#the others are juat kinda there honestly
raeb33s-art · 6 months
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This is how this went right? Close enough.
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cleardreamy · 1 month
saw the merman joseph asks and now i'm juat picturing the other jojos as merpeople lol. honestly kind of fitting for jotaro given the whole "marine biologist" part tho pfff 😭🧜🏻‍♂️
joestar merpeople!! jotaro would be very fitting to join. Maybe he is very interested in like..anthropology in this AU instead and finds humans kinda fascinating
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Gonna conquor my weird fear of making a Mexico oc 👀
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izzymalec · 6 years
literally anything i plan gets cancelled i
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tom--22--felton · 3 years
Unpopular Opinion!
Don't read if you don't like my opinions...
Imma just say now. This is going to probably come off sounding harsh and like I'm jealous. Just know I'm not jealous, I just think it's annoying.and don't think Tom should be doing it. But I also understand it's exiting if he does.
Okay, so, I've talked avout this with a friend who follows Tom and has her own fan page for him. I'm a person that likes to sit back and watch for a while. Then if I see something I want to give my opinion on, I do so. But, I feel like the people who he follows think they are entitled and superior. Now, before anyone comes at me. I understand thst it would be exciting having your favorite celebrity follow you. I get that. But some NOT all act they they are better than everyone else. I honestly don't think he should follow fan pages. And the reason is because it's kinda not fair. He'll see those people's post a lot more than he'll see anyone else. I know a lot of people who have fan pages and try very hard with artwork, edits ect to get him to see it, whether he likes or repost it. And I understand he can't see everything because he probably gets thousands of messages and tags everyday. It's okay to be excited that he reposted or liked you post but over sharing it and constantly reminding every that he did is kind of annoying and might make some people feel sad, annoyed, feeling like they aren't good enough etc. I AM NOT JEALOUS. I COULD CARE LESS IF HE SAW SOMETHING OF MINE. I think it's nice he pays attention and appreciates his fans. That he does like and share some posts from his fans. But I really don't think he should follow fan accounts. The more that's added like cameo etc... the more it feels like the fandom is separated into several different parts. I've said that before. It kind of makes me sad and wish it would go back to when he didn't do all this stuff and juat posted about movies, his family, his life (to an extent), willow, other animals he comes across, friends. It felt more personal to me. Bow it just feels I don't know like we're in the Squid Games (it's a show on Netflix. It's pretty good tbh) or the Hunger Games for those who don't know Squid Games. Like, we have to fight or play certant games to be at the top and be the better fans and the rest of us are just bottom dwellers or something. The fandom has definitely changed. And the people who have been following him for years might notice more than those who have only been following him since last year. JUST MY OPINION AND WHAT I'VE OBSERVED.
Sorry for the rant... xx
I don't think it's actually an unpopular opinion. Or maybe it is, i don't know. But i agree with it 100%. When he only began following fan accounts, we discussed it here and i said i wish he didn't do it. And i still think so. Fandoms used to be about unity. Fandoms used to be a safe place to run away to from real life. Now it's exactly the same as real life - it's all about competition, of people thinking they are better than others just because they can afford things etc. I guess I'm lucky that i don't follow fan accounts that were noticed by Tom because I don't have to see some of them using every chance to mention him in their posts and stories. It would be pretty annoying. I'm really happy for those who can afford to buy tickets for his cameo parties and who he follows on social media. But guys, please, think about those who can't afford it or those who can't get noticed. Life is unfair as it is and noone needs constant reminders that fandom life isn't any better.
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guinevereweepy · 4 years
and with my 1st rewatch, i am more sure now that, i'm team taekie.
that doesn't mean i dislike jungpal, no no. i love him with deoksun too, those secret moments he looked after her. ah, the tsundere dream guy i've always wanted.
but what really got on my nerves was that, how much he hesitated. like he himself realized, it was his countless hesitation that led to the ending.
let's talk about the grown up gang. when taekie heard about how deoksun was kinda stood up for her concert date but how she refused to lose her face in front of the teasing boys that she ended up at the concert venue without a date, he cancelled his match. he cancelled a match for the first time in his career, just so she wouldn't end up alone.
but jungpal, right after he saw deoksun's date with his girlfriend at the cinema, he went on with the movie date with dongryung and continued to hesitiate. it took him much more hesitation to finally realize, that was his chance to create a coincidence. yes, those red lights were a reason that slowed him too. but honestly, if he left right after he saw deoksun's date, wouldn't he be able to reach in time?
i wouldn't read too much about the 18 years-old jungpal, as back then he was just being a noble idiot, wanting to give her up for taekie. and taekie doing the same to jungpal, not giving deoksun a single chance to even choose, stop deciding for the girl please!!!
how taekie went ahead, all out to grab onto her that he longed for. that was enough for me to say, yes he deserves her. say whatever you all want; deoksun was just returning his feelings, jungpal deserves her more. don't most relationships start with one-sided feeling first, then work out after dating when the other side has those feelings in return too?
if deoksun realized she had feelings in return after dating taekie for some time, then why don't taekie deserve her too?
i saw a post somewhere about how taekie needs deoksun more than jungpal, and i would take that theory too. remember how taekie was still a daily life idiot even after years passed? deoksun had to look after him still. jungpal would do just fine without her, just like how he always had been. but remember how taekie said he was at his best condition during the only trip deoksun tagged along? i think that was enough to show how much deoksun was needed without none of them realizing.
jungpal's confession but turning into a joke was the best closure i could ask for. even at that moment, if he didn't turn it into a joke after, he may have stood a good chance. afterall, she did had some feelings for him.
but i guess, as what he said, he didn't want her as much as taekie did. when deoksun misunderstood him after seeing jungbong in the exact same pink shirt she gave him, he didn't bother to explain. he just, left it there. was he not desperate enough?
i'm not trying to degrade jungpal as a deoksun choice. like i said, i like jungpal a lot as well. i'm juat saying that i am very fine with the ending and yes, team taekie.
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gm-nekoromancer · 4 years
This blog hasnt posted in long time as I kinda juat forgot it existed so uhhhhh.... How about a thing on DnD alignment chart and what I think of it?
Cause honestly the whole lawful, chaotic, good evil thing has some flaws. Now, the good evil scale is easy to understand and the way I see it is good is for characters who do actions to actively try and protect "innocent" people/nature/the world, while evil are those that go out of the way to harm it. Now technically it gets confusing in morally grey area and my interpretation of it means good villains are possible. But I don't want to go too deep into moral greyness and that part of alignment now, really I want to talk about lawful and chaotic.
Personally I feel lawful and chaotic are the most poorly named and categorised lart of alignment. Now the general underatanding is lawful likes to follow order and personal codes/law of the land vs chaotic likes to not follow rules. But then the issue with that going against the idea of gaving laws can be a personal code of sorts thus making it lawfull. The problem with just the way its described is that it leads to naturally come to the conclusion of chaotic characters being "Lol I aM soOo RaNdoM". which is just kinda annoying alot of the times in actual serious games (tho it is possible to pull off successfully with someone good at rp).
And after thinking about it the way I kinda feel about the lawful - chaotic scale is a bit like the judging, perceving scale for personality with a little bit of the other traits mixed in too. Where those who are lawful are those who have personalities similar tho those who are judging and chaotic more like perceiving.
So imo lawful characters like things to have order and have rules. They ideally thing rules are important and thrive off ordered environments and like to follow those rules. They are characters who like to generally be in favour of coming up with a plan and following it. They can still totally break rules and laws but will tend to have a reason or plan as to why.
Meanwhile chaotic characters are those who ultimately like freedom. They don't like being stuck to a rigid schedule or plan and are the kind of character who is likely to be come up with solution as they go along. They are more likely to be a character that is indecisive and reply with maybe because as a character they may be afraid of being forced into a position etc (in rp as a character ofc being too indecisive as a player can be annoying). They generally like to pay more attention to their concience rather that what the regulations or rules say. They can also still have personal ideals or religions and such they follow and don't have to just another random pc. It's just they will more likely to be in a freeform way. This way chaotic clerics and paladins are also possible just they'd probably lean to a god/church that idealises freedom and dosn't ask alot of rules of them. Chaotic characters can also still follow rules and laws because they are not stupid. They just dislike situations of being organised.
(Note they don't need to be like this exactly, just fall in the general category.)
Tldr. The lawfull character is probably the one with a clean organised desk while the chaotic character is the one with papers everywhere, they know where stuff is themselves (or don't) it's just not organised that anyone else can know.
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monsterfandoms · 6 years
Ok so I love this movie and I have so many things to say about it. I’m not a person of many words but I want to talk about is something I’m a huge nerd for. The music. I am such a nerd for the music and honestly I’ve heard the sound track for HTTYD and HTTYD2 so many times it’s crazy. Now I’m not a music expert this is just my take on what I’ve been able to hear.
1- Raiders Return to Busy Busy Berk: I was a little sad (bittersweet) that the movie didn’t immediately start with ‘This is Berk’. Right well, it might’ve not started right away but it’s there. And when you actually hear it it’s so busy, you can only barely hear the original tone which goes beautifully with how busy Berk looks. I thought it was great. Also I enjoyed the usual Hiccup narrative being part of the script now and not just as a third person narration.
2- Legend Has It/ Cliffside Playtime: after the flashback the song that starts when the Hiccup opens up the map is immediately ‘Together We Map the World’ which immediately gave me the again bittersweet feel of seeing Hiccup open a map for his people and dragons and not just for his own enjoyment. Oh baby how he’s grown in just a year. Then Astrid shows up and then when they start playing around (my shipping heart cannot) what plays is a soft version of ‘Romantic Flight’. Just a detail I though it was sweet.
3-Toothless: Smitten: there’s a bit in this song where you can hear ‘Downed Dragon’ which, to me, should’ve been a clue about how the Light Fury (side rant: SHE NEEDS A NAME) was actually shot/ drugged down.
4-New New Tail: as soon as I saw the title of the song I knew I was gonna cry. I was kind of sad the first part of the song (where he’s building the tail) wasn’t the focus of this song but it was so sweet to hear the flight excitement when Hiccup/Toothless fly vs. when Toothless is flying alone.
5- Killer Dragons: I heard in this song a bit of ‘Dragon Battle’ as well as ‘The Dragon Book’ as weird as is sounds but I noticed that usually plays when there’s a new kind of dragon. In this case it was playing when Grimwald and Hiccup were talking about the drugged dragons.
6- With Love Comes a Great Waterfall: one of the things I loved about the HTTYD2 soundtrack was the usage of vocals to create this more of a ~grandeur~ effect. I honestly doubted that John Powell could create an even bigger effect but he managed it so perfectly. To me, it creates this great wow effect that makes me feel so overwhelmed.
7- The Hidden World: one thing I will say, I’m not so satisfied with the Jonsi vocals. But that’s okay because this is something I want to add. The part where Toothless makes his appearance as the mated Alpha the music that plays, the theme to the Hidden World, plays all throughout the soundtrack, more specifically every time the Hidden World is mentioned. Like for example when marriage (refer to point #2) and when the Light Fury comes up the theme plays. This to me was foreshadowing to what was going to happen at the end. And it not just used to show how Toothless moves on to a higher role, but also how Hiccup moves on. Marriage is a way to keep moving forward and that’s why it plays during song #2.
8- Armada Battle: this song was honestly beautiful. The beginning where the music is ‘The Downed Dragon’ and the more hopeful part of ‘Stoick’s Ship’ which is beautiful because it shows both Hiccups’s helplessness and his hope for what is to come, his decision to not allow a bad person to take the dragons away. The throwback to the ‘This is Berk’ where Hiccup sees Astrid in the first movie and how they gave each other the BedroomEyes™ I cried. There was also part of ‘Toothless Lost’ in the part where Valka, Gobber, and Erer show up. Mainly it’s what plays when Hiccup fist sees Valka and yeah it kind of hurt. Also the part where Hiccup goes to save both the Furries is all ‘Kill Ring’ and this one I remember well because of the great music of it. I can’t really see a connection with that one but it’s so obvious it just kinda stuck out to me.
9- As Long As He’s Safe: I was kinda pissed at Hiccup for this part of the movie because how dare you worry me like that you self sacrificing asshole but hearing the last bit of it- ‘Test Drive’ i believe- was heartwarming to see with Hiccup/Light Fury.
10- Once There Were Dragons: this song. Just this song. It’s my favorite of the whole soundtrack. The chorus that starts playing is the same one that has been playing throughout the whole movie (the one I mentioned referring to the future? that one.) you have the buildup to the ceremony with honestly wonderful vocals. Then you have the soft piano to the tune of ‘This is Berk’ from HTTYD when the scene changes to after the time skip. To me this is a way of saying “this is what Berk has become. With her mighty Chief and Cheftess as well as their Heirs.” Then again the theme for Hidden World begins to play when Toothless shows up (AND THE NIGHT LIGHTS I SWEAR TO GOD JUST THE NAME KILLS ME). When the Hiccup and Toothless finally reunite it’s to the tone of the beginning of ‘Forbidden Friendship’ (my all time favorite song of all) and then Zephyr and Nuffink get close to Toothless and that soft part of the song plays and suddenly we’re seeing Hiccup befriend Toothless all over again. Immediately afterwards we have ‘Test Drive’ playing and it’s essentially the best thing in the world. Because it’s nostalgic. Hiccup and Toothless flying together again like they had done for the first time 15 years ago. But now it’s not just them. Now it’s Hiccup and Toothless and Astrid and Stormfly and all their children. And ending it in that same beautiful note from ‘Coming Back Around’ like in the first movie left me so satisfied with the entire trilogy.
Personally, I think John Powell was a genius to incorporate all of these bits and pieces into his final work. The first time I watched the movie, I only heard those throwback bits. The second time around and then listening to the soundtrack, I can hear where there was original work done but also the fluidity that the music has even when incorporating past works. Now I know this is nothing new. In movies, shows, and video games it’s so common to have character themes as well as music for certain locations or groups. But the way John Powell did it was nothing like I had ever heard before. Maybe it’s juat because I hear them so often of because I relate the feelings in the certain scenes to the music but honestly? The music made the movie ~complete~ to me. It added in just enough from mainly the first HTTYD that I’m left feeling the same elation I felt with the first movie as well as the satisfaction or hearing something new.
But like I said I’m no expert and these soundtracks just make me emotional. HTTYD took me an a beautiful journey and ended it in a such I way it’s not an awful heartbreak to say goodbye.
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fragranceofdarkness · 5 years
I juat realized that like theres a small chance we've met or like at least seen each other before and like mot of known it and that is kinda a bummer
holy shit youre right..... thats so fucking wild honestly
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[NF - Non-fiction] A Night with John
In a dimly-lit room in the city of Cebu, you will find a man named John. Right now, he’s smoking by the window, while a huge mirror from across the room reflects the faint light of his cigarette.
See, John’s mind has been troubled lately—disturbed even—by a question that wouldn’t stop echoing inside his skull. The question i— oh, pardon me. Where are my manners? How could I tell you a story about John without introducing who I am? My name is Adam and you could say that I am John’s roommate. Yes… Let’s… Leave it at that.
I’ve known John his entire life, from back when he got bullied in high school and he threw a rubber pot at his assailants, to when he got his first job as a corporate slave who let his ears be bukaked by hundreds of ringing telephones that never stopped ejaculating the irate voices of customers from distant lands. I’m pretty sure you get the picture of how… Close John and I really is.
John is your typical guy. Typical looking. Typical built. Typical intelligence. Everything about him, from the nails of his toes to the last strand of hair on his head, is typical. He’s also a quiet and shy guy. He mostly keeps things to himself and would deliberately avoid social interaction whenever he gets the chance. But John does have a confidant (I really wish it was girlfriend though) and that confidant is none other than yours truly.
On this chilly night, the skies offered a gentle drizzle to the lands below. It slightly moisturized their parched, asphalt skins and slightly wetted their dry throats caused by the summer. You would expect John to go out and visit the beach, but we are talking about John here. Being the ever socially awkward and bashful him, John just stayed inside and played video games all summer long. One could say “that’s so like John!” But tonight… Tonight John is different. Looking from across the room, I could see how the plateau between his eyebrows scrunched up from tension. I could see how his eyes were blankly fixated on the streets where cars sprinted towards home after a long day at work. “This is so not like John,” I whispered to myself, so I got up from the floor and called his attention.
“Hey John! You okay dude? You seem kinda lost in thought there,” I casually sparked a conversation with him.
��Hey Adam. Yeah… I mean no… I mean… I don’t know. I guess I just have something in my mind,” he answered, while letting smoke slip through the crack between his lips.
“So… What are you thinking? Is this about the new game you’ve been waiting for?”
“No, I just… I just feel…”
“You just feel what?”
“Nothing… It’s nothing.”
“C’mon man, you know you can tell me anything. Wait, I know! Let’s play a game! I’m going to try and guess what’s on your mind in the form of a question, and you’ll go ahead and answer the question. Deal?”
“But you always win—“
“Stop. I don’t want to hear excuses. Let’s begin!”
I took a moment to read John’s body language. He was sheepishly looking at me, his eyes reluctant to meet mine, indicating that he doesn’t want the truth to be seen through his pupils. His sitting position was very defensive: legs close to his chest, one arm wrapping his legs, while the other held the cigarette in between two digits. He looked like an upright fetus sitting down in his mother’s womb, signifying that he was trying to defend himself because he felt exposed. He was also silent, like he was keeping his tongue from saying too much. In a normal situation, one where he had someone else in the room, he could’ve just stayed silent and they wouldn’t know what’s wrong with him. But like I said, I’ve known John for a very, very, very long time.
“Hey John, do you think you belong in this world?” I asked. Judging from the sudden stillness in his eyes, I’m sure he felt every letter of that question seep into his bones.
“No. I honestly think I don’t belong in this world.” John answered without hesitation. His words were calm and collected, as if he was certain of the very weight each of them held.
“Why do you feel that way?”
“It’s because I think differently from others. My mind doesn’t work in the same manner that ‘normal’ people do. I’m not as invested in material things that most of my peers seem to go berserk about. A new phone comes out and they lose their shit. They jump up and down in anticipation of buying it and how powerful it could be. On the other hand, I’m fine with buying a second-hand phone that was released 2 years ago.”
“Is that all?”
“No, that’s not all. I’m not as focused on looking good as well, particularly being vain about my physical image. I don’t know… I just think that there’s so much more to a person than their physical appearance and that they shouldn’t focus too much on being pretty or being handsome. I honestly believe that what we should be focusing on is being more honest with ourselves and to each other. We should also be kinder too, but every time I say my opinion, everybody goes insane! They end up calling me a misogynist, a beauty shamer, a self-righteous cunt, and so on. Hell, if I ever get into a relationship, I’m pretty sure my partner would be calling me manipulative and controlling for trying to make her see that physical appearance isn’t everything. Also, with the rampant rape and the perverse individuals out there looking for a meat to pound, my efforts of wanting to keep my partner safe by telling her to stop wearing ‘revealing’ clothes would be considered an attack to her femininity, and it would be interpreted as a means of ‘controlling’ a female when it was just out of concern. It’s fucking messed up.”
A bead of sweat slowly trickled from his forehead. It seems that it took a lot of courage and effort for him to say those honest and unfiltered thoughts; but I could tell that wasn’t all. I could tell there was still something brewing deep within him, judging from the bubbles of cold sweat that began to slowly manifest. I knew I just needed to ask the right question.
“Hey John, do you still want to live in this world?”
His head turned and his eyes quickly locked unto me. His gaze had such intensity that it felt like his eyes were magnifying glasses positioned directly beneath the sun, burning a hole to my face. For a while, I felt a bit nervous. Maybe I struck a wrong chord and I must now make amends for such an insensitive question. But before I could open my mouth to ask for forgiveness, John started talking.
“If I’m honest with you Adam, I don’t want to live in this world anymore. You want to know why?”
There was authority in his voice now, like a businessman having lunch with his apprentice and confidently asking questions to show how “wise” he is. I knew what I had to do. All that was needed for my part was to ask “why?” and the answer to the question would immediately follow. However, am I ready for the answer? If you were there, you’d see how my laryngeal prominence moved in my throat to make way for the lump of spit that I had to swallow.
“Because this world is not worth living in. This world is so unfair and it rarely gives you what you want. It’s even sadistic sometimes because just when you think you’ve finally gotten what you’ve wished for, it then brings out the hidden cameras and shouts at your face ‘It’s just a PRANK bro!’ Sometimes, you even end up with something that’s completely different from what you thought it was, waking you up from a lie that you never asked for via punch to the gut. Sometimes, it even takes away the people we love the most, either from disease or by suicide, and it juat leaves you with this emptiness that no amount of drinking, having fun, and passion can fill. This world is fucking scary with all the wars and deaths that we bring to others like, who died and made us grim reapers with guns for scythes? I can’t even go outside without having to worry about white vans snatching people away, or motorcycles that spit out lead have their barrels aimed at me. There’s so much apathy nowadays that taking videos of tragedies by phone is apparently more important than using said phone to call for help. You know what Adam? I actually want to kill myself so I could escape this hellhole—this simulation—and hopefully wake up somewhere better. This world is, and always will be, better off without me.”
John’s breaths were heavy. It’s apparent that his heart was beating faster than his lungs could dance to. I guess conversations like these really feel like physical confrontations or altercations to him. He begins to rub his chest, trying to calm down and prevent a full-scale panic attack from happening. Now I know that he, and other people, sees himself as typical and boring, but I would beg to differ. What he just said were not words from a typical and boring guy. They were words from a genuine, empathic, and broken individual who is trying to live in an uncaring and vain world. I know John better than anyone, and I might be the only one who really knows how special he is, which is why I couldn’t let him keep his thoughts about dying.
“You know what John,” I said while trying to catch his gaze “Yes, the world is messed up. Yes, the world is vain. Yes, the world is apathetic, unfair, and all of the terrible things that you mentioned, but that’s exactly the reason why the world needs more people like you. People who are not perfect, yet willing to be honest with themselves and to others. People who are not perfect, yet willing to be kind to others. People who are not perfect, yet prefer to look at others beyond their physical appearances. The world needs more people like you, John. People who are not afraid to feel, to think, to be vulnerable, and to bleed.”
The wind began to pick up and the drizzle was slowly starting to become a light shower. Given enough time, the skies would soon cry their hearts out and the lands would be quenching their thirst by drinking the skies’ tears; but not before John’s eyes began to pour, as he cried in front of me, inside the four corners of solitude that this room offers. I knew what I had to do. I needed to leave John with something… A food for thought, perhaps? Something that would keep him thinking. Something that would help him process what he was going through…
“Hey John,” I gently called his name as a precursor to my final question.
“Yeah, Adam?” His voice was deep and crackling. He sounded a bit like an improperly tuned radio.
“Do you think this world belongs to you?”
Suddenly, a flash of lightning ripped through the skies followed by the loud boom of thunderclap, as if they were cued to happen after I finished asking the question. For a split-second, the flash brightened up the room to a point where even shadows ceased to exist. For a split-second, the flash brought light into this dark place and might have sparked something in John because now, he was smiling at me. His gaze met mine and he said “Thank you, Adam,” and it was at that moment, I once again saw him genuinely smile after a very long time, which in turn made me smile pleasantly.
Rain has now descended upon the city, and if you were there, you could clearly hear the roof being turned into a xylophone. John picks his lighter up and proceeds to place a cigarette between his lips. But before he ordered the flint to create a spark, he stared at the mirror, muttered something unintelligible, and smiled.
In a dimly-lit room in the city of Cebu, you will find a man named John. Right now, he’s smoking by the window, while a huge mirror from across the room reflects the faint light of his cigarette.
12-05-2019 16:56 Kregian Vareare Miral
submitted by /u/Miralian459 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2OUsrAc
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Simple Moments Scars.
RDR2 Fanfic
Emma road into near town to pick some few for Susan.
It had a been over month since she went out on her own, so it felt good to be independent again, and riding into did sound like a great idea.
She walks into a the store, pick up some Black thread, Needles. For reason Mr. Pearson asked herto pick a skillet.
Emma walked into the store, as she was looking around a few people were eyeing as she was she was  browsing the shelfs
An elderly gentleman was standing next to her giving her  disapproval look, eye the scars and eyepatch.
Emma: ... ... (looks at her) Hello? Can help you?
The man gives her discussed look and walks away. Emma stood there for a few moments, and found the black  thread and a skillet, and brought a the items up the Clerk.
Emma: Hello. (Smiles sweetly)
Clerk: Hello, Ma’ma. How are y— Oh, my! I mean, did you did what you were lookin’ for?
Emma: (forces the smile) Yes, sir.
She payed and walked out the General store in a hurry, feeling eyes on her she walked out.
Emma: ... (thinking) What the hell is everyone deal?! It’s like I have two head!
She looks at herself in the shop window, seeing her the right side of her face large scared covering her and eyepatch over stitched eye.
She sighs and begins walking down the sheet.
There people all around, walking by going about her day. A few people would stop and give her odd looks.
Emma just ignored them and walks down the sheet, taking her time looking around. Looking into the shops and market place.
She was walking on a stone bridge.
She stops and removes her eyepatch, and itches her sares. She looks out at the water, and some few men, fishing in a boat
She leans over the edge, and smiles peaceful. A moment of calm washing over her.
She watches as she saw a few ducks swinging by, when she heard a whispers from a 2 young woman standing near by.
They were well dressed and were looking at Emma with some form of discussed, some jewelry on, and their hair was nicely done.
Woman 1: Look at those scars on her face Isabella. Hideous. And... is she missing an eyes?!
Woman 2: My lord, how can anyone walk looking like that. Girl has no shame, Jessica, no shame at all. Lord help that girl.
Emma stood there, looking at the water, and truns to look at them.
Emma: I can hear you.
Jessica: Ahhhggg! Look at her face, Isabella! It’s so disgusting!
Isabella: (walks up to her) Who do think you are walking around like that in public place like this?
Emma: Um... Because it’s public, dumpass.
Isabella: This place is only public for upper class. Not ... Well, people like you.
Emma: Excuse me. (gets angry) The hell do you mean people like me?!
Isabella: Just look at you. Look at your face! (points to Emma’s right side) How can any woman walk around looking like you and be proud. You’re a distance. You’re ugly, you’re repulsive. You are absolutely disgusting! You should ashamed about yourself looking they you do! 
Emma said nothing only places a hand her right eye.
Then Jessica pops up from behind her sister.
Jessica: Stop talking to her. She could be the devil himself...!
Emma: ... ... Boo!
The two girls let out a horrifying shrieks, alerting one of the nearby officers.
Officer: What’s going on?!
Emma: (calming looks at the officer) I was minding my own business when these two-
Jessica: (butts in) T-This ... thing was trying to attack us!
Emma: ... ... Seriously.
Isabella: It’s true! She’s out of her mind, and tried to attack us honestly Christian women!
Emma crossing her arms, rolling her left eye.
The officer was trying to comfort you two woman door, and looks at Emma, and gives a disgusted look he notices her scars.
Officer: Ma’am, I’m gonna ask ya too leave.
Emma: Huh?! What...?! I didn’t do anything...!
Officer: Leave, of I’ll have to arrest you for disturbing the peace...
Emma stood there looking at the The officer, and the two girl, who gave her smug look.
Emma: ... ... F-Fine... I’m... I’m going.
She picks her bag, and begin walking away, down the bridge. As she was walking away, and trying to hold back tears.
She walks down by the river, and stood, drops the bag, picks up a rock and throws in the river.
Breathing angrly before sitting down the ground shaking.
Just then a family of ducks were walking, Emma saw them, and thought for a moment and reached into her and pulled out a bread ripped off a chunk and began feeding the duckings.
The duckings ran right over where to Rose drop the small bits of bread. The began eating
Emma then held out her, and the little ducklings were eating out her of it.
She smiles and watches the family of ducks and hen noticed a pare od of boots, lying on ground near bushes.
Emma raises brow and walks over or the boots, and looks into the bushes.
Arthur was lying there, on his back, not moving.
Emma smiles and laughs to herself, shaking her head in amusement.
Emma: ... Well, this isn’t a  surprise. Hey! Arthur!
Arthur says nothing, he rolls over on to side and grumbles softly.
Emma: C’mon, you big idiot, raise and shine~. (kneels down and shake him)
Arthur: (groan) ... Shhhhh... I’m dyin’, come back later...
Emma: Heheheh. We’re in public park. You’re gonna get in trouble if a lawmen finds you passed here. Get your drunken ass up, Morgan.
Arthur grumbles, but slowly sits up, his head was pounding, the sun Burning his eyes. He looks around confused.
Arthur: ... This ain’t my tent...
Emma: No shit. Now c’mon.
She helps Arthur to his feet, Arthur takes a few steps and falls over.
Emma: (starts laughing) Haha. I guess you boys must had fun last night.
Arthur: Ugghh, I don’t even remember what we did... Hahah. Ow... hehe. (places hand on his head) Aw shit, I lost my hat. And The rest of fellers.
Emma: I’m sure they’re around or in jail, and we can get you a new hat. (pats him on the back) I can help you look for them.
Arthur: Y-Yeah, later... Give me a moment to regret my Life decisions.
He sits down, and sees the little ducklings walking up to him.
Arthur: (smiles) Hello there, little ones. Where did you come from?
Emma: They my new gang.
Arthur: Heh. Is that so?
Emma: Yep. I decided to start my own outlaw gang.
Arthur crakes a smile and she sits down next to him, and hands a some bread. Arthur takes it and they start feeding the ducklings together.
Arthur holds out his hand letting the little duckling eat the the bits of bread.
Arthur looks over, and sees that Emma seemed to be sad and lost in lost.
Arthur: You okay, Em?
Emma: Hm? (looks at him) Yeah. Just... thinking.
Arthur: Okay. Ya wanna talks about?
Emma: ... Not really.
Arthur nods and two said nothing for a bit and sat down watching momma duck and thelittle ones go into the river and swim off.
Arthur: There gose your gang.
Emma: Yep. They were good members.
Arthur: Heh. Who are you here with?
Emma: It’s just me. I needed a to get away from the camp a bit.
Arthur nods understanding where’s coming from, slowly stands up, and stretche.
Arthur: I should, whoa, (stumbles) find the other’s.
Emma: Mind if I come with?
Arthur: Sure. Always enjoy your company, Em.
They two walked together, Arthur’s head was still pounding.
Arthur: Ughhh... You wouldn’t happen have an coffee with ya?
Emma: No, sorry, cowboy.
Arthur: I feel like was run over by a train... Twice.
Emma: Who were you with? And what did you guys do?
Arthur: Um, Hosea, Charles, Sean, Uncle, Karen, Lenny went back I believe... Some fellers were givin’ Karen a hard time and ... Well, needless to say we took care of’em, and that’s all remember.
Emma juat smiles, when they heard someone calling their names, Hosea, Javier and Charles coming over.
Javier had few hickeys this on his neck, a shit eating grin on his face.
Emma: Mornin’, boys.
Javier: And a mornin’ to you, Emma. You look absolutely ravishing today~.
Emma stairs at him, and looks at then for a few moments, forces a grin.
Charles noticed, and picked something was bothering her, but stay quiet as she and Javier talked.
Emma: Soooo, got lucky?
Javier: Hoho! You have no idea. I am a ladies man. I can understand the feelings of women.
Emma: Pfff, yeah! Sure! (walks pass him)
Javier: I do!
Emma: Whatever. Morning, Charles. (walks up to him, kissing him) Morning, Hosea.
Hosea: Mornin’, Emma.
Javier gives Emma a sour look, then two beautiful called out to him for a balcony.
Woman 1: Raul, do you really have to go?
Woman 2: Stay with us! We can work things out!
Javier stood there, gives a devilish smirk, walks up pulling his hat over face.
Arthur just rolls his eyes and walks away lighting a cigarette, Hosea and Emma give each side ways glances and Charles just stood there, kind of amused.
Javier: I’m sorry, rosas delicadas. But I must go. It was a magical night, and I will not forget you.
He takes his hat, bows his head, turns on his heels, walking away in a dramatic way, while the girl calling to him.
Arthur: Do you even remember their names?
Javier: I cannot remember. But (smirks) Ya see, my good friends, I’m lady’s man... I’m a gentleman of Grace the dignity.
Just then his starts rumble, his face gose green.
Javier: OH FUCK!!! (rans to the edge of the water, and starts dry heaving)
Hosea: ... A man of Grace and dignity indeed. (starts couching)
Emma looks at him worried, places her hand on his shoulder.
Hosea: I-I’m fine, dear. (gives her smile)
Emma: Are you sure? Y-You’ve been coughing a lately.
Hosea places a on her over the side of her face, smiling at her gently.
Hosea: My darlin’ Emma, I’m more than fine. Try not to worry about me.
Emma nods and his gives her kiss on the fourhead, then looks at Charles.
Hosea: Keep eye this one, Mr. Smith.
Charles: I will.
Emma: Well, I’m the only with one eye, so I can keep an eye myself easily.
Hosea: ... That’s not funny.
Arthur: It kinda is. (standing by smoking a cigarette)
Hosea give Arthur a look, who shrugs.
Emma: I’m gonna look around town a little more.
Charles: I’ll come with you.
Emma smiles and say their goodbye to Arthur and Hosea who going to looks for the other.
Arthur: Hey, Charles.
Charles looks at him, Arthur looks at Emma who was walking ahead of Charles.
Arthur: ... Make sure she’s okay for me.
Charles: I will.
And the two walked as poor Javier was standing by the river.
Javier: I-I’ll, ugh, be here... ... ... I hate my life... (starts to vomiting again)
Charles was walking with Emma, looking around. They didn’t say, Charles looks at Emma.
She facing the ground, a somewhat sad look in her, her shoulder were tense.
Charles: Somethin wrong.
Emma: ... No, I’m fine.
Charles: Emma.
Emma: I-I don’t wanna talk about it, Charles! Just leave it be.
Charles takes her hand gently. takes her hand.
She stop, and starts shaking, sniffing, she slowly turns to him, crying.
Charles reaches out and whipping away the tears, and takes to her to the near by wooden ear so they could get some privacy.
Making sure the far away enough. Charles looks at her.
Charles: Emma, you don’t have to hid anything for me. You can tell me.
Emma: It’s (whips her life eye) ... stupid.
Charles: ... (lifts up her chin) It ain’t stupid if botherin’ you.
Emma looks at him, then looks to side, feeling embarrassed, she takes a few moments.
Emma: O-Okay, if I tell you what’s bothering me, promise me you will not laugh.
Charles: I would never. You can trust me.
Emma: ... (takes a few deep breaths) Do... Do you think I’m ugly?
Charles was takes aback by this.
Charles: No. Never. W-What made you think that?
Emma: Ya know just... a random question. No big deal. (smiles)
Charles gives her sympathetic look, them Emma finally talked him about those dump rich girl said about her and scars.
Emma: ... I-I know. It’s really dump, and I don’t care what other’s think normaly but... Lately my ... I’ve noticed that people would give me weird looks when I walk down the sheet, and... and what those girls said... I (sniff) I can’t help feeling very uncomfortable about the way I look now. (starts to cry)
Charles looks at her, reaches out and removes her eyepatch, and kisses her scars.
Emma blinks, and Charles just smiles at her.
Charles: Beautiful. You, Emma Rogers, are just so damn beautiful. Scars and all.
Emma stood there, a tears falling down her face, the left side of her eye.
Charles pulls her into a kiss, and stood on her tippy toes, the a loud female moan could hread.
Charles: Oh~. Darlin’, I definitely made you feel better.
Emma: T-That ... wasn’t me
Karen: Huh?! Who’s there’s?!
She pokes her out from behind bushes and tree. Charles and Emma started at her.
Karen: Oh, it’s only two... Um, mind if ya ... ya know... git.
Sean: ... Karen, love~... Why-Why did ya stooooopp~.
Emma: ... ... We’re leaving.
Charles: Yeah.
The two walked out the woods and back into town. The both of them stood there, looked at each other, began laughing.
Charles smiles warmly has Emma had the beautiful smile on her as she was laughing so hard.
The hread their names being called and saw Javier walks over.
Javier: What’s so funny?
Emma: Haha. Nothing. Just... stay away from that area. Karen and Sean are having sex over there.
Javier: ... ... But the hotel is down that way. (jerks his thumb behind him)
Charles and Emma shrug and the they walks away, as they were walking Emma spots the Isabella and Jessica walking near by.
Emma: ... ...(smiles Evily) Javier, Charles, can I borrow come of clothes?
The men look at and each other.
The two rich women were making they’re down to the park, laughing and talked when they heard something for the bushes.
Jessica: What in the world was that?
Isabella: It could be a squirrel.
They kept walking, but when now and then they would hear loud footsteps from behind them.
Isabell: W-Who’s there! (turns around) You... You best back away. Our daddy is a rich lawyer!
Just then they was a loud evil which Like catliing sound, the and figures steps out of the woods behind them.
The woman scream, when has Emma had Charles hat and long jacket , Jacket’a and Poncho and hat, Arthur’s Black bandanna covering her.
Isabella: W-WHAT... WHO ARE YOU!!
Emma: Heheheh~! (in creepy old woman voice) I’m the Witch of The river... The trees of Speke about two of the most beautiful girls in the land... AaaaHehehehhehhe!!!
The two girl held each other, both of them white as ghost, while Arthur, Charles and Javier stood hidden behind trees, trying not laugh.
Isabella: A-A which?!
Jessica: Oh, lord, a-are the devil’s mistress?!
Emma: ... ... Um, Yes. I am! And I have for your—-
Emma trying not laugh, keeps her Javier hand his hands over mouth, Arthur leaning against and the tree, grining at the show, Charles was still watching smiling watch Emma almost braking character.
Emma: NO, FOOLISH MORTAL, Pff... I’m come for your fresh! I wish become as beautiful as thee, unless...
Jessica: Unless...?! Unless what?!
Emma: Let me think...
Isabella: Tell us!
The girl screaming again, and began ripping off their jewelry and throw the purses at her.
Emma: (brakes character) Holy shit... Yeah, this is good. I’ll take it.
The the men began rawring with laughing. Isabella and Jessica were shaking.
Isabella: What’s... What’s the hell?!
The two girls yelled screaming and ran out the woods.
After making sure the were Emma bursts into laughter, Javier falls onto the ground, howling, Arthur whips his eyes, and Charles was holding onto the tree, trying to breath.
Javier: Oh Dios... oh, haha. An excellent performance, Emma. Well done. (claps)
Emma: Thank you, thanks very much. (bows) Haha. Yeah, now can you help me take all of this. I’m sweating like hell.
The men were laughing, and help Emma remove all the clothing.
Arthur: Oh, wow. Look this. (picks up one of necklaces) Dutch is gonna be a happy man when we bring this back home.
Emma: Ah, it feels good to working again, scaring the shit outta people and get pity revenge.
Charles chuckles and kisses her, and keeps watches, they gathered all the money and jewelry, and ran off before the lawmen showed up.
Needless to say today was very good day.
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nohshinwoos · 5 years
I love minecraft but I've never played properly myself, juat watched other people play. I don't have a computer but my brother has an xbox360 so I borrowed minecraft from the library and I've been playing for three hours now. I absolutely love this game! I mean, I only play peaceful mode bc monsters are too stressful but I really like it anyway. I'm just listening to the nice music and building a house:)
aw yay :D minecraft is honestly one of the few games i will never get tired of! you can really unleash your creativity and play for so long you lose track of time skdjsjkl my brother introduced me to it when it first was released, which is literally so many years ago now. i didn’t wanna play with the monsters at first either, but now i do bc i got used to it and learned how to handle (kill) them sjhdkglk i find it too peaceful and kinda boring without the monsters now, but the house building and farming stuff is why i’m still so hooked on it after so many years :’)
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mc-rupige · 3 years
So i will overshare about my mess of survival world because i have so much mental energy and need a way to throw it away (it doesn't make much sense as express but i can't think to the word i needed)
Anyway :
I have this world since i think February but anyway i decided to play in it hoping to be my longest played world (it is)
i created a new world wanting to have a village near so i don't have to leave spawn when creating my base (.fun fact about it i spawned in the middle of a village but i didi it in 1.16 and re-creating the world in 1 17 give me a different village layout! (didn't think about that and honestly it wouldn't have change that much probably but the generation was kinda cuter))
I wanted to create a home for every village occupation but can't do it in a way that i like so i constructed something like a dozen of prototype of villager houses. The last is the where a few lives (i have gone near having 0 villager so much times I'm jot even sure if i have an original villager from this village) and a few live near my spider spawn... Oh don't worry i will talk about it
Anyway i have 0 knowledge of Redstone the only Redstone automatic thing i have are a pretty pathetic bamboo and sugar cane (i have a non automatic sugar cane farm i get 3 times more harvesting it manually also i really like sugar can farm for some reason) taken by a video tutorial and MY OWN try to to entity craming(?) of chickens... (I did while in online class it's so fucking simple but it had taken me like 1 hour and half to finish it) and i tried to create a super smelter or at least an automatic thing for ores (?)
but GUESS WHAT.. you probably couldn't guess so I'm jyat gonna say it but before i need to talk about the spider spawner
Sooooo basically my spawn is also over a big ass mine qnd it's was so cool because i really like explore them. Anyway i destroyed every near spawner luckily i found 3 (now 2) cave spawner just a bit more far. There is a weird tunnel that i use almost no more because i have elytra(?) anyway i tried to watch like 3 videos and didn't understand it how to do it. I died so many fucking time and dig out an area 2 times bigger than needed. After understanding that i finally did it! And it works! (so proud for that). Anyway part of what i didn't end up using i transformed in another room (aka the smelter room) but i haven't finished in months because 1 i wasn't home 2 i really love using the new blocks and because thia world was created in 1.16 i had ti travel distances to find blocks. Today/yesterday i finally decided to do it AND a creeper exploded and had to adjust the size of the room because the spawner is under the sea and water start to go in the room. So i decided to change completely the design of the roonm (and also the spider spawner because i wanted them to be cool together). And while trying in creative witch light would go better in the room i decided it was time to drain the monument.
Anyway let's go a bit back because i haven't talked about my home. So i changed home at least 6 time. I started by using a old villager house as base then decided to change every block of the house to be more edgy (fun fact was building this version when bad first talked about the starset stream). Then while foolish workerd on tubbo and ranboo house i tried to do a similar thing (unfortunately it was horrible) i decided to transform that in the villager house (other fun fact the big house at the time of the villager was then destroyed and i was listening to sam qna about c!sam!) and create a stone house. But felt too bland so i recreated it but with jungle wood creating a small addiction just below for storages... Then that became more of my house that the one over. Also THE UPDATE so i decided to scratch all of that CREATE A BIGGER AND COOLER HOUSE WITH ALL NEW MATERIALS... it's pretty much empty because i took too much time building it i decide to make the first below as a cute room to sleep and under this i have 2 other spaces for storage..
Then not mucj that i remember in this moment. A few buildings that don't seems to much, an abandoned enchanting space (really proud of it when i built that) when i created the spawner space horrible nether because i don't care that much about a PLACE THAT KILLED ME AND MY ARMOUR AND MY TOOLS AND LIKE 4 SHULKER(?) BOX....
Oh yeah in this world i lost 2 full set of max out tools and armor 3 set of enchanted diamond armor, 1 elytra and like probably near 15 shulker box because i tend to misplace and/ or die with shulker in my inventory. Lost 2 skull skeleton nether
Honestly i wish i had documented all of this... I can try search for some screenshot maybe.... I WILL TRY.. Maybe later because it's ALREADY 4 AK WTF WTF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ahahahha at least I'm much calmer now also sorry for any mistakes i legit spelled my own nick wrong juat a second ago I'm too tired to care 👍 myself fron later will probably so... Hey future me
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teddy-feathers · 7 years
I haven't shaved my legs in like... Half a year? Cause it itches when ir grows back and I aint here to impress none of you, and also its a hassle when mostly my legs are covered so why bother.
But I wanted to try that sugar scrub thing cause bad set of days and anything to make you feel... Okay. Break the routine. Take care of youself.
So I did and shaved and theyre smoother than theyve ever been and... My first thought was how... Weird they looked. Girly.
And so yesterday I spent all day obsessing over how I hate my long hair and how without it my round face looks stupid and and and
... And I'm so...
Its weird how safe a binder feels. Its not that different from a sports bra but it feels different and I LOOK different
Like yeah im not perfectly flat but neither are non boobed chests.
And its weird because Ill look at the mirror and go "i look off" because booba make you look round and with a binder im square.
And while I feel guilty for it... I like looking square.
It all feels like... Like Im juat easily susceptible. But... I also try not to get attached to things I like.
I cant tell which is at play here. Maybe its all some sort of vanity.
Im not a guy - Erics a guy and he told me weeks ago and then came out at work and Im happy for him but im not a guy and the idea of people calling me such just feels like a hassle and wrong.
Ive been a girl my whole life and aside from that bs stage where I hated EVERYTHING about being a girl... It never bothered me the parts i have or the pronouns applied.
Well the period thing is bs and god I really think boobs are bullshit and want them gone...
Which is why ive been like... Testing myself.
And honestly. I dont fucking know. Or care.
Im me.
Just me.
Im just... Scared that being me isnt.
That it isnt okay or that I'm being fake or appropriating what isnt for me.
Cutting my hair doesn't change shit about me... But it scares me what people will see and say.
Im not a guy. Im not a butch lesbian - or a lesbian at all. Im not as work puts it "counter culture" im not... Anything really.
But sometimes I go to work and I have a bra on, or I dont which is annoying how naked i feel when i didnt sign up for boobs, or a binder.
And soon I may cut my hair off almost entirely because I want to and... I think most of the reason Ill hate myself for that is just how much of my life revolves around how people see me.
Im not here for anyone... But I dont want all that... Trouble.
I started wearing boxers at home. Its the nice balance of wearing no pants but also theyre like shorts so i dont feel naked.
And i wear my work clothes or leggings and a long top with them and wearing girly clothes seems less bad...
Dont get me wrong I LIKE my clothes a lot. Especially the ones i picked out and bought for myself without anyone around because... I bought them for me and I can feel that.
But I feel again like a huge fake.
Why wear a binder or boxers if i dont want anything to change much? Or if i cant narrow down what that much is?
Why bother cutting my hair if itll just make me feel exposed and wrong even if i want to do it?
Why do my naked legs look grosser to me now than they did when I didnt shave? How did the shape of them change so much?
Why does any of this MATTER to the point its bugging me, when it doesnt feel like it does or should?
Somedays I want to be hard lines. Others I want to be that sort of soft in all the right ways that ive never put in the work to achieve. Mostly though I just bounce between two different flavors of casually relaxed/cutish?
Idk. Gender is bullshit anyways. But its easy to SAY "just do what makes you happy" and its another to exist in the real world where if I or someone else doesnt like it I don't have a character slider to fix myself to how I feel.
How many times have I dont something only to hate it after the excitement wore off?
How many times has one wrong look set me into hating everything?
Being a girl... Even a lazy one who doesnt try. Is kinda like being invisible once I learned how to live inside myself.
Now I want to do things that will... Make me less invisible and in a way older folk will disapprove of and people will judge me on.
Idk how to reconcile that.
I don't know how bad i want this.
I dont know how much is fake or how much is just a struggle to find a bit of newness to push back all the bad emotions you know?
Avpd and self discovery is not a great combination.
"Whats the worst that could happen"? Usually youd be right but uh. The worst is self loathing and having to put myself back together after the fallout.
And ill ponder and stress about this... And ill either not do it and be sad, oe give into an impulse and emotionally shit will hit the fan.
Nonbianary feels like the wrong lable but. Ive never wanted to be a girl and even though I'm at peace with it i still don't want it.. And Im not a guy.
Eric knows hes a guy. A girl I know knows shes a girl.
Im just. A stupid attention seeking idiot.
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saveme-ruinme · 7 years
Boyfriend Changkyun
A/N: requesteeeeeeed pls request things so i can write them just drop an ask and imma try and write also might end up doing the whole of monsta x at this point lmao also shout out to the staff for letting me bullet point on mobile bc editing the html for this shit on mobile was fuckin awful anyway leggo
An actual literal baby
Hes the maknae of monsta x so idk what u expect
Like at first hes all cool and chic and what not and it impresses the hell out of u bc the rest of his group (for the most part) are just rly fckin stupid
And then u get to know him and its like oh no hes weird af too alright cool
Also kinda shy? About being affectionate?
Like does that thing where he will hold ur hand or put an arm around u or whatever casually
And if u point it out will deny it like ’…. idk what ur talking about’ while still holding ur hand
Changkyun is just hella lowkey about affection especially in public so dont expect too much
He will do it tho if u ask its just that he will be redfaced and embarrassed the whole time bc hes a big baby
Except when u guys are at home and hes in one of those playful moods bc then he will smother u with kisses and hugs and dote on u
And ur sitting there like ’??????? Where is this coming from????? Who are u and what have u done with changkyun’
Also u gotta be okay with the rest of monsta x probably being too involved with ur relationship
Hes their baby boy so they have to watch out for him while also constantly bothering him
Like jooheons gonna buddy up to u bc changkyun is his hashtag best bro so he wants to make sure ur not fuckin around with him so he would be ur friend to accomplish this but will tell u straight up that hes lookin out for his bro
Kihyuns would lowkey about it like he will perform full thorough background checks on u to make sure ur not wanted by the cops or some shit idk
Dont take it to heart bc theyre just lookin out for their baby boy (honestly same tbh) but once they figure out that u actually care and love him then ur alright in their books
And their involvement somehow gets worse bc now theyre always making fun of u guys
Like wonhos life mission to bother changkyun so thats all hes gonna do and ur unfortunately another thing wonho can use against him
For the most part ur very :// about it until wonho is like hey u wanna prank ur bf
And they its ;P rip changkyun bc pranking him is fun especially if its a sudden prank bc that face he makes when hes surprised/flustered is funny
Works out fine bc he annoys the fuck outta u too
Honestly a fuckin weirdo tho
Like sometimes when u go to the dorms and walk in his room hes just in some stupid ass pose waiting for u
Ur standing there like ‘what the fuck’
And hes lying there with his toes in the air or some shit like 'ive been expecting u… lets get food’
Just go along with okay hes like that and its funny as hell
Likes to talk shit with you in english about the other members while theyre in the same room bc most of the time they dont understand what hes saying and u juat laugh bc once they find out hes gonna get his ass beat
Forces you to watch scary movies!!!
Bc hes a shitbag and loves terrorising u but also lowkey loves it when u hide against him
Honestly just tries to be an asshole and get on ur nerves but it backfires when u turn it against him
Like I said before hes rly shy about affection so he was rly shy about gettin down and dirty with u
Took you a long time to make him comfortable about having sex with you
You had to take things slow and work up to things and kinda baby him a little which is fine bc u dont wanna rush him
It was cute too tbh bc he seemed so innocent and shy
But after he got comfortable he got weird
Not kinky weird just when hes tryna seduce u its weird bc he wouldnt outright tell u hes horny and he wants to fuck
Nah hes gonna make weird as faces at u from across the room or text u a whole bunch of emojis that dont make sense and takes u ten minutes to figure out
Or say some stupid shit to try and seduce that leaves u more confused than turned on
I mean it still works once u figure out what hes asking for just that afterwards ur like why dont u just come out and fuckin say or rub ur boner against me or some shit like a normal person
(He tries to rub his boner against u but u were sitting on the couch and he tries to rub against ur arm or smthn it was rly weird but u still sucked him off bc at least he tried right)
Its funny bc he will say some dirty shit or be the type to imply dirty shit all the time but as soon as you get serious about it hes shies away like no i was kidding
And ur sitting there like ur a fuckin baby always teasing him like that
Speaking of, tease the shit outta him when u do suck him off 10/10 would recommend bc he just doesnt know what to do
Not the type to boss u around in the bedroom at least not seriously bc hes so clueless and flustered so it doesnt work out well
I bet he likes to be told what to do tho and is probably a whiny brat about it too
Like u try and tell him to eat u out and hes like do i have to and likes to bicker with u until u have had enough and just sit on his face
Loves it when u ride him honestly even better when u tie him up bc he cant do anything but watch and hes all wide eyed watching u bounce on him
The worst honestly but hey hes down to experiment
You gotta warm him up to the hardcore shit but he would do it for you
See thats his thing sometimes he pretends to be all chic and cool to impress you
And other times hes really fucking annoying
But at the end of the day he just rly loves u okay he does and he doesnt know how to express it properly so this is what he ends up doing
Changkyun is always there for u too
If u text him he will always text back it might take him a while bc time differences but he’ll text u back and will genuinely listen to what u have to say
And if u miss him he will sneak out the dorms to come see u
Buys u food if u say ur hungry or buys u things u said u liked once and just gives it to u no questions asked
Actions speak louder than words kinda guy really
Or more like he talks with his actions more than his words bc sometimes he just doesnt have the right words to articulate how much u mean to him and how much he loves u
And he really does love u bc u love and accept him for who he is without question
You accept his weird side when hes bein hyper when hes happy or sad or serious or stressed you accept it all offering a haven where he can just be
That is why hes always trying to offer the world to u even if u dont want it
Changkyun is ride or die honestly
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multiversememories · 7 years
I remember closer to when we were just starting to work together, like we were still in Australia, and i lost my arm n leg. Not at once, my arm went first.
Happened when we were going after the queen's loot. I cant remember the exact details but i fucked up while roadie took out a buncha gold and off it went, bitch cut it off or something. She was gonna kill me too till roadie came back for me. He called me an idiot, hed warned me about trailing behind and getting destracted. I remember laughing it off even though it hurt like hell and i was bleeding really /really/ bad. He was worried, even if it didnt show. I remember later on hed admitted that hed been worried, he felt like it was his fault.
My leg wasnt a whole lot later, out in the wasteland cause we werent allowed in junkertown after that. We were caught off guard, itd been a real quiet day no one had bothered us and we were planming on getying outta Australia. Roadie was fucking around with his bike, fixing the sidecar or something i think and i was hunting for anything that would be good to eat
(i mean we had some food, it hadnt been long since wed left town and a buncha people owed roadie favours so he could get stuff with minimal threatenining and killing and stuff but i mean, id seen something move and when mostof your life youve been scavenging and hunting and eating whatever you found it was just kinda habit)
Some other junkers had set up traps, like mine, and i wasnt expecting it and i stepped in one and it snapped around my ankle and i remember yelling out in pain then something was thrown at me. Hit the ground beside me and blew up. It was like, a bomb with acid and chemicals and shit and it got all over my leg and it fucking /hurt/.
Its kinda messy after that, there was yelling and roadie fucked em up and while he was doing that i was trying to pull my leg free and i was yelling and my ankle came loose from the trap but my foot didnt because my leg was /soft/ and it was disturbingly easy to tear free cause of that chemical shit and it was like, eating up my leg and it hurt a lot and i honestly thought i was going to die.
Then roadie was there and he was trying to calm me down and he had to cut it off mid thigh with his hook i couldn't see his face because of his mask but i remember his hands shaking as he held me down to do it.
I remember him walking away, like... he juat stood up and stared at me fir a second before turning around and walking away while im still on the ground surrounded by dead junkers and blood with what was left of my leg beside me and i remember yelling at him, screaming mean things and crying and begging him not to leave me there because i was scared and we had a deal and /i didn't want to die like this/ but he just kept walking and i screamed at him until i couldn't scream. Even when i couldnt see him anymore.
I dunno how long i was alone. I dont remember how long i sat there. It couldn't have been too long considering i wasnt dead yet. But he did come back and he appologized, like, a lot (well a lot for him. Was probably the first time i saw him emotional like that ) and he promised he could help and he knew someone who could help. Feom what i remember he never actually told me why he left or why he came back. thats really all i remember of that right now
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