#the movement in the third panel how did i DO that
tpwrtrmnky · 28 days
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[ID: Four panel comic with crudely drawn stick people.
Panel 1: A blue person with sunglasses and dog ears is talking to an orange person with dog ears.
Blue: "Ah, young Orange."
Orange: "I, uh, aren't you younger than-"
Blue: "I understand that you have approached me to discuss an issue. As is the doctrine of our anarcho-caninist commune, we shall conduct this meeting in expository form, speaking as if intent on being observed by an unknown third party in need of being spoonfed everything we, as individuals, are already aware of."
Orange: "Wait-"
Blue: "Let us begin by stating our medical histories: I am on gel that makes you blue and have had dog ear implants."
Orange: "I uh. I know. You told me yesterday."
Blue: "It is your turn. State it!"
Orange: "…You can look at me and tell that I'm-"
Blue: "You cannot rely on the third party knowing how you became orange!"
Orange: "…Gel. It's gel."
Panel 2: An extremely tall, hot pink person with fluffy bits around their chest and extremities, as well as floppy dog ears and a bandana worn as a mask, interjects into the conversation between the two.
Hot Pink: "I sense that this discussion is at risk of becoming an argument. Let us recite the Acknowledgment of Legitimacy, as per the doctrine."
Blue and Hot Pink: "We recognise that opinions are held by individuals and do not represent everyone of their chromatic alignment. We understand that if any individual is found to be in the wrong, it does not delegitimize their identity, only their viewpoint."
Orange: "I uh. Does anyone not believe this? Who are we disagreeing with here?"
Hot Pink: "I am on injections that make you hot pink and have taken topical fluffy fur gel. Now we may proceed."
Panel 3: Zoom in on Hot Pink and Blue as they continue spoonfeeding unnecessary exposition to you, the reader.
Blue: "Before proceeding we must also clarify that the doctrine is an idiosyncracy of our commune, and not reflective of wider anarchist nor caninist movements."
Hot Pink: "Indeed. Furthermore, I would like to establish that we exist in the context of the past affecting the present, as individuals with personal histories that affect our present state, and have established this doctrine in response to said history."
Orange: "I- how- what history- are you explaining that the past exists??
Who is this for?
How did you decide to talk like this?"
Panel 4: A green person with a tail and long, pointy dog ears appears opposite of Orange to make it all make sense.
Green: "You bring up an excellent question. I am on a combination of pills that make you green and pills that block my naturally occurring red, which I do not personally consider a medical condition but which is often pathologized as such. Before proceeding and getting to the point we must go over the historical context in which this conversation is taking place."
Orange: "Wait, no, I know history, please-"
Green: "Caninism, as formulated by Barx in the 1800s…"
End ID.]
Bonus panel:
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[ID 2: Presumably sometime later, the green dogperson is still talking.
Green: "You see, the Expository Doctrine is primarily a performance art critique of the tendency to demand that media explains everything to the viewer, and how pandering to this demand causes dialogue to be unnatural, stilted and unnecessarily verbose."
Orange: "I know. You say this every day."
Green: "Indeed, part of the performance serves to emphasize how in a serial but episodic medium, such mandatory exposition quickly becomes frustrating and repetitive!"
End ID 2.]
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traceyc-uk · 2 months
Hiii tracey!! You know I absolutely adore your arts!! Seeing your comics made me wanna try drawing one too, but the idea scares me. I feel like i have to know how to do compositions, backgrounds, effects, choose the right panels etc etc (tho ofc i really just have to try it). Do you have any tips or resources on how to make it less intimidating 👉👈
What?! no way because I can have a rant about how much I love yours! You better keep an eye on your ask box because I’ve got questions for you too missy, ok deal? DEAL 🤝
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I find backgrounds and panel layouts tough too and effects takes me longest but there’s no right or wrong way to approach it and all I can suggest is go easy on yourself and just go for it! Honestly there’re some pages in my past comics that are painful to see because I’ve forced panels around to fit in exposition or set up for something later but who’ll know apart from myself
Your figure drawing is so gorgeous too! So good at illustrating movement! just being able to tell a story through body language I like to do too and just doing that is a great way to start. Forget about backgrounds and everything else if it’s putting too much pressure and go at your own pace. Like Calvin and Hobbs if you’ve ever read any of that?
I don’t often draw backgrounds either, I’m not sure how much detail you want to go but my last comic I drew an establishing environment to set the scene and that’s it
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One saving grace in making HL comics is it’s already set in a well established world and most would instantly recognise places if given the right prompts (four long tables = great hall) I play on PS5 and I’ve got so many screenshots of place references 😅
Some panels are literal trace overs of screenshots and I do anything and everything to make life easier (the Beast class bullies had the most backgrounds as it jumped around scenes so much) i find filtered images too jarring against my drawing too
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My comfort approach is rule of thirds for composition and is I think a great way to start establishing frames and once you get more comfortable you can start playing around with it
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Effects I’ve copied from comics I liked as I had no idea where to start too, I have no consistency either it changes because I’ve forgotten what I did before 😅
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Panel layout I’m still finding my way too, I often don’t plan linearly, I’ll have keyframe panels (in green) and is finding the rhythm getting point A to B is loose and fun to navigate. and there’s so much of my earlier comics I’d like to change with what I learned now but I digress
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This is just my approach and I’m definitely no expert but am happy to help anyway I can. I’m always copying or taking reference from films and comics I like too, taking elements that I like so much about it and let it influence and inform my own style.
If anything I’m nervous for the next one I’m working on now, emotional angst is definitely out of my comfort zone 😭 and I’m no writer like you are
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leth-writes · 2 months
Yandere! Aemond x reader
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Did you know his area in the castle has a secret panic room? Normally they’d be used in case of imminent danger to the noble family… 🙂
One day, while you were walking along the castle grounds, the guards appeared and dragged you to Aemond’s room. You’re being dragged along, toes barely scraping the ground and tears streaming down your face, begging to be let go, when you’re shoved into his room.
You’re so rattled by the entire thing that you don’t even react when he strides past you, hair swaying gently, and slides the lock closed with a loud Click!
“My little dove, have you not noticed how mad you've driven me? I can’t stand being away from you for long, and yet you haven’t visited me in almost a week… you’ll have to make it up to me.” His lips are upturned, visible eye gleaming with mirth, as he circles you slowly.
“My- my prince. I apologize, but I’ve been busy with my other duties,” you bowed low, hoping to keep his burning gaze off your flushed face. You didn’t think you’d be caught. You thought wrong. 
“Promise never to do it again,” he whispered. You shot up, hands having frantically in front of your face.
“Of course! I promise, I swear on my soul and my heart!”
“I think I’ll collect my collateral,” he said in a low growl, hand clutching at your chin. 
Aemond grasped your wrist harshly, tugging you toward the open panel by his bedside.
“I can’t handle you escaping, little dove, so I’m going to have to limit your movement.”
He shoved you past him, into the small, cozy bedroom, and swung the panel shut in a graceful arc.
It was a small circular room with thick wooden floors and dark oak walls, a stained glass window gracing the curved ceiling. On one side was an open door leading to an opulent bathing room, and on the other side, the bedroom was visible. The rooms were set up in a corner formation, showing a blood-curdling cliff drop. The waves below were harsh and deep, navy interrupted by bright white foam on top of the swirling waters. Vhagar encircled the base of the cliff, eye peering into the large window. She snorted, and a bright burst of fire bellowed out.
You were trapped, finally caught in Aemond’s grasp, unable to so much as exit your new world.
“Come back to bed, little dove,” Aemond whispered, arms encircling your waist and chin landing on your shoulder. You shivered in the shaft of moonlight filtering in through the wide window of your small living space, the very one that now made up one third of your entire world. “I’m just looking at the cliff. Vhagar looks so peaceful down there, but she must be cold…” You replied lowly, face blank. There was no escape, no leaving the cage Aemond had built around you. All you could do was stare out the window at the cliff, at the threat that kept you pinned in place, and wonder when he’d managed to clip your wings so thoroughly.
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comicaurora · 1 year
How did you capture the feeling of ominous silence so vividly on this page? I can't imagine it's easy to effectively communicate silence in a medium without sound.
This question is so interesting it might spark a Detail Diatribe way down the line, but the bottom line is I think comics as a medium have a fascinating relationship with sound and how it synergizes or clashes with comics' unique ability to shape their pacing and implied timescale through the use of panel layouts and the inclusion or exclusion of movement lines and sound effects.
Gonna go back to Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics for this first bit-
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Time in comics is incredibly fluid and strange, and the pace of the story is laid out by the artist but controlled by the reader, who reads the comic at a pace they determine. The artist can only imply and guide for how long they think any one panel should feel like it lasts, but they can't control how long the reader looks at it.
But the inclusion of implied sound - dialogue, SFX - subtly changes that.
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Narration is the only text you can include in a comic that feels timeless and disconnected from the pacing of a panel. Dialogue, sound effects - and speedlines, a kind of visual indicator of movement and sound, also contribute to the feeling of how much time a specific panel should take.
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Panel size and layout do a lot of the heavy lifting - wider panels can feel like they should take longer, narrow panels might feel sharper and shorter.
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But when a panel isn't silent, sound - and correspondingly time, which is deeply linked with sound - is communicated through dialogue and sound effects, assigning an implied speed of the events in the panel.
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If you want to communicate movement - a process that IMPLIES sound - you might include speed and motion lines and sound effects, which create the impression that the panel they're included in last as long as that sound effect does. A sharp "WAK" is probably a fraction of a second, but the ball moving through the air might take several seconds - it's moving, but we don't automatically know for how long, and the narration over it contributes to that feeling of timelessness. Then in the third panel we get the impression that the dialogue is punctuated by the "SMASH!" as the ball finally hits home. We can imagine how this would play out if it were animated, but the picture it's painting is a highly complex composite of the presence and absence of sound effects across these panels.
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A "silent" panel with no dialogue, no movement lines and no sound effects can feel like a single moment frozen in time, no matter how dynamic the actual illustration is.
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And even if you don't think that you think about this, you notice when the implied time of the panel and the implied time of the panel's implied sound don't line up. A movement that feels like it should take a fraction of a second doesn't align with sound effects or dialogue that feels like it should take the better part of a minute.
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The way I lay out my pages is sometimes intended to produce effects like speed-ramping - going from normal-speed to slow motion by chaining panels with movement and sound effects with panels that have neither.
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The silent panel feels like a frozen or slow-motion moment intercut between fast, frantic action, and if that middle panel had sound effects or speed lines, that would compromise the effect.
Realistically, total silence is an extreme rarity, but the stylization of comics typically ignores this. Sound effects are relegated to important or key movements - we don't add rustling sound effects every time somebody's clothing moves, but we might add it to a cape flourish. Every sound effect in a panel comes with an implied runtime. Overlaying several sound effects can produce a frenetic, fast-paced effect that implies that the panels are happening very quickly and a lot is happening in that short span of time.
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But, for instance, adding dialogue might disrupt that impression, because the dialogue carries its own implied timestamp that is usually longer than a single sound effect. If the characters are too chatty, that can make the moment feel like it's struggling with two very different paces - one determined by the talking, one by the action. Because of that, I try to keep them mostly separated - dialogue-panels will have minimal sound effects, and movement-heavy panels will be dialogue-free.
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This isn't something I usually think too hard about - it's just a matter of feeling it out until the pacing flows right. None of this occurred to me until I went back with an analytical eye. It's a remarkably sneaky element of the medium that I'm really intrigued about exploring.
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nevermindirah · 13 days
I have a hard to answer question how does one handle in a fanfic tog not going after shitler with Jewish!booker on the team without them coming off like assholes in regards to the human cost as well as the personal cost to booker, cause I'm drawing a blank
hi anon!
this is a super duper big large heavy question, and it's also one that might, depending on the context of your fic, have a very simple answer: the immortals are, other than their immortality, human, and therefore they can each only be in a single place at once.
they don't have superhuman strength or speed, they don't have magic, they don't have access to time-travel technology. I'm not an expert in ww2 military strategy but I'm sure allied governments looked into assassinating Hitler, and nobody managed to do it until the shitstain killed himself. the immortals are highly skilled and well-connected but not at the level of for example the agency that would go on to become the CIA, so who's to say they'd be successful in this assassination if they tried.
there's also the matter of when and for what reason the immortals might decide that killing this particular shitstain should go at the top of their to-do list. it's so easy for us to say in hindsight that a catastrophic volume of suffering could've been averted with this one person's death 10-15 years earlier than what happened in our timeline, but even with the strategic benefit of that hindsight, none of us can predict exactly what would've happened after a successful assassination in 1939, 1932, or even earlier. killing one leader doesn't ensure the movement he leads will stop with his death; someone even worse could have stepped in under the banner of a martyr.
things had gotten bad for Jews in a lot of places many times before things started getting real bad again in Germany. again, I'm not an expert, so I don't know when anyone outside of Nazi senior leadership knew anything about plans for the Holocaust — but would any of the immortals have learned about it sooner than international news media did? would they have known about it early enough that it was possible for a group of four immortals to stop? would they have believed such horrific plans if they'd seen them on paper? there's historical evidence that US officials didn't believe early reports could possibly be true.
there are photos on Copley's wall showing the immortals in Europe at several points during ww2 and there's that one panel from one of the comics of some of the boys being involved in liberating one of the camps. but we don't know details beyond that, and we don't know what the immortals were up to in the 1930s. they may have been very, very busy doing what they could to protect people from Japan's horrific war crimes of the same era, which started several years earlier than the Third Reich.
none of that is to say it would be easy for the immortals to know that the Holocaust was happening and not stop it. I'm sure it was devastating for all of them, who'd already seen so much needless painful death in their long lives, to see the ruthless mechanized efficiency of Nazi mass murder. it would be especially devastating for Booker, even without the Jewish Booker headcanon, bc his children died hating him bc he could not save them no matter how much they begged and no matter how hard he tried.
so my hope for the fic you're working on is that you'll show at least a little bit how their inability to stop these horrors weighs on the immortals. show the personal cost to Booker. do the others get why such horrors happening to his people, who are specifically being targeted because they are Jews, hurts him so badly? or does Andy make dark jokes about how God really must not exist or what did Booker do to piss him off.
does Andy make dark jokes like that bc she sees Quynh's face in every woman they rescue from the Japanese army's rape campaigns? it would have been just as impossible for the immortals alone to save every one of them as it would've been to stop the Holocaust. might their personal connections to victims thousands of miles apart in a war causing overwhelming suffering across most of the planet wear on the immortals' relationships with each other? they can only do but so much. how the hell do they choose which people to try to save?
now that I've thought about it, writing a fic where they do kill Hitler might actually be easier. you can just handwave the deeply frustrating logistical realities and make it so that conveniently killing the nightmare in charge happens to cause the whole house of nightmares to fall apart. (you can also handwave that in your new timeline non-Jews across Europe welcomed their Jewish neighbors home with open arms, when very often the opposite happened irl.)
this topic is so rich for all kinds of exploration in fic. you could end up with a long and plotty meditation on how painful it is for the immortals to have to choose between so many people who need their help. you might have only been asking for the sake of some references to this era of the past in a fic set during or after the movie where the historical timeline is set in stone, in which case I hope what I've shared here leads you to writing those passages with appropriate seriousness and care, even if it's ultimately a small part of a story mainly focused on other things.
this was hard to answer, but not intellectually, this kind of analysis is how my brain works. it just hurts my heart to think about how much my people have lost, how much pain so many people have suffered, and how much suffering is happening right now that there's so little I can do to stop. if I were immortal right now how the hell would I choose between Palestinians and Massalit people and Uyghurs and Rohingya and the multitude of Latin Americans suffering at the US border, all the Black Americans suffering systematically in US prisons, all the other people whose catastrophic suffering I don't even know about?
but I'm glad you asked bc this is such an under-considered element of TOG that's very worth the spotlight. I hope my thoughts here help you, and maybe others will see this and think about it as well.
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starlazergazer · 2 years
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request: The reader is a prisoner of war when Anakin and the other jedi find them and saves them ending up falling in love
Warnings: descriptions of claustrophobia
Word count: 6.5K
A/N: Okay so I may have taken this in a rather different direction following more the spirit of the request than anything else so if anyone wants me to write this again staying more true to the request let me know!! I may do it anyways because I had so many ideas on how to do this and had so much fun writing it lol. But if anyone has any other requests please send them my way I would love to write them!!! Thanks y’all and happy holidays!!
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  You had done a lot of stupid stuff in your time here but this had to take the cake.
Stealing food, blankets, clothing? Sure that made sense, people needed basic necessities and the prison guards liked to hoard them.
Sneaking around to scout any possible escape routes? How else are you supposed to stand any chance at breaking out?
But breaking into the commander’s office? That didn’t make any sense whatsoever.
You weren’t even sure what you were looking for, all you knew was something was calling to you here, an invisible string tying you to the locked office and you weren’t sure you could ignore the connection for much longer.
And because of that when the door slid open and you were met with an empty office you had to pause, had to give yourself a second to decide where to start looking, and what to start looking for.
But the pull hadn’t gone away like you had expected it to when you walked in, it got stronger if anything, more precise. The desk.
You followed the pull without question, feet carrying you quickly across the room to the desk on the other side of it, facing the door. And your hand knew what to do, on instinct going to the third drawer at the bottom, softly pulling it open.
And inside sat a glowing cube, something unlike anything you had ever seen before. You hesitated at first, thoughts running briefly through your head wondering if it was dangerous, and yet something seemed to quiet them, to assure you that it wasn’t, that you were meant to have it.
The cube seemed to hum softly as you picked it up, holding it up to the light hoping to discover anything more about it, though there was nothing. Nothing but intricate metal work backlit by light.
Close your eyes.
The words seemed to come into your mind as if they were placed there by someone else. But that didn’t really scare you, instead you listened, closing your eyes, picturing the cube in your mind.
From there it all seemed so natural, a twist of this corner, slide of a panel, unfolding of the figure, the cube seemed to undo itself in your head.
Then you opened your eyes to see the cube in your hands doing the same, now lying flat before you, then a hologram appeared.
You nearly dropped the cube in surprise, jumping back slightly as a man appeared in your hands staring up at you.
Then the door opened.
You froze on the spot, eyes going wide as you stared at the tall man standing in the doorway now, all thoughts of the hologram immediately gone from your mind.
But his expression nearly mirrored yours, eyes wide, mouth hanging open slightly, gaze jumping between you and the cube in your hands.
And almost on queue it snapped shut, jumping slightly in the air before landing back in your hands, perfectly resembling the same cube you had found in the desk just minutes before.
“How did you-?” the man was asking you a question though all you could focus on was the way he got closer, very aware of the wall just behind your back limiting your own range of movement.
Instinctively you pulled the cube back towards you, ushering it behind your back, not missing the way the man’s hands came up in front of him at the sight of it disappearing from his view. So he was here for the same thing you were.
“Look-“ Again he was speaking but you paid little mind to his words, using the corners of your eyes to scan the room, just barely catching a door to your left in your peripheral vision.
The man had slowed his pace towards you as you hid the cube, giving you the perfect opportunity.
With the briefest look into the strangers blue eyes you broke for that door, ignoring the man’s calls to wait as the door to what turned out to be a bedroom shut behind you.
You didn’t give yourself an opportunity to take in the commander’s room as you would have liked, instead you broke for the door across the way, every instinct within you telling you to protect the cube.
You heard the door to the office slide open just as you went through the next one into the hallway, not taking the time to think about where you were going, just picking a direction and sticking to it.
You skidded around corners, bumping into walls as you didn’t take the time to slow down but threw your gaze over your shoulder periodically, catching glimpses of the stranger following you.
You came to another T in the hallway and picked left on a whim, eyes darting down the next hallway as you ran, not expecting the flash of yellow you caught as you did so, feet coming to a halt when you came face to face with an entire battalion of battle droids.
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment, each taking time to fully process the situation before you, you struggling to comprehend just how deep of shit you were in.
“The prisoner is escaping!” You heard a single robotic voice call out. And to your horror you watched as each droid raise its blaster, dozens of barrels pointed directly at you.
And you found that you couldn’t do anything about it, couldn’t do anything but stand there and brace yourself, eyes instinctively going shut.
Then you felt something crash into the side of you, sending you down onto your shoulder just beyond the corner just as a dozen blasters sounded.
Your eyes shot open to see the stranger hovering just above you, nose mere inches from your own as he stared down at you, a hint of a smile on his lips as you heaved, trying to catch his breath from the chase “Oh now you decide to stop running”
“I-uh” You weren’t sure where you were going with the sentence, relieved to see he wasn’t waiting for it either. Pushing himself to his feet he offered his hand out to you, not really giving you time to grab it before he was pulling you up to your feet and further down the hallway.
“You got me lost” he groaned as he took the first turn, never slowing down as he barreled down the hallway with you in tow, his hand still firmly grasped around your own, scared you were going to break away with the cube.
And mentally you were glad your earlier scouting of the facility served you well “go left”
He didn’t question you, didn’t think twice about trusting you before he banked hard, turning left just as you had told him, not bothering to ask for further directions, knowing you would provide them.
“Right” you told him quickly, and again he obeyed, taking the next right, getting not more than a few steps before he screeched to a halt.
You slammed into his back as he did so, your shoulder hitting his hard as you fell forward, the stranger pulling you back to him with your hand, pulling you into his chest briefly to steady you before letting go.
And you were ready to rear on him, demand what was that about, when you heard it, footsteps, dozens of footfalls too well timed to be anything but droids, headed right for you.
You swore under your breath, looking desperately back at the stranger only to see him one step ahead of you, hand out before him pointed at a grate on the wall near the floor.
The grate flew off the wall and towards his hand and he tossed it aside, giving you little time to process what had just happened before he was gesturing you through the new hole in the wall.
Without thinking you took his hand that he held out to you, letting him help you down into the vent, the reality of your situation only hitting you once you were fully inside of the vent, unable to stretch out your arms or legs.
The man filed into the vent after you, pulling the grate back over the hole to hide your exit just in time for the droids to round the corner.
“Ok we just need to wait-“ the man was whispering to you but you couldn’t focus fully on his words, the only thing registering right now was the tightness of the space around you, the feeling of the walls of the duct closing in around you making it hard to breathe, your arms and legs immediately becoming uncomfortably sore for being unable to stretch out.
“Tight spaces” you managed to get out, trying to assure yourself that the space was big enough, that you weren’t stuck.
But still you could hear the echoes of your breath bouncing back at you, each one coming faster and faster as you could feel the nearness of the vent walls on each side.
You heard the man swear softly, a hand coming up to clench yours, another coming to your chin to pull your gaze to him.
“I need you to take a deep breath for me okay?” He asked softly but all you could do was shake your head, breath coming out in short, ragged bursts as you struggled to control it, struggled to feel like your lungs could ever hold enough air.
“I need you to try” he shook his head back, giving your hand a soft squeeze as he dropped the one from your chin “With me okay” And slowly he took a deep breath, in through the nose out through the mouth, waiting patiently for you to join him.
And despite every thought screaming at you to do otherwise you forced a long exhale, syncing your next inhale up with his, waiting until you heard him exhale to do the same.
“Good” he whispered back to you after a few breaths “You’re doing good, you’re going to be okay”
And though you could do no more than nod at the moment, too focused on your own breathing you knew he could feel your appreciation, the shift in your panic, as he turned back to the grate, ducking down slightly to look out of it.
“Looks like we may be clear” he whispered back to you, looking back out of the corner of his eyes though you could see the hint of a smile on his lips “ready to go”
“Please get me out of here” you said it on an exhale, already scooching closer to him, ready to crawl back through the gate.
He laughed softly under his breath, taking care this time to gingerly take the grate off the wall and softly set it down, climbing up to his feet and glancing around before extending his hand to you, helping you up to your own feet.
As soon as you were back in the hallway you took an even deeper breath, giving yourself a brief moment to fully stretch out your limbs, feeling the space around you.
You saw the stranger watching you out the corner of your eye, not in an impatient or pitying way but almost a curious one, his head slightly cocked as he watched you stretch out.
“Sorry” you whispered, starting to move further down the hallway close behind him “I don’t do well in tight spaces”
“don’t worry about it” he brushed it off quickly with the shake of his head “sorry I couldn’t find a better place to hide”
“Believe me you never have to apologize for saving my life” you laughed quietly before calling out your next instruction “left”
Again the man followed with no questions, turning down the next hall before asking you “where are you taking us?”
You couldn’t help but let the hint of a smile crawl up your face, looking at him through the side of your eye “you’ll see”
And despite everything he laughed a little at that, shaking his head slightly but following your directions nonetheless, you leading the both of you through the twisting hallways until you started to be able to hear the rush of water, knowing you were close.
The stranger didn’t say anything as you led him through the last door, darkness creeping over the two of you as nothing but the end of the wide mouthed cave was lit, the two of you taking little time to run to the end of it and look out over the massive waterfall plunging into the ocean 60 ft below.
“That is your plan?” You heard him yell at you over the rushing water just beneath you, his expression not at all perturbed by the height but almost elated, a loud laugh escaping him as he peered down over the edge.
“Yeah” you responded with a small shrug, walking slightly back further into the cave, just barely able to make out the sounds of droids rushing in the hallway just behind you, the prison mere seconds from going red alert “can you swim?”
“Yeah I can-“ and the rest of his sentence died in his throat as he turned to look back at you, his eyes growing wide as he watched you square up.
“No wait!” it was all he could get out before you came sprinting directly at him, crashing your body roughly into his sending both of you over into the abyss.
You hadn’t regretted the decision to escape via the ocean until the moment.
Before you were so caught up in the feeling of the air rushing through your hair as you crashed down, the cold shock of water as it enveloped you, the soft sand that stuck to you on the opposite bank. It was feelings that after your 2 years of imprisonment had become ubiquitous with freedom, so far from the harsh cold of stone walls, metal shackles, and confinement.
But now standing in the center of the jedi council chambers, 12 sets of eyes staring down at you as you could hear the water smacking the floor as it dripped from your hair, you wished you had chosen a drier escape route.
“So you were the one who got the holocron from star’s end” you could hear to monotony in the man’s voice as the one in the center addressed you, clearly as confused as to why you were here before them as you were.
“Yes sir” you answered meekly, stealing glances back towards your rescuer, Anakin you had learned his name to be, who just look on with a smug smile, the glowing cube you’d taken from the wardens desk clutched causally in one hand.
“Yes” Ankain echoed you, never breaking eye contact with the man before you, a sort of game occurring between their hard stares sent back and forth you couldn’t quite crack “but that’s not all” and with no warning he tossed the cube to you.
You caught it no problem, the jedi council collectively sitting up in their seats as their gaze anxiously followed the arc of the cubes path through the air, visibly relaxing when it landed safely in your hands.
“Open it”
You raised a brow at his command, eyes never leaving Anakin’s as you silently questioned. You’d only opened it the once, by mistake, you had no idea how you had done it.
“Skywalker what is the meaning of this?” the man in the center asked with a dejected sigh, clearly with as much faith in your abilities to open the cube as you had.
Anakin, however, didn’t respond, his eyes cutting to meet yours, a soft smile and an encouraging nod sent your way before he spoke “just do what you did back in his office”
“I don’t know what I did in his office” you whispered the words back, as if you had any chance of concealing them from the council sitting before you.
“Close your eyes, focus on the cube” Anakin instructed you softly, words spoken only for your benefit “you can do it”
You looked up to see the council eyeing you expectantly before looking down at the cube with doubt. There was no way to tell if it was even you that opened the cube before, but Anakin hardly gave you any way out. So you closed your eyes.
You formed the cube in the mind, feeling its weight anchored in your hand, concentrating on as much detail as you could until you felt the weight of it slowly leave you, hovering in the air just above your hand, because though you couldn’t see it you could feel it do so, could sense it.
A twist of the corner, that was what instinct told you, the cube In your mind obeying obediently before showing you the next move, then the next, the puzzle cube unfolding within your mind until it was nothing but a flat plane.
Then there was a voice, the same voice you’d heard before in that office, greeting you.
You opened your eyes to the same hologram, speaking directly to you from the now flat cube hovering inches above your hand, and you were so caught up in your own awe that the next voice to speak startled you.
“how did you do that?”
You jumped at the sound, the cube tumbling from it’s spot in the air and crashing to the ground, hologram gone, cube now a 3D shape once again, 12 sets of eyes eagerly on you as they sat on the edge of their seats.
“I-I” you stuttered at first, unsure where you were going with the sentence before it came out “I don’t know. I just…felt…it”
The man in the middle shifted back in his seat, hand coming to his chin in thought as he just stared at you at first. “A child this force sensitive could not have gone unnoticed”
Your eyes cut back to Anakin with a raised brow, “Force sensitive? I’m not-“
“You are” Anakin cut you off with an eager nod, eyes darting between yours and the man in the center’s “You have to be, it’s the only way to open the holocron”
Your brows bunched together as you looked down at the cube, almost afraid to touch it again “I can’t- I would’ve- I would’ve known if I was”
“The question is no longer if” the man in the center boomed, drawing your attention back up to him “but how. How did you escape our detection, how do you still have such sensitivity without formal training”
“I want to train her” Anakin piped up at that moment drawing your attention back to him, your head spinning just trying to keep up. “I’m ready to take on my own padawan”
“No” the man’s answer was quick and final, the man giving the idea barely any consideration before answering, “she is too old, it is too dangerous to teach her our ways now”
“It’s too dangerous not to” Anakin countered quickly, clearly already ready for this objection “her abilities clearly aren’t going to fade, our best option is to teach her the path of the light side”
And this seemed to catch the man off guard for a moment, his eyes casting to the other jedi around him as a silent conversation took place before you, too many quick glances for you to ever hope to try and follow along before he was speaking again.
“On that part you are right” it seemed painful for the man to admit this to Anakin though Anakin’s smile grew at the words, “you may train her, however this does not make her a padawan nor you a master, this is nothing more than a side project and you are to do no more than teach her what will keep her from the dark side”
Anakin seemed to deflate slightly at the words, clearly this answer not entirely what he had wanted but the smug smile still remained, he clearly felt he had still won this time.
“Thank you master” At this Anakin bowed to the man and you instinctively did the same, following wordlessly behind Anakin out of the chambers, completely unaware of just how radically your life was about to change.
“You can do this” Anakin spoke to you in a soft, encouraging tone “just close your eyes and try again” and a part of you hated him for that tone, for how easy he made it seem, for how easy the task seems, lift the rock from his hand. You had opened a holocron, twice, why was lifting a rock so much harder?
But deep down you knew why it was that way, why it had to be this way.
You’d come to understand the force as an essence, existing all around you, and using it to your advantage was as easy as opening yourself up to it, lifting an invisible barrier that existed between you and it. And little things, small intuitions, sensing presences or people, that required the barrier to lift just a little, but actual telekinesis? That required a lot more, and you didn’t like what came with completely opening that barrier.
Not that Anakin knew that.
But as you looked at him you felt your resolve start to break, large blue puppydog eyes looking at you with complete encouragement and belief in your ability, and you just couldn’t let him down.
So you convinced yourself this time it would be different, it would be better, and with a deep breath you closed your eyes and slowly opened the barrier.
For a brief moment there was nothing but the force, as if invisible strings pulled you to the rock in Anakin’s hand, a simple pull on one of them and the rock was floating. You heard his cheer in the back of your mind and felt your lips turn up at the sound.
Then there was a flash across your vision, an electric whip flying through the air, a woman’s scream, a dark cell, then a small child huddled into the dirty corner of a room. You felt your breath hitch within you as you recognized the room, recognized your cell, and again part of you felt trapped, like you were back there, locked behind bars, little hope of ever escaping, of ever seeing the sun again. Then the child’s eyes snapped to you. All thoughts left your mind immediately as you met her gaze, unsure of how she could see you, unsure of how you could see her.
“You won’t leave us right?”
And you didn’t have an answer to that, because you had already left them, had already gotten out, had already left another person to occupy your empty cell.
“I-“ the words died in your throat before they could escape as you weren’t sure what to say, weren’t sure if you could say anything.
The sound of the door opening snapped her attention from you immediately, a set of armed droids waiting on the other side of it.
The girl was already shaking her head, trying desperately to pull herself further into the corner, tears welling in her eyes as she repeated “no” over and over again.
The droids ignored her cries completely, only stating their orders to her as if she were listening “it is your time for questioning”
The girl screamed, tried to kick back at them as they approached, tried to keep them off of her but she was just a little kid, there was only so much she could do.
You were rooted on the spot, unable to move even as she tried to reach for you, even as she called your name as they dragged her out of the room. You watched her disappear around the corner, given barely any time to wonder where they were taking her before you were slammed back into your body, again on the floor on the jedi training room, desperately gasping for breath, eyes rapidly scanning the room trying to ground yourself.
Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, another on your chin pulling your gaze to meet his, Anakin knelt down in front of you forcing out deep slow breaths, showing you what to do. And you were back in that air vent, not in a bad claustrophobic way but in a comforting one, a grounding one, again Anakin was there when you were drowning teaching you how to breathe.
You forced out the slow breaths in time with his, Anakin’s eyes never breaking from yours as he continued with the unnatural rhythm, waiting till you seemed to calm, waiting until you were ready. Then he carefully brought his legs in front of him to sit down, crossing them so that his knees touched your softly, leaning forward so his elbows rested on his thighs. “What happened?”
Your posture collapsed on the spot, your head going into your hands as you took a second to remember, to process what had just happened, how you had felt so out of your own body and yet still you.
“I-I was back in the prison” you started hesitantly, not daring to meet Anakin’s gaze as you spoke “They were torturing people I think and there was this girl. She could see me, she begged me for help as they dragged her out of her cell for questioning and I just sat there”
It was silent for a moment as your mind reeled, trying desperately to remember if there was any more to it before Anakin spoke in a sad, soft tone “They’re called force visions” he took a deep breath “they’re known for being unreliable”
You shook your head, gaze snapping to his as you straighter slightly “no this felt real, too real to be a vision, it felt like this was happening right now, real time and I couldn’t-“
You let the words hang in the air and Anakin knew what you meant, not stepping in to say anything as you thought, as you spiraled a bit more. “I left them there”
“you got out” Anakin’s rebuttal came quick but you didn’t let it hang in the air for too long.
“I left them there” You repeated, looking up at him with a small shake of your head “I had a jedi on my side and basically run of the place and I was so caught up in my own escape I didn’t even think about helping any of them get out. Who does that?”
“A survivor” Anakin’s answer again came quick but you were already shaking your head, gaze casted across the room as you refused to look at him.
“A coward”
His hand came to your knee immediately, pulling your gaze back to him as he leaned a little more forward, urging you to listen to him. “you are not a coward”
“I left children and elderly people, innocent people, to rot in a cell while I escaped. What right did I have to get out over any of them?”
“There was just two of us” Anakin objected sadly “we couldn’t have gotten them out if we had tried”
And it was like something had clicked within you, your posture straightening back up as your gaze cast back to his, a ghost of a smile playing on your face “so we need to bring backup next time”
Anakin’s eyebrows scrunched as he looked back at you, hesitantly retracting the hand from your knee as he spoke “next time?”
You nodded eagerly, already pushing yourself up to your feet “I need to speak to the jedi council”
“I want to free the people of star’s end”
The words didn’t seem to shock the council, you were under the impression that not much did, but still a silence fell over them, each member taking a moment to look at one another, sending silent messages between one another before master windu addressed you.
“You are not a jedi, you can do as you please miss L/N”
And though a part of you felt deflated, the council was playing obtuse on purpose, wanting to force you to ask out loud for their help, you saw Anakin from the corner of your eye, his tall proud stance just behind you, always having your back, and instead tried to mirror him.
“I am asking for jedi assistance with this master Windu”
Again the council shared a look, a silent discussion taking place before your eyes, before slowly each gaze returned to you, each’s expression as stony and serious as before.
“Star’s end is a separatist stronghold far too expansive for the jedi even with the clone army at it’s side to take it without many casualties”
You could see Anakin adjust his stance ever so slightly at his words, physically switching from offensive to defensive, and a part of you got angry at that, angry that you were having to prove to the jedi why the people unjustly locked in cages deserved to be free, angry that Anakin already seemed to feel this was a losing battle.
“Those people in star’s end are republic citizens, loyal to the republic in every way, the very people you all are sworn to serve and you are just going to leave them to die?”
You tried to control the anger in your voice, tried to bite it down knowing yelling at the council would get you nowhere, but couldn’t help yourself as your voice grew louder, your words coming out in rapid succession.
“We cannot serve the people of this republic if our army is dead” you could hear master windu’s own anger in his voice but you knew it wasn’t anger for his supposed forced inaction or anger in the loss of innocent lives, but rather in you, for daring to counterriot him, to argue with him in front of the council “we have a war to win miss L/N, that supersedes all else”
“The people in those cells were prisoners of war” you could hear the desperation in your own voice but in that moment didn’t care “soldiers in your war, they will gladly fight with you again all you need to do is unlock the cells. Give them a chance to help you free them”
“The answer is no”
“What if I went back in undercover”
You could see Anakin’s posture go rigid on the spot, for the first time his head snapping to you, his gaze fully falling on you as you spoke.
But in that moment you couldn’t take a second to focus on anything but master Windu’s face, the way it crinkled ever so slightly in thought, and you knew that was your chance.
“I know the schedule, the layout, how to fit in seamlessly-“
“Wait” Anakin’s voice was barely more than a whisper, his body coming inches closer as he took a step towards you, hand outstretched to grab you by the arm as if to physically stop you, but you just stepped forward, out of his reach, and continued on as if you had heard nothing.
“I still have the uniform, friends on the inside, I even know how to get in without being noticed-“
Anakin quickly gave up on trying to stop you, turning directly to the council this time, taking a step in front of you as if to shield you from them. “Master windu please excuse-“
The master silenced Anakin with a simple look, Anakin’s own words dying in his throat on the spot as he stared up at the council, gaze breaking desperately to his master’s silently begging him to do something.
Obi-wan, however, could do nothing as Master Windu turned to you, giving you a small nod before speaking “what do you propose miss L/N”
And you took a second to step away from Anakin, taking care to not meet his eye contact as you did so, your gaze never breaking from master Windu’s as you continued carefully, continued with a plan you hadn’t even realized you had formulated.
“I sneak in, unlock all the cells and the front gates giving a clone army not only unfettered access to the grounds but an entire army already within the prison” and you could see the hesitation on his face, the hesitation on all of their faces “the clone army needn’t do anything until the gates are open, and if I fail you can simply turn around. No harm no foul”
The council shared another look amongst themselves and you could see Anain’s eyes desperately scanning the room, clinging to every bit of silent conversation he could make out.
“If you are caught-“ Master Windu spoke again and you could see Anakin flinch ever so slightly at the words, his gaze whipping around to you once again as he slowly backed up to the edge of the circle, acknowledging finally he had no say in this decision, on either side. “You cannot disclose the location of this clone army should this be the plan. You cannot give any indication of the jedi’s involvement”
“If I am caught” you repeated back to him, trying your best to keep the triumphant smile off your face “well, master Windu, you said it yourself I’m not a jedi. Just a prisoner trying to escape”
You’d been sitting crossed legged on the floor for over an hour at this point, no longer even pretending to try and practice his exercise.
He’d hardly spoken a word to you since the council meeting this morning, no more than leading you to a training room and telling you to sit down and lift the rock in front of you while he paced.
Back and forth in front of you, none of the usual “good job” when you did it or light instruction when you failed to, just pacing.
At first you had prepared yourself for his blow up, waiting for him to yell at you, to lecture you for being irresponsible, for not talking to him before bringing your plan to the council. Instead you got silence, an impending doom hanging relentlessly over your head as you waited for the inevitable.
But a person could only wait so long.
So you had abandoned the rock lifting half an hour ago, doing nothing but sitting on the floor watching him go back and forth. And you weren’t sure if he even noticed. And quite honestly you were sick of waiting.
So one last time you closed your eyes and concentrated, easily using the force to pick up the fist sized rock in front of you, and hurling it directly at Anakin.
Anakin spun on the spot and lifted his hand effortlessly, the rock halting midair in front of him, floating there for just a second as his gaze snapped from the rock to you on the ground before it fell to the floor, hitting the hard stone with a soft thunk.
And it was only then, beneath that glare, did you start to question if that was a good idea.
“Really?” It was more demand than question “After what you pulled this morning you think throwing rocks at me is a good idea?”
You just shrugged, pushing as much nonchalance into your expression as possible “you haven’t talked to me in an hour”
Anakin sighed in complete exasperation, a hand running through his hair before coming up to pinch the bridge of this nose “And what do you want me to do?” he asked, his voice too soft for comfort “yell at you? Tell you how dumb and reckless of a plan this is because you already seem to know that considering you didn’t bother to fill me in before addressing the council”
“I didn’t know I was going to propose that” you were quick to defend yourself, pushing yourself up to your feet, feeling at a slight disadvantage on the ground “I was desperate! I just needed them to work with me so I offered the only think I could think would help”
“Offering yourself up as bait” he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at you completely unimpressed “You went in with a complete plan and points to back up that plan that doesn’t happen on the spot”
“So if I had just filled you in beforehand you’d be okay with it?” you asked him with raised brow, already knowing his answer.
He took a second to just glare at you, knowing what you were doing, that you were baiting him “of course not” he sighed “but we could’ve come up with something better”
“We couldn’t have” you shook your head, noting his softer tone by this point, daring a step forward “this is the only plan the council would have approved”
And he did nothing but shake his head softly for a moment, big eyes staring back at you telling you that he knew you were right, just not ready to admit it right. “I could go with you” he tried
And you had to laugh softly at his expression, taking yet another step closer until you were right in front of him, a hand coming up to cup his cheek softly, Anakin not yet giving in, refusing to drop his arms from in front of his chest “you couldn’t”
He sighed dejectively, finally dropping his arms, one hand coming up to grab the one cupping his cheek, giving it a soft squeeze before pulling it away, never letting it go “you know you don’t have to”
“Ani-“ you started to object before he cut you off
“I mean it” his eyes bounced back and forth between your own “You got out, you don’t have to go back to that place”
“I left them there” you replied softly, retracting your hands from his “I got distracted, didn’t think, just wanted to get out and I left them all there, I have to go back”
And you could see him wanting to object again, to repeat that it wasn’t up to you to save them but you were prepared to stand your ground and you think he saw that too. So all he said as he stared back at you was “are you sure”
And you nodded, a soft smile rising to your lips “I’m sure. I can do this Ani”
And he chuckled softly at you, nodding reluctantly “I know you can. But you get into trouble I don’t care what the council says I will come for you”
“I know you will” you laughed again at him, taking both of his hands in yours, giving them a soft squeeze “you got me out once, I trust you could do it again”
“But nothing is going to go wrong” he persisted though you could see the smile reluctantly growing on his lips as he tried to remain serious “you’re going to release the prisoners and open all the gates”
“then I’ll come find you” you nodded.
“Good” he whispered before pulling on your arms, crashing you into his chest as he wrapped them around you securely “I’ll see you at the gates” he whispered softly into your hair.
“I’ll see you at the gates”
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supyovalk · 7 months
A Compilation of all of "Treasure" Clone Moves
So I decided to compile all the moves I could find in treasure that are majorly different than the main dancer (footage by ScottS)
First House, Left & Right Clone: Snaps his fingers with hip movements
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First & Second Chrous, UNCOUNTABLE AMOUNT OF CLONES: Doing repeated many dances. of Note are the ones that looks to the camera, the ones which points to center, and ones who jumps to skies and FRICKING DABS afterwards, seen in around (Those can best be seen on right on the "Make my wish come true" part on the second chorus)
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Second House, Many Clones: Doing whatever with capes.
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Second House, Front Left Clone: Whatever TF that is.
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Second House, Front Right: Okay see, that's better.
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Okay here goes the most Important section to this, and the reason I made this thing, because there is so much poses cramped into this: THE BRIDGE.
Bridge, Shot A: Back Clones striking two different clones, While Front Left point at his phone and Front Right holds his shirt
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Bridge, Shot B: Back left isn't notable, but Back right points at the camera in amazement, crouches and waves. Front left waves & spins his head towards the camera, also raises a eyebrow. Front right looks at his camera, Eyes the other camera, and points into it, tongue out.
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Bridge, Shot C: Back Left does some shoulder work and stirkes a elegent voice. Back Right presents center Jack and does some shoulder work. Front Left points to three others in sync to the "You,You,You" and then looks at the camera at the "Your are". In contrat, Front Right points at center Jack at "You are my treasure", points at the camera three times to the "You,You,You", and then moves elegantly his hands down across his face.
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Bridge, Shot D: Back Left Does a similar but not exact presentation to the one in Shot C. Also seems to go sweep his sleeves in the final moment. Back Right just vibes with his hands. Front Left nods at the camera and then procceds to look at hand, for some reason. Back Left just nods at the camera.
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Bridge, Shot E: Back Left just aims at the camera and moves his hand across his face. Back Right Continues his pose from Shot B but also now Waves AND Points at himself. Front Left just vibes and Front Right points his hand and then hold his shirt.
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Bridge, Shot F: Back Left Crosses his hands and procced to make a marvelous hand waving, back lookin pose. Back right presents to the camera, does some shoulder work and then proceeds to grab and push down his shirt. Front Left just checks his chin and hair while looking at the camera, and Front Right also just vibes with the camera
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Third Chorus, First Shot: Background Jack is FRICKING HOLDING A ROSE IN HIS MOUTH, and the panel Jack is just waving his hands
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Third Chrous, Second Shot: Background Jack is now aiming the rose at us, and Panels is vibing, while holding his microphone in a VERY weird way.
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Third Chrous, Third Shot: Background Jack is now Sending a kick to the audience, and Panel jack is now vibing
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Third Chrouse, Fourth Shot: Background Jack contiunes his kiss sending while winking and Panel Jack just sings at the camera.
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Third Chrous, Final Shot: Background Jack does some movement that are obscured by the Front Jacks and then Proceeded to point his rose holding hand in the Same time and direction the Front Jack do the same. Panel Jack does stuff that is even more Obscured.
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Outro: like to balance doing nothing major in this chorus, Panel Jack gets a big section in the outro. Getting from whatever he did in the previous shot, looks at the camera from a sideways angle, proceeds to put his cane on his shoulders, move around, puff his chest, starting to spin it around, stop then bop it front and back to the "bap-bap" of the outro, and spin sideways again.
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This list is probably incomplete and uses subpar screenshots, but it's just to show how much detail spcicfilly the clones got in "Treasure", which kind of fits the "Ego" message of this routine.
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storm-breaker7 · 1 year
This is gonna be specific but can you make a Cyberverse! Cheetor x Snow Leopard! Femme! Reader. The plot is that the Autobots including Cheetor have to find the Crystal of Unity and they found the guardian of the Crystal of Unity (Y/n) and the deceptions stole the Crystal of Unity and Cheetor falls in love with Y/n
Ok first of all, I love snow leopards. Second of all I love cyberverse Cheetor. Third of all I love cyberverse Cheetor.
Need Someone
Summary: A bad day turns out to be slightly rewarding. After being lonely for so long, this might not be so bad.
Pairing: Cheetor X Reader
Warning: lil angst with comfort, (idrk it seems safe enough but tell me if i missed somthin)
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I drag my servos across my faceplate. A low groan escaped me before I picked up a small pebble. I threw it elsewhere swiftly. I threw my servos up and my frame crumbled back to the ground. A clunk echoed. Then more, rhythmic ones followed, faintly getting closer.
I don't bother to turn around when I hear the clangs stop near the entrance to the temple. Don't even bother. Somebot walks up next to me, reaching their hand out. I smack it away and cower into the corner more. Continuing to run through the what-ifs.
"What are you doing here?" A stoic voice asks a-ways-away, only now letting themselves in. The hand that reached out for me earlier was their medic.
I gave them all a hard glare as I pulled myself up. Returning to my full height, rivaling their leader (or who I assumed was their leader).
"Why do you care? Came back for seconds, couldn't get enough?" I hissed, flexing my servos.
A few shared glances and a large, yellow bot stepped up and offered a servo, "You see, us Autobots haven't been here before. We however did detect Decepticons here. Care to Explain?"
My optic twitched, how dare these bots come into my home and demand answers from me after I was robbed of the only thing I was made for.
"I will explain nothing. Your friends pried the Crystal from my unwilling servos. And you come again!" I yell, balling my fist and giving the yellow bot - that, in my defense, was nearest to me - and gave them a strong right hook.
He yelped and fell backward, the bot behind him jumping out of the way. I jabbed a digit in the leaders direction.
"Why can't you and your hollow friends leave me alone. The big grey lugnut going to come back and help you finish me off?"
"Wait slow down," A smaller, more yellow bot waves their servos around, "Megatron came here and stole what off you?"
"I told you I'm not explaining anything to the likes of you." I grumbled, turning away and pacing around.
"Well, I'll start." The yellow bot offered, "I'm Bumblebee, were all Autobots and the bots that just came and stole this crystal thingy off you are Decepticons. They aren't our friends."
I hum, narrowing my optics. After Bumblebee introduced me to everyone, I grimaced and apologized to Grimlock for punching him. Then I went off explaining who and what I was. Though I could feel curious green optics trace my every movement.
"The Crystal of Unity is, long story short, a manipulation device. In the right hands it could bring together worlds on the brink of civil war. But in the wrong hands..." I sigh, "I'm afraid it is just a tool of mind control. The Crystal, no matter how strong or trained the mind is, will always be able to make the victim do whatever the wielder desires."
"So this can be used against any living being?" Prime spoke up,
"I'm afraid so. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be alone." I dip my head before turning around. The lights shining on the white panels annoyed my optics to no end, but I continued on.
Once I was alone, the other bot like me - Cheetor, I think - sat down next to me. I turned to him before I turned back to the horizon.
"Don't you think this world is beautiful?" He suddenly asked, his optics flicking around.
"I have seen a few planets that rival this one. But this dust ball has its moments..." I shrugged, glancing at him.
He nodded the turned to me, a look in his optics I refused to believe was there. "Just know, you did whatever you could to protect the Crystal. We will make sure Megatron does not use it against anyone."
I grimaced and gazed away, "Thanks. Just hope we get it before he figures out how to use it."
"If you ever need someone, I can get them for you." He smiled warmly, his servo patting mine softly and reassuringly. How can someone be so Optimistic? I wondered as he got up and left me to my devices once more.
I watched as he left. My white tail flicked from one side, to the other. I brushed my grey servos over the face of my maximal form. Dusting myself off.
At this time of day, it really did make my panels shine. I wonder if it did to Cheetors aswell?
(If you want me to continue i can but im so sick rn and i just want to get this out C:)
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nataliescatorccio · 9 months
rules: unburden yourself from the abandoned WIPS collecting dust in your folder and share 5 gifs, then tag five people.
thank you so much riya (@thebookluvrr1816) for tagging me!
so what's maybe different about my giffing process is that i actually rarely abandon gifsets. like if i start making it, i'm locked in, i have to finish and get the idea out my brain. on the rare occasion i don't finish a set, then i'll readapt any gifs i made for another set (but i could actually only find one instance of a set that i had abandoned this year, and i'd adapted it for another set instead). so this is a selection of gifs that i either cut from a set as i had to narrow down choices, or an 'original' look at a gif before i changed it. because of that, i'm going to link the set it was made alongside or was adapted into for comparison!
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this gif became altered for this kanej week + book to screen gifset. it originally started off as just a quote gifset. i started making this just after s2 dropped, but i think a mutual posted a set of kanej + this quote around the same time and i didn't want to be copying it so i ended up never finishing the set. when kanej week rolled around i ended up reusing the two gifs i made (this one + the one that became 'never stop fighting'), but damn, i did love this blue, and looking at it now i actually think this one came out better
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2. an early version of my kanej week quotes set. i did several for this set with a gif inside the font, but i just really hated the way it looked overall, and at the last minute changed it. i still reused all the gifs i'd made though - you can see the two here in the second panel!
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3. the original take on the third gif in this inej eps set. i ultimately changed it because i didn't like the blend, particularly that you couldn't see the knife being played with which is a moment i really wanted to include. but i do adore the yellow light shining on her as she's praying, there's something almost saintly about it, and wish i'd been able to incorporate it as i wanted to (please ignore the line it's just there because i gave up and never fixed it!)
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4. a gif from this 'la vie en rose' ed and stede gifset. i thought the way they looked at each other with stede tilting his head was so cute, but ultimately i found blending the scenes a little messy and it didn't really match the other gifs/the lyrics so i cut it.
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5. cut from this choni set, i basically cut this because there was a lot of movement in the scene and i wasn't happy with the colouring - they lean in to kiss and that meant there were a lot of issues with colouring layers overlapping skin and at that point i'd done a lot of frame-by-frame colouring and was feeling too lazy to do this one too.
there we go! this gives a bit of an insight into my giffing process too, it's always interesting how gifsets change as you continue to work on them to find what works, so hopefully this also provides a bit of before and after!
tagging some talented mutuals (but no pressure as always!): @ughmerlin, @crowley-anthony, @seance, @saws2004, @taiturner, @natscatorrcio, @morgana-pendragon, @singularities, @khaotunqs
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Can you do a mandalorian fic we’re him and y/n/the reader are in zero gravity and reader is being sassy so they have a silky tickle fight in zero gravity? :3
The Mandalorian Tickler
Summary: See prompt above :)
(Thanks for the prompt @teddysterk ❤️ :) First time writing for The Mandalorian 😅 Not quite the direction given, but I still hope you enjoy ❤️ :))
"Why can't I help steer the ship?"
Mando sighed. "No one flies this ship but me kid. You know this."
"But it looks so easy!"
"I'm sure I could figure it out."
"Don't make this harder than it needs to."
You tried to make your eyes as wide and pleading as possible. "I promise I'll be careful!"
"End of discussion."
You sunk back into your seat. "You're no fun."
"An absolute buzzkill."
Mando pushed a couple buttons. "I know."
"A regular stupid head.
With a groan, you sunk further into your chair. Ever since you were a kid, all you had dreamed about was flying a ship. Didn't matter the size or the make, you just wanted to fly it.
The thrum of the hyperdrive, the pop and crackle of wires, the hiss of heated metal as coolant flowed through them---it all just sparked something deep inside of you.
To be this close and not get to touch any of it was pure torture!
Your fingers twitched closer to the panel as you fought even harder to keep your fingers away this second time.
You paused. "Yes?"
Mando hadn't turned away from the controls. "Don't touch."
You stayed frozen for a few seconds longer. Then when you were sure Mando's attention wasn't on you anymore, you started moving closer to the panel.
"I mean it."
Your movements paused again before slowly creeping forward a third time. Your fingers were so close!
A second later, a hand squeezed your ribs.
You squealed and jumped back into your seat. Both of you arms pressed against your ribs to shield yourself from further attacks.
When you looked up, you met the eyes of Mando's helmet. "Why did you do that!"
"I was aiming for your arm."
"You missed!"
From the helmet looking down, you swore you heard a faint chuckle. "Really?"
Instead of stopping, Mando clicked the auto-pilot button without turning back to the console.
"Since you won't keep your hands to yourself, maybe I can find another form of persuasion."
A split second later, you were out of your seat and moving around the cockpit. However, you could never put enough distance between you and him.
"Mandoho, l-let's talk about thihis!"
"Well, what do you have to say?"
"Stohop coming closeher!"
"Yeah, I don't think I will."
You ducked around one of the chairs and managed to avoid Mando's arm in the process. Now your back was to the console as Mando continued approaching.
"You're making this harder than it needs to be kid."
"No Ihim not!"
You scrambled back even further, but you didn't realize how close you were to the console. Instead of finding more space, you found cold metal that easily took out your legs. On your way down, you instinctively grabbed for something to stop your fall and hit a button instead.
"Oops," you thought as you floated up to the ceiling. "Sorry!"
"You turned off the gravity!"
"I tripped!"
Mando twisted and turned until he was able to roll himself over. "Now you're gonna get it!"
"Eep!" You started "swimming" towards the wall. "Nononono!"
Mando continued moving closer and closer toward you while you continued moving farther and farther away. It was hard to get far though when you were swimming through the air like a puppy over water. You scooped air out of the way and kicked your legs like a frog but you barely moved a centimeter forward.
It took a great deal of stretching before you finally touched the wall with your hand. You yanked your legs forward then pushed off like a rocket away from your attacker.
You stuck your tongue out at Mando. "Missed me!"
In response, Mando launched himself off the wall toward you.
"Eep!" You scrambled to get away.
"Get back here kid!"
As Mando pushed himself off the wall and toward you again, you launched yourself forward. This time, you didn't get very far.
Mando had anticipated your next move. He pushed his feet down and activated his jetpack. This change sent him right in to your incoming path.
"Hey!" You squirmed in his hold. "No fair!"
Mando used the pack to then get him to the control panel where he hit the gravity button again. A moment later, he landed in the pilot seat with you in his lap.
You turned to smile. "Uhu . . . Time to go!"
Mando tightened his grip. "You're not getting out of this that easily."
A squeal escaped you as Mando redug his hands into your ribs. "Nah! Nohot thehere!"
"What's wrong kid?" You could feel Mando's smile through his helmet.
"Yo-your fingers!"
"What about them?"
"They're what?"
"Really?" Mando held up his hand to test wiggle his fingers. "Feel normal to me."
You shoved Mando's free arm and he immediately starred to tickle your tummy. "Eeeeeehehe! Mandoho noho!"
"Shouldn't have revealed your weakness kid."
"Ihi didnhn't!"
"Then how did I find out?"
"Becahause yohou hahave bahad ahaim!"
Mado chuckled. "Now you're sassing mehe?""
"Buhut ihit's truhue!"
"Oho really?"
"Yehes!" You squirmed to get out his grip. "Yohoure ahaim is terrihible!"
A huff escaped Mando's mouth. "Now you're gonna get it."
A moment later, Mando wiggled his fingers into your armpit.
"So how's my aim again?"
"And will you touch my control panel without my permission?"
Mando's other hand came up to tickle your other armpit. "Promise?"
"Really truly?"
You started sliding down Mando's legs. "YES! PLEASE! PLEEEHEASE!"
Finally, the tickling stopped. "Alrihight."
You plopped onto the floor and wrapped your arms around your torso. "Yohou ahare horriblehel!"
"Well." Mando ruffled your hair. "Hopefully you'll remember for the future."
You stuck your tongue at him in response.
As you recovered, beeping started coming from the panel. Mando turned to check the reading.
You immediately jumped up. "What's uhup?"
"Fasten your seatbelt." Mando locked himself in. "We've got company incoming."
You jumped back into your seat. "I've got your back."
"I know." Mando grabbed the handles. "Now let's go."
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salty-protagonist · 1 year
Determining Star Lords with Astrology (Part 2)
This post references back to Part 1 and includes the analysis for Polaris and Canopus.
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Polaris ****
Polaris is the most common blood type in the series. But what makes it special is the fact that we actually met Lord Polaris (with his identity concealed)!
I assume that Lord Polaris is male because he is/was a butler and it is traditionally a masculine role.
Polaris is the “Pole Star” that moves around very slightly compared to the average star movement has has been used as a guide to determine the direction of north over many centuries. It’s part of the Ursa Minor (Little Bear) constellation.
Polaris is known for being a trusty guidepost that leads people with a purpose. These qualities are shared with his identities as butler.
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The second thing we know about Lord Polaris is that he is dead. When did he die? Was he always dead? Well, according to the fan translation I’m putting here, he was alive until very recently. (If anyone has the official copies, it would be great if you’d share your wisdom because the English translations are not sold in my region and I have no means to look for one at the moment)
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Blue stars are the hottest stars (simply due to the electron jumps in their atomic levels). Here, I’m guessing it’s either to talk about Lord Sirius because he is more powerful compared to the other Lords, or to talk about Lord Sirius because it is associated with the Phantomhives who’s trademark colour is blue. (Ciel means sky in French as you all know, which is blue). A third possibility would be to talk about Lord Sirius, since it’s a white-blue star (sourced from the internet).
I would like to elaborate more on this but I will do so regarding chapter 169 in the future when Polaris becomes relevant again. I was busy at the time 169 came out so I couldn’t directly comment on it at the time.
Moving on, the reason why I mentioned the official translation is because how I understand the panel above is as he wasn’t dead at the time. So I want to make sure the meaning is as close to that as possible. Nevertheless, something has happened between RC reveal and ch169 for Polaris to have died. Perhaps when RC stopped being Lord Sirius, it also meant the fall of the Blue Star that led Polaris to sacrifice himself in a cultish way? Or RC needed an organ and Undertaker took it from Polaris?
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Still, I don’t think we can create solid connections between any butler character we already know and Lord Polaris. Many new characters were introduced during the last few years so it would be safe to assume he hasn’t been seen in the story before this.
(Disclaimer: Most if this is regarding ch 169, so if any of this has been mentioned by someone else before, original credits are directed to them)
Canopus** (Doll)
This is where the theories for the orphanage arc start
I will be connecting Canopus to the dog orphanage because all the other Lord seem to have connections to one of the new settings. Although orphanage is the only one left (process of elimination), there are still some connections between Canopus and Lord Canopus who I think is Doll.
Canopus is the second brightest star in the sky (1st is obviously Sirius) and it is a part of the Carina constellation, which stands for the lower part of a ship. Carina used to be a part of the Argo Navis ex-constellation until it was divided into 3 others. Argo Navis means Argo Ship. It is the ship used for the quest for the Golden Fleece. Carina doesn’t have a legend for itself so it ties with the myth for Argo Navis. Other 2 constellations that were a part of Argo Navis are Vela and Puppis, whose names also stand for parts of a ship.
How ships and sailors tie in with Doll is through the circus which was named “Noah’s Ark Circus”. To summarize, Noah had a boat (Ark) which carried 2 of each species on Earth to conserve life after God flooded everything else.
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If we consider Argo Navis as Noah’s Ark Circus, we can relate Carina, Vela and Puppis to the 3 pieces of the circus. Carina is Doll, Snake is Vela and the deceased circus members are Puppis (meaning back of the ship therefore making it seem like they’re left behind in a roundabout way).
We already know that Doll is a bizarre doll and a newer model too. So, it corresponds with the other confirmed Lord Polaris, and relates to Layla as Vega. It would make sense for Undertaker to have revived someone without any family to look for them and to have given them command over a blood collection operation.
Let’s look at the Canopus bedroom in Sphere Music Hall blood experiments wing.
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Compared to the rooms of all the other star lords, it doesn’t have any personal decoration or belonging of any kind. Much like a hospital or a hotel room, it seems to be for temporary residence. A logical explanation regarding Doll would be that she was only kept here until she was able to move on her own. The bandages could be from the injuries Sebastian gave her.
The lack of any personal belonging could be because Doll is used to frequently moving around rooms in the circus. She didn’t do anything special to settle in with OC when they were roommates too.
The placement of the stool doesn’t match either object in the room. It’s too far back for anyone to have looked into the mirror (for makeup or sth you know) or for someone to have helped whoever was on the bed to take of the bandages in the orientation shown above. Maybe it was pushed away as Doll went up to the mirror and saw that Undertaker fixed her eye after ripping off her bandages by herself. (This is very deep speculation without any concrete proof)
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The speech bubble belonging to Lord Canopus is impatient, wanting to begin the plan for bringing back RC. This could be about Doll wanting to take revenge on OC as soon as possible.
I would also like imagine Doll’s real name is Carina, because it’s a great name with a beautiful meaning. It peaked in the era that she is living in as well.
Thank you for reading!
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Can I get a part 2 of 'intentions' like the aftermath or something plz.
Ooh, of course! I didn't envision doing a second part to this and am debating if I should go the happy route or the angsty route.
But, let's see what happens.
"Lou?" Ox's breath stuttered as tears begin trickling down his face. The bunny dropped to his knees, shaking Lou's arm. "Lou, wake up! Lou, please! Wake up!" Nothing. Those eyes were shut and weren't opening. There was no movement in his chest.
The robot spoke up again. "A new prototype will be made in the following days. I will remove Prototype Model 12's chip to be repurposed." Its hand disappeared into its arm for a moment, reappearing in the form of a knife. It stretched toward Lou's neck, but Ox abruptly hovered half of himself over the doll.
"Don't touch 'im," the words were growled out, tears dripping onto Lou's suit. "I-I'll get it."
The robot's eyes blinked and the knife was detached from its arm and handed to the bunny. "The Prototype's microchip is embedded in his neck on the right side."
It had to be sick luck that Lou collapsed onto his right side. "C-Can...can someone help me move 'im?" He called out shakily. The thought of holding Lou and...it basically just being a limp, dead body in his arms...he couldn't stomach it. Footsteps came over and Mandy was on the other side of the limp form. They managed to get Lou turned over onto his other side, legs twisting in the process, in a way that was just a sickening reminder that he was dead. Ox barely spared a glance up at Mandy after seeing a tear that was not his own land on Lou's temple.
That robot needed a chip, huh? What was so important about it? Ox's hand hovered over the spot where he assumed Lou's chip was. He swallowed. "Wh-What's it do? The chip. Why do ya need it?"
"Prototype Model 12's chip will be used as a blueprint for the next prototype. It is necessary for the transfer of information and activation of any prototype."
"Activation," Ox whispered under his breath. Such a fancy term but he remembered reading that word from somewhere. Where...
A shaky, green paw hovered over the control panel. He had barely managed to gently slide down the third pipe that branched off of the main one. If the rumbling above him was any indication, this room was just below the recycle.
He had to find a way to turn it off.
There was a flashing light above one of the switches. The word above it said 'activated' in glowing red letters. What did that mean? Crossing his fingers, he flipped the switch down and a creaking noise sounded from above. It went silent and the 'activate' light dimmed and went dark. The machine was turned off.
That must be what activate stood for. If he was to turn the machine back on, no doubt it would glow again.
Translating the machine world to their terms wasn't too complicated. Activate in the sense this robot was using was probably the same as just being alive in their terms. If that chip was the last barrier between Lou and life...he'd have to keep it.
Ox wiped his mouth with his other hand, feeling the tears stick to his fur. He looked over Lou's suit minutely before switching hands that the knife was in. The collar of the suit was pulled down just enough and the knife was no sooner back in the other paw. Ox pressed the blade down. There was a sound of cloth tearing behind the paw covering the procedure. Dolls looked away, stomachs churning at the noise. Mandy had to look away, too, tongue between her teeth as she bit down.
"Here." Ox placed it in the open hand of the robot. Metal fingers clasped around the object and it rolled off without another word. Ox rubbed a paw up and down Lou's arm. "Alright...now let's figure out how t' fix this mess."
"Did...you need a moment?" Mandy hesitated a second before laying her hand on Lou's. "I...guess we'll take him to the recycle."
"It ain't over till I say it's over." Ox stood and worked to get his arms around Lou's frame. "Can ya help me carry 'im to his house?'
"What?" She looked at the bunny like he'd gone mad. "Ox, he's--" she lowered her voice, "he's dead." It quivered at the word, still not able to fully process everything that had happened.
"Not while that chip is in 'im. Now come on, help me out here."
"You gave the chip to the robots." Had he lost his mind? Denial was the first step in the grieving process...
"We'll just let them believe that." Ox pinched the fabric of Lou's suit between his fingers just above the lower button. Mandy's mouth was parted open in bewilderment as she saw the hole where the other button had been. There was a slit in Lou's collar where he had torn the fabric, but otherwise, Lou was untouched and unharmed. Ox managed to get Lou's torso off the ground. "Now," he huffed, "are ya gonna help me or not?"
The rest of the crowd was left under the impression that Lou would be taken to recycling and be no more. It was a hard pill to swallow. Ox wanted nothing more than to verbally assure that Lou still had a chance. If for no other reason than to rub it in their faces that the same doll they had considered ripping the stuffing out of was still alive.
But, the lie gave them enough space to safely carry Lou back to his house. Mandy did the carrying. So long as she didn't focus on his chest, she could trick herself into believing that Lou was just asleep. Dolls didn't naturally decay like humans and there was no outwardly change in his appearance to suggest anything along the lines of death.
They were satisfied in knowing that until Ox gave the blond a once-over when they laid him on the sofa. There was no pulse, he knew, but he still checked over Lou's body to see if there was any sign of life. The chip was still in there. It had to be doing something. Gently, a paw hovered over one of Lou's eyelids and pulled it back. That was when they were ready to be sick to their stomach.
They'd never laid eyes on a dead doll. To their knowledge, dolls couldn't die until being completely mutilated. They could lose an arm or drop some stuffing and be in pain, but otherwise survive through it. They were meant to be played with, after all.
But prototypes weren't, and that was probably where the differences came from. Lou's eyes were the only indication that he was dead. The whole sclera was now grey. Like an antique bulb that no longer worked. The pupil and iris were now one, darker grey circle within the expanse of the eye. Lifeless. The bright white of his eyes was gone. The sapphires in his eyes were gone. Lou was gone.
The eyelid was slid back shut. Ox tried to forget he had seen it and just focused on how normal Lou looked now with his eyes closed.
"How do you plan on...fixing him exactly?" Mandy stood by the wayside, arms wrapped around herself. Moxy and the other ragdolls kept their distance, too. This was Ox's domain.
Ox had made it very clear that he was extremely protective over Lou. This was his doll. "I don't have a plan, but as long as the chip is with us I think I can figure somethin' out."
"So," Mandy rubbed under her glasses, letting them fall back to her face before speaking, "you plan on harboring a dead body here until-"
"I plan on keeping Lou here, yes. That's what you meant to say." Ox's ears fell back against his head, bristling. Lou, by layman's terms, might be dead, but he wasn't permanently dead and that was what mattered to Ox.
Moxy took careful steps forward, aware of how Ox's paws moved as well as if blocking her from touching Lou. "We should focus on fixing the portal. Especially before the robots come back with a new prototype."
"Great. Have fun."
"No," he finally put his foot down. He regretted not doing that the moment she had asked about the Big World. He regretted not shutting her down every day after that when she asked him about getting a child. He regretted following along with the stupid and reckless plan of running the Gauntlet. "You can fix the portal. I'm fixing my brother. This ain't how I wanted us to reunite."
The pink doll looked desperately at Mandy as if she could somehow talk Ox out of this. Mandy wasn't focused on her, though, she kept her eyes on Lou. Moxy's eyes swept to her closer friends. They met hers with conflicted looks but otherwise seemed more inclined to fix the portal instead.
"Let's go then, Moxy," Babo took a step toward the door along with the others. Mandy didn't move from her spot.
"You're not coming?" Moxy asked, barely five steps from the door.
Mandy still didn't take her eyes off Lou. They watched her move away from the wall and claim her spot beside Ox, kneeling beside the sofa. He was guarded, at first, but Mandy brushed a thumb across Lou's cheek and he settled back down. "I'm staying here."
"Lou's not gonna be nice to ya just for stayin' behind," Wage spoke up. "If he does come back...it'll be like nothin' changed. He'll still be the same Lou."
"I'm not looking for a reward. This is my place." She was so tempted to open those eyes again. In some vain hope they would be blue. "He's my leader and my teacher. Nothing changes that. The least I can do is support him."
It felt kind of like a slap in the face to Moxy. That much was made apparent when she winced. She flinched more so at the realization that these Pretty Dolls were here long before her and her friends ever came into the picture. There was a system here. Ox had a life here, too. Mandy had a life here and a place within this Institute. Whether it was temporary or not, she had a job. Lou had a job long before the Uglies ever came along. And it was a heavy revelation to realize that she had intentionally disrupted that system with no regard for the lives that had made their place within it.
But, dwelling was not something she enjoyed doing. And she wouldn't start it now. Putting on a brave face, Moxy turned on her heels and walked out. Her friends, minus the two that had nonverbally declared their loyalty to Lou, followed closely behind.
The portal was completely shattered. Almost hollow save for the fractures along the edges. Moxy walked up to it, feeling almost as shattered as the portal knowing that two of her friends weren't with her. Slowly, she picked up a shard of glass and pressed it against the void. "Show 'em who you are," she sang softly, "show 'em that you're strong." She didn't feel strong. Tears welled up in her eyes.
Another piece was placed beside hers. She turned to see Wage smiling sadly down at her. "Show 'em that you know where you belong."
"Open every door," Babo sang as he put another shard in. More and more shards were added until there was one piece left.
"Own your destiny," Moxy slid the last piece in, hoping against hope. Nothing happened. There was no light. No magic. No miraculous turning around of events. It was still dead. Her smile fell and the dolls murmured amongst themselves. What was wrong with it? The shards were still lifeless. Like...
Like antique bulbs that didn't work anymore.
Realization dawned on her and her eyes trailed toward the mansion where Lou was. "Maybe he's the missing piece we need," she sang quietly.
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yeenybeanies · 2 years
Look you’re the only person I know off the top of my head so I’m sorry to call you out but-
Why transformer sexy?? I am intrigued and do not understand but wish to know more??
sdfjsdkfj PLEASE this is hilarious 😂 i would be more than happy to (attempt to) explain why transformer sexy. buckle up, babes, we're going on a journey.
the barest explanation i can give is that a) i find things like aliens, monsters, etc attractive; & 2) transformers are often relatively close in general shape to many human body types i find attractive, while also being so incredibly, distinctly not human, which, in my opinion, makes them all the more sexy. i'll admit too i do find many vehicles sexy, which is another bonus with transformers.
plus. they're B I G.
examples under the cut with some explanations to my own personal attraction, but disclaimer! these are all from the IDW1 comics! & the artists illustrating the comics DID play an important role in robot sexiness.
(i could go into other tf media too, but this is already lengthy sdhfjgh)
SO, let's start off easy. rodimus is a prime (heh) example of a sexy bot. artist: alex milne
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the broad shoulders. the narrow waist. the long legs. This is the main, overarching theme. This is the Good Shape™. He's got bright colors & a cocky demeanor. plus he can set himself on fire. those lights on his waist are tasty too. hot damn.
up next, we've got another classic: optimus prime. first two are milne, & third is by nick roche
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once again, we have broad shoulders & a snatched waist. we have big arms. we can also see from the second panel that these rigid, mechanical beings can be fairly flexible. plus, who doesn't love a beaten, disheveled man? i know i sure do. bonus points for him too because he's relatively big & tall as far as transformers go, whereas rodimus is average height.
up next is megatron. all of these are milne drawings
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personally, i think the black look is better––that's when he turned into a stealth bomber-type plane––but both looks follow the Good Shape. all about that shoulders & waist, baybee. the body language on display here is great, too. more examples of how much freedom of movement these giant robots have.
i can't not talk about my all-time favorite bot, fortress maximus. all three are by milne
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he is a bit blocker than previous examples, but that makes sense for a giant powerhouse tank prison warden like himself! & he does still follow the Good Shape. he's massive! he has fun helmet fins! he's got guns in his legs! he's handsome 🥰 (i do also like to imagine voices for lots of the bots, & i imagine his would reduce me to a quivering mess.)
we got some ladies too, don't worry! this is arcee, by casey coller & sara pitre-durocher respectively! look at her thighs, i mean damn! she's also ferocious, & i love that in a woman.
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then we have windblade & firestar (milne), & chromia & the mistress of flame (saren stone). the lady bots tend to be curvier in design (but not always), though not necessarily bustier. trust me when i say there are some boobalicious boy bots (*cough*prowl*cough*).
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& now for shits & giggles, some bots with exaggerated or unusual body shapes that i also find attractive for one reason or another 🤪 (hayato sakamoto, guido guidi, milne x3)
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i have SO many more examples, but we'll be here all day if i keep going 😅
In Conclusion: robbits sexy
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
"y'know, there's a lot of legends, myths. Our past tells. Those of the past, since the past can't speak."
Sitting in the glass panel's frame, the human looks down upon the circle.
"How did you-"
"Of a council, of a group of elites who do and make decisions on behalf of people. Alienated elites, who speak for those they do not live with. Know, talk to. Especially their leader."
"Who are you?"
"Call me Trio, and I understand. That you've made an enemy of the Wolves."
Dropping to the ground, he rolled to his feet. A sword at his belt, cape unclasped and rested onto his arm.
"That minor pacifist company?"
"That organisation hardly holds control over any field of society. All they have are representatives, while they may be deadly. They're hardly anything to fight against."
"Course you'd think that."
"... What's that suppose to mean?"
"This building, and all who enter it. Are marked for death, by the Wolves."
He'd drawn his sword, cape still covering one arm as he held the weapon in a relaxed state. The guards drew theirs.
"... So?"
"Beg to your gods, because I am death. Killer of kings, nations and systems."
The threat hardly held any weight, this. A single Terran, were their executioner. And he declared himself death. She waved the guards down, drawing her weapon.
"So what? You're here to kill me?"
"aye, now surrender or suffer."
"... Sure. I'll surrender-"
Flicking her blade into her hand, a relaxed grip as she thrust forward.
He stated, tutting the woman as he unsheathed his sword. In her back, arms dropping to the floor as he copied her stance.
"I am death. Killer of kings, nations and systems. Surrender or suffer."
It'd been a minute. Exactly one minute, he'd sidestepped, parried, swept and then swished his blade. Slicing her neck, then limbs off before slamming her core into the ground. A single fluid motion that went back to sheathing his bloodless weapon. Blade drawn, a seperate pose. Kicking pews over, three rushed forward. Two ran towards side exits.
And almost immediately, he'd tossed his blade. Reaching for twin guns, shooting down chandeliers, swivelling the guns into cocking and then fired the leading fighters in the chest. Throwing the three back, chucking firearms forward as he swung his sword. Slamming the three of them back, holstering one gun and catching the other with his teeth. Kicking the bodies off his blade, he tossed the weapon into his hand. Twirling the gun as he sheathed his blade.
Shots rang, hitting targets, before firing at the door. A guard sliding aside as he rapidly reloaded the weapon, aiming down sight once more as he drew a second sword. A cutlass, holstering his gun as he swirled. Blade matching axe as he struck down.
The pair of men parried strikes, weapons striking in unison, before he reached into his pocket. Flipping a pocket knife between hands, whipping his cape into fold as he caught the man's axe. Fabric tearing, the movement causing fluster as he slammed onto the man's knee. And smashed a strike across his neck, grabbing the sliced arteries, flicking the knife at a rushing guard as he sliced the man's arm off.
A crazed grin on his face, as he let go. A third of the group were dead, slamming cutlass into wooden pew, he repeated.
"I am death. Killer of kings, nations and systems. Surrender, or suffer."
He dodged the arrow, guns handed out amongst the gathering as weapons were drawn. Sheathing his cutlass, he reached for his back.
"Yeon. Expand."
Bowing, the staff elongated.
It shortened, the man catching the staff as he began swinging it around. Twirling and swirling, wooden chips flying into the whirlwind, hardly slowing down he advanced. Guns letting loose their talk as he swept the pellets aside.
He advanced, muttering something under the wind as more chips began to appear in the cloud. Finally, he thrust the blade forward. Throwing the spear across necks, the weapon sweeping the facility in an arc as he rushed forward with his first sword. Jumping off the overturned pew, cracking the head of a feline open as he slammed the body against the back wall. Body laid down, guns aiming at him as the spear sliced the back of more victims. Turning between spear and man, he repeated himself.
"I am death. Killer of kings, nations and kingdoms. Suffer, or die."
Lightning erupted from the blade, metal ripping out from the bodies and forming into jagged spikes, black magic.
The Terran could use black magic, souls screaming in pain as spikes thrust out. Slicing men to shreds, guards rushing in faltered, any who entered immediately cut down. Then he caught the spear in one hand twirling the weapon. In the other he slashed any who came near.
Whistling echoed out the building. The creaking of iron against concrete, whistling.
"Chop up your bodies, throw them in a pot. Make up a stew. And see what you got."
Crack, crack, crack.
The crackle of flames, as the Terran threw bodies into the pot.
"Strip up your bodies, crack their bones. Toss the naked bodies. Let's see what we got!"
The pot rusted to dust, poking the embers he balanced a few orbs up.
"hm, thought they'd be bigger."
Chuckling to himself, he tossed the elixir into his mouth, flicking the cloak roughly onto his back as he sat on the throne. Why'd they put a throne in what appeared to be a church was beyond him, but it worked for a seat since the other pews.
Wood lay crushed, crumpled. He'd thrown the staff pretty hard, but it appears they'd thrown grenades and instead of throwing it at the man who's walking towards them. Threw it around him, which would've.
"... What was their plan? If I throw a grenade close to him, he'll get- spooked?"
The blades sparking as they sharpened, blood wasn't a good liquid. But with a little bit of controlled mana, it helps with strengthening the blade.
Closing the church, the man walked through the city streets. Clearly what he did had been heard, wearing a mask, cloak and not bothering with hiding his true form. A dog like shadow walked through the street, deathly pale face. Flickering between skull and pale skin, wings clearly folded like dough. Muscles strained in tension in holding the full weight of the wings behind him, large reptilian wings with black feathers, shadows draping past the man as he stepped onto the crashed shuttle. Metal melted on one side, he revved it's engine. "chronos." Time reversed, the man silent, face impassive as the ship moved backwards, a slight green glow as the ship reversed above the atmosphere.
And he was gone.
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novumtimes · 2 months
Clares Conor Leen admits last-gasp jersey pull: I most certainly did and Id do it again anyway
O’Flynn still got his shot away, but his effort trailed wide and no free was called to ensure that Clare held on for a one-point victory in extra-time after one of the greatest All-Ireland SHC finals in living memory. “I most certainly did (pull the jersey) and I’d do it again anyway!” Leen told RTÉ’s Marty Morrissey. “As a back, you kind of play on the edge. You get away with it sometimes, sometimes you don’t, and I did yesterday and I’d do it every day if I could.” The Corofin clubman emerged as a Banner star in his breakout season, crowned by a superb performance against Cork which saw him named on The Sunday Game’s Team of the Year at corner-back. “At the start of the year, all I was hoping to get was some league time. Honestly that was the plan from last year,” the 22-year-old revealed. Clare fans react to Banner win after All-Ireland Final “I just took the opportunity. Thanks to management for giving me those opportunities really. To have senior lads around me made it much easier as well. They’re able to teach me what to do – John Conlon in front of me, Conor Cleary beside me and Eibhear (Quilligan) in goal.” Leen was joined on RTÉ’s Morning Ireland, from the winning team’s hotel, by Quilligan and David Reidy. The latter offered a revealing pitch-side insight into the brilliance of Clare’s third goal from skipper Tony Kelly – and the deafening reaction that greeted his sublime 51st minute strike. “When Tony was on the run, it was actually David Fitz that passed to him – he was about to go for a shot but he dropped it, and he had no choice then but to pass it,” Reidy outlined. “But in fairness, the movement and the skill execution from Tony, the little flick over the head, he couldn’t catch the ball again, touched it on the hurley and a great finish. “But I went out covering his position then when he was coming back into centre-forward, and the noise – it was nearly giving me a headache running back out with the noise! It was crazy. It was very hard to describe … no one will experience something like that again. It’s out of this world.” The Éire Óg man first joined Clare’s senior panel in the aftermath of their 2013 All-Ireland triumph. “Looking back at it, the team that won in 2013 was a young team and you might have thought that there would be a lot of success,” he reflected. “But we kind of soon found out that wasn’t the case, and there was a lot of barren years and a lot of ups and downs. But to win yesterday, it’s just unbelievable. A lot of people say you can’t put words or put emotions on it, and the ‘unbelievable’ word comes out but it’s probably true. “A lot of emotions yesterday. Some good, some not so good! The heart was pumping at times. But overall it’s just magical.” Reidy added: “It’s a credit to both teams and the preparation that both teams put in. You saw lads going down with cramp, but that’s after running 10-11km … that’s after an intense battle. So yeah, the bodies are sore but again, this morning we won’t mind how sore the bodies are.” Quilligan described the victory as “very special. It will probably be later in the week when it really sinks in. As a child you dream of this – and even as an adult you dream of this.” Source link via The Novum Times
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aninthompson · 3 months
Live Brief: Playground Games
My group had a huge idea for the cinematic but there was too much elements for us to create in very short time, so I wanted to create a script for the cinematic, because we were still deciding how the cinematic would be and I did this script:
Script Cinematic (Idea)
I was trying to think an idea that makes the cinematic more “simple” but at the same time interesting, because I think doing a shooting scene with smoke, guns, and a lot of things going on is going to be very difficult, so I thought of doing mor or less the ideas of my group but changing some stuff.
The first scene: The panoramic elevator ascends slowly, carrying Gretel through the towering skyscrapers. She is immersed in the urban landscape unfolding before her, a tapestry of twinkling lights and shifting shadows. She silent witnesses the city unfolding on the streets below.
Gretel's eyes, shown an deep and reflective emotion, we can capture the city's magnitude through the elevator's window, the city can be like the Pavel’s animation reference, after that, the camera focuses on her eyes, and then show her looking the elevator's control panel, the digital numbers flash, indicating her dizzying ascent through the floors.
Gradually, the scene begins to fade, as if the city were dissolving into mist at nightfall. The outlines of the buildings blur, the lights dim in intensity, and the urban landscape transforms into a fleeting dream, disappearing before Gretel's eyes like an evanescent spectre.
After that enter in the Second scene: (For this I use as reference the 5th episode of blue eye samurai on Netflix)
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(the parts of the puppet show, as shown the image)
I think the group could use the puppets as reference to the witch, I’m going to add some images here to give an idea.
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In the middle of a pitch-black room, a spotlight illuminates the figure of the witch. She stands there, her appearance can be like an cyber mechanical puppet brought to life, her joints can move in a weird way like she is “glitching”. We can use distorted shadows, emphasizing the uncanny presence of the witch.
With jerky movements, the witch begins to move seeming like an peculiar dance. She can move turning around and moving the arms a lot, we can use an mechanical whirring of gears accompanies her movements we can make her like she is doing an dark magic coursing through her artificial veins.
As the dance progresses, the atmosphere becomes increasingly charged with tension and foreboding. The witch's movements grow more frenetic, her mechanical form seemingly possessed by an insatiable hunger for conflict. Like she is preparing for a battle against Hanzel and Gretel.
After that we cut to the third scene we can do straight away cut to the elevator with Gretel, the elevator gradually slows down until it comes to a complete stop. Gretel positions herself in front of the doors, a mixture of determination and anticipation in her gaze, the doors slide open, revealing Hanzel on the other side.
A warm smile lights up Hanzel's face upon seeing Gretel. He looks at her with confidence and tenderness, "Are you ready?" he asks, his voice firm.
Gretel nods. Together, they leave the elevator behind walking side by side, their footsteps resonate in the empty corridor, very very dark and while they the darkness stretches out behind then them, like they were going to the battle against the witch.
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