#the other time this happened was at a souvenir store in maine
magnetic-dogz · 6 months
Also today marked the 2nd time in the past year an older woman I've met has been genuinely shocked upon finding out I'm in my 20s
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whynotshaveme · 5 months
Saturday Night At Bob's Barbershop
By whynotshaveme
Mary Greenwood and her wife Anna arrived at Bob's Barbershop around closing time. Mary is a stern woman in her early 50s with close-cropped black hair. Anna is much younger with long blonde hair flowing down her back. She flinched as her wife grabbed a number. She, however, sat down next her submissively as they waited to be called.
Bob, the owner of Bob's Barbershop, was the only barber present. Curious, once he finished up with what he'd thought was his last customer for the night, he called the two women over. Mary stood up first. Anna hesitated, but one stern glance from her wife got her to her feet and over to Bob's chair.
"Sit down," said Mary.
Then she told Bob that her wife needed a short haircut. Bob wrapped his hairs around Anna's blonde hair and held it away from her as he capped her. He rarely got to touch hair other than his own wife's, so he savored the feel of it in his hands. From how healthy it felt, Anna was clearly a natural blonde.
"Okay," said Bob, "how short? Like yours?"
"No, shave it all off. This is a punishment. She's been flaunting it around town," said Mary.
"Please Mary..." said Anna softly.
Knowing that his may be his only chance to have a beautiful woman in his chair, he decided to assist, even if he normally preferred a willing customer. Especially if he could get a lovely souvenir from the experience. He pulled Anna's hair into a ponytail with a spare rubber band that he happened to have lying around. With his best clippers, he sliced it off. Anna's hair fell loose in rough bob. She, however, didn't have that bob for long because he put one hand on her neck as he ran the clippers over her scalp. A former military barber, he decided to give her the full new recruit experience. Within ten minutes, she sported a perfect grade zero buzzcut. He took a moment to brush her off and then asked Mary if she was good with the finished product.
Mary rubbed her hand against Anna's shorn scalp as Anna shut her eyes, tears running down her face. "Can you make her smooth? She will be spending the rest of the night between my legs apologizing. I don't want to feel stubble."
Bob smiled. "Of course, ma'am."
He wrapped a hot towel around Anna's head. She watched nervously, towel around her head, as he sharpened his best straight razor on a leather strap. Once he got it to a good edge, he removed the towel and spread hot lather over her scalp. With an expert's stead head, he shaved her head smooth. He took two passes just for his own pleasure. When he finished the second, he rubbed her head clean and then used a bit of aftershave, which made her wince.
At Mary's request, she took a photo of his hand over Anna's bald head. Then she paid his fee. As they settled things at the cash register, Anna swept up her own fallen hair, looking distraught. Once the bill was settled, Mary left the shop, with her bald, submissive wife following suit.
Bob took a moment to shut his blinds and flip the sign to closed, and then, with Anna's ponytail in his hands, started to pleasure himself.
(To my Ko-Fi friends, this month's story should be sent out tomorrow or Friday. In honor of April 15th (American Tax Day), it's going to be entitled "Paying The Taxman". For everyone else, The Barber On Main Street is on my Amazon Kindle store: The Barber On Main Street - Kindle edition by From Tumblr, whynotshaveme. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.)
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montydollcrew2 · 1 year
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Back in April I got to take Cygnus to Tenshi no Sato in Kyoto! I’ve been wanting to do this for ages and it was a really nice experience. So here’s a recap!
It was actually the second time I’d been to Sato, the first time was back in 2017 which I wrote about on my old doll blog. I was new to SD then but now 6 years later I not only was able to better appreciate the museum and the significance of a lot of the dolls in there, but I also got to experience it with a doll I really, really treasure (that’s not to say Finn (Renee at the time) isn’t important, I had just literally only just got that doll at the time).
Anyway, just like last time there are limited areas where photos are allowed, which unfortunately means no photos of the museum floor again. This is a shame because there were a lot more dolls this time - including boyhood Cecile, so it would have been cute to have a pic of Cygnus in front of his original form. It was cool to see all the Oath of Silver Coin dolls together though - it was also the first time I’d seen SD17 Captain Cecile in person, and I still want him really bad ;-;
Anyway here’s the requisite pics of Cygnus in the main meeting area at the big table. Sato changes out the flowers seasonally, and the ones during my visit were gerbera.
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But the main reason I took him to Sato was to do the Omukae ceremony with him. In the 2017 post about Sato I did on my old blog, I misunderstood the Omukae Ceremony as something you could only do for Full Choice System dolls when you go to pick them up. But it’s actually something you can do for any Volks dolls regardless of when or how you got it. So what is it? It’s kind of the culmination of a lot of the fan culture surrounding Volks dolls as being alive or extensions of yourself - it’s essentially a ceremony to celebrate the bond you have with a doll. Like you’re being soul-bonded to them on the astral plane or…something. It’s incredibly extra, but I always found it fascinating and kind of charming so after a friend did it a few years back I decided that I would too at some point, because I like being able to experience the many things Volks offers. At first though I didn’t know if I’d ever have a doll important enough for me to be fitting for the sheer level of pomp and circumstance, but Cygnus definitely fits the bill.
The Ceremony is actually available at any Volks store - I witnessed one in the Fukuoka showroom several years back. It’s just a lot more special at either Sato, or Tenshi no Mado in Harajuku first due to the alters being more decorated but also due to having more space. Plus Sato has the veiled statue of Mother SD behind the alter so it is absolutely the most extra of all location options.
When the ceremony begins, they actually close the doors to the main hall to prevent people randomly coming in and potentially ruining it (especially because this part of Sato is right at the entrance). This also means that anyone currently in that area is stuck there and forced to watch the ceremony happen (although they are given warning). The doll is put on the alter by the owner, who then sits on a chair in front of it. Here is Cygnus politely wondering what is going on when he was placed on the alter.
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The lights are dimmed and the Doll Advisor (abbreviated to DAD on the certificate which tickles me) enters wearing a robe. The lights are dimmed in the room, they draw the hanging curtains around the doll to hide it from view and light candles on either side of the alter, and recite a very flowery speech about your beautiful amazing bond with your beautiful amazing doll. The speech is the same for everyone other than the names of you and your doll (which can also be your nickname or handlename, so my friend got to do theirs being constantly referred to as ‘Beby-sama’), and you receive a copy of it as a souvenir card with your names written in the spaces. I had my back to the table here because of being in the seat, but when the lights were dimmed I realised I could see the table in the reflection of the glass by the alter and there were more people than I expected, and I really hope they knew the ceremony was a thing beforehand because I can’t imagine how it would feel to suddenly be witnessing this if you had no idea what was going on.
The DAD then instructs the owner to blow out the candles, which symbolises blowing life into the doll. Then the owner opens the curtains up and picks up their soul bonded doll and turns to face whatever audience has gathered. But the thing is. While they are doing the speech and all, the music is just some gentle Ave Maria type thing, but specifically at the moment the ceremony is complete - when you pick up your doll, the song changes to a different one. The Shigetas (the couple who run Volks) have very particular music tastes and have songs and playlists they use for things - the playlist at Dolpa events is stuff like Dancing Queen and other oldies on repeat and it never changes. The song they have chosen for the omukae ceremony that has apparently been unchanged since its inception is, I shit you not, ‘Tonight I Celebrate My Love’ by Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack. And -specifically!!!!!- the part that says ‘when I make love to you tonight’. This is a legendary injoke with English speaking volks fans so I did already know about this but I still wasn’t prepared for the exact cocktail of emotions you get when you’re having an extremely weird, almost cult-like ceremony and it’s weird but also touching because your OC means that much to you and then right at the end that song kicks in. I had a mask on which concealed my expression but I still couldn’t help but double over slightly when I picked Cygnus up, which I hope the staff interpreted as a sign of me being touched by the proceeding and not just me losing it at the stunningly inappropriate song. Here is Cygnus after the ceremony with the lights still dimmed politely wondering what just happened.
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After that, my friend and I went to the cafe. The Sato cafe only has cakes and drinks, but the cakes are always cute and change seasonably. This time I was able to get a cute sakura roll cake. Cygnus watches on from the basket the staff give you to carry your dolls around the facility like baby kittens.
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Anyway! That’s the omukae ceremony, amazing experience, unintentionally hilarious, I really enjoyed it, potentially confusing as all hell for any newcomer in my audience who saw it unprepared.
If you also want to get soul bonded to your super dollfie to questionable music choices, email Volks to inquire and make a reservation. If you want to do it at Sato, check the opening dates on the Sato calendar (it’s only open on weekends and a few other days each month) and send Volks an email, well in advance as they can only do a certain number of ceremonies per day.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Main Story Chapter 17-09: The Third Bang (第三声巨响) | Light  and Night 光與夜之戀
Chapter 17-07
I had never looked forward to going to work so much.
I woke up early in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep. Seeing that there were still more than four hours before work, I simply went out for a run. Passing by the convenience store, I bought some souvenirs that I should have brought back from my business trip.
The early autumn morning air was already a bit chilly, but it was exceptionally fresh and clean. It seemed that no matter how restless my heart was, burning with something, I could regain control of my body with each inhale and exhale.
Although I couldn't help but think of certain things when I walked into the Wanzhen building, and I had seriously considered resigning when my emotions surged last night, I still logged out of my email after the impulse passed.
There was another voice constantly telling me that Pristine was the place I was most skilled and suited for, both in style and philosophy. I loved doing this kind of design. Having poured so much effort into it, would I just give up like this?
Besides, nothing could distract me and cheer me up more than a fulfilling job.
However, the warm welcome I had imagined didn't happen. The atmosphere in the office was a bit gloomy. I put down my bag and took out the local specialties I had just bought to share with everyone.
You: Mao Ge, here, the preserved vegetable and pork mooncake you said you wanted to try.
Mao Ge: Thanks.
You: What's wrong with you all? You look listless. Did something happen at the company?
I quickly browsed through the company email and didn't find anything special except for the notice of the change of chairman.
Li Manman: During the days you were away, everyone in Group A has been experiencing bad luck, and it's all been severe.
Manman, with two dark circles under her eyes, opened a bag of rattan pepper chicken feet and swallowed a mouthful angrily.
You: What happened? Tell me about it, but it's okay if you don't want to.
Li Manman: I don't mind, it's just...
She hesitated, her eyes involuntarily glancing at Mao Ge.
Mao Ge: It's okay, you can say it. We're all family here.
Li Manman: Simply put, Mao Ge failed his assessment again and was also cheated by a fabric supplier. Double whammy.
You: Fabric supplier? Pristine's? Which supplier? When did this happen?!
Even my work is betraying me? My heart raced, and I stood up with a "thud."
Li Manman: Look at you, such a workaholic. Not Pristine's, it's Mao Ge's side business. I just found out about it too.
Li Manman: He's always had plans in this area. After all, the company is constantly changing, and you never know when it might go under or when you might be laid off.
Li Manman: Look, even the chairman has changed.
Li Manman: Pristine was very successful a while ago, so he registered a small company overnight.
Li Manman: He found a low-priced fabric and thought he had found a treasure, but he discovered he had been cheated after receiving the goods.
Mao Ge: You'd think after five years as a designer, dealing with fabrics every day, I wouldn't make such a rookie mistake.
Li Manman: The chance to save a lot of money, isn't that tempting enough? Besides, the other party was pushing hard. If it were me, I would have definitely taken the bait too.
You: So what's the situation now?
Mao Ge: I can't get in touch with them. I went to report the case yesterday. Fortunately, the quantity wasn't large, and the loss isn't too severe.
Mao Ge: However, there's still a slight chance of recovering some of the money, but the assessment is definitely a failure again.
It was the first time I had seen Mao Ge so dejected. Although he usually acted nonchalant, always saying it didn't matter and there would be a next time, even the most optimistic person couldn't withstand the repeated blows and torment of reality.
Mao Ge: Do you guys think I'm really not cut out to be a designer?
You and Li Manman: Who said that! You have the most solid foundation among us!
Manman and I said in unison, and Mao Ge was amused by us. But after a few seconds, the smile slowly faded.
He opened his mouth, whispered two words, and then immediately closed it, no longer speaking. I vaguely heard the word "talent."
A wave of bitterness washed over me. I lowered my head and took a sip of water, pretending not to have seen anything.
Mao Ge: It's so hard for us ordinary people to turn our lives around.
Mao Ge: I don't want to be rich or famous, I just want to achieve something and establish myself here.
Mao Ge: When I was in school, I could get good grades if I put in the effort, but now it seems like no matter how hard I work, I can't change anything.
Mao Ge: I don't even know what my next step should be.
Mao Ge: But I wasn't like this before. I used to think I was the next Qi Si Li (Sariel), and the world would be different because of me.
When he said "different," his face was filled with longing and yearning, and Manman and I couldn't help but exchange smiles.
Li Manman: Then you're not bold enough. I always fantasize about being the long-lost daughter of a wealthy person, chosen to save the world.
Mao Ge: I've thought about that a hundred times since elementary school. Now, I'm as ordinary as can be, just a nobody.
Mao Ge: The world doesn't need me to save it, and compared to saving the world, I'd rather save my mortgage and my neck.
Mao Ge: I'm getting older, I can't live in a dream every day, right?
Li Manman: Totally agree. I even feel like the hardships I endured in school were useless.
Li Manman: In the end, we all become mediocre ordinary people. I'm so unwilling.
Mao Ge: If you hadn't endured those hardships, you might be worse off now.
Li Manman: You sound exactly like my mom.
Mao Ge: You don't know this, Y/N, but a company wanted to poach Manman, and they kept persisting even after she refused.
Mao Ge: It's also in her hometown, and her mom keeps urging her to go back.
Saying things like parents are always worried when their child is alone outside, life is more comfortable back home, and missing a good opportunity is foolish.
Li Manman: My ears are almost calloused from hearing it. You guys won't believe it, but last week they secretly came here and tried to trick me into going home by pretending to be sick.
Mao Ge: But if you think about it, your mom isn't wrong. When you're alone outside, you have to go to the hospital by yourself if you get sick.
Li Manman: So, are you going back?
Mao Ge: I'm not. Unless Jiang Lai doesn't want to stay here anymore.
Li Manman: There you have it. If I go back, my life will probably be predictable.
Li Manman: Work, get married, have children, live a life that adults consider proper.
Mao Ge: What's wrong with that kind of life?
Li Manman: Nothing's wrong with it, I just don't like it.
Li Manman: I like it here. There are endless exhibitions to see, and everyone is too busy to meddle in my affairs.
Li Manman: Besides, I interviewed three times to get into Wanzhen. It would be such a disservice to myself to just give up.
Whenever we face a dilemma, Manman is always the first to make a decision. However, she suddenly paused, a hint of confusion appearing in her expression.
Li Manman: But even though I always tell myself that so resolutely, sometimes I feel unsure deep down.
Li Manman: What if I never get promoted? Will I regret it then? But time will have been wasted.
For a moment, everyone fell into thought, and the large office fell silent.
Li Manman: If only there were a regret medicine in the world.
Li Manman: Forget it, let's not think about it. Mao Ge, if you didn't get your money back, what will you do for a while?
Mao Ge: Tighten my belt, take on more freelance work, and you absolutely, absolutely must not tell Jiang Lai.
Li Manman: Is that okay? You're together, and you're still keeping it from her?
Mao Ge: I won't keep it from her forever, but she's under too much pressure lately, so it's better not to add to her burden.
Li Manman: Alright. In that case, as a good friend, I'll cover your breakfast this month.
You: Me too, I'll cover your lunch this month.
Mao Ge: What do you two take me for? Am I the kind of person who takes advantage of a situation?
You: We take you as a friend, and friends should help each other, right?
Li Manman: Exactly, next time when we're broke, you have to remember to treat us to dinner.
Mao Ge looked at us for a while without speaking. He seemed to want to laugh, but something flickered in his eyes, as if he wanted to cry. His expression was happy, but in the end, he just nodded awkwardly.
You: By the way, I have a friend who's a bounty hunter - no, a detective. I can ask him to investigate the whereabouts of that fabric supplier.
Mao Ge was startled, immediately rushed over and grabbed my hand, shaking it vigorously.
Mao Ge: Y/N, you're practically my sister from another mother!
Li Manman: It seems like you're the only one who's doing relatively well.
I silently sighed in my heart.
You: Actually, I've also encountered something...
Li Manman: No wonder you don't look so good either.
Li Manman: What is it? Maybe we can offer some advice.
Seeing my hesitation, one of them quickly turned up the office air conditioner, and the other made me a cup of coffee.
You: I - I parted ways with a friend who was very important to me.
I picked up the coffee and put it down again, but the bitter aroma still lingered on the tip of my nose.
You: Also, the landlord is taking back the apartment, so I have to find a new place this month.
Mao Ge: I understand, that feeling is no better than a breakup.
Mao Ge patted my shoulder solemnly and was immediately glared at by Manman.
Li Manman: What are you saying? You people in relationships have no humanity.
You: It's okay, I'm fine. It has happened, and I've accepted it. I just feel a little regretful.
But Manman still put her arm around my shoulder and leaned my head on hers. Somehow, this gesture made me suddenly want to cry a little.
Li Manman: Hugs. I don't know what to say because I've also been constantly losing old friends and making new ones along the way.
Li Manman: I think feelings are a combination of fate and equal strength. You need both.
Li Manman: We meet different people at each stage of life. My best friend from high school is now just someone I occasionally like posts from on social media.
Li Manman: After we each have our own new lives, our paces are different, and naturally, we drift apart.
Li Manman: Later, I realized that walking alone is actually the norm.
The eyes of all three of us became somewhat vacant, as if we were all gazing at our own distant past.
Outside the window, the wind blew and the clouds scattered, with only a few migratory birds gliding across the sky alone.
Li Manman: As long as we've truly accompanied each other, that person's mark will always remain on us. Let's leave the rest to time.
Mao Ge: Maybe one day in the future, when you're in sync again, you guys can become friends again? Like a broken mirror reunited.
Li Manman: Exactly, just like Mao Ge and Jiang Lai!
Mao Ge: Our situation... is not a broken mirror!
Seeing them regain their spirits and start bickering again, I couldn't help but laugh. It's great that I still have so many friends.
Mao Ge: I can't help with much else, but if you need help moving, call me. Don't hire any moving companies, they're all rip-offs.
You: It's a deal then. You'll all come and be my laborers.
Mao Ge: It's a chance for you to see the results of my recent workouts.
As he said this, he stood up and almost bumped into Hao Shuai, who was walking towards us in a hurry.
Hao Shuai seemed to completely ignore Mao Ge, absentmindedly coming to his seat and sitting down.
You: What's wrong with him?
Li Manman: I don't know. He took a day off yesterday, and he was fine when he left work the day before.
Mao Ge: Hao Shuai is the kind of person who would post on social media even if the sky were falling. What could make him like this? He couldn't have been scammed too, could he?
He was acting so strangely that none of us dared to ask him directly. We silently watched him open a notebook and start writing.
Mao Ge: That notebook is the one he got when he joined the company. I haven't seen him open it in three years!
The three of us looked at each other, using our eyes to urge the others to ask first. In the end, this battle ended with Mao Ge's defeat. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and step forward.
Mao Ge: Mr. Handsome, what's wrong? You don't seem to be in a good mood.
Hao Shuai slowly raised his head.
Hao Shuai: How do you guys manage to take the subway every day? I almost got lost walking from the subway station to the company just now.
Mao Ge: Take the subway?? Are you really Hao Shuai?! Quick, tell me who you really are.
Hao Shuai: Mao Ge, that joke isn't funny at all.
Instead of bickering with Mao Ge as expected, Hao Shuai's reaction stunned us. Manman and I exchanged glances, and there was the same worry in her eyes as in mine.
Hao Shuai: Our family's factory, its capital chain broke.
Everyone: What?!
Hao Shuai didn't shy away and told us the whole story. The market downturn had affected their family business, leading to problems with their capital chain.
Hao Shuai: My mom sold everything that could be turned into money-- houses, cars, everything, except for the apartment in Guangqi.
The atmosphere became silent and heavy again. We looked at each other, not knowing how to comfort him. Compared to his troubles, ours were insignificant, and the words of encouragement we usually had on our lips seemed too pale to say.
Hao Shuai: You don't need to comfort me. Luckily, I'm already working and don't need to spend their money anymore.
Hao Shuai: Look, I'm going to start keeping track of my expenses from today. The subway is 4 yuan, breakfast is 3 yuan.
Hao Shuai: I just realized that 3 yuan can buy two steamed buns and an egg.
Hao Shuai: Before, a random cup of coffee would cost me dozens of yuan. I was such a spendthrift! You guys didn't even try to stop me!
Hao Shuai spoke a lot at once, as if he had been holding it in for a long time.
He said he had spent the whole night learning how to save money on everything from daily necessities to meals and transportation. He also said that saving money was actually a happy thing, watching the numbers grow and feeling like his efforts weren't wasted.
We listened attentively, watching his animated expression, our eyes a little sore, but gradually, for some reason, we felt a sense of relief.
Children who refuse to grow up will eventually be pushed to grow up by the world. Children who see the harsh realities of life too early also yearn for impossible dreams.
But no matter what, life's challenges always come suddenly, regardless of time or place, catching us off guard. So there was the game lost at age seven, the failing test paper at seventeen, and the empty bank card at twenty-seven.
Later on, the challenges escalate. Separation, betrayal, loss... they happen every minute and every second. He never tells us the solutions, as if whatever he gives us, we must grit our teeth and accept and digest.
But after each wound heals, we seem to grow a little.
Whether this is good or bad, no one can say for sure. Maybe one day, we can throw a beautiful punch at fate, but before that, we still need to put ourselves back together again.
Mao Ge: You've grown up. We were prepared with a bunch of comforting words for you.
Hao Shuai: Don't take advantage of me. Was I that childish before?
Li Manman: How should I put it? Maybe it's called... great wisdom appearing foolish?
Mao Ge: Seriously, if you need anything, just ask. We've got your back.
I felt a surge of strength coursing through us, binding us tightly together.
Sunlight filled the window panes, and a pot of asparagus fern on the windowsill grew lush and vibrant with a healthy dark green.
Li Manman: Mao Ge, look at that. How did it survive?
Mao Ge: Huh? Wasn't it almost dead a few days ago? You guys even accused me of mistreating the plant left by the director.
We all gathered around, discussing it until it turned into a bet on how many days Mao Ge could keep it alive. I saw Hao Shuai reach out and gently touch the leaves.
Mao Ge's eyes sparkled. He suddenly ran back to his seat and rolled up a draft into a trumpet shape.
Mao Ge: Everyone, I've made a decision - starting today, I'm going to spend an extra hour each day practicing my design skills.
Mao Ge: Before I completely give up, I still want to give it another try.
Mao Ge: After all, I won against so many people to get here. I can't just admit defeat.
Hao Shuai: Then I'll take the subway to and from work every day, and my lunch and dinner won't exceed 50... no, 40 yuan.
Li Manman: For me, it's practicing my fundamentals more and striving to pass the next assessment, so my parents can see me in a new light.
You: My turn. I'm going to make Pristine better and better, and strive to become a director as soon as possible!
Perhaps life is like this. The pitfalls we have to face cannot be avoided, and the lessons we need to learn cannot be learned a second sooner. But at least we still have expectations, and that's the most important thing.
Knock, knock, knock - a knock on the door, and Mya pushed the door open.
Mya: Y/N, come with me. I have something to tell you.
After sitting down in the meeting room, Mya closed the door and handed me a document listing Pristine's recent sales performance.
During the previous week's promotional period, sales had once again reached a new high, with even many celebrities spontaneously wearing the brand, causing quite a stir.
I stared at the numbers that far exceeded expectations, feeling exceptionally happy and gratified.
Mya: Although there are weekly recap emails, I thought you'd be happier seeing the specific results.
Mya: The company has decided to adjust your salary. This is the new package proposal, take a look.
I took the proposal and quickly skimmed through it.
In addition to a considerable raise, there was also a bonus based on Pristine's net profit, which was unexpected.
This was far beyond the treatment of a senior designer! I was slightly surprised. But after calming down, I felt that I deserved this reward.
Mya: Do you have any other thoughts?
You: I have no questions regarding personal matters.
You: But I want to advocate for better treatment for my team, as well as increased resources from the company for Pristine.
Mya: Of course, Pristine's sales performance is very impressive.
Mya: The company will reward each team member based on their performance and contribution.
You: Thank you.
Mya: You just now reminded me of the director. If he were still here, he would be very pleased.
Mya: Now, back to the main topic. The reason I called you here today is for something else.
Mya: I don't know if you've heard of Wanzhen's European brand, Epiphany.
I nodded.
Around the time I was in high school, this light luxury brand swept the world with its bold and avant-garde designs, bringing the modified Gothic style into the mainstream. You could often see its iconic clothing on the streets.
You: But I remember that Epiphany's brand stores all closed three years ago.
Mya: That's right. Due to a joint boycott at the time, most brands and channels suspended their cooperation with Wanzhen.
Mya: Epiphany's sales continued to decline, with losses of nearly tens of billions, forcing the group to make the decision to shut it down.
Mya: However, there's now hope to resolve this crisis. The board of directors has decided to reopen the brand and re-enter the European market.
Mya: And you are their most preferred candidate for the role of leader.
You: Leader?!
Still immersed in Pristine's achievements, I was momentarily speechless with surprise.
Mya: The group has decided to reposition Epiphany, adding appropriate ethnic elements to its original foundation to differentiate it from other brands.
Mya: Your performance at Pristine has been outstanding, and you have Director Qi's endorsement.
Mya: The board also believes that young designers should be promoted. After considering various factors, you are the most suitable candidate.
Being the leader of a European light luxury brand would be a significant leap forward in my career.
But being in charge of Pristine was already difficult enough. Now, taking on a brand new brand with a style I'm not very familiar with, could I really handle it?
You: I'd like to ask, does the leader's job involve designing the entire brand?
Mya: In addition to design, the leader also has management responsibilities. To compensate for your lack of experience, we will provide you with a year of training before you go to the European branch.
Mya: Of course, all of this depends on your personal willingness. If you agree to take over Epiphany, someone else will be chosen to lead Pristine.
Mya: This is a rare opportunity. Think it over carefully and give me an answer within three days.
I remember over half a year ago, Sariel also gave me a choice: to work with him on Pristine, or to continue preparing for the big show.
The former was a daily job, but I could learn from Sariel. The latter was Wanzhen's most anticipated show at the time, but the competition was fierce, and if I couldn't make it to the stage, all my efforts would be in vain.
Just like now, a difficult choice. At that time, because of Sariel, I didn't hesitate too much, but now, it's time for me to make the decision on my own.
A voice in my heart kept saying, who wouldn't be tempted by such a good opportunity? Let your ambition lead you forward and witness your own limits. Isn't this your dream? If you miss it, you might never have another chance.
Fate suddenly threw me an olive branch, but for some reason, I wasn't as excited as I imagined.
Because there was another voice constantly telling me that Pristine was the place I was most skilled and suited for, both in style and philosophy. Having poured so much effort into it, would I just give up like this? Had I forgotten my promise to Sariel?
While still pondering, I returned to the office, where everyone immediately gathered around.
Mao Ge: Why did it take so long? What did Mya want?
I told them about the offer, and they gasped in astonishment before erupting in cheers.
Mao Ge: Goddess, please carry us!
Li Manman: How do you know she'll definitely go? What if she doesn't want to?
Mao Ge: It's such a great opportunity. That guy from Group B who always has a stern face also had the chance to go to the branch company.
Mao Ge: But he refused because he's a local and didn't want to leave home. Now he regrets it because he can't get promoted, and I heard his parents blame him for it.
Hao Shuai: But I heard he also got the opportunity by chance and was worried he wasn't capable enough and would be sent back, so he made up an excuse.
Mao Ge: Really? There's more to the story?
Hao Shuai: I think this opportunity is great, but isn't it a bit too big of a step? My mom did something like this once, and she fell hard.
Mao Ge: But opportunities are fleeting. Hesitation leads to defeat!
Li Manman: I say, stop imposing your opinions on her.
Their back-and-forth made me even more uncertain.
Manman suddenly remembered something, took out a tarot deck and spread it on the table, saying she would do a reading for me. When people are lost, they're willing to try anything, even superstition, so I quickly grabbed onto this lifeline.
However, the cards told me once again that the opportunity was rare. Leaving might take my career to the next level.
Yes, it's a rare opportunity, an obvious truth. People work hard to strive for a better future, right?
But why didn't I feel enlightened after seeing this result? Instead, I felt even more conflicted. I even wanted to ask the tarot cards if staying wasn't that bad.
Li Manman: I really wish I could know what will happen in the future before making a decision.
The phone screen flickered on and off with my tapping. After thinking for a while, I decided to seek help from my friends again.
Opening my contacts, the top name was Osborn. He had sent me a goodnight text message after I fell asleep last night.
Looking at the short message, I suddenly felt a little unaccustomed. Shouldn't he have come directly downstairs and then knocked on my door a few seconds later? I had become used to his intrusion, and his restraint made me feel uneasy.
But the next second, I remembered Ye Chuan telling me that when Osborn was applying for college, he filled out applications for schools out of town, but in the end, he still studied locally. How did he make that choice?
I immediately sent him a text message.
My SMS: If you had a great opportunity in front of you, but it required you to give up everything you have and leave your family and friends for a while, would you choose it?
Almost immediately, I received a reply. He said, "Yes." But didn't he not go out of town in the end? I was even more puzzled.
I desperately wanted to know more, but I couldn't. He had never mentioned this to me before, perhaps precisely because he didn't want to talk about it. After much hesitation, I deleted the text message.
The morning passed just like that. Beside me, Hao Shuai was calculating his lunch budget, asking if I wanted to order together to save money. Mao Ge suddenly pushed the door open.
Mao Ge: Gossip, gossip! I heard there's a super handsome guy downstairs! Like a celebrity.
Li Manman: You were so down just now, but you get excited as soon as you hear gossip.
Hao Shuai: Where's the handsome guy? Where, where?
Mao Ge pointed out the window, and Hao Shuai immediately perked up, pulling me over to look.
Mao Ge: I don't know whose boyfriend he is. I heard from the next department that he's been coming for several days. Why is he facing away from us? Handsome guy, turn around!
Hao Shuai: He looks average. I don't think he's as handsome as me.
Mao Ge: Come on, even though we can't see his face, that figure is definitely a model's.
I stared at the blurry figure for a while, finding it strangely familiar. But since we were too high up to see clearly, I opened my phone camera and zoomed in.
You: Osborn?!
Mao Ge: You know him?
Mao Ge: Wait, that name sounds familiar...
As if sensing my gaze, he happened to look up at that moment and waved in my direction.
Hao Shuai: I think I've seen him somewhere too! Damn, he's so handsome, I'm not convinced.
Mao Ge: I remember! The guest from the Warson Prize! Come clean, how do you know him? What's your relationship?
You: Uh... just friends.
Mao Ge: A friend who hangs around the company building every day? Could he be here for you?!
You: Every day?
Mao Ge: Yeah, they said he's been here recently.
My heart tightened. Was it because I hadn't contacted him recently that he was worried?
The people from the neighboring group also came to inquire about Osborn. Taking advantage of their distraction, I quickly ran downstairs, partly to avoid Mao Ge's gossip attack, and partly, more importantly – I wanted to see him sooner.
From a distance, I saw him standing by the car, one hand casually resting on it, our eyes meeting. How long had it been since we last saw each other? But why did just looking at him from afar intensify the longing?
My footsteps faltered, and I ran even faster. In the end, I almost couldn't stop, and he lazily straightened up, reaching out to catch me.
Osborn: Why are you running so fast? There's no tiger chasing you.
I panted for a while before catching my breath, and Osborn looked at me with amusement.
You: Because I wanted to see you sooner, so I ran over quickly.
Osborn: Such sweet words. Why don't I believe you? How many people have you said that to?
You: There's no one else, just you.
Osborn: Is that so?
He raised an eyebrow in suspicion, vaguely looking like he was about to settle scores with me. Wasn't he here to make sure I was safe and see if I had returned to the company?
It was lunchtime, and there were people coming and going nearby, with many colleagues glancing our way.
You: When did you arrive?
Osborn: Ten minutes before you came down.
It wasn't lunchtime yet, so not many people should have seen him. We wouldn't become the center of gossip. He was so eye-catching that I had to take him away quickly, or else Mao Ge's gossip would definitely spread throughout the company tomorrow.
I breathed a sigh of relief, not noticing that Osborn's face darkened slightly.
Osborn: Aren't you going to ask me why I'm looking for you?
You: It's already noon. Let's go eat first and talk while we eat.
Osborn, however, crossed his arms and leaned against the car leisurely, looking relaxed.
Osborn: Not hungry.
Why was he acting like he was sulking? I tugged at the corner of his clothes again, but he remained motionless. I finally realized he was doing it on purpose.
You: But I'm hungry. Come on, let's go.
I pleaded with my hands clasped together and put on my helmet. I thought Osborn would finally agree, but he just cleared his throat and changed to an even more relaxed posture.
You: Oh, come on, stop it. So many people are watching.
More and more people were passing by. If this continued, we would definitely be the company's gossip headline tomorrow.
I poked him anxiously, but Osborn grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer.
Osborn: So impatient? Seems like you've been busy lately.
His warm breath brushed against the tip of my nose, and I was momentarily lost for words, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.
Osborn: Oh, so busy that you disappeared for several days and didn't even answer a single call?
You: I texted you when I got home.
Osborn: Only saw the text, didn't see the person, doesn't count.
Osborn: Besides, you only bothered to send one text? I thought you had forgotten about me.
You: How could I? I was...
Osborn: You were what? Think before you speak.
Osborn's voice carried a hint of teasing, and he gently pinched the back of my neck.
You: I was sick those days, so I didn't check my phone much...
As soon as I quietly answered him, I felt the grip on my hand loosen. But he still didn't let go of me, instead pulling me to stand in the shade of a nearby tree, shielding me from the wind.
Osborn: Then why were you running just now, and dressed so lightly?
As he spoke, he took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders.
Osborn: Why didn't you say you were sick?
You: I'm all better now. Look, I'm full of energy.
I quickly jumped twice to prove my point, but Osborn immediately held my shoulders down.
You: So you were worried about me just now?
Osborn: You just figured that out?
You: But you looked like you were settling scores with me. Did you come here specifically for this?
Osborn: What do you mean "just"? Do you not take safety seriously?
You: No, no, safety always comes first.
You: But I'm suddenly curious, what if I didn't show up today?
Osborn: Then I would have had to post a reward notice in the union to find you.
Osborn: Your photo would be all over the streets.
Osborn: And I would specifically choose a photo of us together. You wouldn't be able to hide from it even if you wanted to.
It turned out he had seen through my worries all along. I couldn't help but laugh and cry, but my heart was filled with warmth.
You: I know, I'll keep it in mind and never worry you again.
You: If I disappear again and don't answer your calls, I'll owe Boss Xiao a wish, at your disposal.
Osborn: Alright, I'll remember that.
You: Okay, let's go, let's go. I'm starving, Xiao Yi gege (brother osborn).
As I was about to put on my helmet, he turned his head in surprise, looking at me with amusement and helplessness.
Osborn: When did you learn this trick?
You: I won't tell you.
Osborn tapped my helmet and gestured for me to get on the motorcycle.
I wrapped my arms around his strong waist, leaning gently against his back, feeling the warmth transmitted through his clothes.
Although there were still many things I couldn't explain to him for the time being, the trust between us seemed to have never wavered.
I chose a noodle shop not far from the company. The last time, that young man ate his bowl of noodles clean, so Osborn would definitely like it too.
Osborn: Why choose this small shop?
You: The noodles here taste great, and our colleagues all like to come here -
As soon as I said that, I regretted it. Wouldn't that mean there's a high chance of them bumping into Osborn and me?
You: I suddenly remembered that they don't have many noodle options here. Maybe we should go somewhere else!
Osborn, however, grabbed my hand, with a mischievous smile, as if he had seen through my thoughts.
Osborn: Perfect, I like places with fewer options.
I had no choice but to sit down next to him. We each ordered a bowl of noodles and added some toppings.
The phone on the table suddenly started vibrating crazily. Mao Ge had sent seven or eight photos, all of them taken from afar of Osborn and me.
Thinking back now, Osborn's actions today seemed a bit deliberate, as if he wanted everyone to see us. But he used to rarely appear near the company, always waiting for me downstairs at my apartment.
You: Osborn, you suddenly came to find me today. Is there something wrong?
He was about to answer when he suddenly stared at my face for a few seconds and leaned closer.
You: What are you doing -
Osborn: An eyelash fell on your face. Don't move.
He was a little too close, and his warm breath faintly brushed against my face. I froze, not daring to move, my ears filled with the sound of my own erratic heartbeat and the amplified noises around us.
???: Then let's leave it at that for today. If you recall any information about the victim, please contact us as soon as possible.
???: Absolutely, Inspector Xia. This way, please.
That voice sounded so familiar, but it was a bit unclear because it was too far away. I wanted to turn around, but Osborn held my face in place.
Osborn: There you go.
He finally let go of me, and I subconsciously touched my cheek, about to say something, when I suddenly saw someone standing in front of me.
That figure was once so familiar, but because it was wrapped in a neat dark uniform, I was momentarily in a daze.
You: Tangyuan?!
No wonder it sounded so familiar just now. It was him!
Those emerald green eyes blinked, then looked at me with a hint of grievance before quickly shifting to Osborn, with a hint of hostility in them.
One was a member of the Lianshan Society, and the other was a bounty hunter who walked the line between black and white... Alarm bells instantly went off in my head.
You: Tangyuan...
Seeing that he didn't respond, I called out again with some concern. He finally came back to his senses and gave me a bright smile.
Osborn, beside me, immediately straightened up, alertly, and leaned towards me subtly. I had to move aside a little.
You: Osborn, what's wrong -
The next moment, Jesse had already sat down beside me.
How did we end up squeezed onto one bench when I wasn't paying attention?!
Was there some past conflict between them? I had a bad feeling and could only try to ease the tension.
You: Tangyuan, what are you doing here?
Jesse: I'm just here to investigate a case. Young lady, eating at this hour is bad for your stomach.
Jesse: Remember that time you almost ended up in the hospital? Boss, a cup of honey water, please.
You: Thank you...
He seemed to completely ignore Osborn, diligently and thoughtfully wiping my utensils, his actions even more intimate than usual.
Jesse: Is it crowded? Is someone bullying you?
Osborn happened to put down his water cup at this moment, his voice neither too loud nor too soft, but it made my heart skip a beat.
You: It's okay, it's okay. The bench is quite wide.
I quickly glanced at Osborn out of the corner of my eye. He was calmly observing us, his expression seeming to say, "Carry on."
Jesse: I was so engrossed in chatting with you. This is...
You: Oh, let me introduce you. This is Osborn, a race car driver.
Jesse: Hello, we've met before.
Osborn extended his hand, briefly touching Xia Mingxing's fingers before quickly withdrawing it. Then he picked up his cup and slowly took a sip of water.
Osborn: Hello, little brother.
Jesse: You misunderstand. We just live close by and have a close relationship. I'm not really her younger brother, only older people like to say that.
Osborn: Is that so? I didn't notice when I went to her place last time.
Jesse: It's not very polite to go to someone's house without an invitation, is it?
Osborn: Then you can come to my place next time.
Jesse: Why does that sound a bit forceful?
I suddenly heard a suppressed gasp. It was clear that Osborn was getting angry.
Remembering how the last time I made up a story about a high school classmate, it made him look like he was ready to fight. This time, wouldn't he... I quickly pressed his hand, but Osborn immediately clasped it back, holding it tightly.
You: !
I tried to break free a few times but couldn't. Anxiously, I kept mouthing and gesturing for him to let go, but he didn't react, just looked at me with a half-smile.
Helpless, I composed myself and tried to smooth things over.
You: So, when did you two meet?
Osborn: It was a chance encounter a while ago. It wasn't important, so I didn't tell you.
Jesse: I didn't hear you mention him either, so I didn't tell you. You're not mad at me, are you?
You: Of course not. Am I the type to get angry easily?
Jesse: Of course not. Then let's formally introduce ourselves. Hello, I'm Jesse, Y/N's childhood sweetheart.
Jesse: We also know each other best.
Osborn: Is that so? Then it seems your relationship isn't good enough, unlike ours.
Osborn: Otherwise, she would have told you that we've known each other since we were kids.
Although his eyes were on Tangyuan, Osborni's grip on my hand tightened.
An awkward silence fell over the table. I could almost smell the gunpowder in the air, and beads of sweat formed on my forehead.
The next second, Jesse wiped away the sweat with a tissue.
Jesse: Why are you sweating?
Fortunately, the waiter arrived with our order just in time, temporarily rescuing me from the incredibly awkward situation.
You: Let's eat the noodles first, or they'll get cold.
After saying that, I quickly glared at Osborn as a warning, and he reluctantly let go of my hand.
I was about to pick up my chopsticks when Osborn grabbed them first and handed them to me. Not to be outdone, Jesse grabbed a spoon and also handed it to me.
I could only suppress the embarrassment in my heart and accept both items.
I nervously ate another piece of meat. Maybe I was too tense, but I couldn't pick up the noodles after several attempts, and they even fell into the soup, splashing some on my face.
Two hands reached out from both sides at the same time -
This time, Jesse got the tissue box first. He shook his head imperceptibly, and Osborn's face immediately darkened.
You: That's enough, you two.
I put down my chopsticks abruptly, but they both looked at me, one with a pitiful expression, the other with furrowed brows. The momentum I had just gathered instantly vanished.
You: I mean, I'm going to the restroom...
I cowardly avoided their gazes and fled the scene.
After the girl left, only two tense figures remained at the table, the last traces of smiles on their faces disappearing.
They seemed to have no interest in each other, one looking out the window, the other scrolling through their phone.
Time passed minute by minute. Finally, probably remembering that there were several uniformed people waiting for him outside, Jesse stood up and looked back at Osborn.
Jesse: I did hear her mention when we were kids that she was locked in a warehouse and almost encountered a wolf dog. It turns out it was you who always made her get hurt.
Osborn: I will protect her well. You don't need to worry about it.
Jesse glanced in the direction Y/N had left, then studied Osborn for a while before hesitantly turning and leaving.
Staring at the dark uniform on his back, Osborn narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.
Osborn: Lianshan Society...
The Lianshan Society that Zhou Weicheng had mentioned came to mind, and Osborn couldn't help but frown. It seemed he would have to deal with this person often in the future.
At the same time, not far away on the opposite side of the street, a young man was expressionlessly watching everything happening in the noodle shop through the window.
Gradually, a hint of jealousy appeared on his face. Soon, the jealousy turned into self-mockery, and then into resentment.
(Osborn) Boy: Liar.
His phone vibrated in his palm, and a text message from an unknown number popped up on the screen: "The person has arrived." The young man pondered for a moment, then typed a few words in the reply box: "Bring the other person."
Chapter 17-11
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lightvsdark18 · 11 months
Twisted Wonderland- Watching The Sunrise
The cold air greets her as she steps out into the afternoon, seeing the school looking like it was when she first came here yesterday. Her legs carry her through the campus to the main street, planning to visit the city before the masquerade tonight. There was still more to see from this city, food to taste and items to buy.
Grim chose stay in bed for a bit longer and join her later. She vented her concerns on him wondering around on his own but he responded he'll just force Deuce to take him into the city, chuckling to himself. She just sighed at her direbeast.
The first thing she wanted to do is eat, looking for a good and cheap restaurant for her brunch, stopping in on a sandwich shop. The simple sandwich satisfies her hunger, but doesn't fill her stomach. She begins her exploration, stopping in different stores for souvenirs and tasting the pastries they had to offer.
She takes in the atmosphere of the liveliness from people getting to one to another, the sounds of conversations and laughters, a goat chasing and playing with a group of kids. She stops her feet to look at a display in the large window and studying the appearance of the outfit.
"Katelynn!" She startlingly jumps at the sudden voice and turns to see Malleus.
"Malleus, good to see you up and about. Doing some exploring?" He stands before her and nods.
"I guess you're doing the same?" She agrees. "Are you companied by anyone, or did you go alone? I don't see your companion anywhere, did he run off?"
"Grim is still in bed, so I'm alone. Want to continue our adventure together?"
He smiles and nods, heading down the path as a group of two. They use the time wisely to talk and tease each other, laughing at him for being silly when she took a photo of a display. They stop at a cafe to rest, sipping on tea and nibbling on a light snack. He asks how she is doing which she answers with feeling a bit tired but doing okay.
"Make sure you don't push yourself and exhaust yourself before the masquerade. I'll be disappoint if I don't share a dance with you tonight." He smugly smiles.
"Even if I did, I'll just stand on your feet and dance that or have you carry me throughout the event. I'm not missing on the masquerade." He chuckles.
"Kate! Malleus!" Deuce shouts and runs up to the two. "Finally found you, it was tricky to find the cafe without my map and Grim continuously running off."
"Hey! I want to use all the time I have to look around." Grim stretches out his arms in anger.
"You can explore after we found her."
"Guys, calm down, come and take a seat. We can order you something eat and drink if you like." She gently smiles.
Grim immediately started demanding for different foods and drinks, getting turned down and told he will be getting a snack and not a buffet. He pouts at her words. She sips her tea and stares into the cup, the sky reflecting in it. The anxiety of what she has experienced creeping up at her, biting at her ankles for attention.
It has only been four months and she already faced another trouble. Will she ever find peace? This trip was suppose to be a vacation, something lighthearted and easy for her to hand after everything that happened. But of course not, every month or so had to have something to put her in danger.
"Kate? Are you alright?" Deuce snaps her out of it and ensures him she's okay, pushing those thoughts of her tiredness and hopelessness deep down in her heart.
The group finishes their snack and step out on the road, taking in the sights and shops while they walk. Deuce points out a charm bracelet in a gift store, wondering if it would be a good gift for his mother. Alice encourages him to get it, stating how lovely it looks with the blue and black gemstones and family type charms on the chains.
Grim points a fancy suit in the window of a clothing store, saying he would look amazing in. Malleus teases him a little on how it would be a parachute on him. Grim complains loudly at the dragon. Alice and Deuce chuckle to themselves before him wondering if they should order the suit in Grim's size. She thinks on it and the question of if the seamstress could do that.
The two enter the store which grabs Malleus and Grim's attention and follow behind them. Alice speaks to the seamstress and gestures to the direbeast to who the suit is for, also adding the possibility of sending it in the mail.
They play with the idea and the time it will take to make the customized size, requesting the creature be placed on the counter for measurements. They write down notes and do some math before showing the price to the blonde. She bites her lip in considerate of the money she has right now. Deuce offers to help, but Malleus places a hand on the duo's shoulders and pays for the suit.
Grim jumps up and down at the present he will getting, responding with how he will outdo everyone at school when it arrives. She pats his head with a smile and thanks for her friend, then get asked of if there's any dresses she would like. She turns down the request when Riddle joins the conversation.
With the Teapot Tyrant, Briar King and Starryal vice housewarden teaming up, she has her measurements taken and helps with the design of the dress to match the direbeast. She thanks the boys for getting her a outfit as well. Riddle responds it was nothing, believing the two will look more lovely if they're matching.
The rest of the day slowly calms down to a chilly night at Noble Bell College. The students of Night Raven College gather on the main street and share conversation between themselves. Chenya and Neige soon greet the group and informs them Rollo was seen cleaning the lecture hall for their masquerade. She thinks maybe he feels guilty for what happened. Malleus told her why Rollo did what he did last night, how he lost his brother to magic. She understands the hatred and distrust, but erasing magic was definitely not the answer.
The doors open and students bled into the school, seeing the beauty of the inside and rows of tables with food and drink. She carries the direbeast in her arms to prevent any incident with the large crowds. Her face sours at seeing Rollo before getting surprised by a spotlight on her and Grim.
Then watches Malleus split the sea of students to the stage with Azul and Idia beside him. She is enchanted by the song they sing, feeling the emotion behind the words and the wish that desires to be granted.
The dance starts. She shares a dance with each of her friends, laughing and smiling, spinning and twirling to the music, praising the singers for the wonderful song. She took breaks between the dancing, sitting on the sidelines to breathe and recharge. She also used the time to shock Rollo.
Professor Trein soon joins her on the chair next to her and ask how she is doing. She admits her exhaustion but also enjoyment before venting her thoughts. "I don't want to bring down the positive mood, but I need to talk to someone about it and get it off my chest."
He listens to her anxiety and conflicted feelings on the chaos. He gives his opinions and wisdom, easing her troubled heart. She exhales deeply and takes the advice he gave, then ask him if he wants to dance. He laughs and declines, stating his back has left the party already. She chuckles at the joke and tells him to not overdo it, walking over to the students for another dance.
Eventually, the party ends and everyone returns to their rooms to sleep. Alice walks down the hallway with Grim sleeping in her arms while her dragon friend appears. He requests for her company to enjoy the sights of the night, stating it wouldn't be a walk.
She agrees, feeling like she could handle a simple stargazing. She tucks her son into bed and leaves with Malleus. The two walk over to the bell tower and he takes her into his arms to float up the top of the tower and sit on the edge. She relaxes her hands after gripping onto him so tightly and glances out to the city and the night sky. The calm and quiet peace of the scenery heals her.
The friends chat and tease one another, replaying the memories they made at the festival and today. She leans against him as his arm wraps around her shoulders, enjoying the closeness. They didn't know how long they spend talking and staring at the scenery before them until the sun peeks out behind the horizon.
"Is that sun?" She questions. "Did we sit here all night?"
"It seems we have."
"Man, I wanted to sleep after how much walking and dancing I did." She cries on the inside from her foolishness.
"You can sleep in my arms if you like. I don't mind." Maleus smugly smiles.
"Firefly, don't be cheesy."
"But being cheesy with you is entertaining." She rolls her eyes. "May we watch the sunrise together? I understand if you're ready to fall over and sleep for weeks, but I would like to share this moment with you. I promise I carry you the whole time afterwards."
"Taking advantage of this romantic scene, huh?"
He smugly smiles again. "Maybe."
"Heh, I will allow it." She leans on him and gaze out on the horizon as he holds her close. The sun slowly rises up into the sky, coloring the space above in a pink and yellow blue. She feels her eyelids begin to get heavy, ready to pass out.
He notices this and takes her hat to place on her head, then bringing her into his arms. "Before we head onto the ground, could I take a picture of you? The morning sky behind you while in this outfit will be perfect."
He chuckles at the request and grants it. Her body floats up in the air and stands beside the bell tower, carefully pulling out her phone and daring to look down as she gets the camera ready. He poses and gets called a showoff as the photo is snapped.
She is brought back into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Ready?" She nods and he drops off of the tower before slowly floating down.
"MALLEUS! Don't do that!" She death grips his shoulder and yells at him for his prank.
He laughs loudly and wholeheartedly at her.
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A road trip to Savannah
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Over the weekend me and my husband went on a long awaited trip down to Savannah, Georgia. It has been on my bucket list for quite some time now, as a lover of history. The first hurdle for our trip was the drive, so we decided to stop over in Wilmington NC, a five hour drive from our home in Virginia. On the way, we couldn’t help but stop for lunch at Chapel Hill, NC where we shopped at one of my favorite book stores, flyleaf books. The used book selection is amazing and the books they recommend are pretty and modern. We stopped for lunch at this place called KoKyu which was a ghost kitchen type store, which had good food but unfortunately no indoor seating so sitting outside in the heat was rough. 
Our first night in Wilmington, we stayed at the Graystone Inn, a beautiful lodging near to the river and the main street. We did have to park a few blocks down the street at their sister inn, which wasn’t too much of a hassle. It was either that or on the busy street which was already taken by other cars. The room was spacious but the TV didn’t have many options in terms of cable and the shower had this weird effect on the eyes. The main street of Wilmington, at sunset, was fun to walk around. We went to the museum of the bizarre, which was a cute quirky museum located on the riverfront. It was small and had a mirror maze which cost a bit extra. If you are interested in cryptids or have a morbid curiosity, this would be for you, taking up only ten minutes of our time. 
The next day we stopped at Wrightsville beach before we got on the road to Savannah, stopping at a donut inn for a coffee and a donut. The donuts were decent but unremarkable. The beach was pleasant enough but we felt pretty rushed as it was pay to park, and we refused to do that for a brief amount of time. I always figure that beaches should also have taps to clean off sandy feet and this could have benefitted from that. The road to Savannah from Wilmington was a very boring drive taking the interstate and the highway. We did stop at a Bucc-ees in Florence, South Carolina, but were overwhelmed by the amount of people and the size. The lunch we got there, the wrap and the sandwiches were actually pretty good, my favorite being the chicken sandwich. 
Our first place to visit in Savannah was Fort Pulaski, which was a old civil war fort with a moat. It was pretty similar to the other forts we have seen, but was still worth seeing with pretty views and is set up well. We didn’t spend too long here but could have spent more if we read all the placards. Afterwards, we headed to the legendary Bonnaventure cemetery. It was gorgeous and a lovely walk, but make sure to bring water as we struggled. There seemed to be a lot of tours, by walk or golf cart that was happening at the same time we got there. They did sound pretty interesting when we walked by. These tours seemed to be pretty common in Savannah as we would constantly see tour trolleys and walking tours throughout the city. 
Next we headed to the Hyatt regency, Savannah which was on river street. We were going to initially park in the self parking garage they recommended if you didn’t want to park Valet, but unfortunately it was full at the time. It was much nicer than the other Hyatt Regency we stayed at which was located in Charleston, West Virginia, as it didn’t smell like smoke. However, returning later there was a weird smell in the hallway but that did not seep into our clean and nice room. Whilst not as nice a room as the Graystone, it was in a nice location and we could look directly over the river, which was not that clean or exciting of a view, but was super cool when late at night we saw two large container ships pass right by. The horn did freak us out a bit as we thought the AC was broken. The AC was loud, as they tend to be, which I don’t tend to like. 
A walk down river street didn’t really impress me much, it was filled with a lot of drunk people and tacky souvenir shops and the city smelt awful. We dined at Vics River Grill where we had:
 Crab beignets which were good
 Fried green tomatoes which was also really good, 
She crab soup which I’m always a sucker for, which was really good,
Catfish and Grits which we didn’t really like that much, however they nicely split it  in two for us.  
We walked down the mainstreet for a bit, where I stopped into a nice comic book shop, Odin and Sons, where I bought two comics. The guy at the counter was really nice and he commented that one of the comics I got, Monstress by Marjorie Liu and drawn by Sana Takeda, was really good. We were going to try Leopolds, but were shaken off by the line. When returning to the hotel, we found out that the hotel sells the ice cream in pints and smaller pottles, which was a lifesaver. I got the peanut butter chippy which was really really good. Savannah was really busy the whole time we were there. 
In the morning we stopped by at Collins Quarter, where I got a chai latte and a salmon bagel. I enjoyed the bagel but wondered what the capers really added to the dish, and the chai latte was not as good as the mix you get at Trader Joe’s. It’s also described as Australian but I didn’t see much of Australia in the dishes, being from its smaller neighbour, myself. We headed to Forsyth park where they were setting up the Saturday morning farmers market which had music, and a few cute stalls of people selling food and art. We got a milk and honey popsicle from a cart there, and walked around. The popsicle was very good; it had a subdued taste.The Collin’s Quarter there had a very long line for so early in the morning. The park was fairly busy with people playing sports. It was a very pretty walk with a lot of old buildings and pretty parks. We stopped to take pictures of some churches and buildings, primarily the Basilica, which later was open and could go inside, which was absolutely recommended as it was gorgeous.  After walking around Forsyth park we walked to Colonial Cemetery, which had placards to read of the people buried there which I think would have been a cool addition to the other cemetery we went to before, Bonnaventure. There was a few tours here and it seemed to be a popular stop on the tour trolleys. We did find a cute market near the cemetery which was mildly busy, where we could buy water, Parker’s market. The houses around here were pretty. Our first tour we would take would be at the Mercer Williams house which is famous for In the garden of good and evil, and the location for swamp thing and return of swamp thing. There’s a cute shop which sells jelly cat plushies, which are adorable, where you buy your ticket, be here quickly as apparently it sells out very quickly. If we had not gone there at ten we wouldn't have been able to do the first 10:30 tour. The tour guide was informative and funny but the house itself was very small. If it wasn’t used as a filming location or had its history I don’t know if it would have been worth it. Then we popped into E Shaver bookstore, where I bought a lot of books, there was some great modern books on display, but was really busy. We also popped into the book lady bookstore, which had a few used books and I saw a couple of books I really enjoyed, but none that jumped out to me. We also tried to go to books on bay but I think they were closed permanently or we couldn’t find the door. 
We knew lunch would be hard to find with the amount of people and we found a spot at Treylor park which was decent. After lunch we headed to Owens thomas house and slave quarters, which gives self guided tours after 2, since this was before two we got a really nice tour guide who showed us through the house, which exterior was getting some work and had scaffolding up. The house inside itself was decent and played a big focus on symmetry. The ticket price was fifty dollars which gets you into their other two museums Telfair academy, which had gorgeous art, and their other art museum which was more contemporary and small, which I didn’t really think was worth it. There was an interactive art where you could touch this net and colours would show, and a family seemed to enjoy it.  We walked through city market which by then was filled with drunk people and stopped by the dry museum which was totally worth it. Me and my husband do not drink but it was so cool to see the history of one of the most interesting time periods. At the end of it there is a active speakeasy which I thought was a cool addition, but smelt very heavily of beer.
We went down river street to pick up some candy from the candy company and stopped by the graveface museum, which focused on morbid curiosity. This was a dark museum, and was not busy when we went, making it quite awkward. They were adding another space as well, a glimpse into the space looked pretty cool. I don’t think I would recommend this one, unless you are super into Serial Killers. Afterwards we waited in line for Ghost and Gravestones, a trolley ghost tour at night. Our trolley we were going to use was broken which led to some confusion and delay but we were on holiday, so it didn’t really matter.  This was a good way to see the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace house, as it goes through it and there is a doll room which I guess you could find creepy. Someone else on the tour did say they felt a ghost in the house. The trolley tour was pretty funny and had some interesting ghost stories. Then they lead you to some place in river street where you are told more ghost stories including a sad one about a child. This segment of the tour is really funny and had the whole group laughing. It didn’t last very long but me and my husband are not night owls. Whilst on the tour we did see another hearse tour which also looked pretty fun. Then we tried Leopold's ice cream again but no luck, as the line was just as long. Savannah felt pretty safe around 9pm with all the crowds. 
The next morning was time to leave Savannah and I was pretty sad to leave. I had a really fun time just walking around the town. My husband was excited to take me to breakfast at the original pancake house, which he loved when we went to Charlotte, NC. The waitress did forget his toast but we both enjoyed our breakfasts. I had the pancake sampler of berry peach and banana. We made plans to stop in either Augusta, GA or Colombia SC on our way to our last stop, Greenville and we decided Augusta might have been the best choice. Since we didn’t go to Colombia I can’t say if this was the best choice or not, but I think we should have chosen Colombia instead as the town was empty. Keep in mind that this was a Sunday so a lot of people were in church and businesses were closed but I just didn’t really enjoy the feel of the main street. We stopped into the book tavern where I bought Eva evergreen by Julia Abe. This bookstore was cute and the cashiers were informative about the local coffee shops and what was open.  They said that New Moon cafe was open and my husband got a sweet tea and a coffee and I got a raspberry milkshake. Now my milkshake was nice and creamy but didn’t really taste like raspberry, just like vanilla ice cream with an afterthought of berry, and my husband really liked his sweet tea but did not care for the coffee. 
After a few more hours of driving we finally landed in Greenville, SC. It was also super busy. We ended up eating at Willy taco and though we didn’t really enjoy their fried green tomatoes we enjoyed the rest of the food. I liked their queso but it was really runny. The tacos were good but a bit forgettable. We decided to stop in at the local 2nd and Charles. I remember the first 2nd and Charles in Charlotte was nice but the more we went there the more disappointing it was. I did pick up You’ve reached Sam by Dustin Thao. The next stop was a mid size book store called Mr Ks used books. I did really enjoy this book store and bought quite a bit. They seem to have their best books at the front of the book store, as their shelved books were a bit older. 
Downtown Greenville was busy when we arrived but it wasn’t too hard to navigate, until we ended up at the wrong hotel. The next hotel was Hyatt Place. I enjoyed this room more than I enjoyed the Hyatt regency. The room had a nice couch and had proper cups and glasses and was just nicer. It was in a really good location. We then went out and walked the main street stopping by M. Judson booksellers. This was in a really pretty location. I picked up two books. Some books were modern and some were released last year. The book selection was pretty but not much caught my eye. The main street was pretty but a lot of the stores we had already seen in Savannah including the candy company. We stopped by marble slab creamery for an ice cream, and I thought it was decent. Walking past, Jenni’s ice cream was much busier and had quite a line, and I wish we had gone there instead. The river area of Greenville was really pretty, and seemed like a great hangout spot. 
On the way back home we made two stops, one to walk Blacksburg, a place we have wanted to do for a while. It felt very much like a very small college town with a very small bookstore on the main street, Blacksburg books, which had a few signed copies of some interesting books, and a very small used book section. For lunch we hopped on over to Roanoke, Crystal Spring grocery, which gave you a lot of fries. It was a decent meal. 
Overall I’m sure I missed some of Savannah, I would definitely go back there, and to Willmington. I would love to do the battleship in Wilmington and the river boat tour in Savannah. 
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Dutch Hospitals Visit 2.0 (14.09.2024)
Hi everyone! I'm back with a new update!!!
I actually wanted to update this post day before yesterday itself, but I was exhausted once I got home. I couldn't update the blog yesterday since I spent the entire day helping one of my best friends with her uni projects!
Anyways, I have some free time today, so I will be documenting my 2nd time visit to Dutch Hospitals!
The initial plan was for Ayodya, Shiza, Thameena and I to go together for this 2nd visit. However, Shiza and Thameena were busy last Saturday and Ayodya was unfortunately down with the flu :(
So, I made a visit to the place with my parents. They wanted to join since we could get some lunch there while I take the pictures.
Here are some pictures of the building! -
These are some wide and medium shots I took of the entrance and the open space. I'm hoping to edit these pictures by adding a frame to them as if they've been taken from a polaroid camera. I will be editing them that way to add to the scrap book background!
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Lunch at the 'Masala Island' -
My parents and I initially had plans to dine at 'Ceylon Curry Club'. However, the place was packed for the day. It's a shame because it would've been ideal for me to eat there so I can recommend some menu items in the animatic saying I've personally enjoyed them, and I highly recommend those menu items.
Our other option was to dine at the restaurant opposite the Colombo Curry Club, and that place happened to be 'Masala Island'. Now, I haven't mentioned about this place in the script, but it was worth dining there. We tried their 'Prawn biriyani' and 'Butter Naan' with 'Paneer Tikka Masala' and 'Mutton Rogan Josh'. I have to say, the Biriyani was packed with right amount of spice and generous portions of prawn. The naan was buttery and flavorful on its own. The stars of the show were definitely the curry selections for the naan. The 'Paneer Tikka Masala' had big chunks of cottage cheese which were soaked in a Butterly and Savoury curry and the 'Mutton Rogan Josh' had the right balance of meatiness and spice. (Starting to feel hungry while describing the food lol)
Overall, it was a great restaurant! I feel like I should try my best to recommend this place in the script since I actually got the chance to dine here. I will think about it later.
Checking out LUV SL by Odel -
The main reason I visited the store was to get a good picture for my story board. This is the shot I will be using.
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In addition, I spent some time going through their products to see if there's anything interesting, I can draw as stickers for the scrap book background. LUV SL actually has some cute and aesthetic notebooks, stationary items, coasters, baskets, etc. that have been made using recycled paper and ecofriendly materials.
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They also have a huge collection of graphic t-shirts with prints inspired by the local culture. You can find so many t-shirts with devil mask and elephant prints.
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You can tell that this store mainly caters to the tourists who are looking for souvenirs and gifts to take back to their family and friends.
Getting lost at 'Spa Ceylon' -
For the spa Ceylon story board panel, I will be using the following shots of the entrance.
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While walking around the store, I found this royal chair next to the products. I plan on drawing my avatar sitting on this chair while talking about the products.
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Got some beautiful shots of the interior as well. I'm hoping to edit them into Polaroid pictures for the background. I might make use of some of these pictures to draw some of the store's products, elements, and decor as well. (The Blue and Purple devil masks are a must draw!)
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Unlike LUV SL, Spa Ceylon caters to both locals and foreigners with a wide range of luxurious ayurvedic wellness and skincare products. I personally have used some of their products since my mom is one of their loyal customers. Their cardamon rose and their white jasmine face washes and creams are ideal for sensitive skin. From their perfumes, I highly recommend the water lily scent.
The ambiance and aesthetic of the place is painted with vibrant colors and various SriLankan elements. Their products also contain 100% natural ingredients found in Sri Lanka. It's one of the best stores for the ladies to visit over at Dutch Hospitals.
Checking out 'Tap House' -
Since the 'Tap House' was right next to Spa Ceylon, I decided to take a few shots of the place. There was some construction going on to fix a maki in the area. So, there were a bunch of steel pipes blocking the view of the entrance. But I did the best I could to take shots of the entrance and the logo.
I plan on using Maya and substance painter to recreate the logo for the scrap book. It's not too complicated of a process so I decided I might as well. I just need to model the basic shape and add the right textures on substance painter. I will add the font on photoshop after saving the render.
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Personally, I haven't dined at this restaurant. But from the 'tripadvisor' reviews, many people have commented on the place having delicious fast food and good beer and cocktails. They have live music playing on some days. It's an ideal spot for hangouts with friends or for date nights.
Stalking the 'Ministry of Crabs' -
Pretty much, I was taking a couple of pictures of this restaurant to the point that some of the staff ladies outside were giving me the side eye. But I digress. This restaurant is known for being fancy with their crabs and being quite expensive. The restaurant offers a fine dining experience to its guests. This restaurant was founded by Dharshan Munidasa (One of Sri Lanka's most popular chefs and restaurateurs), partnering with Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardena (Two Sri Lankan cricket legends) in 2011.
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While having a look at the restaurant's exterior, I came across this yellow three-wheeler and thought about using it as a good area to place my avatar while she talks about the restaurants.
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Lak Shilpa -
I actually wanted to visit the store again. Unfortunately, they were closed for the day :(
But no worries! I have some pictures of the place from our class visit to Dutch Hospitals.
In case I haven't mentioned this earlier, this store motivates and encourages Sri Lankan craftsman by selling their crafts at this store. It's a marketplace for Sri Lankan Crafts!
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Heladiv Tea Club -
Personally, I haven't visited this place, but it's known to be a tea salon, dessert bar, and boutique. They are known for their teas, cakes and sandwiches.
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Colombo Fort Cafe -
During this visit I couldn't try out any of the menu items over at this cafe, but I remember dining here as a kid. Back in 2012, I remember coming to Dutch hospitals with my friend Anika and her parents to celebrate her stage play performance. I still remember the fact that we ordered pizza from Harpos and it had one of the biggest pizza slices I has seen before.
But I digress. This restaurant has been at Dutch Hospitals from the very beginning of its conversion into a shopping precinct. The place is known for serving mediterranean cuisine and for its bistro style dining experience.
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Ceylon Curry Club -
Last but not least, the 'Ceylon Curry Club'. Unfortunately, we couldn't dine here last Saturday. But I have visited this restaurant once or twice a few years back. So, I have had somewhat of a memorable dining experience at this restaurant.
The best way to describe their food is that they present traditional Sri Lankan dishes with a modern twist to it. The best example would be their 'Coconut Creme Brulee'.
This is 100% a must visit for Sri Lankan food lovers.
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That's about it for my 'Dutch Hospitals 2.0' visit. It was definitely worth the visit since I needed my own shots for the storyboards, background, and the drawing reference. I was a little disappointed in the fact that I couldn't re-visit the 'Lak Shilpa' store, but I can definitely make use of the photographs I took during our class visit.
If you read this post till the end, thank you so much! Have a great day!!
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0 notes
out-and-aboot-eh · 1 month
Day 2: Calgary to Banff
Signal here is a bit hit and miss, so I’ll post words and pics separately as the latter tends to bodge it!
I don’t think it was jet lag that woke me up at 05:30, but a combination of excitement and the need to pee! I decided to make a start on the first official journal entry of the trip, before we got ready to get some breakfast. Our options were the hotel buffet, or the infamous Tim Horton’s, which does a menu suspiciously similar to McDonald’s! We opted for the latter and it was pretty damn tasty at a very reasonable price, so I dare say it won’t be our last. We ambled down the rather sleepy Calgary street compared to 7 hours prior, to our hotel and met with the group in the lobby once more ready to set off at 08:30am, to our first destination, Canmore. With Will.I.Am’s I like to Move it Move it track cranked up, which I take full responsibility for.
Our purpose for the stop was to stock up on snacks and supplies, which we did in abundance, including a trail mix of our own creation, protein bars and a couple of Canadian specialities, including maple cookies. We also found a shop that sold SIM cards so G could reconnect with the outside world. It was a quaint place with a big supermarket and smattering of other businesses dotted around. The back drop to these shops was incredible and I fear through out most of this blog no words, or even pictures will do justice to the beauty and magnitude of Canada. Onward we went to our next stop, tunnel village campground.
As we arrived I think it’s fair to say we were all quite impressed at just how nice the site was. We were given a tent erection demo and thankfully it seemed quite a simple process, the only downside was the previous owners of our tent must have either packed up in the rain or camped in a river as it was soaking. However that didn’t deter us from putting it up and as I sit here cross legged typing away I can confirm that it’s dry and doesn’t smell. I’m not sure the same can be said for some of us! Megan and a couple of others prepared lunch, a selection of meats, cheese, crackers, dips and veg ready to fuel us for the afternoon’s hike up tunnel mountain. Once we’d had our fill, it was time to pack our bags for the rest of the day’s activities, a hike and a hot spring. Now, it’s of vital importance that when camping in these parts, any ‘smellies’ aka food, toiletries, etc are locked away, otherwise the rangers will come and put them in the trailer of shame.
We started off with the hike, a winding path with stretches of flat taking us up to 2000m elevation. The ground was a little slippy in places due to loose rocks or very smooth flat patches, but the views were stunning. The group was in good form and Megan ensured we had plenty of breaks for drinks, snacks and photos. Going up was sweaty work, but coming back down was quite pleasant by comparison, especially with the tingle of smugness that comes with knowing you’ve already done the hard part as others huff and puff past you going the opposite way! We got back to the minibus fairly unscatched and had a couple of hours until our dinner reservation so were given an option. Hot springs before or after dinner? If we opted for after we could go and check out Banff town for a bit, so the choice was a no brainer.
We parked up near a tiny liquor store where G and I picked up some wine and tequila mixers before heading down the main street, which was postcard picturesque. G was on the hunt for a jumper, which after sending a member of staff running to another shop to find the right size, she did purchase, along with a bracelet and a magnet! After popping in a few other souvenir shops, including a wonderfully garish Christmas shop, we walked the stretch of the street and had our photo taken by a lovely old American lady (having already taken a few group shots of her and her friends!) And it just so happened that this took place across from a bar with some outdoor seating and great views of the mountain and as we had 45 minutes to kill we quenched our thirst with a tangy beer and dry cider (6.5%!) turns out Iain and Hannah had the same idea but they’d opted for a break from the sun and were tucked around the corner inside, so we tottered off together to dinner at the Elk and Oarsman.
As our party of 13 perused the menu, with various sports flashing around the tvs on the walls, the option of trying some elk was too tempting to pass for some, including G! Knowing I could have a bit of hers and being a gut bucket, I went for a full rack of bbq ribs and I’ll tell ya, they aren’t stingy on the portions over here! They didn’t even fit on the plate and I left oinking. Our final destination of the evening was the Sulphur upper hot springs, which wasn’t as smelly as it sounds as they treat the water. The sign did look as Megan described it, like ‘people soup’ and it was a popular spot for a Sunday evening. Admittedly it did look like a normal pool, but as cooking in hot water goes it was most pleasant taking in the view whilst jumping out for the occasional cold shower.
It was a 10 minute trip back to our camp site where thankfully our tent was still standing, despite some bloke telling us that it was his pitch and the rangers were going to take it down (even though they told us to go there!) luckily he was a friendly Canadian who was happy to pitch up somewhere else! Megan told us the plan for the next day which includes a 5 hour hike and swim in Lake Louise! Roll on the tent sleep!
G’s highlight of the day: The view from the top of the hike whilst enjoying some snackies! The beer in the sun was a close second!
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elwynten · 7 months
Sword Oratoria Chapter 2
My Team and I decided to go to the Monsterphillia.
Monsterphillia is held once a year. The Ganesha Familia captures monsters in the Dungeon and brings them to the surface. They 'tame' the monsters or at least try to 'tame' them in the coliseum in front of anyone that wants to attend. Ouranos first created the Monsterphillia in an attempt to get people to see monsters and not all violent and that monsters could be 'tame' around humans. He did this because of the Xenos.
Because of Monsterphillia many people take the day off work to attend. Even if they are not interested in 'taming' monsters there is still a fair atmosphere about it with many food stalls as well as stalls selling souvenirs and many other items.
Since I have taken most of the girls on Pern to Gathers, I thought it would be fun to take Iris, Kimmy and Cindy to see what Monsterphillia was like. So here we are walking on East Main Street towards the Colosseum.
The Colosseum is just inside East Gate, and we haven't even walked halfway down East Main Street towards the Colosseum and food carts and booths have been set up. It's not very crowded this far away but I can see lager crowds several blocks on down the street.
"Should we buy souvenirs for everyone back home?" Kimmy asked the group in general.
I shrugged my shoulders. "We could or we can buy a few things and I can make copies of them for the girls back home. I did that when some of the girls visited me and my Team at Beacon Acadamy." I replied.
"So, we can buy a few different souvenirs and you can make copies and those copies we can give to everyone back home?" Kimmy said as more of a statement than a question.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, that is what we can do.
First thing we did was stop at a Potato Puffs stand. We each got a different flavor of Potato Puffs so we could sample each one and see which we liked the best.
After we had our snacks, we walked along the street stopping and looking at the different carts and stands as well as the regular shops along the street.
We stopped by a few weapons stands. Although we don't need weapons because we get our weapons from the Armory. Kimmy, Iris and Cindy wanted to stop and look at some of the clothing stands.
They don't need to buy clothes because the all have a set of shifting clothes I had given them. Shifting Clothes are a set of thothes that changes to what you want or need at any time. They will go from every day comfy clothes to formal wear in a moment. But they do like looking and sometimes they will buy something they really like. It also gives them ideas of what the local wear so they can change their Shifting Clothes to look more like what the local fashions are.
"No one is selling Bubbly Pies." Iris lamented.
I chuckled. "Well, we're not on Pern, so I don't think they have Bubbly pies here." I told Iris. Then I continued. "But… once we get the money to open our own store and restaurant, we could make Bubbly Pies and sell them." I offered.
"Why don't you make Bubbly Pies?" Cindy asked Iris. "You can get all the blueberries and blackberries you would need in the kitchen. Go to the Library and find a cookbook with Bubbly Pies recipes in it and make them yourself. Problem solved." Cindy suggested to Iris.
"Oh! Rasbery Bubbly Pies would be great." I put in.
"Cherry Bubbly Pies would be good, too." Kimmy added her opinion.
"There you go Iris. You now have your own quest to learn to make different kinds of Bubbly Pies." I told Iris.
"A quest! I'll do it!" Iris exclaimed.
"Is that Ais and Loki?" Kimmy asked pointing down the street.
Iris, Cindy and I looked in the direction Kimmy was pointing.
"It looks like them." Iris admitted.
"Why don't we go say hello. Both times we've seen Ais, we didn't introduce ourselves." I told the girls.
"That was rude." Iris told me.
I chuckled. "The first time we all met them, we were waiting to fight monsters. The second time they were in a hurry. So… It happens some times."
As we walked closer to Ais and Loki, we could hear Loki trying to convince Ais to give her a bite of her potato puff.
"Hello Ais, Loki." I said to them.
Ais looked over to see who was talking to her. "Oh, h-hello." Ais replied.
Loki looked at us then she turned to Ais. "Do you know these people, Aisuu?" Loki asked.
"They were the people Finn told you about on the 50th floor of the Dungeon." Ais explained.
Loki looked us over. Her eyes a little wider than her normal squint. "How could you go to the 50th floor without a falna?" Loki asked.
I chuckled. "That would be a secret." I replied.
"I don't believe you could go that far down into the dungeon without a falna." Loke told stated.
I shrugged my shoulders. "It is irrelevant what you believe. But I can prove it. We joined a Familia a shortly after we got back to the surface." I said and turned so Loki could see my back. I pulled my shirt up so she could see my back. I used my shapeshifting enough for Loki and Ais to be able to see the very top of my falna, showing my name and level while preventing them from being able to read anything else.
"Take a gander." I told Loki.
"Eilwyn Tengee, level one adventurer… I can't ready anything else. Why can't I read the rest?" Loki demanded.
"Level one…" Ais said in a whisper to herself. Her eyes going wide with surprise.
I put my shirt back in place and turned to face Loki. "An adventurer's falna is a Familia secret. So, I'm not going to let you read anything other than my name and level." I told Loki.
Before Loki could say anything, I turned to Ais. "I forgot to introduce myself and my Team. I'm Eilwyn, this is Cinnamon, but I call her Cindy." I said putting my hand on Cindy's shoulder. I moved my hand to Kimmy's shoulder. "This is Pakima or Kimmy. And last but not least is Iris." I finished the introductions by putting my hand on Iris's shoulder.
"Cinnamon… Pakima… Iris." Ais repeated their names as I introduced the girls to her.
"How could you go that far down in the Dungeon only being level one?" Loki asked with some irritation at being ignored.
I turned to look at Loki with a big grin on my face. "Familia secret." I told her. "But just imagine, four level one adventurers strong enough to go to the 50th floor by themselves. Just imagine how strong we'll be when we rank up to Level two."
I turned back to Ais. "We'll see you later. Try to enjoy your day at Monsterphillia." I told her and gave her a small bow, then started walking away.
After we were far enough away that Ais and Loki couldn't hear us. "Aren't you going to warn her about the monsters being set free or the violas?" Kimmy asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "No real need to. Ais can handle the monsters Freya releases. The twins and Ais have their weapons with them, so they'll be able to fight the violas fairly easily. Besides if we interfere, Lefiya won't get her chance to save her friends with her magic." I told Kimmy and the others.
After Ais killed the monsters. My Team spent another couple hours enjoying Monsterphillia. As we walked around, I used my abilities to repair damaged stalls and buildings, to the great relief and gratitude of the owners.
0 notes
ghost-words · 8 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
Lu Necroson digs through the fridge looking for water bottles. After being convinced by Evan and Jax to join them on adventures in the multiverse he makes an appointment with Celine to do a portal.
"Gaahhhh come on, come on, one more please have one more… HA! GOTCHA!!" Lu swipes up a third water bottle and shoves it in his bag. The bag is red with demon horns and a plastic window allowing for pins to be seen. Inside the main pocket of the bag other than the water is his phone, a portable charger, headphones, and packets of fruit snacks.
"Alright guys, I'm out!" Lu shouts as he puts on his slip on sneakers.
"Stay safe! Have fun!" The voices of his friends make their way from the other room.
Closing the door and starting the walk to Celine's house, Lu thinks to himself excited. "New adventure let's go! Kinda wish I knew more about what Celine has in store other than 'bring water'." Lu imagines where he could be going. The air is cool and comfortable. "Water… fire.. Hot.. Desert maybe?"
Lu reaches the old mansion at the edge of the town and the forest. Knocking on the door is met with "one moment!" Then a light flashes from inside. The door opens. Celine is standing with her hair a mess.
"Sorry, I was testing something," she clears her throat. "Ready for your portal?"
"Heck yea I am!... Uh… how does this work?" Lu asks as Celine leads him inside and out to a shed in the back.
"I have been studying the multiverse and have connected with a universe called Paper Demon. You had a dream about getting fire powers correct?" Celine sits at the desk on the left side of the room.
"Yea I did. Same thing happened to Evan and Jax right?" Lu leans against the wall by the desk and takes out a packet of fruit snacks. "Want one?" 
"No thanks, but yes, the multiverse is giving you another adventure. Today you will do your first portal to Pavia." Opening her book, Celine flips to a page with images of rocky spires and deserts. "You are going to visit the spires! What I will do is open the portal. Once you step in the portal will disappear and can not be opened for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you can ping me with your phone and I will get you home. Simple as that!"
"Alright! LET'S GO!!" The demon exclaims excitedly.
Celine stands up and grabs her staff. A gray wooden staff adorned with amethyst crystals and a black lantern holding a blue and red orb on the end. Closing her eyes she goes over to the back of the shed where a purple tapestry hangs. The orb becomes orange and Celine draws a large triangle. With a flash and a blast of warm air, the portal shows large spires built of sediment and stone.
"Have fun!" Celine smiles.
Lu enters the portal and it vanishes behind him. The sun's heat pounds against him. Lu decides to take off his red hoodie and ties it around his waist. He is wearing a black tank top. Better than the hoodie at least.
Lu holds his hand up to shield his eyes from the blinding light and starts to wander. 
"Ok I need shade…" Lu finds shade behind a red, yellow, and brown striped spire. In the distance Lu can hear cheering.
Doing some investigation, Lu can see other people at the peaks of some spires. Then a rumble and the peaks start to crumble as the people do a mad dash to the bottom without getting hit.
"Those guys seem cool!" Laughs Lu.
Lu leaves the shade to continue exploring. A large patch of shade passes over him. Looking up, Lu discovers large flying, almost dragon-like creatures. "DANG!!" More of the creatures pass by. "Ok next time I want to ride one of those!" Time to retreat back to the shade. 
Lu sits under this spire for longer. The spire gradients from yellow, to orange, to red, to purple. One more water bottle left. It's not worth eating the snacks, they are probably melted by now. He checks his phone. 5 more minutes till he can go home. Fine by him but Lu decides he wants a souvenir. Leaving the shade the walk in the heat continues. 
More people racing down crumbling spires. A picture is taken but only a cloud of dust is captured. Two more groups result in two more dust cloud photos. More of the dragon-like creatures fly above. Those pictures look cooler. The creature's underbellies can be seen but in shadow. Lu gets a picture of a few flying in a circle making them look like vultures. Finally he takes some photos of some spires knowing Evan would appreciate it. 
After checking the time, Lu goes to the shade and magically pings Celine. A triangular portal showing his friend appears in front of him.
"Welcome home!" Celine smiles.
As Lu walks through the cool air hits him and he falls to his knees.
"Oh my GOD! IT WAS SO HOT!!" Lu takes in the cool air of his universe. His world. His home.
Celine laughs but helps her friend up. "You're okay. You're fine."
"That was fun. Wait, look at the pictures I took!" Lu swipes through the dust clouds, dragon creatures, and spires.
"Oh send those to me! I want to do some studying!"
Lu and Celine go back to her house to recoup. They talk and talk. Mostly staying on the topic of the adventure. By now Lu has put his hoodie back on and is at a comfortable temperature. He thanks Celine again and asks to give him a message when another adventure can be done. They hug. 
The sky has gotten darker, the air, colder. Lu can't wIt to share his first adventure with his housemates. 
The door clicks. "I'm home!" Lu yells to his friends who are presumably upstairs or in the other room.
"We are in the kitchen having pizza! We saved you some! Tell us all about it!" The voice of the vampire calls.
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lord-radish · 1 year
I feel like smoking has come back in a huge way, and vaping was probably the catalyst for this revival.
I'm gonna preface this by saying that I believe that vaping can be a positive and productive alternative to smoking for people who are trying to quit tobacco. I'm critical of how the tobacco industry has co-opted vapes, but I recognise how responsible use of a vaporiser can help people wean themselves off of smoking.
Rather, I think the massive push that vapes got in the latter half of the 2010's, its increasing popularity since then and corporate pushing of single-use vapes has led to a massive rise in smoking - and as a part of that popularization of vaping, non-narcotic vapes have served as a gateway for kids and teenagers into smoking.
The reason I'm saying that smoking has made a huge comeback is due to the amount of smoke shops that's opened in my town over the last few years. Back in 2013, we had one dedicated smoke shop/souvenir shop - our local video store went out of business and a smoke shop named TSG moved in. Before that, our supermarkets all had smokes, and so did some of the petrol stations - let's say that we had about four or five places to buy smokes in town.
Since 2020, that number has doubled.
We have a Smokemart down the road, a Cignall around the corner from that, a vaping shop with smoking paraphernalia - and in the last month, a paraphernalia shop opened on the main street with hookah units and other stuff. It advertises smoking accessories and vapes in the front window in huge printed letters. If you count a local import candy store that sells hookah units as well, that's five more places in town since 2020 where you can buy tobacco, vapes and other smoking paraphernalia. Literally, in the span of three years, smoke shops have DOUBLED in this town.
And while my town is fairly big and bustling, we're out in buttfuck nowhere. We're like a satellite town with a lot of smaller villages and stuff hanging around. We're not a small city like Wagga or Orange, we're only just scratching 10,000 people.
And what makes this so bizarre is that my town had the same few tobacconists for decades. You bought smokes at the supermarket or the petrol station. My mum's a smoker, she's always bought her smokes from the store. TSG, which I mentioned before, came in about ten years ago; it stuck around, but no-one else came to town to sell tobacco products.
Since 2020, though? TWICE AS MANY SMOKE SHOPS.
This correlates with an uptick of vaping, both in the general populace and with schoolkids. The police went to one of our high schools and checked like fifty lockers, and forty two of them had vapes. That's not a figure I got from the cops, that's a figure from one of the students who was there.
My mum, who I mentioned before as someone who's been smoking for longer than I've been alive? Even she's getting in on the single-use vape train. You can walk into a shop, buy a vape in a box and walk out. New places are opening all the time, and as well as attracting a new wave of clientele, you're also getting old-school, dyed-in-the-wool smokers giving it a go.
Like there's something seriously fucking wrong happening. It's like how in the span of ten years, we've had mobile betting apps flooding the market and advertising at all hours of the day - it used to be reserved for sports broadcasts.
I don't mean to shit on smokers. People smoke. I drink a lot, I get how addictive substances get their hooks in and make you feel better. This isn't a judgement call about people who smoke - my mum smokes, and for better or for worse, I love her.
My beef is with the rampant revitalisation of a predatory industry that makes money hand over fist peddling addictive substances, with this new wave of profits coming from pushing a new, hip smoking product that can legally be sold to children.
I just see how much it's been taking off in my tiny corner of the woods, and it feels really fucked up and wrong. I don't want these fucking leeches making smoking more visible and accessible than it already is.
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
I and a bunch of girls and boys were a part of a reality tv show where they were up in a plane sectioned off into two main rooms and two side rooms flying over an island with a volcano.
The objective was to be the last one or last few standing over the course of a couple of days.
None of us really know what was in store.
The girls had the left side of the plane and the boys the right, but we both boarded on the same platform.
At first everyone was happy and having fun they let us explore the beach a bit and bring on some souvenirs. It started off normal enough, we did some games and got to know each other and lost games etc.
Then they let us off the plane on the island for a few minutes of free time, which they did frequently thereafter.
And that’s when everything bad began to happen.
When we reloaded onto the plane some of the contestants complained that they weren’t feeling well. We didn’t think anything of it at first but they started to get oddly hungry. They looked at the rest of us like we were slabs of meat. As we all sat in the lounge the speakers overhead rang with the familiar voice of our host, a woman.
She explained that our friends who were ill weren’t just sick, but dying from a zombie virus they invented. The only way to survive was to successfully terminate the threat or throw them off the plane at the next landing.
We all turned to the girls who were infected. They didn’t want to die. They cried as were comforted by their friends and the rest of us backed into the bedding space. We were trying to convince ourselves it was all a cruel joke, but the one of the girls started to salivate and tried to bite her friend.
We were able to restrain them long enough until we came down towards the island where they were thrown off of the plane into the waters below. We landed and tried to make sense of the situation with the boys.
Again we were told to get back into the plane. We got on and all the girls huddled together in the bedding space. This is when the fighting began. Some wanted to find a way to prevent the spreading of the virus. Some wanted to lock the infected away. Some wanted to kill them. And some were just trying to figure out why it was happening.
Eventually more girls started getting sick and were shoved into the bathroom to avoid spreading the virus.
At the next landing there were significantly less people. No one had any idea what to do. The time to talk was cut short though, as the zombies that were thrown off the plane were beginning to come up the shore. The boys hoisted the girls up first.
One girl helped her best friend back on, but immediately that friend toppled over and began to cough. An argument broke out immediately about how that girl was sick and shouldn’t be allowed on. But it was the late the plane was about to take off again. The boys got on and we all went back in.
In the lounge the girl sat in the corner. She was sweating and pale and her eyes icy. She didn’t want to kill anyone but was getting hungry. She was able to fight it off for a while.
I slipped into the bedding space with my friend. She came closer and told me that she thinks she’s been infected. She doesn’t want to try to figure it out and tells me to throw her off at the next landing. I think I have enough time but she starts to turn very quickly. She comments on the smell of human flesh, mine in particular because we’re friends.
She grabs my arm and attempts to bite me a few times. I hit her over the head and she comes back to. She didn’t last long.
When I wasn’t looking she had gotten way worse. Now crawling around on the floor she attempted to bite me nonstop. It was at this point that I realized we wouldn’t be landing anytime soon and I stood in the lounge, raised the sleeve of my pink sweater, and told her to bite me gently. She leapt at me along with the first girl and another and I was bitten in my side and other arm.
The pain was excruciating, but only for a moment. It felt like I was being burned, but then it didn’t. Everything was a blur until it wasn’t. And then it was too late.
The wall super sting boys from girls was gone and I was gone for a while.
When I came back to i was pushed towards where the zombies are thrown off. I remember jumping down.
Next thing I know I’m heading down to my home, but my family tells me to leave. I walk past them and towards a tall church like building.
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djarintreble · 2 years
eddie at disney world hcs…
im at disney world in hollywood studios. i got my tie dye rockin roller coaster shirt, my denim vest, rings and my white high tops. styled my messy bangs and im out here repping my favorite metal head. in my head, eddie is well and i took him to ride this ride. he’s head banging to crazy train and we’re having a blast don’t worry guys.
in other words, eddie at disney hc i wrote while in line.,, somewhat time accurate somewhat not…
- he acts like he doesn’t really care to go to disney with you but secretly he’s excited cause he never got to go as a kid and he sees how happy you are to be there
- wears a first time button
- he keeps falling in love with you over and over again on this trip. especially when you ask to go shop for “the kids” wanting to bring back a few little trinkets for the hellfire club to make up for cancelling the campaign this week for you and eddie to go. it makes his heart grow twice in size anytime he sees you care for that group of sheep as much as he does.
- replaces his usual hellfire club shirt for a baseball tee shirt with a mickey mouse design on it labeled “1971 Walt Disney World”
- you put your minnie ears on his head and he gives you a grumpy face before a soft smile appears as you grab his hand and skip off to the next ride
- he’s constantly eating popcorn
- he buys guitar picks from the rockin rollercoaster merch shop and talks about how even though they’re flimsy, he will think of this trip with you every time he uses them
- by around 2pm when the sun is blazing hot, you finally convinced him to let you pull his hair up. low bun? braids? maybe a little ponytail? you choose and he just deals with it cause at this point his neck is thankful for the breeze.
- eddie actually really likes the idea of pin trading and is set to find the perfect pins to add to his vest or turn around and give to you for your collection
- if you find yourselves in EPCOT in the UK pavilion. Just know if you go in the store, Eddie won’t walk out without one of their swords. It’s a souvenir he can bring back to use as a prop for the hellfire club and it looks badass. “i have scavenged this fine weapon from the land of the future!” he says as he shows dustin when you get back.
- imagine eddie just standing there with a balloon in his hand not knowing what to do and he looks over at you just like 🧍🏻 “where do we go now?”
- when you’re eating, eddie looks over to the table next to you guys to see a a family of 4 with really young kids. one of the kids is sitting in their dad’s lap and talking about how fun he’s been having that day and loudly explaining what happened when he rode space mountain with his mom. “we were in space, daddy! in SPACE! and we flew around and it was so COOL! can i ride it again but with you dad?” eddie smiles as he overhears the conversation but apart of his heart breaks as he thinks back on his experience as a kid with his dad and how he didn’t really have any fun experiences with him. he swore then that, hopefully with you, he would create fun memories like that with his own child one day.
- eddie is the guest to point out all the things around the park that may or may not be obvious. he’s a little kid and you love him for it. you go on splash mountain? “here comes the drop” well duh… but you smirk and tell him to pose. of course he does his little devil ears and sticks his tongue out while you jokingly put your hands together in a prayer motion with a sweet smile. the devil and the angel pose. small world? “there are so many dolls in here.” really? wow? but you smile and hum along to the song while eddie fights not joining you. walking down the main street? “there’s a lot of people here.” yes it’s a weekend in july, eds. but you take his hand in order to lead him through to go ride pirates of the caribbean’s.
- you go through fantasyland and the light sounds of once upon a dream plays. eddie stops walking without warning you, causing you to jerk back when you keep going while your hands still find themselves wrapped around each other. “what’s wrong?” “dance with me, princess.” he says before he spins you around into a lazy waltz hold. you two dance around the small side area of fantasyland away from the crowd. it’s just you two, feeling like little kids again, forgetting about the rest of the world.
- you find a little disney patch you want to add to his vest. he’s hesitant about it but let’s you buy it because he’s so smitten for you he can’t say no. you looked so happy when you pitched the idea for getting it. how can he resist you?
- the idea of bringing a family to disney world sticks with him the rest of the day. he can’t stop thinking about it which makes him feel weird or that you’d judge him but when he says “i can see us coming back in the future with our kids.” your heart flutters. the idea of thinking of the future scared you but if the future consisted of days like these with you and eddie? yeah, you could deal with that.
- eddie wearing black jeans in the middle of the summer. his knees end up having burnt red circles later from the ripped holes. you told him to just wear shorts but he feels more comfortable sticking to his regular wardrobe. secretly he’s regretting this decision but won’t tell you.
- “eddie, can we get matching shirts?” “absolutely not. nope.” “pleaaase.” “i would rather die.” “they’re star wars themed.” “really?” “mmmm knew you’d want to”
- he always touching you somehow. whether it’s holding hands, a soft hand on your back to lead you through the crowd, arms wrapped around your waist as you wait in line, an over shoulder hug, maybe at one point his hand sneaks it’s way down past your waist. “munson… i know what you’re doing.” “what? idk what you’re talking about.” while he has a smug look on his face. at one point it gets too hot for you to be constantly touching each other but he doesn’t care. there’s a lot of people here and your touch makes him not be so nervous.
- he just keeps staring at you. you just love it here and he loves being here with you. you have such a radiant glow to you as you walk around and it makes him so happy. he can’t help but admire you.
- along with the sword, you and eddie both buy one of those kid lightsaber toys. they were perfect for your star wars movie marathons and you felt like kids dueling with them.
- in longer lines, he pulls out his dnd notebook and you help him plan out his next dnd campaign for when you get back. other times, you find yourselves going between light banter to figuring out what ride was next to deep serious conversations.
- the ending of rockin rollercoaster shows an after party and it makes eddie dream of getting out of hawkins with his band and getting huge gigs worthy of after parties.
- if he’s not eating popcorn, he’s munching on a pretzel or a bag of honeycombs you brought in specifically for him.
- he can’t stop saying i love you. maybe it’s the magic. maybe it’s the fact that it’s just you two with no distractions… but he loves you and something about disney makes him want to say it more.
- it’s cheesy. he knows it is. you know it is. but when the love theme plays during the fireworks, he grabs your chin to face him and there’s a smile on his face. he pulls you in for a kiss right when the fireworks go off and he swears he’s never felt this bliss before. the rest of the fireworks, he has his arm wrapped around you and he’s humming any of the tunes he’s familiar with in your ear. at one part, he fully goes behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulder for your to hold on to his forearms and leave your head back on his chest.
- “i had fun on this trip, my love. im so glad we got to do this.”
- “you bet they’re going commando under that mouse costume?” “it’s mickey mouse to you, sir. don’t disrespect.”
- “ugh how much longer of a wait?” “patience my young padawan”
- “do you think they’d notice if we went behind the cast member only door?”
- apparently there’s an underground area that the workers go through” “no way!” *eddie starts stomping* “i wonder if they could hear that.”
-idk what this is but here you go
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[CN] Victor’s Food Blogging Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 吃播之约 , that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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[Translation Under The Cut]
For the sake of the consistency: The karma was announced on January 23.
Since it takes forever to collect the karma shards, the date was released on 30th April (according to my time zone LOL). And, it’s scheduled before “Heart’s Content Date”, though the content of the date is likely from even earlier time phase~ :>
Link to the video, if you wish to follow along (recommend doing it as always):  ♡��
✧ [SECTION 1] ✧
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After getting off work on Friday, I walk out of the office building in brisk steps and soon catch sight of that familiar car.
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As soon as I get in the car, I impatiently look at the person sitting in the driver’s seat.
MC: Victor, I have a piece of good news and bad news.
Victor pauses slightly. Then, he habitually pushes the handbrake and steps on the accelerator.
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Victor: Let’s hear the good news first.
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MC: The good news is––
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MC: The pet show we produced aired this week, and it has topped the charts! With two times more rpm in ten thousand clips!
MC: For these past few days, words related to the show have continuously been roaming around in the hot search~
Hearing my tone filled with pride, Victor tugs at the corners of his lips.
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Victor: It appears that a certain someone’s recent all-nighters and overtimes haven’t gone in vain.
Victor: And what’s the bad news?
I heave a sigh, my voice trailing off.
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MC: In order to coincide with the main show, we have arranged for some of the show’s “celebrity pets” to have a daily food-blogging livestream.
MC: But just now, a guest who was supposed to be on the show tomorrow told me that she had to leave.
MC: To ensure the livestream continues without a hitch, she wants me to go to her house tomorrow.
Victor’s index finger lightly clicks on the steering wheel, wearing an expression of clear understanding.
Victor: So, we have no other choice but to cancel tomorrow’s big feast at Souvenir.
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Victor: For a certain someone who’s been clamoring on about a big feast the entire week, it’s indeed a piece of bad news.
Not in the mood to retort his teasing, I can only wave regretfully in my heart at the distant great feast.
MC: Moreover, you’re going on a business trip the day after tomorrow. You won’t be back for a week...
I sigh long and hard as I watch the dense evening rush hour traffic.
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MC: We only have one day left, and it was supposed to be our weekend date tomorrow. But now, it will only be hogged by work.
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Victor: How long will this food-blogging livestream take?
Victor looks at me in the rear-view mirror and sees the corners of my lips almost drooping to the ground. After a few moments of silence, he suddenly speaks.
MC: It will take about two hours. What’s the matter?
Victor: Text me the address of that guest. I’ll take you there tomorrow.
I look at Victor with some puzzlement, catching the tinge of a smile within his eyes.
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Victor: You’re not the only one who wants to spend the weekend together.
┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈
✧ [SECTION 2] ✧
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At two o’clock on Saturday afternoon, Victor and I arrive at the guest’s address. The tranquil sunlight descends on the apartment buildings, making everything appear gentle and peaceful.
I unlock the door with the spare key the guest has given me, while looking at the bag in Victor’s hand.
MC: What’s in it?
Victor: Some snacks for the dog.
Victor: I just happened to pass by a pet store on the way to pick you up and bought them conveniently.
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I still want to get to the heart of the matter. But the second I push the door open, I see the pupils of Victor’s eyes contracting violently.
I follow his line of sight, my eyes widening as well––
The bright living room is in a complete disorder, and the floor is splattered with a dazzling red, trailing the striking traces as they expand over large swathes.
The stool next to the coffee table is slanted unsteadily, and the cushions on the sofa have also fallen to the ground. Two or three bowls and utensils lie upside down on the floor, with a small amount of flesh and bone scattered beside them.
I stare in a daze coming to terms with the mess before us. After quite a while, I suddenly think of something.
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MC: Little Tornado...!
[Note]: MC addresses the puppy as “小龙卷 - (xiǎo lóng juǎn). The phrase “龙卷” has multiple meanings - waterspout, tornado, twister. I thought “Tornado” would be the most suitable name given its characteristics HAHA~
I trot to the kitchen, the unease in my heart growing more and more. Just as I rush to the door, the scene before me instantly leaves me stumped for words––
In the middle of the scattered kitchen utensils, a chubby pug is lying motionless on the floor, enveloped in a hideous red all over.
Victor also rushes over, and I scramble to fish out my phone.
MC: Qu-quickly, let’s call the police!
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Victor: Hold on a minute.
Knitting his brows in a slight frown, Victor steps forward and reaches out, stretching ahead his hand in front of Little Tornado’s nose. 
As I watch his back, I feel my heart clenching a little.
MC: It... how is it?
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Victor: ...
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Victor: ...very well.
Victor’s gaze falls back on my face, the emotions surging in his eyes having already melted into serenity.
He pokes Little Tornado’s head. Then, he wipes a dab of red from its body with his index finger, twitching it lightly between his fingers.
Victor: It’s covered with dragon fruit stains.
MC: ...
I cast my gaze towards Little Tornado, sizing it up more calmly and carefully––
Its nostrils quiver faintly, and its round and bulging underbelly is heaving up and down incessantly.
It takes us about twenty minutes to clean up the scene and put things in order.
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MC: I never thought that it’d actually “play dead” to get away with eating a dragon fruit on the sly from the kitchen!
Little Tornado: Woo...
I force Little Tornado into a corner. Its small, crumpled face rests on the floor, and it looks extremely wronged.
Victor, who’s washing the dishes, takes a quick glimpse at it and then speedily turns his head back.
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Victor: It likes to hide after getting itself into trouble. In this aspect, it actually resembles a certain someone very much.
Ignoring my dissatisfied expression, he puts the bowls and utensils in order into the kitchen cabinet. Then, he turns around and looks at me.
Victor: What are you planning to do now? Re-prepare the food for food blogging?
I look up, and my eyes happen to fall on the clock behind him. There are only less than forty-five minutes before the livestream, and I can’t help but frown in some distress.
MC: What should be the best thing to do? It has eaten almost all of the raw meat and bone that were initially prepared...
After listening to what I said, Victor contemplates for a moment, then he opens the refrigerator on the side.
His eyes browse back and forth between the different compartments. Finally, he takes some ingredients out of the refrigerator and sets them on the table in an orderly fashion.
Meeting my inquisitive gaze, he opens his mouth unhurriedly.
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Victor: The ingredients in the refrigerator, plus the snacks in the bag, are sufficient to make a “cake” for it to eat.
Victor: If we start now, you should be able to make it almost in time for the livestream.
Victor supports his hands on the kitchen countertop and looks straight into my eyes.
Victor: It’s just my proposal, though.
Victor: This is your show, so the decision rests with you.
I gaze into his serene eyes. And inconceivably, the worries in my heart gradually dissipate without even me realizing it.
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MC: This proposal comes from the manager of Souvenir. Of course, it’s a great idea~
MC: Let’s get started right now!
I walk up to his side. As my gaze sweeps over those ingredients, I’m instantly filled with a rejuvenated sense of confidence and enthusiasm.
Inadvertently, I catch a glimpse of that bag Victor has brought along. It appears to be overstuffed.
MC: But why did you buy so many snacks for the dog?
With that said, I reach out and try to look through the bag, but am stopped by Victor.
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Victor: And let someone eat them again?
His gaze sweeps over Little Tornado, then lands back on me.
Victor: After all, we have more than one glutton here.
I feel choked for a moment by the connotation of these words. The corners of Victor’s lips, however, lift in a soft arc, and he taps his finger on my forehead.
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Victor: All right, don’t just stand there in a silly daze. Come over and help.
┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈
✧ [SECTION 3] ✧
Unexpectedly, putting the idea of making a dog cake into practice is much more complicated than we thought.
Along with the time for the livestream unceasingly drawing nearer, my emotions also grow even more restless.
Victor: Hold on.
As I fail to separate the yolk from the white once again, Victor tugs me from behind.
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His warm breath descends on the nape of my neck. He unties the somewhat loose knots of my apron for me and ties them back again.
Victor: Take it easy. Why are you so nervous?
Victor: As I said, we still have time.
His baritone voice lands on my ears. I inhale a deep breath, nodding heavily.
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MC: I have Souvenir’s manager safeguarding me. I’m sure I’ll get it done without a hitch!
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Reminiscent of a snuggly embrace, the pleasant and warm sunlight wraps around us tightly, reflecting the cozy atmosphere of the room.
After this brief interlude, our cake-making process gradually becomes smoother and smoother.
Looking at the cake that has slowly started to take shape, I suddenly remember something, and a smile creeps up on my face.
Victor: What’s so funny?
MC: I just suddenly thought of the last time you made a cake. You made the cake with such precision, but Pudding messed up the whole thing.
Thinking of the incident that just took place, I open my mouth thoughtfully.
MC: It seems that dogs and cats are different after all.
MC: I remember Pudding was still leaping and frisking about after causing trouble, but Little Tornado chose to “play dead” with a guilty conscience...
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MC: I guess dogs are indeed a bit smarter than kittens, huh?
As I’m soliloquizing, Victor seems to be wanting to say something. But the next second, I hear a muffled sound of something falling on the floor behind me.
MC: ...Little Tornado!
I look at the instigator of the incident. Little Tornado, who has been reaching its claws towards the potatoes, shudders, and retreats half a step.
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Just as I’m about to chase after it, a slender figure rushes ahead of me.
With a crisp closing of the door, Little Tornado is mercilessly shut out of the kitchen.
Victor: Let it wait outside on its own for a while. We will open the door again when the cake is ready.
Victor walks back to my side and helps me to roll up my fallen sleeves, and speaks with an unchanged expression on his face.
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Victor: It appears it’s not much smarter than Pudding after all.
I freeze for half a second. Then it dawns on me that he is replying to what I said earlier, and I can’t help but laugh out loud.
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MC: Pfft. That’s true, though. After all, Pudding is the smartest kitten in the entire world!
Seeing Victor being so protective of his “own child” like this, my heart suddenly stirs up the idea of teasing him, and I bring my face in front of him consequently.
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MC: But why don’t you usually praise him more to his face?
MC: Although occasionally mischievous, overall, Pudding is still an obedient, well-behaved kid. 
As I say this with dead seriousness, Victor gives me a look and reaches out to squeeze my face.
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Victor: Aren’t you usually the one who “plays the role of a hero” in front of him?
Without Little Tornado disturbing us, Victor and I let our hands and feet relax even more in the kitchen.
Thanks to our tacit understanding and rapport, the cake is soon only left to be decorated.
Success appears to be right under our noses. But as soon as I take the cookies out of the oven, I find them toasted to a charred black, and the smell of burning pervades the air.
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MC: ...I clearly baked following the instructions word for word as it says online.
I lower my head somewhat in despair when someone gently taps on the top of my head.
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Victor: Every oven has its own temperament.
Victor: Oven’s temperature varies from brand to brand and model to model.
Victor looks at the oven. After a moment’s reflection, he speaks again.
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Victor: Set it to 130-160°C, lower the temperature and give it a try again.
MC: ...will we be able to succeed this time?
Hearing my cautious and solemn question, Victor purses his lips, revealing a faint smile.
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Victor: We will.
His tone is calm and tranquil, but it carries an unquestionable certainty. It’s as though as long as he says something will be a success, it will definitely  be a success.
Surrounded by the pale, golden light, everything appears tranquil and warm. Looking at the person next to me, I can’t help the upward curve that steals across the corners of my lips.
Victor: What’s with the silly smile again?
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MC: Victor, have I ever told you how great  it is to have you?
Tiny specks of soft light and shadow flood the pupils of that pair of serene eyes, and he gently nudges the tip of my nose.
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Victor: Dummy. You’ve told me that; a very long time ago.
Just as Victor said, we bake the perfect cookies after another attempt.
I take the pastry bag and add small flowers to the cake. While I’m doing this, a few strands of my hair fall loose from the side of my ear.
Just as I’m thinking of pausing in my motion and tying up my hair, a pair of hands are one step ahead of me.
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MC: ...!
Victor: Don’t flail about. Give me the rubber band.
The calming woody fragrance leaps into my breath, causing my heartbeat to unconsciously accelerate a little.
I hand the rubber band tied around my wrist to Victor, who stands behind me, gathering up my hair with a gentle force.
Victor: Why are you in a daze?
Victor: We are only one last step away from the “success” you talked about. Concentrate on that.
At his reminder, I return to my senses and look back at the cake before me, resuming my actions.
It’s not until I finish carving the last one of the tiny flowers do I heave long a sigh of relief.
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MC: Success!
I turn my head around jubilantly. Suddenly thinking of something, I wink slyly at Victor.
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MC: Cough, cough. May I ask the manager of Souvenir to comment on how the cake has turned out this time?
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Victor: Are you sure you want to hear my evaluation?
MC: ...can you give a subjective evaluation?
Seeing that my imposing manner has suddenly receded for the most part, Victor releases a soft laugh, and it makes its way into my heart as clearly as a plucked violin string.
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Victor: Even if I were to give the most objective evaluation, my answer would be the same.
Victor: Very nice.
┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈
✧ [SECTION 4] ✧
As the cake is ready, it happens to be the time for the livestream as well.
At my request, Victor sits on the sofa behind the tripod and enters the livestream using his phone, helping to examine the live feed.
I press the start button of the livestream. After greeting the audience, I turn around to find the show’s protagonist, Little Tornado, only to find it lying on the rug and sleeping soundly.
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MC: Little Tornado? Little—Tor—nado——
I call out several times in a row, but it doesn’t respond.
Thereupon, being left with no better option, I use the trump card–– picking up the cake, I bring it up to its nose.
Little Tornado: Woof!
Little Tornado’s eyes widen for a second, and the audience in the livestream room shoots out a series of “HAHAHAHA” one after another.
The food blogging livestream pulls open its curtain in a cheerful and lighthearted atmosphere. Little Tornado lives up to the expectations with its own innovation, “Tornado’s steamed rice method,” and sweeps clean all the food, stunning the entire audience.
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Seeing that its face is covered with food residues, I casually look at Victor. Tacitly understanding what I meant, Victor draws out a tissue paper and hands it over to me.
However, when I glance at the livestream screen again, I find that there are way more pop-ups all of a sudden.
I, Deja, am in the Northeast: “IS THERE A GUY?? Is the beautiful sister actually not single? ∑(っ´゚Д ゚` ;)っ How can you stick close to a man?”
General Manager of Spicy Sticks: “That beautiful hand with such sharp joints! MAY I!!”
MC: Hold on... what are they talking about?
As I watch the pop-ups constantly drift by, my eyes widen in bafflement.
“What’s the relationship between the little sister and him!”
Only now do I realize that it was Victor’s hand just now that entered the lens, prompting the unceasing stream of pop-ups to pour in.
I didn’t realize that every one of the netizens seemed to be holding a magnifying glass, continuously capturing even the tiniest of details.
MC: Ahem, don’t make random speculations. The star of today’s show is Little Tornado!
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MC: Everyone, let’s give more attention to it~
I explain in a bit of a flurry. Little Tornado is still wearing that extremely wronged expression from earlier, seemingly unaware that it’s been robbed of its thunder.
I find some light snacks and put them in front of it. Little Tornado’s eyes instantly light up, and its “thunderous” eating style quickly draws back the attention of the audience.
I immediately feel relieved, although I can’t help but glance at Victor sitting across from me.
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Behind the camera lens, he is still looking down at his phone. However, a soft curvature graces the corners of his tightly pursed lips.
Seeing that there are only five minutes left on the livestream, I smile as I make my concluding remarks to the camera.
MC: The segments for today’s livestream are coming to an end. Thank you, everyone, for another beautiful feast with Little Tornado.
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MC: See you all next week at the same time~
With that said, I put away Little Tornado’s tableware. But when I get up, I trip over its foot as it’s been scurrying around.
My body lunges forward uncontrollably. The next thing I know, a pair of hands catch me just in time.
A familiar scent embraces me, and I raise my head to see Victor’s mouth opening and closing a few times.
My heartbeat shoots up immediately, deafening. At such a nose-to-nose distance that can be collapsed with a simple breath, I can clearly make out the contours of his face.
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Victor: “Dummy.”
MC: ...
As I stand still, I sweep my gaze over the screen out of the corner of my eyes— on the screen, it shows that a man attired in Western-style suit-pants is holding me tightly in his arms.
However, because of his height being too tall, the camera only captures the part of him below the neck region.
I heave a sigh of relief. However, I feel the hand around my waist pressing me slightly harder. Following this, Victor leads me to a corner that is a blind spot on the camera.
I pat my chest lightly, my heart pounding uncontrollably. Watching that Little Tornado is eating with gusto directly in front of the camera, I can’t help mumbling in a low voice as I divert the subject.
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MC: Seeing it eating so happily, I seem to be a little hungry too...
Victor: Yup, so hungry that you can’t even walk steadily.
Knowing that he is just teasing me for my clumsiness, I prod him in the chest with indignation.
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Victor: Your food is ready to be served.
Victor speaks in a voice that only the two of us can hear. Seeing the confusion written on my face, he pulls me even more tightly to himself.
Victor: Didn’t a certain someone say that she’s been looking forward to the big feast the entire week?
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Victor: Souvenir is open as usual tonight.
The scorching breaths cascading from his lips crash against my auricles. Looking into his smiling eyes, I’m slightly taken aback and remember that especially bulging bag he’s brought along.
MC: The snacks you brought me... you mean that’s  tonight’s big dinner?
Victor: Not too slow-witted, after all.
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Victor: However, “There’s no such thing as a free dinner in this world.”
Standing in the afterglow of the setting sun, the lights stirring within Victor’s eyes also reflect a crystalline glow. He looks at my pleasantly surprised face, the corners of his lips lightly hooking up in a smile.
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Victor: I haven’t yet charged my bill for today.
He leans down, the exquisite scent of his body wrapping me within instantly.
The sweetness of his breath permeates the air as it ferments. I don’t know how long has passed before his whispers sound in my ears once again.
Victor: As for the rest, I’ll make it up when I return from my business trip next week.
On the other side, the “quick glimpse” on the camera just now causes the livestream room to blow up again.
On the screen, which has never been turned off, the pink hearts sent by the audience explode one after another––
Along with the messages, “May the two of you live a long and happy life together. Wishing you two eternal love!” filling the entire screen.
[Note]: The messages audience was sending is “祝百年好合, 长长久久!” (zhù bǎi nián hǎo hé, cháng cháng jiǔ jiǔ). This is what one says in Chinese when they’re congratulating or blessing a married couple/newlyweds~ 🥺💘
[Personal Thoughts]: The fact that this man wasn’t home the whole morning LOL and cooked at Souvenir to keep it a surprise and when MC asks he’s like yeah just some snacks I picked up before getting you hnnngnnn 🥺 Also MC’s “how great it is to have you”  and the LIVESTREAM KISS!! 💘💘
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yutahoes · 3 years
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main characters: childhood enemies!? Yuta Nakamoto and Y/N other characters: brother! Lee Taeyong word count: 2.2k words genre: fluff summary: You hated Yuta Nakamoto all your life.  warnings: crotch kicking, Yuta is shirtless in one part, Y/N is in a diet, Y/N is scared of thunder, Yuta teasing Y/N about her chest, cursing inspired by the anime ‘Ouran Highschool Host Club’ 
Czennies’ Anime Boy Birthday Project - Day 2
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You hated Nakamoto Yuta all your life. 
No, scratch that, you loathed him. 
It stemmed from when the two of you first met. He, 'accidentally' he claimed, ripped the head of your favorite Barbie doll. While you, intentionally you knew, kicked him in the crotch. It wasn't a big deal. You always see girls do that in TV but your dad had to ground you for doing that which is totally unfair. Yuta still gets to play with your brother, Taeyong, while you're inside the room when it was clearly his fault. 
And that started the cat and dog attitude you had towards each other. 
It doesn't help that your family is close to theirs. So when your family went to Japan for a vacation, the Nakamoto family welcomed you to their beach house. It was a pretty house, you thought, with an exclusive beach behind. 
This will be the best vacation. 
"Yuta!" his mom called which made you frown. Oh yeah, the devil is here. "Where is that boy? He should be helping you with your luggage, Y/N." You gave her a smile, dragging your suitcase in hand. Everything is going on smoothly, you don't want to see him just yet. "Yuta!" she called once again. 
"Yup?" He asked and you clearly heard the footsteps accompanied by that annoying voice. Your jaw almost fell in surprise. Yuta's hair is damp as if he just came from a swim. His bare skin lightly tanned. "Oh, hi auntie and uncle." He greeted your parents before walking past you. When did he get taller than you? He gave Taeyong a brotherly hug which made you pout. 
Your dad laughed. "When did you get so masculine, Yuta?"
"Had to charm the girls in town," Yuta whispered which made you frown once again. A ladies’ man. Why aren’t you surprised?  You felt someone tugged the suitcase in your hand and turned to see Yuta smiling at you. "You're still ugly as ever." he whispered, which made you throw a punch at him. Yuta only laughed. When did his arms become muscular?  
"When will the two of you ever change?" Your mom asked, followed by the others laughing. 
"Yuta, why don't you tour Y/N and Taeyong in town this afternoon?" his dad asked while they're eating lunch. He nodded then lightly glanced at you who were eating small portions of your food. His attention was disturbed when your dad asked some questions about his college education and his recent hobbies which he answered eloquently. 
Taeyong took his dad's car keys to drive to town, Yuta in the passenger seat and you in the backseat. "Y/N," your brother called. "Stop thinking about your ex-boyfriend. This was supposed to be a vacation." You glared at your brother through the rearview mirror. 
"Ex-boyfriend?" Yuta asked. "Someone actually had a crush on you?" 
You gave him a fake smile before rolling your eyes, crossing an arm against your chest while huffing. "Can we get something to eat? I want some matcha cake and macaroons." 
"Are you pregnant?" You only kicked Taeyong's chair in annoyance. 
The market in town isn't that crowded even if it's afternoon. Maybe because the weather is too dry to stroll. Taeyong said that he'll just go to the comfort room, leaving the two of you looking for souvenirs. You already bought a lot of stationery yet your brother didn't come back. "Do you think he ditched us?" Yuta asked while you’re paying for the things you bought. 
"Probably." You answered with a shrug. "We can get a cab back home, can't we?" The guy nodded before opening the door for you. 
You were just enjoying the market, not caring about Yuta. Luckily, your parents had given you money to spend. Maybe you'll buy small gifts for your friends back home. Your attention was on some bracelets when Yuta told you to come with him. Although hesitant, you just went with him. 
The pastry shop looks so pretty with its pastel shades. The pictures in the menu look so delectable that you're quickly hungry. "Order a lot, you didn't eat properly earlier," Yuta claimed, looking at the menu. "Are you on a diet or something?" 
You glared. "Yeah, yeah. My ex broke up with me saying I'm fat so I'm trying to lose weight." 
"Then you're dating the wrong guy. It's your body, he shouldn't care." He turned the menu to look at the cake selections. "Eat lots and be a cute piggy instead." You stepped on his foot which made him glare at you. 
When the waitress came, she smiled at Yuta and he flirted back. You rolled your eyes, such a ladies' man. You ordered a chocolate cake and he ordered matcha, claiming that you wanted that in the car. Well, Yuta isn't that bad. But he's annoying. 
The clouds turned darker that surprised you. It was alright earlier, why is it so gloomy now? "Do you think it will rain?" Yuta nodded, there's a high possibility. "I hope it isn't a thunderstorm." You whispered. 
You walked around one last time, buying things that you might need at home when you bumped into someone familiar. He was Yuta's friend, you remembered, the one who talked to you in the playground when Yuta refused to let you join him and his friends back then. "Y/N," he greeted and you smiled, calling for his name. "Long time no see. You've grown up." It really has been a long time since you saw him. "Are you here for vacation?" 
You nodded and made little chats with each other. When he excused himself to leave, you turned to find out that Yuta is gone. 
Fuck! Where is he? 
When you glanced at your phone, the battery was dead. Another fuck! 
The raindrops fell on your skin that made you hiss. Third fuck! 
How are you going home now? 
Of all the people to meet, why does it have to be that guy? Yuta knew that he had a huge crush on you and seeing how you smiled at him, you probably had a crush on that guy as well. He just went inside the store and bought some macaroons that you kept on asking for since earlier. 
When he returned to where he last saw you, you're nowhere to be seen. Maybe you went with that stupid guy. He was about to call you when he realized he didn't have your number. You're with that guy, right? He'll bring you home safely. 
The raindrops fell. Maybe he'll just stay under a shed and wait until the rain stops. But as the minutes passed, it grew heavier. 
The sky was so dark and little rumbles could be heard. A flash of lightning can be seen followed by large raindrops falling on the pavement as thunder came rolling in. A thunderstorm. He might stay here for a long time. 
Yuta was tapping his foot along the music in his headphones when his phone rang, indicating a new number. When he took the call, it was Taeyong's voice. "Where are you and Y/N? I'll come…" 
"I'm not with Y/N." 
"What?" he asked, shouting through the phone. Yuta explained that he left you with a friend but it was his mom who answered on the phone that his friend came and you were not with him. "Yuta, my sister is scared of thunder. She can't move at all when she hears thunder. Please…" Yuta doesn't need to hear the continuation, he knew he had to find you. 
He kept on running under the pouring rain, asking people he passed if they saw the girl he kept on describing. He kept on looking inside shops opened to see if you were inside. The sky is getting darker, it's almost nighttime. He needed to find you, quick. 
A flash of light came followed by rumbles of thunder that startled him. If he's surprised like this, how would you feel? Maybe you're too scared now. Where could you be? He stopped in front of the town chapel, a puddle of water can be seen by the entrance. 
Yuta ran the steps of the chapel, opening the door widely. "Y/N!" he called. "Are you here?"  A bolt of huge lightning illuminated the place, followed by a loud rumble of thunder but he heard the small whimpers coming from the altar steps. 
He stood there, watching you under the table. Eyes closed, both hands on your ear, shaking, soaking wet. Another thunder and you jolted in surprise, crying louder while calling for your dad. 
He pulled the linen above the table, wrapping it on you which made you look at him. He put the headphone on your ear as you gaze at him with tear-stained eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N." he whispered before you wrap your arms around him, relieved that someone is here. That he is here. You flinched when the lightning struck, loud thunder echoed through the walls of the small chapel that made you clench tightly on Yuta's shirt. "I'm here now, Y/N. I won't leave you." 
You woke up with the sound of chirping birds outside, the sunlight hitting your face that made you groan. When you turned to the side, away from the sunlight, you felt something warm. Surprised, you opened one eye and saw Yuta's bare torso lying next to you. "Yah!" you shouted, immediately checking your clothes under the blanket then pulling it up to cover your clothed body. 
The guy rubbed his eyes, "What? It's still so fucking early." 
"Why are you sleeping in my bed?" 
He stared at you dead in the eyes. "This is my room." He stated as a matter of fact and you glance around the unfamiliar room full of L'arc En Ciel and Ultraman posters. "And you were the one who didn't let go of me last night." He claimed while lying on his bed again, groaning.  
The happenings that night came to you. When his dad and Taeyong came to pick you up in the chapel, you kept clinging on Yuta under the warm blanket in the backseat of the car. After showering, you cried in his arms in fright. Maybe, you slept like that.
God, it's so embarrassing. Why are you like this? "Nothing happened, right?" 
Yuta chuckled before pulling the blanket to cover himself. "I won't ever touch your non-existent breasts." This guy, really. You lightly kicked him off the bed, startled that instead of his thigh, you felt something hard by your foot. 
Then he disappeared from the bed. 
He stood up from falling on the floor, glaring at you. "Why do you keep kicking me there? Will you be responsible if I can't have a child?" What? "If something happens…" You heard the door open behind you, "Will you marry me?" 
A gasp can be heard followed by your mom's voice shouting, "Honey, Yuta already proposed." What? You glanced at the doorway, his mom was there with a wide smile on her face. "Oh my God, you two. We've been waiting for this for so long." 
"No, it's not…" But the door closed before you could finish your sentence. You were about to go out the door when Yuta raced you to it. He closed the door, trapping you between his body and the door. "Yuta, our parents will…" 
"Let them misunderstand," he whispered that made you look at him. "Be responsible for me. I have the biggest crush on you since we first met." 
"You broke my Barbie the first time we met." 
"Because you spend more time on that toy than playing with me." he revolted. "You only look at me when I tease you so I kept doing that." He stepped forward, removing the distance between the two of you. " Please take a chance on me, Y/N. I'll hug you during thunderstorms. I'll let you eat all your favorite food. Just please, take a chance on me." 
There's nothing wrong with taking a chance with Yuta. Both your families are friends. Your mom seemed so excited at the idea of the two of you together. And his mom already said that they've been waiting for this for so long. He's handsome, has a nice body, has a nice smile, and did you mention that he has such a nice body? You nodded and he flashed his million-dollar smile, hugging you. "Wow, you really have small breasts." You lightly pushed him, kicking him in the crotch. 
"You're really unbelievable."
Yuta crouched on the floor, repeatedly punching his lower back. "That's the third time. You'll really be responsible for me." He stood up but you opened the door and ran outside, him chasing after you. 
Your parents were both looking as you got out of the house and into the beach sand outside. He hugged you from the back, lightly raising you. "Caught you." Then proceed to throw you in the water. 
"They look really cute together." Yuta's mom commented that made the older men nod. 
"Nice job, Taeyong." your dad claimed, tapping your brother's shoulder.
The younger of the five chuckled while watching you and Yuta playing tag on the water. "I just hope they won't be too lovey-dovey." 
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organic-guacamole · 2 years
uh yeah so I wasn't planning on watching the episode until the weekend but my sister woke up super early and started like dancing or swinging from the ceiling fan or something and it woke me up so now I will bring back the guac episode text blocks :')
Hsmtmts: Season 3: Episode 1 Reaction
"And love is an open door. Did I just make that up? It's pretty good."
First new line of the show and I'm smiling like an idiot. So turns out I'm not actually over this show🥸
DAD JOKES ARE LIFE. I will be taking notes as EJ continues to speak.
big red's got work? all the time? why? can't he take two weeks off to enjoy the summer with friends? he's like 16? huh??
and Sebbie's gotta milk so this is how we explain their absence 🧍🏽‍♀️
oh so Ricky is with Lily after all? icky licky.
Carlos switching his glasses for sunglasses made me laugh a bit too much. maybe I should pull my sister down from the ceiling and go back to sleep...
wait wait wait
I'm not American and I haven't paid much attention to the details yet but like, Utah and California are close, but close enough that these kids' parents let them drive by themselves across states? ISNT CARLOS LIKE CANONICALLY 16? is this normal? I'm sorry
EJ being the son of Cash Caswell 4 and a half minutes into the season. why do rich people need more than 1 home? also yes Gina. she knew about the 2nd home so I'm assuming she's at least seen it (unless EJ just casually mentions his other houses but to me he seems like the kinda guy to forget he has more houses than the average person and just never talk about it) so yeah slay girlie pop marry rich! life is about the material things! go queen!
"you come to camp shallow lake and you leave and someone else" oh no. foreshadowing.
yeah I miss seb too.
the whole phone confiscation thing is awful to me. not because I'm addicted or anything, just that, that's my property and they're storing it in a bucket with other people's nasty phones in a dark room somewhere and idk what's happening to it? no thanks I'll leave it home.
oh I completely forgot the intro song thing *insert harsh whistle*
this is funny though. don't mind my disgusted expression as I watch this scene, I'm rather enjoying seeing Ricky turn into a text to speech reader.
the more Lily talks the more I fear for Ricky's life.
Caribbean cruise? uhhh I live in the Caribbean 😥😥😥 imagine just chilling and you see miss Jenn running around buying souvenirs.
so it's confirmed that this is the same camp that Nini and EJ met at😃
I love Ashlyn. no context needed.
Why is she still with Howie again?
the non-wildcats in the corner. Are they credited as non-wildcats on IMDb?
as Ms Jenn is talking about sparks, remember when she and Mr Mazzara started a fire at the school and just...ran away? why don't we talk about this?
I wrote an alternate 2x12 fanfic where Ricky knows about the harness already so I genuinely thought they all knew already... anyways, yay Tim for bringing back this plotpoint!
Carlos being horrified by these random dudes throwing things is exactly what I expected from this season. that and Ricky coming to his senses but we can't always get what we want.
Jet is hot but we knew this already. anyways gimme the enemies to lovers with Ricky please, with a bunch of angst with happy ending, all that jazz. gimme the flavour🤌🏽🤌🏽
the way lily's body language is... reminds me of an episode of 911 where this girl murdered her boyfriend on valentine's day because he wanted to leave the date... she literally looked so much like how Lily looks rn... RUN RICHARD
isn't she like 14? like canon... I have a lot of questions for her parents mainly.
so he really just has big red's car this whole time? he's having his mv moment so I'll overlook it. we all need our main character moment at some point. but actually. it's a literal music video in the middle of the episode.
wait have we seen Kourtney and Carlos interactions yet? please someone tell me if we have or have not because this is my favourite. also let's discuss Kourtney's rainbow belt 😁
what kind of life changing 2 week camp is this? why are they all acting like all new people will be brainwashed and their lives will flip upside down by the time it's over
emo boy Jet meets emo boy Ricky they un-emotify together or something idk
"if you fall in no one will hear your screams" "don't go too far into the woods or you'll be gone for good" still not convinced this isn't a murder mystery season.
you telling me
Disney plus exists
in the universe of a show
on Disney plus
anyways so is this how EJ becomes director-
damn so he's really second choice for this too👩🏽‍🦯
RICKy? how does this even happen? don't they have to pay for this camp? how did he get so far in and portwell are the first people he sees? I'm so confused 😭
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