#the most powerful law of attraction technique
kakiastro · 1 year
Fame in Astrology Series part one
Topic: Acting🍿🎬
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This is the first post in a series I’ll be working on. What makes a good actor and where in your chart can indicate fame. I’ll also use Denzel Washington for examples because everyone knows him lol
*disclaimer: please don’t copy my work fam lol
Ok let’s get started!
1. Your Sun and rising Sign, house Leo rules and 5th house
- sun is how we shine in public
- Leo rules over fame and entertainment
-5th house how we express our creativity
For ex: Denzel Washington is Capricorn Sun, Libra rising, Leo 11h and Aquarius 5h. He’s seen as a leader(Capricorn sun), he’s popular among his peers and the public(Leo 11). He approach acting differently or his creativity is just different from others in his profession, he may like playing different types of roles(Aquarius 5h) and he’s considered handsome(libra rising) I mean come on all of our aunties had a thing for him😅
Next we’ll look at
2. Your Midheaven
- Mc rules over your public image, how you are viewed in your Career.
-you can choose any career you desire and your Mc can show you how you’ll be perceived in it.
For ex. Denzel Washington has Mc Cancer. Despite this being a public house, he’s actually very private. May have a chill personality, easy to like. I will say cancer rules over women and and the ladies love him haha
MC can show you what types of roles you can play. Like Denzel most notable roles is involving family, women and close connections
3. Whatever planets you have in your 1h, 5h, 10h and 11h
Honorable mentions: 7h and 9h
-having planets here in any of these houses can enhance your fame especially Jupiter
Jupiter rules over expansion
Ex. Denzel has Jupiter/Uranus 10h, Neptune 1h and Moon 5h.
4. In my opinion, the moon is one of the most important things to look at in acting
- moon represents our emotions and how we express our emotions.
Actors have to know how to channel different emotions in order to really channel their character.
- I noticed actors who has Moon-Pluto or Moon-Neptune aspects are known to show deep and heartbreaking emotions on scene. These are the actors that can feel what the characters are going through
5. A lot of people don’t talk about this but Mercury is probably the most important part of acting
-mercury rules over how we process and remember information, it’s how we communicate, it also rules the media
Remembering lines is the most important part in acting, figuring out what techniques works for you will help you in the long run! How you communicate when you do interviews with the media is all shown in your mercury and 3h sign
Ex Denzel Washington has Capricorn Mercury with Sagittarius 3h. He straight to the point, may have a great sense of humor, he’s very knowledgeable and would probably make a good teacher
6. Pluto and 8h is underrated areas in acting.
- Pluto represents transforming and going within
- actors has to transform themselves into the character, depending on the actor, that can be physically and mentally. I’ve always felt like method acting is such a Pluto theme
7. Neptune rules over movies altogether
-wherever Neptune is at in your chart can give you an idea on what type of movies you’ll prosper in
Ex. Denzel has Neptune Libra 1h. Libra rules over partnerships(romantic and platonic) Law, Fairness
Go watch some of his movies and such as Training Day, Fences, Equalizer. You’ll see the libra themes
Fame in Actor Asteroids
Fama (408)- your overall fame, area you’ll be famous for
Star (4150)-your star power
Varuna (20000)- worldwide fame
Actor (12238) - acting abilities, help glimpse into what roles will suit you
Bella (695)-how your beauty is seen in the spotlight
Aura (1488)- your overall vibe, your energy
Fan (151590)-the type of fanbase you’ll attract
Even if you’re not interested in acting, you can still look at the type of movies and actors you’re attracted to for fun! I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to keep a look out for the 2nd part to this series which is singers!
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A long motivating list of celebrities who have admitted to using manifesting/shifting practices
Believe it or not, some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry have harnessed the power of manifesting to help get to the top. From athletes to actors and singers, there is no shortage of big names who have used this powerful method of change to turn their dreams into reality.
Beyoncé is a celebrity who openly talks about manifesting and shifting her emotions to create a world that makes her happy and successful. She believes in expressing herself through song and art and believes that those forms of creativity have helped her to create an amazing career.
Leonardo DiCaprio has also been vocal about how he uses manifesting and shifting practices in his own life. He says that by visualizing his goals, he's able to set himself up for success, making sure to focus on the good that comes from any situation.
Next we have, Oprah Winfrey. According to one of the most influential women in show business, she used a visualization technique called "The Law of Attraction" to manifest her success. She said, "The Law of Attraction says that whatever you think or feel, you attract into your life. I use this philosophy daily and have achieved great success."
Another star who has shared their success story is actor Will Smith. The award-winning actor said that manifesting how his future would look was an important factor in his success. He said, “I would literally forget what my goals were and start imagining myself achieving them. This created a strong feeling within me, allowing for a stronger connection to the Universe and helped me access greater opportunities."
Singer Ariana Grande also admitted that she has used manifesting techniques to reach her goals. In one interview, she said, “I practiced positive thinking and visualizing what I wanted during those times when I was going through hardships and it really worked. Little by little, I saw my life become what I wanted it to be." has been open about her journey with manifesting. She says, “If you are constantly affirmatively speaking — even if it's out loud — ‘I'm going to make this happen’, your energy shifts and you start to become magnetic and draw those experiences to you."
Emma Chamberlain who was literally one and maybe still is a YouTube sensation is also a self-proclaimed manifestor. She is often seen talking about how she uses manifesting and shifting to get the most out of her life. Chamberlain has been open and candid about her success and how she believes in the power of bringing your dreams into reality.
In her videos, she has talked about how she visualizes what she wants and then takes steps to make it happen. She has also said that when things don't go as planned, she shifts her energy to get what she wants. Chamberlain believes that these techniques give her an advantage and help her create the life that she wants for herself.
Melanie Martinez who become well-known for her hit single "Cry Baby" as well has her own eponymous album. She is also a self-professed manifestor and has said that she believes in the power of intention and shift to bring her dreams into reality. Martinez has said that through visualization, meditation and setting intentions, she has been able to create the life that she always wanted. She also has openly talking about shifting realities !
Chris Pratt, the star of movies like Jurassic World and Guardians of the Galaxy. Chris recently spoke out about his faith and specifically about how he uses manifesting and shifting practices in his everyday life. He says that every day he writes down what he wants for his future and visualizes having it and spoke about the power of belief.
Model, actress and entrepreneur Tyra Banks also shared her story of manifestation. “I've always believed in manifestation. You know when you're a kid, you decide what you want to be and you go do it? I just always do that. It's not so much hard work, it's affirming. You affirm what you want and you work hard."
actor Ashton Kutcher wrote a heartfelt post on manifesting: “If ‘you manifest your dreams’ means having faith that if you believe something in your head and heart and take actions towards making it a reality, then that has been my experience.”
This one shocked me but Chris brown (ew) also had something to say about shifting and manifesting. He said Well, I use both of these tools daily. Whenever I have an idea or goal that I want to achieve, I focus on it completely. I visualize it, speak my desires out loud, and take action to make it happen. This helps me stay motivated and allows me to put my energy into what I really want.
I also use shifting to stay positive and creative. Whenever I'm feeling down or uninspired, I focus on positive thoughts and visualize what I want to achieve. This helps me shift my energy and get into a more creative headspace so that I can create the best work possible.
He said “My biggest tip would be to practice self-care and take time for yourself. When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a step back and focus on how you're feeling physically and emotionally. It's important to take care of yourself so that you can stay focused on your goals and manifest the things that you want in life.” I guess I’m not shocked because it would explain how he has gotten away with so much abuse and bigotry during his career.. but I digress.
Katy Perry has also spoken out about how she turned her dream of being a successful singer into a reality by using manifesting practices. To this day, she continues to use these practices to reach her goals. Taylor swift also admitted to doing something very similar and has her own manifesting method when she was a child.
NBA superstar LeBron James. Is also a celebrities who has openly shared his beliefS about his success. He recently revealed that he uses visualization techniques to help him reach his goals - from on-court performance to off-court business endeavors.
Jackie Chan also uses meditation and mindful exercises that he had admitted helped him a grove everything he wanted in this life.
Finally, professional athlete Kobe Bryant was open about his use of manifesting techniques to achieve his goals. He revealed that he used visualization techniques and positive thoughts to help reach his goals. He said, “By visualizing yourself doing something before you even attempt it, you can increase your confidence when you actually do it. This can help you become an even better athlete or performer."
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vixeneptune · 10 months
Ok so creation is finished. We just have to choose what we want. Then what? How do we align with this desire? How do we change the perception of ourselves? How do we detach completely with the 3d, accept our new perception/thoughts and finally see results?
I think this is the part that people don't talk much about and instead focusing on manifestation techniques like affirmations and script/journal writing, vision boards and etc.
I like your question bc we do need to talk about these things. Manifesting itself is easy, it's actually the most natural thing we can do, but the process itself when it's accompanied by limiting beliefs and doubts is where we tend to struggle. Let's be realistic we all go thro these phases, however, it's how we deal with it time and time again that makes the difference.
First things first, is awareness. you're aware that the law is real, you're aware of your power and ability to create and manifest, you're aware that you are consciousness and you're connected to everything because you are everything and that there's so many layers to reality and so many possibilities yes? Well there you have it that's all it takes to manifest your dream life.. But we are human and we go through things so.. Then what?
Then it's not about battling your doubts or insecurities (that's not what you need to focus on) , it's about persistenting (focusing on already having your desires, knowing that you are powerful) .
It's not about being aware of your limits
It's about being aware that you are limitless.
We can be logical for a moment, it takes the subconscious mind at least 21 days of repetition of a habit or affirmation for it to become a belief. The mind is like a computer you CAN program it however YOU want bc you're the one in control, not the other way around. You can control what you focus on, what you feed your brain, what you listen to what to think, decide, believe.
So after awareness, you have to take control, you have to claim your power. You're not just here to observe and watch and let life happen to you, you're here to make shit happen, to experience, to create.
Your next question is how do you align with your desire? You let your desire align with you. You're the one on the pedestal, you don't chase you attract, focus on your self concept and your desires will have no choice but to run after you. It's not the other way around.
How do we change the perception of ourselves? See what best works for you. Is it affirmations? Is it subliminals? Is it meditation? Remember you're the one who programs your own mind, you can be whatever you want to be.
How do we detach from the 3D? Well, you don't have to detach from the 3D as it's still a reality that you can't really completely detach from I mean let's be real, we engage with the 3D everyday every moment.
It's about detaching from neediness. You're already whole and complete and you don't need anything bc you HAVE everything.
You can accept your new perception by simply accepting that this is who you are, who you wanna be, and who you claim to be. It's all in your hands. Keep thinking, acting, and talking like it.
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dreeaams · 3 months
LET ME BE CLEAR, your emotions (energy in motion) ARE A MANIFESTATION. They cannot be the cause of any of your manifestation because the only thing that causes your manifestation is your mind.
So if your mind creates your manifestation what do you mean by that, you may ask? THE THOUGHTS(4D) that you are constantly thinking and your INNER DIALOGUE(4D) are the cause of your manifestations(3D).
Thoughts and inner dialogue are the same exact thing but please stop listening to those “gurus” that say “you need to feel those feelings of happiness and gratitude for it to work or that if you feel sad or mad it won’t work out.”
THAT IS COMPLETELY FALSE because your FEELINGS are the end results/a manifestation and it came from a THOUGHT/ INNER SPEECH that you were already thinking.
I know that my SP is obsessed with me but I have that disgusting feeling in my body that he doesn’t care about me because he ghosted me 2 days ago.
2. Because you don’t know that all circumstances are neutral you now say in your mind that oh my SP ghosted me for two days so now he doesn’t like me, he doesn’t give a fuck about me boohoohoo.
Stop fucking whining, bitching, and complaining! Why? BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONE PUTTING A MEANING TO YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES!!
3. By whining, bitching and complaining you are telling yourself that that circumstance is negative and because of that stupid belief you attract more negative events. And you also tell yourself that your SP doesn’t give a fuck about you so what happens? HE DOESNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
4. What should I do instead you may ask? Great question! Know that ALL CIRCUMSTANCES ARE FUCKING NEUTRAL, ALL OF IT. Once you understand that, know that your emotion doesn’t mean shit at all because that too it is the results of your thoughts. Your emotions are neutral too they have no meaning unless you put a meaning to it.
5. In manifestation (the law of assumption to be precise) you are the one creating your own rules only you so if you think a certain way, then you are always right I promise you. Make up your own fucking rules and stop listening to all those stupid techniques that makes you more depressed and anxious.
6. Keep telling yourself that your SP is obsessed with you, “Every circumstance is leading me to my manifestation NO MATTER WHAT” you are the most important person on this earth for him, he thinks about you 24/7. Don’t forget that your imagination is the only reality and that what you see in the 3D it is a reflection.
Just understand that you are the operant power, you manifest every single second of your life with the thoughts that you think and your inner dialogue. You are the one creating the rules I promise you your life will complete turn around.
If you have more questions ask me and go watch her videos they are so fucking good she changed my life 😭 love you girlies follow me for more❤️
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sencubussubs · 5 months
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Loving Yourself in manifestation
(adorable banner art by Nekosuke)
I, like most law of assumption content creators, preach self concept. I’ve talked in a previous post about what self concept is and little ways you can incorporate it into your daily life but today i want to emphasize the inner love and respect for yourself that manifestation both uses and heightens. (This is a bit of a ramble be aware)
in brief, since i have talked about it before, your dominant thoughts about yourself, what you are capable and deserving of, and how you see yourself in relation to others (all your self concept) reflect into the world around you (the 3D). Most of you should be familiar with this sentiment, it is a large part of LOA(ss) after all :3
This does not mean however, which the law of attraction community often misconstrue, that you have to feel good and amazing all the time. You do not have to be a ray of sunshine to manifest anything. You are allowed to have bad days, you are allowed to feel upset. The important part is that you KNOW you are a person worthy of respect, love and your desires.
something i love about law of assumption, is that many people come to this community and the law feeling lack - desperate for something or someone and believing they need it or them to be worthy, happy or even just okay. But with doing the techniques and really learning of the law, they create a good self concept and they realise their own worth and value.
Something i love about the law is the inner transformation you go through. Most people come to the law in a state of lack as they are desperate for someone or something and - though they may not realise it - believe this thing or person will make them worthy, happy or have value. Once they are introduced to self concept and really start applying it though, it really changes all of this: this feeling of inner fulfilment, happiness and worthiness just for being you! This feeling of content and happiness just for being me is unmatched, truly.
No person or thing is going to give you value, the only meaning or value assigned to anything is that which you give to it. And the person who deserves to be assigned the most value is YOU babe.
The neural pathways that we have built over time are mostly reflections of our societies’/community’s/family’s norms. Most societies preach being humble, not being overly optimistic, always looking for worst case scenario. As we grow up these dominant, core thoughts become reflected back to us. But, as put by bashar, this makes us belief thief’s. it’s silly but i think it’s important to learn that you do not have to hold on to anyone else’s beliefs. That which does not serve you, bye bye!
Of course i like to be humble, but i think it’s often pushed way further than that to not even believe in your own inherent worth in fear of being selfish. i choose to believe in my power, my looks, my personality and my worthiness. I am fully aware that i can have bad days and that things go wrong - and even though i’m sure i could manifest even this away, i prefer to live my life and have my world like this - but i refuse to have a mindset that always assumes the worst. after all, our assumptions reflect back in the 3D. You deserve to assume that things always work out for you and as you assume it so it shall be :)
quick side note, two affirmations that have really helped me to unlearn assuming the worst:
- All is well, all will be well
- Everything is always working out for me, no matter how it looks at any given point in time.
Okay, having discussed the importance of self concept and identifying with assumptions and beliefs that serve you, back to the main point of this sort of appreciation post. Though your journey may start from a state of lack, the change in self concept brings not only your manifestations but also so much happiness and fulfilment. Now this is gonna sound silly to longer time loa lovers as of course the whole point is to embody the state of wish fulfilled, and that’s gonna make you feel good, but i feel like many new manifestors - at least definitely me when i started - don’t realise the true fulfilment and happiness within yourself that this journey will give you.
What at first seems like a chore and silly little affirmations to get a goal, becomes little smiles throughout the day when i remember how happy i am to be me.
it is the greatest reward.
saph <3
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kensanwrites · 5 months
12 Hz Alpha Wave and 6 Hz Theta Wave 'New Year, New Me' Affirmations
Welcome to our transformative video, "12Hz Alpha Wave and 6Hz Theta Wave 'New Year, New Me' Affirmations" – Elevate Your Mindset, Manifest Positive Changes, and Embrace the New You! 🌟🎵
🌊 **Dynamic Frequencies:** Immerse yourself in the harmonious blend of 12 Hz Alpha Wave and 6 Hz Theta Wave, creating an optimal state for deep introspection, positive visualization, and transformation.
💬 **Powerful I AM Affirmations:** Explore the principles of the Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption, and manifestation technique with affirmations designed to align your mindset for positive changes in the New Year.
🎶 **Manifestation Frequency:** Elevate your manifestation experience with frequencies tuned to attract abundance and manifest your desires.
🌙 **Sleep Meditation Manifestation:** Utilize this session for a restful night's sleep, allowing the affirmations to work on your subconscious, fostering positive changes as you rest.
🔊 **Manifestation Music:** Let the soothing background music enhance your affirmations experience, creating a serene environment for self-reflection and transformation.
🔗 **Stay Connected:** Like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay connected with our empowering content.
💫 **Embrace the power of manifestation, elevate your mindset, and welcome the new you in the New Year with us. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!** 🌟
Here are some user listening instructions to enhance your experience and maximize the benefits:
**Background Listening:** Let the affirmations play in the background during your daily activities. Whether you're working, exercising, or doing household chores, allow the positive messages to permeate your surroundings. The subconscious mind is receptive, even when you're not actively focusing on the affirmations.
**Meditation Mode:** Set aside a few minutes each day for a dedicated meditation session. Find a quiet and comfortable space, play the affirmations, and focus on your breath. Let the positive words guide you into a state of calm and mindfulness, reinforcing the affirmations at a deeper level.
**Interactive Affirming:** Engage with the affirmations actively by repeating them aloud or in your mind. Use the video as a guide and affirm along with the positive statements. This participatory approach can strengthen the impact of the affirmations as you internalize them consciously.
**Loop for Maximum Benefit:** The affirmations in this video loop three times for maximum effectiveness. Feel free to let the video replay or manually loop it to extend your listening experience. Repetition is a key factor in affirmations' efficacy, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions.
Remember, consistency is key. Choose the listening style that resonates most with you, and make these affirmations a regular part of your routine. Whether in the background, during meditation, or actively affirming, these positive messages are designed to uplift and empower you on your journey. Enjoy the transformative experience! 🌟
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Kitchen Witchcraft-Plants and Dolls⛤
Plants played an important role in many traditions and were used for rituals of luck, protection and achieving certain goals. 
Ancient sorcerers and alchemists believed that if the laws of nature were respected and followed, plants would reveal all their medicinal properties to them in order to heal the body's diseases.
Marigold has long been known as a flower of protection and a flower that knows how to keep secrets. It is believed that it will neutralize unwanted influences if it is placed in a window.
Hawthorn is known for its ability to ward off evil forces and enhance material progress. But there is also a belief that says that a hawthorn tree must not be destroyed, because otherwise a curse will fall on that person's family.
Witch hazel is one of the most used in love magic. A person who cannot find a partner should carry with him one head of witch hazel. If there is a doubt that there are negative influences in the house, this grass should be sprinkled in all corners of the rooms.
Verbena is known for its ability to protect women's beauty. It is used in rituals when love is unrequited and for success in court cases.
Nettle neutralizes negative influences. It is used in rituals to encourage courage, protect the home and purify it.
Lavender belongs to one of the most popular plants for defense against evil. It is used in magical beauty baths and love spells.
Sage has many medicinal properties. It is believed that being placed under the pillow brings prophetic dreams.
Wormwood is a very powerful plant that is used a lot in magical rituals. There is a belief that a person will be protected on a trip if he carries dry wormwood leaves with them.
⛤Simple Doll Magic
There are many techniques with which we can strengthen our energy or contribute to the realization of certain intentions. 
For this purpose, certain plants are placed in a cloth doll, which is most often made with the aim of healing, but also to attract love or financial progress. 
These dolls were used several thousand years ago, they were made of various medicinal plants and cloth. 
They symbolically represent a person through whose help improvement occurs. 
Making this doll is very simple. 
The outline of a human figure should be drawn on the material of the appropriate color, then cut, hemmed and filled with plants that have a suitable purpose. 
For example, rosemary is used for better concentration, thyme is used to boost mood, and fresh nettle leaves are used to recover from illness.
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⛤Isidora ⛤
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Step 2 - Mermaid Magic: Unlocking Transformational Thinking for a Better World
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The power of thought governs both the scientific and magical worlds, and in this post, I will explain its functioning in each of these branches.
Our mind is an unstoppable and tireless machine. While our body and head may tire, thoughts do not rest because they don't require it; only people do. Since we are constantly surrounded by this energy, our thoughts attract and manifest our experiences. We find ourselves in the reality that we previously thought and vibrated years ago. If we are still in the same situation, it means we are still resonating at the same frequency. A person with power and vision understands their reality and challenges but focuses on envisioning their future as if it were already a reality. For example, if you desire a strong and striking personality, you will think and believe that you already possess it. Similarly, if you desire a vacation home, you will visualize and believe that it is already on its way, transforming it from a distant dream into a reachable goal.
The previous statement holds true but presents complications.
Why? Because to achieve our desires, we must heal our minds. We may desire something consciously, such as wealth or success, but if our subconscious holds beliefs of failure or unworthiness, our conscious affirmations will not be effective. Our vibrations align with what our subconscious truly believes.
To address this, I will introduce a technique called Ho'oponopono as a possible solution to heal the unconscious mind. This Hawaiian technique carries various translations, such as "Getting to perfection," "Correcting mistakes," or "Correcting steps." However, what matters now is its powerful theoretical foundation. According to Ho'oponopono, we consist of four elements: the subconscious, the conscious, the supraconscious, and the divine intelligence, which can represent one's faith in God, deities, the universe, or any other belief system. But of course I'm just showing you one method for that, I'm here to help you but not to save you, if this method isn't for you, look for others.
The cycle involves consciously practicing Ho'oponopono to reach the unconscious. Our most primitive part recognizes and responds to routines and rules. Just as in a daily routine, we follow a set order to accomplish tasks. However, by altering a significant aspect of the routine, such as staying indoors during a lockdown, the entire routine is disrupted.
The conscious mind possesses the power to change everything, allowing access to the subconscious and supraconscious levels until reaching divine intelligence. Through this process, your message is understood, and the response you emanate is reflected back to you. This cycle occurs regularly, but without conscious awareness and intention, it hinders our path to success.
Scientifically, several factors support this technique. For instance, there is a report involving Dr. Len, who worked at a Psychiatric Hospital called Hawaii State Hospital. The hospital was known for its physical and mental violence, resulting in a high turnover rate among employees and constant harm to patients. However, after Dr. Len's arrival and his consistent application of Ho'oponopono to each patient's file, both groups began to experience progressive improvement. After four years, the hospital's operations were even able to be ceased.
Furthermore, neuroscience tells us that we cannot discern reality from imagination completely. While there are studies suggesting otherwise, they are older than the studies supporting our current understanding. Additionally, the Law of Attraction, introduced by Helena Blavatsky, emphasizes aligning our mindset with the things we want to attract.
In the realm of magic, we find magicians and esoteric practitioners who also endorse this concept. Hermeticism presents the Law of Mentalism, stating that "The Whole is Mind; the Universe is Mental." Alongside other laws, these premises align with Ho'oponopono. Authors like Aleister Crowley, in his work, define magic as "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformance with will." More recently, Paige Vanderbeck expressed that "Magic is the art of creating change in ourselves and in our lives through acts of intention and a spiritual connection with all things natural and supernatural." (credits to this part HERE)
After conducting this exploration, we can conclude that our words hold power, and our thoughts hold even greater power. While other techniques may exist, it is crucial not to fear trying them. Instead, fear the possibility of not becoming the person you truly desire to be.
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(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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sproutedlavender · 8 months
11 Manifestation Methods to Turn Your Dreams Into a Reality
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Manifestation methods are powerful tools to help you make your dreams a reality. Truth be told, you don’t actually need any methods at all to attract what you want, but most people find them to be very helpful in their manifestation journeys.
The most important thing to realize when manifesting is that regardless of which method or technique you use, your thoughts and emotions are the most important aspects of manifesting.
In order to manifest successfully, you must think good thoughts and feel good emotions. Your emotions are the deciding factor of which reality you are currently experiencing.
When you feel good, you send out good vibrations out into the universe which then responds with those same feel-good vibrations in the form of people, places and situations. However, the same can be said for negative vibrations as well, so it’s always important to be aware of your emotional and vibrational state.
What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is the process of attracting your dreams and desires by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions. You are constantly sending out vibrations to the universe which responds much like a mirror, returning the exact vibrations you are sending out.
If you are in a constant state of feeling good, the universe will deliver positive situations, people and things into your life. On the other hand, if you’re in a constant state of negativity, that is exactly what you will receive from the universe.
What you focus on expands. When you are constantly focusing on problems, difficulties and things which annoy or bother you, guess what? You’re sending those vibrations out into the universe which responds by bringing you more of what you are focusing on.
Of course, it’s not possible to always be focusing on the good and positive parts of life, but the more you practice being aware of where you are placing your attention, the better you’ll get at guiding your awareness towards things you wish to attract more of.
How to Manifest
We are manifesting all the time because we are always sending vibrations and energy out into the universe. The law of attraction is always working. It’s not like a switch you can turn on and off whenever you feel like it. Even people who don’t know about manifestation and the law of attraction are constantly manifesting their own realities. Unfortunately, because they are not aware of their ability to consciously manifest what they desire, they more often than not attract things they rather not experience.
If you want to manifest, the first thing you have to do is define exactly what you want to manifest. Whether it’s a loving relationship, more confidence, or a new car; you must first define what you want. Once you do, get very clear on exactly what you want to the smallest details. This sends off a clear message to the universe, like you’re placing an order and now patiently waiting for it to arrive.
As soon as you send out your clear intention, the manifestation process has already begun. Some people are able to pin point what they want and simply sit back and allow the universe to deliver it to them, but for many others, the process of waiting can be difficult and uncomfortable. You may have doubts on whether or not your manifestations are going to manifest, (They will, as long as you believe they will. Don’t forget your beliefs create your reality) or you may feel strange not doing anything else to get what you want, but waiting for opportunities to arrive.
If you feel called to do a manifestation method, by all means, do it! It can help you to gain more trust in your abilities to manifest and can even help speed up the manifestation process.
If you’re still reading, I’m assuming you’re interested in manifestation methods, so let’s take a look at 11 manifestation methods to help you manifest what you want.
1.) The 369 Method
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
Once you have a clear vision of your desires, write them down; make sure to write them in present tense. For example, rather than affirming “I want…” you would affirm “I have…”
Saying “I have” puts you into the vibrational state of receiving your desires rather than just desiring them.
Once you have decided on an affirmation, you would then…
Write down that affirmation 3 times in the morning
Write down that affirmation 6 times in the afternoon
Write down that affirmation 9 times in the evening
And that’s all there is to it! While writing down your affirmations, allow yourself to go to a quiet place where you are able to be alone with your thoughts and desires. As you’re writing down your affirmations, try and feel the emotions of having that desire. The stronger you feel, the quicker you attract your desires.
The Significance of the Numbers
These aren’t just any random numbers. Each number corresponds to a specific meaning to help you to amplify your desires and attract them more quickly into your life.
3 represents our creative power and ability to shape reality.
6 represents harmony and balance between our physical and spiritual lives.
9 represents spiritual rebirth, completion and the release of negative energy.
Together these numbers work to help bring your manifestations into your life.
2.) Scripting
Scripting is one of my favorite manifestation methods. Not only does it allow you to clearly define exactly what it is that you want, but it also helps you to be in the space of having your desires and gives you a glimpse of what life would be like if you had those desires already.
Scripting is very simple and there is a lot of freedom to use this method how you wish. To begin this method, you’ll need paper, a pen and your imagination and that’s pretty much it! Once you have your tools, you’re ready to begin.
When it comes to scripting, what you’re going to do is begin writing in first person (I), and you’re going to write as though you were writing in a diary on the day you receive all of your desires. For example, if you are trying to manifest a house, you would write something like… “I walked into my beautiful new home and felt so happy to have such a wonderful house…” Try and write what you’re feeling as well. This will help you to better embody the emotions of your desires.
While scripting it’s important to write either in past tense “I received my dream car…” or in the present tense “I am receiving my dream car…” try to avoid writing in future tense, “I will get my dream car…” because if you are affirming in the future, then your desires are always coming but they are never here.
3.) Vision Board
Vision boards have been gaining more and more popularity in recent times. Chances are, you’ve heard about or seen a vision board at some point in your life, but these boards are more than just aesthetically pleasing wall decorations. They are a powerful visual tool for your desires.
Vision boards work by reminding you of your desires as well as the positive emotions tied to them. When you look at your vision board, your attention goes to your desires, and as we hopefully know by now, what you focus on, you attract.
Creating a vision board can be a fun and easy task where you can allow your creativity to go wild.
First, you’ll need to find a cork board or something where you can pin or tape pictures and reminders of your desires. If you don’t have one, you can always use a piece of cardboard and decorate it in decorative paper.
Next, you’ll need to find pictures of your desires, or find things which remind you of those things you wish to have. For example, you can print out pictures from the internet or cut out pictures from magazines. If you’re manifesting money, you could pin a dollar bill onto your board. Whatever it is you’re manifesting, make sure the visuals you have on your board remind you of your desires.
Finally, you’re going to place your vision board somewhere where you will see it every day. This can be at the foot of your bed or on the wall of your living room. Where ever you place it, make sure you’ll see it at least once a day.
Hint: You could even make mini vision boards (The size of a small card) and place it in your wallet. This way whenever you open your wallet, you’ll be reminded of your desires.
Want to read the full post? Check it out on my official blog!
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Rakshasa Immortal, Hajun
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Image © Light Studio, accessed at the Shinza Bansho Wiki here
[Commissioned by @tar-baphon​. I’ve done a number of monsters from anime and games that I haven’t seen or played, but this is the first from a series I haven’t even heard of! In the real world, Hajun is one of the many names of Mara, a demon who attempts to distract the Buddha from reaching enlightenment (presumably he’s not called Mara in the series because in archaic Japanese, “mara” means “penis”). In the visual novels, Hajun is the supreme god, having killed the previous three supreme gods and absorbed their abilities. Obviously, that’s not going to fly at Pathfinder power levels, especially when I was requested to make this a CR 25 monster.]
Rakshasa Immortal, Hajun CR 25 LE Outsider (native) This young man has bronze skin and golden hair. He wears a simple robe but armbands and earrings of gold and platinum. A third eye grows in the center of his forehead, and all three of his eyes are solid black with white pupils..
The Heavenly Eye, the Empty LE male Rakshasa Immortal Domains Evil, Law, Madness, Void Subdomains Corruption, Isolation, Truth, Tyranny Concerns hypocrisy, narcissism, solitude Worshipers martial artists, mystics, solipsists, tyrants Minions evil daitengu, tataka rakshasas, undead (especially incorporeal undead) Favored Weapon unarmed strike Unholy Symbol a lotus blossom with three eyes, the lower two closed and the upper one open Obedience meditate in absolute silence for 1 hour. If you are interrupted, punish the intruder with physical violence. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against sonic and language dependent abilities. Boons 1: silence 2/day; 2: crushing despair 2/day; 3: banishment 2/day
Hajun the Empty is one of the most powerful rakshasa immortals, and has a strange and elaborate origin. He was mortal once, a child immured in a cave as a sacrifice to wicked gods. In his life, Hajun had always been solitary and strange, convinced that he had consumed a twin in the womb and that it could still communicate with him in his thoughts. In his death, the slow suffocation combined with his psychic power and conviction that he was not truly alone catapulted his soul to come back and revenge his own death. Once he had wreaked his bloody revenge, he turned to make the world truly empty, so he could finally, blissfully, be in perfect isolation. Hajun’s ultimate goal is to destroy the River of Souls and empty the universe. He is mad enough to try, and powerful enough that even if he fails, will cause untold destruction through the planes.
Hajun’s cult attracts narcissists and solipsists of all kinds, as his dogma of individual importance above all else and peace through violence appeals to them. These cults are strongly micromanaged, as the Heavenly Eye regularly views his followers through divination magic. In areas where Hajun’s influence is most felt, people live in solitude and are habitually cruel to each other, for fear that a single act of kindness might be brutally punished as much as anything else. The weak tend to die in these communes and the strong survive, leading to an isolated patch of powerful and wicked characters silently resenting each other and anyone who crosses their path.
Hajun considers mortal creatures to be filth, not worth a fair fight but instead cleansing them from afar with his mandala blast. This technique creates a swirling pattern of energy, marked at its vertices with elaborate diagrams, mockeries of techniques used to focus the mind and meditate. If creatures survive long enough for a direct confrontation with Hajun, he fights with a combination of powerful psychic magic and unarmed strikes. He is a master of martial arts, and can tear off an enemy’s head with a single blow.
In order to achieve his great power, Hajun has slain three powerful outsiders--a solar, a lhaksharut and a malebranche--and absorbed their power. Although Hajun disdains their remaining influence as being stains on his perfect form, without them, he would not have the breadth of magical abilities that he has. His parasitic twin, real or imagined, is similarly resented, but Hajun can divide his mind in order to combine magic and martial power simultaneously. Hajun’s domain is a demiplane of his own creation, called the Throne of Heaven. Here, he can rewrite reality according to his whims, and pretend, at least for a while, that he is the sole being in existence.
Hajun usually assumes a human form to appeal to his vanity, but leaves his third eye visible. In his natural form, he has the head of a crow with golden feathers.
Hajun    CR 25 XP 1,640,000 LE Medium outsider (native, rakshasa) Init +16; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +41, true seeing Defense AC 43, touch 33, flat-footed 30 (+12 Dex, +10 Wis, +1 dodge, +10 natural) hp 560 (32d10+320); fast healing 20 Fort +22, Ref +30, Will +28 DR 20/epic and piercing; Immune curses, death effects, disease, paralysis, petrifaction, poison, sleep; Resist acid 20, cold 20, electricity 20, fire 20, sonic 20; SR 40 Defensive Abilities double mind Offense Speed 50 ft. Melee unarmed strike +47/+42/+37/+32 or +45/+45/+40/+40/+35/+35/+30 (2d10+12/19-20) Special Attacks detect thoughts (DC 36), mandala blast, vorpal strike Spell-like Abilities CL 25th, concentration +35 (+39 casting defensively) At will—analyze aura, flesh to stone (DC 26), greater teleport, song of discord (DC 26), vision 3/day—quickened disintegrate (DC 26), finger of death (DC 27), heal (DC 26), insanity (DC 27), moment of prescience, orb of the void (DC 28) 1/day—create greater demiplane, divide mind, foresight, implosion (DC 29) Spells CL 20th, concentration +30 (+34 casting defensively) 9th (7/day)—akashic form, mage’s disjunction, microcosm (DC 29), miracle, power word kill 8th (7/day)—demand (DC 28), discern location, greater planar ally, iron body, maze 7th (7/day)—banishment (DC 27), ethereal jaunt, greater scrying (DC 27), mind blank, waves of exhaustion 6th (8/day)—foster hatred (DC 26), mental barrier V, mind thrust VI (DC 26), psychic surgery, transformation 5th (8/day)—commune, echolocation, feeblemind (DC 25), greater synaptic pulse (DC 25), overland flight, utter contempt (DC 25) 4th (8/day)—confusion (DC 24), crushing despair (DC 24), freedom of movement, guardian of faith (DC 24), telekinesis (DC 24), thoughtsense 3rd (8/day)—arcane sight, blink, haste, heroism, magic vestment, protection from energy 2nd (9/day)—anticipate thoughts (DC 22), bear’s endurance, eagle’s splendor, silence (DC 22), suggestion (DC 22), spiritual weapon, undetectable alignment 1st (9/day)—bless, command (DC 21), expeditious retreat, mage armor, magic aura (DC 21), magic missile, psychic reading 0th—detect magic, ghost sound, grave words, light, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic, telekinetic projectile Statistics Str 35, Dex 35, Con 35, Int 31, Wis 31, Cha 31 Base Atk +32; CMB +44; CMD 67 Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Crane Riposte, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Panther Claw, Panther Parry, Panther Style, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (disintegrate), Tiger Claws, Tiger Pounce, Tiger Style Skills Acrobatics +43, Bluff +41, Climb +38, Diplomacy +38, Disguise +26, Fly +40, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, history, nobility) +38, Knowledge (local, planes, religion) +41, Linguistics +23, Perception +41, Sense Motive +41, Spellcraft +38, Stealth +43, Use Magic Device +23; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff, +8 Disguise Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal, Tengu, 13 others, tongues, telepathy 300 ft. SQ change shape (animal or humanoid, alter self), feather step, monastic training, triple style Ecology Environment any land Organization unique Treasure double standard Special Abilities Double Mind (Ex) Hajun rolls twice for all Will saves and takes the superior result. Feather Step (Su) Hajun ignores all difficult terrain as a supernatural ability. Mandela Blast (Su) As a standard action, Hajun can create a column of divine energy in a 40 foot radius, 240 feet high, within 1,500 feet. All creatures in the area take 25d10 damage, half of which is force and half of which is fire damage (Reflex DC 36). The save DC is Charisma based. Monastic Training (Ex) Hajun gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and deals damage with unarmed strikes, and gains flurry of blows, as per a 20th level monk. Hajun also adds his Wisdom modifier to his AC and CMD unless he is helpless. Rakshasa Immortal Trait (Ex/Su) Hajun is a rakshasa immortal, a powerful unique outsider capable of granting spells. This also grants him the following abilities
Immunity to death effects, disease and poison
Resist acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic 20
Telepathy 300 ft.
Hajun’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields, are treated as epic, lawful and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Spells Hajun casts spells as a 20th level psychic. He does not gain psychic class abilities such as a phrenic pool, but does gain bonus spells from the Faith and Self-Perfection disciplines. Triple Stance (Ex) Hajun can have three martial arts stances active at a time, and can enter up to three stances as a swift action. True Seeing (Su) Hajun can sense the world as a true seeing spell as a supernatural ability. Vorpal Strike (Su) If Hajun succeeds at confirming a critical hit on a roll of a natural 20, he knocks off the opponent’s head. This kills most living corporeal creatures.
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Witches and Warlocks
The concept of "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" is a wise statement that applies not only to natural laws but also to the world of Huntsmen and Huntresses. In their mission to become "Protectors of Humanity," there are those who oppose them and choose to become "Worshippers of Monsters." These individuals are known as Witches and Warlocks, practitioners of Witchcraft.
For centuries, tales of Witches have been woven into the fabric of Remnant's history. These stories have served as cautionary tales to warn children of the dangers that lurk in the woods and to explain away misfortune in times of a bad harvest. However, these tales have also been used to ostracize communities with little understood customs, leading to tragic witch trials. In the coming of modern times, belief in Witches has dwindled to that of a fairy tale. Yet, Huntsmen and Huntresses know the dark truth that lies within these stories.
The general public is largely unaware of the existence of Witches and Warlocks, thanks to the efforts of “The King's Treaty.” These practitioners of the dark arts worship Grimm as the servants of "The Young Brother" and other minor deities who preside over domains of influence such as Death, Darkness, Beasts, Night, and Primal Instinct. They’ll either work alone, in pairs between a Teacher and a Pupil, or form small groups known as “Covens”. Their worship is conducted through Witchcraft, which is also known as "Maledictiology" or "Grimm Alchemy." This involves the harvesting and manipulation of Grimm organic material through ritualistic practices.
To harvest resources from a Grimm, Witches must first subdue them using various methods such as neurotoxins, traps, amputation, or surgically induced paralysis. The Witches' unique technique of "Soul Veiling" enables them to capture Grimm effectively by suppressing negative emotions that Grimm could detect. This technique allows Witches to easily ambush or move among the Creatures of Darkness undetected. Once the Grimm is subdued, Witches begin the process of ritualistic field dressing, carefully and methodically dissecting the Grimm for its organs, hide, bones, fluids, and other valuable components. The Witch then preserves these materials using a secret process that prevents them from naturally disintegrating. This process requires a great deal of knowledge and expertise, and Witches guard their secrets closely, as these materials are the source of their power and the key to their survival.
After being harvested, these materials can be utilized by Witches in a multitude of ways. They can be fashioned into components for the creation of charms and holy symbols, which are used in ritualistic practices. Some organs and fluids extracted from the Grimm can be used to make deadly poisons or rare remedies, while others can be harvested for Ash Crystals or used to create new ones. Another common practice among Witches is the creation of Hex Weapons, signature weapons made from Grimm components, much like how Huntsmen build their own Mechashift Weapons. These Hex Weapons are a source of pride for Witches, and they wield them as instruments of their respective Deity.
Grimm Transmutation is the most challenging form of Witchcraft, where Witches use dark sciences to mutate or surgically alter Grimm into new forms, such as adding wings to a Beringel or additional limbs to a Beowolf. These transformations are intended to enhance the abilities of local Grimm, who have had trouble dealing with Huntsmen, or to instill fear in secluded settlements, attracting hordes of Grimm. Such alterations require a great deal of knowledge and skill on the part of the Witch, as well as access to rare materials and components. These transmutations not only create more powerful and deadly creatures, but they also enable Witches to achieve greater control over Grimm, using them as tools to further their goals, shepherding them into battle.
Witches also employ transmutation to modify human flesh. This dangerous and potentially fatal procedure involves the grafting of Grimm organs and limbs onto either themselves, their followers, or unwilling subjects. This process imbues individuals with the powers of Grimm and makes them less detectable by Grimm as well. There have been reports of Witches who have flown with the wings of a Nevermore, a Warlock who unhinged his jaw and bared the venomous fangs of a King Taijitu, and an Elder who had the eye of a Geist that granted her telekinetic abilities. The most extreme form of Transmutation is Lycanthropy, where a Witch performs a full-body transmutation on a live subject, transforming them completely into a monster – a Grimm with a Soul. The most common manifestation of Lycanthropy is The Hound, a large, canine humanoid beast possessing the abilities of an Alpha Beowolf, as well as the intelligence and Semblance of a human.
The Huntsmen and Huntresses are aware of the dangers that Witches and Warlocks pose to Remnant, and they have made it their mission to stop them from performing their dark arts. However, this task is easier said than done, as Witches and Warlocks are skilled at hiding their activities and avoiding detection. The Huntsmen and Huntresses often rely on rumors and whispers to track down Witches and Warlocks and are constantly on the lookout for signs of their presence.
Eventually within every Huntsmen Academy, students will be told about the presence of Witches in Remnant, among many other mysteries hidden to the world.
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rose-red-ink · 3 months
Intro Post
Hi there, I'm rose-red-ink, but you can call me Inky! I'm a writer, and a lover of all things nerdy. I'm also an elementary teacher, so I reblog education stuff occasionally. Feel free to drop into my dms or asks if you want to chat about fandom, fic, or anything else!
This is a writing blog where I write lots of things including anime and Star Wars fic, as well as original projects. I'll be dropping links to them and dropping a short summary below. Enjoy your stay, and again, I always enjoy asks and engagement! Come talk to me (I don't bite I promise)
Original Works
My Original WIP is tagged with #theartemiscovenant or #theartemisproject or just #TAC. I don't have a lot of it posted, but I'm happy to chat about it whenever.
It's an urban fantasy thriller about faith, trauma, familial love, and working through your mental illness to become a better person. The protagonist is the holder of the Artemis Covenant, Riley, and there are other "god" characters such as Hades, Persephone, Apollo, Hermes and Demeter, as well as other supernatural creatures like werewolves.
Everything under here can be found on my A03
If you send in an ask for anything I write, I'd happily drop you a drabble. Just ask!
Star Wars
Force Mandated Bottle Episode (Sequels Rewrite, including Reylo) Ongoing, updated every Saturday
Related Web Weaving
When Finn and Poe escape from the First Order ship, Kylo Ren takes off after them. When both ships are damaged, they crash on Jakku, right into the Star Destroyer that Rey is scavenging from.
Finn is longing for freedom while unable to escape the thoughts of those he left behind. Poe is determined to be the most annoying hostage possible to his old surrogate brother. Kylo is trying to survive Poe while being plagued with curiosity; who is the woman he keeps hearing at the edges of his mind? And new powers are awakening in Rey, powers that seem to be the source of the visions of a strange man in black, exploring the same wreckage, just out of her reach.
Choices will be made, loyalties tested, and bonds forged. Where will they go when they emerge from the wreckage?
One Piece
Featherflower (Dracule Mihawk X OC) Completed
A Kuja named Teria is forced to leave Amazon Lily, and finds herself a home aboard the Red Force, working under the Red Haired Shanks. This puts her face to face with a mysterious swordsman several times. The two form a connection, and eventually, love blooms.
This one is done, but I still write mini fics for them as the inspo strikes.
The Punk and the Surgeon: Lawka (Trafalgar D. Water Law x OC) Ongoing
Law's ship needs repairs, and the only place to do so is said to be haunted. Instead of a ghost or spirit, he meets Aika; a stubborn, kind young woman who's doing her best to keep her family safe. Through a series of tragic circumstances, she finds her way onto his crew, and into his heart.
Cards and Pieces: Freyce (Portgas D. Ace x OC) Ongoing
In his time as captain of the Spade Pirates, Ace drunkenly stumbles across a young woman with a strong spirit, a need for connection, and a loyalty that burns brighter than the sun. She becomes his first mate, and stands by his side through everything.
Jujitsu Kaisen
Candy and Catastrophes (Bluebird) (Satoru Gojo x OC) Ongoing
Natori is wildly thrown into the world of jujitsu sorcery when her cursed technique manifests, leaving her confused and scared. Satoru Gojo steps in, promising to hide her identity from her clan and to give her a job at Jujitsu High, masquerading as a window. He gets more than he bargained for when attraction begins to stir between the two.
(This fic is focused on character development, fluff, and hurt/comfort. It will go off the course of canon for these reasons)
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cursedvibes · 1 year
Do you think there's any chance of Yuji manifesting Kaori's "Anti-gravity" cursed technique? I've seen people mostly saying he'll manifest Cleave and Dismantle from being fused with Sukuna for so long, but it would be interesting if he "inherited" a technique.
I think there is a possibility. If he is going to have any inherited cursed technique, I would definitely prefer it to be Kaori's. Him getting Sukuna's techniques feels so...cheap? They already get constantly compared (in-universe & by the fandom) simply because they shared a body for a while, so I would want something more unique for him. Yes, he would inevitably use Cleave and Dismantle differently than Sukuna but that's just not enough for me.
AGS fits him better than Cleave or Dismantle anyway, I think. Just cutting down everything in his path doesn't seem his style. I don't remember him being a passionate cook either (although he's good at it). AGS/Gravity could be well combined with his physical attacks or applied to weapons to raise their effectiveness. Due to his physical resistance, he could also use it on himself to for example overwhelm opponents. If Newton's law of universal gravitation and gravitational fields apply to it (bodies attract each other based on their masses and proximity), then you could do a whole variety of things, even manipulate stars, planets and moons as we kinda saw with Kenjaku & Yuki, although I doubt we'll ever get to that scale. With the manipulation of gravitational fields you could also change the force between two masses, like making enemies collide in it's most simplest form or ensure that a weapon hits it's target. It's quite powerful is my point. Close combat isn't Kenjaku's forte, so I think we haven't really seen the full usefulness of these techniques (well, we generally haven't seen much of AGS). I refuse to believe that full-field deployment and pressing people to the ground is the only way to use this technique. Kenjaku just likes to keep people at a distance and they're generally more into biology than physics anyway.
As for the possibility of it: Yuuji used to be basically a non-sorcerer with special physical attributes, so it could be that whatever technique he might have is submerged too. He became aware of and able to use his cursed energy after coming in contact with Sukuna. Just like with sorcerer kids it could be that his technique takes a while to fully manifest, swallowing the first finger being his "birth". Or he got his "awakening" through Sukuna's immense energy just like with the new sorcerers but because it wasn't done through Idle Transfiguration it has a more gradual effect, that would also lead to Yuuji having more time to adjust to the changes. Which I think would be preferable in this case. He already has a steep learning curve since he became a sorcerer. It's definitely not impossible.
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aaronchia · 6 months
Malaysians engagement with politics on social media, yay or nah?
In the era of digitalization, the impact of social media on democracy and political engagement is unquestionable. The use of social media platforms is a significant advancement in communication technology that has the potential to improve various aspects of human behavior (Lee et al., cited in Abdullah et al. 2021). Citizens of a diverse nation actively engage in political conversation, share ideas, and build the narrative of the country's democratic path on digital platforms, which resonate with the beating heartbeat of the nation. According to Leong 2015, The Internet is widely acknowledged for its capacity to significantly augment democratic processes and practices by enabling easy access to extensive information. So, what are the impact that the dynamic interaction between social media and Malaysia's political scene on democracy?   
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Within the domain of Malaysian politics, social media serves as a dynamic space where many platforms influence and create political discussions. While the government still maintains strict control over opposing media, political activists now have a new platform to spread their message thanks to the Internet without having to worry as much about laws (Wok & Mohamed 2017). Individuals have the ability to establish separate political groups on the internet, publish and spread political matters via blogs, and share political videos on their social media platforms. According to Weiss (2012), the political effects of these types of media are shaped by the dynamic and interactive nature of these forms. Additionally, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp serve a vital role in providing information and enabling political engagement. According to Abdullah et al. (2021), it is discussed that the reasons and processes behind the use of online platforms for political information-seeking, which serve as a substitution for traditional offline methods of communication, such as talking with friends, asking questions, sharing beliefs or information, and engaging in practices related to political matters. 
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Political entities in Malaysia effectively utilize social media to reinvent normal campaigning and communication within the fast-changing digital world. An example would be in the 2008 general election, political group Barisan National had its leaders prioritized the creation of their online presence by utilizing websites, blogs, and social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to engage with young voters (Mohsin & Raha, cited in Leong 2015). Additionally, they established online e-government portals to facilitate public participation, feedback, and the delivery of services. Along with social media, it helps enable the spread of political messages and offers a direct means of communication, which surpasses traditional campaign techniques by providing immediacy. Social media plays a crucial role for politicians in shaping their public image and providing transparency to users by sharing information to the public, and the online presence of political leaders will demonstrate their interactions with voters, which is a crucial aspect in attracting voters (Hamid et al. 2018). The rise of social media has given politicians a powerful tool to effectively connect with and involve younger voters. Nevertheless, this ease of access also has dangers, since the platform's unrestricted nature exposes politicians to the possibility of intentional sabotage. 
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Although social media has a significant impact on making information accessible to everyone, it also presents a series of difficulties, most notably demonstrated by the quick spread of false or misleading information. In a rarer occurrence, a study found out that political parties were using cyber- warfare tactics during the general election in 2013, to discredit and derail their messages, reducing the impact and influence each party has in the election (Mill, cited in Leong 2015). Thus, imploding and increase of cyber troopers and social media users whose purpose was to counter any opposition media content. According to Leong (2015), the internet was filled with manipulation, overstatement, and misinterpretation of information for political purposes, thus infecting the competence and rationality of citizens. Thus far, the government has been actively trying to minimize the spread of false political content, or any information that could negatively impact the nation's reputation.  According to Weiss (2012), a blogger was charged and had possible penalization when they were caught publishing false information on their blog. 
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In conclusion, the mutual beneficial relationship between Malaysians and social media has brought forth a major and significant shift in the political landscape of the nation. The connection between technology and politics, particularly shown by the active participation of citizens, has fundamentally changed the old models of political communication. It is argued that politicians and parties are transitioning from the conventional one-sided, hierarchical method of communication to a more interactive approach of communication (Leong 2015). In the era of digitalization, where knowledge is easily accessible, it is crucial for everyone, especially the younger people, to participate actively in political discussions. Participation in these discussions provides citizens with the information to affect the political landscapes that will impact the future direction of the nation. 
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Abdullah, N.H., Hassan, I., Fazil Ahmad, M., Hassan, N.A. and Ismail, M.M 2021, ‘Social media, youths and political participation in Malaysia: A review of literature' International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Forthcoming, viewed 15 November 2023, < http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3849948>. 
Leong, P. P. Y 2015,’Political Communication in Malaysia: A study on the Use of New Media in Politics’, JeDEM - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, 7(1), pp, 46–71, viewed 15 November 2023, < http://dx.doi.org/10.29379/jedem.v7i1.372>. 
Wok, S. and Mohamed, S 2017,’Internet and social media in Malaysia: Development, challenges and potentials’ In The evolution of media communication, IntechOpen, viewed 15 November 2023, <http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.68848>. 
Weiss, M.L 2012, ‘Politics in cyberspace: New media in Malaysia. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung', fesmedia Asia,viewed 15 November 2023, <https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/09068.pdf>. 
Hamid, Nur Nadhirah Ab, and Safawi Abdul Rahman 2018, ‘Impact of social media on Malaysia’s election landscape’, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, vol. 8, no. 9 : 275-284, viewed 15 November 2023, <http://dx.doi.org/10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i9/4590>. 
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kensanwrites · 4 months
639 Hz Heart Chakra Green Aventurine Crystal Affirmations ~ Wealth, Abundance, & Prosperity
Welcome to our enchanting video, "639Hz Green Aventurine Affirmations" – Your Portal to Vibrant Connections, Unconditional Love, and Rapid Manifestation! 🌿💖 
 Embark on a journey where the harmonious frequencies of 639Hz intertwine with the potent energies of Green Aventurine, ushering in positive transformations and a heightened sense of well-being. Immerse yourself in this harmonious blend of frequency and crystal energies, aligning with the Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption for accelerated manifestation. 
 🌟 Here's what awaits you in this video: 
 💚 **Green Aventurine Affirmations** - Experience tailored affirmations resonating with the loving energies of Green Aventurine, fostering joy, compassion, and positive connections. 
 🌈 **Unconditional Love and Understanding** - Cultivate a profound sense of love and understanding, creating a positive ripple effect in your relationships and interactions. 
 🌌 **Manifestation Technique and Alignment** - Deepen your connection with the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction, utilizing manifestation techniques to manifest your heart's desires. 
 🎶 **Soothing Frequencies of 639Hz** - Elevate your vibrational state with the calming influence of 639Hz, promoting harmony and balance in your mind, body, and spirit. 
 Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the powerful synergy of 639Hz and Green Aventurine, guiding you towards vibrant connections and unconditional love. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay attuned to our empowering content. 
 💖 Manifest love, joy, and positive connections with us. Let's embark on this beautiful journey together! 💖
 Here are some user listening instructions to enhance your experience and maximize the benefits: 
 **Background Listening:** Let the affirmations play in the background during your daily activities. Whether you're working, exercising, or doing household chores, allow the positive messages to permeate your surroundings. The subconscious mind is receptive, even when you're not actively focusing on the affirmations. 
 **Meditation Mode:** Set aside a few minutes each day for a dedicated meditation session. Find a quiet and comfortable space, play the affirmations, and focus on your breath. Let the positive words guide you into a state of calm and mindfulness, reinforcing the affirmations at a deeper level.
 **Interactive Affirming:** Engage with the affirmations actively by repeating them aloud or in your mind. Use the video as a guide and affirm along with the positive statements. This participatory approach can strengthen the impact of the affirmations as you internalize them consciously. 
 **Loop for Maximum Benefit:** The affirmations in this video loop three times for maximum effectiveness. Feel free to let the video replay or manually loop it to extend your listening experience. Repetition is a key factor in affirmations' efficacy, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions. 
 Remember, consistency is key. Choose the listening style that resonates most with you, and make these affirmations a regular part of your routine. Whether in the background, during meditation, or actively affirming, these positive messages are designed to uplift and empower you on your journey. Enjoy the transformative experience! 🌟
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medicinalbotanicals · 9 months
How to Manifest Wealth by Assuming Your Desired Reality: Neville Goddard
How to Manifest Wealth by Assuming Your Desired Reality: Neville Goddard's Secret Technique Do you want to learn how to create your own reality and attract wealth effortlessly? In this video, I will share with you the secret technique of Neville Goddard, one of the most influential teachers of the law of attraction. He taught that the power of assumption is the key to manifesting anything you want, including money. By assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you can impress your subconscious mind and change your circumstances. Watch this video and discover how to master reality creation and become rich with Neville Goddard's method. Manifestation Mastery Transform Your Reality with These Proven Steps Mastering Reality Creation: The Power of Assumption Welcome to "Mastering Reality Creation: The Power of Assumption," the podcast that delves deep into the art and science of manifesting your dreams through the incredible law of assumption. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your mind and reshape your reality? We'll explore the transformative potential of assumption, a potent tool for manifesting your heart's desires. Join us as we break down the concept of assumption step by step, making it accessible and actionable for anyone seeking to supercharge their manifestation journey. You'll learn how to define your desires, engage your senses, and harness the power of meditation to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. In this podcast, we dive deep into the nuances of inner dialogue, persistence, and self-awareness, helping you navigate the potential challenges on your path to manifestation mastery. Whether you're looking to manifest success in business, love, health, or any other area of your life, our podcast offers practical guidance and actionable steps to help you get there. Are you ready to witness the remarkable changes that assumption can bring into your life? Subscribe now and embark on a transformational journey toward becoming the conscious creator of your reality. It's time to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and watch your dreams come true. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly attract their heart's desires while others struggle to manifest even the smallest of dreams? Whether you're new to manifestation or a seasoned practitioner, this podcast has something for everyone. Get ready to unlock the secrets of the universe, rewire your beliefs, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Are you ready to take control of your destiny? Let's begin.
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