#the full moon at 4 pm earlier today
he13na · 2 years
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astrovastukosh · 6 days
Vedic Hindu calendar of today's date - 17 September 2024, with accurate calculations, Mahalaya Shraddha starts - 17 September
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⛅Date - 17 September 2024 ⛅Day - Tuesday ⛅Vikram Samvat - 2081 ⛅Ayan - Dakshinayan ⛅Season - Autumn ⛅ Month - Bhadrapada ⛅Paksha - Shukla ⛅Tithi - Chaturdashi till 11:44 am thereafter Full Moon ⛅Nakshatra - Shatabhisha till 01:53 pm thereafter Purva Bhadrapada ⛅Yoga - Dhriti till 07:48 am thereafter Shool till 03:41 am September 18, thereafter Gand ⛅Rahu period - 03:37 pm to 05:09 pm Till ⛅Sunrise - 06:27 ⛅Sunset - 06:41 ⛅Disha Shool - in the north direction ⛅Brahma Muhurta - from 04:53 to 05:40 in the morning ⛅Abhijit Muhurta - from 12:09 to 12:58 in the afternoon ⛅Nishita Muhurta- From 12:10 am on September 18 to 12:58 am on September 18
Vrat festival details - Ganesh Visarjan, Anant Chaturdashi, Mahalaya Shraddha begins
⛅Special - On Chaturdashi day, sexual intercourse with a woman and eating and applying sesame oil is prohibited. (Brahmavaivart Purana, Brahma Khand: 27.29-34)
🌹Mahalaya Shraddha begins - 17 September🌹
🔹Take these precautions during Shraddha🔹
🔸Do not eat without feeding it to ancestors. Do not eat other's food either.
🔸Shraddh performer should not eat betel leaves, oil- Do not do massage, sexual intercourse with women, collection etc.
🔸The person who consumes the Shraddha should not eat again or travel etc. Avoid hard work and acceptance after eating the Shraddha.
🔸The person who performs the Shraddha should not invite more than 3 Brahmins and many relatives.
🔸Shraddha During these days, one should observe celibacy and truth and the Brahmins should also observe celibacy and come to receive the Shraddha.
🔹What is best in Shraddha?🔹
🔸Three things are praiseworthy in Shraddha:
(1) Purity
(2) Non-anger
(3) Non-hastiness: No haste, patience.
🔸Three things are sacred in Shraddha:
(1) Sesame seeds
(2) Daughter Son and grandson of a son (3) Kutapkal
🔸 From 11:36 am to 12:24 pm is considered a special time. If it is a little earlier or later, then it is okay but during this time, there is a special purity of Shraddha.
🔸 Seven special purities are observed during Shraddha time The following should be kept in mind:
(1) The body should be pure after taking a bath.
(2) The material used for the Shraddha should be pure.
(3) The woman should be pure, she should not be menstruating.
(4) The land where the Shraddha is performed should be pure. . The floor should be plastered with cow dung from a cow.
(5) Pronounce the mantra correctly.
(6) The Brahmin should also be pure in thoughts and should not consume tobacco, tobacco etc.
(7) Keep the mind pure too. 🔹Shraddh-worthy dates (Part-1)🔹
🔹The best of all, Shraddh is performed on the dates of Shraddhpaksh. The Shraddh performed on the same date in Shraddhpaksh on which our ancestors left this world is the best.
🔸Those who have For those whose death date is not remembered, the Amavasya date is considered suitable for their Shraddha. For the rest, whose death date may be, wise people should perform Shraddha on the same date in Shraddhapaksha.
🔸One who performs Shraddha on the day of full moon, his intelligence, affirmation, memory power, perception power, sons-grandchildren and wealth increase. He enjoys the full fruits of the festival.
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Since it's already late... I have to set my alarm, one sec. Alright. I might as well just put today in direct bulletpoints without too much commentary.
I got a text from my landlord at 10:30 AM. About an hour after I finally fell asleep. Yep. When I'm feeling unsafe and like there's something weird brewing, I don't sleep. And full moons amplify it. I'm pretty much at a perfect storm here. So... I'm surprisingly doing well with it. I'm impressed with myself.
I woke up late. I slept well, which is good, a full 7 hours until like... 4 PM. Waking up at 4PM on a Monday is deeply depressing. I called my mom before I got out of bed. I wanted to connect with my brother and see if he wanted to do art while my landlords were inspecting the house. Then I could have music playing, it would create a privacy barrier for all of us. I could get some work done and have some good company.
I want to really lean into this statement. I had such a bad feeling about the outcome of proposing this completely normal, kinda fun sounding idea that I called my mom. I don't remember if I took a shower, I think I did actually. I think I did get out of bed and showered and called right after or something. I remember eating an apple, and yeah, my fingernails tasted like the essential oils I wear after showering when I was compulsively stress-biting them earlier.
I had this bad feeling lingering from yesterday, when i tried to get him to help me sort the place and clean a bit. My mom came over and helped, it was nice, it could've been a nice three person hangout kinda thing. But no. He told me Sunday was when he usually cleans his house, actually, so I guess his whole day was booked. I'm just... not gonna linger on that. I can see very clearly now what I saw at first glance. That's just inconsiderate. And negative. "I'm not going to do your chores, you lazy shit, I have my own chores." That kinda Scrooge mentality. I could feel it. I've felt it a LOT lately, from pretty much everyone in my life. I need help, I need to get away from these people. I'm starting to forget that people like me are still out there.
So much for limiting wandering thoughts... ugh... welcome to my brain.
I asked my mom if she could... let's call it "translate" for me. See, I've had it told pretty clearly to me recently, in therapeutic environments and in personal relationships, that I'm a very sensitive person. I talked about that at length last night. I have been told that when my emotions show up, especially difficult ones like fear, grief, panic, anger, those kinds of ones. Sith feelings. When those appear, people seem to just... not hear the words I'm saying. Like, I swear, to me it's like a movie - like the Truman Show or Twilight Zone or something, it's really surreal. It's like I could literally say "I love you" while I'm experiencing anger or fear and they just don't hear the words or sentiment under the emotion at all. They're just staring at that emotion like an infant locked in on dangling keys, or a cat staring down one of it's favorite toys. Maybe it's a primal thing, a survival thing? You see something deeply afraid or angry or in pain and you just... not even necessarily see it as prey, which I thought for some for a bit, but like... see it as a potential threat. What is more dangerous than something that fears for it's life? What's more dangerous than a hurt animal? What's more dangerous than a blindly enraged animal? And please, please, please remember - this is your daily reminder, fellow human - we are all animals.
I asked my Mom a question today during our 2 hour talk - "does my fear look really intense to you right now, like if you were in my shoes right now and feeling where I am, where would you put it out of 10?" She told me probably 8 or 9. I weighed in that I'm really around a 4 to 5, then the more I thought about it, corrected down to 3 to 4. I think that made things a little more clear. It's really hard to get across to people, but like... yes, I am feeling the same fear or pain or betrayal or anger as you. No, I'm not numb to it, clearly. I think it's very clearly obvious when I'm in a mood and that I'm experiencing it as fully as I am capable of at that moment. But my threshold is greater. Like... I tried to describe this in a journal a while ago... I have a much bigger gas tank on this. So I feel things at an amplified rate. And what I can feel is very strong, but I don't top out at 10 like they do, I go to like 30. So to them, my reactions tend to look like overreactions. Because why would I be at their 8 over someone blowing me off? Well... because their 8 isn't my 8, it's my 3. I hope I can find a simpler way to communicate that in the future, I think it's going to be a very important thing to build as a mutual understanding with whoever ends up being my partner.
So people tend to see these huge emotions and then just start shooting, or get skeptical, or suspicious, or freeze, or straight up run. You know, they panic. And my training to be able to communicate my complex feelings through my expressed emotions is for nothing. It's really goddamn hard to keep priorities through intense emotions, to keep universal good in mind, to keep control on being respectful when you're being disrespected, all that shit. You know, honorable shit, virtuous shit. We all know how hard it is to keep yourself the "better person" in an argument, especially when you're falsely accused or something.
So what I did today was I requested that my Mom advocate for me in my place. That she reach out and explain the situation to him, clearly and from a third party perspective. To explain how it's not about doing chores, its about being supportive of a family member who is going through what is essentially one of his biggest trauma triggers for the past 2-3 years, and not even having to talk him through it, just being in the room and sharing that space with him so he's not alone in that feeling. That's all. And that, if asked, he would gladly repay the favor.
My brother responded, in the message relayed back from my mom less than 3 minutes later, by accusing both of us of trying to control him and pressure him. My heart is just sinking writing this. Like... my thoughts are just draining out of my head like rain running down a window, and a fog of sadness is just rolling in. It's a quiet sadness. Like a cold Maine morning by the ocean at the crack of dawn, with the heavy, wet fog rolling in.
I think something happened. I'm guessing it's one of his old friends. My instincts keep saying this same name over and over, one of his friends that I never met, but gave my really cool Norse hammer drum key to - for some fucking reason, I really liked that thing and it was a gift to me. I think this guy fucked with him in the past, something about weed. I think my brother projected that same feeling of betrayal from that friend onto me in the past, and I think it broke our relationship. And I'm fearing it has returned.
Oh boy, this voice hasn't had a time to talk in a while. I can tell by the poetic imagery, this part of my psyche is one that got severely traumatized right after my breakup, not long after he was... reborn, I guess. This personality was shaped at this branch in the tree of my life, coming out of the loss of a relationship and several close deaths all in close proximity. Anyway...
I reassured my mom that it was okay, and that what she did was noble and... was my fault. That she felt what I feel most days. And that I am deeply sorry she carried that, and that I put her in that position. It hurt her. She felt a lot of bad things because of my request. I feel very guilty. But I need to start with this by forgiving myself. I didn't ask her to help expecting him to be like that at all. I feared, yes, but for myself. I never imagined he would project onto the messenger for the person he's projecting onto. I figured the messenger would be enough of a layer of separation for him to hear the words without immediately sniffing out my fear and feeling of betrayal through the microphone and prepping the mounted 50cal machineguns for "anticipatory defense". I forgive myself for this. My intentions were peace.
At this point... It's almost 9PM. I ironed out plans with my mom. She is going to come over and chill, I guess we're going to go through the floorplan of the apartment and figure out layout and storage and stuff. That actually should be really fun. Man, I should just make a 3D model of it in Blender or something, just fuck around with it that way. That'd be really cool. Technology these days, so sick!
Then I texted my landlord. Almost 12 hours after she asked me to set up a time. I apologized - I swear, I apologize almost every interaction I have nowadays... - and set a meetup at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. They should only be around for a little bit, they said they have a Zoom at 5 or something. My mom is going to come over at 4. I have an alarm set for 2. It's 6:45 now. So... it takes usually around half an hour to an hour for me to fall asleep after this, so... like 6.5 to 7 hours sleep? Not horrible.
I wrote a letter to my brother. I wrote like 4, honestly. But the last one was... a better approach than the others. I mean that. I wrote a lot of "you can NOT blah blah". Just... accusatory and corrective. Pointing out exactly what he's doing wrong and just pleading he stop doing it. I got rid of all of it. Little by little. I don't disagree with my way of addressing it, and in person or over the phone, I would absolutely say those statements. But after typing through it, I listened to it back on text to speech... then cut out parts I didn't like or I felt were... unnecessarily emotionally pushy, I guess. I know he's sensitive to emotions and doesn't really know how to process them a lot of the time. By the end... naw, I'm gonna backtrack again. I got what I thought was a good draft. I looked up quotes on forgiveness and humility to pass along. I have a strong connection in my creative centers between humility and forgiveness, but I guess I never really sat down and tried to flesh it out very well, to articulate it. Like... forgiveness requires humility, but it also only works if the person being forgiven is humble too, you know? So humility is super important there, crucial, really. And I really was trying to communicate at the end of this that I was okay with forgiving this outburst thing, there's still time to work that out, but he really needs to apologize to my Mom.
While looking for quotes, I found a list of Bible quotes. I read through all of them. I love trying to decode the imagery of the quotes. I did this project a few years ago where I tried to translate Genesis into common speech, like... everyday talk. Like how I talk, into my language. I started looking at sentences, language structure, etc... in the way that I think... as images. Like apple conjures an image in your head. Instead of doing an example here, basically the analogy I was using at the time, what I was trying to recreate, was someone standing by a campfire, gesturing wildly, visually and telling a story using as few words as possible. OMG, like C3PO in Return of the Jedi telling Luke's story to the Ewoks. Nootch Vader. That scene. I started thinking of language like THAT. Like I was trying to tell this story to people who barely understood English. And when I read Bible quotes with that in mind, trying to really suss out the concept behind all these words and stitch together a little mental animation, things started making more sense to me.
A lot of the quotes were about forgiving your kin over and over and over. No matter what. Which is just... damn is it the hardest thing to figure out, honestly. Because at some points, it's abusive... and at some points it can become like a Stockholm Syndrome thing... and yeah, it's like... I don't know, I guess forgiving doesn't mean like... pretend it didn't happen. So yeah, maybe I just need to explore forgiveness more. But reading the humility and forgiveness stuff helped a lot, and it just reminded me that it's not really my job to tell him he fucked up. Or set the terms for him to repent to me or some shit. It's my job to tell my side of the story. Which I detailed clearly. And I got rid of most of the rest. Except for the part where I told him he should apologize for being harsh to my mom. I actually, very transparently self aware, leaned into that. I expressed that I knew it was harsh to say he needs to say he's sorry, but that she has been going through enough and didn't deserve it. He doesn't have to apologize to me for this, but he really should apologize to her. I risked confirming his fear of control by saying that, but if he's looking for excuses to deep six his relationship with his brother... he'll find one eventually. I can't let that blood be on my hands. She stood up for me, the least I can do is stand up for her.
So... I'm upset. I'm... kinda grieving again. It hit me hard. But I ordered some fabric pens, so I'm gonna just try to put some custom designs on one of my hoodies and see how it comes out. Inspiration comes from destruction. It's not the only place it comes from, but god am I glad it comes from destruction. Because if it didn't, destruction would be unbearable.
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desire-tenderness · 3 years
𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖
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{This is a fanfic dreamed and desired. All I write about is my feelings, sensations and desires.  TEXT BY: L.M} Day 1 - Embark on the dazzle. October 9, 2023, Monday. I am exhausted, the recording will begin on Tuesday at 11 am. I think I slept only 3 hours and 20 minutes or I’m just kicking it out loud. This was a very tiring trip I confess. Maybe because it was almost a change of two months and a week. On the bright side, the production has provided a nice apartment for me to live in. My new home is beautiful and comfortable, one block away from Crescent Street, here in Montreal - Canada. Honestly, I can’t believe I’m finally having the opportunity to work with Xavier Dolan, I left my family in Brazil to embark on this dream, I already miss them. I should tell you that I have no idea of the cast that will be on this project, but the script looks fabulous. Before I embarked on this opportunity, I realized a portion of the dream. I and 7 other members of the team dined with Dolan last Thursday, debated the first decupagents and agendas. We had already read the script before the meeting, is it a low-budget experimental drama, and honestly? I lost my breath. I’m not in the position of art director I’ve always dreamed of, but I’m in the position where I have full knowledge and experience. Curious, I am not trembling with nerves, I am completely at peace with this realization. However, very anxious. We’re less than two hours away from reuniting in Saint-Laurent with the cast of "A race by Joseph". [.... ] - Less than two hours later. Okay, I’m about to get my guts out from all the nerves. I’ve heard of some names on the list of actors, including Troye Sivan, Vincent Cassel, and Louise Coldefy. The team is sensational and fucking, Xavier is like a master for me. I need to make these days my best college. I’m at home/rental number six, it’s wonderful. I can see two cars coming through the window, and "God bless me so that Suzanne Clément is in this cast" [Spoiler, I wasn’t, I had to accept], I think I’m going to have an anxiety attack, I need to splash water on my face. I lost count of how many times I filled my hands with water and threw it in my face, I needed to understand that I was really living this moment. I came out of the bathroom apprehensive. Céline handed me a cup of tea mix of Sage, Eucalyptus, Lemon Peel and said "Hey, relax, I’ll see you in the living room.. ah, one more thing, don’t freak out". I feel a chill creeping all over my body as I walk through the door frame. Everyone was waiting for me in the room so we could debate the first two weeks of the recording. I could feel my legs swaying to the point of not having enough sustenance to stand. Timothée Chalamet was sitting on the arm of Dolan’s armchair in silence, reading what would be the 4°page of some document. Quickly he gets up and presents himself squeezing my hand gently. Silence has taken over the environment, I don’t remember my name. [I remembered! ] It was remarkable how difficult he was to pronounce it, it made it all very comical, in seconds we were all laughing. At that time, other cast members performed, but my thoughts were so far away that I don’t know if I missed any important information. [Damn, how many questions are going through my head right now? I don’t even have control over them. Stop! Focus, your future depends on this delivery. ]
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[.... ] With the passing of the hours I was reasonably more relaxed and with an unparalleled feeling of gratitude for what was happening to me. We discussed the script, much of it together, the day was very productive. I kept looking at him, he’s so funny and authentic, I feel comfortable now. Obviously we wouldn’t be friends, he wouldn’t notice an assistant director [even though I’m the director’s right-hand man]. The team will be dining with the cast soon, it’s 5:47 pm and I haven’t been able to confirm my presence at this dinner. What’s my problem?! Celine: You’ll go, right? We’ll go home together and unpack. Me: Oh Céli, I don’t think I will. I have a lot to pack, tomorrow starts the recordings and I want to do everything right. Celine: No, you are not going to organize things by yourself. Nor has dinner there in the house, let’s eat please, I’m starving. Think you need to catch up! Me: Relax Celi, I’ll do things in my time, have a wine while I cook something and sleep early. Look, Wednesday we won’t record.. We can go downtown and get a quick look at the city, what do you think? Celine: You’re hopeless. Well, I’ll tell you about it. Arriving at the apartment I opened all the windows, and went to cook thinking about what the following days would be like. I decided then that I should not intensify anything, it could disrupt me at work and I can’t let my impulsive Aryan side get out of hand. I decided to go to the disco and see what the last song the host of the apartment heard. Well, did you start playing Nick Drake’s Pink Moon and honestly? I can’t let the pink moon get me. Fuck, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life, it’s as fascinating as on screens or in photographs. [Stop! Concentrate. ] [...] 00:01 am The wine bottle is 98% empty now. I have not yet fallen asleep and Celine is already in her 8th deepest sleep. I need to sleep. She said that they were so energized, that the team’s relationship is great and that she ate a delicious Poutine, I found it very courageous for those who will spend the whole day recording tomorrow.  [I’m laughing alone while imagining a disaster] I will sleep and tomorrow will be the first day of my life. I swear I was born now and suddenly everything changed. Things will be built from now on. Timothée Chalamet? I hear you’re a good actor, I don’t know you. Good night and see you soon.
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Part 2
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Day 50 - And I’m probably happy, could it be different? November 27, 2023, Friday. There are times I do not write in this "virtual diary", my days are super busy. Today we finish the work a little earlier, we finish the movie! I think it’s 4:00 now. Right, and why did I come back to write? Well, I wanted to forget the feeling that took me completely 50 days ago. But today something has happened that does not allow me to escape any feeling that exists here. Louise is severely ill, Christ! We’re at the end of the shoot, she’s Timothée’s date, missing four takes of a kiss between them for her last acting scene. Dolan needed two different angles and he didn’t have a voice voice available so suddenly. Louise and I have very similar hair and what I feared went through Dolan’s mind. "Be the Double" he said. Yeah, Chalamet and I kissed today, and, hell, there was no professionalism on my part or for a millisecond, I feel terrible! I felt like I had been thrown out of a plane and I was in a free fall. My heart had never accelerated so much. My fantasy almost made me believe that one of the butterflies in my stomach was coming out of my mouth 1 minute later. Holy shit! [What if it was not reciprocal? Of course it was not, silly! We are friends. ] I’m so pissed about it, I’ll tell them why.
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All these days I’ve really become friends with Timothée, can you believe it? I’ve always been very afraid to talk to him because he doesn’t find me interesting enough. But we have an unusual tune. We had a lot of coffee together, a lot of claquettes I hit due to recording mistakes, we went out with the guys several times, even "alone" and that’s okay, we talked about Brazil and he made sure to go there anytime, I even smoked one of his cigarettes, even hating cigarettes. We were talking about how funny Vincent is and how amazing he is, and we were talking about how they were both working for the first time with Xavier Dolan. We laughed at stupid things until the belly hurt and even bet race in the parking lot next to the location. [He won, of course, has huge legs].
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One day we were together cutting fruit for the rest of the team on the set as we talked about Georges de La Tour, "That ordinary painter" I said, and he gave a delicious laugh. He’s much simpler than I thought he could be, carries an admirable humility. And I swear, it was fine, because I was fascinated by that friendship and I could feel that it would last for many years. I’ve learned to deal with your stunning beauty. I liked the way he accepted me and had fun with me. He didn’t think I was silly. I was working for a salary and a bright future, and suddenly I felt I had won the lottery until that moment after the kiss. I feel like I’m failing at my resolve. To finish screwing with my mind, Celine told me something that made me much more sensitive about a feeling that, I swear, once again, I had managed to forget. Although I often fantasized that a mood was going on, I knew it was impossible. He definitely sees me as the cool girl makes him laugh and that he can truly trust. Celine: Look. I, for recklessness, overheard Timothée talking to Troye about you. I did not hear enough but I must say that your tone of voice was of pure indignation... Troye said, "She’s the kind of girl you want so much, you feel sorry for". Me: God damn it, did he hate my kiss?! I’m going to die, Celine! Troye clearly should be making fun of the situation. Who am I supposed to show up at Dolan’s tomorrow for dinner? Celine: Calm friend, you are traveling.. I have noticed things and I will not open my mouth. Everything will be fine, seriously.. kiss the chalamet? How can you be angry about that? [laughed] By the way, tomorrow after dinner, I’ve arranged to spend the night at Julie’s, do you want to go? Me: Oh.. I’m not in the mood to hear Julie talk all night about the new vegan recipes, sorry, pal. Celine: Okay.. I won’t bring you nice things. [My phone vibrated. I was reluctant to look, but it could be work.. ] Text Msg Timothée: I hope you’re okay, you seemed strange going away. Want to talk? By the way, you did well in tonight’s performance, you should try harder. Me: Says my angel, how are you? I am well, of course I am. [laughs nervously and it was noticeable] I was just nervous to have to act for Dolan and know that I will see myself on a movie screen, even if at closed angles. By the way, Mr. Chalamet, thank you very much. I have the seal of approval that interests me hahah Msg of text Timothée: I like it. See you tomorrow? Me: Yes, of course, until tomorrow! Msg of text Timothée: [video uploaded]
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Part 3
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Day 51 - Ecstasy, landscape of the soul. November 29th, 2023, Sunday morning. I don’t know how to write about how last night went.. I was upset, but I remember everything. I won’t be able to keep this journal after that I’ll tell. We were all gathered at Dolan’s house, drinking and laughing a lot, toasting to finish this incredible project. I already felt completely dizzy and with the warm body, things kept spinning in my head, it was so beautiful. He wore a leather jacket over the green sweatshirt, had a golf cap (Odd Future) hanging on one of the pants straps where his belt was, the black jeans almost on his knee and a red vans, and that hair.. that hair! It’s like a restless ocean. I was wishing to walk across the room and kiss him again with all the intensity that belongs to me, he would like it this time. My body was on fire, suddenly I was frozen, it’s coming toward me. I knew I could spoil any conversation by being totally random and awkward, I was dying of shame in advance. Timothée: Are you happy? Me: Sure, congratulations! You did a great job, I’m very proud of all of you. Timothée: Thank you, but none of this would have been the same if you weren’t on the team, right? Me: Right! [Cheers] [Silence] Timothée: What are you thinking right now? Me: Who you are, Where you’re from, don’t care what you Did as long as you love me..[I started singing As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys, really?] Timothée: Oh my God! [He laughed almost for the world to hear]. Are you going to Julie’s with Céline? There’s going to be a vegan class. I’d like a pizza, okay? Me: Look.. I also wanted a pizza instead of vegan food.. But I’m getting dizzy and I think I’m gonna go home and do my drunken show in the shower. Timothée: Ah.. Right, you’re dizzy, but you still know how many fingers you have here? [He did an 8 with his fingers] Me: Yes, of course. I’m fine, man, I’m weak but not that weak. Give me a skateboard there! [I screamed, and they didn’t take me seriously] Timothée: So.. we can go for a coffee to break the alcohol and fill the stomach with a piece of pizza, what do you think? Me: Wooah! Come on, send world pizza! [I couldn’t say no, I was completely taken. ]     We got to what used to be a kind of blinker-light coffee, it had a super-hot vibe. We sat down and made the request, we laughed drunk and said nothing that made sense, I felt our friendship alive again. However, the silence and the exchange of looks came, so we could hear the music that played in the background. It was "And I Love Her" by the Beatles”. Suddenly he began to sing. Timothée: "She gives me Everything and Tenderly. The Kiss my Lover brings, she brings to me and I love her." Me: Yeah.. beautiful music. You sing over and over again better than me. When did you start playing music? [My hands started sweating] Timothée: [he laughed] Are you all right? Me: Timmy. .ah.. I think I’m going home to take another shower, rest and call my family, I don’t know. Timothée: Okay, I’ll accompany you, I can’t let you go back alone so late. Me: You don’t need my angel. I’m a ninja! [I made the shameful gesture of a martial coup and tripped. The truth is I wanted him to insist] Timothée: Without that [laughed] let’s go!
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We got to the apartment, he came up with me and put his coat on the couch. I offered him water, am I pathetic? He said he did not want to, but that if possible, he would like to stay. I felt as if we were talking by telepathy, I am not crazy. He feels the same. I said he could stay, even super apprehensive. I took two cigarettes from Kumbaya that I made on Tuesday and shouted from the room "let’s get some air on the balcony while we smoke!?". Upon returning to the room, he had put Cigarettes after sex to play, silently. Nothing but the music. Breaths. Another dose of silence. My body pumped blood with so much speed, [says something] I thought. He touched my right hand and looked at me. Those green eyes made me feel warm inside as never before. I got up the courage to pull him to the balcony that led to the fire escape. The sky was beautiful and the wind touching our faces was like a sky giveaway, I needed that fresh night air. Timothée: Do you need me to say it? I can say it. Me: I know what you’re going to say and I’m terrified. You want me too. Timothée: I want to. You make me feel good. I feel my presence truly when I share a moment with you. "Sometimes I think I’ve felt everything I’m going to feel in my life. And from now on, I won’t feel anything new. " Me: I promise that one day I will feel that everything is right. but it feels so wrong. Man, I feel like I’m living a fanfic, and I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and none of this ever happened, or worse, if it’s real, our friendship being compromised by what’s possibly going to happen here. He put his hands on my face, kissed my forehead. Timothée: The heart is not like a box that fills, L. It expands in size, the more you love someone. I’m different from you. It doesn’t make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more. I want you. Me: Right.. We are here only briefly, and at this moment I want to allow myself joy. I want that, Timothée. And I promise that one day I will feel like everything is fine. He lovingly bowed to touch his lips to mine. Feeling those soft lips against mine, it was almost like an apocalyptic sensation, the world could end right there, would have no problem. We kissed as we entered through the large window of the room, the first pieces of clothing filling the lonely floor of the room. The music Sunsetz conducted our intimate dance. The words "you have to do the right thing, do the right thing" started to disappear from my head.
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I feel overflowing out of the body, sensitive, I am under the effect of exaltation, very intense feelings of joy, pleasure, admiration, reverent awe... Timothée. I truly love him. We are lying on the living room floor, apparently wrapped in a curtain that has been disastrously removed. Timothée, his breath is hot, the sound coming out of his mouth shivers my body. We were like the painting of Egon Schiele - Gli Amanti (L'Abbraccio).
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Blackout. Light. The voice of an angel reaches my ear. My eyes open. He looked at me in silence, I could smell his mildly sweet citrus smell all over the room. Its aroma stimulates my sensations. Timothée: I’ll make you a cup of coffee. I’ll be careful with the amount of sugar, it’ll be just the way you like it. Keep lying down, angel. Geez, what happens now? I don’t know, he doesn’t know, you don’t know. Anyway, I feel complete.
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milknette · 3 years
chapter 06 - anime
水鏡照らす光跳ねて、 今が特別に感じた。
tumblr month: @adrinetteapril​​
links: ao3 | ff.net chapter: previous | next
ADRIEN makes it his mission to introduce Marinette to all the wonders of the human world.
He invites her out to try human activities, goes with her to try different human meals, encourages her to listen and watch various human media:
His most recent point-of-concern— anime.
“I just think it’s an absolute crime that you’ve never seen the in wonder and beauty that is Japanese anemonetion,” Adrien explains, putting on a dramatic face.
“... Japanese what?”
“Animation,” he amends, then noticing her judging expression, continues. “Look, I’m running out of puns! We’re hanging out way too much— I can’t catch up.”
Marinette finds herself laughing. “I mean, we could hang out less if you wanted to.”
“No!” He argues; says it a bit too loudly, really, as she evidently looks taken aback by his reaction. “I mean,” he coughs. “I just found someone to watch anime with me. You’re not getting off the hook that easily.”
(Adrien looks proud of himself. “Cool, I haven’t used that one yet!”)
She rolls her eyes, then stretches back upon the bed. Adrien casually sits on the chair, propping his head back upon the back rest. “So, what human torture show are you putting me through this time?”
“You say that like you didn’t cry over Moana.”
“If you did not cry while watching Moana finally accept herself and proclaim her love for both the sea and her people then I do not trust you—.”
He laughs, then nods in understanding. “It is a pretty good Disney movie,” Adrien points out. “A lot better than the earlier films.
“You mean, unlike the Little Mermaid?” Marinette responds dryly, visibly cringing in distaste. “The only thing that film got right about us mermaids was that we really don’t like mingling with humans. Ariel would be a one-in-a-million. And insane, probably.”
“So you’re Ariel, then?” She pointedly glares at him at even the mere suggestion of it, and he raises his arms in fake surrender. “I meant your interest in the human world! You are with us now, after all. And I like to think that you enjoy my company.”
“Eh,” Marinette only says offhandedly, lips tilting up the slightest bit at his unimpressed expression. “But I sure wouldn’t be the type to sell my soul to a— well, they don’t even exist, evil sea witch, just to flirt with someone. Especially one that’s human.”
“Yeah, you don’t need to do something as dramatic as sell your soul to get a human to fall in love with you,” Adrien says easily.
And what exactly does he mean by that?
“I— uh,” she flounders, takes a deep breath in, then shakes her head. “Anyway! What are we watching?”
(Yes, a smooth change of topic.)
“I figured that we could watch one of my personal favorites.” He grabs the remote and presses play on the stream— a pun that goes over his head and not hers, which makes Marinette truly wonder if she is spending too much time with him; if she’s already thinking of puns without even thinking about it.
Instead, the mermaid nods absentmindedly and decides to try and sit through the first episode— at the very least, to have him leave her alone. (Though the real reason may be that she just wants to spend time with him; though she’d never admit it.)
In any case, the decision doesn’t matter: because they end up binge-watching the entire series.
And Marinette cannot stop crying as the final scene cuts into view.
Adrien had somehow made his way to the bed halfway through watching, as she leans against his arm while staring helplessly at the screen.
“That’s it? It’s over?!”
He smiles in slight amusement, then nods. “Come on, it’s a sweet ending. And it ties up everything nicely.”
“No, it was perfect but I— I’m just,” she trips over her words, evidently conflicted and frustrated over the finale. “It’s done, right? There aren’t anymore new episodes or anything?”
“Nope,” he replies easily. “That’s all of it, since you inseasted on watching everything this morning.”
“What do you mean ‘this morning’, it’s only like 8PM—,” she pauses as he shows her his phone screen, the time 3:47 PM displayed front-and-center. “It’s almost 4AM?!”
She pauses, looking outside to see the moon slowly fading from view. “No but I— last time I checked it was— how did that happen?”
He’s full-on laughing now, and grins. “Power of anime; it gets you hooked, so you won’t be able to sleep until you finish all the episodes. Then you basically black out and only realize how many hours have passed when it’s already over.”
“You’ve introduced me to a cursed medium,” Marinette only mutters, running an exhausted hand down her face. “I’m supposed to be studying today.”
“Come on,” he says back, tilting her head in his direction. “I’ll help you out. This is for Mme. Mendeleiev’s class, right?”
At that point, she belatedly notices their altogether compromising position: lying together on her bed, his arm guarding her neck, and their faces only a few inches apart (she can see the green in his eyes: notice how they perfectly capture the shade of nature on land— beautiful), and almost falls over as she takes a quick step back.
The fact that she had been in such close proximity with a human, for an unknowable amount of time, makes her panic. The fact that it’s Adrien effectively makes her panic even more— though of a notably more intense variety and degree.
(She refuses to expound on the feeling.)
“Yeah!” Marinette finally manages to splutter out, before getting herself off the bed as quickly as possible and making her way to her backpack. She pats it awkwardly. “Have a lot of research to do if I want to ace that test.”
Adrien only stares at her for a moment, smiles, and she feels her mermaid-heart threaten to burst out of its chest. She doesn’t know how to explain the feeling, but Marinette finds herself thrown into overdrive when they’re together; unable to even conduct the most basic functions when he gets too close.
It’s absolutely inconvenient and irritating.
But she finds that it strangely feels good as well.
“You’re going to study now?” Adrien only asks, once again waving his phone in her direction. “It’s 4:00 AM, you can study later,” he says. “You just watched almost twelve hours of anime in the span of a day— that’s too much screen time for your brain.”
“But I’m not tired!” Marinette tries to argue, which would’ve held more basis if she hadn’t evidently swallowed down a yawn that tried to escape her throat. “As her TA, you can’t have Mme. Mendeleiev’s worst student failing her test, right?”
Adrien sighs, standing up and walking over to her. Once again, he’s at an extremely close distance, and Marinette’s almost confident that he can hear her not-heart beating.
He looks at her, and they hold eye contact. “I may be her TA, but I’m your friend first. So go and rest, Marinette. I’ll help you as soon as you wake up.”
“Fine,” she says resignedly, before walking over the bed. “What about you?”
“Well, I was just planning to hop over with you on your bed and—,” noticing the panicked expression on her face, Adrien laughs. “Kidding. Nino lives nearby, so I’ll probably crash at his to make it easier on both of us when I come back.”
“You don’t have to come back, you know,” Marinette responds, suddenly feeling the slightest bit guilty about keeping him in the area. “I mean it— I can do it myself.”
“But it’d be easier if we did it together, ” Adrien only points out. “Besides, you’d be getting help from her star student. I don't think that's something you can pass up on.”
“Ah right, the star who caused an accident to some poor faculty member for leaving water trails all over the outside of her classroom.”
He grins. “I seem to recall that being someone else’s fault,” Adrien hums back. “I was just trying to help out a friend.”
“Oh, so we’re friends now?”
“I’d be open to taking it to the next level,” He responds just as easily, echoing Alya’s statement from weeks ago.
The weight of her words don’t even dawn on her after a minute— with the panic consequently weighing in.
“Anyway,” Adrien continues, “I’ll be going ahead, so you have no excuse but to rest.” He slings his backpack over his shoulder, then nods to her lightly. Sea you later, Marinette.”
“You’ve used that already you know that right?”
“I think it’s a classeac,” he says easily, then opens the door. “I’ll come back in a few hours, okay?”
“... okay.”
He smiles, one last time, before the door effectively shuts, and she’s left to her own devices.
Marinette calmly walks over to her bed, then flips over to lie down on it.
She remembers basically cuddling with him over these sheets.
And then she screams into a pillow.
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europetraveltips · 3 years
Top 5 Places To Visit Iceland
I regularly have unfamiliar companions contact me who are wanting to go around Iceland. Where would it be a good idea for them to go? How would it be a good idea for them to respond? How could they plan for movement inside Iceland? What are the best Iceland excursion tips? Will COVID-19 effect their excursion by any means?
There is no simple method to address these inquiries. Various individuals appreciate various things, and Iceland has substantially more to bring to the table than can be seen and done during a solitary visit.
Will COVID-19 Impact Your Visit?
Iceland has lifted all homegrown limitations related with COVID-19; veils are accordingly at this point not needed, nor is social separating or rising in settings. However a few organizations are as yet acclimating to the lower quantities of sightseers, the nation is generally rapidly getting back to business as usual. This has been made conceivable through long stretches of cautious limitations, a brilliant following framework, and, as of the finish of June 2020, the controlling of more immunization portions than there are Icelanders.
The possibly reason it would contrarily affect your visit is in case you are not inoculated, you don't have antibodies from a past contamination, or you are not from a select rundown of nations. These explorers should take two tests over a five-day isolate, despite the fact that on the off chance that you fit into any of the earlier classes, you just need to round out a pre-enrollment structure.
Investigating By Yourself During COVID-19
Self-driving visits are an incredible method to investigate the country all alone while as yet having an agenda arranged out for you. Your facilities and rental vehicle will be reserved for you yet how you spend the excursion to and from facilities is dependent upon you.
Booking a self-driving visit permits you to visit attractions during calmer occasions and keep away from swarms. The rental vehicles are cleaned completely between utilizes regardless of the facilitating of the standards, and you can have confidence that other nearby organizations, for example, inns and eateries are doing likewise. This is an especially incredible alternative in the event that you actually have second thoughts about friendly removing facilitating.
1. Go Sightseeing Under the Midnight Sun
You can expect a portion of Iceland's most mainstream attractions to be a bit swarmed during the long mid year long periods of high season.
In any case, in case you are surely visiting in mid-summer, you will be honored by the unremitting 12 PM sun whose light goes on for 24 hours.
Exploiting the unending days by going around evening time will allow you to keep away from the groups and experience an individual, enchanted snapshot of agelessness in nature's golden hug.
The streets will be quiet, the towns and towns snoozing, and the quietness of the splendid night air will be just about as charming as the wild it envelopes.
The individuals who feel really awkward voyaging alone around evening time can generally look for the help of a modest bunch of experienced aides who lead little gatherings on 12 PM sun visits.
In these cases, it's normal better to join the 12 PM sun with a portion of Iceland's most emotional scenes and once in a blue moon exercises. We recommend Golden Circle visits, horse riding visits, and 12 PM sun mountain climbing visits.
In case you are not used to the brilliant summer evenings of the Arctic, and really need to rest during the evening, you ought to make sure to pack a dozing veil.
A resting veil is an unquestionable requirement under the 12 PM sun. It will help your body know when the time has come to rest by better dealing with your circadian mood.
2. Purchase Food Straight From the Farm
When cruising all over Iceland you will ultimately come to understand that the whole ring street is plagued by three chains of rest and administration stations.
They all offer precisely the same variety of overrated lousy nourishment paying little heed to their area.
Icelandic sheep wander indiscriminately, touching in mountain pastures throughout the late spring.
An optimal option in contrast to shopping at these stations is to purchase quality privately sourced items straightforwardly from individuals who make them.
An extraordinary number of Icelandic ranchers have made their ways for voyagers. They as often as possible sell delectable nearby ranch items, including meat, fish, and natural products of the soil at an unobtrusive cost.
In specific regions, ranchers have even set up minimal self-administration cabins where explorers are trusted to take new products of the soil and pay for what they take without management.
Purchase food directly from the ranch and backing nearby produce.
To discover the ranchers who sell their items straightforwardly to the customer, you can either visit the Farm Food Direct landing page or download the Handpicked application. The last shows the areas of individuals around Iceland that have extraordinary food and drink offering. The areas are delineated the nation over.
3. Try not to Try to Buy Beer in Supermarkets
Because of the way that lager utilization was precluded in Iceland for most of the twentieth century, the Icelandic drinking society is as yet in its outset.
Right up 'til today, Icelanders keep an abnormal and untimely relationship with liquor, and cocktails are only sold in state-run stores called Vinbudin (The Wine Store).
Store racks, notwithstanding, are supplied with different brands of generally modest close lager.
These are items that intend to recreate the flavor of brew while absolutely wiping out its inebriating impacts.
Numerous explorers don't have the foggiest idea about this. Subsequently, it's moderately not unexpected to see unfamiliar guests successfully pushing full shopping baskets, loaded down with the watered out close lager, through Icelandic store paths, negligent of the real essence of their plunder.
The close lager may hold the party back from taking off with a bang, however the potential gain is that it won't ever hold you back from getting up the next morning.
It merits observing this and the wide range of various standard shams that happen regularly in Iceland.
4. Go Camping in Iceland
There could be no more excellent approach to spend a late spring night in Iceland than in a tent.
Setting up camp is a safeguard technique for acquiring and keeping in touch with nature. Nothing approaches the experience of lying in your camping bed following a monotonous day of venturing out while being quieted to rest by the natural life's tranquil evening tune.
What's more, since most Icelandic towns and towns have their own camping area, any place you might wind up there will consistently be where you can set up your tent.
Setting up camp with three tents or less are allowed on crude public land for a solitary night except if you see a notification despite what might be expected.
Kindly note anyway that wild setting up camp in Iceland's three public parks is totally illegal.
5.  Get off the Beaten Track
Iceland is spotted with interesting where you can discover complete quietness and isolation.
In the event that you decide to wander away from the primary places of interest, you will undoubtedly encounter a great experience with the genuine soul of the land.
These locales contain old fishing stations, astounding mountain sees and endless climbing trails anticipating those voyagers who are searching for a legitimate travel insight, away from the groups.
Iceland's wild is interesting exactly on the grounds that it is generally flawless and undisturbed. As Icelanders and guests, it is our aggregate liability that we do our absolute best to keep it that way.
Try not to wander from the ways you are strolling on, and recall consistently that rough terrain driving is completely prohibited in Iceland, punished with a fine or detainment.
This is on the grounds that rough terrain driving is probably going to cause soil debasement and with it irreversible harm to the exceptionally delicate climate.
Exploit our top Iceland Travel Tips and proceed cautiously, be well, and have a superb stay in Iceland!
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kayliemusing · 3 years
1: Name - Kaylie
2: Age - 23
3: 3 Fears - Spiders, failure, loss
4: 3 things I love - Reading, writing, Taylor Swift
5: 4 turns on - Kindness, nice hands, humor, someone who has a really warm heart.
6: 4 turns off - Arrogance, moustaches lmao, narcissism, basket ball shorts *shudders*
7: My best friend - Her name is Megan (but also my mom lmao)
8: Sexual orientation - Heterosexual
9: My best first date - I have never been on a date.
10: How tall am I - 5'2
11: What do I miss - My childhood mostly
12: What time were I born - 2:45 pm
13: Favorite color - Red, but sometimes a nice summery, pastel yellow
14: Do I have a crush - no
15: Favorite quote - I have so many that I can't say my utmost favourite, but one that I always think about is from Richard Siken "He was pointing at the moon but I was looking at his hand." I'm not even sure how this is supposed to be interpreted, but I just love the detail of this. Of someone looking at the moon and pointing at it, but you're looking at their hand because you're that consumed by them and also they're like your moon. anyway-
16: Favorite place - My house lol
17: Favorite food - Cheesecake
18: Do I use sarcasm - Yes, but very dryly
19: What am I listening to right now - Nothing actually. I'm just sitting in the quiet.
20: First thing I notice in new person - I used to think it was physical, like eyes or their smile, but I think it's actually their demeanor. i.e., confidence, if they're laid back, talkative or quiet, etc. Or even just how they handle things. Like when I'm at work and I meet a new co-worker I'm always noticing how they are with people.
21: Shoe size - 6.5 US but I can manage a 7 US too.
22: Eye color - Grey
23: Hair color - Ashy blonde, but I usually get it highlighted to be a brighter blonde
24: Favorite style of clothing - I'm super into the French girl vibe right now (elegany, classy, ribbed sweaters tucked into high waisted jeans or dress pants, a blazer thrown over and a nice gold necklace) but I'm also really into a summery boho look (flowy maxi dresses and skirts)
25: Ever done a prank call? No
27: Meaning behind my URL - On this account, it's just my name and then 'muses' because this account is just me talking to myself tbh. My main account is called autumnsletters which is just a combo of my fav things: autumn and handwritten love letters, and finally, my embarrassing taylor swift account is called sixteenavenue which is a lyric from her song I Think He Knows where she mentions her heart skipping down sixteenth avenue.
28: Favorite movie - I feel like i don't have one answer bc I always have a different answer to this question lmao. I think it's called A Christmas Carol (the 2009 version w/ Jim Carrey). It just makes me feel cozy and warm inside. Also: Clueless.
29: Favorite song - All Too Well by Taylor Swift I think.
30: Favorite band - Of Monsters and Men
31: How I feel right now - I actually feel really happy today, which is a change lol. I had an awful week last week, but over the last couple of days I've just felt more creative and happier.
32: Someone I love - My mom
33: My current relationship status - Single
34: My relationship with my parents - Excellent.
35: Favorite holiday - Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing i have -0 :'(
37: Tattoos and piercing i want - I want to get my ears pierced again bc the holes grew over. Low key want a nose piericing and low key want a tattoo on my collarbone (or somewhere around there)
38: The reason I joined Tumblr - Because everyone else had it and I felt left out LOL
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? - I don't have an ex
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - No
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - No i've never been kissed rip
42: When did I last hold hands? - never but it's ok bc i can hold my own hand
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Depending on what I'm doing. If I showered the night before and I'm just doing a very low-maintenance look, roughly 15-20 mins. On a normal day in which I shower in the morning and am trying to actually be presentable, roughly an hour.
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? - Have YOU shaved MY legs? No. Have I shaved my own? Yes
45: Where am I right now? - My room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - Most likely I'm not drunk, but IF I WAS, it would be my friend, my mom, or my sister (my sister would probs make fun of me and film me tho tbh)
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - Loud if I'm jamming with nothing else to do but sing along. If I'm trying to do something, I'll turn it down bc I can't focus with loud music (especially if I'm trying to write something/talk to someone/text someone)
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - My mom bc my dads dead
49: Am I excited for anything? - My sister and I are going to Banff in about three weeks so I'm excited for a getaway.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - No
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? - I work in retail so
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? - I don't know. I think I hugged my mom at some point this week lol
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - Bye bye babyyyy
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - my cat
55: What is something I disliked about today? - I had to go to work
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Taylor Alison Swift baby
57: What do I think about most? - Probably Taylor Swift.
58: What’s my strangest talent? - I can make stomach gurgling noises with my mouth closed.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? - Nah, pretty generic ones
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Behind the camera
61: What was the last lie I told? - Some lady asked if a product was good and I said yes so I wouldn't have to help her find another one
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Neither what the hell
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - Neither
64: Do I believe in magic? - No
65: Do I believe in luck? - No
66: What's the weather like right now? - It's calm, but a little cloudy. It was really warm and sunny earlier, but it's gotten a little grey.
67: What was the last book I've read? - I just finished this series called The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski and it was so good but so stressful omg. Still 5/5 stars.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - Yes
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Not really, but sometimes my coworkers call my Kayls
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? - Oh my god when I was like 10 I fell during grounders and the bar hit me right on the cooch. Most painful event of my entire life.
71: Do I spend money or save it? - Spend it bitch
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? - No
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? - yes!! my blanket!!
74: Favorite animal? - I love hippos and I don't know why.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - Reading on my phone to avoid sleeping so I could prolong not going to work
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - Devil. Kind of like Satan The Devil is his full name
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Shake It Off
78: How can you win my heart? - Learning Taylor Swift's entire discography for my sake
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - tbh I really don't know
80: What is my favorite word? - Wonderstruck
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr - n/a
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - stream fearless taylor's version
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - no
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - Healing
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - N/A
86: What is my current desktop picture? - it's a misty forest
87: Had sex? - no
88: Bought condoms? - no
89: Gotten pregnant? - no
90: Failed a class? - yes
91: Kissed a boy? - no
92: Kissed a girl? - no
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - no but it's a dream
94: Had a job? - I've had two so far
95: Left the house without my wallet? - Yes, sometimes I do it on purpose so I can make my mom pay for something lmao (chill i'm talking something small like candy)
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - no
97: Had sex in public? - no
98: Played on a sports team? - no
99: Smoked weed? - no
100: Did drugs? - no
101: Smoked cigarettes? - no
102: Drank alcohol? - yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - no
104: Been overweight? - I feel overweight, but technically no
105: Been underweight? - No
106: Been to a wedding? - Yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes, but not since I was younger. I'm mostly on my phone now.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Oh yeah lmao
109: Been outside my home country? - No
110: Gotten my heart broken? - Yes
111: Been to a professional sports game? - No
112: Broken a bone? - No
113: Cut myself? - Yes
114: Been to prom? - Sort of. I'm Canadian so I had grad.
115: Been in airplane? - No
116: Fly by helicopter? - No
117: What concerts have I been to? - Jonas Brothers when I was about 10 lmao and Marianas Trench when I was 15
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - No
119: Learned another language? - Tried to
120: Wore make up? - Yes. I do work at a makeup store.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - no
122: Had oral sex? - no
123: Dyed my hair? - not a funky color, no
124: Voted in a presidential election? - Sort of; I voted for a prime minister
125: Rode in an ambulance? - Yes
126: Had a surgery? - No
127: Met someone famous? - No
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - No
129: Peed outside? - No
130: Been fishing? - No
131: Helped with charity? - Yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? - No bc I never fessed up to any crush lol
133: Broken a mirror? - No
134: What do I want for birthday? - A jewelry box
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, Chapter 7.
Welcome back! Enjoy! Let’s see what Robot Eggman and Stone will do next! And here is the CHAPTER  AND “MOMENT” YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!
“You saw that right, Agent Stone?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Not that you’re very observant as I am, but I assume you’re thinking what I’m thinking, right?”
“Yeah, from what the robot's memory chip recorded, Sonic has displayed tremendous strength and agility than ever before.”
The two men after Sonic's life had just finished reviewing the footage of the battle with Sonic and the robots, Robotnik paid attention to every tiny detail from start to finish. The video was captured from the perspective of a different robot that was observing from afar. The last scene shown before leaving was Sonic ripping its chest open. 
“What do you think has caused him to suddenly be better in fighting?” Stone timidly asks but his curiosity was too high to be afraid to ask his boss.
“That should be obvious,” Robotnik's metallic voice shudders with a cold malice, “That jewel he found last night.. must have a lot to do with it, and my theory is..”
Stone turned in his seat to hear, “What?”
“It’s his fear. I, who loathes all human emotions and lack of them myself; I understand how they work at least. When you took away some of his soul, something new and powerful was awakened in his psyche to cause that transformation.”
Stone's eyes widened in stunned fascination. “You know what, when we track Sonic down I was thinking, what if..”
“No no, let me say it.” Robotnik silences Stone with his fingers, “Because I want to first, we need to find him in that form and take that jewel back.”
“So we're on the same page!” Stone skips in his seat and grins. “When you do get that thing back, what’s the plan?”
Robotnik's red eyes clicked and flicker; “We will crush him and harness its power of course!”
Robotnik looks at the desk clock by Stone, it reads 4:38 pm. Dusk was an hour and a half away.
“We will set out to confront the Wachowski resident at sunset, if my theory is correct, the creature will put on a little show for me.”
Stone gulps a knot in his throat, he didn’t know if it was anticipation or the lingering guilt that was haunting him in the back of his mind.
Back at the house and sitting in the kitchen, Tom and Wade sat at the bar table, Tom helped himself to some coffee and Wade had his own glass of water. Sonic was upstairs taking a quick rest from the fight, in which earlier he was afraid to do so…
An hour before...
“I am exhausted, but are you sure?” Sonic was at the bottom of the attic staircase and hesitated to go to his room, still worried about more bots coming to attack,
“If any of those things show up we’ll take care of it; but we’ll wake you up if it’s too much.” Tom bent down to rub the young worried hedgehog on the ears,
 “You’ve dealt with a lot of hell and I’m more concerned about you than them, so please, get some sleep, Sonic.”
Wade looks into his partners eyes, both curiosity and his own worry mixed in his being. While Sonic slept in his room, Tom quietly told Wade the events that took place from the first hour of the night before at the dinner table, to where they sat now. He filled Wade in with everything he wanted to know. 
“So, from what you’ve explained something’s happening to the kid? Is he dying? Or sick maybe?”
Tom grinned and became a bit amused with his friends guess, 
“No, he’s not dying, I’ll probably have Mads take another look at him, but he’s...I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s definitely something going on with him that I don’t fully understand...yet.”
Wade gazes at the black Chaos Emerald on the table, now knowing what it was and its capabilities, he had a really bad feeling about it. 
“This emerald-thingy was causing all those strange lights in the other town huh? Makes me ask now, where are the other ones; he mentioned there’s more..”
“I don’t know that, either.” Tom gently grasps his coffee mug and let the liquid inside warm his hands, “They could be right under our noses, or scattered across the universe.” 
“And, the kid isn’t the type to be easily pissed off, right?” Wade glanced at the spot where Sonic's room was located upstairs. 
“Yeah, pretty much.”
A humming from the garage rumbled the door leading to it following the engine of Maddie’s car rolling in, she was now getting home.
Both men look at each other, “I’ll tell her everything, and what are you going to do in town?” Tom asks.
“Well, I know everyone else is probably wondering where I am.. and I should head back, but I don’t want to leave you guys alone; what if that crazy guy who’s after you shows up? I still haven’t forgotten what he did to the staff months ago.” Wade shrugs one shoulder at him.
“You have a good point. Stay if you want to. We just need to make sure Sonic is safe.” Tom nods in agreement.
Maddie enters through the door, still wearing her vet scrubs and immediately, sees her husband and Wade, in her brain she assumed something bad was going on and hastily drops her belongings down, 
“What did I miss? Is Sonic okay?”
“He’s upstairs,” Tom replies.
“Has he been up there since I left this morning?” Now, she was really worried.
“No, no. Me and him went out for some food, but..Maddie..” 
Tom didn’t know where to begin to explain what was going on first.
“That crazy government guy is back and he’s after Sonic and Tom again.” Wade finished it for his friend.
Maddie’s jaw drops.
“Oh my god.” She sighs loudly, “But how? I saw you two send him off in a portal!” She rubbed her forehead and could feel the oncoming headache in her skull.
“We don’t know, but that’s not it, he’s brought in a bunch of mechanical looking Sonics with him and they ambushed the diner today.” Wade added.
“Oh my god…” Maddie repeated herself and not only was she worried now but angry. She put the pieces together and understood now..that evil doctor was responsible for Sonic’s injuries.
Tom gets up and put his arm on her, “I know he can defend himself, but he’s not only injured, I’m worried about his mental well-being.”
Maddie nodded and looked down at the floor, “But what’ll we do? He’s gonna come ruining the house again, and I’ll clock his lights out if he does.” 
Wade bent his neck back and made a soft chuckle to himself. Yep that’s like Maddie. 
“Pretzel lady?”
All three adults turned to the voice by the kitchen entryway, and Sonic grinned at his motherly guardian, and in a blink of an eye he was hugging her legs.
“Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?” Maddie bent down and rubbed her hands on his back quills.
“Sorta. I tried to sleep, but I’m too nervous about Eggman.” Sonic fumbled his fingers and his glove was still ripped from the battle earlier. 
Tom looked at the kitchen clock, it read 5:40 pm, 30 minutes till the sun was leaving. 
“Hold still for me, will you Sonic? I just want to check you again.” 
Maddie saw the new scuffles and cuts on Sonic's arms and face, and he did as he was told. 
“Does this hurt here?” Maddie puts pressure on his fingers and forearm to check for any broken bones.
“No, I’m fine. Really.” Sonic shrugged and forced a smile, “It’s just a few scratches.”
“If you say so.” Maddie pats his head, and looks at Tom and Wade.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Tom looks at Wade quickly then back at his wife, “I really don’t know, egg-guy or whatever could be coming back anytime now and we should be on guard.”
“I’ll step up on that,” Sonic inserts a serious tone and points his thumb to his chest,
“Remember, it’s me he’s after and he can’t catch up to me no matter how fancy his robots are, but I need you all to know this…”
The three adults listened intently and Sonic jumps to grab the tainted Chaos Emerald, displaying it to them in his ripped up gloved hand;
“I have to fix this. No matter how you put it, I’m mostly to blame for making the Emerald turn into this and we have to restore its powers. When these become messed up, I was told by Longclaw bad things can happen.”
Tom was going to make a response but a loud bang on the front door interrupted the conversation.
Both Tom and Wade took their guns in hand, Tom made a silent signal to Maddie, and she understood what it meant: take cover.
The two adults and with Sonic right behind them inches closer to the door, readying for what could be outside. Maddie takes herself and Ozzy to a hiding place in silence. Ozzy could sense the tension from his owners and knew to be silent and on guard for Maddie as well. 
Another loud knock hits the door, Wade and Tom take each side, and Tom shouts,
“This is the Sheriff of Green Hill! Who is it!?”
No answer.
“It’s obviously a trap, you know that right?” Sonic throws his hands, warning them.
“Identify yourself! If you don’t we'll take precautions if you’re a threat!” Tom yells again, and glances at Wade.
“On count of three…”
Wade nods.
Sonic positions himself with one hand on the floor, ready to stop any oncoming attack and enemy awaiting…
“One, two…”
Tom grasps the door-knob.
Tom shoves the door open with he and Wade aiming to whatever could be outside, 
But nothing. They scan around for anything or anyone but see nothing in sight.
“I’m getting sick of this…”
Sonic, whose head was bowed down and eyes covered in shadow, runs ahead of the two and shouts, 
“You coward!! Come out and fight me already!!” 
The sun was halfway set on the horizon, and not far from it..the full moon was soon going to take its place…
“I’m sick and tired of playing these games, Egghead! I’ll kill you!”
Sonic stops himself and puts his hand on his mouth, shaken by the words that came out. 
Tom and Wade still kept guard but they too were now really worried about what Sonic could be capable of, but it wasn’t the time and place to dwell on it.
“Very well, Sonic!”
A voice, that voice...Sonic and Tom immediately recognized it; callous and mocking with a hint of amusement.
A few of the dark blue robots finally hover downwards to them, their arms and hands pose and reveal their weapons aimed at the three, their red eyes piercing them down. 
In the center of them all, a figure with another pair of red circular eyes glow in the darkness, a man with his hands tucked behind his back, snidely chuckling at them like a giddy child.
“Glad to see you’re alive and well.”
“So you finally show up, Eggman.” 
Sonic gives the most angry glare he could muster at the doctor, shaking his fist at him, “I don't want to prolong this any more than I have to. Let’s get it over with.”
Sonic runs in a blue flash straight at Robotnik, intending to punch his face..but the attempt became slack and Sonic’s expression turns confused; Robotnik was quick enough to catch this and stops his fist from reaching him and threw the teen back, Sonic yelled in surprise and falls on his back, stunned. He sits up,
“You’re...not Eggman...you’re a robot, too?!”
“Correct. I was created to take his place if something were to ever happen to him. And here I am.” Robot Eggman bowed with one arm outstretched,
“Now, there’s something I need from you, before you worry your little heart about attacking, first..”
Tom and Wade also yelped in surprise from behind Sonic, the two of them were pinned down by unsuspecting robots to the ground, they struggled to free themselves but the mechanical copies held a death grip on them. 
“Donut Lord!” 
“Sonic, don’t worry about us! For just this once, run and save yourself!” Tom begs.
                  Hearing that...something in Sonic's mind snaps…
Hide. You can’t save them. 
You’re only good at running and avoiding your problems…
You don’t need them...
The black Chaos Emerald Sonic dropped on the ground pulsates, a little red, glowing light from its center begins to show. The sun was now gone…
Tom and Wade stopped struggling and froze, Sonic's voice.., it was dark, guttural, and thunderous. The very sound of his voice alone seemed to make the air crack. Sonic never felt this much bitterness towards something and he didn’t have a sliver of care this time of how he looked and sounded like. He just wanted to rip into something..
They saw his eyes flash red at them, 
“I’m tired of running away, and listening to you, Tom.”
Wade gulps in stunned silence, his stomach dropped in a knot seeing Sonic's face so grim. 
“I’ll handle this myself, since you have such little faith in me.” Sonic spat with venom at his best friend.
The corners of Tom's eyes started to water with tears. He wasn’t hurt from what Sonic said, but was so scared for him…
“What’s happened to you, buddy?”
“Are you done talking?” Eggman asks in a bored tone while looking at his hand, waiting.
Sonic takes a few steps forward, his teeth revealing his small fangs, 
“Shut up. I’ll tear you to pieces..”
The full moon illuminated its cold light just behind the robotic doctor, the man was waiting for it..
“You just wait until I-“ Sonic stops in his tracks and lurches forward, his chest and heart throbbed in pain so hard it makes him fall to his knees.
“What’s the matter? Having some heartache over the fact you’re weak?”
Sonic could barely hear Eggman, he held himself up with his hands on the ground, his body was stopping him from moving any further and he grunted and tried to take deep breaths to calm his panic and hold back his pain.
“Urrghh! Agghh!”
“Sonic!?” Tom cries out and he knew he was helpless to do anything.
                               “Show me your true self, hedgehog..”
Sonic screams in pain and fear as his body once again begins to shift and morph. His gloves rip open to reveal the long sharp claws growing out, white fur pricks out of his wrists, his short fangs extend past his lips as his fur darkens to midnight blue, his shoes blossom out the metal spikes again and his quills become dipped in white tips..and finally with a tortured howl, the newly transformed Sonic sets his green slit eyes at his enemy…he groans angrily;
“What have you done to me, Eggman!!?”
“Don’t blame me, this is all in the good name of science.”
“I’m seeing everything on my end, Doctor.”
In a different area Agent Stone was watching on surveillance, “What now?”
Eggman didn’t reply to his assistant and and claps his metal hands together,
“I’m done here for now. I’ve collected all the information that I needed to see.”
The robots who held down Wade and Tom finally release them and fly off towards Eggman. The two with their guns in hand standby if they were to attack at any point. Sonic, still staring down his enemy, was livid, of course. 
“Now listen carefully, if I may call you “werehog”, you can find me at the same place you found your precious little diamond from last night, we can finally settle our conversation from there.”
Eggman turns and walks away, not before with a few final words, “Bring me the jewel and I may spare your friend’s lives and to make it a sweeter deal, I’ll cure you of your curse. Hahaha!”
He continuously laughs as he makes his leave and disappears into the darkness, the robots along with him.
Wade, who let out a breath he was holding clutched his chest, “Oh my gosh, I really thought I was gonna..”
He stops himself and runs back to the house, “Hey, Maddie! Are you okay in there?” 
Tom finally comes to Sonic's side, who was looking at the ground, angry...but most of all, frightened. 
“Tom…” Sonic's voice shakes with fear,
“Hey, it’s okay for now, he’s gone.”
Sonic looks at his hands, which tremble and shake, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. His claws gleamed in the moonlight. 
“What’s..what's happening to me? I don’t know what to do..”
Sonic looks into Tom’s greenish blue eyes,
“I’m scared…”
Tom put aside all his own fears, frustrations and concerns for himself, right now he knew Sonic needed the one thing to calm him down…
“It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be alright..” Tom gets to knee height and embraces Sonic into a firm hug.
Sonic’s chin cupped on top of his shoulder, his face and eyes cloaked in so much fear...till finally his tears fell and were released. Sonic returns the hug back and sobs onto Tom's uniform. His cries echoed into the empty night.
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 11: When The Morning Comes
(from the My Girl Trilogy: Be My Only)
…in which Harry has a special surprise for his girl.
AU: actor!Harry, older!Harry, younger!Y/N, (4-year age gap).
Chapter 10: Only Us - Harry’s in Paris but his heart’s in Holmes Chapel.
Wattpad link
[ANNOUNCEMENT]: I have an exam on Friday, September 13 so I won’t be able to update next week (Saturday, September 14). The next chapter will be posted on Saturday, September 21. 
(I also created a Spotify playlist for this trilogy! Check it out!)
- Love, Allie.
⌲ Facetime?
⌲ Bambi: Wait, I thought you were going out?
⌲ Nah. Plans canceled.
⌲ Bambi: Oh no :(
⌲ Are you still with the girls?
⌲ Want to see you.
⌲ Bambi: Nope, I got home an hour ago. Wait a sec.
Harry lied back on his bed, peering at the bright screen in the darkness while his heart was pounding like a drum. What should he say to her? How should he begin? He had mentally prepared a script on the ride back to the hotel, but now he'd forgotten every single word as all these negative thoughts were eating away at him.
He couldn't forgive Ruby for the fucked up thing that she'd done. But what about himself? Could he forgive himself? Y/N might have kept a secret from him, but he was the one that owed her an apology. It was sad to think about all the smiles she'd had to fake to convince him that everything was fine. The worst part was, he'd believed them all.
A muscle in his jaw twitched as FaceTime rang and he accepted the call, only to be greeted by a black screen.
"Turn on your camera, Bambi," he said, frowning.
"Shhh, I have a surprise for you."
"A surprise?" Harry was even more confused when he heard rustles in the background. "What are you up to, kid?"
Y/N finally removed her hands and stepped away from her laptop, giving Harry the full view of the dusty blue dress she was wearing.
"This is my bridesmaid dress. I want you to be the first one to see it on me."
"Jesus Christ..." Harry muttered, smiling so big that his cheeks hurt.
Words couldn't describe how gorgeous his girlfriend looked right now. The fancy floor-length dress should've contrasted her bare face and messy hair, but on the contrary, it intensified her beauty. He wished she could for once see herself through his eyes, maybe then she would love herself as much as he loved her.
Y/N looked straight into the webcam as she adjusted the spaghetti straps and stepped closer to show him the gorgeous lace details on the bodice.
"You're perfect," he sounded almost breathless. "Gosh, you're perfect."
His reaction got her blushing but she couldn't stop grinning now.
"Do I look like a princess?" she asked and gave him another twirl with both arms rounded above her head like a ballerina. Now as an adult, she was still obsessed with tulle dresses, and Harry thought it was absolutely endearing.
"You do, baby, you do. You're my little princess."
"My prince." She bobbed a curtsy to him like the exuberant little girl he'd grown up with. And he would kill to see her like this every day, for the rest of his life.
"You shouldn't be allowed to be at the wedding, you're gonna steal all the attention away from the brides."
She rolled her eyes at his cheeky remark and plumped herself into the spinning chair. The Ruby problem still hadn't slipped his mind, and he was still mad as hell, but this certainly wasn't the right time to talk about it. She was excited, and he didn't have the heart to take that away from her.
He beamed, showing his teeth. "Maybe I'll show up as a surprise guest and steal all the attention from you."
Y/N only snorted as she assumed he was kidding. For someone who owned a private jet and big houses in so many cities in the world, Harry wasn't as free as people might think. He had to be on set almost every day for the rest of his stay in Paris, so if he wanted to attend the wedding, he would have to duplicate himself.
But a wise man once said, 'there's no problem, only solutions.' This time, Harry might have found the perfect solution.
The next morning, as he got on set, everyone wondered if something had happened to him the night before. He was talking to everyone and cracking jokes, and Evangeline, the director, told him, "keep up with that attitude and today might be your lucky day."
He hoped she was right, but so far, his day had been pretty mediocre. Sure he'd had a few happy and memorable moments during scenes and in between. But overall, mediocre. It was the thoughts about what he would do after finishing work that kept him motivated.
Acting with Ruby might be the only challenge of today. It wouldn't have been so hard if earlier that morning she hadn't had flowers sent to his trailer with a note saying she was sorry. How could she simplify what had happened with a single bouquet? Their issues were way bigger than that and too much for him to handle, so just like those flowers from her, he tossed them in the bin. Out of sight, out of mind.
At around 5 PM, Harry left the film set. Instead of going back to his hotel, he asked the driver to take him to the airport where his private jet was waiting to take him back to London. By the time he got back to Holmes Chapel after a four-hour drive, it would've been almost midnight.
As his car moved over the country road, lights on full beam, he finally understood why Y/N enjoyed long night drives so much. This was his time to let his brain roam free. He felt like the only person in this world as cars drove past him without knowing who he was. The idea of being a nobody excited him. When the morning came, he would return to London and fly back to Paris, pretending that tonight had never happened. Because tonight, he wasn't Harry Styles the movie star, he was just a nobody from Cheshire going home to visit his girl.
Meanwhile, Y/N was home and wide awake. During her first two years of college, she had spent almost every night at a different party or a club, just trying to find meanings for her life by doing crazy meaningless things. But her mindset had changed after a year without him, and now she preferred spending time alone, and of course, with him.
It was nearly half-past eleven. she was sitting on the bed, with her laptop on her lap and Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac blasting through the Bluetooth speaker on the nightstand. She couldn't call Harry for he'd told her he would be out with his team, so she decided to reread his notes and maybe write something. She had expected it to be hard to be inspired after having taken such a long break from writing, but then she ended up sitting for hours in front of her laptop, typing away effortlessly.
When the first few pebbles hit her window, she was too caught up in her own fictional world to hear it. But that was only until the biggest one nearly broke through the glass and caught her attention. She bounced off the bed and dashed to the window to see what was happening.
"Harry?!" Her eyes were wide with shock. She had to lean outside a bit further to make sure the streetlight wasn't playing tricks on her vision. But then he called, "Bambi!" And she knew she wasn't insane. He was.
"What the hell?!"
"Juliet would never use that kind of language!" He chuckled.
"And you're not Romeo," she rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Oh, wait, you know what? From this angle, you do look like young Leo in 'Romeo and Juliet'."
"Told ya!"
"Or maybe it's just the bad lighting."
Harry held up his middle finger as she tossed her head back and laughed.
"Just get down here before your dad wakes up and kills me!"
"Shit, you're right. One minute!" Giggling, she threw on a jacket over her PJ and snuck out of the house. The moment she burst through her front door, she leaped fast down the steps and straight into his strong arms.
There was the kind of hug that was brief and gentle; then there was the kind of hug that was suffocatingly affectionate, like this one, her favorite. She stood on her toes, arms draped around his neck as she inhaled the familiar scent from his shirt to make up for the last few days she hadn't got to feel him. As he leaned down, she stretched her neck for an open-mouthed kiss, clumsy yet impassioned. He nearly lifted her off the ground completely and squeezed the air out of her, but she didn't complain. She could stay like this, right here with him, until sunrise.
By midnight the darkness was almost absolute. The moon had shrunk to almost nothing and the tiny little stars scattering across the sky looked little specks of dust on a black velvet blanket. With the flashlight on their phones guiding the way, she snuck him into her backyard, and they climbed over the new fence to get into his yard. He went first and then held onto her hips to get her down.
"Have you done this before?" she asked when he turned on the outdoor lights on his back porch.
"Done what?" He arched an eyebrow in amusement.
"Sneak into someone's backyard."
"This is my backyard though."
"You don't live here anymore. It doesn't count."
"Okay, then no. Have you?" Harry wetted his lips, hands on her hips as he backed her up against one of the square columns supporting the porch. She stood with her hands behind her back and her back against the wood, her face lifted as she stared into his dark green eyes.
"Nope." She shook her head, letting him lean heavily against her and bury his face into her neck.
"Another first for us," he mumbled.
She sighed and pushed him away by his shoulders, their eyes meeting again. Her eyebrows furrowed as she told him, "you're crazy."
"Yeah," he said happily. "I’m crazy for you."
Y/N didn't say anything else. She didn't ask him why or how or when or what or any other questions relating to him showing up here. She knew he couldn't stay for long, so they shouldn't waste their time together on excessive inquiries.
"Come." He stepped back and grabbed her hand. "Wanna show you something."
Bemused, she followed him toward the fence separating their two houses. The porch lights illuminated almost two-thirds of his garden, giving them a good view of the whole lawn. Right exactly where their treehouse used to stand, was now a sapling planted in a patch of soil.
"Oh my God," she exclaimed and squatted down on the grass to observe the tiny tree as he did the same, and then she looked up, blinking her inquisitive dark eyes.
"How long has it been here?"
"Last night." He crossed both arms on top of his knees. "You said no expensive gifts, so...I bought you a tree."
"From Paris?!"
The way she screwed up her face had him chortle. "No, silly, from the shop near our school. Mum helped me plant it."
"It's so cute, baby!" She clutched her heart. "I love it so much!"
"Yeah? We can build a new treehouse on it once it's fully grown."
"But we will have been sooooo old by then."
"Then we'll build it for our children."
Harry was completely unaware of what he'd blurted out until he saw the look on her face. Her forehead creased as her lashes fluttered. Oh shit, what had he done? Why would he say that?! He had literally flown across the ocean and driven four hours back here to scare off his girlfriend with his spontaneous one-sided future plan for them. What if this freaked her out? What if she hated him? What if—
"Was that a proposal?"
"Did you just indirectly propose?" she softly rephrased the question, smirking as a blush crept up his face. "I think our children will love it."
"Did you just indirectly said yes?" He released a throaty laugh.
"Maybe," she said at last, her cheekbones lifted high.
That one-word answer filled him with elation as he started grinning like a Cheshire Cat and plopped down on the grass, crossing his legs. Y/N subconsciously mirrored his posture.
"I used to dream of marrying you under that tree, right here in your backyard," she admitted, even in this light, he could still see her cheeks turning pink. Maybe that was why she couldn't look him in the eye as she spoke and had to distract herself by fidgeting with a wild flower. She went on, "I remember having this long discussion with Celine about our dream weddings during one of our sleepovers in fifth grade. We both agreed to marry the love of our lives right where we first met them, and now, ten years later, her dream is finally coming true."
"What about you?" His tone was low and cautious as he hesitated, "do you...do you still want a wedding in my backyard?" It was just him indirectly asking her if she considered him as the love of her life.
"I indirectly said yes, didn't I?"
Harry's heart leaped with joy when he heard the answer. He got up on his knees, pinned her down on the grass, and kissed her mouth desirously. They didn't mind getting their clothes dirty as they were sprawling across his yard, kissing and caressing one another. The night was young and so were they. Right now it was just them and the infinite sky above. They felt so small, but at the same time, like they could conquer the world. Was this the kind of love people would write songs and books about? The kind of love that made you feel powerful and capable of anything? Harry hoped she felt the same way because now there was fire was burning underneath his skin, but it was the type of burn that left him yearning for more. He didn't want to say goodbye, even just for another week. Could he just wrap her up in a blanket and take her with him wherever he went? He couldn't prevent that selfish thought, but he kept it to himself. She would yell at him if he suggested that she let him fly her to Paris, since she didn't even let him spoil her with expensive souvenirs.
"Do you like the gift?" he asked, and she brightened.
"I love it as much as I love you."
"Wow, that's a lot."
As he pretended to be shocked, she giggled and said, "I know."
He placed a few more pecks down her neck before rolling onto his back, holding her hand. Both turned to look at each other at the same time and dissolved into laughter at the cute little coincidence.
The next question slipped out of his mouth before he could reconsider asking. "If you're unhappy, you'll tell me, right?"
"Why would I be unhappy?" She pondered and turned to the side as he did the same, facing her.
"I don't mean right now. Everyone has those days, especially you," he said and booped her nose. "But you'll tell me, right?"
"Of course."
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."
He sighed in relief when she hooked her pinky to his.
Anyone would've called him mad for putting his faith in a pinky promise, but in their world, a promise, big or small, should always remain unbreakable. So he trusted his Bambi to keep her word.
"We need to get used to each other's absence," she changed the subject after a moment, glowering at him. "It's easy to travel back and forth between Paris and London, but what will happen when you go on press tours?"
"We'll figure out a way. Don't you worry."
"I don't want to trouble you."
"You could never trouble me, kid. I don't mind traveling halfway across the world to see your face."
He ran his thumb across her pouty lip, wanting to ask her what was wrong, but she went first, "are you scared of it?"
"Of what?"
"Well, yeah, I am," he exhaled. "All the time." It was hard to admit it, but it did feel much better to get it off his chest.
"You know," she trailed off and bit her lip as her face relaxed. "There's a saying that 'absence is to love as wind is to fire: it extinguishes the little flame, it fans the big.'"
"Are we the big flame or the little flame?"
"We could burn this whole town down," she said, her big round eyes twinkled like stars.
Harry spread his arms and Y/N automatically shifted in to rest her head on his chest. The night air cooled their skin as soft breezes blew through their hair and clothes. His limbs gradually went numb and he was almost paralyzed from his neck down, but in a good and soothing way. He felt like he was floating and only felt like this when he was home.
"What did you get me the other day?" Her voice was clear and soft.
He looked down, beaming at her face. "Why don't you guess?"
"Christian Louboutin."
"Cheeky bastard," she snorted. "Have you returned them?"
"No, I keep them in case you change your mind. They're in my car actually."
When she narrowed her eyes, he expected a grumble, but then she gave him a shrug and said, "fine, I'll wear them to the wedding."
"That's my girl!" He pulled her right in by the arm and showered her face with kisses until she pushed him away, breathless from laughing so much. Y/N flipped onto her stomach, resting her cheek on her knuckles as she smiled down at him and he stroked her face tenderly.
"Don't forget to tell the wedding guests your rich boyfriend got you those shoes," he said.
"Oh, you mean my sugar daddy?" The corner of her eyes crinkled. "How about I tell them I met this eighty-year-old man and became his sex slave so he could pay my rent?"
"Sounds like a cool guy. What's his name?"
"Howard Stein."
"Oh God." He tossed his head back and cackled. "Imagine saying that name during sex."
"Oh, fuck me harder, Howard!" she moaned loudly, and they dissolved into laughter.
Only an hour ago it was pitch dark, but now the mist was visible, luminous. Harry knew it was time for him to go. They climbed over the fence and headed back to his car parked on her driveway. They kissed goodbye and held each other for a bit longer to make up for the lost time. He didn't forget to give her the nude Christian Louboutin pumps he'd bought in Paris. She could say she hated them but the glow in her eyes gave herself away. He was more than satisfied with that reaction.
With one last goodbye and a kiss on the cheek, he got in his car and drove away. As exciting as the journey last night had been, the one from his hometown back to London was almost depressing. The sky was cloudy and grey, probably sympathizing with what he was feeling right now. Tall buildings emerged from the mist as the city became closer. It didn't take too long for him to arrive at the airport.
Paris welcomed him back with sunlight and a clear sky, but also a crowd of fans and paparazzi waiting outside his hotel. He stopped to give a few photographs and took some photos with fans, trying his best to ignore rude questions shouted at him, such as "where did you spend the night?" and "were you with your new girlfriend?" and even worse, "did you stay with Ruby last night?"
He turned a deaf ear to them all and said goodbye to the ones who actually loved him. It was almost noon when he got to his room and shrugged off his jacket. He collapsed on the bed, arms and legs spread, thoroughly whacked out, but he couldn't fall asleep without texting Bambi.
⌲ Just got back to the hotel.
⌲ Bambi: Get some rest. You have to be on set in the afternoon, right?
⌲ Right. Fuck me.
⌲ Bambi: Later.
⌲ Gosh, you're dirty.
⌲ That's my girl.
Harry's smile slipped when an Instagram notification popped up on the top of his screen. He quickly tapped on it to open Isaac's latest post, which was a beautiful photo of the silvery skyline at dawn, probably taken that same morning. The caption said "Holmes Chapel", and both Y/N and Celine had liked the photo.
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exobyharu · 5 years
PCY - Ch7
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I just googled this gif and dug real deep. I’m sorry idk who the owner is :(
Chapter 7 - How many kittens?
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6)
Summary: PCY obsesses, Junmyeon is suspicious, Jongdae is loud, and you’re not answering your phone. PCY’s sister discovers that you’re her cousin as of today.
⏰ 8:14 PM 🌏 SM Entertainment headquarters 🌝12 It’s a full moon and maybe that’s why 👥 YN, Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae, Park Yoora
Notes: The series is not dead! I’m sorry to those waiting. Update soon! Happy Holidays! 
Words: ~1,500
“Biscotti Girl in the pictures…  @real__pcy’s dear cousin is so popular! #chanyeol #biscotti #celebritti #confetti #spaghetti”
There were a hundred thousand retweets in eight hours. Where did Baekyun say he was going again? Because Chanyeol was thinking of tossing that jackhole’s damned phone into the trash, right after pushing its owner down the stairs first.
He was no longer summoned to the main office and that was something to be thankful for. But here he was, stuck in a random conference room, all by himself, and analyzing every possible way to get you out of the highly inconvenient picture that he’d put together to save his ass. He could not reach you – you were not picking up – and frankly, it was not your obligation to do so. This had you, leaving him staring out into a picture window that overlooked the busy boulevard outside.
There was only one word he could think of whenever he thought of you, and that was intensity. With you, he would always find himself in an intense argument or stuck in an intensely problematic situation, and without you, he would be just like he was right now – bothered by such intensities, all the while, intensely worried about what to do with himself and his thoughts.
Not cool, YN. Not cool.
He just wanted to fix things, but the last look he got from you made it painfully obvious that he achieved the exact opposite. You were avoiding him, and maybe it was for the better. Besides, there seemed to be nothing else he could do but pray for everyone to let the incident go. He hoped that you at least liked the free haircut from his stylist, as much as he hoped that it did the job in keeping your identity further from discovery.
He could not get it out of his mind. One problem that still bothered him was how you would keep yourself from being discovered, especially since the photographs had almost half of your face displayed to the public. What if your friends saw the photographs? And co-workers? Would you lie about being his cousin, too? How would you lie to your family about that?
And then there was the question about the flowers. He sent you, his alleged cousin, ten dozens of pink roses. What kind of distant cousin does that? Chanyeol’s lack of an alibi frustrated him, the only silver lining being: at least the roses weren’t red.
He was abruptly reminded of the way Junmyeon’s eye kept twitching as he told him about you. Their leader was suspicious and that was an understatement. He also knew that even Yixing’s brief DM asking how are you? was him, lowkey asking what the hell is going on? The odds were certainly against him. Even Sehun was giving him the stink eye.
Along with his own self-doubt, he decided to head out. Maybe a short walk and some fresh city air would make his worries lessen.
It did not.
A couple of hours later, the sight of the rest of EXO’s members gathered for a company-catered dinner was not comforting to see. Standing by the door, he looked around and caught a few staff members sharing a small table in the far corner of the conference room. This was in celebration of what again? The thought passed him by as soon as he saw, gathered at the center table, were all of the questioning faces that he least wanted to entertain.
Seven handsome faces, one whose perfect teeth Chanyeol wanted to punch in. His pal, Baekhyun, always finding creative ways to fuck things up for fun. When he met his eyes, the singer even had this insufferable are you proud of me look, written all over his face. He thought that it was time for this little shit to say his prayers because he was going to dig a–
In slow motion, Chanyeol’s head turned to face the owner of the voice that came from the opposite side of the table. The thing about Jongdae is that he is, ninety percent of the time, blamelessly loud. But the fact that he had to be among the most sincere people that he knew made it impossible to hate the guy. Consequently, it made it even more painfully annoying for Chanyeol. How thoughtful of Jongdae to put it out there just like that. Certainly what he needed right now was to be greeted by an ever-cheerful face when all he wanted was to brood over dinner.
Fuck this.
He left the room immediately.
Universe, one point. Chanyeol, zero.
And still no answer from you. He deserved this, he supposed. It was funny how one little mistake led to consequences that were way out of proportion. He realized that it was only actually funny until he was in trouble.
He took the stairs back to the third floor and to the conference room where you waited for him earlier that day. It was the same venue that Junmyeon eventually chose to broadcast live. Chanyeol’s cameos finally proved useful. Who knew that acting would end up actually saving his life one day?
“Yah! Cut it out! She’s just my cousin!” He remembered how his insides churned with his twisted lie. It was Junmyeon’s idea to hold a live stream with Jongin, and fish for comments so they could appear to address the issue incidentally in front of thousands of online viewers. They did not have to wait long. Ninety percent of the comments were downright all about it.
“You heard it. So what is everyone going crazy about, hm?” their leader teased, while Jongin in the background was bouncing on his seat, trying to contain his bout of giggles because of a pun he could not wait to deliver.
“It’s called Obsession, Hyung! Right? They’re obsessed!!”
That, along with other horrible puns from Jongin, happened in this room. He found himself glaring at the huge wall clock and wondering what you were doing at eight in the evening. It had been eight hours since you left. It did not sit well with him to not know how you were. Neither was it clear to him why it mattered so much – why you mattered so much. You were too quick to drop him, and he ought to do the same.
And yet… He clenched his teeth – a form of self-reprimand – while reminding himself what he was made of.
Determination. He was made of determination.
And he was going to have a method to this insanity: He was going to give himself one night of being a slave to his foolishness. Tomorrow, he was going to stop thinking about you. And screw the song. He was going to write another one. So he did not have single output after being away for a couple of weeks. It was no big deal. At this point, what was the worst that could happen?
In the middle of counting today’s misfortunes, his phone finally rang. He nearly dropped it when he frantically fished it out from his pocket. His hopes declared that it had to be you. His heart dropped to his stomach when he saw that it was not.
It was not the call he had been waiting for. In fact, in that moment, he realized that it was the call he dreaded most to receive.
It was his older sister.
“A little bird told me something today,” she started in a singsong voice. As if they were still children, she used the same tone to this day whenever she had something that she could use as leverage against him.
Chanyeol pressed his face to his palms. Of course. He ought to worry about his own family first. He was no stranger to his sister’s ways. This was going to be a brief, but exhausting conversation.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he answered, which made it plenty obvious that he knew exactly what she was talking about. She gave him the benefit of the doubt, though. This one’s just her classic style of interrogation.
“I’m talking about Biscotti Girl, of course. Or are you going to tell me that the guy in the photos isn’t you?”
How he wished he could tell her that and mean it. He told her anyway. “The guy in the photos isn’t me,” he copied sheepishly. She knew that he was begging her to let him be.
“It’s okay, little brother. You can talk to me anytime, okay? Trust me. I can understand girls better than you.” Again, this was her line whenever she thought he was having girl problems.
“It’s not what you think,” he reasoned. But she was not listening.
“I just wish that sometimes, you’d send me some flowers too.”
“Ya! I said it’s not even like that!”
“But don’t worry. I’m always on your side.”
“Would you listen to me?!”
She would not. “Consider it my apology for crashing your car. I love you!”
After finishing what seemed like a monologue, she ended the call without hearing him out at all. Younger brothers were supposed to annoy their older sisters. How many kittens did he leave in the rain in his past life to deserve the opposite?
💙💙💙 - to be continued - 
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cyborgsquirrel · 4 years
Sanctuary: Chapter 19
Pairing: Wolfstar
Summary: The epic tale of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, from their first meeting until their happily ever after.
Link to Prologue
Link to All Chapters
Tuesday, 5th October 1971, 4:30 pm
Remus left the hospital wing and headed straight for Gryffindor tower. He was still a little sore from his transformation, but there was no way he was going to admit that to Madam Pomfrey. Knowing her, she would keep him in for an extra night, and he wanted to see his friends too much for that. He had information they needed to know. 
Before leaving, though, he had asked her about the mystery of his full-moon symptoms starting so much earlier than normal, and she had put it down to how much he was using his magic every day. It was nice to have an answer, but, on this occasion, he hoped she was wrong. If she was right, it meant three full days of pain every month instead of one. Although, when he really thought about it, he had to admit, if he were forced to choose between Hogwarts and less pain, he would choose Hogwarts. Even if it meant pain all day every day, he would choose Hogwarts.
He clambered through the portrait hole, dashed across the common room (as much as he could dash with his aching joints, other people would probably call it a meander), and up the stairs to the dorm.
He burst into the room with an excited, ‘Guys, I’ve figured it out!’ kicking the door closed behind him, crossing the room and dropping his bag on his bed.
‘Figured what out?’ James asked, leaping off his bed and jumping around, apparently caught up in the excitement.
‘Hello, Remus. And how are you feeling?’ Sirius asked from where he was lounging on his bed and writing in his journal.
Remus turned to face Sirius. ‘I’m all better now, thank you. Nothing to worry about.’ He turned back to James, who was still bouncing on his toes waiting for the news. ‘I’ve figured out how to make everyone burp bubbles.’
‘Yes!’ James punched the air. ‘You are the best researcher a team of magical mischief-makers could ever ask for! How do we do it?’
Remus smiled. He had been hoping the news would be sufficient distraction to keep them from asking questions about his hospital stay. It looked like it was working.
‘The belch powder uses delayed transfiguration, like on the robes the Marauder did. So all we have to do is add an extra layer and set it to be triggered two seconds after the first layer.’
‘And you know how to do that?’ Peter asked.
‘Yes, it’s really easy. I can show you.’
Sirius closed his journal and placed it gently on the bed next to him, stood up in a single, graceful movement and sauntered over to him. ‘Hmm,’ he said, looking Remus right in the eyes. ‘I think I know your secret.’
Remus’ blood went cold.
 ‘Hmm, I think I know your secret.’
Remus’ face went white. Shit. That was an epically piss-poor choice of words. Sirius hurried to finish before Remus did something ridiculously stupid, like outing himself by shouting, “I’m not a werewolf.”
‘You’re the Hogwarts Marauder,’ he said, pointing at him.
‘What?’ James said.
Sirius turned to James to explain his theory. And to take the attention off of Remus, who seemed to be struggling to catch his breath. ‘He has regular access to the laundry,’ he said, ticking each point off on his fingers. ‘He has apparently used delayed transfiguration before because he knows it’s “easy.” And he somehow knows the Marauder used delayed transfiguration to do the robe trick. He is amazingly good at transfiguration, as if he’s had lots of extra practice. And I’m pretty sure he was lying when he said he’d never altered a spell before. Therefore, I conclude, he is the Marauder.’
James’ eyes went wide, and he turned to Remus. ‘Is he right? Are you the Marauder?’
Remus seemed to have regained control of his lungs and he nodded. ‘Yeah. You got me, Sirius. It was me.’
‘That is so bloody brilliant!’ James said, returning to bouncing like an over-excited squirrel. ‘We can all be The Marauders! It’s much easier to say than magical mischief-makers. Oh, I wish we’d known before the niffler hunt. We could have used it for our team name.’
‘Breathe, James,’ Sirius said, laughing.
‘That was awesome, Remus. I really liked the lion,’ Peter said.
‘Thanks, Pete. I can make you another one if you like?’
Peter grinned. ‘Yes, please!’
James suddenly stopped bouncing. ‘If we’re going to be a club, we need rules and stuff.’
Remus frowned. ‘We’re a club now?’
‘Hell yeah, we’re a club!’ Sirius said.
James ran over to his trunk and pulled out another brand new notebook with a beautiful red dragon-hide cover, before sitting at the head of his bed cross-legged and patting the mattress in front of him. ‘Come on.’
Sirius and Peter were quick to pile on, but Remus hesitated. Sirius shuffled further over to make more room for him. ‘Come on, mate. You’re safe with us.’
Remus climbed onto the bed with extreme caution, sitting himself right on the edge. He was in danger of falling off, but Sirius didn’t want to push him. The full moon was only last night. Speaking of which…
‘Oh, if this is our first club meeting, then we should have chocolate,’ he said, before climbing carefully off the bed and going to his trunk to fetch the extra-large box of chocolate frogs he’d ordered ready for today. Fancy expensive chocolates were delicious, but right now Remus needed quantity, not quality, and he figured he’d be willing to eat more if they were cheap ones.
Sirius plonked the box in the middle of James’ bed and climbed back on.
James raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Are we ready now?’ 
‘Not quite,’ Sirius said. He ripped the box open, took out four chocolate frogs, throwing one to each of them and ripping the fourth open, before taking a bite. ‘Now we’re ready.’
James chuckled and shook his head. Ignoring his chocolate frog, he placed the notebook on top of the box in the middle of the bed. ‘This book comes with a built-in notice-me-not charm. If we all channel our magic into it and then activate the charm, we’ll be the only ones who see it.’
Sirius frowned at James. ‘Are you telling me you’ve had a way to pass notes in class without being seen this whole time and you never said?’
James gaped at him. ‘I never even thought of that.’
‘Idiot,’ Sirius said, cuffing James around the back of the head.
James scowled at him but didn’t argue. ‘Yeah, alright. Get your wands out then.’
They all took out their wands and channelled their magic into the notebook before James activated the charm. He opened the notebook to the first page and wrote  “The Marauders” across the top, followed by their names in a list.
‘We need to pick roles,’ James said. ‘I’m the ideas man, and Remus is obviously Chief of Research. Sirius?’
Sirius grinned. ‘I’m the charm.’
‘Why exactly do we need charm?’
‘To charm our way out of detention, of course. Minnie loves me.’
‘Hmm. We’ll come back to you. Peter?’
Peter shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I’m not really any good at anything.’
‘You’re great at potions. You’ve stopped me killing myself at least twice,’ Remus said.
‘And we’re all very grateful for that,’ Sirius said, nodding.
‘Chief Potioneer,’ James said, writing it down next to Peter’s name.
‘If Remus and Peter are both Chiefs, then we should be too,’ Sirius said. ‘You can be Chief Imaginator. And I’ll be Chief… Um.’
‘Artist?’ Remus suggested.
‘Excellent idea.’ James wrote both the titles next to their names and turned the page. He wrote Marauders Code along the top of the new page and looked back up.
Sirius grinned. ‘All feast days are Marauder celebrations and should be marked as such with Mischief.’
James pointed his quill at him. ‘Nice!’
‘All Marauder Mischief should be harmless and fun for everyone,’ Remus said before taking a large bite from his third chocolate frog. 
‘Unless we’re getting revenge,’ James said.
‘That’s not mischief,’ Remus said with a shrug. ‘It’s revenge.’
‘Good point.’ James wrote it down.
‘Marauders always keep each other’s secrets,’ Peter said.
‘But are not obligated to reveal their secrets before they’re ready,’ Sirius added quickly, making extra sure he wouldn’t look at Remus when he said it by reaching for another chocolate frog.
‘Rule, and amendment, accepted,’ James said.
‘Ooh, Marauders always come before girls,’ Sirius said.
James rolled his eyes. ‘Obviously.’ He wrote it down anyway.
‘A Marauder will always come to a fellow Marauder’s aid,’ Peter said.
‘That really goes without saying, doesn’t it?’ James said. ‘But I’ll write it down anyway.’
None of them could think of any other rules, so James put the notebook away, and they spent the rest of the evening stuffing their faces with chocolate and making more plans for Halloween. Remus was given a new research assignment, trying to find the recipe for the animation potion they had used before, and Sirius was delegated the task of drawing the most realistic picture of a bat he could manage. 
 They didn’t find time to practise the mass delayed-transfiguration until Saturday. Remus had still been exhausted from the moon on Wednesday and spent the whole afternoon asleep, and it was far too much work to bother starting during a measly hour-long free period. Thursday evening, Remus and Sirius had Art Club, and Friday evening, they had all agreed they were too tired.
Remus sat his students down in a line on the floor and gave them each a bowl he’d borrowed from the kitchen that morning.
‘I want you to find your magical core and channel your magic into the bowl, just like we did with the notebook,’ he said.
He watched as they all placed their wand tips on their bowls and closed their eyes, and he knew it was working when the hairs on his arms stood on end. 
‘Good. Now’—he handed each of them a chocolate frog wrapper he had saved for the lesson—‘I want you to turn your wrapper pink.’
They frowned at him but did as they were told.
‘What was the point in that?’ James asked. ‘We’ve been able to do that for weeks.’
‘Because you have to do what you just did at the same time as channelling your magic and speaking the incantations for the delayed transfiguration, the timing charm and my combining spell.’
‘I thought you said it was easy,’ Sirius said.
Remus shrugged. ‘It is. You just have to focus.’
‘I can’t focus on that many things at once. I can barely focus on one thing.’
‘I found it easiest if you start channelling first, before focusing on your target and intent. Once you have your magic flowing, it’s fairly easy to turn your attention to something else while it continues in the background. We can work on adding the incantations when you get the hang of the first part.’
‘Okay,’ Sirius said, still sounding sceptical.
‘So, start channelling your magic. Once it’s flowing into the bowl, create your mental images of the pink wrapper and whatever colour you want to turn it. And if you think you’re ready, say the incantation for the delayed transfiguration.  Moratus Mutatio . You’ll need to channel for about twenty seconds to change the wrapper.’ 
‘Moratus Mutatio,’ they all repeated before beginning the task.
James was the first to open his eyes. He grinned at Remus but didn’t speak, obviously knowing better than to break his friends’ concentration. Peter was next. He looked around and seemed surprised to see Sirius was still trying. Looking at Remus, he raised his eyebrows, jerked his head towards Sirius and raised his fists in the air as if celebrating a victory. It took all of Remus’ self-control not to laugh. Sirius didn’t take much longer, opening his eyes about thirty seconds after Peter and glancing to the others. 
‘Dammit, I’m last,’ he said with a huff. 
‘It’s not a competition, Sirius,’ Remus said. 
‘Everything,’ Sirius said, ‘is a competition.’
Remus rolled his eyes. ‘If you say so. Let’s see if you all managed it, shall we? Drop your wrappers into your bowl.’
They did so and all three of them changed. James’ turned Gryffindor red, Peter’s turned white and Sirius’ turned blue with bright orange spots. 
‘No wonder you took longer,’ Remus said. ‘Why did you bother with spots?’
Sirius shrugged. ‘If you’re going to do something, might as well do it properly.’
Remus laughed. ‘Well, I guess if everything’s a competition you won this round. Ten points to Gryffindor.’
‘If only you  could  hand out points,’ James said. 
Remus was finding he quite enjoyed teaching. He got a thrill of excitement when they managed to achieve something under his guidance.
‘What’s next?’ Peter asked.
‘Next, you need to learn the timing charm. I tested it with defodio, but we probably shouldn’t damage anything in here. You all have the hang of Wingardium Leviosa, right?’ They all nodded, so Remus continued, ‘Great, I want you to cast the timing charm on your wrapper followed by wingardium leviosa. After you cast the levitation charm, you’ll need to move your wand in the path you want it to travel. The timing charm is  Statuto tempus.’
They all followed his instructions to the letter. Remus was a little surprised that James and Sirius were being so attentive. They never paid that much attention in class. But he supposed this was for fun, so it was far more important than class in their minds. 
Sirius and James succeeded on their first attempt. Peter took a few tries, but it was only a couple of minutes before his wrapper was floating around the room with James’ and Sirius’, seemingly of their own accord.
‘We have got to use this for Halloween. We can make the candles do a dance,’ James said.
‘That will take forever to set up,’ Remus said.
James rolled his eyes. ‘So? We can do it over a few nights if necessary.’
‘Alright, we’ll talk about that later. We’re on the last step now. Basically, do exactly what you did before but add the timing charm and my combination spell. The full incantation will be  Statuto tempus et magicae simulio moratus mutatio.’
‘Merlin’s ragged and pointy hat, that’s a lot to remember,’ Sirius said. ‘How in Godric’s name did you manage to do all that?’
Remus considered the question. He hadn’t really found it that difficult. But why was that?
‘I think it might be the meditation.’
Sirius frowned. ‘The what?’
‘It’s a muggle thing. My mum bought me a book about it a few months before we started school. It helps me control my temper, but it’s improved my focus too.’
Sirius looked interested. ‘I could use a little help with that too. How does it work?’ 
‘It’s a lot of breathing and visualising stuff in your mind. I could teach you?’ 
‘It’s a date,’ Sirius said, winking and making him blush. Again. Goddammit. He really needed to stop reacting like that. 
Sirius smirked at him.
They went over the incantation several times until they all had it memorised before they tried it. Remus told them to set their timing charm for eleven o’clock. An hour would be long enough for them to get it done, he thought.
James finished first, again, after thirty minutes of trying, Sirius came second this time, finishing ten minutes after James and beating Peter by a full five minutes. They sat in silence, waiting for him to open his eyes. Sirius kept pulling faces, trying to make them laugh until Remus scowled at him to make him stop.
They dropped their chocolate wrappers into their bowls, and while they waited to see if they had been successful, they returned to the discussion of the dancing candles. 
‘It could be dangerous,’ Remus said. ‘If someone got in the way, they could be burnt or even catch fire.’
‘That would be bad. We’d be expelled for sure,’ Peter said. 
‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ James said. ‘I think we need to add that to your Marauder role. Remus Lupin, Chief Researcher and Safety Monitor.’
Remus bowed. ‘I graciously accept.’
‘Excellent, I’ll write it in the book later. So, Maraudering Chief of Research and Safety, how do we do the dancing candles without hurting anyone?’
‘Hmm, some kind of shield charm around the candles? That would stop anyone getting hit by molten wax, too.’
Sirius frowned. ‘That sounds pretty advanced.’
Remus nodded. ‘The basic personal shield charm is a second-year spell, I think. But we wouldn’t need anything that powerful for this. It only needs to stop fire and solid objects, not magic. I’ll have a look next time I’m in the library.’
‘Which will probably be later today, right?’ Sirius asked, laughing.
Remus refused to be embarrassed by his dedication to schoolwork. They wouldn’t be able to understand why it meant so much to him, so he couldn’t blame them for finding his behaviour strange but he wouldn’t hide it. 
‘Probably,’ he agreed. ‘I want to look up some things for the cockatrice essay,’
When eleven o’clock came, all three wrappers changed colour. James’ was gold this time, Sirius had gone for purple and Peter’s was black.
‘Well done,’ Remus said. ‘I can’t believe you all got the hang of it so fast.’
Sirius winked at him. ‘You’re just an amazing teacher, Remus.’
‘That might be a part of it,’ Remus said, feeling his face heating up again. He was going to end up permanently red at this rate.
They practised a few more times, trying out more complex transfigurations and working their way up to creating bubbles. They took a break for lunch, and the other Marauders joined Remus in the kitchen, where Remus taught them the theory of turning a gas into a liquid, as they wouldn’t be covering it in class until November. Peter picked it up surprisingly quickly, and Remus wondered if it was the informal setting putting him more at ease. The classroom environment didn’t work for everyone. 
By two o’clock, they were all happily transfiguring pockets of air in the room into bubbles of various sizes, and the dormitory was filled with them.
‘I think you’re ready,’ Remus said, with a wide smile. 
James fetched the belch powder his dad had sent him, and they settled down to complete the mammoth task. They would need to channel for an hour to be sure there was enough magic in the bowls to work on each grain of powder. 
 The following Tuesday, after lunch, Sirius was lounging on his bed in the dorm, chatting with James and Peter while they waited for their spells to activate. They had been practising the timed levitation charm for Halloween, and there were a number of items placed strategically around the room.
 ‘Only four more days until we find out what’s behind the locked door,’ Sirius said.
James was sitting up on his bed, tossing a balled up pair of socks back and forth across the room with Peter. ‘I know. I can’t wait. What do you reckon it is? I bet it's something awesome.’
‘This is Hogwarts, mate. It could literally be anything.’
They all looked over when the door burst open and an out of breath Remus rushed through it.
‘I’ve found the recipe!’ he said, collapsing on his bed.
James perked up. ‘For the animation potion? No way!’ 
Remus sat up. ‘Yes. I still don’t see how we can use it, though. We don’t want to ruin the feast by making the tables gallop off again.’
‘Give it to our Chief Potioneer. He’s going to see what he can do with it.’
Remus stood up and took three steps across the room towards Peter when all of a sudden various items around the room rose into the air and converged on him.
‘Oh shit! Remus, duck!’ Sirius cried.
Remus didn’t need telling twice. He dropped to the floor and rolled onto his back to watch as the quills, socks, screwed up balls of parchment, and potions bottles carried out an elaborate dance above his head.
He pointed at one particular item. ‘That quill is out of time with the others.’
Sirius threw his pillow at him. ‘Shut up, it was our first attempt.’
Remus arched his head back to look at him. ‘Really? Well, in that case, it’s very impressive. Well done.’
A couple of minutes later, it was safe for Remus to stand back up, and he handed the recipe he’d copied from the library book to Peter, who looked it over with a frown. 
‘This is pretty straightforward,’ he said after a couple of minutes. ‘If I substitute a couple of items and add in a targeting charm at the end, we can make it so it only animates the bats. We’ll need to add one of them to the potion so it knows what to target.’ He looked up from the parchment. ‘It’ll take two full days to brew though.’
‘We’ll have to do it in here over the weekend,’ Sirius said.
‘But what if they do a dorm check and catch us? We’d get in serious trouble for brewing in the dorm,’ Peter said.
‘If one of us stays in the room at all times, we can avoid dorm checks. The house-elves don’t come in if the room’s occupied,’ James said.
Remus looked at him. ‘How do you know that?’
James grinned. ‘My dad told me. He thought it was important information every boy should be aware of.’
Sirius laughed. ‘I kind of love your dad.’
‘Strange. I kind of love him too,’ James said with a chuckle. ‘He would adore you. You should come over in the summer holidays. All of you. We can have a Marauder sleepover or something.’
Yeah. That wasn’t going to happen, Sirius thought. No way his parents were going to let him out of the house that summer. 
‘I can practically see you thinking, Sirius. You can’t possibly believe your mother is daft enough to refuse an official invitation from House Potter? That would be social suicide.’
He was right. She’d be furious about it, of course, but she’d have no choice but to let him go. Sirius grinned. ‘It’ll be brilliant!’
‘Yeah, it will! Peter, you in?’ James said. 
‘Definitely. I’m sure my mum won’t mind.’
Sirius glanced over. Remus was biting his lip. He knew what the problem was; he wouldn’t be able to say yes unless he knew exactly what day it was going to be.
‘I’ll have to ask my mum. But I’d like to come if she lets me.’
Translation: I want to come, but only if it’s not a full moon.
Sirius decided then and there to make sure the get together happened when it wasn’t a full moon so Remus could be there. It wouldn’t be a Marauder sleepover without the original Marauder, after all.
 Two days later, after Potions had ended, Remus waited for the rest of the students to clear out before making his way to the front of the class.
‘Excuse me, Professor. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about the uses of dragon blood in potions?’ 
Slughorn looked up from the essay he was marking. ‘Of course, my boy. What is it you’d like to know?’
‘Well, I was thinking about its use in healing potions. Could it be mixed with dittany to make its effects stronger?’
Peter had told him to ask that. Apparently dittany and dragon’s blood were an explosive combination.
‘Oh, Merlin, no! That’s a terrible idea. Dragon’s blood is very volatile, and it dislikes dittany immensely. Don’t ever combine them.’
Remus nodded. ‘Understood, sir.’
‘Do you have an interest in potions?’
Remus shrugged. ‘It’s more an interest in healing, really. You may have noticed I’m not particularly adept with a cauldron.’
‘Well, you’ll need at least a little competency with potions to get into the healers’ program at St Mungos. But I may be able to help you with that. I have a few connections in the trainee intake department. Why don’t you come to my party this Saturday, and I’ll see what I can do for you? You’re friends with Black, Potter and Pettigrew aren’t you?’ 
Remus nodded. ‘Yes, sir.’
‘Invite them along too. It starts at seven pm in the room next door to this one.’
‘I will, sir. Thank you.’
‘Not at all. Have a lovely evening, Mister Lupin.’
‘You too, sir’ Remus said, hurrying from the room and hoping he had kept Slughorn talking for long enough.
James, Sirius and Peter were waiting for him outside and gave him a thumbs up. They had got what they needed for the potion. Excellent.
 The Official Marauders Notebook
The Marauders
James Potter - Chief Imaginator and Lily Evans Stalker
Sirius Black - Chief Artist and Charmer of Teachers
Remus Lupin - Chief Researcher and Safety Monitor and Chocolate Eating Genius
Peter Pettigrew - Chief Potioneer and Master of Food Procurement
  The Marauders Code
- All feast days are Marauder celebrations and should be marked as such with Mischief
- All Marauder Mischief should be harmless and fun for everyone
- Marauders always keep each other’s secrets but are not obligated to reveal their secrets before they’re ready
- Marauders always come before girls
- A Marauder will always come to a fellow Marauders aid
- The Chief Imaginator is responsible for providing all Marauders with daily chocolate and must give compliments to them once every hour.
  6th October
The crossed-out sections were added in permanent ink at some point during the night when all NORMAL people were sleeping, and they do not count. The main suspect is one Sirius Black, who is giggling like a girl. - James Potter Chief Imaginator and Lily Evans Stalker.
  7th October
Sirius! Stop adding things to the Official Marauder Notebook or I’ll kick you out of the club! - James Potter Chief Imaginator and Lily Evans Stalker.
 8th October 1:23 am
James! Never! And I don’t giggle like a girl. My laugh is deep and manly. - Sirius Black Chief Artist and Charmer of Teachers.
 Monday 11th October 11:45 am
  Chief Imaginator to Chief Researcher, Gods Transfiguration theory is boring, have you had any luck finding that recipe yet?
No, I’m going to look tomorrow afternoon. And it’s not boring; it’s important. Especially if you want to be able to change, oh I don’t know, bubbles into bats? -  Chief Researcher and Safety Monitor.
You have to sign your messages so we know who it’s from. I did it for you this time. And you make a good point, I will try to pay attention. - Chief Imaginator
You know who it’s from, James. I passed it to you. And you’re not doing a very good job of paying attention. I saw you flicking bits of parchment at Snape. -  Chief Researcher and Safety Monitor.
They were drawings of his ugly nose. I think he appreciated them. Please sign your name. For me? - Chief Imaginator.
I will if you do your work - Remus
Fine! - Chief Imaginator.
 Thursday 14th October, 3:00 pm
 Remus, we need you to distract Slughorn after class. Can you talk to him about something? - James.
Sure, how long do you need? - Remus.
Long enough to sneak into his office and grab some ingredients. - James.
Ask him about mixing dragon’s blood and dittany, he’ll be horrified - Peter.
Why, what does it do? - Remus.
Let’s just say they’re an explosive combination - Peter.
Peter, you’re giving me ideas - Sirius.
Sirius, as Marauder Safety Monitor, I forbid you to blow up the school - Remus.
Remus, you spoil all my fun :( - Sirius.
Chapter 20
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astrogeoguy · 5 years
The Crown’s Jewels, the First Quarter Moon Meanders through Bright Planets, Jupiter bears Black and Red Spots, and Neptune Kisses a Star!
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Above: On Wednesday, September 4 from 9:21 to 11:33 pm EDT, observers in the Americas can watch Io’s shadow transit Jupiter, accompanied by the Great Red Spot, as shown here for 10 pm EDT)
Hello, Late Summer Stargazers!
Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of September 1st, 2019 by Chris Vaughan. Feel free to pass this along to your friends and send me your comments, questions, and suggested topics. I repost these emails with photos at http://astrogeoguy.tumblr.com/ where all the old editions are archived. You can also follow me on Twitter as @astrogeoguy! Unless otherwise noted, all times are Eastern Time. Please click this MailChimp link to subscribe to these emails.
I can bring my Digital Starlab inflatable planetarium to your school or other daytime or evening event. Contact me, and we’ll tour the Universe together!
The Moon and Planets
If last week was the best week for skywatchers worldwide, this is the week for lunatics – the lovers of our natural satellite, Luna! Between now and next Sunday, the moon will March across the evening sky worldwide, waxing in phase and visiting two bright planets. Meanwhile, we have a minor meteor shower underway, and we can enjoy summer constellation sights in evening, autumn ones at midnight, and our winter treats during the pre-dawn hours. Here are your Skylights! 
The moon will begin the week as a delicate waxing crescent visible over the western horizon after sunset. Watch for Earthshine - sunlight that has reflected off the seas and white clouds of Earth and is illuminating the unlit portion of the moon’s near side. The bright, white star that you see below the moon (or above it, if you live south of the Equator) on Sunday and Monday evening is Spica, the brightest star in Virgo (the Maiden). Note how the moon moves with respect to that star from one night to the next. 
On Wednesday and Thursday, the now healthy crescent moon will pass through the modest stars of Libra (the Scales). The moon never wanders far from the Ecliptic, the imaginary line that traces the sun’s path through the zodiac constellations. So the moon is usually within those familiar constellations, allowing you to see where they are – even after the moon has moved away from them. 
Thursday will bring the First Quarter Moon phase - when the angle formed by the sun, Earth, and moon forms a right-angle, causing the moon to appear half-illuminated, on its eastern side. (East and west on the moon are opposite to sky directions on Earth.) First quarter moons always rise around noon time, allowing you to see them in the afternoon. Evenings around first quarter are the best ones for viewing the moon in binoculars and backyard telescopes. The topography along the terminator – the pole-to-pole line that divides the lit and dark halves – is being lit by low-angled sunlight which produces breathtaking vistas of bright mountain peaks and crater rims, and the deep black shadows they cast. Moon phases are shared by everyone around the world.
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(Above: On Thursday, observers worldwide will see the First Quarter moon near very bright Jupiter, as shown here at 9:30 pm EDT. The following nights, the moon will hop east of Jupiter and then do the same for Saturn.) 
Thursday night will also begin the moon’s dance with the gas giant planets. Look for the moon in the southwestern sky, and positioned less than four finger widths to the right (or 4 degrees to the celestial northwest) of the bright planet Jupiter. The moon and Jupiter will both fit within the field of view of binoculars. If you watch the pair over several hours, starting at dusk, you will see the moon’s orbit carry it closer to the planet. Look for the bright reddish star Antares “the Rival of Mars” twinkling below the moon. That is the heart of Scorpius (the Scorpion). To the west of Antares, three little white stars in a vertical line and each separated by three finger widths from the next one, represent the critter’s claws. Remember that Jupiter will stay with the scorpion after the moon moves away – all autumn, in fact. 
On Friday night, the waxing gibbous (i.e., more than half-full) moon will hop to sit on the east side of Jupiter. Then, on Saturday night, the moon will land immediately above the Teapot-shaped stars of Sagittarius (the Archer), and a palm’s width the right (or celestial west) of Saturn. As with Jupiter, the moon will hop to the other side of Saturn on Sunday night – and the ringed planet will stay near the Teapot for the rest of this year.   
Mercury, Venus, and Mars are out of sight - hidden in the sun’s glare, for now. But the two fast inner planets will bring them into view in the evening sky next week. 
As the sky begins to darken this week, look for the giant planet Jupiter sitting less than a third of the way up the southwestern sky. Hour by hour, Jupiter will sink lower – then set in the west before midnight local time. Jupiter is spending the rest of this year between Ophiuchus (the Serpent-Bearer) and Scorpius (the Scorpion). Normally a planet becomes harder to see when it reaches the southwestern evening sky. But the earlier sunsets and the planet’s brilliance will keep it in view for some time to come. 
On a typical night, even a backyard telescope will show you Jupiter’s two main equatorial stripes and its four Galilean moons - Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede looking like small white dots arranged in a rough line flanking the planet. If you see fewer than four dots, then some of them are in front of Jupiter, or hidden behind it. Good binoculars will show the moons, too! 
From time to time, the small, round, black shadows cast onto Jupiter’s surface by those four Galilean moons become visible in amateur telescopes as they cross (or transit) Jupiter’s disk. On Wednesday, September 4 from 9:21 to 11:33 pm EDT, observers in the Americas can watch Io’s shadow transit Jupiter, accompanied by the Great Red Spot! 
Due to Jupiter’s rapid 10-hour rotation period, the Great Red Spot (or GRS) is only observable from Earth every 2nd or 3rd night, and only during a predictable three-hour window. The GRS will be easiest to see using a medium-sized, or larger, aperture telescope on an evening of good seeing (steady air). If you’d like to see the Great Red Spot in your telescope, it will be crossing the planet on Monday evening from dusk to 11 pm EDT, on Wednesday from 9:20 to 11:30 pm EDT (accompanied by the Great Red Spot), and on Saturday from dusk until 10 pm EDT. 
Yellow-tinted Saturn is prominent in the southern evening sky, too - but it is less bright than Jupiter. The ringed planet will be visible from dusk until about 2 am local time. Saturn’s position in the sky is just to the upper left (or celestial east) of the stars that form the teapot-shaped constellation of Sagittarius (the Archer). To find Saturn, look about 3 fist diameters to the left (east) of Jupiter. The Milky Way is between them. 
Dust off your telescope! Once the sky is dark, even a small telescope will show Saturn's rings and several of its brighter moons, especially Titan! Because Saturn’s axis of rotation is tipped about 27° from vertical (a bit more than Earth’s axis), we can see the top surface of its rings, and its moons can arrange themselves above, below, or to either side of the planet. During this week, Titan will migrate counter-clockwise around Saturn, moving from the upper left of Saturn tonight (Sunday) to below the planet next Sunday. (Remember that your telescope will flip the view around.) 
Tiny, blue Neptune will rise at dusk this week, and then it will climb the eastern sky until it reaches its highest point, due south, at about 1:30 am local time. The planet is among the stars of Aquarius (the Water-Bearer). Recently, Neptune has been sitting just to the left (celestial east) of a medium-bright star named Phi (φ) Aquarii. Neptune is actually moving slowly toward that star and will “kiss” it on Thursday and Friday nights this week, an event that will help you locate dim Neptune.
Astronomers call such an event a conjunction. Being so close together, both the star and Neptune will appear together in the field of view of a telescope. But blue Neptune’s light has been travelling for 4 hours to reach your eye, while the warmly-tinted light of Phi Aquarii has been journeying for 202 years! After this weekend, the distance between the two objects will increase due to Neptune’s eastward orbital motion.
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(Above: The path of blue Neptune past the medium-bright stat Phi Aquarii will produce a close conjunction on September 5 and 6. Each yellow dot represents 6 hours of Neptune’s orbital motion this week. They will make an interesting sight in backyard telescopes.)  
Blue-green Uranus will be rising in the east just before 10 pm local time this week; and it will remain visible all night long. Uranus is sitting below (celestial south of) the stars of Aries (the Ram) and is just a palm’s width above the head of Cetus (the Whale). At magnitude 5.8, Uranus is actually bright enough to see in binoculars and small telescopes, under dark skies – and it really does look blue! You can use the three modest stars that form the top of the head of the whale (or sea-monster in some tales) to locate Uranus for months to come – that’s because that distant planet moves so slowly in its orbit. To help you find it, I posted a detailed star chart here.
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(Above: The Ice Giant planets are visible in late evening, as shown here at 10:30 pm local time.)  
Aurigids Meteor Shower
A minor meteor shower named the Aurigids is underway. It peaks today (Sunday) and ends next weekend. Look for several of these meteors per hour. They’ll be moving away from the northeastern horizon, where the constellation that gives them their name, Auriga (the Charioteer), rises in late evening. 
The Northern Crown Rests in the West
Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown) can be spotted halfway up the western evening sky in early September. The constellation actually sits about midway along the imaginary line that joins the two bright stars Vega and Arcturus. The earlier autumn sunsets extend our opportunity to explore Corona Borealis. This incomplete circlet of medium-bright stars is roughly 7 degrees across (a generous palm’s width). It is both a constellation and an asterism (an informal star pattern). Corona Borealis’ brightest star Alphecca is a white, A-class star located 75 light-years from the sun. Alphecca’s placement in the constellation is reminiscent of a diamond in a ring. The star’s name derives from the Arabic expression for “broken”, referring to the incomplete ring.
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(Above: The distinctive constellation of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, sits in the western evening sky - midway between the two bright stars Vega (at top centre) and Arcturus. The sky is shown for 10 pmlocal time this week.)
While the Northern Crown is poor in deep sky objects, it contains several interesting jewels -  double and variable stars. Alphecca itself is an eclipsing binary system that varies in brightness by a tiny amount every 17.36 days, similar to the behavior of the star Algol in Perseus (the Hero). Eruptive variable stars are named for R Coronae Borealis, which is located about three finger widths above (or 3.5 degrees to the celestial northeast of) Alphecca. R Corona Borealis is a hydrogen-deficient and carbon-rich supergiant star. From time to time, it’s usual visual magnitude of 5.8 drops to as little as magnitude 14, possibly due to the formation of opaque carbon dust that blocks visible light, but passes infrared wavelengths. Another star named S Coronae Borealis exhibits the same range of variability, but with a 360-day period. The Blaze Star (T Coronae Borealis) is a cataclysmic variable star, also called a recurrent nova-type. Normally shining between visual magnitude 10.2 and 9.9, on rare occasions it has brightened to magnitude 2 in a period of hours, caused by a nuclear chain reaction and the subsequent explosion.
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(Above: The crown’s jewels include the variable stars R, S, and T Coronae Borealis)   
August-September Stargazing Suggestions - Lyra
If you missed last week’s tour of the constellation of Lyra (the Harp), I posted it here. Over the next weeks, we’ll look at some other constellations, too. 
Public Astro-Themed Events
Taking advantage of the moon and other bright objects in the sky this week, the RASC Toronto Centre astronomers will hold their free monthly public City Sky Star Party in Bayview Village Park (steps from the Bayview subway station), starting around 8 pm on the first clear weeknight this week (Tues to Thu only). You don’t need to be an RASC member, or own any equipment, to join them – looks are free! Check here for details, and check the banner on their website home page or Facebook page for the GO or NO-GO decision around 5 pm each day. 
Every Monday evening, York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory runs an online star party - broadcasting views from four telescopes/cameras, answering viewer questions, and taking requests! Details are here. On Wednesday nights they offer free public viewing through their rooftop telescopes. If it’s cloudy, the astronomers give tours and presentations. Details are here. 
If the skies are clear on Thursday evening, September 5, local astronomers will set up their telescopes in Old Thornhill Village. This free event starts at 8 pm and everyone is welcome to come out for a look at the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, and a variety of deep-sky treasures. The viewing location is Thornhill's very own “dark-sky oasis,” the Pomona Meadow - situated north of the cemetery on Charles Lane, and east of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. Volodymyr. Park for free at the church and just follow the paved path. The rain or cloud date is Thursday, October 3 at 7:00 pm. Dress warmly, and we’ll see you there! 
Eastern GTA sky watchers are invited to join the RASC Toronto Centre and Durham Skies for solar observing and stargazing at the edge of Lake Ontario in Millennium Square in Pickering on Friday evening, September 6, from 6 pm to 11 pm. Details are here. Before heading out, check the RASCTC home page for a Go/No-Go call in case it's too cloudy to observe. The rain date is Saturday. That same evening, RASC and Durham Skies will be donating a telescope to the Pickering Public Library in a public ceremony. In case of rain or bad weather, the ceremony will be moved to the Pickering Library Auditorium (2nd floor) at 1 The Esplanade. 
If it’s sunny on Saturday morning, September 7 from 10 am to noon, astronomers from the RASC Toronto Centre will be setting up outside the main doors of the Ontario Science Centre for Solar Observing. Come and see the Sun in detail through special equipment designed to view it safely. This is a free event (details here), but parking and admission fees inside the Science Centre will still apply. Check the RASC Toronto Centre website or their Facebook page for the Go or No-Go notification. 
Please note: Due to some filming permits at DDO, some of our events in September have been cancelled. Here’s the updated information… 
The next RASC-hosted Night at the David Dunlap Observatory will be on Saturday, September 21. There will be sky tours in the Skylab planetarium room, space crafts, a tour of the giant 74” telescope, and viewing through the 74” and lawn telescopes (weather permitting). The doors will open at 8:30 pm for a 9 pm start. Attendance is by tickets only, available here. If you are a RASC Toronto Centre member and wish to help us at DDO in the future, please fill out the volunteer form here. And to join RASC Toronto Centre, visit this page. 
This Fall and Winter, spend a Sunday afternoon in the other dome at the David Dunlap Observatory! On Sunday afternoon, October 20, from noon to 4 pm, join me in my Starlab Digital Planetarium for an interactive journey through the Universe. We’ll tour the night sky and see close-up views of galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters, view our Solar System's planets and alien exo-planets, land on the moon, Mars - and the Sun, travel home to Earth from the edge of the Universe, hear indigenous starlore, and watch immersive fulldome movies! Ask me your burning questions, and see the answers in a planetarium setting - or sit back and soak it all in. Sessions run continuously between noon and 4 pm. Ticket-holders may arrive any time during the program. The program is suitable for ages 3 and older, and the Starlab planetarium is wheelchair accessible. For tickets, please use this link.
Keep looking up, and enjoy the sky when you do. I love questions and requests - so, send me some! 
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devinclaire · 5 years
Weekly Forecast For April 22nd
Once a year the Sun meets up with the planet Uranus. Think of it as a flying saucer coming landing in the front yard of a scientist who works on radio frequency instruments secretly in their spare time trying to get in contact with what’s out there. Also note, this is the first time they’ve met up in the sign of Taurus in 81 years. These extraterrestrials don’t come around often.
This is a glorious time to say goodbye to anything that doesn’t let you feel free. The people and things who doubt your hunches about the right direction to go. Also leave behind anything that’s complicated and doesn’t provide a big payout for its difficulty, and while you’re at it, anything that doesn’t serve your pleasure. Remember, we’re in an intense time of restructuring and now’s there’s space to make necessary changes. This week lightening strikes when the Sun’s still out. That thing you thought would never move is finally breaking free with all this light energy.
Monday, April 22
Moon in Sagittarius
Happy Earth Day! How appropriate it is too, as the Sun and Uranus meet encouraging us to do something truly radical. This means for the planet as a whole, and in our own lives. What bombastic thing do you want to live out over the next 8 years? Today is an exquisite day to do a ritual around this area of your life. Strike with a lightening bolt of your design.
Tuesday, April 23
Moon goes void at 4:43 am Pacific Standard Time Goes into Capricorn at 3:50 pm
Take it easy with today’s lovely energy until the Moon moves into Capricorn. When this shift occurs the nice energy continues, but there’s a sudden desire to go over the all that you released these past few days in the light of last week’s Libra Full Moon. Things are moving quickly! This is the time when the pay off comes for all the work you did last week.
Wednesday, April 24
Moon in Capricorn
Pluto goes Retrograde today, giving you about 6 months of reflection time to remind you how darn far you’ve come over this stretch of time. The you 6 months ago wouldn’t even recognize the you today. Overall you’re not going to really want to talk to anyone, but know that if you do feel a need for connection it’s totally fine to go deep with that trusted someone.
Thursday, April 25
Moon goes void at 12:48 pm
Your emotions go in for a reckoning with what must be done to achieve the way you want to feel in your daily reality. It’s going to be a lot of work, but it’s worth it. This energy is tied to a running theme you’ve been working with all year. It may feel like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill, but it strangely, it feels good for some reason. Once you put the effort into taking a hard look at your Truth, you have the rest of the day to relax and recharge.
Friday, April 26
Moon goes into Aquarius at 2:27 am
Visions bring solutions to problems from earlier in the week, even though you may want to keep an eye out for a few more surprises, it’s nothing you can’t handle. It’ll be more that you’ll be observing others running around shrieking like they’re brand new. You’re getting the go-ahead from the frequencies to clean out the last of the dust bunnies before you move forward with a new game plan come early May. Talk it over with a like-minded mystical friend.
Saturday, April 27
Moon in Aquarius
You’re a smart cookie, don’t let anyone tell you differently. You know when it’s time to get to work, and when it’s time to relax. This is a day of relaxation and distraction, or at least it may look like distraction to others. In reality you’re in flow with the frequencies and numerous good ideas are coming your way. This is because you decided to receive rather than push forward.
Sunday, April 28
Moon goes void at 2:44 am Goes into Pisces at 3:11 pm
With the Moon void for most of the day it becomes a weekend of dreaming. However, know that there’ll be more discernment in today’s proceedings. Not looking forward to the upcoming week? Why is that? What needs to change? The theme of this whole week has been breaking free, and the underlying reasons of why you so deeply desire to be free of certain things is starting to become clear.
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sunmaylight · 6 years
Fate x Bleach: What if Ichigo became a SERVANT?
Random idea of having Ichigo from Bleach as different Servants from the Fate-Series.
Don’t know that much of either fandom, just going off of what I researched so far with my own creative twist and indulgences.
WARNING: Long post with loads of information in it. Have fun reading. ;)
((Compute got reset, so somethings might sound strange, PM me and I’ll fix it as soon as I can))
When Kurosaki Ichigo dies, he leaves behind a legend of what he has done in his life. That legend was created at first as a joke from his friends and shinigami, but it spiraled out of control after someone decided to publish a bibliography of his life (the Bleach manga). Somehow, a hard-copy has ended up in the world-of-the-living and found it’s way to a magus’ hand. Said magus thought the book was a relic of an ancient hero and decides to use it as a catalyst for the next Holy Grail War.  
Or, the other option is that Ichigo’s deeds to the Soul Society is more well-known than possible that he became a legend in his own rights. Time in the Soul Society is different than the human world. So when Ichigo’s soul goes to Soul Society, it could have gone to the beginning of it, or just a short while after he has died. None the less, he has gained a reputation from the world of the dead, and by extension the world of the living because shinigami loves to gossip or by other means (see bibliography). Thus, a copy of his soul is sent to the Throne of Heroes.
(The third option is either Zelretch or the Soul King did some meddling, or a combo of both fourth is Alya)
Unfortunately (or fortunately), when people learn about what happened to Ichigo, there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Ichigo is a permanent fixture in the Throne of Heroes.
There are a few ways to summon Ichigo as a servant/ally to battle. 
1) Using the Substitute-Shinigami Badge as a catalyst. This will work, but the Ichigo that will appear is as random as using a piece of the Round Table as a catalyst. You don’t know at which point of Ichigo’s life will appear as a servant. It can be one who has first gotten the badge to the one who fought during the Winter War. But it will never be a form that is after the Winter War.
2) The bibliography book (Bleach manga). So, this one is more accurate on what form of Ichigo that will be summoned. As the Badge will bring pre-Fullbringer Ichigo, the book will summon post-Fullbringer Ichigo or any form after that.
3) A container of Strawberries with a shield. This is more of a joke because of the double meaning of Ichigo’s name. You can only use both as one catalyst, since using one or the other will either make another random servant appear or nothing will come. The Ichigo that appears will only come as a Saber or a Shielder, both of those will have weaker stats than Ichigo normally would just because out of spite of your summoning.
4) The other one is using a Hollow mask shard, a piece of a Zanpakuto, or a Quincy weapon. As Ichigo is the perfect combination of the three races at birth, using all of them will be perfectly fine as a means of summoning him. Using all three for one catalyst will bring out Ichigo as a Ruler, but using only one of the three above will appear as Berserker, Alter Ego, Saber, or Archer.
5) The last one is having a tuft of fox fur, or anything relating to the God Inari, with the Substitue-Shinigami Badge or the bibliography book. With the rising popularity of the Kitsune!Ichigo (joke) when he was alive, there was a brief period in time where Ichigo was treated as a God with similar or less standing as God Inari. Thus, Caster is born as Ichigo with Kitsune traits mixed in with his own.
As hinted before in ‘Summoning’, there are multiple forms in which Ichigo can be summoned as. The ones that can be summoned in the Grail War are going to be mentioned first, then the ones that would appear in Grand Order. In every Grail War, only one Ichigo can be summoned if he is dead. IF Ichigo is alive during a Grail War, then he is transformed as a pesudo-servant.
Whatever ‘Ichigo’ is summoned, they will have the trait of ‘Strawberry Protector’. Also, any master that summons him is under his influence, there is no going back from this besides ultimate betrayal. When you are in this influence he considers you as ‘someone to protect’, thus he goes all out in battle just for you to be safe. Otherwise, if he has no one but himself, he only fights at 75%.
Grail War
1) Saber (pre-Fullbringer): Saber is like the ‘Lily’ of the other form of Saber. This Saber is more head-strong and rushes into battle without a plan more ofter than not. As long as he can ‘protect’ his master, he will fight anyone in his path unless if they explicitly say they want to be an ally with his master. Think of how Ichigo is during all of the fights and battles leading up to the final fight against Aizen before Ichigo loses his shinigami powers and that is the personality and strength of him. His stats are a combination of his human ones and his Shinigami’s because of how hard it is to balance out his powers.
Strength: B+                  Magical Energy: C-
Endurance:B-                Luck: C
Agility: B                        Noble Phantasm: B
Riding-C                        Magical Resistance-D+
Madness Enhancement-D-
Intuition-C+                    Shunpo-A+
Noble Phantasm (Quick): Getsuga Tenshou - Saber’s signature move that is black and crimson outlined crescent moon arc of reiatsu that is released from his blade.
“Bankai! Zangetsu!
To defend means that to cut down my enemies.
Getsuga Tenshou!”
1.5) Saber (post-Fullbringer): The true form of Saber; the one who has grown through countless of battles into the war-hardened person today. This Saber has gone through countless of battles against Aizen, his army, and then some that makes him into the person he is now. Because of his unique birth, this person has gotten to experience all three parts of his heritage as well as the unique ones that are developed through special circumstances.  However, he has yet to unlock his true powers that is hinted in the Quincy War (True!Bankai).
-If Humans, Shinigami, and Hollows are the primary colors, and Quincies, Vizords, and Fullbringers are the secondary colors. Then Saber is the rainbow, the one who can and has experienced all in one body.
Strength: A                     Magical Energy: C
Endurance: A-                  Luck: C+
Agility: A                           Noble Phantasm: A+++
Riding-C+ .                      Magical Resistance: C+
Unity in One-A+
Tactics-B-                         Pioneer of the Spirits-EX                 
The Power To Protect-EX
Noble Phantasm (Buster): Getsuga Juujishou -Getsuga Tenshou that is released through two blades. A Noble Phantasm that lets Saber briefly jumps to his form during the Quincy War to unleash his true Shikai’s ability.
“Let it be known that I will not back down if my friends are in danger. 
To call upon the ‘me’ of the future to lend me strength!
2) Berserker: ((Forgot the Description earlier)) If Ichigo has gotten consumed by his Hollow after receiving his Shinigami powers. Another possibility if Ichigo dies in Hueco Mundo while the rescue for Orihime went wrong (terribly so). During his fight with Ulquiorra Cifer, Ichigo was fatally wounded in his full Hollow form which gave the perfect opportunity for his inner Hollow to devour most of him. Orihime was able to heal him, but the damage to the soul was irreversible, leaving him more Hollow than Human. Being stuck in Vasto Lorde permanently allows Berserker great power, but less control of his own sanity at times. Though he stays true to his namesake to prevent him from becoming an insane beast. Berserker is able to comprehend speech, but he is only able to perform a similar speech pattern as to another Berserker of short words and phrases to convey what he means. However, most of the time will find him saying the word ‘protect’. When he does, it is advised to calm him down or find something for him to decimate; or he will go on a mad frenzy that is nearly impossible to stop until it’s over.
Strength: A+                        Magical Energy: C
Endurance: B+                    Luck: C+
Agility: A-                             Noble Phantasm: B+
Madness Enhancement-EX
Hollow’s Hunger-B-              Mana Burst (Flame)-A-
Madness of the Spirits-B      
Noble Phantasm (Buster): Cero - Berserker charges at his opponent with devastating speed and power that is reserved to his class in a mad combo before firing a massive Cero that obliterates everything in its path.
“I will...
I will PROTECT you!
3) Archer: A possible life that Ichigo could have been if he was raised as a Quincy instead of being thrusted into the world of Shinigami. Archer is more ruthless than his Saber counter-parts because of Quincy ideology, but the weaker class (even with class advantage). Not much is known about Archer’s backstory because of the lack of known Quincies are outclassed by Hollows and Shinigami. So instead, Archer is modeled after a well-known Quincy(Ishida Uryuu) in the bibliography book and combined with Ichigo’s personality and open-mind.
Strength: B++                          Magical Energy: B-
Endurance: C++                      Luck: C-
Agility: B+                                Noble Phantasm: A-
Independent Action-B+           Magical Resistance-C+                
Quincy’s Legacy-B+                Mana Burst (Splash)-A-
 Mind’s Eye (True)-B                        
Noble Phantasm (Arts): Kirchenlied: Sankt Zwinger - “A powerful Quincy spell that creates an area of Reishi shaped with countless Quincy crosses protruding from the ground (From the Bleach Wiki)”. Archer manipulates this further by fortifying it with his high levels of reiatsu. He then turns the crosses into ‘arrows’ that fire beams of light to his opponents. Almost impossible to dodge unless if you have extremely high speed or endurance on you (rank A or above).
“Come Light of the Lord. Help me against those that mean harm to me and those in my protection.
Grand Order
1) Classes mentioned above
2) Alter-Ego (Bleach Brave Soul Ichigo 2nd Anniversary Character): This is only possible when Ichigo is merged with his full Hollowfication to create a being that is similar to Ruler, with the will to protect those close to him, but different because he follows his own rules. Even if his friends fight him, as long as he can protect them in the end, that is all that counts.
Strength: EX                               Magical Energy: C++
Endurance: A                              Luck: C+
Agility: A++                                  Noble Phantasm: A++
Magical Resistance-B+                Independent Action-B-
Unity in One-A
Hollow’s Hunger: EX                    Protection from the End of the Worlds-A
The Power To Protect-EX
Noble Phantasm (Arts): The Power to Protect All - Unlike the skill ‘The Power to Protect’, this is Alter-Ego’s special move that became an evolved move of that skill. He unleashes a Getsuga Tenshou from above ground to everyone in the surrounding area.This is the move he used against a certain enemy (Aizen) to severely weaken him and bring victory to the war at the cost.
“Come see, all of my power. 
By it shall be unleashed
Getsuga Tenshou!”
2.5) Alter-Ego (Hollow Ichigo/Shiro): No one knows how Alter-Ego gained his own body since he is originally a part of Ichigo. He represents all of the darkness in Ichigo in the form of an Arrancar looking Hollow, yet different. If Ichigo sacrifices all to protect others, Alter-Ego will do everything in his power to protect only Ichigo (or the master who summoned him) for he is the ‘horse’ to his ‘king’ and won’t let anyone else control him.
Strength: A++                             Magical Energy: B-
Endurance: A+                            Luck: C
Agility: A+ .                                  Noble Phantasm: A++
Magical Resistance-B+                Independent Action-EX
Hollow’s Hunger: EX                    Protection from the End of the Worlds-A+
The Power To Protect-EX (Skill is like that because Alter-Ego only protects Ichigo and whoever their current Master is)
Noble Phantasm (Quick): The Power to Protect One - With this power, Alter-Ego unleashes a Grand Cero as well as some well aimed strikes with his sword
“With this power. I shall beat you to a plup. 
Getsuga Tenshou.
How do you think of me now?”
3) Caster (Ichigo summoned with Inari): A ‘what if Ichigo became a special attacker instead of a physical fighter’. No, this is Inari who is able to be summoned in special Grail Wars like this one. Instead it is a combination of the two. This is Ichigo, who has been blessed to become a Kitsune after his fight with Aizen in the Winter War (or even before that) by Inari. Inari became intrigued with this person and decides to follow this hybrid around with useful tips. After the final battle, Inari saw how depressed Ichigo became and turned him into his Kitsune disciple/underling in hope of cheering him up. Instead it backfires with Ichigo becoming a possible vessel of Inari if the god ever wishes, which the god doesn’t. Even death won’t separate Inari from this new kit, luckily with Ichigo becoming a Heroic Spirit, that will not be a problem. ((Kitsugeddon was fun to read))
Strength: B                                   Magical Energy: A-
Endurance: B+                             Luck: A-
Agility: B+                                     Noble Phantasm: A
(Note: The left side of stats are from Ichigo, Magical stats are from Inari, NP and Luck are a combo between the two)
Divinity-A                                      Magical Resistance- A
Territory Creation- B                    
Shape shift-C                                 Kitsune’s Fire-B
God’s Protection-A+
Noble Phantasm (Arts): Bountiful Strike for Good Harvest - Ichigo and Inari do a tag team attack with Ichigo leading with his sword, then Inari shots Fox Fire and Ichigo supports.. Then Inari gives a blessing for a successful battle that raises moral and vitality of allies.
“Come Kit, let’s start. You first.
Huh? Don’t I have a say in this?
Nope, you are my disciple. So you should know that everything taught to you has a reason.
Ugh, you are a difficult as Geta-Boshi at times. Fine. Let’s do this then.
Glad you agree with me.
Bountiful Strike for Good Harvest!
You happy now?
Of course, Kit.”
4) Ruler (Ichigo summoned in his Mugetsu Form): Ichigo that had died a strange death that let him keep most of his memories and has been trained as a Royal Guard and a Zero Division member. It is unknown when Ruler died in comparison to the bibliography because even he doesn’t really remember when he died. After his death, Ruler has been taken to the Soul King’s Palace then appointed as a Royal Guard immediately after. Through the accelerated pace in his learning, Ruler learned about his own being and heritage early on. This in turn allowed him to accept everything about him early on and permanently change him to Mugetsu. When the Soul King found out, he then appoints Ruler as a special member in his court that allows Ruler to judge the realms where souls live with unclouded eyes. Ruler’s own death happened as he killed the Quincy King before he could kill the Soul King by using himself as the shield and sword to kill the major threat.
-(Trivia #1): Let it be noted that Ruler’s mannerisms is different to the older Shinigami compared to the rest, if ever encountered that is. It’s almost like he dislikes the older shinigami for not acting in a more dignified matter to protect spirits.
-(Trivia #2) The man is tired of the fighting for the balance, he has seen all of what life could bring and there are a few things that can make him show emotion. Ruler continues to fight for those close to him like all other ‘Ichigo’s. As a Ruler, he doesn’t have a wish for the Grail. But if he was given a chance, he would probably wish for peace in the soul realm so that he won’t fight anymore and his precious people are safe.
Strength: A++                               Magical Energy: C+
Endurance: EX                              Luck: C+
Agility: EX                                      Noble Phantasm: EX
Unity in One: EX                            Magical Resistance-B-
Revelation-A .                                The Power To Protect-EX
Soul King’s Blessing-EX
Noble Phantasm (Buster): Final Getsuga Tenshou - The last Getsuga Tenshou that can be learned. A move used to defeat a mad man (Aizen) from a different reality. This move is known as the Trump card and Last Resort. If trained improperly, then the user will experience a serious backlash with possible death. Ruler knows how to properly use this and will only get exhausted for a while after using this.
“My being will be used to protect, to maintain the balance. To safeguard my friends.
5) Foreigner: Not much is known about Foreigner from the bibliography or the Throne of Heroes at the moment. The reason for this is because Foreigner’s true powers have yet to be discovered as some parts of the bibliography is being recovered after an ‘unfortunate accident’. All that is known at the moment is that this Ichigo is said to match wannabe gods and transcendences with unparalleled power. This is the person that could beat Ywatch if his Quincy powers weren’t taken away in the beginning of that battle.
Unique Skills
Shunpo: After learning the secret Shinigami speed technique from the proclaimed ‘Flash Goddess’ Yourichi, Ichigo can do fast burst of speed that will raise his Agility up a rank. The only fall back to this is that it uses a part of his mana and his master’s mana to do, so he tries to save this for battles or in times of need.
Bankai: The ability to transform into a greater form. All Shinigami posses a Bankai form after learning of their own Zanpakuto. Ichigo’s own Bankai ability lets him have enhanced strength and endurance during the fight as well as letting him release his Noble Phantasm to its a greater potential. This works similar to Independent Action and Imperial Privilege, but the down side is that his Master will be stun for a while after Ichigo activates Bankai because of the strain. Leaving them vulnerable to enemy attacks if they aren’t protected.
    -The strain can be eliminated if the Master has strong magical energy, or if Ichigo is summoned as the Other Saber form, Ruler or Alter-Ego.
Unity in One: An ability that symbolize people who come from mixed races and have a perfect balance of abilities and knowledge from all they are affiliated with. As rare as the birth of a new star in a universe, those that are fortunate enough to have this skill will have momentous advantage when they need and create new abilities that are unique to those that are like their own mix-race species. A drawback to this is that it takes x1.25 as much mana to use one of the unique abilities because of the unknown output of how much an ability like that would be from a native race like that. (Though this drawback can be temporarily disabled if the person has the means to do so.)
     -For Ichigo, this means that his Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy powers are in perfect harmony with each other. Instead of destroying him, they further enhance his own body and spirit to be a super human. Enhancing his stats in battle farther, giving him the chance to make a new move by combining skills from two or all three of the races that are part of him. (i.e: A cero that is weaved together with a high level kido that will not take from Ichigo’s or his master’s magical reserves, but from the surrounding magic in the area.)
The Power to Protect: Ichigo’s unique skill that works like Bankai, but removes the drawbacks Bankai would normally have. Also gives the user the ability to survive a fatal blow.
Pioneer of the Spirits: A skill that is similar to ‘Pioneer of Stars’, but for spirits. These are spirits that have changed Soul Society into progression for better or worse. The main candidates that would apply to this besides Ichigo would be the Soul King, Aizen, Kisuke, among others “that became a turning point in human (spirits) history”.
Hollow’s Hunger: Hollows are beings of instinct who lives in the lands of ‘Survival of the Fittest’. Ichigo’s own Hollow is a reflection of himself, all of his unacknowledged traits that he hates. To not be forgotten, the Hollow continuously challenges Ichigo to strengthen him so that he can triumph over death before defeating his enemies. This gives Berserker the ability to heal some damage taken to him and to survive a fatal-blow by coming back at the enemy with more vigor
    - Because he is still alive and does not know how his instincts works, it is lower than other Hollow’s of his status, but isn’t lower than a Vasto Lorde. 
Quincy’s Legacy: As one of the last members of the race known as Quinces, any and all knowledge of their culture has been passed down from generation to generation. This knowledge gives Quincies a tactical mind that is unparalleled to any human today. The Quincy that has learned of their culture turns it into a weapon to assist them in combat, making them a wise strategist that grows with experience in battle.  
Protection from the End of the Worlds: A skill that represents that this person has the most chance of survival from the World’s End because they are given protection from it. Inoue Orihime blessed Ichigo with this skill upon her death once upon a time. She put her very being into this as a means to ‘reject’ the very idea that Ichigo should die in the time where the war raged on for too long. Because Inoue Orihime put her very self into casting this last move, Ichigo can access his Noble Phantasm faster and is considered invincible for a short amount of time. ((This skill by any way, shape, or form is suppose to represent any ships. It is just a what if world’s skill that Orihime can do for anyone of her friends))
Kitsune’s Fire: Inari’s special skill. This allows one to make illusions around themselves and create a mythical fire that can burn at will. (Side effects may include a skulk/earth of foxes, the ability to understand foxes, a sudden group of followers devoted to worship you, or a never ending flame that can’t go out unless if caster allows it)
God’s Protection: A skill that works like Imperial Privilege and Independent Action. This skill allows Ichigo to wander off on his own and not get damaged as easily, increases his vitality, and prevents him from most ailments against him. This skill is mainly created because of Inari’s jealousy of Archer (Orion and Artemis)’s unique combo. A jealous fox is a cunning fox after all. (-Honestly, why isn’t this just Independent Action instead?-)
Soul King’s Blessing: An enchantment that the Soul King places on a select few in his royal court. Those that are blessed notice that they stronger, more resistant to ailments, and their own weapon(s) and moves have a coating of reiatsu that is a mix of their own and presumably the Soul King’s. This blessing can be activated willingly.
Well that is that, might do more head canons in the future because I love how the Fate Grand/Order community is full of shenanigans when you aren’t saving the world.
11 notes · View notes
The Night Shift Ch 4: Night Fall
Gravity Falls
Summary: It’s the night after the attack. What does that mean for Dipper?
    Something soft fell on his head as he slept; it felt like a light tap. It isn’t
enough to wake someone up, but since Dipper wasn’t in a deep sleep he sure
did notice it. 
Dipper opened his eyes slowly as he awakened; his vision fuzzy as he did so.
He blinked a few times before feeling another tap on his skull. He shook his
head and looked around himself; there were two stuffed toys on his left, a rhino
and a unicorn. He guessed Mabel was trying to make him feel more comfortable
in her own way; he picks up the unicorn, looks at and fiddles with it before
placing it back down.
Once again, he felt another tap on his head; he sees (and felt) a soft object run
down his face; it’s a plush of a dog. Dipper picked it up in confusion and looked
in Mabel’s direction; she had a big grin on her face and had a red plastic tub
next to her...why was she throwing things at him?
He heard Mabel giggle as she got up and held the tub over her head, taking a
few steps towards him.
Dipper felt uneasy about this, she had something planned.
“…WH-what are you doing? Don’t…”
Dipper tried to back away from her quickly but was met with a down pour of
stuffed animals raining on top of him.
He instinctively shielded his head, laughing as he was covered with stuffed
“Plushie shower plushie shower!” Mabel cried.
“Mabel, knock it off! I’m awake I’m awake!” he chuckled.
Mabel snickered at him as she placed the tub down and jumped onto his bed.
Dipper smirked and playfully threw a small stuffed rabbit at Mabel, she blocked
while still giggling.
“Ok, what are you doing dummy?” Dipper asked as he teasingly shoved her.
“Waking you up in the cutest and comfiest way I can think of. Did you find it
comfy enough?”
“Yeah, didn’t realize you could fit so many of them in that tub…” he said in an
amused tone.
“I tried putting every plush I had in there, I couldn’t put the real big ones in
there…so here’s Mr. Rhino too!” She excitedly whacked him with the stuffed
rhino as Dipper raised his arms up in defense.
“Hey watch it; or I’ll make your rhino my chew toy tonight.” He snickered as he
shoved the stuffed rhino away.
“I’ll dump cold water on you next time if you do!”
“Then you’ll get stuck with me smelling like wet dog.”
“Ew, gross Dipper!” she whacked him again as they both had a giggling fit.
Though after a few more hits, Dipper’s shoving of her toy away became less
forceful, till his strong shoves were small pushes to gentle taps.
     Mabel noticed this, not only was he faltering in playing, his smile was
beginning to fade as Dipper looked to his right, away from Mabel. His eyelids
slightly lowered as he went deeper in thought, he eyed his wrist watch with a
solemn expression and removed it from his right arm. He tossed it over to the
table between the twin’s beds in a frustrated manner and sighed.
      Mabel’s energy was quickly dying down as she understood her brother was
now thinking about his curse again. She frowned at this; seeing him act like this
broke her heart.
“What’s wrong?”
Dipper took a moment to respond.
“…It’s eight PM…”
“So…you didn’t change yet, so that’s a good thing right?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to change so don’t get your hopes up.”
She lowered her head slightly.
“Doesn’t your paper scraps say anything about when you change?”
“Not specifically, it either says when the moon is full or when night falls…” he
skimmed through paper clipped stray pages quietly for a while as Mabel looked
“Did Grunkle Stan leave yet?”
“Yeah he left like a while ago, he didn’t say much why though other than he was
going to grab some things. But he said I should keep an eye on my new dog.”
Dipper groaned in annoyance as Mabel laughed at him.
“How did you know he left?” she asked.
“Soos told me when we were putting up flyers earlier today. Apparently he didn’t
tell Soos much either about what he was going out for. ” Dipper grumbled.
“I wouldn’t worry about it; Grunkle Stan does weird stuff sometimes, it’s nothing
to worry about.” She replied smoothly, not caring about the fact she repeated
“Yeah, maybe…So, what is Soos doing?”
“Ah he just pops in and asks if we’re ok and if you’re a wolf yet…he’s got us
covered.” She was quite confident in her words.
Soos could be heard calling out from downstairs.
“Hey Mabel, is he a pup yet?”
“Not yet!” Mabel cried back.
“Ok, I got a cage if you need it!”
Dipper turned to her with a bewildered expression.
“Where did he get a cage?” he asked quietly.
“He made it himself; he put spikes on it so you break out of it so easily.”
Dipper mouthed the word “really?” as Mabel went over to her bed, nodding.
Mabel plopped on her back, with her legs in the air.
“Soos told me he’s feeling better about your curse and thinks you’ll be a puppy,
he just built the cage just in case you get out of control; I don’t think you will to
Dipper said nothing.
“And if you’re wondering, Waddles is with Soos so you don’t eat him. He’s been
acting weird since it started getting dark.”
Dipper adjusted himself and huddled up, looking down at his feet all melancholy
“He still likes you, I mean he was getting on your bed and rubbing his pig nose
against your face and squealing a lot.”
“He probably knows what’s going to happen to me…”
“He’s just worried about you, that’s better than being scared of you right?”
He looked away from Mabel sadly.
Mabel gave him an annoyed glanced and huffed.
“You need to stop being such a downer. Are you even gonna do anything to kill
the time?”
“Didn’t really plan on that…”      
Mabel sat right up.
“How could you not? You can’t just do nothing till then, that’s boring; how about a
board game or something?”
Dipper eyed her and looked away despondently, the thoughts of the upcoming
transformation was stuck in his mind.
“I’m not really interested…I’m sorry, I’m just tense. I know I’ve been saying that a
lot lately.”
Mabel silently stared at him.
“Come on chillax, maybe you’ll be a puppy after all, or maybe you’ll be gross and
hairy as a human; with pointy ears, yellow eyes and sharp teeth.”
“Ew no!”
“Hey you’ll get that chest hair you wanted.”
“That’s not the type I wanted…”He grumbled.
“Or maybe you’ll be like the werewolves in the romance novels, like Wolfman
bare chest. I bet the ladies will love you, you’ll be like a big strong guy and a
handsome creature of the night and-”
“Mabel, it doesn’t work that way! Werewolves run around and hurt and eat
people! Werewolves are not romantic creatures, stop it!” He snapped angrily, he
flinched from his own angry words.
Mabel was shocked from his outburst and her expression showed she was hurt;
she was only trying to help.
Dipper’s eyes widen, feeling remorseful.
“Mabel I…I’m sor-”
And at that moment he felt a sharp pain in his right hand.
Dipper let out a small startled cry and squeezed it; Mabel’s heart skipped a beat
and she froze in place.
He groaned in response, his hand felt like it was burning and soon his other
hand followed.
Mabel left her spot and rushed over to Dipper.
“Dipper, is it starting?”
“I…I…”he stuttered to say something.  
Then something strange caught their eyes, Dipper’s nails…they were turning
He didn’t understand what was supposed to be happening at first.
Mabel inched closer to Dipper in concern.
“Dipper, are you-”
Then a loud crack came from his hands, he cried out in alarm and lurched
forward as it felt like someone crushed them.  He squeezed his eyes shut as the
bones in his hands continued to crack, his nails felt as if someone was piercing
through them; strangely he felt his nails, both on his fingers and toes, moving.
“Dipper your nails!” Mabel cried in a panicked tone, he felt her grip on to his left
He opened his eyes…and was met with the frightening sight of his nails
changing shape. They cracked as they slowly grew longer and rather pointed,
becoming sharper.  They were becoming round in a way he couldn’t figure out to
describe, they sort of…’puffed up’, at least that’s how it looked when they
changed that way.
His jaw dropped and his lower lip trembled, he raised his shaky hand out in front
of him, watching his nails becoming long black razor sharp claws.
Dipper shook his head in a panicky manner as he slightly moved his fingers, his
claws still lengthening; he let out frightened heaving as his body shivered.
Mabel’s eyes grew wide as she watched what was unfolding before her, finding
herself leaning away from him as her grip tightened.
Mabel wished that this was a bad dream; she wished the signs were just
coincidences and Dipper was being paranoid again. But those wishes would
never come true, Dipper’s fears were real.
He was cursed; he was bitten by a werewolf.
And he was beginning to change.
“N-No…No!” He turned to Mabel with frightened eyes, Mabel couldn’t find the
words to respond to him, he really was becoming a werewolf, and she was afraid
of what was happening.
“Dipper its ok, j-just don’t freak out…”Mabel said nervously; honestly she didn’t
know what to tell him and thought what she said was rather stupid to say at a
time like this.
Dipper stared at her questionably.
“How can I not freak out? I’m turning into a werewolf!” he got off the bed in a
panic and wandered aimlessly and clumsily around the room. He couldn’t think
straight, all he had going through his head was the fear about what was
happening to him.
“Oh man oh man oh man…” he repeated in dismay as he focused on his hands,
paying no attention to his surroundings as he bumped into things.
He was breathing pretty fast as his fear grew.
Mabel approached him cautiously from the side with a frown.
“Dipper maybe you should lie down…?” she reassured him nervously as she
placed a hand on his right shoulder.
He felt Mabel touch him rather gently; he flinched away in surprise when she did,
though it was a pretty reassuring gesture.
Dipper whipped his head around to her, giving Mabel an agonized and frustrated
look, gritting his teeth. But that’s not what freaked Mabel out, what did was that
his brown eyes were glowing. Mabel was taken aback by this.
Dipper noticed Mabel was backing away, she was afraid of him…his own sister
was afraid of him.
His eyes widen before squeezing them shut and relaxing his expression, slowly
opening his eyes as he gave her a calm look to tell her he didn’t want to harm
However Mabel was still rather frightened.
“Mabel I’m still in control d-don’t worry.” He stuttered as he tried fighting off the
small pain.
Mabel shook her head.
“No it’s not that, your eyes are getting glowy!”
“What?! My eyes are glowing?”
He looked around and spotted his reflection in the window, sure enough his eyes
were glowing; they were still their brown color but he knew they wouldn’t stay
that color for long.
He shuddered as he turned back to Mabel in horror. Dipper fell backwards onto
his bottom in despair; Mabel kneeled beside him to his left.
“I…I really am turning into a monster…”
“Don’t call yourself that, just think about happy things!” Mabel was running out of
ideas on how to keep him calm.
Dipper could tell Mabel was losing faith in her words.
“I can’t think about anything else but the fact I’m changing, how can I think about
anything else?!” his tone was becoming increasingly angry and pained sounding.
“Dipper, stop being a rude jerk, I’m just trying to help in any way I can think of!”
Mabel cried with a mix of sadness and frustration.
Dipper winced and gave her a hurt expression.
“I’m losing control of my emotions am I?” his voice was cracking, ashamed of his
actions as he huddled against the wall shaking.
Mabel gave him a sorrowful expression, he didn’t mean to be a jerk; it was this
entire dumb curse’s fault. She wished she could somehow ease his suffering.
“Dipper, its ok…” she tried approaching him closer almost trying to side hug him.
Mabel was startled as Dipper let out a pained groan; he felt the claws on his toes
pushing against his sneakers uncomfortably as it ran out of room. Dipper yanked
his shoes and socks off quickly, not wanting to feel anymore discomfort or have
his claws tear through his shoes.
“It’s pretty slow for a scary werewolf transformation.” Mabel muttered.
“Maybe…m-maybe you’re right; maybe this won’t be so bad…”he laughed
nervously, all that hurt were his hands and nails so far, maybe the transformation
wouldn’t hurt that bad as the movies or papers made some of the
transformations out to be. Turning to Mabel, he noticed she seemed to be frozen
in place as she stared with rather big eyes at him.
“Y-you’re hands…! You don’t feel that all?”
“Wh-what?” Dipper looked at his hands and saw that brown hair, no wait
actually, brown fur was sprouting on the back of his hands, spreading to the
fingers. He really didn’t feel anything other than a slight ticklish and itchy
sensation; it traveled across his fingers rather rapidly. He winced as he felt his
palms and fingers pushing out? Bewildered, he checked the palms of his hands;
his skin was darkening and hardening as black lumps formed while fur grew
around it, rubbing his finger against it, it felt pretty rough, he could still feel other
things with his black lumps but everything felt more ‘cushioned’. The twins had
seen these lumps before on the paws of cats and dogs…his hands had
transformed into a combination of human hands and paws.  He could still move
them like human hands but it felt strangely awkward to do so, they were much
larger than his human hands.
Mabel reached out slowly to feel his transformed hands, they didn't look that
Then everything went south from there.
           Dipper let out another cry and squeezed his left arm, flinching away from
Mabel; she drew her hand back in surprise.
"Dipper what's happening now?"
Dipper struggled to answer.
"I think my arms are swell-"
But he could not finish, at that moment; his entire being was overtaken by
excruciating, agonizing and unbearable pain. He screamed and hugged his
stomach as he curled up and fell to his side in a fetal like position. His body was
shaking, but it wasn’t from fear this time. Everything hurt; he was completely
paralyzed from the awful pain, even the slightest movement caused him
discomfort. His skin felt as if he was on fire, he felt like his insides were being
rearranged and changing shape, his bones felt like glass and his muscles felt
like chewing gum(he couldn’t think of any other way to describe it right now).
Something was tearing him apart from the inside out.
Dipper drew his arms in closer as he once again squeezed his eyes shut.
He let out another, much louder, ear piercing scream.
         Mabel crawled backwards away from Dipper, she was terrified of what was
happening to him, but she was actually more scared for him. She had never
seen Dipper in so much agony like this before, Mabel could feel her heart
breaking into small pieces; she couldn’t bear to see him on the floor withering in
pain, he looked so helpless and frightened. He rolled to his other side as he
hugged himself, Dipper sounded like he was on the verge of crying; actually he
was crying, just a little but it appeared he was trying his hardest not to. However
it seemed impossible not to cry from such a scary and painful transformation.
Mabel swore she heard him quietly whimper the word in a soft tone…“Help…”
Dipper rolled on to his stomach and tried to lift himself off the floor but his sore
body made it difficult to do so and collapsed to his hands and knees.
“Guys what’s going on up there?” Soos cried from downstairs.
Mabel heart breakingly shook her head; she couldn’t watch her younger brother
suffer like this any longer. She wanted to throw a large cushy blanket over him to
soothe him; she had to do something to help Dipper. Maybe…Maybe she could
help him over to his bed? She did suggest earlier that maybe lying down might
help, maybe he just needed something comfortable to lie on, she wasn’t sure if it
would actually work but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
Mabel stood back up and approached Dipper cautiously as he scrunched up
tighter, his back arching as she heard several cracks from his bones. She
flinched away at this but gathered up her courage again and continued to walk
around him, now standing in front of him.
“Dipper, I think I can help you through this…” Mabel kneeled down and reached
for his hand, his claws were sinking into the wooden floor. “Here, I’ll carry you to
your bed; I can try and find a snuggly blanket to help…”
Dipper felt his sister clutch his furry hand, but he did not feel relief, instead, he
panicked. He could hurt Mabel by accident in his current state!
Mabel was met by a rather frightening looking Dipper, seemingly looking right
through her in an angry fashion.
“Don’t, I’m not safe right now!”
“I’m just helping you up, chillax…”she remarked.
Mabel tugged on his hand to help him up.
“NO, Mabel, don’t! Get away!”
He flipped out; he had to keep her unharmed.
Dipper forcibly yanked his hand away from her…and heard a loud tear.
Mabel cried out in surprise while Dipper fell forward, he managed to barely sit up
as his insides twisted, supporting himself with his hands. Mabel stumbled back
away from Dipper, grasping her hand tightly. She whimpered as she squeezed
her eyes shut briefly; her hand hurt really bad, she didn’t want to let go of it.
“Mabel? What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Dipper sensed something was awry.
She carefully removed her grip, her hand trembling. Her hand was covered in
deep nasty looking cuts, blood flowed from it, and the air caused the cuts to
sting even worse. Mabel tried wiping the blood off with her left arm’s sleeve and
looked back at Dipper; her sorrowful expression mixed with surprise; as if she
wanted to say
Dipper shook his head in dismay and he held his clawed hand in front of him,
staring at it with his mouth agape. A small amount of blood trickles down his
claws, Mabel’s blood. His lower lip trembled as he knew he was becoming a
killing machine.
"Oh my gosh Mabel you're bleeding! I-I..." he pushed himself tightly against the
wall, his eyes full of guilt. He looked around in distress, shaking.
“I-I…Oh no…no…” Dipper let out a quiet sob as he hugged himself.
Mabel looked at him sympathetically; she knew he had no intention of hurting
“Dipper…I-it’s ok, it’s just a scratch…” she told him softly.
“No… it’s not just a scratch Mabel, you’re really bleeding…I…I’m not safe to be
around…” he was hyperventilating, letting out distressed sobs every few
“Dipper it was an accident, you were just scared…” Mabel took a step towards
“No…Mabel…”he scooted to the left against the wall, away from her as he
stared at the floor.
“Dipper, knock it off, you just freaked-”
Dipper’s brows furrowed and his glowing brown eyes glared straight into
Mabel’s, he shoved her away roughly with his right foot. Mabel nearly tripped as
she stumbled backwards, shocked by his actions.
“Mabel, stay away!”
She froze in place, scared. She swore she heard him growl lowly in a menacing
“But…” Dipper cut her off.
“Get out of here, run!” he begged somberly.
“Dipper stop it, we promised we would stick together!”
“You’re hurt because of me! I’m sorry Mabel but…you can’t be with me right now,
I’m becoming dangerous.” He hugged himself even tighter, almost curling up into
a ball.
“No you’re not!”
“You’re…you’re crazy…Just run Mabel!”
Mabel shook her head.
“I’m…I’m not going to run, you’re my brother.”
“You have to run Mabel! Stay away from me, run please! I don’t want to hurt you
“Dipper, stop it!”
Dipper ignored her pleas, he needed her safe.
“Mabel, get out of here please!” Dipper cried desperately.
“I won’t…” Mabel refused.
“I’ll kill you if you stay here! I’ll kill you!” Dipper screamed. He had to scare her
off somehow...even if it means hurting her feelings. But he was doing this to
protect her.
Mabel was taken aback by his harsh words; she was on the verge of tears; he
was treating himself so badly because of this stupid werewolf curse as well.
“Dipper please…stop doing this to yourself!” Mabel protested tearfully.
A loud knock was heard at their bedroom door, though it was more of a pound.
“Dudes what’s going on in there? Are…are you transforming?” Soos shouted
from behind the door, his voice full of dread.
Dipper eyed the door then back to Mabel, then back to the door as sweat ran down his face.
“Y-yes…Soos, get the cage and get Mabel out of here, before it’s too late!” he cried desperately.
“This sounds pretty bad…” Soos said nervously to himself. “Mabel, what are you doing in there? You gotta get out of there quick!”
“But…I promised Dipper…”
“Dude he’s too dangerous when changing! I know it seems pretty bad to leave
him during the transformation, but we don’t know if he’ll even be able to control
his wolf form!”
“You…you told me you believed he would turn out to be a puppy.” Mabel
sounded dejected.
“I do but puppies chew and bite too and their little teeth hurt!” Soos answered.
“Please hurry! Mabel won’t leave and she’s bleeding really bad! Please keep her
safe!” Dipper yelled.
“Oh geez, this is real bad...”
Soos tried opening the door and pushed against it.
“Dudes, I can’t get in, the door won’t budge!”
“Ah…no…” Dipper muttered as he looked down in despair. “Ma-Mabel…”he
stammered weakly.
“Wow, that’s pretty contrived.” Soos remarked
“SOOS NOW IS NOT THE TIME, HURRY!” Dipper screamed.
Mabel stared at the door with wide and thoughtful, yet sad and unsure eyes. She
eyed Dipper as he raised his head weakly and looked into Mabel’s eyes.
Mabel turned backed to the door then scanned the room before looking down at
her feet.
In those few seconds, Mabel quickly made a decision, a risky decision, but she
wanted to do this. No… she had to do this, to get through to Dipper.
Her expression became stern as she took in a deep breath.
“Come on Mabel, open the door! Man this door is stuck pretty tight.” Soos
rammed against it as he attempted to force it open with his weight, but to no
avail; that and he wore himself out pretty fast.
“Man, breaking through doors is tougher than I thought.” Soos panted. “…would
have been real cool if I did though, just like in the action movies heh.”
“Mabel, run please, I…can’t hold it back much longer…” Dipper was starting to
choke on his words, his breathing felt constricted.
“Ack, d-don’t worry Dipper, I still got tools on me from building that cage. If Mabel
won’t come out, I can just try to get this door open with them. Hang on Mabel I’ll
get you out quick-”
Mabel instantly ran up towards the door and leaned against it.
“Soos wait…” Mabel asked gently.
“Mabel? Are you coming out?”
“No, but please listen to what I have to say.”
Soos paused on his work on the door.
“I have a plan I’m…I’m staying in here with Dipper.”
“Please he needs me; I know what I’m doing, like you hoped this morning,
“Yeah…but, you sure he won’t hurt you again?”
“I know he won’t, and I’ll make sure he doesn’t, just wait outside until I call for
help if something goes wrong… Please, I understand what he’s going through
more than anyone else, I know I can handle this…You believe in me right?”
Mabel’s voice was calm and heartfelt.
“Yeah…Yeah I do…do what you need to do...just be careful” he sat down
against the door a bit fretfully, though he had faith in Mabel.
      Mabel turned herself to Dipper with gloomy yet slightly compassionate look.
She was between a smile and a frown as she carefully approached him. He was
in a sitting position this time, almost curled up into a ball; he let out a pained cry
which made Mabel pause in place, but only for a moment and took a few more
steps. She knelt down in front of him and placed a hand gently on his back vest,
seemingly stroking it in attempt to comfort him.
“Mabel…” Dipper weakly spoke as he slowly raised his head “Why are you doing
She did not respond as she stared deep into his eyes sympathetically.
“I-I still trust you and I’m trying to keep our promise… but I also promised not to
hurt anyone either, I J-just don’t think it’s safe for you to be here right now
maybe after a few hours…”
“I’m not leaving you, not like this…I can’t, I won’t. I’m staying with you through
this; I know that you’re scared of hurting me again. You’re stubborn bro bro and
you keep changing your mind about this promise every time you think you’re
putting me in danger with your stupid curse. I know this werewolf stuff is pretty
dangerous, but I don’t care if I’m in danger by just being with you. I know you’ll
never hurt me or anyone else on purpose as a wolf. I know my little brother…I
care about you more than my safety right now. I promised to help you through
this no matter what, I can take a few scratches to keep you safe and under
control.” Mabel hugged him gently and buried her face in his hat.
“I know but…I don’t want to do anything worse.”
“I know….that’s why I’m staying right with you, I’m gonna help you stay
yourself…and help you feel safe and alright.”
Dipper was aghast; he was shaking all over as his power to hold back the changes was slipping.
“Mabel…don’t! You can wait outside the door like you said last night! Just
barricade it! Let Soos try to open it!” He begged somberly.
Mabel quickly removed her face from his hat as she heart brokenly looked at him
in the eyes.
“I’m sorry Dipper, but I’m not leaving you!”
“MABEL NO!” He screamed as he tried shoving her away.
But he could not get her to leave.
                                   Everything that hurt felt worse than before, probably because he had 
resisted the transformation for such a long period of time. He felt bones cracking
again, his muscles stretching and swelling once again.
                Dipper wriggled in Mabel’s arms as his insides shifted while she held
on. Mabel refused to let go of her sibling; she continued to stroke his back and
kept him close to her body to make Dipper feel safe and at peace, but it
obviously wasn’t working. Mabel could feel some of his insides move; at least
she thought they were his insides, maybe it was his bones or organs. Or maybe
it was just him moving normally, as he seemed to struggle weakly to escape her
Well, she wasn’t gonna let anything related to this curse push her away again,
nothing would now!
Until Mabel felt something disgusting, she felt a bone shift drastically and even
heard a disturbing crunch; she actually felt something from his upper back move!
It felt like a bone just…popped out of place, breaking, bending and moving.
‘Bones should not do that!’ Mabel cried out in her head.
She cringed at this and loosened her hug, grossed out at what she felt; she felt
another snap and pop, she let go and recoiled away from him. Ok, maybe she
should keep some distance from him, just a little, she thought as she sat on the
                 The power to the shack suddenly went out, which Soos reacted by
saying “Aw nuts.”
Mabel flinched and let out a startled cry as she heard the loud sound of a fuse
going out.
The only light source they had was that of the moon, though not full still, it
shined brightly through the window in an eerie form.
Dipper let out pained grunt before letting out another cry of helplessness; turning
his head to the shining moonlight streaming from the window. Tears ran down
his face as he eyed the night sky, he raised a clawed hand out to it before
slamming it back down on the floor, now standing on fours with his hands and
knees. It was the nightfall itself that caused him to change, not the moon. He
drags his claws across the wooden floor as he drew his arm back.
His fate was indeed going to be cruel.
He wept to himself.
“Mabel…please…” he muttered mournfully.
“Dipper, I told you I’m not-”
“Help…Help me…” Tears rolled down his face more frequently.
“Dipper…” She knew there was no stopping the transformation. “I’m sorry…”
“Please someone…”he was raising his voice “Help…me.”
Mabel shook her head tearfully; she didn’t know what else to do.
“Mabel, help me…please! Someone please help! PLEASE, SOMEONE,
“Mabel I’m sorry!” He cried out one last time as the tears continued to flow.
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osmw1 · 6 years
Dimension Wave   Chapter 5—Recycling
I slept remarkably well. It’s been years since I’ve felt this good waking up. People have been talking about virtual drugs recently but seeing how well I can sleep in a game, that’s more than enough reason for them to start selling them.
How long was I out for? I opened up the menu to check the in-game clock, which read 10:07 PM. I’ve been asleep for about six hours then. I take a look out the window and see that the sun has already set.
“Let’s go get that Fishing Mastery then.”
Name/ Kizuna†Exceed Race/ Spirit Energy/ 2,820 Mana/ 70 Serin/ 1,850
Skills/ Energy Production III, Mana Production II
Energy Production II → Energy Production III Generates 200 Energy per hour → Generates 400 Energy per hour Costs 50 Mana to upgrade.
Fishing Mastery I All actions with a fishing rod receives a 10% buff. Consumes 100 Energy per hour. Costs 30 Mana to acquire. Unlock requirement: Obtain 10 items or more with a fishing rod. Upgrade requirement: Obtain 100 or more items with a fishing rod.
I acquire Fishing Mastery I. Doing so consumes 100 Energy, leaving me with 2,720. Upgrading it to rank II will cost me 60 Mana. With only 40 left, I don’t have enough for it. In any case, I’ve got Fishing Master I now. I’ve been waiting to see what it can do. Well, still, I don’t think I can catch The Big One so easily though.
“… sure am hungry.”
I feel like I just ate before I went to bed. Thinking about it, that was already six hours ago, so maybe it’s time for another meal. I’ll eat the leftover fish I had grilled for me. I take out the Grilled Herring from my inventory.
“It’s turned cold. This game even has temperature, eh?”
When I had it earlier, it was fresh off the grill and piping hot. In that case, if someone were to make stuff like ice cream, it’d probably melt too. Well, who knows? Maybe there’s dry ice or something like that as well. It’s a bit miserable but if I don’t eat this, it’d be going to waste. I can make do.
“Now that my belly’s full, let’s go catch a fish or two. Where did I leave my clothes again?”
Here they are. I just tossed them over by my shoes. Right after I get dressed, I take out my Wooden Rod +2 and I’m ready to go. I leave the inn. Passing by the front desk cued a “Take care!” from the NPC. I step out to a town of darkness. A soulless scene. Maybe everybody’s hit the sack already or they’re still working hard at leveling up.
“It really is dark. I can barely see where I’m going.”
Of course, there are no streetlights, but there aren’t even torches around. It’s nigh pitch black. I open up the map from the menu and head towards that same bridge I was on yesterday. I even dropped by the general store since I had forgotten to buy more bait. I can’t believe that they’re still open though. If this were a real person running the store, they’d probably wouldn’t be too chipper at this time of hour. Imagine a clerk working in a convenience store or something…
Anyway, I get to the bridge. Unfortunately though, the moon is covered by clouds. I wouldn’t know I’m facing the sea if not for the briny breeze and the gentle crashing of the waves. Perhaps I need a carbide lamp or something of the sort. For now, I’m happy with my big pile of bait as I stick it onto my copper fishhook. I poked my finger three times, causing 10 damage. Then after casting my line into the sea, I feel a weird tug that I’ve never felt before. It’s… rather strong. But this dull bite is just odd. Whatever, though. I power through it and fish it out of the water.
—××× obtained.
Hmm? It’s too dark to read the text. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I put it into my inventory. I’ll know when the sun rises. I bait my hook and cast my rod again.
—××× obtained.
Whoa! I caught something the moment the hook touched the water. They’re really biting. I bought 300 pieces of bait, but now it looks like it might not be enough. Alright! It’s an all-you-can-catch!
… finally, morning. I keel over with my hands and knees on the ground, exactly like the orz emoticon. As for results though, I caught nearly 200. But if felt more like they were looking for me, rather than me actively trying to catch them.
I take a look at my spoils. 137 Empty Cans 2 Rubber Boots Crystallization (Unidentified) 40 Herrings 25 Sardines 12 Seabasses 4 Common Darkfish 3 Zombiefish
What the hell? I got more Empty Cans than anything. Oh, the disappointment! Gimme back the happiness I had! Why are there even cans in this world in the first place? … but I guess it’s not too surprising after all.
What I intended to do was to find out whether I can catch different fish at night, so I can chalk it up as a success. “How much trash are you guys throwing into the ocean anyway?” is what I want to say, but I don’t wanna be rude. And not to mention that last thing on the list is totally undead. I bet I can get some good materials from trimming it. It better be good. I begin to gut and trim the fish while clinging on to that glimmer of hope. Probably not the cans though.
It took me two hours to finish up. I’m still not getting a gutting skill though. I wonder what the requirement is. Maybe I have to fight with it as a weapon? I plan to keep on fishing though, so I don’t think I’ll go and try that out. But, naturally, the amount of fish I had was proportional to the amount of time needed to trim them. I’m glad I have this convenient gutting knife. It’s just a hunch, but I think I can use it to gut monsters as well. I’ll try it if I ever get the chance to fight monsters.
“Alright, now let’s sell it all.”
I check the clock again to see it read 9:27 AM. I bet someone as diligent as Alto is would be up already. I’ll try and send a chat. What’s his actual name? Altorese, was it? I remember him saying something about Altorese’s Emporium or something. And just like before, a dialing sound effect plays as I wait for Alto to pick up.
“Hi, this is Alto.”
He sounds like he’s full of energy. He’ll be trading all day too, I’d say.
“Yo, it’s me.” “You sound like you’re the girl from yesterday. No, wait, the guy who’s playing as a girl, right?” “Right. Kizuna.” “Is that your name? I don’t think I caught it yesterday.”
Oh, now that he mentions it. I asked him for his name, but I was too embarrassed to let him know “Kizuna†Exceed” is my name. Rather, I think I deliberately didn’t tell him.
“So? What’s up today?” “Ah, I wanted to sell you some items. They’re all fish though, if that’s okay.” “Of course. Where are you now?” “On the map, I’m to the right of the bridge—”
After exchanging our locations, we ended up deciding to rendezvous at the same place as yesterday. I was gonna hurry on over, but Alto was there already.” He has different equipment on compared to yesterday. Looks like he’s doing well for himself.
“Yo, Kizuna. You said you had fish, but how much do you have?” “Oh, this much.”
I hit accept on his trade request. According to Alto, we can just trade it over by hand, but since we’re trading in such large amounts, it’s better to do it this way. I place the scales, bones, meat, heads, teeth, fin, and everything else in the trade window.
“It seems like you’ve prepped all of them for cooking already, but you still have so much. What a shock.” “Prepped for cooking?”
“I didn’t do that though?” was what I was about to say, but Alto continues.
“Yeah, after parting ways yesterday, I found out that if you use a kitchen knife to prep your fish, you get a lot more items that way.” “Huh.” “And so you have the cooking skill, right, Kizuna? If you need any ingredients, I can sell you some.”
No, I don’t have a single cooking skill pop up. But I’ll keep that to myself. Since he has so many connections, he’s gotta know somebody that uses a gutting-type weapon, right?
“Hey, Alto, this is completely unrelated, but what do gutting weapons do?” “Hmm? I’m pretty sure they do extra damage to certain races. But since their base damage is low, not many people use them.” “I see…” “And sometimes, when you kill the right monsters, they drop different items too.”
… don’t tell me I’ve misunderstood my gutting knife this whole time. As far as I know, if I’m being really careful, I can gut and trim fish to get their scales and meat. But it seems like I can use the cooking skill instead. Maybe it’s even more effective that way. In that case, I can probably even earn more money. Naturally, it’ll become common knowledge sooner or later. But before everyone knows about it, maybe I can make tons of money like this. It’s not exactly uncommon for a new game.
“What about gutting weapons anyway?” “Ah, I’m using one right now. So that’s it? A peculiar weapon used against certain races…” “I see. You really like unusual things, don’t you, Kizuna?” “Guess so.” “Anyway, how does a total of 6,000 serin sound?” “That much?”
Alto says it as if it were obvious. If all he had yesterday was 8,000 serin, that means he’s been making lots while I’ve been chilling.
“It takes time to raise your cooking skill, so factor in how much an hour is worth. It’s also quite a lot and then I put it a little below market value.”
Buy low, sell low. That’s how he resells stuff, he mentioned yesterday. That’s fine then. It’s a lot more than what the NPCs will give me anyway. I accept the trade, hit OK, and received 6,000 serin.
“Thank you for your patronage. Let me know if you have anything else to sell.” “Alright, I’ll holler next time.”
I take a look at my inventory to see only empty cans left. Having 137 of them is actually kind of a bother. NPCs will give me either 1 or 5 serin for each. The difference being aluminum and steel. Wait, hold on. Aluminum and steel, huh?
“Hey, Alto? I have another question. How much do Empty Cans sell for?” “Empty Cans? Unfortunately, dirt cheap. You’re better off selling it to a store.” “Is that right? It’s caught my attention that these cans are aluminum and steel though.”
I lower my voice as if I’m letting him onto a secret and his face lights up.
“… I see. With a blast furnace, they might be able to turn into ingots!” “There are blast furnaces, huh?” “Yeah. There are people working on their craft skills who are smelting ores into ingots.” “Then can I get you to take a look whether they can do the same with these cans? Of course, I’ve got a lot more, so if it works.”
We open up our trade windows again and I give him five each of aluminum and steel. It’ll be easy money if I can turn trash into something useful. Even if it doesn’t work out, I can still sell it for some change.
“Thank you, Kizuna! Maybe we’ll make a lot with this!” “Yeah, if it pans out, get me a slice of the action.” “Of course! I’ll hurry and find out then!”
This being right in his element, Alto rushes off while waving goodbye. It probably won’t even take him an hour.
“I’ve got quite a good stack of money now. Maybe I should get some equipment.”
If I can turn cans into steel, then maybe I can get someone to make me a weapon. But since I don’t even have a single combat skill, I think it’d be better to stick to my light clothing. And for shoes… can I wear these rubber boots? I take them out of my inventory, take off my default shoes, and stick my feet into the boots.
“Looks like I really can equip them…”
If I had a raincoat and a yellow umbrella, it’ll complete my little girl getup. Leaving the jokes aside, I should look for an armor shop or a player selling clothes. I take my first steps in my rubber boots.
Let me tell you what happened after. My hunch was dead on. Those Empty Cans really can be turned into aluminum and steel ingots. While keeping it a secret from Alto and the smith, I keep on quietly fishing up empty cans and repeatedly hand them over. The three of us made a killing for about five days until players found a source of iron ore. Of course, the ingots made from cans aren’t all that high quality, so we started losing business. After discussing our strategy with Alto, we decided to put it to an end. In any case, we came in hot with out Empty Can method and made a good chunk of cash. With fate bringing us together, I added Alto to my friends list.
“I’ll be counting on you for another brilliant idea to make money.”
I hope he feels the same way. Furthermore, for some odd reason, I can only catch Empty Cans at night. Afterwards, with iron prices going down, Alto made the information public. In the end, pairing the unprofitable fishing skill with smelting and smithing made for a popular money-making strategy.
previously: /prologue/ /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /next/
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(check out the other title I’m translating—written by the same author!)
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