#the only way in which im projecting is the fact that I never talk about him being an engineer
minty-mumbles · 20 days
LU Survey 2024 Results
The long awaited results of the survey. Thank you guys for being so patient with me :)
There were 350 responses to the survey this year! Not as many as there were last year, but still impressive. If you want to look at the raw data for this, you can do so here
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General Questions
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Favorites and Least Favorites
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Blank Space Question (Select Answers)
I'm so normal about Legend (the biggest lie I've ever told)
Remember that fandom is a community! Reach out to each other and learn something new! Give someone a compliment! Ask them a question! Encourage new artists and writers who are still learning! Thank you Mint for doing the survey again, too!
The fact no one has thought of calling Warrior's Zelda, "Areia" hurts me deeply "Hyppolita" even, please, with how much shipping there is between them, people sure are eager to name her after goddesses who have vowed to never have romantic relationships.
I dont think the fandom talks about it but i really love that every single piece of sky clothing is embroidered, because unless skyloft has embroidery machines thats all hand done. Which means either someone he knows makes a lot of them and gives them out freely (i give most of my projects to friends and family) or he would have paid someone for it, which means that either someone on skyloft lives of decorating clothing (and likely other fabrics) or someone just uses it to get some extra money (both are amazing since in the modern day people dont want to pay for handcrafted works what its actually worth)
Shark skeletons are made of cartilage, not bone
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 🦆
FOUR SUPREMACY🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥💚❤️💙💜💪💪💪💪🔛🔝💯💯💯💯💯
No but the Athena/Artemis thing is so real. What’s up with that. Why did we pick Artemis? Why did we do that?
I find it so funny how the fandom has decided to call Dark Link "Dink" because whenever I play a Zelda game I name my character Dink or Dinkus :D I started doing this waaaaay before I knew about LU
Im so excited for Echos of Wisdom! I find it really funny that Nintendo keeps making it harder for JoJo to stick to the plan, I'm pretty sure it's Legend and Fable but I'm not certain any ways Im really happy!
I love how LU is a culmination of so many of my favorite tropes from other fandoms! It’s been really comforting and nostalgic for me despite the fact that I only got into it this year. Especially since so many creators I liked have been getting revealed as problematic, it’s nice to be able to fall back on fictional characters who can’t ruin the lives of real people. :)
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redr0sewrites · 6 months
Can you write Vox x reader where like the reader just says like really unhinged things and just like vile things whenever they rage and stuff like the internet could be slow or smth and the reader is just like “IM GOING TO RIP OFF MY SKIN” idk man I’m kinda just self projecting rn like you can right anything with it tbh idk sorry for rambling anyway you don’t have to do this if you don’t wanna
THIS IS SO MEEEEE I LOVE THIS IDEA SM!!! sorry it took me a hot minute to reply to this i have over 70 hazbin hotel requests in my inbox 😭
🥀Cw: fluff, crack, silly vox
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when he first met you, vox was charmed by your seemingly sweet nature- that is, until you were pissed
your unholy screech of how you were going to rip off your skin if he cut the wifi again was both endearing and confusing in his eyes
vox would just short circuit for a second, just blinking at you while he tries to process what you just said
once it clicks, he just starts giggling. vox very rarely genuinely laughs, most of his laughs are professional or part of the persona he adopts as the leader of vox enterprises, but when he's so shocked by what you just said, he can't control the booming laughter thay fills the room
he's wheezing and gasping, each barking laugh only pissing you off more
"what's so funny? if you keep laughing i am going to fucking break ur fingers like carrot sticks!" you snap, and vox only giggles harder
after a few seconds, you can't help but notice how adorable his laughter is, and soon you don't mind it as much
once you two are officially together, you notice how stressed vox often is, yet how he seems to visibly relax around you
the batshit crazy things you say, which normally disgusts other people, only seem to amuse him
its actually a wonderful dynamic because you bring some spontaneity and slight insanity into vox's otherwise irritating and depressing lifestyle, and vox balances out the crazy things you say and calms you down every time
you often find yourself searching for new phrases to baffle him with, and for new ways to make him laugh
after vox has a stressful day, he enjoys just listening to you ramble about the most insane things and adores hearing whatever fucked up saying you've adopted recently
vox notices himself beginning to copy your speech patterns. he only begins to realize when he slips in an exceptionally odd metaphor into a work meeting and everyone stares at him, yet his heart skips a beat at the thought
there's something so charming to him about the fact that he's adopting your mannerisms, and you truly make him laugh when no one else can
whenever another one of the vees pisses him off, he always comes to you for advice on incredibly deranged comebacks, and you never disappoint!
he's won multiple arguments by just repeating one of your fucked up sayings and the other vees being too lowkey shocked to disagree
vox LOVES IT when you diss people he hates, hearing you ramble some fucked up insults about alastor made him fall in love with you all over again
"that worm on a string fucked up karen cut bob looking ass- if i see him around here again im going to eat a fucking brick" *cue vox looking at you with the biggest heart eyes*
overall, you are both menaces, but you're menaces in love ♥️
vox lay with his head in your lap, the blue light of his screen illuminating the dim room as you rambled mindlessly about your day.
"and THEN, this fucking asshole tried to flirt with me! ME!! as if he doesn't know were dating! ugh, it makes me feel like i have an entire beehive living beneath my skin. i swear if he even looks at me again im going to lick wet cement i can NOT deal. how can you even work with him? he's such a fucking CREEP voxy, i'm going to cut off those ugly ass wings and shove them so far down his throat- hey, are you even listening?"
you look down to see vox half asleep, his eyelids drooping as his light dimmed. "keep talking.." he murmurs, looking up at you with a lazy smile on his face. "you're my favorite person t' listen to.."
i love the idea of vox with a partner who challenges his very idea of power. he clearly wraps himself in a sort of persona, surrounding himself with powerful people and acting like he's so serious and important. i love the idea of him falling in love with someone who can break down his walls in seconds, someone who can dismantle his entire bravado act and who allows him to truly be himself. this is such a wonderful prompt and i am eating this up. nonnie ur awesome!!!!
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dextixer · 7 months
The fandoms unfathomable arrogance in demanding how RWBY should be revived
As some of you might know Dillon Goo has expressed interest in acquiring and working on reviving RWBY from its current state. He is a very talented animator who has worked with Shane Neville for quite some time now and released animations that were even shared on our subreddit. Even GLITCH animation studio has expressed a passing interest in Dillon Goo talking about RWBY.
Regardless, this has of course received a positive reception for the most part, but it did not take long for detractors to come out of the woodwork and take issue with possible involvement of Shane, and saying things like "If CRWBY isnt a part of this, im not interested" "If CRWBY isnt in this, Montys vision is ruined.
This is a rant against those people, warning, high amounts of sodium ahead
I have seen many people say that if anyone ever aquires the RWBY IP, that CRWBY should then HAVE to be hired or these people will NEVER support the projects in question. They say that its because people like Miles and Kerry know "Montys Vision", that they know what he wanted and thus without them, RWBY would not longer be RWBY.
Let us be very clear here you entitled shits. You dont have much of a choice. RWBY is dead, its laying down on the fucking medical table, its heart is no longer beating. Its clinically a corpse. Who the fuck do you think you are to make demands of any kind of revival the show can get? You are not in a position to choose or demand anything, you either accept any kind of revival of RWBY, even if its not perfect in your eyes (Welcome to the shoes of the critics) or you quit and let RWBY die.
But let us fucking remember that many people in the fandom were gleefuly saying that they will support RT and RWBY when it was revealed how mismanaged RT was and how they abused their workers. I saw multiple people go and say "Yeah, this sucks, but i will still support RT because i want RWBY to continue". We had multiple threads in r/RWBY saying to support RT so that RWBY would continue and even moralizing that people who engage in piracy are just selfish people.
You were willing to kneel before an abusive corporation and open your wallets to it without fucking question to keep RWBY going. But now when there is a possibility that RWBY might continue on and just MIGHT possibly do so without CRWBY (Which is not even a guarantee). You throw in the fucking towel? THIS was your fucking red line? CRWBY not working on the show?
At that point, just be honest and say what you really believe.
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You are fucking DICKSUCKING Miles and Kerry as if they were the ONLY ones working on the show alongside Monty and know his "vision". Well, let me ask you then why in the fuck do you put so much effort in shitting on Shane huh!?
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Its always "Oh, we need the people who worked with Monty" but EVERY SINGLE FUCKING time i go on twitter right now i see someone whining or being worried about "Well, but what about Shane".
Shane worked with Monty from the very fucking start! When he was eventually booted out of the company and made his open letter, most of the things in that letter were then confirmed MORE AND MORE with each passing year! He cared about Montys vision so much he was willing to call out RT before ANYONE ELSE! And we know for a FACT that MK did not follow the "vision" because the things that Monty and Shane worked on for Volume 3 were not used in Volume 3 and were then reused in later volumes.
I repeat, NONE of you shits cared about Montys "vision" nor do you genuinely care about it now. What you care about is CRWBY. What you care about is the parasocial relationship between you and creators of a show you like when it panders to you.
Because Shane was there from the very fucking start. And now hes the fandoms fucking Satan who the fandom tried so fucking hard to demonize over the years. Didnt care about Montys vision then did you!?
Oh and by the way, didnt we hear for YEARS now that there is a RWBY bible? That everything in RWBY is planned? That we had an outline for like 11-13 seasons!? Well if there exists such a bible, who gives a shit if CRWBY is involved in any kind of Volume continuation. If the bible exists anyone with skill and interest can read it and create what is meant to be created!
Of course unless the bible has always been a crock of shit fed to the fandom to try and pretend that the show wasnt writen by the fucking seat of its pants. (Which it WAS!)
So let me end with this.
Miles and Kerry are not gods. They are not angels. They are not perfect beings and bearers of the "Word of Monty" they are WRITERS! And just like with ANY part of CRWBY, the companies that might want to remake RWBY or write Volume 10 can choose to NOT take them onboard.
And that is FINE!
I do not mind if people wish or prefer that CRWBY were involved with any kind of RWBY continuation. What i fucking hate is this hypocritical DEMAND to keep CRWBY on board or otherwise "Its not real RWBY". Because i will repeat for the third fucking time.
The Fandom seems to not give even a single solitary fuck about RWBY, they seem to only care about CRWBY.
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bangtansocean · 3 months
Roommate's Prohibited List: Eight
Content Table: 01 l 02 l 03 l 04 l 05 l 06 l 07 l 08
“You okay? You’ve been zoning out all day.” Monica asks as you both walk out of the main university building towards the parking lot. 
You humm in reply, walking at a fast pace while staring at the trees, not really able to process what happened a few days ago. 
You want to tell Monica, but you are unsure of what to say because…it was just a kiss. 
Soobin hasn’t texted you, or called, or been in the apartment ever since. 
It's been days since you last saw him, and you know that telling Monica about it right now is not a good idea because she’s going to start asking questions that you don’t have answers to, and that’s going to irritate you even more. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired.  haven’t adjusted to the new schedule yet.” You sigh in reply before turning to your friend once you reach her car.
“Fair enough,” She opens her car door and settles in the driving seat, “you want a ride home?” She asks as she rolls down her window. 
You hesitate for a minute before shaking your head. “It's alright, I’m going to the cafe before going home, I’m craving something sweet.” You tilt your head towards the campus cafe, which is right in between your house and your faculty building.  
“Alrighty then, I’ll see you tomorrow love!” Monica greets you before rolling her window back up, the music blasting through as soon as she starts the car. 
You wave her goodbye as you watch her drive away, taking a deep breath as she disappears into the early sunset. 
“What am I doing?” you whisper to yourself, shaking your head. 
You are not sure why you are so irritated by this whole situation, and obviously the amount of projects you have due this weekend are not helping. 
You walk mindlessly through campus until you reach the cafe, walking in as you check your phone for any notifications, but nothing. 
“One matcha with oat milk please,” You smile at the barista before paying, thanking him with a nod. 
You wait in the corner for your order to be called, scrolling through your instagram before you feel someone tap you on the shoulder. 
“I'm sorry, you are y/n, right?” An angelic voice calls from behind you. You turn around and to your surprise, it was the guy you matched a few days ago on that dating app. 
“Oh, wow, tae right?” You smile when he nods with an even brighter smile. “What a coincidence”
“Yeah, it truly is!” He giggles nervously, “I’m sorry I never answered, I lost my phone.” His cheeks turn a light pink as he looks down embarrassed. 
“That’s okay, don’t worry.” You tell him, feeling giddy at the fact that he not only recognised you, but because he did plan on replying to you and he did not leave you on seen on purpose. 
Coffee for y/n! 
You grab your coffee and continue having small talk with Taehyun as he waits for his coffee. You both end up walking out together, as he is on his way to the gym that’s only a few blocks down your street. 
“This is me,” you say as you both stand in front of your building. 
“this is a nice building” he looks up, admiring the modern design. 
“That’s such an architect thing to say” you joke before he joins you in laughter. 
“Well, I have many more of those,” he jokes back ,”how about I take you out for dinner on Saturday and tell you all about it?” 
You are taken aback by the smoothness, giggling before nodding your head. “I would like that very much, im free after 6pm”
“I'll pick you up at seven then?” 
You nod in reply “seven is perfect” 
“Cool, see you then y/n. Glad my phone didn’t get in the way of meeting you.” He winks before leaving, waving at you from a distance before turning on the next block. 
You walk inside in a much better mood thanks to tae, maybe this weekend won't be so bad.
Friday, finally. 
You walk out of class in great spirits, yapping with Monica about anything and everything. 
“I say we go for drinks right now, it's happy hour somewhere!” She says excitedly. 
“I would love to, but I can't,” you remind Monica of all the homework you have due next week, as well as of your date on Saturday, to which she squeals in excitement with you. “I know, i'm actually really excited,” you sigh nervously. 
“You sure are, that man is H-O-T” Monica laughs, “I'm excited for you!” 
“I’ll see you on Monday!” You wave at your friend before heading home. The weather is extra nice today so you decided to walk home again. 
“Jesus Christ these stairs” you speak out loud as you make it to your floor, surprised to find your door wide open. 
You walk in slowly, looking around to see if there’s anyone but instead, you find a couple of bags on the floor full of clothes and other stuff, is someone going on a holiday? 
“Hello?” You leave your things on the kitchen table while scanning the bags on the floor again. 
“Hi!” Yeonjun’s floor flies open to reveal a showered Yeonjun, a big smile on his face as he eats a bowl of instant noodles. “Are you moving out?” 
He frowns as he too scans the room, “why are they wet?” 
He points at one of the boxes on the floor, the bottom part slightly dampened. 
“Well that’s because im the unluckiest motherfucker in the world.” Soobin’s voice is heard from the hallway, walking into the living room as he dries his hair with a towel. “My place got flooded, broken pipe or something like that.” 
Your heart jumps at the sight of Soobin, your brain panicking and screaming at you as you check him out. You scan his clothes and notice they are soaked from the waist down, his hair and shirt sleeves slightly wet still. your eyes meet his once you finish scanning him. 
He gives you a big smile, but you can see the annoyance and stress on his face, almost like he's smiling through the pain. 
“Womp womp,” Yeonjun jokes as he places his bowl in the trash, “that is very unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that.” 
You nod in agreement, offering Soobin a soft smile. “Yeah I’m sorry, can we help you dry some stuff?” 
Soobin shakes his head, “it's mostly dry now, just some boxes got a little wet, but nothing major.” He shrugs. 
“And so what? You are moving in? Why did you bring all your shit?” Yeonjun asks, now sitting on the couch turning the game on. 
“At least for the week, yeah.” Soobin shrugs again as he makes his way around the kitchen, grabbing some water. 
You freeze in place once his words sink. 
“Gyu is out of town till Wednesday so I’ll be taking over his house duties and stuff till then, hope that's okay.” 
“Do you wanna take over mine too?” Yeonjun asks right before starting the round, oblivious to Soobin’s eye roll. 
“Anyway, how was your day?” Soobin places his empty glass next to you, supporting his weight on the kitchen counter before turning to you with glistening eyes. 
You blink a couple of times before supporting yourself on the kitchen counter almost like you were trying to sleep as you stretched your back, Soobin copies your move, both ending up resting your heads on your arms. 
“It was good,” you reply before yawning, feeling sleepy all of the sudden. “Busy.”
Soobin’s eyes are focused on you, a cheeky smile on his lips as you stare at him mindlessly, blinking a couple of times before yawning again. 
“You seem tired,” Soobin whispers, which causes you to open your eyes again. 
“Yeah a little,” your lips shape into a straight line, “How are you?” You return the question politely. 
“Good, now that I see you,” he whispers again, his smile growing shy and he presses his lips together. “I won the tennis match last time.” He chuckles, your mind trying to find how one thing connects to the other. 
Soobin laughs at your confused frown, “I guess you are my lucky charm,” he nods with his head a couple of times, almost like he is agreeing with himself. 
You hide your face between your arms before giggling, “you can't be saying shit like this” you whisper to him, slowly standing up before pointing at Yeonjun. 
“We could have sex on this counter and Yeonjun would not notice,” he stands straight too, smacking the counter but getting no reaction from his friend who is deeply focused on his game. 
The temperature of your face rises at the thought of you and Soobin having sex on the kitchen counter. 
“Told you” he winks, making you roll your eyes. 
“Still, don’t,” you lightly smack him on the shoulder, his smile fading slowly as his eyes scan you. 
“…does it make you uncomfortable?” He asks in a serious tone. “I don’t mean to-..
“No no no,” you correct yourself when you realize Soobin thought you meant you didn’t want him to be flirty with you. 
He stands in front of you, full of thought as he scans you, a smile escaping his lips before he mouths an ‘okay’. 
You nod in reply, your face getting warmer as his right hand reaches for yours, his eyes never leaving yours as his thumb caressed your hand lightly. 
“Are you playing with us?” Soobin asks in a soft tone, to which you shake your head in reply.  
“Imma take a nap,” You reply with your eyes closed, humming in enjoyment at the caresses of Soobins hand on yours. 
“Okay then,” You feel his lips against your cheek, opening your eyes widely and turning to see Yeonjun with panic. Thankfully, he is too into the game. “Sweet dreams,” Soobin smiles when you turn to see him again, your cheeks turning a darker shade of pink as he lets go of your hand and joins Yeonjun on the couch. 
You watch him as he sets up his controller and get comfortable on the couch next to your roommate, who is playing with his mouth partially open, his eyes glued to the screen as he finishes the round. 
“Don’t be too loud,” You warn them before heading to your room, Soobin winking at you as you walk past them towards your room. 
You wake up by a light knock on your door.
“Y/n?” The voice of Soobin is soft through the door. “Can I?” he slightly opens the door, but not enough to see him. 
“Yeah come in” you say in a sleepy voice as you turn to look at the door, covering yourself even more with the blanket, only your face visible as Soobin sneaks his head through the door.
“Hey, you’ve been sleeping for a while now, are you okay?” He begins as he makes his way into the room, a plate in his hands. “I made pad thai, you should eat something you must be hungry.”
You smile and humm, sitting up to receive the plate, “That’s so sweet, thank you.” 
You grab the plate with both hands and smell the food, moaning at the pleasant smell and looks of the food, you were indeed hungry. “It smells amazing.” You look up to Soobin, who is staring down at you with a big smile. 
“I’ll let you enjoy your food in peace, I’ll be in the living room if you want to join me.” He bends down and places a quick peck on your lips, and you cover your mouth as he giggles. 
“Don’t do that I just woke up,” You say, covering your mouth as you grow embarrassed, you probably have terrible breath. 
“I don't care,” he laughs, “I hope you like it,” He says before walking out, closing the door behind him.
You smile at your food one more time before digging in, enjoying every bite more than the last. 
You can hear Soobin is cleaning the kitchen, and you decide to join and help him, bringing your plate with you. 
You can hear some faint music as you get closer to the kitchen, smiling when you find him washing the dishes. 
“Hey,” you greet him with a smile, placing your plate next to him before telling him to move out, “I can take care of what’s left,” you tell him, but he shakes his head, not moving from his place. 
“All good. I got it, go freshen up.” He points to the bathroom with his head, and you stare at him for a couple of seconds before he insists. “Go.” He giggles as he dries the pots he had just washed. 
You sigh before heading into the bathroom, a smile on your face as you walk away from him. 
You wash your teeth and freshen up your face with some water, not wanting to spend too much time in the bathroom. 
You walk out into the hallway, making it to the corner where the kitchen and the living room meet when you are swept away, making you gasp at the sudden scare. 
Soobin is holding you by the waist, pulling you closer to him as his hand reaches for your cheek, smiling as he pulls you closer, kissing you softly, giggling in between kisses at your surprise state. 
“You scared me,” you whisper. 
“I’m sorry,” He giggles back before both of his hands cup your face, deepening the kiss. 
“Wait.” You push him away, realizing that you are in the middle of the common area, right in front of Yeonjun’s room. 
He stares at you confused, a frown on his face as you point to Yeonjun’s door, concern drawn all over your face. 
He lets go of your waist and walks towards Yeonjun’s room. 
He knocks twice, “Yeonjun? Are you there?”
No answer. 
He proceeds to open the door, scan the room and then close it back shut. “He’s not here, and neither are his books."
You frown before pulling your phone out to text him. 
[Reply from Yeonjun:]
Hey, not sleeping home tonight. Group studies.
“He’s not coming home tonight.” You say as Soobin’s hands find your waist again, pulling you closer as he kisses you all over your face. 
You can’t help but giggle, placing your hands on his face to pull him for another kiss, this time, actually enjoying yourself. “So you think you can just kiss me now whenever you want?” 
He giggles between kisses, humming a yes in response before kissing your cheek. 
“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long,” Soobin whispers against your ear, his hands finding your ass as he invites you to jump on him, wrapping your legs around him as he walks you to the couch, his lips attaching to yours as soon as you hit the soft material. . 
What started out as innocent kisses turned into a full on make-out session.
Soobin is on top of you, his hands wandering under your shirt but only around your waist and hips. His lips travel from your lips to your neck, only to end back on your lips. 
You are both moaning, your hands wandering all over as you struggle to breathe, not getting enough of him.
“Wait, Soobin.” You say in between harsh breaths. 
He pulls away immediately, “What’s wrong?” He whispers, his eyes scanning your face. 
You can’t help but stare. At his swollen red lips, covered in a light layer of saliva. His hair messed up, pointing in all directions. The faint marks of your cherry lip balm all over his neck and lips…
You sigh before closing your eyes. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” You whisper, and before you could open your eyes, Soobin was off from you and sitting by your side. 
You open your eyes and sit up, his eyes shutting down as he sighs.
He rests his head between his hands as he pulls on his hair lightly, “I know… I fucking know.” He sighs again.
You hug him. 
You are unsure of what to do, or how to approach the situation, so you just hug him. But it seems like it's enough, because he comforts you as well by rubbing your arms with his hands. 
“I can’t really help myself, you know?” he whispers, turning to look at you.  "this sucks."
You let go of him and stare directly into his eyes, feeling a million butterflies. 
“I know, I feel the same way.” 
You both stare at each other in silence, looking for answers in each other’s eyes, but finding none. 
You lean forward to kiss him again, a soft, slow and painful kiss before you pull away from him. His eyes slowly opening as he stares into your eyes with sparks, his lips forming a smile from ear to ear as he reaches for one more kiss, a cute and small peek on your lips. 
“Let’s play a game.” He says, standing up as he makes his way into the kitchen, opening the fridge. “Let’s ask each other questions, and the one who doesn’t want to answer, or gets it wrong, drinks.” He pulls two beers out of the bridge and places them on the table in front of you. 
“Sounds good,” You reply with a smile, taking a sip of your beer before you sit on opposite ends of the couch, making as much distance as possible to avoid more temptations. 
“How do you know all the answers?!” You squeal before taking another sip of your second beer. 
His laugh echoes all over the house, making you even angrier at the fact that he knows more of you than you thought he did.
“I have a great memory!” He mimics your tantrum before taking a sip of his third, new beer.
“I hate you,” You cross your hands against your chest. Looking away when he caresses your legs that are crisscrossed. 
“No you don’t” He whispers, his hand slowly sliding up from your thigh to your hip, pulling you closer for a kiss.
“Mmm.. you’re right.” You smile against his lips before cupping his face and kissing him back passionately, throwing your body weight on him, which makes him fall back on the couch, resting on his chest as you climb on top of him. 
You place your legs on each of his sides, straddling him before sitting up, your hand caressing his chest as he looks at you with surprise, a triumphant smile on his face as he admires the view. 
“Are you drunk already?” He asks in a chuckle. 
“No?” You giggle. “I’m tipsy,” You confess, “But I’m okay I promise.” 
His hands caress your legs, smiling before nodding, “Okay, I believe you.” 
In a swift movement, he sits up and reaches for your face, smashing your lips together passionately as your hands travel to his hair for the thousandth time tonight. 
“God…” Soobin moans as your hips move against his, slowly grinding on him as you devour each other. He moves his hands to your hips, helping you move on top of him. 
“We should go to bed,” You whisper against his ear, nibbling on it before sucking on it sensually, making him moan as his hands dig on your ass. 
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” 
You squeal again when he manages to stand up with you straddled on him, your arms wrapping around his neck as he struggles to walk to your bedroom in the dim light. 
“Oh shit, sorry,” He chuckles when he accidentally bumps your ass on a corner. 
“Oww,” You complain in between laughter, turning your upper body to help him open your door.
It takes seconds for you to be in the bed, making out in the same position you were on the couch, the grinding turning more aggressive as you feel his boner through your pants. 
“Y/n” he moans your name, pushing you away slowly as his hand fixes your hair behind your ear. “Time to get ready for bed.” 
You roll your eyes in annoyance, why is he cockblocking himself?
“Come on, up.” He taps your ass cheek lightly, and you obey him by climbing off of him, standing in front of him.
“But we’re having fun…” You push his hair off his forehead, leaning forward to give him a quick peck. 
“We can have fun after we get our pjs on and wash our face.” He scolds you as he taps your ass again, making you moan in annoyance. 
You go through your night routine quickly, night serum, big shirt, no pants, brush hair and teeth: done. 
You walk back to your room and jump into bed, cuddling up to Soobin who is laying on his side of the bed shirtless with his sweatpants on.
“You look sexy,” You whisper to him, traveling your hand through his naked chest while resting your head on his heart, feeling his heartbeat increase when your hands ghost his happy trail. 
“Well, you are sexy,” He whispers back, welcoming you into the cuddle by holding you tight. 
Your hand travels back up through his chest, caressing his neck before cupping his face, looking at him endearingly. 
You are surprised to find him already staring at you, his eyes glued to you as he smiles softly before leaning in for a kiss. 
The kiss once again, turns into a heated mess.
You make out heavily, his hand traveling under your shirt, caressing your ass as his fingers play with your underwear, which is more wet than you would like to admit. 
Soobin sucks on your bottom lip before breaking the kiss, staring at you as he twirls the side of your panties. “Can I touch you?” He whispers, his breathing picking up as your eyes stare into his.
You can feel your heartbeat on your eardrums, growing nervous and excited at his request.
“Yeah,” You whisper, your eyes never leaving his as his finger follows the shape of your underwear, from your hip to your ass. 
You unconsciously raise your leg higher, wrapping his body with it as his fingers land on your wet spot, a sigh escaping your lips when he caresses your clit over the damp material. 
You can feel the horniness taking over you as his fingers apply pressure on a circular motion over your clitoris, making you moan desperately, begging to feel him skin to skin. 
His eyes never leave yours, watching you squirm in pleasure as he teases you, slowly driving you crazy. 
However, he doesn’t tease you for too long, pushing your underwear to the side as his fingers slide between your folds, collecting all your arousal before his fingers ghost the swollen bud again. 
“Soobin,” You moan his name, finally closing your eyes as your hand digs onto his shoulder as he increases the pressure and the speed of his touch. Your hips move involuntarily, helping him touch just the right places, his eyes glued to you as you enjoy the feeling of his fingers against your clitoris. 
“Look at me baby,” he whispers, and you obey immediately. Your sight clouded by the lust as you whimper, his eyes staring straight into yours as his fingers begin to move faster. 
“God, it feels so good,” You moan again, your eyes closing for a quick moment before opening them again, a grin on his lips as he watches you struggle to keep the eye contact. 
And then, you gasp. 
You can feel two of his fingers entering you slowly, almost torturing you with the pace he is pushing them in. 
“Fuck, Soobin,” You moan on a higher pitch, feeling his fingers fill you fully before he pulls them back out, only to push them back just as slow. 
You lose the staring battle, your eyes closing as his fingers begin to fuck you at a faster pace, feeling the slight bend on his fingers as he hits your g-spot over and over again. 
“God, you are so beautiful,” He moans as he watches you struggle to keep it together, slowly crumbling to his touch as his thumb reaches for your clit, rubbing it as he continues to pound his fingers in and out of you. 
“Soobin,” You moan slightly louder, his movements becoming faster, but still delicate enough to drive you crazy. 
“That’s it baby, you’re doing so good for me,” He praises, you which only makes you melt to his touch even more. 
You are not sure if it's the alcohol you both consumed, or if it’s just you, but it's impossible to control your volume, moaning as your hand reaches to the bulge under his sweatpants, groping him as he pushes his hips against your hand. 
Both of you are moaning uncontrollably, a collection of fucks, gods and each others name’s escaping each others mouth until your orgasm starts to take over you. 
“I’m going to cum,” You manage to moan a full sentence as he continues to touch you, his fingers hitting your g-spot more harshly now, making you shake and whimper at the overwhelming feeling. 
“Come for me,” he whispers against your ear, and that's all it takes for your body to start shaking uncontrollably, your orgasm washing over you as he continues to finger-fuck you.
His fingers slow down as you ride your orgasm through, regulating your breathing as you continue to moan, becoming extremely sensitive to his touch. 
He pushes his fingers in one more time before he fully pulls out, raising his hand that is covered in arousal high enough for both of you to see it. 
You are about to tell him that he can use your underwear to wipe them when he takes his fingers to his mouth, sucking your arousal off of them as he closes his eyes, moaning at the taste of you. 
You feel yourself growing embarrassed, feeling almost dirty to be watching such a scene. 
You notice his boner is still there, and you begin to feel guilty for not fully helping him with it, so you squeeze the area lightly, making him open his eyes as he gasps, placing a hand over yours, stopping you.
“It’s okay,” He assures you. “We can take care of this some other time,” He smiles at you, but you can’t help but frown.
“But I want to-” 
“It's okay, y/n. Really.” He reassures you, “I think I’m too tired to cum anyway, you can take care of me next time.” He winks at you, and you soften your facial features at the proposal.
It does make sense, you think to yourself, the sleepiness taking over you as you snuggle up to him. “You won’t escape me next time,” You say jokingly, gaining a chuckle from him as he hugs you tightly. 
“I’m not planning on it,” He jokes, making you smile against his chest as your eyes feel too heavy to open, drifting into a comfortable sleep.
a/n: Helloo, new update for you guys, I think this one was worth the wait. ;)
Lmk what you think of the smut 😵‍💫 im not sure how detailed you guys would like me to be since this ff is more fluff than smut, if you guys prefer to keep the smut minimal let me know!
Happy readings, Ceci x
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pseudophan · 11 months
idk if this is confirmed or if im insane but i feel like dan in his why i quit youtube video was talking about how he felt like there was Dan content and Dan And Phil content and how he felt like he was split between them....i wonder if hes trying both to see what he still likes to do. he had his internet show and now danandphilgamws is back like. i have a feeling he's trying to figure things out rn
i think dan ultimately wants to do his own thing and has a lot of ideas and aspirations, specifically he wants to be a stage comedian like his passion is clearly for live performances and while the comedy bit is still being fine tuned (i'm not saying he's bad, in fact he's kinda good ngl, but he definitely has a way to go if he wants to be Great) the performance part he's got DOWN like say what you want about that man but he ooowwwnnnsss a stage. also he's weirdly great at audience interaction lmao? that was my main takeaway from we're all doomed, both the pre show and the show itself, he deals with heckling like.. AMAZINGLY well. he's genuinely hilarious responding to an audience like i never thought i'd say this a few years ago but i think he might actually have a future in live comedy lmao????
but i also think he.. needs money LOL like he's said many a time he doesn't really love being a full time youtuber, but also he does enjoy making youtube videos! just, you know.. not full time. but while on his own channel making Daniel Howell(tm) videos he puts a lot of pressure on himself, and then if he does a slightly less high pressure series or whatever (dystopia daily) it's relatively well received and the videos are good enough but like.. it's not the traction he wants, nor the traction he needs
ultimately dan knows that if he wants to keep and potentially build an audience online that lies in Dan And Phil. it always has and it always will. and i think for a long time he struggled with that, and as much as people gave him shit for it i completely get it. like, lmao, of COURSE he wants to be recognised for his own abilities and not just the dynamic and chemistry he's got going with... his literal partner. honestly it would be one thing if dnp were just comedy partners because there are a lot of comedy duos on the world who've made it big, but i think there's something about it being him and his full time actual real life boyfriend/life partner that kinda makes it weird. and as much as i love the dnp dynamic i still do get that feeling so much like honestly who can blame him ?? if your entire professional life is just.. your personal life but on camera ? that's weird. it's gotta feel weird and it's definitely unfulfilling for someone as aspirational as dan and i can't blame him at all for it
that being said, dan clearly does really enjoy making videos with phil. which yeah of course he does, he gets to just turn on a camera and talk shit with the guy he talks shit with all day long anyway. and i think what he's now realised is 1. if he wants to keep/build an audience, the dan and phil branding is where it's at and 2. he needs an income while he works on whatever solo projects he's got going on, and dnp makes a loooot of money
basically my point is - dan seems to really enjoy making videos with phil but he knows that's not really a life long career choice. as much as i'd love them to, it's not really an option for them to be playing sims when they're like, sixty. and while phil is relatively chill and seems to just take things as they come, which tbh is probably the healthiest way of doing things, dan is very overthinking and wants to get ahead of everything and also in general just like.. he wants to build a career! he wants to build something on his own and i can't fault him for that at all. dan knows that one day he's gonna need something more than just Dan And Phil if he wants to keep working, and he's laying the groundwork right now to be able to do that
again, though, i don't want anyone to take this as like 'dan is only doing dapg to make money and rebuild a fanbase' because as much as that is definitely a big part of it... just look at the man. in these videos. he's having a great time. and also, as annoying as we are, he does kinda love us. sometimes. maybe. <3
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magicaii · 8 months
am i the only one who genuninely doesnt think there was any bullying going on from mello to near during wammy's house? i think from the one interaction we saw when they were kids its implied that the main reason mello spoke so venomously and had such a dramatic reaction to being crowned co-successor was precisely because he never took his feelings out of near and that they just bottled up inside, so when he was finally confronting near he just kinda exploded? like i dont think they were really used to talking to each other much at all, other than having to interact in classes due to their closely matched performances. mello is a normally rational person who just so happens to be sensitive about being confronting his own perceived inferiority but i dont think that means he was constantly acting out on it or anything, especially not to the point of seeking near out. i get the impression that mello is very coolheaded and ambitious, and would find bullying near both unproductive and boring. lets be real, he had better things to do (such as trying to surpass him).
in that same chapter (59), theres a shot of both near and mello idle in their daily lives, which are completely separate from each other. near is building a puzzle and dismisses a peer chiding him to go outside, while mello IS outside playing with friends. i think we're supposed to get the impression that they mostly go about their own separate lives and wouldnt have much to do with each other if not for the one sided rivalry.
in essence this misconception also captures a lot of the way this fandom sees mello and near's general dynamic. yep im a fan of meronia but i see mello as being less obsessed with near the person and more with what near represents- an insurmountable barrier to himself holding complete power and not a person he would want to interact with in any way. thats why i really dont see mello as a bully, because for that to be the case his grudge with near would need to be FAR more personal. a lot of bullies choose their victim on very abstract bases (they're scrawny, they're ugly, etc) but in mello's case, his vendetta is based on objective measures. bullying someone about one of your own projected insecurities might feel alleviating, but for mello, what is bullying near gonna do about the fact that the objective systems in place are telling him that he's not as accomplished as near? there's also the fact that he does see near as being better than him and bullies typically only take out their anger on those who they perceive to be weaker- something mello reasonably does NOT see near as. near was likely seen by his entire group of peers as untouchable, in more ways than one.
considering how calculating and cunning of a person mello is, i just dont see him finding any sense in going out of his way to be an ass or being able to justify it. a silent, simmering type of grudge works much better for a person like mello than straight up bullying in my opinion. he's not unable to control his emotions, and he would most likely redirect those feelings into working harder to surpass him. and again, i don't think near as a person actually mattered much to him, other than being slightly irritating.
basically stop propaganda about mello being overly emotional 2024!!
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skythealmighty · 7 months
Maximo "Lucky" Jonronero is extremely ADHD coded. in this essay i will
edit: someone asked for the essay, and since im not just about to sleep now, I can be coherent. lets start with the most damning evidence:
1. What he says to Miner during 5-X
Lucky: "I know...it's just... I was never much of anyone as a kid. Bad grades, couldn't ever focus, mom and dad yellin' at me... But on the field, everything was different. Without baseball...I feel like I'll just be that useless kid again."
this is, easily, already a common story among athletes with ADHD! not only that, but if he had no access to the right medication- and since i don't think he knows, he doesn't- it would be extremely hard to do schoolwork, much less homework, paired with all that pressure.
this also means, of course, his mom and dad likely also have undiagnosed ADHD, and possibly are projecting onto him! so yeah parent issues
2. His mannerisms at the start
at first this doesnt seem like that damning of evidence, but as a person with ADHD, his remarks resemble me. a lot.
one effect of having ADHD is this little bitch called emotional dysregulation, in which you can't- not "it's hard to", you can't- control your emotions to a degree, and they tend to get out of hand. from personal experience, it sucks ass, and especially if you dont know what it is, you get mad at your emotions for making you look like a child.
Lucky is mad. a lot. he also seems to bottle up as much as he can, a common pattern with myself. he also seems to understand that his overreactions are stupid, but he really just can't stop himself- if this is a pattern, it partially explains why he had a quicker turnaround than most would think to apologize to Paige. he KNOWS his constant anger is fucking dumb, but he can't stop it. he literally, biologically, has no power to stop it, as a person with adhd off meds.
3. The way he acts, in general
he gets distracted halfway through conversations. this also parallels with just how fast he was able to zone out in 5-3. this isn't very hard evidence, but it further perpetuates the "lack of focus" bit, which is also something he hates about himself! without knowing he has ADHD, that's not an uncommon jump of emotions
he doesn't seem to have any other interest than playing baseball at the moment (though it doesnt seem like that was always the case), but even then it seems to be dwindling out despite his best attempts (a common pattern with hyperfixations). he also seems to immediately latch onto coaching!
he moves around, a lot. we don't see him happy stim, but that jumping animation is likely an angry stim, which yes, also happens. he seems to hate staying still, which is emphasized by the fact that he needs to. for long periods of time. hence him sneaking out to the gym as much as he can. AND A GOOD ADD-ON BY @kittyfirest0rm - THE GUM. THE FUCKING GUM. HE CHEWS GUM WHILE PLAYING BASEBALL!!
he's quick to emphasize, when he's not angry. he's not very keen on some social cues, but he definitely seems to get emotions. in 5-3 he's probably surprised at Miner's easy admitting that he was injured and would stay willingly, but he also seems to get it when Miner talks about overworking himself and his emotions. (he zones out though during the explanations. classic.)
there's more i could add, but the post is getting long, so here come get your juice lol
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every so often i see people complaining that the rules that govern the endless are unfair and shouldn't exist, and it's always just kinda funny, bc im here like oh you do NOT want to get rid of the rules, trust me
is it unfair that desire gets away with so much bc they're the only one willing to break the rules? yeah, probably. but the solution to that is more rules, not less, because we're dealing with 7 immortal siblings who've been around since the dawn of time and have the maturity levels of teenagers
and in that context all of the rules make so much sense
like there's probably more rules than we know about, but let's focus on the main three - no loving mortals, no interfering in each others' affairs, no spilling family blood
1) endless can't love mortals. the one rule we know was instated later than the rest, almost entirely because of dream. for two reasons. the more obvious is that dream and desire are never gonna stop fighting, and when you put a mortal in the way of that, they are almost definitely gonna get murdered or worse. but also, there's lifespans to consider. not every dead mortal can end up in the dreaming, and not all of them want to. dream dating someone mortal means at some point, he is going to outlive them, that's not in question. and dream... doesn't take loss well. he stood outside in the rain without moving for three weeks when thessaly left, and they'd only been dating a few months. and then we have lucien's word on what happened after nada...
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if the dreaming entirely comes to a halt for weeks or years or centuries after a girlfriend leaves him, dream grieving an actual death of a partner is actively dangerous. you can't stop dream from dating, and from those relationships going poorly, but at least it has a much higher chance of being a mutual breakup if death has been taken out of the equation
(and, you know, might as well make it a universal rule, both just in case, and so dream isn't constantly aware that this one was made because of him)
2) no interfering in the affairs of other endless. think, for a second, about the sibling rivalries in this family. and that's just the ones that exist now, when several of them have had a chance to grow up - it's said they were all a lot more immature and prideful, even death, back in the day (she grew into the older sister position).
i saw someone say once that everything in the dcu makes sense when you consider that the universe is being run by seven warring siblings, and honestly i'm inclined to agree! they're all a mess
but at least they're messes that mostly leave each other alone. which means their domains are at least protected by the fact that they all individually care about what they were created to do - there's only one person making decisions and that person generally wants the best for those that enter their domain
death in the show talks about how when she was young, she had a hard time seeing her purpose, because everyone seemed to hate her and she didn't know what to do about it. what she says in the comics is that she did stop. once it really started to get to her, she refused to collect souls. no one and nothing died. and it was only through realising how much more that was hurting the world that she started to learn how to be okay with it
when any of them stop or get distracted or kept away from their jobs, it's the mortals who suffer. and even if they all meant well, which they often don't, have you ever tried running important projects with seven people leading? at best, it slows you down, at worst it can ruin the project entirely. given how much they try to tell each other how to live their lives already, if they were allowed to get up in each others' business, you might as well be jamming up the cogs of the universe
3) can't spill family blood. so, it's easy to look at that and see orpheus, and rose walker, and all the traps that dream almost or did fall into. but as far as i'm aware, other than orpheus and unity's descendants, we don't know of any other kids of the endless, and those were all pretty recent, on a universal scale. honestly, given how dream is the only hopeless romantic of the family, i'd be willing to bet orpheus was the first. so it's extremely unlikely when this rule was put into place that children were on anyone's mind. time and night are on such a cosmic scale of power i don't think even all of the endless combined could kill one of them. which means this rule is about each other
and given everything we just said about interfering with each other, can you imagine if they were allowed to kill each other? because endless reincarnate, death amongst their family would lose all meaning. you could kill one of your siblings for annoying you and get back a potentially less annoying version of them almost immediately. but every time you did that, you'd be disrupting the functions of the universe. and with siblings like dream and desire, who don't see the other's domain as important at all, they wouldn't care. if they'd been doing it since the start, it's possible none of them would see that as a bad thing
you'd have the universe falling apart before it could even really begin. and they might not even notice
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bli-o · 7 months
ok so my wonderful partner @mawce444 pointed out that Will Wood’s Against The Kitchen Floor is a really good fit for Yuji and i agreed but while listening in the shower(where my brain comes up with most things) i realized it’s honestly really fitting for Megumi and then i realized it really fits both of them and then i realized it’s like a perfect duet for the two and puts the parallels between them I’ve been admiring into words perfectly. These characters are known as the Sunshine x Raincloud duo but honestly my favorite thing about them is the fact that despite being polar opposites on a surface they are fundamentally similar.
On with my ramblings about jjk characters being will wood songs under the cut—
I could go on about these lyrics for ages but I’ll give you some of my favorite outtakes. Listen to the song and see for yourself as well.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I promise, I’m doing my best. I just haven’t learned how to be human as you are yet.”
Ok, starting out with one of my favorites. This from Yuji’s perspective reminds me of how all throughout the series curses and humans alike have referred to Yuji as “Sukuna’s vessel” and denied him the right to be anything more than that. It’s also similar to Megumi’s closed off and secretive personality which only people like Yuji and Nobara have managed to crack open. I really. Really. Like the idea of him saying this to yuji in a duet cuz like… this is headcanon and projection talking, but megumi being one of the few to not only see Yuji as himself but wishing he could be as open and vulnerable—in a way more human—than him,,., this targeted me specifically oh my god
“I still don’t know who you are, I only know that I’m still lonely; that morbid sort where even company can’t cure me and the more you reassure the less I trust.”
this!!! this!!! perfect blend of yuji feeling isolated due to being a vessel and megumi’s isolation because of his closed off personality distant or lost family. Well. His family’s like entirely gone now + his only remaining father figure so like even more so now.
“I’m catatonic in your arms, crying ‘How did I cause so much harm?’ I’m down pounding my head against the kitchen floor, apologizing for my life and ever entering yours.”
IM!!! Its over for me itafushi nation. leave me. go on without me. Its literally. Perfect imagery of the shibuya incident and chapter 251. Yuji blaming himself for the deaths of the people in shibuya. Megumi blaming himself for the deaths of his only remaining family??? chat im through. don’t think i forgot about you yuji “don’t you dare tell fushiguro” itadori!!!! i know you still have a guilt complex bc you think megumi will regret having saved you.
“Don’t say ‘I’m sorry, but this can’t go on’, I know you’ve got scars of your own, but hide my knives before you go, I’ll either live or die alone.”
honestly??? feels like the parallel scenes between 251 and Yuji and Todo’s in shibuya. And the “I’ll either live or die alone” because of yuji and megumi’s respective isolations???? oh my god
I’ve gotten through the most major parallels time to move on to the more individual lyrics???
“I’ve lived more lives than enough; I havent died quite as much, but I’m not a real person, just the shit you cant make up, and…”
yuji’s lives before and after entering the jujutsu world??? the quite literal amount of times he’s died??? his role as an inhuman “vessel” or “time-bomb” or “half-curse monster”???? ugh. ugggggh. my son….
“I keep a locket with a picture on the back of my head, oh, monkey-wrench my side-view mirrors, ghost my friends.”
Megumi??? not being vulnerable and never revealing much about himself, even to the people who care about him, instead choosing to suffer alone???
ok yall. I’ve removed most of the worms from my brain with this post but you really just gotta listen to it yourself. More will wood-jjk parallels include:
Laplace’s Angel-Mahito
Outliars and Hyppocrates-Sukuna(especially in regards to yuji)
The Main Character - Gojo(Kinda? i’d have to explain.)
not to mention suburbia overture putting an au idea in my head,,,, i’ll hold my tongue because ive never kept my word on completing any large-scale writing project before but the itch to remove more of the worms from my brain is there,,,,
Anyways thank you guys for listening to my deranged ramblings. Here’s a gold star for helping with my brain eating amoeba treatment⭐️
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thewertsearch · 1 year
GA: Im Not Sure Which Depresses Me More GA: The Sabotage Of Our Session Or The Futility Of Theirs [...] CG: YOU'RE BEING REALLY WEIRD ABOUT THIS. GA: Well I Havent Asked What I Wanted To Ask [...] GA: Its About TentacleTherapist CG: YEAH. THAT'S THE ROSE HUMAN. CG: SHE'S APPARENTLY PRETTY SARCASTIC. CG: IT'S IN MY NOTES.
I love that Karkat prepared dossiers on the kids' personalities, presumably to harass them as efficiently as possible. We've never seen him talk to Rose, so I like to think he learned about her sarcasm from her passive-aggressive games with Mom.
I'm actually with Karkat on this. Uniting the trolls was an achievement, and he managed it better than most of his friends would have.
The only other trolls who might have had a shot were Terezi or Kanaya - but Kanaya was distracted by quadrant shenanigans, and Terezi likes causing problems on purpose. Plus, she wasn't interested in being the leader.
Karkat doesn't exactly give off 'inspiring leader' vibes, but he rose to the occasion magnificently. He got trolls like Vriska, Equius and Eridan to act as a unit, and it's frankly astounding that it worked as well as it did.
Humans are, basically, cousins to the trolls - and the first thing the trolls did was try to obfuscate that fact. I think Karkat's motive was to make them sound intimidating, but they ended up just sounding like cartoon characters. Not that I'm complaining.
Karkat may have united the trolls, but I think his leadership died with the Black King. He said it himself - his strength was in motivating the trolls to a common goal. Out here in the Veil, there is no more goal, and things are rapidly unraveling.
And I don't think Project Trolling was just a way for Karkat to vent his frustrations, either. I mean, that's definitely what he thinks it is, but if it was just that, he'd be doing it alone.
GA: That Seems Just As Disparaging To Me As It Is To Her CG: YEAH WELL CG: USE IT AS MOTIVATION
He's doing it to motivate the other trolls. A part of him has realized that his team has lost direction, and he's subconsciously trying to provide them a new goal - something new to unite them.
Because what happens if the trolls aren't united?
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Blood, mostly.
And Karkat hates blood.
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@void-detective OKIE DOKIE ILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION HERE (hey hi hello it’s lil ol me @wisecrackingeric-2 ) CUZ THATS WHAT THIS BLOGS FOR AGABGSWBDHJSX I HOPE YOU DONT MIND!!!!!
Okay so the thing is. Compared to Leon or even compared to his time spent with Los Illuminados we don’t,,,, k n o w a whole lot about that portion of Luis’ life
Like OK if you’re speaking in logistics/canon compliancy then no alas it wouldn’t work at all JANSHSNDJXNX Laboratory Six (the Lab Luis worked in that made Nemesis) was set in Paris, France, and by the time the Raccoon City Outbreak had started, Luis had already fled Umbrella and presumably ended up in Valdelobos (sure there’s a CHANCE he might’ve floated around Europe for a while but?? He describes his time spent working on the Plagas as having been ‘years’ so I’m assuming he went straight to Valdelobos)
The timeline gets kinda wonky with Luis- he would’ve roughly been 22 when he fled umbrella, and it would’ve been anywhere between a couple months to a year before the RC Outbreak, and which meant he spent five or six years trapped by Los Illuminados give or take???? Which makes how he got a degree, went to college, got a job at Umbrella and spent enough time there to become one of their head scientists really funny to imagine when you remember he was only 21/22 when he fled HDBSHDNSJS like damn that man is a CHILD PRODIGY!!!! ((It also makes it DEVASTATING to imagine how he found out about Raccoon City one way or another but HEY I SAID NOTHING))
But if you’re talking in an AU or personality wise???? That’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY IM CHOMPING AT THE BIT FOR
Honestly I don’t think it’d be TOOOO different to their actual dynamic, just that they were both a lot younger and had a lot more maturing to do!!!! Again we don’t really know what kind of a person Luis was when he was younger other than that he was SUPER ambitious (which makes sense), probably a little more floaty/cocky (I don’t think he was lying about being a ladies man HXNSSJHD) overly curious and just generally really well-liked by his peers!! Like he considered them his family so I imagine he was probably just a more roughhouse version of the Luis we know him as now. We also don’t know how much of the Nemesis project Luis was aware of- given his upbringing I HIGHLY doubt Luis would go into umbrella knowing full well the scope of what they’re doing but I think it’s unrealistic to say he had malicious intent the entire time!!!
But adding onto that I think his guilt would be a LOT more apparent and repressed at the same time. Like when we see him in RE4R he’s already at a point where he’ll throw himself into the fire to fix his mistakes so can you IMAGINE what it must’ve been like when he was FRESH out of said mistakes????? Would he have tried to pretend they never happened??? Would it manifest as being destructive??? Who knows!!!!!! But I know for a fact Leon’s presence would DEFINITELY throw him for a loop HDBEHENDJD
Leon in RE2 is just PAINFULLY good at heart. Like we all know this you don’t need me to repeat it HXBSHSNS all he wants from the very start is to help anyone and everyone he can, and I think that would extend to Luis too. He’s obviously a lot more trusting too (like blah bla everyone get your jokes abt him believing that Ada was an FBI agent out of the way) so I don’t think he’d have AS strong of a grudge against Luis as he does in the remake. Sure I think he’d be WARY of him but if Luis was as honest and open as he is in re4r (even with a little prodding) which I think he definitely would be, ESPECIALLY cuz of, Y’know, waves hands, the debilitating guilt BXNSHNSJS Leon wouldn’t have a hard time trusting him in the end
What ID be SUPER INTERESTED IN is what would happen AFTER RC!!!! Would Leon try to protect Luis from the law???? Would Luis follow in Leon’s footsteps and be a government agent???? Would they both run away to Valdelobos and BOTH get stuck?????????
TLDR FOR THIS ACCIDENTALLY REALLY LONG POST AHWNWHWNDUDJSK I don’t think it’d be much different!!!!!!! They’d just have more maturing to do, which I think is weirdly beautiful!!!!!! Leon is still rather naive and optimistic and overly trusting and Luis is still wild and ambitious and overly curious about the world around him!!!!!! They’re good people at heart and I think their lives would’ve been a whole lot different if they’d just met at a different time and a different place
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Saw you're family tree post and i love how fleshed how they are! Though i saw you say that that Angela had her own godparent, could you perhaps elaborate on that?
HIIII IM SO GLAD U ASKED... this is one of my fave hcs and im happy i could talk abt it
when she was younger, angela was not in a good headspace mentally, she was extremely depressed to put it lightly, she was also really anxious and when she was 10 she recieved cirrus swiftsky as a godparent, the best i could describe him was like a grandfather to her and looked sort-of fancy, he had a mustache and everything, this wasnt his first rodeo with a kid, hes been doing this for a good few fairy years
angela, altough she used escapism often by reading kids books, she wasnt very "imaginitive" as she describes herself, so her wishes werent anything extreme, and if anything just mostly talked to cirrus about things that were bothering to her, and he wasnt expecting to become a defacto therapist to this kid, he gave her life advice he vaugely remembered while studying to be a godparent (they take mandatory childrens psychology lessons) and gestured her over to try journaling for her thoughts
he often disguised himself as a orange butterfly when outdoors with her (to school, to the park etc), and at home would usually be their pet ferret, who was called tom by her parents
they lasted longer then the usual godparent-godkid duo, 2 years infact, however she was expected to leave him when she was 14 as she was still concidered not yet fully happy, she had accidently blurted it out when her brother walked in on her and she panicked, thus wiping their memories
godparents, if taken away before their kid has been properly reverted to being happy, arent allowed to visit them again, and godkids wont be given another one unless they are in desperate need of them, like if something else drastic happened, even if they are still miserable, this is a big countroversy in the godparenting industry (which i could go on about tbh)
angela, who used cirrus as an anchor, was EXTREMELY distraught, and if anything made her feel worse by the fact she couldnt remember why (codependancy problems, where have i heard that before!) and after afew weeks of refusing to leave her room she decided to go to the library as a way to slowly start getting back to it and she had picked up a psychology book, and thats where she started her psychology interest, along with vaugely remembering her doing jounraling, so she continued and it spiraled into how she is today
though she had picked up psychology books for older people, so she convinced herself she was more "mature" for her age, and even today she hasnt gotten the hang of how 10 year olds should actually work ("lets leave her untill shes ready to come to us" go talk to ur daughter?)
her parents - heather and felix campbell - werent horrible at all, just in the dark about what her kid was doing since she didnt like to share anything she liked with them at all, if anything they were slightly more "loose" if that makes sense, but because she was just anxious she worried that theyd get mad which they often didnt, if that makes sense
she never really had any friends in her life, as she decided she'd focus on that after shes done with her studies, she wasnt really a social outcast, if anything a little socially awkward, shes only had 1 friend during high school and her social life kicked off more in collage, everyone had respected her but she was more of a "i wont talk unless you talk" type of deal, on top of her grades because it gave her something to do in her free time (and she just enjoyed writing essays in general), and she had gotten much much better where she was now! only problem was that she was still anxious about presenting projects
when she was with postpartum depression after hazel was born she couldnt help but feel like she was missing a puzzle piece, yknow how it feels when you know youve forgotten something, but you dont know what? thats how she felt, thankfully she had gotten treatment quickly
hazel does get her more anxious side from her, angela is a good parent and has taught her children to communicate with eachother unlike how she did with hiding it, though she (unknowingly) struggles with properly understanding her 10 year old and being so focused on her work she cant sit down and 'think outside the box' as shes said
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My self projection headcanon for mystique
This isn't my usual style posting as i mostly post art and occasionally (more frequently now) do reblogging but i needed to get this off my chest immediately before i forgot
I watched the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie which lead me down a rabbit hole and new fixation for the x-men movies (and cartoons) and i just got finished watching "X-Men: First class" and i have something to say about mystique
Most people might hate this headcanon or agree with it but idrc if you do hate it just move along!
My personal headcanon for mystique is that she is 100% genderfluid and has body dysmorphia and yes it is because of her mutation and also dealing with the fact that in x-men: first class she had a hard time accepting herself for who she is and always was worried about how she looks to others.
It spoke out to me because i was always obsessed with the way i look and still am (usually about if i look boyish or girlish enough or maybe none at all or a mix of both) or just my body type in general like if im pretty enough or at least look decent to other people especially in the face and torso
It also ties in with the metaphors in x-men dealing with the discrimination against mutants (and how it reminds us of real life discrimination such as racism, Islamophobia, lgbtphobia, and so on)
They remind me of myself and struggling to except my identity (mystique with being a mutant and ms struggling with my gender for years from six grade up until now) and also due to my weight i had serious issues with my image and how i look to other people and how others see me
For mystique i want to headcanon her pronouns as
She/Her: the main ones she uses because imo i feel like she feels more feminine, (and uses these specifically in her 'human' form but sometimes uses it with her true form too)
They/them: sometimes I'd feel like they would use these in their true form (and while in their true form i feel like they don't feel like a boy or girl at all either something in between or completely different)
He/him: he him is sometimes used but only when they're male presenting (like literally they disguise themselves as another person) but on occasion will use this in their true form)
Another thing im throwing out there for context the metaphor im referring to is the scene where hank is like "even if we save the world tomorrow, and mutants are accepted into society. My feet and your natural blue form will never be deemed beautiful"
Now this scene can be a metaphor for different things such as her mutation being a reference to POC people features (mainly their skin) which i can also relate to because i am black. Or it could be seen as a metaphor for lbgt themes like fighting for acceptance but still being different from the 'norm' of society
But is pretty much it for my ted talk BYE
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ahundredtimesover · 7 months
can i be honest? i don’t like oc at all.
she always complains about how her new boss (jk) is so rude and doesn’t know how to appreciate someone’s work when in reality he isn’t rude and actually cares far more about his employees work than her or hobi ever did in this story. this is his family‘s company and i would be strict and disciplined too if you asked me bc i won’t ever play around about MY work and the time and effort i would‘ve to put into it just for some people to come and break it down. no she needs to stop being ungrateful and stop having this ridiculous view of how a CEO has to be friends with their assistant when that’s actually very unprofessional and stupid bc imagine you are being the CEO‘s (hobi)‘s friend (in which she was before jk became the new boss) and he gives you extra credit for stuff you didn’t even deserve but he does it anyway bc he’s friends with you and you don’t question it or you as the boss have to be strict and tell them what they did is wrong but you can’t because you know that it’s your friend and you don’t want to hurt them. i wouldn’t ever want my friends to work for me it just makes stuff too complicated bc if i have to be extra nice to my friends then i have to be extra nice for my other employees too and that’s not how a company works. i mean the fact that jungkook choose to adjust his work environment for her only bc she felt she wasn’t good enough and needed support from hobi, jk’s father, her family, friends and coworkers when this isn’t a playground but a whole company we’re talking about is ridiculous. she also wants him to spent his own money on his employees and her for having a meal even though everybody can go and eat for themselves at the company canteen? why should he do all of this (something hobi did) just to show them that he appreciates their work when he can just say thank you and have a dinner arranged whenever their projects have been successful?why does she feel the need to always compare him to hobi just bc shit doesn’t go her way but then acts surprised when he answers her that he isn’t hobi? what kind of mindest is this she has lol?
also she still counties to talk bad behind his back even though he told her to stop but then she wants HIM to be respectful towards her? oh but this isn’t everything i also don’t understand how HER hookups interfere whenever she’s at work but he has to suck it up as a CEO for putting his work in danger bc what? she’s unlucky? like do you understand why i don’t like her as his assistant and as a human being? it’s always okay for her to make mistakes but when jungkook does it it’s bc he’s such a rude human being? like what 😂 also the fact that nobody cares enough about him to sit down and listen about why he’s so cold and focused only on work but he has to be more mindful and understanding when it comes to her is hypocritical especially hobi he’s at the top of the list bc one she’s an assistant not the ceo which means he has far more to loose than her and two where was this energy whenever he needed help with his father or why didn’t anyone reach out to him when he needed an actually friend? see this is why i won’t ever have sympathy for her or anyone else in this story they all question his character but never why nobody was there for him when all of this horrible stuff with his father happened or made him become this cold person. she just makes no sense at all and i also don’t care about her personal life when everybody has problems at work or outside of it bc even jungkook for example makes sure to wake up everyday to go through his notes something hobi never did with her before. im on jungkooks side in this fic, bc dude‘s wild side only appears OFF WORK and not WHILE AT WORK so he has every right to hookup with whom he wants. he still isn’t unprofessional like her.
im sorry for writing so much but before i go i wanted to say that you’re an incredible writer and i hope you never stop (🥺)! i appreciate the fact that you always share your amazing work with us and i really really love your story’s so im already patiently waiting for the new chapter! have a great day. ☺️🤍
Hi, I appreciate this passion towards my story! Although, I'll point out a few things (and this might be a spoiler for some).
First thing, the company CEO is JK's father. Hoseok is the President and is part of the family bc his mother is the CEO's sister. JK is the Vice President, and both men are being primed to co-lead the company. So ALL of them demand excellence from their employees, not just JK. And all staff give that; no one from the team, especially OC who's proved how well she works, is breaking any of that down.
OC doesn't demand for the executives to be friendly towards them. The CEO and Hoseok want that culture. I'm not sure where you got the claims that someone is giving extra credit bc they're friends with the employees? It's a cordial environment. There's so much talk about the hecticness of everything but that everyone's pulling their weight and delivering exceptionally, so who's being ungrateful? Hoseok was friendly with everyone, but especially OC because she's his EA, so they're definitely a lot closer.
JK didn't adjust his work environment bc OC felt she wasn't good enough. He did that on his own bc he felt guilty with the way he treated her after learning how hard she works but that she doesn't make excuses for her shortcomings, even if shit was happening in her personal life. (And also bc he’s attracted to her like, that was established in ch1).
OC doesn't "want" JK to spend for their food. Again, team culture. The comparisons are natural, and something OC admitted was wrong. Characters are allowed to develop in a story, the same way with JK who doesn't show his gratitude to his team but eventually learns to do that.
Nobody cares enough about JK to sit down and listen about why he’s so cold and focused only on work -- this is the whole point of the story, which has been mentioned so many times. OC is literally the one person who's being understanding about it.
I get that you don't care about her personal life but this is a JK x OC story, of course the focus would be on their personal lives.
Also, yes, JK has every right to hook up with whoever he wants, nobody questions that?? And OC's exes showing up isn't her fault?? And it’s a boss x assistant fic so things are obviously going to be unprofessional 😭😭
All this to say that this is fanfiction but I tried to make the company culture and work approach and characters as real as possible (aka flawed). I'm also pretty overwhelmed by this amount of hatred for a character like, disliking her as an assistant and a human being?? This actually makes me sad (definitely not a great day haha 😅) but then again, I never write perfect characters, and I shouldn't expect that they'd be loved or appreciated all the time. I'm always very protective of them though so I hope you understand that I'm being a bit defensive bc this is alot to say for a story that isn't finished yet and where the characters are still on a journey. This isn’t to say you aren’t allowed to criticize them but this is just… a lot. You did say you love the story so is it ok if you share what you love about it?
But also, it makes me wonder if you still want to continue reading? Bc there's gonna be more of the people you dislike in this story, there's gonna be more about OC's personal life, there's gonna be more mistakes and miscommunication, and JK and OC are gonna end up together... 😬😬
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leonsleftbicep · 16 days
i dont like random guys at least ten years older then me coming up to me to test if im a fan or not…
the description i put: based on an actual conversation i had with a guy at the reinfaire. it was so bad (bad in the way he brushed past the fact i said i liked the first two ep’s and then started talking about possible prior projects) that i slipped into my work voice. dude was flaunting his stupidity.
the full story is fucking goofy and full of me not wanting to talk to this man hold on
i was going to go walk somewhere (i think it was to go dance to the viking metal band playing) and some guy (who i now guessed his name was ryan because he looked like it) comes up to me to say he loved my vessel costume says hes been into the band a while and asked me “whats your favorite album?”. i answered tpwbyt because the one and two ep’s aren’t albums. he then asks me if i listened to the newest album, which yes i have.
(major factor in this conversation is that i didn’t start with my usual “ive been a fan for almost two years” like have every time someone starts to ask questions about the band)
he then lists off his favorite songs (all of are in tmbte). saying specifically “the summoning which everyone one loves the summoning” i straight up burst out with the most aggravated tone “the summoning is good, but everyone calls it baby making music. which haha no they are very very wrong. and it only got popular because of astarion”. as if that wasnt a dead give away as to how i feel about people that don’t do their research on the band. or even go read their wiki at least once.
he then asks me my favorite song, my favorite is distractions.
dude looks at me were my eyes would be in the mask and goes “ive never heard of it” and then says hes heard high water which is “like the last track” and then says ive heard mine and some other song.
at this point im a little tiffed about this because im having to deal with a guy and now his girlfriend who is just watching this.
then my voice completely changes and i go “yup its on there” i almost told him “its in their 2021 album, this place will become your tomb, its track 8 titled distractions”
then he asks “have you heard of [fandom know previous project]?” and i just go “uh huh i have” and just look at this man with a death glare full of please dont say the mans name.
he didn’t luckily but he did say he thinks because of one of the lyrics and i just go. “dude, hes just putting down the coordinates for you to find him”
and then he knew, i know way to much about the band.
and i didn’t fully see it but his girlfriend definitely looked like she knew he fucked up
this was also in front of both my siblings and my sisters husband who know me very well
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trainingdummyrabbit · 5 months
white night angela
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PARADISELOST ILU PARADISELOST MY BESTFRIEND PARADISELOST. genuinely one of my very top favorites despite how little i ever bring her up Ever. she is like... Everything 2 Me in a way im not quite sure i can describe. ok.
Design- GENDER. ok. the way that she looks so weightless, the hair thats reminiscient of feathers, the fucking. bloody angel look. the little snake around her shoulders!!!! come ON! something about the fact that her eyes are just about always closed again; and further than that, the fact that they only open during Attacks, in which they are completely flat red. hashtag girl. girl just LOOK at her. ok? ok. something about the collar is fucking me up but im not sure i can detail it.
Theme- i have TALKED ABOUT THIS MOTHERFUCKER!!!! the religion floor realization kills me to death and im never over it. the tangle of shepherd and lamb, leader and that who wishes to follow, savior and the damned. like... listen. something about her desperate desire to not be alone manifesting as some split between Her and One Of The Most Feared Abnormalities, in such a stark difference to how she usually acts where you cant really tell the lines between one and the other until you snap her out of it. how she manifests that which she wishes to have As Herself in conjunction with how she is completely convinced nobody would dare to stand with her. the image of complete and utter calm in the face of the turbulence that she clings onto like a lifeline despite it all. its quite literally all of her struggles pushed to an Extreme. this motherfucker is the reason i can never talk about anyone about angela without it being an hours long thing how the FUCK do you summarize this even. speaking with words that arent hers, yearning for someone to lead her to a happier place where she would never be alone again, to lead, to follow, to have, to take, to give. and still, despite it all, she is still just... confused, lost, and afraid. its something so shockingly simple for what a grandiose image thats projected of herself, and the conversation beforehand really drives it home. i will literally be here for hours. anyway if you want that other post its [here]; i dont think i could say it any better or differently or more youre just gonna have to take it ok. thanks.
in conclusion uh, i think she might actually be one of if not The one thats the most important to me? like... personally. ithink she was the first one i drew something Completely for, the one that kicked me into thinking abt her for hours on end every time she came up... something about her just kills me to death. shrimply. she is so very important. and most importantly: She Should Be Allowed To Kill.
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