#the opposition w/ jordan klepper
muvana · 6 years
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via Giphy
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ozkamal · 6 years
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New trending GIF tagged the opposition w/ jordan klepper, jordan klepper, miffed, pardon my language but i am miffed via Giphy https://ift.tt/2F38Rxx
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freethrowline · 6 years
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genelutz · 7 years
Jesus famously said, “If you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me,”
Repealing Obamacare and canceling healthcare for millions (well, Jesus never needed to go to any doctor or hospital anyway, He just healed himself)
Cutting food stamps (it’ll take a miracle to feed all those hungry people Republicans are cutting off food stamps)
Cutting Medicaid (this is really going to increase Jesus’ patient load)
Canceling Meals On Wheels (those old people were going to die anyway, so let them starve)
Giving corporations free rein to pollute the environment and destroy the planet (this is the dawning of the Apocalypse that was promised)
Cutting off aid to poor college students (should cut down on the number of those who aren’t able to enter Heaven due to not being poor enough)
Cutting off HEAP heating assistance for the poor (it’s going to be a cold winter, Jesus, bundle up)
Cutting off nutrition for pregnant and nursing women (this one doesn’t apply to Jesus, so He probably won’t be affected)
Stopping all contributions for nutrition for children in developing countries (“Suffer the children.” [Jesus actually said these words, but they were taken out of context])
Cutting emergency food assistance (sorry, Jesus, you’re going to miss another meal)
Abandoning efforts to revitalize public housing (Jesus was always homeless anyway, so He’s used to it).
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wiseclown91 · 6 years
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theamityelf · 6 years
These people are brilliant. (Funny video; sad topic)
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emptyanddark · 7 years
pls watch this it's amazing
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erlendbv · 7 years
Jordan Klepper is really finding his groove with The Opposition.
This segment was both hilarious and informative. Equally dismissive of the guests as Stephen Colbert was in his Comedy Central-days, while at the same time channeling some of the “let’s talk about real issues”-spirit from Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show (which I still miss to a level that makes me furious thinking about it!).
This clip has a little of everything. Jordan accuse the diplomats of “bragging” when mentioning their merits, while also entrapping them when asking which country they enjoyed working in (America was the correct answer). He discusses the use of diplomacy, then puts it to a practical test by letting the diplomats ghostwrite improved Trump-tweets. He wraps the segment up by considering the guests for positions in his new and improved “United States Department”.
This clip shows a precision in both research, narrative, delivery and editing that really drives the satire home. More of this, please!!
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nbaoracle · 6 years
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libraryofsports · 6 years
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subtextread · 7 years
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goshlyman · 7 years
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Various Jordan Klepper photos. Top two are my favorites.
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jimmy-time · 7 years
New Episode of “The Yahoo Minute” about Amazon.com owing France money.
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genelutz · 6 years
(Don’t try this at home)
If you cheat, you will win, and if you get caught, there’s ways around that.
If you lie, millions of people will believe you and millions won’t, but if more millions believe you than those that don’t believe you, you get elected.
A lie repeated many many times becomes the truth.  A lie repeated for years becomes historical fact.
If someone points out that you are lying, changing the subject will make everyone forget you lied, and then you can proceed to your next lie.
If you are accused of lying, calling your accusers liars often works.  If it doesn’t work, you can dehumanize your accusers.
If you have lots of money, millions will admire and envy you no matter how wicked you are, and millions of people will hate and despise you, but there’s nothing they can do about it.
Money can buy happiness, or at least immunity from prosecution.
When you have a serious problem, the best thing to do about it is nothing.  If the public complains about your inaction, continue to do nothing.
If you want to commit a crime, be sure to make the crime legal first.  
Be sure to go through proper legal channels when bribing any Member of Congress if you want a crime to be legalized, and make sure any whistle-blowers who try to interfere are given long prison sentences.
If evidence is found that links any governmental agency or official to a crime or scandal, it can and will become top-secret classified documents that cannot be used in a court of law for the reason they want to protect America from whistle blowers, and the Mafia- and Ku Klux Klan-run corporate media will run commentaries on the dangers of good and just men overthrowing their wicked empire by exposing crime in the government, and everyone will think, “Yeah.”
If you’re not breaking a law that should be a law (because you can’t break a law that isn’t a law) you’re not breaking the law. but if you obey the law that shouldn't be a law, you may be committing a dastardly deed that is no longer a crime.
If you’re not obeying a law that shouldn’t be a law, you’re breaking the law.
If you break the law, you will not be punished.  Be sure this applies to you before you break the law.
The best way to avoid war is to start one.
The best way to avoid a corruption investigation is to start a war or two.
Always giving voters the choice of the lesser of two evils is a highly successful method of decreasing voter turnout.
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Jordan: There's no way I'm going to fit in there.
Jon: Well, it's bigger than your mother's womb and you were in there until you were fifteen.
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Bill Nye the lit guy
I remember Bill Nye from back in the day, but it seems like he's making a huge popular culture 'comeback'. He's on comedy shows, late night talk shows, various public forums. And he's always funny and on point. Bill Nye out here randomly turning into a pop culture icon.
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