#the meeting is with adam....i should really post the episode list soon
thesupernaturalhouse · 4 months
A scene I have planned for the hazbins fallen au, for odette/clara/vaggie, family bonding horray!
Vaggie who wants to take a nap: ookay- oh my god- what the actual fuck??
Clara and odette chilling on the couch: hi!!/hello
Vaggie: what the fu- how the fuck did you two get into my house- WHY are you in my house!? How did you even get past the hotel lobby!? How did you get past the ward?!
Emily: yeahhhh uh.....listen- I- I love you.....but....I'm a bit worried about you? Also if they try to harm you the ward will throw them out the window so....
Vaggie: Em- im perfectly fine!! I don't want to talk to people!
Emily: I know!! Which is why I brought them! You 3 seemed to have a good time at the carnival bonding-
All 3 in denial: we were not bonding
Emily:.....yeah, sureeee you weren't. You 3 bickering liek siblings and making stupid bets totally wasn't bonding
All 3 look away
Emily:.....anyways, Charlie's at that meeting, Husk is gonna show me how to bake a pie, Angle is at work, Nifty is somewhere in the vents-
Manic muffled laughter
Emily:....pentious took the children to the park, keekee is doing cat things, and Baxter is in the basement, I didn't want you to be alone because I know your anxiety is up with this meeting and stuff-
Vaggie: okay okay I get it!
Emily: good. Have fun then! Bye!
Vaggie:.....I'm going to go take a nap
She gets woken up by...something I'm not sure yet I havnt planned that far lol
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virtual-toast · 3 years
Scream Queens VH1 recap - Season 1 Episode 1
Hey what’s up so because I’m bored as hell I’ve decided I’m going to recap the short-lived reality series Scream Queens (not the horror series with Emma Roberts) because it’s absolute top notch reality TV trash. Yes you can still watch the whole thing on YouTube here but I’ve decided to recap it for you in case you’d prefer to read about the trash and drama I guess lol
Anyway Scream Queens was a reality series on VH1 back in 2008-2010 where 10 “up and coming” (generous) actresses would compete for a “breakout role” (also generous) in the next Saw film. They’d do dumb challenges that were vaguely related to acting and of course bitch about each other behind the scenes. Season 1 was judged by Shawnee Smith (post-Saw fame), James Gunn (pre-Guardians of the Galaxy fame), and John Homa (apparently a big-time acting coach??). Season 2 switched out Shawnee Smith for Jaime King and James Gunn for Tim Sullivan. No idea how the show got two seasons but I fucking love it and I’ve watched it countless times over so let’s do a recap!
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Here’s your key players, folks.
The first episode opens with all the girls walking in wearing their ~finest~ mid-2000′s fashion and talking about how “omg I should be the next scream queen cuz I’m attractive / talented” etc. Jo-Anne in particular (who is 26 btw) claims she’s “getting old” and that she’s “ready for something to happen”. lol okay girl. They’re introduced to the three judges and whoo boy, Shawnee may be a decent actress but she should not be a host; her droning nasally voice is torture. We’re introduced to a few more girls including Lindsay who was a child star, and had a Nickelodeon show called Caitlin’s Way, but has since lost her way to her anxiety, and it’s just like holy shit I relate to you so hard though. There’s also Lina who thinks she’s top shit because she had one line in an Adam Sandler movie woohoo.
The judges introduce the first challenge and a pseudo-Jason Voorhees literally BUSTS THROUGH THE FUCKING WALL and sends the girls running and screaming, followed by laughing because omg what a funny prank haha. So basically the girls have to take turns begging this guy not to kill them, with the best performance getting a “guaranteed callback” aka. immunity from elimination. Most of the girls do the typical screaming and/or crying schtick. Michelle literally claims she’s pregnant and then screams “KILL ME WHY DONT’CHA” which is a choice. Kylah tries to seduce him and the other girls are torn between “she should be a porn star” and “holy shit I’m aroused”. Lina literally puts on a stereotypical Asian accent and FLOPS AROUND ON THE FLOOR SCREAMING like what the actual fuck. Jessica gets up and does the “you’re not psycho I’M PSYCHO” thing and the girls are (probably rightfully) scared of her.
But then Tanedra gets up and tells us she has ZERO acting experience and then proceeds to KILL. IT. Watch out for Tanedra cuz you know she’s coming for that crown. Obviously she gets the guaranteed callback. Shawnee announces the girls are competing for a role in Saw 6 and they FLIP. THEIR. SHIT. While at the same time you can tell none of them actually like or care about the Saw series and just want to be famous, but whatever get those dollars I guess.
So they head into the house and start drinking champagne, getting to know each other etc. Of course they all end up in their bikinis in the hot tub and start talking about their training. Cue all of the girls COMPLETELY underestimating Tanedra (despite the fact that she already beat all their asses) when she tells them she has no experience.
The next day the girls go to their first class with John Homa. Right off the bat he’s like, “Welcome to your first acting class, we’re gonna need it.” Like, true but also, rude. He gets out a tray of fruit and tells each girl to take a piece and eat it “as seductively as possible”. Cue several girls giving blowjobs to bananas and the rest basically dry humping the floor while they eat this damn fruit. Homa sighs like his instructions were SO CLEAR even though there weren’t any. He explains how he actually wants them to be subtle and seductive rather than outright sexy/slutty and has the girls sit in a chair while eating their fruit and being all cute and seductive. Great. Then he changes it up so the girls have been poisoned halfway through eating. Everyone does pretty well except Jo-Anne who very clearly buckles under the pressure. Back at the house, Sarah straight up tells the others that the class made her horny.
The following day a surprise picnic appears in the house but when the lid is taken off one of the dishes, a bunch of snakes come out because omg what a funny prank haha. There’s a note telling them where to meet Shawnee where she tells them their first “director’s challenge” (main challenge) is an adaptation of the bath scene from James Gunn’s movie Slither, and guess what, they gotta be naked! Or very nearly naked, at least. All of the girls get working on their scripts and discussing whether they’re going to go with nude underwear, pasties, or au naturale. Did you forget about Crazy Jessica? Well she has a FULL ON CRYING MELTDOWN about having to do a nude scene, complete with mocking the other girls just for talking about it. Like seriously this is day 2 and she’s FREAKING OUT. Sarah specifically says in her talking head, “Jessica is fucking psycho.”
They get to the director’s challenge, Sarah goes first and does really well, so the other girls are intimidated from the start. Jo-Anne once again buckles under the pressure, it’s like her spark literally goes away as soon as the cameras start rolling, it’s honestly baffling to watch. Tanedra and Michelle also do really well, although Michelle gets criticised by some of the others for her over acting. Kylah literally sounds like she’s in a cross between a pantomime and a musical and the other girls flat-out laugh at her behind the scenes. Finally it’s Jessica’s turn, and little miss freak out is just like BA-DING HERE ARE MY TITTIES. Like seriously, after all that, she goes buck naked. WTF. Her performance is still meh though.
Back at the house, Michelle is confident she won’t be on the list and that Kylah will be. Tanedra reads the list which “summons” Michelle, Jo-Anne, Kylah, Sarah, and Jessica to the “grand ballroom”. Cue Michelle’s FULL BLOWN TANTRUM because she was SO SURE she wasn’t going to be on the list and “THEY’RE GONNA THROW THIS FUCKING TALENT AWAY??” You seriously can barely hear her dialogue in this part because there is so much swearing getting bleeped out. Aside from this everyone generally agrees that Kylah should go home because she has no acting talent (lol) and that there’s no way Jo-Anne is going because they all love her.
The girls go to the grand ballroom and honestly if looks could kill, all three judges would be dead because Michelle is fucking letting them KNOW she’s pissed hahaha. They pull Michelle and Sarah forward together and tell them they were the top 2 (so much for your tantrum Michelle) with Sarah getting leading lady (winning the main challenge). Jessica gets pulled forward on her own and basically just gets read for being crazy and told to calm down. Kylah and Jo-Anne are last and are the bottom 2; Jo-Anne basically for shutting down and Kylah for just being shit. In a controversial decision, however, Jo-Anne gets the axe while Kylah lives another week.
Stay tuned for Season 1 Episode 2!
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
A retrospective on the first half of Volume 6
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I hated RWBY’s fifth volume. I felt it was a slog that started on the right foot but as time went on more and more cracks started to appear until the Battle of Haven episodes which were... unpleasant. I made my thoughts on them very clear over the summer. I will also note that I was very cynical regarding Volume 6 during the period between the V5 finale launching and RTX Austin, where we got Adam’s character short. Even with the short being good I remained only tentatively interested in Volume 6, since Volume 5 had good shorts too and look where that got the season proper. Volume 5 was a failure on many levels for RWBY, and while I’ve found things to enjoy about it, it’s ultimately my least favorite volume in the show. Coming off Volume 5, I felt concern that RWBY had peaked in Volume 3, and everything from there on in would just be a painful slide downwards in quality. 
Thankfully, I’ve never been happier to be wrong.
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RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 7 is now out for First members, and as such, we’re now at the halfway mark of the volume. I have to say, going in with lowered expectations even in light of the Adam short, I have utterly adored this entire volume thus far, in fact it’s probably my favorite set of episodes in the entire  show to date, and I’ve had very little to criticize in each episode beyond just “Give me more Mercury and Emerald.” 
As such, this week at the perfect halfway mark of the volume, and to celebrate my third hundred post, I’m doing a retrospective of each episode of Volume 6 and see how the chapters do their best to avoid the slights that dragged down Volume 5. As well, I’ll be consulting comments made by Miles and Kerry pre-release of Volume 6, specifically concerning what they wanted to focus on this year. In particular, I’ll be cross-referencing Miles’ three points that the crew wanted to improve on for Volume 6. I’ll also look at most of the episodes and see how they handle elements that were previously condemned in Volume 5 (which also means some potshots at Volume 5 if that’s a thing you need to know). This gets long, forward warning, hope you enjoy. 
0.5) Adam’s short
Adam’s short might have been thinly veiled damage control made with the intent of re-building Adam’s fear factor after the disaster that was his outing at Haven, but the short proved to be good damage control nonetheless. From an acting perspective, Garrett continues to grow his vocal talents and for fans of the gone-too-soon Sienna Khan, the short gave her some posthumous feats and showed her in the field. Really, none of my criticisms about the short were significant enough to lower my enjoyment- barring CRWBY’s continued love of the weapon spinning circle, both Adam’s solo fight and the fight that makes up the back half of the short were both enjoyable bouts. Adam’s short was the only short we got this year, but it proved to be an entertaining short that provided some fun battles and a killer song by Jeff- Lionized is already one of my favorite vocal songs in the show, I must have watched the first battle in the short like fifty times now just so I can hear the first verse. 
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You’ll see, I’m their hero, I’ll be Lionized! 
All in all, a very solid short and a great way to win back some fans after Haven before the season started off. 
1) Argus Limited, the beginning of the redemption arc. 
Despite Adam’s short, my expectations were low for Volume 6, almost deliberately so. Volume 5 had burned me hard, and I wanted to avoid getting burned by my own hype. But you know what? Argus Limited might be the best premiere in the entire show. It’s damn near flawless in everything it sets out to do. 
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In the AMA, Miles set out three things that the CRWBY needed to improve on for Volume 6- more fights that better utilize abilities and weapons, giving Ruby more agency in the plot, and fixing the “tell don’t show” problem that plagued Volumes 4 and 5, especially whenever RNJR were stuck listening to exposition monologues. And for the most part, Argus Limited does take steps towards all three of these problems. RWBY get a great fight which sees Ruby and Weiss especially using a lot of their skill-set that had been left to the curb in Volume 5, which is my nice way of pointing out that Ruby never used her Semblance in Volume 5 and Weiss over-relied on her Summons, which was a huge point of contention among Weiss’s fans in the now-infamous “Weiss vs Vernal” debacle. Ruby’s also given a stronger sense of being a leader than she’s conveyed for much of the past few years, being quick to take command of the situation when Qrow and Dudley start getting into an argument and forcing the team to focus on the Grimm instead of Oz’s newest round of omitting the truth. While there is a fair bit of exposition in regards to the timeskip, we do get a lot of information shown to us- particularly the sendoffs of Sun and Ilia.
While I’m still bummed that Ilia didn’t join the team going to to Atlas since I feel her character would have greatly benefited that arc, alongside her interactions with Weiss, she still gets a touching sendoff. And my Sunny boi shines as he usually does when in the spotlight. Absence makes the heart go fonder and Christ I miss Sun already.
Argus Limited is unique in that barring Adam’s short scene at the beginning, it’s the only premiere entirely focused on the heroes. The even numbered volumes beforehand had started with Emerald and Mercury, with Volume 4 also formally introducing the rest of Team WTCH. Argus Limited focusing only on RWBY and JNR allows for each member of the team to contribute during the episode, and also allows for more time to be spent on JNR’s departure for the rest of the first half. Jaune and Ruby’s quick scene near the middle has a great dynamic to it. 
And of course it goes without saying that the music is to die for. Be it the soft acoustic of Like Morning Follows Night as Sun bids Blake farewell, or the two new songs in Miracle and Rising, Jeff, Alex and Casey came out of the gate running musically. Argus Limited to conclude was a fantastic opening episode, so good that even notorious RWBY critic FatManFalling was impressed. And if that’s not a sign that even the most diehard of RWBY critics was impressed... I dunno what is. 
2) Uncovered- the truth comes out
Uncovered is a setup episode for a lot of the remaining first half, but one that executes its set up well. We immediately open with confirmation that Cinder survived the Battle of Haven, which is as much the crew going “Look you know we didn’t kill her, she’s on the damn poster,” as it is an acceptance that everyone capable of narrative comprehension understood that she wasn’t dead. Cinder gets a new outfit, meets a board game villain, and displays shreds of character development that I hope are carried up on. Meanwhile with RWBY we get one last scene in the Dreaded House where Ozpin flat out lies and Nora undoes the bad will of “They really ARE magic!” with some fantastically funny lines. 
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“Can we ask for more wishes? CAN WE ASK FOR MORE WISHES?!” 
I also love the camera shot of Ruby promising they’ll protect the Relic before cutting to her digging it out of the snow. I’m easily impressed with camera trickery like that. 
Uncovered addresses a significant criticism of V5, specifically how RNJR’s plot devolved into them just sitting around and receiving exposition from Ozcar and Qrow. While we get another such scene in the House where Ozcar explains the Relic and its powers, it’s much more lively- the kids weigh in more and are much more dynamic, particularly Nora. They’re not just sitting in chairs in a circle, they actively move around or are on the floor packing. It’s the same vector of information delivery, but it’s much less passively received. 
Ozpin’s debate with RWBY is also similarly well-executed. The kids were soundly mocked last year for just blindly accepting Ozpin at face value barring the one instance of Yang bringing up the birds. Here, Yang and Weiss are openly confrontational of Ozpin, and while his argument of not telling the team about the Relic attracting Grimm has a logical reason behind it, the girls are tired of being spoon-fed information, especially after Oz bluntly promised no more lies or half-truths (Yang really should have included “omissions” in that list too in hindsight). It’s an argument where both sides have their reasons and both have good points that are presented, with everyone getting to weigh in (barring Maria, who is super chill during all these shenanigans).  
What’s that again? Oh. Good writing. Sorry, wasn’t used to it being there after “OZPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN,” “Because you’re afraid of Salem!” and “This is bad.” 
Regardless, Uncovered is a stellar setup episode that flows smoothly into...
3) The Lost Fable- OZPIN FUCKED
The longest episode barring the Volume 3 and 4 finales, Lost Fable is an episode I was cold on when I first watched it- after Volume 5, numerous times, spelled out that Ozpin was shady and not to be trusted, I was expected some deep skeletons in his closet- that he created the Grimm, that he caused Salem to become evil, something so horrifying that the Gods saw fit to curse him with eternal life. 
I didn’t expect the secrets to be “Ozpin’s first life looked like an isekai protagonist, he died of herpes, got Thanos’d like six times, fucked Salem at least four times and fathered the spiritual predecessors to the Maidens, had a life where he looked like my Starbucks server and... isn’t actually the bad guy.” 
That Ozpin wasn’t too evil- more his secrets are because of lifetimes of dying over and over, he just has severe trust issues to work through- was something that caught me off guard. That everything is the Gods of Light and Darkness’s fault rubbed me the wrong way at first, since it felt like revisionism, the show going “We can’t have Oz be too evil so let’s just put most of the blame on the Gods and Salem.” That said I do like how the God of Darkness is actually surprised and pleased when Salem came to him for help. It was a nice bit of character to the God that no one ever came to him for help, just punishment, so he basically gave Salem what she wanted on the spot just because of that. As he says to Light, “you may bask in the powers of creation but you do not own them.” 
Granted, there is still one massive story flaw in the episode- the handling of the Faunus just showing up during Ozma’s vacation in purgatory and slavery having already been implemented. It just feels like an awkward last-minute addition and one I do not very much like. It’s pretty much the one thing I outright hate about the episode, the rest execution wise is spot on. Hats off to CRWBY for the technical side of this tale, and to Salem, Ozma and Jinn’s actors for carrying this as well as they did. 
I’m still not sure where I sit exactly on Lost Fable- it’s no doubt a well executed episode and answers/raises a lot of questions about Remnant and its mythologies (like how the moon is shattered because Satan yeeted out too hard), and the animation is some of the best in the show, barring some slight irritation at the understandable reasons for not seeing Ozma vs Salem onscreen. It’s technically very proficient, my problems are just a few small preconceptions of my own holding me back. 
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This planet empty. YEEEET.
... also that plushy dog was the cutest fucking thing and if we learn Salem kept that toy after digging it out of the rubble I may actually cry. 
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I will buy this dog plush if you just make it RT, you are passing up my money for God’s sake!
Also just so we’re all clear, that holy war Ozma accidentally helped start was totally Remnant’s version of the Crusades, right? 
Also also, no, the kids weren’t the first Maidens, they’re the spiritual successors. Let’s just get that clear while I’m on a soapbox.
4) So That’s How It Is- Best Kids Finally Show Up
Merc and Em were in this episode so I’m contractually obliged to love it. Good thing I really do love their scene. It was good to finally see what the villains at large were up to while RWBY processed the knowledge Jinn had bestowed... while Qrow bestowed his fist unto Oscar’s jaw. In all seriousness, it’s good to see that RWBY retain the dynamic nature in the short final argument with Ozcar. Volume 5′s nightmarish scenes of just sitting around and passively listening are a thing of the past.  
Mercury as usual is relegated to short but sweet moments, namely “Back off, freak!” and his being the first to realize that Salem’s about to snap. Please RT, give him things to do, don’t waste Spider Man while you have him in the booth. Pacing wise I suppose this was really the earliest we could have gotten Em, Merc and WTH unless the first episode got a lot of additional padding, but it still hurts to see my favorite characters all of once in the entire first half of the season. Like I said, absence makes the heart go fonder, and I miss the kids.
Also props for making me give a shit about Hazel again. Turns out he’s not a bad dad when you ignore the whole... “OZPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN” thing. 
Ruby also gets a few short but sweet moments- she’s initially calm at the beginning, allowing Ozpin to explain his plan. She only gets more visibly angry after Ozpin admits that he has no plan, but doesn’t lose her cool like Yang does. She’s also the only member of the team to separate Ozpin from Oscar at this stage, taking the time to reassure him before they leave the train wreckage. It shows again that the crew are striving to make Ruby feel like a leader, by having her take charge and be there for everyone under her wing. 
Meanwhile Yang’s only interaction with Oscar is to demand he bring Ozpin back. ... When you think about it Oscar must have so many issues that he refuses to talk about Jesus Christ someone give this kid a therapist. 
I wrote about how much I loved how Salem conducted herself in the short clip released for RWBY Rewind, and while ultimately her temper did snap rather explosively, I love that she visibly tries to contain her rage, something the animators put a lot of painstaking work into.  
On the hero’s side, this is largely a cooldown episode and a conclusion to the “arc” surrounding Jinn in the first half while getting the team in place for the Brunswick episodes. For the villains it’s a chance to check in, and also see what they’ll be up for the year. The villain scene alone makes this a delight, with Watts being snarky and Tyrian continuing to be a walking :D in every scene he’s in.
... also who flew the airship that MEH took to Evernight? We never see the pilot.
5) The Coming Storm-
Let’s get the obvious praise out of the way, Neo vs Cinder? One of the best fights in the entire damn show, like damn they knocked it out of the park! 
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Fun fact, I got an ask the day before this dropped asking if I thought Neo would be in this episode and I said no. This is where you all laugh at me.
Neo vs Cinder is a sterling example of the fights becoming more creative and better utilizing abilities. Neo’s Semblance shattering looks great in Maya (shame it came at the cost of her hair) and the fight flows smoothly. I was worried that if Neo came back, her fighting style wouldn’t be well-represented without Monty able to bring his magic, but the crew have managed to create a fight on par with Neo vs Yang in sheer spectacle. I especially loved the segment on the bar top where Neo used bowls as weapons. And if it wasn’t great enough, One Thing grants an additional look under the mirrors into Neo’s inner turmoil over Roman’s death- Casey finally got her wish of voicing Neo, at least. 
Also between this and Lionized, why do the villains get the best songs? 
The Brunswick segment may not be as dynamic, and I’m sure some people groaned when they saw RWBY would be in another house, but at least this time they use more than one room. Weiss and Ruby get a nice scene near the end and there’s a great unspoken moment of Weiss getting why Ruby doesn’t want Qrow to find the beer stash- since remember, her mother’s been a drunk for at least seven years. 
I appreciate the continuity touch in the garage scene that Yang saw Adam in his Beacon outfit when she hallucinated him, as she hasn’t seen his newer outfit. Regarding the garage scene, I can’t help but feel like it was misread by... a lot of people who were looking more for romantic validation than they were actual character reasoning. I’m not a fan of how Blake has acted around Yang this year, she’s been almost... condescending to her. Rushing for her bag in chapter 1 when Yang already had, the whole “I’ll protect you” line. Blake doesn’t see Yang as the strong person who stared a Maiden down and won, she sees... damaged goods. And that’s the last thing Yang wants or needs to hear. Yang didn’t crawl her way into recovery and ride off to another continent just so the girl who ditched her the first time without even waiting for Yang to regain consciousness could provide empty platitudes about not leaving and then assume that Yang needs protection in a manner that felt very patronizing to me. I particularly disliked how Blake reached over Yang’s real hand to grasp the cybernetic one, and how that got spun hard. Yes, the gesture was well meaning from Blake but all it takes is one look at Yang's reaction and that moment is just... not great at all for them. Yang is still hurting and shut off when she made that good intentioned but horribly misunderstanding gesture. Blake is trying to be there for Yang like Sun had been for her, but she can't help her because Yang isn't communicating what's wrong. That's not romantic. It's so awfully, bitterly sad. Yang is hurting and Blake can't undo the damage that she did when she left during the Fall of Beacon. It's not development, it's insight into the poor state of their relationship (regardless of how you view it, I just mean friendship here myself) after the events and the distance they suffered. Barbara herself has said that Volume 6 would see Blake and Yang’s relationship would never return to the way it was pre-Beacon after Volume 6, and this may have been what she was referring to. 
The Coming Storm has a great fight, so it’s already a great episode in my book, but it adds a cherry on top in some quietly good character moments as well.
And of course, Burrito Weiss is Best Girl.
6) Alone In The Woods- Ruby’s Redemption Arc
Right before Volume 6 started, I wrote a whole post about why the fandom had grown cold on Ruby in Volume 5. At the time I noted that part of me wanted to wait until Volume 6 just in case things either improved or Ruby’s character failed to develop for another season, giving me more citations regarding her developmental stump since Volume 3. 
But thankfully, Volume 6 has been very good for Ruby so far, and this episode is the peak of that. Ruby takes initiative, drives the team forward, and actually gets angry at a few points. Lindsay sells this so well and I’m so glad she finally toned down Ruby’s squeak in the more serious moments, because this episode would have otherwise died on its feet if Ruby still had the Squeak. In fact, if this positive trend of Ruby development continues into the back half of Volume 6, I’m planning on a post talking in more detail about Ruby and her development. 
The Apathy were terrifying, and are easily my new favorite Grimm. Funnily enough, in another case of me writing a post before Volume 6 that was partly addressed, I asked why the Grimm failed to scare the audience, and one of my ideas was just that with the protagonists being so strong, no Grimm can really pose a threat. Well the Apathy prove that such a thing is possible. Fans have been suggesting that the Grimm employ more psychological or emotional based attacks over sheer physicality for some time now, and it seems that all this time, the answer has just been waiting for the right moment. Miles revealed on Reddit that the Apathy was his “favorite Grimm” that he’s been working on getting into the show for a few years, and later added on Twitter that he’s been sitting on the idea of the Apathy since the start of the show’s creation, well over six years ago. It’s proof to me that Miles can have some stunning ideas when his heart and soul is dedicated into a project, and regardless of what some people on Tumblr, Twitter and/or Youtube may think, Miles cares about this. Add in the unsettling atmosphere and the amazing work that went into everyone’s eyes and making them dull and disturbing, and you have a stellar attempt at horror by relative newcomers to the genre. The Apathy worked at being terrifying for a large portion of the vocal audience, creating a villain that solved a problem that the Grimm have had since Volume 2, while also letting Ruby finally step up and gain the agency she’s needed for several years.
While Maria being a SEW was something most everyone guessed, it was good to finally see Maria gain plot prominence, since some people had been complaining about Maria joining RWBY feeling somewhat arbitrary. Regardless, she’ll serve as an important vector into getting SEW lore, which is one of the only major significant mysteries left now that we know about Salem, the Gods and the Moon. 
I haven’t mentioned it in the prior segments, but I’ll stop here to give the writers praise for finally giving Qrow an arc. While it is a bit odd to go from Volumes 3 through 5, where Qrow’s alcoholism is played for comedy (in fact it’s the punchline of the first episode) to Volume 6 playing it very seriously, I will still take any development for Qrow. He was the hardest hit by Ozpin’s secrecy, learning Raven was at least partly right in leaving Ozpin and as a consequence, learning that Summer likely died for nothing. He fell into depression, becoming an invalid wreck of a man. The Apathy had little to do to make Qrow a desolate waste, had he been left in that bar he’d probably have drunk himself to death while his nieces died just feet away from him. It takes seeing the Apathy to finally break him out of the stupor that hung around his neck like a noose, and I wouldn’t be shocked if we see Qrow hanging up the flask for good by the end of the volume. 
Alone In The Woods is probably the best episode of the season so far. Somewhat sloppy running animations aside it’s a stupendous attempt at horror in an action show, and signals our protagonist finally becoming our lead. 
7) The Grimm Reaper- Tick tock, tick tock
I’ll be honest, when I saw the Haven vault in the Rewind for this episode, I expected Cinder to open the episode by kicking Vernal’s corpse into the water out of jealousy. I’m not sure if I’m impressed  or not at how brazen Cinder’s loophole abuse is, but I am impressed at how both Cinder and Neo are visibly hesitant at different points in the scene to trust the other- the show is clearly setting up Neo backstabbing Cinder.
Maria’s flashback was amazing. I didn’t expect a new fight scene so soon after Neo vs Cinder but Maria hasn’t got time to waste on my opinions. She was such a badass in her youth. I loved her weapons (I still think they’re a reference to Darksiders 2, fight me) and as someone who’s wanted to see Gravity Dust in action for years, my expectations were more than met. Continuing the promise in the AMA of unique fights, we get Maria using Gravity Dust to whirl around the battlefield like a hurricane of sharp death, her weapons combining into a scythe was a cool moment. I loved how ferocious the fight felt, like there was barely any stopping for posing and everyone was moving. They even avoided using the Weapon Spinning Circles for much of the fight, which is always a nice touch. The ending was viscerally brutal too. I think it’s safe to say Maria vs Tock might break my top 10 favorite fights of the entire show, easily top 5 Maya era fights at least. 
Tock continues the show’s trend of one-off villains having really cool first outings and making me wish they’d stop dying so quickly. Regardless, Tock was a great one-off villain. She got a fantastic fight, had cool weapons, a unique design, and she wasn’t a reference to Tracer you idiots go read Peter Pan. Anyway, Maria’s flashback was really cool and I loved every second of it. 
Ruby got another great moment when after Maria destroyed herself and Qrow in the most vicious self-burn in recorded history, she tried to lift Maria’s spirits by asking her to teach Ruby to use the eyes. Ruby was said in 4 and 5 to be inspiring without much to back it up, and we see that now. Her bonds have grown closer with everyone on the team over the first half- even with Blake. Let me repeat, Ruby and Blake have interacted onscreen. I never thought this day would come. 
I didn’t expect the show to reach Argus by the halfway mark, in all honesty. The city looks breathtaking, I love the San Francisco vibe to it and how the entire trip to Saphron’s house is in 3D environments, unlike the Mistral scenes in V5E1. I have to admit, I did miss JNR a little. Nora was in peak comedy this episode, Ren was... back to being the exposition guy, nothing much changed there but Jaune was pretty decent. Miles remains a criminally underrated voice actor, if he doesn’t go pro in the event he leaves RT, the VA community is worse off. 
The handling of Saphron and Terra’s marriage was masterful, and I love the two of them already. V6′s new characters have been very consistently good I must say. I love how despite the first half of the episode being very dark and having someone lose their eyes onscreen, the back half is very cutesy. This time last volume we had the dinner scene, and the sandwich scene blows it out of the water. I love how everyone who talks to Oscar is far softer than they were to Ozpin, it’s good to see that the gang know the difference, and it’s good for the team to unwind before the next few storms hit their shores. Ruby and Qrow in particular were peak adorable.
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I guess the baby was cute too but... look at them wiggling! :D :D 
The Grimm Reaper was a great mid-season checkpoint. Getting another new fight was a surprise to be sure, but it being easy “standout fight of the year” material made it a welcome one. Argus looks like a fantastic location and I would kill for a spinoff here, it seems like such an interesting city. 
8) Conclusion
Volume 6 had a lot of problems facing it on the onset- Volumes 4 and 5, 5 especially, had received lukewarm to poor reviews from the fans, and the pressure was on to prove that RWBY was a show worth watching. And judging by the first half of the Volume, Volume 6 is on its way to becoming the best volume in the entire damn show. We haven’t had a string of episodes this consistently good since Volume 3′s back half, and if Chapter 8 retains the quality, it’ll have exceeded that half numerically. Almost every major grievance I had with Volume 5- the protagonists being too passive, the excessive exposition, weak fights, the lackluster threat of the Grimm and Ruby’s placid lack of solid character growth- have all been addressed with gusto, as I hope I’ve explained above. At the very least, it does seem that the crew are meeting the three goals posted in the AMA with gusto. Add in some genuinely hilarious lines, spine-tingling horror and suspenseful action that rivals and at times exceeds what Monty was doing, and Volume 6 part 1 is this show’s redemption arc. While the second half could and likely will take a dip in quality, nothing short of a Battle of Haven level disaster can taint this volume, and I feel comfortable at this halfway mark saying we may be witnessing the new best volume of RWBY... if they gave Emerald and Mercury more screentime. But otherwise! New best volume. 
I think it’s telling that while I roughly knew what to expect around this time last year for Volume 5, I have no idea where Volume 6′s back half could take us and that excites me. I’m being led along for the ride and loving every damn minute of it. Keep it up CRWBY, let’s make Volume 5 a distant memory in the rear-view mirror as the show and fans go onwards to greener pastures.  
Or to put it in a more comedic way: 
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Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed the piece, please share it around, Tumblr’s current state means that I can never be sure what works and what doesn’t so outside sharing goes miles.
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
10 Theories/Wishes for the Upcoming War between the humans and the Ignises.
I’ve seen people posting their theories/wishes as of late for what they think is going to happen in the upcoming war between humanity vs the Ignises in Vrains. At the time of writing this, we still don’t know what’s to come after the Playmaker vs Bohman duel so I feel like this is the perfect time to give out my list of what I think we are going to be see coming up as well as some personal wishes of mine that I hope will come to forwishen. Just as a side note, none of these are in chronological order unless stated otherwise nor in a top 10 order from least to greatest (they are seriously just randomized).
1. Bohman joining Yusaku/Playmaker’s side/gets deleted.
Considering this is going to be their third duel of the season, I feel like this has to be the point where we finally learn what the deal is up with Bohman, and maybe Haru, and after Bohman loses, because there is no way in hell he’s going to win with Playmaker getting his Synchro more then likely in this duel, I think Lightning might just finally deem him a failure and just throws him away which in turn will allow him to join Playmaker’s side, since Yusaku would be the one to free him from Lightning’s control, or Lightning will just terminate him all together if he really is just an A.I. he created to serve him. 
2. Spectre vs Takeru/Soulburner.
If episode 70 wasn’t hinting at a potential Spectre vs Soulburner in the future, I’ll be very surprised. Considering they are both Lost Children as well, this duel will be very interesting from that standpoint. It appears that Yusaku told Takeru about the Knights but we still don’t have confirmation if Takeru knows that Spectre is also a Lost Child and if he doesn’t know that detail, Spectre will inform him soon enough. And when Takeru does find out/already knows, how he will duel knowing that detail is what I’m mostly intrigued about. Like will he try to talk Spectre into siding with their cause of co-exist with the Ignises since he is also a Lost Child or just simply see him as an enemy he has to defeat in order to protect Flame?
3. Dr. Kogami making his return.
I’ve seen some people talking about this, of how Lightning might actually bring Kogami back from the dead and honestly, I can see it happening. Not like actually bringing Dr. Kogami back from the dead but creating an artificial copy of him with his memories (cause Lightning and his memory powers and all) to serve him. And if this is the case, oh boy hello “we are going to traumatize the hell out of Ryoken” with this plot line. After all the crap Windy said to Revolver during their duel, you know that is what Lightning is going to have his copy of Kogami due to his “son” in what I’m going to guess a future Revolver vs Dr. Kogami duel. I’m hoping that if we do get this duel, this will also be the point where Ryoken will finally get redeemed and finally stop being his father’s weapon and start thinking for himself and what he wants, not what his father wants. Just so much good character development for Ryoken all around if Kogami actually does make a return, which again I can see happening at least since he is such an important character in all of this. 
4. Ryoken/Revolver vs Takeru/Soulburner.
Look, you all know I want this duel. I never shut up about it so I’ll make this quick. They have a very high likelihood of dueling with Takeru being in possession of Flame and considering that Ryoken was the one to save Takeru from the Hanoi Project, if Yusaku told Takeru that or not remains to be seen, I want to see Takeru’s reaction to that info. Mostly I just want to see the albinos kill each other and to see Yusaku try and stop this duel and fail miserably.
5. Takeru/Soulburner getting Brainwashed by Lightning.
Look, the best friend character of the main protagonist of a Yu-Gi-Oh series always has something bad happen to them so they end up turning evil and in turn face off against the protagonist in a heartwrenching battle. Jonouchi got mind controlled, Johan got possessed, Bruno was an android, Vector was Vector, and Sora was a mole. Takeru is not in a ideal position right now, especially considering that Lightning can rewrite memories and rewrite Flame’s code to make him loyal to his kin. I see us getting a Soulburner vs Lightning duel in the future with Lightning just out right destroying him and once he wins, he will rewrite Flame’s code and through him, or just messing with Takeru’s memories, turn Soulburner into one of their solders for their war just like how Lightning did with Jin (from the looks of things anyway. Jin definitely doesn’t look like he’s doing this of his own free will). If that’s the guess, I’ve talked about this before, but this should in turn lead into a Playmaker vs Soulburner duel with what I’m hoping to be Soulburner kicking Playmaker’s ass, Yusaku getting brainwashed, Revolver comes in to beat Playmaker to unbrainwash him, and then Playmaker can go back free Soulburner from Lightning’s control. I don’t think that would actually happen but case and point, Takeru is kinda f*cked at the moment if the past has taught us anything.
6. Kusanagi’s betrayal.
Yeah...after that Jin reveal, it is only a matter of time before Kusanagi just out right snaps and leaves Yusaku. Maybe it is because he blames him or it is because Lightning is a manipulative bastard and will use Jin to drive a wedge between them, who knows at the current moment. Regardless of what causes it, I am interested to know what will happen when the split happens. If Takeru gets brainwashed and Ai gets captured as well, Yusaku will be left completely alone again like he was before he teamed up with Kusanagi and who knows what will happen to his psyche because of it. Yeah okay there is Ryoken but I doubt Yusaku will join the Knights if everyone leaves him for Lightning or maybe he will (that be a plot twist right there). Either way, I’m ready for the snap and to see what comes from it.
7. Meeting Windy/Aqua’s Lost Children and Aqua.
I’m still very adamant that Windy’s kid isn’t dead and I’ve seen some people suggest that Go’s secret mission by Akira is to find the last two Lost Children. I think that would be such a good use of his character at the moment and give him some good development as well, since he was the one that was throwing a tantrum and comparing his upbringing to what the Lost Children had to go through during the Hanoi Project. It would definitely be a eye opener for him if he got to see first hand the effects of what the Hanoi Project did to these last two children, especially Windy’s kid who god knows what condition he’s in now after what Windy did to him. As for Aqua, I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity to get Aoi and Emma involved in the plot again if Akira sent them to find her, similar to how Go would be trying to find the final children. If Aqua is actually with her human, that would be even better. Have Go get some development through Windy’s kid and have Aoi through Aqua’s kid, if you know, Aoi isn’t actually Aqua’s kid (cause I’m still waiting for the writers to throw that plot twist at us). 
8. Earth and Spectre meeting up.
Since it is all but confirmed at this point that Spectre and Earth are partners, those two should be meeting up soon which is going to be really interesting, especially if Earth decides he wants to side with the humans and actually goes to Spectre, asking for his help in trying to co-exist with humans. I’ve talked about this before but this would be such good character development for Spectre if he actually decides to go against his own group’s goal and tries to protect Earth (and only just Earth. He doesn’t care about the other Ignises, its just that no one is allowed to hurt his). It would also be interesting from the other side of the conflict as well, if Earth decides to side with Lightning which could lead to a Spectre vs Earth duel. Regardless of who wins that duel, since I can see it going either way at the moment, I don’t think the victor will end up killing, in Spectre’ case, or enslaving, in Earth’s case, the other. I still see them teaming up to bring this war to an end since they each might have learned something from the other during that duel. 
9. Yusaku/Playmaker and Ryoken/Revolver teaming up.
Regardless if you like Datastormshipping or not, Ryoken is still Yusaku’s main rival of the series and like many Yu-Gi-Oh series before them, they are going to team up against a common enemy, that being Lightning in this case (I would love Takeru to also be apart of this duel as well but I really think it might just be Playmaker and Revolver teaming up to beat Lightning/Jin if he is still under Lightning’s control during this duel). We have yet to get a tag duel for Vrains and just think of how epic this team up would be. I would love to see some kind of fusion (an actual Fusion Monster or just a combination of the two in Link form) of Firewall Dragon and Borreload Dragon. Don’t think that would actually happen knowing Firewall’s history and all but still, this team up would probably bring us one of/if not the best duel of in all of Vrains.
10. Emma and Kengo’s backstory.
Not completely related to the war but come on, what the hell is their backstory together? If Go can get some development through Windy’s kid and Aoi through Aqua’s, Emma needs some development as well through Kengo and considering we still don’t know what happened to Ghost Girl at the end of 63, I’m hoping that when we do find out what happened to her, it is when we get the full backstory of these two. Like instead of shooting her, Blood Shepherd says something to her, like call Ghost Girl “Emma” again, and she calls him out on it, making him finally explain to her their past together. Maybe that’s why we haven’t seen Emma for a while? She’s so shaken up about what BS told her that she hasn’t been able to work and such. Kinda a long shot on that one but seriously, I just want all of the original cast of characters from season 1, the really important ones anyway, to get some kind of development through the new characters that haven’t already as I’ve talked about above.
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
questions i have that won’t ever be answered bc fox hates joy
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So, it’s Thursday. And there’s no new episode of Pitch and there hasn’t been since December. If you think that means I should be over it by now, you would be super fucking wrong. 
In honor of my unyielding grudge against fox have a (definitely incomplete) list of questions I wanted answered in seasons 2-10. 
Feel free to add your own and/or yell about your bitterness towards fox and how much you miss this show, Ginny Baker, and her #1 fan, Mike Lawson.
let’s get cracking, shall we??
in ascending order of thirstiness:
when did ginny lose her security detail? 
were they just there to deal with ginnsanity or was there something else going on??
they showed her fan mail multiple times, i don’t believe that even in this fictional world there weren’t people who weren’t super pissed a woman was playing in the majors
also: how worried did mike lawson get when he found out people were sending ginny hate mail?
what the hell does the rest of mike’s house look like? gimme a google street view, people.
also: when does ginny first see it? i need context and lots of it
how much shit does she give him for that portrait over his staircase?
does ginny baker actually not know how to cook? is that destined to be just fanon? 
what’s her favorite food? 
how long does it take mike to learn how to make it? does he just inform the clubhouse kitchen to have it ready on days she starts? 
what gets mike to tell ginny about his shitty childhood?
also: what musical cue do they play around this emotional conversation? more ryan adams? 
(jk, of course it’s more ryan adams.)
how often does ginny actually find mike sleeping in the clubhouse? (i.e. “You sleep a lot, old man.”)
how many pictures are on twitter/instagram of him sleeping in inadvisable places?
how many of those are from ginny alone?
what kind of weird routines have the team come up with to accommodate their sleepy captain?
ok, this is mostly me imagining the silent ballets that go on in the clubhouse when Lawson conks out on a couch. first one to wake him up has to pay an extra fine into the booze fund.
how grumpy is he when he wakes up from these naps???
how petty does mike get around ginny’s various dates? how petty does he get around mlb players with ginny baker heart eyes™? 
which is worse?
can he convince the team to take up the guard dog routine, too??
how many times has mike lawson drunk dialed ginny baker? how about vice versa?
if those calls go to voicemail, to what lengths do they go to keep them saved? 
i.e. what other stuff do they delete to make sure they can keep this reminder that the other’s thinking of them? even if they’re drunk and thinking of them
related: when do they become each other’s go to drunk dial? 
who figures them out first? 
my ranking, from most to least likely: Blip and/or Evelyn, Amelia, Al, Eliot (see, now i’m just imagining a b plot where he tries not to lose his mind from this knowledge), Livan, Sonny, any other Padre, Josh Peck/Ross, Rob the camera guy, Oscar
it’s not that i think Oscar is clueless, I just think he would do a hard mental u turn any time he came close to suspecting. The man does not want to know.
how many fucking times do they nearly kiss?
i, personally, need this number to be ridiculously high.
like at least four or five. far more times than is reasonable for two human beings who are mutually attracted to one another, even on a tv show
and that is because i am a sucker for slow burn and mutual pining. that is my sweet spot. that is where i live
post-meeting, who had the first dirty dream about the other? 
how soon did it happen?
how guilty did they feel when they inevitably used the dream as inspiration for some solo fun?
related: how long did they avoid the other afterwards?
how unexpectedly into it is Ginny after she sees Mike actually get into his first on field brawl? not because he’s ~defending her honor~ or whatever, he just looks really good scuffed up. 
like really good.
And, last, but not least:
jk, not fucking last: 
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furederiko · 7 years
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This is the LAST post for December, meaning it's also the FINAL post for the year. Anything special to publish in the conclusive day of 2017? NOPE. Just this... uhmmm, random ramblings. Ahahaha...
My internet went down completely for around 2 weeks since December 13th. The unexpected 'incident' (I apparently has burned my modem *sigh*) made me switched into my creative side and did genuine FUN non-internet related things instead. And I got all caught up by it... that I practically did NOT prepare anything for Tumblr.
Had a Random-News-Digest prepared for mid-December, but ditched it completely because the content would be highly outdated now. Wanted to do my monthly recap-view for "Kamen Rider Build", but haven't finished it so it'll have to wait until next month. The only thing I could pull off was the recap-views for "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" last 2 episodes of the year. Though to be honest, that amazing show was part of my 'offline fun' as well. So yeah, unlike last year, there is no TOP 10 list this year. Didn't even publish anything for Christmas, because I completely FORGOT about it! LOL... (^^;)
Anyways, to make up for all of that, I've written a rough 'RECAP' of what went through my life this year. Entertainment-wise, of course, and not all but just some of the highlights. In list form! Why? Because I feel like it *grins*. Here goes nothing...
Movies, Oh movies...
- Watched even less movies on the theatre this year, and opted to wait several releases on home video. Only went to see the big guns, thus there isn't any disappointment. - Surprisingly, I loved the live action "Beauty and the Beast" more than the animated original. Dan Stevens' solo number "Evermore" is stuck in my head ever since. - Haven't seen "Coco", and really want to. Here's hoping the home video will be released soon. I guess I should see "Cars 3" first, huh? - "Dunkirk" was magnificent. War movie is usually not my forte, so I'm pleasantly surprised that Christopher Nolan managed to make me enjoy one. Was it the short duration, the all-out jerks of the army, or the non-stop intensity? Don't know. But if there's at least one thing I've gained from it: I disliked Harry Styles ever more now. No kidding. Poor French soldier... - I'm a visual guy so when I saw a disturbing scene, it usually stayed on my head for a good while. That bloody scene after the bomb explosion on "Stronger", for example? *sigh*. I hope Jake Gyllenhall receives an Oscar nomination for his work on this movie. - "Death Note" and "Ghost in the Shell"? Enjoyed the first one more, but both deserved better. - Tom Cruise's "The Mummy" was mediocre, but I'm among the minority who actually want to see more of Universal's Dark Universe. Even if just to see more of Russell Crowe going Jekyll. Charlie Hunnam's "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword" was the movie's kindred spirit, while "Kong: Skull Island" was the opposite. Kong will be meeting Godzilla in the coming years! - Comic book adaptations were generally top notch. Naturally the three Marvel Studios' releases; "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", "Spider-Man: Homecoming", and "Thor: Ragnarok"; would be my top picks. Don't ask me to choose which one is the best though! All three were amazing and marvelous in their own unique ways, so I'd gladly rank them in the same spot just to be fair. - I admit, "Logan" and "Wonder Woman" were great too, but I didn't like them as much as everyone else on the planet. Not sure why, I guess... none of them was my cup of tea? Let's just say, there were problems on each of them that I couldn't quite tolerate and it reduced my overall impression on them. - Don't ask about "Justice League". I'll wait until I can borrow a copy when it's out on home video. Not wasting my money on a poorly reviewed DC Films. For now, "The LEGO Batman Movie" remains to be the best DC release of the year. - "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" was just NOT as good as the prequel. It was fun, but it felt like it's repetitive yet also missing something and trying too much.
Show Must Go On...
- Just realized that I've seen MORE TV series this year! Both the currently in broadcast, or titles from previouse years like "Westworld". Oh WOW... - Both Marvel's "Iron Fist" and Marvel's "The Defenders" were genuine duds. Both TV series were underwhelming and disappointing, that I have lost any urge to see Marvel's "The Punisher". - Haven't seen Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." 5th season as well, because I haven't been feeling it. Though that will change in the near future because I'm itching to see its 5th episode. Hey, my boy Fitz and Hunter are the star of that episode, right? THAT I just have to see! I wonder if seeing that episode would be enough to convince me to watch the previous four episodes... - Currently following Marvel's "Runaways", though this 1st season might be my first and last. Don't know why, but not feeling it either. I think CW's "Riverdale" was a more watchable show, and even that one have been dropped after Season 1. LOL. I guess teenage soap-opera is just NOT my thing. - The 5th and final season of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was kind of... all over the place too. This show should've ended with Season 3, if you ask me. It had a bittersweet ending, akin to "Samurai Jack". But it also did not ended gracefully, and far less enjoyable to follow. - "Stranger Things" Season 2 was amazing. It had a somewhat different vibe compared to the 1st one, but equally enjoyable to watch. Poor characters whose name starts with 'B'... - I think the 3rd and 4th Seasons of "Voltron Legendary Defender" were initially meant to be one unit. The show's first two seasons were impressive, but these latter two were... okay? I don't know why, but it felt like it has waned a bit. - "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" was somewhat similar. I had great time with Season 1 and 2, but Season 3 was a bit... uneven. Many of the jokes didn't quite hit, and some of the story development started feeling like a recycled trick. Still, I would love to see a 4th Season, and hopefully with better improvements. - Was expecting "Big Hero 6: The Series" to be as amazing as the Oscar-winning movie... but alas that didn't seem to be the case. Didn't quite enjoy the 2-episodes premiere as much as I wanted to. A complete opposite to "DuckTales", that hit all the right notes. The sole complaint I have about this reboot/remake, is that Scrooge McDuck's adventure isn't airing new episodes on a weekly basis! Aaaaargggh, the long wait is making me angry. - If you haven't seen "Thunderbirds Are Go", then what are you waiting for? I feel the 2nd Season had more and more amazing moments, to the point that I hope Season 3 will come sooner than later. - Comedies are taking my leisure time now! Have been following Seth McFarlane's "The Orville". It was mediocre to good, and desperately in need of improvements (hopefully in Season 2). Yet I keep going back and see it. Is it the star power of its guest stars? - Adam Scott and Craig Robinson's "Ghosted" is on my top priority watch. Sure, the quality has reduced a bit since the pilot, but the supernatural agents aren't going anytime soon from my house. - The same with Kevin Finn! Great goodness, I have only started watching "Kevin Probably Saves the World" since early this month (the benefit of NOT getting preoccupied by the internet LOL), but I'm already regretting why I didn't start sooner. Now I honestly can't wait to see more! Kevin is such an adorkable, likeable, and surprisingly relatable quirky lead. The kind of guy I would totally love to be best friends with in real life. Really though, the show is infectuous with its acts of kindness, heartwarming with its pleasant vibes, and also surprisingly engaging through its personal conflicts. If you hear me giggling, laughing out loud, or sobbing lately, you can probably thank Kevin, his guardian Angel, family, and friends for that! Seriously...
A Spoonful of Anime and Toku
- Turns out, "Kekkai Sensen & Beyond" wasn't the sequel that I expected to be. It's... 'different' than the first season. But when you get to see what the other members of Libra (even the team's butler) are doing in their daily lives, should one even be complaining? In the end it was indeed as amazing and fun ride as the first season, even if lead protagonist Leonardo Watch took a back seat most of the season. I'm already crossing my fingers to see more adventure of the team. But it likely won't happen in the near future, huh? Bummer... - "Ballroom e Youkoso" was a peculiar dance. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half, but after Tatara changed partner things got... hectic and irritating to follow? It was still good, but a rather uneven show if you ask me for honest impression. At the very least, it wasn't a wasted opportunity like "Kabuki-bu!" was. - "Houseki no Kuni" was of similar situation. Its animation was gorgeous, story was peculiarly engaging, and world building was great. But there were episodes that were undeniably better than the rest, and I didn't quite like how it ended. I guess that finale was teasing for more seasons? Hmmm... - It's been years since I follow a Pretty Cure series, and "Kira Kira Precure A La Mode" wet my appetite and got me back to the game. Unfortunately, while the design was interesting, and the sweets angle was neat, the story was somewhat weak. I have lost my initial enthusiasm after the first half, but I still watch it because it's going to end pretty soon. Not quite expecting a mindblowing finale though, especially if the animation quality is any indication. A common problem of TOEI Animation. Remember "Sekaisuru KADO"? - Dang it, what an impressive year it has been with Super Sentai. "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger" was kind of dull and boring last year, but had a great ending this year. And it was quickly followed by something even better. Yes, another show that has dragged me on a pleasant roller coaster ride is none other than TOEI's "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger". Since its premiere run on February, until its Christmas episode that wrapped up its 2017 run, I haven't been disappointed once with the series. Yes, I had an issue with the spin-off series of V-Cinema "Episode of Stinger", but that didn't count as the broadcast lineup. Though it's painful for me to soon say goodbye to this amazing season, I hope its last month will be memorable and a blast. Particularly because I'm currently having second thoughts about the 2018 season... - Just like its weekly storyline, "Kamen Rider Build" is still moving me back and forth. I'm honestly on the verge of dropping it completely, but I guess I'm going to check out several episodes from the next "Kamen Rider Wars" arc. I kind of feel it takes too long to get to this point when it could've been done earlier, but who am I to argue, right?
Name of the Game
- "Nintendo Switch" was a hit! Ever since its release on March 2017, the buzz and hype for this hybrid console only continue to increase. I wonder if I will be able to purchase one next year? Perhaps, just in time for the next Pokemon gen? - Speaking of Pokemon, the addition of Generation III from Hoenn region has made me go out and explore "Pokemon GO" again. The whole Raid Battle system and Niantic's handling of the Legendary Pokemon had disappointed so bad that I was close to give up on this App. Thankfully, now I have a horde of new reason to walk around the neighborhood. Problem is, can the same premise work in the long run? Niantic really need to consider new social features that enables players to engage with one another. - "Street Fighter V" had a weird set of DLC characters this year. The 2nd Season contained mostly new characters, that was a hit or miss with fans. Thankfully, things seem to be picking up next year with the Arcade Edition. Not just because my man Cody Travers is all dandy clean and returning to the game, of course. Question is, will I be able to play the game eventhough I don't have any plans to pick up a PS4? *giggles*. - I also haven't been able to play "Persona 5" due to the exact reason. LOL. Thankfully, "Persona 5 the Animation" has been announced to air next year. Sure, I'm a bit skeptical with the fact that A-1 Pictures and not Production I.G. will be doing the animation, but at least this will be my way of enjoying the game... WITHOUT actually playing it. - LEVEL-5 should do more of that worldwide Puzzle Quest! That was meant to be a prelude or some sort to "Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires' Conspiracy", but I think the game developer should learn by now that it could work as a stand alone project. It made people come together in surprising way, and attracted fans to come back everyday to check out the new worldwide puzzle. Real FUN!
Oookaaay, that went A LOT longer than I expected. And I'm 100% sure that there are items that completely slipped my mind. As of writing this line, it's only just a few hours before the year ends! Aaaaarggggh *grumble*. Gotta publish this one soon then!
With that said, 2017 has been a difficult and challenging year. Particularly to a very discriminative and straight-out evil political atmosphere. One that allowed people to show their true despicable nature and selfishly trampled others for it. Last year I did say that "There's so many reasons to be hopeful about 2017", but reality had spoken differently as it turned out there were plenty more to discourage us throughout the year. Many people have even lost their fate in humanity this year.
But you know what? I'm going to say the same thing this day as well. There are SOOO many reasons to be hopeful about 2018. I don't know if it's because I'm currently caught up in the holiday spirit, or because I've been feeling extra thankful and blessed this month. One thing I can openly attest, is that things DO GET BETTER. So don't ever lose hope, and keep fighting the good fight in the name of just and goodness. I'm being lazy right now, so I'm just going to copy and paste my own words from last year: "Life can sometimes be hard, but all we need to do is stay strong, stay high spirited, and more importantly, keep moving forward! Happiness and blessings will surely find its way, in ways you might not imagine!".
And also this next one... because I'm going to be saying more or less the same kind of statements anyway: "Thanks to those who have been reading my blog all year long. I know I haven't spent much time (or any) to address you one by one, and heck, I might not even know you're there. But please know that I'll always be grateful for your presence, your time, kindness, and more importantly patience to walk through my long and sometimes pointless ramblings. What you've been doing means a lot for me, and I hope what I've been posting has and will somehow benefit back to you in return.". 2017 ends in just a few hours away, so let's enter and stride through 2018 with a hopeful and brave heart, the biggest and earnest smiles, the most sincere love and compassion for others regardless of their religion, race, or skin color. More importantly, let's make 2018 a year that we can be proud of. Where we take a stand for what's right and good! Where we become better human being than we are this year!
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softhorts · 7 years
Any good au phanfics you can recommend me? Or any you've written? I'm new so I have not read any
ooo well I mostly read AUs, but I’ll link my all time favorites below under the cut and you can check out all of my bookmarks on ao3 because they’re really all good tbh! also check out the @phanfictioncatalogue The admins are super helpful and lovely :D
As for my own fics, I have never posted any but maybe sometime soon I will! For now, Happy Reading! 
Non AU:
fifty kisses to christmas by nokomisfics
“That any better?” Phil asks.
“Yeah,” Dan says, biting his lip. He sounds breathless.
“Okay.” Phil pulls away properly this time, getting to his feet. Dan looks up at him, not moving from his position on the bed, and Phil reaches down to pat at his cheek gently. “I’ll make us a toastie for tea? Turn the telly on, I’ve got Saturday’s episode saved. Haven’t deleted it or anything.”
“Alright,” Dan says, still sounding a bit like he’s short for breath. When Phil leaves the room, he feels eyes on the back of his neck.
or: Phil gives Dan fifty kisses for Christmas.
Maybe, Possibly by cafephan
Phil’s mother is adamant that he should be settling down, so invites one of his turbulent exes to an annual family get-together the following day. In a moment of panic, he tells her he’s already dating someone. With no other options, he turns to Dan.
Alternate Universe:
before we turn into a monster (with two heads) by blueshirt
“Once this case is over, I’m getting a new job. Maybe one where I just sit in my bedroom and make videos about my life. That would be nice,” Dan muses dreamily to himself—or rather, mumbles indistinctly to himself, because it’s a little hard to articulate when you’ve been shoved into the trunk of a moving car, bound, and gagged.
Or, the 30K Secret Agents AU that nobody asked for, featuring an undercover mission as husbands, annoying coworkers with a betting pool (Dan is going to complain to HR about Felix), and inevitable slow-dancing to Ed Sheeran.
(contains: smut)
The Abstract Notion of Home by wallflowerchronicles (unfinished)
An American university AU
(contains: smut)
Fool’s Gold by DarkPhannie
Fashion designer, or rather fashion student, Dan Howell has just moved to NYC and meets Phil Lester, an aspiring advertising major. Success seems like an easy task but will Dan’s ambition and trips to the other side of the world interrupt his life too much?
also on tumblr
(contains: smut)
Sidetracked by phanimist
Based on a prompt:
Dan and Phil are both contestants on ‘The Bachelorette’, but fall in love with each other instead of the girl.
Never Fade Away by parentaladvisorybullshitcontent
“Come on, just because he’s in space doesn’t make him cooler than you. I mean, technically we’re all in space. He’s just…in a different bit of space.”
“It’s nothing to do with anything like that. I just –“ Dan pauses, trying to think of a way to phrase it. “It’s stupid to even think of him like that when I’ve never even met him, you know? Like – I have no idea who he is.”
In which Phil’s an astronaut alone on Mars and Dan’s a lowly tech down at Ground Control who can’t get him out of his head
In My Way by INeverHadMyInternetPhase (unfinished)
Daniel Howell is 21 and Britain’s newest star. He’s just been cast in the much-anticipated film adaption of Last Man Standing, the popular teen fantasy novel with a huge fanbase hanging off his every tweet. In other words, Dan has made it big.
Phil Lester couldn’t care less. He’s a stressed out PHD student working part time at a bookshop while he struggles to get into post-production. He’s 26 and still lives in a tiny flat on the fifth floor of a building with a lift more broken than it is in use. He loves books, but he thinks big film adaptions screw with the plot too much.
Needless to say, Phil is less than impressed when Last Man Standing is getting filmed in his hometown. And he certainly doesn’t want anything to do with obnoxious, arrogant, so irritatingly perfect leading actor Daniel Howell.
Lover Boy by cafephan
Phil is the shy new kid at school, taken under the wing of Dan’s group of friends. The two develop crushes on one another, but a secret from the past threatens to jeopardise everything before it even begins.
Can’t Get You Out of My Mind by japhanforever
Phil is weird in many ways, but there’s one thing about him that is weirder than most. He has the ability to enter people’s dreams. Normally, he just hops into a random friend’s dream and goes along for the ride. Until, that is, the new kid, Dan Howell, comes along. From the moment they meet, Phil can’t stop get him out of is head….. And Dan may have a hard time keeping Phil out of his. Literally.
Life is a Test (And I Get Bad Marks) by phansdick (Skeletonflowers)
Soulmate au where the first thing you think when you see your soulmate for the first time appears on their skin. Dan has always been known as the most badass guy in school; Until Phil Lester shows up, that is. Feeling like his image is at risk, he lashes out, causing an all-out war between the two.
A Wizard’s Misgivings by jilliancares
Dan Howell’s entire family has been in Slytherin, and there’s no doubt he’s supposed to end up there too. Phil Lester does’t exactly know what to do when he finds himself liking boys, so he’s usually just horrendously mean to them. 
also on tumblr
On Tumblr:
My Man by lumierebleue
In the mid-twenties, poor worker’s son Dan runs away from home and meets Phil, a man with a secret. Their love blossoms but when the economy crumbles in 1929 and leaves them struggling for survival, Phil’s past catches up to him and he has to make a decision that will change their lives forever. (25.000w)
Ps if any of the authors here are uncomfy with their fic in this list or anything else please let me know!
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dantelaw21 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292
Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey, we’re live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we’re not there yet. We’re at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we’re going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we’ll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you’re in the right place. And we’re going to get to that in just a second. So I’m going to start
we’ll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What’s uh, how’s life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It’s gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it’s kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and
Fortunately, she’s gone now. So it’s like, you know, I’m going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I’m refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you’re ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?
Whoops, I was doing I’m doing good, man. I’m just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don’t know.
Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it’s just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let’s see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog’s name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It’s like a million bro.
Yeah. So I’m good, man. I’m excited. I’m excited.
Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?
blind. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco’s doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I’m also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.
I actually I felt bad yesterday so I’m not that an extra 50 because I couldn’t do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I’m going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I’ll go and do
four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?
Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck
and I got three compressed this in my lower back
So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don’t. I don’t even want to think about it because I’ve never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don’t tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren’t friends with me on Facebook, that’s probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I’m gonna do 100 squats a day and I’m gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I’ll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob’s doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you’re not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.
Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it’s harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that’s like the bulking up you usually do.
That’s too sweet for me. Like it wasn’t like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.
That’s what I prefer. That’s a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry’s. And Jerry’s packs a punch man that’s got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we’re on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.
Apparently my door didn’t like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we’re working with a company that’s going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it’s gonna be some good stuff.
When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it’s decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.
Stage, we’re gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we’re really excited. We’re going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it’s gonna be Boku virtual live. We’re still gonna have time for q&a. We’re still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we’re lining up the guests.
Right now, and we’re getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y v.co. If you haven’t been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y v.co. Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I’ll put it on the page for everyone. But there’s a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we’d be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that’s about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?
I don’t think so. I’m good. All right. Let’s do it. Alright, grab the screen and we’ll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So
Let’s do it.
Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google’s Index?
Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we’re gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven’t tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they’re indexed? I don’t know. Actually, I don’t know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it’s redirected. So for example, if you’ve got a WordPress site, it’s through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it’s gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that’s just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.
Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?
So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.
Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don’t, I don’t know if there’s enough of a demand for that, because you’re the first person that’s asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?
No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people’s right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we’ll include a coupon or something. Yeah.
I mean, we already do. Yeah, it’s a lesson but we’re not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can’t work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.
What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?
So the second part or second question is what’s the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it’s the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it’s not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it’s available sometimes it’s not. It’s a good question. It’s, it’s not available right now. That’s correct.
Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?
Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of mgyb.co shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you’re linking if you’re building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you’re essentially building links directly to your money site. That’s not what we teach. So that’s what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it’s essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you’ll have all that you don’t even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don’t know why you’d go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.
What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?
Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You’re welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don’t know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I’ve tried it. For most clients, you know, if they’re open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that’s probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it’s totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can’t produce the content because it’s legal. And the client is like, it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we’re only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.
You shouldn’t get you shouldn’t be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that’s the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I’m talking about the week. So it’s interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I’m seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I’m also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they’re not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that’s related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that’s a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they’re relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that’s really good about posting images from
They’re and about the product that he does. I’ll go back to this luxury niche. He’s really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy’s barely posting, the other guy’s posting as often as possible. And they’re both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they’re silo, and the fact that they’re stacked, and the fact that they’re looped, and so is everything behind it.
There you go.
Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?
So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I’m gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that’s what you know, I’ve talked about many times, it’s why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you’re using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it’s so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It’s, it’s simple, it’s a lot easier to manage, it’s easier to build and it’s easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it’s, it’s also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they’re suggested silos.
So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren’t 100% relevant to your project, there’s going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you’re gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you’re going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that’s more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there’s width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever
Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that’s relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it’s very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you’re not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don’t know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It’s as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that’s pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we’re giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that’s what you want. There’s so much information in there like that. I don’t think there’s any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don’t go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it’s given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it’s in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it’s not only in the content that you’re producing, but you’re relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I’ll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That’s the market level category, because any anything that’s a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it’s all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it’s hyper-competitive. But if you’re going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.
I’m hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you’re going to do all of your research for criminal law, you’re going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it’s a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you’re interlinking, you’re using the plugin the way that you’re supposed to, you’re using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it’s supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I’m not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you’re getting is a two for one, you’re getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you’re bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.
But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y v.to. Go pick it up because I don’t think there’s anyone doing anything better than we are.
What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?
Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson’s up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can’t find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it’s on our list for MGYB’s Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It’s not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you’re going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don’t have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don’t even I don’t do because it’s just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we’ll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he’s the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he’ll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn’t recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that’s what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don’t go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.
I haven’t used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.
I agree. So but again, you know, as if you’re submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it’s likely that you’re going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you’re going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I’m sure he will be happy to share that.
Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?
Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We’re knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, there are other ways that we’ve shared in the heavy hitter club and I’m the way I’m not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It’s not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that’s all I’m going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it’s taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we’re actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we’re going to try. And if that works, well, then we’ll make that public because Google makes it.
cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I’m actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don’t have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you’re still getting high authority. You’re getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it’s Microsoft owned in that domain. So I’m testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don’t have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we’ve tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it’s getting out of the Google ecosystem. That’s true.
Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?
Unknown Speaker 30:33 So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I’ve noticed that I’m getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That’s a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn’t matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.
Something like that you don’t need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that’s why it times out.
Yeah, especially if you’ve got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that’s very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don’t you know, I just don’t submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So
Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?
wills up. Well, what’s up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.
Because again, we’ll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that’s just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you’re, if we’re talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you’re at the post level, if you’re in a simple silo, you’re going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that’s going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that’s physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be domain.com/category/subcategory/post, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That’s a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you’re using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let’s see if I got it right
is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don’t yeah that’s it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it’ll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don’t know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it’s he’s got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it’ll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They’re all effective. It’s just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that’s a really good question. Any comments on that?
No, that was fine. That’s fine. That’s a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.
When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there’s several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they’ll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you’ll see, you know, for four, you’ll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we’ve we’ve come across like it’s just amazing what he’s able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It’s amazing what he’s able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.
Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?
Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I’m interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don’t include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that’s why I brought this up. Because here’s the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at MGYB.co store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?
Just so people know, or just to remind them, we’re currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it’s bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don’t submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don’t know when those orders are going to come through. It’s hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it’s automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you’re good
Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site’s Content Is In Spanish?
Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site’s content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won’t build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn’t it that’s not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you’re about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.
I would add all that if if he’s planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.
I don’t know, let’s say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he’s syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he’s expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you’re missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don’t want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that’s not a problem.
Yeah, that’s come a long way over the years. Oh, it’s getting really good. Yeah, it’s come a long way. That’s for sure.
All right, bb’s up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week’s webinar. So I’m glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first
Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?
The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that’s a full-text feed on one’s an excerpt feed. I don’t think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don’t publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we’re searching for particular feeds and things like that, it’s usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that’s what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don’t work for all the different directories so I don’t know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn’t useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that’s really all that matters. But again, if you don’t have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don’t think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?
You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week’s Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you’re syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you’re trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you’re just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that’s always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash domain.com, slash blog, or if it’s on a subdomain, blog.domain.com, whatever, you understand what I’m saying.
Here’s the thing if you’re syndicating like, let’s just keep it simple.
Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I’m saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let’s just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it’s going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you’re also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you’re linking that your blog, right is like, let’s say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you’re linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.
With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn’t recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I’m explaining, you’re only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it’s going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you’re syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there’s going to be something that’s going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don’t over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that’s only one time it gets syndicated, it’s gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.
I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don’t want to over-optimize, especially with links. You’re linking back to wherever it is that you’re linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it’s coming into your index page, wherever it is that it’s going. If you’re getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it’s coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don’t want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don’t penalize me because look, I’m nofollow.
Now to avoid all of this, if you’re going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They’ll do exactly the naked URL. And you won’t get into that type of problem.
And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let’s just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week’s Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn’t look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week’s episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that’s last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that’ll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.
Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it’s gonna be virtual this time because we’re not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it’s virtual, I can probably crank out someone’s arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.
Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand’s Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?
Okay, Austin dawn. What’s up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here’s the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that’s why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there’s going to be a brand behind that they’re just using that because it’s, you know, easy to remember. And there’s used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they’re likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we’re going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That’s the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don’t think would be a problem. I mean, I’ve done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I’m using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don’t think that would be a problem. I haven’t tested that specifically, but I don’t think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It’s okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That’s when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you’re going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don’t really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it’s just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that’s probably going to because I mean that that’s the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It’s really ugly to see that. So that’s why we try to focus on people brand.
I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they’re now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It’s two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don’t. What you’re doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it’ll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that’s what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you’re going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we’re teaching and how you do this again, as I said,
Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It’ll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and
Bradley’s Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that’s going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it’s a done deal. It’s over.
yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn’t the optimal keyword. It’s not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn’t the primary keyword to be targeting. But that’s the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn’t. And I’ve never seen mirrored I don’t have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that’s how you get this additional real estate here. Because that’s those are FAQs that are on it’s just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it’s ultimately it’s found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it’s right at the top now and it’s all that additional real estate. What I’m trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there’s not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It’s a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I’m number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I’ve never really done any optimization for at all. But there’s been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I’m paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my
My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I’m actually targeting on the page. It’s still ranking organically and what number three, even though I’ve never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that’s why I think it’s important and we’ve been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that’s why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you’ve started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it’s relevant. It’s related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you’ll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.
All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292
Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey, we’re live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we’re not there yet. We’re at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we’re going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we’ll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you’re in the right place. And we’re going to get to that in just a second. So I’m going to start
we’ll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What’s uh, how’s life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It’s gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it’s kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and
Fortunately, she’s gone now. So it’s like, you know, I’m going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I’m refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you’re ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?
Whoops, I was doing I’m doing good, man. I’m just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don’t know.
Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it’s just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let’s see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog’s name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It’s like a million bro.
Yeah. So I’m good, man. I’m excited. I’m excited.
Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?
blind. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco’s doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I’m also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.
I actually I felt bad yesterday so I’m not that an extra 50 because I couldn’t do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I’m going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I’ll go and do
four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?
Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck
and I got three compressed this in my lower back
So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don’t. I don’t even want to think about it because I’ve never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don’t tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren’t friends with me on Facebook, that’s probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I’m gonna do 100 squats a day and I’m gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I’ll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob’s doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you’re not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.
Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it’s harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that’s like the bulking up you usually do.
That’s too sweet for me. Like it wasn’t like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.
That’s what I prefer. That’s a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry’s. And Jerry’s packs a punch man that’s got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we’re on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.
Apparently my door didn’t like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we’re working with a company that’s going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it’s gonna be some good stuff.
When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it’s decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.
Stage, we’re gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we’re really excited. We’re going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it’s gonna be Boku virtual live. We’re still gonna have time for q&a. We’re still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we’re lining up the guests.
Right now, and we’re getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y v.co. If you haven’t been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y v.co. Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I’ll put it on the page for everyone. But there’s a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we’d be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that’s about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?
I don’t think so. I’m good. All right. Let’s do it. Alright, grab the screen and we’ll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So
Let’s do it.
Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google’s Index?
Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we’re gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven’t tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they’re indexed? I don’t know. Actually, I don’t know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it’s redirected. So for example, if you’ve got a WordPress site, it’s through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it’s gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that’s just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.
Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?
So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.
Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don’t, I don’t know if there’s enough of a demand for that, because you’re the first person that’s asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?
No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people’s right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we’ll include a coupon or something. Yeah.
I mean, we already do. Yeah, it’s a lesson but we’re not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can’t work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.
What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?
So the second part or second question is what’s the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it’s the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it’s not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it’s available sometimes it’s not. It’s a good question. It’s, it’s not available right now. That’s correct.
Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?
Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of mgyb.co shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you’re linking if you’re building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you’re essentially building links directly to your money site. That’s not what we teach. So that’s what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it’s essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you’ll have all that you don’t even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don’t know why you’d go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.
What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?
Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You’re welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don’t know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I’ve tried it. For most clients, you know, if they’re open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that’s probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it’s totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can’t produce the content because it’s legal. And the client is like, it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we’re only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.
You shouldn’t get you shouldn’t be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that’s the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I’m talking about the week. So it’s interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I’m seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I’m also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they’re not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that’s related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that’s a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they’re relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that’s really good about posting images from
They’re and about the product that he does. I’ll go back to this luxury niche. He’s really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy’s barely posting, the other guy’s posting as often as possible. And they’re both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they’re silo, and the fact that they’re stacked, and the fact that they’re looped, and so is everything behind it.
There you go.
Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?
So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I’m gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that’s what you know, I’ve talked about many times, it’s why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you’re using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it’s so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It’s, it’s simple, it’s a lot easier to manage, it’s easier to build and it’s easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it’s, it’s also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they’re suggested silos.
So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren’t 100% relevant to your project, there’s going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you’re gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you’re going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that’s more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there’s width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever
Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that’s relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it’s very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you’re not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don’t know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It’s as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that’s pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we’re giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that’s what you want. There’s so much information in there like that. I don’t think there’s any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don’t go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it’s given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it’s in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it’s not only in the content that you’re producing, but you’re relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I’ll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That’s the market level category, because any anything that’s a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it’s all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it’s hyper-competitive. But if you’re going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.
I’m hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you’re going to do all of your research for criminal law, you’re going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it’s a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you’re interlinking, you’re using the plugin the way that you’re supposed to, you’re using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it’s supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I’m not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you’re getting is a two for one, you’re getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you’re bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.
But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y v.to. Go pick it up because I don’t think there’s anyone doing anything better than we are.
What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?
Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson’s up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can’t find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it’s on our list for MGYB’s Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It’s not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you’re going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don’t have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don’t even I don’t do because it’s just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we’ll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he’s the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he’ll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn’t recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that’s what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don’t go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.
I haven’t used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.
I agree. So but again, you know, as if you’re submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it’s likely that you’re going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you’re going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I’m sure he will be happy to share that.
Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?
Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We’re knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, there are other ways that we’ve shared in the heavy hitter club and I’m the way I’m not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It’s not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that’s all I’m going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it’s taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we’re actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we’re going to try. And if that works, well, then we’ll make that public because Google makes it.
cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I’m actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don’t have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you’re still getting high authority. You’re getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it’s Microsoft owned in that domain. So I’m testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don’t have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we’ve tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it’s getting out of the Google ecosystem. That’s true.
Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?
Unknown Speaker 30:33 So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I’ve noticed that I’m getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That’s a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn’t matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.
Something like that you don’t need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that’s why it times out.
Yeah, especially if you’ve got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that’s very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don’t you know, I just don’t submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So
Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?
wills up. Well, what’s up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.
Because again, we’ll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that’s just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you’re, if we’re talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you’re at the post level, if you’re in a simple silo, you’re going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that’s going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that’s physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be domain.com/category/subcategory/post, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That’s a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you’re using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let’s see if I got it right
is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don’t yeah that’s it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it’ll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don’t know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it’s he’s got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it’ll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They’re all effective. It’s just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that’s a really good question. Any comments on that?
No, that was fine. That’s fine. That’s a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.
When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there’s several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they’ll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you’ll see, you know, for four, you’ll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we’ve we’ve come across like it’s just amazing what he’s able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It’s amazing what he’s able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.
Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?
Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I’m interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don’t include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that’s why I brought this up. Because here’s the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at MGYB.co store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?
Just so people know, or just to remind them, we’re currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it’s bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don’t submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don’t know when those orders are going to come through. It’s hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it’s automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you’re good
Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site’s Content Is In Spanish?
Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site’s content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won’t build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn’t it that’s not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you’re about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.
I would add all that if if he’s planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.
I don’t know, let’s say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he’s syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he’s expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you’re missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don’t want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that’s not a problem.
Yeah, that’s come a long way over the years. Oh, it’s getting really good. Yeah, it’s come a long way. That’s for sure.
All right, bb’s up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week’s webinar. So I’m glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first
Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?
The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that’s a full-text feed on one’s an excerpt feed. I don’t think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don’t publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we’re searching for particular feeds and things like that, it’s usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that’s what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don’t work for all the different directories so I don’t know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn’t useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that’s really all that matters. But again, if you don’t have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don’t think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?
You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week’s Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you’re syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you’re trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you’re just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that’s always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash domain.com, slash blog, or if it’s on a subdomain, blog.domain.com, whatever, you understand what I’m saying.
Here’s the thing if you’re syndicating like, let’s just keep it simple.
Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I’m saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let’s just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it’s going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you’re also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you’re linking that your blog, right is like, let’s say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you’re linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.
With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn’t recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I’m explaining, you’re only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it’s going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you’re syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there’s going to be something that’s going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don’t over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that’s only one time it gets syndicated, it’s gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.
I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don’t want to over-optimize, especially with links. You’re linking back to wherever it is that you’re linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it’s coming into your index page, wherever it is that it’s going. If you’re getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it’s coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don’t want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don’t penalize me because look, I’m nofollow.
Now to avoid all of this, if you’re going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They’ll do exactly the naked URL. And you won’t get into that type of problem.
And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let’s just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week’s Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn’t look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week’s episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that’s last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that’ll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.
Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it’s gonna be virtual this time because we’re not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it’s virtual, I can probably crank out someone’s arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.
Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand’s Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?
Okay, Austin dawn. What’s up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here’s the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that’s why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there’s going to be a brand behind that they’re just using that because it’s, you know, easy to remember. And there’s used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they’re likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we’re going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That’s the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don’t think would be a problem. I mean, I’ve done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I’m using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don’t think that would be a problem. I haven’t tested that specifically, but I don’t think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It’s okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That’s when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you’re going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don’t really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it’s just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that’s probably going to because I mean that that’s the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It’s really ugly to see that. So that’s why we try to focus on people brand.
I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they’re now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It’s two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don’t. What you’re doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it’ll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that’s what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you’re going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we’re teaching and how you do this again, as I said,
Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It’ll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and
Bradley’s Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that’s going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it’s a done deal. It’s over.
yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn’t the optimal keyword. It’s not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn’t the primary keyword to be targeting. But that’s the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn’t. And I’ve never seen mirrored I don’t have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that’s how you get this additional real estate here. Because that’s those are FAQs that are on it’s just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it’s ultimately it’s found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it’s right at the top now and it’s all that additional real estate. What I’m trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there’s not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It’s a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I’m number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I’ve never really done any optimization for at all. But there’s been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I’m paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my
My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I’m actually targeting on the page. It’s still ranking organically and what number three, even though I’ve never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that’s why I think it’s important and we’ve been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that’s why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you’ve started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it’s relevant. It’s related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you’ll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.
All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292
Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey, we’re live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we’re not there yet. We’re at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we’re going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we’ll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you’re in the right place. And we’re going to get to that in just a second. So I’m going to start
we’ll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What’s uh, how’s life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It’s gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it’s kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and
Fortunately, she’s gone now. So it’s like, you know, I’m going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I’m refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you’re ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?
Whoops, I was doing I’m doing good, man. I’m just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don’t know.
Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it’s just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let’s see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog’s name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It’s like a million bro.
Yeah. So I’m good, man. I’m excited. I’m excited.
Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?
blind. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco’s doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I’m also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.
I actually I felt bad yesterday so I’m not that an extra 50 because I couldn’t do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I’m going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I’ll go and do
four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?
Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck
and I got three compressed this in my lower back
So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don’t. I don’t even want to think about it because I’ve never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don’t tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren’t friends with me on Facebook, that’s probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I’m gonna do 100 squats a day and I’m gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I’ll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob’s doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you’re not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.
Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it’s harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that’s like the bulking up you usually do.
That’s too sweet for me. Like it wasn’t like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.
That’s what I prefer. That’s a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry’s. And Jerry’s packs a punch man that’s got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we’re on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.
Apparently my door didn’t like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we’re working with a company that’s going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it’s gonna be some good stuff.
When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it’s decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.
Stage, we’re gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we’re really excited. We’re going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it’s gonna be Boku virtual live. We’re still gonna have time for q&a. We’re still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we’re lining up the guests.
Right now, and we’re getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y v.co. If you haven’t been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y v.co. Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I’ll put it on the page for everyone. But there’s a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we’d be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that’s about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?
I don’t think so. I’m good. All right. Let’s do it. Alright, grab the screen and we’ll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So
Let’s do it.
Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google’s Index?
Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we’re gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven’t tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they’re indexed? I don’t know. Actually, I don’t know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it’s redirected. So for example, if you’ve got a WordPress site, it’s through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it’s gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that’s just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.
Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?
So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.
Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don’t, I don’t know if there’s enough of a demand for that, because you’re the first person that’s asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?
No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people’s right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we’ll include a coupon or something. Yeah.
I mean, we already do. Yeah, it’s a lesson but we’re not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can’t work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.
What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?
So the second part or second question is what’s the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it’s the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it’s not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it’s available sometimes it’s not. It’s a good question. It’s, it’s not available right now. That’s correct.
Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?
Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of mgyb.co shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you’re linking if you’re building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you’re essentially building links directly to your money site. That’s not what we teach. So that’s what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it’s essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you’ll have all that you don’t even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don’t know why you’d go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.
What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?
Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You’re welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don’t know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I’ve tried it. For most clients, you know, if they’re open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that’s probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it’s totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can’t produce the content because it’s legal. And the client is like, it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we’re only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.
You shouldn’t get you shouldn’t be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that’s the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I’m talking about the week. So it’s interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I’m seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I’m also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they’re not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that’s related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that’s a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they’re relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that’s really good about posting images from
They’re and about the product that he does. I’ll go back to this luxury niche. He’s really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy’s barely posting, the other guy’s posting as often as possible. And they’re both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they’re silo, and the fact that they’re stacked, and the fact that they’re looped, and so is everything behind it.
There you go.
Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?
So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I’m gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that’s what you know, I’ve talked about many times, it’s why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you’re using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it’s so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It’s, it’s simple, it’s a lot easier to manage, it’s easier to build and it’s easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it’s, it’s also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they’re suggested silos.
So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren’t 100% relevant to your project, there’s going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you’re gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you’re going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that’s more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there’s width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever
Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that’s relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it’s very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you’re not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don’t know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It’s as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that’s pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we’re giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that’s what you want. There’s so much information in there like that. I don’t think there’s any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don’t go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it’s given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it’s in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it’s not only in the content that you’re producing, but you’re relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I’ll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That’s the market level category, because any anything that’s a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it’s all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it’s hyper-competitive. But if you’re going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.
I’m hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you’re going to do all of your research for criminal law, you’re going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it’s a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you’re interlinking, you’re using the plugin the way that you’re supposed to, you’re using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it’s supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I’m not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you’re getting is a two for one, you’re getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you’re bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.
But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y v.to. Go pick it up because I don’t think there’s anyone doing anything better than we are.
What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?
Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson’s up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can’t find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it’s on our list for MGYB’s Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It’s not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you’re going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don’t have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don’t even I don’t do because it’s just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we’ll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he’s the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he’ll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn’t recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that’s what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don’t go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.
I haven’t used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.
I agree. So but again, you know, as if you’re submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it’s likely that you’re going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you’re going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I’m sure he will be happy to share that.
Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?
Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We’re knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, there are other ways that we’ve shared in the heavy hitter club and I’m the way I’m not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It’s not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that’s all I’m going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it’s taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we’re actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we’re going to try. And if that works, well, then we’ll make that public because Google makes it.
cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I’m actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don’t have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you’re still getting high authority. You’re getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it’s Microsoft owned in that domain. So I’m testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don’t have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we’ve tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it’s getting out of the Google ecosystem. That’s true.
Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?
Unknown Speaker 30:33 So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I’ve noticed that I’m getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That’s a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn’t matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.
Something like that you don’t need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that’s why it times out.
Yeah, especially if you’ve got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that’s very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don’t you know, I just don’t submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So
Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?
wills up. Well, what’s up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.
Because again, we’ll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that’s just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you’re, if we’re talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you’re at the post level, if you’re in a simple silo, you’re going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that’s going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that’s physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be domain.com/category/subcategory/post, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That’s a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you’re using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let’s see if I got it right
is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don’t yeah that’s it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it’ll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don’t know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it’s he’s got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it’ll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They’re all effective. It’s just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that’s a really good question. Any comments on that?
No, that was fine. That’s fine. That’s a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.
When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there’s several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they’ll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you’ll see, you know, for four, you’ll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we’ve we’ve come across like it’s just amazing what he’s able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It’s amazing what he’s able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.
Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?
Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I’m interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don’t include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that’s why I brought this up. Because here’s the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at MGYB.co store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?
Just so people know, or just to remind them, we’re currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it’s bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don’t submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don’t know when those orders are going to come through. It’s hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it’s automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you’re good
Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site’s Content Is In Spanish?
Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site’s content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won’t build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn’t it that’s not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you’re about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.
I would add all that if if he’s planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.
I don’t know, let’s say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he’s syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he’s expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you’re missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don’t want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that’s not a problem.
Yeah, that’s come a long way over the years. Oh, it’s getting really good. Yeah, it’s come a long way. That’s for sure.
All right, bb’s up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week’s webinar. So I’m glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first
Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?
The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that’s a full-text feed on one’s an excerpt feed. I don’t think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don’t publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we’re searching for particular feeds and things like that, it’s usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that’s what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don’t work for all the different directories so I don’t know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn’t useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that’s really all that matters. But again, if you don’t have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don’t think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?
You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week’s Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you’re syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you’re trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you’re just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that’s always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash domain.com, slash blog, or if it’s on a subdomain, blog.domain.com, whatever, you understand what I’m saying.
Here’s the thing if you’re syndicating like, let’s just keep it simple.
Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I’m saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let’s just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it’s going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you’re also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you’re linking that your blog, right is like, let’s say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you’re linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.
With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn’t recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I’m explaining, you’re only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it’s going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you’re syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there’s going to be something that’s going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don’t over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that’s only one time it gets syndicated, it’s gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.
I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don’t want to over-optimize, especially with links. You’re linking back to wherever it is that you’re linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it’s coming into your index page, wherever it is that it’s going. If you’re getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it’s coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don’t want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don’t penalize me because look, I’m nofollow.
Now to avoid all of this, if you’re going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They’ll do exactly the naked URL. And you won’t get into that type of problem.
And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let’s just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week’s Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn’t look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week’s episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that’s last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that’ll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.
Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it’s gonna be virtual this time because we’re not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it’s virtual, I can probably crank out someone’s arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.
Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand’s Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?
Okay, Austin dawn. What’s up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here’s the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that’s why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there’s going to be a brand behind that they’re just using that because it’s, you know, easy to remember. And there’s used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they’re likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we’re going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That’s the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don’t think would be a problem. I mean, I’ve done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I’m using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don’t think that would be a problem. I haven’t tested that specifically, but I don’t think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It’s okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That’s when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you’re going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don’t really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it’s just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that’s probably going to because I mean that that’s the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It’s really ugly to see that. So that’s why we try to focus on people brand.
I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they’re now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It’s two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don’t. What you’re doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it’ll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that’s what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you’re going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we’re teaching and how you do this again, as I said,
Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It’ll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and
Bradley’s Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that’s going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it’s a done deal. It’s over.
yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn’t the optimal keyword. It’s not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn’t the primary keyword to be targeting. But that’s the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn’t. And I’ve never seen mirrored I don’t have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that’s how you get this additional real estate here. Because that’s those are FAQs that are on it’s just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it’s ultimately it’s found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it’s right at the top now and it’s all that additional real estate. What I’m trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there’s not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It’s a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I’m number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I’ve never really done any optimization for at all. But there’s been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I’m paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my
My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I’m actually targeting on the page. It’s still ranking organically and what number three, even though I’ve never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that’s why I think it’s important and we’ve been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that’s why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you’ve started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it’s relevant. It’s related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you’ll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.
All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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pledje · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292
Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey, we’re live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we’re not there yet. We’re at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we’re going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we’ll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you’re in the right place. And we’re going to get to that in just a second. So I’m going to start
we’ll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What’s uh, how’s life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It’s gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it’s kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and
Fortunately, she’s gone now. So it’s like, you know, I’m going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I’m refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you’re ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?
Whoops, I was doing I’m doing good, man. I’m just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don’t know.
Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it’s just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let’s see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog’s name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It’s like a million bro.
Yeah. So I’m good, man. I’m excited. I’m excited.
Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?
blind. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco’s doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I’m also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.
I actually I felt bad yesterday so I’m not that an extra 50 because I couldn’t do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I’m going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I’ll go and do
four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?
Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck
and I got three compressed this in my lower back
So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don’t. I don’t even want to think about it because I’ve never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don’t tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren’t friends with me on Facebook, that’s probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I’m gonna do 100 squats a day and I’m gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I’ll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob’s doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you’re not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.
Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it’s harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that’s like the bulking up you usually do.
That’s too sweet for me. Like it wasn’t like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.
That’s what I prefer. That’s a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry’s. And Jerry’s packs a punch man that’s got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we’re on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.
Apparently my door didn’t like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we’re working with a company that’s going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it’s gonna be some good stuff.
When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it’s decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.
Stage, we’re gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we’re really excited. We’re going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it’s gonna be Boku virtual live. We’re still gonna have time for q&a. We’re still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we’re lining up the guests.
Right now, and we’re getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y v.co. If you haven’t been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y v.co. Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I’ll put it on the page for everyone. But there’s a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we’d be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that’s about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?
I don’t think so. I’m good. All right. Let’s do it. Alright, grab the screen and we’ll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So
Let’s do it.
Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google’s Index?
Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we’re gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven’t tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they’re indexed? I don’t know. Actually, I don’t know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it’s redirected. So for example, if you’ve got a WordPress site, it’s through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it’s gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that’s just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.
Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?
So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.
Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don’t, I don’t know if there’s enough of a demand for that, because you’re the first person that’s asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?
No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people’s right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we’ll include a coupon or something. Yeah.
I mean, we already do. Yeah, it’s a lesson but we’re not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can’t work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.
What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?
So the second part or second question is what’s the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it’s the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it’s not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it’s available sometimes it’s not. It’s a good question. It’s, it’s not available right now. That’s correct.
Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?
Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of mgyb.co shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you’re linking if you’re building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you’re essentially building links directly to your money site. That’s not what we teach. So that’s what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it’s essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you’ll have all that you don’t even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don’t know why you’d go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.
What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?
Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You’re welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don’t know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I’ve tried it. For most clients, you know, if they’re open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that’s probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it’s totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can’t produce the content because it’s legal. And the client is like, it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we’re only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.
You shouldn’t get you shouldn’t be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that’s the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I’m talking about the week. So it’s interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I’m seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I’m also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they’re not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that’s related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that’s a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they’re relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that’s really good about posting images from
They’re and about the product that he does. I’ll go back to this luxury niche. He’s really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy’s barely posting, the other guy’s posting as often as possible. And they’re both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they’re silo, and the fact that they’re stacked, and the fact that they’re looped, and so is everything behind it.
There you go.
Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?
So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I’m gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that’s what you know, I’ve talked about many times, it’s why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you’re using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it’s so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It’s, it’s simple, it’s a lot easier to manage, it’s easier to build and it’s easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it’s, it’s also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they’re suggested silos.
So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren’t 100% relevant to your project, there’s going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you’re gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you’re going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that’s more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there’s width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever
Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that’s relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it’s very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you’re not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don’t know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It’s as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that’s pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we’re giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that’s what you want. There’s so much information in there like that. I don’t think there’s any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don’t go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it’s given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it’s in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it’s not only in the content that you’re producing, but you’re relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I’ll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That’s the market level category, because any anything that’s a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it’s all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it’s hyper-competitive. But if you’re going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.
I’m hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you’re going to do all of your research for criminal law, you’re going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it’s a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you’re interlinking, you’re using the plugin the way that you’re supposed to, you’re using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it’s supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I’m not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you’re getting is a two for one, you’re getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you’re bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.
But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y v.to. Go pick it up because I don’t think there’s anyone doing anything better than we are.
What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?
Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson’s up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can’t find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it’s on our list for MGYB’s Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It’s not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you’re going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don’t have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don’t even I don’t do because it’s just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we’ll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he’s the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he’ll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn’t recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that’s what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don’t go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.
I haven’t used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.
I agree. So but again, you know, as if you’re submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it’s likely that you’re going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you’re going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I’m sure he will be happy to share that.
Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?
Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We’re knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, there are other ways that we’ve shared in the heavy hitter club and I’m the way I’m not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It’s not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that’s all I’m going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it’s taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we’re actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we’re going to try. And if that works, well, then we’ll make that public because Google makes it.
cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I’m actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don’t have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you’re still getting high authority. You’re getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it’s Microsoft owned in that domain. So I’m testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don’t have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we’ve tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it’s getting out of the Google ecosystem. That’s true.
Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?
Unknown Speaker 30:33 So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I’ve noticed that I’m getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That’s a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn’t matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.
Something like that you don’t need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that’s why it times out.
Yeah, especially if you’ve got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that’s very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don’t you know, I just don’t submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So
Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?
wills up. Well, what’s up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.
Because again, we’ll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that’s just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you’re, if we’re talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you’re at the post level, if you’re in a simple silo, you’re going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that’s going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that’s physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be domain.com/category/subcategory/post, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That’s a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you’re using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let’s see if I got it right
is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don’t yeah that’s it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it’ll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don’t know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it’s he’s got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it’ll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They’re all effective. It’s just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that’s a really good question. Any comments on that?
No, that was fine. That’s fine. That’s a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.
When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there’s several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they’ll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you’ll see, you know, for four, you’ll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we’ve we’ve come across like it’s just amazing what he’s able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It’s amazing what he’s able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.
Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?
Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I’m interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don’t include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that’s why I brought this up. Because here’s the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at MGYB.co store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?
Just so people know, or just to remind them, we’re currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it’s bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don’t submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don’t know when those orders are going to come through. It’s hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it’s automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you’re good
Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site’s Content Is In Spanish?
Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site’s content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won’t build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn’t it that’s not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you’re about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.
I would add all that if if he’s planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.
I don’t know, let’s say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he’s syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he’s expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you’re missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don’t want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that’s not a problem.
Yeah, that’s come a long way over the years. Oh, it’s getting really good. Yeah, it’s come a long way. That’s for sure.
All right, bb’s up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week’s webinar. So I’m glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first
Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?
The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that’s a full-text feed on one’s an excerpt feed. I don’t think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don’t publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we’re searching for particular feeds and things like that, it’s usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that’s what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don’t work for all the different directories so I don’t know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn’t useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that’s really all that matters. But again, if you don’t have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don’t think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?
You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week’s Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you’re syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you’re trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you’re just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that’s always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash domain.com, slash blog, or if it’s on a subdomain, blog.domain.com, whatever, you understand what I’m saying.
Here’s the thing if you’re syndicating like, let’s just keep it simple.
Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I’m saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let’s just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it’s going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you’re also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you’re linking that your blog, right is like, let’s say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you’re linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.
With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn’t recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I’m explaining, you’re only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it’s going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you’re syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there’s going to be something that’s going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don’t over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that’s only one time it gets syndicated, it’s gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.
I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don’t want to over-optimize, especially with links. You’re linking back to wherever it is that you’re linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it’s coming into your index page, wherever it is that it’s going. If you’re getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it’s coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don’t want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don’t penalize me because look, I’m nofollow.
Now to avoid all of this, if you’re going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They’ll do exactly the naked URL. And you won’t get into that type of problem.
And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let’s just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week’s Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn’t look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week’s episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that’s last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that’ll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.
Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it’s gonna be virtual this time because we’re not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it’s virtual, I can probably crank out someone’s arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.
Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand’s Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?
Okay, Austin dawn. What’s up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here’s the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that’s why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there’s going to be a brand behind that they’re just using that because it’s, you know, easy to remember. And there’s used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they’re likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we’re going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That’s the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don’t think would be a problem. I mean, I’ve done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I’m using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don’t think that would be a problem. I haven’t tested that specifically, but I don’t think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It’s okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That’s when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you’re going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don’t really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it’s just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that’s probably going to because I mean that that’s the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It’s really ugly to see that. So that’s why we try to focus on people brand.
I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they’re now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It’s two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don’t. What you’re doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it’ll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that’s what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you’re going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we’re teaching and how you do this again, as I said,
Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It’ll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and
Bradley’s Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that’s going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it’s a done deal. It’s over.
yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn’t the optimal keyword. It’s not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn’t the primary keyword to be targeting. But that’s the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn’t. And I’ve never seen mirrored I don’t have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that’s how you get this additional real estate here. Because that’s those are FAQs that are on it’s just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it’s ultimately it’s found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it’s right at the top now and it’s all that additional real estate. What I’m trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there’s not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It’s a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I’m number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I’ve never really done any optimization for at all. But there’s been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I’m paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my
My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I’m actually targeting on the page. It’s still ranking organically and what number three, even though I’ve never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that’s why I think it’s important and we’ve been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that’s why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you’ve started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it’s relevant. It’s related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you’ll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.
All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292
Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey, we’re live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we’re not there yet. We’re at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we’re going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we’ll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you’re in the right place. And we’re going to get to that in just a second. So I’m going to start
we’ll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What’s uh, how’s life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It’s gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it’s kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and
Fortunately, she’s gone now. So it’s like, you know, I’m going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I’m refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you’re ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?
Whoops, I was doing I’m doing good, man. I’m just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don’t know.
Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it’s just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let’s see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog’s name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It’s like a million bro.
Yeah. So I’m good, man. I’m excited. I’m excited.
Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?
blind. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco’s doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I’m also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.
I actually I felt bad yesterday so I’m not that an extra 50 because I couldn’t do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I’m going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I’ll go and do
four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?
Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck
and I got three compressed this in my lower back
So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don’t. I don’t even want to think about it because I’ve never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don’t tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren’t friends with me on Facebook, that’s probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I’m gonna do 100 squats a day and I’m gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I’ll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob’s doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you’re not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.
Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it’s harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that’s like the bulking up you usually do.
That’s too sweet for me. Like it wasn’t like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.
That’s what I prefer. That’s a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry’s. And Jerry’s packs a punch man that’s got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we’re on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.
Apparently my door didn’t like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we’re working with a company that’s going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it’s gonna be some good stuff.
When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it’s decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.
Stage, we’re gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we’re really excited. We’re going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it’s gonna be Boku virtual live. We’re still gonna have time for q&a. We’re still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we’re lining up the guests.
Right now, and we’re getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y v.co. If you haven’t been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y v.co. Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I’ll put it on the page for everyone. But there’s a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we’d be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that’s about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?
I don’t think so. I’m good. All right. Let’s do it. Alright, grab the screen and we’ll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So
Let’s do it.
Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google’s Index?
Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we’re gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven’t tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they’re indexed? I don’t know. Actually, I don’t know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it’s redirected. So for example, if you’ve got a WordPress site, it’s through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it’s gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that’s just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.
Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?
So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.
Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don’t, I don’t know if there’s enough of a demand for that, because you’re the first person that’s asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?
No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people’s right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we’ll include a coupon or something. Yeah.
I mean, we already do. Yeah, it’s a lesson but we’re not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can’t work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.
What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?
So the second part or second question is what’s the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it’s the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it’s not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it’s available sometimes it’s not. It’s a good question. It’s, it’s not available right now. That’s correct.
Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?
Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of mgyb.co shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you’re linking if you’re building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you’re essentially building links directly to your money site. That’s not what we teach. So that’s what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it’s essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you’ll have all that you don’t even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don’t know why you’d go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.
What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?
Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You’re welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don’t know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I’ve tried it. For most clients, you know, if they’re open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that’s probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it’s totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can’t produce the content because it’s legal. And the client is like, it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we’re only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.
You shouldn’t get you shouldn’t be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that’s the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I’m talking about the week. So it’s interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I’m seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I’m also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they’re not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that’s related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that’s a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they’re relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that’s really good about posting images from
They’re and about the product that he does. I’ll go back to this luxury niche. He’s really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy’s barely posting, the other guy’s posting as often as possible. And they’re both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they’re silo, and the fact that they’re stacked, and the fact that they’re looped, and so is everything behind it.
There you go.
Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?
So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I’m gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that’s what you know, I’ve talked about many times, it’s why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you’re using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it’s so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It’s, it’s simple, it’s a lot easier to manage, it’s easier to build and it’s easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it’s, it’s also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they’re suggested silos.
So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren’t 100% relevant to your project, there’s going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you’re gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you’re going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that’s more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there’s width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever
Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that’s relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it’s very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you’re not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don’t know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It’s as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that’s pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we’re giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that’s what you want. There’s so much information in there like that. I don’t think there’s any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don’t go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it’s given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it’s in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it’s not only in the content that you’re producing, but you’re relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I’ll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That’s the market level category, because any anything that’s a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it’s all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it’s hyper-competitive. But if you’re going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.
I’m hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you’re going to do all of your research for criminal law, you’re going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it’s a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you’re interlinking, you’re using the plugin the way that you’re supposed to, you’re using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it’s supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I’m not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you’re getting is a two for one, you’re getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you’re bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.
But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y v.to. Go pick it up because I don’t think there’s anyone doing anything better than we are.
What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?
Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson’s up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can’t find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it’s on our list for MGYB’s Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It’s not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you’re going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don’t have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don’t even I don’t do because it’s just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we’ll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he’s the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he’ll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn’t recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that’s what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don’t go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.
I haven’t used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.
I agree. So but again, you know, as if you’re submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it’s likely that you’re going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you’re going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I’m sure he will be happy to share that.
Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?
Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We’re knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, there are other ways that we’ve shared in the heavy hitter club and I’m the way I’m not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It’s not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that’s all I’m going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it’s taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we’re actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we’re going to try. And if that works, well, then we’ll make that public because Google makes it.
cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I’m actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don’t have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you’re still getting high authority. You’re getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it’s Microsoft owned in that domain. So I’m testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don’t have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we’ve tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it’s getting out of the Google ecosystem. That’s true.
Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?
Unknown Speaker 30:33 So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I’ve noticed that I’m getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That’s a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn’t matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.
Something like that you don’t need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that’s why it times out.
Yeah, especially if you’ve got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that’s very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don’t you know, I just don’t submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So
Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?
wills up. Well, what’s up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.
Because again, we’ll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that’s just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you’re, if we’re talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you’re at the post level, if you’re in a simple silo, you’re going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that’s going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that’s physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be domain.com/category/subcategory/post, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That’s a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you’re using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let’s see if I got it right
is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don’t yeah that’s it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it’ll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don’t know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it’s he’s got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it’ll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They’re all effective. It’s just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that’s a really good question. Any comments on that?
No, that was fine. That’s fine. That’s a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.
When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there’s several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they’ll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you’ll see, you know, for four, you’ll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we’ve we’ve come across like it’s just amazing what he’s able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It’s amazing what he’s able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.
Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?
Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I’m interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don’t include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that’s why I brought this up. Because here’s the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at MGYB.co store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?
Just so people know, or just to remind them, we’re currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it’s bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don’t submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don’t know when those orders are going to come through. It’s hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it’s automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you’re good
Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site’s Content Is In Spanish?
Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site’s content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won’t build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn’t it that’s not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you’re about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.
I would add all that if if he’s planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.
I don’t know, let’s say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he’s syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he’s expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you’re missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don’t want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that’s not a problem.
Yeah, that’s come a long way over the years. Oh, it’s getting really good. Yeah, it’s come a long way. That’s for sure.
All right, bb’s up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week’s webinar. So I’m glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first
Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?
The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that’s a full-text feed on one’s an excerpt feed. I don’t think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don’t publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we’re searching for particular feeds and things like that, it’s usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that’s what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don’t work for all the different directories so I don’t know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn’t useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that’s really all that matters. But again, if you don’t have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don’t think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?
You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week’s Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you’re syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you’re trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you’re just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that’s always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash domain.com, slash blog, or if it’s on a subdomain, blog.domain.com, whatever, you understand what I’m saying.
Here’s the thing if you’re syndicating like, let’s just keep it simple.
Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I’m saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let’s just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it’s going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you’re also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you’re linking that your blog, right is like, let’s say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you’re linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.
With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn’t recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I’m explaining, you’re only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it’s going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you’re syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there’s going to be something that’s going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don’t over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that’s only one time it gets syndicated, it’s gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.
I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don’t want to over-optimize, especially with links. You’re linking back to wherever it is that you’re linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it’s coming into your index page, wherever it is that it’s going. If you’re getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it’s coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don’t want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don’t penalize me because look, I’m nofollow.
Now to avoid all of this, if you’re going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They’ll do exactly the naked URL. And you won’t get into that type of problem.
And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let’s just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week’s Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn’t look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week’s episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that’s last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that’ll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.
Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it’s gonna be virtual this time because we’re not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it’s virtual, I can probably crank out someone’s arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.
Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand’s Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?
Okay, Austin dawn. What’s up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here’s the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that’s why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there’s going to be a brand behind that they’re just using that because it’s, you know, easy to remember. And there’s used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they’re likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we’re going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That’s the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don’t think would be a problem. I mean, I’ve done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I’m using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don’t think that would be a problem. I haven’t tested that specifically, but I don’t think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It’s okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That’s when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you’re going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don’t really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it’s just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that’s probably going to because I mean that that’s the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It’s really ugly to see that. So that’s why we try to focus on people brand.
I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they’re now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It’s two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don’t. What you’re doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it’ll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that’s what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you’re going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we’re teaching and how you do this again, as I said,
Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It’ll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and
Bradley’s Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that’s going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it’s a done deal. It’s over.
yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn’t the optimal keyword. It’s not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn’t the primary keyword to be targeting. But that’s the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn’t. And I’ve never seen mirrored I don’t have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that’s how you get this additional real estate here. Because that’s those are FAQs that are on it’s just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it’s ultimately it’s found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it’s right at the top now and it’s all that additional real estate. What I’m trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there’s not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It’s a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I’m number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I’ve never really done any optimization for at all. But there’s been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I’m paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my
My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I’m actually targeting on the page. It’s still ranking organically and what number three, even though I’ve never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that’s why I think it’s important and we’ve been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that’s why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you’ve started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it’s relevant. It’s related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you’ll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.
All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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angelagiles18 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292
Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey, we’re live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we’re not there yet. We’re at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we’re going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we’ll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you’re in the right place. And we’re going to get to that in just a second. So I’m going to start
we’ll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What’s uh, how’s life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It’s gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it’s kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and
Fortunately, she’s gone now. So it’s like, you know, I’m going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I’m refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you’re ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?
Whoops, I was doing I’m doing good, man. I’m just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don’t know.
Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it’s just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let’s see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog’s name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It’s like a million bro.
Yeah. So I’m good, man. I’m excited. I’m excited.
Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?
blind. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I can’t help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco’s doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I’m also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.
I actually I felt bad yesterday so I’m not that an extra 50 because I couldn’t do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I’m going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I’ll go and do
four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?
Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck
and I got three compressed this in my lower back
So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don’t. I don’t even want to think about it because I’ve never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don’t tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren’t friends with me on Facebook, that’s probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I’m gonna do 100 squats a day and I’m gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I’ll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob’s doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you’re not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.
Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it’s harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that’s like the bulking up you usually do.
That’s too sweet for me. Like it wasn’t like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.
That’s what I prefer. That’s a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry’s. And Jerry’s packs a punch man that’s got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we’re on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.
Apparently my door didn’t like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we’re working with a company that’s going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it’s gonna be some good stuff.
When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it’s decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.
Stage, we’re gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we’re really excited. We’re going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it’s gonna be Boku virtual live. We’re still gonna have time for q&a. We’re still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we’re lining up the guests.
Right now, and we’re getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y v.co. If you haven’t been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y v.co. Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I’ll put it on the page for everyone. But there’s a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we’d be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that’s about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?
I don’t think so. I’m good. All right. Let’s do it. Alright, grab the screen and we’ll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So
Let’s do it.
Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google’s Index?
Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we’re gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven’t tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they’re indexed? I don’t know. Actually, I don’t know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it’s redirected. So for example, if you’ve got a WordPress site, it’s through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it’s gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that’s just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.
Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?
So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.
Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don’t, I don’t know if there’s enough of a demand for that, because you’re the first person that’s asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?
No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people’s right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we’ll include a coupon or something. Yeah.
I mean, we already do. Yeah, it’s a lesson but we’re not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can’t work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.
What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?
So the second part or second question is what’s the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it’s the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it’s not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it’s available sometimes it’s not. It’s a good question. It’s, it’s not available right now. That’s correct.
Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?
Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of mgyb.co shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you’re linking if you’re building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you’re essentially building links directly to your money site. That’s not what we teach. So that’s what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it’s essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you’ll have all that you don’t even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don’t know why you’d go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.
What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?
Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You’re welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don’t know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I’ve tried it. For most clients, you know, if they’re open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that’s probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it’s totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can’t produce the content because it’s legal. And the client is like, it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we’re only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.
You shouldn’t get you shouldn’t be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that’s the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I’m talking about the week. So it’s interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I’m seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I’m also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they’re not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that’s related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that’s a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they’re relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that’s really good about posting images from
They’re and about the product that he does. I’ll go back to this luxury niche. He’s really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy’s barely posting, the other guy’s posting as often as possible. And they’re both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they’re silo, and the fact that they’re stacked, and the fact that they’re looped, and so is everything behind it.
There you go.
Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?
So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I’m gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that’s what you know, I’ve talked about many times, it’s why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you’re using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it’s so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It’s, it’s simple, it’s a lot easier to manage, it’s easier to build and it’s easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it’s, it’s also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they’re suggested silos.
So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren’t 100% relevant to your project, there’s going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you’re gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you’re going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that’s more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there’s width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever
Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that’s relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it’s very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you’re not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don’t know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It’s as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that’s pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we’re giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that’s what you want. There’s so much information in there like that. I don’t think there’s any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don’t go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it’s given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it’s in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it’s not only in the content that you’re producing, but you’re relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I’ll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That’s the market level category, because any anything that’s a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it’s all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it’s hyper-competitive. But if you’re going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.
I’m hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you’re going to do all of your research for criminal law, you’re going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it’s a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you’re interlinking, you’re using the plugin the way that you’re supposed to, you’re using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it’s supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I’m not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you’re getting is a two for one, you’re getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you’re bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.
But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y v.to. Go pick it up because I don’t think there’s anyone doing anything better than we are.
What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?
Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson’s up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can’t find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it’s on our list for MGYB’s Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It’s not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you’re going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don’t have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don’t even I don’t do because it’s just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we’ll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he’s the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he’ll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn’t recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that’s what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don’t go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.
I haven’t used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.
I agree. So but again, you know, as if you’re submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it’s likely that you’re going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you’re going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I’m sure he will be happy to share that.
Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?
Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We’re knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, there are other ways that we’ve shared in the heavy hitter club and I’m the way I’m not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It’s not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that’s all I’m going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it’s taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we’re actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we’re going to try. And if that works, well, then we’ll make that public because Google makes it.
cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I’m actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don’t have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you’re still getting high authority. You’re getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it’s Microsoft owned in that domain. So I’m testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don’t have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we’ve tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it’s getting out of the Google ecosystem. That’s true.
Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?
Unknown Speaker 30:33 So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I’ve noticed that I’m getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That’s a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn’t matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.
Something like that you don’t need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that’s why it times out.
Yeah, especially if you’ve got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that’s very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don’t you know, I just don’t submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So
Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?
wills up. Well, what’s up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.
Because again, we’ll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that’s just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you’re, if we’re talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you’re at the post level, if you’re in a simple silo, you’re going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that’s going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that’s physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be domain.com/category/subcategory/post, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That’s a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you’re using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let’s see if I got it right
is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don’t yeah that’s it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it’ll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don’t know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it’s he’s got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it’ll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They’re all effective. It’s just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that’s a really good question. Any comments on that?
No, that was fine. That’s fine. That’s a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.
When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there’s several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they’ll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you’ll see, you know, for four, you’ll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we’ve we’ve come across like it’s just amazing what he’s able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It’s amazing what he’s able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.
Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?
Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I’m interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don’t include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that’s why I brought this up. Because here’s the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at MGYB.co store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?
Just so people know, or just to remind them, we’re currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it’s bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don’t submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don’t know when those orders are going to come through. It’s hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it’s automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you’re good
Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site’s Content Is In Spanish?
Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site’s content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won’t build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn’t it that’s not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you’re about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.
I would add all that if if he’s planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.
I don’t know, let’s say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he’s syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he’s expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you’re missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don’t want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that’s not a problem.
Yeah, that’s come a long way over the years. Oh, it’s getting really good. Yeah, it’s come a long way. That’s for sure.
All right, bb’s up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week’s webinar. So I’m glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first
Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?
The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that’s a full-text feed on one’s an excerpt feed. I don’t think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don’t publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we’re searching for particular feeds and things like that, it’s usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that’s what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don’t work for all the different directories so I don’t know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn’t useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that’s really all that matters. But again, if you don’t have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don’t think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?
You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week’s Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you’re syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you’re trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you’re just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that’s always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash domain.com, slash blog, or if it’s on a subdomain, blog.domain.com, whatever, you understand what I’m saying.
Here’s the thing if you’re syndicating like, let’s just keep it simple.
Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I’m saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let’s just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it’s going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you’re also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you’re linking that your blog, right is like, let’s say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you’re linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.
With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn’t recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I’m explaining, you’re only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it’s going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you’re syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there’s going to be something that’s going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don’t over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that’s only one time it gets syndicated, it’s gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.
I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don’t want to over-optimize, especially with links. You’re linking back to wherever it is that you’re linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it’s coming into your index page, wherever it is that it’s going. If you’re getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it’s coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don’t want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don’t penalize me because look, I’m nofollow.
Now to avoid all of this, if you’re going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They’ll do exactly the naked URL. And you won’t get into that type of problem.
And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let’s just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week’s Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn’t look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week’s episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that’s last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that’ll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.
Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it’s gonna be virtual this time because we’re not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it’s virtual, I can probably crank out someone’s arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.
Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand’s Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?
Okay, Austin dawn. What’s up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here’s the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that’s why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there’s going to be a brand behind that they’re just using that because it’s, you know, easy to remember. And there’s used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they’re likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we’re going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That’s the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don’t think would be a problem. I mean, I’ve done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I’m using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don’t think that would be a problem. I haven’t tested that specifically, but I don’t think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It’s okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That’s when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you’re going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don’t really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it’s just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that’s probably going to because I mean that that’s the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It’s really ugly to see that. So that’s why we try to focus on people brand.
I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they’re now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It’s two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don’t. What you’re doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it’ll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that’s what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you’re going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we’re teaching and how you do this again, as I said,
Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It’ll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and
Bradley’s Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that’s going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it’s a done deal. It’s over.
yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn’t the optimal keyword. It’s not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn’t the primary keyword to be targeting. But that’s the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn’t. And I’ve never seen mirrored I don’t have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that’s how you get this additional real estate here. Because that’s those are FAQs that are on it’s just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it’s ultimately it’s found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it’s right at the top now and it’s all that additional real estate. What I’m trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there’s not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It’s a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I’m number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I’ve never really done any optimization for at all. But there’s been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I’m paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my
My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I’m actually targeting on the page. It’s still ranking organically and what number three, even though I’ve never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that’s why I think it’s important and we’ve been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that’s why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you’ve started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it’s relevant. It’s related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you’ll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.
All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB June 19, 2020 at 07:42PM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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semanticmastery · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 292
Click on the video above to watch Episode 292 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hey, we're live. Hey everybody. Welcome to Hump Day hangouts where we talk about how close we are to Episode 300. But we're not there yet. We're at Episode 292. Today is the 17th of June 2020. We got everybody here. We got a bunch of questions to go through. And we got a couple of quick announcements real quick. As usual, we're going to take a minute Say hello to everybody and then we'll jump into it. So if you are here to get your digital marketing SEO questions answered, you're in the right place. And we're going to get to that in just a second. So I'm going to start
we'll go counterclockwise today, Bradley, how are you doing? What's uh, how's life going for you in Virginia today? Good. It's gonna be a monsoon for like the next five days though. And I just had my daughter this was supposed to be our vacation week, like family vacation week, but because everything you know COVID-19 our travel plans to meet up with family and everything were canceled. So it's kind of a staycation. So I had my daughter from Friday until today and it was nice having her around and
Fortunately, she's gone now. So it's like, you know, I'm going to experience empty nest syndrome for the next few days. But it was nice man. It was a good five days to spend with her. And so I'm refreshed and ready to ready to bang out some work now. So sounds good. Well, hopefully, you're ready to answer some questions. But before we get to dive into that, Hernan, how are you doing today?
Whoops, I was doing I'm doing good, man. I'm just wondering about that thing that you have on the back. That little shiny metal thing? I don't know.
Man, can you show me? Yeah, let me Gosh, I just it's just been sitting back there in the back collecting me. Let's see, what do we got? We got my name and her dog's name and I think it says Semantic Mastery and something about click funnels and the two comma club award So yeah, I thought Whoo. Good job, guys. It's like a million bro.
Yeah. So I'm good, man. I'm excited. I'm excited.
Good, sounds really good. Yeah. Marco. How about yourself besides the flexing? Are you blinded by the light? Nice?
blind. I can't help it. I can't help it. I can't help it. I just have so to get my arms to stretch Marco's doing the 100 pushups a day challenge and I'm also feeling that so I need to do some stretching.
I actually I felt bad yesterday so I'm not that an extra 50 because I couldn't do the hundred in one shot because I tried the 5050 and then to punish myself I did another 50, for not being it so I'm going to get to 100 quicker than I would otherwise and I just keep punishing myself I'll go and do
four sets of 50 today oh my goodness keep punishing myself. Well does anyone not with this post on?
Oh God, because if I can do this shit cuz I got a bone spur my neck
and I got three compressed this in my lower back
So the pain that I go through just to do that, I don't. I don't even want to think about it because I've never dropped again. Right? But if I can do it, guys, come on, do the challenge. Tell them I don't tell them what it is. Yeah, for those of you who aren't friends with me on Facebook, that's probably good for you, but you might not see my post. So actually, my wife was like, I'm gonna do 100 squats a day and I'm gonna see if people want to, you know, join me I was like, Alright, like, tag me in that. I'll do 100 pushups a day if you do 100 squats a day. So we got a handful of people I know Marco is doing it. Rob's doing it. We got some other people doing I think Scott Walker, who was a hump day Hangout, enthusiastic, Semantic Mastery subscriber is doing was it crutches or some sort of ab workout? We got people doing all sorts of stuff. So you're not too late. We just started if you want to make it up or start the 30 days now just pick something and do it. So yeah.
Good stuff. Well, Chris, how are you doing today? Yeah, doing good. I will not join your 30 Day Challenge. I prefer to hit the gym and as well as bulk up on cherries, raspberries strawberries, because like it's harvesting season for all those things here. Gotcha. Yeah. Jerry, so I was like, bulk up like Yeah, but that's like the bulking up you usually do.
That's too sweet for me. Like it wasn't like the calories and one of those beneficiaries like, Man, you can eat a really good steak instead. Fair enough. Well or drink a really good beer.
That's what I prefer. That's a really good beer to be equal to A Ben and Jerry's. And Jerry's packs a punch man that's got some calories, maybe like a triple IPA or something. Oh, yeah. Imperial IPA, something like that. Yeah. Well, while we're on the subject of beer for those of you who are interested or have heard about kofu Live, just wanted to put this out there tickets. The new tickets are not for sale yet. They will be going up shortly and there will be an opportunity for you to join us for a happy hour, as well as an opportunity to do a virtual beer tasting with real beer shipped directly to your door.
Apparently my door didn't like being caught like that. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for that one. As soon as we get that setup, we're working with a company that's going to do a virtual tour for VIP ticket holders as well as shipping beer and some snacks directly to your door. So it's gonna be some good stuff.
When we were discussing what to do for the VIP event, Adam put on the list. No virtual beer tasting and I was like you had me at that was like, it's decided I had a pretty weak follow-up. The next one was like a virtual museum tour and, like booths.
Stage, we're gonna have some more information about that, you guys, but we're really excited. We're going to be able to continue with poker live, obviously, it's gonna be Boku virtual live. We're still gonna have time for q&a. We're still gonna have some personal interaction in there, as well as case studies and we're lining up the guests.
Right now, and we're getting really excited about telling you guys some more about that. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. mg y v.co. If you haven't been there yet, right after Hump Day Hangouts, go over to empty y v.co. Check out all the done for you services available. There are waves, drive stacks, SEO, shield, syndication, networks, link building all sorts of good stuff. And speaking of the SEO shield, we have a real short flash sale going on. Let me pull it up, I'll put it on the page for everyone. But there's a 25% off sale going on all the SEO shield versions you can get and you just have to use the coupon code vegies 25. Because today is eat your veggies day. So we figured we'd be nice and instead of giving you or veggies or making eat your veggies worse, they give you a discount on the ICF scope. So other than that, I think that's about it for today, guys, is there anything else we need to let them know about?
I don't think so. I'm good. All right. Let's do it. Alright, grab the screen and we'll get right into it. We got a bunch of good questions already. So
Let's do it.
Is There A Fast Way of Removing 404 Pages From Google's Index?
Okay, you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yeah. All right. So it looks like we're gonna start with Chef. He says, Is there a way to speed up Google removing 404 pages from his index? The only way I know how to do it is to run the URLs, the four or four URLs through an indexer or to submit the through and I haven't tried that in a while. But to submit them to search console, it just gets Google to come to crawl them again. Well, the four or four error URLs, you mean if they're indexed? I don't know. Actually, I don't know that. If you were trying to reach set up redirects and things like that instead, then you have been crawled the old URL if it's redirected. So for example, if you've got a WordPress site, it's through a bunch of four or four errors for some reason or another. And use something like you know, a redirect plugin that redirects all four or four pages back to like the home page, for example, then you could submit a list of those four or four URLs to have to recrawl or send them through a link indexer and if gets the Googlebot to come to crawl them. And it redirects back to, you know, a target URL. So it basically tells Google This is no longer a 404 error. That makes sense. But that was if you were using some sort of redirect plugin, does anybody have any idea how to get the Google cache to update faster? No, it's gonna clear whenever it clears. I mean, that's just the way it is. Yeah, there are things that you could do to get Google to crawl your website or try to recrawl the website. But I mean that you do that through search console.
Should We Send Links To The ID Page Loop Page?
So the next question, should we send links to our ID page loop page? So yes, your ID page? Absolutely. Uh, we, you know, I certainly do, you can use embeds and or link building to that.
Do You Have Plan Of Combining SEO Power Shield With The RYS + Twitter SEO Profile + Multitier Tier Syndication Network?
So next is number one, do you plan to have an SEO power shield ultimate that combines the 347 packages of RYS Twitter SEO profile plus the 276 multi-tier syndication network? Not that I'm aware of. I mean, you could piece those together if you wanted to, you could order a to a two-tiered syndication network and then just add that into your build your when you submit your target URL list for the SEO PowerShell build. So you could do it that way. I don't, I don't know if there's enough of a demand for that, because you're the first person that's asked for it. For us to create a separate package for it. Maybe if we had enough demand for it. What do you think?
No, I think I mean, we usually take care of people's right to support and ask what you want, and maybe, you know, we'll include a coupon or something. Yeah.
I mean, we already do. Yeah, it's a lesson but we're not going to create an entirely new product for one person. But we can't work with this one of requests, and see if we can put it together for how or how we would put it together or if even, but we can take a look.
What Is The Team Building Service In The Dashboard?
So the second part or second question is what's the team-building service that I saw on the dashboard occasionally when we go into hiring, you know when we have to hire a virtual assistant for a new position or to add to our existing team or whatever. Then we go through our hiring process where we use hiring funnels in the same process that we teach in outsource kingpin that, you know, it's the same process that we teach in that product on how to set up hiring funnels and all that kind of stuff. for hiring virtual assistants, it kind of automates about 90% of the hiring process. And only at you end up with only the candidates that at the to the interview process, only candidates that are highly qualified, right, that have proven to have to be able to follow directions and to do everything that you instructed them to do. So it works really, really well. So when we have to hire, we run the same exact system and we usually end up with multiple qualified candidates for the position, but we usually only end up needing one or two at a time. So we have additional qualified cameras that are available for others to hire, since they already went through our application process, and proved to be worthy if that makes sense. So sometimes when we have an overflow, we offer that, you know, the pre-qualified or screen pre-screen candidates for others to hire. But it's not all that it just depends on you know, whether we have that available or not. So sometimes it's available sometimes it's not. It's a good question. It's, it's not available right now. That's correct.
Is It Safe To Use The Link Building Service To A Bunch Of MGYB Shortened Links That Redirect To The Money Site?
Okay, so Matthews up, he says, Is it safe to order mgyb link building to a bunch of mgyb.co shortened links, which redirect to the money site pages. Now, what is the best g site instead? that yes, you if you're linking if you're building links to redirect URLs that link to your money site, that just redirect to your money site, you're essentially building links directly to your money site. That's not what we teach. So that's what the drive stack in the to shield for is for the G site, the syndication network, all your tier one, entity assets, your ID, ID, page, looper, your ID page, all of those things are stuff that you can use as targets, but not your money site directly. A redirect is still if the destination of the redirect is your money site, then it's essentially building links directly to your money site. And we do not recommend that. We build all those for you in the dry second t site. we shorten everything with our shortener. And we will include that in the spreadsheet, right that gets that also gets iframe By the way, on the G site. So you'll have all that you don't even have to do all that you can just get all that from us. Like I don't know why you'd go through all that trouble unless you have the redirect, right that the monthly redirect service which we do offer, in which case you would go and use all those redirects, but you still point them to something other than your money site because under no circumstances that we recommend link building to your money site right.
What Is The Ideal Number of Posts To The GMB Post Per Week?
Okay, so Jeff is up. Jeff says, Hey guys, thanks as always for delivering great information on a regular basis. You're welcome, Jeff. He says, with regards to GMB posting, what are the numbers shown with regards to the number of posts per week as posting daily shown to increase views, calls, etc versus posting once or twice a week? Thanks and have a great week. It depends on the industry. And its short answer is yes, more equals better, typically, and almost every project or campaign that manages more GMB posts leads to better results. So but you know, there I guess there can be a point of diminishing return. Right? And that I don't know what that is, because I know that more equals better to the extent that I've tried it. For most clients, you know, if they're open seven days a week, then we do we post at least once a day, so you know, one post per day, seven days a week. Some clients are only open Monday through Friday, so we just post Monday through Friday, but some clients we post to twice a day, Monday through Friday, you know, so it just it really depends on what the client is paying for how aggressive they want to be what their budget is. But I found that more equals better. But that's probably not always the case in every situation. But you know, what do you say Marco? And this is really interesting. And it's totally it depends. Because I have a client who just like I can't produce the content because it's legal. And the client is like, it's almost like pulling teeth to get them to give me like the content the for the post. So they only do so we only ended up doing like two or three per month. Now, that one has almost 700 posts views, like as of today, even though we're only doing like two or three per month, which is ridiculous.
You shouldn't get you shouldn't be getting that kind of action in the legal niche. And I have another one in the luxury niche who posts regularly and I mean, sometimes during the weekend two or three times because that's the busiest time. And that one is that like 1000 views for the posts for the week, I'm talking about the week. So it's interesting how old posts if you set this up correctly if you silo them if you do everything that we teach you to do, even the old posts will get views because I'm seeing thousands of views on the attorneys post the old ones. And I'm also seeing thousands of views on this other client in this luxury niche, and they're not related, the posting is in no way related. The only thing that's related in any of this is the way that we do it the way that we stack them and loop them. And then the way that we shoot press releases into them, but that that again, that's a local GMB pro method right? where we teach, we teach the stack, we teach the PR stacking, we teach the link building into all of this, how to do the videos and then the images and make sure that they're relevant. Make sure that they come from the place that and I have a client that's really good about posting images from
They're and about the product that he does. I'll go back to this luxury niche. He's really good about all that. And it gets just tons of action. But here you go, one guy's barely posting, the other guy's posting as often as possible. And they're both getting fantastic results. And the only thing that I can attribute that to is the fact that they're silo, and the fact that they're stacked, and the fact that they're looped, and so is everything behind it.
There you go.
Will It Be Easy To Create A Silo Using Deep Keyword Package?
So the next question is from Ben jam, or Benjamin or, Ben, I'm gonna call him Ben. He says, Hey, guys, for some reason, I have always been baffled by siloing a site. After watching a few tutorial videos, you created Bradley in the SM YouTube channel. It seems breathtakingly simple. Already, yeah, you know, silos can be overcomplicated very easily, especially using the complex silo structure and that's what you know, I've talked about many times, it's why I prefer to try to use the simple silo structure, which is just a category and post hierarchy, so there are only two levels of depth to any type of, you know, to the category structure that within the site. You know, a complex silo structure has three levels, right, because you have a parent page, parent category, child page subcategory, then you have posted, and it can, it can create some very tricky situations, especially with local projects where you are trying to duplicate locations for like, for example for like a service area business, okay, so a service area business that has, you know, the same two services, but they cover multiple locations to try to build the location silos into topical silos is difficult if you're using the traditional silo method, you know, with categories and the complex silo structure or vice versa building topical silos or service-based silos within location silos. Again, it creates some very tricky things that happened with the URL structure was slugs, because of dupa. You know, having duplicate slugs, it's so anyways, my point in telling you all of that is that I prefer to use the simple silo method as much as possible. Because it is much again, just as the name connotes. It's, it's simple, it's a lot easier to manage, it's easier to build and it's easier to manage. So it subsequently when you add additional silos, or what you call like a bolt-on silo, it's, it's also a lot easier to manage when you have a simple silo structure. So yes, it can be incredibly complicated, or it can be incredibly simple. It really depends on how you lay it out up front, which I think is very important. So to carry on, he says, so to us, he says, I ordered a deep keyword package, as I mentioned, it had keywords listed in the report by silo Yeah, they're suggested silos.
So to use that to create content for my authority site with silo architecture is it now simply a matter of creating the category pages for the silo keywords and posts for the solution keywords in each silo then linking them all together as described in the video. I think I may have been over complicating this, is it that simple? Yes, it really is, uh, you know, the suggested silos again, you could still go through there and clean out things that aren't 100% relevant to your project, there's going to be stuff in there. Because we, you know, we cast kind of a wide net with all the tools that are used and everything to create those keyword reports for you. So obviously, you're gonna have to go through there and really clean it down and narrow it down to just your most relevant keyword phrases, as well as you know, the long tails and everything else. But really comes down to that if you understand how to set up the structure, and then how to link so remember a silo, you're going to be adding depth to it, right? So the more supporting articles you post within a particular silo, that's more depth to it with would be additional categories, right? So there's width and depth. So a solid site can be as little as one silo, with a ton of depth to it, right? You just keep adding content to whatever
Your top-level market keyword is you keep adding supporting content, right writing content that's relevant, that has long targeting longer tail phrases. Or you can even combine and target multiple types of similarly related phrases per supporting article, you can do it that way as well. But then linking them together with proper internal linking, which, again, we talked a lot about that kind of stuff in the mastermind, as well as our ys Academy. But it's very important to understand how to also link properly internal linking from within the silos so that you're not creating dead points or points where you have a loss of link equity or loss of link juice. And that happens if you don't know how to do it correctly. But the short answer is yes. It's as simple as that create your top-level categories, your top-level keywords, then start taking the supporting keywords and start adding content within those categories. You place the post within those categories, then you daisy chain them together or whatever your internal linking strategy is going to be within that silo. And that's pretty much it for the on-page part of it. Any comments, guys? Yeah, this guy has seen the light Benjamin Thank you It is that simple if you want to make it that simple, or it can get really complicated if you want to make it complicated, nobody knows your niche, or nobody should know your niche better than you. What we're giving you is what we suggest you do. And then we also give you other apps like categories, subcategories, and then supporting keywords. But you have to go in there go into the questions in essence and see what we did in there, what we gave you back, look into power suggest pro look into a SEMrush and see what was done in there because there may be some things in there that you can use for supporting for or just to add additional as Bradley mentioned depth and breadth to your silo if that's what you want. There's so much information in there like that. I don't think there's any way that you can use it all or you have years of information actually when you get that back how you set that up is up to you and just so you don't go back and reuse any of the long tails, just mark it off in red because it's given to you in a spreadsheet when you use it, kill it right it's in red Oh strike through it so that you can just go back through all of the others and pick out what you want your people to write about. Tell them you should have ah, by the way, doing all of this or hire someone, you tell them what it is that you want them to write about to focus on that on that keyword and all of those keywords under that but make it all conversational so that it all flows and so that the bot comes in and gets a better understanding of your data use the ultimate SEO, ultimate SEO Pro Plugin. If sorry, SEO ultimate pro plugin to do all the interlinking we showed not we but Jeffrey Smith did a fantastic job of coming in into the first heavy hitter club webinar and showing how you actually do all of that how you create the semantic relationships and how you tie it all together in your unstructured data so that you give your unstructured data, some kind of structure for the back because you creating all of these semantic relationships. So it's not only in the content that you're producing, but you're relating them to one another through your interlinking, which is really, really important so that it all flows. Now, another thing about this is and I'll just give a quick example, guys, those of you in the personal injury attorney niche, what you should be targeting is civil law. That's the market level category, because any anything that's a personal injury, divorce, bankruptcy, you name it, it's all civil law. And so personal injury is part of civil law. If you go after the top, then it makes it easier to rank for personal injury. Now, of course, it's hyper-competitive. But if you're going one, one, market above everyone else, it makes it easier for the long tails to come up.
I'm hoping that that makes sense to everyone, you're going to do all of your research for criminal law, you're going to fill a website with all of that information. Now, yes, it's a lot of work. But when you do all of that, and you create the semantic relationships, you're interlinking, you're using the plugin the way that you're supposed to, you're using that deep-link jargon, not the way that it's supposed to be used the tags, and everything else that Jeffrey Smith teaches, because he has extensive teaching for that plugin, guys, it makes it dead simple to start ranking, but like I'm not gonna say immediately, but much, much more quickly than you would otherwise. Then then you bring in the rest of the teaching, then you bring in that SEO power shield to add all of the relevance into it, then you do your structured data. So now what you're getting is a two for one, you're getting your unstructured data, giving it some structure, and then you're bringing in the structured data to like seal it for about on exactly what it is that your website is about. Now, I just found it really complicated.
But it all goes back to how you set up your initial structure. And if you keep it simple, then everything else is going to flow much more, much more simply than it would otherwise because you can really confuse yourself once you start branching out into the structure data and how to create the parent and child relationships, organization, location and all of the different things that you can do when it comes to structured data. But I think this is great and thank you. Yes, the keyword research in mg y v.to. Go pick it up because I don't think there's anyone doing anything better than we are.
What Are Your Recommendations For Link Indexing Services?
Sweet. That was a great question. By the way, so Jackson's up he says, Hey guys, currently looking to purchase an indexing service for all link building and found a couple so far link pipe pipeline, it looks good, but can't find much information about it. Everything seems out of date. What do you guys recommend for indexing? I recommend Dedia from India. Yeah. There is a bit of an issue that it's on our list for MGYB's Link indexing services limited in that you can only submit 300 URLs at a time it is something that will be updated at some point. It's not at the top of our priority list though. So as much as I want to tell you guys to go by link indexing credits from MGB, it is a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to own it, you can only submit 300 at a time. Just being 100% transparent with you guys. Okay, that is the service that I would recommend. And why because Dedia runs all the link building like the link indexing services if we submit links to him, he runs them through multiple link indexing services, so much so that he gets a really high rate 50 to 60% indexing rate, which is hard to do. But he uses multiple indexing services. So the short answer if you're going to get your own subscriptions, so that you don't have to submit 300 batches of 300 URLs at a time, which I don't even I don't do because it's just too time-consuming and to manual would be to in the free group on Facebook is posted post that same question. And we'll get ready to chime in. And he can recommend which one or two services he recommends is the best for link indexing. Because he's the go-to guy for that kind of stuff. Anytime I have anything that needs to be done, I can just send it to him or ask him a question regarding something like that. And he'll have the best answer because that is his business. So anybody else wants to comment on that? No, I wouldn't recommend anything else. Other than the link indexing service and MDB because that's what I use. Yeah, I go, I go to daddy. I mean, I don't go anywhere else because he gets the results that we need.
I haven't used a link indexing service in years because we have a dead Yeah. Yeah.
I agree. So but again, you know, as if you're submitting, you know, thousands and thousands of URLs then until we have it to where you can submit a spreadsheet or a text file or something like that. Then I could understand wanting to have your own indexing subscription, it's likely that you're going to need a couple of them because no one service does an incredibly good job. But Daddy, I can tell you in the group, which, which he suggests are the best services to use if you're going to have your own subscription. So I would recommend posting in there and I'm sure he will be happy to share that.
Is There A Way To Make A Google Drive Folder Public?
Okay, next question is Hey, guys, the option to make this comes up almost every week. We probably need an FAQ for these guys. We're knowledge base something for this also. Anyways, Hey, guys, the option to make public folder has been removed from the G Suite accounts. I tried from two different domains with G Suite accounts and the option is not there anymore. Is there any other way to make folders public? Marco, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, there are other ways that we've shared in the heavy hitter club and I'm the way I'm not going to it. We made that webinar public. It now went into the heavy hitter club archives. It's not going to be public knowledge and then the other way that we do it is through MGYB because we have a proprietary way in which we can make them public. I mean, then that's all I'm going to add about that. Yes, Google has been taking away the ability to make, has taken away the public selection in the folders, the way that it's taught, in our way as Academy reloaded. But there are other ways and we're actually testing out another way. I was just talking to Justin, the is VA, the original ISP yesterday, on something new that we're going to try. And if that works, well, then we'll make that public because Google makes it.
cool. And just saying guys, no, again, full transparency, I'm actually testing with Microsoft OneDrive, which is like its version of Google Drive. Because you can still make things public there. And you can grab the embed code for sheets and, you know, different files. And so I just literally started testing that last week. So I don't have any results yet but just an alternative. And also just another potential asset is to use Microsoft OneDrive because you're still getting high authority. You're getting files and, you know, file types on a high authority domain, Microsoft domain, right? Essentially, it's Microsoft owned in that domain. So I'm testing with that, too. That might be something again, I don't have any results. I just started testing with the last week, but I figured it was worth a shot. So yeah, we've tested that also, it has a whole lot of limitations. And it's getting out of the Google ecosystem. That's true.
Does The Exceed Maximum Execution Error In Google Apps Script Matter?
Unknown Speaker 30:33 So the next question is from DC SEO, he says, Thanks for clearing out my short links question last week. Appreciate it. I've noticed that I'm getting failures for Google X Apps Script with the exceeded maximum execution time error message does this matter? That's a question for you Marco. Yes, of course, it doesn't matter. You should set the script to run at longer intervals. I have it set for eight hours. Try to set it for every three days.
Something like that you don't need the script to build every two, three, or four hours, because it rebuilt the entire website that and that's why it times out.
Yeah, especially if you've got I mentioned this, I think last week, but I had one of the more recent drive stacks that I had built, I had submitted a because it was my client gave me a Google Photos folder with a bunch of original photos that they had taken from job sites. So I just submitted that with the order. And so the builders because I submitted it, built, you know, brought all those photos into the Google Photos folder for the drive stack build. And so when the ever whenever the script would run to rebuild the site, it would try to rebuild all of those image files, too. And so it was constantly timing out. And I realized then it was, you know, it was just it was one of the things that I discovered by submitting too many images that that's very resource-heavy. And so it was timing out so I don't you know, I just don't submit as many images but as Marco said, you go in and change the interval from when it runs. So
Does Having A Truncated URL An Issue With Ranking Service Pages?
wills up. Well, what's up? Well, he says, Hey, gents, I have a site structure question you may be able to help me with. I have a local site that has its own sub-menu pages have a parent menu. So services, okay, not showing the full URL path. See, let me read that, again. I have a local site that has its sub-menu pages off a parent menu, okay. not showing the full URL path. In fact, it removes the services part and only shows the truncated path instead of showing the full path. Okay. Is that an issue with ranking services pages? No, not at all.
Because again, we'll you know, you can even go back to the two videos that one of the earlier questions was talking about where I was explaining silo structure, simple and complex silo structure. And that's just the difference between a physical and a virtual silo is what you see in the URL. Okay? So like if you're, if we're talking WordPress terms, if in WordPress, you look at your permalink structure, and you have category slash post name, right, that would show what we call a physical silo structure. Because every URL like for example, if you're at the post level, if you're in a simple silo, you're going to have domain comm slash whatever the category slug is slash, the post URL, right, the post slug. So that's going to show the actual hierarchy or the silo structure within the URL, that's physical silo structure. But if you change the permalink structure to just post name, the hierarchy still exists, right? The silo structure still exists is still part of the taxonomy. Google can see all of that, but the URL itself would just be domain comm slash post slug, does that make sense? And even on a complex silo structure, which has, again, parent category or top-level category, subcategory, so that would be domain.com/category/subcategory/post, right? You see all that if you have it is with the category slash post name permalink structure. That's a physical silo. But you can accomplish the same sort of benefit from a virtual silo still has the same hierarchy, the same silo structure, but you just use the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which way that I prefer it. Now I used to always use the full physical silo. I used to like that because I like to see it in the URL, but I actually prefer a shorter more succinct URL now. And it also masks some of those strange things that happen when you're using a complex silo structure and you have some odd slug issues from categories being duplicated in other silos and that kind of stuff. So I like to use just the permalink or excuse me, the post name permalink structure, which is a virtual silo structure. Another thing you could do, just because this is an old article, I think it was published in what 2010 What is it Bruce clay silo architecture right? architecture can I spell that right? Let's see if I got it right
is that it there? I think it is the marbles, no I don't yeah that's it right there. So go look at Bruce clay comm slash SEO slash silo or go search Bruce clay silo architecture and it'll be the very first link and take a look and read this I think this article was published in I don't know 2010 or something like that there might be a date in here somewhere it looks like it's he's got it on an updated site now from the last time I looked at it, but the interface looks different. But read through this article, it'll really be explained to you and drive home. what the difference is between virtual and physical silos, it really makes no difference. They're all effective. It's just a matter of how you stack the content, right? You set silos and your keyword themes within the silos, add build relevancy, and then what we teach inside the mastermind is heavy hitter club which is the interlinking the way that you properly interlink within a silo to squeeze the most power out of it. Okay, that's a really good question. Any comments on that?
No, that was fine. That's fine. That's a great article guy takes the time to read through it. This is something that you know, we kind of was one of the foundations for what we learned for silo architecture was right here in this article here. Okay, he has a couple of those, by the way.
When you do a search for it, yeah, it looks like there's several of them. Yeah, yeah, you read all of those because they'll give you insight into what a proper silence should look like. And go to semantic mastery comm slash camp, SEO boot camp, right so semantic mastery comm SEO boot camp and, and you'll see, you know, for four, you'll get the half price on Jeffrey Smith SEO Bootcamp, which is the best silo architecture, training, and such On-page training that we've we've come across like it's just amazing what he's able to do with zero or little to no backlinks at all with just on-page structure. It's amazing what he's able to do. So if you really want to do a deep dive in it besides reading through all these articles is go check out SEO Bootcamp from Jeffrey Smith.
Does The SEO Power Shield Include The Creation Of The RYS And Syndication Package?
Alright, so next question is Hey, guys, thanks for your time. As always a few questions I'm interested in buying the SEO power shield from one of my main money sites don't include the creation of the RYS and syndication packages. And that's why I brought this up. Because here's the SEO shield page on the MGYB store and I just scroll down to the bottom and it says SEO power shield and this is what it includes the syndication network, our ys stack with G site and the IDX page loop. So yes, it does include those as it shows right here on the order page. Just go check it out at MGYB.co store, click through to the SEO shields, product page and you can scroll down and see what each different level includes okay?
Just so people know, or just to remind them, we're currently running a 25% off coupon. Adam posted the coupon, it's bedsheets 25 to get you 25% off and SEO. So there you go. And that is a perfect segway to the second question he has, which says, may I buy it now using a special discount and submit all the info. So you can start in two to three weeks? Yes. Make sure that you submit the information within 30 days, or else we will refund the money, refund your account. Because if what happens is people buy a bunch of stuff. And then they don't submit for months at a time and it just clogs up everything because we don't know when those orders are going to come through. It's hard for our building, Build Team to plan. So I believe we have a policy that you have to submit the order details within 30 days or it's automatically refunded, am I correct in that? Absolutely. up to 30 days you get it refunded and you have to buy again you miss out on the coupon code. So there you go. But yes, if within two to three weeks, you're good
Does It Affect Your Delivery If The Site's Content Is In Spanish?
Okay, number three, does it affect your delivery if the site's content is in another language? Spanish? No, we won't build it in another the drive stack g site, you know, all of that is going to be in English. So but it doesn't it that's not going to affect our build. Um, and I know Hernan were you about to comment looks like you're about to comment. Yeah, and I was about to say that pretty simply if the drive stack is in English, but your money site is in Spanish, you should be good. Like we have had good results with people buying stuff from MGB with you know, and with the content on their websites in another language, not only Spanish, but some other languages and the tier-one are the stuff that we point links to and the brand new properties and everything is in English and still helps you to rank so so yeah.
I would add all that if if he's planning to do a lot of marketing in social media, for example.
I don't know, let's say any of the ones that were a Blogger or anything like that, and he's syndicating and the content is going to be in Spanish, then he should take the time to go in there. And like, do the description and everything else in Spanish just for the people that he's expecting to come in. Because people who are coming into reading Spanish, and the contents in English, you're missing out on potential customers, clients, or whatever it is, maybe traffic to your website. So you don't want to confuse the people that way. It will not confuse the bot. Right. Google, Google Translate is getting really, really good at translation. So that's not a problem.
Yeah, that's come a long way over the years. Oh, it's getting really good. Yeah, it's come a long way. That's for sure.
All right, bb's up and bb. I guess I saw that this was posted seven days ago, too. So this must have been at the tail end of last week's webinar. So I'm glad you re-posted this. So the questions are first
Should You Separate A Full-Text Feed And A Summary Or Excerpt Feed?
The first one is I syndicated the blog RSS feed with full-text posts to the brand new properties. But if I want to create a super feed, which will syndicate to RSS directories, should I use separate additional feed which contains summary expert items instead of the full text. So there will be two RSS feeds. Essentially one that's a full-text feed on one's an excerpt feed. I don't think it matters for directories and aggregators, because typically they don't publish the content anyways, like in other words, you can submit an RSS feed. And if it goes into like an RSS directory, which could be like essentially found by people that we're searching for particular feeds and things like that, it's usually just a link to the feed. Right? What it does also is usually it just grabs the URLs out of the feed, and that's what like it keeps in its database, essentially not the full-text post of the feed. So and again, I don't work for all the different directories so I don't know but I know in the past, looking at aggregators and directories that had like search databases for feeds and things like that, it would just link to the feeds. If you click through to the feed on their platform, because it usually creates a new Feed URL from that, you know, part of their domain, then it usually is just like a, like a feed index page. In other words, it just shows the titles, which the titles of the posts are the anchor texts that link to the link of the post, it doesn't useless. So in other words, it usually truncates or strips any of the text from the pages or the posts that were syndicated or part of the feed itself. That makes sense, however, that said, yeah, if you wanted to do that, if you had that option to be able to create separate feeds, one being full text and one being an episode feed, just submit the XRP that's really all that matters. But again, if you don't have that ability to create two different types of feeds, I don't think it matters for aggregators or directories. Okay. Number two, does the attribution links, should we do follow or nofollow?
You got to think about that, which is what we talked about at the beginning of I did about a 10 minute tutorial at the beginning of last week's Hump Day hangout specifically about attribution links for with it for RSS feeds for when you're syndicating content. So think about how what it is that you're trying to accomplish and what you have in your attribution links. So for example, if you're just linking back to the post URL, and not always linking within the attribution link back to the blog or the root domain, like in other words, there were two different types of attribution, like codes that, you know, can be varied in multiple ways. But there are really two types of categories, two main categories of attribution links, one that only links back to the post itself, right, so the syndicated post itself, and then the other one where you can include a link that that's always going to be linked back to say, for example, the root domain of the blog or to the blog page, so domain slash domain.com, slash blog, or if it's on a subdomain, blog.domain.com, whatever, you understand what I'm saying.
Here's the thing if you're syndicating like, let's just keep it simple.
Right, if the concept is going to be the same at scale, too, but what I'm saying is to keep it simple is boil it down to just a single tier branded syndication network. And let's just think about three blog properties that we consistently syndicate to. So blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, right? If you are linking syndicating to a branded syndication network, every post from your blog that contains a link back typically, it's going to be the title of the post is going to be the anchor text that links to the post URL as the ad and the attribution text. Right. So but if you're also including, so the post title was originally published on your blog, right, whatever that brand name is, and now you're linking that your blog, right is like, let's say that was the title is the brand name your blog, right? If you're linking back with that as the anchor text, always back to the homepage, then I would recommend that you would nofollow that part of it. Right because that is going to be duplicate.
With every single post that you publish, so I wouldn't recommend that that be followed the post title being the anchor text linking back to the post URL. In this instance, in this example that I'm explaining, you're only going to have three anchor text URLs per post, because that post is going to be syndicated one time to the network, and it's going to get three anchor texts you are, uh, you know, anchor text links with the post name or title, if you code it that way as the anchor text linking back to that post. But each one of those posts would if you have the second type, which includes a link back to like the domain name, for example, you could do a naked URL, you could do a brand name, I typically just do naked URL or brand anchors if linking back to the homepage or to the blog page, for example. But remember, every single post that you do is going to contain the link back with that same anchor text. So in that case, I would recommend no following that link, but keeping the post URL and title as the anchor text as follow. Does that make sense? So you just got to think about what you're syndicating to, and what is going to be, if there's going to be something that's going to be repeated over and over and over and over again, I would recommend no following that so that you don't over-optimize a particular keyword, an anchor text. But for something that's only one time it gets syndicated, it's gonna have that one batch of anchor texts for the primary target URL, which is typically the post URL, then that should be okay to be the default. Does that make sense? Anybody want to try to explain that and maybe a different, different way.
I would say be careful with the anchor text, right? You know you don't want to over-optimize, especially with links. You're linking back to wherever it is that you're linking on that post. Or you can add, you know, attribution to if it's coming into your index page, wherever it is that it's going. If you're getting a ton of links within an exact match, then you can incur a penalty. Because it's coming back exactly to the website, dude, you don't want to do that. So you nofollow. You tell Google don't penalize me because look, I'm nofollow.
Now to avoid all of this, if you're going to that extreme, then you can do generic stick with generic more info read more here, more naked URL, that kind of thing. They'll do exactly the naked URL. And you won't get into that type of problem.
And so just to point this out again, remember guys, you can go to our channel. And you can go to videos. In fact, actually six days ago right there, let's just go back to the home screen. So just go to our channel page guys. And right there was last week's Hump Day Hangout, and we probably I believe, we should have chopped that I didn't look to see which, you know, clips were made from last week's episode, but that one should have in one of them, which is the attribution link cut out from that from the hump day hangout last week so that's last week something hanging out right there click through to that watch that the first 15 minutes or so, where I go over very specifically attribution links in RSS feeds. Okay, because that'll give you a much better understanding of why you know when to use what and why. Okay.
Right next. soon as this stupid zoom menu bar clears Okay, there we go. Alright, so next is Joe. He says will we see some proper push-ups from you all at POFU? Well, it's gonna be virtual this time because we're not going to be alive in a room but yeah, that would be fun with it. Yeah, this is good. If it's virtual, I can probably crank out someone's arm push-ups. Yeah, here you go. There you go.
Is It Still Safe To Use Full Brand's Keyword Names With The SEO Shield?
Okay, Austin dawn. What's up Austin, he says are Austin dawn I should say. Bradley. As you know I work in the We Buy Houses niche and have several clients across the country, many of them have partial or fully MDS example cash for house when branding with SEO power shields, is it still safe to use these types of cool brand keyword names? With the shields? Yeah, and here's the only reason why. I would say yeah, only because, you know, if that's why I assume that they have the exact match keyword domains, right, but they have a brand, right? So typically, there's going to be a brand behind that they're just using that because it's, you know, easy to remember. And there's used to be some significant SEO benefit from it, they're likely still is but it can also cause some problems. So with the SEO power shield, remember, we're going to create the keyword plus brand Association. That's the primary objective of the tier one branded drive step, right, which is to create that whatever the top-level keyword is to start to create that brand associated with that keyword. So having that as part of the stack build plus whatever the company name is I don't think would be a problem. I mean, I've done it with my own, you know, alpha land Realty. I, you know, again, I'm using a branded domain alpha land dot realty as opposed to a, you know, exact match keyword domain. But I don't think that would be a problem. I haven't tested that specifically, but I don't think that would be a problem. Marco, should that be okay? It's okay. And where we run into problems is when they ask us for the inner stats, right? So the add on a stack so that you have buy houses Maryland, Maryland we buy houses we get that type of thing. That's when we can run into a whole lot of problems. So you're going to have to look at this from the start. Don, maybe we can talk more about this in the webinar. We don't really have that much time to delve into this one question right now, but it's just a thing of how but ugly, do you want that URL, that's probably going to because I mean that that's the idea when you get that inner page, and that inner staff, you want to be able to bless that so that it provides so much power that it ranks the inner page, the companion, or mirror theme or inner page on the website. But it also ranks the the the G site inner page, how butt ugly. Do you want that to look to people? And when your client goes to look, I mean, you get that how Why is it Why in the world would you do this? It's really ugly to see that. So that's why we try to focus on people brand.
I know that exact match domains still work. But Google is busy at killing that. And you guys know when Google gets anal about something, they usually accomplish it PBN. Like they did away with TV, I was a massacre. Now people are still calling PBS. But what they're now calling PBN and what PBS used to be. It's two different things. So you got a whole bunch of idiots saying PBS still work? Well, no, the fuck they don't. What you're doing now with expired domains still works. But a traditional PBN will get picked up by Google. And it'll get it they get the index. Remember when they did when we did the XYZ domains and we did the mass paid bills on the XYZ, how many of those got killed? It was really simple to pick them out, right? So that's what we tell people if Google is busy out there with exact match domains and trying to pick them out and trying to pick up the spamming, especially in local those that try to step keywords into the titles into the descriptions into the URL, why would you do that? Why would you not focus on something up? Now I understand you have clients that have exact match domains. So you're going to have to find a way to work this into the structure that we're teaching and how you do this again, as I said,
Maybe during the next heavy-hitter club webinar, you asked this question and we can get deeper into it and we can give suggestions on how you would do this. It'll give me time to think this out because you know we are in like an in a similar niche with Sunland, Virginia, and
Bradley's Alpha Land Realty and my last solutions network. And so you gotta find a way to fit all of this in well tell me people get a brand, get the soul on the idea of branding of brand and creating a brand that's going to last because if Google comes up and they start targeting end, especially spammy ones that really stuck keywords in there. I mean, it's a done deal. It's over.
yeah, and so that I just brought this up to just kind of demonstrate what I was talking about. So like for this was the keyword that I started optimizing for first with my brand for alpha land realty was selling fast and turns out that wasn't the optimal keyword. It's not the keyword that drives the most traffic to my site. And I discovered that when I started running search ads, over time, it clearly came that that wasn't the primary keyword to be targeting. But that's the one I started with. And But you see, I built a brand around it, right? So alpha land, Realty, alpha land Realty. So the drive stack and everything was built for alpha land realty sell land fast in Virginia. But all so you know, I didn't. And I've never seen mirrored I don't have a siloed site. This is a single page landing page, guys. But I have a, you know, FAQ schema, which by the way, that's how you get this additional real estate here. Because that's those are FAQs that are on it's just FAQ schema. So I just have questions and answers on the landing page. But then I added those in structured data, FAQ structured data, and added that in HTML, this site header right. And so that now has it was funny when Google first started to crawl it. It was popping up in the press advantage. You know, propping up underneath oppressive managed PR, then it started popping up onto the G site. And now it's ultimately it's found its way to the landing page itself, which is good because it's right at the top now and it's all that additional real estate. What I'm trying to get at was I started targeting this keyword, so that there's not like an expansion in the drive stack. None of that I never had to do that. It's a single-page website. So, but all I did was the target, we buy land and some of the copy on the site. And you can see we buy land Virginia, even though that and it was also in the title tag as a secondary keyword in the title tag. And now I'm number one for that as well. Right even though I really never did any additional SEO on that. And then there are some other keywords in there, for example, sell my land, Virginia that I've never really done any optimization for at all. But there's been some Association made through searches, you know, again, I'm paying for ads, by the way, I pay for ads and people click through those ads for a keyword like this and it creates relevancy between that search and my dumb my
My landing page. So my landing page even though I sell my land, Virginia is not a keyword that I'm actually targeting on the page. It's still ranking organically and what number three, even though I've never really done any optimization for that keyword specifically, my point is it starts that's why I think it's important and we've been teaching this for years is to focus more on brand than on a particular keyword and then build start to create that association with your primary keyword in the brand. And then from there, once that association has been made, it becomes so much easier to start associations, associating route related keywords to the brand as well. So that's why we always recommend with this SEO shield, the primary objective is to create whatever your top-level keyword is determine what your very most important keyword is, and build the drive stack or you know, to have it built with the brand plus that keyword. Once you've started to create that association, then you can start going after the other related keywords in your industry. And it will become that much easier to associate them because the primary keywords already been made. And it's relevant. It's related. Does that make sense? And sometimes, again, just naturally over time, you'll start to rank for additional keywords that you may not even intentionally optimize for. Because Google understands the relationships between those queries. So search queries, that make sense. So was that a pretty decent explanation? Marco? That was fine.
All right, guys. Ah, that was perfect timing because we just wrapped up with the last question. So thanks, everybody, for being here. We will see you guys next week. Thanks, guys. Bye, everyone. Hey, guys.
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weedconsortium2 · 5 years
A new show debuting soon on HTTV is introducing viewers to some of the judges who decide the winners at High Times Cannabis Cup competitions. The new video series, Meet the Judges, launches this week with episodes shot at the Michigan Cannabis Cup held in June.
The new show breaks the long-standing tradition of keeping High Times Cannabis Cup judges secret, offering a unique perspective on the individual methods judges use to rate cannabis flower, concentrates, and other products based on established criteria. Jon Cappetta, vice president of content at High Times, says the new series sheds new light on the judging behind Cannabis Cup competitions.
“We wanted to open the curtain a bit to give the public more insight into who exactly these experts judging their products are, and what their process is,” he explains. “One of the most common questions I get about the competition is ‘How does one judge one product against another?’ and as you’ll see in the series each judge has their own technique, so we wanted to give the world a visual into how this all goes down.”
One of the initial episodes of Meet the Judges features Danny Danko, the High Times senior cultivation editor and 17-year veteran of the company.
“After all these years I’ve seen some of the best buds around—from Amsterdam to Barcelona to Vancouver Island and all over the United States and all over the world,” Danko notes.
High Times Cannabis Cups events are held around the world, offering local growers and manufacturers an opportunity to share their passion and quality. And as legal cannabis continues to spread across the U.S. and abroad, new markets have a chance to display how their wares compare with the rest of the world.
“Michigan stacks up with some of the best on the planet,” Danko says. “No one really knows about how great the quality is here, but there’s some amazing cannabis and concentrates here in Michigan.”
Danko then shares his process for rating entries in the flower competition. The first indication of quality important to him is appearance. He’ll even use a magnifying glass or jeweler’s loupe at times to get a close look at the trichomes on the bud.
Once he’s sized up how the flower looks, Danko then takes a good whiff to get the aroma, checking to see if the bud is fruity, gassy, or perhaps minty or spicy. Once it’s passed the olfactory test, he grinds the bud to be rolled into a joint. But before he does, he again notes the scent of the flower after it’s been ground.
“That gives you an idea of the scent profile and the flavor profile,” explains Danko.
He then rolls the herb into a joint, but before he lights it, a couple of dry tokes impart the flavor of the cannabis on his palate. Then it’s time to fire up.
“The most important thing is how it tastes and the potency level and burnability,” says Danko. “So, even if it looks good and smells good, if it doesn’t have those things it’s not going to rise to the top level.”
Once the joint is burning, Danko takes note of the flavor and waits a few minutes to experience the nature of the high. He’s also looking for the joint to burn to white ash, a sign that the cultivator has properly flushed the flower of nutrients before harvest. Danko is then ready to rate the entry, providing his input on who should win the weekend’s awards.
Introducing Adam ill
Another episode of Meet the Judges features Adam ill, a radio and podcast personality who’s been in the cannabis scene since he smoked for the first time as a 13-year-old at his bar mitzvah.
“If you give me cannabis, I’ll tell the terpene profile, [if it’s] indica, sativa, or hybrid, let you know indoor or outdoor, just because I’ve experienced it and been a part of it and it’s been a part of my life,” ill say by way of introduction. “So just being able to be knowledgeable about the strains and the effects and what good weed looks like is what helps me qualify to be a judge.”
ill’s process to judge a cannabis flower, like Danko’s, begins with getting a good look at the entry to note color and appearance.
“If it doesn’t look like a winner, I ain’t smoking it,” he exclaims. “Because we only smoking the best!”
Checking the aroma is next on the list for ill, who will sometimes reclose the jar the sample comes and then open it again to give his nose a fresh whiff. Then it’s time for the first hit. But unlike Danko, ill prefers to judge the entries using a bong instead of a joint. A couple of puffs to judge flavor on both the draw and exhale, and a moment to notice the effect, and ill is ready to rate the entry.
Competitions Highlight Industry’s Best
Meet the Judges also gives a sense of just what the Cannabis Cup competitions mean for the winners and the marijuana community at large.
“The beauty and the essence of the Cannabis Cup is the people,” says Danko. “And as you see with the people who are winning, in a lot of cases, it’s people who have small caregiver farms and grow and they end up winning a Cannabis Cup and it’s an absolutely life-changing experience for them. It really is just amazing to see that we can have an impact on the quality of cannabis and also on the community. The beauty of the Cannabis Cup is that it keeps that tradition alive.”
Catch Meet the Judges on HTTV beginning this week. Other installments of the series feature judges including Damien DiStefano of Over the Moon Clothing, former NHL player Darren McCarty of the Detroit Red Wings, and comedian Rob Cantrell.
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lawrenceseitz22 · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 190
Click on the video above to watch Episode 190 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: You know, like that.
Adam: All right. We are live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts episode 190. We are fired up and waiting on a special guest, but before we get into that, we’re going to run down, and say hello to everybody at Semantic Mastery, and let you know what we got going on today. Chris, we’ll start with you, and your wonderful, beautiful Semantic Mastery Mastermind shirt. How are you doing?
Chris: Doing good. How are you doing?
Adam: I can’t complain. They’re tearing up the concrete outside, so hopefully, nobody else can hear that, because it’s driving me insane. Yeah. I’m doing well. Thank you.
Chris: Cool.
Adam: Hernan, what’s up, man? How’s soccer going?
Bradley: It’s going well-
Adam: Sorry [crosstalk 00:00:39]-
Bradley: I almost died yesterday in the middle of our [inaudible 00:00:44] meeting, but it was fine, it was good. I’m really excited for what’s coming for Semantic Mastery, as well.
Adam: Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: I’m good, man. I’m again, excited, been working on this auto poster, which we’ll talk about in a little bit, YouTube views, the Google My Business Pro, Local GMB Pro, we’re just getting awesome results. People are getting hundreds of calls, man, and not ranking. I love it.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah. We got some really good news today about that, but Bradley, last, but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: Well, I got a shirt, too.
Adam: Yeah.
Bradley: I’m good, man. I’m almost tempted to take a screenshot of that Local GMB Pro thread in the Facebook group that talks about everybody that’s sharing the results that they’ve been able to achieve with it in just a couple of weeks time, just because it’s freaking amazing. I would need Marco’s permission to share a screenshot of that, though. I’m not going to-
Adam: Yeah.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:01:48], yet.
Marco: We’ll just blur the people out, right, no names, or any of that stuff, but, yeah.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Share away.
Bradley: It’s crazy, and it just keeps getting better, it’s funny, but I set up a YouTube ad last week for it, and I showed how to do this in the training for one very specific keyword, and I’m driving the traffic to the GMB post, and it’s just crazy, because within one week we’re ranked number two in the three pack, now, for a keyword that we were number 14, like number 13, or 14, well, actually, no, sorry, that keyword I think it was number five, or six in the maps listing, but it jumped to number two in just a week from just driving a few clicks from YouTube to it, which is just insane. It just keeps getting better. Anyways, with that said, I don’t know if our guest is going to make it today, or not.
Adam: Yeah. We’re going to give it one last try. In the meantime, I got a couple of announcements, I wanted to let everyone know next week here in the United States it’s going to be fourth of July on Wednesday, so we will not be canceling Hump Day Hangouts, but we will be holding it a day early, so on Tuesday is when it will be, 4:00 p.m. Eastern, same time as usual. That’s when we’ll have episode 191. Emails will be reflected, so you’ll get an email on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays. That’s it for that. I’m looking at my notes, and we got three things going on, trying to get our guest going on, so I’m getting a little confused. Marco, do you want to talk about the GMB auto poster? Because is definitely something that we want to announce today.
Marco: You know, we have a fantastic ninja coder programmer who gets shit done. All you have to do is tell him, “This is what we need,” and he does it, and it works, and of course you have Rob in there, who takes whatever our programmer does, and he tests it, and he makes sure that it’s working the way it’s supposed to, and if not, he goes balls to the wall testing it out, making sure that he can’t break it, and if Rob can’t break it, trust me, well, there’s probably someone who could possibly break it, but yeah, 99 out of 100 they won’t. That’s what Rob is doing.
What I’m most excited about is we actually have a playlist where people can go and take a look at how the tool works. I’m going to post it, the YouTube playlist for the auto poster. Then, what I’m going to do is post that in the actual landing page, so that you can order the tool, and order posts, and automate everything. It makes life so simple, because you just go in, you schedule your calls, you get your images in there, you get your CTA’s, and you get everything set up, and then you could do it for a month, two months, however long it is that you want to do it, and you could have that done.
If you have a VA, you could have that done inside of two hours for the whole month for two months, and then you move on to the next one, and the next one, and the next one, and it’s all set, I mean, it’s set, and forget, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. That’s how good this is, so I’m going to go ahead and post the auto-poster playlist on how to use it, and-
Adam: [crosstalk 00:04:58].
Marco: Then the landing page.
Adam: Very good. Following in on this you guys, obviously, you should check out Local GMB Pro, I mean, if you want to get the real deal on the training behind this, and how to get the most out of this, that’s the place to do it. You know these guys have really nice shirts, they’re really nice Semantic Mastery shirts, but you know what, I think that we are apparently behind the scenes getting some hats made for Semantic Mastery with some nice Semantic Mastery logos. The next person who signs up for the live event, and we get a notification that you’ve signed up for the live event, we’ll give you a free Semantic Mastery hat, and I’ll get that made, and shipped out to you as soon as they’re created. They’re being designed-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:05:42].
Adam: Right now. What’s that?
Bradley: Let’s give them a shirt, too.
Adam: Yeah. Sure.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:05:45]-
Adam: Shirt and a hat, you’re going to come decked out, you’re going to look like a Semantic Mastery logo when you walk into the live event.
Bradley: Who’s that guy that just [crosstalk 00:05:53]-
Chris: Well, that’s only for mastermind members.
Jeffrey Smith: I don’t know, man. I have no idea.
Chris: [crosstalk 00:05:58] party, man.
Jeffrey Smith: I think Google hates me, dude, they’re like that’s the guy right there, man. They’re like, let’s block him. He’s not getting in.
Bradley: Let’s get him.-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah. It was like the Matrix move, man. It was like the agents just jumped up on me, I had to open Firefox [crosstalk 00:06:10]-
Bradley: You saw the woman in the red dress?
Jeffrey Smith: I did. Good work, man, I must say, good work.
Adam: Outstanding. This worked out really well actually with everything going on, and us back and forth trying to get you on, but since we’re live now we literally just got through announcements. In case anyone is watching and doesn’t know who this is, we’ve got Jeffrey Smith here with us today, and we just got a few questions, we wanted to talk to you about, and then talk obviously just kind of talk shop for 15, 20 minutes, answer some questions for people, and then-
Jeffrey Smith: Sure.
Adam: Do the Hump Day Hangout thing.
Jeffrey Smith: Cool. Yeah. I’m in, man. I’m ready. [crosstalk 00:06:43]-
Adam: Good deal.
Jeffrey Smith: I should say.
Adam: Yeah. For myself, as well, because I actually don’t know this, and then for anyone listening too, as much or as little as you want to share with us, but how did you get started online, what’s your background, what’s the story?
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah. It’s very funny, ironically, I was having coffee one day, it was like December 3rd, 1991, or something like that, and I literally had an epiphany in a coffee shop. It was totally unrelated to SEO whatsoever, it was literally I had this invention popped in my head, it was car fragrance diffuser that diffuses aromatherapy oils in the car, so I sort of set out just relentlessly trying to build this thing, and several years later I find I was able to write business plans, and finally get some funding.
We did a market test, sold a 100 units of this particular product, in two weeks, so we said, “Okay, we’ve got proof of concept,” so then we went into the marketing phase, got an investor, and then we essentially put all the money that we had into tooling the product, and after that we didn’t have any money. This is pre-Google. It was 1995 at the time. There were search engines like Lycos, and Hot Bot, Go, you know, Yahoo Director was big back then. It was all manually updated. It was pretty easy at that point to gain search engines, so I figured out a method that allowed me to get rank for certain keywords, and it was funny, because when the internet was new it was a crazy thing, I mean, I just had a hand shot of this product, plugging it, it said, “Dealer inquiries invited.”
Those three words in that ad as a result of SEO and positioning led to 17 countries of distribution for this product. After that, we just basically kept going, and kept tinkering, and kept building sites, and that company today as well in the eight-figure range, they’re doing very well, it’s an international global product development firm, now. It all started from that one idea, but if it wasn’t for SEO and just basically continually tinkering with things it wouldn’t have happened. We just didn’t have the money. It was the online positioning that allowed us to literally grow the business.
After that, I was actually able to retire for a few years, and then came out of retirement, the company is like, “All right. We’re cutting you off of the royalty, you got to do something, you’ve been hanging out for four years.” At that point, they’re like, “All right, get back to work,” and I’m like, well, I didn’t know what to do, so I was like, I’ll just start doing SEO again. In 2007, I created SEO Design Solutions, started blogging away, and within a couple of years. I think within two years we got ranked in the first page with the keyword, SEO, and had about 50 clients, was doing well, downtown Chicago, John Hancock Tower office, and all that.
But along the way we actually from the writing, it was funny, it sort of stumbled into this situation where one of the people that replied was from Time Magazine, they were like, “I don’t like the way you put images in articles.” I thought, okay, that’s weird, so one of my blog posts, I used to actually put the images, or text in the images, because I didn’t want people to steal my images, so I’d have them watermarked. This started a dialogue and conversation where I reached out to this person, and we became friends, this person ended up basically turning me on to Time, American Express, started working on sites like foodandwine.com, Travel and Leisure. Working on some really big notable brands like that, and doing SEO for them, as well as our client model.
It just allowed things to really sort of take off from there. Along the way, we started working on some stuff for WordPress, WordPress was relatively new in 2007, and so we started working on plugins and themes, and so the SEO design framework and the SEO ultimate plugin were really just things we used to save time for ourselves, so we didn’t have to start fresh, or start over with a new customer every time, and try to figure out how to take their Dreamweaver site, or whatever it was and try to make it rank, so we just built on a subdomain, or subfolder, created a WordPress installation and kick it off. Stop me at any time. I know I’m sort of going on this tangent here.
Adam: No. This is good. I think people are interested, and if not, we certainly are.
Jeffrey Smith: Okay. Cool. Yeah. Just along the way just started picking up more things, and played a lot with PBN’s back in the day, it was sort of a domain, and had some fun with building out 700, 800 sites as part of our network. For those of you who have been around for a while, you probably remember Revenge of the Mininet, by Michael Campbell. Where he really laid out a bunch of strategies on ways to do all types of topical internal linking, so we played around with a lot of stuff like that.
Played around with our own methods, and that way we had our own sandbox where we could just do things without having to worry about effecting clients, or things of that nature. Had a lot of fun in that space, and then just started to wind the client model down after 2012, started focusing more on the software side of things, so for those of you who are using SEO Ultimate we do have a new version coming out, it’s called Pro. It’s going to have some pretty sick features with schema, additional schema, some really cool stuff with questions and answers schema, generators, and a lot of fun new toys to play with.
Bradley: Wait, it’s going to be better than it is now?
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Bradley: Wow. That’s quite awesome, buddy.
Jeffrey Smith: It’s going to be some fun stuff in there, man, and you guys are welcome to continue to throw feedback, and I’d like to hear from the community, as well. What kind of features that they’d like. I know there’s a fiasco recently, not to diverge too much, but the whole scenario with Yoast’s latest update sort of impacting a lot of rankings for people from it doing some kind of a default reset on the image library. Whatever it was I know it reeked a little havoc. The timing couldn’t be more perfect for us to introduce a new model, new version I should say, rather. Hopefully get some feedback in what people like to see.
Bradley: For anybody, you know, we had this, there was actually just a thread in one of our Facebook groups within the last week of somebody asked about Yoast, and something, and everybody jumped in all of our members jumped in, and said, “What are you using Yoast for? You should be using Ultimate SEO.”
Jeffrey Smith: Sweet, man.
Bradley: It was just like, dude it was crazy there was like several people jumped in, it was like, boom, boom, boom, boom, and it was just like, “Yeah, use this, it’s the best plug in ever.” Awesome.
Adam: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: [crosstalk 00:12:53] black eye.
Adam: This is not planned at all, but Jordan just posted this, and said, “Man, Jeffrey, thanks. Our agency is killing on page with Ultimate SEO Bootcamp, and plugin.”
Jeffrey Smith: Yes. Oh, thank you, man. Yes.
Adam: Awesome.
Jeffrey Smith: [inaudible 00:13:08].
Adam: Something you were talking about, you know, I thought was interesting, and I wonder if you’ve seen it, and actually I’d be interested in anyone here what they’re seeing. You got started a long time ago, you know, at the time you said you were using SEO because you had to-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Adam: That was how you got started. I think a lot of people get started that way, they’re like, I have to use SEO, I don’t have a $10,000.00 a month PPC budget, I don’t-
Jeffrey Smith: Yes.
Adam: Have a big corporate backing, do you still see, or thing that, that’s kind of way a lot of people get into this, or are you seeing more of a mix now of people like, okay, coming from other areas, and saying, “Now that I’ve got some backing I can do SEO on a larger, bigger scale?”
Jeffrey Smith: That’s a good point. I think that really it’s from necessity. I really feel sorry for the little guy out there right now. I mean, they’re getting beat up, you’ve got these large companies who have essentially infinite budgets for online positioning, so for me I think it as a way to essentially level the playing field, and show people how to disrupt the market, where they can literally go in, and out rank the Amazon’s, or these large authority sites that have these loose rankings by affiliation just for the fact that they’re sheer numbers that they have. Yeah. For me, at least, I see more of people just learning, because they have to, because they just don’t have the money to go pay somebody $5,000.00 a month to figure out if they are in fact doing what they say they’re doing.
Bradley: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: If nothing else, it’s just a matter for a business owner, I think it’s important to just protect yourself. To know enough, to know if they’re doing what they’re saying their doing. You can say, “Hey, what about the internal linking structures?” Or, “Are we using any kind of schema or structured data. What do our sitemaps look like? What’s our crawl frequency?” You know? Just arming yourself with a little information like that, I just think it’s important.
Adam: Got you.
Jeffrey Smith: And that’s been my mission. [crosstalk 00:14:51]-
Adam: I’m not going to lie, I haven’t gone through Bootcamp, I checked out some of the modules I needed, I passed some stuff off to VA’s-
Jeffrey Smith: Oh, cool.
Adam: And went through them, but do you have a small course for business owners that just want to get up to speed and don’t need to do them themselves?
Jeffrey Smith: Well, I’ll probably go back, and just do like some kind of an advance track summary, and then if-
Adam: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: You want to jump in the modules. I mean I’ve got [crosstalk 00:15:13]-
Adam: Product creation on the fly, but that would be a great one for business owners-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Adam: It’s like you need to know what you’re talking about, here’s the important stuff, you don’t need to know how to do it, but this is what you should know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: [crosstalk 00:15:23]-
Bradley: Instead of selling SEO Bootcamp to CEO’s-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Bradley: Selling like a watered down, like a dumbed down version, but actionable items to the actual, direct business owner.
Adam: Yeah.
Bradley: Right?
Jeffrey Smith: You know what’s funny?
Adam: Yeah. CEO’s guide to SEO, or something.
Jeffrey Smith: You know what’s funny? It never was intended for SEO’s, I’m like, you guys should already know this stuff, man. I was like, I thought everybody knew this, I just kept it basic.
Adam: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: But, honestly [crosstalk 00:15:47]-
Bradley: That’s crazy Jeffrey because when I went through it, I was blown away, and I thought I knew something about SEO, too.
Jeffrey Smith: Wow. I’m glad. Honestly, I’m flattered. Thank you so much. I just literally was just trying to, okay, well, I’ve been doing this since the ‘90s, I’m sure I’ll just add some stuff that’s relevant, and thought about a logical progression, you know you got to do your keyword research, competitor analysis before you do anything to try to focus on that side architecture. We’ve seen wins all across the board just from, you know, no backlinks, topically created line sites that just rank by the way that you crank them, so that’s a big thing, so I really haven’t changed much.
I provided some links to Adam, earlier, and I was talking about this stuff in 2007, 2008, I really haven’t changed the message. The reason for that is that I’d rather focus on the basics that work really well rather than the flashy flowery stuff. If somebody starts talking about machine-readable, ID’s for Google, and this, I’m like, I don’t, I mean, that’s cool, you can go there, it’s very granular, so you can literally go and diverge into any area, but as far as I’m concerned when you look at it, it’s really about topical relevance, and that’s based on language, and if language isn’t changing any time soon, then we know that the way that you do topical modeling, and the way you structure your site, and the content creation.
If you just think about Wikipedia, they really sort of set the tone for how to create topical authority in any topic, I mean, or any market niche, whatever. They’ve got hundreds of millions of keywords ranking for just about everything under the sun, because of the way that they built their site to be useful for the end user, to be informative. It focused on expert quality in the content, and how it delivered that content.
As well as, it had some really amazing correlations between their site architecture and the way that they internally link. That created a very powerful effect that was literally unblockable by Google even to this day. If you just look at that, and you just use that as well as Amazon the way that they do topical modeling, it’s really just trying to take that, and unwrap that into the site architecture model, and that’s what we’re sort of laying out in the course.
Marco: What I like about the training, you know I’ve been in there back and forth, and up and down, and trying to learn all that stuff, trying to take it all in, it’s laid out in a very simple manner. I like simple, man.
Jeffrey Smith: Thank you, man.
Marco: Our training is set up that way, it’s over the shoulder, this is the shit you need to do, if you diverge from this it’s your problem not ours, because-
Jeffrey Smith: Right.
Marco: We’re showing the exact step by step method that you need to take to get results, and that’s how we develop our training. I mean, when you look at any of our stuff, Local GMB Pro, RYS Academy, whatever you look at, it’s setup that way, this is what you do next, and then this. That’s how you built it up, so when I went in there, even though it’s a lot to take in, it’s reasonable, and it’s actionable, and it’s actually simple, because you look at a module, and you apply. You look at a module, and you apply. If you don’t, then why, I almost dropped an F-bomb, sorry, this is supposed to be PG, why in the world-
Jeffrey Smith: Heck.
Marco: Would you buy the training in the first place, if you’re not going to follow the training? It makes absolutely no sense.
Jeffrey Smith: It’s true.
Marco: Thank you, it’s great training, it doesn’t matter, and you know what I like even more? It’s not rehash bullshit, which is what we usually get in our space, is just people repackage the same crap over, and over, and over. Now, this is stuff that you can go, and you can look at, and even though you said you started it in 2007, and you worked it, the shit works.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Marco: If something is working, why in the world change it. It works.
Jeffrey Smith: Exactly.
Marco: It worked then, it works now. It’s going to keep on working as you said. It’s based on natural language processes-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Marco: And that’s not going to change. The way that we speak isn’t going to change-
Jeffrey Smith: Exactly.
Marco: Any time soon. Man, thanks for the training. We loved the training.
Jeffrey Smith: Marco, thanks, man. Like I said, I’ve got to go back and add some new stuff, I just want to find where people are getting stuck, or if there’s some things that I could really just dig into a little further. I literally was just making this for business owners, like I said, I had no idea that it would have value for other SEO’s. I figured they’d be like, “Oh, man. Don’t tell me,” I mean, “How dare you tell me how to look for meta title ideas,” or something like that, but it goes a lot deeper than that, we’re talking about some other topics that really hit home.
At least, what we found, just working regardless of whatever market we’re playing in. You know? It’s like, we’re standing up sites in six weeks, and we’re knocking out Amazon, and Target, and all these kinds of sites. These are brand new sites, so you can’t say that it takes time, if you do it right, it takes a lot less time. Obviously, you’re dealing with the barrier to entry, which is different for any keyword in every e-market, but under that same token, you know, if you’re willing to put in a good year to chip away at a super competitive keyword, it’s not something that, it’s not pie in the sky, it’s actually attainable. You see results typically in three to four months for competitive stuff.
There’s always a barrier to entry, and it’s really about choosing the right battles, and winning that battle before you set foot on the field and you do that by looking at the conversation that’s online, determining where you want to enter that conversation, and where you want to dominate this thing. How you want to dominate that to get to the more competitive topic, or that crowning achievement of that market-defining phrase. It’s a process, man. You don’t just jump in, and you figure it all out, but it’s one of those things where we’re all learning.
What I love about this community is we can all learn from each other. You guys are doing stuff that just blows me away every time I look at it, man. The IFTTT stuff, we’ve been applying that for years, I’ve never seen how you apply the tiers, so its mutual respect in that regard. I’m so glad that you guys are constantly sharing what you have with the community. I know you’re on three years now doing this. I just want to say, thank you to you guys, because honestly [crosstalk 00:21:57]-
Bradley: Yeah, dude, we’re 16 episodes, 16 weeks away from our fourth anniversary of Hump Day Hangouts.
Jeffrey Smith: Wow.
Bradley: Four years, man, and we’ve only missed one, and it was a scheduled missed Hump Day Hangout, so like four freaking years now. [crosstalk 00:22:13]-
Adam: Bradley decided to take one day off. It happened once.
Bradley: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: The community was upset, too.
Adam: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: They were probably like, I saw somebody saying they had tears.
Adam: [crosstalk 00:22:22] Bradley, take Christmas off, never again. I like starting with the past, and it makes sense, you know, we wanted to find out some, and it’s good for people to find out about it, but kind of looking forward now from where we’re out now, how do you see kind of the SEO, or greater digital marketing landscape going, like just anything, what do you see coming?
Jeffrey Smith: I think it’s really important right now to try to occupy as many data points as possible with linked data. That’s not going anywhere. I mean, honestly, as we move into a more automation with national language processing, and just how everything is literally about the bots at this point. You know? You’ve got neuro networks with YouTube, where it’s not even humans looking at stuff, it’s just, they’re looking at algorithms. As an individual, I think, it’s really important to own your entities, to claim your entities for your business, for your local, for anything that you can do to create as many data points as possible.
Linked data, also, is good because it’s going to go, it overlaps into a lot of these chatbots that are coming up now, and mobile search, so if you can occupy as many points, once again, with linked data as you can with schema, and those types of markup, and just making it super friendly to appeal to the bots, you’re going to bypass everybody who’s not working on that stuff. That’s the whole thing. It’s almost like it’s worth it, like RDF, and all these other types of languages that are still there that are the base of this whole network of the web 3.0, so to speak, it’s there. If you’re not paying attention to that, I think, that you’re going to be left behind.
Something else, just the ambiguation, sentiment, and sentiment analysis is big, which goes back to natural language. Looking at tools like Text Razor, and Watson API, you can actually add your URL to those pages, and find out if your sentiments .53 or greater, it’s really on topical to a theme. If it’s less than that, you might want to consider using different word choices, and things of that nature. Sentiment analysis is going to be really big for just determining the tone of your content, and sort of how it fits into the algorithm.
Marco, make it filtered out at some point. They’re like, “That’s Marco, he’s over here.” You know this is not the PG filter. But, yeah, I’m just saying it’s sort of cool like that, I think that’s going to be really important. Then, just word relatedness, it’s not going anywhere. I think it’s just as the technologies change, I heard a quote once, it said, “10 years ago we barely knew what a search engine was, 10 years from now it may not exist.”
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:24:58]-
Jeffrey Smith: It’s just a matter of this is what’s working now, so we’ve got to play with it.
Adam: For some of these tools, I mean, some of this has to do with your on page, some of it actually has to do with the content itself, so setting aside some of the optimizations people can do on the backend, looking more at the content itself, is there anyone out there that you see, like this person is doing content writer, or the tools that you say, this helps me, I wouldn’t create content without it, anything along, I’m not thinking of anything in particular, I’m just wondering if, or are they just merged at this point?
Jeffrey Smith: I mean, we have some cool tools that we go over inside the training that sort of lays out the process that we’ve used, that just plan works.
Adam: Cool.
Jeffrey Smith: It’s a tool that basically looks at the top 18 ranked sites, and if you’re familiar with shingles, which are just like shingles on a roof, they’re just the phrases that you use that are overlapping on a page, and it looks at the word relatedness, does a calculation and says, oh, if you’re talking about the word luster, and diamond, and it knows you’re talking about a physical diamond, if it sees the word hotdog, and diamond, it knows you’re talking about a baseball diamond.
These kinds of algorithms are always at play with machine learning. If you understand that, this tool takes that and it literally grabs top 18 sites, it looks at all the different phrases, it looks at the percentage of times that these phrases are used in tandem, but it also shows all the synonyms and supporting relevant phrases that are part of that conversation, and that’s what people need to understand is that you’ve got topical depth, and you have topical breath. You need to have both in order to create that authority.
I would just suggest that it’s all about relevance, but also you can expand that beacon of relevance to find, you know, to rank for hundreds of keyword variations, just by the way that you craft your content. I think that I’ve always liked the way that Moz writes, and a lot of people like that, I mean, it’s some really in depth stuff. I would definitely say that the longer the content, the better, at this point. I’m seeing articles that are 7,000, 8,000, 10,000 words now. It’s broken up with, yeah, you’re going to spend months writing content like that, but you could actually-
Adam: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: Do a mashup like that and literally just crush it. There’s also another way, I’ll share a little technique, if you have SEO Ultimate Plus, there’s the rel prev, and next pagination option that’s inside the plugin. If you understand that, what you can do is you can actually write an entire section of supporting articles, and you can daisy chain them, so that your silo term is the main page, and that starts your rel prev, then it goes to the next one, and your next one might be the category, and the next one after that might be all your posts that are all daisy chained and linked, and at the end of that, at the bottom of the post, you link back to the silo with the last part of the chain, and now you’ve just created this ridiculous relevance loop that Google sees as one big page. That’s a-
Adam: Sexy.
Jeffrey Smith: Little tip I’ll give you guys to just basically, you don’t have to write one big article at one time, but you can take your entire archive, and then each one of those titles, and each one of those pages is dedicated to a very specific part of that conversation using your H1, your URL continuity, your internal link structures, but then use the rel prev, and next to create that daisy chain to sort of dominate the entire conversation [crosstalk 00:28:13]-
Bradley: Is it [crosstalk 00:28:14]-
Marco: Let me translate it [crosstalk 00:28:15]-
Bradley: Hold on. Is it wrong to be aroused right now?
Jeffrey Smith: That one works like gangbusters, man. It’s particularly in local-
Marco: Let me translate what Jeffrey just said, link wheels still work, and for those idiots, who can’t figure it out, or who are telling you that it doesn’t work, it’s bullshit. Link wheels are alive and well, you just have to present it in the right way so that the bots eat it up.
Jeffrey Smith: Yep. Exactly. Forbes does it, they’re like, hey, we’ve got five parts of this article just hit the next button to get to the next parts of the article just hit the next button to next part of the article, and they daisy chain it, they’re throwing in their ads, and it’s not uncommon, this was a technique that Google themselves suggested versus using a real canonical, which is very important. Rel canonical means that all the other pages themselves are omitted from the rankings, they’re not going to rank, but they’re going to pass their ranking authority-
Bradley: Right.
Jeffrey Smith: Back to their set page, which is cool, if you want to do some deep links to those pages, and not show up. You know you can use rel canonical, but if you want everything to rank then just use rel prev, and next and it will go, okay, somebody’s typing in, they’re looking for some specific topic, and you know it’s on page three, well, guess what? Page three will appear in the search results, but it’s still considered one big article. That’s the kind of stuff that we sort of share in the course, and really cool experimenting.
Adam: Awesome. Yeah. I think everyone got a few ideas off of that.
Jeffrey Smith: Hands rubbing.
Adam: I’ll be right back, I got to go.
Jeffrey Smith: Right.
Adam: Man, all right. We got to wrap it up in a few minutes to answer the questions, but we did-
Jeffrey Smith: True.
Adam: Have a question come in, and then we’ve got one or two we want to finish up with Jeffrey. Jordan, was asking, “How much are you using the Digital Marketers toolbox? It’s not cheap, but it at a certain scale it seems worth it.”
Jeffrey Smith: Oh, yeah. This is something that Matt and myself have been sort of dreaming about for 10 years, so it’s finally ready, we joked about it, we used to call it the brain, I’ve never seen anything like it. Put it like this, we used to do this stuff the old way, and it took about 80 hours, we could charge clients 2500 bucks to build out blueprints, and now you can pretty much do that in about 15 minutes from start to finish. As well as, scrape all the competitors most cherished keywords with a database of over 450 million data points that you’re just able to access from API’s that put everything right there in a couple of clicks. Yeah.
I’ve been using it since it’s inception, and I’m basically doing tweaks daily, and that’s sort of where I’m going next, is I’m going to basically be deploying a ton of affiliate sites in various niches in tandem with click funnels, and using that type of silo architecture to do some overlays with click funnels on the sites that we rank. Yeah. It’s not cheap, but you know what, Jordan, honestly, you sell one blueprint, and it pays for itself.
Adam: Nice.
Jeffrey Smith: That’s my solution to that one.
Adam: Good deal.
Jeffrey Smith: Everything else is free.
Adam: Yeah. Then this is good followup, like what’s going on with you right now? Anything you’re working on? Where should people go?
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah. Right now, I think I need to revisit Bootcamp, and do some more trainings, add another module to just basically look at where the questions are coming up, and maybe do something very specific in the business owner’s overview, I think that’d be cool. I got the SEO Ultimate Pro stuff coming out shortly. That should be exciting and fun. Then after that, like I said, I’m just going to be working in the background on some eCommerce sites that I’m putting up, and lots of affiliate stuff, and honestly I think it’s the way. It’s time for us to not only think about our clients, but to take time to actually crush a few markets ourselves, because they’re good case studies, if you ever need to show anybody that stuff. More importantly, it’s just good to keep active, and know that what you’re doing works. Learn knew stuff.
Adam: Yeah. Building your own assets. Definitely.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Adam: Sweet.
Jeffrey Smith: [crosstalk 00:32:08]-
Adam: All right. I think this is going to do it time wise. We could go here for an hour or two, I’m sure, easily, but Jeffrey, thank you again, and if we missed anything or if there’s anything else just let me know, and by all means you can hangout-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Adam: We’re going to be on for another-
Jeffrey Smith: Yes.
Adam: 30 minutes.
Jeffrey Smith: I’ll just hangout, I love the questions, man. This is going to be fun.
Adam: Cool. Sounds good.
Bradley: Okay, guys, just so you know, I dropped the link to SEO Bootcamp, which is an amazing course.
Jeffrey Smith: Oh, thank you, man.
Bradley: Hands down the best on page, or SEO course that I’ve ever seen, and we fully endorse it, you guys know that. The link is on the page. All right?
Jeffrey Smith: Thank you, man.
Bradley: All right, guys. I’m going to grab the screen. We’re going to get into some questions.
Jeffrey Smith: Cool.
How Do You Silo Structure A National Directory Site That Targets States Then Cities Within The States?
Bradley: Let’s do it. Whoops, wrong button. Cool. We got a few. Best local services, this is a question about URL permalink structure. “Hey, everyone, one question, when building out a national directory site, and targeting states, then cities within the states, should the URL structure be,” he listed out Florida for state, and then Florida slash Miami, for city within the state, so that’s basically category slash post name permalink structure just post name, is what he’s saying, guys. “Please let me know if it makes a difference, and which one will help rank better. Thanks.”
It really doesn’t make a difference, anymore, at all. I used to prefer a category post name, permalink structure where it would show physically in the URL itself, I liked that just because it was very logical, very easy to see where you are within the hierarchy of the content, but we’ve tested it, and it really doesn’t make any difference. I’d like to get Jeffrey’s opinion on it, but you can absolutely just keep post name, and that’s what’s called a virtual silo. Right?
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Bradley: Instead of a physical silo?
Jeffrey Smith: Yep. Honestly, there are so many ways to answer this question, it’s funny, because you know you could even use hyphens, so you could literally get the first tier with a hyphen at that point, and then you could actually just attach subpages by using the apparent sibling page structure in WordPress, to go as deep as you want to. Yeah. Like you said, it really doesn’t matter anymore.
I mean, obviously, Florida forward slash Miami is good, and then if you had things that were related to Miami like sort of things to do, and if it’s relevant to your market, and you wanted to add another tier under that, if you’re going to add supporting articles to it, but I think at this point, they know what you’re talking about, and they’re going to look at all kinds of other things to determine, but that’s just one part of it, but it’s an exact match type of keyword that you’re going after like Miami plumber, or something like that, then you’d probably want to use that in that second tier.
Bradley: Right. The other thing about it that I want to mention is if you’re using a complex silo structure where you’re going to have top level categories and subcategories in supporting posts, then it can get, you can run into some interesting URL things, issues, that come up. Where if you’ve got a subcategory that could fit in two categories, it’s impossible to do that without WordPress automatically appending a dash two-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Bradley: To the category slug. That tends to look like shit if you’ve got the category post name permalink structure where you’re showing it. It creates some issues where it’s hard to reconcile those URLs to where they look nice. The easiest way to do it is just go to the post name. I used to literally spend, I mean, I used to agonize over trying to build out sites, or plan out sites that I would be building with complex silo structure, because of those URL, because I always wanted the physical, I wanted it to show in the permalink. Right? The category post name permalink. I would be banging my head against the wall trying to figure out, well, how do I build this out correctly to where I’m not going to run into those category issues with the URLs? Thank God, it finally dawned on me that it’s really not even necessary. It can be what it is as long as you’re using post name, nobody’s going to see it anyways.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
What Semantic Mastery Course And Services Should I Purchase To Move Forward After A Hiatus?
Bradley: All right. Next one. Mark’s up, he says, “I purchased your material Silo Academy, and other services, my video is ranking great. It’s been a few years, and now I’m off the search engines, I want to get back into it, and buy whatever I need.” Oh, I love people that say they’re willing to buy whatever. Let’s throw the whole kitchen sink at him.
Jeffrey Smith: There we go.
Bradley: “Can you tell me what I have, and what I need to buy to move forward.” Yeah. I’ll tell you what, Mark, if you need specific information, just contact us at [email protected], you can also go to support.semanticmastery.com, which is our support site, and just fill in the little contact form there, so either way, we’ll give you some instruction, or direction based upon what it is that you need. If your video is down, though, like when you say it’s not in the search engines, you mean it’s not indexed at all? I would investigate that. Why was it de-indexed? Right? Is the channel still live, or what? Anyways, since I don’t have all the specifics I would say just reach out at support, and we’ll start a dialogue in there. Okay?
Marco: I would also direct them to buy the Battle Plan. Everything that he needs is in there, to get back, and get this back up to where it needs to be.
Bradley: Yeah. The Battle Plan is like seven bucks or something?
Marco: Yeah. It’s only seven bucks-
Jeffrey Smith: Wow.
Marco: And it’s a step by step guide on what you need to do, which is exactly what you’re asking. What do I need to use? What do I need to buy? And it’s all laid out in a very comprehensive manner, man.
Jeffrey Smith: I love that Battle Plan. You guys, I can’t believe you’re giving it away for so cheap, man. That’s like, wow. Anyway, it’s powerful.
Adam: Good stuff. Thank you.
GMB Local Pro Course Testimonial
Bradley: Paul says, “Hey, guys. I just wanted to give some feedback,” oh, this is awesome by the way, “I just wanted to give you some feedback on what you guys are doing with the GMB optimization. I took on a new client last week, auto repair service, I did nothing but verify his GMB, and made a post with all eight categories on his GMB, and the post as services. Before, this client was nowhere to be found on all but one auto repair,” I’m not sure what that means, “After the post, he is now in the maps ranking on all eight.” Okay. All eight categories. That’s interesting. “Three categories are now back in the maps pack. This past Saturday, and Monday he received 10 calls each day.”
Jeffrey Smith: Wow.
Bradley: Wow. “Before maybe one call per day. All of this with no branded network, or drive stack, so you know what I’m going to do next? As usual, your shit works, guys. Thanks.”
Jeffrey Smith: Wow.
Bradley: That’s awesome, Paul.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah. Thanks, dude.
Marco: Yeah. Thanks, Paul.
Bradley: I appreciate you sharing that, Paul. Again, I should have taken that screenshot I mentioned earlier about the GMB Pro results that people are getting from their Facebook group, but I didn’t. Sorry. Maybe we’ll share that next week. Gordon, and he says, “Hey, guys. Thank you very much. It’s always for your help on these Hump Day Hangouts, it’s greatly appreciated.” Well, we appreciate you, Gordon, coming and asking questions every week. Thank you. “You were kind enough to give us a heads up on how bad Yelp is with their constant solicitations if you use them as a directory profile for your client, so I ruled out ever using them.” That’s a wise choice. It’s interesting because there’s a lot of leads that can be had from Yelp. A lot of leads. However, they’re relentless, that’s the word I was looking for. They’re relentless in their hounding of trying to sell advertising services.
For that, I am almost considering just completely abandoning Yelp, because I’m so tired of having to answer phone calls from them, as well as my clients. Each one of my clients, as soon as I get a Yelp listing, a claimed Yelp listing, it’s three calls per week, every single week, indefinitely from Yelp, trying to sell them advertising services. It’s just an absolute nightmare. I can’t believe that they haven’t been hit with some sort of FTC fine, or some shit.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Can You Give Us A List Of Directory Sites Like Yelp That We Should Avoid?
Bradley: Anyways. “Can you please give us a list of other directory sites that may be bad news with the same or other reasons, so we can avoid them?” Well, most of the big ones like Yellow Pages, like YP.com, and such, they’re going to call occasionally, but it’s not anywhere near like Yelp. Yelp is consistently spamming. Spam calls. Sales calls. But a lot of the other ones you’ll get a couple of calls, initially, when you first set up the listing, the citation, a claimed profile essentially. You’ll get a call or two, but typically all you have to do with the other directories, guys, is just tell them, answer the phone, and tell them literally, “I’m not interested in marketing services, right now. All I did was register my free listing, and that’s all I’m interested in doing,” and ask them to take you off the call list. That’s it.
Now, they’re not all going to honor that, but many of them do, or at least it’ll be months before you get another call, and that’s typically how I resolve that. But, Yelp is the one, again, they’ll have three different reps call you in the same week, and every single rep always says the same thing, “I’m your new Yelp rep. I’ve just taken over managing the listings in your area, and I’m calling to tell you how you can get more leads from your Yelp listing, more exposure for your Yelp listing.” They always say the same damn thing. It’s like you’d think they’d have a different script that they’d cycle through, but they don’t. They all say the same shit, every time.
Jeffrey Smith: Wow.
Bradley: Anyways. Enough coming about Yelp. I could go on a tangent for 20 minutes about [crosstalk 00:41:19]-
Jeffrey Smith: They got under your skin, I guess.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s crazy, because I do a lot of lead gen, and all of my lead gen properties get filtered through, or routed to a call center, and I pay a lot of money for my call center every month, and many, and I mean, because of all the different lead gen sites I have, like we literally field 30, 40 calls a week from Yelp.
Jeffrey Smith: Wow, man.
Bradley: That’s a lot of money that I spend on my call center answering phone calls that are solicitation calls. It’s just crazy. It pisses me off, because it costs me a lot of money.
Jeffrey Smith: You’re getting spammed. That sucks.
How Do I Find The Most Authoritative URL For Posting Backlinks?
Bradley: Tony Camaro, what’s up Tony? He says, “With all the redirects in the Google network, how do I find the most authoritative URI for posting backlinks to?” That’s actually a good question. Marco, would you want to cover that one, while I see if the 301 redirects from Google maps is still working?
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: I mean, Tony, I think Tony works with-
Bradley: Jeffrey.
Marco: Jeffry. Tony’s a really cool guy. We’ve talked back and forth in Skype, and really we go to the algorithm, and what the algorithm is looking for. The algorithm wants page ranks, so it can build the ranking score for the entire page, or for your entire, let’s call it web project. The only way that, that’s going to happen according to the algorithm is through do follow links. As of what you need to do, is with all those redirects, you need to find the destination URL, and use that, or use any of the 301 versions of the website, so that you can pass page ranks, and you can pass it to build your ranking, and all of the other metrics that are going to pass through those do follow links.
I understand that no follow links work, they’re part of a natural link profile, but when you’re building a page rank, and you’re building that ranking score, and when you’re trying to trigger the distance graph, and you’re building seed sites, and seed sets, and you want all that juice flowing back and forth, the only way that’s going to happen is through a 301, or through the destination. Now, see, Bradley is showing it the screen. Bradley, just go ahead and show what I’m talking about, so the people can get a visual.
Bradley: Yeah. What’s interesting is yesterday I was doing, shit, Syndication Academy update webinar yesterday, that’s what it was, and I was showing one of the methods on how to get, for ever it was I was showing how to get a 301 direct to your maps listing, because what it has been all the way up until yesterday was when I discovered it, and I mean this must have been a change that just occurred within the last 48 hours, because I’m constantly doing stuff with maps all the time.
What Marco, just described I’m always doing, which is, for example, going to grab your shared URL for maps, they give you this short URL, and you copy the link, and then you can go to whereitgoes.com, that’s what we use, which is just a redirect tracker, or tracer, I should say. Anyways, you put the URL in there, and then you click trace URL, and what you would always see from any of the map shared URL’s was a 301 redirect, and then a 302 to the target-
Jeffrey Smith: Wow.
Bradley: URL, and it would be this long funky looking URL with some additional code appended to the end of each version of the URL, but it would go through a 301, and then a 302. It was like the Google short URL, the maps share URL we would always go submit it through where it goes like this, and then we would copy the final target URL, or the target destination. Right? That’s what we would copy, and then we would shorten that, and use that as our maps URL.
Jeffrey Smith: Nice.
Bradley: The reason why is because now we can push directly to the map without it going through a 302 and basically eliminating any link equity. Right? That’s what we were doing, but it was funny, because just yesterday I was demonstrating this for the Syndication Academy update webinar, and the first time I ever have seen a straight 301 redirect to the final target URL, and I was like, holy shit, this might be a fluke, so I went and checked on three or four other Google maps properties and they all look like they’re showing 301 redirects, now.
But, my point in telling you all that is when doing, like what Marco was talking about, which trying to push equity to where you want it to go. Just make sure, just run your URLs that you’re going to be building links to through a redirect tracer like this, and make sure there’s no 302 in the chain. Is what I’m saying. Typically, we will go to whatever the target destination is, and copy that, and then do a straight 301 redirect to that, if there is a redirect chain with whatever share URLs given, if that makes sense. Okay.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Bradley: Was that a clear description, guys?
Marco: Yeah. That was great. I’m going to go a step further. All right? Can you go back to that [inaudible 00:46:17]?
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because you see that HTTPS you see how it doesn’t have the dub, dub, dub? You can actually add the dub, dub, dub version to that shortened URL, and that’s going to be an additional 301.
Jeffrey Smith: Nice.
Marco: Or-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:46:34]-
Marco: It should be.
Bradley: You’re saying, you can create a double 301 for like link laundering, and stuff, is that what you mean?
Marco: Yeah. Just add dub, dub, dub, dot, and trace. You see that? How it redirects to the HTTPS? Now, you have two that you can play with. You have the non dub, dub, dub-
Bradley: Got you.
Marco: And the dub, dub, dub [crosstalk 00:46:58]-
Bradley: It doesn’t create a double redirect, just a second 301 redirect?
Marco: What a minute. You’re right. That HTTPS dub, dub, dub, dot take that out.
Bradley: Okay. We can also get rid of the HTTPS [crosstalk 00:47:13]-
Marco: No. I mean in the long URL, yeah, just take the S out, and it should read redirect just fine. Now, that second, that long URL you could do the same thing take the dub, dub, dub out, and take the SSL certificate out, take the S out, and they will all redirect to the final destination. You could use any of those, Tony, to hammer the crap out of them in link building-
Jeffrey Smith: That’s nice.
Marco: You can iframe. I mean, there’s so much. You guys have access, I believe, to RYS Reloaded, or RYS Academy. You know what to do with all of those.
Bradley: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: [inaudible 00:47:51]. Pure obfuscation of links. It’s purely obfuscated.
Bradley: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: That’s good.
Bradley: But that’s what’s funny, because Rob was saying, Rob and I were chatting in Slack after the Syndication Academy webinar, and he was like, because I was pretty excited that the map share URLs are 301’s now, like straight 301s instead of doing that funky redirect thing. Rob was like, “Yeah. Can you imagine how this could end up damaging a lot of stuff for people, because they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing?” I was like, I thought about it, I was like, “Yeah. That’s kind of funny,” and I said, “Well, that’s okay, it’ll keep the riff raff out.” Right?
Jeffrey Smith: Shoot their foot off. No puns intended, actually. I know what that feels about a little bit.
Any Tips On How To Index Citation Type Sites?
Bradley: It’s awesome. Great question, Tony. I got to Plus one that. All right. Next. Jordan, “I have a few do follow citations with decent DA,” okay, “That are showing as no index, in the past I’d throw suckers into SerpSpace indexing, but she’s gone. Other than tweaking them out, are there any tricks to get these citations sites to index? I know Google has slowed their roll.” I’ll let the other guys comment on that, but my thought is even if it’s not indexed Google likely knows it’s there. Right?
I mean, there are certainly reasons why you would want them to be indexed, too, but my point is the citations, because if they’re set to no index, you’re saying their showing as no index, so I don’t know whether you’re saying that their set to no index, or just they’re not indexed. Jordan, if you can clarify that, because if they’re set to no index then I don’t know that you can force Google to index it. I mean, I’ve seen that happen, but it usually doesn’t last, but if they’re just not indexed typically they will over time index. I know citations will have, a lot of citations have always been slow to index, anyways.
Again, just because they’re not indexed doesn’t mean they’re not being counted by Google. We know, because we’ve tested that, number one, but number two, I know that we have no indexed, like PBN stuff in the past, but the links would still show on the inbound links, you know, links to your site inside a search console. Does that make sense? Google knows they’re there, even if they’re not indexed. Right? Go, ahead, Marco, can you comment on that?
Marco: Yeah. What I would tell him to do is we’re throttled in the URL submit, right, I think it’s still the limit is around 10, 11, but what you could do, or I’m pretty sure Jordan has Browseo, if you have multiple profiles set up in Browseo then your VA should be submitting links like crazy through the URL submitter even though it’s throttled if you have 10 or 100 profiles inside Browseo, or let’s say Ghost Browser, then you’re bypassing kind of the throttling. There’s other things that I’m not going to give away here that we use to get our stuff indexed, and of course you can always reach out to [inaudible 00:50:55].
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because he knows [inaudible 00:50:57] will get, what is it, over 40% indexed, so [inaudible 00:51:04] is doing really good. There’s ways to bypass it, talk to [inaudible 00:51:08] about getting your stuff indexed, and I mean there’s other ways and I’m not going to get into that in a free forum. Sorry, guys.
Bradley: Well, I got one more comment on that, and that’s you could also, I know, I’ve done fairly well with just linking to a site, especially citation sites with press releases. It’s a great way to boost a citation, especially if it’s got a do follow link. Whether it’s indexed or not, I don’t care, because if it’s got a do follow link, and I’m pushing a bunch of PR links to it, some of which will be do follow, most of which are no follow, but it still ends up working really well, because you’re going to end up pushing it through that do follow link from the citation, whether it’s indexed, or not.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah. It’s a nice one.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. Let’s see. Next, would be Jordan, again. He was already talking about that, that was his comment from earlier, that’s awesome, Jordan.
Jeffrey Smith: Thanks, man. Thank you.
How Much Do You Charge For Using Curated Posts To Clients?
Bradley: Jim says, “SM gang, and anyone else, what rate is everyone charging for using curated posts, one to four article curation posts?” Essentially, one to four pieces of content curated to create a curated post is what he’s saying. “I mostly use the methods outlined in the curation suite training,” shame, Jim, you should have used Content King, no I’m kidding, Jim, Content Kingpin is our curation training. “I only use this for my own projects, so I’m curious as to what others are charging their clients. Thanks to any or all that respond.” All right. It’s really what does the market bear, and what is typical in that industry?
Now, I could tell you for the vast majority of my clients, I’m charging them anywhere between $20.00 to $30.00 per post. Sometimes as much as 35, I’ve got a few clients that they pay as much as $35.00 for posts, curated posts. That’s not a lot of money. Then, I pay my VA anywhere between $10.00 to $15.00 per post, to curate. My curator, I’ve got several of them, but they all range somewhere in the neighborhood of $10.00 to $15.00 per post is what I pay them.
Basically, I just get paid a nice markup, and that’s what I love about content marketing as a service, that’s what Content Kingpin is, guys, our training about how, it’s hands free content marketing, and it’s a great service, because it can be a 100% outsourced, and all you have to do is manage it, and sell it. That’s it. It’s about a 100% markup is what I’m making, with some slight overhead, so it’s close to like I’d say probably about a 60% profit margin on that service. It’s a great service, it’s just an additional stream of revenue that doesn’t require any management, or very, very little management.
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah. I just got my VA trained upon it, he’s like 53 posts in, in two weeks.
Bradley: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: He’s going to town on this stuff. It’s just pure value.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s awesome.
Jeffrey Smith: We’re going to fire it up on an IFTTT network and just let it go to town.
Bradley: That’s right. It’s great, because it’s an efficient way to produce content, and you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. A curator doesn’t have to be a subject matter expert, all they have to know how to do is locate good content, and compile it in a logical manner. That’s it. There you go.
Jeffrey Smith: And you’re giving citations back to the original post, so-
Bradley: Right.
Jeffrey Smith: You’re giving everybody everything they want.
Bradley: Yep.
Jeffrey Smith: [crosstalk 00:54:22]-
Bradley: That’s absolutely right. Anyways, again, Jim, it’s going to vary depending on the client. Now, I know Kamar, he was, I went to a Network Empire certification event with him a long time ago, he does medical, excuse me, not medical, he’s in the law industry, he does content marketing, digital marketing services for a lot of lawyers. They do posts, not necessarily curated posts, but for example you have to be a paralegal, right-
Jeffrey Smith: Yeah.
Bradley: In order to be able to write for, like about law stuff, about legal stuff. His content marketing that he charges to clients to do content marketing for them is like $200.00, $300.00 per post, because he has to pay somebody, a very skilled writer that’s also a paralegal, or has a law degree as well. Does that make sense? That’s incredibly expensive, but in that industry they’re used to paying for that much for content. But in contracting industries, which are mostly the industries I work in, like I said, it ranges anywhere between I’d say $20.00 to $35.00 per post is what I’m getting from my clients, if that makes sense.
Jeffrey Smith: It’s sort of funny to see that lawyers are getting billed high rates, so they really can’t complain, because they do the same thing.
Bradley: You’re damn right.
Jeffrey Smith: One hour is like 500 bucks.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:55:39]. Right?
Jeffrey Smith: Exactly. A little buffer.
Are You Still Using The Hybrid Traffic Manual Service?
Bradley: Okay. We answered that one, as well. Thank you. Let’s see. Joe says, “Are you guys still using the hybrid traffic manual, traffic service?” I’m still testing it, Joe. It’s too soon to tell, I’ve only been testing, I started testing it on one property about three weeks ago, and I started testing it on another property two weeks ago, and I’ve got another property set up for it today, or excuse me the other day, but I haven’t actually ordered the service for it, yet, so I can’t really speak about it, yet, guys. I wouldn’t endorse it, yet, because I’m still testing it. I don’t recommend sending that traffic to your money site anyways, guys, I’m doing some referral traffic stuff, and some other real sneaky shit that I can’t talk about here.
Jeffrey Smith: I like it.
Bradley: Good question, Joe, ask me again in a couple of weeks, and I’ll happily provide some information. If it’s a good service, and it pans out to where it accomplishes what I want it to do, then I’ll certainly, I’ll probably try to become an affiliate for them, and then we’ll do a full blown promotion for it, because I’ll teach you guys how I’m using it, if it works, but the jury is still out. All right. We’re almost done. We’re almost out of time. It looks like we’re almost out of questions, so that’s-
Jeffrey Smith: There’s one about real estate from Eddy A.
What Is The Possibility Of Ranking A Real Estate Agent Site Into A Mortgage Lending Space Using the Local GMB Pro Technique?
Bradley: Okay. “I’m a real estate agent, and my sister owns a mortgage business in Georgia, in Tennessee. I don’t know anything about SEO or ranking, but I can follow directions most the time. I live in Atlanta with six million people in a metropolitan area, what is the possibility of ranking in the three pack, or just getting leads with GMB Pro as a real estate agent, or in the mortgage lending space? Would GMB Pro be over my head? How about done for you services? First time participating. I hope I didn’t make a fool of myself.” Thank you, Eddy. No, absolutely not, Eddy, that’s what we’re here for, man, to ask questions, and no question is a stupid question. Right?
With that said, yeah, you could absolutely get results with GMB Pro, because it’s not an SEO thing. There is absolutely an SEO benefit from it, but we’re proving over and over again that we’re able to exponentially increase leads for the businesses by just using the GMB Pro methods, and it’s not dependent upon rankings. Again, there is a correlation, as the activity increases in the Google My Business ecosystem. Right? As the activity increases, you will start to see a correlation between your ranking. Your rankings will start to improve, as well.
However, we are generating leads where, like for example, some of the case studies that I’ve been working on, the rank trackers are showing not great SEO, like not in the three pack, yet we’re getting, the calls continue to creep up, the exposure in maps, the activity, which is like clicks to the website, requesting driving directions, and calls, all this stuff that’s being tracked by GMB Insights is showing week over week improvements, and increases. That’s even though the rank trackers aren’t showing any ranking increases, or much slower ranking increases than what the number of calls.
Where are these calls coming from? Where are these visitors coming from, if it’s not from ranking? It has to do with how GMB is providing exposure for businesses via mobile devices to businesses that are using all the tools that they provide to us within GMB, and again it’s like they’re rewarding us for it. There is a correlation between rankings, but what I’m saying, Eddy, is would you be able to do that on your own as a business owner, to increase leads? Absolutely.
Again, we also talk in the training I provide a lot of process training, so that you can hire assistants, you can hire remote workers like from the Philippines, for example, that you can pay $4.00 or $5.00 an hour, which is a great wage for them, they can handle most of this for you, and we totally encourage people to buy our courses to put their virtual assistants through the course. You don’t have to buy another copy of it, just put your VA through it, the course that you bought for you, let them learn the process, and let them do it, so that you can focus on generating revenue, not doing the grunt work.
Jeffrey Smith: Exactly.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Marco: I would add that he and his sister are way ahead of the game, since they’re actually working in the business, they’re out there in the field, so they’ll be able to take pictures, which when you add pictures with local relevance, GMB goes crazy. It just goes absolutely nuts, because you’re adding all of that relevance to the image, which Google has image recognition, and to the exit, according to the training, you won’t need to do it, all you need to do is have the settings on the phone, so that it geo tags-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Oh, I’m giving away too much. Sorry. I got a head of myself. Eddy, come in the training, you can get all this shit from me, I’m there.
Jeffrey Smith: Exactly.
Bradley: Yeah, Eddy, I’m telling you, man, if you’re in-
Jeffrey Smith: Just sign up.
Bradley: You know, SEO’s we obviously promote this to people that are providing digital marketing services, but this will absolutely apply and benefit you as a business owner. Absolutely, there’s no question. It’s not just for digital marketers, it’s for business owners, as well. We haven’t really positioned it for that, which we probably should, but you don’t have to be an SEO to understand the training, is what I’m saying.
Jeffrey Smith: Definitely buy the course, and do yourself a favor.
Bradley: Thanks, Jeffrey. That’s awesome.
Jeffrey Smith: Absolutely.
Bradley: All right, guys. We’re about out of time. Let’s see. Thanks, Scott. I appreciate you looking into those. He’s saying, some of the GMB posts share links now are also 301’s, which is awesome. I think that’s great if Google does that. I’m really surprised. It’s probably going to switch back, I can’t imagine why they would do that, I don’t know. I thought they had that redirect chain with the 302 for a reason.
Jeffrey Smith: They know. They know why you’re doing it, that’s why they’re-
Bradley: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: [crosstalk 01:01:30]-
Bradley: All right, guys. Last thing, I see that Adam posted a message that we’re supposed to be announcing that Jeffrey is going to be one of our featured speakers at the [inaudible 01:01:42] live event in October.
Adam: Yeah.
Bradley: Right?
Adam: Yeah.
Jeffrey Smith: Absolutely.
Bradley: That’s pretty cool, Jeffrey. I’m super pumped for that. Yeah. Just go to the link that’s on the event page, because if you want to come hangout with us, if you want to come hangout with Jeffrey, and we have some other amazing people coming to the event, as well. I think that’s one of the best uses of your time, by far. If you can get there, be there, because it’s going to be amazing. We have some really good stuff to discuss, and networking power that those kinds of events bring to the table are second to none, so yeah, go to the link over there, and make sure that you grab your tickets.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s going to be a really small event, guys. It’s our first live event. We wanted to keep it small, intentionally, so we’re only going to have 25 people there, which means, you’re going to get a lot better, like more-
Jeffrey Smith: Wow.
Bradley: Trained more intimately from all of us, if that makes sense. You’ll get to interact with all of us a lot more, and the other members there. Again, guys, there’s no way to describe the value of coming to events like these, and I think ours is going to be good. I hope it’s going to be a great event in many aspects, but I think just for the networking alone, and the amount of stuff that we want to kind of impart, we started in our mastermind Facebook group, each one of us have started posting little polls with like three different topics that we are trying to select what we’re going to be talking about as our topic at the event.
We’re actually getting input from our mastermind members, so they’re kind of helping us sculpt what our training is going to be about. This isn’t like what we think you should know. This is like we’re doing our homework, so that we can provide the members that come out to the event with just the top level training that we can provide. Anyways, we encourage you guys to come check us out. Jeffrey Smith is going to be there, enough said.
Jeffrey Smith: Thank you, man. No, it’s the beauty of the ask campaign, too, I actually did the same thing, where I was like, “Hey, these are the topics I’m thinking about, what do you think?” I got back 300 detailed questions the same way, and that’s where Bootcamp came from, same way. I’m really excited. I think I’m going to do a deep dive on SEO Ultimate, and just sort of show you how we really turned that bad boy out, and how we use it. At the time we’ve got some new stuff coming with the Pro, I think it’ll be a segue.
Bradley: Awesome.
Jeffrey Smith: [crosstalk 01:04:02]-
Adam: I wasn’t sure if I was going to come to my own event, but now I’m definitely going to. I’m looking forward to it, this going to be awesome.
Jeffrey Smith: [crosstalk 01:04:10]-
Bradley: Yeah.
Bradley: All right, guys.
Jeffrey Smith: Thank you, guys.
Bradley: Five minutes over, that’s kind of good for us. Thanks, Jeffrey, so much for being here, man.
Jeffrey Smith: Thank you, man. I appreciate it.
Bradley: All right, guys.
Marco: Thank you, man.
Adam: Bye, everybody.
Bradley: Take care.
Jeffrey Smith: See you, guys.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 190 posted first on your-t1-blog-url from Blogger https://ift.tt/2tNWYEF via IFTTT
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