#the problem is that i can tune out so fucking quickly and suddenly have no idea whats going on
dualitysdownfall · 1 year
oh my god i havent finished an adventure zone campaign since amnesty
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asliceofzosan · 8 months
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in which Zoro takes the blame for not paying for the food at the Baratie (sequel to Sanji witnessing the riceball incident in Shells Town)
Ribeye steaks piled one on top of the other, a massive helping of mashed potatoes with boatloads of gravy, salads, soups, and fancy dishes with names Zoro can't pronounce — all made up the massively long order list that he knows Luffy has not a single Berry to his name to pay with.
Zoro looks around the place, tuning out the story of the giant goldfish that Usopp has told them before, his eyes resting on the blonde waiter flitting about and flirting with every woman at every table.
Sanji was his name. Zoro didn't recognize it. But when he arrived to their table and saw Zoro, it looked like their resident waiter recognized him. Zoro's reputation in the East Blue is not a laughing matter, so it didn't bother him at first. But the way Sanji stared at him, wide blue eyes and with a touch of a smile on his lips, told Zoro that there's something a lot more than recognition swimming in that man's head.
He can't put a finger on what it is exactly though. It's driving him crazy.
"Waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?"
Sanji turns to him and nearly steps back in shock. Zoro quirks an eyebrow, confused and a little annoyed. He wore his best clothes today (Captain's orders). And he's pretty sure he even took his mandatory once-a-week bath before they went inside (Nami's orders). Still the waiter looked at him like Zoro had grown a second head. Like he couldn't quite believe his eyes.
"Maybe there really is something wrong with your eye," Zoro muses, crossing his arms as Sanji quickly straightens his posture and shoves his hands into his pockets. "Got a problem with me, waiter?"
Sanji coughs out a laugh. Zoro notes with narrowed eyes that there is the slightest tint of pink coloring his cheeks. Is he blushing? The fuck?
"None at all, sir. I think I was just seeing things." The look in the waiter's eyes betrays his statement but Zoro chooses to say nothing. With a practiced smile, he turns back to Nami and asks her how she'd like her water that makes Zoro stare at him this time like he's grown a second head.
"And um..." Zoro is surprised Sanji hasn't left yet and is once again directly addressing him. "We have a few specialty riceballs not on the menu today. I'll bring them out... on the house."
Without even explaining what the fuck that meant, Sanji turns on his heels and beelines straight for the kitchen.
"I think Nami's boyfriend might be yours too, Zoro." Usopp teases him with a snicker and the glare he gives him is sharper than the blades of his swords.
Now, here Zoro is, letting Ussop's words affect him more than they have any right to as he downs his third bottle of beer.
The specialty rice balls haven't come out yet. Zoro's starting to think it's just a sick joke. But he doesn't let it get to him. Or tries to. Why offer free food when you can't deliver on it? Fucking ridiculous. And no, it's not like he suddenly craved rice balls when the blasted waiter mentioned them. That's not it at all. Bullshit.
"Didn't the waiter said he's coming by with rice balls?" Zoro finally snaps and the conversation his crew was having died down immediately at his statement. Ah fuck. He probably should have just kept his mouth shut because Nami was now looking at him with a shit-eating grin not entirely unlike the one he gave her when he teased her before the meal.
"How would you like them, oh great swordsman?" She teases with a glint in her eye. She cups her cheeks with her hands in delight at the irritated snarl Zoro gives her.
"With or without seaweed?" Ussop chimes in.
"Cubed or crushed?"
"Fuck off," Zoro hisses between his teeth. Nami and Ussop share a look before bursting into laughter. Zoro looks over at Luffy who was swinging his feet and obliviously sipping his milk. When Luffy makes eye contact with him, he just tilts his head with wide blank eyes and it makes Zoro question all his life choices.
"You wanna ask him?" Luffy says, already clamoring over the booth and waving at the object of Zoro's unexplained irritation. Zoro sinks into the seat as Sanji approaches with the bill for their meal.
"Your bill, sir."
"Zoro's asking if you're gonna bring the rice balls you promised." Zoro just stared up at the ceiling and thought of a million different ways to cut a hole into the floor so that the ocean could take him.
There is a headache inducing silence that follows Luffy's question. Zoro can't help but finally look at the waiter and he doesn't know how to explain the feeling that bubbles up when they make direct eye contact. Maybe it's indigestion. It's probably indigestion.
Instead of bringing up the damn rice balls, Zoro just grabs the tray with the bill from Luffy's hand. Just as expected, his annoyingly endearing captain put down an I.O.U for the ridiculously long list of food they ordered. Several possible scenarios could happen from this. And Zoro doesn't want to think about Luffy wreaking havoc in someone else's kitchen.
With a deep sigh through his nose and a knowing look at Nami, Zoro wrote down his own name in place of Luffy's.
"Zoro, what—" Luffy almost took the bill back when Zoro stood up and handed it directly to the waiter, who looked just as dumbfounded as the rest of them.
"If your head chef's got a problem with that, he can talk to me directly. Tell him that for me, won't you?" Sanji takes the bill, reads what's written, and there's a phantom lurch in his chest that happens when Sanji looks up at him and smiles. Zoro doesn't want to describe it. He'll allow himself to firmly believe that it's a side effect of eating too much food. It's indigestion. You're just constipated. Never mind that the feeling is most prominent in his chest and not his stomach.
"Of course, sir." Sanji purrs and the sound runs like a cold river down Zoro's spine. There's a hint of mischief in the gleam of his visible eye. Every instinct in Zoro tells him it's dangerous. He should take his crew out of here, onto the Merry, and run.
But he stays rooted to the spot, wrist limp on the hilt of his sword, as he watches that damn waiter walk away from him.
The steady routine of washing the dishes helps quiet Zoro's racing mind.
It's a very welcome distraction. The clinking of the ceramic against metal utensils provides a cacophonous symphony that helps drown out all of Zoro's waking thoughts. The sooner he starts to think, the sooner he starts to notice how that stupid fucking waiter has just been sitting at the table behind him, cursing Zoro with his mere presence.
Scrub scrub scrub...
"You sure you don't want any help?"
Scrub scrub rinse...
Scrub rinse dry...
"I really have nothing better to do."
Zoro's eye twitches.
"Good for you."
A long silence follows this and Zoro thinks the waiter finally gave up. That was until...
"Are you still mad about the rice balls?"
"Oh my god!" Zoro nearly slams a pile of dishes onto the floor. He turns to Sanji, who is just casually smoking at the table, and stomps over to him. Once he was right in front of him, Zoro snarls at him, one hand on the hilt of his sword.
"Talk about those damn rice balls one more time, I'm gonna chop your head clean off for them to use in tomorrow's ramen stock."
Sanji blinks, then turns his head to the side to blow smoke away from Zoro. Zoro tries to convince himself that he isn't staring at the way Sanji's lips purse around the cigarette in the process.
"I can still make you the rice balls," Sanji says without a single ounce of fear in his body. "I just couldn't do it while the old man was around." He then stands up and steps around Zoro with a practiced grace. "Are you willing to wait ten minutes?"
"I'm not hungry," Zoro hisses but his stomach betrays him with a loud grumble. He's been washing dishes for so many hours. He probably missed dinner.
Then, as Zoro straightens his posture, Sanji does it again — he smiles and Zoro doesn't know what to do.
"Sit." Sanji gently nudges a chair out with his foot. It lands perfectly in front of Zoro at a perpendicular angle. "I'll have them out in five."
"You said ten minutes." Zoro found himself saying, only to be contradictory. Sanji laughs this time and the resulting smile pierces Zoro's heart with a million cursed swords.
"When someone's hungry, I feed them." Sanji says simply and that's the statement that ends their conversation. Zoro still refuses to sit on the chair, instead finding himself gravitating towards the counter that Sanji was preparing his ingredients at and leaning against the marble.
Before Sanji found them at their table, he brought down a marine and a fearsome pirate with just his feet. Zoro was fascinated by his fighting style even if he didn't want to admit it out loud. But he's always been curious. Especially now, with Sanji whipping out the sharpest knives and using them effortlessly as Zoro would wield the Wado Ichimonji.
"You're good with knives," Zoro says before he could stop himself. Sanji chuckles.
"Of course, I am. I'm a chef. Best one in the East Blue."
"What's a chef doing waiting tables, then?"
"Cause I was kicked off the line this morning. It's a weekly occurrence, nothing special." The way Sanji scrapes his ingredients into a bowl betrayed how he felt about it despite his nonchalance. "I can cook better dishes than everyone in this damn kitchen but Zeff refuses to acknowledge that. It's always 'your food is crap', 'slice those carrots thinner', or 'needs more fucking oregano—"
Sanji throws the knife onto the cutting board, its tip now embedded neatly straight down the middle. It stood perfectly still, like it was afraid of what Sanji could do if he added more pressure. Zoro raised an eyebrow, looking up at the now irritated cook with a smirk.
"Sorry," Sanji mumbles, taking the knife and cleaning it carefully with a cloth. Zoro says nothing. He just props his elbow on the counter and places his chin into his hand as he watches Sanji in his element. Eventually, it's down to just shaping the rice balls with his hands and Zoro asks the question that poked at his mind during Sanji's mini outburst.
"If you're so dissatisfied cooking here why don't you just leave?"
Sanji pauses. His head is down, his blonde fringe obscuring one eye as his fingers twitch against the rice ball.
"It's not about that."
"Yeah?" Zoro leans as close as he could get with the counter between them. Sanji still refuses to look up. "A hot-headed cook who claims to be the best in the East Blue settling down here — where he is not head chef — is as contradictory as it gets."
"You don't know–" Sanji snaps but stops himself immediately. He looks up to glare at Zoro through narrowed eyes. "You don't know why I still stay."
"Enlighten me then, cook." Zoro leans his hip against the counter. "Because really, someone as good as you claim to be has got to have some ambitions. Dreams." Zoro holds the man's gaze. "Do you hate the old man?"
"No!" Sanji counters immediately. "The man fucking raised me. I owe him my goddamn life!"
"Owing him your life isn't the same as giving up your life to work at a restaurant that barely lets you cook."
"You don't know shit!" Sanji nearly slams his fist down on the counter, pointing a finger at Zoro with his face beet red. "This restaurant was his dream—"
"But is it your dream?"
Silence. Total utter silence.
Where color is nothing but a dark void of black and grey, a sea of blue greets him from the pages. Vivid pink skies and tangerine mangroves burst to life. All types of fish swim in his mind's eye but if he reaches out to touch them, it certainly should be real. A phantom breeze kisses his cheeks and water laps at his feet. He's drowning but he swims in delight. He's falling but he feels the clouds cushion him with warmth.
There is a vast ocean out there, one that contains delicacies and species from all four seas. Creatures of every kind, spices that have never been tasted.
The All Blue.
In Sanji's world of black and white — he strives to find the one place that's in screaming color.
There are tears in Sanji's eyes before Zoro could comprehend what was going on. But he wipes them away before he can get a good look at him. The kitchen was quiet around them. The only sound peeking through was the faint music from the bar outside. Though Zoro's heartbeat was louder in his ears than his own breathing.
But he could hear each footstep Sanji takes, the scrape of the plate as it's pushed in Zoro's direction, and the click click of Sanji's lighter as he helps himself to another cigarette. Zoro looks down and sees the rice balls presented in front of him — three heaping helpings, all coated in a different topping, all different flavors.
Zoro takes one.
And it's the best rice ball he's ever had in his life.
"I have a dream," Sanji murmurs, cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. One glance and Zoro could see that whatever his dream is... it still burns like molten lava in the heart of this chef. "I'd just rather give up on it than die searching for mine."
Zoro swallows, turns around, and takes the cigarette from Sanji. The ashes fall into his palm, its embers dimming as he squishes it between his fingers.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Zoro says, looking up to make eye contact with Sanji. He can see it almost immediately — the longing for something that seems near impossible to achieve, the acceptance that it's hopeless — but Zoro sees it, clear as day, that the flickering flame of hope still shines in Sanji's eyes. That he's just waiting for his sign to let it once again consume his soul in a roaring fire, brighter than even the sun could be.
Zoro wants to see him shine.
"Come meet my captain," Zoro instinctively wraps his hand around Sanji's wrist. Surprisingly, Sanji doesn't pull back. "I think he'd really like to get to know you."
Sanji doesn't protest.
Zoro takes the rice balls to go.
Never waste food.
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Warm Shower and Soft Kisses
Peter Parker x Reader
Wordcount: 1.3k
Synopsis: Peter takes care of you after you after you disappear for a week.
Warnings: Fluff!!, hurt/comfort, Peter taking care of his girl, Shower with Peter, technical nudity but no smut or descriptions.
AN: Can be imagined as any Peter, gif is just tasm. Lightly edited. Also I’m currently working on two requests so stay tuned <3
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A chilly breeze rushes through your room, waking you from your slumber. Your eyes flutter open and lock on your open window that’s letting in the cold November breeze. “Fuck,” you mumble as you bury yourself deeper into your duvet, far too lazy to get up and actually shut the window. You’ve been like this for almost a week now, a lethargic shell of your former self hiding in your room away from the problems of the word.
You haven’t been up more than 10 times since it all started. You refuse to move unless you have to go to the bathroom, and even then you do that begrudgingly. On top of your refusal to move unless absolutely necessary, you find yourself calling out of work most days, unable to handle the thought of dealing with people. You’re also skipping classes and ignoring everyone’s attempts to contact you.
Your biggest issue at the current moment is Peter Parker, your boyfriend. He stops by your place at least twice a day since you disappearance. Your parents always sending him away per your request. You felt horrible for pushing Peter away, but you felt so sick and the thought of being with another person exhausts you. Your whole body was aching just from you laying silently below your covers after all.
Your quiet day comes to an end just as quickly as it starts when you hear Peter slipping through your window. “Y/N?” He whispers, approaching your shaking body that’s huddled under a pile of blankets. “Baby, what’s going on? Are you sick?” You feel him peeling the blankets off you, revealing just how horrible you look. Your eyes have heavy eye bag’s despite you sleeping most of your days, and it’s clear you haven’t showered since your disappearance.
When you look up you’re met with a face of concern. “Hi,” you say meekly. Your voice feels scratchy in your throat as you speak for the first time in a few days.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Peter presses the back of his hand to your forehead. “Sweetheart…”
You give Peter a small smile before feeling suddenly embarrassed, you can’t even remember at this point the last time you brushed your teeth. A frown settles on your face as you look up at Peter once more. “I haven’t been feeling like myself lately.” You whisper.
Peter frowns, stroking your cheek. “I can help you get a shower if you’d like baby?” You nod slowly, grateful for your boyfriends offer. You place your hand in his and allow him to lift you up and out of bed. You latch onto Peters arm the moment you stand up. It’s abundantly clear just how shaky your legs feel due to the lack of use.
Peter guides your wobbling body into your bathroom, turning on the lights and fan in the process. The bright lights are overwhelming as you sit on the bathroom sink, watching as Peter starts the shower for you. “Come on pretty girl, let’s get you cleaned up.” Peter smiles as he gently kisses your cheek.
You watch as Peter strips out of his clothes before helping you out of your own. The cool air sends a shiver down your spine. You take a moment to enjoy being out of your dirty cloths as Peter leads you under the warm water.
“Better?” He asks as he gently massages your scalp while placing kisses all over your face.
“Much,” you sigh, allowing your body to relax under his touch. You wait patiently as Peter lathers up his hands with Shampoo, just wanting to feel his hands in your hair again.
“Shall we get your hair washed m’lady?” Peters asks, not really waiting for a response since his fingers are already tangling in your hair before he finishes his sentence. You let out a small moan at the sensation of his fingers giving your scalp a deep massage. Every muscle in your body seems to let go in that moment, putting you into a state of calm.
Peter pulls away from your hair momentarily, lathering conditioner onto his hands before returning to your hair. “Thank you Peter,” you whisper softly, getting on your tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Anything for my girl,” he smiles.
You allow yourself to soak up the sensation of being clean along with Peters gentle hands slowly rubbing the soap bar all over your body.
“You look so pretty right now, I hope you know that.” Peter coos, also enjoying the feeling of his hands gently lathering soap into your plush skin. He’s been worrying sick about you for essentially the last week. Since you didn’t return a single phone call and when he knocks on the door your mom always tells him you aren’t feeling well.
You’ve been on Peters mind since the day of your mini disappearance, making him feel sick and lonely without you at night. He was missing the sound of your voice, the way you giggle and laugh, your bright smile and witty jokes. He was missing every inch of you, and now that you’re finally back in his arms he wasn’t sure how he was going to handle having to go home again.
You were both so caught up in one another’s presence you only notice how long it’s been when the water starts to get cold. You both let out a small laugh, rinsing off before hopping out of the shower.
Peter helps to dry your shivering body, hoping to warm you up as quick as possible. You aid Peter in drying off as well, wanting to help him like he’s been helping you.
Peter ruffles your hair in the towel before wrapping it around you once again and making his way to your sink to grab a toothbrush. He quickly gets some toothpaste and wets the brush, helping to ease it in your mouth.
He didn’t question why you haven’t showered it brushed your teeth, rather he just silently helps you do so, sprinkling words of encouragement along the way. “You’re doing great sweetheart, you have such a pretty smile you know.” Peter says as he continues to help you brush your teeth.
Despite your exhaustion you find the energy to throw your arms around Peter, toothbrush still sticking out of your mouth. He lets out a small laugh, hugging you back and kissing all over your face.
“Come on, let’s finish brushing your teeth so I can kiss your pretty lips,” Peter urges, as he helps you finish up. Once your teeth are clean Peter makes sure to press five kisses to your lips immediately, savoring the feeling of your lips on his.
“I should probably get dressed before we keep kissing,” you tease, starting to feel like yourself again.
“Mhm, how about some warm fuzzy pajamas?” Peter offers as he leads you over to the closet. He shuffle through some options before setting on your red t-shirt and short pajama set. “This one’s my favorite on you, and I know you’ve said it’s the most comfortable.” Peter smiles as he helps you into your cloths. He shuffles through some of the cloths he left at your place, throwing on a pair of boxers before leading you over to your bed.
“Peter?” You whisper, looking up at your boyfriend as you sit on your bed.
“Yes baby?” He hums, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“Can you cuddle me? Please?” You beg, craving Peters soft touch once again.
“Anything for you love, come on, crawl under the covers.” He replies as he helps you situate. He slowly pulls the covers up and around you both, holding you in his arms tightly.
“I love you Peter,” you say softly, feeling your eyes grow heavy once more.
“I love you too Y/N,” Peter hums, kissing your forehead one last time before you fall into a deep slumber.
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urfavlarry · 3 months
Hiiiii, I see that u are gonna make SBG fanfics, so I was wondering if you can make
a Logan fields x black reader oneshot where Logan confesses his love for me after bring injured from a phantom?
Logan Fields x POC!reader
warnings: mentions of bl00d, swearing, bad grammar
genre: should be fluff
A/N: i’m so sorry if I made something “insensitive” I don’t know if i wrote the reader well but I tried my best and feedback is greatly apreciated<3
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Midnight. An hour you learned to hate at the start of the semester ever since you went to Savannah with your “friends” that you had to make a project with. You and Logan were friends before everything happend. You were the one that helped him and confronted his bullies and he helped you through some real shit when people sent you threats or called you names just because of your skin color. You could say you developed a small crush on the blonde boy. Maybe it was his looks, or his very likable personality and admirable dedication. You don’t know, you just really liked him.
Back to the present time, you and the group decided to get the jeep finally with Logan staying behind, backing you up if anything bad happened. The tune of “Party Walkers” being heard to distract the phantoms. “Couldn’t you guys have picked a better song? I dunno something with a bit more action?” You say and climb down the rope, sprinting towards the house, flashlight in hand. “I think thats the least of our problems right now.” Taylor says, Tyler nodding along with her as they fought off a phantom. “Right sorry.” You run to the car and go to hop in when realization hit you; “Ashlyn it’s fucking locked!?” You say and look at the the rest of the group who were arguing. You look towards Logan who looked confused so you take out your walkie talkie; “The cars locked, we’ll have to go find it. Be careful okay?” “I should be the one telling you that.” You chuckle and give him a thumbs up, putting away the walkie talkie and walk inside with the twins, Aiden and Ashlyn falling behind.
You and the twins look around the room, when Taylor suddenly speaks up; “Soo, whats up with you and Logan?” She says, shuffling in some random drawers. You freeze in place and look towards her; “What do you mean?” You say and open one of the cabinets, finding the key. “Got’cha”
Taylor shrugs and opens her mouth to speak when you hear a loud ‘bang’ from outside. Everyone tenses up and you share worried glances but decide to stay in the room just in case. A few minutes later you see a pretty beaten up Aiden and Ashlyn, breathing heavily. The twins question their appearance and the gunshot but you interrupt them; “Guys let’s go I don’t want those black fucks finding us.” You say backing up to the door, not noticing the hundreds of phantoms that were lurking in the house. “Y/N behind you!” Ashlyn yells and you turn around quickly, a phantom jumping on you, claws digging into your flesh. “Shit!” You kick the phantom trying to get it off of you when Ashlyn suddenly pointed her flashlight at the phantom, turning into some black goo with eyes. “Ew Ashlyn what the fuck you should’ve let me die now I got this black shit on me.” You say and try to stand up but you hiss in pain, clutching your side. “Y/N are you okay?” Tyler says, holding you up. “Yep fine, just have a chunk of flesh missing but yep everything okay!” You say sarcastically and glare at the boy. “Nah of course the black kid gets fucking slashed i’ve seen horror movies.” You say as Tyler hoists you up onto his back. You look out the door, hundreds of phantoms watching your every move. You tremble slightly, pointing your flashlight on them as Ashlyn tells you the plan on how to get out.
You guys form a circle and slowly walk out of the house. You hand the keys to Ashlyn and you guys quickly get into the car. Just when you thought you were safe phantoms start banging on the door, breaking the windows. Everyone screams in sync as Ashlyn swerves the car and drives as fast as she can. “Logan open the gate!” Ashlyn yells into the walkie talkie and furrows her brows, focusing on the ‘road’.
You clutch your side, your clothes and hands soaked in crimson blood. Taylor was trying her best to stop the bleeding as much as she could, putting pressure on your wound; “Ashlyn go faster Y/N is literally going to bleed out!” Tyler yells, earning a glare from you and Taylor. “I’m fine damnit.” You say and take a deep breath. The second Ashlyn goes past the gates they shut, everyone rushing out of the car. They rest you on the ground, the red sky seeming to go blurry in your perspective. You hear a distant voice, the voice you oh so adored; “Y/N? Y/N! Stay with us!” Logan shouts, placing your head in his lap; “It’s going to be okay we’re here with you.” He clutches your hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back of it. You smile, your vision going black.
6:58am. You jolt awake, suddenly in your room. “Fucking hell..” You rub your eyes, your side feeling numb and sore. Your phone starts to vibrate like crazy, getting at least 20 messages a second from the others, but one especially stuck out to you. “Y/N??” “Y/N??” “I’m coming over.” It read and you smile, getting ready for school. Your hair was currently in some braids your mama made a few days ago. You smile at the thought, moments like these between your mom being rare since she was always really busy. You change into a new pair of clothes and go downstairs to make breakfast. A few minutes later you hear a knock on the front door. You run over and open the door but you get tackled in a bone crushing hug. “Y/N I’m so sorry I couldn’t do anything you help I really am, I couldn’t bear the thought of loosing you, I love you so so much you’re the most important person in my life, I just—” You cut him off with a quick peck on the cheek, leaving the blabbering boy to look at you with his usual cute puppy eyes. “It’s okay Logan really, you couldn’t have done anything it’s not your fault alright?”
Logan looks at you confused; “You have feelings for me? You’re not weirded out that I like you?” You chuckle and fix his glasses and ruffle up his hair. “Of course not why would I be? What’s there to not love about you?” Logan smiles softly at this and cups your cheek before speaking again; “Can I uh—” “Yes you can.” He turns a bit red and pulls you into a gentle kiss, not realizing the group had seen the interaction between you two.
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waitineedaname · 14 days
I finished the first svsss book! my thoughts:
this book immediately latched its hooks into my brain the same way the untamed did. what the fuck. how did it hook me so quickly. I liked the mdzs novels and the tgcf donghua, but svsss and the untamed fucking did something to my brain chemistry
I am such an enormous sucker for Narrative Is Alive stories, especially when both the character and narrative are aware of each other and can interact. Every interaction between SQQ and the System was a delight
Spoiler-y thoughts under the cut
having absorbed most of my knowledge of this series from the fanart put on my dash, I was surprised by SQQ's kindness. I expected him to be a hater (which he is) and kind of detached (which he is, but for dissociating reasons) but his kindness is surprisingly earnest. Sure he tries to couch it in self saving (haha) reasons since he wants to avoid original!SQQ's fate, but he does genuinely seem to care for his disciples quite a bit
speaking of him genuinely caring and the dissociating, HOO BOY. THE GRIEF HUH? "why do my disciples keep claiming I'm out of my mind with grief, I'm feeling and acting perfectly normal" <- says the guy whose days have passed in a haze since he was forced to throw someone very dear to him into an abyss, who has periodically forgotten he's gone and called out to him, who has sat at his grave and mourned. Jesus christ dude. I know the heartbreak points are for Binghe but they are also for me
I was somewhat prepared for Binghe's puppyboy devotion by the fanart, but oh my god this dude has some self worth issues. The guy who has been abusing him suddenly changes his tune and is nice to him, and he's immediately in malewife mode like omg shizun can I cook for you 🥺 shizun can I attend to your every need 🥺 shizun I feel so safe around you 🥺 Binghe babygirl you have serious problems
I was so delighted to meet Shang Qinghua, he's honestly the character I wanted to meet the most and he did not disappoint. what the hell do you mean he transmigrated into an infant
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sunlightandsuffering · 2 months
Feminist Mikasa having a bunch of feminist friends and one day she's hanging out with them discussing the patriarchy and how awful all the men they know are. Then she receives a snap from Eren and regrets opening it up since it's a loop gif of Eren giving his massive cock a couple strokes with some pre leaking out his tip. With a caption like "thinking about you is driving me insane, get over here asap".
Mikasa's heart almost leaps out her throat and is beating wildly as she hopes none of her friends saw what was on her screen. The feminist side of her wants to tell him to fuck off, that she's got more important things to do like discussing the male dominated problems in this world with her feminist friends. But just like always she betrays that side of herself, her increasing lust and devotion to Eren winning out as always. Quickly packing her bag and rushing off with no explanation much to all her friends confusion.
A flustered blush on her face, she can already feel her panties getting a little wet as her mind is suddenly empty of all the sophisticated thoughts she was having earlier and now purely filled with filthy thoughts as to what that big cock is gonna do to her once she arrives.
omgg so hot! I have a slightly different take tho, FOR ME so far I feel like y'all are missing her hatred, WE GOTTA MAKE HER STICK TO HER FEMINIST IDEALS A BIT MORE !! just a little bit. I think she's do this, but she'd wait, and it would absolutely fucking eat at her, like she's super twitchy, almost strung out, legs bouncing, tuning out of the conversation every five minutes daydreaming about his pretty dick. Her panties are soaked, knee bouncing bc she's so uncomfortable, aching for it. But she waits!!! She waits all day, finishes her outing with her friends, goes home and she still waits, sitting in her bed glaring murderously at her phone, and the clock strikes midnight when finally she caves, picks up the phone and Eren answers immediately, all smug, like, "I knew you'd cave." And Mikasa contemplates hanging up right there lol
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thatoneash · 1 year
7- Playing the Cupid
You walked into your literature class as early as you can as your eyes scanned the room for a certain someone. You were usually never this early for any of your classes but since today is no other day you decided to make an exception.
As you spotted the purple haired boy on his usual desk, his eyes glued to his phone, a smile appeared on your lips as you walked over to him.
Today was gonna be a good day. You can feel it.
“Good morning Scara!” he suddenly jolted in his seat as his eyes caught yours. A frown appeared on his face as he let out a scowl and turned his phone off. “What the fuck are you doing here.”
“We share literature remember?” you said as you put your bag down right behind his desk. He scanned your movements with an obvious irritated expression on his face. “No, I mean what the fuck are you doing at my desk.”
“Oh! Well I decided to sit here today. Any problem with that?” you smiled teasingly as you sat right behind him. His back was to the wall so he was facing you sideways. “Yes actually I do have a problem with that. You’re not sitting there.”
You rolled your eyes and deadpanned at him. “Obviously I am sitting here right now Scara. I decided to sit right behind you so that we can have more conversations.I know, I’m a genius.”
He raised one brow at you. “What makes you think I would talk to you in the middle of the class out of all people? Also Shei was sitting there your seat is in the back.” you gave him a look that said im aware of that and shrugged “I’m sure he won’t mind.” he let out a sigh and turned his back to you.
Disappointed by his lack of interest in conversation, you hummed as you thought of another way to approach him.
Your eyes drifted to your phone with the sound of your notification.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Hey.” you shut your phone off as someone appeared before you. “Oh hi Shei. I’m sorry I suddenly sat here but I couldn’t see the board from where I was so I hope you don’t mind.” you nervously laughed hoping it wasn’t showing off that you were lying.
“Oh no yeah no problem! I’ll be more than glad to move seats actually haha.” you giggled a bit as you moved closer to him and whispered. “It’s because of him isn’t it?” he nodded his head in reply. “You have no idea.”
“Well lucky for you I’m willing to switch seats forever.” His eyes sparked up to that. “Really? Oh my god thank you so much I owe you one for that.” and with that he was gone. you sighed in relief as you sat down and contemplated what to do.
In pure boredom, you started tapping Scara’s back in a songs tune that has been stuck in your head for the whole day. “What the fuck are you doing. Stop touching me.” you rolled your eyes. Such a drama queen.
“Relax im not gonna give you any cooties. I’m just playing a song.” he turned his face to you and you almost laughed at the angry face he had on. “Do I look like a piano to you.” you stifled a giggle as you shaked your head. “No but like did anyone ever tell you how cute you look while angry.”
Now, after you said that you could SWEAR you caught him turning red before he turned his head forward with a scowl. Now what you’re sure you heard was a “stupid annoying girl.” That was muttered a under his breath.
The teacher stepped into class not so long after. You sighed as you put your phone under your desk because if he caught you texting in class he’d take it from you.
Minutes passed since the lesson started and you weren’t paying any attention. Getting more and more bored each second, you ripped a paper from your notebook and started writing on it.
Hey I’m bored
you quickly put it on Scara’s desk. He stared at the paper for a second before reading it and crumpling it in his hand. Wow rude.
You ripped another paper from your notebook and wrote on it again.
Wanna talk? :)
You passed it to him again waiting for him to reply but he was such a stubborn little shit that he crumpled it again and put it under his desk.
Sighing in defeat, you put your head on your desk, deciding to sleep until the class ended.
After the bell rang, you stretched and let out a yawn in your seat. Looking in front of you, Scara was putting his stuff into his bag preparing to leave the class.
You quickly got out of your seat and stopped in front of him.
“What now.”
“You wanna walk to our next class together?”
He stared at you again. “We have another class together?”
Ok ouch.
You smiled as you nodded your head. “Yep! It’s art. I actually just switched classes to art so you might not have noticed me.”
“I’m sure it’s only because your presence isn’t a big importance to me but ok.”
He didn’t say anything else as he walked by you. You wanted to act like his words didn’t affect you but it did. Now, you never interacted with him in middle school for this sole reason. You knew he was a distant and cold person and that you’d get the cold treatment from him if you ever even tried conversing with him. Middle school you got hurt easily and couldn’t handle that so you decided to watch him from afar.
But now you’re on your third year of highschool. You gained lots of friends and confidence. You got yourself into this situation with the risk of knowing what he was like and you weren’t about to back down.
So, you put a small smile on your lips and trailed after him.
“So, I didn’t think of you as an arts guy. You have a hidden gem too huh.”
“Wouldn’t say a gem I always draw in my free time so might as well take the class for it.”
“Yeah that’s fair. I’d like to see some of your drawings too if you don’t mind actually.”
“I do mind.”
“Alright well art reflects a persons deepest desires and a reflection from their life so I understand why you wouldn’t want me to see your art yet. But someday, it’d be nice.”
He gave you a side glance to see you already smiling at him as you walked side by side. Your smile was warm and it was directed at him. A warm smile just for him.
He didn’t get it. No matter how cold he was being to you, no matter how many times he tried pushing you away, it didn’t seem to effect you. You were by his side still. Giving him the space he needed for the time being and being completely understanding.
It didn’t mean you weren’t an annoyance to him still. But your presence was a little bit bearable now. A little.
Alright our loverboy is starting to warm up to her. Only a little though. How much do you think it will take him to completely shatter his walls around her? Who knows :)
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multiwreckedmess · 1 year
No Reason Part Four (Final)
Synopsis - You needed an easy going person with no strings attached and San knew just the man. Now memories of Mingi haunt your daily life despite your best efforts to forget him. There’s no reason to mourn something that never existed, right?
Pairing - Mingi x fem!Reader (I try to limit pronoun usage but AFAB is what I know best)
CW -  Smut. Angst (a substantial amount in this part). An additional TW under the cut.
Words - 3k~ (in this part)
This is sort of an angsty multi part smutty thing I started writing this past spring and I am oddly attached to it. I’ll post the other parts later as I clean them up. it’s been across like 2 computers and 2 word processors so sorry for any of the formatting/grammar fallout from that. As a reminder this is a work of FICTION by clicking to read under the cut you acknowledge that you are mature enough to understand that this does not represent Mingi or any member of Ateez in any way. If you have difficulty with this concept please do not continue forward or interact with my work!
This is a multi part series please check out my masterlist for other posts!
TW: Crying, feeling dumping, y/n is very self flagellating, LONG perhaps too detailed cleanup/aftercare but ya’ll it’s so important. Author gets a little handwave-y fiction magic but you all know that the real world works different. ~ ~
Truly you don’t know how long the two of you have been standing nearly nose to nose in silence. Mingi patiently waiting for your answer.  Or excuse. Or anything really. Some small part of you wonders if you just don’t say anything he’ll move on. Another part of you holds onto the idea that staying silent will help you ‘win’ the argument, even though there is no argument to be won. 
“Did I hurt you?’ Mingi asks again, his normally bassy voice tuned to a high whisper, backing off slightly. Tears well up. Furrowing your brows, you bite your lower lip trying to contain them. “Can you not-- you didn’t do anything. Really you didn’t do anything. It’s not you it’s-” “That’s so fucking cliche and you know it. We’re both adults. I can take it. I can try to understand. Give me the opportunity to understand. If you ever cared about me at all-” “I did. That’s the problem.” “You cared about me and that’s a problem? Is there some part of me that’s so unlovable to you? Is it so unbelievable that someone like you would like me?” Still swaying from side to side in your apartment, Mingi looks at the ceiling. You duck the other way, eyes cast to the floor. Suddenly Mingi laughs, “This is so fucked.”
Chest tight with anger, something deep inside snaps. “This is why I wrote a note. This is why I didn’t tell anyone what happened. You think it’s been fun changing my entire routine to avoid you? You think I did this because I just wanted to have a fun time? Of course it’s fucked. I loved you Mingi. I loved you so much that it hurt. It physically hurt and I just didn’t want it to hurt anymore okay? So no, you didn’t do anything to me. I did it to myself. It’s my fault. It’s my fault that I’m just not a chill person, I’ll never be a chill person. I have never ever even once in my life been a chill person. I’m sorry that this was supposed to just be a one time thing and I forced myself into your life. I tried to leave quietly but here you are in my apartment demanding answers of me so here are your fucking answers.” Silence. Adrenaline still pumping your stomach is tight. You feel like you might throw up. All color has drained from Mingi’s face, mouth open as though you’d punched him in the stomach. “So yeah. It’s fucked. You’re fucked. I’m fucked. I’m sorry.”
“Besides, I need pjs.” Mingi pouts and wraps himself completely around you as you struggle to leave the comfort of his bed. “You don’t like my t-shirts?” “They aren’t mine. I want mine.” “What’s mine is yours,” he tries to pull you into facing him but you resist so he has to kiss your cheek instead of his intended target. “What about that woman at the bar,” you snip so quickly Mingi doesn’t even try to dodge it. “Share her?” He’s silent for a second, neither of you moves. Even your breathing slows to a stop waiting for what happens next. “So you are jealous.” His tone is unreadable. “I knew it.” Stiflingly tangled up in the blanket and his limbs somehow Mingi squeezes you closer. You huff and wiggle back towards him, letting the small lingering words disappear like smoke into the air. Nose pressed to the back of your neck his breath is warm as he hums, pressing his lips to you occasionally. A bold move to soothe an upset person. It works on you. The words “I’m sorry” were often too hollow, each peck he leaves is a wordless apology. “I’m supposed to be angry with you! This isn’t fair!” You wriggle in his grasp turning to face him. You lunge in to tickle him and loosen his hold. Trying to suppress a giggle he tenses instead, laughing as he retaliates. It’s a fierce grapple battle between the two of you. Mingi could easily humble you by sheer height, his long limbs granting him a natural advantage, but he’s careful. He’s not the big dog who grew up believing he was still a puppy. He’s the big dog who knows that sometimes the other person needs to win to learn. Smiling and giggling and out of breath, you emerge the seeming victor, having managed to wrestle yourself on top of him and pin his arms to the pillows. “Do not FUCK with me Song!” You joke, looking down at him fit snugly between your thighs. “Oh no, you got me! Oh I’m trapped! Oh help!” He cranes upwards to kiss your nose. In one graceful move he twists his forearms from your grasp. He flips the two of you equally as deftly, your legs still clinging to him as your back lands on the bed. “You’re too cute, you know? That’s why i can’t let you go.”
After the explosion of feelings and words you had expected Mingi would turn around and head for the door. He’d gotten what he wanted. He’d wrenched the words from you. He’d found that sore spot in your soul that just needed the smallest of prods to explode into the painful oozing wound it had always been. Years of stuff it down, carefully binding it off to save yourself undone by one man. 
Lower lip trembling you barely manage your last request. “Please leave.” You gulp, holding your breath to hold your tears. It’s your last shred of strength, he would not get your tears. You’d promised yourself no man would ever get your tears again. “You know I can’t leave you like this,” his voice is sweet and warm like a blanket tucking itself protectively over your shoulders. 
You stare at the wood grain of the floorboards, willing yourself to maintain your stoic disposition. If you just keep your eyes busy, your mind busy, you can’t think and you won’t feel.
Water. Running water. The soft click of your kettle returning to its cradle and small lever being pressed. The hiss of heat hitting the cool water inside of it. “Min-” your lip quakes again, totally unable to say his name. “What are you doing?” You ask without looking, trying to sound as cold and detached from the answer as possible. “Tea.” You bite the inside of your lower lip and hum in acknowledgement.
He sighs, a deep earth shattering gut-wrenching sigh. “I won’t - I can’t leave you like this. I never asked you to be that. I never asked you to be anything. I don’t even know where you got that idea that I wanted that to begin with. You think I was totally relaxed about you? I planned every time we met at a bar or nightclub or wherever. I asked San every time if you were coming. Do you know how stupid I sounded? How clingy I sounded? And you didn’t even tell anyone about me? I assumed-I was so stupid. I assumed you knew. I assumed you knew how I felt about you. I assumed you knew I’d rearrange my entire life for you if you’d just asked me. I wanted you to just ask me.” The water in the kettle roils, steam pouring from the mouth.
“I can’t.”
“You still can.”
The kettle beeps. Once. Twice. Three times.
It’s ignored.
Mingi’s hand is large. Not large in comparison to him, it fits him. His hand is large in comparison to yours. Red and warm from being clenched he offers one to you with an outstretched palm facing upwards. A universal gesture of peace. An offer to take it. He’s giving you permission to take it. If you want to-if you will have him. A chill runs down your spine. You can’t hold it anymore. You know your next breath you won’t be able to. Your diaphragm kicks as you exhale as you lose the fight and tears run freely down your cheeks. The colors of the floorboards and Mingi’s black coat swirl together swimming behind your eyes. You sob, full body gut-wrenching sobs. Sobbing in a way that you’ll know you won’t be able to stand for much longer. Mingi catches you in his arms, burying your face in his sweater. He braces you as you give yourself into his embrace, letting your tears soak into him, slowly and rhythmically stroking your spine. “I hurt- so much,” you manage between sobs, muffled by his chest.
He gently shushes you, “I know.” “I hurt you so much.” “I know,” he repeats, continuing to pet your back. “It’s been months.” He kisses the top of your head, “we have years.”
“I’m not even wearing a bra,” you wail. “I know,” he chuckles, a small explosion of breath escaping through his nose. Tentatively you wrap your arms around his waist. He’s less squishy than you remember but the chunky knit of the sweater makes up for it. It feels so good to hold him. Your heart seizes and you hold him tighter more forcefully burying your face into his chest. Having calmed down slightly your face burns with embarrassment.
“I’m sorry. I love you.” Mingi chuckles again, “can you just say it? Without the caveat?” “I love you.”
“I love you too.” The thud his coat makes as it hits your floor is impressively loud and deep. It’s almost not fast enough for your hands as they sneak under the hem of his sweater to help him pull it over his head. Mingi looks you over, in your disheveled state he makes you feel like you’re wearing the sexiest pair of lingerie ever. 
“Say it again.” “I love you.” He scoops you up, like the first night, your legs naturally wrapping around his waist. “Again.” “I love you.”
You see it again, the stars in his eyes, the gentle part of his lips. He’s holding his whole world in his eyes and you are his whole world. “I love you. I need you. I want you. Please.” “Yes. Please. Yes. I-” The time for words is over, your lips meeting in a frenzied kiss. Every kiss feels like life giving air entering your lungs for the first time. Hot and heavy his hands roam under your ratty shirt, just to touch your skin, to memorize the curve of your spine. You don’t even notice that the two of you have passed your couch and into the corner of your apartment that they’d sold to you as a bedroom until Mingi tosses you like a ragdoll into the center of your mattress. It only takes a single tug to rid you of your sweatpants, “no underwear?” Mingi raises an eyebrow. “It’s my apartment, my rules,” you sass back at him. His belt buckle clinks loosely, “our rules. It’s our rules now.” Mingi leaves your side briefly backtracking out of the french doors that quarden off your bedroom. He grinning as he turns, brandishing a wand in his hand. “Same model?” “Same model.” You roll your eyes He kisses you, “you missed me.”
“You’re such a fuck-” your sentence cuts off as he presses the vibrating head to your clit. In another person's hands the tool takes on new excitement, the thrill of the unknown tickles in the base of your spine. Heat spreading from your belly you rock yourself grinding down on the toy, chasing your imminent release. “But I missed you,” you whine, hand wandering toward his thigh. “Oh now you admit it, now that you want to cum…” he teases, suddenly removing the toy, denying you your peak as you groan. “Do you want a cond-” He can’t even finish the sentence before you reply, “no, please, Mingi, I need you. I need to feel you. Need you now.” Locking eyes, the power of your demand lands squarely in his chest. Wasting no time he climbs between your knees, eyebrow raised, lightly questioning. 
“I usually-” “Just fucking-just fuck me.” Mingi kisses the tip of your nose as he positions himself at your entrance. The stretch as he breaches your core is painful, your nose wrinkling, brows knitted in concentration. A small pained squeak catches in your throat. “Babe. Breathe.” You hadn’t even noticed you were holding your breath. Releasing with a sigh you reconcentrate, your fingers finding your clit to massage the hurt away with pleasure. “That’s it, there you go-” he encourages sweetly, pulling back before burying his face in the crook of your neck and filling you to the hilt. Your hands fly to his shoulders, fingertips digging in and arms pulling him into your body. The two of you sit there in silence for a moment, gasping and panting, sweat slicking the limited space between you. “You’re just so fucking tight for me,” he marvels, chest heaving against you. Rubbing the bridge of his nose against the side of your neck he nuzzles you, “can I-please-please let me mark you.” “Mark me,” you reply breathlessly. “It’s fine. I want them.” Immediately he bites down on your shoulder leaving you squealing and writhing, cunt clasping around his member. The mark lands at the column of your neck, his lips sucking harshly at the delicate skin. It’s feral and messy, his ministrations sure to leave purple conspicuous bruises for the next few days. The mix of pain and pleasure as you ride him from below, grinding your clit into his pelvis as he ravages your neck and chest, overwhelms every bit of sense left in your body. You cant your hip forward to accept more of him inside you, sweat dripping down the backs of your thighs. When he lets you go it's only to place the vibrator at your clit once more, watching your stomach contract with every clench of your walls around him. “Please, please cum, please Mingi, please.” You mewl. Orgasms quickly overload you, unable to count the spaces between the highs any longer. “Don’t worry love,” he leans over, sandwiching the wand between you, “I’ll give you everything.” Forehead pressed to you, nearly folding you in half, his hips smack into you. The sound of skin on skin echos in your apartment, hopefully drowning out your wailing. Finally your mind has permission to let go, float away into oblivion as your lover fills you completely. Warm and wet and sticky and overstimulated and exhausted both of you collapse. Mingi tugs the still whirring implement from between the two of you. Your nerves buzzing in total bliss, still shaking under him. Arms wrapping up and around his shoulders you hug him to you once more, cock still pulsing and filling your aching pussy. A soft curse escapes with every twitch passed from him into you. “Idonwannamove,” you slur, curling up around him. “Juswannasleep.” Panting he kisses you, “you should use the bathroom.” “I know-” you elongate the word into a whine. Mingi tries to slide off you but you fall sideways with him, clinging like a koala to him, drifting in and out of consciousness. It isn’t until his dick falls from you with a soft plop that you take the impending threat of dripping cum seriously and waddle off to the bathroom, followed closely by Mingi. “I can clean you,” he offers. “You seemed to like that before-” he stops sheepishly mid-sentence. You stare at him on the other side of the door frame as you flex your pelvic floor. “It’s fine. I got it.” “No I mean…I want to. I want to help you. I liked it, before, I mean, that one time-” he trails off again before stepping onto the tile floor. Your miniscule bathroom is immediately claustrophobic with his added presence. Mingi has to basically climb into the tub to turn on the faucets, drawing the plastic curtain around him as he does so. “At least shower with me?” He sounds hopeful. It’s that hopeful tone that wins you over, twanging your heartstring with a perfect harmonic vibration. “My shower isn't really made for two.” You check between your thighs, fields swirling at the bottom of the porcelain bowl. “It's really weird…the shower head is actually-” you hear the thunk of the toggle between the tub faucet and overhead shower a half a second too late. The curtain rustles dramatically as Mingi’s torso hits it, jolting back in surprise. “Yeah so the shower head is actually in the center of the tub. I was going to warn you but-” you giggle, “I guess I don’t have to now.” Mingi’s damp head pokes out from the curtains, “okay so you have to now.” Long fingers securing themselves around your wrist. “I was going to anyway.” Carefully you join him, shoulders shrugging upwards as the water hits you. Half of you is warm, the other half suddenly violently freezing. Your eyes close instinctively against the droplets ricocheting off of you, the wall, the curtain, and Mingi. You whine and pout, this is the part of the shower process you hate most. The transitionary period between fully wet and fully dry where your body tenses and freezes in place unable to decide which direction it naturally wants to go, into the water or away from it. Standing there half in half out of the water with your eyes screwed shut you feel him, arms wrapping around you and guiding you into his chest. “Let’s warm you up, okay?” His voice rumbles through your back. Carefully the two of you perform a dance, legs tangling and various parts brushing by each other, so that your face is in his chest and your back is to the steady jet of the showerhead. Mingi’s height allows him to dodge the majority of the back spray as the water hits you. Warm washcloth in hand he lathers your body in large circles, the grapefruit scent of the soap filling the room. Each repeated circle hypnotizes you, lulling you into a passive sleepy state, head relaxing on his chest. With every pass you become mushier, rocking into the arc of his scrubbing. Cheeks damp you don’t know if its tears or water drops but it doesn’t matter to him, he raises your chin and kisses them all the same.
“There’s no reason for you to have to do everything alone. I’ll always be right here.”
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electrasev5nwrites · 10 months
Ninja Daily: AIC 1
It would have been really fucking cool to use Hiraishin seals to bring objects to her instead of traveling to objects. Aiko kept that thought in mind, and not how phenomenally the experiment had failed.
'Fuck if I know why I ended up where I did. Fucking random. Shouldn't I have ended up near a seal?'
There was exactly no chance that Aiko had ever left a seal in Mizugakure.
"Bloodline user!"
Especially not, you know, in the reign of Yagura. Who was giving her an unpleasant look, and leaping backwards as his guards moved forward with blood in their eyes.
At least it wasn't her first time travel mishap. She quickly focused on the important part.
"I was not!" Aiko retorted, ducking under a machete that should have taken off her head. It made a slicing sound when it passed over.
Unfair. What kind of idiot assumed a bloodline was responsible when someone appeared out of the shadows-
Oh. Shit.
She cheesed it, sprinting past the surprised shouts and reflexive projectiles. Aiko went up a building face, scorching the stone facing and accidentally blowing chips off with too much chakra. At least three Mist-nin followed with more grace.
'Did I just start the Bloodline Purge?' she wondered in the part of her head that wasn't going 'oh shit oh shit oh shit when the hell am I?' because history had never been her strong suit.
That would be embarrassing. But at least it wasn't boring…
Luckily or not, a few days later Aiko managed to track down a newspaper that confirmed she should find a textbook when she went home.
'So how long do I have to wait until Mei-nee-chan kills Yagura and I can have a friend with an important hat?'
Ugh. Aiko turned the newspaper to the front page to glare accusatively at the date again. The man selling the papers cleared his throat.
"Have a cold?" she asked, not really caring.
'I'm eleven at this point. Or…' Aiko looked down to confirm that her body was very much that of an adult, as it should be. 'Well. One of me is eleven.'
It'd be a while until that shitty situation was resolved in Mizu. Not that it was like, Aiko's problem or anything. She didn't care.
Aiko scowled, crumpling the newspaper in disgust and stomping off.
Even in her short-circuited confusion, Aiko had had enough sense to travel west. She'd lost her pursuers when she'd vaulted over the village wall and blown up a cart full of goji berries. She had only felt a little sorry for the tradesperson she'd probably bankrupted, because it had been pretty funny.
She'd had to switch to traveling over the water after only an hour of running after losing her pursuers, at which point she'd relaxed the pace down to a ground-eating lope. Island nations were funny that way. Nothing like Konoha.
'Is that where I should be going?'
Aiko sighed and ran her hands through her hair, fingers catching first on a knot and then the tangled mess that had been a braid.
First of all, she should find somewhere to stay for the night and get cleaned up. She was attracting sideways looks. But she didn't have a change of clothes, damnit, and what she was wearing would not last well through repeated wear.
But come on, it was normal to do things like seal experimentation in one's pajamas. If it had worked, she would probably have at most endured the awkwardness of bringing Yamato to her kitchen along with the kunai in his possession. Instead, it had been like… like her sense of her seals had caught, stuttered, and then re-focused on nothing that she recognized. Like she was suddenly on the wrong radio frequency, tuning into someone else's conversation.
Instead, Aiko was wandering the business district of a smallish city two islands away from the capital of Mizugakure at twilight in puppy-patterned shorts and a wide-strapped tank top. At least she had real sandals on; through they were leather-bottomed strappy affairs and not shinobi grade equipment. She started to keep an eye out for a hotel to spend the night.
Wait. She didn't have any money with her.
Well, she could just go home and-
She couldn't. Not really. Her gut churned. At eleven, she was an unfriendly Chuunin with more arrogance than experience. Okay, even if she got past village security, and the Hokage believed her (okay, he probably would, since they had gone through this time travel thing before), what was she expecting? Who was going to leap to help her? Jiraiya could probably help her figure out what she'd done, but he wasn't in Konoha.
Figuring out what she'd done wouldn't get her back home, though. It might not even be possible. She couldn't sense her seals at all. Was she going to have to live out the next nine years until she was back where she was supposed to be?
That didn't quite make sense. She couldn't resume her own life, because she would already be living it.
'So… do I need to find a new life and live it?' Aiko wondered. 'Just… do whatever feels right and will keep me amused?'
Terrifying. Annoying. Also interesting.
The worst part was that no one knew who she was, and her hard-earned reputation was gone. The best part was that no one knew who she was, and she could do whatever the hell she wanted with no consequences whatsoever. Who was going to stop her, Tsunade?
She stopped smiling, because the expression had grown so wide that all her teeth were showing and a woman had just jerked her child out of Aiko's path with wide, appalled eyes.
'You know what would be really funny?'
Yes. Yes, she really did. Aiko took a moment to think it through, coming up with the vague notion of baffling and tormenting people she didn't like. If she went cross-continental and set up a skeleton of Hiraishin tags, it'd be a lot safer. She plotted out the easiest route to cover absentmindedly, jiggling open a third-floor hotel window and hoisting herself in. She showered first, using all the complimentary shampoo and conditioner. Aiko wrinkled her nose, but laid out the same outfit for the next day, and crawled into bed.
'Now that I know my tags are at risk if Obito grabs me through kamui, I just won't let that happen. If he moves toward me, I'll just up and go. It's not like he'll know who I am, or have the same interest in me.'
Aiko woke up in the dead of the night to go shopping. Whatever city she was in had a vibrant nightlife, but she actually seemed less out of place than she had during the day. Smiling, Aiko nodded at a group of drunks stumbling down the street.
'I should get more changes than I think I'll need. Nothing I can buy here will be the industrial, reinforced materials that I'm used to in Konoha.'
That didn't bother her, to be honest. That was what she'd made do with when she was running with Obito, and it wasn't like armor was integral to her fighting style.
When she found a likely looking boutique, Aiko slipped around to the alley and forced the back door open. The clothes she found were a little off-putting, truth be told. Civilian fashion in Mist nine years back had apparently tended toward pastels and very low necklines, cut in dramatic vees. They would look a lot better on soft, curvy civilian women than they would on her. She frowned at them. After a little digging, she found a less unnlikely blue top with a silvery modesty panel, and paired it with a green knee-length skirt. She changed right there on the sales floor, eagerly dropping her day-old pajamas. Aiko walked away from the dirty clothes, keeping an eye out for the next item on her list. She found a reasonably secure and chic pink backpack- a tiny purse sized thing with spindly straps, but at least it wouldn't flap around like a purse would when she ran.
At the counter, she found a pad of stationary and a pen. She took the whole thing, scribbling storage seals on the first pages and picking out spare outfits to tuck away. Her pajamas went in too, as did all but one of a packet of headbands and some scrunchies. Aiko took a moment to make a pouty face at her reflection on a mirror, taking care to make sure her hair fell nicely around her new accessory.
There was absolutely nothing useful in terms of footwear, unfortunately. Her sandals were drastically out of place, so she packed up and went on search of another, more promising store.
When she thought she had enough equipment (and it was a damn shame that she didn't have a single weapon of any sort, how annoying) Aiko hefted her little bag and the notepad inside. She set out, taking care to brush not one but three seals into the coastal city she'd ended up in. It seemed like a pretty safe little hideout, truth be told. Then she left over the water, headed for the mainland. She came ashore in Wave Country.
'Isn't this nostalgic?' Aiko tilted her head, slowing to a walk as she crossed a bridge. She was pulling her hair up into something neater to cope with the humidity and heat when she noticed the first thin, hungry-eyed civilian.
That was what she remembered. Hmm. Yes, she was only about a year away from when her team would swing by and kill Gato, wasn't she? He must be in his heyday. Curious, Aiko made a detour for the little town she remembered, bending to scoop up a rock, plant a seal on it, and then toss it into the underbrush.
The civilians were already starving, thin and desperate under the despotic reign of someone with no concept of ensuring a capable workforce. Aiko frowned, wondering why Gato was so incompetent. There wasn't really any point to brow-beating the civilians like this. If he was greedy, why wasn't he attempting to profit off of this? He was already the only game in town. He could offer jobs with low pay, stifle the competition, especially since there was currently no easy connection to the mainland, and make a helluva lot of money. He didn't even have to be hated to do it.
'I'll never understand some people.' Contemplative, Aiko perched on a tree and swung her legs. The town woke sluggishly. A few people kept chickens, and they were up at a decent time to take care of the poultry. Fishermen and women headed out next, craggy and sun-burnt people with scarred hands. And… that was it? She frowned. There should be kids heading to school, businesses opening, that kind of thing. But there just wasn't.
Boo. Maybe she should do something.
On the other hand, she wasn't interested in heroics, and they'd be saved in a year anyway. But jeeze, it seemed kind of bitchy to leave them to suffer for so long. Aiko frowned, trying to pick out why she was so reluctant to interfere. It wasn't like she cared about making sure the mission went as planned when her team came out, so that wasn't it. Was it? Not exactly.
'That's the first time they're really out of Konoha- the only location I can reasonably confirm. If I leave this situation fundamentally unchanged, that'll be my first opportunity to see familiar faces from Konoha.'
And maybe, if she were totally honest, she was a little interested in being scouted by Konoha. She wasn't a missing nin on anyone's books, so she wasn't a criminal. Her stomach rumbled, but she ignored it. She'd stolen from other towns, but she wouldn't take from already starving mouths here.
She could just be a wandering shinobi- someone who'd picked up their trade from a village outsider. It was no crime to be taught by a missing nin, or a parent.
'And Konoha likes Uzumaki. I mean. The Sandaime just scooped Karin up like she was an extra tomato at the market or something.'
She felt cheered, for a moment. Then she realized-
'I don't actually have the traditional Uzumaki looks.'
Okay. When she stood between Naruto and Karin, it was obvious that she belonged. But on her own? Uzumaki wouldn't be the first thought.
Her hair was red, but not the iconic shade. Her face was too pointy to be the feminine ideal, yeah, but her features tended more toward the sharp eyes, brows, and thin lips of her dad and not the wide cheeks, pointed chin, and sharp-tipped nose of her mom.
'Well. I'm close enough. I have chakra chains and I know a lot of fuinjutsu. Anyone who's familiar with Uzumaki traits would put that together.'
That sounded like another reason to wait for team seven. Uzushiogakure had fallen long enough ago that there weren't many active ninja left from its heyday. Like, Tsunade was a bit young to have had much interaction, and that was a bad sign. But Kakashi had known Kushina. He'd clue in, if she was obvious enough.
'I don't know if it's a reason or a pretense, but that's what I'm going with.'
That did leave Aiko with plenty of time to kill. Sort of.
'How do I know when we're about to come? I'm not going to hang out and wait for a year.'
Not in this dingy little backwater, anyway. Besides, she had plans. She had people to pretend to meet for the first time, people to kill, and, uh, people to confuse. She was starting to notice a theme. Hmm.
'Is it possible that I'm just a really rude person?'
Maybe. Oh well. She dismissed the thought for more important matters.
'Zabuza. He's a big enough name that word gets around. If I keep my ear to the ground and pay attention to what he's doing, I can be reasonably certain of the timing. I'll just wait for him to move into Wave to work for Gato.'
Feeling cheered, Aiko added several stops to her cross-continental tour to check for information. She stopped in disreputable bars, a harbor with a significant smuggling presence, and one opium den that she was familiar with from her time running illicit materials.
It turned out that it was hard to coast on the reputation of her dangerous terrorist organization whilst
A. the terrorist organization was currently obscure to the point of irrelevance B. she was not a member of the terrorist organization anyway
"Please let me see your books?" Aiko tried, tilting her head to the side.
The information broker looked unimpressed, crossing enormous tattooed arms. "Smiling isn't going to work. Flirting isn't going to work. Violence isn't going to work. If you don't have the cash, you'd better either leave or just kill me now." His expression dared her to try.
Sullen, Aiko held up a finger to indicate one moment. "I'll be back."
"Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out." He picked his romance novel back up.
'Information extracted through torture is the least reliable,' Aiko reminded herself. Her hand curled into a fist. Instead of leaving, she exited the sideroom into the bar area, taking a moment to primp. She pinched her cheeks and lips. She took down her ponytail and ran her hands through her hair. Then she plastered a glassy, half-drunk-and-happy-about-it expression on her face and sauntered into the bar.
She scanned the room. Forty-two people, one drug deal, seven couples, one group of three who weren't friends, and-
One man eying her up from behind a nearly empty glass with some dark liquid nestled in ice.
Aiko made direct eye contact, raised an eyebrow, and indicated the bathroom with about the level of subtlety one might expect from drunks.
There was a moment of, 'Cool, really?' before the dark-haired stranger excused himself from his friends and started towards the restrooms, glancing at her questioningly. Aiko gave a huge, visible sigh, and walked into the men's restroom, fully expecting him to follow. She closed her eyes, focusing just enough to force her eyes to filter to the Rinnegan.
When her new friend opened the door, Aiko immediately whammied him with what was probably an unsafe amount of chakra and the compulsion to sleep. He dropped like a fish. Like, physically dropped.
'I always forget that part.'
Aiko lunged to break his fall, and wished she'd waited a second longer to jump the guy, because the door caught on the poor chump's foot. She wheezed, painstakingly dragging her victim out of the way. The door shut sheepishly, cutting off the ambient noise of conversation and distant radio programming.
His wallet was in his back pocket. Aiko picked out what she needed and fished the pen out of her bag to scribble an apologetic face on the back of a receipt. Before leaving, she propped the poor civilian up against a clean-ish wall and hid his wallet in his shoe. Getting robbed once was probably enough.
'The stealing is getting old. Besides, it's sloppy procedure to leave a constant trail like that. People talk.'
With that in mind, Aiko left a meeting with the now pliant-if-not-pleasant information broker with the knowledge that Zabuza had last been seen in Grass and the additional tidbit rumor of a nearby client who could use a hand with something he'd rather not approach a shinobi village for. She felt better with some good, honest work on the radar.
Well. You know. As honest as she felt like being. Aiko didn't give it too much thought, because serving as some rich bratling's inconspicuous guard paid pretty well and she only had to step in occasionally when her employer's drunk kid insulted someone bigger. Besides, the gig came with all the knives she could pocket from the jumpy genin washout who was working as the partygirl's other escort. Aiko needed them more than he did anyway. He was a genin working outside the village system, for crap's sake. He wasn't going to last the year.
'Maybe that means he needs the weapons more than I do?'
Well. She could use them better, anyway. Aiko ended the mission with money in her pocket, four kunai and an increasingly paranoid, twitchy coworker.
He stayed.
Aiko considered leaving without saying anything. It wasn't really her business. But they hadn't been a bad team- he looked like hired muscle and drew the attention, while she looked like another vapid rich kid slumming and hit the people who were still looking suspiciously at the genin. It wasn't a bad system, although it was one in which he was tragically disposable if his partner didn't care to watch his back.
'It is not going to be long before he runs into someone he can't handle. He looks big and scary, but he's just a baby, really.'
"You should probably get out while you're ahead," Aiko commented as she counted up her pay notes. "You're not cut out for this." The genin stood abruptly and walked out without comment.
'Fine. I tried.'
The next jobs she picked up were head-hunting gigs. They paid without any questions and she didn't risk making any friends.
Months passed in that way. Aiko slipped around the cracks of human refuse, slumming at the bottom of the barrel and taking missions that were advertised as better for a team. There was increased risk and hard nights without sleep, but she made bank by pocketing pay meant for more people. She saved up a fair bit of money.
It was… Thrilling and satisfying, actually. But lonely, yeah. She tried summoning her dogs- it didn't work. She could summon other animals, but not the ones she knew and cared about it. That was a harder blow than the loss of her Konoha citizenship, truth be told. She could probably go back if she really wanted to, and worm her way into the lives of people she might eventually miss. But if Mitsuo and Hōseki weren't answering her call, it meant that they were unable to.
They were never going to be able to.
Melancholy, Aiko spent far too much money in a bar that night. Nothing cheered her up- not the alcohol, not fleecing civilians at dart games, and not throwing an offended patron through a window when she became increasingly buzzed and forget to downplay her aim.
'I haven't heard anything about Zabuza in a while,' Aiko mused. 'I'll treat myself. Do something fun. Just be a real shithead. Then I'll check in on him.'
Still tipsy, she checked into a dive hotel for the night and tried to judge her location on the decent map of Hiraishin tags she'd made in the time she'd been stranded.
She determined that her geographical abilities were lacking enough that she would not attempt to relocate herself to a safehouse she hadn't been to in years while buzzed.
Sober, the next morning, on the other hand, Aiko seamlessly tugged on reality. It deposited her in the attic of the Akatsuki safehouse she'd been aiming for.
Aiko shrugged. Close enough. She jogged down the stairs and idly held up a hand in greeting when she passed by an open bedroom door. "Yo."
Iwa no Deidara grunted in response. By the time he'd jerked his head back up with a, "Wait, what?" Aiko was stepping into the kitchen in search of liquids that would chase off her hangover.
"Morning." Aiko nodded, keeping her tone bored.
Kisame opened his mouth and let coffee splash onto the table. He gave her a bewildered look.
'More cautious than I thought. He's probably wondering who brought me, and if Pein will kill him for attacking me. For all he knows, I'm a new hire, or someone from management.'
"Need a rag?" Still pretending that she belonged there, Aiko pulled open the top drawer, rolled her eyes at the measuring cups inside, and then tried another drawer down. The ex-Mist nin accepted the cloth she tossed.
'Don't smile. Don't. It'll undermine what I have going on here.'
She could feel her lips twitch. It was okay. She was turned away enough that he couldn't see it. Aiko controlled her expression and pulled down a teacup and saucer. When she turned around, she was all business. "Is there anything half-decent?"
The Mist Nuke-nin nodded cautiously, jerking his shoulder toward a cupboard. "I'd avoid the ocha. It's old. The rest is fine."
Uchiha Itachi wandered into the kitchen, made himself a bowl of green tea ice cream, and left without acknowledging her presence. It took half an hour for Pein to notice the intrusion, or to decide to deal with it. When the most familiar Path strode into the kitchen, Aiko was in the middle of checking the math in Kisame's checkbook.
Aiko waved him off. "Just a minute," she said distractedly. "Thanks."
Inconspicuously, Kisame pushed his chair away from hers. He didn't reach out to pull away his checks, though.
"I do not repeat myself." Pein intoned darkly.
'Oh god, this is too easy.'
She cupped a hand to her ear. "Sorry, what?" Aiko mimed confusion. "I didn't hear that."
"I do not-" Pein cut his automatic response off, giving her a downright vicious glare.
Aiko leapt across the table and tackled Pein to the ground.
Or, like, that was the idea. Instead she smacked into him with about the result she'd expect from charging a wall. The teacup in her hand even shattered from the collision, leaving her holding onto a curved shard the length of her bent finger. Because she was in fact a kunoichi and not a professional wrestler, Aiko flipped away and flung her kunai. They tik-tik-tik-tikt into the walls as he dodged them, moving all the way around her.
Which was, you know, fine. Because she now had two kunai embedded in the east wall, one in the south, and one in the west wall, and they were all Hiraishin.
Pein really literally did not see her coming. She appeared behind him, already jabbing her piece of broken glass forward and up through his brain stem.
'It's not really him anyway.' Aiko stepped back hastily to avoid the falling body; because Pein's favorite corpse to puppet around was super heavy with metal and what was probably ten years of slow rot.
The actual Pein was probably blinking somewhere from the sudden loss of sight and kicking at his wheelchair.
'I bet he's so confused.'
She cackled, tossing her head back and letting her blood-stained china fall from her hand.
"Serves you right, asshole," Aiko wheezed. "With your creepy jutsu and shit." She controlled herself enough to bend and wiggle out one of the metal piercings powering the corpse. She was kinda curious about how that worked. It wasn't really her style to be so far removed from a fight (that seemed like it would take the fun out of things) but it never hurt to pick up a technique.
Kisame cleared his throat just as she tucked the jewelry into her bra for safekeeping. Aiko turned around to see that he was holding out a clean teacup with a suspiciously neutral expression.
"Thank you." She took it. She let him pour her a new cup.
'Well, he did come from Mist. I think succession does traditionally go that way.'
"What now?" Hoshigaki Kisame was completely unfazed. Perhaps he could be described as politely interested, but that would be a stretch.
Aiko shrugged. The answer was obvious. 'Pein will regroup and come charging in here, a lot more prepared this time, at which point I will get the hell out of town.'
Of course, she knew that, and Konan would know that, but no one else would. It wasn't like Pein went around explaining the fundaments of his techniques and letting the implied weaknesses hang in the air.
"I'm taking command of this boyband," Aiko decided, spinning her now empty cup around the table with a finger. "You will be the cool one. Kakuzu-kun can be the one with a beard; Deidara-san is the eye candy, and Konan-chan is our manager. Oro- is Orochimaru here? If so, he's our androgynous, hypnotically dangerous backup singer." She pretended to think, tapping at her chin. "And Itachi-kun can just go home and think about his life choices."
Kisame eyed her up for a long moment. He shrugged without offering comment.
There was a snigger. "I am the cute one," Iwa no Deidara agreed from the door, delighted. He stepped over Pein's feet and pulled out a chair with an obnoxious scraping sound. "So who the hell are you, yeah?"
"Aiko, pleased to meet you." She favored him with a nod. Both men stiffened a little when she clapped her hands as loudly as possible. She injected seriousness into her tone. "Okay! So. The actual plan." They waited. She noted that Uchiha Itachi and Akasuna no Sasori were listening from another room. "You will play the biwa," Aiko decided, pointing at Kisame with her whole hand. He lifted an eyebrow. "Deidara-san, you're on percussion. I'm talking controlled explosions, in the crowd, laying down the beat."
The blonde leaned forward, enraptured. Someone, probably Sasori, made a disgusted sound from the back of their throat. Kisame just shrugged, not protesting or agreeing.
And Pein was moving toward her position fast, angry and covering a lot of ground. Aiko made one last brilliant attempt to baffle them with bullshit, forcing her body language to remain loose and untroubled as she got up to rinse out her cup. "Anyway, eat your vegetables and look both ways before you cross the street. Tell Konan that I'm sorry about her shoes when you see her." She probably cut off her last word, using Hiraishin to flee the country when Pein blew through the front wall.
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rosesdrabbleblog · 3 years
I’m Having Sex With A Ghost
Pairing: Ghostbur x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, cursing, 18+ content, wholesomeness?
Notes: Ghostbur my beloved, how is this the first time I write for you? Sex With a Ghost fits his vibes a lot and I just had to use it.
You were sitting in your armchair reading one of your various novels when you heard a rapping at your door. You set the book down on your table gently before walking to the door, opening it. You were a little shocked when you were greeted by Ghostbur, the sweet ghost man who wandered the streets of L’Manburg. While you hadn’t known him when he was alive, you were almost glad from stories you had heard.
You had moved to L’Manburg shortly after the country had been nearly blown up. “It was Wilbur” various residents had told you, “he went mad and blew it up.” You never heard of him before this, which is why you were confused when people regarded Ghostbur as a friend and sort of ally. When you asked why they did if he was the same person, they would either shrug it off or state that they were different people. The whole thing confused you greatly.
You first introduction to Ghostbur was when you saw him struggling to lead a blue sheep around. You went over to offer your help before realizing you could see through the man. Startled, you had backed away and tripped on something, falling onto the ground with a pained cry. The man whipped around at the sound, looking at you with worry. “Oh dear, are you alright?” he asked, his eyes wide. Still in a bit of shock, you nodded and got up slowly, regarding the site in front of you.
From his transparency, you assumed he had to be a ghost. Despite this, you could see his features clearly. His hair was on the shirt side and curly, a soft brown color. His eyes were white, which was something that would catch anyone off guard. He wore a light yellow sweater with a white buttoned shirt. Despite behind afraid of him at first, you now began to realize he was actually rather cute.
Sensing you were a bit startled, he smiled widely and offered a hand. “Hello! I’m Ghostbur! I don’t know if I knew you when I was alive, so apologies if that’s an issue. I seem to have some memory problems since my passing,” he said almost sadly. Before you could get a word in, he continued, “oh! Here, take some of this!” The ghost offered a small blue material, which was a bit confusing. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Have some blue! How it works is it pulls the sadness out of you!” he explained cheerily. You looked at the dyed material in your hands, wondering why it was already blue. The blue staining his hands explained why that was the case.
Since that moment, he regarded you as a friend. He introduced you to his blue sheep whom he had named Friend, and you even offered to put up a small area for him. Ghostbur acted like that was the kindest thing someone had done for him, and he cheerily showed Friend the area. When he had to travel and hand out blue, he left Friend with you. You had taken a liking to the blue sheep, feeding it and keeping it company whenever Ghostbur was away. Your life felt a lot less lonely with the two around.
You smiled at the ghost on your doorstep, “hello Ghostbur! What brings you here today?” You took in his sight, noticing he was holding something behind his back. After a moment, the man moved his hands and showed that he was holding an array of flowers. Not the kind you would purchase from a store or vendor, but the ones that were picked just for you. You noticed that the array had many of your favorite flowers in it. You couldn’t remember if you even told him what your favorites were or not.
“I wanted to bring my friend some flowers! Friend is not with me today, but he misses you greatly,” he said with a smile. You took the flowers from him gently, returning the smile. “Aw, that’s awfully sweet of you Ghostbur. Would you like to come in and have some tea?” you offered. The man nodded, and you stepped aside to let him in. The young man floated slowly into your house, looking at all the intricate things you had in your various bookcases. His hands running softly over volumes of novels, whispering the names to himself. Ghostbur loved books, and you often found you were missing books when he came by. How he got away with it without you nothing, you never knew.
He turned to you, a shy expression on his face. Realizing why he looked confused, you gestured to the couch, which he sat down on. You stared a bit too long, trying to figure out how a ghost could sit on the couch like that. Nevertheless, you went to your kitchen and began making tea.
As you made the two of you a cup of tea, you could hear the clap of excitement followed by the strum of a guitar. It seemed he found your guitar by the closet. Soon the random string plucking turned into a tune that seemed almost nostalgic. You had never heard it before, but it was quite lovely. You took the two cups of newly made tea and walked back into your living room. Ghostbur sat on your couch, fingers gliding over the strings of your guitar. His face scrunched as he concentrated on getting the notes right, letting out a small “fuck” every time he messed up.
He glanced up at you after a moment, blinking at you as he continued playing. Soon, he he began to sing along to the tune he was playing. You couldn’t really hear what the lyrics were, as he was singing them so softly, but you didn’t mind one bit. He suddenly stopped, staring at the guitar for a moment before starting again. Ghostbur began playing a differ song, his voice now loud enough for you to catch a few of the lyrics.
“I'm gettin' hickeys from my bed bugs
I'm gettin' busy with a bad perfume
I'm stickin' kisses to a pen drug
I'm makin' friction with a sad vacuum.”
You set down his cup of tea in front of him, and he stopped playing it again to grab at it. As he drank the tea, you really began questioning how ghosts worked. You sipped yours as well, finishing it quickly and setting it onto the coffee table in front of the couch. Ghostbur set his down as well, looking into his lap as he held onto the guitar.
“Wil-Ghostbur, why are you here?” you asked. The flowers he had given you now sat in a large vase on the dining room table, right by a window for light. The man looked up, a slight blush on his cheeks. You didn’t expect him to answer. “I- I feel that the two of us have gotten awfully close. Now, I can’t remember if I had any affairs when I was alive...wait no, there was Sally,” he said, his words trailing off after he remembered he had a fish mistress at one point. You weren’t sure if that story was even true, but hell, you had met Fundy. That made the fish story even more confusing. “I can’t remember anything about kissing from when I was alive, but I do think I would like to do it with you,” he continued as he took one of your hands into his.
I'm getting jiggy with a rifle I'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed Hoping to hit you somewhere vital And when I miss, you come and kiss me with a smile
You were a bit shocked at that. Ghostbur didn’t seem the type to want physical affection like that, but then again, he was an ever changing man due to memory loss. You paused before responding, “I think...I think I would like that too.” And with that, Ghostbur leaned over and kissed you. His lips were cold, not like ice, but more like the air of a crisp October morning. One of his hands made its way to your check, clutching it lovingly. You practically melted into him. You pulled away to take a deep breath, and you laughed quietly at how flustered he looked. Well, as flustered as a pale ghost would look. You could swear you could see his cheeks reddening, but you hadn’t the time to double check because he pushed you into the couch, latching his mouth onto yours again hungrily.
You felt his hands rest at the side of your shirt, and he pulled away panting to ask “can I? Please?” You nodded, grimacing as he almost tore your shirt right off. Ghostbur did nearly the same to your pants, his fingers shaky as he unzipped your pants and threw them off the couch onto the floor.
Ghostbur began to tease you through your underwear, “look at you...so beautiful...” he whispered to himself as he tore them off after just a few moments. He sunk a finger into you gently, watching you intently to make sure you were still okay with everything. “Let me know if I need to slow down, love,” he said softly, his finger pulling out before being pushed back in. You nodded, letting out a small moan. He kept at this for a moment before sticking a second one in, expertly thrusting them into you and hitting all the spots that made you whine.
I'm havin' sex with a ghost
'Cause she knows I'm alone
She's a freak in the sheets, play it cool
I'm sleepin' with a
Sex with a ghost
'Cause she knows I'm alone
She's a freak in the sheets, play it cool
I'm sleepin' with a ghoul
Ghostbur began thrusting them into you at a faster pace, desperate to see you cum. His own pants were tight as he watched you come apart on his fingers. They finally reached the spot that made you cry out, and his eyes lit up as he realized. He kept thrusting them there until you nearly sobbed out “Ghostbur, I’m gonna-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before you came on his fingers, hiding your face in the couch. You panted out as he slowly removed his fingers, and looked up to find him licking at them with a face of pure lust and bliss. He removed his own pants and boxers at once, desperate to be inside you. You could see how desperate he was, watching his hard cock spring out. You reached out and stroked it slowly as he unbuttoned his white shirt, smiling as he let out the neediest whimper. He threw the last of his clothes onto the floor, moving your hand off of his cock gently. “Please, need to be inside you, I need you..” he whimpered out, positioning himself at your entrance. You moaned as he thrust against you a couple of times before his cock sunk into you. You gasped at the intrusion while he let out a whine, clutching at you desperately as he stilled, letting you get adjusted. Not even a minute later, you rolled your hips against him, “please, please move Ghostbur.”
The man pulled out of you before thrusting in again, whimpering out, “god, you’re so tight, love. I just- fuck you feel so good around me.” Ghostbur began to thrust into you harder, leaning down and biting at your neck. You moaned into his ear, not caring about the bruises you’d wear tomorrow. Why would you when he was fucking you so good? One hand gripped at your hip, pulling you into his thrusts while the other grasped at your hand. When you took his hand into yours, he let out a groan and his thrusts became erratic. Ghostbur eventually found that spot he knew made you cry for him, and he pounded into it without a care in the world.
He could feel himself get close, your whimpers and cries for him sending him spiraling down. But he was a gentlemen. He didn’t want to cum until you did. And he knew you were close from the moans you let out. So the hand that was gripping your hip moved down to circle your clit roughly. The pads of his fingers surprised you, and you came before you could warn him. You tightened around him, making the man cry out, “so good for me love, so good. That’s it, that’s it. Milk my cock love... oh fuck.” And with a few more sharp thrusts, he came inside you, moaning into your ear. He continued thrusting as he did, overstimulating the two of you. He nearly collapsed onto the couch, slowly pulling out of you before settling beside you. He stroked your hair, whispering how much he adored you, about how good you did. You fell asleep soon after with a smile.
Ghostbur watched you with interest as you slept. He continued to stroke your hair and whisper to you. Ghosts didn’t need to sleep, after all.
You would never know how much the man truly adored you.
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Warning: NSFW
You sat up on the bed once Alcina kneeled in front of you. She began to take off your pants while you unbuttoned your shirt, revealing more smooth skin. Alcina kissed your navel and guided your pants down your legs. Your body tingled as her lips began moving slowly below your navel. You opened your mouth, but only air seeped out of it. She continued to kiss and nibble your lower torso, simultaneously guiding her hands across your butt cheeks. You reached behind her head and tried to fight the urge to push her down to where you really want her. Instead, you grabbed Alcina’s chin and leaned down to kiss her.
Your tongues continued to passionately dance around each other as she gently pushed you to lie back and climbed on top of you. At the same time, you subtly started thrusting your hips against her, getting more and more aroused.
“Wait-“ You push her away and look towards the bedroom doors. She gives you a curious look but doesn’t hesitate to give you space. “I forgot I’ve got Jacob bringing me my tea. He should be here any minute.”
She rolls her eyes and continues her assault on your neck. “Is that all? Forgive me, I thought it was something important.” Alcina began moving her lips down from your neck to your shoulder. Each section of skin that was explored by her tongue made you moan, and every time she found a spot she hadn't previously kissed, your moans became more intense. “I don’t like him.”
“I know you don’t,” you say with a shaky voice. “I don’t flip over him either, but he’s one of our best staff.”
“He wants you. He looks at you like I look at you.” She bites down on your collar bone. “Like he wants to worship your body day in and day out.”
You held her head in place, one hand behind her head, and the other stretched out to grip the bedsheets. “No need to be jealous, Alci. I am loyal to you and only you. Besides, he knows his place.”
"That doesn't mean he gets to admire what isn't his."
You could feel yourself slipping, losing control, becoming more in tune with Alcina's body, and less present with the real world. The thought of what was happening made your heart skip a beat. Alcina pushes a stocking-covered thigh between your bare ones, and you gasp at the pressure. Alcina’s eyes light up at your reaction.
"I'm going to fuck you all night," She growled when your mouths finally parted, her fingers reaching under your clothes and curling inside you.
"Yes, Al!" You groaned as Alcina smiled lewdly at you. The hand between your legs never relented, soft fingers probing into warm, wet depths. The other hand came up to cup your breast. Then, you felt lips and tongue working over your nipple.
You gasped, and squirmed, your senses on fire.
“That bastard thinks he can have you, my porumbel mic? Fuck no. You’re mine. Only mine.”
You nodded and bucked your hips slightly, feeling her fingers surge into you deeper.
You gasped as the kisses trailed lower, and could feel Alcina’s tongue working over your soft skin. The matriarch pressed her body tightly against you and slowly slid lower, positioning herself between your legs, now spread and held in place.
Alcina’s eyes were filled with lust and the heavy feeling of power, as she looked up at the beautiful woman held captive and in her thrall. The heavenly scent of your arousal filled her nose, and Alcina’s mouth started to water. Her fingers were still inside her lover, and the vampire could feel how tight and aroused you were.
"You are mine and mine alone. Do you understand me?"
You groaned softly and nodded. "Yes, Lady Dimitrescu.”
Alcina smiled at her title and rewarded her love with a slow, trailing kiss over the inside of your thigh that caused you to squirm. She slowly removed her fingers, leaving you squirming and whimpering.
"What, porumbel mic? Do you want something?"
"Please, Alci...."
"Please what?"
You only whimpered, and it made Alcina smile. The dominant woman pressed the tips of her fingers gently against your wet, swollen opening and entered you again, setting a much faster pace this time. The instant vibration made your hips buck, and you cried out in pleasure.
Slowly, Alcina pushed deeper into you, watching you squirm and writhe.
Alcina leaned down and inhaled your scent again. It was too much to bear. She leaned forward and kissed your sex.
The sensation of Alcina’s tongue and lips against your clitoris was ecstasy. You couldn't stop the cries of bliss that escaped your lips.
Alcina dove into your swollen womanhood; her fingers pressed deeply inside you now, her lips and tongue working over your soft nether lips.
The feeling of your thighs brushing against her face, convulsing around her head, your hips bucking against the vampire’s face was so sensual, so sexy, it made her ravenous.
Alcina’s tongue flicked your clit again and again and again to lap around your nether lips, trying to catch the delicious nectar of your arousal.
You could feel her tongue as it traced lovingly over your sex, never a single spot left unkissed.
She could feel you coming closer and closer to orgasm; the fine muscles clenching around her fingers told her of what was about to come.
"Not yet, my beautiful, not yet," she murmured, as she slowly pulled her tongue from your throbbing pussy. She smiled in pleasure as she heard you whimper as she removed her fingers.
You suddenly felt empty, almost painfully so as you hovered so close to orgasm. “Please, Lady Dimitrescu. Let me cum please.”
You look up to see her staring at the bedroom doors. Her eyes are glowing with mischief.
“Is he there, Alci?” You ask in a low voice.
She only hums in response, never breaking eye contact with the door. “He must have heard you. His heart rate is rising. Wanna get rid of him?”
You bite your lower lip in an attempt to try and hide your broad smile. “Wanna give him a show? Remind him who I belong to?”
“I thought you would never ask.” She kissed you quickly and stood before you lost control again, making her way to the bedside drawer.
You feel yourself become wetter as you watch her slip her dress off and exchange it for a strap-on and harness. “Eight inches, darling?”
You nod your head eagerly.
Alcina grabs you by the waist and flips you over effortlessly. You turn to smirk back at her, letting her know you’re on board by climbing up to your hands and knees and slowly swaying your hips from side to side. Alcina’s eyes glint back at you and she makes a soft noise of appreciation, hands running slowly up your thighs before smoothing over the round globes of your ass and gripping your hips. You shiver, desperate for Alcina to be back inside you.
"Please don't tease, I need you." She lines up the toy with your entrance.
"Think you take the whole thing at once?" She asks.
"Oh yes." That was all she needed to hear before she slowly pushed the full length into you, filling your pussy. "Oh fuck! Yes, fill me, baby. Don't hold back, fuck me hard. I want the whole castle to know how good you fuck me.”
That was already the plan.
She starts with a slow pace as she stretches you. Even when you’re blinded with ecstasy and wanna be fucked into the mattress, ALCINA always makes sure to be careful with you. But right now, you are far too impatient for her to be gentle. You squirm and tried to squeeze your thighs together.
She kisses your shoulder, withdraws the cock slowly one more time, and then slams into you hard. She doesn’t don't tease anymore. She’s fucking you hard and fast. As deep as she can. The sound of your flesh hitting the toy as it moves in and out fills the room, it sounds absolutely obscene. You let out a moan.
“Louder, Love, I want the entire staff to know you belong to me. I want HIM to hear me fuck you.”
You cry out her name as she turns you around and lifts you. Your legs wrap around her waist as your arms go around her neck. She bounces you up and down on her cock and you yell out her name.
"Alci, please, oh Lady Dimitrescu yes! I love you so fucking much!" She looks pleased enough.
Her vampiric senses are telling her Jacob is still standing just outside of the door. His heart rate is frantically climbing. His ear must be pressed flat against the door listening to your euphoric cries. It turned her on knowing her “rival” right outside listening to her fuck you senseless; claiming you as hers.
She then brings her hand to your clit. She must have really meant it when she said she wants everyone working at the castle to know that you are hers and hers alone. You let out a loud cry, her hand on your clit is driving you so close to the edge.
You’re thankful Alcina can carry you without a problem. Because there is no way you’re going to be able to walk any time soon. "Fuck Alci. I’m so close baby. I’m gonna cum- I'm going to come on your cock. Please don't stop, Alci, I am all yours and only yours!”
She bites down hard into your neck. Not sinking her fangs into you, but more than hard enough to leave you marked. “That’s right, porumbel mic, you belong to me and only me. You’re a slave to my love and no one else gets to feel it. Do know how good you look? How fucking tight you are on my cock?” Alcina growls darkly, moving back to nibble at your neck, hips still moving to fill you. “So fucking good, better than I ever dreamt.”
Her mouth drops sloppy kisses at your nape, exerted, choked moans released with them as Alcina fucks you into oblivion. She's nearly sobbing, short of breath, broken encouragements barely articulated as she moves her pelvis as best she can.
“Come for me, Love, I'm so damn close...shit, you feel so good, come for me, yes...”
Alcina’s commands whispered into your neck finally send you over the edge; you push back into her until it hurts, wanting as much of Alcina Dimitrescu as you can take, cresting with a strangled scream. Your body convulses, white-hot from head to toe as your neck snaps back and momentarily blinded to everything that isn't raw sensation. You collapse down on Alcina’s front and she reaches back to thread her nails through your hair as she thrusts erratically, and comes shortly afterward with a guttural moan.
You both stay like that for a few minutes, simply basking in the afterglow before Alcina shifts to remove the toy from inside you. She laid you down carefully on the mountain of decorative pillows
After regaining some of her composure, Alcina lifts you off the cock as tenderly as possible and tucks you under the covers. You move to pull the covers down on her side and wait for her to join you in open arms. She kisses the top of your head while undoing the harness. "In a minute, darling."
She slips the harness off and tosses her dress on, making her way to the doors.
"Where are you going?" The vampire only turns back to wink at you before swinging the door open to find the servant adjusting his trousers. Alcina glares down at him, arching a perfectly sculpted brow as if she isn't aware of what he was doing.
"L-lady Dimitrescu," he bowed. "I was just bringing some tea to-"
Alcina takes the now cold tea from his trembling hands. "I find it incredibly unprofessional of members of my staff to be eavesdropping on my private affairs."
His face flushed a deep scarlet. "I-I'm so sorry, Lady Dimitrescu. I had no intention on-"
"You're lucky your employment falls under my partner's jurisdiction; if it were up to me you would be stripped of your employment here and right to wander my corridors. My daughters would haul you off to the basement to do with you what they wish, is that what you want?"
Jacob shook his head vigorously. "No, Lady Dimitrescu. I beg for your forgiveness, this will never happen again."
"See to it that it doesn't or else your fate will be in the hands of my daughters. Do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal, Lady Dimitrescu."
"Good. Any repeat offenses will not be tolerated from this moment on. Now go and fetch us a pitcher of water and a bottle of Sanguis Virgini," Alcina steps away from the door just enough for the man to peer in the room. His jaw almost hits the floor when he sees you laying in bed naked under the sheets, chest rising and falling in rhythm with your heavy breathing, and the obviously used cock and harness abandoned on the floor. If he were paying more attention to Alcina he would have noticed the very proud smile on her face as he's put back in his proper place. "My poor porumbel mic is simply exhausted."
"I'll return with your drinks as quickly as possible, Lady Dimitr-" She slams the door on him and returns to join you in bed.
"Was that really necessary, my love?"
Alcina shimmies out of her dress and climbs into bed with you, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you against her. "No, but it was certainly fun. You should have seen the state we put him in," she laughs and kisses your shoulder. "He'll be back again shortly with my wine and water. I'm afraid I was a little too rough with you."
"But you're forgetting something, Alci."
"What's that, dear?"
"I love it when you're rough with me."
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
quarantine longings
pairing: best friend!kevin x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k
synopsis: you and your best friend have sex because quarantine made you horny
warnings: best friends to lovers, takes place during the pandemic, spoiler of 356 days (but not the end, just generally the plot), no use of condoms but only the pill, creampie, sexual fantasies, fingering, hand-job, sex, slight angst at the end if you squint
a/n: I would literally die for kevin, I love him so much. I'll be writing a multiple parts series about him after I'm done writing scenarios for every member first.
requests are open!
masterlist + requests
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you slammed your foot hard against the wall and cursed in pain. you hopped on one foot to your bed, holding your other leg in agony and tasted blood as you bit your lip to keep the volume of your suffering groans in check. someone knocked on the door.
'are you okay?' your roommate asked concerned.
'no, leave me alone, kevin,' you croaked out. you wanted to suffer by yourself.
there was an awkward silence and then you heard him sigh. soon after, the door next to your room closed shut.
why were you so frustrated, one might ask? well, the pandemic was kicking your butt and you just couldn't take it anymore. when the news of the virus had first spread, no one thought it would become this serious. but suddenly everyone was walking around with masks and spent most of their time staying at home.
after graduating high school, you and kevin had decided to move in together for college because both of you were broke and couldn't afford to live alone. you had been best friends since middle school and had been convinced that it was a smart idea at the time.
and everything went smoothly for the first one and a half years. however, after not seeing anyone else since the start of the pandemic over a year ago, it became increasingly difficult to share an apartment, but not in the way one might assume. you were neither sick of each other nor did you fight a lot. to tell the truth, it was quite the opposite.
earlier, before you had kicked the wall in anger, the two of you had painted together. kevin was majoring in art and, since you didn't have anything better to do, you joined him while he did projects for his classes. you might have been majoring in journalism but you had always liked drawing and painting, even though you weren't particularly skilled. you were a naturally clumsy person, always tripping over air and dropping things. today you were hecticly moving around your hands while telling him about a stupid video you had seen and you accidently let go of the brush in your hand. it hit the side of kevin's face, leaving a wide splodge of red paint on his right cheek.
to get back at you, he jerked his paint brush and splattered some green color on your white shirt. you saw this as a challenge and soon both of you were both drenched in the colors of the rainbow, laughing hysterically on the floor, not caring that you were spreading the paint on the poor carpet.
you turned your heads to look at each other and you felt absolutely in peace. you loved this man and couldn't be more glad that it was him and not anyone else you were stuck with inside of this apartment.
he stood up to take off his stained shirt and your smile quickly faded off your face. your lips slightly parted and you couldn't help but stare at his now exposed biceps and abs.
your mouth watered and you felt heat pooling between your legs as you took your time to study his architecture. thoughts about how badly you wanted him to thrust into you while his strong arms held you up invaded your mind. you tried to shake them off but it was impossible.
occasions like this were slowly becoming a common occurrence for you.
having mostly stayed inside for over a year, also meant that you didn't have sex for that long. it's not like you were the horniest person on the planet but you still had needs that were being neglected. with kevin being home all the time you didn't even dare to masturbate, scared that he would be able to hear you through the frustratingly thin walls. you must have gone insane with all the lust building up inside you and that's why you suddenly craved to have sex with your best friend. this whole thing was destroying everything. it was hard to act normal when he was making you this nervous and heated but you tried to pretend that everything was fine anyway for the sake of your friendship.
that was the reason why you were angry and had hurt yourself. you hated the way you felt about your best friend and you hated the pandemic for not giving you an outlet to escape so you could recollect yourself.
what you weren't aware of was that kevin was no stranger to the exact same frustration.
he would need more than his ten fingers and ten toes to be able to count the amount of times he had to run to the bathroom to hide his boner because he had done so much as look at you bend over or stretch. he didn't want to make you uncomfortable but it was a challenge to try and calm down his hormones.
whenever he jacked off, images of you flashed through his mind; your sweet curves and pink lips drove him insane.
last week, you two were cooking together and you had asked him to get the salt. he stood behind you to reach for it on the highest shelf. he was forced to press his crotch against your butt cheeks and his dick hardened against his will. he quickly handed you the salt, excused himself and ran off before you could figure out what had happened.
he might not have known the cause of your sudden outburst but he sympathized with your fury because he had a lot of pent up anger towards covid as well.
he lay in his bed and tried to focus on the book he was reading but he couldn't tune out the groans coming from the room next to his. he cursed.
'stop it!' he was panicking as he saw a familiar tent forming in his pants. your sounds triggered some weird perverted part of his brain that sent signals right to his genitals. his dick was hardening and he saw no other solution to his problem than to give in to his subconscious desires.
he pulled down his pants just far enough so that his cock had enough room to spring out. it only needed a few strokes before it stood tall and angry. kevin pressed his head into his pillow and moved his hand fast. he wanted to get over with it quickly. he emptied his cum on his stomach while imagining your greedy little mouth being stuffed by his cock. he lay there panting as yet another round of shame flushed over him.
'get yourself together,' he whispered, mentally slapping himself.
'do you want to order japanese or italian?' you asked kevin. today was friday which meant it was time for your weekly tradition of ordering take out and watching a movie.
'definitely italian. we've already had japanese for the past four days. I need something else for a change,' kevin complained and shuddered at the thought of having to eat sushi again. the japanese restaurant prepared absolutely delicious food but he just couldn't stand it anymore.
you laughed at his pained facial expression. 'fine, italian it is.'
within twenty minutes the doorbell rang and after about half a minute kevin came back with two huge boxes.
he opened them on the small table situated in front of your couch and the smell of freshly cooked pasta seasoned with basil made your stomach growl.
kevin wanted to dig in already but you stopped him. you had to choose a movie first.
'let's watch tall girl. I saw everyone hate on it on tiktok,' you suggested.
'I think we should watch 365 days, that was all over my for you page as well,' kevin argued. you hadn't heard of it so you weren't sure whether it would be the right movie for you. the rule was that it had to be as bad as possible.
'according to what I have heard, it's apparently even worse than 50 shades of grey,' kevin added which piqued your interest. the both of you had watched 50 shades about two months ago and you were honestly shocked by how awful it actually was. you couldn't understand why everyone had been so obsessed with it when it was first released. if 356 days was really worse, then you'd hit the jackpot. you clapped your hands.
'fine, you win. I swear if the movie isn't as horrible as you say it is then you owe me something!' he intertwined his pinky with yours to promise.
watching horrible movies was way better than watching good ones. making fun of bad storylines, stupid characters or horrible editing was one of your favorite past times.
'I guess I'll have to add are you lost, baby girl to the top 10 worst lines ever spoken. who thought ah yes this is sexy, let's have him repeat it over and over again', you complained, shoving some pasta into your mouth.
'so he's like I won't do anything without your permission while he is literally groping her boobs against her will, like make it make sense, massimo', added kevin, ruffling his hair in frustration. he almost completely forgot about the food.
'so let me get this straight: he drugged her, kidnapped her, tied her up, hung up a painting of her just because he saw her face when his dad was shot?'
'totally relatable.' both of you giggled.
you were enjoying complaining about the plot. it was horrible.
there were plenty of erotic scenes but they were honestly so funny and kinda gross that you could bare it without really being affected by them. kevin, on the other hand, had placed a pillow over his hard-on to hide the embarrassing fact that these terrible, smutty scenes had turned him on.
and then the infamous boat scene came.
massimo and laura had a huge fight, she fell of the boat, he saved her and now she was suddenly so in love with him that she begs him to fuck her. which he does.
you felt your panties become increasingly wet as the couple had steaming hot sex.
'this is embarrassing but I'm so horny,' you admitted but in a way that should have suggested that you meant it as a joke. something about this statement stirred something in kevin.
'well, what can I say?' he replied and lifted the pillow. your pupils widened at the sight of your best friend's bulge.
his eyes darkened and he looked at you with lust clearly written on his face. you reciprocated his stare with the same intensity. you tried to focus on his dark brown orbs instead of his boner but the image you had just seen was present in your mind.
his gaze shifted to your lips and, before you knew it, kevin climbed above you and pressed your back flat onto the couch.
your lips locked and you immediately buried your hands in his hair to pull him closer. you moved in sync, his lips fitting perfectly onto yours. you bucked your hips up against his crotch and earned a moan from kevin. he opened his eyes in shock as realization hit him. he quickly pulled away and jumped off the coach.
'I'm so sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have just done that. I don't know what came over me,' he apologized profusely, staring at his feet. did he really think that you didn't want this?
'give me your hand,' you told him and held out your hand.
'why?' he raised his eyebrows in confusion. you rolled your eyes.
'just do it.'
you took his hand and led it to your crotch.
'what are you- oh my god.' your juices had completely soaked through your panties and your sweatpants. 'you are so wet.'
'for you,' you added. 'there's no need to apologize. I'm literally begging you to continue.'
you didn't have to say that twice before he pulled you closer to him by your hips and engaged you in another desperate kiss. his hands were groping your butt while you let yours slide under his hoodie. you felt his naked skin and toned abs, as you rubbed his stomach. you lowered your hands and bravely palmed his boner through his clothes.
'y/n,' he hissed out against your lips. you hooked your thumbs in the elastic of his pants and underwear, and pushed the material down to his thighs. he struggled to get them off.
you stroked his hard dick as he slipped his hand into your panties to massage your pussy at the same time.
he slipped one finger inside and began working it in and out. you finally were getting the relief you had been desperately craving for for so long. kevin was skilled and your walls were trying to swallow his slim finger. you were quickly coming close to your orgasm after having abstained for more than a year. you pulled his hand out.
'I bet you can make me come even better with your dick,' you challenged kevin.
'you bet I will.' he was confident.
'let me just look for a condom.' he was already turning away to go search in his room but you held him back by the arm.
'forget about it. I'm on the pill and I want you raw. I want you to come inside me and not spill into a stupid condom.'
the idea of this sounded very tempting to kevin. he picked you up and threw you back onto the couch, drawing your hips closer to him so he could pull off all the pieces of clothing that were hindering him from accessing your pussy.
he propped up his arms next to your sides and spread your thighs apart. strings of arousal were hanging from your folds and he saw your hole desperately clench around nothing. his dick hurt from how much he wanted to finally be inside of you. he wanted to find out how close he had been able to imagine how you would feel around him.
your hole took him in easily, welcoming him happily by embracing it tightly. kevin swore he could've cum right here and there.
he went slow at first to give you a chance to adjust but you were already fully ready, rocking your hips forward to meet his thrusts.
he crashed your mouths together and you kissed him like he was oxygen and you were short of air. you smiled and your eyes rolled back, satisfied with how things had played out today and the prospects of coming looked fairly promising.
desperate for release, kevin picked up the pace, his eyes closed while fucking into you like a horny animal. he couldn't help himself and all the 'faster's and 'harder's spilling from your mouth only encouraged him to drive himself deeper into you.
you wrapped your legs around his torso in an attempt to regain the control you were losing.
'fuck fuck fuck,' you cursed, feeling your muscles starting to contract. kevin brushed away some hair that was stuck to your sweaty forehead.
'it's fine, I'm coming too,' he announced and it took only a few more thrusts before a body shaking orgasm flushed over you, making you see only white. this drove kevin over the edge too and he spilled inside you, filling you up with his hot cum. he continued to slowly ease his dick in and out of you, fucking his semen right back into you until you had ridden out both of your orgasms. he let himself fall onto the couch right next to you, panting hard.
'I very much needed this,' you sighed in content.
'same, I wasn't sure whether I could hold out any longer without having a proper orgasm.' he watched his cum drip out of you.
'we should've thought of this sooner,' you said. 'this was a great idea.'
kevin hummed in agreement.
so now you and kevin were having sex on a regular basis, your high score being five times in a day. it felt good to finally live out your sexuality and not having to restrict yourself. sure, you guys did it more than necessary but it was a great way to pass time and it felt fucking amazing.
today you had done it in the shower after waking up, then on the kitchen counter and you had just finished having sex in his bed.
he was spooning you from behind, his cock still placed inside of you. he nuzzled his nose into your neck.
'stop, that tickles,' you chuckled.
after a while of comfortable silence you heard him let out a big sigh.
'what's wrong?' you asked as he pulled out of you. you turned around to be able to look at him.
'I don't think I can do it like this anymore,' he confessed.
'what do you mean?' you asked. 'are you talking about us having sex?'
he nodded. your heart dropped and you started feeling dizzy. you tried to search for answers in his eyes but he avoided looking at you.
'w-why?' you stuttered, trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in your eyes.
'it was amazing at first,' he started and finally raised his head to meet your gaze, 'and I went into it without much thought. I went crazy during quarantine and began fantasizing about having sex with you. then it became reality but now I understand that was probably wrong of me. I've always thought of myself as a gentleman, yet I slept with you without much thought. you see, my issue is this…'
suspense hung in the air and you were impatiently waiting for him to get to the point.
'I like you.'
you quietly gasped in surprise. you had been expecting him to say you were bad at sex and that he regretted everything but not this.
'I shouldn't be sleeping with you unless you were my girlfriend,' he finished off his ramble. you felt immensely relieved.
'do you want me to?' you asked him.
'want you to what?' kevin was confused. he had been a hundred percent sure you'd immediately jump out of the bed in disgust when he confessed.
'be your girlfriend. after all, I like you too, you moron.' you realized that you had known this for a while. you might have even been crushing on your best friend since way before the pandemic struck but it was kind of hard to track your feelings. still, you were sure you liked him too. now that he had admitted his feelings, you were able to admit yours not only to him but to yourself as well.
'wow, I didn't expect this,' kevin confessed surprised. you laughed.
'yeah, we should've realized this sooner.' he pulled you closer and kissed you. it was different than the other times. his lips moved softly against yours, in contrast to all of your rough and passionate kisses you had exchanged these past few weeks. he conveyed his emotions through the kiss.
'you're ready again?' you groaned as you felt kevin's dick harden against your upper thigh. he chuckled.
'sorry, you just turn me on so much.'
so then you did it for the fourth time. that day, you set a new record of having sex six times. you might have been happy now but still just as horny.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Sad Ending
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Death, blood, injuries, what have you.
Word Count: 3.3K
Summary: When you're reunited with Damian after year's of being apart, what he doesn't know is that you're there to say goodbye
A/N: This didn't quite turn out how it played out in my head but ig that's partly because I wasn't able to put in the filler parts in between cuz it just didn't fit. In hindsight I could've written a few more k's of words to fit it in but I reached my limit so I hope y'all enjoy it.
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Your eyes were trained onto the figure in the crowd of the gala. The same figure it had been pinned to for a few weeks now and it would continue to be that way for as long as you could.
Damian Wayne was just as beautiful as you remembered him, with sharp eyes and a gorgeous face that had your heart leaping to your throat with a simple look. But you believed that the world wasn’t blessed with eyes gifted enough to see the true beauty of him.
A beauty that only someone who knew him on the inside would.
Everything about him was compelling, gorgeous, familiar. You watched him from afar in longing, wishing that you could go up to him but still you kept your distance, fearing the worst if he knew you were here.
Still, you remained selfish, indulging in your desires to get whatever glimpse of him that you could. You kept him away from you however, knowing that once you got a taste of him, you wouldn't be able to pull back.
But it was tough, you had missed him, so much.
Even so, you were content simply watching him.
You thought you were sneaky, that Damian didn't notice. Of course, you overestimated yourself, or underestimated him. And of course, in the traditional Wayne fashion, you had to expose yourself in the most dramatic and eccentric way possible.
The famous Damian Wayne, son of reputable and not to mention rich Bruce Wayne was attacked at the bank by a bunch of thugs, armed with weapons. The security was taken out swiftly and you imagined that Damian would quickly disarm the man threatening him with a knife.
Instead, he made no move, not even bothering to look remotely interested and just held up his hands like he was bored. The bandit, trigger-happy and confused, pulled back the blade in his hand, to try and stab him.
The crowd gasped and whimpered but were silenced by the man pointing a gun at them. Damian still didn't look phased. Instead, he lazily tilted his head until his eyes locked on your figure, hidden in the shadows. You stopped dead, watching carefully as he stared at you, completely tuning out the man putting his life in peril.
When the thug moved again, to try and stab him and Damian still didn't make any move, you leaped from your place before your mind could even process it, wedging yourself between the both of them and quickly disarming the man.
He fell to the ground, screaming in pain when you knocked the weapon out of his hands and then twisted his arm, hearing the painful crack of his shoulder getting pulled out of its socket.
You glared at the man behind you from the corner of your eye, "You could've gotten hurt."
He shrugged, "I knew you'd step in to protect me."
You scoffed, "You put a lot of faith in someone you haven't seen in years."
He just smirked in the infuriating way you knew he would before moving from behind you as more men came at you. With his help it didn't take long before they were all on the ground, either knocked out or groaning in pain.
"Um, can someone call an ambulance for these guys?"
When you turned, Damian was watching you with a small smile and your heart fluttered in your chest. You should've kept him at an arm's distance, you should have left but in the moment all you wanted to do was be in his arms.
Before you could even help yourself, you crashed into his chest like a falling star, wrapping your arms around his waist and breathing in the familiar scent of him. He held you tightly against him, cradling your head lovingly and gently pressed a kiss to your hairline.
"The league." You whispered to him, remembering why you were here.
Damian shushed you, tightening his arms around you and you were in a safe haven, sighing in relief against him. For a second, all the fear and guilt you had been feeling melted away.
Nothing else mattered as long as you were in his arms.
"We can discuss it back at home, (Y/N)." He muttered, now pulling away so he could lead you away from the police and reporters to his car.
You stared at your fingers intertwined with Damián’s, the engagement ring on your finger glimmering brightly under the sunlight and smiled unconsciously.
"I missed you." You sighed, feeling his fingers tighten around yours. Damian spared you another smile over his shoulder before you caught up with him, leaning into his arm.
"Me too, beloved."
"You should get some rest, beloved." Damian muttered, as the others began leaving the room. Your shoulders were still tense but you managed a smile, nodding at him.
"I'll just wash up and join you."
He smiled gently at you, raising your hand and placing a fluttering kiss to your knuckles before leaving. You watched the door as it slid shut and it was only then you let your expressions melt back onto your face.
"You may have the others fooled, but don't think for a second that you've pulled the wall over my eyes." Came from behind you and you froze, eyes widening.
You spun around to see Damian's brother, Tim, inch his way closer to you, figure stiff and guard up.
"Because Damian knows you, I'll assume your identity to be true. Damian was quick to trust you and the others followed suit but something's not adding up. Why are you here?"
His eyes were sharp and his gaze cut right through you. You didn't realize it but your hands were shaking even though you tried hard to maintain your composure.
"I—I told you," You croaked, cringing at your suddenly choked voice, "I was giving up on this life. I'm turning over a new leaf and hiding from the League until that happens."
"Then why come here?"
"I told you—"
"I don't believe you. You know why? Here's the problem with your story." He spoke, coolly, "Take it as a puzzle. The puzzle pieces all fit, but the picture, doesn't make sense. Why come here? When you're on the run from the League of Assassins no less?"
You were floundering, quite pathetically you might add, unable to think when your mind was flurrying so violently. It didn't help that Tim was speaking in such a condescending and strict manner that it intimidated you.
"Here's what I think happened; either you're here to lead the League to Damian, waiting until he's vulnerable and his guard is down to strike." He spat, "Or, you're not running from them at all. You're waiting until they find you."
You hesitantly raised your eyes to meet his, "You can't tell Damian."
"Since you even tried to entertain the fact that I'd hide Damian means that it's the latter. But why?"
"I was hand-chosen by Talia to be Damian's betrothed since birth. They handed me down to one of the main sergeants to be raised as their own. Except, they weren't that happy to have me." You explained, watching as his features smoothened over with realization.
The gears in his head were turning and you could only assume what was going on in his mind. He was a great detective; you could understand why he had Ra's' acknowledgement. But that made you all the more nervous, trembling hands holding onto the material of your shirt tightly.
"I was raised by them to be the perfect daughter, the perfect wife. As the person who was going to continue the 'Al Ghul' bloodline. However, soon after I was already perceived as a failure." You murmured, keeping your voice low in fear of any other Wayne's poking their head around and over-hearing.
"When Damian left the League to stay with Bruce." Tim realized and you nodded.
"Things just got worse after that. I sustained an injury from a mission and couldn't walk for a few months. My step-family was called on a mission for the last few of my recovery. When they returned, they were unaware of my progress but I decided to keep up the act that I was still unable to take care of myself. It was a few nights after that I heard them plotting to kill me since I became a liability and a shame to the family."
The man in front of you chuckled humourlessly, rubbing his tired face with his palm, "What kind of fucked up Cinderella story is this?"
You shared his sentiment, "Only difference to the original is that my prince never came. So, I had to take matters into my own hand."
Tim's eyes widened, "(Y/N), why is the league after you?"
You released a shuddering breath, "Damian can't find out."
He bristled, "Damian would protect you."
"And that's exactly why he can't find out. Damian would die to protect me, and if he tries to step in that's exactly what's going to happen."
"Then why come here? Why bring it to our home?"
You hid your face in your hands, "I didn't mean to. I just wanted to be selfish one last time. I was completely content with just watching him from a distance, I guess I overestimated my abilities. When we met, I was hoping he'd turn me away. I was hoping he'd tell me that he moved on and never wanted to see me again. I was hoping he'd tell me that he didn't feel anything for me."
Your eyes began watering and you felt the urge to hide and cry. Everything was getting messed up. Guilt took over you when you remembered how bright Damian's face was when he saw you, how right his hand felt in yours. How could you do this to him?
"Damian would want to know." Tim told you softly, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder but your body stiffened up. He couldn't find out. He just couldn't.
"Are you really willing to put the life of your brother at risk for a girl you just met today?"
"You seem awfully keen to die." He commented, and you felt slight grief at his words. Of course, you didn't want to die. Not now, not when you were finally back in Damian's arms. Not ever.
You sniffled, biting your lip, "Damian shouldn't have to pay for my sins. I do."
His hand tightened on your shoulder and you found comfort in the warmth you could feel through your clothes, "I'll keep your secret."
Sighing in relief, you hugged him tightly, "Thank you."
When Damian woke up, his eyes flickered between the lamp beside him on the nightstand and then to the window. It was still dark outside, he assumed that he was woken up because of his usual schedule. It wasn't like him to miss patrol but the others suggested that he take a day off to rest.
He turned his neck to see that you weren't in bed beside him and wondered if last night had been a dream. It wouldn't have been the first time that he dreamt of you being by his side. But he remembered how much his heart pounded, he remembered feeling shocks all over his skin when he touched you.
And then he noticed the way the other side of the bed was mussed up, like someone had been sleeping there and he absently reached for that side, running his fingers up and down the fabric like he would be able to feel some residual warmth from your body.
Instead, the pads of his fingers came into contact with something coarse. His brows furrowed and he grabbed it between his fingers, realizing it was a folded piece of paper. Squinting and sitting up, he got a better look at it, recognizing his name scrawled in your handwriting.
I'm sorry that you'll have to find out this way but the League found my location a little earlier than expected. I'm going into hiding tonight. It's likely we'll never see each other again. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this in person. Even though I know this is a missed opportunity for it and I should have summoned up the courage to say goodbye, I just couldn't stand the thought. And I couldn't watch myself break your heart. Please forgive me for this. I never wanted our lives to turn out this way, but I can't keep running away from reality and towards my desires anymore. You deserve so much more than I could ever even hope to offer you. And I know this is another mistake I'm making, but I left the ring you gave me. Thank you for giving it to me, but I think it belongs to someone else.
I love you, and I'm sorry.
His heart rate picked up, skimming over the words a few more times. This had to be some sort of trick, he tried to decipher your words, tried to see if there were any clues, any codes but his heart clenched in his chest when he realized there was none. He pulled back the covers in a frantic motion and sure enough, the engagement ring you were given on your 18th was glimmering, abandoned by you.
Blood hammered through his ears and he threw off the covers, getting to his feet and sprinting through the doors. His feet pounded against the hardwood floors and then the metal floors of the Batcave.
"Damian? What're you doing up?" Dick asked, raising a brow as Damian marched his way down to the Bat Computer before pushing Tim out of the way and pulling up the Manor security cameras. You had managed to avoid all of them. Of course.
"We have to find (Y/N)." He said, not turning his eyes off the screen.
"(Y/N)? Wasn't she in bed with you?"
"If she was in my bed then I wouldn't be down here trying to find her, now would I?!" He bit back and then held out the note for Dick to read. Once he got through it, Dick squeezed his younger brother's shoulder as a sign of comfort.
"Don't worry, Little D, we'll find her."
"Damian, she said she doesn't want to be found. Don't you think you should listen to her and trust that she knows what's best?" Tim asked from behind him, hoping to get his brother to relax but Damian's back tensed up before he turned to his brother.
"You know something."
Tim froze, "What?"
But before he could even think of a cover story, Damian was grasping him by his collar, holding him to eye level to look the devil's grandson in the eye, "What are you not telling me, Drake?"
Realizing he's been caught, Tim pushed his hands off him, turning so that his back was facing him, "Doesn't matter. (Y/N) said she didn't want you to find out and I promised her."
He felt a little helpless watching Tim's back facing him. He didn't feel like himself. Every second that Damian spent away from you, when he knew that you could be in trouble had every part of him, every fibre of his being, every cell in his body ache with a pain he had never felt before.
Never in his life would he have thought that he would be brought to his knees by someone. But you held all the power over him and Damian would gladly kneel before you, his queen. And now he couldn't stand being away from you, he couldn't bear the ache in his nerves when he couldn't feel your skin under his.
"Tim." The silence in the cave was deafening as everyone looked between the two youngest brothers, "Please."
It was then Tim began doubting his choice. He bit his lip uncertainly, avoiding Damian's gaze and he looked to his feet, "She said she didn't want you to find out."
"Tell me."
And he did.
Your fingers were curled tightly around the handle of your sword, breaths coming out in sharp labours as you tried to deflect each of their offenses. There were too many of them, too many for you to take and even though you were able to dodge and counter most of their attacks, there could still hit you.
You were bloodied and shaking but you still refused to give up without a fight. They'd regret ever underestimating you, ever thinking that you were nothing more than a way to continue the Al Guhl bloodline. You were much more than that and they'd only see a fraction of it tonight.
Your resolved hardened in your veins as you sliced through another soldier, feeling more determined to get through this fight as the victor. Even though deep down you knew that it wouldn't change the end of your life, they'd never stop trying to hunt you down. But at least this way you'd put up a fight.
It was getting harder and harder to keep up the momentum, your speed and agility was retarding fast and decelerating with each hit you took. The wounds and cuts etched into your skin burned as you moved, blood dripping down your arms and legs.
Your body began going rigid, shocking in its movements momentarily as you kept flipping and manoeuvring yourself to doge the hits. That came to be a fatal mistake when your body locks up when you blocked one of the assassins, swords clashing together in the familiar sound of metal on metal.
Another came at you and your joints were locked in place, unable to move. Your mind blanked out and before you could slide the sword out to counter the other you heard someone scream your name.
You felt arms wrap tightly around your middle.
You saw green eyes.
And then you felt piercing pain in through your chest.
Damian heard you gasp in his ear and his grunt of pain echoed through your head as the katana went through him. Tears immediately clouded your vision when you felt fire burn across your middle, the blade of the sword buried into you as a painful reminder.
"Damian." You sobbed when you felt his knees buckle against yours. His body wanted to collapse, he couldn't stay standing much longer but you knew that if either of you moved, in an unsynced motion from each other, it could cause more pain to the other.
It was getting harder to breathe. You were choking on your own blood as the metallic taste filled your mouth. The sword had gone through Damian's lower abdomen but it had gone straight through your chest.
Your fingers dug into the back of his shirt, crying out into his neck, "Why did you come here?! Why didn't you stay away?"
With trembling fingers, he raised your chin so that your eyes would meet his. He was crying, the scorching pain forcing out more tears. Even then he wrenched a smile on his face.
"There's no one else in the entire universe I'd want by my side more than you. The ring is yours, my love."
Like as if on que, both your bodies crumbled towards the ground. The sword moved painfully through you and a garbled shriek left your mouth, muffled by the blood crawling up your throat.
Your head fell to Damian's chest and you heard the sound of his faint heartbeat, the sound getting farther and farther away as minutes passed. His arms were still wrapped around your waist in a lover's grasp, bodies pinned together until eventually everything went black.
Your prince came back for you this time.
What a shame the story had a sad ending.
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Chapter 15 - The Result
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter • Next Chapter (TBA)
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader/OC
Warnings: smut: oral sex (m! receiving), unprotected sex, joel breeding kink go brrr; talks of depression, anxiety and PTSD, detailed descriptions of bloodshed/death.
Summary: The confrontation the reader had been waiting for finally happens.
Word Count: 5.771
Author's Note: I apologise for the repost y'all!! The chapter didn't appear on the tags and I didn't notice it soon enough!! If this doesn't appear as well...
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The last heatwaves of summer started coming in with full force as September approached– a final storm before the calm. It wasn't completely intolerable, but it still messed with a lot of people: even you and Joel had to stay away from one another during the nights due to the heat making everything more sticky and irritable. It was annoying as hell, given that you had Joel all to yourself for a whole week now.
That certainly didn't stop you two from having sex before his departure, of course.
It took you some time to anchor yourself back to reality after what happened with Ward – the first three days were the worst with the episodes and attacks, but you don't think you could've made it this far in such a short time without Ellie and Joel. This was practically nothing compared to when you had first arrived in Jackson... if you had them both with you when–
Doesn't matter now. It took you months and it wouldn't have mattered if it had taken more– you made it. At the end, you got through it.
You and Joel talked about things, too. A lot of it mostly surrounding Kiki and Ward, of course. Things were cleared out, feelings were gotten off of chests and apologies were made: One day, after going out to get groceries while you chopped some vegetables for dinner, he put the sacks on the counter island and approached you, wrapping his hands around your waist.
"Smells delicious," He murmured into your ear and placed a kiss on your cheek, then put his chin on your shoulder, ever so slowly –with minimal movement– swaying you to the smooth jazz playing in the living room.
"I didn't cook anything yet?" You raised a brow and smiled at the way his beard scratched at the side of your face.
"Didn't mean the food," He whispered and kissed the back of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine as you chuckled. He then moved down the line behind your artery, peppering kisses there, each and every single touch of his lips sending a rather pleasant feeling between your legs.
You slowly leaned your head back against his shoulder as he took your hands in his, making you put the knife down and let him sway you to the wordless tune playing in the background.
He eventually stopped when he reached your collarbones and turned you around to face him: "Mrs. Miller..." Your smile grew at the name: "How're you on this fine evenin'?"
"Just fine, Mr. Miller." You grinned and mimicked his accent. He placed one hand on your waist while the other grabbed your hand. He smelled so wonderful and looked so good–
"Would ya fancy a dance, m'lady?" His teeth showed when his smirk grew wider, your faces were almost touching.
"Ain't you a dandy and a charmer?" You chuckled, your lips brushing against his and chests pressed against each other.
This? This was everything. All of your problems and worries gone even just for a moment or two– you'd do anything for him.
The small dance you two had going on lasted another minute before the track ended softly. Joel finally stopped teasing your lips and pressed a gentle kiss against them, which you returned with more hunger and passion.
"A little dance got you all excited?" Joel chuckled when he pulled back for air, noticing your hands had already unbuttonned his shirt halfway.
"You got me all excited," You beamed at him and dipped your hands under his shirt before reaching the last two buttons, feeling his warm skin under your fingertips and sighing into his chest. "We haven't done it in awhile..."
"Tsk," Joel shook his head with a soft grin, licking his lips as his pupils dilated the longer he thought of the last time you had sex, which was when he came in you for the first time. It had him weak in the knees, and would definitely do it again if you let him. He then softly leaned in and placed a wet kiss on your neck, making you sigh and close your eyes.
His hands placed themselves on your waist as he pushed you against the counter island, lightly marking your neck as he went: "Should'a done this a few days back, would'a marked you red and blue since y'ain't goin' out..."
You quietly moaned as he trapped you in place, lightly pushing your shirt up and massaging your sides as he did. You took the opportunity to place a kiss on his neck in return, hearing him growl softly, so you did it again, and again, and again...
Sex with Joel never ceased to satisfy you: He always managed to get you all giddy and excited like a child given a reward. His movements gained some speed as soon as his hands cupped your breasts, immediately taking your shirt off and kissing your lips hungrily. His arms closed around your waist and back as he moved down to your jaw and neck, biting and licking his way to your shoulders.
"Joel... the food..." Your chuckles mixed with moans the more his beard and lips caressed your skin. At your words, he picked you up and placed you on the counter, hooking his fingers through the waistbands of your shorts.
"I'll be full in a few," He smirked and started kissing down your breasts as he slowly dragged your shorts down your legs. His tongue worked wonders on your nipples while your fingers made their way through his hair, giving him soft hisses and quiet moans whenever he lightly bit on the skin.
Moments later, he was on his knees, caressing and kissing your inner thighs, not pulling back on leaving hickeys where he knew your shorts would cover to spare you the embarrassment; although that didn't keep him from lightly biting on the skin that showed too.
He then spread your legs and started giving tiny licks along your slit, making you slowly lean back onto your elbows, only to suddenly land on your back when he pulled you forwards by your thighs. You gave a brief chuckle as he feasted on your juices like a man who hadn't eaten in weeks.
As soon as you threw your head back, you opened your eyes to an intensifying sizzling sound, gasping when you saw the pan on the stove: "Joel! The food!"
"Oh shit–" He quickly left your wetness and practically threw himself over to the stove. After that was out of the way, you both stood still and giggled briefly. "Why'd you cook this much food?"
"Ellie asked if she could eat with us," You spoke as you got off the counter. "Said she didn't have time to cook for herself, I said sure. She then asked if Jesse could come too– Wait, what time is it?"
"Five twenty."
"Oh, good."
"Because," You gave him a mischievous smirk as you walked over to him and hooked your fingers behind his belt without breaking eye contact, pulling him back to the counter island. "That means we have at least another half hour before they arrive, but we still gotta be qui– Hmph!"
His lips were instantly on yours as he quickly pressed your back against the counter, but you stopped him before he could go down on you: "Nu-uh. I may be the cook–" You grabbed him through his trousers, making his hips jerk forward: "But I gotta eat too."
He made to protest –he's been going on about how you should take it easy and how your pleasure was more important than his (it was funny how he thought his pleasure didn't add to yours)– but you were already sinking to your knees, trapping yourself between his legs and the counter.
"There we go," You cooed as you got rid of his belt. Joel sighed deeply and closed his eyes, putting his hands on the surface above your head and leaning into your touch instinctively.
You were quick to pull him out of his underwear, pumping his cock a few times before giving it a few licks around the tip, to which he hissed quietly.
It was when you decided to take all his length to the back of your throat at one go that his hands shot to your hair: "Jesus– christ, doll!"
You offered a quiet giggle while you played with him in your hand, then slowly and rhythmically you took him in your mouth, but not even a few minutes later, Joel pulled your hair into a ponytail with both hands: "Can't believe I'm sayin' this but, food can wait."
You gave him a surprised look before he gently grabbed your jaw and lightly pressed your cheeks to make you open your mouth wider, then pushed his cock down your throat. Gagging and moaning you grabbed his hips, to which he responded: "A-ah, no hands Dolly."
You were perhaps too quick to drop your hands to your sides, then lace your fingers behind your back to keep yourself from grabbing him. You let him use your mouth for a few minutes: the sounds of wetness and gagging, plus occasional grunts and moans from him was heavenly for the both of you.
"Fuck– Dolly, up," He suddenly pulled out and leaned down to pull you up. He turned you around and gently, but with rushed movements, bent you over the counter a little. He entered you with one precise thrust, making you bend even more. You moaned simultaneously when he did, staying still a little for you to adjust.
He then leaned down over you, framing your body with his. Your bare back pressed against his naked chest, his hands wrapping themselves around your arms –then wrists– as his chin found its place like a puzzle piece in the crook of your neck. You loved it when he covered you like this, loved when he was so desperate, loved when he couldn't help himself and couldn't get enough of your–
"You get me so– shit," He growled as he pulled back and thrusted in again. He began with a steady rhythm, making you moan softly. You felt your eyes roll back when he nibbled at your ear and kissed your neck.
"Fuck– Joel, fuck–" You moaned, the pitch of your voice rising like it did when you began closing in on your orgasm. You both were aware how you were short on time and had to make this into a quickie, a promise of something more when night time fell and you both were alone in your room, hungry for one another like you were now.
"Want me to– to come in you again? Y'think I put a baby in you the last time?" He moaned at the way you squeezed around him, wriggled under his body and cried out at his words. "Don't matter, we can do it again to make sure– just say the words."
"Joel– ah, ah," You gasped when one of his hands left your wrist to draw circles around your clit, making you thrust back to his rhythm. "Fuck, come inside me, please."
"Shit, (Y/N)," He growled low, almost animalistically, into your ear. He placed kisses over your neck, then went up to your jaw and cheek, finally meeting your lips halfway. "Come on, babydoll, put one leg up for me?"
His other hand left your wrist as well when you nodded, helping one leg up to the counter. He proceeded to lean back and up, grab your hips and slam into you as fast and hard as he could, knocking the breath out of you.
"Oh my god!" You cried out, failing to keep up. The skin slapping against skin had long drowned out most of the surrounding sounds, minus your moaning and Joel's growling. "So– so close–"
"This ain't gonna work," He suddenly stopped, murmuring to himself. He put your leg back down, pulled out of you and turned you to face him. The sight of his cock –erect completely, thick and swollen– made you moan quietly. He lifted you up and sat you on the counter once more, spreading your legs. He grabbed your ass and pulled you forward, to the edge, where he thrusted back in.
You grabbed his face and kissed him hungrily, biting on his lower lip, then shoved your tongue into his mouth, moaning all the while.
"Ah," He broke off suddenly and put his forehead on your shoulder as he slammed, and slammed, and slammed...
Until he grabbed you by your thighs, his voice cracking slightly, and finally emptied his seed inside you, biting on your shoulder quite aggressively; you didn't mind, however, as it was the final stroke that threw you off the edge. You held onto his shoulders as you both trembled in the other's arms, panting as if you'd run all the way from the western gate to home.
His hips involuntary jerked forwards, his cock twitching inside you. He held you tightly in his arms as you came down your high, becoming sleepy all of a sudden. Him coming inside you had a wonderful effect on the both of you last time, it was no different this time.
"Shit," You hissed. "That was– that was–"
"Mind blowing?" He chuckled, reminding you of one of your quickies during patrol before you got married.
"That's one way to put it," You grinned back and claimed his lips in a sweet kiss. "You should come inside me more often."
You felt him tense a little: "Yeah, about that, are you su–"
Knock knock: "(Y/N)?" Ellie.
"Shit!" You jumped where you sat. Joel immediately pulled himself out of you and tucked his softening cock back in his jeans as you collected your clothing and ran to the bathroom.
After dinner, your love-making continued in your chambers. The pace slowed, the air became somewhat more sentimental, and tears were shed– both of you trembled in the other's arms, kissing and wiping away at the other's wet cheeks. You laid together: entwined, side by side, eventually parting because of the heat...
Now, you laid alone.
Alone in the house after that too-good-to-be-true week, you felt trapped and not as up to date as you liked to be about the town, so you asked Maria to sign you up for supply runs, extra shifts– whatever you were kept from.
People were more happy to see you than you thought they'd be– and more worried about you than Kiki. "You underestimate the place you hold in the community, (Y/N)." Eugene had told you with a pat to the back when you showed up to your first patrol in near two weeks. Before setting off for your assigned route however, Maria called you over with a half worried, half grave expression.
"Gonna tell you something you're not gonna like, so try to keep calm okay?" She stared right through you, making you gulp and nod: "Kiki wants to–" She sighed halfway when you scoffed quietly. "She said she wanted to talk to you, sort things out. She seemed pretty calm, maybe she made her peace with it."
"Nah," You shook your head. "She's got some folks riled up against me, they're giving me weird looks. Won't believe she's made her peace 'til that stops."
"All the more reason for you to talk. Her group's gonna wait for yours to arrive at the checkpoint. It's a good opportunity."
"... Alright." You exhaled heavily as she gave you an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
Your group was made of just you and Eugene, but Ellie and Jesse asked if they could join. Jesse was already allowed on paired patrols, but Ellie was a matter of debate as Joel still deemed her young– definitely not because he was worried sick over her.
"Ellie..." You made to protest, but your gut told you to let her tag along.
"(Y/N) c'mon, Joel ain't even here," Eugene.
"No, yeah," You blinked, snapping out of your deep thoughts. "I was gonna say yes, sorry. Come on, hurry then."
Once you reached the checkpoint, you asked Eugene to stay back: "What's up, Dolly?"
"Kiki's in there, she says she wants to talk to me," You explained, hands on your hips. "To sort things out– I don't buy it."
"Woah, hold on. She said that to you?"
"To Maria. She says she's made her peace with what I did, but I say otherwise."
"Like hell she did," Eugene agreed. "I heard she's been calling you a–"
"I–" You put your hand up: "–don't wanna hear what that idiot has to say. I see a few people staring at me whenever I go out, some straight out avoid me."
"You want me to–?"
"No– no I'll talk to her, no biggie. This has to end one way or another, but I don't trust her. Be my eyes?"
"Always, (Y/N)," He started walking towards the doors of the checkpoint, but you stopped him.
"Actually, you watch out for Ellie and Jesse. I'll handle this alone."
"It's okay, she's weak. Squealed to the softest touch when she first came here, remember? She wouldn't try anything."
"But that was when she first came here. Don't underestimate her."
A warning that had fallen on your deaf ears.
As you reached the doors, you saw Ellie and Jesse standing a feet or two from the entrance awkwardly. You took a deep breath and walked through the door with heavy steps and, as soon as you saw her sitting on the couch, you stood across her: "Let's talk," You looked around the room to find it quite small for you to have privacy: "Leave us. Let's finish this."
"It's okay, Ellie– Just step outside for a moment, all of you."
Kiki's group, three other people, left the room with your company while giving you dirty looks. You locked eyes with Eugene, seeing him signal you watch, then as he turned around he also signaled you with hand signals. You really were grateful for him.
"Alright," You straightened up: "Let's get to it. I'm done holding back on you, so don't you dare play coy with me and say what you wanna say and get this over with."
"Very well then." She got up and started walking towards you, but you stopped her.
"I can hear you just fine from where you are." You told her not to approach, eyes instinctively scanning your surroundings. She was around 20 feet away from you, the path between you and her were clear of any obstacles –furniture etc– minus the small set of stairs that led up to where you were standing. There was a table behind you that you spied when you first entered the room, otherwise there was nothing near the neither of you.
"Fine. I was here to talk about Ward."
"I guessed that much."
"You do realise what you've done to me, right? You've ruined my life." Her face didn't reflect the words she spoke, not one bit.
"Oh for god's– I know damn well what I did."
"Did you regret it?"
You clenched, then unclenched your jaw: "Why do you wanna know?"
"I wanted to know if I'm talking to a normal person, or a cold blooded murderer."
Your hands were quick to ball up into fists, but you had to keep your cool. Her face and her stance made your shoulders tense even more– despite how she had behaved when you shot Ward, she was quite calm. Let's not jump to conclusions, you told yourself.
You remained quiet and huffed after a moment: "Let me ask you something."
"Ask away." She was ever so slowly inching closer, but you let her.
"Do you regret it? Me, shooting a man who beats you to a pulp, a man who won't–"
"I loved him, of course I do," She scoffed, but there was no love in her voice, just irritation.
"Or was this your plan all along?" You smirked sardonically, trying to keep your anger away from her prying eyes– allowing her to slip up: "You hated him so much, then you saw Joel and me, wanted my place; that it?"
"Clever, very clever," She nodded. "And what better person to kill Ward than you? How is it going between you and Joel, anyway?" She was suddenly too close: "Does he look at you with disgust every time you go to bed, wishing that it was me instead, the poor woman made into a widow by his own wife?"
Your face scrunched up with disgust and fury: "You fucking–"
"I'm right, aren't I?" Her head was tilted forward, giving you one of the most chilling, emotionless smiles you had ever seen.
"No... you're a fucking psychopath, that's what you are," You frowned.
"Ah, you sounded like Ward. Have you also read those psychology books Doctor Katherine had given him?"
Your mind blanked for a moment, but you quickly replied to cover it up: "I was trained to deal with the likes of you."
It was partly true, especially after everything went to shit with the apocalypse and whatnot. You were trained, yes, but you had educated yourself about certain disorders which could help you train and read body language better– you were no expert of course, and you weren't police, or a detective; you didn't deal with people like her up close.
"Likes of me?" She rolled her eyes: "Ugh, you and your husband... In any case, I feel like I can be honest with you now, you're smarter than I imagined."
Eugene was right, you thought: "Decided to be honest, finally? When no one else is around? How brave of you."
"The point wasn't bravery," She looked angrier, but her voice was still quiet. "The point was exactly that– No one will hear this confession but you."
You stared into her eyes, confusion and stress taking over a bit more quicker than you liked, you didn't even realise she was inching closer towards you: "I hated Ward. I didn't love him. He was my means of escape and protection for all those years out there, but I was weak– he was abusive, yes. I was smaller than him in physique and had no training to defend myself, so naturally I was inferior. His love, I assume, was true at one point. Mine never was. And yes, I was aware of how we were the black sheep of the community once we had arrived. I figured, if Tommy, Maria– people who were looked up to, like you, liked us, we'd fit in. I did, more than Ward anyway. And yes, I did want Joel for myself, but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. You– you never really liked me, you had to move out of the picture."
Your stance became defensive as you listened: "Move out of the picture?"
"Joel will move on, eventually, and I'll walk him through his grief. For all of this to work out, you had to die. That's why I am being honest, because I am going to kill you."
You thought you were ready to evade her attack, but not mentally. Her words had made your mind go blank: despite being smaller than you in figure, she threw herself at you, grabbed your hair and slammed your head onto the table behind you. Twice.
"Ah!" You growled and grabbed her wrist in a death grip, however she didn't let out as much as a groan (unlike the first time you had tried something like this with her), even though you felt like her bones were going to crush under your palm. You cursed at yourself for letting her get as close to you as she did, giving her an advantage; your vision was getting blurry from the strikes you suffered.
You growled angrily as you turned your body towards hers again, her hands not letting go of your hair. She had gotten stronger over the time she's been trained in Jackson, but you could still have the upper hand. You landed the hardest kick you could on her stomach. Twice.
"You're not even pregnant, are you?!" You spat when you managed to push her off, but as soon as she backed off, she pulled out a knife and lunged at you again. Before the tip of the knife could pierce your throat, you crossed your arms and blocked her attack, the force bending you backwards across the table.
"I never was, yes," She struggled, voice still stable. "Though telling everyone I miscarried because of your little doing didn't really hurt nobo–"
"Eugene, what the hell?" Mike, someone in Kiki's group asked as soon as they stepped outside.
The older man didn't reply, sparing an angry look in the younger man's way as he began looking for a window, an opening, anywhere he could keep an eye on you from.
"Whatever, let's hope (Y/N) doesn't kill her too in there," Jennifer, Kiki's neighbour across the street, grumbled.
"What's wrong with you?" Ellie snapped and turned to her. "(Y/N) protected her!"
"I don't think cold blooded murder doesn't really count as protection," She sneered.
"The fuck did you just–" Ellie started walking towards her, but Jesse held her back.
"Ellie calm down," He spoke quietly, then turned to Jessica. "If it weren't for (Y/N), both Kiki and Paul would've died, don't you understand? Ward beat Kiki to her death, then actually tried to—"
"What do you know? You weren't there!" Jessica hissed at him.
"Neither were you," Jesse replied calmly. "(Y/N) isn't a murderer, she's a protector of this town."
"Her history with FEDRA says otherwise," Mike joined in.
"So you're telling me you haven't killed anyone in the past 20 years?" Eugene suddenly walked over to them. "You think you're so innocent in all this, huh? You're as innocent as the rest of us, Mike. We've all done– forced to do some fucked up shit before Jackson, but this what this place's all about; a second chance." He took a few silent deep breaths, before adding: "You don't know what anyone here has gone through before here, so shut your goddamn mouth."
Both Mike and Jennifer fell silent, as well as Jesse and Ellie as the older man death stared Kiki's group. He started walking back to continue looking for an opening too late however– he suddenly heard two loud thuds, followed by a shout, your shout.
"God dammit!" He ran to the door with everyone else behind him and almost kicked down the door when he reached it.
"Kiki, what the hell?!" Eugene came in  shouting, the door suddenly opening with a loud crash.
"What's the matter, can't handle me on your own?" She hissed at you, but her grip failed at Eugene's entrance. She had failed, and she knew this too, for her face morphed from ambition and triumph to anger and fear. That was your moment.
You directed her hands to your left with your forearms, the knife suddenly giving in and stabbing into the wooden table: "Oh I can handle you just fine!"
You twisted your arms around hers, grabbed her and push kicked her with all your might, sending her flying down the small set of stairs back near the couch she was sitting on previously. Driven by rage, you pulled the knife out of the table and jumped on her with scary speed. Before she could get up, you reached her and straddled her hips, ready to drive the knife through her throat like she had tried to do to you.
"(Y/N) stop!" Eugene yelled before you could, knife holding hand raised high, the other around her lower neck.
"Tell them, go on!" You suddenly yelled, moving your hand onto her throat. "Confess to them like you did to me."
"Get off me." She spoke calmly.
"Speak!" You yelled and shook her where you had grabbed her by the throat.
"(Y/N)..." Eugene, you realised when he entered your line of sight, was pointing a gun at Kiki's head. He kept his distance, his stance almost professional.
"Get off me," She spoke after awhile of silence. "And I'll tell them what I told you."
For whatever stupid reason, you believed her.
You believed, for a second, that she was actually going to make her confession and try to survive this, somehow. Jackson never took to execution as a form of punishment, so she had higher chances of staying alive that way.
Instead, as soon as you lowered your arm and simultaneously pulled your hand away from her throat, she grabbed you by your shirt's collar.
Everything happened so fast.
You gasped and shouted when you felt her teeth sink into the left side of your throat, dangerously close to the artery. Before she could completely bite off your skin, you embedded the knife in your hand to the side of her neck. Twice.
The tension in your body, the fear and anger you felt– everything came out on her neck. You stabbed her neck reflexively and as soon as she let your neck and shoulders go, you stopped, threw her back on the ground and fell on your back.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You grimaced, panting and holding your neck as you backed away from Kiki where you sat. You stopped crawling back when your back hit one of the armchair across the sofa.
The outside voices started to drown out as you pulled your hand away from your neck to see a mix of blood smeared across your hand. Your head hurt so much; the beating of your own heart, the voice ringing in your ear– too much blood–
"(Y/N), christ!" Eugene knelt beside you immediately, followed by Ellie and Jesse. Mike, Jessica and the other person stood, dumbfounded and shocked, as Kiki gave her last breath.
"No, oh god, what did I do?" Tears finally started rolling down your cheeks as you panted, visions of old memories covered in blood flashing under your eyelids making you hyperventilate.
Joel... Where is Joel...
"You protected yourself, (Y/N), it's okay! Breathe!" Eugene ran a hand through his hair, then held you by the shoulders hesitantly.
"(Y/N)," Ellie spoke worriedly: "(Y/N), you're okay– it's okay."
You put your hands on your ears in an attempt to drown out the noises, tried opening your eyes but the images weren't going away: "I can't– can't breathe," You held onto Eugene's arms. "You're– Is she–?"
Your question died on your tongue when he pulled you into a hug, putting your chin on his shoulder, then turned to the side so you didn't see Kiki's now lifeless body: "(Y/N), we need to get you to Katherine, you're bleeding."
"She was trying to stab her?" Katherine.
"Yeah, then she said she was gonna confess something she had confessed to (Y/N), but bit her nearly in the damn artery instead." Eugene.
"And whose bright idea was it to let 'em talk alone?" Tommy.
"Mine," You weakly replied as you slowly opened your eyes.
"Jesus christ, (Y/N)," Tommy sighed, relieved, and sat to your right. You were back in the hospital, where Doctor Katherine, Eugene and Tommy had been waiting for you to wake up.
"We should put my name up outside," You said stiffly, in an attempt to make a joke. "Seems like I won't stop waking up in this room."
Katherine was sat to your left– she put a hand against your forehead, then the back of it: "I got a fever?"
"You had a mild fever while I was operating–"
"Woah, hold on– operating?" You sat up, holding your neck to find it patched up. "Was it that bad?"
"She almost tore out the meat, that crazy–" Eugene spoke, but huffed with frustration halfway.
"I don't wanna rush you," Tommy put a hand on your shoulder and gave you a worried look. "But I need you to tell me what happened."
You and Eugene exchanged a worrisome look: "Just back there, or right from the beginning?"
"Everything," Tommy said after awhile. You gave Katherine a hesitating look, which she didn't notice, but sighed and began telling everything: from the dirty looks you got, to the symbolism of flowers and the night before Ward's death; then how some townspeople were riled up against you, and finally how she confessed to everything and attacked you, ultimately resulting in her death. Tommy went a little pale throughout, especially when you told him of her confession– Same with Eugene. Katherine looked devastated.
"Some folk ain't gonna believe this," Tommy said with an apologetic look on his face.
"Well, fuck 'em– I believe her." Eugene shook his head from where he was leaning against the windowsill. You offered a brief smile.
"I believe you too, but it just sounds too absurd, no offence," Tommy said, scratching his beard. "A damn maniac and his psycho wife... Then this whole– confession?"
You just sighed and looked down, where you had been playing with your fingernails and tips nervously: "To be frank, I don't owe anyone in this town a goddamn thing, except for maybe Katherine here. I'm not gonna try and convince a bunch of people, who have no place in my business, that I'm right or whatever. I did what I had to– and I have you all, so..."
Katherine took your hand in hers, giving it a soft squeeze: "That you do. We got you (Y/N), you're safe."
You gave them all half a smile, struggling not to cry but you managed to keep your tears to yourself. Tommy smiled, tsked and put his hands on his hips: "Well, now I'm worried about how Joel's goin' to react."
"React to what?" Came a tired voice from the door, the voice of your husband who was supposed to be away at a run.
"Joel?" Tommy's shocked tone mixed with yours, which was laced with both relief and disbelief.
"Tony got injured before we could make it out the county, Earl and I had to bring him back," He said from the door, slowly walking in and taking Katherine's place by your side: "Ran into Daisy, said my lovely wife managed to land herself here again."
He put his hand through your hair and combed it back, giving you a solemn yet soft look, then kissed your forehead and kept his lips pressed there for a few seconds. He then pulled back and gently looked at your neck: "What happened?"
tagging: @spideysimpossiblegirl @sherry-212 @joelsgeetar @peachymelon69 @assinteractions @gizmogurlie41786 @giselatropicana @unfinishedsynopsis @nervousmumbling @thewintersoldierswife @roxypeanut
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moonstonediaz · 2 years
although it’s been said many times, many ways…
word count: 5.1k, on ao3
summary: A notification pings on Eddie's phone reminding him of the romantic mountain getaway he had planned in an abandoned attempt to strengthen his relationship with Ana. It's months later and paid for in full so he figures inviting Buck along couldn't hurt.
Eddie sighs and rests his head on his forearms where they’re crossed against the railing of the loft. They’re in the middle of a twelve-hour shift and they had been on calls almost non-stop. It hadn’t been their longest shift, but it had certainly felt like it.
Eddie takes a deep breath and fantasizes about his upcoming weekend. His abuela would be in El Paso for Christmas so Chris was going to stay over the weekend before. Eddie would have the house to himself this weekend and he had a few interior design shows lined up to binge all by himself.
He’s so caught up in which snacks he should stock up on that he almost misses the reminder notification coming through on his phone. Putting a pin in his daydream, he straightens and pulls out his phone.
Eddie reads the notification. Then he reads it again, staring in sudden horror.
Mountain Comfort—A view for 2! Arrival Information Inside.
He’s suddenly slammed back to ten months ago when he made the reservation. Also known as, the actual reason Chris was spending the weekend with his abuela. The trip was an attempt to grasp harder onto what he thought he should want. The special weekend getaway was going to be a surprise for Ana for their first Christmas together.
His stomach plummets, and it’s not because of the breakup. It’s because it’s non-refundable and paid in full.
He shouldn’t have gotten so attached to his binge party for one.
“Oh, fuck,” he breathes out, drawing out the words. It should have been silent, but Buck always seems to have his ears finely tuned to all things Eddie.
“What’s up?” Buck asks, sliding up next to Eddie, bumping their shoulders together and resting his forearms against the railing.
“It’s just, uh–” Eddie tilts his phone so Buck has a better view of the screen. “I had planned a surprise trip months ago to the mountains. For Ana.”
A sleek grin spreads across Buck’s face. “Ahh, and you completely forgot about it? It’s a romantic cabin for two, it’s non-refundable, and it’s this weekend?”
Eddie rolls his eyes with a smile and pockets his phone. “Yes, so you see my problem.”
“Eddie, you don’t have to go. It’s not mandatory.”
“I kind of feel like I have to since it’s paid in full. Might as well get my money’s worth.” And then, quickly before he can shove his fist into his mouth, he blurts, “You should come, too.”
He could have kicked himself for letting the words stumble past his lips. Buck’s shocked face only adds to the embarrassment he’s fighting to keep at bay. But he holds steady, meeting Buck’s wild eyes with a solid gaze, his bottom lip buried between his teeth.
“Oh, uh… this weekend?” Buck rubs the back of his neck and stares at his feet.
Well, Eddie thinks, it’s too late to back out now. Might as well go all-in.
“Yeah, why not? I know you don’t have plans.” Buck’s never been able to deny Eddie so he knows he’s got him. He playfully bumps into his shoulder as he walks past, suddenly eager to busy himself with work. “It’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, but–”
“Don’t overthink it! When was the last time you took a spontaneous road trip?” Eddie throws a smirk over his shoulder as he descends the stairs and he sees the exact moment Buck folds; his shoulders drop and he rolls his eyes to the ceiling. His smile pulls hard to the right deepening Eddie’s favorite dimple. He hustles quickly down the stairs so he can hide the blush blooming over his cheeks.
Okay, Eddie thinks. A whole weekend with his best friend that he’s stupidly in love with. Alone in a snowy mountain cabin. There’s no way this would be absolute torture.
read the rest on ao3
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ushidoux · 3 years
Kiss Me More - Doja Cat ft. Sza, Ushijima x Reader
Warnings: alcohol and tobacco use, creepy dudes in the club, car sex, nsfw
A/N: I cannot stop thinking about this song smh
It’s several minutes past midnight… your mind is hazy, it swims in the scent of the strawberry-flavored shisha that bubbles on the table before you, in the second mixed drink that’s doing a little more damage to your consciousness than it should. You are a well known lightweight, but maybe you willed yourself to be a little more drunk than you should be tonight.
Your hands drape lazily around your friend, and you laugh a little too hard, burying your face in her bare shoulder courtesy of her strapless dress, as you hold onto her for support. Her scent is comforting, not in the same way that Ushijima’s is, of course, but it’s what you need right now. Her hands play with your hair as you move in tune with the music; she wants to beat your situationship into the ground because she knows where your mind is is very precarious right now.
But for now you’re having fun.
Your dress is short and both form-fitting and flattering, and your heels are high. You look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, and to the dismay of many, you’ve rebuffed every man who’s approached you for a dance thus far. 
In this crowded club, with bodies pressed together, heat, sweat and lust abundant in the air, you’ve stayed close to your friends, as though you were trying to stay ‘faithful’... to what exactly?
He was just so… dense. You’d never been so needy before until you’d met him. The feeling of powerlessness to decide the course of things was overwhelming; you always seemed to be waiting for him. Waiting for him to text you, touch you, acknowledge your presence.
Maybe the game you were playing was immature, but it didn’t matter how many times your phone vibrated in your bra, you were not picking up. Not tonight.
Your friend pulled back from your embrace to check a text message and glanced at you for a moment, but you were already off in a spin to the bar just paces away for drinks. 
“I’ll be right back~” you murmured, an inebriated grin on your face.
You stumbled shakily past a moving mass of bodies before reaching your destination. Leaning over the bar trying to catch the bartender’s attention, it wasn’t long before you felt a stranger’s arm snaking around your waist.
“What the-”
A quick turn had you facing a sleazy grinned man.
“What are you drinking, princess?”
He was still disgustingly close, enough that you could smell the alcohol on his tongue, but regardless, you smiled sickeningly sweetly, shaking your head before breaking free of his hold.
“I don’t drink actually,” you lied unconvincingly as if you weren’t wobbling on your feet, but you needed something to reply before you marched back over to your friends, sobering up ever so slightly. 
Once you’d rejoined your friends, you glanced over your shoulder to see him still watching you, and a shudder ran down your spine.
But you weren’t going to let yet another man ruin your fun.
“Did you call him?” Your friend asked once you’d replaced your arms around her shoulders.
Your eyebrows furrowed angrily.
“No, why would I?” 
She sighed, tired of being on her feet, and pulled you down with her to sit before taking a long draw of shisha. Your eyes focused on your other friend who’d come with her boyfriend and might as well have been dry-humping in public, she was that close to him physically.
Lack of ambiguity in a relationship was nice.
Your phone vibrated again, and you pulled it out of your bra in annoyance, setting it on the table face down without checking. 
Alcohol was waning in your system and you were starting to feel sad again, but you had been spooked enough by the creepy dude at the bar that you wouldn’t venture for a drink for a while.
Except when you looked up, you realized that that same stranger had now made his way over to you, his smile now replaced with a twisted snarl from rejection.
“Don’t be a bitch, I can see you’re just slightly off from piss drunk,” he hissed, before yanking at your arm roughly, forcing you to let out a yelp.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Your friend shrieked, her hand raised for a firm slap only for her hand to be blocked by the man who was getting more belligerent by the second.
The pain of the grip he had on your arm was barely dulled by alcohol as you tried to wrench it away from him, wondering how the fuck someone ends up so bold as to harass women in a full club. Your friend and her boyfriend disentangled themselves quickly enough to make their way over to help you, but were beaten to it by the sound of your not-exactly boyfriend’s deep voice.
“If you’d like to keep that arm, I suggest you fuck off immediately.”
Ushijima’s large hand wrapped around the arm that was restricting yours and he wasn’t looking at you, but at the man who was harassing you, his eagle-like eyes narrowed further. Your eyes widened - he hated places like these, when did he get here? How long had he been here? Who was he with?
There was a brief moment where the two stared each other down, but your creep wasn’t able to hide the wince forming on his features as Ushijima’s hand tightened, and his fingers unfurled around yours quickly.
He stormed off, tail between his legs, through the small crowd that had now gathered to observe the scene. Now that the spotlight seemed to be on you, Ushijima interrupted his own glare at the fleeing man to give you a once over to see if you were okay, fists unclenching.
“This is certainly one way to get my attention,” he mused, and your blood boiling immediately, you considered punching him in the face, but your friend hushed you, rubbing the tender part of your forearm.
But you were still angry.
“Don’t you have practice in a couple hours? Why would you waste your time here?”
He pursed his lips somewhat, but giving a clear glance to your friend who shook her head and backed off, he reached for your hand gently.
“Next time, pick up your phone. Let’s talk somewhere privately.”
“I wish you would just,” your tirade was interrupted by a single hiccup, “be clear about,” you paused as though winded, but continued, “... whatever the fuck this is!”
You stopped and your words hung in the small space between you. Seated in the passenger seat of his car, you felt like the space was closing in. You hadn’t had tons of dating experience, but you’d had enough to know that it was never a good sign when someone seemed to care less than you did. You’d been dumped before and once was enough. 
The way Ushijima had you orbiting around him was embarrassing. Even when you were trying not to need him, you still ended up needing him. Sure, things would have turned out fine most likely even if he hadn’t been there, but still.
Ushijima was quiet, but his eyes remained on you. You hated how comfortable he could feel just staring, relaxed and unmoving like some kind of unnecessarily detailed sculpture.
“What do you think this is?” You finally asked. Your voice was smaller than it needed to be and again, you were embarrassed, but if he meant to break your heart, it would be better to do this when your friends were still around, waiting, and could support you.
Maybe then you could cry for real rather than grieve aimlessly while still locked in some kind of formless relationship.
“I think we’re dating, and I like you and you like me,” he finally replied. “Of course, I can’t speak for you. I hope that you feel the same way I do.”
Your heart stirred ever so slightly, and your fingers found a job adjusting the hem of your dress. Your eyes focused on the curve of your knees. He says the right things, but does he mean them?
“You’re distant. Like you can’t be bothered that I’m around.”
His hand reached out for you, his fingers resting on the nape of your neck.
“I’m here now, aren’t I?” He whispered, leaning in. His other hand closed around your chin, turning you so that you could look at him. 
In the moonlight, the hazel of his eyes was especially bright, making your heart pound. His gaze focused on the lower lip that was starting to quiver.
“I want to kiss you, but you’re still upset,” he said suddenly, directly, as though it were the most simple yet frustrating dilemma. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m not paying attention to your concerns.”
“Toshi…,” you were at a loss for words, especially with his lips so close. Your hand rested on his chest.
“Can I show you how I feel?”
You nodded, and his lips found their way onto yours.
His tongue slipped into your mouth like it was home and you accepted him in similar fashion. Your hands made their way around his neck and he hastily pulled you over the car console onto his lap, deepening the kiss as he leaned you against the steering wheel of the car. 
It wasn’t long before your body-conforming dress now covered nothing, your breasts exposed for kisses between and around them, for the gentle massage of his large hands. Your back arched as kisses littered your neck, collarbones, arms and the soft part of your belly. 
You moaned as he lowered you onto his cock that always craved the pressure of your walls around him, leaning forward and biting the flesh of his shoulder as you endured the stretch. He lay the car seat down flat, engulfing your lips with his before rolling his cock into you slowly, sensually, taking every moment for you to mewl into his open mouth. His fingers dug into the flesh of your hips, keeping you steady as he slammed you down against him, leaving marks that he would kiss away later.
He’d kiss you so many ways for so many days, months, years to come.
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