#the mandalorian his son and the storm troopers
sulphuryasecretcloset · 6 months
You are a hero to me
(I blame this entirely on @phrenic-a and their glorious writer-baiting. It was meant to be one genre, but of course Zev can't make anything easy for me....)
“Ex… Uhm, excuse me? Miss?” A tiny voice says, dragging Zev’sonya out of the conversation she’s currently having with Mose about whether they should bother securing more supplies or not before heading back to the ship and away from this awfully crowded marked. She looks to her left and down, towards the source of the sound, and is both baffled and displeased to find a green, little twi’lek girl standing there and staring at her with big eyes.
“What?” Zev’sonya snaps. Why isn’t anyone looking after this girl? She can’t be more than six or seven years old? She shouldn’t be hassling dangerous strangers who could snatch her up and sell her to slavers. Her guardians deserve a punch in the mouth.
“Are you…” The girl’s gaze slides over and takes in the sight of Mose towering behind Zev’sonya.
Her eyes grow even larger and Zev’sonya reluctantly braces for the inevitable shriek of horror while silently swearing she is indeed going to punch whomever is responsible for letting this little girl wander off.
“Y-you are!” The girl declares and shifts her attention back to Zev’sonya, but with absolute delight all over her face instead of fear. “You’re Zev’sonya Lee Lewna!”
Zev’sonya blinks. She can feel Mose’s confusion as strong as her own. Putting on her gruffest face, she scans the little girl and sees (and feels) nothing out of the ordinary. She’s dressed nicely, but not like a rich kid, is skinny but not malnourished, and has a large, yellow cuddle-toy hanging from her right hand instead her holding any weapon. “How do you know my name, kid?”
The girl leans to the side and outright grins. “And you’re Mose!”
Zev’sonya looks back at him, but he just meets her gaze with his equivalent of raising an eyebrow and underlines it with a faint shrug. No help to be had there. Great. Zev’sonya turns back to the girl and puts on her stern face again. “Listen, kid, I don’t know what you want from me, but you shouldn’t be wandering around on your own.”
“I’m not.” The girl says, then points with her free hand. “They’re right over there.”
‘They’ must be her family and ‘they’ are a twi’lek man and two other little twi’lek girls. The man, clearly someone in Zev’sonya’s trade of shady business, is busy negotiating with a seller and has no idea what is happening beyond that, but the two girls next to him are clutching their own cuddle toys and are staring wide-eyed at their sister talking to strangers. The girl on the left is hugging a raggedy looking human doll while the girl on the right is squeezing a falleen doll tight.
“I told them we might meet you one day! This is so awesome!” The little run-away declares with raw glee.
Zev’sonya shakes her head and scoffs. Not only does this little shrimp know her and Mose’s names, which is weird enough by itself, but she actually wanted to meet them? Is she crazy? “Why?”
“Because…” Now the girl finally lowers her gaze for a moment, suddenly a little shy, but it doesn’t last for long. She flicks her dark eyes up again and now they are beaming with awe. “I wanna grow up and be just like you one day!”
Zev’sonya feels like the kid just slapped her face. Yeah, must be crazy. She considers backing up in case it is contagious. Maybe it is brain-rot? Must be something serious, definitely. “What?”
“The Pyle heist! The Julita caper! The Aand sting! The Silver holdup!” The girl blurts out, increasingly excited. “They were all you.” A sharp gulp of breath is all she has time for before rambling on. “My dad goes away for work a lot of the time, but he always comes back with stories about you. When I was little, I didn’t think a twi’lek girl could be captain of a crew, but he said I was wrong and that’s when he told me about Zev’sonya Lee Lewna. The Pirate Queen! And Mose, her best friend and second in command!”
That’s when Zev’sonya notices that the stuffed doll the girl is holding on to is not something she’s seen for sale at any marked she’s been to. It is a home-made creation; a yellow hutt with brown stripes and big eyes. It is quite raggedy from being brought along to wherever this kid goes. For some reason, the sight of the clear replica of Mose makes Zev’sonya’s heart clench.
“All my sisters do is talk about meeting a prince and getting married and living in his castle, but they also claim that there are no nice hutts, so you know they’re stupidheads. I don’t wanna marry a prince, I wanna be a pirate, like you.” The girl declares with gusto. She swings her doll forward and holds it up for her to see. “I only have Hose right now. But one day I’ll run into a hutt who is nice, like Mose, and they will be on my crew and we’ll go on adventures all over the Galaxy..”
Zev’sonya has no idea what to say to that. Her brain is spinning at how unreal the situation is.
Lowering the toy, the girl tilts her head and studies the blaster hanging by Zev’sonya’s hip before she scans the blades strapped to her thighs. “My dad won’t let me shoot one yet, but I’m really good with my slingshot.”
“That’s… nice.” Zev’sonya awkwardly mumbles. She hears a quiet rumble of amusement from behind her and Mose is clearly handling this better than she is. But that’s because he’s nice and she isn’t! She’s no role-model. She’s a result of a cruel Galaxy. This kid shouldn’t-
“Is it true you even have a human on your crew now?” The little fiend seems far more shocked by this than Zev’sonya travelling around with a hutt by her side.
“Ye-es….” Zev’sonya replies, not sure why she is giving her answers instead of directions back to her family or spraying her with water to make her go away. How does she know about Leo too?!
“Hey, would you mind…” The girl starts, digging into her own pocket for something that she pulls up with a triumphant look on her face. “Signing this?”
The shocks keeps on coming today because Zev’sonya finds herself looking at the unrolling of a wanted poster of her and Mose. It’s an old one. Three or four years ago? That is really not a flattering picture of her. Yikes. Does she really look like that? She's never leaving the ship again.
Mose chortles from behind her.
Ok, this must be some kind of weird dream. Has to be. This can’t be real. No way.
When all Zev’sonya does is stare, the girl gives the poster a brief, suggestive shake.
“Sure.” Mose says, reaching by Zev’sonya and taking the poster to sign it.
Zev’sonya half-turns to stare at him with no small amount of disbelief that only grows when she sees the smile he’s trying in vain to fight off. He’s far too amused by this. Once he’s scribbled down his letters on the holo-surface, he hands it to her with an expectant look on his face.
Scowling, Zev’sonya hesitates for only half a second before signing it and turning to hand it back to the girl. “Here.”
“Thank you!” She says, beaming even more brightly despite how it shouldn’t be possible.
“Sure.” Zev’sonya clears her throat. “Now, go back to your father and don’t wander off again. Okay?”
“Okay.” The girl declares with zero hesitation and endless cheerfulness. “But when I get a little older, can I come work for you? Mom says I should focus on my dancing or singing, but that’s boring, so can I? Pretty please? Can I?”
Trying hard to ignore the long, rumbling chuckle she hears from Mose, Zev’sonya crosses her arms. “Give it ten to fifteen years, if you still feel the same, sure.” She doubts she’ll see this kid again, but there is still something about her that prods Zev’sonya to say the next words. “Just remember, being a twi’lek doesn’t mean you have to sing and dance. You do what you want to do with your life. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Even your mother. You can be whatever you put your mind to.”
Despite how it shouldn’t be possible, the girl’s face grow even brighter with happiness. “I’m going to be just like you!”
Wait, no t-that is not what she meant, absolutely not, but the girl takes off running towards her father and sisters before Zev’sonya can correct her. Then, after the cretin is reunited with her sisters, pointing towards her and Mose and clearly bragging, Zev’sonya spins around to leave in a hurry as their father finally catches on to something happening behind him and turns to investigate. Time to get back to the ship.
Mose is still chuckling when she stalks by him.
“Shut up.” Zev’sonya growls. Her face burns.
Mose outrights laughs.
“I will stab you in the eye!” She threatens, in vain as it has no effect whatsoever.
Back at the ship, Nohr is waiting by the open ramp. The nikto is standing guard and seems very ready for them to leave. He’s the impatient one on the crew. “We good to go?”
“We’re leaving.” Zev’sonya declares as she marches into the ship with Mose right behind her. “Now.”
The ramp starts closing behind them and Zev’sonya knows she should head up to the cockpit and have Bea’tah initiate take-off right away, but on the way she has to walk by the door to her quarters and she can’t help the way her gaze lingers on it.
“Lorda.” Mose says, now all quiet and gentle, stopping by the door. “I’ll head up. You go in.”
Zev’sonya pauses and glares at him.
Mose nods. His eyes are too mild. “You are the captain, Lorda. I know. You decide.” He’s indulging her bad temper and they both know it. “But I can handle the ship and you should check up on him.”
Hesitating, Zev’sonya is torn between her usual dislike of being told what to do and the fact that she actually wants to go inside that room. What happened earlier had left her with a knot in her belly, and now that twi’lek kid has made her head a mess too…
“Go.” Mose encourages. “I got this.”
She does not doubt that for a second. She trusts him without a shadow of a doubt and because of that, she can allow herself to be weak this one time. Zev’sonya exhales and gives in. “Fine.”
Mose nods again, relieved. “Good.” He shuffles by her. “It’s a seventeen hour journey to our next stop, remember? You might as well get some rest while you’re in there.”
“Mind my ship, not my business.” Zev’sonya snipes, uncomfortable. Mose is always looking out for her despite how she’s supposed to keep him safe. A captain watches over her crew, not the other way around. Mose never seems to get that into his head.
“Yes, Lorda.” He replies with ease, clearly not intending to heed her words at all. And people call her the stubborn one?
Stepping inside the room, Zev’sonya leans back against the door and pauses for a bit to take in the sight that greets her.
Lying on his back, arms by his sides, Leo is still fast asleep on the bed. As expected. As he should be. This morning’s attack had come out of nowhere and for several seconds that had felt like years, Zev’sonya had been convinced that the medicine had suddenly stopped working and that he would die in front of her. She had not felt so afraid and helpless since Mose was poisoned.
Taking a deep breath, Zev’sonya pushes herself away from the door and walks over to sit down next to Leo. He looks pale, but peaceful. No fear. Nothing like during the incident. He’s breathing deep and slow. She takes his hand in hers and forces herself to smile. “You’re going to be so angry when you hear you missed out on meeting someone as crazy as you.” His hand is warm and the contact feels reassuring so she places her other hand over his. “This twi’lek kid, she came right up to me and Mose and started talking to us. No sense of self-preservation.” Zev’sonya breathes a faint laugh of reluctant admiration. “No brain.” She shakes her head, weirdly… flattered? “You would have liked her. She said…”
- I wanna grow up and be just like you one day!
While Zev’sonya knows she’s anything but a role model, the idea that a twi’lek girl might break free from the booth others want to put her in, or even give a deserving hutt a chance because she heard stories about Zev’sonya and Mose, it is dangerously uplifting. And though the girl has horrible taste in heroes and the odds stacked high against her even before she starts her journey, Zev’sonya hopes she makes it. She really hopes she makes it.
Hmm, Leo is going to be a dreadful nightmare when he hears about this. (He won’t hear it from her but Mose is definitely going to tell him. Those two love to conspire against her.) His old nickname is going to be used a lot. “She said something crazy.” Zev’sonya says, easing down to lie next to the sleeping Leo. Everything in her wants to curl up close, wrap herself around him, place her head on his chest and listen to him breathe, but she only allows herself to hold on to his hand. It’s not much, but it’s more than what she’s allowed herself in the past. “You’re going to love it.”
The ship gently shudders as they take off and head towards the stars. Technically it is barely mid-day where they are right now, but the standard time teller tells Zev’sonya the ship will swap to night-mode soon and she realizes Mose must have known as he told her to get some rest. The different time zones between parsecs, even between some planets, can leave a traveller severely sleep deprived if one is not careful and that could get you killed in Zev’sonya’s line of work.
Fine. Sleep it is. For purely practical reasons.
Zev’sonya absently runs her index finger back and forth over Leo’s warm hand as she quietly starts listing up names of people she’s never met, except for one. Even if she’d been ignorant of Hauroko’s fate, Zev’sonya would have known it is souls Leo has lost from the grief she feels radiating from him every evening when he speaks their names. She suspects it is his way of keeping them alive in memory at least and as he won’t be able to tonight, Zev’sonya will keep them alive for him.
Zev’sonya Lee Lewna is not a hero. She’s not even a good person. But she is curled up next to one.
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ok-so-chiggy · 9 months
Corin is forced to watch the Reapings of the final four Districts and to continue his agonizing task of memorizing the names and faces of each chosen Tribute. It takes him on an emotional rollercoaster--one that ends up going completely off the rails when two unlikely kids volunteer as tribute.
Unfortunately, the first Volunteer--a tiny green child from Eleven--has no name for Corin to memorize. The second however--a dark, handsome boy from Twelve--has the only name worth memorizing.
Hello, hello! I'm back, a year later, to post the next chapter of this crazy AU. (Even though I haven't been posting, I've never stopped writing!) Anyways, I have a new job so I don't have to work 7 days a week like before. I actually have days off!!!! So yeah I'll be able to post chapters more often. I think maybe only a few people will see/read this fic, but that's okay. I'm just happy to finally get more chapters out there. Thank you to anyone who's ever left a comment or kudos. And big thank you to Lady Irina @sulphuryasecretcloset for encouraging me to continue writing this fic even after so long. Also tagging Ace @miscellaneous-ace because I owe you my life. To everyone, I deeply appreciate any and all support. <3
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Sales of the Snow & Sand Mandorin Zine are now open! Get your copy now to enjoy three very different fanfictions and seven wonderful art pieces by nine talented artists!
To get your copy, please send a proof of donation (digital receipt or equivalent) of minimum $5 USD to The Trevor Project to [email protected]. A PDF of the zine will then be sent to you by email within the week. The Snow & Sand zine is only available a a digital zine.
Please note that the Mods really want to get the zine to you as quickly as possible but will likely only be able to send batches of emails during the weekend. You will most likely receive your zine on the Saturday or Sunday following your email to [email protected]. Please be patient with us.
We will accept emails until November 30, at which point we will send out the last batch of PDFs by email. The total amount raised for The Trevor Project will be announced in early December.
Previews will continue in the coming weeks, so please keep sharing our promotion posts far and wide!
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October Drabble Challenge 2023
Day 4- Temperature
"'I'm fine, Corin,' Din insisted with a bright smile that was equally charming and irritating."
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roseaesynstylae · 5 months
So, the idea of the Bad Batch (minus Echo, plus Emerie) being the other half of the Nulls has consumed my goddamn mind. Therefore, as you do when an idea takes up residence in your frontal lobe for the foreseeable future, here's some headcanons.
The Bad Batch (except for Echo and Omega, who have no clue what's going on) hate the Nulls. As in, "murder on sight" hate them. From an in-universe perspective, there could be a myriad of reasons, ranging from feelings of abandonment to resentment over them having a better life. From a writer's standpoint, it's because I love me some good old familial dysfunction and angst.
The more...unhinged...tendencies the Nulls are known for manifests in the Bad Batch more as "let's jump off this cliff and use explosives to direct our fall!" and less as "hey, check out my new skin gloves!" Of course, if you push them too far, it's a different story. In order of least to most likely to pull a "lemme turn you into an art installation," it's Omega, Wrecker, Hunter, Crosshair, and Tech. Omega wouldn't do that, at least not at this point in her life. Wrecker, when enraged, goes for the just-hit-them solution. Hunter's a decent human being and usually wouldn't do something like that...Unless his kid's been kidnapped by a crazy Imperial doctor for the fifteenth time, on which point he starts becoming a little deranged. Crosshair hovers close to the line but wouldn't do it to someone unprovoked. Tech is a special case, in that he has to be pushed, but when he is, the results make the rest of the Nulls go "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST."
The Nulls want to reunite with their lost siblings and build a relationship, but that's kind of hard to do when said siblings (except Omega) keep trying to kill them on sight and none of them were built for intricate and deeply complicated emotional issues. Still, they persist. Eventually, they could probably get to the level of "awkward conversations" but it'll take a lot of work.
The Bad Batch have what makes the Nulls superior to regular clone troopers, plus their unique enhancements (which in this version are less defects and more Nala Se picking an attribute for each of them and cranking it up to 11). They feel that it makes them better than the Nulls, something they're not shy about expressing.
Emerie is the same height as her estranged (I can't think of a word that applies to this specific situation but this one will do) brothers, because I stan a tall queen.
Nala Se is smug as hell whenever she sees Orun Wa. "CT-9904 just broke all records for accuracy, CT-9902 discovered a new element, CT-9903 crushed beskar like it was paper, and CT-9901 tracked a man through five systems and a solar storm. What are your clones doing, again?"
There is no understating the sheer "wtf" that goes through the Nulls' heads when they first see Omega. But, of course, this is Omega. Imagine the cutest image of her you've seen, fanart or canon. That's what the Nulls see when they meet her. Unsurprisingly, the Nulls, who got the Mandalorian gene to adopt anything that isn't nailed down, go from "wtf" to "so smol 🥰" in roughly a minute.
Kal Skirata is in the corner. His attempt to interact with the Bad Batch did not go well. He casually calls Hunter "son," as he does with various characters, and the resulting explosion puts a thermal detonator to shame. Since it's clear that his presence is not making things better, he's sort of just in the corner.
The rest of Clan Skirata, and associates, are staying out of this. Gilamar and Vau took one look and retreated to the bar because they know better than to get involved. Everyone else witnessed one of the less acrimonious encounters and collectively decided that they are not jumping into the emotional equivalent of a pit of rabid wolverines.
Echo is the go-between. He does not want to be the go-between. But he's the only neutral party in this thing aside from Omega, and the rest of the Batch don't trust the Nulls with her.
Spare a though for 99. He raised four of these guys, often with the aid of leashes. Truly, he is an unsung hero of the Clone Wars
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januaryembrs · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on 1k once again!! Can I request handholding and forehead kisses with Din Djarin? Love, love, love your writing!! <3
TOUCH THE SCARS | Din Djarin x reader
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description: you and din console one another after you make the difficult decision to hand Grogu to Luke Word count: 1.1k trigger warnings: parentless reader, reader has a scar on her face, destroyed home? main masterlist
authors note: this was a response to my prompt sent by the lovely @lexloon who always brightens up my days with their comments on my din djarin series, Ad Astra, but this can also be read as a sequel to a previous imagine I did kiss the scars
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Skin on skin contact was not something that came naturally to you. A whole life spent hidden under your beskar armour meant you had been isolated from the feeling of another being touching your hidden skin for the majority of your life. You had never felt the warmth human skin could bring, the only semblance of such feeling being the memory of your mother cradling you when you were just a young one. 
That was before the Empire ripped your family away from you, your blood family at least. The Mandalorians had found you cowering in the remains of your childhood home, sneezing and crying at the dust the rubble had produced, confused as to where your parents had disappeared to. You remembered looking up at the sound of masked talking, worried it would be those storm troopers returning to take you away too. But no, you looked up at where the night sky beamed in through the gaping hole in the wall that certainly was not there before.
There stood two huge figures, both dressed head to toe in the thickest metal armour you ever saw. 
They were a man and a woman, the two who had found you. The man immediately began scanning the perimeter, as he had announced, while the woman knelt down to you, her face hidden by a red painted helmet though her voice was soothing, scooping you into her arms protectively. 
You sometimes wondered if that was what the child had seen when he had looked out of his pod on that first mission when you and Din had found him. Had you ever known how much the young boy would come to mean to you, you perhaps would have been as gentle and kind as the woman who found you had been.
And now he was gone, once again the Empire had stolen him from you. The only place he would ever be safe anymore was with one of his own, that was what the Armourer had said. And so you’d travelled to the ends of the galaxy and back to contact any other of his sorcerer kind you could find. And one had shown up, just as planned. 
A young man named Luke Skywalker had arrived in time to save you all from the dark troopers, and take the child to a place he will never be harmed again. You knew it would hurt, but you didn’t realise how empty everything would feel without him. 
You and Din had gotten one last chance to remove your helmets in front of your boy, let him caress your faces in shock and give him one final kiss on his forehead to say your goodbyes. He had felt so wrinkly considering he was a baby you remembered thinking, and it would have made you laugh if you hadn’t just lost what felt like your own child. Your own son. 
You and Din had made it to Nevarro with Cara as she found you a place for the night, not that you had been listening. Everything seemed foggy with your helmet back on. He was gone. He didn’t need you chasing after him anymore; he had one of his own real family to take care of him now. 
“I miss him,” Din broke the silence behind you. He too had been quiet the entire journey back, the two of you sitting in the ship's corner with your cold armour masking the weight the hurt carried on your faces. It wasn’t until you’d made it to your room for the night, to a place you could be alone together, he took off his helmet and the heartache was clear on his face. 
“I know,” Your voice felt drugged with disuse. The last you’d spoken was to say goodbye to Grogu, your son Grogu. Your son. Behind your eyes stung the second you had thought it. “We did the right thing, didn’t we?” 
“Hey, don’t do that,” Din chided softly, and you heard him stand from his place on the bed to walk closer to you. His bare fingers interlocked with yours to turn you to face him, and you figured he must have removed his gloves the same time he removed his helmet. It was nice, feeling his warm skin in your palm. He had hairy arms, you couldn’t help but notice, soft but hairy. And his fingertips seemed ironed of any wrinkles you’d expect in this job though you supposed it was for the fact he always wore his thick, leathered gloves. “He needed to be with his own people. There was nothing else we could have done,”
He was gentle though. Caressing you softly as if you were a wounded animal. He brought his hand up to softly stroke the side of your face. “I’m sorry,” You whispered, “I know you’re hurting too,”
The man smiled small, and it was still all new to you to see his facial expressions after going off his voice alone for so many years. You had only revealed your faces to one another just days ago at the imp base, you still had so much mapping out of one another to do.
Din looked down at you, his deep sepia eyes scanning over your furrowed brow and sad lips, his line of vision trailing up the scar that lay across your nose. “I am,” He said solemnly, as if admitting it to himself first, “But we can hurt together, I guess,” 
He leaned in, his one hand still locked in between your own as the other slipped behind your head to lace into your hair faintly. You drew in a breath, thinking he was going to kiss you. You wouldn’t have minded, the sensation was still just so new to you, the closeness of his skin on yours. But his path diverted at the last moment and he pecked your nose softly instead. His lips followed the trail at which your scar marred your face, over the bridge of your nose and through your eyebrow, until he landed on your temple where his lips stayed until you lifted your hand up to weave around his wrist, needing to use every chance you could get to touch him you’d seemed to realise.
The hunter pulled away. Two armorless Mandalorians missing their son staring back at one another, every morsel of the other's skin being a signature of home to both of you.
“Together,” You echoed into his neck, so quietly as if you wished to keep it a secret from the rest of the world.
Din just smiled down at you. That was how it was now, the two of you alone but together nonetheless.
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this was written as part of my 1k follower celebration. please feel free to send in 1000 word drabble prompts of your own!
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Choice - Chapter 3
Summary: Luke has a force vision, causing him to take a step he hadn't expected.
A/N: Hello lovelies,
So funny thing happened as I was editing, wouldn't you know that 7 parter, turned into an 8 parter. LOL.
Anyway, I hope you do enjoy this lovely third chapter.
Love oo
Italics - Force vision
Warnings: Force vision, force use, canon-typical violence, explosions, mentions of death, concern, anxiety, angst, I think that's it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Choice - Part 3
“Get out of there!” The smoke and blaster fire surrounding the Mandalorian made it difficult to see him, glimpses of his shiny armour were able to be seen through the fog that had been created. He ducked behind a pillar as he took down several storm troopers.
Someone hid on the other side of the compound, behind a stack of cargo crates. They were ruthless as their blaster bolts found their targets, time and time again. 
As they continued returning fire, the Mandalorian fought hard to gain any ground in order to get to their side, shouting instructions to them over the unending cacophony of noise surrounding the pair. The fighting was becoming relentless, intense, and brutal. 
“You need to move! Get out of there!” The smoke cleared long enough to see the Mandalorian had been shouting at a pregnant woman wielding two blasters. A sight not often seen in a battlefield. 
“I won’t make it!” The woman’s voice carried over the sound of blasters and explosions. She looked behind as something drew her attention, only to see a trooper sneak up on her, she shoved out her hands to push the trooper away, only to see the white armour fly clear across the compound. 
Silence reigned over everyone, as the action drew the attention of every single person there, everyone stopped and stared at the downed trooper. One by one everyone’s eyes focused back on the woman, as everyone drew the same conclusion.
The brief respite ended just as quickly as it began, only to have the fighting intensified, as all the storm troopers focused all of their might on the woman standing in front of them. As much as the Mandalorian tried to reach over to her, he couldn’t, they were cut off from each other as a garrison of storm troopers and mercenaries stood between them. 
The Mandalorian focused on his partner, anxiety and panic rising within him as her exit was cut off for him. No matter how he moved or what action he took, he was unable to provide her the help she needed. “No!” Despite all his desire and motivation to run to her side, he couldn’t get his feet to move. He wanted to be by her side, yet he also knew he needed to protect his son, but that would mean leaving her behind.
She turned to look at him with panic in her eyes, not for herself but rather for her partner, as she focused on the Mandalorian, “Take Grogu and get out of here!”
“I can’t! I can’t leave you!”
“Protect your son!”
“Find me!”
“I always do!”
He issued a threat to the woman, that gave no room for doubt, if she didn’t make it out alive, he would find her and kill her again. The makeshift fog cleared for a brief second, allowing her face to be seen clearer as a smile spread across the pregnant woman’s lips followed by a wink.
Luke’s eyes opened wide as soon as he saw clearly her face, it was you. His heart began to flutter with panic, was this a future premonition or something that had already happened to you? When had you learned to use the force? Had you always been able to? Did you not trust him enough to tell him? There were so many questions, so many things he needed to know.
He didn’t have a moment to lose, he wasn’t going to fail you. Not again. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
Luke walked down the street, slowly and carefully, as images from his premonition flashed in his mind. Although, time was of the essence, the last thing he wanted to do was to cause further issues for you. He followed the path you and the Mandalorian had taken during his vision. 
His heart thumped against his rib cage, screaming to jump out. His nerves were getting the best of him, it had been so long since he’d seen you, all he really hoped for, was the opportunity to see your face once again. 
However, it wouldn’t hurt to find out, if you were just travelling with the Mandalorian or if there was something more going on between you? Although, he didn’t really have a right to find out what was happening in your life, he gave up that right the moment he walked away from you. But he did have a right to know, when you started to feel the force? Why hadn’t you told him about it? Was that why you offered to stay and be his assistant? How different would both of your lives have been if he had just agreed to let you stay by his side? Did you want to learn more about the force? Was this something you even were considering? Either way, there was a small glint of hope that began to bloom, a hope that you would stay by his side as he trained you. 
But, even if he did see you, he wasn’t exactly sure what he’d say. Sure, he’d practiced a few things here and there if he ever ran into you again, but this was different. This wouldn’t be an accidental meeting, he was purposefully seeking you out. The pain he caused you all those years ago, was and still is the biggest mistake he ever made, and just because he showed up now, didn’t mean or changed anything. 
As he walked through the street, he heard rumours about a firefight that had gone done. Apparently, the so-called warlord’s compound that once overshadowed the village with terror had now become a memory. 
This whole thing had you written all over it, he couldn’t help smile as he could see you were still doing what you could to help everyone in the galaxy be free of the Empire in any way shape or form. Even if it meant taking on a warlord.
Without even realizing it, his steps had slowed down until he stopped in front of the door you exited hours before. He quickly glanced around to make sure the area was deserted, before he subtly moved his hand, watching as the door slid open in front of him. The room was dark, full of anxiety, yet he could sense a familiar presence within the darkness. A presence that would be all too ready to act, his hand hovered close to his lightsaber as he took a step forward, when a blaster bolt shot out from the darkness towards him.
In a flash, his lightsaber extended, the green light illuminating the area around him, as he directed the bolt away, shifting it to disintegrate in the corner wall far away from any sentient. 
“Luke?” The modulated disembodied voice called out to him.
He stepped forward, the door shutting closed behind him, with a wave of his finger the lights turned on, revealing the Mandalorian standing with the blaster in hand still smoking. 
Luke’s eyes drifted toward his previous student emerging from behind a potted plant of sort, a smile emerged on his face as he felt the joy Grogu was relishing being in the presence of his guardian and now his former teacher. 
“What are you doing here Luke?” 
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angelosearch · 3 months
A New Beginning – All Star Wars references
I just finished writing my Star Wars-coded FFVIII fic, A New Beginning. Here is the list of most of the references/easter eggs, though I gotta be honest there were a couple more smaller ones that I decided were too subtle to flag. I tried to sort them in order of mention.
Major spoilers to the fic ahead if you haven't finished it!
The title, “A New Beginning,” follows the naming structure of Star Wars movie titles. Like Star Wars movie titles, the title’s relationship to the story is unclear until the end.
Each chapter also has a Star Wars movie-like title. Each chapter is also called an “Episode,” like each movie is in Star Wars.
Overall, the story is about a Father-Son relationship. Throughout Star Wars media, legacy, especially as it pertains to fathers and sons, is a huge theme.
Most Star Wars media has an inescapable campiness and humor that runs alongside all the drama and suspense. This is something FFVIII has tonally as well, so it was easy to bring a little of this in.
Episode I: The Forces of Destiny
"Truth enlightens the mind but won't always bring happiness to your heart” is a quote of the opening text of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season One, Episode 16, “The Hidden Enemy.”
The ship Squall gets on is based on the Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship that was used by the Republic during The Clone Wars. While the LAAT/infantry gunship makes appearances throughout Star Wars media, its first appearance is in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Laguna’s armor is vaguely Mandalorian, but his helmet is supposed to be very Darth Vader-esque.
Squall thinks, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” which is a standby phrase throughout Star Wars media.
“He knew what he had to do, but he wasn’t sure if he had the strength to do it” is a reference to Kylo Ren’s line in The Last Jedi, “I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.”
Laguna and Squall’s in-battle banter is supposed to be reminiscent of Anakin and Obi Wan.
Laguna is leading him and Squall to the “high ground”—This is a reference to the famous Obi Wan and Anakin exchange in Episode III when Obi Wan says, “It’s over Anakin! I have the high ground!”
Squall helping Laguna cross a canyon is a common Star Wars show of trust—A Jedi using the force to help their teammate over a wide gap. Particularly, I was thinking of Sabine giving Ezra a super jump in the Ashoka season one finale.
The entire scene at the end of the chapter was meant to evoke the “Luke, I am your father” scene from Episode V.
Episode II: Return of the Knight
“Choose what is right, not what is easy” is a quote of the opening text of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season Two, Episode 18, “The Zillow Beast.”
Rinoa and Squall’s Sorceress/Knight connection is doubling with “a disturbance in the force.”
The vacuuming robot in the beginning of the chapter and the maintenance droid toward the end are MSE-6 series repair droids—also known as mouse droids. They are often seen on Imperial Star Destroyers.
“A droid that was human-like in stature, but bright blue and glaringly shiny, clunked over with another teacup” – this is a more C-3PO-like protocol droid.
The re-painted Estharian military uniforms are supposed to be like Storm Trooper armor.
Falcon is based on the Millennium Falcon – gray, small, female, fast, with dice hanging from her. “She didn’t look like much, but she had it where it counted” is similar to what Han said about his ship. I bet she made the Kestrel Run in less than 12 parsecs. (I’ll see myself out.)
Squall thinks, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Yes, it has to come up every chapter.
Laguna’s mask has a hole like Vader’s does in various points of Star Wars. Specifically, I was thinking of Ashoka in her battle with Vader in Star Wars: Rebels.
“That was no mountain” = “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.” – Obi Wan Kenobi, Episode IV, upon seeing the Death Star.
All the soldier’s names are the names of Clones throughout Star Wars media.
Everything that Squall does to get into the facility and to Laguna is classic Star Wars—using an animal as a distraction, sneaking in on an enemy vehicle, disappearing the second someone looks for him, following droids, messing with touchscreens, climbing through vents, and especially dressing as a storm trooper.
The incompetence (especially the terrible aim) of the troopers is based on quintessential Storm Trooper behavior. The mundane conversations Squall overhears was inspired by the dialogue Cal Kestis can overhear from enemy conversations in Star Wars: Fallen Order.
Green-gray Trousers Guy is supposed to be an Imperial Officer. Personality-wise, I was going from Hux from Episodes VII, VIII, and IX.
Squall calls “upon the Force.”
The passcode is three references: 5-0-1 (the 501st shows up in various ways, but it was first introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars as General Anakin Skywalker’s Clone Battalion under the Grand Army of the Republic); 6-6 (“Execute Order 66!” – The Jedi killing order from Palpatine in Episode III); 1-1-3-8 (a common number throughout Star Wars media and George Lucas projects, honoring Lucas’s first feature film, THX 1138).
Squall uses spells against the soldiers that are reminiscent of throwing someone with the force and force choke, as seen frequently throughout battles in the Star Wars universe.
Dr. Enido is somewhat based on the villain of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Doctor Royce Hemlock. She is focusing on helping a larger, more mysterious power achieve perfect cloning, just like Hemlock. Cloning is also a very common Star Wars villain goal.
Ellone’s dream is doubling as a “force vision.”
“Now, there are two of them!” is a much-memed quote from Episode I. The full quote is, “This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!”
Episode III: Legacy of Light
"No gift is more precious than trust” is a quote of the opening text from Star Wars: Clone Wars, Season 2, Episode 6, “Weapons Factory.”
“This is where the fun begins” is a quote from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Anakin says it while piloting his x-wing.
“Hello there” is  a CLASSIC Obi Wan quote. I know it comes up in Episode III when he drops into battlebut he probably says it at other times.
“Datapad” and “stim” are both terms/objects from the Star Wars universe.
Cloning is a huge thing in Star Wars, especially in the more recent installments.
“Tapping on screens” – I was kind of thinking percussive maintenance.
Squall and Laguna’s prisoner uniforms are intended to be Jedi robes.
“I mean, have you ever thought about getting Rinoa’s DNA tested?” – This is meant to be a reference to Luke and Leia. But also I saw a post once where someone was trying to say Squall and Rinoa were related and I thought it was so funny I always headcanon that being a concern in this situation.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” – Rinoa gets to say it this time!
The Estharian flight suit/hairstyle that Rinoa is sporting is supposed to give Leia vibes.
Red Leader/Gold Leader are rebel pilot call signs throughout the Galactic Civil War.
Blastersaber! A lightsaber and a blaster combined! Not only a perfect weapon for Squall, but also an actual weapon wielded by Ezra Bridger in Star Wars: Rebels (probably my overall favorite Star Wars property). It is his first lightsaber and the joke is that it is stupid, dangerous, and impractical.
Using the force to move enemies and sending them off of platforms is standard Star Wars stuff.
Laguna’s “impossible shot” is sort of like Luke’s shot to destroy the Deathstar.
It isn’t Star Wars until someone loses an arm or hand.
Platforms! Railings! Catwalks! That’s always how the Star Wars big battles go down.
When it was storming on the platform, I was thinking of the fight between Obi Wan and Jengo Fett on Kamino in Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
The trust exercise on the pier involving a hard shot is a reference to the finale of Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Medaling Ceremony, just like in Episode IV.
I named the Estharian turn-coat Cody, as Cody is one of the most trusted generals in the Clone Wars, but, like many clones, he succumbs to Order 66 and tries to kill Obi Wan.
That's 53 total! The moral of the story is, I am not very creative 😅 But I do love Star Wars!
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (^ ہ ^)/
(Don’t feel pressured to answer- just looked fun :D)
Answer time again! Hmmm let's do some fanfics this time, again in no particular order:
Dost Thou Even Steal Hearts? by BukuBuku (P5 x MHA crossover)
and still, the cradle blossoms by solistrix (Linked Universe)
The Cor Et Cerebrum series by audreycritter (Batfamily + one of my fave OCs, Dev!)
The Mandalorian, his son and the Storm Trooper series by LadyIrina (with another beloved OC, Corin!)
Annnnd I'm gonna cheat here and list multiple for this one. Treasure of the (Vampire) Duke's Family?! by realfakedokja (TCF), Issue Found in Translation by Fanfiction_Artist_Prototype (TCF), The Birth of a Villain by Zell_Hatoule (TCF), and Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg (DP x DC)
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Atin - Scorch and the Keldabe handshake
Unless I misread the text, in Republic Commando: Targets short story Kal’s way to punish Rugeyan for calling commandos the “grunts” was to grab said man’s groin:
"Son," he said. "I couldn't help noticing that you called my boys grunts. Don't do that again, will you?"
Rugeyan looked down at Skirata as if he'd noticed him for the first time and lowered the comlink. "We want the Senator out now. Nothing else matters."
"I'm glad you pointed that out to me." Fi couldn't see what Skirata did next, but his arm dropped down and suddenly Rugeyan seemed to be taking a lot of notice of him. His eyes bulged visibly and a small uh noise forced its way past his lips. "Now that I have your attention, may I suggest that you remove yourself from the incident scene and let Captain Ordo and my boys do their jobs?"
Fi was mesmerized. Darman jogged up to the tableau of frozen pain. "Charges laid, Sarge. Ready to go."
And in the following text, Atin said that Vau had never taught his batch anything like that:
Skirata's arm fell back to his side again, and Rugeyan inhaled sharply before brushing down his tunic and striding away with somewhat splayed legs.
"I'll remember that move," said Atin approvingly. "Vau never taught us anything like that."
But Vau had certainly taught Atin the exacting procedures for storming a building, Fi knew.
But then in Republic Commando: Ordo 66, when Scorch was observing Vau training the future commandos (cross-trained common clones), Walon used either the same technique or something really similar:
Vau seemed to be in his element again. Scorch hesitated to use a word like radiant for a hard old chakaar like his sergeant, but the man looked like he had some blood in his cheeks for the first time in ages.
"You think that hurts?" Vau grunted. He had an unlucky trooper in an eye-wateringly painful grip on the floor. The di'kut should have known better than to volunteer for the demonstration, but he obviously didn't know Vau, and thought he was dealing with an old guy. He was. But Vau was an old guy who kept fit and knew plenty about pain. "No, this hurts."
The trooper squealed. It took a lot to get a reaction out of a man like that. They might have been meat-cans, but they were as hard as any ARC or commando. Scorch couldn't watch any longer. He called to Vau, more for his own peace of mind than the urgency of Zey's summons or to end the trooper's agony. Vau's technique was known as a Keldabe handshake, but hands didn't have a lot to do with it.
“Sarge!" he yelled. "Sarge, General Zey sends his compliments and wants to see you right now."
Vau let go of a delicate part of the trooper's anatomy and the guy rolled over onto his side, out of action for a few moments. Well, at least he knew how to stop a human adversary with one grip now. Mird watched from the sidelines, yawning occasionally, with the air of having seen it all before.
And Scorch was perfectly aware what Keldabe handshake was, so it makes sense to assume Vau taught it during Kamino too. 
The wookiepedia described Keldabe handshake as:
A "Keldabe handshake" was a euphemistic slang term for a Mandalorian unarmed combat technique that consisted of violently gripping a Humanoid opponent's groin. Debilitatingly painful for the victim, the technique was noted for its ability to neutralize a Human foe with one hand. The term derived its name from Keldabe, the capital city of the planet Mandalore, and a play on the handshake, a common gesture of greeting across the galaxy.
And sure this isn’t the first inconsistency within Republic Commando book series and not even that important like the difference between Hard Contact and Triple Zero’s take on Atin & Vau’s relationship [x][x] (and hey, even in Targets Atin is all okay with mentioning his former trainer!) but it does make me laugh at the implication that Atin didn’t pay attention during his classes since Vau presented the dirty move/combat technique to new generation of commandos while Scorch was familiar with Keldabe handshake, no question asked (and Mird who saw it all).
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
Concept. Mandalorian Finn
Since we never got a backstory for Finn or learned anything about his past and never got to see him become a Jedi. Consider this. Mandalorian Finn!
My backstory would be. He is a foundling of insert Clan here. The First Order kills his parents and abducts Finn. The Clan furious that their comrades were killed and pledge to avenge them by finding their son and bringing him back as a Mandalorian.
Finn learns of who he is, but before he can truly become a Mandalorian, Phasma wipes out his clan and Finn swears revenge.
Post that goes more in depth about Finn as a Mandalorian.
Perhaps Finn forges his own clan after the successful Stormtrooper Rebellion. since every Stormtrooper who had left the First Order could join Finn’s self made mandalorian clan. Finn could name it “Storm Clan” and they could mark their helmets with Red streaks in respect to Finn’s as a symbol of freedom and identifying them as free Stormtroopers or the Signet would be the marked Stormtrooper. House Storm.
Maybe their house colors could be red and black on white. Also Stormtroopers are already used to fighting in full body armor and fight quite aggressively as a result. The Mandalorian armor and fighting style wouldn’t be as much of an adjustment, though the flying might be lol.
While I hope many Stormtroopers will be able to find their original family and heritage, that might not be an option for many of them given how genocide-happy the FO is. Even those who reconnected with their Mandalorian heritage, including Finn, might find themselves too distinct from their birth clans to fully reintegrate. Forming a new clan that acknowledges their shared experience and trauma while reclaiming their shared identity may be the most workable solution for those who lost their homes of origin or can’t completely integrate. For some time spent with their Trooper sibs might be a period of acclimatization, for others House Storm might be a permanent home. I can see them being quite open and accepting that way.
Maybe The First Order caused a third fall for Mandalore(if the theory that Grogu is used to create Snoke, I could see Din falling) and a Knight of Ren or Phasma wields the Darksaber and Finn's final fight is taking the Darksaber and avenging Din and Mandalore.
The Sequel Trilogy's theme is meant to be found family, but Finn would not only have that in Rey, Poe and Rose, but he has an entire Mandalorian Clan to call family. Finn Storm would be a big deal!
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ok-so-chiggy · 2 years
Someone from Corin's past comes back to haunt him and his adverse reaction nearly exposes the Career Training Program. Thank the Odds, his mentor Paz Vizsla is there to cover for him--but that won't always be the case. Vizsla orders Corin to work on his sabacc face and shares some harsh truths about the cost of becoming a Victor.
Hello! I have vacation for the first time in like...forever. So finally, FINALLY I can start updating this fic again. If anyone's out there and still following this story, then ...well... thanks for your patience. <3 It's been too long, I know lol -- Unfortunately, I work two jobs and can never brain anything by the time I get home from work. It's awful. 10/10 do not recommend :( lol Anyways here's the next chapter. We get to learn a bit more about Paz Vizsla's worldview and what happened in his Games. I really enjoyed writing this chapter for that reason. It is also the reason I took so long editing this chapter-- within the Hunger Games AU, his story is...complicated and controversial to say the least. Infinite thanks go to the wonderful amazing humans -- Lady Irina @sulphuryasecretcloset and Ace @miscellaneous-ace. Without them, this story wouldn't exist! You both inspire me even after all these years <3
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Thanks to everyone who bought a Snow & Sand Mandorin zine, we have collectively donated a total of $264.60 USD to The Trevor Project! Thank you so much for your generous donations, and for the love you showed for our little zine.
It’s been a fantastic experience to work on Snow & Sand with our artists and writers, who did a great job putting together beautiful illustrations and thrilling stories.
And so, special thanks to our artists and writers: @batvanilla, @catstronomerart, @kentallardd, @fox-moblin, Loupi & @thejenmonster for their work and their passion for this little project of ours.
The Snow & Sand Mandorin Zine Mods
Hatsu (@buddingramblings) & Ze (@zetomatosgarden)
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oh-three · 1 year
Mando S3E7:
- Ooooh. Coruscant underworld in live action. - I forgot how big normal probe droids are 😭 - Ah, Gideon is free. - This room is intimidating. Those troopers/droids are also very intimidating. - Imperial meeting!! What remains of the Empire is larger than I thought. - THRAWN MENTION. - And a (Father) Hux mention! - Ahh, Gideon's having doubts. This is interesting. - Hah. He's scared of the Mandalorians. - GIDEON, LEAVE NEVARRO ALONE. Nvm, it's just Bo's fleet Lmao. But still. - "I hope these two groups get along. They've never met, and what little they know of each other, they hate." Yeah, I'd be nervous right about now as well. - Bo: smacks Woves 😂 - .........What have you done to IG-11. - DID GROGU JUST LAUGH OMG. - HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS 😂 😂 - It's really neat to see Grogu out  here doing things larger kids do, this is the best thing I've ever seen in my life Lmfaooo - "This isn't working for me." 😂 😂 😂  No, Din, no it is not. - Something something, the way Din is the first to volunteer. And Koska being the second (hey, she's still kinda loyal to her). - Oooh, the Armorer and Paz also both volunteered. - Wonderful, it's storming. - Why did Din let Grogu bring his mech 😂 - ...What happens if something steals Bo's ship? - slides up intimidatingly on weird ice-boat: "DO YOU HAVE FOOD?" - Ayyy, purge survivors. - Bo, you did what? You gave Gideon the Darksaber?!? WHY DID YOU THINK THAT WOULD WORK? - Heart-to-heart from Din to Bo. 😭 - "These are the reasons I serve you, Lady Kryze." screaming, crying, throwing up - I am getting many-a pirate vibes from these Mandos. - It didn't occur to me that the Armorer was once a pilot, too. - Space chess gone wrong. Paz, what's wrong with you. 🙄 - GROGU - Holy shit. - WHAT IS THAT THING. - NOOO, SPACE BOAT. 😭 - "More survivors?" NOPE. - Oh, shit, they're beskar. WAIT. THESE THINGS ARE THE ONES THAT BROKE GIDEON OUT. - Oh, they're people, not droids. - Damn, there's a whole imperial base there. - I KNEW IT WAS A TRAP. - DIN. - DIN. - THE RUMORS WERE TRUE. GIDEON DOES HAVE BESKAR ARMOR. - "Mandalore will live on in me." SHUT UP AND TAKE YOUR DARK TROOPERS WITH YOU. - NOT THE FLEET. - Kinda surprised Gideon didn't humiliate Din and rip his helmet off. - PAZ, DON'T YOU DARE. - PAZ. - PAZ. YOUR SON NEEDS YOU. - OH NO THE GUARDS. - PAZ! - NOOO! - CLIFFHANGER. DAMN. - This episode did irreparable things to me.
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friendlyloner · 3 years
Well here it is I guess. My first ever Tumblr post and fandom creation. I stumbled across @sulphuryasecretcloset's The Mandalorian, His Son, And The Stormtrooper last winter at a time when myself and my loved ones were going through and incredibly difficult period and the fic series and watching how lovely all of its fans were became my escape and safe haven. I found myself wanting for the first time in my life to actually participate in a fandom. But more than a decade of lurking in fandoms is hard to shake off and I ended up thinking; I don't know how to draw fanart, I don't know how to write fanfiction, but...well, I do have this one hobby...
And six months later here we are. Hi, Mandorins, my name is Threadiment and my needle slipped and this came out.
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