#the first years as captain must have been hell for his mental health
sleepynoons · 1 month
To Hell and Back
Vignettes of mourning and bereavement over a period of two years.
After grieving the loss of your husband for over a decade, is there truly hope for recovery? And if there is, what is the difference between hope and insanity?
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ukitake jushiro x f!reader, angst, nsfw?
word count: ~3,600
cw: heavy manga spoilers, death, explicit descriptions of suffering from grief + mental disorders (severe depression, etc.), extreme mental deterioration, alcohol, throwing up + dry-heaving, mention of insomnia, mention of sexual content, allusions to a lack of eating + frail health, hurt/no comfort
notes: lmk if i missed anything in the warnings! first time writing something so heavy, so the warnings + tags may be inadequate.
“UKITAKE-SAMA, YOUR tea is here.” A shinigami you forget the name of places a steaming cup next to you. From a quick glance, you can see a stalk floating vertically in the drink. Jushiro will be pleased to hear about it.
You nod but do not touch the cup. It is rude to drink and eat before your guests, and you are still waiting on them to arrive. Quietly, you watch the snow drift from the overcast sky, flakes clumping together and forming a thick coat over the ground, surrounding roofs, and trees. How many winters has it been?
Around the bend, you hear rapid footsteps. It must be them.
“Ukitake-sama, sincere apologies for our tardiness.” 
Turning your gaze to your left, you see Rukia-san and Abarai-san coming to view, noses and ears tinged red. Smiling softly, you beckon them to relax and sit on the engawa with you. They listen obediently and wait with bated breath for your next move.
“No worries at all. I am glad to see the two of you are well.”
Rukia-san smiles cheerfully. “Yes, we are doing very well.”
“And how are you adjusting to your duties as captain?”
“I am not captain yet, Ukitake-sama.”
Abarai-san barks a quick laugh. “She’s already very busy, trust me. The appointment is in a few days, right?”
Rukia-san huffs, and you chuckle. “I am sure the 13th Division will be in good hands.”
A gust of wind passes through the corridor, and you shiver slightly at the biting chill. Jushiro should have reminded you to take a coat with you today.
“Ukitake-sama, please, take this.” Rukia-san removes her shawl and places it over your shoulders. Her hands hover over your frame before she sits back down. “Forgive me for possibly overstepping, but are you eating well, Ukitake-sama?”
What did you eat this lunch? For that matter, did you even eat? How about last night? Hm, for some reason, you cannot recall. You shrug, indifferent. You have always been prone to forgetting your meals without Jushiro reminding you.
A silence falls among the three of you, and the snow picks up. You feel yourself smiling at the downpour of snow. So white, so pure. Jushiro always longed to walk in the snow, but his illness disabled him from spending an extended amount of time outside. While you are sure many of the shinigami are groaning at the weather, you know Jushiro would have found a way to celebrate it.
Abarai-san sighs a deep, hefty breath. “Ukitake-sama, if you’d like, would you join us for dinner? We’re having shabu shabu for the first time this year. I’m sure that’ll warm you up right away.”
It has been a while since the last time you had something so homey. You suppose Jushiro would not mind you spending a dinner with someone else. “I will take on your offer. Thank you for having me, Rukia-san, Abarai-san.”
The two bow before getting up, making their leave. They bid you farewell and several reminders to take care of your health. 
Internally, you scoff. You need to be mindful of your health? Please, you are fine and have always been, aside from nasty injuries gained during training and missions. Besides, the one you all should be worried about is Jushiro.
Ah, but there is no need for that either anymore.
You wake up late. You only know because the incessant light of the sun is bleeding through the cracks of the shoji screens. You even got the screens filtered to reduce the morning brightness, but nothing can dim the flames of spring.
As usual, you are alone in bed, wrapped and tangled and curled in the giant blankets of your futon. Jushiro should be coming back anytime now, you think. You roll over onto his futon and blindly feel around for the book that he places by his pillow every night. It is always something different because he can never seem to finish one. You wonder what he is reading this time, but nothing is there. In fact, as sleep escapes you, you realize his futon is fully made.
Sobs begin to wrack your body, but you dare not let your tears and snot smear Jushiro’s bedding. You have not washed it once since, and even now, his scent has almost completely, if not already, faded. If you wash it, more traces of his aliveness will disappear and you cannot tolerate that even more.
He was living, breathing, eating, sleeping, training, laughing, loving. He was – is – more than just a stone headpiece sitting underneath a gazebo, and you feel like everyone around you is forgetting that, only speaking of him in the past tense and as a distant, fleeting spark of a memory. And that makes you deeply, profoundly remorseful.
Because you are also only able to recall him now. How did he smell? You only remember it was a combination of tea leaves, anesthesia, and soil, a poor, inadequate description you came up with when he asked you decades ago. How about his hair length? Jushiro kept it long for centuries, but he always had you trim it so that it never extended past his hip. And the sound of his voice? Not even your memories can imitate the way he pronounced your name, bantered with Kyoraku, commandeered his squad.
Moments like these are arguably the hardest. Not only are you overcome with grief, but you are also frustrated and restless, unable to do anything because there is nothing to do. There is no solution to this mourning. You would never kill these feelings for Jushiro, but that means this torment is inescapable, inevitable. You want this sadness to pass, become the silver lining to some cloud, rejoice instead in the legacy he has left behind. But leaving this phase would mean enough time has passed, and with enough time, you would forget much about him.
You should have recorded more of your moments with your late husband. But you can only sigh and harbor more resentment towards yourself in your heart.
By now, the tears have stopped. You are back in your futon, only to bury yourself under the covers.
“Class is dismissed!”
The shinigami disperse, heading to grab their belongings lining the walls of the garden. As you have retired from your post in the Gotei 13, you are now a kido instructor for new court guard cadets. The young ones are promising, you think. 
Surprisingly, the classes of shinigami are growing. You had thought the war with the Quincies would deter future talent, but the damages and casualties seemed to have only bolstered interest. Interest in learning kido has also increased, no doubt due to Aizen’s influence.
Jushiro was plenty good at kido, too, you think bitterly. He just never had the opportunity to demonstrate his strength.
In fact, your first encounter with your late husband was at a kido training session that he was leading. With gentle encouragement and precise guidance, he taught you how to perform the casts you know by heart, and you continued to seek him out with questions and concerns until his appointment as captain. To say you missed your one-on-ones with him was an extreme understatement. You missed his soft laughs in the face of your snarky remarks and the fleeting touches of his fingertips against your tense arms. You did not think he would forget you, but you were not sure if you would ever be able to get so close to him again. Your doubt quickly dissipated, though, when you were accepted into the Gotei 13. It seemed he had chosen you to be placed into the 13th Division under him.
You are brought back from your reminiscing when you hear an angry cry. “Ukitake-sama is our instructor! How can you say that about her?”
The crowd breaks into waves of murmuring at the outburst. You look towards the right wall, and there you see a red-haired little girl being held back by two of her classmates. Like a cartoon character, she is kicking her feet, trying to wrangle her arms free, spewing insults at two other students who only roll their eyes.
This is nothing new. To be fair, ever since Jushiro’s sacrifice, you have only done the bare minimum to contribute to Soul Society, a stark contrast to the committed soldier you once were who went above and beyond. Many were shocked by your transformation and have begun to bear annoyance towards you for being a deadweight. You still receive many benefits for your many decades of service, and you remain in Jushiro’s old quarters in the 13th Division barracks. You are, for sure, taking up more space than a veteran should. But truly, you could care less to be noble.
You appreciate Ichika-chan’s attempts to save your face, regardless. You should give her some of the candies you store in your sleeves on her way out.
“Enough.” Everyone is now looking at you. You stare directly at the two shinigami who defaced you. What should you do with them?
Or rather, what would Jushiro do with them?
The answer is too obvious. You motion them to come to you, and they trudge over with lowered heads. When they come close enough, you sigh because had you acted purely out of your own volition, you would have reacted much differently.
You point at one of the students. “You are much too weak at defense. Please pay closer attention to our lessons on bakudou, and be sure to apply it during your sparring sessions.” Onto the other. “In order to summon the full force of a hado incantation, you have to call it properly. Polish your articulation, and you will experience a stronger effect.”
With that, you dismiss them again. As soon as they leave, Ichika-chan runs up to you, face blushing red (from the heat? embarrassment? or both?).
“Ukitake-sama, thank you for today’s class!”
You chuckle, adoring the young girl’s energy and brightness, and reach to take her hand in yours. You notice small callouses and blisters blooming on her palms, no doubt from practicing with her sword. Grabbing a fistful of candies, you enclose her fingers around the pile. “For you.”
A wide grin breaks on Ichika-chan’s face and she bows. “Thank you, Ukitake-sama!”
“I shall see you in a week, then.”
When all of the students finally filter out of the garden, you sit in peace. For once, the quiet is not eerie or haunting. Rather, it is much needed, a comforting break in between your classes. You still much prefer the sound of Jushiro’s chattering, but this tranquility may not be so bad either.
Underneath the gazebo, you bring the sake cup to your lips and down the liquid. The alcohol stings at the back of your throat, a burning sensation that muddles your brain yet pinches you awake. Across from you, a man also takes a swig, releasing a loud, uncouth exhale. 
He holds up a bottle, gesturing towards you with it. “Want more?”
You shake your head. Eyes downcast, you hold onto the cup in your lap with your hands clasped around it, staring into the glossy bottom of the ceramic. You see a faint reflection of your face, but it is too shady underneath the gazebo for there to be a clear outline.
The man downs another large gulp, humming in contentment at the taste. He then sighs and adjusts his large bamboo hat. “Eleven years, huh?”
“Indeed.” You glance up, catching the eye of the Captain General of the Gotei 13. “How are you feeling, Kyoraku?”
“Ha, I should be asking you that.”
“Not a day goes by that I do not think of him.” 
Kyoraku says your name gingerly, as if he is testing the mood of a spoiled, unpredictable child. “I understand. But you also need to live your life. That’s what he would want.”
You cannot hold back your voice. Close by, you know some of the other captains and their respective lieutenants are waiting for their turns to pay tribute. You are also aware that Kyoraku means no harm – in fact, he empathizes with you, something no one else can do. But still. “What he wanted was to live longer and be at peace! Do not dare to speak on his behalf! You may have been his best friend, but I was his wife, and I will not stand another shoving words into his mouth! Perhaps he does want me to live a little, be happy again. But…”
Your face feels hot. Feverish from strain, humiliation, shame. You can still hear echoes of your voice ricocheting off the walls of nearby buildings.
“Kyoraku… How are you able to carry on so easily?”
A torrent of jealousy and frustration courses through you, rushing through your veins and welling up nausea at the pit of your stomach. Why are you not able to move on?  Why have you been robbed of joy and happiness, never to feel those feelings again? Are you to live such a directionless, empty life for centuries more?
Kyoraku moves from his seat to sit next to you. He pats you on the back at a slow, tempered pace. “Because I have to. Because that’s what he would want from me.”
You crumple into the commander’s side, eyes blurring and body shivering. A gust of wind blows through the gazebo, colder than normal, a sign that fall is arriving soon. Kyoraku wraps his haori over you, doing his best to shield and comfort you. 
“How is she doing?”
“Much better! She’s been eating more and spending time with others these past two weeks.”
Kyoraku closes his eyes. Is he relieved? Yes. Is it too good to be true? Also yes.
“Commander? Is everything alright?”
Kyoraku puts on the best smile he can manage. “Yes, don’t worry about lil’ ol’ me, Kotetsu-kun. Just keep an eye on her for me, alright?”
“Yes, of course!”
The 4th Division captain bows before leaving the captain general’s office. Kyoraku waits until the doors shut with a resounding thud before he sighs deeply, worriedly. He had just seen you days ago, and it seemed there was much that was plaguing you. The likelihood of you recovering as rapidly as Kotetsu says you are is slim.
He peeks at the stack of files that Nanao-chan handed him this afternoon. But those can really wait, especially when it comes to you. Without you, there will be very few – if not, no one else – who can as vividly and intimately remember Ukitake as he can. He cannot lose the last connecting thread to his best companion. But truly, your state of mind’s very troubling. Stuck in an abyss, you wander, a ghost piloting a frail cadaver, bound to the grounds your late husband frequented when he was live. Often forgetting to eat and bathe and venture beyond your bedroom, you are withering away in real time, little pieces of your soul dying out.
At times, he can understand. Ukitake’s death left a permanent hole in his life as well, bereaving him from anyone he has given himself wholly to. Other times, though, he can’t extend any more empathy or compassion than he already has. How is it possible for you to not have anymore love or care for anything in this world? How can the loss of one person – something everyone experiences at one point in their life – disable you so much so?
But perhaps it’s a privilege that he cannot understand such enduring grief. He still has his niece, friends, and alcohol. Now that he thinks about it, you really don’t have anyone or anything else. Always keeping to yourself, you’ve been razor sharp in words and sight since he first met you; if others hadn’t already avoided you for your intimidating glare, then they were bound to be driven away by your scathing criticism and dry, sarcastic quips. Truth be told, it also took him a while to warm up to you, let alone fathom how you captured the heart of the open-minded, warm-hearted Ukitake. Kyoraku shakes his head. That’s Ukitake for you, he thinks, able to love everyone and everything.
At the end of the day, there’s a singular fundamental difference between you and Kyoraku: he has a reason to keep living, and you don’t.
He rubs at his left eye. He hopes you find one soon.
You have been having horrible dreams recently. More specifically, the dreams are so euphoric that they make you want to throw up when you wake up.
Jushiro appears in all of them. Sometimes, it is a recollection of your wedding day, from the ceremony in the morning to the love he made to you that night. There are also flashes of him bedridden, weakened by the intrinsic sickliness of his physicality. Last night, Jushiro and you were in a field, one so vast that you could not see beyond the rolling hills of low-hanging yellow camellia shrubs.
Both of you were stooping to admire the perennial flowers. You plucked one, tucking it behind his ear, and he laughed, doing the same for you. There was no well-trodden road or path, so the two of you meandered about at your own leisure. Strangely, though, neither of you spoke a word, only listening to the summer wind rustling through the field and the worker bees buzzing about. But you did not care at all. You just needed him by your side, just like this.
At one point, you were entranced by a particular shrub that grew taller than the rest, and while you were distracted, Jushiro had wandered far off. When you noticed the lack of his presence, you jolted up to your feet, eyes frantically searching all around, until you spotted him a couple hundred yards away behind you. He was waving his arm, calling out to you in his bright voice. “Come over here!”
Yet, before you were able to tell that you are on your way, you wake up, cold sweat seeping through your yukata.
The experience is truly nauseating, and you have had to experience it every morning for the past half-month. You would much rather become an insomniac at this point.
Regardless, you know the cause behind such dreams: the Konso Reisai ceremony is coming up.
The lieutenants are late. As per custom, they are to capture a Hollow in order for the ceremony to proceed. You, along with the division captains, surround Jushiro’s tombstone and wait in silence. You notice Rukia-san, who tries to smile encouragingly at you. You nod, stone-faced, barely able to reciprocate her efforts.
You are sure you look miserable. This morning, you were caught dry-heaving into the toilet by Kotetsu-san, who called Kyoraku over when you refused to leave your bathroom. With much begging and pleading, you let the commander peel you from the toilet bowl and off the floor, carrying you over to your and Jushiro’s futons to get dressed. Without the help of Rukia-san and Kotetsu-san, you would not even be dressed properly for the occasion.
Twelve years, and the grief is no less debilitating. You are depression epitomized, the personification of sadness and anger and surrender mushed into a near-corpse. The saying goes that healing is not linear, but you are sure yours is a straight trend downwards, unrelenting and deterministic in nature, never to plateau.
Suddenly, one of the captains, Soifun-san, gasps. “What is this…?”
There are black dewdrops scattered about, hanging immobilized in the air. You jerk as one appears right in front of you. 
You catch a glimpse of Kyoraku unsheathing his sword, slicing a droplet faster than you can see, and then examining the bubbling matter staining the blade. “This is a will-o’-wisp from Hell.”
As he explains the will-o’-wisps and the superstition behind the Konso Reisai ceremony, you feel…
Adrenaline surging through you. 
Goosebumps appearing on your arms and back. 
Expectation bringing you to a dangerous high. 
Reishi too potent cannot return to Soul Society? The ceremony is dedicated solely to deceased captains? The only other option is Hell?
Does that mean… Jushiro is in Hell?
Kyoraku concludes. “I just realized right now that this superstition might have been true.”
You are giddy. Ecstatic. Overjoyed at the news.
For the first time since your husband’s death, you are feeling positively abundant. Hopeful. You never thought you would feel hope again.
At first, only your shoulders shake. But your clothes that hang so loosely on you can only hide so much of your shuddering frame, and the other captains begin to take notice. Your hands reach up to hold your face, one covering your eyes and the other failing to mute your laughs. 
You can no longer hold back.
You cackle loudly, hunched over while laughing and giggling incessantly. Someone tells you to shut it, but you simply cannot.
Of course, this is no comedic matter. This is serious – wonderful – news! Because Jushiro’s reishi cannot be deconstructed and digested by Soul Society, it has been sent down to Hell. His soul is still intact, from what you understand. That means, in essence, he is still alive. 
A miracle has occurred, you think.
Hysterical. Unrestrained. Deranged.
You can see Jushiro again. You can smell his comforting scent of tea leaves, feel the silkiness of his hair slip between your fingers, taste his lips against yours, imagine him smiling and laughing and existing in one whole piece right in front of you.
It cannot get better than this.
I am on my way, you think. I am coming over right now, Jushiro. 
My beloved, I will be right there with you. 
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Winters Trees
Chapter 3: Flushed
Minors Do Not Interact!
Content warning for explicit sex scenes including vaginal fingering, male hand job and love bites
You make your way to the dining hall a bit earlier than usual. You managed to wake Sasha up fairly easily this morning so you're not feeling too fed up with her. You grab your bowl of porridge and sit on your usual bench. You'd usually sit next to Armin but you get the vibe that he's still feeling a little embarrassed from The Commanders comments about what the pair of you do in your spare time, so you decide to skip sitting by him and sit by Jean instead. 
You like Jean, he never fails to make you laugh and you know you can rely on him. As much as him and Eren butt heads and argue, you've come to realise that Jean is probably one of the more mature boys within your friendship group. He's a natural born leader and he doesn't take shit from anyone.. well, apart from Eren, but then again who doesn't take shit from Eren? 
The more you think about it, all of the boys have matured a substantial bit over the past year. Armin was pretty much forced to after inheriting the Colossal Titan, which put a strain on his mental health. Eren seems more level headed than usual, which is a weird site to see, but where there's the odd bout of angst there's a hell of a lot more determination to follow. He won't stop trying at something until he gets it done, no matter how long it takes him. Connie, is a similar case to Armin, where he had to mature by force. He goes and visits his mum as often as he can but it must be hard for him to watch as his own mother, lay there on top of his family home as a titan. You sigh to yourself. You wonder if you even are the mature one of the group after all, even though the age gap is 4 years, you're still the one snatching bread and running through corridors, sneaking out in the middle of the night and having those thoughts about Captain Levi. 
You stare down into the dining hall as you ponder over life and it's changing ways. You don't notice, but everyone is a little confused, uncomfortable even. You're just staring and it's not until Sasha coughs extra loud and Mikasa punches you hard in the arm do you realise that you've been dozing in a day dream. 
"Ow! What was that for?" You turn to Mikasa for her to explain herself when she conspicuously looks over at what you were staring at.
You don't know whether to laugh or cry and this point. In front of you, a couple of benches away you notice what or whom you were staring at. 
Looking back at you from across the room are those piercing grey eyes that happen to look just as confused as your comrades sat around your table. 
You quickly get up, give your bowl of left over porridge to Sasha, and you walk as fast as you can in the opposite direction to where you were staring. 
As soon as you're around the corner and know you're out of the way of piercing grey eyes, you bolt. You run so fast you almost trip a couple of times, but you want to get to Pip's stable as soon as possible 
You round the corner and Pip gives you a delighted neigh, she kicks her foot against the door, ordering you to let her out. 
Instead of letting her out though, you open and shut the stall door behind yourself. You slide down the wall and bury your face into your hands. 
"Pip" you sniffle in embarrassment. "I did the worst thing I could possibly do today, I was caught staring at Captain Dickhead.." you pick a piece of straw off the floor and fiddle with it between your fingers. You let out a deep sigh, if your thoughts are anything to go by, you're not sure you even think so poorly of Captain Levi. He's humanity's strongest soldier and he's bound to be a walking bag of rage with the stresses he goes through day to day. Be it be with titans or your fellow cadets, you wonder if the latter is more stressful than the first. 
"I had a dream, Pip" you start cautiously, listening out for any sound in the stables. All you hear is other horses moving around their stalls as they patiently wait for their care givers to arrive. 
"I had a dream about kissing Captain Levi while he held my throat tight within his grasp."
"Is that so?" A deep voice replies to your out loud thoughts.
"Wha-" you shoot up off the floor and to your absolute horror you see Caption Levi stood by your horses stall door. 
"Oh my god how long have you been stood there? How much did you hear??" You shout out loud, now completely panicking.
"I heard enough" the Captain replies with his hand in the air, palm facing toward you.  
"Tell me what you heard!" You demand, you honestly don't care about pleasantries right now, you want to know what he heard and how the hell you can get him to keep his mouth shut. 
There's an unknown glint in his eye and just as quick as it appeared, it's gone again. 
"Do you honestly think that's the correct way to be taking to your Captain, Y/N? He says with a stoic face, whether he's pissed off or amused you can't tell.
"Honestly Captain, I don't care right now. All I care about is how much you heard and that's it" you say while stifling away some tears that are threatening to fall.
"Listen brat, I don't like your tone! Get out of the stables and make your way to the back to your room. I refuse to be spoken to like you've just spoken to me"
"Oh, like the way you talk to us? I see how it is..." You retort venomously. You're fuming that he won't give you a straight answer and you couldn't help yourself but give him the sass that he deserves. You're about to open your mouth again when you see his face. His eyes are black. His mouth is scrunched and he looks ready to kill.
"Get. Out." He says calmly, even though his body language is saying otherwise. 
By this point, you've gained quite the audience, word has spread that you and the Captain are having a "showdown" over something unknown and apparently everyone has come to see. 
You barge past The Captain with tears rolling down you cheeks, you avert your gaze from your fellow scouts and rush back to your room. 
When you finally get to your room, you check around it to make sure Sasha isn't in, you didn't think she would be as it's time to be doing chores, but you wanted to check anyway before you let loose. 
You flop onto your bed and bury your face into your pillow. Now you're in peace you let the tears flow. Heavy sobs fall from your mouth and you're furious with yourself and the lack of cooperation from The Captain.
You compose yourself a little and when you feel ready you head to the door, you open it and to your shock The Captain is there stood in the door way. He pushes past you and tells you to shut the door. 
You're flabbergasted, why is Captain Levi at your door and why the fuck is he now in your room?
You close the door and slowly turn around. 
"Lock it" The Captain orders.
"Okay.. I don't understand why but fine" you say back gloomily 
As you turn around your eyes widen, The Captain is storming towards you. You freeze unsure what to do and wince.
The Captain grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you against the wall, you let out a small squeak which is suddenly silenced by The Captain's lips on yours. Your eyes widen, you look down your nose to see the captain's grey eyes are covered by his eye lids. Your eyes flutter shut and you lean into the kiss. It's a bit messy to start with, this is your first kiss after all. You've dedicated your life to the scouts and before that you were caring for your ill parents, which is why you were able to join so late, so it only makes sense that you've never had the time for such luxury's such as kissing. 
Captain Levi parts your mouth with his tongue and slides it in, pushing your tongue against his, it feels foreign at first, but you soon grow accustomed to it. 
The kiss deepens and you can't help but moan into the kiss. The Captain takes that as an invitation to move his hands from your shoulders to the bridge of your back. He pulls you closer to him and gently bites your lip. 
This encounter takes you by surprise. It's no where near as rough and forceful as your day dreams had predicted, you find yourself a little disappointed that The Captain's hand isn't around your throat, but tenderly around your waist. 
You feel that feeling again in your stomach, the fluttering feeling that you've grown all too well to know. The feeling you're not so used to however is the feeling of heat between your legs. You rub your thighs together but you're not sure why, you've never felt this way before so you don't exactly know what you're doing.
The Captain notices what you're doing and he lets out a deep groan. He kicks your legs apart like you envisioned and places a firm hand on your aching genitals. You gasp and you can feel your heartbeat quicken. You break away from the kiss and throw your head back almost instantly. Captain Levi kisses down your throat and latches onto your pulse point, continuing to circle around your clothed clit through your uniform.
"C captain.." you breathe
"Drop the Captain bullshit" he hisses, "call me Levi"
"Okay.. Levi!" 
He pulls his hand away and you can't help but feel a little pained. Was that all you were worth? Was that all he could bare to do with you after you practically admitted you felt something for him unknowingly to him? 
Before you can delve further into your thoughts, Levi has pulled you towards your bed, he spins you round so your back is facing it and pushes you down. You find your hands wondering his thighs, albeit shaky, but he doesn't complain in the slightest. You reach for his belt and begin to unbuckle him, but before you can reach the button to his trousers he pushes your hands away. 
"No." He says firmly, "you first, get undressed" he commands. 
You're a little taken aback and give him a puzzled look, but he merely gestures with his hands for you to continue. 
You slowly start to unbutton your shirt, you get to your navel before you're told to stop.
Levi looks a little nervous, an emotion you've never seen on his face before. 
"You do.. want this.. don't you?" He asks and you can see the hidden panic on his face as he realises he never got your consent before placing his hands on you. 
You stand up and walk towards Levi, you grasp his hands in yours and pull them towards the remaining buttons on your shirt. You lean in to him and whisper in his ear "more than you could know" and with that knowledge of consent he makes a throaty growl and rips your shirt off you and pushes you on the bed. 
The pace speeds up as you both fumble to get each other undressed. He places kisses along your chest and under your cropped tank top that is barely covering your perked nipples. He moves down towards your navel and slowly unbuttons your trousers. You kick off your boots and as he slides your trousers down your thighs, he places a kiss to each one, lingering a little on each. He continues to pull your trousers down until they're completely off and he discards them on the floor. 
You pull Levi onto the bed and he lays down next to you. You resume to each others lips with haste and you moan into the kiss. Levi props himself up on one arm while still kissing you, he reaches down to your now damp panties and rubs over the nub of your clit in circular motions. Your breathing gets heavier against his lips and he takes that as an indicator to move on. He pulls your now soaked panties to one side and slips a finger in between your folds. He rubs diligently against  your walls with his middle finger and you moan through his kisses, faintly calling his name. He enters his ring finger and continues to pump into your hole. He takes note that your breathing has calmed down so he uses his thumb to apply circular motions back on your clit. 
You gasp and let out a loud moan, you feel something in your stomach, similar to the flutters from earlier only much more intense. In turn you panic and grab Levi's hand.
"Levi" you pant, "stop, I feel weird"
"It's okay, Y/N, I promise you. It'll only feel weird for a moment and then you'll feel something like you've never felt before" he presses a kiss to your forehead and waits for you to decide whether you want to continue. You nod at Levi, giving him the go ahead to continue and you tense against the weird feeling.
"Relax, Y/N, trust me" he presses another kiss to your forehead and then your nose and then he plants his mouth on yours. You relax beside him and allow the strange feeling to intensify. You feel the fluttering increase in your stomach as it spreads through your groin and down your legs.
"Oh, oh my god! Levi!" You scream. This feeling is nothing you've ever felt before. You've masturbated in the past but nothing has ever felt this good. It's clear Levi knows what he's doing and you can't help but feel a small pang of jealousy. You moan more and more as he rubs and fingers you. He presses his mouth onto yours stealing a heated kiss as you come.
You come down from your high and feel a little self conscious, you're splayed out in front of your Captain and you can't help but worry he doesn't like what he sees. 
Almost instantly he senses the you're uncomfortable and places a kiss to your temple. 
"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" He whispers into your ear. You look at him with hopeful eyes and smile. "No" you reply "they haven't".
He looks you over for the umpteenth time, a shine to his grey eyes you haven't seen before. You pull him in for another kiss, you gently bite at his lip, mirroring what he did to you earlier. You place a hand on his chest and brush over his sensitive nipples. His breath catches and he pushes his mouth into you further sealing the kiss.
You continue to move your hand down his torso until your reach his hard length. You're a little nervous as you've never done this before, but you wrap your hand around him and slowly start to pump his incredibly hard cock. 
Levi hisses through his teeth at the sensation and you pull away thinking you've hurt him. It's not until he grabs your hand and places it back on his dick do you realise it was a hiss of pleasure, not pain. 
"That's it, Y/N" he breathes a laboured breath. "Just like that". You slowly begin to build up some speed, pumping his cock faster and faster. He shoves your head to the side and bites down on your neck leaving his mark, not thinking about the questions that you'll be asked later when you sit down with your friends. 
He's close to the edge, he tells you to pump faster and to look at him. He wants to see your beautiful face as he comes. 
Only he doesn't get to come as there's a frantic knock at the door. 
"Y/N, Y/N" you hear Sasha calling "Why is the door locked? Y/N?"
"Shit." Levi whispers 
"Grab your clothes and go in the bathroom!" You whisper in response.
"What do you want Sasha?" Faking a sleepy voice as you quietly put your uniform back on, completely forgetting that Levi ripped your shirt part way down. 
"I want to get into my room and see if my friend is okay!" Sasha says back in the most comforting voice she can muster.
"I'm fine, honestly. I'm just not.. feeling well" you say half convincingly.
"How can you be fine if you're not feeling well? Let me in, shall I call Commander Hange?"
"NO!' You shout before you can even think of anything else to say, you quickly throw your hands over your mouth and look back towards the bathroom to see Levi wide eyed, signalling you to get rid of Sasha.
"Woah, okay, now I know there's something going on" 
"Okay, fine, you got me, I'm upset, but I'd really appreciate it if you didn't get Commander Hange"
"Is it because of your show down with Captain Douche Bag?" 
You turn to look at Levi and you shoot him an apologetic look. He's now stood in the door way with his arms folded, suddenly showing a slight bit if interest in how you're going to convince Sasha to leave. 
"Yes, it is, Lev- I mean, Captain.." you wince as you think of something to call him while his eyes are painfully burrowing into your head. "Captain Shit Face made me cry after we had an argument in the stables" 
"That arsehole, you wait 'til I see him I'll give him a piece of my mind!" Sasha says with promise in her voice.
You laugh, "no you won't, Sasha, you're as scared of him as I am"
"Is that why you were staring at him this morning in the dining hall? Because you're scared of him?" You can hear the amusement in her voice and you feel your face redden by the second. 
"Shut up."
"You loooooove him, you want to kiiiiiiiiss him!"
At this point you're mortified, you want the ground to swallow you whole. In fact you'd rather throw yourself into a titans mouth than be between Sasha's mocking and Levi's heated gaze. 
"Very mature, Sasha, I'll be sure to tell him your input when I next see him"
Sasha laughs hysterically. "Sure you will, maybe you can get thrown into one of his punishments again so you can get close to him."
"Don't you have chores to do?" You ask. 
"Yeah actually, now you come to mention it, I do.. I should probably get going, huh?"
"I think that would be best, Sasha, before you get into trouble too"
"Ugh, fine. I'll see you for lunch, right?
"Yeah I'll meet you there, I promise"
You wait a couple of minutes in silence as you hear Sasha walk away down the corridor. Then, you reluctantly turn to face Levi. He still has his arms crossed but you notice a small smirk on his face.
"What?" You ask forcefully
"Captain Shit Face, huh?"
You wince, "sorry.. I had to make it seem genuine.."
Levi strides over to you and places his arms around your waist. He nuzzles his face into your neck and before you have a moment to think, he bites down on your neck again, marking you a third time. 
"Mmm, Levi, stop, they're going to ask questions.."
"I'll stop when it sounds like you want me to stop" he murmurs as he kisses over the mark he just made
You reach down to the waistband of his trousers and place your hand inside. You feel Levi get hard at your touch. With a new found sense of adventure after almost getting caught in bed with your Captain, you swipe your thumb over the tip of Levi's cock. He lets out a deep moan and he bucks his hips into your hand. You place kisses along his jaw and down his neck, you take the opportunity to get payback for the couple of times he marked you. 
"You're a naughty girl, Y/N. I think you deserve to be punished."
"And how exactly do you plan on punishing me, Captain? You going to make me run laps again while I beg for water?" You whisper into his mouth.
"No, I have a bett- ah, fuck, don't stop" he moans back into you, still bucking his hips as you pump his cock. 
He mewls as he comes close to the edge for a second time, but this time you're determined to make him come. You swipe your thumb over the tip again and his legs buckle slightly beneath him. You pump fast and hard until you hear a strangled moan tear from his throat. You feel his dick pulsate through your hand until finally he comes in his boxers and on your hand.
He flops against you, barely holding himself up and pulls you in for a loving kiss. 
"I'd better go and get cleaned up" Levi says while carefully putting the rest of his clothes back on.
"Yeah, sounds like a good idea" you reply softly. 
You go and grab a wipe from the bathroom and clean the mess on your hand. You look longingly at Levi while he has his back turned to you, but as he turns back to say something to you, you drop the look immediately. 
"Y/N, listen, when we're out in public, I'm only to be referred to as Captain Levi" 
Your face drops, did he just use you? Levi catches onto that look straight away and walks over to cup your jaw.
"But, when we're in private you can call me whatever you want" he plants a kiss on your forehead and makes his way for the door. 
"I'll be seeing you, Y/N"
"Yes Sir, you too"
He unlocks the door and leaves. 
You take a moment to think about what just happened. You sit on your bed and you feel the grin creeping up onto your face. Maybe you should confide in your horse more often, especially if it means you'll end up having your world turned around for the better on the regular. 
You tuck in your shirt now realising the last 3 buttons have been ripped off, brush your hair so you look some what presentable and exit the bedroom just in time to meet Sasha for lunch. 
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juno-verse · 3 years
Wow, surprisingly I'm posting here rather than on AO3. I figured one-shots will go here and long fics will stay there. This idea popped into my head and I thoroughly enjoy soulmate AUs.
Really just a short fluff one-shot.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None, maybe one curse word. Injuries/Gun shot
Summary: Every pain (physically or mentally) your soulmate feels, you feel it as well. Your soulmate's pain seemed to never cease and it made you want to help them. You're a doctor here :D
It was late at night and you just got home from your night shift at the hospital. Your hands were numb after hours of surgery. You opted to work for a public hospital because you wanted to help those who need it more. While most doctors seek to work for private and high-end hospitals, you chose otherwise. Despite being sought after by many hospitals, you figured you would dedicate yourself to those who could hardly afford healthcare.
And well, also the fact that your soulmate seemed to never stop hurting – physically and emotionally. Physically, when your soulmate hurt it would range from a small ache to a seething pain on the spot where they injured themselves – it depended on the severity of the injury. But you will always know the gist of it.
You found that your soulmate was always hurt. Sometimes, it was your arms aching for no reason – you figured maybe they liked working out. Or your thighs burning like you used them for hours despite being sat all day – again you thought your soulmate was just a health junkie. Emotionally, you feel whenever your soulmate is in distress. Your soulmate never relaxed their mind – you felt it every time their head raced or when their head was aching.
You had always thought maybe your soulmate was an athlete. Not until when you felt a stabbing pain to your thigh. It was different than the aches before, this felt as if you were actually stabbed. Perhaps, your soulmate was into some deep shit and you never knew what.
So, you dedicated yourself to being a doctor. To help others, and maybe in the future to help your soulmate.
Personally, you never gave your soulmate that much trouble. Maybe that one time you had a sprain from PE class. Or the times you were memorizing and studying for recitation or for finals. You were 100% sure your soulmate was able to read your mind with how much you memorized the names of the different body parts and formulas.
Now, you were a full fledged doctor renowned in her field.
To your surprise, a knock resounded from your door this late at night. Thinking nothing of it, you approached it and opened the door.
“You should be careful opening your door to people, Doctor Y/L/N.” A bald man with an eyepatch showed up on your doorstep. “Uh, who are you?" You gulped and avoided his gaze in fear.
The man avoided your question. Rather, he berated you. “You graduated at the top of your class, interned for then instantly offered a job for one of the state’s private and high-class hospitals, and you have an eidetic memory that could remember events from years ago. Not only this, it was said to be that you have steady and accurate hands when operating. Yet you chose to work for a low-paying hospital, why?” The man made himself welcome in your small apartment and you were too scared to stop him.
“E-Excuse me?” You stuttered, utterly confused as to who this man was and how he knew all of this.
“Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D.” He spoke and turned to face you. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Fury, sir. Now, how the hell do you know who I am and what do you want from me?” You whispered and gripped your door knob, ready to run out of your apartment.
You knew of S.H.I.E.L.D, who wouldn't? They were responsible for grouping together a bunch of heroes called the Avengers. Who knew this trespassing man was responsible for it?
“Before I tell you, you must answer my prior question.” The director asked and you raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
“I believe there are lots of doctors who are already in the big leagues, making money out of their profession and the oath they took – adding an insane amount of money for a simple check-up. I work for those “low paying” hospitals because who else will help the smaller people if not those who remember why they became doctors in the first place?” You answered then the S.H.I.E.L.D director hummed in agreement.
“I am here to hire you as the head doctor for S.H.I.E.L.D.” He simply answered and you could hardly contain the shock in your face. “If you expect me to leave my job just to work with superheroes, then maybe you need to do a little more digging. I will not leave my job.” You retorted and he grumbled.
“Then work for S.H.I.E.L.D discreetly while doing your other job. You will not always be confined in the headquarters but it is expected that you work with us more.” Director Fury spoke clearly and you thought about it.
After working out the details and more bargains, you agreed that you would work for them if it was needed. When there was no diagnosis and they needed a second opinion, or when doctors were afraid to do impossible and life threatening operations.
With a shake of each other's hand,
That was three months ago and actually, you had yet to meet all of the Avengers. You had met Bruce because he was a scientist and a doctor. You often bonded with him and discussed theories with each other when given the time.
You had met Steve because he was apparently the captain and he had wanted to see the new addition to the agency - the head doctor that didn't work fully with them. He had yet to know your full reason, of course.
Hearing you were a woman, Tony introduced himself to you. However, you were only interested in the works of his suit. You reserved yourself for one person and one person alone. Seeing as he was inevitably shot down, he entertained your questions.
As of now, you were in S.H.I.E.L.D’s headquarters. You were done with your shift at the hospital so you wanted to catch up with your work here. If not operations, you were here as a scientist used as a soundboard for ideas and clarification. Beyond the human body, you exerted the effort to use your eidetic memory for the good of science.
Right before you looked through a microscope, a sharp pain spread throughout your stomach knocking the air out of your lungs. You clutched at it and you cursed your soulmate for a while before worrying about them. What sort of trouble is this person up to again?
“Doctor Y/N! Since you're here, you're needed at the operating room.” One of the agents interrupted you and you nodded while still clutching at your stomach.
Before you entered the room, you were quickly dressed into your scrubs and your hands washed thoroughly. “What’s the situation?” You asked as you stepped into the room.
“A gun wound to the stomach.”
Natasha was in agony - she’s been shot at before but that doesn't mean it will hurt less. Honestly, at this point, she feels guilty that she's been hurting her soulmate all this time. While the pain is somehow dulled for her soulmate, it will still hurt.
She’s been lied down on an operating table with her clothes cut open. Anesthesia was administered to her system and her eyes started to droop. Before her eyes truly closed, she felt a pinch on her arm.
And when Natasha came to be, her body was heavy and she felt groggy. She was dressed in some clean clothes and she could feel the bandage on her stomach.
Sitting up with a groan, a woman in a white coat - possibly her doctor - interrupted her by gesturing that she stay laying down. Natasha stilled and took the chance to look at the woman taking care of her. How couldn't she notice the gorgeous woman sitting by her side?
“I finally found you, you stupid troublemaker.” The doctor whispered with a small smile on her face. “Do I know you?” Natasha croaked with her weak voice.
Rather than answering, the woman pinched her own arm. Natasha jumped at the brief pain on her arm then looked at the woman opposite her with disbelief on her own face.
“Nice to meet you, soulmate. I truly wished it were under better circumstances but you need to stop getting yourself hurt first.” The woman cheekily smiled before extending her hand.
“Dr. Y/N, at your service.” Y/N brightly spoke and Natasha could feel even more guilt. How ironic, with her always getting hurt she just had to have a doctor for a soulmate.
“Natasha Romanoff. Thank you for helping me.” Natasha shook her hand and it felt warm. It made the assassin hesitant to let go. “Of course. And with Black Widow as my soulmate, I’m sure it won't be the last.” Y/N spoke then slowly let Natasha’s hand free - as if she was hesitant too.
The assassin chuckled and Y/N found it to be enticing. “What can I do to make it up to you?” Natasha asked and smirked.
“A date would be nice. But for now, I have somewhere to be. I’ll let you rest, Natasha.” Y/N replied and Natasha felt that her name sounded good from her mouth. “How will I find you again?” Natasha asked and it elicited a giggle from the doctor.
“I work here, silly. For three months now actually.” Y/N shrugged before adding,
“And I’m sure it won't be long before I’m needed here again, troublemaker.” The doctor winked before making her leave.
Natasha could hardly remember that she was shot just hours ago with how giddy she was feeling. The assassin always thought she was never worthy of a soulmate with all the blood on her hands. But when out of nowhere she felt a sudden pain on her foot that one time, she feared the worst for her soulmate but always looked forward to meeting you someday.
And here you were, already scolding her for getting hurt all the time.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 3: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (B)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (A)>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (B)>>   <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__  (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__  (Aftermath)>>
Law and Zoro, sadly again did not interact much through the course of the story. Roronoa literally talked three times directly to other Supernova, yet comparing his behaviour to other crew members still gives a lot to work with for Law, while Zoro’s opinion about Heart captain relies mainly on mere observation and on stories told by people who at some point interacted with Law, in good or bad way.
That said, here comes obvious differences between Zoro and his companions that Law could easily notice and appreciate:
Straw Hats reaction to pirate alliance and its goal.
In general, the reaction of Straw Hats fell in three categories: terror, cool acceptance and happy satisfaction.
And so, we have panicked and totally scared Nami, Usopp and Chopper
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whose main concern was that taking down Yonko is too dangerous and how, as Usopp nicely said, they are supposed to trust that suspicious guy… who just stands like, a few meters away. And even though Luffy gave the lifting morale talk that placate the weakling trio for a time being, once Doflamingo is mentioned, they turn back into nope Nope NOPE mood, trying to vote against the alliance.
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Ironically, even with Brook wondering if their protest would change anything (with I’m not sure if that means he too, don’t like the plan of pissing off Kaido by taking down one of Seven Warlords), it still makes only 4 of 9 people against. Which means a majority of Straw Hats vote for yes.
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The cool acceptance comes from Sanji (seen above) noting that Luffy already decided, so there is no point in arguing now about that. He does not display overjoy at the prospect of dangerous battle(s) ahead but does not sound worry either. He simply accepts Luffy’s decision and will do what he always does - kick enemy ass & protect the crew.
Another example is Robin, who, despite warning captain about common betrayals between pirates, agreed to follow Luffy’s decision:
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Franky (seen above, in Chopper’s body)… well, his main reaction was just “Super” but how conscious he was at that moment is a matter of dispute. Anyway, once the plan was talked in more details, Franky didn’t show any worry and even took part in a discussion about the secret factory on Dressrosa. So, he was all for the alliance.
Then we have Zoro:
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The Emperors, huh! That’s great. Said with a wide smile. Because of course Zoro loves  the idea of fighting against the biggest and most dangerous powers controlling the sea of the New World. Which literally makes him closest to Luffy’s reaction:
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What, on one hand, is helpful for Law. On another, just speaks how Zoro’s insanity is dangerously similar to that of Monkey D. Luffy.
Another thing setting Zoro aside from the rest of the crew is something I think Law appreciated very much.
Zoro is the only one of Straw Hats that did not piss off, bother or confuse Law through the Punk Hazard arc.
I mean, Luffy probably gave him headache of the year with his stubborn, selfish and idiotic behaviour that constantly was threatening the plan
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And along with Nami, Chopper, Ussop, Franky and Robin traumatized and laughed at him
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and in general, confused the hell of him with their emotional switching (from screaming at Luffy and not wanting an alliance with Heart Pirates to blushing and being supportive).
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Let’s not forget the pushing Law into doing things he didn’t have time or interest in but was forced to agree
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or Nami screaming at him twice to give back her body
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while also calling him “Torao” instead of his true name - looking at Law’s face, he wasn’t happy about that
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or how he was accused of murdering or harming sick kids by Straw Hat doctor
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or was told by Luffy that he understood why there is no time for party only to ignore the danger and partying with marines of all people
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or making Law angry with all the lack of care for his plan due to emotional response to samurai’s story
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or the perverted trio making unnecessary ruckus when A) Law already had a lot to worry and having some quiet moment was much better than seeing grown up men ganging up against kid and B) Amazon Lily proved that Law in general is not taken by female beauty which leads back to point A. and Sanji, Brook and Kinemon noisy stupidity. The manga frames did not show Law’s reaction but it was hard to miss the commotion on the deck  where he spent the whole night (at least until the trio went to confront kid and Robin after their bath, what I believe happened inside the ship).
Like, literally, half of the Punk Hazard arc is Law fighting to stay alive and secure his scheme against Doflamingo and the other half being confused, irritated and traumatized and screamed at by his new allies and occasionally, losing composure with no grace.
Zoro? Not so much, what I imagine makes Roronoa the safest Straw Hats in terms of Law’s mental health. Not that Zoro is not a hazard to someone’s mentality with all the crazy stuff he pulls during fights and general rude behaviour but Law did not have a chance to see the more goofy or softer or more idiotic side of the other Supernova yet. Anyway, the three times Zoro directly interacted with Law were always focused on the job which truly must have been refreshing after hours of Luffy’s selfish and overwhelming nature or shenanigans of the rest of the crew. In contrast to noise Straw Hats, Zoro is cool headed and calm - one could even say, Roronoa is a quiet person. Through the chaotic events, he did not pick at Law for fun, did not scream at him nor accused of cruelty or medical “crimes”, did not judge him in any noticeable way. And it was not only the matter with Trafalgar. When Kinemon attacked Rorona for “stealing Wano’s national treasure”, despite previously display of love for fighting, Zoro retained composure and limited himself to dodging while trying to convince the enraged samurai to reason.
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What is even more important, he demanded from Monkey D. Luffy - the epitome of uncontrollable chaos - to act seriously. Not in the comical (panicked) way Nami, Usopp or Chopper did over the course of the story. The effect was lost on Luffy soon, true, but Zoro did not turn a blind eye to his captain’s mishaps. In a sense, Zoro is a very grounding character to the energetic and chaotic Luffy and brings some self-control and sober thinking into the relationship between two Straw Hats Supernovas. Something that is much closer to Law’s own nature, something familiar enough to know how to work around the other swordsman without migraine. In contrast to Luffy.
Of course, the impression of Zoro as the stoic, mature and not-confusing person made on Punk Hazard will be soon verified by Dressrosa arc. But so will be the impression of collected, cold-blooded and scheming Law.
Next part: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point.
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windstormwielding · 3 years
Drabble: New Orders
The wounded officer assumed the Sternritter who shot him would give chase to stop his attempted escape, but his heart dropped when he felt their attention shift to the reiatsu of nearby shinigami in his stead. It sank further when he then felt his kind’s presences getting wiped out as fast as he could blink while he flash-stepped from the scene, as more innocents have paid the price of their predecessors’ hubris in wiping out the Quincy in centuries past.
Grim thoughts supposed any target in a shihakushō would’ve done if it meant culling more of their number, and though ensured he was no longer being followed, cruel terror continued to overwhelm his being with the harrowing realization that he could’ve just as easily joined the fallen mere moments ago.
Still mid-stride, he felt the frosty reiatsu of the Bankai-less 10th Division Captain and the shinigami spiritual pressure of who he assumed to be his second-in-command cutting off that Quincy’s warpath. There was relief in that the Sternritter of fire definitely would not be pursuing him anymore, but how for long could Captain Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Matsumoto put up an actual fight against these honest-to-god monsters?
If there was any opportunity to seek respite and escape from the pending horror of his own mortality getting snuffed, now was the time to do it. With the last of his shunpō and feeling no Quincy spiritual pressure in the immediate vicinity, his hand still firmly pressed against his gut to quell bleeding over seared open wounds, the soul reaper left luck to fate as he spotted an open window six stories up.
He guided his flash steps up the smaller two-story building next to it, then launched himself from its roof through the open window he spotted. Unfortunately, it was then his strength gave out to the heat of his pierced liver and torso as he staggered mid-step at last. The silver-haired shinigami crashed shoulder-first onto the floor with a pained groan as momentum caused him to slide until his back harshly met the wood of a crate.
Despite the noise his intrusion made, there were no signs of nearby Quincy encroaching on his position to finish the job. Held breath turned strained yet relieved as the 13th Division’s 4th Seat found sanctuary amidst the chaos of the Wandenreich’s second invasion. Kōtarō Ryōhei finally had time to think.
He rolled onto his back with teeth grit as he tried to keep his thoughts off of his injury. The hand against his abdomen began to glow with the relieving light of Kaidō to mend the partially cauterized perforation through his body – though he’s no expert, Kōta was glad that he thought to take up the healing arts in hindsight, but lamented that this will be a slow recovery for him. It would be one thing if he ran into somebody from the 4th Division, with two wells of reiatsu to pull from to facilitate the healing process, but having to use his own energy alone to fix up his body will take him some time.
It would only amount to a patch job, but right now that was better than nothing. Once done, it should be enough to last him until he returns to the barracks... or where the barracks last stood.
His emerald gaze sharpened to scrutinize this unfamiliar room, walls a perfect marble white with hints of ice clinging to their surface. Head turned from one side to the other as he took note of old boxes and sealed barrels. Kōta reasoned he was in a storage room of some kind – supplies gathered from the Wandenreich empire’s thousand years of hiding in the Seireitei’s shadows, perhaps.
Before he could think on his surroundings more, Kōtarō found his thoughts drifting to his superiors. What he would do for their counsel right now...
Captain Ukitake was outside of the Seireitei when the Quincy got the drop on them all yet again. Ryōhei knew his Captain had begun his own ritual to prepare for the conflict, far outside of the Sekkiseki walls and deep into the Rukon districts, but that brought no comfort when it mattered most. There was no Captain at the helm to come to their defence thanks to the Sternritter’s surprise attack. Not even Kotsubaki and Kotetsu were around right now, shadowing Ukitake as they often do to best tend to his good health and safety.
Lieutenant Kuchiki was also indisposed. Suffering mortal wounds from the first invasion that already decimated the Gotei 13, Rukia’s frail form frightened him all the more when there was nothing more the 4th Division could do. She was taken to the Soul King Palace to make a full recovery not long ago, and Ukitake assured him she would be alright, but how long would it take for her to heal up and come back? Would he really die down here before he could reunite with her again? Was back at the 4th Division the last he would ever see his friend?
Without them, there was no one else left who could come to the 13th Division’s rescue. With no Captain, Lieutenant, or 3rd Seats standing by to lead and give out orders, there was no other guidance for him to lean on.
He was alone. Marooned. Without direction... and so were the rest of his men.
“...I’m still here.”
All it took to tether the storm of panic that overtook his composure earlier was those three little words of dawning realization. They may be gone, but the 4th Seat still remained as the highest-in-command officer of their Division within the Seireitei’s walls. Captain Ukitake, Rukia, Sentarō, and Kiyone – he’s still here for his superiors, to act in their stead until they return.
“I’m... still breathing... for fuck’s sake...!”
Pushing one foot after another to crawl against the ground, he fought against the body-wracking bouts of pain streaking up his nerves urging him to lie back down and relax, all while a streak of red followed his path. He’s still here to look after his juniors, who need some direction if they have any shot of surviving this war – that’s what he’s here for, isn’t he?
“I’m... still... ALIVE!”
With spiteful determination flooding his being, and a hand pressed against the floor for support, he shuffled back some more until he managed to sit upright against one of the crates. He’s still here to protect as many from his squadron as possible, to ensure they’re not abandoned and alone.
They needed orders. That much was clear. As he wracked in his mind to strategize, he figured there was one way to reach out to them in immediacy, but he could not think of a method to execute it.
What Kōtarō would do for some powder right about now. He didn’t even have it in him to open and inspect every odd container on the off-chance the Quincy stored something he could use here. Time was of the essence, but if not ink, then...
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...the 4th Seat’s eyes trailed down to his crimson-stained hands.
“That’ll work,” he huffed, nodding to no one in particular. He can finish healing himself when he’s done. His colleagues and subordinates—whoever was still standing—need him.
“Black and white net.”
Arms shot up so that his sleeves may fall. Bloody palms then clapped together to share in makeshift red ink, and his arms became his canvas to draw lines and symbols along their length, as well as runes on the floor—careful not to draw where his life force had already been smeared.
“Twenty-two bridges... sixty-six crowns and belts.”
Beads of sweat dripped from his brow as his mind focused with renewed resolve to generate the white rectangle coming aglow before his eyes.
“Footprints, distant thunder... sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night... sea of clouds, blue line.”
Though stilted, his hands moved like a conductor’s guiding baton, channeling his power into roots of spirit energy encroaching from the box of white light. His mind reached out to every one of his squad who he knew survived the first wave as he mentally reached out in the direction of the 13th Division grounds.
“Form a circle... and fly through the heavens."
Before their numbers could dwindle more and more, until there wouldn’t be a division left to save, he can still try and make a difference among those who remain.
“Bakudō #77... Tenteikūra.”
Relief flooded Kōtarō’s soul as he could now clearly sense the familiar auras of the handful of seated officers lingering in the area. Among the unseated, less than half their total number from before this sickening war started still stood.
Time to do his job.
Attention, officers of the 13th Division. This is your 4th Seat, Kōtarō Ryōhei, speaking.
Today... is no doubt the darkest time any of us have ever faced as shinigami. War has come to our doorstep with retribution and violence the likes of which we have never seen. The Quincy intend to wipe us all out, for our forefathers attempting to do the same to them a long time ago.
This battle, though we in the present never noticed the shadow of its approach... was a long time coming for all of us.
I... I know things look bleak right now. They have the advantage in information. They have the advantage in number. They have the advantage in military tactics, in home territory, and in sheer power. There... really is no easy way to say this, but we may very well be staring down our last days... not just as individuals, but as a collective. I won’t fault any of you for feeling helpless and outmatched, or having lost the will to fight, because for a minute there... I did too-
A harsh grunt cut him off as pain flared in his gut. It was tempting to bring a hand back down to resume self-treatment, but he could not end the transmission now. Not yet!
-but... our Captain—our Division—lives by a creed, in that there are two types of fights: fights where we protect honour, and fights where we protect life. We may not fight for the honour of the Gotei 13 or the division right now... hell, I don’t know if either will still exist when this battle is over, yet... we can still—and absolutely must—fight to protect life.
We have lost too many among us already. Close allies. Loved ones. Lifelong friends in the 13th and out. But though there is no bringing htem back from the dead... they still live on through you. Their hopes, their dreams, their memories... their hearts. You die here... then that’s it, they will all die for good, along with you. If the Quincy take that from you, then there really will be no Gotei 13 left to return to-!
Breathing turned laboured as he felt his mouth go dry. He needed to lie down and rest. No, he needed to be seen to. But that hardly mattered to him now. He couldn’t count on the 4th Division this minute. He had to stick to what he can do and see it through to the bitter end, if that is what it will come to!
So... it comes down to this, in what could be our final hour: the fight to protect life—your own... and that of the soul reaper standing next to you. Until further notice... until Captain Ukitake or Lieutenant Kuchiki return to issue new orders, then follow this one single command... by any means necessary: survive.
Whether you regroup, run fast, watch your surroundings, hide, or even strike them from behind... just survive. If all else fails... then stand your ground, give the Quincy hell, and make sure their job is not an easy one.
I... I will try my hardest to return to you all, but... in the event that... this is the last you hear from me... just know that...
“...it’s been a privilege... and an honour... for me to have served and fought alongside you all these many years. Ryōhei out.”
The moment connection terminated, his bloodied arms slackened, but he made sure his palm fell back over his wound to pick up where he left off. In his self-imposed strain, some of the work he already put in towards healing came undone, so it was back to doing it all again from scratch. Fantastic.
As his body slid so he may lie down fully once again, bleary sights looked up to the dimly lit ceiling in worry for the immediate future. Eyelids grew heavy, and the urge to sleep grew ever tempting, but Kōtarō feared that the time he closed his eyes again would be his last if he drifted off right away. He did not want to die yet. This war had only just begun in earnest, and he would be damned if he allowed himself to be done in by a single attack.
Once he finished patching himself up, rested, and got back on his feet, then it would be time to face the Quincy properly. For now, however...
“Captain Ukitake... I... hope I did the right thing.”
4 notes · View notes
cabin-fever-bang · 4 years
Campfire Stories (Vol. 1)
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Welcome to the Cabin! We proudly present the first edition of Campfire Stories: your one-stop shop for quality quarantine content. 
We’re going to do these regularly, with in-depth reviews of everything that’s been submitted as a prompt fill and additional recommendations from the masterlists of writers who get involved. 
If you’d like to be one of those writers, just follow us, comb through our prompts, and be sure to tag us when you post! It’s that easy. We welcome all fandoms and pairings. 
This batch of reviews was cooked up by @thoughtslikeaminefield​ (MJ), @there-must-be-a-lock​ (Lou), @itmighthavebeenintentional​ (Val), @fangirlxwritesx67​ (Viv), @cracksinthewalls​ (Bri), and @mskathywriteswords​ (Kathy), but we encourage you to pass along the random acts of writer-love and reblog with your own additions! 
Pull up a seat, toast a marshmallow or two, and settle in for some excellent reading material.
Choices We Make - @becs-bunker​ - GIF prompt submitted by  @dawnie1988​ 
Pairing: Demon Dean x Female Reader
Warnings: angst, brief threat & violence, smut, language, dub con-ish, unprotected sex, orgasm denial
Words: 1374
Everyone loves a Demon!Dean fic, and this is a good one! Lots of action, lots of angst, and some really hot, awful Dean.
Honestly it all felt like some surreal nightmare you couldn’t wake up from. You just wanted Dean back, your Dean.
These lines summarize both the Demon!Dean story arc and the narrator's frame of mind so well, pulling the reader right into the perspective of the story.
“I missed you, y’know?” Dean sighed, and the naive part of you wished he was telling the truth. That somehow, deep down, he still loved you.
This is heartbreaking because it's relatable, because the author does such a good job with the narrator's voice.
Dean licked his lips and there was a familiar hunger in his green eyes that made a whole different sensation rise in your body, and it wasn’t fear.
I'm not going to quote any more lines from the story because the author has written one hell of a twist, but trust me when I said, I gasped out loud reading it. The rest of this story is an absolute roller coaster, well worth the ride.
- Viv
Come For Me - @fangirlxwritesx67​ - image prompts created and submitted by @idabbleincrazy​
Pairing: Sam Winchester x female reader 
Warnings: smut, canon level violence, fingering, first time together
Words: 3100
First, let’s talk about this aesthetic. It’s soft and beautiful, but stark and needy. I love the quotes and photos, the way they flow together. Fantastic visual prompt. "Sam Winchester?” He spoke in a theatrical, mocking tone. “Ooooh, I’m frightened." This line made me chuckle. I love the idea of what’s ahead of us. The bad guy is built up in a hilarious way. Sam is presented through the heart and mind of the narrator, you. But thinking of Sam suffused you with a warm confidence. Not for one moment did you doubt him. This confidence is contagious and warming. Meanwhile, the anxiety over the vampire lurking somewhere else, waiting to taste you… it builds in a beautiful and believable way. There’s a rush of emotions as Sam rescues you, and he’s patient and kind, even while making jokes and being the Sam you know and love. Things progress, and there’s a beautiful and sweet (okay, and hot!) sex scene, with a first time between Sam and you. All in all, a really solid piece, with some story, some tension, some sex, and a whole lot of sweetness.
- Kathy
A New Day - @becs-bunker​ - image prompt created and submitted by @there-must-be-a-lock​
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Warnings: fluff
I’ve not reviewed an image prompt before, so let’s just jump in. The first word that jumps to my mind is light, but I love how suffused and golden the whole image is. Softer, safer, intimate. There are little pinpoints of light, rays of light, shining light, and the whole thing makes me feel...well...light. Sunrise and candlelight, new day, new beginnings. 
The images chosen for Sam, the angles and features we get, are such close, personal angles and shots, giving us this tender atmosphere and setting the tone for this story: personal. Everything you're about to read is intimate, personal, and private, in such a lovely, delicate way. 
The curtains in that first shot are so filmy and ethereal, and the whole story feels like it’s set in a kind of golden-hazed forest. And, let’s face it, any sort of vacation for a Winchester is a kind of fairy tale. 
I’ve managed to stay pretty much above the brow, so Imma have to dip down for a minute and just drool over Sam’s trapezius muscles. Oh. MY. GAWD.
Golden, glorious, graceful, and just a touch of gooey. Good, good, good.
So, right off the bat, let me tell you that this story is everything I’ve ever wanted for Sam, like everything the show and Chuck and the universe has ever denied him. He’s rested, he’s comforted, he’s bathed in glow (the sun, the reader’s love, all that jazz, you know?).
And then it goes and hits all my camping weaknesses. I was literally just telling someone how I’m missing my camp more than ever now. It’s been eight years since I’ve been, and this story brings back all those feelings of serenity and calm, voluntary isolation with people you more or less chose, because camp was and is my forever real home.
I know that seems a little rambly and off-topic, but the thing is, that’s what this story is for me. They aren’t at the bunker, their “home,” but they’re still home all the same, because (and, yes, you can shoot me for this) home is where your heart is, so this wonderful little cabin in the woods is home, whether they’ve been there together once or a hundred times because Sam.
And then that bit of sugar tossed in at the end...Oh, this story was good for my soul. “Warm mug of coffee on a chill morning, under a blanket” kind of good for my soul. 
It’s one of those where I would love to have so much more of these two, of this warmth between them, but I also am perfectly content to know them just in this one perfect moment forever, before the day starts, when everything is still in the “it’s about to happen and it will be great” stages. The beginning of a great new day.
Thank you. I needed this story, now more than ever.
- Val
Crash  - @myinconnelly1​ - requested by @adoptdontshoppets​ for @idreamofplaid​ aesthetic
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: smut, fluff
Words: 810
The first thing that draws my eye in the aesthetic is the linked fingers. I love pinky links (I’m sure there’s a less cutesy way to say it, but I like it; sue me). They’re sweet, and really personal. You’ve got super tough Dean Winchester who isn’t embarrassed or afraid of intimate, goofy gestures. In fact, I feel like that would one hundred percent be Dean in a relationship: Dean is a giant ball of goofy, intimate gestures. 
I love the choices of relaxed, bearded Dean/Jensen paired with the casual, cool color palette immediately set me at ease. This isn’t going to be a terrifying, angsty ordeal. This is going to be calm, soothing, sensual. 
And the roses, the sand, the surf, the candlelight, the pokey palm tree fronds...I can hear, smell, feel every bit of these images. The golden-pink wine...ugh. This whole experience is a trip to paradise.
I love how all five senses are emphasized and made equally important. It gives us so much more connection to the moment, makes it that much more intimate. The constant crashing of the waves in the background; the bittersweet chocolate; the cozy, homey image of the baking-wrecked kitchen followed by the much more erotic, candelit bedroom; and then the scent of the oil mixed with the warmth and strength of Dean’s touch.
I also love the level of comfort in the story. We have the cookies, a hard-core comfort staple. We have the warm, lazy beach setting. And the easiness these two have together: that’s the dream, my friend. I love how they have no trouble at all communicating what they want and need, how they are comfortable enough to be messy and cute and flirty and sexy, one right after the other. 
And the description is so thorough, I have no trouble at all imagining myself there, in that wonderful, relaxing moment.
This story is relaxing, decadent, soothing, and fun all at once. I am a huge fan of the ending, as well. I was smiling through the whole story, but at the end, I literally laughed aloud. And now I think I’m going to have to excuse myself to go find some chocolate chip cookies. This story gave me a couple of cravings, and as Dean Winchester is in short supply in the real world, cookies are the one I can satisfy right now.
This story is, dare I say it, such a sweet escape. 
- Val
No Sugar Added - @myinconnelly1​ - requested by @fangirlxwritesx67​ - “I’d like to see Steve Rogers from MARVEL sharing Depression-era coping tips. Maybe he vlogs how to make apple-less apple pie.” 
No pairing
Warnings: Spoilers for Infinity Wars + Endgame, mention of mental health issues
Words: 446
This was my prompt for the Cabin, and I loved what this author did with the story! A little bit of fluffy cheer.
“Hello, I’m Steve Rogers.  As many of you know, I’m also Captain America, and I was alive during another time of hard living conditions.” 
Right now, a lot of things in the world seem scary and unsettling. It's one of those times when we turn for comfort to the lessons of the past, to the wisdom of generations, and to heroes. This author does a great job with Captain America, Steve Rogers. His cooking lesson is exactly the sort of inspiring, instructional video I would love to see.
“What is that smell?”  Natasha asked as she looked behind her to see Steve walking into the office with the plate.
Because it was never about pie, apple or otherwise. It was always about comfort. Our favorite foods help with that, and so does Captain America, especially written this well.
There are some fun tidbits in this story, including a peek of history and an actual recipe!
- Viv
Communion - @thoughtslikeaminefield​ - requested by @mskathywriteswords​​ “Fluffy dean or Jensen smoking weed plz, ty”
Pairing: Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Warnings: marijuana use, high sex, het sex, fluffy smut
Words: 1002
How do I love this? Let me count the motherfucking ways. 
First of all, the way this sucks you into the characters’ headspace is beautiful and subtle and masterfully done. It’s in the sentence structure and the flow of the words; there’s no need to describe their inner state, because it’s written into the movement of the sentences and the choice of words. She doesn’t have to say that they’re high, because you can fucking feel it in phrases like “It’s sending me off somewhere…” or “I shiver at the thoughts careening through my mind.”
Second, this is molten hot, but (as with the best smut) it’s not just some rote story of “then he was hard and we banged and it was great.” The sexy bits are unique; this isn’t the same smut you’ve read a thousand times before. It’s got its own personality and tone and voice that very much belong to this particular story. 
Also? Filth with feelings! My favorite genre! It’s deeply emotional. I am all for smut that is both dirty and tender. This is like a masterclass on how to walk that line. 
It’s such a simple premise that becomes so much more; this has things to say about Dean, about his personality, about this relationship. This takes a very specific moment and uses it as a framework for something big and meaningful. This, for example: 
When Dean has to be big, he uses his whole self. His body takes up space and his mere presence -- he can make the darkest of demons shudder with his presence alone.
But Dean’s natural state is this -- nesting, nuzzling, curled up and warm.
His hands -- the same hands I’ve seen thrust a blade into the guts of angels and demons -- are tender, fingertips light but persistent as they slip under my tank top and splay over my belly.
It’s so intimate. This is why we read fanfic, right? To feel like we’re close to these characters that we love so much, to delve into the sides of them that we don’t get to see much in canon… this fic feels like something personal and private that we’ve been lucky enough to be let in on. 
- Lou
Deeper Than Deep Conditioner - @fangirlxwritesx67​ - requested by @awesomesusiebstuff​ “The two Sam’s (our Sam and AU Sam) maintaining their hair care routines while quarantined.”
It’s one of those days when I’m feeling too fragile for this world. What’s the best remedy to knock some sunlight into my dark mood? Today, it’s fic -- and one that makes me giggle is a bonus.
This little gem is filled with funny one-liners and side-eye moments to make you laugh out loud:
Dean dreamed of driving away, of bikini beauties on the beaches of Rio. Sam dreamed of scarves and what it would be like to have no bigger worries in the world than his hair.
The look Dean gave him would’ve curdled milk, if there was any, which there wasn’t, because Dean took his coffee black, like a man.
A touch of realism in this bizarro situation got a chuckle, too:
“Sorry, sweethearts,” alt!Dean said, “Flights are all cancelled. A virus or something.”
When Viv named the alternates Deano and Sami, I gave in and embraced the madness. I was delighted with Deano; that’s my own nickname for Dean in my head. But Sami, a most pretentious twist on Sammy? A master stroke. I was tickled.
I was fully on board with enjoying this romp through the bizarro world, but then I was taken by surprise. This little moment, a hint that Sam has been trying to make the best of their circumstances, touched me: 
“Is this really how you live?” said Sami, with a dismissive glance at his paper napkin.
“Look,” Sam answered. “I’ve done my best. It’s taken a lot to get us this far.”
I was prepared for that to be the exception to the rule -- a moment of sincerity amongst a sea of lighthearted fun. And there was plenty of fun ahead of me. The jokes come at you hard and fast in this story! But I realized the mood was steadily changing, and suddenly, I was immersed in sincerity and maybe a little sadness:
...somewhere out there, was a universe where he pampered himself...
...maybe there was a place where he could enjoy something as simple as a deep condition...
...something Sam had wanted to watch but never had time for...
...for the first time in a long time, he caught himself laughing...
I thought maybe that was it. A few moments of Sam learning to appreciate what Sami (I was still laughing at that) had to offer, instead of simply mocking his manbun and scarf (I don’t think I could ever stop mocking that, but Sam’s a better person than I am).
But no. It didn’t end there, and I still wasn’t ready. Before I knew it, I was steeped in Sam’s melancholy, his yearning for a life kinder and gentler than what he’d been given. I was truly heartbroken for him in that moment.
I won’t spoil the rest, but by the time I got to the ending, I was grateful for the funny beginning that softened the landing. I expected a comedy, but what I got really was deeper than deep conditioner.
- Bri
Dear Mr. Fantasy - @itmighthavebeenintentional​ - image prompt submitted @thoughtslikeaminefield​
Warnings: SEASON 15 SPOILERS, bit of angst. 
Words: 2157
I found the image prompt in my Tumblr feed and immediately started plotting ideas that I cannot write bc I have too many fucking WIPs so imagine my excite when one of my all-time favorite fic writers (and one of my very best friends) filled the prompt as a surprise for me!
Val tells stories with a depth and humor like no one else I’ve ever read. Her natural wit and smarts shine through her fictional words as well, and I love seeing glimpses of her in her work.
In one universe, someone neglected Baby (couldn’t have been Dean, had to’ve been Sam) to the point where she pulls slightly to the left. Dean spends the morning after that dream with a muscle tick in his cheek and a suspicious, side-eyed glare for Sam that he never bothers to explain.
Dear Mr. Fantasy is bittersweet. It is soft and rich and full of color — all the senses are here. It’s a sledgehammer of realism wrapped in velvet. And it’s so very Dean.
At forty-eight years old (none of that years young bullshit, either; he’s old, and he’s goddamn earned it)
In the midst of reading canon Dean dreaming of and admiring and protecting his favorite of his AU-selves and that version’s life, we are treated to what it would be like if he was allowed a normal life. Our devoted, brave, warm, and loving hunter as a common mechanic would be just as brave and loyal, no?
“Pretty sure she’s settled on ya, so just make sure you’re worth it.” 
So that’s what Dean did. 
But our Dean — the Real Dean as Chuck says — can’t quite let his guard down even in his dreams of another world, even if that other world is safe as houses. He’s still aware of just how unreal this reality is.
Splashes of indigo and orange paint the horizon, framing her approach in a wash of colors blending into shadows that hold no danger.
Then, he lets himself mingle with that dream, if only for a few moments and it’s bliss.
Older Dean and worn-out, monster-plagued Dean sigh together, content down to their bones. This life is it for both of them. She is it. One Dean still can’t believe his amazing luck after all these years, and the other aches at the simple, total happiness he feels honored to witness.
I love you, she whispers, and he allows himself to believe for one moment that she’s talking directly to him.
I’m not going to spoil anything for you, but I will say that you need some tissues. I cried through 90% of this story, from joy and from heartache. 
Because that’s what Valerie does, breaks your heart and makes you smile, and it is so fucking good.
- MJ
Synesthesia - @there-must-be-a-lock - request by @wendibird​ “SPN, Sastiel, due to all the Angelic Grace Sam has been exposed to over time, he starts resonating with Castiel’s. Especially if Cas’ emotions are running high.”
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Castiel
Warnings: none!
Words: 750
First, I love the song that enhanced this idea for Lou. It lends a tenderness and whimsy to the plot that isn’t inherent. 
Second, Lou’s words are like poetry and watercolor doing a dance of their own making — GORGEOUS phrasing and rhythm.
Cas whirls around, and Sam is hypnotized by the bright blue in his eyes, wide and concerned in a way that makes Sam feel like he’s being lit up from the inside. There’s a floodlight in his chest. 
And, y’all, I don’t even go here, but I swooned SO HARD.
It’s an effort to focus, but when he meets Cas’s eyes, Cas smiles. Sam sees a shower of sparks like the last fizzle of a firework.  
Sam hears it as a flutter of spring green like a new leaf. 
And Lou’s characterization is always spot on, right? But like Dean isn’t even in the scene, yet here we are.
Don’t let the words fool you; there’s a very angry rainbow happening in his head most of the time.
And did I mention the ARTWORK that is this woman’s WORDS?
There are stars under their feet, entire galaxies spinning out around them, dancing spirals of kaleidoscopic green and gold melting into whorls of brilliant blue.
Anyway, please go read. You’ll be flying high for hours afterward. xox
- MJ
Salvation - @dontshootmespence​ - image created and submitted by @idabbleincrazy​
Pairings: Sam Winchester x reader
Warnings: angst, torture, gore, smut 
Words: 1,401
The aesthetics by this artist inspire stories just because they are so well done. This one was a good balance of handsome Sam and some nice suggestive pics along with the phrases that helped shape the action of the story.
This story feels like an episode of the show from earlier seasons, just the right balance of angst and monster fighting with tantalizing peeks of smut and feels. Excellent job!
There are no words that come close to explaining what she means to him. How she saves what soul he has left.
These flashback scenes are both hot and tender. The voice the author  gives to Sam is spot on, achingly familiar.
"You're Sam Winchester, the boy with the demon blood."
It's easy to forget, sometimes, all the things that Sam has been and done, how fearsome of a hunter he is. This story reminds us with razor sharp precision.
When he meets her gaze, he finds the peace he's craved for so long.
The contrast between the flashbacks and the action is painfully good.
What’s more frightening, a man like Dean, practiced in his violence out of necessity? Or a man like him, on the verge of losing everything and nothing left to lose?
This is a well drawn distinction between the Winchester brothers, and such a good characterization of Sam!
"You're safe with me, Sam. You never have to hide from me." 
Such a beautiful relationship between Sam and this woman! It's no wonder he's fighting so hard to save her.
This story has an imaginative plot, fast paced action, some sweet hotness, and such a good Sam!
- Viv
The Second Hand Unwinds - @mskathywriteswords​ - image prompt created and submitted by @there-must-be-a-lock​ 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: hurt, comfort, angst
I had a vibe in mind when I created this aesthetic but this went so far beyond anything I could’ve imagined. It absolutely nailed that nostalgic, wistful, antique-photo-album feel, and then it managed to knife me in the fucking gut in a few ways, none of which I saw coming. 
The JOY in the first part of this is absolutely tangible. It’s so romantic and sweet in a very dreamy way that feels exactly like first love. I love the scattered, disjointed imagery around the flowers in the first part, like flashes of memories coming at you all at once, and then when it settles into the narrative it manages to hold onto that dreamy feeling while still moving neatly through the plot. 
This moment was about us, and I wanted to live in it forever. You never gave me reason to cover my body, not that night or ever.
Goddamn right. Ugh, precious and beautiful. And then this:
After so much undiluted time together, I had no idea how to sleep alone. I felt raw waking up by myself, not being able to feel your stubble tickling my skin. 
There’s something about that last line that just grabbed my heart and tugged it in a wonderful way. It’s ACCURATE, first of all; this is one of those super-specific feelings that is hard to describe concisely. I haven’t really thought about that feeling in a while, but that little sentence just cut through so many years and brought me right back in a deep and visceral way. 
You took pride in doing all the things that were never done for you, you’d told me.
Ouch. It’s little touches like this that make this ring true to character even though it’s a very different Dean than we see in canon.
And then that ENDING. 
How do you contain a bomb once it’s been set on fire with grief?
Fuck, dude. Everything about that ending was so painful. I love that she left it raw and messy and not like a simple “welcome back!” kinda moment. 
This was just gorgeously done. Can not recommend it enough. 
Fort - @there-must-be-a-lock​ - prompt by @mskathywriteswords​​ “Fluffy dean or Jensen smoking weed plz, ty.” 
Pairing: J2 x reader
Warnings: blowjobs and weed. 
Words: ~2150
This piece of deliciousness opens with Jensen walking out of the bathroom with a towel on his hips; do I need to say more? I don’t, but I will. After some beautiful description of the blanket fort, we get treated to Jared in nothing but pajama pants. The descriptions in this piece are vivid and full. the way Jared’s hand looks between Jensen’s muscled shoulderblades, thumb stroking back and forth between patches of gold and red light, makes me want to capture the moment and hold onto it. I can see that image in my mind, picture the two of them together, and that’s what makes excellent writing for me. The warnings attached to this piece are fully applicable; the story is very cute and sweet, there’s weed, and there’s Jared and a wicked oral fixation, which in the case of this one-shot means dear Reader, that’s you, get to witness a searing blowjob from one J to another. The way these three interact makes my heart swell, and there’s something about watching the dynamic change between them that really hammers home just how functional they are together. Dive in to this universe, Everything. There are no regrets to be had, maybe only that you waited so long to get wet.
- Kathy
The Gazelle - @thoughtslikeaminefield​ - requested by Anonymous “I’d really love some more Dean x Benny fanfiction, AU, aligned with canon timeline, whatever. I think they deserved a chance and Benny got killed off before it could even be explored :(”
Pairing: AU Dean Winchester x AU Benny Lafitte x unnamed female character
Warnings: power exchange, mmf threesome implied, Denny apparent, nudity
Words: 1000
Let me start with a caveat: I’m in the bag for pretty much any Dean x Benny fic, pretty much any Dean x Benny x person #3 fic, and absolutely any MJ fic. So you could stop reading this review right now and just go read the fic, if you want; in fact, I sort of recommend it, because it’s better than anything I could have to say about it. But if you want to stick around, I promise to be a little more coherent than ZOMGGGG PERFECT HOT SEXY TIMES DENNY LOVE GORGEOUS MORE PLZ!  
Before we even get to the words, we’ve got a gorgeous graphic. Black and white beautiful boys, staring you down with those “I’m gonna fuck you so good” eyes, paired with a sweetly sexy woman tinted with a soft pink; she looks carefree, open to have some fun, and you can imagine her telling them to bring it on. MJ’s graphics are always great, setting the perfect mood for her fics, and this is no exception.
And right from the jump:
Dean and me — we share a lot of things.
We share good music and good drink. Tonight, we’re sharing a good woman.
Oh, this is in Benny’s voice?! Okay okay okay, cool cool cool, I can handle this…
...Dean purrs like a jungle cat as he hovers behind her, hands in her hair, twisting and twirling the silky tresses…
...Dean sets the pace and is the anchor, always. He keeps everything stable and grounded…
And now I’ve realized that I’m going to be seeing Dean through Benny’s eyes -- and no, not cool, can’t handle this -- but I’m definitely not stopping.
I like to mix things up, though, and he lets me.
MJ is a brilliant writer with many talents, but I think her specialty, regardless of what characters she’s writing with, is brilliantly salacious smut that’s steeped in emotion. She can’t help it. Her fucks come with feels, every single time, and I hope it never changes. 
This piece is certainly no exception. Dean and Benny are circling their prey, this unnamed woman, utilizing their individual strengths -- Dean’s encouraging, I’m demanding -- and the sexual tension is building with soft touches and lingering kisses. As the scene is progressing, Benny’s inner monologue is sprinkled with thoughts about Dean:
Times we don’t have a subject, Dean’s focus is on me. I don’t argue and I do not complain. Dean knows what to do with every inch of that long, lean body of his. He knows how to cage a person in, make them feel safe, wanted, fucking needed.
She’s handily building emotion and a personal backstory without an exposition dump, without taking focus away from the action for too long:
His hands move slowly, seemingly random, but I know how focused he is on her and the moment. Giving and seeking pleasure are vital things to Dean and he takes the acts to heart.
I’m immersed in the now of this scene but I also understand the depth of their feelings for one another, their history and dedication to each other, and how they work together to bring another partner into their orbit. MJ makes it look easy, when it’s anything but. 
And then she gifts us with this perfection and I’ve melted into a puddle of emotionally aroused goo:
“You promise to love, honor, and cherish ‘til the morning light, Dean?”
That is a vow of devotion to a one-night stand. What?! How?! Does her brain come up with this?
From there, the scene continues, the action escalating, supported by a framework of realism and heart. Her Dean feels familiar and in character, even though we’ve never seen him in this particular situation. And Benny, we hardly knew ye, but she brings him to life alongside Dean and I buy their relationship completely. I buy all of this, and now I’m invested.
And then… 
“Do it, then,” she says, challenging. “Wreck me.”
My breath catches, my heart starts to race -- yes, here we go! -- a few more sentences, one last connection between Dean and Benny, and then --
Oh, you are evil, MJ. You are so perfectly evil and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
- Bri
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Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
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Chapter 1
Warnings: None, completely swf
"A devastating loss to the American people to lose one of the most beloved heroes. People are still rioting outside of the court as you see Zion and other Pro-Heroes walk out."
Did I expect to have my license suspended after backing up victims of my colleague? Not exactly. Am I upset about it? Not entirely. My time in the U.S wasn't the best, I only stayed for my students, but now without my hero license, I can forget having my job at Cal Academy.
As I walked out of the courthouse, I gave my best smile for those looking and the press. Nerves continued to crawl up my spine as I tried my best to keep my cool. I can't make another scene as I did inside. Reporters flooded in, pestering me to get my opinion on one of my most significant failures.
"I can't describe how disappointing the outcome of the case was, but sometimes things happen. The cards just weren't in our favor. I just hope that people here and at home take this as a reminder of how heroes can fail sometimes, but it doesn't mean that hope is lost forever. I am sure that today is just a setback. Have a good day, and eventually, I will be back once my suspension ends." I smiled and nodded, making my way past the reporters.
"What will you be doing during your time in suspension?" A reporter reached out their microphone over my shoulder.
I thought for a moment. I was thinking back to a conversation I had with my old principal before this trial.
"If all goes wrong. Or something else occurs, and you want to come back. Along with most of the UA staff, I wanted to start a mental health program for the students. Specifically, a counselor or therapist per class. I think it will suit you well to be a counselor here." The calm and reassuring tone Nezu's voice always seemed to have calmed my nerves and made sure I always knew I had someone at my corner at all times.
I turned to the reporter and smirked, "I'll be in Japan."
Present Day
Okay, maybe I shouldn't have taken up Nezu's offer after all.
Class 1-A
Counselor: Mai Montoya
Homeroom Teacher: Shota Aizawa
The stupid mouse-dog-bear thing paired me up with Aizawa? AIZAWA! This is just like when he recommended me for the hero course the first time I ended up at UA.
"You okay? You look like you're about to vomit." Lily, a fellow friend from Cal Academy that Nezu hired, asked.
"I just might. Why must Nezu make things difficult for me?" I handed her my form and rubbed my temples.
She looked at the form and then put her hand on her hip, "I don't see anything wrong with this. There are only twenty students."
I stared up at her. I completely forgot that she's not only new to the school but new to Japan, so she doesn't know anyone but me. "It's not the number of students. I could care less about that. Nezu could give me two hundred kids, and I won't complain. It's the homeroom teacher I have a problem with."
She looks again, "Shota Aizawa. Now, why does that sound familiar?" She scratches her head. A few baby hairs start sticking out of her bun as I just continue to contemplate how my life led me here.
"Do you remember the group of friends I had before graduating UA and coming back to the US?" She nodded, "Do you remember the one specific friend that I stopped talking to?" She shook her head, "Sorry, the friend that stopped talking to me?"
"OH! Oh, wait... Oh no... he's the homeroom teacher?" Lily bit her lip and went to reach for the bottle of water while looking at her class information. "I thought you guys resolved things the last time you came to Japan to help Captain Celebrity five years ago." She took a huge swig of her bottle.
"Kind of, but not really. We talked because it had something to do with a case he was working on, but after that, it was mainly me talking to Kayama and Kayama bothering him. Or me talking to Mic, and he talks to him." I gave an embarrassed smile as Lily glared at me. "It's not my responsibility to patch things up with him; he cut me off."
She took another swig, "Maybe since you tell Principal Nezu everything, he thought you guys needed a push to get back together. Weren't you guys inseparable?"
"We were not inseparable. And Nezu should stop meddling; he's been like this since I was fifteen." I check the time on my laptop to see it was almost time for homeroom and start packing up to meet my new students. "It's almost time for the classes to start. Nezu wanted us to introduce ourselves to the students. Do you need me to show you where Class 1-B is located again? Do you need me to translate for you with the students?"
She shook her head and told me that she was fine and made her way out with me. She kept reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. But honestly, I wasn't listening. Being back at UA made me uneasy; it felt like my first day as a student here. Nervous and scared. Only this time, I had no reason to be. Maybe it was nostalgia. Or perhaps it was just a lot of, hmph. What the hell? I look down to see a familiar yellow sleeping bag at my feet. I turned to my left to see Lily was gone and that I already made it to classroom 1-A. Not only that, I met with the eyes of terrified students. I looked back down to see grey eyes popping out of the sleeping bag staring at me.
"I honestly thought the form was a joke." There it was. That stupid gruffly monotoned voice. It took all I had not to roll my eyes.
"Nice to see that in almost fifteen years, you kept that sleeping bag." I walked over the giant caterpillar of depression and into the classroom.
"It took you guys more than eight seconds to quiet down. That's not going to work." I heard the man say as he zipped out of his sleeping bag. "My name is Shota Aizawa. I'll be your homeroom teacher. And the woman over there, she is Mai Montoya, your counselor." I smiled and waved to students. It was met with mostly enthusiastic responses, aside from one kid grunting and another one practically drooling. Make a note not to wear a pencil skirt and a button-up as long as I'm that kid's counselor. Aizawa then proceeded to take a gym uniform out and told the students to get dressed and ready for training. He turned to look at me as the kids made their way out of the class, "You still do that face."
I blinked, "What face?"
"The face you do when you're concentrating on something too hard. What is it?"
"Oh." After fourteen years, he remembers that? "It's nothing; I just think that it's the first day, and maybe training should wait a little while." He turns and ignores me. "Hey, wait up!"
"I need to know how their quirks work, and the earlier they train, the earlier we can make then better heroes."
"It's only the first day, though. They could do introductions and talk about their quirks. Plus, I thought I saw you when the staff was watching the entrance exams; you should already have an idea." I pointed.
"It's not the same as in person." Was all he responded, "I'm their teacher so let me do what I normally do. You're only here to observe."
"I am here to introduce myself and get to know the students. And we are meant to collaborate, Sh... Aizawa." Eeeeeggggggg almost did a no-no right there. He didn't spare me a second glance, but I could tell that I annoyed him. He was already irritating me too. I just sighed and decided to sit on the bench and take my laptop out to start jotting down notes as I waited for the students to arrive.
Once the students arrived, Aizawa explained that he was making them do a Quirk Apprehension Test. They all seemed okay until he mentioned that whoever scored the lowest would be expelled. Kayama told me once about how Aizawa likes to expel students, but I didn't think it would be so early. I neglected the decision to interject; I didn't want to piss him off more so soon.
"Yes?" Aizawa spoke.
"My name is Tenya Iida. I have a question about the counselor?" I looked up to see a whole ocean of eyes looking at me.
I stood up and smooth out my skirt, "What is your question, Iida?"
"Why didn't we get a proper introduction yet?"
"Oh, uh, I was waiting until your teacher was done explaining the lesson so I can explain not only myself but the purpose of the new mental health program at UA." I smiled. "But since you asked, um, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give you the introduction now." I nodded over to Aizawa to get permission to speak more, knowing this was taking time away from his lesson. "Okay, well, as said before, I am Mai Montoya, your counselor. I am part of the new mental health program as a way for the school to become more engaged in students' mental health. I, along with many other Pro Heroes, felt that hero programs don't focus on the importance of mental health for both general students and hero students. Principal Nezu saw the importance and asked me to help be in charge of it. I am originally from the U.S, but I used to be a UA student, so that's how Nezu and I know each other."
Another student raised their hand to ask a question; she had pink skin and cute little horns popping out of her head, "Wait, 'I, along with other Pro Heroes.' You're a pro?"
I rubbed my neck, "Yes, I am a Pro Hero. I am currently not on active duty, though." Here we go. "Let me quickly explain myself, so you feel more inclined to trust me. I am the Pro Hero Zion..."
A green hair boy spoke up, "The U.S's Number 2 Hero that recently got their license suspended? Oh my god, why are you here in Japan? Our counselor is a top hero!"
I was speechless, this kid knew about... oh, who am I kidding the whole case was broadcasted all over the world. "As I was saying, yes, I have my Pro Hero license suspended in the U.S. currently. However, I still have my Japanese Hero License, so I am still a pro. I legally am not allowed to talk about any details about my suspension, though. Just know that the suspension isn't getting lifted anytime soon, so that's why I decided to move back to Japan." I waited for more interruptions.
"Are you allowed to train us too?" The boy asked.
"I wasn't hired for that. As a disclaimer, I only want to do my work at UA; I have to avoid any other scandals from hero work because of my suspension. So you won't be seeing me on the news anytime soon while I am here." They all awed and disappointedly huffed. Afterward, I gave out my email and other ways to contact me to make any appointments with me, and with that, their apprehension test started.
I stood to the side and analyzed the students in their testing environments for the most part. I found out the green-haired boy was named Izuku Midoriya, and the pink girl was Mina Ashido. Everyone seemed pretty determined to pass, mainly because of the threat of expulsion, which I guess is good, but I still don't think scaring the kids to do good was the best way to teach. "It's a logical deception; I have no plans to expel anyone." Aizawa came up to me with a stern face.
"That makes it worse. You scared them, and now they're not going to trust you." I made sure I wrote that piece of information in my notes about the class. The man just shrugged. "They have a lot of potentials. These quirks are fantastic." He just grunted. "I'm trying to have a conversation with you. Especially since you initiated it."
"I'm sorry to hear about your license suspension. You didn't deserve that." Aizawa just stared at the students and avoided looking at me.
"Things happen. I can't feel sorry for myself. I didn't even like working for that agency anyways." I brushed it off. "I just hate feeling that I failed to bring justice to those girls, especially since they reminded me of my students. Young, hopeful, ready to save the world. Now, they're scared and feel like there's no purpose in saving anyone if even heroes can be villains." I rested my chin on my fist as I watched the young heroes in front of me. Then I noticed one of the students going berserk with his explosion quirk on Midoriya. "You might want to keep an eye on Bakugou. His personality is almost as explosive as his quirk."
"I already have a feeling these kids are going to make me want to quit teaching," Aizawa grumbled. The next thing I saw was his capture weapon wrapped around the blond boy to stop him from blowing up Midoriya. I tried my best to contain my laughter at the kids' reaction to him, bringing it out again. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a blond crouching behind the corner of the building, analyzing the students as well-- All Might.
I rolled my eyes and got up. "I have to go back to my office. I'll see you, kids, later after you go through your general classes to see how you guys are adjusting." I went around the corner to meet with the seven-foot-two giant of a man. "What's up, Toshinori?"
The poor guy didn't see me and nearly almost transformed into his skinny form. "Young Montoya! It's wonderful to see you! Please don't tell Aizawa I'm here." He went to hug me (more like lifted me off the ground) and then hunch down.
I giggled, "Oh, I am pretty sure he noticed; he's just not saying anything about it."
"I'm just observing his teaching style since it's my first year as a teacher." He rubbed the back of his neck.
I hugged my laptop and levitated a little to get on his level, "I suggest telling him that you want to learn from him. I have to go, so have fun." I gave him a quick hug and left.
"I've missed you. Maybe you can finally take my offer of taking over my agency."
"Not this again," I grunted. "See you around, Toshinori. Let me know when you want teaching advice."
I love Toshinori, but after his injury ten years ago, he's been trying to convince nonstop to take care of his agency in case the worst would happen. I always just brushed it off. I didn't want that type of responsibility. My whole career in the U.S, people have compared me to him. And I never minded it, it was an honor to be compared to the symbol of peace. But the idea of actually taking the mantle never sat right with me. And I highly doubt it ever will after now being the only top hero to have a license suspension. After finding out Toshinori was going to be a teacher to find a new person to take his quirk, I got more nervous for him and the future of the new person to have One for All. With that in mind, it does give me a reason to try and take the mantle instead of putting it all on a student. It's irresponsible to give all that pressure onto a child. I guess that's mainly the reason why they added the mental health program. To make sure the kids aren't under a lot of pressure.
My master list 😊
Tag list:
@inumorph @thatgirlwithcamera @mel-sanch
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vole-mon-amour · 4 years
OTP tag game.
Tagged by @captainjowl. You know for sure than I'm struggling to pick only 10 & fit them in here. But hell, that’s fun, thank you <3
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Rules: Choose 10 OTPs BEFORE reading the questions, and then get to answering
1) Harry James Potter & Sirius Orion Black
2) Daniel Le Domas & Grace (Ready or Not 2019)
3) Samuel & Nathan Drake (Uncharted 4)
4) Corvo Attano & The Outsider (+probably Emily Kaldwin; Dishonored series)
5) Steve Grant Rogers & Bucky Buchanan Barnes (Marvel)
6) Tony Edward Stark & Peter Benjamin Parker (Marvel)
7) Handsome Jack & Rhys (Borderlands video game series)
8) Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (TVD Books & a tv show)
9) Batman & Joker (in every universe, really)
10) Adam Jensen x Francis Pritchard (Deus Ex video game series)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I believe it didn't hit me before Spider-Man: Homecoming. Civil War was about Steve & Bucky for me, but when I saw that growing up Peter with Tony, their dynamic, chemistry. Tom & Robert are really just like that.
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
Lmao. I've read like 50% of the tag on AO3, I wrote my own & started a few wips on them. They are amazing. Plus, with that shitty canon? We didn't get enough of them & they deserved better, so it's only logical to save yourself with fanfiction.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver?
I was living with The Outsider icon on my twitter & tumblr. That one is still my Google profile picture I believe. Don't remember about having an icon with the two of them. Also had The Outsider as my lockscreen on my smartphone for a while.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Funny how it fits canon, lmao. Rhys literally tried to erase Jack's AI in TFTBL, so I guess another day on Pandora, nothing new. They torture each other, they kiss each other, they kill other people in the process. It'll be fiiine.
5. Why is 1 so important?
I love them since the first time I met them, which was much more than 10 years ago, I don't even remember when. At some point they were the reason I was waking up & forcing myself to eat just to read more fanfiction & feel something. Even if I was drowning in pain (I was extremely depressed), it was still something. I read every fic I could find at that time. The depression that Harry went through, all these feelings, his love for Sirius. I was living through it, I could relate.
I'm currently drowning in these two again, though in a much healthier & happier state. I see their flaws & I know as much as I can. I see them differently as an adult. They saved me, they keep being my number one, I still consider making a tattoo of Padfoot/Sirius or of both Harry & Sirius together. I have many headcanons, ideas, I write fics about them. They are everything, you see? They were my choice when there was nothing, no one. They are HOME.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Both. There goes the dynamic of Jack & Rhys: torture, fighting, flirting, a lot of trauma. I'd definitely say that they are wild and comical sometimes, but they are definitely serious. With the Asylum, the mental health issues. There is so much more to it, the complexity of their relationship. The struggle of loving who you probably shouldn't (but hey, when does it work like that?) Thinking about Tettlate's Batman, about Batman: Europa & how Joker was: "You must be crazy, putting me in charge of the plan, letting me decide. Okay, well..."
Nah, they are entertaining, but this is a serious ship.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Are you kidding me? They are all the definition of CHEMISTRY. I'd say 5, but then go 2, 6, 7, 8. Come on. I'm not choosing. Most of they are WILD.
9. How many times have you read/watched the 10’s fandom?
The fandom itself? Idk. I found one of my favourite artists through this fandom. If it's about the characters themselves, I played the first game with the DLC from start to beginning, looking around every corner. Spent more than 60 hours in there. Watched a second game (my laptop can't run the game) and the DLC (obviously), since Francis is in the DLC & not in the main game. I have a tag for them on tumblr, I read fanfiction, I tried to write my own. I still follow Elias & want a third game. Elias liked my tweets about Adam and Jensen being an actual couple a few times. I'd say I interacted with all of this a lot? Still do, actually.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
5. Best friends since childhood, fought & died for each other, still found their way back to each other. "It would break your Captain's heart, to see what they did to you." That only the MENTION of Steve can pull Bucky out of this brain washing(ed?) state, distract him in the middle of a fight. When Steve died in the comics because of Sharon & Tony sent Natasha to take Steve's shield from Bucky because even Tony knew how much Steve means to Bucky. And Bucky was like: "Oh, I see what he did. Not happening!" Fought Natasha (that is his ex in the comics) & kept going for Steve's sake.
Well, you see the point, I can go on and on.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
They're not actually canon so none? They had a few fights: In Civil war (the comics), in Homecoming (the movie).  That only means that they’ve got history & love each other.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
As fierce Grace is, they wouldn't stand a chance against Damon & Elena. Those two had to deal with worst thing than brainless stupid zombies. On the other hand, if there were no alive humans to drink their blood... It's either an animal diet that Damon hates so much or I don't know? Still, they're faster & more powerful. Their bodies have advantage of healing the wounds as well.
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
From some people, yeah. Don't tell Athena, don't tell Vaughn, don't tell Fiona. Though Rhys wasn't very subtle about it & Jack just doesn't give a fuck. You will probably end up dead if you disagree or bore him, or if you're useless.
"I can take you to the top, but you gotta know where the top is" & Rhys doesn't tell anybody until Jack makes him the President for like whole 20 minutes lol.
Fiona & Sasha: "This can't be happening." Sure it can, darling.
14. Is 4 still together?
I have a headcanon about The Outsider finding Emily & Corvo after Billie frees him from the Void. He doesn't have anybody & they are his only friends aside from a potential friendship with Billie. And if we don't consider TOTO dlc, they definitely are! The Outsider visits them both when they sleep & takes them to the void sometimes. How could he not?
15. Is 10 canon?
Not really but also sort of? Let's say that they really care about each other in canon, despite Adam pushing Francis away because of his trauma & fear that Megan caused him. :/
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Can you imagine wizards fighting extremely powerful vampires? Superheroes with venom in their bodies that make them super strong with people that made a deal with the Devil himself (hi Le Bail)? 5000 y.o. God and his lover that share his powers and an augmented human protecting his tired IT guy? Combine mental health issues to that, Jack and Rhys with Batman and Joker. Corvo & The Outsider would probably slay them all as Corvo and Emily did in both games with entire islands, though it will still be a slaughter anyway.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
All the fucking time, lmaooo. I’m not even talking about it.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
I feel like I already did with Steve & Bucky after many Marvel movies (we're not even mentioning Endg*me, I fucking died & was dead for full 4-5 months).
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
I used to do that a few years back, but not anymore. There is not much content since the trilogy is finished.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
1 already went through it & fandom lives, so I'd say maybe 7? Rhys will find a way to bring Jack back & they are both so wild. It’s what happened in canon anyway. Jack kidnapped Lilith & forced her to do Angel's job, so I'd like to see that witch try at first. Jack is an immortal bastard. <3
Now that I think about it, Corvo would also deal with her in seconds as she waits to curse them.
As a conclusion: no one breaks up forever, we're killing the witch.
I tag: @ianmillkovichgallagher​ & @aledbr​
Whoever else wants to join the game, please do.
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alarriefantasy · 5 years
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                                 Halloween Fic Rec 2019
Trade Mistakes by ifancylou, Taayjaay
Words: 3k
Harry summons a crossroads demon without realizing that he'd be giving up his soul in exchange for the deal. He offers the demon something a little different instead.
Demons by CarlyLovesLarry
Words: 4k
or where Harry is a demon and Louis is a hunter, and Harry fuck Louis into oblivion  
Sealed With A Kiss by ty_madison
Words: 6k
Harry has been having dreams about a boy, every night since he turned sixteen and everytime he has opened his eyes in the past the boy has disappeared. But now he is awake, the boy is here and he has a deal to make with the innocent Harry.
Paper Planes by cathedralhearts
Words: 7k
Louis sold his soul to the Devil when he was sixteen, tear-stained and miserable, grief wracking his body as the doctors told him his mother had days to live. Lucifer prefers to go by the name Harry, wears Louis’ soul around his neck as a pendant, and spends the next five years following him around.
Shadow Holding Me Hostage by scribblewrite
Words: 26k
Harry's a demon, basically the king of hell and the source of all evil, and he needs an heir. Louis's a normal human, unsuspecting of what's in store for him.
The Devil's Angel by lilacsweaters_ivorylilies
Words: 86k
Ezekiel 28:13 - For Lucifer has been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was his covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of his tabrets and of his pipes was prepared in him in the day that he was created. 
got me losing every breath (i'm latching onto you) by kissingiscool
Words: 14k
(or an au where louis is a fairy with a fear of thunderstorms and a talent of knitting and harry is a vet with three cats and a lot of love.)
A Love So True You Don't Have To Be Afraid by homosociallyyours
Words: 14k
In a world long ago but not so far away, where true love is valued above all else, Louis and Harry have already found one another. Their lives are shaken by the arrival of Simon, whose heart is more than a bit shit, and who longs to sow unhappiness.
When Louis is changed into a dragon and Harry is the knight meant to vanquish him, it would appear that Simon has succeeded. But love wins, every time.
Waiting For Someone Who Needs Me by graceling_in_a_suit
Words: 17k
AU: Harry is a genie, and Louis doesn't think he needs anything.
The Prince Of Light by jacaranda_bloom
Words: 35k
Louis was found abandoned at a hospital at six months old and adopted by an older couple who raised him. Now twenty, he studies by night and by day works as a live-in au pair for a family with three little girls. One of the girls, Holly, swears there is a Garden Fairy coming and eating treats she leaves out in the cubby house each night.
When the family goes away for a two week holiday, Louis is secretly tasked with feeding the Fairy. While laying out the food one night he falls from the cubby house and is found by Harry. Harry is different and Louis is fascinated. But as Louis learns how different Harry really is, he discovers his own true home and a very surprising past he never knew.
Cue badgers, bananas and cookies, soulmates, a whole other world, and a future he’d never imagined.
like cabbages and kings by you_explode
Words: 60k
When Louis was a kid, he had a series of very vivid dreams about a place called Wonderland. There were rabbits wearing waistcoats and talking cats and ridiculous tea parties, and amidst all the absurdity, there was a boy. A boy with dimples, big green eyes and the sweetest soul Louis has ever known. Louis has always kept a place in his heart for that boy and for his funny dreamworld, and when he’s twenty-five and his life falls apart, it turns out Wonderland might not be so imaginary after all.
there's no fair in farewell by we_are_the_same
Words: 218k
When Harry and Louis, two Cupids who have been bringing people together for decades, are tasked with making Soulmates Liam and Zayn fall in love, it proves to be much harder than expected. But maybe, just maybe, that isn’t such a bad thing after all.
The Haunting of Louis Tomlinson by HelloAmHere
Words: 31k
OR: Louis is a plucky Gothic Heroine, Harry is a Mournful Spirit, and Big Country Houses are full of mystery and suspense, as Big Country Houses ever are!
Close to Nowhere by angelichl
Words: 34k
Louis and Harry are psychics who kind of hate each other. They go to Tennessee to investigate a haunting.
you look so good in blue by patdkitten
Words: 20k
Or: Harry Styles hears about a perfect flat from his roommate Zayn's boyfriends and decides to sign the lease. The only problem is: the flat has a reputation for being haunted. It certainly doesn't help that Harry's cat is seeing things as soon as they move in...
The Case Of The (Definitely Not Haunted) Styles Mansion by BriaMaria
Words: 40k
Or the Nancy Drew AU where Marcel is a man of logic, Louis is a private detective who believes in ghosts, and the Styles Mansion is definitely, absolutely, positively *not* haunted.
Tied to Fate by littlelouishiccups
Words: 52k
After his estranged father’s death, Harry inherits a castle in England that has belonged to his family for generations and he knows nothing about. When he breaks up with his boyfriend, Harry decides England is the perfect place for a small vacation. He isn’t prepared to meet Louis Tomlinson, a ghost who once lived in the castle and has haunted it for over five hundred years. He’s even more unprepared to fall in love with him.
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore
Words: 102k
The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process
Halloween Themed
Trick-or-Treat (Cheer Up) by writingstylinson 
Words: 2k
Louis Tomlinson is the single father of a little girl named Finnley, and they’ve been living in Holmes Chapel for a year. This Halloween is the first one they will be celebrating without Louis’ younger siblings or his own mother. It’s because of this that his daughter, who is usually outgoing and fearless, starts to have some worries about going trick-or-treating alone with her father.
Then Louis comes up with the perfect solution.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene by allwaswell16
Words: 2k
When Louis takes his son trick-or-treating in a stormtrooper costume, little does he know by the end of the night he will end up gaining a Luke Skywalker, a Chewbacca, and a Rey. He doesn't mind the additions, and if Rey's very hot dad wants to come along as well, he doesn't mind that too much either.
this kitten's got your tongue tied in knots by ballsdeepinjesus
Words: 3k
[it's halloween, harry is a kitten in a tree and louis is a (fake) firefighter.]
A gold and green Halloween by Tita
Words: 8k
Harry and Louis are strangers who, dressed as Drarry, compete on a Halloween couple's costume contest. It's exactly as much of a mess as it sounds.
Black Cats Steal Hearts, Not Souls by SLD24
Words: 9k
Harry finds a kitten in a pumpkin patch the day before Halloween but it turns out not to be a kitten at all.
All The Songs That You Sing In The Dark by pukeandcry
Words: 10k
What happened was that first people got sick.
What happened after that was that they died.
But the worst thing was what happened after that. After they died, they came back.
The Skeleton Key by photo41
Words: 18k
Harry Styles, a good-natured nurse living in Manchester, quits his job at a hospice to work for Violet Winston, an elderly woman whose husband, Ben, is in poor health following a stroke.
When Harry begins to explore the couple's rundown mansion, he discovers strange artifacts and learns the house has a mysterious past. As he continues to investigate, he realizes that Violet is keeping a sinister secret about the cause of Ben's illness- and tries to convince the Winston's estate lawyer, Louis Tomlinson, that he really isn't going insane.
Loosely based off the movie of the same name.
Insane by prideinlou
Words: 20k
Or in which Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are two dim-witted, drunk teenage boys that take a Halloween night dare too far, and end up in a life or death situation in the clutches of a haunted mental asylum.
Will they make it out alive... or will they go insane?
seaside improvisation by tinyweirdloves
Words: 6k
[harry is a mermaid who has lost his tail and he lives in louis's bathtub for a month.]
at least as deep as the pacific ocean (i wanna be yours) by writtensoul 
Words: 9k
louis is the very entitled prince of the seven seas!! harry is a goofy sailor boy!!! a lot of hijinks ensue involving slippery mermaid tails and happy fun little sea creatures!!
Define Dancing by asphodelknox 
Words: 20k
Death has a way of making certain things crystal clear. After Jay’s death, Louis returns to the summer cottage he always considered home. Unbeknownst to him, he’s also returning to the merman who has been his best friend through everything and finds that maybe there’s a chance for more.
Don't Let the Tide Come and Take Me by kiwikero
Words: 28k
Or, the one where Louis decides to set a merman free and ends up finding his own freedom along the way.
Still Deep In Us by graceling_in_a_suit
Words: 41k
AU. The village Harry has called home his entire life sits on six shaky legs, held aloft from the ocean which claimed the entire world twenty years ago. Harry's just a grieving tinkerer trying to do his best, and Louis is a mermaid that ruins The Village's delicate balance of power (and perhaps, just maybe, wins the heart of a boy).
Captain Harry Styles... And The Faerie by spaceboyharry
Words: 8k
“You have today been defeated. Remember this forever as the day you were bested by Captain Harry Styles.” Louis zoomed past, shouting “AND THE FAERIE!” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “And the bloody faerie.”
must be something in the water by hattalove
Words: 3k
They all remember, somewhere deep down, why they gave up everything they had for the Mermaid.
The last vestiges of kindness and bravery and everything that is good in the world are on board that ship. Louis’s heart is on it, moored by some nameless jetty.
In Your Black Heart (Is Where You'll Find Me) by graceling_in_a_suit
Words: 35k
Louis Tomlinson has been lying for five years. His crew sees him as a pirate, a Captain, and an alpha; only two of those are the truth. He was content to let the illusion go on forever, but an omega named Harry Styles just had to join his crew and get his warm-vanilla stink all over Louis' best laid plans.Or: the story of The Captain and The Carpenter.
Si Pudiera Volar by messofgorgeouschaos
Words: 68k
When Harry’s fiancé leaves him for his cousin, he looks the other way for the sake of his happiness. He’ll do anything to forget about him, including joining a monastery. It isn’t until his cousin’s former lover, a pirate, appears that he realizes everything is not as it appears, and an honest pirate might be the only person worthy of his heart.
Or, a fic loosely based on Corazon Salvaje.
Call Me the End of Your World by captainsftlouis
Words: 3k
or, the vampire AU where Louis is addicted to vampire venom, and Harry is addicted to Louis.
Waiting On You: A Christmas Drabble by emma1234
Words: 5k
On their first Christmas Eve as a couple, Louis and Harry decide it would be a great idea to exchange one special gift with one another to mark a new tradition. Of course, things never go as smoothly as they planned.
I Wanna Do Bad Things With You by lesbianphrodite
Words: 7k
Harry goes to his favorite pub with the intention to drink and feel bad for himself after a terrible break-up. Instead, he ends up hitting it off with a handsome vampire.
Forever And Always by jacaranda_bloom 
Words: 25k
OR the one where Harry’s neighbour is a crotchety old witch who hates vampires, Niall is the unsuspecting human who ends up inhabiting Harry’s body, and Louis is the caseworker who is assigned to swap them back. How it ends up a love story is anyone’s guess.
we should open up (before it's all too much) by disgruntledkittenface
Words: 43k
Struggling with grieving and depression since his dad died, Harry has never felt so alone. It’s too much to cope with on his own, but he feels like a burden when he tries to open up with people.
Then he meets Louis.
For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry by amomentoflove
Words: 49k
Harry is cold. His bones ache. Every movement draws a whimper from his cracked lips. The stone underneath him is practically like ice. He’s numb, but can clearly feel the sharp pains on his neck every timeHe visits him. Below the icy cold, the achy bones, and the pain on his neck, Harry Styles is pissed. There’s a fire burning in his mind and the anger for the man who keeps him imprisoned is the fuel. He despises him, the man who feeds from him and is a daily reminder that Harry’s suffering won’t end. The man who keeps Harry so weak that he can barely move most days. Harry’s waiting for the day when his owner will go too far and finally kill him. Death must be better than this cold hell he is in.
It won’t happen, though. He has a way of keeping Harry’s heart beating. So for now, all Harry can do is wait for death to come.
He’s been waiting for years.
what's inside your imagination (is as real as anything else) by suspendrs
Words: 3k
Or, Harry's a witch who likes to pretend he's a human pretending he's a witch, and Louis's the human in a not-so-clever costume that keeps catching his eye.
A Kind Of Magic by mellagreens
Words: 12k
Louis feels the urge to tell Harry he's in love with him.
Spellbound by lovelarry10
Words: 22k
Louis’ a shifter. Harry’s a witch. The only problem is, they’re hiding those things from each other.Will they be able to keep their secrets hidden at the most spooky time of year?
Call It True by abrighteryellow
Words: 48k
With dreams of being a successful novelist, Harry’s been working so hard that he almost doesn’t notice the smoothie shop that just opened down the street. But he can’t miss the mysterious, irresistible boy who works there, nor the strange but entirely positive effect his drinks seem to have. Harry needs to know what’s going on and he wants to get close to Louis, though not necessarily in that order.
A Spell and A Spark by dinosaursmate
Words: 73k
Louis is a teenage witch, living and attending university among mortals. He has to keep his secret whilst studying on both his degree and his witch's licence. His friends don't suspect a thing, even as spell after spell goes awry.
Our Place By The Moon by PearlyDewdrops
Words: 108k/WIP
Or: a late 90's urban fantasy AU in which Louis wants to befriend the strange boy next door, Harry is just trying to keep his family together, and falling in love is most inconvenient for a witch that may have accidentally reignited a centuries old curseꟷone that kinda messes with that.
168 notes · View notes
Time Travel Manager - BTS X Doctor Who Fanfic - Chapter 2
Title: Time Travel Manager Rating: Mature (Swearing, Mature Themes such as mental health issues and trauma) Characters: MC, The Doctor, All of BTS. No Pairings as of yet. Description: Lyra is a time traveller who travels through time and space with the Doctor. She’s been doing it for many years now and nothing much surprises her anymore, until they crash land in Korea 2012 and she discovers her future self has given her CV to a company called Big Hit. She now has a job to bring a boy band together and get them to their debut. It just so happens that band is BTS. Can she manage BTS? Can she do the job her future self seems to think she can? THIS IS BTS WORLD INSPIRED MULTICHAPTER FANFIC.
Chapter 1
As I dragged my feet as best as I could down the street, my head was spinning and I just couldn’t focus on what had just occurred. Strange things like this happened a lot with the Doctor, but never to me, the Doctor was the most seasoned time traveller so it was bound to happen to her the most. A lot of the time it just made me laugh, and the Doctor to end up blabbering like an idiot with excitement. However, this time, seemed different. It wasn’t a fleeting comment, a random interaction that made no sense but would later, this felt more serious, more…committed.
I sighed as I finally reached the TARDIS and climbed back inside; carrying the large folder I had been given. It didn’t take her long to just leave me be after that talk, she just up and left, saying good luck as she went. I had no choice but to go to the Doctor for help.
Once I had carefully navigated the wrong way round gravity inside, due to how the TARDIS had landed, I felt a small bit of relief course through me. The lights were back on, the TARDIS breathing once again, it was ok. Maybe we could just leave and forget about everything.
“She alright?” I asked.
“Oh good, you’re back! What’s that in your hand? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost” she asked, homing in on the folder I held.
“Erm, something I was given…” I said, staring at the folder.
“Well, the TARDIS is fine, she came round not long ago, should be able to find out who bumped us in a bit!” she explained as I sat down, suddenly feeling unwell again, she sat next to me “You sure you’re ok?”
“I don’t know” I handed her the file “I’ve been given a job at a company…”
The Doctor laughed, flicking through the pages excitedly.
“I only sent you out for a bit!” she giggled.
“My future self gave them my CV” that stopped the Doctor in her tracks, now listening to me carefully. I explained everything to her and she nodded, understanding why I felt how I felt. It’s a weird and daunting experience. She smiled encouragingly at me, patting my shoulder as she stood back up.
“Why don’t we come back to that then? Let’s go get an ice cream from the best place I know!” she said, beginning to press buttons, pull levers which brought the familiar whirring noise I knew. Relief flooded me again, if only briefly, as the TARDIS stuttered for a second then stopped. The Doctor looked around confused, but the TARDIS wouldn’t budge.
“What’s going on?” I asked, running over to the screen.
“She won’t take off, something’s keeping us here…I’ll run some diagnostics” she quickly typed as I watched anxiously. Not being able to leave made me want to leave even more. The TARDIS beeped as the results came through and the Doctor looked serious “This is a bigger problem than I expected”
“What do you mean?”
“See that?” she pointed to a wobbly line on the screen “That’s us, and this? That’s another time traveller”
“How can you tell?” I asked.
She zoomed in to the lines and showed the detail.
“All of this that surrounds the lines? That’s time travel energy, I’m not sure if that’s what’s keeping us here, I’ll have to keep digging for that, but there’s another time traveller here with us that I need to find and stop” she explained “We may be here a while, so it could be a possibility your future self knew you’d be stuck here so gave you something to keep you from being bored”
“But why a boy band? I hate those kind of things, same old music and tracks, lyrics just as hollow as the rest and don’t even get me started on the dancing and music videos” I said.
“Your future self knows more about you than you do right now” The Doctor said “Come on, Lyra, why not just give it a try? Go have a look at that folder first at least, I’m not just going to leave you alone on this”
She smiled kindly at me and I sighed, smiling back at her.
“Alright, but this boy band ain’t getting far” I chuckled, heading back to the file and sitting down to browse.
“It may be the fact that they don’t make it, therefore causing something else that is meant to happen, wibbly wobbly!” she grinned, starting her own tests.
I chuckled, opening the pages and beginning to read. The Doctor could have been right, I could have put myself up to this knowing I would fail miserably, there must have been something bad that needed to happen in order for the actual future to take place. Must be. I felt my confidence grow, weirdly, inside me as I read what the lady had left me.
‘There are seven boys we want you to recruit. I have included their pictures, names, a brief profile as to why we want them, and obviously where to find them. They’re all in Seoul so don’t worry, should be easy to find. Get them to sign the contract I have also included. Once that’s done, bring them together to meet and think up a name. After that, get them to debut.’
Hmm, seemed like a big leap from coming up with a name to suddenly get them to debut. Was there a process in making a song? Did they only need one? Or a few? Weren’t boy bands given songs to perform? Or was that Western boy bands? Meh. Even if I didn’t figure it out, what would be would be.
I flicked over the page to start getting an idea on the boys. Thankfully, they were all in the city, being able to find them all would be easy enough. As I turned the page, I swear I recognised the face of the first guy. His smile revealed dimples and his name was Kim Namjoon. Again, the name rang bells. I moved on to the next, recognising him too. And the next. And the next. In fact, all of them I knew I had seen their faces somewhere before. That’s when it all clicked. The name of the company. The boys names and faces. In my time of 2019 these guys were huge. I’d seen them advertised for interviews, their tour, some of my friends adored them. Ah shit. I felt sick all over again.
“We may have another problem” I said.
“Hmm?” The Doctor said, turning her attention back to me.
“I’m supposed to form BTS…” I said, feeling that nausea coming back.
 It had easily been an hour since I discovered what my future self had given me. And yet, my stomach just wouldn’t settle. The Doctor had given me a paper bag to breathe in to, even handed me some water too, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around this giant task ahead of me. I so couldn’t do this. It wasn’t a fixed point in time, which meant I could change the course of the entire future, not just of the boys themselves, but of their fans too. Oh God. There was just so much pressure. There was no way in hell I could do this. It was way too much.
“How you feeling?” The Doctor talking to me and feeling my forehead snapped me out of my doubts. I wasn’t alone. The Doctor wasn’t going to leave. She was going to help.
“Yeah, could be better, not gonna lie” I sighed.
“You can do this” she said, taking a seat next to me “I really wish you had more confidence in yourself, you’ve been travelling with me for what? Six years now? What have you achieved in that time?” I shrugged at her “You have done so much, you’ve saved so many lives, you’ve changed loads too, you even stopped a war from starting as well, remember that? I was so wrapped up in other issues I didn’t even realise what the Captain was doing” she nudged my shoulder “but you did, and you convinced him not to do anything, that takes guts! I also remember when you went against what I told you to do, you said I was wrong, standing up to enemies is easy, but standing up to your friends…now that’s true bravery” she smiled at me “Lyra, I believe you can do this, all you have to do is take one step at a time”
I nodded. She was right. At that point I wanted to just leave, not have to deal with this, but if the Doctor believed in me, maybe I could do it. I also knew future me wouldn’t have done this to me without a reason. I took a deep breath and smiled at the Doctor.
“One step at a time” I glanced down at the file still in my lap “first step, find these guys and get them to sign this contract”
“There you go” The Doctor grinned, jumping to her feet “And while you do that, I’m going to find out who this other traveller is!”
My first task, I could do this.
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
i’m falling - part 2
part 1 - till that day
part 3 - know that i’m waiting
part 4 - you’re calling me
read on ao3 and ffnet
i love these character i promise and i couldn’t resist doing a part 2 and 3
i take you home
Roy recklessly barrelled through the gap in the wall, only to be hit by a wall of heat. He recoiled on instinct, eyes peering through the dust desperately for his wife.
Where was she?!
The fire was almost upon him as he ventured further in. Roy snapped his fingers, removing all the oxygen from the air around the fire, causing it to slowly shrink in size as it begun to burn out.
“Fuery!” he barked through the earpiece. As he’d spoken to his wife in the car Roy had made a mental note to promote the kid just based on this breakthrough. “Get the fire brigade here, now!”
“Already on it, sir!” he replied. Roy could hear him furiously hitting switches before relaying the General’s words back to the fire chief, stating that if he didn’t get his team to the warehouse as soon as possible, they would have to “deal with the General’s wrath”.
Roy was impressed with Fuery’s boldness.
Just as he was about to take another step the flames fanned out once again, pushing past his oxygen barrier. They dissipated out into nothing as they interacted with Roy’s alchemy, however the heat caused him to step back.
Shit! Riza is in here!
He’d begun to panic. He needed to act, needed to move to find her –
But he couldn’t just go charging in. Not anymore. He had a son at home who Roy had promised he’d bring his Mummy home safe and sound. If Roy ran into the fire only to die himself, Maes would be left with no one. That thought constricted his throat and caused him to choke on more than just the black smoke billowing out of the hole he’d created in the wall.
“Sir!” he heard Havoc call. Whirling around, Roy ran towards the direction of the Captain’s voice. It was in the opposite direction of the flames, so he would be safe, Riza would be safe.
“Over here!”
Roy stumbled to a stop in front of his wife. She was slumped against the dirty wall, hair matted, face bruised with old abrasions on her cheekbones, coupled with a split lip. One leg was outstretched – that must be the dislocated knee – and –
She was lying in a pool of her own blood.
A large pool.
There was a smear as she’d obviously dragged herself along the floor and Roy followed it, finding another pool about five metres away.
Roy’s knees crumbled and he hit the flor painfully, landing in that deep, red, pool.
It’s just like the Promised Day.
Those nightmares still plagued him, so it looked like this was fresh fuel to add to that fire.
“Riza?” he whispered, throat catching as the soot from the fire blew over towards them.
“We need to go,” Havoc urged. He was sat beside Riza, holding the back of her neck in his hand as his other gripped her bloody one tightly.
Without hesitation, Roy lifted Riza into his arms, cradling her body against his.
He didn’t even know if she was still breathing, still alive.
“Come on, Riza,” he chanted as they ran towards the exit. “Stay with me,” he pleaded. “This of Maes. He needs his mother. Fight for him. Please.”
Once outside Roy disregarded every thought of the burning building behind him. All that mattered was the woman in his arms. Ever so gently, he laid her on the ground and brushed her hair out of her face. He lowered his cheek, tilting her chin back, agonising over whether he would feel her breath on his skin or not.
It was there. Barely.
Roy let out a strangled sound of relief. Wiping away his silent tears, he gripped her hand and looked up frantically for the paramedics he’d ordered to arrive as soon as they did.
“Roy?” a quiet rasp called to him.
His head snapped down and he looked at his wife. This wonderful woman who had kept him on the right path, who didn’t put up with his shit, and who had opened him up to love over the years…
He couldn’t lose her.
Not his touchstone, his constant.
He refused.
“Hey,” he greeted in a whisper. “Hey, I’ve got you. It’s going to be okay.”
“I’m… Hurts…”
“I know, honey, I know,” he sniffed, tears falling down his cheeks. “I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of, I promise. The paramedics are running over now. Just rest.”
“I…” Her voice hitched. “I don’t –”
“Don’t talk like that,” Roy begged, brushing her matted fringe off her face. He left a smear of blood on her forehead. “Think of Maes,” he added, suddenly very desperate. Her eyes were drifting and unfocussed. She wouldn’t be awake for much longer. “Think of our son. He asks for you every day. “When will Mummy come home?” he asks, and I don’t… I never know what to tell him. But I promised I would bring you home to him so please, hang on.” Roy bowed his head, squeezing his eyes closed, making more tears fall onto his wife’s form. “I don’t know what I’ll do if you don’t,” he admitted.
“Sir, please move back,” the paramedic commanded.
“Maes,” Riza mumbled.
“Yes, Maes,” Roy encouraged. The paramedic gestured him to continue.
“Keep her talking,” he commanded as he worked to help Riza.
“Maes came home from school today with a picture he’d drawn for you. He wouldn’t let me see it, he wanted to save the surprise just for you.”
Roy’s heart had broken in two as his son explained the situation with a toothy grin.
“This is for Mummy, so she’ll be the first to see it Daddy, sorry!”
He’d almost broken down there.
According to Maes Mustang, his mother was in the hospital and was very sick. No one could go and see her because she had a special illness that other people couldn’t catch or it would make them very sick too. That was the lie Roy had resorted to, because how do you tell your five-year-old son that his mother has been kidnapped? And that his father was doing everything in his power to find her, but, as always, Roy felt he could never do enough?
With that lie, if they did find her and she was alive, it would play out in his favour. If they found her and she wasn’t…
Well, that lie would work in his favour too.
Maes’ mood had dropped after the first week. He had climbed into his parent’s bed one night, hours after Roy had put him down. Roy had allowed it because in all honesty, he needed his son near him. He needed a reminder of Riza, and Maes was the best thing. Their son had his hair colour, but he had his father’s long spiky hair and his mother’s fringe. His big eyes came from his mother, but his pupils were black, like his. Every time Roy saw him smile it was Riza’s smile. Apparently, he had Roy’s laugh. Their son – their miracle – was a perfect blend of them both.
For the last two weeks Maes had slept in their bed, seeking the comfort from his father, and Roy wouldn’t take that away from him, especially when Roy needed it himself.
“I miss Mummy,” Maes had whispered into the dark room.
Roy did break down then. He’d clutched Maes to his chest as he cried, his body heaving. Little Maes joined in too, crying because his Daddy was crying and that was scary, but also because he missed his Mummy.
“Daddy?” he’d warbled, rolling over in Roy’s grip. A small hand was placed on Roy’s cheek. “Why… Why are you crying?” he sobbed.
“I…” How do I do this? “I just miss Mummy, kiddo. A lot.”
“I miss her too. A lot,” Maes had admitted quietly. “She’ll get better though, won’t she? You’ll help her feel better? You always do, she told me.”
For the umpteenth time since Riza’s disappearance, Roy’s heart had broken in two.
He had no answer for his son. He’d searched and searched for long hours at work. His days were almost ten, eleven hours long, because he refused to stop looking for her. It wasn’t good for his health and it wasn’t good for Maes, but Roy had vowed to himself that he wouldn’t rest until his wife was found. He made a promised to Riza that he would find her. And he made a promise to Maes that he would bring his Mummy back to him.
“I believe in you, Daddy. You can make her better.”
Roy had tugged Maes against him and cried silently as the two drifted off to sleep.
“My boy,” Riza murmured to herself, drawing Roy out of his painful memories of the last three weeks.
“Yes, Maes is waiting for you at home.”
“I miss him,” she sobbed, body shuddering as she cried. Roy closed his eyes against the pain in his chest, her words drawing him back to that night in their bed where Maes had joined him for the first time.
“He misses you too. So much.”
“Tell him… Tell him I… Love him.”
“Tell him yourself,” Roy replied softly, smoothing her hair down.
“I… I don’t –”
“You’ll be able to tell him. I promise,” Roy interrupted, unable to even bear the thought of Riza saying anything else. He forced the possibility out of his mind, not even entertaining the thought. No, this was Riza Mustang. She was strong as hell. They had been through hell together already, multiple times, and this would be no different. He was late, but he would be by her side every step of the way.
“It’s time to move her,” the paramedic stated. “On my count.” Roy backed away to allow them to lift Riza onto their stretcher. He watched on helplessly as his wife was wheeled into the back of an ambulance, desperate to do more, but unable to do anything further. She was out of his hands now.
Roy hopped in the back of the ambulance with them and received no protest.
“I’ll deal with this, boss,” Havoc stated through the earpiece. Roy had jumped, forgetting it was in there. He blinked as he caught his subordinate’s eye just before the doors closed and the siren begun to sound. They were wet, Havoc’s expression schooled and under control, but his eyes betrayed his true feelings.
To them all, Riza was part of their little family. To see her like this… It was hard. These past three weeks had worn them all down, even Falman up in Briggs as he called for regular updates and the offer to travel south to help them.
“Thank you, Havoc.”
“Tell her she better be awake soon,” he sniffed as the ambulance started to move, speeding towards the hospital in Central. “She’s been through too much to let this beat her.”
Roy swallowed the lump in his throat. “Thanks, Havoc. I’ll pass it on.” Havoc sniffed again on the other side of the line.
“Fuery?” Havoc asked.
“Yes, sir?” The younger soldier’s voice sounded thick with emotion, having heard their whole conversation through the earpiece.
“This place is massive,” Havoc stated. Roy wasn’t really paying attention to their conversation anymore. He was simply focussing on his wife’s slack face underneath the oxygen mask. “Can you drag up the blueprints for this place? I want to see where the fire could have possibly started.”
“Right away, sir. Breda, can you head down to archives and look out this file for me? I’ll stay on the line for now. Thank you, sir.”
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Gotham s5ep1 “Year Zero” Personal Review
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““It will come”  “A thousand rounds of freshly minted nine millimeter stock”  Warning spoilers below  
 Hello there Gotham. The scenery with Edward arming himself and the disturbed vinyl sound makes me remember everything why I love this show. Oh, Oswald all dolled up and with a knife, I love it even more!  
“It's two minutes past pumpkin time, sweetheart.” I was worried about BARBARA KEAN. The last season ended as if they would make her some horrible “someone got what feminism is about really wrong” character but there she is protecting women, looking stunning and being god damn reasonable! She´s doing good! She´s doing it on her own terms. Granted the men buying time thing seems a tad bit silly but could be quite entertaining, also pragmatism rules!  “Honey, no one is asking you to forget what happened, but how do we protect the women who come in here every day looking for safety? We need this.”  It was heart breaking and inspiring to hear her tell Tabitha  “I need you too” This is how it should be, this is how you should do it. Also this just erased all my memory to all the wonky Barba and Ra´s al Ghul stuff.  Please just don´t let her be all cray cray mad from  now on. I really root for Oswalds ““Can we move past this? Say the whole Tabitha-Butch chapter is over?” approach. I could have done without all the BUTCH & TABITHA GALAVAN stuff. It just made barely any sense for Tabitha. It lessened the unexpected joy over finding out Tabs actually cared about Barbara. And while I always found it odd that OSWALD COBBLEPOT would neglect his revenge it feels stale at that point.  And for me it gets even more cheapened if they have it circle on with Barbara trying to off Oswald. Things should come to an end or it makes something grave look like some soap opera relationship drama know.   [Also why am I so suspicious about Tabs “don´t” line maybe being not only pure love and reason but a hint that she will somehow be back. Like oddly I don´t feel they would bring her back, but .. still suspicious!] “Gee. For a second there, I was worried.” Gee that was a good line. But I´m not really feeling it that SELINA KYLE would put the blame on Bruce like that. I get the pain, I get where she is and I get that there has to be some strain in between them because of this but I also feel like Selina would know, recognize and acknowledge that it is just Jeremiah who is to blame and no one else. Her saying something like that in that moment and state that she is in, perfectly reasonable but I so hope they won´t go further down that route once she´s healed (just have to assume that’s gonna happen) Sure it also seems to go hand in hand with her NO1. rule, that she just should have stuck to it and her going astray lead to her state and that Bruce is ultimately to blame which would send her on an even more solitary path than the one she has been on before, full of resentment for others BUT she´s always broken that rule, she´s always taken risk for others and not always has some profit from it, still she must have recognized to worth of that, I hope the writers won´t ignore that, like just to drive Bruce and Selina apart or something. The two of them had plenty of conflict, there is some things that Bruce actually did that Selina blames and resent him for, they do not need this as source of conflict. Also they already had her in a hospital and hopeless situation. Enough!  But damn, those first few scenes. Camren Bicondova is such an amazing actress. This just broke my heart before I even got to know what situation she is in. Also damnit, I didn´t need the feelz of this plot line, I really didn´t please just let Selina be ok again soon! ALFRED PENNYWORTH seems to be out of his depth with everything, but hell who wouldn´t be. It seems they´ll keep pushing Bruce to be the one to call the tune, especially since Jim signing him in.  That surgeon should just kiss Alfred, they should just let off some steam, clear the head, get rid of some tension and have Alfred build up something of his usual shine. Like I know it´s important for Bruce that someone watches Selina while he tries to fight for the medicine in the basement, and it´s great that he trusts Alfred with this but idk I feel like there´s still plenty of punches for him to throw in the right faces. “It's made him unassailable.” Can we talk about the shade in that line: “I mean, we have Penguin in City Hall, for God's sakes. He raided the armory and stockpiled weapons, then repurposed a factory to manufacture ammunition.” Jim´s voice was awesome when he delivered that. Like can you believe it, off all malady, we got penguin in the city hall, what a disgrace, I can´t believe it. But I´m glad OSWALD COBBLEPOT was clever to get things going well for him! Love that. He looks great too. But why the hell did he dress everyone around him so bland and boring??!!! Where is the previous style. Bring it back! Why is everyone looking so unhappy.  >>> Oh no .. was this fashion foreshadowing. Apparently, Oswald dines well while letting everyone else starves.  I feel Mr. Penn´s accusatory, disappointed and annoyed gaze. Also what is with all that politician like rhetoric? It´s bland, it´s boring. And it´s at odd times. Oswald has always been great with talk but now there´s something else happening and I don´t like it.  I mean it´s great that he´s back on track with the self preservation thing , it suits him and it´s nice but he´s shown great concern for the people of Gotham and now he wouldn´t care at all that people starve in his workshop?! #notmypenguin  I don´t buy it, and just because SELINA KYLE alone didn’t devastate me and I´m in that kind of mood I´m gonna read it into Oswald as well. After all I do think it makes more sense if I see Oswald being not quite in a dissimilar place than Selina is, or rather he is where I do think Selina could be if they give her back her agility (and hopefully a will to live) and just let her off without mental health treatment. Resentful, only being able to acknowledge the bad that has been done to them, desperately trying to keep themselves safe and especially keep themselves safe from others. I think it´s even telling that Selina can´t walk and they show Oswald getting a device for his leg just to be shot in it later. Oswald seems genuinely relieved and happy, the “feels good” carries joy. The device probably lessened the pain he has been in and moreover it grants him more mobility and agility, which in the current environment is more important than ever. However that cheery mood just lasts a tiny moment, it´s promptly followed by: put a knife on it . It´s pure survival. There´s some happy laughter about the new improvement but promptly Mr. Penn enters with more bad news and even worse something that basically challenges him and his leadership. Oswald just has to dismiss it. I feel like him talking so carelessly about the workers is not actually the lack of care but him being in a state where he just can´t acknowledge it. Something that he previously might have seen as something that needs to be tackled and resolved is now just a threat > Dismiss it! Same with the food. It´s not perfect, it´s not up to standard, it´s not what it should be > Overcooked, just get rid of it altogether. Not acceptable. Previous Oswald would have acknowledged a problem but would also have seen the other side and tried to utilize both but now he just can´t. Moreover his appearance is more on point than ever, meticulous even, and we get a scene with a makeup brush which certainly highlights this. > Everything has to be perfect, in place and under his control, he can´t tolerate anything else. He just can´t provide a target, and even if it´s smeared eyeliner. I think he´s strained, he´s scared, he´s terrified, he´s hurt. And it took a toll on him.  It also explains the constant politician lingo, he just sees everything as a threat and he has to fire and try to disarm with the politician protocol. He can´t get to the core of a situation anymore it´s just politics of survival. Maybe even more in his head than it actually is. [Okay to be fair maybe I´m not taking into account the full situation, after all it is more than reasonable to fear for his life in his situation, even Tabitha aside, but it´s not like he hasn´t navigated through that before] [Also, I might just read nonsense into this because I´m sad and because I just don´t want Oswald to be a cookie cutter meaaaniie] 
* Also how is everyone else just so great at acting. I´m shook. I thought, as usual with the time jump I´m just gonna be annoyed and really wondering how everyone got to the place where they are and why they suddenly liked someone or disliked them (*cough* Oswald n Babs what happened) but I´m just super emotional about how they all talk to each other.  The scene with JIM GORDON & HARVEY BULLOCK & LUCIUS FOX discussing their situation was just so brilliant. (“And the truth?” “We're on our own.” “The truth is we have no idea what might happen. And our job is to keep ourselves and everyone else alive.” > so sell them hope) Respectful, open, aware of the situation, direct no sugar coating but mutual understanding. Same with the JIM & BRUCE SCENES. Feels like they really want to build them up to “Equals” pretty quickly.  Even the scene with JIM & SCARECROW was brilliant. “I know what you're thinking, Captain. I have so few bullets. Do I spend one on him? Is it worth it? “I already know it's not.” But damnit the boy is worth everything. Although I find it really hard to see scarecrow as Jonathan Crane or see any connection between those, I guess it´s more convenient to just let that go and enjoy Scarecrow like he is.  It´s great to have so many references of characters knowing what shit all the others are in as well. Tabitha/Barbara quickly call that Oswald is short on supply. It gives me an odd “we´re all in this together” vibe despite all of them still fighting each other. But as it seems they´re indeed going to team up. Another example of this was: “Sorry. Mouths to feed. And you know all about that, don't you?” I chuckled when OSWALD COBBLEPOT pulled that one on JIM GORDON. Despite having more guns, Oswald still went for the verbal manipulation, try to make Jim see him as basically doing the same just on another side, with other methods.  Also can we talk about they paralleled them as well with the matter of TRUTH! “Truth is, I was never gonna make that deal. I need all those supplies.” “But if it was me, wouldn't I just admit it?  I mean, it's not like I'm going to be arrested.” Oswald really didn´t have a reason to say that he didn´t shot the chopper down except for it being the truth. Jim really didn´t need to tell Oswald that his deal was just a ruse and never genuine, except for it being the truth. No matter the situation, no matter the circumstances those two do share some values! Apart from GOBBLEPOT subtext still going strong we´ve reached another HARVEY BULLOCK & JIM GORDON milestone. It´s their beginning 2.0. No matter what they´ve been trough, no matter how their relationship changed they are basically back to Season 1. In season one Jim held up his badge and announced everything has to be done the right way. Then Harvey Bullock scolded the boy scout and lectured him on Gotham´s ways. The right way doesn´t work in Gotham.  Not we have Jim do the same, and Harvey sticking to his old role. “Three months ago, I would've lost my badge for that.” ..  “You want rules for this game? I'll tell you. I'll make it simple, okay? You win or you die. Next time, shoot to kill.” * “Fine. Whatever.” Oh mood. * “Say it walking.” Oh Harvey, that´s a great one. * “I haven't been happy in ten years.” Oh shit what a mood again. * “Everything all right?” “No, but we're alive, so that's something.” Great line, and I kinda wish it was a mood. * Is the pilot okay? I´m worried. * “You´ve earned a place here” and then Bruce doing that tiny tiny tiiny nod … * Also Jim Gordon not regretting staying in Gotham “Hell no” holding up hope like that, although he might not even have it himself is wonderful. He really radiates the vibe that he got this as much as someone can in that situation.  * Things I (and probably everyone else) just knew would happen 1. Tabitha: “He's gonna regret giving me this.” > Penn: Hey just letting you know quality suffered Oswald: Bullshit *fires shot*  bullet doesn´t go the kind of boom it should > Another bullet does the same making the talk about regret echo in a mean but expected twist. 2. Gotham: A chopper will bring us the much needed supplies it´s gonna be great, it´s just gonna work once but it will work Chopper: Get shot down, what a surprise 3. Dumpster in an alley: Is there  Audience: Ah Edward´s new bed *waits* Yes there he is. EDWARD NYGMA set up in a game against himself could develop really nice. And they had some great visuals in the scenes with him!
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ventrue-rosary · 5 years
Every 5 character development questions for your dnd girls
Thank you so much for all the q’s!! I’ll do this for my current fab four otherwise we’ll be here all year. Under a read more bec LENGTH
005. Are they in good health?
Lyris: Physically, fit as a fiddle. Mentally she’s totally fucked but that’s what happens when old trauma resurfaces
Amaranthe: Yep. Not as young as she once was, but he’s still pretty young in half-elf terms. Hasn’t been fighting as much so she’s not quite as strong as one would think
Autumn: Yep, home safe and in one piece. She still has her anger issue but she’s learning to get a handle on that herself
Felicia: Yep, can’t really complain
010. Do they believe in love at first sight?
Lyris: Nope. Lust as first sight, however
Autumn: Oh yes. She maaaay have fallen for a handsome charming drow that took her to a masquerade. It was all very romantic she was practically swooning in his arms. It didn’t last though. He kissed her then ditched her
Amaranthe: Not really. Love to her is something that grows slowly with enough nurturing
Felicia: Hell no
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
Lyris: Who not both?
Autumn: Fists
Amaranthe: Depends on context. Is it a noble trying to undermine her? Tongue. A werewolf about to disembowel her? Stabby time
Felicia: Fists
020. What are their hobbies?
Lyris: Not many people know but she is quite the adept songstress. Proficient in the lute with quite a pleasant singing voice. She is quite find of sex though as well
Amaranthe: Reading, dancing, and she takes up archery post Curse of Strahd. Fortunately she is friends with one of the most skilled archers the world has ever seen
Autumn: Doodling. She is not great but also not terrible at art. She is slowly learning to get better. But like her mother, she also has an appreciation for reading
Felicia: Fencing, reading and drinking
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise?
Lyris: Good sense of humour and a filthy mind
Amaranthe: Someone intelligent, kind, flirty, independent and knows how to have a laugh
Autumn: Chivalry, kindness, gentleness and a bit of wit never hurts
Felicia: Strength of mind, boldness, flirtatious 
030. Do they believe in the afterlife?
Lyris: She once belonged in a clotister for one of the most influential gods of all time. She can hardly claim ignorance
Amaranthe: She believes, but never really bothers putting much thought in it. Her primary concern is with the living, but once her son dies her mind wonders from time to time
Autumn: Not in the typical sense of biblical heaven and hell but she does believe there is a place out there for the departed
Felicia: Nope
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by?
Lyris: The means justify the ends
Amaranthe: That everyone, no matter their status in society, are deserving of her time and her kindness
Autumn: She must learn a way to control the fire inside of it, and only weaponise it against those deserving of it
Felicia: Never kill someone who doesn’t have a weapon in their hands
040. What is their obsession?
Lyris: Gooooold!
Amaranthe: I don’t really think she has any ‘obsessions’ tbh. She has a vested interest in monsters, and hopes to fill her bestiary one day.
Autumn: Small, cute fluffy animals. And post-campaign: babies
Felicia: Sirens, but not for the right reason
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions?
Lyris: Not sure if dragon stuck in the body of an elf counts
Amaranthe: None 
Autumn: Her barbaric rage
Felicia: Nope
050. How does your character feel about their own mortality?
Lyris: Knows its inevitable but does wonder what lies ahead. Will she go to hell? Will Bahamut soare her soul?
Amaranthe: Has almost died several times, did die once. She has made peace with the fact next time she dies she likely won’t be so fortunate
Autumn: Doesn’t exactly savour the thought
Felicia: The only pirates that grow old are bad pirates
055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?
Lyris: Extrovert
Amaranthe: Introvert but quite a confident one
Autumn: Introvert
Felicia: Extrovert
060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning?
Lyris: Knowing how to skin a rabbit and build a shelter are more important than numbers and letters. But thats not to say she doesn’t know arithmetic or her letters
Amaranthe: It is important! There can’t be a half-wit illiterate monarch in charge
Autumn: Wants to learn but more often than not spaced-out during her tutoring lessons. Other than the lessons about tieflings and their history. She was quite interested in that
Felicia: Views it as just an essential part of life, but never really enjoyed it
065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer?
Lyris: She prefers being a leader, but that doesn’t make her a good one
Amaranthe: A born leader, but in her travels she followed the lead of Balthazar. She never looked forward to inheriting the throne but she proved a good Queen
Autumn: Prefers following, but sometimes her anger flared up and she ended up taking lead of a situation, which never ended pretty.
Felicia: Oh, she adores being Captain, and in her mind she’s good. In her mind.
070. What about your character is cowardly?
Lyris: Gets drunk instead of facing her problems
Amaranthe: It took neaely dying before she confessed her love
Autumn: Awkward about all things romantic. Had to drink heavily to get through Kevir’s confession
Felicia: She has several phobias that when confronted with all rationality goes out the window
075. Is your character ticklish?
Lyris: Not really. But if you try you’ll get knifed
Amaranthe: In certain places, yes
Autumn: E X T R E M E L Y
Felicia: Not very. Though no one has really tried
080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions?
Lyris: Pretty easy, because she gets stupid when she’s emotional
Amaranthe: Again, easy. She wears her heart on her sleeve
Autumn: Even easier. Autumn has always been sensitive
Felicia: Does a better job than the rest of them hiding her emotions. That doesn’t mean they’re completely masked though
085. Describe your character in three words.
Lyris: Flirty, sexy, dragon
Amaranthe: Queen, beautiful, destined
Autumn: Fiery, beloved, ethereal
Felicia: Loyal, silver-tongued, lithe
090. How bodily expressive is your character?
Lyris: Extremely so. Body language is just an important as words when flirting, after all
Amaranthe: Not very. 
Autumn: Very. If she has a problem to express with you, she’ll do so with her fist
Felicia: She likes to gesture and swagger when speaking to her crew to punctuate her words. Its all part of a performance, really
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do.
Lyris: Sing, breathe fire, bend her legs back behind her head
Amaranthe: Speak infernal, garden, build campfires and shelters
Autumn: Draw, sing, ?? She’s pretty hopeless at other things that fall out of royal peoples jurisdictions
Felicia: Dance, cook, mend clothing
100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about?
Lyris: Not really. Elves trance rather than sleep so she doesn’t really have any dreams
Amaranthe: Nightmares about her time in Barovia, about the death of her son or sex dreams about her husband. There is no between
Autumn: Nightmares about Winter, but also some happy dreams about Kevir
Felicia: Nightmares about the night the sirens attacked or just your standard surreal dreams everyone has
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jodiwalker · 6 years
TATBT Recommends: 'The Haunting of Hill House,' AKA, Spooky 'Parenthood'
"Ghosts can be a lot of things: a memory, a daydream... but most times they're just what we want to see."
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**This article originally appeared in the TATBT newsletter. No spoilers beyond the first episode!**
Steven Crain uses these words to undermine the idea of "real" ghosts in the earliest moments of this ghost story, immediately establishing himself as The Haunting of Hill House’s skeptical audience surrogate (although I trust that we are all much less of a drag than Steve, while simultaneously being just as hot as him).
Series creator Mike Flanagan then spends the next 10 episodes proving to us and to Steven, in the most frightening ways possible, that just because the ghosts of Hill House can be explained doesn't make them any less real — and no amount of logical explanation can rid Steven or his family of the ghosts that bind them together. Trauma is not logic-bound, and neither are the scars it leaves behind.
The Haunting of Hill House dropped on Netflix a week ago, and while I knew it would be an extremely loose adaptation of Shirley Jackson's fearsome 1959 gothic horror novel of the same name, I surely could not have guessed that the malleable nature of that adaptation would turn this haunted house story into what I've been referring to as...Spooky Parenthood.
And that’s a compliment. Prepare yourself for a gushing recommendation,; although I do discourage you from watching Hill House with the lights off, a full bladder, or in the near vicinity of anything that casts a shadow. The list of things that made me do a double-take, followed by a full 20-second stare down to see if they moved again include: the shadow of a sink faucet, every open door in my house, and the reflection of my own face in the TV when I finally turned Hill House off.
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The Haunting of Hill House follows the Crain family at two different points in their lives: the summer when they briefly lived in a gorgeous, super haunted Victorian manor that was "born bad," and then 26 years later when a great tragedy forces them to reckon with the ways in which that house never left them, no matter how long ago they left it. The nonlinear nature of this family story might lend itself more glaringly to a This Is Us comparison, but the thing is...I'm the one making said comparison, and I think Parenthood is a far superior family drama to This Is Us.
And The Haunting of Hill House is, indeed, an excellent family drama. Who knew?! I love a good scare, especially around Halloween, so I set into Hill House expecting to do a little doom, make a little ghost, get scared tonight. All those things happened, but I also found myself crying repeatedly — a reaction to entertainment I both cherish and live in fear of. The cleverness of this series is that Flanagan understands that horror can be doubly horrifying when its rooted in care.
After getting to know the Crain family, you don't just want these people not to be tormented by ghosts because ghosts are the worst; you don't want them not to be tormented by ghosts because you care for them, in that same complicated way they care for each other in the midst of their own grief and tragedy.
The scares of Hill House aren’t just frightening...they’re sad. And surely there is nothing more frightening than despair. So the question remains: can you enjoy watching a series that asks you to repeatedly bare your second-hand soul in a sea of self-reflective human tears? 
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Parenthood and The Haunting of Hill House say yes you can, and you will probably love it all the more precisely because of that emotional connection.
With style and empathy, Hill House coaxes viewers into caring for a family who turn away from their shared trauma and mental health at every turn. It makes you care for them so hard, you won't even give up on them when those turns so often reveal floating men in bowler hats and long-haired ladies with disturbing 90-degree angles in their necks.
Because of that time spent cowering under beds and around corners with the terrorized younger Crains, you understand why older Luke would turn to drugs; why Shirley would build up walls so steep no one can get in; why Theo would give so much to her work and so little to herself; why Nell would find the allure of her mother's own mysterious demise irresistible in the wake of numbing personal tragedy; and why Steve...
Well, Steve is just kind of sanctimonious and rude, but he's an eldest child with a superiority complex, and when building a family drama, it's important to depict accurate family dynamics. We need look no further than Adam and Kristina Braverman to know that just because someone is annoying doesn't mean they're not bringing a necessary ingredient to the familial table.
Sorry oldest children. — signed, ME, an endlessly lovable youngest child; a more reliable Crosby, if you will.
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Of course, the youngest child in this scenario is Nell, a touch on the unreliable side because at only 6-years-old when her parents moved her to Hill House, she and her twin Luke were most vulnerable the spectral happenings within. A child cannot use logic or happenstance to explain away what's right in front of them — they can only see what's there. It's no surprise that being told what’s right in front of you is actually all in your head could leave psychological scars so lasting they'd lead grown-up Nell to...
Well, you’ll see.
If you don't like horror or earnestness, there's a good chance you won't like The Haunting of Hill House. But if you like even one of those things, this weird hybrid of a series might just sway you into liking the other. To call it "fun" would not exactly be correct on account of all the oppressive grief and sorrow and whatnot. But it thrills in that way only a truly spooky story can, and the family at its center is so thoroughly engaging.
Undoubtedly, life is a far more difficult journey for the Crains than it was for the Bravermans, but I am here to tell you, the healing that awaits them at the end of this battle is worth the fights and frights, if you’re willing to take the trip with them.
Oh that's right — this show is scary as hell and it gets a (mostly) happy ending. A few other helpful things to know going in:
I've said repeatedly that Flanagan takes his time establishing empathy for the Crain family through recognizable sibling dynamics, and familial grief and devotion, but there is one thing he employs that establishes connection immediately...
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The Crains are all smokin’ gorgeous, starting with their parents played by Henry Thomas in a pair of spooky-but-whatever-I'm-into-it blue contacts and Carla Gugino who has been maybe the most beautiful woman in the world for like 20 years running. The woman does not age, she just spawns cute little versions of herself who grow up to be beautiful, haunted adult iterations of herself. And the only thing I like more than a group of unreasonably hot characters...
Is the perfect casting of miniature versions of those characters. Seriously, I know y'all like This Is Us, but eat your fucking heart out Mandy Moore's painted-on wrinkles. The kids in that show are cute and they bear a passing resemblance to their adult counterparts, sure, but look at this:
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Elizabeth Reaser (grown-up Shirley) and Lulu Wilson (l'il Shirley and also Camille's ghost sister in Sharp Objects) look...exactly alike??? It is wild. And it just goes on from there...
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I've hardly even mentioned Theo, the coolest Crain sibling by far, played by the impossibly gorgeous Kate Siegel in full-size, and by the most prolific child actor of her generation, McKenna Grace, in fun-size.
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I have mentioned Steve, but it's worth noting that much of his insufferable adult characteristics are assuaged by the fact that his younger self (Paxton Singleton) is a highly endearing little preteen nugget, and his older self is played by hot ass Michiel Huisman pretending to be a nerd by always carrying around a pair of lucite-framed glasses, but never actually wearing them.
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And, oh the twins; these poor, poor twins who have just the most adorable faces, you can almost understand how a ghost would want to get all up in there for a squeeze. Given all these Honey-I-Shrunk-the-Actor magic tricks, it could only be intentional that tiny bespectacled Luke (Julian Hilliard who must have Jacob Tremblay absolutely shaking) grows up to be Oliver Jackson-Cohen who could legitimately play Captain America post-experiment. 
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The camera spends a lot of its 10-hour run time zoomed-in on the face of little Nelly (Violet McCraw), so it's a delight every time you're struck once more by how much grown-up Nell (Victoria Pedretti) looks exactly like an enlarged version of her child self...even if every zoom of grown-up Nell is not a delight in and of itself.
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That’s from the first episode! It’s not a spoiler, really! You’ll just have to watch!
The Mall of America is opening, Ross Perot thinks he should run for President, and the Crain family have just moved to Hill House with intentions of flipping it to make enough money for their "forever home." It's difficult to immediately tell what time period the Crains are in when they move into Hill House because Olivia, the warm but occasionally possessed Crain mother is prone to swanning around the drafty mansion in velvet robes and wedges.
So, sometimes you might feel like it's 1970, but knowing from the beginning that it's 1992 could be helpful to your viewing experience.
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The present-day timeline is 26 years later, and this will make it all the more curious as to why they brought in Timothy Hutton to play a 26-years-later Henry Thomas when Timothy Hutton is only 10 years older than Henry Thomas, but...should I just show you the young-and-old Shirley comparison again, and what say we forget all about this misstep??
The first five episodes of Hill House are building blocks, each one told from a different Crain sibling's perspective. I don't normally like to say this because it can make a viewer hyper-aware of their own viewing experience, but you gotta stay vigilant when there are ghouls peeking out from every dark corner anyway, so here goes: Just give it a few episodes! You might not find yourself enthralled in the first one or two, but the build is so enjoyable along the way. Y'know, if you find secondhand suffering and personal terror enjoyable (I doooo).
And once you make it to episode 5 — Nell's episode — you might not shake it for days. I certainly would not recommend watching it right before bedtime or in any sort of rush. I can think of few other entertainment experiences so suspenseful and conclusive; so terrifying and moving all at once.
And that emotional climax makes the perfect entry point to the marathon that is episode 6, which plays out like a stage production in only five continuous shots, the longest one running 17 minutes straight.
And this is where I warn you that some people who have loved the series have not loved the final episode. I am not one of those people because I'm sappy as hell and I love a perfectly tied ribbon around an oozing, molding, rotten, terror-wrapped package.
No, the emotion-heavy resolution of Hill House is not subtle, but family resolutions rarely are. They take time, and work, and they cannot be passive. Deep wounds — cuts that have been kept open for a lifetime — must be healed with intention. The ghosts that have haunted the Crain family for decades haven't disappeared by the time the final credits roll, but acknowledging that they were ever there in the first place is comfort enough.
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pharlooom · 6 years
my opinions on cullen rutherford
over the past few days, I’ve gotten a some anonymous asks requesting me to explain what I think of cullen rutherford, because if you’ve noticed, I’ve been posting a lot of cullen content right now. I feel this is a great time to share my feelings about him and the Discourse around him, also what I think about various opinions this toxic, toxic fanbase has about him.
feel free to add, praise, disagree, or completely obliterate me for this in reblogs or replies. these are my opinions, some gotten from others, some crafted from my own readings and personal views. hate cullen or like him, say what you will, but if you respect my opinions, I will respect yours.
short version: I like cullen. I like his character. I genuinely appreciate his character growth and development and his change. 
long version: from what I know and what I’ve read, this fandom likes to tear him to bits for a bunch of reasons, some of which are so vast and really heavy, I don’t know if I can go into them with enough knowledge of the lore. so it’s neat, I’ll state my opinion and then discuss it.
his abuse at the circle in dao explains his trauma, it doesn’t excuse his absolute shit treatment of mages
yep, I know the whole cullen “mages aren’t people” rutherford is only one of like 273 hearts of the #cullen critical community, but it’s the one people tend to address the most.
but his torture at ferelden’s circle doesn’t excuse his actions, it explains why he hates mages. I don’t know where cullen haters get the idea that the stans only use this as an excuse so their White Chantry Boy can be free to shit on mages wherever he pleases. no. he doesn’t have an excuse. he doesn’t have a get out of jail free card. in da2, his position of knight-captain and shitty treatment of mages is explained by the fact that he suffered a bad experience from them. you can’t just dismiss this. it’s an important part of his character as a whole and seeing haters say that “people use it as justification” is wrong.
and to stans who say that he’s free to hate mages because of this, stop that (though I haven’t seen this yet, I’m sure it’s happening somewhere).
he hates mages because he was traumatized by what happened in ferelden’s circle. that’s an explanation, not a justification. see? that isn’t the same as “it’s okay for him to hate mages because he was traumatized by what happened in ferelden’s circle.”
he was a shit person in da2
there is literally no saving him from this. I won’t come to his rescue or shield him from the criticism, he was terrible.
but, while I’m still on the subject, refer to the first opinion. I feel some people forget his abuse that happened in the prior game. so if you must hate him, hate him with his abuse in mind. hate him for the right reasons. hate that he was in a position to do something but didn’t, that “mages aren’t people” line. understand where he comes from, what he’s been through, then feel free to criticize him in the #cullen critical tag like a person with a clear and open mind.
he joined the templars because he wanted to help people
sometimes we forget that cullen joined the templars because he thought that at the age of thirteen, the templars were helping. this doesn’t excuse his actions later, but the very reason he joined the templars in the first place was because he wanted to help. he didn’t go into the order thinking “all mages r eveil.” when asked why he joined the order, he literally said: “I can think of no better calling than to protect those in need.”
and yes, I know that mages are coded (?) as oppressed people irl. but you have to understand that though they suffer the same oppression, mages and oppressed people irl are vastly different. irl, there’s less of a reason to stand with the oppressors because we’re all human beings with the same capabilities. in thedas, there really is a reason to be afraid of mages when they can literally raise the dead or summon fire at their fingertips. even if they can gain control of these abilities, they are dangerous. there’s a reason why circles had to be built. some circles are chill, and others are horribly abusive. still, you have to understand the validated fear behind thedas looking down on mages.
I don’t understand how him not acting on his affections on the warden or whatever is creepy???
I honest to goodness don’t get this. if you flirt with him too much, he even runs in the opposite direction. people have infatuations that can last for many years, sure, but it happens. people like people for a long time. and it’s not like hof is on his mind 24/7. all I can think of is when you ask him about how he knew her in dai, and that table banter with leliana where he asks about her, but that’s it??? that’s all I can think of??
I’m satisfied with his character development in dai
no, I don’t want him to apologize more than he already is. no, I don’t want the option to oust him from the inquisition. no, I don’t want the inquisitor to be given the option to shit on him, romance or not. no, I don’t want to give him all the ugly missions at the table because he’s an ugly adviser. no, I don’t want hawke or varric to call him out.  
he’s growing, he’s changing. he realizes he’s a shit person, remembers all of the horrible things he’s done, and wants to better himself. I don’t give a shit about “how fast and ooc” it is for a character to change, I am all for positive character development. (I know this argument can and will be used against me. I have longer opinions about this positive character development deal, but for now, know I’m all for it.)
go back to dai and talk to him. just really listen to him. he isn’t even justifying his actions. he constantly says that all the shit he did is bad, scolding himself when he felt like he could have done better. and even when he’s explaining the events, like what happened at ferelden’s circle, he uses it to explain why he was an awful person in kirkwall.
I also see the argument that he distrusts the mages in inquisition, but I don’t see that. and even if he “does,” it’s out of concern for both mages and non-mages. not to mention that he’s left the templars, which has basically been his life for more than a decade, so it isn’t easy for him to just let go of it and instantly say “I trust mages with my life” because you really see the worst of what magic can do in the circles, and he’s been living in them for most of his life. I mean, just look at how hard it was for him to conquer his addiction, the very thing that chained him to the templars and the chantry. he isn’t hostile to any of the mages there, you don’t even see him scolding them or berating them (this only happens once, when he breaks apart an argument between a mage and templar at haven, and even then he also takes the time to scold the templar as well and say that this isn’t the place to do that). he doesn’t seem to mind the presence of vivienne or solas. hell, he plays chess with dorian. still sound like cullen “mages aren’t people” rutherford to you?
there’s a number of times he also says that he left the order because innocent people were getting caught in the crossfires between mages and templars. it was the exact opposite thing he wanted to prevent going into the order. he wanted people to be safe, and because of the templars, people ended up dying. it isn’t hard to understand why he left.
and he left. that’s a thing, by the way. he could have stayed and just accepted the fact that he wanted this life as a child, but he left the templars knowing full well that at that point, it had been his whole life. also, he left with the knowledge that leaving the order can be straight-up insanity or death due to lyrium withdrawal. he even talks about how dangerous it is for a templar to leave and how he wants a safer way to leave the order. I really feel that was the highest point of his character: he knew leaving the order (which was a huge part of his life) was difficult, could risk death, and had to suffer major effects from withdrawal. despite that, he still did it. at the ending of trespasser, he even helps other templars conquer their addiction. you may not like his character, but you can’t deny that’s still considerably noble.
and this is where it gets personal: I’ve done shitty things in my life. I’ve said some terrible stuff to people that I can’t take back, no matter how hard I want to. mentally, I’ve shunned and hated a whole community because they were attacking me in ways that destroyed me and my mental health, and I’ve held onto that grudge for so long. I wanted to change, I wanted to be a better person, not one consumed by hatred.
when I first played dai and talked to cullen about his opinions on mages and how he wanted to break free from the order, I bawled like a baby. I cried the whole way through the lyrium addiction mission. I saw myself in his character: somebody who did a fuckton of awful things in his past and wanted to get out of it. he inspired me to be braver, to be a better version of myself, that getting out of a cycle of hating yourself and other people is possible. you can change and it’s worth it.
and that’s why whenever I read cullen hate bashing his character development and how he should “apologize more” and how he’ll never be enough or never be forgiven, no matter how hard he tries to atone for it, it always gets to me. every time people hate his character, I feel like they’ll hate people like me, people who are bad and will always be bad and can’t improve ever because they were awful before, they’ll be awful forever.
TL;DR: cullen is an amazing character. his growth and backstory speaks volumes to me. I respect and look up to him in ways that this entire thing can’t do justice. while he’s done some terrible things in the past, he isn’t good, but he isn’t bad either. I admire him for what he is now, and how he’ll continue to grow in the lore to come.
again, this is only my opinion. you are free to disagree and agree at your own leisure. hate him, don’t hate him, whatever, I respect your opinion. you’re coming from a different point of view and I absolutely love that. all I ask is that you respect my opinion in return.
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War Has the Worst Timing...
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“Rae, seriously? I’m literally testing blood samples.”
Okay, so maybe my timing was a little off as I sneak up behind the Confessor and slide my hands under her robes, but damned if she doesn’t tip her head back and purr into my ear as it happens. I know Brilaria appreciates the three days worth of scruff on my face that she’s currently nuzzling into, regardless if she’s up to her elbows in blood. I know because that fine ass of hers is pressed right against my cock and the hellcat is wiggling like its her fucking job.
“You’ll never guess what I found down the hall...” I whisper against her ear, nudging a strand of her dark brown hair out of the way so I can nibble up the length of one long ear.
“Another nurse you want me to check out?” Damn, she knows me too well... but for once, she’s wrong.
“A telesurgery station with robotic augmentation.” I can feel the shiver run down her back as I tell her about the latest Titan discovery in her ear. The moan she lets slip out is one I know well, but damned if it doesn’t make me want her all the more.
“Gods, I love when you talk medical marvels to me...” Only Bri would be ready to ride my cock into next week over the prospect of laser surgery, and gods do I love her for it.
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Brilaria Suncrest and I go back even before I lost my Rose. In fact, the Praetoriums Confessor was our favorite castmate when it came to the bedroom, as Vinnie and I were never ones for anything vanilla. It’s an arrangement that carried over even after Vinnie’s mortal form burned on the pyre and she took her rightful place as one of Eonar’s Chosen. Granted, took me about a year to want to get my dick wet after I lost her, but sure enough, when I was ready, Bri was right there.
See, she’s lost two husbands to the bullshit wars this world has conjured up, and has quite made up her mind to have nothing but casual sex for the rest of her days. Which, works well for me given my heart is waiting for me on a battlefield in Icecrown.
Bri knows that, but it’s never given her a moments pause when it came to crawling across my lap and fucking me until I can’t even remember my name. Ya gotta love a woman who knows what she wants and doesn’t demand feelings attached to mind blowing sex. Bri’s a fucking gift from the Light, sent to keep my insatiable ass from chipping away at a hundred bed posts over my lifetime. And, if I do say so myself, the girl never leaves walking straight, or without a shit eating grin... so I must be doing something right.
“You have the little girl from last week coming in for her cast in about twenty. Should be the last one of the day....” she says as I let her get back to the samples, knowing damned good and well she’ll be naked in my bed before the night’s out.
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“Alda! Yeah, I promised her we’d go check out one of the scooters I found in the supply room. That shit’s genius for kids! Took a trip to Stormwind to get her a shiny horn for it and everything. Should come down and see it...found little pink and green stars to put on it... well Neris put them on, but its still pretty great!” I can see her rolling her eyes at my excitement over this particular topic, but we’ve both been giddy since Mal brought us here.
It’s not just the city itself or what it stands for, though that is bloody fucking brilliant. No, this place has potential that comes from far more than its neutral idea of thinking, and more in the genius that exists in every corner. Sanctuary City has the potential to save thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of lives... and Bri and I both know it. We’ve dedicated our whole lives to healing people, as that’s what the Light calls us to do, but even we have our limits when it comes to what our magic can do. This place...seems to get rid of those limitations with every new piece of technology we come across. Shit, half of it I don’t even know what it does...but I’ve made it my mission to find out. We both have.
Neither of us hesitated to lend a hand when Mal said this place was in need of healers, but we totally didn’t expect this crazy ass city full of shit we can’t even pronounce, let alone use. I mean, Bri and I are both capable in most areas of healing and medical knowledge, but here? Shit... we’re in over our heads in the best fucking way imaginable.
“Still thinking about focusing on the kids here? Might help organize things a bit better...” She’s not wrong, and I can totally admit that working with kids is way better than listening to adults bitch and complain. Kids appreciate my dumb magic tricks and I gotta admit there’s nothing better than watching a little patient skip out of my company knowing they are back to full health. What can I say? I’m a sucker for make-believe and giggles that come from finding just the right spot to tickle to make them smile.
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“Figuring so. Doesn’t mean I won’t see anyone who needs it... but might give any of their parents a bit of calm knowing they talk to the same healer every time, instead of bopping around and all of us scrambling to learn charts. Ya know, especially with chronic conditions...” I’ve dealt with more than a few cases of that kind of shit over the years, hell.... unexplained illness was the reason I learned to heal as my youngest sister (Light rest her soul) spent her life struggling with it.
“Going to have to control that tongue of yours if you except to not offend half this city with your sailors mouth...” Oh, I’m going to control it all right... right between those thighs of hers later. Damned if that thought doesn’t bring a shit eating grin that splits my face wide. She knows exactly what she said... and exactly the kinda thoughts that commentary brings.
“Guess I’ll just have to wear it out so as to not slip up and yell ‘fuck’ hunh?” I really can’t help the fact that my hands wander to her ass, I mean... it’s there... and Light have mercy, makes a man just want to build an altar to it and praise it’s creation. 
I’m halfway to my knees and that very devotion when Tanner comes skidding to halt outside the room we’re in, yelping in surprise as he spins his back to us. I can see the kids ears turning as red as my hair, and all I can do is fucking laugh my ass off and let go of Bri’s hips that were all too willing to part in some hideaway closet for an afternoon delight.
“Fucking hell, Tanner... you got the shit worst timing of any person I’ve ever-” I’m ready to send his ass back to the Commander for interrupting my pursuit of Brilaria, but then he starts talking and makes my blood boil.
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“Pixie called in a 1078 for Darkshore. Horde’s launched an attack on Ashenvale, Captain. Addie’s in Darkshore with them breathing down her neck!” He’s still got his back turned, but Bri and I have lost all heat between us as we both make a grab for our medkits stacked in the corner. Fuck!
“What do you mean Horde attacked Ashenvale?” Bri asks as she trades her doctors coat for the battle robes of blue and silver she favors.  We’re already halfway out of the clinic when Tanner starts relaying the information he has. It’s not much, but it’s enough for both of us to exchange glances knowing the shit was about to hit the fan.
“Commander wants you both at the airstrip. The Baron’s already got backup on his way to Pixie, including the Runesinger....” I might dislike the Baron as a person, but that fucker doesn’t mess around when it comes to keeping our people safe. He sent our portal master after the Pixie knowing she’d need an escape route, and there’s none better. Seen that fucker rip open space right in the middle of Ulduar, so I know she’s in good hands. “Astranaar has already fallen, according to the Baron...and their destroying everything in their path on the way to Lor’Danil.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This is not good at all. “Mal’s going after the civilians.” Bri and I both realize this as the same time, as the Commander wouldn’t just sit idly by and let innocent lives fall under the weight of faction wars and banners. Tanner confirms this as we’re jogging through the city on a direct path for the airstrip, but I know this plan isn’t going to save them all. Fucking hell, there are times I really hate the fucking Horde...though a few weeks ago I was ready to make myself a nice fur rug outta Greymanes ass, so....both sides suck.
“Commander’s got the troops rallying at Light’s Hope, waiting his orders.... or whatever the  fuc-...” Tanner knows better than to adopt my language, but I can’t fault him for it right now, this whole situation is a shit storm, and I know the kids scared. “Commander has a plan that involves an airship.”
I swear to the fucking Light I can hear Bri’s mental gears turning as she starts plotting and planning the rescue effort from the healing side of things. She’ll have tents and tags ready to deploy at a moment’s notice; this isn’t either of our first rescue missions, and judging by the sound of things.. it’s not going to be our last.
“Well then, let’s go save the fucking world one more gods damned time...” I’m getting really tired of this shit. Thought I’d be done getting involved in world ending problems after the debacle in Ulduar with the Observer. You’d think after nearly being reoriginated the assholes in this world would have sat the fuck down and chilled the fuck out... but no. Here I go again, cleaning up their fucking mess.
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for mentions and all that ))
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