#too long keeps getting stuck on register all day’ girl that’s what I’m noticing too!!!!
beauzos · 9 months
Trying not to get mad every time I come into work bcs every fucking day I get put on register for a vast majority of, if not all of, each shift. Im so sick of it. I miss shelving and being on the floor this is lame as fuck
#psy's no punctuation posts#work tag#i did not apply to this job to be a fucking cashier!!!!#the only time I get floor time is after we stop shelving so we do recovery#and I like that as a change of pace but I can’t remember the last time I spent a shift shelving and doing floor tasks#i feel like I’m probably getting stuck up there bcs I sell more memberships than other people#but like come on come onnnn#it’s not fair how some coworkers never have to be up there because ‘they don’t like it’ but I get stuck up there every day#one of other coworkers was like ‘yeah it’s weird how the one person who goes out of their way to make sure people aren’t on register for#too long keeps getting stuck on register all day’ girl that’s what I’m noticing too!!!!#and then when they assign multiple people to be up on register (as needed we’ve been busy till this week since school started up again)#I’m STILL the one stuck on register bcs whoever is u others with me will decide they get to be k. the floor while I man registers#until I need backup. wtf y’all#i don’t think badly of my coworkers and a few of them try to make sure we find some time to switch off but it doesn’t happen much :|#is this just my life now.#i knew the score when I looked at the schedule today. i come in when the morning register person leaves#and the only other closer gets the privilege of never being on register bcs she simply doesn’t like it so that’s what I gotta do!!!#no offense to her she is a lovely person but I don’t think it’s fair how she gets a pass from management all the time w registers#that’s not her fault . really it ain’t#but it’s lame#and they’ll stick the other closer on SFS so they can’t possibly cover up front. it almost starts to feel intentional#i never have been asked to do SFS lol#oh well! I’m done bitchin
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Fight My Battles (Eddie x fem!reader)
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Lots of angst + fluff. You’re home from college and working at the record store with Eddie. Plans get interrupted by an unwelcome blast from the past.
Warnings: allusions to sex, language, attempted assault. Contains sensitive topics. Billy Hargrove makes an appearance.
Pulling into the record store lot, you throw your car in park and take a deep breath. First days were always nerve-wracking, even if it was just at a summer job back in your hometown. New York City, where you went to college, was too vast to be personal; a stark contrast from Hawkins, where everyone knew each other.
You step out of the car and smooth down your black skirt and check your shirt for any lint. Good to go.
The bell on the store door gives a little ring as you walk in. An older, balding man--your manager, Greg--looks up from behind the register. When he sees it’s you, he smiles and waves you over. “Y/N!” he calls, “welcome!”
“Thanks!” you chirp back. “I’m a little early, but I figured you could give me a tour of the store or something.”
“Actually,” he stretches, “I have to run out real quick. My wife’s car broke down at the grocery store and she needs a knight in shining armor to save her,” Greg grins, “but Eddie would be happy to show you around.” He cracks open the door to a storage area and calls out, “Hey, Ed! Care to give the new girl a tour of the place? Show her the ropes?”
And just like that, Eddie Munson appeared at the door. You recognized him from school, you know, when he actually showed up. You two had never really talked or ran in the same social circles. He stuck with his D&D buddies, while you preferred the company of the theatre kids.
Now, he offers you a smile that makes your heart beat a little faster. “For sure. I’m Eddie,” he says, holding out his hand for you to shake. You accept it and introduce yourself.
“Y/N. I think...I think we went to Hawkins High together for a bit. I graduated last June.” you offer for context.
“Oh, yeah! You looked familiar. I just graduated this year. Third time’s the charm, I guess,” he replies sheepishly. He runs his ringed fingers through his hair. “Anyway, let’s get this tour started so you can get to work and I can get back to doing the bare minimum.”
Greg gives him a small smack to the back of the head and hurries out the door. “I’ll be back soon. Y/N, keep an eye on Eddie for me, will ya?”
Oh, that certainly won’t be a problem.
Eddie gives you a full tour: the stock room, the front end, how to take inventory, place orders, and use the cash register. All of the new information has your head spinning, and he notices.
“Don’t worry. You have any questions, just ask me. And if you make any mistakes, blame it on me.”
“Won’t you get in trouble?”
He just shrugs. “My uncle is always fixing Greg’s wife’s car for cheap. If he fires me, he’s gonna have to pay a lot of money for someone to fix that hunk of junk.” Fair enough.
A small silence stretches out in front of you until you ask, “How long have you been working here?”
“Just a few months. I needed a new gig, a legal one, and Greg was telling my Uncle Wayne that he needed someone to help with the store, and,” he punctuates with a sweeping gesture, “here I am.”
You giggle. “Here you are.”
“What about you? What brings you to Wrecked Records?”
“Needed a summer job, and it’s too expensive to live in New York City year-round on minimum wage, so, here I am.” You mimic his gesture kindly.
“Here you are,” he murmurs, then clears his throat suddenly and checks the clock behind him.
“What time does your shift end?” you ask.
“Uh,” he stammers, “half an hour ago.” “Eddie! Go home!” you chastise him teasingly. 
“I’m not leaving you all alone on your first day,” he retorts. “What if you burn the place down?”
You roll your eyes and plop down on a worn leather couch. “I’ll be fine. Greg should be back any minute.” And he does come back 15 minutes later, and Eddie’s still there, reorganizing the inventory for the fiftieth time. Greg’s surprised to see him.
“Normally, I can’t even get you to work your full shift, and you’re staying late now?” he says, “Y/N must be a good influence.”
“The best,” Eddie flashes his signature grin. “See you tomorrow,” he calls as he heads for his beat-up van.
The next few weeks are filled with shifts at the record store. You’re pretty sure Eddie’s flirting with you, always teasing you and playing with your hair when the store is empty. Your favorite is Thursday nights. It’s your day to close the store. Eddie’s supposed to leave at 6, but the store doesn’t close until 11, and he waits around for you to close so he can walk you to your car. Every time, you think he’ll make a move, kissing you or even asking you out, but nothing. Just a “get home safe,” as he closes the door behind you.
Maybe you’ve been misreading his signals. Maybe he just has a flirtatious personality.
Tonight, he is in a goofy mood. He’s been having more of those since you started working at the store. He blasts Cyndi Lauper and sings along in what can only be described as a screech.
“They just wanna! They just wannaaaaa! Girls just wanna have fun!” You’re laughing so hard that tears stream down your face. 
“Fuck, Eddie! You’re gonna make my mascara run!”
“You know you love my singing, sweetheart! Don’t deny it!” This only makes you laugh harder.
The song ends and you check the clock. Only 8 PM. You notice Eddie grabbing his keys from the back and raise an eyebrow.
“I’ll be right back. Just gonna grab some food. You want anything?” You shake your head, and he laughs. “Yeah, okay. I’ll get you some fries so you don’t steal mine. Again.”
“Food just tastes better when I’m stealing it from you,” you reply simply.
Eddie leaves and you hear his van starting up. There’s just one person in the store, a woman checking out some Pat Benetar records, and she leaves a few moments after Eddie does. You’re picking at your chipped purple nail polish when the bell rings. “Finally, you’re back with--” you stop, because it isn’t Eddie. It’s Billy Hargrove.
Billy Hargrove, your high school sweetheart, although sweetheart was too generous. You dated for half of your junior year all throughout your senior year until you left for college. You wanted to make long-distance work, but Billy had other plans. Other plans that involved other girls.
“Hey, college girl,” he says roughly. “I heard I could find you here.”
You say nothing, hoping he’ll get the hint and leave, but it doesn’t work. If anything, he feeds off of your discomfort.
“Since when did you get so shy around me? Don’t you remember chasing me down, throwing yourself at me like a pathetic little slut?” he sneers and finally gets a reaction out of you.
“I’M the slut?” you shout. “You’re the one who was fucking other girls for half of our relationship, but I’M the slut?”
He feigns shame, but his eyes give him away. “I know. That’s why I’m here; to get you back. I missed you, missed those perfect tits, missed how good you feel.” He goes to cup your face with his hand, but you pull away. “Don’t you remember how I made you feel? I could take you in that back room and make you feel that right now.”
“No,” you croak. “Leave me alone.”
“Aw, come on, college girl,” he drawls. “I know none of those little frat boys made you moan like I did.” He creeps closer to you until you’re backed into a corner. He places his hands around your waist and pulls you to him. You try pushing away, but he’s too strong.
“Get off of me!” you yell, but it’s useless. You pick up your foot and kick him in the shin. He stumbles back slightly but comes charging back to you.
“What the fuck was that?” he snarls and grabs your arm, tight. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Stop it, Billy! Stop it! Leave me alone!” you sob. In the background, you hear the faint sound of the bell but can’t process what it means. It’s only when you hear his voice that it clicks.
“Get the fuck off of her!” Eddie drops the food, fries tumbling across the floor. He grabs Billy’s shoulders, whips him around, and punches him in the nose. Blood drips down Billy’s face, staining his teeth red.
“Oh, is this why you won’t fuck me? Because you’re fucking the Freak?” he laughs meanly. 
“She won’t fuck you because she doesn’t want to, you piece of shit!” Eddie swings again, but Billy catches his arm in one hand and uses the other to punch him back. Eddie falls to the floor and Billy kicks him in the stomach.
Thinking quickly, you grab the gun from behind the counter, the one Greg keeps there in case of a robbery. Well, this wasn’t a robbery, but you didn’t think he would mind.
You aim it at Billy and scream. “Leave right now or I’ll shoot you right between the fucking eyes, you pig!” You clock his fear as he backs out with his hands up. 
“I’m leaving, I’m leaving. But I’m not finished with you yet,” he growls. Exhausted, you collapse onto the ground in a pile of tears.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Eddie runs over as fast as he can. “Well, of course you’re not. Did he...did I get here in time?” You nod, and he breathes a small sigh of relief.
“Let’s close up early. Greg won’t mind; I’ll explain it all in the morning. Then I’ll get you home.”
You shake your head. “But I drove here. What will I do with my car?”
“Leave it here.”
“Okay, then how will I get back tomorrow?”
“I’ll pick you up,” he says simply, “if that’s okay.”
You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. “You saved me, Eds. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t come back in time...”
“No, no. If I didn’t leave to get food, he wouldn’t have...” but you stop him.
“Eddie, you punched Billy Hargrove and saved me. You’re my hero. Take the compliment.” you joke lightly.
Fuck Billy Hargrove.
That’s all Eddie can think as he drives from your house to his trailer. Tonight was going to be the night he asked you out, maybe gave you a kiss on the cheek or the forehead. He was ambivalent about it, knowing you’d be back in New York soon, but he didn’t want to let the chance slip by.
And then Billy Hargrove showed up, and hurt you, and Eddie very well couldn’t just ask you out after all that. He wasn’t going to take advantage of your vulnerability.
He pulls up to the trailer and Wayne greets him with a smile. “So, how did it go?”
Eddie fills him in on the night’s events, watching as his uncle’s grin turns into a frown. “What are you going to do now?”
“Kill Hargrove?”
Wayne gives a small chuckle. “Besides that. You can still ask Y/N tomorrow. Just be extra gentle about it. Don’t want her pulling a gun on you, too.”
Eddie’s rehearsed what he wants to say, over and over again. You were still on edge the next day, but markedly less scared, so he plunged ahead with his speech. He didn’t have to work that day; he was only driving there to drop you off, so he knew it was now or never when he pulled into the parking lot.
“Y/N, I have a question. And I don’t want you to, y’know, feel any pressure to say yes or anything. But I’ll kick myself if I don’t say something.”
You twist in your seat and look at him. His hands are gripping the wheel even though the car is in park. “What’s up, Eds?”
“Do you want to go out with me tonight? I know it’s last minute, but I wanted to ask you yesterday, but then...” he trails off, not needed to finish the sentence. “I just don’t want you to think that you owe me anything because of what happened, because if you say no, I’ll still be your friend and fight Hargrove for you any day of the week.”
That gets a giggle from you. He’s about to continue babbling when you grab his hand. “Eddie,” you start, “I’ve wanted to go out with you since the moment you gave me a tour of the store.”
His eyebrows raise. “Really? Huh, no shit,” he mutters. “And here i was, waiting around like an idiot.”
You look at him mischievously. “Well, then, we’d better start making up for lost time.” You planted your lips on his, tasting stale cigarettes and black coffee. His hand snakes around your waist, pulling you as close as the van will allow. You bring your own hand up to his face and cup his cheek, giving his lower lip a slight bite as you pull away. He groans and slumps back in his seat.
“Now I gotta wait until 6 to do that again?” he whines, but he’s smiling as he says it.
“Be nice or I’ll make you wait until the end of our date to kiss me again,” you tease. You kiss his cheek as you leave. “A parting gift.”
"Try it, and I’ll sing Cyndi Lauper until you lose your mind.”
You bound into the store, well aware that Eddie can’t tear his gaze from you. It’s going to be a long shift. 
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cricket-reader · 2 years
Your Warmth
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox
Summary: stuck in a snowstorm, she doubts she’ll make it out alive. What happens when an unexpected person rescues her from the storm?
Warnings (contains spoilers!): language, probably inaccurate descriptions and procedures, stuck in a blizzard, falling in a lake, near death, nakedness, implied sexual stuff (no sex), pining, idiots in love, cuddling, awkward fluffy moments, Bucky
Word Count: 2,426
Prompt: Environmental, snowstorm, come in from the cold
A/N: day 1 of March Trope-A-Thon by @amonthofwhump
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The wind blew the snow with such force it made her blind. The only thing in sight was the white blizzard. It hadn’t picked up until just a minute ago. Of course, it would be her luck to get stuck in this crap.
She could slowly feel the numbing sensation begin to freeze her feet as the snow began to creep into her heavy duty boots. The mission suit she wore did absolutely nothing to keep out the cold. At least her jacket went down mid thigh.
Huffing in irritation as her hood gets blown down once again, she’s tempted to just give up. What’s the point anyway? It’s not like she’s going to be able to find her way to the safe house where her partner is sitting, probably all nice and cozy in the warm little cabin. She’s going to die out here alone and cold.
The frigid weather makes her body shut down. No average human could survive in this weather for how long she has.
Finding a small cave, she stumbles her way to the entrance. She doesn’t have it in her to worry what creatures she might find in it.
The relief is only minuscule. At least the wind isn’t blowing her this way and that. At least she isn’t being pelted by the snow coming down and drifting everywhere.
She’s barely able to register the beeping coming from her pocket. Whining, she hesitantly reaches to grab her communication device. Her fingers feel frozen and numb. She hardly is able to muster up the strength to press the button to answer.
“Where are you? What are you doing?” A gruff-sounding voice greets her, the voice echoing in the chilled cave.
“H-hello to you too Ba-Barnes,” she mumbles, curling up on herself to try and trap the heat.
“Not the time, doll. I can’t fucking find you in this stupid snowstorm.”
“Why-why aren’t you.. at th-the cabin.” She furrows her brows, her mind fogging over
“I can’t just leave my best girl to die out here, can I?” Her heart skips a beat. She loves it when he calls her his girl. It doesn’t mean anything to him, but she can’t stop the butterflies in her stomach whenever he says it. “Besides, Steve would kill me if I let anything happen to you.”
“Wow,” she huffs, “For a se-second there I tho-thought you actually c-cared.”
He forces out a chuckle, hating how he can hear her shivering. He needs to find her. If he can just keep her talking. He can’t lose her too. He’s lost enough. “Where are you?”
“I’ont know, a-a cave?”
“Fuck,” he mutters, almost tripping in the deep snow. “I’m never gonna find ya like that, babydoll.”
“I’on’t wanna move,” she whimpers. Bucky curses under his breath. He’s never going to find her like this. He hears shuffling on the other side and another set of whimpers. It makes his heart break. He won’t stop until he finds her. He’s close, if the signal from her tracker is still accurate.
“I’m gonna find you, doll, just hang in there,” he mutters, needing to somehow keep her talking. A harsh howling on the other end alerts him to the fact that she must be out of the cave.
“You still have those flares on you, doll?”
“I d-d-don’t th-think I’ll be able to-to light it,” she shivers so violently that he’s sure if it weren’t for his enhanced senses he would have no idea what she’s saying.
Bucky curses under his breath and looks around him. Her dot is so close. She should be somewhere nearby. Stopping, he notices a lake nearby. If he wasn’t paying attention, he would’ve probably walked right on it since the snow is covering it. God, then what good would he be?
A crack was heard through the speaker and his heart stopped. “Doll? What was that?”
He could hear her hyperventilating, still shaking as the wind harshly nips at her poor body. “Bucky…”
“What is it? What happened? Are you okay? Talk to me,” he orders, brain going into hyperdrive.
“I-I think I’m on ice ri-right n-now,” she shudders out, not moving an inch.
“Shit,” he mumbles. At least now he knows she’s close. “I’m gonna find ya, don’t move a muscle.”
He hears another one of those heartbreaking whimpers and wishes he could just find her and carry her to safety right this second.
The amount of relief he feels when he manages to see a speck of black in the blinding white blizzard is immense. That relief is quickly swept away when he hears another crack.
It all happens too fast.
The loud crack, the scream, the sound of her body plunging into the freezing water.
A churning is felt in his gut as he watches the woman he loves fall into the water. He should have told her to stay in that cave. He would have searched for hours if it meant that she was not drowning in water.
She’s never been this cold in her life. Her body seizes as she sinks. In a desperate last attempt she swims upwards. It doesn’t take long for her to feel heavy. Her body shutting down as she tries her best to keep her head above the water. It would be so nice to be in her bed, wrapped in her many blankets. Safe and warm. Her eyes drift shut as her hand catches on the ice.
Her mind doesn’t even catch up when a strange, soft material touches her hand. She barely realises that her body is being hauled out of the water. A string of muffled curses sound so far away as her eyes flutter open and close.
Nuzzling into the warmth, she vaguely recognises a wonderful smell. Something like the forest she used to play in as a child mixed with something purely masculine.
Bucky watches her smile as she nuzzles her face into his chest. His steps are even and quick, wanting—no, needing to get to the cabin as soon as possible.
A particularly harsh wind blows against her body and she can’t hold in the small cry as it feels like she is being frozen like a popsicle.
The cry urges Bucky to pick up his pace. He can’t let her die. He can’t lose her. She means too much to him. Who else will ramble to him when he can’t sleep? Who else is going to stay up with him all night to make cookies because he had a bad nightmare? Who else is he going to watch movies with? Who else will unconsciously cuddle into him during movie nights? Who else is going to warm his heart with every little move she makes?
There’s no one that can replace her. He is sure of it. She matters too much to him and everyone else on the team.
The cabin comes into view, and at this point he’s sprinting to get into the warmth. Luckily, it should be somewhat warm. The heating is nothing to brag about, but at least it is insulated. There’s also a fireplace, and he made sure that there was plenty of firewood.
“We’re almost there, sweets, just hang in there,” he mutters, holding her closer to his body. If she doesn’t make it… he doesn’t know what he’ll do. If only it had been him that got stuck out in the cold. Then she’d be safe at home in the warm. Then she wouldn’t be clinging onto life.
The door jolts her out of her dazed state. She suddenly feels more cold even though she is in the building. The slight warmth the cabin provides her isn’t enough.
He sets her down in the living room and tells her to strip. She mumbles incoherently as he moves to get some blankets. He sets them on the couch before moving over to start a fire in the fireplace. His hands are trembling as he lights the match. Fear and adrenaline both running high.
When the logs finally catch, he turns back to see that she has barely moved. Sighing, he rushes over to help her. “Doll? C’mon, stay with me,” he mutters, standing her upright.
She whines, just wanting to go to sleep. The warmth is starting to set in, but it still isn’t enough. Maybe if she sleeps this nightmare will be over.
“I’m gonna have to take off your clothes…” he grimaces at the blank look he receives. Swiftly undressing her, he wishes that she was cognisant enough to do it herself. He hates that he has to do this especially without her consent. He knows she’d never want him to see her like this. He knows that if she were in her right mind, she’d probably punch him for even looking at her. If there’s one thing he knows, it’s that she hates being exposed to others. Trust issues and all that. But at this point all that doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting her warm.
“I-I always knew you wa-wanted t-to get into my pants,” she jokes as he pulls down her tack pants, her voice quiet and whispery. He blushes deep red, continuing to undress her.
“You wish,” he mutters back, but it’s strangled and he definitely knows that, were she in her right mind, she would notice how he took too long to answer.
She chuckles a little, her eyes drooping closed. The smile she gives him makes him weak in the knees. When all of her clothes are removed, he carries her over to the fireplace, grabbing the blankets on the way. She leans into his chest, cuddling into him as far as possible.
When he goes to move away she whines and pulls him back. “Don’t go.”
It sounds so faint, he’s not even sure he heard it. Nevertheless, he stays. Whether it’s because he is selfish and loves having her close or because he wants to provide more warmth, he’s not so sure. Maybe it’s both. It���s probably both.
He curses under his breath when his hand touches her skin. It’s almost like she is frozen. Even after doing all this she’s still not warm. He rubs his hand over her arms, wishing he had his other arm to warm her too. Stupid vibranium appendage doesn’t provide the heat that human flesh does.
“Y’know… I heard that uh…” she mumbles, cutting her sentence off with a shudder, shaking her head. She mutters something that sounds like nonsense as her head rolls away from him.
“What is it, doll?”
“I’on’t… I don’ wanna make you uncomfy,” she slurs out, exhaustion dripping from her tone of voice.
“Baby, please, I’ll do anything, just stay awake, yeah? Can you do that for me? I know you can. You’re so strong, such a good girl for me,” he rambles, shaking her body to keep her awake.
A different kind of warmth blooms in her stomach and she hides her head into his chest so Bucky can’t see her face. She’s sure that she’s as red as a tomato. That’s one way to sort of heat up her body, she supposes.
The words she speaks are muffled against his Henley and not even his enhanced hearing can catch it. “What was that?”
She groans, not wanting to repeat it.
“C’mon, doll. It can’t be that bad,” he smiles reassuringly at her. She shakes her head and curls up in a ball, dying from embarrassment even though she hasn’t told him anything yet.
“Take your clothes off,” she mumbles, not realising that what she just said was a bit forward. Bucky’s eyes widen and he splutters, practically choking on his own saliva.
“Uh.. I don’t think right now is the best time to be—”
“Not like that you creep!” She exclaims, lightly hitting him because it’s all the strength she has left. “It’ll help warm. Skin on skin, y’know?”
“Oh, right, of course,” he stutters, face heating in embarrassment. He knew that. Of course he did. He had plenty of training on what to do during a situation like this. But god, the way those words came tumbling from her pretty lips. He’d give anything for this situation to be different. For her to be…
Stop it. Not now. She needs warmth. Not a pervert to creep on her with a hard on whilst she’s practically dying in his arms. Fuck. This is bad.
If she notices, he doesn’t say anything. His eyes have been respectfully focused on anything other than her body, but just knowing that his crush is naked, lying against him gets his blood running south. It’s not his fault that he has had no action in like seventy years.
God, that makes him sound so lame.
He lets go of her to pull off his Henley. His pants follow, but he keeps on his boxers for modesty. She doesn’t need to see his embarrassingly hard… Nevermind. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it and it will go away.
Boy was he wrong.
When he sits back down, she crawls into his lap with not a moment’s hesitation, the blanket still draped over her. The second the blanket is removed from in between them, he swears he can hear the sirens sing. Although cold, her flesh against him feels so good. It’s a kind of contact that he hasn’t had in lord only knows how long. And now he never wants it to end.
Bucky smiles when he hears her contempt hum of approval. She nuzzles her head into his chest and cuddles impossibly closer to him. This, he muses, is a moment he wants to stay in forever. Nothing but them both cuddled against each other in the most intimate but also non-intimate way possible.
“Thanks, Buck,” she whispers after a few minutes of solid silence, the only sound is the crackling of the fire.
“No problem, babydoll.” He runs his hand up and down her bare back, wanting to comfort her and also warm her up. He watches her as her eyes start to flutter shut. She’s trying so hard to stay awake, but the exhaustion is pulling her down like an anchor to a ship.
“You didn’t hit your head did you?” Bucky questions, not wanting her to fall asleep with a concussion.
“No,” she mumbles, “jus’ wanna sleep.”
“Okay… I’ll be here when you wake up,” he promises, leaving a chaste kiss on her forehead. She smiles and sighs contentedly as she drifts off to sleep.
“You better be.”
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stranger-blurbs · 2 years
Fight My Battles (Eddie x fem!reader)
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Lots of angst + fluff. You’re home from college and working at the record store with Eddie. Plans get interrupted by an unwelcome blast from the past.
Warnings: allusions to sex, language, attempted assault. Contains sensitive topics. Billy Hargrove makes an appearance.
WC: 2.3k
Pulling into the record store lot, you throw your car in park and take a deep breath. First days were always nerve-wracking, even if it was just at a summer job back in your hometown. New York City, where you went to college, was too vast to be personal; a stark contrast from Hawkins, where everyone knew each other.
You step out of the car and smooth down your black skirt and check your shirt for any lint. Good to go.
The bell on the store door gives a little ring as you walk in. An older, balding man--your manager, Greg--looks up from behind the register. When he sees it’s you, he smiles and waves you over. “Y/N!” he calls, “welcome!”
“Thanks!” you chirp back. “I’m a little early, but I figured you could give me a tour of the store or something.”
“Actually,” he stretches, “I have to run out real quick. My wife’s car broke down at the grocery store and she needs a knight in shining armor to save her,” Greg grins, “but Eddie would be happy to show you around.” He cracks open the door to a storage area and calls out, “Hey, Ed! Care to give the new girl a tour of the place? Show her the ropes?”
And just like that, Eddie Munson appeared at the door. You recognized him from school, you know, when he actually showed up. You two had never really talked or ran in the same social circles. He stuck with his D&D buddies, while you preferred the company of the theatre kids.
Now, he offers you a smile that makes your heart beat a little faster. “For sure. I’m Eddie,” he says, holding out his hand for you to shake. You accept it and introduce yourself.
“Y/N. I think...I think we went to Hawkins High together for a bit. I graduated last June.” you offer for context.
“Oh, yeah! You looked familiar. I just graduated this year. Third time’s the charm, I guess,” he replies sheepishly. He runs his ringed fingers through his hair. “Anyway, let’s get this tour started so you can get to work and I can get back to doing the bare minimum.”
Greg gives him a small smack to the back of the head and hurries out the door. “I’ll be back soon. Y/N, keep an eye on Eddie for me, will ya?”
Oh, that certainly won’t be a problem.
Eddie gives you a full tour: the stock room, the front end, how to take inventory, place orders, and use the cash register. All of the new information has your head spinning, and he notices.
“Don’t worry. You have any questions, just ask me. And if you make any mistakes, blame it on me.”
“Won’t you get in trouble?”
He just shrugs. “My uncle is always fixing Greg’s wife’s car for cheap. If he fires me, he’s gonna have to pay a lot of money for someone to fix that hunk of junk.” Fair enough.
A small silence stretches out in front of you until you ask, “How long have you been working here?”
“Just a few months. I needed a new gig, a legal one, and Greg was telling my Uncle Wayne that he needed someone to help with the store, and,” he punctuates with a sweeping gesture, “here I am.”
You giggle. “Here you are.”
“What about you? What brings you to Wrecked Records?”
“Needed a summer job, and it’s too expensive to live in New York City year-round on minimum wage, so, here I am.” You mimic his gesture kindly.
“Here you are,” he murmurs, then clears his throat suddenly and checks the clock behind him.
“What time does your shift end?” you ask.
“Uh,” he stammers, “half an hour ago.” “Eddie! Go home!” you chastise him teasingly.
“I’m not leaving you all alone on your first day,” he retorts. “What if you burn the place down?”
You roll your eyes and plop down on a worn leather couch. “I’ll be fine. Greg should be back any minute.” And he does come back 15 minutes later, and Eddie’s still there, reorganizing the inventory for the fiftieth time. Greg’s surprised to see him.
“Normally, I can’t even get you to work your full shift, and you’re staying late now?” he says, “Y/N must be a good influence.”
“The best,” Eddie flashes his signature grin. “See you tomorrow,” he calls as he heads for his beat-up van.
The next few weeks are filled with shifts at the record store. You’re pretty sure Eddie’s flirting with you, always teasing you and playing with your hair when the store is empty. Your favorite is Thursday nights. It’s your day to close the store. Eddie’s supposed to leave at 6, but the store doesn’t close until 11, and he waits around for you to close so he can walk you to your car. Every time, you think he’ll make a move, kissing you or even asking you out, but nothing. Just a “get home safe,” as he closes the door behind you.
Maybe you’ve been misreading his signals. Maybe he just has a flirtatious personality.
Tonight, he is in a goofy mood. He’s been having more of those since you started working at the store. He blasts Cyndi Lauper and sings along in what can only be described as a screech.
“They just wanna! They just wannaaaaa! Girls just wanna have fun!” You’re laughing so hard that tears stream down your face.
“Fuck, Eddie! You’re gonna make my mascara run!”
“You know you love my singing, sweetheart! Don’t deny it!” This only makes you laugh harder.
The song ends and you check the clock. Only 8 PM. You notice Eddie grabbing his keys from the back and raise an eyebrow.
“I’ll be right back. Just gonna grab some food. You want anything?” You shake your head, and he laughs. “Yeah, okay. I’ll get you some fries so you don’t steal mine. Again.”
“Food just tastes better when I’m stealing it from you,” you reply simply.
Eddie leaves and you hear his van starting up. There’s just one person in the store, a woman checking out some Pat Benetar records, and she leaves a few moments after Eddie does. You’re picking at your chipped purple nail polish when the bell rings. “Finally, you’re back with--” you stop, because it isn’t Eddie. It’s Billy Hargrove.
Billy Hargrove, your high school sweetheart, although sweetheart was too generous. You dated for half of your junior year all throughout your senior year until you left for college. You wanted to make long-distance work, but Billy had other plans. Other plans that involved other girls.
“Hey, college girl,” he says roughly. “I heard I could find you here.”
You say nothing, hoping he’ll get the hint and leave, but it doesn’t work. If anything, he feeds off of your discomfort.
“Since when did you get so shy around me? Don’t you remember chasing me down, throwing yourself at me like a pathetic little slut?” he sneers and finally gets a reaction out of you.
“I’M the slut?” you shout. “You’re the one who was fucking other girls for half of our relationship, but I’M the slut?”
He feigns shame, but his eyes give him away. “I know. That’s why I’m here; to get you back. I missed you, missed those perfect tits, missed how good you feel.” He goes to cup your face with his hand, but you pull away. “Don’t you remember how I made you feel? I could take you in that back room and make you feel that right now.”
“No,” you croak. “Leave me alone.”
“Aw, come on, college girl,” he drawls. “I know none of those little frat boys made you moan like I did.” He creeps closer to you until you’re backed into a corner. He places his hands around your waist and pulls you to him. You try pushing away, but he’s too strong.
“Get off of me!” you yell, but it’s useless. You pick up your foot and kick him in the shin. He stumbles back slightly but comes charging back to you.
“What the fuck was that?” he snarls and grabs your arm, tight. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Stop it, Billy! Stop it! Leave me alone!” you sob. In the background, you hear the faint sound of the bell but can’t process what it means. It’s only when you hear his voice that it clicks.
“Get the fuck off of her!” Eddie drops the food, fries tumbling across the floor. He grabs Billy’s shoulders, whips him around, and punches him in the nose. Blood drips down Billy’s face, staining his teeth red.
“Oh, is this why you won’t fuck me? Because you’re fucking the Freak?” he laughs meanly.
“She won’t fuck you because she doesn’t want to, you piece of shit!” Eddie swings again, but Billy catches his arm in one hand and uses the other to punch him back. Eddie falls to the floor and Billy kicks him in the stomach.
Thinking quickly, you grab the gun from behind the counter, the one Greg keeps there in case of a robbery. Well, this wasn’t a robbery, but you didn’t think he would mind.
You aim it at Billy and scream. “Leave right now or I’ll shoot you right between the fucking eyes, you pig!” You clock his fear as he backs out with his hands up.
“I’m leaving, I’m leaving. But I’m not finished with you yet,” he growls. Exhausted, you collapse onto the ground in a pile of tears.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Eddie runs over as fast as he can. “Well, of course you’re not. Did he...did I get here in time?” You nod, and he breathes a small sigh of relief.
“Let’s close up early. Greg won’t mind; I’ll explain it all in the morning. Then I’ll get you home.”
You shake your head. “But I drove here. What will I do with my car?”
“Leave it here.”
“Okay, then how will I get back tomorrow?”
“I’ll pick you up,” he says simply, “if that’s okay.”
You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. “You saved me, Eds. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t come back in time...”
“No, no. If I didn’t leave to get food, he wouldn’t have...” but you stop him.
“Eddie, you punched Billy Hargrove and saved me. You’re my hero. Take the compliment.” you joke lightly.
Fuck Billy Hargrove.
That’s all Eddie can think as he drives from your house to his trailer. Tonight was going to be the night he asked you out, maybe gave you a kiss on the cheek or the forehead. He was ambivalent about it, knowing you’d be back in New York soon, but he didn’t want to let the chance slip by.
And then Billy Hargrove showed up, and hurt you, and Eddie very well couldn’t just ask you out after all that. He wasn’t going to take advantage of your vulnerability.
He pulls up to the trailer and Wayne greets him with a smile. “So, how did it go?”
Eddie fills him in on the night’s events, watching as his uncle’s grin turns into a frown. “What are you going to do now?”
“Kill Hargrove?”
Wayne gives a small chuckle. “Besides that. You can still ask Y/N tomorrow. Just be extra gentle about it. Don’t want her pulling a gun on you, too.”
Eddie’s rehearsed what he wants to say, over and over again. You were still on edge the next day, but markedly less scared, so he plunged ahead with his speech. He didn’t have to work that day; he was only driving there to drop you off, so he knew it was now or never when he pulled into the parking lot.
“Y/N, I have a question. And I don’t want you to, y’know, feel any pressure to say yes or anything. But I’ll kick myself if I don’t say something.”
You twist in your seat and look at him. His hands are gripping the wheel even though the car is in park. “What’s up, Eds?”
“Do you want to go out with me tonight? I know it’s last minute, but I wanted to ask you yesterday, but then...” he trails off, not needed to finish the sentence. “I just don’t want you to think that you owe me anything because of what happened, because if you say no, I’ll still be your friend and fight Hargrove for you any day of the week.”
That gets a giggle from you. He’s about to continue babbling when you grab his hand. “Eddie,” you start, “I’ve wanted to go out with you since the moment you gave me a tour of the store.”
His eyebrows raise. “Really? Huh, no shit,” he mutters. “And here i was, waiting around like an idiot.”
You look at him mischievously. “Well, then, we’d better start making up for lost time.” You planted your lips on his, tasting stale cigarettes and black coffee. His hand snakes around your waist, pulling you as close as the van will allow. You bring your own hand up to his face and cup his cheek, giving his lower lip a slight bite as you pull away. He groans and slumps back in his seat.
“Now I gotta wait until 6 to do that again?” he whines, but he’s smiling as he says it.
“Be nice or I’ll make you wait until the end of our date to kiss me again,” you tease. You kiss his cheek as you leave. “A parting gift.”
"Try it, and I’ll sing Cyndi Lauper until you lose your mind.”
You bound into the store, well aware that Eddie can’t tear his gaze from you. It’s going to be a long shift.
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little-fics · 3 years
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Summary: you break a plate on accident, your daddy and uncle Dean come to the rescue.
Warnings: age regression, broken plate, triggered reader, hints at abuse, blood, cut, anxiety/panic attack, I could've missed some so please babies, read at your own risk
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: really like this oneeeee, thanks for reading lovelies <3
You're walking through the kitchen, minding your own business, and you collide with the sharp corner of the table. The plate resting in your hand hit the floor, shattering. In a split second you're panicking, the sound of broken glass reminding you too much of your bad days.
Memories flooding through your head, voices booming all around you. You're looking at your hands, the slippery culprits now shaking like a leaf. Your vision is spotty, lungs burning, air barely coming in, face losing feeling soon. Your eyes move to the shattered ceramic, overflowing with tears now. You realize the 'mistake' you've made and start clumsily shuffling around. You're picking up the biggest pieces, placing them as soft as you can in your hand.
Sam instantly heard the plate break, immediately jumping up from his chair in the library. He was rushing to you, and when he arrived in the doorway, he takes in your rattling body. Your breaths are choked, whole body racking as you're picking up pieces of glass? Sam instantly rushed over to you, kneeling in front of you, "You with me baby?" A hand coming up inches away from the hand holding the pieces of glass, his other coming around to your shoulder.
As you're picking up a piece Sam places a hand on your shoulder and under your hand holding the glass as gently as possible, but it still scares you. You let out a loud gasp, clenching your hands together, another sob coming out of you, "I-I'm sorry-" He lifts you from your squatting position, pulling your legs around his waist. He's rubbing your back, whispering in your ear as he carried you, "Shhh, my little baby, nothing to be sorry about, you're okay, it's okay." You're sobbing, shaking, mumbling ''m sorry' over and over, you can't open your eyes, you're just stuck gripping onto him and struggling to breathe between broken sobs.
He sits you on the counter next to the sink, your legs and arms still around him. "Hey, baby," he's trying to reach you in your thoughts, "baby, can you look at me?" He's rubbing your back, feeling the wetness grow on his back, knowing he needed to check it. After about fifteen seconds, he decided he had to check your hand. He brought his hands to your ears, taking a deep breath and turning his head as far away from you as possible, "Dean!" His voice was dripping with fear and concern. Your body jolted when he did so, and he felt it, instantly consoling you, "Oh I know, daddy was so loud and it was scary. I know baby."
Dean does into the room, hearing your cries echoing through the room as he sees the back of Sam's shirt covered in blood that's coming from your hand? He's rushing over to you, softly speaking to you, his hand hovering over your wrist, "Hey, little one, wanna let Uncle Dean see your hand for a minute?" He gently grabs your wrist, slowly leading your away from Sam's neck.
You're starting to calm down, Sam's scent engulfing you, his words bringing you back to him. "It's okay bug, I now it's scary but daddy's here. Take a deep breath for me, come on." You're trying to follow along to him, Dean pulling your arm away from him bringing some feeling back into your arm. Your breathing is still scattered, but doesn't burn as bad, Sam's voice coming in clearer as you hear the water coming on. "You feel my hand on your back sweetness?" He makes big circles on your back, applying the slightest amount of pressure. You enjoy it for a moment, trying to take good breaths for your daddy, then nod to him. "You think you can tell me what letter I'm making?" You nod again, "Okay, remember to keep focusing on what I'm writing yeah?" Another nod, and as he starts drawing lines on your back water hits your hand causing you to let out a small cry and jerk your hand away from Dean.
"Hey, baby, you gotta let Dean make sure you're okay," his other hand is enclosing your face, kisses planting on top of your head, trying and succeeding in wrapping you in his love. He continues, "Focus on my hand baby, what letter is daddy drawing?" Dean's hand touching your wrist barely registers as you focus on the letter. You hiss at the water rushing over your hand again, shaking your head at Sam, letting him know you don't know the letter. "Okay, let me do it again," he traces two exaggerated lines on your back, forming a L. "What letter baby?" He is wiping away some stray tears as you choke out, "L."
Sam hums happily, "Such a good, smart girl, it was L!" His voice is soft and soothing, Deans movements on your hand becoming a little more noticeable as you start to breathe better. "Ready for the next one?" You nod keeping your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. He traces a circle on your back, then a line, you shrug not sure, a little too distract by the thump thump thump of his heart. "Circle," he traces a circle, "and a line," he traces the line, repeating the letter once more. Your voice is wavering, not confident in yourself, "a?"
He rubs your back gently, delivering kisses where he can reach, "So smart! Let's see if we can get another, yeah?" You nod, Sam sensing the small amount of eagerness and feeling relieved that you're starting to get back to being his happy little girl. He starts a point at the top of your back, drawing straight down and circling back. I know that one, you thought happily. Your heart skips a beat, excited to show your daddy how smart you are. "That one's d!"
Sam smiles even though you can't see him, knowing that you're gonna be okay. He's been watching Dean, wanting to make sure you were okay. It was a long cut but not deep, spreading across the inside of your fingers. Fingers bleed bad, and look scarier than they are. "Okay, okay, you're too good at this!" A small nuzzle into his chest from you, the praise pleasing your tiny headspace. He traces a v with a tail on your back, causing you to giggle, "I know the word!" He chuckled, "There's more!" He see's your brows furrow in consideration before speaking solemnly, "Okay, papa, write it."
His heart swelled, his perfect baby makes him feel magic running through his veins. He traced, another vertical like and circle, opposite from the d, and you bounced on the counter. "Yes, daddy! I know it!" He glances at Dean, who is putting small gauze and tape over the slices on your fingers, Dean focused on his task, but smiling at you and Sam. Sam speaks softly, but with admiration, "Ya hear that Uncle Dean? My girls got it!" Dean's voice dripping excitement, "Well I don't know what it is! Tell me what it is sweet pea!"
"Issa ladybug right?" Sam quickly litters kisses all over your face and shoulders. Your arm moved around his waist, face burying into him as he makes you blush with his words, "Genius baby! So smart and perfect, did so good!" You're giggling at him, Dean letting go of your hand, "All patched up sweetheart. You wanna come with me and watch some toons while daddy cleans up?" You squeeze to Sam, not wanting to let go, causing his heart to break a little. "Baby, Daddy's got some blood-" you try to raise your head but he stops you, "Little girls are too small to see things like that, right angel?" You blush, nodding, "Yes, daddy."
"Good girl, now I need you to keep your eyes closed while Dean grabs you, real tight 'til he says okay?" You nod, placing tiny kisses on his chest. Dean reaches for you, your eyes close real, real tight. Dean takes Sam's place, moving you to the other side of the sink. Sam's hand didn't come off your back, gliding with Dean. "Good girl," he butterfly kisses your nose consistently, letting you return it with a giggle. "He's gonna clean your hand, and I'm gonna go clean up." He kisses your forehead and you whine when you feel him leave.
Dean is quickly rinsing off the dried blood on your other arm that transferred from your other hand as he shushes you, "I know bug, just a second." After he finishes, he prepares to lift you, speaking softly, "Keep those eyes shut darlin'." When you nod, he lifts you, carrying you out of the kitchen, careful to avoid the plate and blood in the floor. You feel him lean, but keep your eyes closed, clinging to him tightly. He straightens back up and walks you to the tv room, sitting on the couch softly.
"Alright baby," he tapped your shoulder twice with a feather tap, "open up." You lift your head, greeted with Deans wide smile and a lavender beaded pacifier in his hand. You hummed excitedly, bouncing up and whining slightly when he didn't give it to you. He puts it against your lips, your mouth happily taking it in and sucking on it, laying back down on him.
After no more than ten minutes, you're squirming. You want your daddy, not uncle Dean. "Peanut," Dean sighs, "daddy's coming, give him a minute, yeah?" You whine, fussing a bit, Dean stands with you, pushing your head into his neck. He starts pacing the room with you, bouncing you slightly. You're still squirming a little, trying to escape his grasp. "Wan' papa," you whisper, Dean feels a tear slip onto his shoulder and he's shushing you. "He's coming baby, he's gotta get real clean! You don't like when daddy's stinky do you?" You giggle a little, shaking your head, "No stinky papa." Dean coos at you, "That's right little girl, daddy needs to get to smelling good again, doesn't he?" That elicits a heavier laugh from you, tucking yourself back into his neck.
Around ten minutes after that, Sam walks in, holding a pair of rainbow leggings and one of his t-shirts. His hand comes to your back, nodding you out of your sleepy state, and you're instantly reaching for his arms. "Papa," your hands find his shoulders to support yourself while you transfer arms. "I know baby," he's holding you now, but it's short lived when he gently sets you on the couch. You're whining and whimpering, reaching out to him, being careful not to squeeze your sore little fingers. He shakes his head, "No baby, don't you wanna get these uncomfy clothes off of you?" When he says that you realize how tight the clothes you're wearing are, how rough they feel against your skin. You're suddenly squirming, pulling at your clothes messily.
"Oh little girl, arms up now." He's speaking softly but sternly, causing you to stop moving and lift your arms. He picks up your shirt, lifting it up over your face and back down, making silly faces at you repetitively, "Where my baby?" the shirt is covering your face, "There she is!" He moves the shirt out of the way again, only stopping when your giggles die down. He slides his shirt on you, it was a little oversized on him, it swallows you. You're bunching it in your hands, whining when he pulls down your rough blue jeans. He slides the leggings on, the soft, stretchy material making you kick your legs playfully.
Once the leggings are all the way up, Sam grabs your ankles, laughing at you, "Oh! Daddy's got you now little ladybug, what you gonna do?" You giggle at him, a blessed sound to Sam and Dean, twisting your body in unnatural ways to try and escape the mean ankle monster. "Papaaaa," you kick your legs a little seriously, causing Sam to raise his eyebrows, a test telling you that you know better than to hit your daddy. "Pease papa, jus' wan' you hol' me." You reach your arms up and Sam's heart melts.
He tickles up your legs, grazing your sides, causing you to twist and turn again, before he's lifting you by your underarms, putting you around his waist. Dean comes in, you're not sure when he left, but he's got your favorite spaceship sippy cup and your reaching for it. He laughs, handing it to you as Sam sits with you. "I thought we could watch Tink, you wanna watch Tink peanut?" You nod at Dean, he presses a kiss to your cheek and plays the movie, Sam letting you adjust so you can watch the television.
Despite your sore hand, it was going to be a good day with your daddy and uncle Dean. They know when you need extra attention, know when you're gonna be their little baby and they wouldn't change it for the world. They just wish that you wouldn't have regressed this way, forced by a trigger violently. They know you're hurting so they're gonna be by your side all day long.
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ao3komorii · 3 years
Tangling with the Lifeguard (Pool Party Sett/Reader)
The Pool Party Sett story is done! I’ve gone with a beach!AU sort of setting where league races exist in a modern-day beach sort of place. Also sorry to any MF or Syndra mains, they don’t really come out the best in this xD Hope you enjoy, and as always, there is a smut warning for the end!
The sun was shining high in the sky, crystalline waters lapping against the shore as beachgoers took advantage of the perfect summer day. Taking in the scene from your place in the shade of a tree on the border between the beach and parking lot, you let a smile grace your lips as you mused on just how much this place seemed to not change, even after so many years.
The last time you had set foot on this beach, you had been twelve years old, full of excitement and unaware of the harsh realities of the adult world. Your parents had brought you here for that summer, now thirteen years ago, the beautiful beach an unforgettable experience. You had left after that summer with treasured memories, and a new friend, that same friend the very reason why you had returned to Port Navori beach after so long.
Taliyah had been the same age as you, with fairly lax parents who let her roam the beach by herself, even as the small twelve-year-old she had been. You had bonded instantly, spending almost every day together, and keeping in touch through letters, and later emails and text messages.
You had long said that you had wanted to come back and visit the lively beach town, but the timing hadn’t been right, not until this year.
You were done all your schooling, and had quit your high-stress, low-pay job, and as Taliyah had said on your last phone call, you had no reason not to visit. Her parents had been travelling the world since they retired, so you would have her house all to yourselves.
In your absence, Taliyah had become a fairly accomplished surfer in the local scene, working at an ice cream shop on the beach to support her expensive pursuits. She had been so insistent that you couldn’t find yourself able to refuse her offer; work in the ice cream shop with her in the day, and then spend the rest of your time catching up with each other. You had missed your friend dearly, and had accepted the offer without a second thought.
And now here you were, waiting at the beach’s edge for Taliyah to show up. She had told you to dress for the beach, sounding casual as was her usual, so you had worn a swimsuit with a short, flowy shoulderless dress on overtop. Unwilling to look like a lobster by day’s end, you had carefully layered yourself with sunscreen, and now all you needed was for your friend to get here already. Just when you were about to get out your phone to text her, an excited call of your name had you re-stowing the phone in your bag and looking back to see your friend bounding across the parking lot towards you.
Taliyah, dressed in a two-piece water suit and carrying a tropical-flower-print surfboard, came to a stop before you, leaning her surfboard against a tree to free her arms to tackle you in a hug.
“You’re finally here!” she grinned, surprising you with the strength of her hug. “We’re gonna have so much fun!”
“So what’s first?” you asked as you pulled back from the hug.
Taliyah hummed. “I guess I’ll show you the shop.”
You followed her onto the beach, recognizing the small bright blue building from the pictures she had sent you before. Taliyah took you around the back, fishing a key out of her pocket before unlocking the door and leading you into the small room.
There were large tubs of ice cream in the middle of the room, the walls lined with containers of various toppings and machines. On the back wall from you were two windows, glossy menus pasted to the doors that would display out when they were opened. Upon walking closer to the menu signs, you noticed something.
“Hey, it says we open at nine, but it’s ten-thirty…”
“It’s fine,” Taliyah replied with a shrug. “The owners are pretty chill. If anyone complains, I’ll just tell them I had to train the new employee.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. Sometimes you really envied Taliyah’s ability to be so carefree. Her calm energy was a big help for you, having got advice from her on numerous occasions over the years.
Taliyah came over to where you were, eyes flitting boredly to the menu boards before turning her attention back to you. “So I’m thinking we get you taking orders while I make them.”
“Works for me,” you agreed. It certainly sounded easier than figuring out what a poro float was supposed to be. You never knew ice cream stands had such fancy options now, used to the simple menus of ice cream cones and bars back at the shops in your hometown.
You were about to open the order windows when you were stopped by a rustling noise from the back of the store. You turned to see Taliyah digging in a cardboard box in the back corner, pulling out some folded-up fabric that was the same sky blue as the stand.
“Didn’t think you’d get away without an embarrassing uniform, did you?” Taliyah teased, tossing some of her fabric pile your way.
You caught the bundle, unfolding it to find an apron with Poro Palace Frozen Treats in pink bubble letters, little white fuzzy animals dotting the apron. There was an accompanying blue visor hat that looked like something out of a kid’s store. You reluctantly slipped both items of clothing on, looking back to find that Taliyah had done the same.
“Stylish, huh?” she smirked, striking a modelesque pose.
“We look like we work at an amusement park, Tali,” you laughed.
“Feels like it sometimes with all the annoying kids that come by,” she replied. “Okay, you can open it up now.”
Taliyah settled herself down in a chair in front of the section of ice cream tubs, and you reluctantly turned to unlatch and open the windows, unsure of exactly what you were getting yourself into.
The small room lit up with the outside sunlight streaming in from your window to outside, the immediate glare of the sun making you wish you had worn sunglasses.
Almost immediately, the masses were upon you. You noticed a woman with several children in tow who perked up as she laid eyes on you, striding over to you with her children right behind her, pushing each other as they scrambled to be the first one to get over to you.
You heard Taliyah groan behind you. “Get the pen ready. They always have the most annoying orders.”
You rose an eyebrow, but picked up the pen and notepad that sat beside the cash register as the woman came to a stop before you.
“You know, I’ve been waiting for an hour already. You young girls don’t know how hard it is for mothers,” the woman complained, not letting you get a word in edgewise. “Alright, tell her what you want.”
“I want a brownie sundae!” a small boy with blue hair who clearly intended to make full use of his outdoor voice shouted. “But with cotton candy ice cream and pop rocks and I want only blue candies!”
“Uh…” The kid was talking too fast for you to write, but luckily Taliyah had your back, a got it ringing out from behind you.
You weren’t sure how you had managed to get their orders out before they melted, messing up their total several times before Taliyah had to come and help you out. With a last snide look and a fistful of blue napkins, the mother and her little terrors left the stand at last.
“She’s the worst,” Taliyah said, bringing your weary gaze her way as she cleaned off an ice cream scoop. “I accidentally put one red candy in that kid’s sundae once and he screamed until I remade the whole thing!”
You winced. “Feels like we got off easy today.”
“Yeah,” Taliyah agreed. “Helps that they order the same thing every time, so I’ve got some practice.”
“Are they all this bad?” you asked, turning away from the window after seeing no potential customers nearby.
“Not all of them,” she replied with a strained smile. “I swear the heat just brings the jerk out in some of the people here.”
Speaking of jerks… your conversation was interrupted by an impatient-sounding throat clearing noise from behind you. You whirled around to see a redheaded woman with heart-shaped sunglasses and a revealing swimsuit leaning against your counter. She was staring at you like you were gum she had stepped in, flipping some hair over her shoulder when she knew she had your attention.
“Five cherry snowballs,” she said, dropping a few coins on your counter, some of which bounced and hit the floor. “To the red umbrella, thanks ice cream girl.”
Without any further interaction, she turned on her heel and strutted away, hips swinging as she went, leaving you wondering what had just happened.
You slowly turned back to face Taliyah again. “Um, do we usually deliver?”
“Nope,” she answered. “Not to people like that anyways.”
“But…” you protested weakly. You knew Taliyah got away with a lot here, but you didn’t want her to lose her job because some rude girl complained to her bosses. “I’ll just take them over and next time I’ll just say we don’t deliver.”
“Still tempted to put rocks in their snowballs,” Taliyah joked as she set about piling the scoops of red ice.
Soon you had a tray with five cherry syrup-coated piles of shaved ice in little plastic bowls with accompanying little plastic spoons stuck in the side of the dishes.
“I’ll be right back,” you said, heading past Taliyah to the back door, opening it to find yourself back out in the mid-morning heat.
The sand still felt uncomfortably hot underfoot, even with your flip flops on. With how hot it was out, these would have to be delivered as soon as possible to not be a puddle by the time they were eaten. Your only problem was that you had no idea where to go.
The redhead had said that she would be at the red umbrella, but of course nothing at this ice cream stand would be that easy. Standing just outside the hut, you were treated to a veritable rainbow of colored beach umbrellas. You counted at least ten red ones scattered across the beach, none particularly standing out to you. You didn’t have many options, and were forced to go with the most tedious one; checking every red umbrella until you found the girl and her group.
The first umbrella had been a bust, as had the next five. The sixth had led to a sweaty old man who told you that you were just in time to help him sunscreen his back. By the time you had hurriedly fled from that creep, it had been about five minutes of searching, the snowballs on your tray looking considerably droopier than they had been when you had left the shop.
You stared down at the tray of melting treats, unsure of what to do now. Should you go back and have Taliyah remake the snowballs? Try a few more umbrellas and hope you got lucky? You really hadn’t been anticipating this much stress when you had agreed to work here with Taliyah for the summer.
You frowned at the now-more-water-than-ice treats, your decision made. You couldn’t serve these, not as melted as they were. You would go back and help remake them and see if Taliyah had any insight as to which red umbrella was the right one. You turned around to head back to the stand, only to trip on your overheating flip flops and fall forward with a cry.
You had closed your eyes with a flinch as you fell, but opened them with a start as you heard a grunt from right in front of you. Looking up from your position in the burning sand, you felt like your heart was going to stop in your chest.
Standing before you was the most attractive guy you had ever laid eyes on, with fire red hair and a pair of black animal ears that looked soft to the touch. He was dressed in a tight pair of swim shorts, a lightweight red jacket tied around his waist. He had a flower lei around his neck, but that was the only thing that he wore on his top half, his insanely-well-built torso on full display, a torso you realized with horror was currently splattered with red syrup and shaved ice.
You looked from the hot guy to the ground, the sand around you speckled with plastic cups, spoons and napkins, your tray turned upside down in the sand. You slowly risked a gaze back up, only to see the guy staring down at you from behind his pink-tinted sunglasses as a clump of ice fell from his stomach to the sand just in front of your hands.
Embarrassment forced you to spring up, grabbing some stray napkins from the ground and dabbing them against the mess of syrup and ice on the man’s abdomen.
“I’m so sorry, I–” You looked up from your apologizing to see the man silently staring at you, your hand freezing in place as you realized that you were basically feeling this guy up through the napkins, the realization making your cheeks burn with shame and embarrassment.
“I’m really sorry!” you cried out, pulling your hands back. He still hadn’t said anything, and you realized that you couldn’t just stand here like an idiot, your flight instinct kicking in as you reached down to grab your tray before moving around the man and fleeing in the direction of the ice cream stand.
“Hey, wait!”
The man tried to grab your arm as you passed, but you were faster in your embarrassment-fueled retreat, and soon the hot stranger was far behind you. You didn’t stop running until you were back at the shop, the empty sand-logged tray clutched tightly to your chest, your heartbeat pounding in your ears as you shut the door, making eye contact with a confused Taliyah.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked, getting up to approach you when you didn’t respond. “Talk to me. What happened? If that snob said anything to you–”
“No, no, she didn’t,” you replied weakly, sinking to the floor with your back against the door. “I didn’t even get to her.”
“Then what happened?” she pressed, bringing you a glass of water and prying the tray from your hands at last.
She ushered you to your feet and down into her chair, taking a seat on one of the counters. You took a deep breath, taking a sip of the water before recounting the events of the past ten minutes to Taliyah, who listened silently.
“…I didn’t know what to do, so I just ran,” you finished, setting your water down to bury your face in your hands.
“It’s no big deal,” Taliyah replied gently. “Everyone has embarrassed themselves in front of someone. Remember that time I tripped over my board in front of that group of tourists?”
“I covered him in cherry syrup, Tali,” you groaned. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this.”
“It’s your first day,” she stressed. “You’re bound to mess some things up.”
She stood up, returning to the shaved ice machine. “Now how about we remake those snowballs and then I’ll–”
Taliyah had frozen in place, a plastic cup in her hand as she stared straight ahead.
“Tali?” you questioned, standing up. “Are you–”
“That guy you dumped the snowballs on,” she quickly interrupted. “Did he have majorly cut abs and animal ears?”
“Uh, why?” You felt a jolt of fear shoot up your spine as you followed her gaze to see the man from earlier currently approaching the shop, well-defined abdomen now minus the sticky mess you had spilt all over him. “Oh god, it’s him!”
You and Taliyah exchange wide-eyed glances before you dove down out of sight, hiding behind the tubs of ice cream like they were a fortress.
“Please get rid of him!” you begged. “I’ll do whatever you want, I just can’t face him!”
You heard Taliyah sigh. “Fine, but this means you’re coming stone hunting with me tonight.”
You agreed immediately, even if the prospect wasn’t overwhelmingly appealing. Taliyah was always eager to add to her collection of shiny stones, but was so picky that it often took hours to find just one stone that met her standards. But right now you were so desperate that you would have promised her anything just to make the angry hot guy go away.
From your position behind the ice cream tubs, you could only hear Taliyah’s voice clearly, the general noise of the beach preventing you from hearing what the furry-eared man was saying. You wanted to peek out from your hiding spot, but found yourself chickening out. You really didn’t need him catching sight of you and making Taliyah’s job even harder.
You had gotten so in your own head with panic that you had completely tuned out of your surroundings until a hand waved in front of your face and you realized Taliyah was crouching in front of you, calling your name.
“You okay?” she asked worriedly.
“Is he gone?” you replied quietly.
“Yeah, he’s gone,” she confirmed, standing up and grabbing your forearms to pull you up with her. “Now help me remake those snowballs and then I’ll fill you in.”
You bit your lip as you scooped shaved ice into a row of plastic cups as Taliyah readied the cherry syrup. Soon you had five pristine-looking snowballs on your slightly-sandy tray, the sight of them bringing you back to your moment of collision with the cute guy.
The tray was snatched from your field of vision by Taliyah, who headed over to the rear door. “Be back in a few. Try not to freak out too much while I’m gone.”
And then the door was closed and you were left alone. Looking over at the order window, you decided that you were probably safer to just resume your position behind the ice cream tubs, unwilling to risk being out in the open in case the guy decided to come back.
While she was gone, you couldn’t help but fret over exactly what had been said between your best friend and the mysterious hot guy. She didn’t seem to be upset, so clearly their conversation hadn’t been that intense. Or maybe it had; Taliyah was a fairly relaxed person, so it would be difficult for a random angry customer to really get to her. But that didn’t quite make sense either; if he had yelled at her, you would have heard it over the noise of the beachgoers. All you were doing was overthinking yourself to death, exactly what Taliyah had told you not to do.
And it was there you remained until Taliyah returned, closing the door behind her and placing the serving tray in the sink before she turned her attention to you at last.
“Calm down, it’s fine… I think,” she said.
“You think?”
“Well he didn’t seem mad,” she explained. “He asked if a girl that looked like you worked here and I said you went home sick. Said he’d come back another time.”
“Another–” Oh god. Was he really so angry that he was willing to come back just for the chance to yell at you?
“I can see you freaking out,” Taliyah scolded. “Don’t. You’re fine. Musclehead or not, he’s not going to kill you just because you spilled shaved ice on him.”
She was probably right; hot shirtless guys on the beach likely had more important things to do than yelling at clumsy ice cream shop workers. By tomorrow, he would probably forget you ever existed, and you could go back to enjoying your time working alongside your best friend.
 The rock collecting that night had been long and boring, at least for you. Taliyah hadn’t found any rocks she liked enough to take home, only ending the search after she had found some sea glass that she had deemed acceptable to add to her collection. You could only hope that you wouldn’t owe her any more favors any time soon, unsure if you could survive another late night rock hunt.
The next morning, you entered the shop alongside Taliyah, who put her bag down and began to set up the day’s supplies. Considering it was ten minutes past opening time and Taliyah had insisted that she didn’t need help setting up, you decided that you might as well just open the order window for the day, hoping that mom and her group of demon kids wouldn’t be waiting out there, only to unlatch the widows and see something arguably worse.
The window had only been open a peek, but it was enough for you to see the large figure of the man from yesterday standing ten feet or so from your shop, his back facing you as he stared out at the beach. In your brief glimpse, you also noticed that the jacket wrapped around his waist had a white plus sign in a circle as well as the word lifeguard in white blocky letters above it. Oh god, of course you had gone and pissed off a lifeguard on your first day here.
You shut the barely-open windows with a too-loud slam that made you wince before you quickly locked them again and rushed over to Taliyah.
“Tali, he’s here again!” you hissed.
“Huh?” she replied, pausing her task of refilling a container of sprinkles. “Muscle guy?”
You nodded frantically and Taliyah frowned, putting the sprinkles down and approaching the order window herself. You watched as she opened the window ever so slightly, peering out for a few seconds before closing it back up.
“Well… can’t say I was expecting him to actually come back,” she said evenly.
“What do I even do?” you asked, staring at the order windows like they would burst open at any second and reveal you to the clearly-determined lifeguard. “He’s a lifeguard, Tali! What if he bans me from the beach?”
She rolled her eyes in response. “He can’t just ban you from the beach. Lifeguards don’t have that much power. If they did, I would’ve been banned a long time ago for all the times I’ve surfed after hours.”
“Then what does he want with me?” you asked, looking away from the window.
Taliyah shrugged. “You’d have to ask him that.”
“But what if I… don’t?” you replied weakly. “He’ll give up eventually, right?”
“I mean, maybe?” she said. “But it might be easier to deal with him now and get it over with.”
You saw her point, but it wasn’t her that was being pursued by a tall, muscly lifeguard with a vengeance!
Taliyah clearly caught the reluctance on your face and sighed. “Fine, I’ll switch with you for today. Now let’s go over how to make the basic stuff before we open.”
True to her word, Taliyah had allowed you to hide in the back making orders, telling the lifeguard guy that you were off today. You watched him walk away from behind the shaved ice machine, hoping that your ordeal was finally over, but your hopes were quickly dashed the next day as you went to open the store again, only to see the same broad back facing you from just outside the shop.
Taliyah had reluctantly agreed to switch again that day, and the day after. But by day four, even the promise of helping her scavenge for rocks again wouldn’t get her to agree to switch.
You closed the window again, turning to Taliyah with pleading eyes, but she was having none of it.
“It’s been four days,” she said, arms crossed. “Clearly he’s not giving up. You should just see what he wants.”
“But…” The thought still terrified you. You knew you deserved to be yelled at for what you had done, but it was made that much worse by the fact that the subject of your plight was just about the hottest guy you had ever seen.
Taliyah shook her head at you. “Okay, but I’m not doing orders again today, so if you want to keep hiding from him, we’ll have to move onto plan B.”
Plan B, as it turned out, was a mascot suit of sorts; three fluffy poros stacked on top of each other like a snowman. A poro each made up your upper and lower body, the last poro being the head of the costume. You looked incredibly awkward, the arms and legs of the costume hairy and tipped with little brown claws. You were momentarily stunned by the sheer lengths you were going to just to avoid this guy, but you were already in the costume, so you reasoned that you might as well follow through with it now.
Taliyah put the costume’s head on you and your world was plunged largely into darkness, minus the mesh one-way view out of the top poro’s eyes. You were helped to the back door, some fliers for the store shoved into your hands.
Taliyah helped you walk out front, and you were pretty quickly swarmed by kids. You couldn’t see the lifeguard guy, but the relief that coursed through you was short-lived, swallowed by the immediate explosion of business brought on by your costume.
One thing you hadn’t considered in your haste was the heat. You weren’t sure if it was the costume or if today was hotter than usual, but very quickly you found yourself becoming a sweaty mess under the weight of the dense, furry costume.
The longer you were in the costume, the worse you felt, but you were determined to stick this out. So you handed out fliers and posed for photos with children while Taliyah ran the stand.
You wished that you could wipe the sweat from your face, but you weren’t sure if you could even reach up to remove the costume’s head yourself due to the awkward shape of the costume. So you endured the ever-increasing heat, only feeling wearier as the time ticked by.
You waved goodbye to a group of kids as they left with their ice cream cones, the sweltering heat really bearing down on you. As you went to turn and head back to the stand to ask Taliyah to help get the head off, a wave of dizziness crashed over you. You took one step towards the stand, and then another, and then it all went dark as you felt yourself falling forward, too weak to stop your descent to the ground.
 You woke up with a heavy head, feeling foggy with confusion. The last thing you remembered, you had been heading back to the stand…
Immediately, you realized that you weren’t at the ice cream stand, and you weren’t wearing the poro suit, or even your beach dress. Sitting up in the cot you laid in, you found that you were wearing only your swimsuit.
As you sat up, a blue ice pack that you hadn’t realized was there fell from your forehead and into your lap. Picking it up, the pack only feeling slightly cold, you turned to look around the room, still unsure what exactly was going on.
You were in a room of some sort, guessing it was afternoon by the minute amount of light filtering into the room, even through the closed curtains. There was a fan gently whirring above your head, but otherwise the room was silent.
There was another cot beside yours, and a table nearby with a few red first aid kits stacked on it, some bandages messily spilling out of one of them. There was a sign pulled over the door, the side facing you reading come on in, we’re open.
You got up from the bed, shuddering with disgust when you noticed just how sweaty your whole body was. The bed squeaked as you got up from it, your knees hitting a bedside table between the cots that you hadn’t noticed had been there. On the small table was a glass of water, as well as a white fan that was emblazoned with what looked to be a group of cats waterskiing.
You picked up the fan, letting out a small laugh at the silly-looking cartoon cats on the fan. It looked like something you could win at a carnival booth.
“If you can laugh, then I guess you’re feelin’ alright.”
A deep voice from behind you made you jump, fingers fumbling the fan, which fell onto the floor with a clatter that was only made louder in the quiet room. You turned to look behind you, only to fall off the cot in shock when you saw the very lifeguard you had been trying so hard to avoid standing in the doorway of a small office you hadn’t noticed was there.
“Hey, careful!” He quickly crossed the room to squat down in front of you, taking your elbow and helping you back up onto the cot. You were too stunned to resist and found yourself falling into his chest as a wave of dizziness hit you.
“You okay?” he asked, and you tried to nod, but your head was spinning too much to focus. “Hey, hold still.”
He placed his hands on your shoulders, keeping you steady against him until you were able to regain your focus. When he was satisfied with your condition, he pulled back, releasing your shoulders and instead reaching out for the glass of water on the table next to you.
“Drink,” he instructed, handing you the cup before standing up. “I’ll be right back.”
He stared at you for a moment before finally turning back and heading into the office at the back of the room.
You watched him go, feeling on edge, but complied, bringing the glass up to your lips and taking a long drink. The last thing you wanted to do was give this guy more reason to be upset with you. You were surprised at just how refreshing the water felt, and you had soon downed the entire glass, placing it back on the table when you were done.
“Alright, lay back down,” the lifeguard instructed as he returned.
“What?” you replied. What was he going to do to you? How had you even got here? Where was Taliyah?
He stopped before you, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked down at your shaky, terrified form. “Are you–”
“I’m sorry!” you exclaimed, bowing your head. “I didn’t mean to spill the snowballs on you! If you need to yell at me, go ahead. I’m sorry I didn’t just come out sooner and–”
It had occurred to you mid-ramble that he had yet to say anything, and you cut off your babbling, slowly looking up to find him staring at you with what you could only describe as a bewildered look on his face.
He blinked. “Is that why–”
“I’m so sorry!” you interrupted, bowing your head again. “If you want to ban me from the beach, I get it!”
“Ban ya from the beach?” he replied with a bark of laughter. “The only thing I wanted to do was get your number.”
“My… what?” You had to be hallucinating. There was no way he had just said that.
“Lay down first,” he spoke sternly, and you complied, still feeling stunned by his words.
Once you were laid down, he picked something up from the bed, which you recognized as another ice pack. He placed it on your forehead, the cool pack immediately flooding you with a feeling of relief. Closing your eyes, you let out a tired sigh, suddenly feeling fatigued.
“Get some rest, princess. We’ll talk when you’re up again.”
You took his advice, the cooling from the ice pack lulling you back to sleep, your eyelids too heavy to keep open.
When you woke up again, you felt infinitely better, your head clearer and body feeling less overheated. The ice pack on your forehead was room temperature, and it was now dark outside. There was a light illuminating your left side as you sat up in bed, turning to see the office in the back with its light on.
The cot squeaked under you, which was responded to by the squeak of a chair from inside the office, the red-haired lifeguard emerging from the office and approaching your bedside.
“Feelin’ any better?” he asked, and you nodded, biting your lip nervously. “Got you some more water.”
You looked over to the bedside table to see the water cup refilled and took hold of it, grateful to have something to focus on other than the intimidatingly muscular man before you.
You drank the entire glass before you forced yourself to finally address the situation before you. “Um… why am I here?”
“You passed out,” he replied bluntly, taking a seat on the cot next to yours. “Overheated yourself in that rat costume.”
“They’re not rats, they’re poros,” you replied, unsure of what to say.
He let out a huff of laughter. “Poros that important to you that you’re willin’ to fry yourself for ‘em?”
“No, that was…” you trailed off. Well, you might as well just admit it. If he had gone out of his way to care for you after you had passed out like an idiot, then he deserved the truth. “I was avoiding you. I was scared you were going to yell at me. My friend didn’t want to keep covering for me at the window so I decided to wear that stupid poro costume.”
“So that’s what that was about,” he replied. “And here I thought you were avoidin’ me ‘cuz you weren’t interested. Gave up on gettin’ your number and then got news that someone passed out from heat stroke.”
You were still having a hard time comprehending the asking for your number part, so you instead chose to focus on the other half. “Heat stroke?”
“Not sure what you expected, wearin’ that costume in this heat,” he said. “Can’t say nobody’s ever been afraid of me before, but giving themself heat stroke just to avoid me is a new one.”
He sounded somewhat self-deprecating, and you immediately felt bad. You had clearly misjudged him, and realized that he hadn’t even mentioned the snowball incident himself.
You forced yourself to meet his eyes, even with as awkward as you were currently felt. “I’m sorry for giving you so much trouble, and for spilling snowballs all over you. I’m just really sorry.”
He laughed. “Ain’t nothin’ for you to apologize for. I’ve had worse get on me since I started workin’ here, and usually it ain’t from a cute girl.”
You tensed in your seat, tearing your gaze from his to look down at your feet, your cheeks feeling warm.
“Hey, don’t go overheatin’ yourself again,” he scolded, standing up from the bed. “If you’re not interested, that’s fine, but I think it’s best if I take ya home. Don’t need your friend yellin’ at me again if you pass out on the way back.”
As much as you wanted to deny his assertion of you being not interested, you couldn’t muster up the courage, so you instead quietly accepted his offer of help. You would have to ask Taliyah what he had meant when you got back.
It was surprisingly cold on the beach at night, the icy breeze sending shivers along your skin. You stared out at the dark ocean waves, entranced by the water crashing against the sand, when your focus was broken by some soft fabric being laid over your shoulders.
You turned to look over your shoulder to see Sett just behind you on the steps of the lifeguard office, the jacket that was usually around his waist now laying on your shoulders.
He caught your curious look and raised an eyebrow. “You nearly cooked yourself to death today, I ain’t about to let you freeze yourself to death now.”
“Thanks,” you replied quietly, reaching a hand up to keep the jacket around your shoulders.
Your feet met the soft sand as you followed Sett towards the parking lot. The beach was totally empty, an odd contrast to how things were in the daytime. It felt weird to actually see the shape of the landscape unobscured by giant beach umbrellas and a sea of bodies. You only looked away from the empty scene when you realized that you had left the sand, and Sett was staring expectantly at you.
“…what?” you asked, getting the feeling that he had said something that you had missed.
“Which way?” he repeated with a quick glance at the street ahead of you.
“Oh right,” you replied. “My friend lives on Sandstone Way.”
Sett’s ears perked up. “By that tacky souvenir shop?”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “Right by there.”
You giggled at Sett’s assessment; you had noticed the eye-hurtingly brightly painted store when Taliyah had walked you to her house from the train station. She had rolled her eyes at the store as you surveyed the display of t-shirts with embarrassing designs on them, stating that sometimes they got some good rocks in, but it wasn’t worth the amount of tourists always asking for directions when she was walking around the neighborhood.
Looking over at Sett out of the corner of your eye, you were struggling to think of anything to say. He was dressed in just his sandals and shorts, his sunglasses forgone and giving you a clear look at his golden eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.
“So this your first summer here?” Sett asked, breaking the brief silence as you walked side by side. “I know I’d remember you if I’d seen ya before.”
“I was here for a summer when I was a kid,” you answered. “But everything looks so different now. Maybe I just saw this place differently when I was a kid.”
“Nah,” he dismissed. “It never used to be this busy here. Tourists bring money to this place, but it means it’s always loud around here.”
The conversation was slowly helping you feel more comfortable with the intimidatingly handsome lifeguard. You felt dumb for putting so much energy into avoiding him.
“So have you always lived here?” you asked.
“Born and raised,” he answered with a grin that you couldn’t help but feel looked a little sad. “Ma used to work at the boating shop… and the laundromat… and the candy store.”
“All at the same time?” you asked incredulously.
Sett shrugged. “Didn’t have much of a choice. Pa ran off on us when I was a kid, and it wasn’t like anyone would hire a fatherless runt to work for them.”
“Sounds like it was hard,” you replied. “Did you ever find out where he went?”
“For his sake, I’d better not,” Sett sneered. “I heard ma cry missin’ that scumbag more times than I can count. There ain’t a family here for that bastard to come back to.”
“How is your mom doing?” you asked as you turned onto Sandstone Way, passing by the tacky tourist shop, the flashy paint on the walls too bright even at night.
“She’s doin’ good,” he answered, finally looking happy with a satisfied smile. “Got her to quit her jobs when I started workin’ enough to pay the bills.”
“You’re a good son,” you complimented him. “She’s lucky to have you.”
You smiled at him, coming to a stop before Taliyah’s house. “Well, this is me. Thanks for walking me back.”
“Take care of yourself,” he said. “I don’t wanna see you passin’ out again.”
“I’ll try not to,” you replied. “No more poro costumes for me.”
“On that topic,” he purred, leaning closer to you. “You never gave me an answer.”
“An answer?” you squeaked, flustered by his sudden closeness.
“I’ve been tryin’ to get your number for days now,” he replied, and you did your best to supress a shiver from running up your spine. Was this real life?
You wet your lips with your tongue nervously, unable to miss how Sett’s sharp eyes watched the movement.
“I, um, I don’t have my phone on me,” you said, immediately realizing how dumb you sounded. You didn’t need your phone on you to tell him your number! You hastily made to amend your statement. “…but if you come by the stand tomorrow, I’ll give it to you!”
“Oh?” Sett’s grin was wide, gold eyes flashing dangerously. “I s’pose I could find some time to stop by. See you then, sweetheart.”
Sett turned to walk away, but you stopped him with a call of his name. “Wait, your jacket–”
“Keep it for the night,” Sett replied. “I’ll get it from you tomorrow.”
You reluctantly agreed, stunned silent by his bold flirting, his jacket sitting warm on your shoulders as you watched him walk away. You stared at his broad back until he was out of sight, only then turning to head inside, knowing Taliyah would be waiting.
 The next morning she was still on you as you spent some extra time getting ready.
“I still can’t believe he gave you his jacket,” she teased with a grin. “I mean, I figured he was probably into you, but–”
“You what?” you replied as you paused styling your hair.
“I kept telling you to talk to him,” she replied. “No guy like that is going to wait outside your work for days in a row just to yell at you for spilling ice on him. But I didn’t think you’d believe me if I told you.”
“I just feel so stupid giving myself heat stroke just go avoid him,” you lamented.
“Yeah,” Taliyah frowned. “If I had realized it was that hot out, I never would’ve let you go out in that thing.”
“It’s my own fault for being so dumb,” you insisted.
“But hey, it all worked out, didn’t it?” Taliyah grinned as she slipped on her water shoes. “You’ve got a hot lifeguard coming to visit you at work today.”
“Don’t remind me. I’m still super nervous,” you said, adjusting your beach dress over your most flattering swimsuit.
“You’ll be fine,” Taliyah replied. “He’s clearly super into you. You should’ve seen him when you passed out yesterday.”
“What?” You had been so tired last night that you had only told her the basics before crashing for the night, completely forgetting to ask her what had happened yesterday.
“Someone got him when you collapsed,” she told you. “You should’ve seen his face when he pulled off the poro head and saw it was you inside the costume! I tried to come with, but he told me he’d handle it. I maaay have threatened his life if anything happened to you, but just a little.”
You laughed. So that’s what Sett had been referring to.
Taliyah came up from behind you as you stared at your appearance in the mirror, resting her chin on your shoulder and meeting your eyes in the mirror. “Relax, you look great. Fuzzy ear boy isn’t gonna know what hit him!”
“Fuzzy ear–” you sputtered, laughing at Taliyah’s choice of words. “I guess his ears do look pretty fuzzy.”
“Well if he lets you pet them, tell me how soft they are!” she teased, pulling back from you to grab her bag. “Now let’s go. You’ve got a boy to meet!”
You somehow felt even more nervous today than you had the few days you had spent avoiding Sett. You were still having a hard time wrapping your head around the fact that a guy that looked like he had walked straight out of a fireman’s calendar was coming to your little beachfront ice cream stand for the sole purpose of getting your phone number. And his jacket, which was folded neatly on the countertop beside you.
You weren’t exactly sure when he was going to come. Usually, he would be there waiting outside in the morning before you opened, but all you had opened up to today was a sparsely-populated beachfront, no handsome lifeguards to be seen. By two in the afternoon, your anxiety had begun to get the better of you.
“Stop pacing,” Taliyah scolded you. “He’ll be here.”
“But what if he decided not to?” you said, taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. “What if this was just a joke?”
“Then I’ll go kick his butt,” she responded plainly. “He’ll come. Relax.”
You were about to reply, when a ding of the service bell at the order window had you spinning around, ready to take an order, only for the words to die on your lips when you laid eyes on the well-muscled lifeguard with the fuzzy black ears just outside the order window, sending a grin your way.
“Here to pick up my order,” he said, leaning an arm against the window.
“Your… order?” you replied, too entranced by his appearance to properly make use of your brain.
“A pretty girl promised me her number if I came by,” he replied, looking down at you through his sunglasses.
“I… right… I…” You turned back quickly to see Taliyah staring expectantly at you, mouthing the word number at you. Right.
With slightly shaky hands, you reached for the small notepad at the front counter, taking that and a pen in hand and trying not to focus on the fact that Sett was watching you as you began to write.
Double-checking that the number was right, you handed the paper to him, your fingers touching as he took it from you. Remembering about your other promise, you reached over to grab the lifeguard jacket from the counter beside you. You went to hand him his jacket, surprised when he didn’t take it from you.
“What time do you get off?” he asked, and you answered a quiet six. “Give it back to me then.”
With a short wave and a grin, Sett made a show of stowing the phone number in his pocket before sauntering off and leaving you standing there slack-jawed.
“See? Was that so hard?” Taliyah called from her seat at the ice machine. “Now you just have to keep it together for your date.”
“I don’t know if I can,” you said, leaning back against the counter.
“You did last night, didn’t you?” she countered. “He’s just a guy. A really hot guy, but still. Don’t freak yourself out. You deserve a nice guy. It’s just a bonus that he has more abs than spiders have legs!”
You let out an amused huff. Taliyah was right, as she always was. You needed to get over yourself and let yourself have a good time tonight.”
But for now, you had customers to deal with. You and Taliyah let out a shared groan as you saw the nightmare mom and her army of brats heading towards you. You both returned to your posts, hoping their overly-complicated orders would be right on the first try this time.
 Taliyah let out a yawn, stretching her arms high above her head before beginning the process of cleaning up for the day. After the last customer left, you hastily closed the order window, not wanting to give anyone the chance to come and beg about how it was only five minutes past closing and they’ve been wanting a banana split all day. You had learned your lesson from that mistake on day two.
Once the order windows were closed and locked, you joined Taliyah at the side counter, helping to return all the different containers of toppings to their rightful places. You found your hands moving slower, your nerves slowing you down in order to prolong the inevitable.
Taliyah eventually got tired of your pitiful attempt at stalling for time and gently removed the container of blue sprinkles from your grasp. “Just go, I’ll finish up here.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, and Taliyah sent you an unimpressed look. “Okay, fine, I’m going, I’m going.”
“I hope you know I expect all the details later!” she grinned as you made your way to the door, hesitating with your hand on the door handle for only a moment before opening the door.
It was mercifully less warm outside today than it had been yesterday, not to mention that you were also minus a heavy mascot costume. Yesterday hadn’t ended too badly for you, but you would still prefer to not end today in a hospital if you exacerbated your current heat-sensitive state.
You weren’t sure if you preferred if Sett was already there, or if you got there first to wait for him; neither option seemed to abate your nerves. But of course, the lifeguard was prompt as always, leaning against one of the beams that held up the awning above the order window.
You didn’t think you had been making much noise walking along the sand, but he seemed to hear you, turning to face you with a grin as you approached.
“Ready?” he asked as you came to a stop before him, tucking some of your hair behind your ear in an effort to keep your cool.
“Yeah,” you answered, impressed that your voice hadn’t come out squeaky with how nervous you were.
“Good,” he replied, before his grin turned teasing. “Was half expectin’ ya to come on our date in that rat costume.”
“Poro!” you corrected again, trying not to get flustered by his mention of this being a date. You weren’t sure what else it would be, but you couldn’t help the butterflies that fluttered in your stomach when he had acknowledged the obvious.
He surprised you by taking your hand, pulling you along with him as you tried desperately not to stumble and fall into the sand.
The beach crowd was beginning to thin out, people heading home or to one of the many beachfront restaurants nearby. Watching as a kid packed up his sand toys, you wondered if one of those restaurants was where you were headed as well. Sett hadn’t told you anything about what the plan was, and you found yourself curious when he led you to the bright white lifeguard office.
At first, you had thought that maybe he had forgotten something, at least until you followed him into the small building to see what looked to be the table that had previously held all the first aid kits, now decked out in a soft-looking purple picnic blanket. On top of the makeshift picnic table was a spread of various tasty-looking finger foods, the scene completed by two chairs pulled up to the table, cushions with a starfish pattern placed on the seats.
You were perhaps too dumbfounded by the sight, as you snapped out of it to Sett calling your name, looking over at him to see him looking surprisingly tense. You should probably say something, you realized.
“It looks great,” you said, meaning every word as you looked over the table. “Are those cabbage rolls?”
“Ma helped me make ‘em,” Sett explained, looking bashful for the first time since you had met him as he raised an arm to scratch at the back of his neck. “Helped me with all of this, actually. Never done anythin’ like this before.”
“You mean a picnic?” you asked curiously.
Sett chuckled. “Picnics. Dates. Not a lotta women ‘round here who wanted anythin’ to do with a fatherless half-breed.”
You had a hard time believing that; you had noticed several mothers checking him out as they packed their family’s stuff to leave the beach. But the hint of something sad in his eyes made you reconsider. You had no memory of seeing someone like him that summer you had spent here, but it wasn’t like that was a surprise to you. You and Taliyah had been in your own little world at that time, only ever spending time with each other.
“Well I’m excited to try your cooking,” you said, figuring a change of subject was for the best.
Sett grinned as he sat down. “Should be decent. Haven’t poisoned anyone since high school.”
Your eyes widened, hand freezing on its path to grab a cabbage roll, startled eyes darting to his.
Sett let out a bark of laughter at your alarmed face. “Relax. Wouldn’t poison ya. Maybe those kids that keep swimmin’ into the boating zone, but not you.”
“Thanks… I think?” you replied, biting your lip as you stared down at the cabbage rolls, weighing your options.
“Wasn’t real poison anyways,” he scoffed, taking some rolls from himself. “Not my fault sugar and salt look the same.”
You laughed, grabbing some food for yourself at last. “I suppose they kinda do.”
“Ma didn’t wanna hurt my feelings, but I knew when I tried some myself,” he explained.
“It was nice of her to try,” you offered.
“Too nice,” he said. “Ma is always too nice. Never said anythin’ bad about my old man, even after what he did. Had to work three jobs for years because of that bastard, but not a word.”
“Well I’m sure she’s glad she has you,” you commented. “Even if you give her food poisoning sometimes.”
“Once,” he corrected, taking a bite. “Learned my lesson the first time.”
You followed his lead, finding the food to be entirely poison-free, and actually the best home-cooked meal you had eaten in a long time. The conversation moved to swapping work stories, and you were unsurprised to find out that the mother and her the demon children had been a thorn in Sett’s side as well.
“They really buried sleeping sunbathers in sand?”
“Five times in a day one time,” Sett grouchily confirmed. “Last time Braum went to handle it. Said I would bury those little assholes under the sand if I had to go yell at them one more time.”
You sympathized with his pain. You felt lucky that you had only experienced the tip of the annoyingness iceberg with that group of little terrors.
“Braum?” you inquired as you both left the lifeguard office, the beach now fully dark.
“Fellow lifeguard,” he answered, nonchalantly taking your hand in his as you made your way off the beach. “Bald, giant moustache, even bigger than me. Better at the whole gentle-but-firm thing than I am.”
“Oh, I think I’ve seen him before. He comes by for poro pops sometimes,” you said, mind drawing a picture of the surprisingly friendly man in the small purple swim bottoms with a weakness for poro-shaped ice pops. “So are you the head lifeguard then?”
Sett considered your question. “Guess I am the boss of ‘em. All of the other lifeguards are always comin’ at me with problems to solve. The extra pay doesn’t hurt either if I wanna keep momma from feelin’ like she has to work.”
“Say thank you to her from me for the dinner. It was really good,” you said as you passed by the familiar tacky souvenir shop.
“She’ll be happy to hear it,” he replied with a soft smile that made your heart thump in your chest. “I know she wishes she had more to cook for than just me.”
You both came to a stop before Taliyah’s house, and you sneakily glanced over just to make sure Taliyah wasn’t peeking out from a window, which she wasn’t. You turned your focus back to Sett, only to find him closer than he had just been. How was he so good at sneaking up on you?
A large hand came up to cup your jaw, thumb brushing against your cheek, and your face was tilted up towards Sett’s. You were glad it was dark out, because otherwise you knew your reddening cheeks would be obvious.
“Still afraid of me?” he asked, voice low, lips so close to yours that you could make out a small scar that crossed over his bottom lip.
“No,” you answered, making no move to pull away as you stared up into his eyes. “Not unless I was about to taste your high school cooking.”
“Smart,” he replied with a smirk. “But I’m talkin’ about right now, because if you don’t turn and run into that house, I’m gonna kiss you.”
Your bag almost tumbled from your grasp, but you held fast as you stared at Sett, whose own had already become half-lidded. You had no words to describe how much you didn’t want to run right now, so you didn’t use any, instead angling your face further upwards, trying to make your willingness abundantly clear.
With a grin, he leaned down and kissed you.
Pulling back slightly, he dove back in, his other hand coming to your waist to pull you against him. You happily leant into him, your hands on his firm chest.
When he pulled back again, you opened your eyes at last, feeling almost as dizzy as right before you had passed out from heat stroke.
Sett looked content, and you were only hoping you looked half as composed as he did right now. He leaned back in to give you one more peck before pulling back from you entirely, the cold from the air outside immediately apparent as soon as you were minus his warm hands against your skin.
“Think I’ll stop by tomorrow,” he said. “Been cravin’ a cherry snowball for some reason lately.”
 Sett was a man of his word, you learned, though you were less happy to see him the next day when he asked if he could order a cherry snowball served like last time, and then laughed as you had proceeded to sputter like a broken machine.
His visits became daily, sometimes bringing Braum with him, who continued to surprise you with the sheer amount of poro pops he was able to consume in one sitting. Quite a few nights a week, you had found yourself all around Port Navori with the half-Vastayan lifeguard. You were surprised at how supportive Taliyah was being, considering you had originally come here to spend time with her.
“Gives me more time to surf,” she answered with a shrug when you had asked her. “And maybe that boyfriend of yours can convince you to stay here after the summer is over.”
“Boyfriend?” you yelped, and Taliyah raised an eyebrow.
“You aren’t? I thought he would have made it official by now. It’s been over two weeks… have you guys even done it?”
“Taliyah!” you scolded her, switching back to professional mode as a group of people approached the stand.
As you helped prepare their orders, you couldn’t help but think about what she had said. You and Sett had kissed quite a lot actually, but he had yet to do more than that. But it was far too embarrassing a subject for you to have the confidence to broach, so you had resolved yourself to just be content with things as they were.
It was just your luck that right then was when Sett had decided to make his daily visit to the stand, approaching the counter as the other group left.
Taliyah apparently wasn’t done pestering you for the day as she sped to meet him at the counter before you could get there yourself.
“Hey!” she greeted Sett with a sly smile as you stood frozen behind her, nervous about her motivations. “You’re on your break, right?”
Sett raised an eyebrow. “What about it?”
“Well,” she said, in the voice you knew meant that she wanted something. “There’s a surfing contest I entered, and it’s almost my turn and it won’t even take that long and–”
“Tali!” you interrupted, rushing over to the counter.
“All I need is an hour,” Taliyah insisted, before pulling you beside her at the counter. “And she needs some help while I’m gone since lunchtime is when most of the people come by.”
“I’m fine, I–”
“I’m in,” Sett cut in, eyeing you with almost palpable smugness.
“Awesome!” Taliyah replied, immediately shucking her apron and hat onto the floor in her haste to get out the door. “Have fun, see you after I win!”
Your call of her name fell on deaf ears as she already had her board and was out the door, leaving you standing at the counter with Sett still leaning against the counter.
Sett reached up to pull his sunglasses off, tucking them into his packet, his golden eyes fully uncovered and sparkling with mischief, the sight alone making you feel weary.
“Well? You gonna invite me in?” he asked. “Not sure I’d fit through the window.”
You scrambled to meet him at the back door, not wanting him to try and get into the shop through the order window that was less wide than he was. It was a strange feeling to open the back door of the shop to a guy that was almost too tall for the doorway, and another thing entirely to try and corral him into behaving as you tried to keep the ice cream stand functioning while Taliyah was gone.
“Aren’t lifeguards supposed to set a good example for others?” you huffed, wiping ice from your apron. At least he hadn’t made things truly equal and put cherry syrup on the ball of shaved ice he had pressed against your neck.
“Not when I’m off the clock,” he answered. “Besides, it’s my once in a lifetime chance to see what workin’ one of these is like.”
It would definitely be only one time if you had anything to say about it. If the almost-hour with him here had taught you anything, it was that Sett was not cut out to work in an ice cream shop.
The scoops of ice cream he doled out were easily twice the size of the ones Taliyah did, which made for happy customers, but a less happy bottom line if he was here for more than an hour. He was also lacking Taliyah’s patience, and you were forced to sideline him when an especially picky middle-aged woman came by who insisted you remake her smoothie four times until it had an acceptable pH level. The woman’s complaints had miraculously stopped the moment Sett had approached the window himself, becoming so invested in flirting with the handsome lifeguard that she had snatched her next smoothie attempt from you without complaint, not even glancing your way as she batted her eyes at him, only leaving when he excused himself with an excuse of needing to make more orders.
You approached Sett to check on him and found yourself pulled down into his lap as he leaned back in the chair.
Huffing, he pulled you against him, nuzzling against your neck. “Don’t know how you deal with that. Couldn’t pay me to make her damn smoothie one more time.”
“You get used to it,” you replied. “Don’t you deal with worse as a lifeguard?”
“Yeah,” he grunted. “But nothin’ sayin’ I gotta be nice when I deal with ‘em.”
“That’s true,” you laughed.
“If anyone complains, they can go somewhere else. Ain’t another beach within a hundred miles as well-run as this one,” he bragged, kissing at your neck.
As much as you were enjoying his sudden affection, you knew time was running low until Taliyah would return. You made to pull back to tell Sett that, but were instead pulled into a kiss that took you a few breathless moments to find the strength to escape.
“This Friday,” he murmured, face inches from yours. “There’s a party at the pool. You should come with me.”
You had heard about the exclusive pool parties on this beach from Taliyah, but hadn’t expected to ever get an invite. The pool, which was at the far end of the beach from the ice cream stand, was as exclusive as it got. Gated with walls so high that you couldn’t see in, it was the membership-only place to be for all of the elite in the beach town of Port Navori.
“Is that… okay?” you asked hesitantly.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” he countered, and you didn’t really have an answer. “It’ll be fine. Come. Have some people I wanna introduce ya to.”
The door burst open at the same time as you nodded your agreement, revealing Taliyah clutching both her dripping board as well as a shiny blue ribbon.
“You won?” you asked, trying to disentangle yourself from Sett, who reluctantly let you up.
“Easily!” Taliyah gloated. “Nobody else stood a chance. So how were things here?”
“The money ain’t worth the drama of this place,” Sett griped.
Taliyah laughed. “Smoothie lady come back with a vengeance?”
“I’ll take kids buryin’ sunbathers up to their ears over this any day,” he replied with a grimace, standing up and stretching.
At his mention of ears, Taliyah had brought both hands up to her own head about where Sett’s were on his head, and you quickly waved at her to cut it out before he saw. Thankfully she did, but you could tell that you were going to get asked if you had pet his ears yet as soon as his fuzzy ears were out of earshot.
“I’ll text ya the time when I know it,” Sett said, giving you a quick kiss on the head and a two-fingered salute to Taliyah before heading out the back door.
“So?” Taliyah asked, pulling the chair up to the ice cream station after she had stashed her prize ribbon in her bag. “Are they as soft as they look?”
“I didn’t pet them,” you answered.
“It’s been over two weeks!” she complained. “Has he at least asked you to be his girlfriend yet?”
You shook your head. “He did invite me to a pool party with him on Friday at that fancy pool.”
“Really?” Taliyah responded, eyes wide. “You have to tell me what it’s like! I mean, I’ve seen satellite photos, but it’s not the same…”
“I’ll probably be too nervous to remember any of it,” you grumbled.
“This is your chance!” Taliyah encouraged. “By Friday it’ll be three weeks. You need to ask him if he sees you as his girlfriend or not.”
You reeled back, waves of anticipatory anxiety rolling over you. “I don’t want to scare him off. What if this is just casual to him and I’m too dumb to see it?”
“Then you’ll know,” she replied. “I know you. It’ll eat you up if you put this much energy into a guy without knowing how he feels about you. So ask. If he says no, then at least you’ll have an entire store’s worth of ice cream to drown yourself in after!”
Taliyah was right. She was always right. You knew that you couldn’t keep whatever this was up without knowing where you stood with him. The more time you spent with Sett, the more you wanted, and if he intended to keep things casual, you would rather know sooner so you could make an informed decision.
So that would be the plan then. Go to the party, have a good time (and get some photos of the pool for Taliyah) and then ask Sett about the state of your relationship. Sounded easy in theory. You could only hope you could muster up the courage to go through with the plan when the time came.
 After hearing that the party was to start at four, Taliyah had gone all out, closing the stand at two so she could help you get ready to impress the snobs. You hadn’t put up too much of a fight, happy to have her help and her company, as your nerves only climbed higher the closer it got to four o’clock.
“You’ll be fine,” Taliyah said as she styled your hair. “You’ll only feel worse if you don’t get an answer from him. And with how good you’ll look at the party, he won’t be able to say no!”
“Thanks, Tali,” you replied gratefully. “I promise I’ll get you a bunch of photos of the pool. And whatever else you want.”
“What I want is for you to stay here for good,” she said. “So really I’m just doing myself a favor by helping you. This place has been a hundred times more bearable since you’ve been here, and I want it to stay that way.”
“Still,” you persisted. “I feel bad that you’re going to so much trouble. If you want anything, just let me know.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Taliyah dismissed with a wave of her hand. “You should get going, don’t wanna be late to the fancy pool party.”
She practically shoved you out the door, and then you were alone, walking down the mostly-empty sidewalk. As you walked along the street, you couldn’t help but dwell on the possibilities. What would happen at the party? What would Sett say?
If he told you that he wasn’t looking for anything serious, what would you do? It was hard to have an answer for until you were in the moment, since a lot of it would depend on what Sett’s answer would be.
You walked through the parking lot, and then onto the beach, passing by kids building sandcastles and games of beach volleyball as you walked towards the end of the beach where the pool was. As you made your way to the fancier end of the beach, you began to notice the differences that marked the split between here and the side of the beach that you were usually on.
The shops on this side of the beach were much fancier, the sand littered with designer beach chairs and umbrellas. It was crazy just how different two ends of one beach could be.
The pool was noticeable from a great distance, or at least the wall white walls that surrounded it were. At least you weren’t going to get lost and miss the party entirely.
You approached the pristine white stairs that led from the beach up to the pool entrance, equal parts excited and apprehensive. The entrance was an open doorway, covered by a deep blue curtain and guarded by a muscled bouncer in white. The sight alone was intimidating; why hadn’t you just asked Sett to meet you beforehand?
You plastered a reluctant smile on your face before approaching the man. “Hi, I–”
“Name,” he interrupted, not looking up from his clipboard, sunglasses too dark for you to see his eyes.
Well it wasn’t like you hadn’t expected some level of standoffishness from the elite side of the beach. Keeping your smile up, you told him your name, waiting the prerequisite few moments for him to leaf through the list.
He seemed to have found what he was looking for, as his hand with the clipboard went to his side and he moved over to the curtain, pulling it to one side to allow you to enter. He had said nothing further, but seemed to be staring in your direction, so you took that as your cue and walked towards the now-open entryway and into the pool.
The entryway led into a hallway with pristine white walls, soft lighting hanging overhead. You could begin to hear chatter as you got closer to the end of the hallway, exiting into an explosion of sight and sound.
The pool was huge, and there seemed to be an intricate gold pattern on the tiles at the bottom. The pool was surrounded by lounge chairs and umbrellas, tropical foliage bordering the inner walls around the pool.
There were people all over, in and out of the pool. There was also a bar in the center which seemed to be very popular, as many people were carrying around intricate-looking cocktails.
More than the scenery or the people, your eyes were scanning the area for Sett. You checked your phone again to make sure, finding that it was the time he had told you to be here for. Maybe he was just running late or…
Your rising concern was broken up by the tap of designer wedges on the granite heading your way. You looked up from your phone to see two girls heading towards you, one of which you realized you had seen before.
The stuck-up redhead that had been the reason you had been out on the beach to spill the snowball on Sett in the first place was striding towards you, not a hair out of place underneath her likely-expensive sun hat. At her side was a lilac-haired woman in a swimsuit with a plunging neckline that was color blocked with various shades of purple. Together they made quite a striking pair, but your previous encounter with the redhead had you wishing that Sett would get here soon to save you from the impending conversation.
“Look, Sarah,” the purple-haired one sneered as they came to a stop before you. “So eager to pretend she’s one of us that she rushed right over.”
You took a step back, but that only seemed to embolden them.
Sarah lowered her sunglasses, staring at you like you were in her way. “Sad when they don’t know their place, Syndra.”
“Sett invited me here,” you replied defensively.
The women exchanged a pointed look before Sarah raised an eyebrow at you, a hand on her hip. “You ever think about why that was?”
“What?” you replied, unsure of what she was getting at.
“She doesn’t get it,” Syndra said with a cruel undertone in her voice that unnerved you.
“Look around,” Sarah said sharply. “Really look. Do half the people here look like they belong?”
You looked around, not sure what you were supposed to be seeing. A man with a hook-nose sat at the pool bar, flanked by women in skimpy bikinis. A humanoid form that seemed to be made of water conversed poolside with a large purple man in a ratty straw hat who was holding a ukulele. What were you supposed to be noticing?
“Sett is too nice to break it to you, so the job falls to me,” Sarah said with a smirk. “This is our annual loser fest. Charity case race. Bring-a-freak-to-work-day.”
“Pig party,” Syndra supplied.
“Yeah, pig party,” Sarah repeated, noticing your confused look. “Don’t know what that is? Poor thing.”
“I don’t–”
“It’s pretty simple,” Sarah interrupted. “We take half the summer to find the biggest freak we can, and then we bring them all together and crown a winner, and by the looks of you, Sett is really going for the top prize.”
You gasped, eyes wide, suddenly feeling like you were going to be sick.
“Aw, you really thought he liked you, huh?” Syndra mocked with fake sweetness.
“He didn’t… he never…” you stammered, clutching your bag to your chest.
“Well duh,” Sarah replied haughtily. “He wanted to win. Do you tell a pig when it’s about to become bacon?”
“What is meaning of this?” Braum accused, storming up to your group. “I have not heard of such a thing!”
“Need-to-know, Braum,” Syndra dismissed.
“And you didn’t need to know,” Sarah added.
You felt numb. This whole time… is that why Sett wouldn’t ask you to be his girlfriend? Why he never did more than kiss you? All this time, he had just seen you as a prize pig for an ugly date contest? It all made sense now, why he had been so desperate to get your number. He had never liked you… it had all been one sick joke. You should’ve known; nobody as attractive as Sett would ever see you as anything but a freak. And was too cowardly to come and tell you the truth to your face.
“Look, she’s crying,” Syndra taunted. “Don’t cry! Soon you’ll be queen pig!”
You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t stay here with all these people who saw you as less than human as your heart was breaking into pieces. You were so, so stupid, now wanting nothing more than to cry in peace. So you did, turning and running as fast as your legs would take you out of this awful place.
“Bye, piggy! We’ll ship you the ribbon!”
You heard Braum shout your name, as well as the cruel laughter of the women, but you didn’t stop running. Not when you got to the beach, nor the parking lot or the tacky souvenir shop, the sayings on the gaudy shirts too blurry to read through your tears. Your feet didn’t stop until you were at the doorstep to Taliyah’s home, out of breath, tears running down your cheeks.
The door opened, Taliyah’s face appearing in the doorway. “Hey, did you forget– wait, what happened?”
 “Settrigh, stay still!”
Sett frowned, but did as his momma requested, allowing her to tie the ends of his hair after she had finished arranging it. He loved his ma dearly, but he really didn’t have time for her to redo his hair ten times right now.
It was getting way too close to the start time he had given you, and with how nervous of a person you were, he had intended to be on time, but that was before his mother had discovered the reason why he was cutting their visit short today.
Ma was aware that he had been seeing someone, had been ever since Sett had needed help making food for their first date.
“You do intend to let me meet her, Settrigh?” she asked, stepping back once she had fixed his hair to her satisfaction.
“Yes, ma,” he answered, standing up from the chair.
He wasn’t exactly surprised by his momma’s eagerness, considering this was the first girl he had ever dated, let alone considered introducing to her. This world was shallow; he had learned that early in life, which may be why he found himself so drawn to a girl who had put her all into having nothing to do with him. You broke up the monotony in this busy beach town and gave him something to look forward to other than seeing his ma for the first time in a long time.
Sett knew he was working on a time limit. You had mentioned that you had planned on only visiting Port Navori for the summer, and the summer was half over already, which meant his chances to convince you to stay were also halved, which is where tonight came in.
He had been taking things slow, not wanting to come on too strong and scare you off like he had watched happen to many a beachfront pick-up artist. He had been unwilling to rush things and lose you, but the slip of the calendar into August had forced his hand.
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit apprehensive as to how today would end. How would you take him asking you to be girlfriend? He could only hope that he hadn’t misread you entirely.
He didn’t go to the pool parties often, but it seemed like a good way for him to introduce you to his friends, as they didn’t often all gather outside of those parties. He knew you would likely feel out of place, but Braum would be there, and he intended to stick by your side the entire time. And then after the party, if things went well, then maybe he would end the night with you as his girlfriend, but the party would be the first step.
As he left his ma’s house, he found his mind turning to the party. If you were wearing that red swimsuit you had worn last week, then it was going to be a difficult night for his self-control. His desire to take things slow had really taken a hit then, his only saving grace being ma’s lecture on being a gentleman pounding in his head as he tried not to look at how your chest was half-busting out of your top as you leaned over to pick a thread off of his glove. You were really too hot for your own good, which made him all the more eager to see you.
He knew he was running late, the party having started at least ten minutes earlier. It wasn’t his style to be late, but he was also pretty helpless to defy his ma. He only hoped that you hadn’t given up on him and left.
He took the shortest route possible, which included a short trek through some bushes that left him more leafy than he would’ve liked, but it was all forgotten when he spotted the stairs that led up to the pool entrance.
He was able to bypass the doorman who was only half as big as he was and seemed to be wary of interacting with him, stepping out of the way as Sett approached. He pushed past the curtain, hurried steps heading down the hallway. You hadn’t been waiting outside, so clearly you had been able to get in. He tried to fight back the excited grin that wanted to take over his face, but it was a losing battle as he entered the pool area, eyes immediately scanning the area for you.
“Your cruelty is unimaginable!” Braum’s booming voice carried easily through the air. “That girl has done nothing to be deserving of such treatment!”
What had Braum so worked up? Generally he was an easy guy to get along with, easily Sett’s most tolerable co-lifeguard. Not much phased him, which was a little concerning. But Sett had other priorities, the most important being locating you.
You weren’t in the pool, and didn’t seem to be sitting in any of the chairs. Maybe you had gone to the bathroom and would be right back–
“Well how else was she supposed to know Sett is too good for her? She clearly wasn’t going to see reality without a little help.”
Sett’s ears perked up, his attention snagged by the mention of his name, but especially by the latter half of the sentence. He turned around to see Sarah Fortune with Syndra at her side, who had her arms crossed and looked bored. In front of them was Braum, looking more irate than Sett had ever seen him.
“What’s this about?” Sett asked in a warning tone as he approached, the fur of his ears standing on end, leaving him feeling like he wasn’t going to like where this was headed.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” Sarah dismissed, flipping her hair behind her shoulder with a flick of her head. “We just showed a daydreaming little clout chaser the way out.”
Sett’s eyebrow rose. “A what?”
“Your ice cream girl,” Braum cut in. “These two have told her that this is a party for pigs. They have told her that you intend to bring her here to win ugly contest, and then she had run off.”
“What?” Sett growled dangerously, but the two women remained nonplussed.
“We did you a favor,” Syndra stressed. “If we get a reputation of letting just anyone in, then we’ll lose all status as members of the ruling class of the food chain. So we decided to throw this little pig party to make you come back to your senses.”
“You’re one of us, Sett,” Sarah added. “This pool doesn’t have room for little nobodies who don’t know their place.”
“Rather be a nobody than whatever the hell this is,” Sett snarled angrily, the full knowledge of the truth turning his bad feeling to a mix of simmering fury at the two women, and worry for you. He hated himself for being late and allowing this to happen to you. “Save your concern and don’t talk to me again.”
“But we were–” Syndra started, but Sett wasn’t in the mood.
“If you even look at her again, you’ll have me to deal with. And unlike that girl you just bullied outta here, I ain’t so nice.”
With that, Sett turned on his heel and stormed towards the exit to go do his best to fix this mess.
Braum quickly followed behind him. “My friend, I am sorry I could not stop them in time.”
“Ain’t your fault,” Sett replied. “Wish I’d have known. Gotta go see if she’ll even talk to me at this point.”
“I wish you luck,” Braum said as exited the hallway and emerged out into the sunny late afternoon.
Sett parted from Braum, taking the stairs two at a time as he surveyed the area, trying to see if he could catch sight of you. He quickly crossed the sand, making a beeline for the ice cream stand, even if it seemed like a longshot. He passed by a group of kids throwing sand on an older man sleeping on a towel, but ignored it and kept going. If anything was on fire, Braum could put it out. Sett’s sole focus right now was finding you and hoping you’d let him explain himself.
His chest felt heavy with anger and regret. How could he have let this happen? He hadn’t realized how cruel those women could be, and it had led to them making you believe he thought you were some freak he was using for convenience, which could not be farther from the truth.
Seeing those two talk about you like you were a pariah had brought him right back to when he was younger, to what he had endured at the hands of people just like Syndra and Sarah. People who had ostracized him, did their best to make him feel like he didn’t have a place here. Sett-the-beast-boy-bastard; the words had haunted him for a long time.
He had grown tough in response to the years of bullying, but you hadn’t. This was your first exposure to how awful this place could be. He and ma had dealt with it for years after pa ran off; he had nearly gotten expelled from school after a particularly bad fight with a kid that had made one too many nasty comments about his ma to his face.
Sett stopped, letting out a frustrated sigh as he saw the large closed sign on the front windows of the ice cream shop. So that was a bust. Without giving the store a second look, he continued on towards the rocks and then up to the parking lot.
There was only one other place to try. Chest tight, Sett followed the same path he had the night of your first date, the same path he took every time he walked you home. The walk there was one long blur, his feet unable to stop moving until the familiar house was in sight. Without a moment’s hesitation, Sett approached the front door, rapping his knuckles against the wood. When no answer came, he tried again, and after a few moments, the door opened to reveal Taliyah, who glared once she caught sight of him.
“What do you want?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Is she here? I need to talk to her,” Sett said, urgency bleeding into his voice.
Taliyah sighed, stepping outside and closing the door behind her. “You’re lucky I’m even talking to you after this. You don’t deserve to talk to her if that’s how you let your friends treat her.”
“They ain’t my friends,” Sett argued. “If I’d have known they were gonna pull that shit–”
A sly smile lifted the corner of Taliyah’s lips. “Good answer. If you had said anything else, then I’d be slamming the door in your face right about now.”
“Then can I–”
“Talk to her?” Taliyah interrupted. “Nope. Not a good idea.”
Sett’s face must have taken on a darker quality, because Taliyah retreated back a step, raising her hands in the air in mock surrender. “Relax, tough guy. I didn’t mean it like that. But she’s a little too upset to talk to you right now.”
The information only made Sett feel worse. He wanted so badly to talk to you, to do what he had wanted to do before this mess had happened and make you his girlfriend. You had never felt farther away than you did right now.
“Give me some time to calm her down. I can get her to be at the pier at seven, then the rest is up to you,” she said, levelling him with a stern look. “I know this wasn’t your fault. That’s the only reason I’m giving you a chance. She really likes you, so try not to make her feel any worse than she already does. Bye.”
And then Taliyah was gone, retreating back into the house and leaving Sett standing on the doorstep.
 “Brought you some water,” Taliyah announced as she entered the room, glass in hand.
“Who was at the door?” you asked.
She shrugged. “Someone looking for my dad. Told them he’s not here.”
You nodded. It was probably too much to hope that it would be Sett. You winced as you thought his name. You hated how much you wanted to see him, someone who had used you to win some popular kid ugly date contest.
So it had all been a lie then? All the things he had told you about his life, his family? Every time he had kissed you, was he picturing kissing one of those girls instead? Is this really what popular people did for fun? You felt stupid for falling for it, for falling for him. You were so stupid.
With some prompting from Taliyah, you took a sip of the water. After she had made sure you had drank the whole glass, she sat down next to you, taking the glass from you and setting it down on the bedside table.
“I should have known,” you croaked.
“Known that popular girls are bitchy? Maybe,” she responded.
“That it was too good to be true,” you corrected.
“You’re acting like you’re eighty,” she scolded. “There are other guys out there. Ones who don’t have shitty friends.”
“Yeah, I know,” you replied. “But I really liked him. And I didn’t even get to pet his stupid fuzzy ears.”
“Well if you’re joking, then you must be doing okay,” she said. “How about we go do something to take your mind off of things?”
You frowned, and she rolled her eyes. “Not right this second. I’ll give you until six-thirty to get yourself ready to go.”
Taliyah got up off the bed and headed towards the door. “I’m not gonna let your night be ruined because of a couple of snobs.”
She closed the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts again. You laid back on the bed, intent on taking some time before you got ready to just veg out. As much as the notion of going out didn’t excite you right now, it was probably better than being a mopey mess all night. There would be other guys; it was just a shame that you had liked this one so much.
Two hours later, you were walking down the street with Taliyah. Your getting ready to go had consisted of washing your face of all the smeared makeup from your crying, brushing your hair into a semi-decent state and then watching dumb cat videos on your phone until you felt like you didn’t want to crawl in a hole and die.
Taliyah had assured you that you didn’t look bad, which you might have believed if you hadn’t seen yourself in the mirror as you were leaving, but at this point you were beyond caring about how you looked right now.
Taliyah had refused to tell you where she was taking you, and so you were forced to follow her down the familiar path towards the beach, unsure of where it was you were being led. Part of you was worried that you might run into Sett, but then the more rational side of you took over; he was likely back at that pool, partying it up with those girls and lamenting that you had run off before he could win his ugly date prize. It was crazy to realize just how flawed your judgment had been.
You had expected to be walking onto the beach, as it was where you two usually spent most of your time, but Taliyah didn’t go to the parking lot, instead heading towards the rockier section of the beach. You hadn’t been over here before, only vaguely aware of the area as a prime fishing location, bait shops and the like lining the street across from this part of the beachfront.
She took you past the fishing spots, down to near the end of the beach, where there was a small pier that went about thirty feet out into the sea. Like most of the beach at this time on a weekday, the pier was empty, most of the fishermen also having headed out with their day’s catches.
Taliyah led you down the pier to the small bench at the end of it, pushing you to sit down. When she didn’t do the same, you looked up at her, confused.
“I’ll be right back,” she said. “I’m gonna go grab something to help cheer you up. You just enjoy the view for a bit.”
You decided to follow her advice, staring out at the water. There wasn’t much to see other than some boats in the far distance and some buoys bobbing in the water that marked the swimming section from the boating section.
It was kind of nice in a way, the calm waters helping you to relax as you watched the waves roll in and out. You stayed like that for a while as you allowed yourself to zone out until you began to wonder how much time had passed. Pulling out your phone, you saw that it had been almost twenty minutes, and yet there was no sign of Taliyah as you looked around.
You had assumed that she went to get you two some food, which likely was still the case. Some of the places here tended to have rather large dinnertime crowds, so a twenty minute plus wait wasn’t exactly unusual. You had no idea where she had gone, so all you could do was wait. If she wasn’t back by seven, you would just text her and ask what was up.
You let yourself be taken in again by the rolling waves as you continued to wait, trying to recall what kinds of restaurants there were on the beachfront. It couldn’t be that fish and chips place; Taliyah had spent a full half hour last week complaining about how stale their food was. Or the taco place, since it had been closed for renovations for the past week. You had been trying to think of a third option when your concentration was broken by someone taking a seat next to you on the bench.
You looked over, expecting to see Taliyah back with some food, but instead nearly jolted off of the bench when next to you was the very man you were out here trying to forget.
Just seeing him when you were feeling so pathetic sent a jolt of you weren’t sure what up your spine, your flight instincts screaming at you as you made to stand up, only to be stopped by a firm grip on your wrist.
“I know you don’t wanna see my face right now,” Sett said. “But I can explain.”
“Explain what?” you replied meekly. “Those girls explained enough.”
“I haven’t,” he insisted. “Just listen for a minute. Then you can leave, or punch me, whatever you want.”
You took a look around, still not seeing Taliyah anywhere. You weren’t sure what he could have to say that would make much of a difference, but you sat back down, and he let go of your wrist.
You turned reluctantly to face Sett, waiting for him to talk first.
“Never told ‘em to do somethin’ like that,” he said gruffly. “Didn’t even know about it ‘til I got there and you weren’t there.”
“But they said…” you started, taking a breath to keep yourself calm as you prepared to recount the hurtful words. “They said you were only spending time with me so you could win their whole ugly date contest.”
Sett’s eyes narrowed, the skin of his knuckles tightening on his curling fists. “First I’ve heard of it. Ain’t no way you’d ever place in an ugly contest anyways.”
His words threw you. “Wait, so you don’t think I’m ugly?”
He snorted, a grin playing at his lips. “Well I was plannin’ on askin’ you to be my girlfriend after the party, so nah, I don’t think you’re ugly.”
“You–” you gasped, pulse skyrocketing. This was not how you expected this conversation to go. You were half convinced you were experiencing auditory hallucinations until Sett reached over, pulling you into his side.
“This is my fault,” he spoke lowly. “If I hadn’t been late, I’d have been there to stop that from happening.”
“What happened when you got there?” you asked quietly.
“Braum told me what happened, then those two tried tellin’ me they did it for my sake,” he growled. “I thought I was used to seein’ through bullies from how I grew up. Doesn’t matter now, they won’t be botherin’ you anymore unless they wanna find out why momma says I got her temper.”
“Why were you late anyways?” you asked.
He groaned, leaning his head back against the bench. Even with the sun mostly set, you could clearly see a pink tone to his cheeks.
“What is it?” you pressed, curious about why the intimidating lifeguard was suddenly being so shy.
He let out a long sigh, finally meeting your eyes. “Ma was doin’ my hair.”
You looked him over, realizing that his hair did seem to be tied differently today. The only thing that looked the same was his ears, just as fluffy as they always looked. You could almost hear Taliyah’s voice screaming in your head to pet them. Speaking of Taliyah…
“Taliyah!” you gasped, trying to extract yourself from Sett’s grip, but failing. If Taliyah was to come and see you here with the guy she had taken you out to forget about… “My friend, she’ll be back any second and–”
Sett laughed, and you were immediately left with the feeling that you were missing something.
“She ain’t comin’ back,” he said amusedly. “I’ve got you all to myself for the night… if that’s what you want.”
“Taliyah set me up?” you breathed, not having suspected a thing.
“I asked her to,” Sett explained. “Wasn’t about to let you go ‘cuz of some shallow assholes.”
Taliyah was much sneakier than you had given her credit for, you realized, but you couldn’t bring yourself to mind right now. Though that didn’t mean you weren’t hungry, your previous stress melting away and removing the only distraction from your empty stomach.
“So,” you hummed. “Are you still going to ask me to be your girlfriend?”
You still had no idea what would happen by the end of the summer, but you really wanted this. You wanted him.
“Yeah, was plannin’ on it.”
 You had thought about it all the way back to Sett’s house. Was it really for the best to go back to your city when the summer was over? Back to your parents’ house to find an equally demanding and unfulfilling job?
The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to stay. Taliyah was here, Sett was here, and other than your brief nasty encounter at the pool earlier, this summer had been the best one you’d had in a long time.
Sett seemed intent on giving you more reasons to stay as he was on you pretty much as soon as you entered his house. You had been standing in the entryway, looking at a picture of what must have been Sett and his mother when he caught you off guard, picking you up from behind.
You yelped, turning your head back to face him just in time for him to dart forward to snatch a kiss.
“You’ll have time to look around later,” he said as he walked down the hall, nudging a door open with his shoulder and then taking you into what looked to be his bedroom.
Once again, you were scarcely granted a look around before Sett had overtaken your attention yet again. You were swiftly carried over and deposited on the bed, Sett eagerly caging your body down against the sheets with his own.
“I wanted to go slow,” he said against your ear. “Didn’t wanna mess things up. But that’s not what you want, is it?”
“No,” you gasped as he snaked a hand under your dress, and then under your swimsuit bottoms. “I… I want…”
“This?” he inquired, thumb brushing against your clit, causing you to jolt against him with a breathy moan. “Waited a long time to hear that.”
Seeking more room to work, Sett pulled back to reach down and pull down your swimsuit bottoms, tossing them to the side. You watched with reddening cheeks as he returned his attention to you, head disappearing under your dress next.
His first lick against your pussy felt back-archingly good, but you didn’t have a lot of room to move with Sett’s hands holding your lower half in place. His tongue felt slightly rough, bringing pricks of pleasure-pain along its path.
Closing your eyes tight, you tried not to squirm, but it was difficult as Sett’s tongue prodded inside you before moving back to sucking at your clit. It felt good, almost too good, but you found yourself wanting more than his mouth against you.
“Sett,” you moaned. “Please…”
You weren’t sure if he got the message until you reached down to grasp at one of his hands. He pulled back from you, wiping one forearm against the wet lower half of his face as he sat back. His position on his knees on the bed allowed you a good look at the decently-sized bulge in the front of his tight swim shorts.
Sett caught your eyes, reaching one hand down to cup his cock through his shorts. “All you, sweetheart. Still think I think you’re ugly?”
You somehow managed to shake your head, speechless from his ardent display of his body. Sett seemed to bask in just how speechless he had made you, a sexy grin overtaking his face as he stared down at you.
“Couldn’t ask for more than this,” he said. “But if you want more…”
He was such a tease. With a burning face, you relented.
“Could you just put it in me please?” you asked, too shy to make eye contact.
“Can do,” he replied, and you could easily hear the smug satisfaction in his voice.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Sett stood up from the bed to pull his shorts off, wincing slightly when he pulled the tight fabric over his painfully-hard cock. Tossing the shorts to the floor, his attention quickly returned to you.
Giving his cock a few slow strokes, he watched you sit up on the bed. Feeling a burst in confidence from his display, you reached down to the hem of your dress’ skirt before pulling it up and off your body, Sett’s hungry gold eyes unable to look away from you as you moved onto your swimsuit top.
Once your top was off, Sett struck, pulling you towards him. Sitting at the edge of the bed, he pulled you onto his lap, reaching around to your front to cup your breasts as his mouth went straight to your neck. His hands were warm against the sensitive skin of your breasts, rolling your nipples under his thumbs as his teeth scraped against a sensitive spot on your neck.
You felt his hard cock under you and shifted yourself against it, Sett letting out a deep groan in response. You could feel how wet you were, but this wasn’t enough. You needed to fuck him, needed this building tension to come to a satisfying end for you both.
You turned in his lap, looping your arms around his neck and leaning down to kiss him. Sett was happy to meet tongues with you, one hand resting on your ass until you pulled back from the kiss.
You met eyes with Sett, who began to help you lift yourself up, lining up his cock with his other hand. When he brought you back down onto him, you both sighed as you were fully seated on his cock at last.
“Nothin’ else would feel as good as you,” Sett groaned as he began to help you move and up and then back down onto him. “Never wanted any girl as bad as I want you.”
You were much less coherent, moaning out his name as your hands grasped against his chest. With a further burst of confidence, you reached a hand up to his ear, running your fingers along the fur and enjoying the resulting groan, the next upward thrust of his hips hitting even better into you. Maybe you would leave this out at Taliyah’s interrogation later.
“There,” you moaned as he shifted you in his lap, his cock hitting even deeper inside you. “Right there, Sett.”
“You’re so tight,” he groaned, pulling you down into a rough kiss as he held you close, thrusting up into you as you eagerly moved along with him, needing to make this gorgeous man under you cum.
Sett came first, stilling for a moment before pulling you slightly back to put a finger to your clit, letting you cling to him as you followed him over the edge.
Once you had both come back down from the clouds, you were set back gently on the bed so Sett could run off to grab a cloth to clean you up with. You watched him leave the room, still having a hard time comprehending just how you had ended up this situation.
You definitely had some phone calls to make tomorrow. Your parents would be surprised, but you would probably focus on the Taliyah part rather than the new boyfriend part of your reasoning. Taliyah would be overjoyed for sure; you’d have to thank her for her meddling when you saw her.
As Sett returned, you realized something.
“Wait, is your mom home?” you asked in horror. You hadn’t made any effort to be quiet during sex, forgetting about his mother until he re-entered the room.
Sett laughed at your mortified face. “I don’t live with ma, so no.”
“Oh god,” you breathed in relief. “I was worried I was too…”
“She ain’t here,” he replied as he joined you on the bed, handing you the cloth he had grabbed. “You can be as loud as you want.”
You dropped the cloth, burying your head in your hands, Sett’s amused laughter ringing in your ears as you tried to content with just what you had signed yourself up for.
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Love You to the Moon and Back
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summary: Bucky notices you’re feeling down after a bad injury, he does his best to help.
words:  3817
warning: depressive episode, doctors, mainly fluff!
pairing: Bucky x Reader 
Bucky could tell you were getting bad again. 
And it hurt him to see you like this but it always happened after a big mission, your job was traumatizing and it took a toll on all of you. Bucky knew he had his days but he also knew when you finally let yourself slip it was really bad. 
You were a very headstrong person, you didn’t like letting people see your weaknesses or just you being hurt in general. So it sucked when you had broken your shin and witnessed a school of kids get blown up by a bomb, maybe sucked is an understatement but it was what you always said. 
You had pretended to be a teacher because there was supposed to be a hit on most teachers at a private school, so when the school blew up before everyone was out of the building- including you -it left the memories very crystal clear. There was no way of saving everyone so you saved yourself, and the feeling of selfishness had never been more apparent than right now. You were lying in bed with a cast on your left leg, your left leg was on top of the duvet while the other leg was under. 
A tank top and shorts was all you wore even though you were cold. A pillow was placed between your legs down by your shins to keep the injured one elevated, Bucky had stuck it there the last time he came in to check on you. 
Speaking of Bucky, he walked into your shared room in the compound. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Bucky cooed as he gently opened and closed the door without making any sound, you had become hyper-aware to sound and light so a loud noise or a flash of a camera could send you into a state of hysterics. Bucky sat himself at the edge of the bed at around your midsection, you were lying in the middle and facing him. You barely said hello, all you could muster was a groan that had the same rhythm as the word hello. “How’s my girl doing?” Bucky rubbed your thigh very carefully. 
It was so obviously a rhetorical question, you were absolutely shit and he knew it. You both just stared at each other and Bucky seemed to get the message, he nodded and looked down. The room was so dark from the lights being off and the curtains being pulled you barely registered that Bucky had a plate of cheese, apple slices, and crackers. Bucky saw you turn your nose up and he knew you would, you had been like this for what felt like weeks. 
“You have your two appointments today, you wanna use the crutches or the wheelchair?” Bucky asked as he gently caressed your thigh, a little hum came after a few sections to clarify this wasn’t rhetorical. 
“I don’t know,” you mumbled into your pillow. 
“Okay…” Bucky held onto the last syllable, he glanced over to the wheelchair and crutches. “How about you have a little snack and then when you got food- and I’ll get water -you can make your choice. You also know you can switch and I’ll be glad to grab it for you, alright?” he did a few quick pats on your thigh before setting the plate down on the bedside table, he grunted as he stood up and stuck his arms slowly beneath you. All Bucky did was sit you upright to eat, you had gotten better at eating and now didn’t need motivation to eat but just a little push at the beginning to keep going after the first bite. Bucky also found if he ate a few pieces from the plate you’d be more inclined to eat the rest. 
“Thanks,” your voice was low and barely audible. 
“No need, pretty lady,” Bucky got right beside you and grabbed the plate, he placed it between you and let you choose the first piece. “So, you’re at the doctor at two and then Doc at three-ten, do you wanna nap between for a little or for a while after?” he just took a cracker and plopped it into his mouth. 
“No, no nap between, I wanna sit outside Doc’s office like before to make sure I’m not late.” You mumbled and stacked a piece of cheese on an apple slice. Doc was your therapist that was assigned to you a little while before your injury, Bucky wasn’t the only one who got nightmares and manic episodes; you probably got them more. Bucky knew he couldn’t go into your therapy meeting, he could physically go in but it went against his morals, this was your time to be alone and completely vulnerable to a human that you only see one or twice a week, he didn’t want you to sugar coat anything just because he wa sitting there. 
Bucky nodded and hummed before pulling the notebook out of the bedside table’s drawer, your combat backpack which you used for everything between missions and a picnic in the park was curled over itself in the corner of your room. Bucky picked it up and headed back to bed to let it rest there as he packed. He did this when you weren’t injured, Bucky had sadly realized your memory was a little shot from the amount of bootleg brainwashing and head injuries. You’d constantly forget about appointments or missions, or even the date. 
“Baby, I told you, your birthday is today, that’s why I got flowers.” Bucky said and pointed to the counter with the bright flowers on it. 
“No…” you rubbed the front of your head. “My birthday isn’t today, I forget the day- but it’s not today, I swear.” 
He slid in your journal that you used to write down lists and memories, you had used a guitar pick as your bookmark even though you can’t play anymore. Sometimes when you’d show up to a therapy session you’d forget what you wanted to say, it hurt him when he’d walk you there and you’d be saying the list of things under your breath with your eyes closed. Nightmare, mom, picking my nails, ankle, nightmare, sand, flowers. 
“We gotta go soon, anyways, wanna get ready for the day?” Bucky softly asked, there was no nice way of telling your loved one they needed to shower. 
“Sure,” you looked down at the plate and grabbed the last of it before getting up, the apple and cheese was just curled in the palm of your hand, as you walked over you shoved it all into your mouth because you knew you had to shower and you didn’t like soggy cheese. 
“I’ll keep packing your bag, and I’ll fill a water bottle for you.” Bucky had been your human crutch as you walked to the bathroom, you had an itch down in your cast that was bugging you. 
Tony had wanted to add tech to the shower to help you stand because putting pressure on your left leg hurt after three minutes and seven seconds- not that you were timing to see how long you could go without collapsing. You had said no to tech and just asked for a bar, Bucky even thought it would be cool but it was all up to you. 
Bucky helped you slip out of your clothes before leaving you be, he knew he would have to check on you periodically because you were too stubborn to ask for help if you had fallen or couldn’t get in the shower. You gripped onto the metal bar and helped yourself slip in, you turned the water on right away. 
You liked warm, long showers. You just let the water hit your skin as you stood in front of the shower head, the water pressure was high so you let the bullets hit your face when your eyes were closed. Your hair got wet as you stood there, you reached for the bottle of shampoo and expected it to be where it always was. The was getting into your eyes and when you squinted to see where the bottle was everything was double, as you reached for the bottle you had actually reached for the fake double and knocked the bottle off the ledge. A loud thump rang through the bathroom and it sounded like a bomb. 
There was one second of silence before you heard scrambling from outside the bathroom door, all at once you could see the door swing open by its shadow through the curtain. The curtain was pulled back so hard a couple of ringlets holding it up were ripped off. 
“Baby?” Bucky yelled before he registered you were standing upright. “What?” he breathed heavily, he was completely expecting you to be passed out on the floor with a cracked skull. 
“Shampoo bottle,” you said meekly. 
“Oh, thank god…” Bucky sighed to himself as he reached down to pick it up. “Are you hurt at all, did you fall?” He placed the bottle back on the ledge which made him reach across your naked body, on his way back his hand touched your shoulder then went to cup your cheek and move your head to look at him. 
“I’m all good, babe.” You smiled, an exhausting smile. 
“Alright, back-is-packed, finish up and I'll help you over to physio, alright?” Bucky closed the curtain to give privacy but waited for a verbal answer. 
“Perfect, thank you.” You grabbed the bottle again, your heart ached for him to be in the shower with you, it was something you did all the time before you were injured. 
“Don’t thank me, pretty lady.” Bucky reached for the door and opened it, before he could walk out, your voice quietly called his name, he could barely hear it over the water in the shower. “Yes?” he replied with the same softness. 
“Stay here with me, please.” the ‘please’ came after a beat, and extra plea. 
“Always,” Bucky sat on the toilet seat and gave the company you needed as you tried to stick your finger down your cast to itch that one spot on your leg. 
Soon enough you were sat in the physio room, Bucky was off to the side with paper work in his lap and a binder in your backpack he packed for you. You liked the moral support when you were here because you never really had the best experience with doctors, Bucky would act like he wasn’t even there. That was a good thing, he did need to be the hovering boyfriend all the time because that can get tiring for both parties. He’d look up and listen to the doctor near the end, Bucky would write down the exercises and when to do them so he could gently remind you later. 
“Alright, you’re gonna get a new cast next week,” the doctor smiled at you, when you didn’t pick up on the excitement the doctor’s smile faded. “That means three quarters done!” Bucky had looked up and smiled, even clapped a couple times. 
“Then I have to learn how to walk again,” that was an exaggeration but it didn’t feel like one. 
The doctor gave a knowing look, “why do I feel like you’re already walking without the crutches?” You didn’t say anything because it was true. 
Your leg was examined and x-rayed, Bucky held onto your necklace as you went in. Your mind faded in and out as the doctor spewed ‘doctor stuff’ at you, you just didn’t have the care to listen; but Bucky did. He’s the type of guy to take notes and research later. 
Bucky would look over and see you looking at the floor, not even paying attention. He knew he couldn't get mad at you, you both dealt with injury very similarly. But something about seeing you shut down entirely made his heart ache, he wanted to reach out and lift the corners of your lips up into a smile because they seemed like they were being weighed down, he couldn’t remember the last time you smiled and real smile. He hadn’t been going on mission to keep you company, but now he knew his most important mission.
He walked you over to your therapy session that was still in the building, your Doc would come to the Avenger tower. He’d walk you right to the door of some random debrief room and kiss you goodbye. Bucky would hold your shoulders and gently rub your arms to hype you up before going in, he gave his little speech and said the same thing after. 
“You know I love you, and I know it’s hard.” he’d then kiss your cheeks and forehead. “I’ll be right here when you’re done, don’t even sweat it, pretty lady.” He then wouldn’t leave until the door closed and he heard muffled voices. 
The tower was right in the heart of the city, everything he needed was right there and a walking distance away. He slipped on a long sleeve and his gloves, he knew you took the backpack but you also had reusable bags, he took a few and headed out into the summer heat, it wasn’t humid today which was great but it wasn’t cold either. The tote bag was slung over his shoulder, all that was in it right now as a list. 
stuffed animal 
To call Bucky a romantic would seem weird to someone who only knew of him from the news or a museum, you knew him as a total hopeless romantic. Even in the 40’s, Bucky was the type of person to keep their walls up until he really got to know and trust you. It would normally be one little thing that would allow him to truly be himself around someone, he let his guard down that day you were walking to the restaurant he made a reservation at, Bucky placed himself so that arm or hand you’d hold would be his right but when you caught on you walk around him and looped both arms around his left, metal arm. After that, he was goner. 
He’d leave little sticky notes everywhere, a blue square paper in the coffee mug that read: ‘make sure you only drink one cup!’ or another on your shampoo bottle: ‘you look great naked ;)’. Bucky knew the little things mattered to you and vice versa, he knew that grand gestures didn’t mean anything without a little kiss that came before. 
The flower shop smelt great, Bucky didn’t know much about plants but he knew which ones you’d like. He was thinking of putting one on each bedside so whenever you’re lying in bed- which was a lot -you could look at some pretty flowers. They were a nice shade of purple and the stems were not too long, Bucky bought them and put them gently in his tote bag before heading over two stores to the grocery store you always shop at.
He was envyus of your clean eating, you’d eat what you want but you’d shop at fermer’s markets and organic stores. Bucky didn’t know it made a difference. He went to the frozen section and found chocolate covered strawberries. Bucky picked up a little pack of eight and headed to the front. There were also flowers there but they didn’t look nearly as nice. All he wanted was a very simple cute card with a blank inside, they were easy to find. It was cream coloured with a little sketch of a fuzzy, brown teddy bear holding a yellow balloon. All it said in dainty cursive at the top was: “look at you go!” Bucky knew this was perfect. Near the cards were little toys and stuffed animals. He found a bear that looked eerily similar to the one on the card but without the balloon. 
As he walked into the Avenger’s tower the bag was full and he had enough time to spare to set things up. Bucky headed to the rooms and made the bed, he changed the sheets as well because he knew you liked them when they were crisp. The teddy sat right in the middle with the card next to it. Bucky had written a little note that covered the entire right side of the card. He got a bowl from the kitchen and filled it with ice, he also found that white wine you liked and stuck it on there with the strawberries just to keep them cool but not melted. 
Bucky glanced at his watch and felt almost giddy as he realized it was time to head over to the conference room, he had to work on not giving it away when he’d first see you with his wide smile. The walk to the room was quick because of how fast Bucky was walking, he turned the corners sharp and almost jogged down the hall down the meeting rooms. He only stood there for about three seconds before the door slowly opened, Doc had opened the door and helped you out. Bucky’s smile turned into complete worry when you walked out holding a tissue to your nose, your eyes were red and puffy. Bucky also noticed that your fingernails were red and bleeding, that was one habit you were currently trying to break. 
“What’s going on?” Bucky asked in quiet disbelief, his eyebrows almost touching. 
Doc gave a curt nod, “we talked about a lot of things,” her answers were always so vague. 
You sniffled and waited for Doc to leave down the hall, Bucky was still looking at you. His hands held your shoulders and gently massaged the answer out of you. 
“It was a good cry, I needed that.” you sighed from exhaustion. 
A little piece of Bucky’s heart broke, if you needed to have a good cry then you could have told him, he would’ve listened. Bucky started to go back and see where it went wrong, if he was too overbearing and if this whole afternoon he had planned was created at a very wrong time. He wanted to ask what he did wrong but what came out was different. “Well that’s good to hear, I know Doc is good at that- helping you out.” His words were true but something about the delivery made it seem uneasy. 
“I just-” you looked to the ceiling and hoped to find the words you needed written there. “I like flushing it all out to her because I won’t see her for a week and I don’t need to keep up with what I’m feeling. I always cry to you but Doc is just really good at explaining how I feel, you’re there to validate it and make me feel soothed.” You held his left hand as you both walked down the hallway. “I feel lighter, like, I feel better.”
“That’s always good, sweetheart,” Bucky made sure you were putting weight on him because you didn’t bring your crutches but you really should have. “I have a little treat for you,” He turned to face you when you both stood at his door, Bucky kept his hand on the door handle. “I know it’s been a rough few weeks but I hope you know I love you all the same, and all I see is my strong, beautiful girlfriend.” Bucky saw your confused face, as he opened the door to reveal a dim lit room with flowers, wine and a teddy your eye welled up with tears again. 
You gasped and put your hands on your chest, “for me?” your voice shook as you walked in, you peered into the ice bucket to see your favourite wine and some food as well as a card beside the ice bucket, under the teddy. Tears flowed down your face as the feeling of being overwhelmed washed over you, you could barely string a sentence together. A hand waved the gifts all away, “too much,” was all you could muster. 
“No, baby,” Bucky smiled, he walked over and pulled you into a hug. “Nothing will ever be too much for you.”
He let you cry in his chest for a very long time, you both ended up sitting on the edge of the bed as he stroked all the way up your back. His hand would bunch up your hair as he went up to your neck. His lips were right at your ear, all he whispered were sweet nothings and a calming ‘shh’ once and a while. When you had a little composure Bucky reached for the card, as you read it your lips trembled even more. A hand stayed glued to your heart as your body warmed at loving words, you could barely read it with blurry vision from the tears but it still seemed crystal clear. Your finger traced over the signature: ‘love you to the moon and back, Bucky’. And you crumbled again, your forehead hit his chest as you cried away all the pent up emotion you thought you flushed out at your therapy session. 
With all the crying you were so tired, Bucky had thrown on a movie you two could watch while enjoying your strawberries and wine. You only had two and half a cup before you were snoring on Bucky’s shoulder, he tried to nudge you a couple times but nothing worked at all. He watched the movie on his own and saved the last two strawberries for you in the morning. You didn’t even wake up at him getting up and leaving the room. When he came back he got you out of your day clothes and into something comfy. 
You woke up to the sun hitting your back, when your eyes opened they focused on the flowers and a smile graced your face. It was the first time in a long time since you smiled with your eyes, a little giggle even slipped out. 
At that sound Bucky walked out of the bathroom, “well there she is,” he smiled wide. 
“What does that mean?” you wiped the drool from the side of your mouth, “I had a nap, a really good one, too.” You seemed to be bragging. 
“A nap? Baby, it’s eight.” Bucky raised his eyebrows. 
“Ya, I fell asleep at about five so I had a three hour nap, no biggie.” You rolled on your back and stretched out, your gaze moved back to Bucky when you heard a giggle, “what?” you laughed back. 
“Eight in the morning, the next day. Your three hour nap was actually a well deserved fifteen hour hibernation.” Bucky joined you on the bed. 
“That’s why I feel so good,” you sighed, you looked over to Bucky and swatted his chest at his little smirk. “Don’t think like that.” 
“I bet I can make you feel just as good-”
You cut him off with a kiss.
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years
Deadbeat Pt. 1
Lee Bodecker x F!Reader
18+ ONLY
Warnings: age gap (reader is 21), smut/masturbation (implied/mild), cursing, abandonment, infatuation, alcohol, cheating, violence?, mild housewife kink? 
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: You work at the bar at the edge of town, the Sheriff is going through a divorce and needs to rent a room. 
A/N: I’m terrible at writing summaries and I’m so sorry about that! I don’t think I would consider this a dark!fic, but it does cover a lot of themes, and topics that are darker than I usually write about- but I think that comes with the territory of writing about Lee Bodecker. I’ll make sure to update the warnings for each chapter and do not read if you are underage. I also ignored canon for this one.
There are no tags on this one, because no one has specifically asked to be tagged on smut fics and I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable!
I hope you all enjoy!
Tags and Requests are OPEN
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“Get out of here Lee,” you spat, pointing to the door he just walked into the bar from. “You swore to Janie you wouldn’t touch a drop.” 
“C’mon (y/n),” he said sitting at the bar anyways, a smug grin on his face, making you scoff. 
“I ain’t having anything to do with you breaking your promise to that lovely woman,” you say confirming your point. You wipe your hands on the towel that was hanging from your apron. 
“Jack and coke?” He asks, looking at you with eyes that would be endearingly puppy dog if it weren’t Lee Bodecker. You shook your head. 
“A coke it is,” you say and he gives up trying for now. He regrets telling you on his last visit he’d be swearing off drinking cause Janie finally threatened to throw him out. 
You slide a glass bottle of Coca-Cola down the length of the bar to Lee and he grinds his teeth slightly. The sugar was always his temporary fix. You also sent down his way a small bowl of roasted peanuts, feeling bad for the mess of a man. 
“She’s gonna leave me anyways,” he grumbles and you shake your head, picking up on his attempts to illicit sympathy to coax you into giving him a drop of anything. 
“Stop giving her a reason to Lee,” you point out, gesturing with your hands to emphasize that he was in the same small bar on the edge of town he always wandered into on weeknights. He’d tell Janie he was on duty but he’d really be down in this little box of a building getting drunk as a stunk. 
“She’s the one who gone and cheated,” Lee said in an angry tone, not towards you, just at his situation. “That Miller fellow living a few miles down from me. I see his truck parked outside my house plenty of times to know he’s not just being neighborly.” 
“I’m sorry Lee,” you say with a genuine tone of sympathy. You felt for him and his pain. You knew the stress of the job he led and the pain of knowing the love of your life don’t love you. 
“She’s going to leave me,” he says, staring intently at the condensation on the bottle in front of him. “I’d been trying so hard for her and our marriage and she’s two timing with the neighbor when I’m out working.” 
“And the thing is I don’t even care if she cheated,” Lee continued, “I’d look the other way if I knew she’d be staying with me. But it’s cause I know she don’t love me anymore. That’s what’s hurting me most.” 
“Maybe y’all can work through this-“ 
“This was inevitable,” he says, cutting you off. You don’t point it out, cause he’s clearly distressed but normally you’d have no problem saying to Lee ‘Fuck you, let me finish Sheriff.’ 
“Do you got somebody?” Lee asks you. The question takes you back cause it wasn’t like the Sheriff to ask your about anything personal. He would come in, and you’d shoot the shit, exchange small talk, maybe some harmless flirting for a larger tip, but that was the extent of it. 
“No, not anymore,” you say, having recently broke things off with your boyfriend. “I was seeing Arvin Russell for a couple months, but we just broke it off.” 
“You’re too good for him anyways,” the sheriff scoffed at the mention of the Russell boy and took another swing from his bottle of pop. “How old are you anyways, sweetheart?” 
“Twenty-one,” you respond, not thinking too much about the nickname. He had a habit of frequently using names like that when he talked to the women in this town. You think it started out as a tactic to win re-election and then it just stuck. He nodded. 
“Yeah you two are around the same age,” he said, more so thinking out loud than it being a statement directed towards you. “Why’d you break it off?” 
“Beat up my brother,” you answered, “Granted, the little shit had it coming. Can’t blame Arvin after I heard how the asshole was bothering that sweet thing Lenora. But he just took it too far. Almost killed the kid. The boy saw red so I got myself out of the picture. You can’t be with a boy who does that to your kin.” 
Lee nodded understandingly. You didn’t interpret his actions or questions as genuine concern or interest in you, but that he was just asking you questions to distract from his marital woes. 
“I’d do so many things different if I could be your age again,” he chuckled in a self-deprecating tone. “I’d sure as hell love to turn back time and have myself go down a better path.” 
“It’s not just you, Sheriff,” you reply after collecting money another man sitting at the bar. You nod as a goodbye to the man, and then curse under your breath when he doesn’t tip you. “Asshole,” you mumble, tossing the few pennies into the tip jar. You walk back over to the sheriff and prop your elbows on the bar. “I’m sure everyone is this town wishes the same thing,” you say, trying to make him feel better. 
“I’d love to just be your age again,” he says with a sigh, and then pops a small handful of the peanuts in his mouth. “Young, got your whole life ahead of you.” 
“I’m not sure working in a place like this is setting me up for great things, Sheriff,” you chuckle moving to wipe the bar in the area where that other customer left. “A woman working as a bartender is equivalent to just being a whore according to the eyes of the Lord... at least in this town,” you laugh, using the towel from your apron to wipe the rings left behind on the countertop from the glasses. 
“Arvin didn’t think so,” Lee countered, trying to make you feel a little better about your position. “I don’t think so. Hell, people in this town are so uptight about things that aren’t their business. You’re young, you need a job and you have one. It’s that simple.” 
“I wish more people in this town thought that way,” you reply with a smile. “That new preacher last Sunday-“ 
“Don’t listen to that asshole,” the Sheriff scoffed, and chuckled when your eyes widened at his derogatory words towards the preacher. “He’s a showboating son of a bitch and he’s as phony as they come.” 
“Those ruffled shirts are the most pretentious thing I ever seen,” you say, letting out a big laugh thinking about when he is giving a sermon in what looks like tacky prom attire. 
“Pay him no mind,” Lee said, bringing the bottle to his grinning lips as he looked at you. “You’re a better person than he is.” 
“I appreciate the sentiment,” you chuckle. 
“Have a goodnight hunny,” another customer at the bar says dropping cash on the table as they leave. “Goodnight Sheriff,” the older man tips his hat and then walks out. 
“Have a goodnight Marvin,” you call after him, “Give my love to Loretta!” You clear the empty glass and drop the cash off in the register. 
While you’re moving around, Lee takes a moment to actually look at you. Any man with eyes knew you were pretty, but he ain’t never noticed before just how attractive you were. His eyes lingered for a moment at how the canvas waist apron extenuated your figure. He couldn’t believe this stunning young thing was stuck in a place like this with a dead end job talking to a deadbeat like him. 
“How long you staying for Sheriff?” You ask suddenly, pulling him out of his trance. 
“Uh, not sure,” he says, looking up at the dingy Luger Beer clock that hung on the wall. “Why sugar?” 
“Seeing as though your sober I was hoping I could trouble you for a ride home?” You ask shyly. 
“Of course,” he said without hesitation. “No trouble at all honey.”
“Thank you, Lee,” you say with a smile, making his heart skip a beat. 
He’d talk to you most weeknights and never had this feeling. Maybe he had but he was too wrapped up in his own troubles to notice it. You were such a sweet girl, and he realized what an injustice it truly was for you to be stuck here. 
The thought crossed his mind very quickly about if he wasn’t married- even though he knew divorce was coming around the corner any day now. If he had met you at a different time in his life if it would’ve been better. Instead of meeting you as an overweight, deadbeat of a sheriff which a drinking problem- he’d met you when he was fresh out of school, same age you are now. You all coulda fallen in love, started a family, and that would’ve been enough to keep him from taking up drinking in the first place. 
He knew from the beginning Janie ain’t ever loved him. Hell, he’s not sure if he ever loved her thinking back on the whole relationship. Lustful, without any sort of promise behind it and they both were users. They used each other. He knew he treated her poorly as poorly as she treated him. He definitely had loved her, that much he knew was true, but now she’s cheating- something Lee never thought of doing at all no matter how many fights they had until the early morning hours.  
As you maneuvered around behind the bar, locking up the liquor and wiping down the machines getting ready to lock up for the night, his mind played little tricks on him. The canvas apron was instead a pinafore, and the bar was his kitchen. He’d loved the sight, thinking about coming home to you instead of what was soon to just be an empty house. 
Hell, he wasn’t even sure if he’d even be the one to keep his house. The idea of finding a new house- buying one for you, and being able to start over sounded like a dream life. Hell, he’d run away from this town right now if you said the word. He’s sure he could secure an election in another town, he had the connections to make it happen. 
“I just got to lock up the office and I’ll be ready to go,” you say, untying your apron. He gulps and nods as confirmation. You disappear in the back room, cash drawer in your arms to lock away in the safe. He heads behind the bar to dispose of his empty bottle and the cardboard tray his peanuts were in. 
You come back, your peacoat buttoned and the sash tied around your waist in a bow you had made. You had a small handbag in one hand, and your work apron in the other. Suddenly, he was nervous and didn’t know how to carry himself around you. Undeniably, the Sheriff was developing a crush. He couldn’t shake the feeling. He wanted to ask you out on a proper date, but he knew with his age and reputation- it wouldn’t be fitting. He was moving way too fast in his own mind to keep up with. Just daydreams, he thought to himself, suppressing the thoughts of a future with you for now.
“Okay,” you said, giving the place one more once over to make sure it was all set. “That does it.”
“After you,” he said, holding the door open for you. You giggled, and once you both were outside, you used your key to lock the front door. He held the door open for you to take the passenger seat in the cruiser. As you buckled your seatbelt, he walked over to the driver’s side and then slide into his seat.
You were a little nervous. You weren’t sure why. This wasn’t the first time you’d asked for a ride home. Usually, it’s never this late. When you close, you usually walk home alone. You definitely didn’t live that far, but again that was more dangerous than getting a ride home.
You realized that you were worried about nothing. You thought maybe some would accuse you of something scandalous, getting a ride home from a man so late. However, this was the Sheriff and the streets didn’t have another car on it at all. The town knew where you worked and if anyone were to see you, they’d know you were closing shift and you asked for a ride to avoid walking home this late alone.
“Thank you again,” you said, starting up a conversation as the sheriff was backing out of the tiny lot that was next to the bar.
“Oh, don’t mention it, hun,” he said, “It’s my job to make sure you get home safe. Your house is the white one at the end of Birch?”
“The very one,” you say, looking out the window. There aren’t any street lights, and the only light for miles is coming from the headlights of the cruiser. You don’t catch Lee stealing glances at you as he starts moving forward.
“How’s your ma doing?” He asks, making conversation.
“Oh, she left,” you said nonchalantly, and it makes Lee’s eyebrow raise in confusion.
“Wait. What?” He asks looking over at you for a second before turning his eyes back to the road.
“Oh, I thought you would’ve heard,” you say softly, your façade of indifference torn down. “She left us about a month ago. Met a man from Columbus and moved in with him. The whole town was talking about it for weeks.”
“So, is it just you and Tommy now?” he asks, wondering what kind of a mother leaves her girl to take care of her high school aged brother on what she makes at the bar.
“Oh, he went with her,” you explain, “House is all mine. After the whole thing with Arvin, she decided to pull him out of school and he goes to school in Columbus now. She wasn’t gonna bring him but after that, she changed her mind.”
“They just left you?”
“I chose to stay.”
“No offense but why would the hell would you chose to do that?” he jokes, making you laugh a little.
“It’s all paid off, and my grandpa left it to me and not her anyways,” you explain. “House has been in my name for three years now. And if we sold the house, she’d just piss the money away. Besides, would you move back in your mother now, Sheriff?”
“No, I can’t say I would want to,” he chuckles.
“So, I’m just supporting myself and that ain’t too bad,” you shrug.
“Sounds lonely,” he comments and you nod in agreement.
“It can be,” you admit, as he turns down your street.
“You ain’t worried living alone?” He asks.
“You tell me, Sheriff,” you joke, “If I got something to worry about it sounds like you’re not doing your job.”
“Ouch,” he says and holds a hand clutching his hand to his heart dramatically. It made you laugh, and it made him smile that he made you laugh. God, he loved your laugh.
“Thank you again, Lee,” you say sincerely, quickly kissing his cheek when he parks in front of your house. The gesture takes him back, and he’s relieved you can’t see how red his face is. He’s almost angry at how flustered you make him and you have no idea. “Have a goodnight,” you say.
“Goodnight, (Y/N),” he says, a little shakily. You get out of the car, and he watches you walk up to the porch, your hips swaying naturally, and he bites his lip. He groans, but at his disappointment in himself for staring again. You disappear behind the front door and he hits his palm on the steering wheel, trying to shake whatever feeling this was.
He reluctantly drove home, not wanting to have to talk or see Janie. He knew he was just heading home to a fight for being out so late, even though he knows she takes full advantage having fucking Miller over. His jaw is locked, angry about a fight he hasn’t even had with her yet. His cheek still tingles from your touch, and he thinks about if he should just leave Janie. He could just leave, get an apartment nearby or something. He doesn’t even care if she gets the damn house. He’s bracing himself for another night of fighting as he pulls into his own driveway and heading up to his own house.
He fumbles with his keys in the dark. He thinks he had the right one, but it doesn’t work. He tries another that is the same shape, still doesn’t work. He intakes a sharp breath and tries the first key again- he’s positive that’s his house key. “Fucking Christ,” he mutters when the key won’t even go into the lock. “Janie!” he shouts, pounding on the front door. She changed the locks.
“Fuck,” he exclaims, stomping down the front steps and walking around to the back door. He tries his keys again with no luck. He pounds into the door hard and incredibly loud. He knows she’s there, upstairs in their bed, ignoring his knocks. He tries the kitchen window, but it’s locked. Every window on the first floor is fucking locked. He curses again and heads back to his cruiser. He slams the door shut and his grip on the wheel is turning his knuckles white. Does she expect him to sleep in his car in the driveway?
He doesn’t even think about where he’s going to go, but he knows damn sure he’s not going to give her the satisfaction of sleeping outside of his house in his cop car for the whole town to talk about. He just pulls out of his driveway and starts driving. He isn’t even thinking about what route he’s driving, it’s like he’s driving on autopilot while he screams out every curse word in existence.
By the time he calms down, he realizes he’s driving down Birch again. His muscles in his body tense, and he thinks back to your conversation when he dropped you off. Your mother and brother were gone, meaning you have two spare bedrooms. He knows he shouldn’t but the temptation is way too overwhelming. He has nowhere else to go. If someone saw his car… well, he’d worry about that tomorrow. Your house is two miles away from your nearest neighbor, settled back at the end of a long dirt road. Someone knowing he was there was unlikely. He had people who could save your name. It was all innocent. Janie kicked him out and he knew you had an extra room. Hell, he’d rent a room from you- Wait. That’s perfect. That solved all of his problems and yours. He knows you were downplaying how hard it must be to keep up with the house and by him paying rent, you could take care of the house. It was a win-win.
He felt so confident now and he was so proud of himself for devising this plan. He parked his car out front and then walked up to your front door, knocking gently. The sound of the knock made him now incredibly nervous. He didn’t want to scare you or for you to think he was trying to take advantage. Granted, there would be a lot more than financial benefits to being able to live with you, which he knew were selfish, but the idea of being able to see you everyday was overwhelming. It was the closest thing to the dream he was wrapped up in back at the bar. He could live out his little pretend domestic bliss, and you’d get the money you need for the house. He knew he was insane and this was probably wildly inappropriate, but he knew you were too kind to turn him away.
You opened the door with a small yawn, a yellow bathrobe secured over your nightgown fully, to keep yourself decent when you answered the door. You were going to call the Sheriff when you heard the rapping at your door so late and ignore the knocks, but looking out the window of your bedroom you saw it was Lee’s cruiser parked outside.
“Lee?” you ask quietly, sleepiness very evident on your mumbled voice.
“Janie kicked me out,” he said softly, “Changed the locks on me. Darling, I’m so sorry for intruding but I have no where else to go.”
“Come in,” you say sympathetically, the news waking you up quite a bit. “Lee, I’m so sorry. You can take my mom’s old room; it’s got an attached bathroom you can use too.”
 “Thank you (Y/N),” he says quietly. You close the door and secure the lock and the chain again as he looks around the house.
“Don’t worry about it,” you insist. “I can take you there. Follow me.”
You walk up the stairs, Lee following closely behind and he’s ashamed that he took the opportunity to just openly check you out again. At the top of the stairs there was a hallway lined with photographs in mismatched frames. You point to the door at the end of the hall.
“That’s the master,” you explain, “There’s a bathroom attached inside if you want to clean up or anything. There’re clothes in the dresser if you want pajamas- should be in the bottom drawer.”
“Okay, thank you,” he replies, looking down at you as you yawn again, and he notices how your hair is a little messy. The sight drives him wild.
“Anything in the kitchen is up for the taking to,” you offer.
“Look, (Y/N),” he says, “I know this isn’t the best time to be talking about this, but I really need a more permanent plan on where to go. I know it sounds crazy and out of the blue, but could I rent that room from you? Name your price. I figured… I really need a new place, and you could probably use another source of income to keep up with the house. Plus, it’s safer than living alone…”
“Um…,” you begin to speak, but you bit your lip, showing that you’re intently thinking about his offer. Everything he said was right. You needed the money, and he was right that living alone was dangerous in this town and living with the sheriff is the safest person there was in the whole town. People would talk, of course, but no one would deny that the circumstances were just ideal for the two of you and nothing more. You were an adult, a homeowner, and it was your business who you rented a room too. “Yeah, I think that makes sense for both of us,” you agree. “We’ll sort out the details tomorrow.”
“Of course,” he says with a smile.
“Alright, um,” you say crossing your arms around your chest awkwardly. “Goodnight, Lee.”
“Goodnight, (Y/N),” Lee responds as you head back into your own bedroom. He let’s out a heavy sigh and heads into your mom’s room- or rather his new room. He’d have to figure out how to get his stuff back from Janie tomorrow. He’d really just need his clothes and some other necessities. 
The room was fairly spacious. There was a closet and dresser. The closet still had some clothes of your mom’s left behind, and for the most part, the room looked fairly intact. It was like she up and left with just a few things. Lee shook his head, angry at how poorly you were treated by your mother. He pulls off his leather jacket, tossing it and his hat onto the bed. He opened up the bottom drawer of the dresser, and just like you said, it was filled with men’s clothing. He concluded they had to belong to the man your mom lived with now, more things just left behind.
He tosses a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt onto the bed, and then he heads to the bathroom.
In the drawer beside the sink, he finds a new toothbrush still in its packaging, that he opens for himself and drops it in the white toothbrush holder on the counter. The towels are all clean and folded neatly on the shelf above the toilet. He finds a new soap under the sink as well, and decided he needed a shower to just wash off everything of tonight off in hopes he’ll feel better.
He strips of his uniform, folding it nicely knowing he’ll need to wear it all again tomorrow morning. He steps into the shower and turns on the water. The hot water just immediately helps him to loosen the muscles that had been so tense. He lets the warm water run down his face and back, just letting himself enjoy the feeling. He lathers up his body with soap and then it finally hits him that he was here, living with you, and then suddenly he’s hard.
“Fuck,” he mutters, resting his head against the shower wall, the running down his back. He was in so much trouble he realizes. As he beats himself off in the shower, his mind is clouded with thoughts of you. The way the apron at the bar looked around your hips, and the smell of your perfume when you leaned into him. The way your body looked as you paraded yourself around behind the bar. The way you have no problem talking back to him when he walks into the bar after saying he’s off the bottle the night before, just making want to shut you up with a rough kiss. The feeling of your lips on his cheek and he imagines your lips on his neck. He thinks about how your hair looked tousled when you just showed him to his room. He lets himself slip back into that same domestic daydream. You being his wife… married to you instead dealing with this goddamn divorce. The absolute sickening sweet domesticity making him groan, as he imagines his hand is yours. Why on earth did he think he’d be able to do this?
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 3 years
Apodyopsis (Tony Stark x Reader)
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AN: This was a request from my old blog that I am moving over here.
Apodyopsis: The act of mentally undressing someone.
Note: The reader is Steve Rogers sister. IDK use your imaginations.
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Tony’s pov:
He hadn’t slept in days. Every time he closed his eyes, memories of New York flood his mind - the wormhole, the battle, it all felt like it happened yesterday, plaguing his dreams, making sleep impossible. He thought it was getting better, it was never this bad with the team around, unfortunately, Clint was at home, Natasha and Cap were on a mission, and everyone else was busy with work. So for now, it was just Tony, alone with his thoughts and self-destructive tendencies. Perfect.
He was running on a dangerous combination of coffee and assorted candies, the haze his mind was similar to a drunken stupor (of which, he had had many). This wouldn’t stop him from working though. He sat in his lab, tinkering with the latest modifications to his suit, when his eyes began to blur. He reached forward to grab the table in front of him for support. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest, each beat slow, but pumping in his chest so hard he swore he was being hit by a ton of bricks.
“Jarvis-” he tried to call out to his AI, but his voice came out as a breathless moan. He couldn’t seem to catch his breath, the air stuck in his throat. The room began to spin and the grip he had on the table did little to balance him, causing him to tumble to the floor. He clawed at the fabric of his shirt, feeling like it was restricting his breathing even more, heating his skin like an oven. He rolled onto his stomach, pressing his cheek to the cold tile floor.
He didn’t know how long he stayed like that before he felt himself being pulled off of the floor. Barely aware to what was happening, he registered that someone had slung his arm over their shoulder and held him to their chest as they dragged him from the floor. Slowly the world came back into focus for a moment, long enough for him to make out your face hovering over his, the fear in your eyes was evident, mixed with concern. He couldn’t help but think of how beautiful you looked. And then… it was black.
You were the definition of “too beautiful,” no one stood a chance when it came to you. And for Tony, he was down for the count the moment you flashed him that dazzling smile. When Cap said his sister would be coming to stay with them, he would have never imagined something like this happening. With the kind of money and power he had, he could have any woman in the world. Unfortunately, the girl he wanted most was the one he could never have. Her intelligent eyes pierced his soul, and her statuesque build haunted his dreams. Like he said, “too beautiful.”
And now, she was there, in front of him wearing his bath robe that was too big for her, smiling that smile that made his heart flutter.
“Hey (Y/N), what are you doing here?” Tony asked flashing you a charming smile and a wink, like he always did. And like you always did, you smiled back, shaking your head, shrugging off his flirtations. But something was different, instead of shooting back a witty comment like normal, you took a step closer to him biting your lip eyeing him up and down.
“I’m here for you, Tony.” His stomach did a summersault. He looked you over, noticing how low the robe hung on your chest, he could see the lace of your bra against your skin. He swallowed thickly his mind feeling like it was moving slowly, watching as your hands pulled at the knot holding the robe closed.
“W-” he coughed to clear is throat “what do you mean?” God, how could she have this kind of affect on him? He felt like a teenager, a stuttering mess. You chuckled lightly as you came closer, the robe falling open. He tried to keep his eyes trained on your face as you now stood directly in front of where he sat in his office chair, letting the robe fall from your shoulders, exposing the lingerie underneath. You leaned forward grazing your lips along his cheek until you came to his ear, placing a small kiss on the skin beside his jaw.
“I think you know what I mean, Tony.” You whispered. Chills ran up Tony’s spine as you took his earlobe between your teeth. He closed his eyes to keep from moaning. You placed both hands on his shoulders, lowering yourself down to straddle his hips, his hands automatically going to your waist, his fingers running over the silky material of your lingerie. He relished the feeling of your body pressed against his, your skin hot under his hands, your lips trailing kisses down his jaw, your fingers raking through his hair.
It was like a dream come true.
He had wanted you for so long, and now…
Beep… beep
He would never let you go.
Beep… beep… beep…
Tony’s eyes opened to a harsh light stinging his eyes. Blinking quickly trying to allow his eyes to adjust, he listened to the beeping of the heart monitor he must be connected to, he tried to sit up only to be roughly pushed back down by a hand on his chest.
“What the hell were you thinking Stark? You should have called me for help!” He would recognize that voice anywhere. Sighing heavily, Tony blinked against the light to look at you, glaring angrily down at him, a small smile pulled at his lips.
“Morning (Y/N), I was just having the most wonderful dream.” As you looked down as this self-destructive super hero, smiling up at you, like you were the world. The anger melted from your face. You shook your head, smiling despite the tears that now threatened to spill over your cheeks. Tony gazed up at you, seeing the worry and fear mixed in your eyes, he brought his hand up stroking his fingers gently over your cheek.
“Don’t worry, this is better than a dream anyway.” He whispered. Feeling a cold tear fall from your eye onto his outstretched hand, he couldn’t help but smile brighter. There was hope after all
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savnofilter · 4 years
Kinkuary Day 22
octopus!t. amajiki
☠️ warning(s): 𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕤, semi-public.
☠️ genre: smut, holiday special.
☠️ words: 1.9k words [7 minutes, 45 seconds].
☠️ read more: kinktober(uary) | part one | flf
☠️ summary: tamaki had a request he was sure you would be more than willing to fill out.
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Tamaki was excited to see you again. He had successfully fulfilled his mother’s wishes she wanted from him and he was destined to come up to see you again. His heart pounded as he could feel himself shift once again, keeping in all the oxygen he needed before he would eventually turn into his proper form. It didn't take long for him to finally reach the surface of the water, taking a long awaited deep breath when he reached the surface. He was pleased to see that you were sitting near the shore line like you always did, the cute blush he always gained came up to his cheeks as he swam to the sand and eventually walked up. 
"Tama, you made it!" You threw your hands up as he got closer, smiling up at him as he pulled you up and into his arms. 
"Of course. I'd never miss a time to visit you…" Amajiki smiles softly, giving your waist a squeeze before pulling away and giving you a look over. "You've already been in the water?" He asks leaning back to look before realizing he didn't think about him possibly getting you wet. 
"Yeah! It's kinda hot today so I went for a small swim before you came up." You pull away to walk over to the pile of equipment you had brought along, beginning to get the change of clothes you always bought for him when he’d have his visits. His eyes follow your movements as you move. He couldn't help his eyes wander as you bent over to get them, biting his lip as he contemplated his next words. 
"Here you go! Saw you eyeing these the last time you came up so I saved up some money and got them." You turn to hand it to him, met with his anxious nature starting to creep up again. "What's wrong?" You ask with the furrow of your brows, pouting a bit. 
"D-Do you think we can try my tentacles again?" Tamaki blurts out, catching you off guard. To understand, Amajiki was never one to be confident enough to relay his lust in a direct manner. Giving you bouts of spontaneity that would get you every time It caught you a second to register before you were getting flustered yourself. You tried to think of something to say, looking away from him as you fiddled with your fingers. 
"I haven't thought of it before…." 
That was a lie. You had never admitted it, but after the first night you two had slept together, you had thought about them as well. Tamaki coming on to you like this was something you were not used to. Most times out of ten you were the one to initiate it. Ten times out of ten when it was him, it wasn't something as lewd as his request was now. You looked up at him and noticed that he was watching you expectantly. Your eyes couldn’t help but stare at his nudity while your mind started to race with it’s own thoughts. Your body felt tingly as you started to consider the possibilities, slowly nodding your head before clearing your throat to speak. “There’s a changing booth not too far from this spot, we have some time before the rest comes and the beach gets crowded.” 
You stand up and dust yourself off, whilst still holding the spare clothes you had for him. You grabbed him with your free hand as you guided him to the location, leaving your other stuff behind for your friends to find. Luckily, the stall is still open for use. Tamaki let you enter first, letting you hang up your stuff on the hooks that were set up. The box was big enough to fit you two in it and hopefully the extra appendages that were going to accompany y’all as well. Your cheeks felt hot as you glanced back at Tamaki, trying not to give a good run down at his toned and tanned body. He sat down on the bench that was opposite to the mirror, his stance open as if the only thing stopping him from continuing was your hesitance.
The booth wasn't the most spacious, and seeing yourself reflected back in its mirror made you nervous if this quickie would go well. While you removed your clothes, you ignored the pitter-patter of the school girl as you got excited. You yelped at the force when he pulled you to stand between his legs and stood between his knees. Yet again you did not say a thing. All of your thoughts and comments evaporated, and you were more focused on adjusting to your surroundings. You moved to sit in his lap, his soft but firm hand stopping you as he looked up at you finally.
“I-I want you to face the mirror.” Although his words were timid, his gaze was stern as ever. If your body and cheeks didn’t feel hot before, it sure as hell did now. "A-Are you sure about this?" Tamaki asked with a nervous bite to his lip, his tentacles holding your legs up along with your wrists. You nodded as you looked back at him through the mirror. You weren’t shy to activities like these. But this felt different although you had tried them before. You watched his aquatic limbs hold you up, slowly nodding your head as you gathered your courage.
“I’m ready.” You respond when you snap out of your gaze, looking up at him with a determined stare. 
He nodded and looked down to where his dick pressed against your skin, his tentacles using their mighty strength to lift you onto his tip. You moved your gaze from the mirror feeling him carefully slide his length into you. Your breath shook as he was precise with his insertion, going until he fully bottomed out inside you. Your walls wrapped tightly around his cock from the angle he held you open, perfectly presenting you to the mirror that sat in front of you. 
"I want you to look at me." Tamaki mumbles in your ear. His expression darkened once you didn’t comply, giving you a sharp thrust to demonstrate he meant business. You choked on a moan as his length poked deeper inside of you, his tentacles tightening their grips on your limbs. 
You timidly looked up at your reflection as requested, a small whimper coming from your lips as you recognized at how lewd the sight really was. Your breath hitched once he started to move, your body not prepared for the sensation. His appendages held you wide open, his posture perfect and his feet anchored into the floor to thrust up into you. You were too entranced in watching as his cock slid in and out of you to notice that his other limbs wanted to keep active too. The cool but oddly warm tentacles came up to experimentally latch onto your nipples, the suction on the bottom of the limbs stuck and sucked at your sensitive buds. A moan left your lips as he started to pick up his speed, the sound of your cunt taking his cock ever so slightly clashing with the distant swishing of the waves of the beach at shore.
Your toes clenched as you tried to keep yourself up, your back pressed against his front as he worked at pleasuring himself as well. Tamaki moved to nuzzle your neck, his lips pressing against your skin and peppers light kisses and bites to mark up your skin. You moved to reach down to relieve yourself from the build up of arousal only being stopped from the thing that wrapped around your wrist. The bundle of nerves between your legs ached as it needed stimulation for you to get your proper work. Your hips bucked at wanting to touch yourself, tilting your head back onto his free shoulder to speak to him.
“T-Tama…” You looked up at him as he looked down at you, your eyes pleadingly searching for sympathy for him to hear you out. “Tama rub my clit.” You were going to speak up again but stopped yourself when voices grew louder and populated outside. The possibility of the inappropriate noises alerting those outside caused you to panic, and your gaze snapped back to look at how terrible this situation was if anyone were to come inside. 
Tamaki couldn't help but smile as he observed the adrenaline rushing through your body as you dedicated yourself to it. For that you deserved to be rewarded. One of the tips slithered down as asked and did exactly as told without wasting any time. His cocked twitched at your expression falling into one of ecstasy, but as always, he wanted to see more. He dropped your legs and stood up carefully, holding your back close to his front and increasing his thrusts pace. His hips were precise in their ramming, hips angled properly to hit up at your g-spot that always made you weak.
Your legs trembled as his tip continuously prodded against it. Your head felt light and you had forgotten about the people outside as quickly as you had realized they were out there. You bowed your head as you took his unrelenting thrusts, enjoying way too much at the fact that any and everyone could hear you. There was no room for any coherent thoughts as he fucked you inside the small box, only regiesting the pleasured sensations of his cock sliding inside of your cunt. Your fluids dripped down your legs as you had slicked up that much to the point it was too easy for him to move. The tentacle at that pressed and sucked at your clit made you see stars, tensing up as you came closer to impending orgasm. 
“Nghhh~” You clenched your jaw and squeezed your eyes shut, an unrestrained whine leaving your mouth as he dragged on your climax. Your body shook as he didn’t stop playing with your clit and gyrated his hips into yours to find the release he was chasing as well. 
“Y-Y/N…!” He gasped, pressing his pelvis against your ass and came inside of you. His tentacles tightened to keep you close not letting any of his cum escape from you. You groaned as his warm semen filled you up, some spilling out by the sheer amount of itself. You hadn't before when he finished, his tentacles did too. The white substance coated your beautiful skin, giving you no decency to leave the changing boother. You softly painted to catch your breath, missing his hot body against yours when he leans away and admires how your reflection looks in front of you. He clears his throat as he hesitantly pulls away, still holding you up in his arms. 
“Everyone is here now, we should get going.” He doesn’t mind the stickiness of your body, smiling softly down at you as he uses the spare towel you bring in case of emergencies to clean you down. You gently nod at his suggestion, still trying to recuperate from the pounding you just received. You held onto him as you got dressed, waiting for him to finish. He grabs the beach bag when he’s sure both of you are set, gripping your hand and leaving as if nothing had happened. You could feel cheeks get hot as you avoided people stares, choosing to stay close to him the whole trip.
Oddly enough, you had hoped you two would try more risky things soon.
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binxyu · 3 years
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Being the main writer for the college paper made it particularly hard for people not to be in your business because, well, you were in their’s. Thus, everyone in the school was aware of your relationship with Juyeon and Hyunjae. But, that doesn’t stop a flirty athlete from hitting on you.
>>Pairing: Lee Jaehyun x Lee Juyeon (doms) x fem!reader (sub) | athletes!jaehyun and juyeon x writer!reader
>>Word Count: 4.3k
>>Genre: Oneshot / Requested / Smut
>>Warnings/Kinks: Choking, creampie, cum eating, cum play, double penetration, exhibitionism/public sex, harassment (not from the boys), marking, oral (giving + receiving), possessiveness, praise, saliva, and unprotected sex
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The reminder you had set on your phone was not enough to take your focus off the man in front of you.
Truth be told, you were quite forgetful for a person with such a tight schedule.
Writing on your hand was tried. It didn’t really work considering you washed your hands consistently throughout the day (damn the germs in colleges), smudging the ink to an unreadable blur on your hand.
Thankfully, that’s how you had met your boyfriends. Yeah, plural. There’s an s there.
You had been rushing towards an assignment you had been given for the paper. It was a request to interview some of the top students in the music department and damn late wasn’t even enough of a word to describe how long ago you were supposed to be there.
Showing up a couple hours late resulted in most of the students already gone, hiding away in their dorms for the afternoon.
But, there were two students still waiting for you. Lee Jaehyun (although he likes people to call him Hyunjae) and Lee Juyeon.
They were your saving grace for your paper and, in return, you let them take you out on a date.
Now, months later, your relationship with them still ran strong.
But, apparently your hearing didn’t because the reminder sound on your phone didn’t even register as you write down practically everything the athlete was telling you.
He actually was a classmate of your’s and a pretty popular one at that. The whole school practically knew about him.
“And that’s how I beat the record”, you nodded sweetly, keeping that signature interviewer smile on your face. It did a fantastic job of getting people to open up and this guy was no exception.
“So, one last question, are you dating anyone?”, you weren’t asking for yourself. Especially not when you were already quite... busy... with the two men you were already dating. It was more for the majority of the female population in the school who did like him.
Besides, everyone in the school knew about you and, more specifically, your polyamorous relationship. It wasn’t seen everyday to be fair. You three stuck out like a sore thumb.
“No, I haven’t really been looking”, bullshit. You had been to the football games, the man loved to rile up the crowd. He practically chucked his shirt into a girl’s face the other night when it was “too hot”.
It was just above 50 degrees that night.
“I see. Thank you for the interview”, you smiled and he nodded, smiling back at you before a lightbulb seemed to go off in his mind.
“Are you looking?”, he must have noticed the shocked expression you had because his hand encased your’s, seemingly trying to soothe you as his thumb traced the back of your hand.
All it did was make you more anxious.
“No, sorry, I’m not. I’m actually taken”, there goes that reminder again but you ignored it. It was probably just your reminder to take your gummy vitamins or something stupid the boys put in there because they cared. Maybe a little too much sometimes.
“Oh, by who?”, it wasn’t a curious question. He didn’t believe you. His tone said it.
“By us”, uh oh.
Turning around, you were met with your two lovers. They hovered over you like angry wolves and you could only feel like a little lamb underneath them.
The athlete had flirted with you before and that only made the situation more intense. Of course the football player knew about your relationship. It just didn’t seem to matter to him.
Until, well, now you guess.
“You didn’t come”, shit. So, that was the reminder?
You had a date with them after this interview and it completely flew out of your mind like a paper lost in the wind.
“Sorry, I lost track of time”, they nodded and, for a moment, you thought you saw their eyes soften as they look at you but they just returned back to those icy cold stares.
Even the muscular athlete was scared. Everyone knew how possessive your boyfriends were.
It was pretty obvious after a particularly ignorant party animal laid his drunk hands on you. Before he could do anything else, he was already thrown on the floor with Juyeon’s fist landing on his cheek while Hyunjae pulled you back into his chest like he was some kind of shield.
It was hot, you weren’t going to lie, but it did make you a little worried for people you truly did just want to be friends with.
“Hey, babies, let’s go. Let’s go have our date now”, you placed each of your hands on their chests. It was a gentle move that always seemed to calm them and you smiled as you felt their heartbeats slow down, your own starting to match theirs as you felt it through your hands.
“Fine but you”, Hyunjae pointed with precision at the man, “stay away from her. She doesn’t like you and she’s said no multiple times. She’s ours” the man finally nodded and ran off while you were stuck standing there with a wave of arousal shooting to your core.
Ignore it. You can’t be walking around with marks again-
The internal scold fell short as the boys wrapped you up in a hug. You could practically feel the warmth from their anger coming off of them in waves.
“Next time listen to your reminders. We set them for you for a reason”, Hyunjae scolded you, grabbing your phone to turn off the pesky sound. You really didn’t hear it. Maybe your hearing does need to be checked.
“I know I know. I’m forgetful”, you pout and the boys looked at it, wanting nothing more than to kiss your pouty lips until they’re swollen. Juyeon just chuckles instead and ruffles your hair sweetly.
It was such a sharp contrast to how cold he looked a minute ago but you were used to it. They were usually cold to others but were exceptionally sweet to you.
Well, most of the time.
“Come on, dory. We’ve got to get outside”, that’s always been Hyunjae’s favorite nickname for you. Sadly, you couldn’t argue that it didn’t suit you.
Sometimes you even forget what your name is.
“Okay”, you nodded and held their hands, walking securely in between them. You always did feel safe with your boyfriends and being without them was honestly terrifying. They were like your bodyguards.
Out in the beautiful field of the campus was a little picnic blanket, laid out with plenty of your favorite foods.
They always loved to spoil you and, while the sight in front of you wasn’t much of a surprise considering it was their favorite form of dates, it made you happy nonetheless.
“Aw, thank you boys”, you gave them both a peck on the cheek and sat down. You weren’t much for public displays of affection.
Hand holding? That was fine. It was their way of saying that you were their’s. But, the bigger things like kissing or hugging? That was more of a private thing for you.
Those were actions you did when the three of you could safely display your love for one another without being judged because, let’s be honest, you’re not much of the outgoing type.
Sure, you have to talk to lots of people for your writing, but that didn’t mean you liked to. You actually liked to keep to yourself.
It was odd considering Hyunjae and Juyeon were quite popular due to their singing skills. Everyone wanted them but they only had their eyes set on you.
They helped you sit down, filling up your plate with delicious treats that almost had you drooling. You just realized how hungry you were when your stomach let out the most obnoxious growl you had ever heard.
Okay- maybe you also forget to take care of yourself. When you’re busy the last thing on your mind is what your body wants. Just the task at hand is important.
“Dory, do we need to start setting reminders for food and stuff too?”, Hyunjae shook his head as Juyeon handed you the plate of food. You quickly shook your head back, taking a bite of the fruit sitting on the plate in your lap.
“No, I just got busy. I’m not too hungry”, Hyunjae looked at you with the most untrusting look. He knew you and he knew that you frequently “got busy” and that meant you frequently forgot to take those vitamins or to at least drink water.
As you ate, you started to circle the important details you had written down during the interview, making a clear note in your head to add those facts into the paper.
Sad thing was: the athlete barely gave you anything to work with. Most of it was just bragging or hitting on you.
“What an asshole”, you sighed and rested your forehead on Juyeon’s shoulder. He simply chuckled and started to run his fingers through your hair. You weren’t a saint by any means but cussing was rare. You found it to be a bad habit in public while you swore like a sailor in the safety of your bedroom.
“Frustrated?”, Hyunjae asked, rubbing your back with his large palm, working the knot he knew you had. They really did know your body so well.
“Yeah, he didn’t really give me anything to work with. Just flirting”, you didn’t mean to let the last part slip out. It was just what you thinking about and sometimes that filter in your brain was clogged with all the useless information you kept there.
“Maybe you could do your report on someone else?”, surprisingly, the response was calm and you had to let out a sigh of relief.
“Maybe. I’d have to ask”, you were the writer for the school but it didn’t mean you had free will. Everything had to be ran by someone else. Every decision.
“Alright, I’d feel much more comfortable if you didn’t have to talk to that guy again”, you nodded in agreement.
God forbid something go right because weeks later, after one failed attempt at switching stories, you were put on the athlete’s case once again. This time it was because he was the reason the school won against their rivals.
So, there you sat on the desk chair. You had just finished your journalism class and, ironically, the jerk was in the class with you. You both just agreed to do the interview in the classroom.
You had already told the boys about it and they promised to check in soon. You were worried but also thankful. Your gut had an awful feeling about this guy.
As you were reaching for your notepad and pen, a hand stopped you. It was wrapped around your wrist and you looked up in surprise to see the athlete’s eyes sparkling with mischief.
That can’t be good.
“Come on, no one has denied me before. Why won’t you go out with me?”, it made you scoff and you yanked your wrist from his cold, rubbing the red flesh with your other hand.
“Because I’m taken. So, drop it”, that seemed to strike a nerve. He looked furious and fear flowed through your body when he got up.
Before he could reach you, a hand gripped the collar of his shirt, lifting him up and throwing him out of the room. Juyeon rushed to you, gently wiping away tears with his thumbs.
Wait- you were crying? You hadn’t even noticed.
Hyunjae seemed to take the high road and just simply shut the door in the student’s face, locking him out.
They honestly rarely fought but when they did it was brutal. That’s why they tried to never do it in front of you.
“Are you okay? He didn’t touch you?”, you reassured him you were fine by letting him look you over, his eyes quickly looking over you as if you had some hidden life threatening injury.
After some time, you were already feeling better. The boys had made it their mission to make you laugh as much as possible in the classroom, doing silly dances and even tickling you. They just loved your laugh too much.
“Baby, I have an idea for your newspaper”, Hyunjae looked a little dazed. Well, more than dazed. You couldn’t blame him considering you had all been playing a game of cards and you sucked so fucking bad at it. Therefore, your little game of stripping if you lost resulting in the boys completely clothed while you sat there completely bare.
“And what is that?”, you shivered as the cold air hit your back. Juyeon pulled you in between his legs and wrapped his arms around you in an attempt to keep you warm. Plus, his hold was barely below your breasts and he truly did love those.
“Make it a smut”, you gasped when Hyunjae connected his lips with your’s harshly, a little more rough than usual. Then, it hit you, they held all that anger in just to use it on you.
While you would never actually write a smut for the school paper (unless you really wanted to be fired), you liked to idea of using it to rile them up. They loved your writing and, more specifically, the wonderful sex scenes you wrote.
Anytime you were busy, you’d write them one and then you’d be happy to oblige to their request to act it out when you got back to your dorm. Sometimes they were short scenes and sometimes they were long. Either way, the boys were happy to help you fulfill your fantasies.
The only difference today is that there is no prompt. They get to make up the story themselves.
“Do you want me to tell everyone how good you two fuck me? How well you stretch me out?”, just your words alone had Juyeon’s erection desperately trying to escape the confinement of his jeans. You could feel the bulge against your back and you watched as the wetness started to coat your thighs.
“Yes, tell everyone how good we make you feel”, you nodded in agreement and looked at the door, thankful that there was no windows uncovered in the room.
Finally, feeling safe, you turned around and started to unzip Juyeon’s jeans, pulling it down his legs along with his boxers. You simply tossed them, watching them land on the surface of one of the desks.
Hyunjae wasn’t far behind, removing his own clothes and doing a similar action to them, discarding them as if they were the trash beneath his feet.
“Turn around”, you nodded, turned your body back around and you immediately knew what he wanted. You leaned down to make yourself level with his cock, your eyes running over the veins and the angry red tip. Your ass was right where the man wanted it, high up in front of him.
Your lips wrapped around his shaft, running your tongue along the sides to coat it in your saliva. It always made the movements a bit easier. Juyeon groaned and dove his tongue down your slit, suckling at your clit once he reached it.
The moan you let out sent a vibration through his sensitive tip, causing his thighs to shake slightly. It was a beautiful sight.
Not forgetting about your other boyfriend, you looked up to make eye contact with Hyunjae. He licked his lips as he watched you practically gag on the large cock that belonged to Juyeon.
He was always a bit of a voyeur and, as much as he loved the sight, he couldn’t wait any longer. He sat on his knees next to you and moved his own cock closer to your mouth.
Hyunjae was bigger than Juyeon, stretching you out beyond belief but Juyeon was longer, hitting your cervix with every thrust. Both were a perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Different but well balanced.
You brought your head back, releasing Juyeon from your mouth and you replaced where your mouth had been with your hand, jerking the man off. A long string of saliva connected your mouth to his but you couldn’t care because Hyunjae’s dick was far too tempting to forget.
You wrapped your mouth around his cock now, feeling your jaw lock slightly from the sheer volume you had taken in. He was just as delicious as the previous one and you couldn’t help yourself from sucking him like he was your favorite lollipop. To be honest, he was.
Juyeon slipped a finger inside of your dripping cunt and you whimpered, listening to the sound of your pussy clenching around the digit, soaking it in your wetness.
“I think she can take both of us now”, you stopped for a moment, a little surprised. Sure, you three had discussed double penetration but you never really felt ready. Could you really handle that much?
Maybe you could.
“Let’s do it”, your words came out muffled since you were still infatuated with the taste of Hyunjae’s dick. The boys smirked at one another and Hyunjae gripped your hair to pull you off of him. Your hand instinctively let go of Juyeon’s dick too, missing the feeling of having something to play with.
You never liked to sit still but you knew you probably were going to have to after this session.
“Up here then, baby”, Hyunjae chuckled as you yelped, his arms under your body as he laid you across the desk. You winced when a pencil sharpener landed on the floor off the desk, probably breaking into pieces.
How had no one heard you before this? You had no idea.
Juyeon got up off the floor, rushing to Hyunjae’s side. Hyunjae held your thigh and pushed it open more, taking in the beautiful sight of your glistening pussy. It was his favorite work of art and Juyeon wanted nothing more than to continue the feast he was in the middle of.
“Alright, we’ll go one at a time, okay? If we need to stop then tell us. You okay with this still?”, Juyeon asked softly. Despite how cold they were, they still asked for permission and it was especially important now.
“I’m okay with it. I’ll tell you if you have to stop”, you nodded and looked up at the two. Fuck, you were so lucky.
They both had little stars in their eyes whenever they looked at you and it always reminded you that they were indeed your stars. Those little stars in their eyes only lit up when they looked at you.
Hyunjae decided to go first as the bigger of the two, gently easing his way into you. The stretch was slightly uncomfortable at first but no longer painful. You had adjusted to both of them rather quickly solo but together? That may be a bit harder.
Right when he brushed against that specific spot inside of you, you covered your mouth and moaned, gripping the edge of the desk.
Hyunjae watched you, smirking when he realized you were already becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. He loved watching you try to hold onto anything to keep your grounded to reality. He always seemed to bring you to cloud 9.
“All in. Now you’ll take Juyeon too, right? You’ll be a good girl and take him too?”, you nodded obediently and looked between your legs, noticing that Hyunjae had completely bottomed out inside of you. You already seemed so full, a bulge present in your stomach from where Hyunjae had settled.
Truly, no one could make you feel this good with so little effort but them.
Juyeon gripped your other thigh and pressed small kisses there, a gentle reminder that it was okay to stop him. That he loved you.
He sucked a few marks to the skin, making you whine because once they start they don’t stop. You’ll be covered in marks by the end of the hour.
Once you were spread wider, almost completely folded, Juyeon guided his cock in beside Hyunjae’s. Now, that hurt.
“Slower! Slower please”, Juyeon quickly nodded, noticing that your eyes were watering. He gently wiped them away and stayed still for a moment so you could get used to the stretch. When you nodded, he slowly moved again and you felt your vagina quickly adjust to the size. Like you were made to handle both.
And, now, you couldn’t stop moaning under your hand. It did very little to muffle the noises but it was your only hope of not getting caught.
Hyunjae was pressed against your g-spot as Juyeon had taken it upon himself to settle his tip against your cervix. And, inside of you, their cocks rubbed against each other in an unspoken competition to see who could go deeper.
Of course, Juyeon would win that category but that didn’t matter to Hyunjae.
Both watched their bulges in your stomach as one pulled out and pushed back in. Then, they started alternating until you were so stretched out that they could move together in perfect unison.
The sounds of skin slapping filled the room as they fucked you raw, sharing you in the most perfect way. Everything felt so good that you could already feel the knot forming in your stomach, begging to be released and coat their cocks in your cum.
“You like it, hm? Does it feel good?”, Juyeon teased as he watched your eyes roll back and your nails dig into the wood beneath you. You nodded but your love didn’t like that. He gripped your throat, squeezing it slightly right where he needed to.
The blissful feeling only became more unbearable as you felt some oxygen escape your throat. Tears spilled down your cheeks before he let go, allowing you to breathe.
“Yes! Fuck, I love it!”, the boys leaned down to suck marks all over your breasts, stomach, and hips. Still easy to hide but you knew that wasn’t going to last long.
Their hips snapped against your core as they moved, Hyunjae’s pelvis bone rubbing against your clit perfectly. It made your mouth hang open in a tiny scream and you couldn’t hold it anymore, squirting all over the two as you came.
You had never done that and you were scared that they would hate it but the bright smiles on their faces made you relax. It made you feel good and that’s all that mattered to them.
As the thrusts continued, you squirmed from the overstimulation and Juyeon had to pin you down by your wrists to keep you from falling off the desk.
Their movements became more sloppy and they came together, filling up your clenching cunt with their cum. You felt way too full with all of it and their cocks still inside of you, tapping Juyeon’s arm in a silent plea.
He understood and nodded at Hyunjae, the both of them pulling out to milk the rest of their orgasm’s on whatever they could find. Your thighs, clit, stomach, chest, arms, etc. You looked like the filthiest thing they’ve ever seen and they couldn’t be more proud.
Juyeon put his clothes back on and went out to grab a towel from the locker room as Hyunjae just stared at the cum spilling out of you and down the side of the unfortunate wooden desk.
He seemed to be deep in thought as you tried to breathe correctly, his finger entering your hole without warning and you looked down to see him pull it out. He looked you dead in the eye as he licked off the mixture of cream, humming happily when he found out he loved the taste.
“We taste delicious together”, he leaned down and held your ankles as he started to lap at the cum dripping out of you, eating it up like it was a five star meal. You shivered from the feeling of his warm muscle meeting your cold skin as he licked you clean, licking his lips every time he came up for air.
“How in the world am I going to write an article when that is in my head?”, you motioned to the sight of the cum dripping down his chin. His lips were swollen and his brown locks stuck to his forehead from the sweat. He looked ravishing.
“Smut”, he popped the m for emphasis and you shook your head, letting him kiss you so you could taste it too. It tasted like the best mixture of fruit and you found yourself diving your tongue in his mouth for more.
“Oh yeah, we definitely have to stay together if this is how good we taste”, you giggled and Juyeon had entered just in time to get a taste too. He kissed you, swirling his tongue inside of your mouth before he pulled away. He licked his lips and acted as if he was critiquing a meal.
“I’d have to give my thanks to the chef”, he joked and you smiled, letting out a little chuckle as you tried to sit up but your legs were not having it and neither were your boyfriends.
They rubbed your thighs as you laid back down, trying to ease the soreness in them. Juyeon kissed your hand lovingly and your heart swelled from all the love you felt for the two.
You had no doubt that they were really the ones you were going to spend your life with.
“Looks like the school newspaper is going to have to wait. Unless you feel like writing on a cum stained desk”, Hyunjae chuckled and you huffed, knowing that that paper was definitely not going to be done by its due date.
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Cigarette Smoke
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for the request: top carol/reader smut? Thank youuu
Summary: Carol needs to get out of the house and asks you to come along.
Characters: Carol Aird x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,579
Warnings: smut smut top!Carol you’ve been warned (you’re the babysitter... again.. and things happen, plus at this point the Airds have divorced~)
You watched as cigarette smoke curled around her head. She had the newspaper spread over her lap and a cup of tea in the other hand. Inhaling deeply, the end of the cigarette lit up brightly, and you could smell the smoke where you were sitting, cradling your own cup of tea.
Harge had picked up Rindy half an hour ago, and Carol had immediately rung you to come by, before the silence could get to her. 
You were no longer the babysitter- they didn’t seem to need you anymore now that they worked with two separate schedules, and so Florence would watch over Rindy when needed.
But Carol stayed in touch; she called, asked about your job endeavours, interested in your life. And she would tell you about her ideas; things she wanted to do and see, but never initiated plans to go through with it. She was stuck, and you didn’t know if you knew how to pull her free.
“Just going for the shopping, ma’am,” Florence announced as she headed out the door. You didn’t know if it was just because you were here, but her voice and demeanour were always very tight and constrained around you, like she didn’t approve of something that you couldn’t put your finger on.
Carol let out a shuddering sigh as soon as the door shut behind Florence, grey smoke blowing out from her red-painted lips. Her eyes finally lifted up and met your own as you sipped your tea.
“Would you like to go for a ride?” she asked, nonchalantly, as she put out her cigarette in the ashtray. 
“Where?” you asked.
“Anywhere you’d like,” she said, folding the newspaper neatly. “I need some fresh air.”
You didn’t see any reason why not, so you got up as she went to slip on some shoes, grabbing a lightweight coat overtop her cream blouse. 
Carol pulled out of the driveway in the Packard with graceful ease, and you sank back in the passenger seat as you watched the landscape go by. 
Once in the city, Carol bought Rindy a new toy, and you got milkshakes at a small diner. She was awfully quiet, you noticed, and she popped the candied cherry in her mouth as her eyes glazed over like she was somewhere completely different.
“Carol...” you said, reaching over to hold her hand. The physical touch seemed to jolt her out of her zone and she looked at you like she saw you for the first time that day.
“Oh.. I’m sorry, sweetheart,” she sighed, “I haven’t been very sociable, have I?”
“It’s alright, I don’t mind,” you said, squeezing her fingers, realizing her ring finger was missing a familiar golden band.
“No, no, goodness, please forgive me,” she said, shaking her head. “Now tell me, what’s new with you?”
You smiled, and chatted for a bit as you finished your milkshake. Carol ordered some sandwiches and fries while you kept talking, and you were so enamoured by watching her eat -you had only ever seen her use cutlery, and here she was, licking the salt from her fingers and munching down on finger food- that you didn’t notice the time passing by so quickly.
Carol talked about some redecoration ideas for the house, recent drama in her high-class friend group, and how fast Rindy seemed to be growing when she wasn’t home. 
“I would love to come by sometime when you have Rindy again,” you offered, 
“Oh- I wouldn’t be able to pay you, darling.”
“No, not as a job. I just wanted to say hi to her again,” you smiled, “no fee. I’ve just missed her, that’s all.”
Carol seemed a bit startled, surprised by your interest in her and her daughter, but then that bloomed into a sweet, familiar smile, and you enjoyed the way she reached over and squeezed your hand this time.
“Oh, dear, look at the time,” she realized, “I should get you home.”
“I could just get a cab...” you began, but she was already waving her hand in dismissal.
“No, no. I asked you here, drove you around, forced you to go out in public with me. The least I can do is drive you home.”
You blushed, and waited patiently as she paid. It seemed so natural, to get up and help her get her arm in one of her tricky coat sleeves, and follow her out to the car, and get inside and be swarmed by Carol’s perfume when you both shut the doors. 
The drive back to your home went by far too fast. It was already dark by the time you pulled up to your place, and Carol took a moment to stop and look at you from the driver’s seat.
“Thank you for spending time with me, sweetheart,” she said softly, “I know I can be... difficult, especially with what’s been happening. With me, I mean. You’re a very sweet girl for coming when I called.”
“I will always come when you call,” you replied without hesitating. The blonde was startled again, looking at you in the dark, your eyes shining back at her.
The muscles in her neck tensed, like she was contemplating something. Almost like when her mind seemed to wander someplace else, but now it was fixed only on you. And then she relaxed- like she’d been defeated in some internal battle.
Your heart jumped at the change,1 and you were filled with sudden bravery. Then, you said,
“Carol. Turn off the car?”
Without a word, she followed your command, shrouding the both of you in complete silence and darkness. You could see her slightly in the light of a distant street lamp, and then you reached over and gently kissed her on the lips.
Her hands were still gripping the steering wheel so you pressed a little harder with your lips, tasting the waxiness of her lipstick. And then she inhaled sharply, before forcing your mouth open with her tongue, letting it slide along yours. One hand reached up to grasp your jaw, and she breathed you in.
You gasped into her mouth, feeling her touch like fire on your skin. You pulled away only to scoot over and push your door open. Then you whipped your head back to look at Carol and said, barely a whisper,
“Come inside?”
Carol stepped out the car before you even managed to get off your seat. While you were out in the open, she was respectable, holding her head high and smiling like any middle-class wealthy house-wife would. And then when the door shut behind you, she was on you, clawing at your clothes.
Her mouth tasted like cherries and cigarette, and you never realized a taste like that could be so intoxicating. 
“Bed?” she asked, pulling at your shirt, and you led her to your bedroom, where she promptly pushed you down on the mattress, making you squeak in surprise.
You wormed you hands up underneath her shirt, making her shiver as you explored her smooth skin. Her skirt was too tight for her to straddle you properly and she cursed in a low voice before shimmying out of it. 
Once free, you salivated at the sight of her stockings and underwear, and as she pulled the blouse over her head your face was right there to kiss her chest, hold her by the waist, and pull her closer.
“Oh, sweet girl,” she breathed. Her voice always got lower and raspier after she had a cigarette, which she did after the sandwiches at the diner. You mewled into her skin, feeling goosebumps break out over your body at her words. 
She got you up on your knees to help you take off the rest of your own clothes, carefully peeling each piece off of you, kissing each inch of skin as it was revealed. 
“Do we have to be quiet, baby?” she whispered, cradling your face to look up at her. You thought for a moment, and reluctantly nodded. You weren’t sure what the neighbours would think if they heard anything, and definitely didn’t want to cross that line now.
“Well alright then,” she purred, pushing you back on the bed. She straddled you, settling down on you comfortably. You felt the searing heat coming from between her legs, and you squirmed.
“No moving,” she said, because her eyes were fluttering shut at the friction from you moving underneath her. You stilled, choosing to run your hands over the smoothness of her stockings instead.
She leaned down and pinned your arms above your head, rotating her hips seductively, keeping her eyes on your face and a smile on her lips. Her lipstick was already smudged, you noticed.
“I realize I should have asked this first, but.. are you alright with this?” she asked, her thumbs rubbing over the pulse points on your wrists.
“Y-yes, yes, of course,” you replied, looking at the way her curls were loosening and falling into her face. 
“Good,” she grinned, and pressed a deep kiss to your mouth before moving down your neck, “because I have been thinking about this for a long time.”
She nipped at your collarbone and you squealed. One of her hands came down to press a finger to your lips.
“Shhhhh, baby. Quiet, remember?” she said. You gasped in response as her tongue ran down your breast, over your nipple, swirling around your belly button.
“F-fuck,” you hissed, grabbing at your pillows. Your body rose up again as she nuzzled you between your legs, right where you inner thigh met your pelvis. A tongue licked slowly up, collecting your wetness and sweat, and you shivered. 
“Carol,” you whimpered, reaching down to grab her hair. Immediately, she pulled your hand away and held it tightly over your thigh. The demand was clear, no touching. 
She lightly kissed your clit, and you bit your lower lip until you were sure it bled.
Then Carol pulled away and said,
“Best prepare yourself, baby girl. Don’t make a noise.”
Once she said that, you barely had a moment to register the words before her tongue and lips dove in, unforgiving and intense.
You gasped, almost crying out if you hadn’t caught yourself, the sound trapped in your throat. Your arms and legs shook as she held you down and attacked you.
It was deadly silent in your bedroom, the creaking of the bed and your heavy breaths the only audible sounds. You were whimpering, breathing in sharply through your nose to stop your voice from screaming at how she was working you up.
Then her hand let go of yours and a finger began rubbing around your opening, wetting the tip and pushing a finger in gently, but firmly.
“O-oh,” you sighed, which earned you a stilling of motion and a pointed look up through her lashes. You pressed your lips closed and willed yourself to stay quiet again. 
Her finger curled inside you and pressed against a swollen spot that had you seeing stars.
“Let it happen,” she whispered, pulling away for a short moment. Her lips suckled at your clit, and when a second finger pressed and curled inside you, the ceiling above you was replaced by swirling colours and a sense of complete euphoria. 
Your eyes were shut, trying to fill your lungs with air as you recovered from the intensity of your orgasm. Then Carol was there, kissing and licking along your neck. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders and pulled her as close as possible, wanting to take her in, wanting to feel her as deeply as possible.
“Good girl,” she cooed, lips brushing over your ear. The rumble of her voice made you keen, and your body heated up again instantly.
Your exploratory fingers ran down her body and pushed inside her underwear. You heard her squeal softly and chuckle as you lightly rubbed her, and she pulled back.
“Just a moment, dear,” she said, grasping your hand, “here. Let me just...”
She removed her underwear, and laid back on the bed. You pressed up against her side, burying your head in the crook of her neck. 
“Wanna please you too,” you whimpered. Her hand ran soothingly over your back.
“Such a good girl,” she said, enjoying the way your body rolled against her again, “give me your hand, hm?”
She grabbed your hand, kissed your fingers, and then brought it down to her cunt. Her long legs spread a little more, and she guided your hand slowly.
“Press right here,” she breathed, holding your fingertips a little to the right of her clit, “and then rub a little- oh, yes.”
You followed her instructions as best you could, listening intently to the changes in her voice and breath. 
“A little harder, sweetie,” she continued, and you added a bit more vigour, working your whole arm. Her hips bucked up, and you smiled victoriously.
She leaned over and nuzzled your neck, nearly distracting you from your job at hand.
“Would you like to go inside?” she asked, a slightly desperate lilt to her voice.
You nodded weakly, watching your fingers rub over the most sensitive part of her, entranced by her convulsing abdomen muscles, her legs and her inner thighs becoming slick.
“Go on then,” she encouraged. You looked over at her beaming eyes, encouraging and needy at the same time. You reached further down and ran a finger along her opening like she did with you.
“I’m more than ready, darling,” she gasped, “two will be fine.”
You grinned, finding humour in her nonchalance as if she was ordering another sandwich at a diner. But then when you rotated your fingers and began pressing against her silky inner walls, she gasped and shook all over.
She bit down on the palm of her hand to stop from being too loud as you picked up the pace. Carol was trembling, pulling you down to kiss her continually, wet and sloppy. 
“That’s it,” she gasped, “God, I-I’m almost... shit.”
Her hand flew down as you fucked her with your fingers. She rubbed at her clit with expert precision, and that was the winning ticket. She whined into your mouth as she came, hips stilling and her body locking as she reached that peak.
You watched in awe as her eyes slowly opened at you, unfocused as she rode the last few pulses of pleasure, convulsing around your fingers.
The two of you laid there in content, sharing gentle kisses and breaths. She urged you to suck your fingers, grinning as you slurped her taste off your fingers before doing the same to her own.
“Sweeter than any milkshake,” she hummed, making you blush. She sat up a little, rearranging the pillows to relax a moment. You were going to pull away to give her some space, but her arm wrapped around you and held you close. 
She kissed you right by your hairline, whispering “beautiful” with soft endearment. You sighed and captured her lips again, addicted to every taste of her, every motion of her mouth and body.
Then she pulled away, but only to light a cigarette. The smoke swirled around her head again, and then she looked at you with those stunning grey eyes,
“Do you want to try?” she nodded towards the cigarette. 
“No,” you smiled, turning over on your side towards her, “I’d much rather watch you smoke.”
She laughed, and said, “alright,” before inhaling once more. 
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poisonedapples · 3 years
Patton’s Home For Traumatized Kids - Chapter Five
Bad Memories Don’t Erase
Chapter Summary: Roman tags along with Logan and Virgil to hang out at their friend’s house.
First Chapter Previous Chapter Story Masterlist
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, stealing, and one inappropriate joke
Word Count: 4,008
Taglist: @shade-romeo, @grayson-22, @pixelated-pineapple, @acrobaticcatfeline, @astrozei, @edupunkn00b, @princey-7258, @eternalmoonlight19, @remy-the-lemon-berry, @look-ma-im-on-tv, @mariniacipher, @bigwendymonster, @nonbinary-octopus
Notes: This chapter’s a little short, but the next one is gonna be really long, so hopefully that makes up for it
On Sunday the next day, Patton finally took Roman to buy his gym clothes. Roman was trying to hide a goofy smile while sitting in the back seat, desperate to not get his hopes up while also ecstatic his plan was working so far. He was going to have Patton stay in the car while Roman shopped for clothes! This had never worked on his dad before!
By the time Patton finally parked the car in the parking lot of the store, Roman’s chest felt weighted from his anxiety, waiting to see Patton’s final verdict. So long as he didn’t change his mind now, then Roman was in the clear. He hoped to be in the clear.
“Alright, kiddo,” Roman’s heart stopped as Patton pulled out his wallet and gave him some money. “Forty dollars should be more than enough for some pairs of gym pants and shirts. Give me back all the change when you come back, okay?”
“I will! Promise!” Roman wanted to jump for joy. It was working!
“Text me when you’re checking out so you don’t surprise me, and if you see something else you might want, just text me before you buy it so I know. Tell me if you have any issues, okay?”
Patton smiled. “Go on then, kiddo.”
Roman practically leaped out the door to skip his way to the front entrance of the clothing store, two twenty dollar bills crumbled in his pocket. He got away with it! No parents staring him down while he changed outfits!
Roman walked into the store and tried to hide the skip in his step. With no parents to watch him, he could buy what he actually wanted to wear, no tight pants and scoop neck shirts. No, Roman wanted to look like his real goal. His goal of being a blob of cloth that vaguely resembled a human.
Granted, he’d mostly gotten there. His aunt replaced all of his wardrobe, so his current clothes were a lot more comfortable to wear even if they weren’t very fashionable. Mostly bright colored t-shirts and pants, maybe some shorts if they were able to reach down far enough. Maybe once he was more comfortable with himself he could actually test out more styles, but for now, oversized clothes were all he could handle.
Roman’s walk sped up slightly when his eyes landed on the men’s athletic section. He had to be quick with this, he didn’t want Patton getting impatient and coming in to check on him. Roman looked through the shorts and shirt sizes, easily finding a size up for a couple shirts while heavily struggling on the shorts. Roman groaned. It was always the shorts that caused the issue, they were always too high up. What if he was sitting down and the pant leg rode up too far? No, Roman refused to get something like that willingly.
Roman took all the athletic shorts that could fit him and held them up in front of his legs. Most of them only made it to his lower thigh, but he managed to find two shorts that made it to right below his knee. Roman smiled and bounced on his toes, grabbed his items and rushed to find a dressing room. Once he did, he rushed into the first empty area he saw and locked the door. The mirrors on the walls and gaps in the door made it hard for him to change comfortably, so instead Roman tried to press himself against the very corner of the room when he was changing.
Between the six shirts and two pants Roman found, he was pretty happy with most of his choices. Thankfully, the long shorts looked fine, so Roman hung them up on a hook with a sign over it saying I’m buying this! and considered it a success. However, when it got time to look at the shirts, only three of them were good enough for purchase. The white one he grabbed was practically see-through, and the other two had a scratchy inside material that Roman couldn’t stand, so they got put on the reject hook while the other three passed the test. 
For a rushed shopping visit, Roman was pretty pleased with his choices. Two shorts might not be enough for five days worth of classes, but maybe Roman could keep one pair in his locker until it started to stink. Which might be a little gross, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Roman exited the dressing room and put his rejected shirts on a rack outside, carrying his other items to the checkout area. Before he got in line, he looked at all the price tags and added them up in his head best he could. The shirts were about six dollars each, and the shorts were a little over five after tax. Which means, adding up the extra cents, he’d have to pay twenty nine dollars for the clothes in total. Considering Patton gave him forty dollars, this was plenty.
Roman hesitated for a second. He stuffed his hand into his pocket to feel the money in the palm of his hand while he thought about his options. If he told Patton the truth, Roman would give him eleven dollars and there would be no issues. Patton might let him do this again next time they go shopping, too. But also…Roman had no backup plan. He was stuck with Patton with nowhere to go if things went wrong.
His aunt told him that Roman could always go back to her house if a guardian was abusing him, and he had every intention to take her up on that offer the second the opportunity arose. But even if Roman walked to her house on foot, he had no money for food during that trip. She lived so far away from him now, there was no way to get to safety without a dollar to his name. But if he stole some from Patton, then Roman could have a serious issue on his hands.
Roman slowly walked up to the check out area and handed the teenage worker the clothes. As she scanned all the items with a satisfying beep, Roman felt himself getting antsy. There’s no guarantee Patton will let me do this again. I’ve already gotten away with so much, and the more time I spend around him, the more danger I’m in. But if Patton notices I stole from him, he could be furious. Is there even a right answer here?
“Twenty nine dollars and thirty two cents.” The cashier said cheerfully. Roman handed her the money and she put it in the register, then handed Roman a bunch of coins, two five dollar bills, and a one dollar. She smiled. “Would you like a receipt?”
“Uh, no thank you.”
When the receipt printed, the cashier tore it out and threw it in the trash behind her. “Have a nice day.”
“You too.” Roman squeaked, rushing away from the register to stare at the money. Apparently they ran out of ten dollar bills, because the money was split perfectly for taking without it being obvious. Roman considered this a sign to take his chance. He put a five dollar bill and a quarter in his left pocket and shoved the rest in his right. It wasn’t much, but he could build it up. This was only the beginning.
Roman walked out of the store and tried to act normal instead of anxious. Worst case scenario, he’d say he forgot to bring out the rest and give Patton the other bills. Giving away the quarter also would be too obvious, but he could get away with stealing that at least. When he made it to Patton's car, Roman opened the back seat and tossed his clothes next to him.
“Hey, kiddo!” Patton greeted, “Got any extra cash to give me?”
“Uh, yeah, here.” Roman dug into his right pocket to grab half the money and handed it to him. Patton put the coins in his pocket and put the two bills in his wallet. He didn’t seem to consider how much Roman gave him, instead he started backing out of the driveway and got distracted while reversing. Roman let out a quiet sigh of relief.
He felt the five dollars still stored in his pocket. He got away with it. For now.
“We’re home!” Patton announced as he and Roman stepped inside. Logan and Virgil were both lying on the couch, and Logan perked up from his spot.
“Wonderful. We wanted to ask both of you a question.” Logan said.
Patton seemed intrigued. “What question?”
“Can we go to Janus’ house, Pat?” Virgil asked.
“Oh, of course, kiddos! Do you know when you might be back?”
Virgil thought about it. “Probably at six before dinner.”
“Perfect! Just text me if that changes so I don’t worry, okay?”
“We will.” Logan reassured, “And Roman, would you like to come with us?”
Roman tilted his head to the side. “Me? I don’t even know who Janice is.”
Virgil sunk into the couch more. “Friend of ours. Has a snake, talks a lot about philosophy and books. Acts like a tired underaged wine aunt.”
“Right, well, still. Isn’t it a little strange for me to tag along to a stranger's house?” Roman pointed out.
“Janus wouldn’t mind, I’m sure.” Logan said. “Of course, you don’t have to, we simply figured you would like the invitation so you’re not the only one left out.”
Roman’s eyes widened when Logan said that. Wait, shit, if Logan and Virgil are going to this girl’s house, then Roman will be here. Alone. With Patton. Until six in the afternoon.
Roman’s mood change was almost instant. “Well then, perhaps I should go! Make new friends and establish bonds, or whatever!”
Virgil smirked. “Sweet. It’s a short walk, just a block away. Just let us grab our shoes and we can head out.”
“I’ll tell Janus we’ll be bringing a third party.”
Roman let out a breath of relief. As Virgil and Logan grabbed whatever they needed, Roman set his new bag of clothes in his room next to his backpack. He’d have to remember to put some boxers in there before tomorrow morning, too.
Roman felt the five dollars in his pocket again. He took the money and hid it deep in his backpack in a hidden pocket he hoped wasn’t too easy to find. Satisfied with that for now, Roman stepped back outside of his room and waited for the others.
Once everyone was situated, Virgil called out to let Patton know they were leaving the house and then closed the door. Logan and Virgil did most of the talking as they walked while Roman just listened, following behind them and letting the two lead the way.
“Oh, and Roman,” Logan suddenly said during a point of silence, “Another one of our friends may also show up later at Janus’ house. He said he might be coming, so we’ll see.”
Roman shrugged. “Sounds fine to me.”
No one said anything else after that on the walk. After a while, Virgil and Logan stopped in front of a house and started walking up the driveway to the front door. As Virgil knocked on the door, Roman stood awkwardly off to the side until someone answered.
It wasn’t long before the door swung open, showing a teenage kid with a large birthmark under his left eye. He rested his elbow on the top of the black and yellow cane next to him and smirked. Was he the brother, perhaps?
“I’ve been expecting you.” He said menacingly.
“‘Sup, fucker.” Virgil greeted.
“Hello, Janus.”
Wait, what? Against his better judgment, Roman forced himself to stand in front of Logan to face Janus. “Wait, your name is Janice?” He asked.
Janus put his hand on his face. “Janus. It’s Janus. J-a-n-u-s, not the old lady name Janice.”
Roman felt his face grow hot. “…Oh. Well, uh…”
Janus rolled his eyes and held the door open wider. “Just come inside.”
Virgil was the first to step in, with Logan following after while Roman hesitated. He made an awful first impression, maybe he should just walk around the block for a while instead-
“Come on, my arm is tired.” Janus coaxed. Roman felt too awkward to walk away, so he instead sucked it up and stepped inside the house with everyone else.
The house was quite nice. The walls were painted dark and the carpet was red, but it looked nice in a Victorian era kind of way. On the living room coffee table were piles of fabric and a sewing machine, seemingly making something that looked like a suit. Janus took the cane he was holding and threw it onto the couch. Well, apparently it was just a part of the outfit.
Virgil motioned to all the fabric on the table. “Fuck are you making now, dude?”
“I’m making the refined villain look of my dreams.”
“Nice. When do you think you’ll finish it?”
“Possibly tomorrow. I’ll start on it again after school.”
“Do you make your own clothes?” Roman asked, hoping to distract himself from his previous embarrassment.
Janus smiled slightly. “Less clothes, more costumes. Mostly for myself, but sometimes I make them for the high school’s theater when I’m feeling generous.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!”
“Wanna see Janus’ costume closet?” Virgil asked.
Roman shrugged. “If he wants me to.”
“Oh yeah, just talk about me like I’m not here.” Janus rolled his eyes and motioned for everyone to follow him. He had a downstairs family room with a closet off to the side. Once everyone was downstairs, Janus opened it and let Roman look inside.
“…Woah.” Roman looked at all the costumes, astonished and full of wonder. A lot of them were very extravagant, like they were specifically designed for a dramatic person, so Roman felt a calling toward them. He took a few of them off their hangers to look at; roaring twenties inspired suits and a black dresses with fancy gold finishes. Roman ran his hand on the fabric like they were fancy relics.
“They are quite high-quality.” Logan said, “Costume design is certainly one of Janus’ greatest skills.”
“I can see that.” Roman whispered.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Don’t make his ego bigger than it already is.”
“Oh no, please do continue, I’m designed to be the center of attention.” Janus smirked.
Roman laughed and put the costumes back on the rack. It seemed like him and Janus were pretty similar in personality, just on opposite ends of the spectrum. Both dramatic artists, except one likes to add that with tons of sarcasm. He could see them getting along quite easily.
“Also, Janus,” Virgil said while looking at his phone, “Rat bastard says he’s coming over. He’ll be here in ten.”
“Ugh, fine. I was getting used to the silence.” Janus sighed.
“…Who’s rat bastard?” Roman asked.
“Friend of ours.” Virgil replied, “You’ll meet him in a bit. He’s a rat bastard. Smells vaguely of cheese.”
“You get used to it.” Janus shrugged. He then smirked at Roman like he got an idea. “Would you like to see my snake?”
Roman’s eyes lit up. “Yes!”
Janus led them all upstairs to his bedroom, Roman following last in the line so he could keep Janus’ door cracked open. As he stepped inside, he noticed a very large cage on the wall to his right. It was very long with lots of wood decorations spread across the container, with a fluorescent lightbulb above it. Roman looked around in the enclosure to try and spot the snake.
Before he could find it, Janus opened the top and stuck his hand in the cage. The snake climbed up his hand onto his arm, and as Janus stuck him out for Roman to see, Roman jumped back.
Janus rolled his eyes. “He’s a corn snake, he’s not known for hurting people.”
Roman still looked at it from a distance. The snake was large enough that Janus had to hold him with both hands, as well as being a mesmerizing yellow color. Roman never had a friend with a pet snake before. “…What’s his name?”
“Nerd.” Virgil called out.
Logan smiled. “I think it is a wonderful name. Lawrence Kohlberg developed the theory on moral development, the very basis for ethical behavior.”
“You’re very mature, Virgil.”
Roman ignored them. “I think he’s cool. How old is he?”
“About five. I’ve had him for a while now.”
A buzz came from Virgil’s phone, making him check it and read the message. “Rat bastard says he’s outside your door.” He announced.
Janus didn’t seem rushed. “He can get in on his own.”
Roman laughed, and Janus set Lawrence back in his enclosure so he could bask underneath the heat lamp. Roman still watched his movements from inside the cage. “I wish I had a pet.”
“Patton would get you a dog in seconds if you asked.” Logan suggested.
Roman shook his head. “It’s fine, I won’t ask.” He didn’t really know what kind of pet he even wanted, and besides, it’s not like he’d be able to keep it once he leaves Patton’s house. There was no point.
Suddenly, a loud stomping came from the stairs outside Janus’ bedroom. Roman yelped and ran to hide behind Janus in the corner of the room, but the others didn’t react. 
Roman sputtered. “What the-”
Before Roman could finish, a large bang came as someone kicked open the door and let it smack into the wall.
“I’m back by unpopular demand!”
“Hello, Remus.”
Roman completely froze up at the sound of that name. He turned around to look at the person that just busted down Janus’ bedroom door, a kid with messy hair and peach fuzz for a mustache, ripped jeans in the summer with a cast boot on his right foot.
Roman felt himself choke on air as he processed what was in front of him.
“Slugs are goopy like jello! So jello is made of slugs, duh!”
“Remus, that’s gross! No one would make food out of slugs!”
“What’s up, fuckers!” Remus announced. “I’m back from the pits of hell! Also known as the emergency room.”
Roman didn’t say anything, only stared at him in disbelief. Remus’ voice was a lot different now. He’d hit puberty, so the pitch had dropped a lot from what Roman was used to. A tuft of his hair was white, also. Roman couldn’t tell if it was dye or a condition.
That piece of hair and Remus’ mustache were the only things that made them both look apart now.
“What actually happened?” Logan asked. “You never told us specifics.”
“I broke my foot sucking too much-”
“Remus.” Janus warned.
“Fine, fine. I tripped trying to run up some steps and my fall didn’t look badass at all. Don’t tell people that though. If anyone asks, I broke it running from the cops.”
Janus nodded and smirked. “Noted.”
“We brought a third foster brother, also.” Virgil noted. Roman stopped breathing.
“Oh, really? Shit, I fuckin missed everything!” Roman looked in the corner trying to avoid Remus noticing him, but it was never that easy. “Why hello, welcome to our humble- …Oh, fuck.”
Remus tilted his head to make eye contact with Roman, and the surprise on Remus’ face was something Roman would never forget. He seemed genuinely baffled, like nothing in the world would have prepared him for what he saw. Roman wanted to cry.
I wanted to leave behind these people.
“…Roman?” Remus finally said, “Dude, holy fuck, I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Wait,” Virgil staggered, “You know each other already?”
“He’s my fucking cousin!” Remus exclaimed. “Come on, look at us, we’re only a little related but we look like twins!”
Logan turned to Roman. “Is this true?”
Roman could feel the tears ready to burst. His throat was scratchy, but he tried to talk anyway. “…I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Come on, Princey, don’t be shy!” Remus teased. “We used to be best friends, let everyone believe we were twins until our moms called our shit out. Absolute bastard children- …wait. Wait a fucking second.”
“What is it?” Janus asked.
Remus turned to Virgil and Logan with a shocked and confused face. “…You said he’s your foster brother?”
Logan nodded. “That is correct.”
Remus turned to Roman, seemingly at a loss for words. “…Dude, the fuck? What happened?”
Roman looked at the floor, gripping onto his arm so hard it’d be a miracle if there weren’t marks later. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I mean, I know I haven’t seen you since your mom fucked off to Neverland, but what happened to your dad? He’s still alive and shit isn’t he? The hell happened?”
“I said I don’t want to fucking talk about it!” Roman seethed, grinding his teeth together as he practically growled out that sentence.
Virgil flinched violently. “Roman-”
“Whatever!” Roman pushed Remus off to the side and kicked the door fully open, storming his way down the stairs despite the sounds of people yelling for him to come back. Roman stomped out the front door and took a sprint for it down the block, not caring if he had to be alone with Patton, so long as he wasn’t here.
“I bet you would eat a slug!”
“No I wouldn’t! Liar!”
“Boys, boys!” Roman’s mother laughed, crouching down to meet their eye level from their place sitting in the grass. “No eating slugs. Be nice to the bugs or we’ll go back inside.”
“Yeah, Remus!”
Remus huffed. “I’m not doing anything!”
“Not yet!”
Roman’s mother laughed again. “I’m going to help Uncle André with dinner. But I better not hear a fight, okay?”
“Okay!” Roman promised, watching as his mom went back inside his uncle’s house into the kitchen. Roman and Remus continued to play in the grass by looking at bugs and telling stories to each other, making Roman smile more than he has in a long time. He always loved going to Remus’ house. His dad never came with them, so he and his mom were always happier.
“How come we never go to your house?” Remus eventually asked after a few minutes of playing. Roman stuck his tongue out.
“‘Cause our house is tiny and the backyard isn’t as cool.”
“Still! When you come over, you never bring Uncle Theo!”
“Good!” Roman defended, “Dad’s boring so he doesn't getta come!”
“I like him! He’s fun and nice and always brings chocolate!”
“He’s awful!” Roman covered his mouth after he blurted that out. Remus gave him a look.
“He’s not awful!”
Roman looked over to the glass sliding door. His mom was in there, he could see her, but she couldn’t hear him. Maybe he could get away with it. He could tell Remus a secret and his mom would never find out.
Roman hesitantly took his hands away from his mouth. His tone grew to be a lot softer. “…He is, though.”
Remus tilted his head to the side like a dog. “What makes him awful?”
“…Promise not to tell anyone?”
Remus leaned in closer. “Uh huh!”
“No one at all, ever?”
“Triple quadruple promise!”
Roman looked back at his mom. She wasn’t paying attention to him, seemingly talking to his uncle and pouring juice into cups. Roman hesitated for a moment. “…My dad-”
“Boys! Dinner’s ready!” Roman’s mom called out, making Roman jump almost a foot in the air. Both of them got off of the grass to walk inside, but before they did, Remus turned to Roman again.
“Your dad what?”
“…Nevermind.” He missed his chance. Remus would never find out, and Roman never told anyone for another five years.
Roman ran faster down the street at the memory, fighting back the tears in his eyes. It was fine. Roman was fine.
He never wanted to talk to Remus again.
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matbaerzal · 3 years
Like This Pt.1 | T. Jost
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Summary: Tyson is the best roommate you could ask for, you can't imagine ever living with someone else... no- no not like that, your relationship is purely platonic! > (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) A/N: First fic of the year hafsjkhf.... The reader studies Special Education, which will play a small part throughout this fic. Warnings: A short mention of sexual dreams Reader pronouns: she/her Words: 2,4K Tagging: @konecny-s @vitekvanecek @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 @ricohenrique @notaccurateornice @tysojost @justjosty ... lmk if you want to be tagged ❤️
As you reach the door to your apartment you shift your second grocery bag into your left hand before fishing your keys out of your pocket. You hurry to turn the key in your lock as your arms are tired from the heavy weight of the amount of food you’d bought. You huff out as you open the door, absent-mindedly throwing the keys on the side table as you set the groceries down on the floor.
“I’m sorry, can you give me a minute?” you hear Tyson speak as you take off your coat and shoes. In the corner of your eye, you see him put his phone down before pushing his chair back, standing up, and walking over.
“Hey, how was work?”
You huff out a breath in reply, and when you see him grab the groceries you almost try to object, but relief washes over you before you can. You follow him to the kitchen with the intent to sort the food so he can get back to what he was doing, but he brushes you away.
“Go sit down - relax” he gives you a pointed look.
“Thanks” you smile, hesitantly making your way to the couch.
“You hungry?” he speaks over his shoulder as you sit down.
“Very” your stomach grumbles as if on cue.
“I made some dinner earlier, want me to heat it up for you?”
“Don’t you have an interview” you shout back.
“Eh, they can wait” he shrugs
Without waiting for you to reply he takes out the tupperware from the fridge before putting it in the microwave. Once it’s heated up he brings it over to you, along with a glass of water before he gets back to his interview, apologizing profusely to the journalist on the other end of the call for keeping them waiting.
Living with Tyson had its ups and downs, but all in all the two of you fit together well as roommates. You’d met him during his first year in Colorado, back then you were living on campus. You’d planned to move in with a friend of yours, but after she graduated she got a job offer in another state and decided to move, leaving you practically homeless as there was no way you’d be able to afford to live on your own at the time - and there was no chance that you were ever moving in with your dorm room roommate again. Tyson offered for you to stay with him for at least a little bit until you figured things out. Then he realized he really liked having you around. You’d hesitated, thinking he was just trying to be nice, before he practically begged you to stay.
Hundreds of comments from friends asking if you’re dating or having sex later, you’re still living with him - not dating, not having sex, never even having kissed, and neither of you wanted to cross that line. With the way you and Tyson clicked, there were a lot of people who had trouble believing you were just friends, but at this point, you felt like you knew each other too well. All your dirty laundry had been aired out between the two of you - both literally and figuratively. The smell of his week-old workout sweat in the laundry room was enough to put you off. It wouldn’t be fair to say it hadn’t crossed your mind though. Objectively he is very attractive - you can’t deny that - perhaps, maybe your mind traveled places as he walked out of the bathroom after a shower with only a towel wrapped around him. You knew for a fact that he’d thought about you too, having drunkenly admitted to you that he had a dream about you once - which explained that one morning where he wouldn’t meet your eye and couldn’t have gotten out of the door quicker.
But neither of you ever acted on your attraction, it was pushed into the back of your minds - ignored completely. Because that’s all it was, an attraction, and nothing more.
You watch him as he continues his interview, zoning out as you eat your food. You hear every tone of his voice, completely focused on him but at the same time not registering a single thing he’s saying. It’s only when he looks over at you that you’re shaken out of it.
“Is it alright?” he whispers, covering the microphone.
You shake your head as you're brought back to the real world, it takes your brain a few seconds to catch what he said and your cheeks feel warm as he chuckles - “Hm?”
“The food? Is it alright?”
“Mm, yeah” you take another bite, resting the fork in the food container as you reach for the TV remote to distract yourself.
You’d been swamped with work lately, between your studies and your part-time job as a teaching assistant, you barely had time to take a breather. Your third year studying Special Education at the University of Denver was hectic, any time not spent at work or on campus or studying at home was spent either eating or sleeping in your bed. Tyson could see how tired you were whenever you came home, he always cooked a little extra for his dinner so you wouldn’t go to bed without eating first. His mediocre pasta meals always tasted like heaven after the long days you had.
By the time Tyson plops down on the couch you’re finished eating and zoned out on an episode of New Girl.
“Do you have any plans on Sunday?” he asks and you shake your head - “just studying, writing”.
“Wanna come to the game? I completely get it if you just want to stay in-”
“Are you kidding? I’d love to” you perk up, you hadn’t been to a game in who knows how long and you’d put aside your assignments at least for a little while if Tyson ever asked you to. He never had to ask before, you’d come whenever you had time, but it’d been seven weeks now - Tyson kept count.
“You sure?”
“Yes, Tys, really” you pat his thigh - keeping your hand there a touch longer before removing it when you meet his soft eyes.
You wake up late on Sunday, head stuck to the pillow, body hesitant to leave the bed. You’d already woken up once and decided to sleep longer so you force yourself out of bed, put some clothes on and go to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. Just as you get the milk from the fridge your apartment door opens, signaling that Tyson’s home from his morning skate.
“Good morning” he smirks at you, his eyes running over your thrown-together outfit and noting the remnant of sleep in your eyes.
You nod, trying to speak through the mouthful you just took, making Tyson squint his eyes in a laugh. He waits patiently for you to finish so you can repeat your question to him - “how was the skate?”
“It was alright, easily gonna have a nap after I eat though”
“Want some cereal?” you arch your brow. He stops and thinks for a second, contemplating if he should say yes, or make his usual scrambled eggs - “you know what? Yeah” he decides. You raise your brows at him, about to make a comment but he interrupts you. “Yeah, yeah pour me a bowl before I change my mind”.
You hold your hands up - “wasn’t gonna say anything” you try, but he doesn’t look convinced. You rush to get him a bowl and a spoon, setting them down for him, pouring in some cereal as he comes over to sit next to you on your kitchen island. He pours the milk himself before lifting the bowl to clink against yours, muttering “cheers” before taking a spoonful into his mouth.
You sit in comfortable silence as you eat your food, moving around each other as you put the bowls in the sink to worry about later. You walk to the couch and open your laptop to get some work done before you have to get ready for the game.
“Do you ever take a break?” Tyson yawns, laying down on the couch next to you, his head landing on a pillow close by your thighs.
You figure his questions rhetorical, but his eyes stay on you as you start typing away on your essay. “I’m taking a break later, y’know, at the game”
“No, I mean like a real break, like flat out on the couch, books closed-”
“You’re funny”
“I’m serious”
“Yeah, well, I don’t have time for breaks Tys”
He goes quiet after that, a thoughtful look on his face as he settles into the couch, your eyes linger on him for a moment before you go back to writing your essay. It doesn’t take long for his breath to get heavy, the small snores escaping him making you smile. As you skim through an article you might use for your essay your free hand finds his hair - his curls too soft to resist running your hand through. His snoring stops as your hand first makes contact making you freeze, but he’s nuzzling into the pillow and snoring again before you know it.
Even after you’ve read the article your hand stays in his hair and you do your best to type with one hand, only opting to use your right hand when absolutely necessary. You were in tweaking stages so luckily you could keep one hand planted in his hair most of the time. You’re checking the clock here and there, knowing he didn’t set an alarm and that he didn’t like napping too long on game days, but just as you’re about to wake him he leans into your touch, eyes slowly blinking open as he hums, absentmindedly you brush his hair away from his forehead - “sleep well?”
“Like a baby” he smiles, “what time is it?”
“uh, two-thirty” you glance over at the little clock on your computer.
He leans into your hand one more time as if to savor the feel before he starts to get up, once on his feet he stretches his arms above his head, you can’t help but look as his t-shirt lifts to reveal his stomach, but you avert your eyes quickly and hope he doesn’t notice. If he did, he doesn’t comment, “want me to make dinner for you too?” he throws the words your way over his shoulder as he makes his way to the kitchen. “What’s on the menu?” you tease, fully well knowing the answer, even saying it with him once he replies - “chicken and pasta”.
You turn your head to look at him, and he can’t bring himself to be annoyed at you when you smirk at him.
“Yeah, yeah” he brushes you off - “do you want some or no?”
“Yes, please” you smile.
He quickly makes the food, the recipe burned into his brain from making it time after time. He puts a little extra cheese on your plate, coming over to the couch with both plates once he’s done. You close your computer, place it to the side, and take the plate he hands to you with ease. Once your plates are scraped it’s time for Tyson to get ready, change into his suit and leave for the arena.
He walks out of his room wearing one of his three-piece suits and if you didn’t have the restraint you’d built up over the time you’d lived with him you’re sure you would’ve drooled at the sight. You’d think he was doing it on purpose, but you’d never let your weakness for the vest-jacket pairing slip, and he looks oblivious as he meets your eyes. The little spin he does for you does nothing to help and you have to give yourself credit for being so collected when he raises his brows as if to ask: “Is this alright?”.
“Looking good, Tys. I’ll see you after the game” you get off the couch as you speak and give him a quick hug, his phone pinging with a message signaling that JT is waiting for him downstairs as you break away.
“See you later,” he says.
“Kick some Dallas butt.”
He laughs as he walks through the door leaving you to yourself. You don’t wait long until you start getting ready yourself, not being able to focus on your writing with the anticipation of the game in the back of your mind. You put your lucky Avalance hoodie on, grabbing your coat before leaving with more than enough time to catch the warm-ups. There’s a couple of familiar faces there when you arrive. You’d met the players’ girlfriends a few times, mostly in this exact setting and you fell right back into the group again. You felt for them, having to watch their boyfriends play such an unpredictable sport. You guess you could imagine how it felt at least a little, living with Tyson and all, but the energy they brought to every game was admirable.
The game was tight, the boys fell behind in the first period but in the second and third they were no doubt the better team, but the puck just wouldn’t go in the net. With ten minutes left they manage to tie it and with 5 minutes left Tyson takes a tripping penalty. They killed the penalty and scored not long after to secure the win, but you could see Tyson beating himself up over the penalty that could’ve cost them the game. The look on his face as he sat in the penalty box is something you keep in the back of your mind as you leave with the girls to meet him.
He’s one of the first ones to come out of the locker rooms, head hanging low. Gabe pats him on the shoulder before he greets his wife, Tyson throws a forced smile towards his captain that seems genuine to anyone that doesn’t know him the way you do. The smile reaches his eyes once he sees you though and he drapes his arm over your shoulder when he reaches you, leading you towards the garage - “Let’s go home”
To be continued...
---- Copyright © @matbaerzal (2021)
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
a new addition- rowaelin
AN: okay, a bunch of you guys asked for a part two to this fic so here it is! it’s longer than i meant for it to be and it’s not my favorite but i hope you guys like it- by the way the name eliora is not mine originally- i can’t remember who used it but it was not me so feel free to tag people if you know :)
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part one
“And then what?” Her voice was eager.
Aelin shrugged, her lips tilting up into a small smile as she gazed at the green eyes across from her. “Then he kissed me.” Being completely honest, Aelin could remember the kiss as if it was yesterday. Could still feel his hard body pressed against hers and the fading taste of alcohol on his lips. 
“Bullshit,” a voice scoffed from behind her. Aelin whirled to face the matching turquoise eyes and she arched a brow, causing him to visibly swallow. 
“Excuse you? As far as I recall, I don’t remember you being there.”
Her son shook his head, plopping down on the open area of the couch beside her and taking her feet into his lap. “I didn’t need to be,” he shrugged. “You and Dad tell the story often enough. Everyone knows that you-”
He was cut off as Eliora’s hand slapped over his mouth. “No spoiling, Sammy! I wanna hear the story!” Aelin laughed at her six-year-old and pulled her onto her lap, kissing her cheek as she did so. She gazed at Eliora for a moment; she truly was a beautiful child, even if Aelin was a little bias. 
“That’s right, Eliora,” Aelin grinned at her daughter. “And what did we say about spoiling?”
“Don’t do it,” she replied definitively with a firm shake of her head. Aelin couldn’t help but squeeze Eliora a bit tighter as she opened her mouth to continue the story. Her mouth closed as another body entered the living room. 
“What are we doing?” Nehemia asked, coming to sit by her twin on the couch. Shoulder to shoulder, Aelin’s eyes stared back at her. Sam rolled his eyes.
“Mama’s telling me a love story,” Eliora gushed to her sister, her green eyes alight with childlike excitement. “The greatest of all time!” 
Nehemia gazed at Eliora with pure love, even as she leaned over to whisper something in her brother’s ear. Aelin was just able to hear, “She’s telling it again, huh?” 
“I told you we should have gone to Aunt Lys’s house,” was her son’s muttered response. Nehemia snorted, leaning back over the couch until she was eye to eye with Eliora. 
“Greatest of all time, huh? Must be a good one.” Her eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint Aelin could only credit to herself. 
“It is,” Aelin finally cut in. “And if you would stop interrupting, I would be able to finish it.” 
The sixteen year-olds rolled their eyes, gazing at one another in a silent language only they could understand. But Aelin didn’t need to hear their dialogue to understand that they had heard the story enough times. But Aelin couldn’t help it. She just loved telling it. Gazing at the sparkling emerald on her finger, Aelin didn’t think she would ever get sick of telling it.
“So, as I was saying.” She bounced Eliora playfully in her lap until she giggled. “He kissed me and-” 
“Aelin Galathynius Whitethorn, you better not be telling my daughter that I kissed you at that party!” Aelin had been so absorbed in her kids that she had barely registered her hulking husband walking into the room. He stood at the door, arms crossed in front of his body as he glared at her, emerald eyes meeting turquoise in a clash of passion. Rowan was still in his work clothes, clearly having just arrived, and Aelin was really trying not to drool at how good he looked with his hair ruffled and his tie undone around his neck.
She threw up her hands with an exasperated sigh.
“Gods, what does a girl have to do to finish a story around here?” 
The floor of their living room creaked as Rowan came to sit beside Aelin and Sam on the couch, his gaze never leaving hers. Rowan leaned forward, catching Aelin’s lips with his for a quick kiss before settling back down on the couch. Nehemia immediately rested her head on her father’s shoulder and was rewarded with a warm kiss to the top of her head. 
Aelin gazed at them with fondness, love filling her heart. Until her husband’s gaze locked with her own once more, and Aelin smirked. 
“You cannot keep telling people that,” Rowan shook his head before turning to their youngest, taking her from Aelin’s lap and shooting his wife an exasperated look. “Eliora, do you remember what Mama and I told you about lying?”
From across from her, Aelin watched Sam snort. He swallowed as his gaze met hers, smile dropping. 
Eliora’s tiny eyebrows scrunched up at the top of her head, the look identical to one Aelin constantly saw on Rowan’s face. Finally, she shook her head, gazing up at her father. “It’s… wrong?”
“That’s right,” Rowan smiled down at her. “And we don’t do it. Even if Mama does.” He looked at the gape on his wife’s face before looking down at their daughter once more. “Especially if Mama does.” Aelin stuck her tongue out to her husband, who finally cracked a smile at her. This one sent warmth all the way down to her toes.
“Does this mean Mama can’t finish the story?” Eliora asked, her voice turning sad as she gazed between her family. Rowan laughed, bouncing her up and down before looking at the twins and back at Aelin, an unmistakable look of triumph in his eyes. 
“Oh, no no no,” he replied, grinning. “Daddy’s here now. And I’m gonna tell you what really happened. I didn’t want to be at that party, to begin with...” 
Aelin didn’t need him to, even if their kids did. She remembered everything about that night. Everything about the days and weeks following she didn’t think she would ever forget them until the day she died. It wasn’t every day you kissed the love of your life at a shitty fraternity rager.
Rowan sat in the kitchen nursing his long since warmed beer. Shitty rap music blared through the speakers around him and it was then that he decided he was better off going back to his dorms before he did something he would regret. 
It had been an hour since the kiss. An hour until he had finally gotten to understand what the hype of kissing Aelin Galathynius was. She was a lot of things- but a bad kisser wasn’t one of them. Rowan had sworn to every god imaginable he could handle a kiss with the infuriating blonde. It was just a kiss, right? Just a game.
But her lips had touched his and Rowan knew something was very very different. He hadn’t been able to get the smell of lemon and verbatim out of his senses for the past hour and it was unlikely that he would stop imagining the kiss any time soon.
But it was just a kiss. He didn’t like Aelin Galathynius. 
She was annoying, and loud, obnoxious, and rude, and she lived to annoy him.
So why couldn’t he stop thinking of her? Even before the party, after their failed project, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about those damn turquoise eyes. 
It wasn’t that he hated everything about her. No- he had noticed the kind voice she would take when talking to Lysandra’s little sister. And he would be a fool not to notice the special smile that lit up her face when she would play with her dog or talk about literature. No, he didn’t hate her. But whatever he did feel was proving to be extremely problematic. Because there was no way she felt the same way. 
Yes- it was definitely time to go home. 
Making his way out from behind the kitchen counter, Rowan made to leave the kitchen just as the door went flying open. The sound of laughter rang through the door and Rowan stared at the exact person he was hoping to be done with for the night.
“Not likely, Moonbeam,” she was saying with a shake of her head, even though a spark glimmered in her blue eyes. Rowan had to consciously check himself from staring for too long as Aelin realized who was standing in front of her.
Her hand flew to her chest with wide eyes. “Jesus, Rowan, you scared me!” 
Rowan thought it was the first time she had ever said his name. He quite liked the sound of it from her lips. 
He was staring again. Full-blown staring at the woman in front of him as he contemplated what to say or do. He was coming up blank. Every thought in his mind seemed to be screaming at him at once. Some saying to run- to flee and never come into contact with her again, others saying to grab her and kiss her. All of them agreed she looked breathtaking in front of him. Like a golden angle.
“Ditto, Galathynius,” he managed out, earning a frown from Aelin. The action brought his gaze to her lips and he quickly looked away. Aelin seemed to have changed as well. Gone was the snarky woman who had spilled her beer all over him, replaced with a beautiful woman who he might’ve been friends with in another life. 
“Hey, can we-” 
“You know you may want to switch to a different conditioner,” he cut her off, saying the first thing he could think of to leave the conversation. “Your hair’s a little dry.” 
Aelin gaped at him, her once lidded eyes turning cold and hard as she scoffed, shoving past him further into the kitchen. “Charming as ever, Whitethorn,” she sniped. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” 
Eliora clapped from her place on her father’s lap.
“It was true love’s kiss!” she cried, earning a laugh from her siblings and parents. It had definitely been something, that was for sure.
“I don’t know…” Aelin mused. “I thought true love’s kiss was reserved for princes, the bravest of them all.” Eliora frowned, as did the twins as their gazes switched to their father. 
“I am brave!” Rowan squawked, eyes narrowing. “What are you talking about, Aelin?”
“Why, my dear husband,” Aelin placed her hand on her chest, pretending to be affronted. “It seems you’ve forgotten what happened afterward.” Realization dawned on Rowan’s face before retreating back into a frown. He seemed to hold Eliora tighter as he glared at his wife. 
“I haven’t forgotten anything,” he muttered, voice low.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Sam interrupted his parents from his side of the couch. “What do you mean what happened afterward?” This was a part of the story that neither one of their teenagers had heard before. Whether they were too young to understand it, or it had never come up, the twins were now fully invested in the story. 
“Yeah,” Nehemia joined in. “You guys got together after the kiss at the party. That was it, right?” At their parents’ silence, the twins looked at each other before bolting upright in their seats. 
“Right?” they asked in unison. 
Rowan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. It seemed it was time for a sequel to their family tale. 
Rowan was sure there should be a ditch where his feet had paced through the grass in front of Aelin’s dorm. Cursing to whatever gods there were, Rowan forced his feet to stop moving. How was he supposed to apologize to Aelin if he couldn’t even stop pacing from the nervousness of just thinking about it?
It hadn’t taken long after Rowan had left the party for him to realize what an idiotic prick he had been. He had been tempted to drive over to her dorm right then and there and grovel for her forgiveness. But ultimately he had decided against it, choosing instead in favor of avoiding a hangover. 
But he was sober now, and an apology was necessary. More than necessary. 
He had apologized to people before. He had begged his professors for extensions and apologized after a falling out with an old friend. But he had never planned on asking out any of the people he had been apologizing to. Two days and Rowan had refused to talk about the kiss with anyone. To be honest, he had tried to forget about it himself.
But it seemed it was destined to never leave his mind for the rest of his existence. And as he played the kiss back in his mind, he couldn’t say he minded it. It had been a rude awakening to realize he may have had feelings for Aelin Galathynius. To go from loathing the girl in his chemistry class to suddenly picturing her face everywhere was a big change, and Rowan didn’t know what to do about it. 
Rowan wasn’t stupid. Aelin Galathynius was a beautiful person. Gorgeous looks aside, the woman had a pure heart of fire and gold. Of course, he had noticed this in sullen silence, but that wasn’t the point. He could acknowledge her wicked intelligence and her need to fight for something that was important to her. And he knew that she loved unconditionally. 
Whether he liked it or not, he had kissed Aelin back, and that had been all him. 
He wanted to do it again. 
“Fleetfoot, slow down! Hang on a second Lys- Fleetfoot, no!” Rowan whipped around as he heard Aelin’s voice come from behind him. Sure enough, the golden beauty walked along the sidewalk to her dorm, dog leash in hand. 
She was dressed in a university sweatshirt and leggings that showed off the curve of her legs, so much so that Rowan was forced to look away. Her phone was between her ear and shoulder as she spoke with who Rowan assumed to be Lysandra. He held back a smile as the massive golden retriever yanked her along the road, apparently following a particularly interesting squirrel. 
“I’m telling you, Lys,” she was saying as she came closer, clearly still not seeing him. “It’s not li-” Her feet came to a sudden stop and Rowan’s head snapped up to see her gaze was already on his, eyes wide. Aelin opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Rowan couldn’t find he had anything to say either. Her golden hair ran down her back and Rowan found himself fighting the urge to twirl a strand of it around his finger. She really was breathtaking. 
“Lys, I’ll call you back,” she said, eyes not leaving his as she took the phone from her shoulder and ended the call. “Rowan? What are you doing here?” 
It was his turn to struggle for words. How would he even bring it up? A week ago the two were on nothing more than insulting terms. She had infuriated him- had tried every nerve in his body and every bit of anger he had. But now… 
Aelin’s brows were raised in anticipation. Are you going to answer?
Rowan coughed, finally thrown out of his reverie. Who was he kidding? Aelin didn’t want to go on a date with him? Aelin didn’t want to go anywhere with him. And he couldn’t blame her. Rowan had been nothing but a prick to her since the moment they had met, and it was truly coming back to bite him in the ass. 
“Uh, Aedion told me he left something in Lys’s room.” The lie rolled off of his tongue easily enough, yet he hoped Aelin would be able to see through it. It seemed that she didn’t.
“Oh,” she said, understanding and almost shame clouding her words. “Right. What is it? Do you wanna come inside to find it?” Aelin’s dog sat obediently at her heels, looking between the two college kids in silent wonder. 
Yeah, dude, Rowan wanted to say. I don’ know what’s happening either.
“No,” he shook his head. “It’s Aedion’s problem. I just thought I could find it before class started but I think it’s too late. He’ll come around later for it.” 
“Right,” Aelin said doubtfully, crossing her arms in front of her body and looking at him.
“Right,” Rowan repeated back to her, causing Aelin to raise another brow. He wanted to push it back down. “Well, I’m gonna go- get to… class. So- bye Aelin.” He was gone before she could say anything else, giving her his back and practically sprinting back toward his side of campus. 
Rowan Whitethorn was an idiot. He knew it. But one look from Aelin and the cold fear that had rushed through his body had him wanting to curl up into a ball and never speak to her again. But he had to. Rowan would have to talk to her again if he was going to find out who was truly behind those stunning blue eyes.
But even at the thought of speaking to her again-
“Hold on, hold on, I know where this is going,” Nehemia interrupted her father before he could continue his sentence. “You avoided her didn’t you?” As Rowan’s cheeks flamed, Sam sat upright in his seat, a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“No way. You avoided her?” Aelin cackled as Rowan grumbled something under his breath, earning herself another glare. Nonetheless, Aelin tucked herself under her husband’s arm, reaching up to plant a kiss on his cheek. He seemed to soften at the touch, green eyes meeting hers in a look so full of love Aelin thought she might explode. 
“Well, what is it, old man?” Sam prompted. Rowan scowled at his son and daughter, both of who looked ready to pass out from restrained laughter. 
“Only for a couple of weeks,” he muttered lowly. 
“A COUPLE OF WEEKS?” Sam exploded, his laughter finally ringing out through the house as he fell back into the couch, holding his stomach. Nehemia glared at her brother and poked him in the stomach. It didn’t seem to matter as Sam sat up, still grinning. “And you call me a coward for not asking Asterin Havilliard out.” 
“You are a coward for not asking Asterin Havilliard out,” Rowan shook his head, running a hand down his face. Nehemia nodded, offering her father a high five which he quickly returned. She was such a daddy’s girl. 
“It’s true honey,” Aelin cut in, even as her son glared at her. “Dorian knows she likes you.”
“The world knows she likes him,” Nehemia said, exasperated. “Now get back to the story. Mom,” she turned to Aelin. “Did you know Dad was lying about having places to be?”
Aelin snorted, running her hand through the hair at the nape of Rowan’s neck which seemed to be even redder than it had been moments before. “Of course I did. His excuse was that he had to go to class. It was Sunday.” 
It was Nehemia’s turn to crackle now and Rowan looked downright offended. It wasn’t often that his oldest daughter wasn’t on his side. Aelin leaned into Rowan’s shoulder, delight running through her body as he placed a chaste kiss on her temple. 
“You’ll pay for this,” he mumbled into her hair. 
Her eyes said it all. I’m looking forward to it, Buzzard. 
“What happened? What happened?” Eliora’s voice dragged Aelin back to the present. She was sure her youngest had no idea what was going on at this point in the story, but Rowan continued nonetheless. 
It was three weeks before he saw her again. Three weeks of avoided group hangouts and staying in his dorm room during parties. Three weeks of taking a longer route than normal to all of his classes, and three weeks of wishing he could speak to the girl he couldn’t get out of his head. 
Rowan was sitting at a picnic table in the middle of one of the university quads, textbook open and highlighter in hand. He hadn’t actually understood any bit of what he had read, but at least it looked like he was doing something. And it seemed to be working pretty well for his other problem.
“Fleetfoot, get back here!” Or not. 
Rowan tried not to draw attention to himself as Aelin ran past his table, after the massive bundle of golden fur that was running away from her. He watched as she chased her dog around the quad, finally giving up as she layed on the ground, arms splayed wide. It wasn’t long before Fleetfoot was back and licking her face. 
He felt Aelin’s laugh all the way to his heart.
“Ten bucks says he grows a pair and asks her out.” Sam had long since abandoned his spot on the couch in favor of sitting on the ground to watch his father intently as he told the story. He had muttered the words to his sister, whose feet were right by his head. She too was looking at her father intently.
“Twenty says he keeps ignoring her until happenstance pushes them together.” 
Rowan rolled his eyes at his children, even though the spark in his green eyes showed he was more than amused. “Your mother was right. It is impossible to finish a story in this house.” 
“Gods,” Sam said, shaking his head. “I can’t believe my dad was such a pus-”
“Let’s see how fast I can ground you,” Rowan cut him off with a stern look to the child in his arms who seemed to be on the verge of sleep. Sam smiled sheepishly.
“My bad.” 
“Will you shut up so he can finish the story?” Nehemia glared at her brother. 
“Alright,” Aedion slammed his hand down on Rowan’s helmet, sending a large clattering sound through his head. Rowan scowled at his best friend, shoving him away. “What the fuck is going on between you and my cousin?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rowan turned back to his bag, shrugging off his helmet and shoving it into the massive pack before taking a sip of his water bottle, all while ignoring Aedion and those eyes that reminded him so much of the ones he truly wanted to see. 
“Don’t bullshit me, Rowan,” Aedion snapped at him, forcing Rowan to face him. “The two of you have been skirting around each other for the past three weeks and Aelin won’t even come to parties with us anymore so what. Happened.” 
Rowan stopped. Aelin hadn’t been going to parties? Had she been avoiding him as much as he had been avoiding her? He looked at his best friend and shrugged. 
“We kissed. During spin the bottle.” 
Aedion looked at him for what seemed like minutes before bursting into uncanny laughter. 
“Damn,” he wheezed out. “That’s it? Well, it’s about time.” 
“Excuse me?” Rowan growled, and Aedion stopped laughing. 
“You know what I mean, man. It’s about time. All those years when you two would look at each other and glance away before the other noticed. Or when you defend each other when the 
other isn’t there- yep, don’t think I didn’t notice that. I think we can all agree that it’s about time.” 
Rowan shook his head, incredulous. Other people had noticed that?
“No, Aedion,” he sighed. “Aelin hates me. She wants nothing to do with me.” Aedion stared at him again before, shaking his head.
“Ro, man, you are such an idiot sometimes.” 
“You know, Aedion. Saying cryptic shit and expecting other people to understand you doesn’t help anyone,” Rowan snapped, his patience thinning. Turning back to Aedion, he found his eyes glued on something behind him. 
Rowan’s heart stopped. There was no way.
But sure enough, Rowan turned around to meet the gaze of a gaping Aelin Galathynius. She held a tennis ball in one hand and Fleetfoot circled the ground at her feet. Clearly, the dog had chased the ball into their field and her owner had eventually followed. At the worst timing imaginable. 
“Aelin-” Rowan started, but she was already gone, whirling around and sprinting out of the stadium, the golden retriever at her heels. He didn’t think before following after her. “Aelin, wait!” he called after her, forcing his legs to go faster.
It turned out that Aelin Galathynius was quite fast when she wanted to be, and Rowan only caught up to her when she was standing in front of her dorm building. She didn’t need to turn around for Rowan to know she was fuming. 
“Gods, what do you want, Rowan?” she glared at him, her voice ice. “Haven’t you already proven your point?” Rowan wanted to grab her and shake her.
“Proven my- what? Aelin I-” 
“Look you made yourself very clear at the party, alright?” she snapped, turning away from him. But Rowan’s arm shot out, catching hers before she could leave and forcing her to look at him. “I get that Aedion can be nosy at times but you were so out of line, Whitethorn.” 
The confused look on his face must have been painfully obvious. Aelin rolled her eyes. “Look, if it was just an act to shut Aedion up, I-” 
Rowan kissed her.
This woman. This annoying, infuriating, intelligent, beautiful woman. She was absolutely astounding. And she thought he somehow hadn’t noticed that. 
Rowan wanted to remember the feeling of her lips on his for the rest of his life. Wanted to bottle the sound of the small gasp she released before melting into the kiss. He wanted to mold their bodies together until there was no room left. Rowan wanted to feel her soft hair between his fingers and the feeling of her hands in his hair until the day he died. He never wanted to let her go. 
This time when the two pulled back, Rowan kept her close to his body with an arm around her waist. Her arms were still around his neck and Aelin gazed at him through wide eyes. Before she could say anything, Rowan kissed her again, this time lingering. She kissed his smile with her own.
“It was never an act.”
“Well it seems to me that Fleetfoot is the true heroine of the story,” Nehemia grinned, petting the head of her own puppy that sat at her feet next to Sam. “Without her, you two would never have met again. Oh, and I won, by the way Sammy. Pay up.”
“That’s my girl,” Rowan grinned, pride shone over his face at his daughter’s antics regardless of her win being at his expense. Sam practically growled as he handed his sister a twenty-dollar bill. 
“Oh, don’t be sad, Sammy,” Aelin comforted her son, holding her arms out until he rolled his eyes and walked over to give her a hug. “Ask out Asterin and your kids won’t do the same thing to you,” she whispered, earning a dark red blush on her son’s cheeks.
She shared a knowing look with Rowan, unable to resist reaching up and kissing his lips once more. Rowan returned it in kind, grinning when she nipped playfully at his bottom lip. 
“Boo!” Nehemia called from her spot on the couch as Sam yelled, “Get a room!” 
Aelin turned to Rowan once more, unsurprised to see his gaze already on her. “Remind me why we keep them?” Rowan’s laugh rang out loud as he pulled Aelin close to his body. Her head landed on his shoulder and she sighed in content.
“Because we’re cute,” Nehemia supplied. “At least, one of us is.” She gazed at her little sister who had long since fallen asleep on her father’s lap. 
It seemed that their entire reason for telling the story had fallen asleep long before her father had finished telling it. There was no doubt that Eliora wouldn’t remember any bit of the story when she woke up. 
“She’s too young to understand the story yet,” Nehemia said, brushing back a piece of her little sister’s hair with astounding gentleness. 
“So what do we tell her when she’s old enough?” Aelin asked, cherishing the kiss that Rowan placed on her head and unable to contain the insurmountable love in her heart as her kids responded. 
“Oh, Mom’s version, for sure. It’s way better.”
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flusteredloser · 3 years
subzero - beverly marsh x fem!reader
it fandom week: huddling for warmth
content warnings: mentions of intoxication, smoking, swearing, fire, harmless threats, inhaler abuse, enemies to lovers, also i’m making bev tall bc i love tall gals word count: 3k
at the ripe age of ten years old, you knew you wanted to become a mother. the appeal of bouncing children in your lap, tucking them into bed, and the empowering feeling of calming tantrums down was something you naively believed was your destiny.  now, ten-year-old you was never wrong, you knew that. but what you didn’t expect was for your dream to come true at eighteen, stuck mothering six drunken teenage sons during a hailstorm’s power outage.
“edward. kaspbrak. i swear to god, if you do not go to sleep right now i will knock you out with your own inhaler.”
eddie groans at your words, still teeter-tottering towards the mattress. richie was already in bed, practically dead for a past half-hour. 
thankfully, he didn’t wake up from his comatose state when eddie gracefully slammed headfirst into the bed. you held your breath as the bed shook under eddie’s weight. drunken eddie was already a nightmare, what more, an even worse nightmare when catalysed with richie’s antics.  mike was slightly more useful. after throwing up in almost every sink in the house, he helped carry a very tipsy ben up the stairs and they were now both unconscious down the hall. bill wasn't exactly a disturbance, but he was incredibly determined to show us that he could play the piano right now if asked, that his skills were only heightened after dark. (the fact that bill had never touched a piano in his life, or that bev's apartment didn't even have a piano wasn't stopping him). bev was taking care of them in the other room, and based on the muffled conversation, was still trying to coax bill to sleep.  you and bev being the losers’ designated sober pair for tonight was the worst idea that had ever occurred to anyone. ever. the eight of you agreed. if you needed something done, you’d never leave the two of you to do it together.  but stan had explained that the rotation required the two of you to pair up tonight, no matter what. you didn’t quite understand the necessity of it but in all honesty, you’d rather put up with bev’s clownery than upset stan further.   speaking of, you glance at the lump on the floor, peacefully swaddled and engulfed in the massive duvet. you should probably check on stan’s breathing later. 
now, though, you still had one child left.
hearing the sound of an air pump go off from the bed, you walk back to eddie.
“but i’m so cold and i’m not even tired,” said eddie, his inhaler still jammed in his mouth.
“eddie, the power will be back in no time, and if you keep pumping that shit in your mouth, you’re never going to feel tired,” you sigh, taking the aspirator away.
“no, but seriously.” eddie continues, his eyes filled with sleep-deprived mania. “i swear, i’m like wide awake, i don’t even need sleep right now, it’s technically the morning and nO WHAT THE HELL-”
clutching the pump in your hand, you watch the white vapour shoot against eddie’s face. nothing but eddie’s exasperated coughing filled the room.
“i told you, i’m not afraid to use this.”
“i thought...you said...you were going to...knock me out with it,” eddie questioned between coughs.
you narrow your eyes at him, “you keep this up and i will knock you with it.” 
“wow, you really are gonna make a great mother someday.”  you let out a deep groan, turning to see where the new voice came from. leaning against the doorframe with a lit cigarette between her fingers was bev in all her smug glory. 
“you know, after dealing with kaspbrak tonight, he makes you look like an angel,” you roll your eyes.
“hey!” you hear a muffled voice from under the blanket. 
“go to sleep, pretty boy,” bev chuckles, some smoke escaping with her laugh, “i know it’s hard after seeing her troll face but you have to try.”
you rolled your eyes again at the two giggles in the room, shuffling around the bed, carefully stepping around stan’s body. you continue to walk past bev and into the hall. 
the house was silent. no one lived here anymore but bev since you guys graduated, and since mr. marsh stopped residing here, the apartment had an almost peaceful quality.
walking past the guest room, you grin at the sight of mike, ben, and bill entwined together on the floor. oh, how much tamer this group would’ve been compared to the menaces next door. 
you snatch your backpack from the living room sofa and dug through the pockets anxiously. searching against the walls of your bag and still finding nothing, you began to feel more and more nervous. “fucking hell, where is it,” you whisper. at this rate, you weren’t sure if the thumping in your ears was from the sound of sharp hail hitting the windows or your heart beating in your throat. you stand up in a deeper panic, aggressively patting your pockets up and down.
“you know, as entertaining as this is to watch, i almost feel bad.” 
“bev..." you sigh. "i am not in the mood."
“why? too busy looking for your pack of camels?” you hear the sound of a familiar cardboard flap opening, “personally, i’m more of a marlboro girl but i mean, these work too.”
you spin around and storm up to bev, snatching the lit cigarette from her lips. “that’s mine?”
she smirks, “you left your backpack open, it was practically an invitation.” 
“an invitation for you to go through my shit?” you hissed, dangling the ignited end near her face.
she snatched her cig back and mockingly dangling it back near your face, “yeah, a formal invitation for me to smoke off this monstrosity of a temperature. what do you want, an apology too? i can write you one asap, let me find bill’s notebook-”
taking the cig back once more, you snap. "you’re such an ass, bev.”
she grins, following closely behind you. she could feel the heat radiating off of your body, and she secretly hoped you’d accidentally stop in your tracks so she could run into you. in the name of transferring body heat and what not. shaking off these thoughts that were hijacking her brain, she makes a kissy sound, “c’mon, you know you love it.”
“mmhm sure, bev. because i’m really into girls stealing my shit.”
pinching the flame from the cig and dumping it in the tray, she leads the both of you into the supply closet. she chuckles as she leans against the doorway, leaving you feeling trapped in the tight room. you knew she was laughing because you insisted on going in first and now that you were the one having to get the stuff, but you didn’t quite register that the things you needed was on the top shelf. up high stood a high stack of blankets. and they looked like they could singlehandedly cure the subzero temperature. 
clearly, you must have been looking up at the blankets for a moment too long because bev gave up and leaned forwards to grab the stack. the sensation of her flushed against your back was enough to make you dizzy, not to mention how absolutely warm she was. and of course... it was bev. 
bev. the girl who you rolled your eyes at every day, the girl who taunts you at any given minute, the girl you would, and had, risked your life for. you guys never talk about neibolt, but sometimes you catch yourself thinking of what could have happened if it went south. if you hadn’t grabbed her in time, and if you didn’t switch places just before pennywise launched at you...  absentmindedly tracing the scar down your stomach, you think of the absolute lack of regret you feel to this day. you always had this joke that you wanted to kill her, but how much of that was true?
“darling, did the cold already go and rot your brain?” bev faux-pouts, “not that there was much to begin with, but i’m still worried.” the stack of blankets was now under her arms with one stretched out as she began to wrap it around herself.
never mind. sometimes you did want to kill her. 
by habit, you went on your tip toes in order to get to bev’s face, but she was already crouched a couple inches from your face. trying to keep your racing heart under wraps, you choke out a semi-convincing “don’t make me murder you, beverly.”
she grins back your serious face. "aww no, i couldn’t let you do that. the knives and other weapons are also stored up there.” she teases, slinging her arm around your shoulder and dragging you to deliver the blankets to the boys. 
"oh, fuck off." you shove bev's arm off of you and walked back into richie, eddie, and stan's room. true to your word, you kneeled down to the floor and gently rolled stan’s head towards you. placing your two fingers against his pulse point, you giggle to yourself at the absurd action. if it wasn’t already obvious that he was indeed alive, he groans under you, but you shush him in time. lightly stroking his curls, you whisper. "i’m just checking up on you, stan,” placing the second blanket onto him. he groaned back.
quietly tip-toeing towards the bed, you tossed the other blanket over richie and eddie. “i swear, these guys would be dead already without us.” you laugh to yourself. 
a dim light flickers from the living room and casts a light across the hall. you shut the door behind you as you leave, going into the living room to see bev on the sofa, engulfed in her own large fleece blanket. the only thing peeking out was her face and hands as her she alternated flickering her lighter's warmth on her fingers. 
without thinking, you plop by her on the sofa. “whatcha doing there, you pyro?”
“it’s getting so fucking cold,” bev half-heartedly jokes. you can see her eyebrows are furrowed in concentration, but her voice was so contradictingly soft it made your heart melt.
you extended your open hand to her and she stared at it. “blood oath part two? promise to never be sober again during a powercut?”
“i wish, and shut up. don’t play dumb with me, beverly.”
you notice the slightest tinge in her cheeks as she places her hand along with her lighter in yours. you immediately recoil at her freezing fingertips and the lighter clatters to the ground. bev rolls her eyes and shifts away, “first you want to hold my hand, secondly you’re acting like i have fucking HIV.”
“firstly, smartass, i’d still hold your hand if you had HIV-”
“because it’s a blood-borne pathogen so unless you bleed or shit or lactate on my hand, i’m safe.”
bev’s face scrunches up. “how romantic.”
“now shut it and give me your hand already.” you say, placing your palm out for her again.
now bev is the one rolling her eyes at you for a change. she gives you her hand, much slower this time though, careful not to have you pull away again. not having you pull away? why was this something she was considering? 
immediately, bev felt the heat from your skin radiate against hers’, instantly igniting her skin in goosebumps. she instinctively gave you her other hand and you take with a soft smile. 
“now...why the hell are you built like a goddamn radiator.” bev grumbled, rubbing her hands together under yours.
“well, i don’t see you complaining, do i?” you raise your eyebrows.
“i’m not mad...it’s just that it’s not like you need it,” bev says between chuckles, “you’re like five feet tall. not exactly a lot of surface area to heat up.”
“you’re such a dick, bev. you’re losing your hand-holding privileges,” you side-eye, pulling your warm fingers away.
she gasped, “oh, don’t you dare.”
“yes, i do. it’s not like i’m dying to feel your freezing hands on me, bev.” you desperately try to make the statement sound as sarcastic as you can, but it ends up coming out much shakier than expected. 
even in the dark, you can see the glint of bev’s mischievous grin. “oh really? you don’t want to feel my freezing hands?” “is that a trick question?” you sigh exasperatedly, “because if you as much as-”
suddenly, you feel bev’s ice-cold fingers press against the skin on your ribcage and you immediately squeal. you clamp your hand over your mouth at the scare, you try and contain the others sounds that escape you as she further presses her freezing hands against your warm skin. scrambling away from her grasp, you slap the back of her head.
“you stop that right now or i will leave you on your own porch to freeze,” you threaten through gritted teeth.
“mmhm, like you would.” she teases, continuing to press the pads of her still-cold fingertips into your stomach. 
you felt your heart rate rise significantly, to the point that you were sure that your unknown warmness was actually due to bev making the blood pump 10x more than normal. every braincell swimming inside your head was on the brink of short-circuiting at the feeling of bev’s hands dancing along the edge of your bra. what the hell is she thinking?
after a couple more rounds of her threatening to freeze your midriff and you threatening to crack open a window, you both surrender and allow her keep her hands clasped between yours, resting atop your chest.
“are you not getting any warmer?” you groan, forcing yourself to snap out of your own feelings. 
“hey, you’re the hot-pack here. do you think i’m feeling any warmer?” she goes back to press her freezing palms against your stomach.
“no, no, no, do not do that again.”
bev sighs, “then what the hell am i supposed to do?” she sits upright and tightens the blanket around her head. shifting away from you, she shivers her way back into the other end of the sofa. “i’m dressed in triple the layers you are, moved around way more than you have, i’m even wearing this gigantic fleece eyesore-”
“oh for fuck’s sake just come back here.” you roll your eyes.
bev moves about an inch closer. 
you feel your heart constrict in your chest and you let yourself say it before you could think it any further, “i said, come here.” you lift one of your arms and gesture for her to come closer. scooting your body near to the end of the sofa, it was clear that the space you made was so she could easily crawl in next to you.
“are- are you... you want me to-”
you’re sure your whole face has gone red. bev she already can’t stand you so why not just make it even more awkward, huh? you bit your tongue gently, calming yourself down. if bev didn’t know that you offered to cuddle with her just because you could, then that was her fault for being so daft. you sigh, resuming back into your deadpan state. “yeah, i can’t listen to another minute of your whinging.”
“no, i heard you, i just-” she stammers, looking equally red herself. you feel a huge tiny sense of pride as you realised you’ve rendered bev speechless. beverly marsh. speechless.  
“what are you waiting for?” you tease, “a formal invitation?” 
having the upper hand for once was refreshing, if not thrilling. being the one to tease her and watch her become flustered was something you wish could happen more often. 
bev’s face breaks out in the softest smile you’ve ever seen. she slowly makes her way over to you, shifting her body close to yours without touching you yet. “is that too much to ask for? a formal invitation?” you let out an unexpected genuine laugh at her silliness and bev giggles in unison. this was different than your default laughter made of semi-amusement and sarcasm. she rests her weight against you, her cheek gently pressing into your collarbone. her fingertips resume their spot against the flushed skin of your stomach and your own cheeks turn red again. there wasn’t a functional reason for her to do that anymore.
“stop that before i regret this, bev.”
“there’s no way in hell you regret this.” she grins, followed by the faintest whisper of an “i sure don’t.”
you were about to reply and perhaps mention how you’d be okay with her falling asleep in your arms, that you could tolerate such juvenile behaviour. you know, in the name of public health and safety, but bev beats you to it.
“just let me warm up here for ten minutes, alright. then you can let go and i’ll sleep on my side right after,” she rushes out.
that wasn’t how you thought it was going to know. your heart sinks slightly at her words but you try not to take it personally. what else could you do? it was almost like a wake-up call, reminding the both of you that this wasn’t normal for you and bev. 
after a minute or so, you found yourself absentmindedly weaving your fingers through bev’s auburn hair, gently combing it with your hands like you did earlier with stan. “you have such soft hair,” you whisper against her hair. 
you hear her mumble against the blanket indistinguishably and you find yourself closing your eyes at the vibrations of her voice against you. if only bev wanted to stay here like this and this feeling between the two of you could last more than the next ten minutes. you let your eyelids drift down momentarily, and you smile at the thought.
just a couple minutes later, your mind jolts back awake, and your heart sinks at the thought of having to wake her up so she could move to her side of the sofa and sleep. you reach over to feel the ends of her hair between your fingers again, grounding yourself to this feeling one last time before bev had to wake up. once you peel your eyes open however, you immediately shut them against the bright light shining at you. was richie planning on abducting y’all in the middle of the night again? gently prying your eyes open for the second time, you notice the light is shining from the window. you sigh in relief.
wait. the window? 
your eyes shoot open fully. the hail had stopped. and it’s day time. 
snapping your head down to bev, you take in her figure still fit snugly into your side. her free arm rests across your chest, her legs were entwined with yours. ...and her electric blue eyes stare right into you. your heart instantly jumps into your throat as you scramble for excuses, fuck, anything that would keep you from explaining yourself.
instead, she shifts her body upwards so she’s fit even tighter against your side,  placing her face into the crook of your neck. her lips were right at your pulse point, sending your mind spiralling at the thought that she could probably feel how fast your heart was beating right now. her lips move against your skin, saying something barely above a whisper.
“you tell anyone about this and i’ll fucking end you.”
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