#the first fanfiction I have written in probably twenty years
alymccart · 6 months
So if I had written a fanfic....
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dystopicjumpsuit · 3 months
Hiatus announcement.
Hi friends. I've got some stuff I need to focus on in my personal life right now, and I'm not able to balance that with keeping up with Tumblr and Discord. I'll be taking a hiatus starting immediately. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but hopefully it won't be too long. If you have submitted a request for a fic, design, or artwork, please know I'll do my absolute best to fill it when I'm back, but for now, I need to be present in my real life.
I love you all, and I'll miss you, and I can't wait to come back! I'll put a few more details below the cut in case you're interested. CW for medical issues.
My partner has been unwell recently, and this week, we discovered that they have a blood clot in their leg. Further testing revealed they have a serious heart condition. Unfortunately, they also have a preexisting vascular condition that makes blood thinners risky, but their PCP went ahead and prescribed a three-month course of medication for the clot since it's an immediate issue. We are waiting to hear if insurance will cover the meds; apparently this prescription gets rejected by insurers frequently due to the cost. (Thinking about the fact that some analyst in a cubicle could decide that my partner's life is worth less than a three-month course of medication is making me feel absolutely sick.)
They have more appointments scheduled with a cardiologist and a vascular surgeon, so for now, we're just kind of stuck in limbo. Their PCP gave us a long list of, "If x happens, go to the emergency room immediately. If y happens, go to the emergency room immediately. If z happens - you guessed it - go to the emergency room immediately."
At this point, I'm still trying to come to terms with it. My partner just turned 44. We have an active lifestyle; we eat healthfully; we don't drink to excess. We just got fucked over by genetic risk factors.
The scariest part is that we wouldn't have found out about any of this if they hadn't gone to the doctor for a completely unrelated issue. I'm trying not to think about it too hard, or my imagination starts to send me into a spiral.
Please allow me to get sappy for a moment:
If you've read much of my work, you probably know my partner better than you might think, as they inspire a lot of my characterization, either directly or indirectly. If you enjoyed the way I wrote Waxer in "The Sixth Language" or Jesse in "In Which Jesse Gets What He Deserves," then you have a good idea of their personality. They are extraordinarily kind and patient, funny and sweet. They have been here for me consistently for twenty years, first as my friend, and later as my everything. They've held me when I cried, and they've made me laugh every single day since I met them. They know me better than anyone in the world, and I trust them with my soul.
They are the only person IRL who even knows that I write fanfiction, and they have read every single fic I've ever written. They've served as my guinea pig when I needed to work through the physical mechanics of a scene, and they've listened to me ramble for hours on end about plotting and characterization. They've supported and encouraged me in this and so many other areas, and now it's my turn to support them through this.
If you've read this far, I just want to say thank you for all the love, support, encouragement, and kindness you've given me over the past year. This fandom community has truly changed my life, and I am more grateful than words can communicate. I hope to see you all again very soon, hopefully with good news. But in the meantime, please know that I love you all.
May the Force be with you. 🩵
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nrilliree · 4 months
The delusion of Rhaenyra being Daemon's daughter amazes me. Because it would “reinforce the Greens tragedy, because it would mean that Aegon II has been the heir all this time.” Look no further for your answer as to why. The person who made this post literally said it themselves. It's simply a fanfiction to give points to their favorite greens. Like it changes everything they've ever done. The joke. Greens are not tragic beings. They are the antagonists and villains of the story.
Plus, the other excuse of "it wouldn't be surprising, Daemon is a depraver"...
Um... why ?
Because he went to prostitutes in his twenties ? (A fairly banal thing for a man of his time) Because he had Mysaria as his mistress for a little over a year ? (So ​​a serious relationship ? Especially since he was never reported to have been with anyone other than her while they were in Dragonstone) He then married Laena, a marriage that lasted 5 years, then Rhaenyra with whom it lasted 10 years before dance changed their lives. Daemon's last two marriages never reported any cheat before the dance began (and which are at best questionable in their contexts and reported by supporters of the other camps in the majority). Then the relationship with Nettles was never proven. So how is Daemon a depraver ?
I remind you that Aemond, their favorite, took Alys as his war prize, therefore he raped her. Contrary to popular belief among green stans, being a prize of war is not the equivalent of being a mistress.
Then we have Aegon II who sexually assaulted and raped servants. Not only that but he is also a pedophile because he slept with a girl (and not a maiden) of at least 11/12 years old. Not to mention that he is generally lazy and an alcoholic. Then he enjoys watching his own illegitimate children fight in arenas and then survive.
Then I'm not going to be made to believe that neither of them has ever gone to prostitutes !
But is Daemon the depraver here ?
Also, the person in the comment referring to Daemon as a villain... RIGHT ?! He is a protagonist. Not an antagonist. Next, he is described as having equal parts light and darkness within him, capable of being the greatest hero and the greatest villain. This is literally a perfect description of the gray character /anti hero.
When is this going to sink into their heads ?!
This is exactly what everyone has written many times: TG just really want to show that they are better. They like to claim that "there are no good and bad people here", "everyone is the same", "we just choose our favorite war criminal" (it's funny that all these slogans say just TG…), and then they start inventing various excuses and stories, to whitewash their favorites and at the same time show that TB are the worse ones. They want to be the good guys.
According to TG, stans team green is a group of victims oppressed by the authorities. Collecting all their fairy tales, the story probably looks like this: Alicent is an innocent little child who was forced first to become Rhaenyra's servant and then to marry her father, whom she faithfully served as his wife. Faithfully, honorably, caring for his well-being while he brutally humiliated her in public (repeatedly!), ridiculed her, beat her, terrorized her and raped her. She was abused many times by him and by Rhaenyra, who terrorized her and her children. Poor Alicent survived at the royal court only thanks to her loving father, who trembled in fear for her life and that of her children, his most beloved grandchildren. When he was completely unjustly dismissed (after being used and abused by the crown for many years), Alicent found only solace in an honorary knight on a white horse. Poor Criston, who came from a poor and smallfolk background, was brutally raped by Rhaenyra, abused, and then she laughed in his face, calling him a whore. She also called poor Alicent a whore because she abused her. She compared poor Aegon, an innocent child, to a pig, and when she murdered the boar, she surely imagined it was her younger brother, because Rhaenyra was so terrible…
And so on, adn so on…
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kaelidascope · 10 months
Dude, I love this fanfic so much! I just wanted to ask where you got the idea from. Did you have any inspiration from anyone? Also, what's your favorite fanfic? And want do you recommend ?
AWE bless!! Thank you so much I'm glad you're enjoying it <33
So actually a good 80% of this is written from personal experience LOL I used to dance and was into drift building/racing in my late teens/early twenties! Most of the references or scenes in Midnight Menagerie are references to things I've seen or done in real life, OR stories friends have told me within the same field. (Nora is literally just a rebranding of this one mutual friend we had who just. Absolutely fucking unhinged) Like for example, the anticipated Hangover Chapter is just a retelling of an insane Summer weekend I had in 2017 ☠️ it's a personal delight being able to translate things into the narrative, even more so knowing people find my stupid, terrible decisions as amusing as I do in current times lol
My general rule of thumb is to write from experience. Things I understand either on a technical point or emotional connection. So, if you've read it in my work, it's probably something I've done LOL
Another reason I find drive in writing this type of narrative is that MM!Blake's type of dissociative PTSD is something I haven't seen much in media in general. I've seen people depict her in various ways (some of them good!), but none of them ever really apply directly to me, so I wanted to make something that I could relate to and how to properly navigate life, given the environmental circumstances. Plus some us need better examples on how to juggle mental illness as adults and also be in healthy long term relationships because damn I have zero reference LOL
For the fic recs, oh boy I have so many LOL time to be a pathetic fangirl on main but okay here's the ones that immediately jump to mind (also heads up most of these are mature or explicit rating);
Certified Kaeli Fresh Fics
Let You See My Wilder Side (If I Can See Your Bones)
We all know this one but it is, hands down, my favorite piece of literature of all time. Masterfully crafted and a timeless classic worth several rereads (and I have. Embarrassingly so)
Written by @/lucytara on tumblr || @/explosive_sky on twitter
honestly all her works are immaculate and beyond compare. Also a major fan of I Have A Bullet With Your Mouth On It (That was first RWBY fanfic I ever read LMAO a friend recommended it to me before I even watched the show) I aspire to write like her some day. It's what got me writing fanfiction in the first place. So, credit goes to Erin for inspiring me to post my manuscripts at all. Words cannot express my gratitude and appreciation. I have two book series in the process of being published now and I wouldn't have had the nerve to do it had it not been for this specific fic.
2. One Day At A Time
Also one of the earlier fics I read before getting into the show LOL I love all of @/Frenchsoda 's work, the full list is also worth checking out. I'm a fan of disgruntled Blake who doesn't understand her attraction to Yang but it's so god damn sweet ugh
3. Fucking In Love
Written by @/Set_WingedWarrior and @/Softlight
This one circulates a lot in my social circles. Everyone I know LOVES this one and after reading it earlier this year, now I see why. As someone who worked in the sex industry for a brief period of time, this one's not only accurate but also A DELIGHT to read. The premise is fun, captivating, and worth the wait. I actually discovered a chapter update earlier this year and sent the gc into hysterics because we thought the fic was dead LMAO props to these authors!! They're doing an amazing job and deserve praise
4. You're A Mountain, Full Of Glory
written by champion author @/lescousinsdangereux
I should just preface already that every book Blake reads in MM is a fanfiction that exists because I love Easter eggs. Everyone knows I had Blake reference this in chapter 3 LOL but it's equally as immaculate as Erin's work. I LOVED especially the dynamic between Weiss, Yang, and Ruby in this one. Baby, we're complicated fucking murdered me 😭 also that fuckass Christmas scene, that's my favorite Christmas song LMAO
5. The Home Inside Your Head
Written by the ever skilled @/writeriguess . I found this fic by accident by seeing fanart for it floating around on this site. Got curious, picked at it, and. Oh, my god. It's not very often my brain gets scratched in the right way, but boy this one does it. This author does something specifically unique I haven't seen many do before, and I applaud them for it. There's great detail on the scenes that matter, and the fucking organic build up between Blake and Yang is just. God. Chef's kiss. Truly. It feels so god damn natural and healthy and it's already crossing off several of my agendas already. Give this one a read and give the author some love. SENSUAL FACE TOUCHING? CHAPTER 13????? BOOOOOOOYYYYYYY I'm normal about it
6. You'd Be Paranoid Too (If Everyone Was Out To Get You)
Written by @/WabaJaba_ on twitter
Okay so this one's completely different than what I've previously listed but HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS IT A THRILLER. It doesn't nearly have the amount of love and attention it truly deserves. A friend of mine recommended it to me because it shook them so fucking hard they were in total brainrot hell for a MONTH. NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY LMAO God I was obsessed with this for weeks myself. It obviously lives up to it's rating, horror fics aren't for everyone. But if you're able to read it, good lord you should. It's chilling, captivating, and had me on the edge of my fucking seat the entire time. Both endings are good, I still can't decide which one I prefer but RAH I will make sure this is seen god dammit
and last but certainly not least
7. You And Me and This Temptation
written by talented author @/ProfessorSpork
Okay this one was an accidental find as well. A friend sent it to me because THEY found it by accident, I clicked on it for later, went looking for a completely different fic that I mistook for this one, started skimming and realized 'wait a minute LMAO I don't recognize this'. But the thing you have to understand is I hate reading. I'm not a reader, I'm picky and it needs to be worth sitting down for long periods of time. This is one of the rare instances where I was so captivated by it I kept reading more and more from the middle where I landed, and eventually just said ykw let me just start from the beginning cus LMAO context.
This one is, by far, one the healthiest and loveliest depictions of first times I have ever seen. This shit was so inspiring to me that it literally kickstarted an essay in someone's DMs why depictions like this are so important. I didn't have this experience irl, and why MM is written the way it is is because its meant to serve as a lighthouse for those who, like me, haven't. This fic however I feel like should be a required read for anyone getting into relationships for the first time because if it's not like how these two interact, LEAVE IT. This is the standard. This is amazingly written, it's the closest I've ever seen canon Yang and Blake be written to date. The fucking souvenir bit 😭 NJKFGNFJKGNGJ killed me, I was kicking my feet laughing for a good minute. This is the kind of standard everyone should look at and go 'yeah, I want what they have' BECAUSE IT'S CORRECT. LOUD CORRECT BUZZER NOISES
Honestly everything in my bookmarks is certified Kaeli Fresh but these 7 are my top faves. They're probably also really commonly known I'm sure but LMAO like I said I don't read much 😭 which is heavily ironic considering I write myself. Anyway this ended up way longer than I intended but LOL <3 <3 go give these incredible authors love!!
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storyspinner91 · 4 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @littleblackraincloudofcourse
Tagging @lowkeyed1 @evodevo-geekmonkey @dianels @bisexualshakespeare @spybrarian @blackdalek
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
7 (3 are WiP)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Willow! ...Technically other things too but really it's just Willow with playful skins.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Red Embers: dark alternate future AU, resistance fighters against the Wyrm's tyranny, grim & gritty
Like Constellations, a Million Years Away: sprawling mecha sci-fi AU set in the world of the Lancer tabletop roleplaying game. The Questies all pilot giant mechs; four books (2 done), one focused on each of Jade, Kit, Graydon, and Elora (in that order). Posthumanism, anticolonial to the extent a fanfic can be, utopian, dramatic.
Soft Blazing Crowns: Tanthamoretober one-shot. Modern AU. Elora helps Jade with a sexy photoshoot for a gift for Kit.
Full: (E-rated) Tanthamoretober one-shot. Modern AU. Straight-up smut drabble, 100 words on the dot. Extremely funny to me that this is in the top 5. :P
The Loving Hurt: Canon-set one-shot digging into the violence implied by the canon against the Bone Reavers, Scorpia's backstory, how Jade got her name. Dark, grim, not pleasant to write and in some ways probably not to read TBH. I was in A Mood!
5. Do you respond to comments?
Religiously! Sometimes it takes me a while, but I do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Hmmm. I mean I think it's gotta be The Loving Hurt. Like I said. Dark. Blame the show's writers, I do. :P
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Gonna resist the temptation to say Full and instead say I think that it'll probably be Flawless Five vol. 1 when it's finished in a few weeks!
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not so far!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
The only thing I'd consider smut is Full. Otherwise, not anywhere that you can see. ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
No true crossovers, though Like Constellations is set (loosely) in the Lancer Universe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! They're too weird!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but I'd be so honored.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I am a Tanthamore diehard, what can I say.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
If you'd asked me recently I'd probably have said "all of them." Fortunately I'm feeling a little better lately! I hope to finish all of the current ones; Constellations is a slow, weighty project, F5 I hope to have done very shortly, Embers...we'll figure that out after F5.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm pretty good at dialogue, and I'm decent though not incredible at humor (especially character-based humor). I'm also a decent mimic - though this can feel a little clunky sometimes, I think I'm able to adjust my voice pretty easily to suit a situation, genre, or style. My unhinged and unpopular fic Excerpts from a new translation... is a pretty good example of that, lol. And on that note: I have a lot of fun with wacky metatextual stuff.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Taking the wacky meta stuff too far; not being bold enough in straying from the established character arcs/plots in canon; I don't think I'm great at writing really juicy interiority. Starting very large projects that will take forever to finish. ':)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I'm comfortable enough in Spanish to write simple dialogue in that language. I've done one line in Latin (which I'm comfortable with since it's functionally a dead language) and made up some words in a conlang for Constellations. Wouldn't try anything via Google Translate though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Willow! At least if we count conscious fanfiction. If we're going back to the Days of Yore probably Animorphs when I was a wee one.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Difficult to pick...but Like Constellations is the baby, the one I'll finish come hell or high water (I hope). On the other hand, Flawless Five is probably the most fun (to write, and maybe to read if you like that sort of thing) and Red Embers is the one that in many ways I find most exciting. Like I said - hard to choose!
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slippinmickeys · 6 months
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by @agent-troi and @randomfoggytiger Thanks for the tag, guys!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
712,000 exactly, which is sort of creepy?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files mainly, though a million years ago I wrote two fics for JAG, and technically, I have a His Dark Materials fic (but it's an XF crossover)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Mesas of Deuteronilus Mensae
Prompt Drabble Collection
The Annapolis Grant
Three Part Harmony
A Companion Unobtrusive
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! Comments are the only payment fanfic writers get, and it's an incredibly valuable and underrated currency. Fanfiction as a community is one of the most generous you'll find, and I'm incredibly proud to be a part of this particular one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh man, probably La Comtesse de Saint-Germain.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In this day and age I feel like we deal with enough shit, so I try to end most of my fics happily. I think A Gem-Like Flame probably has the most uplifting happy ending, but then, I'm a sports nerd.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Um, probably pretty vanilla het MSR. No shame.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've only written one, but it turned out really well, I thought. It's an X-Files/His Dark Materials novella-length crossover that takes place in Lyra's world, pre-Lyra, called Out of the Little Grove.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Anyone who steals my fic is going to catch these hands.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a couple of years ago someone asked if they could translate one of my fics to Russian. It's out there somewhere.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I jumped in and helped @monikafilefan get Five Years and a Lifetime over the line for a fic exchange a couple of years ago. A fun, collaborative experience, that was like 85% Monika. It's a great fic, check it out if you haven't!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mulder & Scully are my OTP. Always and forever.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'd love to finish Madam Scully's Spiritual Services, Inc., it's an AU where Scully works for her sister's Psychic Boutique while prepping for med school. Scully ends up being actually psychic and she helps newly minted FBI agent Fox Mulder solve a series of murders. I have it almost completely plotted (except for the nitty-gritty hard stuff), but I don't think I'll ever get it done, sadly. It's just too big a story to tackle with where I am in my life. Though I never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm decent at dialogue, have a pretty firm grasp on plotting, and, I hope characterization.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My character work is probably my weak spot, which is why I have so much fun writing fanfic--the character work is already done, I just get to play around a world where everybody already knows the characters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
When I do it, I hope like hell that I'm doing it right. I think it's necessary for some stories and you just hope you're properly respecting a language you don't speak.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files, in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and ninety eight.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's a toss up between Proof of Life, an AU where CNN conflict reporter Dana Scully is kidnapped and imprisoned with fellow kidnap victim and photojournalist Fox Mulder, and they, you know, fall in love. And North of Zero, a post-col novel where Mulder and Scully get William back and have to save the world. The one I totally pantsed (made up as I went along), and it came together like alchemy. I love that story. If you don't like AU, you'd like Proof of Life. If you don't like post-colonization stories, you'd like North of Zero. I don't always like everything I've written after I'm done writing it (a writer's life), but I'm incredibly proud of both of those fics.
Tagging @monikafilefan because she's already tagged, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 years
About me!!
I'm Hannah (she/they). This is my Cult of the Lamb side blog; my main is @onethirdofimpossible and I also go by that username on AO3. I'm in my mid twenties and I'm from the US. If you're here, it's probably because you've read my fics, but I've written many fanfics for Cult of the Lamb. My works are typically focused on narilamb or the Bishop family, but I go all over the place: whether you like to read multichaps or oneshots, rated G or E, shippy or not, angst or fluff... there's probably something I've written that you'll enjoy! I'm best known as the author of The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God (the old version that I wrote back in 2022, and the new-and-improved "director's cut" version that is my current wip!) and The Care and Keeping of Baby Eldritch Gods.
A few other hobbies I have besides writing are cooking/baking, making plushies, digital art, and playing flute!
Despite being able to write pretty consistently, I'm a Ph.D. student in environmental science. If I haven't posted a fic update in a while, I'm probably preparing for a conference or getting into a fistfight with hydrostatic equilibrium or something.
All my written works on AO3
Twitch, a recent endeavor of mine where I stream games and occasional art/writing!!
Fic playlist for The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God, with all songs in chronological order of what they refer to in the fic c:
I have a ko-fi but paypal is giving me shit so if you REALLY wanna b nice I have a Throne. I don't expect anything ever but if u get me something I'd die for you. and write more stuff while happier.
FAQ below the cut!
How long have you been writing?
I've been writing fanfiction since I was in sixth grade! I wrote what was basically a self-insert pokemon soulsilver fanfic, entirely by hand. It took up four full composition notebooks and then some. However, I've only been posting my writing publicly since 2016. Even after that, I had a nasty habit of making a sideblog for any fandoms I got really into, then deleting my blog and sometimes orphaning my works when I lost interest. I've since learned my lesson, though!
How long have you been drawing?
Ha, uh. I got a digital drawing tablet in May 2023, and started really drawing as a hobby for about... three months, and then the school year started again. Between then and June 2024 I drew like one or two things. So I've actually been practicing for only a few months. Constructive criticism on my art is welcome, especially as I learn!
May I send a fic/art request?
If my bio says they're open, you may, I think they're really fun! Depending on what does or doesn't inspire me, I won't take every single request, but I love requests because they give me excuses to try new things.
Do you write smut?
I've written a couple E-rated fics! My alternate pseud for fics of that caliber is remainderofreality. I don't write it very often, though.
What made you decide to start writing? What makes you decide to keep writing?
1. I had a creative bug I couldn't not itch. 2. Having creative hobbies and sticking to them has dramatically improved my life. I'm happier, I have so many friends it's connected me with, I get to see other people be inspired by things I make (?!), it keeps my mind active and playful, etc etc.
Do you have any suggestions for people looking to start writing?
Before you start worrying about the quality of your writing, the most important advice I can give you is to keep writing and have fun with it. Don't be afraid of being "cringe" or not getting the engagement numbers you're hoping for (in fact, it's better to not have any expectations about that at all!). Not everything you write is going to cater to everyone, and that's okay! But writing (especially fanfiction) is first and foremost for fun and even though it's difficult and you will struggle, it should be rewarding and fun. I've answered a few asks about writing advice and I can't find them all but here are the ones I can: 1 2 3 4
When do you expect to update your fic next?
Lmao god if I know but I'm working on my wips nearly every single day so I promise I haven't forgotten it. I'm a busy person! I'm a PhD student, teaching assistant, research assistant, and executive dysfunction haver.
Do you take commissions?
I don't, and I have no plans to as of now. I'm actually personally against writing fanfic for pay (copyright and ethical reasons), but for art I'm simply not experienced enough yet to be comfortable with that. However, I have TONS of friends who do take commissions so if you're looking for someone I can give you recs
May I draw fanart for you based on your fics?
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME I EXPLODE WITH JOY if you do please share it with me please please please. I will also likely ask for your permission to print it out and frame it (not a hyperbole, btw).
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evelhak · 8 months
I felt implicitly tagged by @lilypheria. Here's the template too.
Tumblr media
It may seem like I only write KnB these days but I don't consider myself to be done with my SPOP comics yet.
Tagging all my writer friends but I'm going to mention @active-mind-15 because you're kind of new to me. But I really want to hear about all my writer mutuals and followers. By the way if you've written one unfinished fic or tried to start to write your ideas but can't, or haven't written for years, or have any other struggle that makes you feel invalid, you count as a writer.
Going to elaborate under the cut because I felt like it.
My old account was FinFanFun, a Finnish site I used mostly for reading Facebook wall fics about that which should not be named.
AO3 is where I publish my KnB fics though I've considered branching out to see if there's still some fandom corners I haven't reached.
I'm slowly introducing myself to writing smut but the only story I've published has been called mild and soft smut or smut-ish, and I doubt the rest will be much different.
I frequently beta-read for friends, though fanfiction is the minority.
I used to have two beta-readers but they're unable to do it anymore so all my fics rely solely on me for now, which makes me really anxious sometimes. I am pretty desperate for a new beta-reader so if KagaKuro and a million words of "homework" doesn't frighten you, please jump into an adventure with me!
All my fics are self-indulgent in that they're what I want to see play out in the story. They are not personal fantasies, or necessarily what I want to see in real life, but it's what I envision for these characters.
I'm always reading old favourite fics again and I need to branch out actually.
If I'm in need of a short fic to read I will probably pick fluff.
Have written m/m and f/f (and m/? and m/f) but honestly it's weird to put them in the same category when m/m is so overrepresented.
I'm not actually sure if I consider fanfiction as a genre or rather a medium, because all genres exist inside fanfiction. Medium is probably more true but I seem to have checked it anyway because I feel like the point here is whether fanfiction is valid literature and that it is.
I don't know if two fandoms with one being dormant would be considered multifandom so maybe no.
I do anxiously wait for feedback since I'm very community oriented but I'm also very introverted and internally motivated so the lack of it doesn't discourage me. I have patience and I can wait for connection for years and years. Not that lack of connection doesn't affect me, of course it does, but giving up is just a very antithetical concept to my beliefs and life.
I have one on-going long KnB story and one unfinished She-Ra fic that is waiting for a better time. Which is an exception since I tend to finish what I start before moving on.
Editing fanfiction is actually not as bad as editing original fiction because I put much less pressure on myself, partially because you can always edit your fic again.
Always listening to hours long conversations in my head between characters when I'm trying to sleep. They're really bad at shutting up and I'm supposed to remember this stuff in the morning?
I was mildly drunk for ten days straight to write Anything Can Happen. Haven't done that since but it was really fun.
My main KnB storyline gets most of my attention. It's just my thing, I pour everything into it.
I didn't check 'wants to be a professional writer' because after three traditionally published books I consider myself to be that already. I actually went the other way around than seems to be the norm: I was an original fiction writer first and then branched out to fanfiction in my twenties. I can see it greatly affects how I write fic, and it's probably the main reason I feel like a bit of an outsider.
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tadpolesonalgae · 2 months
Hey Tabby! I just wanted to start this by letting you know that I think your writing is beautiful. It’s so complex in all the best ways and I’m truly in awe of your work.
I have been trying to improve upon my own writing, particularly by writing longer, multi-part stories. However, I feel as though there is something I am missing. I have been gushing over cbmthy (amazing btw!) and I am so impressed at the different elements all wound together. I was curious as to what your process is for creating stories like it!
Thank you in advance🫶🏻
I'm probably going to ramble for a little on this one so apologies if this turns into a tangent-riddled flow of paragraphs!
Also I feel it's very necessary for me to say this is just what I think, and what (generally) works for me. In the end both of us are different people and I think trying things for yourself (though it can be exhausting taking a trial-by-error method) will probably be a sure-fire way of figuring out what works for you.
So, first of all I think different things work for different people, and different circumstances can deeply impact your ability to write. For example, before cbmthy the longest series I've written is probably Teeth and Talons, or Two Birds, both of which I know how I want to end but have left alone for a half a year and probably a year and a half respectively, and if I'm honest I think it's because I needed people’s enthusiasm to carry me? (Not saying I'd be over the moon if people suddenly took an interest in either of those again - I'm pretty busy at the moment and have quite a lot on my plate - in fact I'm kind of glad they've been allowed to fizzle out so I can peacefully return to them when I'm ready.)
I'm almost completely certain that if people weren't continuously showing curiosity for the series, and continuing to interact with the fic and reread that I wouldn't have made it up to twenty chapters. Originally it was supposed to be a one-shot, possibly with a sequel if it did well enough.
Then, I think there's also the part of being able to gauge whether you'll be able to sustain a series yourself. Can you see where the story is headed? Do you have an outline? Can you see alternate pathways you can take if you end up getting bored? Do you have a source of inspiration (other writers, books, music, artists, a place you like to visit, food, etc.)? Do you have the time?
A lot of the 'planning' I do for cbmthy, and lately also CoLCoV, is just staring at my ceiling before falling asleep and drifting off into thought? Or listening to music during a grocery trip, if I'm cleaning, or just generally doing something where I can kind of zone out? A lot of it happens inside my head, and I tend to not write it down until I'm ready to do the full scene - there are parts way ahead in cbmthy that I have in my mind that I refuse to write down because as soon as I do 1) I'll lose the emotions connected to the scene once they become words on a screen and 2) inevitably I'll have to rework the scenes to fit into the chapter fluently which is just a pain and kills motivation and can result in you thinking the scene is awful and then putting it off longer when it's actually going to be surprisingly well-received by people (speaking from experience - I hated chapter 16 before posting it and now it's one of my favourites since people were so openly warm to it)
I'd also argue that your reasoning for writing a series can play a part? I have my reasons for making cbmthy the way that it is, making reader the way that she is, and giving her particular hurdles to overcome that solely benefit me, as the author, who knows what they mean to me - though I hope that doesn't stop anyone else from finding their own troubles and solutions in it, or even just reading cbmthy as a piece of light fanfiction, if that's what you want it to be as the reader.
Whether your reasons are because you have a point to make, to yourself of someone else, or because it's a story line that's grabbed your attention, I would encourage you to sit on it for a while just to see if you continue to be enthusiastic about it.
And, kind of finally, if your aim is to ultimately try to improve your writing, don't get tunnel-visioned on one process. Maybe this is obvious but feel around and read different things. If you're able to, walk into a different section of a bookstore, spend time looking through blurbs and reading through the first few chapters of books to see if the writing style takes your interest before buying them. Try writing drabbles, try writing pieces that lean more on description, give different genres a go!
Also something I would definitely recommend is, if you haven't already, try writing a long one-shot. Don't give yourself a time limit, or push yourself into coming up with something immediately, but if you get an idea, try writing one piece over a few months, just sitting down whenever you feel like you've figured out what scene you want to add next, and try rereading sections now and again. I think that method is probably what worked best for me - having something to keep coming back to and gradually building up since it let me see that I can sustain a story.
It's also a good way to write something long without feeling any pressure to update it since nobody knows you're writing it, then bam! It appears out of thin air!
Anyway, this did indeed get long and out of hand, but I hope at least some of my rambling made sense and might help you? I'd also encourage finding fanfic authors you like and trying to continuously interact with them. I certainly have problems with jealousy and comparing myself with other writers on here, and unfortunately it means I now find it very hard to read work from new authors. I think there are only three now that I can still read freely and happily without comparing myself to them, and it's because I like them as people and interacted with them.
^I hope that last part won't have to apply to you, though, and that you'll have a good time writing!
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colleybri · 4 months
Answer the questions and tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @mosylufanfic :)
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I’m relatively unusual here, I think, in that whilst I’ve been writing it since my teens I have had a good twenty year break up until a few months ago. Years ago, I just started writing it for my own pleasure - certainly no internet or easy ways to share it back then. More recently, I can attribute my return to one thing and one thing only: my love of the series Andor. An obsession that came out of nowhere in September 2023 when I watched it for the first time and it resonated with me in a way nothing has come close to in quite some time. After several months of writing various analyses of it I felt the urge to get creative.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Not many - most recently, Andor - obviously - and with the obvious overlap of Rogue One. Going back: I started out on E.T. (early teens then so that will date me accordingly :) ) - moving on to Aliens, The Silence of the Lambs and The X Files. Some novels then too: Narnia and Clive Barker, notably.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
As above, really. I’m in my mid 50s now - which I imagine makes me one of the older ones here. I dabbled most recently in the late 90s, with The Phantom Menace slashfics that were hugely popular back then - one of my friends was a superb writer (her stories were considerably better than the film itself ) and absolutely churned them out on whatever forums were around. They were a wholly new thing to me and I hadn’t even seen the film, but I dabbled a bit anyway :)
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I write more at the moment, but I’m gradually trying to catch up with the reading. I missed Andor when it was first released and therefore the glut of fics from that time. But I’m getting to know the writers I really like and rediscover my own interests, genre speaking, along the way.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
It’s really hard to compare as I haven’t got much left hanging around from my earlier years, but I would say that with several decades of teaching Lit under my belt now I do care a lot more about characterisation than I ever used to. It used to be all about the plot. I’m finding myself very drawn to subtext-heavy dialogue, internal monologues, drabbles and even poetry - the last being something I never thought I’d touch with a barge pole. I’m not saying I’m any good, just that I enjoy the challenge. That’s the main thing, in fact. These days I’m happy to embrace a challenge rather than shy from it. 
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
That would be what human flesh tastes like. For a Silence of the Lambs fic, obviously. The answer is apparently “pork crossed with beef” so I guess a genuine ragu lasagne would scratch that particular itch if anyone’s curious. 
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
At the moment, as I’m pretty much starting from scratch and trying to find readers, absolutely anything. Probably excluding ‘don’t give up the day job’. 
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Probably the cannibalism thing. Though that’s no doubt more mainstream nowadays…. I haven’t even looked at all the Hannibal (tv series) fics out there. 
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Anything long - the longest thing I ever completed was a 250 page novel but I was 14 at the time and haven’t come close since. Haven’t the stamina these days. Same with reading – I prefer one shots.
10. What is the easiest type?
Missing scenes or scene commentaries - not so much easy as such but probably my favourite forms, so they come relatively easily once I really put my mind to them. I find analytical essays the easiest of all, if I know the text well, but that’s no doubt a teacher-thing. I’ve made myself a regular feature on the Reddit Andor sub, probably to the chagrin of some :)
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Looking at other answers to this one, I’m a bit perplexed. I have an elderly iMac and write on that. Hell, I used to do everything in long hand. Thank God I learned to touch-type. I guess I use Googledocs when forced to use my laptop. I’m fortunate to be semi-retired, so I generally find the time.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Something longer, I guess. Hard to tell. I was and am intimidated by Smutfics, but had a go at a challenge recently and was quite pleased with the result. Not something I’ll be writing often though - not the main event, anyway. Love the buildups, and there’s some really great erotica out there, but I do get pretty stuck using the same vocabulary if I’m not careful. I’ve done a few humorous variations and quite liked those too. I’m British, lived in Bath for many years so like to imagine Austen’s ironic take on sex scenes quite a bit. 
13. What made you choose your username?
Nothing very deep - it’s to do with where I live. I’m a keen birder and Colley is an old West Country (England) word for a blackbird. 
Apologies in advance for tagging you - I’m sure some or all of you have been ‘done’ already! I don’t know a huge range of writers yet and I’m new to Tumblr and Discord. Absolute social media dinosaur as I am. 
Tagging @beladonna02, @ceruleanphoenix7, @faceofpoe, @jake-and-amy-are-married, @vadercat
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biggsodorcitystories · 4 months
Warrior's Missing Eagle Crest -A TUGS Fanfiction
I haven't written anything in an embarrassing amount of time, so this is probably a big pile of doo-doo, but I'm just so proud that this feels like a release of sorts so I had to share!
Rating: General
Genre: General, Family.
Characters (active): Hercules, Warrior, Susannah (OC)
Charcters (mentioned): Top Hat, Big Mac, Ten Cents, Sunshine, Captain Starr, Sea Rogue, Lillie, Zebedee, Aurora (OC), Silver Penny (OC), Grandma Starr (OC), Bright Dawn (OC), Andrew (OC)
Pairings: Warrior x Susannah, Hercules x Lillie, Big Mac x Top Hat, Bright Dawn x Sea Rogue.
Warnings: Humanised characters, Headcanon that Warrior is the brother of Hercules and Ten Cents, M/M pairing and references to Mpreg, CanonxOC ships, references to abandonment, depression, and angst.
Summary: Hercules accidentally comes across Warrior and Susannah deep in conversation on an evening walk, and hears Susannah ask why Warrior does not have an eagle crest like his brothers. Warrior's response is not what Hercules expected, forcing him to reflect on how his behaviour could have shaped Warrior's thoughts.
This route to Lowtown brought back a lot of memories as Hercules strolled along the path. It felt like another time – another world, even – when he had trotted along at the heels of his beloved aunt, Bright Dawn Starr, and her beau Patrick Teach – known to most as Sea Rogue. In a way, it had been both. His aunt and Sea Rogue had been in their late teens, barely into adulthood, while he had been little more than a toddler and still figuring out coherent speech. But he could still remember how much he had enjoyed the walks, clutching his auntie's hand and thinking up new ways to stop 'Uncle Patch' from holding the other one. Looking around, very little had changed along the riverbank path itself, but he couldn't remember enough about the area to consider how the environment had changed. It had been around twenty-five years since he'd last taken a walk this way.
He'd been twelve when they'd returned to the city, and Hercules had been far too busy in the past decade with supporting his grandfather to rebuild the Starr fleet and their reputation, and helping his mother to recover with the divorce from his father after he ran off with Auntie Dawn, with her raising his new baby brother, Ten Cents, and with...
“Warrior, can I ask you something?”
Hercules stopped in his tracks at the sound of the voice. He immediately recognised it as Susannah Moran – her Liverpudlian accent so like her father, Zebedee's, that it was fairly unique. To the surprise of many, she and Warrior had entered into a courtship that her father had not opposed. It seemed that he had stumbled across one of their dates.
They were sat by the river's edge, with their backs to him, deep in conversation. Part of him was screaming that he shouldn't be eavesdropping on them in this way, and he was about to make his presence known, when Warrior spoke.
“Course you can, Suse. What is it?”
Susannah seemed to be looking at something in front of her.
“How come yous don't have an eagle crest on your hat like your brothers? Don't yous have one?”
Hercules froze. That question had never been asked of him, nor of his brothers to his knowledge, but he knew that it had been whispered throughout the port ever since Ten Cents had received his crest two years before.
“Why is Warrior the 'odd one out' to his brothers..?”
He had an idea what the answer was, but to his shame realised that he'd never heard it from Warrior himself. Though he felt guilty, almost dirty, he kept quiet and listened for Warrior's response.
Warrior sighed, moving to take what Hercules assumed was his hat from Susannah.
“Oh, sure I got one.” He sighed. “Grandma gave us all one on our fifteenth birthday, like a coming of age thingy. She gave one to Aurora and Sunshine the first Christmas after we found out who they were.”
Susannah nodded with no hint of surprise. Hercules wasn't sure how he felt about that, given that it meant she knew more about their family history than he'd like, but was distracted as Warrior continued.
“I've got mine in the box it came in, on my bedside table.”
“Why don't you wear it?”
There was a pause before Warrior replied.
“I...I daren't, Suse. I don't wanna break it or lose it if I 'ave one of me accidents. It...it means too much to me.”
Hercules pulled a face and fought down an urge to scoff. The eagle crests Grandma Starr had given them were heavy, solid things that practically fused to his and Ten Cents' hats, so he wasn't entirely convinced by his brother's reasoning. Hell, Ten Cents had taken a fuel tanker explosion to the face, and his crest had suffered nothing worse than a bit of soot and smoke staining. Warrior's habit of bumping into and tripping over things was unlikely to cause it much harm, if any.
Susannah seemed to be following a similar line of thought.
“Doesn't it mean as much to Hercules and Ten Cents too?” Warrior looked away as he gave a bitter chuckle.
“I'm not sayin it don't...doesn't mean anythin to them. But...I don't think either of them ever saw it as I did when they got theirs.”
Susannah didn't reply, and she sat quietly until Warrior turned back to look at her.
“Yknow 'ow I told you about being fostered by Big Mac and Top 'At when we first moved back here?”
Susannah gave a nod, which Hercules wasn't entirely shocked by. Strangers to the port would frequently make the assumption that Warrior was the son of Big Mac and Top Hat, which annoyed him almost as much as the looks of surprise when they learned who his real family was. Hercules wished his younger brother wouldn't be so cheerful whenever he corrected someone, and in quiet moments he suspected that Big Mac and Top Hat secretly delighted in the mistake. He couldn't let go of the thought that the couple would like nothing more than to claim Warrior as their own child, as they probably would have done if his mother hadn't claimed Warrior back.
“Oh yeah?” Susannah continued. “Because your Mum needed the break while she was getting back on her feet?”
“Yeah. With my Dad runnin out on us, movin from London, and finding out she were pregnant again. It was a lot to 'andle...an I think I was making it a lot worse with the way I was acting.”
Hercules felt his brows raise at this last remark. He would have sworn that Warrior didn't remember that time.
“My Dad...I don't really remember 'im that well. I were only three when he left, but I do remember 'im lettin me get away with a lot. Then 'e was gone, and suddenly I wasn't allowed to do anythin' any more and kept gettin' into trouble. I do remember not taking it well and I was a little shit to everyone, especially my Mum...”
“You were three years old, Warrior. Three year olds don't behave at the best of times, and your whole world changed overnight.”
“I know, but...I was too much for Mum to 'andle at the time. Hercules tried to help with me, but he was...eleven or twelve? I reckon we both looked and sounded like screaming kids.”
Hercules found himself nodding in agreement as he looked away. No matter how much they wanted to, a pre-teen was no substitute for a parent, even if they weren't hurting from their own trauma as he had been. It was just one of many things he struggled with guilt over, regardless, unable to shake the feeling that he'd failed both his mother and Warrior.
“Mum ended up breaking down. Lucky that Top 'At were with her when she did, an 'e offered to 'ave me for a little while, until she were better. Hercules ended up stayin with our grandparents.”
“Why didn't they take yous too?”
“They offered, more than once. Thing is, Andrew was me best mate even then, an I reckon everyone thought it would do me good if I were close to someone my age instead of with Hercules. Mum kept comin to see me, anyway, tellin me about the new baby an 'ow I was gonna be a big brother an all. At first, it felt like a big sleepover – it was great. Not to mention, Big Mac and Top 'At were doin a lot to undo the behaviours Dad had taught me, though I didn't know at the time. I don't like to think about what I'd have turned out like if they'd not sorted me.
But when the weeks turned into months, and I spent most of Christmas with them instead of my own family...I remember starting to worry. I knew by then that I'd been...naughty while I was at home, and I wondered if I'd been sent away to live with my godparents because of it, like a punishment. I asked them when I was going home again, and they told me it was just until Mum 'ad the new baby.
It were enough for me for a while, even though I knew Hercules was back home, but he was older. I was happy to start – I got to spend every day with Andrew and I loved that. Mum was still coming to visit, and I went to see her and my grandparents, just came back with Big Mac and Top 'At. I reckon it were bothering me, deep down, but I could still treat it like a long sleepover, or an 'oliday and forget about it.”
He paused to give another heavy sigh.
“Then Ten Cents was born. Top 'At took me to see Mum and I got to hold 'im. I remembered being so excited an tellin Mum he could sleep in my room with me, which Mum smiled at and said he was too little to share my room. I went back thinking Mum would come and get me a few days later, but she didn't.
I still went to visit like I 'ad before, but there was no talk of me comin back.”
“Why didn't you ask to come home?”
For a second, Hercules thought that he'd spoken – the question had been echoing through his skull loud enough and he'd been getting more frustrated each time Warrior mentioned wanting to go home. He'd been asking the same questions while Warrior was away – if Warrior had just asked once, maybe their mother would have brought him back where he belonged sooner than she had. He half expected Warrior to hear and turn to see him, which would almost certainly result in another fight between them.
But Warrior's attention remained fixed on Susannah, the one who had actually asked the question. His response was so quiet that Hercules barely made out what he said.
“I was scared to, Suse. I didn't even want to go into my bedroom in case I saw it had been turned into Ten Cents' nursery and all my stuff was gone. I'd been getting' nightmares for weeks about Mum and Hercules tellin me that they didn't love me any more...”
He could hear the tears behind Warrior's voice as he ended the last sentence – as sure as he felt his own stinging his eyes. The frustration of a few seconds ago withered in the face of this new shame. Why was this a revelation to him? Warrior was talking about something that happened seventeen years ago – he should have known long before today that Warrior had felt like this and soothed said fears away.
But Warrior had never told him about them!
He looked up to see Susannah comforting Warrior, her head leaning on his shoulder. He saw his brother wipe his eyes.
“I'm alright.” He said softly, turning his head to kiss the top of her head. “Sorry about dat.”
“It's okay.” She replied. “You got back to your family though, and they didn't send yous away.”
“Yeah...that's a story in itself. When Ten Cents was born and I still didn't get to go home, staying with Big Mac and Top 'At wasn't so fun any more. They'd got me out of the tantrums and bratty stuff, and I knew dat if my real family didn't want me they were all I 'ad left, so I just cried myself to sleep a lot. I wasn't as quiet as I thought, as either they'd hear me or Drew would go down an tell em I was crying and they'd come up and comfort me. They tried their best, but I was sure I was staying with them forever. Then...”
Warrior paused for a second, as if trying to choose his words. Hercules was partly relieved for the respite – every word had felt like an accusing jab to the stomach – but he was fairly confident about where Warrior was going next.
“It turned out that I weren't the only one thinkin' I was stayin' with my foster parents forever. Top 'At an Big Mac have two kids older than Andrew – Joeseph an Heather. I dunno why, an if I'm bein really honest I think I'm best not knowin, but they decided I was stayin with them forever too. Heather decided to start bragging to Hercules about I was her brother now. Hercules got really angry and mouthed off at her. She got upset and Joe stood up for her, which might 'ave gone really badly if he wasn't an ocean-going tug as well.”
Hercules felt his teeth clench in anger, but not at his brother. Since that day, he and Joeseph had been unable to stay in the same room, let alone talk to one another, without it escalating to a fight. Joeseph had only been defending his little sister, but he didn't know why until Heather confessed to her teasing a year later. Her parents had been furious, but the damage had already been done...
“When we managed to break them apart, Mum an Top 'At went away an 'ad a very long talk. I was miserable, an sure dat was it for me. Mum an Hercules would never want me back after the fightin and Mum 'ad fell out with her best friend. But, later dat night Mum came over and said I was comin home the next day. I wanted to be 'appy, but I was frightened dat it was a punishment because of the fight.” He paused to sigh. “My room was still the same with all the stuff I'd left, an Mum helped me put my other things away. She gave me lots of hugs and said she was sorry she adn't brought me back sooner. My grandparents came over an made a fuss of me bein back – especially Grandma – an even Ten Cents seemed to like avin someone to play with. Hercules made a big show of bein glad I was back, but...”
'Made a “big show?!”' I was happy you were back home! Hercules wanted to scream at him, but forced himself to calm down when he heard Warrior speak in response to something Susannah had said.
“Well, it was the way he was with me later...it were like 'e thought I was only actin less spoiled and he was just waitin' for me to drop the act. Every little thing, he'd be there, either fixing what I was already doing or tellin me what to do. To start with, I thought he was tryin to 'elp an I wanted him to see how much better behaved I was now an make 'im proud. But...nothin' I did, nothin I said, were ever good enough for Hercules to stop watchin' me like I was gonna just go back to before. Everyone else seemed so happy with me, but the way Hercules kept treatin me made me worry dat he was the only one who wasn't hidin' the feelins they all 'ad. I felt like they were all waitin for me to make a mistake...so....so they could send me away for good...”
Hercules could barely think as he heard Warrior – his own brother – confess to feeling unwanted because of his behaviour. He wanted to deny it, insist it was just Warrior's imagination that made him believe those things. He even wanted to blame Big Mac and Top Hat, somehow poisoning Warrior's mind against them. It had been their son who Hercules had gotten into the fight with, and their daughter who had caused the fight with her tall tales, so maybe it was revenge against him to create a rift?
But for all his wants, he knew they would be lies. Not the wanting his brother back home, that had been true enough, but what Warrior had said about him watching for a return to form? To his shame, that was completely true.
He had resented his younger brother for automatically getting all his father's attention and favour, to the point that he'd been shocked that he'd not been taken by their father and Auntie Dawn when they left. In the weeks that followed, he'd seen their father's actions in everything Warrior had done, with every tantrum feeling like just another act of mockery from the man. He shouldn't have held his brother, who was barely more than a toddler, accountable, but he'd been twelve years old and full of pain. When Warrior had been sent to Big Mac and Top Hat, a tiny part of him had been relieved to be getting a break and having his grandparents' full attention. Maybe in some darker moments, in those early days of sorting his feelings, he'd entertained some private thoughts about how it might be better for Warrior to stay away. He'd caught them and buried them away, horrified by them. When Warrior had stayed away they had often danced back into his memories like an accusation. Once again, they were trying to resurface...
Because it had been so much easier if he treated Warrior like he needed to be constantly watched, to ignore his guilt by transferring it to his brother. It had been noticed too – his mother, grandparents, O.J, even Ten Cents had tried speaking to him about the way he treated Warrior. They'd never approached him, but Big Mac and Top Hat had often flashed disappointed glances in his direction when Warrior had fled to them after yet another argument. If they really did want to steal Warrior away, Hercules was doing them a huge favour.
“Yeah, I spent a lot of time with Big Mac an' Top At. Dey never made me feel like I 'ad to walk on eggshells, so I went over just for the peace. Even after they adoped Maggie, I was welcome any time. Mum and my grandparents would try an get me to stay 'ome more, an I'd try to, but it just got too much sometimes. Some days, I'd barely get through the door before it started...dat's one of the reasons I did the Fire Tug training, to get away from the fleet an do somethin different. The Fire Chief 'ad nothin but good things to say 'bout me, so Hercules couldn't pick at me about it.”
Hercules had been impressed with Warrior's dedication to becoming a certified Fire Tug – he'd been stupidly proud of how much the Fire Chief had praised Warrior.
But like many things, he'd never expressed these feelings out loud...
“When I were seven, Hercules turned fifteen and Grandma came in with this little box. She called 'im away for a minute, an' when they came back, 'e was holding the eagle crest. I remember thinkin it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, and Ten Cents – 'e was three – was asking Grandma if 'e could have one like it. Grandma said we would both be getting' our own on our fifteenth birthdays, because it were a tradition. She specifically said I'd be getting mine first, because I were older and it was fair, but I became convinced dat she'd only said it to calm Ten Cents down and thought I'd forget. I was so sure as I got older that my fifteenth birthday would come an' dere wouldn't be a crest for me...right up until I opened the box and saw it.”
“What happened? Your gran must have seen you were surprised when she gave it to you.”
“I...burst into tears right in front of her – she was horrified!” Warrior chuckled. “She even looked in the box to make sure it was in dere before she gave me a hug. She's the only one in the family I ever told about 'ow I was feelin because I just blurted everythin out right in front of her. We spent so long away from everyone Mum came lookin for us. I'd calmed down by dat time an we were just getting ready to come back, so Mum didn't see me upset. I think Grandma must have said somethin afterwards, because suddenly Mum was giving me a lot of hugs – I think she might 'ave been hurt I didn't tell her myself. “
“What about Hercules?”
Nobody had said anything to Hercules, but after Warrior's fifteenth birthday, his grandparents had pulled him up about being so hard on Warrior a couple of times. He'd listened to them – or he'd thought he had – but it had never occurred to him to wonder why.
“I mean, things aren't as bad as they were between him an me, but...I still feel like Ten Cents is the only thing keepin us from arguing a lot of the time. I know he gets confused about it all, but I think he's decided it's better not to know. Besides, I reckon he's 'had a bit more to worry about after what nearly 'appened with Sunshine.”
Sunshine, and his twin sister Aurora, had both been given their own crests the previous Christmas. Their sister had fashioned hers into a pendant, and wore it out as a necklace more than as a crest, and Sunshine only wore his on special occsions, claiming the weight gave him a headache after a few hours. That had never bothered Hercules anywhere near as much as Warrrior not wearing his had, and he realised with a sudden shame that he knew how his other three siblings - two of whom he had only known about for little over a year – felt about their crests before now, but not Warrior.
“Warrior...” Hercules took a step back to hide behind a bush as Susannah turned to look at Warrior straight on. The last thing he needed was for her to spot him now, after he had eavesdropped on this conversation.
“I know it's not my place, but I think yous need to tell Hercules these things. I'd be horrified if any of my brothers or my sister felt this way about me, and...I think he would too, if he'd heard us talking.”
Warrior sighed, and hung his head.
“I reckon 'e would too, Suse. Things 'ave gotten a bit better since everything went down last year, cos I think Hercules realised 'e could actually talk to me a bit. We talked a lot about our father, but...I don't know if I can bring the conversation up without starting another argument and goin back to square one...”
Hercules backed away slowly, relieved to see that neither of them were making a move to get up, and turned to leave.
He had a lot to think about...
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paula-in-dreamland · 3 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @ladyaldhelm :)
1. how many works do you have on AO3? None - BUT, hope to have one on there in August or sooner :) I used to be on fanfiction.net - 9 stories still posted there.
2. what's your total AO3 word count? N/A - Although my longest story on FF is ~ 57.1k words. And I have a feeling I am going to surpass that with my current fic...
3. what fandoms do you write for? The Last Kingdom currently, may return to Twilight, previously Power Rangers, considered a few others
4. top five fics by kudos: N/A for A03, but Finding Love on FF has 147 favorites and 172 reviews.....
5. do you respond to comments? I likely will...On Fanfic, I tried to interact with people who PMed or Commented as much as possible!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't think I ever had something have an angsty ending? Just an angsty beginning/middle? Especially since I wrote my published fics at age 14/15? But I hardcore am into dragging my muses through the mud right now.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Finding Love lol. It's a very wholesome fic.
8. do you get hate on fics? I did on the first ever fic I published. The worst part was that it was on stuff that I thought you were supposed to do based on reading tons of other fics. It shook me to my core since I was FOURTEEN. Sad to say - the fic is now gone from fanfiction and my computer and it's my biggest regret :(
9. do you write smut? Yes - But I've actually never published it now that I think about it! And have not written as much as my brain is convinced?! Oh wait that was my rpg days thats why.
10. craziest crossover? No crossovers. Just really into AUs.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge!
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Either someone wanted to translate Finding Love or get it bound into real books...I cannot remember LOL.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Nah.
14. all time favorite ship? No pls don't make me choose :( I'm going to say Rosalie and Emmett from Twilight because they were the first ones to inspire me to write my own fic.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Honestly? I have SO many Stiorra and Sigtryggr fics that are 60% plotted, but I don't know if I'll ever get to writing all of them? Unless I keep my fixation for the next 10+ years, especially with wanting to write my own stuff. Plus, maybe Finding Love the Sequel...I made a lot of sad people when I did not finish it.
16. what are your writing strengths? Dialogue. And maybe action?
17. what are your writing weaknesses? Show don't tell and being ~poetic~ and introspection? I struggle with 3rd person.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? I love it! And I want to incorporate it into a few of my fic ideas. However, I am not sure HOW I want to do it yet - i.e. Google translate OR just "They spoke in xyz language". When done well, it can be a great plot device!
19. first fandom you wrote in? Twilight!
20. favorite fic you've written? Currently the one I am writing.
No pressure tags: @azriona and anyone else on here that's a writer!
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aurorawest · 3 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @lowkeyed1 - thank you and sorry it took me so long to do it!
Tagging @bereft-of-frogs, @rosieposiepuddingnpie, and @nostalgia-tblr
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
An even 150!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At this point my fanfiction output is pretty sparse, but in the last two years, I've written primarily MCU. I've also written for Captive Prince, Six of Crows, The Daevabad Trilogy, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, Some Desperate Glory, and The Watchmaker of Filigree Street. Over the years I've written in tons of fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy (MCU, Loki & Thor)
The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling (MCU, Loki/Stephen Strange)
Sleight of Hand (MCU, Loki & Stephen Strange)
You Come to Me Wild and Wired (MCU, unrelated ficlets, Loki/Stephen Strange)
They Change Their Sky, Not Their Soul, Who Rush Across the Sea (MCU, Loki & Thor)
The first three are all part of my 10 fic Loki series, it's not going to matter if we fall down twice.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Goddddd I've become so bad at it. I used to respond to every single one. One of my projects/goals is to go back and respond to people, but of course, my AO3 inbox is totally overwhelming at this point, and every time I see the number of comments I haven't responded to, I become paralyzed. I need to man up and just start chipping away.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Do No Harm (MCU, Loki/Stephen Strange) and Anamnesis (Weyoun, Star Trek: Deep Space 9) are probably tied on this one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
I primarily write happy endings so...most of them, haha. But I guess The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling, since it's the HEA at the end of 10 fics. It's a seriously hard-won HEA haha.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have! I've been called a pedo on some Wreck-It Ralph fic (that was my introduction to purity culture, btw). Idk if I'd call this hate, but I once had a reader get pretty upset that an OFC in A Full and Factual Account of Asgard didn't turn out to be a love interest for Loki.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do! Honestly writing smut might be my favorite thing to write, haha. Whenever I get to a Big Sex Scene in my original stuff, I sigh in relief that I'm finally going to have an easy writing night. I've written m/f and m/m, but I have way more m/m, and an occasional m/m/m. It's mostly sappy, vanilla, OTP stuff, but I love me some dub and noncon, so there are a few of those amidst the gooey soulmate smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really, though I did in my youth. Honestly they're...all kind of crazy. When I was in my early teens I wrote a 4 fic series that was a crossover between The Enchanted Forest Chronicles (the books by Patricia C Wrede), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (the Disney movie), and Newsies (the movie). It had time travel. And dragons, obviously. I also at one point was writing a crossover between Newsies (yes, I had a Newsies phase) and Doctor Mordrid, an obscure fantasy B-movie from the 90s starring Jeffrey Combs. Fun fact! It was actually supposed to be Dr. Strange, but they lost the rights before they made the movie.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. It was a Harry Potter fic. I threatened legal action (lol) and they took it down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
People have definitely asked me if they can translate my fics, so I think so!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, I had a friend I wrote a Loki & Thor fic with. I also used to collab on fics with my sister when we were kids.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I guess it's gotta be Loki/Stephen Strange.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a DS9 fic about Eris, a Vorta who was only in one episode, where she's an agent who's infiltrated a rebel Vorta/Jem'Hadar cell. I LOVE that fic, but I just...don't see myself ever finishing it. Maybe someday I'll file the serial numbers off and turn it into an original work. It probably wouldn't be that hard because it's set hundreds of years before DS9 takes place, and I did a lot of original worldbuilding.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, character, romance, sexual tension, pretty polished first drafts. I don't know if I'd consider it a strength yet, but I feel like I've really improved my pacing over the past year.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably visual scene setting, haha. I'm pretty thin on describing what the physical location LOOKS like. I'm better at describing sounds and smells, because honestly that's what sticks with me personally from a place, not how it looks.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've definitely done it. I took many years of Spanish so I'm pretty confident that when I write in Spanish, it makes sense. I can tell when google translate is wrong, haha. One of my novels (coming out next year!) has some Afrikaans, and a South African sensitivity reader didn't say any of it was wrong. Though that reminds me, I really should message my friend/former safari guide to see if she has any complaints about the Afrikaans in it, haha.
IMO when you write dialogue in another language in a fic, you have to assume the reader doesn't speak that language, so you need to let them know what that dialogue says through context. I read a book recently where there was quite a bit of Quebecois French, and there were end notes with the translation, and...eh, it was a pain to flip back and forth to the end of the book.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first time I sat down with the intention of writing a story with a beginning, middle, and end (I didn't finish it), it was an Enchanted Forest Chronicles fic. This was before I'd ever heard of the internet, so I didn't even know that what I was doing was called fanfiction.
Though, my mom made me a scrapbook of a bunch of childhood stuff for my 40th birthday, and it included what I can only call a Lion King AU where the characters from The Lion King go to Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America. So idk, maybe that.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I think in some ways Anamnesis is the most ambitious single fic I've ever written, in that it's a difficult story. But I probably have to give the nod to it's not going to matter if we fall down twice. I'm totally cheating because it's a series, but I'm going to be really proud of it for my whole life so I'm going to take every opportunity to plug it, haha.
Thank you again for the tag!
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resplendent-chungus · 2 months
Fanfic 20 questions! This seems really fun, thanks for tagging me @followerofmercy
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
Twenty-six! Which I think is a bunch when not compared to insane people who right, say, a hundred twenty fics. Cough Mercy.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
179,826, though I will add since I got my start in fic writing quests on Sufficient Velocity, there's another 113.2K that's not on AO3.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My tastes are as fickle as the wind. I am a wandering ronin writing whatever I feel like. I theoretically write RWBY but also haven't updated a RWBY fic since January. I thought I was done with Madoka fics but then I heard news about the movie and had no choice but to write Heartless. I've written 3 A Practical Guide To Evil fics over 5 years. Who fuckin knows with me?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Breaking and Entering Your Heart (Madoka Magica) is, somehow, my most kudo'd fic of all time. I have no idea why. I don't think it's particularly good (not helped by the fact that I was like 16 when I wrote it). It's not even my favourite Madoka fic I wrote as a teenager!
Doka Don't You Know (Madoka Magica) is my favourite Madoka fic I wrote as a teenager. It's still kind of embarrassing for me to read back, but I do think I did good with it. The real embarrassing part is that it was inspired by me getting emotional listening to the Ninja Sex Party song of a similar name.
Drabble Roulette (Steven Universe) is sort of cheating, as it was a drabble collection I did with several friends, but nevertheless it's one of the most kudo'd fics I've worked on. We all did a short fic every week based on the same one-word prompt, and God we kicked ass.
I can almost hear the Hounds (RWBY) is definitely the one I'm most proud of. What if Ruby got turned into a Hound before V1? Well everyone would be sad, for one. It also holds the distinction of being the first time anyone's ever done a "Cast of [show] reacts!" thing to a fic I've read. Talk about an ego boost!
And my fifth-most kudo'd fic is... Actions, Consequences, and the Tragic Lack Thereof (Worm)? The edgy oneshot I did where a very well-adjusted Taylor uses Coil's power to blow off steam? Huh. Not either of my RWBY oneshots? Well I suppose I can't complain.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not really. I try, but as I've said before responding to comments is my dump stat. I really do love everyone's comments, I'm sooo insanely bad at responding sdgsd
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It depends on what qualifies as an angsty ending; most of my angsty fics have happy endings, with Heartless being the only one I've written to really contradict that. Blood, Blood, Gallons of the Stuff and Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass have the worst endings insofar as horrible fates, but I wouldn't really call them angst.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Trim and nothing else? It depends on how you define it, but I'd say that one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, thankfully. I straight up can't remember anything of the sort lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Boy, do I! Of the smut I've published, I'd say it's pretty varied? Some het, some gays, some ships and an OC or two... I've got the variety, baby.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
Not really? I find they're usually more daydream material than hunker-down-and-write material, though sometimes I have no choice. I have a chapter or two of the most self-indulgent APGTE/RWBY crossover that I doubt I'd ever put out there on account of it having a target audience of exactly one. Craziest would probably be the Madoka Magica/Magical Girl Noir Quest crossover I wrote as a teenager. It's harder to get more self-indulgent than fanfiction of a fanfiction crossing it over with the source material sdgds
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I sort of vaguely remember this happening? I remember someone posting a really poorly written edgy SU fic that had the exact same premise as my slightly better written edgy SU fic and only updated after mine did.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, though if anyone wants to please feel free.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really? The Drabble roulette is the closest I've come, and that was a bunch of individual shorties. Besides, I can't imagine I'd have a great time trying to fit my writing process with someone else (and I definitely don't think they'd have a good time trying to adjust to me lmao)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
God that's tough. I'm not sure I can give a definitive answer here. I might have to say Madohomu or Midlink just because of how deeply they've altered my brain chemistry
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Brother that is most of what I've written. I really want to get Tomorrow I'll be perfect and You waxen wing, you foolish thing done at some point, though I'm not sure I'm will. The Most Insane Girls On Remnant is a work so in progress that only one person knows it even exists, and if I could magic myself into fully writing one it would probably be that one.
16. What are your writing strengths?
If I could write an entire book of nothing but snarky narrators I would be a new york times bestseller by now. They are my bread and butter. Comedy in general, I guess, but that specifically.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. Action scenes action scenes action scenes. It's not so much that I think I'm bad at them, more that they're just so hard for me. I could write a thousand words of most anything else before I write five hundred words of an action scene.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't super mind it when reading, but I can't imagine writing it. Maybe a word or two, but still.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote down Madoka Magica at first, but now I'm realizing it was actually Warrior Cats, all the way back when I was a wee little child. I'm not sure if I deleted them or just changed ff.net accounts at some point, but I don't know where they are and I'm happy that way.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I mean it's gotta be I can almost hear the Hounds. There's a lot of other things like (Aw Drat, Tomorrow I'll be Perfect, etc) but this one hold a special place in my heart. There's a reason I have chapter on pinned in my blog.
Damn that took me like three days to write. I shall pass the curse onto @golddragon387, of course, and perhaps @borkthemork to torment him
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oh-no-another-idea · 8 months
Writing Questions tag
Thank you for the tag @moonluringfrost! <3
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What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
The whole premise of Invisible Girl is up there. :) To have an idea so vivid that it stays with you for four years...that's special, and it's the first one I've had to stick around so long.
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
Not sure what this question means, but I always love it when I see a family friend after a while and they ask me "how's writing going?" It means a lot, even if my answer is a lot of flailing and stuttering ;)
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
My favorite part is playing dolls and making the characters interact/grow/change. Bonus points if I have a fleshed out world or plot! That part right in the beginning when you don't have names for literally everyone and you don't know exactly where it's going to take place...I'm not the biggest fan of that. I like knowing what story I'm trying to tell.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
I love it and it feeds me and fuels me and if I go too long without it, I'm sad :(
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
Right now, it's write a little every day you can. Even if the numbers aren't big, even if you don't end up using the text. I can tell I'm still honing my skills and learning the best ways I work, and it really is like creating a habit for myself. If not that wip, than another. But write something! 😉
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
Maybe start smaller? Try out some shorter stories before you attempt a novel, to understand the arc of a story? My younger self probably wouldn't have listened though lol...
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
Fanfiction and short stories have been my only journeys to completion so far and been super helpful in helping me see the targets with my novels. Alas, no finished novels yet :)
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Azrail Greenfield from my wip Cemetery Sisters is a twenty-something guy on his own path through life with remarkably little care about sticking to the norm, and a lot of his journey is based on my own thoughts as I navigate my own very different path. He talks a lot about what human beings were designed to do, and what kind of life he wants and whether or not he needs a college degree for it, and it's all the sort of thing everyone (and my protagonist) would first agree with upon hearing, but struggle with applying it anywhere in their own lives. We have so much internalized about the way our society works, even when we can see parts of it are unhealthy! Anyways. Many thoughts. We'll see what comes of it.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
I think they'd ask for tips, read my stuff and copy it shamelessly ;) And hopefully, be pretty proud! And also say "Um. Why isn't your novel done yet." 😂
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I'd love to see everyone's thoughts and answers to these questions--but no pressure! @sleepyowlwrites @sleepy-night-child @drippingmoon @blind-the-winds @reneesbooks @eccaiia and @talesofsorrowandofruin <3
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eowynstwin · 8 months
It’s going to sound mean but you seem so pressed over Umiko’s alleged earnings, it’s worrying. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that seeing what she probably earns could make you feel hurt, but you sound jealous and not in a ‘I wish her well and I hope I’ll be able to earn as much or even more’ but more like ‘why the hell people pay her for her art if they don’t pay me for mine?’. And mentioning her specifically couple of times in your recent posts??? It almost sounds like you have a problem with HER and that SHE is being paid for her art and not you. I both write and draw, I know how much work, effort and time it takes and I am happy for Umiko and other artists, because it seems that people are willing to pay for what we create, you just have to know how to sell your product and it is not Umiko’s fault that it took you this long to figure something out. I’m happy her success motivated you and you decided to talk to your friend who can help you with your art, but seriously your recent posts made me feel like you have a serious problem with that girl. One more thing, you mentioned that she earns more in whatever amount of time than your mom in a year like what about it? Is it Umiko’s fault? People per her because they want to support her and they want to have access to her art, and I guess she wouldn’t earn as much in a normal job.
So first of all, I welcome you to quote directly (not paraphrase--highlight, copy, and paste) where I said or even implied that I think that Umiko should not be paid as much as she is.
Second of all, I mentioned Umiko as often I did because she is one of my favorite artists, not because I dislike her. I adore her work and believe she deserves every dollar she has made. She works very hard and is one of the few artists who I think is actually getting adequate compensation for that work. In addition, she seems to be a very kind person, and I will never resent the success of good people.
Thirdly, am I like not supposed to be jealous of someone making nearly $1million a year off fandom work????????????????????????? Sorry, but I think I'm allowed to feel envious that someone in my community is making more than twenty-four times the money I make, especially considering that I've been making fandom work for cod for about as long as she has. Maybe not as much, but I've been pretty consistent for the past year, despite the fact that I've been doing it for free.
I'm allowed to be salty that fandom culture permits her to ask for payment but fanfiction is just taken for granted as free content. Fandom does not bat an eyelash when artists ask for a subscription fee to access fanart porn, but writers can barely get readers to kick them an occasional $5 through ko-fi. Umiko didn't "figure something out" before I did--she has been allowed to monetize her work every step of the way because fandom has collectively agreed that it is acceptable for her to do so.
Umiko is not the only artist, either--Bluegiragi and Wombywoo are both making a significant amount of money off of their fanart. This is not guesswork on my part; the number of these artists' paid subscribers is available publicly on their patreon pages, and if you went to fourth grade math you're probably able to multiply that by the average fees of their tier lists. It is not hard to figure out that these artists are making a very comfortable living, or at least an extremely lucrative side hustle, off of work they produce for the Call of Duty fandom.
And I'm not saying they shouldn't! I never did! My beef with this fact is that this mode of income is not available to fanfiction writers! I have known writers who have written full length novels of carefully crafted stories that will never see even a fraction of a penny for their work, because fandom insists that fanfiction should not be monetized!
And knowing what I know now, I reject that notion entirely. It is beyond ridiculous, it is exploitative. My work, and the work of my friends, is just as labor-intensive, just as time-intensive, and just as skill-intensive as the work Umiko and the rest produce. If these artists deserve compensation for their fanwork--and I reiterate, they do--then how can we say that fanwriters don't?
As a postscript, I think you took my arguments in very bad faith, and I don't appreciate the finger-wagging you came into my inbox to do. I don't have to simper about other people's worth for my assertions about my own to be valid.
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