#the poor guy needs a break ^^;
somegrumpynerd · 6 months
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@pigeonstab I finally got some motivation in me so it's time to extend Cross's misery lol
Also I had a bonus thought while drawing this:
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Nobody understands what he's going through
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rough day...
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veveisveryuncool · 10 months
hello kirby fandom it is time to relish in the kirby artist experience (based on things i am all guilty of)
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rainnyydaysworld · 3 months
Dick: What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, “Oh, Dick is such a nice person, Dick is so happy-go-lucky! Dick can’t be in a bad mood!” Well, you know what? Dick CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Dick IS be in a bad mood.
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myokk · 3 months
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Imelda x Poppy🥹💓
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bluebirbbb · 2 years
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little arthur malevolent lester portrait because my brain is full of him
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annastylepie · 1 year
The Butlers apprentice AU
Dc x Dp au 1. uwu
ok so like Alfred is like Dannys Great Grandpa or something I really don't care tbh.
At a Family reunion Alfred raising and beeing surrounded by detectives quickly picks up that Danny when close to his parents seems uncomfortable especially when they talk about ghosts and the manece Phantom. As the reunion goes on he notices that danny at times would seem to walk a little too silent to be normal. Upon asking Danny about his oppinion on Phantom out of his parents ear shot he praises the hero and states that he is nothing like his parents make him seem etc. etc.
Some time later when danny is around 17, maybe at a different reunion or even the same Alfred wittneses Danny transform and is explained by him and Jazz the situation. Danny procedes to vent about wanting to move out but not wanting to leave family so Alfred procceds to offer him a room at the manor. Danny is hesistent on taking the offer at first. But after a too close call with the GIW and his perents as well as encouragement from Jazz and his friends he gives and goes to live in the menor under the condition, that he doesn't want to just mooch of of his great Grandpa. So he starts his Butler apprenticeship in the Wayne Manor, where he procedes to learn how to properly cook without the food coming to life, keep up in housework and everything a butler needs to know.
The best part Danny seems incredibly efficient within an hour he can have the entire manor from a litteral bomb exploded here to sparcling clean you could eat from the floor. Danny was entrusted with the secret identeties of the Batfam as well as the batcave.
Bruce was first did all type of reseche of course not just anyone even family of Alfred could just know about their after dark affairs noting that beside the ghost hunter parents and not exactly good grades, Danny was a normal 17 something year old however upon the reveal Danny did not seem surprised at all. How?
"I found the cave like a month ago what do you mean it is hard to find? If we didn't dust it as regularly as we do it would be as obvious as hanging a sign"
Bruce then insits that Danny needs to get some training on self defence and fightling so he doesn't pose too big risks in existing on Wayne manor. Bruce is suprised that Danny is actually able to hold his own in a fight, so after some more reserch he makes the connection that Danny is Phantom.
Danny likes Tim he is a smart dedicated vigilante guy that somehow reminds him of his early days in the way of how little sleep he gets and just doesn't take care of himself all that much. Danny swore to himself to make sure that Tim takes more care of himself and if he goes a little spooky to do so so be it
Tim is certain that something is up with Danny but just can't put a finger on what and it is driving him mad even more now that Bruce seems to trust him. Danny does impossible tasks that just no one seems to aknowlege. Like sneaking him a coffe when he needs to actually survive the day without sleeping in between somehow danny's coffe just works better than any other he can get anywhere else. Danny seems to also be adament on Tim taking breaks and sleeping. Joy.
Danny the menace he is puts his whole chaos energy into confusing the sleep deprivied Tim with the goal to ultimately get him to sleep. What could convince Tim that he needs more sleep? :
-Danny walks by tim 4 times always coming from a Room that has no other exit or enterece what is so confusing? it is on the second floor and after exiting he doesn't enter the room again
-He would at times just fade out of view as if he was never there
-Sometimes he would invisibly follow him around and move things just so slightly that it could be just be his imagination or sleep deprived brain making stuff up
(-Danny also gives Tim 'coffee' when asked because when Danny makes it he can actually survive the rest of the day without getting tired danny won't share his secret on how he does it ( it is totally ectoplasmd) )
After each confrontation on how he does these things Danny denyies everything and tells him: "I am just one hell of a butler. Now go to bed"
Dick and Danny upon fist meeting could only be considered imediate sibling adopion or whatever as well as a ever since frequent pun off
Dick also tries to brother Danny around, Danny is in a strange in between position of enjoying it and beeing conflicted on if he should get to attached... it is too late he is too far in at this point
Damien is a little shit at the beginning and probably even after a longer time
Damien might do a spoiled kid route at fist asking for more and more outlandish and impossible tasks, however danny delivers every time
You want something from that one store 2 hours away? here you go
Need something from your grandpa's but seems impossible? here you go
You want an ancient catana one of the first ones ever created? here you go
Space rock? "I don't want a space rock as you called it" I will get you a freakn' space rock
I also imagine that damien would spar with danny at first because danny wanted to teach damien some respect for others and damien because he couldn't let it stand that a freakn civilian can beat him in something like fighting when he was training since he was basiclly just a todler.
As time passes Damien gains Respect for Danny and sees him as a Rolemodle as well as something close to a cousin.
Damien knows of Danny beeing a halfa, they agree to not tell Tim until he figures it out himself
Now half a year into the whole buttler thing, Jason and Danny meet the first time
Danny feels sick something in here smells rotten it makes him sick what is this horrible smell where did it come from he house is clean the kitchen is freshly cleanded and the trash taken out there is no reason for this foul of smell to exist anywhere near the manor that is when he sees Alfred talking to someone with a white streak in their hair.
"Danny why don't you join us? This is Master Jason. Master Jason this is my Grandson Danny"
"It is a pleasure to meet you" Danny states moving further into the kitchen the smell gets worse but wanting to be polite he still holds out his hand for a handshake
"Hi" Jason greets shortly shaking dannys hand but upon contact jason freezes as invisible energie seems to surrouned Danny it is familliar and comforting and suddenly Jason feels incredibly light he could fly if gravety didn't still exist but man did it feel debatable right now Jason holds Dannys hand a little longer then most would consider normal all while danny seems to look right into his soul some form of understanding within his eyes
"A friend of the other side it seems, I still got (insert task) to do, nice meeting you and we defenetly need to talk, till later"
just like that danny is out of view and after a short transformation out of sight, man does he reek of corrupted ectoplaslm he gave him a little of his own throu his hand shake to lessen the smell but it still smelled so strong
Meanwhile Jason looks to where danny left the room hoping he would return he suddenly felt so safe and the Pits have never been this quiet before forget quiet they are silent for the first time in years jason can think entierly clearly and relaxed
he defenetly needs to visit more often and get Dannys number
during his stay danny only tells bruce damien and jason his halfa status the others just kinda figure it out on their own and ask him about it after a while danny would also totally just chill on the cieling at the most rendom times like 2 am tim goes to get a snack after reserch only for danny to throw him an apple from the cieling and dissapearing. Tim went to bed afterwards
that s all I have rigth now have fun I guess :)
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whereismyhat5678 · 10 months
Ayyy I had a flex day today at school and throughout the day I got the last sheet of paper I had and did some Peppenis doodles-
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Pretty proud how expressive they are ✊
(I really have come a long way, wow! <:])
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poitionsprince · 5 months
As summer approaches I remember how I wanted to see a fanfiction/fanart of Severus and Lily being Camp Counselors at a summer camp (because I was a camp counselor so my ideas were running.)
My specific idea was this happening at the summer after 5th year, meaning after the worst memory.
Also Severus is barley handling the kids, and yet they like him the most - because it makes them laugh how much he struggles.
Lily finds it adorable because she never thought he'd manage younger kids (and he doesn't) (and she's a bit jealous cus she wanted to be the favorite counselor).
Only reason Severus didn't quit the first day was because of a single word og endorsement from Lily's side.
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faretheeoscar · 8 months
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I did a little self insert with Llewyn yesterday...
Llewyn is my comfort character; he is the character that introduced me to Oscar 10 years ago when I went to the movies alongside with my college friends (that were cinema nerds),and that dragged me to watch "the new Coen Brothers film" when i had no money (Llewyn coded) not knowing what to expect about it.
I remember I ended up crying, devastated and with so many questions after the movie (and also with a huge ass crush on the protagonist who I later found about was from the same nationality I am, like we are both half Guatemalan and I think that connected me even more to him) that even my friends that studied cinema at the time wouldn't know how to answer to me.
I've done a deep dive on this movie so many times, i could give a Ted Talk about it hehehe
It's not only Oscar that lures me to Llewyn, i like to think that Llewyn lured me to Oscar (and then of course ex machina, star wars and all the major things came and I wasn't able to look back lol).
His story about the struggle to find a place in the world, to his personal story with grief that I can relate to more than I would like to and finally the struggle of taking the path of the artist has touched me in different ways throughout the years. From college when I felt that my majors was not what I really wanted to do in my life and I felt truly lost, to nowadays when I finally decided to follow the career my heart desired and literally crossed an ocean to be able to do it and I still feel lost but in a much happier and better way.
Anyway why am I giving this long explanation for my self insert drawing? I don't know, i just love Llewyn so much and i can't shut up about him anytime I get to watch the movie again, specially when it hits a nerve in my life, and rn I'm passing through a rough patch so, yeah it spoke to me last night when I rewatched it with some friends.
Stay safe fellow artists, and hug your Llewyn.
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charlie-the-ghost64 · 4 months
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This background fought me, it took ages. But at least Mario’s taking a break right?
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tinylittletwig · 2 months
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What has he seen this time?????
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grandpasauce · 2 months
In the game informer video they said solas has been doing his ritual to bring down the veil for far longer than anyone in-universe knows. Which like, implies solas has spent some amount of his last 5000(ish) years in uthenera getting the process started, and that’s why the veil has been gradually weakening as each game progresses.
Which, by extension, implies some very angsty things regarding solas’ guilt and regret. Because he has spent 5000 stewing in his guilt about destroying the elvhen. Perhaps he feels the death occurring post veil is unfortunate, but hey, they’re not REALLY people, so I don’t have to feel THAT bad.
But then he wakes up, joins the inquisition, forms bonds with multiple of these modern mortal people, and realizes… now not only does he still have the weight of the spirits and/or elvhen on his shoulders, he also bears the weight of every mortal’s death ever since the veil went up. They’re not soulless shells, they’re real people with families and loves and hates etc etc etc
Like he went from feeling like shit about himself for destroying his People, only to wake up and quickly realize Oh No, I didn’t just kill my people, I’m responsible for the deaths of so so so many MORE people than I already considered.
“You change everything, but you can’t.” Isn’t only solas saying ‘oh no your making me rethink my plans’. It’s him saying ‘you can’t me real because if YOUR real that means they’re all real and that means I’ve killed more people than I ever imagined and idk what to do with even more remorse on my shoulders.”
And like, when solas tells you he literally CANT be with you in Crestwood, he’s not wrong. At this point, the ritual to bring down the veil is potentially 1000s of years in process already, like it’s probably too late to turn back, the veil is so weak at this point because of solas’ ritual that it’s coming down one way or another.
Idk them revealing solas has been working on this ritual for a looonnnnggggg time makes everything so much worse for him because it rly IS all his fault. Not just the veil, but the weakening of it, and allllll the suffering that has stemmed from it, not just spirits and elves like he’d originally thought (which is horrible enough) but also all the mortal lives as well.
Gives so much scrumptious context to solas as a character looking back and immmmmm frothing at the mouth over thisssss
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askblueandviolet · 9 months
It's your fault
Is it ?
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dykedvonte · 3 months
Preston x Danse is the only companion ship I think would actually work because Preston’s inner turmoil is sort of a loss of faith in himself due to the traumatic experiences he’s faced while Danse is looking for something to have faith in and would find the fact that despite the desire to give up Preston held out so long not just for the honor of the Minutemen but because he had some hope.
It would 100% start off as a lotta unhealthy on Danse’s side as I believe he completely lacks the emotional intelligence (due to a combination of factors) to recognize the he’s feelings as anything but a sort of respect for a superior along with leaning too much into Preston as a substitute for the BoS. Preston may not really have a title but he’s like THE Lieutenant of the Minutemen. Realistically he’s the only companion Danse would probably be comfortable taking instructions from especially for how trusted Preston is by the Sole Survivor and his adherence to military standards despite how unstructured the Minutemen are. It would be him waiting for orders, approval, anything from Preston and he thinks it’s just the desire to have the regiment of the BoS again but he also like when Preston compliments him on being useful or resourceful. He likes the stories of Minuteman glory days and he trades the stories of the BoS that don’t hurt to talk about. He likes the familiarity Preston would provide and he’d be oblivious that it’s not just new found loyalty to the Minutemen.
Yet Preston explains it himself that he’s not a natural leader. He’s not an instructor. He helps manage what the General has put in place and he content on doing that. He relays what needs to be done and does major upkeep but I don’t think he’d know what to do with this guy this literally marches up to him and practically begs for a mission that doesn’t exist. Like the formality and respect is nice but he can tell it’s covering something even if Danse doesn’t.
Danse could go to Sturges for the many repair and upkeep assignments he gives him and has the freedom to go straight to the Castle if he really wants a big mission, but he chooses to come to him everytime. He’s aware enough that Danse only trusts him out of all of the Generals confidantes but it would take a bit for him to understand why. If anything Danse should be strategizing with him as equals seeing as he almost got the Minuteme wiped out and Danse was a Paladin for the Brotherhood with many successes under his belt before Preston even led his first scouting mission. It’s like he sees him as some figure of hope, some one who can come in and add stability. Someone with a fresh outlook who can provide a new perspective for him.
It’s like he sees him like he saw/sees the Sole Survivor but that would be crazy because that would also mean… and then oh, it clicks.
The revelation is both flattering and he doesn’t know what to do with it cause how do you address “I know you respect me but is that the only feeling you have for me?” To the guy who like refuses to rest unless you tell him at ease? He has to reevaluate his whole manner of interaction with Danse cause this is a very slippery slope that he’s sliding down and it’s even more perilous due to Danse’s repressed emotions regarding… everything. There’s an equal chance Danse will try to open up as completely shut down and he’s not just concerned about it cause Sole Survivor cares for him but because he has grown to care for the guy too. It’s not like he doesn’t also enjoy Danse’s company and value as a Minuteman member. He’s not a love at first sight guy but he’s played with the idea, anyone would when you’ve spent nights trading stories, historical facts and beers by the fire in a little home you’ve carved for yourself through literal blood, sweat and tears.
I think it’s one of those cases where it’s agonizingly slow to the actual relationship but neither part are anguished about that. If anything happened to soon Danse would be too dependent and Preston not equipped to handle it. It’s a case where I genuinely think they’d bring out the best in each other cause theyd want to figure out what is best for the other and not just apply what they think is the best. It’s the care that Preston would ask Danse what he wants to do and encourage it and at the same time Danse would be incredulous everytime Preston second guesses himself.
Long story short it’s a good ship to me because it’s just two guys with broken confidences and faith in their roles being each other’s hype man and kissin a little about it.
#my thing with the other ships is less that the compatibility is bad but a lot of these characters would not enable the best behavior in eac#other or they want drasticlu different things in life or partners and while flings or non serious things would work long term I imagine#problems would arise that a lot of them would not know how to address with each other like Preston is the most well adjusted besides like#Piper. I’d say Nick but he has the whole I’m technically another guy thing going on and DiMA and he’s a workaholic and throws himself into#danger a lot if Ellie is to be believed so like Piper is the closest next to Preston#a lot of these people should not be in relationships rn honestly because they have barely worked through their issues and should learn to b#health mentally and physically and emotionally alone first as they cling to hard to SoSu#like it’s almost all of them but like Piper Preston and MacCready but RJ is also just kinda a dick but we knows he’s always been like that#Preston x Danse is till more so a like this develops slowly and Danse doesn’t know why his stomach hurts when Preston doesn’t include him i#his patrol squad for the day and blames it on feeling like he’s being excluded for not being good at it and Preston excluding him cause he’#like I need you to do something for yourself of of your own volition but also his buddy deserves a break and does not get that Danse is lik#a work dog that constantly needs a task or he becomes neurotic#I have so many thoughts on the compatibility of the companions cause some of them are like fun partners and fwbs and others would have the#most heartbreaking toxic romances known to man but still get over it the next day and be fwbs like none of them have healthy feelings#Preston x Danse#dunno if they have a ship name#fo4#preston garvey#fallout#fallout 4#paladin danse#danse#Danse’s active flirting is like ‘you know how to perfectly create a secure perimeter I have trouble believing it wasn’t just bad timing and#luck with the misfortune that followed your group to concord Lieutenant Garvey’ and it’s like the most reassuring thing Preston has heard#but that is like not a flirty thing but Presont is still smitten by it cause what the fuck does this guy see in him or why is he suxking up#to him and his poor planning skills
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itssomethingcosmic · 10 months
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