#and then Cassie got obsessed with the main girl. like really obsessed
rainedroptalks · 7 months
Saw the word “nightshade” somewhere and was hit with the memory of a ghost book I read as a kid so hard I took psychic damage
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2manythoughtz · 9 months
Reasons Why Nate Is The Most Misunderstood Character Of Euphoria
Nate is probably the most misunderstood character of all the series, people both adore and hate him, but why is that?
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When you think of Euphoria the first characters that come to mind are Rue, Jules, Maddy and Cassie. While they’re all very well-defined characters, I think we can all agree that Euphoria is great at leaving a cloud of mystery around these people. So, while you take in their backstories and see what they’re up to, you might question their actions and their reasoning since they don’t exactly show you everything you want to know.
While plot holes and mischaracterization aren’t new to fans, what seem like small mistakes when talking about the main characters can later become big trouble for other secondary characters like Nate.
To refresh your mind, Nate is the youngest son of a very important and wealthy family, his great looks and athleticism made him one of the most popular kids in school. He’s the usual asshole jock you can find in any kind of movie, only in Euphoria you can see so many different shades of him that you end up confused and you don’t know what type of person he is.
Why is he so misunderstood in the series?
As I said earlier, he is your typical jock. He’s a douche who plays football, gets the girl, throws wild parties and is overall a pretty bad person. That is until we see his backstory and realize that something is wrong.
1. Sexuality
I’m gonna stop on this point for a while because I feel like no one ever cared/understood what was going on. Ever since we got our first look at Nate’s backstory, during episode 2 of season 1 “Stuntin like my daddy”, I think people have entirely misunderstood his character based on his sexuality.
As we get to see, his psyche is very dark and twisted because of his father’s influence from a very young age, though it was indirect it didn’t stop him from getting this obsession with sex. We can see this through his whole relationship with Maddy which is very sexual and almost obsessive, which to me feels like kind of an anchor to his heterosexuality. But that doesn’t mean that he is homosexual, differently from what everyone in the series seems to think as soon as they find out that he has dick pics on his phone.
So what is he? Truth is, it doesn’t really matter? I don’t think people should concentrate on the right label as the show is good at portraying the fact that sexuality is fluid. If you think about Rue, everyone was so quick to accept her and her relationship just because she’s the protagonist, Jules also gets acclaimed for her initial confusion but Nate gets immediately ridiculed and seen as this weird boy.
Another thing that I see a lot of people talking about is his obsession with Jules in the first season, which to me doesn’t sound like a romantic interest at all and it just goes so far as for the sexual part. They’ve only shared nudes and Nate was no stranger to receiving nudes from other people, both men and women apparently, so there was never something special between them. Yes, they texted a lot and he seemed genuine in getting to know her, but let’s all remember that it all started because Nate knew Jules had hooked up with his father and wanted to protect his family’s name.
I really like how in the first season no one really talks about his preferences that much because we’re all focused on his toxic side after he attacked Maddy.
The second season was a hot mess, that is no secret. I’m not surprised he went for Cassie, if you think about it really hard it makes sense. She is everything he liked and everything Maddy wasn’t. At least at first, in the end, we’re left with a lot of questions after the school play which makes fun of Nate being gay for no apparent reason. We’re left with this curiosity, is Nate really gay and hiding his preferences because that’s what he’s been taught? Or is he simply confused and still trying to understand himself?
2. Trauma
As much as everyone hates Nate’s ways, we must remember that everything happens for a reason. In his case, Nate’s father is the real reason behind his behavior. This is in no way a reason to excuse what he did in the series nor justify him, just trying to understand the reasoning behind his character.
Euphoria has done an incredible job of showing the different traumas that affected most of the main characters, it’s amazing to see how their childhoods impacted their teenage years regardless of how serious you think their problems might be. In this sense, Nate’s childhood is very well described.
Not only he had an emotionally absent father, but he’s only seen his dad being obsessed with having the perfect family while hiding away every flaw they might have. Nate is born with this unexplained anger inside of him that we later find out is passed down by his father, that alone makes it hard for him to grow up without anyone ever noticing it.
The rest of his family is messed up as well, but the father is the real reason for how he behaves. Nate finds out about his father’s sexuality through the recordings of his random hookups with gay men and trans women, this significantly impacts little Nate’s mentality.
Not only does he learn that his father is cheating on his mother, but he also tries to hide his preferences meaning that they’re wrong. Of course, we know that that is not the case, but everything is very well explained in season 2 when we see Cal Jacobs in his teen years having difficulties with his sexuality as well, but that’s another topic to look into.
Nate’s constant obsessive behavior is just a replica of his father’s desperate tentative to have a perfect family while hiding himself. One of the main reasons why I don’t think Nate is necessarily gay is that he is never shown to have a genuine interest in men romantically speaking, just trying to fill his father’s shoes.
3. Toxic Relationships
As I said before, he is in a very toxic relationship with Maddy in season 1 and in yet another toxic relationship with Cassie in season 2. That definitely goes to define his view of love and relationships, not only that but his only example of a regular couple is his parents who barely talk to each other.
Maddy can be labeled as his first love, he goes as far as saying that he would kill for her. But it is also shown that they argue a lot and have many differences that cause them to yell at each other and become physical and that only goes to reinforce his idea that with love comes anger and it’s ok as long as it’s not out there for everybody to see.
That is shown when Nate reacts violently to Maddy insulting him in front of his family and everybody standing there. But when faced with the question about his sexuality he breaks down because he doesn’t know what acceptance is, he feels like he has failed.
With Cassie everything seems to be perfect, she’s gentle and delicate and he thinks she would be perfect to be his future wife. But as their relationship develops, we can see that he quickly regrets his decision once he sees just how broken she is. She’s perfect on the outside but she may be worse than Maddy on the inside and I believe that will definitely shape his view of relationships in the future and he’ll think twice before getting with anyone.
This can also be proved by the fact that even if he and Maddy broke up, they kept meeting up and acting like a couple, even when he was with Cassie. To me, this shows that he’s not comfortable getting with new people and would rather stay with the old toxic ones.
As I said earlier, Nate seemed genuine in talking to Jules even if he wasn’t honest with her. When she finds out that the boy she has fallen for is none other than the school’s jock she is disappointed and scared which is understandable from our point of view, but I think that left Nate bittersweet. He knew he was blackmailing her but from his point of view as long as she kept quiet he wasn’t going to do anything to her, what might’ve developed into a friendship became a hate relationship.
Going into seasons 1 and 2, Nate never tries to hurt Jules again and seems kind of melancholic that they’re not talking anymore. That might be just another way for him to see that he is not fit for friendships with the other sex and keep his view of women as these objects for his pleasure and status.
4. Self-esteem issues
Throughout the series, we can see that Nate is not this big confident jock as everyone think he is. In fact, he is very self-conscious about himself in every way. We can get a first glimpse of this in the second episode of season 1.
Nate has been working out ever since he was a child to get the perfect body, he is ashamed of his insecurities and tends to hide from others. He doesn’t like changing with his teammates in the locker room, he doesn’t feel comfortable having people around him and he needs to be in control of the situation and also everyone close to him.
His sexuality of course is his number one insecurity, he doesn’t know how to hide it so he tries his best to focus on finding the perfect girl. As I anticipated before, his relationship with Maddy feels like an excuse to feel and show his heterosexuality even though we know he isn’t. As soon as that facade is over he doesn’t seem to care about anything, not Maddy, not Cassie and definitely not Jules.
His aggression, his jealousy and his need to protect those he cares about all come from the fact that he is insecure, he fears they will leave him and he’ll lose the only people he actually accepts. At the end of the day, he is still a teenager and feels just like most teenagers which is something I feel like most people completely forget and see him just as this grown asshole that only cares about himself.
In conclusion, while Nate is probably the most hated character in the series, he is so complex and has a lot of potential, it’s a shame that it was wasted in the end. There is so much more to say about him that I think was completely missed throughout the second season. There is so much people want to know about Nate’s future, is he going to hide all his life and play pretend like his father? Or will he break the cycle and finally be himself?
What do you think? Feel free to join the discussion with your personal thoughts! Do you agree? Do you disagree? Let me know!
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clambuoyance · 2 years
ngl I know nothing ab your DC blorbos except they're gay and cool or something Idk I just think they're neat... I'd ask what comics I could read ab them being super blorbo-y but Idk...
OKAY so there’s a lot of characters in dc but the ones I draw/talk about the most are these group of friends!! They feature in Young Justice 1998, Teen Titans 2003, and Young Justice 2019, as well as having their own comics and other appearances :)
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each comic run has different vibes but my personal favorite is yj1998 bc I like its wacky and zany vibes. It was not my first comic though, and it’s a little older so it might be hard to understand or read if it’s your first time reading comics like this, and again it is old soooo some stuff does Not age well such as certain jokes or depictions and it is of course not all perfect but overall I love it and think it has a lot of heart
I think i have a lot of fun with it bc it feels so…animated? And it has funny slapstick humor. Honestly I probably like it bc it makes me laugh the same way ninjago makes me laugh…a group of 4+ friends that have cute dynamics with each other and just Being Silly Together. I really don’t know how to explain it but between all three runs, I can see yj1998 in my head the most as a wacky animated show with exaggerated bouncy animation idk so that’s part of the fun for me. I think the moment I realized this was going to be a long term emotional investment was When I read the issue where they randomly end up on a planet and have to play baseball bc I am a SUCKERRR for baseball shenanigans
But yeah the group starts out with Bart, Tim, and Kon in JLA: A world without Grownups, and they just have a good trio dynamic 🙏 the banter between all three is so good 🤩and I liked seeing their friendship develop throughout yj1998 too! Especially for Tim, with his hesitancy at the beginning.They weren’t without conflict ofc but that adds to why I like them bc eventually they became besties for life. They are also quickly joined by others but the main one that stays w the group through all three runs is Cassie Sandsmark , aka Wonder Girl ii.
But yeah I guess some things I like are the way they actually Hang out? like they will do camping trips or go to the mall and games together etc etc, but there will be parts that feel more serious while never losing that humorous tint to it. For some examples, I love how Tim tries to be a leader in the beginning, but then one arc shows just how much Cassie is more fitting for it, and how they bond over Leader things like how hard it is to tell Bart what to do and then will share a really nice hug 🥺, and I love Cassie and Cissie’s relationship a LOT because they sometimes misunderstand each other but clearly care for each other (they aren’t canon but in my heart they are.) I also like Tim and kon’s build towards understanding and friendship for a similar reason, and cissie and Anita also have a nice development with each other, but yeah all the dynamics are just fun to think about tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am pointing at them eagerly and going “wow! Friendship!!”
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And as for the guy I never shut up about…well that’s a whole thing I could ramble about but i became obsessed with him the moment he quoted Peter Pan while lamenting about how he was afraid his friends would leave him behind after several issues of him acting like Hot Shit and erm I’m predictable so it got to me 🙄 also he makes dumb jokes every second like he expects someone to laugh at them like he’s so dumb sometimes….anyways I do not want to ramble too much so I will get on with it
I was only familiar with his black tshirt look before, so when I first saw this goofy looking dumbass with a leather jacket and glasses and an earring I WAS LIKE “THATS SUPERBOY? THATS REAL?” and quickly became interested in the notion of a Superman associated hero wearing something like this bc I don’t think my brain ever considered the possibility before….also it is something I cannot explain some panels just activate my cuteness aggression 😔 I just think he’s really cute 🫶🫶🫶
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
i was gonna put this in your replies but it got kind of long so I'll make it an Official Ask... you joked abt magisterium being practice for cassie writing twp so genuine question if aaron DOES die do you think it forebodes something in twp or says something about where the series is going. or are there just some similar vibes. and in general do you have any fear of ur friends dru ty kit livvy actually dying in the series... I don't know how brutal cassie is I don't remember anyone dying in tmi but of course I know of the Agonies secondhand. anyway. this is kind of a huge bummer sorry but I'm genuinely curious. also re: livvy I've never thought to ask but how real is her haunting. like is she a legit ghost. if that's the case how do u think her storyline should end... can they bring her back? didn't kit and ty do some really fucked up shit trying to bring her back. or was that for someone else. well I think they should try again for her like real friends... also does she or dru have an involvement in the sherlock stuff or is it just kit and ty's weird little thing. that was a lot of questions what can I say I have an inquisitive nature... alright bye love u
on the twp front, no i think aaron dying was just her practice for livvy ie died and some freak brought them back wrong... the magesterium trio isn't actually very comparable to the wicked powers trio or even the ty livvy kit trio, so i think we've already seen the worst of cassie's plans in regards to like. necromancy. definitely twp is going to majorly revolve around livvy as a ghost being like, put to rest i guess. there's no way she's coming back unfortch that girl is a martyr </3 i don't think she'd ever kill a main tsc character so ty kit and dru are safe from her doing the whole "subversion of expectations" thing they ere going for with magisterium. livvy of course has never truly bee a main main character so. she was not safe.... and she still isn't. it's hard to truly consider her "dead" where the series is because well she's still very much there. we can see her. she has narration she's around yk, but also. you know she's a ghost. yeah she is a legit ghost! they tried to bring her back but ty is a FAIL necromancer and they never even had her body so she only came back as a ghost that no one but them can see.... it's crazytown seriously... yeah they ripped a hole in the fabric between worlds but it's chill right now so i guess we're not worried. @ cassandra. girl when's that gonna be relevant again...
also no the girls do not have an involvement in the sherlock holmes thing because if they did it would be normal. but they're just not normal and never will be.... also imagine your twin brother is obsessed with sherlock holmes and he really really badly wants to have a little watson-esque sidekick but he never asks you. i'd be so pissed livvy girl you kept incredible grace under pressure with that one. he nicknamed his computer watson but didn't include her. dude. i mean i can't imagine she'd really want to be involved in his weird ass detective roleplay that badly but still. she was out there begging him to be her parabatai and he was like i can't i have to go to shadowhunter detective school. and then kit came along and he was like hey do you want to be my sidekick/partner in crime? i would have killed him are you kidding.
anyway. love you tee <3 love your inquisitive nature :)
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Ok, so, Cassie is my new obsession, right? I need to know everything about her, especially with Chérie. I know you said she was reserved about her past, she was bitter about love, she spoiled, sheltered and expected so much from Chérie. But how were their mother-daughter moments like? What did Cassie like to do with Chérie? Was she a fashion girl as well and liked to dress Chérie up? Was she a proud mommy who beamed whenever Chérie did something right? Could we get an HC of them having one of those moments? ❤️
So one of the main themes of Enamored is actually the second generation getting it right and not making the same mistakes the first generation did❤
And it was the same with Cassie, I feel like she had a really bad relationship with her own parents so she made sure Cherie never ever went through that❤ She was very supportive of her, and while she did make mistakes and sheltered her and spoiled her, she still gave her more freedom than she got when she was her age, or any other lady in that time period got❤
There is a reason why Cherie has a lot of opinions on...well, pretty much everything😁 She was never really discouraged from sharing her opinions and she was given an education in whatever her interests were, even with things that were seen as "not for ladies" such as politics 😂 That's why Anthony was very surprised when she started firing opinion after opinion on French and English politics and the war and treaties😂
While she was growing up, she was never put in a position where she felt like she couldn't talk about her opinions, and Cassie never let anyone else tell her otherwise ❤ So the fact that she's extremely comfortable with letting people know what she thinks and feels? She has Cassie to thank for that❤
And about fashion, I think Cherie was basically Cassie's doll, that's why she enjoys dressing people up because Cassie had so much fun with it❤ She had a wardrobe change every season I think😂
Overall, I think Cassie was so proud of her and she loved her so much❤ And I think since Cassie didn't really hear that from her own parents, she made sure Cherie knew exactly how much she loved her and how proud she was of her, so I think when she was little, Cherie probably ran to her and went like,
"Yes my dearest?"
"I finished the book you told me to finish!"
"This fast?"
"Hmm, are you sure you didn't skip any pages?"
"No I promise! I even- look, I even took notes! And they're in English, look!"
"Oh my little genius, that's amazing!"
"Um, am I?"
"Am I a genius?"
"You absolutely are. Now let's get you some strawberry cake, shall we? And you can tell me all about your notes."
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
So I saw somewhere a post that talked about how some fictional characters just have a divorce vibe going on, like, at no point in time were they ever married but they just give off that feeling that they got divorced
And now I can only think of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor having that vibe
And I spent close to an hour talking about this to my sibling and how it would be a good idea for a new DC show like, you can make so much money off of just the main Batfam alone and there are literally so many people in there that it’s just an amazing idea to have them all in a show together but kind of like a Good Luck Charlie kinda thing because there’s more than enough angst in the world
But in the case of not having enough of a budget for so many characters in one show I turned to the Superfam (Batfam is Huge like, I don’t even know half of the extended family version and that’s like at least ten characters so I could see why it wouldn’t be entirely feasible to have a show that included everyone while still being good with nice character development without having a billion dollars for the budget)
The Superfam, in my personal experience, is composed of Ma & Pa Kent (farm vibes plus I refuse to have either of them die in my AU), Clark Kent (main Superman), Lois Lane (Lana? was Smallville Lois i guess??? But idk enough about her so she’s not here), Jon Kent (Superboi II), Kara Danvers (Supergirl) & Conner Kent (Superboi I)
Now I’ve stopped watching CW shows like, forever ago??? But my brother kinda keeps up with them and basically the gist is that the ratings of every other show suck Except for the Superman & Lois show (because it’s 💫new💫) and I saw the cover of the poster like “Ah, the werewolf dude. . . mmmhhmmm that’s Lois yes, yes that’s Johnny boi, and um is that???? Nooooo, they wouldn’t do that to Conner right???? Please tell me they didn’t make Conner blonde” and I was informed that the blonde teen is Chris???? Like
Whoms’t do ye speak of
I’m not even joking but the only way I even know of Chris is from a random fanfic I read where Dick Grayson gets his own super from an alternate reality named Chris, that’s my only point of reference for this character
But let’s talk about how Conner Kent (OG Superboi) was excluded
Now I haven’t seen any episodes of this and I probably never will (no hate I’m just really unmotivated to start new shows at all) so idk if they might mention Conner or even allude to him in one scene or something
But this was my main motivator as to my new Superfam TV Show Idea
Have Lex Luthor not be a Superman villain, he’s mainly a successful businessman, a little shady but who isn’t, and he doesn’t want to Kill Superman, he just wants to be able to have some sort of viable protection against a Kryptonian in case of an invasion (see Man of Steel + CW’s Supergirl) or suddenly having a mind controlled Superman on their hands (see Justice League series or just look up what Red Krytonite does) so he makes it like his side thing to figure out ways to neutralize or hold back a Kryptonian, Clark totally thinks that Lex is obsessed with finding a way to kill Superman because they had a bad end to their friendship in high school so he’s always suspicious of Lex, Lex hasn’t really ever tried to kill him though because 1. It’s not that deep Clark ok? And 2. He’s a busy busy man with a very important job position and a company to run so does he look like he has time to harbor an obsession over someone who rejected him back in high school??? You’re more of a constant side quest Clark, so stop trying to put him on the JL watchlist ( btw ik about Lena Luthor, haven’t forgotten her but she doesn’t really play a part in this AU so let’s just have her and Kara off to the side doing their own thing ok? Ok)
Lex, Bruce & Oliver all knew each other when they were kids and went to the same school, this is just an extra detail I wanted to happen because Lex and Ollie definitely know Bruce is Batman and absolutely HATE having to deal with Brucie Wayne because “I know you’re just doing this to irritate me Bruce, you just want to see if you can make a vein throb in my forehead but I will valiantly ignore your dumbassery because I know you hate being Brucie just as much as we hate having to put up with Brucie so suck on that you petty bitch” because they bonded in ye olden days, childhood friends so to speak
Anyway so Cadmus tries to get Lex to make an investment in their company, seeing as Cadmus is shadier than Gotham when it rains Lex is basically like ‘no ❤️’ and doesn’t make a deal with them, Cadmus gets mad at not having Lexcorp financially backing them so Lex has an ‘accident’ and they steal his DNA, then they steal Superman’s DNA somehow and *boom* a Superboi is formed
Because I don’t know much about how the Core Four became friends in the first place (Robin Tim Drake, Impulse Bart Allen, Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark & Superboy Conner Kent) I’m just gonna go with what happens in the show Young Justice except it’s the Core Four becoming the Core Four when they liberated Conner (who at this point believes himself to be a clone of Superman and has only been given Superboy as a name) from Cadmus, same shit goes down meaning that Clark is just straight up NOT vibing with Conner, Conner just wants a mentor please, and the Bats kinda give Clark a passive aggressive treatment for not taking Superboy under his wing or at least agreeing to teach him how to control his powers, especially Tim because that’s his Bestie so yes
Anyway, YJ saves ppl and is on the news or whatever and Lex finds out about Superboy’s existence that way, so he researches this new super on his free time, finds out that he came from Cadmus and claims to be a clone of Superman, yet doesn’t have the whole power set Superman has??? Wait, didn’t Lex reject Cadmus’ proposal and the got into a mysterious accident??? Long story short Lex goes connecting the dots, hacks into Cadmus’ files, finds out he technically has a son with Superman and decides to take Superboy under his wing (I’ll go more in depth as to why Lex would want to do this in this AU later but the abridged version would be that he wants a kid but doesn’t have the time nor interest in finding a wife??? Also the radiation that made him bald as a kid also affected his reproductive system so while it’s not impossible for him to conceive kids he would have a very hard time actually getting to father a kid)
Him and Conner, who still goes by Superboy at this point in time, meet up and Conner finds out that here is a parent figure that is both available and actively wants to be a part of his life, so he agrees to get to know Lex and the series would focus on them becoming a family, with a special episode when Conner asks Lex for help in choosing a name for himself and it ends up with him agreeing to become Conner Luthor, it would be heartwarming and Mercy would make sure it happens within a day (Mercy is Lex’s bodyguard/PA but they’re also besties and she becomes the Responsible yet Chaotic Aunt as Lex and Conner’s father-son relationship progresses)
Obviously Clark becomes super suspicious of Lex getting close to his ‘clone’ and when Conner decides to go public as Lex’s son he’s like *GASP* and calls up Bruce because we need to get on this Bruce, Lex is a villain and blah blah blah but Bruce would be over Clark’s shit and hit him with that “actually, Lex was also an unwilling genetic donor to Superboy, who actually is not your clone either, and has agreed to take him in, I’ve been on this shit since they first met and the kid is doing just fine so if you keep poking your nose in their business then that’s your problem but you better be ready to pay child support bitch . . . have a good day ❤️”
The series would just focus on Conner getting to have a good parent figure in Lex and go more into their civilian lives rather than focusing on the superhero thing, Conner, Bart, Tim & Cassie have a sleepover at Lex’s house at one point, Lex totally Knows what’s up but it’s all good because these are his baby’s friends and they’re good people who are more than willing to prank Superman for rejecting his kid and giving his baby self worth issues (Mercy supports them)
Anyway, that’s basically the idea for a new Superhero Show
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side character deaths in buffy
I've been thinking a lot recently about death in buffy, mainly inspired by Help and everything that has to say to us about avoiding, accepting and understanding death
obviously the main characters' deaths are heartbreaking, because they're written to be heartbreaking and break our relationships with characters we love and know well. buffy (twice), angel, spike, joyce, tara, anya, and all the many alternate universe and dream vision deaths that kill the main characters rip my heart out of my chest for obvious reasons. but today I've been thinking more about the deaths of people we didn't know that well and whose deaths we watch without knowing them well. so I'm gonna talk about some of those cause it's my blog and you can't stop me.
(for the purposes of this post I'm counting main characters as anyone who was in the credits, with the addition of joyce because come on)
Deputy Mayor Allan Finch/Warren in Bad Girls and Villains
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These two deaths both make you gasp for the same reason - they're sudden, physically icky (warren has the edge here with the flaying but the dark blood and death rattle for allan is also horrible to watch) and while we don't have a lot of positive feelings for the victim, we gasp because of what it means for the murderers and how we suddenly realised this season is going to get darker than we thought. faith and willow both spend the rest of their time on the show dealing with the consequences of these deaths and the audience knows in the moment they happen what it has to mean for the main characters. we want to save faith and willow from the consequences of having done this. just like faith, we're confused in the dark when a figure comes towards the slayers and we don't realise what's happening immediately, and with willow we've been watching her friends approach through the forest the whole time she's giving her evil speech thinking they have to be in time to stop her because no way would the writers let willow torture a man to death on screen. If warren or the deputy mayor had died because of a demon or accident we probably wouldn't have noticed (in the deputy mayor's case) or we'd have actively applauded (I rly wanted to watch warren die).
Jesse in The Harvest
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I'm guilty of forgetting about Jesse (and so is the buffy writers room when they fail to mention him for seven years) but killing off a character who looked all set to become a scooby in the pilot and then making his best friend dust him as a vampire was both shocking and showed us a lot of the issues the show would go on to consider in miniature, right at the start. we've had campy vampires running around and wisecracking, we've had vampires being cool and edgy, the master being a total ham, but then we suddenly have to watch xander grapple with the idea that vampires are more than strangers in graveyards, they're the people you knew with yellow eyes and no soul, they can talk to you with all their childhood memories of you intact. season one might do a lot of floppy cardboard monsters but Jesse's death tells us they fully intend to Go There with the horrifying psychological implications of what vampires can do to you.
Jenny Calendar and Kendra Young in Passion and Becoming
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I think of these deaths together because they were both characters that we half-knew and thought we'd get to know more. they were both characters who we felt could have gone on to be in the credits, have their own plots, and had a lot left to explore on the show. having two slayers in town could have been interesting (and would go on to be interesting in season three) and as well as her love story with Giles, we'd just had the veil pulled back about Jenny's heritage and reason for coming to Sunnydale - so both of these deaths were in the horrible sweet spot of having got to know the characters more than someone like Jesse, but not feeling 'done' with them yet. they were both killed by vampires who didn't even feed on them, by neck injuries that weren't bites by 'big bad' vampires who were really after someone else. after their deaths they both set more in motion and had long thematic afterlives - we think about Kendra when faith is called, and when we meet the potentials, and Jenny gives us the soul curse and gets willow started casting spells. Kendra definitely deserved more remembering than she got, and in a world where Joss Whedon had more time for Black characters I like to think we'd have got more of her and Mr Pointy.
the normal teens buffy couldn't save
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before I started writing this post, I knew this was where we were going to end up.
(Jonathan maybe doesn't totally count here but I did because his final lines made me so sad)
characters who chose to join a battle between good and evil and died as part of that fight break my heart, but at least with Jenny and Kendra they knew at least partly what they were signing up for. Larry and Harmony we knew enough to have compassion for, and even when they were mean they were mean in regular school kid ways rather than big bad evil ways. I went to school with all of these people and probably so did everyone else.
Larry and Harmony died on graduation day when they were meant to be becoming adults under posters that said 'the future is ours' - Larry was newly out as gay and Harmony was about to get out from under the popular girls and maybe become a person who could stand on her own two feet, and Buffy could have helped them if there'd been less murder and death going on everywhere around them. harmony as a screaming blonde teen was exactly the type of victim buffy saves ten times an episode in alleys outside the bronze. Jonathan had more of an arc but at the end, back in high school after making an optimistic, bittersweet speech about coming to terms with high school and being optimistic about the rest of his life, leaving behind Andrew and Warren's bitter obsessive revenge of the nerds fantasies.
and Cassie, my heartbreaking queen, the one that gets me more than anyone that I wrote about a lot yesterday, knew what was coming and that no one could save her, and all the things she listed that she knew she'd miss were teenage coming of age things. she wanted to go backpacking, attend college, go to a dance with a boy, and fall in love one day. the whole of Help, she's considering the rites of passage she won't get to do, and in her therapy sessions Buffy tries to inspire her to want to go to college or join the french foreign legion. for buffy, saving Cassie means giving her a future. we haven't met the potentials or heard the word potential yet in Help but this episode is all about potential, and Buffy's attempts to save a life meaning safeguarding someone's potential and right to grow up.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
DC Kink Meme Prompts List
Since the kink meme is getting a lot of attention and growing daily, I thought I’d post a convenient place where I can keep track of the prompts that I’d like to see filled again. I figure you’re all here because we share similar interests and this way, if you’re a writer with looking for a prompt, you don’t have to scroll through the almost 400 prompts that are currently posted. 
So here we go. Beware, this is a kink meme. These are nsfw and some may be triggering. 
JayDick Watersports -  Filled HERE
sub!Jason & Dom!Dick are in a consensual D/s relationship that has a heavy Master/slave dynamic (whether 24/7 or primarily during sex is up to you!). They're on a stakeout one night, and it's really cold, and, aw, fuck, Dick needs to piss, but he doesn't want his dick to freeze. Good thing he's got his bitch there with him, right? Dick pissing in Jay's ass preferred just to show the level of not caring about Jay's comfort [it's still cold!], but totally not gonna complain about piss drinking, either, if Dick's feeling a little more charitable. Is Jay surprised because it's the first time Dick has done this? Is this a normal, expected duty that he performs regularly? That's up to you!
Tim/Jason A/B/O - Filled
In an A/B/O world where omegas are in charge and alphas are treated like animals, or kept as pets, CEO Tim decides to treat himself to a new toy and buys Jason. Feel free to go as wild as you like with the kinks, I'm pretty unsquickable
Tim/Jason Stalker!Tim - Filled on the Meme by anon and HERE (by me)
Older Tim, younger Jason, where Tim's stalking gets a little obsessive once Jason takes over as Robin, and he starts stalking Jason out of costume as well as at night. A little judicious hacking later and he's able to keep an eye on Jason's internet activity too. Once he finds Jason looking at gay porn he knows he's got an in. And he starts blackmailing Jason, online at first, but escalating every time he gets Jason to go a little further, until he gets him to submit in person.
Slade/Dick/Jason - Filled amazingly HERE
Dick's been with Slade for a while, and now that he's stopped fighting and given into his training, Slade thinks he deserves a reward. Every good boy deserves a puppy, and Batman's new Robin looks like he could fit the role perfectly.
Jason Todd - Object Insertion - Filled on the meme (art)
Honestly, that's all I've got for you. I just want someone making Jason take things up his ass that have no business being there. Consensual or not are both fine! Any ship, though definitely a strong preference for Roy, Slade, Tim, Kyle, Dick, Roman or Ra's. Preferably not underage, but I'm not entirely opposed.
Ra's/Jason - Filled HERE
Ra's test drives an undunked Jason. The boy must be useful for something, after all, and he looks so pretty in chains. ABO welcome. 
Prompt- Pegging (Jason) - Filled HERE
Jason gets pegged by one (or more ;)) of the lovely ladies of the DC universe. And enjoys it thoroughly Pairing is dealer's choice. <3
Bruce takes in Jason off the streets, but more for use as a personal whore than to be Robin. Bonuses for Bruce still adopting Jason and getting off on fucking his son. EXTRA bonus points for Alfred's unfazed acceptance/support of it and perhaps even his participation.
Jason Todd Intercrural Sex - Filled on meme
This man deserves more thigh fucking and so do we! All ships welcome!
No Title - Bruce/Jason, Dick finds out Bruce has been sexually abusing Jason
One of the other prompts made me realize that while there are a lot of fics where Jason discovers Bruce has been abusing Dick, there are none the other way around and suddenly I have a craving. So I would like for Dick to find out (maybe right after Jason returns, Dick catches them and overhears Bruce say something to indicate it used to happen regularly) that Bruce had been sexually abusing Jason since the moment he found him and try to save him. And like, because of his background as a child prostitute, Jason kind of thinks it's normal or that it's the only way he could earn love? Maybe Bruce implies that Jason is useless otherwise and he'd end up back on the streets if he's not useful. Maybe Bruce is even happy to point out that the reason he never even considered touching the others is because they were too good for it, pure and wholesome, while Jason was ruined goods.
Dick/Jason fuck-or-die bottom!Jay 
I would absolutely kill to see a fic where Dick is forced to fuck Jason (for whatever reason but preferably not due to sex pollen/aphrodisiacs/drugs - I would prefer if they were both in their right minds please) Preferably they wouldn't be in a relationship or have secret feelings for each other and this would be mutual noncon/rape with a focus on how horrified they are that they're having to do this to each other. I would really, really like if it was bottom!Jason for this, but that there is acknowledgement that Dick is being raped here too!
Skeezy Ric Grayson
One specific fic I read has completely coloured my perception of Ric, and now I'm just desperate to see him being a total creep. Perving on his siblings and former friends. Would love to see him not take no for an answer, especially with someone who doesn't want to fight back because "it's still Dick in there somewhere, I can't hurt him" or something like that. Preference for Wally (HiC who?) or Jason, but Tim, Roy, Babs or Donna would be okay, too! A/B/O with Alpha!Ric would be a bonus but isn't necessary.
Cassie/Rose bondage spanking and D/s, semi-dubious consent
Cassie has had enough of Rose mouthing off and causing trouble, so she ties her up with her lasso and lectures her. Rose mockingly asks her if she’s going to spank her for being a bad girl, and much to her surprise, Cassie does. They both enjoy it much more than expected
Nyssa/Talia, set post-Death and the Maidens, Talia restrained while Nyssa gets her off, begging to be allowed to reciprocate. Bonus points for twisty fucked up Nyssa POV with all kinds of big global megalomaniacal justifications for what she's doing and how important it is to the greater good. (Reposted from old DC kinkmeme)
Jason Todd/Dick Grayson/Roy Harper/Koriand’r
Kori loves watching her subs play with each other and rewards them well for good behavior
JayTim hatesex
Jason and Tim having incestuous-sibling-rivalry-hate-sex against the memorial
Any Bats/???, Alfred has to clean up
Poor Alfred often gets stuck cleaning up the mess when any of the family bring partners over. The crackier the circumstances the better!
Slade/Jason identity porn
Slade and Jason fuck while in costume as and pretending to be Batman and Nightwing respectively
Kyle Rayner/any
Kyle winds up working as a stripper somehow. Some other heroes find out and pay him a visit
Batfam/Jason; non con or resigned-to-his-fate cumdumpster!Jason
Could also be Earth-3 Owlfam/Jason. A/B/O welcome but it doesn't have to be. Would appreciate any one or combination of the following: dehumanization/objectification, humiliation, public sex, breeding kink, restraints, fucking machines, cum enemas, lots of cum in general, size kink... I just want something unapologetically filthy. I'm pretty much good with everything but scat.
Dick/Tim non/dub-con, universe hopping
Dark Dick from a dark universe ends up in the main universe, where he is delighted to find a brand new Timmy to play with, who unconditionally trusts his brother and doesn't know he's been replaced. Cue Dick slowly luring him in so he can have his fun. Tim doesn't realize until it's too late, or doesn't realize at all and has no idea how his beloved older brother could do this to him. Main universe has fully platonic, familial relationships within in the batfam. Feel free to imply/state anything you like about the dark universe. Grooming/slowly warming Tim up to more and more touches, crying, overstimulation, bondage, or any combination thereof are all bonuses
Young Justice S3 Dick/Jason omegaverse
Alpha!Dick Grayson is stuck on a mission and somehow has to help the mysterious Red-Hooded omega through his heat. But they have to stay quiet in order to not wake the pup Damian sleeping right next to them. Preferably there's an identity reveal in there where Dick finds out the omega is Jason Todd under the mask.
Addict!Roy Harper Noncon
Noncon (or possibly dubcon, if the manipulation is clear enough to readers) with Snowbirds Don't Fly era!Roy Harper as the victim. Could be an OC, another Titan, a Leaguer, a canon villain... Dealer's choice! Looking for something that really focuses on how he's being taken advantage of, rather than just "can't technically consent because he's high, but is totally into it."
Woder Woman/Batman, Rough Sex
Bruce loves it when Diana is rough with him
Bane/Bruce, violent noncon
Something set during Knightfall, where Bane decides to take “breaking the Bat” even further by raping Bruce and possibly also his precious little Robin
Jay/Tim bdsm AU, sub Jay
What it says on the tin. Was thinking maybe also an arranged marriage of sub Jason to dom Tim Drake, to cement a business union but also because subs aren’t full citizens.
Robin!Jason/Bruce Somnophilia
Bruce drugs his new little Robin and slips into his room. He takes his time with him, enjoying Jason before carefully opening and fucking him. Would be great if Jason wakes up towards the end but can't do anything but take it- maybe because of the drugs, maybe because of the way Bruce is holding him down, or even because he likes it.
Sidekicks/Villains noncon glory wall
Any sidekicks you want—Speedy, the Robins and Batgirls, Kid Flash and Impulse, the Wonder girls, etc.—being displayed in a glory wall, leaving their holes open for fucking. Interested villains can pay to fuck any hole they desire, and they enjoy wrecking the sidekicks and filling them with come
Robin!Jason/Villains & Henchmen?
Robin Jason gets captured and tied up by the villain of the week, who decides to take advantage of the situation. Robin is blindfolded and groped/fucked by the villain and maybe some henchmen while waiting for Batman to rescue him. Batman finding a bound and blind Jay too tempting to resist is a bonus.
Dickjay daddy kink
Older! Dick and bottom! Jason. Jason came back years later and Dick is around 40.
OmegaJason/Batfam first heat, lactation
It's Jason's first heat and the alphas of the pack know that his milk is on its way soon. All it needs is a little encouragement. A few knots and some nipple play should do it. His milk tastes perfect as it starts to flow.
Jason/Dick, Jason/RomanSionis, Hooker!Jason & Officer Grayson
So this is based off a discussion from AGES ago in the jayroman discord server that I still think about to this day XD A no capes au in which Jason never gets picked up by Bruce and ends up a crime alley prostitute who somehow along the way caught the eye of Black Mask and winds up working for him. And Black Mask has basically the whole city in his pocket, including the police force, which is why it’s so annoying when this little upstart, Officer Dick Grayson, starts to try to challenge his hold on the city, the little goody two-shoes denying any and all bribes and refusing to back down in the face of threats. And it should be easy to squash one annoying little bug, but somehow all attempts have failed and he can’t openly go after him without risking his reputation as a clean, law-abiding businessman, a reputation that’s slowly starting to unravel thanks to the dogged efforts of Officer Grayson, because the little shit is annoyingly not as stupid as his attempts to go after Roman would make him seem and despite all of Roman’s power and having basically the entire police force and the various other government officials Roman has in his pocket against him, he has made far too much headway in his endeavors So Roman gives Jason the job of seducing Dick, because if bribery and threats don’t work, video evidence of an officer fucking an underage hooker makes excellent blackmail material, and should be enough to take him down for good if he ever steps a toe out of line again Except no matter how Jason tries to seduce him, Dick is just too decent a guy to take advantage (Ex: Jason: *shows up wearing even more revealing clothes than the night before.* Dick: “You must be cold, here, take my jacket.” etc.) And before he knows it, Jason finds himself growing weirdly fond of the infuriating idiot with his stupid puns and painful sincerity
Roman Sionis/Jason Todd, AOB noncon impregnation gang rape
Intersex AOB verse. Roman wants to punish and claim the upstart omega, so he plugs Jason’s cunt and lets his men anally rape Jason until the omega begs Roman to breed his pussy
TimKon, a/b/o, alpha!Tim, bottom Conner
Humans have a/b/o. Kryptonians do not. Alpha!Tim thinks that he shouldn't bother Kon about Tim's rut. Kon thinks otherwise. Whether Kon can keep up with Tim (superpowers got to be good for something, right?) or is overwhelmed is up to anon :) I am absolutely unsquickable so whatever extra kinks are fine with me. Just please top!Tim only. Please, my crops are dying.
past romanjay now mobJay, gangbang
After getting tired with his new toy, Roman decided to just give his subordinates a chance to have fun with it. But mostly he just want to see the red hood to get more humiliated after destroying his empire.
Damian Wayne/Jason Todd, bestiality
It's time for Damian to introduce his new acquired pet to the pack, Titus and Ace.
Tim gags and spanks Damian
Red Robin has to take Robin out on patrol because Batman is away, Damian is reckless and keeps disobeying orders so Tim punishes him while having him gagged for being mouthy. can progress to something more sexual but doesn't have to be. Damian secretly enjoying it is a bonus.
Deathstroke/All the Robins
Slade really has a thing for fighting and chasing after Batbrats…
Rose/Jason mommy kink edging and pegging
Jason wants to be a good boy for mommy, Rose rewards his good behavior
Jason Todd/Kyle Rayner hatesex - Filled
I’d love some rough, angry, violent hatesex between these two. Bonus points for snarky asshole bottom!jason and kyle using his ring to make restraints/other kinky constructs ;)
Flashpoint!Father Todd/Incubus!Dick
Incubus!Dick seduces Father Todd. Jason holds out longer than most but Dick prides himself on being irresistible. He’s never failed before and he doesn’t plan to start now. But maybe, instead of his usual dine-and-ditch MO, Dick think’s he might like to savor this meal for long. Jason falls so beautifully. (bottom Jason please) Catholic aesthetics, blasphemy as kink, church sex (altar, confessional, pews, etc)
Flashpoint Thomas Wayne/Father Todd
Thomas Wayne as Batman bends Father Todd over the altar. In uniform. (At least for Thomas. It would be super hot if he strips Father Todd out of his robes first. Maybe everything except his rosary?)
Jason/Tim rape
Tim ties down Jason and rides(rapes) him. Pls let Tim use Jason as nothing but a mere meat dildo.
Titans/Dick, Titans/Jason, Titans/Tim consensual gangbang - Filled
The not-so-secret tradition of team bonding by fucking the current Bat on the Teen Titans is well-adhered to, especially given the enthusiastic consent of all participants Feel free to include any or all: garden sex, pool sex, power use, DP, riding, pegging, toy use, CBT, nipple play, cockwarming, CFNM/CMNM, and consensual somno All other kinks welcome excluding scat, watersports, emeto, ageplay, vore, and anything else bloody
Thomas Elliot/Bruce Wayne (Rape/Non-con)
Bruce doesn't realise how obsessed Thomas really is with him. Leads to Hush raping Bruce. Can be when Bruce knows who Hush is or when he still doesn't know.
Evil!Dick and Jason, noncon or dubcon
Jason comes back to his safehouse and is surprised to find Dick already there. After the initial surprise, Jason is quick to find out that there's something... off, about this Dick. He's not acting like his usual self. It turns out this isn't the usual Dick that Jason is familiar with, instead, he is a darker version of him (drugged? Talon from Earth-3 that somehow ends up in the main universe? other possibilities? all welcome options!), and this Dark!Dick is obsessed with Jason and wants to fuck him... and he doesn't take no for an answer. So there's a setup for a non-con or dub-con(in case Jason also has a crush on main Dick) for you. Restraints (gags, ropes, tapes etc.) are also welcome but doesn't have to be present.
Kon-El/Lex Luthor Daddy Kink DubCon
Lex genetically programmed Kon to need his daddy to fill him up when he created him. Lex made Kon to check all his boxes (ie Superman, something he made, a gifted teenager). Kon can’t actually consent because of programming, and he doesn’t want it until he’s getting it. Can be simple daddy kink or full of abdl. Bonus points for trans!Kon
Guy Gardner/Bunch of Aliens possible Dubcon/Noncon
Macho, hotheaded, shit-talking Guy is the embodiment of hyper-masculinity, and that arrogance of his gets him into a lot more than just a bar fight. All of Guy's enemies seem to be of the huge, muscular variety, so let's see the most stocky lantern get put in his place. Does he secretly love it? Does he outright hate it? Maybe all that shit-talking was just a ploy to finally get someone to "punish" him right. The choice is up to you. Maybe it's a bunch of random aliens Guy's ticked off in a bar. Maybe all that showboating's pissed off Kilowog or Arkillo. Maybe Lobo's still put out after being tricked one too many times by Guy. Perhaps, Atrocitus's still kinda harboring a grudge for Guy kicking him out of the Red Lanterns. Then there's always the way too touchy Dementor with his Vuldarian kin. I'm all for any other kinks or situations, I just would prefer no bathroom stuff. Go absolutely wild.
Black Mask/anyone, bathroom control, omorashi - Filled on meme
I'm a simple person with simple needs: Roman controlling whether or not someone's allowed to piss. can be consensual or noncon torture, the victim can end up pissing themselves or make it to the bathroom safely. just as long as Roman's in total control of the situation, and smug about it. bonus points: tears, begging, banter, degradation, embarrassment, additional torture, anything else along those lines. watersports only, please, no scat!
Roy Clones/Dick gangbang omegaverse
YJ season 3 episode 4 has excellent gangbang material just so you know Add omegaverse to it and its perfect Noncon/dubcon is accepted also
Titans/Jason Gangbang
Prefer comics based more than the show but either is fine. Dick and his friends welcome the new Robin the Titans way, by breaking in that hole. New kid is always the team toy, and it's even more fun now that it's Nightwing's bratty kid brother. Consensual or non con, dealer's choice. Double (or triple) penetration, dirty talk, and powers used for sex are favorite kinks but I'm good with pretty much anything.
Willis Todd/Jason Todd, Mob/Jason; Incest and forced underage prostitution
Willis pimps out his kid for cash and drugs. Catherine either pretends she doesn't know or knows and helps/doesn't care. And like any good salesman, he makes sure to test out his product to make sure it's up to snuff. 
Make it cruel and awful and hopeless. Dehumanizing and degrading. Jason is just a hole to sell and use. belting in sensitive areas, beatings, violent sex, cum play, blood play... I just want something dark and nasty. 
Woo! Ok. I’ll try to keep this up the best I can. I’ll link/mark when prompts are filled so that you guys can check it out if you want (all filled prompts can be reached by the link in the title, but some have ao3 links that I put on the “Filled” note). 
I’ll also reblog this with any new prompts that come up or if I find I’ve forgotten one. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
 survey by pichu4850
What color do you think of when I say...
Anger? Red, or a really bright red-orange.
Confusion? Gray.
Inspiration? Sky blue. Both word and color give off calming vibes to me.
Shy? Something like an off-white shade, and maybe even pastel pink.
Agony? Olive green was the first color to come to mind, though I have no idea why.
Sleep? Dark blue, like the night sky.
Chipper? Yellow.
Beautiful? Red, the way roses are.
Morning? Light blue or yellow.
Would you rather be named...
Andrea or Aimee? Andrea.
Emily or Erica? Emily. I know an Erycka that I’m not too fond of, so this is an easy pass.
Kelsey or Casey? Casey, though I’d mix up my name a bit and have it be pronounced and spelled as Cassie.
Madeleine or Marina? Eh, not really a fan of either but I’d mos likely go for Madeleine.
Alec or Aaron? Alec.
Ryan or Ross? Not a fan of both names as well though I’d probably go with Ryan, but only as a feminine name.
Dylan or Daniel? Dylan.
Jack or Jordan? I guess Jack, if I have to pick.
Gabriel or Gavin? Gabriel.
How often do you...
Brush your teeth? Once or twice a day.
Eat breakfast? Twice a week, during weekends; though sometimes I’ll end up skipping it for an entire week altogether.
Check your email? I literally never check my personal email anymore after having gotten hired, but I know I should quit that habit and check it every once in a while just in case an intriguing opportunity might come my way. My work email is a different story; I have to use it everyday. I open my emails even during weekends so that when I report to my shift on Monday, my Gmail won’t look as clogged.
Go to the mall? When quarantine protocols loosened up a bit I used to go either on Saturdays or Sundays for some me time as well as some much-needed time away from the house, for the sake of my mental health and sanity. But now that we’re going through another surge in cases, no one’s allowed to go out again and malls are back to just keeping the essential stores open.
Go to the beach? A few times a year, at least before the pandemic. I haven’t been to the beach since 2019.
Play card games? Only happens once in a blue moon, when I get together with friends and someone happens to bring a deck of cards. This isn’t a usual occurrence with any of my friend groups, though.
Have at least 20 minute phone calls? Never. I have 20-minute Google Meet and Zoom calls instead.
Paint your nails? They are never painted.
Wish you were happier? Every now and then.
Did you ever want to be...
A veterinarian? Yes, when I was younger. I once stumbled upon an interview with a horse vet on one of my kid’s almanacs and thought what they did was so cool.
An astronaut? Yup, definitely became a big obsession of mine at one point in my childhood. I still think it would be cool to go to outer space and should the opportunity ever become accessible in my lifetime, I wouldn’t want to miss out on it.
An artist? Not really. I knew from the get go I wasn’t meant to be one.
A school teacher? I would guess yes, but I definitely wasn’t as interested in teaching compared to being an astronaut or like a firefighter.
A housewife? Lmfao yeah. This was the answer I would give when I was like 8 up until I was probably 10 and I knew it stressed out my Asian mother big time. My grandpa got a kick out of it, though.
A firefighter? Yes. This was up there with astronaut.
A princess? Not so much.
A lawyer? I definitely considered law for a brief period, but it was already during my latter college years. There wasn’t enough time to mull over it. But hearing all the law school horror stories from my friends kind of made me relieved I didn’t push through with it; I knew I wasn’t passionate enough about law to want to go through all the hardships that come with law school, so I was fine letting that dream go, and still am.
A doctor? This was never a dream of mine.
Would you consider yourself...
Materialistic? Yes.
Pessimistic? It comes out occasionally, but I don’t think it’s a main trait of mine that people would generally see me as.
Avoidant? Not so much. I can be shy and anxious sometimes but I get over it at some point.
Sarcastic? Only occasionally. I wouldn’t say I speak the language.
Talkative? Definitely not. I hate being in the spotlight, and whenever it’s my turn to share a story or talk in a group I usually have the tendency to rush through it or make it as short as possible so as to return the spotlight on someone else. I’ve always been more of a listener.
Strange? Maybe not strange but weird to an extent?
Intelligent? I guess in some ways.
Lucky? In some ways I am, but I also got handed the short end of the stick in other contexts.
In the next twenty-four hours, will you...
Talk to someone you care about? Probably. I talk to at least one friend a day.
Go to work? Yep, I’ll finally be going back to work since the Holy Week break is over. My workaholic self felt kinda unsettled with all the free time, so I’m actually kinda relieved.
Go to school? I’m not in school anymore.
Be in a different city? Nope, it’ll be working from home for me like usual. We were initially allowed to book visits to the office if we really needed to go there to pack some goodies and stuff, but because of re-heightened Covid protocols our admin has once again prohibited anyone to go there for the meantime.
Read a book? I highly doubt it. I haven’t read any in months.
Watch a movie? Nope. It’ll be a Monday coming from a 4-day break, so it will be incredibly busy tomorrow as there would be a lot to catch up on.
Go to a dentist/orthodontist appointment? No, I won’t.
Do your laundry? My parents probably will seeing as our hamper was nearly full the last time I checked.
True or False: Family...
I have two brothers or more. I only have one brother.
My mom lives with me. This is technically true but isn’t phrased right in my case. I’m currently living with my parents.
My grandparent(s) live with me. No, we moved out of our duplex (where I did use to live with my grandparents) well over a decade ago.
I have half-siblings. Don’t have any.
I am the oldest in my family. Eldest child, that is.
I am an only child. I have two other siblings.
I have 15 cousins I can name off the top of my head. Easily. My first cousins are less than 15 in total, but I know a good number of my second and third cousins as well so this is a cakewalk.
The nearest Aunt or Uncle lives less than an hour away from me. The aforementioned duplex we moved out of is just at the next village; we didn’t move too far so that we can continue visiting them.
True or False: Food...
I am allergic to chocolate. I’m not, fortunately. I’m not crazy about chocolate but I’d be pretty miserable if I could never have it either.
I like vegetables more than fruit. Infinitely more, hahaha. I hate fruits.
I have tried pizza dipped in ranch sauce. Ranch isn’t a very common dressing where I’m from, so it’s not usually offered in restaurants. Given the chance, though, I’d definitely try my pizza with ranch at least once.
I've never eaten kiwi fruit. True, but then again I’ve never eaten most fruits and don’t plan to.
I love junk food.
I love to try new food.
Ketchup goes best with fries (chips). I don’t like ketchup and barely put it on anything.
I like fried rice. I haven’t met an Asian who doesn’t like fried rice.
I can prepare dinner for myself (using a stove or oven).
I hate sushi.
How many...
Pairs of shoes do you have? A little over 10, maybe? I don’t feel like counting in my head rn.
Songs do you have on your music player? I don’t have a music player anymore.
Hours of sleep did you get last night? Around 4.
Times have you had alcohol? Like, ever since I started drinking when I was 18? I never kept track lmao but if I would guess, maybe around 50-60 times? I’m not a regular drinker; I drink probably once or twice a month at most.
Books have you read/started reading in the past month? None.
Windows in your house/apartment are open? I know my parents and sister have their windows open at the moment, so that’s 2. Mine are usually open as well, but I’ve turned on my aircon so I’ve closed them for the night.
Pets do you have? 2.
Kids do you have/want to have? I’d cut it off a a maximum of 3 kids, but having just 1 would already be so nice.
Minutes does it take to get from your home to school or work? I work from home, but in the two times I went to the actual office it took anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour.
Have you ever...
Spilled a cup of grape juice on the carpet? I don’t think I’ve ever even encountered grape juice in my entire life.
Played spin the bottle? I don’t think I’ve ever played this. My friends and I usually resort to truth or dare.
Played Twister? Yes, and there are many fond memories that come with it as well. So when I was 7 years old I befriended Katreen, and her mom and mine hit it off instantly so they started this arrangement where every Friday, her mom picked me and my sister up from school along with Katreen and her sisters, and we’d stay for several hours at their place until my mom would pick us up. Her mom was an amazing host and every week we’d play Twister, watch Pokemon, read books together, etc; anything to keep us comfortable and entertained.
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing? It’s bound to happen every now and then.
Walked out of a movie because it was horrible? I’ve gotten this feeling a few times but I always stayed in my seat because I paid for the damn ticket.
Given the finger to someone on the street? Oh most definitely, as well as drivers passing by. And it’s always been towards men that are being disgusting pigs.
Been so sad/angry that you started laughing? Sure.
Been in a wedding? Yes, but I only got invited as a kid since I was usually picked to be one of the flower girls. I haven’t been to a family wedding since 2007.
Been in a situation where you almost died? Probably not died but almost substantially injured, sure.
Are you stressing out about anything right now? Just worried about the deluge of tasks that will inevitably come at me tomorrow but knowing how easygoing my bosses are, I know I’ll be able to ease up soon enough.
Do you think before acting or act before thinking? I used to be the latter but I now see the importance of first considering possible consequences of or how others would be affected by my actions.
Do you act upon your emotions and instinct, or logic and reasoning? Again, I used to be one of these, this time the former. Now that I’m at a much more stable and peaceful place in my life I try not to let my emotions get the best of me.
What are some personality traits you find appealing in a potential partner? I had a number of negative experiences in my last relationship so forgive me for scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to my expectations lmaaaao – I’d love for someone to be sensitive to my needs and feelings, and for them to be able to own up to their mistakes or hurtful habits and know how to apologize and be open to changing if it’s for their self-improvement.
How have you changed as a person in the last 5 years? I tolerate less bullshit now. I think I’ve also grown to be happier and a lot more stable, emotionally. I also have a better sense of what I want out of life and where I want to be, and I’ve also learned to be more sociable and open up to people.
If you could do anything you wanted right this moment, what would it be? Order sushi :(
Is there anyone you can totally relax and be yourself around? Yes, that’s what my friends are for. If I can’t feel comfortable around my friends, I’d view that as a problem.
Did you ever wanted to say something to someone, didn't, and regretted it? No.
Are you scared about the future? I’m scared of the idea of not meeting some of my goals, like having a family; but I’m also excited about what the future could bring me.
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sammysreelreviews · 5 years
Counting Down The 10 Most Shocking Moments From My Favorite TV Shows
So I just finished Jane the Virgin and it inspired me to make a list of moments in television that had me fucking SHOOK. Maybe some other things happened in the show that were just as crazy but these are the moments that affected me personally. This list was so spontaneous but it might be my favorite one cause it was a nice trip down memory lane. Any who, here are the moments that have fucked me up along the years! 
10. Gossip Girl: The Dark Prince
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Let’s be clear Gossip Girl stopped being the show it was by season 4 by adding insane story lines but one that was realistic was Queen B marrying a real life prince! Although there are some minor hiccups Blair finally has the dream wedding she always wanted. Unfortunately everything comes crashing down when Louis basically tells her that she means nothing to him and the marriage is now just for show. This SHOOK me cause Louis was such a good guy until that exact moment. Ugh the moment he whispered those vile words to Blair her heart dropped and so did mine.
9. Elite: So who’s actually dead?
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From the beginning it was clear that one of the promiscuous teens of Elite was going to die it’s just not who you’d expect! In the first episode you find out that it’s none other than Marina! She was such a big part in the first episode I didn’t think her character would be the one to kick the bucket. Yes I am aware that the real mystery of the show is who’s the murderer but Marina being dead threw me for a loop.
8. On My Block: The Quinceañera from Hell.
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On My Block is supposed to be funny and it was until the last fucking episode of season one. Ruby decides to throw his crush Olivia a Quinceañera and everything goes smoothly, she even gets to face time her parents that got deported, until Cesar’s past comes to crash the party. Let me explain. Cesar finally joined his brother’s gang and had the job of executing Latrelle who’s from an opposing gang. Cesar is too sweet for his own good and lets him live. Unfortunately Latrelle shows up to Olivia’s Quinceañera, uninvited, and fires at Cesar but hits Ruby and Olivia in the process. In the end of the episode two ambulances are on their way to the hospital and ones lights go off indicating one of them has died. At the beginning of season two we finally find out that Olivia has passed which is sad and like talk about the worst birthday party ever!
7. Pretty Little Liars: Boo!
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There were literally 100 different A’s on this god forsaken show but the final A reveal was definitely the best. Spencer and Ezra have been kidnapped by A in a weird underground whatever thing and Spencer wakes up to her reflection only it’s not her reflection ITS HER TWIN. The elite PLL fans like myself always had theories of Spencer having a twin but when it actually happened I couldn’t believe my eyes. When Alex puts her hand down and says “boo!”... chills literal fucking chills.
6. Vampire Diaries: Dead girls walking.
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I could honestly make a list of the top ten shocking moments from the Vampire Diaries alone but this one had 15 year old me shaking in my Ugg boots. Jeremy’s first love Vicki died in season one, which was like WILD for 2009 let me tell you, and his other lover Anna also died. In the season two finale we see two shadows walking around following Jeremy in his house and they’re none other than Vicki and Anna looking straight at Jeremy and even speaking to him. At this point in the show people coming back from the dead was unheard of and this is why it beat everything else.
5. Dark: What REALLY happened that night?
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Ok so Dark has a lot of WTF moments like the entire show is a total mindfuck but in season 2 they answered a question and I was not prepared for the answer. Let’s back track realllll quick. Mikkel goes missing in the woods one night and no one finds him BUT Mikkel is alive and well he’s just in the year 1986! In the cave he went through there was a wormhole that took him to the past but the question was, how the fuck did he even end up there!? In the last episode of season two Jonas, Mikkel’s son (I know it’s confusing) goes back in time to stop Mikkel from disappearing to make everything right. Jonas talks to his dad, adult Mikkel, and Mikkel drops the bomb that Jonas was the one to lead him to the fucking wormhole in the first place!!! Everything about this show is absolutely insane but I mean this shit was INSANE. I literally could not believe what I was hearing and honestly neither could Jonas.
4. Jane the Virgin: Have a nice day bae!
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Michael begins his day going to take a test and he doesn’t come back. I am so team Michael just so y’all know so I loved the flashbacks of the fair with Jane this episode. What I DIDN’T like was the end of this episode. When Michael “died” I dead ass did not watch the rest of season 3 until it was streaming on Netflix. I sobbed so bad and then at the end of the episode when Jane gets the phone call that Michaels “dead” WOW that shit HURT. Thankfully I decided to keep watching the show cause at the season 4 finale Michael is alive and well but has a little amnesia. I literally will never forgive the writers for ripping my heart out and stomping on it.
3. American Horror Story: Running in circles.
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Violet tried to kill herself and Tate saves her by making her throw up except, she didn’t actually survive. Violet is depressed and stays home and it’s not until she tries to leave the house do you realize she’s actually been dead for a couple episodes. Its heartbreaking cause she’ll be stuck in that house forever but the moment you see her dead corpse was absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking at the same time.
2. Skins: Where’s Cook’s main hoe?
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When Skins came back for a 7th season wrapping up the lives of Effy, Cassie, and Cook I thought we were gonna get some closure but what I got from Cook’s episodes was very unexpected. There’s honestly a lot going on in Skins Rise but Cook’s second episode has him facing off his psychotic boss Louie. Let me give a little backstory. Cook deals drugs for Louie but Louie made Cook drive his girlfriend Charlie around. Cook being Cook fucks Charlie while simultaneously cheating on his own girlfriend Emma which makes it super awkward when the three of them runaway together to get away from a psychotic Louie. Before Cook absolutely beats the shit out of Louie he’s in the woods looking for Emma and he fucking finds her in a clearing HANGING on a tree!!! Like WHAT THE FUCK!!! Skins has never been THAT brutal and I honestly think it was the most jaw dropping moment that ever happened on the show. God I love Skins but I did NOT love that death like can my baby Cook just be happy!?!
1. Degrassi: The Next Generation: A night to forget.
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I was 13 the first time I got my heart broken, the perpetrator, Degrassi: The Next Generation. I was OBSESSED with this show I watched it from the very beginning. JT was my literal MAN like I loved him so much and when they CRUELLY killed him off I legit didn’t want to go to school the following Monday. JT dying is number one because it was my first big TV death and I’ll never forget it along with Liberty’s blood curdling screams.
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Examining Youth Culture
A character I identify with is Janis Ian from Mean Girls because she was PETTY. We both have the ability to hold a grunge and exact our petty revenge. Although I don’t think I have the dedication Janis has, I found many similarities between her and I. 
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Janis is creative and smart. She does art and came up with the brilliant plan to ruin Regina George. She’s a caring and loyal friend but a bit of a hot head. 
 I find these qualities in myself as I consider myself creative.I started learning to sew in an attempt to up-cycle my clothes. I like doing DIY’s and am currently working on my newest project, which consists of me painting a chair, and I am also attempting to interior design my bedroom. I’ve also been told on numerous occasions that I can be a hot head and stubborn.    Some people know their flaws in character traits, for me it’s my need for petty revenge. I was raised with three older siblings and one younger one. We all share similar interests and like the same things. If one of us did something we consider fun and exciting, the rest of us would want to try it. This made me develop the mentality that we all have to have the same experience in order to be even. This mentality mutated into the idea that if I was wronged, I needed to get ‘even’ in order for it to be fair. Regina George ruined Janis Ian’s life and in Janis’s eyes in order for her to return to the favor, Janis had to ruin Regina’s life. I had a similar experience to wanting to get revenge on my brother Jeffrey. About a month ago, my mother asked me to pick up her new glasses from Walmart and I obliged. I drove to Walmart, they showed me her glasses and I took them home with me. My brother hard accompanied me on this errand, but he didn’t see my mothers’ glasses. I asked Jeffrey if he wanted to see the glasses on the car ride home and he said he would see them later since he was driving. Jeffrey then asked me “Why? Are they ugly?” And although I didn’t say yes, I didn’t say no either. The next day my mom was struggling to see something, and I asked her why she wasn’t wearing her glasses. Jeffrey then approached us and told my mom “Rosario said your glasses are ugly.” In utter disbelief I literally gasped, and my jaw dropped as he EXPOSED ME. Although an opportunity hasn’t presented itself, I am still waiting pertinently for my revenge. Similar to how Janis waited for an opportunity at revenge when and found it in Regina’s desire to be friends with Cady.
I’ve recently watched films like MID-90’s, KIDS, Mean Girls, The Breakfast Club, and shows like Euphoria, along with Saved By The Bell.
One of the common themes in the stories present is sexual promiscuity among youth. Sexual promiscuity is prevalent in all of the films and shows we watched In the movie Mean Girls, Regina jumped from Aaron to Shane, Aaron jumped from Regina to Cady, Gretchen appeared to have been ghosted by two different boys, Karen Smith even made out with her first cousin.
In the film MID-90’s, Fuck-shit appeared to be a chick magnet the girl Stevie was sexually involved with told him that all her friends wanted to hook up with him. Even 12-year-old Stevie had a short lived sexual relationship. The film KIDS, it was clear that all the kids were very sexually active, especially Ruby who had been with multiple sexual partners. Telly appeared to be just as sexually active since he hunted down girls to sleep with.
In Saved By The Bell, it’s clear that Slater and Zack are good with the ladies. They are both charming and suave. Zack is seen with a new girl in many of the episodes and so is Slater until he finally gets a girlfriend.
In The Breakfast Club, although they don’t talk about sex much, the audience can tell that not having sex is a big deal when John asks if Claire if she is a pristine girl and Clair feels the need to lie. In this case, when John asks Claire if she’s pristine, he’s really asking if she is a virgin.
In Euphoria, all the characters seemed to be extremely sexually active. Rue and Jules get together, Jules and Ana sleep together in New York. Maddy and Nate sleep together and with other people when they are broken up. McKay and Cassie are sexually active almost instantly. These teens appear to be more sexually active than most and go through partners as if they were all in a race to see who could sleep with more people. In reality, teens are just as sexually active and often fall in and out of love easily. I knew girls in high school that had new boyfriends every week.
Another common theme found in these stories is teens trying to fit in.
Mean Girls character Cady does a full 180 on her appearance in order to fit in with her friends, Plastics and otherwise. When Janis tells Cady to work as a spy in Regina’s friend group Cady obliges simply because they are friends. Cady then changed her appearance in order to adapt to the Plastics.
Rue from Euphoria stopped doing drugs in order to remain friends with Jules, who put that condition on their friendship. Zack From Saved By The Bell tells a college girl he is also a college student in the hopes they might date or more.
Claire goes along with everything her friends do even though she hates it because she wants to fit in and remain a popular kid.
In MID-90’s Stevie started smoking in order to fit into his group of skater friends. In KIDS, Jennie participated in drugs when she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to but was encouraged by a friend to do so.
All these teens had some form of transformation as they struggled to fit into the groups, they desperately wanted to be a part of. The concept of teens struggling to fit in not new or far from the truth. My friend joined her school’s soccer team to fit in because everyone in her neighborhood played soccer. She continued playing for years even though she hated the sport. Her need to be friends with the kids in her neighborhood made her continue playing a sport she despised.
Lastly, a common theme found in these stories are friendship. Although all the characters in each story did fall into some form of peer pressure or struggle to fit in, they did find real friendships.
Cady, Janis, and Damian seem to have a genuine friendship as Janis made a plan to exact revenge for Regina stealing the boy that Cady liked. (plan seen in image below)
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Rue and Jules are the type of friends that would do anything for each other. This was made clear when Jules peed in a bottle for Rue to pass a drug test.
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The kids at detention in The Breakfast Club created a special bond as they share intimate details of their life.
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In MID 90’s Stevie’s friends cared about him they way someone would for their little brother. When the kids got in a car accident, they all stayed at the hospital until they could visit him.
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Zack and his friends tried to protect Kelly’s feelings when they found out her boyfriend was cheating on her because they cared about how she would react and feel.
In KIDS, Telly’s Friend let him borrow his parents’ room so that he could have sex with a girl which was something that was really important to him.
Teen' friendships are like their second family. They bond in their common struggles and passion and grow up together. People often say that you won’t remain friends with the people you go to high school with, but I disagree.  Although I did not remain friends with everyone I went to high school with, I did remain close with a few that I made my second family. Since we grew up together and share so many memories, we will always have love for each other, and that love began when we became best friends in our teenage years.
I’ve recently noticed that soundtracks can impact a film or tv series by using the music to help guide the audience on how they should feel. Shows and movies use soundtracks to let an audience know when to feel happy, sad, or scared. It can even add some drama with dramatic music. In reality tv shows, producers will often play incredibly dramatic music when two people have even the smallest fight. The music elevates the experience of the viewer, as well as enhances the effect of the emotion they are trying to convey.
In an effort to add a more comedic effect to the film Mean Girls, here are the songs I would add to the soundtrack and why: Mean Girls 1. Regina’s theme song would be the song ‘Obsessed’ by Mariah Carey because everyone in her school was obsessed with her and because she was convinced that Janis Ian was obsessed with her. 2. The plastics theme songs after they ditch Regina and temporarily name Cady the new queen bee would be the song ‘Loyal’ by Chris Brown ft Lil Wayne & Tyga. More specifically the lines “these hoes ain’t loyal” would play every time Karen Smith and Gretchen Wieners appeared on the screen. 3. Cady’s theme song when she looks at Aaron- Come And Get Your Love by Redbone
4. Cady when she gets outed as a spy in Regina’s friend group by Janis in the gym- Everybody plays the fool by The Main Ingredient 5. Cady when she is constantly reminded to join the mathletes- I Forgot that you existed 6. Cady when she saw Regina and Aaron kiss at the Halloween party- I’m Upset by Drake 7. Cady when she first saw Aaron- L-O-V-E by Nat King 8. When Karen Smith does the weather report with her boobs- Rain On Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande
9. Regina five seconds after Aaron dumps her and she moved on with Shane Oman- Thank U, Next 10. After the trust fall scene, where all the gilt’s go to the gym and express their feelings and Janis’s confesses to convincing Cady to infiltrate Regina’s friend group - Look What You Made Me Do
With the playlist i made i think this would make a good “crack” youtube video. I always find those entertaining with their funny captions of scenes and updated soundtrack. 
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gwsseuphoria · 4 years
Episode 2, “Stuntin’ Like My Daddy” - Melissa Merdzo
Here is a little recap of what happens in Episode 2, Season 1 of Euphoria. Rue, the main character (who is played by Zendaya, a mixed (half Black half white) cisgender female actress), had her first day of school after summer and panicked when she was put on the spotlight to talk about her summer, which consisted of her overdosing on drugs and her younger sister finding her passed out. Later on in the episode, Rue showed up to her drug dealer friend Fez’s house to get drugs at the wrong time and was pressured into taking Fentanyl by Fez’s supplier. This episode we also learned a ton about another important character, Nate, who is played by a white cis gender male. During Nate’s childhood, he found and watched his fathers porn collection, which consisted of his dads personal sex tapes with queer men and transgender women. This was when Nate found out his dad was into penis, as he is married to Nate’s mom, a cis gender woman. Nate’s girlfriend, Maddy, who is played by a mixed (half white half Mexican) cisgender woman, falsely accuses a man of raping her while she was “blacked out,” even though it was consensual sex, because she doesn’t want to upset Nate by admitting she had sex with another man named Tyler. This causes Nate to lash out, and due to the fact that he is obsessive, possessive and insane, he stalks Tyler for days and finds out where he works and lives. He breaks into Tyler's apartment while he’s gone and when Tyler comes home, Nates ties him up and beats the shit out of him for “raping” Maddy. To be fair - Maddy was 17 when they had sex and Tyler was 22, so although he wasn’t aware, he did have sex with a minor which is illegal and makes him a pedofile. Jules, Rue’s best friend in the show, is played by a transgender white woman. She is using a dating app and starts talking to a guy who keeps himself anonymous and lies to her about who he is - but in the end of the episode, it is revealed that the guy is Nate, who turns out to also be closeted like his father and struggling with his own sexuality. Another important character that the episode focuses on is Kat, who is played by a white Brazilian cisgender woman. Kat loses her virginity to a stranger at a party because she feels pressured by stigma. Shortly after, her sex tape from that night got leaked to her school. She quickly has it taken down because it is child pornography. Even though the video got deleted, it got reposted by another user. Kat reads the comments under the new video and is inspired to sign up for the website's cam program.
I would say that the cast of Euphoria is decently diverse compared to other popular shows in this age. It showcases a spectrum of of different races, ethnicities, sexualities and gender identities, from white, Black, Hispanic to cisgender and transgender, to an array sexuality. We do see lack of Asian, Native and gender non conforming representation in season one. McKay is one of the only Black characters we see in Euphoria, who is there mainly showcased as Nate Jacobs (white man) best friend and Cassie's (white woman) boyfriend. He doesn’t have much of his own storyline, but it is a bit of a stereotypical role as we see him forced into college football by his dad. Moving on to gender indentity, it’s rare to see transgender people in television and I think that the transgender character Jules is represented in a non harmful way and it’s a really great, positive thing that Euphoria included this character. Also, sexuality is represented very well in Euphoria I would say. I don’t think I could pin down Nate and his fathers sexuality, but neither of them are straight which shows a spectrum of sexuality in Euphoria. Nate and his dad are shown struggling with internalized homophobia, fear and sexual confusion, and they deal with that through violence. Later on in Euphoria, Rue and Jules end up catching feelings for each other and making out so we can conclude that neither of them is straight as well. Something we see in this show later on is Rue’s mom accepting Rue’s sexuality, which breaks typical stereotypes for queer characters in televesion as we are typically fed the idea of parents being non accepting of their childrens sexuality. It’s great for LGTBQ+ representation that these character are multidimensional and being queer or trans is not their only personality trait - they all have incredible background stories and struggles that they deal with aside from their sexuality and gender identity. Next to cisgender characters in Euphoria, Jules (transgender woman - the only non cisgender character in the show) has a ton of speaking parts in the show as she is one of the main characters. Jules has her own storyline like other main characters - there is an episode glimpsing into her own pre-transition and traumatic experiences. I believe that Euphoria definitely shatters a ton of stereotypes seen in society. One take on this is Rue, a cisgender woman, hating the idea of gender roles and being feminine - we see her saying she hates the idea of wearing a dresses. Although some characters break stereotypes, Nate Jacobs is the epitome of toxic masculinity and gender roles. He believes that girls need to act, dress and extremely stereotypically feminine, as well as be “pure” virgins for him to have sex with them.
I think that the television show Euphoria does not touch on political issues very much, although it does touch on some issues that seem private but do have political implications, such as drug abuse, mental health issues and abortion. Rue is shown dealing with her own drug abuse journey throughout the season, which began with her mental health issues. Rue suffers from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADD and OCD. When she was younger and her father was struggling with cancer, she took one of his pills and that's where her drug journey began. After her father passes, she uses drugs as a coping mechanism and becomes addicted. On the other hand, Euphoria showcases abortion near the end of the season when character Cassie ends up in a teen pregnancy after finding out her boyfriend impregnated her. When she opens up to him about being pregnant, he freaks out and tells her he isn’t ready to be a father and he pressures her to get an aboriton. Later on, Cassie breaks down to her mom asking her for advice as she is unsure if she wants to keep the baby, like she wants, or get an abortion, as her boyfriend McKay wants.
Levinson, Sam. “Euphoria - Stuntin’ Like My Daddy” Episode. HBO Max 1, no. 1. New York, New York: HBO, June 16, 2019.
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estradioltone · 4 years
Why’s my stomach hurting? Why am I feeling so lonely when I have so many messages to answer? I CANNOT have another favorite person. Does that mean I’m doomed to high school loneliness?
When I was fifteen lots of people liked me AND I didn’t have a favorite person. Sean? Sam? Danica S? I’m trying to remember. Alex? Stephanie? What show did we do that year? It was Charlie Brown. Mattress, Charlie Brown, Trial by Jury, Sound of Music, and Alice. Shauna? Alex? Danni? Jonathan? Jordan? Danica made those CDs for me. Gabi? Ellery? Irene? Keziah? There were so many people. And none was the favorite. Kaz? Therone? Felicia? Deja? Corri? Jae? Cassie? Leslie? Laureen? Katy? There were so many people around me and I wasn’t the favorite and no one was my favorite. I wasn’t even talking to Amanda at that point. And I did like her. There were a number of people I was attracted to, and, I didn’t make any moves, bc I didn’t get close enough to them in terms of conversations. I needed that first. Like to be comfortable? Lauren? Was she in focus? I can’t remember much if anything about her now, and I was so into her then. Kari?
I used to change with Kari.
Oliver and his male friends used to change in front of each other.
Kari was so great. We were always friends only. I don’t think either of us ever had feelings for the other. She was such an amazing friend. Caitlin? Anna or Sarah? Sarah F? Janell? This is the first time I’ve dug into the memories of those earlier high school years. It literally feels like a backhoe digging into dirt and clearing it away. Archeologist excavating.
I remember sitting in 204 watching some movie in the dark. Mrs. H was teaching. I don’t have memories. Of what we learned. I never learned in English. I never knew what the fuck was going on I just always got A’s. I wrote that paper about having a peanut allergy. It has terrible racist stereotypes. No one called me out. No teacher. I was fifteen. Today I would e known better. Unless I was a republican. Like I was then. I was very conservative. How was I conservative? It didn’t fit with any part of how I acted. Danielle? Remember that film I made that was literally just everyone swearing. Spencer? I remember so many things. Why did I write that.
I don’t want to remember many things.
Why not? That’s so fucking weird. There are many things I don’t want to remember? Where did that thought come from?
I don’t want to remember bc it hurts too much to remember? That thought just came to me.
I wasn’t hurting during that year. I wasn’t depressed. It was like that time with M in sophomore college. Wow. In that moment sophomore looked like high school sophomore to me. It felt like being in Maine. It felt like mid August two summers ago. It’s summer. It’s June. Two summers ago he sucked my sick for the first time and I couldn’t even get hard. I knew what I was doing was wrong and I forced myself to keep going bc I wanted it. That was my fuck up moment. He kissed me that night. It was like Amanda asking to marry me what the fuck to DATE me. How did that happen? It’s in retrospect I wish I’d said no
The hurt is that if I remember I’ll double remember how
The blue waffle thermal
I remember the car and snow pants but not skiing. I remember kissing and my precut glowing like a river. I got wet like a girl. I got hard like a boy. I don’t know what’s normal.
I remember the night she came to see me at the Estonian concert. “Let’s go over here. Lots of girls like me here.” She later told me that freaked her out not freaked out it was like “ullll” what are the words that describe what that means it’s like a little oh no and yikes at the same time. It’s like when O asked me what my main interest in the relationship was and I said sex. And he had the same reaction. And I said, how could I have ever said something like that. It’s callous. And, it was honest. And then I got attached. Before I was having fun. I was happy.
And when I’m happy and having fun I behave like a disgusting jock boy. Maybe that’s who I essentially am. Maybe I’m choosing to be trans so I can become a different person. I do want to become a different person. Even then I thought back like what the fuck was I doing. Like when I touched G and C’s breasts. And I wasn’t allowed to go to cast parties. I didn’t get to do wild things. Would I have?
I was so many different people. I’m also the person at Sam’s house who was afraid to be there.
Remember Caitlins white dreads. Remember when Safi first came to school or Kylie. Remember how cool and superior you felt. Remember how everyone was lesser in your eyes. Sophie. Edna. Kendra. Nikki. That girl molly sitting on my lap and I was hard as fuck. I didn’t think of that in so long. Was that ninth grade? Or eighth?
We were at Burgerville.
I was just doing whatever I wanted.
Is that who I am in a state of nature?
And, I’m the person who stayed in my room instead of going out for a birthday party.
What was Menucha like that year
I didn’t have many years with older friends after that.
Remember Laura. You were twelve and she was seventeen. But you never really talked after the show ended. Would she hug me? Did she hug me in sixth grade? Was I happy at the end of sixth grade???? I think she hugged me by the 201 door. I can remember it now.
I drew that picture of her.
I said “your eyes aren’t quite even.” Wow that must have hurt her and I could see it in her face.
I did whatever I wanted. I thought I was cool I was trying to be cool at all times.
That was my first summer in Eugene. Jessica Zach Ted. Dr. A. Joe. Nicholas. Brahms. Komm Jesu Komm. Standing on the steps in that rehearsal room. My feet sweaty and stinky as fuck. Black like sweat things coming off my toes. My roommate was Nick.
That moment in the hallway taking down my pants. “Should we go all the way?”
Jessica wanted to be closer than I did. I fall back on ppl when I’m lonely but don’t want closeness when I’m not. I use people. I do what O did to me. He didn’t really love me? Or did he?
I’m single now but I’m not having fun but I need to give it more time and I am being more wild. I started to get wild sophomore year. Sarah G. I thought things had changed. But I didn’t want them to change bc I wanted to be unhappy there??????????????
You’re really cool for a freshman. Others wouldn’t do that.
Well I’m basically a senior bc I’ve already been at my school four years.
High school was my college time in a way. It was my amazing time and I was studying and creating big projects. College was my high school time hating things and not self actualizing and not being myself.
Did I do it on purpose???????????? Is that kind of thing possible???????? I know I’ve thought that before. Can I be faking this all? This little voice says yes. What the fuck. I have to be honest about that little voice. I have to bring it up.
She isn’t going to set the agenda. If I want to keep going on the same subject, I have to push onwards into it. What memories are there to open up there? God this is going to take so long and I want to do other things and I know I want to have done this work of digging through elementary school and things.
Honor choir I was the only freshman and I sang alone and they all clapped and cheered for me. I pooped and made the room stink and I was too embarrassed to say. I didn’t have anyone to sit with. I couldn’t sit with people who seemed cool to me. The directors were like gods. The guys were from Montana. I was wearing my first set of boxer briefs. They said I wasn’t like a normal freshman. The performance meant almost nothing. I was sick to my stomach going. I was sick to my stomach going to Eugene. I was sick to my stomach for years before undergrad. J. K. was too. She told me that later on. We read that same book.
I wanted to prove myself. That other guy was shaving and we were all sharing the bathroom. He was shaving. I took my underwear off before getting in the shower. I wanted to show myself I could. I wanted to expose myself.
Why am I so obsessed with the idea of having been molested or raped now and not earlier in my life? How could that be possible? How could I not have remembered it sooner? Or thought of it? Not in undergrad at all. I must be making up that fear. I make up my whole life. All of life is imagined and made up and fake and shit. All of life is imagined period. How am I tired again and yawning. I was always yawning with the computer on my lap. They said the computer heat makes you infertile. Did I lose my chance of having a bigger dick bc I sat a computer on my lap? I loved having a laptop. And, I never looked at porn porn. I was so abnormal. Everyone else did.
Talking with Jacob about penis size. I didn’t think about size mattering. That Hannah who later must’ve fucked Matt P. He came down with shorts so short his dick was hanging out. It was so exciting to me, and horrifying, bc I liked her. I liked so many people. I like so many people simultaneously. I jump around. I can’t find my place. Maybe I don’t have a place. Singing was my place.
I really liked Cole. How much older is he than me? Less older than I am compared to O. I think. He went to India and then he came back and did what. Was he only 24 or 25? We all thought it was fucked up that he dated Eric L and he was a senior and Eric was a freshman. He came out later. I’m so fucked. W moved on to a whole different kind of life where she has adult friends with children and she and F will probably have a kid sooner than later. She already got pregnant once.
J and M (C) are growing up a lot. I see everyone else changing so much. I’m objectively changing with HRT and whatnot. And therapy. And I don’t feel like I’m changing. When change is slow you don’t feel it. Which of these people is really me? My developmental stages are so mixed up. As a kid I fit better with adults. Even my parents say that. Now I really like nineteen year olds and twenty year olds. And, I just saw H and M tonight and there was a big gap between me and H but I was quite into M. I wanted to look at their breasts and forced myself not to. I wonder if both of them noticed and they talked about it later. I wonder how much people notice the things I try to hide. Am I good at it? Am I better than I think? Which me is really me?
I want my breasts to stay small. So I don’t get judged. I’m very worried about being judged. I’m not a women and I don’t like being called a woman. I felt like a man and no longer a boy if that makes sense. But I can be called a girl. I’m getting very agitated thinking that I’m faking being trans. We all change our gender identities bc it’s the thing to do. Conservatives are right. We should be conservatives. The conservative position is easier to defend. They never have to prove themselves. Their beliefs are the old ones. Why should we change. Life is fine. My mom doesn’t want things to change. Or I’m projecting on her. I tho m I’m better than others and I project my bad things onto them so I don’t deal with them. Is that why I feel so free?
How fucked up am I. I wrote that paper about L dying in sophomore year. I’m more introspective and controlled when I’m in a relationship. With A and W and O. Not D. I had to lie about her attractiveness. But I loved her mind. Or I loved her being there for me when I needed someone.
S isn’t comfortable with me. We went to the beach tgt with her brother. I felt she brought her brother so we would t be alone tgt. She probably knows I have feelings for her. And have for over ten years. She’s honestly so pretty. She never replies when I message her on ig. She’s had so much sex and partied so much. Idk if her hair really came back after her eating disorder. She’s a professor. A real one. Not like fake ass me. I live at home. I’m Jim the gentleman caller. I just want to relive my moment of being cool. She wasn’t cool in high school. And, she had a group. And, she’s secure in herself now. Is she? I don’t know her. She doesn’t engage with me probably bc she knows I have feelings for her. If she had feelings for me she wouldn’t react in that way. She would want to talk to me. Or she’s holding me back bc I’m a nightmare pos.
My dads bloody eyeballs. Bloody eyeball in New York.
I had introspection awake at night on my computer. Maybe if I slept more I’d have a bigger dick. They called me pancake. I’m sad that W’s life is complete without me. As I thought earlier me like O so much must make her feel the same way. S watches all my stories but never messages me. She keeps her distance on purpose and has for years. I need to stop reacting to her posts and messaging her ever. She never ever ever reacts to me. I talked to her about O. That was one of our only conversations. In the past year I mean.
I have so much left to say I have to pee I always tried to hold my excretia in.
I used to put stuff in my butt. They took me to the doctor for it I think. And in my ear. Or was that S. I know I fingered myself when I was quite young. I’ve been obsessed with pooping since forever. Obsessed. Butts. Anal phase development. Freud. We both stuck stuff inside ourselves I think. Or was it only him that stick stuff inside his butt. I can’t remember for sure. I thought it was me.
My blue basketball tracksuit. Orange basketball. So excited. Getting up early and getting fully dressed by myself. So excited. Running to my parents. It was so early. They told me to go back to sleep. They were sleeping. I couldn’t sleep. I read something. It was so boring.
Everyone was asleep at the R house. I woke up early and first and I was so bored. I went to play that football video game. My mom got mad at me for playing that game too much. Did she get mad that morning? Tf was I supposed to do????? I was bored. Why did I get disciplined for such stupid shit. That’s a reason I didn’t respect my parents. This shouldn’t be a rule. Same as eating in the living room whole watching tv.
2:30 tomorrow.
Hold on hold onnnnnnnn the bathroom at OLL.
I make up narratives of being emotionally hurt.
So many fucking thoughts!!!!!!!!
Im making up a catholic school molestation story. Or am I.
That bathroom. That bathroom. Urinals without dividers. The tall skinny ones. Just like in the bathroom but 220. 220. Second floor, room 20. Playing football with Dominick and Kyle and one other boy. Kyle is dead now. Kyle C. Kathryn was friends with him. She posted about him. Angie. Leah senior year.
Your profile picture is you with another girl.
I changed it.
How excellent. Walking with Jessica on 4th of July. Dr. A gave a speech. We stepped forward for How excellent. Why was I involved? I don’t know. I wanted to be. They taught me the song. I sang alto I think. My voice was free. Did anything hurt? I don’t remember it did. I didn’t need Ricola. Or did I. My voice got sore junior year. Not sophomore year. I could sing big. I should’ve always gotten to sing big.
I’m going into a tunnel with my practicing. I need to work on something different.
I’m squeezing my neck like crazy.
The church at OLL.
SW from church really really wants me involved in her prayer organization. I am not a believer. It’s BS. That speaker was so BS.
I need to text W.
The church has blue carpet. “Jesus died on the cross, you can stand for twenty minutes.” My legs hurt so much. I remember lighting candles but that happened in California, not here. When Aunt K got remarried. I found out much later her husband drank himself to death. They got divorced before that happened. He would drink rubbing alcohol. Steven went too fast lighting the candles. I was so mad. Don’t you know what you’re doing. But I had to stay in character. My dad has to go up and relight them. I was humiliated. I danced with Baby Anna. She didn’t recognize me after that. She was so cute. I was 10? She was probably three or four. I was so disappointed when she didn’t know me after that. We swam in our shorts. I got such a bad sunburn. My skin was peeling at the Aunt P ranch. We were reading H P. I’m still scarred from that sunburn. Left shoulder. The soda thing. They had their own automatic soda. That was so cool. Everyone else lived in the real world. Not us. We lived in church world where I wore clothes I hated. And we took family photos I hated.
I’m just born evil nothing happened to me I’ve just always been evil and bad.
I looked in the mirror in the same bathroom mirror the same bathroom mirror where I shaved my unibrow when I was mocked I still do or was I even mocked I was just afraid of being mocked why do I have a unibrow why am I the weird one how can anyone love me when I’m so weird
But it’s not the same mirror bc that ugly cupboard got replaced and the door was so broken and I shared it with S and A. Sharing is such a nightmare. This house is pretty small for three kids and two adults it was at capacity. I wonder if that’s why we fought so much.
I didn’t work on the book today again.
The book.
Not my book.
Not even his book.
The book.
Where’s the ownership dumdum dumbass
But even if it’s not the same mirror it’s the same thought. I looked in the mirror and I believe I even said out loud just now
Crazy that I don’t remember
But if I said it out loud my parents would’ve heard
Why don’t I want my parents to know anything
Did they know when Z said he would kill me if he could or he stole all my friends
I was talking about how Lindsay Lohan was naked in parent trap. She must not have known I said. That excited me so much. Being naked. She was naked. It’s bad but it turns me on so much. It’s not appropriate but I’m so into it.
Even T said my obsession with sex is abnormal. But she agreed with me saying that. Maybe she was just pushing me to do more thinking. Idk if others are telling the truth for sure. My moral compass is off. I always want or need an external standard. This is right. This is wrong. I’m bad. I’m a sinner. If I just be myself I do terrible things. I say I’m just in it for the sex. I say all these girls here like me.
He said what did we used to listen to? Jonsi?
Adele too I said
It’s so fucking weird that we message at all.
It’s weird FOR ME that we message
God I’m so far off topic
Did he really forget what we listened to? Are our moments tgt not seared into his brain like laser and fire? I remember everything. I remember his letter. I remember meeting him by the chapel. I remember sitting on the bench outside the music department and we sat for so long and I was thinking this is weird I should leave but he just kept talking and then it was bc he liked me. I’m sure I still have that first letter in my box of heartbreak which is actually an oversized envelope. I remember seeing him from down the hall and feeling so happy. Am. I really gay? And that happiness was real. And maybe I was his gf and that’s why it didn’t feel gay
If I was abused how come I can have sex without being triggered
After a lifetime of being obsessed with sex how come it doesn’t feel good
I never lose myself in it
It just doesn’t feel that good. Masturbating feels better. Did I not have the right partner
I see little me in a dress
Instead I was in stupid fucking clothes I hated
I wore white socks at St. Luke’s with black pants. My mom told me dont. I didn’t want to listen. Then she was right. She was self satisfied afterwards. “yyyyyyyyyyEP.” Why tf were we even at St. Luke’s. S and A lived behind St. Luke’s. They were so cool. BC was there. I talked about having written an opera. He must’ve been like wtf. I saw him at undergrad at a concert. M said to me who was that guy you were talking to and said he was sexy or something. He was. I wasn’t into him though.
Oh my fucking god I’m so off topic AND I want to get this whole thought out.
S and A were so cool. I can talk to A bc I don’t have sexual interest in him. It was a long time before I knew he was trans. I was trying to put so much stuff together. They were both so fucking cool. S isn’t that cool now to me. And it’s hard for me to talk to her calmly. She had meds. I’m sure she has problems like I have. Maybe that’s why our relationship became weird. Weirdly close but not close and I was always yearning for more like I did with B. But I knew I couldn’t !!!!! That was so fucked up. My legs twitched. I wanted to be her.
Hating boy dress clothes. I always have.
Wanting to be an older woman.
But I’m totally cis.
What am I
I looked in the mirror now like I always did in high school and said I think out loud WHO ARE YOU in an emphatic tone of voice. My face and voice were serious. My eyes were wide. My mouth was set. WHO ARE YOU didn’t mean what’s wrong with you in this case.
Katy is commenting to me again it’s the most interaction we’ve had in years why am I not giving more energy back why am I being aloof maybe bc she out distance there and I’m trying to keep myself safe or I’m hurt or I’m just consumed with other things or I just don’t feel close to her. Her not talking to me hurt a lot. Stop distracting from topic!!!!!!!!!!! T hurt a lot. Then T sent that heart emoji to my post today after “stay well”
Idk what that means and W sees it so simply and straightforward and I just don’t.
That’s not who she was
I’m obsessed with WAS
WHO ARE YOU meant which of these many different versions of yourself that you experience and present is the real one? How can there be so many?????
I did outpatient at the hospital near sams house and Sam dated Irene and Irene announced her engagement today and both of Irenes parents are dead and we haven’t spoken in decades but were still connected online.
I wish I was walking in snow like when I was hurting over D and I walked so far and my mom called me like what the fuck you’re going to get attacked and I said I used to walk the streets of New York much later than this
Sam dated K and he was never the same after that. I was there with Gabi and Kari and we made deep fried lovin and it was amazing and we loved it and Sam and I could never recapture that although we tried a few times. He always said “what do you want to do” and I didn’t know and neither of us had an idea. I went to so many weird ass coffee meets and hangouts in those first few years after high school. A had a pool party or something. When was the slip n slide party. We had all those AGT parties and tried to recreate or simply create the social life and friends over we should’ve had in high school and I believe my mom was extremely happy bc that’s what she had always wanted, to be the party house, like all the kids coming to play at her house when she was a kid. But how could anyone like coming here with the way she acted. We actually were a party house in elementary school. There’s that day when we all played in the rain and I was wearing red sweatpants. There’s the picture where I wanted the attention and I stood in front of the whole group sideways catching snowflakes on my tongue. We played smear the queer in the frosty grass. The athletic boys were the coolest. K’s older brother Dylan was called superstar on the soccer field. We played so many games at OLL. Do you remember tether ball. Words look weird rn what are letters even. Wall ball and black magic and double black magic and triple black magic and quadruple black magic and four square and kickball and soccer and basketball god we were so competitive it was amazing and so fun
Kickball on the asphalt we always had scraped knees who approved that who let us play like that. Brandon fell and left his teeth in the asphalt or at least that was my image of it. Zero the Hero. One hundreds day. Turbo math. Writing books. Everyone else knew things I didn’t. Star Wars. Everyone knew things I didn’t.
We couldn’t be the party house in middle school. She wasn’t safe. I wanted to die. I deserved to die bc I was so disobedient.
Who was I? The no friends middle school. Won’t let myself poop disgusting fart everyone smelled it too scared to pee off the stairs I had to get approval to go to the outhouse too scared to spray the wasp nest taking down the pole and failing and smashing my hand and it had that big scab and I washed it with hand sanitizer bf that was all I had and maybe that’s what caused my blood clot but it happened so many weeks later how did it happen so much later. I was so into J in college junior year and then she told me the story about fucking that other guy when they were drunk. She even Skyped me. She loved that one guy and then he picked someone else and it ruined everything and I was always starving and eating my cereal too fast but I didn’t want to spend money buying more I only went to Cub like once we rode the bus and took so many pictures and I looked so happy in that moment. And R was there. Before he assaulted me. I didn’t want to touch his dick the memory of touching his dick is literally making me shake rn I need to stop it was so hard and small he was everywhere on campus he did whatever he wanted he was loud everyone loved him stop thinking about him!!!!!!!!!!!
My neck and arms are so tense rn what is wrong with me why did I have so many social problems putting my backpack in those cubbies when we went to eat I was so scared it would be stolen I took it with me I was the only one it was so stupid I was such an envarrassing person I’ve been so controlled in my life by embarrassment only the Asian kids ran they didn’t care what anyone thought of them we laughed at them that was so typical mocking any difference. I read the books of school history trying to understand the values and I finally did I didn’t fit in!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have R and E and C.
The protests are dying down. We’re at the limit of change. It’ll take another death to rile this back up. That’s disgusting but I think it’s true. Things were done in Portland at about 9:30.
I feel sick. I feel legitimately sick.
I feel so sick and my ears are ringing great!!!!!!!!!!! And I saw T and her boyfriend and thought about how I want sex and I’m not fuckable. Which maybe I am. Maybe that’s my essential self. Unfuckable and insecure and anxious and scared of being different and scared of being judged and bc of this always already different and trying to be different so I stand out as a star but not wanting to stand out at the same time. Do I even like singing or like music or do I just want to be famous. I have been so confident that I would be famous. I’m so confident in my ideas. I’m so smart. No one can be more right than me. My co fife to self is despicable.
Maybe I loved being fifteen and being with M and being at A M F and two summers ago with O bc I wasn’t this disgusting insecure person but everyone liked me. I’ve been thinking that that person is my essential self. But maybe the whole thing is that thats NOT ME AT ALL. I’m not meant to be a star or be anyone I’m meant to be a worm and disappear and be nowhere and that’s why I do t have groups and that’s why no one liked me at undergrad and at the same time didn’t I keep myself out of groups on purpose so I would keep honoring high school? Like we keep honoring Leah. Just like I keep holding onto the pain of O to honor the relationship that we had and prove my real love for him. He’s moved on more than I could ever imagine moving on except that’s not true in the sense that I don’t know anything but I must be ABSOLUTELY clear with myself when I say that the reason it’s not true is because whatever I say is an assumption and I’m working on not making assumptions about other people at this point in my life bc I need to act on what people say bc I’m not at all a mind reader. And, I hope that he is thinking of me. But I’m playing with myself. He’s fine if he was here then he would be here. He might be in another state he might be in a whole other relationship.
Don’t fake yourself out. He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s not coming back.
He’s moved on.
He’s moved on.
He’s moved on.
He had at least one other relationship.
He might not be single now.
He’s moved on.
He’s not coming back.
I need to finish this. I avoid the real point. Why does my brain do that. And I want to write down every thought. Why so many digressions
Okay then
I’m typing with my eyes closed sometimes which is something I used to do in high school while I was typing late into the night exactly like I am right now. S always lay facedown on his bed which I thought was fucking weird bc I only lay facedown to masturbate.
He did that in the day time
I kissed so many objects after reading the Star Wars novelization
We played Nanosaur at catholic school and public school.
The computers were in the portable
I never got to play as much as I wanted to
The computers were in the library and I played type to learn. I was watching Star Trek tng with my dad on a summer night and it enthralled me I couldn’t tell when special effects were bad at that age. We had to leave I had indoor soccer with Kirill’s dad and he was a star in the Soviet Union he said but who knows and I went to his house one time to play video games and it was a small apartment and I was so surprised. The preps took him in instantly but why not me WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME WHY IS MY GRIUP THE PPL WHO ARE WEIRD SS FUCK
We funked in the halls people laughed at how I didn’t know how to move myself or in anyway be in my body and I couldn’t let go why couldn’t I let go people who let go looked so cool Sam was our mascot at that high school duhduhduh day I didn’t know what tf I was doing there why was I in ASB it just seemed like the thing to do we tied I was relieved when I lost I missed the midnight going into the secret places in the school thing fuck my life I missed so many things I wanted
There were younger boys who went to pee in our one and only bathroom and they took their pants all the way down to their ankles and the older boys came in and made fun of them while they were still right there and I heard it and made sure not to be like the kindergarten boys so I wouldn’t be made fun of. I think I peed like that before that day. It didn’t matter??? Smooth white butts. There was one brown person in the class named Tharik. Maybe not but we were so white.
Is there anything else to remember about that moment?
Sinks where you pushed the bar at the feet to turn on the water
I’ve been to so many airport sinks and the urinals have no dividers
I always prayed no one else would be in the bathroom why was I so scared to pee beside someone I would be seen why didn’t I want to be seen? Other times I was dying to be seen. How did my desires change so much
Why was I obsessed with sex. I had fantasies of Hoth of magic school bus I was naked in so many. I didn’t want the doctor to examine my penis. I said can my mom do it instead and tell you. No he said but she can sit in the room. Okay he said. I was so scared. Why was I so scared. Why didn’t I handle it normally. Why I’m gods name would I want my mom to see my dick. What the fuck was wrong with me.
Is there ever a time I look back on myself and think wow that was a good decision I’m proud of that. No! I have happy moments like being the only freshman in honor choir or playing the zither or whatever it’s called with A
Am I more evolved than I was then
I choose not to act or do anything bc at least that way I can’t make any mistakes and not acting is also a mistake I can’t bear to do what I did in the past and then somehow I do it before I realize I’m doing it
Why was I obsessed with sex
I read about luke and Leia kissing in that movelization and I kissed so many things around the house trying to capture the description from the boom of how her lips felt. There were choose your own adventure books and i always imagined myself in them and unmade so many self insert fantasies where all the characters were still there. the boys were my friends and the girls were my lovers. I think OLL was where I read junior Jedi knights. We used to go to the library so much the old one and I read through so much Star Wars and Star Trek science fiction. I was never attracted to the boys. I never judged the stories I just enjoyed the imagination. And I read Ancient Greek mhths. I’m a fucking nerd and nothing nobody who got thrust into the center stage and suddenly I had some popularity and then I had that personality push and pull. Always being criticized. A criticized me and W criticized me after my recital like right after and A took down the program in Eugene and Ö tore me apart so many times including after the MC. Anneke was so fucking attractive.
I never should have had attention. I liked so much stupid nerd stuff. But I was cool in elementary school. I feel like wherever I am I try to make the stuff I like cool and bring people to me. I can’t fit into them. Music is a great way to do that bc everyone loves music.
I have always had false ideas of who I am but when I’m depressed I can be realistic. That’s why it’s good for me to be depressed. I’m a sinner and no good and deserve it. I deserve to feel bad. It’s penance. I deserve it.
That’s not what I should feel and that’s not what my brain feels but I write down stuff like that bc that’s what my heart is saying. Those could even be in quotes. That’s being said by a different me inside me if that makes any sense.
I’m so privileged. What do people think when they see me. Do I not have more followers and more story views bc I’m a fucking loser and that’s what people see? But I liked myself. I liked what I saw. I liked it. But it wasn’t or isn’t good enough for other people. My opinions grate. My opinions drive people away. Why do I always have such strong opinions.
I never do anything part way
I started masurbating so early. How did I find it
Don’t message back fast. They’re very inconsistent. You’re hoping for much more than they will ever give. You give what you look to receive. You don’t give what people deserve. You don’t give based on the real quality of your relationship but by what you want it to be or you give without regard for yourself and only regard for pleasing the other. A. W. O. D.
No boundaries. Too many boundaries. Inappropriate feelings. I do so much to avoid inappropriate feelings.
What’s inappropriate
You should have sexual feelings for that person
You shouldn’t like people that much older or that much younger. I never knew him when he wasn’t an adult I stg
I can’t remember any sexual feelings at all in third grade. I remember so many times when I thought wby dont I like anyone. I remember like forcing myself to like K in fifth grade. I end up dating or whatever people I’m not attracted to. I see someone in them that isn’t the real them and then I expect them to act like that person
I guess I tried to change O. I’m the bad one
Idk if that’s true that I tried to change him.
But I definitely might say x is a good decision in my opinion. Stuff like that.
Am I asexual? The question doesn’t stop coming back to me.
Can I remember anything. I don’t fucking know.
I played with my penis from a time when I was very young.
W feels natural for me but wrong. That’s not who I am.
K doesn’t feel natural these days most of the time and idk why. Is she just a costume :( I don’t want her to be but maybe she is. I have to face all my inner voices. Avoiding them has hurt me a lot.
I don’t see people for who they are. For who they are inside I see them. Nope. That’s my projection. Who I think they could be which is another way of saying who I want them to be. Stupid stupid stupid.
Rubbing my dick on my bed felt good. Rubbing it on blankets felt better. Pulling down my pants and then pulling down my underwear. Better and better and better. I didn’t think to masturbate with my hand for years. I went through so much shampoo. I came in so many showers. Once I was scared I would get my sister pregnant bc I came in the tub. I came in my grandparents’ bathrooms. Both of them. My dads dad doesn’t hardly seem like part of the family.
Why don’t i remember more?
Because there’s nothing else to remember.
Each experience is a different me. How will I ever know who the me me is. So many different selves. So many masks. A different person around every single person. Only O and D knew the full me. Not A or W. They were my sex friends and we were in a relationship. Sex was what I wanted. I turned into their emotional support doll. They didn’t support me. I don’t tell W things. She isn’t on my sinsta. I haven’t told her about it. She would be hurt that I didn’t. And that I wouldn’t add her. Don’t give people things they can’t handle. She doesn’t use my girl name. I wonder if O knows I changed my name online. It doesn’t matter. He’s not part of it.
She doesn’t understand a lot. A doesn’t understand a lot. There are these lines right. They’re not like me. But we have sex. Sex is so important to me bc they’re sex friends. But then I get sucked in emotionally. Same with O. We were sex friends that got emotional.
I never had sex that satisfied me.
There’s a gap of why sex why me. Etc. Why secret. I’ve always been a secret whore like lots of white girls.
I’m obsessed with symmetry too. I’m not normal. I hate seeing S’s name in my text suggestions or whatever they’re called. predictive text.
I’ve always been obsessed with symmetry. Idk where that came from. I can’t stand asymmetry in my body which ofc we all have bc nothing is perfect in nature in a mathematical sense.
Left right right left
Up left down right down left up right
I do that pattern constantly. Teeth tongue mouth eyes feet
I’ve done that since forever. Why
Nothing comes from nothing but that doesn’t mean it came from severe sexual trauma either
I’m trying to find trauma just find sexual thoughts in the past instead
Like my dad giving me that one shirt sex talk and how uncomfortable it was and how I thought about balls or how sex was always trash and we had to go to bed when our parents were watching a movie did they ever make out there was no physicality in their relationship ever. She has her couch my dad has his chair
I don’t want to be physical with them I do with everyone else maybe I’m the abuser maybe I was born that way I kissed everyone they didn’t want it maybe Mrs. H was right to punish me that way. I feel like my sexual interest started before kindergarten
Masturbatimg has always been fantasy time. Sometimes memory time. Sometimes creating fantasy memories. Sometimes living out things I read. Erotica really is the superior porn
I masturbated like crazy, and, I didn’t know any sexual terms. Bisexual is when the woman is older than the man LMAO
I think already in first grade or so I didn’t tell my parents about school. I didn’t want to. Everyone knew who we were. Big ass silver van. We always were the last to leave anything. Always talking like crazy. Public was our only freedom even though it was our fake selves. I kicked the rock into Mrs. G’s ankle. My mom shouted at me. We were just playing. AND I know that I knew I was being risky. We ran laps around the school. It was always hard for me. Running. I always hated it. I couldn’t push myself. That Mikaela or Michaela or however she spelled her name was ahead of me on the sidewalk. She was faster than me. We ran laps under the covered area. That was where we were allowed to play during rain time. I told Jesse she was dat and she said that’s a black mark on my soul and a sin. H E L L H E double L H E double hockey sticks
I peed my pants and somehow Mrs. H knew
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asteriuszenith · 4 years
VT Investigation Files: POI Files: Adrian James Carter
Updated As Of:
With Regards to One’s Name
The name Adrian is a form of the Latin given name Adrianus or Hadrianus. Its ultimate origin would most likely be the former river Adria from the Venetic and Illyrian word adur which means ‘sea’ or ‘water’.
James is a classic boy’s name which was derived from the Hebrew name Jacob. It means supplanter, one who follows.
The name Carter is a boy’s name of English origins which meant ‘transporter of goods by cart’.
Who Were They?
Adrian Carter is infamously known as the head of Montauk and had been considered a genius by many people for proving a lot of concepts that had been considered as mere pseudoscience to be true. He has a daughter named Cassandra Carter and an unnamed wife who seemed to have died of circumstance that left him a changed man—something that Cassie noted in a much more colorful way in one of her vlogs.
It seems that he was the one who established the corporation and then decided that Montauk’s main headquarters will be located in his childhood home.
It’s worth noting that despite growing up in the manor, he disliked being in it. Nocturne mentioned that the man would often discourage him from staying within the manor beyond working hours and disliked it to the point that he and Cassie lived in an apartment in an undisclosed location within the city.
During an unspecified date and time, Mrs. Carter died of unknown reasons and Mr. Carter began to change. I believe that he may have sent Cassie away to Canada not just for her (to help her heal from what happened probably) but also for himself.
He loved Cassie. Nocturne mentioned that despite the massive physical distance between the father-daughter duo, Adrian always tried his best to keep in contact with his daughter and stay updated on her life so that he doesn’t miss much of her growth. They must have been pretty close considering the goofy story of how the Cabbage girl inside joke began because he was being a dorky father to his daughter.
However, it appears that Cass noticed that he started to pull himself away from her once he got closer to Cardozo to the point that he lost contact with her. I wonder what could have made him change on that front that much…
Nocturne also made several offhanded comments on his blog posts that Adrian seemed to have grown more… eccentric the longer he knew the man. It would certainly make one question why that is so.
2017: The End?
Adrian Carter died on October 14, 2017 with the publicly identified cause of death as suicide. However, they provided no details on how he committed the act as well as the reason why he would commit the action.
His Relationship With Miz Cardozo
For most of Cassie’s observations (mind you, there may be a possibility that she could have been viewing the events through rose-colored lenses as no daughter would ever want to consider their father doing such a thing), Adrian Carter looked like he highly respected Cardozo and trusted her. Apparently, over the years that they’ve known each other, they’ve grown so close that Cassie assumed Cardozo became her father’s closest confidant. However, she also noted that the closer he got to Cardozo, the less he contacted his daughter.
A month after Adrian’s death, Cardozo stepped forward and confessed that Carter had been making a lot of unwanted advances on her and that she had been afraid to bring it to light as the man can literally ruin her life and career if she decided to ruin him. The world had been outraged at that confession for Cardozo while those who were close to Adrian didn’t know what to think.
Another thing to note was that Cardozo and Carter was working on something together as Nocturne mentioned in one of his posts that before he would often work with Adrian after office hours on RedMan, he would have to wait for Cardozo’s own sessions with Adrian to end before he would be allowed inside.
His Works and Research
The head of Montauk became well known for his tremendous contributions in proving certain topics that had been labelled as pseudoscience to be true. Thus it wouldn’t be that strange to know that he must have left behind numerous studies and written papers of his own that researchers and scientists would probably do just about anything to get their hands on them.
As it was, there had been two main projects that people around him (most notably Nocturne who had been working with the man as both a colleague and a student) mentioned he had been working on before his death.
First, it seems that the man had been researching the very manor that the corporation was using as their main HQ. Nocturne didn’t really pry too hard for the reason on why Adrian was researching the house but he also mentioned that he, himself, had noticed some inconsistent and impossible geometric and architectural features on the manor that only he seemed to have been able to notice and experience.
The second mentioned project was the RedMan project. Nocturne worked with Adrian on this project and always found it odd that the older man was so obsessed over perfecting the project as soon as possible. After Adrian’s death, Nocturne continued their work on the project and had been hard at work in finishing it.
On that note, it appears that Adrian might’ve left most of his projects and research to Nocturne in his will or perhaps he left it all to Cassie and then she unleashed Nocturne on them to make sense of them. Most of the things contained in his papers was a source of both fascination and frustration for Nocturne, generally with how impossible some of what Adrian had written in it to be.
It makes one wonder what could have been written on them that might have garnered such a reaction from Nocturne...
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helenarlett-rex · 5 years
Goosebumps Review #9
Wow... After reading the last two crap books, it’s nice to find a good one again. Let’s just get right into this.
(Spoilers... as always...)
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The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
Goosebumps (original series) #14
Yeah, so... I’ve heard people complain before about this book being slow. And I guess when you are writing pulp horror for children, you need to keep up with the shorter attention span of your audience... But honestly, I think it’s a good thing that this book was slow. Or rather, instead of calling it slow, let’s call it a slow burn instead. Because the book isn’t slow as in it’s boring. It wasn’t boring at all... It was slow in that it takes its time setting up the story and bringing you to its ultimate conclusion. But I felt that it was worth it. It was very atmospheric and managed to craft a story where you are never quite sure who the werewolf is right up until the very end.
The very end is the only time you actually see the werewolf, but that was fine too. The werewolf didn’t need to be the centerpiece of the story. Fever Swamp and all the weird mysteries it holds was the real centerpiece of the story. In fact, you could have just shortened this book’s title down to just “Fever Swamp” and it would have been perfect. And now that I’m thinking about it... why did this book not get any sequels? Of all the many mysteries Fever Swamp holds that are shown to us over the course of this book, the only one we actually solve is who the werewolf is. But there at the very least three, maybe four other mysteries in this book we never got answers too. How come something as awful as Monster Blood got four books in the original series and this only got one? You could have very easily made Fever Swamp into a full series... Solving one of the various mysteries each book. The werewolf was really only the start of the story. This was like... a pilot episode for some kind of Eerie Indiana/Gravity Falls type series set in the swamps of Florida. Hell... I’m already pondering fan-fiction. If Stine isn’t going to give me the rest of the story I may just do it myself.
But anyways, moving on... The story centers on a boy named Grady, who’s family moves to Florida right during Shark Week. That detail has nothing to do with the story, but the book does make it a point of mentioning that they were watching Shark Week on TV during the first week. I’m just drawing attention to it because, Florida... and Shark Week? This book was written for me!
Lesser known fact. I grew up in Florida. I lived in a coastal town, nowhere near the swamps, which is where Grady’s family moved to... but the book still sounded very reminiscent of my childhood home. I had acres and acres of woods behind my house the same way Grady has acres and acres of swamp behind his house.
But anyways, Grady moves with his parents, who are both scientists, and his sister, Emily, who starts out as an okay character for the first few chapters, before Stine realizes he doesn’t want to use her as a main character, and then she becomes one of the worst, most annoying side characters I’ve ever seen. After chapter 7 her character is reduced to just an annoying sister who sits in front of the TV all day and makes snotty comments from the other room. It’s like, Jesus Christ, girl... Your brother got attacked by a wild animal in the swamp was was brought back to the house unconscious, and all you can say is, “It was probably a squirrel”? The fuck is wrong with you?
But I have to ask that question about Grady’s parents too. So... The reason they moved to Florida, and pulled their kids away from their home and their school and their friends, is because Grady’s dad just got his hands on some South American Swamp Deer, and he wants to release them into the swamps of Florida to... see if they will survive... And suddenly I’m wondering, what kind of scientist are you?
First of all... South American Swamp Deer? I’m not even a scientist, like this guy is claiming to be, and I can tell you that there’s no such thing. Did you mean South American Marsh Deer by any chance? That’s a thing... A threatened thing that is close to being endangered... Who gave you six of these things just so you could take them to Florida to see if they will survive or not? According to the book he went to South American and trapped them and brought them back himself. So... is Grady’s dad a poacher?! And what kind of experiment is, I wonder if they can live in Florida supposed to be anyways?! Is he like, trying to find a new habitat to repopulate the species? I’ve got a tip for him... NOT FLORIDA! Those deer are all going to be alligator food in less than a week. That or become meth addicts...
But he’s not just a bad scientist. He’s also a bad father. Yeah, that swamp behind their house is the home of a man known only as The Swamp Hermit. A man who seems to enjoy chasing children through the swamp while screaming “I’m the werewolf!” (Good times... We had a guy like that in the wood behind my house too.) And not only does Grady’s dad let his kids play in the swamp unsupervised, which would be kind of dangerous even if there wasn’t a crazy hermit living out there, but when Grady tells him the hermit chased him through the swamp not once, but twice, Grady’s dad only replies with, “Some guy at the hardware store told me he was harmless.”
Wow... Did some guy at the hardware store also tell you that setting an invasive species lose in the Florida swamps would be a good science experiment? Is this the same hardware store where you bought your permit to trap a near endangered species and transport it into the country?
Anyways, the point I’m getting at is that Grady’s parents are just as awful as his sister turns out to be. Although now that I think about it... My parents let me play in the woods unsupervised... and they never took me seriously when I told them about the crazy guy chasing me through the woods... Oh my god... R.L. Stine actually captured what living in Florida is really like...
Thankfully Grady makes friends with two kids on his street. Will, a boy his age who doesn’t believe in werewolves, and Cassie, a girl his age who is obsessed with werewolves. He also finds a mysterious giant black dog who looks like he may be part wolf, who Grady decides to name Wolf. Wolf is pretty friendly, as well as far smarter than what I would expect of a dog, and his parents allow him to keep him.
Most of the story is split between Grady, Will, Cassie, and Wolf exploring the swamp during the day, and the mystery of the strange howling and animal mutilations going on at night. As I said before, the book is a slow burn as it builds up tension around the night time activities until Grady finally decides he can’t take it anymore. The howling thing, which Cassie insists is a werewolf, kills one of his dad’s deer, and his dad blames Wolf and is going to take him to the pound to have him put down. So Grady decides the only thing to do is sneak out of the house and find whatever is actually killing all the animals... and that neighbor that went missing a few days ago...
Yeah, one of their neighbors went missing in the swamp, and never did get found. So the stakes are kind of high.
This is when we finally get our werewolf, all the way on the second to last chapter... I wish I could say I was surprised by who it was, but sadly I’d already seen the TV episode of this one years ago, so I knew who it was. Although if I hadn’t seen that episode I totally would’ve been stuck between two of the other characters. Spoiler alert... It was Will. The werewolf who doesn’t believe in werewolves.
Wolf somehow manages to kill Will, because we all know the legends, right? A werewolf can only be killed by a silver bullet, or a silver knife, or a stick with a silver handle... or a stray dog you found. But this doesn’t happen until after Grady gets bit and the book ends with Grady not just becoming a werewolf, but embracing it as he and Wolf stalk the swamps at night.
Which should totally be the setup for an entire series about Grady using his new werewolf powers to solve all the other mysteries of Fever Swamp if you ask me. I can’t be the only person who thinks so. In fact, I know I’m not the only one who thinks so. And the book also mentions that Grady is still friends with Cassie even after he becomes a werewolf. The girl who is obsessed with werewolves... I’d love to see how that affects the development of their relationship.
But no... Why waste time on an interesting setting with lots of unsolved mysteries still left to solve? Stine had to write four Monster Blood books... And a whole series about Horrorland... and another whole series about Slappy, the only monster in Goosebumps more pathetic than the haunted car...
Oh well, at least this book was creepy, interesting, and didn’t make me feel like I was wasting my time.
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baldysims · 6 years
Strange Legacy 3.2
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“Hey bro, how was college? Still have all your skills maxed?”
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“Oh, Di, it was amazing! You wouldn’t believ--”
“Hang on, I just realized it’s the middle of the day and I somehow failed to get in my coffin and am about to die from sunlight exposure yet again. Hold that thought.”
“We’ll talk about skilling laterrrrrrr! Hissssssss!”
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Third generation heir Fornax has returned to the legacy lot and been reunited with his parents and older-but-perpetually-teenaged sister, Diadem. The main household got played a bit while the rest of the kids were at college so I could troubleshoot the whole teen vampire thing with fewer distractions.
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It turns out teen vamps are hard, but not that bad when you build them a garage full of snapdragons and give them a fancy sports car to shield them from the sun’s harsh rays on their way to and from school... at least when certain other people aren’t hogging the coffin. *coughCASSIEcough*
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Yep, Cassie’s back home too. Why? Well, I wanted a platinum grilled cheese grave for the lot, but I also really didn’t feel like making another Sim eat 200 sandwiches. Sue me.
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It’ll be nice to have an extra set of hands around to raise generation 4, though, especially since I’m sure I’ll be pretty distracted a lot of the time with keeping Di alive... in a manner of speaking.
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Generation 4 will be here very soon, since Fornax took less than a day to fulfill his lifelong (or at least last-two-years-of-college-long) dream of becoming a rock star. Not bad for a former nerd who never even made out with a girl until after he’d already graduated.
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Fornax’s wedding to Danni, the sexy heroic firefighter of his dreams, was thoughtfully held at night so that all members of the Strange family could attend, both living and dead.
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Unfortunately this included some family members who probably shouldn’t have been invited, like Uncle Alpheratz.
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Ever a man of class, he couldn’t even wait until the reception was over to start trash talking the groom. It’s extra gross when you realize that the woman he’s talking to is his daughter Cursa, who you might remember along with her sister Bellatrix as the tearful, brokenhearted children from the last family wedding Alpheratz ruined.
What have Bells and Cursa been up to since we saw them last, anyway?
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Well, Bellatrix married the love of her life, Tybalt Capulet, and became a business tycoon in the family company. She’s angling to get her son, Lucius, named the heir to the Capulet fortune, but I doubt that’ll happen given how matriarchal the Capulets are. Still, she tries. I guess you can take the girl out of the patriarchy, but you can’t take the patriarchy out of the girl.
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Cursa moved into Capulet Manor alongside her sister, and immediately began a scandalous May-December romance with Tybalt’s grandfather, Consort. No one in the family has told Betelgeuse about their affair, and for good reason. Bete was raised to believe every Sim in the family must abide by the Strict Family Values and True Love handicaps, regardless of whether they were raised in the main household or not. The knowledge would only hurt him, and clearly, he’s happy in his blissful ignorance.
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Bete also doesn’t know that his youngest daughter, Electra, is also keeping certain aspects of her life as a spare a secret from him.
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Sure, she locked down a True Love in her college years and married him as soon as humanly possible, just like her parents always dreamed, but given that she and Freddy are a couple of video game-obsessed slackers who can barely put down the handhelds to feed themselves, much less raise a child, I decided to let them embrace the wonders of modern birth control.
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And so it seems that Betelgeuse and Angeline’s only grandchildren will be through Fornax and Danni. Speaking of whom, let’s get back to their wedding; I think we’ve gone on more than enough spare-related tangents for one chapter.
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Danni Strange, former last name unknown, is a knowledge Sim and former firefighter who is truly, madly, deeply in love with her dork of a husband. She saved his life back in college and the sparks, so to speak, were instant.
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Danni’s very well liked by the rest of the Stranges. Cassie used to be the sole holdout, but now that Danni is officially part of the family, she seems to have come around.
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It’s shaping up to be a very wholesome generation.
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Danni got pregnant right away, and spent the majority of her pregnancy working on maximizing all her skills. She’ll need them, because I want to get the collection point for having all the career rewards this generation.
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Danni was game, and dedicated herself so thoroughly to this task that she even gave birth with her skilling hat on.
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Little Gomeisa here turned out to be a girl, which gave Betelgeuse a little anxiety. He himself took four tries to have a boy with his wife Angeline, and they ended up cutting it pretty close age-wise. He doesn’t want that stress for his own son, so he urges his son to try for more grandchildren as soon as possible.
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Fortunately, that’s not a problem for Fornax and Danni. Their chemistry is through the roof and they basically go at it like rabbits constantly, so it wasn’t long before Danni gave birth to another girl, Hamal.
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This did not relieve Betelgeuse’s concerns.
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“Son, you realize that only boys can inherit the legacy heirship, right? You have to have at least one, and really, two is best.”
“You think I don’t know that, dad?”
“Of course not, Fornax, but I want to talk you through some of the implications. The only way it’s mathematically possible for you to have an heir and a spare is to have at least two more children.”
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“So? That’s fine. I mean, sure, I’m not a Family Sim like you or grandpa, but I’m permaplat and Danni’s definitely up for it.“
“The problem, son, is that there are already seven people in this house. Di can’t move out until your mother and I die, which we’re nowhere close to, and Cassie can’t leave or we lose the grilled cheese grave. Essentially, you’ve only got one more chance to get a boy... and I hope you’ll agree that we should maximize it.”
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That’s right, it’s cheesecake time! Betelgeuse himself was a cheesecake twin, so of course he’s aware of this classic legacy strategy.
I actually hate having twins, especially during the toddler years, but Betelgeuse is right -- it only makes sense to double the chance of getting an heir before it’s too late.
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And so Danni went through a third, much more difficult pregnancy, while the rest of the household worked as hard as they could on various miscellaneous legacy milestones.
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Cassie spent a lot of time tediously job-hopping for various career rewards, and also painted the next generation of Strange family portraits. She herself won’t have an official portrait as a spare, but I thought it would be nice to let her memorialize herself for posterity with a grilled cheese masterpiece.
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Betelgeuse finished his memoirs, as demanded by the Storyteller handicap.
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He also spent some genie wishes bulking up the family fortune. The Stranges don’t really need money for money’s sake, since they’re already swimming in filthy lucre, but in order to get maximum points they'll need $3,000,000 by generation nine, so every simoleon counts.
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Diadem earned all of her point-based scholarships as well as an impossible want point by maximizing her skills. Now that she’s free most nights, she spends a lot of time acting as her nieces’ night nanny.
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“Glowing skill milk for Gomeisa! Hissssssssss!“
Unfortunately, I realized too late that I made a big mistake by maximizing Di’s skills as quickly as I did. She’s knowledge, so now that she doesn’t have anything left to learn, the only real big-ticket wants she can satisfy are being scared by ghosts... and ours aren’t exactly cooperative.
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“Grandma, scare me! Bleh!”
Grandma Sharon would never, Di. She’s too nice. Sorry. You’ll have to wait for Grandpa Zaniah... and for some reason the only time he ever came out to haunt was to scare your mother during her last pregnancy. Jerk.
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Di also tends to get lured by the siren call of the career reward collection, which I foolishly stored out of sight in the backyard. Pretty much every morning I lose track of her until I realize from her red icon that she’s been roasting in the sun.
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“You can’t blame me for wanting to live on the edge! It’s what teenagers do! And I’ve been a teenager for decades now.”
Yeah, fair enough.
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Finally, the twins come along... and it’s two more statistically improbable girls, Ilkil and Jishui. I was so upset by this revelation that I completely failed to take a decent birth photo. I mean... ugh. The house is as full as full gets, but no one can really go anywhere until either the girls grow up and go to college, or I decide to kill Betelgeuse or Angeline. I really don’t want to have to deal with annoying non-Old Age ghosts this early in the legacy... so that means I’m stuck raising four girls while Fornax and Danni’s adult lifespans get shorter and shorter, unable to be lengthened even by Elixir of Life due to yet more legacy handicaps.
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That’s right, little spare, grow up! Grow up in your pajamas with no party and no cake. With all 4+ of you little monsters running around, it’s not like birthdays are going to be anything special around here.
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It goes without saying that the whole house is basically living off of cheesecake right now. Betelgeuse made a lot. Just in case.
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The sole exception to cheesecake for dinner is when the headmaster comes over for lobster, but even then, Angeline objects.
“Fornax, you don’t need to go to such lengths. Just let me fix BJ a few drinks! We go way back, you know.”
I was pretty sure that was the booze talking, but then this happened:
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Well, I’ll be damned! I guess booze really does beat out a home cooked meal. I’ll keep that in mind for my next dinner party.
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“Aunt Di, why do me and Hamal have to go to private school and study so hard just to start college early? That sounds boring.”
“Gogo, I’m going to lay some truth on you. Private school is the best thing in life. I mean that, literally. The only joy I get in life anymore is from the occasional report card that barely keeps me out of aspiration failure. Hissssssss!”
Yeah, I think Diadem might be depressed.
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To cheer her up, I sent her on a date -- the good, expensive kind, not the Aunt Electra “Just take my $25 so I can get a memory token” kind. The matchmaker conjured up Adam, a store clerk who’s been selling the Stranges clothing and groceries since the dawn of the legacy.
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Diadem couldn’t get enough of him. He seemed genuinely fascinated by her stories of being abducted by aliens back before getting vamped, and for once in her life since maximizing her skills, Di felt... passion.
Of course, love in a knowledge Sim vampire tends to express itself in a rather, um, aggressive way, and, well... I just couldn’t resist the aspiration bonus.
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Sorry, Adam. I'll try not to burn you to a crisp when the Stranges visit community lots during the day from now on.
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After claiming him as a creature of the night, Di claimed her first kiss, just as the sun came up. Away with you into your coffins! Bleh!
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Oh, Angeline. Booze for dinner with the headmaster, and now booze first thing in the morning? I get that you picked up certain habits from your mother in law, but did you have to pull Fornax in on the day drinking? He’s been so functional up til now!
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“I resent that. I day drink purely out of my own free will, just like you would if you knew you’d be changing diapers until retirement age.”
Sigh... fair enough.
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In other news, Cassie continues to pursue various careers in search of all 20+ career rewards. Most of the time I just nab them from the newspaper so she automatically grabs them, but sometimes I let her go all the way to the top.
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Something about the sweet mad scientist robot hand just seems right for her, you know?
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Anyway, we’re about halfway there as far as the career rewards go. I decided I was sick of them cluttering up my view of the lawn (the Stranges are trashy for sure, but like, rich trashy, not furniture-on-the-lawn trashy), not to mention almost killing Di every morning, so I resolved to spruce the place up with a mausoleum/career reward storage facility. And a greenhouse, because hey, why not go for that extra Seasons point?
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We already have most of the fish thanks to Angeline, which is the hard part, so really all that’s left is the wishing well and a few juices. Might as well, right?
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“Grandma, why can’t you play red hands with me?”
“Well, Hamal, you’ve got to be a good girl and study for when you become a teenager. And I’ve got to spend all day fishing so that I can get red and pass out on the lawn over and over!”
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And so she did! Here, have an ugly photo of the upstairs hall proving that Angeline nabbed us every kind of fish.
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And not a moment too soon, because as soon as the first leaves began to show on the crops in the greenhouse, Angeline received a ghostly final visitor.
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R.I.P. Angeline Strange, former cute teen downtownie, wife and mother of four, Sim City General Chief of Staff and lifelong alcoholic. You were many things, but most of all fun to play, and I’ll miss you.
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Poor Bete. Family Sims take the death of a spouse extra hard, so I was expecting this, but it’s still sad. Especially when his morbid vampire daughter discusses it so bluntly over a game of pool that very night.
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I don’t mean to imply that Di didn’t care about her mother’s death. She did, of course! She was probably even closer to Angeline than Betelgeuse was. But Knowledge Sims show it in a different way.
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And so Angeline was laid to rest in the upper floor of the mausoleum, where Sharon was already haunting in welcome. Hopefully she’ll have some company soon.
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Life went on for the rest of the family, with Betelgeuse still hellbent on getting a grandson out of Danni and Fornax.
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Yeah, yeah, she already promised to have more kids once you’re dead, Bete! Give it a (final) rest already!
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“Aunt Cassie, do I have to die to get a brother too?”
“No, Gogo, of course not. You’ll just go to college, that’s all. We’re not killing anyone on purpose in this legacy until at least generation 7.”
I’m sure Gomeisa was very comforted to hear that.
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In protest, she rolled Romance on her teen birthday, but just like Cassie last generation, I don’t think it suits her.
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She is ridiculously uninterested in all the men she meets.
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She’d much rather hang out with her younger sisters, especially Hamal, who’s about to join her in teenhood.
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Now, I’m not a total monster, of course I let Gomeisa have a first kiss before I sent her off to college. The last thing I want is to force Fornax’s children to relive his grisly fate as an inexperienced child in college. Plus the wishing well we got from joining the garden club makes it so easy, how could I not?
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Hmm, Loren Teens, not bad, not bad. Technically he’s part of yet another matriarchal Maxis family, the Tricous, but the Tricou matriarchs are all dead and Loren is ultimately just a descendant of one of the men who married in, so I don’t think Betelgeuse would necessarily object.
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Especially since it’s finally his deathday.
R.I.P. Betelgeuse Strange. You did everything you could to continue your father’s legacy, even when you probably shouldn’t have, but I respect the effort. I hope you have fun whaling on Alpheratz in the afterlife.
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With Betelgeuse finally dead and gone, Fornax and Danni were free to try for babies #5 and #6. Yes, I’m doubling up again, and if I get two more girls, I’m going to scream. I’m not even sure Danni will be young enough to carry another pregnancy if that happens. But hey, at least this picture of them cuddling under the stars is cute. I like to think they’re planning their babies’ names when they do this, since everyone in the family is named after either a star or a constellation.
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Just like big sis Gomeisa, Hamal rolled Romance on her birthday and summoned a Tricou kid, this time Loren’s brother Tiave, from the wishing well for her first kiss. The girls in this family really seem to enjoy flirting with matriarchy.
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Right after Hamal hit him and quit him, Zaniah popped out to scare her. I don’t think the old hypocrite approves of his great-granddaughters rolling Romance or dating Tricous.
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With Gomeisa and Hamal’s first kisses obtained and generation two finally laid to rest, Diadem was able to nab her last scholarship and get shipped off to college with her nieces. I’m sure they’ll have a blast there while I head back to the home lot and pray to Wright for an heir who STILL hasn’t been born and (hopefully) play him all the way to teendom and young adulthood. Sigh.
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Legacy Scoring:
Legacy: 3 Money: 2 Family friends: 38x.25 = 9.25 Impossible wants: 9 (Alph 20L, Sharon 30F, Zaniah 7Sk, Angeline 7Sk, Fornax 7Sk,  Cassiopeia 200S, Electra 50FD, Diadem 7Sk) Platinum graves: 4 (Family, Popularity, Fortune) Ghosts: 1 (Old Age) Business: 4 Seasons: 2 Free Time: 4.5 (Games: Zaniah, Betelgeuse, Alpheratz, Electra, Fornax, Cassiopeia, Angeline) Collections: 1 (25 Elixirs) Master: 2 (Social Bunnies Need Love Too, Child Prodigy - Fornax, ) Handicaps: 0 Overflow: Penalties: -1 (bills) Total: 38.85
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