#the nomads twilight
charlottesbookclub · 7 months
like real people do (alistair x reader) 💜💜
Summary: honestly there's no real plot, just pure fluff. Alistair tries to adjust to having a human mate, and he's trying really hard 🥹
Warnings/Tags: gn!reader, mention of skipping a meal (not intentionally), mentions of eating, Alistair being awkward and a bit rude lol, basically just pure tooth-rotting fluff, but as always, let me know if I've missed anything!
Words: 1,634
Author’s Note: me, writing a twilight fanfic in the year of our lord 2024? it's more likely than you think. uhhh yeah I have no real explanation for this except that I have stumbled back into my Alistair obsession and I just wanted to write a cute little something for him. I don't think this is my best work, but at least it made me smile, so that's something. honestly I have no idea if there's anyone else out here reading fanfic for an incredibly minor twilight character, but if there is, I hope you enjoy whatever this is! I was thinking of making this a little series of Alistair trying his damndest to figure out human stuff, so do let me know if you have any interest in that. but okay I'll stop rambling now - enjoy! 💖
            A message pinged through on your computer, and you looked away from your work for a moment, pulling up the chatbox. It was Lucy from the front desk: 
hey – someone’s here to see you
hard to describe – and i’m having a hard time getting his name
You chuckled softly to yourself, having a sneaking suspicion you knew exactly who it was. Odd that he would willingly put himself in a situation that forced him to speak with other people though. Your laughter turned into a small frown as you considered the fact that something might be wrong. You and Alistair hadn’t been together long, but you knew about his aversion to others well enough to wonder what could bring him into proximity of the possibility of needing to engage in small talk.
be right there
You pushed back from your desk and hurried down to the lobby. Lucy was obviously waiting for you to arrive, and she met you with a mildly panicked look, gesturing with her head toward the tall man standing awkwardly in the corner of the lobby. Thanks to his heightened senses, he had noticed your arrival long before Lucy, and was already striding across the floor toward you at a pace that was just barely slow enough to be considered human. You made a mental note to ask Carlisle to gently review normal human behaviors with him. You just managed to give Lucy a quick thumbs-up to indicate that you knew the tousled man before he bustled the two of you back toward your office.
“Alistair, what the hell?” you asked as he ushered you inside and closed the door behind him.
“What a truly awful system,” he muttered to himself, clearly continuing a rant he was already halfway through rather than answering your question. “I mean really, how many idiots should I have to go through to see my partner?” You just crossed your arms and leaned back against the edge of your desk, a bemused smile starting to fight its way onto your face. You knew it was no use interrupting him until he had gotten everything out. “’Would you like something do drink?’” He parroted Lucy’s question mockingly. “No I bloody well would not – unless you’ve got a few bags of blood stored away back there,” he retorted to this fictional Lucy sarcastically. “Zounds, how hard is it to just point me in the right direction and leave me in peace?” His words faded into muttering and soft curses in a version of English that hadn’t been spoken for hundreds of years.
“Alistair,” you said quietly, breaking him out of his monologue. His talking to himself had seemed strange at first, but the more you learned about his life before meeting you, the more it made sense. He had been his only company for so long and was only now slowly adjusting to speaking with other people again. You, however, found it incredibly endearing and hoped he didn’t break himself of the habit completely. 
His focus snapped to you instantly when he heard your voice, and he started murmuring apologies that you quickly brushed off.
“Alistair, it’s fine,” you assured him, sending him a warm smile and softly placing your hand on his forearm. Touch was another thing that was coming back to him only slowly. You had learned to proceed cautiously, gently, making sure he knew that you were about to touch him before making contact. The words stilled on his lips as his eyes focused in on the place where your warm palm met his cold skin.
“Alistair,” you said quietly after a moment of letting him adjust to the contact. His eyes traveled back up to your face at the sound of his name on your lips. “Is something wrong?”
“I—no,” the words tumbled out awkwardly, and you could almost see him trying to say three different sentences at the same time. If he still had blood under his skin, you were certain he would be blushing. Knowing that eye contact made conversation even more difficult for him, you flicked your eyes down toward your hand still on his arm, gently pulling it from where it hung limply at his side. You cradled his large hand in both of yours and began tracing mindless patterns on his skin, hoping this would give him enough of a reprieve to gather his thoughts. He took a deep breath and tried again. 
“Nothing is seriously wrong, but I— well I… worried about you.” This instantly caught your attention, and you looked up again almost without thinking, only to find his ruby eyes gazing back down at you with a softness you were just beginning to recognize.
“Alistair, I promise, I’m just fine,” you assure him.
“But… well… I noticed you didn’t eat breakfast this morning.” You tilted your head, wondering why that was such a cause for concern that he would willingly subject himself to the horror of checking in at your work.
“I was just running a little late and didn’t have time to make myself anything,” you explained, hoping that would ease his mind, “there’s always snacks in the break room, so I figured I’d have something when I got here.”
“I understand, but humans in your age group are supposed to eat three balanced meals per day, with the addition of one to three snacks. Lack of nutrients can result in many deficiencies, which in turn can lead to side effects like headache, dizziness, and trouble concentrating.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that was growing on your face as you listened to him recite this knowledge as though he had memorized it straight from a Wikipedia article. However, you seriously doubted Alistair’s ability to navigate the internet, since Carlisle had only recently convinced him to try using a flip phone.
“Where did you hear about this?” you asked, trying to remain serious and stifling the giggles that were rising in your throat.
“I’ve been reading Carlisle’s medical texts,” he responded with a furrowed brow, “I want to make sure I understand all the risks and ensure that I am prepared for every eventuality.”
If you hadn’t been completely in love with him yet, this would have undoubtably sealed the deal. He may be awkward and eccentric and even difficult at times, but he was trying so so hard to care for you in the best way he knew how. Although the whole situation was still incredibly amusing, you simply couldn’t bring yourself to laugh at him, even if it was all in affection. Instead, you raised yourself slowly to your tiptoes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you for thinking of me,” you said as you lowered yourself back onto your heels. Your chaste kiss seemed to have frozen him for a moment, as he stood there completely still, his soft squeeze of your hand the only indicator that he was still present in the room. You let him recalibrate, and as he came back himself, he made a soft exclamation as though he had just remembered something. Reluctantly releasing your hand, he swung a small backpack off his shoulder. 
“I brought you some breakfast,” he explained as he pulled a jumble of containers out of the bag and placed them on your desk, “I tried to make sure I balanced all the proper nutrients to ensure you wouldn’t suffer any adverse effects from not having eaten this morning.”
You busied yourself with looking at all the containers of food to hide the tears that were welling in your eyes. You had never had someone care for you so completely like this before. Unfortunately, your plan didn’t work, since the awkwardly yet earnestly prepared food only brought more tears to your eyes. You had never expected that strangely cut fruit, mangled pancakes, and soggy cereal sitting in its own milk would make you cry with joy, but the amount of thought and care that had clearly gone into each piece of the meal was about to reduce you to ugly sobs.
You could feel Alistair watching you intently as you opened each of the containers, seemingly trying to gauge your response. When he couldn’t bear it any longer, he finally broke the silence. 
“If you don’t like it, I—I’m happy to go out and buy you something. I haven’t had human food in so long and even—even then I didn’t actually prepare it so I tried reading some of Carlisle’s recipe books but I think I still didn’t get it right—” 
“Alistair,” you didn’t normally like to cut him off, but you refused to let his anxious rambling sew any seeds of doubt in his mind. “It’s absolutely perfect – I can’t wait to taste it all!”
Alistair beamed at you then, a rare sight, but a welcome one.
“I just have one question though,” you said, and he looked at you quizzically, waiting for your inquiry. “Can I give you a hug?”
Confusion turned to elation on his face, and he spread his arms in assent and anticipation. You threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you wiped away a few escaped tears. His arms closed around your back hesitantly, like he wasn’t quite sure what to do with them, but his uncertainty seemed to fade as you melted into his grasp, and he wrapped you even more tightly in his embrace. 
Both of you were smiling when you finally pulled away. You settled into your desk chair and motioned to Alistair to pull up another. He sat just close enough that your knees could touch as you surveyed the feast before you. 
“What do you think I should start with?” you asked him.
“Maybe the pancakes? I’m rather proud of those.”
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lunastwilightblog · 10 months
A fourth set of previously unreleased photos - James!
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clarasogatsby · 2 months
Things I think about on a daily basis:
What do the Egyptian Coven do all day in their house to pass the time?
What was Amun’s reaction when Benjamin brought a newborn Tia back?
Does Maggie ever feel like a 3rd wheel?
At what point does Renesmee turn on her family and go on an absolute human blood drinking spree?
How soon do Jasper and Alice leave The Cullens to live on their own after the events of BD?
How does Alastair feel after hearing about the aftermath of The Cullen/Volturi confrontation? How does his and Carlisle’s next meeting go in 200 years?
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vintageseawitch · 2 years
Garrett: name any American battle; i was there
me if i was a vampire & grateful that Jasper wasn't around because fuck asking that guy anything about this period in history: is "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" based on a true story
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goldeneyedgirl · 9 months
TwiFicmas Redux: Shadow To Light
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Happy New Year to everyone, and I hope 2024 is a beautiful and positive year for everyone - I think we've all earned it.
As promised, as an auspicious offering, the first 1000 words of the STL Ch 13 draft. Mary-Alice is being profoundly difficult about this chapter, but she's allowed to be a little bit messy.
Here's to a great year with more regular updates and more of my self indulgent nonsense ;)
Fourteen. Starved for so long of beauty
Once upon a time, a lifetime ago, she made a choice. It was an easy choice to make, because it was the right one. Because she didn’t truly know what came next; her certainty in her own visions, her certainty in who she was going to be - who the Major was going to be - had made her confident.
(She doesn’t regret it, she would never wish to go back and make a different decision. She just wishes… she just wishes that she knew better what was to come. What it was like to be stripped right down to the bone, layer by layer, from loneliness and violence and hopelessness. She wishes she’d read the contract she was signing in blood and tears and time, just so she could look fate in dead in the eye and make the same choice without a second thought.)
The Major smells like… he smells like something she doesn’t want to acknowledge.
(He smells like home.)
She feels silly after the worst of her panic attack is over, and the Major is there next to her with his arm around her. She feels utterly ridiculous, actually - the stolen t-shirt in her arms, curled against him so tightly… She almost feels ashamed.
(Except… she’s frustrated. She wants to demand answers - when is she allowed to fall down? When is she allowed to break apart and have someone else put together the pieces? In more than eighty years, it’s always been up to her to maintain control, to be the thing that bends but does not break and she’s so tired. But she’s also supposed to be better than this. Isn’t that what the Major always said? Why Peter always resented her? Even Maria noticed. Mary-Alice is sturdy, reliable, consistent. If she falls, she gets back up. It… it would just be nice not to, just once.)
“How are you feeling?”
The Major’s voice is warm and kind and it almost makes her feel less pitiful.
“Present.” Her voice is quiet but her tone is clipped and distant, and she regrets it when she feels him withdraw slightly. She’s wrecking this, like she wrecks everything. It’s all she ever does.
(Maybe that’s why she was such a good soldier; she knows exactly how to ruin things.)
But the Major doesn’t leave. He just shifts so he’s not pressed quite so close, his cheek no longer resting against her hair. But his arm is still around her.
“Do you need to hunt?” He asks, and she doesn’t know. Everything feels odd and off balance and maybe she’s not as back as she originally thought.
So she doesn’t answer. She just rests her head back against the wall and closes her eyes.
The Major watches her for a moment before looking away. “When I met the Cullens,” he begins in a gentle voice, “I swear Esme only made Carlisle approach me because I resembled a drowned cat. Hadn’t stopped raining on the East Coast for weeks, and I’d been roaming the woods the entire time. I was disgusting. Maria would have thrown a bucket of water at my head weeks before if we’d been back home.
“And Esme took one look at me and whisper-bullied Carlisle into approaching me, like I couldn’t hear every single word. She kept saying that I looked cold.” The Major chuckles and she’s close enough that she feels the vibrations through his chest and it’s… it’s not unpleasant.
It’s strange being this close to another person and not being on edge. Not waiting for the killing blow, trying to figure out how to get to their throat first. Making sure that she knows exactly where their hands and teeth are, that she’s prepared for their next movement, for the tightening of their muscles before they lunge…
(It’s very strange being this close to someone, at all. She prefers to keep her distance normally. But this… it’s not the bad kind of strange, she doesn’t think. She’s just so intensely aware of him.)
“Just imagine it, will you - Esme wearing a tweed coat and riding boots and a hat to go hunting, and I look like a monster who spent a week sleeping in a swamp,” the Major continued, “And she was worried about me, like I was a soggy kitten.”
She can imagine it, honestly; his hair sticking to his face, and that gaunt, murderous look he got on his face when he was thirsty. Weeks of grime pressed into his clothing, his skin, looking like the monster from an old story or some mythological horror rising from the riverbed. Nothing sympathetic or pitiable about him for most people.
Right now, she feels oddly grateful to Esme for looking past all of that and seeing the Major as he could be.
“And you followed them home?” She tries to make the words sound light-hearted, but they fall flat and ugly, and she wants to take them back.
That makes the Major laugh out loud, a rumble against her side that is startling and she jumps a little.
“No. I told them to fuck off and leave me be; I had to tell them that a few times over the years until I gave in and talked to them. Let Esme convince me that taking a shower and accepting new clothing was a right and not charity. Let Carlisle remind me that I owed them nothing by ‘visiting’ with them. It took a long time for them to lure me over the threshold.” The Major takes her hand in his; his thumb smooths over a patch of scar tissue, a repetitive motion that feels… soft. Nice. “I think in the end, I hinted that I was ready for them to ask me to stay with them. I don’t think I was subtle about it either.”
“They didn’t ask you before then?” Mary-Alice feels the frustration boil for a second. She watched as much as she could bring herself to, for many years, and there are pieces that she’s missing. They just weren’t important enough for her to see, or something changed and recalling what she’d politely dismissed was too difficult.
(She had entrusted the Major to the Cullens. It didn’t matter that they had had no idea, all those years ago, her visions had made the contract. And even now, knowing that it all came together the way it was supposed to, it upsets her that he had to wait for so long to be taken home to his family.)
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reaperfromtheabyss · 8 months
whooops, got way too into character creation and just sent my GM 3 rapidfire max-length discord messages detailing the hypotheticals of the culture my character might have come from at midnight
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real-time-twilight · 9 months
Breaking Dawn in Real Time
December 25th, 2006 (Monday)
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌒
🌄 Sunrise: 8:04 AM
🌅 Sunset : 4:31 PM
Breaking Dawn, Ch. 34 ("Declared") [from Pg. 653]
12:00-6:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella, Edward, Renesmee and Jacob celebrate Christmas at Charlie's with Sue and the pack
6:30 PM (Approx.) - Bella & Co. arrive home at the Cullen house to a dispute between Amun and Carlisle following thy hasty departure of the reclusive and paranoid Alastair; Amun ends up agreeing to stay only to witness, not to fight
6:33 PM (Approx.) - Amun storms out; the remaining vampires declare their willingness to fight with the Cullens if the Volturi cannot be reasoned with
6:55 PM (Approx.) - Bella, Edward, and Jacob take Renesmee hunting; Bella has concerns about the infallibility of her shield because she is not immune to Renesmee's gift
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braveclementine · 3 months
We Get Some Help
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, smut, jealousy!fucking, pet names, personality sharing, harsh fucking, restraints/bondage, pet names, Lord kink, ragdoll treatment
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Carlisle, Esme, and I were now walking rather hurriedly after an Egyptian man- Amun- as we tried to convince him to come with us.
"Amun, please!" Carlisle begged as I tiptoed lightly after him.
"I cannot help you, Carlisle." Amun said, stopping long enough to turn and face us.
"We're not asking you to fight." I whispered. "Just to look. Our kids are in danger."
His mates face softened a little bit at my begging, but Amun was not so easily persuaded.
"I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent." Carlisle said, putting a hand on Amun's arm.
At that moment, the water in the fountain started shifting upwards, creating a barrier between the exit and us. Carlisle and Esme looked at me.
I shrugged, "It wasn't me."
I looked across the water to see a younger man, quite handsome looking in fact, his hands raised, looking over at us, "I'd like to hear about it. I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden."
There was a young woman next to him as well. Must be his mate.
"I can't imagine why." Carlisle answered and I honestly couldn't pick up if it was sarcasm or not.
The young man let the water drop and as it went to splash all over us, I took control of the water, making it shape into two large balls, resting above the palms of my hands before I let it settle back down into the fountain gently.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you it's impolite to splash guests?" I asked with a smirk.
He smirked back and we all moved to meet each other at the other end of the fountain.
The boy reached his hand out to me first, "Davina." I said.
"Benjamin." He said, "Nice to meet another elemental."
"Only water." I said, withdrawing my hand.
"Carlisle." Carlisle said as his hand was shaken next.
We sent them on their way, moving to Japan next.
There was a nomad there named Toshiro. He told Carlisle that he would debate coming to Forks and would think about it.
As Carlisle and Esme turned to leave I said, "You might think that you would be safer staying here. But Aro will know whether or not you even decided to come for a split second. And that split second. . ."
And with that I disappeared into the shadows, letting him think my words over.
And finally, we returned with the very last witness. Alistair. A nomad. I honestly couldn't stand him as I sat in the front seat, pitying Esme who was sitting beside him.
Bella and Edward came to greet us out front.
"How many came?" Carlisle asked in greeting of Edward.
"Eighteen." Edward said. "You have some good friends."
I guess Toshiro hadn't shown up. Pity.
"And Alice?" Esme asked.
Bella just shook her head, making Esme pull her into a tight hug. Marcel was leaning against the door frame of the house, waiting for Esme to come in.
"Where's Caroline, Nik, and Sammy?" I asked Bella.
"Upstairs with Seth and Leah." Edward said. "They like staying away from the vampires. It makes Leah's skin crawl."
I smirked, disappearing into the house. I winked at Benjamin as I passed by, smiling at Tia- his mate, as well. I could see everyone else that had shown up.
Two from the Amazon coven, all of the Egyptian coven, three Irish, Garrett, Mary, Peter, Charlotte, Randall, Alistair, Charles, and Makenna. They were all nomads.
I greeted all of them with a breezy, "Hello," and then made my way up the stairs to join my kids.
I could hear Carlisle and Esme rejoining the others downstairs.
Not only were Seth and Leah upstairs with my kids, but so were Embry and Bree, binge watching the Marvel movies.
"Hey kiddos." I said, making my kids turn around and leap into my arms.
"Mom!" Caroline said happily, "Guess what Niklaus can do?"
"I thought I said no powers?" I questioned.
"Yeah, but we didn't know Nik had powers until a few days ago." Caroline said with a grin.
I turned to look at Nik with a small smile. "So, what can you do?"
"I can mimic other vampire's abilities." Nik said solemnly.
"Really?" I asked, astonished.
"Yes. All I have to do is touch them, and then I have gained their ability." Nik said, touching my hand.
That would make him one of the most powerful vampires on the planet if he lived for a long time.
"But I wouldn't do anything bad if I was the most powerful vampire." Nik said easily.
"So you touched Edward I'm assuming?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes." Niklaus said, drifting back to the couch to pick up another book. "I think having several powers would make great use in the upcoming battle."
That made my blood turn cold. "Niklaus! You aren't even a year old! You aren't even six months old! You can't possibly think that you are going to be fighting in this battle! And even if you were a year old you wouldn't then!"
"But if I could just touch this Jane person everyone is so scared about I could turn her power on herself!" Niklaus protested.
"Absolutely not." I said coldly. "You are not fighting!"
There was a silence downstairs. I wondered if everyone had left or if they were just listening in.
"But mom!" Niklaus said.
"Yes!" Caroline said with her puppy dog eyes. "No one can catch me. And I'll teleport Niklaus around so that he can take people out!"
"No!" I said furiously. "This is not a game! CARLISLE!"
Carlisle was at my side in an instant, looking warily between me and the kids. "They think they are going to fight." I spat angrily, even though it wasn't him I was angry with. I wasn't angry at them either. I was frustrated. I hated Irina.
Carlisle sighed, trying to be diplomatic. "You three will not be participating in the battle. Do you understand? It is to dangerous. Not only for yourselves, but for others. Especially you two Care and Samuel. Leah and Seth might get hurt trying to protect you if you are reckless. And someone else might get hurt trying to protect you Nik. You will sit the battle out and if you don't, you'll be grounded for a whole year afterwards."
Pretending that we were going to still be here after the battle.
"Besides." Carlisle said, sounding optimistic. "It's not even going to come to a battle, so there is no reason for you to get involved."
I felt myself relaxing, believing his words too.
It wasn't the last of their conversations, but as I kept them down at La Push with Seth and Leah- mostly to get Leah out of the house so that she didn't kill and vampires when they intended to go hunting- the conversations were rarely disputed.
Bella was also trying to learn how to fight. Edward absolutely refused to teach her. Emmett didn't really teach her- more beat her up in a sense.
There were a few others that attempted teaching her. Garrett in particular was an incredible teacher. In fact, he was incredible altogether. I absolutely loved his attitude and charisma. We got into rather heated debates about the Beatles. He was from the Revolutionary war era and therefore, deemed anything British as terrible.
"But the music didn't enslave you." I argued heatedly. "It's good music!"
"It's British." He said firmly.
"I swear I will force you to listen to it. Besides, British accents are hot."
Carlisle coughed discretely behind me. I ignored him.
"Well then you have poor taste in men." Garrett said, red eyes narrowing.
"I have excellent taste in men, thank you very much." I smirked, jabbing a thumb over my shoulder at Carlisle who buried his head deeper into his book.
Garrett stared at me a moment longer before carefully saying, "You know, I've been to every battle in history."
"Ah?" I questioned, trying to figure out where this was going.
"And though I wasn't at the bombing of Fort Knox, I was there for the aftermath." Garrett continued, gauging my reaction.
I set my jaw in a harsh manner, "That's what you want to talk about?"
"I believe you're innocent." Garrett pointed out.
"What a relief." I muttered.
"Carlisle would never have married you if you had been guilty." Garrett said with a shrug.
"Alright, can we not talk about this." Carlisle muttered from behind us.
I giggled, "I didn't realize you were a part of this conversation."
Carlisle glared half-heartedly at me. I pressed a kiss to his lips and then turned to Garrett. "The others are gathering outside."
"Ah, let's take the debate to the fresh air and get some more intelligent opinions on British shit."
"For the record, The Beatles are one of the best bands out there." I said, firmly believing this to be true. "What? You don't like Harry Potter either?"
"Never watched it nor have I read the books." Garrett said stubbornly.
"And now you need to be forgiven for your sins." I quipped.
Kate had just grabbed Bella's arm, electricity rushing through her hands. Bella didn't even react and Kate said, "oh, yeah, she's a shield all right. Should put her on her ass."
I saw that Carlisle and Esme had joined us as well.
"Or your voltage has been exaggerated." Garrett claimed from behind her. I snickered.
Kate turned, undeterred, holding her hand out, "Maybe it only works on the weak." She wiggled her fingers dauntingly and I smirked.
"What's with the hesitation Garrett?" I teased. "A Beatles song would've been over by now."
He glared at me, moving his hand out to touch Kate's.
"Garrett, I wouldn't." Carlisle warned.
"Don't ruin my fun." I said with another smirk, this time aimed at Carlisle as Garrett touched Kate's hand. There was a zap of electricity and Garrett fell in pain on his knees.
'KNEEEEEEL' Loki's voice rang through my head and Edward rolled his eyes. I wrinkled my nose at him.
"You are an amazing woman." Garrett said slowly, staring up at Kate. I grinned.
Suddenly, we could hear fast, vampiric speed like footsteps, approaching from another direction. That didn't make sense. All of the vampires were already here. We weren't expecting anyone else- unless Toshiro was going to show up.
"There's two of them." I said quickly.
And then I was off, sprinting towards them.
I could hear laughing and barking- sounds from Jacob training the new werewolves.
Then I heard a voice cry "Whoopa" and there was the sound of two sets of footsteps landing on the ground.
I came to a stop, nodding a hello to Jacob and the others.
"Well hello beautiful." The one with white hair said.
I raised an eyebrow as the others- Carlisle, Edward, Eleazar, Kate, and Tanya- came to a stop behind me. I saw that Jacob had three other wolves with him, all very gangly and uncoordinated. I hadn't met these yet.
"Vladimir, Stefan." Carlisle greeted them with just the slightest hint of annoyance. "You're a long way from home."
"What are they doing here?" I heard Kate ask from behind me.
"We heard that the Volturi are moving against you." The white haired one said. Was that Vladimir? Or Stefan? Would've been better if Vladimir had been called Damon. That would've been incredibly satisfying.
I heard Edward sigh somewhere around me.
"But that you would not stand alone."
"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle said.
"We do not care what you did, Carlisle." The white haired one said in a bored tone. Oh my. . . his accent. . .
"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." the darker haired one said.
I was going to go out on a limb and guess that the white haired one was Vladimir. I was going to throw a fit if the hot one had a terrible name like 'Stefan'.
"Mom." Edward hissed under his breath.
"Sorry." I hissed back.
"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle amended quickly.
"Shame." Hopefully Vladimir said and I smiled. I was really liking this Vampire. He tilted his head to probably Stefan. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."
"They enjoy a good fight." Maybe Stefan said with a bit of a chuckle.
"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar asked, stepping forward and Carlisle turned to look at him.
"Aww." Possibly Vladimir said with a slight click of his tongue. "Still hoping they'll listen?"
I exchanged a look with Carlisle, "What is he talking about?"
Carlisle just shook his head as we made our way back to the house. Once there, Eleazar gathered everyone to explain- first the two new vampires- and then this news about 'Aro's witnesses'.
"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." Eleazar started out saying.
"So he's done this before." Bella asked.
Everyone was there. Every coven member, ever nomad, even our kids and the few werewolves that hung around.
"It happens so rarely I never realized it was a pattern." Eleazar said.
"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle said from the couch.
"This person always has an ability." Eleazar says, his arms still crossed, still leaning against the windowsill. "And they're always given a place with the guard."
"This is all about Alice." Edward said.
"And that's why she ran." I whispered.
"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked.
"To spread the word that justice has been served." Alistair spoke up from his corner. "After he slaughters an entire coven bigger than his own."
Amun and Kebi were the first to move, walking towards the door. "Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving." Amun announced.
"And where will you go?" Edward questioned. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next?"
Amun pointed a finger at me, "She can do the same!"
"Minus three elements." I retorted.
"Or Zafrina or Kate." Edward continued, ignoring the both of us. "Or anyone else with a gift, anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family, but also for yours. And for the way you want to live."
There was silence, everyone eyeing each other. Jacob was the first to stand to his feet, Seth and Leah joining him, "The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires."
"We will fight." Tanya said, her, Carmen, and Kate rising to their feet from the other couch next.
"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule." Garrett said and I smiled at him.
"We'll join you." Benjamin spoke, drawing Amun's attention to him.
"I will do the right thing, Amun." Benjamin said, giving me a slight nod. "You may do as you please."
"We will stand with you." Zafrini said.
"So will we." The Irish Coven said, standing up as well.
All the other nomads did not speak, nodding instead.
"That didn't take much." Vladimir (who was the white haired guy) muttered to Stefan.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Edward said.
"We'll see." Alistair said to Carlisle. I glared at him. He left the room first, leaving everyone to look after him.
Everyone started to prepare even more. If not to talk, then to fight.
Meanwhile, I kept my sights on Japan, specifically Toshiro. With Marcel's help, we got the military cameras of Japan up and running, taking in his whereabouts. He was making plans to come to Forks.
I hoped he got here sooner rather than later.
And a few days later, he did.
None to soon, as when he arrived, only hours later did I catch sights of the Volturi in the city. I showed him the cameras, several vampires looking over my shoulders. "I did warn you they would come for you." I said to him.
"And I am here now." Toshiro said with wide red eyes.
I nodded and Marcel shut the cameras down, wiping out the fact that we had even used them.
A few days later, I was sitting in the living room on Carlisle's lap as Edward talking strategy with him and Emm bear. Several others stayed in the room as well.
"Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves." Edward said.
"To bad we don't all have your shield." Garrett said. Kate was standing next to him, rather close and I smiled.
"Doesn't help me fight though." Bella pointed out.
"No, but you could help the rest of us." Tanya said. "If you could project it."
"What do you mean?" Bella asked.
"I mean shield someone other than yourself." Tanya said and I wanted to add 'duh'.
"Is that possible?" Bella asked.
'Obviously if she's suggesting it' my brain thought and Edward glared at me. 'Sorry'.
"Gifts can be developed. Over time." Carlisle said softly, running his hand over my hair. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt. This was the first time that I had seen him wear something other than his doctor uniform or something formal. They were usually all so formal. But now it was like they had dropped the charade.
"At first, mine was just in my palms." Kate said. "Now I can radiate it all over my body."
"How do you do it?" Bella asked urgently. "Tell me." She grabbed Kate's hand.
"Ow." Kate said flatly.
They decided to move things outside. Carlisle and I stayed put for the time being. I snuggled into his chest. "Everything is going to be alright." I murmured. "Probably."
"Reassuring." Carlisle said. I knew he was trying to jest, but everything was to tense for that.
"You know what we need to do?" I asked quietly.
"No." Carlisle said.
I slid the hoodie off his shoulders. "First, we should go back to our house. Just some alone time for the two of us. You can take all of your anxiety and frustration out of me rather favorably. And then we'll have a nice long hot shower. And then, you're going to put on your fancy dress clothes, okay?"
"Sounds nice." Vladimir said from behind us rather suddenly, "Mind if I join?"
Carlisle glared at him over my shoulder.
I chuckled quietly, placing a kiss on Carlisle's forehead. "I might've let you if your name was Damon," I said with a smirk, "Shame."
Vladimir chuckled, disappearing again somewhere upstairs.
"So?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Carlisle scooped me up into his arms, racing away from the main house until we reached our little cottage.
"Oh darling, I'm going to ruin you."
For the first time in a long time, I saw Lord flicker behind Carlisle's eyes.
The minute we entered the bedroom, I completely submitted under him. Our clothes were on the floor in scraps and we were on the bed, cottons sheets fluffing upwards at the sudden two-person landing.
Carlisle's hands were firm and heavy on my hips as he pressed a very slow, teasing kiss to my pussy before diving in with his tongue and teeth.
I let out a pleasured moan at the feeling of his cool tongue and my hot core mixing together. It was almost ultimate pleasure and it was only heightened as Carlisle groaned, shooting vibrations up my lips to my clit.
"C-C-Carlisle." I whimpered. There was a soft coil in my stomach, but I needed more. Carlisle, much to my demise, pulled away, kissing down my thighs instead. I whimpered again.
He chuckled lowly under his breath, the lowness shooting tingly feelings to the core of my stomach. "Patience darling."
"I- I'm not very patient." I muttered.
"I know." He grinned. He maneuvered himself over my body, one arm wrapping around the base of my neck to pull me into a kiss, the other unexpectedly plunging two digits into my wetness.
I moaned into his mouth, lips parting. His tongue entered my mouth, clashing with mine for a few seconds before I submitted again at the overwhelming feeling of his fingers plunging into me over and over again, his palm hitting my clit every time he thrusted in.
The coil started to build up again, but once again, not enough. "Carlisle, please." I begged, throwing my head back.
"Mmm, eyes on me darling." Carlisle said, his lips trailing down my jaw to my neck, biting and sucking, leaving large purple bruises that started healing very slowly. Once he reached my breasts, he started to lick and kiss them. He took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and swirling before biting and then moving to the other one to repeat his actions. Meanwhile, his fingers seemed to move even faster and his thumb started swirling patterns on my clit.
My eyes started to tear up as I tried to keep my eyes on him to the best of my ability. "Carlisle I'm gonna-"
"No you're not." Carlisle said simply with almost no emotion, flicking his tongue out over my right nipple, making me writhe and moan again. "Hold it."
I whimpered, tears falling down my face, body shaking, pussy clenching around his fingers. His pace increased even more, the speed of his thumb almost mind-blowing. My toes clenched tightly, trying to relieved some of the tension.
"Words darling." Carlisle said.
"Please Carlisle, please." I begged. "Please, I wanna-"
"Beg better than that baby." Carlisle said, his eyes slowly becoming black as he moved lower, adding his tongue to the mix of fingers at the start of my core.
I attempted to buck my hips but his other hand kept my waist down firmly. "Please Carlisle. Please. I wanna cum. Please?"
"Mm." Was all he said, with a slight dip of his head and I let go, white fuzzy shock washing through my body. I could feel his tongue working me through my orgasm, this thumb not letting up though his fingers had pulled out of me.
He pulled away from my pulsating core, moving over me. His once blond, now more strawberry blond, hair hung in his eyes, his pink tongue darting out to catch every trace of my arousal and I found myself getting wet just at the sight.
"Delicious as always sweetheart." He growled.
I whimpered as he flipped my body over before slamming himself into me without warning. Though it was unexpected and unusual of Carlisle, I had told him to take his frustration out on me.
And Fuck if I wasn't enjoying it.
I had honestly never felt better.
My fingers clutched at the bedsheets as he pounded into me, every stroke bringing such immense pleasure I didn't think it could get better. But it did. Slowly with every other thrust it got better and better, the coil in my stomach started to tighten and contract and tighten again. And I was so sure I was going to burst.
"CARLISLE!" I whimpered.
"Absolutely not." He growled in my ear. "Don't you dare."
And it was most definitely Lord in control.
"My Lord, please." I begged, a few more tears slipping down my cheeks. "Please! I-"
He forced his fingers into my open mouth, choking me rather effectively as he pressed his body down against my back tightly, hitting me at a new angle that made my eyes roll into the back of my head.
"Fuck Davina." Lord growled. "You're fucking mine."
I would've mumbled 'All yours' except that I couldn't. So I just did the best to nod my head and whine pathetically.
My arms were trembling, trying to hold myself up in the position that he wanted me in. One of his arms wrapped around me, holding me up himself. "I fuck you so good you can't even hold yourself up."
His fingers retracted from my mouth. He pulled me up a little straighter, his cock ramming into me at a new angle once again, hitting my cervix over and over as I whimpered, moaned, and fucking mewled.
I was putty in his arms, melting. "Fuck, Lord. Feels so good. I'm so close. Please let me cum. Please Lord."
He chuckled darkly, his thrusts slow, and I nearly cried in frustration. "Fuck darling. Missed this fucking pussy. Missed you wrapped around me like this."
Even in his darkest moments, Carlisle was almost never like this.
And I knew what had made him snap.
I almost wanted to make a joke, tell him Vladimir would let me finish, but I held my tongue. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to get punished tonight.
Oh but teasing was so much fun. . .
And then my orgasm hit me like a truck, flowing down his hard cock which didn't stop its thrusts, wringing out my orgasm until it started feeling like overstimulation. His fingers reached down, finding my nub and I let out a scream of blinding pleasure as a second- third?- one crashed down on me.
Carlisle pulled out, flipped me over, and slammed back into me as my back was on the bed. "Gonna watch that pretty little face of yours as I make you cum over and over again. No one else can make you feel this good. You're mine, yeah?"
"All yours Lord. All yours." I whimpered, my hands finding themselves in his fluffy hair. I was so glad that I was a vampire werewolf hybrid thing because if I was human, I would've broken under his amount of pleasure. As it was, I was trying very hard to keep it together.
He attacked my neck and upper chest with kisses and bites, as though determined not to leave an inch of my skin unmarked. I gripped his shoulders, nails dragging down the marble like back of my husband.
I knew if I could sweat, I would be and I was glad that there were a few human things I could not do.
The pleasure was starting to become even more immense and I cried out his name again.
"You gonna cum for me baby?" Lord said, his eyes the blackest I had ever seen them. "Gonna fucking cum all over my cock and prove that you're mine?"
I whimpered and whined at his words.
"Yes! Carlisle! Lord! Yes! Please! Please don't stop! I'm gonna cum! Carlisle please."
Lord moaned above me, a deep sound that ended me, another orgasm rushing through my body, heating it up, sending white flashes through my head.
"You look ravishing like this." Carlisle growled lowly, staring into my face with hunger and passion. "Fuck you're squeezing me so good. M'gonna cum darling."
I had no answers as I felt him release into me, his release long and large. Slowly, very slowly, his eyes started to return back to gold, thrusting his hips just a few more times before he pulled out of me slowly.
Our mixed release dripped from both his cock and my pussy onto the bed sheets but neither of us cared. I was to busy gauging Carlisle's reaction as he came back from Lord's control.
Carlisle blinked a few times and then leaned over me, a cautious expression on his face, "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I? I wasn't to rough or anything?"
I giggled, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him on the lips. "If flirting with a few guys is all it takes to get you to do that, I'll be flirting with every guy in sight."
Carlisle growled into my neck, "Or you could ask nicely and spare me the jealousy."
I giggled again, pressing soft kisses to his own neck, "Deal. But really, Carlisle, it was wonderful. I had no idea your mind could be so dirty."
Carlisle buried his head into my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head. "Ready to go back?"
"No." Carlisle said, sliding his hands to my hips, flipping me over so I was above him, and settled me back down on his cock, both of us hissing as the sensitivity of everything before it was healed. "How about another eight rounds?"
I smirked, "Ten."
Carlisle pulled my face down to meet his in a crushing kiss before pulling away a little and said, "Well then, you better get to riding me."
"Yes sir." I quipped and settled down to my task.
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"HELLO THERE, LITTLE ONE," HE GREETED me with a warm smile, extending his hand towards me. His towering figure loomed over me, much like Siobhan and Liam. His rugged face was adorned with a thick layer of stubble, and his lips curved upwards in a friendly manner. Although his approach was amiable, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance when he referred to me as 'little one'. However, I knew he didn't mean any harm by it. I shook his hand and returned his smile.
"My name is Garrett," he introduced himself. "And what might your name be?"
"I'm Violet," I replied, "Violet Khotler from the British Coven."
"Ah, the British Coven," Garrett tilted his head, "I must say, I wasn't a fan of the first British invasion, and the second one is even worse."
"I haven't been a vampire for very long," I admitted nervously, "so I'm not sure if I can fully understand."
Garrett smirked, "So, how long have you been a vampire?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "It's been a while."
"So, you're like a baby vampire then?" he teased.
I folded my arms, "I wouldn't say that. I'm seventeen."
"And I'm the President of the United States," Garrett quipped, causing me to chuckle. He joined in on the laughter, "I'm just kidding, of course. The Volturi would have my head if I were."
"Now that I agreed. How long have you been a vampire?"
"Around two hundred years," he answered. "I was born during the American Revolution, in New England. I willingly fought for the colonies' right to self-govern. I was what people would call a true believer in the American dream.
"I got transformed around 1780, during the war. I was transformed by accident in the aftermath of the battle. I was with an isolated group of ten soldiers when a vampire attacked us, knocking me unconscious. I woke up three days later as a fully-fledged vampire. I'm always curious and willing to investigate a mystery, and after my transformation, I strove to understand what had happened to me."
"And did you find out who did it?"
"No," Garrett shook his head, looking at the ground. "And it seems like I'll never know."
Then, he turned his head to me. "What about you? How did you get turned?"
"I ran away from home," I began. "Bunch of bikers showed up and a vampire named Victoria came out of nowhere and saved me from them." I sighed sadly. "Or I thought she was saving me."
"I got a feeling there's more to that."
"She made an army of newborns with one goal: to kill Bella." I turned my head to him. "Bella was human at the time. I don't recall the whole reason for it but it got something to do with Edward killing her mate."
Garrett nodded. "I understand. She lost her mate and she wants justice."
"I wouldn't say justice," I disagreed. "Revenge, yes. Then, the wolves showed up and killed the newborns. Except for me, unknowingly thanks to my invisibility."
"Hey, that's useful."
"Then, I saw the Volturi. Well, the Volturi guards to be precise." I clarified myself. "And after they left, Carlisle took me to the British Coven and they became my family ever since."
"At least your story got some kind of a happy ending," Garrett said and began to walk away. "Well, nice to meet you, kid. I'm going with Kate to hunt."
"Okay," I replied and he walked towards the Denali Coven.
As I scanned the room, my eyes landed on Bella. She was leaning against the wall, her arms folded tightly across her chest. Her golden eyes were scanning the area, taking in every detail. I couldn't help but feel drawn to her, so I walked over and stood beside her.
"Hey," I said softly, causing her to turn her head towards me. "You okay?"
Bella let out a deep sigh before answering. "Well, aside from the Volturi coming to kill us and not knowing where Alice and Jasper are, I'm fine. At least for now."
My heart sank at her words, and I couldn't help but fidget with my sleeves. "Sorry I asked," I muttered.
"It's not your fault," she replied, her voice heavy with worry. "I wonder why Irina wanted to come this way before she discovered Renesmee."
"Maybe she wanted to make amends with you at the wedding," I suggested. "I mean, she did it with me, and I'm thinking it might have been the same reason."
Bella nodded thoughtfully, her eyes scanning the room once again. "I can't believe they all came to stand as witnesses."
"We're defending you all," I reminded her. "Especially Renesmee."
As I spoke those words, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. We were all here, standing together, ready to fight for what we believed in. And no matter what happened, we would do everything in our power to protect each other.
"Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude," Bella spoke with a hint of emotion in her voice. Her gaze shifted towards the red-eyed vampires, their thirst for human blood adding a layer of complexity to the situation. The nomads that Rosalie and Emmett sent were unpredictable, but it was Peter who had fought alongside Jasper as a newborn that made things even more challenging.
With a nod towards the cowboy-belt kid, Bella continued, "And then there's Jacob." Suddenly, a putrid scent filled the air, as if a dog had just taken a dip in a muddy lake. I turned my head to the right and saw Jacob approaching us, his presence almost unbearable.
"Jacob," I said, my nose wrinkling in disgust. "You're in dire need of a shower."
"I'm not that bad," Jacob chuckled, his carefree attitude not matching his pungent odour.
I turned to Bella, hoping she could confirm my olfactory distress. "You smell it too, right?"
Bella nodded, her nose scrunching up in agreement. "Yeah, Jake. You definitely need a shower."
I gestured towards her, relieved to have someone else on my side. "See? Even Bella agrees."
Jacob sighed, his eyes scanning the room filled with vampires. "There sure are a lot of red eyes around here."
I couldn't help but interject. "And golden eyes, don't forget about us."
I chuckled to myself, amused by my own joke. Jacob and Bella looked at me, perplexed by my sudden outburst.
"What's so funny?" Jacob asked, his confusion evident.
"I was just thinking of that Tina Turner song when I said 'golden eyes'," I admitted.
"You mean the James Bond movie?" Jacob asked, trying to keep up.
"Yeah, that one," I confirmed.
Bella's tone turned serious, interrupting our banter. "Jake, they agreed not to hunt in the area."
I noticed Amun's hateful glare towards Jacob, and I couldn't help but wonder if he knew what Jacob truly was.
Jacob shrugged, his nonchalant attitude returning. "They'll feed somewhere."
"How many of the Quileutes have been transformed?" Bella inquired, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"Thus far, about seven," he responded, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. "But I anticipate that number to increase soon."
My mind was reeling with confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice trembling with bewilderment.
Jacob's eyes flickered with a fierce intensity as he began to explain the intricacies of their tribe's unique instinct called phasing. It was a power that was only activated when a member of their tribe encountered the scent of vampires and sensed the need for protection. There was no set age for the gene to activate, only the number of members required to counter the approaching vampires.
"We used to believe that only males could phase," Jacob continued, his voice tinged with surprise. "But then Leah Clearwater phased, and she's a direct descendant of the spirit chiefs."
My mind was blown. "So that means Seth...?" I trailed off, my eyes widening with excitement.
"Is also a direct descendant of the spirit chiefs," Jacob confirmed, his chest swelling with pride.
I couldn't help but feel envious of their rich heritage. "That sounds amazing," I murmured, my voice filled with longing. "I wish I knew my family tree."
Jacob's hand landed on my shoulder, his eyes filled with a sense of comfort. "You will someday," he assured me.
Suddenly, Jacob's face turned stern, and his gaze shifted to the side. "Make that the eighth one," he muttered before racing out of the house.
As Bella and Edward discussed the arrival of the last witness, I began to interview the cowboy Peter, eager to uncover the secrets of the nomads.
Peter was a wanderlust vampire, traversing the vast expanse of North America with his beloved mate, Charlotte. Theirs was a bond forged in the fires of passion and strengthened by the trials of nomadic life. It was during their time in the Mexican coven, under the leadership of the fearsome vampire Maria, that Peter met Jasper. The two became fast friends, brothers in arms, and their bond was unbreakable. Jasper's mate, Alice, was also drawn into their circle of trust, and the four of them were inseparable.
Peter's transformation occurred in the roaring twenties, a time of great change and upheaval. Charlotte followed suit five years later, her transformation a result of Maria's insatiable thirst for power. She was but a pawn in Maria's game, a mere tool to be used and discarded. But Peter would not stand for it. He and Jasper hatched a daring plan to rescue Charlotte from the clutches of the evil coven, and they succeeded. It was a turning point in their lives, a moment of triumph that would forever bind them together.
Years passed, and Jasper and Alice eventually parted ways with Peter and Charlotte. But fate had other plans for them. When the Volturi threatened the Cullens' very existence, Jasper knew that he had to act. He suggested that they seek out Peter and Charlotte, who could testify against the Volturi's accusations. And so it was that Alice and Jasper found their old friends and brought them to Forks.
The Cullens were wary of Peter and Charlotte at first, unsure of what to make of these two nomadic vampires. But as they learned more about their past and their struggles, they began to see them in a new light. Unlike the Denali coven, who had reacted with fear and hostility to Renesmee, the Cullens were more open-minded. They had never encountered an immortal child before, and they were willing to listen to Peter and Charlotte's testimony.
As I delved deeper into the mysterious world of the Cullens, I stumbled upon a fascinating tale of two nomads. The first, Mary, hailed from the rugged shores of Nova Scotia and underwent her transformation at the tender age of 28. Despite befriending the Cullen family, Mary's values on human life differed greatly from theirs, leading her to wander alone and rarely keep in touch with her acquaintances. It was only when Emmett and Rosalie sought her out and sent her to Forks, citing a family crisis, that Mary's path crossed with that of another nomadic vampire, Randall.
Randall, born in sunny California in 1945, was transformed in 1963 and had always considered Carlisle a close friend. Like Mary, he was summoned to Forks by the Cullens, with little explanation beyond the urgent need for his assistance. It was during his journey to the Cullen abode that Randall encountered Mary, and the two formed an unlikely bond as they made their way to the family's doorstep.
As I immersed myself in the details of their stories, my senses were suddenly heightened by the sound of footsteps echoing from the attic above. Intrigued, I made my way towards the source of the noise, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the walls of the Cullen house.
I ascended the stairs, my golden eyes scanning the room, searching for any sign of the intruder who had dared to enter the attic uninvited. My mind raced with the thought that perhaps the Volturi had sent someone to harm Renesmee. But I would not let that happen. I would protect her at all costs.
Suddenly, my gaze fell upon a thin string dangling from the square-shaped door. Without hesitation, I leapt up and grabbed hold of it, pulling it down with all my might. The door creaked open, revealing a ladder that carefully lowered to the ground. I climbed up, my movements silent and swift.
As I entered the attic, I activated my invisibility, blending seamlessly into the shadows. The room was filled with boxes, piled high and covered in a thick layer of dust. I moved slowly, cautiously, my senses on high alert.
And then I saw him. A figure standing among the boxes, his red eyes scanning the room with a sense of purpose. He was tall, at least six foot two, with blonde hair that fell to his neck and a beard that covered his pale face. He looked to be in his twenties, with a slender build and a sense of danger that hung about him like a cloak.
He wore a black leather trench coat, the fur on the collar and armholes worn and frayed. Underneath, he had on a dark grey hoodie, ripped and tattered, and a pair of dark jeans that hung loosely on his frame. His boots were scuffed and worn, and his hands were covered in fingerless woolly black gloves.
He reminded me of a homeless man, the kind you might see on the streets, but there was something about him that set him apart. Something that made my skin crawl and my heart race. I knew that he was here for a reason, and that reason was not a good one. But I would not let him harm Renesmee. Not on my watch.
He stood there, gazing out the window with a pensive expression etched on his face. His thoughts were a jumbled mess, a chaotic whirlwind of emotions that he couldn't seem to shake off. He let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
"Why did Carlisle have to drag me into this?" he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with sadness. He shook his head in disbelief, his eyes narrowing in frustration. "Some friend he turned out to be."
He wasn't supposed to be here, not in the attic, not with the Volturi. He wasn't one of them, he didn't belong here. And yet, here he was, trapped in this endless cycle of duty and obligation.
Suddenly, he turned his head towards me, his eyes blazing with confusion. He took a step forward, his movements slow and deliberate. He looked down at the ground, his arms folded tightly across his chest.
"The whole purpose of me being in the attic is to be alone," he said, his voice low and measured. "So why am I sensing I'm not alone?"
I froze, unsure of what to say. He was gifted, like Joseph, and I didn't know if he was speaking to me or if he was just talking to himself. Maybe it was best if I didn't answer him.
He moved back to the window and sat down, his eyes fixed on the horizon. I watched him for a moment, unsure of what to do. He was lost in his own thoughts, a prisoner of his own mind. And I couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find his way back.
"I never wanted to be here," he muttered under his breath, his words dripping with disdain.
The sound of his voice was like nails on a chalkboard to me. I could feel my anger rising, my blood boiling with fury. I couldn't stand the thought of someone so callous and indifferent in the face of danger.
Without a second thought, I shed my invisibility and marched towards him, my eyes blazing with fury. I could feel the heat of my anger radiating off of me like a furnace.
"What is wrong with you?!" I bellowed, my voice echoing through the empty room. The vampire jumped, startled by my sudden appearance. His eyes flicked up to meet mine, and I could see the red glow of his irises in the dim light.
"My friend's family is in danger, and all you can do is complain about being here?!" I continued, my voice rising with each word.
The vampire looked at me, his expression unreadable. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice low and apologetic. "I just...I don't have much hope left."
I scoffed, my eyes narrowing in disbelief. "That's no excuse," I spat. "You should be doing everything in your power to help us, not dragging us down with your negativity."
The vampire looked at me, his eyes flashing with anger. "You don't understand," he growled. "I've been on the run for centuries. I've seen things you couldn't even imagine. And now I'm on Aro's list. Do you have any idea what that means?"
I rolled my eyes, my patience wearing thin. "Of course I know what it means," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "The Volturi are dangerous. But that's no reason to give up hope."
The vampire glared at me, his lips curling into a sneer. "Don't joke about them," he warned.
I raised an eyebrow, my expression incredulous. "Am I laughing?" I asked.
The vampire smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Well, if the witch can," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
I felt my anger flare up again, hotter than before. "Say that again," I hissed, my voice low and dangerous.
The vampire looked at me, his eyes widening in surprise. "If the witch can," he repeated, his voice taunting.
That was all it took. In an instant, my hair was floating around me like a halo of darkness, my eyes glowing with a fierce purple light. My fists clenched, crackling with energy.
And then I charged.
I lunged at him with the fury of a storm, my movements precise and powerful. He dodged my initial attack, slipping to the side with surprising agility. But I didn't relent. I pursued him relentlessly, our clash echoing through the attic as we grappled and exchanged blows.
He countered with speed and skill, blocking my strikes and launching his own in return. Each blow reverberated with force, shaking the boxes and rattling the dusty room. We were locked in a dance of combat, each of us pushing the other to the limit.
I managed to land a solid hit on his chest, knocking him back against a stack of boxes. But he recovered quickly, retaliating with a swift kick that grazed my side. The pain fueled my determination, and I pressed on with renewed vigor.
We circled each other, eyes locked in fierce determination. He lunged at me again, aiming for my throat, but I sidestepped and countered with a roundhouse kick to his ribs. He staggered but didn't falter, his resilience matching my own.
As our fight continued, the attic seemed to shrink around us, the air thick with tension and exertion. Neither of us would yield, both driven by our own motivations and histories. It was a battle not just of strength, but of wills.
In a sudden burst of energy, I seized an opening and tackled him to the ground, pinning him beneath me. His struggles were futile against my grip, and I held him down with a firm resolve.
"Take it back! TAKE IT BACK!" I demanded, my voice echoing through the attic.
He grunted in defiance, his eyes blazing with defiance. "Don't think just 'cause you're a girl, I'm gonna take it easy on you!"
I pressed my advantage, locking his arms behind his back with unyielding force. He winced in pain, but I didn't relent. I had to make him understand the gravity of his words, the impact they had on our precarious situation.
The struggle continued, a battle of strength and endurance in the dimly lit attic. Our conflict mirrored the larger tensions brewing beyond these walls, each of us a microcosm of the forces at play in our world of shadows and secrets.
Then, I felt someone pulling me back, away from him. Looking up, I briefly saw Ingram's face, realized he was the one holding me. And weirdly, I didn't feel as much anger as I had a few minutes ago. Instead, it made me feel comforted. His presence, strong and steady, was a stark contrast to the chaos I had just been enveloped in. It felt as if a wave of calm had washed over me, cooling the fiery rage that had been consuming me.
"Violet!" Simon's voice cut through the air, sharp and clear, and I raised my head to see him looking at me with concern etched into his features. But I didn't think it was for me. "Why are you attacking Alistair?" His voice held a mix of confusion and disapproval, making me pause.
I glared at Simon for a second, my eyes blazing with residual anger, before turning my attention back to the nomad who had been named Alistair. I removed myself from him, my body trembling with adrenaline, and felt the tension drain slightly as I stepped away.
"Hi, Simon," Alistair said with a groan, pushing himself up from the floor and dusting off his clothes. "Long time no see." His casual demeanor seemed out of place given the intensity of the moment.
As he got up from the floor, I spotted Gabriel, Joseph, and Carlisle coming up the stairs. Their arrival brought a renewed sense of urgency and clarity to my racing mind as I remembered Simon's story about how he became a vampire. And then, I remembered the name of the vampire who turned him.
That was Alistair. The realization hit me like a cold splash of water, and a fresh wave of confusion and anger washed over me.
"Alistair, Violet," Carlisle greeted us calmly, strolling towards our direction with his usual composed demeanor. "What's the commotion? What's the matter?" His voice was soothing, a beacon of stability in the storm of emotions.
"I sensed some wild energy up there," Joseph chimed in, pointing to the attic, his expression a mix of curiosity and mild amusement.
"She nearly took me out," Alistair retorted, rubbing his neck and giving me a look that was somewhere between annoyance and grudging respect.
"Oh, come on," I interjected, rolling my eyes. "I didn't almost kill you. It was just a heated disagreement." My words came out more defensively than I intended, but I couldn't help it.
"Why were you both up there?" Ingram inquired, although his question was more for me than it was for him.
"You know me, Ingram," Alistair replied with a sigh. "I prefer solitude." His tone was weary, as if he had explained this many times before.
So Alistair and Ingram knew each other? And Simon, too? Well, that made sense since Simon was part of the coven and, meeting with the other nomads, Ingram was one of them too. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit together, but it only raised more questions. Gabriel turned to me, his gaze expectant.
"I heard his footsteps and thought he was a Volturi guard," I explained, gesturing to the nomad. "And he called me a witch, so I had to defend myself." My voice was steady, but inside, I was still simmering.
"I didn't call you a witch," Alistair conceded, his tone softer. "I said 'if the witch fits.'" His attempt at humor fell flat, but it took the edge off my anger slightly.
My right hand glowed again, a sign of my lingering agitation, and Ingram was still holding me, easing my tension. His touch was a grounding force, reminding me that I was not alone.
"I can't believe you got your butt kicked," Joseph chuckled, shaking his head and glancing at the nomad with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. His light-hearted comment broke the tension further, and I found myself almost smiling.
"Come meet everyone, Alistair," Simon invited warmly, extending a hand of reconciliation.
Alistair shook his head, his expression serious. "If it comes down to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi." Then, his crimson eyes locked onto mine with a fierce intensity. "But she will." His words were heavy with implication, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.
Ayla's voice echoed in my mind, filled with anxiety. "But what if they come for us anyway? What if we have to fight?" Her concern mirrored my own fears.
"It won't come to that," Carlisle reassured him, his voice steady and calm. His confidence was reassuring, but I couldn't shake the unease that lingered in the back of my mind.
"I'll stay in the attic," Alistair muttered, retreating to his preferred solitude.
They watched as Alistair leaped up into the attic and shut the door behind him, his departure leaving a palpable silence in his wake.
"He's not much of a people person," Simon explained, his tone apologetic as if he felt responsible for Alistair's abruptness.
"I gathered that," I replied, my voice dry as we descended the stairs, leaving Alistair to his solitude in the Cullens' attic.
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charlottesbookclub · 4 months
it's been a long, long time (alistair x reader) 💜💜
Summary: listening to oldies and slow dancing with alistair. that's it that's the plot 💕
Warnings/Tags: gn!reader; exists in the same timeline/universe as "like real people do" but you absolutely do not have to read that one for this one to make sense; alistair being super awkward but also super in love; basically just pure tooth-rotting fluff, but as always, let me know if I've missed anything!
Words: 1,860
Author’s Note: we interrupt your scheduled "king of all birds" programming to bring you nearly two thousand words of completely self-indulgent fluff 🥰. soft alistair lovers please come get y'all juice!! 💜💜 I blame @freakazoidr17cr-5 for infecting me with slow-dancing-with-alistair brainrot and also my sibling's 1940s playlist for allowing me to indulge in scenarios generated by the aforementioned brainrot 💖💖
also, if you don't know the song "it's been a long, long time," I highly recommend listening to it, both because it truly is one of my favorite songs, but also because I think hearing it sets up the vibes/tone of the story. this is my favorite version! 🥰🥰
            Alistair watched you intently as you set up the record player and gently pulled the album from its cardboard sleeve. You adjusted its position on the turntable under his watchful gaze. His fascination with human things and his habit of observing as you completed almost any task were nearly second nature to you now. You were about to start the music when his question interrupted.
            “I’m confused,” his brow was furrowed and his hands fluttered near the record player, almost as though he was trying to gauge its function without touching it. 
            “Mm-hmm,” you softly encouraged him to voice his thought aloud.
            “If the music comes from there,” he pointed across the room to where your phone sat on a sidetable near the couch. “Why do you need… this?” His hand traveled back to vaguely indicate the set-up you had constructed with the record player. You smiled at the question.
            “Just for fun!” you responded lightly, shrugging. Alistair rolled his eyes in mock-exasperation, but you could see the affection behind the gesture. “Some people think the sound is better,” you offered as a further explanation, “but I just think it’s fun to do sometimes.” You turned the machine on and placed the needle on the record, looking up to watch his reaction as the music began to play from the speakers.
            He started just slightly upon hearing the first notes, but then leaned in to watch the album spin under the needle. You stood there for a moment, looking on as he observed the turntable, staying just far enough away that he hovered but never quite touched it. With a small smile, you retreated to the couch and picked up the novel you were reading. 
            “What music is this?” he asked after a few moments, his eyes finding you from where he still stood next to the record player.
            “It’s a collection of music from the 1940s,” you responded, a smile growing on your face when you realized he’d likely be quite amused by the colloquial nickname for the genre, “but people usually just call this kind of music ‘oldies.’” 
            Your words had the desired effect; Alistair scoffed in amusement. He finally gave up his station near the turntable, appearing by your side on the couch in an instant, his own book in hand.
            “’Oldies,’” he repeated under his breath, shaking his head slightly in bemused disbelief. “Not even a century old and they call them ‘oldies.’” He chuckled to himself as he settled back into the cushions. You joined in his laughter for a moment before you both became absorbed in your respective reading, the crooning melodies of the music hanging warmly in the room.
            After a while, you gently leaned your head against his shoulder, intentionally slowing your motion so he had time to anticipate and adjust to the gesture. You could sense him faltering for a moment, unsure of how to reciprocate. Then he tentatively slid an arm behind your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side. The movement was halting and almost awkward, but so endearingly sincere that you couldn’t help but smile softly to yourself as you snuggled further into him. He seemed to relax into the position then, allowing himself to curl into you slightly. 
            Time seemed to melt in that moment, and you weren’t sure how long the two of you sat like that before a change in the song caused his head to snap up. The swelling intro of “It’s Been A Long, Long Time” swirled from the speakers, catching his attention like none of the other songs had.
            “This one’s my favorite,” you said softly as he tilted his head, listening intently to the music. He gently disentangled himself from you and lifted himself from the sofa before bolting back to the record player in a blur. He watched the spinning of the album fixedly as he had before, but this time he chanced touching the machine, placed a tentative hand on the speaker, almost as though he was absorbing the very vibrations of the music.
            “What’s this one called?” he asked in a whisper just barely loud enough for you to hear, eyes still on the record, enraptured by what he was hearing.
            “’It’s Been A Long, Long Time,’” you responded, setting your book aside. Now it was your turn to observe him with adoring fascination, elated that he seemed to be enjoying a song you loved so much. Eventually the final chords began to fade, and Alistair looked up at you with something akin to mild panic in his eyes.
            “How do you make it go again?”
            You hopped up from the couch happily and returned to your position by the record player. You could feel his gaze on you as you lifted the needle, his eyes cataloging each movement with rapt attention as you placed it back on the black plastic grooves. The intro music swelled again, filling the room. 
            This time you closed your eyes, humming along softly and mouthing the lyrics, letting the song guide your movements as you began to sway back and forth. Alistair’s eyes were all for you this time, watching in wonder as you let yourself fall into the soft embrace of the music. As the song faded out for the second time, you opened your eyes slowly to find Alistair’s long fingers resting tentatively on the needle. With the utmost caution, he lifted it from the record – you were certain that had it not been for the supernatural steadiness that graced his every move, his hand would have been trembling. He copied your earlier movements exactly, dropping the needle at the correct place for the song to swell to life again. He stopped then, though, as if he wasn’t quite certain what to do next.
            “Do you want to dance?” you asked, holding out your hand to him, palm up – an invitation. He looked at your open hand for a moment, slowly blinking once before resting his cold palm in your warm one.
            “I—I don’t know what to do next,” he muttered nervously, moving to take a step back and pull his hand from your grasp. You held fast though, gently urging him back toward you, a request he could hardly deny you for long.
            “Give me your other hand, please,” you entreated softly, and he obliged. Slowly, making sure he could anticipate your movements, you wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling the two of you even closer. If he still had a heartbeat, it would have been racing beyond all control. You brought your hand up to circle his shoulder, bringing your faces so close that your noses almost brushed.
            “Is this okay?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
            He nodded wordlessly and swallowed. If he were human, you would have been sure he had stopped breathing. You reached your fingers up to brush back a few errant strands of hair that had fallen into his face. The look in his eyes was equal parts terror and desperation that you understood instantly: he wanted to share this moment with you, but he had no idea what to do.
            Hoping to ease some of his anxiety, you tucked your head against his chest, removing the pressure of such close eye contact. This seemed to work, as it had many times in the past, since he let out a shuddering yet completely unnecessary breath. His body relaxed a bit against you then, and he minutely readjusted the position of his hand on your back before gently squeezing your hand that he still held.
            “What do we do now?” the words were barely a breath against your ear.
            “Just listen to the music,” you whispered back as you leaned into him, slowly encouraging him to sway gently with you. 
Never thought that you would be standing here so close to me
He reacted to your motion instinctively, pulling you into a slow spin across the floor.
There’s so much I feel that I should say, but words can wait until some other day 
Listening to the singer croon the words, you suddenly became hyperaware of Alistair’s hand pressed against you, the other wrapped up with your own. Each place where your skin met his told of hundreds of years of solitude, a protective wall that had been built stone by stone for centuries that was only now beginning to crumble. Every touch spoke a thousand words: I trust you.
Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again
You could have been wrong, the gesture was so small and you couldn’t see the motion from where your were still tucked against his chest, but you were fairly certain you felt him press three tiny kisses to the top of your head.
Then his breath was at your ear again, reciting the words to the next lyrics as though he had known them forever. And perhaps, in a way, he had:
It’s been a long, long time – haven’t felt like this my dear since can’t remember when – it’s been a long, long time
            Tears formed in your eyes and you swallowed hard, folding yourself even closer to him. You could only guess how much courage it must have taken for him to allow himself to be so vulnerable. You intertwined your fingers with his and squeezed his hand gently, letting him know that you heard everything he had allowed himself to say, that you understood. He returned the gesture: a thank you, a mutual understanding, and a promise.
You’ll never know how many dreams I dream about you, or just how empty they all seem without you
            His movements seemed slightly more confident then, and he swirled you both slowly toward the center of the room, following the rise and fall of the melody with his steps. You chanced a look up at him and found him gazing back at you, a small but genuinely contented smile on his face. You beamed at him, then leaned ever so slightly upwards, hoping he would anticipate your next movement.
So kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again
            In time with the lyrics, you pressed three almost-impossibly soft kisses to his cheek. His skin was as cold as always, and you could feel the scratch of his beard beneath your lips. But there was something so warm about him, like some internal glow that you could sense even if you couldn’t see it. His steps faltered then, and another unneeded breath stuttered from his mouth. You opened your mouth to apologize, fearing you had acted too quickly, but almost as though he could predict your words, he shook his head minutely to assure you that all was well.
            He pulled you back into him and you melted into his embrace as he once again began to spin the two of you in slow circles. This time, when he pressed his lips to the crown of your head, you felt it, just like you heard the words that were so tenderly cradled in the small gesture: I love you.
It’s been a long, long time…
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cto10121 · 1 year
Hot take: I don’t think it was necessary for Movie!Twilight to introduce James-Victoria-Laurent so early and make a whole mystery of them just to establish them later on.
For one thing, the nomadic coven was not the plot of Twilight. Edward was. Who and what he was were things Bella had to find out for herself and is central to the romance. This sense of mystery and discovery is removed, Bella’s sleuthing and detective work curtailed, the lovers’ courtship shortened—all to make room for a third-act coven that falls apart by book two anyway.
For another, if the purpose was to mislead the audience, if temporarily, into believing Edward or his family may be responsible for the murders, then showing the nomadic vamps defeats the purpose utterly. Also, it creates a new plot hole with the movie Cullens supposedly doing nothing about this new development—nomadic vampires munching on people in their territory??? It just creates more questions than answers.
Also, also, this makes Movie Bella’s lack of moral scruple when she realizes Edward is a vampire when she has heard about the attacks (and yes she’s smart enough to connect the two) downright stupid asf. Book Bella had to seriously think about warning Jacob when she thought he and his pack were behind the attacks. She would overcome her scruples more readily for Edward, but the misunderstanding would still need to be addressed. That did not happen in the movie.
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clarasogatsby · 9 months
Does anyone here remember when all the BD2 actors joined twitter late 2010/early 2011, and they started beef with each other? All in banter? Like Erik Odom, Guri Weinberg, Noel Fisher, Toni Trucks etc? The Nomads/Romanians? These were peak days to be a twihard. They used to tease us about being in Baton Rouge filming and get the fans to choose twitter teams (again, all in good banter) and not to mention Guri’s GFYS?
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I’ve just realised another reason why Edward Cullen is an idiot. He acts like provoking the Volturi is the only surefire way to die, but surely he could’ve had a similar effect by provoking some random nomads, and brought way less danger on the rest of the family? Sure, it would’ve taken longer, but he wouldn’t have had to go all the way to Italy or deal with a possible refusal, or Aro’s creepiness. Idk, just seems like a better way
#like i know there’s no guarantee of 1) being able to find murderous nomads or that 2) said murderous nomads would know how#to kill another vampire; but i figure edward has the best shot of anyone at figuring those things out#he can literally read minds. if there’s ANY other vamp in the vicinity he’ll find out quickly; and he could also read their mind to find out#if they knew other vampires’ weaknesses. hell he could’ve killed a random other vamp by fire & caused their mate to avenge them#using the method they now knew would work#he could also have self-destructed via werewolves but i guess that would’ve brought the pack down on the rest of the cullens#also it would require edward to hurt a human or at least convincingly pretend to and we Know he wouldn’t do that 🙄#he’s such a weird and tedious little man honestly. the fact that the plot of the next two books pretty much only happened because edward#decided that exposing himself to italians was a better idea than like… tracking down victoria or maybe someone carlisle knows#&picking a fight. edward i would love to study you#personal#also yes i am rewatching eclipse. and what about it#just realised edward could honestly have just asked some random nomads to kill him and they would probably have done it#like maria? jasper’s maria?? she absolutely would have killed him just to practice#sidenote but maria is one of the BIGGEST loose ends in the series for me. like i am dying to know where she ended up#her and that other dhampir kid’s father who was apparently a fucking scientist or something??#steph put so much crazy shit into these books and then never brought it up again. she answered ONLY the wrong questions and for what#it is no fucking wonder i was obsessed with twilight fanfic for a hot second as a teen…. the people need to know what’s going on#i’ve never seen a writer have so many potentially interesting ideas but execute them so badly#i want to study steph as well but i know the answer to everything she does is just mormonism so it’d be disappointing ultimately
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vigilantdesert · 2 years
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theplotmage · 12 days
50 Fantasy Prompts: Cultures and Societies. Writers Save this!
1. Luminae
- A society that worships light and revolves around bioluminescent creatures.
- Gesture: Raising both hands to the sky and opening palms to signify receiving light.
- View: Light is considered the purest form of energy and the ultimate source of life.
2. Mistral Nomads
- Wind travelers who harness the power of the breeze for navigation and communication.
- Gesture: Whispering into a small vial and releasing it into the wind, symbolizing sending a message.
- View: The wind carries the voices of ancestors and guides the living.
3. Veilwalkers
- Inhabitants of the mist who can see and manipulate spirits.
- Gesture: Drawing a veil across the face to communicate with spirits.
- View: The world of the living and the dead are separated by a thin veil that can be crossed.
4. Starforged
- People born under specific constellations with unique abilities tied to their birth star.
- Gesture: Touching a constellation tattoo to activate its power.
- View: Stars are the eyes of the gods, watching over and guiding them.
5. Shadecloaks
- Masters of shadow magic, living in perpetual twilight.
- Gesture: Merging fingers into the shadows, symbolizing blending into the darkness.
- View: Shadows are protective, hiding them from danger and giving them strength.
6. Seraphians
- Winged beings who consider themselves guardians of the skies.
- Gesture: Unfurling wings in a greeting, showing trust and openness.
- View: The skies are sacred, and flight is a divine gift.
7. Pyrosages
- Fire-wielders who live in harmony with volcanic landscapes.
- Gesture: Holding a flame in one hand while placing the other hand over the heart, symbolizing passion and life.
- View: Fire is a cleansing force, both destructive and renewing.
8. Aquafolk
- Ocean dwellers with the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with marine life.
- Gesture: Creating ripples in water with a fingertip to convey emotions.
- View: Water is a mirror of the soul, reflecting true feelings and intentions.
9. Silvan Elves
- Forest guardians who blend seamlessly with their environment.
- Gesture: Touching foreheads with a leaf, symbolizing unity with nature.
- View: All life is interconnected through the roots of the great tree.
10. Necrochanters
- A culture deeply connected to the afterlife, able to communicate with and summon spirits.
- Gesture: Drawing a circle with ashes to summon spirits.
- View: Death is not the end but a transformation to another state of being.
11. Stonekin
- Rock-like beings who can manipulate earth and stone.
- Gesture: Pressing a hand to the ground to communicate with the earth.
- View: The earth holds ancient wisdom and the memories of their ancestors.
12. Aetherians
- Masters of air magic, capable of floating and flying at will.
- Gesture: Raising arms and fingers to mimic the flow of air currents.
- View: The air is filled with invisible threads that connect all living beings.
13. Chronomancers
- Time-benders who can manipulate past, present, and future.
- Gesture: Tapping a timepiece rhythmically to alter time flow.
- View: Time is fluid and can be molded to fit the needs of the moment.
14. Dreamforgers
- People who can enter and manipulate dreams.
- Gesture: Weaving fingers in intricate patterns while in a trance.
- View: Dreams are a bridge between realities, holding power and prophecy.
15. Sunseekers
- Pilgrims who follow the path of the sun, gaining strength from its light.
- Gesture: Holding a hand above the heart to swear oaths under the sun’s gaze.
- View: The sun’s light is a witness to all promises, giving them sacred weight.
16. Frostborn
- Ice-dwellers with control over cold and frost.
- Gesture: Exhaling a cold breath to signify agreement or truth.
- View: Ice preserves and protects, holding the essence of life.
17. Songhearts
- A musical culture that uses songs and sound for magic.
- Gesture: Placing a hand over the throat and singing a single note to show sincerity.
- View: Music is the language of the heart and the most honest form of communication.
18. Runecarvers
- Inscribers of powerful runes that grant various abilities.
- Gesture: Tracing runes in the air or on surfaces to cast spells.
- View: Runes are the written words of the gods, containing immense power.
19. Stormcallers
- Masters of weather, able to summon and control storms.
- Gesture: Raising a staff to the sky to summon storms.
- View: Storms are the breath of the gods, bringing both fury and renewal.
20. Plainsriders
- Nomadic horsemen known for their speed and agility.
- Gesture: Drawing a circle in the dirt with a foot to mark territory or signal peace.
- View: The open plains are a vast, sacred expanse that must be respected.
21. Mycologians
- Mushroom-like beings who can communicate through spores.
- Gesture: Spreading spores by tapping a mushroom cap to communicate.
- View: Fungi are the bridge between life and decay, recycling energy.
22. Glimmerfolk
- Glittering, gem-encrusted people who can harness the power of precious stones.
- Gesture: Touching gemstones to channel their energy.
- View: Crystals are vessels of ancient power and knowledge.
23. Thornclad
- A warrior culture clad in thorny armor, known for their fierce combat skills.
- Gesture: Clasping hands with thorned gloves to signify a bond or agreement.
- View: Pain and resilience are intertwined, symbolizing strength.
24. Celestials
- Star-born beings with a deep connection to the cosmos.
- Gesture: Drawing constellations in the air with glowing fingers.
- View: The night sky is a map of destiny, guiding their every action.
25. Inkshapers
- People who can bring drawings and tattoos to life.
- Gesture: Drawing a symbol on their skin to activate a spell.
- View: Ink and art are extensions of the soul, capable of bringing thoughts to life.
26. Mirageweavers
- Desert dwellers who can create illusions and mirages.
- Gesture: Waving hands to create illusions and mirages.
- View: Reality is fluid and can be shaped by perception and will.
27. Echoers
- A culture that communicates and fights using echoes and soundwaves.
- Gesture: Clapping or snapping fingers to create soundwaves for communication.
- View: Sound is a powerful force that can shape the world around them.
28. Ironveins
- Metal manipulators who can shape and control metal at will.
- Gesture: Clenching fists to channel metal manipulation.
- View: Metal is a living force, constantly evolving and reacting.
29. Wyrmkin
- Dragon-like people with scales and the ability to breathe fire.
- Gesture: Exhaling a plume of smoke or fire to show respect or power.
- View: Dragons are the ultimate beings, embodying wisdom and might.
30. Duskborn
- Night-dwellers who gain strength from the moon.
- Gesture: Holding a candle to their chest, symbolizing the light within the darkness.
- View: Darkness is not to be feared, but embraced as a part of the natural cycle.
31. Crystalhearts
- A society with crystalline bodies that can refract light and energy.
- Gesture: Touching their heart crystal to show honesty and purity.
- View: Crystals are the heart of their being, reflecting their true selves.
32. Skyforgers
- Builders of floating cities and airships.
- Gesture: Hammering an invisible anvil to craft objects from thin air.
- View: The sky is a forge, and they are its smiths, creating wonders from the air.
33. Leafkin
- Plant-based beings who can photosynthesize and communicate with flora.
- Gesture: Placing a leaf in the palm to connect with nature.
- View: Leaves and trees are the lifeblood of the earth, nourishing all.
34. Sandshapers
- Desert people who can control and shape sand.
- Gesture: Drawing patterns in the sand to communicate or cast spells.
- View: Sand is a canvas for their magic, constantly shifting and changing.
35. Moonshadow Elves
- Elves who live in the shadows of the moon, skilled in stealth and night magic.
- Gesture: Casting moonlight on their face to invoke lunar power.
- View: The moon is a guide and protector, influencing their magic and lives.
36. Bloodrunes
- Warriors who use their own blood to inscribe powerful runes.
- Gesture: Pricking a finger to draw blood and create runes.
- View: Blood is the essence of life, and through it, they gain power.
37. Dreambinders
- People who can link their dreams to reality.
- Gesture: Twining fingers together to weave dreams into reality.
- View: Dreams are powerful forces that can shape and change the world.
38. Thunderclans
- Tribes who worship and control thunder and lightning.
- Gesture: Stamping feet or clapping hands to summon thunder.
- View: Thunder is the voice of the gods, a call to action and power.
39. Feywilders
- Inhabitants of the fey realm with unpredictable and chaotic magic.
- Gesture: Dancing in a circle to invoke fey magic.
- View: The fey are mischievous yet powerful, their magic a blend of chaos and beauty.
40. Mirrorborn
- People who can step through and manipulate mirrors.
- Gesture: Touching mirrors to travel or communicate.
- View: Mirrors are portals to other realities, reflecting infinite possibilities.
41. Wispwalkers
- Ethereal beings who guide lost souls.
- Gesture: Holding a wisp of light to guide lost souls.
- View: Wisps are guides and protectors, leading them through darkness.
42. Frostweavers
- Ice artisans who create intricate and magical ice sculptures.
- Gesture: Weaving ice crystals into intricate patterns.
- View: Ice is a delicate and beautiful force, capable of great power.
43. Starwardens
- Celestial knights who protect the realms from cosmic threats.
- Gesture: Drawing star maps in the air to invoke celestial power.
- View: The stars are guardians, watching over and protecting them.
44. Emberkin
- Fire-dwellers with control over embers and ash.
- Gesture: Snapping fingers to produce sparks and embers.
- View: Embers hold the remnants of fire’s spirit, representing both the end and beginning of the flame.
45. Oceanborne
- Sea nomads who can control the tides and waves.
- Gesture: Drawing water symbols in the air to summon sea spirits.
- View: The sea is a vast, living entity, a source of mystery and power.
46. Windwhisperer
- Communicators with the wind, able to send messages across great distances.
- View: The sky is a living entity, responsive to the voices of those who respect it.
- Gesture: Moving gracefully to mimic the flow of the wind.
47. Etherseekers
- Gesture: Holding out their hands to draw ether into themselves.
- View: The ether is a vast reservoir of magic, accessible to those who seek it.
48. Twilight Guardians:
- Gesture: Holding a lantern to light the way through twilight.
- View: Twilight is a sacred time, a bridge between day and night.
49. Windwalkers
- Gesture: Moving gracefully to mimic the flow of the wind.
- View: The wind is a messenger of the gods, carrying whispers of destiny and change.
50. Eclipsewatchers
-Gesture: Covering one eye while the other remains open to signify balance
- View: Eclipses represent the merging of light and dark, a time of balance and reflection.
Autumn Bonus 🍂🍁
Imagine crafting a world so rich and immersive that your readers can’t help but fall in love. Designed by a fellow writer, this template is your key to unlocking limitless creativity and depth in your storytelling.
Why You Can’t Miss This:
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- Easy Navigation: User-friendly design for smooth workflow.
- In-Depth Character Sheets: Create complex, unforgettable characters.
- Information Hub: Centralize all your worldbuilding details.
- Writer Tool Repository: Access top tools from around the web.
- Guided Writer Tasks: From idea generation to book publishing, we’ve got you covered.
Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Experience the joy of writing and watch your world come to life.
Build your world. Inspire your readers. Act now!
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