#the only time I get floor time is after we stop shelving so we do recovery
beauzos · 5 months
Trying not to get mad every time I come into work bcs every fucking day I get put on register for a vast majority of, if not all of, each shift. Im so sick of it. I miss shelving and being on the floor this is lame as fuck
#psy's no punctuation posts#work tag#i did not apply to this job to be a fucking cashier!!!!#the only time I get floor time is after we stop shelving so we do recovery#and I like that as a change of pace but I can’t remember the last time I spent a shift shelving and doing floor tasks#i feel like I’m probably getting stuck up there bcs I sell more memberships than other people#but like come on come onnnn#it’s not fair how some coworkers never have to be up there because ‘they don’t like it’ but I get stuck up there every day#one of other coworkers was like ‘yeah it’s weird how the one person who goes out of their way to make sure people aren’t on register for#too long keeps getting stuck on register all day’ girl that’s what I’m noticing too!!!!#and then when they assign multiple people to be up on register (as needed we’ve been busy till this week since school started up again)#I’m STILL the one stuck on register bcs whoever is u others with me will decide they get to be k. the floor while I man registers#until I need backup. wtf y’all#i don’t think badly of my coworkers and a few of them try to make sure we find some time to switch off but it doesn’t happen much :|#is this just my life now.#i knew the score when I looked at the schedule today. i come in when the morning register person leaves#and the only other closer gets the privilege of never being on register bcs she simply doesn’t like it so that’s what I gotta do!!!#no offense to her she is a lovely person but I don’t think it’s fair how she gets a pass from management all the time w registers#that’s not her fault . really it ain’t#but it’s lame#and they’ll stick the other closer on SFS so they can’t possibly cover up front. it almost starts to feel intentional#i never have been asked to do SFS lol#oh well! I’m done bitchin
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youcancallmeelle · 8 months
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She’s got a boyfriend anyway…
Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI)
Word count: 7K
Warnings: Semi public sex, Missionary, Cowgirl, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Cunnilingus, Teasing, Sneaking around, Secret relationship, Brief David mention, Ellie being a menance, Tommy trying to play matchmaker.
Summary: Tommy has been trying to set Joel up for AGES, he’s got other interests.
You and Joel have secretly been seeing each other.
Read below…
Life in Jackson is promising, nearly a year and half here and Joel feels comfortable, no longer itching for a way out of civilisation because he’s just not used to that no more. Ellie is settled too - finally. She’s attending school three days a week, enjoying the new responsibilities that come with being sixteen and the tad bit of freedom it brings. She helps out at the stables, in the kitchen too but she’s not a fan. She likes being in the library most, checking in and out books, tidying shelves, using her art to create eye catching displays aimed at the younger generation of Jackson.
Joel is proud, his heart feels like it could burst out of his chest all the time. Ellie is still full of wit and charisma that comes out in curses and daft puns that make Joel roll his eyes and get her in a headlock until she’s laughing so hard she’s pink in the face.
There’s times when she skips school completely if a male teacher has subbed in, she flinches away if someone comes too close and sometimes if it’s stew night at dinner, she’ll stare blankly into her bowl at the chunks of meat and see a severed ear, she’ll try to swallow but gag instead. These are nights Joel gives her his bread and Tommy will too, then he’ll make her a fruit salad when they get home with a little double cream poured over it.
The nightmares are persistent on these bad days where triggers occur, he finds Ellie in bed screaming and thrashing multiple times a week. She’ll sob and cry hoarsely as he holds her, hushing her gently and resting his cheek on her head. Most of the time she’ll fall back asleep with him beside her, curled into him like she did back at Silver Lake when death was close.
But mostly, everything’s okay.
Joel had been with Tommy every single day this week so far and it was Thursday evening, they’d been focusing on fixing up the bathroom in a house way further down from his, they were getting it ready for a family that had expanded to move in. The floor was rotten and the pipes wrecked, neither of them were particularly fond of plumbing but they sorted it between them. There was still the kitchen to do but that was a job for tomorrow and probably Saturday too but not Sunday, that was his day with Ellie.
Sunday’s were for late breakfasts of bacon and pancakes - before and after the world ended. The only thing that changed was the kid for Joel, he used to serve Sarah indulgent breakfasts on a Sunday and they’d do something together and the tradition was carried on with Ellie and Sarah remained tucked in his heart.
Tired and stiff from working hunched over all day, Joel was enjoying a quiet drink with Tommy. They were tucked away on a small table with two stools, Joel would have preferred something with a back but beggars can’t be choosers; he was grateful for the cold glass of bourbon nearly empty in front of him and the sound of Dire Straits playing over the old speakers.
As always, Tommy is picking and prying into his lack of a love life. Since he’s noticed his older brother being more settled within the community, he’d been trying his hardest to set him up with various women and Tommy Miller was nothing if not persistent.
At this point in the day, Tommy’s voice is almost just white noise.
“Cath is nice.” Tommy pointed out, Joel snorts.
“She’s also gay, Tommy.”
“Oh shit, really? I didn’t know.”
“Clearly. Can we please stop talking about this? It’s the same thing every fuckin’ time I come drinking with you.” Joel begs, Tommy sighs heavily but drops it for now.
Joel takes in the scenery as he sits there, grateful for the moments silence from Tommy. His eyes stray to the left of the table and he listens as you speak to Denton, an older gentleman in his late sixties with a love of horses. He’s quizzing you about the new mare in the stables, he hears you mention checking on her again after your shift because she’s been particularly temperamental since she was brought in from outside but you’ve developed a nice bond with her, she’s slowly becoming more trusting.
It occurs to Joel that everyone likes you - literally everyone, even Ellie and she was a tough nut to crack. You’re sweet, soft spoken yet confident. You’re always helping out where you can; on patrols, stable duty, in the communal garden, sometimes at the school and also here at the bar when Darius needs his shift covered.
You find good things on patrol and give them to Joel or Ellie before taking the rest for the community, so they get first pick of everything.
You’re just the sweetest thing.
Tommy sees you and beckons you with a friendly wave, you mutter a goodbye to Denton and pat his hand.
“Hey.” You hear your name called over the music and you turn as Tommy Miller grabs your attention as you scoop up two glasses and an empty bowl that once held nuts and dried berries from the table two away from his and Joel’s.
“Yes, Miller?” You patter over with your hands occupied, you sneak a look at his older sibling, sparing him a wink as a greeting, he smirks softly back.
“Has Darius got an other fuckin’ music or are we strictly limited to the sounds of 1985 tonight?” He questions and you laugh, shaking your head.
“You don’t like Dire Straits?”
“He doesn’t appreciate good music.” Joel interjects, shaking his head at Tommy.
“I do - but other music. Eminem or even fuckin’ Britney! Anything but this shit.” Tommy groans, tossing his head back.
“Keep talking smack about Dire Straits, Miller - and I’ll snitch to your wife about the fact you’ve switched patrols with Mark twice this week because you were too hungover to go.” You smile sweetly at Tommy, tilting your head.
“Snitches get stitches.” Tommy remarks playfully, not an ounce of malice in his dark brown eyes and your eyebrows rise, you beam back.
“That right? Well, troublesome men get barred for life.”
“Oooooh.” Joel chimes in, looking amusedly between you and his younger brother.
“Touché.” Tommy quips, folding his arms.
“Tell you what, next time I’m in, I’ll have a rummage out back and see if I can find you some Britney. Bless you.” You pinch his cheek as you walk past and he swats your hand, rubbing the spot while Joel laughs.
“You’re pushing your luck giving her lip, I’m not sure if you’re aware but this is the only operational bar in Wyoming.”
“Tell me about it.” He grumbles back, Joel shakes his head once more as the door behind Tommy on the back wall opens.
“Joeeeeeel?!” He hears yelled from close by, he looks up and sees Ellie dragging her sneakers across the floor, scouring the bar for him with her honey coloured eyes eagerly. She spots him within seconds, beaming and practically skipping over to him and Tommy in the corner. “There you are, I looked fucking everywhere for you.” She groans dramatically, throwing her head back. “I wanna go out, I’m bored shitless at home. There’s nothing for me to do and yes - I’ve done my school work.” She quickly adds.
“You done those quadratic equation questions we were going over last night?” He raises his eyebrow.
“Yep. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, though I did ask my teacher because I’m pretty sure you were figuring them out wrong. You were, by the way.” Joel puffs indignantly, rolling his eyes. Ellie spins to Tommy, the soles of her shoes squeaking. “Can I try that?” She’s laser focused on the bourbon swimming between globes of ice in Tommy’s glass.
“What have I said the last twenty times you’ve asked, El?” Tommy’s dark brows are high on his forehead, his mouth is twisted with hidden laughter. Ellie rolls her eyes with annoyance, sloping over to Joel now.
“No.” She huffs, swinging her lanky arms around Joel. She hums and rubs her face into his shoulder bone, resting there for a second before her attentions shifts comically fast. There’s a warmth that spreads through Joel every single time she does this, she’s so casual about it and he’s drawn the conclusion that it’s a teenage thing because Sarah was the same. There’s a sadness that blossoms too, a darkness that twists and anchors in his chest as he thinks of her and who she’d be now. He can’t dwell for too long, not now - he did that for too long.
At one dark point in time, human connection was not key to survival, hence why he always kept Tess at arms length and then referred to Ellie as cargo until one snowy day it became apparent she was no longer cargo when she was frenzied and panting in his arms, splattered with the blood of a predator and gasping like she was taking her last breath. The sound haunted him for a long time, all memories of Sarah hitting him like a freight train. He had to protect Ellie, the minute he drew her in - oh baby girl - and held her tightly, wrapped in his coat and clinging to him just as hard.
Ellie’s his kid now. She’s his. He’s hers. They’re a family. Ellie Williams Miller - that’s how she’s known now. It’s scrawled on her school books. The love he feels for this human tornado in sneakers is unmatched, the one thing he’s ever been truly good at has been restored and it’s a role he knows well; being a father.
Sure, this teenager that he’s raising is the furthest from bubblegum pink and Avril Lavigne she could be, she’s particularly jagged around the edges and does have the temperament of an unsocialised cat that will bite if you get too close.
He looks down at her, rubbing into him like she’s trying to get his smell on her because it’s comforting and she feels safe and feels his heart ready to burst.
Of course the sweet moment of affection is shattered when Ellie yawns directly into his fucking ear because why wouldn’t she?
He grunts when she bears most of her weight on his aching shoulders, leaning easily into him and twisting her small fingers into his flannel.
“So? Can I go or not?” She presses.
“Go where?” He prompts, raising his eyebrow.
“Toni’s from school. Her cat had kittens a few weeks ago and they’re starting to play. Five of them, Joel! That’s a lotta kittens!” Ellie enunciates, brown eyes wide and Joel can’t help the smile that graces his otherwise tired face.
“You mean a litter?” He corrects and Ellie pauses, frowning.
“A bunch of kittens is a litter, Ellie.” He informs her and she somehow manages to frown even more, she makes a noise like she’s computing the new information.
“Yeah, whatever.” She mumbles, Tommy snorts in amusement. “So I can go see them?” She presses, shifting her weight again and Joel groans louder now, unhooking her arms from his shoulders with a quiet ‘don’t do that, baby’ that’s full of affection.
“Yes but you’re back at nine latest, okay? Nine. I’ll be waiting for you, the minute those street lamps turn on, you’re home.” Joel says, Ellie’s mouthing along to his instructions that he’s been laying out since Summer began and the evenings stretched longer. “Be good.” He speaks more softly now and she nods, he presses a kiss to the side of her head, her eyelashes flutter happily as the warmth blossoms in her too with the security that’s Joel Miller.
“Peesh. I’m always good. Bye Tommy!” She says excitedly, fist bumping him when it’s offered.
“See ya, squirt.” Tommy replies but before he’s even voiced his reply, Ellie’s hurrying away and knocking into a patron while waving to you on the way out of the door so hard it slams. Joel sighs, thinking she’s a literal hurricane.
The door hinge has barely stopped shaking before Tommy starts with the suggestions of suitors once more.
“What about Myleene?” Tommy proposes, Joel shakes his head quickly, downing the remainder of his drink.
“Too young.” He replies.
“She’s twenty five.”
“Too young.” He repeats firmer this time.
“Okay, fine. What about Michelle? She’s what forty? I was talking to her in the cobblers the other day, she’s definitely interested - mentioned something about making you a pie?”
“I’m good.” He grumbles looking down into his empty glass but quickly shifting his gaze to the bar, you’re leaning on your elbows, laughing heartily with a patron.
You look beautiful tonight - just like every other night. Your shoulders are sunkissed, your cheeks a little flushed and skin glowing from the summer humidity. He absorbs the way your hair tumbles down your shoulders and the way the thin straps of your tiered sundress slip down occasionally, only to be tugged back into place with dexterous fingers.
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.” Tommy jibes, Joel looks over with a firm scowl.
“What?” He asks, Tommy shakes his head.
“You can dream, brother.” Joel rolls his eyes, trying to act nonchalant. “She’s got a boyfriend anyway.” Tommy adds, Joel eyes him with full attention.
“A boyfriend?” He asks, trying to be sure he heard right.
“Yeah, overheard her talking to one of the girls in the garden a few days ago. Didn’t mention no names but she definitely said she was seein’ someone.” Tommy shrugged, Joel hummed with interest. “Anyway, it don’t matter because she’s way out of your league.”
“Thanks.” Joel retorts, sneaking one last look before focusing on the door behind Tommy, the one Ellie had not long barrelled in and out of just moments ago.
He wonders about the kittens she mentioned and gulps as he imagines her taking to one with its big eyes and soft paws, his mind is pulled back to a time in April when he’d come downstairs one morning to a sink full of tad poles she’d ‘rescued’ from birds out of the neighbours pond.
Basically, his girl can’t resist animals she deems too vulnerable to leave.
“Scared Ellie’s gonna come home with one of them kittens?” Tommy wonders, reading Joel’s mind.
The sun is setting in bursts of burnt orange and marigold by the time he leaves Tommy to his own devices at the bar, he hazards a look around as he makes his way in the complete opposite direction to his and Ellie’s house.
He slinks around the back of the school house, slithering through the gap and walking up the winding path that leads to the stables. He climbs the short fence and hops to the other side, his boots kick up the dust from the dirt path and the crickets chirp beneath the skyline.
With one more look around, he opens to rear door to the stables and slips inside, shutting it softly behind him.
Immediately he hears the horses further down huff and puff, he can make out the swish of their tails hitting the walls as they munch on hay, there’s a neigh that is absolutely Shimmer kicking up a fuss about something.
He slopes around the riding gear and sees you leaning against the wall, hands behing your back. You grin.
“Took your time, cowboy. Was beginning to think you couldn’t take the hint and stood me up.”
“Never, honey.” Joel prowls towards you, ready to grab you. “Missed you.”
“You just saw me.”
“Not the same.” He yanks you close like a man starved, you’d shared company less than 24 hours ago but you greet and leave each other like it’s the last time you’ll ever be together. It’s the apocalypse affect, you know that, he does too
This arrangement had been going on for almost two months now, all started by a late night patrol together where you’d shared more about yourselves in an eight hour shift than both of your time in Jackson combined. There was an instant attraction, it was so easy to talk to one another and that’s what you did every single time you were partnered together and it became the highlight of your day. It started innocently and friendship had bloomed, then before you knew it you were sharing a rum laced thermos of tea with him in the bed of a truck and kissing him with reddened cheeks shortly thereafter. You’d first slept together in the same truck, just as dawn began to break. It was clumsy and quick but you couldn’t get enough of one another. You hadn’t cum but Joel promised next time would be better which lead to the question of next time? You’d been seeing each other most nights since.
Any chance you got, you were together. Nobody knew about you both, hence why Tommy was incessantly trying to hook Joel up with other women around town and jealousy burned as you listened in on their one sided conversations in the bar whenever you were covering for Darius.
You’d left the bar shortly before Joel had, waving farewell to him and Tommy, coming straight up here to check on the mare just as you’d told Denton. This was a usual spot to meet Joel, it wasn’t your first rodeo in the stables with him. It was the one place you could be alone after a certain time.
“Were you hiding from me, honey? Hmm?” He growls playfully, pulling you to him even though you were barely a millimetre away in the first place. You hum in response, so utterly lost in him. You’re nuzzling his throat, fisting his shirt, desperate for his attention. “God, you look so good today.” He murmurs, mouth finding yours. You moan softly, standing on your tip toes and kissing him in a way that makes his lungs and loins burn alike. His grey tinged moustache prickles your upper lip beautifully, his beard feels familiar beneath your soft hands.
He’s crowding you and guiding you backwards, kissing you hotly in a sense that makes your cunt throb eagerly. You moan into his mouth when he nips your bottom lip, squeezing the left cheek of your ass.
You love when he’s like this - playful and easy. He feels lightyears younger around you, it’s like the heaviness dissipates the moment he’s in your company. He loses himself in the way you smell, the way your hair feels when his fingers are entwined between the sun kissed strands, the way in which your eyes sparkle with mischief.
It’s easy to pull him towards the back of the stable, where the bales of hay were stacked created a nice wall of privacy. You’d been in here a couple of times with him, having gone as far to stash a flannel blanket in one of the cupboards to lay down as to protect you both from the cold floor and the prickle of loose hay.
Once behind the hay and seated on a bale with you in his lap, strong hands are moving the thin straps of your sundress down your shoulders, you momentarily break away from his mouth to aid the removal of your dress to your waist where Joel roughly bunches it up so that your underwear is now on show and so are your tits.
His eyes light up at your bare chest, like he hasn’t seen your breasts countless times before. One thing among many that you first noticed was that Joel Miller is a tit man through and through. His rough and work toughened hands cup them both gently before his tongue swirls around your left nipple.
“Joel.” You murmur, arching into him, rolling your hips into his. He’s hard already, age not affecting him like that in the slightest. He’s a hot blooded male, every single inch a man and that warms you to your core. You grab his hand, bringing it to the top of your panties and he slides it in without hesitation.
“Christ.” He curses, exploring your lips with his fingertips, gliding through the dewy wetness gathered there and coming back up for a split second to drag it over your clit roughly. You whimper, bucking into his hand. “Mmm, babydoll.” Joel huffs against your cheek in a hot pant, repeating the action.
“Need you so badly, Joel. Almost got started without you.” You confess.
“Fuck. You can’t- don’t say shit like that, honey.” He growls lowly, unbelievably hard beneath you. His fingers explore again, you aid his explorations by canting your hips just so.
Joel is eager to get things moving, he’s hard and frustrated, he has a beautiful woman in his lap and the perfect setting. He pulls his hand from your underwear, looking down to see the shine of you on him. He loses his mind when you take his hand and lead it to your mouth, sucking the tips of his index and middle finger as he watches with eyes blown wide; they look black instead of the earthy brown that sometimes melts into caramel or runny honey.
The minute you hum like a content cat, he has you lifted off his lap and braced against him. You squeal at the sudden shift, the ceiling looking closer than the floor but then he gently lays you back on the blanket and settles between your legs.
“Hey, who was Tommy trying to set you up with?” You blurt, Joel pauses.
“She’s gay.” You frown.
“Michelle too.” He adds before diving down into your chest, pressing your breasts together, mouthing at the swell.
“I’m not sure you’re Michelle’s type, she’s a cougar apparently.” You remark, Joel ignores you in favour of sucking your nipples until they feel raw. “Why Michelle? I don’t understand why Tommy thinks she’s a good match for you.” You don’t know why this is coming up now, your mouth seems to have a mind of its own, the jealousy settling like lead in your stomach.
“He said she wants to make me a pie.” Joel pipes up, the confession half muffled.
“What kind of pie?” You ask, pulling his face from your tits. Joel groans frustratedly, looking up at you with eyes dark and deadly.
“I don’t know. Why does that even matter?”
“A cream pie probably.” You snarl under your breath, the jealousy swirling in the pit of your stomach like a rattled viper.
Joel laughs, shaking his head and coaxing your mouth back to his. “Gross.” He murmurs, kissing you softly and squeezing your hips as if to guide you back. “You know I only like your cream pies.” He jokes, this time you break into a smile.
“Now whose gross?” You snort, tugging his plain grey undershirt over his head and to the side. You run your palms over his chest and down to his softer stomach, digging your nails in as they drag a long his skin. Goosebumps erupt all over him.
Joel is softer in his older age but strong too, years of walking different terrain, heavy lifting and fighting have made him lean also.
You hum contentedly, tracing over those familiar scars that have been made in the 20 years since the world imploded.
“He said you were out of my league.” Joel suddenly admits, resting his hands on your spread knees. You frown up at him. “Tommy said you were out of my league.”
“Tell Tommy he doesn’t know shit.” You retort with an eye roll, grabbing Joel by his belt and yanking him forward. “I like you, Joel. Fuck what anyone else thinks, it’s not anyone’s business who we choose to be with.” You say softly now, kissing your way up his chin to his lips. “I like you.” You affirm again, Joel kisses you tenderly, weaving his hand into your hair as you moan quietly.
“Well, I like you too.” He says, kissing you with so much passion yet so much tenderness all at the same time as you fumble to unbuckle his belt. You yank it apart, tugging open the button and prying the worn denim apart with the hiss of his zipper.
He barely lets you wrap a hand around him over his boxers before he has both your wrists pinned above your head, you make a sad whine but all disappointment quickly dissipates when he shuffles down the length of your torso and yanks your underwear down so fast you feel the material leave a friction burn. He grabs your thighs and then manoeuvres your legs by the backs of your knees, you like where this seems to be going.
Your spine curves against the hard floor when his mouth makes that first contact, he starts slow with a lick up the length of you, then he lightly suckles your lips and gently licks over the hood of your clitoris.
“Joel.” You murmur, twisting the blanket beneath your fingertips, scrunching it and bitting down on your lower lip as he continues his gentle assault on your clit, the rubber toes of your hi tops dig into his ribs almost painfully.
His thumb comes up to gently push the hood of your clit back, the sensation of his tongue directly stimulating the nerve causes you to gasp and wind one hand down into his hair, you tug and he groans against you.
You’re transported back to one of the first times you’d been intimate together after sleeping together in the truck.
For some reason, it had shocked you that Joel Miller ate pussy like a champ. The first time he’d gone down on you - behind the bar just after you’d blown him - you’d prepared yourself for dissatisfaction and disappointment, only it never came. Joel had licked into you with such ferocity and precision that you’d almost keened over.
He’d made you cum so quickly that you’d barely had time to process the first swipe of his tongue on your clitoris and the climax that followed minutes later.
He’d looked up at you, moustache and beard slick with his eyes wide; ‘I forgot how much I enjoyed doing that’ he’d panted while you squeaked back in shock.
Now, as you live in the moment, you feel that tingle of pleasure building but you don’t want to cum without him inside of you. As much as it pains you, you tug on his hair, urging him back up.
“Wanna cum with you.” You pant when he looks up with dazed brown eyes, frowning a little. He seems to accept that and sits up, shucking his jeans and boxers down over his ass with the help of your clumsy hands. “Lay back.” You demand, he does so and you move to take his place.
You throw your legs over his and settle above his lap, he’s got one arm behind his head and watches as you take him in your first and tease yourself with the flushed tip of him. He breathes in sharply through his nose as you do it again before notching him at the site of your heat, you steady yourself and begin to sink down.
“Fuck me.” Joel sighs, closing his eyes briefly because he’s so sure he’s in heaven. The sensation of your wet heat surrounding him never gets old, he’d forgotten how much he loved sex before meeting you.
“You’re so big, Joel.” You whimper, stroking his ego deliciously and he hates to be such a guy but the compliment goes straight to his dick.
“Fuck, honey. Take what you want, I’m yours - just fuck me.” He begs as you slowly begin to move, your nails scrape across his torso as you fall into an easy rhythm of rolling your hips into his. “You’re so fucking perfect, baby.” He babbles, looking up and admiring the curve of your back and the way your tits bounce as you ride him.
“Mmm.” You whine, picking up the pace and throwing your head back which exposes your jugular and Joel just wants to sink his teeth into you because you truly look good enough to eat.
“Come here, babydoll.” He urges, pulling you down so you’re chest to chest. Your peer at him with pretty doe eyes, your lashes flutter as they shut to kiss him deeply, your tongue swipes his and you taste the tang of yourself on him. You moan louder when he manages to plant his boots on the floor and thrust up into you roughly, tangling his hand in your hair to keep you pressed against him.
It’s so hot in the stables, you’re both sticky and warm. But with your pretty moans and keens filling the air, Joel manages to easily forget the irritation from the heat.
You push against his chest to sit up and Joel grabs your hips, guiding you easily and you feel yourself getting close but you can’t achieve orgasm through penetration alone.
You brace one hand on his thigh behind you, tipping your head back as the pleasure becomes almost too much to handle. Your hips roll in an easy rhythm, his cock head hitting your G spot perfectly and you whine when the hand on your left hip moves ever so slightly until Joel was able to thumb your clit. He knows you so well.
“Oh f - fuck. You feel so good, you’re so good - fuck.” You babble, your hips moving faster.
“Jesus christ.” Joel huffs, throwing his head back against the hard floor, biting his bottom lip hard to stave off his orgasm. You feel so good wrapped around him; wet and snug, like crushed velvet.
He knows he can’t stay like this, he’s too close to finishing and he can sense you’re not quite there yet despite being edged so he makes the conscious decision to hold you and flip you both over with a nimbleness he didn’t know he possessed in his older age.
You stutter out a choked moan, arching into his strong hands. You drag your nails down his toned back, leaving a little spatter of blood in the red tracks.
Joel hisses when your nails puncture the skin on the globes of his ass, somehow trying to pull him closer and push him away at the same time.
“Where?” He asks, nodding downwards as he fights off his climax.
“Inside.” You reply without hesitation. You’d counted your cycle days, marking in a blank notebook the day number and your symptoms, pretty accurately guessing your fertile window and probable ovulation day by cervical mucus alone. You were four days from your period being due, it was safe.
“You sure?” He hesitates, brow furrowed hard with concentration, he’s a stroke away from finishing. He knows better than most people to not trust the pull out method and he knows the importance of contraception but he still ended up a Dad before he hit his mid twenties. Pushing sixty he’s still playing a dangerous game but so far, neither of you had gotten burnt.
“Yeah.” You gasp, fingers on your clit rubbing faster. You groan suddenly and twist into him, making pretty little whimpers and purring. He groans too, thrusting in hard once, twice and then three times. You feel his cock stiffen and twitch, then the pulse of subtle warmth of his cum spreading inside and aiming for your cervix. He works himself through it, you push in return as the aftershocks slow to a flat line.
Joel heaves a breath, resting on his forearms as you lazily kiss his neck in satisfaction and rapture. You sit there for a minute, basking in the afterglow until Joel grows too stiff and has to withdraw from you slowly, kneeling up between your legs to pull his boxers and jeans back up but he leaves them unbuttoned and his belt loose.
You don’t miss the primal look in his eyes when they drift to between your legs, he can see his cum leaking and the pearlescent finish it leaves on your lips. His cock twitches, perhaps if he was younger he could go for another round but alas, he settles next to you on the blanket, pulling you to his chest and cushioning your head with a strong bicep.
“I think that might have been the best time yet.” You pant breathlessly, looking up at the ceiling and seeing the evening sky through the cracks of wood.
“Maybe one day we can do it in an actual bed, I’m not sure how much more of these places my back can take.” Joel jokes, you giggle and turn into him, listening to the rapid pace of his heartbeat as it settles, a perfect mirror of your own.
“Not bad for an old timer.” You tease, giggling when he growls and squeezes your hip.
“Was patrol okay today?” Joel questions you, you nod lazily against him. “You come across anything?” Now you speak, leaning up to peer down at him.
“A couple of runners. We shot them in that abandoned gas station near the entrance to the offices off the trail. I think they were probably people passing through, one was infected on the journey and turned, then bit the other.” Joel hums, rubbing your lower back and hip. “I have some things for Ellie I found, by the way. I’ll drop them over tomorrow. Nothing crazy, just some things I thought she needed.” You say between kisses down Joel’s chest and sternum, your delicate fingers tracing out old battle scars.
“What like?” He asks, catching your hand as it reaches his happy trail, bringing it to his lips instead where he presses tender kisses to your fingertips.
“Pyjamas, underwear and some toiletries. Oh! And get this, a new casette tape for her walkman.”
“What tape?”
“Teardrops.” You grin.
“Womack and Womack? She’s gonna love that.” Joel says, laying back and smiling at the ceiling of the stables, humming the song in his head. “Fuck, I haven’t heard that song in - jesus - years.” He’s frowning, contemplating lost time, the whole concept of time evades him, it never used to at the start but now? It’s one big jumble, his time is defined by events and not a calendar.
“She still playing that one you got her on repeat?” You wonder.
“What was it again?”
“Bowie. Heroes.” Joel replies.
“Nice.” You nod.
As you lie there together in an easy silence, content to be together in the quiet solace of the stables, Joel’s mind wanders back to his earlier conversation with his younger brother:
“Hey, er - Tommy actually said something else earlier.” Joel winces at how awkward he sounds and you huff loudly, ready to hear what other dumbass thing he’s said. “He said he heard you say you have a boyfriend or that you were seein’ someone.”
You sit up, frowning down at Joel.
“Okay…” You reply hesitantly, uneasy now. “Am I not seeing you?” You frown.
“No - no! It’s… that came out wrong. I just meant - “ Joel grumbles, covering his face momentarily while you try to will your stomach from not sinking. “I don’t know, I just wanted to know if you meant me.”
“Seriously, Joel? This conversation is going so well.” You say dryly, utterly unimpressed.
“No! Oh my god! I can’t do this.” He groans, realising his mistake. “I’m sorry, that came out so wrong.” Joel apologises, you snort.
“Look Joel, I was talking to Mrs Patterson in the garden and she was telling me about her late husband, saying how lovely he was and how men just aren’t like that anymore. She asked if I’d found anyone and I let it slip that I was seeing someone, I didn’t mention any names and I can totally understand why you’re freaked when we haven’t even had that conversation ourselves. I shouldn’t have assumed this was anything more than sex, I’m sorry.” You annunciate, warm in the cheeks.
“You want to just have sex?” Joel is sat up now, matching your frazzled expression.
“If that’s what you want.” You shrug, taking an interest in your cuticles. A large hand lays over yours, squeezing. You shift your focus to his knuckles instead, tracing out the scars.
“Honey, look at me.” He urges softly, you hesitantly meet his eyes. “I think somewhere we’ve miscommunicated.”
“How so?” You press.
“Look… it’s been a long time since I’ve done this, I’m a little rusty. I’m sorry if I haven’t been clear about what we are or what I want us to be, I kinda just assumed you knew and yeah, that’s real shitty of me.” He says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I wanna be exclusive with you, honey. I mean, I have Ellie to think about so we’ll need to go slow just so I can ease her into the change. Is that okay?” He whispers, pressing his forehead to yours.
“That’s more than okay, Joel. I completely understand, I don’t want to spook Ellie either.” You confirm, Joel let’s out a relieved sigh.
“Good - good, okay. We’ll figure it out, baby.” He assures you, nuzzling his nose against yours and kissing you softly.
It’s easy to lose yourself in Joel Miller, you’re swept up in the gruff voice and strong arms, the softness beneath his outer shell reserved for those closest to him.
You’re kissing him back in earnest, he’s reclining to lay back down with you on top of him and you’re sure this could lead to round two or at least head from either one of you, maybe even both.
However, the moment is spoiled when you hear voices creeping closer to the stables. You both stiffen and wait, looking at each other with eyes opened wide.
The voices are getting closer and you decipher it’s two sets, it’s not made clear who it is until they’re walking behind the stables and you can see their shadows slink between the thin gaps in the planks.
It’s Ellie and Tommy.
You and Joel scramble, you yank your dress back over your breasts and pull the hem of it over your ass. Your panties are on the floor and you narrowly dodge Joel’s elbow as he hastily buckles his jeans back up just in time for the door around the corner to open with a shriek of the hinges.
“What if he’s gone out on patrol without telling me? Or maybe he’s swapped with someone and gone hunting? I know I’m back way earlier than he said but he said he’d be home! Do you think he’s left the gate? What if he’s hurt? What if - “ Ellie begins to ramble and Tommy sighs.
“Kiddo, stop worrying. I’m sure he’s around here somewhere, let’s look at the whiteboard and see if his name’s on there. I highly doubt he’s swapped shifts and he wouldn’t leave without telling you, he’s gotta be around here some…” Tommy’s reassurance comes to a stop when he round the corner of the hay bale wall and abruptly stops, staring at you and Joel with as much shock as you return.
Ellie slams into his back and he wobbles but his gaze never falters.
“What the fuck, man!” Ellie exclaims, shoving Tommy and stepping around his statue like form but also freezing too.
You look between them both, trying to formulate an excuse but Joel shoving his t-shirt on, the fact your clothes are crumpled and there’s absolutely hay in your tousled hair says it all.
Your panties are shoved behind your back out of view.
“Well I’ll be damned, you’re the guy she’s seein’!.” Tommy snorts, looking between you both. Joel growls, yanking on his flannel while Ellie manually retrieves her jaw from the floor.
“What the fuck is this?” She asks, looking between you and Joel. “You have a girlfriend? What the fuck, dude? You didn’t say anything!” She fumes, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Look, it’s complicated and new.” He says, which placates her slightly. She stares at you again and you see the betrayal hidden behind a scowl, she looks at Joel again.
“Fine. I guess this isn’t that bad, it could be worse - we could of caught you with Esther.”
“That’s true.” Tommy nods, pointing at Ellie, she nods back.
“Esther?” You question, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, Tommy’s neighbour, she totally fancies Joel.” Ellie tells you. “You should fight her.”
“No, she doesn’t and stop shit stirring.” Joel warns Ellie, she hides a smirk which tells you she’s winding Joel up.
“I could take Esther.” You say, playing along, Ellie’s eyes brighten with mischief.
“Nobody’s fighting no one.” Joel settles, you’re all silent for a millisecond and then Tommy throws in his two cence.
“You could take Esther.” He agrees.
“Enough about Esther, please!” Joel begs, beside himself.
“This is fucking embarrassing, Joel. What the fuck do you expect us to do? It’s awkward!” Ellie complains, Tommy nods in agreement, you do too.
“Yeah? Try being where we’re stood, kid.” He retorts.
Ellie kinda has to resist the urge to throw up in her mouth because Joel has sex which is so horrifying that she almost can’t bare to look at him but she’s equally happy for him and utterly disgusted, she swallows back a retch.
“Fine, whatever. I’m very happy for you and my da - Joel.” Ellie bursts and corrects herself at the last minute, you don’t miss the hitch in Joel’s breathing but this is not the time for that discussion. “I’m willing to negotiate a price for the emotional damage you’ve both caused me by lying to me, sneaking around and also having sex in front of my horse.” She lists.
“My horse too!” Tommy adds.
“And Tommy’s horse too, Crash and Shimmer didn’t want to see your bare ass.” Ellie continues and for some reason Joel knows exactly where this is going, so he braces himself.
“Name your price.” He bites, Ellie looks at him with a levelling glare, it’s getting hard not to laugh when you see Tommy observing like he’s watching a mafia deal go down.
“A kitten.” Ellie reveals.
He fucking knew it.
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Steve Harrington x Female!Reader
Jealousy always turns into teasing and banter between you and Steve with him seemingly always able to fluster you. You're finally able to get the best of him, catching him in a very compromising position.
18+ Only! Minors DNI!
Warnings: No use of Y/N. Pet names. Reader is a tease. Jealous reader. Sub-ish Steve. Semi-public sex. Oral(male receiving). Unprotected P in V. Creampie.
WC: 2.9K
It's a slow Saturday afternoon by Family Video standards.
You were glaring at Steve between one of the shelves instead of restocking.
He was shamelessly flirting with yet another customer instead of actually working as you looked on with annoyance.
Her blonde hair is pulled into a high ponytail, batting her eyelashes and twirling her bubble gum around her finger before placing it back between her glossed lips as his eyes watched her intently.
You grumbled as you turned back around, shoving the VHS tape clutched in your hand back to its place on the shelf as you heard her laughter followed by, “Oh Steve, you are so funny!”
“He's not that funny, Tiffany.” You mumbled under your breath. “He's used that same joke on at least ten other people this week.”
“What was that, Princess?” You jumped at the sound of his voice, as the rest of the tapes went flying out of your hands hitting the floor as you whirled around.
His elbow was propped against the shelf next to you, much closer than you anticipated when you turned.
“Fuck, Harrington.” You clutched your chest. “Warn someone next time.”
He chuckled as he bent down to pick up the fallen items.
“I thought you heard me walk up. It's not my fault.” He shrugged, standing back up to full height placing everything on the cart in front of him.
“All I heard was obnoxious laughter coming from that bimbo over there.” Looking away from him, missing the way his eyes lit up, chancing a glance at your ass before his tongue darted out licking his lips.
“Princess, if you're jealous just say so.” You scoffed, before he lowered his voice daring to step a little closer to you. “Then, maybe we could do something about it.”
Your breath hitched, but you couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing what his words did to you so, you decided instead to play along. Give him a little taste of his own teasing.
“Steve?” You turned, inching closer to him. A flash of shock passed over his face when you placed your hands on his chest moving up to toy with the collar of his polo before looking up at him through your lashes, giving him your best doe eyes. You watched him gulp, releasing a sharp breath before replying.
“Yeah, princess?” Voice coming out low and soft. No hint of teasing unlike the way he usually hissed the nickname, hesitantly he placed his hands on your hips. His touch sent a spark through you, but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing.
You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, as his eyes darted to your lips.
You stood on the tips of your toes, nose grazing his cheek, finally letting your lips ghost the shell of his ear as you spoke.
“In your dreams, big boy.” You grinned, pulling back and giggling as he released the hold he had on you. You didn't look back, pushing the cart down the aisle leaving him there to gawk after you.
You heard him groan and hiss under his breath before quickly darting toward the back into Keith's office.
You laughed again, finally getting the best of Steve Harrington.
You hummed, putting away the returns until you realized it had been at least ten minutes since he disappeared.
You smirked to yourself, steady steps leading to the back of the store stopping short when your hand landed on the knob, but it wouldn't budge.
“Steve, are you okay in there?” You sang, shit eating grin plastered across your face as you knocked.
“Give me a few, I'm fine.” It came muffled but his voice sounded a little strained.
“You sure about that?” You laughed out, suddenly getting a devious idea. You'd been pinning after him for months, though he was seemingly oblivious. Jealousy got the best of you, turning into anger fueled banter. Steve thought you hated him which was far from the truth.
Quickly jogging to the front, you locked the door, turning the closed sign around, and grabbing the spare key beside the register.
You didn't warn him, shoving the key into the lock as it clicked open. Pushing it slowly open, until he came into view sat behind the desk.
His head was thrown back, face flushed with his cheeks the prettiest shade of pink. He was panting, pouty lips parted into an “o”. Your eyes traveled down to where his pants and boxers were shoved down his thighs. His hand fisted around his thick cock, stroking furiously at his ample length.
He raised his head, locking eyes with you as the door slammed against the back wall catching his attention.
Shock overtook his features, as he sat up trying to hide himself under the desk, but it was far too late. You'd seen everything and the image of his massive dick would forever be seared into your brain.
“Fuck, what’re you doing back here?” He sputtered out, shoving his now aching cock down past your line of vision.
You didn't say anything, stepping further into the room, shutting the door behind you in case any customers tried to look through the front windows.
“Need some help with that, Stevie?” You smiled, devilish and sweet, cocking your head toward him.
“Wh-what?” He rushed out, brows furrowed. His chestnut locks stuck to his forehead from the thin sheen of sweat he'd accumulated.
“Do you need some help with that?” Enunciating each word more slowly, as if that would help his comprehension.
His mouth parted slightly, before snapping it shut. You'd managed to render him speechless.
You threw the key on the desk, as his eyes followed your movements.
Slowly, you shucked the family video vest off your shoulders, letting it hit the ground.
Your hands slowly drifting to the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head suddenly glad you had opted for your soft pink, lacy bra that morning.
When your eyes drift back to his, he's slack jawed eyes roving over any exposed skin he can find.
“You ok, Stevie?” Coming out a little snarky, knowing you finally have the upper hand, shaking your hips a little as you rounded the desk.
You planted your foot on the desk chair beside his thigh, pushing in until his lap slowly rolled back into view.
His cock was long, and thick with a ruddy tip making your mouth water at the sight. You'd heard the rumors but seeing it in person was altogether a different experience.
You didn't give him time to think, placing your hands on either side of the chair arms caging him in.
He sucks in a sharp breath when you close in, face to face. Noses barely grazing.
“You've got a really pretty cock, Stevie. Anyone ever tell you that?” You say, lips barely grazing his as he releases a soft whimper.
He shakes his head no, as your hand trails across his exposed abdomen. Fingertips carding through the sparse hair from his belly button leading down.
He took in a shuddered breath as you got closer to his aching need, kicking up at the very thought of you touching him.
“That's a real shame because you have a really pretty cock.” You said, wrapping your hand around as much of him that you could, eliciting another whimper from his parted lips.
“Oh fuck, you don't have to… shit…” he hissed, his eyes closing at the sensation.
“What if I want to? That, ok?” You breathed out.
He nodded furiously, as you moved your hand up his length, thumb collecting the precum at the top of his cock as you slid it effortlessly at the head back down.
“Think Tiffany would do this for you, Steve?” You asked, lowering yourself down, laying your head on his lap just inches from where he wanted you the most. You turned, planting a kiss to his thigh as he bucked upward.
You decided to take a little mercy on him, flattening your tongue running it up the underside of his shaft.
“Oh fuck…” He moaned out, taking him completely by surprise wrapping your soft, supple lips around his head sucking softly before taking him fully into your mouth.
You hum around his taste, taking the time to look up through your lashes at his fucked-out expression. He's never looked so beautifully wrecked as you begin to bob your head, stroking with your hand what you couldn't fit down your throat.
He reaches for the back of your head, fingers raking up, grasping the loose hair at the nape of your neck.
“Hey, hey” he coos. “You don't have to do all that, princess.” That cocky, Harrington demeanor breaking through, pulling off with a slight pop.
“Too much for you, big boy?” Flashing him a grin, flicking your tongue across his head. His hips suddenly canting upward, chasing your mouth.
“No, shit. It's great… I just thought…” He stuttered out.
“Use your words, Stevie.” You chuckled, rising over him, deftly reaching behind undoing your bra.
The straps began to slide down your arms as your bare chest comes into view. He sucked in a sharp breath, as he looks you over.
“Fuck Princess, you're perfect.” Licking his lips as he let his eyes trail over your breasts.
“Mmmm, yeah Stevie?” Your hands roamed over them making eye contact with him as you do; your nipples stiffen with the touch.
“I have an idea. I'll let you fuck me if you're a good boy. But you have to follow directions.”
He swallows again, nodding, “Yeah, I can do that. I like that idea.”
“Stay right there.” You tell him, as you begin to shimmy your underwear down your legs, leaving your skirt on. They pool at your feet as you step to the side leaving them behind.
No regard for Keith's stuff scattered across the desk, you push it out of the way, as some things scatter to the floor.
Steve has a perfect view of your ass from his position behind you making him groan.
You quickly turn around, hopping up on the desk, spreading your legs slowly for him to see your bare pussy already dripping with arousal.
“Fuck,” he hisses out, wrapping his hand back around his cock searching for a little relief.
“Nuh uh. Keep your hands off. Eyes on me.” You instruct. He does as he's told as your hand travels down. Your fingertips glide through your folds, gathering some slick before circling your clit and releasing a little exaggerated moan.
“Oh, Steve, it feels so good.” You watch through hooded eyes as his cock bobs on its own. He's gripping the chair arms so tight, his knuckles are turning white, and you've barely just started. You knew he wasn't going to last, now it was just a game to see how long it would take before he decides to fuck you senseless.
You toy with your clit a few more moments before dropping to your entrance. Having him watch you was sending your body into overdrive. You quickly inserted a finger, as he leaned forward trying to gain a better look.
“I bet your fingers would feel so much better than mine.” Arching your back, as you insert another. “Yours are so long, and thick. Mmmm… fuck.”
“Yeah? Want me to use my fingers?” Finally finding his voice, eyes trained to where yours keep disappearing inside your tight cunt.
You nod, continuing to fuck yourself, trying to remain in control but you were on the verge of being pushed over the edge already. You threw your head back, your lower belly tightening with each pass and brush of your hand.
You suddenly felt his hand wrap around your ankle, as your eyes shot open. He had made his way over to you, standing between your parted thighs. You were losing your resolve.
“I'm so close, Steve.” You breathed out. “Need you to fuck me.”
“Come on, Princess. You've got it. Keep fucking your fingers, come f’me.” He urged you on, as his hands took up residency on your thighs pushing them further apart.
“Mmmm, fuck Steve.” You whined out, that coil tightening. He eased his thumb up, suddenly grazing your clit. The sensation has your hips bucking upwards as you chase your high.
“Yeah? Keep going.” He sang out, trying not to think about the way his dick was aching, longing to be where your fingers are but he wanted to see you come undone.
Your legs start to tremble, as he begins drawing circles against your puffy clit. He ducks his head down to your chest, drawing a pert nipple into his mouth sucking harshly.
“Shit, Steve! I'm gonna cum.” You huffed out as that coil within you finally snapped, your back hitting the desk, legs closing around your hands as your cunt spasmed around your fingers.
“Fuck, Princess. That was so fucking hot.” He said, as you were trying to catch your breath. You grinned, raising your head slightly to look back at him.
He was lazily stroking his cock, as your thighs parted, beckoning him forward. Coming to slot himself back between your thighs he eased his ministrations momentarily.
“Let me grab a condom,” saying as he reached down into his pants. You gripped his shirt, pulling him forward as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
His cock nestled itself against your core as you both moaned out in unison.
“You don't have to. Fuck me, Steve!” You carded your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
You watched his eyes go wide; pretty sure his brain was short circuiting at the thought.
“Fuck, are you sure?” Asking, as his hands drift down the plush of your thighs, dragging you more toward the edge of the desk.
“I'm sure, Stevie.” You nod, as he brings his hand between you, gripping himself to line up with your dripping entrance. You were aching, your first orgasm doing nothing to quell the need to be filled.
His head caught, causing your back to arch into him as he pushes ever so slowly into you. He was big, the stretch was already overwhelming you causing you to close your eyes, as your fingertips dig into his shoulders.
He watches the way he slowly disappears into you, the way your walls were sucking him could almost push him over the edge.
“Fuck, honey. So, tight.” He hisses out, as he finally pushes all the way in, gripping your hips with a bruising force.
The pinch of him filling you to the brim began to gradually subside into a dull ache.
You looked up at him through your lashes, gaining his attention from where the two of you were now connected.
“Steve, please move.” He nodded, nearly removing himself entirely before snapping his hips back into yours with ease.
“Oh fuck,” you hiss out, as he begins to set a pace that has you both moaning out.
The desk starts to move with each thrust, as papers, pens and loose items begin to fall from the edges.
The small office echoing with the sounds of skin slapping skin as his thrusts become harsher, faster trying to get you both there.
“Think you got one more, honey?” He asked, voice sugary sweet.
You nod, as he once again moves to toy with your clit.
“Come on honey, I wanna see ya’ fall apart on my cock.” He grunts out, trying to stave off his own release.
The pressure had been building, but his words sent you careening over the edge. It was a shock to you both as your cunt clamped down around him. You came with a scream of his name, locking your ankles behind his back, pulling him further into you.
He had no choice, the way your pussy was pulsing around him. He felt his balls tighten, thrusting once more harshly before he began painting your inner walls with his sticky spend.
“Fuck, honey.” He hissed, looking up at your blissed out expression. He moved his hand, tucking a piece of hair from your face before smashing his lips to yours. It was sweet, and slow. So different from the way he fucked you moments ago.
You kissed each other until you had to break apart for air, panting in each other's space as he spoke.
“Does this mean you don't hate me anymore?”
You giggled, lightly batting his shoulder.
“You're an idiot, Steve Harrington. I never hated you.”
“Well, I…” His train of thought was quickly interrupted when someone started banging on the door.
“Hey dinguses! You better not be doing what I think you're doing. I eat my lunch in there!” Robin blurted out as you two let out stifled giggles.
“Uh, sorry Rob. We'll clean up.” You sang out.
“Ewww! You're both lucky I love you so much!” You heard her groan, as she marched off.
He slid himself from you, as you released a small hiss. He softly rubbed your thigh before mumbling a quick apology.
You quickly gathered your clothes, putting them on as he straightened himself and the desk up.
“Hey, you want to go out after work? Grab a bite to eat? Movie at my place?” He asked, hand gravitating toward the back of his head, smoothing his hair down. A habit he had when he was nervous. “I mean, I know we may have done this a little backwards, but I like you. A lot.”
“So, Steve Harrington is asking me out on a date? I’ll think about it.” You teased, opening the door leaving him to once again gawk after you for the second time today.
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verstappen-cult · 3 months
Max is upset when you can't be at his side when the race weekend starts. Then when you're back to his side, I guarantee you can't not leave his side at all. This boy is going to stick with you like a koala till he's satisfied
You couldn't join Max the past weekend in Australia due to your work and now you regret it so much. You could’ve just asked your boss for a few days off and she would have said yes, and you could have been by his side during the fiasco that was the Australian Grand Prix.
Max was a little upset when you told him that you would not be in Australia, but after a long conversation — that ended up with you promising to be in Suzuka — he understood. 
Max has to make a quick stop in Monaco to pick a few things before flying to Japan, so you planned to wait for him with a delicious dinner and his favorite dessert. But you didn’t even have time to go to the grocery store because Max decided to arrive earlier, much earlier.
“What do you mean you’re outside?” You squeal, putting on your sneakers. “Outside of where?” You hold your phone between your cheek and shoulder as you grab your bag, waving goodbye to your friends.
“The pilates studio.” He simply says. 
“No, you’re in Australia.”
He laughs, “No, I’m in Monaco.”
“No becau—” You stop dead in your tracks when you step outside because he is, in fact, there, leaning against his car. “Max!”
He opens his arms and you don’t waste any time, colliding against his body. You drop everything just to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“I missed you so much.” You whisper against his neck, and you feel his smile when he kisses your cheek. 
“I couldn’t stay there any longer,” He shrugs, grabbing your things from the floor. “I missed my lucky charm this weekend.”
Your smile fades at the memory of Sunday’s race. “I’m sorry for what happened.” Max shrugs again, dismissing the topic with a wave of his hand. “How are you feeling?”
“These things happen. I won’t lie and say that I don’t care but we can’t cry about it, the team’s working on fixing everything and we’ll be back stronger than ever.”
You kiss him because there’s nothing else you could do. Hearing him talk that way when you know the old Max would have been beating himself up means everything to you.
“What was that for?” He chuckles when you pull away, a faint blush on his cheeks. 
“What? I can’t kiss my boyfriend now?” He rolls his eyes but leans to leave a chaste kiss on your lips. “Can you drop me off at the grocery store? I need to buy a few things for dinner.”
You fall into an easy conversation as he drives through the streets of Monaco. He tells you about everything that's wrong with the car and what they’re doing to fix those issues and, in return, you tell him what you’ve been doing in his absence, and how much the cats miss him. 
Soon enough, you reached your destination. 
“Okay, I won’t be long. You can go home and—what are you doing?”
“I’ll come with you.”
“No, you’re going home to rest.” But he doesn’t listen. Max just gets out of the car, opens the door and helps you out. “Max.”
He groans, “I just,” He drops his head slightly forward. “I missed you so much, I don’t want to leave you.”
Your heart melts and you can’t say no to him, not when he’s looking like a lost puppy in front of you, so you simply take his hand, dragging him inside.
Of course you don’t miss the way his whole face lights up. 
You end up arguing in the milk aisle because Max doesn’t leave your side, not when you try to move away to grab something you need and definitely not when you bump into one of your friends who you haven’t seen in a while, so you’re unable to hug her. 
The argument ends with you pinned against the store shelves with Max whispering filthy things in your ear. You only pull away when the store manager clears his throat saying that “if you don’t stop right now, you’re gonna be banned for life.”
You think that once at home Max will want to take a rest, forgetting about you, but, to your surprise, he just takes a quick shower before joining you in the kitchen. 
You cook dinner together, with a few kisses and ear scratches to the cats. And then you eat together, talking about everything and nothing at all, enjoying each other’s company. 
Of course Max doesn’t let you shower alone, he joins you there too.
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georgiapeach30513 · 5 months
With Your Touch, Part 1
Summary: You were supposed to be living a normal life. Perfect boyfriend, just graduated college, and ready to start your new life. Until you met him. Brooding and imposing unless his daughter is around. You knew nothing about babies, but he knew less. Tension builds, feelings flare up, but are they just because he looks extremely sexy when he's soft? Could it be because you are falling for this princess of a baby girl before him? Is it because when he's in town you're too close? The money is good, and yet his attention is better.
Pairings: Lloyd Hansen X Reader
Rating: mild
Warnings:  language, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.1K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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Lloyd scowls as he watches the scene in front of him. The crease between his brows is extra deep. He hates working in the field almost as much as he hates watching it. Idiots. He was surrounded by incompetent idiots.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” His fist slams on the table. How many shots have to be fired before they secure their target. “He’s right fucking there! Shoot his ass!”
“Lloyd,” a timid man says behind him, and Lloyd’s eyes never leave the monitors. “Mr. Hansen?”
“I don’t want to do this myself, but I fucking will! Levinson, get ready to go!” More rounds of bullets, and still the target was missed. “What the fuck is this?”
His body goes rigid as he turns to look at the small man who is shivering. Eyes downcast to the floor so he doesn’t look at the towering man. “Why the hell are you addressing me?”
“We have a problem.”
“No, shit, Sherlock. I have two teams of mercenaries after one target, and he’s not been shot. What the fuck else could be wrong?” He leans over a bit looking at the man. “Well?”
“Who the hell brought a baby?” Ari asks, staring down at a pitiful little carrier. An envelope beside the small bundle, and her bright green eyes stare up at the large man. “This isn’t bring your daughter to work day,” her face cracks a moment as she searches his face. Lips puckering out before a scream radiates through the makeshift office. “Make it stop!”
“Where the fuck did a baby come from?” Lloyd snaps a finger at another man to take over the original issue at hand. He just needs the target killed, and he can go home for a bit. “What is this?”
Ari’s hands slap on the side of his head covering his ears, but his foot tilts the carrier to rock it a bit, but still she wails. Seeing how no one attempts to help out, or get the baby to stop, Lloyd assumes this is something he’s going to have to take care of. What else was new? Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he leans down to grab up the letter. Crumpling it up before looking down at the baby. “Mother fucker.”
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Your fingers run over the empty shelves in your dorm room. Graduation has finally happened, and now it is time to leave your mark on the world. Your father didn’t bother to show up for your graduation because why would he? He never showed up personally in your life. Not really. He always made sure that everything was paid for though. It could be worse, right?
You try not to complain about your father, or your family. You had more than most and should be grateful. But then some people had attention. Sighing, you grab up your bag, and look towards the door.
“Chase,” whispering, you walk over to him, and lay your head on his chest. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I don’t know why you feel so attached to this dorm room, honey.”
“Because it was my home,” you’re sure he didn’t fully understand, which was okay, you never bothered to explain. You kept your family dynamics quiet. He never asked why you were so quick to visit with his family for the holiday, just enjoyed you being there.
His warm arms wrap around you, and he holds you in a tight embrace. He wasn’t quite comfort, but he is sweet. He means well, and did what he could for the information that you provided to him. But this dorm room was the closet you had to a home. You had good memories here. Friends that were more like family, and now it’s gone.
You groan when the stupid sound of your absent father’s ringtone sounds off. Maybe he is actually calling to congratulate you for wasting his money on a degree that he deemed pointless. He. It probably wouldn’t matter what you did, it’d never be good enough for him.
“You gonna get that?”
“Do I have to?” You complain looking up at Chase. His mouth lifts to the side, and he nods his head. He is right. You should talk to him and quit hiding. You didn’t know what he was going to say or do. “I’ll be waiting in the car.”
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“So the kid is yours?” Ari looks down at the car seat, watching the little baby cry, no one attempting to soothe or comfort her. Lloyd squats down and rubs his thumb over her cheek, and she struggles to breathe from her tears. “Are you going to hold it?”
“Can you stop referring to my daughter like she’s a thing?”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Ari answers sarcastically. “Then pick her up. What is her name?”
“Clara told me to name her. She didn’t bother naming her. What…what do I do?” He looks up at his friend, showing the tiniest bit of emotion. “I don’t know anything about babies.”
“Start by holding her.”
“You hold her,” Lloyd is a lot of things but nurturing is far from one of them. He was a man that didn’t make mistakes, but clearly, he messed up somewhere. Of all the women he had been with only one was he stupid enough to knock up. But the way Lloyd is staring at her would suggest he almost wanted a baby.
“This is so fuck…this is so stupid. Clean up your mouth. She isn’t old enough to talk yet, but she will be,” Ari gets down to his knees, starting to remove the straps over her body. “She’s a pitiful little thing. Shh, girlie, you’re scaring your daddy before he’s properly got to look at you. There ya go,” he coos, holding the tiny girl up against his chest. Her cries soften a bit. He wonders when the last time she felt loved, because her body moves around feeling more of him.
“What’s wrong with her?” Both Ari and Lloyd’s noes turn up in disgust as they smell her. “She’s not been bathed?”
“That’s poop, Lloyd. We can’t have a baby here,” that is something Ari is certain of. Not only was this not a place for babies, he didn’t want to have to smell the baby smells.
“I didn’t ask for the baby. She was dropped on the mother fucking steps. Clara. I’ll kill that dumb trollop. Never trust desperate women. She doesn’t want money. She just didn’t want the baby. And I need her to have a name, so I’m not just calling her the baby. Ari, name her.”
“I’m not naming your spawn. She’s born of you, you name her. And my god, you gotta change this diaper, and figure out what you’re going to do in order for us to not have to deal with a baby like this. What the hell do you want?”
Lloyd turns to look at one of the analysts standing in the doorway. His thick rimmed glasses, and quiet demeanor made him one of Lloyd’s favorites. He was trustworthy, and smart. Quick. One of the few people Lloyd didn’t want to strangle. “Roman, what do you need? We’re dealing with someone.”
“You need an au pair.”
“What the hell is that?”
“It…it’s someone that will live in your home, and care for the child. They could teach them another language, and…”
“Sounds like a wife. Do I get to fuck them? Does she talk back to me?” Roman shakes his head no, wanting to say more, but doesn’t want to risk his job. He had the perfect person to help Lloyd with his little problem. “Where does one find an au pair?”
“I know someone that just recently graduated, and she speaks French. She has a degree in art history, and…”
“I need her at my house immediately,” Roman acts as if he’s about to say something until Lloyd cocks up a brow, “I will pay her handsomely.”
“You’re keeping the baby?” Ari’s answer comes in the form of Lloyd reaching towards the baby. Turning up his nose at the stench, but he holds her gently. Tenderly. He gives her a quick peck on her head. “He’s keeping the baby. Roman, call whoever. Sounds like the amount of money is not an issue.”
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Staring up at the posh apartment buildings, and squeezing Chase’s hand, you wonder how you even got here. Your father didn’t do anything but give you money. You didn’t even know him. Didn’t know what he even did to make the money. And now you are taking orders from him. Allowed him to make you feel like shit for your education.
“You don’t have to listen to him,” Chase says calmly. Slipping his hand out of yours, he turns to look directly at you. “You’re a grown woman, you don’t have to listen to what daddy says.”
“Don’t call him that,” your father didn’t earn that name. That’s exactly what you called him, father. “I mean look at it, there could be worse places to live.”
“Yeah, and you’re caring for a child that isn’t yours. And where’s her parents? How often will you have this child?”
“I’m going to live with them.”
“That’s another thing, I don’t exactly like the idea that you live with them. Who are them?”
“It’s a need to know basis,” you mumble. Finally finding your footing you take a step forward. It was now or never and it seemed like it was going to be now. What did you actually have to lose? This was a guaranteed job. It’s not like you had to stay. The pay was great. And how hard could one baby be?
You were going into this job with a house, great pay, and it seemed somewhat cushy. “You’re just going to be giving another child a life without their parents.”
“And just think where I would have been without my nanny,” you spit out, feeling a bit more protective of a child that you haven't met. It wasn’t her fault anymore than it was yours. Children should be loved and taken care of, and that’s what you are going to do.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know you didn’t. You don’t have to go with me if you don’t approve,” sighing, Chase follows you as you walk into the building. Following the exact instructions you were given from your father. You didn’t know what you were walking into. It was just a job after all.
Neither you or Chase say another thing. He definitely could feel your irritation at the need to insert what he thought he knew about your life. Your life wasn’t horrible. You just didn’t have your parents. Especially not your father. He had a business. And whatever he did afforded you a charmed life.
Seems like this child was getting the same treatment. And if you could give her the life that your amazing nanny gave you, then you feel like you’re giving it back. You didn’t see yourself as a teacher, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. And it was just one small baby. Eventually she would be going to school, and that’s if you even stayed that long.
Attention was everything when it came to children. If you said no, and this was apparently an emergency, what would happen to this child? Every child deserves a good life.
You don’t fully bother knocking on the door. Just punch in the code to the apartment, and Chase tugs at your arm. He isn’t as comfortable with this as you are. Your father gave you the code, Lloyd didn’t want you to knock, he wants you to make yourself comfortable. Your eyes go wide as you look around.
You could see the house at one point was pristine, but now it’s chaotic. Empty boxes are everywhere, but all of them seem to be items for the child. Your father told you she was a baby, but not how new she was. Tiptoeing deeper into the apartment, Chase pulls you back into him.
“Announce yourself. This is weird.”
“Mr. Hansen?” The sweetest little baby gurgle comes from the next room, and you look up at Chase. “That’s a real baby, handsome. Can I go meet my employer now?”
“I’m right here. Scream if you need me.”
“Mr. Hansen?” You ask again, looking into the first room. It is an even bigger disaster. Stuff was everywhere. The room has so much potential, but why does everything seem new? “Mr. Hansen, do you need help?”
He needs a lot of help. Could barely tend to his own child. His movements seem very rigid and unsure of himself. “Yeah, I think she peed. She has on the diapers that change color when wet, but…I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“I babysat a few times,” it’s a bit of a stretch. They weren’t babies. But you’ve seen some movies. Read some things, “Let me see. Hey there, cutie,” she looks like she could break hearts. She is angelic. Chubby little legs, and the biggest dimples in her cheeks. Completely toothless with the prettiest bright green eyes and long lashes. “I think you’ve overwhelmed your daddy. Did you recently just get custody?”
There had to be a reason for this mess. But he went and spent a ton of money trying to give his daughter everything she needed and could ever want. “I just recently found out about her,” that took an unexpected turn. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t have the time to really devote to her, but I don’t want her to do without, and…I’m in over my head.”
So he was a bit like your father. But he seems to currently be more hands on than your father was. It was cute, in a completely not weird way at all. Lloyd was older than you. A full grown man while you had only just graduated college. “I’m not an interior designer, but I know some. The apartment is a mess, I’m aware. Lyla needs so much, and this place was just here. I never took the time to do anything. So me and my partner ordered everything we could think of. I don’t think she needs everything we got, but she could. She has her bed, and her diapers, and there’s a box of formula and food in the kitchen. Her food should be there, right? I don’t think she plays with toys yet, but there’s some somewhere.”
“Is this a Dior stroller?”
“I was told it was a pram,” you stare at him, trying not to giggle. The fact that it was Dior was the more silly part. “I can’t do what I do and have her there it’s dangerous.”
“What do you do?”
“Don’t ask,” the look he gives you makes you take a step back, gawking up at him when you realize his size. He is tall. Arms that are thick and hard as steel. His shoulders are wider than your entire body, “Lyla will be provided for, and because of that so will you. Whatever you need. I’ll leave a card for you. I won’t be able to personally get all your…well, all your needs. So this seems like the best option.”
“My needs? Like food?”
“Uh, I know that you women have things you need,” he’s an idiot. “I’ll give you a check, so this looks legit, but I can provide all your special woman needs,” huge idiot.
“Yeah, I can get my ‘womanly needs’ with my paycheck. Do…how often are you going to be here if I’m living here?”
He puffs out a bit of air, and he fully gives you attention. His daughter now has a changed diaper, and he cradles her sweetly. Some stupid expensive silver teething toy in her mouth, and his eyes roam over your entire body. He’s a bit too handsome to be a father, and one that just so happened to be your employer. His eyes are too blue, and his arms look too thick, and you gulp, clenching your thighs together. What the fuck was this witchcraft?
“Every night if possible. I typically work remotely, but sometimes I do have to go out of the country, and that leads to a few days to a week without me coming home to you and Lyla,” is he smirking? You shouldn’t feel so small and taken aback, but your stomach erupts with annoying butterflies with how hard he’s staring at you.
“Would you like to see your room? It’s next to the baby’s. My bedroom is in the front of the apartment, just off the living room. So I’ll be the first to the door. Absolutely no one in this apartment. I don’t trust people. Especially not around my child, and I guess now you come into my protection. If you need to know the apartment is in another name. I have a tendency to create a lot of enemies, and I try to keep things here as safe as possible.”
Lloyd freezes when he hears Chase sneeze. Handing you the baby, he covers you and her with his body in such a quick motion it takes your breath away. Your loss of breathing had nothing to do with his weight digging into your skin, and you surely don’t let out an odd sound that has him giving you a quick wink.
“That would be my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? Roman didn’t say anything about a boyfriend.”
“Roman doesn’t even know when my birthday is. Do you have a problem with Chase being here?”
“What kind of name is Chase?” With your free hand, you shove him off you. You didn’t need him that close to you. “Honestly, what kind of name is that? And I said nobody visits.”
“You just told me that. He traveled here with me because he didn’t trust that I was coming to some apartment with some weird man that lured me here under false pretense just so he could murder me.”
“I don’t lure women here. This is a safe space for my daughter. I need you to make him leave,” Lloyd didn’t need to lure women. When he wanted a woman he could have one. And wanting a woman led to him becoming a father.
“But I don’t want to be here alone with a baby that can’t talk,” his eyes narrow at you. It is like you and Lloyd are playing a tit for tat game. Going back and forth of why Chase shouldn’t be here, and why you need him here. “He has a job. He works at an IT firm. Would you really want me here alone and by myself? What if someone comes here to attack me? Then Lyla is left all alone.”
“I’ve taken precautions that this would never happen. When you’re on the clock, Lyla is your only priority,” that made you feel slightly uneasy. You had to make a note to check the neighbors. Getting a feeling that someone was tasked with watching and listening to you and Lyla.
“When am I off the clock?”
“When I am here. Unless,” he gives you that eat shit grin again, shaking his head. Is he actually flirting with you, “I shouldn’t say that, sunshine. So what should Lyla call you? Nanny seems a bit too old and mature for someone sweet like you.”
“Why not my name?” He contemplates that for a moment, looking down at his little baby who stares up at you. If babies could talk, you wonder what she is thinking of.
“I want her to call you, Dolly. Her Dolly. Ooh, yes, I like that. Let’s see what I should do about this boyfriend,” spinning on his heels Lloyd walks down the hallway, stopping the moment he sees Chase. Your boyfriend stands up immediately, holding out his hand for Lloyd to shake.
“I don’t like you.”
“I’m sorry?” Chase looks towards you holding the baby, and takes a quick gulp. Lloyd’s eyes go between the two of you before sidestepping in front of you. His wide body blocking Chase from looking in your direction. “What is this?”
“Chase, let's get something straight, when I’m not here, Dolly is on the clock.”
“Her name isn’t Dolly.”
“When I’m here, I’ll allow her to come and go as she pleases, but just like Miss Dolly, I need to get a background check on you. I don’t want just anybody to have access to my daughter, and her au pair. And absolutely under no circumstance will you be sleeping under my roof. This is my home, and my daughter’s, and I don’t need stupid boys coming in here and tainting that,” he turns to look at you. Giving you no time at all to process exactly what he is saying. He couldn’t be serious.
“Remember, I own your father. I also own you. I’m offering you money that you can’t refuse because he just cut you off, and you’re used to a certain lifestyle. I’m providing that for you. And I don’t want limp dicks in my home. Have I made myself clear?”
“You can’t do that.”
“I can do whatever I want, Dolly. I’m Lloyd fucking Hansen. If I want to cut every single finger off your father’s hands, I will. You can either have me as your employer or your enemy. And if you walk out that door with that boy, you will be my enemy. I’m not saying you can’t date him, I’m saying I don’t want him in my house or around my daughter. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes,” his head tilts forward, and his piercing blue eyes give you a look. A look you can’t exactly explain, but it makes you feel things. Makes you ready to do whatever it is he told you to do. “Yes, sir.”
“Good girl. Get rid of the boyfriend.”
“But you’re here.”
“And so are you. There’s no need for him to linger around, while you move in. This is just an introduction, sweetheart. I need to walk you through all the boring stuff about your job. I’ll pay you extra if you get Lyla’s bedroom situated. This place is a complete disaster, and I can’t stand it. Get rid of him,” reaching towards Lyla, he walks back down the hallway to her room, and you give Chase an awkward smile.
“Come on, he can find someone else to be the au pair.”
“I need to see this through, Chase,” he tries interrupting you. Like he usually does, but you shake your head. You did need this job. None of the other places you applied at have called you back. “I need this job. It won’t be forever. And once I get settled in, and have my first day off, I’ll spend it with you.”
“You’re really going to let him talk to you like you’re his property?”
“No, I’m not. But I see myself in that little baby, and she needs me. He doesn’t know what to do.”
“Do you?” Nope. You had no idea about babies. You didn’t even have siblings. But your bags that were in Chase’s cars had a few books with some ideas on what to do. You’d figure it out along the way. Plus, you had this odd desire to understand your dad’s job, and also what exactly Lloyd did. How did a man that instilled so much fear in you also have a soft spot for his daughter?
“You’ll call if you want to leave? No questions asked, I’ll come and get you?”
“No questions asked,” you promise, kissing his lips softly. His hands cup your ass, and Lloyd glares at him down the hallway. How did Roman allow you to grow up and be disrespected in a stranger’s home? You allowed him to kiss down your neck, and neither of you even knew he was watching.
Lloyd would never let Lyla be treated like that. He wished he could make her not get any bigger. He liked the idea of having a woman in his home. Even if it wasn’t the way that a traditional family had it, who knew what the future held. You wanted to please him. Even told Chase it was time for him to leave. He still had it.
Chase pulls off your neck, and notices Lloyd watching you. His hands slip into your back pockets, and he gives your ass a bit of a squeeze, “Who’s girl are you?”
“I’m yours, Chase. Now go on, I’ll call you later,” his eyes flick over to Lloyd, who ventures into Lyla’s room. Going to lay her down for her nap as he tries to think of ways to get rid of Chase. He is an asshole. A cocky one at that. Unfortunately he reminded Lloyd of himself. And there is only enough room in your life for one asshole.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @pandaxnienke @theinheriteddutchess @rainydayandmondays @buckybarnesisdaddy @patzammit @xoxo-ls @rebeccapineapple @slutforchrisjamalevans @marvel-wifey-86 @jesevans @ughdontbeboring @infantasywonderland @vampy-doll @i-like-to-read-13 @missacidburn928 @charmed-asylum @honeyhoneylovelylove
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wileys-russo · 8 months
this but with Leah who hates it when you are more than two feet away from her because she needs you right by her side + reader who is always getting sidetracked while shopping and stops everywhere driving her insane
sidetracked II l.williamson
"-and then on wednesday we have to..." leah trailed off as she realised you were no longer walking by her. she quickly turned around, bumping into various shoppers with mumbled apologies as she finally spotted you.
"oi! babe please stop dawdling." your girlfriend sighed, gesturing for you to follow her. "but look lee! new flavours." you pointed to the packets of two minute ramen that had caught your attention, leah swallowing the sarcastic remark which so badly wanted to be spat from her mouth.
"that's nice love. but we really need to get this done, your mums coming over for dinner remember?" leah forced a smile as you again joined her, the blondes hands grabbing the shopping basket off the floor as you resumed walking.
"how could i forget? you invited her without consulting me!" you huffed as you gave your girlfriend a withering side eye. "you ask my mum over all the time without consulting me!" leah argued back, nudging you along with her elbow as she noticed you start to become sidetracked by something on the shelves.
"its always while you're at training leah that doesn't count." you scoffed, grabbing a few packets of pasta at her request. "no! put them in properly." the blonde warned as you lingered behind her intending to toss them in like basketballs once she'd given you some distance to shoot.
"baby you are seriously no fun to go shopping with." you grumbled dumping the pasta into the basket as the older girl pinched you for the comment. "shopping is an errand it's not supposed to be fun love." leah chastised tiredly, again grabbing the back of your top and tugging you back up as you squatted down to read something.
"when you're in love everything can be made fun! lots of couples enjoy doing errands like shopping together, stroppy." you poked her sides as the taller girl scowled at you which only widened your smile of amusement, knowing very well how much leah detested grabbing groceries.
"what time's the match again on sunday?" you asked, the blonde still not playing but back in full training so you both knew it was only a matter of time. "well kick off's at four but i'd like to get there by three at the latest so i can watch the girls-" leah again stopped mid answer noticing you were no longer beside her.
spinning around she spotted you hunched over with your eyebrows furrowed, reading the cooking instructions on a box of taco shells. "in for ten and out for ten leah, you are calm and you will stay calm." leah closed her eyes and mumbled herself an affirmation as she made her way back toward you, her frustration levels rapidly rising.
"can you believe these only take two minutes to cook? i guess they're like giant corn chips after all." you shrugged, eyes still scanning the box before leah wordlessly took it out of your hands and put it back on the shelf.
she held out her hand again without a word as you took it, linking your fingers as you filled the silence with your usual chatter, your girlfriend humming every now and then as she continued to grab what was on your list.
"can you go and get a dozen eggs please sweets?" leah sighed, nodding toward the other end of the fridges as you ducked off to grab them. leah meanwhile stocked up ham, moaning in annoyance as her favorite brand was out and she'd need to trial another.
"oh for fuck sakes where's she gone now?" leah glanced to where she'd sent you, noticing eggs but a distinct lack of you as she hurried off with a groan.
she checked aisle after aisle, but still nothing, and with each one her irritation grew more and more.
until finally she saw the back of your head and charged toward you. hearing footsteps come closer you glanced up, a smile curling onto your lips seeing the blonde hurrying over.
"lee baby look they have-" you started as your girlfriend reached you, taking the eggs out of your hand before placing the basket on the ground. "what are you..." you frowned as she messed around with her keys which hung off her jeans.
"there! now, you can no longer be side tracked or run away." the taller girl hooked the two of you together by your belt loops using the carabiner on her keys. "i wasn't running away! i don't need this." you huffed as she fixed you with a stern glare normally only reserved for her team mates when in captain mode.
"leah this is ridiculous." you whined, trying to unhook it as she smacked your hands away. "considering it has taken us over an hour to grab about twenty things babe, yes you do." leah huffed, grabbing the basket in one hand and grabbing your own with her other, tugging you along with her as you smiled awkwardly to those giving you strange looks.
"leah this is embarrassing." you hissed, again trying to unhook the two of you as she once more smacked at your hands. "oh but babe are you forgetting something?" leah smirked as the two of you finally reached the check out counter.
"when you're in love everything can be made fun, no?"
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fun-loving-peach · 4 months
First Kiss
BoyfriendAkaashi x Reader
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Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Word Count: 669
Summary: First kiss with your boyfriend Akaashi at home reading after a date.
Author’s Note: I just had to write about my baby Keiji. If there’s spelling mistakes I’m sorry I didn’t have time to proof read and just wanted you guys to read it. Short fluff, Divider by @saradika-graphics <3
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It was date night today and you decided to go to the bookstore for some new books to read together. You guys roamed around for an hour or two trying to find the perfect books to get.
“Hey what about this one?” You asked pointing the book towards him.
“I’ve hear about that one, and it’s supposed to be really good if you like fantasy.” Akaashi says softly smiling as he looked over to you.
“I think I’m gonna get it, but I wanna see if there’s any other volumes.” You say looking over the shelves.
After a few moments you found the second book of the series but it was in the top shelve. You stepped onto your tippy toes trying to get it but couldn’t.
As you were struggling to get the book Akaashi came behind you and grabbed the book for you.
“Oh… thanks.” You say quietly as you turned around only to find him loom over you, blue eyes staring at yours.
“If you need anything that’s high just tell me, I’ll get it for you.” He says smiling softly as he hands the book to you moving a little to keep on looking for books.
You stood there for a second cheeks red from his closeness as you thought he was gonna kiss you. You wanted him to kiss you, but you just thought he didn’t want to yet.
A few hours past by as you guys leave the bookstore. Hands filled with a few books you each got.
“Wanna head to my place so we can start reading?” Akaashi ask’s as he opened the car door for you.
“That be great, Keiji.” You say getting in the car before he gets in too and drives away.
Getting to his apartment you entered to be greeted by his fully white fluffy cat named marshmallow. (I had i cat named marshmallow so I just had too 🩷)
“Hi there baby marsh, how you doing, my love.” You say picking him up and snuggling into him as he purr’s.
“Do you want some tea and cake to start reading or do you want it more later?” He asked as he put the books on the coffee table.
“Maybe now, I wanna drink something warm while I read since it’s getting colder.” You say putting marshmallow on the floor cleaning your shirt from his hair and going over to the couch.
“Do you want to turn the heat on sweetie?” He says from the kitchen making tea.
“It’s fine, I’ll get a blanket so we can cuddle on the couch while we read.” You say softly.
After a few hours tea was already gone and you’re both sitting on the couch together as you read your books.
“What chapter are you on?” Akaashi asked you leaning over your shoulder as he looked at your book.
“Chapter 4, what about-“ You stop your word’s as you turned around and noticed how close Akaashi was. You could feel his breath hitting your neck as you stared at him.
He looked at your lips then your eyes looking, searching for something. Seconds go by and you’re still looking at one another when Akaashi says in a quiet voice.
“Can I kiss you?”
You looked at his blue eyes then his lips as you slightly leaned forward, books already forgotten on your lap’s.
At your agreement he lean’s slowly lips inching closer as he grabs your cheek and pulls you to him. He kisses you slowly and tenderly his other hand coming to your own hand squeezing it slightly.
After a few minutes you pulled away for air, both your cheeks flushed red as you stared at one another smiling.
“Your lips are so soft, Sweetheart. Can we do it again? Please…” he whispers as he looks at your cute red face caressing your cheek as he pulls you closer.
You nod not trusting your words as you both leaned in kissing again until your lips were red and swollen.
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 months
Good girls get rewards!
Synopsis: After failing your test miserably, Satan agrees to help you out. One of the perks of having him as your tutor is the rewards you receive when you do well!
Wordcount: 1.5 k Pairing: Satan x fem!reader Contents: NSFW (18+) mdni, kissing/makeout session, fingering, praise, pet names, slight exhibitionism, semi-public (the library), choking
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“You’re screwed.” Satan says.
“I’m so horribly screwed." You repeat and stare at the report card.
“I think your grades might be worse than Mammon's.”
“Wow, Satan, thank ya very much-“ Mammon stops as he sees the history test in your hands. “Oh, those are worse than mine.” He states and you look at him with pure panic in your eyes.
“Lucifer is gonna kill me.” You begin and look at the paper again, as if hoping the numbers might change. “What am I going to do?” You stand up and open the top button of your uniform, suddenly feeling very hot.
“I’ve survived several months in the devildom and somehow my grades are gonna be the death of me.” You’re pacing the room now while fanning yourself and Mammon and Satan watch you walk back and forth.
Mammon slaps Satan on the shoulder, making Satan glare at his older brother. “What are you-“ He begins but stops when Mammon begins motioning at you, who’s currently distracted with trying to open a window to get some air.
“Help her out” Mammon whispers and Satan stares at him blankly. “Mammon, there’s no hope for her. You saw the test.” Satan says. “Okay, what do you want?” Mammon asks. Satan looks at Mammon for a long while searching for any mischief in his eyes. Mammon stares back, dead serious.
“I want the original first edition print of Crime and Punishment from Lucifer's office.”
You tentatively knock on Satan's door and he opens almost immediately. You’ve only been in Satan's room a few times and stare in awe at the different books on his shelves and floor. His desk, however, is completely clean apart from the devildom history book, which is already open.
“Sit down” he says and you do. He slips into the chair next to you. “Okay, so the next test is unfortunately tomorrow, but if we study intensively for the next couple of hours, you might make it,” he says and you nodd.
“This study method is called the Feynman Technique and…”
Studying with Satan is nice and he somehow manages to make you understand the subject. Devildom history is long and boring and there are a lot of weird unnecessarily long names and random feuds that you don't really care about. It doesn't make it any easier that Satan is so pretty. You stare at his blond hair and fight the urge to reach out and run your fingers through it. Your gaze falls on his lips and you wonder what they might feel like on yours.
"MC? Are you listening?" Satan asks and you snap back to reality. "Yeah, for sure," you reply, but your cheeks are burning now. You can't believe he caught you staring at him.
"Repeat what I just said," He says. Your cheeks seem to burn harder and he sighs and places his head in his hands. "MC, I can't help you if you don't focus. What were you even thinking about?" He asks and you shrug, trying to seem casual. "Nothing important," you say, letting out a high-pitched laugh and he shakes his head.
"Maybe we should set up a reward system" Satan says and your interest perks up. "I'm listening," you say and he laughs at you while shaking his head. "Alright, if you manage to get over 70 points tomorrow, you can choose a reward." He says. "Any reward?" you ask and he perks a brow. "Yeah, sure." You instantly agree and shake his hand.
For the rest of the study session, your undivided attention is on the book in front of you, but you can't entirely ignore the tiny pleasurable throb in your lower abdomen.
"I did it," you say, after finally finding Satan in a small secluded section of the library two days later and you show him the paper. A big red 72 is at the top of the sheet and he smiles. "Well done. I suppose you want a reward now?" He says and you nod, your cheeks flushing.
"What would you like?" He asks and you look around confirming that no one can see you, before grabbing his book and putting it away. You slowly straddle him and wrap your arms around his neck as his hands instantly find your hips. He looks at you surprised, but pleasantly so as if he hadn't expected you to be so bold.
"Want your fingers," you say and he chuckles under his breath, while his hands massage your hips. "Yeah, MC? Where would you like them?"He asks and you don't bother answering, you just grab his hand and bring it underneath your skirt.
There's already a wet patch forming on your panties, and your entire body is humming with anticipation. He groans when you bring his fingers to your damp panties and he pulls them aside so he can run his fingers through your wet folds.
"Devils, MC, didn't know history made you so horny," he says as his thumb finds your clit and begins pressing lazy circles into it. You grind down on his finger and gasp at the friction. "You have no idea," you respond and lean in to kiss him. He kisses you back, muffling your moans as two fingers find your entrance and push in.
He groans again at how wet and warm you feel inside and wishes he could just fuck you right here, but it's too risky and he's fine with just feeling you around his fingers for now. He slowly pumps in and out of you and you gasp in pleasure and grind further down meeting his pace. You kiss him more and messier and sigh at how perfect his lips feel against yours as your hands run through his hair and tug at his blond locks.
He adds another finger and you whine into his mouth at the stretch. This urges him to go faster and you almost cry out before he puts his free hand on your throat and presses lightly, making you gasp for air.
"You have to be quiet, unless you want someone to find us, kitten," he says and you nod as your eyes roll back while he curls his fingers and hits a spot that makes you shudder. "Or perhaps you want someone to hear us? Filthy human, getting off on the thought of someone finding you here, stuffed on my fingers."
The thought of someone walking by and seeing you like this makes you moan again and his grip around your throat tightens as you grind down on him harder, loving the way his fingers feel inside of you. Heat begins building in your core, and you whine at how close you are, your walls clenching around his fingers. He groans at how perfect you look for him. What a mess he's made of you with barely any effort.
You continue riding his fingers as your orgasm approaches and you feel lightheaded at his grip on your throat. "Satan," you gasp. "Yes, baby?"
"Been such a good girl, please let me cum," you say and he coos at your begs as he curls his fingers once again. His thumb finds your clit, and he begins pressing quick circles in it, edging you further on. You hide your face in the crook of his neck, as your orgasm finally hits and you cry out before his hand on your throat finds your mouth, muffling your cries and whines. He continues rubbing your clit and thrusting his fingers as you ride out your high, unable to form any thoughts other than how good his fingers feel. When you come back to reality, he removes his fingers and you watch as he sucks them clean, humming with delight.
"Such a smart girl, baby," he says and you lean in to kiss him. He returns the kiss and his hands find your hips again, thumbs rubbing circles into your soft skin, where your shirt has ridden up. You gasp in delight and his tongue enters your mouth deepening the kiss. When you both pull away he smiles.
"Perhaps if you get a 90 on the next test I'll fuck you as a reward." He says. You gasp at the bluntness of his words and slap his chest.
"Okay, yeah, let's begin studying immediately."
"Satan, hey!" Mammon says as he runs to catch up with him in the hallway of the House of Lamentation. "Yeah, Mammon, what do you need?" Satan asks and smiles at his brother. Mammon stutters for a few seconds and stares at his brother. Did Satan just smile at him?
"Umm, right, yeah," He pulls out a suspicious-looking brown paper bag and gives it to Satan. "Your price," He whispers. “Took forever to get my hands on it."
"Keep it, return it to Lucifer's office, I don't care," Satan says as he reaches his room. "I got my reward already." He says and winks as he closes the door leaving Mammon completely dumbfounded on the other side. He stares at the wrinkly old book in his hands. How the fuck does Satan expect him to return this to Lucifer's office without him noticing? Then he shrugs before going back to his room. Perhaps he’ll just sell it on eBay or something.
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midnightlizard · 4 months
Why can't everyone just go away, only you can stay
Wanda Maximoff x gn!reader
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Summary: After a bad mission, your girlfirend is there to help you
Warnings: canonical violence, hurt/comfort at it's peak
A/N: I wrote this years ago so I don't really like it, but here it is. Also, I had emo Wanda in mind but it can be any era
Word count: 1518
"How is that cut? Need any help?"
you raised your head form were you were sitting on the quinjet while mending your forearm, to look at the blonde.
"don't worry I got this, I've had worse, anyway."
you signed, smiling reassuringly.
"okay." Clint sighed.
"I'll do your report, we've held the same position so I'll just have to change some words."
He stopped you before you could interject
"you need some sleep"
and without another word, he went to sit in the pilot's seat, leaving you there.
As soon as the team got off the plane, you went straight to your room and locked the door.
Meanwhile, Wanda was with Natasha in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the two of them. They stopped once Steve came into the room.
"hey Steve, already back?"
"the mission ended before the time, so here we are." he answered the assassin's question, while picking up some leftovers from the fridge.
At this, the witch tilted her head "something wrong?"
The captain sighed "I wasn't there, you should ask them yourself"
The two redheads looked at each other, exchanging confused stares.
Wanda decided to give you some space, she knew that once you were okay you would be the one coming to her.
Only this time, it didn't happen. Two days have passed and you were still in your room, which meant you hadn't eaten anything.
The other avengers have tried to get you out, like Tony asking for help in the laboratory, or Thor stating he wanted to play some 'Midgard games'.
But they only got silence in return.
The witch took matters into her own hands.
She went in the kitchen, fixing you a quick meal and grabbing two water bottles, before knocking on your door.
No one answered, so she tried again, this time with her voice.
"(Y/N)? It's me, it's Wanda. Please open the door."
she waited a few seconds, before she resumed talking.
"at least take the food, you can't-"
Her voice died in her throat when she heard the door open.
Having her hands full, she used her powers to open it completely and closing it once she was in.
Your room was always messy...but this, Wanda has never seen all this chaos. Clothes were all over the place and everything that was normally on the shelves was now on the floor.
The rays picking through the blinds being the only thing illuminating the room.
You still wore your dirty and bloody suit, whose blood it was she couldn't tell.
You were sitting on the bed, looking at the hands on you lap. The redhead left the food on the nightstand before sitting beside you. She didn't dare touch you, not knowing what reaction it would have led to.
“I didn’t want you to see this.”
You suddenly said, breaking the agonizing silence in the room.
"honey it's okay, I don't care about the mess, I only care that you are fine."
She put her hand on yours, only for you to swiftly getting away.
"well I am, if you didn't know I can heal my body, so even if I get hurt it doesn't matter."
You replied a little harshly. You noticed your tone and looked at Wanda for a brief second but couldn't bring yourself to say sorry, you just didn't want to talk and make everything worse.
Your girlfriend, thankfully, understood the venom in your voice wasn't aimed at her. She couldn't read your mind, no, but she could distinguish volumes and velocity of your thoughts, and with time she was able to associate them with your feelings and emotions.
Loud and messy cries was all the scarlet witch could hear, which only meant one thing, you were scared.
So she tried with the sweetest voice she could master.
"angel, do you want to talk about it?"
You jumped off the bed and started pacing around the room, fidgeting with your fingers.
"I-I had to hold position, but-but there was a bomb. They put a bomb where we were supposed to stay and then, I-I tried to reject- Clint was busy-"
Your poorly formed speech stopped once you felt warm hands on your cold cheeks. You were starting to have a panic attack, sign the sokovian knew all too well.
"please look at me, shh it's okay. You don't have to explain. (Y/N)-"
She took one of your hand and put it on her chest, to let you feel it rising and her heartbeat.
"you're okay love, just follow my breathing, the mission went well, Clint is fine, you are fine, you are here with me you hear me?"
She kept looking into your eyes, searching for any reaction.
At this point you didn't know if she was using her powers or it was her aura, all that mattered was that in minutes you calmed down. As slowly as one could, you loosely wrapped your hands around Wanda's waist.
Once she sure it was okay to move, she made the final step and wrapped you up in a hug, her chin on your head, resting on her chest, while the sokovian run her hands through you hair.
As she tried to move the two of you to bed, the witch heard your arms tighten around her middle, and your flebile voice whispering- "Can we just stay here for a moment?"
"I’m not going anywhere."
After probably half an hour you raised your head and without a word, connected your forehead to hers.
Once you opened your eyes, you found her already looking at you with a smile.
"hi" Wanda nudged you nose with her own, before connecting your lips in a long but simple kiss, neither of you moving, only slightly smiling.
The woman took your face in her hands
"can I mend your cuts?"
At your nod, the readhead took your hands and brought you to the bathroom and sat you on the sink.
While she was looking for the first aid kit you started fidgeting with your hands.
"something wrong baby?"
She tilted her head, preparing the alcohol on the wadding.
"it's just-" you hesitated for a moment, softly laughing
“I’ve never had someone taking care of me before.
I'm sorry for reacting that way...and for locking myself here"
"it's okay, you won't have to worry about doing it all by yourself anymore, even when you feel like no one is there, I'll always be here, ready to help you, got it?"
"good" she added after you nodded, booping your nose, causing you both to giggle.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked, once silence settled in.
"when have you ever asked?"
So she did.
As you were enjoying the kiss, you suddenly felt the cut on your forehead burning, causing you to pull away.
"ow, what the hell?"
"sorry baby, I have to disinfect it or it's going to get worse" she looked at you sympathetically, which was enough to convince you.
After a short while, you raised your hands, bringing them on the edge of her jeans and opened your legs, to bring her closer. Once she was done she kissed the top of your head.
She grabbed the end of your shirt and slowly started to undress you, only leaving the pants on.
"take a bath love, I'll be right outside, okay?"
After you got out of shower, you found some pants with your comfort hoodie on the sink, while your suit was nowhere to be found.
When you came back to the bedroom, you found your girlfriend wearing one of your sweatshirt. A smile made its way to your face.
"I kind of wanted to ask you to stay here because I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight, but it looks like you have already decided" you finished with a shrug.
She blurted out a laugh, coming in front of you.
"I didn't want you to sleep alone, and I also missed you, so it's a win win."
The readhead mormored with a blush on her cheeks.
With the grip she had on your hands, Wanda dragged you to bed and made you sit on the edge. "come on, eat something" she encouraged you, putting the plate on your lap. It was nothing too sophisticated but you still ate it within minutes. And once a water bottle was offered to you, you quickly drank it all.
When she was sure you took full care of yourself, well you both did, she laid in bed, getting behind you.
You instinctively turned around and closed your arms around her waist, laying your head on her chest, while she ran her hand through your hair.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
The remark caused you to scoff and her to laugh, before continuing with her speech.
"and I love you, always and forever."
She laughed again when you nuzzled your head in her neck, not knowing how to take direct words of affection.
"goodnight, my love"
This time as a response she heard your breathing even out, meaning you were already asleep, her not being too far from you.
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist - MCU Masterlist
General Masterlist
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Unholy Errand
Characters/Pairings: Lloyd Hansen x female!Reader, God the Bounty Hunter x female!Reader, Ransom Drysdale Word Count: 4k
Summary: You're caught in the crosshairs when a hit goes out for your boss.
Content Warnings: non-consent and dubious consent, cuckolding, bondage, knife play, dacryphilia, oral (m and f receiving), cumplay, spitting, facial/marking, groping, spanking, clothed males naked female, coarse language, mild but irreverent use of religious terminology/themes (we’ve got a bounty hunter who refers to himself as God – we’re not committing hard to the bit, but we are using the bit), use of pet names + no y/n
Notes: I was happily working on some other lovely things last weekend, and then Sunday afternoon, totally unprovoked, a rogue muse crept up and whispered, "Lloyd and God..." and my brain broke, and I told @navybrat817 and she immediately enabled/encouraged the sprouting of this fic (and helped identify exactly who these two would be after). I thought this might be fifteen hundred words... and then it hit 2k, and then 3k, and they still weren't done with poor Reader, so...
Additional Notes: First time writing Lloyd, God, or Ransom in any capacity. This is also straight up the filthiest thing I've gone all in on. Is it the filthiest thing that exists on the internet? Of course not, but my filthiest and READ THE TAGS. This is NOT your standard Aspen fic. But was this a bit of a riot to write? Yep. It had a chokehold on me all week, and I stayed up far too late to finish it off tonight because... if I didn't, life would've prevented me finishing for a couple more days, and I've been too eager to push this out.
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The clearing of his throat is what pulls your attention. You look up from your desk, taking in long legs in impossibly tight white slacks showing too much ankle, and a torso clad in a black turtleneck and blazer. A thick mustache lives above his smirk. He was too silent entering the offices, and he knows it, seems to revel in unsettling you. “Lloyd Hansen, the six o’clock appointment.”
“Yes, if you’ll follow me right this way,” you proffer politely, and move smoothly out of your chair, leading him to the door of your boss’s office. You give a short knock and open the door, announcing, “Lloyd Hansen, sir,” as you briefly step inside, holding the door open for the man.
He’s still smirking as he passes by, and then you sweep back out, but not before hearing Lloyd whistle and say, “Fancy shit you got yourself in this office, Ran,” as you close the door on them.
You sigh as you sit back down at your desk. Lloyd is your boss’s last meeting of the night, and he had seemed more than perturbed when he said to go ahead and accept the last-minute request Lloyd had made for the appointment. While this is the meeting of the day, Mr. Drysdale had made it clear he was staying late, which means you are also staying late, so you pull out the file of menus you keep in your desk and begin mulling over where to order dinner from tonight.
There’s a succession of loud thuds on the other side of the wall, and you only hesitate for a second before rushing into the office.
You stop dead, a small cry escaping your lips as you watch Lloyd wrestling Ransom to the ground.
“You may be sorry you disturbed us, sweetie, but since you’re here, be a good girl and close and lock that door so we don’t get interrupted by anyone else.”
You hesitate, staring in horror at the display before you: books knocked off the shelves, everything that’s usually so immaculately placed askew on the desk, a lamp overturned, Ransom Drysdale on the floor of his office with Lloyd Hansen’s knee pressed into his back and both arms pulled taught behind him while Lloyd binds his wrists together with the Hermes ascot scarf ripped from Ransom’s own neck.
Lloyd clucks his tongue. “Lock the door or I start cutting his fingers off. Barnes and Rogers only said they want your boss alive; they didn’t say how much of him still needs to be intact.”
“Do it,” Ransom grunts, turning his head away from you, clearly embarrassed at his predicament.
You turn and slowly close the door. You know there are still people working at Blood Like Wine tonight, and while it’s not likely that any of them will be passing through this wing after normal business hours, it’s probably safer that they stay out than accidentally stumble into whatever this dangerous mess is evolving into. You wished you had suppressed your own urge to investigate.
When you turn back around, Lloyd is unbuckling his belt as he continues to kneel against Ransoms back. He pulls it out, uses it to gag Ransom, giving it an additional tug after already pulling it tightly, and fastens it off.
“There, that’s just about perfect.”
“What are-?” You venture to ask, but he abruptly cuts you off.
“No one asked you to talk, sweetie, now come away from that door.”
You only take two reluctant steps towards them when there’s a scraping of wood that draws everyone’s attention to the opposite side of the room.
A piece of the floor is slowly being lifted from below, pushed out of the way, and then another man pops up from out of the floor. He hefts himself out of the hole in the floor and then drops a duffel bag on the floor, the heavy sound of muffled metal hinting at the equipment he’s brought with him.
“Oh, good, you’ve already done some of my work for me,” the tall, dark-haired man appraises the situation he’s just stepped into.
“Who the fuck are you, and where’d you come from?”
“Clearly you watched me ascend from a trapdoor in the floor.” He stalks over to stand in front of the large mahogany desk and sits back on the edge. “You didn’t think Harlan Thrombey - noted mystery author - wouldn’t have a publishing house full of trapdoors and secret passageways?”
“Didn’t need to, walked right in the front door. Still waiting to find out who you are.”
“God the Bounty Hunter.”
“Ooh,” Lloyd cocks his head, and another one of his smirks returns, “I can’t say I hate the audacity. Very bold. But there are a lot of gods and only one Lloyd Hansen.
“Now we’re clearly both here because of the hit put out for this prick, but since there are two of them and two of us, why don’t you make yourself useful, God, and tie up this little Margaret while I get Ransom nice and comfortable here.”
“With pleasure,” God says, and beckons you over to him.
The way he fixes you with his gaze is so intense you can’t to resist his silent command. He stands when you’re just a foot or two away, puts a ringer under your chin to tilt your head up, and looks down into your face. You don’t dare look away, nor do you want to, for some reason.
After another moment, he lets your chin drop, and God begins to circle you, looking you up and down. You hold very still. “You don’t need to be tied up, do you? You like to behave, to be praised.”
Lloyd lets out a loud, longsuffering sigh. “Fine, it can be more fun when they’re tied up, but I’m not picky as long as I get what I want.” Then his tone changes, directing his next words at you. “Understand, sweetie?”
You nod.
“Good.” With that, Lloyd pushes his knee roughly into Ransom’s back, drawing a painful groan from the bound man, before standing and hauling Ransom up with him. He shoves Ransom down to sit on the couch that faces the desk in the small entertaining area of Ransom’s office. “Now Relax, let me pour myself a drink. No reason we can’t enjoy ourselves for a few minutes, for old time’s sake.”
While Lloyd pours some bourbon, God steps right up behind you, close enough that you can feel the heat of him. He moves your hair off your shoulder, and leans close to whisper in your ear, “You be very good, and I’ll make you my angel.” You can’t help but shiver - it’s the heat of his breath at your neck and the promised threat - and you know he notices your reaction, because there’s a soft, dark chuckle before he presses a hot kiss to the base of your neck. His hand comes around to your front, toying with the edge of your open collar, and then he lightly draws his index finger along your clavicle and then up the other side of your neck. You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until you gasp when his other hand quickly pushes a small piece of metal right below your ear.
“And what’s that?” Lloyd asks, not missing the tagging.
“A little incentive for obedience,” God answers. “Fifty-thousand volts when fully unleashed.”
There’s a non-electrically generated jolt in your stomach, but it’s not pure fear, it’s tinged with a little adrenaline as well.
“Huh. To each his own. Now down to business, Ran.”
God steps back and then leans on the edge of the desk again. He pulls you to stand between his legs, your back up against his chest, and his hands settle on your shoulders. Standing against him like this has your hips aligned with his, and you have no doubt it’s setting the stage for his intentions, even if it seems harmless enough now. It mimics a familiarity between partners that is both soothing and unsettling.
Across the room, Lloyd takes a seat on the other side of the couch from Ransom, drink in one hand, and draping his arm casually along the back of the couch. “It was quite a convenient circumstance that even had me nearby to make this social call Ransom. Couldn’t be happier that I’d get to drop in on you for something like this. Ransom and I both went to Yale, you know,” he tosses this part across the room to you and God. “Even ended up in the same fraternity. But he was a senior, I was a freshman. Didn’t spare me the time of day except for the hazing, right?”
His focus shifts back to Ransom, who only gives Lloyd a cold stare, unmoving, clearly not wanting to give Lloyd the satisfaction of any emotional reactions.
God’s hands shift from your shoulders and begin to stroke up and down your arms.
“Why am I boring us all with the backstory though? Old college buddies is pretty typical. You know what’s not typical? Barnes and Rogers putting a bounty out for someone. They’ve got their own guys, and you’re not hard to find.”
The hands move from your arms to your waist, moving up and down your ribs, and still Lloyd keeps talking.
“So, either you’re too important and they wanted the closest person available to pick you up and make a rush delivery to their door, or you’re not important enough for them to want to dispatch any of their own men to deal with you. Outsourcing because you’re still an inconvenience to them, and they can’t let you go unpunished.
Strong hands on your hips.
“Maybe you can prove to be useful tonight, sweetie. How long have you worked for Ranny here?”
You don’t know if you should be surprised that he’s turned his attention to you for questioning, but you do your best to keep your mind focused as you answer him. “I’ve worked for Mr. Drysdale for – oh –” God starts rubbing circles over your hipbones, applying more pressure and pushing you back against a very prominent erection “– a little over seven months.”
“Mr. Drysdale, eh?” Lloyd’s perennial smirk grows, and he tilts his head, tsking again. “You don’t have to pretend like you’re not assisting him after hours, I told you we were in the same frat, so I know what this bastard gets up to.”
Your mouth drops open a little, and Lloyd looks from you to Ransom, whose cold stare has turned into an unmistakable glare.
“Oho! So, she does only assist you professionally?” Lloyd laughs, seemingly out of genuine amusement. “You really are useless, Ranny.”
God is still relentless in touching you, exploring over and even under the clothing, one of his hands sliding down your leg to slip under your skirt to skim up your thigh, and the other stroking just under your breasts, calculated touches to evoke responses but not yet to take or give any more satisfaction.
Both strangers are demanding your attention, and you’re almost evenly divided between Lloyd’s words and God’s actions.
“She probably would’ve slept with you the first two weeks on the job, but now she’s gotta know you’re an insufferable prick.”
Would you have? You don’t think either statement is true. You were never drawn in by Ransom, and since working for him, you’ve only been focused on doing your job well, getting a good paycheck, and going home. Ransom wasn’t particularly demanding compared to other executives, and so you had only wanted him to continue to respect and rely on your assistance so he’d find you indispensable and raise your salary regularly.
God finally speaks again. “We should let the man see what he’ll never have.”
Lloyd sits back in the chair. “I’m not opposed.”
Your face burned. There was no question what he meant, and you did not want Ransom to see you on display, but Lloyd is intimidating and God is intoxicating, so you can do no more than comply as God unzips your skirt and pushes it to the floor.
Next he turns you around and works on the buttons of your shirt, in no hurry, putting your ass on display for Lloyd and Ransom while torturing you with more of the heated, intense eye contact that makes you nearly forget to breathe.
You’re only warned that Lloyd’s behind you when God looks over your shoulder, and you turn your head, but before you can fully face him, his hand has come down against your ass with enough force that you fall against God’s chest. He spanks you again, harder, and you whimper in God’s arms, your head falling against his shoulder with the sting and shock and humiliation.
Then, in another quick turn of events, Lloyd grasps the waistband of your panties with one hand, and you briefly feel the chill of metal against your skin as he slips a knife under the fabric and then slashes them away with two strokes and throws the fabric on the desk.
“Move, God, I want her up on the desk.”
God stands again, and he pulls your shirt off your shoulders as he moves away.
Lloyd could unclasp your bra, but of course Lloyd uses the knife to slice through the band.
“Drop it,” he instructs.
With a deep, steadying breath, you do as he says.
“Turn and sit up on the desk for us.”
You’ve taken hundreds of orders from this office, completing tasks you enjoyed and hated, this can be just another of those.
“Open those thighs for us all to see, sweetie.”
You close your eyes. You know what they will see, and the shame burns in your stomach.
Lloyd taps the flat part of his knife just above your knee. “Now.”
You bite your lip and look at the ground as you spread your legs. Lloyd presses the edge of the knife to the flesh of your inner thigh, forcing you to spread even wider if you don’t want him to cut into you.
Lloyd brings his knife to your chin to tilt your face up to look at him as he traces your wet folds with two fingers. The smirk is gone, replaced by a wicked grin. “Nice and slick for us.”
“God’s handiwork,” the other man is quick to note.
“Sure. A nice little sacrificial offering. Now, Ransom, since you’ve never had a taste, seems a shame not to give you a sample,” Lloyd says.
Ransom shifts and begins to stand, but Lloyd turns abruptly and points at him with the knife. “Stay there, you dumb fuck.”
Ransom sits back again.
“And don’t you dare look away.” He looks to God. “Shoot him if he does.”
God pulls a gun from behind his back that he must have had tucked into his waistband. You watch as he moves to the other side of the room and stands behind Ransom. He plants his gun at the base of Ransom’s skull, then locks eyes with you again. It’s clear he doesn’t want take his eyes off you if he’s going to have to ensure Ransom doesn’t either. Something in your chest stirs under his rapt attention.
Lloyd demands your attention again as he grips your hips and pulls you to the edge of the mahogany desk. He slaps your pussy, drawing a sharp cry from you, then drops down to delve between your thighs. He gives your clit a vicious nip, and you bit back another yelp. His tongue plunders into your cunt, licking and sucking, and your hands are moving to grasp his skull to anchor yourself, but he’s already pulling away. As he stands, he yanks you off the desk, and strides across the room, dragging you with him.
He spits directly in Ransom’s face – a combination of Lloyd’s saliva and your slick that he’s not able to do anything but let drip down his face. Your mouth is agape, truly shocked. Ransom’s entire body radiates rage and embarrassment.
“That’s all you’ll be getting from her, Drysdale.”
Then Lloyd’s shoves you to your knees, putting you on display in profile to the other men. He undoes the zipper of his pants, releasing his cock, no underwear to fuss about.
“Open up,” he demands, and you comply, unwilling to provoke this demon who clearly doesn’t play by any rules.
He slips the angry red tip of his cock into your mouth. “Be good,” he warns. You give a small nod, closing your mouth around him. With one hand, he grips your head and begins to thrust in and out of your mouth. You and gag, and your eyes close as you try to focus very hard on breathing through your nose. He’s hitting the back of your throat with each brutal thrust, and the tears spill quickly down your face.
“Eyes on me,” he grunts, and you force them open and look up at him, knowing what he wants to see. He groans in approval. “You are a pretty little trinket, prettier when you cry.”
Then he abruptly pulls you off his dick and grips you by the chin and turns your head for Ransom and God. “Fucking look at her, swollen lips, gasping for breath, desperate.”
Just as quickly he slots his dick back in your mouth, this time gripping your head with both hands and he fucks your face with abandon. Fast. Hard. Your whimpers turn into sobs, and your hands come up to brace and grasp desperately at his thighs. “You can still take it,” Lloyd growls, undeterred, and you’re powerless to stop him. The tears are not just running but flooding down your cheeks. It’s too much now, and you can’t get enough air, and vision is going black. Finally he throws you off and away from him, and turns to aim his cock at Ransom, shooting his load over his face and shoulders, letting out a hiss that turns into a hum.
You’re hunched over and you wretch – blessedly only once – bracing your hands on the floor, and you gulp and heave, lungs fraught for the necessary oxygen.
Lloyd is talking again. The voice registers, but not the words.
And there are warm hands on you again. One rubbing small circles at the base of your spine, the other pushing your hair out of your face and coaxing you to look up at him.
With enough soothing, God has you breathing evenly again, and you’re still crying a little, but he helps you up onto the couch and sits next to you, very close, and he tucks a hand under your chin and lifts your face up, then he licks your left cheek, then the right, lapping up the tears. You hiccup, not sure how to react. Then he merely strokes your cheek, and the fingers trail down your neck, down your chest, down, down…
“Boring,” Lloyd announces.
You look up at him for a moment, but then God’s questing fingers reach the point he really wants to concentrate his might on, plunging into your wet cunt, and your eyes flutter closed.
“I’m eager to be done here,” Lloyd continues while God continues pumping his digits in and out of you. “We don’t need any more dumbasses showing up for this fool.”
“Agreed,” God says, casually as if he’s not beginning to pull you apart softly but surely. “You take him. I’ll keep her. There’s room for her in the trunk next to the cargo.”
“Fine, I wasn’t fussed about the goods anyway, I only took this job for the satisfaction of humiliating Drysdale, and that’s already exceeded my expectations. I’m sure Barnes and Rogers will give you enough for the recovered inventory even without him, and I’ll do you a solid and not mention the little side piece you’ll be keeping for yourself.”
God moves you off the couch, coaxing you to lean over the coffee table and kneels behind you. “Good.”
You moan as God slowly pushes his hard length inside your cunt.
There’s a thud next to you, and you turn to see a pile of Ransom hit the floor a few feet away.
“I assume you’ve got a way to move this man through down in that passage?” Lloyd asks, dragging the unconscious figure across the floor by his feet.
“Mhmm,” he responds, more intent on the movement of his hips against yours, slowly pistonning in and out of your tight heat.
“Good. This was fun enough, but let’s not do this again.”
God pulls your head up roughly to look at Lloyd just as he’s about to drop into the floor. “Say goodbye to Lloyd, Angel.”
You’re barely able to make the, “Bye,” tumble out of your lips, you’re so full of this man behind you, and his sudden roughness taking you by surprise.
Lloyd chuckles, then disappears.
God lets you drop back down, leaning on your elbows.
“I thought he’d never stop talking,” God murmurs.
It’s bitter, but a laugh actually falls from your lips, but you still can’t form words.
“There’s other things I’d rather do with you around than talk.”
He adjusts his angle from behind you. It allows him to plunge more of his cock into your slick channel, and you groan, but then after only a few thrusts, he pauses, balls deep inside you.
“You took what he gave you, but I think you don’t want me to stop, do you?”
You’re breathless. You can’t speak. You don’t want to speak?
He places his right hand, palm flat, at the base of your spine and presses it slowly up your back, his middle finger trailing up the ridge of your vertebrae, and you can feel the metal of his ring draw a line along your skin.
“You were very good.”
He rocks his hips against you, and you whimper.
“I said I would make you mine if you were good.”
Another rocking. He moves his hand from the nape of your neck around to grip it fully, and he pulls you back up against his chest, and you’re gasping for air for a moment, both hands coming up to clutch at his arm.
He lowers his voice and delivers his next words right into your ear. “You want to be mine, don’t you?”
Your pussy clenches around him, and he presses a kiss against your throat, and you feel the smile of his lips against your skin.
His other hand moves down across your hip, to your vee, and his deft fingers stroke your throbbing clit. He doesn’t move his cock, but he does move those fingers expertly, drawing tight little circles that wind you up to the top until you’re flung off the edge and into pure pleasure.
Coming down from your first orgasm, you sink against him. As your breathing returns to normal, the hand on your neck remains like an anchor, but his other hand moves up to tilt your chin to the side and up to meet his lips. The kiss claims you, and you part your lips for him, just as you’ve parted your legs for him – willingly.
“That was one, but I want a trinity to secure your devotion here tonight. I’m going to fuck you dumb, dress you, and then you’re going to walk out of here like a sweet little angel and get in my car. Then I’ll let you choose. You can sit up front and keep my cock warm or you can crawl in the back of the trunk. Your choice.”
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How are we?
I'm ruined.
Restore my health with your lovely reblogs, commentary, comments...
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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foli-vora · 5 months
congrats on 3k!! Not sure if you're still doing this, but can I request something smutty with agent whiskey with the prompt "can we go home yet?"
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Thank you for the request, my sweet! I'm so sorry for the time it took to get around to it, but I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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jack daniels x f!reader
word count: 1.7k warnings: i love him sm, sweet husband jack will give you everything, jack being a sexy menace, semi public/parking lot activities, swearing, SMUT 18+ ONLY: what's a domesticity kink called? idk, whatever it is we've got that. fingering, orgasm denial, can't not use this gif lmao
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The familiar churning of warmth in the pit of your stomach has followed you relentlessly throughout the day, despite you leaving your shared bed much later than socially acceptable after a long morning lost in Jack’s hold. There’s a gentle ache between your thighs from his dedicated efforts, the feeling never once letting your mind wander from the way he unravelled every part of your body and soul over and over.
And this? This wasn’t helping.
The confidence he oozed striding through the hardware store, knowing exactly what he wanted and where he would get it. The way he would ramble about the house renovation plans; what rooms could be what, where he could build you a little reading nook with a window overlooking the endless rolling green fields, or what materials he would need to make some floor to ceiling built in bookcases for your shared collection of books…
His excitement at dedicating his variety of skills into bringing your dream home to life is palpable, bringing forth such a fond tenderness to your chest that it makes you swear you couldn’t possibly love this man anymore if you tried. It rolls from him in waves now, as he wanders with his full cart of various renovation necessities and voicing his thoughts on what particular paint colours would match your shared vision.
It’s just all so sweet, so domestic.
It’s driving you wild.
Lips wrapping around the straw of your soda cup, you study the broad planes of his back, covered by his ever present leather jacket that thankfully stops just above the soft swell of his ass—bless that man for knowing how to pick his jeans. If it weren’t for the sweet elderly couple flicking through colour swatches at the end of the aisle, you simply would’ve crowded him into the shelves just for a much needed taste of his mouth, and maybe a quick feel—
“You listenin’ to me back there?”
“Not really,” you admit honestly, tongue rolling across your lower lip as he gives you a playful frown of disapproval from over his shoulder. That familiar heat rises and swells in your core, and you shift impatiently on your feet. “Can we go home yet?”
He chuckles, reaching out to pluck a paintbrush from the shelf and feeling the synthetic fibres between his fingers. “You gettin’ bored, darlin’? Is that why you’ve been poutin’ the last two aisles?”
“I haven’t been pouting.”
“Mhm,” he rumbles deeply, lips tugged up into a small smile of amusement as he continues his perusal of the variety of painting accessories. Eventually he lands on the ones he finds somewhat satisfactory, and tosses them into the cart before beckoning you closer with an open hand reached out behind him.
You take it and press up into his side easily, sighing softly at the heavy arm that wraps around your shoulders and the lips that press gently against your temple. The heat from his body seeps into yours while a wash of his familiar cologne assaults your nostrils, and it takes every bit of strength to not tilt your head and catch his lips in a searing kiss that would go scaring away any and everyone within range.
God, he just smells so damn good. 
“Okay, so I may have been pouting—but it’s all your fault.”
He chuckles, the deep throaty timbre of it twisting pleasantly in your core, and what really kills you is that he has no idea the actual effect he has on you. Everything about him either sends you into a sweet and dizzying lovesick spiral, or hurtling straight into the fiery depths of hell with the thoughts that turn in your mind.
“Is that right? How so, sugar?”
You sigh, turning in his hold and raking a finger down his chest, winding around the buttons of his shirt as it goes. “All I can think about is fucking you right in the middle of this aisle, Jack.”
He blinks in surprise, taken off guard and rendered slightly bewildered by your admittance. “Come again?”
“Yes—I’m planning on it actually, again and again.”
A grin quickly tugs at his lips and his eyes flicker to the passersby going about their days as he tugs you closer, his thick drawl oozing into your ears, “You’re gonna get us thrown out if you keep that talk up, sugar.”
“Good, then we could go home and waste the afternoon away.”
He sighs, trying to appear vexed by your apparent disinterest in your errands, but the smile still tugging insistently at his lips gives him away. You see the playful sparkle in his eyes, the desperate want to give you everything you need and more, and you know you’ve got him right where you want him.
“Come on, Jack,” you coo, dragging him in for another kiss with just a taste of everything you’re feeling that leaves him chasing your lips when you eventually pull away, “let’s go home. Let me have you.”
“You’ll be the end of me, you know that?” He grumbles quietly before shaking his head, winding a hand down to grab teasingly at your ass cheek and giving it a firm tap that sends a rocket of heat hurtling straight to your core. “Fine. Registers—now. And no dawdlin’, go on now.”
It takes an agonisingly long time to pay, and you’re sure he does it on purpose. Jack lingers, happily chatting away to the older man serving you, and he has to know how impatient it’s making you because you swear you spy a smirk lingering at the edge of his lips as you start to shift from foot to foot. 
You pounce as soon as he slides into the driver's seat, curling a hand around his neck and bringing his mouth greedily to yours. He responds quickly, unable to pull away from the lure of your kiss, lips parting and tongue meeting yours in a tangle of need. You groan into the heat of his mouth, relishing in the burn of his moustache as the kiss deepens. It does nothing to douse the fire wreaking havoc on your body, and you shift restlessly in your seat, thighs rubbing as you search for something to aid in your distress.
He chuckles, the force of his kiss moving you back into your seat as he crowds into you over the middle console, a hot hand splaying on the skin of your thigh to calm your agitation. 
The words rumble against your lips softly, “You want it right here, sugar?”
Public indecency be damned—you need something. It’s not like you’re close to the store where people mill about, with Jack always preferring to park a ways away so there’s minimal risk of someone scratching the sleek and shiny paint of the Bronco. There’s no one around, it’s just you two… just you two, in your own little piece of bliss. 
You pant softly into his mouth while nodding, fire growing up and along your spine as his rough fingers start to push up beneath the hem of your sundress. You’re already squirming from the familiar feel of them, system wired tightly in keen anticipation to feel them brush against you.
“You’re a greedy little thing today,” he murmurs, fingers coaxing your thighs to widen as they begin to dip their way beneath the waistband of your underwear.
A groan reverberates from his chest when he gently glides them along your slit to feel the heavy build up of arousal, taking a painfully long moment to simply feel you, before zoning in on your clit with the lightest of pressures. He circles softly over it, darkened eyes bouncing over your features as you relish in the hazy roll of pleasure taking over your body.
He ducks to press a series of open mouthed kisses to the side of your throat, teeth teasingly nipping at the sensitive skin and tongue soothing the brief pinch of pain away before the curve of his nose traces the shell of your ear. His honeyed drawl brings a shiver across your skin, and it really should be fucking illegal with the things it makes you feel.
“You been walkin’ around like this all morning, honey? You poor thing.”
Finally—God, finally—he allows his fingers to dip down and tease at your entrance, swirling two thick digits shamelessly through your arousal before sliding and curling them deep against the walls of your cunt. He’s quick to swallow the broken sounds that fall from your throat, his lips quirking up into a self satisfied smirk against yours as your hips squirm needily against the pressure of his hand.
“Go on, sugar. Take what you need, I’ve got you.”
You begin a somewhat messy rock of your hips, unashamedly beginning to fuck yourself on his fingers and ensuring to keep the calloused heel of his hand pressed up hard against your swollen clit. It provides the friction you need, you crave, with every back and forth roll against the rough surface of it causing the overwhelming heat in your core to build.
It’s just what you need. It’s just—it’s perfect. The feel of his thick digits dragging against your hot, slick walls; the relentless pressure against your clit; the perfect harmony of both working in tandem to bring a wash of electricity across your nerves, to bring you closer to that blissful edge you feel coming with every tense second—
“G-god, Jack—”
“I know, baby. I know.”
And… fuck. It’s right there, you’re right there—
—only for it to be just out of reach.
The feeling heightens, lingers, and then horrifically melts away into a throbbing ache as Jack retracts his fingers completely, the thick digits glistening from your flood of arousal in the sunlight filled cab.
He ignores your agonised cry of denial from the sudden loss and emptiness, and sucks them into his mouth, before reaching and turning the keys in the ignition, the truck rumbling to life loudly beneath you while you’re left trembling against the leather, thighs spread and cunt weeping.
“That’s what you get for bein’ impatient,” he drawls, a wicked shine to those warm honey eyes. “Now you sit pretty for the ride home, and I may be nicer when I get that sweet ass of yours inside.”
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amyispxnk · 7 months
And if you were my little girl
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Summary - your dad sucks and you finally turn to Joel for help (summaries are my specialty can you tell)
A/N: SO my dad’s being a little bitchy and making me genuinely want to unalive a little bit, I remembered this song existed, Joel is the father we all wish we had, and here we are. Also I’ve (fortunately) never had to deal with an alcoholic so I’m sorry if it’s not written very well?
Pairing: platonic/father figure!Joel Miller x f!reader (can probably be read as gn tho?)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: paternal issues (i refuse to say daddy sorry), alcohol mention, language, angst, comfort, a lot of tears, father Joel, implications of using certain methods to get things you want, verbal/physical abuse, blood
Part 2 here
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You reckoned you had stopped really taking the words in that he tried to threaten you with a long time ago, letting the curses and attempts to break you apart in through one ear and straight out the other. That way you wouldn’t be able to linger on them for too long; it was better that way.
“Where’s the fuckin’ drinks?” Your dad yelled, stumbling around the kitchen and throwing open the shelves in his search, met with nothing but dust. You skated around him as best you could but after he had almost torn apart the wood trying to find the alcohol, he turned to you.
Red in the face, sweating furiously with a look that could definitely kill you. Hands balled at his sides as he took a step towards you.
“D’you hide it again?” He said menacingly, trying to instil as much fear as he could into you, desperate for the liquid relief.
This time, you hadn’t hidden it. You knew better than to try and help him anymore, he couldn’t be fixed and you had to just accept it. When you were younger, when you were more stupid, more hopeful, you had tried hiding it or disposing of it in secret to try and discourage his alcoholism - only to be met with a split lip and hundreds of salty tears spilling from your eyes, only to be ignored and discarded and yelled at and told you were useless before being sent out to go get more. Sometimes without money, him saying that you’d just have to find another way to get it.
You were so disgusted with the prospect of what he was surely insinuating, but thinking about what he might do if you came back empty-handed was somehow scarier to you at the time.
“Fucking answer me!” He snarled, pulling you up by your collar and glaring at you.
“I didn’t hide it- there’s none left, and there’s no way to get any right now. If you just calm-” You began, trying to keep your voice steady and your face void of too much emotion. You weren’t going to let him do anything. He didn’t scare you anymore.
“Well you best fuckin’ find some, you bitch!” He shoved you towards the door, knocking you onto the hard wooden floor in the process and watching you cry out in pain without so much as batting an eye, too fucking stubborn to even feel any remorse since he was always fucking right about everything like he was now.
“Don’t think about coming back here unless you find me it.” And with that, he slammed the door in your face, leaving you outside the apartment door in the hallway.
You let out a shaky exhale, hands raising and covering your face as you furiously wiped away any tears that threatened to spill. Your hands balled up in your face as you hit your head over and over. You had to think of something. No matter how much of a poker face you put on in front of him, you were still terrified deep down, that feeling would never go away no matter how long you’d been putting up with it for.
You ran through all of your usual options, but you genuinely couldn’t think of one that would work today. It was nearly impossible to get your hands on alcohol in the apocalypse with ration cards, without them you had to resort to other means and you couldn’t bring yourself to do that right now.
Just when you thought that all hope was lost, the familiar and far-too-comforting Southern drawl of Joel Miller sounded from across the hallway.
“Y’alright sweetheart?” He asked cautiously. He had heard some banging coming from your apartment and had opened the door to find you standing there, tugging at your hair in frustration and looking like you were about to explode.
You turned to face him, opening your mouth to speak but not really knowing what to say.
How many times had this happened? How many times had your own father terrorised you for any minor inconvenience and blamed you for everything, made you feel stupid and worthless of any attention or love? And how many times had Joel still given you that attention, that love, or whatever it was. Maybe it was love, maybe he was just being nice to you, but you told yourself that’s what love was since you knew no better. Growing up in this world was cruel enough, but without anyone who truly loved you and liked to make sure you knew that every day, nobody to protect you from the monsters - infected and human - that inhibited it, that felt like the worst fate you could suffer.
So were you alright? No. No, of course you weren’t. But you’d say you were just like you had every time, because you didn’t want to bother people with your ‘issues’. As well as numbing yourself from feeling any intense fear or sadness as a result of your father’s endless torment, you also found it incredibly difficult to take pity on yourself. You always felt like your issues were never that real, that your father had a hard life and maybe you should just let him take it out on you.
“I’m..” you began, mustering up a pathetic excuse for a smile as you glanced from his face to the ground in front of your feet, “I’m fine, thank you.”
You knew the exact expression which would be on his face without even needing to look up, having seen it too many times. That one where he looks worried, his brows furrowed as he tries to pick you apart and figure out what the hell was actually going on, slightly angry too as this kept on happening and you still refused to tell him anything. Did you not trust him? Did he do something wrong? He knew he was threatening to people, that’s what he was known for in the QZ. But he had never done anything to you, he’d always tried helping you but you never talked or anything at all with him.
“Do you um- do you have any beer? Any alcohol would be fine really, I just need it right now. I can pay you but I don’t have any ration cards so it would have to be later on unless you could think of anything…” You trailed off at the end, not wanting to say it and give him the option in case he hadn’t thought of it yet, praying he wouldn’t want that.
“Yeah, I got some.” He murmured, before blinking a few times and opening the door to his apartment again, cogs turning in his brain as he still tried to figure out what happened.
“Come in, don’t need ya standin’ there like a lemon.” He said when you stayed fixed to the ground beneath you instead of following him inside like he had very clearly offered when he left the door open after walking in himself.
“Right.” You nodded as you entered his apartment, closing the door gently behind you and watching him as he went over to his cabinets and reached for some whiskey.
You took in his living space. It was clean, organised. The small entryway led straight into the living room which was linked to the kitchen space, a dusty couch in the centre of the room and a coffee table in front of it. A few books were on the table, along with some slightly cracked glasses. You never took Joel to be much of a reader, clearly you were wrong.
There were 2 more doors which were closed and you could only assume that they were the bathroom and his bedroom.
“Hope this ‘s okay.” He said as he appeared in front of you, bottle of whiskey in hand.
“You’re not drinkin’ this all by yourself, are ya?” A smirk appeared on his face as he attempted the light teasing with you, maybe that would cheer you up a bit.
Your expression bore a smile which faltered and faded quickly. If only he knew.
“No, no. It’s for my dad. He ran out so.. Yeah. How do you want me to pay?” You said quietly. Whatever it took, you supposed.
He noticed the dejected look on your face as you looked up at him. So tired. That’s what came to mind whenever he looked at you. Barely an adult and already looking like you were at death’s door whenever he saw you. Exhaustion clouded all of your features and your mind when you trudged up the stairs, down the corridor and up to your apartment door, entering as your shoulders somehow slumped even more.
“Y’ don’t needa pay, sweetheart.” He told you, and you blinked a few times in confusion.
“Really?” There was no way. Alcohol was so hard to come by, and here he was giving you a bottle for free?
“Yeah.” He nodded, making sure you had a good hold on the bottle before letting go of it and pursing his lips as he thought deeply yet again.
“‘F you ever need to talk or anythin’, I’m always here for ya, okay?” He said before you could leave, making you stop with your back towards him as you stood at the door.
“Thank you, Joel.” You whispered before leaving and returning to your own apartment.
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After that, you found yourself on Joel’s doorstep a few more times - you didn’t go every time you needed something, not wanting him to think you were taking advantage of his kindness, so sometimes you were just genuinely hanging out with him.
He had some little books and crosswords, stories to tell you, and one time he’d even come across a VHS tape with a movie from the dawn of time on it which the two of you had watched one evening.
You stayed too late and definitely paid the price for it, but it was worth it, you told yourself as you cleaned the blood from your arms and hissed at the sting of a newly-formed bruise.
Then, one evening, it finally fell apart. He threw you out of the house, quite literally, and you were already knocking on Joel’s door before you could realise what you were doing.
He opened the door and you slammed yourself into him, causing him to let out a little cough as he stumbled back, arms tentatively wrapping around you.
“Woah, woah, y’alright sweetheart?” He asked, taken aback by your sudden action.
“Joel, I- I'm sorry.” You choked out, tightening your hold on him and fisting his shirt.
He ushered you gently into his apartment, closing the door behind you and sitting you down on the couch.
“What's goin’ on? What happened?” He said, watching as you trembled, lip quivering as you tried to formulate a sentence without bursting into tears.
You ultimately failed at that. Only managing the words my dad before a pained sob wracked through your entire body and you were crying into your palms.
Joel rushed to your side, pulling you into him and rubbing his hands up and down your back soothingly.
“‘s okay. You can talk to me, tell me what's goin’ on honey.” He told you, pulling back slowly from you to try and make you look at him, frown deepening on his face when he saw how upset you were.
“He- he- kicked me out, ‘cause I didn't- I lost the cards and- he got too angry at me so then- I was mad at him back and he hurt me so I said I didn't want to stay and he-” You stuttered, trying to actually remember what had happened in the first place then explain it as best you could.
His jaw clenched with anger. How could someone do that to their own child? Your father had clearly put you through so much emotionally and physically, and you had done nothing wrong. You were a good kid, and you deserved better than that. He could be better for you.
Your shaky breathing filled the room as he came back to his senses, willing his fury to stop clouding his head so he could focus on what was more important right now - you. He'd deal with him later.
His thumb reached up and wiped a stray tear from your face before he pulled you close again, hugging you tight.
“You stay here, okay? ‘m so sorry sweetheart. I won't let anythin’ bad happen to ya. Y’just gotta let me help you.” He said as you nodded into his shirt, a weak mm-hm muffled by the fabric before he slowly rose from the couch and walked into his kitchen.
He came back with a glass of water, offering it to you. “Drink this.” Your cautious fingers closed around it and brought it to your lips.
“‘s gonna be okay. You can stay here, if you want?” You had come to him, obviously hoping he'd ask you that, but hearing him actually say it gave you relief like nothing else could.
“Y-yes, please.” You said, putting the glass back down on the coffee table as he nodded, helping you up and taking you to his room.
“I'll stay out there on the couch for a bit, okay? ‘til we can sort somethin’ a little more proper out for ya.” He told you, going to find you some clothes that weren't almost completely torn up.
When he returned, he saw you blankly staring at the floor, hands fingering the same strand of hair mindlessly and not even realising him walking up to you.
He sighed, handing you the clothes and placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“It'll be okay sweetheart. Nothin’ bads gonna happen anymore, he can't hurt you here.” He assured you, hugging you one more time before he left, closing the bedroom door behind him.
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Thank you sm for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated and requests are open 💞
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bysaber · 7 months
Decorating the house ft. Kento Nanami
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Day 04 of 31 Days of Ficmas!
summary — kento nanami indulges your love for christmas and helps you decorate your shared house because there isn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for you.
word count — 1k
content — tooth-rooting fluff, one kissing scene idk, gojo’s mentioned (and insulted), bad writing
notes — wrote this one in some sort of a rush and didn’t reread so if there’s any mistakes im sorry :/
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Kento Nanami is ready to flee from his office when the clock ticks and his shift is over.
His coworkers don’t even see him leaving as he grabs all his things and speeds to the elevator to escape from that environment as fast as possible.
Nanami always disliked the concept of working in a big company, but today he has a couple of other reasons to want to rush home, and it all comes down to you; his full-of-life girlfriend who’s decided to bring the spirit of Christmas to your shared apartment.
That morning he left you with a pang in his chest, filled with some sort of guilt for not being able to share the same excitement you had as you went on and on about the plans you had for the day; set up the tree, some lights, decorate the tree and then the house.
His guilt only worsened when he arrived at his workplace, wondering how he could be unaffected by your undying light and the things that made you smile when he had to endure such a soul-crushing, dead place, day after day.
The blonde man stops at a local café to buy you some pastries and coffee before finally making his way towards home, careful not to drop anything as he paces rather hurriedly, sighing in relief only when he’s in the elevator and going up, up, up.
To you.
When he opens the door, everything already looks different – there’s a tree, now. It’s not fully decorated, lots of things splattered on the ground, but you also hung Christmas signs on the walls and covered the living room table with a Christmas tablecloth.
Nanami keeps scanning the room until he finds you, sitting on the floor with your face so deep inside a box he’s sure you’re not aware of his presence just yet. The ever so serious man can’t help but smile fondly at the sight, taking his glasses off and putting them and the coffee he bought on one of your shelves before making his way toward you.
“I’m home, love,” he calmly announces, trying not to startle you.
“Kento!” you are quick to stop everything you’re doing and get on your feet to have his arms wrapped around you, his lips pressing on your forehead. “How was your day?”
“I spent the entire day wanting to come back home and help you with the decorations,” he confesses in an attempt to redeem himself for the lack of interest he had shown earlier. Your eyes glow as you let out a low ‘Oh?’ and he continues, “Speaking of, since when do we have all of this?”
You follow his gaze to all the decorations around the living room and giggle, detangling yourself from his arms as you take some lights from the box you were previously checking and place them in his hands, “I went out and bought some things today. Gojo helped me with the tree because it was too big for me to carry alone. He left about thirty minutes ago.”
Nanami immediately frowns, “Gojo? Don’t hang with that degenerate,” a genuine laugh escapes your lips when he complains. “Next time I’ll help you.”
You smile widely at him, sick in love. You know Kento’s not one to celebrate things, especially if it involves spending money and doing extravagant stuff, but he understands your love for Christmas and the way your eyes shine so much brighter when you can see it in the small decorations.
“You can help me now,” you say softly, hands cupping his cheeks before you kiss him lovingly.
Nanami always gets lost in your kisses, your warmth. When your lips meet his, your soft touches on his face and neck, your love filling him, he feels complete. And he never wants to let you go; still holding the lights, he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer, his free hand caressing your cheek oh so gently until you pull away.
“Hmm… Miss you so much when you’re away,” you whisper close to his face. “But we gotta finish this first, Kento.”
“I know, love,” he sighs. “I bought us some coffee and pastries, but it’s probably cold right now.”
“I’m gonna heat it, then.”
Nanami nods and you grab the things he brought, going with it to the kitchen while he stands in the living room. He analyzes everything for a few seconds before starting to work; putting the Christmas lights on the windows – since you already have put some on the tree – and placing the star on the top of the tree.
“This looks beautiful, babe,” you praise when you come back, handing him one of the cups of coffee while you sip on your own. He just smiles softly at you, and you both start working together.
He laughs when you show him you’ve bought Christmas cushions, organizing them on the couch alongside a soft new blanket, “Good for movie nights,” he comments.
A fond smile grows on his lips when he sees you’ve also bought several Christmas cups. You are both coffee addicts and all the cups look adorable, just like you. He will make sure to drink on them every day.
At last, you place candles all around the house. Some aromatized, some not. “Don’t light them up at the same time, my nose can’t handle it,” he warns and it makes you laugh so loud he feels embarrassed.
“I guess that’s it,” you say as you exit your closet, where you’ve put the empty decorations box, going back to the living room to turn the normal lights out.
At the same time, Nanami turns on the Christmas lights.
You feel your heart beating faster, all the good feelings Christmas brings you washing over your body and making you smile like a little kid. And the fact that Kento’s there with you, that he built that with you, makes everything feel so much better.
Nanami is watching you as happiness overflows your body. He has a smile he can’t contain on his face, a happiness of his own, good feelings he never thought he was capable of having.
And it’s not about Christmas, it’s you.
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lightsnowydreams · 4 months
Yandere Female x Gender Neutral Reader
cw: yandere themes, delusional coworker, implied social isolation, kidnapping, non consensual kissing, stalking and murder
a/n: Yayy a girlie this time!! I hope you guys enjoy!
———————Minors DNI———————
‘Another day, another dollar’, is what you think as you walk towards your little locker after clocking in. Putting your things up, you bring a hand up as you yawn. You weren’t a morning person but you had bills to pay so here you are. Adjusting your work shirt, you pull your name tag out of your pocket and put it on your shirt before closing your locker door.
You jump in surprise, turning to see who decided to scare you. You see your coworker, and friend, Lucia. Her bright brown wavy hair, framing her cute little face, reaching her back. Her beautiful hazel colored eyes looking up at you brightly. She was also wearing the uniform for the job, a red polo shirt and blue jeans with sneakers.
“Lucia, you scared me! What the heck?” You asked in an annoyed tone, while shooting her a small glare, not wanting to deal with this so early in the day. She giggled before responding “Lo siento but I just couldn’t help myself! Your reaction was funny.” You can hear the teasing tone in her voice as she continued to giggle.
You could feel your eyebrow twitch as you heard her giggling.
‘There she goes messing with me again.’
You let out a sigh as you straightened out your clothes. “Alright, giggles, let’s go, we have work to do.” You proceeded to walk towards the main floor, patting her shoulder as you walk by, getting ready to start the day. Not noticing how she stopped giggling and the small blush that appeared on her face.
The morning went by normally, helping customers out, stocking shelves and etc. Lunch time finally came around and you went to your usual spot outside, with your lunch on hand, which was the curb behind the building. There you see Lucia, waiting for you. She turns around and smiles once she sees you. You walk towards her.
“Hey, you’re late!” She says with a small pout at the end of her sentence. “Ah, sorry, I got caught up helping a coworker.” You respond with a sheepish smile. Lucia’s face has a look of concern, she’s well aware of what you really meant. “Helping or doing their job for them, mi vida?” She’s got you. “You know me too well, Lucia.” A small chuckle escapes from your lips. “Well let’s forget about that and eat our lunch.” Lucia sighs and reluctantly eats her lunch, occasionally sharing with you.
If only you knew.
Once your lunch break was over, you guys went back inside and continued to work. Lucia took one last look at you before walking away. It seemed like she made up her mind about something. You went back to the floor and started to help customers, the best you could. Some being thankful for your help, most being complete headaches. You just wished the day would be over.
Lucia would come by and check up on you, asking if you need any help or offering you a snack that you’d love. If a customer was being rude to you and she was there, she was quick to make them leave you alone. For someone so small, she was scary when angry. You’re just glad that was never aimed at your direction. You were thankful for her, she was your only friend in this job.
You often wondered what happened to your other friends.
Checking the time, you noticed that your shift would be over in a few more minutes. Not wasting time, you head to the back room where the employee area is and walked to your locker. Taking your stuff out and putting your equipment in for tomorrow, you close your locker and go to clock out. Once your card was punched, you start to walk outside.
A cool breeze greeted you as you stepped outside, the night sky looming above your head. Taking a deep breath, you began to walk towards your car. Just wanting to go home and take a long nap. Seeing your car nearby, there was a small pep in your step and slight smile on your face.
As you look at your car, a blur of white flies across your vision. You feel something on your face. A cloth is pressed against your nose, trying to make you smell something. You struggle against the person, trying to not inhale the odor but they somehow manage to keep the cloth on your face. Unfortunately, you needed to breathe. Every breath you take, makes you lose your vision and strength. Until you finally go unconscious, only catching a glimpse of brown hair from the corner of your eye.
“Ah, you’re finally waking up! I was getting really worried”
A groan escaped your lips as you began to open your eyes, immediately being blinded by the lights. Trying to rub the drowsiness from your eyes, your hands were suddenly stopped. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you noticed something on your wrists.
“Do you like them? I made sure to get the perfect size for you, mi amor!”
They were handcuffs.
Panic began to spread over your body, your heart beating fast, as you quickly shot up and saw her. Lucia. She was sitting at the foot of your bed, just staring at you with a smile. You around at your surroundings briefly. It looked like a basement. Strong grey rock walls surrounded you, with no window in sight. The light source from the top, just barely lit up some of the room, while the rest remained dark. Giving it an eerie feel. The only good thing was that it was a fairly clean place, like she was preparing it for someone. In that case, it would be you.
“Mi amor?”
Her voice made you snap out of your thoughts and turn your attention to her. In the small moment that you were distracted, she got closer to you. She was now in front of you, the look in her eyes never faded. “You look so cute when you’re scared..” She said in a dreamy like tone. “I would’ve loved to see you on my bed, but I have to make sure that you don’t try to run away from me or scream for help,” her hand reaches out to caress your hair, “after all, I worked really hard to bring you here.” The hair at the back of your neck stood up. What does she mean by that?
“Lucia? Why am I here?” You managed to ask without your voice wavering too much. Even though you were visibly shaking from fear.
“Porque perteneces a mí, mi amor.” She said as her hand stopped caressing your hair and cupped your cheek instead. You noticed how her face was inching closer to yours. You wanted to move or push her away but you were to shocked from what was happening. Her soft, plush lips met yours. You could tell that she wanted to deepen the kiss, but didn’t, not yet. This was a magical moment for her, but a dreadful one for you.
Finally snapping out of your trance, you rip away from the kiss and turn your head to the side. Not wanting to look at her. Just the fact that she had kidnapped you, and kissed you like you were her lover, made you feel sick. Before you could turn around to start telling her off, you stopped midway. Something had caught your attention, in the corner of the basement there was a weirdly shaped object. You squinted your eyes, trying to adjust them to the darkness, wanting to see what it was. Hoping that it wasn’t anything that she was planing to use on you. Once your eyes adjusted, you could finally see what it was.
It was a corpse.
Your eyes widen in horror as you open your mouth, about to scream, a hand covers it. The scream came out muffled instead. You feel yourself being pulled to her chest as tears start to buildup in your eyes. “It was a surprise for later but since you saw it now, what do you think? I probably should’ve cleaned the blood, huh?” From the corner of your eye, you could see her looking at the corpse with a disgusted look. “This was the guy who was being rude to you earlier today. To make sure he doesn’t do it again, I killed him.” She sounded like she was proud of herself, but that made you all the more terrified of her. Just what was she capable of? You couldn’t help but think if she was going to kill you too. As if reading your mind, she started to speak again.
“Don’t worry, mi amor, I’ll never lay a hand on you.” She started to caress your cheek again, trying to distract you. “Unless you try to escape, but I know you won’t, because you love me as well.” She tilted your head upwards, making you see her lovesick expression. “I’ll never let you go.”
Tears spill from your eyes as she said that, knowing that she was right. This was your new life now.
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ohmyamor · 1 year
let’s start off by saying that you and Yeosang were not supposed to meet
at all 
it all started when one day your friend frantically called you talking about some magic guy she needed to visit asap 
to which you very exasperatedly and bluntly said no 
you loved your friend 
you really did 
but she had recently become obsessed with this guy at work who you can’t even remember the name of
and look 
your friend had this habit of falling in love with people incredibly fast 
like, you’re pretty sure that falling in love after talking to someone for 0.5 seconds has to be some kind of record or something 
and you were somewhat used it at this point 
she would fall in love quickly and move on quickly so no one ever got hurt 
but this guy 
you don’t know how he did it, but she was obsessed 
absolutely, horrendously, atrociously down bad
she had tried multiple times to get his attention but every one of her efforts always seemed to backfire on her
and while at first you were genuinely saddened for her being, the empathetic person you are 
it got kind of annoying after her 10th call crying about how standing next to him not talking just standing didn’t seem to do the trick 
so when she called saying she found this ‘magic guy’ or whatever that she needed to buy a love potion from 
you all but snorted over the line and gave her a solid “no” before hanging up 
only for her to anticipate this answer as not even five minutes later she was knocking at your door 
did she call you from the parking lot? you thought, surprised and a little impressed 
so now you were being dragged by her to some shady part of town with nothing on you except your phone and keys 
just so she could get her supposed love potion
what a way to go
you sat in the passenger seat, looking nervously at the abandoned building the two of you were parked in front of 
you’re pretty sure the only thing you’ll be walking out of here with is some kind of disease 
“I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be here” you tell her hoping she’ll come to her senses 
“No I heard from Mark’s brother’s girlfriend’s uncle that the place was right here” she replied, getting off the car and heading straight into the building
oh she’s serious 
sighing, you open the door and follow after her
“dude, wait up” you yell, seeing that she’s already disappeared through the front door 
you push open the door and walk through only to halt in your tracks when you make it inside 
what. the. fuck. 
inside is not a filthy abandoned building like you were expecting 
you stand inside what looks like a witch’s cottage that came straight out of a children’s book 
the entire store is small, much smaller than the building you walked into 
every corner of the room is filled with knick knacks and trinkets, some of which you have no clue what they even are 
you think you even see a crystal ball on one of the shelves
artifacts from almost every single religion you’ve ever heard of line the walls, some of which look very very old 
there’s also plants galore, hanging off of every shelf, standing in planters that cover the floors and hanging off the ceiling 
you look over to the center of the room where a small counter takes up the space with what you think are eyeballs in a jar resting on top of it
but it’s not the eyeballs that shock you
it’s the giant cauldron resting in front of it with a smoky blue essence pouring out of it 
you blink, having absolutely no fucking clue what’s going on
while you stare around the room in wonder, your friend has already made her way to the counter, slamming harshly on the little bell that rests in the center of the countertop 
it kind of reminds you of the bell at the doctor’s office
but this is most definitely not a doctor’s office
your friend continuously presses the bell, reminding you of a small but annoying child 
you move next to her 
“dude I think you should stop pressing that, it’s getting annoying-”
you cut yourself off with a loud shriek when a man literally materializes in front of your eyes 
he’s stands at a good height, with long dark hair cascading down his neck and coming to end at his shoulders 
his bangs rest nicely over his eyes
and he has the most beautiful birthmark next to his left eye 
this is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life 
you miss the way his lips twitch upwards ever so slightly 
“How can I be of help today?”
oh god his voice
it’s so deep and velvety that if you weren’t so confused as to what was going on, you’re pretty sure you would’ve tripped over your own feet 
“I need a love potion” your friend demands
the man quirks an eyebrow and an amused look falls over his face 
you shoot your friend a look at her rudeness 
“Please. We need a love potion, please,” you say
if this man really is a witch, which you now have no reason to doubt, then who knows what he does to rude customers 
and you’re not about to get turned into a frog just because your friend is obsessed with some mediocre man  
the man behind the counter nods
“Love potions do take me a few days to brew and they cost a little more than any of my other potions,” the man starts
“Is that okay with you?”
you realize the man is staring directly into your eyes as he talks 
“Oh, it’s not for me,” you blurt
the man hums 
“So, how much will it cost and when will it be ready by?” your friend crosses her arms 
you turn to her, furrowing your eyebrows
she’s never acted like this, what the fuck is her problem today?
“I can have it ready in about a week, and as for the cost, I’ll let you know when you come pick it up. It depends on how many of the ingredients I have and how many I will need.”
your friend rolls her eyes 
“You’re a witch but you don’t even have everything you need to make a simple love potion?”
you pinch her side harshly 
“shut up”
she stares at you wide-eyed, but you ignore her to turn to face the beautiful man 
“What she means to say is thank you, we’ll be back in a week to pick it up,” you send him a small smile, trying to express how sorry you are about your friend’s attitude
the man smiles and nods and before your friend can say anything else, you’re grabbing her by the arm and dragging her out of the store, ignoring the butterflies that have made their home in your stomach
one week later 
I’m really going to murder her you think, angrily sitting in your car in front of the familiar building
after dragging you to the pretty witch’s shop and embarrassing you in front of him
she now has the audacity to call you and tell you that something important came up and she can’t go pick up the potion 
but because she absolutely needs it, she needs you to pick it up for her 
“I don’t even know how much it’s going to cost, what if I don’t even have enough money for it?” you had argued over the phone 
“Oh please, he was practically eye fucking you as soon as he popped up, he’ll probably lower the price for you anyways”
she then proceeded to hang up, leaving you a spluttering red mess 
so now here you are, sitting in front of the abandoned building once again where you attempt to muster up the courage to face the pretty witch again 
I’m making her pay for my therapy you think angrily as you open your door and start walking into the building 
the shop hasn’t changed much since you were here last week 
the only differences you notice are few new knick knacks lining the wall, and the cauldron is missing 
walking up to the counter, you press the bell once before taking a step back and admiring the room 
I wonder if any of these plants are for sale  
the feeling of something soft against your leg startles you
you look down to see a black cat rubbing itself against you 
letting out a small “aw”, you crouch down and begin to pet it 
unlike other cats that you’ve met, this one seems very cuddly 
you scratch behind its ears, noticing how it seems to have a little cluster of white hairs right under one of its eyes, almost making it look like the cat has a mole 
you giggle slightly to yourself at the thought 
the sound of someone clearing their throat has you jumping up 
there stands the pretty witch, watching as you stand up quickly and push your hair behind your ears awkwardly 
“is, um, is this your cat?” you motion to the cat that’s lying on the floor with its belly exposed
the man rolls his eyes 
“sort of. he’s my familiar, but he needs to stop bothering customers when he wants attention,” the last sentence is directed at something behind you 
“Whatever, you’re always too busy with your potions. Plus, I’m good for business,” a male’s voice sounds out behind you 
you let out a small scream, jumping away from the voice 
behind you stands a slightly shorter male
he has dark hair as well and his eyes certainly do remind you of a cat’s 
you also notice that he has a small mole on the top of his cheek, under his eye 
just like the cat you realize 
the man smiles brightly at you before engulfing you in a hug
“Sorry I scared you! My name’s Wooyoung, and the grumpy man behind the counter is Yeosang,” Wooyoung tells you
you let out a small laugh, very confused but oddly endeared 
“Wooyoung let go of them”, the pretty witch, Yeosang, demands 
Wooyoung complies, letting go of you with small grumble 
laughing slightly, you turn back to face Yeosang 
“This is not how I was expecting my day to go,” you admit 
“But it’s a nice surprise nonetheless”
Yeosang smiles slightly, staring at you with a look you can’t decipher
“I’m glad we could make your day”
it’s quiet for a moment before you clear your throat
“So, um, I’m here to pick up the love potion?”
Yeosang nods and he moves to grab something from behind him 
a confused noise comes from Wooyoung 
“Love potion? Yeosangie, I thought you said she was your ma-”
Yeosang lets out a loud cough, slamming down the pink bottle he holds in his hand onto the counter and sending a tight smile to the man next to you
“Sorry, Wooyoung must’ve confused you with someone else,” the glare in his eyes makes you feel bad for the dark haired man
“Anyways,” he clears his throat. “Here it is. Tell your friend that it’s very important she doesn’t use the whole thing on the person she’s interested in.” 
Yeosang stares you directly in your eyes, his voice taking on a serious tone
You nod, unsure of to say 
he continues 
“If she does, it will have the opposite effect intended.” 
you make a small o with your mouth 
“I didn’t know that was possible” 
Yeosang nods and Wooyoung makes a noise of confirmation
“You’re looking at the best potions maker in the whole country,” Wooyoung starts. “He’s amazing at what he does, but it also means you need to use his stuff in moderation.”
you glance from the bottle to Yeosang, watching in mild amusement as his neck slowly turns red 
Nodding, you move to grab your wallet from your bag
“Okay, thank you for the heads up. How much will it be?”
you whip your head up, staring at Yeosang with wide eyes
“I’m sorry, did you say two thousand?”
he has the nerve to nod his head hesitantly 
you stare at the little bottle that sits on the counter
“I’m sorry, but I can’t afford that”
you bite the inside of your cheek nervously 
“Let me call my friend and let her know how much it is, maybe she can send me the money or something.”
you step back, moving to grab your phone from your pocket
“You know what,” Yeosang’s voice calls out
“It’s fine, just take it.”
you furrow your eyebrows
“like, for free?”
Yeosang nods his head 
“No, I can’t do that,” you shake your head vehemently 
“You worked hard to make it, I’m not going to let you give it to my friend for free when she gave you such a hard time about it,” you frown
“Then go on a date with him!” 
you and Yeosang snap your heads toward Wooyoung who smiles cheekily 
“What?” you asked, stunned, at the same time that Yeosang hisses out “Wooyoung!”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes
“C’mon, you’re both obviously attracted to each other. Just go on one date and you can get the potion for your friend,” he argues 
Your eyes dart between the two men 
“No, I’m sorry I don’t know what his problem is today. You don’t have to do that if you’re uncomfortable-”
you cut Yeosang off
“I’m fine with it.”
he blinks, momentarily stunned 
“I’m fine with going on a date if you are,” you reiterate 
Yeosang begins to stutter, redness creeping up his neck and onto his face 
how cute 
“He’s more than fine with it,” Wooyoung answers
“How does next Friday at 6 sound? That new Italian restaurant downtown.”
You snort, finding it quite amusing how you’re going on a date with Yeosang but Wooyoung is the one making all the plans 
“Sounds perfect,” you agree 
Grabbing the small bottle off the counter, you send a small wink towards Yeosang, who still looks frozen in place 
“I’ll see you next week, pretty witch” you call, walking out of the store 
as soon as the door closes behind you, Wooyoung takes the opportunity to nod approvingly 
“Next time you threaten to send me with Seonghwa, remember all the things I do for you.”
a loud smack is heard, followed by Wooyoung’s high-pitched whine
despite the slight annoyance he feels towards his familiar, there’s only one thing Yeosang can focus on 
you called him pretty 
bonus cut:
it’s halfway through your amazing dinner with Yeosang when your phone begins to buzz from where it sits in your purse 
apologizing profusely, you let Yeosang know that it’s your friend, the one who serves as the whole reason the two of you met in the first place 
you move to ignore her call, only for your date to encourage you to answer, suggesting that it might be an emergency 
hesitantly, you answer the call, only for you to grow incredibly concerned when all you can hear is your friend sobbing heavily over the speaker 
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You glance at Yeosang, who stares at you concerned 
“He hates me!” you friend wails through the phone 
moving your phone away from your ear a bit, you are incredibly confused and very annoyed that she interrupted your date
“What? Who hates you?”
you don’t notice the way Yeosang grimaces
you’re able to piece together what, or rather, who she’s talking about 
you shut your eyes, bringing your other hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose
“How much did you use?” you question 
“What?” she hiccups 
“the potion. how much did you use?”
your friend sniffs
“all of it”
you roll your eyes so hard you feel like they might get stuck in the back of your head
“you’re a fucking idiot,” you tell her bluntly 
“I’m heartbroken and you’re calling me an idiot?” she exclaims 
“Yes!” you practically yell 
“I literally told you not to use all of it.”
“It’s a love potion, why wouldn’t I use all of it?” she defends herself 
“it was probably that stupid witch, he probably didn’t even make it right.” 
you scoff
“and this is why you’re single” you say, ending the call and angrily shoving your phone back in your purse
“She used all of it?” Yeosang questions, looking concerned but also slightly amused 
You sigh and nod your head
“And she tried blaming you for it not working, saying you didn’t know how to make it right.” 
Yeosang lets out a small laugh before fixing you with a gaze that makes you blush 
“Well at least we can thank her for allowing us to meet.”  
“Perhaps it was fate.” 
You can’t help but agree
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Plot: When you and Han participate in a treasure hunt, things don't go as planned when you end up getting locked in a closet together.
Pairing: Han Jisung x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @backintomykpopphaseagain
A/n: it was originally just supposed to be crack/fun (as requested), but it also became fluffy as well
Warnings: Reader gets locked in a storage closet? That's about it.
Words: 1.5k
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Han practically skipped along beside you as you read over the paper in your hands.
"Okay, so from what I can tell from the clues, the next item is in a storage closet."
Han groaned softly "Do you know how many closets are in this building?
"No, but I think we're gonna find out."
Han sighed dramatically, but quickly began heading towards the nearest storage room, energy bursting from him.
You couldn't help the giggle that erupted from your lips as he yanked open the door and dramatically bowed, motioning for you to enter first.
Leaving the room soon after, not finding your item, you wondered just how long this treasure hunt was going to take.
"Why am I even involved in this team bonding exercise again?" You asked after you checked your fourth closet.
"Because Seungmin is visiting family and couldn't do it, Chan wanted even numbers."
You hummed under your breath as you headed down the stairs towards the lower floors of the building. You noticed immediately that it got quieter, and the lighting darker.
"Ew, why is it so creepy down here?" You asked as you headed down a long hallway.
You glanced at Han who had a similar look on his face as he shook his head, and pretended to shiver in fear.
Seeing another closet, you stopped to read a sign on the door.
'Door broken. Do not close when inside.'
"Maybe it's in here."
Opening the door, you held it open before Han grabbed it "You look, I'll hold it."
Stepping in, you switched on the light and looked around. The room wasn't very big, but the shelves were full of objects. As you began to look around, you didn't notice as you backed towards a tower of boxes. Hitting it with your elbow, you gasped as the tower began to sway.
As you turned to grab the tower, stopping it from toppling, Han, without thinking, jumped forward to help. As the tower became steady, you and Han locked eyes, just as you both heard the door creaking closed.
Realization crossed your faces at the same time as you both lunged for the door, only to hear it click closed just as you reached it.
You both froze for a moment before Han took the handle and tired it, jiggling it multiple times as he pushed and pulled the door.
Furrowing his brow, he looked slowly over at you with a regretful look on his face.
You sighed as you pressed your forehead against the door. Unable to help it, a laugh bubbled out, catching Han by surprise. You turned your head to look at him, and he couldn't help but smile, before laughing with you.
"I can't believe that just happened" You said between chuckles as Han copied you by pressing his forehead against the door, as he messed with the door handle again.
"It wouldn't really be a problem if Chan hadn't taken our phones before we started."
You groaned "Ugh, that's right, he did take them."
You turned and looked around the storage closet before you spotted something brown hidden behind a box.
"What are the odds someone finds us down here?" Han asked as he turned towards you.
Pulling the object out you turned back to him "Well seeing as this as both our next object and one of Hyunjin and Changbin's, pretty good."
Han's eyes widened as he looked at the two objects in your hands. In one hand you held Han's Quokka Skzoo with a blue scarf around it's neck, in the other hand, Hyunjin's ferret skzoo with a red scarf, each symbolizing your teams colors.
"So now we just have to wait?"
"Yeah! Though-" recalling how long it took Hyjunin and Changbin to even figure out what their first clue meant you felt doubtful "It might take a while."
"It took them until we found our third object to find their first one."
"Oh God you're right." Han sighed as he slid down the wall "We're gonna die in here."
You laughed softly as you sat down as well "Maybe someone will notice our disappearance before then."
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As five minutes turned to ten, and then ten into twenty, you and Han both bean to grow worried. Trying to distract yourselves, you played game after game, in an attempt to also kill your boredom.
You and Han tossed a paper ball between you, bouncing it, trying to keep it in the air as long as you could. As Han nearly fell over trying to reach it, it hit the ground and you both let out sighs.
"Fifty-six, not a bad streak." You hummed, but made no movement to grab the ball.
Han stayed lying on his side on the ground as he looked at you. You noticed his eyes lingering a bit longer than normal.
You tilted your head "What?"
"I'm trying to think of a game we could play."
"Who can scream the loudest so someone can find us?" You suggeting half-heartedly.
Han rose his brow and you rose your hand "Please don't, I already have a headache"
He huffed out softly as he sat up "What about, what if?"
"What if. I give you a scenario like...what if a zombie apocalypse broke out tomorrow. And you tell me what you would do."
"Oh." You thought about it for a moment "Sure okay. Is that the first what if?"
"No no, let me think of something else."
After a dozen bizarre scenarios you stared up at the ceiling trying to think of another.
Han stared at you for a few minutes, before looking down at his feet, which were now flat against yours as you both sat with your backs against opposite walls.
He pressed his feet against yours to get your attention "I have one."
You gave him your attention and he suddenly felt shy "What if...one of the members had a crush on you?"
You felt your heart jump at this. It was so different than the ones he had given you before.
What if you found a genie and he only gave you one wish.
What if you could only save one of us in a fire.
What if you were turned into a fish.
But now this one? This time it seemed serious. Did one of the members have a crush on you? Was it the same member you had a crush on?
"I- would give them a chance, I suppose."
"A chance?" He asked curiosly
"Yeah. Maybe. Depending on who it was I think."
"Okay. What if it was Bang Chan?"
"Uhm, I don't know. We're more like siblings than anything, I'm not sure."
"What if it was Lee Know?"
"I would be surprised, I don't think I'm his type."
"What if it was Changbin?"
You let out a somewhat bewildered chuckle "Han"
You thought you might know where this was leading. You thought maybe, just maybe, Han was the one who had a crush on you. Would this be the day you revealed you had a crush on him too?
He chuckled "Okay okay, just one more."
"What if, it was me?" his voice was softer than before, filled with uncertainty.
After a moment of silence, as your heart hammered in your chest, you spoke softly "Then I would say I felt the same."
Han nearly stumbled as he moved to his knees, his eyes widening "Really!?"
You jumped back slightly at his sudden movements and loud voice, but you chuckled "Yeah?" you twiddled with your fingers "Is it you that has a crush on me? I mean, you were being serious about the crush thing right?"
He nodded fervently as he moved to sit beside you "Yeah, yeah. I just. Really didn't know if you felt the same."
You let out a soft laugh as you looked down at your hands, suddenly nervous that he sat right beside you.
"So..." he said softly
You looked up and met his eyes, as he stared deeply into yours before he spoke "What if- what if I asked you on a date?"
A small smile ghosted your lips "I'd say yes."
He opened his mouth to speak as a smile started to form, but before he could talk, you both jumped when the door was yanked open.
Looking up, you saw Hyunjin and Changbin appear, bickering as they stepped into the closet. Seeing you, they halted, confusion across their faces.
"What are you doing in here?" Hyunjin asked as Changbin stepped in with an amused yet confused look on his face.
Seeing the door beginning to close, you and Han both jumped up "The door!"
Changbin and Hyunjin turned back, startled as the door clicked shut, leaving a resounding silence over you all.
"Oops." Changbin muttered.
You and Han, frozen in place, both let out a loud sigh as you dropped back to the floor, backs hitting the shelves behind you.
Hyunjin and Changbin began trying to door handle, pushing and pulling just as Han had done before.
"Why did you close the door"?" Hyunjin began as they started to bicker.
Feeling Han's hand suddenly slip over top of yours, you looked over at him as an amused and knowing smile pulled at his lips.
You may be stuck in a storage closet for who knows how long, with three of the loudest people you've ever met, but at least something good came out of it.
xx End xx
I have taglists for any member (or everyone) if you want to be tagged in future fics/content if anyone wants to be added :)
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