#the quote is “everything happens for a reason” if anyone's wondering
silverquillsideas · 1 year
get to know me tag game
tagged by @solana-ceae <3
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies and talents
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
idk who to tag since I don't interact that much here T_T but still, @watchingblsnowandforever @littleragondin @benkaaoi @bengiyo @khathastrophe @joyladagang @feralmuskyscentedhoepran @loserlesbianongsa @purple-worm @snowyshadow @springkitten if you wanna! :3 and also, anyone else who wants to! ^_^
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wesstars · 6 months
love, at second glance
tara carpenter x fem!reader (no pronouns)
summary: that’s what you do when you love somebody else… wc: 1k tags: all characters 18+; no ghostface au. angst, horribly excessive use of italics (seriously, everything in italics is either a quote, a thought, or actual emphasis. it’s terrible) a/n: what’s up y’all (title from 715 - CR∑∑KS by bon iver)
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Tara wondered when it all began.
You and me, me and you.
A mantra that used to be comforting, it now left her mouth dry, mind frantic. 
Sometimes, when it got real bad like it did today, she’d drive out to your—our—deserted garage, and look up into a pitch black night, blinking away tears. It was easy to scream at the sky: how could you forget about me about us about milkshakes shared about distances closed about how I love you and love you and love you—but to you, she’d say nothing.
She couldn’t say anything, while you basked in the glow of a new hand to hold. It was all over in a helpless shrug. That was it, and really, it wasn’t your fault. Nobody’s fault. You couldn’t help it, Tara reasoned, you weren’t cruel. Even at the very end, you were endlessly kind. Commitment was a choice, but love, love happened to you away from Tara and she couldn’t do anything but watch.
Tara switched the engine off, leaning back in her seat. The stars shone barely brighter than the city lights. It was strange, the way that when she was on the brink of losing everything, the world looked that much more beautiful. Every breath in that particularly cold winter felt like it was being swallowed up by the vastness of air itself, precious in its scarcity. 
“But I love you.”
You said nothing for a moment, a troubled little frown twisting on your lips. “Tara, I—”
“I love you.” She heard, rather than felt, herself repeating it. As if stopping you from speaking would make that cold reality any less crushing. “That’s all.”
It was odd, Tara decided, to go online and see your life in the pictures she used to be part of. She put her phone down. From tide pulls to seasons changing, there wasn’t exactly a world where she envisioned herself going on without you. There was something in that sinking feeling, like you were holding her down with a hand on her chest, when she saw you laughing with your friends, with anyone, a smile so brilliant it couldn’t possibly have Tara as the cause. 
You’d always wanted a little cabin in the woods (“not in a creepy way,” you’d insist) surrounded by mist, and it would always be raining. “You’re the only sunshine I need, Tara Carpenter.” She could still hear the way you’d tease her, lying on your side next to her, tracing the bridge of her nose with your fingertip. So easy it was, to tumble back into those shining memories where absolutely nothing would go wrong, you wouldn't let it, because she was yours.
The top floor of the lot was empty, and the moon spilled onto the windshield, into the empty passenger seat. She was lucky, you both were lucky, to have even come as close to the sun as the two of you did. Tara knew, deep inside herself, that if she just let it all go, she would be okay. The blood would rush back into her fingertips—you wouldn’t be there to massage the feeling back into them, the way you often did on winter nights like this—and then she would be okay.
Tara thought that she remembered too much for someone so hurt. Your hand on her thigh while you drove, wiping her lipstick off your cheek, the way you seemed so so so unhappy when you sat her down for one last time. You didn’t even look the same then, like you were somebody else, you weren’t hers anymore. It was getting colder in the car, but Tara didn’t feel anything but the searing coil of shame. 
Sunkissed March found you and Tara lying side by side on a picnic blanket, sodas losing their fizz as time forgot to move the two of you. A breeze ruffled the leaves, and if she really listened, Tara could hear the frogs in the nearby pond. You loved it here—you said it reminded you of hot summers spent in the countryside, the days as long as wildflowers. Not half an hour ago, you were braiding together the stems of daisies into a lush crown. 
“For you, Queen Carpenter,” you said in a posh accent. “A gift from your humble knight—each braid represents a ‘forever,’ and each flower is an ‘always.’” You set the crown atop Tara’s head, kissing the tip of her nose as she rolled her eyes.
“And what has compelled my knight to bring me such a gift?”
“Only all of the love I carry for you, your majesty.” You scooped her up in your arms, smiling as she giggled, rolling the two of you over to settle into the knolls of grass.
There was a certain bravery in the way your fingers wrapped loosely around hers, the way the heels of both your shoes made indents in the dirt—proclaiming, we were here. Even in her doze, Tara could feel you there, each moment stretching on like strings of eternity, unfailingly. 
The moment did end, as moments do. The crown, dried and shrunk, still hung from the rear view mirror in the car. The daisies themselves were long gone, but the dried stems had somehow stayed bound together. Tara’s head dropped into her hands, eyes sore and red. She’d thought so much and so often about where the two of you went wrong, she felt like she had turned over every stone in your path, ones that didn’t carry with them the weight of a goodbye. Tara would give anything to even know what it would take for you to stand in the sun with her one more time.
The abrupt knock on the window should’ve startled Tara more than it did, given that it was four in the morning in an empty parking lot, and she was supposed to be all alone. But all she could do was watch with wide eyes as the knock came from you, at your tight lipped smile. She rolled down the window, unable to feel anything but shock as she took in your mismatched shoes with untied laces, your shirt way too thin for the cold night. You weren’t looking at her, guilt evident in the hunch of your shoulders. Your voice comes out exactly as she remembered it. 
“Hey… can we talk?”
a/n cont'd: don't super feel like i like this but writing it came naturally so
please do not repost, reproduce, copy, translate, or take from my work in any way. thank you!
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heliads · 2 years
Hellloooo!!! I don’t wanna add to your workload so if this just piles on, please delete it! 😅😊 I just had an idea for a newt x reader fic where they’re in an established relationship in the Glade and during a bonfire one night the boys all ask newt questions about what it’s like to date reader and how it feels and newt just answers with the upmost sweetness. Reader overhears and fluff ensues!!!!
fluff ensues has got to be one of my favorite plot descriptions. like yeah it absolutely will do that (and no worries, nothing will stop the workload from being! newt just helps make it better <3)
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Newt is aware that he is a little bit luckier than most. This is a sentiment that he never thought he’d be caught dead believing. Not in the Glade. Not in the Maze. Not anywhere in this surreal mess of a place. Yet it’s on repeat in his head on a day to day basis nonetheless, ticking off the hours like an alarm clock consisting solely of his blessings. 
Newt didn’t think he’d have that much to brag about. No memories means no history he can mention to his equally luckless friends. Still, he’s got one important victory in his life that no one else can even dream of, and that’s the fact that he’s dating Y/N. Yeah, that certainly sets him apart in the world of good things given to kids who can’t quite convince themselves they deserve them. 
Some would say that Newt is being a little dramatic. He would argue that his response is perfectly within reason. One girl has been sent up in all the months that anyone’s been in the Glade, one girl and one girl alone, and she just happened to choose him. Around here, that’s grounds for being nominated for sainthood. 
Newt isn’t going to act like he’s not just over the moon every time he thinks about the whole situation. Against all odds, Y/N fell in love with him. That’s so unreal that Newt has to pinch himself every hour on the hour just to make sure it isn’t a dream. He never tries too hard, though. Just in case. 
He didn’t have many thoughts on love before she came up. There wasn’t really time now, was there? It was just him and the scores of other stragglers making do in their bloody terrible world. You don’t spend much time lingering over potential sweethearts when the closest thing to a Romeo is Gally yelling at everyone in the Glade except his friends.
Not great dating material, to say the least. Even when Y/N came up that one month, though, he still hadn’t fallen for her from the start. He liked her, obviously, she was nice and didn’t test his patience, but he was perfectly content to keep her as a friend, just that. Great expectations have a way of letting you down. Newt’s learned that if you keep your eyes on the ground, stop looking up at the sun and stars, you’ll be able to deal with it a little easier when all your brightest aspirations go away.
He’d done that before and he planned on doing it again. Even as time passed and he realized that his heart had a funny way of speeding up whenever she was nearby, when it occurred to him that his daily routines always had a way of working in chances to see her, Newt forced himself to ignore everything. Maybe he liked the way the morning sunlight always played on Y/N’s face, maybe he could have spent hours wondering over the way her eyes sparkle when she laughs. It was nothing that he could ever commit to treasuring above anything else.
It took several rounds of self-talk and about a dozen different interventions staged by his friends for Newt to get up the courage to tell Y/N how he felt. Hell, it took at least half of those interventions for him to even admit how he felt to himself. Newt had been internalizing for so long that bringing some of those emotions to the forefront of his attention was damned near impossible. Minho, Alby, and a few others, however, were so sick of seeing him ‘mope around like a lovesick fool,’ to quote them specifically, that they were dedicated to the task of getting him in order.
It worked, too. Newt had run through what could have been a hundred speech variations in his head, all mentioning her character or her sense of humor or any one of the millions of things he liked about her best. In the end, he didn’t choose a single one. The second Newt pulled Y/N away from a crowd of their friends for ‘something he needed to say in private,’ every single whirlwind of thoughts storming through his head came to an abrupt stop. He totally blanked out. 
Newt wouldn’t even know that he managed to force any words out at all were it not for the fact that the effects of that interaction are quite obvious. Somehow, Y/N ended up returning his affections, and they’ve been doing pretty well ever since. Newt doesn’t like counting his eggs before they hatch and all that, but he’d go so far as to say that he doesn’t see it ever breaking down for quite some time, if ever. They’re alright. They’re great, and they’re happy, and in a place like this, you take that and run with it for as long as you can. Maybe it’ll ruin itself someday, but Newt plans on pushing that off to the distant future for forever and a day.
In the meantime, Newt gets to think about how lucky he is. Despite the fact that Y/N’s apparently been crushing on him for just as long as he started liking her, and despite the fact that Frypan proclaims on a daily basis that he’s never seen two shanks more alike, Newt still feels like all of this is just one great coincidence. Maybe it was never supposed to happen, but it did, and he’s going to love that and her for as long as he can.
She’s waiting for him now, he thinks. Work is over for the day, and there’s a Bonfire Night happening this evening too, courtesy of the shivering Greenie fresh out of the Box who still can’t seem to keep his shock from showing. The fool to whom this celebration is owed looks like he’s going to keel over, what from the way he keeps half doing a backbend from continually craning his neck up to stare at the Walls, but the rest of them can get drunk and fuck around and generally have a good time. 
Greenies never appreciate their Bonfire Nights enough anyway. It’s up to the rest of the Gladers to show them what it’s like to have fun. Who knows the next time they’ll be able to stop stressing over the ruins of their lives anyway? Newt’s heard half a dozen Gladers proclaim that they only live bonfire to bonfire anyway. They might as well prove it tonight.
Newt meets Y/N on the outskirts of the bonfire just as the dark starts to fall. Dusk kicks up its heels, keeping watch over the revels and hiding the sun, which can never bear to see whatever mistakes they’re going to make next. Y/N holds out a hand to him, one Newt gladly accepts.
“I can’t believe it’s been six months now since I first showed up,” she grins, gesturing towards the Box with her free hand, “Feels like just yesterday.”
Newt snorts. “Time flies when you’re having fun, huh? Trust me, the Greenie Days get faster and faster. I swear I just finished touring the last kid, and now we’ve got another one to keep pestering us with questions.”
Y/N shakes her head, considering this. “Nah, I think this one will be better. He’s too scared to speak above a whisper. If you try, you can just ignore him.”
Newt chuckles. “I’m not supposed to be bullying the Greenies. Alby says I’m meant to set a good example.”
“I saw Alby telling Minho to trip the new kid to see if he’d finally make a sound if he bit the dirt,” Y/N comments, “I don’t think kindness is really in our books.”
Newt arches a brow. “I could see that happening. Did it work?”
“No,” Y/N says, disappointed, “Kid was so scared to move a muscle that he didn’t fall at all. Just kind of stopped walking like he’d hit a wall instead of Minho’s ankle.”
Newt tries to bite back a smile. He’s only half successful. “Shame. That would have been fun to see.”
Y/N laughs. “That’s what I said. Anyways, they’re all over there, near the fire. I think the next strategy is to give the kid some of Gally’s brew in the hopes that it’ll coax something out of him other than his dinner.”
Newt shudders. “Best of luck to him.”
“And to me,” Y/N replies, “I think I’m going to get a glass of my own. See you in a second.”
Newt waves a casual hand in goodbye, watching as his girlfriend weaves through the steadily forming crowds of Gladers in an attempt to track down a drink. He takes a seat near an overturned log, staring into the fire as it disappears into sparks. Six months since Y/N appeared in the Box, so it’s been indeed.
Newt can’t decide whether that feels like a long time or not nearly long enough. Y/N’s changed him in almost every way, that much is obvious. Sometimes, in meeting someone you know will impact you forever, you almost want them to have been around for much longer. Strangers aren’t meant to become your best friends, not until you’ve known them for years and you have scores of memories to share. You want to give them decades in your mind, centuries, as a sign that they’ve been so important to you. Mere months aren’t enough. Surely it should be more.
It isn’t, and maybe that’s for the best. Newt has no memories save for when he came up his own share of months ago. All his friends are new, all his enemies still more recent. Maybe the girl he loves has only been in his life for a short time, but his recorded life is short indeed. Everything is modern. That’s just how it is.
Newt becomes aware of eyes on him and realizes that he might not be the only one reminiscing about when Y/N came up in the maze. A few Gladers have come up by Newt’s side, steadily appearing out of the gloom and smoke to stare at him.
Newt glances at them questioningly, and a few moments later the bravest of them dares to voice their collective thoughts. “What’s it like dating Y/N?” The boy asks, “you know, since she’s the only girl?”
Newt smiles to himself. “It’s great,” he says.
This clearly isn’t the response the other boy wants. “Yeah,” he repeats, “but what’s it like? It’s not like the rest of us have our own girlfriends to compare it with.”
Newt bites back a laugh. “Well,” he begins, noticing out of the corner of his eyes that the other boys draw closer to him expectantly, “it’s like having a best friend, but even better. She’s someone I can talk to at any time, but I don’t have to worry about seeming uncool or weird around her. Y/N knows exactly who I am, the good and the bad, but she’s chosen to be with me anyway. It makes you feel like you can do anything.”
The boy nods, accepting this. “Are you ever worried that she’s going to get tired of you and leave you for someone else?”
“If you’re asking me if I’m worried about competition,” Newt says slowly, “I’d say, don’t think you even have a chance. She’s my girlfriend, you bloody shank, not some object you can steal away. Anyway, obviously I’d like it if she stayed with me a while longer, but I’m not scared, no. I know that we’re happy, and that’s enough.”
The boy’s face flushes scarlet when Newt calls him out, but he seems to have made his peace with it at the end. Newt’s half expecting more questions, but all of a sudden they scatter to the corners of the celebration. A few moments later, the cause of the disturbance becomes obvious:  Y/N herself takes a seat next to him, glass in hand.
“It seems like you had a score of admirers,” she says, lips twitching up into a smile.
Newt groans. “More like your admirers, trust me. They wanted to ask about what it was like to date you. Not something I thought I’d be discussing with the Slicers-in-training, but why not?”
Y/N laughs. “Oh, I know. I have to say, though, it was very sweet. Being with me makes you feel like you can do anything?”
Newt feels his entire face heat up, and he briefly ponders launching himself into the fire to escape it. “I didn’t realize you were eavesdropping. That’s rude, you know.”
Y/N just grins. “I do apologize. It was very sweet, though. I appreciated it.”
Newt rolls his eyes, but he can’t keep a smile off of his face for long. “Does that mean you won’t leave me for some random boy who showed up a few months ago?”
“I’ll consider it,” she assures him, “like you said, though, I wouldn’t worry much. I happen to like being with you quite a bit as well.”
Newt reaches over, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to pull her close. Y/N leans her head on his shoulder, and they stay there for quite some time, watching the embers of the fire curl into ribbons of smoke up in the darkest reaches of the sky. The bonfire dances, their friends shout and clap and laugh all around them, and through it, they keep going. All is well.
tmr tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @thatfangirl42, @hiya-its-amber, @gods-fools-heroes, @hope92100, @23victoria, @w1shes43, @ilovexavierthrope, @fadedver
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kookidough · 5 months
analysing vance hopper because he lives in my head 24/7 !
tw for like. literally everything the black phone covers!!!!!!
also there's some special effects gore rather far down in the post idk just i feel like i should warn you just in case
okay so before anyones like "but bee!!!! he only had 6 minutes of screen time in a 102 minute long movie!!!!! he was only on screen for 5.8% of the movie!!!!!" and to that i say i Know it was a real tragedy so a lot of this will be built on personal interpretation and subtext and stuff said behind the scenes and whatnot
so firstly i wanna rot about what his childhood/upbringing might've been like..... i havent quite decided on something definitive but i think we can take one look at his character and realise that is glaringly obvious he had a bad childhood, in one interview the actor that plays him (brady hepner) says "the background i had set up for vance is that the reason he was the way he was is his home life was fairly difficult, you know maybe his dad was either not there for him or he wasn't supportive, maybe he was fairly abusive, and so that creates a hair trigger sense of rage in vance" hair trigger meaning his patience is literally as thin as a strand of hair it does Not take a lot for him to snap
there more to it after that which i'll get into soon but yea thats the gist of it it's clear he had absent/neglectful/abusive parents and that would certainly contribute to why he's so angry all the time, maybe acting so explosive was the only way to get his parents' attention, either good or bad, so he just internalised that. obviously rage and anger issues like vance's lead to violence (not in all cases but in his case it does) and i think a neglectful and abusive upbringing would obviously expose him to more violence than a normal childhood would, therefore normalising it and desensitising him to it, whether he's seeing it play out in his own home and/or on television or something like that (because i doubt his parents would be the kind to monitor what content he's viewing)
i feel like he has little control over his life and that only adds to his anger, which in his case leads to a fight when his buttons are pushed too many times. i think he probably takes great pride in being the toughest in town and whatnot and winning fights and being perceived as strong and scary is good to him and helps him regain control/power, something he doesnt have at home. the rest of the quote from the interview i mentioned earlier states "this pinball machine could have been the only thing that he has in his heart that's like, good, like 'holy cow i did this, i set the score,' so when someone comes along and messes it up for him, it takes away the only thing that he has. i think that that's when he switches to a 'now you're gonna pay for that'"
similar to what i said about fighting, the pinball machine and his high score is something he has control over and its an important part of his reputation/image like. hes literally pinball vance ! and the whole thing about that high score being the "only thing he has in his heart that's good" implies that hes. well. pretty shit at everything else, which is pretty much canon if you remember that gwen said vance was held back twice in school. makes me think that while he's not the brightest in school he's certainly street smart
moving onto ermmmmm him getting kidnapped era because im sure youre wondering "well bee if he's so street smart then why did he get kidnapped" so may i raise two theories (this is. literally all i got and its not even concrete, me and my friend gray (@staggersz) tried to figure out how this could even happen and this is the most plausible thing we've got. so shoutout to him real quick he has had to deal with me being unnormal about vance for like a year and a half thanks king couldnt have done all this without my rotting buddy)
so either he got taken by surprise (most likely option) or vance's trust was gained first via getting given quarters at the pinball machine and small talk and shit like that but this is unlikely because i feel like it'd take a loooooong time for someone like vance to trust a some random stranger adult man when he clearly has issues with trusting and respecting people older than him and people with authority (e.g. cops, his parents, or school officials) so yea being taken by surprise would probably be the most realistic option, i always see people on tiktok being like "how did the grabber kidnap vance hes so strong!!!!" dude its a 15 year old boy against like. a 45 year old man who's already claimed two lives its really not gonna be a fair fight here
before i get into the next part i wanna quickly address a theory i absolutely Hate and it is so easily disproven and that is the theory that vance is the grabber's son or is related to him in some other way and i see it Far too often on tiktok and i HATE it. from what ive seen this all stems from his dream sequence where he kicks open the fence to albert's house and, presumably, goes inside after being dropped off by the police after the grab n go fight. idk if some people just straight up didnt realise this but clearly in real life he is going to his Own House??? in the dream it's only albert's house because this is how he chooses to show gwen the house she's trying to find her brother in, the house that he himself was killed in??? i hate the theory i hate it sm
the dream sequence itself is interesting though as the ghosts seem to only be able to conjure up what theyve seen in real life (like how bruce can picture the outside of the house and show that to gwen but the house number is all flipped and not right beause he doesnt know it) so vance being able to picture the house and the number and the gate and every detail would imply that hes seen it before, but im going to explain that away as either he got out once before like with finney's failed escape attempt, or the house is most likely on the route he walks to school or the grab n go or something and he hasnt actually been there prior to being kidnapped
mini rant over now onto being kidnapped i guess, so i used the missing posters to try and estimate a timeline of how long each ghost boy would've been in the basement for (although the missing posters are notoriously unreliable for details such as looks/height/age/etc, the dates seem to all line up). so we know the order is griffin, billy, vance, bruce, robin, finney, right?? if we use the poster date then billy was taken on may 4th, 1976, a month and two days after griffin was taken (april 2nd 1976). vance was taken on september 23rd 1977, almost a full year later (stay with me im going somewhere with this), and after that bruce was taken on july 18th 1978, again almost a full year later
its established in the movie that the grabber stalks his victims before he takes them (canon because we literally see the van watching finney and gwen as they walk home from school early on in the movie) but we dont know how long he does this for since griffin/billy and robin/finney were taken such short distances apart and then the others were taken such long distances apart, also it's possible he could stalk his next victim while the previous one is still alive, etc etc lots of confusing factors, but if i've done the maths right then the absolute maximum time vance could've spent down there is 9 months and 25 days, or 298 days, so erm . let that sink in !
howeverrrr in the movie gwen states that vance went missing "last spring" and september is definitely not in spring, meaning he could've been down there for a year or even longer. an explanation or excuse i could think of for the movie and the missing poster saying different things (other than the missing posters being known for some areas being wildly inaccurate) is that maybe he was taken in spring but wasnt labelled as officially missing until september, when he was properly linked to griffin and billy's similar disappearances and the mysterious grabber? i can imagine it'd be very easy for law enforcement, especially in the 70s, to dismiss someone like vance as a runaway until they get solid evidence that he was taken. idk though thats just my personal excuse / angsty headcanon for the difference in information
not sure what exactly killed him but we do hear from vance himself that "he took his time with me" so it was probably blood loss from a variety of injuries, if we look at him in his ghost scenes we can see his hair is absolutely covered in blood which indicates head injury, he clearly has a broken nose and bruising around his eyes as a result of it, he has these deep cuts on his abdomen area (apologies for the image quality but i believe they're like. sfx pieces you would wear under clothing)
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and he also has just like. minor bruising (like the fingerprints on his arm) and other random blood splatters on his face and neck (assuming the blood down his neck comes from wherever he was bleeding on his head) so Yeah overall very unpleasant way to die obviously
okay now the part thats actually in the movie and it only took me 13 paragraphs to get here: vance as a ghost!! first thing i wanna point out is appearance wise i just want to say that when he's a ghost he's missing his choker and that fact Pains me. anyway personality-wise i feel like being violently murdered has, understandably, kicked his rage up to like. the highest level it could possibly go. he's insanely snarky and downright rude to finney on the phone, showing no empathy to the fact that finney is literally in the exact situation he was in
i feel like the whole "this is the nightmare end of your pathetic little life" and "if you knew what you had coming, you'd be fucking terrified" thing is definitely to scare finney on purpose and to get him to do something, vance might as well have just told him he's never going home cuz thats how it came across LMAOO, it is startling though because vance is clearly speaking from experience, that he was literally fucking terrified, and he is warning finney in his own weird way
the thing i think sets vance apart from the other ghosts is that while he does help finney, he does it for a different reason than they do. the other ghosts want finney to escape, to get out, to be free, to live, but personally i dont think vance cares about that. the only thing he wants is for albert shaw to be dead, for someone to seek vengeance, to do what vance couldn't. vance doesn't care if it's bruce or robin or finney or whatever boy could've come after that, he doesnt care as long as that man gets what he deserves after what he put vance through, and i see this through the scene at the end of vance's call where finney thanks him for his help and vance says, and i quote, "helping you? this isn't about you, fuck him! and apologies for being repetitive but to me it just literally proves that to vance, this isnt about finney or his escape, its just about revenge
we dont get to find out what happens to the ghosts once the credits have rolled, and i dont think we quite know enough about tbp's version of ghosts to guess what theyre up to, but i have a few theories :3 maybe theyre no longer bound to those two houses and they can now go anywhere they want in town? or maybe since their shared goal of stopping albert has been achieved, the ghosts can finally pass on to whatever is waiting for them next. i dont think vance would be content to pass on that quickly or easily as anger lingers, but i hope he'd be able to let go of it eventually, and hey we might find out in the sequel. i pray it mentions him cuz i will just die if it doesnt
sometimes, ok thats a lie, frequently i think about an au where he survived or escaped or whatever but ohhhh boy this post is already a train wreck so that au would deserve its own essay of a post :3 if u actually genuinely read this far then Wtf thanks for reading the ramblings of an absolute madman, only pure delusion could get like 20 paragraphs about a guy with 6 minutes screentime but hey thats how i roll, thanks again to my pal gray for letting me rot and thank u to my other pal ana for also enduring all this rot
hope u enjoyed my interpretation of vance hopper im going to crawl in a hole now and probably brainrot some more, thanks again for ur time :3
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spideyhexx · 4 months
kit's tbosas notes
here are my notes from reading the first five chapters of tbosas <3 this includes quotes I particularly picked out/thoughts as I read! if you want to discuss anything, pls send any thoughts!
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Starting off with Coryo & Cabbage immediately made me think about the beginning of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which starts the same way, where it's making sure you KNOW he's poor.
Memories of looking at picture books with his mother...no thoughts on this, it just made me sad.
"But better off sad, than dead...," (Pg. 5) - ARE YOU SURE CORIOLANUS
"As if controlling one element of his world would keep him from ruin," (Pg. 7) - Suzanne is telling us everything right from the beginning. Tendency to obsession! He seeks control because he didn't have that for his entire childhood.
Communications Professor - Satyria Click favored Coryo and he's the TA for that class.
Coryo considers flaking over a shirt as the most relatable thing as someone who also deals with anxiety and being meticulous. More on that, there is so much to be known about him in just the first few pages, how perfectionist he is, how badly he tears himself down over image, how much he hates his status...
Tigris is so exceptionally sweet, that it hurts!
He's pricked by a rose immediately and I don't take that moment lightly, that's deeper than it comes off.
I must have forgot reaping day was on July 4th but that's insane.
"LOVE THE BANGS." - Coriolanus is a kiss-up
Gymnasium Mistress is such a silly title - Agrippina Sickle - SEJANUS IS THE TA
Pg. 17 - Sejanus and his soulful brown eyes! Josh comes right off the page as Sejanus, what perfect casting.
There is disdain and camaraderie from Coriolanus' POV regarding Sejanus. He's playing with him but he also kind of likes that?
Coriolanus' first dialogue with Sejanus is about working out.
"Ma? Was Coriolanus' place about to be usurped by someone who referred to his mother as Ma?" (Pg. 20) - Coriolanus being funny.
Coriolanus singing the national anthem in a forceful voice, getting nods of approval over it, and immediately thinking, "It was pathetic," is the most relatable thing I have ever heard. (Pg. 23)
"his insult," referring to Lucy Gray (pg. 25)
Mayfair wetting herself from the snake.
"There was something vaguely familiar about her but disturbing about her," (Pg. 25) - more than just the circus memories he has in this moment.
Sejanus immediately calling that Lucy Gray being chosen was rigged is so interesting to me? The fact he picked up on that out of anyone.
"Don't cry," - CORYO
"Coriolanus wondered if, like him, they were hoping she'd keep singing," (Pg. 29) - he's already in so deep
"But his brain had developed properly; at least he hoped it had," (Pg. 34) - funny coryo
The entire scene of Highbottom insulting Coriolanus is much sadder here in the book than in the film due to the sole fact of what happened before. Coriolanus so badly wants pie, even thinking about getting two slices and after Highbottom insults him, Coriolanus just wants to leave the Academy, he completely disregards how much he wants to eat after he's mocked. Also Coriolanus not knowing why Highbottom hates him? And thinking it's the nickname the students call him. Interesting.
First the threat of losing his apartment, then the lowliest tribute assignment -- who, on further reflection, was definitely crazy..." (Pg. 36) - I actually thought he was gonna say something nice here for some reason.
"As you always say, your roses open any doors," (Pg. 38) - he never forgot this.
Remus Dolittle - Game-maker in training, who lives below Coriolanus
"She was terrifying really. And here he was in his uniform, clutching a rose like some lovesick schoolboy, hoping she would -- what? Like him? Trust him? Not kill him on sight?" (Pg. 39) - thought this was funny.
Coryo waited three hours!!! He felt a mix of pity and revulsion at the tributes.
Coriolanus believing his gravelly voice from not speaking for hours had a nice maturity to it (Pg. 42)
Lucy Gray calls him gorgeous.
He clocks Lucy Gray 'performing' from the get-go (Pg. 42) - and on that note, Lucy Gray feels so much more mysterious in the book since we're inside Coriolanus' head, she comes off as like an enigma and I really do love the discussion of how she is using him almost as much as he's using her. Of course, Coriolanus has worse moments than in regards to her, but she is performing for a lot of this.
I like the change that he sneaks onto the truck in the movie instead of Peacekeepers giving him permission.
"He remembered she carried snakes in her pocket and the usual rules didn't apply to her," (Pg. 43) - funny Coryo
In the truck scene with the tributes, I think the film had better lines (dialogue), especially from Coriolanus
He's a pampered poodle!
"Coriolanus resorted to the one move that had yet to fail him in schoolyard scuffles, driving his knee up hard into his opponent's crotch," (Pg. 45) - okay 1, WHAT SCHOOLYARD SCUFFLES WAS CORYO GETTING INTO and 2, I like that they took this out from the film because it would characterize him more on knowing how to fight at least somewhat but I feel like it strengthens what happens when he kills a tribute in the arena to not see him be violent in any regard beforehand.
"After Lucy Gray's wink, it might be worthwhile to stay," (Pg. 47) - CRAZY, OKAY CORYO!
"HIS GIRL," (Pg. 49) - he's so possessive immediately
"Who were all these people hanging around on a weekday at the zoo? Didn't they have jobs? Shouldn't the children be in school? No wonder the country was such a mess," (Pg. 49) - Coryo continues to be funny
"All the faces...began to blur...his limbs felt numb, his lungs starved for air...he felt immense relief that he was not entirely alone...," (Pg. 49) - This whole section is so key in his character and his immediate liking/trust to Lucy Gray. First, he goes into a panic attack over the situation, and she's the one to ground him and calm him, which we learn later he usually calms down at night with his mother's rose powder scent in the compact and it's just making me think about how he misses that presence or a presence that can ground him and Lucy Gray does that without him even asking.
Coryo felt a spark and a burst of charisma from holding her hand AND she gripped his hand like a vice despite her outward appearance being so calm and confident (Pg. 50)
Lepidus Malmsey - Capitol News
"tried for likable with a hint of roguishness," (Pg. 53) - okay, Coryo
"He thought the combination of cohorts and unceremoniously had just the right note of superiority," (Pg. 54-55) - thinking of himself as superior to the Peacekeepers and also showing his perfectionism even within what words he chooses. He's so pretentious.
Io Jasper adored Coriolanus
"the smell of formaldehyde triggered his gag reflex," (Pg. 55) -wrote this down because I'm a teen boy/j
Coriolanus watched Gaul melt the flesh off of a rat at NINE!!!
Boa Bell is the sweetest name for a cat, I'm in love. She loved Coryo!!! And consoled him :(
"it upset him to think of Boa Bell ending up in the lab," (Pg. 58)
Coriolanus remembers Lucy Gray's words about owning it to help with talking to Gaul and Highbottom. She's so in his head already.
"Coriolanus would have to review the Academy student guide so he could object to the punishment," (Pg. 61) - he's so anxious and particular and insane
he and Lucy Gray were the stars...okay Coriolanus!
"What was Sejanus up to? Was he trying to outdo him and steal the day's thunder?" (Pg. 63) - Coriolanus!!!
Also "that girl wasn't even his tribute," (Pg. 63) - referring to Dill. Sejanus trying to hand out food to anyone. This is such a good way of characterizing him as being sympathetic towards all of them, not just Marcus.
"His dog in a fight," (Pg. 68) - Coriolanus is referring to Lucy Gray here...he's so contradictory because he does make comments about knowing they're not 'animals' and he treats Lucy Gray as a normal human, but then his thoughts reflect more of this! The way he doesn't question it though is a testament to how it's been drilled into his head.
Coriolanus broke his denial of eating after seeing the ketchup in Lucy Gray's sandwich
He gets flustered after openly admitting to Lucy Gray of not having much food at home!!! I feel like the film lost out on so much character for Coryo in regards to his relationship with food because it is so important in almost every chapter. Also, him admitting it this quick to her is another point in showing how he's gained trust for her so quick. He calls himself an idiot over telling her.
"but this caressed his brain, calling her from the depths," (Pg. 71) - referring to Lucy Gray's song as it reminded him of a song his mother sang, then Coryo goes into the backstory of her death. There really is a connection between the love his mother gave him and his relationship with Lucy Gray.
he smells the rose powder when he has trouble sleeping :( this was all such a sad passage to read but especially, "it never failed to calm him with the memory of how it had felt to be loved like that," (Pg. 71) - Like that's very tragic.
The entire conversation with Sejanus, I'm still thinking about it but. It's clear Coriolanus is manipulating his own thoughts with how he sees Sejanus' actions, like Coriolanus almost can't fathom Sejanus is saying/doing things out of the mere goodness of his heart. And if Coriolanus does believe that, he sees it as stupid. And he sees Sejanus' actions as not being grateful for what he has. So at the end of it, Coriolanus is just jealous and spiteful.
"Lucy Gray was one thing belonging to Coriolanus that he [Sejanus] would never, ever get," (Pg. 75) - absolutely wild thing but this goes back to what was said in chapter one!!! Coriolanus wants to be able to control something and add into it what he feels towards Sejanus, it's amplified right now because he has the ability to deprive Sejanus of what he's asking for.
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bambisnc · 7 months
you got mail~!
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➵ from : xu minghao~ ♥︎ (b4 reading look here for cw/tw)
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"remember that bet we made a couple weeks ago? ..yes i’m aware we’ve made several if one were to count but i’m specifically talking about the one where you said that you are, and i quote, “cute as fuck” and charming enough to be able to win over anyone you’d want, myself included. we never really reached a proper conclusion on it; you’d gotten distracted and fled the library on receiving a call from who i’d assumed was your distressed best friend, leaving me there drowning in an oasis of overthinking - i’ve always found your empathy rather.. charming. another incident i’d like to bring up took place during the school camping trip a couple months back,.. i was going through some hard stuff then. obviously there was no reason for me to, and i know that you must have thought of me as more of an asshole than usual, but i was particularly relentless with you - i definitely did say some harsh things which i didn’t mean. you fought back - which, on another note, is also something i admire about you - how you never back down from a challenge - but right before you stormed off in the dark of the night, i saw the faintest shimmer in your eyes.. you were crying. the sharp stab of pain that raced through me, the sound of blood rushing to my head made me unable to choke out the words out of comfort i so strongly wanted to. you missed the presentation that was scheduled for soon after, and i can’t tell you how sick i was with worry. i saw you soon after with the person i believe you were romantically interested in then, whispering something softly to each other. and that, sweetheart, was my italicized ‘oh’ moment. i admit it was obviously not the best time to realize it; i didn’t want to a home wrecker?? there was also the fact that you probably hated me with all of your existence.. so i did everything i could, i put in all the effort to be able to gain back your favor. i’m sure you would have been wondering where the sudden niceties where coming from. to be very honest, i think a part of me always knew, subconsciously, how much your presence meant to me - our rivalry in a way encouraging me to do my best - and how much i wanted to treasure you. i called you 'sweetheart', defending it to myself as it being a petty insult but maybe i just liked affixing an endearment to you..
not much else to say now, except, well, you’ve won. you’ve got me hopelessly falling for you. you make me feel emotions i’ve never felt before and i can’t help but feel terrified. you have me losing sleep daily thinking of you, your unfaltering confidence in goodness, your dedication to whatever you put your mind to, your witty remarks, and that infuriatingly gorgeous smile of yours that i seem to be rather incapable of resisting, because how can i not let that infectious joy and optimism of yours settle into my veins, my skin, my heart. i’ve let you run away from me twice. i refuse to let that happen again. i'm willing to fight, to beg, to wait. to do whatever you ask of me. I’m aware a relation like ours cannot just be redone completely in a day, but i promise if you give me the chance, i’m more than willing to make it all up to you and make you happy, so please, let me now make sure that i can treat you with all the love you deserve, sweetheart."
~ yours (if you so choose to accept me ♡︎)
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[check out my masterlist for more >.<]
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partiallyderived · 1 year
-ˋˏ life's too short to hold grudges (pgw)
genre: classmates to lovers au, fluff relationships: park gunwook x gn!reader warnings: n/a word count: 594 words author's note: i thought i would write something light. it isn't all that remarkable, but i still hope you enjoy it! disclaimer: i know none of these people personally, and i am not making any money off of this. title is from a quote in "anne of green gables". also, thank you to moni (@/taerrrrrae) for suggesting i write headcanons when i got writer's block. i appreciate you.
— honestly, the best way to explain your dynamic is to take the example of anne shirley and gilbert blythe from "anne of green gables", only with much less antagonism and outright disdain, because park gunwook is polite enough not to mock your hair colour, so you have no reason to crack the modern equivalent of a slate chalkboard over his head.
— the first time you see him, you think he's got to be a senior — except no, this guy is the top scorer in your class: debate club member, class monitor, teacher's everyone's favourite, park gunwook.
— and for no rational reason whatsoever, you declare war on him.
— it ends up only lasting for a month or so, until the next internal assessment, when you get a higher grade than him in physics, and he ends up messaging you at nine o'clock that night — very apologetically — wondering if you could maybe help him with some of the derivations.
— you tell him to come to school a little earlier the next day, and help him to understand the reasoning behind each step before class, and gunwook can honestly say — this is the moment his little crush on you begins.
— however, your teachers are ecstatic that he has more competition now, and because high schoolers love drama and inculcate it in everything they do, everyone becomes convinced that you two are friends not genuinely, but in some sort of psychological warfare way.
— like you're trying to take him down by sitting across from him at lunch and sending him the notes he misses from class when he's at debate competitions?
— and the thing is when gunwook tries to refute the allegations, everyone seems to think that a) he's being too nice b) he's being too naive and c) (courtesy of ricky, gyuvin and junhyeon from the class above) he should just ask you out.
— it's a little bit funny, how everyone seems convinced that you two hate each other behind your friendly facades, but also mildly concerning — because they're way too invested in something that has nothing to do with anyone but you two. so your genius solution is: spend more time together, in public.
— poor gunwook is about to combust.
— and it is on one of these days — at the library, after school, when you've taken his help to grab the reference books the librarians keep on the highest shelves — that he says, very quietly, "i think i like you."
— and you take it jokingly because what the actual heck who confesses in a library when it is pin drop silent and the librarians are watching and say, "i should hope so? otherwise it would make the past few months really awkward."
— "no, i mean — i like like you. in a romantic sort of way."
— and your very articulate response? "oh. well, uh, i like you too. i was going to ask you out on graduation day, or like, after the suneung."
— and then you both continue on as if nothing happened, because both of you are aware of your need to focus on school. although that's not to say there's any miscommunication — you are aware of his stance on dating now, as gunwook is aware of your stance on dating now, and the agreement both of you have is: you'll be together officially, just without the actual going out aspect.
— it doesn't change much of your daily dynamic, only that people quickly shut up when he walks into class with your books in one hand and your hand in the other.
— power couple. 10/10.
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blood-orange-juice · 11 months
About Childe and his weird gender again, expanding on this post.
I think it has a lot to do with how gender is constructed. Male gender has very clear-cut prescriptions, mostly it's everything that is considered "good" or "human" in current culture. The expectations it places on a person may not be realistic or achievable but they are very clear. Great importance is also placed on separating itself from Everything Female. Things That Are Too Much. Things that break the current culture meaning-making procedures.
Women, while having quite a few prescriptions of their own, also deal with whatever fell through the cracks. Someone needs to ensure the world still functions and reality is never completely covered by whatever official model of the world we currently have.
So women deal with the things men have the luxury not to notice. Mostly bodily and psychological aspects and societal injustice that are not supposed to exist in the ideal picture of society men have imagined. (to be fair, it happens to anyone oppressed and othered. the task of not letting the oppressors meet with reality is delegated to them. I'm just talking about women specifically in this post. but there's a reason oppressed minorities always have ties to supernatural in folklore)
In a way, feminine women are very scary. Walking semiotic horrors.
And I explain all this to say that Childe can be perceived as feminine in two ways.
First, with his disregard for all and any societal norms he just doesn't follow the normal gender prescriptions. He plays a superhero/knight role because it's shiny and it reminds him of the stories he loved as a kid. He doesn't suppress his love for his family because it brings him joy. He looks pretty because looks are a weapon too. He does all these things that would be either stereotypically masculine or painfully unmasculine for anyone else who cares about what society thinks, but he doesn't really see any difference between them. He truly, genuinely doesn't care what others think.
Second, he's also painfully aware of the dark and insane parts of the universe everyone else has the luxury to ignore. He also knows no one cares so he dances around the things a normal guy would never have to deal with (it's such a stereotypical female experience. sometimes I wonder if that's why women rarely like Lovecraft. it's not scary or exciting to them, it's just Tuesday).
But that's just our perception, a trick of light. These are not necessarily gendered.
He also gives an impression of someone extremely vulnerable, yes, but I don't think he handles his vulnerability in a feminine way. He just doesn't hide it and we are used to labeling everything vulnerable as feminine.
He also doesn't really do anything feminine-labeled in a characteristic female way. He isn't really in contact with his emotions (despite having a lot of them), him caring about people takes the form of "protector and provider". his cooking... have you seen his cooking? He doesn't look for support and doesn't try to build things that last. He doesn't accept his vulnerability. If anything, he's trying to pretend he has no vulnerabilities and maybe no psyche at all. He's self-sacrificing in a very male way too. Because he was there and because he could and because it's a cool thing to do.
So he's just that. Himself. Someone outside of gender.
(or rather his gender is knightcore)
If we perceive him as feminine it says more about how our culture perceives gender than about who Childe is.
Also, quoting my previous post, it's a part of him being full of contradictions. For every thing that he does he also does the exact opposite, and this holds for gender too.
Yes he lives the male power fantasy. He also does it in an incredibly feminine way. I think this was Hoyo's original intention and then it blossomed into this human disaster we see.
And to end up on a joke, surely you all have seen that leaked art that is theorised to be Skirk but could have also been an early design of Childe before Hoyo decided to make him a guy.
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irkendogma · 6 months
tak is the main antagonist for this crossover fic im writing and due to the lack of canon content beyond literally that one episode and some of etf, sometimes i worry im not doing her any justice or it’s too ooc. what do you think would be the best way to write tak in your opinion? (if you happen to have any advice on the matter. just wondering! byeeee💃)
i'm genuinely so relieved at the specification of "in your opinion" because i have such a strange long-lasting attachment to tak that i think i would second-guess my thoughts on her in an objective vacuum to the point of just saying "she should be purple". but as it is i now have the freedom to go stupid crazy about it
i think there's a number of crucial elements to tak, but i think the one that people miss most in writing her is that she isn't just meant to be a more competent counterpart to zim - she's a direct parallel in terms of her ego, motivation, and backstory (the latter particularly as a result of treatment by irken society)
like zim, tak has an enormous ego and an audacity that places herself above anyone else, even the empire itself (see: her custom invader insignia. that's like drawing a crucifix but substituting yourself for jesus after being refused by the church), and like zim, in spite of her disregard for the empire's rulings she's striving for recognition both by it and within it (to quote her: "the plan i have in store for this nasty rock will so impress the tallest that they'll have no choice but to make me an invader"). the same way zim "quit being banished", tak "escaped" from the janitorial squad she was placed under as a stopgap job until the next elite test in seventy years
i've seen some people write her as tall, but in my opinion her being only very, very slightly taller than zim is not just a stylistic choice but an essential part of her character that draws her backstory together: technically that janitorial job wasn't even a punishment, it was just deemed the most suitable position for her in the absence of official imperial proof that she was capable of anything "better" or "higher" that would've been afforded to a taller more easily
that she made it so far in the elite course at all in spite of her height gives context and precedent to the competence and sheer refusal to admit defeat she exhibits in her attempt to destroy earth, a planet she initially believes is already undergoing an officially-sanctioned invasion judging from how bitterly she tells zim about what should've been "rightfully hers", down to specifically mentioning the great assigning - loops back to her audacity, in that she has zimlike degrees of ego regardless of how hard the circumstances logistically are aligned to stomp her back down (see again her quote where she confidently states her plan to hijack an official invasion will impress the tallest to the point they won't mind her flagrantly flaunting the rules). she would've spent so much of her life striving to meet her own exceedingly high expectations, not the exceedingly low ones assumed of someone her height, that this likely isn't far from her standard procedure of "show them i can do it better than the rules say"
what sets her apart from zim, i think, is in how much she's allowed herself to let those miserable expectations get to her and leave her pettier, more vindictive, less grandstanding speeches like zim than showing off everything she's capable of as often as possible, no matter how necessary (ALL the stupid parkour she does for no reason) - which i think is admittedly less her fault than partially being the result of her having actually experienced her confidence failing her when the entire future she'd set up for herself was pulled out from underneath her
unlike zim, who experiences failure regularly but never has it truly sink in, tak had the entirety of her progress wiped off the board in a single moment as a result of circumstances entirely beyond her control: i think a large part of the reason she resents zim so deeply and sincerely isn't solely because of the practical consequences of her missing her test (though it is in no way insignificant to it) but because he was the one who broke her streak - he was the one who made her brutally aware that no matter how she built herself up, no matter what proof she offered, she could still fail and be crushed into exactly the nobody she was expected to be
and she just cannot abide that, no matter what, because even if the memory of helplessness and humiliation will never go away (not that she'd acknowledge it wouldn't), if she can make him hurt the same way maybe that will give back to her some of the power and control over her life and her identity that she lost in losing her potential status as a real, sanctioned invader
also, i do think she should be purple. she seems to have a great attachment to aesthetics and individual style, given her custom pseudo-elite uniform (which we see her wearing even in training, on her test day), the fact she designed and programmed her hologram specifically to have the distinguishing marking of a beauty spot in the same place she has one on her actual face, and her penchant for making nearly every damn piece of her tech purple some way (minus mimi, who while being her own bootleg SIR unit still follows the same red color scheme as a functional one) - even the cockpit of the spittle runner she pilots is initially purple before it's ejected as an escape pod, and the magma pump's interior looks like this:
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girl likes giving things her own little touches whether that's in terms of her trademark color, her near-blasphemous custom imperial logo, or her doing a tactical slide between bars of a railing instead of just stepping normally onto the floor
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hello-nichya-here · 4 months
Some Peter Pan 2003 edits, enjoy.
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(Nichya, do you agree with me by thinking this movie is the few examples of a live action Disney remake being as good if not better than the original?)
I agree and there's a very good reason why that is the case: it wasn't made by Disney, but by Universal, who wanted to be more loyal to the original story - and like Jason Isaac's himself said, that was the thing that made this movie so different from most adaptations of it.
I'm gonna be real, I used to hate basically every version of Peter Pan, mainly because of the Disney cartoon being my introduction to the story. I just never understood why Wendy liked him, or why he liked her, or how Neverland was in anyway special/different from any generic "Magic place", or why I should care if any of these characters leave it behind or stay. And keep in mind, this was coming from a child that was all about the Disney formulas. Peter Pan, as a concept, just REALLY felt hollow to little me.
... And then I watched this movie.
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Let me tell you, 6-year-old Nichya was OBSESSED with this movie (and with Jason Isaac as Hook). 24-year-old Nichya too, even more so actually, because EVERYTHING ABOUT IT is perfect - including the thing that aged "poorly", aka the special effects.
Neverland doesn't really look real and that's good. The dated effects, the epic music and the very colorful lighting make it look like a place that could only exist in dreams, so when Wendy and her brothers are in awe of it, I totally get it. Today's tendency of films in which every scene look super dark and/dull makes me appreciate it even more.
The lighting also does wonders for the storytelling, showing Peter's magical connection with Neverland as it changes based on his emotional state, or in moments like Wendy seeing Hook for the first time, with the extra focus on his eyes - you can practically hear the book quote of Wendy being fascinated instead of frightened.
Speaking of the book, the fact that this adaptation had the guts to go with THE thing that could end making it far too corny and silly, aka the "kiss" Wendy has on her lips and that shows she's starting to grow up and become interested in romance is SUCH an important plot-point and key aspect of her character arc, and is delightful to see an adaptation that goes "We already have a magical land, fairies, mermaids, and a boy that stays a kid forever. How is the 'kiss' going to make it less realistic? It's fantasy already!"
And I love, love, love how they make sure we know who Wendy is outside of romance (a storyteller that wants adventure, a child that is both really mature and responsible, but also activelly trying to escape that role, someone who is very motherly but has a ton of anxiety about the prospect of eventually being the adult in charge) - but without ever downplaying how much her romance with Peter means to her.
He was the boy that was giving her everything she was looking for at the moment: friendship, adventure, excitement, and, more importantly, a way to escape any responsibility she didn't want - forever. He really is the hero she had been waiting for, and that, as a consequence, makes her realize that growing up and eventually having a family is not that scary after all, as long as she finds the right person, someone who understands her and that she trusts.
Obviously, she doesn't want to get married and have a ton of kids NOW, but she wants the promise that this will happen - when they're ready for it, when they're older. But Peter Pan is no ordinary boy. It's not just that he's too immature to fully embrace his feelings for Wendy right now, and could truly allow himself to love her later. He is NEVER going to reach that point, he's far too afraid to allow himself the chance to even try. And that breaks Wendy's heart.
And it breaks Peter's heart too, because he WANTS to be loved, and he already cares for Wendy in a way he never cared about anyone else. But because of who he is, she, and everyone else, will inevitably leave him. Because ALL children grow up. He is the only one who was blessed, and cursed, to be the exception.
He'll never be a husband and father. He will never be someone's child or sibling. He's the true lost boy, out of reach forever. He is truly free from everything and everyone, but the price is the knowledge that, sooner or later, he will find himself completely alone time and time again. And Wendy, the girl he loves, will one day either forget him or grow old and die - after having lived a full life with someone else, because Peter couldn't, and wouldn't, grow old with her.
He's doomed to be lonely forever... just like Hook. But unlike Hook, when he is immature and selfish (like when he closes the window at Wendy's house in the hopes that she'll believe her parents stopped waiting for her and her siblings), he does it out of pure desperation, because he's a child that genuinely doesn't know any better.
Hook however, is coming from a place of malice. When he "pursues" Wendy, he does out of jealousy that Peter managed to find true love, while he will never have that. He does it to steal that from him, to hurt him, to make him endure the pain of knowing that, of all people that could have replaced him in Wendy's heart, he was the one who did it.
And, of course, while he never really does anything to Wendy, the constant implication that, at any second, he might, looms large. Their dynamic is inherently predatory, with Hook exploiting the fact that Wendy is mature enough to want a romantic connection, but is still too naive to understand all the implications behind it, and, more importantly, that no adult that wants to be with her like that could possibly be someone she's safe with it.
He is an intriguing, tragic figure like Peter and thus can "seduce" her rather easily too (the fact that Jason Isaacs is really fucking hot doesn't hurt either), but he is doing it through constant manipulation, reminding her that she can never have the boy she actually wants and exploiting her childish need to have some form of petty revenge against him for it, by "befriending" the person he hates the most in the whole world.
But there's another thing that brings her closer to Hook: the fact that, despite being the complete opposite of her father, he still LOOKS like him, is the real adult authority figure around, and he is offering her advice and comfort when she experiences her first heartbreak. He represents both her adolescent impulse to rebel, to proove she's grown already, and her childlike instinct to just run to the arms of her parent and let him call the shots because she's afraid of making mistakes and wants someone who can tell her what to do, how she's supposed to act.
There is a recurring theme through the movie of Wendy's mostly innocent fantasies being read through an adult lenses (see the teacher's concern and offense at the drawing of Peter above her in bed - because he's FLYING, not touching her in anyway). Much like when she was the "mother" of the Lost Boys, when she is by Hook's side, Wendy is a child playing pretend. But the threat Hook poses is very real and his intentions are downright evil. Because Wendy ran away from the flawed, but well-meaning adults she could trust, she walked right into the trap of a very dangerous man that is taking advantage of her need for a protector, a mentor.
And that's why the kiss scene is the perfect climax for the movie, as it concludes three character arcs at once. It shows us Wendy choosing true love, however fleeting, instead of Hook's lies, and indulging in one last childhood fantasy before growing up. It gives Peter the only form of closure he could ever have, knowing that even if he can't be with Wendy, he will always be "the one" for her and won't ever be forgotten, just like he won't ever forget her, because they mean too much to each other. And Hook is forced to accept that, because he can't connect with anyone without manipulation, which could never last, his life truly is void in a way even Peter's never would be.
So yeah, it's a great movie with serious guts, and everyone else can just quit trying to make a new adaptation, reboot, sequel, prequel or whatever because they're never getting anywhere near this level of quality.
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lanascola69 · 2 years
neville goddard | out of this world
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hi everyone - i recently purchased and finished reading “out of this world, thinking fourth dimensionally” by neville goddard! it was a quick and easy read and i took some notes and gathered some quotes to share with their meanings a little more simplified. if you don’t feel like reading neville or haven’t made the time to yet, take some of these quotes from him to better understand the law and apply it!
out of this world | thinking fourth dimensionally | neville goddard | published in 1949
chapter one | out of this world ❤
“the spiritual man speaks to the natural man through the language of desire” (pg. 6) our higher self + subconscious mind knows what we want! TRUST in yourself!
“assumptions, although unreal to the senses, if persisted in, until they have the feeling of reality, will harden into facts,” (pg. 13) you must change your 4D first in order for your 3D to change.
chapter two | assumptions become facts ❤
“you cannot continue desiring what you have already realized. your desire is not something you labor to fulfill, it is recognizing something you already possess . . . believing and being are one,” (pg. 22) manifestation is not explicitly about seeing results in the 3D, it’s more so about changing your mindset and thought pattern.  you change your thought pattern and you are GOLDEN for the rest of your life! make your mind a happy place to be :)
“if however, it is the good of others that you desire . . . you must represent them to yourself as already being that which you desire them to be,” (pg. 23) this is for when you want to change the way someone shows up in your life. meditate them to be how you desire them to show up. see them already the way you wish them to be. everyone is you pushed out and they have no choice to conform.
“how the waking dream becomes physical fact is not our concern,” (pg. 28 )it is not our job to WORRY about exactly “how” it will happen in the 3D. let your subconscious take care of that, it knows what you want! a natural bridge of events will occur. be excited for what's to come and EASE the need for control!
chapter three | power of imagination ❤
“man’s imagination is the man himself, and the world as imagination sees it as the real world, but it is our duty to imagine all that is lovely and of good report,” (pg. 32) if you KNOW that your thoughts create, why would you think of anything other than good for yourself?
“desire is the power imagination uses to fashion life about me as i fashion within myself,” (pg. 32) if you desire it, you are meant to embody it! there’s a reason you get desires that nobody else does. what you want is meant for you. it’s waiting for you. creation is finished! we all don’t have the EXACT same desires do we??? “i look as though i were seeing that which i want to see, and the imagined state becomes objectively real,” (pg. 32)
“unlike the world of three dimensions where there is an interval between our assumption and its fulfillment, in the dimensionally larger world there is an immediate realization of our assumption,” (pg. 36) mentally LIVE in the 4D. you desire something? boom. it’s done. your mind must arrive at the destination before everything else (the 3D) does!
“that is, if i do not believe that i am already that which i desire to be, then i remain as i am and die in my present concept of self,” (pg. 39) do you believe that you are already what you desire to be? your desires have nothing to do with anyone else, how anyone else shows up, what circumstances are in place already, etc. it all has to do with YOURSELF!
“that man who is accustomed to call up at will whatever he pleases, will be, by virtue of the power of his imagination, master of his fate,” (pg. 39) make conscious creation a habit! a wonderful, beautiful habit and hack to a better life! you just gotta work on exercising that mental muscle.
chapter four | no one to change but self ❤ (my favorite chapter)
“it is finished,” (pg. 41) this is the EXACT mindset to have/be in. just these 3 simple words need to be what goes through your head!
“as soon as we succeed in transforming ourselves, the world will melt magically before our eyes and reshape itself in harmony with that which our transformation affirms,” (pg. 42) change must happen inward first in order to see a change physically
“nothing is more important to us than our conception of ourselves, and especially is this true of our concept of the dimensionally greater One within us,” (pg. 43) self concept = positive image of yourself + belief you are the operant power
“it is our conception of ourselves which frees or constrains us, though it may use material agencies to achieve its purpose,” (pg. 43) are you going to let your mind control you? or you control your mind? build your mental muscle!
“we can rely absolutely on the justice of this law to give us only that which is the nature of ourselves,” (pg. 44) it’s called the LAW of assumption, therefore, it cannot fail!!! whether you believe it or not, it's been occurring 24/7 since birth. your thoughts create + manifest 24/7.
“if we would become as emotionally aroused over our ideals as we become over our dislikes we would ascend to the plane of our ideal as easily as we now descend to the level of our hates,” (pg. 46) DWELL in your affirmations, not your thoughts against them.
this was my first time reading neville and i finished the book in less than two days! it’s definitely one of his books that is much easier to understand. word-wise it was much more simplified and it didn’t feel too academically-written. this book also has step by step instructions on SATs which is helpful! i def recommend reading it whether through purchasing the book, listening to the audiobook on youtube or finding a free PDF online! | lanascola69
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lucky-clover-gazette · 3 months
prince's gambit highlights & annotations
chapter 13
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
These were the men who had destroyed Tarasis...
context: framing vere so akielos would attack them. regent’s people i assume
He looked instinctively for a pale head. And found it to his left: Laurent was dragged forward, by the same man who had ordered him bound, and he hit the ground as Damen had done, shoulder-first. Damen watched Laurent push himself up into a sitting position, and from there—with the slightly altered balance of a man whose hands are lashed behind his back—to his knees. He received a sideways blue-eyed glance at the halfway point, and saw everything he believed reflected in that hard single look. ‘This time, don’t get up,’ was all Laurent said.
for a second, they’re both on the same level of being dominated by the circumstances. but then laurent says “fuck that” and gets up to save their asses
The clan leader didn’t want Laurent on his feet, and strode forward, snapping an order. Laurent didn’t comply. Laurent answered him back in Vaskian, but—for once in his life—Laurent got only two words out before the man simply did what most people wanted to do when speaking with Laurent: he hit him. It was the sort of blow that had sent Aimeric sprawling against a wall and then to the floor. Laurent staggered back a step, paused, then returned his glittering gaze to the man and said something deliberately and liltingly clear in impenetrable Vaskian dialect that caused several of the onlookers to double over with laughter, clutching each other’s shoulders, while the man who had hit Laurent rounded on them, and started shouting.
truly a testament to laurent’s strong characterization that we don’t even need dialogue to picture exactly what’s happening here and cheer him on
The clan leader stepped in close, too close to hit Laurent—close enough that he was breathing all over Laurent when he slid his hand slowly down over Laurent’s body. Damen moved before he realised it, heard the sounds of impact and resistance, felt the burn in his veins. His faculties were obliterated by anger. He was not thinking about tactics. That man had laid hands on Laurent, and Damen was going to kill him.
something about the way he was willing to let laurent get himself beat up, but SNAPPED when things switched to sexual assault… it’s not just a jealousy thing, or even a jealousy thing at all. even subconsciously, damen knows laurent does not feel the same way about sex as he does. once again, i think of the garden scene. that would have been torture for laurent, but it didn't really bother damen all that much in retrospect. i think damen understands the difference between them.
The Regent wanted Laurent dead. These men were different. They probably wanted Laurent alive until they no longer wanted him.
not so different at all, unfortunately
If Damen wondered dazedly what it was Laurent had said, he did not have to wonder long. The clan leader was so pleased by Laurent’s words that he was inspired to draw close to Damen, and translate. The words emerged in guttural, thickly accented Veretian: ‘He says, “Fast death doesn’t hurt,”’ just before a fist was applied to Damen’s stomach.
such an interesting callback to book 1. laurent uses his well-practiced performative cruelty to save damen’s life, at least for now.
They had not considered his size, or the fact that, by now, he was seriously annoyed, having long ago reached the threshold of what he would tolerate.
“he was seriously annoyed [by the brutal beating]” damen characterization remains consistent
Since Laurent had decided not to follow through on his own reckless gambit, it was going to be Damen’s pleasure to escape the hard way.
this was the gambit. he knew you would
If he had had any doubts that these were the men who had attacked Tarasis, they were banished when the two men changed formation into one that was used to take advantage of Akielon sword tactics. Damen’s eyes narrowed.
so the regent had kastor send them?
He frankly expected that Laurent, by this time, would have used his brain to pick off a few clansmen of his own. As it turned out, he had.
With his pale head, Laurent was easy to pick out. Laurent had found his way to the fringes of the camp, and, while other people were doing his fighting for him, he was calmly looking about himself for a way to untie his hands.
i love how casual this is
Laurent said, ‘What took you so long?’ ‘You planned this?’ said Damen. He didn’t know why it came out as a question. Of course Laurent had planned this. The second part did not come out like a question. ‘You arranged a counterattack with the women, then came out here as bait to draw out the men.’ Grimly, ‘If you knew we were going to be rescued—’ ‘I thought evading that Akielon troop drove us too far out of our way, and that we’d missed our rendezvous with the women. He did hit me too,’ said Laurent. ‘Once,’ said Damen. And swept up his sword in the way of the man coming towards them. The man, expecting a kill, was startled to find his slashing blow met. Then he was dead. Laurent withdrew the point of the knife from the man’s ribcage and did not argue further, because by now, the fighting was on them.
not really an apology from laurent, but close enough. and i love it when they fight together
Better for everyone if no men escaped to tell their tale to the Regent, and so they fought together, killing with efficient purpose.
ok so i was right!! direct order/bribe from the regent
Damen, seeing Laurent in the horse’s path, appraising the situation like a mathematical problem, took a handful of the fabric at the back of Laurent’s jacket and pulled him hard out of the way.
He felt Laurent’s hand wrap around his bicep in a firm grip, and exert a pull. ‘Down,’ said Laurent.
for appearances? i assume?
To Laurent she said, ‘You fight well. It’s a shame you do not have the size to breed great warriors. But you are not malformed. Your woman may not be displeased.’ Then, in the spirit of benevolence, ‘Your face is well balanced.’ She slapped him encouragingly on the back, ‘You have very long eyelashes. Like a cow. Come. We will sit together, drink, and eat meats. Your slave is virile. Later he will service at the coupling fire.’
so many words were just said at once.
Damen felt the tenderness in his left side with each breath, and in his arms, when he did not repress it, was the fine tremor that occurs in muscles that have been restrained in bindings for too long, or pushed for an extended period beyond their usual limitations. Laurent answered in a hard, unyielding voice, ‘The slave lies in no bed but mine.’
ship brain is like “oooh laurent jealous” but i think it’s actually something even better? laurent knows damen is injured and is saving him from the physical exertion. because he cares about damen. or maybe he just needs him in good condition. i’m sure he’d only admit the latter
‘You couple with men, in the Veretian style?’ said Halvik. ‘Then he will be taken and prepared for you; he will be given good cuts of meat, and hakesh, so that when he mounts you, his endurance will bring you great pleasure. You see? This is Vaskian hospitality.’
edward elric thumbs-up meme “i see no difference, love is love”
That was to the other side of the camp, to be washed of the dirt that was the inevitable result of a day’s ride during which one has been thrown to the ground several times by one’s captors, then killed several of them.
craft note (kinda): this sentence made me smile
Damen braced himself, gathering his remaining strength, for what was to follow, but almost to his surprise, he did not have his mouth prised open and hakesh poured immediately down his throat. He wasn’t forced into anything. He was treated as a guest, or at least, as the possession of a guest, to be buffed and polished and taken to where the guest would want him.
which must have been laurent’s specific orders :) enjoy the spa day
He was under no illusion that he was going to be taken to the campfire to roll around with Laurent. If anything, he was going to be taken to the campfire to watch Laurent do some inventive sidestepping.
that’s his foreplay
And it was hospitably equipped, for men’s pleasure. The foot of the tent held the jug of hakesh, a second jug of water, a hanging lamp, cloths, and three small stoppered bottles containing oils that were not for the lamp.
“hey can you go get the sex tent supplies” “yeah sure which ones” “the gay ones thanks”
Damen pushed himself up on an elbow, and propped his head on his hand, his fingers in his hair. He saw that Laurent was looking at him. Not watching him, as he did sometimes, but looking at him, as a man might look at a carving that has caught his attention.
you are like half-naked damen. i love how we’re getting more and more of these Laurent Attraction Moments >:)
Meeting Damen’s eyes eventually, Laurent said, ‘Here’s to Vaskian hospitality.’ ‘It’s a traditional garment. All the men wear them,’ Damen said, eyeing Laurent’s fur cloak with curiosity. Laurent dropped the cloak from his shoulders. Beneath it he wore some kind of Vaskian bedclothes, a tunic and pants of very fine white linen, with a series of loose ties in front. ‘Mine has a little more fabric. Are you disappointed?’ ‘I would be,’ said Damen, rearranging his legs again, ‘if the lamp weren’t behind you.’
okay i know the last line is some kind of subtly implied sexual innuendo but i don’t know what exactly it’s referring to. i can guess but this isn’t exactly my literary area
Damen said: ‘Thank you for—’ There was no delicate way of saying it, so he gestured generally to the inside of the tent. ‘Asserting droit de seigneur? . . . How inflamed are you?’ ‘Stop it. I didn’t drink the hakesh.’ ‘I’m not sure that’s quite what I asked,’ said Laurent. His voice had the same quality as his gaze. ‘This is close quarters.’ ‘Close enough to see your eyelashes,’ said Damen. ‘It’s lucky you do not have the size to breed great warriors.’ And then he stopped himself. This was the wrong mood. This was the mood if he were here with a warm, amenable partner, someone he could tease and pull in towards himself, not Laurent, chaste as an icicle. ‘My size,’ said Laurent, ‘is the usual. I am not made in miniature. It’s a problem of scale, standing next to you.’
translation? i guess? d: thank you for the— l: asserting my right to exclusively have sex with you? how turned on are you, to be considering that? d: shut up. i didn’t drink the sex drugs l: not what i asked. i asked if you were turned on. we are pretty close to each other. d: we are close. too bad you have a small dick l: it’s average. you’re just a giant animal.
did i get it right? i know how to do complex analysis of their trauma, but this subtle innuendo-heavy dirty talk is almost like another language to me
It was like being pleased by a thorn bush, feeling fond of every prickle. Another second and he was going to say something ridiculous like that.
silly with love <3
After a slight pause, Laurent said, almost carefully, ‘I realise that in my service you do not have a great deal of opportunity to pursue the usual—avenues for release. If you need to avail yourself of the coupling fire—’ ‘No,’ said Damen. ‘I don’t want a woman.’
an uncharacteristically considerate moment from laurent. although maybe he’s just trying to give damen, and himself, an out from whatever the hell is going on between them. he feels the mutual attraction and it makes him feel nervous and out of control, so he tells himself (and damen) that damen must have something (someone) better to do
Laurent said, ‘I told the clansmen to make it hurt.’ Damen said, ‘It saved my life.’ After a pause, Laurent said, ‘Since I can’t throw a sword.’
another kinda-apology from laurent! and an admission that it’s the only way he specifically could have rescued damen—morally questionably, in comparison with damen just throwing a fuckin sword at the guy trying to kill laurent
‘You know by now that these were the same men who attacked Tarasis. Halvik and her riders will escort ten of them with us to Breteau, and from there to Ravenel, where I will use them to try to lever this border deadlock open.’ Adding, almost apologetically: ‘Halvik receives the rest of the men, and all of the weapons.’
apologetically, i assume, because laurent is very vocally against the whole “people owning other people” thing. it’s just interesting that he’s apologetic about it to damen, who is both his slave and a slave owner himself. maybe the apology is more general, for compromising his morals or not drawing the line with halvik
he could also be apologizing because these are akielions, but damen killed a fuckton of them, so
He followed that thought to its conclusion. ‘She has agreed to use the weapons raiding Akielos to the south, rather than anywhere inside your borders.’
oh, so it was about akielos! the weapons will be used to attack damen’s nation. well that’s nice of laurent to be vaguely apologetic about
‘And at Ravenel, you mean to expose your uncle as the sponsor of the attack.’ ‘Yes,’ said Laurent. ‘I think . . . things are about to become very dangerous.’ ‘“About to become,”’ said Damen.
“no kidding”
‘Touars is the one who needs convincing. If you hated Akielos,’ said Laurent, ‘more than anything, and you’d been given one chance to hit them as never before, what would stop you? Why would you put down your sword?’ ‘I wouldn’t,’ said Damen. ‘Maybe if I was angrier at someone else.’ Laurent let out a strange breath, then looked away.
laurent is definitely thinking about the multiple times now that damen has attacked people trying to hurt him, and trying to make sense of whatever the fuck that means
‘This is not the way I planned to spend the eve of war,’ said Laurent. ‘With me in your bed?’ ‘And in my confidences,’ said Laurent.
a few chapters ago i wrote several paragraphs about laurent’s intentional cognitive dissonance. and i was riiiiiiiight
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inastarlesssky · 7 months
In Defense of Dramione - an essay
Okay, time for another Ted talk/ soapbox/ pointless rambling...Putting it under the cut because I have opinions.
In Defense of Dramione - an essay
First of all, I want to say I ship Dramione. Which is a recent thing, specifically about half a year ago. I didn't always because well it never occurred to me that you could. Of course, that's how ships are. We ship some ships bc they're canon, okay, fine. But we ship a whole lot others that aren't because you name whatever reason (they've got chemistry, they WORK, they're better than the canonically approved pairings whatever the hell else, idk). My point is, it had never crossed my mind that I myself would actually like the idea of Draco and Hermione. Bc naturally, you look at them and you think, "He did insult her when they were children. He was an asshat, etc etc." But...BUT.
You know that trope Enemies to Lovers? Ever heard of redemption arcs? Yeah, those are things. Of course, I don't speak on behalf of everyone in the fandom because we all have our reasons for why. But I ship them because there is potential in Draco's character for growth, for repentance, for redemption. I believe that he's capable, when he's an adult of realizing that he fucked up and that the beliefs he was spoonfed as a child are not the law of the land. I've read more fics than I can count that describe this character arc for him and they do it masterfully. Honestly, I think he's a pretty complex character and I believe that we see a sliver of that in the last few movies. Like look, in 6th year, Harry hit him with Sectumsempra and nearly killed him. But when the Golden Trio were at the Manor and it was on Draco's shoulders to identify Harry and basically seal their doom, did he do it? Did he rat them out? Nope.
Maybe this wasn't exactly Draco "forgiving" Harry, admittedly. But Draco saw that Harry was their only hope for destroying Voldemort or for having some sliver of a winning chance, of a possibility of surviving the mess Voldemort was orchestrating. He obviously deemed it important enough to dare to lie, especially knowing that Bellatrix would have summoned the Dark Lord himself in the next few moments. If Draco really didn't care about the outcome of everything, he wouldn't have done that. If anything, we see that he cares at least about the safety of his family because that could have also been the motive. But that gets me thinking, couldn't he also have confirmed Harry's identity? Voldy would have arrived, perhaps praised Draco and spared the Malfoys to die another die. So really, Draco might have gotten more out of it if he HAD confirmed Harry's identity. Hmm food for thought.
Second point, I'm not going to judge anyone in the fandom because of reasons stated above, but I will go so far as to say, please, if you don't ship Dramione, that's okay. Everyone has their own cup of tea, but please, do NOT claim that all of us (that every single one of us who happen to support this ship) are and I quote "are just a bunch of horny teenagers desperate for some pretty boy and pretty girl sex". That isn't fair and it frankly isn't true, so please don't. I know many wonderful people who have crafted amazing stories and shown great talent through their writing to express the complexities I've just spoken about.
I'll end by saying that we all have our ships, and that's okay. There's no real right or wrong inasfaras who you ship with whom. But it's a basic gesture of respect, I think, to let others love the pairings that they love. Spreading hatred, ill-will or just unkindness toward those of us who enjoy a particular ship, that's not cool and that's what brings us down in what should be something we all enjoy and go to find joy and share that joy with others.
Okay, it seems I really defended Draco more than Hermione here but I will die on this hill and defend my dorks. Fight me on it (joking here but really though. XD) Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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as a lover of drunk kuai liang i need those headcanons 🤲
mwahahahaha yeeeeeeeessssss
complete lightweight, his only advantage is his size but still, he's gonna have trouble walking very quickly
Favorite drink is a cider bc it tastes like juice and isn't too strong, he likes apple ciders best
Has stages of drunkenness that Johnny has dedicated many hours of research to categorizing (think of it like amy from b99)
Stage 1: Tipsy Statue, he's feeling the effects of the alcohol but refuses to let anyone realize that so he just stays as still and quiet as possible (forgets to blink too, which is the give away)
Stage 2: Loosey Goosey, very relaxed now, will laugh more easily and kinda forgets that he's trying to hide the fact that he's a little drunk. Also gets tactile, like he'll lean against ppl and his need for personal space is drastically reduced.
Stage 3: Koala Bear, all inhibitions thrown to the wind, becomes a total chatterbox, Will sit on someone's lap (usually Hanzo's) and can also be easily convinced to dance nightclub style, much to his horror in the morning
Stage 4: Bed Time, now struggling to walk and stay awake (bc too much alcohol makes him very sleepy) one of the defenders (again, usually Hanzo) is charged with taking him home and putting him to bed.
Kuai Liang once spent two whole hours at one of Johnny's parties sitting in Hanzo's lap, resting his head on the guy's shoulder and playing with his hands. Hanzo was oddly silent during the entire exchange (wonder why)
Johnny used to take videos of his drunken shenanigans (rare tho they might be) until Kuai Liang broke his phone and threatened his kneecaps. Johnny has since backed off.
Has only actually been convinced to dance nightclub style twice (both times by Johnny) and the only reason it hasn't happened more often is because dude rarely drinks.
Hanzo spent the entirety of both situations watching and trying desperately to fight back the urge to either a) drag him off the dance floor and away from Johnny bc Jealous or b) go up there and join him which no amount of alcohol can get him to do.
Chatty, drunk Kuai Liang is so chatty, he's fully just lost his brain to mouth filter so he will just Say Shit. Most of the time its either complimenting Hanzo, thanking Jax and Johnny for their friendship, or insulting Raiden.
He also gets giggly, like everything is funny and he can't stop laughing.
never gets hangovers (or if he does, no one can tell) and everyone is jealous.
Tho he isn't one to be easily embarrassed, he is always mortified that the defenders have seen him drunk after the fact, which is part of why he doesn't drink often. The other and main reason is bc he doesn't like having his faculties compromised
Did once wake up in Hanzo's bed after one of Johnny's parties, panic, and race out of the house shirtless (bc he couldn't find it and heard footsteps coming) only to be told that Hanzo had tried to take him to the Lin Kuei temple instead but Koala Bear Kuai Liang refused to let go of Hanzo for even a second and so eventually (bc he needed to sleep damnit) Hanzo just gave up and brought him back to the Shirai Ryu to sleep there.
"How did I end up shirtless then?" "You said it was, quote, 'too fucking hot in here,' ripped your shirt off, and then wraped around me like an octopus" "..........."
That's all I've got rn, but I can think of more, lemme know if y'all want em.
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linkspooky · 1 year
What would you say to people who say Gojo only cares about Geto? 😭 I've seen this take go around that Gojo doesn't care or want to risk his life for anyone BUT Geto, and there's another take in Geto's case where the whole reason he defected was for Gojo. Which.. are both obviously wrong, but I was wondering about your thoughts on this?
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A lot of the "Gojo only cares about Geto" takes come from a misinterpretation, or romantization of this line that Geto was "his one and only..." This line does not indicate that Gojo never cared about anyone else but Geto, in fact the story does go painstakingly out of its way to give several indications of Gojo showing the indirect way he cares about both his students and his fellow sorcerers. At the same time, I do believe that Gojo does mean that Geto is his "One and only friend..." that for various reasons as attached as he may feel to his coworkers, they'll never be friends to him because friends implies they're equals and the only person he ever saw as one is Geto.
The three years of Gojo's youth stand out to Gojo because meeting Geto was the only time he ever really experienced a normal friendship with someone on equal terms, and that was because for that brief period of time they were the strongest together. Gojo who's birth apaprently changed the balance of the world for Jujutsu Society, just happened to meet a boy with curse manipulation who didn't come from the clan system, could hold his own against him in a fight, and constantly lectured him and tried to keep him following regulations.
It's something which draws them together and also eventually drives them apart, because Gojo thinks the basis of his friendship with Geto is that Geto will just "Get it..." because since they're both the strongest he's the only one that can understand Gojo. Gojo's entire character revolves around the fact that he's always observing other people from a distance, his technique is called the infinity and it makes it so people can't touch him no matter how close they come. His assumption that because Geto is as strong as him and they so naturally connect that is enough, but that assumption is proven wrong via Geto's downfall.
Here's where I quote another meta because they put it way better than I could, but a big factor sabotaging Gojo's relationship is his own superiority complex.
gojou 100% has a god complex and thats why getous downfall hit him harder than anyone else. he saw himself and getou as above everyone else and exempt from ‘regular’ peoples flaws, he never thought either of them could be led astray and when getou finally snaps hes bewildered that something like that could ever happen to either of them. hes not just heartbroken over his best friend becoming an enemy, hes thrown for a loop because getou, the one person he thinks of as just as above everyone else and incapable of failing as he is, could ever do something wrong, could ever be wrong. hes finally put into a position where he has to face the fact that hes just as capable of screwing up as anyone else and he can’t make sense of it. gojous hesitance in killing getou isn’t just a byproduct of their friendship, it’s also him realizing that it could have easily been him on the other side of the conflict, which breaks the illusion of him being better than everyone for a second. and like that’s still not enough for him to reject this idea, personally i think that his comment about him and getou being 'the strongest’ in volume 0 is indicative of the fact that despite everything he still hasn’t grown out of this delusion
Gojo didn't really descend down to Geto's level to understand him, he just assumed that him and Geto were standing above others on top of the same pedestal which is why they so naturally clicked. Which isn't the real reason why they're friends, they're friends because well they like each other, Geto's stricter personality keeps Gojo in check, but Geto's also good at noticing that Gojo's a much more considerate person than he appears to be and sees the good in Gojo and how he indirectly tries to help people. Gojo also tries to do in return with Geto, like how he changed his entire speech pattern based on a lecture from Geto that he needed to be more respectful when addressing others. The reason they're friends isn't their power level, but Gojo thinks it is (and Geto probably did too) which is why their relatioship starts to crumble. It's actually foreshadowed in a pretty well directed scene in a first episode of the anime.
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Geto and Gojo are talking about their ideologies about protecting the weak, or how Gojo doesn't believe strong people should have to limit themselves. Geto throws a basket jumping into the air to do so, he hits the rim and then falls off.
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Gojo on the other hand not even looking picks up the ball with one hand, and effortlessly throws it into the net and makes the basket. Implying the fact that despite both of them being compettitors, Gojo just has the natural edge in talent. Which is what happens by the end of their third year, Gojo just gets way too far ahead of Geto to the point where he's always doing missions alone from then on.
Gojo forms a friendship with Geto because he wants to be an equal with someone else, but he never gets over the belief of his inherent superiority. This is also his foiling with Sukuna, and why we see Sukuna and Yorozu's fight right before the final fight between him and Gojo.
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Sukuna and Gojo both suffer from the "Solitude that ultimate strength brings" because they only person they'd acknowledge as their equal is someone as strong as they were. Heck, even Sukuna the nastiest character in the manga has a companion in Ura Ume, who despite Ura Ume acting like a slavish devotee he doesn't really mistreat that much. When Ura Ume fails and apologizes, Sukuna tends to just let it go. The two of them even laugh together. However, despite Sukuna treating Ura Ume marginally better than he treats literally anyone else, their relationship is entirely based off of the fact that Ura Ume is Sukuna's devotee. He's just a subordinate that Sukuna seems sort of fond of, nothing more. They're both unable to let go of their own egos, and therefore don't really form relationships between equals, they form relationships as barters or transactions.
So to reiterate there's a lot of evidence that Gojo will go out of his way to take care of his colleagues and his associates. Gojo's pretty famous for his bullying of Ijichi, but there's a light novel story where he goes out of his way to take Ijichi drinking when he realizes the strength of his work is becoming too much for him.
This could all be attributed to being able to take a proper break after so long but a larger portion was due to sweeping away the “haze” within his heart and most importantly, Gojou’s concern for him had an immediate effect that was better than expected. Even though Gojou was self-centered, did whatever he wanted and had Spartan methods, he was still a teacher. As a top Jujutsu Sorcerer, Gojou was extremely reliable and Ichiji’s own hard work was acknowledged by him, and in Ichiji’s opinion, this sense of sincerely had an immense power of motivation.
Then, of course there's the recent chapters where Gojo reiterates he's asking Ijichi to do things for him because he trusts him.
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At the same time I think there's a clear parallel between Ura Ume and Ijichi, Gojo's fond of Ijichi but in the end he's still a subordinate that Gojo trusts on the basis that Ijichi will do things for him. Ijichi thinks that he OWES Gojo and therefore must serve him to the best of his ability. His self esteem is incredibly low such as when he openly remarks that he expected Gojo to say that he should have died instead of Nanami, and he sees himself as inferior because he's weaker.
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A lot of Gojo's relatioships work on the basis of transactions, because he is a cog in the machine of sorcery society and that's how you navigate that same society. For example he seems to get along better with Mei Mei than say Utahime, but that's not because he thinks Mei Mei is a better person, he can just pay her off and she'll do what he wants.
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Gojo puts Gakuganji the guy who killed Yaga in charge after the higher ups are killed, because that's just how the machine keeps running you gotta find replacement cogs. If Yaga's gone then you just need someone capable of doing the job that Yaga did. Gojo prioritizes function above everything else in regards to personal relationships.
I'd also like to point out that despite Gojo went behind Yaga's back a bunch of time, he also had respect for his position as principal. He does stuff like let Yaga wrestle him down and lecture him in front of everyone after learning that Yuji is still alive, and Gege calls it "reading the room". He acknowledges also that Yaga's position as principal requires him making harsh decisions to compromise between protecting his students and catering to the elders. Gojo gets it, because he's a cog in that same society too.
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When Gojo goes out of his way to rescue Megumi and Tsumiki from being forcibly taken in by the Zen'in Clan? Well, they have to still work for Jujutsu High otherwise he's not even going to give them money for food to eat.
Yet, Gojo's also capable of being really fond and considerate towards these same people. He clearly watches over Megumi closely and when he saw Megumi was sacrificing himself too much by summoning Mahoraga as a last resort suicide attempt, he did his best to try to fix Megumi's behavior in his own Gojo way. He watches Megumi close enough that he could notice that pattern of behavior from one tiny detail like Megumi choosing to bunt in a baseball game.
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Gojo does things like pet Megumi on the head and act fondly towards him, but at the same time he's taking Megumi on missions to exorcise curses when Megumi's like... eight. Gojo will go out of his way to recruit Nanami because he realizes that Yuji needs someone to take care of his emotional needs and teach him the basics which isn't something he's good at as a sorcerer.
Which was why he decided to talk about such a topic with Nanami. “For people like us, we naturally know how to get rid of the poisons within their heart. But for youths who hold onto a lot of sentimental feelings, it’s another matter altogether. Their heart might collapse just from getting struck by poison once.” “Isn’t it an adult’s duties to rid poison from a child’s heart? As a teacher, you should know this better than me, right?” “Of course I know that’s my duty, which is why I’m talking about this with you here.”
Gojo notices that Yuta is lonely, and is the first one really to advise him to make friends with his fellow sorcerers, something Maki also repeats later in the first chapter of JJK 0 that if he works hard as a sorcerer he'll find someone who needs him and a place to belong. Gojo is also someone who threatens the higher ups if they turn against Yuta that he's going to take Yuta's side and not theirs.
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Gojo is also the person who sent Yuta's friends to get beaten up by Geto, because he knew it would piss Yuta off and power him up.
Gojo constantly mocks Utahime and derides her as weak, Gojo also goes up to Utahime personally and asks her to track down the spy leaking information in the sorcerer college because he admits it's something he can't do and she's good at.
My point in highlighting all of this is that Gojo is not a good or bad person, but that his behavior is extremely contradictory. I can point out just as many occasions where he's considerate to people he's close to and tries to take care of them, as I can point out where he uses people in selfish ways to push forward his own agenda.
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The central reason why being this, that Gojo's incorrect belief that being the strongest makes him alone, and there's no one who could understand him with the exception of someone on the same level of him.
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When that's just not true.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 14 🕺🏼
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🤓 annoyingperson follow
I never understood the thing with Isadora Starfighter. She just went to visit different planets every book, stayed there, left. It got so boring after it happened for a fourth time.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Someone has not read book 6 and it shows
🤓 annoyingperson follow
No? Of course I haven’t read book 6. I lost interest at book 4. Didn’t even know there was 6 books.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Here is a synopsis of what happened in book 6. If you dare to call that boring then I will hunt you down and throw acid at you.
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
It’s so funny that every time I say I have a dream, people get so intrigued. Maybe because my dreams have tended to either predict the future, give me clues of what to do next when I’m in doubt, or given insight into my early childhood.
🎤singing-is-who-i-am follow
I mean my dreams rarely go into the past but the FUTURE, oh boy…
I’ve also had tendencies to share dreams with people. Daydreams, even.
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🌼 punk-not-dead follow
I got to know that my first word was ”fuck”.
My life is complete
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Ok, I hear you, you wanna hear about my life.
So I was at daycare, age 1. I was awfully quiet, which the teachers deemed suspicious. They went up to check on me. I was just playing with blocks, not harming anyone.
As I finished my block tower, I smiled mischieviously and yelled ”FUCK!” as I kicked the tower down.
The daycare teachers contemplaited if they should call my parents or not, and eventually decided not to, but wrote about the incident in my daycare reports card (which is how I know of this information). I also know it’s one of my first words because they wrote, and I quote, ”She’s only been communicating in grunts and babbles and this was the first clear word.”
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
Ok, so you may wonder how I learned this word. Many people guess I’ve heard adults swear. But the thing is, my parents NEVER swear. I also got to hear that the only things I got to see on TV as a 1 year old was VHS tapes of kids shows my parents had recorded beforehand that they deemed suitable (they were way stricter back when they only had me. The second the twins were born they did a 180 switch to hippie parenting).
So my theory for how I learned the word? From my previous life.
You see, I have this theory that the reason we do not remember anything in our first years on the planet is because our spirit from a previous life is guiding us on how to live. They feed us ideas and tips on how to navigate life. And when they deem us to be ready, they leave our body, and that’s when we have our first memory. That’s why when you have your first memory you don’t remember anything beforehand. You’re kind of just thrown in and you’re familiar with everything but you don’t know why you are.
Anyway, I think the spirit from my previous life cursed a lot, so I was probably influenced. And thus, my first word was fuck, even though no one around me had ever uttered those words.
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
This took a direction I was not prepared with but ok
77 notes
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💍 queenoftherink follow
Last night I dreamt that I had two daughters named Lilith and Angelica.
Don’t know if this is a prediction for the future or not
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Omg like the Sims 2 twins? (I think one of them is named Angela in the og game but she’s still named Angelica in some translations)
💍 queenoftherink follow
Like the Sims 2 twins!!
20 notes
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🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Describing all Isadora Starfighter books in one sentence
Isadora Starfighter: Cute kids story about a girl with a magical space wand she uses to travel to other galaxies <3
Isadora Starfighter and the wand malfunction: Oh no magical space wand is broken what to do now
Isadora Starfighter and Princess Supernova: GAY GAY LESBIAN GAY
Isadora Starfighter The galaxy prom: The reason all of us in the fandom are obsessed with cosplay
Isadora Starfighter goes missing: Our girl somehow ends up on the loneliest and coldest dwarf planet because she took one wrong turn
Isadora Starfighter and the candy machine: IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE TRAUMA BEFORE YOU’RE GONNA GET IT NOW
Isadora Starfighter Homecoming: The title is literal, because she literally comes home to her home planet, idk what else homecoming means I’m not american
Isadora Starfighter escapes: A reminder that this book series is no longer for kids it’s a fucking dystopian sci fi war now
Isadora Starfighter against the galaxy: When you’re a hormonal teenager and also everyone in a galaxy is literally against you because of a spell, but you can’t figure it out because you’re so hormonal
Isadora Starfighter in a meteor shower: She finally fights a literal star only took 10 books
Isadora Starfighter Reunion: RETURN OF GIRLFRIEND PRINCESS SUPERNOVA (oh yeah and some others I guess)
Isadora Starfighter Powerup: Space puberty did her good she gets some cool ass powers
Isadora Starfighter The final journey: Princess Supernova’s talk with her mom made me bawl I don’t care about anything else
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
You have now convinced me to read these books. Good job!
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Nooo!!!! Don’t read them!
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
You’re always talking about how the fandom is small and you wish more people knew about it? Plus, I may finally understand the context to some things in your 140 chapter fanfic.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
You read my 140 chapter fanfiction despite not even knowing the fandom?
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
You have a way with words 😘
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
60 notes
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🎤singing-is-who-i-am follow
Happy pride month! 💜 Post a picture of your flag/s
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🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi follow
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🎧 pixiemix follow
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
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💍 queenoftherink follow
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🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
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(Hahaha the bi pride reblog chain)
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
Sorry I’m gonna ruin the chain cause I’m not bi 🤣
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I am the literal ”all or nothing”
✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
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😎 rapmiro follow
Idk where you guys are from but I’m from Chile 🤨
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#Jim I thought you were spanish #is that a region of spain or what
845 notes
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📸 felicityfornow follow
So… hi.
I’ve never really talked about this, or really… thought about it, to be honest, until recently.
A lot of my friends are LGBTQ+. Like, a lot. I think… all of them. And I’ve always supported them, and I’ve been known as the ”token ally” of the group. I’ve considered myself straight, because from what I know, I’ve only liked boys. The thing though is, I’ve only really had a crush on one boy. No one else before, no one else after.
I think that I’ve also just been really heteronormative in general. Always assumed my female friends had crushes on boys, I never saw hints or signs… when consuming media, I never really noticed any subtext either. I was very often ”if this female character is shown to like this boy, I will assume that she only likes boys” and I never really got it when people shipped two characters of the same gender if they weren’t dating in canon. ”But they’re only good friends? And they dated boys in canon?” I can also add that, I for the most part consumed media that focused on straight couples. Never, or just rarely, were there even a gay character there, and if there was then it was just a side character. I had barely seen or read any queer media. I hadn’t seeked it out, either. I was just in my little bubble of books, shows and films I liked. And I mean, so is a lot of people!
However, movie nights with my friends have made me get so many new perspectives on things. Our movie nights are essentially a ”show the others something you like”, so everyone picks a movie or some episodes from a show they like, and show everyone else. A great way to get cultured in stuff you’re not usually into, and to get to show your friends something you’re personally into. And I think in the past year, I’ve seen more quer films and shows than what I’ve had in all of my life. And even when we don’t watch explicitly queer media, my friends have managed to put in those perspectives and made me notice things I wouldn’t otherwise. And it’s made me look at movies I’ve seen several times in a sudden new light.
One night, I was the one to comment about something I found queer coded in one of the movies we saw, and one of my friends commented ”You notice so much queer stuff for a straight person!”
We all laughed about it, but at that moment I realized… for some reason it didn’t feel good to hear that I was straight. I mean, I was… that’s what I always assumed about myself. So… why did it feel off when another person said I was?
Everyone around me was queer. I couldn’t ask anyone ”how do you know you’re straight?” because… no one was.
So I wondered… what if I’m… NOT straight? But how do I know I’m not?
I’ve never had a crush on a girl, I don’t THINK. But the thing is, maybe I have, and I didn’t realize it at the time. I haven’t had a lot of experience in romance in general, and due to thinking pretty ”straight”, I might have not considered it.
I know it’s not a requirement to feel attraction to the same gender to be not straight. You don’t even need to feel attraction to anyone at all, because it’s more than romance and sexual feelings. I’ve learned so much just hanging out with my everyday peers.
My mom’s partner, a woman (my mom is a lesbian, too), told me that people out of society’s norms often manage to find each other even before they know why. She told me her closest group of friends, when they got to know each other all of them were thought to be straight and cis. Now, all of them have come out, either as gay, or bi, and even the ones who still are straight turned out to be trans. And maybe it’s true, that eventually everyone in the group turns out to be queer in some way.
The thing is, I don’t know how to label myself. It does not feel good calling myself straight. It doesn’t feel like that’s what I am.
Recently I told my friends this. I don’t know why I was nervous about telling them… maybe it was like I killed the perception they had of me. But I should have never been nervous. They immediately showered me with support and told me, it’s perfectly fine to not have a specific label to you (no matter how much you want to be organized and put people into boxes and categories, like I can be sometimes). Sexuality is fluid, and it can always change. Whatever feels right in the moment may change as you grow, and learn more about yourself.
So… I have a lot to figure out, but I wanna tell you all that I am fairly certain that I am not straight.
Happy pride month to everyone, especially those who have not had it all figured out just yet. Here’s to us.
🎥 rollertrack follow
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 !!!!!
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
HERE’S TO YOU!!!!!! 🩷💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
🧍🏼‍♀️ jamandrollerbackgroundcharacter follow
Tbh I’ve suspected this since you posted that kinda sapphic post about how Yam should win the vidia competition
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
HELP I forgot about that-
Anyway NINA!!!!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
✌🏼arodarmivida follow
We’re so proud of you girl!!! 🥹
💅🏼 ja-jazmin follow
Please let me interview you I need it!!! Omg!!
🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
Happy pride month to you Nina 😍🏳️‍🌈 You’re so brave and cool
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