#the highs and lows of 90s anime.
lesbiangiratina · 2 years
Im stressing about yyh live action again
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bijouxcarys · 7 months
Some criminally underrated Marilyn Manson songs I vibe with:
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enigma-absolute · 7 months
#rough day today with an emotional mess at the end#rough as in it wasn’t BAD just… I had low energy the entire time and lost the day really#I don’t know how my mom does it. she has it worse than me and she expects me to be more bounding and alive and USING my energy#buddy. pal. I got rude and angry because I was LOW and I DO NOT HAVE YOUR PAIN TOLERANCE THRESHOLD#on MULTIPLE levels. physical and emotional#you went to dental school in Otago in the 90’s. I did animation school 2019-2023.#you escaped communism and were a stranger in a strange land and married my father who became a bat from hell and you had to escape him#AND keep the kids in good schools and in God.#I didn’t. I was the child who had it worst on the spectrum and had the PTSD to crawl out of during high school.#of course THAT put a dampener on me growing up in several ways (and uh. being on this hellsite in 2014 didn’t help either)#mom I love you and you love me. we are clearly NOT the same ever#I’m a little over the age dad married you at first now. I do not have the same threshold nor tolerance as you. I AM more sensitive yeah#and I’m trying to work through it but damn it it is hard trying to stay soft in a world getting crueller.#and yet! I have my father’s face and eyes in anger! I wish I could be more kind and loving on low energy and I’m sorry!#I am genuinely an ass when I’m tired and ticked off and want none of your help and I wish I wasn’t! alas!#I do not! have! your threshold nor tolerance!#when I finally get myself together and have a full place to call my own. with bills and all to pay.#I will finally allow myself the relief of lying down onto the kitchen floor and sobbing.#in the knowledge and safety of solitude.#Chris rambles#AUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#vent
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bells-of-black-sunday · 2 months
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Hi guys, I'm home from the destruction derby and the fair! Unfortunately it was 110 out with no breeze and only cooled off to like... 99 after the sun set so I am a bit winded and mushy still. I will try to get to asks, but do not expect much.
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writerbri-archive · 1 year
parting writing advice before this blog becomes inactive from someone who takes pictures of broken bones for a living and who has worked in an ER
a fracture of the bone is the exact same thing as a break, it’s just a more medical term the same way that sutures are the exact same thing as stitches and edema is the same thing as swelling, so an open fracture that breaks through the skin is the same thing as a closed hairline fracture you can barely see on an X-ray is the same thing as a stress fracture that is only really detectable with a physical exam, they’re only classified in more specific ways and they are treated based on severity
most superficial wounds aren’t going to be stitched up after 12-24 hours because they’ve been open long enough that closing them at that point would be asking for infection
an X-ray is a little bit of radiation, a CT is quite a bit more radiation, and an MRI is a magnet with no radiation whatsoever
no matter what grey’s anatomy or any other medical show might make you believe, doctors rarely do any actual imaging (taking X-rays, CTs, etc) and most of them would have no idea how
Concussions are not diagnosed with imaging. There is not a single X-ray or CT or anything else that can tell a doctor that their patient has a concussion. A concussion is diagnosed with an exam. Patients will usually have a headache and they will be dizzy, nauseous, light/sound sensitive, and sometimes they will have memory or vision problems. They will occasionally have something called nystagmus in their eyes. CTs are taken to rule out more serious conditions such as a fractured skull or bleeding/clotting in the brain.
O2 saturation is a vital that tells you how much oxygen is in your blood. Anything above 95% is okay. Anything from 90-94% is going to make a medical professional take a second look. Anything from 80-90% is low grade hypoxia and you’re getting a chest X-ray and possibly put on oxygen. You might be going to the hospital. Anything below 80% is most likely a hospital admission whether you like it or not because you’re about to get a whole shit ton of labs and a CT of your lungs at the very least if the X-ray hasn’t show a punctured lung or pneumonia to explain what’s up. I hope you find nasal cannulas comfortable. Doctors would be concerned about a blood clot, lung cancer, and other super concerning pathologies.
Kidney stones hurt like a bitch and can cripple most people to the point where they cannot walk. Imagine a foot long straw trying to pass a rock that is 2-3x it’s diameter.
Children regrow bones like lizards grow their tails. Kids can be healed from a fracture in 2-4 weeks that would take an adult 6-8 weeks to heal.
The femur is an incredible difficult bone to break. It’s usually a very high impact injury (car wreck, long distance fall, skiing accident, etc).
This is just advice but do not do not DO NOT ride in the passenger seat of a car with your legs propped up on the dash if you value keeping your leg bones intact where they are supposed to be. Just don’t do it, please. But if you want to write a particularly gruesome car wreck, that’s a good way to do it!
Animal bites are almost always preemptively treated with antibiotics.
I might add more if I can think of it but I’ll answer any questions if people have them
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adaginy · 7 months
The Big Guide to Humans: Home Planet
Humans come from a small, rocky planet, called Terra or Earth or some other translation of "dirt," where they lived on the land surface despite the planet being mostly covered (area and volume) by water. They do, however, measure temperature in a scale based approximately on the freezing and boiling points of water (at their average atmospheric pressure), set to 0 and 100. As with "years" (see lifespan and development), your local human can probably tell you the conversion to local measurements, if the knowledge is not in your local storage and the numbers are not being converted automatically by your translation dock. The planet's rotational axis is tilted relative to its orbital plane, resulting in "seasons," a predictable progression of local temperatures between local lows to local highs and back over the course of an orbit, despite its nearly round trajectory. This is in addition to the smaller temperature changes of the day/night cycle. Terran weather temperatures range from -90, below the freezing point of radon, to 60, nearly the boiling point of bromine, though humans mostly live where the weather over the course of a year ranges between -20 to 45.
Humans infamously breathe oxygen, but Terra's atmosphere is actually mostly nitrogen. The 23% oxygen concentration is enough for fires to sustain easily, assuming fuel and initial ignition, but low enough that fires smother nearly immediately when fully covered. Terra's rotation and heat from Sol combine to cause a predictable pattern of convection known as prevailing winds. Winds are often strong enough to move light objects without causing damage, not uncommonly strong enough to make it difficult for humans to move against it, or stronger, and sometimes strong enough to cause damage to buildings. This is in addition to regional threats of "extreme" winds, most notably tornadoes (fast-moving, localized funnels of winds strong enough rip buildings apart and fling heavy objects) and cyclones (weaker than a tornado, but traveling slowly and raining so copiously that shelters are also damaged by water).
Having such copious rain that buildings are damaged can happen outside of a cyclone, as well. While humans can swim surprisingly well for a non-liquid-dwelling species, this water has usually picked up so many contaminants that it is capable of overwhelming a human's immune system if it enters their body via their mouth or damaged skin.
Alternately, little or no water may fall on an area that does not usually experience water scarcity. The resulting "drought" kills plants and animals that cannot be moved. This is less predictable, but takes multiple years to come into effect. A vegetated area facing drought, however, is at particular risk for a wild fire, a fire that becomes too large and fast-moving to be smothered. Areas as big as residential ships can burned before the fire runs out of fuel or is able to be drenched.
Terra's planetary surface is made up of several pieces of "crust" floating on top of its liquid center. At the edges of these pieces, or at cracks in the pieces, huge pieces of crust can be forced upward or buckle under the pressure. Done slowly, so slowly no one notices, this produces mountains. Done quickly, it produces "earth quakes." Some earth quakes can only be sensed by sensors, but others cause buildings to shake apart. Humans know where these edges are and, instead of not building there, they design buildings that are able to resist being shaken. If the locus of the shaking is near or under the ocean, it can cause a fast-moving, towering wave called a "tsunami." An average tsunami is capable of obliterating buildings when it reaches shore, and then sucking any survivors into the ocean when it recedes (with strength far past even the best human swimmers). As with earth quakes, humans design buildings to survive being struck by this wall of water. The same edges and cracks also produce volcanoes, places where the earth's liquid center oozes or bursts out of the ground. This liquid will be at temperatures of 700 or more, above the melting temperature of radium and on past the the melting temperature of gold. It can cause fires when it touches things in addition to being so heavy and/or voluminous that it covers items in its path. Humans generally do not build very close to volcanoes that are frequently or explosively active. However, if a volcano is only likely to erupt once or twice within a human lifespan, or tends to ooze rather than burst, they will simply use several sensors to know when it will happen so they can get out of the way. Because they all originate in the same geological source, it is common to have two of these crack-based issues at once and not unusual to have all three.
Sometimes, rain falls in tiny frozen pieces, covering the ground in a layer of ice chips. Sometimes it falls in large rocks of ice, breaking and shattering what it strikes. Sometimes the temperature is anomalously hot or cold in places where the wildlife and human dwellings are not adapted to those temperatures. Sometimes massive sparks of electricity shoot from the sky to the ground. Sometimes the side of a mountain — or the ice chips piled on the side of the mountain — will fall off and slide down, burying and crushing everything in the way. Sometimes erosion under the surface will cause the surface to give way, leaving a hole in the ground big enough to swallow a person or a building. Sometimes the liquid inside Terra doesn't burst through the surface, but super-heats water until it does. While none of these features are unique to Terra, even among inhabited planets, it is uncommon for an inhabited planet to have so many of these features and it is nearly unique among humans to choose to live in afflicted areas. It can be helpful to understand, when one is wondering why humans and other life from their planet are "like that," that life only evolved on Terra once* and then experienced a burst of population up to and beyond local carrying capacities. Every species, including the plants, shares a common ancestor, and every creature that was ever born (hatched, sprouted, divided, etc) faced immediate competition from other, similar creatures. The ability to run faster, eat weirder, live hardier, spread farther provided an immediate benefit. Furthermore, in addition to the horrors described in this chapter of this guide, in Terra's planetary history there are multiple near-extinction-level events — new chemosynthetic species producing upheavals in the atmospheric gas balance, an asteroid strike, massive volcanic eruptions choking the air with ash and blocking energy from Sol — that further pressed evolution. Terra, truly, has earned its reputation as a death world — but less so for the life that has formed there.
*there is a long-standing idea that cephalopods may have originated separately, but this is really only taken seriously by the Chiparsen, who used to colonize via panspermia. While the Unified Government no longer accepts this as a valid territorial claim, the Chiparsen still hope to prove relation in order to put forth a diplomatic demand that Terrans remove cephalopods from their diet.
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leviaana · 1 year
Miraculous Movie Review (Rating: 4/10)
I watched the preview of the Awakening movie yesterday and really want to share my honest review. There’s going to be several things that I’ll criticize. So be warned!
Also: Spoilers!! DON’T read it if you haven’t seen it yet. This is my personal opinion. So please stay excited for it!! 🐞🪄
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First of all, my overall rating for this movie is a 4/10. Just yesterday I was ready to give it a 5/10, but quickly noticed it had much more things that upset me than I initially realized when walking out of the movie.
I know it’s a pretty low rating coming from such a huge fan like myself, but that’s probably the main issue. I’m a big fan of the show, so changes in lore and characterization will be more apparent to me. For better or for worse, in this case, mostly for worse.
On the first glimpse the movie seems like a retelling - a soft reboot, if you will - of show’s origin story. The plot goes much further than that however, as it also provides a conclusion in form of a final battle with Hawkmoth as well as an identity reveal of our two main heroes.
In order to ensure the entire premise fits into a 90 minute movie, a lot of things regarding the shows lore were simplified. I say that as a neutral statement seeing as a simplification can be either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your opinion of the source material.
Personally, it left me rather unsatisfied but I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start with the good things!
One of the things I really enjoyed was the animation! Seeing miraculous with such a high production value certainly felt like a cool summer breeze. While I do prefer the original character models style wise, it was still just nice to see them in this cutesie pretty style! The locals were gagging!
Ladybug and Cat Noir were especially gorgeous!
I also really enjoyed the singing. I watched the German dub and it was very neat!
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Sad to say that was pretty much how long my enjoyment lasted. Everything apart from what I’ve mentioned above was… interestingly handled… to say the least. Let me elaborate.
1. The dialogue was awful!
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Truly not the biggest fan of musicals but I couldn’t wait for them to start singing just in order for them to STOP TALKING 😩!
The dialogue was so awkward and stiff. All of the characters were interacting very weirdly with each other. At times it would sound like several lines of dialogue were cut from the final version, as the characters barely acknowledged each other verbally. They didn’t talk with each other, but past each other.
Moreover, every second phrase was a very cheesy one liner. “Believe in yourself.”, “Listen to your heart.”, “stronger together”. Super overdone.
The movie wanted to be inspirational so bad, it forgot to be genuine.
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Some examples that I recall from memory:
“Mom, I don’t have any friends and I’m scared to go I school.”
“Just believe in yourself, Marinette.”
“Okay, thanks.”
“Tikki, I’m in love with Adrien.”
“Listen to your heart, Marinette.”
“My heart……Adrien.”
2. How did they manage to make Ladynoir banter … weird and uncomfortable to watch?
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Don’t let these pretty movie shots fool you because Movie!ladynoir spent their time in a constant roasting competition that they were somehow both losing!
Not once did they manage to establish that flirty and charming atmosphere around them. No, they were draaaagging each other through filth. And maybe it could have been somewhat fun, god knows I love couples that can roast each other. If only the dialogue was better and didn’t reek of “we have no idea how young people interact”.
In a desperate attempt to make jokes, they let Chat call LB a sidekick or watermelon in every. single. scene. To say that it got annoying when the jokes didn’t land the first 10 times they were made is an understatement. No Milady, no Bugginette, no little wink or a kiss on the hand. Only watermelon and sidekick. Them talking in weird cut off phrases. With careless whisper playing in the background.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some beautiful moments. But their beauty can only ever do so much when met with weird pacing, dialogue and characterization. I’ll talk about that last part in a minute.
3. Everything was so on-the-nose.
The characters would constantly say how they feel and what they think aloud. Jeremy didn’t trust us with even an ounce of media literacy. Classic case of always telling, never showing. Not to mention the constant inspirational quoting in a desperate attempt to convey some deep message. Is this a movie script or my moms facebook page? I guess we‘ll never know.
4. Characterization: Marinette
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Having Marinette be somewhat scatterbrained but overall still respected by her peers is not inspirational enough! Make her your average teenage outcast and a total loser. Dad, you’re embarrassing me in front of the cool kids!
If you enjoy that kind of characterization that’s okay! Personally, I thought it was very cliche. It just.. didn’t do anything for her as a character. Having her start off at a much „lower” point in life, with almost no support system, only makes her coming of age journey to eventually become a self accepting confident heroine take longer. Seeing as the movie is only 90 minutes, the moment we see her “shine” is when it’s all almost over.
5. Ladybug …?
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Did I mention Ladybug doesn’t use her lucky charm? Not. once. No crazy plans to show that she’s smart and creative. Just a pretty girl swinging around.
6. Adrien
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I have a bit more to criticize about the characterization of Movie!Adrien.
The longer I think about it, the more it becomes apparent that they really didn’t know how to write Adrien. His personality appears inconsistent, almost like they were trying to fit him in too many roles at once. He is either extremely closed off and mysterious (even towards his friends), a comic relief character, bathing in self pity or just outright cocky. Those hoping to see his politeness and selflessness will be disappointed. This character only is ever shown to be self centered. A perfect example is how he *didn’t do anything* to be called worthy of the Black Cat Miraculous. He was just one of the „chosen ones“. When the Adrien from the series sacrificed his own freedom to help Master Fu.
Another example is how this Adrien doesn’t really see anything in Marinette. He called her strange in their first interaction and never really lost a single thought on her throughout the rest of the series. No common praises, no support, just awkwardness and not the wholesome kind. In fact, I would argue Marinette and Adrien aren’t even friends in the movie, the only interaction to suggest otherwise was slammed as a 5 second scene in a 2 minute montage.
Even if you were to suggest their bond was formed off screen. We don’t really see it ever take root. He even turned down her gift and invitation to go to the ball with her. Yes, you guessed correctly. It was because he was busy bathing in self pity over being rejected by Ladybug. Yikes.
To sum it up, this Adrien really doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Ever. They massacred my boy.
7. Chat Noir
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His charming smugness as Chat Noir crossed the fine line that turned to arrogance.
Considering how Adrien was characterized, that comes as no surprise.
As mentioned in my criticism towards the dialogue and the Ladynoir dynamic, this Cat is often seen discrediting LB with unfunny jokes. The moment you see him actually appreciate Ladybug, open up to her and Woo her, it’s all overshadowed by his entitlement to her affection.
Some may argue that we see traces of such attitude in the show as well. However, in a series, Chat Noir has many redeeming qualities as well as time to grow, change and move past these flaws. And boy, move past these flaws he did. In the movie, it’s all you get. Take it or leave it.
In one scene, he even lets her think he was hurt by an Akuma in order to catch her worrying about him. It was just a short scene and most people would look past it, but I think it’s these small details that really show how these movie characters tick in comparison to the series.
8. Akumas/Hawkmoth
Just a small detail that kind of ended up taking away the enjoyment of all action scenes is how the Akumas in the movie do not have a motive. There’s just some random people that you don’t care about before their akumatization and that you won’t care about after.
Hawkmoth doesn’t make a deal with them, ask for ladybug and chat noirs miraculous in exchange for his powers, none of that.
He just makes them evil and they do evil things for shits and giggles. The movies premise doesn’t even suggest he needs the miraculous. He just needs to get close enough to Ladybug and Chat Noir to steal Tikki and Plagg.
9. The Ending
I just wanted to dip into that ending real quick. In the movie, Gabriel is redeemed when he finds out about Chat Noir being Adrien. He apologizes to him and they make up. The scene surely will make people emotional, but from my perspective it was all rather predictable.
Whether or not Gabe was worthy of a redemption in the movie is a topic to discuss on its own. Personally, I was okay with it.
What I found more interesting however was…
10. The reveal
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This is the moment most people have been waiting and yearning for. And I may sound a bit smug when I say that the movie served a good purpose to show us that a fast reveal would have never ever been satisfying!
It was super underwhelming because - of course it was!
Marinette and Adrien barely had a connection! For all we know they could have been total strangers and their reaction to each other’s identity wouldn’t have been any different than what we saw in the movie.
We never saw Marichat or Ladrien interact either. So that certainly lead to a less explored dynamics. Cue unsatisfying reveal.
They really tried to make it this big emotional final moment, but really? We just saw Ladybug and Chat Noir lean in for a kiss without their masks. Like in a new fit. Nothing really groundbreaking came out of it.
Any fake reveal in the show was better than that and I mean it with every fiber of my being.
And don’t even get me started on how Adrien only ever noticed Marinette when she revealed to be Ladybug. It’s just not it.
Final thoughts.
There’s sooo many more things that I could elaborate on but I think for now I’ve said enough to support my rather poor rating of the movie.
In my opinion, the movie relies too much on people enjoying the source material while trying to be its own thing. It risks leaving everyone unsatisfied.
Those who watch the movie as a stand-alone are met with weird dialogue as well as plot, characters and dynamics that aren’t at all fleshed out.
Meanwhile those who watch the movie because they like the show will be inevitably comparing the movie to its far superior source material.
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Do they purr?
Yes they in fact do purr. Cybertronians actually make a lot of unique sounds.
Purring usually a sound made when very calm, happy or satisfied. Some bots do it more than others. Some bots also may purr to calm others bots down.
Revving Is a universally Aggressive gesture with a similar meaning to why many animals growl. Its also often used as a warning, a universal fuck around and find out you could say Most bots aren't fans of humans with loud revving cars or motorcycles because of this.
Rattling This usually happens when a cybertronian is very scared, upset or crying the sound comes from shaking making their painting Rattle.
Honk Sometimes accompanying screaming whether in shock/fear or rage It can often be used to draw attention to one's self, it's a new modification most bots gained after taking an earth alt and not a natural cybertronian trait.
Sirens/alarms are a form of warning call only used in absolute emergencies, used as a loud call for help or a warning of danger and to get away, The pattern and pitch in which the siren plays indicates to other cybertronians if it is a call for help or a warning to get away,
Sometimes, for the sake of getting to places Faster on Earth bots disguised as emergency vehicles will use their Sirens, but it's not a pleasant experience for them. this is another noise human Vehicles make that cybertronians find Distressing.
Cybertronian language, though it may sound like a bunch of random noise to most humans it is very much a language consisting of A mix of chirps, clicks, chittering, buzzes, hums, purrs, and Beeps. It Sounds less like any human language and more like a buggy Summer night mixed with random electronic Noises. Though it is possible for a human to learn how to read a cybertronian language, it's basically impossible for them to speak or understand it verbally. Many sounds have subtle Differences that human ears Can't pick up on, Along with many sounds being too high Or low pitch for most human ears and most sounds being impossible for a human to make. along with that, all of Cybertron's primary languages use electrical signals in tandem with verbalization or hand gestures in the case of cybertronian sign language, While Cybertronian tactile languages are entirely incomprehensible to humans since they consist of 90% electrical signals.
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utopya-cc · 1 year
SIMS4 MOD | Kiss-n-Grind
Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. Quiet excited about this one,
The main idea was to make a mod that will focus on adding more romantic interactions to the game. to add more realistic moments between couples. I wanted to add what I feel is missing from the game.
So After some searching and looking at what should I make first, I have decided to start with a passionate grinding/dancing interactions, There is too much stuff to cover in the club life. that the game didn't manage to add, other than some silly dances. Your Sims couple can't even dance together.
Therefore I ended up turning These new animations into their own mod, It will be a great foundation for all the ideas that I want to add!!
The mod For now will introduces two new interactions with their animations and emotions/buffs
The new pie menu will appear in the Romance category under the name Kiss and Grind, all the new interactions will appear on it:
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The interaction won't appear if your sim hasn't had their first kiss yet, or the level of romance is too low
Features Of the Mods:
New highly detailed animation with their own sounds
New pie menu for the new interaction
New icons for each Interaction/animation that will suit their own animation
A new dynamic buff system which increases with the romance bar
These interactions will give you a buff for both the actor and target sim.
There is a chance to get some notifications/comments from your partner
The animations were made to have a more romantic feel to them. to give the player the freedom to use them in any game style they want. All the icons used are custom-made by me, I did put extra time into them to be more visually pleasing and match their original content
Possible outcomes:
I have implemented in this mod a new buff system that will depend on the relationship between the Sims and some other factors:
First of all The outcomes will be highly randomized for both the actor and the target to keep the game more exciting.
The higher the romance level between your sims the higher chance of getting more intimates outcomes with stronger emotions:
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Obviously, this is a club-based mod, you take your sim there to meet up with new Sims, So Even with a low romance, The outcomes may be higher and unique If your sim has high charisma.
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When the romance bar is higher the 90% there is a small chance to get a notification/comment from your partner.
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The mod will be enhanced further in the future, with New animations, New mechanics, and features.
I still love the original idea. So once I have decided all the interactions for it, I will start making them into their own mod, and leave this one just for the club-related animations.
The interactions shouldn't be played autonomously,
Better to wait until the animation is finished and the queue is clear before playing another one.
Requirement : This mod needs the XML injector by Scumbumbo. You can download it here : https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector
How to install :
Just put both my mod and the XML injector script into your Sims 4 Mods folder.
Reblogs are super appreciated!
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nellielsss · 4 months
ɢᴏᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴀɪʀ ᴅᴏɴᴇ, ɴᴀɪʟꜱ ᴅᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ!
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╰┈➤ A new outfit and your Fendi shoes ᡣ𐭩
For when your man sees you after you ran your "errands," AKA getting a blowout, mani-pedi, and anything else you might've needed done. Who is he to resist when his chick looks so good? (Songfic inspired by Jumpin' Jumpin' by Destiny's Child.) Toji Fushiguro/Zen'in x transfem!reader (pre-Mamagumi because you are Mamagumi) Includes: Toji Fushiguro (might add more chars later! this is just me testing the waters)
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╰┈➤ It's a well known fact that Toji Zen'in doesn't come from a whole lot of money (well, he does; he was just abused and kicked out by said money), but that was never an issue for the man when it came to making it. He could earn plenty of money other ways such as taking up odd jobs, carrying out bounties, etc. So when he started dating your high maintenance self, he knew he'd have to up his earnings in order to provide for you (partner lemme Upgrade U). He's a simple man after all - why wouldn't he wanna provide for you, even if it was just by giving you a few hundred dollars to run your errands? Quite possibly the only thing that he kept from his family was his provider mentality. Never again would he see someone close to him suffer or starve because of his shortcomings.
Hearing the car pull into the lot, Toji knew it was you when you came home from the music that he could hear through the walls—that infectious late 90s beat creeping through his veins. He paused the MMA fight he was watching, turning around as the door hinges creaked open.
"Tojiii, I’m home!" you sang from the doorway, putting your keys away in your cute little Dior saddle (the one Toji got you after saving up several paychecks). Toji walked over with a big grin on his face, encircling his arms around your body out of habit. "Uh-uh, don't touch the hair just yet," you piped up, putting your hands in front of him to stop him from getting too close to you and potentially ruining your perfect hair.
Toji couldn't help but let out a laugh and shake his head. "C'mon, doll, just lemme give you a kiss," he said in that deliciously raspy voice of his. You reluctantly obliged, letting him put his hands on your hips, pull you in for a kiss, and sigh into it. "Now, let's see those nails of yours," he added with a big grin on his face, taking both of your hands and holding them up.
He let out a low whistle. "Damn, baby, that's a good manicurist ya got there. I should give them a big fat tip for keeping my girl so cute." The design in question were pink, blue & yellow nails with some hibiscus flowers & a cute little anime reference here & there (insert your fav Shōjo)—a perfect set for the summertime.
You let out a giggle, pulling your hands back and laughing at him. "Okay, okay, you can touch the hair," you relented, turning your head for extra effect.
"Right, the perfect hair that you don't wanna fuck up” he murmured, shaking his head. "I'm like a bull in a china shop, eh?"
"Yeah, 'cus you're a big brute," you snarked, making him smack you on the ass out of jest. He was a brute, but he knew how to be careful around you. "Nah, but for real, doll, you look fuckin' fantastic," he said in a more serious yet complimentary tone. "That bounce in your hair makes you look mighty fine."
You allowed him to run his hands through your silky, freshly-washed hair, reveling in the way his fingers felt on your scalp. "Feels even better with ol’ Toji’s fingers in it, yeah? I could touch this shit alll day long." He put his hands up when you shot him a look at that statement. "Or... for as long as you'll let me."
His hands left your scalp, only to trail down your cheek, all the way onto your chin. "Can I kiss you, princess?"
"Mhm," you murmured, bringing a scarred smile to his handsome face. He leaned in, giving you a slower, more passionate kiss than before.
"Fuck... y'lip gloss tastes so yummy," he murmured against your lips. "I can't get enough of you, y'know baby? My pretty little princess... I should show you off when you get all this shit done, make everyone 'round the block jealous."
"I was actually gonna go out with my friends later today," you piped up, pulling away slightly. "I was listening to Jumpin' Jumpin' earlier, and it made me wanna go out."
Toji didn't look disappointed at this news; rather, his smile widened. "Yeah? You havin' a girls' night?" He asked, eyebrows raised slightly. You nodded, shooting him another smile.
"Y'know, blowouts last a few days, especially when they're done by a real professional like the one I've been going to for six years. Plus, I know how to upkeep it on my own."
Toji chuckled, shaking his head. "I knew those hair products were for somethin'. Nah, I'm not upset or anything, baby; I'm happy for you—happy that you've got a nice group of girls to hangout with. You deserve it all, sweetheart. The cute outfits, the fun friends; and the sexy boyfriend of 'yers." He couldn't help but reach out and grab your jaw softly, rubbing it and eliciting a big, blushy smile from you. "Aww, would you look at that pretty smile? Love it when you smile like that. I don’t get why you used to be so insecure ‘bout it."
You pulled away once again, not wanting it to go any longer and lead to anything too sweaty. "I promise I'll come right back home afterwards. I won't give any random guys an opportunity to shoot their shot with me," you reassured him. "Y'know, I think you might've domesticated me in a way, Toji. I'm always looking forward to coming home to you after everything's said and done."
"Yeah?" he asked again, amused by your admission. "Well I'm glad, baby. We go together real well, hm?" He couldn't resist the urge to pull you in with both of his arms around your waist, nuzzling his lips into your neck. "I'm already looking forward to your homecoming, princess. I wanna feel those nails raking up and down my back."
"Toji, stop!" You said with a giggle. "You're gonna flatten my hair at this rate." "Oh, yeah? Y'know, even with flat hair, you'd still be the prettiest girl in the room. To me at least." Toji left one last kiss on your neck before letting you go, watching as you picked up the shopping bags on the floor.
"I need to go... put these clothes away before they wrinkle," you said, struggling to balance all the bags on your arms.
"Please, lemme help you," he said, grabbing the bags for you and carrying them to your shared room. He pushed the door open, carrying the bags as if they were light as air, setting them down outside of the closet. "I dunno know why you buy all that stuff if you can barely carry it. What would you do without your boyfriend?" he asked cockily.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head just a little. "Thanks, baby," you said gratefully, pressing a kiss to Toji's cheek.
"Anytime." He eyed the bags curiously, wondering what could possibly be inside of them. A new pair of Manolos? A new dress? He would never admit it, but he loved it when you shopped and bought new things. You always had impeccable taste, and he adored the way you put yourself together. "So, doll," he finally said after mustering up the courage. "Mind letting me see what you got?"
┆ ┆ ┆ ┆⋆ Mini-skip
Toji made sure that you made good on your word that night regarding trying out your nails. He didn't waste a single time welcoming you home after your girls' night out, taking you right up to your shared bedroom with a grin on his face, sloppily kissing up your neck and peeling off your dress.
Right now? He was all but plowing you into the mattress, as he always did when he fucked your brains out. "Fuck, baby," he growled, looking down at you as he made sweet, sweet love to you. "You always look so... fuckin' good underneath me like this, but that blowout just adds the finishing touch. Even if your... hair's all fucked up, I'll take you to the salon for another one."
You, meanwhile, weren't able to process what he was muttering into your ear. You probably couldn't even discern if he was calling you a whore or asking you to marry him; it just felt so good.
"Fuck, oh, fucking fuck, T-Toji!" You moaned into his ear, moaning and writhing about underneath the big brute's frame.
Toji let out a breathless chuckle at your incoherent babbling. "Never heard you say 'fuck' so many times in one sentence - maybe I could make you say it a few more times!"
He readjusted the angle at which he was snapping his hips into your ass, fucking you even deeper as if that could even be possible. "Feel my dick inside of ya? Rearranging your guts? Shiiit, doll, take it like you mean it. Gonna stuff ya full of my fucking cum, you won’t be able to strut 'yer shit anymore,” he drawled, slapping your jiggly ass with his calloused fingers.
He picked up on the way that you were holding onto him, your hands gripping the muscles that lined his broad back. "Such a bully," you whimpered, "quit bullyin' me, Toji! Y’know I can’t take it when you- you pound me like this!!" You complained, tears welling up in your eyes. He let out a laugh at your pleas, cooing into your ear. "C'mon, baby; I'd never bully you. I don't think bullying involves making you cum over and over again now, does it?" He cocked his head, smiling like a devil at the sight of you so fucked out because of just a few hip movements. "Besides, you know how to take it. I’ve trained you to take this dick. Remember how you could barely move when we first started dating? Shit, I'm the best tutor there is.”
After a few more huffs and strokes of the cock, he asked: “Why don't you... drag those nails down my back, yeah? Leave a few marks on my muscles?"
You eagerly obliged, raking your nails up and down his muscled back. "Yeah, that's it, there you go, my sweet baby. Make my back fuckin' bleed baby girl," he praised, purring into your ear. He threw his head back, the slightly painful scratching making him even harder and hornier (as if that was even possible).
He threw his head back then looked back down at you. "I'm gonna fuck you 'til my back's bloodier than a mary."
Suffice to say, he loved your nails.
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 6/5/2024
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Thursday, June 13, and there’s a 90% chance of rain and thunderstorms. Highs are in the low nineties, and the lows are in the low seventies.
Skulker attacked Danny Phantom above the Mall yesterday. Phantom appeared to attempt to move the fight away from the building, but was unable to, as he was badly injured from a missile to the back early on in the fight. Phantom crashed through the roof of the mall and landed in the food court after being hit, then tried to hide from skulker in a Hot Topic. Skulker easily found him and destroyed much of the store’s merchandise while attempting to capture him, but luckily the Red Huntress was able to arrive to the scene on time and capture Skulker.
Stray and feral cats on the north side of Amity Park are getting extremely sick. It is as of right now unknown what is causing the illness, but cat owners are advised to keep their animals inside.
The Fentons will likely not be driving today.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
I don't know if this bothers others a lot but it kinda frustrates me that Hazbin markets itself as pretty adult, but then the big adult things are just swearing and SA. Somehow the main sex stuff being SA feels worse than if there was a lot of sex and only the one SA scene
For real. Let's compare it with the big animated shows for adults and what they offer.
BoJack Horseman: The choices you make, regret, grief, addiction, trauma, the question of what it means to be happy and how you achieve it. Dramedy.
Tuca & Bertie: Getting your shit together, trauma, society's benchmarks for success and happiness, the fact that you never stop growing up because each stage of your life will have highs and lows and you have to take them as they come. Packaged like an old school '90s Nickelodeon cartoon.
South Park: Politics, popular culture, literally whatever's making the news at the moment, wrapped up in a crazy raunchy package.
Bob's Burgers: Workplace comedy with an emphasis on family. Also perfect in every regard.
Family Guy: Absurdity, rapid-fire pop culture references, things that would go over a kid's head.
American Dad: Absurdity + American politics, literally born out of frustration with the Bush administration.
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2010sbunny · 1 year
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♡ 2010sbunny’s Guide
To Mcbling
PT. 1/?
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All the mcbling babes are known for their hot and fabulous fashion style. From flare yoga pants to a hot pink tracksuit, mcbling fashion is a big staple in fashion history. Of course you don’t have to have name brand clothes to be a mcbling babe, but if you have the money and want some name brand clothing, by all means buy it! Don’t forget you may also run across some of these brands while you thrift!
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Juicy Couture-
Founded in 1997, Juicy Couture is a staple fashion brand in the mcbling scene. Tracksuits in all different colors, daydreamer bags, and several different slogan tees are what Juicy Couture is mostly known for. Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton were two icons who were known for their love for Juicy Couture 💋! Juicy has its own website but please keep in mind that their clothing style and bags have had a major change (they were modernized 🥲). You can also find their modern bags and clothing in stores like Ross and Burlington! If you want to find vintage Juicy, I recommend you look on online secondhand shops like Depop, eBay, Vinted, etc!! It’s kind of hard to stumble across Juicy in in-person thrift stores but it’s possible!! (I still hope to stumble across it someday 🙏)
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PINK by Victorias Secret is Victorias Secret’s clothing line. It’s mainly known for its beautiful fold over yoga pants. The designs on the yoga pants range from animal print to rhinestone galore 💋. They brought some fold over yoga pants back, but nothing beats the original designs. You can find the originals on online secondhand shops or in-person thrift stores. I personally have gotten mine from Plato’s Closet, but keep in mind that Plato’s Closet is lowkey expensive for it being a thrift store 😭! PINK also had very cute short sleeve and long sleeve shirts that many mcbling babes cut to make off the shoulder tops! If you’re a hoodie typa gal, I recommend you buy their hoodies as well because they definitely were and continue to be the bomb.com 💋. PINK’s sweatpants were also very cute and comfortable! If you would like to buy yoga pants from the designs Victorias Secret brought back, you can find them in store or on their website. Here’s the link dolls 💋🩷:
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Baby Phat-
Baby Phat was made by Kimora Lee Simmons (a true fashion icon). Kimora’s fashion shows were very iconic, and will always be remembered. Her fashion line gives more of a 90s-2000s vibe, but her jeans can spice up your mcbling look 💋. Her bottoms are super cute, and always have the iconic cat logo. Her puffer jackets are also a staple piece, and you can especially wear them in the winter for an ice princess look! You can find her pieces on online secondhand shops and you may find them in the thrift if you look hard enough!! (I’m talking even in the cracks of the Jeans section). Her bags are very cute as well, but if you’re going more for a mcbling-style bag, I recommend juicy couture or any other mcbling bags. The Baby Phat online store is currently still a work in progress, but you may still receive emails and a reminder when it’s done!
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Miss Me-
Following the mention of jeans, Miss Me jeans are a brand of jeans that were very popular then and honestly still are now. Their rhinestoned designs on the back pockets are TO DIEEEE FOR. They come in all different cuts, fits, and rises (low rise, mid rise, high rise). You can find many Miss Me jeans at Buckle (either in store or online), but be aware that they are highly expensive (over $100 for ONE pair). You may find a pair in an in-person thrift store but they are pretty hard to find. Don’t let that stop you though, as you may find a pair or more the next time you go thrifting. Many 2010s celebrities wore Miss Me jeans and many mcbling babes wore them as well. If you wanna shop for Miss Me jeans that are less expensive, you can look for them on eBay, Mercari, Depop, etc.! The 2nd pic of the Miss Me’s is by my jwoww @brattygalfriend 💋. If you would like to buy some from Buckle, here’s the link 💋:
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Ed Hardy-
Ed Hardy is known mainly for its bags, hats, shirts, and jeans. Kim K rocked Ed Hardy A LOTTTTT during the mcbling era. Ed Hardy is still around and unlike a lot of other brands, has stayed true with their designs 💋. You can find Ed Hardy is places like Burlington, Ross, maybe even Marshalls! Ed Hardy has its own online store where it’s prices aren’t too pricey (honestly depends on your price range). If you would like you can of course buy Ed Hardy pieces from online secondhand shops (I KNOWWWW IVE MENTIONED THIS A LOT), or you can find them in in-person thrift stores. I honestly think the Ed Hardy brand will live on 4eva 💋.
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End Notes-
Thank you so much for reading if you did 🩷. This was my first ever long blog so I hope you liked it 🤭. I decided to make this a series obvi because I <3 mcbling fashion and I would love to showcase a ton of different mcbling brands. If anyone has any suggestions on which brands I should feature next please lemme know dolls 🙏. Please make sure to stay hydrated, rested, and full ♡!
PS: Pls give credit if u use!!
Remember this is YOUR world
and we’re all just living in it,
XOXO, 2010sbunny 💋
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 29, 2023
Rwanda’s life expectancy has increased by 20 years in the last 20 years
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What did Rwanda change? Three developments stand out: low-cost community-based health insurance plans, national investments in rural health posts, and ramped-up foreign collaborations. In 2020, more than 90 percent of Rwanda’s people had some kind of health insurance. This stands out relative to other low-income countries, where on average 31 percent of people have health insurance.
2. Brandon School Division rejects call to remove library books on sexuality, gender identity
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Loud cheers erupted inside a packed high school gymnasium after the Brandon School Division rejected a call to remove books dealing with sexuality and gender identity from libraries. Hundreds of people in Manitoba's second-largest city showed up for the marathon school division meeting, which ran into the early morning hours.
The trustees ultimately voted 6-1 to reject a proposal to create a committee of trustees and parents to review books available in division schools.
3. Lotto winner pledges to fund classrooms in his native Mali
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Happiness for one lucky North Carolina resident comes not from newfound wealth from a lottery win, but using those winnings to help schoolchildren -- in this case, from Mali.
Souleymane Sana of North Carolina won $100,000 from a scratch-off ticket. Relocating to the United States from Mali -- a war-torn county in West Africa -- Sana is using his earnings to create a non-profit to help school kids from his hometown.
4. Mountain gorillas rebound thanks to Ugandan veterinarian
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In 2018, as their population topped 1,000, they were removed from the critically endangered list and their status upgraded to just endangered. That positive step was due, in no small part, to Ugandan veterinarian Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka. 
Her working home is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, home to roughly half of the world's mountain gorillas. But early on she also realized that to help the animals and keep them free from disease and poaching, she needed to also help their human neighbours, launching successful initiatives to improve the health and well-being of the people living around the park. 
5. Imports of ivory from hippos, orcas and walruses to be banned in UK
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Ivory imports from hippopotamuses, orcas and walruses will be banned under new legislation to protect the endangered species from poaching.
The Ivory Act, passed in 2018, targeted materials from elephants, but a loophole meant that animals other than elephants, including hippos, were being targeted for their ivory.
6. Solar power due to overtake oil production investment for first time in 2023
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Investment in clean energy will extend its lead over spending on fossil fuels in 2023, the International Energy Agency said on Thursday, with solar projects expected to outpace outlays on oil production for the first time.
Annual investment in renewable energy is up by nearly a quarter since 2021 compared to a 15% rise for fossil fuels, the Paris-based energy watchdog said in its World Energy Investment report.
7. Paralyzed man walks naturally, thanks to wireless ‘bridge’ between brain and spine
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Gert-Jan Oskam lost the ability to walk in 2011 when he injured his spine in a cycling accident in China. Six years later, the Dutch man managed to take a few short steps thanks to a small array of electrodes implanted on top of his spinal cord that delivered nerve-stimulating pulses of electricity.
Today in Nature, an international team of researchers reports giving Oskam a better fix, a way to digitally bridge the communication gap between his brain and lower body. Brain waves signaling Oskam’s desire to walk travel from a device implanted in his skull to the spinal stimulator, rerouting the signal around the damaged tissue and delivering pulses of electricity to the spinal cord to facilitate the movement. Oskam can now walk more fluidly, navigate obstacles, and climb stairs.
That's it for this week :)
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Hi! I just wanted to say thank you; your compassion and understanding for people who have made husbandry mistakes but are trying to correct them is incredible and helped me a lot. I definitely made some mistakes with my rosy boa but she’s in a much better enclosure now! (And had an A+ health checkup from the vet).
Here’s the new enclosure! It’s from Animal Plastics and it’s 6x3x2 (huge upgrade from her 3x1x1 before!)
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Honestly, one of the highlights of my day is checking in on her and seeing her use every inch of that space. High end gets to 86-90 directly under the CHE, low end is around 72. If you have any suggestions for improving it, I’d love to hear them!
And here’s some pictures of the lady herself.
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(Nobody told her she’s a desert species)
Thanks again for everything you do! As an aspiring nature educator, your work with this blog is awesome.
Looks awesome! I love how many varied spaces and enrichment items you’ve worked in. She’s such a cutie. :)
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queer-cosette · 7 months
so um you guys have probably seen me posting about how I'm dating this guy (AKA insane bisexual guy with visible psychological trauma AKA Mr No Name Kid <3) and well. I need you guys to understand why I like him so much
he makes me laugh literally so much
I've mentioned this but. he will literally lift me off the ground when he hugs me even though I'm 5'11 and 132lbs
he thinks it's sexy that I like to wear heels even though they make me taller than him
he's literally never got my pronouns wrong which seems like a low bar but I'm a they/them who presents usually very femme so a lot of people will still call me she/her even if I've introduced myself as a they/them
if anyone says something transphobic in front of him he will throw down. one time outside a bar a guy kept making the same bad "oh if a boy can identify as a girl then I'm gonna identify as an attack helicopter" joke and my guy literally turned to him and said "shut the fuck up or I'm gonna start identifying as a threat"
he looks a bit intimidating because he's 6'2 and covered in tattoos but literally half of them are fandom-themed, mostly DC, Marvel, and anime
one time while we were both very drunk he went to grab my waist and accidentally grabbed my ass instead because I was taller than he was expecting. he didn't realise until I told him like a month later and he was so mortified that he literally turned and pressed his forehead into the couch for five solid minutes.
I've mentioned this too but we were walking home from a bar and my cigarette went out so he?? relit it?? with the tip of his??
he thinks it's hot that I'm a ballerina not because it's feminine and graceful or w/ever but because it's given me the leg strength to kick pretty much anyone's ass
he paints his nails and has his ears pierced
we knew each other in high school. specifically we knew each other in our senior year at which point I was a little shit who was 90% anger issues and nearly constantly too high to tie my own shoelaces, and yet??? he likes me anyway???
style-wise we're both very alt, I'm going through a kind of 1980s dark-academia phase and he's got a sort of gothic cyberpunk thing going on. I like that he actually thinks about his clothes instead of just chucking on whatever
he has a cat and she has very bad anxiety issues around anyone who isn't him so he just lets her hide whenever he has guests over <3 I'm pretty sure it's a massive green flag when people treat their pets with respect <3
have I mentioned that he makes me laugh a lot?? because he makes me laugh a LOT
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