#the lack of information
beardedmrbean · 6 months
A man in his 40s has been arrested in connection with the seizure of explosives, Gardaí (Irish police) have said.
Gardaí said that four "viable improvised explosive devices" were found during the search of a van in Dublin on Sunday afternoon.
The Defence Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team was requested to attend and removed the explosive devices.
During subsequent searches by in the Ballyfermot and Ronanstown areas by Gardaí, a small quantity of suspected cannabis and a scrambler bike were also seized.
The man who was arrested is currently being held in a Garda station in the Dublin area.
The suspected drugs have been sent for examination by Forensic Science Ireland.
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rainbow-arrow · 2 years
i have literally no idea what's going with miraculous at this point and i'm afraid to ask
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alfiely-art · 2 months
Btw I just wanted to say if you see someone acting delusional (like. Legitimate delusions. Not being misinformed or wrong. Legitimate delusions.) then please mind your own business. It's not your job to reality check them and by doing so you can harm them even further. Unless the person has asked you to reality check them and you're doing what they ASKED you to do, butt out.
When I'm having a delusion about bugs under my skin or something stalking me or literally any other delusion, I don't need someone to tell me "it's not real". I don't care if it's real or not. It's still terrifying to me. Being told "it's not real" doesn't help me, and once the delusion has passed, it makes me feel bad- like I'm just crazy, like my fears and experiences don't matter because they could just be delusions and hallucinations.
This goes for any delusion by the way. You see someone who believes they're God? Cool. Mind your own fucking business. You see someone who believes they have super powers or are an important figure? Cool! Mind your own fucking business.
Now. You may be asking. "Alfie, what if it's my friend and the delusion is stressing them out?"
Comfort them. Treat it like any other problem- if the person prefers advice, give them advice that matches with the delusion. If they just need comfort, do exactly that- tell them you're there for them, etc etc. You're not feeding the delusion- you're comforting your friend when they're stressed and afraid over something.
Don't reality check a delusional person unless you have been asked to by the delusional person.
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grush3nka · 8 months
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soooo what you're really saying is that when you're performing your imposed stereotypical gender role right it feels rewarding to you ?? hmmm curious it's almost as if you've internalized what being a woman is supposed to look like and if you don't meet that expectation you're doing it wrong
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icryyoumercy · 3 months
i have. a slightly odd question, if you have time and inclination to answer
i am currently going through all the cooking books on librivox, among them tom bullock's 'the ideal bartender'. and while i may take issue with his idea of how to serve absinthe, most of the cocktails sound like reasonable drinks to my ignorant ears.
but then, there is one called 'bombay cocktail'. its receipe, it its entirety, reads as follows:
use a claret glass.
1/2 pony olive oil.
1/2 pony vinegar.
1/2 pony worcestershire sauce.
break one ice cold egg into glass.
add salt and spanish paprica and serve.
which strikes me as a fairly odd thing to drink. would you happen to have any insight as to the drinkability, purpose, history, or naming of this concoction?
(as you can probably guess, googling 'bombay cocktail' has not been helpful, and any ideas i can think of that remove bombay sapphire from the search results leave me with the ideal bartender in various formats and restaurants serving shrimp cocktails)
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deathberi · 6 months
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corvidaes-crow · 1 month
Deruth Henituse bashing ahead, you have been warned.
I finally figured out why I hate Deruth Henituse. The novel, through Kim Roksu, barely lingers on his failings as a parent. Which, fair enough, I understand from a characterisation perspective why that wouldn't be a main focus. It just means I linger on that in canon's place. Why is Deruth satisfied with giving his child some exorbitant allowance? Why doesn't he ask at any point what it was used for, even when he thinks their relationship has improved? Why can he be a good person to everyone except OG!Cale? What is stopping him except his own cowardice and guilt?
There is not a single thing in LCF that redeems him as a father. We see how Ron grows to care for (KRS!)Cale, as well as Eruhaben and Fredo in their own pseudo-fatherly ways. We see how Deruth has not changed since 'Cale Henituse' improved. If he had been more grief-stricken finding out about Cale on-screen, maybe that would have redeemed him a bit in my eyes, but alas.
I need a scene where Deruth wakes up in the middle of the night heaving, tears streaming down his face when he realises that his son does not exist in their universe any more. When he realises his son has disappeared from their timeline, and likely did so believing everyone would prefer it that way. When he realises that belief is not exactly wrong, because everyone does prefer it this way.
That last realisation, he struggles with, because bad parents will never understand what they did wrong without significant internal struggle and a self-driven desire to understand. I need someone (Eruhaben, Ron, or even Violan) to notice his internal conflict and sit him down and ask him, straightforward and simple, "Which one do you prefer?" And they won't let him tell them his answer, that's not for them to know. But Deruth finds himself repeating the question over and over, which do I prefer?
It starts with 'neither, obviously, how could I pick a favourite?' but the guilt gnaws at him; his reflexive answer is not what his son, his sons, deserve. So he disassembles it all from there. What would he feel if they swapped back? What would he do then? Shower Cale with love, of course - but would he? Or would he find himself taking a step back, guilty and avoidant as always when it comes to his son?
And then, why would Deruth feel guilty? Because he hungers after a son who he can interact with without fearing Cale's hatred or resentment. He knows and fears his own inadequacy to heal their relationship. And the new soul doesn't mind it. The new soul, Cale, holds no expectations for him. No resentment. He doesn't know how to reconcile, but is there any need to if Cale is no longer the son he wronged?
So the answer to such a cruel question, which do you prefer, is... this one. The new one. The Cale that Deruth can be a proud father of, that he can hold his head high when talking about and fret over when he coughs blood or faints or leaves for another dangerous mission. The Cale that he knows exactly how to make happy. It's not hard, either, just food, rest and gold.
Deruth will never know how he could have made the original Cale happy. There is too much strife between them for Deruth to dare try to unravel it all, so he'll settle for wishing him all the best in future endeavours. This is penance enough, the guilt he will carry forever for not noticing sooner the loss of his firstborn son.
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What if... Who Killed Markiplier... but it's Ace Attorney Investigations...
"Ace District Attorney Investigations", if you will.
(Everything you see here was drawn by me, with some backgrounds/that one evidence photo being either screenshots from the show, or edits of official photographs of Mythea Castle, where WKM was filmed)
#who killed markiplier#wkm#ace attorney investigations#wkm fanart#wkm district attorney#captainsona#captain yona masters#''a burgundy-wearing prosecutor teaming up with a kooky detective? now why does that sound familiar- OH YEAH!''#anyway you guys ever notice that the da from what we're shown is a pretty piss-poor investigator?#they just kinda wander around aimlessly and allow people to shoo them away before offering up any information#like their alibis or lack thereof#it doesn't exactly help that wkm is a choose your own adventure without any choices#and I know mark's team was limited on budget and time or whatever and they meant for it to be more involved than what we got!#it's not their fault!#but still you can't deny that what we got isn't very satisfying as far as murder mysteries go#and I don't feel all that compelled to pretend otherwise!#so in the version of wkm that exists in MY head#da!yona is going to take the prospect of solving her dear friend's murder SERIOUSLY goddammit!#(the conclusion she's gearing up towards in the last two pictures#is that the party was a cover for mark's plan to kill the colonel; but it obviously backfired and mark wound up getting killed instead)#(that's her theory. as we all know it's not /quite/ accurate to what really happened but it's pretty close!)#(obviously she's unaware of any supernatural element to the whole thing at this point)#(or heck maybe in this version of events there actually isn't a supernatural element at all and she's right. I haven't decided)
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breadmecoshy · 9 months
SO I'm going through hollow knight for the fourth time ha ha
Besides, I've re-read the "Stag Beetles and Broken Legs" fan fiction again, so it's time to humanize Monomon and Quirrell!
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(seriously, read "Stag Beetles and Broken Legs", it's damn good) In my conception, Monomon is the oldest of the Dreamers, but she's actively youthful, wearing such light clothing and acting quite active compared to her scowling counterparts (However, she also looks younger than her years on her face, so no one has any questions about it)
And young Quirrell, haha. So young and inspired, with burning eyes. Cute. Time has not bypassed him (though it's even better for some-). At least now he's age appropriate for Monomon
I can redraw my old concepts in more detail if you like my humanizations. I can also draw humaneizations of other characters if you ask (or more Lurien….. I like to draw his face…… gentle rose…….)
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a slugcat visits TSAC in their chamber
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Seemingly a messenger, it holds a pearl in its left paw. In the right it has a struggling Squidcada.
The pearl is damaged, its contents being unreadable in this state except for the signature of an Iterator called Embers within Ashes.
The messenger is more interested in you examining the flying insect, though it doesn't seem any different from its species
(sorry for all the text i'm new to this •_○)
Hm? A visitor?
Two visitors! This is new…
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I’ve been receiving visitors to my chamber with an increasing regularity… perhaps this is an unexpected consequence of re-opening my comms channels…
I’m afraid there’s not much I can offer you or your companion, little animal. Unless you’re here for a reason?
… you seem very eager to show me your little friend. I’m rather… impressed… that you were able to bring it all the way into my chamber. I’ve never seen a Squidcada up close with my puppet before, so I suppose that is a novelty. Why you chose to carry it all the way here is beyond me, however…
… I see you also have a pearl. I assume you brought this for me? You certainly wouldn’t be the first to do so.
Embers within Ashes… I don’t recognize that designation. It’s unlikely that this pearl originated from my facility… you must have brought it from far away. If that is the case, I’m quite impressed. You don’t seem to be native to my facility grounds. Did this iterator send you?
This pearl is too corrupted to read, I’m afraid. It may have been damaged during your long journey to reach me. What a shame, to have traveled so far for naught…
It may be possible for me to repair the damage to this pearl’s crystal lattice structure, but it will take me a few cycles. You may shelter within my superstructure in the meantime, if you are willing to wait. That way I can send you off with a reply, if you are indeed a messenger.
I’m not even sure if you can understand me. How do I encourage you to stay… hm…
[Three Stars Above Clouds restores the slugcat’s food pips]
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There, hopefully that will convince you to stick around for at least another cycle while I work on this. I’ll dispatch an overseer to escort you to the nearest shelter.
Be on your way, little animal. And try not to damage anything while fluttering around inside my complex with that friend of yours, please.
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I say this in the nicest way possible, some of you need to be patient and learn to focus on other things.
There's a lot of freaking out over how Paramount screwed up Sonic 3's marketing, when most films don't release their first trailer until four months before release. This was the case for the last movie, it's perfectly normal.
"It's hard to stay hyped" no one is asking you to be hyped the entire time. Take a break, focus on other interests, you'll have something to be hyped about soon enough.
I understand hearing about that Cinemacon teaser got us all expecting a trailer, and that the silence can be frustrating. Let's try to remain calm and not snap at each other over this.
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
Can I get a shark moodboard for one of our smols?
- 🦈
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meltedmush · 3 months
Do you have any tips for people trying to get better at art?^^
I’ve been getting this question a lot, so here’s my answer!
I highly recommend just studying the fundamentals of art and consistently practicing with them in mind. It’s probably a lame answer, but knowledge is your best friend when improving and I can’t EMPHASIZE how important these fundamentals are.
This is a triangle I pulled from the web with some of my notes (in red) which have a good decent order to the basics. Obviously it’s not all of them, BECAUSE there’s SO MANY. These fundamentals are also just so deeply intertwined with each other along with physics and psychology.
I always think of these basics like a building. The more stronger and proficient you are in these bases, the better and stronger your art will become. It’ll also allow you to deconstruct artworks and learn why they are so appealing and why they work.
I would love to go off and explain every single inch of the basics I’ve learned, but I’m gonna end up writing an essay by accident. If there’s anything specific like perspective (I’M SO DOWN BAD FOR PERSPECTIVE), color, lighting, shape, and composition you want me to elaborate on or DEMONSTRATE, I’d love to!! :D
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arcanewonder · 9 months
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the soft sunlight.
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enden-k · 2 months
read up on natlan just now (since i quit gnshn since ~4.4 and am out of the loop, lit only watched that teaser yesterday w no info bc anon mentioned capitano)
and what it and some characters are actually based on/taking inspiration from (deities etc from different cultures) its really really bad now that i fully realize the story/info behind in connection with the characters i saw yesterday. we already mentioned how pale everyone is (again) and i didnt dare mentioning im disappointed w the archons design (not what i expected) to not attract unwanted arguments but the whole deity borrowing and blatant disrespect... sumeru was already a mess and they still havent learned a bit at all. dont steal or take insp of a culture and exclude the people, its the same thing all over again. sorry to the affected ppl, i hope they realize they really messed up (again) and make changes
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thrumugnyr · 4 months
Hey! Started following you from the moment you started posting things on #curse of strahd. Haven't seen Patataj in a while. I love your art and will definetley commission you when the opportunity comes!
Just wanted to know how is your loveley bard doing? How is the campaign overall?
I hope this question didn't bother you much
Patataj is still running through Barovia, only making the soundest of decisions! For example he wanted to protect some werewolves from certain death after he helped them rebel so he agreed with Strahd's offer of giving him 10 whole favors. He was just too happy about the werewolves being okay.
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Rahadin was angry, not so much because Patataj owes favors to Strahd, but because Patataj is clearly absolutely terrible about making deals. And what if something else asks for a bargain?
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