#the other was on the same wavelength as me until i started being like ‘yeah i want to not have any physical female features’
robiinurheart33 · 1 month
(Flashes my mind beams) Soap having really bad nightmares whenever his mental health is low.
It’d be really bad most of the time, waking up covered in sweat, panting or just outright screaming. The dreams would have felt so real, so lifelike that it would shake johnny down to his core, needing time to fully process the dream and then calm down. It would board on topics such as his loved ones, phobias, worst case scenarios the whole nine yards. Often times when the nightmare cycle starts to happen, Johnny wouldn’t get much sleep at all and when he does he’s thrashing and shaking the entire time.
This would happen since young, but being raised in a catholic household as the middle child did not help at all. Most of the time when Johnny would try and confide in his parents, he would be dismissed with a “God is good.” Or “No evil against you shall prosper.” Which, I mean yeah but how does that help him in any way?! He just wants to be comforted. He had dreams where his sisters died, and he would go straight to them to hug them as tightly as possible, no matter how much they protested. Nothing seemed to work to bring the nightmares down unless Johnny’s mental health actually got better.
It only got worse in the army. The screaming, gunfire and mental strain Soap had to go through was excruciating. He woke up panting and covered in cold sweat, hoping he wasn’t screaming in his sleep and waking others up. Once, early on when 141 was just created, Ghost walked into the shared pantry only to find a sweat-faced, pale, bloodshot eyed soap munching on cereal, staring off into space. He made his tea and walked out of there as fast as he could.
As they got closer together, Ghost eventually asked Soap about that one instance. Soap wasn’t even aware Ghost was in the kitchen in the first place. He tried to explain, as casual as he could, that he gets horrific realistic nightmares when his mental health goes to shit. Soap isn’t sure if he actually manages to play it off seeing as he cant exactly gauge Ghost’s reaction, but that was that.
He eventually forgot about it until about 2 years later, when they both start to float on the same wavelength and sleep in the same bed (wink wink) that it happens for the first time. The first nightmare that he experiences around Ghost is extreme. He dreams of metal and blood, screaming and frustration. Johnny wakes up screaming, a hand over his mouth and back covered in sweat. Ghost is up in a millisecond, gun drawn and up from the bed. They’re both equally disoriented, confused as to what was happening. Ghost looks over to Soap where he’s panting, eyes bloodshot and eyebags evident. He’s seen this somewhere before.
Gun immediately tossed to the side, Ghost rushes to Soap’s side, not sure what to do but wanting to help. He’s still processing what just happened, unable to speak and eyes just trained on his lap. Ghost flickers open the lamp, sitting right beside Johnny, not speaking but just being there, his presence a solid wall he can lean on. After what feels like 4 hours (it was 10 minutes), Johnny finally looks at Simon, eyes full of tears and body trembling. He cant take it anymore. Simon rushes to place their bodies close together, Johnny’s ear against his chest as he murmurs affirmations.
“You’re here with me. I got you. You’re safe.”
They didn’t go back to sleep after that, getting up at the peak hour of 4am to go for an early early morning jog. This wouldn’t be the solution to the nightmares all the time, however. Sometimes it would just be Johnny listening to Simon’s heartbeat, a cup of warm coffee, a comfort show, spacing out, drawing, or a morning run. It just depended on his mood after he woke up. But one constant was that Simon was always right beside him, accompanying him in whatever he did. It didn’t matter if Johnny protested, he would always wake up along with him and stay right by his side. As long as Johnny had Simon, he wouldn’t have to be alone to face on his demons ever again. He made sure of that.
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epickiya722 · 4 months
Yeah, I think the issue I have with people who criticize Yuji is that they focus too much on what he can do that they don't actually stop and really look at his character.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a Yuji expert. And I don't think what he can do isn't amazing because damn it, I'm living for my boy hitting those Black Flashes!! Yes, to those claws!!
But at the same time, what really reeled me in is how Yuji behaves. It's his personality. It's how he thinks, what he says, what he does that captured my attention and honestly? I think that's what Gege wants the audience to focus more on. Not Yuji's physical capabilites, but his actual character.
Not saying it's completely true, but that's my guess.
A lot of what happens in the story isn't because these characters have awesome ass abilities. It's because of their own behaviors. Their drive to do whatever it is because of their personalities, their experiences, their beliefs.
Think about why they're able to use cursed energy. Their emotions. Why curses exist? Emotions.
Yuji being able to do all these techniques actually isn't something that just came out of nowhere.
It was already hinted at way in the beginning. Gojo did make that remark that Yuji would be able to use Sukuna's technique. Turns out, he was right! Yuji is now able to use his own version of Shrine. (I also have other thoughts about those other techniques but for now I'm keeping that on the backburner. But I don't think that was the only hint. That's for another day though!)
Let's stop and think why, storywise, Yuji can now do the techniques.
Here's my guess!
Because they weren't a vital part of his character to begin with. His abilities are part of his character, but they're not the focus. If so, Yuji would have expressed jealousy over others doing techniques. If so, Yuji would have expressed his goal to getting stronger so that he can be the best. If so, we would have gotten a training montage of each ability. But no!
Yuji's most important part of his character is the fact that he is selfless. It's the fact that he has this good heart. His biggest strength is his ideals. Sukuna hates that. Sukuna has started to really lose his composure once he realizes why he hates Yuji so much. Sukuna never expressed anger until now and who is the cause? Yuji. Sukuna never had to question why he was feeling conflicted. The cause? Yuji, it's Yuji again.
And again, it's not because of his abilities. It's because of how Yuji is.
I think back to what Yuji's grandfather told him.
"You're a strong kid so try to help others."
At first, I did think he meant that Yuji is physically strong. But then the more I think about it, the more I do not think that is just it. Wasuke may not just be referring to only his physical strength. It may have also meant his strong character. (Personally, I feel like Wasuke can read people and probably why he just knew something was up with Kaori because she wasn't herself, but that's for another day.)
Yuji has that strong heart, that strong resolve, that good nature. Because of that good nature Wasuke wanted his grandson to be able to have people care about him not because of what he can do, but because of who he is. He wanted Yuji to show that to people. Think about what happens after. Yuji did start to put himself on the line to help because he took his grandfather's words to heart. He risked saving Megumi, someone who he didn't even know like that, because he is a good kid.
It's why Megumi wanted Gojo to do what he can to save Yuji from execution.
Think about his relationships with the other characters. Him and Nobara practically act on the same wavelength. What was it that got Todo to even declare himself as Yuji's best friend? Similar interests. How about what allowed him to be accepted into Jujutsu High? His test of character.
To simply put, Yuji is just more than what he can do physically. I think some people are so used to "action this and action that" and "MC has amazing abilities and can kick ass" that, no matter the genre, people who engage in this stories don't care to actually stop and examine the other traits the character has.
No, people are so focused on "Left, Right, Good Night", that anything else Yuji has done and said gets looked over.
I don't think Yuji is a "weak protagonist" and sometimes I do take the time out to reread over Gege's writing because it just feels like there's more than what is being shown.
I actually hate the whole thing of comparing mangakas' work to criticize because even if they're taking inspiration from one another, they're not trying to be like that other mangaka exactly. They have their own each individual style and some styles take more time to understand.
You don't have to like it or you're being forced to.
In the case of JJK and with Yuji Itadori, sometimes, how about don't stop at the techniques?
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justali-anne · 2 months
Kind of obsessing over the Skelebros being soft right now. Just them being loving and caring towards each other.
Them watching a movie late at night. Papyrus having the biggest reactions, like laughing when something funny pops up, getting excited during an action scene, bawling during sad moments etc. while Sans just leans against him and enjoys the ride.
After reading a bedtime story to Papyrus and Papyrus eventually falls asleep, Sans, being too lazy and tired to go to his own room, just flops down on Papyrus' bed and falls asleep right then and there. Papyrus doesn't mind, it's a regular occurrence.
Them giving each other physical affection from time to time. Giving each other head pats, leaning against each other, side hugs, noogies, tickle fights, playing around... And let's not forget about cuddles!
Them being so supportive of each other, it's adorable. They show it in their unique ways, but everyone around them knows they care.
You know that thing that happens when you see someone you really care about and you can't help but feel your mood lift when you're around them? Yeah, that happens with the Skelebros.
Papyrus is always up first in the morning for obvious reasons, but sometimes, when he wakes Sans up, he does it gently, especially if Sans is in a particularly comfortable position, all snuggled up under the blanket. Other times, I think Papyrus would be a little bit rougher, like yelling or shaking him awake, or on days where he feels particularly mischievous, straight up cannonballing on the foot of his bed (making sure he avoids Sans entirely, he doesn't want to hurt him).
Sans gets rather cuddly when he's particularly sleepy, and usually Papyrus is nearby when that happens, so he just goes up to him and clings to his leg. However, Papyrus would usually be busy when that happens, so it's quite annoying for him. Sans is very lucky he's so cute.
I can just imagine them clinging onto each other like Scooby and Shaggy do when they're scared. It just sounds hilarious to me. Complete with bone rattling!
That said, let them rattle! Papyrus canonically rattles during his battle, so why not let them rattle more? I can just imagine that if someone ended up making an Undertale cartoon or something, there would be occasional bone rattling sound effects for when the brothers are particularly animated. So cute!
Aww, but imagine the two in a playful mood, though! Imagine Sans getting mischievous and pranking Papyrus constantly until Papyrus gets fed up and gets revenge on him. Imagine Papyrus trying to work on something, and then Sans comes to annoy him like brothers do, like poking him and tickling his spine or something, until Papyrus snaps and the two start play fighting and wrestling and having a tickle fight. Just good old harmless fun.
What if they frequently have stupid debates and really out there conversations? They're both lovable weirdos, after all, and they're both nerdy to some extent. I'm sure they would have very interesting conversations when they're alone that are beyond just banter. As cute as banter is, I'm sure that's not all they do.
I love siblings that are as different as night and day and bicker all the time but as soon as something comes up and they need to work together... I dunno, it's like someone flicked a switch or something, because all of a sudden, they're working together perfectly??? Like, I think that could be Sans and Papyrus when they share a similar goal or even the same goal. Just one minute, they're arguing over whether crosswords or junior jumbles are harder, and the next minute, boom! They're practically on the same wavelength!
This is a slightly different category of headcanon, but can you imagine them lighting up whenever you teach them something? Like I said, they're both nerds to some extent, so I wouldn't put it past them if they secretly like learning. I dunno, maybe I'm just into adorably dorky characters. Platonically, of course.
So, yeah, that's it, I've just been obsessing over soft and happy Skelebros.
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elliereject · 1 year
stupid bitch .1
* you and ellie have been friends for years but you only recently discovered that the way you liked her was more than just friendly. unfortunately, she’s already in a relationship with a toxic girl who (surprise!) does not like you. as their relationship starts to sour, you’re the one ellie always goes to for comfort and you oblige until you can no longer take the heartache and pain you’re feeling which causes you to finally confess…blurring the already thin line between yours and ellie’s ‘friendship’.
* infidelity, oblivious!ellie, meanish!ellie, pining, anxious thoughts
* first fic, based on girl in reds Stupid Bitch bc wow does that song make me scream. if this gets any traction at all ill post pt 2 and a couple others I have in the works :) feedback is appreciated, pls enjoy and interact!!
*wc - 4k
part .2 here
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You had a love hate relationship with Ellie.
Well, it was mostly love…who were you kidding, it was all love.
She’s been your best friend for years and you were so fucking glad she was apart of your life. She’d been there for you during the worst parts like when your parents didn’t speak to you for a month after you came out and the best parts like when you got accepted into your dream school.
Every great memory in your life, Ellie was there. She was someone you could rely on and who you knew would stick by you even when she saw the worst parts of you and you hoped she knew you would do the same for her. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with her. Of course, it wasn’t until she started dating her that you realized your true feelings.
“I’m telling you! She’s just—she’s perfect!” Ellie gushed, your stuffed animal being squeezed to death between her lean arms.
You forced a smile onto your face, a sour feeling thrashed in your gut. “I’m happy for you, glad you guys are hitting it off.”
“We’re more than hitting it off, we’re like, on the exact same wavelength..did you know she does her own tattoos? How fucking cool is that?”
You turned back around in the chair at your desk, trying to busy yourself with the schoolwork you were supposed to be doing and rolling your eyes at her rambling. The two had been seeing eachother for the last month and she did nothing but talk about her.
“Yeah I did know because you’ve told me a thousand fucking times..” You mumbled.
“Hm?” She asked, “Sorry, Cat just sent me the funniest meme.”
She spun your chair back around to show you the meme on a cracked screen and when you saw it you wanted to take her phone and toss it out the window.
“I sent you that like 4 weeks ago.” You laughed dryly.
“Oh, for real?” She mumbled, already pulling her phone back to continue texting Cat.
You rolled your eyes again, huffing when you picked up your phone to text Jesse. He was the only one who knew about your newly discovered crush on Ellie, other than her, you considered him your closest friend and he had comforted you when you came to his dorm, eyes filled with tears and guilt after you told him that you were in fact in love with your best friend.
im going to go fucking insane.
oh brother, what did she do this time?
she won’t stop fucking talking about her ☹️ she litrly just showed me a meme cat sent her that i SENT HER WEEKS AGO and she didn’t even remember
you know ellie tho she prob just forgor fr
jesse i Litrly cant do this anymore. I’m going to rip out my air and throw my laptop at the wall.
Rip out your air? How would that work, like a breathing machine??
💪💗 sorry y/n im sure it’ll get better
😐 when?
Before you could see his response you dropped your phone in your lap when you felt Ellie tap your shoulder, “What?”
“Said I’m gonna go piss.”
“Oh, okay.”
She got up from your bed and when she left, her phone was still there.
You shouldn’t. It’s a complete and utter violation of her privacy. If she caught you, she’d probably never talk to you again…
But you knew her password, and it was right there and you were so damn curious.
Your hands moved before you could rethink and suddenly her phone was in your hand and your eyes were skimming over her messages.
You clicked on the thread with Cat and felt your heart seize when you read what she was saved as: my girl ♥️
Despite the searing pain you felt pang through you like a hot knife, you read on.
i can’t wait to cu tonight ;))
same, u can finally get started on my tattoo!
mhm 😇 can’t you come over a little esrlier? im so bored T_T
cant :( yk im hanging out with ★ rn
yeahhhh but she’d understand you’d wanna hangout w ur gf right?? she said she was happy we started dating so she can’t get upset
what the fuck?
yeah ig but irs been a while since I last saw her
plssss els :(( just wanna hold u rn
There was a little space between this message and the next, you figured it been when you and Ellie got caught up in a conversation about your mutual hate for one of your profs.
if u rlly don’t wanna see me jus say that.
yk that’s not true id love to see u rn
then COME, if she gets upset that’s not ur problem..she has to understand you can’t spend all your time with her
What the fuck was this bitch even talking about? She was the one trying to lock Ellie up. You were about to scroll down to see what Ellie had said but you heard footsteps and threw her phone back on your bed before pretending to be stuck on a practice question.
Ellie picked up her phone and you were so scared she’d notice you were on it you thought your heart was going to pop out of your chest and fall onto your desk.
Dread filtered through your body. She knows, she knows and she’s going to confront you and she’s going to storm out and you’re going to lose your best friend and—
“I think I’m gonna head out, seems like you got a lot of work to do.”
You dropped your pencil and turned to look up at her, “Are you sure? I mean we could go somewhere if you want.” You didn’t want her to leave, you wanted her to stay in your dorm with you forever.
“No.” She said quickly, backing up “It’s fine, I’ll see you later.”
“Okay I’ll see you—“
She walked out your door, letting it close.
It was a freezing December night the first time Ellie came to you, eyes ridden with tears over a fight with Cat.
Usually, it was her calling you up to have you come over and comfort her because Cat was ‘acting weird’ and ‘being mean’. But something serious must have happened for her to be here.
A few weeks had passed since that enlightening time at your dorm where she had practically flown out of your room to go see Cat. During the following weeks, the two of you had barely talked let alone seen eachother and when you did it was almost always about Cat. You understood that you were both busy with school and she was busy with her girlfriend and you didn’t know whether it was Cat or Ellie that had forced the two of you’s separation or if it was your own subconscious mind trying to protect you from getting hurt. Either way, you missed her dearly.
She was pounding hard on your door, and when you opened it she immediately rubbed her red rimmed eyes. She lived in the other dorm building and judging from her appearance you imagined she ran here as quick as she could; Snowflakes adorned her hair and eyelashes and her nose was red from the cold, she had an old green hoodie on and plaid pyjama pants. Even on the verge of tears she was still so unbelievably gorgeous.
“Ellie, it’s like 3AM..” You said groggily, you knew she had trouble sleeping but she usually texted you if she needed a distraction.
“I know just, please I need to talk to someone. And Dina’s with Jesse and Cat fucking—” She paused, sniffling.
You sighed, stepping to the side so she could come in and you could close the door that was currently blowing in cold air from the freezing hallway.
“What happened?”
“It’s Cat.”
Of fucking course. Fury engulfed you, Ellie wasn’t one to cry often or even come close to it so Cat must’ve done something pretty fucked up.
“She was being so distant and I don’t even fucking know what I did and then some fucker I don’t even know just sent me this,”
She shoved her phone in your face and the image made even more anger surge throughout you. It was blurry but you could still make out two figures, one with short black hair—Cat, and another unrecognizable. Cat had her arms locked around the mysterious girls neck and the two were not just kissing but full on frenching. You wanted to throw insults so bad but Ellie was upset and that was more important than dissing her girlfriend.
“Oh Ellie, I’m so sorry.” you said softly, pulling her in for a hug.
She sniffled and wiped her nose, “Yeah, thanks.”
“So, are you two..” you trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence.
“I don’t know, maybe. I sent her a text about the picture and told her to call me but she hasn’t answered.” Ellie said, pulling away.
“Ellie are you serious?” You questioned, looking into her green eyes. “She fucking cheated.”
Ellie looked to the side, avoiding your scrutinizing gaze.
“There could be more to the story.”
You scoffed, “Looks pretty straightforward to me, she went to party, made out with another girl and is completely ignoring you.”
Her jade eyes scanned your face before she shook her head, “You don’t like her.”
No shit you don’t like her.
“That’s not true.” You lied.
“Yes it fucking is! at first I thought I was overthinking it but whenever I bring her up you get this…this look on your face.” She accused.
“What look? This i—“
“That look!” She cut you off, pointing a long finger in your face. “Like..like you’re about cry or blow up or something.”
“I—“ Before you could defend yourself Ellie’s phone rang, the two of immediately knowing who it was. Ellie cleared her throat and answered before the second ring even started.
“Babe?” She croaked out and you winced, both at the nickname and the pain in her voice. You couldn’t listen to this.
“I think..you should go.” You said quietly, walking toward your door to open it for her.
Her eyes flashed to your face before she nodded and walked out, phone still close to her ear.
That night as you crawled back into your bed and warm tears hit your pillow you never wanted to rip out your heart more because the love you had for her was still there, never wavering and consuming you entirely even though you knew it would never be requited.
— ★
It’d been weeks since that night and since you’d talked to Ellie. You didn’t mean for the gap to stretch this long, you decided to give her some space after your…argument? And then you had finals, and then winter break where you went back home to visit old friends and reluctantly, your parents.
You came back two days before classes started up again so you could ease back into your routine. In the last few weeks you tried your hardest to push thoughts of Ellie out of your mind but you cared for her too much to completely disregard her and bits and pieces slipped through the guards you had put up.
You layed on your dorm bed, sighing as you stared at Ellie’s Instagram.
Back together, you thought.
Over the course of Cat and Ellie’s relationship, you’d learned how to tell when they were ‘on a break’ and when they were together just from her Instagram.
When they were together, her profile picture was the two of them, Cat pressing her lips against Ellie’s cheek and Ellie with her eyes scrunched closed, a joyful look on her face. Ellie also had a highlight labled with nothing but a cat emoji as well as a few random posts of them doing more random shit.
When they were ‘on a break’; Ellie’s profile picture was the default one and she had no highlights, and a singular picture posted; her and Joel after her highschool graduation. After Ellie saw the picture of Cat at that party it’d been like that for two and a half weeks and you silently hoped it’d stay that way forever.
Now, her profile picture was the two of them looking happier than ever and you couldn’t help but feel mocked while you moped miserably in your cold dorm alone, your only comfort being the stuffed animal that you held close to your chest.
You missed her, desperately.
You couldn’t do this anymore, you had to have her in your life even if it wasn’t the way you wanted. You sat up, brushing the stray tears from your face you didn’t know had fallen. Determination coursed through you, you were going to break the silence first.
Ellie was getting back tomorrow so you arranged a plan, you’d pick up a pepperoni pizza from her favourite diner—pizza was her favourite food and you’d called her basic when she first told you, which she replied “Anybody who says they don’t like pizza or pizza is basic are trying too hard to be different, pizza is the only perfect thing in the world.” and you shoved her arm playfully telling her to just eat the freaking pizza— the memory made your heart hurt but you swallowed the feeling.
Then, you’d pick up both yours and her favourite snacks from the 7/11 near your campus along with a few sodas.
And finally, the main item of your grand scheme, stopping by the blu-ray store to pick up the first Jurassic Park, the two of you could always watch it on Netflix but she preferred having the physical thing, stating it felt more ‘authentic.’
It was going to be the perfect night, and by the end of it, it would be like the entire last month and couple weeks never happened. The two of you would be back to normal.
— ★
You’d spent the entire next day anxious about seeing Ellie again. You’d woken up early on accident and had to find things around your dorm and campus to busy yourself until it was time to get ready and grab all the items on your list.
And now here you were at— you checked your phone, 6:43 PM— pyjama clad and balancing a pizza box and your phone in one hand and two bag fulls of snacks and Jurassic Park in the other.
You placed one bag down to knock on the door and you heard shuffling before it swung open. To your distaste, the person who opened the door was not your best friend/crush/reason for breathing, but instead her girlfriend who you knew didn’t like you. Could you blame her though? You were in love with her girlfriend. Although she didn’t know that, at least…you don’t think she did.
You can’t believe you hadn’t thought about what you’d do if she was here, the pair seemed to always always always be together when they weren’t ‘on a break.’ Your eyes trailed down her form, she had on tiny plaid pyjama shorts and a thick green hood on that you recognized as Ellie’s. Jealousy plunged through you like boiling, corroding acid.
“Babe, who is it?” You heard Ellie call down from somewhere in the dorm and your stomach flipped, it’d been so long since you’ve heard her voice.
“Your friend.” She deadpanned.
“Who?” Ellie questioned, walking into view of the door frame. Her short auburn hair was out of it’s usual style and laid damp against her neck along with a towel, she was wearing thick navy sweatpants and a thin white tank top. Your eyes immediately landed on the black ink that trailed across her right forearm. She looked fucking amazing.
“★?” Her jade eyes widened, “What are you doing here?”
You held up the pizza box and movie half heartedly, “Surprise?”
She smiled and you swear to fucking god you almost dropped everything you were holding to whip out your phone and snap a picture. You’d missed her smile so much and seeing it online just wasn’t enough.
“Come in, you and Cat can catch up while I finish drying off.”
You looked at Cat, honestly forgetting she was there. Her dark eyes bored into you and you couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was with her short black hair and milky skin. Why were the pretty ones always fucking crazy?
She stepped to the side so you could walk in and put everything down on the old coffee table.
Awkward silence enveloped the space between you two before you cleared your throat, she was Ellie’s girlfriend whether you liked it or not which meant you’d being seeing a lot more of her so you had to atleast be civil.
“I like your hoodie.” You tried, giving her a weak smile.
“Thanks. It’s Ellie’s.” Maybe you imagined it, but you swore you heard a bit of a mocking emphasis on Ellie.
You sighed, taking a seat on the worn green sofa Ellie had found on Facebook market place for what she thought was ‘the deal of the century.’
“Hope you like pepperoni pizza.” You tried again.
“I’m vegetarian.”
Of course she was.
“Oh..you could pick them off?”
She scoffed, trudging off in the direction of Ellie, leaving you to sit alone. This was not going as planned, you’d wanted to spend one on one time with Ellie and discuss what the fuck had happened in the last month but it’d just be awkward when the elephant was literally in the room.
The two returned, Ellie’s hair dryer now and towel discarded. Ellie plopped down beside you and you didn’t miss the way Cat’s eye twitched.
Ellie’s eyes landed on the box of pizza, her face lighting up. “No way, I thought they were closed during the holiday’s.”
You smiled, “Guess I was lucky.”
She smiled back and your gaze met hers, your heart picked up in speed when you saw something in her warm jade eyes…something soft and—
Before you could inspect it further Cat slid past your legs to sit on the left of Ellie, separating the two of you again and almost pushing you off the couch.
Cat leaned into Ellie and you thought you saw her stiffen in the corner of your eye but when you turned to look at her she was back to normal, maybe you imagined it.
“You brought a movie?” Ellie asked, eyeing the small black rectangle on the table.
“Oh, yeah! Jurassic Park.” You leaned forward, picking it up.
“On blu-ray?” Cat snarked, “Isn’t that a little outdated.”
You looked at Ellie but she was focused on the the pizza, already downing a slice and a half.
“I think it’s fun, feels more..authentic.” You replied, noticing the small smirk that crept on to Ellie’s face.
You got up, fiddling with the small TV and DVD player like you did many times before when you and Ellie had a movie night. Finally, the movie started playing and you grabbed a bag of snacks as you eased into the beanbag instead of sitting back down on the couch.
Guess yours and Ellie’s talk could wait.
The movie droned on and Cat inevitability fell asleep on Ellie, you pulled out your phone as the scene where Donald Genarro gets eaten by a T-Rex while on the toilet started up.
You were answering snaps, liquorice hanging from your mouth when you got a text from Ellie, you looked up and saw her staring at you.
You smiled,
We’ve seen this movie like a million times. I’m tired of watching an attorney get chomped up on the toilet. 😔
she stifled a laugh,
are u serious? 😫 that’s like the best scene.
personally, I like the end where they make it off the island.
Ofc u do 😒 always a sucker for happy endings.
You sighed, rolling your eyes playfully.
Hey can I ask u smth
ofc what’s up?
whyd you come here tonight? don’t get me wrong I’m glad u did its just. It’s been a while since I’ve heard from u and then u just like shoe up lol
shoe up? 🤨🤨
She frowned jokingly.
I’m srs.
Your fingers hovered over the letters as you thought of how to answer, you couldn’t just tell her that you’d been thinking of her aimlessly in the last month and you’d decided to push away the immense romantic feelings you had in order to at least stay friends with her now could you?
i just missed you and I thought like, why did we even stop talking in the first place, yk?
As you typed the next message you felt heat creep up your neck and your heart pick up just a tad. It wasn’t risky per say..just a little intimate.
tbh, ive been missing you the entire past couple weeks. like so fucking much 🫥
You added the emoji to soften the blow, make it seem less like you were in love with her and her absence caused a gaping hole in your life.
tbh, me too. im sorry abt that night btw. i was angry and felt betrayed and I lashed out on u even tho u were just looking out for me, and im sorry for not reaching out.
I understand and I’m sorry too. for yelling and not reaching out sooner 💗😞
I don’t forgive you.
Panic flooded your brain, was she still upset? Did she not want to be friends with you anymore? Did you wait too long to reach out? Ellie looked at your frightened face and tapped quickly, reassuring you.
Joking joking! I was gonna say i might if u come over like this more often but.. yeah 🥸
You sighed, relief washed over your body and you giggled.
u always have the worst timing.
You glanced up at her expecting to see a smile but your heart tugged at her expression, she looked..sad. The usual gleam in her jade eyes was gone and her soft lips were pulled into a solemn frown.
i know
Before you could pick apart the message a shiver jolted through your spine and goosebumps covered your neck and arms. When did it get so cold?
hey is ir kind of cold in here?
yeah the heaters busted. turns on and off 😒 i asked matinance to come take a look but yk how those mfs are.
damn..r ur blankets still in the same place?
nah i moved them a while ago they’re by the actually lemme just show u
Ellie peeled Cat off her shoulder carefully as to not wake her up and motioned for you to follow her. You got up from your seat on the beanbag and treaded quietly behind her.
She led you into her room and as she dug in the back of her closet you took in the space. It’d been too long since you’ve last been in there, you breathed in the familiar earthy-pine scent that was so inadvertently Ellie and eyed the bed you and her have had countless conversations on. Your eyes travelled to the guitar that stood against her bed frame, the wood worn from years of both her and Joel playing, she’d only played for you a couple of times and even then it was little snippets as she felt too embarrassed to play you a full song.
“Here.” Your eyes snapped back to her and the plush green blanket she held out. You were confused for a second but then you’d remembered why you came in here in the first place.
“Oh right, thanks.” You reached for the blanket but you must’ve anticipated for it to be lighter because it fell from your hand and landed with a soft thump on the floor.
She sighed playfully, reaching down to grab it, “Always a klutz, huh, bug?”
Your breath hitched at the nickname. She’d started calling you her lovebug back in elementary school to tease you since you always demanded she leave bugs and other insects alone and always opted for the piece of paper and cup method to set them free instead of her brutal method of stomp until they’re dead. The only insects she really liked were fireflies, she didn’t really have a reason..she just did.
However, she stopped calling you it when she had started dating Cat and resorted back to her regular “dude” “bro” and “man”. You forced your heart not to read too much in to her use of it, it probably just slipped out, nothing more nothing less.
She picked up the blanket and put it in your hands, placing one on top of yours to make sure you were holding it properly. And that would’ve been fine and dandy if she let go and you would’ve shuffled back to your seat on the beanbag and it would’ve been normal, and it would’ve been okay.
Only, she didn’t move her hand. She let it rest in top of yours, the heat from her body travelling to yours, igniting you in a way you don’t think was possible. You looked up to meet those familiar pools of jade, finding the same look you had seen when the two of you were on the couch; soft and wanting.
It’s funny really, you had shown up here with so much ready to say and now look at you. Completely silent, terrified that if you even breathed too loud it would shatter whatever blissful moment was going on.
But your heart battered against your chest, screaming and thrashing at you.
“I like you.”
Silence. There was no echo in the room but you swore your words bounced around the walls and hung in the air.
“What?” She breathed, taking a step back.
This was wrong, you knew it was. Her girlfriend was literally less than 10 feet away and the two of you had just started talking again, but you couldn’t do it anymore. You needed to tell her, if there was even a sliver of a chance she felt the same way you were going to take it.
“I like you— more than a best friend like, and I have for a while. And I know you’re dating Cat and I get that you like her, I really do. But I can’t do this anymore, Ellie. I can’t sit and pretend I’m happy for you because I’m fucking not. Whenever I see you two together, kissing and hugging I wish it was me—fuck I wish it was me.”
“Bug,” She paused, closing her eyes briefly, “ ★..I’m dating Cat.”
“You think I don’t!—“ You paused, urging yourself to breathe and counting to ten slowly.
“You think I don’t know that?” You repeated, calmer.
“★..” Ellie began but you pushed on.
“Ellie can’t you see how..how bad she is for you?”
“What?” She asked, anger lacing her voice.
“She’s hurt you time and time again, and I’m always the one who has to comfort you just for you to go back to her after a few sweet words…she doesn’t deserve you.”
“You’re not apart of my relationship you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” She spat.
You huffed, blowing out air as you tried to breathe again.
“Just because you’re fucking in love with me doesn’t mean you get to come in here and act like you know a single fucking thing because you don’t.”
Fuck breathing, fuck ten.
“You stupid bitch! She doesn’t fucking care about you. Why can’t you see the one for you is me.” You yelled, then gasped at your outburst. It had taken both of you by surprise, even when you and Ellie got into the nastiest of arguments you never yelled at eachother—minus that one night a month ago. It felt good, letting out all the emotion you had harboured for so, so long.
The two of you were centimetres away, having inched closer to yell in eachothers faces but now it was quiet, except for the laboured breathing that expelled from both of you, fanning over eachothers lips.
Icy jade met the fire burning behind your eyes, the juxtaposition was so intense you thought if your heart beat any faster you’d go into cardiac arrest.
“..You’re the one for me..?” She said, a ghost of a whisper.
And It was quick, so quick you almost didn’t catch it but you did. Her eyes flitted a fraction of an inch down to your lips and fuck, it was over for both of you.
Your lips crashed into hers, her large hands found promise at the nape of your neck, pushing you closer as she slotted her mouth against yours. The blanket in your hands long forgotten as it fell back to the floor. It was heated, hungry, passionate, and desperate. Months of hate, love, frustration, and separation rolled into one long awaited meaningful kiss.
It was when her hand trailed down to your hip, pulling you flush against her body and snaking under your top to brush over your skin that ellicited a sweet noise from you and her tongue sliding across yours, that she finally pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you.
“Fuck.” She breathed, her voice raspy and you bit your lip when you felt your clit pulse.
“I need to—“
“I think you—“ the two of you spoke at the same time making both of you pause.
“I need to go.” You whispered, so quiet she almost didn’t hear you.
She nodded and watched as you turned around and walked out of her room, she stayed like that, standing and barely breathing until she heard the familiar noise of her dorm door closing before she allowed herself to crumble to the floor and hang her head in her hands.
“Els?” Her head shot up, thinking you had returned but she felt guilt flood her body when her face fell in disspointment at the sight of her groggy girlfriend.
“Hey..we need to talk.” She sighed.
She really did have the worst timing.
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grey-sides · 1 year
King of the River
Steve’s knees sunk onto the damp, hard floor of Tina’s kitchen. His broken heart forgotten when Nancy had walked out the front door with Jonathan Byers close at her heels.
He had been upset, sure, upset enough to down as much punch as Nancy had and more. But maybe it had been falling apart long before the party ever happened.
Maybe it never even got started when Barb went missing after the pool party with Tommy and Carol. Steve didn’t know when they stopped being on the same wavelength, but he found it easier to forget when his brain was clouded with alcohol.
Alcohol and the sight of Billy Hargrove across the room. He was drunk too, a nasty laugh in the air because Tommy H was trying to get his attention. Tommy was always trying to get Billy’s attention.
Steve smirked to himself where he swayed because he didn’t have to fight for Hargrove’s attention. He had it whether he wanted it or not. And he wanted it right now.
He got to his feet and dropped his punch cup on the counter, uncaring if it spilled or made a mess. Tina could deal with that later before her parents got home.
No, Steve needed to talk to Hargrove.
He licked his lips, weaving between the couples still dancing together. Across the house that wasn’t that big, but felt like an ocean of bodies between them.
His sunglasses were in the pocket of his blazer and Steve pulled them out for some courage. Or just to make Hargrove think that he was a bad ass.
“Harrington!” Hargrove drawled while Steve kept making his way over. He grinned, licking over his teeth as he looked at Steve.
“Saw your girlfriend run away with some other guy.”
Steve scoffed, even as his heart ached in his chest. “Not my girlfriend.”
“Tough luck, amigo. Plenty of other bitches in the sea,” Hargrove replied. He was swaying where he was leaning, but he took a bold step forward to get in Steve’s face.
“Broke your record, didn’t I?"
Steve’s eyes dropped to Hargrove’s lips and his beer breath for a moment. But he quickly dragged them back up to smirk.
“Guess you did. I’d offer a rematch, but I hear the keg is tapped,” Steve breathed.
Hargrove laughed and with a flick of his wrist, Tommy H and the other guy were gone. They were still in the middle of a party, but it sure felt like the two of them were alone on top of the world.
Steve licked his lips again and gestured to Hargrove’s chest. “Damn near wearing half the keg it looks like though.”
He was jealous of Hargrove’s chest, of course he was. He played sports and worked out, but he never looked like that. Could never quite get such a nice physique.
Hargrove set his jaw for a second, a moment until he practically grabbed Steve by the scruff of his neck and shoved him out into the yard.
They were alone in the yard, with the keg tapped out, most people had huddled inside for the blistering warmth of high schoolers. Or they were gone, off to fuck each other senseless.
Steve stumbled to a stop, managing to keep his feet under him, but only so. He whirled around, his sunglasses flying from the force of it.
“What did I do?” he demanded, whined really because Hargrove was being unnecessarily rough.
“Acted like you didn’t want my attention all night and now you’re what- trying to razz me?” Hargrove asked. He looked angry, angrier than Steve thought he had any right to be.
Steve waved his arm roughly through the air and he scoffed. “Don’t even why I bother,” he muttered. “Was trying to make conversation.”
Hargrove laughed darkly and shook his head. He reached out to grab Steve’s lapel and pulled him close. “Stupid conversation, Harrington. Yeah, I have beer on myself, get over it, fucking priss.”
“Hey!” Steve shoved back at Billy, his hand sliding across a sticky, sweaty pec. He made a face and tried to take a step back.
“You know, when other people used to overthrow kings, they would make an example out of them,” Hargrove said. Dangerous.
“It’s not real,” Steve muttered, shaking his head.
He licked his lips anyway though and had to ask himself why being talked to like this was making his dick interested. As interested as it could get when he was this drunk, of course.
Hargrove- Billy now, probably- grabbed his shoulder and started to put pressure on it. So Steve was forced to sink down.
“You got a problem with the beer on me?” Billy asked, voice low, deep, and dark.
Steve stared up at him, his mouth open because he didn’t think he could close it. “I-”
Billy nodded and gestured to himself. “Lick it up then.”
“Lick. It. Up.” Billy grabbed his chin and pulled his face close. Until Steve was face to face with his tanned stomach.
He blinked a few times and looked up at Billy. “This is-”
“Come on, pretty boy,” Billy coaxed. “Lick it up and I’ll give you a handy in my pretty car.”
Steve felt conflicted, he knew this wasn’t a normal thing for guys to do. But nothing in his life had been normal since Barb went missing and the Demogorgon showed up.
He licked his lips and leaned in. Billy put a hand on the top of his head and Steve opened his mouth. He licked a stripe up the side of his abs.
Billy groaned above him, so Steve did it again. He let his eyes close. He focused on the sticky blandness of the beer. Of the tang of salt from Billy’s sweat. Thought about Billy’s spit mingled with it all.
Steve stuck his tongue in his belly button and swirled it around. He thought about the cold ground on his knees. He opened his eyes to look at Billy through the tops of them.
Billy met his eyes and moaned, pulling on Steve’s hair like he hadn’t spent half an hour on it earlier. It was to shit now anyway.
“There we go. Show me who the King is,” Billy drawled.
So Steve kept going until his eyelashes fluttered and he felt dizzy from licking at Billy like a lollipop.
He got lost there, on his knees in Tina’s yard while he cleaned Billy with just his tongue. His fingers eventually curled around Billy’s legs, the tips digging into the back of his knees.
Steve reduced himself to laps and moans, falling into Billy’s pelvis while he cleaned him up.
And when Billy tugged on his hair hard enough to make Steve stand up, he found he was hard. He hadn’t realized it was happening, but looking down- he saw that they both were.
Billy slung a friendly arm around Steve’s shoulders and steered him out of the yard, away from the party. Towards his pretty car.
“King of the River of Beer and Sweat,” Steve laughed and he couldn’t tell if Billy was laughing with him or at him.
But he felt pretty damn comfortable with the whole arrangement when they tumbled into the Camaro together.
And he felt even more comfortable when they exchanged hands in each other’s pants and mingled their saliva even further.
And he had no answers, but a head full of cotton and a mouth full of Billy and he let himself drift. Down the River of Beer and Sweat.
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i'm writing a recap for posterity bc this was my last harry show for who knows how long and i wanna remember every detail forever.
werchter is so close to where i live, just 15 km, and it's a legendary festival over here. so harry playing at that location is already so fucking cool to me. to then have friends from abroad come join me for the show there, my last ticket to love on tour, is just chef's kiss too perfect. the sun was shining so bright, we found a perfect spot on the grass, there was even the slightest breeze, we had a picnic blanket, we had diced watermelon, we had drinks, we surrounded ourselves with rainbows, it was fucking blissful. i had chills from how happy i was, despite the fucked up heat, and that was before the show even started.
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we were def in a far corner of the crowd, removed from other heavy fans ig, so when we were showing energy and love for wet leg we were on a bit of an island, and that vibe stretched on into the rest of the show ngl. we were a group of four intensely dancing bopping singing waving maniacs surrounded by very subtly enjoying crowd members, but i'd like to think we brought up their energy yk. i am def one of those people that just dances and jumps and does not stop dancing and jumping until the last fucking kiwi note is sounded and i love feeling the sweat stream off my body and feel like i've run a marathon and like i can't possibly jump any more and then i fucking do.
there's something magical about being among people that bring that same energy, bc just being in that bubble, singing along with harry, giving it our all, and having the space to run around on that festival field, had me having goosebumps on and off all night. during satellite @bluewinnerangel and i just ran around like maniacs in the empty space where no one was standing with our flags just twirling and bumping and falling and. then we did it all over again during tpwk maybe even harder like i remember panting and catching my breath but just going going going getting fucking dizzy.
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and then, during fine line, ofc the crowd around us did not care. no one knows that song, and that's a shame, but it's fine, i'll take that moment for myself anyway. at first i thought i wasn't going to be able to get into it bc of the talking and people around us just suddenly being loud, but it's almost as if that made it even more intense for me. the way that song is so intimate. and then the gp just doesn't give a shit. that physical manifestation around me had me so sucked in by harry that i didn't even hear the crowd anymore after a while. once again i was just singing along with harry singing fine line, right there in front of me, tears streaming down my face. the full moment of it all hit me hard. bc. being so free to move and show my love like that, in a crowd that isn't necessarily on the same wavelength, is a very new thing for me. that i simply do not care that the ppl think my moves are dorky and my energy is too much and my enthusiasm is too loud. so to then hear harry scream we'll be alright. like. yeah. we will be. we are.
the sun was setting, the sky was mesmerizing, and harry waited just long enough to let all of that simmer. before sott, before going into the mania that is as it was and kiwi, he waited just the right amount of time for us to gather our wits, wipe our eyes, and get ready to fucking send it one last time. and we fucking did. you know you've done well when you're dizzy from headbanging so hard and your abs are cramping from the absolute stomping we did.
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then we lay down on the ground and nothing in the entire universe mattered beyond us being there at that moment. holy shit it was special. i love you @bluewinnerangel i love you @swimmingleo i love you @emsfinewalls. so lucky to have been there with you. thank you for everything
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crows-home · 2 years
Nobody asked but here are my thoughts about Infinite and the president’s sonadow fanclub because i haven’t stopped thinking about it for WEEKS and if I don’t get it out there I will implode.
More of a lighthearted, crack treated seriously type of thing.
So if we’re sticking with the main Sonic Forces timeline, i think that the jackal squad didn’t die or anything. They just got real beat up by Shadow and fired by Eggman as a result. the loss stings everyone’s pride, but none more than infinite.
He sees his team sulking for days and thinks “how can i embarrass Shadow the same way?” and Sonic is doing the whole Twitter Takeover with Eggman and Shadow and he’s like. Oh yeah. I’m gonna embarrass you all in front of so many people.
So the whole “a file called Sonadow.” thing plays out and it’s funny!! Infinite spent a few days searching for sonadow fanart and fanfiction around the web and compiled a folder and sends it to Eggman live. (and it’s surprisingly hard to find any sonadow content. apparantly its a rare thing.) He and his crew get a laugh out of it.
And then:
It’s like one of those things where you start doing something ironically. saying a phrase or doing a mannerism in the day as a joke. He’ll see a pepsi can and a coca cola can together and laugh and point and say “haha. sonadow.” and his crew will laugh too. He’ll find fanart and tag Shadow in it to annoy him.
Then I think this leads down a pipeline to him actually reading fanfiction and theories. “For fun,” he says.
“Look at this,” he says to Vanish, gesturing to his tablet screen. They’ve just collected a bounty in a snowy mountain and are taking a rest in their tent.
Vanish squints and reads over his shoulder. “What...”
“There’s a small community of people that genuinely believe Sonic and Shadow have a secret relationship and go out on cheesy dates.”
Vanish laughs in disbelief. “That’s crazy.”
Infinite nods, absently rubbing his knee because the cold makes his joint ache. “I know. I mean, if they were actually in a relationship they wouldn’t meet at a restaurant for a date. Obviously. These people don’t know anything.”
Vanish stares at him for a moment, but Infinite has continued scrolling.
“Whatever you say, boss...”
Anyway. Time passes and it’s. Not a joke anymore.
the more he reads, the deeper he gets, until one day he’s fully onboard like. “Woah, hang on. This actually makes a lot of sense. Are they really together? They have to be!”
I like to think he saw fics and art and scoffed like. “The characterization is so off.” and “He would never say that.” and “I bet I could do better.” so he starts creating his own stuff and putting it online. maybe he started with crack fics and his team just smiled awkwardly when anything was brought up because. well, Infinite is still a damn good leader and his hobbies aren’t really hurting anyone.
but infinite is really miffed because no one will take him seriously!! like, his crew is not as invested in this as he is and whenever he gets a good conversation going with someone online, they either move on from “sonadow” really quickly or they have a different view on their relationship than he does.
until he’s browsing forums and notices a single user that has been posting continuously since like. almost 2001???
so he hits up the user “Sonadowfan1″ and they talk EXTENSIVELY and holy shit. It’s like he and this person are on the same wavelength. this person GETS IT.
Sonadowfan1: I’ve believed in their relationship almost since day 1
User69420: Wow, you were there since the beginning?
Sonadwofan1: I was. And let me tell you, the way they worked together, the way their chemistry works, I have never met another pair of beings so closely intertwined. But they love to dance around each other.
User69420: Exactly! Did you see the clips of their time at the Olympics?
Sonadowfan1: I was there in the audience! It was quite something to see in person.
So Infinite has a new internet friend that he can share his ideas with. Sonadowfan1 recommends fanfiction and sends their favorite clips and they have some damn good taste since they’ve been around for a while.
Meanwhile Infinite’s crew is just happy he’s not coming to them every time he needs to vent his frustrations. They hear his phone ding and see him grinning a minute later, typing away like a kid.
Months pass and he and Sonadowfan1 decide to meet up. It’s the middle of the night, and Infinite is hesitant. But Sonadowfan1 insists that it’s the only time that he’s able to step away from his job. But he makes Infinite agree to come alone.
User69420: Why? What are you playing at?
Sonadowfan1: I have a very recognizable face. I trust that you won’t reveal my identity, but only you.
Infinite frowns. It’s a dumb statement, really. Infinite thinks he would sell this guy’s information for a price in a heartbeat. But, whatever gets him the meeting with the only other person that believes in this as much as he does- maybe even more.
“Should we...?”
Eclipse points to Infinite, who is getting ready to head out and meet with his online friend.
Rumble blinks. “You want me to stop him? He can handle himself. Let him get this out of his system or enjoy himself. At least it’s not affecting his work.”
And just. Long story short that’s how Infinite comes face to face with the fucking President of the United States. They agree to have monthly meetings. The pres shows Infinite his own Sonadow files and the picture he keeps on his desk. They go over their interactions and break them down, frame by frame.
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maria-slice · 7 months
It was so hard for me to articulate this so I'm sorry if I make no sense.
I completely agree with Murasaki having some disdain for Ichiya. Like, from his perspective, Squid Squad broke up because of the fight between Ichiya and Ikkan. And Ichiya, to me, is kind of a hard headed person who isn’t good at apologizing to people (Beika, Ikkan) and I think that he sort of stayed that way up to the point where he starts talking to Namida and Murasaki again. I also think that he hasn’t spoken to Murasaki specifically for the entire duration of Splatoon 2 to add insult to injury. (I think he spoke to Namida infrequently during that era because I picture them as ride or die besties, and Murasaki isn’t on that wavelength for multiple meta/personal reasons😓)
 In contrast, Murasaki changes a lot during the 5 years they don’t see each other at all. In my headcanon he was still a kid during Squid Squad, and even adults change a lot over several years. Imagine talking to someone you haven’t seen since they were a younger teenager. So like, Ichiya would still approach him as if he’s the exact same person, and he ends up patronizing him unintentionally because Murasaki was like his little brother. He was like this punk-ass kid who had a lot of potential but zero support so he invited him to his friend's shitty band even though he doesn’t fit the naming scheme at all. So, in Ichiya’s head there is no reason for Murasaki to be mad at him because he kinda gave him everything! “Why would Murasaki be mad at me? He loves me!” And he’s right because he did love him, he worshiped him! He was the coolest person he’s ever met because he was way cooler than Murasaki himself. But Ichiya (and Ikkan I guess) also took away all of those things. Because yeah, Murasaki was the drummer for the most popular band to ever hit Inkopolitan history, but he stopped being that drummer when Ikkan and Ichiya had a spat all by themselves and left him and Namida in the dark. So yeah, I think that would kind of breed resentment in him. I don’t think he truly hates him, but it’s really complicated xd. I don’t think Murasaki would know how to bring this up to him so, It would sort of bubble up inside of him until he breaks and they’ll be forced to talk about everything. But it would get better eventually 😊
Anyways, sorry if this is too much. I like to be mean to my favorite characters (Murasaki is my number one splatband character and Ichiya is definitely in the top five) but I understand not a lot of people are comfortable with that. 
Unrelated but happy you mentioned his "😒" face because I love drawing him like that. It’s like when a dog sighs really loudly like what do you have to be mad about? Sorry for writing a fucking thesis lolz.
I shouldn’t be giving background characters (even worse than background characters honestly) this much attention but that’s what over a year of hyperfixation does to you. Have a nice day/night/afternoon.
ANON HOLY SHI- Please tell me who you are, following you is A ESSENTIAL NEED!! Don’t apologize for this beauty of a ramble! I really wish I had the words to describe how much I love this because you deserve all of them!! Everything is just so correct!
“Sorry for writing a fucking thesis” my ass. WRITE MORE PLEASE!!!
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
got tagged by @albonoooo !! thank u <3
what colour are your eyes?: i have (very mild) heterochromia!! they’re mostly green but my left eye has a little brown stripe :) i guess u could call them hazel (or at least the left one) my mom certainly did for ages idk picture below u decide
(cont under the cut)
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tell me about your pets/your dream pet: i (well. my family) have an orange cat and a porgi (pitbull corgi mix [he’s really just a mutt but we’re like 95% sure he’s got corgi in him somehow]). they are the lights of my life and also the goofiest lookin mfs. i’ve posted pics of my cat before but my dog is like. really distinct looking (see: porgi) but i love him so much … ask me for photos of him n u shall receive…
my apartment is pet free unfortunately. but also taking care of another whole ass being is A Lot so. i’m very chill w not having my own rn
share some interesting fact about yourself: i went to a spanish speaking daycare when i was really young (like toddler aged) and then when i was like 7 i invented my own language (as one does) and half the words were just. spanish. my parents spent ages trying to convince me that i did not just come up w the word espagnol . i swear to god. and i was a stubborn know it all kid and i wasn’t gonna believe them on anything without irrefutable proof (and how do u prove that??) so their efforts were largely fruitless LOL
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: for SURE harry potter. 9 year old me had unsupervised internet access and went craaazy
do you have any phobias?: hm. i Really Really Really don’t like things going near my eyes. it was wayyy worse before i started wearing contacts. like someone waving their hands around within three feet of me would freak me out. i do still get like. inescapable visions of pencils being waved around and accidentally put in my eye when i think abt it/when ppl wave pencils around that i have to physically shake out of
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: YES! texture issues my beloathed… i DESPISE melted cheese. blergh. bad bad vibes. and other funky textured cheeses… i literally just physically shuddered.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: i consciously choose to eat burger first to get protein in. and THEN fries. if burger too hot then i get to eat two (must be even number) fries at a time until it cools enough to eat
winter or summer: summer <3 i love the beach i love the sun i love 6am runs where it’s already 75° i love swimming i love fun festivals. but also summer is a mindset . if it’s 65° in march im walking around in shorts and a tank top and sitting in the sun the entire day
favourite fanfiction tropes: oh gosh… best friends to lovers… idk i read it all baby. also gonna be honest the f1 interpretations of a/b/o are FASCINATING!!! and have really increased the draw by Far for me
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: working! i am a silly little analyst
what is the last country you visited: canada in june to get drunk by the lake for a week <3
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: france… maybe not. but also maybe yeah. idk i don’t have any other strong connections to places, u kno? and i’d like to travel (fingers crossed i Can retire at an age where i can still travel easily lol)
who was your first crush?: gene kelly in singin in the rain and on the town… formative movies for 3y/o me
how did you get into f1 fandom?: web weavings on tumblr + like three random instagram reels (the mclaren wavelength video being the only one i remember lol) + the empty hole unemployment left me with inside = instant obsession
no pressure tag…. @oscarpiastriwdc @ocontraire @crimsonicarus @lafaerie @mecachrome
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
Hi Anna!!! 🥰
I wish I could pinpoint one set of lines from "we didn't happen the way we were supposed to (where do we go now?)" Honestly I loved every single word. It made me think about events a different way (from bucks pov for once) and damn.
Anyhoo I'd love the Director's Commentary on your favorite section of that fic pretty please? 🥰
Hi baby, I love that you asked about this fic oaksokasokas
Yk, my thing with that fic in particular is that I hit an "I need to think about how the cemetery felt for Buck", cuz you know me, I'm obsessed with that scene, but I always look at it from Eddie's side, and Eddie makes the decision that Buck is breaking up with him, and doesn't give him the choice, and when you look at the scene, Buck is begging for some sort of reaction from Eddie, but Eddie checked out because Eddie is a runner, so I really wanted to make Eddie confess on that and making Buck call him out on it. And also, I was having a "we give them too much credit when it comes to each other" moment because they misunderstand each other with important things, but since they are so in sync, it won't feel like they aren't in the same wavelength and that creates problems. The cemetery is very easy to use for that, but everything I chose to use on the fic really, the will reveal, Eddie leaving the 118, the grocery store, they are seeing the conversations in different ways. So I wanted those things they don't mention to be addressed while they are angry and hurting and, like, "but you did this" "yeah, because you said that" "i didn't mean it that way" and work up from there. I didn't fully have a goal when I started writing, I actually opened docs to work on the elevator fic that night lol, but then I saw this vision of them fighting, so I just wrote the beginning while trying to contextualize the feeling I wanted from it and then I wrote all of the dialogue up until when Buck kissed Eddie, all in one sitting, no descriptors, just the conversation.
My favorite bit there is actually when Eddie runs away from the kitchen after confessing (because I was already having the huh maybe move them from the kitchen for the getting together feelings lol, and the kitchen is a safe space for Eddie, so getting him out of there makes that tension more clear imo) and Buck is "if you do love me, just stop" because I felt like being called out like that was the only thing that was gonna make this Eddie stop, and that's such a raw thing to ask of somebody, like "please do something you don't want to just because I mean more to you than that" and the way Eddie is all "I'm not making the choice for you" and Buck is all "that's still making the choice for me dumbass" because they are in this place where it feels like Buck thinks he can't ask for more and Eddie thinks he's not enough, and they are taking the choice away from the other because of it, so that was a fun tension to play with while they were fighting. Also, I make it a rule pretty much when writing, to make Buck make the first move, be the first one to address it, to actually say the words, or just the make decision to kiss Eddie, because he never does start things, and I think he needs to, but I tried this with this story for like 5 minutes before deleting it all and making Eddie just say it in the middle of more stuff and Buck having to scramble to deal with it while they were still fighting was the way to go, because I wanted them both to be in a headspace where they think they'll have to take the fact that they love each other to the grave to not lose the friendship. I'm particularly obsessed with the “I can't ask for more of you.” “Everything is already yours!” exchange, because I feel like I really hit something there, Buck things he needs to settle for what he can get and Eddie thinks what he has is not enough, so. if they just said the words, things would move for them, but they just won't ask for what they want.
But I think there I was really thinking to myself "Do I write Eddie as too understanding? Am I making Buck a villain in the cemetery without considering how he's feeling? And do they really understand each other as well as we make it seem like?" It's why it starts right off the bat with the "you're exhausting" comment and escalates from there because things between them would be easier if they just said what they mean every once in a while.
Ask me for the “director’s commentary” on one of my fics?
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tenrousei-kuroi · 3 months
I did read Angel Sanctuary! I never finished it, though. I remember that what got me to start was the author’s art style. Her characters are so pretty!
I’m not familiar with A Cruel God Reigns, but by your description, it’s right up my alley (also, with a brief search, I see it has a very traditional style from the 90s/00s mangas that I find very nostalgic). I’ll definitely take a look into it.
As for the Black brothers, I think I discovered the ship around 2017-18, so there was a fairly good amount of work by then, but Blackcest has definitely grown a lot in the past couple of years. I’ve not read many James/Regulus works, mostly because many have a 'cleansed', fanon version of both – which also applies to the Marauders as a whole – and I have very picky views of Regulus’ characterization (my boy canonically had his own fan board of Voldemort 😭 and as far as we know, he never fully – or at all – quit his bigotry, yet in many works, his Slytherin friends and himself diverge completely from this).
But I do think Sirius/Regulus will remain somewhat popular for a long time. The Black family seems to have an appeal within the fandom that I don’t see as much with other families, such as the Lestranges, for example. Also, the idea of two good-looking, rich boys in a complicated family is intriguing (or at least I hope so; if not, you’ll see me signing up to your mailing list). On that note, I'm still hoping for the day Rodolphus/Rabastan gets popular lol
Anyway, thank you for the link, and I'm looking forward fest postings (ngl, I'm pretty confident in my abilities to recognize your writing style in anon fests. Sometimes I read a title and I think "this looks like a title ten would use". Is it a little stalker-ish of me? Maybe 😅).
Yeah Moto Hagio’s a bit more old school, she was most prolific in the seventies and eighties, and her art shows it. I could be misremembering but I believe her work “Sunroom” is typically credited as the first boy/boy manga kiss. And she’s one of the pioneers of the modern boy’s love genre. Real “culture award winning” sort of author.
Jegulus fics are hilarious to me and there’s a reason I call my stuff James/Regulus when I tag it, because that portmanteau has become its own thing. Whenever I read a Jegulus fic in my brain I’m thinking, “you know you can just write Timotheé Chalamet RPF, right? He’s not gonna’ come for you” 😂 And honestly that fanon “style” is bleeding over hard into the Sirius/Regulus section.
No shade, I’m glad people are having fun. Makes it harder for me to find the kinds of fics I like but I’ll survive lol. There’s just a larger selection now. And popular as it all is, I do truly feel people will move on. Because it’s less an attachment to the characters and more to these seriously altered fantasy versions of them, which can be easily grafted onto the next popular thing.
If you had told fifteen year-old me my weird incest and incest-adjacent pairings where two of the three characters aren’t even alive in canon would one day be as common as they are now I’d’ve thought you were high 😂 yet here we are.
I’ve dabbled a bit in Rodolphus/Rabastan but they always end up coming out so similar to my Sirius and Regulus that I don’t like it. I’ve kind of tabled the pairing until I can force myself to be a bit more creative with them. People already put up with all my Sirius/Regulus nonsense being basically the same, I don’t need to be grafting their dynamic onto other pairings 🤣🤣
When I pick prompts for fests I always try to ignore the promoter names until after I’ve chosen, but it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference, roughly 80% end up being yours anyway. Talk about wavelengths.
And let’s blame 2009 LiveJournal for my pretentious and easily-spotted titles, shall we? Specifically a Sirius/Regulus fic from forever ago called “A Thousand Years Good Wine” which basically flipped something in my brain and I haven’t been able to title anything like a normal human since.
That was a stellar fic, by the way. And if anyone ever ever ever finds it back for me I’ll…I don’t know…write them a 100k commission of their choice or engrave their name on my tombstone or something because that fic is LOST beyond belief and it causes me literal pain sometimes lol.
I’m feeling rather inspired today so I might spend my Saturday night plinking away at one of my fics. Odds are it probably won’t be the one that’s due in three weeks but we can always hope TT.TT
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neg-im · 1 year
Of deities and immortals
Vajra as Great Old One of Chaos
I've been thinking about how godhood and immortality works in the SE universe (and how can I use the lack of stablished rules to my evil motives).
Today I want to talk to you about the Great Old Ones an my headcanons about them.
So, based in the manga and the anime, the Eight Shinigami Legions are the same thing as the Great Old Ones. They were chosen as Lord Death companions for a reason, they were incredibly powerful and, somehow, almost everyone ended up being a being closer to a eldritch deity than a human.
Except the ones who Asura ate of course.
G. O. O. of Order: Shinigami
Fear: Asura
Power: the octopus
Wrath/Rage: Excalibur
Knowledge: Eibon
Also, there isn't a lot of clarity about Vajra being only Asura's partner or if he was an oficial member of the eight, but I consider him as one since I think that he should have been an already powerful and skilled weapon to be Asura's weapon, plus he probably was from the very first weapons ever so I think he might have ended as a Great Old One too if it wasn't for Asura eating him.
And to me Vajra could have embodied the Chaos. Let me explain.
Since we don't have a lot about Vajra, we're gonna stick with my interpretation of him, which is based in my own HC and all the info I have absorbed from friends and Tumblr users who have their own versions of Vajra.
The Great Old Ones are inherently tied to madness, showing us that madness itself isn't inherently wrong, but the specific kind of madness and the way people choose to use it is what makes it dangerous.
In the case of the madness of fear (Asura), it enhanced the primal responses "fight or fly" (sorry if I'm using that wrong but i hope you'll get the point), making people a risk to themselves and to others.
People have a natural inclination to certain types of madness, but if there's a specific wavelength acting over them, that natural inclination can change or be mixed, like Stein
Even if we don't get a canon answer of what kind of madness he primarily had (putting aside that "madness" can be an allegory for mental illness and/or neurodivergency), I think that his madness at the start of the story was more atune to Madness of knowledge (Eibon), but the influence of Asura and Medusa's snakes made him switch to a combination of that and the madness of fear. We can see how his "disect this, vivisec that" behavior was strongly inclined to a "let's do it for science" attitude, but after Asura's resurrection it was more tinted with the violent impulses of harming someone, which Stein himself reconogized as something unusual and way out of his control.
So, coming back to Vajra.
The behavior that Asura shows himself is of pure fear. He's terrorized of being near another being and never initiated combat. It was always defending himself or his crazy (unwanted) followers trying to provoke Shibusen. Yeah, he's like "I'm gonna destroy your order, Shinigami-sama" and all that but he doesn't really try to attack anyone directly, the boy is a fucking coward (affectionate).
And ok, I've said that madness can cause different reactions, but I don't think that every one of his followers shared the same unicellular brain, with the same response to fear so... How resulted in everyone being so chaotic and violent under Asura's influence?
Well... Because Asura's wavelength isn't entirely his.
Asura has 2 souls inside him. His own soul and the remaining of Vajra's.
When Asura ate him, he was probably still alive.
I have the headcanon that some weapons can live longer if they're in their weapon form, and if they get injured in human form they can turn into weapons until they can get medical care or the injury heals (but this require a lot of practice and a somewhat strong soul).
Vajra probably survived for a long time inside Asura that way, and when Lord Death sealed them in Asura's skin he was slowly losing his humanity and the ability to turn back to his human form and even the ability to communicate to Asura through their soul resonance, but their souls were still connected in some way, so, the Madness that emanated from Asura was both, Fear and Chaos.
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seijorhi · 2 years
Rhi!!! I did not expect Powder Keg to unfold the way it did and I certainly did not expect it to involve multiple characters. Every time I think I’ve found some sense of bearing in your stories, you always end up surprising me and keeping me on my toes! I love how each the story centers on each Haikyuu boy, starting with Kuroo and in a way, ending with him when he sort of reminded OC time’s up and visitation hours were over.
Also loved how you captured their personality when interacting with Kisumi, like Kuroo’s cunning underneath his mask of professionalism, Akaashi’s polite yet aloof demeanor, and Bokuto’s restlessness and enthusiasm (to get it over with). And I think, all 3 boys are scary, just not in the same wavelengths. Like Akaashi’s and Kuroo’s are more mindfuck scary versus Bokuto’s physical strength. I mean even if he isn’t as ah, calculating as the other two, you can’t deny his beast of a strength and how he is capable of brutally fucking up Kisumi. The opening is also killer because I could feel reader’s dissociation and numbness from the shock of it all, I suppose. I just realized that sometimes, reading about the implications can be much more haunting than if I were to read an explicit retelling, really nice touch!
As always, I’m flooded by questions haha so I hope you’ll indulge me. Did the 3 of them initially plan to confess to MC or at least gave her the option of a polyamorous relationship? Or did they just went ahead and took her by force? How did the rape (I’m using the term in the court case) take place? And what made them decide to take the reader now, after all these years? Thank you! ☺️
ahh thank you bby!! <33
yes, all three of them are just awful, terrible men and i for one find that very sexy of them hehe
but as for your questions;
no, there wasn't a 'confession' as such. they initially tried to very gently test the waters when they were hanging out together but the reader was kind of oblivious and they were getting nowhere quickly. when they got to the cabin though kuroo went right for it and when she didn't react well... yeah.
as far as the act itself, they had her for three days before she managed to get away. there was no easing into it. that was always their plan – either she was going to be into it and they'd have one hell of a fun week, or she would need a little convincing before she came around.
so kisumi mentioned that the reader left home a while back and had been kind of spotty in terms of where she was – basically trying to outrun the three of them. initially when i started writing this fic i had a scene where kuroo stops by the house and the three of them take to harassing her/following her around until she disappears. so it wasn't so much that they suddenly decided to take her again after years of being apart, but rather that they'd finally found her and managed to pin her down again that spun the events
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sohmiya · 1 year
do u think that maxine would be more compatible with e than seven or even griffin? i’m just so intrigued about anything to do with maxine, u did such a good job creating her
first of all i just want to say thank you for loving maxine 🥹🥹 she’s one of my ocs that make me so glad she’s my oc sbshajsjs
sigh. ok the question…. i’ve never felt so devastated by a pairing that i made but ok 🚶🏻‍♀️ (my answer got so longgggg shajak im sorry)
(also lmk if my characterization is off because sobs. the last if i played was merry crisis and that was back in june/july and i haven’t caught up to any if demo releases and updates because reality is distracting me from my playtime)
ok so. i’m gonna start with griffin. honestly i never really thought about how maxine’s relationship with him could play out bc it’s hard for me to imagine an opening for them to start a relationship. i mentioned in an earlier ask about max that griffin (and even vic) is off limits because despite her being reckless, cheating is just too messy for her. but if he wasn’t married and she did go out with him, i think they might work out until they couldn’t anymore. idk the extent of griffin as a rockstar but for maxine, part of it is business and a front to attract the media and direct the public’s attention to her music. no matter how wild she is, she still wants her downtime. being on rockstar mode can drain her so i think with the height of griffin’s fame and image, i don’t think they’d last. this hc might change tho sjsksks but yeah right now i see them better as industry friends and griffin being more like maxine’s mentor. he’s seen the dark side of the industry and maxine’s wild side so i can imagine him guiding her through the messy parts once her fame skyrockets
sighhh ok evren and seven. this is actually making me sad LMFAOOO anyway it’s hard to weigh which of the two is more compatible with maxine because the connection maxine found with evren is similar to the one she felt with seven. but also for different reasons if that makes sense?
maxine thought seven was the one. the connection she had with him felt rare because it was so she was really devastated after the breakup. they saw each other as equals. they had the same passion, same dreams, same drive, etc. they were always on the same wavelength. maxine and seven were almost one and the same
evren, on the other hand, knew exactly what it’s like to be painted by the media as someone you’re not. the only difference is he doesn’t have much say on his reputation while maxine has a way of manipulating the media to her favor. but evren became maxine’s company in all the times she just doesn’t feel like being a rockstar and maxine was the safe place for evren, not evren acevedo
so like. maxine’s relationship with seven was built on passion and intensity. like if maxine was standing in the eye of the storm, seven would be there next to her. while evren and max became each other’s calm after the storm. the still moments when the curtains close and there’s no one to put on a show for
sooooo you decide who’s more compatible for maxine because i really don’t know jsdnsksmsks
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lovetransaction · 1 year
Happy DDF! After your answer to my last ask, I just gotta ask another because I love your takes I love John/Dean BUT I wanna get to know your takes on John/Sam. How do you think their relationship would start (if they have one)? Would it be more of a hate/anger fuck kind of thing? Would Dean be involved in it, maybe even the one to start it, or would they try to keep it a secret because they're afraid of hurting him?
John/Sam would be so different because Sam's need is very different. He doesn't have elder child syndrome; he's the baby! And SO MUCH the baby because he's been the most important thing in his family's existence his whole life, often without knowing the full extent of why. So he doesn't have the need for approval and validation like Dean does. He's free to find John overbearing and aggravating and whatever else.
But as much as I think Sam is the kind of person to enjoy a good grudgefuck, it's not at all John's thing (at least not with Sam. with Bobby or Ellen probably). I don't think they could involve Dean, not at the start, because Dean ... takes up a lot of emotional room. They both love Dean and know that Dean would be there for them without being asked, that he'd basically eviscerate himself for them, but he'd also never let them forget it, in his own Dean way.
So no, can't involve Dean. I think in a reality where Sam and John sleep together, it's when Dean is away and it's the two of them. And Sam is just starting to buck against John more definitively, but not enough to be more than teenage growing pains. I think he'd be at that point where teenagers are a little bit like benign sociopaths, where they don't fully understand empathy yet but they don't particularly wish harm on anyone. So Sam sees John as impressive, still; he's Dad, he always knows what's going on and what to do, but Sam fully believes that he's gonna be better than Dad when he gets old enough. He's convinced he'll be Dad's peer and partner, because Dean's the good soldier, after all. Sam's a good officer.
Sam pushes the issue. Sam sits too close to John and sometimes just stares at him and when John's drinking a cold one Sam will put his hand over John's and guide the bottle to his mouth and imitate the way he's seen Dean drink, that little parting of the lips, the little push of tongue, the slackening of the throat to let it sluice down, and John'll go, what exactly do you think you're doing, kiddo, and Sam'll smirk and say, you tell me! and slide his hand between John's legs, and John'll be in just the right good big dick energy from a successful hunt and a slushy blood alcohol level to wanna see where this is going. Which is a pretty good handjob that evolves into a better handjob as Sam watches for and interprets cues, and then John gathers Sam into his lap and murmurs, you can sleep in my bed t'night if you're not too old for that, and Sam's flush with horniness and triumph.
Neither of them considers for the first couple of days what they're gonna do when Dean gets back. But they have to eventually, and they get snippier at each other, and then John says, this isn't gonna work. And Sam says, oh why? because Dean's feelings are gonna be hurt? and John's like, well, yeah, and Sam's DISGUSTED because he thought him and Dad were on the same wavelength finally! Morally upright and clear-eyed, not sloppy and kind of embarrassing like Dean! UGH. It just kinda dissolves and Sam gets madder and madder about it until things come to a head.
And then they fuck one more time when Sam's at Stanford and catches John stalking him and he pretends he doesn't know John because it's before Sam's fully dating Jess but he's out with a girl, and the girl thinks John is sexy, so they end up in a threeway and John knows enough to slip out the door right after 😫
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plothooksinc · 1 year
fic writer asks: 🌈🎈☯️?
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
There is not! Not that I don't work hard/struggle with my writing, but if I'm having difficulty with a scene you can bet I've been whining about it to anyone who'll listen |D For scenes/themes I struggle with in general, though, definitely the connective tissue scenes which are required between Plot Point A and Plot Point B. In which just enough has to happen to pass some time or set things up, and very often my mind goes very ???? ????? for those and I keep sort of tapping away with random lines until something clicks and I'm like "ah yes this will work". (I can think of themes I would definitely struggle with, but those are themes that would not tend to surface in my work at all, for a variety of reasons. You won't ever get high angst in my stories, for instance.)
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
My style tends to be a kind of bastardisation between Janny Wurts, Guy Gavriel Kay, and Stephen King. 8|a It does change on the regular, subtle fluid changes which largely depend on who I've been reading more of lately-- I'm very easily influenced and inspired by the styles of others if I fall in love with their writing, but I suspect I have a base that stays the same underneath. The more confident I get with a piece of writing, the more experimental the writing may get, and sometimes I start something on a whim and go HEY YEAH LET'S BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and I end up first person present tensing all over the place or some such weirdness. I shift slightly based on the kind of story I want to write. Most of my stuff falls into the action/adventure category so that's what you'll see most of the time. But then I want to write something that focuses far more on environment and harsh reality, and I'll sit down and try and really make my writing reflect that. I can see the difference. (It's much, much harder and doesn't come naturally. I'd put Snowblind in this category.) So...mostly fixed, wavers a bit at the edges, then changes drastically for drastically different themed projects (but probably veers closer to what most people are familiar with as I go on those). ☯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
Oof. Okay, so, I actually have a social anxiety disorder and a generalised anxiety disorder, so... I can say that, for me, it's very hard to reach out to other fandom people. When they engage with me first I can meet them on their level and it's much easier from there as my brain has tagged them as "oh they want to talk to me! :D :D" and thus it's easier? This is why my reviews to everyone ever are extremely terrible and one note because my mind goes utterly blank when I try to tug on someone else's sleeve and go "...hey", but I can reply to people just fine! The onus shouldn't be on other people, though, so I keep trying. For the other part of the question-- I think engagement is very important. It allows people in fandom to feel seen, to engage and share their love of characters and find other people on their wavelength, and it keeps fandoms healthy and colourful and alive. (It also creates drama, yes, so navigate the waters with care and don't feed the trolls.) So I'm always happy to talk fandom with people and I reply to all comments I get these days (I did go through a huge portion of time I didn't respond at all and I'm sorry to all those people who wrote me at Underdark or elsewhere and didn't get a response, you were seen and I loved you) and I'm happy just being silly in my own corner with anyone who wants to come and be silly with me. \o/ ...just don't ask me for in depth analysis on stuff because I'm... decent at writing that in a fictional sense but not so much on the fly. lmao. Thank you! Ask meme is here.
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