#the fucking starbucks took out all of the seats last month and didn’t bring them back. like lol u think i won’t sit on the floor 🤨
fridayiminlovemp3 · 6 months
all malls should be legally required to have libraries in them and also grocery stores and coffee shops with lots of seating and a giant fountain in the middle
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jungshookz · 4 years
omg it’s me again i just thought of sth and only you can make it so good;; EMT seokjiN and this prompt i saw sth like “will you stop flirting with me? you just got seriously injured and I’m the emt trying to tend to your wounds, i don’t give a fuck that i look cute when i’m concerned, you’re lucky you’re not dead you dipshit”
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➺ pairing; emt!seokjin x reader 
➺ genre; sfw!! namjoon is clumsy!! y/n is particularly cheeky that even i was like :0!! and handsome seokjin is simply handsome!! 
➺ wordcount; 4.9k
➺ what to expect; “i’m just checking out your pupils, darling. trust me. you’ll know when i’m about to kiss you.” 
➺ note; i thought i’d kick off the christmas with cee event with a jin drabble seeing as it was recently his birthday!! also i hope this drabble pumps you UP for the other drabbles that’ll be posted this month <3 happy deceember!! 
                                       »»————- ❄ ————-««
“i just don’t think this is a super good idea, you know?” namjoon mutters sheepishly, looking down at you while you busy yourself with tightening his laces, “i mean, i can barely walk three steps without tripping over a normal floor, so i don’t know if me on ice is going to be any better-”
“oh, will you please give it a break? i’ve got you!” you get up off the ground before dusting your knees off, “besides, you were the one who said you wanted to try ice-skating - and it’s not like the ice skating rink is as steep as a mountain or anything. it’s all nice and flat! see?” you gesture towards the zamboni currently making its rounds on the ice, “and we came here just in time for a nice, clean layer of ice for us to skate on. there’s nothing that could go wrong!”
“nothing that could go wrong?!” namjoon gawks, hoisting his foot up so he can rest his ankle across his knee, “look at this thing, y/n! what kind of a shoe is this?” he taps his fingernail against the metal blade before quickly retracting his hand and shuddering, “these things are literal weapons- why can’t i just skate without the skates?”
“because that... wouldn’t be ice-skating anymore? that’d just be... ice-walking. and your sneakers won’t do you any good on the ice, anyway,” you shake your head before shrugging, “the blades are supposed to help you, like- they get a… solid grip on the ice and it helps you move around better, you know? something like that.”
namjoon scoffs and leans back on the bench, “please explain to me how a thin metal blade is supposed to get a solid grip on ice-”
“look, the offer to get you one of those little kiddie things for you to hold onto still stands.” you point over to the front counter, “they have one that looks like a penguin! it’s adorable! i mean, i think it’s a little shorter than your knees so you might have to crouch down a little if i get one for you-”
“wha-” namjoon immediately frowns before crossing his arms, “y/n, i am a grown man. i don’t need to hold onto a penguin-”
“okay, suit yourself!” you chirp, sticking your hand out for him, “c’mon, you manly man. i wanna get on the ice! i’ve been waiting all week for this-”
namjoon grumbles curses under his breath as he pushes himself up off the bench
he doesn’t need a penguin!
how dare you!!!!!
you can’t help but giggle as you watch him waddle towards you, being very careful not to fall over and twist an ankle
admittedly, bringing namjoon to an ice skating rink probably wasn’t the best idea
one time he sprained his ankle after tripping over literally nothing and he had to use a crutch for like two weeks
he’s verY susceptible to injuries 
when he first brought up the idea of going to an ice-skating rink you were going to turn him down and suggest something safer and more namjoon friendly...
but it’s december!
and december is literally the time to go ice-skating!
and there’s always a hot chocolate truck that’s parked right by the rink so hopefully you’ll be able to soothe namjoon’s bruised bum (you’re betting that namjoon’s bum will be all sorts of bruised after ten minutes on the ice) with extra whipped cream and marshmallows
hopefully he won’t be as grumpy as he is now when he’s sipping on a big ol mug of rich, creamy hot chocolate
“we’re going to have so much fun! the last time i went skating, i-” as soon as you slide onto the ice, namjoon suddenly yanks you backwards
you turn to look at him only to see him gripping onto the railing for dear life
he’s not even on the ice yet!
big ol’ wimp
“what’s the matter? cold feet?” you joke, namjoon giving you an unimpressed frown, “what?? you have to admit that was a good joke-”
“that was an awful joke-”
“namjoon…” you purse your lips and place your free hand on your hip, “you know that you have to be on the ice in order to ice skate, right?” you give his hand a reassuring squeeze, “i’m not going to let you fall. i promise! but in the rare case that you do fall, feel free to fall on top of me to cushion your blow. i’ll gladly break a couple of ribs just to keep you from hitting the ground!”
“what happens if you skate circles around me and end up cutting a circle into the ice and then i fall in??”
oh god
here we go
“that’s not going to happen, namjoon.” you shake your head, “because we’re not in a cartoon.”
“what happens if i accidentally fall backwards and end up stabbing myself in the eye with the blade?”
“that’s not going to happen, namjoon- first of all, the tip of the blade is rounded off, so you won’t be stabbing anything at all, and second of all, we both know you’re not nearly flexible enough for your body to be able to bend in half like that-
“what happens if i fall to the ground and someone skates over my fingers and slices them off?!”
“that’s not going to-” you pause for a split second, “well, that could happen, so maybe just don’t fall and remember to keep your hands off the ice-”
“okay, well- i don’t want to do this anymore!!!” namjoon lets go of your hand and you resist the urge to fall to the ground and let out a primal screech of rage, “if there’s even a chance that i’m going to lose the tip of one finger today, there’s no way in hell i’m getting onto the ice-”
“you’re not going to lose any fingers-”
“how can you be so sure?!”
you immediately shut up before reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose
you love namjoon with all your heart but sometimes he’s just.., a little much
he’s not very big on risk-taking
he’s always been very content just staying within his comfort zone which is fine! 
you never pressure him into doing anything if he very clearly is uncomfortable with it
with that being said, it’s just that whenever you even try to nudge him like a centimetre out of his safety bubble, he flips out on you just like how he’s flipping out right now
like that one time you made him try a vanilla bean frappucino (arguably the plainest most basic frappucino flavour on the starbucks menu) instead of his usual iced americano and after he took a sip he accused you of trying to make him get diabetes
it’s not like you’re purposely trying to torment him by forcing him to ice skate
you just wanted to come here and have a good time with your friend!
“namjoon, you seriously need to calm down-”
“i am calm! i am so calm! in fact, i’ve never been MORE CALM-!”
it doesn’t take long for you and namjoon to start bickering with each other, the both of you too wrapped up in yelling at each other to notice the weird glances you’re getting from everyone
“all i’m trying to say is that the only reason why we’re here in the first place is because you said that you wanted to try-”
“yeah, and now i change my mind! what, are you saying i’m not allowed to change my mind?”
“i never- i never said you weren’t allowed to change your mind, i just want you to try to understand that it can be a little frustrating for me to set everything up for you only for you to chicken out at the end-”
“chicken out?! how dare you?! i am not chickening- i’m backing out for the safety of my eyeballs and my hands-”
“i said i would hold your hand the whole time!”
“that’s not secure enough! you holding my hand on slippery ice as a form of safety is equivalent to me getting on a rollercoaster using flimsy shoelaces to tie me to the seat-”
“that’s why i said i would get you the penguin so that you have two handles to hold onto-”
“i don’t want the friggin’ penguin!” namjoon snaps, stepping aside when a little kid nudges past him only to immediately glide onto the ice
the two of you pause to watch him and you gawk when he starts zipping back and forth like a maniac
that could be you right now
you, too, could be having a blast on the ice right now if it weren’t for your manbaby friend over here
you gesture to the random child currently twirling around on the ice before scoffing, “namjoon! look at him! if that literal toddler can do that on the ice, you can at least step forward to stand on the ice-”
“that is not a child, that is just a very tiny professional ice skater-”
you press your lips together in frustration as namjoon continues to list off reasons why the two of you should just go for hot chocolate and then go straight home
and for a second you think about giving up and just giving him what he wants but...
no way!
you are noT letting him talk himself out of this one this time
you wanna go ice skating today and you’re going to figure out a way to make both you and namjoon happy
so he doesn’t want to hold your hand
he doesn’t want the penguin
what other options do you have??
you twiddle with the end of your scarf before pausing and looking down at it
                                        »»————- ❄ ————-««
“alrighty… how does that feel?” you tighten the knot before giving namjoon’s stomach a pat, “nice and secure?”
that’s right
you ended up tying your scarf around namjoon’s waist like some kind of a leash
you’re really hoping people won’t think this is one of those pet-play situations where namjoon is your human puppy and you’re his BDSM dominatrix
you’re not shaminG the kink or anything!!!
you’re just not into the whole arf arf roll over thing
it probably didn’t help that you wore a leather trench coat today
the weather’s finally cooled down enough for you to wear it so obviouSLY you had to wear your super cool leather trench coat but now you feel like you should take it off just in case it makes you look like you’re... into barking
namjoon hooks a finger into the scarf and gives it a little tug, “…i suppose… this is better than nothing…”
“great!” you sigh in relief, “so… i’m gonna take it nice and slow, okay? we’ll start off with some basic gliding and then we’ll go from there.”
unfortunately the ice is a little rougher now because it took like twenty minutes for namjoon to practice just standing on the ice without toppling over
you’re just glad that he’s now willing to actually give skating a try instead of giving up and going home
this is progress!!
you wonder if you’ll ever be able to convince him to go skydiving with you one day
...baby steps
“so, gliding is kind of like… it’s kind of like marching, i guess?” you hum, “it’ll help you transition into skating. you’re gonna march two steps forward and then let yourself just glide forward…” you wrap the end of the scarf around your fist to really make sure that it won’t slip from your fingers (because you’re 100% sure that namjoon will have a meltdown if you let go of it) as you continue to skate backwards slowly, watching namjoon’s feet like a hawk
you’re surprised he hasn’t fallen yet what with his wobbly knees
“am i… am i doing it??” namjoon asks dumbly and you can’t help but grin when he starts to pick up the movement
thank god he’s a fast learner
“hey, look at you go!” you laugh lightly, giving him a thumbs up, “you’re doing it! i mean, we’re going pretty slowly... but you’re doing it!”
namjoon reaches forward to grab onto the scarf when he wobbles a little and you immediately stop so that he can rebalance himself
(you don’t know how you’re going to catch him if he falls because he’s definitely going to end up crushing you and breaking all the bones in your body)
the two of you spend the next twenty minutes or so slowly making your way around the rink
for the most part, namjoon does just fine
there was one point where a little kid knocked into him from behind and he nearly fell over buT luckily he grabbed onto the railing before anything happened
he looked like he was fully ready to chase after the kid to strangle him but that’s beside the point
you let out an impatient little sigh as people continue to whiz past you
you wanna do some whizzing too!
“are you…” you trail off, looking back over at namjoon, “okay to move on to stroking?”
namjoon’s brows furrow as he lets go of the scarf after regaining his balance, “stroking?”
“mhm!” you nod, turning to glance over your shoulder for a second to make sure there’s no one behind you, subtly skating backwards a tiny bit quicker, “it’s literally just, like, a longer version of gliding. you just extend the same motion for a longer period of time, that’s all.”
“oh... like... like this?” namjoon pushes off a little harder and you nod enthusiastically at the smooth movement
“yeah, there you go!” you laugh when namjoon picks it up with no problem, “look at you! you’re a natural... you might even be better than that tiny professional ice skater from earlier- make sure to lean forward a little��”
namjoon grins excitedly as he continues to glide left and right all while you (unbeknownst to him) gradually pick up your pace while pulling him towards you
he’s doing it!
this wasn’t as hard as he thought it’d be
he’s doing it!!!!!
and he’s going waY quicker than he originally was, which is probably a good sign, right?
“can i take the lead?” namjoon stands up a little straighter and puffs his chest out, “i wanna lead you now!”
you slow down a little and look down at the scarf that you’re still clutching onto for dear life, “you wanna take th- okay, well, do you want me to untie you?”
“oh no, i think you should still hold onto it just in case, but i wanna lead the way!” namjoon bounces up and down excitedly and clasps his hands together, “please, y/n? you’ve seen how fast i can go now!”
he can go super fasT on his own and it’s not because you’ve been pulling him along like a little wagon
you know what
it’s fine
you’re not worried about namjoon leading the way mainly because you know he’s just going to go around and around in slow circles
you could probably get away with closing your eyes while he pulls you around  
you snort before nodding and sliding to the side so that he can skate past you, “alright, hotshot. you take the lead. now it’s really going to look like this is a leash- woAH-” your eyes widen in surprise when namjoon suddenly surges forward, his legs going left and right and left and right at a consistent pace-
oh god
you speed yourself up as well to try to keep up with him, keeping your grip tight around your poor stretched out scarf
“namjoon-!” you laugh uneasily, “take it easy, you speed demon-”
“we should go ice skating all the time!” namjoon cheers, raising both his hands up in the air as he continues gliding like a maniac, “isn’t this fun?!”
“oh shit, sorry, excuse me-” you try your best noT to collide with people as you skate past them, “namjoon, i know you think this is fun but i really think you should slow down a little- oh, frick-” you curse to yourself when you notice that your scarf is caught in the clasp of your bracelet
this scarf was expensive!!!!
there’s no way you’re going to accidentally yanK out the threads and ruin it
“c’mon, stupid thing...” you look up for a brief second to make sure that namjoon’s still going straight and that he’s not about to round a corner or anything before looking back down to try to unhook the thread
you could try tugging on it but you’re worried that it’s going to mess up your scarf and you are noT willing to take that chance
“i’m turning here!”
“uh-huh, yeah...” your tongue pokes out in concentration as you use your nail to try to pluck it out and...
there we go
no destroyed scarves today!
“what did you just sa-!” your eyes widen in surprise when suddenly the scarf disappears from your fist and you look up to see that the-
                                       »»————- ❄ ————-««
my head hurts
my ass hurts too
you peel an eye open slowly before closing it again
holy moly
your head is spinning and your ears are ringing and you’re pretty sure your eyes are permanently crossed because you can’t seem to get your vision to focus
is it possible to feel like you want to throw up and pass out at the same time?
you squeeze your eyes shut before shaking your head a little in a poor attempt to shakE the pain away
what happened??
the last thing you remember is going full speed on the ice and then everything went black
you push yourself up onto your elbows before looking around
you… are in a van that smells like bleach for some reason
why are you in a van??
oh god
were you kidnapped???
were you chloroformed and kidnapped???
you jump when one of the doors suddenly swings open and you immediately pull your legs up and away so that your kidnapper can’t reach over and drag you out by the legs
“hey, you! how are you feeling?”
“i- um-” you sit up all the way before turning and leaning back against the metal bench screwed into the side of the van, “i think i’m oka- a..a...aaaaaayyyy....?” you trail off dumbly, finding yourself being unable to shut your TRAP 
you blink owlishly at the very handsome kidnapper before tilting your head to the side a little
the corners of his mouth twitch in a smile and he mimics your movements, tilting his head as well
maybe… you weren’t kidnapped
you just died and went to heaven, that’s all!
this is heaven
heaven is the back of an impeccably clean van and you are currently staring at a real-life angel
“sorry you woke up all alone, by the way- i just had to ask your friend a couple of questions as to what happened... i also had to comfort him a little because i’m pretty sure he thinks he killed you-”
“i’m sorry, am i not dead? is this not, like, the bus to heaven or something?” you ask, looking around at your surroundings
there’s a lot of medical-related tools and gadgets in here considering the fact that this is heaven
apparently heaven has heart defibrillators which doesn’t make much sense
“hey, hey- relax!” you jump when you feel him wrap his fingers around your ankle to get your attention, “you’re not dead. this isn’t the bus to heaven. you’re just in the back of an ambulance. you got into a little collision with the plexiglass barriers.”
that makes more sense
“oh, thank god.” you breathe out, “because if i did die, then body slamming into plexiglass would’ve been a humiliating way to go.”  
“mm, i totally agree. i would’ve been embarrassed having to drag your dead body away from the plexiglass.” mr probably-not-here-to-kidnap-you laughs lightly and opens the door a little wider for himself, “i just wanna patch you up. will you let me do that?”
you feel your mouth go dry when he takes his jacket off
hello broad shoulders
“you can do anything you want to me.” you blurt out, watching in awe as he steps into the ambulance to join you
you’re pretty sure the fact that you might have a mild concussion has something to do with it but your filter has just completely disappeared because jesus christ you want this man to ram into you harder than you rammed into the wall
you just don’t get it
how can one man be so... attractive?
the soft, perfectly tousled hair is right!
the pillowy, cherry-coloured lips are right!
the twinkling brown eyes are right!
the low, soothing voice is right!
the broad shoulders and equally as broad chest... veRY right
everything is just so RIGHT
you swallow thickly when he sits down across from you and crosses his legs, his knees practically pressed right up against yours
you’re certainly not complaining about being so close to him but you’re definitely going to cramp up like this and you always make really weird faces when you get pins and needles shooting up your legs
you move your legs so that your ankles are on either side of his thighs before scooting your bum a little closer towards him
heh >:-) 
“can you tell me what your name is?” he asks, pulling a first-aid kit out from under the bench
“y/n y/l/n.” you answer almost instantaneously, keeping your eyes glued on his face as he rummages through the box
“mhm… very good…”
“what’s your name?” you watch as he rips open a little gauze pad
even his fingers are pretty
“seokjin.” seokjin smiles sweetly, your heart skipping a beat when he reaches up to brush some hair away from your forehead, “i’m just going to clean your cut up a little bit. stay still for me, yeah?”
you nod obediently and find yourself leaning forward a little bit even though you know you probably don’t need to
“what’s your last name?” you ask, seokjin looking down at you for a brief second before focusing back on the cut on your forehead
“kim. why?”
“just wanted to know what my future surname is going to be, that’s all.”
seokjin snorts before raising a brow, “quite the charmer, aren’t you?”
“it’s not every day that i get to talk to a very handsome ambulance man.”
seokjin chuckles, smoothing his fingers over the pad to make sure that it’s secure before pulling away, “mm, that’s fair. can you tell me what day it is?”
“saturday. which i think is the perfect day out of all of the days to go out on a date, because if we get super drunk and have crazy sex tonight, we can wake up late tomorrow and go out for brunch-!”
seokjin suddenly pinches your lips in between his fingers before frowning in concern, “your bottom lip is a little busted.”
“pheel vfree to kiss it bhetter.” you murmur, seokjin pulling away to rummage through his little kit again, “you look really cute when you’re concerned, by the way.”
“is that so?” seokjin hums, pulling a q-tip out and a tube of what looks to be some kind of a gel, “you can’t go around kissing strangers, you know.”
“you’re an exception.” you grin, dodging the q-tip when seokjin tries to dab some gel on your lip, “i was serious about the date, though. what do you think?”
“i think-” seokjin tries again only for you to turn your head the other way, “i think that you need to stop flirting with me so that i can do my job-”
“i’m letting you do your job!” you argue, “i’m just asking you an innocent question, that’s all-”
“if you were letting me do my job, you would be all patched up by now-” seokjin laughs lightly, shaking his head and leaning backwards when you move your head again, “okay, how about this? i will happily go out with you if you just stay still and let me clean up your lip.”
you perk up immediately, “for real?”
“for real.” he nods, holding the q-tip up, “are you willing to cooperate now?”
“mhm.” you hum contently, leaning forward and immediately pursing your lips, “please fix my lips so they’ll be nice and healed by the time we go out on our date.”
“why? are you planning to do a lot of kissing on our date?” seokjin teases, applying the gel before using the other end to dab off the excess
“that’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
seokjin presses his lips together to hold back a smirk
you are... awfully cheeky, aren’t you?
he’s verY into that
and bonus points because you’re very attractive and definitely his type
“okay, lemme just do one last thing here.” seokjin reaches into his shirt pocket for a little flashlight before reaching over and pinching your chin in between his fingers gently and bringing your face closer to his 
“you’re not even going to wait until after our first date to kiss me?” you murmur, your eyes widening slightly, “and i thought i was coming on strong.”
“i’m just checking out your pupils, darling.” seokjin hums, “trust me. you’ll know when i’m about to kiss you.”
you shift in your spot a little as you feel youR cheeks starting to heat up now
oh,.,. how the tables have turned.,,.
seokjin’s just glad that he finally figured out how to get you to stay still so that he can get along with his procedures smoothly
“hi, pretty girl…” seokjin coos, raising your eyelid gently so that he can get a good look at your pupils, “mhm, that’s right… just keep your eyes on me…”
you’d keep your eyes on seokjin for the rest of your liFE if you could  
“is this finally the part where you kiss me?”
“nice try, cheeky.”
                                      »»————- ❄ ————-««
“so y/n’s going to be okay?” namjoon chews on his thumbnail anxiously and you reach over to pat his knee reassuringly
the poor thing is going to chew his entire hand off if he doesn’t stop soon
he joined you on the ambulance ten minutes ago but for eight whole minutes was just profusely apologizing to you (“i’ll never put on another pair of skates for as long as i’ll live!” “namjoon, it’s fine-” “for as long aS I LIVE-”)
seokjin nods as he packs up his kit and slides it back underneath the bench, “y/n’s going to be just fine. you can relax!”
“namjoon - you’re acting like you ran me over with a monster truck. i’m fine!”
“how many fingers am i holding up?” namjoon holds up three fingers and you blink at him before raising a brow
“obviously five.”
namjoon’s eyes widen in panic and he turns back to look at seokjin, “y-you said she was fine!”
“three! three fingers, you’re holding up three fingers-” you giggle, reaching forward to push namjoon’s hand back down, “seriously, joon... i’m fine! i swear.”
“alright, all you have to do is keep her company during the ride.” seokjin clears his throat, “i want to do a couple of scans at the hospital just in case!”
“aw, but i don’t want namjoon to keep me company-” you whine quietly, leaning against namjoon’s shoulder as you look up at jin, “why can’t you keep me company instead?”
“someone has to drive the ambulance.” seokjin teases, reaching down to pinch the apple of your cheek gently, “i’m all yours at the hospital.”
“namjoon can drive.” you push your bottom lip out in a pout before batting your lashes at him, “don’t you wanna hang out with me?”
“if namjoon’s driving skills are as good as his skating skills, i think i’m going to have to pass.” jin laughs lightly, sliding back into his jacket “we can hang out once we get to the hospital.”
namjoon narrows his eyes suspiciously as he glances back and forth between the two of you
..,.,...the energy in here...,.,..
.,,.,.,,the vibes,.,..,  
someone definitely wants to fuck someone
seokjin sighs to himself as he hops into the driver’s seat before slamming the door shut
he pulls his phone out to check the time before smiling to himself because :-) your number is on his phone :-)
he wasn’t expecting to get a cute girl’s number today but he welcomes this surprise with open arms! 
“y/n y/l/n...” he murmurs under his breath, reaching up to adjust the mirror
your name does seem like it’d fit with his surname
his ears prickle when he hears your muffled voice through the thin partition and he leans back a little so he can do some sneaky eavesdropping
“i am planning... to have so much sex with that man. but in like a romantic way, you know? because i’m classy like that.”
seokjin snorts to himself before shoving the key into the ignition
(for the record: he feels the exact same way as you do).
christmas with cee 2020 masterlist 
🎁what would you like from ceenta this year? 🎁
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knuffled · 4 years
just practice - chapter eleven
ao3 link
Ambrosia was Annabeth’s favorite coffee shop in the city. It was a quaint affair, tucked behind an alleyway, cozily decorated with clusters of polished cherry wood tables surrounded by plush purple chairs. There weren’t many drinks on the menu, but what the cafe lacked in quantity, it more than made up for with quality. Although she wasn’t a coffee connoisseur or anything, Annabeth could easily tell the coffee at Ambrosia tasted far richer than anything at Starbucks.
Annabeth drummed her fingers on her window-side table and twirled a strand of hair around her index finger, trying not to feel too nervous as she sipped her espresso. Inviting Reyna out for coffee so she could get relationship advice after turning her down a month prior was quite possibly one of the worst ideas she’d ever had. The thing was, she had no other options. All her friends were also friends with Percy, which made confiding in them impossible. She could only imagine the ensuing chaos if she were to come out and say that she had only pretending to go out with Percy.
Still, that didn’t make her feel any better about her current situation. In fact, Annabeth was nearly on the verge of sending her a text to cancel the whole thing under the pretense of not feeling well when Reyna walked into the cafe. She looked around until she spotted Annabeth and made her way over to the table, a dark look on her face.
“You sure picked an absolute bitch of a place to find,” Reyna said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Google Maps had a fucking aneurysm trying to give me directions.”
“Nice to see you again too,” Annabeth said, smiling despite herself.
Reyna rolled her eyes and plopped down in the seat opposite her. “This better be the best goddamn coffee I’ve had in my entire life,” she grumbled.
Annabeth slid her a menu and tried not to laugh at the disgruntled look that spread across Reyna’s face as she surveyed the prices. Annabeth raised her palms up in surrender when Reyna looked at her with an immaculately raised eyebrow.
“It’s worth it, I swear!” Annabeth promised.
Reyna pursed her lips and nodded in a clipped fashion before studying the menu again. After a few seconds, Reyna set the menu aside with a sigh and looked at Annabeth again, a tired look on her face.
“I have no idea what to get,” Reyna muttered. “What’s good here?”
Annabeth shrugged and said, “Pretty much everything. I really like their espressos, but their cappuccinos are great too.”
Reyna pulled a face before mumbling under her breath, “Hazelnut latte it is then.”
“Funny, I would have pegged you for a ‘black coffee’ kind of girl,” Annabeth said, grinning.
For the first since she’d met her, Reyna blushed and twirled a strand of dark hair around her finger, refusing to meet Annabeth’s eyes.
“I’m just bad with bitter stuff,” Reyna muttered.
“I had no idea your tastes were so basic,” Annabeth teased.
Reyna scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “I am not basic.”
Hearing Reyna sound genuinely offended by the implication only made delighted Annabeth instead of deterring her.
“Uh huh, sure,” Annabeth drawled.
Reyna narrowed her eyes and said, “You’re on thin fucking ice, Chase.”
Annabeth held her palms up in surrender and tried to suppress the grin threatening to split across her face.
“Ok, sorry, I’ll stop,” Annabeth said. “Go treat yourself to a hazelnut latte.”
The glare Reyna gave her before she made her way to the front counter to order could have withered flowers with its intensity. Annabeth allowed herself to smile once Reyna left the table and noticed she felt significantly calmer than she had before Reyna’s arrival. Thankfully, it seemed that things weren’t awkward between them, despite the fact that she had rejected Reyna last time they’d spoken.
When Reyna returned with her drink, Annabeth watched with avid interest as she blew into the lid of the cup and took her hesitant sip. Her eyes widened in surprise momentarily before returning to normal, but it only made Annabeth’s smirk grow larger.
“So how’s your drink?” Annabeth asked innocently.
Reyna cleared her throat and said, “It’s passable.”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “That’s high praise.”
Reyna’s lips quirked upwards in a smile. “Don’t be such an ass. It’s good, okay?”
“Worth the drive?”
“Hardly,” Reyna said, snorting.
“That’s a win in my book,” Annabeth said, shrugging.
Reyna scoffed and took another sip before saying, “So why did you call me out here today? I assume it wasn’t just to make fun of my choice of beverages.”
“Tempting but unfortunately not the case,” Annabeth said. “I wanted your advice on something.”
“About tall, dark, and handsome, you mean?”
Annabeth blinked. “What?”
Reyna rolled her eyes. “I’m talking about your ‘friend’, Percy.”
“Oh,” Annabeth said stupidly. “I uh- I just wasn’t expecting you to refer to him that way.”
“I may be gay, but I have eyes,” Reyna said, giving her a significant look.
Annabeth laughed despite herself. “Yeah, you’re right. I wanted to ask about Percy.”
“It’s kind of a dick move to ask someone you turned down for romantic advice,” Reyna noted.
“Sorry,” Annabeth said, looking down at her lap. “It’s just not something I can talk about with my other friends.”
“It’s whatever,” Reyna said, shrugging. “Besides, I can’t help respecting that you had the audacity to ask me anyways, so kudos to you. Now tell me what’s going on.”
Annabeth began telling Reyna everything that had happened since the school year began, starting with Clarisse’s comment and the fake dating proposal to Percy’s sudden penchant for speaking in riddles to the Kara incident to what Percy had said as they descended Aspen Peak and finally her conversation with Sally after Thanksgiving. It took her a little over a half hour to explain everything, which was longer than Annabeth had been expecting, but Reyna listened intently the entire time. On occasion, she would ask a clarifying question, but for the most part she was content to listen silently.
When Annabeth was done, Reyna said, “Well, I think I get the gist of the situation now. I’m just not sure what you need advice about.”
“I want to figure out what’s going on with Percy. I’ve given him enough time and space to come forward and talk to me on his own, but it’s clear that he’s not going to do that. Usually, I’d be fine with that, but I can’t help feeling like there’s something going on here, something I can’t just ignore,” Annabeth said.
Reyna snorted. “I mean, it’s pretty obvious that he’s just being emotionally constipated about his feelings like men always are when it comes to displaying anything more than the emotional range of a teaspoon.”
Annabeth shook her head. “Percy isn’t like that.”
Reyna raised an eyebrow and said, “No offense, but I find that hard to believe. Judging from your story just now, he is exactly like that.”
“Percy has no problem talking about emotions,” Annabeth argued. “Trust me, I’d know.”
“Talking about other people’s emotions maybe, sure, but not when it comes to himself.”
Reyna’s statement gave Annabeth momentary pause. Although her immediate instinct was to argue with her, the more she thought about it, the more Annabeth found herself wondering how she had never picked up on that. Even though so many of their conversations strayed into their personal feelings, it had only just dawned on Annabeth how the overwhelming majority of those conversations tended to be about her own feelings, not Percy’s.
Of course, that wasn’t to say Percy never shared how he was feeling. Their conversation atop Aspen Peak and the conversation where he told her that he had gotten recruited by USC were examples of that. However, there were still clearly some things that Percy just never really talked to her about. An obvious example being how she knew practically nothing about any of his previous relationships.
It was difficult to tell but she could detect that there was a pattern of Percy deliberately hiding things from her if they were painful for him to talk about. Yet, Annabeth had never gotten the impression that those repressed feelings would someday inevitably explode out of him, demanding to be released. Whenever she bottled her own feelings, despite her best efforts, they were destined to burst at some point, only ever prolonging the inevitable, but in Percy’s case, it was like they were swallowed by a black hole, leaving no evidence of their existence.
“I can’t believe I never noticed,” Annabeth whispered.
Reyna shrugged and said, “Don’t blame yourself. Men are just like that.”
Annabeth shook her head. “Percy’s different. It’s not like he’s so out of touch with his own feelings that he can’t talk about them. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s not like what you’re thinking.”
“Maybe you’re just giving him too much credit,” Reyna said lightly.
Annabeth bristled despite herself. “What’s your deal with him? You haven’t liked him since you met him and you don’t even know a single thing about him.”
Reyna was quiet for a while before she said, “I don’t know. It’s hard to explain, but when I look at him, all I see is a fake.”
“A fake?”
“He reeks of lies. Lies about how he feels, what he thinks, what he wants. I’ll take your word about him being a good person or whatever, but that doesn’t change anything in my eyes. I can’t trust someone who is constantly pretending to be someone else,” Reyna said.
Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. “That seems like a huge stretch to me. Like I said, you barely know-”
Reyna held up a hand, stopping her. “I can tell. I can’t explain why, but I just know. I’ve been able to since I was a kid, and I have never been wrong.”
Annabeth paused and considered her words for a moment. It was certainly believable that Reyna could be someone with incredibly good instincts, but at the same time, Annabeth couldn’t accept that she was making judgments about her best friend without knowing a single thing about him. Yet, for whatever reason, Annabeth couldn’t bring herself to immediately reject what Reyna had said. There was something about the conviction in her voice and eyes that gave her pause.
“Was there something you noticed? Something you saw him do that made you think about him like this?” Annabeth asked.
Reyna thought for a moment before sighing. “It’s not like there was a specific thing about him that made me realize. It’s like his overall vibe.”
“His vibe?” Annabeth said, trying not to sound skeptical.
“Let’s just say, I’ve met men like that before. Men who look kind on the outside, but are monsters on the inside. It’s hard for me to not feel hostile towards them,” Reyna said tersely.
Annabeth couldn’t help immediately repeating: “Percy’s not like that.”
“I hope he isn’t,” Reyna said simply.
A silence filled the space around them, charging the air with a vague sense of unease, until Reyna sighed and spoke again.
“I’ll just say this: he might not be a monster, but he is still pretending to be someone he’s not. If I were you, I would do well not to forget that.”
It was Piper’s fault. She had made it sound so wonderful when she had pitched the idea to Annabeth: ice skating on the night of New Year’s Eve. Even a cynic like Annabeth couldn’t deny that there was an inherent romantic appeal to that. Unfortunately, it just so happened that New Year’s Eve was the coldest day of the year. And, of course, the rink that Piper had chosen happened to be outdoors. That obviously went without saying.
Annabeth tried not to wallow in too much self-pity on the walk from her car to the chalet, but she couldn’t help indulging herself. After all, it was freezing outside. She buried her hands in her coat pockets and hid her nose behind her scarf to keep it from turning red, but the horrible faux-wool material felt like sandpaper against her skin. She fantasized about turning around and leaving before anyone noticed her and spending the night buried beneath a mound of blankets, but she arrived at the chalet before she could decide.
Unfortunately, the chalet would offer no reprieve. The first thing that assailed her was the heat - a dry, stuffy heat, the kind that made it hard to breathe. The second was the smell. The stench of sweat clung to the linoleum peeling off the walls, and the slight give of the vomit-colored carpet underfoot made it feel like it had seeped into the fabric too.
It was time to leave, Annabeth decided brightly, but Piper noticed her and waved her over before she could make her escape. Annabeth sighed and headed towards the benches where Piper was sitting and hoped she wouldn’t contract hepatitis from sitting down.
On her way there, she was somewhat late to arrive. Frank and Leo were at the front desk, renting their skates, and Piper and Jason had already finished lacing their skates. Jason offered her a small smile when she sat down across from them, but her lips were so chapped that they would probably start bleeding if she tried to smile so she settled for a nod.
“Someone looks grumpy.”
“Bite me.”
“Don’t antagonize her, Piper.”
Annabeth nodded and pointed to Jason. “Listen to your boyfriend. He seems to be the smart one.”
Piper rolled her eyes. “Rude.”
“I think I’m entitled to a little rudeness,” Annabeth said, sitting back. “I could be in bed right now, covered in blankets.”
“This might be our last New Year’s Eve together,” Piper said. “You really sure you want to spend it hiding in your bedroom?”
Annabeth hummed. “Remind me again how you chose this wonderful establishment?”
Piper had the decency to look sheepish. “It was the only place open on New Year’s Eve.”
“Gee, I wonder why,” Annabeth said.
“You should go get your skates, Annabeth,” Jason interrupted tactfully. “It looks like Frank and Leo are done.”
Annabeth stood up and sent an I’m-watching-you gesture in Piper’s direction, but Piper just opted to flick her off. Charming.
Thankfully, there was no one waiting at the front desk when Annabeth made her way there. The balding man behind the counter asked for her shoe size before disappearing behind the shelves, stocked to the brim with skates, and it didn’t take long for him to return with a pair of white skates and set them on the counter. Annabeth was in the process of fishing for spare change when the door to the chalet opened, letting in a gust of cold air.
Rachel stepped inside, her freckled cheeks pink from the cold, and waved to Annabeth enthusiastically with a grin. Percy stood behind her, rubbing his palms together to warm his hands, looking cold for once in his life. They both made their way up to the front desk as Annabeth tucked the skates under her arm.
Percy turned to her smiling while Rachel spoke with the store-owner. “Happy New Year.”
“It’s still New Year’s Eve.”
“Only for four more hours,” Percy said, shrugging.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Happy New Year’s Eve to you too.”
“You’re always so grumpy when you’re cold,” Percy said fondly. “Aren’t white people supposed to be good with the cold?”
“Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white.”
Not a beat passed before Percy answered: “Boo, you whore.”
Annabeth bit back a laugh and pushed him towards the counter. “Alright, alright, you can terrorize me after you get your skates, you dork.”
Percy did his best seal-eyes impression, but Annabeth stuck out her tongue at him and followed Rachel back to the benches. Once they sat down, Rachel finished lacing her skates with practiced ease and watched Annabeth struggle with hers with avid interest. Annabeth wondered how long it would take for her to swallow her pride and ask Rachel for help, but Rachel volunteered before she could, crouching in front of her and deftly tying her skates in seconds.
“You’re good at that,” Annabeth said.
Rachel stood up and shrugged. “My parents forced me take figure skating lessons for like six years, so I have a lot of practice.”
“I think the last time I went skating was in like second grade,” Annabeth mused.
“Do you even remember how to skate?” Rachel asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I guess we’ll both find out very soon.”
“I could teach you, if you’d like,” Rachel offered.
Annabeth rolled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Thank you, but I think I can figure it out. I mean, how hard could it be?”
It turned out to be plenty hard.
Annabeth managed all of three steps on the ice before falling backwards, arms flailing. Percy caught her before she hit the ground thankfully, his hand curled around her hip. Annabeth felt her face heat up when he raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips, but he helped her upright without commenting on it. Unfortunately, it only took two more steps for her to slip again. He caught her by the arm before she fell any further and shook with barely suppressed laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, asshole,” Annabeth grumbled.
“Weren’t you just telling Rachel something about how skating didn’t seem all that hard?” Percy asked innocently.
Annabeth bit the inside of her cheek. “I think you just have an overactive imagination.”
“First the cold, and now this,” Percy said solemnly. “Looks like your Scandinavian roots have failed you in more ways than one.”
“This is reverse-racism.”
That tore a laugh out him, but he quickly held his palms in surrender. “Sorry, sorry, just give me a minute.”
Annabeth flicked him off and retreated to the wall circling the rink to steady herself. She looked at the rink, hoping she wasn’t alone in her embarrassment, but it seemed like everyone else seemed to be faring much better than her. Frank was her only comrade in arms, arms stretched and teetering, a mortified look on his face, while Leo stood next to him, not even trying to hide his laughter. Hazel scowled and swatted him before going to help Frank maintain his balance. Rachel breezed around the rink with an effortless grace and fluidity, seemingly in her own world, while Piper and Jason held hands and made slow, leisurely circuits around the rink.
Percy moved towards her and said, “C’mon, I’ll help you.”
“Can’t I just go home?” Annabeth whined.
Percy’s lips quirked upwards. “It’s not that hard, trust me. It’s just like riding a bike.”
“Something tells me I’m just going to spend the next few hours falling on my ass and making a fool of myself.”
“I’ll catch you before you do,” Percy promised.
Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. “And if I take you down with me?”
“I’m willing to risk it,” Percy said, shrugging.
Annabeth was silent for a while before she shut her eyes and sighed. “God, I hate you. Fine, let’s get this over with.”
Percy took her by the hands and helped her away from the wall. “That’s the spirit.”
Annabeth glared at him before lacing her fingers between his. She couldn’t help noticing how warm his hands were, but she didn’t have long to dwell on it because being back on the ice put the fear of god back in her real fast. Percy tried to help her make a lap around the rink, but it was a grueling journey. She spent most of it crushing his hands and teetering on the brink of embarrassment: legs outstretched, knees turned inwards, feeling like an absolute idiot. The concentration needed to maintain her footing was exhausting and demanded every ounce of focus she could muster. But, with Percy’s help, Annabeth managed three laps around the rink over the span of ninety minutes without falling a single time.
At the start of the fourth lap, Percy untangled his fingers from hers, striking a bolt of fear through her. Annabeth reached for him desperately, eyes wide with panic, but he caught her by the wrists and gave her a stern look.
“I’m going to let go of you now, okay?” Percy said. “I promise, I won’t let you fall.”
“I need more time,” Annabeth said frantically. “I-I’m not ready yet.”
“You can do this,” Percy said, firmly not unkindly. “Trust me.”
Annabeth licked her horribly chapped lips and nodded uneasily. The conviction in his words made her want to believe him, but it did nothing to dispel the terror inside her.
“Okay, here goes,” Percy said.
Annabeth bit the inside of her cheek and watched Percy slowly release her and step away. She stood there for a few seconds before Percy skated backwards, still facing towards her, and beckoned for her to follow him.
Her heart thundered in her chest. It was the moment of truth.
She took one step. Then another. Then another.
With her eyes locked on Percy, she used every atom in her body to keep herself steady. She kept waiting to fall as they slowly made their way around the rink, but she managed to somehow make it the halfway around without falling.
Annabeth looked up at him with an incredulous laugh. “Holy shit! I-I’m doing it! I’m actually doing it!”
A smile crossed Percy’s face, equal parts proud and fond, but Annabeth couldn’t help thinking it looked a bit sad too.
“You are,” Percy said softly. “I knew you could.”
“You have way too much faith in me,” Annabeth said, shaking her head. “It’s a miracle that I didn’t fall.”
“It’s not faith,” Percy said. “I just know you.”
Annabeth stilled for a moment and locked eyes with him. His words were light, like he had spoken them without thinking, but it made a lump form in her throat all the same.
“Yeah, yeah you do,” she said softly.
Before the moment had a chance to establish itself, Annabeth’s legs both decided it was an excellent time to give out. She only had time to emit a short yelp before she fell on her ass and Percy rushed in.
He helped her up with a laugh. “Okay, looks like someone needs a break.”
Annabeth’s face was beet red and it had nothing to do with the cold. “Uh, yeah, I think I’ll go to the chalet and sit down a bit.”
Percy nodded and moved to help her, but she shook her head. “I’ll be fine. You’ve been babysitting me this whole time, so go enjoy yourself.”
He paused for a moment before reluctantly nodding and skating away. Annabeth watched him go before making a beeline for the chalet. After nearly two hours of constant terror, even the stuffy, pungent air in the chalet was a welcome change. She took off her hat to let her hair loose, but some sweat-soaked strands lay matted against her forehead.
An overwhelming need to take a nap washed through her, and she was so tired that she didn’t bother resisting it.
It was hard to say how long she was asleep but she started when Jason sat down beside her, holding two styrofoam cups of hot chocolate. Annabeth accepted a cup from him and took a sip. It was so watery that she could hardly taste the chocolate, but at least it was hot going down her throat.
Annabeth wiped her lips with the back of her hand. “Where did you get this?”
“There’s a machine by the bathroom,” Jason said.
“Ah, that certainly explains things.”
Jason nudged her with his elbow. “I know you’re not thrilled to be here, but Piper really tried her best to get this whole thing together.”
Annabeth sighed and said, “Yeah, sorry, I’m just indulging in a little pettiness.”
“I know,” Jason said, smiling. “Just be aware of your limits.”
“I feel like you’re one step away from going full Dad and being like, ‘I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed’.”
Jason laughed and said, “I suppose I deserve that.”
There was a pause before Annabeth gave him a tentative look. “Is she mad at me?”
Jason shook his head. “Nah, she knows you well enough to know you don’t mean it.”
Annabeth cleared her throat and nodded before staring at her cup pensively. “How are you both doing?”
“We’re good,” he said, sighing. “Just trying to make the most out of the rest of the year. Piper’s really worried about leaving behind regrets, so she’s going a little overboard, but her heart is in the right place.”
“That’s a mood,” Annabeth said. “I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.”
“It’s hard not to,” Jason admitted. “I mean our lives are going to change pretty drastically in a few months, after all.”
There was a pause before Annabeth said, “That doesn’t ever scare you or anything, that things might not be the same?”
“I know they won’t be the same,” Jason said. “But the way I see it, if it’s inevitable anyways, there’s no point worrying about it. The only thing you can do is to enjoy things while they last.”
“That’s a very lonely way of looking at things,” Annabeth said quietly.
“You might be right, but I don’t want to waste the time I have left with Piper and you and everyone else being stressed and miserable,” Jason said, shrugging. “If the time we have left is limited, I want to choose to spend it being happy.”
She paused for a moment to stare at him. “Honestly, sometimes I can’t help feeling like you’re an eighty year old stuck in the body of an eighteen year old.”
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but thanks.”
Annabeth leaned back and stared up at the ceiling. “The idea that nothing lasts terrifies me.”
“I don’t know, there’s something strangely beautiful about it too,” Jason mused.
She gave him a sidelong glance. “In what way?”
Jason shrugged. “Things are precious to us because we can’t take them for granted. You have to pay attention and appreciate them while you can, or you’ll miss it and never have it back. I’m sure you’ve felt it too: those moments that you wish you could live in forever, even though you know it’s impossible, so you try your best to savor them and burn them into your memory so you don’t ever forget. There’s just a special kind of beauty about that. At least, that’s how I feel.”
Memories flashed in her mind with an almost desperate urgency, so quickly that she couldn’t register their contents, only the lingering impressions they left in their wake. The cold touch of steel beneath her palms lying on Percy’s car, staring up at the night sky, and the warmth of the sweatshirt he’d draped across her shoulders. Dappled sunlight filtered through half-drawn blinds, flour stuck in her hair, the smell of cookies baking in the oven, and the sound of laughter. The untraversable distance between his hand in hers, his heat searing through her skin ever so gently, and the lazy circuit of his thumb brushing her knuckles with a tenderness she didn’t deserve.
Annabeth couldn’t help thinking that “beautiful” was too small a word. The feeling was beautiful, yes, but the word alone could not capture the fact that it was also deep and gentle and tinged with melancholy, but all the more exquisite for it.
A lump formed in her throat. “I-I think I get what you mean.”
Jason offered her a soft smile and squeezed her hand. “There’s a phrase for that in Japanese, you know? They call it mono no aware: the bittersweet, wistful appreciation of the impermanence of things.”
There was a pause before Annabeth said tightly, “I’m glad there’s a word for it.”
“Yeah, me too,” Jason said, still smiling.
They sat there for a while in silence before Jason stood up and stretched. “We should probably back. They must be wondering where we are.”
Annabeth nodded but made no move to stand up. Jason looked at her for a while before sighing and showing her his wristwatch.
“It’s almost midnight,” he said. “C’mon, everyone’s waiting for us.”
That was enough to get her out of her seat, but she still couldn’t help sighing. She followed him back to the rink and noticed that they had it to themselves. Earlier, there had been a few other couples and families, but they must have left while she’d been asleep.
The light of the full moon reflected off the ice, casting a milky-silver glow. She stepped onto the ice with Jason and skated towards their friends. They were sitting down at the center of the rink and talking amongst themselves until they noticed her arrival.
“She’s alive!” Jason announced. “She was just sleeping.”
“Percy was worried sick about you,” Leo said, smirking.
Percy scowled and said, “I wasn’t that worried.”
“You kind of were,” Rachel said. “You should’ve seen him fretting like a mother hen.”
“I would apologize, but I can take care of myself,” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes.
“You were gone for like two hours, Annabeth,” Hazel said. “I don’t think it was that weird for him to worry.”
“Again, you guys are all exaggerating way too much,” Percy protested.
“You guys should sit down,” Frank said. “We can spread out a bit to make extra space.”
Once the circle expanded, Annabeth sat down between Percy and Rachel, and Jason sat close to Piper and wrapped an arm around her, tucking her into his side. Rachel continued a story that she must have been telling prior to Annabeth’s arrival, so she couldn’t follow it at all. She tried to listen for a few minutes before getting bored and turning to Percy.
“I know you’re protective of me and all, but don’t worry so much,” Annabeth whispered firmly.
Percy lowered his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “I know, but sometimes, I just can’t help it.
“You have to try,” Annabeth said. “What are you going to do when we leave for college?”
“I haven’t thought that far ahead.”
Annabeth sighed and said, “I’m not trying to be mean or anything. I’m just scared you’ll burn yourself out for no reason. We both know that I can handle things on my own.”
“That’s not the point,” Percy muttered.
“Then what is the point?” Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t doubt your ability to take care of yourself,” Percy said slowly. “It’s just that I care about you, so I can’t help worrying.”
“I care about you too, but I can worry about you without feeling the need to step in and get involved.”
At this, Percy was silent, so Annabeth continued. “When you get involved, it kind of feels like you’re babying me.”
“I’m not trying to baby you,” Percy said, frowning.
“Then trust me to come to you when I need your help, okay?”
Percy paused for a moment before nodding hesitantly. “Okay.”
Annabeth offered a small smile. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
The look on his face was inscrutable, but he nodded again all the same. Annabeth tapped a finger on the ice and rolled her bottom lip between her teeth. She’d said her piece. The rest was up to Percy now.
She had another reason for wanting him to understand this, although she hadn’t said so aloud. Percy’s worry and need to help her made it all too easy for her to rely on him too much. Sometimes, she had to catch herself before immediately going to him anytime she had even a trivial problem. It hadn’t always been that way, but over the years, she had come to depend on him far too much. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that, apart from Percy, she didn’t have any experience relying on anyone else but herself, so she had no concept of moderation when it came to depending on him.
She didn’t know how to let someone in halfway. It had always been all or nothing.
“There’s only two minutes left till midnight,” Frank said, looking at his watch.
“We should try to find a stream of the ball drop,” Hazel suggested.
“Already on it,” Leo said, typing furiously on his phone.
Once he found a stream, Leo turned the volume up on his phone and slid it to the center of the ring. His phone was old, so the volume was feeble but it was still audible for the most part. Anderson Cooper was talking to some celebrity or other about how excited the crowd was in Times Square and pointed out how there seemed to be more couples in attendance this year compared to other ones.
“Aw man, that’s right,” Leo complained. “Now, there’s another couple I gotta see kiss on New Year’s Eve.”
Hazel pulled a face. “Don’t ruin things for Annabeth and Percy, Leo.”
“Yeah, Leo, fuck off,” Piper said, flipping him off.
At first, Annabeth didn’t know what they were talking about, but then she immediately looked down at her lap, her face burning.
That was right, the New Year’s kiss was a thing. She’d totally forgotten about that.
Discreetly, she looked at Percy out of the corner of her eye, wondering if he was going to kiss her or not. After all, it would look kind of strange if they didn’t, considering they were supposed to be a couple now. Annabeth was certain their friends would notice and comment about it.
He was staring off in the distance with a clenched jaw, shifting uneasily beside her, which only made her growing anxiety worsen. She picked at the fraying wool on her peacoat and wished they had some time to at least discuss a plan of action, but there was only thirty seconds before the ball drop.
For the last ten seconds, they all chanted along with the crowd, but Annabeth could barely make a sound.
Percy shifted again.
Annabeth could feel his eyes on her, so she looked up at him.
Percy moved closer to her, blocking out the full moon. It cast a silver halo around his head, reflecting off his obsidian hair and bathing him in an ethereal glow.
Her throat was bone dry.
She barely registered the conflicted gleam in his eyes as he leaned in to her or the featherlike touch of his fingers, tilting her chin upwards.
Annabeth felt his breath on her face and the scent of his cologne. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the thundering of her heart pounding in her chest, parting her lips.
Distantly, she could hear her friends yelling “Happy New Year” but her entire world was reduced down to a singularity. She waited, her heart stuck in her throat.
Christ, her lips were so chapped.
Then she felt the brush of his lips, but not against her own like she’d expected. By the time she noticed the lingering warmth on her cheek, Percy was already pulling away. She opened her eyes and caught the look in his eyes. The emotion shining in them was too complicated for her to describe in words, but she couldn’t help thinking that he looked almost tortured.
“Happy New Year,” Percy whispered, voice raw.
Annabeth blinked and cleared her throat. “Um, yeah, Happy New Year.”
The conflicted look on his face didn’t disappear until Hazel gave him a one-armed hug and wished him a happy new year. Annabeth couldn’t dwell on it for long either before Rachel tackled her in a hug and wished her as well. The carousel of wishing each of her friends was oddly annoying even though it shouldn’t have been. A single emotion burned in the pit of her stomach, predominating her field of awareness, but it only served to bewilder her. She tried stealing looks at Percy in the hope that it would offer some insight, but the more she looked to him, the more intensely it gnawed at her.
Moonlit snowflakes fell through the dark as Annabeth struggled to make sense of the overwhelmingly empty feeling in the hollow of her chest and why it felt so much like disappointment.
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star-spangledstud · 5 years
Better Than Me (2/2)
Part one is here!
Summary: You really are better than them. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x (female!)Reader.
Word Count: 3000-ish.
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
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It was ridiculous. So ridiculous that it bordered near downright insane. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Impractical, stupid and completely, utterly ridiculous. Beautiful, sparkly and downright amazing, but ridiculous. You fucking loved it.
The baby pink, bejeweled handgun sat inside a pink velvet box on your lap. The bow, which was also pink, of course, was lying at your feet, which were clad in bedazzled silver Louboutins. Gems of all colors on the rainbow covered it on all sides, from the barrel to the handgrip and along the safety pin.
You gazed up at Tony, who wore an amused expression on his face, before glancing over at Pepper. She had her hand over her mouth in embarrassment, clearly horrified by Tony’s gift choice. The card read that it was from both of them. Clearly, that wasn’t the case. 
“Happy birthday, kid.” He said with a smirk that nearly extended from ear to ear.
“I don’t even want to know how much you spent on that,” Pepper muttered, shaking her head while you took the thing out of the pink and white polka-dotted tissue paper.
The others sighed audibly when you smiled, annoyed that Tony’s gift overshadowed theirs yet again. To be fair, they’d all expected it, but all of them secretly hoped any one of their gifts would be your favorite. 
“I love it,” you said, twirling the weapon around in your hand, “and I agree with Pepper, I can’t even imagine how much you spent on this thing...”
“You’ll make it work,” he mused, “Two million dollars, by the way, and you could just thank me.”
Your breath caught in your throat and for a moment, you were sure Pepper was going to faint. Natasha shook her head, watching the scene unfold in horror. It was the ugliest thing she had ever seen. Wanda, who seemed to share none of her feelings, had created a monster out of you.
“Thanks, Tony,” you blew him a kiss, unable to get up from your seat at the dinner table that was covered in white roses in silver vases and wine that came from expensive bottles.
“It’s very pretty,” the witch said, “Can I hold it?” 
“Please,” you shoved it into her hands, “by all means.” 
“You’re insane, Tony,” you said as you took the gift Bruce had gotten for you from his outstretched hands with a smile, “Absolutely fucking nuts, but I love you for it.”
Your eyes went around the room, finding Steve at the end of the table of which you sat at the head. You were the birthday girl, after all, the pink satin sash draped around you said so in large, cursive letters and so it was your turn to have the most important seat of the house. It was a ridiculous ordeal, he thought so anyway, but you were smiling and chatting and enjoying the company of your friends and it was good to see. He couldn’t remember the last time that had happened and knew very well he was to blame. 
He was the one who pushed you away, even though it was for your own good.
You took Thor’s gift just as the waiter began to serve your first course, and since he was seated closest to you, you thanked him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Steve’s gift came last. You didn’t expect anything from him given the circumstances.
Four hours, six courses and many glasses of wine and Asgardian mead later, you found yourself back in your room. Gifts given to you by your fellow team members were sprawled out on your bed, ranging from a pair of silk pajamas with glittery Ugg slippers to match from Wanda to Starbucks and Sephora gift cards from Sam and everything in between. Chocolate covered strawberries in a glittery box, two romance novels, a bottle of beautifully aged red wine from Asgard and a peach-toned Dior lipstick, all tokens of appreciation given to you by the people you cared about the most. 
Despite the hardships that you faced the previous year and the social distancing that occurred during that time, you couldn’t deny how good it felt to be with the team again. You’d changed a lot in a year, grown to be a different person than the one you were before. It wasn’t necessarily a good or a bad thing in your mind, it just happened naturally.  
You sat down beside the velvet box, eyes automatically flying towards the item on your far left. A drawing of you, sitting on a terrace, staring out into the sunny skyline with a cup of coffee in your hand. It was an old drawing by the looks of it because your hair was much shorter and a different shade and your clothing was far plainer than it was now; black jeans and a white t-shirt. A signature that read SR sat in the bottom right corner in messy, doctor-like handwriting. It made your toes curl. 
Of course, he was the one with the overly personal gift. You didn’t know whether it was because he simply had no fucking clue what 21st-century women liked to receive for their birthdays or whether he’d purposely done it to make you remember the day it was drawn, but the latter happened and now, you were sitting on your bed with prickling eyes and goosebumps that lined your skin.
You remembered that day very vividly. You’d only been an Avenger for three months and were struggling to adjust to the fact that you had to suddenly follow orders. Before joining the team, you’d worked alone, hired by people with deep pockets and dark intentions. You made your own rules. 
The first time Steve had taken you out for coffee he kind to offer you advice. At first, you thought it felt a little like he was trying to be the human resource manager with the way he talked to you, you continued to meet up every Saturday afternoon and as the weeks passed, something in the dynamic changed.  He loosened up, got rid of his Captain America persona and instead became Steve. You didn’t know what caused the change, but it was good, allowed you to actually get to know the man behind the suit and vice versa. 
That particular day was a good one, It was a sunny day in spring, not too hot and not too cold, with a soft breeze that carried the scent of fresh flowers across the terrace. You’d ordered a latte, Steve liked it black. You weren’t talking, but instead, a comfortable silence hung between you. You’d brought a book just like you always did and read it while occasionally eyeing the people that passed you by. Steve, whose cheeks had become fiery red out of the blue, pulled out a leather-bound sketchbook and began to draw.
You never asked him what he was drawing, even when he stored away his pencils and shoved the book back inside his tote did you not bother to pry. Not even when you became so close you’d sometimes fall asleep together on the couch, did you not ask. 
You knew now, but they didn’t say ignorance is bliss without reason.
You began to mindlessly pick at three layers of lavender toned sparkling nail polish, pulling at it as it came off your fingers with far too much ease. You’d paid the lady $60 for your manicure three days prior and now, you were ripping it off. With a deep sigh, you pushed yourself up, gripping the back of your heels so you could slip them off with ease. You’d probably never wear them again. 
You slowly began to clean up the mess, discarded packaging, boxes, and gift bags and placing them in the corner of your room near the door. You put everything away except for the drawing, which you couldn’t decide what to do with. Why was it such a big deal to you, anyway? You hardly spoke to Steve anymore and if you did, it was during pre- and post-mission briefings. Maybe that’s why it made you feel so strange. it didn’t feel right, such a personal, intimate gift after how far the two of you had drifted apart. 
He hadn’t asked you about Netflix in four months and you hadn’t offered your expertise on which shows and movies were the best. You didn’t bring him coffee anymore but instead, he made his own, never leaving enough in the pot for you to make a cup as well. The message he sent you was loud and clear and in return, you were an open book. 
He’d grumble when a stranger was seated at the breakfast table on Sundays courtesy of your hospitality, avert his eyes when they tried to kiss you openly (which you refused). The pang in his chest would hit him when he saw Ubers out front whose engines were running to carry you to your dates in high-end restaurants and fancy bars. He wasn’t jealous, he kept telling himself. He was just worried about your safety when you disappeared into the night with strange men. Men that weren’t him, ironically. 
He should’ve seen you when you were right in front of him. When you were there, literally waiting for him to make a move on you, begging him with your mannerisms and your looks, your glances, and smiles even when his jokes weren’t funny. He knew damn well you would make an amazing couple, that you could take on the entire fucking world as a duo, but he was too scared to put it on the line, too scared of what might happen once the bad guys caught a whiff of your relationship. They’d already tried to destroy Bucky and Jesus Christ, they nearly succeeded. He couldn’t handle the thought of losing you to an organization like HYDRA, or worse. He never told you this. You had no idea. You were convinced he didn’t want you because of your flaws. Because of who you were. 
You got over it, shut out the thought of ever holding hands with Steve in public, the thoughts of ever feeling his lips softly pressing against your plump cheeks and his body weighing down on top of you while his voice vibrated against your ear and neck. You managed to forget about him, managed to exchange the memories and fantasies of him for diamond necklaces, silk blazers, and expensive shoes. You traded him in for strangers with big bank accounts driving nice cars wearing expensive suits. They managed to fill the void he created by pushing you away. 
So yeah, the gift bothered you. It was too nice, too sweet, so sweet you had to struggle to stay stoic when thanking him earlier. You literally had to stop yourself from smiling too big, from allowing tears of gratitude and happiness to completely ruin your make-up. if things had been different, you would have done those things. They weren’t. He didn’t want you and now he was being nice. It didn’t make sense. 
Just as you were about to change into a different outfit for the evening, your phone vibrated. You picked it up off your nightstand and opened it. It was a text message, but not from the guy who would be knocking on the front door in the coming hour.
I didn’t get a chance to personally wish you a happy birthday. Can we talk? -S
You gripped the device so hard you nearly crushed the screen. Six months ago, a message like this would’ve had you crying on your bathroom floor for four hours. Now, it just made you angry. So angry, that you picked your studded Louboutin off the floor and chucked it at the wall. The heel broke off against the concrete, but you didn’t notice. You weren’t going to wear them again anyway.  
Your fingers typed furiously, breathing coming out in shallow huffs. Images of the girls he’d brought back to Tony’s party’s flashed before your eyes while your fingers went faster than your brain could keep up with. 
Roof. Omw. 
Whether he understood the abbreviation ‘omw’ or not, you didn’t take the time to guess. You left your room without changing into the other dress or putting on new shoes. The elevator went up agonizingly slowly, but it was too late to go back and take the stairs. The buttons were pushed and the door closed. 
He was standing by the edge, leaning against the railing with his arms crossed over his chest. In contrast to you, he had changed his attire, leaving the light blue button-down he was wearing earlier for a plain white t-shirt and black sweatpants. He looked down at your feet, noticed how your polished toes were bare and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again when he caught the expression on your face. You weren’t surprised to find him there first. Hell, you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d come up there running. Apparently, though, he did know what ‘omw’ meant.
“What the hell is this?” You asked, waving your phone in front of his face, “what do you think you’re doing?” 
“What do you mean?” He asked, voice wavering. 
“What do I mean? What...,” you snorted, “What do you mean?! The gift, the talking? We shouldn’t be here.” 
“But why?” He knew why but chose to ignore the sensical part of his brain that told him he shouldn’t be doing this.
You lifted your arms, a deep breath leaving you while you considered what to say. You wanted to come up with an excuse, tell him you were busy or that you’d lost sight of not just him, but the entire team, but fuck it, lying wouldn’t get you anywhere. It had never gotten you anywhere before.  
“Because I have to get over you.” 
He was silent, taking in your words. They stung, even though he already knew the truth they carried. 
“I couldn’t have you constantly hanging around me anymore. I couldn’t stand seeing those girls hanging off your arm at those stupid parties and I sure as hell didn’t want to hear how fun they were and how great and wonderful and how amazing, and-”
He stepped forward, gripping your arms. The sudden contact made blood rush to your head, making you nauseous and dizzy simultaneously. 
 “I spent so much time wondering why they were better than me,” you mumbled, “I still haven’t figured it out.” 
“They aren’t better than you,” he replied softly, “they don’t even compare to you.” 
You looked up, eyes large and glossy and so goddamn pretty with that champagne eyeshadow and winged liner and Steve thought he was going to lose his mind then and there.
“I had to let you go because I’m afraid,” he admitted, “terrified of what might happen if anyone tries to get to you because of me.” 
“Steve,” you tried, but couldn’t find words. 
All this time, you thought he didn’t like you. That he wasn’t interested in you, didn’t want anything from you but a friendship at most. You’d taught yourself to ignore your constant desire for him because it would never be reciprocated.
“When you distanced yourself from me, I knew I’d messed up, but it was too late. I’d dug a hole for myself and there was nothing I could do to get back out,” he snorted, “I needed those girls as a distraction, but none of them are as good as you.” 
He smiled sadly, taking your hands in his larger, calloused palms and began to rub circles on your knuckles. 
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, “I’ve been stupid and an ass and I don’t deserve to even be in the same room as you. I fucked up, Y/N.”
The skin on the back of his neck was soft when you clasped your fingers around it, muscles tensing up when you began to pull him down to meet you. Without heels on, you’d lost a significant amount of height on him, causing him to tower over you. On a hot day, he could be your personal parasol, shielding you from the sun with his entire body.
“Idiot,” you mumbled before his mouth found yours. 
He kissed you, hands gripping your waist out of fear that if he were to let go, he’d wake up in his bed alone. But it wasn’t a dream, he knew it because the soft feeling of your glossy lips against his own was unlike anything he’d ever felt. 
“Idiot,” you said again when you took a moment to breathe. 
“I am,” he kissed you again, the sweet taste of Chardonnay and that night’s dessert - creme brulee and vanilla ice cream - still lingering on your tongue, sending his senses in complete overdrive. 
“I don’t want to stay away from you anymore,” he said finally, “I’d never let anyone hurt you.” 
You smiled, heart ready to explode from the sudden burst of happiness you experienced for the first time in a long time. Maybe Wanda was right all along. 
“Steve, I can defend myself. You know that, right?” You mused.
“I’ll kill them if they try.” 
He captured your lips with his again. The scent of his cologne, oud, and pine, nearly caused your knees to buckle from under you. You didn’t even realize the goosebumps that lined your skin, or the fact that the date you were supposed to meet up with had already bailed on you. It didn’t matter, because you finally had Steve where you wanted him. It only took for the two of you to drift apart almost completely for you to realize that you could never truly get away from one another. 
You placed your head on top of his chest, allowing his body heat to warm you up in a hug that engulfed you. It was nice, the feeling of his chest rising and falling slowly while you watched the city’s skyline in the dark. The want for it had been suppressed for so long you almost forgot what it felt like. 
“Steve?” You asked, peeking up at him through false eyelashes and three layers of waterproof mascara. 
“Your gift was my favorite.”
Yeah, all of those bitches definitely weren’t better than you. 
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punkpoemprose · 4 years
December 4th- The Movie Date
Universe: 2000′s AU Rating: G (General Audiences) Length: 1720 Words
Note: This fic deals with Kristoff and Anna waiting in line to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in 2007 because for me the 2000′s were pretty much all Harry Potter all the time. I just want to say that while I’ve always been a fan of the Harry Potter series, I am not a fan of JK Rowling and her TERF ideology. If you like this fic please consider donating to The Trevor Project or another charity of your choice that supports trans folks. Trans rights are human rights.
Also on a less important note: I fucked with the timeline a bit because I wanted the last book to have come out before the fifth movie for the plot stuff I could do with it. Technically speaking the last book came out ten days later than the film, but semantics.
If someone had told him a year ago that he would be dressed up in a wizard costume, standing in line for over five hours just to get seats to see a movie, he would have called them crazy. Of course, he’d heard of Harry Potter, even then. It was a cultural phenomenon and really he’d been meaning to read the books at some point, it was just that he was busy with work or it was hockey season, or something came up and he never really found the time to sit down and read the books. That was, of course, all the excuses he’d made before Anna.
He’d met her mostly by mistake while at work. He’d been working on laying up brick for a new fountain in the city park, and she’d been walking a big fluffy white dog by one hand while texting someone on her Nokia with the other, and it hadn’t ended particularly well for anyone involved. The long story short was that she’d broken her arm, he’d needed stitches in his cheek, and the dog, Olaf, had needed to have chunks of fur cut away after cement dried into his fluffy tail.
It had also, coincidentally worked out very well for at least the human parts of the incident as, once they’d finished arguing over who was at fault, they’d also started talking civilly and despite their aches and pains, had actually went out for coffee after the incident. At the time, a Starbucks had just opened in town and it had been the excuse they’d both used, along with the promise of apology coffee, for their first date.
She’d been easy to fall in love with, and when she’d brought up the kids series and her love of it on their first date, he’d finally had the shove he needed to stop making excuses and read them.  He didn’t end up loving them nearly so much as she did. He’d never been much of a fantasy guy, but still after hours reading the books and discussing them with her, they’d ordered the movies through Netflix and watched them together as they arrived in the mail.
That was six months before they moved in together. Now, while he still wasn’t as into the series as Anna, he could say that he knew as much as anyone who had finished the series in July when the final book came out. He’d needed to stand in line then too, but it had been worth it to bring it home and watch Anna, who had been sick, marathon the book between breaks for NyQuil and sustenance. The snot and tears he’d endured, laying on the couch with her, her head on his chest, had been all worth it in the end, as the hours in line and the silly costume were now.
The things I do for love.
“Okay, so as soon as they let us in, we’ll snag the best seats. You’re on guard duty while I get popcorn because you look tough.”
He snorted, both at the fact that she had a game plan, and because he really didn’t feel like he looked tough at all in his Gryffindor tie (though he’d been told by Anna, and a quiz she’d found on Quizilla.com, that he was much more of a Hufflepuff) and large black robe. In fact, he felt like he looked a little bit ridiculous, but Anna, in comparison, looked lovely.
She’d decided to dress like Fleur Delacour in her Beauxbaton’s uniform, and he knew that he, by association was meant to be Bill Weasley, something which he not only liked the idea of from a romantic sense, but also by characterization. He’d liked Bill in the books, and for what it was worth, he’d also liked Fleur despite the way other characters looked at her. While he wasn’t sure he was quite brave enough to be Bill, he did like his work ethic, the strong sense of right and wrong he seemed to display, and his love for his family. Anna made an excellent Fleur, particularly in the sense that he found her so lovely that she could certainly have some Veela heritage, even if they were fictional.
“I’ll endeavor to do my best,” he said, only half teasing.
“You’ll do fine I’m sure. I mean they’re only selling as many tickets as they have seats, and it’s been sold out for weeks, so once we get our seats it’s not like anyone can make us move or kick us out or something.”
He nodded, “Honestly Anna I think that everyone is just excited to see the movie, I doubt they’re going to fight us on seats too much.”
“But if they do, we’re going to win.”
He laughed at that. There was a glint in her eye that seemed more like they were about to go to battle than that they were going to walk into a movie theater. He loved her competitive nature, particularly when it wasn’t aimed toward him, in their Livingroom, playing Call of Duty. Her bloodlust was legendary when a win was on the line, and “all is fair in love and war” was the law of the land as soon as the PlayStation turned on.  
“So I know you have a rule about soda because whenever you get it you have to pee halfway through the movie, but would you mind grabbing me a cherry coke when you get the popcorn? Because I haven’t had a drink in five hours and I understand the Order of the Phoenix is very important, and I was willing to sacrifice for it, but I’m going to need to drink something soon or I’m going to look like a dementor…”
He trailed off, noticing that Anna wasn’t paying any attention to a word he was saying, but instead was staring off past the pinball machines and crane games that dotted the lobby, straight over to the ticket counter, where a girl, appearing to be around ten, wearing a Quidditch uniform was crying into her extremely frazzled looking mother’s skirt.
“Oh geeze,” Anna said quietly, much lower than when they were explaining their battle plan, “That poor kid. I bet her Mom didn’t think to buy ahead… she probably didn’t realize how popular it was going to be.”
Kristoff frowned, he had a sister about her age, and there was nothing worse than watching her cry over anything. As much as he was wrapped around Anna’s finger, he’d been wrapped around hers first. There were many years, when she was even younger, that he’d bring himself to exhaustion carrying her around on his shoulders, reading her stories, and doing whatever it took to keep her happy. He could only imagine how much more he’d want to please a kid of his own.
“Anna… is she wearing a birthday girl pin on her robe?”
He probably shouldn’t have mentioned it, but he noticed the pink button and crown when she turned and wiped her little eyes.
“It is,” Anna agreed, frowning, “It is definitely a birthday girl pin. I bought Elsa the same one last month… but I don’t think she wore it as proudly as that kid is.”
An announcement was made over the lobby PA system informing the theatergoers that rope drop to enter theaters 1-4 for the release showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix would be in just five minutes. When Anna quickly ducked under the rope to the side of them that they’d been standing between for five hours, Kristoff smiled to himself, already knowing where she was going.
“’Well, I’m glad you listen to Hermione Granger at any rate’, she said, pointing him out of her office.”
Anna snorted, jostling the book, as Kristoff held it with one hand and played with her hair with the other. Her head was rested against his chest on their couch, and despite the late hour they were both still awake and quite comfortable.
“I love how you’re doing your best Maggie Smith impression when you read McGonagall’s parts. It’s almost like I can see it.”
He leaned forward and a bit awkwardly placed a kiss on her forehead as he flipped the book closed. They’d finished Chapter Twelve and while he would start Chapter Thirteen if she wanted him to, a moment to rest was required before they read any further.
“I’m sorry we didn’t actually go see it,” he replied, “But I’m glad that we found something else to do tonight. That little girl and her mom looked like they’d been given a million dollars when you handed them the tickets.”
Anna smiled at that, her eyes fluttering open. Her eyes were still  a little sad and at odds with her grin, but he supposed that it only made sense that she was still happy and sad about her decision to give up a night she’d been planning for months to a child she didn’t even know.
“Well I mean… I would want someone to do it for our… I mean my kid. You know, if we… I had one.”
The slip wasn’t unnoticed by him, and setting the book down onto the floor, he pulled her in tighter to his chest, wrapping both arms around her tightly. She squirmed a bit in his embrace, laughing at how between him and the blanket she was all but cocooned.
“Someday,” he said, “Yeah, I would hope someone would do that for our kid. Or you know… kids.”
She stopped squirming and instead hummed appreciatively at his comment.
“Maybe,” she said, “A whole burrow’s worth.”
They’d only briefly talked before about marriage and a family, but he did like the idea of a big family. He had many siblings, and he loved being with them even though he often considered himself a bit of an introvert, but he knew that Anna loved people, and she loved noise. He could imagine her happy in a big house with plenty of smiling faces and loud joyful voices to fill it.
“Someday,” he said confidently, thinking of the end of the final book, her sobbing into his shirt over a happy ending with families and friends and young children who were products of love and loyalty, “Someday Anna we will.”
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Different Worlds (3)
Summary: You’re the youngest Winchester, a girl who needs to show her big brothers that she doesn’t need help. Then one day, on a totally normal vampire hunt that you had all under control, three meddling Avengers come barging in.
Warnings: language, violence, canon divergence, slow burn, me making stuff up
Word Count: 2011
A/N: This is basically how I’m going to update this series: like two a day and then a multiple month hiatus.
Chapter 3: Trouble On the Horizon
You sat in the booth, squished up to the wall because of a large, dark-haired supersoldier next to you. Across from you, the Falcon was happily eating his burger with Captain America next to him. You quickly sent a message to Sam and Dean telling them that you were fine and that you would meet them back at the bunker.
“Sooo…” you prompted the superheroes before you took a bite of your burger. 
“What happened back there?” the man next to you asked and turned his steel-blue eyes on to you.
You took your time before answering, chewing your food, swallowing, and then taking a sip of your drink. “That was Mr. Robert Walker.”
“Why’d he do those disappearing tricks?” the Falcon asked.
“‘Cause he’s dead.” The men raised their eyebrows simultaneously. “Robert Walker and his wife, Petra, died in like 1970 or something.”
“So he was a ghost?” Captain America clarified.
“Yep.” You popped the ‘p.’ “They, or their ghosts, were responsible for a couple of recent deaths ‘round here.”
“Spirits do things for different reasons.” You shrug. The three men were actually listening intently. “Some want revenge or just keep killing the way they killed people when they were alive.”
“You’ve done this before?”
“‘Course!” you snort. “‘S my job.”
“You’re a ghost hunter?”
“Sure.” You took a long sip of your drink.
“Why did you kill everyone at the bar? Pretty fucking sure they weren’t ghosts,” the Winter Soldier spat at you. His friends raised their eyebrows slightly in surprise at his tone.
“Yeah… that was a colony of vamps.”
“Vampires?” the Falcon asked with a smile and wide eyes.
“Yes, vampires!” You mimic his expression before dropping it quickly and resuming your so-called ‘resting bitch face.’ It was important to look intimidating in this line of work.
“Why did you have to cut off their heads?” Captain America sat back and crossed his arms.
“How else was I supposed to kill ‘em?”
“Did you have to kill them?”
Uhg. This is why. This is why the hunters stayed away from goodie two shoes, ass-kissing heroes. They always wanted to find a way to save people. Even if they were too far gone. Even if they were so blatantly monsters.
“Yes, I had to kill them. It’s. My. Job.”
“So there are ghosts and vampires,” the Falcon said to change the topic, “what else?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Your friendly mood had disappeared. Your back ached from where Mr. Walker threw you against the wall and you were tired. “I’m done here.”
“How’s your arm?” the blue-eyed man next to you asked, stopping your ‘escape attempt’ of climbing over the back of the seat.
“Whadya mean?”
“Last time, with the vampires, you injured your arm.”
Well, you didn’t expect this. Especially from the Winter Soldier. You could tell he wasn’t satisfied with your answers, or lack of them, but at the same time, he was actually asking about your injury.
“‘S all healed.” You pulled down your shirt from the collar to show them. Cas had been useful and fixed you up. No ugly puncture wounds today.
“How?” You looked at the man for more explanation. “How did you heal so fast. It was only a week ago.”
“Mag-my friend is really good at patching people up.” There was a beat of silence. “Can I go home now?”
“We’ll take you home.”
“Thank you, Mister America.”
“Call me Steve.” You narrowed your eyes at the patriotic man. “My name is Steve Rogers. We know all about you, might as well tell you about us.”
“You don’t know anything about me,” you mumbled as the Falcon introduced himself as Sam. “My brother’s name is Sam.” They probably already knew that.
“We know.”
“I’m James Barnes,” the Winter Soldier less enthusiastically than his teammates who gave him a sharp look. “But my friends call me Bucky.”
You snorted. “Bucky? What kinda name’s ‘Bucky?’”
“It’s from his middle name, Buchanan,” Steve explained while Bucky glared at you.
“Well then, Bucky. You were going to take me home?”
You had the superheroes drop you off in St. Louis, Missouri. You had a motorcycle in a storage cell in the city. Your brothers didn’t need you bringing some superheroes to the front door. Who knew if they were going to continue to show up?
You loitered around the city for a while after they left, just in case they were still watching you. You’ve never gotten the opportunity to explore St. Louis before due to, you know, being wanted by the FBI. Today, you still kept your head low.
About an hour after the superheroes left you, you made your way to the storage compound with a Starbucks drink in your hand. You smiled when your black, retro motorcycle caught your eye. It had been a while since you last rode. You dusted off your helmet, because it would be a sad ending for a hunter to go out because of a simple road accident, before swinging your leg over the vehicle. Time to go home.
Bucky sat in the quinjet, this time with the rest of the team. A Hydra base they had just recently raided had shown signs of activity. Somehow, he couldn’t get his mind to focus on the current mission. Didn’t he not want to go on that little case a week ago? Now he couldn’t get (Y/N) off his mind.
No, she wasn’t stuck in his head because he thought she was pretty. Or very capable of taking care of herself. Even though she did look very nice with her shotgun. No. (Y/N) was only occupying his mind because there was a mystery surrounding her and Bucky had to get to the bottom of it.
Obviously by talking to (Y/N) more. That wasn’t a bad thing. Good thing Sam couldn’t read his thoughts.
Bucky peeked at Wanda sitting a few seats away. She had her earphones in, no doubt to block out everyone’s thoughts. She mentioned before that everyone was loud before missions but music helped.
He still had the niggling worry that (Y/N) and her brothers had something to do with Hydra. Or Hydra had something to do with them. Did Hydra know about ghosts and vampires? Bucky knew how many experiments they performed on people. He’s pretty sure that they tried to make vampires once. That didn’t end well with anyone.
The rough landing of the quinjet and Clint’s incessant apologies from the cockpit pulled Bucky out of his thoughts. They left the plane in sets of three: him, Steve, and Sam (of fucking course); Natasha, Clint, and Wanda; Tony, Rhodey, and Vision.
Tony’s team tackled the outside forces as Nat’s team took the north entrance. Bucky’s team made it into the south entrance with ease. They faced very little opposition as they made their way down the halls of the facility. Bucky hoped and assumed that it was because Hydra didn’t have the manpower.
“Guys, look at this,” Sam called down the hallway from a random room.
Steve and Bucky followed Sam into the room. It was dimly lit and empty save for a couple of cans of red paint in the corner and a large book on a stand in the middle of the floor. Sam had opened the book and was flipping through the yellowed pages.
“What’s this?” Bucky walked up to him and the book while Steve kept an eye out on the hallway.
“I dunno. Can’t read it.” When Sam flipped through, Bucky noticed strange symbols decorating the pages. “Woah,” Sam exclaimed when he landed on a certain page. “Didn’t know Hydra did this kinda stuff.”
The page displayed a large red pentagram along with instructions in what Bucky assumed was Latin. Even though he couldn’t read the words, the star spoke enough. A chill went down his spine and his mind instantly went to (Y/N). Was this part of her world?
“Let’s take it,” Bucky suggested. “Don’t want to leave it with them.”
“What’s all this?” Nat interrupted.
“What are you doing here?” Sam spun around quickly.
“The building’s clear. I was doing our job while you were having a book club.”
“Apparently Hydra’s into some weird shit.” Bucky motioned to the pentagram on display.
“Fuck,” Natasha mumbled as her eyes searched the pages. “Looks like Hydra was planning some Satanic ritual.” Her words echoed through the comms.
“You can read Latin?” Sam asked.
“Let’s just get out of here,” Bucky grumbled, grabbed the large book, and marched out of the room.
“We have a problem,” Cas announced, suddenly appearing and startling everyone in the previously quiet room.
“Hello to you too, Cas,” Dean smirked.
“Hi, Cas!” Jack beamed at one of his many father figures.
“What is it?” Sam rationally asked. You closed the book you weren’t really reading and took your feet off the table to sit up and look more attentive.
“Lucifer is trying to take heaven.”
“Again?” You fiddled with your new ring.
You had found it on the ground in one of the storage rooms in the bunker. Jack didn’t find anything malevolent on it, but he said that it could store energy and magic. At your request, he had filled it with healing magic. You really didn’t want to die. Again.
“Yes, again,” Cas answered. You paused for a second before remembering your question before losing your train of thought. 
“This isn’t really a problem anymore,” Dean pointed out. “Just a monthly chore.”
“Weekly, actually,” Cas corrected. “He would try to break out every Saturday, but he had ceased his attempts for the last five weeks.”
Lucifer was being held in Heaven, or you supposed he used to be held there considering he was now trying to gain control. The angels decided to lock him in Heaven because it was easier than trying to shove him back into the cage. It also kept him away from his demonic minions.
“He broke out and now is gathering forces to take Heaven?” Dean guessed.
“Sounds like my father,” said Jack under his breath and you gave him a small, sympathetic rub on the back.
“Yes,” continued Cas. “He’s already recruited some witches to find a book of spells. He’s looking for the Magicae Libro.”
“The… Magic Book?” you laughed. “Creative.”
“They didn’t need to be creative when it was the only one.”
“Right, sorry. So what is the Magicae Libro, other than a magic book?”
“It was the first spellbook. Written by some of the first witches, directly advised by Lucifer. Because of the power basically woven into the pages, the spells and rituals cast using the book are more powerful.”
“That’s a thing?” Sam ran his hand through his hair.
“We gotta get to it before the witches bring it to Lucifer, then,” Dean spoke over his brother.
“Any idea where we start?” Jack asked plainly.
“Maybe ask our own witch to get it for us,” you suggested. “Rowena’s always in it for the power and she would want the Magicae Libro for herself.”
“Rowena is unpredictable,” Cas argued.
“She’s gotten better, though.”
“Don’t let her hear you say that,” Dean butted in. “She’d kill a bunch of people just out of spite.”
“We can let her take the book once Lucifer is under control once again.”
“We promised her powerful books before.” Cas wasn’t giving it to her.
“And the deals worked. We’re all still alive. The same deal can work again.”
“I am not giving the Magicae Libro to Rowena!”
“Then you and Jack go looking for it.”
“Jack is going nowhere,” Cas growled. “His father will be looking for him. We don’t want Lucifer to find the book and Jack in the same place.”
“Then we ask Rowena for help.”
“I can do it,” Jack agreed.
“No!” All three men yelled at the boy.
“Jack or Rowena.” You held out your hands and moved them up and down like a scale. “Jack or Rowena. Pick one.”
“Fine.” Cas glared at the table. “Call Rowena.”
Tag List (strike though means tag didn’t work):
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unabashegirl · 5 years
Can you please write one where David and yn was together in highschool and together for a while and the only reason they broke up was because he was going to la. And a few years later she decides to visit Natalie and him and they kinda reconnect and catch feeling BUT he’s still with liza. I hope that makes sense lol. I know it sounds dumb so you don’t have to write it. Thank you ❤️
It doesn’t sound dumb! It’s actually a really good idea! I hope to make it justice.
It had started because of Y/N Y/L/N appearance in fashion week. Natalie had loved her IGTV video that she had posted, showing all the different looks that she had worn. Natalie immediately privately direct messaged her. They quickly caught up with time and it was as if they were still in high school. Natalie tried to convince Y/N for a few months to visit L.A, so they could hang and Natalie could get some advice on her wardrobe choices. After a few months, Y/N accepted and bought the tickets. 
“Why am I even here?” David asked Natalie as they sat on his Tesla at the airport waiting for Y/N’s flight to arrive. Natalie had just woke him up from a nice nap since he had stayed up all night trying to edit. 
“Y/N is coming, doofus! Are you a little bit happy about it?” He had to admit he was. Natalie wasn’t the only one scrolling all the way down to her first pictures and stalking the heck out of her. David had done it a few times. He wanted to see whom she had become after all this time. 
“No, not really. I got a girlfriend, remember?” He sniffed as he leaned back on his seat. David was still dating Liza Koshy and they are doing well. He could never mess up everything he had built with Liza for Y/N. Sure, it had been lovely when they were together, but he was in a different stage in his life. She was also and maybe she wasn’t the same girl that he had initially fallen in love with. 
“I meant as friends” To be honest David hadn’t expected Y/N to show up dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. He had expected her to show up in heels and in some very expensive outfit, designed by someone who they could barely pronounce. 
Both girls smiled and giggled while they hugged the heck out of each other. They were too excited to notice David getting out of the car. He didn’t know what overcame him, but as soon as he saw her he felt like he needed to get out and hug her. 
“Hi” David smiled, Y/N smiled back and pulled him into a tight hug. 
“Look at you” she joked as they pulled away and looked at each other eyes. David had changed a lot and was more successful and famous than ever, but his eyes remained the same. It was the same pair of eyes that she had fallen in love with in high school. 
They all loaded the car and David started the drive back to the house. Y/N was staying in a hotel, but it was still early and Natalie had asked her to join her for a hike. They were going to change in Natalie’s room and then head out. 
“How was fashion week? How did you even get invited!” Natalie asked as she looked back at Y/N by the rearview mirror. 
“YSL invited me actually. They took care of the whole thing. It was pretty nice. You should come with me next time” David snorted causing both girls to snap their heads. 
“Natalie?” He laughed, “She wears leggings and sweatpants every day!” Natalie playfully slapped his arm and shook her head. “Plus, she works for me and she can’t be missing work just to see a bunch of people walking around” 
“In Paris” Natalie added, “Where there is so much good food!” 
“Okay,” David chuckled, “That actually sounds nice” Y/N laughed while she checked her social media and her email inbox for any new emails. “You should take me instead. I am better company” 
“Oh trust me I know,” Y/N said casually, barely paying attention to the conversation. It wasn’t until she finished the sentence she was typing that she realized what she said. The atmosphere had changed and she could sense that David was now tense and didn’t know what to say. 
“Natalie any cute boys around?” Y/N asked trying to divert the conversation. Natalie just laughed and shook her head. “What about that Jeff guy? He looked pretty yummy” 
“You like Jeff?!” Natalie exclaimed, “I have to set you up now! I should’ve seen it coming!” 
“What do you mean?” Y/N frowned as she finally blocked her phone. 
“Everyone who is a social influencer likes him!” 
“Hey! He is cute! I don’t even know him. He could be a total ass!” Y/N defended herself. David just wanted to arrive home and drop both of them off. He had no intention of hearing his ex-girlfriend talk about how attractive one of his closest friends was. 
“I am sure you guys will get along. Beautiful babies” Y/N laughed then turned her attention to the right out of bed looking, David. “How is Liza?” She asked him trying to bond over something. 
“She is fine. She is working all day today, but she promised to visit tonight” David said not wanting to sound too cocky about the fact that he had a loving, long-lasting relationship and she didn’t. 
“Great!” Y/N didn’t have anything against Liza. She seemed like a strong, hard-working woman. She was perfect for David, yet that didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt her to see him with her. It could’ve been them. 
“How long are you staying?” David asked as he observed her from the rearview mirror occasionally. 
“Just a week. I got to go back to Chicago eventually” She now lived in the city. In the middle of everything, she still kept in touch with Ilya and Dima. They would usually hang out together. 
“How is that?” David asked, “I remember it was your dream to own an apartment near Riverwalk” 
“That is what I am working on, right now. I am planning on moving in a few weeks.” It was a beautiful townhome that she had always dream of having and she had finally found the one. She had signed the papers. She was just waiting for a few things to deliver before moving in. 
“Oh wow. Congratulations. I guess all your dreams came true” He truly felt proud. He knew that she had worked hard for everything that she had acquired. She wasn’t just a social media influencer, but she was also an incredible businesswoman. 
“So did yours” They had broken up because of his dream. He wanted to be someone. He wanted to be recognized and he wanted to be someone big! He had surely acquired everything that he had desired. 
“Not all,” he said as he looked at her through the rearview mirror. She didn’t know what to say after that comment so she remained quiet. She never would’ve guessed that David still thought about her, let alone missed her, but he did. He would check up on her with Ilya and Dima. He knew it was wrong since he had a girlfriend, but he couldn’t hold himself back from doing so. 
A few minutes later, David pulled up to the house. He was the first one out of the car. He wanted to bang his head against a wall for what he had previously said to her. He just wished that Y/N doesn't misinterpret his words. He was happy with Liza and he couldn’t mess it up, so he decided to keep himself away from her. He locks himself in his bedroom. 
It isn’t until later in the day when he hears a bunch of laughs and voices coming from the kitchen that he decides to leave his bedroom. 
“You are kidding, right? You don’t look like one of those girls!” Jeff laughed as he leaned against the counter of the kitchen. 
“Now I don’t, but I was one of those girls” She giggled along. 
“Hey man,” Jeff called out as he noticed his friend, standing by the bedroom door. “I thought you were sleeping” 
“I just woke up” He answered as he noticed Jason, Scotty, and Todd in the room. They all had different drinks and snacks with them. They had all gone out and had just come back from working out. “How was it?” David asked as he pulled a chair beside Jason. 
“This kid can run fast” Jeff pointed to Y/N, who was wearing a matching baby blue set that matched Natalie’s yellow one. 
“You are just too slow” Y/N joked back causing Jeff to gasp. 
“Y/N was on the track team. You are setting yourself for failure”  David yawned as he reached over and took Natalie’s drink. 
“Oh! You cheater!” Scott exclaimed, “That’s why I felt like I was going throw up” 
“Me too” Jason added as he continued to eat his bagel from Starbucks. 
“What the hell is that?” David had taken a sip out of Natalie’s drink. “It’s disgusting. Is that the same as yours?” He pointed at Y/N. 
“No mine has strawberries and bananas. Hers is only greens and kale” David reached out for hers. She carefully handed it. It reminded her of when they were younger and David used to steal her milkshakes from Shake Shack. 
“Oh, this is so much better” David comments before continuing to drink her juice. 
“Shopping?” Y/N asked Natalie as the boys joked around and David pulled his camera out after finishing Y/N juice. 
“Hell yeah. Let’s take a shower and change” Y/N nodded and followed behind. 
“A shower? Together? Can I join?” Todd joked, both of the girls giggle and walk away to get ready. “Shut the camera off” He throws a pillow at David, knocking it out of his hands as they sit on the couch. 
“What the fuck?” David asked as he picked the camera back up. 
“How did you walked away from that?” Todd finally asked, David quickly turned the camera off and placed it beside him. 
“I didn’t walk away from her. She just stayed in Chicago” David shrugged as he remembers that day. He had hoped for her to join him, but she declined. She was already enrolled in college and her parents were very strict. Y/N had always wanted to be the perfect daughter for them. She always tried her best to excel in whatever she was doing just so they could both be proud of her. 
“She is so hot man” Jeff commented, bring him back from his deep thoughts. David just nodded along. He recognized it. She was just as beautiful and even more. 
“Enough. David has Liza” Jason stepped in as soon as he saw how confused David looked by the whole situation. “Unless you are second-guessing yourself” 
“No no never,” David said, “That would be reckless. Liza is all I have ever wanted” Everyone nodded along, but they could see that he was saying that to himself. He was trying to convince himself. 
Later that day, everyone gathered at David’s. Everyone wanted to meet Y/N. They also wanted to hear Y/N’s anecdotes and stories of how Natalie and David were when they were younger. Liza also appeared and David decided to spend some time with her. Alone and away from everyone else before he introduced her to Y/N. 
He decided to keep quiet about Y/N. He also kept his distance most of the week. It was until Sunday night when they had gathered to wish Y/N a farewell that he finally decided to talk to her. He caught her outside, looking out into the Los Angeles lights. 
“I see what you found so appealing about LA” She whispered as he came up to her. “It’s beautiful” 
“Yeah, it is. It’s a nice life” He added as he looked out towards the city. “Do you regret us?” David finally asks, “I mean like us dating and then breaking up?” She sighed and kept looking out. She didn’t dare to look at him straight into his eyes. 
“I don’t regret dating you. I had so much fun and I left so loved by you. I do regret breaking up. I wish we could’ve at least tried” She shugged as she suddenly felt the urge to cry. 
“Yeah. Me too” He whispered back, “I am glad you came over” 
“Me too. I loved seeing how truly happy you are” She smiles, “As long as you continue to be this happy. I guess I’ll be okay” 
“I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable with Liza or anything. It really wasn’t my intention” Y/N laughed and shook her head at her ex. 
“You didn’t David. Out of all people you deserve to be happy”  She said as tears streamed down her face. She cried silently and he was oblivious to it. Of course, she felt like she was going to be sick whenever she walked into a room and found them both cuddling and kissing.
She still kept a little bit of hope that destiny would bring them together once again. She hoped that she would end up in his arms again and he would look at her again with the same adoration that he used to when they were younger, but for now he was hers. She loved him too much to ever want to disintegrate his happiness just for her selfish thoughts and desires. 
She loved him too much. 
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katecarteir · 4 years
I want these words to make things right (but it's the wrongs that make the words come to life)
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pairing: eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier [reddie] rating: teen & up word count: 10,531 summary: Richie Tozier runs an anonymous tip for superheroes in the town of New York City. Sounds like a great idea, until you throw in the ex boyfriend superhero he's still in love with, and the weird blue eyed man who somehow figured out the man behind the blog ⤹ a NOT birthday fic for the lovely leigh (@s-s-georgie) 
perma taglist: @jwilliambyers, @stebbins, @isaacslaheys, @s-s-georgie, @transrich@eddiefuckinkaspbrak, @edstozler, @emgays, @anellope, @thorn-harvester-ven, @wheezyeds, @vipertooth, @tozierking, @billdenbrough, @starrystoziers, @trashmouthtozierr, @willelbyers​ @itfandomprompts, @loserslibrary (let me know if you want added!)
read on ao3
Spotted!: The one and only FlyBoy, rescuing not one, not two, but six students of New York University from a late night fire in the little coffee shop down on Old Broadway. Damages to the building were extensive- and it’s going to be closed for a very long, unknown future- but nobody was harmed thanks to our very own eye in the sky. FlyBoy, we salute you and I think we can speak for everybody when we say that we sleep better knowing you’re out there. 
Richie sent out the blast, still smiling at his phone. He’d barely even opened his eyes when he’d rolled over to grab his phone, which wasn’t anything abnormal. Richie ran one of the most popular blogs in New York City, completely anonymously. It had started out as his own interests, keeping taps on all the iconic heroes of their great and crime ridden city. It had quickly grown in regular viewers and subscribers, everybody realizing how coinvient it was to one location with all the information. More reliable information than the actual news, if Richie did say so himself.
“Really? FlyBoy again?” Richie’s roommate, Beverly Marsh, barged into Richie’s bedroom without knocking. “Don’t you think you’re getting a little too hung up on this guy? You’re running an update blog, not a FlyBoy fanblog.”
“FlyBoy is the guy to watch for.” Richie shrugged as he rolled out his bed, reaching out blindly for his glasses that he’d left on his bedside table. Beverly was standing at the edge of his bed with her hands on his hips. “Why are you looking at me like that, Mom?”
Beverly grabbed an NYU crewneck off the floor and threw it over his head. “FlyBoy isn’t the only superhero in the city, Richie! You’re falling off your brand and you’re going to lose your following. And in case you hadn’t noticed, your following pays most of our bills.” 
Richie rolled his eyes. He grabbed his lucky jeans off the floor and slipped into them without changing his boxers, getting a little too much enjoyment out of Beverly’s cringe. “Would you chill out? I’m still just reporting the news, Bev. It’s not like anything else happened last night.”
“Dr Incredible stopped a bank robbing,” Beverly pointed out without even needing to look at her phone. “You didn’t say anything about that. Not to mention- Captain Fast literally saved an entire family from plunging off a bridge in their car last night. You know, Eddie Kaspbrak? Your best friend? The love of your life? I think maybe that would be a little newsworthy, don’t you?”
Richie scraped his black curls into a bun at the top of his head and started throwing textbooks into his backpack. “Beverly, I have had my eyes open for all of ten minutes, and seven of them have been you lecturing me on how to run a blog. I will post the rest of the events from last night and anything that happened this morning on the way to class that I need to go to. Because I have a life, so unless you wanna take over all the blog responsibilities… get off my dick.” 
Beverly scoffed as Richie pushed past her out the door to his room, shouting at him that there was brewed coffee on the counter even as they both knew that Richie was going to be stopping at Starbucks for something that was more sugar and syrup than actual caffeine. 
Richie went to the same Starbucks every morning before class, and every evening after classes let out. Stanley from his Psychology 101 worked there, and he never failed to give Richie shit about his nasty habits. He was a scrawny man, with tight curls. He was always well dressed under his work apron, light coloured button ups and pressed jeans. He always looked so put together and proper that Richie wanted to frazzle him and mess him up completely.
Stan’s customer service happy expression dropped into a look of disdain. “You’re back. Again.”
“Everyday, Stanny, you know me.” Richie leaned against the counter and winked at the unimpressed barista. Stan turned away from him, putting Richie’s regular order into the register. “Gotta get that caffeine fix.”
“I’d hardly call this caffeine by any means.” Stan let out a scoff as he finished ringing up the order. Richie handed Stanley the cash, and tried to chase the barista down the line in the process of making Richie’s entirely familiar order.
“You can’t lean over the counter like that.” Stan said in a low, bored tone. “You know, you’re lucky it's in my job description to be nice to you.” 
Richie chuckled, watching as Stan applied a double spray of whipped cream that Richie certainly hadn’t paid for. “If this is you being nice to me, I would hate to see you mean.”
“Yes, you would.” Stan placed Richie’s pale drink down onto the counter and slid a straw over to Richie without Richie needing to ask. Richie grinned, and took a long, overly dramatic sip before turning away. He nursed the drink throughout his short walk to his campus building, and tossed it- half finished- into the garbage before ducking into his lecture hall. He slid into his regular seat in the far left side of the hall, then frowned as somebody sat down on the other side of him. 
It was a cute enough guy, with soft brown hair that flopped into his face. His eyes were an icy blue and there was a scar running through one eyebrow. Richie felt goosebumps jump up on his forearms as the boy stared at him.
“You’re R-R-Richie T-Tozier, right?” Bill said, voice pleasant even in the low tone. It soothed Richie in an odd way, and he felt himself lowering his guard even as he wondered why he was doing it. 
“Yeah…” Richie said slowly, lifting his pen towards his mouth and biting down on the bottom end. “And you are?”
“My name is B-B-ill.” He said, before glancing over his shoulder. He bit down on his bottom lip and leaned in closer to Richie’s space. “You’re the runner of Spotted!, right? The superhero tracker blog?”
Richie blinked at him. His teeth threatened to break through the plastic of his pen. He cleared his throat awkwardly and looked forward at the professor, droning on about something Richie couldn’t care less about, especially with how his heart was pounding in his chest. “Sorry, man. I think you’ve got the wrong guy.” 
Even as Richie refused to let his gaze waver from the front of the room, he could feel how Bill’s eyes continued to burn into the side of his head. “Well.” Bill said, voice somehow seeming much closer to Richie’s ears than he felt it should be. “If you a-ar-are the m-man behind the sc-screen, I th-thought you sh-should know that Pr-Professor Fly will make an app-appearance tonight.”
Richie jerked his head to look at Bill, but the other guy was already standing and making his way through the lecture hall. He didn’t even turn around as Richie unabashedly stared at him. Professor Fly had once been the biggest, most known superhero on the NYC scene. Along with the flight powers that his name implied, he’d also been strong and fast. He’d had a plethora of powers, so many it was beyond abnormal. Nearly three years ago, Professor Fly had stepped onto the scene with a mentee- none other than FlyBoy- and only six months after that he’d completely dropped off the face of the Earth. FlyBoy continued to work in the city, and make a bigger and bigger name for himself, but Professor Fly had not been seen in over two full years. 
It was juicy information, no doubt. The kind that made Richie’s stomach tense up and his palms sweat. If Professor Fly was coming out of retirement, that could only mean somehow seriously Bad was on the scene. But Richie didn’t run a gossip blog, and he would never post something he didn’t have any proof on. Not even something as huge as a potential Professor Fly comeback.
Spotted! Just a little  recap of last night’s busy activities in the city that never sleeps: Dr Incredible bringing a bank robbery to a skidding halt, making sure all our favourite rich bitches and Wall Street moneybags have their millions safe for another day! Thanks, dude! And OF COURSE, the adorable and flawless Captain Fast saving an entire family from certain doom, and looking absolutely mouth watering in that spandex as always while doing it. Keep it up, babe. The public loves you :*
Richie hardly reacted as the apartment door busted open and Eddie Kaspbrak stormed into the living room. His hair was damp, flattened to his forehead from the rain outside. The same rain that had left stains all over his grey NYU shirt and blue jeans. His fists were tightened at his sides, and he looked absolutely adorable.
“How can I be of service, dear Edward?” Richie asked, punching at the buttons of his xBox controller. Eddie stomped forward and grabbed it from his hands, tossing it across the room. “Hey! What the fuck?”
“You can’t fucking flirt with me on your stupid blog!” Eddie cried, running his hands through his hair. “Okay? People are gonna… they could figure out who you are if you keep doing that!”
Richie sat up straight on the couch. “Okay, do you know how little sense that makes, right? I make flirtatious comments about every hero I post about. Except Dr Incredible, I think guys a fucking sham.” Eddie rolled his eyes as Richie carried on over him. “And even if I did flirt with you more than the other heroes, they’d still need to know who you are to connect the dots to me. So take a breath. If you don’t want people commenting on your spandex, don’t wear it.”
“This isn’t about spandex.” Eddie said, though Richie could see that the anger he’d been wrapped up in when he’d come into the apartment was quickly seeping out of him. “This is about you. I don’t want you in danger, Richie.”
“You’ve made that beyond clear, Eds.” Richie stood and stretched his hands above his head. “It’s pretty much all I’ve heard from you.”
“Rich…” Eddie said sadly, but if there had been anything further to that sentence it evaporated right from Eddie’s mouth. 
Eddie and Richie were diaper buddies, a real sandbox love. Richie couldn’t remember a point in his life without Eddie in it. They’d grown up inseparable, and Richie still remembered vividly when they’re relationship had begun to grow into something more. Junior year of high school, when Richie finally, finally found the nerve to ask Eddie out on an official date. And the next couple weeks after that were bliss in a way that Richie had never known. Until suddenly, Eddie had started blowing him off. Cancelling dates, and dodging Richie’s calls. When Richie had moved to confront Eddie about his behaviour, to beg him to at least end it and not keep him hanging on, Richie had learned the truth of Eddie’s powers. Apparently, it ran in his family and his mother had tried her hardest to keep it from Eddie, in desperate hopes that Eddie would be different but the powers can come nonetheless. Some smaller ones- a heightened sense of touch, and an acute sense of knowledge of a person or object by touch which Richie lovingly called his Vibe Checks- and of course, his speed. Eddie had always been a fast runner, ever since they were kids, and he had been shaping up to be a big track star before the Powers had appeared to him. Afterwards, however, Eddie could run the length of the entirety of the country in mere seconds. 
They’d stayed up together that whole night, talking and crying and kissing, and they’d felt so good about everything. Richie thought having a superhero boyfriend was maybe the coolest thing that could ever happen to anybody, even if he wasn’t allowed to tell another living being. While still living in Derry, things hadn’t been so different with Eddie having powers. Things really changed when they moved out to New York City. Richie had always known Eddie was a good person, the best person, but he’d never accounted for how Eddie’s powers would come into play when they were suddenly in a city with other Supers and a sky high crime rate. 
They’d tried to make it work, Richie beyond supportive in Eddie’s crime fighting causes. (Hello, superhero boyfriend? Still the coolest shit ever!) but one misstep, one single incident where Richie’s safety had been put on the line, and Eddie had stopped them in their tracks. It hadn’t even been because of Eddie’s identity, Richie had been in a strictly wrong place wrong time sort of situation but Eddie had lost it. Claimed that their relationship was a liability for Eddie, that Richie was Eddie’s biggest weakness and that Eddie couldn’t risk Richie’s safety like that. Richie had argued tooth and nail, claiming that breaking up didn’t mean that they weren’t in love and that Eddie shouldn’t be giving up his personal life for these powers but it had fallen on deaf ears. Eddie had packed up his belongings and left their shared apartment. They’d tried to stay friends, but the love between them kept things strained. 
Richie padded into the kitchen and grabbed a can of pop from the fridge. He offered one up to Eddie, who shook his head as Richie knew that he would. He hopped up onto one of the seats on the counter and stared Eddie down. Eddie leaned forward on his elbows. 
“We can’t keep having this same argument, Richie.” Eddie said in his prim and rehearsed voice. “It’s not because I don’t love you-”
Richie squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head quickly. “God, you just said we can’t keep this argument. I don’t need to hear this fucking speech again. You gave it to me when we broke up, you gave it to me six months ago on my birthday after we got drunk and-” Richie broke off and exhaled hard. “I’m sorry I talked about your spandex on my blog, I’ll try to tone down the flirting when I talk about you.”
“No.” Eddie sighed, resting his chin in his hands. “I overreacted. You didn’t say anything you wouldn’t have said about anybody else on there. And you’re right, people would need to know who I am to connect you to me. And nobody knows who either of us are.”
Richie blew out a long breath, flicking his thumb against the tab of his pop can. “Actually, Eds… somebody might know who I am. So, yeah, I should be more careful when talking about you on there. You’re the one who was right as usual.”
Eddie’s mouth dropped open and he pushed away from the table to round on Richie. He grabbed him by his shoulders and forced Richie to meet his gaze. “Richie. What are you talking about.”
“I’m not really sure, honestly, it was weird.” Richie ducked out of Eddie’s touch, frowning as the memory of his class that morning washed back over him. “It was some.. Guy in my theory of screenwriting lecture? He just sat down beside me and he addressed me by name and then asked if I was the one who wrote Spotted!. I told him I wasn’t, because you and Bev are both always on my ass about keeping it a secret, and then he told me…”
Richie stopped and looked up at Eddie. Eddie stared back at him, holding Richie’s eye line longer than he had in the two years since they’d called an end to their romantic relationship. “What, Rich? What did he say?”
“He said that Professor Fly would be making an appearance tonight.”
Eddie’s expression remained blank for several moments before the usual chaotic energy took him back over. “Why would he say that? How does he know that? How does he know you? There’s no way that’s true, nobody has heard anything from Professor Fly for almost three years. Not even FlyBoy knows where he is, he’s retired. There’s nothing he’d come back for, not unless it was the end of the world big. Is this the end of the world big? Richie?”
“I don’t know, Eds. He didn’t give me an itinerary for the night's events.” Richie said. “I think he just wanted me to post it on my blog like I’m some sort of gossip column. It’s not a big deal.” But Eddie didn’t look convinced and Richie could practically hear the little hamster wheel in his head running. “Unless you know something that’s going to happen tonight?”
“No.” Eddie said immediately, shaking his head. “I haven’t heard anything besides minor crimes and car accidents the last couple weeks. It’s been… almost too calm. I don’t like the sound of this guy, Richie, and I definitely don’t like what he’s suggesting. I’m gonna- I’m gonna talk to some people. Don’t leave this apartment and don’t post on Spotted! until I get back.” 
“You’re not my boss!” Richie cried as Eddie tore out of his apartment like a tornado. 
Eddie returned quickly, as Eddie was prone to do. He stumbled into the apartment as dusk began to settle outside, a tray of coffees in his hands. “Okay, we only have a few hours to figure this out.” 
Beverly had been just getting into the apartment when Eddie had come in and nearly crushed her behind the door. She frowned as Eddie handed her one of the steaming paper cups and somebody came into the apartment behind him.
“Stan from Starbucks?” Richie asked with a frown, watching as Stan and another tall, black man he didn’t recognize came into his apartment. “Eds, I get you wanted coffee or whatever but you don’t need to bring the store back with you.”
Stan placed the only non-hot beverage down onto the counter. “I’m going to tell you something, and you need to promise not to be weird about it.” Richie stared at Stan with his drink raised half way up to his lips, and Stan let out a low sigh. “I’m FlyBoy.”
Richie whipped around to glare at Eddie, pointing an accusing finger at his chest. “FlyBoy has been Stan from Starbucks this entire fucking time, and you didn’t think to tell me that?”
“It isn’t exactly my secret to tell anybody.” Eddie said with a chill to his voice. “And honestly, even if I could have told you, I wouldn’t have. You have a weird crush on him and the last thing we need is you running off and getting some high stress relationship with a superhero.”
A superhero who isn’t me. Eddie maybe didn’t say it, maybe wasn’t even aware that he’d implied the words at all, but Richie heard them perfectly clear. Richie scoffed, dropping his drink onto the counter and stepping away from the group just slightly. “You don’t really get any say in who I do or don’t like, Eddie. It’s actually none of your business at all.”
“It is if it’s something that’s going to put you in danger, Richie!” Eddie snapped back, hand cutting through the air. A manic gesture of Eddie’s that Richie usually found cute, but could only manage to find irritating in this moment. “You put yourself in harms way enough with this stupid blog and just even knowing me, I would never let you-”
“Let me? Let me?” Richie chuckled humorlessly. “You are not the boss of me, Eddie. You’re not my parents, you’re my boyfriend. So, thank you very much for all the over the top concern about whether or not I’m getting myself into trouble but I’m going to have to politely tell you to mind your fucking business for once in your life.”
Eddie gaped at him, almost forming words before losing them again. The black man who had come into the apartment with Eddie and Stan cleared his throat. “I’m sorry but this seems like a pretty serious personal issue, and we have something important we need to handle, so...”
“Yes.” Eddie said, voice cracking. Richie glanced at him and tried not to let the hint of tears that were pooling in Eddie’s eyes. “Richie, this is Mike Hanlon. You probably know him as-”
“Freezie.” Mike held his hand out and Richie only hesitated for a moment before Mike laughed. “Don’t worry, man. I have to actually want to turn you into ice for it to happen. Though I do have some horror stories when I first started developing my powers, I’m not gonna lie.” 
“Mr Medusa.” Richie said with a grin, gripping Mike’s hand firmly and giving a body moving shake.  Mike gave a laugh while both Stan and Eddie rolled his eyes at his antics. 
“You know how misleading that nickname is, right?” Stan asked dryly. “Mike turns people to ice with his hands, Medusa turned people to stone by looking at them and her head full of snakes. It’s really not even that close of a comparison, it just implies you don’t know anything about Greeky mythology.”
“Excuse me, I’m a gay Gen Z. Of course I fucking know Greek mythology. I read Percy Jackson.” Richie said with a wave of his hand. Stan gaped at him for a moment before Eddie blew the wrapper from Richie’s straw at Richie’s head. 
“He’s also a fucking Ancient Civilization minor.” Eddie said in a mixture of fondness and irritation. “Don’t let him fool you with his stupidity, he’s actually incredibly smart.” 
“Okay, yeah, this is great.” Beverly spoke up suddenly, dropping her shopping bags onto the kitchen counter. “But do you guys wanna tell me what the hell is going on exactly?”
“Yes, I’d like to know, too.” Stan said, taking a seat at the small, banged up wooden table. “Eddie didn’t exactly give much details as he was superhero sprinting around the Starbucks and making like $30 worth of product he didn't pay for.” 
Eddie waved Stan off. “We might be in for a long night.” He said, dropping into the seat beside Stan. Mike and Beverly both moved to take the last two seats around the table and Richie jumped up to sit on top of the table between Eddie and Stan. He maybe positioned himself a little bit closer to Stan, just to watch Eddie’s jaw clench.
“Richie, why don’t you tell everybody what you told me earlier.” Eddie said in his very best teacher voice. 
Richie sighed. “I still think you’re making too big a deal out of this, Eds, really. But basically some guy came up to me in class today, and accused me of running the Spotted! Blog and then told me that  Professor Fly is going to come back tonight.” 
Stan’s head jerked to look at Richie, eyes wide. “That’s impossible. Who told you this?”
Richie shrugged. “I don’t man, some weirdo. Think he said his name was Bill?”
Beverly startled at her seat, knocking one of the coffees to the ground. Everybody turned to look at her and her face had lost nearly all colour. “Uh… did he have a scar running through his eyebrow?” 
“Yeah… how do you know that?” 
Beverly scratched at the side of her neck. “I went on a few dates with him last semester, he's a weird dude. I wouldn’t read too much into this, I’m sure he’s just trying to stir up drama. His brother died when he was young, and he never really got over it.”
A shoulder crossed over Stan’s face and he sighed sadly. “Georgie Denbrough. That was…. A tragedy.” 
Mike and Eddie made matching sympathetic sounds and Richie pulse jumped. “Okay, you all clearly know what the fuck is going on, from your super secret like Justice League meetings or something, but anybody want to catch me up? Who is Georgie Denbrough and what happened to him?”
“Georgie Denbrough was Professor Fly’s biggest shame. His failure as a hero.” Stan said, voice almost completely monotone. “It was just before he started training me to take over for him, I’ve always suspected it was the reason why he was choosing to retire. The Professor was trying to save a group of children from a predator and somehow the battle got really intense. The predator had powers that The Professor hadn’t anticipated, and The Professor’s powers back fired when he tried to catch the man. It caused the building to explode. Most of the children were okay, scrapes and bruises, maybe a broken bone or so, but Georgie Denbrough… He lost an arm in the explosion and he bled out before help could arrive. The boy died and the villain got away. He never really recovered from it.”
“Neither did Bill Denbrough,” Beverly jumped in. “When we were going out, it was pretty much all he talked about. How Professor Fly killed his little brother and ruined Bill’s life. He hates superheroes because of it. He probably doesn't know shit, but at least suspects that Richie knows some heroes and will tell them what he said. It’s a set up.”
Stan nodded. “There’s no way The Professor is going to be out tonight. Nothing would pull him out of retirement, trust me.”
Eddie rubbed his hands together. “Maybe.” He said shortly. “But we don’t know that it’s a trap for us. It’s possible this Bill guy has something planned tonight to try and bring Professor Fly out. We can’t risk people getting hurt because we don’t know what this guy's plan is. I think we should have all hands on deck tonight if we can.”
“Eddie’s right.” Mike said. “Even if it is a trap for us, we agreed to this sort of risk when we started acting as heroes. We knew what we were getting into, we can’t just sit around and do nothing when lives are at risk. Best case scenario, this Bill guy is full of shit and just running his mouth and nothing happens but we need to prepare for the worst.”
“I can’t imagine him going so far out of his way to figure out who’s running that blog just for it to be nothing.” Stan said quietly. 
“Maybe that’s part of the plan,” Richie jumped in. “He wanted me to post about Professor Fly’s return, probably to lure out people and heroes to whatever it was he was going to do. Maybe if I don’t post it then he’ll just drop the whole thing because he’s not getting the audience that he wants.”
“You should post it.” Beverly said suddenly, using some of the shitty dollar store dish cloths to wipe up the spilled coffee all over the floor. A large round of disagreement spread out amongst the heroes until Bev held her hand up for quiet. “I might not know much about this whole superhero world, or whatever, but how are you supposed to catch this guy if he doesn’t go through with his plan? You can’t exactly go after somebody for figuring out that Richie is caught up with superheroes.”
Eddie muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like “I can fucking try” but none of the heroes had any sort of argument against Beverly’s claims. 
“Spotted! Isn't a gossip column!” Richie cried, tossing his hands in the air, nearly taking Stan’s eye out. “I’m not posting some unfounded bullshit about Professor Fly and killing my brand for this Bill dude’s fucking vandetta.”
“Your blog’s brand is more important to you than saving lives?” Mike asked, giving Richie big, sad puppy eyes.
“We don’t know it’ll save lives!” Richie argued. “For all we know, sending out a blast could be what gets people killed. If you think we should all go out and keep on eye on stuff, then fine but-”
“Whoa, whoa!” Eddie cut him off quickly. “What do you mean we? You’re not coming with us if we go out there, Richie. You and Bev aren’t leaving this apartment tonight, you could be a target!”
“YOU’RE NOT MY BOSS!” Richie leapt off the table and stalked away from Eddie, hands trembling at his sides. “I’m so sick of you telling me what I can and can’t do! You can’t control me, Eddie.”
Eddie’s head jerked back as though it had been slapped, and a wounded look crossed his face that Richie wouldn’t let himself feel bad about. “I’m not trying to control you, Richard. I’m trying to keep you safe.”
“Oh, really?” Richie laughed. “So, you making a point not to tell me you knew who FlyBoy was when you were under the impression I might have a crush on him wasn’t you keeping me safe, and not at all you not wanting me to date somebody that isn’t you.”
Eddie stood up and walked around to where Richie was standing angrily behind the counter. He didn’t touch him but his hands hovered just above Richie’s arms. “I didn’t tell you who FlyBoy was because it's a secret identity for a reason. It’s not like it was really my place to SAY anything to you about it, alright? You can date whoever the fuck you want, obviously, because I didn’t stop you from going on those dates with Connor Whathisfuck last year and I hated that guy so much it actually burned my soul. I want you to be happy, okay? I’d never stop you from dating somebody. Stan is right there if you wanna go ask him out right now, you pleeb.” 
Richie glanced over Eddie’s shoulders at where the people around the table were all staring at them. Stan wrinkled up his nose. “Please don’t.”
Richie rolled his eyes and snorted. “Don’t worry, Stan my Man. If I’d known FlyBoy was somebody as boring as you, I wouldn’t have dedicated so much time to him in the first place.” 
Richie tried to ignore Eddie’s relieved sigh in his ear. 
Eddie didn’t budge on his statement that Richie and Beverly would be staying behind at their apartment, as Richie didn’t budge his refusal to post false information on this blog. “If you want me to make some sort of announcement, it has to be something true. That’s just how it is.”
“You could post about seeing the three of us teaming up.” Mike suggested as Richie was really just focusing on not looking at his bare chest as he changed into his suit. “That will be enough to get the public's attention and let this Bill Denbrough know we’re taking him seriously without having to leak false information about Professor Fly.”
Richie nodded in agreement as Eddie padded over him to his little tight red spandex supersuit. Richie’s breath caught as it always did when he saw Eddie as Captain Fast. “Don’t say anything until you’re sure we’re a decent way away from the apartment. Just because somebody figured out that you run the blog doesn’t mean that we should be leading towards the place you live. Play it safe, Rich.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Richie waved it off, but they both knew at the end of the day even as much as Richie fought it, he was going to follow Eddie’s advice. As the group moved towards the front door, Eddie suddenly spun around and grabbed hold of Richie’s waist. He tugged him into a tight hug, pressing his face against Richie’s shoulder.
“Please, please, be careful, Rich.” Eddie whispered into Richie’s body. “I have a really bad feeling.”
“Yeah, Eds. I’ll be careful.” Richie squeezed Eddie tightly until the other man pulled back. There was a split second where Richie was certain that Eddie was about to lean in for a kiss. The moment broke as Eddie’s cheeks turned pink and he looked away. He pulled the matching red mask over his eyes and followed the rest of Mike and Stan from the apartment. 
Richie wallowed in his poor, confused little gay heart for roughly ten minutes before he took out his phone and sent out the blast. 
Spotted! What must be the coolest new trio in NYC: FlyBoy, Captain Fast and Freezie heading out on the town. Is this just a  (super)mans night out- or is something much more sinister in the works for not so little city? I think we can all only wait and see. This blogger advises his readers to stay home tonight, and keep an eye on the news and little old me for your updates.
Richie didn’t even have a chance to put his phone back into his pocket before Beverly was stomping into the room and tossing a black hoodie over his head. He pulled it away and caught sight of Beverly with her red hair tied up in a long red, curly ponytail. She wore black jeans and black tank top that showed off a black triangle tattoo on her left arm. She raised her brow and nodded at him. “Hurry up, get into something dark and let’s go.”
“I didn’t know you had a tattoo.” Richie said slowly. 
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.” Beverly said. “Now hurry up and let's go. We have stuff we have to do.”
“I told Eddie I was gonna stay in the apartment.” Richie said, fidgeting with the fabric of the hoodie in his hands. “I think we-”
“I thought Eddie wasn’t the boss of you.” Beverly said, cocking her brow. Richie’s face burned as he tugged the plain back sweater over his head and put his feet back into messy converse sneakers. Beverly was already halfway down the hallway before Richie was even out of the apartment’s door. When they exited the stairway into the lobby, there was a man waiting there in matching all black outfit with the same triangle tattoo on his left arm. He had thick muscled arms, but chubby cheeks and wide eyes that seemed to still hold onto some sort of childhood innocence. 
Beverly pressed a quick kiss to his lips and Richie blinked. I didn’t know you had a boyfriend. The words died on Richie’s tongue as a weird feeling overcame him in that moment. “Richie, this is Ben. Ben, Richie.”
Ben held his hand out and Ben’s shake was warm and firm. Somehow Richie felt like his skin was crawling as Beverly pressed her hands between Richie’s shoulder blades and began to push him out towards the front of the building. 
“I uh” Richie cleared his throat, heart hammering in his chest. “Where are we going? Eddie’s probably right that we should stay inside, we don’t know what’s going to happen.”
“Don’t be such a chicken shit.” Beverly grinned at him, and Richie shivered as a chill rushed through his spine. “Aren’t you at all curious about what might be going on? Come on, it’ll be fine. It’s not like we’re actually a target for anything. Denbrough was probably just trying to use you for your site.”
Immediately, Richie had been curious- almost morbidly so. Until this very moment when all he wanted to do was run back to his apartment and spend the rest of the night hiding under his blankets. But Richie Tozier had never been very good at trusting himself or any of his instincts, and he allowed Beverly and Ben to guide him into the black car parked out front. 
Then didn’t drive far, and pulled up to some sort of abandoned warehouse. Every couple of seconds there was a flash of light from inside the cracked and shattered glass windows. Richie’s breath started catching in his throat with every attempt to breathe. “What- where are we?”
Beverly turned to where Richie was trying to fade into the back seat of the car, and looked almost sad. “I’m sorry, Rich. It wasn’t supposed to go this way.” 
Eddie actually hated wearing spandex, but it was an incredibly durable fabric. With the amount of moving he did, it was the most logical choice in costume. But Eddie was never truly comfortable when in costume.
“If I ask you something, could you answer without getting bitchy?” Stan suddenly whispered in his ear. He, Mike and Eddie had only reached the main core of the Lower West Side. Eddie turned to him and narrowed his eyes as best as he could home to do with a mask covering half his face. “Do you ever think of giving it up? Hanging up your suit and just being a normal person. Letting yourself really love Richie?” 
Eddie’s face burned nearly the colour of the suit. He spent the better part of the last two years trying not to think about how he was in love with Richie Tozier and in the last three years, it was the only thing at the front of his mind. “I try not to think about it, honestly, because it’s not an option. I didn’t choose to have these powers, or this life. But as long as I have them, I have to do the right thing. I don’t have a choice.”
“I don’t know.” Stan said slowly. “I think you should be able to do what’s best for you. You deserve to be happy.”
“I’m happy enough.” Eddie lied. “Do you think we should split up and cover more ground?”
“Yeah.” Mike jumped in as the conversation changed back into the professional task at hand. “Especially since we don’t really know what the situation is, so keep your ear pieces in and buzz into the others if you come across anything.” 
“Alright,” Stan agreed, though he shot Eddie a this isn’t over look from the corner of his eye. “Eddie and I have a much easier way to travel, so Mike you can stay in this area.” Stan and Eddie agreed on their own sections of the general NYU area- the area that had always been protected by Professor Fly in the height of his career- and Eddie took off running. Eddie had always loved running, and it was the only part of being a hero that he still enjoyed. Sometimes, on nights when Eddie just couldn’t be bothered to care, he’d just run for miles. Just see how far he could go. He’d reached the Canadian border once before he decided it was a waste of his gift. 
Eddie slowed down into a simple walk once he reached his section of town, when somebody reached out and grabbed hold of Eddie’s arm. Eddie gasped at the feeling of utter desperation that sort through him belonging to the person who touched him. A pair of icy blue eyes under a scarred eyebrow met Eddie’s and Eddie’s heart leapt right into his mouth.
“What are you doing here?” Bill Denbrough demanded. “You’re not supposed to be here! Didn’t Richie tell you about my warning?”
“Your- your warning?” Eddie squawked. “So, you tracking him down and telling him some bogus tip about Professor Fly was supposed to be a warning? A warning of what- that you’re insane?” 
Denbrough shook his head, brown hair falling into his head. “No. No.” He said desperately, nails digging into Eddie’s skin. “Professor Fly would never return, FlyBoy would know that. Didn’t you tell FlyBoy? It’s a trap, you were all supposed to stay home! You’re all in danger!” 
Eddie tried to pull his arm free but Denbrough’s grip was too tight. “You’re hurting me!” Eddie cried, chest starting to feel the too familiar pressure of an asthma attack- though he hadn’t one a single one since his powers had come in. 
“I k-k-know you have more powers than just sp-speed.” Denbrough said, stepping even further into Eddie’s space and grabbing hold of his other arm. “You can s-s-sense me, r-right? You’ll no-no-know if I’m d-dan-dangerous!” 
Eddie felt a lot of things about Bill Denbrough. Guilt, fear, desperation. There was something bleak and sad under the surface but there was no hint of a threat to him. “What do you want?” Eddie asked in a shaking voice.
Bill Denbrough’s eyes darted around Eddie. “Where’s R-R-Richie? Is he w-w-ith you? Where is h-he?”
“He’s safe.” Eddie promised even as his own heart stuttered and panicked. “He’s back at his apartment with his roommate, they’re both-”
Bill’s eyes widened in horror. “NO! No, you can’t t-t-t-t-fuck- trust Beverly! She’s n-n-not who you think she is!” 
Eddie started shaking his head. “No offence, but I’ve known Beverly for a year and I’ve only known you five minutes and you seem pretty unhinged. Why should I believe you when you say I can’t trust her, if I have no reason to trust you?”
“Have you ever tou-tou-touched her?” Bill demanded. “In the yuh-year you’ve known her, ha-have your body ev-ever even graze-grazed hers?” Eddie opened his mouth but froze. “No. It ha-hasn’t. I know it ha-hasn’t, be-because she knows if you ha-had ever tou-touched her, you’d kn-know the truth about her. And everything would have been ru-ruined.”
Eddie shook his head. “What’s she going to do to him?”
Bill frowned. “This wuh-wuh-wasn’t the plu-plan. I don’t- there’s only one place s-sh-she’d take him. But you have to tr-tr-trust me.”
It wasn’t in Eddie’s nature to be particularly trusting, and Bill wasn’t exactly somebody who was inspiring much benefit of the doubt. But his hands were still digging into Eddie’s arms and the only thing Eddie could sense was fear and deeper down- guilt that Eddie suspected he felt at all times. “Okay.” Eddie said, and as Bill let go of him, Eddie flicked on this ear piece’s speaker. 
Bill didn’t lead Eddie too far away, the pair of them travelling in silence and Eddie secretly wishing that Bill would simply tell him where the location was so Eddie could run there. If something happened to Richie while Eddie was wasting his time walking, he’d never forgive himself. Eventually, Bill led him over to the warehouse with lights that flashed through broken windows. He could make out figures walking around inside as he and Bill attempted to sneak into the warehouse without being noticed. 
There was a large glass sphere in the middle of the room, surrounded by what looked like burn white lightning that occasionally sparked brighter and caused the room to brighten as though large fluorescent lights flicked on overhead. Richie was seated a few feet away on the floor, bound against a large cement pillar that connected all the way up to the ceiling. He appeared unharmed, if not mildly annoyed. Eddie’s heart raced all the same Beverly and a man Eddie didn’t recognize both paced around the same space.
“Billy…” Beverly came to a full stand still. Bill froze at Eddie’s side. “There’s no need to sneak around. Come out, we have a lot to talk about, don’t we?”
Bill pressed a single finger against his lips, before turning and stepping out of the shadows. “You’re m-may-making a big m-m-mistake, Beverly. He’s n-n-n-not who he says he is.”
“I think you’re the one who’s not who he says he is.” Beverly said, turning around and facing Bill with her arms crossed. “Going behind our backs and telling Richie some crap about Professor Fly? Bringing your existence to his attention? You forced our hand, Billy. Mr Scratch isn’t going to be pleased.”
“He-He’s not guh-good, Bev!” Bill cried, hands clutched at his side. “What do you th-th-think he’s going to do with it wuh-wuh-when he gets it? He-He’s puh-playing you both!”
“He is not!” Beverly cried. “He’s going to do exactly what told us! Why did you have to go and fuck up the plan?”
“Excuse me!” Richie cried, voice dripping with sarcasm. “But if I’m going to be killed, can you guys at least do me the decency of letting me know what you’re talking about in my final moments.”
“You’re not going to die.” Beverly’s male friend said softly. “Nobody is going to get hurt.”
“You’re a fuh-fool if you buh-believe that, Ben!” Bill said, taking steps closer into the room. “Richie, this mach-machine has the ab-ability tr-train a super-superhero of their p-p-powers. Mr Scr-scratch hates heroes and he-”
“Like you’re any better!” Beverly shouted over Bill’s explanation. “You’ve been with him longer than either of us! Heroes killed your brother, you hate them just as much as the rest of us. Maybe ever more! They ruined all our lives!” Beverly turned towards Richie and took a few steps towards him. “I lost my parents when I was little. My father was an awful man, he chased my mother away when I was only six. He died when I was 11, and my aunt took me in. For two years, I experienced happiness for the first time. I loved my aunt and she loved me, took care of me for the first time since I could remember anything. She was a good person, and superheroes came and ripped my only true family apart. My aunt took into selling drugs after she adopted me, just to get ends to meet. She wasn’t proud of it, but she did what she had to do for me. She was smart, she never would have been caught if the superheroes minded their own business and let police handle things. A bunch of hyped up vigilanties took my aunt away from me, and I went into foster care. I was only 13. When I was 17, Mr Scratch found me. Told me there were others like me, who wanted to even the playing field.”
“By killing all the superheroes?” Richie asked, voice breaking. “Beverly, you have to admit that sounds fucking insane!” 
“It isn’t going to kill them.” Ben added. “The Deadlight doesn’t kill them, it only drains them of their supernatural abilities. Makes them human, normal. Just like everybody else.” 
Richie scoffed, in higher octaves than regular voices. “And then what happens to their powers? They just what? Evaporate?” 
“They’ll be trapped in the Deadlight.” Ben answered. “Forever. No more superheroes.”
“You’re an i-idiot.” Bill said coldly. “Sc-Scratch is obviously going to tuh-take the powers! Guh-get rid of the sue-supers and make himself invisible. Undefeatable.”
“You’re full of shit.” Beverly snapped. “He wouldn’t do that! We’re not evil, or some fucking supervillain cult! All we want in equality! We’d never use any of these powers against anybody!”
 “You two wouldn’t.” Bill said darkly. “I’ve wuh-wuh-wondered if he was really who he suh-said he was for- a luh-long time. But I suh-saw plans in his uh-office. About how to ruh-ruh-reverse the Deadlights. He’s guh-gonna take the puh-powers for him-himself.” 
“You’re a fucking liar!” Beverly screamed. “He wouldn’t do that! He-” 
A suddenly crashing brought Beverly’s screams to a halt. The doors busted open and Stan dropped in, with Mike leaping off his back. Beverly took a step backwards, eyes open wide and Ben moved over to stand almost directly in front of Richie. 
“Where’s Eddie?” Mike demanded, glancing around the room. Eddie cringed and slapped a hand over his forehead, as Beverly and Ben exchanged a shocked expression. Richie looked around wildly, with huge, terrified eyes.
Beverly crossed her arms and looked back to the same shadows that Bill had appeared from. “Okay, Eds. You can come out.”
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie said sharply as he stepped out as well.
“Eddie…” Richie said a quiet, almost broken voice. Eddie tried to give him a reassuring look, but he knew that Richie would be able to see his own fear underneath the attempt. 
Beverly sighed and rolled her eyes. “Alright, this isn’t exactly how I planned on tonight going, though I have to say I did expect to see you all here after I took Richie.”
“Let him go.” Eddie said furiously. “He doesn’t have powers, he isn’t part of this. Let him go.”
Beverly smiled sadly. “No can do, sorry. Richie is actually a key factor to this whole mission. Why do you think I’ve been so encouraging of his little blog? He’s a natural talent, and he’s been so helpful in our acquiring the true identities of these so-called heroes.”
Eddie glanced at Richie, who looked like he might be physically ill. All Eddie wanted to do was rush over and wrap Richie in his arms and keep him safe, but he couldn’t show that weakness in this moment.
“We found Richie through you, though, Eddie.” Beverly said, looking almost… amused. “We didn’t know who you were, but Richie was at most of your scenes and we figured that he knew you. It was Big Bill’s idea that one of befriend him, and figure out what he knows. Does it sting a little, knowing you gave your future with Richie to protect him but you lead us to him anyway?” 
It more than stung, it burned. Eddie’s entire body felt like it was vibrating as he stood there, staring down at women he’d thought of as a friend for more than a year. A woman who’d been living under the same roof as Richie, but wanting only to use him and potentially cause him harm. 
“Oh, Eddie, don’t look like that.” Beverly said, sounding almost genuinely upset. “I already said we aren't gonna hurt him. Nobody is going to get hurt, Bill is just- I don’t even know what he’s trying to do.”
“I’m trying to wa-warn you!” Bill cried. “You’re buh-bluh-blinded stupid but your own luh-loyalty that you cant’ see the uh-aub-obvious truth in fr-fruh-front of you!!”
“This was your cause!” Ben came quickly to Beverly’s defence. “You hate superheroes maybe more than anybody! How can you say this wasn’t what you wanted?”
Bill’s jaw clenched and his bottom lip trembled. “I… I wanted the h-her-heroes gone. But I duh-didn’t want anybody to guh-get their powers and uh-use them for them-themselves.”
“You’re the only person who's acting like that’s going to happen.” Ben snapped. Eddie thought this was his moment, the first time he’d been able to see a true path of entrance. Everybody’s eyes were torn between Bill and Ben, this could be Eddie’s chance to get over to Richie and free him. Eddie, maybe for the first time in his life, misjudged his position. 
Beverly’s hands collided hard with Eddie’s chest, the strength of her anger and resentment hitting him hard and shocking him to his core. He understood now more than ever why Beverly hadn’t made the mistake of touching Eddie in the year they’ve known one another. He may not have felt any true evil inside her, like he had felt in many a foe before, and there was still a lingering of a sad, scared little girl at her core but none of the vibes she was giving to him at this moment was reassuring. He would have kept her far away from Richie, he would have figured out enough about her, and this plan would never have worked.
Beverly taking Eddie by utter surprise had given her even more of an advantage. He knocked Eddie backwards and he stumbled backwards, crashing directly into the Deadlight. An electric charge drove through every nerve in his body and he was thrown across the empty warehouse by a bolt of white lightning. He heard Richie scream his name, but it was like a buzzing deep in the back of his mind. 
The harsh impact to the hard ground jarred Eddie back into himself, though a small bit dazed. He’d landed not far from where Richie was tied up. He shuffled backwards, groaning as the oddest sensation of discomfort shot through his body, but he didn’t stop until he could rest his head against Richie’s knee. 
“Holy shit, Eds!” Richie gasped, fighting against his bindings even as it shook Eddie’s resting head. “How the fuck are you alive right now? You just got yeeted across the room by lightning!” 
Eddie grumbled as he reached blindly behind their bodies to untie Richie’s bondings. It must have been a testament to how shocking the last few moments had been as nobody attempted to stop them. Richie winced and rubbed at his hands for a moment before reaching out and cupping Eddie’s face. Eddie smiled as his eyes flushed shut and he leaned into the touch. 
“Are you okay?” Richie said in a low voice. It wasn’t quite a whisper, Richie never actually whispered, but it was soft and worried and so full of love that Eddie felt he might cry. 
“Yeah.” Eddie said back. “I’m okay. Promise promise.” 
Richie’s face broke into a relieved grin and pressed a hard kiss to Eddie’s voice. Maybe it had been the actual bolt of lightning that had just gone through Eddie’s body, but it felt so charged that Eddie even let out a small gasp. Then it all hit him and his eyes blew open wide. “Richie, I can’t feel you.”
“What? You can’t feel anything?” Richie asked in a panic. 
“No!” Eddie cried, shifting to sit up properly and grabbing Richie’s hands to tangle them together. “I can’t feel your spirit, your mood. It’s like… before.”
Richie and Eddie turned in unison to look at the Deadlight. The others all turned to follow their lead. It seemed to be glowing brighter, the lightning revolving around it faster. Eddie’s powers now fueling it. 
“Holy shit.” Mike said at the same time Beverly gasped. “It works.”
“Of course it works,” a deep voice came as a man in a long black cloak appeared out of nowhere. “You doubted me, Beverly? Thank you, you’ve all played your roles perfectly.” Bill startled as the man- Mr Scratch- turned to him and grinned. “Oh yes, even you Dear Bill. I always knew that your moral compass would bring you to betray me. I accounted for the variable since the beginning of our time together.”
As Mr Scratch moved around the circle, Beverly stepped out of his way as though she didn’t even notice she was doing it. She collided with Bill’s torso, and the man reached out to grab at her hand. She didn’t pull away from the touch, pale and shaking as she watched Mr Scratch rounded on the group.
“Stanley.” Mr Scratch said in a slow voice, grin spreading across his face. Stan was standing still as a statue, fists tightened even as tears filled his eyes. “You know who I am already, I can see it all over your face. Well, I never doubted your intelligence. Go ahead and tell them, there’s no need to keep it a secret amongst old friends.”
“Robert Gray.” Stan said through a clenched jaw. A single tear slipped from his ear and trailed down his cheek. “Professor Fly.”
Richie gasped and squeezed Eddie’s hand tightener. Ben stumbled away and crashed into the cement pillar that Richie had just been tied up against. Mike looked at Stan in shock as Beverly slapped a hand over her mouth. Bill pushed past her, rage evident as his face. “YOU MOTHERFUCKER-”
Gray  barely even flicked his wrist and Bill soared off his feet and slammed up against a pillar, easily twenty feet off the ground. “Stupid boy.” Gray said fondly. “You will never be a match for me, and you’ll never outsmart me. I have been planning this moment for nearly a decade. Your brother’s death started a fire that will destroy the entire world of supers as we know it.” 
Bill struggled against the invisible hold Gray had against him, Richie turning his head away from the scene and pressing his face against Eddie’s neck. Eddie could feel how Richie’s hands were shaking where they were connected.
“None of you are giving me enough credit.” Gray said in a bored tone. “Do you have any idea how much work I had to put into this entire thing? I didn’t just have to create the Deadlights, I had to hand pick every single person who would help me. Bill was a no brainer, even as I knew I could never trust him fully. Beverly and Ben had to be vulnerable enough that they would never question me, and that Bill would never feel confident in telling them what he’d figured out.”
“You left the pl-pl-pla-”
“Yes.” Gray interrupted. “I left the plans out on purpose. Haven’t you figured that I don’t leave anything to chance, William? I accounted for every possible outcome. I had to choose Stan very carefully, choose an heir that would follow my orders but never question me when I told him I could not be contacted after I retire. That I would simply never return.” 
Stan turned away bitterly, trying to wipe at the tears on his as inconspicuously as he possibly could. 
“Even after that, I had to pull so many strings. Made sure that Richie and Stan would cross paths, had to let Beverly believe that Richie’s silly little blog was her idea to let them both feel important.” He shot Eddie a slimey grin. “Had to make sure that Richie got caught in that hostage situation just after they moved to NYC so Eddie wouldn’t consider their relationship worth Richie’s life and end things, so there would be space for Beverly to make her move on Richie. I will admit I was hoping that Richie would fall in love with her, but I underestimated his love for Eddie. A small loss, but nothing damaging to the overall scheme.”
Eddie’s body thrummed with rage. Richie had nightmares for a year after that fucking bank heist, and this man had done that to them on purprose for the simply purpose of breaking them up? Richie still had panic attacks and made Eddie or Bev go with him if he needed to do any sort of banking he couldn’t do online. 
“You said nobody was going to be hurt.” Beverly said, tears streaming down her face. “You said- you said you wanted to even the playing field! You’re a monster!”
“Nobody will be hurt.” Gray said. “You will all be free to go, once all the supers have touched the Deadlight and given up their powers. You’ll all be able to go on with your lives, and I will be able to go on with mine. Once your powers are gone, you’ll have no reason to oppose me and I will have no reason to bother you again.”
Beverly and Ben stood directly in front of the Deadlight, the pain on their faces from the flashing bursts of lightning behind them. Stan was staring directly at Gray, face a mask of rage even as tears fell from his eyes. Richie hadn’t moved from where he’d hidden himself against Eddie.
“You killed my brother on purpose.” Bill said from above them. He was still fighting against Gray’s grip. 
For the first time, Gray’s composure slipped. “No.” He said shortly. “That was a tragic accident. That moment changed me forever. It was when I realized that all of those with powers, even myself, were capable of death and destruction. That we were all inherently evil. The day, I knew that I could not allow another person to hold such powers over another being again. You know, Billy- your brother is the reason for all of this. He gave his life for the new world order-”
Bill let out an intelligible scream but Gray could so much as speak, Mike Hanlon had launched himself from the crowd and latched himself onto Gray’s back. Eddie watched with mouth gape as Gray struggled against the hold before clear blue ice began to spread across his body in a matter of seconds. As the ice completely covered Gray, Bill began to free fall. Stan didn’t waste a single moment before launching up into the sky and catching Bill mid-fall and lowering them both to the ground. He let go of Bill as they touched down and rushed over to Eddie and Richie, one hand finding its way into Richie’s hair and the other falling on top of their joined hands.
“That’s the trick to villains.” Mike said, not even sounding out of breath. “You gotta get ‘em while they’re monologuing.” 
Beverly, face hard, stepped forward and kicked at Gray’s frozen chest. He tittered and fell backwards, shattering into pieces as he hit the ground. “I think it’s safe to say he didn’t account for those variables.” 
They were quiet for a long moment, Stan helping Richie and Eddie to their feet and holding onto them as they all moved towards the shattered ice pieces in the middle of the room. Even in the chilly night, they could see the beginning signs of melting.
“We nn-n-need to d-d-estory this fucking thing.” Bill said suddenly, all of them turning towards the Deadlight. Hums of agreement moved through the room. 
“Wait.” Richie said, tightening his hold on Eddie’s waist. “You said that the powers could be taken out right? We need to get Eddie’s powers back!”
“Oh, yeah!” Bill said quickly. “I- I’ll s-s-see if I can find the instructions ag-again.”
Do you ever think of giving it up? Hanging up your suit and just being a normal person. Letting yourself really love Richie?
“Wait.” Eddie said, throwing out a hand. “Don’t. I don’t want them back.”
Every eye in the room turned to him, Stan smiling even as tears still hung in his eyes. “I never wanted them,” Eddie carried on. “I didn’t want to be some hero, saving people. I wanted to run track and fix cars and be with my love of my life.”
Richie turned slowly, eyes wide and painfully hopeful. “Eddie, don’t do this for shit for me. Please, okay, I-”
“I’m not doing it for you.” Eddie turned and slid his arms around Richie’s shoulders. “I’m doing it for me. I don’t need these bullshit powers. I can run perfectly fine with my own two normal feet, and I would love to be able to touch a person without knowing their moral count or pick up something in somebodys house without knowing if its fucking haunted or not.”
Richie chuckled wetly.
“And I love you so much.” Eddie continued. “And all I want is to be with you, it’s all I’ve ever wanted since the fucking sixth grade. I’m tired of loving each other and being forced apart and just hurting each other over and over. Especially over these stupid powers I was cursed with. I don’t want them back. I wanna be with you and I wanna be happy.”
Richie ducked down and pressed his lips against Eddie’s. This time Eddie knew the sparks that seemed to shoot through him was no lightning shot- just love. 
Spotted! FlyBoy, Captain Fly and Freezie teaming up with three civilians and your truly to foil a truly evil plan, saving not just our city but possibly our entire world. (Eyewitnesses may claim that Freezie did all the work, but that remains to be proven.) And in case you missed it, there was an epic conclusion to an equally epic love story. You know what they say, all’s well that ends great… or however the saying goes!
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authorized-trash · 5 years
To Tie a Knot: Chapter Three: Virgil’s Verdict
Chapter One , Chapter Two
Trigger Warnings:
Sympathetic Deceit, self hate, mild language, hospital mention, panic
Chapter Summary:
Fate works in mysterious ways (in the dead of night, apparently.)
Word Count:
This is where things get tricky, as the story on Ao3 has Deceit’s name down as Ethel, while here it is Damian. And since im copying and pasting from where i posted it to ao3, i gotta change his name over to here haha. If you see a mistake where i called him the wrong thing, yell at me
Anyways, we’re just going to ignore the fact that im pretty sure its nearly been a year since last time i updated, shhh
reblogs and comments are so greatly appreciated!
Damian was getting real sick of this stupid hospital room.
The walls were a obnoxiously bright gray, and the curtains did little to block out the pale sun of winter. There was this stupid little picture across from his bed, with a cute silhouette couple holding hands, a small loopy string dangling from their fingers.
Damian rolled over onto his side, picking at the slightly peeling paint. He’d been in here for days, and still had an hours wait before he was discharged.
His spine hurt from being in this position for so long, but he’d already explored the hospital five times now.
He didn’t understand what was so important about him being here so long. They already told him the bad news. He’d already passed the mark for another soulmate. He had already come to terms wi-
A lump raised into Damian’s throat, but he swallowed it down. He hadn’t cried yet. He wouldn’t now.
Perhaps the hardest part about this whole ordeal was the pitying looks. The nurses telling him it was alright to cry. The therapist that had stopped by to tell him it wasn’t healthy to act like everything was fine.
Everything was fine though, right? It wasn’t like Damian lost something important. He didn’t lose his job, didn’t lose his house. No, he lost someone he hadn’t even met yet. Surely it wasn’t that important.
Yeah, he’d be a bit lonely, but was that really important? No. It wasn’t, not really.
His stomach twisted into knots. It didn’t bother him, it didn’t. The feeling of nothing he found didn’t mean anything. The complete lack of movement from his fatestring meant nothing.
He ran a hand through his hair, and even after all this time, was a bit disappointed when he didn’t feel the string pull against his finger.
With a sigh, he sat up, reaching for his phone. He had gotten a notification from Remy, five minutes ago. He opened it. They’d be here soon.
His phone buzzed in his hand as he got a message from Emile. Sometime this week they’d swapped numbers, the therapy student wanting to be nice and keep him some kind of company.
-Hey were heading there now, you ready to leave
Damian rolled his eyes.
-no, i really do enjoy it here
-Thought so see you soon
Damian put his phone into his pocket as he stood. Stretching. He stretched out the soreness in his arms and headed out of his room. HE was given some paperwork, which he finished quick enough.
The hospital was on campus of the town university he attended. He would’ve normally just walked to his dorm, but Remy had insisted he drive Damian.
He spotted Remy’s car, recognizing the sunglasses clad male as he opened the side door.
“What, no Emile today?” Damian asked as he buckled in.
“He had work. Where do you wanna go babes? We can go out to eat or-“
“I think I’d just like to go home. Today is just such a lovely day.”
Remy looked out the window to see the thunder clouds rolling up over the hills in the distance. He rolled his eyes as he turned out of the parking lot.
“Yeah well, I’m not leaving you alone all evening, get that into that pretty little head of your’s Dee. We’re goin’ to your apartment if you are, hon.”
“Figured as much,” Damian said as he pulled his hat over his eyes and laid his head back against the head rest. That feeling of emptiness was present again. ‘We’ Remy had said. He was most likely bringing Emile along. It just reminded Damian about how he wasn’t going to get another soulmate. Another fatestring. Another chance. He didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this, did he? Sure he took that pack of gum from the store without paying, but that was years ago. And yeah maybe he was a bit sarcastic and stand offish, but surely-
“Hon I can hear those gears turning in your head.”
Damian flushed. He looked at the frayed end of his fatestring again, messing with it with his other hand. Remy’s eyes caught the movement as they pulled up to a stop light.
“You’re looking at it again, aren’t you.”
“No.” Remy sighed, “Damian, sweetheart, platonic love of my life,” Damian grumbled at that one, “It will be fine. The reassigning is just a little late is all. Perhaps its finding the perfect match to tag you onto right now. It’s rare not to get reassigned babe, there’s no way you won’t be.”
Damian shrugged.
“Okay. That’s it babes. We’re getting some coffee. I ain’t goin’ into some sappy ass monologue just for you to shrug me off. I’m going to cheer you up with chocolate and sparkles. Buckle up.”
“I am.”
“Shuthu’ fuck up.”
Damian hid a smirk as he lifted his hat from his eyes and looked up to see Remy’s irritated driving. They pulled into the starbucks, and Damian attempted to forget the whole soulmate thing for the time being.
Easier said than done.
Two Months Later
“You are being ridiculous.”
“Oh, am I? I’m being ridiculous? You, sir, are ridiculous. I am simply trying to get my work done, now if you’d simply leave me alone,” Roman huffed, crossing his arms over his chest in indignation.
“Ro, honey, you were shouting lyrics to beauty and the beast at nine in the afternoon, people are sleepy.”
Roman gave an outraged cry, he was being ganged up on by the glasses gays! He would not stand for this! “It was not shouting, I was belting! I was singing as loud as my heart desires, I simply wish to follow my heart!”
“More like belching them out,” Virgil snickered into his hoodie sleeve from his seat on the counter. Roman gave a few offended noises that sounded suspiciously like squawking.
“How dare! I am simply trying to memorize my lyrics-“
“And why don’t you,” Logan came up behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders lightly, “Memorize them in your room, and not off the balcony.”
“But there’s no romanticism in that.”
“Baby, I’m sure that nice imagination of yours can think of a nice audience to listen to you,” Patton said, kissing Roman on the forehead as the redhead fell to the couch.
“A more willing audience then our neighbors,” Virgil grumbled, “I don’t want another sound complaint.”
“Better yet,” Patton said, pulling Roman right back to his feet, why don’t we go to your room, and I’ll listen to you..”
Roman perked up like a puppy, nodding and already pulling Patton into his room. Logan and Virgil watched them leave, both with love stricken looks.
“This happens every night,” Logan said, walking to the coffee pot to poor him another cup.
“Yeah well, it’s a routine at this point,” Virgil said, eyeing the new cup in Logan’s hands, “You’re not planning on staying up all night with that, are you?”
Logan sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I do need to stay up late, yes. I have an essay that needs edited.”
“Logan you are going to work yourself to death one of these days.”
“And you plan on sleeping soon?”
Virgil grumbled some excuses, just as Logan thought he would. The bespectacled male smiled into his mug as he brought it to his lips to drink.
“Whatever idiot, I’m going to bed. And yes, whatever, by bed I mean I’m going to be on my phone for another hour or two. Sushi. I- I mean- damnit, sue me.”
Logan laughed, setting his drink down and pulling Virgil into his arms and off the table. The emo grumbled but returned the embrace anyways. Logan gave him a peck to his lips, brushing the hair from his eyes.
“Goodnight Virgil, please attempt to get some sleep.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil said, pushing away from Logan. He was sure his face was a deep red, but he didn’t expect Logan to notice as he rushed away down the hall.
Logan smiled again. He wasn’t normally the one to be all lovey-dovey, but it was late and he was in a good mood. A great mood actually. Life was good, stable, had a rhythm to it. Logan liked to keep things organized, liked to have a schedule, a routine.
There had been no outside factors messing up this schedule for a few years now, and he planned on keeping it that way.
He finished is coffee and work sometime in the early hours. He couldn’t tell when, as he had immediately curled into the bed next to his soulmates minutes after. Sleep made his eyelids heavy as he drifted off to sleep, completely unaware of the faint numbing feeling in his fingers.
Morning came with a buzz of an alarm clock. It was annoying, and loud, but it did its job well.
Logan woke up the same way every day. He’d carefully untangle himself from his fiances, wincing as his bare feet hit the cold ground. He’d yawn as he exited their shared room and entered the bathroom. He’d brush his teeth, shower, and leave. He’d start the coffee and solve a word-cross puzzle. He’d make himself a Crofter’s covered piece of toast, leave a small note for his partners, and depart for work.
This morning shouldn’t have been any different. He woke up, untangled himself, stretched and yawned. He left the room and entered the one across the hall. He was too tired to notice when he reached for his toothbrush. Didn’t notice as he rinsed his mouth out. He noticed as he patted his mouth dry with a hand towel.
He dropped the cloth into the sink and shouted, stumbling back until he hit the wall. He shoved his hand into his pajama pockets, trembling all over. A feeling of dread filled him, the feeling he got when something major messed with his schedule. An unknown constant added to his perfectly mapped out life.
Logan heard his fiances start to stir and get up. He took his hands out of his pockets. They trembled violently, bringing them in front of him, praying that he was wrong, he hadn’t seen what he thought he did.
With a shaky intake of breath, he confirmed the impossible.
There was a thin yellow string attached to his pinky finger where there hadn’t been last night.
“Logan?! Logan are you alright?” Patton was the first to round the corner. He had shot up when he heard the scream and thump. His breath caught in his throat. Roman and Virgil were next, damn near getting wedged in the door with how fast they both rammed into it. Logan was shaking his head in disbelief, staring at his hands, at the four strings that were connected to each finger. The others looked down as well, at the string that had connected itself to their pinky fingers.
“How is that possible?” Roman asked in disbelief, messing with the string. Logan just shrugged, exhaling shakily.
“It shouldn’t be- you are born with strings, you shouldn’t be able to gain them.”
“Who are they?” Patton asked as they all looked up at each other. They had five soulmates. Five. That was a ridiculous number, absolutely unheard of.
“I guess,” Virgil swallowed, “I guess we’ll find out when we find them.”
Damian woke up with the feeling that he’d been hit by a truck. Everything was sore, and his hand hurt to move. Maybe he slept on it weird.
He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, wincing as his fingers tugged weirdly. They felt like the circulation had been cut off, they were all sleepy and heavy.
He got up, shivering as his toes touched the freezing floor of his apartment. He could see his breath in front of him.
He really needed to fix that heater.
Walking into his kitchen, he made himself a cup of coffee, his eyes barely open. His fingers gave another uncomfortable tug. Weird.
Slugging into the bathroom, he took a shower, running his hands of his face. Perhaps it was a good thing he was never reassigned a soulmate. The ugly scar on half his face would scare them off.
He dried off afterwards, brushing his teeth. He looked at himself long and hard in the mirror, scrutinizing every inch. He had school and practice today, enough people would see him to need makeup, and he applied the simple face he wore with practiced ease.
It didn’t do much to cover up the scars, but it was something.
He left the house with his coffee in hand and backpack slung over his shoulder, wearing a black long coat and a scarf. It was beginning to feel a lot like winter, and Damian wasn’t one to like the cold.
The walk to campus wasn’t horribly long. Just a walk through the park and up the block. He was pretty fit and in shape, both from the walk and practice, so it no longer bothered him any.
Damian ignored the few looks he got from passerby. There seemed to be a lot of them today. Odd. He had lived here for a while now, surely most these people who were routinely out at this time had gotten over their staring phase.
He spotted Remy waiting at the fence as always, speeding up slightly to catch up with him. The glasses clad male waved without looking up from his phone.
“Hey hot stuff, how’s your morning been?” Remy asked, still texting. Probably Damian if one was going off the fond look on his face.
“Dreadful,” Damian grumbled, leaning against the fence, “I must have pulled a muscle in my arm or something, it hurts something awful.”
“Uh huh. Well, I wish the best for you babes. Maybe take some meds or somethin’ before class?” Remy looked up at him over his glasses. Damian nodded, running a hand through his hair, missing how Remy followed them movement.
“Yes well that’s a giv-“
“Holy shit babe,” Remy exclaimed suddenly, grabbing a hold of Damianl’s wrist.
He moved out of the way of the street light, holding Damial’s wrist out, staring at the shadows on the ground in absolute disbelief.
“You have four and you didn’t tell me?!” He have shrieked in excitement, looking up at Damian in surprised. The other man raised a concerned eyebrow.
“Four wh-“ His throat closed in on itself, and the world around him seemed to melt away as he stared at his hand. Four- four strings. There were four fatestrings connected to his fingers. Four-
Four soulmates?
To be added later
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dylshoney · 6 years
the scarf
synopsis: shawn is the newest player of the maple leaves, the readers favorite team
a/n: kinda like this tbh. requests are open again!
warnings: language, heavy smut, oral (female receiving), daddy kink
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When you had been given your best friend’s remaining ticket to the Maple Leaves game you thought you were going to have a heart attack. Now, seated in the front row, your face practically pressed against the glass – you swore you would never be this happy again. Your knee was bouncing as you tried to contain your nerves, the team would be on the ice in a few minutes. You looked to your left, shuddering as your friend passionately kissed her boyfriend. You were very grateful to have been given her other ticket, but now, you felt like a complete third wheel. You wanted to grab her hand and scream with her as all the players skated out, but instead, you were stuck leaning away from them as you tried to ignore the sound of smacking lips.
 They thankfully separated the second that the game began – seemingly both completely enticed with what was happening. Your throat was completely sore from screaming your heart out as the team skated onto the ice – particularly loud once you saw your favorite player. The newest addition to the team, and the most gorgeous guy you had ever seen in your life. Maia grabbed your hand, practically screaming into your ear as he skated in front of you, his hand raised as he greeted the cheering crowd.
 The game started with a bang, the teams practically flying on the rink as they tried to one up the opposite side.
 You felt like you were floating, finally able to see your favorite people right in front of you, playing like their lives depended on it.
 Time flew by faster than you would have liked, the last twenty minutes reaching and your nerves on edges as the teams were tied.
 You watched with wide eyes as Shawn handled the puck, getting closer to center field – right where you were sitting. You held your breath, sitting on the edge of your seat as you watched him move expertly down the ice.
  You flinched back, releasing an uncontrollable scream as the opposing team’s player slammed Shawn into the glass – stealing the puck and skating away. You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest, Shawn’s body barely two feet from you, his hands pressed against the glass as he groaned – obviously displeased with the play.
 Everything happened in a matter of seconds – Maia grabbing your hand to snap you out of your daze – your eyes meeting Shawn’s as he looked at you, his warm brown orbs barely visible through the helmet. Your breath hitched as he began to smile, his gaze trailing over your body. You felt like time wasn’t moving – your mouth open in a small oh as you tried to register what was happening.
 And then, he winked.
 You barely had the chance to blink and he was gone, skating back into his offensive position to set up for the next play.
 “Holy shit!” You hear Maia screaming next to you but it sounded muffled, like she was in another room. You released a breath – your whole body completely covered in goose bumps as you tried to calm your heart.
 “What the fuck just happened?” Maia was ecstatic, practically bouncing in her seat as she shook your arm.
 “I – I have no idea.”
 “Shawn fucking Mendes thinks you’re hot,” Maia mumbled after a moment, her voice pitching at the end, “I can’t believe this! Please fuck him for me!”
 “Woah,” you leaned away, your cheeks completely flushed as you looked at her, “First of all, he does not find me hot and – ”
 “He winked at you!”
 You ignored her, “And second of all, who’s to say I’m ever going to get the chance to talk to him – much less fuck him.. No matter how much I want to,” you mumbled the second part, your eyes trained on said boy – skating like he didn’t just create a river between your legs.
 “I wish I got that on video,” Maia said after a few moments, “Wanna brag that my friend is on Shawn Mendes’ radar.”
 You rolled your eyes but smiled anyway, “You’re such a hopeless romantic.”
 The game flew by in a bustle of emotions, your heart never fully calming down after the whole order with Shawn and the wink and the way his gaze traveled over you.
 You shut your eyes for a second as you reached the parking lot, angry to have left the arena later than most – the crowd was huge and unruly and you were positive you would all the stuck in traffic for at least an hour trying to get out.
 “Shit,” you muttered as a shiver went down your spin – the cold February air finally hitting you.
 “Maia!” You shouted her name, her eyes meeting yours through the crowd as she turned to face you.
 “I left my scarf!” You gestured behind you, “I’m going back to get it!”
 She nodded, “Meet at the car!”
 You sent her a thumbs up and turned to quickly push through the crowd. You made it into the stadium minutes later, your eyes traveling over all the steps you would have to go down – cursing as you began to jog.
 You reached your seats in record time – thankful that no one else was left in the arena, creating no obstacles.
 You found seat 1-L and blinked in shock as you noticed your scarf was nowhere to be found.
 “Damn it,” you muttered, running a hand through your hair – the empty arena suddenly colder than you remembered.
 You exhaled as breath, wrapping your coat tighter around your frame as you turned to leave.
 “Umpf – ”
 Your breath caught in your throat as two hands latched around you – steading your frame.
 “I’m sorry – I ” you looked up, your voice faltering as you laid eyes on the grinning figure looking down at you. His hair was unruly and wet – probably from the shower he had taken after the game. A blue ‘Maple Leaves’ sweater was covering his large frame, a red flush on his cheeks.
 “The game ended an hour ago,” his voice was different than you expected, “What are you still doing here?”
 “I – uh – I left my scarf.” 
He tilted his head, his eyes traveling over your scarf-less frame.
 Your eyes widened as he chuckled lightly, “I – it’s not here – obviously. So I think someone probably took it – which really sucks cause it was collectible and cost a lot – but,” you cut yourself off, swallowing as you felt your entire body get hot. 
Shut up, you scolded yourself.
 “That’s a shame,” he nodded, making you look back up, his tongue running over his lower lip as he looked down at you. You nodded, your throat dry – unsure what to say.
 “Well – ”
 “I – ”
 You both spoke, your cheeks heating again as you faltered, “You first.”
 “I was going to ask,” he bit his lip, shaking his head slightly, “If – if you enjoyed the game. But that sounds dumb now …”
 He trailed off, a blush coating his cheeks, as he looked away, his gaze traveling to the rink.
 “No!” You coughed, recovering quickly, “It’s not dumb. I had a lot of fun – it was the best game I’ve ever been to actually.”
 He blinked, a wide smile spreading over him, “Really?”
 You nodded, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “Yeah. And that goal two minutes before the end. Wow.”
 He chuckled, the sound one of the prettiest you’ve ever heard, “That was fun.”
 “I’m – uh – ,” he extended his hand, “I’m Shawn by the way.”
 You took his larger hand into your grip, shaking it slightly. You had to resist nodding and saying ‘yeah I know – you’re the hottest person I’ve ever seen,’ instead you just smiled warmly, “I’m y/n.”
 You flinched at the sound of the voice, pulling your hand from his grasp and latching it to your side as you both turned back to see some older man waving him forward. Shawn nodded at him, before turning back to you quickly, “I should go, it was nice meeting you, y/n.”
 You shivered at the sound of your name leaving his lips as he smiled, nodding, “It was nice to meet you as well.”
 He grinned again, dipping his head and turning to walk away, leaving you completely dumbstruck.
 You exhaled as you watched his back get farther and farther from view. It took a few seconds for your heart to finally calm down, no longer feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest. You should have asked for a picture.
 Four days later you were seated in the boardroom of CL-LM, the radio station you had been interning at for the past few months.
 You were sat in the back, taking notes of everything that was being said. You had been at it for the past hour – your hand cramping at the strain.
 “I have one final announcement before I let you all go,” John spoke, your back immediately straightening out as you got ready to leave.
 “I’d appreciate if everyone stayed out of recording room C, for the next few hours – because of the special guest we have in today.”
 Everyone mutters sounds of agreement and soon the entire room was filling out. You debated asking John about the mysterious guest everyone had been talking about for the past few days, but you decided against it, deciding not to meddle with things that didn’t concern you. You thought about waiting around the entrance to see who would leave, but people would probably think you were weird –and you could not lose this internship.
 “Y/n!” John’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, as you smiled lightly, looking up at him.
 “Could you please go bring Stefan some coffee, he’s asked for it about twenty times.”
 You perked up at the name; Stefan was the one running the interview with the mystery guest.
 John shook his head, “I don’t mean to interrupt you from your work, I can ask someone else if – ”
 “No!” You practically shouted, before clearing your throat, “No, I can do it. I already know his order – it really wouldn’t be a problem.”
 He nodded, “Thank you, you’re a lifesaver.”
 You smiled, already making your way out the door and to the elevators. You were lucky that you had a Starbucks situated in the building so it was really no problem for you quickly order and be back in the office in minutes.
 You took a deep breath as you prepared to walk into room C. You wondered who was inside, trying to rack your brain of all the celebrities the station hadn’t already featured. They had a pretty good reputation with a –list people.
 You gripped the handle, cracking to door open just a smidge, your eyes meeting Dallin – the interview coordinator – who smiled widely and gestured for you to enter.
 You made sure the door didn’t creak, trying to shut it as discreetly as possible – not wanting to disrupt the conversation.
 “Was there any hazing on the team?” You heard Stefan’s voice behind you as you placed his coffee on the snack table, knowing he would get it when he was ready.
 “No.” You heard the guest laugh. You went still, your entire body covering in goosebumps as you recognized the voice, slowly turning around. “They were all really supportive. They treat me more like a little brother.”
 Your heart dropped into your stomach as you finally laid eyes on him. Shawn was smiling widely, his gaze focused on Stefan as he spoke. He was wearing the standard CL-LM headphones, a ‘Maple Leaves’ scarf loosely hung over his neck as he tapped the desk while he spoke.
 You felt frozen in your spot, your mouth hanging open slightly as you watched him, enthralled with the way he talked. His hand raised as he spoke with emphasis, his mouth moving smoothly- showcasing his perfectly white teeth.
 You felt a hand graze your back, making you flinch and step back, your mouth snapping shut. You looked over at Dallin who was smirking, gesturing to Shawn suggestively.
 You rolled your eyes, trying to seem chill about the entire situation – but in reality, you were freaking the fuck out about being in the same room as Shawn again. He looked even better than you remembered.
 “You wanna stay and watch?” Dallin leaned in to whisper, nudging your shoulder slightly.
 You smiled sheepishly, “Can I?”
 He shrugged, “Why not? They’re gonna finish soon anyway.”
 You nodded, “Okay,” following him to the leather couch situated close to the interview table. You felt giddy as you walked up, your eyes trained on your feet as you moved to sit next to Dallin. You looked up at the sound of a cough, your eyes immediately traveling to look at Shawn – his gaze already trained on you.
 He smiled as you made eye contact, dipping his head slightly as a form of greeting. You grinned in response, waving slightly, before looking away, trying to tame your flaming face.
 The interview flew by quicker than you expected, as you tried to subtly watch Shawn – hoping that you didn’t seem like a complete stalker.
 “And that’s a wrap,” Stefan smiled as the ‘on air’ light flashed off, taking his headphones off his ears and standing up to greet Shawn who did the same.
 They shook hands, exchanging formalities and thanks before the two of them turned and walked around the table.
 Dallin was quick to get up and extended a hand to Shawn, making you stand as they greeted one another.
 You bit your lip as you tried to figure out the right way to greet him, not knowing if you should extend a hand or stay in your spot. He saved you the trouble, though, his grinning face turning to you as he stepped forward, “Y/n. It’s nice to see you again.”
 You nodded, aware of the confused glances Dallin and Stefan sent you, “Nice to see you too,” you smiled, shocked that he remembered you, much less your name.
 “You work here?” He tilted his head, your body feeling numb at the intensity of his gaze on you.
 You shook your head, “I just intern for now, when I have time off Uni.”
 He nodded, about to say something, when Dallin interrupted, “She’s our best!”
 You chocked on your saliva as he smiled widely, winking at you  - making you narrow your eyes at his inability to be subtle.
 “I bet she is,” Shawn laughed, noticing the look on your face.
 “Thank you again, for coming man,” Stefan gushed, happy that he hadn’t left yet.
 “Oh yeah, anytime,” Shawn nodded, his eyes not leaving you. You had to look away, you eyes training on the carpet as the boys exchanged another round of goodbyes.
 “Bye, y/n.” His voice snapped your head up, making you look at him, his smile warm an inviting as he opened the door, about to leave.
 “Bye, Shawn,” you mumbled, feeling like you needed to pinch yourself as the door shut behind him.
 “Stefan!” You scolded, rushing over hit his arm as he laughed at the expression on your face, “How dare you not tell me you were interviewing a ‘Maple Leaf’?! You know they’re my favorite team.”
 “Sorry, y/n. It was confidential!”
 “You could have told me!” You pouted, “I wouldn’t have said anything!”
 “And lose my integrity?” He teased, “No thank you.”
 You shook your head, “I’m never going to forgive you for this – ”
“Me?!” He shouted, “Did you ever plan to tell me you were buddy-buddy with one of the most famous people in the country?”
 “I’m not,” you shook your head, “We barely know each other.”
 “That’s not what it looked like,” Dallin snorted, “You guys were practically eye-fucking each other.”
 You gasped, “Dallin – ”
 The sound of a light knocking made you falter in your words as Stefan shouted for the person to enter. Your eyes widened as Shawn’s smiling face greeted the three of you, his gaze traveling over to you as he cleared his throat, “Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if I could talk to y/n?”
 You blinked, your mouth unable to register the words that had left his perfectly sculpted mouth, “ I – ”
 You felt Dallin nudge your back, lightly pushing you forward, “It’s no bother – she was about to go on break anyway.”
 You smiled, reminding yourself to thank Dallin, as Shawn’s grin widened, his arm extending to open the door fully as you made your way to him, walking past into the open floor plan of the office.
 You could feel shivers overcome you as the entire office got quiet, watching you walk toward the elevator, with one of the world’s most famous hockey players to your left.
 You got into the elevator, pressing the button and leaning against one of the walls, hesitant to look up at him.
 “I’m sorry to take up your break time,” his voice was so smooth, your eyes fluttering as you listened to him, “But I actually wanted to give you something.”
 You tilted your head, “Me?”
 He laughed, his eyes shutting for a second as he nodded, “Yes, you.”
 But you still weren’t convinced, “Why?”
 “Are you always this hesitant to accept gifts?” He smirked, his eyes not leaving yours as you shrugged, “Only when they’re from attractive hockey players.”
 You froze, did you really just say that out loud? You could feel the familiar heat that only he seemed to induce, spread over your frame, “I – I meant – ”
 “You think I’m attractive?” He tilted his head, his voice an octave lower than you were used to, the sound far more intimate than you would have expected.
 “I – I,” you swallowed, your eyes flickering back to his face as you realized there was no point in lying, “Well, yeah.”
 He smirked, but it seemed almost sheepish as his eyes traveled to the elevator doors – a beautiful rosy color filling his cheeks. Did you just make him blush?
 “That’s a relief,” he said after a moment, his voice airy as he looked back over to you, “Because I think you’re one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen.”
 A shiver traveled through you, your eyes not leaving his, “Yeah?”
 He nodded, the small smile returning, “I don’t normally do this – but I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime, with me?”
 You had to resist the urge to giggle, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck as he waited for your response. He looked nervous, and it was the most adorable thing you had ever seen.
 “I’d love to,” you smiled.
 You loved the way his eyes crinkled when he grinned really wide, “Yeah.”
 The ding of the elevator reaching the ground floor made you snap out of your trance, looking away from him and toward the door.
 “After you,” he gestured, dramatically extending his arm as you giggled, shaking your head, but listening nonetheless.
 You walked through the apartment lobby, stopping outside the door, as you hesitated to leave – having left your jacket upstairs.
 “Can I have your number?” He said softly as you turned back around to face him.
 You nodded, taking his phone into your hand, quickly typing in your number and debating what you should put as your contact name. You finally settled with ‘y/n :)’, handing him his phone, shuddering as his fingers grazed yours.
 “I’ll call you,” he said, making you nod with probably the biggest, goofiest smile on your face, “I’ll be waiting.”
 “I’m really happy to have seen you again,” he nodded, “I’ve been beating myself up for not asking you your number after the game.”
 You covered your mouth as you giggled, your heart fluttering at the intensity in his eyes as he looked down at you, “I’m glad too.”
 You could feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket, making you pull it out and internally groan at the words on the screen, “I’m sorry – but they’re requesting me upstairs.”
 “I get it,” he smiled, “Duty calls.”
 “I – uh – see you later, then,” you bit your lip, unsure what to say, wishing you could stay and talk to him longer.
 “Soon,” he corrected.
 “Soon.” You felt giddy, waving shyly and spinning on your heel to make your way back to the elevator.
 “Y/n!” He called, making you halt in your movements and turn back to face him.
 He was closer than you expected, his grinning face barely two feet away from you. You watched with wide eyes as he swung his scarf off his neck – bringing it over you and placing it around your shoulders, letting it hang down your front.
 “Shawn – what?” You touched the fabric, your words getting lost in your mouth as you stared at him in shock.
 “I said I had a gift for you, didn’t I?” He smiled, shrugging like it was no big deal, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
 You shook your head, “I can’t – I can’t accept this.”
 “Why not?”
 “It’s too much,” you were quick to take it off, about to hand it to him again, but he stepped back immediately, bringing his hand up.
 “No,” he shook his head with a teasing smirk, “Not taking it back.”
 “Shawn…” you mumbled, gripping the soft fabric in your hands as you thrust it toward him, but he avoided your advances. His reflexes were faster than yours, his hands gripping your elbows, effectively halting your movements.
 You blinked in shock, your body tensing at his closeness to you, the heat of his frame making your head spin.
 “Please,” he mumbled, not releasing your arms, “I want to give it to you.”
 You opened your mouth to disagree, but at the look in his eyes, you were quick to shut it again.
 “I – ,” you swallowed, “Thank you. I don’t know what to say.”
 He smiled, letting go of you, making you internally whimper at the loss of contact, “You don’t need to say anything, I’m happy to do it.”
 You felt your phone vibrate again, making you shut your eyes in annoyance.
 “You should probably go,” he mumbled, sounding like it was the last thing he wanted you to do, “I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
 You nodded, “Yeah.”
 He took a step back, his hands back in his pockets, his head dipping as he smiled again, “I’ll call you,” he repeated.
 You laughed quietly, “You better.”
He called a few hours later, stating something along the lines of I’m sorry but I couldn’t wait any longer. You felt like you were on top of the world, your ecstasy only increasing as he asked to meet up on Friday, which was only two days away. You agreed without hesitation and immediately called Maia, who after screaming for a good five minutes – agreed to help you prepare.
 It ended up being the perfect first date. He took you to his favorite little Italian place and you ended up sharing a cheese pizza – neither of you too keen to experiment with your food. The conversation flowed easily and you felt like you were floating as his warm eyes watched you, listening to every one of your stories with undivided attention. He walked you home that night, not coming in but kissing you softly on your front steps, a sensation you replayed countless times after.
 Your next date was the next day, the two of you far too eager to spend more time getting to know each other. This date was a little more adventurous, Shawn sneaking you in the ‘Maple Leaves’ stadium after hours so you could skate on the freshly plowed ice. You were worried that you would embarrass yourself and fall on your face, but he didn’t let you get the chance – holding onto your hand tightly the entire time. You ended up getting pretty good by the end of the night, but it helped that he never let go of you, spinning you around the rink as the two of you laughed in the empty space. He took you back to his apartment and you shared hot cocoa on his couch while talking about your families. He drove you home and kissed you on the steps, promising to see you soon.
 You saw him again a few days later, both of you far too busy with school and practice. You went to the movies and talked through the entire film, annoying the people in front of you – ultimately getting you kicked out of the theater. The two of you couldn’t care less though, your laughter unstoppable as you ran to his car in the rain. You ended up in his back seat, the two of you listening to the sound of the rain, talking about anything and everything and you realized that you never wanted to stop talking to him – never wanted to be in a world without his smile with you. He took you home and finally ended up coming inside, the two of you falling asleep on your couch – tangled up in a mess of blankets and completely ignoring the Disney movie on the screen.
 Two weeks and three dates later, you were finally ready to give yourself to him, wanting nothing more than the feeling of his body against yours. You felt your stomach swirl as you neared his apartment, your heart beating out of your chest as you reached his apartment, ready to tell him how you felt – and hopefully make your relationship official.
 You waited patiently as you rang the doorbell, biting your lip as you waited to see his grinning face.
 You furrowed your eyebrows as a few minutes went by, deciding to ring one more time before calling him. You flinched in shock as the door swung open – a distressed
Shawn looking down at you as he ran a finger through his mess of curls. Your eyes widened as they traveled over his frame, he was shirtless, showcasing the abundance of tight muscles you could always feel through his shirts.
 “Y/n?” He blinked, “What are you doing here?”
 You could feel your chest tighten, “We agreed to hang out today, remember?”
 His eyes flooded with realization as he cursed, “Shit – uh - now’s not the best time– ”
 “Shawn?” You heard a feminine voice call from inside, your heart falling in your chest. You could see the panic in Shawn’s expression as he stepped forward, trying to grab your arm. You were quick to pull away, your back hitting the wall of the hallway as a beautiful blonde appeared from behind Shawn, her eyes narrowing as they fell over your frame, “Who’s this?”
 You could feel your knees give out, your heart pounding in your chest as you refused to look up at Shawn, “No one,” you shook your head, sidestepping him as rushing toward the elevator.
 You could hear Shawn shout something to her, but the sound was muffled in your ears as you tried to calm your breathing and the sensation of your heart was squeezing in your chest.
 You could hear Shawn’s footsteps following you as he shouted your name, but you ignored him, practically sprinting down the long hallway.
 “Y/n!” He repeated, his long legs reaching you quickly as he grabbed your elbow, spinning you around to face him.
 “Let go of me!” You hissed, relishing in the look on his face as he flinched, never hear that type of anger in your voice.
 “Please let me explain,” he muttered softly, his voice cracking as he begged silently.
 You shook your head, “I have to go.”
 “Y/n – ”
 You ripped your arm from his grip as walked into the open elevator. You exhaled a shaky breath as you turned around, not expecting to see his heartbroken face staring back at you.
 “Y/n…” he repeated, but you didn’t respond, a single tear traveling down your face as the doors began to shut – hiding you from him as you finally fell into a puddle of sobs.
You hadn’t left your apartment all day, your mind replaying the look on his face as the blonde revealed herself. You cried harder as you remembered the guilt in his eyes as he stared at you, your heart hurting more and more as you remembered the hopelessness you had felt in that moment.
 You felt worthless, expendable. But most of all, you felt stupid for thinking someone as successful and attractive as him would ever be interested in someone like you. You seemed to set yourself up for heartbreak, letting yourself get sucked into the fantasy that was Shawn Mendes. The feeling of his eyes on you and his hand in yours – distracting you from the crushing reality that he was probably fucking another girl every other night.
 You felt stupid for letting yourself get so worked up over someone you knew for barely a month, someone that wasn’t even your boyfriend. Someone that probably never even wanted to be.
 You sniffled as the screen changed, the new episode of Deadly Class ending, filling you with more despair as you realized you no longer had anything to watch.
 You shut the TV off, huffing as you fell back onto your couch, wrapping yourself tighter in your blanket as you shut your eyes – trying to ignore the ache in your chest.
 You flinched as your doorbell rang, but ignored it – knowing it was probably him. You didn’t want to see him, you thought your last conversation made that pretty fucking clear, so you shut your eyes tighter and ignored as the knocking got louder.
 You could hear muffled yelling from the other side of the door, but you ignored it, knowing he was probably going to leave soon.
 Everything got silent after a few moments, indicating that he had left, making you sigh quietly – your relationship now officially over. You snuggled further into your pillow, gripping the blanket tighter as another tear slid down your face.
 Your eyes snapped open as you heard the clicking of a lock, your blood running cold as you sat up, body numb as you sat up, hearing footsteps in your hallway.
 “Who’s in here?” You called, hating how shaky your voice was.
 “Y/n?” Shawn’s voice slightly calmed your nerves as he rounded the corner, his gaze falling to your shaking figure on the couch.
 “What the hell are you doing here?” Your fear was quickly replaced with anger, “And how did you get in?”
 He bit his lip, his eyes pooling with guilt as he stepped closer, “Maia gave me her key.”
 You shut your eyes in annoyance, “I don’t want you here,” your voice was curt as you made a mental note to chew Maia out later.
 “I’m sorry,” his walked closer, his hands in front of him as a sign of surrender, he seemed almost afraid, “But I have to explain. You have to hear –”
 “Hear what Shawn?” You interrupted, your anger making him flinch, “Hear how you fucked that girl right before seeing me?”
 He shook his head immediately, opening his mouth but you didn’t let him get a word out, “Doesn��t matter anyway, we were nothing anyway. You’re free to do whatever you want. Now please leave my apartment.”
 He looked on the verge of tears, “You don’t mean that.”
 Your lip trembled as you tried your hardest not to let your sobs start, not now, not in front of him. Especially when he was looking at you like a kicked puppy.
 “You don’t mean that we didn’t mean anything. It meant something to me.” His voice was shaky, soft.
 “Gina – she’s my ex-girlfriend. And y/n, please believe me when I say nothing happened.”
 “You – ”
 He ignored you, continuing his rant, “I guess she had a key made when we were together and never told me. That’s how she got into my apartment, waking me up in the process – that’s why I was shirtless. I was kicking her out when you came, that’s why – that’s why I acted like an ass.”
 You swallowed, your mind swirling at the genuine sound of his voice, “How do I know that’s the truth?”
 “Because I care about you, y/n. I care about you so so much and I would never do anything to ruin what we have. Please believe me.” You could see him getting closer to you, reaching the back of the couch, his soft eyes staring down at you, “I can’t lose you. Not like this. Not before I have the chance to officially ask you to be mine.”
 “You – you want to be official?”
 He smiled lightly, his hand coming up to cup your cheek, your body melting into his embrace as he wiped the stray tear on your face, “I want nothing more than to be able to call you mine.”
 “I want that too,” you released a shaky breath, suddenly embarrassed for acting like a complete psychopath before you even knew the real story, “I’m – I’m sorry for not believing you.”
 He shook his head sighing in relief as his hands wrapped around you, stuffing his face into the crook of your neck as he held you, “I realize how bad that must have looked – trust me, I would have reacted much worse.”
 You hummed, “Really?”
 “Mhm,” he placed a kiss on your neck, “I don’t want to see you with anyone other than me. You’re mine.”
 Your eyes shut as he continued lightly placing kissing along your neck and jawline, “yours,” you breathed.
 He groaned as those words left your mouth, his hands coming up to hold your face, not hesitating to connect your lips, his mouth encompassing yours passionately as you melted into him.
 You moaned into him as his hands left your cheeks and traveled down your body, wrapping around your and pulling you into him. You relished in the feeling of his hard body pressed against yours, as you molded perfectly into one another.
 “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, almost subconsciously as he reconnected your mouths, his tongue exploring you.
 He reaches for the bottom of your shirt, lifting it over your head as he throws it behind you. You weren’t wearing a bra, his eyes widening as he takes in the sight of your naked chest. Perfect, he thought, running a finger lightly over a hardened nipple.
 You release a breath, you back arching – bringing yourself closer to his hands, his eyes entranced by the sight before him. But you were impatient, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it off, revealing the body you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since you saw it.
 You begin tracing his chest, your arms traveling to wrap around his hard biceps as he leaned into you, taking your left nipple into his mouth, his warm tongue traveling over the sensitive skin.
 “Shawn,” you gasped, your fingers digging into his arms as he hummed against your, “Bedroom, please.”
 He moaned into your breast, releasing it with a pop as he came up to kiss you again – never getting tired of the feeling of his mouth against yours.
 His hands wrapped around your thighs as he leaned forward, “Jump, baby.”
 You hummed at the pet name, shivers covering your frame as your legs latched around his hips, his hands digging into the soft flesh of your ass – perfectly exposed for him through your shorts.
 He had been to your bedroom once before, so he knew where he was headed, rushing up that stairs with you in his grasp. The two of you giggled, as you exchanged small kisses, feeling content and so so ready.
 He placed you onto the bed softly, his hands immediately traveling to grip your shorts – pulling them, along with your panties, down in one fell swoop.
 You gasped as the cold air hit you, his hands wrapping around your thighs to separate your legs for him, his tongue running over his lower lip as his eyes locked on you, “Such a pretty pussy.”
 He slides a finger gently along your already wet clit, your legs twitching as he keeps them open, “Already soaked for me, eh?”
 You nodded, your eyes shut as your back arched off the bed, Shawn slipping a single finger into you.
 He’s rubbing your clit as his finger works in and out of you, your breaths picking up as he begins moving faster.
 He slides the finger out before quickly adding another, muttering a soft fuck at the feeling, “So tight, can feel your cunt squeezing me. Can’t wait to be inside you.”
 You groan at the words, your head falling to one side as you could feel him work you to your high, loving the way his dirty mouth egged you on.
 You gasped as his mouth unexpectedly latched to your clit, sucking it gently, your lips flying open in a loud moan.
 “Delicious,” he murmurs against you, picking up his speed, wanting to have you falling apart under him.
 The sound of your voice and your ass picking up off the bed into him, made him smirk against your pussy, his tongue quickly replacing his fingers – stuffing you completely.
 You can’t control yourself, your hands falling to his hair, gripping it tightly as you felt yourself fall apart – his name flying from your lips like a prayer.
 You shook under him, you legs twitching as you came down from your high, Shawn working you through it.
 “Fuck,” you muttered, your head falling back as he separated from your pussy, his mouth kissing along your thighs –giving you the chance to breathe after all the overwhelming pleasure.
 “Gorgeous,” he said against your skin.
 You hummed, your hands wrapping in his locks again – bringing him back up to you, smiling as you connected your mouth again.
 He whimpered as you ran your tongue over his lip, biting the bottom one and releasing with a pop.
 “Need you,” he spoke softly, making you shiver against him.
 “Please,” you nodded.
 “I don’t have any condoms.”
 “I’m on birth control, you-you can come in me,” you mumbled as he ran his tongue over your neck.
 His eyes roll back at your words, hands tightening their grip on your hips, “God, what are you doing to me?”
 You smirked, pecking his lips quickly – your fingers finding their way to his hips – pushing on his jeans. He seemed to get your message – pulling his pants off in record time.
 You licked your lips as your eyes landed on his very prominent bulge, practically bursting out of his boxers.
 His boxers are off immediately, and you can feel yourself twitch as he palms his length. You’ve never seen anyone bigger – and you're suddenly worried that he’s not going to fit.
 “Okay, baby?”
 You blink, “You’re – you’re so big.”
 He doesn’t respond, his eyes shutting as you lay back for him, lining your dripping center with his.
 You bite your lip as you watch him hiss, running a hand over his dripping precum, “Ready?”
 You nod quickly, your stomach swirling in anticipation. He thrusts into you slowly, both of you letting out moans of pleasure – your head falling back as your mouth opened.
 “Fuck,” he muttered against you, bottoming out – his dick completely inside you, “You’re so fucking tight for me.”
 You nod, your back arching as you wait for him to start moving, “For you.”
 His jaw clenches as he starts rocking his hips, gently at first and then picking up speed. Soon, he’s pounding into you with such force that your eyes roll back and you're shaking under him.
 “You like that?” He grunts into your neck, “You like my cock fucking your tight little hole, huh baby?”
 You grip his arms again; unable to respond as the sensation of his length sliding in and out of you erases all other thoughts.
 “I want to hear you say it,” his hand lightly slaps your ass, making you squeal against him.
 “I love it, I – I fucking love it.”
 You rock against him, gasping as he leans down to take your nipple into his mouth again.
 The sensation is too much for you to bare and suddenly you can’t stop a “daddy,” from flying out of you.
 You tense, your eyes flying open as you make eye contact with him, not expecting that to come from you. You don’t know what to say, scared he’s going to reject you, look away in disgust.
 He surprises you, smirking instead and pulling out of your hole – before thrusting back inside –hitting the deepest parts of you, relishing in your moans, “Naughty girl.”
 He’s pounding into you again, his teeth grazing your jaw as he growls against you, “Say it again.”
 You smirk, loving that he’s just as dirty as you, “You make me feel so good, daddy.”
 He pulls out of you, causing a whimper to fly from your lips as he spins you around – setting you on your hands and knees.
 He takes his length in his hand, pumping slowly as he trails the tip over your dripping cunt, making you squeeze your legs in anticipation.
 “Please, Shawn.”
 He slaps your ass, pulling you back into him, his hard dick pressed against your flesh, “That’s not what you call me, baby.”
 “Daddy, please,” you’re quick to correct yourself, wanting him inside you. He kneads your skin in his big hands, lining himself up with you – and suddenly he’s slamming into you and you’re screaming, your hands giving out as your head falls onto the mattress.
 He starts his fast pace again, you’re twitching against him, but Shawn doesn’t stop. He keeps slamming his big, thick cock in and out of your wet pussy, knowing you’re so close to your high.
 You’re whining, begging, tears pricking your eyes as his arm wraps around you to begin rubbing your clit.
 “Daddy’s making his baby feel good, isn’t he?”
 You bury your face into the pillow, your legs shaking as you clench around him. He lifts your ass, bringing you back into him, giving him better access to your twitching cunt.
“Need you to cum, baby. Need you to come with me, right on my cock.”
 “Please daddy,” your throat is so sore, but you never want him to stop, “Please come inside me.”
 His fingers quicken on your clit and you’re shaking uncontrollably, your entire body convulsing against him as you come.
 Shawn grunts into you, biting your shoulder as his eyes shut at the feeling of you clenching around him – and suddenly he’s coming, his warm liquid filling you in spurts.
 He halts his movements after a few seconds, the two of you breathing heavily. You love the feeling of his cock inside you, even if it’s not moving.
 You’re both still for a moment, but soon he’s kissing down your body again – making you shudder as he pulls out of you.
 You can feel him come drip out of you onto the mattress and suddenly you’re interested in how it looks – Shawn’s wide eyes trained on your spilling cunt.
 “Look so beautiful,” he mumbles, massaging your hips lightly, “My cum dripping out of you.”
 You whimper at his words, watching as he stands from your bed, disappearing into the bathroom and coming back out with a towel.
 “What’re you - ?”
 “Lay back down, baby,” he kisses your forehead, “Gonna clean you up.”
 You relish in the look in his eyes as he slides the towel between your thighs, wiping away all the juices.
 He tosses it into your hamper, crawling back up your body and falling down next to you – an arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him.
 You hum as he places your sheet over the two of you, wrapping yourself in his warmth.
 “Goodnight, baby,” he kisses your head again.
 You’re too fucked out to respond, humming as you cuddle into him.
taglist: @yourwonderbelle @tw-stydiaaf @alone-in-madness @egg-in-a-spork @musiclover1263 @spideyshcllands
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modestlyabsurd · 6 years
Broke Down (Loki x Reader)
Shake, rattle, and very little roll.
You know you're in trouble when that happens.
The steering wheel jerked and pulled to the shoulder of the road, the truck protesting going any further. You'd try to hit the gas, and nothing but sputters and black smoke puffed from the exhaust pipe. You saw the cloud in your rearview mirror, then glanced down at the gas hand as profanities flooded from your mouth.
The truck slowed down to a stop. You hit the steering wheel as if it were to blame, then remorsefully rested your forehead against it. Just what you need. An empty gas tank in the middle of nowhere.
Your eyes squint tight, recalling the silent debate you had with yourself while on the interstate just a few miles back, when you'd decided against getting gas. So many stations were available. But the covert destination where the Avengers are staying is just a few miles off the highway! Tony Stark's voice in your mind had convinced you that you could make it.
Well, he was wrong.
Your sense of direction was pretty sharp, especially thanks to Google Maps, so you also knew you weren't far from the location; and that certainly didn't help your current mentality.
"Ahem, I thought you knew how to operate these kinds of ships."
Loki's voice elevated every emotion you were feeling.
"I do know how! I just," you took a deep breath in preparing for the worst of reactions, "we're out of gas."
"You'll need to enlighten me."
He's not belittling you - not yet, at least - but you still can't bear to look at him out of embarrassment from your stupid, completely avoidable mistake. You had just exited off the highway where there were so many stations...
You swallowed. "Cars and trucks are fueled by gas. It - it powers all of the components, and, without it nothing works," you spoke slowly, choosing your words to remain composed. "That's what all those little blue signs off the side of the interstate were saying; places to get gas so you don't run out."
"Hm. Why didn't you stop at any of them?" Loki asks.
"Because I thought we could make it! I - I fucked up! I didn't mean to!" You rake your hands over your face before looking back up at the road ahead. Not a car one has come from either direction since you exited and turned onto it. No houses, no businesses, just a little road in the middle of open fields. In any other circumstance, you'd be in awe at the beauty of this place. Right now it was the last place on Earth you wanted to be.
You grabbed your phone from between you and Loki to try and contact Tony - even though he had specifically told you not to, as to not ping off of any cellular towers and give their location away.
"Oh my God," you desperately whispered. Five long rings.
No answer.
This is just great. Tony's gonna be sure and promote you from intern soon. You had one job today, and that was to safely transport Loki close enough to this covert location that someone could retrieve him for the upcoming mission. Tony, Natasha, Steve and Thor had decided to bring him along at the very last minute for reasons you weren't privy to. Probably because they don't trust him to be at the tower with no one but Clint and Pepper there, you'd thought earlier.
They won't trust me either, you thought now.
"He'll call back. He'll call back," you repeated.
Loki shifted beside of you and grunted. You finally looked over at him despite the shame and noticed his eyes were closed tightly. He twisted around so that his cheek lay against the window, which left his knees a bit more scrunched and nowhere to place his arms. He breathed deeply through his mouth.
It wasn't until you saw the dusting of pink across his cheeks that the increasing temperature hit you. Enough time had passed that any residual coolness from the truck's air conditioner had faded away, leaving your face and back damp with sweat.
Normally Loki voiced his discomfort without hesitation. He wasn't talking.
"Loki? Hey, talk to me, are you okay?" you placed a hand on his arm that lay awkwardly in his lap.
He blinked rapidly as his head bobbed and his jaw clenched. He shook you off. "I'm fine. It's just a bit warmer than I'm used to."
"Right, frost giant and all," you said out loud, not really meaning to. "Here, drink this." You held out your bottle of water from the cup holder. It still had most of the water left.
Loki eyed the bottle, not at all believing it would help. He could feel himself overheating, however, and his body became needing of any relief possible. He took the water with a clammy hand and downed it in two gulps.
"Damn dude," you laughed. A dirty joke came to mind, but you chose not to say it.
The water hadn't helped much. He was still breathing heavily from parted lips and not managing to keep his eyes open.
You suggested that he take off his maroon jacket, seeing as it wasn't exactly hoodie conditions, and after giving you another long suspicious look, he complied.
"Why are you wearing two layers of long sleeves in the middle of summertime?"
"I do what I want, that's why."
"Look where it's gotten you. Doing what you want."
"I was fine until a few moments ago." He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
A flood of anxiety washes over you from that comment. He's right. Everything was fine while the truck had gas in it.
"I know. I'm sorry."
Loki softens and doesn't say anything else. While he is very annoyed at the dilemma he's in that was caused by a mortal's foolishness, he won't become angry. It will get him nowhere. After all, he doesn't know the location either, nor does he know the first thing about motor vehicles or driving. And, you've grown on him a little.
When he first saw you after the voyage to Midgard following the fall of Asgard, you were the young, nervous new Stark Industries intern from out of state that you are now. He would only watch you from afar in the beginning. Needless to say, catching glimpses of this tall, darkly dressed long-haired guy in the common area staring at you from above the pages of his book was less than comforting at first.
So what do you do? You charge into the face of uncertainty head first. Which was quite out of character, looking back.
You asked him simply if he wanted something from Starbucks, since you were running over to grab the Avengers their various requested coffee and frappe drinks. He, taken aback that you'd acknowledged his existence unlike the rest of the team with the exception of Thor, was dumbfounded.
"What is Starbucks?"
You laughed and laughed and laughed.
Back then, Loki had wanted to kill something he was so embarrassed. Now he thinks of that day back a few months earlier with a certain amount of fondness, because that was the first hot chocolate he ever had, and the first time he spoke to you.
But that feeling he remembers of humiliation is what keeps him from becoming frustrated with you. He knows what it's like to make little mistakes and never live it down, such as choosing less than clever words, dropping a stack of paperwork all over the elevator floor, and apparently running out of gas.
"They're expecting us at twelve o'clock," you say.
"Well, it looks like your Avengers will be forced to wait."
"No they won't, you idiot. That's my point; they'll get worried when we don't show up on time and come looking for us. And it's -" you check your phone, "eleven forty-six right now. Tony will know pretty soon because I'm always on time."
Loki scoffs, and you look over at his slumped figure only to find a smirk on his face. "'Always on time'. Give or take twenty minutes."
"Hey! I've never been twenty minutes late!"
"Ten minutes on any given day."
"Have you memorized my schedule or something?"
"Of course not," he lies, "but I have heard Stark reprimand you for 'ten minutes!' nearly every day this week."
He'd heard that?
You're suddenly on the defense, all sense of lighthearted banter gone. "You should mind your own business. My punctuality or lack there of is none of your concern, Odinson."
"Hey, relax, it was merely a jest."
"Jokes are supposed to be funny." Venom was still dripping from your not-so-hurtful words. Loki raises his hands in surrender, clearly not wanting to further upset you. You instantly regret your tone. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just, I'm frustrated with myself because we're gonna be late and I'm worried because we're stranded and we don't have any food or water and the sun's about to beat down on us in this black truck and you, you can't take much more heat and, and," you run out of breath. Your throat constricts and the backs of your eyes sting.
Everything just floods over you all at once like a cold rain. You cry. You cry more than the matter at hand calls for; you're crying pent up tears. Pent up for who knows how long, and the flow is uncontrollable.
"Norns, where is this coming from?" Loki asks softly.
Raising up from the steering wheel, a curved red mark now pressed into your forehead, you lean back into your seat and look up at the truck roof, counting scratches in the upholstery from years of wear and tear.
"I'm sorry," you suck up the tears. Upon seeing Loki through your blurred vision, it occurs to you that you've never cried in front of many people at all, besides immediate family. At this, you laugh a dry, humorless laugh, to conceal your vulnerability.
"Why don't we step out for a moment? Perhaps take in the scenery, breathe some fresh air?" Loki asks.
You sniffle, and give him a suspicious look similar to the one he loves to give you. "Why are you being so nice?"
"Maybe because you're my only way out of this mess."
"That makes sense."
The two of you slide out of the stuffy truck cab and stretch, unflattering cracks and pops coming from your stiff joints, before climbing into the bed of the truck. The sun is thankfully shadowed by a few perfect, fluffy white clouds. The sky is vibrant and blue. Nothing but fields of raw open land surround you, for far enough that the air is silent. Not a buzzing of a light, not a hum of cars. You let the unexpected serenity sink in.
You and Loki are shoulder to shoulder against the glass cab window. Your knees are up to your chest, while Loki is manspreading like hell after being cramped for so long. The fresh air has done him a great deal of good. He's stopped running his hands through his hair trying to cool off, which left it looking almost wind blown. He looked out into the distance as well, thankful for the clouds and small breeze cooling his skin.
"I now understand that 'running out of gas' as you put it, is not fun at all. It calls for panic and hopelessness."
You find yourself looking up at him, your eyes level with his jaw, your face stretching with damp tear stains. "Yeah. It does. I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing, you've done me no wrong. I wasn't finished," he eyes you without moving his head. You almost apologize again but refrain. "Being stranded is a bit scary, yes, but it's never made me cry."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying," he rolls his eyes, "that something else caused the drastic reaction you had to our circumstance."
He nudges your knee with his elbow. You look across the truck bed at his shoes.
All black converse. They looked nice on him.
You didn't know what to say. You felt attacked, even though he wasn't being rude about his curiosity. You felt attacked because he was right. Why does he care? What difference does it make? you ask yourself. Wondering if he'll use your answer against you in the future.
It doesn't feel like he would. "I don't know," you begin. "I, uh, I guess it's because people I've cared about, suddenly don't care about me when I fuck up, if that makes sense. I mean, what happened today is pretty bad, right? I've had people threaten to leave me over less than this. And I don't do that to them. They fuck up too, but I'm not willing to just throw away everything because of a small mistake. Over time, it just makes you feel like you can't do anything right. You're afraid of losing everything if you mess up."
Your voice is dry because you're done crying. You let your heart speak freely for the first time in a while.
Loki stays quiet, thinking about what you've said. You can't bring yourself to look at him now.
The next thing you say flows out before you can stop. "How do you keep on? Living, that is."
He inhales. He wasn't prepared to be asked such a question. He chooses to be honest. "I didn't want to. For a very long time."
There was a long pause, with only the sound of your residual sniffling.
"But then...here you come."
Loki laughs; a rare, wonderful sound.
You hadn't meant to say that out loud.
"Yes, you fool. You."
"I just, I figured you hated me. Figured you just tolerated my presence."
He craned his neck to look at you incredulously. His brows furrowed, his eyes squinted from the sunlight and, while they were green, appeared clear blue with whatever emotion you'd invoked. You noticed a couple of freckles and raised scars slashed his face, the ever so slight dryness of his lips, and a blood mark on the bottom lip where he must've bitten it.
"You think that I hate you?"
You suddenly realized how close the two of you were, and cast your gaze down.
"I mean, maybe hate is a strong word."
My, if only you knew, Loki thought.
"How could I hate the person who introduced me to the celestial wonder that is Midgardian hot chocolate?"
That made you laugh. A good, full laugh.
"I don't think you could possibly make me hate you."
"Is that a challenge?"
"Don't push your luck."
Suddenly the sound of tires rolling on pavement caught your attention. You twist around to look in front of the truck. A damn silver Porsche comes blaring down the desolate road. They beep the horn twice. It comes to a stop beside you, and the driver rolls down a tinted window. "Tony! I swear, I don't think I've ever been happier to see you!"
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fckinwild-kiwi · 5 years
Duet Partners Pt.2
Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Smut 18+
Word Count: 5k
Why would he show up here? Staring at the man in her doorway brought her instant anger. In a matter of seconds, the fatigue her body had felt from her intimate moments with Shawn vanished and her vision turned red. She could no longer see anything except for the man standing in her doorway.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Michael," She said, venom laced within her words. "You're not welcome here."
"C'mon sis," Michael said, stepping through the entryway and into y/n's home. Instantly Shawn took a step forward, it was clear to y/n that he had made his own judgments on the situation.
"Hey man," Shawn said, placing a hand on Michael's chest to signal him to take a step back. "I don't think she wants you here right now, and it's late. You should probably go home."
"Hey man," Michael said, sarcastically repeating what Shawn had said moments prior. "Why don't you let me and my sister handle this, it doesn't involve you."
Instantly Shawn took a step forward, Y/n could see that Shawn was now in ultimate defensive mode. If he was a bird, his feathers would definitely be ruffled.
"Michael," Y/n said, speaking up for the first time in what felt like hours, even though it was only a minute.
I don't have anywhere to go, I was hoping you'd let me crash here for a few days, y/n."
Y/n was taken back. Who did he think he was asking if he could stay at her place? She hadn't seen her brother in almost two years, and this was how he wanted to make an entrance back into her life? "Just for tonight. You can sleep on the couch. Tomorrow you need to leave," she said, turning away from her brother and Shawn to go blankets.
Once she made sure her brother was situated in the living room, she walked back into her bedroom to find Shawn sitting up against the headboard in her bed. Once he noticed her, he walked in, he opened his arms wide beckoning her into them. Y/n happily obliged breathing a frustrated sigh as she cuddled into Shawn's warmth.
"I'm sorry," she said, mumbling the words into his shirt.
"Why are you sorry?" He questioned, one hand running his fingers through her hair while the other rubbed her back.
"I'm sorry that my brother popped in and ruined our night together. Our first night together. He's such an asshole and I didn't want you to have to meet him."
"Baby," he whispered, nudging you to get you to look at him. "He didn't ruin our night. We had a great night together, it was phenomenal. I wouldn't trade what we did or how it happened for anything. And as for your brother, I don't care that he's an asshole but I'm happy I got to meet him. I want to meet all of your family, no matter how messy," he said, bringing his lips to hers.
"I don't think I'm ready for you to go on tour next week," she said, sighing as they broke the kiss. "I'm also not ready to deal with my dickhead brother."
"Good thing we can ignore both until tomorrow morning," Shawn said wrapping his arms around y/n and drifting off to sleep.
The next morning she woke up feeling extremely hot. Her body feeling as if she was put into a furnace. A few seconds of sitting in the uncomfortable heat she started to panic, why was she so hot? It wasn't until she started to move around when she felt him. She was in bed with Shawn.
She instantly relaxed, but she was still hot. Y/n moved around trying to find a comfortable spot in order to fall back asleep. "Shawn," she mumbled, nudging his cheek with her nose. "Wake up bub, I'm hot and I need to make sure my brother didn't steal anything."
As Shawn groaned while stretching, desperately not wanting to be awake, y/n used that brief moment to get out of his embrace. Once she got out of bed, she slipped into a pair of pajama shorts lying on her floor and walked out of the bedroom into the living room. She quickly noticed that the blankets were folded up neatly and placed at the end of the couch, 'where did he go,' she thought. Y/n walked into the kitchen and noticed Michael looking into her pantry.
"What do you think you're doing?" She said loudly, causing her brother to jump.
"Oh uh," her brother started. "I was just looking at what breakfast ingredients you had. It's not much but I wanted to thank you, for last night."
"Don't worry about breakfast, we can just go to Starbucks before I take you wherever you need to go," y/n said, shrugging her shoulders. "I have to go get ready for work; you can take a shower if you need. I laid out some towels."
"Thank you," he said, taking a step forward to offer her a hug. The moment Michael stepped forward; y/n took a step backward.
"It's fine Michael, please hurry up. I'm going to be late for work," y/n said, sighing as she turned back around to enter her bedroom.
"What happened," Shawn asked as y/n stepped into the room.
"He was trying to make us some breakfast. I told him to stop and that we would go to Starbucks on the way to wherever this morning," y/n said crawling into bed and curling into Shawn's side.
"What if I drove you to work today?"
"What?" Y/n said looking up to meet Shawn's eyes. "Shawnie, you don't need to do that. We'll be fine."
"But I want to, I have to leave for the tour soon, remember? I want to spend as much time with my girl as possible," Shawn said, kissing her forehead and then pressing a kiss to her cheek, and finally her lips.
"You're so fucking cute," y/n said, leaning into the kiss before breaking away and getting out of bed. "Let's get ready then, Rockstar. I'm going to be late at the rate we're going."
For the first time, they got ready together. Y/n's heart was swelling six times too big just thinking about how domestic this already was. She wouldn't let herself think about how at this time next week he would be across the world because right now, everything was perfect. She was Shawn's and he was her's.
Once they finished getting dressed, they noticed that Michael was out of the bathroom, so they brushed their teeth and walked out to the living room to Michael sitting on the couch bouncing his leg.
"Okay, let's go," y/n said motioning towards the door while grabbing Shawn's hand and following her brother out the door. Once they got out of the apartment, they got into Y/n's car with Shawn in the driver's seat.
"Michael," y/n started once they pulled out of the parking lot. "Why did you come back?"
"I've been clean for six months. I finally got out of rehab. I just wanted to reconnect with the people I did wrong in my life. The people who mean the most," Michael said, looking out the window.
"Oh Michael," y/n said, turning her body around in the passenger seat in order to look at her brother, Shawn putting his hand on her thigh in reassurance. "That's amazing, I'm so proud of you. Please believe me when I say that. How long are you going to be in town?"
"Hopefully permanently. You're the only one who has welcomed me with at least partially open arms. Mom and Dad slammed the door in my face so that wasn't going to happen. I have some money saved, I'm hoping to get an apartment and then find a job."
"That's- wow Mike, I'm so proud of you. I can help you look for apartments if you'd like. You can stay with me for a bit until you get things figured out," y/n said smiling at her brother for the first time since he walked back into her life.
"What about you and Shawn? I don't want to impose..."
"Don't worry about us," Shawn said looking at Michael through the rearview mirror while squeezing y/n's thigh. "We can always get some alone time at my place. Your family is important."
"Thank you for being so caring and supportive," y/n whispered, leaning up to kiss Shawn's cheek. "I love you."
Once y/n was dropped off, her day flew by in a blur. She couldn't stop thinking about Shawn or her brother. What did they talk about after she was gone? Would Shawn and she be able to enjoy a night together, uninterrupted? There were just too many things for her to overthink that her brain didn't shut off. Around 4:15, she packed up her things and texted Shawn to let him know that she was ready whenever he had a moment to pick her up.
Once she got the text, signaling to her that he was waiting for her, she ran out of the building, buzzing on the energy that she had been trying to contain all day.  "Hi, Shawnie," she said as she opened the door to her car.
"Hi baby," he responded, reaching across the center console to greet her with a kiss.
"How was your time with my brother?" She questioned, nervously.
"Oh you know, it was good. He told me about you as a child. He loves you, a lot," Shawn said looking over at you buckling your seatbelt.
"I know, I love him too. There's just a lot that has happened with him and I'm always the first to forgive and forget which ultimately ends up with me getting burned. It's hard, I’m trying to protect myself a bit more."
"I know baby, you're incredible and because I think you're so incredible. I have a surprise planned for us tonight. Our first date if you will," Shawn said a megawatt smile gracing his face.
"No, you didn't."
"Of course I did. I haven't taken my girl out on a proper date and I thought it was time to change that."
“Ugh, you’re the sweetest. But please assure me one thing. You’re not going to pull the whole gentleman thing where we can’t have sex because it’s technically the ‘first date,’” She said, looking up at Shawn while putting air quotes around the first date, his face visibly heating up. “I’m really looking forward to you fucking my brains out as many times as possible until you have to leave Monday morning, and that would complicate things.”
“Oh my god, how do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Say something so filthy but in such an innocent way. I swear to god the blood is already rushing to my dick. That’s not fair,” he said, whining.
“I’m sorry bubby,” Y/n said, biting her lip, leaning up to kiss Shawn’s cheek. “I just don’t get very much time to be with you and I want to make the most of it.”
“So what I’m hearing is… I should eat you out before we get ready for our date and then fuck you into oblivion when we get home from the date?”
“Oh my fucking god. Yes,” y/n said sighing.
The ride home was quiet and quick, both Shawn and Y/n were focused on what would happen as soon as they got home. The moment the car was parked, Shawn hopped out of the driver’s side and rushed to the passenger side to open the door for Y/n.
“Thank you, Shawnie,” y/n whispered, reaching for Shawn to come closer and pulling him into a kiss. “Such a gentleman.”
Shawn quickly broke the kiss apart, pulling y/n into his arms while closing the door to the car behind him. The two of them giggling as they walked into y/n’s apartment. Once the door shut behind the duo, y/n grabbed at the bottom of Shawn’s shirt, urging him to take it off.
“Jesus Christ,” y/n mumbled, running her hands along his chiseled stomach before reaching her hands up behind his head and bringing his lips towards hers. “You’re just so fucking hot.”
“Ahem,” A voice said from behind the two. “Please don’t fuck here in the open, I’ll leave or something. I just don’t want to see it happen.”
“Shit!” Y/n yelled out. “Sorry Michael, we, I forgot you were here.”
“It’s no problem, I’ll go find something to do. I should probably get to a meeting anyway,” Michael mumbled, embarrassed probably from the fact that he was having this very awful conversation with his sister.
“No, you don’t need to leave,” Shawn said, instantly noticing the fall of y/n’s face. “There are a few things I still need to make sure are ready for the date, I’ll make it up to you later baby.”
“Okay, I’ll see you at 7?” She questioned.
“Of course, I’ll be back over around then,” Shawn said leaning down to kiss her goodbye.
Once Shawn had left and was back at his apartment, Y/n took to raiding her closet. “Michael,” She called from her room.
“What is it, sis?”
“What do you think I should wear tonight?”
“What do you normally wear on dates with Shawn?” He asked.
“Well this is our first date,” Y/n mumbled shyly.
“No it’s not,” Michael said laughing. “There’s no way my sister would let someone stay over unless she was serious about him. At least not the sister I remember.”
“Well Jesus Michael, you haven’t seen me in a long time. I’ve changed from the little insecure girl you last saw,” Y/n said, agitated. “And as for Shawn and me, we’ve been friends for a while now. Like he’s my best friend. The relationship is new, but the friendship isn’t.”
“Hey, I’m sorry. I know I wasn’t around for a bit and I regret that” Michael said, looking down. “I know you aren’t the insecure girl anymore; I can see that. I want to get to know the woman you are now though, believe me when I say that.”
“I know, I want to get to know the sober Michael that I remember loving so much. He was the best big brother,” Y/n said smiling as she enveloped her brother into a hug. “But for real though, I need help deciding what to wear on my date tonight.”
Once she finally picked out the perfect outfit, did her makeup, and her hair, Y/n heard a knock at the front door. “Mike, will you get that please?” Y/n yelled from the bedroom.
A few moments later, y/n heard talking in the living room. ‘Now’s a good time to walk out there,’ she thought to herself. She couldn’t move though, almost as if she was a tree and her feet were the roots buried deep into the ground. Her stomach felt like a butterfly hatchery, with all the butterflies hatched and swarming around her gut. ‘This is just Shawn, my Shawnie,’ she reminded herself trying to move towards the door.
“Y/n,” she heard Michael say through the door. “Shawn’s here, are you ready.”
“Uh, yeah,” she called out shakily, trying to steady her breathing. “Just a minute.”
“Are you okay babe?” Shawn asked, cracking the door open.
“I think so,” y/n choked out. “I just need a minute, Shawnie.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Shawn said opening the door and pulling her into his arms. “What’s wrong bub? Why are you sad?”
“I’m not sad,” y/n said, reassuring him as she buried her face in his neck. “Just scared and feeling foolish.”
“What are you scared of?”
“What? Why are you- Don’t be scared of me. Baby, I don’t understand…”
“I’m scared that I’m too in love with you, I was getting ready and it hit me,” y/n said, leaning back to look at Shawn for the first time since he came into the room. “you’re going on tour soon; we won’t be together for a long time. It was so easy for us to fall in love, what if it’s that easy for you to fall out of love with me?”
“Oh y/n,” Shawn said as he started to laugh.
“Why the fuck are you laughing, Mendes.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fall out of love with you, honest,” Shawn said, kissing your forehead. “And my God, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
“I’m sorry I got all kinds of dramatic tonight,” Y/n mumbled. “It’s not even 7:30 yet.”
“Hey, it’s okay, I love you and I could remind you four million times and I still wouldn’t be bored or annoyed about doing it.”
“Are you ready to go then, Bubba?” Y/n asked, pulling him into another tight hug.
Shawn nodded, grabbing y/n’s hand and leading her out of the bedroom. “Bye Mike,” y/n said as she hugged him. “I’ll be back tomorrow; I’m going to stay at Shawn’s tonight. We should be back in a few hours, so we’ll be next door if you need anything.”
“Don’t worry about me,” Michael said, ushering the two out the door. “I’m probably going to order in some pizza and catch up on Stranger Things or something.”
Before y/n could respond, Michael had shut the door in their faces. Y/n turned around and wrapped her arms around Shawn’s neck, “I’m so excited for tonight, my love.”
“Me too, baby,” Shawn said, leaning down to kiss her lips.
As the two walked down the stairs towards the parking lot, Shawn intertwined his hand with hers. Once the car was in their sight, Shawn let go, walking ahead of y/n in order to open the door for her.
“Y/n, there is something I need to talk to you about before this date,” Shawn said, closing the door behind him, nervously fumbling with his hands.
“What is it?” Y/n asked, grabbing his hands in hers.
“I’m famous, I’m not saying that in order to stroke my ego. I’m actually famous- “
“I actually made an Instagram in order to check out who my Shawn Mendes was a little deeper,” y/n said, cutting Shawn off. “43.1 million followers bubba? I’m impressed.”
“You’re full of surprises,” Shawn said, a smile growing on his face. “But seriously baby, my date plans were out in public for tonight, there’s probably going to paparazzi and the press is probably going to have a lot to say by the morning. Your face isn’t going to be anonymous anymore… I just want you to be able to say no before everything changes.”
“Shawn,” Y/n said slowly, drawing his name out. “My Rockstar boyfriend, who still has never sung for me by the way, is famous. I get it, I really do. The craziest thing to me was I didn’t expect my neighbor to become my best friend. I really never expected my best friend to become my boyfriend, but I wouldn’t trade it. I want you. I want you and everything that comes with it.”
“Thank god,” Shawn said breathing out. “They’re just brutal a lot of the time and it usually destroys everything good I have…”
“Communication is key to any good relationship bubby, just talk to me. I’ll make sure to talk to you whenever I feel there’s a problem or I’m questioning something I see in the magazines,” y/n said smiling up at Shawn. “I love you, so much.”
“I love you too,” Shawn said smiling from ear to ear. “Now let’s get this date started!”
Shawn turned the radio on, a comfortable silence surrounding the two before y/n spoke up, “Shawn, where are we going?”
“There’s this beautiful hidden beach I found when I was writing my second album,” Shawn said, resting his hand on her thigh. “We’re almost there, babe.”
Once they made it to the beach, Shawn opened y/n’s door before heading to the back of the car. “What are you hiding back there?” Y/n joked, wrapping her arms around his back.
“C’mon baby, it’s almost sunset.”
Y/n followed Shawn down to the water, hand in hand. ‘He is truly the most magical human,’ she thought.
As Shawn laid a blanket out for them to sit on, y/n took her shoes off and walked towards the water’s edge. “You know, I haven’t been to the beach at all since I moved here a few years ago for school.”
“What? No way you’ve lived here this long and I haven’t been to the beach?”
“I haven’t had time; I’ve been so busy with school and work. I’m happy to be here with you now though.”
She walked back towards the blanket laying on the ground before sitting next to Shawn. Scattered around them, Shawn had lit a bunch of candles to set the right mood.
“Are you trying to get lucky here tonight, player boy?” Y/n joked, leaning in to kiss Shawn.
“I’m hoping that’s where it leads,” he said honestly. “But really, I got us some take out from the same place you ordered the night we met. I wanted to recreate it, but in a more romantic way that showed off my vulnerability a bit…”
“You’re the fucking cutest,” y/n said, grabbing a take-out container and digging her chopsticks into the tub. “Shawnie, if I forgot to tell you today, you’re the best, this is the best Chinese food, ever.”
“Oh wait a minute, I forgot something,” Shawn said, as he kissed y/n’s cheek before running back to the car. On his way back, she noticed he was carrying a guitar.
“What are you going to do with that thing?” She asked suspiciously.
“It was my plan all along, but you reminded me in the car that I haven’t sung for you yet. Tonight is the night I change that,” Shawn said, sitting next to her again. “I have so many songs about you, so it was hard to choose which one. But I think I’m putting this song on my album and I wanted you to hear it first.”
“Oh my god, okay… You’re going to make me cry but I’m ready,” y/n said, her eyes already tearing up.
“Okay here I go,” Shawn said as he started strumming the guitar.
“Sunrise with you on my chest,
No blinds in the place where I live
Daybreak open your eyes
Be mine, be mine, yeah
Anytime, anytime
Ooh, you know I've been alone for quite a while
haven't I? I thought I knew it all
Found love but I was wrong
More times than enough
But since you came along
I'm thinking baby
You, yeah, are bringing out a different kind of me
There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free
Falling all in
You fell for men who weren't how they appear (Ooh)
Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free
Falling all in”
Y/n’s tears were streaming down her face as he strummed the last cord. Before he could put the guitar down and out of the way, y/n jumped into his lap tightly holding on to his neck. “I love you,” she whispered.
“Did I do okay?” Shawn asked pulling back so he could look at her.
“Better than okay,” she said, wiping her tears on the back of her hand. “You literally took my breath away. Was that the song you were singing in the shower that day?”
“Uh, yeah,” Shawn said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I had the first few lines in my head at that time already, I had already pictured us as hanging out from our first duet…”
“You’re the fucking best, Shawn Mendes,” Y/n said, as she grabbed Shawn’s face and attached her lips to his. Shawn ran his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for permission to deepen the kiss. Y/n opened her mouth, moaning at the feeling. She moved to get in a more comfortable straddling position, leaning Shawn flat on his back.
“Are you sure you want to do this right here, honey?” Shawn asked, not really sure the sand was a good idea.
“We don’t need to have sex right here,” y/n said, moving down Shawn’s body. “But I really think I need to suck you off.”
“Fuck,” Shawn gasped. “How do you say such filthy things with such an innocent face, I already have a semi…”
“I’m sorry that it catches you off guard,” Y/n said, unzipping Shawn’s pants and pulling them down his legs. “I just really like your cock in my mouth.”
As she pulled him out of his pants, she started to jerk him off in order to get his dick fully hard. Once she felt it was hard enough, y/n slowly started to take it all into her mouth, looking at Shawn through her hooded eyes. Once she felt the heaviness on her tongue, she couldn’t help but moan out loud, “Fuck Shawnie, you’re so big.”
Shawn grabbed her hair out of her face and noticed she had saliva running out of her lips, “You look so good with my dick in your mouth, baby.”
“Mm,” y/n moaned out, causing intense pleasure to shoot through Shawn’s body. Once she felt how tight his balls were becoming, she hollowed out her cheeks and took all of him, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat causing her to choke.
“Oh my god, baby I’m going to come if you keep doing that,” Shawn moaned out. His words only egged her on more and urged her to go faster. She started to massage his balls while deepthroating him when she heard him let out a strangled moan. She instantly felt the hot streaks of cum hit the back of her throat.
“You taste so good, daddy,” Y/n said after she finished swallowing his load.
“Oh my god, I need to get you home, now.”
“What if I want you in the back of the car now, instead,” y/n said, getting up and walking to the car.
“Then I would follow you and then ask you to take your pants off and open your legs wide,” Shawn said, his eyes darkening. “I’m going to make you scream my name.”
Y/n ran up to the car opening the back hatch and laying down on the blankets she had back there for emergencies. She couldn’t help but feel extremely excited. As she stripped out of her pants and underwear, she could see Shawn walking up towards her. The closer she got the more the anticipation was causing her to become more aroused.
“Jesus y/n, I can see how wet you are from over here,” Shawn said, crawling into the back of the car with her. “Can you sit up, back against the seats pretty girl.”
Y/n followed his directions, anticipating his next move. “Please do something,” She whined out.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m going to make you feel so good,” Shawn said as he lowered his head to her core. He started to lick a stripe up her slit, causing y/n to moan out at the sudden contact. “You taste so good, baby.”
“Oh my god,” y/n yelled as Shawn plunged his tongue deep inside of her before bringing it towards her clit and sucking harshly. “I want more Shawnie, please give it to me.”
As she moaned out her plea, Shawn inserted his middle finger, making a come-hither motion while still assaulting her clit. Y/n was a moaning mess. The way Shawn was flicking his tongue along with the motions of his fingers, he was skilled.
“Shawn, baby, I’m going to cum, I’m coming!” Y/n yelled. Shawn inserted another finger causing y/n to let out an animalistic moan as she came onto his fingers.
“I don’t know if I told you this yet, but you look so beautiful,” Shawn said while licking off his fingers. He grabbed the blanket that they were sitting on top of and used it clean y/n off.
“You’re such a boy oh my god,” y/n said, smiling as she pulled Shawn towards her before planting a kiss on his lips. “But thank you, for the song, for the beautiful date, and for this…”
“It was my pleasure,” Shawn said, kissing her temple. “Now would you be interested in some McDonald’s before we go home. We’re both utterly fucked and now I’m hungry again.”
“I’d love some,” Y/n said, grinning. Once they both caught their breaths, y/n followed Shawn down to their picnic on the beach in order to clean their stuff and go to McDonald’s. Once they got to the restaurant, Shawn was instantly recognized by fans.
“Hi, can we get a picture?” A girl asked as she approached you two as you were ordering.
“I can take it for you,” Y/n said, grinning at Shawn to assure him that it was okay. After about twenty pictures, y/n and Shawn were able to sit down and eat the food they order.
“Thank you for being so incredible,” Shawn said, eyes gleaming. “It can definitely be a lot and I know it’s all so new to you but you’re being a trooper through all of this.”
“Thanks, bub but I really love you, but I can see that they do too, it’s basically oozing off of them all over the place,” Y/n said laughing as she nudged Shawn. “This is going to be so hard, being away from you. Tomorrow is our last day before you leave…”
“I’ll only be gone for two weeks though,” Shawn reminded her. “Then I’ll be home for a few weeks before the tour starts.”
As Y/n took another bite, her phone started ringing. When she looked at the caller ID she noticed it was her brother. “Hey Shawn, it’s Mike, I need to take this…”
“What’s going on Michael?” She questioned into the phone.
“I need you to come home,” Michael said, shakily. “Ryan is here, and he said he really needs to talk to you.”
“Fuck,” y/n said as she grabbed her food and jogged to the nearest trash can. “Shawn, we need to get back right now.”
“What is it, baby? What happened?”
“My ex, Ryan just decided to drop by my apartment.”
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Beauty and The Panther
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ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕐𝕠𝕣𝕜 ℂ𝕚𝕥𝕪, ℕ𝕐
  “Hey, get back here”, said a female voice. A man in black clothing ran through the crowded street down the stairs of the train station. The woman with her flat-ironed hair in a ponytail and incredible body physique in an all-black combat suit slid her behind down the stair rail and ran after the criminal he has been looking for months. He bumped into a mother and child on his way to jump over the ticket turnstile while she jumped over it.
 Before he got completely on the train, she yanked by his hoodie and pulled him to the ground. He withdrew a swiss army knife out his jacket but she kicked it out his hand without hesitation. She grabbed the collar of his top and banged her head against his, causing him to bleed from the forehead. Her brown eyes stared into his and she said “look here jack ass. I am really fucking tired running after you. Get yo ass up and show me where the girls are...NOW!”
   Hours later, they arrived at an apartment complex with squad cars and the woman came out with a group of girls. Not just any girls but the girls that were taken from their homes months ago and brought into sex trafficking. The young lady looked at the eight girls and felt pride because she saved another group from being transported overseas. The younger girls went to their families but one. She had kinky hair, dark brown eyes and cute cheeks but those big dow eyes had fear in them. The woman knelt down so she was face to face with the little girl. “What is your name?” The child replied “Erin”; Erin looked to be five years old.
“Hi, Erin. I’m Nyla. We tried contacting someone for you but it seems like...” The little girl looked down the ground and Nyla felt her heartbreak because she too was an orphan. Nyla tucked Erin’s hair behind her ear and said “everything will be okay. I will make sure you find the perfect family who will love you with all their heart. How does that sound?” Erin smiled small before Nyla picked her up as they got to the squad car.
  At the office, Miller sat her desk, tapping her notepad. She was in a complete deep thought about her life. She was an orphan child who lost their parents at a young age. Nyla’s mother was murdered during a burglary when she was a bank teller. Her father was fatally ill during her elementary years. Nyla grew up jumping from different places and eventually was put in a school for young ladies down south.
  Nyla felt as if she was stuck in the old same rut. Yes, she can run after criminals, was trained in combat and martial arts but she felt like something was missing. Like a piece of her was somewhere she needed to be. If only God above would bless her with a sign. “Miller, the boss wants you in her office. As soon as possible.” She stood from her desk in her all-black pantsuit, oxfords, and hair half up half down. Nyla stood there and eyeballed the plaque on the door. “Margaret Leson”. She took a deep breath and finally knocked softly against the hardwood door. “You may enter”, she heard and once, she opened the door, her eyes fell on a caucasian male with ice grey hair in a navy blue tailored suit.
   “Nyla Miller, good to see you,” the mystery man said that made her brow raise up to her superior. Mrs. Leson said “Miller, this is Agent Ross of the CIA. He heard about you and also a proposition for you. Please hear him out.” Nyla placed her hands behind her back and was all ears. “Ms. Miller, as you know, America and the country known as Wakanda are allies and we are looking for a Director for the WPS for their country. Would you be interested in reassigning to Wakanda for your country?” 
    Holy shit! Is this the sign I was looking for, she asked her self in the head. Nyala cleared her throat before asking “why me? There are plenty of folks here that would be a great fit as well.” Ross nodded with the agreement as he stood in front of her. “Yes, but I truly believe that you will be an amazing fit. You are only thirty years old but your track record is astonishing. I know I would be a tad difficult to leave home but I promise on my last good dollar that you will feel right at home.” Nyla looked him in the eye and held her hand out for him to shake; he kindly accepted. “When do I start?”
The Following Month
   Nyla packed her last box as her black cat graced her ankle. “Good morning, Power. Today is the day, boy. A new home and new adventures.” She taped up the box to secure it for flight and lifted Power in her arms, petting him as he purred. She looked around her apartment wearing a white crew neck tee, mom jeans and freshly cleaned converse with her hair in a sloppy pair of French braids. There was a silent knock on the door and Nyla placed down Power inside his carrier. 
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    She opened the door to see a bald woman with a red leather jacket, dark black slim fit bottoms and a pair of red combat boots, gold accessories and a smile. “Hello, I am looking for a Miss Nyla Miller”; her accent was a calm African tone. Nyla nodded and replied. “Hi, you must be Okoye. Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, dear. Are you ready for our travels back to my homeland.”
   Nyla grabbed her jacket and zipped up, grabbing Power. Okoye looked down to see the black. “Beautiful feline. How old is he?” Nyla said “two years.” Okoye smiled and said “well we should get going. The people of Wakanda are waiting for our arrival.” Nyla’s brows became stitched. “Okay, but I have a lot of things to move.” Okoye agreed with “that’s why I brought them.” She whistled and a group of strong men appeared through the hall. Okoye pulled Nyla into the hall to not be in the middle of the trampled by the group. The ladies made their way to their rent a truck and to JFK Airport. 
    Okoye dropped off the truck before the headed to the airport Starbucks where they both grabbed Venti Mocha Frappuccinos made with almond milk. “So, Nyla. How long have you been with the FBI?” Nyla placed Power’s cage down once the made it inside the “plane”. “I was an intern when I was about nineteen. Eventually finished at the academy to be NYPD but my boss saw my potential and gave me a chance to work with them once I turned twenty-two.” Okoye then asked, “and what about combat training?” 
“I was in martial arts at four but then had to leave once my folks passed. On my free time, I worked at a dojo in Brooklyn where the owner taught me all the moves so when I arrived in the academy, they didn’t stand a chance.” Okoye looked out to the window and saw the last piece of luggage being loaded. She looked to the front of the plane and passed her drink to Nyla before heading to the front. Nyal took it from her and looked out into the air on the outside. Sunny with a few clouds. The men all loaded on and took a seat as the seat belt light came on before take off. 
   Nyla wondered where she went so once the light went off she stood and made her way. She held her ear to the door to hear nothing but when she opened it, Okoye was flying the plane. “You know who to fly?” Okoye smiled back and said, “eh, it’s like driving.” She grabbed the mic and announced, “everyone get ready for transformation.” Nyla looked around to see the plane was indeed changing in the appearance of an unfamiliar spacecraft. So did the outside. Okoye looked over to Nyla’s expression and smiled. “You’ll get used to it.”
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An Hour Later 
    Nyla was asleep in the corner on the bench and opened her eyes to see the orange, yellow and red tinted sky. She stood and looked out the wide window with a warm half grin. She looked like a little girl that just arrived at Disneyland her first time. “We have arrived”, Okoye announced and landed the ship. Once they did in front of the palace, Nyla can see a woman with a cream head wrap and matching dress garment next to a younger woman who had box braids and wearing the same shade as the first but in suit pants combo. 
   The men went off first to start unloading. “Ungayifaka yonke into egumbini lakhe egumbini. Siyabonga, madoda.(You may place everything into her room up in the palace. Thank you, men.)” Okoye and Nyla stood in front of the Queen and the Princess while Nyla handed off Power to one of the men. “Nyla Miller, it is a pleasure to meet you and have the best that New York City has to offer. We heard about all your accomplishments and can not wait to see what you can bring into the WPS beside Okoye”, Queen Mother said but Nyla only heard a few words because she was distracted by the Queen’s beauty. 
    “Nyla, this Queen Mother, and Princess Shuri. The Royalty of Wakanda. You will meet King T’Challa and Prince N’Jadaka at the meeting in an hour”, Okoye told her and Shuri added “we will also have a welcoming party tomorrow night where you will meet the royal council formally and also a few of the people that we have worked with. A proper welcome and thank you of helping our country.” Nyla smiled and said “it is an honor to be here. I will try my best to help in any way I can.” Okoye smiled and said, “she will do just fine here an I will make sure she is safe.”
   “Very good. Make yourself comfortable and be sure to be at the meeting in fifty-eight minutes.” Nyla nodded and made her way to her new place. She saw the men leaving and finally, she entered: it was amazing. The walls were a vibrant purple shade with black, white decor with touches of yellow here and there. She looked down to see Power in his bed and smiled. She petted his ears and looked out to the balcony. Nyla walked out and rested her hands against the dark metal bar above the glass. She looked ten stories down to see how far up she was and looked at the sky. So beautiful, like a painting. 
   She decided to take a nice, warm shower before the meeting and changed into a new outfit; a pair of black jeans with black heels and a matching turtle neck. She took her hair out of its braids and smoothed it out with a flat iron. She opened the door to see a woman that looked like Okoye but a lighter and in the combat clothing. “Nyla Miller, follow me”; they made their way to the meeting. 
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    Meanwhile, T’Challa sat on his throne watching everyone. N’Jadaka sat on his right in a navy blue suit compared to his with his hair braided back. “Good idea of asking for an African American person for the position, cuz. That way we can trust them more” he whispered to the King making him smile. “It was your idea, N’Jadaka.” The Prince thought about it and said “oh yeah. You right.” Since the incident that happened years ago, they have become brothers and N’Jadaka gained respect for him and trust as well. The Dora Milaje all piled in as Okoye watched from T’Challa’s left.
    “Presenting Detective Nyla Miller from New York City.” Everyone stood but T’Challa but he slowly did once he saw her. Her glowy skin, messy chestnut toned bob hair and full lips got his attention. N’Jadaka looked to his cousin and chuckled in his throat. “Everyone may be seated,” Queen Mother said and they did all except for T’Challa. Okoye said “Nyla Miller, age thirty, 5′1,  Libra sign, started as an intern for the FBI, trained in martial arts and has captured over fifty of the most wanted criminals for sex trafficking, molestation, rape, and murder. Has yet to have a failed case as well. Knows over five different languages such as English, Spanish, French, Italian and Japanese.”
    Nyla Miller stood with her hands against her lower back with a slight smirk. T’Challa’s eyes observed her as he stood there. “Miss Miller, are you aware of your assistance here?” Nyla looked at him and answered. “To protect and serve the country. Just like I have done in my city. I am here to be the best trainer and leader to help the Dora Milaje keep Wakanda unharmed, my King.” T’Challa smiled until he heard one of the male leaders say “Kutheni beyothumela umfazi? Nangabe siqinisekile ukuba uyakwazi ukuyisebenzisa? Ubonakala engafanelekanga kwaye engafanelekiyo. (Why would they send a woman.?Are we sure she can handle it? She seems unfit and unworthy.)” T’Challa was about to say something until what he heard next took him by surprise. 
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   “Ngentlonipho yonke, mnumzana. Kodwa banyula ngenxa yokuba, omnye, ndona mhle kunabo bonke abangamashumi amahlanu ukuba benze umsebenzi ngokugqibeleleyo. Ekubini ngenxa yokuba, njengoko uvile, ndiyakwazi ukuthetha intetho kwaye ndihambe ngokuhamba kwaye ngenxa yokungafumani umntu onamandla okwanele wokusingatha umsebenzi. (With all due respect, sir. But they chose me because, for one, I am the best out of all fifty states to do the job perfectly. Two because, as you heard, I can talk the talk and walk the walk and lastly because they couldn't find a man strong enough to handle the job)”, Nyla said to the leader but still looking at the King. N’Jadaka nodded impressed and said “six. She knows six languages.” Okoye looked to the Prince and softly shook her head. 
    T’Challa looked to the leader’s face and said “you heard her. I trust this one” making his way back to his seat. “Miss Nyla. I know that you have just landed and Agent Ross informed me that you have been having an eventful month so you can take as much time you need to settle in and make yourself comfortable. As my mother informed you, we will be having a welcoming ceremony for you as well. I have the best tailor in all of Wakanda creating a unique piece for you.” Shuri walked up to Nyal with a box and opened it to a set of kimono beads, placing them on her wrist. “If any of us need you, mainly the King, we will call. If you need anything just speak our names into the mic of the beads and we will answer.”
   “Like Siri,” Nyla asked and N’Jadaka replied “exactly.” Queen Mother added “welcome to Wakanda, Nyla.” Nyla smiled making T’Challa grin and said “thank you for being so welcoming. Will that be all for tonight, ma’am?”
“Just get a good night’s sleep, dear. We will see you tomorrow for breakfast.” Nyla nodded and said “good night, everyone” as she walked up to the doors, turned and said “good night, King T’Challa” before shutting the doors. Even though the meeting went on and Nyla was long gone to her place, T’Challa sat on his throne, still thinking about her. She was all he can think about.
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The second chapter will be posted soon where things will get more interesting.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
#Fictober Day 30
“Do we really have to do this again?”
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Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Elements of racism and revenge against it.  Plus, I was inspired by The Craft
Shuri entered the doors to her summer internship brimming over with pride.  Having seen some of the world outside of Wakanda, Shuri had a hefty appetite for curiosity.  What all has she missed out on?  Meeting people like Bruce Banner, Everett Ross, there had to be so many other like-minded individuals who she could bounce ideas off of.  
Queen Mother saw her off, hiding her sadness as much as she possibly could.  She knew that Shuri could handle things on her own just fine, but her baby was still moving thousands of miles away from home and that left a big hole in her heart.  Shuri assured her she would be fine, and T’Challa reminded her as well that War Dogs would be summoned at a moments notice to assist with her protection.  
Shuri observed the hallways of the university in awe and amazement.  The all white walls were so drab and basic, let alone inefficient.  All of the people crowding around her and chattering away pushed to make it to their assigned meeting rooms for counsel and rooming arrangements.
The ginger running things beamed at Shuri as she came in.  “Hello!  Welcome to the Brilliant Minds summer program!  I’m Hanson, I am one of the coordinators that will be working with you this week!  Can I get your name please?”
“Yes, I am Shuri, daughter of--er, I mean Udaku, Shuri Udaku.”  Shuri laughs nervously.
His eyes widen, “Oh yeah!  You’re the royal!  Well, I’m sorry for not greeting you properly.”  He steps back and bows.
Shuri scoffs.  “Thanks, but that’s not necessary...nor was it executed properly.”
Hanson laughs, hands raised.  “Fair enough, I’ll practice.  But thanks for coming all this way!  Here is the itinerary and your dorm key.  You will be staying at Atkins Hall, just south of here on the lip of the quad.  After today’s labs, there will be a bonfire so we will be roasting and toasting this evening if you’re up for it!”
Shuri takes the papers and grabs her bag.  “Sounds good!  I’m looking forward to it all, thanks Hanson!”  She waves goodbye turning and bumping abruptly into someone.
“Ugh!  God!  I’ve been attacked!”  a ditzy voice exclaims.
Shuri brushes her arm from the collision.  “No, it was a simple misunder-”
The short bottle blonde white girl screws her face up like she’s about to spit as she looks back at her brunette friend.  “Oh, no.  We have must’ve gotten off on the affirmative action floor instead.”
Shuri squints.  “What are you talking about?  This is the-”
“God, Miqaila, do you understand what she is saying?  It’s like nothing but clicks!”  Her friend practically snorts her Starbucks at the ‘joke’.
Shuri feels uneasy, looking back at Hanson, who appeared to notice the disruption but looks away quickly.
Shuri holds her head up.  “I will not tolerate your rudeness!  My eyes have been offended by your face for too long, keep looking that way and it will stick.”  Shuri brushes past them.
Miqaila shrieks.  “Ew, Ashleigh!  I think she got something on me!  Is she covered in grease??”
“Bish where!?  You wouldn't know soft skin if I slapped you across the face with it.” Shuri yells back, flipping her the bird whilst exiting.
“Probably doesn’t use a napkin after eating so she can knock out her ashy.  You know they’re prone to it, so sad,  Wipe it off soon, I’m sure it’s ritualistic…”  Ashleigh whispered to Miqaila.
Shuri’s blood boiled as she stomped out of the office, beyond offended by the debacle.  She hadn’t even said a word to them and they already held so many prejudices, what was wrong with them?  It wasn’t the ideal introduction to the program she dreamt of, but she kept walking along to get to her dorm assignment to hopefully realign her mood.
Heading up to the second floor, Shuri finds the room number and tries the key, going inside.
“Hey girl, hey!  It’s about time I met my roomie!  I thought I was gonna miss ya!”  A beautifully dark skinned, statuesque woman with two afro puffs gleamed.
Shuri smiled just as wide.  “Yes, sorry to keep you waiting friend!  What is your name?” she holds out her hand for a shake.
“Maxine, you can call me CeCe though.”  she says, giving a firm grip.
“Nice, I am Shuri-”
CeCe holds her hand up.  “Oh!  I know who you are!  You were on the magazine of Young Engineers Quarterly last month.  Girrrrl, you were the youngest and first Black girl on their cover!  I have it framed and I’m already kicking myself for not bringing it to autograph!”
Shuri laughs.  “It’s not the biggest deal, really.  Anyone could’ve gotten it, but with Wakanda being open now, people are just riding its wave.  My hype will die down soon.”
CeCe shook her head.  “Maybe for some but not I, sis.  Shoot, Teen Vogue gotta be next, check out these threads, Ma!  This the fashion where you come from?”
Shuri looks down at her royal purple jacket with white piping over her yellow crop top and high waisted capris.  “Yeah, the material is very durable from the vibranium elements and of course our designers have a keen eye.”
CeCe bends over to squint.  “God, I just can’t get over you.  I get salty sometimes thinking about how convenient it is that the ‘random’ assignments  always make my roommate the other Black one here, but this time around they did right!”
Shuri puts her luggage on the bed sitting down.  “Have you been here before?”
CeCe nods.  “Year three for me.  I came when I was a sophomore in high school and just kept coming!”
Shuri’s spirits lifted.  “So it must be a great experience then?  What do you like?”
CeCe puffs out her cheeks in thought.  “The food, the connects, the activities when people fuck something up.  And honestly, I come back just to get some time to myself from home, it’s the same every year as far as things to do and raggedy people trying to show off.”
Shuri nods in agreement.  “Yeah, I got my fair share of that and it hasn’t even been an hour.”
CeCe looks at Shuri pitifully.  “Oh man, I know it.  These suburban kids think it’s their world alone.”
“I just can’t get why that girl would see me and not even ask my name before insulting me like she did.”
“Oh man, Shuri.  You know these white folks care more about an anthill than they would you.  They are annoyed when we don’t do better for ourselves, they annoyed when we do.  Talk about us being ugly, then can’t stop touching and copying the same features, so it’s a terrible cycle history keeps telling us.”
Shuri looked away, biting her lip in thought.  “This is true.  I know of their ways, I just thought I would get through this week without problems since the people are of a higher IQ.”
CeCe guffaws, clutching her stomach.  “Oh sis!  They real bold to try you.  Don't you have a secret service detail or something to protect you?”
Shuri squirms a little.  “I do….but I wanted to keep as lowkey of a profile as possible.  My family would love for me to do that but I refuse to comply, you know?”
CeCe snaps her fingers.  “Damn, you better than me.  Respect though, the rebelliousness.  Stick with me then, cuz I’ll help you get them told.  I know you know there are different intelligences.  A book smart person does not a wise person make, right?  Don’t let it phase you cuz that’s when the bullshit really crops up.”
Shuri and Cece talk a little more about their backgrounds and what they were looking forward to.  Before they knew it they had to book it to their lab class.  The hall was packed with buzzing students but there were two empty seats in the middle.  CeCe and Shuri took their seats waiting for things to begin.
Hanson was at the front of the class greeting everyone and congratulating them on their arrival.  Shuri was beginning to feel excited again about getting to know regular people from a world unlike her own.
“This is so cool how primitive the classrooms are.  Simple wooden desks, beige solid walls, you really have no choice but to concentrate on what’s in front of you.”  Shuri looks to CeCe who is already lightly snoring.  
“Ahem, Hanson is it?  Can I move please, my vision is obstructed at the moment.”
Shuri looks behind her and locks eyes with a sneering Ashleigh, who is right behind CeCe sleeping.  
Hanson stutters a response.  “Well, uh, if you can find a place, have at it.”
Miqaila joins her to move.  “Thank you!  The cocoa butter smell is making my eyes water as well, it’s disgusting!”  As they get up and walk by, CeCe is startled awake.  
“Damn!  Did you fuckin pull my hair?”  CeCe yelled from her her chest.
“Ladies, please!  We have to stay on schedule, maintain some couth.”  Hanson pleads.
CeCe points at Miqaila and Ashleigh.  “Long as you tell those to maintain they distance or I won’t!”
Shuri takes a bead on her kimoyos discreetly.
“Oh please, I don’t play with pubes.”  Ashleigh snarks as they make their way down the steps.  Shuri takes one and rolls it down the steps, stopping it just before Ashleigh’s stride.  Shuri says a command in Xhosa, activating a trip wire.  
Ashleigh hits the trap falling face forward down the remaining steps, Miqaila dominoes along with her, causing the classroom to erupt in laughter.  
Ashleigh flips her hair back glaring at Shuri as Hanson helped her up.  “What the...You!  You  said something, and-and I tripped!  You’re a witch!  That country you’re from, they're  wicked, with their heightened abilities!”
Shuri scoffs.  “Do we really have to do this again?  Whatever helps you sleep at night...or doesn’t!”  She wiggles her fingers and hands around to resemble casting a spell making CeCe cackle.  
Ashleigh and Miqaila looked genuinely spooked as they went to two seats in the front, murmuring and looking back at them.
“Ok, if that is all, let’s get back on topic…” Hanson continues.
When the lecture lets out Shuri and and CeCe can’t stop talking about the funny altercation.
“Man, am I glad you did something to them that didn’t get you arrested cuz I had nothing but felonies on my mind.”   CeCe said.
Shuri chuckles.  “Yes, see?  We can’t have you racking up a record.  I can handle them just fine with things like this bracelet.”  Shuri stops to let CeCe examine the beads.  “These are kimoyo beads, I have thousands of programs I can run through them to make them do what I need them too.  I’m already trying to upgrade their look to broaden their abilities, but they still hold up well.”
CeCe looked at her wrist in awe.  “Whoa, is that what did it?  God, how are you not teaching here instead of being a participant?”
Shuri smiles.  “They actually did ask me to speak, but I declined.  I wanted the regular experience before putting myself out there like that.  But that’s not so easy it seems.  At least if I was teaching those girls would have to show a little more respect.”
CeCe kisses her teeth.  “Please, this is way more fun.  You see them for who they are and bring them down a peg.  Which reminds me, you coming to the bonfire tonight right?”  Shuri nods.
“Then we need to come thru with a plan to fuck with them, so they don’t mess with anymore.”
Shuri tweaks her mouth the the side.  “I don’t know.  Not like I don’t enjoy a good prank, I just didn’t want to bring that out here.  Plus my best stuff is at home anyway.”
CeCe waves her off.  “Oh you don’t have to have a bag of tricks!  You saw how they acted with you just acting spooky for a second.  What would they do if we went full on bitchcraft on them?”
Shuri chuckles.  “Bitchcraft?  Is that what you call it?”
CeCe nods proudly.  “When petty is involved, yes.  We gonna put on a show for they asses to never forget.  Make em feel like they whole lineage cursed, get it?”
Shuri looks away, weighing the pros and cons as CeCe went on with that she had in mind.
The bonfire attracted a lot of people to enjoy treats and warm flames in the cooling night air along the water.  As the night wound down, less than 10 people stuck around to continue the night.  
Ashleigh and Hanson were cuddled up by the fire as Miqaila sat across as an awkward third wheel eating marshmallows from the bag.
“Hanson, thank you for helping me up from that tumble I took today.  I still can’t fathom how it happened. I am usually so graceful because my feet are so small.”  She says, rubbing her bare, sandy foot against his ankle.
Hanson shift nervously.  “Uh, yeah, it was nothing.  Happens to the best of us.
“It’s just so weird, I didn’t miss a step, it’s like something grabbed my foot or something.  I still blame that African girl, she’s not all together.”
Hanson sighs.  “Her name is Shuri, and she is possibly the smartest teenager alive today from a royal family.  What part of that screams ‘not all together’.”
Ashleigh begins to explain when Miqaila points jumping up.  “Look, what’s that?”
A figure in the darkness walks along the water.  This wouldn’t be unusual since they were at a party but the figure had was holding a large staff and possibly had the head of an animal.
“Hanson, go yell at it or something.  It could be wild!”
Hanson wouldn’t budge.  “Shit you not, if you make me go out there, I’m putting you on a plane home tomorrow.  I’m not messing with that!”
CeCe peeks through the mouth of her mascot mask as the people begin to notice her.  She takes off a kimoyo bead and tosses it towards the fire, letting put her best bone-chilling howl.  
As it lands and whirlwind appears, whipping sand in the air.  Ashleigh, Miqaila, and Hanson cough and sputter as Shuri appears out of nowhere, eyes rolled back in a trance.  She is dressed in a long brown suede skirt with slits on either side, adorned with a shell belt.  She wore her bra with a band on her bicep and one of T’Challa’s panther suit prototype necklaces on.  With her braids down, she looked rather haunting.  
They scream at the sight of her.  “Oh God!  I told you, look look look!”  Ashleigh says, moving behind a petrified Hanson.
“Sh-Shuri?  Are you al-”
“SILENCE!  Have you know respect for what’s sacred?”  Shuri says, her voice chopped and screwed by an altering device behind her ear.
Miqaila has her head in the ground, crying.  “We don’t want to die, please don’t hurt us!”
Shuri turns in her direction.  “Miqaila…”
She looks up slowly.  “Y-yes…”
Shuri points a finger at her.  “To live your life as a parasite, makes for a dependent experience.  Everything they eat, you shit; do not catch yourself ingesting spoiled food…”
Miqaila freezes listening to Shuri, unmoving until Shuri bore her teeth hissing and tossed sand in her face making Miqaila shriek and run away.  Ashleigh tries to follow.  
“Stop!  You...come here…”
Ashleigh says some Hail Marys as she walks up to Shuri fretful.
“What a shame it is to waste the gift of youth on the ugly decrepit traditions of past generations.  Have you learned nothing from the dead?”
“My-my grandparents are still alive.”  She stammers.
Shuri scoffs.  “Maybe that is the problem.  If you care anything for them, you would learn to keep past mindsets in the past, unless you enjoy being a sadist?”
“That's not fair, I'm a good person! My grandparents are of a different-”
“Do you plan to defend them!! Try it!  And see what happens…”  Shuri does a wave with her hand to reveal Ashleigh’s grandparents in the palm of her hand.  As Ashleigh looks, their images began to melt crudely.
“No!  No!  Don’t please, spare them ma’am!”
“Princess Shuri, is all you shall call me by.”  Shuri says, crushing their image in her hand.  “Be gone from me at once, and I won’t hurt a single hair on your head.”  Shuri snatch a strand quickly.  “Hamba uyo bepha inja!!” Shuri says, throwing the strand into the fire.  Ashleigh yelps as she runs off.
Shuri then turns to Hanson.
“Uh, please, you know I haven’t been anything but nice-”
Shuri points to him.  “But you stay in the background.  No better than a pest scuttering along the wall for me to squash.”
Hanson holds his hands up.  “I know what it looks like, but what can I do!  Ashleigh’s parents give a lot of money here, we can’t just treat her anyway.”
“And if that is true, she should not be excused for blatant racism!  She is a pauper to me, but I do not wave it around pridefully.  You will be lucky to still work here by morning…”
Hanson gets on his knees at her feet.  “No, no, please.  I’m almost tenure, come on.”
A howl is heard in the background sending chills down Hanson’s spine.
“My pet is becoming hungry.  Maybe sufficing her appetite will forgive your sins.”
“Yes, yes!  What could she want.”
“Something of a high rated dining experience.  No cheaper than $30 for the entree, and bring a dessert to my room as well.  Leave the receipt to confirm my instructions as fulfilled.”
Hansons nods, running off in a hurried pace.  Shuri flips her eyes back again and bends over laughing out loud.   “Oh my goodness, that was rich!”
CeCe comes out of the shadows, taking off her costume head, laughing as well.  “I told you this would be fun!  Play into their fears, they won’t test you no more, bet.”
“Bast I hope you’re right.  I still think the dinner request was a bit much, but it seemed to stick.  Now let’s go home before I freeze to death in the air.  I still think being in a shirt would’ve brought the same effect.”
“Nooo, I needed you in full on Queen of the Damned mode.  You made them your minions no doubt!  And I knew this would make us hungry, might as well get something for nothing; not like he ain't good for it. But you go ahead, I'll be back at the dorm later.  Got some loose ends to tie up first.”
The next morning, Shuri and CeCe sit in lecture to await the beginning of class.  Hanson walks in nervously looking across the crowd, locking eyes with Shuri.  Shuri reaches into her bag and pulls out a receipt, crumpling it up and tossing it on the floor.  Hanson looks away, not at all relieved.  
Ashleigh walks in quickly walk into lecture, cap pulled over her head as she takes her seat.  
“Class, before we begin I forgot to mention our special guest participant, Shuri Udaku of the royal family in Wakanda.  I highly recommend picking her brain as she has exhibited outstanding work in engineering vibranium for a multitude of purposes, far beyond her years.  Let's give her a round of applause.”  
The class gives a hearty ovation and Shuri waves and bows.  Maybe she should have been more forthcoming about her background after all.  Hanson walks over to Ashleigh, motioning for her to remove her cap.  Her head shakes from side to side.  Hanson clears his throat.  “Today we will be doing preliminary testing.  If you have a hat on, it must be removed before we begin.”  Hanson looks to Ashleigh insistently.  
Ashleigh’s hands find her cap to pull it off.  The class gasps at the large bald spot in the middle of her head.
CeCe snickers to herself as Shuri questions her.  “Did you do that??”
CeCe nods.  “Man, Nair does not smell like her conditioner, she should blame herself.  She snatch me, I snatch back.  Your hair shit at the bonfire inspired me, like you said something.  What was it?”
Shuri looks at her in awe, holding her fist out to dap CeCe.  “I just told her to go fuck a dog, but i must say that is genius!  Diabolical.”
When lecture let out, Ashleigh walked fast past them without a word, which was way better than before.  Miqaila trailed behind her.
CeCe calls out.  “Hey, Miqaila!”
She turns, avoiding Shuri’s  gaze.  “Yeah, what’s up?”
“I wanted to get you something as a peace offering, just to say sorry and stuff since you and Ashleigh seem to be going through something, you guys ok?”
CeCe hands her a cup of iced coffee from Starbucks, making Miqaila smile halfway.  “No, we are fine, just….working out some kinks and stuff.  Learning to work independently.”  Miqaila glances at Shuri before taking a sip.
CeCe nods, “Ok, just let me know if you need anything else.  Praying for you guys!”
Miqaila sets off and Shuri turns to her, arms crossed.  “So why does Miqaila get the Hollywood treatment and Ashleigh is scalped?”
CeCe smiles a big, creepy smile.  “That gesture will have her sitting on the toilet for the rest of the day.  Your parasite comment gave me that inspo, so genius.”
Shuri’s eyes bucked as she lead her friend along.  Never had she met such a petty, mischievous, cunning person in her life.  She loved her.
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blackmilshake · 6 years
Cheating PART TWO|| H.S.
Anonymous asked: Hi I just read cheating and I'm crying like an idiot as I did in the first part... I wanted to ask you if you are planning on writing what happens after that. Oh and the one where he thinks she is dead got me really fucked up man. I was crying on that too, so yea it seems that you make me cry a lot. 🙃
I AM SOOO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG, and I am sorry if it is not THAT good, I am not the best when it comes to second parts :c PART 1 HIS P.O.V http://blackmilkshake.tumblr.com/post/156212433502/cheating-harry-styles-imagine
PART 1 YOUR P.O.V. http://blackmilkshake.tumblr.com/post/160309659417/cheating-hs-your-pov
Catch up: You had caught Harry, your fiancé, cheating on you with another woman in your very own bed and you could accept that so you left him even when it broke you too. He looked for you but it was like you had disappeared and no one let him know where you were.  
He was more than scared when he could not find you. You were not at work, not in your house, your car was there but you were not. None of your common friends knew about you, nor your co-workers. It was like you had just disappeared.
He was a mess. And it broke him to be far from you. But when the coordinator of the wedding called him for your first meeting to pick the place of the weeding just a week after, he lost it. He broke everything one the kitchen, tears rolling down his cheeks as an unhuman growl left his mouth. He was in physical pain, his whole body ached. His mom, sister and bestfriend had come to visit him, but he only ignored all of them and their constant knocking.
He felt dirty, like a complete failure. He had one job, to take care of you, and he failed. He just stood there, for days, barely drinking water, his head spinning every time he stood up, out of the lack of food. He checked your social media, no Instagram, no Facebook, and the number he dialled was changed.
During the third week, his mom had to make someone break his front door, he was in the hospital for three days, out of dehydration, and pre-undernourishment. They had to give him pills to sleep and for anxiety. Your parents had to come and visit him and tell him that you were ok, just don’t tell him where. It was good to know you were doing fine. You father was furious at Harry, but felt sorry for him when he saw how Harry was copping.
Your mom, on the other side, loved Harry as her very own child, she saw good in Harry even when he was not so faithful.
“What you did was horrible, and it broke her, I am not gonna lie, but killing yourself will not get her anywhere closer to you, if you love her, go for her, fight for her, and don´t give up so soon. I am mad at you, but son, seeing you like this is not right.” She told him, kissed his temple and went away.
Anne, his mom, had to bring him to her house, take care of him, tried to make Harry eat at least a little. She couldn’t scold him after what he did, he was doing a good job punishing himself. He was at her house for a month. He was getting a little better, at least pretending that his other half was not with him.
He was back at his house at the end of the second month, his mom had fixed everything and even changed the mattress. He felt a little better, but still incomplete. He cried every now and then. He never thought he would be the kind of man that cried over a woman, but you were not just any woman, you were his other half, his heart and soul. One day he just opened his laptop and found an e-mail of your credit card. You had your credit card linked to his e-mail since you forgot your password. And there it was, the plane ticket.
He took the first flight to Germany, your destination. He didn’t really know where you were but there were e-mails of the same Starbucks every day at eight a.m. He felt like Sherlock Holmes, and was so proud of himself. All the way to Germany he has practiced what to tell you. During landing he almost had a panic attack, he was going to see you again.
It was six p.m. so he had to book a hotel room, he wore a cap and glasses and luckily, no one noticed him. He was shaking, his nerves taking the best of him. That night he did not sleep at all. He cried some more at the thought of rejection. But he was doing something rather than killing himself slowly. It was five a.m. when he stood up from bed. He drank a glass of water because his mouth was dry, his hands shaky. He was so excited to see you.
He went for a quick shower, and a simple outfit. He took a glance of himself at the mirror. He didn’t look like he did when he was with you, but better than what he looked like a couple weeks ago.
He had hope.
At seven a.m. he was at the Starbucks, he went to the last table and wearing his cap and “reading” the newspaper he waited for you. His whole body was full of adrenaline. Feet cold, hands quivering, he was a mess.
At eight o´clock you appeared, just not alone.
He saw you crossing the street and a tall guy open the door for you. You had your arm around his, and laughed at something he said. His heart skipped a beat at your laugh but at the same time sunk deeper in his guts as he saw you with somebody else.
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It couldn’t be. He felt his tears in his eyes, he bites his lip so hard that he could taste the blood, the cover himself with the newspaper, there was no way he was talking to you, you seemed happy, he wanted you happy, even if it costed his own happiness.
You excused yourself to the restroom, the weather was so cold you could barely feel your fingers and on your way there you dropped your phone and cursed, it fell in the middle of someone´s shoes. His shoes. He was quick to pick it up and hand it to you. “Thank you! I can be really silly sometimes.”
Through the pain he let a little smile make its way to his lips, a genuine smile, you were always clumsy. “Nothing to worry about.” And it hit you. That voice, those rings, and the fact that he answered to you in English before you could correct yourself and apologize in German.  It was him. Under the cap and hoarse, broken voice, you could see it was him.
You stood froze, you just couldn’t react. Leaving him was the hardest thing you had done, but you were not sure you could stay away from him again. You missed him every day, and it bothered you that after almost three months he still had this effect on you, you hated that you wanted that man to feel happier, cause it seemed like he had stolen your light.
You were mad at him. Mad that you wanted him to talk your way back to him. After all, he was there. Your legs felt weak and you had to take a sit in front of him.
Your cousin watched the scene from afar and took a seat in another table, just so he could know whether you were talking to Harry, or if he just had to punch him.
Harry was surprised when he saw you take a seat, and it made him fall a little deeper in his darkness. You had dark shades under your eyes, you seemed just dull, not shiny as you usually were, more pale even.
But when you looked at him, it was like breathing felt good again, but a second after it, you saw him better. You thought you looked bad, he looked worst. His eyes were reddish and watery, the bags under his eyes making him look almost sick, his usually red-pink lips were almost purple, his cheekbones were way more prominent and his hair looked lifeless. It was almost as he had aged in three months. And somehow, as horrible as it sounded you felt kind of a little relieved that he looked worse than you did, because it meant that he somehow cared. That you were not the only one grieving.
The tension was almost tangible.
“What are you doing here?” you spoke, sounding harsher than intended. He flinched.
“I came here to apologize, doll, I know what I did has no excuse, I am a jerk, I don’t deserve you at all, I never did. But I can´t live with myself, I can´t sleep. I only think about you. I… crap, I had practiced what to tell you, but having you here, it just knocks the air put of me. I understand if you have moved on, if you don’t want anything to do with me, just… please, forgive me, let me be someone in your life, a friend even, don’t push me away, you are my light, I love you with every living cell in my body and I will be content with the very little space you give me in your life.” He was trying not to cry, but the sobs uncovered him.
You looked down to your hands, deep in thought. At some point you thought that you had overreacted, there were so many people that couldn’t be together for so many stronger reasons, and the fact that he looked you for, came all the way to where you were gave you a little hope.
Maybe it was the right thing to do. Give it a second chance.
“You deceived me, you betrayed me, broke every single piece of trust I had in us. The money you have, the fame you possess, it doesn’t give you the right to do this to me.”
“I know” he whispered, breathless. This was it, the I-don´t-ever-wanna-see-you-again speech.
“But, I still somehow want you near me, even when I hate myself for it.”
He looked up in hope and stared deep in your eyes.
“We can take it slow from here, build our trust again. It won’t be an easy path, but I am willing to take it.” You told him, and this time he let happy tears roll down his cheeks. A little hope shinning from the inside.
“But if you do something like that ever again, it will be the last time you hear from me, I will personally make sure of that, okay?” He nodded violently, his own thoughts incapable of making a whole sentence. Only whispering a bunch of thank you´s as the basically threw himself at you, hugging you tightly, his nose on the top of your hair, breathing into it like it was oxygen, his arms around your waist, his lips kissing your head ever so carefully yet desperate.
You broke the hug and looked at his lips. Those lips. And he did too, just didn’t wanted to push it. The looked at your eyes, and then your lips several times, and you nodded, giving him the permission.And that was it. It was like the missing piece of the puzzle was found.  
 Not my gif :)
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katecarteir · 6 years
when tomorrow comes (i’ll be on my own)
rating: mature
pairing: eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier
summary: Richie pushed himself up on his elbows and smirked. “You know, Eddie my love, we suddenly have great potential right here. Don’t you remember what it was like? Back in Derry… all the sneaking around, the thrill of getting caught all the time? What an adrenaline rush!” 
“What a constant risk of anxiety attack you mean,” Eddie corrected, but he was grinning too. “But yeah, it was pretty exciting. What’s your point?”
“What if… and really hear me out here, Eds… we just let them think we were broken up?” 
chapter count: 1/5
“Hey, buddy, how you doing?”
Richie Tozier tugged one earbud out and looked up at his room mate in confusion. He and Stanley Uris had grown to be good friends in the last two years that they’d been together in the college dorms- though, Richie had been surprised when Stan had been willing to agree to room with him a second time. They were all salt and nothing sweet, such different souls in one confined space, it was very rare that they were ever particularly gentle with one another. It was only ever when something was seriously wrong that they’d drop their harsh outer friendship and show through what they really were- best friends who cared deeply for one another.
Richie couldn’t think of anything that would have caused Stan to drop his sodium levels. He wracked his brain of everything that had happened over the last forty eight hours, but it threatened to give him a headache. He couldn’t focus on that and his English Lit paper. “I’m fine? This paper’s a killer, though. Mathers can suck my dick.”
A worried crinkle appeared between Stan’s brow and Richie’s heart picked up slightly. Had something really bad happened and Richie had just totally forgotten? Oh shit, had he repressed some sort of terrible experience from today? Did Stan know something that he didn’t, what-
“Pats and I are going to Floats tonight for dinner,” Stan broke through Richie’s internal panicking’s. Stanley had recently started going out with a girl from his Algebra course, though it had been a nearly year long struggle for Richie, having to watch Stan pine over her when it obvious that the girl had been just as smitten. For whatever reason. “Did you want us to bring you back some curly fries? I know they’re your favourite.”
Richie’s eyebrows disappeared completely behind his moppy bangs. Stanley has never, not once in the nearly two years they’d known each other, offered to pick up food for Richie. No matter how much Richie had begged him to. “I- Yeah, man. That… That’d be great. Thanks?”
Stan nodded once, and reached out to squeeze at Richie shoulder, before turning and walking from their shared living space. Richie shook his head slightly, confused but also looking forward to Floats’ curly fries, he’d barely turned back to his computer before his phone was lighting up. Beverly Marsh’s face lit up the screen and Richie almost declined, assuming it was a butt dial. Beverly Marsh did not make phone calls, that was just a known fact.
“Bev?” Richie inquired lightly, hoping that he’d get to listen in on some sort embarrassing private conversation and not Bev getting busy with her boyfriend. Richie had been burned before.
“Hey, Rich! How are you doing?” Bev’s too-chipper voice rang through the speaker and Richie had to frown.
“Why is everybody asking me that?” Richie asked, hearing the whine in his voice. “I’m peachy fucking keen. Nothing wrong on Rich Bitch front.”
Bev made an annoying sympathetic noise on the other end and Richie really did feel as though he were going to tug his own curls out. “Ben and I got Infinity War on DVD.” Bev continued. “Did you wanna come over and watch it with us tonight? We can cry into giant bowls of popcorn then obsess over online theories on how its going to get resolved.”
Richie hummed. “I would love to, Bev, but I actually have to get this stupid fucking English Lit paper done or I’m going to flunk out.”
“Oh. Okay.” Beverly sounded almost disappointed… no, not disappointed? Worried? Maybe worried. “Text me if you need anything, yeah?”
“Sure, Bev,” Richie said, pinching the brim of his nose. “Whatever.” Richie clicked end on the call and tossed his phone onto the comforter. He only looked at his blank document for a moment before grabbing his phone once again and scrolling through the contacts.
to: angel baby boy: hey bbyy im super fucking stuck on this damn English lit paper can i come over plsssss ill love u forever
from angel baby boy: you’re already going to love me forever but ofc doors unlocked see u soon *kiss emoji*
Richie scrambled up from his bed, throwing on what he knew were Eddie’s favourite pair of grey sweatpants, and started throwing his things into worn down backpack. He’d had it since early high school, and he knew he was going to tear a hole right through it soon enough, but he couldn’t be bothered to get a new one before that happened.
He’d only bounced out the door to his dorm before he almost ran smack into Audra Phillips. He hadn’t known the girl long, she’d only transferred to their college a few months earlier, but their majors ran into very similar circles and he’d only seen more of her since she’d started seeing Eddie’s room mate, Bill. She was a nice girl, if not a little bland, and Richie enjoyed her company. She was, of course, not somebody he expected to see standing outside his dorm room with two cups of Starbucks.
“Hey,” she said, blinking up at him. She almost seemed that she was as surprised to find herself here as Richie was to see her. “I brought you a coffee? Chocolate mocha frapp, right?”
Richie made a happy noise and took the cold drink from Audra’s awaiting hand. “Dude, I love seven dollar drinks. What do I owe this tongue-numbing pleasure?”
“I figured that the English Lit paper was kicking your ass,” Audra said lightly. “Amongst… other things. Thought I’d be friendly.”
Richie crinkled his nose up, green straw almost in his mouth. If one more person implied that something was wrong when Richie had absolutely no idea what that could be, he might actually start screaming. But Audra was smiling so sweetly at him, and as far as Richie knew the girl had never done anything wrong in pretty much her entire life, he just nodded at her and thanked her again for the drink. They exchanged a few more civil pleasantries before Richie excused himself and made it the rest of the way to Eddie and Bill’s room.
Eddie was seated in his bed, surrounded by his mountain of yellow pillows and wrapped up in his soft green comforter. Eddie had, without a doubt, the most comfortable bed Richie had ever been in. That was, possibly, a little bit of a bias but it was true. The only good thing that Richie thought Sonia Kaspbrak had ever done- besides actually giving birth to Eddie- was insisting he get so many pillows and blankets to make his dorm bed safer for her Eddie Bear. Eddie seemed to hate it, tossing most of the pillows to the foot end of his bed when actually going to sleep, and using the green comforter only, but Richie absolutely loved it and Eddie always put the pillows back at the head when he knew Richie was coming over.
Richie had known Eddie easily as long as he’d known anybody. He supposed the only people he would have known longer were his parents and older sister, meeting Eddie at his orientation of kindergarten. The older they’d gotten, the harder Sonia Kaspbrak had tried to push them apart, and all the closer they’d grown. By seventh grade, it was almost impossible to find one without the other. RichieTozierandEddieKaspbrak. Richie had probably been in love with him even back then, but they’d only made the jump to boyfriends near the end of sophomore year. Despite a few short, drama-filled fights and break ups, they’d been together ever since.
“So, did like… my mother die and everybody forgot to tell me?” Richie asked, chocolate coffee dripping down the corner of his mouth.
Eddie startled, sitting up on his pillow mountain and shoving his laptop aside. “What? What happened to your mom? Rich-“
“No! No, no,” Richie started shaking his head, dropping down beside him. “Mags is fine, she texted me this morning. I just… I’ve had the weirdest fucking afternoon.”
“So you decided you’d make a joke about your mom dying?” Eddie squawked, cheeks starting to turn pink. “What the fuck, Richard?”
“I just…” Richie sighed. “Bev invited me over, Audra brought me coffee. Stanley offered to bring me home curly fries from Floats? I am like… dying and don’t know it?”
Eddie shook his head slightly, frowning, before slapping a hand over his mouth. “Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Fucking Bill…” Eddie chuckled. “Do you remember last week when you forgot about breakfast and I was super pissed? Didn’t talk to you all day?”
“Uh, yeah, vividly.” Richie grumbled, jutting out his bottom lip. “You’re the one who tried to make plans with me when I was half asleep, you know. You should know better than that after 18 years, Eds.”
“Don’t call me that,” Eddie rolled his eyes. “But no, I was super pissed off and I ranted to Bill. I might have sort of said I was going to break up with you. Guess he thinks that I did… and he told everybody.”
Richie’s mouth dropped open. “Everybody is being nice to me because they think I got dumped? What the fuck! Why would you tell Bill you were going to break up with me?”
Eddie shook his head and took Richie’s hand in his. “I tell you I’m going to break up with you twice a week. I didn’t realize that somebody else would take it so seriously. We’ll just tell everybody that we didn’t break up, or that we got back together, or whatever…”
Richie pushed himself up on his elbows and smirked. “You know, Eddie my love, we suddenly have great potential right here. Don’t you remember what it was like? Back in Derry… all the sneaking around, the thrill of getting caught all the time? What an adrenaline rush!”
“What a constant risk of anxiety attack you mean,” Eddie corrected, but he was grinning too. “But yeah, it was pretty exciting. What’s your point?”
“What if… and really hear me out here, Eds… we just let them think we were broken up?”
Panic moved quickly across Eddie’s face. “You want to break up? Richie, what the fuck, since when, why didn’t you-“
Richie clapped a hand over Eddie’s panic-rambling mouth. “No, no, shut up, I don’t want to break up. Ever. Jesus Christ, no. I’m just saying… if we let everybody think we’re broken up, we could have that thrill of sneaking around again. It could be fun, you know, keeping it a secret. Kind of kinky, definitely hot.”
Eddie still didn’t look convinced, but his cheeks had started to warm up under the idea. “It would never work. You couldn’t pull it off.”
Richie made a loud, offended noise. “I couldn’t pull it off? You’re the one who won’t be able to keep their hands off all of this.” Richie gesturing up and down his body, waggling his eyebrows.
“I’d fake puking right now, but you’re wearing those stupid grey sweats and you know I’m weak for them,” Eddie muttered under his breath, looking highly put out. Richie burst out laughing and draped himself around Eddie’s mid-section. He pressed his face into his stomach and blew a raspberry over top of Eddie’s T-shirt. “Admit it, Eddie Spaghetti, you would absolutely blow it before I would. Without a doubt.”
Eddie tangled his hand in Richie’s messy curls, pushing him away from his stomach, but keeping his fingers deep in the curls. “Care to put your money where your trash mouth is, Tozier?”
“First off all,” Richie grinned before bouncing forward and kissing Eddie deeply. He dug his teeth into Eddie’s body lip and tugged slightly. Eddie made a small whimpering noise when Richie pulled back, when only caused Richie grin to grow. “You love my Trashmouth and all the trashy things it can do. Secondly, when have you ever known me to turn down a bet?”
“Not often enough,” Eddie looked mildly horrified, no doubt remembering the stupid ass things Richie had done on bets and dares in the many years he’d known him. “But we can discuss the arrangements of this bet you’re going to loose those your fucking pants off?”
Richie cackled.
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