#the little half burps in the middle of sentences
greensteve · 4 months
alec hardy has acid reflux and that's simply canon
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sickiesope · 7 months
Energy boost
Sickie: Taehyung
Caretaker: Jungkook
TW: emeto
Taehyung woke up tired today. He didn't sleep the best and just feels overall sluggish. Taehyung can usually hide that he's tired and is good at covering up his yawning in public. But he just hates that feeling weighing him down. They're filming a short dance number for army today and he needs a lot of stamina.
Taehyung doesn't like coffee at all and doesn't understand how Yoongi can drink so much of it. He can't stand the smell or the taste. He's trying to think of another quick fix and wound up buying an energy drink. It's strawberry flavored so he figured he'd try it.
"Since when do you drink energy drinks?" Yoongi teases.
"It tastes better than that burnt hot bean water" Taehyung sasses playfully.
"Maybe, but coffee doesn't make you crash like those do" Yoongi smirks.
Taehyung found it tasted pretty sweet; a little too sweet from what's he's used to but he drank half of it and already feels a little more perky. It gives him more hope about the day. When finished his stomach feels.. weird. He drank that pretty fast. His stomach gurgles with the fizzy drink bubbling up. He burps and pauses for a minute. He feels the caffeine kicking in and rushes to get prepared.
The guys stand in position and Taehyung tries to stay still. He's all jittery and his stomach keeps going off. He doesn't know if anyone else can hear it and palms it cautiously.
"Everyone in place!"
The music starts playing and the choreography is fast pace. Taehyung's body keeps up with the movements but he regrets having that energy drink. The liquid swishes and sloshes inside his stomach with each jump and turn. It feels like his stomach is a bottle being shaken and bubbling up, ready to go off. But he can't stop now, they're halfway through the song. Then his stomach burbles and Taehyung stumbles and hiccups, almost tripping.
"Cut!" They all stop and look at him.
"Tae, why'd you stop?" Hoseok asks.
Taehyung wants to say his stomach hurts but doesn't want to throw off the day. He already messed up and doesn't want people getting mad at him. "I-I'm fine--" *he burps mid sentence.* Taehyung covers his mouth, flustered.
They all look at him strange. Yoongi is looking with concern. That wasn't exactly a small sized can he chugged.
"Ugh, sorry.. I'm sorry, I can keep going." Taehyung says quickly. He just wants to get through this.
"Hmm okay, let's try again" Hoseok gestures them to walk back to starting position. Taehyung puts a fist to his mouth and descretely burps again. He wants to think it helps but isn't sure. His stomach feels queasy and he worries he'll throw up instead. The cameras are going again and he definitely doesn't want that.
On the second take Taehyung isn't as fast, his stomach hurts with all the movements and sloshing. His body can't handle it and his stomach lurches. Taehyung hiccups again and bends over, holding his abdomen. Suddenly he belches and his stomach opens the floodgates, spewing out a fast large wave. 
"Whoa Tae!" Jimin and Jungkook jump back, they were closest to him and just missed getting splashed. Taehyung can't say anything as his stomach is still forcing out it's contents.
The music stops and everyone is shocked at what just happened. Namjoon waves at the staff to stop the cameras and the members run to Taehyung. Taehyung falls to his knees clutching his middle. He sighs in disbelief but his stomach cuts him off with another hard retch. He pants and looks at the pink puddle on the floor. "Ugh, why did I have that?" Taehyung mutters.
Yoongi looks at the young vocalist sympathetically. "It's okay Tae, it could've happened to anyone."
Taehyung feels ridiculous and thought forsure they would scold him but everyone was benevolent and understanding.
Taehyung wasn't thrilled about the car ride back. His stomach's still complaining after all that vomiting. He tries to rub it but he's so tired. Whenever the car hits a bump or a turn his stomach gurgles, making him moan quietly.
"Awwh hyung, that drink really upset your tummy huh?" Jungkook put his hand on Taehyung's stomach. Taehyung just nods as his sick stomach churns. Jungkook wants to help it and starts rubbing lightly "how does this feel?"
Taehyung hums approvingly, letting JK take over. The maknae's hands feel so nice. Taehyung yawns and leans on Jungkook closing his eyes. He's crashing. Jungkook looks and smiles fondly, shifting a bit to make it more comfortable.
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alphareleasemedia · 1 year
Daily Drabble Project Jun 16-21
6/16/23 Zuba nudged her dog with her foot, yet the beast still refused to move. Yuma had sprawled out in the middle of the hallway and was quite content to lie there while Zuba tried to move between her room and the laundry room. Just now Zuba was holding a laundry basket overflowing with bedsheets and a big fluffy comforter, making navigation around the dog difficult to say the least. Unable to convince Yuma to get up and move out of the way, Zuba was forced to step over the creature while balancing her precarious load. Yuma, of course, remained unfazed.
6/17/23 Ridi counted the marshmallows left in her bowl of cereal. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. And a... half? Not quite. There was a little nub of marshmallow that had broken off and was also floating around in the milk. Ridi counted the cereal bits left in her bowl. There were seventeen of those. Not counting the fragments. There were eight fragments which Ridi felt were equal to three pieces of cereal. So twenty total and then the marshmallows made twenty-five. Ish. It was all very imprecise but Ridi couldn't bring herself to care too much at five in the morning.
6/18/23 Kabit needed to get up early the next morning cuz it was gonna be real hot and he wanted to get on the hiking trail before the heat got bad. He was gonna do just a short little hike, but like still a hike, you know? Not a walk because he was going mostly uphill. Cuz hiking has more to do with terrain than duration so you could have a hike that was shorter than a walk, so maybe Kabit was going for more like a moderate hike. So he wanted to do that before the sun got real hot.
6/19/23 Seefa was painting some miniatures at the kitchen table. Osvo sneezed loudly, causing Seefa to jump and spill paint on herself. Osvo didn't notice. He was reading a book in the other room. Seefa glared at the back of his head, but Osvo didn't notice that either. Seefa stood up and stomped across the room to get some paper towels. Osvo continued to remain oblivious. He turned the page in the book he was reading. Seefa stomped back to the table and sat down grumpily, scarping the chair loudly on the linoleum as she scooted in. Osvo huffed in annoyance.
6/20/23 Thorkin belched loudly. He'd had a carbonated beverage with dinner and had been burping all evening. Rikala shook her head with disgust every time Thorkin burped. She had had water with her meal and hadn't needed to burp once since the evening had started. Personally, Thorkin didn't understand what her problem was. His belches were only the expulsion of excess air that had built up in his stomach. Hardly anything to be upset about, let alone remarked upon. Unlike coughing which was both annoying and unsanitary. Rikala had been having coughing fits all evening. She started coughing again. Thorkin burped.
6/21/23 Lupi smacked himself in the face. The words on the page were starting to blur together and he was having a harder and harder time deciphering what the text even meant. Lupi shook his head and tried to reread the paragraph for the twelfth time. He sighed heavily as he struggled through sentence after sentence. None of it was sinking in. Lupi massaged the bridge of his nose and then slammed the book shut. It was no use. Even if he could force his way to the end of the chapter, he'd never remember any of it in the morning.
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rommahh · 3 years
I Carry Your Heart
Tumblr media
Harry Styles x Reader
Word Count: 4k
{Ahhhh ok so this is my first work like ever. There will definitely be a second part because ive got more to say and it needs a second part. I hope whoever sees and reads this imagine enjoys it. I appreciate comments, likes, reblogs, ideas on what could go into the story, and any form of help and redirection as to how i should write things. Much love, R.}.
Part two
All Y/N wanted tonight was to hang out with her boyfriend, eat a mass amount of junk food, and watch a marvel movie or two. That was all she wanted and that was all she asked of her boyfriend. Instead of any of that happening, she found herself sitting on the nasty kitchen island of her boyfriend's frat at a party that she was trying to avoid going to.
This party was supposedly ‘the party of the year.’ The last rager before finals and then christmas break. Y/N had spent the whole week studying and finishing up end of semester projects hence the want for a chill night. When Harry came to her saying his frat was throwing a party tonight and that he just HAD to be here, Y/N didn't feel like she had a choice but to let him go. She came because she thought this would be the only time she would be able to have some time with Harry after a long week of barely seeing each other. With two vastly different majors, the couple wasnt able to find a lot of time in the middle of school work to make time for just the two of them. Obviously her hopes of quality time with her man were futile because here she was sitting by herself in the kitchen of the frat while Harry drank and got high with his friends in other parts of the house.
Of course she was disappointed. She felt a knot in her throat and a weight on her chest just sitting there in that kitchen. Her white claw was warm now- not that it was any cold when she opened it. She was starting to form a small headache from the too loud music and the ache in her heart was growing.
She stood from the countertop on the search for her boyfriend, hoping he wasn't too far gone from sober. Wiping the back of her jeans from anything that was left on the island, she began walking around the house. She doesn't remember the last time the two of them spent time together by themselves. Of course they occasionally ate dinner together in the dining hall but they were normally surrounded by friends. Y/N wanted to be alone with her boyfriend to talk and bask in his presence.
After pushing through groups of partying humans, she found Harry and at least ten other people sitting around playing some sort of drinking game.
“Y/N! Where have you been?” Luca, one of Harry's frat brothers yelled out to her from the circle. Luca was cool, he was one of the only tolerable boys in this frat aside from Harry. Hearing his girlfriend's name, Harry turned around from where he sat on the ground and reached out for his girlfriend to sit beside him. Much to Y/N’s dismay, Harry was wasted. His eyes were half mass and his words bumped and slurred together. “We are playing truth or dare, wanna play?” Luca asked.
“I don't wanna play but Ill sit and watch.” Sitting next to her boyfriend, she grabbed one of his hands holding it in her lap. She was annoyed at him but it did her no good to show it when he was this drunk.
This game of truth or dare was childish. Dares of licking people's shoes and taking multiple shots had been done and truths about money and relationships were being spilled among the group. It had finally become Harry’s turn to do something, making Y/N tense.
“Ok Harry, I dare you to…” One drunk frat boy started looking around the room trying to come up with something clever. His eyes landed on a pretty girl in the room, Yara, a stuck up girl who for sure got her way no matter what. “I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in the room- obviously not your girlfriend because that defeats the purpose.” The frat boy smirked knowing what his intentions were. Everyone in the group giggles and gasped shocked by the dare but ready to see what was going to go down. Y/N’s brows furrowed as she became angry with the stupid dare.
The ache in her chest seemed to tip over the edge when she felt her boyfriend in the room move to stand up. She grabbed at the bottom of his shirt as a way of stopping him. Harry halted his movements to look down at his girlfriend. He giggled a little.
“You’re not actually going to do this right?” She asked Harry with wide eyes of shock. Harry laughed at her like she made a joke, making her heart hurt even more.”Harry I do not want you to do this just take the shot and lose the dare.” Her tone held warning.
“Don't be silly of course I'm going to. It's just a dare, nothing serious. Don't be so clingy.” He stood walking over to Yara and planted a wet kiss on her mouth. Yara gripped Harry’s shirt and kissed him harder. The kiss went on for a few more seconds, the room absolutely silent out of shock. Harry stepped back from Yara slightly sobering up from his actions. Yara smirked at Y/N, hand gliding down the front of Harry's shirt.
Y/N stood from the seat she was in and scoffed. Scoffed because she should've known Harry would do something like this. Scoffed because it hurt to see her boyfriend do something so careless without any regard for his girl's feelings. She pulled herself together, feeling her throat tighten once again. She was quick to leave the room and down the hall of the frat.
Harry's clumsy steps could be heard from behind her as he mumbled her name. Or at least he tried to. He was still so out of it, his words not making much sense. Y/N was crying now, the strength that she had slowly dissolving as she walked further away from her boyfriend.
“Y/N wait. P-please wait. I cant-” Harry stumbled over his legs behind her falling into the grass of the front yard. The girl couldn't help but turn around looking at her stupid boyfriend. She was choking on sobs now. She wasn't crying over a measly little kiss but over an extreme amount of burnout from school and exhaustion from simply existing. She was crying because her boyfriend ignored her boundaries, crushing and erasing the boundaries she had set in their relationship. Harry tried reaching for her once she had stopped walking. His hand clasped around her wrist, he laid his head down on her shoulder. He hated seeing her cry even if he was too drunk to see why.
“Baby don't leave, Im-Im Sorry.” He hiccuped and burped due to the alcohol. Y/N felt her rage build. Shoving Harry off of her, she crossed her arms across her chest as a way to shield herself from Harry physically. He was hurt by her distance and the wall she put up around her.
“You're an idiot Harry. An idiot!” her sobs grew louder, some stray party goers watching in amusement- some even snapchatting it for shits and giggles. “I didnt want you to kiss her and you did. What provoked you to think that was ok? All I wanted was for us to hang out tonight and just be us and you did this!” She was yelling now. Her hurt is beyond her now. Anger and rage simmered throughout her body making her head dizzy and her fingers curl within themselves. She didnt like being angry. It wasn't an emotion she liked acting on, it felt impersonal.
“Baby I don't under-” Before Harry could finish his sentence he was barfing at his feet. Y/N stepped back disgusted with her boyfriend. She couldn't even feel remorseful because of how angry she was. Luca, the frat brother from earlier, caught up with Harry and his girl only to find Harry doubled over heaving. Luca wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders.
“I'm sorry Luca but I can't do this tonight. Can you please make sure he gets some water and goes to bed. I-I can't do it tonight, I wish I could but I can't.” Y/N didn't want to leave her boyfriend in this state but she didn't deserve this. She wasn't going to care for her drunk boyfriend when all she wanted to do was care for herself. Selfishly, she enjoyed seeing him this way because of the anger he caused her.
Luca shook his head in understandment. “Of course, I'm really sorry for tonight. He's going to seriously regret this in the morning, especially since it will be circulating all over snapchat in the morning.” Luca waved to Y/N then proceeded to pull Harry into the house. Harry called out for Y/N not wanting to be away from her but Luca pulled him harder.
Harry woke up the next morning feeling like the bottom of a dumpster. He wasn't shocked by that. He knew he got trashed last night, he had planned to. He, just like Y/N, spent all week studying and completing projects while also fulfilling certain responsibilities for his frat. He wanted one night to be a normal teen. So he drank and drank and drank and maybe even smoked some weed. As he tried to recall last night's events he came up with nothing. He didn't understand why Y/N wasn't here with him like she normally would after a party on the weekend. They were normally always together during the weekend. A bad feeling loomed over him. He could tell something wasn't right but decided to put his feelings to the side.
He saw a bottle of water beside his bed making him think she was probably here and left early. Chugging the water he started to go through his socials to see if anyone had posted about the party. He had multiple tagged pics and videos in his notifications from snapchat. Way more than he normally would.
The first video he saw was a video of him and Y/N standing in the front yard of the frat house. Turning the volume all the way up he could hear Y/N yelling, it shocked him. She doesn't normally raise her voice, especially not at him. The angle changed showing her face which was red with anger, eyes filled with unshed tears. He could hear her yelling about him kissing someone else. He felt his heart stop. He had kissed someone else? On the next snap was a picture of him keeled over vomiting on his shoes with the caption saying, ‘are yall seeing this shit?’ Harry was embarrassed but he was more concerned than anything.
His head was hurting but it didn't stop him from rolling out of bed, washing up, and putting on a fresh set of clothes. He checked his phone hoping Y/N had messaged him but nothing was there. He walked into the kitchen only to see luca sitting at the counter eating cereal.
“Hey Harry….” Luca said warily. Luca pushed the cereal around his bowl feeling the tension begin to rise in the room. He felt horrible about his friends.
“Luca...what's up?” Harry was confused by Lucas' wariness.
“So do you remember anything about last night?” Luca asked, setting his cereal down in the sink behind him. Harry started playing with the frayed edges of a bracelet Y/N made for him. It had little beads with her name on it. They made them together at an event on campus.
“I don't, I only saw the videos of Y/N screaming at me. I think I fucked up but I- I don't know what happened.” Harry's cheek flushed with even more embarrassment. Luca awkwardly chuckled scratching the back of his neck.
“You got dared to kiss the hottest girl in the room and um actually did it in front of Y/N...even though she didn't want you to. Which led you guys outside and yeah you know the rest...Im sorry dude, I wish I had stopped you.”
“Who- who did I kiss?” Harrys stomach lurched when he heard Yara’s name come out of Lucas' name. Y/N didn't like Yara and it was understandable. Yara has been pining after Harry since their first year of college. Harry couldn't breathe. He felt disgusted with himself. He could only imagine how Y/N was feeling.
Y/N woke up the same morning, eyes puffy and crusty from tears and head hurting. She probably cried herself into dehydration. She was lucky enough to have no roommate because she wouldn't have wanted someone else to see her breakdown. She still couldn't believe last night went down the way it went down. She couldn't tell if she was just being overdramatic or if her emotions were in the right place. She didn't want to be mad at Harry. He was everything to her, she had an odd connection to him. Meeting him during their freshman welcome week they quickly became best friends with a growing romantic connection in the mix. They started dating before Christmas break. They had grown close so fast that he even came home with her to meet her family for the first few days of break.  Even though they were in their junior year of college, Y/N could see them beyond college. She's imagined them getting married, travelling, sharing a home. She saw the whole future with him. She had her doubts though. He was immature just like every other boy in college. He was dumb with his actions and tended to only do things if they benefited him. He had a lot of growing to do as a person, so did she but she wanted to grow with him.
She heard a knock on her door hesitating to answer it because one, it could be Harry, and two, she looked like a wreck. Answering anyways, she was met with a very sorry looking Harry holding a small coffee and bagel from their cafe.
“Hi baby…” He sheepishly said holding out the items. She silently let him through the door not once looking him in the eye. He stepped into her room, setting her treats on her desk. He could see that her bed was messy meaning she recently woke up. Y/N never went about her day without making her bed. He turned back to her and finally their eyes met. He took in all of her facial features, from her puffy eyes, to her downturned lips that looked chapped, to her flushed cheeks that longed to be held for warmth. He hated to see her like this, the last time he saw her so upset was when her parents moved out of her childhood home. It took alot to make Y/N this upset. She was normally really headstrong and vigilant. She knew how to ease her way out of problematic situations and could talk her way through anything.
Harry opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Y/N holding her hand up in front of his face. “Don't talk. I'm really hurt Harry, so if your plan was to come over here and apologize over bagels- think again.” She snapped, backing up to put space between the two of them. She sat down on her bed while Harry pulled the desk chair out and sat down. He much preferred to be on the bed with her holding her tight but he didn't want to overstep boundaries.
“Love, I don't know where to begin. I'm really sorry for what happened last night. I was really drunk and obviously wasn't in the right headspace.” Harry reached out and touched the tips of her fingers with his. She wanted to move but it felt good to be touched by Harry.
“I told you that a measly little apology won't do Harry. I didn't want you to kiss Yara and you did anyway. You know how Yara feels about you and you just let it happen!” She pulled her hand away remembering the prior night's events. Harry felt himself getting angry too. He felt like he needed to defend himself- even though it would be a very bad idea.
“I think you're being over dramatic.” Wrong move Harry. “It wasn't like I was making out with her!”
“You're joking right?” She scoffed and scooted further up her bed to create more distance. “Harry it's the simple fact that you did something that made me uncomfortable that shouldn't have even happened. I see myself getting married to you and it makes me worry that right now in our relationship you can't respect my boundaries!” She yelled. Harry’s eyes widened as he laughed sarcastically.
“Married? What the fuck are you on about? I'm a junior in college. In what world would it make sense for me to be prepping a relationship for marriage? Once again I think you're being over dramatic.” Her eyes watered hearing Harry's statement.
“I- I guess I'm the only one in this relationship thinking about the future? I thought we were on the same page. I'm not planning our marriage now, obviously. I'm thinking about how elements of our relationship now could play out in the future when we do want to get married. You cheated on me last night. I went to a party you begged ME to go to only to be there for you. I wanted to be here cuddling with you, pigging out on fast food but I was at a party with you and got cheated on!” Her volume rises once again, making Harry shove his chair from underneath him when he stands up.
“You're doing too much right now. I'm not planning a future right now because I don't want this future! I want to be myself without thinking about how to appease my girlfriend. I invited you to the party so you could lighten the fuck up. I love you, I do, but I'm not thinking of marriage and futures. I'm thinking about my life right now and having fun.” Harry snapped right back at her. Her chin wobbled. Obviously her and Harry were on different pages. It hurt so much to hear him say that he didn't want a future with her. Harry didn't mean it though.
“Ok, well I guess that's my fault for assuming we were thinking along the same lines. Um, I don't want to hold you back from being yourself so with that being said, you are a free man Harry.” She pushed herself up from her bed walking to the door ready to escort Harry out.
“Huh? Love, what?” Harry was confused on how they got to this point. Just a few days ago they were in love, meeting in the library to share a lunch and exchanging sweet words determined by their love.
“Listen I have a day full of exams tomorrow so if you could just leave that would be best. You don't really want this so I'm letting you go, Harry.” She had tears rolling down her face, falling from her eyes down to her chin where they fell to the ground in droplets. Harry’s eyes welled up watching his love cry before him.
“I don't-”
“Harry, leave, please.” She opened the door making room for him to go through. He walked through the door turning to look at her. She turned her face away from him whispering a small goodbye before shutting the door. Harry was left in the silent hallway, so silent he could hear his thoughts and the tears hitting the tile floor beneath him. He thinks he stood there for at least thirty more minutes before accepting what had happened and walking away.
Leaving Y/N in her room sobbing like she had never done before. Her tears coated her face and she thought her head could explode right then and there. She didn't want to accept what had happened but she had priorities. She composed herself enough to start studying for her exams.
The week rolled by quickly, Monday meeting Friday in a flash. Exams were done and Christmas break was on the horizon. Students were piling off of campus in a hurry ready to get home to their loved ones. People were outside by cars loading up their winter necessaries and saying their goodbyes to their close friends.
Harry cried everyday this week. He wasn't normally a crier. He hated crying, he hated the feeling of crying and the headache that came from it. He cried because he realized how wrong he was. He missed Y/N. He missed finals week dinner together where they tried to get off campus at least once and be alone for a moment. He missed watching her relax while eating food that wasn't from their school's cafeteria. He would pay for their meal just so she could have one less thing to worry about. They would normally get frozen yogurt right after too, Y/N getting as many toppings as she wanted because Harry would be the one paying. He missed her tight after exam hugs. She would squeeze his shoulders tight, smiling into his neck, telling him how proud she was of him. She would bring him tea in the morning when they met for breakfast. Sometimes they would spend the night in one or the others room so they could have time together to destress and just talk.
Y/N wasn't doing any better. She normally went into exam week feeling confident. She studied too hard not to. But this week she felt like shit. Her heart hurt and she kept thinking about the fight. She feels like she overreacted but hearing Harry talk about their lack of a future hurt nonetheless. She really assumed that they did have a future that included marriage and a life together. She didn't understand where his sudden lack of commitment came from. She regretted dumping him but at the same time she wished he did more to get them back together but he was silent. He hasn't contacted her at all and avoided all of their spots on campus all together.
She stood by her car prepping for her six hours car ride back home. Packing away her clothes and some essentials in the trunk of her car, she heard light footsteps behind her. Closing her trunk she turned to see Harry standing with his hands in his pockets.  
“Hi.” He said. She looked at him, putting her own hands in her pockets. It was cold outside, the nippy air hinting at a possibility of snow.
“Hi Harry.” They shared a moment of silence together. Just staring at each other. It felt good to be near each other again. They felt like they could breathe again.
“I had to see you before you left. I know the break is only a month but I didn't want to leave without seeing you.” He replied quietly. She made him feel so shy. Her beauty always made him awestruck. Even in a hoodie with their college's logo and some large sweatpants and some fuzzy crocs, she was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
“I don't know what to say harry.”
“It's ok. I don't deserve anything from you after what I said. I just wanted to apologize and wish you a good break before you left. I also wanted to give you this.” He pulled a small box and envelope out of the front pocket of his backpack. “I know we agreed on no presents but I think thats a dumb rule and I love you too much to not get you something.” She smiled at his words, taking the gift from his hands.
“Thank you Harry, it means a lot to me. So what are your plans for a break?” She asked him, the tension that was in the air slowly dissipating.
“I couldn't get a flight home until next wednesday so i'll stay here on campus until then.” He shrugged.
“Oh ok. Well tell Anne I said hi. I have to go Harry but I'll see you after the break, ok?” She didn't want to leave him but she didn't want to drive through the dark.
“Ok, love. Drive safe. I lov- I mean have a good break.” Her chest tightened at his hesitation. She wants to hear him say the words but she knows he won't.
“Have a good break Harry.” She whispered. Before getting in her car she stood on her toes placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. Rubbing her thumb across his cheek and turning away and into her car.
She drove away knowing that her heart was left in that parking lot in the hands of someone she loves way too much.
Harry stood in the parking lot watching his heart drive away for winter wanting nothing more than to be with her.
Part two
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trashytummiez · 3 years
oh my goodness if you did a raven & beast boy thing I think I’d be forever grateful 🥲
Warning: contains burps hiccups indigestion tummy aches tummy rubs
"Unnngh...I can't believe I let you talk me into this," groaned Raven. A sharp hiccup erupted out of her and made her cover her mouth with both a blush and a groan.
Beast Boy responded with a gargantuan burp then slumped back in his chair. Smacking his lips he patted his belly and gave a satisfied sigh. His middle was bulging out with considerable roundness to it like smuggling a fleshy basketball beneath his incredibly tight spandex costume. "Man that was delish!" Beast Boy mused then rubbed his bloated stomach contently. "Ya didn't do half bad either Raven! Kind of amazed ya could keep up!"
After hiccuping again Raven groaned miserably to herself and stroked her own tummy. It was considerably heavier than normal and stuck out like a cute little potbelly beneath her own spandex costume. Her stomach wasn't nearly as bloated as Beast Boy's but it was still a pretty considerable food baby belly she was sporting.
She huffed in an exhausted way and slowly ran her fingers up and down her curved out middle. It felt so uncomfortably tight to the touch. Raven very clearly wasn't used to eating so much.
"...I am never...ever...ever...hic..eating this much again..." Raven muttered groggily. A sharp hiccup made her body jerk and forced her to take a deep breath to try and settle her overly full stomach down.
"C'mon admit it. That pizza was pretty killer right?" Beast Boy urged when his face suddenly tightened uncomfortably. He thumped his chest a few times until a long throaty burp erupted out of him. "Heh. Tastes just as killer comin' back up too!" Beast Boy joked after getting a whiff of his eructation.
Raven cringed in disgust.
"You're a pig," Raven remarked.
Beast Boy grinned then suddenly transformed into a pig and oinked at her teasingly. But then he cringed and reverted back immediately dropping his hands on his turbulent tummy when it started burbling deeply. "Ungf...'kay best not too that on a full stomach..."
Raven rolled her eyes then cringed when her own tummy gave a thick gurgle. She held her belly with one hand and held her freehand over her mouth. The young gray-skinned teen swallowed a gas bubble she could feel trying to creep up her throat then huffed.
"Ungh...feels so heavy..." she moaned and puffed some air off to the side.
Of course her musings were interrupted when yet another massive burp rumbled out of Beast Boy. He was clutching down on his bulging belly with hands and pushing down to make his burp as loud and as long as he could. The green skinned boy sighed heavily when he finally got it all out and slapped his belly with utter relief. "Unnnngh fiiiiinally!" he boasted wearily and then uttered a smaller after burp.
Raven flashed him an annoyed glare beneath her hood. "Dude you're being really grooOoOOOOOOOOOUUURRRPP!!!!" But to her mortal dread her disapproving commentary was interrupted by a big raunchy burp cutting her off mid-sentence.
Her eyes bugged out and her face flushed intensely when she desperately clamped her hands over her mouth.
"Oh g-gods excuse me...!" she muttered behind her hands in deep embarrassment.
Beast Boy grabbed his sides and laughed hysterically.
"Gahahahahahah!!! Dude nice one!" he praised and held his hand out for a high-five.
Raven just stared at him in an eternally dumbfounded way.
"...What is wrong with you...?"
"Aw c'mon! That was impressive! And I'll bet it felt good comin' up too right?" Beast Boy insisted with a cheeky grin.
Raven was about to tell him off but her tummy gave another thick gurgle. She could feel another gas bubble simmering up her gullet. This time she held her hand tightly around her lips and gave a thick closed mouth burp that could still be heard rumbling from within her slightly puffed and once again flush cheeks.
"Ungh...think I have heartburn," Raven remarked and gingerly rubbed her chest with one hand and her belly with the other.
"Yeah eatin' tons'uh pizza will do that. Plus this stuff is insanely greasy. Why d'ya think it's so tasty?" Beast Boy commented. "Why d'ya think I'm always burping after chowing down on this stuff?"
"Because you're a gross shameless boy?" Raven replied in a deadpanned drone.
"Nah! Well-I mean yeah-but that's not completely it! Nah it's cuz that's how I keep all the pressure in my gut so it ain't gettin' all grumbly and starts givin' me a bellyache."
As if to prove his point Beast Boy's belly gave an insanely gaseous groan. He winced and held his bulging tummy with both hands. The green boy looked uncomfortable for a second until he took a deep breath then slapped his belly heavily. That slap made Beast Boy let loose with a huge burp that blasted out of his mouth like a gunshot.
It morphed into him sighing heavily and grinning ear to ear. "Ahhh see?"
Raven was busy ringing out her in annoyance. But when her tummy emitted a very deep gastric burbling of its own she lamented.
This was going to be so gross.
With little recourse to combat her indigestion Raven caved. She gripped her bloated belly tightly with both hands then threw her head back. The burp she let out was so loud that even Beast Boy seemed startled by it.
She instinctively covered her mouth from being just as shocked by its volume as Beast Boy was.
The shapeshifter cackled and whooped. "Woooooooow that was ginormous dude!"
Despite how embarrassed she was Raven had to admit that felt really good getting out of her system.
She settled down in her seat and gave a small sigh gingerly rubbing her belly in contented circles.
"Unf...okay that did feel pretty good..." Raven admitted with a satisfied hum.
"Right? And the volume man! Didn't think ya had it in ya!" Beast Boy praised and joked.
Raven lazily glanced at Beast Boy and grinned. "Guess I'm just full of surprises today aren't I," she teased then immediately undercut herself with another large burp that left her blushing and covering her mouth as the rest of the gas rumbled heavily behind her lips. She turned her head to blow the gas off to the side and immediately cringed. "Ungh...and pizza. Lots and lots of...mrRRrrhp...pizza..."
"Ah you'll get used to it," Beast Boy assured her as he pushed himself up to his feet and staggered a bit. He held onto the table for support and held the side of his belly his free hand. That staggering disrupted some of the pressure in his gut and caused Beast Boy to let loose a big rumbling burp that rolled out of him for ten full seconds.
The absolute relief on Beast Boy's face after that was palpable.
"UNNGH god I needed that!" Beast Boy moaned and gave his glutted belly a relieved smack. He grinned a fang filled grin to Raven. "That's why I'm still the champ 'round these parts."
Raven rolled her eyes. "Cyborg will be devastated I'm sure."
Beast Boy snickered then surprisingly reached over and gave Raven's bloated tummy a few gentle pats. "Don't worry. You'll catch up to us sooner or later," Beast Boy assured her and teasingly rubbed Raven's belly.
Raven froze in place at the feeling of Beast Boy momentarily caressing her heavy stomach the way he did. But the dopey teenager didn't pick up on that when he turned tail and headed back to his bedroom cradling his own much larger gut.
Nor did he catch the way Raven's cheeks blushed furiously either.
It seemed that Raven really was full of surprises.
(...And pizza.)
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bjornthorsson20 · 3 years
Give Us a Break!
Had this Rarry drabble unfinished for 2 months now, and finally, the inspiration hit to finish it yesterday. Hope y'all enjoy! ^^
Harry entered the kitchen to find Ron already leaning on the counter, munching on some toast. Even now, in his disheveled morning state, Harry thought he looked positively stunning, especially with the sun rays reflecting off his flaming red hair, making it shine even brighter.
Ron looked his way, grinning as soon as their eyes met, and made a gesture for Harry to come closer. Harry had to stop himself from biting his lip at how sexy just that little wag of his finger was. He walked up to Ron, keeping a good distance away from him, but Ron wasn't having it, as he tugged on Harry's sleeve to pull him in until their faces were mere inches apart. Harry involuntarily bunched Ron's shirt with his fist, his breathing already ragged due to their proximity.
As soon as Ron dipped his head, they heard footsteps coming in, alarming them both, and before Harry could jolt away quickly enough, Ron burped on his face, laughing afterward.
"What the fuck, Ron?! Fucking hell!" Harry bellowed, frantically waving his hand in front of his face.
"I told you not to get too close, Potter. Your mistake," Ron chuckled, but with a subtle wink his way, Harry understood why he did it.
"Er, am I interrupting something?" Hermione asked by the doorway, with an amused half-smile and one eyebrow raised.
“Not at all, no. Harry was just talking big for someone who was clearly unprepared to handle the Weasleys’ dirty tricks,” Ron laughed, having way too much fun watching Harry blush profusely from the embarrassment of almost getting caught by their best friend.
“Okay,” Hermione enunciated, barely holding in a chuckle as she grabbed a piece of toast, taking a bite of it. “I’ll be outside reading in the shade if you boys need me or wish to keep me company later.” As they nodded, she left the kitchen, leaving them alone once more.
“That was close,” Harry breathed a sigh of relief, messing his hair up with a shaky hand, the blush still present on his face.
“But not close enough,” Ron said in the deep voice he knew always made Harry’s knees weak, bringing him closer again. Harry’s hand landed flat on Ron’s chest and he could feel his heartbeat speed up, his own breath hitching as he took in the deep-blue desire in the ginger’s eyes. Their lips moved at the same time…
“Good morning! Nice to see you both already up!” bellowed the Weasley patriarch as he came in.
“Ron, you really are a messy eater,” Harry quickly said, swiping away nonexistent crumbs from Ron’s shirt, hoping Mr. Weasley would buy it, despite the nervous squeak in his voice.
“Mate, you’ve known me for how many years now? It’s not news at this point that I’m a pig when it comes to food. Oh hi, dad,” Ron greeted his dad nonchalantly, and Harry wondered how he managed to stay that calm in this kind of situation.
“Sorry, were you two in the middle of something?”
“Oh, no, Harry was just practicing his crumb swiping technique on me. Apparently, it’s a muggle thing boys our age do,” Ron smoothly lied, as Harry was trying very hard not to laugh, sure that Mr. Weasley would never buy such a-
“Oh! Fascinating! Remind me to pull Harry aside later to inquire more on that. I’ll be heading off to work now. Take care, you two!” And with that, he was off.
Harry blew out a huge breath, crying from laughter as he gasped out syllable for syllable, “I can’t believe he bought that!” Ron soon joined him on it, both of them clutching their stomachs from the hilarity of it all.
Finally, they both sighed, spent from their bout of mirth, wearing identical silly smiles and stepping closer to one another. Ron caressed Harry’s cheek lovingly, his trademarked lopsided grin showing up. “I guess we should just wait for tonight. You can hold on until then, right?” He chuckled as Harry nodded.
“What can wait for tonight, our dear Ickle Ronniekins?” The twins chorused in unison, popping out from seemingly nowhere, startling them both.
“Well, uh, Harry likes me to read this muggle fairytale to him before bed, helps him sleep better, but lately he has been asking me to read it to him during the day, and I just wanted us to come back to it being a bedtime story. Makes it more special.” By the end of this convoluted lie, the twins were already reduced to tears on the kitchen floor, laughing even harder than Harry and Ron before. By the time they managed to get up again, each one leaning on Ron’s shoulders for support, they were laughing right at a very red Harry’s face, trying to form coherent sentences, but being overpowered by the laughter. They eventually calmed down enough to taunt Harry with questions like “Do you need your special blanket to sleep well too?” or “What thumb do you sleep sucking on?”, before thanking Ron for the gold mine of jokes and promptly disapparating.
The silence hung between them, Ron doing his best to not laugh at the terrible attempt at an angry stare Harry was giving him. Eventually, with a twitch of his lips giving him away, he muttered, “You’re the fucking worst.”
Ron did laugh then, dipping his head with their noses almost touching, “I am. But you love me for it,” he said, before finally giving Harry a proper quick kiss.
As Ron broke the kiss, Harry was left with a smile, and, with his eyes still closed, let out a content sigh.
“I do.”
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Here is the Dakota infection fic that I mentioned before! There is emeto in this because I can't resist.
Content Warning: Description of infected wound, blood, vomiting
The smell of grilled sausages greeted Dakota before he opened his eyes. They were having a real fire-cooked breakfast that morning because Blair insisted on making the most of their camping trip. It didn’t matter that there were muffins in the car; they were in the great outdoors, and they would act like it, gosh darn it!
Madix and Riley appeared to only have gotten half the message because they were fine with roasted hotdogs, but not so eager to leave their phones in the cars. At least there was good music coming from the speakers. Ah Ariana Grande—the sound of nature.
It took Dakota’s groggy mind a second to remember that he spent the night in a tent, but his achy muscles soon reminded him. Actually, his whole body hurt as if he ran up and down a hill all day yesterday.
Oh wait, he did do that.
The four of them had walked to the lake where they found a rope swing attached to the biggest tree. It was the perfect spot for launching themselves into the water because of the hill that the tree grew from. So, they spent the day running back and forth between the water and the rope.
Their perfect camping grounds were hardly a secret, but that was okay because it meant someone provided them with a rope swing. Unfortunately, it also meant that the ground was littered with metal and glass from disrespectful campers. They picked up as mush as they could find before doing flips off the rope.
Apparently, they didn’t have the best eye for trash because Dakota’s foot found a piece of a glass bottle that they missed. He had been coming back from the water, soaking wet with the biggest grin on his face, ready to jump again, when the glass shard cut into the bottom of his foot. Now Dakota, like the campers who littered in the first place, had been quite drunk. He felt the pain, certainly, but he soon forgot about it when the water washed the blood away. Until he got back to the campsite where he covered the cut with a bandage, he walked around with his skin torn open.
Dakota didn’t know it, but that cut was what made him wake up with the sickest stomach, and it was the cut that would eventually make him collapse during a hike. Well, not the cut, but what got into it.
The bandage was still on his foot when he woke that morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked. The smell turned his upset stomach, forcing him to crawl out of the tent.
Everyone was already awake, meaning he must have slept in if Riley was up before him. Blair was kneeling by the fire, turning the sausages as they cooked. Madix and Riley were sitting in their camp chairs around the fire, munching on peanuts. Chipmunks joined them for breakfast as well. The little animals scurried to where Riley held his hand open. When Dakota zipped open the tent, his friends all looked his way.
“Morning, baby!” Blair called. Her hair was in a messy bun that Dakota knew for sure wasn’t done deliberately. She looked sunny and wonderful.
“How did you two sleep?” Madix asked while shooting a glance at Riley. “Hopefully, nobody invaded your sleeping bag in the night.”
“Hey, I told you I got cold.” Riley countered. “And I heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like a bear.”
“And I told you there are no bear sightings in this forest.”
“Fine, it was a fox then.”
“What does—”
Dakota didn’t listen to his friend’s playful banter. It was a lovely morning with lovely company, but he wasn’t feeling so lovely. Everything from his head to his feet hurt, and one foot hurt more than the other. It almost felt like he had the flu, with burning eyes and aching muscles.
What made the morning even lovelier was seeing Blair so smiley. That at least helped how he was feeling. God, he really hoped he wasn’t getting the flu in the middle of the forest.
“I slept okay,” Blair said as she placed the sausages on a paper plate, “How about you, Kota? You’re waking up pretty late.”
Dakota couldn’t remember anything disrupting his sleep, but the fatigue in his bones made him question his answer. “I slept fine, but I feel weird.”
“Weird how?” Madix asked, accepting a plate from Blair.
“I don’t know. A little sick.”
“Well, you look sunburnt,” Riley said. “It’s probably from the heat.”
“Maybe.” Dakota shrugged and crossed his arms over his middle. The smell of the food was getting to him bad. It churned his stomach, reminding him of the reason he crawled out of the tent. He really didn’t want to worry Blair and take the smile away from her face, but he could feel the need to puke getting stronger. His mouth filled with saliva, and not because he was hungry.
While his friends ate, he pulled himself out of the chair and began walking away. He had to get far enough away so he wouldn’t upset Riley. Running wasn’t an option he discovered, as he needed to keep weight off his injured foot.
Dakota barely got twenty feet away from the fire before bending over with his hands on his knees. He only needed to burp once. The belch dislodged something in his stomach and suddenly he was retching up last night’s dinner onto the ground.
“Oh shit.” He heard Madix say. He didn’t know what Riley was doing, whether he was running away or covering his ears, but he felt bad either way. He hoped Riley was running away because he wasn’t close to being done.
By the time the second gush rushed up his throat, Blair was by his side. She patted his back as mostly-digested burgers and smores splattered at their feet. “Easy, babe.”
Dakota didn’t take it easy. He didn’t know how. He threw up everything in his stomach without stopping. He was hot and sweaty when he finished. Rather than feeling light-headed, he felt the opposite. His head pounded as if someone were trying to shove a million cotton balls in through his ears.
“Sorry,” he said simply while wiping his mouth. “That happened fast.”
Blair was still rubbing his back. “Are you hungover or something?”
“I don’t know.” This felt different from a hangover. He wanted to let his legs go out from under him. He wanted to lie down forever. He also didn’t want to stop Blair from having a good day.
“Are you okay? What do you need?” she asked, like he knew she would. She started leading him back to the tent with a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He let out a groan as he entered the tent. “I need to go back to sleep. I’m fucking exhausted.”
From outside, he heard Madix and Riley come back to the site. Madix poked his head into the tent. “Hangover or heat exhaustion, that is the question.”
“I’m sorry, Mads. I’m so sorry.” Dakota said with his hand over his eyes.
“Don’t feel bad. You couldn’t help it.” Madix looked back, probably checking on Riley. “Now, did you drink too much, or do I need to worry about heat stroke?”
God, no, Dakota thought to himself. Madix would undoubtedly make them pack up their tents if he had heat stroke. He didn’t think he was sick from drinking, but he wasn’t about to end their trip so soon. “I’m probably hungover. I just need to sleep it off.”
“Are you sure, baby?” Blair cooed while running her hand through his hair. “You don’t look good.”
“Listen, you guys go to the lake this morning while I rest, and I’ll be good to go on the hike this afternoon.”
Blair put two water bottles by his pillow. “You have to promise to drink lots of water.”
“I will, I promise.”
His friends eventually agreed to leave him in the tent to rest. Everyone wanted him to get better so that he could enjoy himself later.
Everything will be fine; it isn’t heat stroke. Dakota’s groggy mind replayed this sentence until he fell asleep.
He was right about it not being heat stroke, but wrong about the other thing.
Rustling in the nearby bushes woke Dakota from his nap. Checking his phone, he realized that he slept for nearly four hours. He let his head fall back onto his damp pillow. The nausea was slightly better, but everything else was worse. Every part of his body was throbbing in pain so maybe that’s why he didn’t bother to check the heat emanating up his ankle. Besides, there was enough heat on his forehead to roast that night’s marshmallows. The water bottles that Blair gave him were still full and now warm. He was sweating out every ounce of fluid left in his body, but the thought of filling stomach with liquid made him want to zip himself up into his sleeping bag and use it as a casket.
The rustling got louder and was accompanied by voices. It was his friends returning from the lake. For some reason Dakota suddenly thought that chugging the water bottles would make everyone happy. It would ease Blair’s worries about him being sick, and maybe it would even give him the energy to get up. And he wanted to get up so bad, so that’s what he did. He quickly found clothes in his duffel bag that would be good for hiking.
The water sloshed in his stomach as he greeted his friends around the firepit. He braced himself on the back of a chair and put a smile on his face.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Blair asked. She got up on her tiptoes—a sign for Dakota to bend down so she could kiss him.
“Better. I think a hike will be good for me.” Said no one ever who just finished puking their guts up. Dakota just said it, but he was a liar.
Apparently, he was a good liar. “Yay!” Blair exclaimed while swapping her flip flops for running shoes.
It wasn’t long before the group was ready for their hike. It was an uphill hike. Yippee, Dakota thought. It also wasn’t long before he started to fall behind in the marching order. Blair led the charge with Riley. The two of them played twenty questions while leading the way. Madix fell back as well. Dakota wasn’t being very subtle in his suffering. He knew that Madix was keeping an eye on him.
He huffed his way up the trail, feeling worse with every step. Feeling even worse with every other step as his right foot momentarily held his weight. He was back to being nauseous and dizzy, and feeling like the sky switched places with the earth. With how blurred his vision was, Dakota was surprised that he didn't trip. Maybe it would be okay to trip. It would give him a second to rest on the ground.
Aw hell, he didn’t need an excuse to rest.
Dakota called out to Madix in a weak voice. Luckily, Madix heard him even when a coughing fit broke up his request to stop. The coughing turned into gagging and forced Dakota back into the position from that morning with his hands on his knees. It was the sound of him gagging that made Madix call out to Riley and Blair, telling them to keep walking. He and Dakota would catch up soon.
Madix carefully stepped around protruding branches to reach his friend. “Why don’t you sit down.” He gestured to a group of large rocks on the side of the trail. Well, he picked a good place to stop.
Dakota held up a finger and then heaved up the water that sloshed and gurgled in his belly. It didn’t take many retches before the water was gone, leaving only bile left to throw up. One harsh retch had him toppling to the ground where he finished being sick on his hands and knees.
“Jesus, Kota,” Madix said while helping him up. “What, are we back in our undergrad?” He meant it as a joke; a throwback to the dorm room hangovers that made even water impossible to keep down. Madix’s easy expression turned serious when Dakota sat on the rock with his head in his hands. He looked bad. Far too sweaty for how little they walked. And something else seemed wrong. Madix put his hand on Dakota’s shoulder. “Hey, are you shaking?”
Dakota was indeed shaking. Shivering in the summer heat. “This is gonna sound ridiculous, but I’m cold.”
Madix frowned. He moved the hand that was on Dakota’s shoulder to the back of his neck. His skin was burning hot and slick with sweat. That wouldn’t have been too weird, but it was the shivering that worried Madix. “I think you have a fever. Something is making you sick and it isn’t the booze.”
Dakota was hardly listening. Everything hurt. He didn’t have the energy to theorize with Madix about what was making him feel like garbage. The ache in his head and his stomach was nothing compared to the throbbing inside his shoe.
“Dakota, are you hearing me? I want to take you back to the campsite.”
The boy didn’t move. He didn’t say anything as he bit his tongue in pain.
The shaking of his shoulders managed to pull him out of trance. “Sorry, sorry it’s my foot. It’s killing me.” He couldn’t take the pain anymore and kicked off his shoe. “I cut it the other day and it still hurts like hell.”
“Let me see,” Madix said, moving off the rock to get a better look. Immediately, the red and yellowish stain on Dakota’s sock made him worried.
Once Dakota took off the sock and the bandage, Madix recoiled with a hand over his mouth. “Oh God, fuck, why didn’t you say anything?” The smell hit Madix first. It wasn’t as bad as some wounds that he’d seen at the hospital, but it still caught him off the guard.
The cut was deep enough to warrant stitches, but the biggest problem was the yellow pus leaking from it. The entire bottom of his foot was red and swollen. After getting over the sight of the cut, Madix started thinking about how painful it must be to walk on.
“Is it bad?” Dakota asked, though he already knew the answer from the look on Madix’s face.
“Yeah, it’s bad. It’s infected.”
“Can you fix it?”
Madix shifted on his knees, trying to see the cut from a better angle. “If you showed it to me before it got this bad, then maybe, but not now. You need to go to the hospital.”
“Shit,” Dakota mumbled as he carefully put his sock and shoe back on.
Madix helped Dakota up and let him lean on him. “Shit is right. God, why do you make me worry so much?”
“It’s gonna make Blair worry too.” She was going to be even more upset than Madix. He hated being the reason she was upset. And it wasn’t even because he cut the trip short, but because he didn’t take better care of himself. “If only I weren’t so lovable.”
“Ha, you won’t have to worry about that anymore,” Madix said breathlessly. It was a lot harder to hike when a whole person was hanging off your arm. “See, all the appeal was stored in your foot, and now we’ll have to cut it off.”
Shockingly, Madix was being facetious. There would be no foot chopping that day, or any day. There might be a scolding from Blair but that was it. The cleaning of the wound would hurt less than the look of concern that Blair would wear. It was that look that would eventually make Dakota paranoid about treating every single cut, no matter how small. He could never see that look again.
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tenspontaneite · 4 years
Wish Fulfilment (Chapter 1/?)
Rayla woke up in a tiny body in a tiny bed, blinked, looked at her tiny hands, and said “Right.”
(Time travel; indulgent and light-hearted. Ao3 link)
  Rayla woke up in a tiny body in a tiny bed, blinked, looked at her tiny hands, and said “Right.”
She spent the next few days taking stock of herself, the time-frame, her living situation, and her own abilities. She was a pipsqueak, lacking the advantages of a decade of training and conditioning, but she’d been a scrappy thing even at this age – climbing trees, making a nuisance of herself, getting hardier and more agile than most bairns did, and so on. She scrambled experimentally about some trees for a while, and assessed her stealth by mud-bombing the townspeople she disliked, and in the end decided that it would do just fine.
Her parents had joined the Dragonguard recently, and judging by her age, Callum must have lost his mother only a month or two ago. She regretted that she couldn’t have stopped that, but, well. Nothing to be done.
She spent a further week stealing supplies, testing herself, and getting ready. The Moon answered her when she called on it, even so close to its darkest phase. Magic answered too, when she begrudgingly tested the spells Callum had bullied her into learning. It would be enough.
She left a note for Ethari and Runaan that read ‘I know you’ll never listen if I tell you not to look for me, so just try not to waste too much time, alright? I’m fine.’ She took a moment to feel disconcerted at her history of leaving notes and disappearing, then added ‘Sorry. Try not to worry. I’ll see if I can send letters or something.’ With that in mind she took a brief detour into Ethari’s workshop and stole a shadowhawk. With that tucked into her pack, she did some last-minute checks of her supplies and headed out.
First on her agenda was heading North-East and breaking up her trail. Runaan would absolutely try to follow her, so she made it as hard for him as she possibly could, laying false trails, disturbing the true ones, and dunking herself in every body of water she could find to break up the chance of the family Moonstrider being able to track her. He’d probably still find his way through the first leg of her journey, but that was okay. She could live with that.
Rayla arrived at the mountainous plains on the edge of Lux Aurea a week later, finding with satisfaction what she’d expected to: vast tracts of farmland, developed for the feeding of the equally vast population of the golden city. It took a further day to find the farm itself, whereupon she broke in, ambushed the residents, and made some very uncompromising demands.
The Sunfire farmers looked so bewildered at having been hogtied and extorted by a baby-faced Moonshadow child that they offered absolutely no resistance except plaintive questions like ‘where are your parents’, or ‘are you okay’, or ‘do you need any help’. In the end Rayla departed with her packs three bags of seeds heavier, and also stole a Sunfin on her way out. She flew on the placid creature for three days due West before running afoul of the Sunfire army.
Rayla spent eight disgruntled hours in the custody of those soldiers, refusing to talk, until they finally left a twin-tailed inferno-tooth tiger to guard her while they went off to send letters to their superiors, trusting the guard-cat’s intelligence and ferocity to be equal to the task of keeping watch on a wee Moonshadow bairn. This turned out to be a mistake.
Within an hour, the animal was eyeing her with interest. Within two, it had drifted close to sniff at her. “What’re you looking at?” She demanded, in her tiny irritable child-voice, and that was when the thing instantly and very plainly took a liking to her. She spent ten minutes grumbling loudly about being sat on by a giant cat, then finally conceded to pragmatism and started using its tail-flames to burn through her ties. They’d only used rope, not wanting to restrain a child too sternly. It was very helpful stupidity on their part.
Rayla escaped on the cat and was only mildly singed by the ordeal. Later, after a day of very enthusiastic pursuit-evasion, she settled down with said cat and eyed it with resignation. “You’re not leaving, are you.” She said. It licked her with a sandpapery tongue almost as big as her entire face, and that was answer enough. She sighed. “Well, it’ll make the journey a lot faster, I suppose.” She decided. “But you’re going to be a pain to hide.”
Unconcerned, it rubbed its face against her insistently enough to push her over. But she’d grown up with a shadowpaw, so she was used to that.
Rayla, who was not good at naming things, named it Cat.
 Brightly-coloured cats with two flaming tails were not stealthy. They just weren’t. Cheerfully unaware of how inconvenient this was, Cat spent the next two weeks ruining her efforts at stealth by roaring at inconvenient times, following her when she’d told it to stay put, and in general by being constantly on fire. As such she arrived in the Pentarchy and crossed the Weeping Bay with considerably more flair than she’d have preferred, but at least the tails eliminated the need for campfires. It had obviously been used to cook food before, and tolerated the experience very agreeably, if it had also been fed.
On the third week she finally figured out that the thing had been trained with Luçais commands, and muddled her way through her extremely bare vocabulary in the language to finally get Cat to follow basic directions. With the ability to tell it to stay put somewhere while she went off to do something else, things went much better. She disappeared into the mountain range on Cat’s wings, choosing the least-populated route she could manage, and in the end managed to approach Katolis castle with no one the wiser that she was there.
Finding somewhere to leave Cat proved challenging, though. She briefly considered the alcove in the cliff under the castle, but dismissed it on grounds that someone would notice the roaring eventually. Cat was a noisy bastard. Eventually she resigned herself to the fact that she’d just need to relocate it periodically, and left it in a relatively well-concealed ditch with a freshly-killed deer corpse to occupy it.
Rayla waited till nightfall for the first excursion, calling on the Moon to turn her skin to shadows, and stalked down the castle halls, learning it as it was in this time. Learning the guard stations, the patrol patterns, its rhythms and sounds. She was half-way to checking whether Callum still had the right room at this age when she stopped in the middle of the hallway, goosebumps raising up in lines over her arms, feeling a vast and familiar presence passing over her mind. She slumped with relief.
“Ezran.” She murmured, more thankful than words could say. “So you made it back too.”
Being a baby had apparently not agreed with him, because he seemed to lack the control and finesse he’d developed with age. Instead his ability brushed at her in vague sweeps of feeling and intent, saying relief and frustration and this way. She followed his lead to the nursery where he was kept, his guards pressed into sleep by his far-reaching touch.
She looked down at him in his cot, so tiny she wasn’t even sure if he could crawl, and raised an eyebrow. “Somehow, you’re even tinier than I expected.”
“Ee,” he expressed sourly, blinking up at her with eyes that looked too big for his face. Babies were so weird. His hands reached up and made grabby motions at her, so obediently she leaned in and let him slap one baby hand onto her cheek. With the skin contact, it got a lot clearer.
Been here months, he seemed to complain, along with a rush of gratitude/relief/fondness at seeing her. Couldn’t do anything/missed you/been awful.
“How many months?” She asked with interest, and after a little back-and-forth managed to surmise that he’d awakened in his body very shortly after the titan-slaying party had departed for Xadia. She winced, entirely aware of how terrible that must have been for him. “I’m sorry, Ez.”
His little baby face screwed up, as if he was going to start crying. He almost did, but then seemed to summon the will to suppress the infant-body’s powerful instincts before it actually got going. Really sucked, he managed to express, with a little echo of his helplessness and anger. Then, subverbal: an impression of the heavy miasma of grief that had hung over the castle. Harrow crying, Callum crying.
She inhaled sharply. “Callum-“ she couldn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t make it back? She thought, numbly, and that was as good as saying it, with Ezran touching her.
He blinked wide ice-blue eyes at her. Hasn't yet/getting worried, he said, tangled up in the impression he had that she’d arrived later than him, hadn’t she, so maybe, maybe Callum would join them eventually too. He hoped. But time was passing and he was afraid.
She closed her eyes. Exhaled. “Did Zym make it?” Yes, he had. “Can you talk to him the same? Reach past him?” Talking: yes, but it was hard. Reaching: no. “Okay. We can work with that.” She hesitated, steeling herself, not thinking about Callum. “I’ve got a hotcat a little bit past the castle. Think you can convince it not to make noise?” She asked, half-heartedly.
Ezran blinked again. Then he looked delighted, a wide baby grin spreading across his face. He nearly bowled her over with the wave of enthusiasm and approval for her having made a proper animal friend, and expressed his intention to begin communing with said animal at once.
Rayla nodded a little, still tightly controlling her reaction to the news about Callum, and after a moment reached into the cot to lift Ezran up under his wee chubby baby arms. He made a surprised gurgle at her, then burped contentedly when she hugged him, patting her clumsily on the shoulder. He was so bloody little. It was making her annoyingly emotional. Damn it, Callum, she thought to herself, get back here already so you can look at how tiny your brother is with me.
Ez sighed, patting her with mental impressions of hope and affection and subdued sadness. Then he told her, though not in as many words, that Cat was a terrible name and someone really needed to make fun of her for it.
Rayla huffed and set him back down again. “Shush, you.” She said gruffly, and hesitated. “I’ll…come back to see you tomorrow, alright? Maybe in the day this time.” She had to get an idea of the daytime watch rotations too, after all. She still wasn’t sure what the plan was, but taking someone hostage might well end up being part of it. That would be a lot easier, with Ez on board. A lot of things would be easier.
A little spitefully, to let off steam, she made one final stop before leaving the castle that night: she broke into Viren’s rooms and stole one each of three pairs of his boots. She took these back to Cat and watched it maul the boots in question with a great deal of satisfaction.
Cat did quiet down after whatever Ezran communicated to it, but unfortunately also decided that if it wasn’t going to announce its presence by roaring, it had to do it some other way. This was how Cat ended up spraying the brambles at the edge of the ditch in urine, and incidentally also how Rayla discovered that it was a male. Thereafter the area stank too much for her to linger in, so she had to go off to sleep in a nearby tree, beyond the warmth of Cat’s burning tails. Rayla woke the next morning with a pronounced crick in her neck, grumbled a little, then went back to work.  
So this story exists because I made myself Really Sad about five year old Callum when writing the latest chapter (21) of piaj, and then made myself Even Sadder by promptly writing a future scene where Callum talked about said period of his life to Rayla, and then out of abject desperation I fired up a fresh document and started writing this to comfort myself.
Setting background: canon, but with worldbuilding borrowed from piaj. Future Rayla was somewhere in the region of 18+ years old, unspecified. Circumstances of the future and method of time travel left extremely deliberately vague. I have every intention of playing as fast and loose with this story as I can possibly manage; I already have one exhaustive and meticulous tdp work and I’m not interested in reallocating my brainpower from that to this.
Warning: what plans I have for this story heavily feature piaj worldbuilding that I consider pretty critical to the setting, and also unlikely to come out any time soon. Therefore, it’s pretty guaranteed that I’ll get two or three chapters in to publishing this and then have to keep the rest to myself for the next four years while piaj progresses.
 Other details:
Sunfin: a creature I came up with for piaj worldbuilding. It cannot breathe, and uses Sun magic in place of respiratory processes. If kept indoors it will die very quickly. It’s unintelligent and usually lives at high altitudes and will not generally touch the ground in its lifetime, but can be trained for use in farming, where it’s very useful in dispersing large amounts of Stuff (i.e. water, seeds, fertiliser) over a field from the sky. They’re basically crop dusters. Concept and name inspired by the Skyfin from endless legend. Looks somewhat more like a cross between an air shark and manta ray though.
Ezran: future Ezran in this setting was very, very powerful. Less so now that he’s a one year old baby. Rip.
Rayla: future Rayla learned how to use Moonshadow form at most times of the month, and in addition was eventually nagged by Callum into learning some spells. She uses them as part of her stealth repertoire but doesn’t consider herself a mage.
Callum: is baby.
Cat: a twin tailed inferno tooth tiger, highly trained, and in use by the Lux Aurea military as a war mount prior to his desertion in this story. They had a different name for him, but he rather prefers ‘Cat’.
Luçais: piaj worldbuilding; this is the in universe name for the French language as Draconic is the in universe name for Latin. Spoken by many Sunfire elves.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Crime and Punishment: Jail Bird Diaries (MHA)
Crime and Punishment: Jail bird diaries
*The following is the entries from a diary recovered from the cell of one Katsuki Bakugo after serving his time in the regression jail. certain entry's have been removed as the writing was unable to be made out.*
Week 2, Day 1
So after a fucking week in this stupid fucking hell hole they dare to call a good idea, It's been suggested to me by the stupid AI I have to refer as daddy that I might calm myself down and stop adding time to my stupid fucking sentence if I vent in this stupid fucking book. I pointed out I can barley hold this stupid fucking crayon with the mittens i have to wear but a hand just came out of the wall and patted my head, telling me I'm a clever boy and I'll figure it out. I would of added anther two months onto my sentence right then and there if it wasn't for these fucking glove, even if Maybe kinda sorta..the head pat felt nice. ANYWAYS! to any assholes reading this, expect lots of fucking cursing because daddy said I can swear all i want in here and I have a back flow I need to get out. I mean with all the stupid fucking bull shit I have to put up wi- And fuck me, shitting myself again. fuck this place sucks.
Week 2, Day 2
You just know it's gonna be a shit fucking day Diary when you wake up to the feeling of having a uber load in the seat of your pants patted and rubbed and being praised for being a super good pooper. I'm already not a fan of the super bulky diapers these bastard keep me in but 'daddy' has apparently registered me as a super pooper and states anything thing less wouldn't hold up to my boom booms. refer to my statement about earning more time in here from the last entry for my feelings on THAT! I had figured with the massive bulk of these things at least I wouldn't have to worry about any cutesy outfits save for some t-shirt but since apparently I pissed off god, guess fucking what? No really, Guess. If you guessed they went and adjusted some of the sleepers that all the other big babies in here sleep in to fit over my massive diaper ass then ding ding ding! winner winner chicken dinner. Picture me, a man known as a murder god..and in a blue full body fuzzy care bear style with a white tummy and 'har har' the grumpy bear symbol on the belly. Fucking thing even has a hood! I swear if it wasn't for the fact the thing was soooo soft and kinda comfy, I would of found a way to rip it off. and I don't care WHAT daddy claims, I only dropped right off to sleep in it because he drugged my milk, not because I felt warm and safe. Fuck this place!! I never thought I'd be semi ok with the stupid paw patrol t-shirt and my giga diapers on display.. anyways wrapping this up, apparently I'm having more fucking visitors today. fucking yay..
Week 2, Day 3
Oh my fucking god. yesterday would just NOT fucking stop. apparently it was some sort of official visitors day or some bull shit like that. 4 fucking visitors and three of them not fucking Deku who's trying to make it a point to show up every day as support. first up was mister shock and awe himself Denki. He just couldn't get that stupid grin off his face and kept gushing about how cute I was and how much he wished he could of came in and given me butt pats. I was about ready to snarl that he couldn't when a couple of daddies arms came and took a firm hold on me to keep me from bolting and then the cell door opened up. "Come on in! Katsuki can use all the butt pats he can get. I know he'll act like he hates them but all little guys like him love them." Daddy said. Like, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK! So in from that stupid blond and the door shuts and daddy tells me to turn around and present my rump for pats. Like I was gonna fucking listen to THAT and turned around to tell the speaker box his voice comes from as much and well.. Ok You see my mistake? I swear I was turning to tell daddy off but according to him and Denki I turned around like a good little boy eager for my bum pats and before I could get a god damn word out that's what was happening. talk about major fucking blushing going on and gah, not proud to say this but without a second thought i spread my legs a little so that he could get a better pat going on and it MIGHTA of sorta felt nice for all of 0.0000001 seconds! Daddy and Denki are lying sacks of shit when they say i coo'ed! Basically spent the rest of Denki's visit after that over his lap, getting butt pats and back rubs and being told just how cute I am and how much he prefers me like this. if it wasn't for the fact punching a visitor would of netted me a extra year I woulda slugged him. that the only reason i went along with it..
after a hour he left and Daddy was praising me for being a super good boy and rewarded me with chocolate milk in a bottle instead of the normal formula and put some power rangers instead of paw patrol on TV.  I mighta zoned out holding my bottle with both hands cuz of the mittens and chugging and watching that I didn't notice my next guest till I heard the giggle. whipping my head around and giving me one hell of a neck ache thats still kinda here, I saw what looked like a school girls outfit standing up on it's own and knew it was Tooru. "oh my gosh don't stop because of me! that was sooo cute! I wish they hadn't of taken away my cell phone i would of taken the cutest video!" she gushed and clapped. I held up both hands and because of the mittens she thought I was showing I wanted uppies but I think you know what i was really doing Diary. Of course daddy let her in too and she kept giving me heads and patting my head and asking daddy all sorts of questions about my treatment and like.. ugh. I felt like a toddler getting hugs and attention but ignored while the adults talked. she tugged me onto her lap and kept rocking me and tickling my tummy and it took me awhile to figure out what she was trying to do, she was trying to make me crap myself during her visiting time! well she left half disappointed because even though i was cramping, all i did was wet my diapers so I'll count it as a win. ...that said about 10 seconds after she left I was squatting and totally loading these stupid diapers to the brim.
Thankfully for what tiny bit of pride I've managed to hold onto, while my diaper change took what fucking seemed like forever, I was re-diapered and daddy was in the process of tossing the stinky one when my next guest arrive. because I'm Mr. fucking popular. It was Deku of course and because he's been here so often he's got a special pass that just lets him come in. He was in the middle of saying hi when his nose wrinkled and then he covered it and coughed a little . "oh, somebody just had a diapie change I uh..smell." he said sheepishly. "Oh yeah, little guy is living up to his label as a super pooper." Daddy said. "oh my god freaking stop calling me that!" I whined and uh..Maybe didn't help with trying to give off a big boy image because I was still on the changing table and grabbed a stuffed bear and put it over my face. "oh my gosh, CUTE!" Deku squealed and daddy was laughing. Like..fuck. it's bad enough when the shit they're making me do gets that reaction..then i fucking set myself up for it. getting off of the changing Table me and Deku did our normal catch up and I once again begged him to try and get the other kids in 1-a to stop coming here, telling him about Denki and Tooru. the green haired bastard just told me everyone missed me and wanted to make sure I was doing ok and not to be such a grumpy Gus. I swear I almost took the extra year right then and there. Instead I switched the convo to talking about what was going on at school and what I had missed and yeah.. it was kinda nice catching up a little bit. I hadn't dared asked till now worried it might just trigger a fit that was going to add time on you know? and Deku was nice, not rubbing it in or at least trying not to that they were going on bigger and more exciting field trips and shadowing full on heroes this week. I think it helped that while we talked I started to color in one of the coloring books Daddy provided and Deku joined in, though his picture was colored in a lot better then mine cuz well he has full use of his hands. As his time ran out and it was time for him to go, Deku made me blush like crazy when he asked if he could have the picture I colored to hang up on his wall and asked if I'd color more pretty pictures for him. being at a lost of words, I just nodded my head.
After Deku left daddy said it was time for a quick lunch and then a nap, I was clearly worn out and had one more person to go. I just sighed and went along with it because it's not like I would of really had a say in it anyways. again apparently my behavior for the day was having a effect on my dining choice because while I was put in the same high chair I normally was, instead of yucky baby food I got some cut up chicken nuggets and fries. I wonder how good I'll have to be to score a medium rare steak? anyways, after lunch and a burping I was put down for a nap and woke up to the sound of the door to my nursery prison. I was still groggy and stuff so when I rolled over and looked up to see the face of my mother, i just thought I was dreaming for a second and gave a tiny giggle and ugghhh.. say "hi Mommy." it wasn't till she broke out laughing I realized she was really there. She was..very amused to say the least and told me she had canceled the cruise she was on and flew back home as soon as she could when she'd found out the news. she mentioned that she had been made aware that there WAS a option to give me a form of parole in that I could go and move back in with her for the term of my sentence and she could let me get away with just pull ups and she had been thinking about exercising it..Until she fucking saw me in here and saw how 'natural' I looked like a big baby! I'm...I'm not proud to say I mighta of broken down bawling and begging her to let me come home with her, and ugh.. as I got more hysterical I ended up promising to be the bestest little boy ever. Mom just hushed me and picked me out of the crib I'd been in and hugged me to her chest, patting my squishy bottom (Hey, all the milk i had before going night night, you'd of wet yourself too!) I realize i never covered this before but i had been put down for my nap in just my diapers so there's THAT fun mental picture of me in my booties and mitts and soggy huggies and Mom cuddling me and trying to calm me down. I was bawling and hiccuping when she popped a paci in my mouth and sat down on a rocking chair that daddy provided and with me curled up in her lap rocked back and forth talking about how I had just proven this place was doing wonders for me and then started to ask daddy questions about where to get supplies. curled up close to mommy and hearing her heartbeat.. I..Fell back asleep.
Thankfully no ones coming today, not even Deku since he's busy..I just don't know if I could handle it after yesterday. and yeah, the rest of the day after I fell asleep in mom's lap was just a blur. fuck.. I need to get out of here.
Week 2, Day 6
Know I ignored you for a bit there kinda Diary, I went to write in you but just came out all mixed up and crossed it out. I've mostly docile since Mom's visit and uh..kinda sorta.. I dunno. Kinda wish Deku would come by. I know he's got that big shadowing All might thing going on but..Fuck. I dunno. Daddy keeps going on about me almost hitting a critical point in the program and I don't know about that..I just..I almost wish mom HADN'T of told me about how i could of been at home you know? I was struggling with this before finding that out. I'm spending the day in my sleeper t'day, I just wanna feel all..I don't fucking know.. small and safe? and that helps with it and daddy was more then understanding when I asked to. It just has to come off when I'm eating and stuff and well, semi gone back to the baby food but still getting milk milk. and the baby food is a yummy flavor at least. I dunno Diary, I think thats it for today. Katsuki out.
Week 3, Day 5
Man, looking back on the past couple of entries I did between here and last week and even I can't make out what the heck I wrote. guess a semi recap is in order. Midoriya ended up visiting me during supper on day six of last week and asked if I had any more pretty pictures for him. I hadn't thought I'd actually done any but I guess in the semi daze I'd been in I had and daddy brought them out for him. I told him about mommy visiting and he was really sympathetic and agrees that she shouldn't of told me about the possible parole if I wasn't gonna get it, He had known but well.. knowing my mom like he does had already figured out what she'd picked. He just didn't wanna get my hopes up. Daddy let him take over feeding me and I dunno..it was kinda nice and stuff. we watched a bit of TV after till I started farting lots and Midoriya tactfully left before I ended up going poopies in front of him saying he knew I was in a fragile place and promised to visit the next day. Day 7 was basically the normal same old same old, got out of my sleeper, breakfast and a diaper change then playing with my toys and watching tv till Midoriya showed up. He joined in on a awesome game of Teddies VS Building blocks and I was uh.. kinda giggling like a real little guy and sooo relaxed that I didn't notice something till he brought it up, wrinkling his nose. "Katsuki, did you go poo poo?" He asked. Well, of course I said no because I hadn't felt myself go but then I got a whiff of myself and god, that was sooo embarrassing!! Midoriya ended his visit early as he knows I hate being watched during a change, but told me how much of a good boy I was and that made me blush and smile. After he left and I was all nice and clean from the poopie diaper daddy didn't dress me though, it was time for a bath and a section of the wall opened up and I was led to a fair sized tub and allowed to get in myself. Daddy got me all washed up as the tub filled up and even trusted me without my booties and mittens, though with the wall having sealed up behind me there wasn't really anywhere I could run to. with me all squeaky clean he let me play in the tub for a while as there were some toy boats and a few sea monsters and it was wayyy more relaxing then the quick showers I'm used to. finally when i was all pruney daddy drained the tub and dried me off with a nice fluffy towel and got me redressed though I was mayyybe a little more relaxed then I thought from the tub cuz I took my nap early, and ended up missing a visit from Ojiro. (Daddy said the only reason he'd interrupted my other nap was cuz well, Mom is my real mom.) Is it weird I felt bad he came ALL the way here to see me and couldn't because I was a sleepy little guy? I dunno. Man.. this place is getting to me ya know? basically lather rinse repeat for the next couple of days, being fed, playing with toys, watching cartoons, and filling my diapers. getting to see Midoriya and hand out and yeahh. Yesterday Ojiro tried again and this time I was awake and heh.. he was really nice about it and told me he forgave me already when i whined out a sorry for being asleep the last time. in his own words he really should of called ahead since little guys like me are prone to impromptu naps. After that we played blocks for a little while and he just kept smiling so much and squirming about till daddy asked if he needed to use the potty. Ojiro blushed uber bad which in turn made me giggle like crazy and said no, but took off shortly after. I wonder what was up with him? I tried to ask daddy but he just patted my head and told me to color a picture for Midoriya, so I guess I'll ask him when he comes over today.
Week 3 Day 7
Midoriya just laughed when i asked him my question  and still won't answer it, even after i threatened NOT to make him any more pretty pictures. Daddy and him both found my threat to be funny and cute though so I guess that's good. Denki came to see me again and was all about patting my butt again and playing peek a boo with me.. which Ok. was fun for like a little bit buttt he reallly carried it on for too long but when i said I was getting bored we swapped over to playing with stuffies till his time was up. Well ok, I played with them and told him what was going on and he just smiled and told me how creative I was and made me grin like a dork. I asked HIM about Ojiro's odd behavior before he left and he got a BIG grin on his face and said he'd be back for more details and then daddy scolded me about not sticking in other peoples affairs. I'm so confused. The next day Midoriya was here and something reallly 'brassing happened.. I had gone boom boom once again and He was going to leave..but daddy asked him if he wanted to help change me!!! I don't know who was blushing more, me or him! In any case, after Midoriya helped cleaned my butt up and daddy re-diapered me, He took off all squirmy and blushing and daddy joked about me having a effect on all the boys.. whatever THAT'S suppose to mean. Mommy is coming by later today and I hope I don't spend her whole visit sobbing again like a crybaby.. though daddy said it's ok if I do cuz it's a big part of my rehab.
Week 4 Day 1
Sooo..who's got two thumbs and ended up crying himself to a early bedtime in mommies arms yesterday? THIS guy. she came in as I was having supper and technically it was too late for her to be there but they made a exception. I was already kinda.. whinny.. when it looked like she wasn't going to show but then daddy said she could only be there for half a hour. Mommy explained that she got stuck waiting on a delivery of things she's going to need for me in the future and took over feeding me the rest of my supper while I whined and huffed that I had waited allll day on her. It wasn't till after she had given me my ba-ba in her lap and burped me I thought to ask what she had ordered. She just smiled and told me not to worry about it and to be a good little boy and kissed my forehead and I.. I totally fudged my huggies, in mommies lap. Cue meltdown and I don't even really know why..it's not like I haven't been pooping my pants for awhile now right? I don't know whether it was because I was being held, or who was holding me, or just her reaction as i did it that got to me. "Oh! Somebodies making mommy a present!" with utter delight in her voice and patting my bottom as i kept filling my pampers to the brim. I just..I just started to bawl and sob and buried my face in her shoulder and no matter how much Mommy and daddy told me it was all ok, I couldn't stop. I don't even remember going to sleep or getting a diapie change..I just woke up this morning in my crib in a soggy diaper (Yeah I've become a bed wetter, so what!) and yeahhh.. Daddy says he'll tell me who changed me, him or her when he thinks I can hear it without bawling.
Week 5 Day 5
After holding up for journal for daddy to read, he told me I need to start taking time to calm down and focus before writing, my last couple of entries were all scribbles again. he told it was very cute and brave of me to wanna share it with him though and gave me lots of awesome head pats. I guess since i didn't make sense when i originally gushed about it, i should go back over it. Just shortly after the thing with pooping my pampers in mommies lap, i just started to really like head pats and daddy took notice and has been showering me with them. just makes me all giddy and I've started to lean into them. Midoriya noticed the love of 'em took and started to give'em out! Jirou came by with Asui and it was while I was watching some Micky mouse club house and singing along. I had just went "OH TOODLES!" and heard giggles and clapping and well blushed a bit..but daddies been trying to help me embrace what a little guy I am so I forced a smile then blew a raspberry at them. told'em if they wanted to come in and visit they could, but they had to join in and help Micky out. they giggled but agreed and well for a couple of stinky girls they weren't half bad to hang out with.
They weren't as fun to hang out as Mommy when she came and visited, though I said sorry a BUNCH of times for my fit she just gave me head and butt pats and told me it was all ok. She's been twice since the stinky break down and I've managed NOT to bawl both times for the most part. I mean..i get a little teary when she has to go buttt i get it. wish she could visit more but between work and setting my room up she's been a busy bee. I asked about why she'd hafa set my room up since I always figured after this I'll be going right back to school but she just chuckled and took out the action figures she'd brought from home for me and her to play hero's and villains with. (I mean, don't get me wrong, LOVE the stuffies I have in here, and Midoriya, Denki, Kouda and Tenya have gotten me others..but action figures are sooo much easier to have do cool stuff.) Oh guess i forgot to mention a bunch of boys showed up, Kouda, Tenya, Satou, Eijirou, and ughhh.. Mineta. They showed up as a group with some presents and while 4 of them were all cool and nice.. well, one guess who was a little butt? he actually got me so worked up with his teasing I swore for the first time in ages and daddy had to wash my mouth out but he also banned him from coming back. Back to playing with mommy, it was super fun, she was the evil baddies trying to attack the peaceful stuffie village and I was the heroes saying the day and giggling as i was in just a t-shirt and my uber diapies.  there was slight almost crying moment though while playing with mommy.. I went to lean forward to grab a action figure and just with like.. NO control blorted. It was loud and stinky and I guess I had the cutest look on my face. Maybe asked if I wasn't to stop playing while i finished or keep going and well..I didn't want her to be bored just sitting there watching me go blort. (Blort is a nick name for going poopie I picked up from Ojiro when he visited again, though his butt looked all puffed out and he seemed wayyy more into hugging stuffies then me. eh, go figure) Anyways, we finished up the game and I have having so much fun I MIGHTA pretended I was still blorting even after it was all out so we didn't have to pause again. I know I know, that meant sitting in my own poopie for awhile when I didn't hafa but I'm not really worried about a diaper rash or anything, they use like the best creams and powders here, and well I maybe kinda sorta like the squishy feeling.. though when i told daddy he said that's just because I haven't been able to make a big boy mess in awhile. I'm shocked my hair didn't ignite i was blushing so bad when he said that. Before you even ask diary, I waited till it was just me and daddy ta mention that.. though he hinted mommy had known I was done. He said maybe tomorrow if I'm super duper good today I can get a milking which confused me at first since I don't have boobies.  thennn he explained it out and um yeah.. lots of blushies and gonna try and be on my bestest behavior.
Week 9, Day 3
Sowwy been 'noring you. dis too busy hasing fun wiff everyone. daddy said it's otay though and told me to make at least one last entry in ya. Ummm otay. Sooo Turns out dat Ojiro and Denki are now all dating and kissy face and and Denki was a wanna be daddy dom and the reason Ojiro got all squirmy and silly? he was all jelly of me and my kick butt nursery! Apparently he was gonna -GIGGLE- try and git locked up in here so he could be babied and Denki just spanked his butt RED and pampered him. He's a super good at going blort too, and when they visit we have blort offs. (Score 4-3 in mah favor) Let's see...what else....Oh! Midoriya went and got a part time job as a daycare worker and 'ppently it's at a speical daycare where big babies like Ojiro n me can go, once I get out. kinda silly since i'm gonna be a uber big boy n stuff when i git out butttt daddy is always telling me to be polite sooo i nodded. He's been helping out wiff my diapie changes when he's here and even put in a few volunteer hours here to help out. (Such a good guy!) Mommies been by A LOT more latly too and can't stop gushing bout the appent change in my attuide. she's been bringing in and taking home my action figures cuz her and daddy agreed those are toys for use only under special supervision and I kinda ended up admitting to her I like sitting in my poopies now, at least for like.. umm.. 10 minutes. She just laughed and said noted and that it worked out with one of the additions she put on my room.. whatever dat means. She still wont tell me what she's done or why I'll be going wiff her when I get out, but eh, asking too many questions is a good way to lose a milking and the way daddy does'em.. dun what dat. Ummm I fink dat's everything Diary..fanks fer helping me get though the first bit of life here n being a friend! Daddy asked me to leave you here wiff him when I get out, but he'll print a copy for me and mommy.
After half a year in baby Jail, It was a fair different Katsuki who stepped out then had gone in. and that wasn't just referring to his change in attire. His quirk had more or less been nullified over the course of his treatment via special drugs in his drinks and food though it would return if he weaned himself off of said drug. Katsuki for his part didn't seem to mind since it got him out of his baby mitts and let him use his fingers for fun stuff like finger painting. (though even the daddy AI had learned it was best to strip him to just a diaper when he was painting, the little guy liked to draw on himself and had a massive fit when daddy had washed a turtle he'd drawn on his tummy off before he could show Midoriya.) He didn't even seem to mind that he'd been released in his now familiar bulky diaper and one of his many baby tops, wearing a pair of Winnie pooh socks and sneakers and holding onto his mom's hand as he was checked out. The warden smiled and waved bye bye to him as he was signed out and Katsuki semi hide behind his mom but waved bye back and then they were heading home.
"so Um..Mommmmmy?" Katsuki asked, sitting in the back seat of mommy's car, buckled into a customized car seat just for his puffy diaper butt. "whatttty?" She asked, looking back at him via the rear view mirror and smirking. "Can you tell's me now why we're going back home and not ta school? Like..is it so I can get's my big boy clothes on?" he asked, kicking his legs ideally. "welll you've missed most of the school year as is, there's no way you'll be able to catch up. so it's been agreed that you'll just take the rest of the year off and stay with me. and Besides, you need to re-potty train buddy." his mom pointed out. "...no i don't. I can hold it." Katsuki huffed, blushing and hugging one of the stuffies he'd been able to take with him and holding it to his chest. "Katsuki..what don't good little boys do?" She asked him. "...Lie." he huffed and looked down. "and what was that you just did?" "..Lied Mommy..I sowwy.." Katsuki said and he just looked SO sad and had tears welling up. "It's ok sweetie. Mommy isn't mad. but you need to tell the truth so you can have lots and lots of head pats ok?" she said quickly. "O-Ok..I..I guess..Maybe i kinda don't have pee control anymore..but I mostly know when i hasa blort." Katsuki said. "Mhhhmmm..well we'll be keeping you in your diapies for awhile and working you back up to be kid undies for the fall unless you decide you like being mommies little guy." "pffft, wike I'll PICK ta stay like this.." he huffed and squirmed. "Well if you do..a lot of what mommies been doing while you've been in there is baby proofing the apartment and turning your room into a nursery like the one you've been in, just no daddy though." "I..wait..wut?" Katsuki asked, and squirmed. "Yup, a changing table, a crib..I got you a high chair and got a baby bouncer for you because daddy told me it's your favorite way to make big boy messes after you've blorted." She giggled. Katsuki was squirming BIG time now in the back seat, and ended up popping his paci into his mouth and sucking on it big time and hugging his stuffie to his face. "oh it's ok sweetie. Mommy knows a growing boy like you has your needs. Just make sure to get mommies help if you wanna go bouncy bouncy ok?" She asked. The poor red faced boy couldn't speak, just suckled and nodded lots. the old Katsuki would of had a bitching fit and blown his way out of the car and stormed off..but Baby Katsuki just realized maybe just because he was out of baby jail..didn't mean he wasn't still a baby. 'I'm not a jail bird anymore..this is gonna be a longggggg summer..' He thought and then sucking on his paci and the noise of the car and vibration of it, drifted off to sleep like the big baby he was.
The end
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xxx-cat-xxx · 4 years
Shot to Hell
Writing finally worked again! I thought of using this for Whumptober but then I was like, screw it, who’s gonna wait a month? So here have the Spider-Man content you’ve been asking me for, plus Tony and Bruce father-henning Peter.
Major thanks to @whumphoarder for beta-reading.
Peter fades back into consciousness right in the middle of a heated debate between Tony and Nat over the best method of peeling hard boiled eggs. 
“Wha’ happ’nd?” he croaks, prompting Tony to stop mid-sentence (“No, you don’t crack them on a flat surface, you gotta hit em with a–”) and both of them to turn their heads in his direction.
“Oh, look who decided to wander back to the land of the living,” Tony teases, but even in his still-dazed state, Peter can see relief blooming on his mentor’s face. 
“I passed out, didn’t I?” he asks. 
“Bingo. 10 points.” Tony raises a mocking eyebrow before asking in a more sober tone, “How are you feeling?”
“...Shot,” Peter deadpans, eliciting an eye roll from Tony and a grin from Nat.
“Do you remember what happened?” she chips in.
“Uhm… kind of?” Peter tries to think through the fog in his pounding head. He recalls the impact of the bullet with his body, and then someone―Dr. Banner?―plucking said bullet out again in an increasingly painful procedure that must have led to him blacking out. It’s the in-between that he’s kind of fuzzy about. For example, how he moved from the intersection of 77th and 164th to a room with the most hideous, peeling lilac-coloured wallpaper he’s ever seen and three venus fly trap plants on the windowsill. 
“Where am I?” 
“Bruce’s humble abode,” Tony explains, gesturing around to the sparsely adorned room. “Very humble, actually. Not even sure he has indoor plumbing.”
Nat rolls her eyes and hits his arm with a playful backhand.
Peter frowns. “Why are we at Dr. Banner’s?”
Tony shrugs. “It was closest, and we had to get that bullet out of you before your freaky spider DNA started knitting itself back together.”
“Bruce has all kinds of medical equipment here,” Nat explains. “He sometimes treats undocumented citizens.” 
Tony raises an eyebrow. “How do you know that? I didn’t even know that.” 
Nat shrugs mysteriously, then pushes herself away from the edge of the desk she was sitting on top of. “I’m gonna tell him that your disaster kid woke up.” 
“I’m not–” Peter starts at the same moment Tony asserts, “He’s not–” 
“Yeah, yeah, save your breath.” Nat’s smile is amused and a little bit fond. 
Once she’s left the room, Peter pulls the blanket off his bare chest to try and get a look at the bandaged wound in his abdomen, but even lifting his head a little sends jolts of pain through his body and a groan escapes before he can stop it. 
“Easy, easy,” Tony says, pushing him back down. “No moving just yet for anyone with holes in them.”
“Is it really bad?” Peter asks, trying hard to mask the worry in his voice. He’s been injured in countless other ways since getting his powers, but it’s his first time getting shot. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wonders whether there will be any lasting damage. 
Tony’s expression goes soft as he seems to read his thoughts. “Bruce says you’re already healing. The bullet missed all the vital organs. With your healing factor, you should be back on the streets in a couple days.” 
At Peter’s relieved sigh, Tony then launches into an explanation of the very painful things Clint and Steve did to the Hydra agent who fired the gun after the other left to get Peter to safety. Peter nods along, feeling his eyes growing heavy. He doesn’t even realise that they’ve slipped shut until he feels Tony lightly rest a hand on his shoulder, but opening them again seems like way too much work. The wound is pulsing in time with his heartbeat, and he’s suddenly exhausted.
“...Peter? I thought you said he was awake.” 
“Yeah, he was until five minutes ago. Come on, kid, the doctor’s in.”
“Ngph,” Peter grunts, blinking his eyes open again to see Bruce swim into focus, the doctor’s brows knitting in concern. “‘M awake.”
“That’s good.” Bruce gives a small, encouraging smile. “I just want to check your vitals and see if there’s anything we can do for pain management. I know that normal painkillers don’t work on you, but there are some alternatives we could try.”
“No, no it’s fine. It’s not hurting that much,” Peter lies. 
“Uh-huh,” Bruce says, obviously not buying it. He fixes a blood pressure cuff to Peter’s upper arm and inflates it.  
"Yeah, that's still pretty low, but moving in the right direction. You probably shouldn't try to get up just yet."
"Probably?” Tony interrupts. "If he tries to leave this bed any time before tomorrow morning, I'll confiscate the suit for a month."
"Alright, Tony. Calm down." That's Nat, seated in a chair at the foot of the bed.
Tony flashes Peter a warning look before sticking his tongue out at Nat.
"I'm gonna take your pulse.” Bruce puts two fingers onto Peter's wrist and looks at his watch for a while. "120―Your heart's racing. Not much pain, you said?"
"I've had worse," Peter mumbles. That's not a lie, at least. The two-day migraine he had after getting bitten still ranks on top of that list, closely followed by the time he ruptured his Achilles tendon during a triple backflip in the Spider-Man suit from the roof of the gym. 
(The video Ned took of this particular incident still circulates on TikTok).
Tony huffs out a breath and mutters something that sounds a lot like god, this kid.
"Alright." Bruce lifts the blanket to check the bandages and seems to be content with what he's seeing. "Just try to rest like this, but if you can't sleep, we can think of trying some cannabis drops."
“Thanks, Dr. Banner,” Peter says.
"Oh, and you should eat and drink something if you feel up to it. You lost quite a bit of blood back there."
"Uhm." He definitely doesn’t feel up to that―he’s been lightheaded and slightly queasy since the time he woke up, and the mere thought of food turns Peter's stomach. "Maybe drink something?"
“We can start with that.” Bruce removes the blood pressure cuff and starts to put it back into its bag. “I’ll bring you some juice.”
“I’ll get it,” Nat offers and leaves the room. She returns a minute later with a small bottle of orange juice and a pink straw that she passes to Bruce.
“Oh, organic and fairtrade,” Tony comments, eyeing at the label. “You’re in for a treat today, kid.” 
Peter chuckles, but cuts himself off abruptly when he makes to sit up and the pain in his abdomen flares to the point that his vision greys out. “Ow,” he mumbles. 
Tony shoots out a hand when Peter lists towards him and carefully lowers him back down onto the mattress. “What did we say about not getting up yet?” the engineer pronounces through gritted teeth. “There’s a straw in that.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Peter awkwardly takes a few sips from the bottle while lying back, and then stops to draw in a breath. 
His unsuccessful attempt at sitting left him even more dizzy than before. The juice settles uneasily in his stomach and he puts the bottle down after finishing half of it before turning onto his uninjured side with Tony’s help. Nat and Tony restart their quibble about egg-boiling behind Peter while Bruce, sitting right next to him, starts to scroll through something on his phone. 
Peter closes his eyes and attempts to fall asleep, but the longer he tries, the more the pain radiating from the bullet wound seems to increase. On top of that, there’s a growing sick feeling in his gut that’s impossible to ignore. He slowly draws his legs up to his stomach, but it doesn’t help, so he stretches them back out and surreptitiously rests a hand on his belly. Adjusting his head on the pillow, he tries to carefully breathe through his nose.
“You doing okay?” Bruce asks quietly, looking up from his phone after another few attempts by Peter at finding a comfortable position. Peter nods, then lifts his hand to stifle a sick burp that carries the taste of orange juice. Cold sweat has broken out all over his body and he can feel himself starting to tremble minutely. 
Bruce regards him with a frown, then addresses Tony and Nat, who are still caught up in their banter. “Why don’t you two take this outside?” 
Tony starts to protest, but Bruce gives him a pointed look that the other man seems to understand, because he closes his mouth again and gets up from the far side of the bed. "See you later, buddy," he says, giving Peter’s shoulder a squeeze.
Once the two of them have left the room, Bruce turns back to Peter. “What’s going on?” he asks. 
“I, uhm, I kind of feel like throwing up,” Peter admits in a whisper.
“It’s alright, that happens,” Bruce assures him calmly. “I’ll get you a bowl, okay?” 
“I don’t want anyone to see–” 
“I get it,” Bruce reassures. “Don’t worry.” 
He disappears out of the door and Peter keeps swallowing thickly against the nausea rising up in his throat. The only thing worse than throwing up in front of the Avengers would probably be throwing up onto an Avenger’s bed. Luckily, Bruce reappears quickly with a basin in his hands that he sets down within Peter’s reach. “Try to breathe through it,” he advises. “But if you need to get sick, it’s okay.” 
Peter nods miserably. He tries to follow the scientist’s advice of breathing calmly, but it doesn’t do much to quell the nausea. A few minutes later, he has to reach for the basin, saliva already pooling in his mouth. 
"Here." Bruce helps him prop himself on his elbow. Peter shakily spits a few strings of saliva into the basin until a gag rises in his throat and he brings up a gush of orange juice. He barely manages to draw a breath before a second wave forces its way up. Peter can’t stop a whimper from escaping his lips between retches when his wound protests the sudden movement.  
“Hey.” Bruce pats his shoulder awkwardly. “You’ll be alright. Just get it all up.”
Peter is panting and shaking all over when he finishes. Bruce passes him some water to rinse his mouth. 
“That sucked,” Peter croaks after swirling and spitting it back out. He more crashes than lies back down on the pillow, pain radiating in waves through the lower half of his body, making his head spin. 
Bruce gives him a slightly sad, sympathetic look. “I’m sorry it’s hurting.” He gestures at the basin. “Are you okay if I take this away?” 
Peter nods, closing his eyes. A part of him is absolutely mortified at the idea of one of the world’s best scientists cleaning out his puke bowl, but the pain has taken most of the embarrassment away, and if there is anyone of the team he feels least uncomfortable seeing him like this, it’s probably Bruce with his slight shyness and calm down-to-earth attitude.
The man returns a few minutes later, bringing along a cold cloth for Peter to wipe his face, a small box of mints, and Tony.
“Day just keeps getting better, huh?” Tony remarks.
“Ugh.” Peter buries his head in his pillow. “This is such a disaster. And I was looking forward to the mission. And the team.”
“Hey.” Tony’s tone softens. He strokes some of Peter’s sweaty hair away from his forehead and then brushes his eyes shut. “We’re still here. Go to sleep now, kid. You’ll feel better when you wake up.”
So Peter does.
All my fics
Taglist: @toomuchtoread33  @yepokokfine
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
IRL story but as a fanfic
“Morning,” Summer said as Dean walked into the kitchen. 
“Hng,” he grunted in response, pulling a bowl out of the cabinet and grabbing a box of cereal. 
Summer smiled softly at him and went back to her own cereal. Dean wasn’t much of a morning person, so the lack of verbal response was not unusual. 
“I’m giving a presentation today, about my research. Hopefully I’ll be able to recruit someone to train,” Summer told Dean as he sat down, trying to make conversation. 
“Mhm, nice,” he said, his voice low, rough from sleep. 
“Yeah, since I’m graduating we really need another student in the lab this semester,” she continued. Dean didn’t respond. Apparently two words was all she was going to get this morning...
“My tummy’s kind of upset,” Dean said suddenly, surprising Summer. He pushed his half eaten bowl of cereal away from him and leaned back in his chair, one hand resting on his stomach. 
“Aw babe, that’s why you’re being even less talkative than usual huh?” Summer said, frowning in sympathy. 
Dean shrugged, “I guess so.” 
“Better not drink any coffee this morning then, that’ll just make it worse,” she told him, getting up to take her empty bowl and Nathan’s full one to the sink. He obviously wasn’t going to be eating anymore. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, getting up from the table. He stood there for a second, one hand braced on his chair as he rubbed a hand back and forth across his stomach a few times. 
Summer walked over to stand behind him, snaking her hands around his waist to rest on his tummy, over his own hand. She leaned forward, pressing against him as she stood on her tip toes to kiss his cheek. 
“Maybe you should try going to the bathroom,” she suggested, retracting her arms so she could go get ready for work. 
“Yeah. Maybe,” he shrugged. 
A few minutes later both of them headed out, Summer to work and Dean to class. Dean had been unsuccessful in the bathroom, so his stomach was still bothering him. He was already dreading the day. 
“Feel better love, see you later,” Summer said, giving him a quick peck on the lips before they parted to get in their respective cars. 
When Summer got off a few hours later she had a number of messages from Dean.  ‘Ugh my stomach’ ‘Babe I really don’t feel good’ ‘I’m getting nauseous’ ‘I’m going home’
The last message had been sent just a few minutes ago, so she quickly called him, as she was walking out to her car. While Dean was usually fairly open about things like this, he wouldn’t usually let a stomachache stop him from going to class.
“Hey,” Dean answered, his voice barely above a whisper, sounding near tears.
“Hey, talk to me love,” she said softly. 
“My stomach is killing me babe... I started feeling nauseous in my first class and I had to leave cause I thought I was gonna throw up,” he groaned. 
“Did you?” Summer asked.
“No not yet but my tummy is so messed up, I’m really queasy,” he said.
“I’m sorry you don’t feel good honey, did you take any medicine?” Summer asked, starting to drive home.
“I didn’t know what to take,” he whined, “When are you coming home?”
“Right now baby, I’ll be there in a few minutes and then I’ll try to help get you feeling better okay?” she said, trying to calm him down. 
When she entered their apartment, she found him lying in bed, squirming around in discomfort. He had a hand up under his sweatshirt, just resting on his stomach. 
“Hey sweetheart,” Summer said quietly, sitting down next to him on their bed. He was curled up facing away from her, so she started to rub a hand up and down his back.
“My belly hurts so bad,” he moaned, rolling over to curl up against her.
“Do you want to take some medicine hon?” she asked.
“No. I’m so nauseous,” he said pitifully. 
Summer pressed the back of her hand to his forehead, then his cheek, feeling for fever. He looked awfully pale and was acting childish, as he often did when he was running a temperature, but he didn’t feel warm. 
“What does it feel like?” she asked, confused as to what had him feeling so badly if he wasn’t sick. They’d eaten the same thing for dinner last night, something they ate often, so it couldn’t be an allergic reaction or food poisoning. 
“Achy. And cramping. And churning,” he groaned, pressing his face into her leg. 
“Okay, I’m so sorry, I’m just trying to figure out what’s making you feel so sick,” she said quietly.
“Summer make it stop. Feels like I’m on a roller coaster,” he grunted,  punctuating his sentence with a nauseous burp. It certainly didn’t sound good, so it couldn’t have felt good either. 
“You want me to rub your tummy?” Summer asked.
“No, don’t touch it,” he pouted, curling his arms around his middle protectively. 
“Okay, I won’t,” she said, holding her hands up in defense. Instead she settled for playing with his hair. She maneuvered him around a little so his head was resting in her lap, and began carding her fingers through his hair. 
At one point, he rolled over onto his stomach, the pressure immediately sending a queasy belch out, that had him sitting bolt upright, a fist pressed to his lips.
“Dean? You gonna be sick?” Summer asked, eyeing the trash can on the side of the room. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, lowering his hand and slowly laying back down in her lap. “The pressure of laying on my stomach was too much. Made me feel instantly 1000 times more nauseous,” he explained quietly, afraid that talking any louder might send his stomach up his throat and he was working really hard to keep it where it belonged.
“Alright, just take it easy. Try to relax and fall asleep,” Summer said, going back to toussling his hair. His eyes fluttered shut, one hand moving to rest protectively on his upset tummy. What on earth had made him feel so bad?
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trashytummiez · 3 years
I don't know if I've ever asked you, and if you're not interested just ignore me, but would you maybe write some stuffing content for Giriko? ;w;
It took you a while but you eventually made it back to your apartment and his hideout with his order. The murderous chainsaw now had before him what had to be enough fast food to feed about a dozen people by the time you laid out the meal. Yet here Giriko was about to cram it all down his gullet like always.
And you couldn't be more into it.
"Fuckin' finally. I'm starvin' here!" Giriko complained and rubbed his stomach as it growled impatiently.
"Party-sized orders take a while for greedy chainsaws," you teased and sat down besides the villain.
Giriko scoffed and unwrapped his first burger. He licked his chops eagerly and opened wide giving you a nice peak at his pearly white fangs which he used to chomp down onto his burger. That had to be a solid half of his burger munched in one go. He chewed down on that very sizable portion of burger making his cheeks bulge out. Then he clenched his eyes shut and swallowed hard. You watched a thick lump press out of his throat and vanish past his broad chest. The way his throat squelched made your cheeks heat up.
The chainsaw smacked his lips and downed the rest of his burger in no time. He got to work chomping away at his next. Like a greedy pig Giriko had no pause between burgers. He was just chomping away and downing it in about as short an interval of time as his last burger.
This steadily became a pattern for the gluttonous maniac. He was practically shoving burger after burger right down his gob and demolishing it in just a few bites. Those incredibly attractive and perfectly sharp fangs Giriko had allowed him to get food down in a very quick pace.
With so many burgers getting scarfed down all at once the impact it had on Giriko's tummy was pretty blatant. His usually lean stomach was starting to press out against his sleeveless whitish tan shirt. It very quickly started getting rounder the more he ate. So much so that Giriko's shirt barely managed to contain his tummy after a while.
Your eyes struggled to pull away from Giriko's growing belly. Especially when you heard it begin noisily churning to get to work digesting so much food in one sitting.
On top of all of his burgers Giriko had a six-pack besides him to help wash all that fast food down. After swallowing such an insurmountable amount of food in one go the chainsaw cracked a beer can open and guzzled its contents like a pro. You watched his throat throb with each hefty gulp he took. Beer was rushing down his throat so fast you guaranteed he could school anyone in a drinking contest if he wanted.
It wasn't even a full forty seconds until that can was drained. Giriko crushed the can against his forehead and lazily tossed it aside while also gulping down the last of its contents. About a second later Giriko burped so hard the couch quivered.
"Excuse you," you uttered with an intense blush on your cheeks.
Giriko lazily smacked his lips and grinned cockily. "Y'know ya LOOOOOVE...it...ahhh..."
It wasn't immediately clear to you if he meant to burp the word 'love' in your face but the way he sighed after suggested he certainly wasn't embarrassed by it. And the way your blush grew worse suggested you weren't especially bothered either.
He quickly went back to stuffing himself with more burgers. His pace had slowed down a little bit clearly he was starting to get full. But even in an overstuffed state the vile chainsaw was still munching down fast food faster than anyone you'd ever seen eat so much junkfood at once.
The swell in Giriko's belly only continued grow rounder and heavier. His shirt started riding up and revealing his bare tummy. Giriko was stuffing himself so fast that it rode up enough to start peaking at his belly button. Not that such a thing bothered Giriko. And it damn sure didn't bother you either.
Giriko paused to take another beer break. He cracked another can open and chugged its contents down. Even with how much fuller he was getting Giriko never flagged in the beer chugging department. Like before he sucked that can dry in under a minute crushing it against his forehead and lazily chucking it next to the other can.
"You know there's a bin right there," you said pointing to an annoyingly unused trash bin not too far away from Giriko.
Giriko's only response was a heavy burp.
He grunted but shook his head dissatisfied. The chainsaw thumped his chest a few times until he made himself burp again. This one was a lot louder than the last one and gave him the relief he wanted. He sighed afterwards and slumped back.
"Fuck..." Giriko moaned rubbing the incredible swell in his tummy. He was looking really bloated but nonetheless shrugged and continued.
You watched Giriko's belly grow bigger and heavier. It was getting so bloated that it was really weighing down on his jeans. His shirt rode up completely to reveal the entirety of his enormous round tummy. The deep acidic noises you could hear bubbling from its depths were a clear sign that Giriko was well past his limits if his tummy was digesting that heavily.
It was so big and inviting from all the burgers and beer cans that you couldn't help rubbing it while Giriko finished the rest of his meal. Your hand rubbed circles all across that vast bubbling tummy. The roundness of it was absolutely perfect with a considerable heft in Giriko's lower stomach where everything was being digested. His tummy felt so warm from the intense digestive process which gave his normally tight flesh a much softer texture. It meant every time you patted his tummy there was a ripple in his flesh.
He cracked another can open and guzzled it down. But Giriko was so full that he actually had to stop halfway into chugging just so he could burp and make more room before chugging some more. You heard him burp again into his can as he chugged the rest of it. When he hiccuped loudly his big round belly jumped a little with a thick slosh that left him groaning and left you blushing.
It was clear that he was a little drunk despite having anything but an empty stomach.
You kept rubbing his belly to soothe how upset it was from his gorging and to help ease his stomachache enough to let him eat the rest of his food. His belly was getting so heavy that you worried his pants would burst at the seams if you didn't help him. So you fumbled with the waist of his pants and undid both his belt buckle and pants button. Giriko's big fat stomach spilled out freely from the space you'd provided it which made it bounce heavily between his legs. Girikko moaned in euphoria at how liberated he felt while you thought your eyes would bug out of your skull.
That certainly helped give him the second wind he desperately needed.
By the time Giriko was finished he almost looked like he was pregnant just with a deepened but shallow belly button and some intense sloshing erupting from his enormous tummy. With a lifeless groan Giriko slumped into his seat and held his hugely stuffed belly with both hands to unleash a massive burp.
You blushed even harder both from Giriko's burp and the way you felt his tummy ripple with the gas.
"Good one," you praised and patted the side of his giant tummy. It jiggled with each pat you gave.
Giriko hiccuped loudly from the pat then again. His tummy jiggled heavily with each hiccup he gave. He moaned and wearily nursed his aching tummy with both hands rubbing up and down his thick rounded sides.
"Unnnnngh...Hic! Woof...m'so FUUUUUUUUUULL!!!!!" Giriko moaned hiccuping again and eventually burping the last word of his sentence out.
You gave his tummy a light squeeze and caused another huge burp to blare out of Giriko's mouth.
"Unf...shit..." he moaned after. "Feels like I'mma fuckin' puke..."
"You won't," you said confidently and kneaded your fingers into the middle of his massive belly pushing into Giriko's belly button. You knew the way Giriko's tummy operated after watching him stuff his face just a few times. You were trying to push some gas out of his belly and resorted to pushing hand against Giriko's belly button deeply.
Giriko winced but then unleashed a huge deafening burp that easily dwarfed any he'd let out yet.
Your face couldn't get any redder when you felt his tummy ripple violently with that massive expulsion of gas. It ripped out of Giriko so long it could've been ten seconds for all you knew! You could pick up the scent of beer and digested burgers which wasn't the most pleasant scent in the world but it was worth it to hear a burp like that.
Giriko's eyes glazed over as his head rolled back with a moan of utter relief. "Fuckin' shit I needed that...whew..." Giriko moaned and slapped his belly with really boastful relief. His big fat tummy rippled heavily at the slap and made himself hiccup again. He was too full to care.
You just continued rubbing his massive tummy and occasionally kissed at it.
"I can't believe how much this thing can pack away," you praised getting a hold of his tummy and giving it a light jostle to hear it gurgle and slosh heavily.
The sloshing upset some of the pressure still brewing in Giriko's stomach. But the chainsaw grinned wickedly. When he felt the gas rushing up his throat he held you by the chin and made you look up at him just in time for Giriko to unleash a throaty burp right in your face.
Your eyes widened as the warm gas pelted your face stinking of beer and digesting burgers. If you had any snide remarks they quickly left your blank mind as you sat there red as a ripe tomato.
Giriko shamelessly smacked his lips and grinned. "Never underestimate how much this bad boy can pack away," he said patting his glutted out tummy for emphasis while you savored the sounds emanating from his belly with his pats. "Now keep rubbin'. I didn't eat half yer fuckin' body weight in all this greasy shit fer nothin'."
You very happily complied, rubbing that massive belly well into the night and savoring every rich sound that tummy made from the deepest blorps to more of Giriko's burps.
He wasn't right in the head but then again neither were you so it ended up being a match made in hell that you wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
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passionate-hedgehog · 4 years
Break Even
AN: The was initially supposed to be an Ian x Reader fic but WHOOPS. This fic took me the longest to write out of any one-shots I’ve ever written. If you like this (or any of my other fics) you can leave a request. They’re always open!
Pairings: (fem)Reader x Courtney, OC x Ian
Word count: 4513
Warnings: Some fucks were given. 
Y/n crouched behind the half wall with her partner in crime. Their targets were visible as they talked at the magazine counter. Y/n was trying to listen in on the distant conversation as the woman next to her kept burping. 
“Sorry, Y/n.” The other woman said. 
Y/n just waved off the apology. Her mission was still in motion and she wasn’t about to give it up anytime soon. She could see her goal coming to fruition shortly...she could almost touch it. 
“It’s getting late, Y/n. I have to be up super early and so does Ian. Besides, didn’t you say that your sister had a flight in the morning?” 
Y/n sighed. “Yeah, you’re right Courtney. Let me text Emma and pull her away without Ian seeing either of us.”
The woman took out her phone from her denim jacket pocket and began typing out a message to strategically extract her sister from the situation they were in. In the middle of her typing, she felt a hand on her arm.
“Is...is that my jacket?” Courtney forced Y/n to face her fully. “The one I misplaced a year ago and you claimed you had no idea where it went?”
Y/n didn’t look at her as she kept her phone out in an effort to seem too distracted to care. “No. Why would I still have any of your things? What’s the point of holding on to a broken-”
“Hey. Any reason why you asked me to stop talking to that super cute guy over there?” Y/n’s sister asked as she walked up to the other two girls. “We were having a wonderful conversation.”
Y/n began to pull her sister away by the arm. “You have a flight to catch in the morning. Let’s get back to my apartment to make sure you’re all packed and ready to go, yeah?”
Courtney watched them go with a disappointed expression.
Y/n listened to her sister talk on the phone to the people at the airline while she sat at the table with her cereal and orange juice. Apparently, Emma had been moved to a different flight without asking to be and the people on the other end of the phone were not helping matters.
“But that’s just it, I didn’t call to reschedule my original flight. I wanted to double-check my departure time and when I looked it up, it said that my flight had been rescheduled per my request. But I didn’t reschedule it!! Why would I reschedule my flight?! I have to go back to work.” She paused. “No, I need to get put back on the flight I was originally scheduled for. It’s the one I paid for. I didn’t ask to be moved. That’s not on me. I have a job to go to!”
The younger sister stayed silent as she watched her sister try to fix the problem she found herself in. It wouldn’t be an awful thing if Emma stayed an extra day or two, Y/n felt. It could be nice having someone else in the apartment. It got too quiet sometimes.
Y/n looked up when she noticed her sister took a seat across from her own. “So, what’s the verdict?”
The older sister put her head in her hands. “Can I stay an extra day or two? They’re refunding me but I can’t get on a flight for another few days. I truly hope my boss will give me the benefit of the doubt. I don’t know how I ended up in this situation, but here I am. Stuck in L.A.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. We can do more things now that you’re gonna be here for a few more days. I feel like I don’t get to see you enough as it is. I miss my big sister.” The girl gave a pout.
“Aw, I miss you too. It’s weird not having you back home. Like, I fully realize that you’re a grown-ass adult but you’re still my baby sister. Just...not as annoying as you used to be. What, with all of your meddlings and getting into my things.” Emma smirked and Y/n laughed.
“Speaking of meddling, why don’t you come to work with me today? Check out what I do and stuff?” Y/n got up to put her dishes in the sink and started her tea kettle.
“How soon are you headed out?”
Y/n looked at her stovetop clock before responding. “Eh. In less than an hour.”
Emma stood up and walked towards the guest room she had been using during her stay. “Guess I better get ready so I can go see what my little sister does for a living. And then judge it harshly.”
The two had been in Y/n’s office for a couple of hours when Emma asked why it seemed so quiet.
“The cast is on location to film a sketch. They probably won't be back until later, if they come back at all. I work on unscripted content, so I’m not typically on the location shoots.” Y/n was typing something on her laptop as she replied.
“Didn’t you say you had a meeting in a few minutes?”
“Oh, frick! Oh my God.” The PA quicklu looked through her things and grabbed her needed materials. “It shouldn’t last for too long. I’ll order us lunch as soon as possible. There are some funny compilation videos that fans made that I’ve been watching already loaded up on my desktop if you want to see more of the people I work with.”
Y/n ran out of her office and across the building to the conference room. As she approached the room, she noted that the meeting hadn’t started yet and there were still a few people missing. She walked in and took a seat next to Matt Raub. Y/n discovered that the closer she sat to him, the less he called on her for things. He was on his laptop, probably going over the notes for the meeting. She took out her materials and got ready for what would hopefully be a short conference. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Ian greeted as he walked into the room. “The front desk said you have a visitor today?”
The woman looked up from her notes from the previous meeting. “Yeah. My sister was supposed to fly back home today but something happened to her flight details and she's staying with me for a few more days. I hope it’s okay that she’s here. I’m not working on any shoots today so I thought she could visit and see what I do.”
“Yeah, that’s completely fine. We’re getting lunch after this. You should bring her with. Let us know more about you. And hey, if she’s cute…” The president of Smosh let his sentence drift off as he opened his laptop.
“Who’s cute?” Matt Raub looked up from his laptop as he finally joined in the conversation while the rest of the unscripted team filled in the room.
                “Nothing, no one.” Y/n quickly replied as she waited for someone to officially start the meeting.
When the meeting finally ended, Ian reminded everyone that lunch was being brought into the break room and it was up for grabs. Y/n exited the room and made her way back to her office intending to convince Emma to eat anywhere that wasn’t there. What she didn’t expect to see was Courtney sitting in one of her chairs, chatting with Y/n’s older sister.
“It was really good to see you yesterday. I wish we would have had more time to hang out.” Emma finished once she noticed Y/n standing in the doorway.
The woman appeared to ignore the actress sitting in her personal space. “Hey, Emma, let’s go out and grab some lunch. I’m craving tacos.”
“I thought you guys were having lunch in the breakroom? I know Ian had ordered stuff.” Courtney mentioned but shrunk in her seat once she felt the heat coming from Y/n’s glare. 
“Yes, thank you, Courtney. I had completely forgotten that. That is also an option. It’s up to you, Emma. Go out or stay in?”
Unsure about what was going on in the room, Emma replied with “I know you’re busy today. I don’t mind staying in so you can get more stuff done. Besides, it’s free, right? What’s better than that?”
“Literally anything, but you’re right. I should be responsible.” Y/n rubbed her forehead, she could feel a headache brewing. “Let’s head to the break room. You can meet my co-workers and work your magic. Maybe you can network and find yourself a new job here instead of back home? Be with your favorite little sister more often…”
Emma laughed as she stood up and the two left the room, having completely ignored Courtney. “You’re the one that was so desperate to leave home, Little Sister. I’m perfectly content with where I am. Maybe you should network yourself back home?”
Y/n stopped them before they entered the break room and gave her sister a deadpan expression. “You got jokes, I’ll give you that. My bosses are in here but they know you’re here. They sound like they genuinely want to meet you. Don’t embarrass me. I beg of you.”
The two walked in and were greeted by the sight of the unscripted production team socializing with each other. There was a mixture of people around laptops, which were probably being used by those that were trying to work through lunch. Except for Ian’s laptop though, of course. He, Matt Raub, and Monica seemed to be laughing at something on the screen. It worked out in Y/n’s favor, though, because she didn’t want to go through what Courtney went through. While yes, Ian would never take a joke too far with anyone on purpose, she wasn’t about to give him the chance to even try. She grabbed her sister’s hand and pulled her to the table that held the food. She signaled for Emma to fill her plate and they picked an unoccupied section of the room to sit and eat at.
Y/n was quietly digging into her food when one of the writers came up and asked for her opinion on something. After making Emma promise that she wouldn’t do something...older-sister-like (wander off and tell embarrassing stories about Y/n’s youth), she joined the writer at his laptop and helped him out. A few moments later and Y/n caught Ian and Emma in a conversation that had them giggling. She wasn’t quite sure how to feel about the sight. It made her feel...weird? She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.
“I don’t know who that is that Ian’s talking to, but it’s nice to see? Isn’t it?” The writer asked while also watching the two from across the room.
Y/n looked at him with an eyebrow cocked. “That’s my older sister. He’s going to make it weird.”
He nodded in understanding. “Like with Courtney’s sister. I get it. But you have to admit, Y/n, they both look decently happy.” 
“Yeah…” The woman muttered. “Frick.”
Y/n invited Emma back to the office the next day. The older sister almost declined, she needed a little bit more excitement in her day. Not that she minded a chill day every once in a while, but she didn’t want to do nothing again.
“No, today is going to be completely different. We have to film some things. Plus. you were requested to join a SMOSHcast recording if you want to. No pressure. It might be something fun to do? I don’t know why I said that as a question. It’ll for sure be fun. I've been on a few.” Y/n was pouring her tea into a SMOSH thermos to begin her day.
Emma sat at the kitchen table, half-eaten toast with peanut butter plated in front of her, thinking it over. “Hmm...on one condition.”
The producer cast a skeptical eye. “What?”
“You can’t get mad at me when I talk to Courtney.” Emma continued even though her sister had dramatically groaned. “She was a big part of your life. We’ve always been able to get along. I know that the two of you didn’t have the best ending in your relationship, and I’ll always support you. But Courtney and I have always been able to talk easily. It’s a little hard to turn a complete one-eighty. I haven’t seen either of you in person since before you guys broke up. It’s got to catch up with me. Please, just...give me a minute to get my feet on the ground. I’m not like you. You’re so much more fierce with how you handle the people around you. You love hard and if someone ruins that love, you nip them in the bud as soon as you can. I’m not like that.”
Y/n leaned against the kitchen counter as she crossed her arms and nodded, pondering what Emma was saying. “Yeah. I guess that’s why I like you so much. You’re more forgiving than I am to those that hurt those around me.”
Emma took a deep breath at her sister's words. “I’m sorry.”
“No!” Y/n quickly walked over to her sister and threw her arms around her shoulders. “Don’t be! I wasn’t saying that like ‘Oh, Emma never has my back.’ I meant it like, in a general sense. Like you know when to give someone more chances, but you don’t give too many. You know when to forgive and move on. You know how to separate past heartbreaks from the rest of your life, even if you work with them.”
“You can’t avoid her forever, Y/n. It’s like you said, you work with her. The two of you need to have a mature adult discussion and put it all behind you. I don’t think she realizes how much you’re still hurting over this.” 
Y/n released Emma and moved back over to the counter to grab her morning beverage. “You’re right. I know you’re right. But first, I gotta leave before I’m late. I should have been in the car already. If you’re going to come with me, be in the car in ten.”
The two women walked onto the SMOSHcast set, not late enough to where they were already still recording, but late enough to warrant the jokes by the others. Ian was at the head of the table, being the host as usual. Courtney was next to him, much to Y/n’s demise. Emma took the seat next to Courtney to ease her baby sister’s mind, with Y/n taking the end. After they were fitted with headphones and set up with mic stands, they explained to Emma how things were going to go. Then everything went from there.
“Welcome back to another SMOSHcast.” Ian started.
Courtney chimed in with “anotha one”, which caused some giggles. 
“Yes,” Ian continued. “That was the magnificent Co Mill.”
“Tis’ I. The actress of the table,” She greeted. 
“And we have a special guest today. Well, we have two special guests. But one’s more…”
“I swear to God, Ian. If you say something along the lines of “more important” then I will get my revenge during a Pit video.” Y/n jokingly glared at her boss.
“Well, let’s start with you then. Today, we have Y/f/n Y/l/n, a producer for unscripted content here at SMOSH. She’s great. Even when she’s threatening me. She’s still pretty chill.” Ian looked from Y/n to Emma. “And then our extra special guest is Y/n’s older sister, Emma. She’s not on youtube, or in the industry, but there’s a very specific reason why I asked her to be on here today.”
“Thank you for having me, Ian. I listen to the episodes that my sister appears on and they’ve all been great, so far. I’m very thankful for your invite. You guys seem to have a good time.” Emma took a swig from her very own SMOSH thermos that was waiting for her at her seat when she had sat down. 
“Thank you, Emma, for joining us today. How we usually do things is we’ll have some things written down to talk about, a soft outline to keep the show going, but most times we don’t stay on topic. It’s not hard, don’t worry. Just have a good time, okay?” The host 
“Ah, yes.” Said woman hummed into the microphone. “The high point of my day. I know it’s only just starting, but I know I’ll enjoy it.”
“Things are about to get interesting for so many people today.” Ian chuckled into his mic.
“Hey, uh, Y/n. Are you as suspicious as I am, right now?” Courtney was looking straight at her, trying to convey that she felt that something was definitely off.
The two oldest at the table giggled, followed by Ian clearing his throat. “So let’s just get down to it before Ryan and Kevin get on me about not having enough material for posting.”
The cast recording went on as usual. They stayed slightly on topic, jokes were dropped roasts were had, serious conversation made it’s round. Things seemed mostly normal for a SMOSHcast, according to Y/n’s standards. Often, Ian or Emma would make a statement to the other person that would cause her and Courtney to glance at each other. They wanted to make sure that the other one caught what had happened. 
At one point, Emma attempted a joke that only Ian laughed at. But it wasn’t just a pity laugh. It was almost as if there was an inside thought that only they were in on. Y/n kept shifting her eyes between the two of them. Something was up, she could smell it. At first, she thought the idea was to just make her feel uncomfortable, the way Ian did to Courtney about her older sister. The way the two of them were looking at each other, however, told a completely different story. There was something afoot, she just couldn’t figure out what it was yet.
 After one final eye-lock with Courtney, Y/n decided she’d had enough. 
“Alright,” she sat up straight in her seat. “What the actual fuck is going on? There’s a mystery amongst us and I don’t like not knowing what it is. Especially if it involves either myself or my big sister.”
“Yeah, you guys are acting v weird. Like v v weird.” The blonde actress chimed in. 
The two seemed to have a silent conversation before Emma nodded and sat back in her seat, keeping her eyes on the host the entire time.
“So, Y/n, I convinced you to come on with your sister under the pretense that I wanted to harass you like I did with Courtney. Which, by the way, is one of my favorite jokes, mind you. But this time it isn’t a joke. I sincerely want you to know how I feel about Emma.”
Courtney giggled uncomfortably. “Why do I feel like we’re about to have the opposite of the divorce talk?” 
“Oh my God.” Y/n breathed. “Because we are. I don’t...what? You guys JUST met this week. How...What?!”
“Well, Baby Sister, that isn’t exactly true. Ian and I found each other on your social media. Tweet replies happened...and then DM’s...and then texts...and then facetime. This week is just the first time I got to finally see him in real life. And I gotta admit,” Emma winked at the host. “I like in-person a heck of a lot better.”
Ian blushed and looked at his laptop while Y/n remained lost beyond all words. She watched her sister and then watched Ian. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. When had this all started? How deep into their relationship were they?
Ian leaned into his mic, but Y/n had a feeling it was because it got him closer to Emma. “I decided to bring this onto the pod because I wanted to share with everyone where I’m at in life and how I’m feeling about it. And honestly? Emma? I love you. And I’m very thankful that I get to have you in my life. I hope I get to have you next to me for a very long time.”
Y/n swallowed and put her hands on her headset before pulling them off and standing up. “Excuse me.”
She quickly walked off of the set. She kept her head down as she made her way to her office, ignoring the people in the hallways. Once she got to the room, she closed the door and started taking breaths. She didn’t understand her reaction but she couldn’t take it back. She couldn’t believe she walked out of the podcast recording. What was she thinking?
Y/n expected a knock on the door at some point, but what she wasn’t expecting was the person behind it when she opened it. Courtney shyly let herself in and closed the door behind her.
“We wrapped it up. Finnerty thinks there should be enough material, even if they take out the last ten minutes of what was recorded.”
Y/n sat at her desk and laid her head in her hands. “They don’t have to cut it out. It’s my fault, not theirs. They wanted to talk about it, so it should be heard. It shouldn’t be up to me.”
Courtney sat across from the producer. “You know Ian would never put something out there that made any of us uncomfortable. Yeah, it’s his love life, but it’s your family. We’re all family. We look out for another.”
“That’s not why I’m upset, Courtney!” Y/n threw her hands into the air. “I’m happy for them! If they make each other happy, then more power to them! It’s not about Ian and Emma. I mean, yeah, it triggered something. Because now I have to worry even more about my personal life and my business life fucking together. Because it went so well last time!”
Y/n realized she was shouting and apologized quietly to the other girl that had closed her eyes and stayed silent through the tantrum. Neither of them said anything for what felt like hours, but it was only minutes. The producer drummed her fingers on her desk as the actress nibbled at her lip.
“For what it’s worth,” Courtney started. “I’m sorry. About everything. Between us, I mean. I had no idea any of that was going to happen during the recording. But with you and I...we could have had a healthy breakup. Neither of us took it well and it didn’t help that I hooked up with some random friend the next day. It was only a distraction.”
Y/n looked up and met her eyes. “No, Courtney. You don’t owe me an apology. Not for that. We weren’t together anymore. You were allowed to do anything, anyone, that you wanted. That’s the freedom of not being in a relationship, right?”
“I did it because I knew you could see me. I played it off like ‘fuck it, I don’t care’, but really I knew at any given second you could catch us getting close. And for that, I definitely should apologize.” 
Y/n gave a pathetic attempt at a smile to keep herself from crying. “I honestly loved you, Courtney. We were together before you were even out. I felt honored. And then right before you planned on coming out, we broke up. I thought that you were going to come out and that I would be right there with you.”
The tears seemed to be contagious, and Courtney started sniffling. “I wanted you to be there with me. I think I got scared. At first, I was so hyped, but when the day came...I thought it would be better for my image, or what the fuck ever lame excuse I had, if I came out and was single. But I think I was just scared of our relationship. I was absolutely falling in love with you, too, and it scared me. I hadn’t felt that way before and I just kept picturing it crashing. I had no clue how to save it if it did. I decided to hit the self-destruct button. It had to be easier if I was the one that ran it into the ground, right?”
“I was really mad at Emma yesterday when I came in here and watched how easily you two talked to each other. It’s been almost a year and I still don’t know how to ask you how your day has been. And when I saw you two laughing as if our breakup didn’t break me...I think I was jealous. Not because I want our relationship back, but because I wanted what we were before our relationship happened.” Y/n began wiping her nose with one of the tissues she kept by her monitor. 
“I miss it, too.” Courtney gave a half-smile. “Maybe one day we could make it back there?”
“I’d like that, Court.”
“It wasn’t you guys.” Y/n found herself in Ian’s office with Emma sitting on his couch, coffee in the older sister’s hand. “I, in no way, am upset at you guys finding someone that you love. If I can speak frankly, I panicked because I saw my personal life and my professional life crumbling down around me and it terrified me. I can’t help the fact that you two found each other. And you two are not responsible for how I reacted. I’m still dealing with the last time those two parts of me crashed and burned. I want you guys to know how much you mean to me as individuals and I can’t wait to see how you two are together.”
Ian was sitting at his desk. He thought through Y/n’s words before carefully choosing his own. “I would never want to do something, as your boss, to make you feel uncomfortable outside of this building. If this isn’t for you, Emma and I being together, then let me know. Yeah, it might suck, but you were my producer before I met Emma. My first priority was and is my work. And you’re a part of that. So if it does start to be too much for you, then please let me know. Don’t ever feel like you’d have to choose between Emma or here.”
Y/n made her way to his side of the desk and hugged him around his shoulders. “I know this isn’t your thing but deal with it for a few seconds. Today has been a lot. We both need this.”
When Y/n released her hold she kept her hands on his shoulders. “But, real talk? If you hurt my big sister I’ll hide your body so fast, no one will know.”
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enby-hawke · 4 years
Chapter 3- For I Have Sinned
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Chapter Title: Leandra, Scion of the Amells
Chapter Summary: Malcolm has been trying his best to find the terror demon. His teacher has other plans.
TW: templar abuse,
Words: 5113
Read from the beginning
The hunt for the demon had not gone as planned. For such a powerful essence, it left very little trail of where it had disappeared to, but that didn’t mean anything in the Fade. Malcolm had run into quite a few terror demons in his time, but the variety he was used to was much smaller, parasites, more than anything else, that attached to a dreamer’s fears and inflated them until they became debilitating. They were cowards for one. They preferred weak prey that they could immobilize and from what Malcolm could tell, everyone saw something different. They were able to weave their webs on even the most cautious victims, able to blend in to their surroundings when they wanted to, and apparently, to Malcolm’s growing frustration, mask their essence trail. He knew that there were some friendly spirits around that could be safe enough to ask, if he could trust what they said.
Still he had not exactly spent the last few years having tea parties with spirits. In fact, wisps had gotten to a point where they fled from his sight. He realized with bitterness that he would need to change that and had spent the last 3 days trying to get close enough to one without spooking it, but it was terribly difficult when your moniker was literally Spirit Slayer.
There was a particularly brave one that was always hovering from the distance and he had spent all night and the better part of the morning snoozing through all his classes in order to coax it closer, though it was frustrating when his teachers kept waking him up. He tried to fake sick but he was examined by a healer to verify, since he used that excuse so often. He was in his Advanced Placement Spellcasting class, which was the period before lunch where he could have a whole hour of peace after a quick snack and finally, finally he was making some headway.
“Trick?” the wisp asked again in it’s usual simple sentences. It’s shining ball of light glowed red, flashing in a sheen of green sky. He had followed up into the stratosphere where the wisp had hoped to lose him.
“No trick. I won’t hurt you,” Malcolm said for what he felt like the thousandth time, but still this was the longest he’d gotten the creature to stay still. “I just want to find a big, big terror demon. Have you seen-”
At the mention of the terror demon, the wisp blinked away with a gasp.
“Wait, come back,” Malcolm flew forward, calling out to the creature.
He reached out and plucked the Fade thread of where it was trying to follow the essence trail, but it had teleported to another dimension altogether. He kept plucking the string, wading through the cacophony of spirit’s hushed whispers, trying to either recognize it’s voice or it’s scent or anything really. This was a terribly slow process at times that required lots of concentration. Wisps were especially difficult since their voices could easily be lost among water, enjoying it’s tumble through a river, or a tree drinking up the sunshine or a rock really enjoying its solid form. Everything in the Fade talked so that it was a constant hum of whispers.
Summoning the image of his bedroom door, he grabbed parts of the Fade with his hand and reshaped them like clay, building it piece by piece. When he was done, he pried open the steel bars, still creaking like he remembered. Suddenly he saw a garden where the mushrooms were as big as sacoyas and strange tiger striped purple grass twisted into each other like they were hugging. The various colored and shaped mushrooms swayed like they were dancing in a breeze that wasn’t blowing. In the middle of the field was the red glowing wisp slowly floating in a circle and humming, “Shiny.”
“Shiny,” the grass sang back. Then the mushrooms sang that back, and then the sky echoed back, until it came back to the wisp who repeated the cycle.
That stopped as soon as Malcolm stepped through the portal of his door.
The Fade held its breath, the whispers dying down to listen as Malcolm held up his hands in peace.
“No follow,” the wisp shouted, blinking and quivering in fright.
“Yes follow,” Malcolm stepped forward. The grass curled away from him, the blades tightening.
The wisp darted away a few feet and hid behind a mushroom that puffed up. “Why follow?”
“Because I need to-” Malcolm paused, about to say ‘kill’, but thought better of it and said, “get rid of it.” He wasn’t sure if he should specify who it was, but he didn’t want to go chasing it down again.
The wisp paused in consideration, and peeked around the brown spotted mushroom. “Can’t…tell.”
It seemed the terror demon didn’t just scare mortals. So Malcolm tried a different tactic. “What about you take me to someone that can tell me.”
It blinked away, and for a moment Malcolm thought that would be the end. Malcolm walked up to where the wisp was and plucked the Fade string to see if it had just gone behind another mushroom, but it had teleported far away again. He was ready to give up and try another wisp when it blinked back with a friend, a familiar not-face eating what looked like a mostly empty bucket of deep-fried nug legs covered in red sauce.
“Oh, hello, again,” Scholar said with a full mouth. “This wisp tells me you survived Zelophehad somehow.” The spirit swallowed the bone and then picked up another greasy nug thigh. “Well, congrats on that,” the spirit bit into the leg and chewed loudly. “So did you call to tell me what taste is? You didn’t have to send a wisp to do it. You could have called me.”
Malcolm wasn’t sure if he should be grateful or annoyed to see Scholar, but at least this demon wasn’t aggressive…yet. He knew that could change in an instant and it mostly relied on his ability to control his temper. “No,” Malcolm took in a calming, steadying breath as he readied his nerves. He had never tried actually talking to a demon before and he was edgy, just waiting for them to ask for a deal. “I came to ask about Zelvilod or whatever.”
“Zelophehad,” Scholar corrected.
“That wasn’t even close,” the creature smacked it’s strange not-mouth loudly.
“Does it really matter? It’s a demon that needs to die yesterday. I don’t need to know how to pronounce it’s name,” Malcolm snapped.
The wisp gasped and disappeared and Scholar’s face twisted into a snarl, that suddenly turned into a burp. “Will you stop with that emotion? You’re going to twist me and you’re ruining the flavor.”
Malcolm wanted so badly to snap again, to tell him that lives were on the line and that he didn’t have time to watch him eat, but Malcolm bit his tongue, literally, and capped his anger, though he felt like a shook soda. “Where can I find it?” he said as calmly as he could manage.
“Find it?” the creature cocked it’s head. “He’s right behind you.” He pointed with his half-eaten drumstick and Malcolm jumped to find a goat eye the size of baseball floating just behind his head. It blinked and disappeared from sight but Malcolm felt all the hair stand on his neck. He jumped around casting a life detecting spell but all that shimmered back were wisps and the usual denizens of the Fade.
Malcolm turned back around, his heart in his throat. “Where is it now?”
“Don’t feed it!” the spirit waved it’s hand frantically, splattering sauce.
Malcolm took a second to stop tensing, his eyes still darting around for more signs of eyes among the forest of mushrooms, but the grove stayed eerily silent. Malcolm kept clenching and unclenching his fists unsure if it was right behind him again, but a tiny voice inside him told him not to look. He ignored it, flinching as he craned his head and saw nothing, and yet it felt like something was staring, waiting. Biding its time. “That’s it,” Malcolm muttered as a chill crawled up his neck. “The next time I see that demon I’m poking out every one of it’s eyeballs.”
“Does the fact that you can’t even sense it not tell you that you’re too young? Shiny told me they had to lead you out of several traps already.”
Scholar looked exasperated, as if it was so obvious. “The wisp you sent. Though their name is Rocky now.”
Malcolm scrunched up his face. “What? Why?”
Scholar stuck his hand in his bucket to find it empty and sighed. “Because they’re wisps, of course. They’re still deciding who they are. They have to try each name before they find the one that feels just right.”
 “How do you keep track?” Malcolm found himself asking, but then he shook his head realizing he was getting off track and said, “Never mind, just…how do I kill it?”
“You don’t,” Scholar answered, the bucket de-materialized and a plate of chocolate cake came next. The spirit grabbed a handful and before shoving it in his mouth said, “so, what is taste?”
Malcolm felt like he had just gone around in a big winding circle and he was absolutely winded. And then Malcolm said what he thought he would never say to a demon. “How about we make a deal?”  
The spirit jumped back and gasped, “No!,” which surprised Malcolm. “I’m no demon, and I won’t throw myself against one, especially not Zelophehad.”
He was expecting to have to clarify, but blood magic was never an option. He had seen too many good mages go down that path and meet their end, not to mention he was not looking for more reasons to be hunted by the Chantry, but as far as he knew, every demon wanted a deal.
“Actually I’m not offering my soul, more my expertise,” Malcolm said, finding his shoulders relaxing. “Do you want to know what taste is?”
That’s when he felt a smack to his face.
   Malcolm jerked awake, groggy with drool dribbling down his mouth and pooling on his desk. It was still dark and he realized his teacher had dropped his test packet on him and he pulled it off, fluorescent lights spotting his vision.
A dark elf with his hair in a dreadlocked ponytail and a shadow of stubble across his jaw glared at Malcolm through his spectacles. “Class is almost over and this is blank, Messere Hawke.”
He felt an annoyed buzzing in his skull as Scholar started pressing through the slip of the thin Veil. He tried to shoo it away but it was steadily getting louder. He also had the attention of his whole class’ eyes on him including Taylor, a somewhat friend, somewhat annoyance, who was shaking her head so much disappointment the top of her cloudy hair were almost bouncing against her pointy burnt sienna ears.
“My bad,” Malcolm shrugged. Some of his classmates snickered in their sleeves while others rolled their eyes in annoyance. He leaned on his desk, his chin propped on his hand.
The teacher snatched up the test. “Be aware, young man, you will finish this quarter final if I have to staple a pencil to your hand and make you write the words myself.”
Malcolm’s eyes glazed over as he tuned out the impending lecture that was no doubt coming. It was something about telling him how he was wasting his potential and that he would regret this later in life, the usual spiel.  He winced as a familiar buzz came back into his mind. He began to see the impression of the spirit behind Enchanter Jakoby, pressing through the veil to speak with him.
“You say something about a taste deal and then just disappear. That’s terribly frustrating.” 
“Not now,” Malcolm responded in his head. He struggled to keep his face under control, the pressing presence on his mind unwelcome and uncomfortable.
“Then when?” 
“I’ll call you. Now scat before I get in trouble,”  and he made an audible grunt of frustration.
“What was that?” Enchanter Jakoby snapped, thinking it was Malcolm’s usual disrespect.
The spirit blinked out of sight and Malcolm shook his head out of a daze. “I mean, uh, yeah, you’re completely right.”
The elf’s full lips pulled back into a stunning bright smile. “Excellent. I’ll see you tonight, then.”
Malcolm blinked a few times in confusion. “What?”
The class broke up in laughter, and the Enchanter quickly snapped, “back to your tests!” Then he took off his glasses and massaged his temples. “Were you even listening?”
“Sure,” Malcolm scratched his pointed ear sheepishly, “but just in case I wasn’t, where am I going?”
Enchanter Jakoby looked up and sighed. “To the ball,” he pointed to names on the board where one was crossed out that wasn’t before. “Kenny tells me he’s feeling stage fright and you just volunteered to perform in his place.”
“No, I didn’t,” Malcolm snorted scooting back in his chair.   
“Yes you did,” Enchanter Jakoby nodded, encroaching onto Malcolm’s desk so they could meet each other’s eyes.
“Well tell Kenny to suck it up cause I’m busy tonight,” Malcolm unwrinkled his test and finally wrote his name on the paper, avoiding the pile of drool.
“He’s throwing up in the healing quarters.” 
Good old Kenny. 
Malcolm ran a frustrated hand through his curls as he snapped back a growl. “C’mon you don’t want me there. I’m sure someone else wants to be a Chantry monkey.”
“For once, I agree,” a handsome nobleman with a straight nose and shapely lips glared at Malcolm. “Not about the Chantry monkey, just about him being there.” He stood up like he was the ambassador to the class and put his hand over his heart, his wavy blond shoulder length hair waving in his green eyes as pleaded with the Enchanter. “Hawke hasn’t turned in a single thing since the beginning of class and there are many others much more deserving the honor.”
Malcolm snorted. “Sure. Make sure to pack bananas.”
Arth’s eyes flashed in anger and he took a step forward with his mouth open in retort, but the Enchanter raised his hand to silence the impending argument that was bound to explode between the two men.
Arth Elliot was the Circles darling and had seen Malcolm as a rival since he first arrived and lit a flame while the Enchanter was still instructing the class on how to visualize it. Malcolm was practically juggling the flame as his other classmates quickly tried to do the same but the most any could do was a spark. Arth, who was always proud of being top of the class, could not even manage a puff of smoke. When he asked Malcolm how he did that, he said, “I just did,” and that was all it took for him to become obsessed.
Malcolm realized he was years ahead of his classmates, and eventually started hiding the full extent of his powers, but his teachers still noticed. He was always snoozing through class so there was no way he had paid attention to the lessons, and yet when his teachers would test his aptitude for magic, he never showed difficulty with any spell of any school, which baffled everyone. His teachers knew Malcolm was bored, jaded, and they couldn’t challenge him. Most of his teachers couldn’t stand him, either making sure he was unwelcome in class and while most had given up on Malcolm, spending time on more willing students, Enchanter Jakoby was persistent.
“Sit down, Messere Elliot, and wait quietly for class to finish,” the teacher said as if he was speaking to a child, and like a child, Arth jutted out his pink bottom lip in a pout and slunk back down into his seat like a whipped puppy. Enchanter Jakoby winced, holding his forehead for a second crinkling with stress wrinkles.
“Malcolm, I know you’ve been put into an unfair position. We all have, but you have to realize that you can either work with the system or the system works you. You can take this for the opportunity that it is, or squander it, like every chance you’ve ever been given and fall into further disciplinary action. It’s up to you.”
Malcolm rolled his eyes, his dark curls brushing over his forehead. “Oh, no,” Malcolm drawled sarcastically. “However will I survive being under lock and key?”
The thinning of the other elf’s full lips told Malcolm that he was successfully getting under his skin, but he softened them into a smile and said, “Don’t worry. I’m sure Ser Carver would agree to watch your manners tonight.”
At the mention of his friend, Malcolm huffed collapsing back in his chair so forcefully it gave a screeching scoot. “Playing dirty I see.”
“I’ve been at this a lot longer than you, Junior Enchanter,” the elf’s coconut brown eyes gleamed as he triumphantly smirked.
The shrill bell rang and through the speakers and everyone scrambled to take off towards the Enchanter’s desk to drop off their tests. Malcolm grabbed his unopened backpack and was about to leave when the Enchanter grabbed him by the shoulder and sat him back down. “Where do you think you’re going?”
Malcolm shot an annoyed glare up at him. “Uuuuh, to lunch?”
“You will spend your lunch here with me where you will finish your quarter final.”
“Aw, c’mon teach, I’m starving,” Malcolm whined.  
“You should have thought about that before you used today’s class as a nap session,” the teacher nodded resolutely and marched back to his desk to start correcting papers.
Taylor frowned sympathetically. “Malcolm, do you want me to pick up your lunch?”  
“Sure, Mom,” Malcolm snarked, his hands flying across the questions with renewed determination.
Taylor rolled her eyes and slung her book bag over her shoulder, Arth hovering behind her with a rather annoyed look on his face. “If you’re going to be a dick, you can get it yourself.”
“Let’s go, Taylor,” Arth offered his arm in a gesture. “You don’t need to associate with filth.”
Taylor looked at the arm and decided to move on ahead without taking it, not even bothering to address him. He flashed an icy green glare when Malcolm snorted. Then he stuck his chin in the air and squared his shoulders, marching out of the room as if nothing happened.
Malcolm finished the test in record time. The grin on Enchanter’s Jakoby’s face at Malcolm’s short but correct answers was awfully irritating, but Malcolm hid his smirk until his back was turned, knowing that he was in for another lecture when the Enchanter would inevitably get to the last question that was answered, “Templars suck Chantry dick.”
Malcolm wandered through the quarters of the Circle hall winding down the stairs to the cafeteria passing mages, who would avoid him like he was diseased, and templars, who watched his every movement like he was ready to attack. Malcolm had only assaulted a templar once and he quickly learned that this was suicide. They had too many tools, too much training, and a whole team to rely on while Malcolm only had himself. No, the only way to survive in the Circle was to find some way to make peace with it, and the only thought that gave Malcolm peace is that one day he would escape for good. 
He cut the line to the front of the cafeteria, but other than getting a few nasty glares, no one made any comment, at least in his direction. Dragging his tray across the table he picked up a wilted salad for good energy, the same stale piece of bread he had every day, and what he hoped was a mix of meat and mashed potatoes but it could be another experiment of the chef. For desert, to his surprise, were some rather nice strawberries. He hadn’t thought about the kiss all day, though it did intrude his mind like an annoying gnat buzzing in his ear. That kiss was just fantasy. Chances are the mysterious Leandra had already forgotten him in the dream fog and moved on with her perfect life while he was stuck like a scratched record skipping on the same beat. He found himself resisting the urge to touch his lips again, to close his eyes and just imagine that perfect moment but he was very aware he was in public. So instead he piled a bunch of strawberries on his plate, much more than was considered polite and eyed his best friend Charlie waving at him from the corner table with Taylor, who was eating a small salad and doing homework she was assigned in for another class.
Charlie was probably best described as a brother and not because he looked like a human version of Malcolm, except with wavy hair, slightly lighter skin, and no freckles. Charlie was two years older, but still hadn’t passed his Harrowing and, unlike Malcolm, was just about everyone’s best friend. He hadn’t a lick of talent when it came to spellcasting. He could barely light a candle, but he did have a mind for small tricks, mostly well-timed fart pranks and Malcolm constantly helped him brainstorm new ideas to help him exercise his magic.  
He was just about to reach the table when a gauntleted hand squeezed his shoulder.“Let’s talk,” a gravelly voice growled in his ear, the foul breath making his hair stand and with disciplined strength the templar walked Malcolm to a barred window overlooking the ocean, scattering the mages that were gathered around it. The templar kept hold, squeezing enough to bruise, and his cruel blood-shot grey eyes were as sharp as the stubble of his shaved head. “Where’s my order? It’s been days,” the templar whispered viciously, everyone else quickly looked away and minded their own business to avoid catching the ire.
Malcolm kept his voice just as low, lazily gazing up at the steel-clad man. “I’ve been busy.”
The man squeezed harder and Malcolm coached his face to not show any pain. “I need it, today.”
“Maybe,” Malcolm placed his hand on the man’s and with the little help of an aura, pried off the steel-clad fingers with surprising strength and shoved his hand back at the man. “I have a window tonight, but you better be sure no one comes looking.”
The man looked angry, his face reddening like it always did when his intimidation tactics didn’t work. “As long as I get what I paid for.” The man stalked away, his heavy armor thudding against the stone. The mages all kept their eyes low to not catch his gaze. With a roll of Malcolm’s shoulders he stalked back to the corner table, where both Charlie and Taylor were standing, waiting for him.
“Are you alright?” Taylor said in her usually motherly voice.
“Yes, Mom,” Malcolm rolled his eyes and collapsed in his seat spilling some food onto his tray.
Taylor mirrored the movement with her eyes, sitting down and returning her gaze back to her homework with a shake of her head.
Charlie looked cautiously at Malcolm. “You know you really should tell Carver about Matthew.”
“I don’t need Carver fighting my battles for me,” Malcolm snorted as he bit into a strawberry. It was blissfully sweet, delicious, he held it on his tongue to savor the flavor as he closed his eyes. He found himself summoning the image of Leandra’s perfect face, that gleam in her eye as she gazed up at him through her dark lashes and flashed the top of her perky peach nipples.
Suddenly a voice that was not his murmured in his head, “Delicious.”
Malcolm’s face burned as he felt his mind plundered, Scholar prying into the memory and snacking up the berry with a smack. “Oooh, can you taste another?” Scholar asked, and Malcolm found himself banging his forehead with his fist as he tried to drive out the voice.
“I swear,” Taylor peered up from her homework with a look of mild concern. “Sometimes you go on the strangest face journeys by yourself.”
Malcolm just rolled his eyes, letting the comment slide, as he dug into his salad, letting Charlie sneak some strawberries.
“So I can’t help you practice tonight,” Malcolm looked over at Charlie. “Enchanter Jackass is stuffing me in a suit and making me do parlor tricks for some rich snobs.”
Taylor’s violet eyes snapped up, flashing in annoyance. “Enchanter Jakoby is giving you a chance to demonstrate your abilities. I’m actually really excited about the ball. I worked really hard to earn the top spot and a lot of other people wanted to go. Do you have to be such an arrogant dick?”
Malcolm flashed a leafy smirk. “It’s my best quality.”
“Debatable,” Taylor shot back in her usual sharp manner. 
Charlie leaned in between the elves, always the mediator. “Ladies, ladies,” he waved his hands in a calming motion. “Must we fight and not appreciate a good day? I mean the food is fresh-ish,” he picked up a glob of soup that defied leaving the spoon with a unappetizing dripping gloop, “we’re among friends, mostly,” Charlie gestured away at the templars on guard like they were part of the scenery, “and even if you have to go to a party together without me and you two somehow don’t kill each other, the least you can do is enjoy it on my behalf and give me a fun story when you get back. Please,” he added with an exhausted heaving sigh. “I’m tired of hearing about the Murphy and Mandy’s on and off again relationship.” He then stabbed his spoon in his soup which resisted somehow.
 Taylor’s eyebrows knitted together as Malcolm slunk down into the table, feeling more of an ass than usual. 
“I’ll sneak you back some food,” Taylor smiled, reaching out to lightly touch his arm.
 Charlie practically bounced. “Ooh, one of those frilly cakes. The more icing the better.”
“And I’ll make sure to prank some nobles,” Malcolm added with a smirk which did brighten his friend’s expression. Charlie had a way of making everyone get along by outlining everything in silver and he always thought the best way to solve his problems was to laugh at them and suddenly Malcolm’s wheels were turning. “Could use your help thinking of the worst magic show ever.”
Charlie’s brown eyes gleamed with mischief. “Endless fart stream? That’ll get them talking,” Charlie offered with a childish grin. Taylor wrinkled her flat nose in a bite.
“Nah, worse,” Malcolm scratched his chin, discarding one idea after another.
“You could do one of Darcy’s dance routines.”
Malcolm laughed at the idea. “Getting warmer, but worse.”
Taylor sighed heavily. “Can’t you just do something normal like juggle a ball of flame or make some fireworks.”
“But that’s boring,” Charlie and Malcolm said in unison and then broke down in a conspiratorial laugh.  
Malcolm chewed on his flavorless salad as he thought, Charlie chatting on until the annoying buzz came back in his mind. “This food tastes sad…and also bad. Can you eat something else?”
“If you keep poking around my head,” Malcolm thought at the spirit with a clenched fist over his fork, “I’m going to reach back through the Fade and kick your ass. Understood?”
“How would you kick it? I don’t have an ass,” the spirit retorted.  
“Believe me, I’d find it,” Malcolm snapped. “Now go back to where you belong before you get us both in trouble.”
Taylor snapped her fingers in his face and suddenly Malcolm was aware that both Charlie and she were waiting on a question, but he had no idea what was asked.
“Uuuuh, I spaced out,” Malcolm said like he usually did.
“Maker, can you pay attention for one second?” Taylor rolled her eyes so hard they looked like they’d fall out of her head. “I said, are you going to dance or you going to sulk in canapes all night?”
Malcolm's face twisted as if he was smelling something foul. “The point being?”
Charlie grinned at Malcolm with a teasing smirk. “That’s why you’re still a virgin, dude.”
“I have more important things to do,” Malcolm deflected as they both broke down in laughter. He then crossed his arms, scooting back in his chair with a pout.
“I wish I could go,” Charlie mentioned glumly. “If it was me, no one could stop me from finding a pretty girl and dancing all night.” Charlie looked at Taylor wistfully and then lowered his gaze before Taylor could catch him. Taylor chewed on her bottom lip at the comment, a flash of what almost looked like jealousy before she returned her attention to her homework. Then her violet eyes bugged out of their sockets as Charlie pointed between the two elves with his spoon. “You two could always dance.”
Malcolm barked out a surprised laugh. “Nice try, dude, but I think I’ll sleep through the whole thing.” He did have a demon to catch.
As Charlie’s best friend, he saw it as his duty to get Malcolm dating, or at least fucking, but Malcolm’s reputation and stubbornness made it difficult and Taylor was the only woman who would tolerate his presence. It didn’t help that they were both elves, so somehow that meant they were supposed to be together, but their relationship was nothing like that. They were friendly-ish, but their personalities clashed way too much for attraction to even be on the table. Still, that didn’t help Charlie’s fixation on the idea.
“I think I’ll be busy stuffing myself silly with shrimp puffs. I plan to save room for two tray fulls,” Taylor pointed to her own small salad that was already finished and set aside.
“Shrimp puffs?” Malcolm could feel his mouth water with the spirit’s impending presence. “What are those? Her memories smell divine.”
“Get out of my friend’s head,” Malcolm warned with a tapping finger. He could see the impression of it hovering near her pointed ear. “You’ll have plenty of samples to try at that stupid party tonight.”
“Is that when you’ll tell me what taste is?” the spirit asked impatiently, snapping back his hand like it was slapped.  
“Sure. Whatever.” This time he felt the presence fade back into the Veil, the pressure from the Fade lessening.
Taylor and Charlie stared at Malcolm’s scowling face softening as he blinked back into attention.
Taylor shook her head again, her hair puff bobbing. “Again. Weirdest face journeys.”
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Dysfunctional Decorating
Summary: Carley and Lee work with their kids to decorate the house for Christmas and have some chocolaty drinks afterwards.
Word Count: 4193
Read on AO3:
Marlon sat on the couch, his hands brushing against his guitar as he positioned it on his knee. Slowly his fingers began to pluck the strings, causing a series of notes that sounded like a familiar Christmas song. His tongue stuck out slightly while he concentrated on reading the sheet of music in front of him. The caramel colored guitar let out a sour note, causing the twelve year old to scrunch his face in annoyance.
“Damn it,” Marlon whispered under his breath and worked to retune the guitar before starting up again. He was through the first few notes of the song when his younger sister Clementine ran down the stairs, her arms filled with white Christmas tree lights.
“Hey, Marlon.” Clementine gave a warm smile to her brother. “Working on a Christmas song?”
“Yeah, I wanted something to make our first Christmas as a family special,” The blond scratched the back of his head with an introverted smile. “But I’m still learning how to play.” He had hoped he would learn to play the song by now to surprise the others and make it so that they would bond more together as a family. It had only been a few months since they’d become a new family and to say that it had been rocky so far would be an understatement. But Marlon was hoping that Christmas would turn that around.
“Well, I thought it sounded good so far.” Clementine gave a soft smile towards Marlon. “You wouldn’t mind me decorating for a bit while you play, would you?” “Not at all,” Marlon waved a hand. “But I thought we’d start decorating when Mom and Dad got home?”
“We will with the tree and stuff,” Clementine walked over to the display table and placed down the lights on the sofa next to it. “But I couldn’t wait to decorate with my animal skulls!” Clementine’s eyes danced with excitement at the thought.
Marlon gave a soft chuckle. “Sounds good to me,” His fingers repositioned on the strings and his full concentration returned to the song. The notes began to dance through the air, bringing to life “Silent Night”. Clementine hummed along to the song happily as she weaved the lights around and through the various animal skulls of hers. Marlon glanced up, sharing a gentle smile with his sister before returning to his playing. After a few minutes the song stopped and Clementine had finished draping her lights. With a drumroll given by Marlon, Clementine plugged in the lights, brightening up the skulls and illuminating their beauty. Marlon gave a whistle, placing down his guitar before strolling over to stand by his sister.
“That looks awesome, Clem.” Marlon placed his hands on his hips and smiled down at her. Clementine looked up and immediately shared the smile. “Thanks. I-”
She was suddenly cut off when she heard the excited cheering of her older sister Renata coming from the kitchen. The brother and sister shared a look before strolling into the kitchen to check and see what was happening. When they did they were surprised to see Renata bouncing ecstatically by the kitchen counter. Her hands pressed on the counter while she cheered on her brother Mitch. Mitch seemed to be completely focused on whatever odd challenge he and Renata had concocted. Marlon and Clementine watched in curious silence as Mitch chugged whatever was in the mug. A small string of steam showed that the liquid was still quite warm. The brown liquid poured into his mouth but quickly overfilled it and fell down his face and throat in a steady stream. With a frantic gurgling sound, Mitch ran to the sink and started spitting out a massive white blob from his mouth along with the brown liquid.
“Whoa! That was impressive, Mitch!” Renata gave a round of applause before a mischievous smile overtook her face. “But I’m gonna do way better!
“Bullshit!” Mitch gave a sharp cough. “No way you can drink more than I could.”
“What’s going on?” Prisha’s voice appeared from the entryway to the kitchen. Marlon and Clementine glanced back at their oldest sister.
“Mitch and I are having a special Christmas challenge,” Renata wiggled her eyebrows playfully. “We stuff our mouths full of marshmallows then try to see how much hot cocoa we can chug. Mitch wimped out after only drinking a third of his drink.”
“Wimped out!” Mitch huffed, a competitive smile appearing on his face even though his eyes held a small level of annoyance at his sister. “Please, I bet you can’t do any better!”
“Ha!” Renata shook her head. “Ye of little faith,” She strolled over to where the marshmallows were and started stuffing her mouth. Prisha rolled her eyes at the sight and was about to walk off when Aasim’s voice appeared beside her.
“What is happening?”
“Mit-” Renata began to talk but then started to choke. Marlon ran forward and gave her back a few whacks, clearing her airway. Renata turned to her brother and gave him a thumbs up with watery eyes.
“Renata and I are having some good Christmas fun, “ Mitch answered with a happy smile.
“It seems ridiculous,” Aasim looked on with disapproval.
“Thank you, I was about to say the same thing. I can’t believe-” Prisha paused in her sentence when she realized she was agreeing with Aasim. Even after all these months, Prisha’s insecurities had blocked her chances of connecting with her brother in fears that he would prove to be the smartest and make her position in the family moot. Renata’s odd laughter, half blocked by the marshmallow in her mouth, drew the other siblings’ attention to the middle child. She had successfully filled her mouth with marshmallows again and was beginning to drink the hot cocoa. A weird noise emitted from her mouth as steam poured from it. The siblings watched in awe as their sister nearly finished the cup before leaning over the sink and spitting up the marshmallows.
“What the fuck!” Mitch’s eyes were large with disbelief. “I want a rematch!”
Renata looked up at her brother, her face completely drenched in hot cocoa. “ Anyti-” A sudden burp stretched out her word until she finished it. “Time.” The siblings all looked at each other and started to laugh at what had happened when the front door opened. Mitch and Renata were off like shots, barreling past Prisha and Aasim who started scolding their younger siblings for their rudeness when they saw their parents at the door.
“We’re home!” Lee’s comforting voice rang out through the house. He placed down the bag of groceries and began to help Carley take off her winter jacket.
“Thanks,” Carley smiled lovingly at her husband then captured his lips in a quick kiss.
“Bleh!” Mitch stuck out his tongue in disgust, making the couple look over at their son.
“Mitch, “ Lee began, “That's not a very nice thing to say.”
“Yeah,” Renata scampered forward. “You’re losing major points.” She gave a teasing smile over towards her brother then looked up at her mom. “I can help you with that scarf, Mom.”
“That would be great, thank you.” Carley smiled down at her daughter, a smile that disappeared for a second when her hands touched Renata’s, surprised that they were sticky. “Renata, why are your hands sticky?” Carley asked even though she had a pretty good idea what her daughter would say.
“Mitch and I had a friendly competition. I won!” Renata declared proudly. Mitch’s frown grew at that statement.
“What kind of competition was it?” Lee picked up the groceries when Clementine moved forward.
“I can help, Dad.”
Lee’s smile grew; he was still getting used to having daughters and them calling him their father, even if not all of them did yet. “That would be great,” Lee and Carley began to walk to the kitchen to help unload while Renata answered the question.
“Who could drink the most hot cocoa with their mouths filled with marshmallows.” Renata skipped over to the kitchen with the rest of her family.
“You got eggnog!” Marlon’s eyes danced with excitement at the sight while he helped put away groceries.
“Couldn’t have Christmas without it,” Carley gave a warm smile that dissipated when she saw two large white sticky blobs in the kitchen sink. One look towards her children made it clear who the culprits were. “Renata, Mitch, clean this up please.”
“But, Carley-” Mitch started to argue but saw the look in Carley’s eyes and shut up immediately. The two siblings groaned as they worked to clean up their mess while the others finished putting away the groceries.
“Once we have everything put away, we can bring in the tree.” Prisha’s eyes brightened at that and she moved quicker in helping out. When all the groceries were put away the family moved outside to the car where the tree remained tied on top. Lee went to work right away to help untie the tree along with Marlon and Mitch. As soon as the knots were loose the family worked to carry the tree. Carley led the way followed by Marlon who stood in front of Prisha. Next in line was Renata then Aasim, lastly were Clementine and Mitch who insisted on taking the base since he figured it would be the heaviest. Lee stood at the back and made sure the weight was distributed before speaking up.
“Alright Car, we’re good to go.”
With that confirmation Carley started moving forward and within minutes they were inside the house and working to set up the tree into the tree holder.
“A bit more to the left,” Carley instructed. The kids worked to push the tree as their mom tried to get the tree centered. “Alright, we’re good.” The kids all let out sighs of relief before they noticed Lee working to press the screws in place to hold the tree up. Aasim immediately moved to help along with Clementine and with the three sets of hands the tree was set.
“Okay, let's split up the work. Renata, can you start the Christmas music?” Lee smiled over at his daughter.
“Sure thing, Pops.” Renata slid across the floor and started the music while Lee and Carley worked to split up their kids into the most fitting roles. “Surprise!” Renata ran forward and started to put Santa hats on everyone. Some members of her family looked touched by the gesture such as Marlon and Clementine who both thanked their sister after she put the hats on their heads, while others seemed less enthusiastic about the whole thing.
“Why do I get the shitty one?” Mitch huffed, snatching the pink sparkly Santa hat off his head and throwing it on the ground.
Renata gave a dramatic gasp. “How dare! I gave you Mom’s prized Christmas hat and you toss it on the ground!”
“I’m not surprised,” Prisha replied with a hand on her hip.
Mitch repeated the sentence in a mocking tone, causing his eldest sister’s eyes to narrow in anger.
“Alright, alright,” Lee stepped in between his kids with his hands outstretched. “I’ll wear the special pink hat.”
Renata’s eyes sparkled at that and with a big hop she placed the hat on Lee’s head. With that argument under control, Lee and Carley continued to split up the tasks. After a few minutes the teams of two were beginning their work. Renata and Clementine stood on opposite sides of the tree and began to string up the lights. The pair of sisters giggled as they tossed the pile of lights back and forth, haphazardly draping them over the tree’s form. After a few minutes the two stepped back and smiled over at Lee.
“Look, Lee,” Clementine held out her hands and displayed the tree alongside Renata who was being her usual dramatic self.
Lee looked at the tree that had weird lumps of lights that tangled and swirled around it. “I think you two gave it a good try. But why don’t we start again - I’ll help out this time.”
Renata and Clementine shared a sad look but that quickly faded.
“Okay!” Renata’s smile grew when Lee gave her and Clementine each a head pat before the trio worked to untangle the lights on the tree and start again. Prisha and Aasim glanced up from their spot on the floor.
“Pass me that next box,” Aasim held out his hand and Prisha gave him the box of Christmas ornaments. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Prisha gave a short smile. The pair worked in silence, unraveling the different ornaments and organizing them into different categories. The brother and sister were starting to get along through the simple act of Christmas organizing. But that all went away when Lee came by to check to see how they were doing.
“Hey you two, how are you doing? Need an eggnog break?” Lee’s warm smile made his son return it in kind but it didn’t seem to work on Prisha.
“No thank you, Lee.” Prisha immediately returned to her work but her statement seemed to have rubbed Aasim the wrong way as he looked at Prisha with annoyance.
“You should call him Dad.” Aasim’s statement made Prisha’s eyes shot up. Lee looked alarmed by what was happening and was about to speak up when Prisha beat him to it.
“I won’t since he isn’t my dad. If you want me to call him that, then why don’t you stop being a hypocrite first and call our mom Mom.” Prisha’s tone had some bite to it that made Aasim stand up.
“No, I won’t do that. I thought you knew that but I guess you can’t comprehend that with your puny mind.”
“What was that!” Prisha hissed and jumped to her feet. The argument had caused everyone to stop what they were doing and look at the two siblings. “If we want to talk about small minds, then we don’t have to look anywhere else,” Prisha pointed at her brother with a smirk. “Because it's right here.” Aasim’s anger reached a new level, his eyes hardening as he opened his mouth to speak again.
“Enough, you two,” Carley stood in between them with her arms crossed. “Now both of you apologize for what you said and we can return to having Christmas fun.”
“But, Mother,” Prisha began but the look in Carley’s eyes made it clear she would lose the argument.
“Fine,” Aasim walked forward and held out his hand. “Let’s move forward.”
“Apologize first,” Prisha glared at him.
Aasim looked shocked “ What? Why? You started this whole thing!”
“I did not!!” Prisha huffed.
“Alright, you two, apologize and move on or else both of you will get in trouble.” Lee moved forward with a stern look. All the other kids were watching their siblings in tense silence. Marlon and Clementine hoped that they could move past this and continue the decoration while Mitch and Renata seemed more interested in the chaotic route their siblings could take. Prisha stared at her brother’s extended hand and walked forward only to slither around the hand, walking past it.
“Prisha!” Carley scolded her daughter, but before she could continue Aasim spoke up.
“See! I told you it was all her fault!”
“My fault! I didn’t ask for some snotty sibling!”
“I could say the same thing!” Aasim snapped back.
“My family was perfect before you-” Prisha was cut off when Carley spoke up once more.
“Enough!” Her voice made all the siblings grow silent. All of their gazes looked towards the floor. They couldn’t believe Prisha had said that even if all of them had felt that to some varying degree during their first few months as this new family. Carley stared at both of her kids then back towards her husband. “Lee, can you grab the sweater?”
Lee gave a short nod and ran off towards his study. All the siblings shared a look, lost as to what that could mean. After a minute, Lee returned with a big, ugly Christmas sweater that had the words Our Getting Along Sweater on it. It only took a moment for Aasim and Prisha to get what their punishment was going to be.
“Wait, no, I apologize.” Aasim looked toward his sister frantically. “Accept it, Prisha.” “I accept, I apologize too,” Prisha hoped that it wasn’t too late to get out of the punishment.
“Sorry, kids.” Lee gave a smile. “But rules are rules.” Carley and Lee worked together and got the sweater over the brother and sister who look less than thrilled to be stuck together.
“Now you two will be stuck in that sweater for twenty minutes. If either of you make a mean comment about each other or say anything bad about this family, Lee and I will extend the timer.”
“Holy shit,” Mitch laughed wildly and fell off the couch where he was sitting. Renata joined into the laughter too and even though they tried to hide it, Clementine and Marlon had small smiles on their faces. Prisha and Aasim shared a mortified look before their faces fell.
“Now that that's done, I’m going to set up the reindeer display with Marlon and Mitch,” Carley leaned over, kissing Lee before giving his hand a quick squeeze.
“Alright, have fun.” Lee had a goofy smile on his face from the kiss.
Carley stole one more look then turned her attention to her sons. “Okay, who's ready?” she smiled over at the pair of brothers.
“I am,” Marlon held up his share of the reindeer. Mitch gave a mumbled response and with Carley’s help started to carry out the display. Once they had dropped off the reindeer Mitch sprinted around, slipping and sliding as he worked on the display.
“Careful,” Carley called out to her son who seemed too caught up in setting up the reindeer to listen. Marlon worked alongside his brother and soon the display was all set up. Carley got the cord and held it by the outlet. “So who should do the honors?” Me, me, me!” Marlon and Mitch chanted at the same time before frowning at each other. Carley let out a small half chuckle.
“Why don’t we all do it together?” The suggestion was received well and after placing a few fingers each on the cord, Carley started continuing up. “One… two.. Three!” The plug went into the outlet and lit up the white reindeer, giving them an ethereal glow on the snow-covered lawn. Mitch and Marlon stared in awe at the sight and shared a happy grin.
“Good job, you two,” Carley held up her hand, offering the chance at a high five. Marlon took the opportunity right away, his smile growing wider when he saw how happy it had made his mom. Mitch looked hesitant at the idea but moved forward and high fived with enthusiasm. Carley was taken aback by the strength but even more so by how happy Mitch looked at the high five.
“Let’s go back inside and see what else we can put up for decorations.”
The two brothers nodded and ran back inside, leaving Carley to bring up the rear. Once inside they saw that Renata and Clementine were setting up some more decorations. Lee had placed Clementine on his shoulders and was being navigated by Renata who held the wreath they were trying to put up.
“Yeah! Yeah! Right there!” Renata giggled and stood on her tiptoes to hand off the wreath to her sister. The trio cheered amongst themselves when they had successfully placed the wreath on the upper part of the wall. The odd placement made Carley think that Renata had asked for the wreath to be placed there.
Carley’s eyes looked over to see Aasim and Prisha still working hard on the ornaments, a more somber expression on each of their faces. She hated to put a damper on their moods but their fight had escalated to a point where they needed to have consequences. Her eyes stopped when they saw the vacation Santa that held a saxophone in one of the boxes. A small smile appeared on her lips at the story Lee had told of how Kenny had gifted him that many Christmases ago. Marlon and Mitch followed her gaze and soon smiles appeared on their faces as they ran over to get it. Carley moved forward, passing Prisha and Aasim who were talking amongst themselves.
“No, no, no. This should go in the fragile pile.” Aasim tutted as he took an ornament and moved it.
“You’re a fragile pile,” Prisha muttered under her breath.
“That's another five minutes,” Carley remarked as she strolled by, causing the pair of siblings to look shocked by the time increase.
“Good going, now we’re stuck in this sweater for even longer thanks to you. Who’s the dumb Indian child now?” Aasim smirked.
“That another five minutes,” Lee commented as he carried both Clementine and Renata across the room. Prisha and Aasim stared in disbelief then fell backwards with annoyed groans. Carley looked at them for a moment before Marlon’s voice drew her attention back to the task at hand.
“Mom, you put the batteries in wrong.”
“Hmmm, oh damn it,” Carley looked down at the batteries. She had in fact put the negative where it was clear the positive side of the battery should be.
“It’s no big deal,” Mitch grabbed the batteries and rearranged them. Marlon gave a reassuring smile towards Carley before the trio screwed the battery holder back in place. Just as before the three of them pushed the button together, causing jazzy Christmas tunes to play as Santa did a little dance. Everyone seemed intrigued by the funny Christmas display and took turns pressing the button.
After that was done they were finally ready to work on putting the ornaments on the tree. Clementine worked alongside Prisha, placing their favorites on the tree. Meanwhile Renata was hopping up and down to reach a spot when Marlon offered to help. Aasim worked with Carley, even though it was a bit of a struggle since he was still stuck in the sweater with Prisha. Aasim placed some ornaments and listened as Carley told the tales behind some of her favorites then proceeded to share some of his own.  Mitch worked with Lee, getting on his shoulders to place the star up. When that was done, Lee moved to plug in the lights. Everyone watched in excited anticipation. When the bright lights of red, green, yellow and blue shone on the tree, the family gave a cheer.
“So, who’s ready for some hot cocoa?” Lee asked with a smile.
“Can I have eggnog too?” Marlon kicked his foot on the ground.
“Sure,” Carley placed a hand on his shoulder. “But only a little bit if you’re having both.”
“We can have both?!” Renata practically fell from her spot on the chair. Soon the other siblings joined in the discussion of what drinks they wanted. The family was starting to make their way to the kitchen when Clementine saw Aasim and Prisha still in their Christmas sweater, sitting on the couch. They both looked tired
“I can get you guys some drinks.” Clementine offered. Aasim and Prisha both gave small smiles to their youngest sibling, thanking her for generosity before saying that they both wanted hot cocoa. As the hot cocoa was made and distributed around the family, all of them sat around the front living room. Different Christmas-based conversations were brought up by each side of the family giving some tales from their past Christmases. When Renata was in the middle of her retelling of the Christmas where Prisha’s head had gotten stuck in one of Clementine’s animal skulls, she was shushed by her mom.
“Shh, a little quieter, Renata.” Carley gestured over to Prisha and Aasim whose heads were leaning against each other as they slept in their joined ugly Christmas sweater. Lee tiptoed forward and tossed a white winter blanket over the sleeping siblings.
“Oh,” Marlon got excited about an idea but quickly quieted down.
“What is it?” Carley leaned forward to place down her empty mug.
“I just wanted to….” Marlon fidgeted with his mug. “I learned how to play “Silent Night” on the guitar. Well, I’m learning it and I wanna play what I know so far if that's okay.”
“He’s really good,” Clementine gave a warm smile to her brother. Renata gave an excited squeal but immediately cupped her mouth when Prisha muttered in her sleep and stirred for a moment.
“Why don’t you get your guitar,” Lee whispered over to Marlon.
Marlon quietly made his way over and grabbed his guitar. Slowly he began to play the notes, forming a soft, sweet melody of the classic Christmas song. The family sat back and enjoyed the moment. Lee and Carley sat beside each other, their fingers intertwining as they listened to the song. It had been a chaotic time decorating for their first Christmas, but it had ended on a happy note. It had been fun. Looking at the expressions on their kids’ faces, it seemed they felt the same way.
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suntumarchive · 3 years
A commission for @belly-flu ! Thank you so much~!
Fandom/s: Hercules Character/s: Phil (Whumpee), Hercules (Caretaker) Kink/s: Upset stomach, vertigo, sneezing, burping, emeto
Plot: During their daily training, Hercules notices that Phil is acting odd... it’s pretty obvious that he’s not doing well, and yet, he tries too hard to hide it. But it affects the quality of his lesson...
"A bit higher! You won’t make it like this!", Phil demanded. His voice had this natural, harsh undertone to it that could make a person instantly feel subordinate – perfectly fitting for his authoritarian personality, in Hercules’ opinion. He respected him quite a lot, and tried to follow his orders as best as he could, despite his occasional clumsiness. Other people probably wouldn't take Phil half as seriously, due to his tiny size and strangely cute appearance, but that’s a thought the young man barely allowed himself to have.
"Like this?", Hercules asked, and raised his bow and arrow a few centimeters. As he got ready to shoot, his eyes focused on the target; A bright red apple, high up in a tree. He was merely waiting for Phil's cue. But a few seconds passed, and there was still no response…
"… Like this??", he repeated a little louder.
"... Oh! Yes, yes...", Phil finally replied and cleared his throat. For some reason, he sounded kind of… hoarse.
Shoot! The arrow went flying, and... missed the apple by far. It didn’t even get close. Oops. This arrow will probably not be found again anytime soon...
Disappointed and confused, Hercules straightened his back and looked over to Phil with a frown. Had he even been watching him? He just stood there, quietly, with his eyes closed and propped up against a tree trunk. Soft sighs and grunts came out of his mouth, and Hercules could have sworn he saw sweat glistening on his forehead. The demigod didn't really know what to do or say, but it was obvious to him that something must be wrong with him. Phil simply didn't look well at all.
"Are you... uhm.. alright?", he asked, sounding concerned as he walked up closer to Phil.
"Uh, what…?", Phil seemed startled for a second, and quickly tried to regain his composure.
"… Well done! You get better with every time you try!", he frantically looked back and forth, as if he’d passed out a few seconds and didn't know what date or time it was. Now Hercules frowned again, rubbing the back of his head a bit awkwardly.
"You seem a bit… weak today", he dared to comment.
"Weak? Me!?", Phil’s eyes flared up, their usual intensity coming back for a moment.
"I'm fine! I’ve never felt better in my-", before he could even finish his sentence, he suddenly began to squint. The itch from his sore throat had begun to wander upwards, into his nose, and he grimaced as he inhaled forcefully. The sensation was all too familiar-
An intense sneeze exploded out of him - and was quickly followed by a second one. Even though they both sounded dangerously wet, nothing seemed to come down… In fact, his sinuses seemed to be even more clogged than before, making breathing awfully difficult.
"Bless you, um… Do you need to sit down?", Hercules asked, noticeably worried, which only caused Phil to blush from how awkward he felt.
"No! We have to continue with your training! Don't you get lazy now!", he was quick to reply, and cleared his throat once again in an attempt to pull himself together. Fine, if he said so… Hercules went back in his position, but there was still that expression of concern on his face. Phil stood up straight and tried his best to act as if everything were alright, but with every passing second, he looked sicker and sicker to the young man...
It was getting increasingly harder for the Satyr to keep control over his body, let alone concentrate on his surroundings. He almost seemed like a newborn foal, stumbling around as if none of his four legs wanted to carry him any longer. And yet, he attempted to force himself to carry on regardless, since he'd feel way too embarrassed to admit how much he was struggling. He was the authority figure here after all, the teacher with a task of high importance, and being seen as 'weak', as Hercules had called it before… that hurt his ego.
"Alright", Hercules gave in, even though he raised an eyebrow at his stumbling.
"Can you show me how to aim it the right way?"
"What do you mean…”, there was an intense ringing in Phil’s head… it suddenly felt like he was being lifted off the ground…
"Uh… the bow? The arrow?", Hercules tilted his head.
"Ohhh, right…! Of course, you mean the arrow!", Phil nervously laughed it off.
"Of course, I know what you're talking about!"
What unusual behavior for him… He swallowed down the wave of nausea that had begun to build in his middle. The embarrassment was written all over his face, but poor Phil tried to hide it with a strict expression.
"Give them to me! I’ll show you how it’s done!", he demanded and pulled the bow and remaining two arrows out of Hercules' hands. The goat man got into the right position, despite his shaky legs, and took another deep breath to try and keep his body from crumbling.
"I'll show you one last time. Now watch carefully!", Phil drew the bow violently, almost threatening to snatch the arrow in half. His anger was honestly directed towards himself, or rather his own state… when he wasn’t acting strangely, he came across as especially rude. Hercules couldn't help but feel flabbergasted due to Phils odd behavior. Just how was he supposed to react?
"Look, you hold it in this angle. Never too low. You have to stretch it far enough. Alright?"
Hercules nodded quickly, but all he could focus on was how much his hands were trembling.
"Good! All you need to do now is to let go and don't move a muscle!!", however, he did not shoot the arrow, instead he handed the bow back to Hercules.
"Try again", Phil prompted, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He started to feel nauseous all over again... Probably because he’d moved too quickly, and because the world around him began to spin. For a short moment, he held his breath in order to prevent the nausea from building any further, but sadly it didn’t seem to help. Right as the demigod was about to shoot, a loud, painful sounding gurgle erupted from Phil’s chubby belly, making him gasp audibly… Especially as an airy belch forced its way up his throat, Hercules’ attention was on him again. No… he simply couldn’t focus on his training when he knew that Phil was so sick.
“Maybe we should-“
“No…! Mrrp… Stop-”, Phil’s voice broke without him realizing it… his hind legs suddenly gave in, and he sank down, plopping onto the ground. White and purple dots were dancing in front of his eyes, and he began to whimper as his stomach seemingly moved in circles inside him… at least that’s what it felt like…
“Phil-“, Hercules widened his eyes in shock, and he bent down to reach for his arm.
“Don’t touch me!!”, the Satyr hissed, roughly slapping his hand away, but in all honesty, he feared he could throw up all over him… that would be awful. That would be the only way for this situation to get any more humiliating than it already was. The confused demigod could only stand there and watch as Phil pressed his eyes shut, trying so hard to somehow calm his agitated insides, and stop his head from spinning…
As much as Phil had hoped for the pain and dizziness to slowly fade away, instead, more and more sour tasting saliva began to pool underneath his tongue. The fear of what was about to happen made him whimper again… and before he knew what was happening to him, it began with a wet belch, and suddenly, he expelled the contents of his stomach right in front of him. There went his breakfast… it didn’t taste half as delicious coming back up. Hercules stumbled backwards in shock, and simply watched… it was a horrifying and concerning sight to see his teacher throw up like this.
“Phil…!”, he gasped… No, this time he wouldn’t let him turn him away. The young man approached him, and slowly knelt down next to him so he could rub his back.
“Kid… get away from me…”, even  though the Satyr said that, he sounded like he wanted the opposite really… he couldn’t keep his façade up a second longer. Now it was all over anyway… What he’d wanted to avoid so badly had already happened. Hercules had seen him vomit. And worst of all, he was trying to comfort him, too…!
“Shh… hey, it’s alright…! I also get sick sometimes…”, Hercules smiled a bit shyly.
“Do you want to know what helps me a lot then?”
The demigod gently reached over to Phil’s big belly… because he was such a tiny creature, his student could easily rub both his back and his middle at once. Surprised, Phil shifted a little, his small goat body quivering… His face was so red, he almost looked like a squished tomato.
Hercules hushed him softly… for now, it might be better if Phil simply didn’t speak at all. It was unusual to see him so… quiet. So stiff in Hercules’ embrace. The warmth of the man’s touch felt very nice to the creature, but it was also incredibly awkward and strange… even more so when it coaxed several small, wet belches out of him. He feared he could have to throw up again, but it seemed like there was simply nothing left inside… which was good, in a way. But admittedly, Phil was pretty upset about letting his breakfast go to waste. No matter how much he’d fought it, there was just no way he could keep his body going a second longer…
“… Sorry about that…”
“Please don’t apologize… You can’t control how you feel…”
Phil turned his head away… His nose was starting to itch again, and he felt a sneeze coming up. Why? Why did this have to happen? Why now? Why in front of Hercules? He was so frustrated… after another deafeningly loud sneeze that made his ears pop, he began to whine. It almost looked like tears shot into his eyes for a moment.
“Maybe you should lie down”, Hercules suggested, with a soft tone in his voice.
“It’s no use to push yourself even more…”
“And what about you?”, Phil mumbled. He was slurring his words, it was like his tongue didn’t want to listen to him anymore. A thick tear rolled down his cheek – no, he wasn’t crying! It’s from the itch in his nose.
“Who’s gonna teach you how to shoot that arrow?”
“I can practice alone”, Hercules insisted.
“The things you already taught me! Revision is good, isn’t it? And if I learn it on my own, it’ll stick better.”
“I suppose…”
Finally, Phil allowed Hercules to help him back onto his feet. Even though his knees were still shaky, he somehow managed to stand on his own again now. Admittedly, getting everything out of his system made him feel a little bit better, but still – far from well enough to continue teaching. The Satyr sniffled, trying to get some air into his nose… but his sinuses were still so clogged, all it did was make his throat and ears tickle. As much as it annoyed him, he had to continue breathing through his mouth, which only further agitated his sore throat.
“Come on, take it easy for today… I’ll get you to bed”, Hercules offered.
“NO. … No, thanks. I’m fine on my own.”
There was his pride again… Hercules was honestly pretty happy to see it, for once. That could only mean he’d be fine, right?
“If you’d like any tea or-“
“I’m sick, not a baby”, Phil hissed, and almost stumbled over his own feet. He hated that Hercules had to catch him again… His hooves felt like they were too big for his body somehow. Maybe still from the dizziness… he really had to get some sleep…
“… Thanks.”
The demigod chuckled softly as he watched him stagger off… well, hopefully he’d feel better by tomorrow. He already knew it would get pretty lonely without his nagging. Once again, Hercules took the bow and arrow – and shot. This time, he managed to hit the apple.
“Phil! I did it!”, he grinned proudly.
“Do you want the apple??”
“HURK” – well, that loud gagging noise was enough of a response for Hercules…
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