hurt them really badly. She loves Hyun-woo so much that she doesn't want to lose that love she has for him in exchange for extending her life. If she loses that love, then what's the point of living? I still do hope for some miracle though, because she deserves to live a long life with Hyun-woo.
ANYWAY, Since episode 14 is coming up I am mentally and emotionally preparing myself for a pretty painful episode. Next week is finale week and I hope, I REALLY hope that BaekHong will get a happy ending they both deserve.
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 10 months
i thought that people sexualizing the scene where zuko ties katara to a tree in fanfiction was something that died out or at least was tagged properly, but no, just earlier today i skimmed a recently published gen fic that did just that. funniest part of it is that they wrote that ZUKO returned the necklace to katara and not aang (which is obviously incorrect) and that katara shamefully viewed it as a pseudo proposal?? not the most heinous thing ever written by a zutara shipper but it's wild to me
Extra dumb since those necklaces were used for proposals in the NORTHERN Water Tribe, not the South. We even see that Katara had no idea that this tradition even existed.
And even if she HAD known about it - would she really expect Zuko, the prince of the nation that is commiting genocide because they want to impose their own culture as the "correct" one, to know about that tradition? Or to care about it at all if by some miracle he ever learned of it? I sure wouldn't.
Katara would either just assume that he has no idea of what giving a necklace like that to a girl means, OR be very mad that he is essentially mocking a tradition of her people - because let's not forget, he is being clearly hostile, is using that as bribe to try and get her to help him capture one of her closest friends, and even in the show he is TAUNTING her with the fact that he has something he knows belongs to her. She would not see it as romantic in any way.
Also, since we're talking about that necklace, can we talk about how Zutarians love to use "Oh, Zuko found her necklace and tried to give it to her! That's clearly foreshadowing a zutara endgame!", while completely ignoring that:
1 - Like I said, neither of them knew what that necklace was made for.
2 - Katara REJECTED Zuko's offer, but accepted the necklace when AANG was the one to give it back to her and even kissed his cheek.
3 - Katara and Aang openly mock the very thought of Zuko giving that necklace back to her as a way to be genuinely nice because the idea is that absurd.
4 - This happens after "The Fourtune Teller", aka the episode in which we first see Katara start to wonder if maybe Aang could one day be more than just her friend.
5 - While Katara and Aang don't know that the necklace is basically a wedding ring, the moment they exchange IS romantic because of the very specific way they are behaving with each other - which could not have been more different from Zuko attacking Katara and her being rightfully mad about it.
Funny how all of their "foreshadowing" is really meant for Kataang but taken completely out of context. It's the same thing with their claim of "The story of Oma and Shu is meant to parallel Zutara!" even though the episode has Katara and AANG's first kiss, the music theme of both couples is the same, and in the last episode of that season we'd have Katara going berserk after Aang's death, just like Oma did after Shu's death.
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atlaskrr · 1 year
Ok ok this was one BANGER way to end pride month. The queer rep and overall queer allegory is such a win for us.
Anyways moving aside from that I love how all the characters actions were believable and make sense instead of them just acting to move the plot. As the audience we all realize that what happened to nimona was unfair but it makes sense why ballister and ambrosius would act like that (the brainwashing and manipulation was written so well). It also makes sense why every other character would act like that based on their ideologies including the director (still fucked up though). I'm pissed at gloreth to an extent too but I get it, she was just a kid and kids are easily influenced. Still the whole scroll thing is another story.
Also THE TWISTS I thoughts I'd figured out the twist when I felt off about the director but then a whole other series of twists with nimona and gloreth unfolded which made everything make way more sense.
The parallels in nimonas flashback scene to what happened between ballister and ambrosius and also to what happened between nimona and ballister. All the emotional moments also hit me like a truck full of the world's heaviest bricks. It's so well written and relatable.
Speaking of relatable, I relate to nimona so much. It's that feeling of being outcasted and that changing from just a kid to being just, angry. It's honestly a miracle nimona ended up that nice. Also the line, “I don’t know what’s scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart or that sometimes I just wanna let ‘em.” Like HELP. It's like that feeling that you hate those thought bt you help but feel it. It's not like you want to kys but you wouldn't mid being killed. I relate to her way too much to be good for me. Like having this chaotic personality and going into anger in a breakdown because no you're not going to cry over the past. When you let your guard down for once you just end up feeling betrayed all over again and it hurts. I'm healing and opening up myself so I think nimonas finally getting that too.
Her dynamic with ballister was everything to me. I'm a sucker for found family and my senses were tingling. That patch up scene had me ready to burst. I love how they defend eachother and how ballister slowly starts becoming more chaotic (aka fun).
I have a many mixed feelings about the ending cause I genuinely cried when I thought nimona died and while I'm happy she's back it makes the whole thing feel a bit anticlimactic. I feel like her death was impactful and bringing her back is kind of an eh move. Not mad though.
The animation, style, voice acting and basically the whole production was just 👏👏👏👏👏
Overall this was a very good movie and i hope disney is kicking themselves over dropping it. Usually I have mixed views on netflix but today I love them very much for allowing this movie to see the light of day.
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children-of-the-muse · 7 months
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Seems this fandom goes nuts for pretty boys so here's one of our Tavs. We're sick right now so this is probably gonna be nonsensical rambling but his name is Mnason, surname of Ward, he's a Knowledge Domain cleric of Mystra who is also a wizard (what better way to prove his devotion to the Weavemistress than by studying and practising Her Art as best he can?), and he serves as the head librarian to a prestigious tower archive of our own creation in Baldur's Gate called the Tower of Shattered Glass, well known for its sizable collection of memory shards. His twin sister Mnemosyne is the Tower's Archivist and its Keeper. The Tower does have other devotees as well, fellow clerics of Mystra and of Oghma. His father is a human bard and worshipper of Oghma; he plays the flute. His mother is a high elf; she serves as High Priestess to Mystra's church. [I might make a separate post to toss his family's headshots in.]
Mnason and his sister were born prematurely and he was particularly sick; he should've died soon after birth, but his mother begged for a miracle, and so Mystra in all Her benevolence (lol) granted a favour by saving Mnason's life. He's being sustained by Her, by the Weave itself, so this also makes him technically a sorcerer, but he is unaware of this because his innate magic is kept in check by the fact that it's kind of The Only Thing Keeping Him Alive and so there isn't exactly a surplus of it to burst out of him at random moments.
He genuinely Was Not Supposed To Be Here if not for the mind flayer abduction and is trying desperately to get back to where he's needed while also finding a cure, but as you all know, Shit Happens. Winds up falling deep, deep, deeply in love with Gale and thus having his faith challenged and his entire life turned upside down as he grapples with everything he's ever known about Mystra, and everything he's learned about her now through his journey with Gale.
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postalollie · 1 year
What are ur favorite things about pdude :) any of them and what do think dating one would be like 😳
In general I love the fact hes a morally grey character that in general doesnt seems to care for what other think of him! (except if hes wearing a gimp suit obviously lol) and his smugness as well, for postal 2 dude I love his colors! theyre more dull which for me fits his character really well and I try to do that in my art of him as well (though Ive been slacking more on that aspect lol) his design in general is just so nice to look and memorable too, its simple but effective, peak character design right there and I dont even mean it as a joke I genuinely think his design is super good, and most importantly THE GLASSES!! I like drawing him with his eyes showing but when he has the sunglasses is where the fun is at, because it kinda brings a surprise factor to him, his colors are more died down but then you see his eyes and BAM!! green! of course theyre not too bright as to match with his other colors but still bright enough for him to have some contrast and bring some surprise to the player!
Now for p1 dude, I once again love his color scheme, I love red so its fun to look at him, even with just his limited model on the original postal you can see a lot of stuff in his design which is very impressive! I love his fingerless gloves and his sweater vest as well/shirt he wears on the gone postal cover, also...long hair...pretty.. ALSO his design with the red coat and green vest! I dont usually see it being drawn (I personally do prefer to draw the red and black version because I prefer that color scheme but the other is still quite good and I wanna draw it someday!) idk his design is just once again very cool to me
NOW FOR THE DATING PART OwO (sorry if these are hard to understand im very bad with writing and most of my fantasies rarely follow a story or a very strict personality to them lol)
for p2 I imagine it would be more difficult for him to "open up" I guess, he would start pretty closed off like he is in the game, even when hes interested in you hes still kinda closed off, with stuff like flirty interactions the thing he can do best because hes more in control, show that man some genuine affection and he wouldnt know how to take it (show that man love no one in paradise apreciates him >:( ) he would probably blue screen a bit from affection, however slowly he would start getting used it and start showing a bit more as well, you would just need to be a bit patient with him, he would however still care for you and be a bit possesive, not in the unhealthy way I mean would get jealous about you and if anyone tried to do anything he would kick their ass, in general his love language is a mix of physical contact and acts of service, he also calls you darling and dearie :)
NOW FOR P1 oh p1
tbh I think he would a bit more possesive compared to p2 by a bit, finding a not sick person would be a miracle to him, he would be a bit more emotional as well, confiding in you and being the only one he would trust, to me he would profess his love to you in a way more I guess poetic way?? idk how to call it but yeah! man is down bad for you essentialy, dont get me wrong though hes still postal dude of course, just ya know with more problems
now for the massacre part.. I feel it COULD be possible to be able to stop him from doing everything like people generally write p1 x reader fics but honestly to me, idk I feel like no matter what something would make him snap, the thing is would you join him or not... my self insert does but really I think that changes from person from person, I imagine that during the very small breaks from the killing he would be all over you, you're the thing that calms him down, also if he went to the asylum he would be saved by you, together till the end no matter what
AGAIN I know the whole joining in with him might seem bad! its just that for me its not any postal dude, especially postal 1 dude wihout some violence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
ALSO i headcanon all the dudes with the exception of corkscrew for obvious reason that theyre all part brazilian and portuguese is their first language! (self projection wee hoo) so they would call you pet names or say how much they love in the language! I feel they would say amor a lot and the variations of it (amorzinho, meu amor, mo, also that basically means my love in different ways in english) p3 would say xuxu or xuxuzin for sure though (idk how to translate this but like, imagine it as like saying doll or darling but in a more joking manner)
In any way, all of them would be protective of you, wouldnt want to hurt you no matter what and if anyone tried they're dead
(also bonus p3, he would be the most smug out of all of them, he KNOWS you love him and he loves you too and oh boy is he gonna have fun with it, also both him and p2 would probably fight for you a bit in paradise lost lol)
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teenageheartthrob · 2 years
Final Exit- Part 4 (Stucky x Reader)
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Series Summary: Bucky is injured during a mission. It's up to you and Steve to rescue him, but is it too late?
Category: Angst, fluff
Ship: Steve x Reader x Bucky (Stucky x Reader)
Trigger Warnings: Injury, mentions of death, swearing.
Word Count: 2k
You felt comfortable in saying that you had been on enough missions and in enough brawls in your lifetime to know a stand-off when you saw one. And whether Steve Rogers chose to admit it or not, that was what the two of you were in. 
You were at a cross roads. 
Grief, as the two of you had recently discovered, could do strange things to people. It could tear resolute beliefs to shreds and even go as far as to replace old feelings with new, more wavering ones. 
Bucky Barnes had only been dead fifteen minutes or so, but by the time news of his resurrection reached you and Steve, it had been well over two hours. 
Upon later confronting Dr. Banner about the delay, he assured you it was for your benefit. Neither he nor Dr. Cho wanted to present you with good news, only to lose your partner all over again just minutes later. They wanted to be certain he would make it. 
Nevertheless, you and Steve had experienced almost three hours of your new lives, ones in which the brunet super soldier you loved so dearly, was no longer a part of. At least not in life, but you knew you could never move on. Never forget. 
Those few hours had altered so much more of your current relationship than you could have ever predicted. 
That was if you even still had a relationship. 
Discovering Bucky was alive was both confusing and amazing. Without a doubt, a genuine miracle. Alas, it was not enough to change the feelings you had, the seeds of doubt that had been planted in your brain, grown in your heart and fed by gut instinct. 
For two weeks, you had felt your blond lover slipping away from you, piece by piece. It was almost as though he was dying alongside Bucky. 
You were too, of course. The death of one of your life partners was your worst fear. Undoubtably the single most soul-crushing experience of your life, that brought about emotions so deep, raw and penetrative, that it would be impossible to even attempt describing them. 
Your spirit was the part of you that was painstakingly fading away. The fairytale dream you had of spending your life with the men you had come to call your own, was crumbling, being reduced to ash. 
You feared James Buchanan Barnes may have to undergo the same process. It was a decision you were not yet ready to make. 
Your love for your men could and would never die, even though the brunet had. 
It became clear to you that Steve's undying love for ‘his Buck’ had not faded one bit during the trauma of the last two weeks. You managed to find comfort in the fact that his memory would live on in both of your hearts, as it would in so many others. 
You selfishly had to keep reminding yourself that you were not the only one who was experiencing this loss. The whole Avengers team mourned the death of one of their beloved soldiers as though he was their own brother. 
But you had a question that needed an urgent answer, the thing you worried about most. 
Had Steve’s love for you died?
You knew he loved you, or at least he had in the past...
You had barely slept during the time that Bucky Barnes lay in the hospital wing of the compound. You had often found yourself falling asleep by his bedside, the sound of his laboured, raspy breaths lulling you to sleep just as his soft, healthy ones had done so many times before. 
But now that your boyfriend was alive once more, you didn't sleep at all. Even though he was being monitored round the clock, you couldn't risk closing your eyes only to wake up without him again. 
As such, your insomnia had put you on a two day stretch of no rest. You were cranky to say the least, numb would be more accurate. Your eyelids were heavy and your limbs were weak, but that was the least of your concerns. 
You had to know, had you lost one partner that day, or two?
A meer half an hour after the love of your life was pronounced dead, you had practically crawled to Steve, too lost and disoriented for anything other action. 
Bucky was gone, and you needed Steve. They were the only two thoughts your mind could bare to comprehend. 
You had no idea what to do. You were in anguish and so was Steve, you thought if you could only find each other, you could share the weight of what had happened. 
The unthinkable. 
As much as you had known, and been given warning, that it was coming, Bucky Barnes’ death had still torn apart everything you'd ever known.
It was still too soon, it had come too quickly. 
Steve Rogers had hauled himself up in his own room. It was dark and secluded, much like his mind. The space was barely used of late. 
The three of you had long ago adopted your own room as your substitute love nest. You liked your things in particular places, and you needed to feel comfortable amongst them. 
Once this had been explained to your boyfriends, they were more than happy to integrate their belongings in with your own, rather than forcing you into new, foreign territory. 
“Just want you to be comfortable, dollface,” Bucky had purred, “and we’d do anything to make that happen.” A reassuring kiss on your forehead had convinced you his words were true. 
But Steve sat on HIS bed, which had lay vacant for months. What’s more, he sat on it alone. 
Looking back, you realised that should’ve been your first clue about what was to come. Your second was the way his large hand had swatted yours away, as it gravitated towards its usual reassuring position on his broad shoulder. 
Maybe you should've been offended. But while it took you aback, you realised that your partner had barely begun to grieve, and everyone’s processes were different. 
You were making excuses for his behaviour, however you blamed yourself for the events that followed. You, of all people, should have known better than to employ cliche phrases as a form of solace. 
You had told him that you understood his pain, but while you were both hurting now, you would somehow get through everything together.
Although now you thought that may be you wouldn't.
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" He repeated forcefully.
Steve Rogers was an intimidating man at the best of times, even when he wasn't playing the role of Captain America. Yet to you, he rarely was.
He was Steven Grant Rogers, and he was yours.
The blond stood well over 6'2" and processed the wing span of two fully grown men. So when he yelled, it made you feel smaller and more insignificant than a grain of salt.
You pleaded for the ground beneath your feet to open up and swallow you whole, burying you forever.
At least then you could be with Bucky.
"I've lost him twice already, at least I thought I had. And now he's gone, actually gone." That was what Steve had believed in that moment. "You don't get it, Y/N...he's not coming back this time."
Your emotions were swirling around your head in a dizzying wave, and it stung a little that Steve seemed unable to say his dead boyfriend's name, but could spit yours like venom.
It was difficult to pick an emotion to respond with to such a sour comment. After a pregnant pause, you landed on the most explosive feelings- anger and betrayal.
"You know, just because I wasn't around when that happened, doesn't mean that I haven't lost people too, Steve! I'm feeling this just as deeply as you are, and fuck you for thinking I'm not!" Steve's reaction to adversity was to shut down, close off his emotions from the outside world. That included you. You hoped that your words were at least getting through his thick, stubborn skull. "There were three people in our relationship, Steve. There's still two if you're interested, but it seems like you're the furthest thing from it."
Your voice broke towards the end of your sentence as the captain stood unmoving. This lead you to take his silence as admittance.
With tears in your eyes, as they had been consistently for the last few weeks, you moved towards the door. You wanted to be as far away from him as possible, and you could convince yourself that Bucky both needed and deserved your attention more.
There was always one more goodbye to say.
You didn't have the energy, nor will, to lie. Your filter had failed you, but it wouldn't do the blond any harm to hear the consequences of his actions.
In your addled mind, even if you and your living partner didn't make it through this...'event', as a couple, it was better to experience the two biggest tragedies of your life in one day.
"I'm sorry that it wasn't me, honey, that I can't be him or take his place. And you know what, I'm sorry I cant be Peggy either. But god damn it, Rogers, get it together! I'm not asking you to suddenly be okay or to get over everything. But I'm here and we're going to need each other to get through this. So show up, or don't, but get a fucking move on with it!"
It was only a few hours later when you saw Steve again, after slamming his door in his face. He fucked up and he knew it. He had been too focused on Bucky's suffering to recognise yours.
He didn't want you to be Peggy, you were different and that's why he loved you.
You were unlike anyone that he and Bucky had ever met, as they'd often remarked to each other late at night, with you sleeping peacefully between them.
The old soldiers knew just how luck they were to nab you, the girl who was one in a million. In fact you were one in the entire population.
Completely unique.
Both Bucky Barnes and the blond struggled with living in their new, modern reality from time to time. But all their turmoil and angst faded away the second they remembered that without their long lives, they would never have met you.
The day you entered the men's lives, Steve felt as though he'd truly started living again. His heart had started beating to your tune.
But when the pair of you had found Bucky alone in that hut, it stopped all over again. He had seen far too many similar situations in both combat and missions, to be able to trick himself into thinking that his life partner would be alright.
He just hadn't known how bad it was.
Now Steve Rogers had to face the truth.
He was losing two partners instead of one, and he had no idea what he was supposed to do.
It had taken three days for you and Steve to come together again.
Every night you left your bedroom door open for him, the one to your shared room. Partly because you wanted to minimise your escape time, just in case Bucky's condition wavered again.
He was in a cautiously optimistic state for the time being. You hadn't been able to see him for just over a day, but Bruce kept you diligently updated.
He did the same for Steve, and may have, in fact, secretly had a hand in urging the blond back towards his lover, you.
He would never admit it, deny it until the day he died. You would have to thank him when everything settled down, although you doubted it would for a while.
Both you and Steve knew that the captain was in the wrong, but as you held him that night, you admitted your fault also.
He assured you that you had none.
You knew both of your boys needed you, about as much as each other, but just in different ways. You were going to get through this shit storm as a unit. One foot in front of the other, just like it had always been.
And you were more than grateful that despite everything, not even death could stop your soldiers coming home to you.
One more part to go! Could be long so I may break it up, thank you for being so patient xoxo
Taglist: @maryam0831
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