#the marriage app
iconsrequestsworld · 2 years
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acabo de terminar Matrimillas/The Marriage App y yo se que no es la moraleja del cuento pero necesito un spinoff o un fanfic YA en que Fede y Belu son delicuentes o ladrones o asesinos o algo asi porque su energia caotica y agresiva es por las nubes y me encanta.
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heterorealism · 1 year
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fitzrove · 2 months
Not only have several of my former classmates gotten married, just found out that now one is having a kid?? 😭😭 just reiterating: i cant believe some people my age are doing that dklsldls. Where do they find time to work/study AND develop intricate crown prince rudolf headcanons once they do that
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bluevelvetea · 5 months
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go read marriagetoxin I need someone to scream about how pretty Mei Kinosaki is
reference here
(happy early marriagetoxin Tuesday to those who celebrate)
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ruthlesslistener · 2 months
So far on grindr my problems havent been w/chasers but w/married men who are probably closeted as fuck messaging me tryna fuck and idk how to feel about that information
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voltageapps · 9 months
Liar! Game Remake Project
"Liar!" had brought joy for us with its engaging gameplay and captivating story, so no wonder it became a hit and got adapted to comics and a live action movie. As of now, there are 5 seasons, 3 mini seasons, and a standalone game ⁠"Fake: Celebrities Are All Liars" which is heavily referenced to this game. It's been an incredible journey .
For those unaware, the JP app shut down in 2022 and the EN app surprisingly remained unaffected despite no updates for over 5 years. Unfortunately, we have to say good bye to the EN app too. Season 1, 4, and 5 have been migrated to 100恋+ (JP version of Love 365) and there's hope we might see all Liar! seasons in Love 365 too. No official plans yet, but we'll promptly share any good news once we confirm it.
But don't be sad or forget this game too soon! A non-profit "Liar!" game remake project is in the works exclusively for this server's members.
Sample video below ⬇️
Join our Discord server to check on the latest updates of our Liar! Game Remake Project: http://discord.gg/voltageinc
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meetblackwomen · 2 months
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meet mature black singles
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
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Ok, this scene is still great. He really used k-drama antics to solve his problem
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plan-3-tmars · 1 year
okay i don't really know how to title this so im just gonna call it how Half tells the story of Kazui's marriage with Stages.
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Half opens up with a green apple in the center of a stage, the spotlight illuminating it. The green apple in Kazui's MVs is tied to Kazui's sin. The apple being in the center of the stage before the 'performance' even begins could represent that this is Kazui's main motive for acting and lying, this is the reason for the show.
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The Kazui of the present is in the audience of the play. Throughout the entirety of Half he is there watching the events leading up to Hinako's death with us. We are the audience watching the video but also the literal audience of this performance. I think this could represent Kazui reflecting on his actions and what he did throughout his marriage while in Milgram, or right before Milgram (which I'll get into at the end.)
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It then cuts back to the stage, where we see the Kazui of the past walk onto the stage wearing a mask - the performance is about to begin. This is, I'm assuming, when he is freshly married. Sure he would've had to lie while they were engaged or simply partners but there's not so much at stake at that stage in a relationship rather then when he's married. Kazui is wearing a mask to cover up his sins with lies and now he is also acting, putting up the performance of a happy marriage for others so they wouldn't question his true motives for getting married or see the real him.
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When we see flashbacks of Kazui during his marriage, we can see either stagelights or the background never filling up the entire screen. This also ties to the fact that, even when Kazui isn't wearing his mask, he is still acting and putting up the performance of being content in his marriage with Hinako. I've chosen this scene to showcase this because it shows both at the same time but this happens in the bar scene too.
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In this scene Kazui is singing the chorus of Half while acting on stage. However, he is wearing his mask and doesn't show alot of emotain in his movements or expressions. This could be interpretated as the effects of hiding his true self that Kazui experiences, which can really be seen considering the fact that the lyrics and way his VA sings them is very intense and rich with emotain, compared to how Kazui's expression and movements are animated
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In this same scene, there is a shot of an empty chair on stage alongside Kazui. This most likely referances Hinako's involvement in Kazui's 'performance', or lack thereof, as empty chairs usually represent the empty space of a person in art. This could be interpreted in different ways: Hinako isn't shown in the performance anymore because she's dead, Hinako isn't shown in the performance because she wasn't aware of it happening so her presence is replaced by a chair - etc.
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This scene in Half is one of my favourites for a multitude of reasons, so let's point out the things that stand out first and then we'll delve into my understanding of their meaning. Firstly: Kazui isn't wearing a mask in this scene but he also isn't on the stage, which has more meaning considering the other times we saw Kazui without his mask, he was still on stage - still acting. Here his performance has fallen. Secondly: the green apple is atop the stage in between Kazui and Hinako. I've already established my previous interpretation of the apple on the stage at the very start, but I think its appearance here is in a different context. This is the scene where Kazui tells Hinako the truth, so his mask and performance has stopped because these are both tied to him hiding his true self and his lies. The apple being on the stage in the middle of the two of them could mean that this is the topic of conversation. It is illuminated because they are litteraly bringing to light the elephant in the room that has been putting a wedge in their relationship. The reason why it's still on the stage might be because Kazui is still hiding what his sin is from us, so in a way his sin is putting on its own performance - disguising itself as an apple.
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After Kazui tells the truth, his performance is alot more emotional. His movements are more dramatic, and so are his expressions. He's not trying to hide his real feelings anymore, and after years of doing so, they come bursting out all at once. He is still acting and putting on a performance, so we can assume at this point in time Hinako is still alive and they are still married, but he's unmasked. He's no longer lying to her.
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In this scene, Kazui takes what looks to be a final bow infront of the chair before walking off the stage. I think this scene shows Kazui's intentions when it came to telling the truth. He told Hinako the truth and expected them too get a divorce afterwards, so he walks off the stage - ending the performance (their marriage.) The bow to the chair could be interpreted in different ways: a goodbye, an apology etc.
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However, despite what Kazui's actual intentions where when it came to telling Hinako the truth, they didn't happen. Kazui sees the apple shattered on the ground (Hinako's death) and goes back onto the stage. He starts his performance again, this time as a mourning widow, and starts lying again too. He puts back on the mask, scared of what might happen if he were to reveal the truth about himself to someone again.
Remember what I said at the start of this painfully long post about how this might be pre-Milgram Kazui watching his performance? Yeah, this is where that comes into play. There are things I had to leave out because of tumblr's 10 photo limit, but the main point is that this Kazui on stage at the end of Half and the Kazui in the audience are wearing the same outfit. I think this might be a case of Kazui reflecting on what happened in his marriage right after Hinako's death and pinpointing where he went 'wrong' (in this case, he deciphers that telling the truth was his mistake) and decides to start his performance all over again, careful to not repeat his mistake - vowing to never reveal his sin to anyone else.
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eskildit · 9 months
ive long believed that matchmaking could make a major resurgence if companies started marketing to gen z. Honestly I think it’s already starting
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heterorealism · 6 months
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bumbog · 4 months
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marriagetoxin mangaka just does not give a fuck anymore
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"maybe in some universe i've been braver and we're married,
in this one i wasn't and i prefer it that way.
i miss you less than i love him."
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yourqueenb · 1 year
I'm not going to lie, TBBaby is so far the first book from PB that I feel such loathing for that I can't read a chapter (I've read 2 and will probably watch screenshots of the rest) - even TNA didn't turn me off like that. I think it's because the MC (and the writers) focus so hard on idealizing LI (In my game is man) just by his appearance - not what a rotten person he is. It seems to me that Daphne's behavior (over-controlling, for example) is due to this very reason. You won't tell me that someone who professes affection and kisses a girl he met on the same day with such ease (while in a relationship) hasn't done it before. In marital problems, the fault usually lies on 2 sides, and you can clearly guess that the "crystal" LI also has a lot on his conscience. But no one will ever say that in this kind of stories. What do you think?
‼️‼️‼️ I wholeheartedly agree with you anon. I think I said something vaguely along those lines in one of my posts about it. Like I’m sorry, but I refuse to believe that Cole or Sam or any other copy and pasted LI they use in these types of books is perfect and their wife/fiancée/etc. is just this awful dragon of a woman who they can’t escape. That’s not how logic works. And it’s not good storytelling. The characters lives didn’t start only when the book did. And our MCs can’t determine all the dynamics of their relationships after 2 interactions.
No wonder Daphne called screaming in the first chapter. And no wonder her mother gave Cole the third degree when we got to the mansion. I hate how PB tries to portray these women as crazy and overbearing, even more so because they use our MCs to do it. What those interactions actually show is that the LI most likely has a pattern of behavior that is causing them to react in those ways. As you said, no one in a relationship would behave the way Cole did upon first meeting MC and in that guitar playing scene if they haven’t already done it before. I don’t care how great the attraction is. And the fact that Cole steamrolled Daphne in the decision to make MC their surrogate has so many gross implications. To me it looks like he just wanted to get MC in their house no matter what.
Also, you can’t tell me that he’s trapped in this marriage with Daphne or that he even had to marry her to begin with. Cole is a young, attractive billionaire. I highly doubt it was a struggle to find a desirable woman who wanted to have kids before marrying Daphne, even if there was no Bytech and no fortune yet. Idc what excuse PB tries to come up with. And that was my problem with Sam in TNA. The excuses just don’t hold up when you consider how these people are characterized. Sam was grown, had been married before, and was way beyond financially stable. There was no reason for him to be pissing his pants about telling Mason Sr. he didn’t want to marry Sofia or for him to be worried about leaving a legacy for the twins. It’s lazy plain and simple
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troythecatfish · 9 months
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