#the hobby I love & the subject I hate (grammar)
novelmonger · 8 months
Thanks for the tag, @freenarnian
Are you named after anyone? Yes - my first name after one grandma, my middle name after the other.
When was the last time you cried? Ummm...definitely Monday, at least. Might have teared up over Frodo and Sam or something in the past couple days; I can't quite remember ^^'
Do you have kids? Not unless you count my brain children (Mommy loves you, Jake Rogers! >3<)
What sports do you play/have you played? I play a mean game of Wii Tennis :) (aka flailing the Wiimote around like a crazy person)
Do you use sarcasm? Oh, never.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Uhhh...their hair? The general shape of their face?
What's your eye color? Brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Yes. (Signs is the perfect movie in this regard.)
Any talents? Mostly just writing. A head for grammar, I guess? Picking up new words in foreign languages?
Where were you born? I feel okay saying this because I don't live there anymore: Pennsylvania.
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, watching movies/shows, playing video games, and a new addition is video editing!
Do you have any pets? Not personally, but I live with my sisters, and one of them has three rats and an axolotl. So I get to watch them and laugh at their antics and coo over how cute they are, but they're not my responsibility :P
How tall are you? 5'6"
Favorite subject in school? English, always. Looking back on myself, I have to laugh at elementary-aged Novie, because I used to hate grammar and spelling (I mean, I hated math more). But then when I reached high school, it kind of clicked that I was actually pretty good at it, it came to me much more naturally than math or science, and maybe the reason I always thought it was such a drag before was because it was so easy. There was no challenge! I also really really loved the psychology class I took in high school, so once I got to college it was a no-brainer to major in English and minor in psychology (and education, but that was for a scholarship).
Dream job? I'm working towards a job in scoping, which looks pretty rosy from where I'm standing - working from home, not really having to talk to anybody, spending your whole day correcting the grammar, punctuation, and formatting of court transcripts? It's like it was tailor-made for me! I've also thought it would be pretty cool to be a librarian, a copyeditor, or a transcriptionist, but from what I could tell when I looked into them, it would be a little hard to find a job that would support me, at least without taking more higher education than I could probably stand x.x
Tagging @sailforvalinor, @rainintheevening, and @x-i-l-verify if this looks like fun!
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flightlesskaz · 11 months
Drabble about QSMP Jaiden, grammar and spelling errors. It is... long... thanks.
I'm watching Purgatory vods (to catch up instead of just the bit I managed to watch in stream) and I decided to watch Phil.
When they're admitting their sins and Jaiden says, "I'll stab everyone in the back for cucurucho. I don't give a shit." Honestly hits something for me.
A bit TMI as I project: My memories from a young age are super hazy, I imagine (thanks to lore) that Jaiden is similar. With everyone on the server worried that the memory issues is caused by the feds or trauma they might have had from being on the island previously. Having angst is fun, but I don't really see myself that much in such characters. You can have your heart-wrenching moments, but I love seeing characters casually just living and still content on a daily basis. Randomly remembering things or having seemingly random train of thoughts, but not remembering what she did last week. Also, absolutely adoring her parental figure even as an adult. Not really needing a reason or completely remembering why. I don't think I've ever heard her say, "I love cucurucho because..." or "I trust the federation because..." She's just happy to do it. Similarly, Cucurucho loves her too. It's constantly shown how cucurucho terrorizes the others but they're so soft for Jaiden. Her birthday, checking up on her just to see, giving her gifts just cause they can, accepting her interest (birds, Hatsune Miku, art) and actively encouraging and supporting her. Hiding tiny Hatsune pictures in the fed buildings and her birthday with a chance she'll never see them, just cause they can and she likes it. Letting her flight feathers (lore + head cannon) grow back in instead of clipping them like every other bird hybrid on the server. Even Foolish, her only (?) real friend respects and understands her opinion and feelings about Cucurucho. (I also have opinions about Foolish that make me soft.) Constantly hearing and seeing people talk about how much they hate Cucurucho and the feds, but they're just so nice to her. They play and joke, they have interest and hobbies they're happy to talk about. I like to think a part of her is happy when she learns that Tubbo has a 'thing' with Fred cause someone recognizes how good they are.
I just imagine Jaiden and Cucurucho hanging out and bonding, talking about anything and everything under the sun. Cucurucho just adoring Jaiden as their child, similar to how everyone loves their eggs. What if some of the 'egg tasks' are things they had done together. Everyone talks about the 'test subjects kids' with a cold detachment to the feds, but what if it wasn't like that for all of them. They raised these kids, sure trauma is a thing, but it's not everything. Cellbit and Bagi both grew up on the island. What if some families were invited to the islands so the kids could interact.
Hit me up for more💛
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tubbypeddle · 3 months
It's me! Thanks again for accepting my request, this is really nice.
Personality traits: people told me I’m creative, curious, argumentative because I can be persuasive and always want to have reason. I also tend to do the opposite of what I’m told, speak my mind whoever is facing me (can be a friend, family member, authority person, etc.). I can be blunt with absolutely no filter, which means I can be very familiar with people I’ve just met. I’m very good at understanding the big picture or a concept and explaining it with better words than a professional. I’m this person who finishes the sentence before the speaker. I love joking around, laughing out loud and having fun everywhere with friends, even in the most inappropriate moments. I can't help but talk loudly or laugh in church, for example. I’m independent and don’t like clingy people. One of my favorite things on earth is to tease people and make them completely mad just for fun and test their limits. I ask questions I know are tricky just to see how the person reacts. The pleasure of throwing a stone into the pond. Finally, some loved-ones said I struggle to empathize with others, or even act like a regular human.
Likes: the sun, spring and summer. Gardening. Cooking. Cats. I love dogs, mostly the big ones. I like learning new things, having a lot of knowledge. I enjoy eating, it is my reason to live. Traveling as well! Having fun, reliable and imaginative people. I love absurd humor. Old cars, old rock and old movies. To meet new, smart and interesting people who know things I don’t and can teach me.
Dislikes: slow people and those who arrive late. The rain. Too loud noises. When things don’t work as they should. Disorganisation and inefficient people. My anger issues. Dirty or messy places. People who don’t know what they are talking about but talk anyway. Vulgar and uneducated people. Coward, too naive, timid and weak people. Being interrupted.
Hobbies: writing, cinema, gardening, hiking, traveling, eating, laughing, discovering.
Miscellaneous: excellent memory (names, dates, details, sensations). Good intuition that allows me to understand things and keep the conversation going whatever the subject. Practical over the aesthetic. French grammar and spelling mistakes trigger me. 
Appearance: east asian, short black hair with a two block haircut. I wear shorts or cargo pants with t-shirts (often black, gray or white) and white sneakers. The simpler the better.
Hi hi!! sorry for the wait, things are a little busy here.
(author's notes: credits to gif owners, of course <33 this was so fun! my first genshin matchup!! )
I've thought long and hard over who would be perfect for you! And miss matchmaker is here!
Fontaine is a beautiful place in the summer. Perfectly breezy, and perfectly sunny. Everyone's a busybody, so social and they love to meet new people! Perfect for your pretty extroverted interests!
And, why, who else do you run into here, none other than
Ajax "Tartaglia" "Childe" himself!
Tumblr media
You know what draws him in about you first?
Your argumentative personality. He loves a good fight, and that includes witty arguments. Ajax also appreciates, and even adores, your unashamed loudness.
He loves a partner who is unafraid to be anything but themselves. If there is anything he hates, it is people who are weak. And to so openly be yourself, without fear of judgement, it's such a turn on for him.
AND!! being by his side requires a lot of traveling! Which is a plus for you! His job requires him to be able to travel to any nation, but while he's working, he encourages you to go out and explore! Go shopping if you want! He'll pay, of course. He wants you to have fun, not to worry. He doesn't need you worrying about your bank account when he has more than enough money to spend on both you and himself.
Besides, his love language is gift giving.
He absolutely adores your teasing. He meets your teasing easily with some of his own. It's fun, and it makes him laugh. The banter flows easily between you two, honestly. It's almost sickening how easy you two argue with each other.
Like an old married couple, Zhongli says.
Out of everyone who'd understand your problem of empathizing with other people, it'd be Ajax.
After falling into the Abyss as a child, he's had issues with feeling anything. It was the whole reason he'd been forced to join the Fatui in the first place, to have a place to take out his unusual aggression. Honestly, it was a miracle that he ended up falling for you in the first place.
He doesn't...remember quite how to properly love someone. He knows the concepts, and he knows how to go through the motions. But you're the first person outside of his family that he's had any feelings for.
He doesn't want to...mess it up. And lose you.
That being said, there's never a dull moment with him. He loves making you laugh. He thinks you sound beautiful when you do.
His favorite activity to do with you is tease other people. He's pretty much immune to your teasing, because he meets you head to head with his own little jabs. So teasing other people is the way to go with you two.
You two little pranksters, you.
Your great memory also might be very useful. It's not that Ajax is forgetful, but he's usually in a rush. So he may accidentally forget to grab some things on his way out the door. It helps if you're there to toss it to him as he's getting ready to leave.
He's a big, big family guy, too, so if you don't want kids, it might not work out for you two. Despite how Ajax seems, he only dates to marry and settle down in the future. He loves his family, and he wants to make one of his own like that someday. When it's safer.
At the minimum, he wants five kids. Five!
He wants to be a father, and he wants to be your husband. He knew this on your first date with him. It's only a matter of if you'll let him.
And he'll introduce you to his own family eventually, when you're comfortable with it. His younger siblings would absolutely adore you, because you remind them so much of Ajax. His older siblings would find it so amusing how alike the two of you are.
His parents absolutely love you, too. His mother absolutely tries fattening you up, trying to put you in warm clothes, because Snezhnaya is cold, don't you know? His father sees a strength in you that he sees in his son. A quiet kind of strength, hidden under layers of bluntness and jokes.
And! You and mama Ajax love cooking! Mamushka Ajax teaches you Snezhnayan dishes, and she loves to learn about your favorite dishes to make! You two trade recipes often, and sometimes Ajax whines that you like his mother more than you like him.
Like I said before, there's really never a dull moment between you two. Ajax leads a busy life, and it seems like you like to, as well. Quiet is few and rare between you two.
But when there is, it's usually because both of you are sleepy or exhausted.
Honorary mentions! Cyno He loves telling jokes, since everyone seems to be so afraid of him. And he loves that you love to laugh. He's also very neat, if he does say so himself. But his schedule...he feels he may neglect you with how often he has to work. He does not want you to go through with a neglectful partner.
WAAAA this was so fun!! again, sorry for the wait ☹ fourth of July preps and all that y'know? and I have....a huge family.
i hope you enjoyed!
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maddeningtrash · 9 months
Hey I saw your agent OCs and I wanted to learn more about them
Not sure what infos to drop so I’ll attempt some TLDRs on them. They’re agent ocs so shit about their backgrounds can change at anytime cuz of Nintendo writing 😭
Captain 3 (Anri)- Currently 21, cis male, he/him, bisexual. Joined the NSS after running away in the city to escape his abusive father. Craig Cuttlefish is like a father figure to him, and he looks up to Cuttlefish a lot. He gets lost in the metro for almost a year around when he was 16 which led to the loss of vision in one eye, some nerve damage, and the loss of his apartment, pets, and possessions due to his place getting sold while he was missing. This trauma led him to be a hermit for another year or so, only managing to cope with the help of Marie. Marie being so nice to him lead to sparks and at the age of 20, along with receiving a promotion to Cap’n status, he and Marie started to date. Currently he’s stationed as the leader of the NSS, he isn’t nearly as active in combat as he used to be due to his disabilities but is still quite powerful.
Agent 8 (Hachi)- Currently 19, cis female, she/her, lesbian. She was orphaned at a young age and has been part of the octarian army for practically her whole life. Unlike most of her peers Hachi had an intense fascination with literature and often fished books to read out of the trash, unfortunately this hobby of hers caused her to be subject to bullying— which she didn’t make any better with her somewhat annoying insistence to make others read what poems she’d make herself. Upon hearing the Squid Sisters song, she was inspired to run away from the army— believing the world of inklings were a lot more enriched with the arts than what the octos had to offer her. During her escape, she bumps into Craig and Anri— Anri and her scrap, and boom everyone’s lost. She managed to get everyone out of the metro and save the world from mass destruction, and has joined the NSS ever since. She thinks she’s not nearly given enough thanks for the whole “saving the world” bit. Through her journey in the metro she’s become a huge pop fan as well, she stans Squid Sisters and Off The Hook. Currently she lives in an apartment with Ivy, she works as a (I don’t know yet) and writes shitty romance novels on the side, with Ivy as her editor.
Agent 4 1/2 (Ivy)- currently 20, cis female, she/her, pansexual. She and her brother, Ivan, were raised in a rural village and came to the city at 15 to pursue their interests in the arts. Little did they know following the sad looking pretty lady down a manhole would lead to them becoming soldiers! Along with NSS shenanigans, Ivy would write for a webcomic she and her brother Ivan collaborated on. In recent times the webcomic has been put on hiatus due to Ivan going to college— so nowadays Ivy just couch surfs, living with her situationship friend Hachi. She has an excellent sense of vocabulary and grammar despite her appearance of being a sloth, but she doesn’t do much with her skills besides help others with their projects.
Agent 4 2/2 (Ivan)- Currently 20, trans male, he/him, pansexual. He and his sister were raised in a rural village, blah blah blah already read about it in Ivy’s. He’s always been an avid artist, drawing for a webcomic co-authored by Ivy, and as of currently the NSS is funding his college and dorm at an art school. He also scored a boyfriend named Atarime who was an ex soldier who was lost in the metro like Hachi. Currently Ivan’s just chilling as a student.
Agent 3 (Sai)- Currently 14, cis female, she/her. Ran from home and accidentally found herself in space fighting a giant bear, happens to the best of us. She’s a little shit to put it politely, chaos is always her goal. She hates authority figures of all sorts, making it a point to disobey Cap’n 3 and Agent 2 (she’s chill with Callie/Agent 1) and she is constantly vandalizing or breaking something. She also has a love of salmons, being the protector of 4 stranded lil guys she named Pipebomb, C4, Molotov Cocktail, and Greg.
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
Hi KBfriend <3
Excuse me marching in here unannounced. I decided to send some asks, and well, I thought that perhaps you might also like these questions. (Feel free to answer in your own time or ignore as your spoons allow. <3)
I know we love to talk about breaking the rules in writing and obviously, that not every piece of advice is one-size-fits all, but there is a lot to say about being able to speak with each other about what we have learned during our journey. I was wondering if you wouldn't share. (I also plan on poking some of the others to see what more we can shake out. The more the merrier, no?)
What is the most useful/helpful pieces of advice you ever received during your formal education in relation to writing?
Once you started to write, what was the most important thing that you learned about writing or its process?
Has your real life/job had any influence on your writing? If so, how?
What advice would you give to aspiring writers (be it fanfiction or original)?
Hi friend! Thank you for these asks. I will never turn down an opportunity to natter on about things, my inbox is always open!
It took me awhile to think of one, because the vast majority of my formal writing education was for nonfiction and the little bit of creative writing we were assigned was generally poetry and I HATED poetry as a kid. BUT. I distinctly remember one of my middle school English teacher saying that the worst thing our writing could be wasn't being "bad" (whether technically or narratively) The worst thing our writing could be was boring. I remember her saying she'd rather read 100 bad stories that were interesting, or at least where the author's passion shone through, than one "good" story where nothing interesting happened or the author clearly was just checking boxes about what should happen in a narrative arc. She would forget a good-but-boring story immediately while every terrible-but-interesting-and-passionate story was very unique and memorable. This leads into my answer for question 2...
When I started writing fanfic on FFN waaaaay back in 2002, I realized that some people were going to hate what I wrote no matter what - after all, I hated some perfectly fine fics for reasons that had nothing to do with their quality. The people who wanted to read the things I was writing would find me, and they did! I still have friends from way back then, even though we've all moved on to other fandoms and hobbies. So yeah, that was what I learned - fuck the haters, write EXACTLY what you want, your people will find you. It was heady stuff for someone who was always That Nerdy Weird Horse Girl in school.
Oh yeah. I was a paramedic for almost a decade. I'm now a biologist in a medical pathology department. I definitely use my knowledge of A&P and quite a bit of the trauma I witnessed and ended up being subjected to as part of the USian For Profit Healthcare system. Also, it wasn't ever my actual job (unless you count the under the table farm labor I did for a goat dairy in college) but growing up in a rural farming community and around animals has given me a big interest in the history of agriculture, and I love writing about people doing subsistence farming.
My advice builds off of my answers to 1 & 2. Don't put things in your story or write stories out of a sense of duty. Don't censor yourself because you think it might be "too much" or "turn away readers." Write (and draw and create) what you want with your whole chest. I have devoured fics that were barely readable due to atrocious grammar and spelling about characters I didn't even really like with a premise I thought was stupid and pointless because the author made it interesting, and a big part of making it interesting despite the shortcomings was how much the passion they had poured into it came through, and that they were clearly having a blast the entire time they were writing/channeling their id. This is related to something that kills me when I see it on fanfiction discussion communities especially about fics with explicit sexual content - people snickering about how obvious it is that "the author had their hands down their pants while writing this." MORE HANDS-DOWN-PANTS SMUT I SAY. NO SHAME. So I guess that's my advice. NO SHAME. Want to write the filthiest, most ✨problematic✨ smut ever? NO SHAME, WRITE THAT PORN. Want to tenderly describe every step of the main villain disemboweling a unicorn? NO SHAME, SHOW ME THAT SPARKLE BLOOD. Want to write yourself as the Maryiest Sue who ever Mary Sue'd having fun in the fictional world of your choice? NO SHAME, YOU 👏GO👏GLEN👏COCO! Life is short, and late stage capitalism robs us of joy every chance it gets. Don't rob yourself of joy.
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d-structive · 1 year
Your version of Robbie is amazing! The dynamic between him and Henrik is incredible!
What does Robbie think of the others? —😈
Hey, thanks! :D I'm always happy if people preesh the stupid things I make! Normally zombies are depicted as hunger-driven brainless monsters, so I thought it was a fun idea to make him a genius-like creature and Doc's assistant/co-worker...Fictional mad scientists are fun. What he thinks about the others, you say? I assume you are talking about all the other egos... Well, let's destroy some hopes and dreams here... Usually this specific character is considered very child-like. Very sweet. Well, in the Fishverse, everyone is sketchy/evil/partially insane besides few rare exceptions. You can bet that ESPECIALLY Robbie is not a nice dude, here. He's like to have an enemy right at home. He cares not for humans and the living. Like...at all. Robbie sees humans as lesser, expendable creatures. Or like cattle, lab rats and walking spare-parts, if you will. He sticks around the Doc and considers him something close to a friend, only because he respects him in his own insanity. (And mostly coz he owes him. Also Henrik is a free access to labs, bodies, tools and interesting stuff to research, which is a plus.) So, in a nutshell: Doc: He's ok to stick around to and sometimes bodyguard if necessary. Mostly coz both him and Robbie love to experiment in/with weird stuff and all the things mentioned above. Birds of feathers and all that stuff... Chase: He couldn't care less for this guy. Dead or alive...It doesn't matter. He doesn't care. Robbie considers his existence only coz he's harmless and he happens to be Doc's best friend. He wouldn't mind to use his limbs as spare parts, but Doc is against this idea. Jackie: Now, he's alive ONLY coz he's Doc's friend. Robbie HATES this guy and would gladly love to dissect him if given the chance to do so.. Jackie is the dumb embodyment of everything Robbie despise. But since -again- Doc would rather keep his few friends alive, he cannot go suddently "missing". Robbie's favourite hobbie is to belittle everythig this guy does, in the hope he will one day explode or something. Give him an excuse! Marvin: Robbie saw this guy only on TV pretty much. Perhaps while he was fighting against the dumb hero. Interesting the fact he can use "magic" and alchemic stuff (this implies he -unlike the hero- does infact has a functioning brain, at least...) and he would be perhaps a nice study subject, but nothing Robbie cannot learn by himself by reading the right books and by making the right researches. Science it's kinda like magic or whatever, after all... To him, Marvin is yet another annoying flamboyant roof-clown with weird clothes, privileges and tastes. Never interact unless forced to. JJ: Robbie never met him before, nor he's aware of his existence, really... If the two were goin to meet, Robbie would consider him nothing more than a generic human. Not worthy of his time, unless he's hiding some experiments-worthy ability... Anti: Now, this is interesting. This creature is not human and it can do peculiar things. Robbie would LOVE to vivisect this thing if it was possible to restrain it somehow. Possessing people from the distance and manipulate reality, sound like interesting stuff to study, is it not? Robbie is a man of science. He would totally open this guy up if it was possible to do so. Fin. That was my essay. It may contain horrible grammar and such. BUT HEY, I TRIED. I hope u preesh it. X'D
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gladlypants · 1 year
I was tagged by @theageofsims and @simmenycricket to answer these questions ♥ One had an extra question than the other, so adding it to the end.
Thank you for tagging me. :)
are you named after anyone? - Laura Ingalls Wilder, in a way I suppose. My mom was really into Little House on the Prairie when I was born, she says. My dad's grandmother was also named Laura, but my mom didn't know that at the time. She died when her children were very small.
when was the last time you cried? - Yesterday, finishing up a podcast. (Stolen: Surviving St. Michael's)
do you have kids? - no
do you use sarcasm a lot? - No more than is normal for most people, I don't think.
what sports do you play/have you played? - I'm not into sportsball.
what's the first thing you notice about other people? - Oh gosh, I don't know, their mannerisms probably.
eye colour? - blue/gray/green. They kind of change in appearance with what I am wearing I believe, but mostly blue.
scary movies or happy endings? - Happy endings for sure. I cannot do scary movies at all!!
any special talents? - I'm very fast at 10-key typing, if that counts for anything lol. Years of working in banking and such.
what are your hobbies? - Um, I tend to bounce around hobbies. Sadly, I'm don't stick with much for long, probably because I'm not particularly good at anything lol. I do enjoy a little felting and sewing, I have a lot of houseplants, and I've always been a big reader since I was a child who didn't have cable tv. And video games of course.
do you have any pets? - Yes! Two pups, Ruby and Jules, and a cat named Juniper but we've always just called her Kitty or Kiki. Love my babies ♥
how tall are you? - 5'4
fave subject in school? - English (I actually really enjoyed grammar, and of course the literature part) and History. I hated math and science.
dream job? - None, yuck, lol. I've worked enough in my life!
where were you born? - in a tiny town called Urania, Louisiana. Sounds like another planet, I know, lol.
I think this post is rather old since I've been on a break, so I'm not going to check around to see who all has already done this one before tagging people, so I'll just say I tag everyone if you want to do it, and you can say I tagged you if you like :)
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sir-klauz · 2 years
Yo heavy reminder that people criticising your writing is a good thing. I mean first of all, if it’s constructive, you can use it to improve grammar mistakes or presentation, bits you’ve missed for next time, etc. and learn a lot!
Another, is honestly if you’re getting read enough for people to start critiquing your stuff, you’re still having it read through rather than no one reading it at all so it is interesting! I know it’s hard to put your precious creations out there sometimes when you feel crestfallen over a bad review, but you must remember to try your best to continue.
Every single successful person ever has had bad reviews and criticism because any person can love or hate the very same thing, and it may not even be to do with your capabilities, just their preference. Keep that confidence up! ❣️
If you totally shut it down, which you’re free to do, and do so if you work better that way and write for a hobby buttt, you may not learn from actual mistakes and grow as a writer with more experience and continue making them in your next story.
You need to try know the difference as well between a helpful criticism and one where the reader is expressing their dislike of certain subjects in the book such as horror, romance, and so on which isn’t helpful if your story is of the horror genre for example, because why would they read it knowing they didn’t like those elements so you gotta laugh those ones off and all in all critique doesn’t mean you’ve failed, and doesn’t automatically mean it’s bad. You might just need to take on board what you think is useful and apply it.
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doing the TC challenge bc i feel i haven’t really introduced my TC :))
1. describe your tc's physical appearance.
~ roughly 5’0, blonde hair with brown roots, wears glasses , has blue eyes and thin lips
2. what was the first thing you've ever said to your tc?
~ i was lost on the first day because i read my timetable wrong so she gave me directions
3. is your tc single or taken? or are you unsure? and are you single or taken?
~ married for 26 years but it’s okay i can fix her, i’m very single
4. is your tc more of the athletic type, the nerdy type or the artsy type?
~ mix of nerdy and artsy, very appreciative of culture, arts and literature, whilst also very interested in etymology and grammar.
5. if you and your to were in high school together, do you think you'd be friends?
~yesss we’re the only people at the school who like her subject so i think we’d have that in common, plus we have a very similar set of interests and want the same things in life sooo!!
6. name one song that reminds you of your tc and explain why that song reminds you of them.
~ Reel Around the Fountain - The Smiths
“It's time the tale were told, Of how you took a child, And you made him old”
“I dreamt about you last night, And I fell out of bed twice, You can pin and mount me like a butterfly. But, "Take me to the haven of your bed" Was something that you never said”
“Oh, people see no worth in you, Oh, but I do”
7. is your tc fashionable or are they more of the simple type? what is one outfit you'd love to see them wear?
~ very simple, just blazers and trousers with the occasional scarf (suits her so well tho, im weak in the knees fr), i’ve seen pictures of her in jeans tho and i’d sell my soul to see that irl
8. would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your tc's subject if it meant you two could be together?
literally what i want to do in the future
9 . does your tc drink or smoke?
~ she drinks but hates smoking and vaping
10. name one item that is always on your tc's desk.
~ idk man that thing is a mess, but she has like unnecessarily big post it notes that she loves sm??
11. has your to ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? if so, what did they do?
~ deadnamed me 💀 but she apologised and now we’re bffs so it’s okay
12. does your tc have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
~ waitressing apparently?? but i think that’s just when she was at uni, she’s always been a teacher
13. does your tc have kids or siblings? if so, how many:
~ 3 siblings and 2 children
14. are you taking your tc's class next year?
~ thankfully yes, but it’s my last year with her im gonna be so sad :((
15. has your tc ever met your parents? if you were there, what was the meeting like?
~ yes several times, they’re all very kind to each other but sometimes i complain to her abt my parents so idk how she actually feels abt them lol
16. has your tc ever given you detention? if so, what was it like?
~ never i’m a child of god
17. has your tc ever failed you? if so, how did you react? if not, how would you react?
~ no , i revise her subject for hours a week so i’d be so pissed if i ever did
18. what are your tc's hobbies/interests? are they similar to yours?
~ we have similar interests bc we both like her subject and i’m pretty sure she enjoys photography. i think that she used to knit bc we always talk about that but idk if she still does
19. have you ever spoken on the phone with your tc? what did you talk about?
~ once but before i was attached to her, it was during lockdown and she wanted to tell me how much she liked my work
20. if you had your tc's class during quarantine, what were your zoom calls like? if not, have you spoken to your tc since quarantine?
~ i don’t really remember but i’d love to sit on call with her now LMAO
21. if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world with your tc, where would you go? what would you do?
~ i’d take her to the sagrada familia bc she loves it (and you can get married there)
22. does your tc have any nicknames for you?
~ no but she thoroughly enjoys seeing me in the corridor and just shouting HUMAN at me
23. have you ever cried in front of your tc? why? how did they react?
~ many times, but she’s very sweet and just lets me sit and process whatever is going on, or tries to distract me as much as possible, and it’s against guidelines to touch me but she said she wished she could give me a big hug sooo
24. have you ever walked/drove to/from school with your tc?
~ noo we live on opposite ends of our town :((
25. do you know which teachers your tc is friends with at school? if so, do you like those teachers?
~ i’ve never really spoken to them much but they all seem quite sweet and i can see why she gets along with them
26. why does your tc's voice sound like?
27. do you like your tc as a teacher? are they a good teacher?
~ yes, very, a little disorganised but she has the spirit!!
28. does your tc prefer books, shows or movies?
~ she used to read a lot but idk if she still does, but i think she prefers movies to shows
29. is your tc stern or easy going, in class?
~ very strict, avid rule follower but she’s very sweet as long as you respect her wishes and it annoys me that people get so pissy with her about it?? just listen to her?????
30. how would you describe you and your tc's relationship?
~ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i hope she likes me and i do think she does and she always seems quite happy to talk to me?
31. do you address your tc by their first or last name?
~ last name, it feels weird to call her by her first name
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o0o-octopush · 1 year
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Hey my lovely Stardusts! Here is a post so you could get to know me and maybe even grow more comfortable with me!
Here are some basics:
You can call me:Zina,Zinn (i=ee in English)
My pronouns are: she:her:them
I'm franco-ukrainian
I can speak russian,french,ukrainian,english and a little little bit of chinese and korean
My hobbies are dancing, singing, writing,drawing,sewing and anything related to music
I don't have a fixed aesthetic but I really have a preference for either really bright and flowery fairy core/angel core or dark and heavy grunge/rocker stargirl or my aesthetic of the moment is witchcore
the anniversary of this blog is the 14 april (just like my dad) but the anniversary of my old blog is the 2 april
I am a multistan but my main are still NCT, (G)idle, twice, Enhypen and many others
I am the night sky friend in my friend group (sometimes moon sometimes star, sometimes cloud)
For the moment I don't write much and there is no one on this blog but I hope it will become a safe space for people to interact or even just relax and have a good time here !
I'm not an English native speaker so I'm truly sorry for all the grammar mistakes that could be present in my writing. I am ok with people who send me messages if it ever happens.
i cannot support homophobia,racism,and discrimination to anybody or hate if i ever see someone in my blog I'll bloc/ban them , it is a safe space here, we respect everyone , you can have different opinions on different subject but we discuss them politely and don't offense each other
Thank you for reading
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vampirebutterflies · 2 years
15 Questions!
tagged by the shrimply fantastic @not-nervous-jester (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*)
1. Were you named after anyone?
…my first name is partially after a dog. yeah.
A show dog that my paternal grandparents bred and showed, so not just some random pet, but still. A dog. At least my full first name slaps so it’s not that bad.
I share a middle name with my paternal grandma not the biggest fan but I digress and I’ll be changing that to one of my chosen names (Asteroid) to keep the initial but also make it Mine yk? Orig just is Not the vibe for me. And also I keep forgetting if it’s spelled with or without an e (it’s without lmao)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago! I absolutely fucking hate crying and it’s taken me until the last few months to really. Be able to more freely. ‘Cause I’d repressed it all so heavily that I just straight up couldn’t 😌 My beloved beef is very patient and very kind in helping me though
3. Do you have kids?
Nope and absolutely never thanku very much
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Sarcastic? Never! Can’t believe you’d ever think that
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Honestly? Visual appearance, I’m very quick to pick up on anything interesting like tattoos or piercings or what they’re wearing or their hair or eyes / mouth / makeup or jewellery etc etc. Not in a judgemental way at all, I just really like looking at people ??? that sounds weird. it is a lil weird. that’s fine it’s not mean or gross weird. I’m very much a complimenter too so if there’s something I like about you or what you’re wearing or if you’re just. really really pretty etc I’ll just. Say it
Online is probably things like your own lil spelling and grammar things (like u or you or if you capitalise stuff) and if you come across as kind / kinda dickish. Also your ✨aesthetic✨ if there’s one available to be perceived
6. What’s your eye colour?
Dark green?? Green-hazel?? Not to be that annoying person but truly struggled answering this for my photo ID card— asking four people got four different responses from dark blue to brown and they’re absolutely Neither of those so like. Shrug. Whatever you wanna call this one
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7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I’m an absolute lily livered pussy assed lil baby WIMP so scary things can be very very good and very fun HOWEVER I’ll be making distressed noises and hiding behind a pillow and jumping and flap stimming when it gets even a lil too much
8. Any special talents?
god I wish uhhhhh floristry maybe? Not to toot my own doot but some of the pieces I turned out were fucking BANGERS
9. Where were you born?
I fell to this planet during a meteor shower, I was barely formed with no one but the worms and beetles for company until my parents unearthed me from the dirt after the fae requested their assistance in finding me
jk I was evicted in a hospital about half an hour away from here
10. What are your hobbies?
uhhhhhh running my damn mouth, thrifting and upcycling, amateur photography, silly lil outfits and makeup looks(? Does that count?) I’m trying to get back into art as well??
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes!! Technically Diva’s the only one who’s Mine tm everyone else is family owned but two cats (Brave— 3yo rescue fluff, and Diva— 11yo Burmese), two dogs (Tripp and Chia) and a yellow budgerigar called Chicken or Special Budgie
12. What sports do you play / have you played?
*horrified noises*
I played volleyball and netball in school though that wasn’t the worst
13. How tall are you?
5’2. on a good day. 🥺
14. Favourite subject in school?
English, science and art (specifically visual art and wearable art in highschool)
15. Dream job?
Is “pretty twunky femboy faggot living the dream with lots of people adoring me and giving me lots and lots of money just for looking pretty and being fun” an option? If so how do I get there and where do I sign up
That aside. I’d absolutely fucking love to work at the museum doing science communication and conservation work!!!! Particularly I’d love to specialise in the space / minerals / animals / plants / natural sciences sections. Absolute dream absolute goal
also because I’m not necessarily like smart enough to actually Work In Those Research Fields and that’s fine!! I’m glad about that because it means far less Huge Gigantic Super Smart Studying but there’ll always be a need for conserving and protecting materials and communicating all the super smart shit into Normal People Understanding yk??
Tagging: @chupacactus @nofeelingisfinall @turtles-on-turts @eye-scream-girls @blackbeardskneebrace @cononeills @ipomoea-batatas @enbiosaur no obligation as always 💕💕
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pandaroboto · 2 years
I was tagged by @glittertrail, but I have to warn I LOVE to answer those things but I hate to tag people because I feel awkward lol
✨ 16 questions for 16 mutuals ✨
1. Are you named after anyone?
No. Mom had a difficult pregnancy and there were chances that we would not survive. My parents waited till they see my face to try to name me and my father suggested Viviane because apparently, it means life or alive.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I would say two days ago, I was having a moment.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, and I don't think I will have kids, not by birth anyway. I am happy with my dog, and taking care of my parents.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I avoid watching anything scary.
8. Any special talents?
I do so much stuff but since I have a poor opinion of everything I do I don't consider talents.Maybe my very good memory for extremely niche stuff.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Playing guitar, reading, making gifs, writing dumb shit, painting
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes, a dog named Max.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I played football when I was in school and was a quite good goalie if you ask me. Did some Capoeira for a while, then mostly swimming. Am trying to get back to weightlifting, something I tried when I was in my 20s.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, English, and Portuguese (when it was focused on Literature and writing, grammar, and the rest I ignored lol and it shows)
15. Dream job?
TBH I don't think I have a dream job. Don't get me wrong I love what I do, but I would love even more not having to work to get my money. So IDK my dream job is to be a heir???
16. Sunset or sunrise?
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criaturisma · 1 month
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RULES — #criaturisma.
last updated aug. 23rd / 2024.
hiya ! mun is 20+ and in eastern standard time (utc+5). i’ve been writing for over a decade. i am a full-time student with two jobs. safe to say i’m up to my knees in work quite often. this blog runs on queue & i am heavily inactive on tumblr — discord is the best place to reach me. expect thread replies 1-2x a week. i am highly selective & will rarely reply to unsolicited rp requests in tumblr dms.
i am a literate, multi-para to novella writer (500 - 4000 words). you do not have to match length, but please give me something tangible to work with! third person, past tense, proper capitalization and grammar. i have severe visual impairment — overly stylized text is incredibly difficult for me to read. i do not roleplay on dash for this reason and likely never will. discord only.
i have few limits and triggers. however, i will not write trauma porn for the sake of it. i appreciate dead dove and dark topics when they have a narrative purpose, as is often the case with my own muses. everything is always up for discussion besides explicit non-con & underage between our muses.
i write all pairings and dynamics: m/f, f/f, m/m, and non-binary characters aplenty. as a lesbian, f/f plots have a special place in my heart. i am very picky about picking up m/m plots and while it is something i write, it will be much more rare i ever do so. i also love non-romantic plots but am also a sucker for a good romance!
please do not spam me — i am very busy, this is a hobby, and i hate to feel like our plot is a chore. i’m usually very good about ooc chitchat and maintaining replies on a weekly basis. however, i can get unexpectedly very busy. after two weeks of no reply, feel free to bump me. otherwise, please be understanding!
mun ≠ muse. i do not believe what is written in fiction translates into someone’s true character (except for certain subjects). i understand certain topics can make people uncomfortable. please be open + honest with me about triggers and limits!
i do not write with writers who solely play female muses (unless you solely write f/f). it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. i will block users who send me unsolicited dms & only write female muses.
i do not double-up. please do not ask — it’s uncomfortable to feel like we’re only writing because we “owe” one another something, and not for the enjoyment of the hobby.
i will write just about any genre except supernatural & high fantasy ( with the exception of hotd ). some of my favorite genres incl. apocalyptic / post-apocalyptic, period dramas, western, and psychological horror. i do also love slice of life, but am pickier about taking them on to avoid plot plateaus due to lack of character development.
4. MISC.
— tbd.
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hello! can i ask mashup? Since my english is bad ,i don't care if you ignore my ask 💀💀💀cause it's so emberassed when someone saw my ask with bad eng (i don't want to be anon cause i didn't get the notif)
okey, i'm 5'1 , cat lovers (my sibling said i have anger issues) ,my MBTI is: ENFP, i hate study,and because of this teacher at my school don't give a fak about me and sometime getting annoy at me,but my fav subject is English (even tho my grammar is bad), i like adventures, i have short bob black hair, and my eyes colour also black, one of my hobbies is play a game(horror game and more), and i hope one day i become a youtuber streamer, i dont like book but i love listening to audiobook genre Fantasy, (cuz im too lazy to read).i hate dress and makeup,its annoy me when people keep force me to wear something like that. Thank u! have fun.
Btw i don't care if you ignore my ask, but stay safe! ❤️.
Your English is understandable, don't worry! :)
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Ayato, just like you, hates school. He'll probably convince you to skip class with him and pull pranks on teachers.
Ayato LOVES adventures, he will immediately join you if it's a fun adventure. Most likely; the adventure won't go well if you listen to Ayato, though...
He finds your hair and eyes cute, he will play a lot with your hair, even if you ask him to stop, he won't.
He will definitely play games with you, he's really competitive! If he wins, he'll smirk and ask you to make takoyaki, if he loses, he'll either say "Yeah, whatever, I was going easy on you" or "You cheated!".
He thinks being a Youtube streamer is cool! He'll ask you if he can join your streams because according to him "you'll get more subscribers if people see his handsome face".
He thinks that your height is cute, he also uses it to his own advantage--Like putting things in high place so you can't reach it.
He doesn't mind that you don't like to dress up, he finds your style cool and like a badass.
He doesn't mind that you are a cat lover, but he will get mad if you give attention to the cat more than him.
He thinks you are really adorable, he'll hug and cling onto you a lot.
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ladyvader23 · 4 years
Why I Think FanFiction is Important and Should be Normalized
I like to listen to youtube or podcasts while I play video games, usually on informational subjects. The other day I thought, “Maybe there’s some interesting fanfic commentators out there like there are for fiction writers!” 
Oh boy. I was wrong. 
There were a few one off videos. There’s one wonderful channel that I already knew about that talks about it (ColeyDoesThings). But the majority of videos were so negative. They were usually making fun of fics they considered bad or creepy, as if that represents all fanfic.
On top of that, I’ve met a lot of people both online and in real life who are either afraid to admit that they write fanfic, or they think fanfic is weird because of these popular depictions of fanfic in media. 
Before I continue, I think it’s really important to say that it’s totally fine to not want to talk about your writing or reading habits. I had a friend who had to hide writing fanfic because her parents would ground her if she did. I’ve had other friends who just see it as a hobby and they don’t want to draw attention to it, and I’ve had some who hide it because they’re legitimately worried about how people will react. That’s completely valid and I totally support that 100%. Do what makes you happy and safe! 
For me, though, I make it a point to be open about the role fanfiction has in my life. Without fanfiction, I wouldn’t have the job I have, or the friends I’ve made. I wouldn’t feel like me without it. For a long time, fanfiction was the only support I had to pursue who I wanted to be. 
This is my story. 
I have a learning disability. That in itself is a really long story, so to make it short, it made writing really, really difficult. English was consistently my lowest grade throughout my entire childhood and teen years. My English teachers HATED me. I can count...maybe two or three teachers who treated me like my writing had any worth? 
And what was worse is that I didn’t even know what I had to explain it to anyone until halfway through high school. By then, any “help” the school system had ever offered me was tailored to issues I didn’t have, and my mother had to explain every single year to my IEP coordinators what help I actually needed. 
I started writing fanfic probably when I was in seventh grade? It was hand written and was for Final Fantasy 10. I never published it, but I still remember the plot. My first published fanfic was for InuYasha. It was collaborative with my cousin, and it was reaaaaally badly written. I don’t even remember the title, actually, but it was a wild fic. It was my first real opportunity to experience fandom, to hear anything back from readers about what they thought of my writing. And I learned from that experience. I learned even more as I branched out to other fandoms. And because I had readers, it encouraged me to actually practice by writing more. 
While fanfic comments can be negative and unproductive, I’ve had plenty of readers very nicely point out “hey, when someone else starts speaking, that’s a new paragraph.” Literally, I’d NEVER known that before someone said it in a review. I’ve also had people point out good grammar resources that I could use. I had people offer insight on how story structure works and doesn’t work. I learned about giving characters real flaws. I learned about creating conflicts that people actually care about and relate to. Most of these comments weren’t meant to educate, necessarily, but when people reacted a certain way, I wondered, “Why do they feel that way? What did I do right, what did I do wrong? How can I improve?” Then I tried out whatever I learned in a new story or chapter. 
And yeah. Sometimes people just don’t jive with a story, or they’re trolls. But you know what? I learned from that too! I learned how to respond or not respond when people just don’t like what you’ve written and there’s nothing you can really do about it. That’s a skill I’ve translated into other parts of my life outside of writing. 
Through all of this, from my first fanfic to the ones I write now, I’ve learned so much about my writing and about who I am as a person. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many cool people from all over the world, which in itself has been a seriously positive, life-changing experience! 
But much of my life, I was constantly being told that I couldn’t do it, to not even bother trying. I’d go to school where I had teachers who took one look at my IEP and before they’d even given my writing a chance, treated me like a failure. I once tried to show one of my teachers one of my stories. It was a Twilight fanfic (I was sixteen and it was the height of the craze). I knew my teacher loved Twilight, and I’d seen her make connections with other students over their shared interest. I just wanted to connect with her, too, to show that even though my strength isn’t in what she wanted me to write, I still mattered. I still had a place in her classroom. But I didn’t even finish asking her to read a little before she told me she was “too busy” (and then proceeded to give me an F because I did the entire worksheet, not “just the even number questions.” Like seriously, what?). 
It was really conflicting. On one hand, fanfic was so much fun, I had positive and constructive feedback on my stories, and I felt like I’d improved enough to go toe-to-toe with anyone else naturally gifted in writing. On the other hand, I had every authority figure in my life telling me to not bother. When I went to college, I really wasn’t sure I knew what to do. I had dreams to be a writer, but maybe people online were just being nice and I was better off doing something else. 
But I signed up to major in English anyway, and to my surprise, my college professors were way more supportive. Feedback was actually constructive. I didn’t have any kind of IEP equivalent attached to my name or record, which...brings up a lot of other concerns I have about the American education system because seriously, why are we judging people’s abilities like that??? But for the first time, I felt like I had a real chance. I graduated in English education, and though I left education because I have a lot of issues with how America runs its education system, I still work in a job where I write their entire policy and procedures. I literally write all day, and when I’m done with work, I write either my fanfiction or my own personal WIP. 
If I hadn’t had any of that positive experience with fanfic and the community that surrounds it, I wouldn’t have made the decision to do English as my major in college. I wouldn’t have a job I love. I wouldn’t have the friends I have. I feel like as a whole, I wouldn’t have as much passion as I do for stories...which is a HUGE part of who I am! 
I talk openly and positively about fanfic because there are others out there who might be like me. If all they hear about is how dorky or weird or creepy fanfic is, then that might scare them off. And what if fanfic leads them to supportive, wonderful friends? What if it leads them to a career option that makes them really happy? Or, you know, what if they just want to have a lot of fun and fanfic can do that for them (because you can totally just have fun, you don’t HAVE to learn or get anything else from fanfic)? 
I think we need to normalize fanfiction. Yes, there are negatives, we shouldn’t not address those, but when it’s positive, let’s talk about that! I think this particular site is really good at that, but I mean in real life. Maybe on other platforms too, I don’t know. I just have a lot of feelings about why fanfic is so important, and I just wanted to share my story to at least explain some of that. 
Feel free to add your own experiences, I’d love to hear them from either writers of fanfic or readers! 
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angelicymp · 3 years
Perhaps a little coaxing is needed...
Good evening my literary friends,
I am hoping to find a suitable partner for specific cravings and ideas I have in mind.
My introduction will be brief and a bit more to the point than usual. I am quite thorough and detail-oriented when it comes to being a writer, including some of my rules and preferences. However, since I believe it to be quite a hassle to go through every point I’m making, my ad will be a bit more compact.
A brief recap: You can call me Imp; I am in my twenties and a student, striving to become a part-time freelancer as well. My main hobbies are photography, traveling, drawing and of course, the art of writing. Currently, I reside in Europe, so my timezone could differ from yours, unless you are also from a similar region.
Be sure to read through my ad to see if we’re compatible. Too many times I’ve encountered cases where the inquirers skimmed through all of the info and upon messaging me, were surprised to learn that we weren’t a match from the beginning. So if you haven’t properly read my ad, I’ll know. I’d like to urge everyone to stick with it so there won't be any misunderstandings and not waste everyone’s time.

Me, myself and I
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(art by: Ayami Kojima)
♦ Nickname: Imp
♦ Experience: 12 years and counting
♦ Style: 1:1 with the inclusion of doubling
♦ Rating: Mature
♦ Roleplaying Platform: Email and Google Docs
♦ Chatting Platform: Email, Google Hangouts or Discord
♦ Pet peeves: Slice of Life

After finishing the game of Resident Evil 8 Village, I was struck by yet another muse.
I am currently looking for either a pre-existing canon inspired roleplay, or, something completely original. Be sure you are above the age of eighteen, preferably 21 and upwards. I will not accept any inquires from minors - this is not negotiable.
What to expect
♢  Content: Mature. I am more interested in darker things like horror, occultism, the supernatural, you can maybe guess where I am going with this. My limits are few, safe for a couple of minor pet peeves that I have, I am pretty much open to some experimentation; such as violence, gore and sexual themes. When it comes to heavy scenes, I will not fade to black, unless it serves no purpose to the story. Not a huge fan of censorship. However, I will not force or push my partner into something they are not comfortable with. If you want to know the extent to how far I am willing to go, what sort of content, or how graphic my writing will be, you can ask me directly.

♢ Rating: I have little to no issues with delving into more sensitive topics. Since reality is often stranger than fiction, it is very interesting to explore all sides of human nature, including the less comfortable subjects such as psychology, crime, etc. But I also like to remind that this is a world of fiction and no one in their right mind would condone such things in real life. The world of adults is not easy to handle, but it sure is interesting to explore. So if you are a gentle soul and can’t take the heat of more serious moments within the roleplay, be it a character going through trying times, etc; this might not be ideal for you.
♢ Writing: My texts are considerably lengthy, detailed, and elaborate. Third-person is usually my preferred way of playing my character unless there’s a special case where an exception can be made. Word count usually fluctuates, though I have a standard form of 400-500+ words per reply. It also highly depends on the given situation.
♢ Romancing: I admit to being a hopeless romantic. There’s nothing more enjoyable than witnessing good and powerful chemistry between two characters. Preferably I go for the usual MxF pairing dynamic but I am also open to FxF and MxM, should it feel more fitting. While doubling, I can write the character/love interest to my partner’s desire, but I always aim to stay true to their personality and character. I hate nothing more than forcing characters into a relationship, especially if there’s no spark, so I won’t respond well to being pressured into letting characters act out of their personality. It’s just not realistic. As for smut, or what have you, I have no issues with adding a few spicy scenes, sometimes even drawing them out of our pleasure. When there is, however, a running theme where sexual themes are taking the focal point of the plot, it can become quite boring. It is never the center of any of my roleplays, so be warned.
♢ Plotting: I am fairly quick when it comes to building new characters, concepts, premises, storylines, backstories, etc. It allows me a certain latitude. Feel free to communicate your ideas and thoughts with me. I am happy to chat, even when it doesn’t involve the roleplay directly. Though this is a hobby, I am still extremely passionate about good storytelling and interesting character arcs. I hope to meet someone who is just as enthusiastic and willing to put in the same amount of effort. If it’s only me who’s pulling all the weight, I will lose interest and feel forced to end the correspondence.
No gos
♦ Won’t do: Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Bestiality, Scat, Vore, Toilet Play, etc. I am sure you can also think of many other strange fetishes that have developed over the years spent on the internet.
♦ Won’t write: The idea of supernatural beings trying to fit into human society. The typical bully x victim storyline. The run-of-the-mill vampires vs werewolf plot. BDSM centred stories. Slice of life. Flawless or excessively flawed characters.
What I expect
♢ Literacy: You should at least have a decent grasp of basic grammar and coherency in your spelling.
♢ Flexibility: Since we all have lives outside of the roleplay, we both need to be flexible. Sometimes our schedules may differ, and if life is currently intervening, we can take things a bit easier. Plus, I can’t always respond every second of every day, either. This should be considered a hobby and not a job. If a hiatus is on the rise, there is no problem with putting things on ice until things clear up.
♢ Experience: And by that, I don’t mean how many years you’ve roleplayed, rather the experience that comes with age and emotional maturity. Especially if you want to write stories with grit.
♢ Open to doubling: Quick explanation. Doubling is when we play two main characters each. The dynamic is as follows; I write your chosen love interest against your main character while you do the same for me.
♢ Long term: Only long-term partnerships.
♢ Sharing the spotlight: Don’t forget, this is all about you too! Let me know all your specific cravings, interests, or wants that you want to be included into the roleplay.
♦ Urban fantasy: Supernaturals, demons, spirits, vampires, you name it. I’d be more interested in something original and unique, especially when it comes to vampirism and demonic entities.
♦ Dark Sci-Fi: So this is a bit inspired by Resident Evil. A world where monsters become a vicious reality, generating fear among the people they come in contact with. But as it turns out, these monsters are not supernatural, but rather infected or mutated by a virus that cannot be explained.
♦ History, mythology, and folklore: An interesting take on the historical timeline, where legends and myths were once a reality. However, their existence was greatly misrepresented in the storybooks, sometimes even completely distorted. Our characters could be accidental time travelers who have been sent from the future to see it with their own eyes. Inspirations are mostly Slavic, European, and ancient folklore from all over the world.
♦ Crime with a dark twist: Mafias, organized crime, and corrupted politicians run this town. All of them have one thing in common. A particular drug that grants humans superhuman abilities; but at a cost. The drug will turn force the users to reject their humanity to instead embrace their monstrosity.
Canon & Fandoms
♢ Castlevania: Rather the original games than the Netflix series. But I am also not opposed to tackling the Netflix universe.
♢ Devil May Cry: Every game is game. Except for the reboot. Never played that one.
♢ Invincible: Not so invincible.
♢ Resident Evil: Village is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Periodt.
♢ Harry Potter: Next gen anyone?
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If you made it this far, I am glad you managed to hold on, lol. If you found what I wrote, agreeable and have a similar interests to mine, feel free to message me on this email adress.
You can also contact me via DM on my Tumblr blog, though preferably, I would rather be more receptive on Email since I am more active there. And it’s a lot more personal as well.
Hope to see you there.
I wish you all a lovely day my fellow readers!
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