#the man from u.n.c.l.e x reader
amournoir · 11 months
ok first, i just wanna say i absolutely love your writing and i'm so excited for you to write henry characters! second, is it okay if i request a fluff prompt for #8d and #8e for Napoleon Solo?
i'm sorry for asking for 2 of them 🙈 xx
Fluff Prompt | N.S {request}
℘ prompt — neck kiss (#8d) / shoulder kiss (#8e)
℘ warning — none, just fluff
℘ pairing — napoleon solo x f!reader
℘ count — 1.1k
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the open concept living room and kitchen, Y/N sat at the counter, her eyes fixed on Napoleon Solo, her charming and dashing boyfriend, as he gracefully moved around the kitchen, preparing a delightful dinner for the two of them. Napoleon's culinary skills were as impressive as his spy tactics, and watching him chop vegetables and sauté ingredients filled Y/N's heart with both admiration and affection. The aroma of the sizzling food enveloped the room, teasing her senses and making her stomach growl with anticipation.
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Napoleon took a spoonful of the simmering sauce and walked over to where Y/N was seated. "Care to taste and give your approval, my love?" he asked, extending the spoon towards her.
Y/N gladly obliged, her lips parting to let the rich flavors dance on her tongue. She nodded approvingly, a contented smile forming on her lips. "Mmm, it's perfect," she praised, earning a pleased grin from Napoleon.
"Excellent," he replied, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I aim to please."
But Napoleon wasn't satisfied with just a kiss on her cheek. As he retreated to the kitchen, he couldn't resist the temptation to return to Y/N's side. He sauntered back into the living room, his eyes never leaving hers, and without a word, he extended his hand, inviting her to stand with him.
Intrigued and excited, Y/N rose from her seat, slipping her hand into Napoleon's. With the soft melody playing in the background, he pulled her close, and they swayed to the rhythm of their hearts. His hand rested on the small of her back, guiding her movements with effortless grace.
The world outside seemed to fade away as they danced, locked in each other's gaze. Napoleon's touch was electrifying, sending tingles down her spine, and Y/N found herself melting into his embrace. As their bodies pressed closer, she felt his warm breath on her neck, and a shiver ran through her.
He couldn't resist trailing soft kisses along her neck and shoulder, and Y/N couldn't suppress the soft gasps that escaped her lips. The intimacy of the moment heightened, their hearts beating in unison. Napoleon's lips found hers, gentle yet passionate, and they shared a lingering kiss that spoke of their deep connection.
Their slow dance turned into a dance of passion, the flames of desire slowly igniting between them. But this was more than just physical attraction; it was the intensity of their love and the trust they had in each other that made every touch and every kiss meaningful.
As they swayed to the music, their souls seemed to merge, and the world felt like a whirlwind of emotions. Y/N could feel Napoleon's love for her in every caress, every whisper, and every stolen glance. It was a love that made her heart soar and brought tears of joy to her eyes. They moved as one, perfectly attuned to each other's desires and needs. The steamy atmosphere filled with their shared affection, yet they moved with an unspoken understanding that there was no rush, no need to hurry. This moment was for them alone, to revel in their love and devotion.
Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, a seamless dance of love and affection. Napoleon's arms wrapped around Y/N's waist, holding her close, while her hands rested gently on his broad shoulders. Their steps were graceful, each movement deliberate yet effortless, as they swayed to the soft melody that filled the air.
Y/N's head rested on Napoleon's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a comforting sound that made her feel secure and cherished. His lips brushed against her forehead, leaving a trail of tender kisses that made her heart flutter.
Their eyes locked, and in that gaze, they communicated without words, their love flowing between them like an unbreakable bond. As they danced, the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own intimate universe. The room seemed to fill with a warm glow, as if their love radiated like a beacon, enveloping them in a cocoon of affection.
Time seemed to stand still as they danced, lost in the moment and in each other. Each step they took was a testament to their commitment, their devotion, and their unwavering love. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the person in their arms, the one they held so close to their heart. Their love was a dance of tenderness, a symphony of emotions that left them breathless and filled with joy.
The world outside may have been filled with chaos, but in each other's arms, they found peace and serenity. Their dance was a celebration of their love story, a tale written in every movement, every touch, every stolen kiss. With every turn and every dip, they felt their souls intertwining, becoming one in their shared affection. They were lost in the sweetness of the moment, savoring the beauty of their love, as if time itself had granted them this moment of bliss.
Their dance was a testament to the depth of their connection, a dance of love that transcends all boundaries. It was a dance that spoke of a love that would endure any challenge, a love that would last for eternity.
As the song came to an end, they held each other close, unwilling to break the spell they had woven around them. Their hearts beat as one, their breaths mingled, and they knew that in this dance, they had found their forever. In the arms of the one they loved, they found home. And as they gazed into each other's eyes, they knew that every step they took together would be a dance of love, a dance that they would cherish for the rest of their lives.
As the last musical note rang out through the room, Napoleon dipped Y/N slightly, and their eyes locked once more. "I love you," he whispered, his voice tender and sincere.
"I love you Leon," she replied, her voice filled with adoration.
With a smile that could rival the stars, Napoleon lifted Y/N back up and held her close, their foreheads touching. They knew that this dance was just one of many they would share in their journey together, a journey of love, trust, and passion that knew no bounds.
In each other's arms, they found solace and strength, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could conquer any mission life threw their way. And in this intimate moment, they felt more invincible than any spy mission could ever make them feel.
As the night continued to unfold, they savored their dinner together, basking in the warmth of their love and the knowledge that in each other, they had found their home, their safe haven in the chaos of the world. And so, in the tender embrace of each other, they embraced the beauty of the present, cherishing the love that made every moment a masterpiece.
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🏷️ taglist:
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I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl
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Title: I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Napoleon Solo x Reader
Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: Napoleon wines and dines.
Warnings: barely any 60s references so if you were looking for that I'm sorry, incorrect table manners, a little bit of Daddy kink, unprotected p-in-v because these are fictional characters
A/N: The title is taken from the song “I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl” by Nina Simone. Literally the naughtiest and sweetest title at the exact same time. A very sexy song, if you have never heard it, do yourself a favor!!! Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @saradika
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist 
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“What is a lovely little rose like you doing all alone in a place like this?” 
The voice startles you as you sip your espresso at the corner cafe. Of course, being alone in a cafe had its downsides. This wasn’t the first time you were approached here. This wasn’t the first time you were approached today, even. You look up to see who the voice belongs to and you almost drop your teeny cup.
The jawline alone had your panties in a cinch. But the eyes, those are what draw you in. The blue of his eyes was like out of a painting, and you could hardly say you’d ever seen anyone with a tiny golden-brown spot in their left eye. Was that his only flaw? From here, it appeared so. The suit he wore was perfectly tailored. His shoes were shiny like a new penny. You were shaken from your ogling by his voice again.
“Have I passed inspection, Miss…?” You give your name and he tests it out on his tongue. “A beautiful name for a beautiful rose,” With a flick of his wrist, a gorgeous and very real rose appears in his hands and he hands it to you.
You sputter out a laugh as you reach for the rose. He tilts his head as he watches you lift the flower to your nose, inhaling its sweet scent. He walks around the table and sits across from you, almost daring you to tell him to get lost. But, of course, you don’t. You are delighted to see where this may lead.
“So, what is a man dressed so well doing talking to a girl like me? Surely, you must be on your way to some type of important, or at least, fancy meeting?” You sit back, eyeing the man whose name you still haven’t caught.
“I’ll let you in a little secret. I’ve seen you here before. I know you go to the local college and after class, you like to stop here for an espresso before boarding a train back to wherever it is that you live. You’ll be happy to know I have not followed you back to your home. But, sometimes you get a sweet treat. A cinnamon roll on Mondays, perhaps a cherry and cheese danish on Wednesdays, but on Fridays? You spring for something devilish.” He ends his sentence just as your slice of devil’s food cake is set in front of you by the waiter.
“You really have been watching me. A girl with a different head on her shoulders may be nervous knowing she’s being watched. But, you don’t scare me,” you smile at him and start to dig into your cake, “If anything, I’d love to know why you find me so interesting. I mean, there are girls here with shorter skirts than mine.”
“The skirt wasn’t exactly what I was after,” his eyes linger on your mouth as your fork slowly glides back out of it, “Company. That’s mostly what I’m after. Your company. Not theirs.”
“I don’t even know your name, Mr…” You eagerly wait to hear the mysterious man’s name.
“I’ll give you my name, but I’ll need a promise that I may cook you dinner. No dinner, no name. And we act like this little conversation never happened,” he licks his lips, watching you watching him, “So, what do you say, my little rose? Will I introduce myself or will I walk off, doomed to enjoy dinner alone?”
You set down your fork, suddenly uninterested in the last bite of your cake. But instead of pushing the plate to the side, you run your pointer finger through a bit of the icing left behind. Raising your hand and pushing your chair back, you saunter over to the man’s chair. Sitting in his lap, much to the chagrin of the other couples on the terrace. You wipe the icing on his bottom lip. Leaning in while keeping eye contact, you lick away the chocolate until you take his bottom lip between your teeth. His eyes close for but a second and the slightest grunt escapes between his lips and into your mouth.
“I believe I’ve made my intentions clear but I’ll make sure they are crystal. I’m not some delicate flower, I can handle myself. And as handsome and mysterious as you are, if you try anything I don’t feel comfortable with, I’ll handle you as well. We have an understanding, I presume?” 
“You presume correctly. And please, I didn’t call you a poppy or a tulip. You’re a rose. A beautiful flower, but the thorns are treacherous. I’ll make sure you keep those at bay.”
“You owe me a name, pretty boy.” You insist, adjusting your seating in his lap and feeling a hefty bulge underneath you.
“Napoleon Solo.”
“Let’s go, then, Napoleon. I’m famished and I could use something a bit more substantial than that tiny slice of cake.”
Napoleon rises, his hands on your hips as he sets you on your feet. He waits for you to pick up your belongings, walks around the table, and grabs your hand to lead you off the terrace. He walks you to his car, opening the door for you to get in. This was your last chance to change your mind, but, you were having way too much fun.
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You ride to his apartment building, and a valet takes the keys to his car before he opens the door for you to exit. A swanky place where it looks like the only people who can afford to stay here must have Esquire or some kind of title attached to their name. You decide to toss caution to the wind because it isn’t like you are staying here. It’s Napoleon who is, and you are is his guest.
You take the elevator up, making out with the tall and gorgeous stranger. The elevator rises as well as his hand up your skirt. Just as his hand reaches the top of your thigh, the elevator signals your arrival on the fourth floor. Napoleon takes your hand and leads you to Apartment 412. He unlocks the door and lets you enter first.
“So, my little rose, I was thinking for dinner I will make us Beef Bourguignon. And for dessert, what say we make it up as we go along?”
“As long as you don’t expect me to do all the cooking, I’m happy to sit back and eat and be merry, Napoleon.”
“Perfect, my little rose. Feel free to make yourself a drink, and do turn on some music. I do better with a bit of background noise.” 
You busy yourself with making an Old Fashioned, finding everything at your fingertips and ready to go. You take a sip and groan inwardly as the bourbon warms your insides. You walk from the little makeshift bar into the kitchen and offer Napoleon a sip. He applauds your drink-making skills and ushers you back out to the record player as he dons an apron and begins to cook.  
You busy yourself with looking at records while soon the smells of sauteed beef reach your nostrils. You only refresh your drink once while listening to Nina Simone Sing the Blues. Her dulcet tones woo you as the bourbon in your drink loosens you up. You don’t notice that you are being watched as Napoleon walks over and fixes himself a White Russian.
He watches as you sway and sing along with Nina. It’s only a matter of time before the timer in the kitchen sounds and he leaves you to your enjoyment of the music. He makes your plates, sets the table, and lights the few candles that sit therein. He pours you both a glass of pinot noir. His last step is to come and beckon you to your dinner. He does so by sidling up behind you and placing his hands gently on your shoulders as his lips dip down to your ears.
“Dinner’s ready, my little rose.” He takes your hand and leads you to the table, pulling your chair out for you in a gesture that wasn’t necessary but is quite romantic. If you weren’t already a bit light-headed from the Old Fashioned, that would have done it!
“Napoleon, this smells amazing. Are you sure you didn’t have some minions in the kitchen helping you to prepare this?”
“I promise, it was just me. Try it, tell me if it needs anything.”
You take a bite of the aromatic beef stew and it melts in your mouth. You can’t exactly help the satisfied groan that escapes your lips, much to the enjoyment of Napoleon.
“I take it you like it then?” The smug smile looks good on him, damn that man.
“Oh, I like it, Mr. Solo. You sure know your way to this woman’s heart. And that is through her stomach.”
He raises his glass of wine, and you raise yours as well. “To my little rose, may she only leave here satisfied. In every which way she chooses to be.”
You clink your glass against his and take a sip, knowing full well that you are going to sleep with this man before the night is over. Or at least, you hope to. You’d like to see what his face looks like in the throes of passion. And there is nothing sexier than a man who knows how to engage all of your senses in one meal.
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You finish dinner and wipe your mouth, feeling for all the world like a stuffed pig. You were happy and you were tipsy and you wanted Napoleon to know just how grateful you were. But weren’t you promised dessert?
“So, dessert then?” You ask. 
“You stay seated, I’ll get these out of the way before we start on dessert.” Napoleon wipes his own mouth and comes to collect your plates and take them to the kitchen. When he comes back to the table, he easily pulls your chair back and lifts you easily onto the dining room table. At your look of confusion, he smirks yet again. “Did I not tell you that I would be enjoying you as dessert, my little rose?”
“No, I don’t believe you mentioned that. But, I do believe we both will enjoy that. Do your worst,  Mr. Solo.” You position your thighs for Napoleon to remove your panties. He sits in your chair, pulling himself up to the table and setting your legs over his shoulders. 
He kisses your thighs slowly until you are whimpering for him to take you out of your misery. He obliges by pulling your ass to the very edge of the table and using the flat of his tongue to lick a strip up your sex. An inhuman sound exits your mouth and you have absolutely no fucks to give at this point. 
“You taste like Heaven, my little rose,” he kisses your swollen nub and looks up at you, “but how do you feel?” He uses a single finger to circle your button a couple of times before drawing a line to your entrance. He enters your core slowly and his finger is a perfect fit. Not too much, not too little. Just enough to start to open you up. He starts to kiss and suck at your clit until your hand finds purchase in his chestnut locks. He lets you pull him down into your pussy, savoring every little spasm of your canal. 
Before long, a second and a third finger join the first and your moans bounce off of the walls. With one curve of his fingers, he finds your inner bundle of nerves and you reward him with a squeezing of your cunt and the melody of your orgasm. He licks up every drop of your nectar off you, and as he pulls out his fingers, he sucks them dry as well.
He stands, unbuttoning his slacks and fisting his cock while looking at your sweet blissed-out little face. “Can my little rose take some more dessert?”
“Yes, Daddy, please?” You whine, wrapping your legs around Napoleon’s waist and drawing him closer.
“That’s my good little rose,” he praised, lining himself up and entering you swiftly, “Ohhhhh, you take me so well. Best dessert I’ve ever had.”
He leans down to kiss you as he pulls out slightly and slams back in, swallowing your moans. Holding your face in his hands, he begins a steady rhythm inside you and hits your spots as if you had created his dick in a lab in some odd science experiment.
Soon, he drags orgasm after orgasm out of you until all you can say is Daddy and Yes. An endless stream of nonsensical noises comes out as well, but Napoleon is all too happy to commit those to memory while not commenting on them. He just continues to pound into you mercilessly, chasing his own release now that your juices cover the front of his slacks.
“Are you ready for Daddy to fill you?” He asks, a bruising hold on your hips as he plows into you.
“Yes, Daddy, yes!” You gasp, tears falling down your cheeks as you are overstimulated.
“Fuuuuuck, such a good little rose!” He exclaims as his hips settle flush against yours. 
You can feel every twitch of his dick as he empties inside you. You watch as the sweat from his brow drips down his temple as his eyes close. You hear his breathing pick up as he tries to steady himself. The heady scent of sex in the air intoxicates you. You grab him by the tie and pull him down to kiss you. All five senses are ablaze with Napoleon Solo.
Your hand through his hair is what allows him the strength to open his eyes again. He looks at you as though you hung the moon. He remains inside you as he slots his lips against yours before resting in the crook of your neck.
“Gotta love a man that cooks. You can always stuff me twice.” You laugh, not being able to stop yourself from accidentally pushing Napoleon out of you.
“Really? A joke right now?” He laughs, standing to his full height and looking down to see his spend leaking out of you.
“I couldn’t help myself, Mr. Solo. It just…came to me.”
“I bet, my little rose.” He helps you down from the table and ushers you to the bathroom as he cleans the rest of the table up.
You clean yourself up and meet Napoleon back in the living room as he sits on the couch. You enjoy listening to some more music and having a few more drinks with him, forgetting all about your train home. 
You wanted a little sugar in your bowl, after all. And you got it and then some. This man was sweet enough to give you cavities ten times over and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry
[@mayloma @littlefreya I tagged you both because of the reblogs earlier lol]
**Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list and for what plz  😁**
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sithbvcky · 1 month
Inspired by the film "The Man From U.N.C.L.E", after learning of your estranged father's nefarious ties to an underground organization, you find yourself caught in the middle of two enemy spies and a whole lot of trouble. Bucky x Female!Reader. Warnings: Language, typical spy violence Word Count: 1,148
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“Are you kidding me?” Sam protested. “I have to team up with bionic staring machine?” He pointed at Bucky who had his arms crossed over his chest and a sour look on his face. 
“It’s just for the mission, Sam. We need his help.” Tony explained. “He’s knows his role already, but we need you to get the girl out of East Berlin first.”  
“Should I tell her about the arranged marriage or save that for later?” Sam said sarcastically, earning a glare from Bucky. 
“It’s bad enough I gotta be partnered with the man who tried to kill me, but now I gotta set her up with you.” Sam continued. Bucky clutched his fists together, his mechanical arm whirring. 
“Enough! There’s more important shit here than who gets the girl, damnit!” Tony shouted. Bucky relaxed and Sam sighed. Tony continued, 
“Sam, you focus on the Russo’s themselves. Mrs. Victoria Russo is the one to watch out for, she’s the brains behind the whole operation. Theres your girl.” Tony said snidely. 
“If all goes well we stop an underground nazi organization from selling their warheads to our enemies. Got it?” Tony finished. Bucky and Sam looked at each other begrudgingly. This mission would definitely be bumpy but they’d both be damned if they didn’t make it work. Even if they couldn’t stand each other. 
“Got it, boss.” Sam confirmed. Bucky nodded silently.
“Good, let the charade begin.” Tony clapped his hands then left the room, leaving the other two men standing in silence. 
“You better not screw this up, man.” Sam taunted. 
“Just stay out of my way then.” Bucky retorted. 
“I don’t want to be covering your ass if you lose your cool.” Sam shot back. 
“You worry about you, you forget how long I’ve been in this business.” Bucky snapped. 
“I didn’t forget what you did for most of your life, not just espionage. You sure you can keep that caged?” Sam knew he was getting under Bucky’s skin. He could tell by the way Bucky’s fingers on his flesh hand began to tap against his leg. 
“I can handle myself.” Bucky moved forward, slamming his shoulder into Sam’s as he made his way out of the room. 
East Berlin
Sam approached the mechanic shop, straightening his suit as he stepped inside. 
“I’m looking for Y/N Y/L/N.” He said to the first man he spotted. The man gestured with his thumb to the back where a pair of legs were sticking out from underneath a car. 
“That’s a beautiful machine.” He commented, standing above them. You pushed yourself out from under the car and glared up at Sam. 
“Can I assist you?” You asked, your face was smudged with black. Grease and oil from the car. 
“You can, you are Miss Y/L/N, right?” Sam asked, moving to place the briefcase he carried with him on the desk beside the car. You rolled yourself back underneath the car, 
“Depends on who’s asking.” You retorted, returning to tinkering with the machine. 
“Do you know where your father is?” Sam continued, taking a seat in the empty chair. You rolled yourself back out from under the car and sat up, wiping your hands with an already dirty towel. 
“No, I haven’t spoken to him for many years. Why?” You asked, standing up to your feet now. 
“There is reason to believe that your father is in league with a very dangerous group of people and we need to get to him, fast.” Sam stated, intertwining his fingers and leaning back in the chair. 
“And why would I want to help, let alone know where he is. I already told you we haven’t spoken in many years.” You responded sharply. 
“Well, you can either come with me or let them pay you a visit next. I assure you it will not be as friendly.” Sam started as he stood up from the chair. He walked over to the entrance of the garage to peek outside, noticing the shadow of someone watching. 
“May I borrow your car?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“We need to get out of East Berlin, and I don’t have a car so, may I borrow yours?” He was urgent yet still polite. He was still peering outside of the garage, as if expecting someone. Realizing you didn’t have much choice, you pulled the keys from the pocket of your overalls. 
“Marvelous! You drive.” 
After a rather perilous chase through the streets of East Berlin by who you assumed were the evil people your father dealt with, you arrived back at a small hotel on the other side of the wall. Far from the little shop you had spent a good amount of time in. Sam had prepared a small meal for you then disappeared into the other room where you assumed whomever was giving the orders was waiting. Being chased by some evil nazi group was enough to ruin your appetite. Instead, you decided to rest on the little cot in the corner
The next day, you found yourself trying on dresses, hats and handbags. All in the name of espionage. 
“These are more expensive than my car!” You remarked, twirling around in the latest statement dresses of the year. The door to the shop opened and a strong but stern looking man walked in. His hands were in his pockets, his eyes looked at you coldly. 
“That is not how an architect would dress his fiancée.” His tone was just as cold as his stare. 
“Fiancée?!” You exclaimed, looking from Sam to the strange man who just entered. Sam shrugged. 
“No. No! This is not happening.” You tossed the earrings and rings onto the floor and stormed out of the building with Sam on your heels. He grabbed you by the arm to stop you, 
“Listen, I know it is not ideal but it is just for the mission. I promise, he is going to protect you while I infiltrate the Russo’s.” Sam explained. 
“Who are you supposed to be?” You asked, as Sam let go of your arm.
“I am Arthur Hammond, specialist of fine art. The Russo’s happen to have an extensive exhibit.” He smiled and you sighed. 
Reluctantly, you walked back into the store and stormed straight past the man and into the dressing room. 
“Good job, pal.” Sam remarked. 
“You were dressing her like she still lives behind the wall.” Bucky retorted. 
“She’s from behind the wall.” Sam shot back. 
“Not anymore she isn’t, so she will no longer dress that way.” Bucky replied, the pair were starting to get more intense when you reappeared from the dressing room in a beautiful new dress. 
“Have you seen the price of this handbag? It costs more than anything I’ve ever owned.”
Bucky looked back at Sam with a smirk. This was indeed going to be a rough ride. 
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ltlthetrifecta · 2 years
Hi everyone!
I am not new to Tumblr, but I just had to make a blog dedicated to Bullet Train. It has such a hold on me and I’m genuinely obsessed.
The Perfect Trifecta: Ladybug, Tangerine, and Lemon (hence the name 👀).
This blog is 18+.
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A little bit about me:
Name: Ki Age: 26 Pronouns: she/her True to this, not new to this lol. Multifandom (my primary fandoms are listed below). AO3 linked HERE
Requests open for:
OTP questions/prompts/quotes
_____ as Tumblr/Twitter posts
Fandoms/ships I write for:
Bullet Train
Tanbug/Tangbug (Ladybug x Tangerine)
Tangerine x Reader
Ladybug x Reader
Man from U.N.C.L.E
Napollya (Napoleon x Illya)
Napoleon x Reader
Kraven the Hunter
Kraven x Reader
My other fandoms:
The Witcher Sherlock Doctor Who Heartstopper
Bullet Train Characters as Tweets/Tumblr Posts
Tanbug/Tangbug Otp Questions Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Bullet Train Gif Sets: 1 2 3
tell me no lies on ao3
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
1900 followers celebration 🎀
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You guys!!! thank you <3
I know I said I don't take requests now, but, to celebrate 1900 followers, I'm opening my requests again ^^
Celebration event [Nov 10 - Nov 17]
1) ship requests (mention which fandom(s), your sexuality, bit about your interests and personality traits)
2) moodboard requests
3) drabble requests (you can send your own or send a prompt from the lists below)
4) ask me anything
1. cozy/sleepy prompts
2. not appreciating the gifts their so got them (ooh yes, do I sense some angst?)
3. the domestic good stuff
4. smut prompts
5. found family prompts
6. random prompts
the fandoms/characters I write for
moon knight
werewolf by night
the sandman
the man from the u.n.c.l.e
eddie brock
matthew murdock
frank castle
the rules:
- I only write female reader x male character
- It goes without saying but please be polite, demanding & impolite requests will be deleted
example request:
"Hi! Can I get a Anthony x reader with the prompt x? Thanks!"
"Could I request a drabble with Jack Russel with the prompt x?"
- You can send more than one request
- I can't promise I'll write every single request I get, but I'll try my best
- My writing maybe slow cause I'm in the middle of studying schedule, please bear with me
- Specify if you want it to be romantic or platonic
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fortnite-ao3feed · 2 years
what does andrew tit want…?
by Meow (Nothankubye)
andrew tate despeterly wants to be dominated but is live in front of his bugatti boyfriends, 17 year old girls and a dominating mysagonistic bugatti owner.
Words: 40, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Bugatti gang, 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Dream SMP, Aespa (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), ENHYPEN (Band), LOONA (Korea Band), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Big Bang (Band), Stray Kids (Band), Once Upon a Time (TV), Wings of Fire - Tui T. Sutherland, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015), W.I.T.C.H., Cum Town (Podcast), Minecraft (Video Game), Fortnite (Video Game), Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Andrew Tate, You, bugatti colour
Relationships: Andrew Tate/Bugatti, Andrew Tate/Reader
Additional Tags: bugatti - Freeform, Smut, Colours, andrew is fugly, ipreferwomen, is - Freeform, this, ME - Freeform, coming, Out, ? - Freeform, OMG imsuchabadahh, Anyways, #womenisbest, andrew is a little discord puss, he just hides it for his persona, STREAM SEXY NUKIM
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42147432
0 notes
make-me-imagine · 4 years
Autumn Leaves
Feelings you had kept close to your hearts, safely hidden in a pair of autumn leaves. 
Prompt: ‘Autumn Leaves’
Requested by: @maellem​
Pairing: Napoleon Solo x Gn!Reader
Words: 2.1k
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You smiled lightly as you walked down the park steps, the orange, yellow and rust covered leaves floating to the ground around you, the occasional leaf landing and bouncing of your head and shoulders. A light breeze blew through the trees, the sound paired with the dribbling of a nearby fountain, and families laughing in the playground. 
Stepping awkwardly to the left to step on a brown leaf, you felt an odd sense of satisfaction when it crunched audibly underneath your foot. Spotting another brown leaf just ahead of you, you stepped, with a slight hop, you stomped on the leaf, disappointed when there was no sound.
Solo smiled at your behavior, as he walked just behind you, watching you hop from one leaf to another, not caring about anything else around you. His heart beat picked up a little as he felt a fluttering in his chest. You always did that to him. He wasn’t really used to it, someone making him feel like that. But if it was anyone, he was glad it was you, though he knew he could do nothing with it, with you, at least not yet. 
As you stopped in your place, Solo stopped in his, watching as you crouched down to the ground “Y/n?” he asked in curiosity as he moved to be by your side.
“Careful” you said, sticking out your arm to stop him “Don’t step on him” 
Solo knit his brow as he peered around the side of you, crouching down. He smiled as he saw you corral a small fuzzy caterpillar onto a leaf. You slowly picked up the leaf, carrying it off towards the trees before placing it gently in a safe spot. 
“There you go” you whispered quietly before standing and turning aback to Solo with a smile on your face. You paused as you saw a peculiar look on his face as he looked at you, you felt your face begin to burn “What?”.
He shook his head lightly as he stood, a smile stretching across his face. Walking over to you, you stayed still as he stopped in front of you.
You stared at him as he paused, trying to ignore the intense butterflies in your stomach. You had known Solo for a little over two months now, and he never failed to make you nervous. Working with U.N.C.L.E was intense, but he always had a certain air about him that always made you feel safe. But you knew he was considered a serial womanizer, so you were always afraid there would never be anything real there. But it never stopped the butterflies.
Slowly he reached up, his hand coming up past your face, before grabbing a small orange and yellow leaf that had been sitting on your beanie hat. Holding it between his fingers in front of you, he met your eyes with a small smile “Make a wish?”
“Isn’t that for eyelashes?” you asked quietly, taking the leaf as he handed it to you, his fingers lingering under yours for a moment before he pulled his hand away. 
“Yes, but you should always take a chance where you can get it” he took one last look at you before he forced himself to step away, turning he took a step away as he adjusted his suit jacket. 
You smiled as you twirled the leaf through your fingers as you made a silent wish before slipping it into your coat pocket. Looking back up, you smiled as you approached Solo, reaching up, you removed a small rust colored leaf from his shoulder. 
Feeling the pressure, Solo looked over his shoulder before turning seeing you remove the leaf. You met his eyes with a smile, holding it up “Now you get a wish” 
He smiled, taking it from your hand, his fingers lingering on yours for a second like he had before. Looking at the leaf, he made a wish to himself before looking back at you with a light smile, which you returned. 
Solo turned away from you sightly, his eyes landing on the large clock on a nearby church bell-tower “Well, shall we?” he asked reaching out his arm for you to take “Peril will be angry if we’re late”
You chuckled as you looped your arm through him and fell into a steady pace as you continued through the park “He’s always angry”
Solo chuckled as he stuck the leaf in his jacket pocket without you seeing “That is certainly true” 
~Two Months Later~
As you stared out the window as the snow fluttered down over the small European city, you could see the nearby colorful lights from the Christmas tree placed in the town square. You turned back at the sound of Solo coming back into the room. His eyes landed on you momentarily as he set down his briefcase.
“Anything exciting happen?” you asked, rising from your seat at the window sill.
“No, went exactly as planned. Placed the tracker in the car. Now we wait” 
You hummed in response as you wandered over to a chair in front of the fireplace. Watching as Solo tossed another log onto the flames. 
Solo and you had been paired up to check in on a possible terror organization, and now you were sharing a small flat. You had been dancing around each other recently, ever since that day in the park a couple months previous. You were still afraid Solo would not be willing to have a long-term relationship, and Solo was afraid he’d hurt you, and afraid that you would not trust him. But now, having to spend all your time around each other, you couldn’t hide from your feelings as easily as you could before. 
Leaning back into the cushioned couch, you rose your legs, so your whole body was resting in the chair, turning your head, you stared into the flickering fireplace. Solo sat across from you, his eyes grazing over your figure before they landed on your face. Solo had recently come to the realization that it did not matter how much he tried to distance himself from you, or ignore his feelings. Nothing he did stopped them, in fact, they only ever made them grow.
Glancing over at Solo, you see him staring at you, his face reflecting the same expression he had on his face that day in the park, the same expression that made your heart beat rapidly. 
“What?” you asked quietly. 
You could see the realization that he had been staring cross his face as he rose his brow, adjusting his posture “Nothing, sorry” You frowned slightly, wondering if you should question him more, but before you could he cleared his throat and sat up “Actually, I lied, there is something”
“What is it?” 
“I- “ he hesitated “I’m not quite sure how to explain what I need to clearly” he frowned as he stared at the fire. 
“It’s okay. We have the time” you said quietly, nervous. 
He looked at you now “Yes. But I fear I’ve already wasted some of the time I could have had” his voice was so sincere, it almost sounded sad. Staring at you for another moment, he suddenly rose, reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his wallet before sitting back down.
Opening the leather case he pulled out a small handkerchief. He stared at it for a moment before he handed it to you. You gazed at it in wonder as you looked at him, he gestured his head towards it, giving you permission to open it.
Slowly unfolding it in the palm of your hand, your heart began to pound in your chest, and the oh-so familiar butterflies returned as you saw the corner of a rusty brow leaf. Opening the handkerchief completely, you stared down at the familiar leaf in surprise. “It’s the leaf I pulled off your jacket” you couldn’t tell if you were asking or confirming. You knew it was the same leaf, but you didn’t want to assume to much. 
“Yes” Solo said, confirming anyway. 
You looked up at him for a moment before setting it on the small table nearby, rising and walking over to your bag. Solo stared at you in confusion, his own stomach tied in knots as he wondered if he had freaked you out. 
Turning back towards him, you now had a book in your hands. Solo recognized it, you always had it with you recently, though he only ever saw you occasionally reading it.
Walking back over, you sat down again, handing Solo the book. He took it with a raise of his brow, now knit in confusion. Naturally, he opened the book to the page the bookmark was set. 
His heart seemed to leap in his chest as he realized what the bookmark was. Two thin pieces of plastic, encased around, and protecting, a small brown leaf. Even though the color faded, he still knew exactly what it was. 
His eyes rose to meet yours, clearly nervous. Solo smiled as he glanced back over at the leaf he had kept on his person at all times since that day. Looking back at the homemade bookmark, he gently stroked it “Well. I suppose, there was more meaning in those leaves for both of us than we thought there would be.” 
You smiled lightly as you took the book back as he handed it too you “Did you actually make a wish on it?” you asked softly, your mind replaying the own wish you had made.
“Of course” he smiled “Did you?” 
“Of course” you repeated as you gently handed back his handkerchief, leaf still placed gently inside. 
Carefully refolding it he spoke quietly “It sort of became a lucky charm in my mind I suppose” 
“Mine did too” you smiled, as you hugged the book against your chest.
Solo watched as you did so, as a small burst of confidence flowed through him “Do you want to know what I wished for?” 
“Wouldn’t that negate the wish all together?” 
He smiled lightly “I think the only way for it to really come true is if I do tell you” Moving out from his chair, he was suddenly kneeling on the floor in front of you, staring up into your eyes, setting the book on the chair beside you, he moved to take your hands in his, pausing for a moment as he stared into your eyes, he finally spoke, his voice quiet, yet bold “I wished for you”
If your heart could have burst through your chest it would have in that moment, as you stared down into his bright sincere gaze “Me?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
He nodded ever so slightly as he continued “I was afraid you would not want to be with me, given my...reputation. So, I tried to avoid my feelings, only wishing to have you, thinking it might never be possible. But. “ he paused, wracking his brain for the proper words as he looked down at your hands, intertwined with his “But, I cannot seem to let go of the possibility of you giving me a chance to be with you, to- to protect you, and make you happy, and to love you” as he finished, he brought his gaze back up to yours. 
You stared at him in silent shock as he spoke, his voice low but determined and honest. He finished, with a sense of hope in his eyes “I will respect whatever your decision is, but I must hope, that, because you kept your leaf as well, that there must be something of a similar feeling here”
You pushed down the shock that still echoed through your body. There was so much you wanted to say to him, so many thoughts wracking through your mind. “I wished for the same thing. You”. Solo stared at you for a brief moment before a smile broke across his face as you continued “There is more I want to say, but I- I-”
Your sentence was cut off as Solo’s hands moved from yours to your face as he quickly leaned up, bringing his lips to your own. The kiss was passionate yet gentle, your own hands moved to his wrists as you returned the kiss. 
Pulling away briefly he spoke “There’s no need to say anymore right now” you smiled at his words just as he brought you in for another kiss, this time, his hands wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. Your hands wrapped around the base of his neck as you both were finally able to give into the feelings you had repressed so forcefully. Feelings you had kept close to your hearts, safely hidden in a pair of autumn leaves. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Also, for those who are curious. U.N.C.L.E is an acronym for United Network Command for Law and Enforcement.  
Please consider reblogging, as it is the best way to share creators works past their own followers. Likes, Comments and feedback are highly appreciated as well!~ ❤️
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espinosaurusrexex · 2 years
NapoleonSolo x female!reader
In which Napoleon does not want to work with Y/N, even though they are the 'perfect team'.
a/n: Thanks to @7eamfan7asy for suggesting this imagine. This was fun :)
word count: 2.6k
warnings: I don't think there are any, actually
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Break in, retrieve the evidence, get out again. Without anybody noticing. That was the mission. A simple Black Bag operation. And it would have worked without anybody noticing if it weren’t for the incredibly annoying spy currently tied up next to Napoleon. Because of Y/N, the pair was chained to a radiator in the basement of the large company building that sat amid New York with one tiny little window broken on the top floor. Making it look like some accident had caused it to shatter and not the super-secret spy mission he had been called for. But, no. Of course, she had to come in and ruin this for him - his chance at getting off the weird employee contract that lasted as long as his supposed imprisonment. 
“Tell me again. What are you doing here?” He hissed as he struggled to writhe out of the cuffs on his wrists. His Back was pressed to Y/N’s and the radiating heat coming off of her body didn’t help in his attempts to break free of the already too tight metal restraints. 
“We’re partners, in case you forgot, hotshot.” Napoleon huffed. He could practically hear the roll of her eyes in her tone. Partners wouldn’t be this careless. That’s why he worked alone. His name was Napoleon Solo for God’s sake. How much clearer could it get? Apparently not clear enough for Y/N. 
He didn’t know her very well. She had appeared about a week ago in Sanders’s office with an accompanied ‘This is Agent Y/L/N. She will be your partner on this mission.” from Sanders himself. Of course, Napoleon hadn’t thought that he actually had to deal with her back then. And after a heated argument about his lone-wolf strategies he had decided that he did not want to either. She was unbearable and a know-it-all. Always cutting off his sentences while planning the mission and constantly talking. God, she was talking so much. At one point he had debated on cutting his ears off to make it stop.
“And if it weren’t for you and your ‘I’m better off alone’ attitude we wouldn’t be in this situation,” she continued. If he wouldn’t start talking she would just go on and on.
“Are you implying that this is my fault?” He answered half-heartedly. His eyes were scanning the surroundings, in search of something to get him out of this situation.
“Well, I was not the one striding off alone to do a mission that was supposed to be for two people.”
“We’re getting a file. How many people do you need for that?” This argument was pointless and Napoleon felt himself growing impatient with every second. He needed to get out of here.
“Two. If you would have taken into account that this building is equipped with the newest alarm system on the market,” the woman countered. Her head was turned over her shoulder as she directed her remark at the stubborn man behind her.
She was questioning his abilities, now. And Napoleon did not like it. “I knew that.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that you set it off anyway.” It was a muttered remark but definitely intended to be heard. 
The brunette didn’t let it faze him though. That was exactly what she wanted, right? To make him lose his cool. “I didn’t.”
“Well, you certainly didn’t wait for me.”
“Because I never went with you.” He’d seriously had enough of the pointless teasing. He would have enjoyed it in rather different circumstances. But this? Definitely not.
“Just shut up and get the pin out of my hair.” Y/N shuffled down to get her head as close to his hands as possible. He had to turn to pat her hair for the pin, but when he finally retrieved it, he was kind of glad to have her - just for the sake of the pin of course.
Napoleon opened his handcuffs with ease and proceeded to get up off the floor. His steps took him towards the stairs.
“Hey, where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m finishing this mission.” He threw the pin in her direction and added a stern ‘alone’ along the way. And then he disappeared through the doorway at the top of the staircase, sneaking his way through the grey corridors, careful not to get caught by the guards outside, waiting for their boss.
A couple minutes later he heard careful footsteps approaching and then a firm hand on his shoulder. He turned around, shooting out his hand to grab the person by the neck, ready to crush them into the next wall. Y/N’s wide eyes greeted him with horror as she covered the hand on her throat with hers. She would ruin this for him again. Like she had ruined everything so far. And he was not up for it.
“I suggest you leave,” he whisper-yelled as he let go of her.
“That was the plan, you idiot,” Y/N hissed back, “but no before we get the file.”
Their little banter was disturbed. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard in the corridor followed by at least a dozen footsteps. People talking, receiving instructions, and then swarming out with their weapons ready.
“He’s here,” Napoleon stated unfazed. He took her arm and casually dragged her into another room - an impressive conference room- closing the door. Then he went from window to window, checking his surroundings and the adjacent corridors.
“Oh, great. The building is officially littered with guards.”
“Again, not entirely my fault,” the spy mumbled in annoyance. But the brunette agent just cocked his eyebrow and continued to look for a way out.
“Listen, I know you don’t really like me that much.” Y/N paused in her sentence as if she was waiting for a counter on Napoleon's side, but he just looked at her - composed as ever - ready to hear the rest of her statement. “But If we want to get out of here, we need to work together.”
Napoleon laughed, he knew very well that both of them were perfectly fine breaking into the building by themselves. They would certainly be fine getting out alone as well.
“So, I would appreciate it if you just sucked up whatever ego trip you are on right now and work with me here.” She turned to the wall and climbed on the cupboard in front of her. Her hand reached for one of the pockets in her vest, retrieving a device that looked like a tiny screwdriver. 
She stretched towards the vent - that wasn’t even a bad idea, he would have probably done the same thing within the next minutes - though she was not quite tall enough to properly place the device under the metal grid to pry it open. 
Despite his obvious disapproval of the new partner, Napoleon weighed his chances of getting out. And the odds of getting caught were far less likely if the agents just stayed with each other. Maybe it wouldn’t be too horrible, he thought. So far, she had done exactly what he would have done - minus the alarm, of course. Where was the harm in looking at how far she could actually match his skills? 
With a final sigh, he stepped towards her and watched a little as she struggled.
“Buildings like these are equipped with large vent plans that stretch throughout the whole floor. We get in here and chances are they’ll-”
“Never even see us,” he completed with a knowing smirk. Then he took the device from her hands, climbed on the cupboard as well, and opened the grid. He wouldn’t let her do everything. Sure, he wanted a little fun but this was still work, after all.
The grid was removed in no time and the agent waited for Y/N to push herself up. He was prepared to see her fight the height of the rectangle, crossing his arms in front of his chest as his eyes pried on her in anticipation. A faint smirk rolled onto his face when she jumped up, her hands reached high for the metal and he was ready to see her fail. But his hopes were in vain. The woman placed her foot on a bookshelf next to the cabinet mid jump, pushing herself higher and finally reaching for the edges of the metal hole in the wall. Once she had gotten ahold of it, she pulled herself up without a struggle, disappearing within the blink of an eye.
Napoleon was surprised, though he fought to keep an unbothered expression on his face.
Her head popped out of the vent after a couple seconds. “Are you planning on coming up here, Mr. super spy?” Her tone was teasing and laced with a small smirk. He smiled, too. He had to.
Once up in the vent, he placed a tiny bug on the wall next to his exit. He put the grid back on the entrance, waiting for Y/N to ask what he had been doing, but - once again - his hopes were futile.
Napoleon cleared his throat, thinking that she probably didn’t see him place the device in the room. “I placed a listing device on the wall to-“
“To get some more intel. They will most likely discuss their strategies in this room. It’s too extravagant not to be important, I know. It’s a smart move. I would have done the same,” Y/N interrupted, and then she carefully moved through the steel tunnels, leaving a fuming agent behind. 
If she really would have done the same, then he would have been genuinely impressed. But his ego clouded his judgement for the moment, making him follow her just as carefully with a deep frown on his face and an even deeper annoyance lingering in his mind.
Y/N crawled through the system with determination. She had a plan of her surroundings and reached her destination without having to turn back once.
They were standing in front of the safe in the dark office, Napoleon had been so close to just an hour ago - before everything had gone to shit. Looking at each other to determine who would get the honors of actually retrieving the evidence, the brunette’s mind rattled. He had seen Y/N do some pretty impressive things tonight. And despite her constant aggravating, she had thrown in some good input the week before, when they were planning the mission. She was a good agent, he had to give her that. Maybe his ego had gotten the better of him on this task, though he couldn’t quite let go of his solo career just yet. Thus, he decided to test her one last time.
If she would be able to open the vault, he’d give her the benefit of the doubt. He probably didn’t have to work with the agent ever again, but he would keep her in mind as a talented one.
So, he nodded towards the black block of steel before them, crossing his arms before his chest once again. “Ladies first.” 
“Oh, how very kind of you, Mr. Solo?” Y/N raised her eyebrows as she dragged out his last name, and then she got to work. Her ear pressed on the cold surface as her hand began turning on the wheel for the locking mechanism. She turned it three times. Then changed direction, turned it again, and then one more time, with every movement slowing towards the end until a knowing smile appeared on her lips.
“Go ahead.” She motioned towards the safe, supposedly ready for him to open. And it did. Now, the speed at which she had cracked it was impressive, but it was a small safe, Napoleon had cracked far more complex ones. But he said he would give her the benefit of the doubt. And whether he liked it or not, she did earn it.
A silent rattling was heard outside the door and Y/N’s face shot at Napoleon in an instant. They were here. The agents looked around the room frantically and as their eyes met again, it seemed as though both of them knew exactly what to do.
As if they were in sync, Y/N moved to grab the file out of the safe the same time Napoleon sprinted for the window, opening it and securing a grabbling hook. Y/N leaned against the door to keep it shut, but the footsteps became louder and louder. And despite their attempts, the haste of the agents prevented a completely silent atmosphere. They had to hear them, even if it was just faint.
“Now would be a good time to go,” Y/N urged as a familiar clicking noise was heard beyond the door, “Napoleon...” Her head turned to the side as she pressed her ear to the door. Her tone was impatient, and as soon as she saw Napoleon ready, standing on the ledge of the window, she sprinted towards him. One leap from the cabinet in front of the window and the spy caught her with one arm locking on her waist. He shot one last look to the door, which flung open with three guards storming inside, their weapons raised. 
“Later, Gentlemen,” he said with a wink and then the agents descended down the building in one smooth, fast motion.
They ran into the darkness of the night as soon as they reached the ground, seeking refuge behind the dumpster of a diner a block away from the office building. Both of them catching their breaths as they sat on the floor, Y/N was clutching the file to her body.
Napoleon watched as her chest began to rise slower with every breath. Her forehead with from a thin layer of sweat, as did his. 
“Are you hungry?” He asked. His eyes trained on the diner sign above their heads as his rested against the brick wall of the building.
“What?” Her gaze followed his and her stomach grumbled when she spotted the sign as well.
About ten minutes later, the duo found themselves in a booth of the diner they had hidden behind moments prior. A plate of food was placed before either one of them as a familiar silence filled the space between them. Napoleon leaned back in his seat, watching as Y/N popped a fry in her mouth, the file laying beside them on the table - unbothered. 
“I have to admit, the end was kind of fun,” she attempted to break the quiet. But her opponent's eyebrows only raised at that.
“You think so? We almost got caught again.” The smile at the memory defeated his stoic attempt at a counter. Even if he didn’t want to admit it just yet, it was fun - a little, maybe. 
“But we made a good team.” Now Y/N leaned back as Napoleon reached forward to grab a couple of fries from his plate. His face was pensive as his eyes flickered between the file and the agent before him.
“Huh. I guess we did,” he shrugged. Then it was back to silence, again. The brunette watched the woman opposite him eat for a while, and she didn’t say anything about his staring at all. There was no denying it. It was fun and working with her had led him to finish the mission in no time - that was, once they actually worked together. She was good at what she was doing, and it almost pained him to admit that there were probably a couple things he could learn from her. So it was only fair to tell her, right?
It took everything for him to keep his voice steady, nevertheless. “You are a good agent, Y/N.” He wouldn’t apologize though, that was too much.
And Y/N seemed to know what laid on the tip of his tongue after the compliment, but she brushed it off with a smile as she bit into her burger with delight.
“Thanks, so are you.”
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The Man From U. N. C. L. E Preferences - Pregnancy reaction
Napoleon Solo:
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When you told Napoleon you were pregnant, for once, he was scared but tried to hide his fear. The two of you didn't talk about kids much, so he didn't want any part of the pregnancy at first. He claimed he wasn't ready to settle down just yet, which hurt. A lot. Determined to raise your kid you agreed to part ways, which secretly killed Napoleon, and you started your pregnancy on your own. He regretted his decision to leave you but wasn't quite ready to swallow his pride and face his fears, so you remained apart. He'd often ask Gaby and Illya how you were doing, and constantly spied on you; he would later claim it was only to make sure you weren't in danger. One night he caught a glimpse of you holding your bump, glowing, and he knew he'd made a huge mistake. Napoleon admitted this that night and promised to try and fix what he'd done. He seemed sincere, and for the baby's sake, you allowed him to be part of the pregnancy, as co-parents. But as you progressed through your pregnancy, Napoleon glued to your side, you realized how serious he was about this and the two of you gave it another shot. Your pregnancy softened him up and his smooth demeanor changed real fast when you were around. Napoleon often stole a ticket and snuck you into fancy parties just so he could show you and your bump off. He didn't care that he didn't know anyone at the parties; he just wanted to show you off. It was his way of handling the growing pride he had for this unborn child. This would be a spoiled baby, with the best fashion no doubt. He read all of the pregnancy books, which just made him worry more. He constantly scrambled to do everything for you. Simply because the book said you shouldn't be reaching things on the top shelf at 30 weeks. Napoleon forced you on bed rest the last two weeks of your pregnancy. He was even determined to put the baby's room together, crib and all, instead of just hiring someone to do it. Napoleon wanted the full dad experience. He also read to your bump every night and jumped with excitement every time the baby kicked. In the beginning, he made mistakes, but everyone does, and he spent every day making it up to you and your unborn child.
Illya Kuryakin:
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When you told Illya you were pregnant he was terrified. He refused to abandon you, but he was very distant in the beginning. Illya hardly touched you or your bump. He was just so afraid with his strength and temper he'd hurt the two of you in some way. Eventually, after much convincing on your part, Illya did start to relax a little bit. Whenever he was around you he was impossibly gentle. He always controlled his temper. Illya got teary-eyed at the first ultrasound he went to, but claims there was dust in his eye. No matter how angry he was Illya wouldn't raise his voice, even slightly, if you were near. He constantly asked if you were comfortable and bought about a million security systems. He'd do anything for you, even run for fast food at 3 am. If you ever got tired of walking or your feet hurt, Illya would just pick you up and carry you. Even pregnant you weren't too heavy for him. Surprisingly, Illya was a good cook before, but throughout your pregnancy, he learned a bunch of recipes that'd make the baby "a strong Russian boy." The two of you did have arguments about gender sometimes. Your mood swings confused him, and he was scared of them. You once told him to talk to the baby. He scoffed, mumbling something about babies can't hear. Later that night though, when he thought you were asleep, you could hear him whispering to your bump. Normally, he'd whisper things to the baby in Russian. He was just so nervous to be a dad. Illya was so protective. He baby-proofed the whole house a week after he found out you were pregnant. Illya would be a cautious father at first, but you were confident he'd be a natural. You also had faith that he'd always protect you and your growing family from any harm.
Gaby Teller:
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When you told Gaby you were pregnant she was nervous, of course, but mostly excited. During the pregnancy, Gaby talked to your bump a lot, convinced that the baby would hear her in the womb. She also sang to the baby. You never had to ask for anything because before you could Gaby already knew what you needed. She never missed an ultrasound, and her normally calm persona faded into a total helicopter parent. Her favorite thing to do while you were pregnant was going shopping for the baby. Of course, she always got carried away. Gaby told every person she met that she was going to be a mother and how incredible you were. She gave you any type of massage you wanted because she felt so bad you were uncomfortable. Unlike the boys, Gaby didn't leave your side for a single second. She was almost by your side too much. Before your pregnancy, you and Gaby loved spending time together but also time apart. However, the second you told her you were pregnant "time apart" no longer existed. If Gaby wasn't right beside you then she knew exactly where you were, at all times. You understood her work was dangerous and she was just keeping you safe, but she was driving you crazy. So eventually she agreed to give you a few hours to yourself a day. You were pretty sure she was still spying on you during your "alone time," but you never brought it up. At the end of the day, the obsessive worry all came from a place of love.
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cinebration · 3 years
So Much More Satisfying (Napoleon Solo x Reader) [Request]
Napoleon Solo x Fem!reader, please. The reader is a very skilled former agent who is not working for any organization at the moment. She uses the skills and training she has had to get information and sell to certain people, sometimes for money, sometimes for favors. She has an information that Napoleon needs and the price for it is a good date with some treats 😊😊😊 (No smut, just a dinner in some apartment, flirting, some kisses or massages 😁) — Requested by anon
So…I couldn’t help myself. You put a womanizer in front of me, and I wanna make sure he doesn’t get the upper hand.
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: calebduume
It wasn’t the first time Solo had needed to use cooking and charm to gather information, and it wouldn’t be the last. It was the first time, however, that he had been asked to do those things. He was accustomed to using them as a tactic, not having them used against him. It put a damper on his attitude, but he carefully sublimated that feeling behind a façade of smug cheerfulness as he finished cooking the entrée.
Had Waverly told him initially that he would be interacting with you, Solo might very well have said no. You were notoriously difficult. That is, Solo couldn’t use his normal wiles to charm information out of you. You were too shrewd for that, a byproduct of your years working as an agent. Solo still wasn’t sure whom you had worked for exactly, and Waverly wasn’t telling.
As such, Solo found himself sweating over the stove, cooking up a perfect meal to meet your demands. After all, you couldn’t just demand a price with dollar signs attached like a normal purveyor of secrets. Oh no, you had to make Solo actually work for it.
“She wants me to make her dinner,” Solo had informed Waverly after contacting you.
“Brilliant. You are rather good at that.”
“She won’t ask for money. She’ll want something else.”
Waverly had looked at him pointedly. “You’re rather good at that too, so I’m told.”
Solo still chafed at that retort. He couldn’t be sure what to expect. Your reputation suggested you asked for anything from someone’s dignity to their very balls, if that one Czechoslovakian had been telling the truth in the hospital.
Slipping the dessert into the oven to cook, Solo retreated into the bathroom and took a quick shower. He opened a window to let out the accumulated steam and dressed with an eye toward seductive casualness. Slacks and a dress shirt with an unbuttoned collar underneath a silk vest, cufflinks undone. He had learned that the appearance of relaxation lay in the beginnings of a state of undress. It tantalized the eye with the potential promise of further unwrapping later.
It made him displeased to think about it. He wanted to be doing this because he felt like it, not because he was being asked to.
A knock sounded on the door. Solo paused to check his appearance in the mirror. His hair was still drying, but it would have a soft texture to it, completing the ensemble. Satisfied, he paused on his way to the door to put on a recording of Verdi’s La Traviata.
Arranging his features into the smug cheerfulness he was used to wearing, Solo answered the door. You stood waiting a pace away, smiling wickedly. You had matched Solo’s style with an answering one of your own, your dress not quite casual but not quite formal. Your hair you had tastefully tousled, as though you had just emerged from a tumble in bed.
I see you, Solo thought. He watched your gaze sweep over him before fixing on his eyes. You saw him, too.
“I brought wine,” you declared, handing him the bottle as you stepped into the apartment. You appraised its modest furnishings and the landscapes on the walls. “Your team could have chosen a better apartment.”
Of course you had realized that the apartment was a safe house. Solo had insisted on more upscale furnishings to reflect his lifestyle and taste for that exact reason, but Waverly had brushed the demand off, saying instead, “she will know you aren’t naïve enough to bring her to your real apartment.”
Still, the comment stung. Solo took the wine into the kitchen and uncorked it to let it breathe, trying not to mutter his frustration under his breathe. The kitchen table was already set and ready for serving, so Solo brought out the tuna niçoise salad he had made for the entrée. You eyed it appreciatively as you took your seat.
“Real tuna, not canned, I see,” you noted, glancing at the individual ingredients of the composed salad. “And potatoes. How did you know?”
He hadn’t, but he smiled like he had. “A good spy never reveals his secrets.”
Your lips tightened a fraction. “Depends on the price, I suppose.”
This is going to be rich, Solo thought.
Halfway through the salad and one glass of wine later, Solo was feeling himself lulled into a false sense of security. You weren’t exactly as he had expected. You were…amiable. But then again, how else did you gather your information from people others couldn’t hope to touch with a ten-foot pole? He watched you eat as though you had never tasted an exquisite dish before, sniffing the air when the dessert in the oven began to permeate the apartment.
“I’m glad you agreed to do this,” you said, smiling over the rim of your glass.
“I enjoy cooking,” he said simply.
“Clearly. I am quite impressed. When you contacted me, I couldn’t let you slip away without trying your specialties.”
The word rolled off your tongue in a buttery rich tone that made Solo tingle. He couldn’t tell if it was in warning or arousal, but his interest was piqued nevertheless. “How do they measure up?”
“Quite well.” You forked another bit of the salad into your mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “How soon do you lose the CIA leash?”
He blinked at the sudden change in conversation. “Soon.”
“In other words, not soon enough. I understand that you do some dealings on the side, but I can’t help but wonder if there are…other things you could be doing.”
“Such as?”
“Well, you are in a unique position: part of the CIA and yet apart from it, what with your little U.N.C.L.E. friends.”
Solo stilled, fixing his eyes on you. You met them easily, your face open. He stopped himself from wondering how you had acquired that information. He didn’t want to know.
“All I’m saying is that I could use someone on the inside like you. A man with questionable allegiance.”
“My allegiance is only as questionable as your predilection for the highest bidder.”
You grinned, revealing your teeth. “A little bite! Good. I know it’s difficult for you to play the perfect host when the guest is aware of the motives. What’s the point of seduction if the guest knows you’re doing it just for information?”
Unease rolled through Solo. “You called this dinner.”
“I did, and I’m not disappointed. All I am suggesting is that you consider some other alternatives to your future. I run a lucrative operation—”
“You’re likely to be assassinated by one government or another soon enough.”
“—and you like a bit of danger. You like high stakes and bad odds, because you somehow come out smelling like a rose after.”
Solo scrutinized your face. A faint hint of a smirk played along your lips, hidden there in the corners. Now he understood the real game. Relaxing in his seat for the first time that night, he considered aloud, “Why not start my own operation?”
“Because I have a corner on the market. You could do your best to buy out my clients and my sources, but you have the whiff of government attached to you.”
“You were once like me.”
You laughed, a throaty sound that stirred Solo somewhere deep within himself. “As far as everyone knows, I was a free agent. Not even you can say whom I really worked for. I was as ‘loyal’ to them as I am now to the highest bidder. I am more trustworthy in the sense that I am untrustworthy for the sake of the dollar sign.” You had moved forward as you had spoken, leaning across the table.
Solo leaned forward, meeting you halfway, taking your cue. He let his gaze sweep over you, lingering for a long moment on your lips. They parted into a grin, flashing teeth at him.
“Your efforts are so transparent,” you murmured, lifting up a finger and brushing it along his jaw. “It’s a shame that most women don’t see you coming. What happens to those who do?”
“They get what they want.”
“No,” you whispered, “you get them to want what you want.”
“Is that a crime?”
“Aren’t you a criminal?”
He craned his neck a fraction, brushing your lips with his. Before he could do more, you pulled back, your fingers seizing his dimpled chin. He blinked, hit with whiplash once again as you prevented him from kissing you fully.
“If I wanted the Solo experience,” you said, “I would have asked to negotiate over a dollar sign. Then you could have seduced me with all your trickster’s charm just to get what you wanted. But we’re here for what I want.”
Mild warning bells rang in the back of his mind. Despite his best efforts and his sour mood from earlier, he had allowed himself to develop brain fog. You were playing so well with him that he couldn’t help but need to pursue and conquer you.
“What do you want?”
“I want your access to information,” you cooed. Then you pressed your lips to his, muddling his brain for a fraction of a second as he felt your tongue push against his.
“We’re here for your information,” he countered.
You leaned back, a smug look on your face. “The price for that information is you.”
Solo suddenly understood how Illya and Gaby felt on the receiving end of his smug superiority.
“Thank you for the dinner.” You stood, wiping your mouth with a napkin, and looked down at his bewildered expression. “Consider my offer.”
Frustration returned suddenly to Solo. “What was all this, then?” He gestured at the meal.
“I wanted you to feel at home,” you answered, shrugging. “I like to take a man on his own field. It makes the battle so much more satisfying.”
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zodiyack · 4 years
Henry Cavill Masterlist
(updated per upload)
Back to Masterlist
Prompt List  / Prompt List Two / Smut Prompts | Send Me Requests &/or feedback! | To Do List
★ = smut
⋆ = presmut
♡ = fluff
☁ = angst
☠ = death
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Henry Cavill
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Headcannons ~
A Beach Day With Henry Would Include...
Fics And More ~
Doctor Baby
Henry is dating a younger woman who attends medical school. His relationship is revealed during an interview, which he knows she’s watching.
Geralt Of Rivia
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Headcannons ~ 
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
Sherlock Holmes
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Headcannons ~
Sherlock With An Asexual S/o Would Include...
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
Fics And More ~
Reminders ♡
Just a soft ol’ time with Sherlock under a tree. He’s like a Greek god, beauty gracing his face and body, and Y/n can never resist the urge to draw him. Only this time, he catches her.
Stubborn ☁
Y/n helps around with Enola and her mother, considered a family friend rather than teacher. Sherlock has fancied her since she first began with Enola, and she fancies him just as much. Not that she’d ever admit it though.
Lacking In Facts ♡ ☁
(Request) Y/n believes Sherlock is in love with her cousin, Irene Adler, but he overhears her talking to Enola about it, and tells her just how wrong she is.
(Reminders Part Two?) Promises ♡ ☁
(Request) Sherlock and Y/n have kids. Five of them, to be exact, and one on the way. Sherlock can’t help but ask for more, after all, it was the life he promised her.
A Work Proposition
The female detective Lestrade has introduced is compelling, and upon seeing her and Sherlock interact, Enola’s cupid skills subtly kick in.
Clark Kent / Kal-El / Superman
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Headcannons ~
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
Fics And More ~
(Request) Superman is a usual at the café Y/n works at during the night shifts, and Clark grows close to her as she interns part time at the Daily Planet. He waits to see if she’ll figure it out.
Napoleon Solo
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Headcannons ~ 
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
August Walker
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(Nothing as of right now, feel free to request if they happen to be open)
Charles Brandon
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(Nothing as of right now, feel free to request if they happen to be open)
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
I Got You (Napoleon x Reader)
This is the third time i’m trying to post this fucking thing, tumblr won’t let the posts I do from my laptop under search results but they will show posts I do from my phone. Anyways, enjoy!
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“This better be worth it Waverly”
“Ohhh (y/n) dear trust me it will. Let me introduce you to your new colleagues”
As she walked in the room with one big desk and a few chairs, three of them were occupied by two men and one woman, probably in her 20s. Her eyes however focused on one particular man.... The man that was one of the reasons you thrived in the illegal field.
“This is Miss Gaby Teller, the most important person in this case, next to her is mister Illya  Kuryakin, her supposed fiance and-”
“Napoleon Solo. The thief”
She bitterly interrupted Waverly, he was of course aware of (y/n)’s past with Napoleon, it was one of the reasons he requested her to join this case, keeping from her that piece of information of course. 
“(y/f/n), you’ve grown up”
“you got old”
“Right, now that everyone knows each other, (y/n) please take a seat and i’ll explain the plan”
As she took a seat from the other side of the table, directly in front of Napoleon, she tried to focus on Waverly and ignore Napoleons intense stare that almost drilled a hole on the side of her head.
“Ok, so since Illya is here to be the love interest for Gaby and Napoleon is here to just get some Italian legs in the air, what am I here for?”
“You dear (y/l/n), you will be portraying miss Brigitte Richard, an heir to the Richard well know Cigar, he is a close friend of mine and graciously agreed to take his daughters name”
“Won’t they know what his daughter looks like?”
“His daughter has been kept away from the public eye and she had transferred in Britain during high school, that’s also where she went to College and recently decided to stay there. I will give you a file of hers to study. Your goal is to get close to Victoria vinciguerra during the event, maybe even seem interested in mister Solo, of course for show, nothing more”
“Of course, everything is only just for show when it has to do with Napoleon”
(Y/n) was dressed in her best attire, her long red dress that hugged her waist so beautifully, of course some silver diamond earrings on her ears and her hair up in a perfect updo, her heels were comfortable at least, but if she had to run the dress would not hold for long until it gives a show to anyone around her, she prays that it didn’t have to happen, or she would be royally screwed,
“Miss Richard , your father was right you do have your mothers eyes”
What a fool, she thought, this is who she was hiding from? a woman that complimented her for the resemblance in her eyes.... she wasn’t even close to being related to this people. However, on the outside, she smiled brightly at the tall blonde lady
“Thank you so much, god rest her soul she at least she was generous enough to pass them down to me, my dads brown eyes are great but a tad bit boring don’t you think?”
The blonde gave a tight lip smile to her comment. Of course, if she knew that her real parent had never seen this type of luxury, the lady wouldn’t even spare a glance.
“I don’t believe we’ve met, Victoria Vinciguerra”
“Brigitte Richard, my father made sure to keep me away from all of... this, he wanted his kids to be humble”
“I’m really sorry for your brother”
“It’s alright, I miss him but... c’est la vie”
(Y/n) had almost swallowed the file Waverly had given her, she even looked into the cigar company, just in case anyone asked questions. As the two ladies kept talking, she started hearing commotion,she turned her head  towards the direction it was coming from and saw one familiar man falling to the ground.
“What is going on over there?”
“Excuse me dear”
Victoria started walking towards him and of course (y/n) followed. When they finally reached the crowd that was already forming a circle around him, there he was fanning himself the invitation dramatically, in true Napoleon fashion. (Y/n) kissed her teeth in annoyance, he was supposed to discreetly blend in, not cause a god damn ruckus the minute he walks in.
“Thank you, Thank you”
“I wonder what they do to people without invitations”
That is when she decided to take actions. She weaseled her way out of the crowd and kneeled in front of him to his level, offering her glass of champagne to him.
“Are you alright sir?”
“Yes, thank you very much Darling”
“I’m Victoria Vinciguerra, she is (y/f/n). I do believe an apology is in order. I’ll take it from here”
You helped him get up on his feet and took two steps to lean in and talked to her.
“of course miss Vinciguerra... next one is mine”
She giggled as she walked away in triumphant. To be frank the rest of your job was to keep an eye on these two, yet she could still say she completed the most important part.What she didn’t expect was the growing fire in the pit of her stomach that was directed to Victoria, looking at her talking to Napoleon so nonchalantly made her teeth hurt and her breasts ached with rage.
“It’s such a lovely day to be so pouty miss”
“Well sir... there is nothing really here for me to smile about”
“Not even me?”
“I think I am better off being the reason for someone to smile”
“Roberto  Russo, charmed”
“Brigitte Richard”
Roberto was a handsome man, tall, light brown hair, hazel eyes, sharp jawline, full lips and extremely well dressed, no doubt he knew his way around women and money. What a better distraction and cover up than him?
What (y/n) had not calculated was Napoleon picking up at her “strategic” flirt and filling like punching the hell out of this pretentious little Italian boy that grew up spending daddy’s money. He restrained himself from walking over to her and taking her hand, guiding her away from everyone, keeping her all to herself.
“I saw you were talking to my aunt”
“Oh you are related to Victoria?”
“Yes, my dad is her brother. I actually haven’t spoken to her today, come with me?”
“How could I ever refuse?”
As he offered his arm she smiled and linked hers with his, walking over with her head held high as they got close to Napoleon and Victoria
“My dearest Roberto, how are you?”
she kissed her nephew at both of his cheeks and yet no smile was shown. She really was cold, Roberto however smiled brightly, feeling excited to show his knew “catch” to his aunt.
“I’m doing well... who might he be?”
“Jack Devinsky, Nice to meet you”
Roberto looked at Napoleon up and down, almost well not almost... judging him harshly. Napoleons sure looked rich but there were levels to how rich you were, especially when men judged one another.
“Roberto Russo. Well... aunt Victoria may I occupy you for a minute”
“Of course, anything for my nephew”
“It will only take a minute dear”
“I am counting”
She replied at him, he took her hand and placed a gentle kiss as he stared directly in her eyes, winking at her as she left her with Napoleon. They stood there in awkward silence for a few moments, they haven’t really spoken since the case started, (y/n) made sure to avoid him.
“You look stunning if that isn’t obvious”
She said dryly. She barely even looked him in the eye, all she could see was that damn night, the night she lost everything, the night her heart shuttered, the night he showed her all the cruelty of the world he always talked about.
“You are mad at me”
“Do you blame me?”
“No, it still upsets me though”
“That sounds like a personal issue to me”
The event was a success. which meant (y/n) could finally relax and wear her pajamas, pour a drink for herself and lounge in the couch her room had. She still wore his necklace, the gold star necklace he had bought her way back when... she took the charm in her hands and felt the cold metal.
How much more could she take with him around? it took her so much time to heal and now here he was again, scratching the wounds she had closed up all by herself. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a knock at her door. She got up to answer it and was met with the man of the hour.
“May I come in?”
She sighed before stepping aside to let him in. Even when all she wanted was to punch him in the face, her heart took over her and let him walk into her room and her life once again, even when she had swore to take revenge when she saw him again.
“What do you want?”
“To talk”
“About what?”
She was well aware she was snapping at him, could you blame her? He had swore to protect her, help her when she had nothing and no one, taught her everything and then one night she came home to find all his belongings missing... and that damn letter tore her apart, she didn’t sleep for days, she waited for him to return for months and yet he never did.
“(Y/n) I know-”
”her voice booming through the entire room, it was like a glass of emotions was overflowing, threating to spill and make a mess. He saw the pain in her face, her lower lips trembling, her hands forming fists... still what caught his eye was one thing, the necklace. She was wearing his necklace, after all these years she didn’t throw it away. He took a breath through his nose before continuing.
“(y/n) you have every right to be upset-”
“Damn right I do”
“Will you just listen?”
“listen to what Napoleon?! What?!What?!What?!”
Next thing that was heard was her glass smashing at the wall, Vodka dripping down and small pieces of glass going everywhere. Napoleon was shocked, he should have known this wouldn’t be easy, he had wanted to reach out to her over the years, he had even went through with finding her, yet every time he chickened out last minute and walked away from it. Now, here she was in pain, yelling and smashing things... she had become his enemy
“I’m sorry”
“You are sorry? Sorry? for what Napoleon? for leaving me? for doing it in such cruel way? for lying to me?”
“I never lied”
“You swore to me that you loved me, that you... cared”
There it was, tears. She couldn’t even control it, as her voice cracked and the waterfalls started, she didn’t also want to cover them, she wanted him to see what he had done... to hell with being the bigger person. He wanted to hug her, comfort her, make her feel loved but now all he could do was to try and reason with her.
“I had to leave”
“Why? What could possibly be the reason... money? paintings? women?”
“You know I would never cheat on you”
“Oh yeah, cause leaving our house in the middle of the night is so much better”
She tried wipe away her tears, silence falling between them once again. As a way to calm and hide her emotions, she kneeled and started picking up pieces of glass, her back turned to him. Napoleon went to her side and even when he wanted to pick her up and kiss her, he controlled his desire
“(Y/n) stop, you’ll cut yourself”
“I’m fine Napoleon”
“(Y/n) the maid can do it”
“I said I’m- FUCK”
a piece of sharp glass had cut her as she accidentally gripped it a bit too hard. Napoleon saw the blood and got up immediately to find some tissues, while (y/n) got on her feet and brought her hand close to her chest, closing it to a fist as a way to stop the pain. When Napoleon approached she turned her back once again
 “I said I’m fine”
“(Y/n) you are bleeding, let me care for you”
She had started crying again. As she turned around and opened her hand to him Napoleon gently placed the tissues on the wound, dabbing away the blood carefully.
“Why did you leave?”
“I thought I was protecting you, a way to keep you away from all of the things I was doing”
“Yet... here we are”
He looked up at her. Her lower lip was in between her teeth, tears freshly running down, her beautiful eyes were now red and puffy, her nose was running and he still found her heavenly.
“You kept the necklace”
“I tried throwing it away, or ponding it... I couldn’t find the courage... it’s too pretty”
“I tried coming back to you... multiple times”
“Why didn’t you do it?”
“I don’t know, I just didn’t”
She finally kept eye contact with him, getting lost once again in those ocean blue eyes, the eyes she looked at when they were laying naked on their bed, the eyes that looked at her when she woke up. With his one hand Napoleon slowly reached over and wiped a few tears with his thumb
“You are too pretty to cry over me”
“I missed you Napoleon”
She whispered looking down on the ground in embarrassment. She was everything he ever wanted, a woman that loved him and had his back and he tossed that all away, his intentions were pure yet the damage was gigantic. He hesitated for a minute, before taking her in his arms for a hug, her head nuzzling on his neck as she held on to him for the first time in what felt like centuries. Napoleon kissed her head, smelling her shampoo that was always the same, lavender.
“I missed you too munchkin”
She giggled at the nickname. Napoleon had met her when she was struggling to survive, she was this delicate little thing that looked everyone with kind eyes, yet once he got to know her he saw the passion, the fire, the potential she had to become something great, he didn’t want all that potential to go on illegal things that could possibly get her in jail or worse kill her. So from the beginning of the relationship he called her munchkin.
“Will we be alright?”
“I got you munchkin, I got you”
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sithbvcky · 1 month
Inspired by the film "The Man From U.N.C.L.E", after learning of your estranged father's nefarious ties to an underground organization, you find yourself caught in the middle of two enemy spies and a whole lot of trouble. Bucky x Female!Reader. Warnings: Language, typical spy violence Word count: 642
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You arrived in Rome arm in arm with the strange man you’d met a few days prior. He was stern and quiet. A man of few words. You checked into the beautiful hotel, Sam following behind you a few hours later. You and the man, who’d you learned you were to call James, had been sitting in the lobby when he arrived. A few moments after, James took your arm again and lead you out of the hotel for a stroll through Rome. As a young couple visiting Italy would do. You admired the engagement ring James had given you on the way over. It was a sparkling little diamond, you had to admit you liked the way it looked on you. 
“Where are we going?” You asked, as you walked down the Spanish Steps. James replied with more emotion than you’d heard from him, 
“The same place every architect goes when they visit Rome.” He started. “To see the sights.” He waved his hand before him.
“So Mr. Architect, I’m sure you’ve done your homework. Why don’t you tell me a bit about the steps?”  You pulled your arm from his as you reached the bottom of the steps. Stopping to face him as you waited for his response. James looked around awkwardly for a moment before beginning,
“Good question.” He paused, moving to keep walking as you followed at his side. “The steps were constructed in 1723, credited to Italian architects.” He stopped, as you stepped forward onto the border of the fountain. 
“Really, built by a Russian.” He stated proudly. You shot him a look and he continued. “Sergei Ivanov. Sergei also had his mother, Yagada, who introduced him to classical architecture. Whom, he revered as his muse. Unfortunately for Sergei, his mother died in the middle of construction. So! In memory of his beloved Yagada, he made one step to commemorate every year of his mothers life.” His finished, a proud smile on his face. 
“So she died as 135?” You asked. James blinked, 
“No. She died at 100, he was 35. So, 135 steps.” He crossed his hands behind his back as you glared at him.
“Impressive.” You paused a moment. “So she gave birth at the age of 65?” The smile slowly began to fall from James’ face. 
“No.” He muttered, defeated. 
Not a moment later, Sam rolled up on a yellow moped and stopped, pretending to look at the fountain. 
“Evening Comrade.” Sam said. James frowned, 
“You’re not supposed to be making contact in public” 
“You’re being followed.” Sam stated, ignoring James completely. You looked over in interest. 
“I know, two men from the hotel lobby. One in a brown suit the other in a leather jacket. Which is why you should leave.” James retorted with annoyance. 
“They diverted when you turned down the steps. So, I imagine they’ll be waiting ahead for you.” Sam continued, once again ignoring James’ concern. 
“I will handle them.” He said. 
“Handle… just to avoid any confusion, you do mean give them your wallet and act scared.”
“Scared?!” James protested, glaring at Sam. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, sliding up to the other side of James. 
“You’re being tested. Someone is trying to make sure that your fiancé is really an architect, and not someone who’s trained how to fight. Ex-KGB agent for example.” Sam explained, staring off at some distant object.
“I said you are not needed here.” James growled, staring daggers at Sam.
“I think you should do as he says.” You chimed in, tapping your foot uneasily. James met your eyes for a moment then rolled them before looking back to Sam who began to speak again. 
“And remember, take it like a bitch.” He smirked. 
“This is not the way.” James grumbled, grabbing your arm and pulling you in the opposite direction of Sam. 
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ilyrafe · 4 years
Prompts 16 and/or 22 with Napolen, please 😍
prompt: kissing knuckles
“i don’t know how to thank you, truly.” he repeated while putting a bandage on your knuckles.
your hands were pretty bruised, quite bloody even, but nothing that you couldn’t have handled. he’s never seen you so angry before, let alone beating someone up the way you did, but thank god you did because he could’ve been in a much bigger trouble if you hadn’t found him.
“you don’t have to.” you assured. “besides, it was fun to do that, very liberating.”
he chuckled.
“still. you could have hurt yourself badly, and i wouldn’t know what i would do if something worse happened to you.” he said, adjusting the bandages so you would feel comfortable. he finished putting the bandages on both your hands and took your hands to his lips, kissing your skin softly. “you’re all done.”
blurb time!
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bird-on-a-wire20 · 3 years
Asks Open: Henry Cavill Drabbles/Ficlet
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Give me an idea in my asks and I’ll write you somewhere between a drabble and a ficlet. 
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eefos · 4 years
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