#the rain whump
anigst · 3 months
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Wolf's Rain - Ep 05 & 06
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cirrus-ghoulette · 1 month
Ghost BC Whump Month is back!
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That's right. 30 days of hurt with no (or very little) comfort!
For Whump Month, you can use any characters you want in the Ghost universe, including OCs. You can use platonic relationships, you can use romantic relationships, you can use relationships where both characters hate each other, you can use relationships where neither characters have met!
Starting on the first of June 2024, you can write, you can draw, and you can create in any way you want for these prompts.
If you do create anything, please tag me in it! I wanna see your work! I'll reblog any Whump Month creations.
Of course, make sure your creations are CWed appropriately, and then make sure you tag 'Whump Month 2024', so that everything can be found easily!
Have fun!
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allthewhumpygoodness · 9 months
When a weak whumpee's head is lifted to spoon some medicine/water/broth into their mouth, but then the caretaker just. keeps on cradling their head after laying it back down. Anyway that's the vibes tonight.
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whumpacabra · 5 months
“real whump- ” is when I put a blorbo in Unpleasant Situations. the physical and emotional extent to which these Situations are Unpleasant has no bearing on the reality of a blorbo having a bad time. the presence or absence of other characters, whether dishing out Unpleasantness or trying to mitigate the Unpleasantness, has no bearing on the reality of a blorbo having a bad time. “is xyz real whump?” who fucking cares. 2018 called they want their gate keeping exclusionist snobbery back.
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whumpster-dumpster · 11 months
Whumpee who loves rain, finally seeing their first rainfall after being freed from Whumper's clutches. Just feeling the water and wind on their skin for the first time in so long
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thewhumpcaretaker · 4 months
Whump in the Rain
It's a classic.
A blank white sky matching the numbness of a depressed spirit.
Rain mixing with tears.
Rain mixing with blood.
A soaked dress shirt clinging to exhausted muscles.
Wet hair clinging to Whumpee's face.
Whumpee stays out in the cold and the wet and gets sick (or sicker).
Caught in a sudden rainstorm.
Watching the rain streaming down a car window while lost in misery.
Whumpee hates bad weather or has seasonal affective disorder, and now it’s raining on top of everything else.
Whumpee has a phobia of thunder. Caretaker wrapping Whumpee in a warm, dry coat or offering an umbrella.
“Come inside, you’re drenched!”
Whumpee with a phobia of thunder.
And finally, please consider: Whumpee struck by lightning.
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serickswrites · 23 days
Loved the Rain
Warnings: captivity, torture, blood, wounds, mcd, hurt/no comfort, caretaker and whumpee
"I always loved the rain," Caretaker murmured as they stroked Whumpee's hair. Through the thick stone walls of the dungeon, they could hear the pitter patter of the falling rain. "It always relaxed me so much. Just to sit and listen to the rain," they said as they continued to stroke Whumpee's filthy, matted hair.
"You loved the rain, too," they whispered as the tears they had been trying to hold back finally came. The tears tracked down their cheeks and dripped onto Whumpee's upturned face.
"You would really like this rain, love," Caretaker sobbed as wiped their tears, trying not to think about the blood that coated their hands.
They hadn't bothered to close Whumpee's eyes yet. They couldn't bear it. But they also couldn't bear to stare down into the lifeless eyes either. And so they stared out into the dingy, damp dungeon as they stroked Whumpee's hair.
Whumpee had bled out in their arms hours ago. Whumper had spent days torturing Whumpee only to end it suddenly by stabbing Whumpee in the chest and throwing them to Caretaker.
The sound of Whumpee's choking breaths fading as they struggled to breathe around the blood filling their mouth would forever echo in Caretaker's ears. The light fading in Whumpee's eyes would forever haunt Caretaker's dreams.
It was all more than Caretaker could bear. And so they sat, Whumpee sprawled across their lap, as they listened to the rain and stroked Whumpee's hair. "I used to love the rain."
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shaykesqueer · 7 days
Whump Month '24 Day Eleven: Chronic Pain
Rain has a habit of practicing his smile in the mirror so he can keep up appearances during particularly nasty flare ups
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Thank you @cirrus-ghoulette for organising Whump Month! Prompts here <3
Instagram | Pillowfort | Tips | Patreon Coming Soon!
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justbreakonme · 1 year
Most people find listening to the sound of falling rain relaxing.
Most people.
Not him.
He had spent too many nights huddled under awnings and tucked under bridges, unable to avoid the water that soaked him and what little he had to the skin.
Wet shoes and socks meant being barefoot, too numb with cold to notice he was stepping on broken beer bottles along the road. Wet clothes meant that he had only hours to find somewhere, anywhere to get warm or dry before he would get sick, really sick.
He wasn’t there, anymore.
He was safe.
He was home.
But that didn’t mean the sound of falling rain didn’t fill him with a bone deep sense of dread.
She didn’t understand exactly; she knew she’d been lucky enough to never associate the sound of rain with anything other than staying indoors. But she understood enough.
Warm blankets and dry socks found their way into his lap while the whistle of the kettle drowned out at least a little of the noise.
She’d close the curtains and put a movie on, loud enough that he could almost forget until the next crack of thunder would make him jump.
He didn’t hide under storefront umbrellas or overpasses anymore, but he did tuck himself further under her arm, as if out of habit, even now.
They both silently hoped that one day, the rain would be just rain. But until then, they’d wait out the storm together, in dry socks.
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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This is another project that I'm currently working on with @kazinsblog! We adore makoyuma and they're our number one faves.
So we decided to make a little 4koma style side special of Kazin's mini series "The Kanai Ward Case Files"
This intro is the only normal comic in this story.
Prologue: Flu season hits worldwide, and Makoto calls Yuma one day and gives him the warning. Yuma notices his congested voice so he wants to head to to Kanai Ward to check on him. But meanwhile, Yuma is trying his best to hold his cough as he talks on the line. Only to suffer the fit after Makoto hangs up. He isn't well either.
When Yuma arrives in Kanai Tower finding Makoto completely disheveled and passed out at his work desk, he ushers the stuffy CEO to bed. The two were shown pushing themselves while being sick alone. But now that they're together, these stubborn workaholics will finally rest and break from their duties in order to take care of each other. (for the most part anyway)
further information below
Of course since I'm involved in this project, they're obviously not going to be doing well... XD But this story is going to be a lot more fun and lighthearted than others I have written. (It's essentially written in a silly sick filler episode of a cartoon kind of vibe) meaning less whump, and more sick comfort and hilarity. There may be a few somewhat whumpy ones here and there (I can't resist) but it won't be as common.
Full Story Summary:
This RainCode fan side story revolves around slice of life comedy 4koma style strips with scenes of Yuma and Makoto being sick together and spending time with each other in Kanai Tower for about a week or two. They both have different halves of cold symptoms, Yuma with throat based, and Makoto with nasal based. (hence the title) Various cute and wacky stuff happen between the two and their bond grows stronger spending this time off together away from their duties as detective and CEO. They may be sick and miserable, but at least they're in it together! What could possibly go wrong?
The comic strips will be drawn by Kazin, but there will be some bonus art that the two of us will work on together (similar to the title which was a collab by us both)
Also, both of us agreed that these strips should be posted on my blog rather than Kazin's. Reason being is that this story is based on illness and my blog is half an illness blog so it makes more sense to share it to mine. You all likely expect this sort of thing from me at this point anyway… XD (I’m also the director so I write the descriptions of them.)
And this series will continue to be ongoing so long as Kazin and I have ideas. (we currently have almost 100 strips planned)
I will update this in separate posts whenever more strips get fully digitally drawn by Kazin whenever she can work on them. With the tag #kanaiwardcasefiles h&h. Some strips will be random, some will be two parters, and some will have a timeline or are connected to others.
We both hope you look forward to this project! There will be a lot of funny and cute moments between these two, so we hope you makoyuma enjoyers are excited!
Also bit of a fun fact: This was inspired by when my mother and I had covid late April 2024. Something similar happened to us, and we each had one cold-like symptom more than the other. (her with coughing and me with congestion) So I thought of this idea for these two!
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Rain and Apple Blossoms
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[ID: a banner featuring bright red apples, prison bars, and medieval looking text of the story's title, Rain and Apple Blossoms. End ID.]
Contains: prison, prison camp, forced labour, abuse of power / full list at the bottom of this post
(in progress)
A nameless convict suffers in a prison camp, sentenced to years of hard labour for his crime. There, he is tormented by cruel guards and an even crueller chief overseer who seems to enjoy humiliating him. Eventually, he escapes, and he finds himself cared for by a kind stranger who is on her own journey of grief and self-discovery. With soldiers still hunting for the fugitive, every moment he spends in his unlikely caretaker's company is a risk to them both.
Heavier on whump than plot. Heavier on hurt than comfort. But it's all there.
Full list of CWs at the bottom of this post.
Written for The Merry Whump of May 2024. All drabbles, exactly 100 words. All connected, but many can be read as standalone pieces. However, if you want to read it as a full "narrative," the suggested reading order is below.
Suggested Reading Order
(Alternatively, find the list of prompts in event order here.)
🌫️ The Camp
Day 9 - “You’re nothing.”
Day 27 - C for “convict”
Day 8 - A proud, arrogant fool.
Day 2 - Snake venom and molten sand
Day 2 - “Don’t you dare.”
Day 7 - “Forget about them.”
Day 10 - “I don’t have regrets.”
Day 11 - “Pretty little thing.”
Day 12 - “Let me hear you.”
Day 3 - “See what happens.”
Day 14 - “Leave him alone.”
Day 16 - Your neverending insolence
Day 16 - Twenty-nine and one
Day 16 - “Naïve fool.”
Day 1 - Swallowed by the dark
Day 28 - The indistinct phantoms of nightmares
Day 14/23 - Deserving sinners
Day 5 - The chance to flee
Day 6 - Disobedient dogs who try to run
Day 13 - “To know you'll only fail again.”
Day 8 - “I’m fine.”
🌫️ The Escape
Day 13 - Leave no trail.
Day 7 - The world beyond
Day 6 - A sombre dawn
Day 15 - A fool, a dead man
🌫️ The Cellar
Day 4 - “Who are you?”
Day 15 - “Let me help you.”
Day 17 - “Wait, are you afraid of me?”
Day 24 - “Lean on me.”
Day 23 - Cursed, hunted, condemned
Day 27 - “You’re trembling.”
Day 12 - “I’m dangerous.”
Day 17 - “You’re not a prisoner here.”
Alt Prompt - “No one knows you’re here.”
Day 15 - Her foolhardy selflessness
Day 25 - “Is that wise?”
Day 24 - “Just forget about me.”
Day 30 - “I think you might be a good man.”
Day 29 - “Just another few days.”
Day 15 - Endless pools of sorrow
Day 20 - “Are you alone here?”
Day 24 - “What’s with all the apples?”
Day 13 - “I just wish I could repay you.”
Day 28 - “You've found your smile again.”
Day 25 - “I’ve always loved the rain.”
Day 2 - “What are you doing in my house?”
Day 1 - “What were you thinking?”
Day 18 - “Why do you love him?”
Day 11 - “An arrangement, and nothing more.”
Day 6 - “He would never hurt me.”
🌫️ The Recapture
Day 18 - “Nowhere to run, crook.”
Day 19 - “Rot in hell.”
Alt prompt - “It was her.”
Day 4 - He with no future
Day 20 - “Don’t tell me you forgot about me.”
Day 22 - “It’s been too long.”
Day 22 - A death sentence disguised as mercy.
Day 31 - “Enjoy your last night here.”
Day 31 - “Now you’re a broken man.”
Day 28 - “Hope you enjoyed the last taste of freedom you'll ever have.”
🌫️ The Pits
Day 29 - “You ought to be grovelling at my feet.”
Day 26 - A shambling spectre that once was a man
Day 21 - Leashed, muzzled, and ordered around like a beast
Day 3 - Half-lives in the dust
Day 30 - A creature soft, yet wild
Day 25 - “I’ll always love the rain.”
🌫️ A Free Man
Day 1 - Retribution well-deserved
Day 29 - “You are free.”
Day 29 - Charcoal and silver
Day 26 - Fading stars and blooming sun
Alt prompt - Rain and apple blossoms
Full List of Content Warnings
pain, angst, prison, prison camp, labour camp, forced labour, chains, blood, restraints, cruel law enforcement, branding, taunting, humiliation, physical violence, beatings, very brief minor whump, whipping/flogging, gag/muzzle, exhaustion, thirst/dehydration, mine collapse, minor character death, death mention, failed escape, torture, barbed wire, exposure, guilt, fear, grief, loneliness, prospect of a loveless marriage, betrayal, recapture
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anigst · 3 months
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Wolf's Rain - Ep 22
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Okay but whumpees who become extremely spaced-out after taking the minimal amount of decongestants for a cold:
Passing out cold on the couch for four hours in the middle of the day and waking up not knowing what planet they’re on
Staring into space
Glazed-over eyes
Becoming hypnotized by how things move and fit into each other (their own hands, screw-top pens, fidget spinners, clouds, etc.)
Environmental sounds being too much for them
Staring directly into bright lights
Overall feeling like a ghost floating through life
Being able to breathe through their nose for the first time in a week
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Shun the Light - Ch 10.5 - Full Moon part 2
Slow Burn | Refuge | Decision | Mend | Hunger | Thin Mints | The Garden | Philip | Moments | Full Moon pt 1 |
Author's Notes: :')
Content Warnings: werewolf whumpee, vampire caretaker, injury, sprained ankle, bruises, cuts, exhaustion, cold, rain, implied nudity, emotional whump, guilt, angst with hopeful ending
Dante searches and searches but finds nothing but some claw marks on trees and more blood. He feels stupid and reckless for looking at all; the creature that left was no longer Matteo, and cornering a wounded animal would be asking for trouble.
Why didn't he tell me?
The thought eats at him. Matteo knows what he is. Didn't he think Dante would understand, even just a little?
Suddenly a lot more things make sense - the shape Matteo was in when he arrived, why he had no clothes or belongings of his own, why he left home, why he was on the run. How in the week leading up to tonight he had been restless and anxious.
After several fruitless hours Dante returns home, but he can't relax. By now he's pretty much certain Matteo is a werewolf, which means by the morning he will be back to normal but hurt, alone, and god knows where.
As he paces and frets he can't help picturing Matteo's frightened face. He looks out the window again when he hears wind whistle through the trees. The scent of the other man's blood still lingers with him.
Dante soon heads back out, with shoes and an overcoat on this time. He has with him a ball of yellow yarn from Mrs. Townsend's craft cupboard.
Years of nightly walks means he knows the forest well. He follows the direction Matteo ran off in and finds a spot to begin, tying one end of the yarn around the trunk of a tree. Then he slowly walks back to the house, holding the yarn taut and unraveling it as he goes, stopping occasionally to loop it another tree. Creating a path home.
There is no guarantee Matteo will even find it. He could be miles away, too injured to move, or on another side of the woods entirely. He may not even want to come back. But if he does, the door will be unlocked.
Dante goes to the living room and gets settled at the piano to keep himself busy while he waits.
Morning arrives, but Matteo does not.
Dante retreats to his bedroom and leaves the door cracked so he can hear if someone enters. But after barely an hour he can't wait any longer. He bundles up in a sweater and the thick overcoat, jeans and boots, and heads outside.
A light drizzle softly patters all around. The sky is overcast and shows no sign of clearing. At the worst he'll feel a tingling discomfort, but compared to the burns he sustained a month ago that will seem like nothing.
A month ago. When he found me. When he saved me.
Dante slowly follows the path of bright string from tree to tree. He keeps his eyes on the ground in search of any sign of man or wolf. Clothes, fur, handprints, pawprints. Blood. Anything. But the rain has washed every trace away.
He continues until a familiar scent reaches him on a breeze. Dante lifts his head and there he is.
Matteo walks with a limp, taking each slow step gingerly. He faintly whimpers every time he puts pressure on a badly swollen right ankle, pausing often to lean against a tree for a moment's respite. His breathing is labored.
Most of Matteo's body has sustained scrapes and cuts from that tumble off the roof, but his left side is considerably worse. Bruising coats his entire left side from chest to upper thigh. His left arm hangs at an awkward angle and that shoulder, too, is swollen and bruised. Some slivers of glass remain embedded in his skin, the largest of them wedged deep into his bruised left hip.
The fingers of his right hand are weakly curled around the yellow yarn.
It's a miracle he's standing, let alone walking.
Dante walks toward him but the ongoing rain muffles his footsteps. Matteo doesn't look up and notice him until they're just a few yards apart.
Dante stops too.
The two men stare at each other.
Matteo's eyes are bloodshot. He's soaked to the bone, shivering in the rain without so much as a scrap left to shield him.
Then he drops his gaze and his face crumples. He begins to sob raggedly.
"I'm sorry, Dante. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I s-should have t-told you." He hiccups. "I didn't think I would still be here when it happened but then I was and I thought if I hid I wouldn't attack you - and you - you let me stay and I - oh, god, and I broke your window, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
A sudden shiver cuts off his rambling words.
Dante steps forward and removes his coat, slowly so as not to startle the fragile man before him. He holds it open.
"There is still a bed for you," Dante says softly, "If you want it."
Matteo stares at the offered coat with disbelief and longing.
Dante nods and moves closer still. When Matteo doesn't flinch away, he drapes the coat over his trembling shoulders.
Matteo sways on his feet but Dante is there to steady him with a hand on his chest and the other on his waist. Matteo puts an arm around Dante's shoulders and sags into him. He sighs with relief when he is able to take some weight off of his throbbing ankle.
"Thank you," he breathes. He leans his head against Dante's, his panting breaths warm against his cheek. Dante can feel the flutter of his unsteady pulse. "Thank you."
"Come on," Dante whispers. "You're almost there."
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burbur-49 · 10 days
Day seven of @cirrus-ghoulette 's Whump Month: Broken Bones
Cw: broken bone
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Phantom's been bouncing about all day. Dew and Swiss have been gone for days and are finally returning. He can't wait to see them, especially Dew, his favorite little fire ghoul. He does all his chores quickly, even helps others with their chores while he waits. Finally, it's time.
It's six pm, time for Swiss and Dew to come home. Phantom heads outside, to the parking lot of the ministry. He sits on a bench in front of the ministry as he waits for their car to arrive. His tail wags quickly that it makes a breeze behind him, swishing some of his hair. Thirty minutes later he sees the car pull into the parking lot.
He can see Swiss driving and Dew napping in the passenger seat. When Swiss parks the car, Phantom runs up to the car and waits for one of them to get out. Swiss is first, and Phantom gives him a tight hug and holds it until Dew gets out of the car. When Dew is out of the car, Phantom is on him, hugging him like he's going to disintegrate. Dew grumbles half-asleep half-annoyed, but hugs him back.
Phantom doesn't let go of Dew, he's always touching him in some way. It's fine for two days before Dew gets annoyed with it, he loves the bug, he does, but they're just being so clingy. He can smell Phantom before he can see him. He can sense Phantom's hand reaching out to grab his shoulder. He can't keep his brain from making his hands move to grab Phantom's wrist and snapping it.
He just broke Phantom's wrist.
The little quint lets out a yelp and moves his hand back, cradling it in his other hand.
“Sorry… Dew…” The quint whimpered before leaving Dew to be.
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
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Maybe not very likely but something is better than nothing, right?
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