#the islamophobia is actually sickening
i posted something in support of palestine on my popular side blog and i lost like 15 followers within 30 minutes. it's wild because literally all i said was that i'm against genocide and i need to speak up about it and not be silent. like that's it. just that i'm against genocide. but apparently people take me saying that i condemn genocide as a controversial statement somehow
Free Palestine is not a political statement, it's a humanitarian one.
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faust-the-enjoyer · 6 months
Important political rant about the COD fandom:
So. As a SWANA person, it fucking tears me apart seeing people promote and advocate voting for genocide joe. And ever since i was little, i've heard plenty about the war crimes committed in SWANA countries by the usa. So now, seeing you guys say "vote for biden!" because apparently he'll give you your rights is....sickening to say the least. What about the right of muslims in the usa? What about Palestinians? Iraqis? Syrians? And plenty of others, don't forget about the blood on the hands of your presidents.
You care about no one but yourselves, in true american fashion. Your worthless society is built on selfishness and blood. You hold no glory or honour.
Did it not affect you? Seeing lists of Palestinian families killed and wiped out? Children aged only a couple of months, killed? People stuck under the rubble? People tortured? It broke me. Because I'm a SWANA person. It broke me. Because it's genocide, because it's inhuman and cruel and sick and not enough words can expressed horrible how it actually is. It broke me. Because they look like us, because they have the same names as many of us have, because they speak the same tongue many of us do. But it didn't affect you? It didn't break you?
To be americanised is to lose your humanity. And to be westernized is to lose your humanity.
All you care about is yourselves. Your rights, your lives, your comfort, your people, it's always "me me me", never anyone else.
I hope your country falls. From the deepest part of my heart, i hope your country falls and collapses and i hope that i see its death. You smell like blood.
Just vote for a third party and don't vote for a genocidal piece of shit. And no, in case you're fucking stupid, I'm not saying it's any better to vote for Trump. Or maybe it's really difficult for you to let go of your selfishness, your racism, your anti-arab sentiment, your islamophobia. Maybe it's really reaaally difficult on you.
Do me a favour. Block me if you're pro-American military, were or are or will be in the military, or you wanna vote for and promote the voting for genocide joe. I don't want pieces of human shit around me.
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the amount of Islamophobia in the comments by Zionists under Palestine posts is actually sickening.
how the fuck does your hatred of Muslims mean you can call all of us terrorists to justify Israel wiping out generations and generations of innocents.
it DOESN'T. you are inventing absurd and illogical "arguments" because you know FULL WELL that you're fucking WRONG, you sick, twisted bastards.
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queer-geordie-nerd · 11 months
One more time, for people who seem to be deficient in understanding complex situations and can only see everything in black and white:
Caring about and being sickened at the brutality visited upon Israeli civilians by Hamas doesn’t mean I’m “pro war crimes” or “pro oppression” or whatever stupidity, and it also certainly doesn’t mean I care any less about the innocent Palestinians currently being bombed into oblivion by the Israeli government.
Collective punishment is an absolute evil, no matter who does it.
The only side I’m on here is on the side of the ordinary innocent people on both sides, caught between a warmongering, human rights abusing government and an extremist terrorist faction who doesn’t actually give two tiny shits about the rights and freedoms of the people they claim to represent and would rather revel in carnage and violence than actually do anything to improve the lives of Palestinians.
And Israel is many things, but what it is not is a “coloniser” state - it is impossible to colonise your own ancestral homeland and Jews have lived there since the beginning of recorded history and it is a hugely foundational part of them as a people. They ARE native to that land, this is NOT analogous to white Europeans stealing Native American land. Open a history book, for fuck sake.
And the people who have used this ongoing, hideous tragedy and loss of life as an excuse to air the most foul antisemitism or Islamophobia, fucking shame on you, you will NEVER speak for me.
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jegaphone · 10 months
I never post my own shit here but there is just no single post to reblog that could represent my constant just-simmering-below-the-surface anguish these past couple months. I know this is a very USA-centric comparison, but 9/11 was timed just right to draw a thick before and after line in my life - this has truly been like watching the fallout all over again. Baseless, heavily propagandized war. Islamophobia, colorism, colonialism, nationalism, obscene military funding, the whole shebang.
I have a Jewish partner and very close Jewish friends, and have seen a wide spectrum of reactions and politics even in my small personal network. Judaism is not a monolith, and anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. But "even" in what I'm used to as being liberal circles (scare quotes because I shouldn't REALLY be surprised), I'm sickened by how many people I know who are nodding along to the same bullshit all over again.
It's all so soul-numbing, and I'm just a basic middle-aged white bitch in the midwest crying on my couch. The level of actual suffering is just... unthinkable. I don't know where we can go from here.
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pcrtgasdace · 2 years
the line between being islamophobic and trying to support women in iran is very thin. hear me out. i am wholeheartedly supporting every woman's and muslim woman's decision to freely choose how to express herself and how to practice her belief. in my book, it's everyone's individual decision and many muslims would agree. i am a muslim woman too. however, the problem lies in western media. i read articles, i see the news about the issues in iran and it's 90% of the time borderline islamophobic.
a german article just yesterday talked about the abolishment of the morality police. we know that it's just a symbolic thing of the iranian government to do to keep people quiet and think they won with their protests. it's no reason to stop raising attention to the issue. but the issue doesn't lie in islam.
the german article immediately talked about islam in a bad light, making islam the problem instead of talking about the real problem. not drawing a clear line and that's sadly intentionally done by western media. because the article emphasized how oppressive and backwards islam is. not really drawing a line between islam in itself and an oppressive system telling women what to do. it's a double edged sword these days, people using this news to further spread their islamophobia in the world.
still. it is not religion but a political, conservatist power in every society that uses religion as its legitimising device.
in every religion there are these two trends which express socio-political forces: one defending stability, which is the state, and the other defending social change, which is the political opposition.
and sometimes i am not too sure people who read these articles actually care to differentiate. or actually care about muslim women. each time a white person tries to talk to me or talks in general about this issue they seem to think the problem is islam itself.
of course, muslims like me support the women and that they can freely choose to wear hijab or not. i am muslim too and i don't wear a hijab, it's not a measurement of who's being more muslim or not.
law involving matters of faith should not be subject to the state’s intervention. This is a matter between allah and each believer. No human being should intervene between allah and a believer or pretend to judge in allah's place whether the believer is sincere or not. the qur’an specifically says that there should be no compulsion in matters of religion.
my main point is: media is still so islamophobic that they don't even try to make a distinction between those women's rights and fueling their hatred for islam. it's just so sickening to see that each time a white person talks to me about this issue i have to make sure they are actually not islamophobic bc they got fed these islamophobic news and western propaganda regularly and usually don't bother to inform themselves more than reading two or three lines in an article. it's incredibly frustrating to watch.
we can find better words than secularism and liberalism within islam itself. such as the priority of reality on the text, the priority of public welfare and that islamic law is based essentially to defend life, reason, honour, dignity, and public wealth. then secularism is already built in islam without any need to inject it from the outside, from the west or the east. those are major intentions of islam which are secular, without using the word secularism.
external intervention is an unlikely means for advancing democracy. we saw how american and european "efforts" to this resulted in afghanistan. while there is every reason to hope for movement toward democracy, you should also be wary of those who tell you, with excessive optimism and no small dose of hubris, that democracy will readily be brought to the region by tanks and weapons.
we can stand with muslim women while also recognizing that we don’t stand against a specific religion from which a billion people derive their personal identity.
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godsgiftmaggot · 9 months
zionists will continuously bring up antisemitism from pro-palestine groups (i will be not say that there is no antisemitism, there are people that call out others masquerading their antisemitism as support for palestine), but make little to no effort to actually call out islamophobia and racism from other zionists. it’s beyond fucking sickening to see videos of people pulling dead family members from rubble, horrifying updates from those still in gaza, reports of entire families and generations getting wiped out, and seeing some fucking monster comment pro israel or some made up horse shit about hamas.
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silver-wield · 4 years
I looked up the zine account and fell down a rabbit hole and... Jesus Christ and the Latterday Saints... I saw the receipts about the racism, Islamophobia, etc. and they were certainly not what I expected. And there were some tweets responding to the receipts with "mm no, that's a lie" and then not providing proof themselves. What hurt the most was seeing a fellow bipoc defend the same people who continue to associate with the biggest racist of them all. Idk, no amount of love for a ship would make me forget about all the negative qualities in someone.
What gets me is the blocking situation. Barely any followers, and yet 4000+ people blocked for reasons as simple as "because they weren't clerith" and them cleaning it up by saying "we were only talking about trolls" but listed the former as its own reason. People even said they were blocked without even talking to the mods. And when others were saying "this is unprofessional. aren't you trying to sell your zine?" their responses were a collective "were you even trying to buy the zine?"
I didn't even know that str*y *rrows was doxxing that person on this very platform.
I'm probably younger than a lot of them, and I'm sure as hell younger than the entire ship war, so my only question is, "What on earth has them so pressed that they're willing to be bigots, liars, AND doxxers?"
Yeah, the cult is ugly, which is why we call them the cult cause they're not shippers like the other ones. They don't even like Aerith and just wanna bang Cloud using Aerith as a proxy.
I haven't been in the fandom for a whole year yet, but I've seen some nasty shit from queen dumdum and that's why I tell people to watch out for her. Don't give out your personal info and don't believe any of her shit.
That zine will never exist. She'll take money and info and use it against people cause that's her entire thing. She's a liar and manipulative af.
She never even played FF7 in any capacity and just wants to be right and get attention and money from sheeple following her insanity. I really can't see why she's here cause she hates the story and every character, including Cloud because the way they paint his character is sickening and no actual fan of him would ever say that about him. I didn't appreciate him in AC, but I sure af wouldn't suggest he's the way they say. Their Cloud is a pos who deserves to die alone. Canon Cloud is actually a sweetheart with a ton of issues just trying his best. She weaponises all the characters of it suits her needs, then plays victim when people say she's ruining the story.
Seriously, it's best to just call her embarrassing and leave her and her dumbasses to it.
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bitching-barista · 3 years
Your reply to the last ask you posted and what you wrote about the really racist/islamophobic messages!!! I think about it all the time! Why did they use the comfort characters that were barely there for some of the worst scenes/dialogue? We love these characters and we know them, we should have seen them being around (when they got the chance to film with them) for comforting scenes! I’d prefer if they hadn’t been there at all if they were going to make them part of this sickening storyline, Zoë and Robbe deserved so much better. And about the messages, they were only there for Yasmina to see and for it to be the reason for her to snap but not expose Britt completely, the fake ig acc should have been used to show how disgusting her conversations were and in the end no one got to see it except for Yasmina. I wanted for Yasmina to read those messages aloud for Britt on that scene BA ask Yasmina to apologize, so everyone would know what she had done, I had hopes that scene was about everyone realizing how harmful Britt’s words were but no, they only wanted for Yasmina to apologize once again, for Amber to storm off again... The people who wrote apparently have no idea that the worst thing there were the islamophobic messages and the way they used it as a catalyst for Yasmina to do something supposedly bad but never mentioned that racism and islamophobia are unacceptable, I guess it says a lot about who’s writing it. It’s so disgusting these characters we cared for so long are being written by this type of person I can’t even begin to process what to do with the awful things they made me feel during last season and this one.
There have been so many purposefully missed opportunities this whole season. I kept waiting for those messages to be used again, for yasmina to actually go off and they just purposefully swerved away from that. Literally what was the point of making those messages that disgusting, of having amber fully aware of them if that wasn’t even going to come up again??? I don’t get the point of any of it, like what exactly were they trying to say with this season?
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dlamp-dictator · 4 years
You know, I wanted to talk about the fun parts of the latest Arknights event, like how Texas and Waii Fu got into a fist fight in the streets of Lungmen. I wanted to start a small essay about how Granbelm’s Anna Fugo was a great and interesting villain and how Granbelm as a who was a pretty good mecha anime. I wanted to talk about how awfully predatory AFK Arena’s gacha system is.
But before all that, I think it’s high time I actually lived up the “X” part of Allen X.
So, I hate talk about current events, namely because they heavily date my posts. As such I usually save them for my end-of-the-year pieces that are dated by design. However, I don’t think I can quietly watch a lot of what’s going on in my country without at least addressing its existence.To be silent is to be compliant after all. I’ll try and keep this as brief as I can, but no promises. 
But like most of my Ramblings, some background.
As of me writing this, the date is May 31st, 2020. For those unaware, a George  Floyd has been killed by a police officer via strangulation a while back. As sad as it is for me to say, this is honestly nothing new in America. Racial discrimination and prejudice by law enforcement is, frankly, older than this country. However, this seems to have been the tipping point, as several states and larger cities have erupted into mass protest. For most of my research and feed searching, the protest have been mostly peaceful, and a lot of the violence has seemed to be done by White Nationalist groups like the Proud Boys and the KKK in an attempt to smear the peaceful protests, even by a few police officers.
My small town is as quiet as ever, but the world around me has exploded.
I’m usually seen as a quiet and thoughtful person for the most part in real life. I think only a handful of my friends actually know my temper can get razor thin in times of stress, and this has been a pretty stressful time for me. So... I’ll break this down as thoroughly as I can. I’ll try and stay calm and professional as I usually am in most of my ramblings, but I can’t make promises on that.
But let’s get to the first point.
Things are Scary
Something I was going to save for a future Art/Writing rambling, but I don’t think enough people have been admitting that things are very scary right now. In the same vein that I don’t think enough people admit art and writing is hard, I don’t think enough people, enough people with actual pull to their words, are admitting that, yes, things are very scary right now as of May 31st 2020.
In January we had a political situation that nearly started War World 3. In February we had the announcement of a global virus that is still just as contagious and deadly as it was then, and possibly was running about by late December. In either March or April I believe had major flooding in the state of Michigan, and now it seems we’re going to end May with civil rights protests where police and military are attacking protesters seemingly unprovoked.
And this is all very scary.
I know my words don’t have the same weigh as a celebrity or a political figure, but I feel that validation of basic human emotion is the key to coming to an understanding, so I’ll say again: this is all scary stuff. It feels like as my world continues to turn uninterrupted while the world around me is just turning more and more to ash. It’s like being in a safe haven while watching people run from a fire slowly approaching, and it’s scary. It’s outright terrifying. And I think it’s important to admit this and accept this. You can be afraid, you can say you’re afraid, you can cry and worry about how scary things are. Accepting those feelings is important, just don’t let them control you.
That said.
Allen X’s Take on Things
Here’s what I can say so far. 
A lack of police accountability has be a fact of life here in the US for years, decades even.
The police have far more power than we give them credit for.
While many of my dealings with police have been good, I get the feeling I’m the exception to the rule.
Our current federal leadership has been nothing short of ignorant, arrogant, and domineering toward not only minorities, but the general population.
Supporters of this leaderships are, frankly, remarkably ignorant at best, and criminally dangerous at worst. 
We have reached a point were basic health regulations such as wearing masks in the middle of a global pandemic is now a partisan issue. This is bad. 
We have reached a point where more police accountability during a time of global pandemic is now politically divisive. This is also bad.
I could go on, but these are the most pressing thoughts I have on our current situation and the nicest I can be about this topic while maintaining an air of professionalism. Like I said, things are scary. The more I look into things, the worse I feel about the state of this country. The only positive thing I can say is that it should all be over once election day comes. 
Now, here’s something else I’d like to state.
Allen X is Black
I never enjoy talking about my ethnicity on the internet. As someone who talks more about video games, anime, manga, and general niche “otaku” media, I feel like my ethnicity and race rarely play a role in my opinion of Asian media, as I’d always be viewing it as an outsider regardless. However, with this topic I feel I should at least state that there is a reason I use X as a stand-in for my pseudo last name. It was originally the name of an old self-insert OC, Allen X. Walker, but when I realized Allen Walker was already taken, I just left it to Allen X. A cheeky nod to both how a lot of only aliases of the early 2000s had “X” as a stand-in to keep original names, and a to my ethnicity, riffing on Malcom X, who used that letter as a stand-in for the last name our ancestors had stolen when taken to the US by force to work the plantations.
As I said, my race is rarely relevant to what I cover, but it does effect my everyday life. I get nervous when I say on my application sheets that I’m Black, wondering if that’d be a black mark. I get twitchy whenever I do my laps around my predominately white neighborhood, wondering if I’d get snide looks and sneers. I get agitated whenever anyone uses the n-word due to it never meaning anything positive in my past. I annoyed when people assume I’m either British or from the UK due to my not having the typical accent of most Black people since I lived in a white neighborhood for most of my life and took speech classes as a child to speak “normally”. Hell, I was bullied by the Black seniors in my high school as a Freshman for not being “Black enough”. And more recently, I was kicked out of the neighborhood I do my rollerblading laps in because that neighborhood suddenly became “private property” when some new neighborhoods moved in. New neighbors that are fine with me being ran over by a car, but not “trespassing” on their sidewalks.
Needless to say, I am very familiar with racism and prejudice. It doesn’t effect me as badly as the folks in the south and especially where these protests are, but I am familiar with it. And when I see these videos and tweets of the violence and police brutality, the anger of the people, it’s terrifying. It terrifying that this is real and is happening just a few states down south of me, and possible one state north of me. It’s terrifying that all this is happening so brazenly and with very few people in our system of government, at least at the executive level, doing anything about. And it’s terrifying that I’m not seeing this on too many major news channels and sites. That’s partially due to me rarely looking up the news aside from headlines, but most major places I’ve seen, save for maybe CNN, really haven’t been talking much about it, not as much as I’d like anyway. It’s all just a lot to take in, and those nervous moments I have due to my ethnicity start to make me shake with fear some days now.
But... I need to move on to the next topic, for the sake of my sanity.
What Must be Said
Like before, I feel like there are things that must be said. To be silent is to be compliant, and while my own position in life is a little to fragile to break out the picket signs and parade the streets, I will at least use my online voice to state what I feel must be stated, if only to say what I do and don’t agree with. 
With that said:
Injustices by the police and general law enforcement must be given accountability.
The murder of innocent minority, racial or otherwise, is wrong and must be given the proper punishments.
The lack of care toward healthcare, workers’ rights, civil rights, and so on must be ratified.
Law enforcement should never be seen as or used as a force of fear as it currently is now.
And during a health pandemic like we are now, safety should be a prime concern before anything else. For the police to be acting as they are now makes me fearful of the future.
The fact that I have to say any of that, the fact that any of that is controversial is appalling. The fact that a simple hashtag like #blacklivesmatter is controversial is appalling. The fact that I even hesitated to write that hashtag to maintain professionalism is appalling. It sickens me a little to live in a country where any of that is said, written, or typed with a hint of hesitation or worry. It’s just... so appalling.
That’s all I have to say on this subject, at least in this tone. My purer, more raw thoughts I’ll save for my friends and family in private.
But... I think that leaves us with one question left before I end this. Which is...
How Did We Get Here?
Folks, I am a knowledgeable man, but I don’t consider myself an intelligent one. I didn’t study years of the underlying racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, and antisemitism that lead to our situation.
However... I am very sarcastic and sharp-tongued man. I don’t show that side of myself often here on the internet aside from jokes and jabs at nonsensical things like anime, as it breaks my typical persona of an analytical and professional man, but I think I can sum up what’s happening by paraphrasing single quote that I feel many of the wrong people have used to justify their own feelings of injustices. So with that said:
What do you get when you cross an abused and patient minority with a society that abandons them and treats them like trash?
“I’ll tell you what you get. You get what you fucking deserve.”
Anyway, ideally I’ll have a much happy topic to talk about later this week. Like Arknights. Like I said in the beginning, A former mafia delivery girl got into a fist fight with a kung fu detective, a lot of fun things happened in the latest event.
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I Don't Wanna Grow Up (And Neither Can You)
You can't show women being hurt. You can't show child abuse. You can't show rape. You can't show incest. Pedophilia, self-harm, intimate partner abuse, necrophilia, violence against children; if you're going to so much as talk about any of these things you need to do so at a 5th-grade level and behind the dual firewalls of safe, pastel-colored animation and explicitly education-based presentation. The art has to show you in painstaking detail the exact way in which to behave. Even then there's no guarantee it won't provoke a public outcry, doxxing, death threats, and even campaigns to strip artists of their jobs and livelihoods.
The idea that by depicting an act an artist is endorsing that act seems baked into the minds of certain left-leaning sets of younger people, particularly teenagers and early twentysomethings. That they have such deep concern for the safety and social equality of their traumatized peers and the traumatized in their own ranks can only be admirable, but more often than not the form it takes is mass harassment and scapegoating targeting not institutions or major studios but independent creators, many of them marginalized themselves. If the whole thing sounds, with its zeal for censorship and its self-righteous hate campaigns against the disenfranchised, a little like the American Family Association with a glittery coat of paint, well, that's kind of what it is.
The usual arguments about internet anonymity and the horrible deformities it breeds in human interaction all apply here, and there's much to be said of the young age and unformed personalities of the people perpetrating the worst of it, but even older, more experienced art aficionados aren't immune to the fervor for purity in art. There seems to be a much deeper affection in these circles for corporate art -- for the Marvel cinematic universe and its bland, calculated inoffensiveness, say -- than there is for art made by artists. Movies like Wonder Woman and Captain America: Civil War are evaluated with a generosity of spirit that borders on delusion, cults of enthusiastic acclaim forming around actress Gal Gadot's onscreen thigh jiggle and the "subtle homo-eroticism" of Thor: Ragnarok.
Corporate art exists to please. It exists to reaffirm the status quo and to build affection for and loyalty to corporations. From the callous Islamophobia of the Iron Man movies to the US Air Force and CIA-approved wokeness of Captain Marvel and Black Panther, the whole enterprise is bent on saying as little as possible while looking as socially conscious as it can. Fandom's fixation on finding gay themes and subtext in these blockbuster juggernauts was more understandable when independent gay art was harder to find, but today you don't even have to brave a convention-- you can dig it up with a quick search on Etsy or Gumroad. When independent artists release material featuring actual deviant sexuality, though -- from gay content to incest -- the reaction from these same people is overwhelmingly prudish. There is little to no desire among them to interact with adult work created by adult gay and trans artists. That art -- small art, created for personal reasons -- is too dangerous to touch, too full of moral imperfections and frightening images.
But what's left in art once you scour away the things that make you uncomfortable? What's left for the people who make their living and/or maintain their sanity by approaching our own suffering from a place of skill, assurance, and safety? What's left for readers and viewers trying to grow as people, to find empathy for those they've been taught to despise, to understand their own sexual shame and fear? What's left for people struggling with the isolation of abuse who have no support and no words to help them name it? Art is the lifeblood of human connection and introspection. It is the foremost way in which we can confront our own weaknesses and failings. Sanitized and focused solely on the comfort and entertainment of its audience, it's no more meaningful than a halfhearted handjob from an indifferent lover.
The idea that depiction equates to endorsement has been pedaled in our society virtually since its inception. Its modern proponents range from anti-violent video game morality groups to the Westboro Baptist Church's unhinged campaigns to remove television with gay content from the airwaves. Imagine a world where Debbie Dreschler never made her autobiographical comic Daddy's Girl, one of the most scorching, hideous things ever committed to paper. How many people would never have seen their own experiences with parental incest reflected in her work, and thus felt able to finally break themselves open and process their deep pain? When a subject becomes taboo we lose our ability to process the pain surrounding it, to talk about it openly, to understand why it happens.
Another core pillar of this movement is the expression of outrage toward sexual kinks based around transgression. Surviving rape, abuse, and other traumatic incidents is never an easy thing, and it's never clean. You'll carry the marks of it in your sex life, in your sense of safety, in your beliefs about the world until the day you die. In Nancy Friday's My Secret Garden, a 1975 collection of women's anonymously submitted sexual fantasies, multiple Jewish women who had survived the Holocaust wrote with deep shame of their need to sexualize that experience, to relive it with their partners in a safe and loving environment. It's a relatable sentiment for anyone whose sexuality has been shaped by trauma, which can force shame and need against one another until they grow together inextricably. A close friend of mine was attacked as a "vicious anti-semite" for quoting the book.
The same friend was attacked en masse for her erotic comics featuring gay and bisexual men, comics which depict those men with complexity, heart, and loving attention to detail. The argument was that as a straight woman it was fetishistic for her to portray sex between men, a position so mind-bogglingly dense that I'm hard pressed to find a way to fire back at it other than "really?" It's difficult to parse until you realize that the targets of these little brigades of loudmouths and scolds are always, always women. For all that they're marching under the banner of social justice, the people they feel most comfortable threatening with harm and emotionally brutalizing are women. Men both in the independent art scene and in the mainstream make violent, hateful art every day, but screaming at men doesn't satisfy the misogynistic impulses beaten into us by a culture that sees women as weak, stupid, and venally evil.
What you have in the end is a movement which in practice enforces a sort of neoliberal social conservatism, demanding the sanitization of art produced by women and labeling existing art degenerate with the same verve the Nazis displayed in putting the torch to centuries of Europe's artistic history. It's a small, impoverished way to understand the purpose of art and it's fueled by deep, repressed misogyny. If we pretend everything is good, if we act like Marvel will fix racism and sexism if we just give them another four production cycles, if we make our branded dollies kiss and claim it's because the movies portray them in a symbolically homo-erotic context, OBVIOUSLY, then we don't need to look at ourselves or see what we're doing to the people around us. We can close our eyes and slip into the lukewarm water of purposeful mediocrity.
There's nothing wrong with escapism. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to or not being able to engage with art about horrific things. The problem begins when you look at the people who can, who need to, and decide that they can't either, that they're going to have to bend to your worldview or you'll call them pedophiles and nazis and incest apologists and run them out of town. And what then? When you've crushed the hopes and dreams of every woman writing dark erotica or making beautiful, sensual comics about love and loss, what's left but staring at each other in a creative wasteland and waiting for one of your own to show the tiniest sign of weakness so you can recapture the thrill of moral outrage by ripping them apart. It's a cannibalistic cultural dead end where corporations are our friends and other human beings are the enemy.
I stand with sex workers, with pornographers, with artists of all kinds struggling to make something hot, something vulnerable, something raw and sickening and terrifying. If they fuck it up, well, at least they're a person, not some faceless sea of suits trying to get their arms down my throats to pull out my organs. Enjoy your popcorn movies, your Steven Universe and your X-Men comics, but ask yourself, what are you immersing yourself in by not reaching beyond those things? What is prolonged and overgrown childhood doing to your mind and to your moral sense of the world? Growing up is painful, yes, but if you want to learn to love, to open yourself up to others, to touch the deepest, rawest parts of your psyche and your sexuality, you're going to have to suffer.
From: https://www.patreon.com/posts/25994657
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catchinggmybreath · 7 years
2, 9, 15, 16 🌟
2. What do you believe are the 5 biggest issues we face as humans now?
racism, sexism, LGBTQ-phobias, ableism, and islamophobia. also rape culture. i mean there’s obviously a lot more, but these types of things are such a huge issue still and it’s very upsetting. i just recently reblogged a post about what to know for those new to sex. it talked about communicaiton and consent. and somebody replied saying “ i hope you women all know you’re nothing but 3 holes to fuck for my pleasure”. like the fact that people still exist who say shit like this is sickening. people are like “well we’ve improved from 50 years ago”. like yeah but that doesnt mean we don’t still have a super long way to go with acceptance and ending discrimination against different races, genders, sexualities, disabilities, religions, etc. (sorry for the long answer... moving on...)
9. Where are the 3 places you most want to travel to and why?
I always have the same answer, and it’s actually one place which is THE BAHAMAS. like yes omg i’ve been before and i want to go back so badly. (:
15. What do you think constitutes a truly healthy relationship?
communication, honesty, being straightforward. honestly those are what come to mind bc i’ve been in relationships that were manipulative and lacked communication and honesty and they absolutely fell apart and were really toxic. my current relationship is with someone who is completely honest with me, no matter what, and communicates well. and it’s probably the most healthy relationship i’ve ever been in. (:
and i already answered 16 in my last ask so check that out on my blog if you want (:
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12 Wacky Things The Left Mistakes For Oppression
1. Black men are disproportionately being incarcerated
Maybe that’s because black men are disproportionately committing the most crime and murder? Despite making up just 13 percent of the population, blacks have been committing 52 percent of homicides in the United States for 30 years. In the other categories of violent crime such as rape, robbery and aggravated assault, blacks consistently committed a staggering disproportion of the total (40 percent while making up just 13 percent of the population) in 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010. The murder rate among blacks is similar to the rates in some of the most violent third-world nations. No other racial or ethnic group comes close. Note that for 20 to 24-year-olds, the murder rate committed by blacks (109.4/100,000) is 17 times higher than the rate for whites (6.4/100,000). Among 15 to 19-year-olds, it is over 20 times higher. The average for all ages is 13 times higher. The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result, so-called “criminal justice reform” is now being proposed to release a ton of black criminals from prisons, supposedly to “make amends” for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black men. The vast majority of blacks in prison are there because of violent crime and mostly against black people. Ordinary black people cannot afford to go along with the liberal agenda that calls for undermining police authority over black criminals, they are still criminals regardless of their skin color. That agenda only makes for more black crime victims. The black incarceration rate isn’t racism, it is simply a sad but accurate reflection of the horrific black crime rate. It’s your own fault.
2. Some women don’t have high paying jobs
These young women either have taken woke intersectional feminist genderqueer majors which resembles less of a qualification in anything useful and more of a retarded child’s participation certificate. Or they have actually chosen happiness and personal fulfilment over frantically comparing their wage slips to every man they meet. Despite the fact that young women flock to these pointless and low paying courses, young women are still earning more than young men after graduating. Girls are getting better grades from kindergarten to university, they are being accepted into college more, they are being handed grants and scholarships simply for being women, they take home 57 percent of university degrees and they are dominating in many STEM fields plus they are twice as likely to be hired. If there is a biased structure in play favoring one gender over another, women are not on the losing end. The problem we have is once women are hired, they usually lack the motivation, competitiveness and win-at-all-cost mindset it takes to rise up the corporate ladder. Women also tend to work less hours, they don’t want to do overtime, they don’t want to take their work home with them and if the job involves danger, difficulty or physical labor, regardless if it offers high wages, they will turn it down. Feminists only reference the highest paying males of Fortune 500 companies as evidence of their “oppression” but these men are examples of working 90 hour weeks and not having a life away from work and making the worst partners and parents imaginable. If you don’t want a family, you don’t want to study a real major, and you don’t want to work hard but you still want to blame “the patriarchy” when you are broke and miserable, it’s your own fault. 
3. Islamophobia
Islamophobia is not a real thing, it’s just a term pushed by Islamists in order to export Islamic blasphemy laws to the West. This word is nothing more than a thought-terminating tool conceived in the bowels of the Muslim Brotherhood for the purpose of silencing critics. Every religion, ideology or idea is allowed to be subjected to criticism without turning those critics into people suffering from a phobia - except for Islam. Islamophobia is classic political correctness. You don’t have to deal with the substance of arguments against the oppression and human rights atrocities celebrated under this barbaric seventh-century ideology or the fundamentals within the Quran and Hadiths which are the driving force behind Islamic extremism, all you have to do is label critics a cluster of “Islamophobes” and the argument is over. As this lie prevails, we become infinitely more vulnerable to Islamic terrorism and sickening Islamic practices because we are afraid to talk about them and it prevents us from being honest about the danger we are faced with. People have become too scared to report radicalization, police have become too scared to investigate mass Muslim rape gangs grooming and abusing young girls, women have become too scared to report their rape when it’s committed by a migrant. All because we don’t want to be “Islamophobic.” It requires that no one speak ill of Islam or say anything that might put a frown upon a Muslim, if so then we are accused of spreading hate and being responsible for radicalizing and pushing these Muslims to terrorism but in reality it’s to enforce Islamic blasphemy laws onto the West, easing us into getting used to Sharia law. Ten years ago we could never have imagined British citizens being sent to prison for writing a criticism of Islam on a personal social media account but today it is illegal blasphemy and we are now being arrested for it. Brushing off Islam’s primitive religious fundamentals and pretending they are harmless and cute all because the majority of those who believe in them aren’t white is not progressive, it is not being tolerant, it is being submissive and dumb. If you believe your backwards religion is beyond criticism and your beliefs can’t hold up to basic scrutiny, it’s your own fault.  
4. Immigrants are being deported 
No. Illegal immigrants are being deported. I know the left have popularized the crazy idea that once somebody illegally breaks into our home, they are to be rewarded with citizenship, protection and handouts but that’s not how immigration works, this is not the immigration you say our country was built on and you know it. This country was built on legal immigration, and the ones who made it through learned the language and assimilated while bringing a ton of jobs with them. Legal immigrants are as safe from ICE as the President so let’s stop pretending that every immigrant is living in fear. I read children of Italian immigrants from the 60′s are “scared” of being deported - give me a break and learn the difference between legal and illegal, fucking morons. When you break the law, you do not get rewarded, that is not progressivism, that is stupidity. Today’s scenario is 15 million illegals ridiculing those who played by the rules. Illegal immigrants should have no expectations that their lives here should be the same as those who are legal citizens. These people are here illegally, they are aliens, they are not “dreamers.” By lumping together illegal and legal immigrants, the “let them all stay” folks are vigorously trying to muddy the water so the actual issue, illegal immigration, gets lost in the process. Though people are waking up and are finally putting border security before caring about being called bigots. If you cheat the system, sneak into a country illegally and you get caught and your ass is sent back, it’s your own fault. 
5. Women live in a “rape culture”
Feminists describe our society as a “rape culture” where violence against women is so normal, it’s invisible. Films, magazines, fashion, books, music, humor, even kids toys according to the feminist activists cooperate in conveying the message that women are there to be used, abused and exploited. Recently, rape culture theory has migrated from the lonely corners of the feminist sphere into the mainstream. Obama’s admin asserted that we need to combat campus rape by changing “a culture of passivity and tolerance in this country, which too often allows this type of violence to persist.” Tolerance for rape? Really? The 1 in 5 myth is just that. A myth. It comes from this 2007 Campus Sexual Assault study. In the study itself, the researchers make it clear that the research consisted of students from just two universities. There are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S and the research was confined to just two of them. It was a basic online survey that took 15 minutes to complete, it was anonymous, no one’s claims were verified and any affirmative answer to questions such as “have you ever had sex while intoxicated” was marked as rape. Even the study authors have since come out and explicitly stated that it is “inappropriate” to use their survey to make the claim that 1 in 5 women are being raped. Even the nation’s largest and most influential anti-sexual violence organization rejects the idea that culture as opposed to the actions of individuals is responsible for rape. RAINN urged Obama’s White House to “remain focused on the true cause of the problem” and explained “In the last few years, there has been an unfortunate trend towards blaming “rape culture” for the extensive problem of sexual violence on campus. It is important not to lose sight of a simple fact: Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions of a small percentage of the community to commit a violent crime.” RAINN is especially critical of the idea that we need to focus on teaching boys not to rape, the hallmark of feminist activism. “No one would deny that we should teach boys to respect women. But by and large this is already happening. By the time men reach college, most students have been exposed to 18 years of prevention messages, in one form or another. The vast majority of men absorb these messages and view rape as the horrific crime that it is. So efforts to address rape need to focus on the very small portion of the population that has proven itself immune to years of prevention messages. They should not vilify the average guy.”
6. Nobody wants to have sex with trans people
These “transphobic” people aren’t gay. I’m sorry to break it to you but we know the difference between a woman and a guy in a wig and we know the difference between a man and a girl with a buzzcut. Mutilating what’s between your legs makes no difference either. No amount of repeating ‘it’s all just a silly social construct’ will change biological facts and the nature of human attraction. We all support your right to live your life in any way you please but you cannot expect everyone to just go along with what’s inside your head especially when it comes to preferring who we want to have sex with, because uh you know, that should always be our choice. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to feel that you are in the wrong body but this does not mean that people should feel obligated to have sex with the gender that you “feel” when all they see is the gender you are. You are not being discriminated against, people should be allowed to be as picky as they want when it comes to who’s dick they let inside of them. To be discriminated against, one needs to be denied something without a valid reason and it seems like having a cock hanging between your legs when a straight guy is expecting pussy is a whole lot of reason to not to have sex with you. Do we call gay men misogynists for not having sex with women? Do we call lesbians man-hatin… forget that one. I get it, you’re desperate for love, you’re desperate for affection, aren’t we all? But manipulating and shaming people into having sex with you is pretty fucked up. It’s not your fault that you suffer from dysphoria but if you believe it makes you entitled to shame people into having sex with you, it’s your own fault. 
7. Women can’t walk alone at night without feeling scared
Name one person apart from maybe Thor who isn’t vulnerable to violent crime if they walk home alone at two in the morning. Men make up the large majority of all victims of violent crime, everything from threats to robbery, assault and murder so if anyone should feel afraid of walking alone at night, it’s guys. Except men aren’t being told the responsibility for their own safety falls to everyone else but themselves. The responsibility does not fall onto every man to keep you safe from your own actions, the responsibility remains with you and your decision to be stupid enough to put yourself in such a vulnerable situation. If a white man walks around at night alone and he gets robbed by a black person, would we say it’s every black person’s job to make sure it never happens again to another white person? Would we tell black children not to grow up to be robbers? So why do feminists insist on ‘reprogramming’ young boys and ‘rewiring their brains’ to teach them a crime they already know is wrong is wrong? Feminists instruct women to be scared and suspicious of every man that looks at them or they cross paths with but the idea that scary boogeymen are jumping out from behind bushes to rape women as they walk to their cars is a myth. Almost all rapes are committed by someone known to the victim so being scared and suspicious of random males on the street is an irrational and sexist paranoia perpetuated by feminism’s false rape statistics and anti-male campaigning. If you want to walk home alone late at night dressed like a slut, drunk and lacking all self-awareness, it’s your own fault. 
8. Black people are shot by police officers
Let’s be clear, by far more whites are shot by police than blacks. Although I don’t pick and choose when to consider demographics so it’s true, black people are more likely to be shot but for the same reasons black people are more likely to be incarcerated, this comes directly back to the black crime rates we talked about earlier. When you commit the most crime, you are going to have the most confrontations with police and thanks to black culture’s anti-police and thug mentality, most young black people don’t know how to properly react to the police which is a recipe for disaster. Police don’t patrol black neighborhoods for the fun of it, they go where the most crime happens and the astronomical black crime rate warrants such police presence. In almost every case Black Lives Matter have rioted over, their martyr has either been armed, attacking the officer, ignoring demands or resisting arrest. Hands up don’t shoot is a myth. What’s also a myth is the idea that white police officers have declared open season on black innocents. How many white cops have been responsible for shooting a BLM darling? Practically none. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers, these are facts. Police are also more likely to be killed by blacks than to kill unarmed blacks. In 2013 alone, 49,851 officers were assaulted with firearms, knives and other weapons. On average, 150 police officers have been killed in the line of duty every year. These include being shot, stabbed, strangled or beaten. Of the several hundred officers feloniously killed in the past decade, 46 percent of the perpetrators were black, despite them representing only 13 percent of the population. Do we call this a black war against the police? Blacks are 18.5 times more likely to shoot and kill a police officer than an unarmed black person being shot by an officer himself. If anyone’s life is consistently in danger, it’s the cops. If you commit crime, you attack a cop or you resist arrest, it’s your own fault.
9. The Pink Tax 
Feminists say that they’re being discriminated against for being women because products advertised to women are sometimes more expensive than products advertised to men, even though they’re exactly the same product. So, if they’re exactly the same, then why the fuck aren’t you buying the cheaper option? These “pink” products and services are only more expensive because companies know women are the only ones gullible enough to pay for a pink razor with a naked goddess on it and believe it’s better than the boring cheap brown razor alternative next to it that men will buy. The same thing applies for health foods, they’re usually priced higher because they know creepy vegan people and health fanatics are dumb enough to fork out cash for sundried pumpkin seeds and cabbage juice. The same thing applies with make up and beauty products, you slap a label on them that tells us it hasn’t been tested on a pig and people are willing to pay triple the price. The same thing happens with sports team merchandise and clothing and footwear, men’s versions are usually more expensive than women’s because they know men are dumb enough to pay whatever it costs to wear their favorite team’s gear around. Women are not exclusive to this targeting, if you’re dumb enough to pay for the more expensive option then sellers will remain smart enough to continue to charge you for it. An even more ludicrous tantrum feminists are having is about women having to pay more for certain services. They complain how mistreated they are because women get charged more to get a hair cut, even though on average women have more fucking hair to wash, cut and dry and men aren’t exactly lining up to get highlights, curls and extensions now are they. Listen ladies, it’s not rocket science, it’s simple business that keeps our economy as one of the strongest in the world. As I said, if you’re dumb enough to pay for it then it’s your own fault.
10. Transgender suicides
People who become so convinced they are something they’re not and resort to mutilating their genitals and hormonal development to make what’s inside their minds a reality have mental health issues? Who’d thunk!? Again, this is what happens when we pretend this is normal behavior and go along with it, we pump them with drugs and cut their tits off instead of actually helping them deal with their mental disorder in a humane and responsible manner. If someone came to a doctor and asked him to cut off a perfectly healthy arm because it just felt “wrong” for the arm to be there, should the doctor do it? This isn’t an idle question because this does happen with a mental illness called Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID). People who have it feel as if they’re not supposed to have a certain body part, like an arm or leg. Doctors won’t remove a healthy body part, so some of these poor deluded people crush, mangle, burn, or otherwise deliberately destroy their own arms or legs in order to get a surgeon to slice them off. This raises a question: Are surgeons who refuse to remove healthy limbs from people with BIID doing them a service because they’re mentally ill or are they denying them their civil rights? Is BIID going to be the next mental disorder we are shamed into normalizing and accepting? When children who reported transgender feelings were tracked without medical or surgical treatment at both Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic, 70%-80% of them spontaneously lost those feelings. Imagine removing your genitals and realizing that it didn’t make any difference or worse yet, that it was a HUGE MISTAKE. Nobody wants to talk about the suicide and depression of trans people once they have realized it was all a mistake. Nobody is denying that transgendered people face a high risk of suicide, but it’s not because people aren’t using the correct pronouns, it’s because they are suffering from a mental disorder so for as long as we enable their suicide and depression by hacking their bodies and filling them with drugs instead of providing real and effective help, it’s your own fault.
11. Blacks still waiting for slavery reparations 
Black Africans and Arabs were responsible for enslaving the ancestors of African Americans and most people around the world including white people. Only 6 percent of African slaves were taken to North America, most slave imports were overwhelmingly taken to South America and the Caribbean. In 1830 there were almost 4000 black people who owned around 13 thousand black slaves. Are reparations to be paid by the descendants of Africans, South Americans and Arabs too? Or are we just going to keep pretending whites are to blame for slavery? Only a tiny fraction of whites owned a tiny fraction of the slaves so expecting every white person 200 years later to provide a black guy with a free sandwich or gift him a job for being black makes zero sense. The claim for reparations is premised on the false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well. Black buying power is expected to reach $1.2 trillion this year, and $1.4 trillion by 2020. That is so much combined spending power that it would make black America one of the largest economies in the world in terms of gross domestic product, the size of Mexico based on world bank data. Black people earning $75,000 or more per year are growing faster in size and influence than whites in all income groups above $60,000. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of up to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which their ancestors originated. Is it time to check that little thing called privilege? No evidence-based attempt has been made to prove that living individuals have been adversely affected by a slave system that was ended over 150 years ago. But there is plenty of evidence that economic adversity is the result of failures of individual character rather than any lingering after-effects of a system that was abolished 150 years before most of Black Lives Matter members were even born. Reparations were meant as payments to Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, Japanese Americans and African American victims of racial experiments in Tuskegee, or racial outrages in Rosewood and Oklahoma City. But in each case, the recipients of reparations were the immediate family or direct victims of injury caused by injustice. It’s never been about giving free shit to black people a century or two later and neither should it ever be. That’s just trying to rip off the system and it’s your own fault. 
12. Black people are held back by white privilege 
White privilege has become one of the favorite arguments of BLM and pandering guilt-riddled liberals who like to make excuses for the fact that black Americans struggle to keep up. The concept of white privilege is also a favorite weapon for those who make their living stirring up racial discord by saying that to be anything but white in America is to be handicapped by default. For those who wish to exploit an entire demographic of people for political benefit, the idea of white privilege has great appeal. However, there are a number of problems with the fundamental premise of white privilege. One factor that tends to undermine the premise of white privilege is that poor whites face every one of the same challenges that poor blacks and poor people of all races face, it would be easier to make a case for wealth privilege in America than white privilege. If that’s the case, white people still wouldn’t be the privileged group as all socio-economic indicators show Asian Americans come out far on top. This being the case, all Americans would do well to consider why it is that Asian Americans as a group do so much better on basic socio-economic indicators than white, black, and Hispanic Americans. There may be something worth learning from such an exercise. What Asian Americans have proven is that privilege in America is based not on race but on merit. People of any race can succeed in America if they emulate the approach of Asian Americans: take education seriously, develop a positive work ethic, obey the rules, respect the laws, and stay together as families. There is no escaping the fact that education and family structure play huge roles in determining the success or failure of various racial and ethnic groups. This plays a greater role in the difference between white and black success than automatically throwing a blanket over the entire white race. There are many issues within the black community that need to be fixed by themselves, acknowledging these issues is the first step as we all too often want to ignore them and expect whites to make the change. You cannot lack education, work ethic, family structure and respect for law and then go on to expect equal success and opportunity, it’s not plausible and it’s your own fault.
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Jour 4250 blog 5
In class we listened to a guest speaker about islamophobia and watch a movie on our prison system. 
The speaker on islamophobia showed points that I knew would still exist, such as people think Muslims have a holiday for on  9/11 for the terrorist attacks. These people think that Muslim extremeists kill a lot of people every year, but as the speaker pointed out, a large percent of those killed by these groups are actually other Muslims. Probably one of the more sickening things that the speaker showed was people on hidden camera congratulating people who were either mean towards or denied Muslims. Every single time it was a white man who did this. Also it was surprising how few people didn’t do anything to help.
Next was the movie “13th” which was about our prison system. It’s sad when our prison system is privatized and in order for these companies to get money they need more inmates. We have a large incarceration number and hardly anyone says anything about it. There our individuals in jail who did petty crimes, but they get 20 years. This is most likely part of the reason many people don’t believe in our justice system when someone could have the same sentence for having marijuana and someone who performed armed robbery. While what these men did was illegal doesn’t mean we need to take away decades from their lives.
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