#the guy he literally walked me here. I swear to you that spiderman is a sixteen year old white boy.’
Are you aware of tiktok having their own little goncharov moment and making videos pretending to be civilians in marvel or dc comics. I think you should be aware of that
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dabuggh3 · 6 months
Heyyy Can you write smth cutesie abt picking hamzah up after he gets too overwhelmed at comic con. I couldn’t stop thinking abt it the whole time watching it was rly funny😭😭😭 Please and Thank you
HIII YESS, no because when I was watching the video and I literally started getting anxious because of how overwhelmed he was. I paused the video😭. But anyways thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoyyy!!💗
Hamzah calls you to come pick him up from comic con because they were done shooting the video for slushynoobz. You get in your car and head over, you arrive and he gets in the car. The first couple mins were quiet, “ So how did it go?, did you like it?”. “ uh it was good there were so sooo many people on one of the floors it was actually crazy, we had to sit down for literally half of it” You look over at him and he was holding something.
“ What did you buy?” He looks down and starts bursting out laughing as he shows you, my little pony oven mitts. “ Hamzahhh” you say laughing. “ Waitttt, okay me and Martin were passing by and there was just like a huge ass stack and we were like what’s this, and we started talking shit and the lady was like oh they’re home made, they’re home made like 5 times, and idk what came over me and I just bought them.”
“ They’re kindaaa cute” you say looking at them. “ I wasted like 30 dollarssss, I saved 5 dollars tho, we bargained with the lady ” he says smiling. “ 30 dollars is actually crazy, but they’re homemade remember”. “ Stoppp, oh my god and someone called Martin the skinniest Spiderman they’ve ever seennn”. You laugh , “ that’s so meann”.
“Babe I swear I was looking at some people and I literally wanted to gag so bad I don’t even know why”. He continues talking then he goes silent, just staring at you,“ What’s wrong” “ You’re so pretty you’re glowingggg” he says admiring you. You turn and smile at him. “Even on shrooms, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen”
For the rest of the drive he continues talking, pointing at random signs, and telling you what he’s seeing. You guys arrive, parking into you’re apartment complex, “ Yea and Martin went over and asked him for a hug and I was like boy he don’t want no dam hug from youu, the guy looked so scared I recorded it.” You both laugh so hard, “ Okay we’re here let’s go” “ Huh, I swear the car was still moving”
You guys enter the apartment, and Hamzah changes then plops down on the couch. “ Do you wanna eat something orrr” “ No I’m okay I’ll eat later” “ Okay” you walk over and sit next to him, “ Want to watch something” you look over at him as he sits with his head back eyes closed, “ uhhh yea,” he opens his eyes and turns looking at you. He smiles and leans over to kiss you. He then positions himself, laying on your chest. “ Do you wanna watch Arcaneee??” You say in an excited tone.“ Yesssss” he says smiling.
You and Hamzah lay on the couch as you rub his back. And he keeps pointing out random stuff from the show that he’s never noticed, “ wait was that always there I swear it wasn’t”. 30 minutes pass by and while laying down, you feel his stomach growl. “ Babe are you sure you’re not hungry?” “ No” “ I literally felt you’re stomach growl right now, ima go make you something” you try getting up. Hamzah holds onto you harder while making himself heavier, “ I’m not hungry, don’t leave” he says muffled because his face is buried in your chest. “ I’ll take like 20 mins and I’ll be right back, I’m literally right here next to you in the kitchen”. “ No”. “ Okay then come with me”
Eventually Hamzah agrees and comes with you to the kitchen. You end up making him a sandwich. While making it Hamzah is just hugging you from behind, watching. “ Are you sure the mayo’s not expired, it’s kinda a weird color” “ No it’s not, trust me”. You finish and go back on the couch. Hamzah sits back down and eats his sandwich. He then goes on a whole rant how Martin didn’t want to finish watching Arcane and he’s missing out. Then he starts talking about the slushies, “ I hope they actually enjoy the video, I feel like we looked so dumb” he laughs. “ Nooo, they’ll enjoy it dont worry”. Eventually he starts getting tired so he starts quieting down and ends up falling asleep.
I hope this isn’t horrible 😭.
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cringe-but-proud · 7 months
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JESUS!!!! Y'all ask, I deliver I guess 😟
Rainy walks Home
Hobie brown x reader! Read part 1 here!
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Warnings: Mild swearing, mentions of a breakup, reader gets robbed at gunpoint 💀
A/n: PART THREE HAS BEEN MADE. Didn't anticipate you guys wanting this so bad lol. But, I'm not complaining. Requests are open!
In hindsight, agreeing to close up alone was probably a bad idea.
You locked the doors to the Domino's that you worked at behind you, pulling at the door handle to make sure it was shut tight. Suddenly, literally out of nowhere, it began raining.
You sighed, cursing under your breath as you pulled your hood over your head.
It had been a little over 3 weeks since your ex broke up with you and things were going... Fine. You weren't super torn up over the breakup, but you definitely weren't happy either.
The rain began to pour down, only getting worse with every step that you took. Normally, you wouldn't take shortcuts. There wasn't really a reason to since the walk from work to your apartment wasn't that long. But, today was an acception. It was dark, and cold, and pouring down rain.
So, you turned down an alleyway.
You walked through the narrow space, listening to the sound of your sneakers as they hit the wet pavement. But, something made you stop.
You strained your ears listening for something. You didn't quite know what.
You continued walking, only taking a few steps before stopping again.
You heard it this time.
Someone else's footsteps.
You turned around to face whoever was behind you, but before you could fully face them, you were grabbed.
Instinctively, you screamed and began to thrash around in the person's grasp, but they were bigger than you.
"Empty your pockets." The deep voice of a man said into your ear. You tried kicking at the man and he didn't even react. "EMPTY YOUR FUCKING POCKETS." He screamed. You reached into your pockets and threw your belongings on to the ground. Your keys and your earbuds.
The man briefly looked at the items before throwing you to the ground. Before you could even think to get up and run, he was holding a gun, pouting it at you.
You screamed and shrunk into yourself, holding your hands over your face.
"Give me your bag."
You didn't need to be told twice. You were shrugging away your bag, ready to hand over whatever this dude asked for when you heard a sort of "thwip!" sound.
You lifted your head and all you saw was a flash of red and blue full force swinging into the man who was robbing you.
You watched in awe as THE actual fucking Spiderman beat down the man who'd tried to rob you. In a manner of seconds, Spiderman had knocked the man out and tied him up in webs.
You were in shock and couldn't do anything but stare with your jaw agape. Spiderman turned to you and crouched down to your level.
"Y'alright, mate?" He asked.
You blinked. "Fucking no!"
"Yeah, fair enough." He shrugged. "Let's get you up then." He held his hand out to you and, after a short pause, you took it. He pulled you up from the ground with what seemed to be zero effort and dusted off your shoulders.
"Cops will probably show up to take care of this one sooner or later." He crossed his arms and inspected you for a moment.
You became aware of the fact that you hadn't thanked him yet. "Thank you." You said, finally calmed down from the whole ordeal.
"Nah, don't mention it." He brushed you off. "Just doing what's right."
You silently picked your things up from the ground, trying to ignore the thief that was knocked out a few feet away from you.
"Want me to walk you home?" He asked.
You paused, letting his words sink in for a moment. Spiderman was offering to walk you home.
"You probably have better things to do." You said, shaking your head.
"Not really. People are less likely to go around committing crime when it's pouring down rain." He shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I didn't put the offer out there."
You thought over it for a moment. You would undoubtedly feel safer if Spiderman was walking you home.
"Okay." You agreed.
You were walking down the streets with Spiderman. You were with Spiderman. Walking to your apartment. Cool. Yup. This was fine. Totally normal situation.
"Sucks that this all happened in the rain, huh?"
You broke out of your own thoughts and managed a chuckle. "Yeah, I guess."
"I would offer you an umbrella, but," He motioned down to himself. "Spiderman doesn't carry around umbrellas."
"It's okay." You went quiet again, getting lost in your thoughts. He seemed to notice the trance-like state you were in and tilted his head.
"What's on your mind?" He asked.
You took a moment before answering. For some reason, you sort of wanted to be honest with him, really tell him what was on your mind. Maybe because you knew you'd probably never talk to him again; and you knew Spiderman wasn't gonna go swinging around, telling everyone your business. So, you spoke.
"I got broken up with a couple weeks ago."
"You're still hung up about it?!" He asked. The way he said it was strange. It was like he was expecting you to be over your break up, despite the fact that the two of you had never spoken before, so he shouldn't have any reason to expect better from you.
"I mean, I'm sort of over it. But..." You sighed. "When it first happened I was upset, obviously. He broke up with me over text while I was at work and I went on break to cry in the parking lot." He nodded along. "And then this... Guy showed up." This was the main thing that had been on your mind. "And I didn't know him, but he like... Comforted me. Just sort of made me feel better about the whole thing. He was super cool, and genuine, and like, really hot; and I regret not asking for his number or anything."
There it was. You had just spilled your guts to fucking Spiderman. God, you needed to go back to therapy.
You waited for him to say something in reply, and for a moment he was silent.
"Well, uh..." He trailed off. Oh god, you'd overstepped. He probably thinks you're weird. "That's what you were thinking about?" He asked.
"Yeah. It's weird, I know."
"Nah, nah. I'm sure he's been thinking about you too."
"Definitely not." You chuckled.
"You never know." He said. "You seem cool, so..."
You stopped walking, finally arriving to your apartment building. You decided to be a little more weird by asking for advice.
"So, what should I do? Like, should I look for him somewhere? Should I just move on like a normal person?"
He paused. "When's your next shift?" He asked.
"Wednesday." You answered.
"I'd say just... Go into work. Y'know, like any other day. He might show up."
You chuckled. "That's wishful thinking."
"Not from me, it's not. You know why?"
"Cause I've got Spidey senses." He said. The eyes on his mask narrowed and you could tell that underneath, he was smiling.
You shook your head, smiling as well. "Guess it'd be dumb to not take Spiderman's advice."
"Exactly. So, you'll do what I said?"
"Yeah." You shrugged. "I guess I will."
"Great." He began to walk backwards away from you, not yet breaking eye contact. "I'll see you around, yeah?"
You furrowed your brows in slight confusion. "I mean, probably not."
"Y'never know." Webs shot out from his wrist and he swung away without another word.
You walked into your apartment building, and somehow you were glad you'd taken that shortcut.
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sungbeam · 1 year
𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞
spiderman!kim sunwoo x reader (slight eric x reader)
6.7k words, spiderman across the spiderverse au, superhero au, est. relationship au, swearing, spoilers for the atsv movie! but some details of the plot are tweaked to fit my narrative (you'll see that i basically took one of the iconic scenes and put it in writing lol), mentions of death, mild violence, low-key not a full plot..?, kissing, slight angst, BARELY PROOFREAD IT'S LATE I'M SORRY
a/n: apologies in advance for shit poor storytelling in this one 😭 i just wanted to get this idea down and out before i chickened out TT
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His name was Kim Sunwoo, and you happened to know his story pretty well. After all, he was Brooklyn's one and only Spiderman.
You pulled your phone away from your ear with practiced grace as Sunwoo screeched through the speaker. The words from your textbook blurred as your focus drifted completely away from your assignment.
"Again?" You teased, flipping the page backward to restart your reading. There was no way you were going to be able to get anything done while on call with your boyfriend, especially while he was actively swinging across New York traffic.
You heard his huff over the long blast of a car horn. "Hey! It wasn't even my fault this time; that guy definitely had headphones in, which is totally illegal."
Snickering, you leaned back in your desk chair and peered out the window of your apartment's bedroom at the city beyond. He would probably be here any minute now. "You should go arrest him then. Aren't you Mister Superhero now?"
"Mister Multiversal Superhero," he corrected with a tone that definitely sounded like he had the biggest grin on his face.
You rolled your eyes good naturedly. "Uh-huh. So is Mister Multiversal Superhero almost here or do I have to find another superhero to come rescue me?"
Just as you said this, your eyes spotted a blur of black and red swinging himself around the apartment building at the end of your block. He was steadily making his way to you, as you knew he had been.
"Woah, wait, have you been seeing other superheroes?"
You rested your cheek against your fist as you watched him get closer and closer. "Well, now that we know that there are multiple universes out there, who knows?"
Spiderman landed quietly on the metal railing of your fire escape, hands braced between his legs in the iconic pose. His suit was black and tight to his skin, leaving close to nothing to the imagination and allowing for easy movement. The ensemble was completed by a red spider symbol drawn over his chest, and a black hoodie thrown over the uniform.
Sunwoo gazed at you from behind the white lenses of his mask on the other side of your window. His heart never failed to literally fly out of his body when he saw you look at him like that. "Ma'am, I'm going to need you to open this window up," he coughed in his forced deep voice, even though he knew that you knew exactly who he was. It was all for fun and to see you smile anyway.
You put your mouth near the speaker of your phone. "It's open, tiger."
Oh, dear heavens…
He could have fainted off the fire escape then, backflipped through the air, and landed kur-splat on the Brooklyn sidewalk while still maintaining the hearts in his eyes. He ended the call feeding through his mask's wireless control, before going through the familiar motions of wiggling the locking mechanism, hauling the window up, and slipping inside your bedroom. He was hit with the smell of your soap and your laundry detergent, and took in a lungful of it. This was what home smelled like. It was simple, yet quaint and soft and nothing like the busy, dangerous world outside.
You stood from your desk chair and walked into his embrace as he shot his web shooters at the window shutter strings and yanked your shutters down and closed. "Show off," you mused, wrapping one arm around his shoulders and using the other to gently pull the mask up and off his lower face.
"Only for you." His pouty lips smiled, and his arms came around your form. "Hi baby."
"Hi tiger." You grazed your thumb over his lips. "Everything okay today?"
"Mhm," he hummed, rubbing his lips together. "You're not gonna take the rest of the mask off?" He chuckled.
"I kind of like you like this."
"I knew it; is this what you use me for? You only love me for my—mmmh!" You shut him up as you yanked him over to you and drew his mouth to yours in a proper greeting kiss. He melted into you with a soft moan, hands cradling you at your waist and lower back as your fronts melded together.
When you both pulled back, Sunwoo took the opportunity to tear his mask off and shove the garment into the pocket of his jacket. The two of you shared a grin.
"So, I hear you're in need of rescu—"
You and Sunwoo froze at the sound of the metal railing outside your window rattling, followed by a swear and a familiar-sounding voice hissing, "Ow!"
Sunwoo's smile slipped into an annoyed frown as he yanked the shutter string to send the shutter flying upward. The motion revealed a young man perched where Sunwoo had been just a couple of minutes ago, except in less of the classic Spiderman pose, and more of a one-foot-balance-act situation. The newcomer wore a costume in dark red and black, but a larger percentage of red than Sunwoo's red spider. He rubbed his forehead furiously from where Sunwoo guessed he had hit his head on the fire escape for the apartment above yours.
The thought made him break his irritated expression and laugh. "Changmin hyung, do you just suck at aiming or something?"
The scarlet spider's white eyes narrowed slightly, and he simply held the place where his head hurt. "Hey, you try swinging around in an alternate New York City! Your universe is similar enough to mine, but I feel like everything's been moved, like, an inch to the left. Absolutely ridiculous."
You smiled in amusement, too, taking a step back to settle down in your desk chair again while Sunwoo leaned against the wall next to the window and poked his head out. "Welcome to Earth 412, I guess," you chuckled.
The alternate Spider man made a little waving motion with his hand. "Yeah, thanks, Yn. You know, it's so weird being back here."
"Why are you back?" Sunwoo asked. "As much as I enjoy you cockblocking me—" He hissed as you delivered a swift kick to his shin, "—yah! Okay, okay, I'm sorry!—Sangyeon hyung only said to use the watches when called for." He gestured to the sleek, black watch wrapped around his left wrist. It was a way to communicate between universes, as well as perform a variety of different tasks, one of them being traveling from universe to universe, as well.
Changmin, the spider of Earth 115, sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I actually came to warn you."
Sunwoo tensed. "Huh?"
"Sangyeon's going to call you in soon."
"Oh, okay. I don't exactly see why you would need to warn me about that."
Changmin shook his head. "No, you don't—I can't… really tell you. Not here." His eyes flickered over to you, who sat listening intently. You and Sunwoo exchanged glances, and then Sunwoo looked back to his friend.
"Don't be held up on my account," you piped up in an attempt to lighten the mood. You stood and planted a kiss on Sunwoo's cheek. "Go do what you boys need to do."
Sunwoo smiled at you, grabbing your hand to give it a squeeze, before donning his mask once more. "I'll be back for dinner," he called back to you as he slipped out onto the fire escape with Changmin.
Your laugh rang in his ears as he swung away. "I'll hold you to it!"
Sunwoo grabbed onto the fire escape above yours to give him a swinging start, fingers triggering the firing mechanism of his web shooters as he defied gravity. With a WAHOO!, he slipped through the New York City skies, Changmin following closely after him. There was a place Sunwoo had in mind where the two of them could speak in private, without worry of anyone else eavesdropping or seeing them.
Behind the massive billboard face of Nike's most recent Air Jordans release, the two spider people landed near silent onto the cement rooftop. Sunwoo hopped up onto the railing behind the billboard, holding his arms as he walked across the beam with no problems. Changmin climbed up next to him, leaning against the end pole.
"So what's this all about?" Sunwoo asked above the cacophony of New York below.
Changmin crossed his arms. "You know when we recruited you?"
He stopped, turning to face his friend. "Yeah, what about it?" Sunwoo had been recruited to Sangyeon's team of multiversal spider people several months ago, when a particle collider in his universe threatened to dismantle the entirety of space and time as you knew it. When Sunwoo had stopped the collider from being restarted the first time, the resulting test had brought a handful of multiversal spiders crashing into Earth 412. It had been a mind blowing experience to learn about the multiverse, and that, for once, he wasn't actually alone.
He finally met people who understood him. He didn't have to carry the weight of this all by himself.
"We didn't tell you everything." There was a tension in his friend's shoulders and posture as he said this.
Sunwoo eyed him with trepidation and let out a nervous laugh. "What—what does that even mean?"
A tingling sensation erupted in Sunwoo's head, and both he and Changmin's focus whipped over toward the rooftop below where a large orange portal appeared. It felt as if it had torn a hole through the air, shoving its vacuum-like opening through the world. Sunwoo's heart leapt into his throat; it looked like he was about to find out from the man himself.
He briefly heard Changmin's curse disappear in the wind, and the two spiders leapt off the beams to meet the others coming through the portal to greet them.
Through the portal came one other, a Spiderman dressed in dark crimson and gold, a gold colored slab of lightweight metal attached to his back where four robotic metal legs would emerge when summoned. His helmet retracted, folding inwards on itself like that of a gradient—nano technology, as the wearer, Chanhee of Earth 426, had explained to Sunwoo when they first met.
"Did you tell him?" Chanhee asked Changmin.
The scarlet spider gave a brief shake of his head. "Nope," he said. Sunwoo could hear the disappointment in his tone.
"Told you coming earlier would've been better," Chanhee replied, inclining his head as he turned back to step into the portal, a silent beckon for them to follow.
Sunwoo exchanged glances with Changmin. "It's nice to see you too, hyung," Sunwoo teased.
Chanhee sent a look back to Sunwoo just before he stepped fully into the vortex portal. "You won't be saying that pretty soon."
He didn't have time to question any of this interaction, absolutely none. His brain ran wild with possibilities as he followed Changmin and Chanhee back to Earth 114. There was a sinking feeling in his gut… something he didn't even need his spider sense to tell him. Maybe he should have told you he wouldn't make it back for dinner after all.
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The New York of Earth 114 was home to the headquarters of the multiversal spiders called the Spider Society. It didn't matter how many times Sunwoo saw it with his own eyes, he could never take the awe out of his mouth. His lips parted in wonder as he passed by criss crossing pathways slicing to his left, right, and above and below him. Spider-beings passed by him in masses, all ranging in different varieties from their own diverse universes.
His friends walked ahead of him whilst making quiet conversation with one another, though it seemed like a hushed argument. That was why he refrained from butting in; something made him stay out of it. He didn't know why he feared what came ahead. For once, it wasn't his head saying it; it was his gut.
The scarlet and iron spider were leading him deeper into headquarters to where the shadows ran darker and the machinery ran faster. They passed by Chanhee's usual workstation where he manned the Go Home Machine, the device that scanned a being's target DNA and sent them back from where they came. Usually it was meant for Anomalies, beings that managed to crawl through the cracks between universes and ended up in one that would not be able to sustain them. Usually.
Instead of Chanhee manning the helm, however, there were a couple other spiders Sunwoo didn't recognize trying to labor over it and watch the machine do its thing. Maybe they were his protégés?
"Hey! You guys aren't teenagers; keep an eye on it, would you?" Chanhee barked at the spiders there, who immediately jolted into action.
Chanhee shook his head with an aggravated sigh. "This is what happens when people can't do what they're supposed to." He sent Changmin a pointed look, to which the latter pointedly ignored.
Sunwoo raised a hand in greeting as a few of his other friends passed by. "Hey guys!"
"Sup man," Kevin, Earth 223's resident Spider, exclaimed back in a wave. He, Juyeon, and Haknyeon all seemed to be headed out somewhere together, most likely on an assignment of their own. There were a couple others who Sunwoo had yet to see just yet, but he had a feeling that was about to be remedied.
They passed all the way into the inner lair, a large tunnel space that opened up into a taller tower-like area, housing a floating platform that acted as an office space of sorts. Navy blue light shone through the skylight at the very top of the tower, washing all of the specimens below it in that cool toned filter.
"—just a kid, Sangyeon."
"I've already made up my mind. Don't fight me on this, Jacob. He's already here."
Sunwoo swallowed at the sound of the distinct voices; he had a sneaking suspicion that the he Sangyeon and Jacob were referring to was him. He fidgeted with the watch on his wrist, trying desperately to calm his palpitating heart.
Changmin and Chanhee led him to the edge of the dark tunnel to peer up into the blue tower office. "We brought him," Chanhee said, his voice echoing against the tower walls.
The raised platform began to slowly make its descent, and Sunwoo gradually saw the spiders located onboard. There was Jacob of Earth 530 with his black uniform and pale yellow accents; and then there was Sangyeon of Earth 114, this Earth, with his broad shoulders fitted in a blue and red costume, a spider on the back that looked closer to fangs rather than the insect itself. Sangyeon was different from most of the spiders here—he was self-made, in the way that he had to continually inject himself with this red shit that made Sunwoo squirm in order to retain his powers… at least, that was what Changmin told him.
When the platform had lowered enough to fully view Sangyeon and Jacob but not enough for it to reach the ground, the two executives turned to face their guests.
"Hi hyungs," Sunwoo greeted, attempting to force the nerves out of his voice.
Jacob shot him a sunshine-like smile. "Hello Sunwoo. Nice to see you." He jabbed Sangyeon in the side with his elbow, urging the eldest to make his greeting.
Sangyeon's stony expression did not change. "Do you know why you're here?"
Jacob made an exasperated face, but said nothing else.
Sunwoo swallowed. "No sir. I'm guessing it's not for tteokbokki."
From beside him, he heard Chanhee snort and had to turn his head away to laugh.
Sangyeon merely lifted an unamused brow. He silently walked off the platform and landed on the ground floor with ease. Jacob followed swiftly after him. "When we first recruited you—and I use that term loosely—" He narrowed his eyes at Changmin in nod to his unconventionally forceful method of getting Sunwoo onto the team, "—we failed to mention something to you."
"I've pieced that much together," Sunwoo said, hand reaching up to cup the back of his head.
"Do you know what we're all connected by?" The blue and red spider asked. "Not simply by the names or insect we represent, but the destinies, the canon events written into our very DNA."
Sunwoo cracked his knuckles, heart kick-starting in his chest again like it was chugging up the incline of a rollercoaster. "What… what do you mean by canon?"
"A canon event is something like a pattern. It's a solidified event in your life, Sunwoo—in all of our lives." Sangyeon activated something with his watch, and the room was engulfed in a living hologram of orange. Lines zigzagged amongst each other like the connected dots, and Sangyeon expanded them with a flourish, revealing a familiar lineup of spider people to whom Sunwoo was acquainted with.
The lights of the hologram cut across the shadows of Sangyeon's face like a nightmare. "We're all made who we are by these canon events. Each spider being from each verse is shackled to the death of a mentor figure—"
Scenes of uncles and fathers being murdered flashed before Sunwoo's widened eyes, his body going slack at seeing his own uncle's dying breath leave his body. He couldn't even figure out what to say or think; his tongue had gone heavy in his mouth, words stringing together as slow and thick as wet sand. He couldn't breathe, all of a sudden. His uncle's eyes lost the light in them, they dimmed and dimmed and dimmed—hadn't it been all his fault? Couldn't he have been there to stop the robber?
"—and the death of one Captain or his… child."
More hunched over figures, one after the other, blood, tears, death—why was this being shown to him? Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. Wait—did he just say Captain or his child?
"What," blew out of Sunwoo's mouth, breathlessly. "Wait, are you saying that—that Yn, my Yn, or her father is supposed to die?"
Sangyeon didn't answer immediately, but instead said gravely, "Canon events must happen, Sunwoo, or the fate of that world would be at stake. It would implode in on itself and destroy millions of innocent lives."
Sunwoo felt his heart rate spike, head whipping around to Jacob, to Changmin, to Chanhee. He imagined his eyes looked wild. "You're telling me she's going to die? Or her father—and, and what? What's the point of telling me all this?"
He couldn't let you die. He couldn't bear that devastation—not without at least trying to save you or your dad.
"When?" He huffed, fingers diving into his hair, mask fisted in one of his hands. "When is this happening?" He demanded.
A beat. "Three days."
Everything went quiet… and then the sound came rushing back in like a tidal wave crashing toward the shoreline.
"I have to save them—"
Jacob's voice cut in. "Sangyeon," like a warning.
But Sangyeon shook his head. "Oh no you don't."
Blood thundered in Sunwoo's ears as he yanked his mask back over his head and made a dash for the exit, only to have an orange, crystalline cage trap him in his place. Panic clambered into the dregs of his throat, suffocating suffocating suffocating…
"Sangyeon, don't do this!"
"He's just a fucking kid—!"
The world was spinning, and Sunwoo grunted as he punched and assaulted the cage walls, his friends pressing up against the outside and attempting to break through, too. "LET ME OUT!"
There were deep shadows beneath Sangyeon's eyes and he watched on with little to no sympathy. "It's for the good of the multiverse, Sunwoo. You'll understand someday."
Sunwoo bared his teeth. "You can't fucking expect me to not fight you on this."
"It will only be for a few days."
"Fuck you!" The amounting rage in Sunwoo's veins accumulated in a mass of electricity, and he forced that energy out at the force fields trapping him in. He screwed his eyes shut, arms swinging over his face, as he protected himself from the blast. When the cage shattered and blew his colleagues backward, Sunwoo wasted no time in sprinting down the hall.
An enraged roar followed after him—a web shooting past Sunwoo's face—not to grab Sunwoo, but instead to rip the watch right off his wrist.
He swore under his breath as he tripped over a piece of metal, cursing even more as he racked his brain for a way to get back to his earth.
"Bring me Kim Sunwoo," Sangyeon's voice boomed throughout the Spider Society's headquarters, accompanied by whirring red apocalypse lights, "don't let the Anomaly go home."
But Sunwoo had little time to dwell on that choice label as he slid through a closing doorway, nearly missing another spider's web flinging at his face.
"Okay, Sunwoo," he said aloud to himself as he emerged into the main quad area. It was bright out here, and hundreds of spider beings milled about like they were all at one massive Spider convention.
"He is an Anomaly, and considered armed and dangerous."
"Oh, shut the fuck up!" Sunwoo cried in distress, aiming his web shooter for one of the high rafters as everyone in the room set their eyes on him.
Dodging skilled versions of himself was not the easiest task, and he weaved through the masses like something akin to a thread through the eye of a needle.
He dared not look back as he crashed through one of the windows of the society headquarters and went soaring down into Earth 114's main city. The city itself was a funnel dive, forcing Sunwoo to zip his limbs to his side and thread the needle through multiple layers of hover transportation and floating roads. Cars were turned up on their sides and he nearly hit his head on a dozen traffic lights.
"Get him!"
"This guy is everywhere!" Sunwoo groaned as he leapt from hood to hood, eyes scanning for a place to duck into and hide. The tingling sensation in his brain was ever-present, and kept him well informed of the encroaching Lee Sangyeon.
"AHHH FUCK!" He screeched, forcefully diving off the side of the road. A long, screeching honk echoed after him. "It's always the buses!"
The level below became a labyrinth of metal rafters and pipes. Steam blew out from unseen origins, but provided the perfect cover for Sunwoo to slip through and catch his breath. He pressed his back up against one of the cool, metal bars, his fingers pressing against his eyes in an attempt to keep the tears at bay.
His heart was five palpitations from clearing his ribcage at this point. He needed a plan—he had to have a—
"What the—" Web slapped against his back and yanked him into an abandoned alcove, "—shit!"
Sunwoo groaned as he crashed to the hard ground, furiously rubbing his tailbone after the impact. He glanced up and met Changmin's eyes, who kneeled down beside him.
"Before you go all rage on me," Changmin said and held up his palms in surrender, "just hear me out, okay?"
Sunwoo's chest rose and fell rapidly. He narrowed his eyes on his friend whose face was hidden behind his own mask. "Yeah, okay… fine," he huffed, "but only… only because—" he staggered, climbing to his feet, "I need to catch my breath."
Changmin cocked his head as if he didn't believe that. "Ohh-kay whatever you say." But even as he said this, he still kept his hands out as if placating a hungry lion. "Sunwoo, I know it's a lot to take in—"
"Yeah, no shit," he spat. Fear spiked in his chest, so hard that it was experiencing a heart attack each time. His uncle's death replayed in his head over and over—but now your eyes, draining of life, joined that visual. It was enough to make dread weigh in the pit of his stomach, an anchor that dragged him down. And yet, the adrenaline was still there, the instinct to do something about it.
His friend suddenly tugged his mask off, revealing his face and mess of curls glistening in sweat and worry. "Hey man, I know it's scary and I know that it is unfair—"
"Hyung, he wants me to let them die!"
"It's to save lives, Sunwoo!"
"So you would let your own significant other die? Even if you have the foresight to save them?" Sunwoo scoffed in disbelief. "You would leave their life or their father's life to whatever bullshit—a canon event—dictated?"
Changmin's brows furrowed and he swallowed. "It is not that simple."
"It sounds pretty damn crystal clear to me."
His friend inched toward him. "We're all mad about it, Sunwoo—devastated, destroyed, even. It's not something easy to digest—and, and I admit that I haven't even fully digested it myself. It's not something I've really… I've really thought about."
Sunwoo stared into Changmin's eyes as if he could peer right into his soul. There was pain in Changmin's voice, a sort of tension that he could identify with. A tension that was human. Sunwoo's hands shook. "Changmin—" he exhaled, "—Changmin, I'm scared."
There was that sheen of compassion in Changmin's eyes as he planted his hands on either of Sunwoo's shoulders. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay. I got you."
And for a second, Sunwoo believed that.
Beep beep beep… Both heads whipped toward the watch on Changmin's wrist. "Target acquired. Changmin, we are heading toward you now." Sangyeon.
Betrayal ripped through Sunwoo, a strike of lightning, and he tore away from Changmin, stumbling and knees shaking. The latter gaped at him, then the watch on his wrist, mouth open like a gaping fish. "I—I swear to god, I didn't know it could do that—!"
It was no use. Sunwoo didn't have the time to entertain what ifs—he launched himself out of the alcove just as the walls crashed inward with the arrival of backup.
Think, Sunwoo, think!
Sunwoo furiously stumbled, clambered, whipped himself up and through vehicles screaming toward him and at him. His ears rang with the echoes of their horns, along with the distant (but encroaching) sound of Sangyeon's voice.
Why was keeping Sunwoo at bay so important? There was no way that stopping two people from being murdered would cause a rift in the space-time continuum. He couldn't be that important in the grand scheme of things—?
A hand grappled his ankle and Sunwoo yelped.
"Kid, you're making a mistake!" Sangyeon yelled above the cacophony of traffic raging all around them.
Sunwoo, heart beat tittering on the brink of collapse from the jumpscare, held firm to the hood of the SUV headed up and out of the main city. He peered under him, where Sangyeon stood just below, his hand stopping Sunwoo from going any further.
"You have nowhere to run, you know."
Sunwoo knew. God, he knew. "How could you step aside and let them die?" He exclaimed with his whole chest. He couldn't bear the thought.
A muscle feathered in Sangyeon's jaw. "You would choose the life of one person over millions? You're too young to understand, Sunwoo."
Youth, that was always the fucking argument, huh? Sunwoo's lip curled in disdain. "Just because you couldn't save whoever in your past doesn't mean that I—can't!" With the last word, he stomped Sangyeon's hand away with his other foot and flung himself further up to the next vehicle.
He heard the growl of rage behind him as he scrambled to swing himself up to the next thing. He slammed his fingers against his web shooter, spitting web fluid against the wind berating him at anything, literally anything it could catch.
When it caught onto something, he went flying with it—soaring up toward the sun on the high-speed train.
A flurry of spiders followed swiftly after him as Sunwoo continued his climb. Heart pounding, he gasped for air at this altitude, head twisting backward to catch a glimpse of how he had done so far.
You have nowhere to run, you know.
Well, Sunwoo didn't have to run anywhere. He just had to get far enough.
Sangyeon was the closest on his tail, his teeth bared, and for the first time, Sunwoo could see the threatening gleam of his razor-sharp canines. He made one massive leap up to where Sunwoo was, yanking down on his legs, clawing at his back. Sunwoo kicked his legs out in an attempt to fling him off—shot web fluid in Sangyeon's eyes, but it only seemed to irritate him even further.
Sunwoo cursed as he rolled out of the way of an incoming punch, cursing again when Sangyeon fisted the material of hoodie and pulled him into his grasp, predator meeting prey.
Sangyeon grasped him by the back of the head and slammed his face into the metal— "Maybe I should just get rid of you," he growled into Sunwoo's ear as the latter tried desperately to swing out of this hold, "you weren't even supposed to exist anyway."
Something foreign tugged at Sunwoo's chest. "Man, you gotta stop talking in riddles—!"
He pressed his side against the train car and horse-kicked Sangyeon's lower waist as hard as he possibly could. As if it happened in slow motion, he watched Sangyeon lose his grip and fumble to stay on board the train, but it was enough.
Sunwoo dove straight off the metro and headed straight for the now abandoned headquarters, hands jamming into the pockets of his hoodie and catching the wind to slow his fall. Wind roared through his ears, muffling the sound of Sangyeon's pure irritation as the older spider no doubt dove after him. Sunwoo's eyes zeroed in on his desired landing place, cradling his head with his arms to soften the impact.
The window shattered on impact—he tucked, rolled, and ran.
This time, he willed himself to turn invisible to the eye, even heightened spider eyes. His brain scrambled as he made a mad dash for the Go Home machine. It was somewhere around here—which damn hallway was it in—?!
"Where did he go?" Sunwoo heard from down one open corridor, which made him crawl up onto the ceiling and remain there until he got to his desired location. It hadn't been Sangyeon, but all of his friends had been chasing after him just the same.
He couldn't trust anyone.
Steeling his resolve, Sunwoo leapt off the ceiling and played around with the controls, dancing around the control panel and trying desperately not to panic. He couldn't have possibly run for an infinite amount of time; he only needed to buy himself time to use the one other option he had to get back home.
"Fuck fuck fuck," he muttered to himself when the monitor began playing a very loud song out of the speakers. But it was too late, even as his hand slammed down on the button to mute it.
"SOMEBODY'S PLAYING MY BALLROOM EXTRAVAGANZA." Yep, definitely a Chanhee playlist.
Sunwoo felt the sweat trickle down his spine—but then he swiped his way through controls and somehow managed to hit gold.
"Sequence initializing," announced the machine, and Sunwoo could have screamed with delight and relief.
That was, if he wasn't currently being hunted.
Still shrouded in his invisibility, Sunwoo swung himself onto the steel platform poised at the center of the massive chamber past the control board. A metal arm emerged from the side of the board, an amber orange light scanning over his form.
Chanhee and Changmin barreled into the room, going straight for the control board having yet seen Sunwoo on the platform.
"What's happening?" Changmin cried out as he gripped the edge of the railing, his eyes whipping between the platform and the computer.
Chanhee's two arms and mechanical spider limbs worked furiously to override the sequence. "I don't know!" He grunted. "It's not listening to me!"
"DNA match found. Go Home sequence, commencing."
Sunwoo's physical appearance materialized on the platform just as the machine arm began crafting a crystalline-like webbing around him from the ground up. When both Changmin and Chanhee saw him there, Sunwoo's arm raised, fingers poised over his web shooter trigger.
"Don't stop me," he said, forcing power into his voice. He was trying hard to not let his knees shake right now.
His friends gaped up at him. "Sunwoo, you can't—"
"WHAT'RE YOU DOING? STOP HIM!" And just like that, Sangyeon and company rushed into the chamber like a stampede of buffalo, the former of which going straight for the platform Sunwoo was on.
55% completion.
The crystal had just finished encasing Sunwoo in its cocoon, and Sunwoo yelled as Sangyeon slammed against the outside.
He flinched back. "Just let me go home! I want to go home!" He cried out, hugging his hands to his chest.
Sangyeon beat at the outside with his fist, at first, doing nothing to the crystal—but when it began to crack, Sunwoo's heart dropped clean into the pit of his stomach. "You know why you can't," the man grunted, rearing his fist back to land another solid CRACK to the cocoon, "I have to save the multiverse, and you're in my goddamn way."
75% completion.
"Just leave me alone!" Sunwoo shot back, then backed up against the opposite side of the capsule as Sangyeon's arm cracked through.
90% completion.
He cursed, feet scrambling against the platform as he tried to stay out of Sangyeon's reach.
"You're gonna regret—"
Sunwoo didn't catch the end of Sangyeon's sentence, though he could probably guess what it was. He felt the familiar, yet somehow alien, suction of the vacuum portal. One second, Sangyeon was breaking his fist against the crystal cocoon, and the next, Sunwoo was gone.
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Sunwoo emerged in New York to a glorious late afternoon and fell straight out of that saturated, blue sky. He swore colorfully as he just managed to shoot his webs up at the nearest building and swing himself to safety. He landed on the edge of a rooftop, but he couldn't find the Air Jordan billboard he'd been at earlier.
But he noted Time Square just a few blocks down from him, and a few buildings he recognized from central New York City.
"Get to Yn," he muttered to himself, breath heaving as his heart palpitated in his chest. He determined the direction he had to go in, then began making the trek across the city.
His first priority was to find you, to warn you. He didn't know what or how the canon event would play out, but he desperately needed to make sure you and your dad were okay. You had to be okay—
Tears stung at the corners of his eyes as he narrowly missed another screaming bus, turning the corner to your apartment. The sun was sinking into the horizon now, casting an eerie, blood orange tint across the skyline.
He could barely get his thoughts in order: you, your dad, dead, alone, alone, alone.
As he neared your apartment, he could recognize your silhouette in the window as you hunched over your desk, no doubt studying hard as usual. A smile crept onto his face, a giddiness only you caused, sending a jolt of energy down his spine. He was relieved to be in your arms again soon, maybe even in time for dinner—
He paused, web latching onto the fire escape above yours like usual, you never had sheer curtains. They were always shutters—
An internal alarm in his head screamed.
A blur of red and blue crashed into Sunwoo's body, sensing him and the body that tackled him, straight to the alley below. For a split second, he panicked at the thought of Sangyeon already finding him so soon, but it didn't take long for him to realize that… this wasn't Sangyeon.
He and his blue and red assailant wrestled on the floor of the alley, throwing punches that missed, ripping webbing from their eyes—Sunwoo swore as the other guy kneed him in the stomach and pinned his wrists and knees down.
"Who the fuck are you?"
Sunwoo's eyes widened as he came face to face with himself, but red and blue in all the weird places. There were silverish lines criss crossing across his suit mimicking the lines of a spider's web. This guy didn't sound like him though… He glared. "Who are you?"
With a surge of courage, he whipped his forehead upward and straight into his opponent's, sending him cursing and scrambling away.
Sunwoo wasn't in much better shape either, but though his forehead throbbed, he forced himself to his feet.
He and this… alternate Spiderman stood across from each other, walking in a tantalizingly slow circle, assessing the other. It felt awfully familiar, this experience; maybe he'd seen it in a meme somewhere.
"I'm Spiderman," Red and Blue drawled out slowly, carefully. His head cocked to the side. "Who are you?"
Sunwoo froze. "I'm Spiderman."
Red and Blue Spiderman stopped short. The white eyes of his mask narrowed. "Who sent you? Osborne? Doc Ock?"
Sunwoo made a face. "Who?" What was a Doc Ock...
"And what the hell do you want with Y—I-I mean, that… uh, that random girl in the apartment?" Red and Blue scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he stammered out a cover-up.
"Nice one," Sunwoo deadpanned. Then, as the information marinated in his head and the cogs in his brain began to turn, a realization dawned on him… and it filled him with pure terror.
Red and Blue must have sensed Sunwoo's dread. "What? Got nothing to say now? How about I—"
"What Earth is this?" Sunwoo blurted, head swiveling to and fro to find some kind of indication that he hadn't just royally screwed up. He shot a web up to the top of the nearest apartment building and swung himself up.
Red and Blue blinked. "Huh?" He swiftly followed after him. "Dude, dunno what rock you crawled out from under, but there's only one Earth in this solar system. You learn that shit in first grade." When he landed on the rooftop, he trailed after Sunwoo, who was busy soaking the skyline around him with a new pair of eyes.
Everything looked relatively the same.
It all smelled the same.
"—as always, this is your daily reminder to keep your eyes peeled for the Spider Menace!—" Sunwoo tracked that awfully annoying voice broadcasting from an electronic billboard more than a few blocks to the west. Featured on the screen was an older man with salt and pepper hair, and a mustache shaped like a broom. His face looked like one of those that were trapped in a perpetual state of irritation.
He made a face. "Who the fuck…"
Red and Blue made a guttural sound of disgust. "J. Jonah Jameson. My absolute best bud."
Sunwoo's head turned toward him. "People don't like you here?"
A snort. "I wish. Tough crowd, I guess."
Sunwoo pursed his lips into a small frown, but nodded. He could relate to that. The authorities and public had mixed views of him, especially at the start of his career. Even if he aimed to save people every time, he couldn't exactly pay for all of the damages done to buildings and structures and… well, people.
"You're not from here, are you?" Red and Blue said after a moment.
The dread, the panic, the fear, was beginning to creep into his nerves again. Sunwoo cracked his knuckles, trying to wrack his brain for next moves. Anything, anything. "Yeah," was all he could voice. Reality was a quicksand he was sinking into, deeper and deeper.
"I'm guessing that doesn't mean you're from LA, does it?"
Sunwoo laughed, but it was a sad sound. "I wish. No, it's more like… a different universe."
"So... you have your own Yn in that universe?"
Sunwoo swallowed. "Yeah."
His colleague gave a small nod, unable to find anything to say to soothe Sunwoo's nerves. There was so much trembling in his voice, his fingers, his knees…
From out of his periphery, Sunwoo spotted a hand extended out to him. "Well, since it seems we're both spider people—I'm Eric."
Sunwoo glanced from the hand offered and the red and blue mask, eyes locked on him expectantly. He clasped Eric's hand. "Sunwoo."
With a firm shake, Eric said, "Well Sunwoo, how about we find a way to get you home, huh?"
He hadn't even realized tears had dampened the fabric of his mask until he sniffled. Sunwoo released a shaky breath, eyes wandering back to the skyline that had looked so close to his, but was now a complete foreign entity. He had less than three days to get back home to you with seemingly no way back at all.
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a/n: honestly unsure of a sequel lol but it would be cool to explore eric's spidey universe
tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @mingiholic @ja4hyvn @vatterie @yogurteume @ethereal-engene @hyunjaespresent-deobi @justalildumpling @hongyangi @pxppxrmint @nerdypastacalzonespy @miusgirl @zhaixiaowen @wtfhyuck @winterchimez @sodafy @fluorescentloves @tinkerbell460 @kflixnet @gyulfriend
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
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I really wasn't expecting so many people to like my Mirage x reader so much! I'm glad you guys liked it!
Though this is a rewrite, because I accidentally deleted the original. I'm still a little salty about it but it's whatever
Though there will be a small few changes that aren't updated in the part 1, but nothing much, just how the text will be colored. And some inconsistent POV changes
But anyway, here's part two!
Part one is here btw
Meeting Mirage ;)
Warnings: Suggested drug usage, language
"So is there a reason why we're walking instead of taking your car?" Currently right now, Y/N, who was about to go to bed several minutes ago, is now walking the empty streets of Brooklyn with Noah right beside her. And in addition of that, a blindfold for some reason that she's still trying to figure out. It was nearly midnight and this man literally just told her he had something important to show her. Many questions asked, and no answers yet.
He just kept responding with, 'you'll see when we get there', which is slowly starting to tick her off. And to make it just a little worse, she's still in her PJ's, a black tank top, some baggy white sweatpants that aren't even hers, and some worn out spiderman slippers. And it's fucking cold.
"It's close by, not even that long of a walk."
"It better be, because I swear to God Noah if whatever you're about to show me is something stupid I'm going to fucking kick you."
"I swear it's not."
"Also why did it have to be at night? Why not early in the morning?!"
"Because it couldn't wait until early in the morning!"
"Mhm, yeah right. You didn't even let me have time to put on a jacket. It's fucking cold."
"It's summer."
"You know how cold I am naturally!"
"Wouldn't be surprised if you were a lizard."
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm just befriending you so I can slowly take over humanity! Maybe so I can lick all the things I want without getting weird looks from people because it'll all be lizards!"
It was quiet for a moment, before the pair started to laugh at the comment. Sometimes they can't take each other seriously. It's always one of the two that makes the most random comments to ever been said.
"I'll get you some of those croissant thingys from that bakery you like. As a, 'Sorry for dragging you out of your apartment to show you something' apology."
"You better, you mother fucker...and bring some milk too."
"You're the only person I know that likes milk as a beverage."
"Hey! You can make all kinds of shit out of milk! It's not weird to like it as a beverage. Hell, you were drinking it out of your mother once!"
"Never say that sentence ever again."
Sooner or later, they finally arrived at their destination. With the jingling of keys, Noah unlocks a door before gently pulling her into the building. She was immediately hit with the smell of oil, the fumes of paint, and the smell of gas. Wherever they are, Y/N's guessing they're in Noah's garage.
Now, Noah was nervous, the whole entire time they walked here, he was fidgeting with his finger every so often. He fears how his best friend will react to Mirage, and hoping, hoping it's a good reaction. Though, it might be a small chance, but that's not stopping him from praying to the point someone passing by will probably think he's a little crazy.
"Heyyy you're back! And you brought the pretty lady too~" Now Y/N wasn't expecting another person to be here. She thought it would just be the two of them. Not that she was complaining, maybe this important thing needed someone to look after it so it wouldn't break or something.
Though in reality, it's a huge 12ft robot chilling on the floor, waiting for the both of them. But she doesn't know that. Yet.
"Y/N, I want you to me-"
Noah was cut off by Mirage, a pout on his face as he crosses his arms. "Nu uh man! Lemme have this one!" He quickly clears his throat, with a flirtatious smirk replacing that pout in seconds.
"The names Mirage, bonita~ But you can call me yours~" There was a playfulness in his tone, and to Y/N, he seemed very confident and outgoing. Maybe a little flirty, but that's fine with her. Though he does sound rather young, maybe around the same age as Noah? (I don't know how old he is, but I'm guessing maybe around 19-21, also reader is like 6 years older than Noah) And what a strange name, maybe it's a nickname he likes to go by.
"That's the most cheesiest line I've ever heard in my entire life." Y/N let's a chuckle slip through, snapping out of her little mind rant, a small smile making it's way onto her lips.
"Hey I spent a good amount of time on that! Plus, it's not that cheesey.."
"..Was that too cheesey?"
"Dude you're the one who came up with it, not me."
"But you're supposed to be my wingman here! I scratch your back, you scratch mine." There was a small stare down between the two, before Noah sighed.
"...okay maybe it was a little too cheesey-"
"I may not be able to see, but you guys are horrible at whispering."
Y/N was still standing somewhat next to Noah, arms crossed over her chest as she waited for their so called secret conversation to be over with. All the things she wants do is to go to sleep and enjoy her day-off the next day. That's all she asks for.
"Anyway, what's that important thing you wanted to show me, Noah?" She goes to remove the blindfold, but was stopped by a frantic Noah holding her wrists in a soft, but firm, grip.
"Shit! S-Sorry, it's just.." Noah sighs out in frustration, letting go of Y/N's wrists. "I gotta tell you something before I show you the thing." Said woman raised her brow at Noah's behavior. Now's she getting a little worried for what the hell Noah might show her.
"It's.. It's not something illegal, right?"
"No!" He pauses for a few seconds, "At least I don't thin-"
"Right. So, uh, I think it's best if you just..see for yourself?"
"Why do you sound so unsure." Finally glad to be able to take off the damn fabric, Y/N looks at her surroundings, blinking rapidly to adjust her eyes. Her suspicions of being in Noah's garage was correct. But what she wasn't expecting was a huge metal being sitting in the middle of the room, optics on her with a mischievous smile on his face.
It takes a few seconds before her mind could catch up, her expression blank. When the scene in front of her processed completely, she immediately turned around, walking towards the door with fast and hurried steps.
"Nope. Nu-uh. Not dealing with this shit tonight. Fuck this shit. I'm out. Peace. Adíos. Goodbye forever. So lon-"
"Y/N wait c-come back!"
"And I will walk 500 miles, and I'll walk 500 more-" Grabbing onto the handle, she tries to open it. Only thing was the door jammed repeatedly. "Fucking shit."
"Ouch, they never treated E.T like this." He pouts, dramatically putting the back of his hand to his forehelm. Now he was kind of expecting her to scream or least for her to faint, but this reaction was more amusing.
"Just let me, uh, us explain-!" Noah forcefully put himself between Y/N and the door, holding out his arms so she wouldn't try to go around. A staredown ensues.
"Please..?" Shrugging his shoulders a little with an unsure smile on his face, his attempt to make himself as convincing as possible. With a sigh, she nods, backing away from the door with slight hesitation. Turning back to the robot in question, Mirage has a bubbly smile on his face, optics lighting up.
"There you go! I ain' gonna hurt you," The mech coos teasingly. "Quite a show you put up though, ever thought of doing stand-up comedy?"
Y/N was still a bit tense, looking at the bot in caution. She doesn't even know what to do in a kind of situation like this. Hell, what do you even do in a kind of situation like this?
But despite that, Noah seems to know, Mirage was his name? He seems to know him pretty well, from how well Noah and him seem to get along. It actually explains a lot of things, that you didn't realize until then. How Noah seemed to be very secretive whenever it came to his garage, and seemed to be somewhat cautious whenever someone looks through his things.
"It's okay mami, you can admire this handsome face as long as you like~" Mirage's flirtatious voice broke you out of your mind ramble, a blush covering your face in an instant. You spaced out without realizing it.
"S-shit my bad."
"Heyy, it's alright~ Not often you come across a face like this!" He sticks his glossa out, making a peace sign with his servos as he winks at her. It, oddly made him cute. A small chuckle comes out of the woman, posture now slightly relaxed a little more, but still tense. Thinking this was a dream, she goes to pinch her arm as hard as she can, but no it's no dream. Maybe she had to much edibles before going to bed, and she was just in the streets all sluggish and her mind is throwing delusions at her, just for entertainment. Like a jester of sorts.
But she ran out of edibles 3 days ago, so that's most likely not the reason why.
Like promised, Noah and Mirage explained what, where, who, and why he was on Earth. And that there's more of him. And that they can transform into cars. And he demonstrated this, by transforming into a car himself. The Frankenstein car you were inside not longer than a week ago.
Now the dots were finally connecting.
She continues to ask him a variety of questions, each of which ranging from how long he's been on Earth, why he choose a Porsche to be his alt mode (to which he responded with, "A cool guy like me needs to have a pretty cool alt to go along with it" followed by a flirtatious wink), and how many other people know about his existence. By know your shoulders are less tense, posture completely relaxed as she continues a conversation with (mainly Mirage) the two of them.
And Mirage, being the big flirt he is, kept throwing pick-up lines whenever the chance showed itself, accompanied by a wink and a cute smirk. Each one making you a little flustered.
Eventually Noah had to leave, because apparently Kris never went to sleep in the first place, to busy to defeat Bowser. He knew because Kris accidentally blew his cover via walkie-talkie. So now it's just you and Mirage, all alone in the garage.
It felt somewhat awkward, but Mirage always found a way to break the silence of everything.
"So how'd you meet my boy?"
"His mom, she was a co-worker of mine a few years ago, and decided to invite me over to her house to meet her kids."
"And what, you guys hit it off there?"
Y/N let's out a small chuckle, shaking her head. "Not exactly. He was a little nervous at the start. We only started talking when I offered to babysit Kris." And the conversation continued on from there, leaking into the early hours of the morning.
Mirage knew he wanted to know and see more about the human, she's just so pretty and fascinating! And her reactions and little faces she makes are so cute to him, make him wanna squeeze her little cheeks. His tanks are filled with the fluttery feeling again, the more they talk, the more it increases. Now he knew when to take risks, and this is one of them definitely. He knows he wants to see more of her, to keep talking with her. Just makes his spark go absolutely crazy.
So why not ask her out?
Alright Mirage, you can do this, my man! Don't let that nervous feeling pull you down. C'mon c'mon c'mon! When will you get another chance like this ever again?
After giving himself a small prep talk, Mirage finally asks. "Hey you wanna go to the drive-ins sometime tomorrow? I'd love to keep seeing that pretty face of yours more~" A wink following with a smirk. His confidence was all over the place, and his spark was beating rapidly, like it's going to come out of his chassis. Obviously it wasn't shown on his face, but internally he was a nervous wreck.
You were somewhat taken off-guard by his question, a blush covering your cheeks. Is he asking you out on a date? I mean, he could be asking to hang out more, but his various flirtatious comments and compliments thrown at you made you think otherwise.
Now that she thinks about, he's actually a lot better than any person she's been in a relationship with. He's actually makes her laugh, is nice and gentle, a good listener, and overall quite comfortable to be around with. And he's quite a cutie and handsome one too..fuck it.
"Sure. What time, handsome~?" The mech perked up at her response, optics lighting up. "How 'bout sometime at 7? I know a pretty good spot~"
"Then it's a date." Oh how that word made his spark flutter. He does a little dance and fists his hand in the air for his small victory, Y/N laughing a little at his antics. Her cheeks hurt so much from smiling so much. She's pretty excited for tomorrow's drive-in now.
When Mirage finally settles down, she beckons him down to be at her level, a small mischievous smile on her face. Confused, he does so, couching down until becoming face to face with her smiling face.
Warm lips peck his metal cheek, his optics widening in surprise at the bold gesture, a blue blush makes itself known on his face. The warmth spreading through his entire body as a shiver goes up his backstruts. Now he's for sure his spark might just beat out his chassis. She can practically hear it!
"Something for you to think about until tomorrow~ Goodnight Mirage~" And with that, she leaves the garage, a big smile on her face as she makes her way home, ready to finally crash into her bed and excited for the night tomorrow.
Mirage was left crouching in the garage, a surprised look still of his face, still trying to process what had just happen. His look of shock then quickly shifted to a look of giddiness, letting out a victory whoop as he tries to calm his beating spark.
"Man, what a woman!" And he cannot wait to see her again.
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missuswalker · 1 year
DUDE I requested the volleyball reader one and oh my god I’m so fed it’s so good got me kicking my feet giggling cackling sweating bro (thank u cat emoji anon for requesting a part 2 ily) idk how u have such good brain thoughts to write allat
Would u be opposed to a fic of mysterion x f!reader who’s kinda like spiderman 🤔🤔🤔 omg what if it was similar to miraculous ladybug where they’re friends irl and Kenny’s all flirty then but when they’re in their superhero roles it flips n the reader is the flirty one instead?? And maybe they fight against Leslie or something sending a robot army man idk u can literally write whatever and I’ll eat it up fr fr THANK UUUUU
MEOWWW MEOW MEOW NEVER OPPOSED TO MYSTERION (and ikr, cat emoji anon is so scrumptious 😻) (i love frequent anons, they're like my best pookies) (also i love all of your ideas 🤭🤭)
don't know her // mysterion x fem reader
✮ summary: being the walmart spidergirl of south park has it's perks, especially when you get to hang around mysterion all night (pt two here) ✮ warnings: mentions of blood, kind of short (read a/n)
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"Hey, I'll call you back later, sweetheart, I've got some shit to do," Kenny interrupts, giving me a 'bye'. I knew exactly what that shit was too. I've known Kenny for years and I had kind of caught on to the fact that he was Mysterion.
I take this as my opportunity to slip into my suit, pulling my mask over my head as I slide my window open, climbing onto my roof. This was just about my nightly routine at this point. Talking with Kenny on the phone until midnight, then meeting up with him as Seven.
The backstory of the name name originally came from Kenny himself. Well, came from Mysterion. Kenny had no idea that I was Seven. Basically, Mysterion asked for my superhero name, though I didn't exactly have one. After telling him that, he named me after the building we were behind which happened to be a 7-Eleven, and it kind of just stuck.
Walking down the alley Mysterion and I usually met in, I see that he's already there. "Seven, you've gotta stop coming out here, I've told you too many times that it's way too dangerous for a rookie to be out at night."
I put my hands on my hips, looking around. "You say that and then still wait for me at the same spot every night. You'd miss me too much if I stopped showing up," I tease. "Don't flatter yourself. I come here because I know you'll show up and get yourself into trouble. Don't start thinking I have a crush on you or something."
"Then who do you have a crush on? Must be a real treat, huh?" I snort, taking a seat on an empty crate. "I don't see how that's any of your business. It's just a girl from my school anyways, you don't know her," he sighs, kicking at the dirt. "I'm just curious," I defend, throwing my hands up in mock surrender.
I felt a little upset, though, that the girl has a good chance of not being me. "If I tell you about her, will you stop coming out here at night so I don't have to babysit you anymore?" I think for a moment, trying to figure out if I even really wanted to know.
"Sure," I answer, deciding I might as well. He sighs, obviously not thinking I was actually going to agree to it. "Okay, well, uhh... her name is Y/n. I've been friends with her for a really long time, and she's hot. That good enough for you?"
Well, damn.
"Nah, I'm still gonna come out here." Mysterion groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well, nothing is happening tonight, just go home." I shrug, beginning to walk away. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow."
"No you won't. You're gonna stay home."
"Keep telling yourself that."
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you have to remind me, though, bc i'll forget 😻
next one will have the fight scene and seven's mask gets pulled off + romance idk
not proofread (ill do it later i swear)
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evansbby · 1 year
Does anyone have any cool sexy dilf stories? Like stories that you wouldn’t mind sharing of y’all with dilfs?? Idk I feel like I need to live vicariously through you guys jajsjsjs —
Okay so I know you posted this last week but I have to tell someone 💀
So since the beginning of uni I’ve had a crush on my chemistry professor, and let me tell you that the first day I had his class all I did was fantasize about him😭😭
This man is 6’4 (I’m 5’3🤭) so the height difference is so hot. He’s 35 (I just turned 20), he’s half Mexican half Colombian (he curses in Spanish when he drops something or is just mad and it’s the hottest thing ever). He has brown eyes and his hair is like Ari’s hair (all i can think about is how hot it would be to rake my nails through his hair while he’s eating me out). Also he’s so fucking buff holy shit, like his biceps are the size of my head and every time he wears a tight shirt/blouse it literally makes me want to do unspeakable things. For reference he kinda looks like Miguel O’hara (idk if you watched Spiderman into the Spiderverse but that man is hot as hell), but he has fuller lips. He also has a beard which also kind of the same to Ari’s beard.
So here’s where the actual story begins😭😭. He has a daughter who’s 8 years old - btw he’s not married and her mom isn’t in her life, I don’t know why - so my cousin who’s also 8 years old happens to be in the same class as her and they’re literally best friends. I didn’t know at first that her dad was my professor (and the guy I dream about) until my aunt asked me to pick my cousin up from school and I see him talking to his daughter and my cousin. When I tell you I almost melted because he was so sweet with them😭😭😭 When they saw me walking towards them he was also surprised to see me, but then he smiled and made small talk 😫
Next day when I see him in class, he asks me to stay behind and when I tell you I almost fainted. I’ll type out the interaction because it’ll be too confusing.
Professor: “Hey, so I didn’t know you were related to (cousins name)”
Me: “Yeah, her moms my moms sister so different last names haha”
Professor: “So, I wanted to ask if it’s okay for her to come over next week? I tried to catch your aunt and ask but she’s always there earlier than me, (daughters name) and (cousins name) wanted to watch a movie and just play.”
Me: “Oh yeah, I’ll ask my aunt. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind (cousins name) talks about her a lot.”
Professor: “Yeah those two are really close.”
Me: “But sure I’ll ask my aunt and get back to you tomorrow.”
Professor: “Thank you it’ll mean a lot to them.”
So after this we just quickly said goodbye and when I walked out the classroom I almost threw up he made me that nervous😭😭 It’s the way he was standing as well, he was standing and kind of half sitting half leaning on his desk and his blouse that day was a white so I kinda saw abs (slut) 😫😫😫 honestly feels like something out of a movie😭
Anyway so I came home and I was going to my aunts house anyway for dinner with the whole family (I’m Moroccan so these kind of big dinners are almost every week💀). So when I’m there I ask her and she first was kind of iffy about it because she doesn’t want to send her 8 year old to a random mans house (her words, not mine😂) even though she knows his daughter. And then my other cousin who’s my age and knows about my crush on him, jokingly said “maybe she should go with her, he’s her professor so she already knows him”. I swear to god I wanted to strangle her right there and then because my aunt thought it was the best idea ever and now she wants me to go with her.
I feel like this is getting really long so I’ll try summarize what happened afterwards😭. So the next day I don’t have chemistry so after I was done with all my classes I walk over to his classroom. This man was just sitting there drinking coffee and working and I thought (still think) it was the hottest thing ever. When he sees me walk in he smiles at me and greets me. I greet him as well and tell him what my aunt said.
Me: “Maybe a bit weird but my aunt wanted me to come with (cousins name) to keep an eye on her you know? If that’s okay with you of course.”
Professor: “Yeah no that’s fine don’t worry about it, besides it’ll be nice to have someone there to keep me company.”
Anyway I gave him my aunts number so they can arrange it and then we said goodbye and stuff and I left. My hands were shaking when I was walking out of the classroom, he makes me that nervous😭 My aunt called me Sunday morning telling me that the playdate is next week. Either he or my uncle is gonna bring us.
I normally have his class on Monday but he wasn’t there, I think he had an appointment or something😔 But I do have his class today so lets pray he’s there🤞🏼🤞🏼
I’m sorry if this was really long but I honestly feel like this is too good to be true, and when I saw your post about any dilf stories I immediately thought about him. I also wanted to tell someone who won’t judge me and I honestly love your vibe so I hope you won’t think I’m weird or something 😭. I also need advice because what the hell do i do?!?! I have such a big crush on him, besides the looks he’s so sweet but also so serious and bossy (idk what to call it but it’s hot😫😫).
I’ll keep you updated if you want if anything else happens🥴🥴🥴
- 💐💐
Oh my god bestie I am so intrigued but at the same time you are twenty years old and that is a BABY to me practically so idk idk idk what to say!!!! Pls just be sensible about this… men love to take advantage of younger girls and I know you don’t want to hear this 😭😭😭 but I feel like I have to say it otherwise I’d be being fake 🥲🥲
Of course, you’re entitled to do whatever you please! And honestly HONESTLY this professor seems into you but the fact that he’s a professor and you’re his student is a red flag??? Right??? Like… you’re his student 😭😭😭 on top of that he is a lot older than you so please be careful!!!
Apart from that why does this sound like such a picture perfect fanfic scenario?? Like lmfao wow I didn’t realise y’all were out here literally being real life Y/Ns meanwhile all my professors have been ugly and lame 😂😂😂
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garfinkelstingle · 3 years
social media au | andrew garfield
pairing: andrew garfield x celebrity!reader
a/n: ok so i feel the whole concept is very much self explanatory but i just want to shoutout @rues-daya real quick cause her smaus really inspired me to do this (or anything, really. there hasn't been that much creative content on here lately lol) and if you want to scroll through some really awesome smaus (with a whole bunch of celebs!!!) i definitely recommend checking out her blog!!! it's truly dopesick.
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liked by ana_d_armas, milliebobbybrown and others
yourinstagram NYC it’s been a pleasure 🤍
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ana_d_armas 😻😻
yournamefan13 girl how are you even real????
gemmachan it's nyc's pleasure, really
yourinstagram har har. good one, gem
yournamefan39 screaming crying throwing up
selenagomez ❤️
*liked by yourinstagram
andrewfan28 andrew is literally so lucky to have you like imagine doing better lol as if it even GETS any better
*liked by yourinstagram
yourname62 hope you're having a good day y/n!!!!!
yourinstagram i am!!! just had pancakes with the boyfriend ;) hope you're having a good day too xx
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liked by florencepugh, selenagomez and others
yourinstagram thank you themetgalaofficial for having me ❤️ and simuliu i'm not sure wether i should be offended or flattered by that look, but i love you either way
view all 13,279 comments
caradelevingne HAHAHA maybe a little bit of both?
*liked by yourinstagram
simuliu it's called being starstruck, y/n
yourinstagram great save, shaun ;)
yournamefan17 mommy, i'm sorry, mommy?
andrewfan42 why didn't you and andrew walk the red carpet together :(
yournamefan36 because they don't have to lol. they don't owe us anything.
*liked by yourinstagram
themetgalaofficial can't wait to see you again next year
yourinstagram ❤️❤️
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liked by yourinstagram and 1,389 others
bustle for bustle's november cover story, the actor discusses tick, tick, BOOM!, staring as the musical theatre legend, his relationship and more — link in bio.
view all 291 comments
andrewfan25 my man's looking too good to be true i-
*liked by yourinstagram
yourfan172 the devil may work hard, but no one works harder than yourinstagram, liking any content mentioning andrew the second it comes out
yourinstagram guilty as charged 🤭
andrewfan03 i'm sorry for the person i will become when andrew garfield finally wins his long deserved oscar
andrewfan15 i love how no one mentioned spiderman during the interview and solely focused on tick, tick, boom!... a movie we all know 113% andrew is actually going to be in
*liked by yourinstagram
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liked by jimmykimmel, ana_de_armas and others
yourinstagram had an absolute blast chatting with jimmykimmel!!! tune in tonight to watch me talk all things kittens and puppies (if you think i'm joking i swear i'm not lol)
view all 8,273 comments
jimmykimmellive we love having you on the show!
*liked by yourinstagram
yourfan26 y/n in this dress,,, wait what was i saying?
andrewfan37 andrew is literally the luckiest guy in the world because look at you i mean 😭😭
caradelevingne the smile of all smiles
yourinstagram miss you car <33
yourfan35 loml
yourfan92 no offense to andrew but istg if you'd just give me a chance...
florencepugh cutie
*liked by yourinstagram
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liked by karen27 and 1,273 others
enews splitssvile! according to close sources the british beau Andrew Garfield and his girlfriend Y/N of nearly four years have officially called it quits... link in bio for the full story
view all 14,283 comments
andrewfan17 i'm calling 🧢 on this one... weren't they just spotted holding hands like two days ago?
yourfan34 the way this is literally the "what's your source" - "trust me bro" meme lol i'm not believing shit unless y/n tells me herself
marvelstan28 not as obsessed with them as most of the people in this comment section are, but tbh i also don't really believe that they're dunzos... he literally just gushed about her in his cover story didn't he?
yourfan52 exactly!!!! this is such bullshit lol
andrewfan94 if this is true it's literally my 13th reason bc then i've officially lost all hope in love :((((
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liked by florencepugh, gemmachan and others
yourinstagram when he tells you "you look gorgeous, let me take a picture" >>>>>>>
view all 21,482 comments
yourfan27 NOT Y/N SHUTTING THOSE RUMORS DOWN WITH THIS,,, queen behaviour i mean????
yourfan83 new lockscreen alert i mean 😭
yourinstagram that's what he said, too ;)
andrewfan59 ok but if my girlfriend looked like this i'd be obsessed with her, too
*liked by yourinstagram
winnieharlow let me guess, he bought you the roses, too?
yourinstagram you know it 🥺
yourinstagram story
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1K notes · View notes
curseofaphrodite · 3 years
self-made sculptures
TASM!PETER X FEM!READER || sequel to modern art
a/n: for the second and final part, I thought you guys would ask for a happy ending, but instead, all I received were requests on peter being guilty and sad as hell (ily for it). I told you all of us had pain kink! WARNINGS: Super mean to peter, swearing, and let's please assume avengers existed after tasm2.
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No matter how happy and fun they are made out to be, High School reunions are nothing but about power. Who got their dream jobs, who broke up, who are now in desperate need of money – it has always been about power.
But you did miss most of your old friends, and RSVPing no wasn’t your forte. Besides, using it as an excuse gave you a break from work. Looking at the ocean of familiar faces, you didn’t regret your decision. You missed those fuckers, no matter how annoying some of them were years ago.
There were also people you weren’t looking forwards to seeing; Peter being on the top of the list. Him showing up at all was surprising. Did he even have any friends? After your messy breakup, the only person he talked to was Gwen, but that had an end even worse than yours.
Which means he came to talk to you.
All through the night, you moved in directions opposite to him, and generally kept yourself busy so he wouldn’t get a chance to say hi. You had thought you wouldn’t be that bothered by his presence, which was why you came at all. But standing under the bright lights, you kept glancing here and there, nervously tapping your feet against the floor.
It was as if you were suddenly consumed by every memory you had of him — how he promised you forever then left you alone days later. Despite everything, you had continuously told yourself it wasn’t his fault he fell in love with Gwen. But if he was out of the picture, you had no one to blame but yourself—
“Y/N?” Aimee called, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Are you okay? You look a bit sick.”
“No, I’m fine. You were telling me about your husband, right?” you asked, smiling.
“Wait, let me,” she turned to look at the group of men near the giant welcome sign. “Mark, get over here! Say hi to Y/N!”
“Mark?” your mouth fell open. “Since when have you guys been dating?”
“A lot of things happened these past few years, Y/N. Our wedding, my haircut, and the fact that there are literally more superheroes than Hallmark Christmas movies."
"I like it," Mark added, coming over. "NightShade saved me the other day."
"From monsters?" you asked, your eyes wide.
NightShade was a well-known fighter who had recently joined the Avengers along with Alexandrite and The Vulture. Why they all had such cryptic names was yet to be known. Unlike the rest of the Avengers, they decided to keep low profiles, meaning they were just as anonymous as Spiderman.
"No, he walked right onto the traffic without looking at the signal," Aimee said, exhausted.
"Hey, you're sore because he's your favorite Avenger and I got to meet him."
"No, my favorite is Alexandra, she's so badass," she sighed dreamily.
"Her name is Alexandrite," Mark corrected. "Just call her Alexa like the rest of the city does."
"I know who your favorite is, Y/N," she said, ignoring her husband. "You always had the hugest crush on a certain Spiderman. Too bad he's not an Avenger."
You rolled your eyes at that, making her frown.
“You don't like him anymore?” she asked incredulously. You shrugged.
“I'm over him. He’s not that great,” you muttered, taking a sip of the juice Mark had just handed over.
Peter, who was obviously listening in on the conversation from the other end of the room, had enough.
“Uhm, code red,” Aimee said, mostly out of habit. It was what she used to say anytime Peter was within a 5 mile radius after you broke up. And just like back then, you almost choked on the drink, then put it down on the table with a dull thud.
“Hey!” Peter said, and Mark was the only one who smiled.
“Ehm, babe, let’s go say hi to Watsens,” Aimee said, pulling Mark away. You knew she was trying to give you privacy, but the last thing you wanted was to be alone with Peter Parker.
You were about to walk away too, but he grabbed your elbow, maybe out of his superhero reflex. You glared at him, making him let go as if he touched fire.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Listen, can we talk?”
“No,” you said firmly.
“I came all this way to talk to you,” he said desperately. “It won’t take a minute, I swear.”
“Let me guess, are you about to apologize?”
He sighed, hating how he made it obvious.
“You said sorry that day,” you smiled forcefully. “It didn’t do much. Won’t do anything now.”
“Enjoy the party, Pete. I think I’m going to head out early.”
He felt desperately guilty again, and guilt was something Spiderman had yet to master bearing. He didn’t want you to walk away, not before he plead his case.
“I saved you!” he said loudly, earning a fair few stares from the people nearby.
You turned, scoffing. “Excuse me?”
“I saved you,” he repeated, taking a step and lowering his voice. “You didn’t lose anything, I did.”
“You’re saying Gwen’s death is my fault?” you asked, your voice sharp.
“God no,” he disagreed quickly. “I’m just, look, I lost her because I was stupid. If anyone should be angry here, it’s me. What did you lose?”
“You,” you breathed, amazed he even had to ask. “You think I should be grateful I’m even alive? That’s your big apology? And as shitty as that is, don't you think it's a bit too late for that?”
“After Gwen's death, for years I wanted to knock on your door and beg for forgiveness.”
“Then why didn’t you?” you snapped.
“Because I knew if I talked to you again,” he paused. “I would have doomed you too.” I would have fallen in love with you again. “I'm cursed.” And I didn't want to lose you too.
“You have a hell of a god complex, Peter. Let's take a trip down the memory lane," you said, your words hurried. "If you hadn't fallen in love with her, we would have still been dating—"
"Don't interrupt. Gwen worked at Oscorp. She was at top of that freaking clock tower because of Green Goblin, who I didn't even know! So no, I wouldn't have died. It's literally impossible that I would have been standing at the same spot she was. I wouldn't have died. She wouldn't have died if you hadn't fucked us up!"
"Y/N." The way he said your name irked you because that was exactly how he used to say it years ago. Calm and quiet, as if he's right and everyone knew it.
You wanted nothing more than wipe that sympathetic smile off his face. And that's exactly what you did. Your words came out hushed, but you knew he could hear them.
"You didn't save me, Peter. You killed her."
His face drained of blood, amazed at how cruel you could be if you set your mind to it. You were about to walk off, leaving him broken like he once left you, but he decided to surprise you in return too.
"Just because you wear it on your hand doesn't mean it's invisible." He said, loud and clear.
You turned, tilting your head sideways, almost amused, almost stunned. "Goodbye, Parker."
Once you reached outside, you took a deep breath in and looked at your hand. Perfectly manicured fingers stared back, along with a single ring finishing the look. You weren't married, no. But in a way, the ring was just as important.
The only reason Alexandrite was better known as Alexa was because of misinformation, and everyone assumed the woman behind the mask must be someone with the same name.
But what most forgets is that Alexandrite is also a gem, like the one in your ring.
Exactly like the one in your ring.
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eykismyfav · 3 years
Being Otto Octavius’s Kid and being pulled in by Dr. Strange’s Spell
Requested: No!
Genre: Fluff and a little angst
Warnings: Swearing but that’s a given at this point
Pairing: Otto Octavius x Young Adult!Reader
Characters: All the No Way Home Characters I guess
Authors note: I love Otto so much I just want him to be happy. Last post of the year! I hope you all have a happy healthy 2022!
Major No Way Home Spoilers Below Keep Reading
Marvel Preference Masterlist
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You and your father were always very close up until the accident with Fusion energy core. 
Your Father distanced himself to protect you.
You found out Peter Parker was Spiderman after your fathers death and you made it your mission to help Peter as much as you can in order to ensure nothing like what happened to your father ever happens again.
You also keep you fathers legacy alive by following in his footsteps trying to create your own version of safe clean energy.
That is until one day you find yourself in the middle of the woods looking at a young man in a spiderman costume working with who you recognize to be Flint Marko to contain a man made of electricity.
Eventually when everything is under control you approach the three men. 
“Peter? Marko? What is going on I was in my lab and now I am here and who the fuck is that guy?” You ask knowing damn well it was too many questions at once.
Peter uses you as a distraction to shoot the electricity guy with something and he disappears.
“What the fuck was that Peter?” You and Marko shout simultaneously.
“Woah! Wait I can explain!” Peter rushes to explain but Marko lunges at him causing Peter to shoot Marko with the same thing as before. 
Peter takes off his mask and looks at you. You both have your hands in the air at this point.
“Your not Peter Parker.” You say tilting your head to the side slightly obvious confusion on your face. 
“You know you are the second person to tell me that today... I’m not your Peter Parker, but I am Peter Parker.”
“String Theory Multiverse it’s really all of it?” Peter merely nods
“I called it! Now before you shoot me with whatever that is please don’t I work with my Peter Parker I am not a bad guy.” 
“Okay ummm I need to clean this up so I guess I can give you the address...”
“That will work I’ll swing over.” You show him your wrist with your own web shooter. (You had to keep up with your Peter somehow)
When you finally make it to the address Peter gave you a man with a cape opened the door.
“Umm Hello?” He merely nods and points you in the direction of the stairs. 
Upon arriving in the Wizards dungeon (that is literally the only way to describe it.) You come face to face with a man you thought no knew was dead.
“Dad?” “Y/N?” The two of you speak in harmony.
“But how are you here your...your...” seeing him again well and alive is too much you break down crying at the mere sight of him.
Otto wants nothing more then to collect you up in his arms and tell you everything is going to be okay but the cell he was in prevented him from doing so. 
You had to walk away it was too overwhelming at the moment you borrowed the girl you learned was this universe MJ’s phone in order to call Peter and tell him that you would meet him later you needed to go for a walk and get some space. 
Peter gave you a new address and told you he had a plan to help the villains.
When Peter and his aunt show up with the villains you keep your distance from your father still thinking it was for the best until the new inhibitor chip was installed afraid that he would say something to you he would regret if you approached him now.
Instead you stick close to the man you had at one point viewed as an uncle Norman Osborn as soon as he saw you he pulled you into his side saying that you looked so grown up. 
You knew he was the Green Goblin but you had missed him and you could tell that right now he was Norman not his other identity so you stuck by his side for now.
“Saltwater or Freshwater?” You heard Aunt May ask
“What? Uhhh Freshwater.” Your Father response confusion heavy in his voice.
“Oh I just assumed because of the Tentacles you know.” 
You lost you shit laughing at the interaction drawing your father's attention to you and Peter.
“Hey umm the chip is done.” Peter says handing it to you. “I think it might be best if you do it.” 
You nod taking the chip and running up the stairs while Peter raises your father to the second level.
He struggles as you try to attach it so you bend down slightly to whisper in his ear.
“Dad please stop struggling I’m trying to help you I promise.” He stops struggling almost instantly allowing you to install the inhibitor chip. 
After a few seconds he comes too and Parker gives him control of the robotic limbs again. 
Your father is quickly in front of you looking at you with big sad brown eyes.
“Hello my Dear.” He whispers wiping away tears as they roll down your cheeks.
“Hi Dad.” You mumble back clinging to him in a tight hug.
The two of you stay in this hug for a long time every now and then your father gives you a light kiss on the forehead or the temple. 
You finally had you dad back and you would be damned if you let him go anytime soon.
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s1ater · 3 years
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like clockwork. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader and eli always have the same routine
warnings 🚫: swearing, talk of abuse but it’s not actually abuse, toxic relationship like REALLY TOXIC
slater’s note 🗯: i am literally so mad, i was going to post a robby fic tonight but it didn’t save so hope this holds you guys down. also it’s short :,)
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“suck my dick!”
“you were always so dramatic.”
“just the way you like it though, huh eli?”
you had the nastiest look on your face that made him wince so hard, but he recovered, quirking an eyebrow, “you were always a brat.”
“awh,” you popped your bottom lip out, shinning the big puppy dog eyes he always fell victim to, “but what does that make you, the biggest fucking asshole to walk this earth?”
“say whatever you need to say, whatever makes you sleep at night, princess.”
clock work, just the clock work.
the only thing that kept you from ripping your hair out was the thought of this only being clock work. something that had to happen in order for you to get to the next step, to be able to be closer to the goal.
and the goal was always the same, being together.
it was rather ridiculous, but it was just how it worked, it was how your relationship with eli functioned and how you got through the days without tearing each others eyes out.
“why don’t you just... end things, y/n? for good?”
“because i love him.”
“that’s not how it should work though. y/n, if you really love him you need to just let him go... for good.”
it was a nightmare to think about life without eli though, you cared for him so much that you couldn’t imagine going a day without calling him yours, without his gaze on you, the gaze that made you feel like you were in the stars.
“fuck you.”
“that’s right, fuck me, because everything i do is my fault.”
miguel couldn’t even comprehend how the two of you even functioned with each other, it never made sense. one minute you’re all lovey dovey, on top of each other, can’t get enough of one another, but the next he has to hold back eli from choking the shit out of you.
the boy dipped his head into his hands as he continued to listen to the two of you argue back and forth in the other room. everything was going perfectly fine till the next moment he found you hovered over eli, yelling at him about whatever it was that you yelled at him about.
and it was all the same, always the same. girls, boys, girls who talked to eli, boys who talked to you, girls who flirted shamelessly with eli, boys who flirted shamelessly with you. all the same.
“why don’t you just... why don’t you care? why can’t you just fucking show emotion when i talk to you?”
“are you fucking kidding me, y/n?” he inhaled sharply, his shoulders ducking forward as did his arms, reaching out in expression, “i can barely get anything from you! show emotion? how about you take your own goddamn advice?”
“shut up!”
miguel glanced over to sam who chewed on her nail, pacing the floor as she also listened, hoping to god it’d be over soon.
“maybe if you supported-“
“maybe if i supported you? that’s all i do, what do you think i’m doing? you think i’m here just for a good time? ‘cause-“
“it sure seems like it!”
it always ended with someone crying. that someone being you. and it always ended fast, falling from the sky and out of no where. so fast it made your stomach hit your throat, guilting you into tears as he’d leave.
he’d leave, but he’d be back.
he’d always be back and it didn’t matter when or where or how, it just happened and you’d be there with open arms, welcoming him whole heartedly.
yeah, he’d be back.
taglist 🗞:
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows
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elliesguitarstrings · 3 years
Ok ok ok so how about this! Reader is scared of horror movies and spiders! Like shit scared and Peter constantly teases her about it (her knowing about Spider-Man is up to you). So one day him, reader, mj, Ned are having a sleepover at peters and during the horror movie reader gets scared n screams..and Peter teases her again so she gets hurt and runs to his room. He goes after her to apologise but then tells her not to turn around or something and reader thinks he’s just teasing her again and wants to walk away but then peter just kisses her! Cause there was actually a spider behind her and Peter panicked cause he didn’t want reader to get scared again.
Cue Ned n mj being so happy cause they finally confessed and end up embarrassing Peter.
This is so specific sorry but thank you🥺❤️
this is so cute!!! i wrote this really quickly so sorry if there are some typos :/
“Okay guys, what should we watch?” Peter asks as he crawls out from the makeshift pillow fort in his living room.
You, Ned, MJ, and Peter were all spending the night at his house. Seeing as it’s already the middle of the night and you’re all extremely tired, you decided to watch a movie before you go to bed.
MJ smirks, “We should watch It!” This earns nods of approval from everyone... well everyone except for you.
“Absolutely not!” you deadpan, “I am not watching a scary movie before I go to seep. No way.”
Ned laughs, “Come on Y/N, it’s more funny than scary. Plus it’s not even that scary anyways, you’re such a baby.”
“Am not! I just don’t like scary movies!”
“Y/N, you made me turn off A Bug’s Life because you were too freaked out that the bugs were talking. You’re a baby.” Peter chuckles.
“I just don’t like bugs okay? Sue me!”
“Yeah I’m surprised she still lets you hang around since you’re Spiderman Peter. Hey Y/N did you know he can summon an army of spiders whenever he wants?” Ned jokes.
You’re eyes go wide, “What? Peter is that true? Please tell me that’s a joke.”
“Oh no it’s not a joke, I can control all spiders. Actually, why don’t I get some to come over here right now?”
You shriek, “Nononono! Peter don’t please don’t!”
Ned, Peter, and MJ all burst out laughing. “He can’t actually do that Y/N, he was just being stupid.” MJ giggles.
You breathe out a sigh of relief, though you’re extremely embarrassed. You did just kind of prove their point that you were scared of basically everything. You know that they’re just joking around, but it still hurts your feelings a little.
“You know what,” you announce, “let’s watch It, who cares if it’s scary.”
Peter raises his eyebrows, “Oh, are you sure? We really don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s fine. I want to. Let’s do it.” You don’t actually want to watch it. But you do want to prove your friends wrong. So you’re just going to have to push through for this one.
“Well okay then, guess we’re watching It!” Peter grabs the remote and turns on the movie, crawling back to his spot next to you.
Already you’re hating this. Even the intro has creepy music that puts you on edge. The movie hasn’t even properly started yet and it’s still freaking you out. You snuggle deeper into your spot on the couch and hope that you are able to fall asleep before any of the really scary parts. You figure that nothing super scary will happen in the first ten minutes, so as long as you drift off before then you’re fine.
Unfortunately, you’re very wrong. Not even five minutes into the movie and there’s already a creepy clown pulling a kid into a sewer. You aren’t expecting it, and the jump scare makes you scream. You bury your head in the pillow, trying to get the terrifying image of Pennywise the clown out of your head.
Instead of comforting you or making sure you’re okay, your friends just laugh.
“Hey, guys, maybe we should turn this off I think it’s a little too much for baby Y/N here.” Peter chokes out in between laughs.
“Yeah, maybe we need to turn on a Disney movie instead.” Ned adds.
“I don’t know guys, the villains can be pretty scary, that might even be too much for her!” MJ giggles.
You’ve had enough. You don’t want to spend any more time with your friends tonight if all they’re going to do is make fun of you. You throw your blanket off and stand up from the couch carefully as not to knock the fort down. You quickly crawl out from under it and storm off to Peter’s room leaving your friends in silence. You slam the door shut, but question when you don’t hear it click. You spin around to see Peter holding the door open, staring at you.
“Peter, go away, I don’t want to hear you make fun of me anymore.”
He slips into the room and closes the door behind him. “I’m not here to make fun of you, I promise.” he pauses. “Y/N I’m sorry, we were just trying to poke fun, we weren’t trying to hurt your feelings. Well, at least I wasn’t, I cant speak for Ned and MJ but Im sure they weren’t either.”
“Well it wasn’t funny Peter. I get that you think of me as a baby because I’m scared of everything but I can’t help it. The least you could do is make sure I’m okay.”
“I know, and again I’m really sorry for not doing that. It was stupid of me to make fun of you and I should have just turned on another movie. I hate seeing you hurt and now I can’t even tell you how bad I feel.”
You can tell that he’s being genuine and that he truly feels bad, so you decide to forgive him. He is your best friend after all, he wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt you. “It’s okay Pete, that you for apologizing.” you smile.
“Oh thank god. I thought you were gonna be mad at me forever.” He rushes towards you and engulfs you in a big hug, nestling his face in your neck. “I swear it won’t happen again.”
You giggle, “Thank you Pete, but can we please go back out there and watch a different movie?”
He looks up at you, his arms still wrapped around your middle, “Oh, yeah sure.” He pulls away from you slowly and you start to turn around towards the door to head back out until his eyes widen. “DONT TURN AROUND!”
You’re taken aback, staring at Peter with furrowed brows. “Huh?”
He looks at you sternly, “Don’t. Turn. Around.”
You sigh, “Peter come on, we just talked about this. I told you not to make fun of me like that anymore. You promised.”
“I’m not joking. Seriously don’t look behind you.”
“Oh my god Peter you’re too much.” You start to turn around to head back out when he grabs your arm harshly, pulling you towards him. Before you know it, his lips are on yours and his arms are back around your waist.
Holy shit. You’re best friend is kissing you. The boy you’ve liked for years is literally kissing you!
Before you get the chance to really kiss him back, he pulls away. “Oh my god oh my god oh my god I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to do that I just didn’t know how else to make you not turn around so I kissed you and I shouldn’t have done it and now I’ve messed everything up and-”
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his once again, this time truly getting to kiss him. You wrap you arms around his neck with his still snaked around your waist. He pulls you impossibly closer and your lips move in sync, as if they were made for each other. You finally pull away when you run out of breath, your forehead resting against Peter’s.
“Woah.” he whispers.
“So I take it that you like me back?” Peter asks.
You giggle, pressing another quick peck on his lips, “Yeah, I’d say so.”
“Awesome.” he pauses, looking behind you at the door. “There’s a spider behind you by the way.”
“What?” you freak out, jumping up and forcing Peter to catch you. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Peter laughs, “I did! But you insisted that I was just joking. So I had to kiss you instead.”
“Oh. Well, sorry about that.”
“Don’t be sorry. I got to kiss you.” Peter smirks causing you to blush. “Can I put you down now so I can take are of this spider?”
“Oh, yeah, sure.”
He captures the spider and throws it out the window, not wanting to kill it. You both walk back to the living room hand in hand to see a giggling Ned and MJ.
“I was wondering how long that was gonna take for you to finally get together.” MJ smirks.
You blush, “How did you-”
“We heard everything, including you screaming about the spider.” Ned laughs.
“Shut up!” you giggle.
“Whatever, just please don’t be making out in our fort while Ned and I are trying to sleep. At least get a room.”
You and Peter blush, but MJ and Ned usher you over into the fort. Peter sits down and you snuggle in his lap, his arms wrapped around you to keep you warm. Much to your chagrin, MJ turns It back on, but Peter’s warmth lulls you to sleep quickly and you miss the majority of the movie, sleeping comfortably in his arms.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Peter Parker’s Pianist.
A/N: So this is my first Peter Parker one shot that is not a request, it has literally taken me hours to complete! But I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think, I accept constructive criticism. This does not reflect any particular version of MJ, I love her as a fictional character!
Summary: Peter Parker is completely in love with his elegant piano player.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex and suggestive content. Mentions of guns, maybe a few typos and I think that’s it.
W/C: 5.5K
Peter had first met Y/N when he was scoping out a building that was apparently going to be robbed, he had been hiding out on the roof when he had first heard her play. It was a tune he was familiar with but couldn’t name, one of those beautiful classical pieces, he couldn’t help but sit on top of the roof as the music drifted out of the window.
Peter sat on the rooftop waiting for the mayhem to start, he’d been tipped off by the police that there was to be a burglary that night, some old music hall that still had a lot of valuable instruments in it. It wasn’t abandoned per se, it just wasn’t used very often. Peter had received the call a few hours prior, the police didn’t have the funding to deal with the incident and who better to help than the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman?
He became almost lost in the way the music was being played, it had his complete attention and he wondered if that was why he’d missed the group of men entering the building. He’d been told no one should be in it but clearly someone was, and they were pulling him into a trance he had to shake himself out of as he heard a crash from one of the lower levels. Shit, he thought to himself.
Whoever it was that was playing the piano so beautifully clearly hadn’t heard the commotion from the lower level and Peter felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him, whoever it was, he needed to get out of that building before he even considered approaching the men that were currently ransacking the place.
It would appear he wasn’t the only person that had heard the music and was in a desperate rush to get to them because as soon as he swung through the window to help whoever it was that was in there, four men burst through the door on the opposite side. That’s when the music stopped and she looked up from her sheet music, their eyes caught for a brief second before Peter sprang into action.
One of the men had aimed his pistol right at her and Peter fell into a panic as he aimed a web straight for it and pulled it from the man’s grasp. It all happened at once as she moved from her seat and Peter shot out a web to pull the woman towards him, a slight scream leaving her lips as her chest connected with his. It was like electricity started coursing through his veins, his senses running wilder than they ever had before.
He pulled her out of the way as he flipped a table, encouraging her to hide behind it as shots went off throughout the room. He watched as she pulled her knees to her chest and placed her hands over her ears, the fear in her eyes was prominent as she looked wildly at him, almost begging for him to help and he’d never in his life felt more of an urge to help someone.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Peter found himself saying softly as her eyes locked onto his. “I’ll get you out of here I promise. I just need you to stay here until I’ve sorted these guys okay?” He watched as a tear slipped from her cheek and he couldn’t stop himself from taking her hands in his as he forced her to stay focused on him. “I promise I’m going to get you out of here.” He said and she nodded slightly as a bullet flew over the top of the table, smashing a window behind them, a small scream leaving her lips.
This part was easy for Peter, a few careful dodges here and there, a few well placed webs meant that within five minutes all four men were disarmed and strung up waiting for arrest. Now he just needed to make sure the woman got home safely. She did exactly as she was told, he found her in the same position he had left her in. She still looked frightened, he supposed to her she didn’t quite understand that the threat was dealt with, she was safe now.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” He said as he held a hand out, she took it, a vice like grip to her hold, she looked so frightened and he wished she didn’t, wished she knew he was here to protect her. He helped her stand, her legs shaking like leaves, she looked as if she might be in some sort of shock, maybe she was. She was quiet, only speaking when she was directing him towards her home. When they eventually arrived outside her house she was less tense than she’d been when they set off.
“Thank you.” She said quietly and Peter smiled but then realized she wouldn’t have been able to see that, so he spoke instead.
“Anytime, just promise me you won’t hang around those places on your own from now on.” He said and he hoped she’d listen; he didn’t want her to put herself in danger again and he relaxed as he watched her nod.
“I promise.” She reassured. “Again, thank you. I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t there.”
“You’re welcome, but don’t think about that. You’re okay and that’s all that matters.” He said and she gave him the first smile he’d seen from her and christ if he wasn’t enamored before he certainly was now.
He’d found himself looking for her as he swung through the city, hoping to catch a glimpse of her again or hear that beautiful piano through the night, but it had been two weeks and no such luck. It wasn’t until he’d finished dealing with a robbery fifteen days after the encounter that he’d heard her again.
He was on his way home, telling the police where he’d left the men when he heard the sound of a piano coming from the music hall across the road, the music was faint but due to his advanced hearing he didn’t miss it like other ears may have done. He couldn’t help as he climbed the building, he wanted to know if it was her again.
When he got to the window he felt his heart race, there she was, playing another classical piece he’d heard before, he was yet again thrown into a trance as he watched her fingers elegantly glide across the keys. The concentration on her face as she read the music sheet in front of her. She looked so beautiful, and the music only matched her elegance and beauty. He found himself sitting and listening to her play until she’d finished.
He couldn’t help as he waited for her to leave, kept a safe distance as he made sure she got home safe. He wondered if it came across stalkerish, but he only wanted to make sure she got home safely, a guardian angel of sorts, he thought to himself.
This continued on for a good few weeks, he found himself seeking her out at her new place of practice after every patrol, they way she played calmed in, he was becoming completely infatuated with her. Every time he watched and heard her play his feelings for the woman grew. It wasn’t until a month later that he finally plucked up the courage to speak to her.
“You’re really good. The best I think I’ve ever heard.” He spoke as he entered the room through the window, her playing coming to a stop as she turned to look at him.
“I was wondering how long it would take you to finally speak.” She said and her voice was much steadier than the first night he’d met her. Her voice was soft but firm, more music to his ears. He wondered if he’d ever get over his breakup with MJ last year and here he was, looking at the woman in front of him and knowing that he had. Peter’s face flushed in embarrassment; did she think he was some kind of weird stalker?
“I um,” Peter said as he cleared his throat. “I didn’t know you’d realised.” He admitted honestly. She smiled back at him, one of the most beautiful he’d ever seen.
“Truth be told I’ve been hoping you’d finally say something.” She said, soft smile still gracing her lips.
“Sorry I just never wanted to interrupt your playing. It’s amazing.” He said as she gestured him to join her, he did, sitting next to her on the piano stool, the close proximity had his heart racing and his stomach doing flips. He felt like a teenager again, not the twenty-two-year-old he’d become.
“What do you want me to play?” She asked. “It’s the least I can do after you saved my life.” She continued.
“I don’t really know that many piano pieces.” He admitted shyly and she laughed, not in a mocking way.
“Any one you like, I’ll play.” She encouraged. “So long as I know it, or the sheet music is knocking around the room.” She added with a small laugh.
“Well, I like that moonlight sonata.” He shyly admitted, he felt out of his element, she probably thought he was ridiculous for suggesting such a well-known piece. She only smiled at him.
“I haven’t played that one in a while. I might be a little rusty.” She laughed as her fingers ran over the keys, he wanted to reach out and hold her hand, but held himself back as he listened to her play. She played it perfectly and so effortlessly, a calm washed over him that he’d never had before, it almost felt like it was just the two of them in the whole world. It felt as though a parade could waltz through the door and neither of them would notice, he liked the calm it brought.
“Y/N, by the way.” She spoke as she finished. “Don’t worry, I’m not expecting your name. Secret identity and all that.” She said with a small smile, and he found himself wanting to open up to her, tell her who he was but he didn’t.
This became a routine for the two. He’d sit with her as she played. ‘Moonlight sonata’ almost felt like their song, a song that was made for the two of them, it was one of his favourites she’d play. He fell in love with her at some point in the months they’d been doing this. She’d play for him, and he’d walk her home in return. He remembers when she found out who he was, his real name.
“I have really strong feelings for you.” He blurted out halfway through one of her pieces, her fingers suddenly stopped on the keys she looked at him, shock written all over her face.
“You what?” She asked, voice soft as ever, it held a hint of disbelief to it.
“I have really strong feeling for you.” He repeated. He didn’t want to tell her he was in love with her, didn’t want to scare her off. “I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date?” He asked, hope laced his tone. “If you don’t feel the same, I understand.” He added quickly, he just needed to get his feelings off his chest.
“It’s not that I don’t feel the same, but I don’t know who you are under the mask. I can’t exactly go on a date with spiderman.” She said and his heart soared, she liked him back? “You’re the friendly neighbourhood spiderman and I’m just me.” She said and Peter hated it, hated that she couldn’t see how truly amazing she is.
“You know, under the mask, I’m just a regular guy.” He said.
“I imagine so, but I don’t know that guy.” She said with a sad smile.
“Do you want to?” He asked, he was never more sure of telling someone who he was in his life.
“Of course I do.” She answered honestly. He moved to remove his mask, he felt confident. She smiled again as he revealed himself to her, he knew he could trust her, every part of her screamed that he could and maybe that was why he had no hesitation now that the time was here.
“Then I suppose you should meet Peter Parker.” He grinned.
She’d never told a soul and their interactions became easier as they became more comfortable around each other. Some nights she’d sit in his lap as she played, his arms securely around her frame as he pressed his cheek into her back and listened to her play.
“Why don’t you play for other people to hear?” He asked one day, head on her shoulder as hers was thrown back onto his.
“I’m not that good Pete.” She said.
“You are.” He fired back.
“You’re biased.” She laughed.
“Am not.” He defended himself. “You could make a living out of how good you are.” He added. She turned her head to kiss his cheek.
“Nah, I like it just being you that hears me.” She said and Peter grinned.
“I love you.” He said as he turned his head to look at her.
“I love you.” She returned, almost instantly. He caught her lips with his and smiled as she happily returned the gesture. He pulled away as he rubbed his nose against hers, their relationship had blossomed into something so comfortable and serene. He loved her with everything he had to give, she was his first priority, always.
Although their relationship was so perfect to him, it didn’t mean they didn’t fight, they’d fought many times over the last two and a half years. He remembers when he’d missed a date because someone was terrorizing the city when he was returning home from work, he couldn’t just walk passed it. Although she was always his top priority, sometimes things came up, but never too often.
He knew he’d find her here. He felt immensely guilty for missing their dinner, she’d been so excited the night before, the texts he’d received throughout the day solidifying her excitement. She was playing the piano again, but this time more harshly than he’d ever seen her play, the tune was darker than usual. She was angry, he could tell through the way she was playing, it still sounded beautiful to him.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” He said as he sat next to her. She didn’t look at him as she continued to play. “I tried to text, but I had no service.” He added. When she didn’t respond he waited for her to finish, let her play through her feelings, once she’d finished he spoke again. “Baby, I’m truly sorry.” He said and she looked at him, a soft sigh escaping her lips.
“I know.” She said in defeat. “I understand, you’re spiderman, something came up, right?” She asked and he nodded.
“I tried to get there, I did. But it all ended up in me chasing them through the city in a car chase. I’m so sorry.” He said and she smiled sadly.
“I know. I’ll get over it, I’m just upset that’s all, I was so looking forward to tonight.” She said and Peter’s heart fell, he never wanted her to feel upset with him. “It’s not like it happens all the time, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be upset.” She said as she placed her hands on his cheeks.
“No I get it.” He said and she smiled again, this time less sadness in it as she leaned over and kissed him.
“I expect you to make it up to me.” She said as she looked at him, seduction clear in her eyes and Peter grinned.
“Oh baby, you have no idea.” He said as he captured her lips in his again.
Not all of their fights were worked out so easily. Sometimes their anger got the better of them both, being spiderman took its toll on both of them occasionally.
“Peter! Fuck.” She said as he fell through the door to their house, they’d moved in together recently, the house was gorgeous. Blood soaked his suit and he’d startled her as he fell through the door.
“Hi.” He said in a small voice. He tried to keep himself stood upright, tried to manoeuvre into the living room without getting blood all over the place.
“What happened?” She panicked as she made her way over to him, helping him stand. “You need to go to the hospital.” She continued her panic as she got him to the couch, reaching for her phone. Peter stopped her.
“I’ll be okay. It’s just a few cuts and bruises.” He reassured and she looked at him with concern in her eyes.
“Just a few- Are you fucking kidding me?” She screamed as she set off towards the bathroom, muttering under her breath. This wasn’t the first time he’d come home like this. He worried that one day she’d leave him because of it, MJ had. MJ couldn’t deal with the missed dates and the constant worry that came with dating spiderman; she’d asked him to give it up but he couldn’t.
“Baby, I heal fast.” He reassured as she reappeared, first aid box in hand.
“It’s not the point Peter.” She snapped, he wondered why she was so angry, she wasn’t like this last time.
“I just got overwhelmed, that’s all.” He said and she shook her head.
“You need to be more careful.” She said and he nodded.
“I know. I’ll be okay though, I promise.”
“It’s still not the point.” She snapped and his anger flared.
“Look, I’m spiderman, these things are bound to happen from time to time.” She was yet to look at him as she patched up his hand. Her hands were so careful. “I don’t know what you want me to do.” He said.
“Be more careful.” She muttered and he grew annoyed.
“Right, because I went out tonight, not thinking to be careful. I wanted to come home looking like this.” He snapped. She still hadn’t looked at him.
“Just let me patch you up.” She sighed.
“You might hate the fact that I’m spiderman but it’s a part of my life, I don’t know what you want from me.” He said in frustration and that was when she looked at him for the first time and he instantly regretted his tone, her eyes were swimming with unshed tears, but his anger had risen now.
“It has nothing to do with that!” She said in frustration.
“Then what the fuck is it?” He shouted and her tears fell, his face softening completely, his anger washing away as he regretted his tone with her for the second time in a thirty second period.
“I’m terrified!” She shouted as she stood. “I’m absolutely fucking terrified that one day you won’t come home!” She said as she ran her hands through her hair. “I love what you do, truly I do. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for spiderman but fucking hell Peter, you can’t keep being so reckless.” She was shouting now; her tears had become uncontrollable. “I’m not asking you to give it up, I’m asking you to be more careful, I can’t remember the last time I saw you without some bruise or scar.” She was pacing now.
“And I know you heal fast, that they only last a few days.” She continued, he was watching her intently now, she needed to get this out and he needed to hear it. “It’s hard for me to watch. To pretend I’m okay with how much you get beaten up. I want spiderman to carry on doing what he does, fuck knows what the city would be like without him, but I don’t like what that does to Peter. I need you to be okay.” She stopped as she looked at him, desperation in her eyes. “I need you to always come home to me.” She admitted, tone defeated.
“Hey hey hey,” he said as he stood, he instantly engulfed her in his arms, neither of them caring about the transfer of blood. She cried into his chest as he rested his chin atop her head, one hand rubbing her back, the other in her hair. “I’ll always come home to you baby, always.” He said. “I love you okay. I promise I’ll be more careful. You’re stuck with me now.” He said as he let her get it out, let her cry into his chest as he held her.
He understood now, she didn’t dislike the fact that he was spiderman, not in the same way MJ did. It wasn’t because he missed things sometimes or because he wasn’t as available as she wanted him to be, it was because she loved him, and she didn’t want anything to happen to him. It made him realise in that moment just how much she was the one for him, she didn’t want him to separate the two she wanted him to take care of both Peter and spiderman.
She was scared he wouldn’t come home, whereas MJ had always been angry he missed things or came home after she’d gone to sleep. Y/N? No. She was concerned about losing him and it filled him with so much happiness, sure, he was a super-hero, but she wanted to take care of him, she wanted him as safe as he wanted her. Fuck, he loved this woman and he wondered, if she asked him to, if he’d give it all up. He decided he probably would, but unlike MJ, she’d never ask.
“How about we get cleaned up? Have a shower? Then I’ll take you to bed and we can cuddle okay?” He said as he coaxed her head from his chest, running his thumbs over her cheeks to rid her of her tears. “I promise I’ll be more careful. I love you so much baby. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize what this was doing to you.”
“I love you.” She said as he picked her up, wincing slightly as she caught a particularly prominent bruise. “Sorry.” She mumbled and he kissed her temple in response.
“Please don’t ever apologize for loving me. I’ve never been loved by anyone the way you love me. Baby, I love you so much.” This was what she needed, she needed him to remind her that he wasn’t going anywhere, that he was all hers and that he would always, without any shadow of a doubt, come home to her.
He loved her, with everything he had in him. She was utterly perfect for him, asking her to move in with him had been the best thing he’d ever done. They’d bought an old house, one that needed a ton of work doing to it. Peter had spent hours and many late nights doing it up so they could live in it. There was one room he’d banned her from entering until he was finished, it was the room he took the most pride in.
“Okay, I hope you like it.” Peter said nerves evident in his tone.
“I’m sure I’ll love it.” She said, biting her lip in anticipation. Peter gulped slightly, he really wanted her to love this. He removed his hands that were covering her eyes and she gasped as she put her own over her mouth.
“Please tell me you like it.” Peter worried and she turned to look at him before throwing her arms around him, jumping on him, he only just caught her time. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she peppered kisses on his face.
“Baby, I love it.” She said as happy tears made their way down her face and Peter couldn’t stop his grin.
He let her down and watched as she made her way around the room that had taken him a week to perfect. The room was painted a purple she was in love with, not too bright and not too dark, almost a perfectly calm colour. She approached the bookshelf he’d made; it was a beautiful mahogany; she ran her fingers over it before looking back at him.
“Did you make this?” She asked as he nodded. “I love it.” She smiled. She made her way over to the one thing he’d spent months saving up for, the one thing he’d hoped to get right. He watched as she ran her fingers across the top of the grand piano. She looked mesmerised by it, completely in love and he felt proud of himself. He approached her as she examined the piano and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I’m glad you like it.” He said as he kissed her cheek.
“I love it. It’s perfect.” She replied as she turned in his hold to kiss him. The kiss grew heated quickly and it became the first room in the house they blessed. They’d had sex on that piano stool more times than either of them would admit to.
He remembers when she’d broken her fingers, an accident that had happened at work. She was so upset that she couldn’t play, and Peter didn’t know how to help her as she grew frustrated, especially when she was building the strength back up in her fingers, but he found a way.
“Peter, it’s pointless!” She said in frustration. “I can’t play anymore.”
“You can, you just need to build up the strength in your fingers again.” He comforted. He was sat next to her as he watched her try to play only for her fingers to cramp up after ten minutes.
“I wish I could get through a piece without having to take a break, it’s infuriating.” She let out a huff.
“Come here.” Peter said as he motioned for her to sit on his lap. He encouraged her to place her injured hand on top of his own. “Guide my hand, play through me, then you’re not constantly playing against a hard object.” He had no idea if this would even work but he was willing to try again, she’d grown so frustrated over the time she couldn’t play that he was willing to try just about anything.
It was awkward at first as she guided his fingers over the correct keys, awkward but it made her laugh as she watched him try and help. She said he had a ‘cute look of concentration on his face.’ It became something they enjoyed doing together, even starting to do it with both hands as it became a fun way for them to interact together. Eventually they got it right and Peter smiled triumphantly when they played a song together, he’d never remember they keys himself, but he didn’t care.
She eventually got her strength back but that didn’t stop them from occasionally revisiting their new way of playing together. Although usually it led to her being pinned underneath him as he made her a moaning mess for him.
He was completely head over heals for her and he knew now that she was the one for him, especially after his encounter with MJ a week prior. He always thought seeing the woman he’d first fallen in love with would bring back feelings for him, but it didn’t, not in the way he thought they would.
“Pete?” He heard from behind him, he spun around to look at the face he knew the voice belonged to.
“Hey, MJ.” He smiled; he was happier to see her than he thought he would be. He thought she’d bring back that rush of emotions, but she didn’t, he was still thinking about Y/N.
“Long time no see.” She laughed and he returned it.
“Yeah, how’ve you been?” He asked and she smiled.
“I’ve been really great actually, I met someone.” She said as she held her hand up for him an engagement ring sparkling on her finger. He felt genuinely happy for her, no feeling of bitterness but why would he? He had his Y/N.
“I’m so happy for you.” He said brightly and she smiled.
“What about you? You must be a taken man by now.” She asked and he smiled as he thought about Y/N.
“Yeah, I am.” He said a smile on his face that had MJ smiling for him.
“Who is she? Did we go to school with her?” She pried, only in an interested way, no mocking.
“No, we didn’t. It’s Y/N L/N, she’s amazing. I’ve never met a woman like her.” Peter gushed before realising what he was saying. “Sorry.”
“No, don’t be, I’m happy for you.” She smiled. “Are you engaged or?” MJ asked carefully and Peter shook his head. “You should ask her, if she’s so amazing I mean. You wouldn’t want anyone to snatch her up.” MJ laughed and Peter joined but he thought about it, really thought about it and he wondered why he hadn’t asked her sooner. She was the one for him, that much was clear.
“Maybe I will.” Peter said.
So here he was sweaty palms and ring in his pocket as he followed the sound of her music through the house. She was in her music room, exactly where he knew she’d be.
“Hey.” She smiled as he caught her attention from the doorway, his nerves were setting in now.
“Can you play our song?” He blurted out and he watched as smile spread across her face, he needed to calm his nerves, and this was the best way he knew.
“Sure, you gonna sit or just stand there?” She laughed.
“Sorry.” He said as he took a seat next to her, she studied him before taking his hands in hers.
“You seem nervous.” She spoke as she kissed his knuckles, an action she also knew calmed him.
“I just wanna hear you play, it calms me. Always has.” He said and she smiled.
“Okay.” She agreed as she took her hands from his and began to play, Peter listened to the song as it the melody calmed him. She played so beautifully always has and she was enchanting him as she always had, he watched her play and listened to the music, his nerves leaving him. He was ready to do this, ready for the next step with her, he always would be. He waited until she’d finished before he stood, moving to stand in front of her, she looked at him confused before he got down on one knee, her hands covering her mouth as she gasped.
“Y/N L/N,” he said as he took the ring from his pocket, presenting it to her. She had tears in her eyes and Peter felt his own appear. “You have made me the happiest I have ever been. You had me from the minute I first heard you play, I’ve always found it beautiful and elegant, just like you.” Tears of happiness where streaming down the couples faces. “I can’t think of another person who gets me better than you do. You’re the first person in my life who has loved me for being both Peter Parker and spiderman and it means so much to me, more than you could ever understand. Baby, you are everything I want from life and more so please, will you marry me?” He finished and she cried as she flung herself at him, it caught him off guard as he fell backwards, she was on top of him.
“Yes!” She said as she placed kisses all over his face and he’d never felt his heart full of so much love and joy. She was going to be his forever; she’d just agreed to spend the rest of her life with him. He grinned as he let her continue place kisses on his face. She eventually ceased, sitting up as Peter followed, grasping her hand and placing the ring on her finger.
“Suits you.” He grinned.
“I’m so glad I was stupid enough to go that music hall on my own that night.” She grinned as she held her hand out, examining the ring on her finger.
“I love you.” He said as he kissed her cheek.
“I love you so much Pete. Now let me play our song again.” She said excitedly, getting up from her position on the floor, Peter following as they sat on the bench together. He was so glad he met her and she him.
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abbyilr1967 · 3 years
Out of Time - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter and Y/n have been together since the events of Spiderman Home Coming. One day while on a field trip Y/n and Peter are called into action as strange aliens claiming the be the “Children of Thanos' ' begin invading New York.
A/n: Finally finished the first rewrite, and am quite proud of it. If you were a fan of this mini-series a year again, I’m sure you will like this as well. As per usual, if you are new here, here is a link to my Masterlist, as well as a link to the Out of Time (Rewrite) Masterlist.
Warnings: Violence, swearing, some fluff if you squint, and ANGST.  
WordCount: 2.7k
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The morning had begun the same as usual that day. When you roll over to turn off your alarm you see that you have a text waiting from Peter. He was always up before you and always sends you a text or cute gif to wait up to in the morning. Today you and Peter were going on a school trip, so you were going to meet him at his place and walk to school together. 
You and Peter were sitting together on the bus riding to the destination of the trip. Peter was against the window staring out over the water as the bus crosses the bridge, while you were facing the aisle talking to MJ and Ned. As you’re listening to Ned ramble on about his new Lego set, you feel Peter tap your shoulder 
“Y/n,” You turn to Peter and find his gaze is still glued to the window. “Over there,” he says pointing at the giant ring-shaped ship floating above New York. 
“Oh god,” you reply. You turn to Ned and start tapping him to get his attention. “Ned, we need you to cause a distraction.” Ned can see the panic in your eyes as you and Peter try your best to be as quick and discreet as possible. 
“I’m on it.” Ned stands in his seat and points towards the floating ring in the sky. “Hey everyone, look! We’re all gonna die!” he shouts. 
As everyone moves to the back of the bus to get a look at the strange-looking spaceship, Peter flings himself off the bus to put his suit on. You monitor the situation on the bus while Peter suits up. 
“I’m ready.” he leans his head back in the bus window. You take the opportunity to engage the jet boosters your father had built into your shoes in case of emergency. Once you are safely floating outside of the bus you engage reconstruction of the ironman suit you and your father had built together. As the helmet finally closes over your head you lower yourself so Peter can hop onto your back. 
“It’s headed downtown!” Peter says through the earpiece your father had connected to both your suits. Using your now iron-plated jet boosters your fly after the ring-shaped spaceship 
As you and Peter arrive downtown you see your dad and bruce trying to fight off this massive alien that looks like it came straight out of a sci-fi novel. The creature backhands your Dad into next week and before you can react, Peter is already there to block the next blow. Next thing you know, a flash of blue and red flies past you. 
“Y/n!” your Dad calls to you. “I thought you were on a field trip?” he shouts. 
“I don’t think now is the time to be asking those kinds of questions Dad, Woah!” As your father distracts you from the literal aliens in front of you, you’re almost knocked on your ass by a large piece of rubble the thing had decided to throw in your direction.
“We’re here now. You can’t change that. How can we help?” 
“That guy, floating wizard in the sky, he’s got something important.” Tony points towards the strange-looking man wrapped in a cape and some oddly bent metal. “We can’t let these guys take him, go get him.” 
“We’re on it.” Peter responds as he flings himself past you once more. 
You catch up to the wizard and latch onto the metal bars that are tied around him, and use your jet boosters to keep him from being sucked into the space ships tractor beam. Peter uses his webs to latch on as well, but the beam was too strong and begins pulling both you and Peter towards the ship. 
“Uh… Dad.” You struggle to fight the force of the tractor beam. 
“Mr. Stark, I think we’re being beamed up!” Peter shouts as the webs connecting to the closest buildings snap. 
“Now is not the time for jokes Peter.” Your father’s tone in your earpiece tells you that he’s not impressed with the young hero right now. “Get out of there.” 
“Dad, we’re losing him.” your voice strains as you try your best to keep a hold on the wizard.
A bit of the metal snaps, and the force is enough to pull the man into the ship. Peter’s web is cut off by the door closing before he has a chance to enter. He’s landed on the side of the ship, and it looking to you for any ideas. 
“We need to find a way inside.” Peter gives you a quick nod before you both separate to look for an entrance. 
You use your suit you fly around the exterior of the ship, while Peter starts searching along the inside of the ring. 
“Peter we’re too high, you’re running out of air!” you exclaim through your earpiece. Flying back around towards him.
“We need to save the wizard,” he replies sounding short of breath. You stop and anchor yourself to the ship. 
You watch as Peter pulls his mask off, attempting to get more oxygen. Only to watch his eyes roll into the back of his head as he lets go of the side of the ship. 
“Peter!” You push on the side of the ship immediately, readying to chase after him. 
“I gotcha Pete.” your father’s voice rings clear in your ears, as you watch a piece of his tech launch towards Peter. His body jerks as the small rocket makes impact along his back, and watch as a suit very similar to yours starts to wrap around him. 
You listen carefully through your earpiece for any sign of breathing from Peter. His sudden deep inhale is enough to let you know that he’s going to be ok. 
“Woah, Mr. Stark these are some cool upgrades.” he sounds ecstatic through the earpiece, even considering he almost plummeted to his death. “It smells like a new car in here.” 
“Alright great, F.R.I.D.A.Y. take them home,” 
“What?” the map in the corner of your vision, showing the route it plans to use to fly you and Peter home, and just like that both you and Peter are swept away. In the haste of everything that is going on, Tony failed to make sure that Peter didn’t attach himself and you to the side of the ship before he went after the wizard.  
“What are you two doing here?” Tony asks in his angry Dad voice. He found the two of you when you were attempting to listen in on the conversation your father was having with the wizard.
“We were just trying to he—” 
Tony cuts Peter off. “Nope. Your mother,” Tony says pointing to you. “And your Aunt,” He says pointing to Peter. “Are going to kill me if they knew you were in space. This is too big of a fight for you two to be a part of, I don’t know what I’d do with myself if one of you got hurt,” he says, concerned.
“How can we be friendly neighbourhood heroes, if there’s no neighbourhood?” Peter asks. 
You and your Dad both look at him weirdly. 
“Ok that was bad, but you get what I mean,” he said. 
“Peter’s right Dad,” you say as your masks retracted from your face. You look straight into your Dad’s eyes. “Fine,” he starts, knowing that you’re stubborn just like your mother. Your dad motions to knight both you and Peter. “There, you’re Avengers now.” 
You and Peter both look at each other and smile. He wraps his arms around you and lifts you into the air, planting a kiss on your lips after setting you back down. 
“Alright, keep the public displays of affection to a minimum, we need a game plan.” the wizard said. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Y/n, and this is Peter.” you say extending your hand out to him. 
“Dr. Strange,” he says coldly. 
Peter leans over to whisper in your ear, “We’re using our made-up names?” “I guess so,” you say jokingly. 
“I’m Spiderman,” he says. You snort as you see the confused expression from Dr. Strange. Peter sees you laughing and shoves your shoulder. 
You look over to see your Dad fidget with the control panel of the ship. 
“We need to turn this ship around,” Dr. Strange said.
“Whelp, it’s on auto-pilot, so we are on our way right to Thanos,” Tony says to Dr. Strange. You remember them mentioning a man named Thanos during their conversation before you and Peter were caught by your dad. You pull Peter off to the side as the realization of what you’re about to go through sets in. He could see the distressed look on your face.
“Hey, what's wrong?” he asks. 
“I’ve never seen my Dad so worried like this before,” you say nervously. “I think we might be biting off more than we can chew.” 
“Hey hey hey hey hey,” he says pulling you into his chest” We’re gonna be fine, when having we ever given up.” Peter’s hand runs up and down your back in an attempt to calm you down.
“You’re right,” you say leaning into his touch. “You always know what to say,” 
“I mean… I try.” You both chuckle softly at Peter’s attempt to lift your spirits. 
“C’mon, let’s go back.” He gestures 
He gives you a forehead kiss and one last tight squeeze before leaving to talk strategy.  
You had crashed onto a planet known as Titan after a “flawless” landing by Peter and your father. You were waiting for the arrival of Thanos when you were ambushed by a group of travellers. They immediately attacked, and in the haste of it all, they grabbed Peter and threatened his life. That only caused your father, the ever impulsive man he is, to threaten the life of one of their own in return. 
“We are the Avengers!” you shout over all the testosterone. 
“Wait, so you’re not with Thanos?” The man holding the gun to Peter’s temple looked as confused as ever, which prompted you to explain to him that you were there to kill Thanos.
After some brief introductions and explanations, you learned that the group refers to themselves as the Guardian’s of the Galaxy, and their names are Starlord, Drax, and Mantis. They explained to you that they were here looking for Thanos because they are trying to rescue their valued member of the team.  Your father gathered everyone together to try to work out a plan, to which newbies were skeptical. With the introduction of these Guardian’s of the Galaxy to the initial plan, you were confident in your ability to take down Thanos here and now. Once a plan was in place, everyone went to their places, ready to ambush him when he arrived. 
That’s when we heard it. The sound of heavy boots stomping onto the planet. 
You look over and can see Peter, he locks eyes with you. 
“I love you,” you mouth to him. 
“I love you too,” he mouths back. You nod, eyes lingering on your boyfriend. If things go sideways you want to make sure you’ve memories every detail of him. 
You are waiting for your cue from Dr. Strange who has been talking to Thanos to distract him. 
“I’m sure you will find our will much stronger,” and with that you attack. 
Your father came rushing in, crashing a building down on top of him. All of you stood around thinking that he was dead, little did you know, it only made him angrier. He burst out from under the rubble and Peter tries to use his webs to hold him down, but he only used it against him. He pulled Peter towards him and caught him by the throat. Only to them slam him into the ground. 
“Tiny insect,” you could he Peter struggling under the weight of Thanos. 
“Let him go!’ you shout as you rush toward him with your iron hammer fist ready to punch him. 
You go in for the punch. Your fist almost makes contact with his jaw, but not before he let Peter go, and grabbed your arm instead. Hurdling you across the battlefield. 
You are thrown into a pile of space rubble, the wind knocked from your lungs. Your vision had gone blurry, and you struggle to regain your balance but you could see your father in all his rage, fighting Thanos. You got up and could see that Mantis was up on Thanos’ shoulders, keeping him in a headlock while she put him in a trance.
“Y/n!” your Dad called. “We almost got it off, hurry!.” 
In an instant, you were right by Peter trying your hardest to pull off his gauntlet.
“So close.” You groan, struggling to get the tight-fitting gauntlet off the last bit of his hand that was still inside.
That’s when he took control of his mind back, waking up from the trance Mantis had put him under. He shakes you all off, but not before Thanos grabbed you by the throat. 
“No!” you could hear Peter shouting. 
“So small,” he said. “Barely lived a life, and yet so ready to give everything up to save everyone,” you spit in his face. 
“I’d rather die fighting you than sit home doing nothing,” you croak. 
“Your wish is my command,” and he squeezed harder. The corners of your vision started to become blurry, and your lungs begin to burn. 
“Stop!” you hear Dr. Strange. “I will give you the time stone if you let the girl go,” 
“No, don’t.” you struggle. “Don’t do it.” 
He took a minute to contemplate. “Fine,” he says chucking you to your father’s feet. Peter comes running over. 
“Y/n, your gonna be fine,” he says as he holds you. 
You open your eyes and can see just as Dr. Strange is giving the stone to Thanos. 
“No,” you sigh. Peter holds you tighter as you try to wriggle out of his arms. 
Just then a wave of power shook the ground, and you saw it. The sheer power that the gauntlet holds. And before any of you could do anything, he snapped. 
The world shook, and he was gone. And you had a sick feeling in your stomach. 
“He’s gone,” your father said quietly. 
“It’s my fault,” you said, moving into an upright position and out of Peter’s lap. “I should have done more.”  
“You did enough.” Your father reassures you. 
“You should’ve let me die if it meant saving everyone.” You glare at Dr. Strange, storming over to him. “You said that if it came down to it you’d let us die. So why didn’t you keep your promise!”  Your face is just inches from his. 
“There are fourteen-million, six-hundred-and-five realities in which Thanos wins, and only one in which we win.” he states. 
“I realized I couldn’t risk letting any of you die, because I’m not sure who saves us all.” His lip trembles, you can tell he’s just as infuriated with this situation as you are.
“Guys?” You turn around and find your father and Peter looking over towards where Drax, Starlord, and Mantis are. They’re turning to dust. This prompted you and Peter to both look over to Dr. Strange, just in time to see him turn to dust as well. 
“Dad?” you ask, panicked. 
“You’re going to be fine-,” you Dad started to say, rushing over to you. “Peter?” 
“I-I-I don’t feel so good,” Peter said. “Y/n, I-I-,” he stumbled into you. You held him tight, you can feel him become lighter and lighter. 
“I love you,” is the last thing you hear from him before he turns into dust.  
“Dad! He’s g-gone,” you tried to hold back a sob. Remnants of Peter lay in small flakes of dust on your palms. 
That’s when you felt. It started in your hands. You looked down with tears in your eyes as you see your hand start to crumble. You look back to your dad.
“Daddy.” you whimper. 
And the last thing you saw was the look on your father’s face as his heart broke, and your vision went black.
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karmelek-writes · 3 years
comfort zone I part 3
Harrison Osterfield x fem!reader, Tom Holland x fem!reader
Synopsis: What do you do when you love them but want someone else?
Word count: 4,5k
Warnings: angst, swearing, suggestive comments, mentions of sex, smut, adult themes
A/N: Hey guys! This is part three of the "comfort zone". I wanted to thank you all again for supporting me and commenting, reblogging, and liking the series! Also, sorry for the delay. The next part will come out on Friday, as usual. Let me know what you think of this part! (sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language plus this part wasn't proofreaded)
Love, W 🖤
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When you entered Tom's bedroom you immediately felt your tensed body softening as the smell of Tom intoxicated your senses. There wasn't another place on this earth you felt more comfortable in than his room. It wasn't big but the cream-painted walls and huge mirror in the middle made it seem vaster. There wasn't much furniture, just all the necessities, but you had to admit that Tom had been keeping his room clean and fresh. It was typical, yet lego Death Star set and spiderman figures arranged neatly on a bedside table screamed Tom. You kept teasing him about this but in reality, you found it endearing. The souvenirs he brought home from the places he had visited were dusting on the shelf, reminding him of good old days having fun on set and hanging out with the cast after work. What always got your attention was his cartoon figure leaning on the wall next to his bed. He got it for his birthday after landing the role of spiderman as a joke from Harrison, his brothers, and you. Even when Tom was younger everyone knew he was born to act. His family and friends would tease him about it calling him a movie star which always made him fuss around. When he finally made it to Hollywood, you all knew what you had to do. You told him that you all had a surprise purposely hyping it up. Judging by his reaction you expected him to throw it out but he kept it. At times Tom was a nerd but it made you like him even more because despite becoming a literal movie star, he never stopped being this little cute boy who still slept in spiderman pj's he was gifted on his 19th birthday.
The cartoon figure was what you were looking at when Tom cleared his throat and locked the door. The action made you turn around to glance at him with confusion written all over your face. His focused gaze and sudden shift of behaviour confirmed your suspicion that it was going to be a serious conversation.
"So… Are we going to talk about what happened?" Tom's nervous voice rang in your ears making your heart rate speed up. You knew that was the moment you had to confront him about your feelings. “Because for the last couple of days I’ve been thinking about everything. I would hate to leave like that.”
“I know,” you sighed mentally preparing yourself to recite the speech you’ve created in your mind in advance. “Look, ever since I met you I feel like my life has gotten better. I never thought I would have such an amazing person in my life,” in the corner of your eye you saw Tom smiling excitedly at your compliment. His honey-brown eyes were sparkling and you had to stop yourself from hugging him and running your hand through his messy curls. “What happened between us was sudden and I’ve said it already, I don’t regret it. Actually, I’m quite happy with how things turned out,” you chucked at the end hoping it would relieve the stress and hesitation in your voice. Your words were all that brunette needed to confirm that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. In the room illuminated by the moonlight, Tom’s silhouette moved closer to you. Having approached you, he touched your exposed arm and traced his fingers up so gently as if he was scared he would break you if he pushed harder. His hand on your body caused shivers to appear and a slight flush crept into your cheeks. You hated and loved the contact silently hoping he would give you more. It seemed like your thoughts were heard as Tom slowly but confidently started to walk you backwards until you fell on his unmade bed. He leaned as close as he could, placing both arms on the sides of your head making it impossible for you to escape.
"I don't want to leave you here," he fussed, highly aware that the next few weeks were going to be hell without you lulling him to sleep, inquisitively going on and on about your day. Resisting the urge to pout you tried to overcome the feeling of sadness slowly accumulating in your chest.
"And I don't want you to leave," a deep sigh escaped your lips, pushing back the thought of him flying away the following day. "But we are here now, so what are you going to do about it?" you extended your arm to grasp Tom's messy curls, daring him to cross the boundary unconsciously set up the moment you've become friends to dive in the pleasure. Tom didn't give you a verbal answer, but knowing that actions speak louder than words, he lowered himself to place a soft kiss on the crook of your neck. The cracked lips caused a wave of shivers to run down your spine, your stomach dropping as you felt sudden wetness between your legs. Mixed with the wet marks left by Tom's tongue, the sensation made your eyes shut, spots emerging in front of them. All your senses were keen, escalating the intensity of the experience.
Tom was determined to work you up as he unhurriedly worshiped your body. A deep moan followed by a throaty “fuck” were the sounds at which you opened your eyes. Your longing stare met Tom’s one and you could swear right then, right there you had never seen a more mesmerising sight. Brunette’s once soft strands now had stuck to his forehead glistening from the sweat. His usually pale cheeks were now painted deep pink - a result of his unholy thoughts combined with the sight of your perfectly shaped body. Eyes dark with desire, hungry to capture every inch of your figure. You noticed beads of sweat dripping on your already wet chest, your shirt clinging to your torso enhancing curves you’d work so hard on at the gym. Lifting yourself on your elbows you signed to Tom to help you strip. You weren’t a self-conscious person, nor were you hesitant to show your figure, but you didn’t like to preen yourself on it. However, you felt the rush of confidence wash over as you caught Tom lustful ogling and wanted to take control of the situation. Shifting from underneath you poked Tom’s chest and pushed him to lay down. Foggy mind and the burn you’d felt on the skin still were dislimning your senses causing you to clumsily collapse at the top of Tom in your attempt to straddle him. Silent ouchs followed by a breathy laugh falling from the boy’s lips made your heart clunch in embarrassment. Much to your surprise, he kissed you as if he wanted to assure you that he didn’t find your awkwardness unnerving. In the few seconds of your make-out session, you recomposed yourself and broke the kiss wanting more as the throbbing between your legs became unbearable.
In the heat of a moment, you took off your bra leaving your breasts exposed for Tom to admire. You didn’t miss how his pupils dilated and his mouth went dry just by gaping at you. This fueled up your nerve leaving no place for doubt and hesitation in your mind. Shamelessly, you rocked your hips against his own at a slow pace. Grunts and scratchy moans could be heard, falling from Tom’s lips like prayers begging for your pleasure. With his eyes shut and fists clenched, he couldn’t look more beautiful, more vulnerable, falling into pieces for you. Finding pleasure in the position and the power you hold over him, you let yourself get lost in the bliss of his hard cock sliding through your folds, the tip teasing your sensitive clit in a steady motion. Wrapping his arm around your waist, Tom lifted himself until he was on an eye level with your chest, his mouth immediately clinging to your breasts, tongue swirling around your hardened nipple. Slowing down your pace, you cupped Tom's face and connected your lips in an aggressive kiss, teeth brushing and tongues intertwined. Fighting for dominance, Tom flipped you so that he was on top. Groaning, you brought him impossibly close leaving no space between your sweaty and hot bodies. Tom's little whimpers were more often now that he was thrusting into your hips, trying to bring himself closer to the limit. Knowing you couldn't last much longer you moved your hand to slip it into your undergarment only for Tom to stop you to do it himself. He licked his fingertips and shoved it into your panties, rubbing your clit in circles.
“That’s okay, cum for me baby,” Tom muttered, trying hard to catch his breath. Completely lost in the moment, you obeyed his command and let go of the tight knot that formed in your stomach. The sensation of Tom’s body pressing against you and his fingers playing with the heart of your femininity caused you to almost black out, starts appearing in front of your eyes. Letting out a pornographic moan, you tried to arch your back gripping the sheets so hard your skin turned white. You couldn’t tell for how long you were wiggling under your best friend’s body but it felt like hours until you were able to get back to reality.
Coming down from your high you took notice of a wet stain on Tom’s trousers. You opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off offering you some fresh clothes and a glass of water. Not thinking much, you accepted his little acts of care and walked past him to change in the bathroom.
Having closed the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and tried to calm your racing heart. While you were getting dressed Tom was silently freaking out. He could’t believe that you went this far. It still felt like a dream to him. At that moment he hated his lifestyle, he hated his profession that required him to fly away the following morning, splitting you up in the worst time. Maybe he could convince you to go with him? No, it was crazy. You had your life here, it wouldn’t be fair to take it away.
Tom’s running thoughts were cut off by the click of the door followed by your silhouette emerging from the room with a small smile. Tom returned the gesture and nodded at the bed, silently asking if you wanted to lay down with him. Getting back on the soft mattres, you let out a sigh contemplating if you should bring up your feelings. Truthfully speaking, you didn’t know how to act and it seemed like so did Tom. He sat down at the foot of the bed, facing away from you. He was scratching the nape of his neck - a habit that always betrayed his nervosity. He then suddenly stopped and it seemed like he came to terms with himself as he turned around to look at you with tears threatening to fall from his eyes and imperceptibly bleeding lip. He had to bite it to prevent it from trembling but the pressure was hard enough to rip the fragile skin of an organ. You couldn’t read anything from the look on his face and it scared you. Not thinking much you embraced him from behind placing your forehead against the side of his face. You wanted him to feel you, to detect that you were there for him.
“I-I don’t want to l-leave,” a broken stutter left his lips, repeating the words he had used before.
“I know, but people expect you to go,” you whispered to him, slowly rocking you two from side to side to the sound of the clock tickling and driving cars coming from outside the window.
“Tell me something that will make me stay,” his words echoed in the quiet room, so desperate and calling for help. Not thinking much you blurred out the first thing that came to your mind.
“I think I’m falling in love with you and that scares me but I don’t want you to go either,” before you got a chance to register your confession, Tom wrenched himself away from you to see if you were serious. He definitely wasn’t in the mood for jokes so when he identified your stoned expression he knew you meant every single word. Suddenly, a way of regret and pity washed over him, not being sure how to tell you the truth without breaking your heart.
“I… That’s… Um…” he tried to initiate the conversation but his mind was so fogged from regret and miscomprehension.
“You don’t feel the same?” you more of stated with so much heartbreak in your voice it took everything in Tom not to lie and tell you he’s always loved you to fix his mistakes. He stopped himself from it because you deserved something better than that. On the spur of the moment, he cupped your face hoping it would help him get to you easier.
“I love you, I really do but…” he couldn’t finish the sentence. It would kill him to watch your face fall with disappointment and sorrow, let down by the only guy who promised to cherish you forever.
“You don’t have to say anything more. I understand,” pushing Tom away from you, you got up making your way to the door wishing to get away from him as soon as possible. You were hurt beyond your expectations. All of the little moments you shared, the kiss, tonight, it meant nothing. You were livid at yourself, you didn’t know for what more - being so stupid to believe that he could ever love you or that he would ever want you for something more than just an easy fuck. Fueled by the sudden anger you turned to Tom with disgust painted all over your face. “Was I just a girl you wanted to try for a day and dump? Was I just good fun for you? Did you have fun playing with me?”
“God, no! I didn’t mean it to happen! I just did and I’m sorry, okay? Just please sit down and let me explain,” you were extremely angry but you needed answers so you stayed in your place, waiting for Tom to continue. “I tried so hard to love you. It just never felt right like there was something missing and I-I don’t k-know what it is but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you. I do love you, can’t you see that?” you didn’t reply for a few seconds and Tom started to get nervous. “Please, say something.”
“Can you try again?” you asked in a small voice. You kept your arms around yourself feeling uncomfortable out of the blue, your black socks suddenly becoming amusing sight to look at.
“Can I try what again?” confusion was evident in Tom’s tone. He knew he was losing you and he needed to do everything to keep you by his side.
“Try to love me.” silence filled the room as you asked the unfortunate question hoping for the answer you already knew you couldn’t get. But it was worth trying, wasn’t it?
“I’m sorry but I don’t think I can,” the words were hard for Tom to get out, a lump forming in his throat.
“Okay,” was all you muttered and at that moment Tom realised he fucked up. “I should go already, it’s late and you have to catch an early plane so…” you trailed hoping that he will get a hint.
“Please, wait!” he ran up to you as you were to exit his bedroom to wrap his arms around you in one last hug before he would leave. “I will keep calling every day, I don’t care if you don’t pick up or block my number. I will always try to get to you. You’re my oxygen, I need you,” if you were in a different situation Tom’s deep sobs would make your heart ache and feel sorry for him, rushing to lighten up his mood but now you didn’t have any of those thoughts. You just felt numb at his praying, a strange feeling settling in your stomach feeling his touch.
“Please, don’t become a stranger,” Was Tom selfish? Yes, but desperate situations require desperate attempts.
Freeing yourself from the brunette's tight embrace, you looked him in the eye for the last time and left the room wishing him good luck at his new job. He didn’t try and call for you, nor did he run after you. He stared at you silently tiptoeing downstairs avoiding contact with other people. You needed to talk about everything like adults but he knew you needed time and he was willing to give you that. He just wished he wasn’t leaving.
“Okay so… do you think we have all the stuff we need?” Harrison looked at you, having put your bag in the backseat.
“Yeah, granted that you didn’t forget to bring your big ego” you tried to joke and lift the mood but you knew it didn’t work when Harrison made a face at you. Since your not-so-nice exchange with Tom, you haven’t been in a pleasant mood. You knew that what he did wasn’t cool, but that didn’t stop you from missing him. You took off your phone, glancing at it for the twentieth time in the past thirty minutes only to see that you haven’t gotten any notifications. He said he would call. You felt stupid waiting for the guy who clearly didn’t want you and didn’t even bother to talk things out with you. You must have stared at your phone for a little too long because you heard Harrison clear his throat and saw him giving you a knowing look. You only rolled your eyes and put your phone back in your pocket.
“You can’t keep doing this, you know?” the blonde tried to take up a conversation with you. He knew something was up between you and Tom. He knew when you would stop smiling at him when he cracked jokes or when you stopped mentioning Tom in your conversations, or when he noticed Tom tensing at every mention of your name. He tried to get any pieces of information from his best friend but the brunette would always say that you were busy and that it wasn’t his business. Maybe it wasn’t Harrison’s place to be noisy but he had to admit that your careless aura was making him worry. Even when you were upset you acted more lively than now. He was aware that the matter was serious, he just didn’t know how to make it better… and he wanted to make it better for you.
During the last few weeks, your relationship progressed. Since Tom was constantly working, he didn’t have much time to call or text. And even if he did it seemed as if he wanted to spend it with other people. You couldn’t make out what went wrong in your relationship but you knew it was serious when Tom stopped making any effort. You’ve never seen him acting so indifferent towards you and it scared you. However, the lack of interaction between you two brought you closer to Harrison. You almost forgot how significant part of your life he was. Despite your sour mood, you enjoyed the time spent with him. He always made you laugh and feel needed. Your banter didn’t stop but it has changed into something softer and domestic. You found out that you didn’t mind it at all. Harrison still would do little things to drive you insane like casually tracing his fingers along your neck while putting a loose strain of your hair behind your ear or lowering his hand a bit too much than necessary while hugging you but it didn’t seem so unfamiliar and strange anymore. Talking to him almost daily, you learned to be more comfortable around him. To the point where you would hold his hand sometimes and stay over at his apartment after a long session of studying. That, however, didn’t mean that you couldn’t be playful. You knew that Harrison was as invested in your little game as you were. The rules may have changed a bit but it was still on. You had no idea what it meant for your friendship but it was too intoxicating to stop. Now that Tom was not there you could let yourself fully focus on it. You loved the feeling of uncertainty and on the other hand, you wanted to see how far you could push Harrison’s buttons. You were curious how much of it he could handle and if he would snap at some point. You couldn’t help yourself but subtly torture him with your slight touches during movie nights or walking around without a bra. You liked how worked up he always got. He would try to keep it together and act classy in front of you but eventually, you would catch him checking you out. In a way, it all felt wrong but all his attention was on you and you couldn’t help but feel good having this power over him.
When you got in the car you put on some music and looked outside the window. You didn’t want to talk to Harrison about your issues, especially not your issues with Tom so you tried to ignore his questions. Harrison, on the other hand, couldn’t find a way to make you open up to him. You two talked but he also wanted to support you when you weren’t feeling like you could handle things yourself. He remembered how Tom would complain about you being too secretive, even though you’ve known each other for years. That’s how he knew he would have to work hard for you to warm up to him. But that was the effort he wanted to put in. In the blonde’s eyes, you were the most intriguing person he has ever met. You two first came across in the cafe he worked at. You used to go there for some tea every day after classes during your first year. He’s been watching you for some time before trying to talk to you. One day his colleague dared him to get your number after he caught Harrison drooling over you during his break. So he gathered the courage and shot his shot. You two talked until the end of his break. He tried to get your number but you gave him your Instagram account instead. Soon you started to text each other and became really good friends. He would ask for your number a few more times but you always rejected him telling him to work for it. Harrison laughed to himself and shook his head. Even at the beginning of your friendship, you bossed him around.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, a bit confused by his sudden outburst.
“I just remembered how you used to reject me when we first met.” he turned to give you a small smile and started the engine.
“Oh yeah… You were desperate,” you smirked at him, knowing it would cause a good reaction and you weren’t wrong. Harrison gasped, abruptly turning to face you with fake hurt painted on his face.
“I wasn’t desperate! I just saw a pretty girl and wanted to take her out on a date but you were playing hard to get so you lost your chance,” he said it so casually you thought you didn’t hear him right.
“You evidently hadn’t worked hard enough,” you shrugged as if you didn’t care but in reality, your heart rate has sped up. You hoped that Harrison couldn’t hear your shallow breath. You never knew he wanted to take you out on a date and you didn’t know how you felt about it. The thought of him liking you more than just a friend brought butterflies in your stomach to life, making your whole body shiver. Maybe he wanted to take you on a date before. That doesn’t mean he’s still into you.
“So what should I do to get you to agree to go on a date with me?” the knot in your stomach tightened as his voice dropped down an octave. Was it possible he was still interested after all this time?
“I thought I lost my chance,” trying to keep it cool you exhaled softly hoping that the blonde didn’t notice how you squirmed lightly in your seat.
“Well… It depends,” he moved a little bit closer to you catching eye contact.
“On what?” you whispered gently trying not to raise your voice in fear that you would interrupt the moment.
Harrison’s voice matched yours as he whispered “How hard you can work after,” Noticing your disgusted look, he started to laugh deeply.
“Oh God, your jokes are so poor,” you shook your head at him, not finding his joke amusing.
“Oh come on, I know you’ve been dreaming about it,” he wiggled his eyebrows at you. Maybe, just maybe you have thought of it once or twice but you’d rather die than admit it to him. "Besides my jokes aren't half as bad as yours"
“Whatever, Osterfield,” you tried to turn around and fasten your seat belt not in the mood to argue but he stopped your actions again.
“Hey look... I want you to have fun today, okay?” his voice softened as he took your hand in his and started to caress your palm. “I know we joke a lot and stuff.. But I really want to give you something to remember, a memory you would always smile at when thinking of it… or when thinking of me,” he chuckled as if he thought he was never on your mind. Oh, how wrong was he. “Just forget about everything and enjoy the moment. Can you do that for me?” you thought you would melt under his gaze. He was looking at you so lovingly with a dazzling smile that couldn’t make you disagree with him. You felt like his ocean blue eyes were piercing your soul, taking your breath away. After a moment you realised that you could look into them for hours memorising the way his pupils dilated when he was looking at you.
“A-alright, I will.” you stuttered but still smiled at him and held eye contact. You didn’t know it was possible but his grin got even bigger causing you to do the same.
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise,” he smiled at you for the last time and turned around to start driving. Harrison said he planned something special for you. You didn’t know what the evening was about to bring but you knew you were screwed.
Taglist: @osterfieldshollandgirl, @tom-holland-is-spiderman-archive, @harryhollandsgirlfriend, @peachyafshawn
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lovelykhaleesiii · 3 years
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 1,111
Summary: The responsibility of saving the world and balancing his “normal” life, was taking a toll on Peter, and unfortunately you saw a side of him that you'd never thought existed... 
Warnings: swearing, angst, reader does not know that Peter is Spidey!
A/N - oh lord you know what I’m thinking.... And I know this is a pic of his character Arvin, I just really needed a serious pic to set the mood lmao. 
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This was meant to be a trip of a lifetime. Travelling Europe with your closest friends, exploring and indulging in a rich culture with some good company. Although, as the days and weeks passed by, you noticed how tense Peter had become, how distant he became with the group, and from you...
Unfortunately, returning to life after the Blip was no walk in the park, although your trip being threatened by these “Elemental” monsters was the least possible thing you'd ever expected. At one point was decided that your trip was cancelled overall, and the next thing you knew, they’d postponed your flight home to continue venturing through Europe, according to the itinerary. It was a risk staying you thought, although these heroes, Mystery and Spider Monkey (which you thought was the rip off of Spiderman) had miraculously popped out of thin air and helped save the day... Nothing made sense, although who were you to complain, your main concern was Peter’s off personality. 
He was always so anxious, and a part of him frustrated. The only time you’d ever seen a hint of this side, was before he'd built the courage to admit his feelings for you. He was the type of guy that always expected the worst outcome, so there must of been something bothering him that he just couldn’t say. 
You’d questioned Ned and MJ, although it seemed as though they were in the dark just as much as you. So it left you no choice, although just to confront Pete about it. 
You had been eagerly waiting for the right exact moment, and now that you all had settled into a refined hotel in Prague and had made your way through the bustling festival to the theatre, why not now? 
You'd gently tugged Peter’s suit jacket, guiding yourself and him to fall behind from the rest of the class as they’d seated themselves to the front below the stage. 
“Pete, you’re killing me here. What’s going on with you?”
“Y/N I-I don’t know what you’re talking about?” He exclaims, a poor attempt of trying to laugh off your false concerns.
“Peter, I need you to be honest with me, don’t act like I haven’t noticed how off you've been.” 
Still, nothing. Raising his shoulders in confusion, a plain expression on his face. It seemed he’d built this facade of denial. 
“Seriously, that’s it? You have nothing to say? You were so excited about this trip Peter, we haven’t even got to do half the things we’d planned to do together!” 
“Keep your voice down, Y/N, sheesh-” He urgently whispered as he peered over his shoulder, checking to see if anyone had noticed you two still hadn’t seated.
His new-found attitude was so surreal, you’d thought. 
“And if you haven’t already noticed Y/N, there’s a bunch of-of these things travelling through each country, literally causing destruction... So I’m sorry that your ‘ideal’ trip for us, isn’t going according to plan, Y/N, but I guess that’s all fucking on me, huh? Whatever you’ve planned has to wait, try to be a little realistic here, Y/N.” 
“Whatever...” Echoed through your mind: were you now nothing to Peter? 
“Peter what’s gotten into you...You-You’ve never spoken to me like this before.” 
Again, the blank expression, although this time something else had caught his attention and you had no clue what. His brows frowned silently, as he looked towards the antique hallway from which you'd all entered from. 
“Pete, I-I just need you to be honest, that’s all baby, please?” Reaching over for his hand, as you gently caressed his palm with your thumb as means to reassure you were there for him. 
Silence, before the word escaped his mouth.
His hand snapped back from yours, releasing himself from your last strain of affection. You were taken aback, pure uncertainty and anger coursed through your face and it showed, yet Peter showed no care. 
“No what Peter? No you can’t trust me? Or no you can’t be honest? It’s fucking simple.” You snapped, feeling your voice beginning to rise again. 
“God, could you just fucking stop! For one fucking minute. Since Italy, you’ve been on my back all day. I can’t do this right now, Y/N. Did you ever stop to think that maybe it’s something that you’ve done? You expect so much of me right now, when there’s just too fucking much going on!” He loudly exclaimed, taking a step forward, as you instinctively took one back, glaring down at you, hints of anger flushed through those familiar eyes of his. 
Silence. Peter had never intimidated you before, he was always so gentle towards you, compassionate. Yet now... A part of you was frightened. 
“You have to fucking stop this Y/N, just stop with all this nonsense... God, please... Fuck-”
His chest intensely heaved, as he let out a deep sigh: of relief, you’d thought. You hadn't even noticed how quick he was to have made his way to the solid frame of the entry, ready to bolt back outside. 
“I got to go, I shouldn’t have fucking come. I already wasn't feeling so well, and after all this drama, Y/N-”
“Just tell Mr Harrington I went back to the hotel. That's the least you could for me right now, we’ll talk properly then but right now I need some space.” 
As he’d turned his back towards you, trying to make his getaway, you couldn’t help what blurted out next. 
“You can tell him yourself-” You furiously hissed. 
“I’m done Peter.” 
As you turned yourself to storm through the walkway to where everyone had settled, you’d noticed his late attempt of stepping back towards you. Although, you really lost your patience now, and were in no state to talk, with anyone really. 
You could feel his presence was still there, yet you’d dared not to look back. Feeling the warm tears fill your eyes, as they slowly fell, running down your flustered cheeks, you felt ashamed. 
“Stupid”, you thought, “Why cry for him?” 
You’d hastily settled yourself in the empty seat by MJ, and as observant as she was, and most likely since she’d overheard the heated argument, she knew best to leave you be. She’d slowly looked over her shoulder, undoubtedly towards Peter who most likely stormed out by now, before giving you a reassuring squeeze of your ever so slightly trembling hand. 
You’d never felt so infuriated, and distressed before. Was this the really the end of what you felt was your dream relationship? Would Peter ever come to his senses?
Only time would tell... 
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