#the pelican post in your brain
nomazee · 1 year
silly silly
sebastian (sdv) x gn reader
word count: 2.1k
content: pining (mutual...), AGGRESSIVE pining, reader is smitten and in love, stream of conciousness/ramble type of writing, romantic tension (unresolved), cute and will maybe make ur stomach hurt from anxiety (i have my ways) (i’m lying)
notes: omg hey guys so i wasn’t lying about the stardew valley delusion and now i’m so deep in that i wrote this in a haze last night and posted it to my ao3 and now im posting it here. please enjoy. my heart and soul (my rotted brain) went into this it’s the beginning of my magnum opus 
part 1 (you are here) part 2 part 3
You’re gonna kiss him silly. By the end of the night, you totally are.
It’s something you decided since before you showed up at this jellyfish-festival thing. You barely even know what it’s all about, really—the note from Demetrius didn't say much other than the fact that it was happening tonight, and you should come, and it’s beautiful and all the jellyfish are going south for the winter (like they’re a flock of birds, you think absurdly), and it’s down at the beach at 10pm. You weren’t exactly up to asking him more about it, seeing as it would be awkward to do that and then kiss his step-son on the mouth right in front of him that same night.
That was the plan. Kiss Sebastian on the mouth. It was going to happen and there was kind of nothing anyone could do to stop it (except Sebastian himself, reasonably). You’d like to think you’d gotten close enough to him to let this sort of thing happen. But then again, Sebastian is a special enigma, like a specter floating around on his own path, invisible to the things around him (or at least, trying to be invisible. He’s not invisible to you, never ever ever. You’re too painfully aware of him to let go of that).
Your mind is running with too many thoughts. It’s dark on the beach, and the wood of the dock creaks faintly beneath your feet as you approach where he stands with Sam and Abigail. Vaguely, you wonder how much they’d mind if you yanked Sebastian away from them to give him a kiss. A big fat whopping breath-stealing mind-turning stomach-aching kiss.
You’re going crazy. This whole thing is crazy. You say hi to the three of them and pretend like you’re not plotting this whole thing in your head. They seem none the wiser to your conflicts, and give you amicable greetings as you shift closer to where Sebastian is standing.
He almost blends in with the rest of the night, all black hair and black clothes, but the torches on the dock light him up just enough for you to see his skin and eyes and smile as he glances at you. You greet him, no smile on your part, but a sweet sort of look in your eyes that you hope he’ll catch onto soon. (You don’t think he does.)
He makes space for you to stand next to him, between some empty box and the odd warmth of his body. You take the offer. You’re standing, next to him, so close that you can almost smell the tea tree oil of his shampoo wafting off of him. You think you’re going crazy. You’re going crazy. You look at him, and he looks at you.
Sebastian has a serious look in his eyes, eyebrows furrowed and lips downturned. “I thought I saw something moving in there… something big. Something dark.” You nearly nod along to whatever he’s saying from habit. There’s a second or two where you realize how absurd his words are, and he sees it in your face because he goes, “Just trying to scare you.”
Now he’s teasing you, a smile and a fun kind of glint in the way he does it. The thought crosses your mind to warn him, tell him that he shouldn’t play jokes with you like that because it might make you kiss him silly on this beach before the stupid jellyfish even get here. Then you wave the thought away, because really—that wouldn’t be the final straw. The final straw has been broken for days now. Even weeks. Maybe since the first day you spoke to him and he talked so incredulously about how you could’ve picked Pelican Town as a place to live, but you’d like to think you have more self control than to let a love-at-first-sight kind of deal happen like that.
“You’re funny,” you say back, and you hope it doesn’t sound too strangled. “I think I almost believed you.”
“Really? I didn't expect that. I thought you would’ve called my bluff.”
You could tell me anything and I would believe you, you want to tell him. You could tell me there’s a monster in the sea. You could tell me you made the sun and the stars and the moon and the clouds. You could tell me you’re a jellyfish. I would totally believe you.
You don't say any of that. Because that would be embarrassing. Sam says something, and then Abigail says something, and then Sebastian is turning himself around to talk to them now. Sam and Abigail are nice, and you’re close enough to them where if you joined into their conversation it wouldn’t be awkward or unwelcome.
But there’s something telling you to stay quiet. Anxiety, maybe, fear of saying something stupid and ruining every friendship you’ve made in this town. It’s a crazy hyperbolic thought but it’s enough to make you keep your mouth clamped shut. It’s fine. You listen and turn your head to them and nod along with whatever they say, something about the jellyfish being poisonous and how bad would it be if you reached your hand in and grabbed one, and—?
“It’s starting!” Someone says distantly, and your head snaps back to face the ocean just as lights glow from underneath and the forms of sea creatures illuminate themselves. It’s beautiful. It really, really is beautiful, and you think that you should’ve taken everyone’s word that this was a wonderful event, something you really shouldn’t miss out on, something gorgeous and unimaginable and isn’t it crazy we get to see this every year?
The glow pulses bright enough for you to see more of Sebastian’s face from beneath the darkness of the night. You glance to the side, slowly and subtly (or at least, you hope so). His eyes are bright, and just a little bit wider, and there’s a twitch of his mouth as if he’s holding back a smile. As if he would be embarrassed to let it show how much he likes seeing this.
He smiles, big this time, and it’s one of those downward smiles where the corners of his mouth are tucked in and his cheeks are flushed and you are going to kiss him. You are totally going to kiss him, right now, because now he’s looking at you and the smile still hasn’t left his face and you hope you’re not unsettling him by how you’re ignoring the jellyfish at this point just to stare at him.
Sebastian is not unsettled. At least, not outwardly. He’s staring back and it’s soft now. And his stupid smile is still there. It hasn’t moved, hasn’t changed the way that his gaze had, and you hope it’s not because he has the same affinity for you that he has for the jellyfish. You’d like to be more than the jellyfish, maybe.
You’d like to be more. A little more. And you think, just a little bit more time, and you could kiss him. You could kiss him tonight. You could.
You don’t. Your head turns back to the ocean and you’re shocked at the level of self control you just displayed. It’s almost unbelievable. This whole plan, this whole dream had been built up over weeks now and here you were, being patient. It’s uncharacteristic. You wonder. Wonder wonder wonder.
From beside you, Sebastian doesn't deflate, but there’s a moment of hesitation before he turns to face the same direction as you. Maybe he understands. Maybe he knows. You hope he doesn’t know. You hope this is your own secret to keep.
Minutes pass, and the ceremony ends. The rest of it is nothing short of incredible and wonderful and spectacular and every word you could possibly use to describe it. Your legs buzz from disuse as you push yourself to stand up. (You don’t notice Sebastian hesitating to stick a hand out for support before pulling it back to his side.)
“I like this place,” you say absentmindedly, and suddenly everyone is turned to you—not just Sebastian, but Abigail and Sam and maybe even Vincent from further up the dock. “This was really nice. Thank you all for letting me stay here.”
There’s a pause, and you can’t believe any of that just came out of your mouth. It was cheesy and sappy and insane. This night has rotted your mind so much it’s starting to ooze out of your mouth. You hate this town. You love it. You let them know.
“Of course, man!” Sam is exuberant, and he smiles at you. “I guess at first it was weird having someone new here, because no one new ever comes here. But you’re great. And you’ve done so much for all of us. Really.”
Abigail nods along, a firm gesture paired with this triumphant sort of smile that makes your chest warm. “Really. Like, yeah, maybe it sucked having my old hang-out place taken over by a stranger.” (Sam elbows her. She yelps indignantly.) “But you’ve kind of made it worth it. Thanks for everything, too.”
It’s sweet. It’s all so sweet it makes your teeth ache and your head ache and your stomach ache. You’re hit with a sudden need to go home, and it’s the first time you’ve really felt like you knew where home was. It’s weird. Your legs ache, now.
Your head is muffled. You think you nod to all of them and you hope the appreciation and care in your eyes is enough to make up for your stunted responses. People are packing up and going home. Sam and Abigail give some sort of look in your direction, not unkind, but unusual, and suddenly Sebastian is thanking you for the night and asking to walk you home. You want to kiss him. Kiss him. Hold his hand and kiss him and trace his palm and maybe throw him into the ocean with the possibly-poisonous jellyfish remnants.
It’s quiet as he walks you home. Faintly, you realize how out of character this is for him. But this whole night has been full of out-of-character things for you and him and everybody. This is so weird. You’re going crazy. You’re going to kiss him.
Or, you think, for sure, that you’ll kiss him even if it wasn’t in front of the docks or the jellyfish or his friends—you think, for sure, the rest of this night is going to be made up of you kissing him silly on your doorstep and then collapsing in your bed and moving back to the city in shame.
But. But but but. But. There is something. And you don’t know what it is. And you don’t know if he’d kiss you too, but maybe. But. But but but. You don’t.
You’re at your doorstep. You thank him. And now, you are both waiting expectantly at your door for something to happen. You need to make it happen. Now. You need to kiss him and you won’t move and your stomach is aching and you think maybe you have a shellfish allergy.
“I feel sick.” It’s not a lie, and you really are two steps away from throwing up on his shoes and you really, really don't want that to happen—if you throw up on his shoes, then you’ll never be able to kiss him, because every time you reach for him he’ll be struck by the memory of you splattering vomit all over his sneakers and then he’ll ask you politely to move back to Zuzu City and never look back. (You think this is accurate.)
“Get to bed,” he tells you, and you’re shocked to hear him speak after so long. “It’s been a long night.” He’s polite, he’s kind, he’s so so kind that it’s stabbing you in the chest and twisting around your insides and why couldn't you just kiss him like a normal person?!
Okay, you think you say. Okay okay okay. His brow is furrowed and his lips are downturned but not in that odd smiley way of his. He’s just worried, now, and you think you’re going to be sick, for real this time.
You don’t tell him goodnight, but the slam of the door in his face is probably enough of a signal. You’re embarrassed. You didn't even kiss him. You can’t even tell if this night is a success or not. Kitty walks across your feet and looks up at you as if she knows what kind of clusterfuck of a night you just had. What a little shit. You let her follow you to bed and sit on your chest while her deep breaths lull you to sleep.
You didn't kiss him. What a wreck. What a joke. You’ll kiss him tomorrow for sure. Kiss him silly.
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phebbsl · 8 months
A Part of Your World- Chapter 1
Stardew Sebastian x GN!Reader
Sebastian’s resolve to not meet the new farmer lasts all but two weeks. To be fair, it’s not of his own volition. 
You never thought you had to resolve to not get literally sucked into your favorite game, but now here you are. And now you have a farm to manage and a pretty boy to woo. 
Or: My spin on the life in Pelican Town, and Heart Events, featuring a GN!Reader (possibly/probably Isekai???).
Cross posted from my AO3, phebbsl
Sebastian’s resolve to not meet the new farmer lasts all but two weeks. To be fair, it’s not of his own volition. 
He had stumbled out of his bedroom in the afternoon, late afternoon mind you, and promptly walked in on you and his mom discussing options for a new coop.
It was the day after the Egg Festival. Abigail had lost the Egg hunt for the first time in years, and was inconsolable for the whole night yesterday. Not in the ‘holy shit I lost and I’m absolutely devastated’ way with tears, but in ‘holy shit, did you see the Farmer??? they’re so hot’ type of way. 
The trio of friends had stayed up late at Sebastian’s room for the rest of the night, drinking and using his ‘vase’. Abigail continued to gush about the Farmer, only slightly put out that her win streak ended.
“I mean, did you see them in that little straw hat? How cute!” she cooed. 
Sam joined in too, all red-faced, blushing. The Farmer had stopped by his house when they first moved in, introducing themselves sweetly, and had even tossed over a can of Joja Cola to the blonde. Sam had suspected that it had been fished up from the river, judging by scuffs and slightly musty river-y smell, but had downed it anyway (and kept the can). 
Why Sam drinks treasures those little blue cans of diabetes and Yoba-knows-what when he literally works at Joja and knows damn well how unhealthy it is, Sebastian will never know. 
Sebastian spent the rest of the night, totally not sulking on his bed, casting mournful glances at the game table, all set up for a round of Solarian, as he listened to his friends’ gossip about the newest member of the town. 
Abigail and Sam didn’t leave until well past midnight, and while Sebastian was used to long nights hunched over his computer, the day’s festivities had worn him out completely.
Thus, leading to him crawling out of his mom’s basement like a cave-goblin, obvious to all that he had woken up past the accepted hours for any normal person, even later than he typically would’ve. Upon seeing you, he was completely determined to turn around, go back to bed, and hide enjoy his solitude until you were gone. That was, before his mother had stepped in, ever so glad to take any opportunities to socialize him.  
“Have you met my son, Sebastian?” Robin prods, with a sly grin, before slinking away to leave the two of you to socialize. 
Great, now he had to interact with you.
He mumbles out a greeting and his name and takes you in. 
You don’t look like a farmer. At least, not the stereotypical version of he had come up in his head. To be fair, he only really envisioned a grizzled old man, smudged with dirt and hands full of calluses. Basically, your grandfather. He had only caught a brief glance at the festival yesterday, and was uninterested in looking further. Now, he realized that his friends were right. 
‘Oh no, they’re hot!’ echoes in his brain, soundly strangely like Squidward. 
You’re exactly his type, with pretty eyes he could just drown in to boot, your straw hat prize from yesterday perched on your head. You’d even wound a crown of flowers around the base. He’s not a big fan of flowers, but daffodils suddenly look a million times better. Yellow looks good on you, he thinks. 
He urges his brain to reboot and act like a normal person. Suddenly, he wants to make a good impression on you, curse his traitorous hormones. 
“Oh. You just moved in, right? Cool. Out of all the places you could live, you chose Pelican Town?”
Nice. Cool, slightly aloof, and hopefully he didn’t sound too much like a dick. 
You shrug and spin off the truly humongous backpack you have strapped on. 
‘Damn, Pierre found someone to sell that thing to, huh?’ he thinks absently. 
He and Abigail had spent an embarrassingly long time giggling at the giant monstrosity when it had arrived at Pierre's, while the store owner wilted behind the register, his plans to sell backpacks to one-up Joja foiled. 
Sebastian watches with confusion as you proceed to stick your arm in the pack, rummaging, before producing a frozen tear, then dropping it into his hands. He stares at it, flabbergasted. 
“I really love this. How did you know?” He finally manages to say. 
“Just had a feeling,” you shrug again. 
Robin comes back, interrupting the moment. 
“I found the paint swatches for the coop! Let me know which one you’d like.”
You break away to discuss color options, and Sebastain stays, silently rolling the frozen tear in between his fingers. More words of gratitude are stuck in his throat.
Eventually, you and Robin finish, the latter rolling up the blueprints with promises to start working the next day. 
“It was nice to meet you,” you give a little wave with a wiggle of your fingers. 
“Uh yeah, same here.” 
‘Wow, real eloquent,’ Sebastian snarks internally. 
He finally leaves for the kitchen to grab food to start his day. 
“Are you going to Sam’s? You should change before you go,” Robin enters as well, snickering. 
Sebastian looks down.
Fuck, he had just met the most attractive person he’d ever seen and he was in his damn froggie printed pajama pants.
‘I knew I should’ve just stayed in my room,’ he thinks. But, glancing at the frozen tear next to his cup of coffee, he knows he might just wake up early again the next time you visit.
I’m playing with the idea of having the farmer be from our world, like an isekai, I think it opens up more possibilities and has potential to become a bigger story than just a series of one shots, but I’m still not sure yet. 
Let me know what you guys think!
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
For the rare pair challenge: my favorite one is Sam/Alex!
unfffff I love this one how HOT would that be 🥵
My brain is scrambled tho because I have shipped them both with Sebastian as the openly gay one to even out the dynamic. I interpret Alex as closeted and Sam as bi/pan but skewing more towards women. Like he's not opposed to getting with a guy if he liked them but hasn't really thought about it kind of thing.
So how would they end up getting together?
Ok, I think I want Alex to be coming back from college. He lost his sports scholarship due to bad grades and was forced to come home, leaving his secret fling in the city at the same time. He's heartbroken, he's dejected, he's wallowing.
A couple of weeks after coming back, Haley decides she's had enough of his moping and they are going to a bar in the little town nearby to see some people from their high school perform. They're in a band now, and getting some minor success playing gigs at local venues.
Alex is totally plastered by the time Goblin Destroyer comes on stage. That must be why time slows when he sees Sam. Why his smile makes him feel warm and his heart race.
"Holy shit," he murmurs to himself. The scrawny class clown he knew in high school looks so different.
Haley eyes him knowingly. "No. Nuhuh. Not him. When I said we were getting you laid tonight I didn't mean one of the few people from Pelican Town!"
"But he's gotten SO hot."
"He's got a mullet, Lexie."
"Mullets can be hot," he pouts.
And then they begin their set, and Alex is certain he must be drunk as hell because he doesn't even like this kind of music but he's dancing along to it and having the best time. He's amazed that Sam can play the guitar and sing at the same time. He's amazed by Sam's voice, the rasp in it seriously fucking with his inhibition. And even when he stops singing, and just shreds a guitar solo, Alex is still awe-struck.
They hadn't been sure they would stay for the whole performance, but then Alex is cheering along with the crowd after their final song, cheeks flushed with exertion and heart racing.
He hasn't thought about his ex in hours. He hasn't thought about how royally fucked up his life is. And he doesn't want it to end. But Sam disappears.
Suddenly the crowd is too stifling. He needs to get outside. He needs to breathe. Haley seems to be having the time of her life pressed up against a wall with a man she met fifteen minutes ago. Alex texts her that he will be outside, and pushes his way to the exit.
It's cold, instant relief. It's quiet too, just a group of smokers chatting in the parking lot. He turns to walk the opposite direction from them, when someone bumps into him.
Teehee this is my most cliffhanger one yet I was really getting into that one. I might actually write it for real. If you'd be interested in being tagged if/when I post the fic, reblog or comment letting me know! (What are we naming this ship??)
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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renegade0897 · 9 hours
His fans keep saying "he's just a child. He's young. He's not thinking straight because he's still a kid."
These over the top lovey-dovey cult fans of his keep making excuses to defend him from the stupidity he keeps on doing. Listen you ignant fucks, if your driver likes making snide comments and openly goes into a tantrum when he loses or makes these stupid angry faces like a fucking disgruntled pelican who got his phone confiscated, or he thinks a manbaby dictatorial asshole in the making "deserves respect", OR THINKS CHOKING WOMEN IS ACTUALLY MANLY" and thinks these things are just random ramblings from an child, let me point this out to you.
He's a fucking 24yr. old human being with the brain of a toddler with tantrum problems. Don't give me the mental health bullshit because honestly he's just using that as a cover to make himself appear likeable and sympathetic. HE IS A GROWN-ASS ADULT and he knows right from wrong. I guess he doesn't because he can't even maintain his winning streaks to a consistent pace compared to his younger "psychopath" teammate as you describe him.
Your driver is a fucking immature, childish, idiotic asshole who thinks he's the king of the sport after performing well in a single season, THE FIRST FUCKING TIME HE'S DONE IN HIS 5 FUCKING YEARS IN F1!! Compared to his teammate who has reached the same amount of wins as he did in the shortest amount of time.
I have just about had it up to my cranium seeing posts on social media defending this prick by saying "he's just a kid." NO! HE IS NOT A KID ANYMORE.
For fuck's sakes just fuck off already and yes.
I AM ACTUALLY PRAYING HE DOESN'T WIN THE WDC this season and Max takes it from him.
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hopefuloverfury · 1 year
ey yooooo are requests still open?? if so, what are the bachelor/ette's first impressions of the farmer? who do you think has a crush right off the bat and who takes a little longer to warm up to them?
They are open! I’ll let y’all know when they’re closed, but you can still send in requests regardless—I won’t delete any, but I have to wait until I have time to work through them. This got away from me, it’s so long, and I really wanted to do a bit for everybody, but the post is a monster so I'm going to make the bachelorette's a little later, if that's alright! It also fell a little more toward “How The Marriage Candidates Fall In Love With You,” so. Uh. Whoops? I hope you enjoy!
Bachelorettes are here.
This is super fluffy for some of them, others not so much, Shane is Shane, and Seb is Seb. There’s some little bits of dialogue here and there, but I didn’t go crazy, and I tried to stick to canon but also I did not stick to canon lmfao
Sam saw you on the first friday of spring, at the saloon
He thought you looked… pretty normal, actually
like, yeah sure, you had work boots caked with dried mud, and a backpack stuffed past-full with an assortment of busted up tools slung over your shoulder, but other than that, pretty normal
Besides, it wasn’t weird for people living on a farm to have a lot of tools, right?
He’s got the image of you seared into his brain for a few days afterward, but doesn’t talk about it with Seb and Abigail because they’re both weirdly touchy about the subject (more on that later)
Then you approach him at the egg festival to introduce yourself, and Sam’s curiosity grows that much more
Your boots are still filthy, your backpack is practically bursting at the seams, and he’s pretty sure he saw you drop at least 5000 gold on seeds at Pierre’s stand
He wants to talk to you more, but then Lewis starts the egg hunt, and for the first time since Sam moved to Pelican Town, Abigail loses—to you
Everyone is surprised, Abigail is bitter about it, Sam wishes he’d had the chance to talk to you again after the egg hunt was wrapped up, but he couldn’t find you
He’s even more taken aback when he hears about your stints in the mines to the north of town, because aren’t there monsters down there???? 
Not to mention you apparently have a nasty habit of falling asleep in town instead of at your farmhouse?? Where you should be sleeping?? Hello?????
Plus the acts of literal deforestation you’ve apparently been enacting outside of Seb’s house? (with robin’s permission, but still)
He is so confused
The flower dance rolls around
You don’t ask anyone to dance, but you do make your rounds, making sure to talk to everyone—even Clint and Mr. Mullner, and he’s especially surprised when he spots you talking to the homeless guy that lives behind Seb’s house
He’s interested to get to know you, but isn’t self-aware enough to examine the underlying intentions there
Over the course of your friendship, he starts feeling things he didn’t know he could
When you defend him with Lewis, when you take the blame for the egg incident—and when you arrive to the bus stop twenty minutes early for their gig in the city—even though you hate the city
You dressed up for the occasion, and Sam almost drops his guitar case in the dirt when he sees you
You help them load up their equipment into the bus, and Sam can’t stop looking at you
Asks to sit next to you during the drive
You share his earbuds and he shows their music to you
You both bob your heads to the beat, and your thighs are pressing together, but he's the only one who notices
He wants to hold your hand so bad
And then when he’s on stage, he’s got anxiety bubbling in his gut, but one look at you standing in the front row has him jumping headfirst into the set with a wild grin on his face
He catches you buying one of their band shirts and a CD from outside the venue
He gets breathless every time he sees you wearing it around town after that
You wear it when you hand him the bouquet, too, and he swears he could fall to his knees
He doesn’t like you
Even before you showed up, he didn’t like you
For weeks, you were all anyone could talk about
He couldn’t make it through one conversation without hearing about you, and it drove him nuts
He didn’t understand the allure, or the interest, and he was genuinely irritated every time you were mentioned
Like a song that you overplay so much that you end up hating it?
Yeah. exactly like that
When he meets you, he’s even more put off because he doesn’t understand you
He doesn’t understand why you’d leave the city to go to Pelican Town
He understands the allure of a gigantic swathe of land waiting to be claimed, but still. 
Pelican Town???
Also weirded out by how eager you are to make friends, and the first time you gift him a quartz crystal, he doesn’t know how to react—mainly he’s just afraid about how you knew he liked them because he knows for a fact that he's never told you
But even though you make him uncomfortable at first, he’s not going to be outright rude to you or go out of his way to be a dickhead
And honestly, you’re still nice
You’re weird, and he’s never seen the land around his house so devoid of trees before, but that’s really as far as his opinion goes
his mother isn’t stressing nearly as much about bills anymore due to your commissions, so he’s kind of glad about that
But you’re so different from him, and he’s pretty committed to getting the hell out of pelican town, so what does it matter? He’s not going to be around for long enough to make a real friend out of you
Oh, Sebby
He immediately changes his tune the first time you give him sashimi
It was surprising that you didn’t make up a story or give an excuse for it, either
You waltzed into his room like you owned the place, waited until he was finished with work (which was… a new experience for him) and set the container on his corner shelf
“You like sashimi, so I made this for you. Tell me what you think. Have a good day, Seb.” and you smiled at him, and maybe you didn’t notice the way his ears flushed bright red, or maybe you were just too nice to point it out
And it was good sashimi
It wasn’t a special occasion, it wasn’t a prank, and he was dead confused because you’d only exchanged a few hellos and stilted conversations that altogether totaled a grand three minutes, so he had no idea how you knew again
Worked up the courage to ask
Everything clicked into place when you told him that his mother and half-sister mentioned it to you
And then he was stuck with the knowledge that you talked about him to other people—that you even asked about him
You’re respectful of his time and boundaries, you speak kindly to him, show an interest in his hobbies, and he’s amassed a small collection of frozen tears and quartz crystals lined on his shelves
He orders stands for every last one, dusts them all regularly, and when you give him an obsidian stone, he starts carrying it around with him in his pocket, just because
He fights with himself for months before he can admit to himself that he has a crush on you
Definitely has that “oh no” moment lmao
Can’t look at you for a little while, but once he gets over that, he can’t stop looking
Takes longer to admit it to anyone else, and doesn’t intend to admit it to you
You throw a wrench in that plan eventually :)
We all know he finds you attractive right off the bat
Which—obviously, why wouldn’t he? (<3)
But unlike Shane, for example, he’s readily kind and eager to talk to someone other than his grandparents or Haley
He might be attracted to you, but he’ll try his best not to let that color his interactions as much
There are moments where he slips up, but there’s no negative intentions there
And because he knows himself, he figures whatever mini-crush he’s developing will eventually go away
When it doesn't, he gets really down on himself
Starts thinking about you constantly, and rethinking all of your interactions so far
Kind of ashamed of how he treated you
You’ve always been so kind to him, and so supportive of his goal to go pro
But he’s never really… reciprocated that
It takes him a long while to work up the courage to apologize
He wishes he didn’t do it while in the middle of a workout, but the moment felt right otherwise
It helped that it was just you and him, because you’re so damn popular with the rest of the town that he can rarely get a moment alone with you
And just like he figured you would, you accept his apology without any fanfare, and then turn right around and encourage him again
He’s got hearts in his eyes, trust
His crush builds over the course of months, and the moment it’s solidified is when you catch him on the beach, reminiscing about his mother
You don’t judge him for his tears, and even though you laugh when he asks you to keep it under lock and key, the sound is bright in his ears like wind chimes
And you still kept his secret
Alex is gone on you from that moment, 100%
You’re kind, and attractive, and you treat him so well it almost makes him feel insecure
When he’s working at the ice cream stand during the summer, there are plenty of times where he’s almost scooped out of the wrong tray because he was busy thinking about you
He’s never felt this way about anyone
All of his crushes have been super shallow in the past, but this is different
They were all physical, but he fantasizes about living on the farm with you, and wonders what kind of partner you’d be on the regular
Sticks his face in the freezer when his thoughts veer into less innocent territory (he thought about how you might like to kiss him)
Haley makes fun of him about it lmfao
Y’all don’t figure your shit out until year two, probably during the dance of the moonlight jellies
You ask him to watch them with you, and with the glow of the ocean illuminating your face, you hand him the bouquet
He accepts it (duh) and tries to play it cool, but he’s cheesing for the rest of the night
Sees you fishing on the beach after an early morning spent in the mines
He walks out of his cabin to stretch his legs after a long night sitting at his writing desk
He’s only been in Pelican Town for a year himself, but he notices a new face right off the bat
You’ve got your legs hanging off the edge of the pier, fishing rod in hand, and two buckets next to you (one for bait, the other for your catches)
Elliott knows you’re the new farmer immediately
Though he’s not entirely sure why a farmer would need a sword, or a shoulder guard
He’s not intending to introduce himself to you, but when you look up and lock eyes with him, there’s a sudden tug in his chest
He believes in soulmates, I’ll just say that
Then you wave at him and smile, and he walks up without thinking about it
You take your fishing rod out of the water and set it aside, getting up to introduce yourself, and Elliott is fond of you already
Anyone who prioritizes the person they’re speaking to is going to be very attractive to him
And because Elliott’s a little sensitive, he tends to take it the wrong way when the person he’s speaking to doesn’t give him their full attention
One of my personal hcs is that he came from a rich family that never paid any real attention to him or valued his input
So when you give that to him without a second thought, he knows he’ll get along with you just fine
He’s curious about you in the beginning, but that’s as far as allows himself to take it
He thinks of you as a friend, or at least he tries to
Maybe it was the way the sunlight streaming through his windows caught your eyes as you inspected his struggling rose, or maybe it was the soft smiles you gave him when he would find crabs in his shirt pocket, but he’s constantly catching himself thinking about you
He plays it cool for the most part
But then you gift him a bottle of squid ink, mentioning how you noticed his stock getting low during your last visit, and the gears in his head make a funny noise
During the long process of writing his book, there were many times he was cemented in place by his writer’s block
But when his brisk walks through town and his piano breaks weren’t enough to spark inspiration, even a short conversation with you was enough for his fingers to twitch
You make him enjoy his art again, and he doesn’t care if someone notices the similarities between you and the protagonist of his book
Finally embraces it and dedicates his book to you
He knows he’s probably being so obvious about his feelings, but your face flushes brightly when he tells you during his reading at the library
If I’m honest, I don’t think he’s actually capable of having crushes on people
He feels everything so deeply that he might just fall straight into the ‘smitten’ category, but he swears that something about you is different
When you hand him the bouquet, he doesn’t blame fate, or any cosmic forces
None of them hold a candle to your power over him, anyway
We know how this guy is
Or rather, we know how he acts
He’s not at all curious, and he would rather you leave him alone entirely, but it’s not because he hates you or anything
He just doesn’t know you
But most everyone in town looks at him with pity, and he can’t stand another person looking at him like that
He’d rather you just not like him at all, so at least your expression will be different
Except you’re a persistent little shit
Every request he sticks on the board outside Pierre’s will be completed within the first few hours of the day, and he knows every time that it’ll be you, with whatever he’s asked for in your hands and an eager smile on your face
You always make time to talk to him, you smile at him on your way to whatever it is you get up to in your free time, and he’s pretty sure you’ve spent a small fortune on pizza and beer for him at the saloon
You laugh at his jokes, you listen to him rant about Morris and shitty customers without a shred of complaint—you make him feel like he’s actually worth listening to
The first time he’s properly mean to you is when he’s on his way to work
He’s finally accepted that you want something to do with him, and you’re tentative friends now, so it isn’t on purpose, but it’s still his fault
It’s cold outside, he hasn’t had a drink in two days, and he can’t drink before work if he wants to keep his job, so his withdrawals are bad
The wounded look on your face when he snaps at you swims behind his eyelids for his whole shift
He’s fighting tears back for the rest of the day, and his self-talk is the worst it’s been in a long time
He’s convinced he’s driven you away for good, and while part of him is almost glad that he’s managed to do it, the other, much louder part of him, is breaking apart because he’s really and truly fucked up with you
He’s at the saloon that night, already two beers in, when you waltz in
He makes eye contact with you out of habit, and your smile falters, just a bit
He feels like shit immediately, and looks down into his pint
For the first time he realizes that having you hate him feels infinitely worse than how it would if you pitied him
But with that knowledge, he reserves himself to his fuck-up
Even though he knows he should apologize, because that’s the right thing to do, he figures it’d be better for you if he just kept to himself and left you be
Until you plop down on the stool next to him at the bar, with a drink of your own
“Hey, grumpy. Do you feel like tolerating some company now?”
Stares at you in surprise for what feels like a minute before he stares into his pint again, squinting and trying to find anything wrong with it
You chuckle at him and guide him into setting down his beer
“No one spiked your drink, knucklehead, it’s me”
Was convinced that you’d want nothing to do with him, but then you order a pizza for the two of you, and he’s struck clean through by how… normal you’re being about him
Apologizes while you’re waiting for your food, and asks pretty bluntly why you’d still want to talk to him after that morning
“I figured you were just in one of your moods,” you shrug, taking a long drink from your glass, “Besides, I’ve had my moments, too. It’d be pretty hypocritical of me to get on your ass about it. But I forgive you, so quit beating yourself up about it, yeah?”
Probably doesn’t believe you’re capable of any “moments” because you’re always busting your ass to be the kindest you can possibly be
He used to think it was weird, and probably took you as the manipulative type when you first arrived, because you gave gifts and started conversations undeterred, desperate to win affection
But looking at you right then, he finally figures it out—that that’s just you
Maybe you do want everyone to like you, but your interactions with everyone have never been shallow
His chest gets tight, and he sets down his pint. He doesn’t intend on finishing it, because his vision is blurring around the edges, and he really wants to remember your conversation
Usually you’d ask him about how his shift went—if Morris was an annoying prick again, but he beats you to it while you’re in the middle of a sip 
“Tell me about your day?”
The surprise coloring your features makes him feel guilty, but he shoves that aside in favor of listening to you talk
He didn’t know you went into the mines as frequently as you did, and he has no idea what the hell a “skull cavern” is, but he hangs on every word
You both walk home together, dropping him off at Marnie’s as you go, and he flops into bed with his head swimming and a dopey smile on his face
He wakes up the next day with a hangover, but he’s off work, and he’s still got the image of your smile tattooed on his brain
Y’all he’s so dumb
You have this man stressed out from day one, and it takes him longer than the others to realize his feelings—or develop them (longer than Shane, too. Wild isn’t it?)
He’s a little impressed with your complete lack of anxiety about most things
He’s been the valley doctor for years now, but he still doesn’t have a very personal relationship with most of the townies
But you moved in three months ago and you’re already on your way to being besties with half of the town
The only thing he’s not sure about is your apparent lack of self-preservation instincts
You’ve passed out in every part of the valley at least once, and he’s treated several broken bones and serious injuries of yours by the time summer rolls around
he’s worried about you—as the valley doctor, he practically holds everyone’s lives in his hands, and there are patients that he’s lost in the past and can’t forget about
So making sure everyone is taking care of themselves is already nerve-wracking enough without throwing someone like you in the mix
You, who can’t go one week without some incident happening
He’s started up a tentative friendship with Marlon up at the guild, if only for the many times he’s carried you down to the clinic with varying level of injuries littering your skin
But you’re aware of the stress you bring him, and over time, you start improving
You get better at defending yourself in the mines, and he hasn’t found you passed out in front of someone’s porch in at least two months
That doesn’t sound like a long time, but given your track record, it’s impressive
And you’ve made a habit out of bringing him a coffee twice a week as a silent apology/thank you
He appreciates the caffeine, and your efforts to not stress him out
And during your check-up, he’s surprised to find that you’re actually—all things considered—pretty healthy
You bashfully admit that you’ve been trying to take better care of yourself so he doesn’t have to worry, and even though there’s no way he won’t worry, he appreciates it nonetheless
He properly realizes his feelings when you watch the plane fly overhead together
You’ve got your head poked out his apartment window, trying to catch a glimpse of the plane
He’s watching you carefully, making sure you don’t lean too far out, when it hits him
He’s not sure why, but you’ve got the sun shining on your face as you squint through your fingers to look at the sky, and the smile on your face when you spot the plane is brilliant
His breath leaves him in a silent gasp, and he doesn’t really care that he doesn’t get to take a good look at the plane, because he’d rather look at you
Over-explains his model planes to keep you around longer, but thinks about it for days afterward
Can’t stop thinking about how you looked, listening to him talk with your full attention
He doesn’t have many friends, and no one has ever shown a real and true interest in his hobbies—most people have found him dorky for it, but not you
He can tell the model of a plane based on the shadow of it in the sky and the sound of its motor, and you never fail to point one out and ask him which one it is
The glee on your face when he picks it out easily will never fail to make him smile
For what feels like the first time in his life, he can impress someone
His family is full of successful people: lawyers, musicians, a few unsavory cousins of his have turned to politics, and there’s more than a few pilots as well. Him being a doctor was never impressive to the people around him growing up—it was expected
He didn’t get much praise, forever overshadowed by everyone else in his family
Fake praise grinds his gears, but he knows it’s never anything but the truth when it comes from you
And the fact that it comes from you, who took up the mantle of your grandfather and turned the farm around from its steady decay and deterioration with your bare hands?
His confidence always jumps a level or two when you compliment him, because if you like him and think he’s cool, then he must be, you know?
A few weeks later, when he sees you standing outside the clinic through the window, he’s a little confused
He’s pretty sure you’ve already given him his caffeine for the week, but when he walks out to ask you what’s up, he sees the bouquet in your hands
He’s your doctor, and because he’s your doctor, he knows the blush on your cheeks and the scattered eye contact isn’t indicative of anything but nerves
You’re both practically steaming with how hard you’re blushing, and he gently takes the bouquet out of your hands
He doesn’t mind that he didn’t get to be a pilot. If he had, he doesn’t think he would’ve met you, and with the scent of flowers in his nose and your image etched into his memory, there’s nothing he’d hate more aw you guys are so cute
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strayy-starss · 4 months
✧A/N: Hey guys! This is my first writing post, and it's mainly just to help you guys get the feel of my writing style and the things that I'll write about. Thank you to everyone who sticks around to the end!
✧Pairing: Alex x GN!Farmer
✧WC: 1.1k
✧Warnings: None, just fluff!
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The warm summer breeze ruffled your hair as you made your way to Pierre’s shop to buy some melon seeds. As you kicked up the dirt behind you, you looked around optimistically at the blooming trees and summer flowers, and you couldn’t help but smile as you made your way to the shop, turning your face to the sky and thanking the sun for its warmth. The sun had done you justice all throughout spring, leaving you nice and tan from all your work outside every day. Additionally, the sun had helped freckles that you didn’t even know you had emerge atop the bridge of your nose. Sun-kissed, as your mom would say.
Because you hadn’t seen anyone as of late, no one commented on your tan or constant hustle, but someone did notice. Someone that stood outside his house every day, tossing a gridball into the air outside of his house as an excuse to see you make your daily rounds. Little did you know that he noticed the subtle muscles in your arms as you lugged fish around after disappearing into the entrance of the beach for hours, and he noticed the tan lines that your shirt made on your arms every time your sleeves got hiked up your arms. He noticed everything, yet he never said a word to you.
As your feet hit the stone path in town, you took a minute to breathe in the nice, fresh air of Pelican town, excited for the summer and all the things you’d be able to do this season. The thoughts of growing new crops and buying new livestock from Marnie had you smiling through your entire exchange with Pierre.
“You seem happy today,” he noticed, chuckling as you exchanged some gold for melon seeds with a smile on your face. 
“I am! It’s finally summer,” you grinned.
“I, for one, don’t like the hot weather, but it’s a good season for crops, yeah? Don’t be afraid to drop by and sell me some!”
“You got it!” you said, giving him a small salute as you left the store. You caught sight of the river on your way out, glistening in the sunshine. Your mind immediately started to run through the fish that were available during the summer, and you began to murmur to yourself incoherently, the occasional name of a summer fish slipping through your lips as your brow furrowed in concentration. You could’ve sworn there was a fish during the summer that you hadn’t caught before, but you just couldn’t put a finger on it. You started to walk back toward your farm, but before you could, a hand on your shoulder caused you to jump and turn around, surprised. 
“Oh! Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” the man said, his hand slipping from your shoulder and returning to the gridball in his other hand. He held onto it tightly, as if he was afraid that it would vanish if he dropped it. The gridball sparked something in your brain, and you suddenly remembered that his name was Alex.
“No problem,” you said politely, though you wanted to get back to your farm in order to plant the crops as soon as you could. 
“I heard you talking about some fish, so I decided to let you know that salmon are out and about this time of year,” he said. He then flushed a little, as if he’d only just realized what he’d said, and put a hand behind his neck, scratching at it a little as he looked anywhere but at your face.
“Salmon!” you exclaimed, your memory of the fish returning. “That’s what it was! Oh, man, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you, Alex!” 
“Uh, no problem,” Alex said, a slight smile forming on his mouth as he realized you didn’t think he was weird. “So, anyway, I know this is sort of out of the blue, but would you want to play gridball sometime? Just tossing it to each other, I mean.”
You considered this for a moment, your mind drifting back to the work at hand. You’d never really talked to Alex, only once or twice when you’d first met and you helped out his grandparents with little quests they’d send you on. Then again, it would be nice to have a friend your age, plus, you’d been working hard all of spring. You deserved a break! 
“Sure, is now okay? I need a break from work,” you said with a warm smile. He nodded, smiling back at you. “Just let me run this back to my farm. I’ll be right back!” You took off at a jog towards your farm, a smile subconsciously forming on your face. After you dropped off the seeds in your house, you hustled back to town, where Alex was waiting just as you’d left him. 
“Ready,” you said.
“Alright, wanna go down to the beach?” Alex asked, his confidence returning.
“Sounds like a plan.”
You walked in a comfortable silence next to Alex, happy that you’d been invited to something other than a community event. Alex, on the other hand, was sweating bullets worrying about his appearance, his demeanor, hell, he even worried if you would like his gridball! As soon as you arrived at the beach, you turned to him and grinned sheepishly, saying, “Sorry if I’m not the best at this; gridball isn’t my strong suit.”
“No worries,” Alex reassured you, beginning to step away before stopping and looking at you closely. You paused, your smile turning into a look of confusion. Noticing your expression, Alex flushed a little, then said, “Sorry, I just noticed you have freckles.”
This caused you to flush in turn, as no one had taken the time to see you and point out the changes in your face; even the slightest ones. You grinned at him again, happy that someone had been paying attention to the little things.
“Yeah! The sun has been doing my skin some justice. Thanks for noticing,” you said, then began to step back to put some distance between the two of you in order to start tossing the gridball.
“Sure thing,” Alex said, flushing further at your expression. He turned around as well, his hands subconsciously clutching the gridball tighter to maintain his composure. After you two had assumed your positions, Alex took a deep breath and tossed the ball to you. You caught the ball and did a little celebration jump before throwing it back to him. He grinned at your little victory jump as he caught the ball, then threw it back as you found a rhythm. As the two of you laughed and talked, you couldn’t help but think that maybe this summer would be even better than you expected.
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vieramars · 5 days
tell me about your sdv farmer!
Thanks for asking!!
My farmer's name is Ezra (he/they) and they live rent free in my brain. A lot of the details about them are vague but currently their background is that their chronic illness fucked over their college life and career, and after getting frustrated with the lack of answers from a dozen different doctors, they decided fuck that and took up the inheritance on the farm. In pelican town they can set their own pace of life, dictated only by the demands of their crops and eventually animals. It's not easy in the slightest, and he definitely underestimated the physical demands of running a farm, but they're too stubborn to quit (and they pretty much have nowhere else to go). I'm thinking of making him somewhat magically inclined within my own personal lore, but idk much about the magic system of the game yet so I don't have any solid ideas.
Since posting that post I've been thinking of making a side blog for stardew stuff and putting up a bio for him...
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purplesimmer455 · 7 months
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I was originally going to post these photos of Luna and Chrissy (and some of another cute couple Riley and Stephanie) with the ones of Iseul and Grace as a sort of day late valentines post, but there were too many photos of each couple so I'm posting it separately*. 😄
So, here are Luna and Chrissy out on a date at the Diving Pelican in Brindleton Bay. Luna adjusts her purple dress and smiles at her wife, who looks stunning in her hot pink dress (they'd gotten the outfits together at Simsa), and Chrissy smiles back. "You look gorgeous, Lu." Chrissy says softly. "Thanks Chrissy, so do you." Luna says back.
Plus, they reminisce about their first date at the restaurant, when they were 15 and Chrissy asked Luna out. "I was so nervous, and then you and your dads came to pick me up and you looked so gorgeous in your dress that my brain stopped working and I couldn't stop blushing or smiling. I couldn't believe that a girl as cool and smart and gorgeous as you would date an admittedly cute but awkward as heck girl like me." Luna says, grinning. "I was super nervous too, babe, and excuse me you're not just cute, you're as beautiful as the sunsets we saw in Tomarang a few months ago." Chrissy says as Luna blushes. "Plus, I've loved you since we were kids and you'd make up goofy stories to make me laugh, and we'd walk around Whiskerman's wharf and pretend to look for sea monsters and go to the library so we could research what treats and toys sea monsters liked best and then sit and watch the water and talk as I made observation notes." Chrissy adds, laughing. Luna grins as she thinks of the good memories with Chrissy. "I swear I saw Emily the sea monster once on our adventures." Luna adds, and Chrissy shakes her head, grinning. "Sure, Lu." She says.
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anarkhebringer · 2 months
I hope you know that your Zenos x Elliott crossover just lives rent-free in my head now and it has mutated
You single handedly managed to get me to start binge playing stardew valley and now I have a Elliott x Zenos x WoL crossover au that has been constantly in my head for days
It just permanently exists in my brain now and it's all because of two posts
Anon I am grabbing your hand. Let's enjoy Zenos in Stardew Valley together. He could exist in the Academia Eorzea AU just fine with his desire for strength and the thrill of battle so he'd eventually thrive in Pelican Town.
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spacecadet-sims · 4 months
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Leah spent the last few years of her life trying to prove that her move was the best decision. She wracked her brain for ideas on how to convince her friends, family, and fellow artists that she wasn't going to wind up a complete and utter failure out in Pelican Town. During a quick conversation with her ex-mentor, Leah found herself backed into another corner defending herself. Lucky, an art buyer she had been conversing with over the past few weeks was arriving to pick up a newly finished piece. You saved her from a long, tedious conversation, and, likely, future embarrassment. But, when she opened the door and put a face to the voice, her brain shut overloaded. She was... awestruck.
@spacecadet-sims’ Simdew Valley Leah Spouse Application below:
Elliott's application here
Who's the mysterious buyer? Submit your sim for consideration with the application below!
Human sims only.
Any gender, race, etc.
Please complete 2 everyday looks, and one look for each other category. CC is fine and encouraged. Limit use of alpha hair, please.
Tag your submission with #spacecadetsdv and @ me in the post.
Name: Age: Gender & Sexuality: Pronouns: Occupation: Traits: Aspiration: Likes: Dislikes: Misc. Facts: Bio:
If selected, please ready a file that includes all the cc for your sim. :) Let me know if you have any questions! All of the 11 other singles in Pelican Town will be available as well once I complete their houses. I will no longer be doing the SDV Expanded singles since my game glitched, and I’m bummed about wasting my time lol. I’m also considering allowing applications for other non-canon game singles like Willy or Gus, if anyone is interested.
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atwooozi · 6 months
Almost Perfect (Sebastian x Fem!Farmer) Chapter 5: A New Start
Warnings: Slow burn, personal struggles, anxiety, depression, eventual smut
Summary: Angeline struggles with her unruly hair while working on her farm. Frustrated, she seeks a haircut and turns to Haley, who directs her to Emily. Together, they give Angeline a haircut and makeover, which leaves her feeling refreshed and excited for her new life in the valley.
A/N: I think I'm going to try and post on Thursdays. I thought this mind you not realizing that Thursday was so close to my original post date. I was originally thinking Saturdays, but for now Thursday sounds good in my mind. It might change, so if anyone reads these little blurbs of mine I'll be sure to let you know.
Chapter 5: A New Start
Spring 12
Angeline groaned in frustration as she had to keep brushing her hair out of her face. All she wanted to do was till some soil so she could plant some seeds she got from one of the other farmers from Pelican Town, Clint, but his name could have also been Kurt. Or maybe it was Andy? Angeline was also finding it difficult to remember everyone’s names despite it being a small town. There was just too much happening for her in such a short time that her brain was having a hard time keeping up. 
“Focus, girl.” Angeline said to herself as she went back to clearing the soil. She was making some progress until she bent over a bit more and her annoying hair fell to the front of her face again. 
In frustration Angeline threw her hoe to the ground and tugged her work gloves off. She stomped into her cabin and got herself some water. The water was refreshing, but it didn’t deal with the problem of her annoying hair. She had tried to tie it up earlier but her last hair tie just had to snap as she tried to secure her ponytail. 
Angeline walked over to a mirror that she hung up near her bed and sighed as she looked at herself. She looked like a frizzy, dirty, sweaty mess. In Zuzu Angeline would keep herself looking pretty polished but that was hard to do when owning a farm if not just silly. She looked at her nails, uneven, her cuticles were so dry, and her fingers had a light dusting of dirt. Angeline’s shoulders slumped as she looked at her reflection in the mirror again, so long conditioning treatments and her monthly nail appointments. 
“Ew…” Angeline said in defeat. She grabbed her shower caddy and headed out the door. Maybe she needed a break from all the farming and should just soak in the baths by the mountains for a bit. She didn’t want to let a bad hair and nail day ruin her otherwise great progress that she'd been having on the farm. 
After the much needed soak Angeline made her way into town. Her hair was less frizzy but it was still such a pain for her. She didn’t want to think about what it would be like to have her hair making her even hotter while she worked under the unforgiving sun during Summer. 
Angeline walked into Pierre’s with some new determination. “Hey Pierre.”
“Hello farmer Angeline could I interest you in som-” “Do you sell shears?” Angeline had completely cut him off which took Pierre back a bit. 
“Shears? Like for animals? No you’d have to buy those from Marnie, bu-” Pierre tried to redirect the conversation back to seeds or wallpaper, or whatever else he was trying to shill at the moment. 
Angeline shook her head. “No, I need to cut my hair.” 
Pierre nodded in understanding. “Oh I see.” He thought for a moment or maybe pretended to and said. “I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. You can always purchase some seeds, though.”
Angeline wanted to scream. She did not want seeds. She understood that Pierre was in a tough position with Joja Mart here, but she wasn’t in the mood for the constant salesman act. “No, thanks for your help though, Pierre.” 
“Anytime.” Pierre called as Angeline left the store feeling a bit more frustrated than where she had started. She sighed and as she looked ahead she saw Haley and Alex standing near Dusty’s dog house. Maybe she could ask Haley? She always looked so put together maybe she would be able to help her. 
Angeline was a bit hesitant given her not so pleasant introductions with both Alex and Haley, but she was desperate. “Hey you guys.” She said awkwardly as she walked up to the pair. 
Alex gave a polite wave. “Hey farmgirl.” Angeline bit her tongue. She had more pressing matters than Alex refusing to learn her name in this instance. Haley only gave Angeline a bit of a skeptical look and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Haley, I was wondering if you could help me.” Angeline was prepared to get on her knees if she needed. 
“What is it?” Haley kept her guard up as she listened. She didn’t seem particularly uninterested, but she didn’t look like she wanted to help in any way either. 
“I need a haircut.” Angeline sighed as she looked between the two for their reactions. Alex nodded as if he was assessing her hair and was agreeing with her on the need for a haircut. Haley ’s expression went from to surprise to actually happy to amused.    
“Well I don’t cut hair.” Haley said. Crap. Angeline embarrassed herself for nothing. “Buuuut, my sister is like the town’s hairdresser basically. She should still be at home, let’s go.” Haley said without waiting for a response from Angeline or even saying goodbye to Alex. 
“Later Hales, farmgirl.” Alex called before turning his attention to Dusty. 
Haley waved as she walked towards her house. “I’ll text you later.” 
Angeline followed behind Haley as she let her into the home. She was surprised at how nice the house was considering it was just Haley and Emily. She wondered what type of work Haley must’ve been doing to help pay for this place. 
“Em, the farmer needs a haircut.” Haley called out as she shooed Angeline towards the kitchen to sit. Angeline obediently made her way to the kitchen and sat down quietly feeling a bit nervous about the whole thing. She didn’t exactly know either of these girls that well. 
“Your aura is simply glowing, Angeline.” Emily said as she practically floated into the room. The woman was so whimsical that Angeline wouldn’t be surprised if Emily could levitate or something ethereal like that. 
“M-my aura?” Angeline looked down at herself as if she would be able to see what Emily was talking about. “That’s good, right?” 
Emily smiled brightly and nodded. “You’re going to have an awakening like no other.” 
Haley rolled her eyes, bored with the conversation. “Em, focus, she needs a haircut.” She scrolled through her phone and pulled up some different cuts to Emily and Angeline before settling on a certain picture. “I think this would look good.” 
Emily nodded as she looked at the blunt bob on Haley’s phone. “This would be good, but maybe some layers to take some of the weight off.” She said as she touched Angeline’s long dark hair. “What do you think?” 
Angeline nodded, intimidated by the two other women’s decisiveness about how she should cut her hair. “Yeah, I like it.” 
“I’ll go grab my things.” Emily said as she made her way back to what was presumably her room. 
Angeline looked down at her lap unsure of what to do or say. In all honesty, Haley made her feel nervous. She was so intimidating in a similar way to Sebastian. Angeline was sure that the both of them were nice, but their similar don’t-talk-to-me vibes made them difficult to approach, regardless, if they had different reasons for putting up that sort of front. 
“Hey.” Haley broke the silence causing Angeline to pull away from her thoughts. “Are you busy after this?” 
Angeline shook her head. “No.” 
Haley grinned, “Let me do your makeup after to like complete the look.” 
Haley’s grin turned into a genuine smile. “Cool, we’re not the same skintone but your complexion is pretty clear, so maybe just some more feature enhancing stuff to compliment what you already have going on.” 
Angeline nodded, she was surprised by how excited she was. Something about making a change in Pelican Town felt much more impactful than any changes she made while she was in Zuzu. For some reason it felt like it meant more than just a decision she was making on a whim, despite this all starting out because of a whim. It was like as if she was letting go of her past life in the city and taking on a new life here and in the valley. It was a bit scary, but the excitement outweighed any negative feelings she had.   
Emily put a lot of care into her work. She made sure to check in with Angeline before making any drastic cute and would mix products together that she thought would work best for her hair and its needs. She hadn’t realized how little she had taken care of herself in the last year before moving out here. Angeline had been so overworked to meet end-of-year deadlines that after a while the constant unrelenting workload just started to seem par for the course.  
The girls spent the rest of the time chatting while Haley started to do Angeline’s makeup. Angeline had learned that people were constantly surprised that Emily and Haley were sisters and about how the house that they were currently living in belonged to their parents, who were currently traveling. While neither girl needed to work Emily thought it was good for the soul and Haley was thinking about applying to beauty school in Grampleton, but was just having some trouble figuring out how she would get there everyday. 
“Almost done.” Haley said softly as she swiped some gloss along Angeline’s lips. 
Haley gave a self-satisfied smile as she looked at Angeline. “Do you wanna see?” 
Angeline nodded and was given a mirror by Haley. “You guys are amazing.” She was shocked at her own reflection. Her hair that was once just below her shoulder blades now stopped right under her chin. Her makeup made her look refreshed and glowy. Haley had kept her makeup rather soft and natural. It was a stark contrast from how wild Angeline had looked this morning. 
“Yeah, we’re pretty great.” Haley said proudly. 
“Humble too.” Angeline joked as she put the mirror down. 
Haley giggled and rolled her eyes. “Very humble.” 
“How can I repay you guys?” Angeline asked as she stared up at the both of them. 
Haley almost looked offended and Emily was shaking her head. “You letting us help you is payment enough, Angeline.” Emily said. “Just continue to take care of your farm.”
“If you really do wanna give us something though…” Haley trailed off. “I really like pink cake.” 
Angeline smiled. “I can do that. 
Haley smiled back. “Sounds like we’re even then.” 
Angeline nodded and stood up. “Thank you so much you guys, really.” 
“Please come by anytime.” Emily said as she saw Angeline to the door. 
Angeline waved goodbye to the two girls before walking towards town square and stopping. She wasn’t really sure what else she could do. She didn’t want to ruin Haley and Emily’s amazing work by going back to the farm.
After some thought Angeline made her way up the mountain path. It might be a good time to discuss some farm upgrades with Robin. Angeline had a modest amount of money tucked away for a coop and hay silo, so it made sense to talk to her about it now instead of spending it all on seeds.   
Angeline hesitantly walked into the mountain cabin. She knew it was Robin’s place of business but it was also her home, so it felt odd for her to not knock. Before Angeline could make it past the threshold of the door Robin was already greeting her. 
“You cut your hair!” Robin said as she stepped out from behind the counter. 
“O-oh yeah.” Angeline smiled shyly. “Emily cut it.” 
“I like it.” Robin said as she placed her hands on Angeline’s shoulder to get a closer look at the younger woman. “You’re just so cute. Are you single?” 
“H-huh?” Angeline’s face flushed at the question. Why would Robin ask her something like that? She is married. What about Demetrius? She couldn’t just throw her whole life away trying to go after some stranger.      
“Well, you and Sebby are close in age.” Robin trailed off. 
Oh thank Yoba. Angeline wasn’t sure what she’d do if Robin was actually hitting on her. Thank Yoba she was just doing that awkward thing moms do. Angeline did not have enough money to just up and leave.
“Oh.” It was as if the spirits were laughing at Angeline, Sebastian was now standing in the entryway along with her and Robin. Robin still holding on to Angeline. “What are you guys doing?”
“Angeline cut her hair. Doesn’t she look cute, Sebby?” Robin asked as she turned Angeline around to face Sebastian. Angeline wanted to die. She was sure that in this moment she just might. Maybe she just should up and leave town so she doesn’t have to live with the embarrassment.  
“Mom” Sebastian groaned and stepped out of the way to put some distance between himself and Angeline. He had a light dusting of pink across his cheeks and he refused to look their way.   
“Oh sorry Sebastian, I know you don’t like when I call you that in front of people.” 
Sebastian shook his head and looked up at his mom with a pleading stare. As if silently asking her to put him out of this misery. “But doesn’t Angeline look nice?” She was a woman with no mercy. 
There was a beat of silence before Sebastian looked over at Angeline. Angeline was surprised that she didn’t disintegrate under his stare. Angeline thought that Sebastian had brown eyes from how dark they looked at the saloon, but close up she could see a hint of a blue almost purple color, like an indigo? His tense expression became a bit more relaxed and he sighed which broke Angeline’s focus. “It looks nice. I like it.” Sebastian mumbled before quickly escaping further into the house. 
Robin let go of Angeline’s shoulders with a satisfied look and stepped back behind the counter.”So what did you need, Angeline?” 
How was she acting so cool about this? Angeline felt like she could just die on the floor.
“Uhh..” Angeline was at a loss for words. And was Robin giggling to herself? What an evil woman. Here Angeline thought of Robin as a friend. “I-I was wondering if we could talk about building a coop and a silo.” Finally Angeline remembered what she came here for in the first place. 
“Oh sure!” Robin said. “I’ve got the blueprints ready.” 
Robin pulled out a large book full of different plans for farm buildings and furniture. “We can start tomorrow.” 
Angeline nodded and cried internally as she gave Robin the gold needed for the project. “Sounds good.” 
Robin nodded and smiled. “See you tomorrow.”  
Angeline nodded and quickly left the house before Robin tried anything else. That woman was sly. 
Angeline walked quietly along the wooded path that led to her farm from Robin’s house. She felt herself holding back a smile. She figured it was from all the excitement from the day: a new look and some more progress being made on the farm. 
As Angeline stepped foot on to her land she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. He liked it.
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panther-os · 9 months
Uhhh, can I hear more about Kill Your Darlings please 👀 that sounds intriguing!!
Also, thanks for tagging me 🥰
of course! KYD is a red vs blue fanfic where North dies on the oil platform and South gets Theta. It includes some of my favorite Wash headcanons like Deaf!Wash and Locington Siblings, and some of my favorite Dakota Twins headcanons like them being Ukrainian immigrants and CODAs. There's also some South9 before South self-sabotages. And another change besides North's death is that Epsilon does a lot more damage to Wash's brain than he does in the show.
I have four chapters (15k words) written, through the Freelancer Saga flashbacks up to the end of the Blood Gulch Chronicles, though I kinda hit a wall with inspiration and then my interests changed. Here's a snippet from Chapter Two where Wash, South, and Niner are hiding from Freelancer post-MoI crash with Connie at the dig site:
Eating breakfast together in the Pelican becomes routine. Sometimes, Connie joins them, but she can barely look at Wash and hurries back to her boyfriend as soon as her food is eaten.
Every morning, Dakota grabs MREs for each of them before going back to the tent she shares with Wash and leading him to the ship by the hand. He sits down, always in the same seat, and opens the meal when prompted, while Dakota wakes up Ash and lets her choose out of the remaining two packages. The two of them sit cross-legged on the floor, knees brushing, eating in silence or soft conversation that Wash only occasionally adds to.
His speech still stutters and slurs, and his train of thought veers from side to side before eventually meandering to where he means to go.
One morning, a thought hits Vita while her mouth is full of food and she holds up her hands. “Can you still sign?” she asks.
Wash stares at her, blinking in confusion for a moment before responding with clumsy fingers. “Yes, but English and ICSL are hard.”
“What’s your first language?”
“Salvadoran Sign Language. And then the Caliche dialect of Spanish. Then Inter-Colony Sign. And then English.”
Theta whirrs happily in the back of her skull, reaching out to the network before returning with two new languages.
Thanks, Dakota tells him before turning back to Wash, reaching out to her AI for vocabulary and grammar. “Is this understandable?” she asks, far more fluently than she thought possible. “Or am I fucking it up?”
A slow smile spreads across Wash’s face and he nods. “I can understand you. Thank you. This is so much easier.”
“Yeah, I bet. Four languages is a lot. I grew up with two and then learned English the old-fashioned way. Theta fetched this for me off the network. He grabbed Caliche, too, if you feel like talking.”
Wash’s face shutters at that and he shakes his head, turning back to his food.
Niner glances between the two of them. “What was that?”
“He’s Deaf,” South explains, signing and speaking simultaneously, as if she were back in Tacoma, sitting around the dining table with her parents and brother, talking about their days at school and work. “I thought maybe sign might be easier for him right now with as fucked up as his brain is. I was half right.”
Niner nods. “Makes sense. I’ll have to learn.”
“I could teach you,” Dakota offers before she’s thought it all the way through.
Ash smiles at her, and all apprehension vanishes. “Sounds great.”
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eddies-hid3out · 2 years
As a hardcore SDV fan I loved your Eddie Stardew thoughts! If you wrote more about that I would definitely read it!
Thankyou! My brain was like "this is too niche don't post this" as I was typing it, so I'm glad other people have enjoyed it! Honestly that game takes over my life whenever I play 😅
I have so many thoughts about Eddie in SDV!! I have parts of an reader insert fic outlined but for now I'll drop some headcanons below the cut
He sees how Linus is kind of shunned by some because of his lifestyle so Eddie is up in the mountains the next day asking all about his life. They'll meet up sometimes and just... forage together.
Same with Leo if he's living in Pelican town.
He carries around your void chicken like she's a baby. EVERYWHERE.
Rasmodius fascinates Eddie. Anytime you need to drop something off for him Eddie is begging to go with you so he can poke around his books and watch the cauldron.
I think it would be through meeting the wizard, and learning that things are also a bit strange in sdv that leads to Eddie telling you the truth about what happened to him. Which builds up enough trust for you to introduce him to Krobos. Which honestly could be it's own fic.
Your closest neighbour is like, a mile away at least? You best believe Eddie is shredding on his guitar at all hours of the night when he can't sleep.
The first time he sees you come home from the mines, covered in slime with some cuts and bruises triggers a pretty severe panic attack. Sdv equals safety to him and seeing you injured messes with that idea.
The gang visits him, and he's showing them around and introducing them to the farm animals as if HE is the one who runs the farm 😅
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divine-knight-hand · 1 year
Writer Self-Rec Fics Ask Game
Rules: writers list your top 5 favorite fics of yours and then send this to 5 writers! :)
OMG! Clem, hi!!! <3
I’m definitely using some serious brain power here, because I’ve never thought of recommending my own fics to people before, but I would love to play this game~
Okay! Here goes:
Worshiping the Masterpiece (Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader) - Loki’s lover finally gains the courage to ask him about his Jotun form. When he lets her see it, she takes the moment as an opportunity to help him do a little confidence building… by kissing… and touching… and praising…
This one is probably my favorite work of mine so far because it was an idea I used to be super obsessed with. I finally found the courage to bring it to life and it’s been receiving so much love and kind words. That was very encouraging, and just made me fall in love with it all the more.
Mining Pains (Haley sdv x Female Reader) - After reaching level forty-five of the mines, it’s time for Pelican Town’s favorite farmer to fight for the safety of her wife, Haley.
This is just a little fluff piece that I wrote. It came out so sweet that it ranks pretty high among my favorite works.
“It’s Not Safe Here!” Chapter 1 (Michael Afton x Female Reader) - Y/N, the financial advisor of the popular themed restaurant, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, finds herself in the darkness of the establishment way before her shift. Now that she knows a little too much about what really happens in these walls at night, she has to figure how she can help her boyfriend, Michael, uncover the secrets of the restaurant’s true purpose before he has the chance to take one risk too many...
I specified Chapter 1 because that’s my favorite chapter so far. “It’s Not Safe Here!” was originally supposed to be a oneshot, but once I finished it, the idea for a series came to my mind, and I couldn’t stop the flow of ideas. It was also the first smut fic I ever wrote. It was also the only work I’ve ever written that was beta read. 😅
Dream Sweet (Loki Laufeyson x GN Reader) - Late at night, Loki has a silent observer. Fluff ensues.
This little thing I wrote was the result of a bad day I was having. It was a little piece of comfort for myself, and I ended up being proud of the way I wrote it. I also happened to have Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical stuck in my head at the time, so I incorporated that.
Now You’re Mine (Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader) - A competitive sparring session leads to spicy times with Loki.
I originally wasn’t so proud of this piece because I was worried it looked a bit rushed, but I ended up hitting post anyways. I’ve gotten so much love from everyone who has read it so far that I’ve grown just a little more fond of it.
So, those are my self-recommendations. If anyone does decide to check them out, I hope you enjoy! And thank you again to Clem for including me on this ask game!
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bigboobyhalo · 2 years
O oo abt the C!bbh fish post. what abt a pelican eel. alternatively i think remora c!skeppy is very silly cause then he can just stick to ppl and hang out. manta ray c!bbh is also cool if we were considering remora c!skeppy because remoras hang out on manta rays and have a symbiotic relationship withthem. sorry your fish post sent off my fish brain
PELICAN EEL BBH WOULD BE FUNNY BUT I THINK HE NEEDS TO BE SOMETHING WITH POINTY TEETH ! I just need that for him. also remora skeppy and manta BBH is SO fun and cute. I’m just super attached to sea angel c!skeppy because ohhhh he’s a little angel. like he literally looks like this in my mind
Tumblr media
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crownofanharia-if · 2 years
✨️Hello dear author✨️
I was wondering if you had any book recommendations for us?
I've been trying to find a good enemies to lovers book because I love the villian in your story from the intro post and all the RO posts about them but honestly when I scroll through Amazon or google for books its hard to tell what's good or not 😭
......i have to warn you, the only book recommendations i can give are 1) a historical romance author, or 2) Spicy Books. if you're interested in either....continue on below
EVA IBBOTSON. Countess Below Stairs is my favorite, i can't TELL you how many times i've reread it, it's the best book i've ever read and i love it for exactly what it is and it's just...UGH. incredible. she also has a bunch of other books, they're all good, just pick the one that sounds the most interesting to you, i'm sure you'll love it.
sooooooo as far as Spicy Books go, there are a couple different options you can take.
i am not strong enough to be bullied about my taste in literature, lmao
for the Str8 Content, i like Odette Stone's hockey romance series the Vancouver Wolves. (don't judge me, i like it)
for the Intense, Danger, Mafia kind of vibes (complete with Content Warnings (please please please read these please please please read the CW before buying one of these books)) i like Sloane Kennedy's The Protector's series. to be fully honest, there a couple of these that sounded too intense/just not my thing so i haven't read them, but even so there's so many that i love. Retribution, Revelation, Redemption, and Defiance are my top four.
i also love Sloane Kennedy's Pelican Bay books and her Twist of Fate series with Lucy Lennox, so there's that
for the less intense less Content Warning including, i like Lucy Lennox's Forever Wilde series. it's everything i never knew i needed in a romantic series about a family with a WHOLE bunch of cousins and siblings who each get their own gay love story and happy ending and the fictional town of Hobie is the only place i would like to exist in permanently. my fave of this series is Hudson's Luck, it's just....UGH.
Lucy Lennox' Made Marian series is even fluffier and sweeter than the Forever Wilde series, and i like it too.
also...if y'all want the Novel Length fanfics i've got saved to my phone, i've got some Pride and Prejudice ones i've never been able to stand the idea of losing cause i love them more than canon even knowing how sacrilegious that is
so....yeah. hope that's what you were looking for.
i don't get the chance to read a lot, so when i do, i want my brain to take a break from Adult Life, and this is just how i do that. i've not been able to fine my Lucy Lennox/Sloane Kennedy equivalent of lesbian Spicy Books, so if any of you have the hookup LET ME KNOW.
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