#the original doc has some GOOD stuff in there!!! I reread it and was amazed at what my brain had come up with
bbutterflies · 4 months
guys I know I already did adrino fake dating but my original idea for that was actually “adrien (celebrity who never went to public school) begs nino (just some random guy) to please pretend to be his boyfriend while at some random bar and nino (is not into fashion and barely on social media) is like who tf are you? but okay lol and then they move on with their lives as you do when you kiss a stranger in a bar and he buys you a drink to thank you. except someone gets a photo and adrien in a desperate attempt to cover begs nino to please keep pretending just for a little while and nino’s like fuck it I wouldn’t mind a couple free dinners and then, as the trope implies, they fall in love but both of them think it’s all fake and they’re desperate to make the most of it while it lasts and the boundaries start to blur”
would that be something? what if I did that. I kinda want to. I read my original doc for it and I’d wanted to include some angsty stuff too - a lot of adrien dealing with homophobia (internal and external, from his father and the media/public) and maybe some gender stuff bc I can’t look at these two and not think about messing with gender. but it feels weird to do the same trope AGAIN for the same ship? even though it’d be a very different story… idk I might write it one day when I have time because my 2024 resolution was to write what I want to and boy do I want to write that story
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doomed-jester · 1 year
Alright so I just finished Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions (for like the 8th time, definition of a comfort game)
For anyone curious, it runs nearly flawlessly on the steam deck. I ran into two or three crashes and got nearly 100% completion which is pretty good for PS3 emulation imo. Some minor audio issues but only in the pre-rendered cutscenes, and could probably be fixed by tweaking the settings on the emulator a little but I never touched that. Anything actually running in the engine worked fine, no glitches or bugs I hadn't experienced playing it on actual hardware.
Anyway, I love love love this game. It was what introduced me to Spider-Man Noir and 2099 and I have very fond memories of reading and rereading the Wikipedia page, falling down a rabbit hole and learning all the stuff about the comics I (at the time) couldn't access. Playing the game again as an adult with a more developed, critical eye, I can see a lot of flaws with the game, but also really get to the meat of what made me love it so much.
Wayyy too much to say but I'll drop some thoughts under the cut
Noir's sections would have been better if there was more variety and different ways to deal with the situations (Spider-Man PS4 has very similar stealth mechanics but they're much better refined, usually give you the option to just go in guns blazing outside of specific challenges and story moments, and give you ways of distracting enemies so you have more control over the situation and room for strategy. That's what this game needed.)
2099 was probably my favorite, Miguel is probably my favorite Spider-Man outside of 616 Peter and maybe Noir depending on how he's written. It's interesting that they chose such a mature voice for Miguel but reused a lot of stuff from the Timestorm storyline, which implies a way younger version of 2099. This probably had the best bosses, Hobgoblin 2099, Scorpion 2099 and Doc Ock 2099. 2/3 are original characters created for this game specifically. I wouldn't mind seeing this version of Hobgoblin come back in some capacity, maybe in the comics. I do wish they brought in more 2099 classic stuff though.
Ultimate is probably the most satisfying in terms of moment to moment gameplay, and I love that the cell shaded art style makes it feel like a graphically enhanced version of Ultimate Spider-Man (PS2). Almost makes me wish that game got a remake, but this was a very satisfying alternative. A lot of continuity nods to the comics, it can seem a lot like Ultimate Peter and Amazing are so similar that they didn't need both, but I really think the worlds they exist in are different enough to be worthwhile.
Amazing is where the game falls flat for me, unfortunately. The art style isn't as fun or unique as the others, the choices of bosses aren't as interesting (aside from Sandman, that level is perfect). He's really the all-rounder, no real gimmick to make him stand out. I think this version could've benefitted from some retooling. Maybe if his combat had been based more on speed and chaining hits rather than just being Ultimate without the crowd control capabilities. I also think they could've gone with a better choice than Juggernaut, and I'd maybe shift the order so Sandman was the first boss and make Kraven a little more difficult. I think I'd swap Juggy for The Lizard and make the level focus on chasing him through the sewers while the tablet lets him turn other people into lizards. Something like that
Overall, I love this game. I think it's a big part of why Mysterio is one of my favorite villains, and it was a big contributor to my love of multiverse stories.
I'll play Edge of Time next when I get a minute and probably have a more detailed post about my thoughts on both games then.
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lyndiscealin · 3 years
AFTG Collaboration Experiment
The story behind the story
This is highly inspired by this youtube artist collaboration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCpScnyLOh8&list=PLjvuq1J91QkZpevHWcdlMwFqaMX8fuq3L
An artist (ten hundred) started a painting on a canvas and gave this canvas to a fellow artist and that artist added to the original picture and then gave it to another fellow artist and so on. I highly recommend the video series, the picture isn’t finished yet.
As soon as I saw this, I thought I wanted to do this, too, but with writing. I quickly came to the realisation, that I should start smaller than just ‘any story’, because there are too many genres out there and I couldn’t come up with a beginning that was open enough so any author I admire could continue it. Starting a Slice of life romance story and giving it to a horror author just might not work. It could, of course, but it would be far more unlikely to turn out as something that worked.
So I decided to do this inside of a fandom. The AFTG Fandom is crazy creative and the one I am most involved in right now.
The rules are simple:
Look at what the other authors have written so far
Add something of your own
Document your thought process behind what you added and link it at the beginning of your piece (it can be a google doc, a tumblr blog or something else, as long as you can link to it)
Ask another author to continue this
Upload your piece to AO3 and give it to the collection (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AFTG_Collaboration)
If you don’t have an AO3 account and don’t want to create one, write me on tumblr @lyndiscealin and we will figure something out.
Don’t forget to add the name of the next author at the end of your piece, so I can verify that the addition to the Collection is valid
Be as creative as you like, there are literally no restriction, as long as you don’t ‘overwrite’ things authors before you wrote already
If you write 18+ stuff post a summary, too, so people who are underage don't have a problem continuing the fic
A summary at the end of every piece would be great so the next authors don’t need to spend too much time rereading to search for major plot points
Any author is allowed to finish this, if they feel like it! No reason to hold back!
This should be self explanatory, but I will say it nevertheless: This is supposed to be fun, so no hate, no pressure, nothing that makes anyone uncomfortable. No one has any responsibility for whom he has given this work to. Which means that there is no policing and no asking ‘when will you finish your piece?’ or anything. You give this to the next person and that’s it.
So this was done and I created a Collection on AO3 for this: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AFTG_Collaboration
This is an experiment. I hope it will work, but the nice thing about experiments is that even if it fails, you get something out of it.
I love to gather experience and even if this gets stuck right after my contribution, at least I tried it.
I’m a tiny bit nervous about this, because I saw too many times how people turned something good into something toxic, but we will see. I have trust in this fandom. We can do this. Let’s show the world what we can create!
But, how to start this?
The thought process
So I wanted something open enough that it was easy for nearly anyone to contribute. But even inside a fandom the diversity is very high. There are so many pairings, so many different interpretations.
I settled on Andreil as the main pairing, because it is by far the most popular and I trust people to not give this to someone who can’t work with it or for people to accept this without being able to contribute. I am a big believer in the concept of being responsible for yourself and trusting that people are able to be responsible for themselves.
So Andreil. But Andreil and then what?
What Scenario? What premise? How can I even give a premise without forcing others to follow that path? How can I keep the beginning open enough so others can be as creative with this as they want? Is there even a concept that allows that?
I was stuck.
The thing with a canvas and artist is that you have a canvas. If the canvas is full the picture is likely finished. Of course you can make more out of it, but in the beginning you have just a canvas. That in itself is hard enough to manage, but it is manageable. A far far universe without any direction is destined to get stuck somehwere. But I wanted this to be as creative and open as possible.
So I was completely stuck there.
Until today!!!
Because the Fandom is amazing and crazy and I love it so so much!
Some of you just presented me the perfect idea: Neil as a fanfiction author who writes about the Foxes.
Done. Perfect.
Why? Because this way you can contribute anything!!!!
You can contribute blog articles from Neil.
You can contribute news articles about the foxes.
You can contribute chat fics about Neil communicating with Andrew or someone else in the fandom.
You can even write a whole piece about Neil being on tumblr and AO3 interacting with his fans.
You can write the fanfiction that Neil is writing, so even if you are a JereJean fan, it is no problem at all to write a fanfiction about them and then let the next author write how the Foxes or Andrew or just fans reacted to it or whatever that author wants to make of it.
It’s really really perfect.
It gives me a canvas where I can outline some restrictions, give a bit of a path so the next author can do something with it, without restricting too much.
So what will I do?
I will write the end of the story and then go back to the beginning. I want to let the end be open enough so people can still contribute to it (if we ever get there). Like develop it in a Kandreil fic for example. Or add cats. Or whatever.
It doesn’t even have to be the end. Everyone is free to contribute anything, even a chapter after my ending. But it is at least some kind of frame. A good starting point.
So, I really am not a planner. Either an idea hits me or I can’t write. My idea is:
Start with the day Neil sees a tumblr post where someone theorizes ‘what if Neil was a fanfiction author and that is how he and Andrew met?’
He finds it very amusing, because it hits bullseye and he starts to drift off to the beginning of it all.
That’s it, that’s the idea. Let’s see how it will go from there.
The next author
I am in contact with some very very good authors. And I kind of want to ask them all to contribute. But there is one of them who had the displeasure of being online when this idea hit me and they got the full extent of me obsessing over an idea. And because they happen to be one of these great authors I asked them first. Additionally they were one of the contributors to the thread I linked above, so this was even more reason to ask them.
They said yes!!!
I am so excited and at the same time a bit sad I couldn’t ask the others. But I think eventually they will be part of the project, too. Hopefully.
I will reveal the next author at the end of the chapter^^
(I will reblog this with the first chapter, I just have to post this here first)
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
July fic recs? 👀
I loveeee that emoji, it’s so cute and nosy, I respond to it on a visceral level, this is literally me anytime a friend of mine indirects someone (only I cannot unlock the mystery of using emojis on Tumblr, so I just go, “Who ya indirecting //insert nosy emoji eyes//???” Oh, me.) I’m actually a teensy bit behind on some fic in my “to read” pile (longer fic for the most part) because I’m a genius who decided to run a fest in the middle of my biggest work month EVER, but I’m sure I’ll catch up on those outliers soon--in the meantime, I *do* have some fics I read this month that I absolutely loved. Enjoy!!!
I’ll start with the baby I birthed this month, @momrryfest2020!!! I just posted the author reveals, so go here and read every single one of 'em, holy SHIT, they’re so good!!! Lactation! Regular mom stuff! Pregnancy hi-jinks! Insanely amazing pairings!!! Definitely worth the time, they’re all short! And as a related bonus, two superstars originally wrote longer fic, withdrew those stories, posted them outside the fest, THEN CAME BACK and wrote shorter ones so we’d have a full roster--my heart swells every time I think about it, tbh. So yes, highly recommend Donor-Conceived by @jaerie and The Baby Whisperer by @jacaranda-bloom!!
Shot, by @sashinalash, 751 words, Harry/Louis. This is part of the @wordplayfics challenge, and I think it’s one of my faves??? A stream of consciousness that describes the chaos of Harry’s camera roll.
Knife’s Edge, by @sadaveniren, 1.4k, Harry/Louis. Another one in the wordplay series, but ALSO part of this author’s series about people on the BDSM scene who are also parents. Each installment is a gem, but this one? NICE!!!!!
serotonin stole the moment, the best of me was left under the bedsheets, by publunchesownmyass, 2.5k, Harry/Louis. One of my fave newer authors, I’m so glad I subscribe because I was blessed with so much this month? Perfectly bite-sized, too!! This one imagines a BTS during one of Louis’s recent interviews (with sexi results).
Girl you can bend me, shape me, make me, by enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 3.5k, Harry/Louis. Godddd, I love Asia, who said, u know what? I’ll write a bl fic, but Harry’s gonna be massively pregnant, and it’s gonna kill every annoying characterization in the genre, and I think that’s neat (p.s. I LOVE YOU, ASIA)
i moustache you a question, but i’ll shave it for later, by adoreloux, 3.9k, Harry/Louis. The banter in this one, all the names Louis has for Harry with a 70s porn stache, good stuff!
Dreams and Stars, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 4k, Gimli/Legolas. Look, these people could be called Barfli/Armslice, and I’d still read it and LOVE IT, and I’m still bowled over that this is only one of 150 or so E fics in this pairing??? It ticks so many boxes, I’m really fascinated with the rest, tbh.
the one that keeps the dream alive from the morning, past the evening, by publunchesownmyass, 4.3k, Harry/Louis. Banter banter banter, this author and dialogue, swoon!! 90s AU? Swoon even more!!
Compromised, by AlchemyAlice, 5.7k, Napoleon/Illya. I literally YELLED when I got this notification, one of my favorite series authors posted something new??? That’s old/unreleased? But new? BRB, gotta reread that collaring series!
mon petit, little one, by publunchesownmyass, 5.6k, Harry/Louis. I think there are least three (3) seriously great fics about Harry getting fucked in that sweater, and i am here for ALL OF THEM, two of my fave fandom authors have now done it, even better! YESSSSSSS!
All Night Long, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 62k, Bard/Bofur. This one’s a wip, and I’m hashtag blessed I get to edit and thus get all the sneakpeeks and ability to yell in the google doc about it, IT IS SO GOOD!! Oh, Bofur! Oh, Bard! HIGHLY RECOMMEND, you definitely don’t need to see the movie to fall in love with this story and these two dum-dums.
....and I literally just started to look at A Sweeter Place, by anonymous, which is older Harry/Louis and one of the ones in the “to read” pile, so you’re getting an up-to-the-minute snapshot, ha!
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quackspot · 4 years
i started thinking about that gay bastard oc of yours. platano. can u tell me about him
omg u wer thinkgin about platano..... mr banana man... mr 4011. i am obsessed with the banana code srry i just got back from work (it was good :-D)
any way. um. im going below the cut. he kidnaps people and he murders people and i hate him because he’s also a massive weeb so. hm
HISTORY OF PLATANO... yea his name is spanish for banana
his father, pablo, will probably get a name change someday but i literally never think of his father since the only thing he did in platano’s backstory was disappear 
since platano’s world has characters based off like. fruits and vegetables (there aren’t really any limit to what the characters are based off of. it was in my lazy google translate name phase so we have like... a gay character named arcenciel who becomes dadlike through my powerful canon-changing touch. also arcenciel wears the colors of the rainbow as often as he can i haven’t figured out a good design for him since i’m not used to using more than 5 colors. he also owns a hat factory)
i think arcenciel and platano are friends they met when platano was like. 17 probably and arcenciel would be around uhhhhh ummmmmmm 21??? idk man but in canon he’s probably around 30 . yes i m saying “in canon” because i wrote a really dumb and horrible story back in 2018 arcenciel used to have HUGE internalized homophobia and i turned that into a running joke and i dislike that so that’s a reason why i’m not sharing the fun little story i wrote for my friends
(the best part of that story is when arcenciel threw his light-up rainbow heelies at platano, thus starting the boss fight which the main cast LOST.)
ok back to the topic at hand. platano.
i have a whole doc named platano where i just wrote drabbles about him so i’m going to summarize them
the first one was his friend, percisi (my only cishet oc he’s very short and very aggressive while also dressing in a soft-colored turtleneck since he’s based off of peaches) using a misunderstood form of satanism to summon satan. guess what percisi and platano summoned satan for. it was a manga update! wow
i won’t say the mangas name it was an inside joke
so platano was like “hey satan can i have this manga now please please” and satan went “sure just kill people for me” 
that determined platanos job for the next 7 or so years <3 wonderful. 
(it was basically me writing a backstory for a scene to happen in the main writing i wrote for my friends. he killed someone because someone else in the building was trying to summon satan. very confusing but okay i guess.)
i think right after that i wrote about platano meeting his boyfriend, sage, for the first time. i have horribly mixed feelings about their relationship since it’s very. Hm.
so platano kidnaps people to watch anime with him because all his friends left him and his best friend, mangue, is too busy being a dictator over the Land of the Fruits. i shit you not fruits oppressed the vegetables. i wrote that dynamic between the two because i was learning about the revolutionary war in US History. something like that at least
(the Land of the Fruits is not the official name)
on the topic of kidnapping people. guess who his favorite person was. sage. it was sage. so he tried to take sage often but they probably discussed Proper boundaries since everyone else tried to run away. hmm i am now going to write a bit right now 
“Platano,” Sage started. “Why do you keep kidnapping me? It’s rude and I hate it.”
“What else am I supposed to do?” The yellow-haired fool leaned on his sword, digging the tip deeper into the ground. 
“I can do that?”
“You keep making my dads worried.” Sage looked around the area, fidgeting with his hands. 
“Oh. Okay. Want to hang out? Watch some anime?” Platano paused for a moment, but managed to say “Maybe kiss?” before Sage got to answer.
“I- KISS??? We can watch anime together. We can go now.” 
Sage ushered Platano through a portal as fast as he could. 
His dads were never worried.
hmmm maybe that’s alright idk i’m a little tired so it’s probably a little out of character. sage probably isn’t that loud but i think it was trying to be the dynamic of “oh, we’re not dating” when they kiss every sunday at 5 pm by a romantic river scene 
he’s a character who is, at his very core, horrible and bad. he is portrayed in a way i DESPISE but i’m too lazy to correct it. his interest in sage actually started with me going “hmm i think platano would draw sage like this” then sauce giving me fun facts about his oc, sage, yea sage is sauce’s oc <3 epic win . so sauce gave me fun facts about sage and i was like “time to doodle these in platanos ‘art style’” when in reality it’s just the mockery of people just getting into an anime art style, with the chin so pointy it could cut a cake 
i might reread my old writing from 2018. i gotta agree with the judges for that year i did not write very well
it mightve actually been made in 2017 which would be FUCKIN CRAZY im gonna check rn 
yea it was started in 2018. february 14th... huh . finished it completely in june of that year it was 41 pages total and it’s not even double spaced how did i write something without double spacing it
so bob is a fluffy little anthro cloud with a grey top hat and bowtie. he is amazing. i love bob. bob is another one of sauce’s character and mangue (mentioned earlier) was made by my friend jamie 
(you can always ask for their tumblrs but i’d ask them if its okay to share their tumblrs. i might just look at them and reblog their stuff cuz i like their art!!! maybe jamie posted a drawing she made recently on her blog but tbh i don’t think she would she’s more of a twitter user)
ok so im skimming thru UMG which is the story it stands for “Universe of Magic Gardens” and it was originally made for a prank on ponytown so people would go “what’s UMG” and my friends and i would be like “ur mom gay xDDDDDD” or something like that . horrible but i’m glad i’ve changed from . that.
here’s a bit i actually like AKLJFISJFIO
“What the actual FUCK, Ilkie?!” Arcenciel cringed in fear. “Put it back- it’s too ugly.” He pointed at Platano, whose arms were crossed. 
why is it bolded. anyway.
i just saw a part where eau used y’all... water cowboy moments <333 i really need to make refs for all of those old characters. all of my umg-related characters have to be my oldest-living ocs. 
i cant believe this is making me genuinely reread my old writing just to go “WJHFSIDAJKSFIOJ WTF????” 
some of the lines on it sound like something you would hear on like. a school bus or somethin 
looking at umg like “wtf how did i add so much Meat to this writing” bc most of my writing now is mostly quotations to progress the story (like the quickie i wrote earlier. i could add meat to it but im  tired lol)
OK THIS IS MORE GENERAL BUT MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS WAS WRITING HAIKUS FOR PORTALS. after you visit a place enough times it’s kind of just an instinct to open a portal there so you don’t have to recite a haiku 
uhh ok here’s another bit becuase im feeling like living la vida loca.  ur biggest regret should be “can you tell me about him” by this point bc i’ve written too much to go back now
He landed on his face once he was outside of the hat. Meko quickly walked over to the guest room, opened the Portals for Dummies book, and flipped to a page. It looked devious.
“Banana, mango,
Each tasting amazingly.
A taste of evil.” 
Meko did the dance on the page, it consisted of something that looks like it’s from an anime. A portal opened, the familiar scent of bananas and mangoes coming from it. With some hesitation, Meko stepped in. He quickly made it so only his head peeked in.
it wasnt bolded this time but i like it bolded. ok i understand how i added meat it was just shitty expired meat ALKFSJSHDAIUJKFEIODSJAK . it wasnt even that much meat DAMN. it just looked like more.
actually that’s all i will write. i could  do more w platano but yea at his base he is a blonde twink who kills people because he wanted a manga but now he’s friends with a dictator. woo! wow. amazing character writing. i cant wait to get motivation to rewrite everything and make platano a good villain (he will still be very interested in anime sadly. idk why around that time i liked making characters who were obsessed with anime i didn’t even watch it much myself. i think it was because i wanted to put capes on them)
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deputy-sarah-sux · 5 years
can i be a psycho and your worst nightmare by asking ALL the writers asks?
You are a demon omg. I love it though this was so much fun to do.Since you didn’t specify fic specifically for some of these questions I’m just gonna write about The Devil Has Come for all of the “in xxx fic” asks.
Answers are below since this is such a long ask :):):)
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? 12/13 it was between 7th and 8th grade and it was all anime fanfiction
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?Far Cry 5, RDR2, Assassin’s Creed, DC, Marvel, Fallout, Skyrim, Preacher. Far Cry 5 is definitely my favorite to write for though
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.Personally, I prefer OC’s, with OC’s I can build their character, give them a personality and growth. I like shaping the character as the world changes based on their actions
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?Action or romance unless I totally misread that question
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why?The Devil Has Come!!! It was my first in the Far Cry fandom and it’s my baby. I love all the characters and the world that I’m building. It’s got action, romance, some twists, it’s exciting
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?If we’re talking things that I’m currently writing and enjoy writing then I guess Bridges only because it’s the same characters as TDHC just in an AU form so I’d survive without it.
7) When is your preferred time to write?Night, 10pm on basically.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?Everywhere really? TV shows, movies, video games, other fics
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?So far my favorite scene that I wrote in TDHC that has been published was either the confrontation with Rook in Chapter 11 or Jacob finding Sarah in the hotel in Chapter 8. They were both really fun to write.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternate ending in mind?Well it hasn’t been ended yet, but there were two possible endings that I was originally considering. I’m not saying much more other than the ending that I went with is gonna hurt me when I eventually get to it.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?Not after posting but I have amended stories due to criticisms. If I’m a bit worried about a particular scene I’ll share the doc with my best lady @farcryfuckmeup and get her opinion. She usually points out things that aren’t great and I go from there. She’s the closet thing to a beta reader that I have.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?Sarah!!! She’s my best girl and I love her personality and attitude. In terms of canon characters though I’ve been writing some stuff from Arthur Morgan’s pov and that’s been really fun too. I really love playing around with his sense of self and morality.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?I don’t have one yet? We’ll see how the future plays out there. It might be Ethan Seed but I’ve never written stuff for him so I’m not 100% sure.
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.Almost every fic name is from a song. The Devil Has Come is from Blues Saraceno’s “The River”, Icarus is from Bastille’s “Icarus”, and I’m not sure where Bridges is from but I’m 90% sure it was a song. The series that TDHC and it’s connected stories are a part of is called Bottom of the River from Delta Rae’s “Bottom of the River”.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?I use name generators for modern characters or look up names with a specific meaning. If the character is from the past (ie cowboy times or pirate times) I look up names popular in that century. Sarah’s name I got by looking up popular names with religious meanings and Sarah was on the list.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?I came up with the idea for TDHC by playing co-op with @farcryfuckmeup. It was originally supposed to be a crackfic based on the dumbshit we did in-game. Then in my desperation to pretend that the game didn’t end the way it ends I started coming up with ways it could have gone differently and thus my fic was born.
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.I have so many wips! I’ll do a few because I’m in a sharing mood.Fallout 4 WIP: “‘You don’t even use power armor, why did you steal so many?’”RDR2 WIP: “Valentine was a crap town with crap people and even crappier whiskey. It was tiny and smelled like mud and horse shit and something else that she was pretty sure was vomit.”Another RDR2 WIP: “Trouble was the bastard was clingy apparently as he was hot on Arthur’s heel.”
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?Yes, a few. I got bored or I decided to focus on other things. I do intend to one day finish them but who knows
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?The Devil Has Come!!! I can’t wait to write a sequel and I haven’t even finished the current fic.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?Sometimes I wish I’d written a follow up to my judge fic Joseph and his Judge. I’m not totally sure if I like how it ended.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?@farcryfuckmeup first and foremost, she’s amazing. I also love gwennolmarie and OutlandishWhalesharks on Archive of Our Own.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?My anime fics from middle school. It’s still posted and I won’t tell you what it’s called but every time I remember it a little part of me dies.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?Music mostly but it sometimes depends on the scene. For certain scenes I need silence but for the most part it’s music music music. I have playlists for all sorts of scene types.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?I love it, idk if I’m any good at it but I do like writing them.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?Yes, I’ve been writing some future parts of TDHC and I have cried a bit writing some of it.
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?The smut scene in Chapter 10 of TDHC, it was the first smut scene I’d ever published so I was really worried about that and kept rewriting it.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?Bit of both I guess. There is a vague outline in my head but only for like the big events, everything in between is go with the flow shit.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?It’s not going to be an instant hit. When I first started posting works back in the day I was always so upset when I’d check the next day and see only like 12 people had read it.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?Icarus :(   It’s only a baby fic and it’s in a mostly dead fandom but I love it.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?No, I love all the attention my fics get.
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)I’m gonna recommend one myself. Since this is a Far Cry blog I’ll recommend a Far Cry fic: come a little closer by lowtides on AO3Also here’s a Fallout 4 fic that isn’t finished but I absolutely love: RAIDERHEAD by TaraTargaryen
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?No real people no. Thomas is a combination of a few fictional characters though.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?I’ve gotten a few comments of analysis on chapters I’ve posted and honestly I love that so much. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing that someone not only read my fic but sat there and actually thought a lot about it.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?Like I said before I haven’t gotten a lot of criticism, but I guess the harshest for me was when I was discussing a character that I had really started to like and my friend (who I was ranting at about him) asked me to honestly think about what he brings to the table. Like is he actually necessary or just a throwaway character that won’t bring much to the story? I ended up scrapping him and putting a nameless character in his place to fill a few of his scenes.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?I share them with one (1) person and that person is my irl best friend @farcryfuckmeup. Everyone else has to wait until I post stuff I don’t want to spoil any big surprises.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?It’s a chapter very far in the future for a fic I’m sure you can guess but I won’t outright say.“Against his better judgment, he reached out and grabbed the hysteric woman, tightening his grip against her struggling and pulling her into his lap. He wrapped her in a tight hug until she finally began to calm down, humming softly and running his fingers through blood-soaked hair.“
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?I haven’t written a lot of funny stuff. I mostly do angsty. But when I was in middle school a wrote a novel where I spent two paragraphs talking about my MC’s hair color and current outfit and I cackle every time I read it. 70 pages or pure cringe, it’s hilarious.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.@farcryfuckmeup hmu bitch!also you @onl-you
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?Third, every now and then I write in first but idk I just don’t like it much.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?My close friends do
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?Thomas Moore, he’s a lot of fun to write for.
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.I don’t actually have any song fics in the traditional sense. I do however have some fics inspired by songs. I listen to music almost constantly, sometimes a song comes on that gives my fic vibes and I add it to my prompt playlist.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?@/farcryfuckmeup has but I don’t try too hard to keep secrets when she’s around
44) What is the last line you wrote?“John rolled his eyes and finished unbuttoning his shirt.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?This is cliche probably but the readers. I don’t want to leave someone waiting around for the next update forever. I also want to see how things play out myself so my own desire to see the finished product also helps.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?Again, going with TDHC for this. I am writing a sequel currently (I know it’s not done). It’s going to focus on a different character but Sarah will make appearances. I’m also working on a standalone sequel for her but that won’t be posted until the first sequel fic is complete.
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made-up title. What would this story be about?I used a title generator: Hidden Midnight. It’s about a pair of idiots in love, one is a vampire so they can only meet at night and it’s very secretive. The human dies at the end.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?Forced partnerships. I love it when two characters are forced into a partnership. One of them can’t fucking stand the other but slowly grows to like/love them in secret. If the chill one is in danger the annoyed one freaks the fuck out and does everything they can to get to their partner and afterwards claims they couldn’t care less what happened.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?I don’t remember the name of it but I’m pretty sure it was a Supernatural fic. I think it was Destiel (don’t just middle school me) and a high school AU. I’m not 100% sure. It was either that or a Fairy Tail fic and I like to forget my anime days.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?Angst. I love fluff and smut but in the end, I always go back to angst. It’s so much fun and there are so many ways to do it.
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timelordthirteen · 7 years
Multiples of 5 XD
Had to add a cut because it got long as fuck.
5. Top five formative books? Oh wow, um…  It’d be easier to go with authors but Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Pride and Prejudice, all things Discworld, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Bell Jar
10. Pick an author (or writing friend) to co-write a book with: Any of the people I listed in this post I would die for collaborate on anything.
15. How do you deal with self-doubt when writing? Hahahahaha! Uh, I don’t. I try to ignore it and push through, and sometimes I throw bits and pieces out in WIP memes or to my friends for some small moments of validation. It helps me feel like I don’t completely suck, and I like seeing people somewhat excited for my writing. Sometimes I go and re-read comments left on previous chapters of the fic I’m working on to remind me how many people like it, or on another fic of mine.
20. Any advice for young writers/advice you wish someone would have given you early on? I’ve mentioned these in more detail in other posts, but 
Find people you trust to be you betas/editors/sounding boards. Good betas are invaluable, and saying things “out loud” to someone else (or just typing them and making them more real) really helps you work through ideas. Sometimes just saying what you’re stuck on and why you’re stuck can unlock your brain, and that immediate feedback from another person, especially a writer, is so good. Don’t have anyone around? Talk to your pet, talk to a stuffed animal, talk to the TV.
Write what you know. And by that I mean if you don’t know something but you want to write about it, take a few minutes and Google. If you have time to write, you have time to do a little research.
Keep writing. Even if you think you can’t, even if you don’t type one character, one letter, one period in that fic. Open up something and at least stare at it. Re-read parts of it, or look at your outline. Having it in front of you keeps you aware of it so it doesn’t fade away to never be worked on again. And if you do think of something, it’s right there and you can do it.
25. What’s your worldbuilding process like? Strange? I don’t know honestly. True worldbuilding takes a long time. I might come up with a concept for the story and know that there will be key things I have to change about the existing canon world to fit it, but I won’t know the details right away. This is partly why I outline any fic that’s not a one-shot. I put down those key things at the top and outline under them. If I need to add more general world notes, I can, and I can expand on different things within the outline as I plot it out. Then I build the world to support the story I want to tell.
30. Do you like to read books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works? Noooooo. I can’t read fics that are like what I’m writing. As I’ve posted before I don’t like to be directly influenced that way and I had an issue with it in the past where someone thought I stole their work (I didn’t) because of it. The books I read for fun are generally nothing like what I’m writing. I read a lot of scifi, fantasy, and spy/thriller stories, with the occasional period piece (reread of an Austen book or something) almost all of which is not stuff I’m writing.
35. Post the last sentence you wrote: Apparently a lot harder than it was to accidentally set an oven mitt on fire. (That is the most out of context thing ever lol!)
40. Do you look up to any of your writer buddies? Oh gosh yes. @rose-tylers who is brilliant and has published two original novels and is about to have a third, meanwhile she’s super active in fandom and on Tumblr, and somehow also works for a living and is really sweet and supportive like wtf?? @thatexactleaf who has written turns of phrase that make me weep and is my darling, dear sister from another mister. @mariequitecontrarie whose writing is so brave, she just puts herself out there with all her experiences and emotions while being the most level headed person I’ve met in this fandom. @rufeepeach who has opened my eyes and my mind in ways I never thought possible and who understands her characters on a molecular level. I always see something new to love about my faves when I read her stuff. @still-searching47, @thatravenclawbitch, @emospritelet all three on top of having limitless amazing ideas and making me ship whole new pairings I never thought of before, are also really fantastic people. @b-does-the-write-thing who worldbuilds like no one else and is incredible. @thescholarlystrumpet without whom I probably wouldn’t even be in Rumbelle fandom and who gets me on every possible level. 
I wanna be like all of them when I grow up.
45. First or third person? THIRD. *cringes at first and second*
50. Do you share your rough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished? Do you like see how many times I post snippets and wip meme stuff? lolz I have no problem putting draft bits out there. The thing that usually changes the most is all my stupid typos.
55. How do you manage your time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day or do you only write when you have a lot of free time?) I literally write any time I can and anywhere I can. I keep everything in Google Docs so I can write, plan, edit, etc. on any computer, my Chromebook, my tablet, or my phone. I write during breaks at work, I write in the car when we’re headed somewhere, I write at home in the evenings, and if I wake up at 4am and can’t sleep. I have even written quick things at stoplights because I knew if I didn’t do it right that second, by the time I got to Walmart I’d have lost it. I wish I could set aside designated time for writing, but that’s hard with the other projects I want to do (Photoshop, videos, etc.) and also life.
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shepgarrus · 6 years
Would you recommend your top Femshep/Garrus fic list please? Thankyou
*rolls shoulders* wELL i have about 40 top recs marked on my fic rec spreadsheet (it’s still under construction but i’ll definitely be posting about it when it’s done!) but i’m just going to ramble about a few of the Top Faves
my top two, must-read, wish-i-could-instigate-them-as-mandatory-reading-for-the-fandom fics are
Down But Not Out [37.8k, abandoned WIP; originally from LJ kinkmeme, backed up in a google doc for ease of reading] - you’re good to read this once you’re done me1/have done the first minutes of me2. it’s honestly one of the best fics i’ve ever read, full stop. it really doesn’t need an introduction or summary, you’ll see when you read it.
Limit of the Flesh [25.3k, WIP] - the ideal post-me3 scenario imo, and written so well that you’ll probably be frothing with jealousy if you’re a writer (fair warning lmao).
Semper Fi [368k, WIP] - this gets next mention because it’s not tagged under the shakarian relationship tag, so it’s hard to find (i probably found it by another rec list or this post). i read it very early on after getting into shakarian and it spoiled me with its creativity. i’ve been meaning to reread it for a while now so i don’t remember plot specifics, but if you want slowburn to never have meaning to you again this is the fic for you - they won’t start pining until over 250k in :’)
the effect of you [10.8k, WIP] - my favorite frequently-updating ongoing fic atm. i’ve always been a sucker for high school aus but this one is fucking incredible, the writing is such goals and the pining/dynamic is just *chef kiss* if we’re only going to have one shakarian hs au on ao3 (and it is the only one atm), then i’m glad it’s this one.
fadeIn [77.7k] - if you haven’t been around my blog for a while you might not know that i fucking love renegade shepard, and that’s to a large degree thanks to fadeIn. it’s just…amazing beyond words, the whole thing is so unique and it too spoiled me early on in my fic-reading journey. idk how the hardcore paragons would take to it and i can’t do it proper justice without a big three-paragraph ramble, but everyone should at least give it a try.
(and callbacks.fire [4.8k] as well; it’s a garrus piece in the fadeIn ‘verse of him growing up and explores him being at odds with his family. there’s also another fic in the series which covers shepard’s childhood on earth, i’m Saving it but i’m sure it’s amazing too.)
inifinity, the galaxy in me [32k, WIP amnesty] - this killed me fucking dead. the shepard and shakarian dynamic were amazing (the author tagged it with ‘purple shepard’ which i think is dragon age-ese for whatever the fuck this was) and the writing had me in a trance/fic hangover for like a day despite the short (for me) length. if heaven exists it better have a complete version of this (and the other fics too lmao).
those are my top six, now here are some completed ones a few more :’) please end my suffering
this post has several of my shorter and ‘lighter’ top recs, and Advice [5.4k] definitely belongs on that list too but i must not have been able to find the link at the time.
Enemies Like You and Me [15.3k, quasi-dubcon-ish warning for second chapter] - this has my favorite turian genitalia version (though i’ve only seen like. five-seven fics do anything unique on that front beyond give garrus ridges and/or a knot. guys he’s an alien………..please………………………….) and has multiple sequels, but i only really care for the second one:
Allies Like You and Me [13k] - second chapter has a turian orgy (kind of), i know a few of you that are probably going to be interested ;)
Bounty [175k] - i’ve been saving the last chapters but s u c h good shit and pining
oops one more wip Something Between Us [14.3k, WIP] - my notes for this one on my spreadsheet are ‘RENEGADE BROS; SHEP DOESN’T LIKE HIS DAD; REC[OMMENDATION] TO COUNCIL FOR SPECTRE!GARRUS; I’M LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ aka some of my favorite things!!!!!!!!!!
Variations on a Theme, with Tank and Gunfire [36.7k] - coming here straight from the hobbit/bagginshield fandom, the lack of time loop and everyone lives fics here is still kind of ?????? to me even if i was never super into the time loop fics, but this fic filled the time loop void in my soul that i didn’t know existed.
Plans for the Future [2.6k] - just really sweet, i wish there were more fics like this.
one last hurrah [16k] - had some especially good dynamic and stuff about them as a team, and an interesting and unique plot.
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