#the fact that time travel is his job but he still gets SO excited each time? king. king behavior.
sylvies-kablooie · 11 months
rewatching s2 ep3. mobius is so funny. i get that it's his job to have major historical points memorized but the enthusiasm he brings to the table is so endearing. why does he remember the most prolific serial killer of the era he winds up in. he thinks of hot air balloons and audibly says "yes!" because he cannot keep his excitement in. mobius m mobius ilysm
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goldsbitch · 6 months
First night in a shared apartment with Lando. All is idyllic - until there is an unidentifiable alarm sound, which brings out insecurities buried safely inside under normal circumstances.
fluff, anxiety vibes, one shot
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Y/N was a baths type of person. In fact, Lando suspected her being a part-time mermaid. Always in a body of water, if possible. For hours and hours. Many times he had come to her home only to find her sitting in a bathtub of then already cold water on her "home office" hours, with a laptop on her precisely curated set up. He would come to her, chat a little and playfully splash some water into her face, before having her drain the tub and joining her after another set of hot water was in it. Even after that, he could only last about 20 minutes before getting uncomfortable.
He was glad water bills were not life or death for him when they moved together to their first official shared apartment in Monaco. Making it their own was her priority, so a bathtub was an absolute must. Pool nearby as well.
As far as moving houses goes, this was a hectic one. Lando's schedule making it hard for him to participate, so she had to organize it all with the help of movers. Cleaning out two apartments into one. She was few years younger than him and this was the first time she had actually moved on her own, making it a classic test of adulthood. There were few pseudo panic attacks involved during the process. However, the feeling of accomplishment? Being able to prove to herself that she can do it alone was something nobody could ever take from her. Another level of adulthood conquered. But she didn't want Lando to know about this little insecurity of hers - with him having to grow up faster than most of his peers, she sometimes felt like she was lacking behind. Though Lando never made any comment about that, in fact this did not cross his mind at all, until their first proper evening together in their new apartment.
Lando was excited for that evening, but he was proper tired. Physically and mentally drained. Few weeks of constant travel and racing drama had him totally off.
She managed to get most of things ready for his arrival. They hit the bubbly bathtub immediately upon him coming home. Lando was smitten. Coming home, it felt really refreshing after months of "your place or mine?".
It was raw, both of them naked facing each other in the tub, legs entangled, their bodies touching at multiple places. Hot steam coming out of the water filled the room, curling Lando's hair more that usually and the scent of her latest favorite vanilla bath salt gave into the relaxing atmosphere. They casually caressed each other, engaging in a light simple conversation, carefree and intimate.
All of that went out of the window when there was an excruciatingly loud and sharp beep alarm noise suddenly out nowhere.
Y/N eyes went wide. Lando knew that look all too well by then. Pure panic. He knew there were few moments he had to stop her spiraling.
"What was that? Did you hear it?" she asked, boring her eyes in his for answers he did not have.
He smiled and tried to pass on some relaxing energy onto her. "Yes, I did...Calm down, it's probably nothing."
"Probably?! How can you be sure?"
Lando reached for her hand. "I'm sure. All is good and fine, let's not get bothered by anything. I missed you so much," he said truthfully. She was what he wanted to focus on. Not some nonsense sounds.
She eased a bit, her fingers still feeling tense in his hands. "I miss you everytime."
"Oh, so it's a competition now?" he smirked, happy he got her distracted.
The two stared at each other in silence for few moments.
"Honey, ignore it," he said trying to sound more demanding than a plea.
Y/N took a deep breath in. "I am ignoring it."
"I can see that, clearly," he said sarcastically. "Tell me about your week instead. Were the movers ok? Did they do a good job?"
"Well, we're sitting here and we have a bed to sleep in, so I'd say it was a success," he replied dryly.
"You're my little nervous peach, aren't you?" he said, leaning closer to her so that he could caress her face. Oh boy, was he drowning in love with this strange human sitting across him.
She let go of her pout. "Yes...But, you're the one to talk! You always get nervous before a car upgrade."
He was truly fascinated how she was unapologetically able to compare new McLaren upgrades with a random beep sound. He'd already made a mental check of the things that could have been making that sound and figured all the important alarms made a completely different sound. For a moment, he imagined his girlfriend sitting in a formula 1 car going over 200 km/h, freaking out in the style only she knew how. He'd never admit this to her, but he found her "freaking out" face irresistible.
He calculated his response. "It's perfectly fine to get nervous. But trust me, this in nothing."
Her question was almost immediate. "What if it's the gas. What if we have a gas leak. A guy came here to do an inspection yesterday, what if he didn't close the vent or whatever?"
"Honey, the gas is not even on now..." he looked at her perplexed.
She was unstoppable at this point. "I don't know that! I don't understand these things! It's all gas heater there, air conditioning here, water boiler this and insurance that. Did you know we need to have a property insurance for the lease?"
"Yes, I knew that." He was not sure how to keep responding at that point. The last thing he wanted was to make her spiral more.
"Well, I didn't! Felt like an absolute idiot talking to the guy, I thought these things were part of leases."
Lando squeezed her hand. "It's fine. Once we get out of the tub, we'll go and search for the sound. Hey, maybe it has already stopped."
She was staring at him, waiting for her cue, expecting a beep sound any moment now. He returned her look, challenging her, making a battle of who was right. And the sound? Suddenly, not even a little ding.
"See?" he said, really hoping it was not going to come as he finished.
Tension was high in the bathroom, making it the opposite of relaxing. Yet still, there was no place other than these two would rather be. Well, Y/N would rather be at the source of the forsaken beeping, but, that was not happening now.
"Ok. Maybe you're right," she said, visibly tired as well.
"We'll get out of this bath in few mins, have dinner in the bed, watch some nonsense and go to sleep, ok? I need your cuddles, desperately," he said softly and leaned to kiss her.
"Oh my god, what is that???" she screamed in utmost annoyance.
"Honestly, it sounds like it's coming from outside the house," he observed - and she was not having it anymore.
She gave him a sassy smile. "So, what. Is it the apocalypse now?"
"It's not the apocalypse."
Flustered wave hit her face, having her melt down completely. "Why would someone install an alarm somewhere and have it beeping for no apparent reason? People don't do that."
"I don't know, my love..."
"That's ok, but I should know! I took over the apartment from the realtor - I should have asked!"
"And what would the question be? What are the things that could beep?"
She threw her arms out, splashing water everywhere and not even noticing it. "I don't know! That's the thing! I just don't know. And I don't have a single idea where people find these out. How come everyone around always seems to know and I'm here just sitting, vibing and hoping we're not going to burn the house down."
"Y/N? What's this about?" he asked, concerned. Was she ok? Was there something he'd missed?
She was on a roll, words just flowing out of her mouth, the way only speaking to Lando made her do. "I just feel so out of place some times. I'm doing all these adult things, far away from family and from you as well. And I want to be able to do it, I want to be a good adult. But I just don't know."
He tried to hold her hand once again, but she was busy having her arms crossed around her chest. "You're still young, this is growing up. I also don't know yet, many times..."
"I don't want to be your burden, I want to be your support."
"You are my support, what are you on about?"
"I was suppose to be in charge of the whole moving thing. And here we are and I can't even tell you what's beeping."
"My god! Can it just stop! Please!"
Lando was still thinking about what she said previously. The familiar feeling she described.
"You did a great job with the move, by the way. Honestly. It would not happen without you. I wish I could be here more," he spoke slowly, hoping she would subconsciously join in his tune.
She sighed. Might as well get everything out now. "I love you, you know that. But it gets lonely sometimes. And there is no end of your nomadic lifestyle in sight. And what if you get bored of me once you stop traveling? We've never spent a month without a break together. What if when you're older, you decide I'm actually pretty boring and you leave me for someone younger. And I'll be old, pass my best years and alone once again."
She stopped, surprised a little bit by the words that came out of her. Now that it was out, it was impossible to ignore.
Lando was hyper focused now. Every word a calculated decision. This was no longer a chill chat.
"Y/N. I love you too. And I love you the way you are and I can't imagine loving anyone else. I'm also excited for the older version of you to come one day, to accompany my older self that I have yet to meet. I want to be with you. My job is making this harder, but I hope this will not be an obstacle for you."
The last thing she wanted was to make him feel guilty. She got mad at herself for tangling things up together so much that it stopped making sense to her. "Of course not. I love your passion and the fact you dream big. Sorry, this got a little out of hand."
"No, I'm glad you're finally phrasing your worries. Is there anything more?" Lando was keen on continuing this impromptu chat.
"What if we grow apart? People change all the time. What if we stop wanting each other? How long can love last?"
He smiled. "For me it's impossible to imagine it now. I can only speak for my present self. But what you described it the last thing I'd ever want to happen."
Y/N took a deep breath once again. "Do you want children? Because I don't know yet. Yet, unlike you, I don't have the luxury of decades to decide. My time is slowly running up. And here I am, not even sure if want them?"
"Honey, plenty if time for that. I'm sure I do not want children in the next two years anyway. It must be real fun in your head sometimes - in one sentence you're too young to know adult stuff and in other you're too old for having children?"
She finally laughed. "Yeah. It is confusing sometimes."
"I hope you don't get offended, but you look absolutely gorgeous when you're flustered. Don't be too hard on yourself, please."
"I'll remind you of that when you're on your typical self-hate trip after a bad race."
"Touché." Got him there.
"Shall we get out of the bath? Would you mind searching with me for the alarm?"
"With you I'll be happy to do absolutely anything."
He got out and reached a hand for her when she was getting up, almost as a metaphor for her current state. They helped each other dry out, put on new matching bathrobes that Lando brought as a gift and searched the whole apartment for anything that could or would beep. There were few more beeps coming their way before they suddenly stopped. The two figured it really was coming somewhere from outside. Once Y/N was finally convinced they checked everything, she agreed on getting to bed and cuddle. Lando offered going out to get her ear buds for sleeping, but by that time it had already stopped.
They never found the source of the beeping. But, that's ok. Sometimes things just make unexpected noise and it's fine.
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kings-highway · 1 month
this has been in my drafts since April and I cant remember if I'd just planned to go back to it and add more or smth but thats never gonna happen so
Asanoya traveling the world together headcanons:
- Nishinoya is about 90% in charge of their destinations but Asahi books flights/train tickets because Noya gets overwhelmed at all the options and half the time books something that drops off nowhere near their destination
- While Noya tends to be more social and will strike up a conversation with everyone they meet to learn their life story, Asahi is usually people's favourite and he'll get invited to dinners and events like 20 seconds after meeting someone because they just think he's "such a nice guy". Noya can't leave him alone without some local trying to take him away to give him a private tour of whatever site they're at
- Asahi loses weight while traveling because he is not food-adventerous at all and struggles to appreciate local cuisine or customs when it comes to eating unfamiliar products. Noya worries about this so much that it almost ruins the trip for him in particularly off-the-grid locations, because Asahi would never dare complain out loud and Noya has missed the fact that he hasn't eaten properly in a few days before. He is so unbelievably guilt ridden over this that he's started keeping a stash of protein bars and other dense snacks as a mandatory pre-trip checkbox.
- Noya is really good at picking up beginner-level language skills so he gets pretty good at navigating wherever they go. Asahi has never successfully learned another language beyond "hello," "thank you," and "sorry."
- Although they like the luxury of a nice hotel on occassion, they both really enjoy staying in hostels and getting to meet other travelers. It gives them ideas for their next destination.
- They end up in Brazil one summer and follow a goddamn easter egg hunt about a beach volleyball legend only to finally solve it and find Hinata just standing there waving excitedly. Honestly in hindsight they should have seen the signs. Hinata is very excited to show them how to play and then is absolutely shocked to see them absolutely nail the first point without issues. "Oh, I guess we didn't mention, we spent a few months in Portugal and learned it there."
- They bump into a lot of the other globetrotting characters. They're especially fond of the chocolate shop Tendou apprentices at, but had to learn his schedule to go in to avoid running into him because he scares them still.
- Whenever they return to Japan to connect with all their old friends they end up doing like a 2h ted talk going through all their stories and best moments.
- Asahi is the first to "retire" the traveling bc he gets a hoity job at a design company and needs to be able to work consistently. Noya insists he could probably design shirts from a beach but to each their own.
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moodymisty · 4 months
Sanguinius being secretly guiltily down bad for you, Horus’ beloved??? Now that’s a very fun scenario. Especially considering how Horus starts behaving during the heresy. Don’t you think that Sanguinius would feel the need to rescue you from such a terrible situation? Keep you somewhere where you’re completely safe and far away from the forces of chaos (somewhere right by his side)?
He’s aware of his feelings towards you but would never want to burden you with them, considering the emotional pain you’re in right now. But that doesn’t mean he can’t hold you for a little longer than usual, or linger around you for more than is necessary, or wrap a wing of his around you as a loving friendly gesture. He lets himself indulge in these feelings sometimes, just a small amount, because if he doesn’t he feels like he might explode. The guilt hasn’t gone away, in fact it’s even gotten stronger. You see him as a friend and a confidant, but nothing more, and it’s obvious to him that your heart still belongs to Horus (why should it? Why not him??). And if you weren’t under his protection there’s a high likelihood that you’d probably get assassinated, so he can’t be taking advantage of you like that (despite how badly he wants you to love him as much as he loves you.). He’s content with just being close to you, he’s okay with just being your friend, if he starts getting too emotional about it he’ll cry in the shower about it. He’s fine. He won’t try anything but he also won’t let anyone else near you. He’s normal about it, he’s sooo normal
I love this plotline so much, I'm so excited people like the Horus/Reader/Sanguinius idea. This is really good and I really like this particular idea, so here's a little thang separate from the main fic i'm making.
No warnings other than Horus falling to chaos obv
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"She is very lucky."
Jaghatai Khan speaks plainly, looking to Sanguinius.
"A few days longer travel, and Horus would've beaten you there."
Sanguinius brushes a piece of his hair away from his face that had fallen from his crown braids. He was glad they managed to make haste so quickly. The Red Tear had burned almost everything it had just to make it there in time to defend the planet before Horus and his Black Legion desecrated it all.
"We have the planet's surface until control. We'll need it's infrastructure for the coming battles." Jaghatai gives him a look, and Sanguinius knows why.
All the talk about strategy, infrastructure; They both know Sanguinius went there for you.
He still avoids mentioning it, wings tucked firmly against his back. It hangs between both primarchs as true intentions left unsaid. Jaghatai was one of the only three primarchs keen on how Sanguinius felt about Horus' lover. It's obvious in the way he's looked at you since you first entered Horus' life. But Jaghatai doesn't bring it up.
"Then I wish you good fortune in the coming battles."
Jaghatai leaves Sanguinius alone, and it isn't long after he can no longer hear the warhawk's footsteps that he rushes to return to you. Air whistles in his feathers as he briskly walks, hearing the clanking of his armor pieces striking against each other.
He has an entire squad of Blood Angels guarding the room you're in, of which he passes with gentle acknowledgement. They have taken to you just as much as he had; And voiced no complaints about protecting you from what once was your lover's legion.
Once Sanguinius sees you, the room dark and cast in privacy, he watches you rub the corner of your eye as you turn his way. You must've been crying, though you do a remarkable job of hiding it.
"Oh, Sanguinius; Do you need something?"
You speak to him so formally still, the way you did when you were still on Horus' arm. He so desperately wishes you wouldn't.
"I wanted to come see how you were doing. I don't wish to leave you alone in here for so long."
He comes closer, gently lowering himself onto the edge of the bed to sit beside you. Your hands fall into your lap as you look down at them, trying to find the words. It's then he finally hears the cracking in your voice, as you can no longer hold back your grief.
"How... How couldn't I have seen what was wrong with him?" You look up at him, tears welling at the bottom of your eyes just about to break and stream down your cheeks. "Am I really that blind?"
Sanguinius unfurls one of his wings, it wrapping behind you. It's not close enough to touch other than the light brush of his primary feathers, but it's close.
But most of all he wants to cup your face in his hands and kiss away your tears, to be there for you as you grieve the loss of a lover who is something worse than dead. Sanguinius dreads to hear the things you saw as Horus fell to ruinous powers, but he wants to be the one you come to; To protect you from everything.
But he can't. The love you have for Horus hasn't faded, and you're with the Blood Angels for as long as this war wages. Sanguinius will protect you, but his love for you just can't override the guilt he would feel if he swept in to kiss you as you cried for someone else. No amount of yearning desire is enough for him to take advantage of you in such a way, as you technically sit here indebted to him for rescuing you.
"He hid it from us all. We were all blind, same as you."
You sigh, and your posture seems to soften with his reassurance. His wing inches closer, daring to take just a bit more as it gently cradles you. It's only to make you feel better. One of your hands reaches to brush along one of his long primary feathers for a moment, and he bites the inside of his cheek.
Sanguinius reaches a armoured hand towards you and instinctively he wants to set it on your knee, to pull your towards him, but he hesitates- and moves to your shoulder instead. You lean into it, and hold the necklace that Horus had once given you in your hands. You clear your throat and blink your eyes, a few tears dripping down your face that you haphazardly wipe away with your palm. He wishes to wick them away with his knuckle, to brush his fingers across your skin, but he can't.
"Thank you, Sanguinius. For all of this. I appreciate you being so friendly to me."
Sanguinus softly smiles down at you, and attempts to ignore the way your words stab him directly in the heart; Bleeding all over your hands.
"Of course."
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lady-evelin · 2 months
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Someone left me this lovely prompt where Anakin is an alien and becomes obsessed with Obi-Wan, who is a scientist and is the only one who treats him well, and I based it on the movie Life (2017) and the video game; There's something in the ice. I hope to have it complete by next week. ✨
Thanks to my friend @full-galaxy for helping me with the cover 😘
Obi-Wan hated his job.
Don't get it wrong, when he decided to study to become a scientist, he dreamed of traveling to different places, researching their culture, plants, and animals, and maybe studying some rare disease and its possible cure.
He never expected that at 33 years old he would be in a bunker in the cold in the middle of the arctic, where he had already been researching snow and more snow for 2 months.
At first, he accepted this proposal from his colleagues since his boss wanted to thaw viruses or microorganisms from many years ago that rumors on the internet said had been buried in the Arctic and that no one had been able to discover them.
Obi-Wan joined the investigation, wanted to get out of his comfort zone, and thought that being in a place outside of the pollution of the crowded city would help him a lot to relax. In addition to the various studies he would do, they were going to keep him busy and maybe teach him something new.
But it was not like that; from the day they arrived until this moment, they have not found anything.
Their very wealthy boss, Palpatine, forbade them to leave until they found something that would make them rich and famous. In addition to the fact that the contract they signed warned them that if any of them left before the completion of the investigation, they would be fired and sanctioned with a large sum of money that no one in that place owned.
Obi-Wan decided to reread a book before going to sleep; maybe tomorrow they would be lucky and they could find something relevant to their research and no more snow.
When he was about to fall asleep, the omega felt a slight tremor throughout his room, opened his eyes in confusion, and looked everywhere. Everything was still in order; maybe it was his imagination and he dreamed it?
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
Obi-Wan doesn't know when he fell asleep but was woken up by Satine's voice; she sounded very excited.
"Obi-Wan! Wake up! You won't believe what happened last night!"
The omega got up alarmed seeing his friend, put his hands to his eyes, and tried to remove all traces of sleep he still had.
"Satine, it's still too early."
"Obi-Wan, a meteorite crashed last night near here, and we found life in it."
"Yes, yes, it was very small, but there is life in it. At this moment, they are transferring it to this place to investigate it further."
Obi-Wan couldn't believe it; he even thought he was still asleep and dreaming. This was a godsend. They would finally leave this place!
The omega took one last look at his friend; Satine was not someone who joked or would lie about that kind of thing. Obi-Wan met the Beta on this trip; they both shared things in common, and it was easy to have a conversation with Satine without feeling judged.
Both were assigned to the furthest wing of the bunker; they slept in separate rooms, so Obi-Wan thought it would be a problem to befriend Satine since, from the first moment they introduced them, the Beta was serious and rigid.
But as the days went by, the two began to talk more and share more time together in the laboratory or in other places in the bunker. Their friendship began to blossom until they told each other everything that was going on in their heads and went everywhere together.
With Satine's help, Obi-Wan changed into more presentable clothes, brushing his face and teeth, and had something to eat when the main door of the bunker opened. Several researchers took the new organism to the laboratory, where they all gathered to receive instructions.
As if it were a relic, a piece of completely red stone was placed behind a glass room. That room was highly reinforced to study the organisms or plants in different ecosystems and prevent any microorganisms from coming out, harming everyone's health, or being damaged by the climatic conditions of the laboratory.
Some organisms need highly hot or cold climates to survive or develop. That room could recreate those climates.
No one was authorized to open that part of the laboratory except Palpatine; this was to avoid damaging what they were studying.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
The following days, the entire bunker investigated the new acquisition. The organism found never ceased to amaze them, growing and growing in size.
On the first day, it was almost imperceptible to the human eye, but on day 10, it was the size of a thumb and was slimy, like a slug. It could also float in the air and was very elusive.
The organism moved around the glass room as if it were playing; it reminded Obi-Wan of a little boy; all that was missing was to hear his laughter.
The researchers took turns studying it; they didn't want to miss any details of the research and progress. Obi-Wan only chose to see the development of the organism; he knew that the other scientists subjected this being to very rigorous tests. The omega never liked that part of his job; he never liked to hurt another living being. No matter if he would be fired for not following orders, his conscience prevented him from doing so.
The omega sometimes told the alien about his day; that's how he named him Obi-Wan. He mentioned the type of tea he liked to drink and his favorite books. The organism, whenever it heard Obi-Wan's voice, stood still, listening to everything the omega told it. This excited Obi-Wan, since apart from Satine, he had no one else to talk about his private life. Due to the monotony of the days, he could not talk to anyone about new things because everything had already been told and everyone was following the same routine.
But the alien always came up to listen and never left Obi-Wan's side.
Obi-Wan also noticed that the organism showed a certain attachment to him, always following Obi-Wan in that glass room when the omega arrived at the laboratory, expectant of his every move.
At first, Obi-Wan thought it was because he was the only omega in the facility and the organism was attracted to his biology. This made him think that when he watched the other scientists interact with the alien, who was indifferent to them, the organism hardly paid attention to them and much less listened to them. 
The weeks went by and the alien increased in size considerably; now it was the size of a 9-year-old human child, which was very terrifying to see that gray matter moving through the resigned area or floating in the air.
But everything changed when, one day, everyone in the lab screamed—some surprised and others scared. The organism was now in the form of a 9-year-old human child.
He had deep blue eyes with blonde hair.
After a meeting with Palpatine about the progress, they decided to go ahead and try to get as much information as possible from the alien about his planet and if his inhabitants were dangerous. In addition to the medical advances that would be useful for humanity.
The surprises still followed when the boy spoke his language as if nothing had happened, calling himself; Anakin.
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daisynik7 · 2 years
A Bento For Kento
Chapter 1: The Very First Bento
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
cw: mention of a tragic accident (does not go into detail)
Summary: You make the very first bento box for your dear brother, Ren. You also find out some surprising news. Nanami hasn't found a new bakery to buy his typical ham and cheese sandwich. He eyes his new student's bento box with envy.
Notes: The first bento box is inspired by this: Cute Octopus Sausage Bento! I mean, how cute is this?! Let me know in the comments, chat, or in a private message if you'd like to be tagged in the next chapter(s)! And thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated :)
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A Bento for Kento Masterlist
White rice, check. Chicken gyozas, check. Spring mix salad with a side of creamy miso dressing, check. Hot dog pieces shaped like little octopi, because why the hell not, check. All in the bento they go, you think, in a sing-song voice. 
It’s the beginning of summer and the temperature is finally starting to warm up. This season always puts you in a lazy mood, more so than usual. Hearing the neighborhood kids play joyfully outside makes you wish you had a mandated break as well. But no, you are an adult! Almost thirty in fact. Unfortunately, you haven’t had a vacation in years, so you will continue to flow through the mundane cycle of adulthood until you’re retired or, fingers crossed, win the lottery. None of which you predict will happen in the near future.
Thankfully, your job allows you to work from home most days of the year. This is especially nice because this summer, your dear younger brother, Ren, is living with you. Your parents originally planned a long family vacation overseas with him, having never had a chance to travel before. You were excited for him to see the outside world, explore his horizons. Since you couldn’t go because of your responsibilities to your 9-to-5, you were planning to live vicariously through him as he enjoyed the sights, sounds, and most importantly, the delicious food.
When he decided last minute that he did not want to go on the trip anymore, you were shocked. Your parents, being the saints they are, waved it off casually, not even attempting to convince him to reconsider. You questioned them to discover the reason for the sudden decision. They simply said, “He has his reasons.” No further explanation. After pestering them a few more times, only to receive the same answer, you stopped, leaving everything up to your own speculations. 
Maybe it was cold feet? Anxiety? An awkward phase? Overseas trips can be stressful, you can understand that. Still, you can’t help but wonder. It’s probably a hormonal teenager issue that you can’t comprehend, but your parents can, so you leave it at that. 
Because your parents couldn’t get out of all the deposits they made, they chose to go on their big trip without Ren. Not wanting your brother to be alone, you offered your place for him to stay, which he was just as excited about as you were. You’re happy for this opportunity to spend time with him. It’s been years since you moved out and you missed hanging out with your family. You also feel guilty about putting minimal effort into visiting them, despite being less than an hour train ride away. This is your chance to make up for lost time, especially with your brother, who you’ve always felt a special bond with. Before they left, your parents made it a point to tell you, “Take care of him while we’re away.” As if you needed to prove to them, and yourself, that you are capable of being the best older sister you can be. 
Truth be told, it’s been lonely living on your own, a revelation that you sense more and more each year you get older. Having Ren here, someone in your life who loves you unconditionally, is a welcome change. This summer is going to be exponentially better than the last five since living alone. You’re sure of it. 
The first Monday of vacation, fueled by a single coffee’s worth of caffeine, you greet your brother happily in the kitchen. “Good morning, sunshine! Look what I made for you!” You cradle a precious bento box in your hands, slowly lifting it up like Simba, imagining “Circle of Life” playing in the background. 
Ren, fresh out of bed and still drowsy, stands in front of you, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Huh?” He yawns and stretches his arms out. “What is it?”
“It’s a bento box!” You lower it and open the cover delicately. Your eyes sparkle as you imagine a golden light shimmer from within. “I put this together myself! TikTok has a plethora of bento box content, so I took a lot of ideas from there.”
His eyes widen, gazing at the food as if it’s valuable treasure. “Gyozas! And hot dog octopi!” A bright smile on his face, he takes his phone out to snap a picture. “I’m putting this on my story, this is too cute.” 
You almost tear up hearing him praise your creation like this, but it’s too earlier for those shenanigans. Calming down from your excitement, you say, “I’m still practicing. And I’m sure I’ll run out of ideas soon, so if you have any special requests, let me know.”
Closing the bento and setting it back down on the table, you ask, “What do you want to do today? If you’re hungry now, you can dig into the bento. But I was thinking we can go for a walk at the park before we eat! What do you think?”
His smile slowly turns into a small pout as he shifts his feet guiltily. “Well, actually, I forgot to tell you. I start summer school today.”
“Huh? Summer school? But your school is so far from here! It’ll take us at least 45 minutes to get there!” Is this the reason why he didn’t want to go on the trip? All because of summer school? And if he knew that, why would he agree to stay here, when it’s so far away? You start to panic slightly, taken aback by this sudden news. 
“It’s not exactly for regular school,” he begins to explain. “It’s…uh, for this other program I’m applying to.”
You stare at him, brows furrowed, arms crossed, waiting for more of an explanation. 
He speaks a little faster now. “It’s a summer program for this school called Jujutsu High. A big opportunity came up and I took it. The lessons are three days a week for the next two months. That’s the reason I didn’t want to go on the trip anymore. I have to attend these lessons so I can officially get in next semester. I want to go to this school from now on.”
Pausing to take a breath, he continues. “Mom and Dad know all about it. I explained it to them. They support me 100%, which is why they didn’t make a big deal when I backed out of the trip. They know this is important to me.”
Your mouth hangs open slightly, still confused, waiting for it to make sense. Jujutsu High? Why is this the first time you’re hearing of this? And Mom and Dad know all about it? Why didn’t anyone tell you? 
Ren walks towards you and puts his hands on your shoulders, giving you a firm squeeze. When did he get so much taller than you? Weren’t you supposed to be the adult here?! “I know this doesn’t make sense, but it’s important to me. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. It’s just…hard to explain. And I can’t really tell you everything yet. You just have to trust me.”
He’s being weirdly cryptic, but you start to realize how odd your parents were also being the other day. 
He has his reasons. 
Take care of him while we’re away.
Is there something they all know about that you don’t? And why are you the only one being kept in the dark? 
You snap out of your thoughts when he starts speaking again. “I’m sorry, I know I’m being strange about this, but I don’t know how to explain everything right now. Just trust me. It’s not sketchy or dangerous, I promise.” He flashes you a reassuring grin. 
After contemplating for several seconds, you sigh. “You promise it’s not some creepy cult, right? I’ve indulged in my fair share of true crime podcasts. I can see the warning signs!”
He laughs. “If it is a cult, then I’m already screwed, right?”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, fine. I’m going to pretend that this is perfectly normal. I trust you. And I trust Mom and Dad. If they’re good with it, I’m good with it too. You don’t have to tell me everything right now if you don’t want to.” You pause, then reiterate, “I trust you.”
He wraps you in a big hug, “Thanks sis. You really are the best.” 
You return his embrace, still concerned, but ultimately deciding not to worry so much about it. It can’t be anything too nefarious, right? “Anyways, Jujutsu High. Is it close by?”
“Yeah, it’s walking distance from here, about 10 minutes. But I’m doing my lessons at a nearby office building. I actually have to head over there now to meet my teacher. Our first lesson is today.” He scrambles to pack a few items into his backpack.
How strange, an office building? This really might be some weird cult thing. You grab the bento from the table and hand it to him. “Well, take this. You’ll need food. Are you skipping breakfast?”
He packs the bento carefully into his backpack. “Yeah, I’ll just save my appetite for this. This looks so good. Thanks for making it.” He zips up his bag and swings it over his shoulder. “Well, I’m off! I’ll see you later.”
As he walks towards the door, you yell out at him, “Be careful! See you later!”
You take a deep breath and look around, sighing. All alone once again. 
“Nice to meet you, Nakamura. My name is Kento Nanami. I’ll be your mentor the next few weeks.” 
Ren Nakamura, aged 16. Gojo recruited him when they found him wandering around the abandoned building they were investigating outside of Tokyo. This is a trial run before officially offering him a spot as a student in this upcoming schoolyear. He has no history or knowledge of Jujutsu Sorcery, having been raised by a family of non-sorcerers. However, according to Gojo, he seems to have an eye for curses, having the guts to take them head-on with no experience whatsoever. And clearly, Gojo has his own eyes on him for a reason. 
“He’s adopted. His parents were killed in a tragic, mysterious accident and these family friends took him in.” Gojo gave Nanami a brief background last week. “It seems like since then, he’s had a habit for exploring haunted houses and chasing curses.” 
Gojo paused, then smirked. “The kid’s got guts, that’s for sure. He was taking on this ugly looking grade 4 curse with just his skateboard as a weapon. Luckily we found him before he could get hurt.” Gojo laughed and said happily, “He’s pretty twisted, so he’ll fit right in.”
That’s how Nanami ended up here, his summer dedicated to guiding this rookie. He still owes Gojo a favor, so they settle on this as a way to pay it back. Nanami actually doesn’t mind training young prospects in Jujutsu Sorcery. Teaching is one of his hidden passions in life. It gives him purpose, something his last job couldn’t fulfill for him. Plus, it’s fun and he’s proficient at it.
Him and his new student spend the first few hours going through the history of Jujutsu Sorcery and the school, Ren interjecting often to ask questions expected from someone who’s life suddenly changed upon realizing this unique ability. Gojo even made a surprise appearance to check-in, adding a bit more chaos to the mix.
After Nanami feels like he’s overwhelmed him enough, he decides it’s time for a lunch break. He looks at his desk and remembers too late that he did not pick up lunch for the both of them, which he intended to do. The local bakery he frequents stopped selling his favorite ham and cheese sandwich. He had put off finding a replacement for a while now. After running errands all morning, the thought of providing lunch slips his mind completely. 
“Nakamura. I’m sorry, but I did not bring lunch for us. I’m just going to make a hot tea for myself, but if you give me a few minutes, I’ll run out and quickly buy – ”
“Hey, no worries, mentor! I actually brought a lunch.” He pulls out a bento box out of his backpack and opens it. 
Nanami’s eyes widen behind his thick glasses as Ren removes the cover. It almost seems as if a dazzling light radiates once the food is revealed. Gyozas, white rice, salad, even hot dogs shaped like little sea creatures. He would never admit to anything being “cute”, but that is the first word that pops into his head, seeing this charming work of art. Ren stares lovingly at his meal, rubs his hands together, and begins to eat.  
As he digs into his gyozas, Nanami heads to the breakroom down the hall to make himself a cup of hot tea. Damn, that looked good. Need to remember to find another bakery that has ham and cheese sandwiches, he thinks to himself, waiting for the hot water to dispense into his mug.
He comes back to the conference room, freshly brewed tea in hand, and finds Ren pointing at his bento, mouth full as he muffles, “Want some?”
Shaking his head, he declines. “No thank you. I’m fine with my tea.” He pauses to think. Then he adds, “Looks good, though.”
He swallows before proudly announcing, “My sister made it! It’s something new she’s trying.” He hums happily as he bites into one of the meat octopi. The salad has been skillfully avoided, causing Nanami to smile for a fraction of a second before he catches himself.
He watches his student, all while taking a few sips of his tea. “Do you live with your sister currently? I heard that your hometown is outside Tokyo.”
“Yeah I do. She lives 10 minutes from here, so it’s convenient. I know I’ll have to move into the dorms on campus, if I get accepted that is. It’ll be nice to have my sister nearby, though. Even if she doesn’t know about any of this.” Ren frowns slightly. Perhaps it’s guilt? Nanami assumes that his sister is a non-sorcerer, based on what Gojo told him about his family situation. He also assumes that she isn’t fully aware of what her brother is now involved in. 
He takes another sip of his tea, unsure how to respond since he has little experience explaining Jujutsu Sorcery to non-sorcerers. In fact, he’s made sure to keep his personal life completely separate from his work. That’s how it was when he was a salaryman, that’s how it is in his current profession. He even swore to himself that he wouldn’t get married while he is still working as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Maybe this is also an excuse to avoid the awkward dating scene that he finds so tiresome.
“Are you sure you don’t want any?” Ren asks, pointing at the remainder of the meal, which is just leafy greens. 
Downing the rest of his hot beverage, Nanami replies, “No thank you. I’m fine.” He looks at his watch. “Actually, let’s call it a day. I don’t want to overwhelm you on your first lesson. We can continue tomorrow.”
Ren stands up from his seat and rubs his belly. “Sure, sounds good! I’ll review my notes tonight and ask any other questions tomorrow.” A burp escapes his mouth, and he looks nervously at his mentor. “Sorry,” he mutters.
Nanami rolls his eyes, still hidden behind his spectacles, ignoring the crude belch. “I’ll see you tomorrow at 9 AM. Please don’t be late.” He remains seated as Ren stuffs his belongings into his bag and waves goodbye out the door. 
Removing his glasses, he leans his head further back on his chair and closes his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his left hand. It’s been a while since he’s taught a lesson, and he’s not accustomed to talking so much. Human interaction can be just as exhausting as fighting off weak curses. Frankly, it’s overwhelming for him at times, being a man of few words on a regular basis.
He opens his eyes and sighs deeply, looking around at the empty room. All alone once again. 
Tag List: @liliorsstuff-blog (appreciate you! ❤️)
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ghoulgirlwrites · 1 year
So Don’t Hate Me, Trust In Me
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Female Reader
Era: Danger Days
Requested by: Anon
Word Count: ~1500
Summary/Request: So I was thinking about a Frank X fem!Reader (she/her) during Danger Days era, where they are really close and it's obvious they like each other, and Frank is more forward with liking her, but she's insecure bc she doesn't have any experience with relationships and intimacy (even just handholing and stuff), and is worried he'd be disappointed, maybe even something like she's not good enough for him. And he gets her to talk about it to him and is really understanding and reassuring, and willing to give her time and space, but she feels better after the conversation and wants to try. So basically angst to fluff?
A/N: I LOVED writing this one. It was one of the first fics I worked on in getting out of my hiatus and it was just everything I wanted in a request (particularly Danger Days Frank). Enjoy!
You’d just started a new job as Frank’s guitar tech. It was a dream job for you, since you wanted to work with bands and travel around the world, but you were too shy to get onstage yourself. MyChem were currently on tour promoting their newest album, Danger Days, and you were excited to work for them, since you’d been friends with Frank since shortly before Revenge had come out.
But the best part of the job was getting to work with Frank. The rest of the band was super nice and welcoming, but Frank was so generous and he seemed to care about making your job easier whenever he could. Every time you switched out a guitar for him, he’d grin at you as if you were his personal savior. When you’d first started working for Frank, you’d been nervous that it would affect your friendship, but it had only brought you closer.
However, you were trying to be cautious because you knew you were starting to fall for him. You figured that he was just nice to you because he was nice to the rest of the crew, but you often caught yourself wondering what it would be like to kiss him or to run your fingers through his hair, which he’d taken to wearing longer, down to his shoulders. You knew you couldn’t act on these feelings because you figured he’d never like you back and saying or doing the wrong thing could put you out of a job and you really wanted to keep working with him, not just because of your crush.
You were just about finished setting up before MyChem took the stage for tonight. You handed Frank his first guitar and he put his hand over yours on the neck of the instrument, holding you in his hazel eyed gaze.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“You’re welcome.” You felt proud that your voice didn’t tremble and you prayed he didn’t notice your hand shaking beneath his.
He turned to head to the side of the stage, but then ran back to you.
“Did you forget something, Frank?” You asked.
“Yeah. I just wanted to say you look really nice tonight,” he said.
Your cheeks burned as you averted your gaze. “Thanks.”
You watched him play his heart out, still bewildered from the compliment he’d given you. It wasn’t the first time, but usually his praise was about your work. Your stomach fluttered at the idea that he noticed how you looked. You usually dressed for comfort, in jeans, band shirts, and hoodies and you weren’t dressed that differently tonight, apart from the fact that you were wearing your favorite hoodie. You liked it because it was comfortable, but you also thought that it brought out the color in your eyes.
The show was nearing the end, when Gerard started walking around the stage as he spoke into his microphone.
“So before we play our last song, we wanted to give a big thank you to our crew who do such an amazing job at every show. Thank you to our merch, our lights and sound people--”
Frank cut in. “And I just wanted to call my guitar tech, Y/N, to the stage for a minute. Y/N, where you at, girl?”
Your face burned as you shrunk back, but you saw Frank walking over to you, his guitar still slung around his neck. He lifted one hand, beckoning you gently with one finger. “Come on,” he mouthed, his lips curling in a sweet smile.
You sighed, walking onstage to a crowd of thousands, who were all screaming for you. ‘Bet they’d scream for just about anything if Frank told them to,’ you thought bitterly to yourself. But all thoughts went out of your head as Frank took your hand and led you over to his mic so he could talk.
“This is Y/N, my amazing guitar tech, she keeps me in line all night, can we give her a big round of applause?” Frank asked the crowd, lifting his arms up towards the pit. You blushed over his comment about “keeping him in line all night,” and hoped the stage lights didn’t show how red you felt.
The crowd went wild once again and your face burned even more as you felt Frank wrap his arm around you and pull you into a hug, discreetly kissing your cheek. It was such a quick peck that you were almost sure you’d imagined it, but when Frank pulled away from you, he was blushing too, but grinning, the corners of his hazel eyes crinkling.
Frank finally let you go and you escaped to the sanctuary of backstage. You hadn’t wanted to hurt Frank’s feelings by running away, but it made you nervous being in the spotlight. And that kiss on your cheek had made your heart soar, but now you felt nervous. What did it mean?
After that night, you tried to keep yourself busy and limit your interactions with Frank. You didn’t know what his intentions were and you were scared you weren’t good enough for him. You had never really dated anyone and you knew he’d had quite a few relationships, so you were also afraid that your inexperience would be a turnoff for him.
It was hard to totally avoid him though, especially since you worked for him and you’d seen his face fall enough to know that he’d noticed and wasn’t happy about it, but you couldn’t help it.
Finally, he cornered you one day backstage while one of the opening bands set up for their set.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he murmured.
Your heart stopped. You were caught. There was no avoiding the conversation now. You swallowed hard. “Frank, I…I’m sorry. Can we talk about this somewhere more private?” As you said this, you saw Gerard out of the corner of your eye, looking over at the two of you, his eyebrows furrowed. Gerard was hard to miss these days, with his bright red hair.
Frank nodded and you let him take your hand and pull you away from everyone else. Once you’d stopped walking, he held your hand in his still, loose enough that you could let go if you wanted to, but tight enough that you could sense that Frank didn’t want to let you go.
He sighed. “Look, I--I’m sorry if I scared you off that night when I called you onstage, but I just--I wanted to show you how special you are to me and how much I like you, I just didn’t really know how. I didn’t plan on kissing your cheek, it just happened, so if you’ve been avoiding me because of that, I’m so sorry. I never want to make you uncomfortable and I want you to know that we’ll do whatever you want. If you want to pretend this never happened, we can do that, if you want to leave tour--”
You’d been listening to him ramble, your heart fluttering in your chest as he said everything you’d hoped to hear from him, but when he mentioned you leaving tour, you had to stop him. “Frank, I don’t wanna leave tour.”
His face lit up with a cautious sort of hope. “You don’t?”
You shook your head, offering him a small smile. “No, I don’t.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank God. So what is it then? I miss you and I want us to be good again.”
You sighed. “I like you too. I like you so much that it scares me. A-and I could tell you liked me too and that scared me even more.”
He frowned. “Why? You never have to be afraid of me, you know that.”
You bit your lip. “I know. It’s not that. It’s just that…you know I’m not very experienced when it comes to this kind of thing. And I’m insecure that I’ll screw it up, or that I won’t be good at…you know.” You trailed off, blushing furiously.
His full lips curved in a slight smile, his hazel eyes full of warmth and love for you. “Y/N, you’re going to be amazing, because you’re amazing. But we can slow things down, I can…I can back off a little if that’s what you need.”
You nodded. “Not too far back though,” you whispered, smiling slightly.
He reached his hand out to yours, linking your pinky with yours. The simple, gentle touch felt amazing.
“Better?” He asked, his eyes searching yours.
You nodded, reaching up with your other hand to brush his hair out of his face. It had grown down to his shoulders and you loved the way it looked, even when it obscured his beautiful eyes. “Thanks, Frank.”
He smiled. “Of course.”
The two of you took things slow over the next few months. Frank was unendingly patient with you, which made you feel brave enough to progress your relationship. You still worked for him, since it gave the two of you the chance to spend a lot of time together and travel around the world. You loved watching him play music and jump around the stage like a maniac. And after every show, he was yours, and that was all that mattered.
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translucent-at-best · 20 days
Today was one of those days that I scrolled all the way down my message threads to find your voice notes. My brain keeps trying to convince me that it's weird to still be grieving you like this, but deep down, I know that's not true. You were an amazing person and it only makes sense that you left such a mark. I really miss you, Big Spoon.
I went to a SiR concert a couple weeks ago and at the end, him and his brothers D Smoke and Davion sang "Love's in Need of Love Today" by Stevie Wonder and dedicated it to the memory of their mother who recently passed. It was beautiful and definitely got some tears out of me, but I didn't record it and now I'm stuck sitting here wishing I could relive that moment.
I've been getting followers out of nowhere lately. Usually there might be a lil influx after posting a picture, but I haven't done that in weeks. I don't know how y'all are finding me, but hey!
I dropped my sister off at the airport earlier last week. She came out here for her birthday and we had so much fun. It wasn't until she got here that I realized that it's been a minute since we've just had time to hang out on our own. The past few times she came out here, it was with our cousin and the times I've done the traveling, I'm going home to see the whole family.
We got to catch up on so much and she is one of my favorite - perhaps my absolute favorite - person to talk to. I love being her big sister and I miss her a lot. I really wish she would move out here. Not only for selfish reasons (I promise), but also because I feel like given her work history and experience, she could really thrive out here.
Sometimes, I really would like to eat a whole cucumber. Especially that salmon everything bagel recipe. That Logan look like he know what he doing. And I know mandolin slicer stocks must be going crazy right now.
I miss Waffle House. Need me an All-Star Special with a chocolate chip waffle in the worst way.
You know what's some really beautiful shit? That moment right before somebody's son covers my pussy with their mouth for the first time. I'm hopeful and waiting, he's excited and plotting, we're both hyper-aware of each other's bodies and movements, the air is thick with anticipation... And don't let me feel his breath on my lips. Shitgotdamn. That specific sensation should be bottled and sold.
My supervisor at my last job texted me yesterday asking if we could talk over the phone. Don't y'all know this woman called me for a therapy session? She was crying and said she's been feeling super overwhelmed lately and since I know the most about her living situation (after sitting next to each other every day for the past two years), she thought it'd be good to talk to me. My flabbers were gasted.
Although I will say... she's a lot better as a friend than she was as a supervisor. I enjoy being able to tell her when she's doing too much and - this is being said without a hint of sarcasm - I sincerely think she may be on the spectrum. For a few reasons, including but not limited to the fact that her and social cues seem to always miss each other.
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practicingsmut · 1 year
I’m Like a Lawyer with the Way I’m Always Trying to Get You Off
work rival!minho x reader, 3k words, one bed trope, minho’s a bit of a perv but the reader’s kinda into it
Working for one of the largest law firms in the city wasn’t always all it was cracked up to be - the work you did may have been emotionally rewarding when things went the way you wanted them to, but there were still the long hours of wading through bureaucratic bullshit to get those results. On top of that, it was a much more social job than you had expected. At least you got along with your coworkers, or most of them anyway.
The best part of working at your particular job was that it dealt with many clients not necessarily from the city you were based in, so several times a year you got to take an all expenses paid trip as part of your job in order to meet with said clients.
Normally you would be over the moon to be put on one of these jobs, and while you were still excited to travel, you couldn’t help but be upset by the fact that you had been partnered with your least favorite coworker, the one and only Lee Minho. The two of you had joined the firm around the same time and were often given similar cases to work on, so it was no surprise that the two of you quickly became the fiercest of rivals, often trying to outdo each other.
Luckily you hadn’t had to sit anywhere near each other on the flight to your destination, but the troubles began when you arrived at your hotel, tired from the trip and wanting nothing more than to sink into your bed so you could wake up well rested the next morning.
“What do you mean, you’ve put us in the same room?” Minho shouted at the receptionist. You wished he wouldn’t take it out on the worker who was only doing their job and told him as much, but you could still understand his frustration.
“I’m sorry, but this was the only accommodation we had left when your employer called to make the reservation. We don’t have any other rooms opening up for several days,” the receptionist explained. You didn’t know how they managed to keep their cool - if Minho came yelling at you the way he was, you wouldn’t hesitate to snap back at him.
“There has to be something you can do,” he insisted.
“Weren’t you listening, you idiot? There aren’t any other rooms. Come on, I’m tired, and I would rather go to bed instead of arguing about things that can’t be changed,” you said with a yawn, thanking the receptionist before turning and walking off without waiting to see if Minho was following.
Your stuff was already put to the side and your pajamas on your body when Minho finally graced you with his presence once more. You had no idea what took him so long and you didn’t care. You were in the bathroom doing your nighttime skin routine when he came in, but you could hear him clear as day as he threw his stuff down and let out a groan.
“You have got to be kidding me,” he said.
“What’s wrong now?” you called out, not wanting to deal with his bullshit for longer than necessary. Your hands paused their ministrations when his head popped out in the doorway.
“There’s supposed to be a second bed,” he asserted, a look on his face revealing that he thought you were the stupid one in this situation.
You rolled your eyes, turning your head so he’d be able to see. “The couch pulls out to be the second bed. Honestly, do you even listen to people when they talk?”
Thankfully Minho didn’t even bother responding to what you had said and instead just walked back to the room to do whatever it is he wanted to do. When you finally left the bathroom, you found him struggling with the pull out portion of the couch. He was even grunting with the effort of it, something you found wholly unnecessary.
“Oh, move over,” you said, nudging him out of the way with your hip.
“You’re not going to be able to get it. It’s stuck.”
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. There was no way to unfold the second bed out of the couch. After a quick investigation, you found one of the metal bars to be bent in such a way that it made the whole piece immobile.
“I’m going to call the front desk. Maybe they have a maintenance worker who can come fix it or something,” Minho said, moving to the phone on the nightstand. You rushed over and quickly placed your hand on top of his, keeping him from lifting the receiver.
“Minho. It is nearly midnight. I’m not waiting for some maintenance worker to come up and fix this before going to bed. We can deal with it tomorrow.” You tried your best to keep your voice even, but in your near-exhausted state you couldn't help but let some of your frustration through.
“I’m not sleeping on the floor,” he asserted.
“Then sleep in the fucking bed with me!” You threw your hands up in the air and turned away from Minho, nearly missing the shocked look on his face. “It’s a queen size, we’ll both fit for the night. Tomorrow we can get the couch fixed, alright?”
It wasn’t the best situation to be in, but you were ready to accept any compromise at that point if it meant Minho would shut his mouth and you could close your eyes. Without another word you climbed into bed, making a show of pulling the covers over you as you snuggled into the pillows on your chosen side.
Minho let out a heavy sigh. “Fine. Whatever.” He moved over to where his bag had been tossed and started pulling his clothes off.
“Um, what are you doing?” you asked once his shirt was off and he began undoing his belt. “Can’t you get changed in the bathroom?”
“You’d still see me like this even if I took my clothes off out of sight,” he answered. “I normally sleep naked. You’re lucky I have some sense of decency and I’m keeping my boxers on.”
And what a pair of boxers they were. Boxer briefs, to be specific, a black pair that hugged his hips and thighs, outlining every curve of muscle and… other features. Was he always so fit? How had you not noticed before? You peeked at him through your eyelashes as he walked around to the other side of the bed, hoping he’d think your eyes were closed.
“Besides, you’re not much better, parading around in your underwear. Why is it okay for you to do that but not me?” he questioned as he slid under the covers.
“I’m wearing shorts!” you protested. They were small ones that barely covered more than the panties you left off when you slept, but you weren’t about to let him win any sort of argument. And the sports bra you had on held your breasts firmly out of his view.
“That’s a very liberal use of the word for what you’ve got on, but it doesn’t even matter. Can you just shut the light off already?”
You wanted to respond that you were the one who had been waiting for him, but decided to pick your battles. The need for rest overruled the need to get under Minho’s skin, and soon you were lulled into a dreamless sleep despite the distracting sound of Minho’s deep breaths just feet away from where you were.
Something was different when you woke up in the dark a few hours later. It took you a minute to register what it was, but once you heard it you couldn’t forget it - Minho’s breathing had changed. Before falling asleep they had been long, slow, and deep, but now they were much more shallow and sharp, interrupted every few seconds by a slight gasp and once by a deep moan he had to stifle, probably by biting his lip.
You had no idea how to react. Even once you’d resigned yourself to the fate of having to share a bed with Minho, you were completely caught off guard by the fact that you had woken up to him touching himself next to you. Your mind raced with ideas of what to do, settling on the decision to do nothing and pretend you were still sleeping.
“I know you’re awake,” he whispered, the calming of his breathing giving you the idea that he’d stilled his hand. So much for your plan.
“Did you have to do this in the bed? You couldn’t at the very least go to the bathroom?” you questioned, though your words didn’t have the bite they normally did.
“Then I wouldn’t be able to see you.”
Your eyes snapped open at his admission, meeting his gaze immediately. You must have flipped while sleeping to face the middle of the bed. Even in the dim light from the moon shining through the gap in the curtains you could see the aroused blush that spread across his face, highlighting the cocky grin he had.
“You’re a fucking pervert, Minho.” The covers fell from your torso as you sat up, the cool air sending a chill racing across your skin.
“You say that like your eyes weren’t glued to my bulge when you saw me in my boxers earlier,” he countered. Now it was your turn to blush. “Besides, I’m not as bad as you make me out to be. My hand stayed outside my boxers the whole time. I just needed a little friction to work me through the distraction so I could go to sleep, promise.”
You eyed him suspiciously. “You really think I’m hot enough to keep you up at night?” He nodded. “Please tell me this isn’t one of those cliche moments where you tell me you’ve been in love with me since we met.”
Minho let out a mean-hearted chuckle. “Oh, god, no. You’re the most annoying coworker I’ve ever had to deal with, but I do think you’re fucking gorgeous. That’s something I’ll admit to having thought since we met.”
Something about the way he complimented you had heat pooling in the pit of your stomach. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought him insanely attractive as well, but you weren’t crazy enough to masturbate while sharing a bed with him.
“So what now?” you asked, not willing to put into words even in your mind what you hoped he was going to say.
“I could go into the bathroom and fix my issue while you settle back into bed, then the two of us could pretend this never happened.”
“Or?” you prompted, sensing there was more he wanted to say.
“Or you could help me out by fulfilling my perverted little dreams.”
It wasn’t quite what you wanted, but you loved negotiating.
“So what, you want me to give you a blowjob and call it done? Don’t I deserve to get something out of the deal?”
That cocky grin was back. You wanted to smack it off his face, or kiss it off. Either way would work.
“Oh, I could definitely give you something in return.”
His hand touched your arm almost tentatively like he still expected you to run, but when you showed no signs of stopping him he pulled you over to him so that you were hovering over his crotch and your mouth could meet his.
Minho was a fantastic kisser, setting up a steady rhythm of nipping your lips with his teeth and licking into your mouth. His hands slid down to rest on your hips while yours found the hard muscle of his chest.
Then, without warning, he pulled you down so your core landed directly on his clothed member, forcing you to let out an involuntary gasp. He laughed in response, the sound coming out hot on your cheek.
“You did that on purpose, you asshole.”
“Of course I did.”
Wanting to even the score and catch him unaware, you shoved him down onto his back, staying seated above him so you could grind down on him. An almost pornographic moan slipped through his lips, spurring you to continue the motion. A curse escaped your mouth as your clit caught on the tip of his cock, the now soaked layers of clothing between you two both a blessing and a curse as it added to the friction.
Then suddenly you were on your back, Minho pinning your hands on either side of your head while his lips and tongue traced patterns along the column of your neck and his hips bucked against yours. He moved quickly at first, but then seemed to come up with a better idea.
Moving your arms so that he could pin them both above your head with just one hand holding your wrist, he then used his free hand to pull the waistband of his boxers down, freeing his erection and letting it slap against his stomach.
“Careful there, you look like you’re about to start drooling,” he joked.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” you groaned.
“Shh, princess. We’ll get there.” Princess? Where did that pet name come from, and why did it have you clenching around nothing?
You didn’t have time to question it out loud, as Minho’s thumb began to rub tight circles over your clit through your shorts. A moment later his thumb was replaced with the tip of his cock. He slid it through your folds as if there wasn’t a fabric boundary there at all, taking his time to tease your most sensitive part before bringing it back down. He pressed into you, the shorts keeping him from making anything but the most shallow thrusts that barely allowed his tip into you.
“Minho, please.”
You hated how you whined, sure that he was going to tease you for it, but instead Minho just adjusted his position so that he didn’t have to guide his cock with his hand. It came up to cup your cheek, thumb grazing your bottom lip.
“Let me have my fun. I promise I’ll take care of you.” You nodded, trusting this soft side of him you’d never seen before.
From his new position he could rut against you, letting his member catch against you for a moment before springing free. It kept from forming a steady rhythm, something that would have helped you climax faster. Your only consolation seemed to be the fact that Minho was teasing himself as well, if his labored breathing and leaking cock were anything to go off of. At this point you weren’t sure if your panties were saturated from your arousal or his.
“Minho, please, I need you.” Your squirming was making it hard for any purchase to be made, a fact that finally pushed Minho to give in.
“Fuck, princess, okay.”
He let go of you completely and sat back on his knees in order to pull your shorts off, throwing them somewhere else in the room. They were soon followed by his boxers. With tingling hands from being held down for so long, you took the moment to pull your sports bra off, leaving you fully bared beneath Minho.
“Can you hold your legs open for me?” he asked. You obliged immediately, leaving Minho to groan as he saw your cunt already dripping with excitement.
His mouth was on yours again before anything else so he was able to swallow your gasp when he finally pushed his cock inside of you. It wasn’t so big that it hurt, but with your only prep having been some grinding, it was definitely a bit of a stretch. You struggled to keep your legs held open as the head hit your g-spot over and over; Minho clocked this and pulled your legs over his shoulders so your arms could flop back onto the bed and pull at the sheets.
“I’m going to be honest here,” Minho groaned in your ear, “I’m not going to last much longer. Can I come inside you?”
You nodded for a moment before realizing he probably couldn’t see you in the position you were in. “Ye- yes.”
Moments later he was filling you up, the warm and sticky substance coating the inside of your cunt entirely. You could only begrudge the fact that he came first for a moment before he was pulling out of you and sliding down your body, his mouth on you before a single drop could leak out of you.
“Fuck!” you cried out as his tongue buried itself as far into you as it could go while his nose nudged against your throbbing clit. You didn’t think it was possible to be even more turned on than you already were, but something about the fact that Minho was eating his own cum out of you seemed to do the trick. He had your legs shaking in over a minute.
Your hands found their way into his hair to tug sharply on it, though whether you were trying to pull him closer or push him away, even you couldn’t tell. Moments later you hit your peak. If Minho’s face hadn’t already been drenched in your juices, it certainly would have been then. He continued to lick at you, stopping to suck on your clit until you cried out that it was too much.
At that moment, seeing him look up at you from between your legs with eyes full of lust and awe, you couldn’t help yourself. You pulled him up so that you could kiss him, tasting the both of you on your tongue as the mess spread all over your face.
“I told you I’d take care of you,” he whispered against your lips.
After another kiss you answered, “You’re lucky that I really do need my sleep, otherwise I’d be back on that cock in a minute. You better be ready to put it to good use again tomorrow.”
You could feel him smile from the way his face moved against yours. “I guess we don’t have to call for maintenance about that couch.”
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bengiyo · 1 year
Be My Favorite Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we all fell into intense brain rot over the ace!Kawi discourse, and did not appreciate Aou in those shorts enough or the fact that Max FUCKS. We suspect that Pisaeng may or may not have time traveled. Kawi is dealing with some of his own intimacy issues. It feels like they had their first time at the end of the episode. Also, Pear is not happy with her mom for abandoning them, Pisaeng’s mom pulled a complete reversal to support him, and Kawi reflected on his dad urging him to live his life for himself.
It’s like they knew I still was skeptical of Pisaeng’s mom, Daow, so they have her working out her issues with Pear’s dad, Phong.
I’m glad that Pear found a way to give herself peace about her mom.
I like Pear reading a poem over these scenes. The bed kissing was pretty decent.
Okay, the morning after scene was really sweet. I liked that.
I’m not sure how I feel about the flashback to a conversation we weren’t part off with the magic guy. I don’t mind the show laying out its core thesis about being present in your life and focusing on the things you can control explicitly for the audience, but it felt a bit weird. I feel like I need to brace for high-impact drama now.
Everyone has graduated, but what did Not do after getting wrecked so hard?
Domestic montages, my beloved.
I’m encouraged that these two stayed together for years, and maintained friendships with the characters we liked.
Sponge baths, my beloathed.
This timeline is too enjoyable, and Kawi doesn’t seem to have a job. They’re going to take this timeline from us. What happened to Kawi’s music aspirations?
Oh, never mind. Seems like Kawi is still involved in music.
Is Kawi about to get sick and die and then force Pisaeng to travel back to the past (Samurai Jack)?
Okay, but this actually just got super heavy. This show has not been soft about its support for gay political issues, and medical care is one of the big concerns queer people face without family and domestic protections. Some of my actual work is helping couples circumvent these blocks.
I am genuinely invested in this terminal medical condition plotline.
Oh ho! So he does go back to the past (Samurai Jack) and now we return to the day of the amusement park, now with double the time travel shenanigans!
Okay, high-key I love this. I haven’t been this stressed by the thematic implications within a BL in a really long time. We had the magic man imply that we can’t alter our destinies, but we can fix our mistakes. Kawi wasn’t destined to win the lottery, and it feels like they’re saying he wasn’t destined to save his dad either. Pisaeng is convinced that he is the reason that Kawi got sick and is facing death in the future even a Max insists that it couldn’t be his fault. Now he’s gone back to the past and altered the happy timeline we saw completely. Now he and Kawi will both face each other as time travelers trying to fix what they believe to be their mistakes in the finale. I’m so excited because we all felt that they went into that bed scene without clearing something, and now we have to face it.
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Blackstaff Academy
A/N: You are a professor of Blackstaff Academy, your life there will change once a certain wizard turns up to teach.
Being a professor at Blackstaff Academy had been the highlight of your career for now. You had only worked there for just over 2 years but you had won awards for your teaching of magic and the high grades your students achieved under your tuition. This was all you had ever craved, in your life at home you had always felt second best to your sister who was inherently better at magic than you, yet she did not have the knowledge that you worked so hard on. It is one thing to be born gifted, which itself is impressive, you would not deny that. But to be born and work hard to be as talented as you were, that takes dedication and skill. Your family never celebrated your awards as much as you would like but that did not matter, you knew how they were, what mattered is how you felt and how your colleagues celebrated you with open arms praising you for your work. They were your chosen family, and that meant a lot to you to feel accepted by them.
The summer break breezed by, you enjoyed your time away from teaching by travelling revelling in the glorious weather. Your yearly trip to Baldur’s Gate was a fruitful one, spending your time pouring through new tomes in the city, finding new spells to practice, it was like heaven for you. It was not very often that you could relax like this so you enjoyed yourself whilst you could, drinking cheap wine in the Taverns and eating exotic fruit you had never heard of in the local markets. You wanted to write to your family about it all but it would have only hurt you when you would inevitably not get a response.
A few days before the new academic year yourself and all the current professors would gather at the academy and discuss the upcoming term, it was normally the same spiel each year according to your colleagues, discussing how they standards of teaching in the school were increasing and how select they had to be with the students again this year. You thought it would be much of the same again when you arrived at the meeting, yet you could feel a tension in the air, something was not right.
“What’s going on, Khalazza?” you whispered to your potion master, knowing she was the hub if gossip amongst the faculty.
Khalazza’s eyes lit up as she leant towards you, whispering excitedly. “Well, Tav. You know me I’m not a gossip.” Her hands animated as she spoke. You nodded softly and agreed, knowing full well she was the biggest gossip here, but you wanted information so kept your mouth shut and hummed along to her words in agreement.
“Apparently we are getting some famous wizard to join our faculty!” Her eyes lit up and sparkled with excitement whilst your eyes rolled. You had no time for celebrity wizards who pretended to know more than what they actually did.
“No! It’s true!” Khalazza insisted. “I heard it from the Dean himself! Apparently he helped the Hero of Baldurs Gate!” She was now getting too excitable for your liking, you put some distance between the two of you and chuckled under your breath, why on earth would someone who helped “the hero of Baldur’s Gate” come here? Surely they could get a job wherever they wanted. You could still see Khalazza practically bouncing with excitement out of the corner of your eye, you chuckled at her animated reaction, she was a lovely woman, just a tad excitable at times.
The rest of the faculty meeting was filled with hushed murmurs that you tried to ignore, you did not need this distraction on your first day back, in fact, it took almost an hour until the Dean of the school told you all to quieten down before he introduced the new member of staff. It seemed to be a serious matter for once. You pushed yourself towards the front of the crowd of staff to see who would be joining you. As you stood at the front you noticed a familiar looking man, although you could not place him. He was handsome, his stubble was tidy and the long brown hair tied back in a half up bun intrigued you, wondering what field he would be teaching. Your school of teaching was purely on the weave, you felt an intrinsic link to it since the day you were born, you could have easily taken up any subject of magic, but this was your passion, and you revelled in the teaching of it.
The Dean was a kind man, he had not ever left Waterdeep but that did not stop his from accepting and nurturing those who came from across the continent, in fact he encouraged it, hoping students would create clubs and groups so that they could bond together as they studied. Dean Darrin was the best thing to happen to this academy for decades, once he took over 50 years ago he changed things, making it a prestige academy where students would need to work for their place, yet also offering scholarships for prodigies in magic. If a person went to study at Waterdeep then you could almost guarantee they would go on to greatness.
You stood watching Dean Darrin introduce the new faculty member that was to join you “Gale of Waterdeep” his voice shouted, before he was interrupted by the brown-haired man “Apologies Dean, Gale Dekarious, if you please” his voice anxious as you heard the rumours circulating around you.
“Ahem, Apologies, Gale Dekarios!” The Dean flustered slightly as he had to reintroduce him. Gale Bowed before you all politely, a smile on his face knowing that he was back where he belonged on Waterdeep.
 According to the rumours you were hearing he was a child prodigy in magic, he was trained by the great Elminster, he helped liberate Baldur’s Gate this past spring and that he used to be Mystra’s lover.
The rumours were trivial, you did not want to entertain the workplace gossip, you wanted to attend your classes without drama. Your first class of the day was an introductory lesson into the Weave, the students here were all very capable of tapping into it but you liked to cover it as a first lesson, in your experience some students were more chaotic with it. The weave needs calm and balance, that is what you were here to teach. Gale sat at the back of the classroom for this lesson, gauging what you were teaching the students. His hand would raise often, trying to contradict what you said, giving advice of what to do or teach, you accepted his “assistance” with a smile during class, your patience slowly draining as he raised his hand for what seemed to be every comment you made. It grew to be tiring very quickly but you remained composed as the lesson went on, answering and rebuffing Gale’s comments each time he made one.
After what felt like an age, the lesson ended, leaving you and Gale alone in the room, you were tidying your desk as you could see him from the corner of you eye approach you, no doubt with a myriad of questions or criticisms.
“Yes Gale?” your voice was curt, not hiding the tone of annoyance that you had felt towards him for the last hour.
“Well Tav, I just had a few thoughts on how you could improve your lessons, engage the students and whatnot. We would not want future prodigies to drop out now would we?” He spoke with a smile, not understanding the insult that he had just dished out to his new colleague.
“Excuse me? My lessons have been fine for the past 2 years so if you don’t mind, I would like you to leave. I was kind enough to let you observe my lessons so please don’t try to drag me down.” Your voice was stern yet polite, you did not take kindly to Gales “constructive criticism” and would not entertain him further, gathering your things and leaving before he could reply. You did not want him to see the tears threatening to spill on your face, you would not give him that satisfaction.
As you arrived back home you contemplated your current situation, you knew you were too stubborn to leave Blackstaff on account of a jumped up wizard with an ego, in your opinion. Yet you did not know how you could be nice to him after the way he spoke to you today. You had decided to stick it out for the remainder of the term, hoping you had both got off on the wrong foot for now.
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femalesaregreater1234 · 8 months
Modern marriage
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Gone are the days when the bride has to touch her husband's feet and the bride's parents have to wash the feet of the groom in the wedding ceremony. Women have updated wedding traditions to the 21st century, and men have no choice but to comply; if they don't, they will be unable to find a wife. It is very dangerous for a man in the 21st century to not marry due to the fact that all the good jobs are going to more diligent and qualified women, and so unmarried men struggle severely.
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The wedding begins with a fun game in which the female guests flog the groom according the rhythm of the background music. The purpose of this activity is to have an exciting activity to relieve the stress from the traveling the female attendees had to do to attend the wedding. Although some women may initially be surprised at this display and have sympathy for the groom, after having a go at the flogging no woman has any remaining reservations. There is no need for the beginning activities to be limited to flogging. Some women have been quite creative with the games they play at weddings. For example, some women play a game in which their males try to identify them by the smell or taste of their feet. The women compete to see whose males are the best trained. It is especially fun when an entire family plays (eg: mother, father, sons, daughters, cousins, in laws, etc). The female members of the family sit with their feet up, while the male members are blindfolded and try to identify their female family members by the smell or taste of their feet.
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After the flogging activity comes music and dancing. The female guests and bride dance for hours on the dance floor, some preferring to dance on the male servants they bring with them (eg: husbands, sons, brothers, etc). A particularly popular game that is seen at weddings these days is a game in which the women have to perform a particular dance while standing on top of a man, trying to maintain her balance throughout the entire dance. Since the dancing can go on for hours, the women's feet can get especially sweaty and dirty. The sweat that gets left on the women's high heels provides a source of nourishment to the tired and thirsty men who served as dance floors.
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After the dancing, the groom tends to the aching feet of the bride. He kneels in front of her and massages her feet for around 30 minutes, while all the female guests watch (the male attendees are tending to their overseer's feet as well).
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The next ceremony is the mehendi ceremony, in which the females adorn each other with mehendi designs. Traditionally, only women would participate in this ceremony. However, women have decided that it would be better if men served as foot stools during this time, and thus it is becoming common to see men at mehendi ceremonies, lying face down, with the women resting their feet on their backs.
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After all the bridal adornments are complete, the guests all gather in a hall. The bride and groom are at the front of the hall, in the center, while all the guests are seated watching them. The bride sits on a throne, while the groom lies at her feet. Only after the groom has lied down in his position does the bride sit down and rest her feet on his face. This is a very important part of the ceremony because it is the first time in the wedding that the bride's feet touch the groom's face. This symbolizes the husband formally submitting to his wife, and accepting his new place at his wife's feet, where he will lie for the rest of his life. Remember, the bride's feet are still sweaty and dirty from the dancing, and thus this event also allows the groom to get his first smell of his wife's feet, inhaling her feminine energies. After the bride and groom are happily situated, the female guests come up one by one and formally greet and congratulate the bride. They then give their blessings to the groom by placing a foot on his manhood, symbolizing that he is about to become a true man. This symbolism came to be because modern women realized that the true definition of masculinity is submitting under the feet of women, and thus placing a foot on the groom's manhood symbolized that the female guests bless the groom in this transition.
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Next, the food is served. All the women sit on chairs, with their male servants kneeling on the ground in front of them. It is nowadays customary that before a man eats, he must have his food blessed by female feet and pray to a woman while burying his nose in her toes. Thus, the bride crushes the males' food with her dirty, sweaty feet before they eat it. Each of the male servants put their nose in their overseer's toes to pray to them before eating. The groom then goes around the dining hall as the female guests are eating, and puts his nose in each of the female guests' feet one by one to pray to them. Finally, he approaches the bride, puts his nose in her feet, and then starts to eat the food off of the ground in front of her, while her feet are still there.
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It is then finally time for the bride's feet to be cleaned. The foot cleaning is necessary to purify the bride for the final rites. As the mothers of the bride and groom will play an important role in the final rites, their feet must also be cleaned at this time. The groom, in front of all the female guests (the male attendees are serving as chairs or footstools for the women), licks the feet of the bride and mothers clean. The reason for licking instead of washing with water is twofold. First, it symbolizes the groom's first taste of the bride's foot sweat, a taste that will become very common to him soon. Second, it is a display of utmost respect, devotion, and submission to the bride and her mother; these qualities of a husband are a must for the modern woman, and the groom is eager to show that he possesses them.
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After the mothers' and bride's feet are cleaned, the final rites are commenced. First, the mother of the groom takes her son's hands and places them in the hands of the bride, symbolizing her giving away the son to the bride. In some ceremonies, this can also be done by the groom laying on the ground, and the groom's mother providing balance to the bride as she places a single foot on the groom's crotch. This symbolizes the groom's mother giving her son away -- he is being transferred from being under the foot of his mother to being under the foot of his wife.
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Next, the mother of the bride gives her a collar, which she puts around the groom's next. This further symbolizes that the groom is nothing but a dog to his wife, and that he must behave as such.
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Finally, the mother of the groom ties a traditional scarf around her son's neck and hands it to the bride. The couple walks around the fire 7 times, the bride yanking on the groom's neck, while the priestesses pray to various Gods (God refers to a female, and thus there is no need of the term 'Goddess'). After each circle, the groom kneels down and kisses the bride's feet. After the 7 circles are complete, the bride and groom are wife and husband. The husband is eager to start his life as a true man at the feet of his wife.
Image credits: https://www.deviantart.com/yuvraj417, https://www.deviantart.com/glutmax, https://www.deviantart.com/rfk007,
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soft--dragon · 2 years
Bomb Disarming
I adore Wrecker and Omega's dynamic so I had to write something for them!! :D Hope you enjoy! <3
Word Count: 2,388
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Travelling to new planet systems always seemed to take longer than wanted, and this one was especially bad. It was going to take so long in fact, that Tech had ended up switching the ship to autopilot and left the cockpit to tinker with a new project. Hunter and Echo were somewhere in the Havoc Marauder, either discussing new jobs from Cid or talking plans about ration stockage and fuel supplies.
Those types of serious conversations were something Wrecker would rather leave to the two leaders of the team, it was way too boring to force himself to be interested in those topics. Though, he was almost considering going to see what they were talking about just to save himself from going stir crazy. He was in the cockpit with Omega, sat back in the comfy chairs and desperately wishing something interesting would just happen already. He’d even take being knocked out of hyperspace by a Purrgil or something.  
Another minute passed before Wrecker decided it was official; he was going to die of boredom. Bam. Straight on the floor, flatlined with a sheet thrown over his corpse. Murdered by boredom instead of on the battlefield, what a sad way to go. 
By the looks of things, Omega wasn’t far off either. The kid was turning aimlessly in her chair, trying to twirl one of Tech’s tools between her fingers like Hunter did with his knives. She was getting pretty accurate with the timing of the spins, but they weren’t very smooth, the pattern of switching the tool to each finger was stilted. Though she didn’t seem to care about the tacky display, instead staring at the streaks of blue and white outside the glass of the ship with a glazed look in her brown eyes.
Two death counts from boredom in one day. Truly a pity. 
Wrecker groaned, sitting up and rolling his shoulders back, causing them to click loudly. Omega didn’t even spare him a glance at the movements, her focus still the shifting blue hues outside. Damn, she was zoned out. 
The larger clone hummed deeply, foot tapping the floor in thought as he tried to come up with a way to entertain the pair of them. They still had over an hour of travel left and Wrecker wanted to bash a few more heads in before he took his trip to the afterlife, thank you very much, so the boredom would have to go. His gaze flicked to the tool Omega was still spinning slowly, it was a smaller set of clipping shears Tech used on finicky wires in the more delicate parts of his projects, and quite similar to what they used to cut wires of bombs.
Wrecker’s eyebrows shot up as an idea hit him faster than a bullet train.
“Hey kid!” He exclaimed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees to be at Omega’s height level.
Omega gave a start at the sudden burst of noise which caused the tool in her hand to clatter to the floor. She ripped her gaze from the window and stared up at her brother in alarm. “What? What is it?” She asked, her accented voice filled with concern.
Wrecker grinned at her, scooping the discarded clipping shears on the ground and holding them up clearly. “Why don’t we go through bomb disarming again? We haven’t done it in a bit!”
Omega blinked owlishly, eyes flicking between the tool and his face in bewilderment. “On the ship?” Her question was a mix of slight levity and confusion. “I don’t think Hunter would like that very much.”
Wrecker’s excitement deflated slightly. She did have a pretty valid point. They were running low on smoke bombs as is, and the idea of the ship filling with the thick fog with no way to filter it out probably wasn’t a smart idea. 
“Ah,” he grunted, lowering the shears slightly. “I guess that’s true.”
Omega nodded quietly and went to look back out the window, her knees drawing to her chest and arms wrapping around them. She looked smaller than usual in that position, and her childish features just looked so sad. Wrecker frowned. He didn’t like Omega being sad. 
“We don’t have to use an actual bomb,” he said slowly, his brain trying to come up with an alternative quickly.
“Mm?” Hummed Omega to show she was listening, half lidded eyes drifting over the hyperspace streaks.
“...We could use my hand instead?”
Omega lifted her head, eyebrows furrowing as she stared straight forwards. She then turned to look at him slowly, one eyebrow quirked in puzzlement. “...You want me to use those shears on your fingers?” 
Wrecker barked a laugh, shaking his head and tossing the shears to the side which caused them to clatter noisily on the dashboard. “No no, the idea was that you’ll use your fingers like shears to ‘cut’ my fingers which will be the wires. The palm of my hand will be the actual bomb, and your goal is to cut the right wires to stop it from detonating. Make sense?”
Omega’s gaze dropped to his hand that was being held up to be a demonstration alongside Wrecker’s explanation. Slowly, her legs unfurled from her chest and she sat forward on her chair. 
“...Okay, that sounds like it could be good practice.”
“Atta girl,” Wrecker praised, ruffling her curls and smiling when she leant up into his large palm. “Do you need reminding of which wires are which?”
“I think I remember… provided you’ve got them in the same order as a smoke bomb and you’re not gonna pull anything?”
“Course not, kid. Now, you’ve got a time limit of ten seconds before it explodes, ya ready?”
Omega leant forward more, using her index and middle fingers to make a pair of scissors on her right hand and studying Wrecker’s ‘bomb’. “Ready.”
Wrecker had spread his fingers with his palm facing upwards, trying to make it easy for Omega to remember the correct method. “Alright. Beep!” 
With Wrecker’s noise indicating the ‘bomb’s’ activation, Omega quickly set to work, half listening to his countdown. “The conductor feeds the coil expander… this connects to the transmitter… the detonator links to…” 
As she mumbled, she used her finger shears to cut at Wrecker’s fingers, the older clone folding the digits inwards to show the break. She’d ‘cut’ three of Wrecker’s fingers, and was now stalling between his middle and ring fingers, face pinching as she tried to recall the last step. 
“I- I don’t know which one to do-”
“Better hurry, kid! Five… four…”
Omega bit her lip anxiously, then on impulse, pinched Wrecker’s ring finger between her shears. 
Kriff. Wrong one. 
“KABOOM!” Wrecker yelled, sweeping Omega off her chair into his arms, wiggling his fingers into her sides quickly. 
Omega squealed loudly, kicking out on instinct and breaking into fits of laughter. “AHA! W-Wrehehecker!” 
“You failed to disarm the worst kind of bomb there is, Omega, now you’re suffering the consequences!”
Still giggling, Omega pressed out, “Smoke bohombs arehen’t the wohorst!”
“Oh no, this was very different from a regular ol smoke bomb, kiddo,” Wrecker chuckled, “it was a tickle bomb!” 
He blew a raspberry into Omega’s cheek, fingers worming against her stomach to produce high pitched, childish laughter. 
“YOHOU LIHIAR!” Omega gasped, squirming in Wrecker’s unrelenting hold. “Yohou shahid ihit wahas aha smohoke bohomb!” 
Far too smug about his ploy, Wrecker chuckled evilly. “Oh I didn’t lie, I said the wires were in the same order as a smoke bomb, I never said it was one.” He lay Omega over his lap and raised his hands above her, wiggling his fingers tauntingly. The effect was immediate. 
Omega tried to curl up in the limited space, giggling more at the ‘threat’ before her. “W-Wrehehecker!” she squeaked.
“Yeah? That’s my name, Omega.” He held them for a moment longer to build suspense, then suddenly dropped them to just ghost over Omega’s torso, delighting in the squeal that burst from the blonde clone. Her eyes had clamped shut in preparation for the onslaught, only for Wrecker to raise his hands in the air again, still wiggling.
Cracking an eye open, Omega whined at falling for the fake-out. “Wrehehehecker!”
“Still my name. You sure we shouldn’t call you Echo, now?”
Once more, Wrecker’s hands plunged down towards Omega, another shriek bursting from the kid that was followed by bright giggles. The sensations of wiggling fingers never touched down, and Omega didn’t even need to open her eyes this time to know she’d been tricked again.
“Nohot fahair!”
“Not fair? Oh, I’ll show you ‘not fair’, kid.”
Wrecker snaked an arm under her back to tickle her right side and used the other to poke along her left ribs quickly, leaving her no escape route from the gentle attack. Omega squealed and shrieked, her hands smacking at Wrecker’s to try and deter him, but the bigger clone was secure in his path.
These tactics were ones he often used on his brothers’, and he was pleased to see it was just as effective on his sister too. Omega was a bundle of bright giggles and a smile close to literal sunshine, the child was just as ticklish as the rest it would seem.
“Wrecker, I hope you don’t plan on killing Omega, do you?”
The slightly nasally voice made Wrecker look at the doorway where Tech was standing, discreetly putting away a holo-pad that no doubt was filled to the storage limit with photos now. 
“Nah, she disarmed a bomb incorrectly and it exploded,” he explained, grinning up at his younger brother. “She’s facing the aftermath.”
“Ah, I see.” Tech’s lips twitched subtly and he cleared his throat. “I’m looking for my clipping shears, have you seen them?” 
“Thank you.”
“T-Tehehech hehehelp!” Omega squeaked, reaching out for the bespeckled clone, only to shriek and throw her head back in new bouts of laughter as Wrecker had quickly swept his fingers into the new weak spots. She clamped her arms down to try and stop the wiggling digits, but it only served to trap them in the sensitive hollows, leaving her spluttering and giggling hysterically. 
“I’m afraid I cannot help you, Omega,” Tech answered, amusement evident in his voice as he shifted towards the dashboard to retrieve his tool, pocketing it for the time being. “I am not one to stand in the way of a lesson, especially one as important as bomb disarmament.” 
“Now now, there’s no need for insults. You’ll get the right wires next time, I’m sure.” Tech ruffled Omega’s hair in passing, a smile on his face that was a mix of fond and mischievous. He then glanced at the bigger clone with an equally fond smile. “Though Wrecker, remember that her stamina is not the same as ours, you may want to ease up soon.”
Wrecker sent a grin towards his brother. “Yeh, that’s a good point,” he agreed and slid his hands out from underneath Omega’s tightly pressed arms. A giggly squeal slipped from the girl and melted both of the hearts of the male clones instantly. 
She brought her arms down to protect her torso, grinning up at Wrecker with mirthful anticipation, giggles still tumbling from her mouth. Wrecker chuckled at her flighty behaviour, raising his hands in what would be a peaceful action though it only caused Omega to giggle harder and curl in on herself. 
“N-Nohoho nohot thahat agahain!” she whined, eyeing Wrecker’s fingers through squinted eyes. 
“Used the ‘hang and drop’ tactic on her too, I see?” Tech observed, his smile softer than Wrecker had ever seen it. “You really wanted to make her learn the importance of bomb disarming.”
“Of course, we don’t want a lack of bomb knowledge to cause her to be partially blind in one eye, right? That position is already filled.”  
Tech flicked his gaze from Omega to Wrecker, eyes trailing over the scarring running over the left side of Wrecker’s face. He softened a bit more, reaching over to gently rest a hand on his shoulder. “You’re being a good teacher,” he said quietly. “She’ll be a natural in no time.” 
Wrecker smiled up at him warmly, giving a one shouldered shrug to lean up into the palm. “Thanks Tech.”
“Of course.” Tech removed his hand, making for the door only to pause in front of it. “Omega, I expect you to drink some water after your lesson, you’ll be dehydrated from all your laughing.”
Omega grinned and gave a small salute from where she was still lying on her back on Wrecker’s legs. “Sir, yes, sir,” she chirped, the lingering titters fading out.
Tech gave a nod, giving a smile in return and then stepped from the room, the doors sliding closed behind him. The silence hung in the air for a moment, interrupted occasionally by Omega’s small giggles that crept back into her chest. It was only when she had calmed down fully that Wrecker leant over to the storage cabinet by the piloting chair to pluck out a bottle of water. He handed it to Omega who sat up in his lap to take a swig, humming appreciatively of the cooling effect. 
Wrecker let her rest for another minute or two before gently nudging his chin against her hair. “You up to trying again?” He asked.
Omega blinked up at him in surprise, cocking her head slightly. “Oh, I can do the  disarmament again?” 
“Of course, the only way to get it right is practice.” Carefully, Wrecker picked her up again and set Omega back on her chair. He cracked his knuckles then held a hand upright, fingers splayed. “You got your clipping shears ready?”
Omega sat forward and propped her hand up to have her index and middle fingers positioned again. “Yup,” she said, then suspiciously leant back. “...If I get this wrong again…”
“You already know what’ll happen,” Wrecker chuckled. “Gotta have some consequence right? Otherwise it’ll be pretty ineffective to help you learn.”
Omega rolled her eyes, smiling up at her brother. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It…it is kinda fun.”
Wrecker visibly brightened at her words. “Good! Cause we still have forty minutes to kill, kid.”
Cracking her knuckles, Omega grinned, a flame of determination flaring up inside her. “Bring it.”
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How Jack met Alice: Jack Chambers:
*This is not a part of 'don't worry darling'! This is just a random scenario of how Jack and Alice first met each other! Also time rewind as because if Susan and Roger were born in the 50's, then Jack and Alice had met around the 40's.*
Jack had just shot out from the pervaded streets of New York City and into the more rural, sleepy city of Sacramento. He had unloaded boxes from the back of his ocean Buick and took in the brown cube shapes one by one into the pristine bachelor pad he rented for himself. Jack could all picture it: the couch would be neighbors to the kitchen, the dining table would be only sideways into the living room and the bedroom would be decorated in posters of cars and....maybe a small Lauren Bacall picture hanging somewhere.
Jack wanted a fresh outlook from the usual hometown streets of his New York City neighborhood. His old townhouse apartment supported him while he majored his studies in technology. Jack wanted to be an engineer and worked hard at his different odd jobs as a mechanic, a bartender, a supermarket attendant and most recently, a piano player at a jazz club.
Despite finishing his studies, Jack became excited at the idea of being a 'musician' in the public eye. He didn't hop into a position at as an engineer just yet, but he didn't abrade that from his list. Jack had settled down by now; the strong passions and desires of his youthful roaring 20's had worn itself out by now. He traveled a lot, smoked, drank, did some sordid things with friends, grappled the seams of independence from his parents, whom he still left in the suburbs of Buffalo.
"Oh Jack, that's so far away!" His mother exclaimed, "Even with route 66, it'll still take a week to get there!" Jack knew breaking the news to his parents would be very arduous. But he couldn't blindside them with no explanation to where he was going. "This is something that's going to be good for me. And besides, California's not so bad."
Jack glanced over to his father, who was sitting in his usual chair. His eyes were widened, a bit glossy like his eyes had been sprayed with clear coating. Jack lowered his head and shot back to his mother. He notched a crooked smile with pity eyes, shoving his piercing dimples in their faces.
That innocent smile that he's gotten from his mother and those mystifying, scheming eyes he inherited from his father, except with more character...kindness, a gentleness like a fuzzy wool teddy bear with button eyes. They were the softest green eyes that would make you run to him, arms wide with whatever was on your mind, yet they still struck a measure of uncomplicated meekness and scrutiny.
His mother threw her arms around his tall lanky neck and buried her face into his shirt. "We'll miss you." She said, quiet with unsureness. Was this really a decision she had to accept from her child? Jack's father uprooted himself from the chair and for the rarest occasion, he hugged Jack from behind. Jack's mind raced, almost in a solace he created from emotionally distancing himself from the hug for a temporary moment.
His heart pitter pattered as this was just as much as the nerve racking step he had taken upon telling his parents he was moving out for the first time. Jack could still remember the look on his mother's face. Granted she knew- just like any other mother- that he child's desire to leave the nest would only be a normal cry of growing up; the tears still didn't dry themselves. In fact, she grieved like she had lost her child in an accident, when he had only moved a couple miles away into the city.
Jack wasn't too aware of the nature to her despair, but he would only come to harbor it once he himself became a father to two children.
Jack's father had only given him a pat on the back; suckling in his despondency for the sake and pride of masculinity. But it was actually Jack who had no tears in the regards.
He looked at the picture of himself, a younger version with his friends after a trip to the cabins. Even the innocence of his eyes were shaded differently than who he was now. Jack sighed to himself with sentiment before unsettling the rest of his belongings.
The picture glass window that was a glassed in cavity to the baby blue sky of the evening that was sun dusted in orange. Despite all the moving and unpacking Jack had done earlier in the day, he still didn't hesitate to put on his dressy black slacks, a clean navy blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He took one last glance at the apartment before grabbing his jacket and departing.
"Jack!" He shot his head up to see Mr. Granderson, the landlord and next door neighbor to Jack. "How are liking the place so far?" Jack couldn't help but unwind a convivial grin. "It's very nice. I'm especially fond of the bay window in the living room." Mr. Granderson showed a toothy grin. "That's one of my favorite features too! I had it specially installed because it really gave class to the place."
Even Jack had to give a nod for how well put together and clean his new home really was. He scanned his watch, trying to cordially end the conversation. "Aw gee, I gotta go, but it was really nice talking to you Mr. Granderson," The middle aged man smiled warmly, "Please, call me Charlie."
Jack lifted his smile higher and winked before running off.
There it was.....The Demally. One of Sacramento's finest clubs in the city. Jack walked in, hung his jacket on the workers coat rack and took his position at the piano. His fingers pattered over the keys with such nuance and grace like he had played this machine all his life. But nope....he had only tempted the skill a few weeks before applying for the job.
The place immediately had the vibe of classiness; like it had become one of elegance in the break of New York City; headlights flashing its glow onto the club, gathering all people from everywhere into this newfound worldly scenery. But the coasts and sunsets of Cali were just fine for Jack. The owner couldn't ignore the panache poise style Jack had mastered in his piano skills. The thick aroma of smoke; smell of cigarettes would sometimes bug Jack's eyes, but he lowered his head to focus mostly on his playing.
The following week, Jack received his first paycheck from his new job that was double than what he expected. "Oh gosh, thank you!" He wanted to hug Benny, his boss, from pure happiness, but decided a firm handshake would seal in his gratitude. The weeks went on and on; Jack would play his soulful melodies and people everywhere would ask who 'the man on the piano was?'.
Jack's ego was built on compliments and praise for his skills on the piano, but still kept his humble point of view of matters. And then....a blonde lady walked in with her friends.
Jack's eyes skipped between her and the piano keys. He was pleased when the ladies were enthralled by the feisty sounds of the club music. "Alice, why don't we get drinks?" Her redhead friend suggested. Cigarette in between fingers and perilous tassel black dress, Jack knew this girl's type. Alice, the shy but observant blonde wore a red curve hugging dress with her hair twisted into a ponytail. Jack couldn't take his eyes off her sweet face.
Even from the piano, she wore a vibrant smile and sophisticated sense. Her red fingernails wrapped around the martini with such elegance. Even when her red lips latched onto the cup, she still drank it with delicate manner. Slowly biting the olive sticking out of it-
Jack's eyes widened when he realized he hit a wrong key; souring the note. His cheeks blushed a hot red, sending a drunk smile and mouthing an apology before correcting the musical pattern. He was so focused on the music, that he became taken aback seeing another guy stand over Alice as she was sitting alone, making her visibly uncomfortable. "Come on baby, come with me tonight," He grabbed her arm, which she struggled to wrestle out of. "No! I'm not that type of girl!"
She tried signaling for her friend, Mary, who was still in the bathroom powdering her nose. Jack watched to grueling scene, seeing Alice try fighting off the guy. "Leave me alone!" Jack found himself shooting up from the bench and grabbing the guy's shirt collar.
"She said 'leave her alone!'" His teeth were gritted, still having a furious grip on to the man's shirt making eyes boggle in their direction. "What are you gonna do about it?" He gave Jack a hard shove. Jack lifted his fist to throw the first punch, but was stopped upon seeing the crowd and remembering Benny; he would be fired instantly for disrupting his place of business.
Instead, Jack motioned for Benny to come over. "This guy making trouble?" Jack and Alice nodded, before the man was escorted off the premises. "Are you alright?" Alice nodded, but still looked down at her feet. "Thank you." She snatched her purse from the table and stormed into the bathroom.
Jack went back to the piano, continuing his song. A bunch of chatter came from the women's restroom before he saw Alice storm out and leave the club. A couple later, Mary, Alice's friend, went over to Jack. "Have you seen my friend? She's the one you saved from that drunk guy?"
Jack's cheeks blushed, "Uh, I think she left." Mary nodded and sent a him a smile. "Thank you. Alice is kinda of your independent type girl...doesn't want a superman." She joked. Jack smiled, "I saw someone in trouble.....I was afraid of what would've happened."
Mary nodded with a smile, "Thank you again." Jack watched Mary walk away to fetch her friend while he stayed at the piano.
The morning was fresh. The birds sung their daily tune, the sun rose to its platform and the radiance of the sky spotlighted everything from the greeny trees to the black streets and tan sidewalks of the city.
Jack awoke in his messy bed head, stomach grumbling from the scamper of a dinner he had the night before he left for work. But the only thing that stood vivid in his brain was Alice. The woman he had saved; her beautiful smile, the one she had when she was dancing with Mary. It broke Jack's heart more than it should've when her smile dropped and turned into a look of humiliation from the wondering eyes around the trio.
The man traveled into his kitchen for a simple meal of toast with cereal. He had a big day ahead of him. Jack hadn't forgotten about his engineering credentials from college. He sent in several copies of his resumes to different companies who would accept him. Today he had an interview with Marshall institutes. He out on one his best suits and hopped out the door, heart pounding louder than his stomach.
The car ride was just clamor of cars shooting back and forth on the freeway, Jack's being one of them. Sweat beads dripped a little from his head; mostly from the blamed humidity of the morning and the unspoken fraught steaming inside of Jack's chest. If he could bite his nails now, they'd be nubs.
Jack's nerves didn't exactly ease when he pulled into a parking space. Out of anything, they worsened. Jack could count the amount of gulps that jumped down his throat. He cleared his throat, did tongue exercises and straightened his tie before walking into the office with superficial confidence.
He stopped at the receptionist's desk ready to alert Mr. Mackenzie of his arrival. "Hello, are you here on an appointment?" A friendly voice asked. A recognizable voice....Jack furrowed his eyebrows before looking into the green eyes of Alice. The girl at the club.
Her hair, perfectly pitched into a bun, her cherry red lips complimented the cat eye she did in her liner. Her forgery eyelashes that hooded her kitty cat eyes seemed to show a similar glance of realization in them. "Uh-" She stuttered over her words a little. Jack was no better as he allowed the awkward silence of the sounds of his dry mouth to echo through the aperture.
"H-Hi, I'm Jack....Jack Chambers, I'm here on a interview with Mr. Mason Mackenzie?" Jack breaking the silence made a flabbergasted Alice shake her head and immediately searched his name. "Oh yes, Mr. Chambers....he's right in his office." Alice telephoned her boss who had sent a green light for Jack's entry.
"Thank you." Jack smiled his best professional one before carefully stepping into the elevators. The hallway seemed long and empty; only the sounds of telephones ringing off the hook and meeting chatter were the only sounds that bounced off the walls. But compared to Jack's mouse steps, they clobbered him in professional dominance. Even with all the tumult circling around, the isolation of Jack alone in this protracted hallway rang louder.
"Mr. Mackenzie?" Jack knocked on the door. "Oh come Mr. Chambers!" The man seemed nice enough. He greeted Jack with a polite smile and approving looks seeing the young man came prepared with his suitcase and formal suit of dress. Jack sat anxiously in the chair, crossing his legs and tapping his foot so lightly as not to disturb the interview.
"I see you graduated from Columbia University?" Jack nodded, "Yes, I majored in technology and engineering." Mr. Mackenzie looked through Jack's resume. "Tell me, why do you think you'd be a good fit at Marshall Institute?"
"Well, I know I have the skills to fulfill the type of position that's needed. I had training before in those areas and have been working with them at several jobs before. Plus I feel like this would be a good opportunity for me to gain more skills and challenge myself in providing the best service possible."
Jack wanted to face palm himself. To him, he sounded like a pamphlet they hand you for a vacation. His heartbeat sped up when he realized he sounded external. Or maybe not....at least not Mr. Mackenzie.
Jack was saving those words for his cover letter, but apparently that was all Mr. Mackenzie needed to hear. "I really like that about you Mr. Chambers. You have such a positive work ethic. Well," The man stood up and reached for Jack's hand. "You are definitely on my recommendation list. I'll give you a call if anything changes."
He shook Jack's hand and handed him back his portfolio. "You have a nice day." Jack smiled, "Thank you, you too." Jack put his portfolio in his briefcase before heading out. The long hallway didn't seem so long anymore. He trailed through it before reaching the elevators. Inside, Jack realized he would see Alice again. His heart sped to maximum speed and his breaths sounded like a panting dog whose eyes were fastened onto a bone that they so desperately wanted to fetch.
The doors opened and Jack hustled out of there, eyes expediting towards the front desk. Alice wasn't at her desk, but much less coming back to it. Jack got a clear view of her white top that was cover in a grey open sweater and a black office pencil skirt with matching heels. Her silver watch that was smaller wrapped around her wrist compared to Jack's bulky black one around his, made all the more contrast.
"Mr. Chambers?" Jack's head looked to Alice's direction. She walked over with a shy girl like stance. "I just wanted to give a proper thank you for helping me last night at the club..." Her cheeks went red, "I was just embarrassed, so I ran out of there. Mary sure got an earful." Alice's eyes went to the floor again. Jack chuckled. "She asked for you when you left. She came up to my piano and I told her you went outside." Alice beamed. She licked her lips and blushed again. "You can play the piano really pretty...it had such a classy, sophisticated tune to it." Jack blushed and shrugged.
"Thanks....I'm glad you're okay by the way," He looked down again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause a scene....you know.....I was gonna punch that guy, but I knew how my boss would feel about that. He likes to keep the place upscale......That's something I've always had to work on," Jack looked embarrassed upon saying it.
Alice's eyes widened, "Yeah....respectfully but....you've got quite the temper." She giggled. Jack laughed, "It's a Chambers men trait...I guess... I don't know.....I just...panicked." Alice's heart beat louder than desired. There was something about Jack's protective awe that excited her. His broad shoulders, and slight rasp to his voice swirled Alice into a fantasy land of her own.
"I'm Jack, by the way," He held his hand out. Alice blinked, snapping her from her thoughts, "I'm Alice." She shook his hand. "I know you probably already know....because, wel....my name was on the list." Jack's eyes motioned towards the desk. Alice giggled.
"I knew your name already too...I heard your friend Mary call you 'Alice'." Alice blushed, "You got me," She pointed a finger, joking. She looked down at her feet again, "Well, I better get back to work,"
"Me too.....will I see you tonight at the Demally?" Alice's breath became slightly heavy. "Maybe...." She threw off a flirtatious look. But deep down, the effects of last night still played like a record in her mind. Jack could sense it. "Don't worry....if anyone tries to hurt you...I'll have em thrown out." Jack said with a protective arrogance.
"I don't need superman," Alice smirked; going back to her desk. "Your friend said the same thing to me too." Jack licked his lips, "But the way I see it, everyone needs a hero from time to time.....I know how things are right now but......" Jack came closer to her desk, "I find a lady in red to be quite my style."
Alice shot her head up but Jack snatched her a wink and a smile before walking out, leaving Alice without a breath.
The sun lit sidewalk, illuminated Jack's careful steps through as he was marking a way to his car. A thud had bounced off shoulders; upon looking down to see a bright red rubber ball. He picked it up, scanning it to see where it came from. "Sorry about that mister," Jack turned to see a group of kids. "We were playing and it accidentally rolled over here." One of the boys piped up. Jack waved a friendly smile to them.
"Oh, it's quite alright," He handed them back the ball. "I'm a bit of a kickball player myself." He chuckled. That convinced the kids to smile. "Thank you!" Jack gave them back the ball and they all ran off like puppy dogs, waiting for the toy to thrown for them to fetch. Jack smiled to himself. The thought of having kids mitigated into to him like it was his natural purpose. Hearing the laughter from his children playing in the yard, the giggles before bedtime and the sounds of their snoring noses from a long a day in the sun.
The picture made Jack's heart flutter. Usually it was the mother who would daydream about changing diapers or going on long walks with the baby carriage, but it was something that was no surprise or aloof for Jack. "In my day, a father couldn't raise children without a wife....they'd just ship em to an orphanage or with a grandparent or other relative...that is if they'd want them."
Those words came from the sour mouth of Jack's father. In his mind, a father was meant to work grueling hours rather than be at home with his children. He was meant to doll out harsh discipline whenever his children stepped out of line, and affection: kisses, cuddles, lullabies were meant for the mother.
Jack rolled his eyes at his father's illiterateness of human nature. He valued social merit rather than reasoning with himself of the makeup of a man and a woman. But nonetheless, Jack shook off the thought and marched to his car, keeping his mind sharp on his job. Of course, a well deserved coffee break was needed.
Jack parked in lot, scanning over important documents from his portfolio while sipping his coffee and munching on a muffin. His mind became swirled into this loop of Alice, Mr. Mackenzie and the Demally and Benny. Alice spun the loudest. Her song like voice still echoed in Jack's head of her "not needing superman." Oh, and how could he forget that black seemed to also be her color.
His stomach knotted itself once his mind ran over the Demally. He hoped she'd be there....alone, without Mary.....but just her....and him...and her laying on top of the piano as he played a sweet sexy tune...
Jack snapped his thoughts from anything else. He swallowed the rest of his coffee and shoved away his portfolio. Jack managed to return to his apartment and unlock the front door, only to plop down on the couch, completely exhausted. His eyes scanned the clock that only read 11:23. Marked with the auspicious daylight, Jack realized that it was late morning. You think downing that coffee would make me jump awake? Jack thought. He rubbed his eyes and decided a good lunch would be a wake up call for him.
Jack made a turkey sandwich with a bottle of pepsi before sitting down in front of his TV, turning on a detective show. The casual lunch put his mind at ease for a little while at least. The morning newspaper had been read. Then 8:00 struck.
The man found himself scrambling to put on his best suit for Alice- The Demally. Jack donned a grey suit jacket with a white dress shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes. He grabbed his car keys, his house keys and his wallet before scampering out the door in a discreet fashion.
The Demally was already packed. Jack managed to find the piano and sat down to play a twinkle of jazz notes for his arrival. The crowd actually cheered and clapped when Jack's fingers had hit the gauzy polished white keys of the instrument. Jack's glances went back and forth to the piano and the crowd....searching for Alice. And sure enough....there she was. All dressed in this black and red dress, black dangling earrings and black heels with maroon nails came marching into the scene.....alone.
Jack licked his lips like a hungry wolf; pupils huge because of admiring something that snatched his ripened attention. Coming closer, Alice was wearing a black head band, the same from work with those distinguishable cherry lips and kitty cat eyes. Alice had glanced to Jack, only to turn away with teenage girl crush like feelings. Her infatuation made her cheeks sting the color of her dress, but Jack's alluring eyes and boyish smile didn't seem to fade.
"Could you play me a song please pretty boy?" This curvaceous, olive skinned and black haired lady asked, making sure to shove her melons in Jack's face practically. "Of course, what's your request?" She whispered something in his ear, leaving a gap wide enough for Alice to see the stunning lady tickling Jack's ear with her dark maroon colored lips. But Jackhad his eyebrows pinched the whole time. "That song....it's not a piano melody?"
The woman nodded with a smirk. "Leave that to the band then, and come join me." She kissed his cheek, making Alice storm out in humiliation. Jack, brokenhearted whispered to the band who started to tune, but rushed out to catch Alice.
"Alice?" She was standing there, trying to hail a cab and refusing to look at Jack. He was too tongue tied to say anything, but that didn't stop the man from trying. "You look absolutely beautiful," Alice turned to Jack before turning back, "So was she....you still have her on your cheeks by the way." She hissed a little. Jack ushered his fingers to his cheek, wiping off the lipstick mark. "Yes she was.....but I wasn't looking at her...she shoved herself in my face...but....I noticed you. That's why I ran out here because.....I just couldn't pass up the chance to dance with the most beautiful lady I have ever seen.....well...besides my mother," Jack joked.
"You know how they can have satellite hearing." Alice snorted a little, but still looked down. Jack stepped closer and carefully touched her shoulder. "Please Alice....I told you I like a lady in red.....that woman was wearing black." Jack's eyes held a sneaky, but lovey dovey look. He couldn't deny his smitten for the woman in this moment.
"May I have this dance?" Alice's crush feeling overcame her again and grabbed Jack's hand and wrapped one arm around his shoulder and the other on his back. "Shouldn't we be inside?" She asked, eyelashes twinkling. "I like it here without all the riff raff. Plus....I get to see you in the most beautiful form." Jack leaned in and pressed his nose to Alice's, tips of each other's smooshing. And then......they kissed.
Right there in the moonlight.
A couple weeks down the line, Jack had been introduced to the Victory Project, where he became one of the technical engineers. His boss, Frank, was very impressed by the credits Jack had and didn't hesitate to hire him on the spot with an abundant salary.
Of course, that would suit him well once a couple years down the line Jack and Alice had married and settled in San diego, in their new home. Life was indeed perfect for the Chambers couple.
Jack was sitting in one of his favorite chairs, reading the sunday paper. Alice following in with two cups of coffee and a morning kiss. "Jack, I feel so much better than I did last week. I took you advice and went to the doctor," Jack's eyes moved from the paper to meet his wife's green orbs.
"What they say?" Alice chuckled. "I'm expecting."
Jack spat out his coffee and looked to his wife with bewilderment and astonishment. He felt himself falling back in his chair and gleaming happily.
"Yes," He mouthed to himself, "Finally....I'm gonna be a dad."
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Naff this last chapter of CS had me in a myriad of piece's on the floor. From start to end it was just a whirlwind of emotions and guilt to unpack???
The playful teasing between Y/N and Sun, Sun being so gentle with them while Y/N kept beating themselves up over his broken ray, their kiss to "make it better"!!
The whole conversation between Moon and Y/N about the F.E.I., the late payment which scared me more than it should have, the fact that the other Cryptid Hunter died (I think?) In that chapter because of Sun and Moon, they absolutely found it; let's also not talk about the fact that all the cryptids that Y/N killed ever since meeting with the boys have been found without a heart, surely that must have risen some suspicions, something's not right there and when Y/N talked about how the F.E.I. is convinced they can control cryptids? Uh oh, didn't like the implications of that one, not one bit, did they figure out *what* Y/N is traveling with and decided to use that as a test of some kind?? Maybe being somewhat convinced Y/N managed to "tame" a cryptid and now they want to see the extent of where they can "push it"??? Am I reading too much into this? Absolutely but there are so many subtle implications there mhhhh
The "Cryptids were never your type" hurt more than it should have
Y/N hugging their actual arm while falling asleep?? Help???? Sun and Moon realizing how deep they are in all this, they've gotten too attached, there's no turning back and that scares them because as much as they're willing to pretty much give their life for Y/N there's always the fear of them finding out what they really are
AND THE VOW *crying on the floor*
Sun was absolutely terrified when they asked him to make one, even if Y/N was just referring to the phone, the fact that he and Moon are hiding something, that they're aware will change everything, and Y/N saying "We'd still have each other" and just, I'm sure they will eventually, but if (when) Y/N finds out what they've hidden from them for all this time? Being with the boys is the last thing they'll want and while I'm looking forward to the revelation I'm also terrified (in the best way possible) because *it is* going to change everything, and the hurt that all of them will feel, how betrayed Y/N will feel, beating themselves up like they always do when they make a mistake, feeling played and dumb because they swore to protect their friends, but *that thing*? That's not their friends, they were just a plaything for the cryptid and a mean to get to meals and, they should have known better because that's their job, it's the only thing they should be good at, where they can't afford mistake and yet they got fooled, and maybe the reason the cryptid didn't want them to find Vanessa is because they knew their cover would have blown up with another hunter involved? And I'm sure that with time Y/N will come to realize the truth of it all, how the boys were genuine in their feelings and care for them, but the angst that's yet to come!!! Naff I've cried for your writing before, I'm not ashamed to say I'm sure it'll happen again.
Anyway, have a wonderful day/night!! Thank you for this chapter and for your writing in general, it's always such a delight to read something of yours <3
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!!! I am also reading your theories and predictions very intently heheh ♥
Yup. Sun/Moon would love to be closer to you with their true selves, but alas.
Oh the angst!!! I'm excited for it, and I hope y'all are ready for it when it comes!
Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day/night, too!
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callivich · 1 year
Gallavich A/B/O Prompts - Part 2
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Part 1
Prompts for fics, headcanons, or discussion, art, etc. Interpret these however you like and feel free to use them as just a jumping off point, you don’t have to stick to the exact prompt! If any fics like any of these have already been written, please feel free to recommend them to me!
Omegas are getting rarer and rarer and no one knows why. So an unmated omega can invite a lot of attention - some of it very unwanted. It’s not really a problem for Ian - he’s an alpha and the rest of his family are alphas and betas. When a desperate man breaks into the ambulance bay mistakenly thinking he can steal suppressants, Ian knows he shouldn’t get involved. But before he can think about what he’s doing, he’s promising to help the unmated omega, Mickey. Even though EMTs have no access to that sort of medication, he finds himself coming up with a dangerous plan to get some.
They’re in love. Everything should be perfect. But it’s not. Ian’s an omega and Mickey’s a beta - most of the time this doesn’t matter. When Ian has his heats - it does. They’re getting worse and Mickey can’t do anything to help. They contemplate breaking up so Ian can find and mate with an alpha. But they can’t - they’re too in love. So, Mickey decides to try and become an alpha - it involves dangerous magic and it may not even work. He’s gotta try though. Ian’s worth it.
As soon as he presented, Alpha Prince Ian had been promised to an Omega Princess from another realm. Secretly he knows he has no feelings for women and he resolves to run away. But life outside the castle is much different than he could ever imagine. After days of running, tired and hungry, he stumbles across an isolated cabin in the forest. The owner is reluctant to help him but when a storm hits, he lets Ian inside. The man, Mickey, tells Ian he’s a beta, but when the bad weather traps them for days on end - Ian discovers Mickey is in fact an omega. A male omega, something Ian had only ever heard about in stories.
Mickey has still not presented and it’s starting to worry him. What if he never presents? Or what if he does and he’s an omega? Well, he doesn’t have to wait long to find out. It’s rare but when an alpha and omega present together at the exact same time, they become bonded. A chance encounter with Ian Gallagher and Mickey gets what he always wanted - he’s an alpha. The only downside? He’s bonded to Ian, an omega. His dad is gonna kill him. Will he be able to hide this bond?
Struggling with having his ruts alone, Ian decides to go to the Alpha/Omega centre that specialises in ruts and heats. He thinks it will be sleazy but it’s actually very clean and professional, if a little sterile. He signs up to hire an omega each month during his ruts and chooses one called Mickey. As the months go by, he starts to fall in love with Mickey and he thinks Mickey might feel the same way. But he’s not sure, after all….a big part of Mickey’s job is to be appealing to Alphas. Does he like Ian or is he just really good at his job?
It’s a one night stand and they both get very carried away. So much so that they mate. They have to find a way to break the new bond they now have. After all, they’re strangers - they can’t be tied together like this for the rest of their lives. But as they search for a solution, they begin to realise being mated might not be so bad.
Ian’s always wanted to be a knight but his dream is shattered when he presents as an omega. Only alphas are allowed to be knights and fight for the kingdom. When a war approaches, Ian is desperate to join up and defend his home. With a little help from a local witch, he uses some specific herbs to mask his omega smell. And it works, he’s viewed as an alpha and allowed to be a knight. Matched with another knight, Mickey, for training, he’s excited. They travel outside the kingdom and into the dangerous wilderness. Soon, Ian’s supply of herbs runs out and he realises Mickey will figure out what he truly is….
When they learn that they won’t be allowed to have any contact once they’re released from jail, they’re distraught. They can’t wait till they’re both off parole to see each other again. There’s only one legal way around it - mating. Alpha and omegas who are mated can have limited contact during their parole period. It’s not the perfect solution but it’ll have to do. But will they be able to limit their visits to once a month?
Despite everything, they’ve never really talked about mating. But now they’re finally married - they probably should, right? In their motel room after the wedding, Ian brings up the topic, strangely nervous about what Mickey might say. He’s surprised when he receives such a quick answer. Clearly Mickey’s been thinking about it too….
Both Ian and Mickey sign up for a paid scientific study - it seems like it’ll be easy money. All they have to do is take a new suppressant drug for a month, meet up with their assigned partner once a day, and record the effects. The thing is….the suppressant has the opposite effect and they both go into heat/rut. After the month is over and the drug wears off, they assume they won’t see each other again. But maybe their instant attraction wasn’t completely to do with the drug….
Mickey’s a delivery driver. He picks up and drops off packages - he doesn’t ask what’s in them and he gets paid well. It’s a good job. But his latest ‘package’ is not the usual small parcel wrapped in brown paper and probably filled with drugs. No, this is a whole-ass person. A handcuffed omega. The guy, Ian, doesn’t look well and Mickey has to trust his instincts. So he drives in the opposite direction from the drop off and figures he’ll come up with a plan as he goes. Ian is grateful not to be taken to his destination but what are they going to do now?
Ian’s an alpha, in a relationship with a beta, Ned, who spoils him with a luxurious lifestyle. Only thing is, Ian feels unsatisfied when he goes through his ruts. As a present, Ned arranges for Ian to have a weekend with an omega, Mickey. He thinks it’ll be fun for Ian and he’s not worried or jealous….after all, he’s successful and rich and gives Ian a great life. What can a dirty, South Side thug offer Ian that he can’t? Turns out a lot…..
Ian and Mickey have been best friends since childhood. Now it’s time to go to high school where all teenagers are separated into alpha, beta, or omega classes. They hope they’ll end up in the same class but they don’t. They see less of each other and have to deal with their new identities as well as their teenage hormones. Can their friendship survive?
The clouds spread across the world, a mist descends and then disappears. It leaves every two out of three people with strange new features. Everyone can be grouped into one of three categories: alpha, beta, or omega but no one knows really what the full extent of these new features will be. Just as Ian and Mickey have gotten back together, they now have to deal with surprising physical and emotional changes.
At a special night at a club where everyone wears a mask, Ian meets someone who has the nicest scent he’s every encountered. The man barely says a word and then disappears. Afterwards, Ian can’t stop thinking about that scent and the man it belongs to. When he smells it again, he’s confused. It can’t belong to the man it seems to - the guy, Mickey, is the opposite of what Ian imagined and when Ian asks if he was at the club, he says no. But the scent doesn’t lie.
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