#the naive ( responds. )
eywaseclipse · 1 day
Hey guys, not trying to be rude. But most of those gofundme Palestine accounts are scammers. Most people would not go to a platform such as tumblr. Instagram is the main media outlet for the people in Gaza, along with tiktok due to the high volume of shares and views. Let’s put our thinking caps on here. I know we all want to help. But the copy and paste asks and suspicious emojis? It’s best to not fall for the traps. Some may be real, but the majority are scammers. And someone had to say it! Let it be me I guess
This is a classic phishing attempt, and it’s really unfortunate because it only harms the real people of Palestine trying to get their family to safety. It’s best to share resources and links to official .org sites to donate!
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citrusinicake · 5 months
what would one call a hypothetical polyship between ash, red, and zam? cause i am having Thoughts
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animalsandskyyy · 1 year
I will forever stand by the thought that simply “being online” and consuming or even posting content, takes a completely different amount of energy than messaging or interacting with others online does.
but that’s something I had to train myself to acknowledge and learn. because it used to hurt and make me overthink when i’d message someone and they wouldn’t respond, but would still be active or posting. like I wouldn’t say that to them, but it overtook my thoughts.
then somehow I just stopped and realized- maybe they’re just tired. or maybe they’re scrolling on the phone in their 5 minutes of free time. maybe they’re in the middle of 3 conversations and are trying their best. maybe they’re in the middle of making a post and didn’t see your message. maybe they’re deep into searching a topic and can’t be distracted. or maybe they just don’t want to talk to you rn, and that’s perfectly okay and valid.
all that to say- it can still hurt sometimes, but giving people grace and thinking the best of them and their intentions, and sincerely hoping they do the same for you, makes life so much more enjoyable, and I highly recommend ♡
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lttleghost · 2 years
literally the people in the BrBa fandom who like think its super important to focus somewhat on the bad things Jesse's done instead of just acknowledging those things tend to have misunderstandings on either how selling drugs increase harm (which while there's other complexities to parts of the drug trade, simply making and providing drugs alone does not increase the harm those drugs cause) or they have misremembered some of his actual actions as being more in his control than they actually were, and with some people it really feels like it comes from the stigma against addicts even if they think they're not falling into that
and like again this lack of understanding around everything relating to drugs and addiction especially, even from people that mean well, is the whole reason it's more important to focus on the good in Jesse and how he's the victim rather than acting like there's no one acknowledges his flaws and the bad things he's done, cause a huge fucking swath of people outside our little tumblr circles do and act like every single bad thing in his life as entirely his responsibility without aknowledging any way that the world worked against him or the abuse he faced and see him as less of a person because he's an addict
and like I do think if Jesse wasn't the type of person that sees his own flaws and ultimately tries to do his best to change and learn even in the terrible situation he's in that doesn't want that change to happen, and instead needed people to like... constantly tell him to be better, then yeah it'd definitely be much more important to focus on those flaws and the bad things he did... but that's not the case, even the one thing he plans to do that was awful AND fully his choice (trying to sell drugs to the rehab group) was something he snapped himself out of when he was able to concretely see a consequence he hadn't considered before, this doesn't negate that trying to sell drugs to the rehab group was wrong, but it does add complexity to how we judge that action playing into Jesse as a whole
like you can't just sit there and act like ur so smart for aknowledging a character written like a real person is complex without thinking about the greater social commentary you're getting across when you insist we can't simply aknowledge the bad things a character does and have to still really judge them on those things or say calling them a "good person" erases the bad they've done and not consider if what you're saying is like... useful on a wider scale in combating the stigmatization of characters like Jesse (especially surrounding drug selling/making/using drugs) or if you're just refering to "woobification" bullshit that isn't particularly prevalent in the wider world
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wulfhalls · 6 months
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emilyzone · 1 year
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kuiinncedes · 3 months
#what is this#discord chat interview#????????? 😭😭😭#like does my discord need to be professional looking 😭😭😭😭😭😭#what the fuck why am i doing an interview in fucking discord dms this is so weird 😭😭😭#with my fucking cat profile picture#at least this guy just has a default discord pfp not like a professional headshot or smth LOL#but like idk at least i have my discord name as my name too lol#even tho it's not capitalized#it feels so weird doing this over dm the fuck#like i'd almost rather just talk interview even tho i don't think i'm great at getting all my thoughts together/across in talking#but like idk like if i take too long to respond to a message will that be sus LMAO TT#the way i'm typing this in btwn this guys messages 😀#adjfngkjdfbgdjkfgdkf this is so weird LMAOOOOOOO#whatever it's kinda funny and i'm glad to have another interview opportunity#altho it was very random it sounds like they saw me on linkedin#idk if i applied to them lol#this sounds sketchy but i looked them up and they at least Exist LOL#and i didn't think this guy would IMMEDIATELY accept my friend requrest and START THE INTERVIEW LOL#ANYWAY LEMME ACTUALLY DO THIS INTERVIEW IG LMAO#while listening to j/atp soundtrack wheeeee#jeanne talks#i wonder if this is a bot :| maybe i'm naive thinking it's actually a guy copy and pasting essays abt this company lol#but ya know i can hope 😀 now im thinking it could be a bot tho lmao#and now i have to respond just to let him know like i've read these paragraphs abt the company and stuff#what do i say other than 'sounds good' lmaoooo 😭😭😭#but like i cant say sounds good 10 times in a row#THIS IS SO WEIRD LOLOLOLOL
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https-harlow · 1 year
Jack texted me back 🥰🥰
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
I don’t have a tumblr, I just lurk blogs I find interesting. Not joking. Don’t know why you are responding in this way, if I am honest.
Tumblr allows that?? that's so funny
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rainia · 1 year
also that whole crab day thing seems odd to me because. there’s literally no guarantee that your money will result in a roll back of these changes, right? you’re just paying them. sure it’s good to support the site and I’m not saying you shouldn’t. But like. I don’t think a few people buying the crabs is going to make them suddenly take back all their BS.
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ant-diary · 1 year
This guy I rejected weeks ago has now sent me two rejection memes in the last two days and I really don’t know what he’s trying to accomplish
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birlwrites · 11 months
lachrimae is now almost as long as rainfall which is a) a weird thought and b) i just registered that both their titles are about water, which is something i genuinely had not realized before typing this post
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
     @monmuses  〢  cont from here .
Why Tweek is here—well, he has been following other people for his entire life.  He probably wouldn’t have shown his face here of his own volition, knowing that a man like him is distinctly unwelcome.  But about everybody in town attends Bebe’s parties, and that means he was always going to end up in the company of someone who wanted to go, and he would let himself get dragged along like always.
Except now he has lost sight of the person he came with, and fearing that they have left him here, the rapid pulse in his throat threatens to strangle him.  He’s shaking, and he knows it’s more from anxiety than meth because he can feel himself coming down a bit.  He’s sweating, too, rubbing his arms through the sleeves of his dark green parka coat, which he still has not and will not take off, despite how warm he is.  ‘Take off your coat and stay a while,’ is what people say to folks who belong someplace, which he doesn’t.  Furthermore, there are things under that coat that he doesn’t want anyone else to see, and he’s afraid he will lose it.
He shakes his head as he backs away from her, toward the kitchen entrance.  “No, no—just the phone right now, thanks.”
When he staggers into the kitchen, a couple is talking in the corner, and he tries to ignore them, although he can see their soft murmuring grating on him very fast.  He tells himself to just call and get out as he lifts the phone from the receiver.  It takes him a second to remember the number he’s trying to reach, and he needs to get a cellphone so he can save people’s numbers—that’d help him with job stuff, too.  After spending some time running his fingers over the phone buttons as if their texture holds some answer for him, he remembers and punches it in.
And waits.
Every time the phone rings, it makes the lump in Tweek’s throat slightly bigger.  And then, Hey, this is Redd, I’m not available right now, leave a message.  The beep plays, and Tweek sits in silence for a second, trying to think what to say.  The guy is probably asleep or high out of his mind, and he wants to scream into the voicemail, Wake the fuck up, you lazy piece of shit!  But he knows that will not get him out of here any faster if Redd is not awake or lucid enough to listen to the message, and he slams the phone back on the receiver.
Tweek tries to think of who else he could call, who else might care enough to get him out of this place, and the only two numbers that are coming to him are his parents’ and Craig Tucker’s.  And he would rather lodge a bullet deep in his skull than call either of those.
“Goddammit… goddammit!” he says, drawing looks from the couple in the corner, who lean in closer to each other, more conspiratorially.  He paces back and forth in short steps in front of the phone, making talons with his hands.  “That motherfuh—piece of—bastard!”  He’s stuck here, he thinks—oh, God, he’s fucking stuck here until he can compose himself enough to walk back to Redd’s since he’s sure he can’t remember the directions now, not with the panic setting in.  He can’t take Bebe up on her offer for a ride, either, because it’s her party, and he can’t draw her away from it.
He leaves the kitchen and manages to find Bebe again, slinking up to her with his brows slanted in a miserable expression.  He’s hunched over, trying to make himself even smaller and unobtrusive.  As long as he’s going to be here a bit longer, he has to admit that he is thirsty.  “Actually, can… can I get a water, after all?”
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destinyandcoins · 11 months
fucking loveeee group projects for class. love going out of my way to work through 3 people's schedules and email the professor to schedule a time outside of office hours to meet because not all of us would be available during the listed office hours for the required check-in before we present and then being the only one who shows up anyway
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shoechoe · 1 year
Thinking about Jonathan some more; while I do think he isn't very interesting or particularly filled with depth compared to the other Jojos, the big thing he has going for him is that he's a dude you just can't really hate. He exudes this good vibe that makes you like him despite not being a very unique protagonist, especially when he's surrounded by nasty characters like Dio and the rest of Phantom Blood's tone is somewhat bleak as he's put into tragedy after tragedy. That's probably what makes people so quick to defend him from people calling him a bad protagonist for not being interesting enough- he's just... a likable guy.
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) Annual #7
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