#the house was haunted by 2 ghosts
rainedroptalks · 7 months
Saw the word “nightshade” somewhere and was hit with the memory of a ghost book I read as a kid so hard I took psychic damage
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bellarkeselection · 2 months
Hey could you write for Daemon targaryen like while he's being haunted in harnehal he finds his comfort in a prisoner and falls in love with her targaryen type of love and obsession and he married her like his second wife something he listens to her obeys her admires her while he fights war for rahaenya right guess she isn't happy with their marriage but have to accept as he's crucial for her but later on when they're leading she asks him her head so they both escaped with caraxes alive to anywhere you want
His Compass of Harrenhal
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Tag list - @only4thefics @superintenseart @universallyrascaldreamercookie
This request will have a couple of parts to it so enjoy and if you want to be added send that below in the comments 😊
I could hear footsteps slowly coming through the castle that I was forced to be a prisoner in. Not physically but mentally inside my mind for years and years to come. Sneaking through the hallway near the kitchen I raised my sword until I jumped around the corner feeling the cold tip of a sword against my throat. “Show yourself you ghost!”
“Not before you reveal yourself first!” I heard a deep man’s voice shifting my gaze up to meet his purple eyes that could only belong to a Targaryen.
I gulped slightly nervous that I must still be having another nightmare. “What is your name, ghost?”
“I’m no ghost, strange woman. I am Daemon Targaryen. The future king of the Seven Kingdoms. Now who the hell are you!” He growled under his breath glaring his eyes deadly in my direction.
The tip of my sword was pointed up against the fabric of his tunic shirt while he had his sword end up against my throat. Both of us never lowered our weapons while we spoke to one another. “My name is Y/n, Y/n Tully. I was wed to the late lord of this castle until I started hearing and seeing things that didn’t make sense. I’ve been attempting to escape ever since he called me a witch.”
“He’s named you a prisoner then?” Daemon raised a brow at me.
Shaking my head, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. “I’m not quite sure anymore. I haven’t been able to trust my own mind to tell me what is real and what is fake for far too many years. Why are you here, if you’re truly here.”
“Have you known any of these ghosts you see to ever have a sword pressing against your throat.” He questioned me.
I replied, beginning to lower my blade off of his chest. “I can’t say that they ever have.”
“Then we may not be alone in whatever is going on inside this dreadful castle.” He placed his sword back in his belt, walking into the kitchen and I followed him knowing it was probably a better option then going back alone to my old chamber room. I couldn’t stand the idea of being a prisoner here anymore than I already had because I feared I wouldn’t make it through another night on my own. Not without Daemon by my side.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been staring into the burning flames of one of the candles I was holding in one hand and my sword tightly clenched in the other. The rain hadn’t stopped at all during the day and I didn’t believe it was going to stop throughout the night either. Hearing footsteps coming into the chambers I scrambled to my feet I spun around aiming my blade towards the shut window until someone put their hand over my mouth causing me to go into fight or flight mode. “Get your fucking hands off of me - gah!” I screamed attempting to cut the ghost with my blade.
“Gīda ilagon. Gīda ilagon, issa klios ābrazȳrys ( Calm down. Calm down, my fish wife ).” I sucked in a breath feeling the tension in my body beginning to fade recognizing the voice that spoke in my ear.
Closing my eyes I paused lowering my sword asking him a question. “Issi ao se vala nyke call issa zaldrīzes dārys? ( Are you the man I call my dragon king? ).”
Daemon’s voice whispered in my ear, hot breath framing on the side of my neck. “Kessa, issa byka ābrazȳrys ( Yes, my little wife ).”
“Daemon!” I squealed out in such a relief flinging my arms around his neck letting my sword clank to the floor without a care in the world knowing that he wasn’t in fact another ghost attempting to haunt my mind night after night.
He wrapped his arms around my waist clinging onto me like he needed me to physically breathe. He buried his nose into my hair barely letting some tears be shed from his eyes. “Y/n.”
Unaware of how long we had been there together we had come up with our own secret code system that we made sure no one else knew except for the two of us and us alone. He was fluent in high valyrian and very few people who weren’t a part of the Targaryen family could speak it. So he would teach me every chance he could when he wasn’t trying to raise an army for his queen and former wife Rhaenyra.
“Touch me, Daemon.” I muttered under my breath barely pulling away from his embrace. Needing just a tiny bit more proof that it was truly him.
He moved his hands up to cradle the sides of my face in his own hands , crashing his lips down onto mine in a very deep kiss leaving me breathless when he broke it. “I’m here, Y/n. Your dragon husband is right in front of you.”
Wrapping my arms around his neck I drew him in for another long kiss. He threaded one of his hands into my hair drawing out a moan from me. We remained attached to one another making our way back to the bed where I collapsed onto my back with him hovering above me.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I went to kiss him but a loud knock came from the other side of the door. “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me.”
“I’ll go tell the asshole to leave.” Daemon got up from the bed, flinging the door opened seeing the caretaker of Harrenhal. “What the hell do you want this late hour!”
The man extended his hand holding out a letter. “A letter from Dragonstone, my king.”
“Who’s it from?” I asked him sliding down off the bed walking over to him, taking it from his hands and tearing it open. I began reading it aloud since Daemon seemed to be in no mood for any company tonight except for me. “Dear Daemon, I have been wondering how the search for men for my army is going. It’s been quite a while since I’ve heard anything from you so this is me asking for an answer. I need more men to secure my throne and my birthright. Keep your word and loyalty to your queen and wife , Rhaenyra Targaryen.”
“You’re first wife. She’s the one the late king Viserys named his rightful heir right?” I asked him sitting the letter down on the nearest table.
Daemon lowered his purple eyes to meet my gaze. “She’s actually my second wife. My first died on her horse, then her until the night I met you in this castle. I need to give her an army to help her take the throne back.”
“You’ll need the support of the Riverlords. House Tully controls how loyal they are. I can speak to Lord Grover for you.” I draped my arms over his neck and he put his hands on my hips bringing me closer to his body.
Daemon smiled widely down at me, kissing me deeply a second time not caring the lord was here. “Brilliant and beautiful I certainly won with you Lady Y/n Tully.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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kayleerowena · 10 months
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🗝️ three new teeny tiny zines on my website! 🗝️
i drew these while i was in boston a few weeks ago. i don't tend to do a lot of traditional pen-on-paper art outside of my sketchbook, so these were a bit of a stream-of-consciousness experiment that i ended up liking enough to post.
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rhaenicentric · 2 months
rhaenyra never being able to hide how deeply she is wounded, always changed by grief and her overcoming of it.
alicent never being able to show or even acknowledge how deep her wounds run, changed by the endless overcoming that never allows her to grieve.
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millennihilist · 2 months
i actually think that having a fight with his wife/niece that ends with her calling him pathetic and then Immediately running off to the most cursed castle in westeros to get Haunted™️ is both hilarious and the best thing that could've happened for daemon's character development
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juniperhillpatient · 3 months
because the tragedy of a ghost story should never be lost in the scariness or depravity - not that you can’t include gore & jump scares & whatever else. but if you’re telling a ghost story what you’re really telling is a story of inescapable fate & that is such an oppressive horror that closes in on you in a way that’s different than other types of stories. that is the heart of the tragic horror of a good ghost story.
this line from Lake Mungo sums it up so well - “I feel like something bad is going to happen. I feel like something bad has already happened. It hasn’t reached me yet but it’s on its way.”
& the opening paragraph of the Haunting is famous but unfortunately so many people don’t really understand it in my opinion. don’t get me wrong I actually enjoy the Mike Flanagan show but it fails on some fundamental levels to convey the source material & hot take but that’s ok it’s just telling its own story with inspiration from the book but the book - but the book is a masterpiece in expressing the isolating horror of a fate you can’t escape & the horrifying idea that we all die alone. Everyone knows the first sentence of that opening paragraph but it’s not just about insanity, it’s about crushing loneliness & an inescapable fate in a place outside of time -
“Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more..”
Now THAT’s scary.
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loveinstreams · 1 year
the haunted mansion movie? you mean that thing from the winchester ghost files episode? you know it’s not real right
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blue-eyes-never-lie · 12 days
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Books of 2024: July Wrap-Up.
This month, I picked my knitting back up with a vengeance, started a Three Sentences Writing Challenge, AND participated in several work-adjacent Social Events (who am I, even), On Top Of accidentally nerfing myself with several brick-like books, so! This little stack isn't half bad. Photos and/or reviews linked below:
ORDINARY MONSTERS - ★★ This was a miss for me, y'all, AND it was a brick, so it took a hot minute to read. I wanted it to be better than it was, but it rambled and wandered Too Much (which, coming from me, you KNOW is bad). Salty also-rambly 1.5k review linked.
IF FOUND, RETURN TO HELL - ★★★½ Way cuter than I was expecting!! I had a good time with the second person. Hugely relatable (which. wild. all things considered.).
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE - ★★★½ Funnier than anticipated, and very readable for something out of the '50s! I see why it's a cornerstone of the (sub)genre. Glad I have a copy on hand now.
THE ACTOR AND THE TARGET - ★★★★★ This Rewired My Brain. It took me three (3) weeks to get through. It was so good. If you're a writer, definitely check this out, 10/10 recommend.
WHEN AMONG CROWS - ★★★½ I checked this out from the library because hardback novellas are Expensive if you're not sure you vibe with the author's style, but I had a good time! Witcher fans should descend on this, I think.
ALWAYS COMING HOME - 76*/618 pages read; will report back later. I asked the People about this one, and the People have Spoken (read: this won my What Do I Read Next Poll), but I may or may not have miscalcuated how many brain cells I have available lately between work and writing, so I may or may not be cutting this with library books. I'll finish it. Eventually. (*asterisk because she keeps referencing Other Pages In Line, and every time she does I jump ahead to read those pages instead and then come back to where I was. I'm dual wielding bookmarks through this tome, it's an Experience™ so far!)
Under the Cut: A Note About ~*★Stars★*~
Historically, I have been Very Bad™ about assigning things Star Ratings, because it's so Vibes Heavy for me and therefore Contingent Upon my Whims. I am refining this as I figure out my wrap up posts (epiphany of this month: I don't like that stars are Odd, because that makes three the midpoint and things are rarely so truly mid for me)(I have hacked my way around this with a ½). Here is, generally, how I conceptualize stars:
★ - This was Bad. I would actively recommend that you do NOT read this one, no redeeming qualities whatsoever, not worth the slog. Save Yourself, It's Too Late For Me. Book goes in the garbage (donate bin).
★★ - This was Not Good. I would not recommend it, but it wasn't a total waste or wash--something in here held my interest/kept my attention/sparked some joy. I will not be rereading this ever. Save Yourself (Or Join Me In Suffering, That Seems Like A Cool Bonding Activity).
★★★ - This was Good/Fine/Okay/Meh. I don't care about this enough to recommend it one way or another. Perfectly serviceable book, held my interest, I probably enjoyed myself (or at least didn't actively loathe the reading). I don't have especially strong feelings. You probably don't need to save yourself from this one--if it sounds like your jam, give it a shot! Just didn't resonate with me particularly powerfully. I probably won't reread this unless I'm after something in particular.
★★★½ - I liked this! I'll probably recommend it if I know it matches someone's vibes or specific requests, but I didn't commit to a star rating on Goodreads. More likely to reread, but not guaranteed.
★★★★ - I really enjoyed this!! I would recommend it (sometimes with caveats about content warnings or such--I tend to like weird fucked up funny shit, and I don't have many hard readerly NO's). Not a perfect book for me by any means, but Very Good. This is something I would reread! Join me!!
★★★★★ - I LOVED THE SHIT OUT OF THIS, IT REWIRED MY BRAIN, WILL RECOMMEND TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE AT THE SLIGHTEST PROVOCATION (content warning caveats still apply--see 4-star disclaimer). Excellent book, I'll reread it regularly, I'll buy copies for all my friends, I'll try to convince all of Booklr to read it, PLEASE join me!!
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Most of dark dome is Laia having no good, very bad, godawful week
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wormmpile · 2 months
Sometimes I see someone say something about a piece of media as if it is revelatory mind blowing hot off the press news, and not the most basic obvious point of the work or the most basic obvious allusion, and it makes me roll my eyes a little because I'm like yeah yeah the time knife we've all seen it, and then I have to like physically step in and shake myself and be like actually Susan we have Not all seen the time knife, and anyway someone else is enjoying the wonders of media analysis as a hobby for maybe like. The first time in their life if they're young enough. Don't be a bozo just because you think you're smart. Nerd. Fuckass. If you were a high school english teacher you'd be pissing yourself in joy rn because someone connected the dots. That's so cool that they did that. And I go about my day because I'm normal
#i also do this with history stuff but somehow less... even though it's my actual academic field which i am trained in#i think bc i always felt out of my depth in my history program and the only reason i was ever any good at it#is because im innately just good at understanding media#like all my history work was secretly just an excuse for me to do literary and rhetorical analyses of very niche real world paraphernalia#if i got my grad degree in something completely fucking useless it would be either rhetoric or comparative literature#but sometimes people do say base historical facts that are just fundamentally incorrect and sometimes conspiratorial garbage#and it does make me want to die#anyway this is about someone in a youtube video arguing that flowers in the attic by vc andrews is a gothic horror novel#babe that's.... that is in fact the genre of that novel#0 note post#im aware it is an insanely cocky ridiculous thing to say that im innately good at understanding media but the thing is#im right#i dont have to study it the media just tells me things it whispers them in my ears sensually and i nod and take notes#i see the patterns constantly it's pretty scary#i told my friend recently about my secret plan to one day write a novel length thesis on why house of leaves and moby dick are the same#type novel and they were like saturn your brain is so big and well it is because tell me im wrong. you cant#the whale is literally a house#i think i could make it a whole thing about Haunting as a physical presence within the narrative and expand it beyond those 2 books if i was#ambitious enough. because good ghost stories and stories of the dead are all warped at their foundations#they were broken before they ever came to you by the weight of all the death inside them#this is my poetic justification for why moby dick is unnecessarily long btw. the chapter where ishmael lists white things actually was#necessary because well it's about grief. can't forgive the bad whale facts though#i mean for the time maybe but there is no justification for them they're just extremely funny
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I'll make a contract with you.
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Who would haunt a house and who would make the house become haunted in your opinion? (Any characters/fandom/you may include yourself)
You said any fandom, so I'll go through some fandoms for fun :)
FE Awakening:
@kimium and I have an ongoing gag that Severa, Inigo, and Owain as modern au mid-20 somethings rent a haunted apartment together BUT Owain never sees anything weird because (a) he's oblivious and (b) Libra, Naga, his parents, etc. have got him dosed up to the gills with anti-supernatural blessing protection because he seems like the kind of guy who would get into supernatural trouble if given the slightest chance, Severa refuses to thinks ghosts are real and so always finds the logical explanation, and Inigo with Henry as his dad has a haunted aura that repels other ghosts (even though he is scared desperately of them). So they don't notice that they're haunted at all. They think the weird red fluid dripping from the ceiling is a pipe. It sucks to have a bad credit score.
Chrom would move have Robin move in with him and eventually think the house is haunted but it's really Robin. Robin knows its them who is haunted and is embarrassed.
FE 3H:
Ferdinand would move into a haunted house because he thinks its history is very romantic and then not realize it's really haunted. It is perhaps haunted with the ghost of forgotten nobles who died in what he considers to be a very romantic fashion (but was probably not the truth.) (Twist: It's not haunted at all and he has a rat problem + someone has been breaking in)
Octopath 2:
Temenos would move into a haunted house on purpose because he thinks it holds the key to where his brother went.
Prompto moves into a haunted house because it's cheap and he's living on his own for the first time. Demons haunt it and every night is like Fatal Frame for him and his camera. (Fun fact: I almost wrote a fic like this once.)
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blujayonthewing · 11 months
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"Who are you and why are you in my house?" "... This is your house? This is your house? You're the witch??"
redrawing this completely self indulgent crossover meetcute doodle that I did literally before Felix's actual campaign even started
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suboxonestrips · 2 days
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runjumpkauf · 4 days
The Amazing Mystery Of Mildenhall Manor!
On The Next Again, Finally, It's Coming Soon On An Whole New Episode Of "The Amazing Digital Circus"!
I Always Wanted A Big Halloween Event. And In The Next Month, We'll Got One. Because Episode 3 Is Coming Octopus Force. I Mean, October 4th, And Caine Finally Bringing, Ghastly Ghosts.
I Had The Dream About This Episode Month Ago.
The Dream Ended At The Haunted House Part, So I Didn't See What The Inside Of Haunted House Was Like, But Haunted House Was Very Similar To What I Had Seen In My Dream.
I Remember College-Shaped Oldish Hotel Seen In Dream. But Official Thing Is Dormitory-Shaped Oldish Mansion.
Any Way, I Found 3.3 Another-Advanced-Adventurous-Advantages In This Ghostrailer!
I Remember Episode Title In My Dream Was "Martha's Maid Mayhem!". Or "Adventures In Ghosty-Sitting!" Or "Haunted House Halls!" Or "Phantom Praise Pandemonium!". But Now, Official Title Is Selected By Glitchworx Productions. It's "The Mystery Of Mildenhall Manor!" Well, It's Right That It Rhymed With The Letter M. M's Stand For Mind! And C's Stand For Crazy Or Candy.
Of Course, The Fact That There Are Many Goofy Characters Cannot Be Ignored. There's Martha Mildenhall And Her Small Ghost. Who In Main NPC Of The Adventure. They Lives In The Haunted House, And That Haunted House Is Ghost's Place, And Monsterous Things I Think. Because Pomni Meets A Monster. (0:16)
Also, In This Ghostrailer, Jax Has A Very, Very Evil Expression On His Face As He Holds Up A Scrap-Metalical Vacuum Cleaner, With Finally, Kinger's ShotGun Affeared! Vacuum Cleaner...So It Means, There Will Be A Parody With Tragedy Of "Luigi's Mansion" Included?
And Speaking Of "Luigi's Mansion", "Luigi's Mansion 2 High Definition(HD)" Comes To Disengaged Mind. I'm Not Very Famillion With "Razzle-Dazzle-Puzzles-&-Battles", So I Took Over Of 3 Months Playing On This, For Real.
3.1. The Mystery Of Mildenhall Manor......Manor? As Expected, I Was Correct. Someone Owns This Mansion, And I Believe Owner Is Martha. And Mansion Is Make Some Manner!
3.2. Also Again, There's A Scene Where Zooble Is Havin' A Conversation With Caine Somewhere. Zooble Understands This As Theraphy, But Given The Circustances, It Seems Like Caine Is Interrogating Zooble For Deciding To Remain In The Circus. And It Makes The Amazing Digital Zooblore.
3.3. Eh, In This Trailer, Le 4:3 Aspectio And Slightly Outdated Quality Co-Exist, Which Definitely Doesn't Fit That Needlessly Convincing "Theory".
Unlike The Trailer For Episode 2, This One Has A Lot Of Hintness Parts, So I Thought-A-Lots About It For A While Before Writing This Post. So, If It Doesn't Look Like "Another-Advanced-Adventurous-Advantages". I Forgive Myself.
Gooseworx Said That We Are Lookin' Forward To See-In' Jax In A Maid Dress In Episode 3. So Storyline Will Be Exciting As A Mission.
See You Next Month, Again!
P.S. https://www.glitchprod.com/thewackywatch
P.S. I'm Don't Like Horrorous Things. But Gooseworx Said It's Just Not As Dark As People Seem To Think It Will Be.
(Not A PlayStation 2)
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