#the rash is no longer oozing!
sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
Hating the torment of being home and not technically sick, so I've had energy to want and do home improvement projects but
My arms hurt too much ;;m;;
Going back to work is gonna suck ;;A;;
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foolondahill17 · 9 months
Annual Favorite Supernatural Fic Rec List of 2023:
I bookmarked 66 fics in 2023 (and read…a lot more than that), but only 9 were written/updated in this year of our lord. SMH we gotta pump out more content, friends. Seriously though, I’ve got several more 2023 fic reads in my Marked for Later, but some are still WIPs or I just haven’t gotten around to picking them up yet. I’m sure some (like the much-hyped Lighthouse Keeper AU where there is darkness by the talented quiettewandering [@wanderingcas on tumblr]) will end up on my Bookmarked favs…but, alas, they’ll just have to wait for the 2024 recap.
The list below is in no particular order, barring the first, which has joined the ranks of one-of-my-favorite-fics-ever:
A Cliff That Knew Too Many Tides by luulapants (@luulapants)
E, early series Dean/others, 94,508 words
Partial Summary:
A canon rewrite AU diverging from the events of Some Cruel Tide, in which a shifter disguised as his father used Dean's blind obedience to molest him. By the start of S1, Dean's relationship with his father is more strained, his devotion more intense, and his life consumed by the need to hide the parts of himself he is most ashamed of.
My words:
If you’ve been looking for a gay!Dean manifesto, you’ve found it. Obviously, the subject matter is dark: warnings for past childhood sexual abuse, internal and external homophobia, past suicide attempt, and traumatic outing. It is also beautiful and heart-wrenching and scratches the swollen, itchy, weeping rash on my heart in a way that only the balm of good Dean angst can.  
Favorite part:
“I wasn’t acting out,” he blurted.
“When I – I wasn’t trying to act out or anything.” Deacon’s presence hovered behind him like an aura, and Dean reminded himself, Don’t rock the boat. Don’t rock the boat.
Dad sighed. The line crackled, and Dean pictured him standing in a phone booth somewhere, probably huddled up against the cold. “Then what the hell would you call it?”
Dean tried out a few words in his head, imagining how they’d sound to Deacon. He ended up with, “I misunderstood. I thought I was supposed to.”
Asterism of an F-Series Ford Pick Up by disabled_dean (@disabled-dean)
M, Destiel, 17,408 words
Partial Summary:
When you've been to hell, desire is isolating and ugly.
Or: Cas drives his truck for a case and Dean is exceptionally horny about it
My words:
The way Dean’s PTSD is described in this fic, like a slow, oozing poison that awakens the longer he and Cas travel together, is tantalizing and masterful. Ostensibly, this fic is about Dean and Cas road-tripping to a case. It’s actually about how you, a monster-hunter, can come to terms (or not) with your body and soul when you think you’ve become the very thing you’re spent your whole life hunting.
 Favorite part:
"Like everything will be going fine and then all of a sudden I just. Can’t. I can't stand it. And the more fine everything is, the worse it gets and I feel-" he breaks off, eyes on his hands like they aren't his hands, thumb rubbing over and over the ring on his index finger, "It's like everyone else is living this normal fucking life and I'm still back in the pit."
Personal Space: The Final Frontier by botley
M, Destiel, Star Trek AU, WIP, 63,570 words
Partial summary
"Captain's Log, Stardate 10918.8. Captain Ellen Harvelle reporting, First Officer… Castiel… attending. After a month of bargaining with the Gehennian government, efforts to permit a search party within the Rack facilities still proved unsuccessful. Although Starfleet’s orders dictated we tuck tail and leave, I elected to disregard this decision and beam a rescue operations team down for the recovery of Lieutenant Commander Dean Winchester.”
My words:
This fic has been on my rec lists before. It’s still a WIP, but it very unexpectedly posted an update after a 3(?) year hiatus, so I’ll cling to hope until my fingernails leave a bloody, mauled mess.  This is basically a Star Trek AU where our favorite Supernatural gang are fucking around in Starfleet instead of the Midwest. Fantastic stuff – worth the read even if it does remain unfinished.
Favorite line:
"Dean made a face. Castiel decided the man was hideous."
Receding by minkmix
T, early season gen, 38,729 words
After a visit to an old, abandoned theme park in the desert, Sam begins to notice strange lapses in Dean's memory. As his brother starts to disappear before his eyes, Sam must rush to find an answer before there isn't anything left to save... My words: A Lucky Charms fic if I’ve ever read one. Delicious, crunchy marshmallow goodness of some fantastic Dean!whump and panicked caretaker!Sam with the solid undercurrent of slightly sweetened amalgamized oat and corn cereal of a solid case fic. Yum.
 Favorite part:
“Sammy?” Dean cut him off.
“W-What is it?”
“What’s Dad’s name?”
Sam’s chest heaved as he fought himself from sounding as stunned as he felt.
Swan Upon Leda by kelsstiel (@kelstiel)
E, Destiel real-world AU, 174,096 words
Pediatric Surgery Fellow Dean Winchester meets baby Jack Kline and neuropsychologist Castiel Novak his first week on the job. Dean’s been accused a time or two of caring a little too much in the past and it’s hard not to care about the neurotic adoptive father and his medically needy preemie. After a series of run-ins between the pair, Dean and Cas develop a friendship that everyone else around them suspect more from immediately, though it takes them a little longer to get the memo. When Dean struggles with a particularly devastating patient loss, their mutual understanding of loss and love bring them closer in a way that neither of them could have expected.
My words: A solid, old-fashioned romantic AU. It’s unpretentious, fluffy, heart-warming, authentic and the kind of could-have-been-a-novel goodness that makes up the heart and breadth of fanfiction. Warning for infant illness and death (not Jack).
Favorite part:
"I know they say there’s a chance, but I’ve just got this feeling .” She shook her head and looked down for a moment. She looked up again and took a deep breath as if steadying herself. “I wish I could see you grow up.”
five minutes to six by saintedcastiel  (@saintedcastiel)
M, Destiel real-world AU, 23,383 words
Castiel Novak has been the co-host of Good Morning, Lawrence! for a little over ten years when he stumbles across the story of a lifetime. But after a producer pulls the segment and tells him to forget it, Castiel begins to wonder who's really pulling the strings. Can he bring the truth to light while somehow managing to keep his co-host, and the man he loves, in the dark?
 My words: Another Goddamn quality AU. This one is a little quippier and fast paced than the Hospital AU above, but it’s full of fantastic characterization and even a last-minute breaking and entering romp. Fun that’s perfect for the whole family!
Favorite part:
“Been asking you out all week.” Dean tells him, and Castiel realizes all at once he’s right.
“Oh my god.” Castiel laughs. “You have.”
This Is Not My Beautiful Wife by luckshiptoshore (@luckshiptoshore)
T, Destiel, one-shot, 4,755 words
“Dean,” says the man again. “This isn’t real. You need to come with me, now.”
Dean’s been zoning out again. But he can’t escape the feeling that something’s very, very wrong … and wherever he goes, a strange man in a trench coat follows.
My words: You gotta love the Djinn dream trope. This one has everything you want in a caught-in-a-fake-reality-while-your-lover-pleads-for-you-to-return-to-the-waking-world story, plus an extra dash of on-point characterization and some truly imaginative scenarios for Dean’s alternate realities.  
 Favorite part:
“We could look into adoption,” says Cas. “If you’d like. Of course we could also simply take a child, but I think that’s frowned on."
we really shouldn't be doing this by LoversAntiquities (@tragidean)
E, Destiel, 17,138 words
After Castiel goes missing for a week, Dean finds him in an abandoned cemetery in the middle of nowhere Kansas, suffering from a mysterious welt. Only, as the hours go on, the deeper the curse grows—and Dean finds more than he bargained for, namely on every surface he and Castiel can find.
My words: This is more straight-up (not straight) porn than I usual rec, but this is a fantastic take on the from-sex-to-love fic where everyone was already in love to begin with. There’s a hefty sprinkle of idiots-to-lovers and sex-curse. Also angst, which is my bread and butter.
Favorite line:
Castiel stares up at him, his eyes gone soft, hooded. Dean thumbs over his eyelid, just to watch it flutter shut. “I’m not solely interested in you for your hands, or your mouth. They are wonderful attributes, but I don’t long for them so much as I long for you.” He leans into Dean’s palm and kisses the center. “I don’t know when I fell in love with you, but it would take the death of the universe to get me to stop.”
Postpartum Prometheus by babbyspanch, saltslimes (@dragqueenpentheus @nifedick)
E, Destiel, technically mpreg, WIP, 18,959 words
Welcome to the Supernatural renaissance. Welcome to Castiel and the terrible naissance.
My words: warning for the fact that this is technically an mpreg fic even though Castiel is an angel and not really a man. Warning, also, because this is another WIP that hasn’t been updated since the beginning of the year, so I don’t know if it’ll be finished. Basically, Dean and Cas bump uglies to unexpected results. Cas kinda freaks without telling Dean he’s his baby daddy. He also yanks out his intestines so said baby can be nice and comfortable in there. Funny and angsty.
Favorite part:
“Are those—?”
“Yeah.” He waves his hand at the door again, starting to feel like one of those used car lot inflatable men, limbs akimbo. “A total murderer looking guy just bolted that way. And not like— the regular murderer-looking people who come in.”
“And he left his organs.” Dennis thinks a moment, and then shrugs, as if this isn’t the weirdest thing he’s ever seen. He’s been working here longer than anyone Henry knows, maybe it isn’t. He opens his mouth and Henry can’t help hoping some miracle plan of action is going to fall out of it. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Um. What?”
“I don’t want to offend you.” He pauses, brows furrowed. He rolls Henry’s cup over in his hand. “What is a ‘FABINISTA’?”
Add your favorite written-in-2023 fics in the tags or a reblog!
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buckysgrace · 7 months
Forty Three
CW: Accidental drugging!!
“I think we’re going to spend the night in a hotel,” Susan declared at last as everyone swallowed down another tense dinner. Billy wasn’t sure how many more turkey sandwiches he could get through. He was ready to let Pearl have her fill over the rest of Thanksgiving leftovers. Not that there was much left in general, but he still wanted something different, “Then we’ll come by before we leave tomorrow.”
“You don’t need to,” Kim spoke up softly, turning her gaze up slowly to face Susan, “What’s the point?” She asked her pointedly, her hazel eyes slightly glazed over. Billy looked down at his plate, sighing deeply as he knew why she was in such a bitter mood. He’d tasted it on her lips earlier. 
“I want to spend time with you,” Susan said in disbelief, her eyes widening as Kim’s tone, “I won’t see you again for a while.” She said a little softer, looking like she truly regretted everything that had happened. 
“You haven’t spent any time with me,” Kim pointed out dryly, Billy tried to nudge her to get her to stop but she ignored him, “All you’ve done the whole time is yell and scream because you think you’ve been treated wrong.” She replied as she took another large bite from her roll. She chewed on it angrily, looking tense as she brushed off the looks that other people were sending her. 
“I have been -” Susan tried to speak again, tried to make things better. Kim shook her head, dismissing her completely. 
“I don’t care,” Kim interjected, “It’s not like you’ve made the best choices either. It’s in the past, drop it or don’t come by tomorrow.” She snapped as she held onto Susan’s gaze for a long minute. Susan parted her lips, looking a little hurt before she nodded her head and kept quiet.
“Did you guys enjoy the beach yesterday?” Rosemary asked softly as she looked towards Wayne and Eddie, “They’re quite nice here. It’ll be too chilly to go before long.” She replied cheerily, looking at them interested.
“It was nice,” Eddie said as he looked towards Addi, “I don’t think the sun likes me though.” He mumbled, motioning to where his face was a dark red. Rosemary nodded her head softly, glancing over towards Sam before she spoke up again.
“We have an aloe plant,” She told him softly, “We could break off a piece of it, it’ll help soothe the burn a bit.” She offered with a gentle smile on her lips. Billy glanced back down at the table, noticing that Susan was oddly quiet and interested in the designs on her plate suddenly. 
They all settled into silence after that, but Billy still felt like something was eating at him. He felt that it was odd that no one else had confronted him about his relationship with Kim, like they were slowly letting it fade away for the time being. 
Halfway through dinner Billy noticed a sudden change in Kim’s behavior. She was no longer slumped over with saddened eyes and angry features. It was as if she’d randomly gotten a pep in her step. Her shoulders were back straighter, her lips curled into a smile as she continued to look at Billy with a dreamy look in her eyes.  He froze, feeling like it had nothing to do with any little bottles of alcohol she’d drank. 
She scooted a little closer to him, once people began to leave and clean up their plates. Her eyes were slightly darker, a little more intense as she rubbed her bare leg up and down the length of his. He looked over at her curiously, his mouth turning dry as she teasingly pulled the hem of her dress higher over her thighs.
“Hey,” He breathed out harshly, slightly alarmed at the way she wasn’t stopping. It was enough for him to know that she had on a pair of blue panties. He tugged it back down slowly, his heart hammering and his cock stirring, “Not right now.” He told her as he chuckled softly, feeling a little alarmed at her rash behavior.
“Why?” She asked him, oozing confidence and giggles as she twisted on her short hair. It had grown a bit, dancing across her shoulders now as her lips pulled into a wide smirk, “S’not stopped us before.” He watched the deep way she exhaled, her chest moving as she did so. He peered up at her curiously, noticing the way she was beginning to move her jaw. 
“Bit crowded in here,” He mumbled softly, glancing around to ensure that no one else had seen anything. Susan and Wayne were lingering near the door, looking like they were discussing when they should leave, “Let’s go to my room.” He replied gently, his eyes widening at how fast she jumped to her feet. 
He paused for just a moment, trying to be as discreet as possible as she did the complete opposite. He chewed on his bottom lip, sure that Rosemary’s eyes were staring at them as he followed her into his room.
She was on him in a second, pushing him against the door to close it roughly as her fingertips fell to his shirt. She fisted his clothing, her lips moving frantically against his as he blindly searched for the lock on the doorknob.
“Hey-,” He mumbled, struggling to keep up with her movements for once as her tongue traced around his mouth, “Hold on just a second.” He tried again but made no avail as her lips messily trailed against his neck. He jolted, feeling her fingertips pressing against his belt.
“I love you,” She spit out dreamily, her teeth grazing against his neck as she struggled with his jeans, “I love you so much. You’re so sweet. The sweetest boyfriend ever. Have I told you that before? Because it’s true.” She rambled on for a moment, sounding like she was far away. He cursed underneath his breath, hoping that his suspicions weren’t correct.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked her seriously, trying to pry her narrow body off of her so he’d be able to look at her features better, “Did you get into something?” He watched the way she darted her tongue across her lips, then did it again like her mouth was too dry. She moved too fast, jerking her body away before he could get a good look.
“No,” She giggled as she rested her cheek on his shoulder, “I just love you so much.” She replied sweetly as she rubbed her cheek back and forth on his shoulder. She giggled softly, stopping the movements for a second before she did it in the other direction. 
“Huh,” He said softly as he moved his hands up to her jawline again, “Have you been drinking?” He pulled her face back, parting her lips to test if he could smell the liquor on her tongue. It was minty. He looked at her eyes, stunned at how dilated they were. He exhaled loudly as his nerves began to settle over him.
“No!” She protested louder, her features wrinkled up in hurt as she looked at him, “Can’t I just be happy and in love with my boyfriend?” She asked him seriously as she rested her palms flat against his chest. She rubbed them up and down slowly, looking to be in awe. 
“I don’t think you should be that happy,” He mumbled underneath his breath, “You’re sure you didn’t eat anything?” He asked her slowly, hoping that she hadn’t done anything dumb. She wondered if Susan had something hidden away still, or if Eddie had given her something. 
“Other than the sandwich?” She asked him curiously, her hazel eyes looking at him in interest. He nodded his head quickly, hoping she’d give him some type of answer, “I had a piece of candy.” She said at last, after thinking about it for a moment. She moved her jaw again, like she kept locking it. He felt his eyebrows knitting together, thinking that a single piece sounded weird. 
“Yeah?” He asked her, “What kind?” He questioned her, wondering if she was just having a bad sugar high. He thought about it again, feeling like it didn’t make sense at all. She’d gotten into something. He was sure of it. 
“Russell and I had some York bars,” She mused as she licked her bottom lip again, “And then I had one of your candies, but it tasted terrible. Gross. Why would you have candy like that?” She looked at him in disgust, her upper lip crinkled up like it was something terrible. He dropped his hands, his heartbeat beginning to race. 
“What candy?” He asked her quickly, trying to gain her attention back to him. She stopped looking up at the ceiling, blinking a few times before she focused in on him again. He tried to remain stoic, but he feared he already knew her answer. 
“Um,” She paused as she lazily walked over, popping open his bottom drawer where he had his socks located, “These!” She exclaimed happily as she held out the baggy. He cursed as he took it from her, examining the little pills that really did look like candies. He took a deep breath. 
“Were you snooping?” He asked her softly, trying to pretend like he was teasing her. He glanced at her, hoping that she truly had only taken one. She was in for a long night regardless, but he knew she’d be more tolerable to just one little pill. 
“Yes,” She said honestly as she sat on the floor, watching him curiously, “I was gonna throw away whatever drugs you had but I couldn’t find any.” She stretched her long legs out, her dress riding up high over her thighs as she bounced her feet around. She looked up at him, a bright smile on her lips and her eyes filled with stars as she watched him. He understood the feeling. He’d stared at her in the same manner. 
“At least you’re honest,” He mumbled, realizing she’d accidentally taken just what she was searching for, “Do you want to take a nap?” He asked, worried that she didn’t have the endurance for how much she took. She was a lightweight in general. 
“No,” She answered quickly, “I don’t ever need to sleep. I feel so with the world, you know what I mean?” She spoke with her hands, looking at him wide eyed as she leaned back against his mattress. He leaned forward, running his fingers through her hair gently. 
“Yeah,” He nodded his head, “I really do. Why don’t we just hang out here then?” He whispered softly, fearing that she’d get too overwhelmed around everyone else. He didn’t want her to panic. He’d flipped out on the same thing, long before she ever came into the picture. Neil had made the situation so much worse; made him too paranoid. He was scared that since she didn’t know what she’d taken, that it would be that much worse. 
“No,” She breathed out, “I wanna tell everyone how nice life is. And how sweet you are.” She giggled as she leaned her head back onto the mattress. She gripped the sides of his neck, just a little too roughly as she leaned him towards her face. She laughed even harder, her eyes dancing over his features as she did so.
“Oh, but I think it’ll be better in here,” He tried to encourage her as he pressed his lips against hers repeatedly, “We finally get to be on our own. Isn’t that nice?” He asked her softly, watching the way she looked up at him in amusement.
“You’re so smart,” She breathed out, making him mumble underneath his breath. He’d have to hold onto that comment, perhaps use it for a future fight, “So smart and handsome. And I love you.” She told him sweetly, turning onto her knees so she could look at him better.
“Here,” He took a hold of her arms, giving them a gentle squeeze as he pulled her onto his mattress, “Just lay here and relax. I’ll be back in just a minute, alright?” He asked her, hoping that she would listen to him as he took a hold of the baggy of drugs again. 
“What are you going to do?” She asked him curiously, wiggling her way closer to him. She curled up to him, starting to tangle her limbs through his. He rubbed her skin softly, having a feeling this would be harder than he previously imagined. 
“The candy was gross, right?” He asked as she nodded her head slowly in agreement, “I thought I’d flush it.” He told her softly, hoping that it would be enough for her to understand. She parted her lips, nodding her head slowly like she understood completely. 
“I wanna come.” She whined a second later, linking her arms tighter around his chest as she pulled herself onto his lap. He sighed, trying not to get irritated because this really was his fault. He should’ve gotten rid of them a while ago, but he thought that he might have at least one more chance to use it once he was in the clear. It was too dangerous now. He didn’t want her to suffer. 
“You don’t have to.” He said softly, giving her nose a reassuring kiss as he tried to gently pull her from his body. Each time he untangled a part of her body she’d wrap herself up even tighter, clinging to him like she was his second skin. He thought that she was seconds away from sliding herself into his clothes, just to wear them with him. 
“I want to,” She whined, “Please?” She pouted out her bottom lip, flashing her pretty eyelashes up at him. She nudged him softly, continuing to whine until he sighed and nodded his head. He chewed on his bottom lip, hoping that they could do this in a secretive way. 
“We have to be quiet,” He told her softly as he brushed his finger across her bottom lip, “Not too loud. Sound good?” He asked her, hoping that she could listen to what he said. She knotted her eyebrows tightly together, nodding her head furiously as she slowly pulled away. 
“LIke a ninja,” She tried to whisper, but still spoke entirely too loud for his comfort. He sighed, watching as she gripped his left arm tightly and squeezed it to her chest, “Russell likes ninjas.” She said a second later, her feet dragging as he walked down the hall.
He felt too paranoid as he pushed the bathroom door open, nearly tripping over Pearl before he shut it roughly behind Kim. She swayed back and forth, her lips parting in surprise as she turned and looked at herself in the mirror. She stared for the longest time, a goofy grin on her lips as Billy quickly dumped the evidence of the drugs in the toilet bowl. 
“I feel like we should say something,” Kim stopped his motions before he could flush the pills down the toilet, “Something sweet because it’s candy.” She heaved out, giggling hard as she closed her eyes in humor. He desperately wanted a cigarette.
“Sure,” He told her quickly, hoping to get this over with, “Go ahead.” He urged her, praying that no one would try and see what they were doing. He didn’t see anyone lingering, but that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t find out sooner or later. There were too many people in the house to be this discreet.
“Oh, disgusting candy,” Kim inhaled deeply, a smile plastered to her lips, “You were terrible. Have fun dissolving in the ocean.” She turned towards Billy slowly, almost robotically before she burst into giggles again. He pulled a stiff smile to his lips before he flushed the toilet and then began to wash his hands. 
“Do you want to head back, and I’ll grab your pjs?” He asked her softly as he began to dry his hands off. He whipped his head around quickly, worried at her silence until he realized she was staring at the designs on the shower curtain.
“Huh?” She looked back at him curiously, her eyes still dilated as she slowly blinked and began to lick at her lips again, “Oh, yeah. Yeah. I can get my pajamas.” She said, sounding like she was floating on air. She pulled the door open slowly, humming as she walked back down the hallway.
He paused for a moment, trying to calm his own nerves before he walked out. He headed to her room first, scooping up her nightgown and a blanket. He decided to bring along a pair of socks, just in case she got cold. He left swiftly, only to bump into Rosemary who was waiting for him. 
“You two can’t be in there alone,” Rosemary pointed out to him, “That’s the rules.” She said sternly. He exhaled as he shook his head, knowing that there was no way around this. He chewed on his bottom lip, trying to think of an excuse before he decided that the truth was just better. 
“I know that but,” Billy breathed in deeply, “I was planning on getting rid of… stuff and I think Kim got into this, uh, stuff.” He said slowly, keeping his voice low in case anyone else was listening to them. 
“Stuff?” Rosemary looked at him for clarity, shaking her head like she didn’t understand. He pursed his lips together and shut his eyes, feeling like he was about to be scolded in the worst way. He knew that the situation could be even worse. Neil could be the one finding out. 
“Ecstasy.” He said at last as he opened his eyes again to look at her. Her lips parted in disbelief as she took in his words. He glanced away from her, sure that he already knew what she was thinking. 
“Oh,” Rosemary’s eyes widened, “William.” She breathed out, using his full name this time. He gulped as he looked towards her again, lightly shrugging his shoulders as he tried to figure out what the best way to handle this was. 
“I tossed the rest of it. I was going to do it before, but I forgot about it,” He mumbled underneath his breath, “I don’t think she knows what she got into, and I don’t want her to realize and freak out. I’m just going to watch over her.” He explained, trying to keep himself from growing guilty. He wouldn’t have kept anything had he known that she would’ve gone through his things. 
“I’m going to have to tell Sam.” Rosemary added softly, making his eyes snap towards her. He shook his head, knowing that it was a bad idea. He always freaked out worse when he thought that Neil knew. He didn’t want the same for Kim. It had been bad enough with Ketamine, but this was fresh in her system and would last hours. 
“Do you have to?” He asked her quickly, hoping that there was a way to change her mind. She tilted her head as she looked up at him, her eyes softening. He wondered if he should point out that Sam hid Kim and Billy’s relationship from her. It might change her mind, but he didn’t want them to fight either. 
“Yes.” She answered him softly, looking like it was already a done deal. He sighed as he chewed on his bottom lip before he nodded his head. 
“Just-, Just don’t make a big deal about it. She’ll have a rough time if she starts freaking out.” He explained softly, still worried for her. He looked back at the door, figuring there wasn’t a point in hiding her away. Still, he felt like this was his problem to deal with. He wanted to be the one to take care of her. 
“Does she need anything? Snacks or food? Medicine?” Rosemary asked a second later, looking like she was seconds away from going inside and checking on her. Billy nearly stopped her, worried that if she did Kim would grow paranoid. That’s what always set him off. 
“I think she’s okay right now,” Billy breathed out softly, “Just try and keep everyone else from fighting.” He mumbled, hoping that Susan would leave quickly so it wouldn’t be an issue again. Rosemary nodded, glancing up at him slowly.
“I’m glad you’re taking care of her,” She mumbled softly, “But this is the only and last time it happens. Understand?” He quickly nodded his head, feeling like she was giving him a chance that he didn’t quite deserve. 
He walked away from her, pushing his door open before he quickly opened it and closed it behind himself. He breathed in deeply as he locked it behind him, trying to get himself ready for the rest of the night. It would be long. He hoped that she’d be able to sleep. 
“Why are you on the floor?” He looked at her curiously, realizing that she was sprawled out like a starfish in the middle of his room. She kept tilting her head, and moving her arms like she was trying to make a snow angel. He shook his head softly, watching towards the radio and turning on a station she’d enjoy. 
“I can feel the Earth moving underneath me,” She breathed out, “Like it’s like- Like I’m flying but I’m on the ground you know?” Billy rubbed at his temple, shaking his head at her statement.  He understood what she meant in some way. He knelt down next to her, pushing her hair from her face to get a better look at her. 
She sat up on her knees suddenly, pulling herself closer to him as she began to twist her body against his again. He struggled a bit before he fell back against the wall, letting her crawl on top of him as she started to move her face against his. 
“What are you doing?” He questioned her, gripping her shoulder softly as he looked at her in confusion. She pouted her lips out before she moved her face up against his again, rubbing her cheek against his slowly.
“Feels nice,” She mused softly before she burst into giggles, “I’m just like Pearl.” She laughed, making a smile form on his lips. She was too cute for her own good. He rubbed at her sides gently, hoping that he was keeping her relaxed. 
“Yep,” He agreed softly as she fell on top of him, laying her entire weight on him. She meowed in response, giggling as he swatted at her behind, “You’re just like your cat.” He nodded his head, fearing that it was going to be a very long night for the both of them.
“You know, I do want to marry you and have kids with you,” She spoke eagerly as she continued to brush her cheek against his, “I was thinking maybe after college. For kids at least. I just already have my wedding planned out and I want it to be fun for us.”
“Mhm, what do you have planned out?” He asked her, knowing that the more she was distracted the better. He tilted his head in confusion as he waited for her to speak again. She crawled off of him gently, moving across the floor in amusement. He drew his eyes away from the way the hem of her dress was riding up along her backside again. 
“I sketched some things out,” She giggled as she held her face in her hands, “It’s silly.” She shook her head roughly, grinning as she tried to shield herself from him. He cocked his eyebrows in surprise, not recalling her mentioning that before. 
“Show me,” Billy said, watching as she tried to pull herself up off of her knees, “Wait, I’ll get it. You stay here. What does it look like?” He asked her seriously. She pulled her hands away from her face for just a second, just long enough to speak. 
“It’s the pink one you got me a while ago.” She giggled as she pulled her hair in front of her face, like she was trying to hide herself away. He grinned, moving a little closer to her so he could kiss her soft cheeks. She wiggled underneath him, smiling deeply from the sensation.
“Be right back.” He promised, a little eager to get his hands on this mystery book. He wondered how long she’d been working on it, if she had thought of him the whole time. 
He left a second later, quickly bounding down the hallway into her room. Pearl was standing on top of one of her pillows, kneading her paws against the soft material as Billy shook his head. He began to search through her stuff, before he found it. He had an itch to look at it first but decided to wait. 
“Here,” He handed her the book, “Do you want to show me?” He asked her kindly as he joined her on the floor again. She scooted closer to him, linking her arms around his bicep before she began to rub her chin against his skin again. He shook his head. 
“Mhm,” She stretched out dramatically, her dress riding up from the way she pulled her legs up. He promptly pulled it down, knowing he didn’t need any distractions in that way, “Wow.” She said as she held the book in her hands. 
“What?” He looked at her curiously, trying to figure out what was going on in that pretty little mind of hers. She shook her head softly, her lips parted as she continued to stare at the book in awe.
“It’s so pink,” She breathed out as she turned to look at him with wide eyes, “Have you ever seen pink be this pink before?” She asked him seriously, her eyebrows knitted together tightly as she spoke. He fought the urge to squish her face in his hands. 
“I don’t think I have,” He chuckled as he kissed her cheek, “Show me.” He nudged her softly, wanting to see what secret things she had hidden away in her little journal. She paused for a second, shrugging her shoulders gently before she began to flip through the pages. 
“I thought of a beach wedding,” She grinned as she showed it to him, “Here’s some of the venues around here.” She explained, pointing to the places that she had glued neatly on the pages. He observed in interest, looking at her neat handwriting and the way she labeled her favorite ones by different colors. 
“When did you get time to look all of this up?” He asked her seriously, gently touching the pages as he looked through the book with her. He felt a little guilty, realizing how badly he would’ve rushed everything had they gotten married when he wanted to. She really did deserve to have the wedding she’d been planning. 
“Silly goose,” She giggled as she leaned forward to kiss his nose, “I’ve had it planned for a while.” She smiled brightly, still wearing a dreamy look in her eyes as she began to rub her skin against him again. He exhaled deeply, his heart fluttering. 
“You always wanted to return to San Diego?” He asked her curiously, watching as she nodded her head enthusiastically, “So you could marry Steve here?” He teased, although he wasn’t really sure if he wanted to know the answer or not. 
“Stop,” She drew out the o dramatically as she stared over at him, licking her lips hard. He sat up on his elbows, wondering if he should get her some ChapStick, “That’s so humiliating. I haven’t had a crush on him for like-,” She paused as she counted on her fingers, “Three months. Maybe four. That’s a long time.”
“It has been a long time, my bad.” He reassured her, nodding his head as he furrowed his eyebrows together in agreement. She smiled as she flicked to the next page, showing off the different color flowers that she liked. He had a feeling he’d have to whisk this book away too. 
“He might be a cute daddy though.” She giggled; her eyes squinting shut tightly as she shook her head. He grinned in response; too taken aback by her manner to care about what she was saying. 
“Oh you think so?” He teased her, pulling her a little closer. She shrugged her shoulders, mocking a bashful look before she buried herself into his chest. He shook his head, glad that she was being so open with him. It felt nice, normal. 
“I do,” She giggled harshly, covering her lips with her hair, “Don’t you?” She peeped up at him curiously, her eyes narrowing as she tried to read the expression on his features. 
“That’s your opinion.” He said at last, shaking his head at her odd demeanor. She pouted her lips out, looking like she wanted to ask more as he continued to try and flip through her book. She nudged him, drawing his attention back to her. 
“Do you think Gina will be a hot mom?” She asked as she wiggled herself underneath him, laying the back of her head on top of his hands. She laid over the book, keeping him from looking at what dresses she liked. He raised an eyebrow, wondering if she even knew what she was talking about. 
“I don’t know,” He laughed as he watched her, “Do you think she’ll be a hot mom?” He asked her teasingly, throwing the question back at her. She paused, looking like she was genuinely thinking about it. 
“She’s got big boobs.” She said at last, looking deep in thought as she brought her hands up to her own chest. He watched the way her hands lingered, how her expression relaxed before he swatted her hands away. He didn’t think it was a good idea for her to get horny. He was sure she wouldn’t be able to stay quiet. 
“I didn’t know you were such a slut.” He teased her as he brushed his lips across her knuckles. She looked up at him in disbelief, like he’d said something mean. 
“I’m not a slut.” She pouted, sounding sad suddenly as she watched him. He quickly shook his head, hoping to ease things back over with her as he pressed his lips against hers once again. 
“I’m just teasing you,” He reassured her, shaking away any bad thoughts she might have, “But I really wanna see your dress.” He mumbled, watching the way she began to roll around again. He once again reached over, pushing her dress down over her thighs so she wouldn’t be exposed. 
“I like these dresses,” She pointed out, then paused as she turned the page and pointed to a specific one, “This is my dream dress.” She said specifically, looking at it in awe. He took in how puffy, big and white it all was. It was pretty, but it was over the top. He grinned as he turned towards her, realizing that she would look like a princess. 
She began to grind her jaw roughly, making him reach up gently to touch her chin. She kept doing it, staring at the pictures before she darted her tongue out again. He hated how sore his jaw got the same way and hoped that he could keep hers from getting too sore. 
“Relax,” He said softly, “Try and chew on this instead.” He mumbled as he sat up and grabbed a piece of gum for her. He watched the way she eyeballed it curiously before she nodded her head and took it. 
“Okay.” She said cheerily as she sat up. She crossed her legs, her dress completely bunching up around her hips. He breathed in deeply, doing his best not to stare at her underwear as he watched her unwrap the gum and stick it in her mouth. 
‘Drink this.” He pushed a glass of water towards her, urging her to take a sip from it. She stopped mid chew, one of her eyebrows raising and her bottom lip curling in disgust as she promptly shook her head in disagreement. 
“I don’t wanna.” She said at last, lightly nudging the water away from her. He pressed a smile on his lips as he tried again, hoping that she’d listen this time. 
“If you love me you’ll drink this,” He told her softly, knowing that it would make her drink. He watched with wide eyes as she began to chug it down. He gripped it softly, shaking his head, “Slowly. It’ll taste better like that.”
“Delicious,” She drew out playfully, “Your best work yet.” She replied as she licked the remaining water from her lips. She smiled widely, her eyes crinkling up in enjoyment. He shook his head softly.
“You’re funny,” He smiled at her, “You have jokes?” He questioned her, watching the way her eyes sparkled in amusement. He was glad she was at least enjoying herself. He just hoped she’d remain like this the rest of the night. 
“I have a lot of jokes.” She said a second later before she placed herself onto her stomach. He watched with interest as she began to roll herself across the floor slowly, stretching her fingers and toes out wildly as she did so. He didn’t blame her. The first time he’d taken it he’d stripped himself naked and wrapped himself in the fluffiest blanket he had. 
“Oh yeah?” He questioned as she came to a halt, her expression still goofy as she continued to touch the floor, “Tell me.” He demanded, watching the way that she stalled for a moment. He observed the way her eyes moved back and forth as she thought to herself. 
“Are you a magician?” She asked him, grinning wildly as she spoke, “Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.” She looked at him proudly, waiting for his reaction like it was the funniest thing she’d ever said. 
“Ha,” He said softly, “That was a pick up line, not a joke.” He pointed out a second later, watching the way she crawled up towards him. She settled on her knees, pushing his legs further apart so she could settle in front of him. 
“Oh shoot,” She pouted her lips out, “Darn. I thought it was good too.” She said a second later, furrowing her eyebrows together like she was trying to think of another joke to tell him. He grinned as he gripped her waist and pulled her a little closer. 
“It was pretty good,” He confirmed as he brushed her nose against hers, “I’m very flattered you think of me in that manner.” He teased, settling back a bit as she started to climb on top of him again. 
“I love you,” She said gently, “You’re the sweetest, most kind and sexiest boyfriend ever. You’re so caring.” She mumbled as she rubbed her face against his again, scooting closer so she could wrap her legs around his waist and rest there.
“Mhm, alright,” He said softly as he shook his head, reaching over to grab his cigarettes, “Here.” He pressed one in between her fingers, watching the way she twisted it back and forth. He thought about how she’d smoked the last time at the party. 
“I don’t like smoking,” She groaned, “Tastes yucky.” She told him seriously as she tried to place it back in his hand. He held his palm out, stopping her as he reached over for a lighter. He always liked smoking when he was high. Everything tasted different and the smoke felt funny coming off of his lips. 
“Just trust me.” He said slowly a s he pressed the cigarette between her lips. She looked at him curiously, following his every movement as he lit a flame near her lips, “You can exhale.” He said a second later, watching the way she just let it dangle between her lips. 
She raised her eyebrows in surprise, nodding as she brought her fingers up to the cigarette and exhaled softly. He breathed in the taste of her smoke, hoping that it would relax his own nerves. Her features wrinkled up into bliss, into awe as she brought her free hand up to her lips.
“Oh,” She said, still staring down at the burning cigarette as she held her fingers up against her lips, “Huh.” She hummed again, taking another hit before she passed it to him. He grinned as he pulled the cigarette up into his lips, taking a few more drags than her.
“Yeah?” He questioned her, letting the nicotine linger on his tongue before he held it out to her again. She observed it for a moment before she brought it towards her lips again. She hummed for a moment. 
“Wow,” She giggled as she passed him the cigarette again, “Feels funny on my lips.” She mumbled, exhaling deeply as she traced her fingers down from her lips, to her throat and then to her chest. She lingered her fingertips there as she took another deep breath.
“Mhm,” He hummed as he observed the amusement in her eyes. She turned from his gaze, temporarily distracted as she stared up at the ceiling. Her eyes drifted towards the window, looking at the stars from the night sky, “Want another?”
“No,” She mumbled as she rested her cheek against Billy’s shoulder. She wrapped both of her arms around his torso, squeezing tightly, “You’re so soft. So warm.” She held herself against him, nuzzling her cold nose against his warm skin. 
“Are you calling me fat?” He teased her softly as he began to rub his fingers up and down her back. She groaned, squeezing him tight enough to draw a groan from his lips. 
“You’re not fat,” She whined as she looked up at him, “Just soft and squishy.” She said cheerfully, looking up at him with warm eyes. He chewed on his bottom lip, getting a clear look of just how strung out she still was. He felt a jolt of guilt traveling up his stomach again. 
“That’s not very reassuring,” He mumbled as he took another drag, careful not to drop any ashes on her hair as she nuzzled her face deeper into his skin, “What are you doing now?” He asked her curiously, feeling her nose moving like she was smelling him. 
“Snuggling,” She mumbled, “I’m sorry.” She apologized a second later, taking him by surprise. He leaned towards his ashtray, putting out the butt of his cigarette. He cupped her face a second later, noticing that her expression had dropped from amusement to grief.
“What for?” He asked her softly, not wanting to push too hard in case her emotions became overwhelming. He knew how it felt when it all grew to be too much. She took a deep exhale, holding it tightly in her chest as tears formed in her eyes. 
“Everything bad that I’ve ever done to you,” She breathed out slowly, “If I’ve ever made you mad or upset. Or hurt your feelings.” She shook her head, looking defeated as she rested her cheek against his palm. He brought a soft smile upon his lips. 
“So you’re getting deep now.” He teased her softly, feeling like she was being ridiculous. He didn’t tell her that. He’d let her ramble the rest of the night about her feelings and thoughts. It was better than the alternative; having a bad trip. 
“I just want to apologize.” She said as she sniffled again, her cheeks damp and eyes puffy. He brushed away her tears softly, shaking his head as a way to dismiss whatever she was thinking about. 
“You’re fine.” He told her softly, giving her face a reassuring squeeze to let her know he was serious. She shook her head, still wearing a disappointed look in her eyes. 
“You don’t mean that.” She said, pouting her bottom lip out as she sniffled again. He patted her cheeks softly, hoping she knew how ridiculous she sounded before he moved his hands down to her hips. 
“You’re just dramatic,” He mumbled as he pressed his fingertips against her ribs softly, “But you’re also very sweet and kind. And you’re forgiven.” He told her a little softer, hoping that it would be enough for ehr to relax. 
“Do you promise?” She asked him seriously before she began to brush her cheek against his again. He made a face as she pressed her wet skin against his. He patted her sides as he bit back a sigh. 
“Yes,” He responded dryly, “I promise.” He told her truthfully, cupping her face again so she could look at him and know that he was serious. She stopped for a moment, scooting a little too close to look into his eyes. He blinked roughly, having a hard time looking forward as she pressed her nose against his. 
“Okay,” She settled back into him happily, laughing into his chest, “Good.” She mumbled as she rested there for a minute, her grip growing tighter and tighter around him. She laid there for a few minutes in silence until she began to scramble off of him, fanning her face.
“Do you want your pjs?” He asked her curiously, reaching up onto the bed to grab for them. She shook her head, her cheeks flushed. 
“No,” She whined as she roughly pulled her dress over her head, stalling for a moment as her elbows got tangled through the sleeves of her arms, “It’s hot.” She persisted, pushing it off of herself until she sat with only her panties on.
“No bra?” He asked, feeling a little nervous as he drew his eyes up towards the top of her head. He forced his eyes to linger there, afraid that his dick would get other ideas if he looked at her naked flesh. He wasn’t risking any funny business with her. 
“It’s tight,” She whined as she rolled onto her back, “You should take yours off too.” She grinned, holding her arms out wide as she pressed her foot against his thigh gently. He kept his eyes focused on the ceiling this time, ignoring how she was slowly wiggling herself closer. 
“What if I get cold?” He asked her playfully, suddenly feeling like his throat was dry. He felt the temptation to look upon her, but he wouldn’t. He had a feeling things would go south if she got too frisky. 
“I can warm you up.” She replied slyly, cocking an eyebrow as she watched him. She pushed his legs apart again, slowly crawling over top of him again. He breathed out harshly, feeling a tightening in his pants as she settled over his lap again. 
“I think you’re a bad influence.” He teased her again, but swore he felt a little nervous from her actions. He’d love to do nothing more than touch her, but knew that she would be far too loud. He was trying to be a little respectful towards Rosemary and Sam. 
Her lips fell onto his, slow and sweet as she gripped his chin tightly. He exhaled against her lips, trying to control his own movements as she lightly slid her tongue across his bottom lip. She replaced her tongue with her teeth, nibbling softly as a moan slid off of her tongue.
He sighed in surprise, groaning softly at the way her mouth dragged against his again. He closed his eyes, enjoying the minty taste on her lips. She moved her hands down further, gripping a hold of his sides as she rocked against his bulge. 
“What are you doing?” He asked hotly, his dick filling out from the warm heat he could feel coming from her thin panties. She licked at his lips again, whining as she continued to rut against him. 
“Feels so good,” She gaped as she ran her hands along the curve of his body. She rocked herself back and forth on his thigh, gasping as she did so, “Billy you feel so good.” She whimpered, her eyes filled with flames as she looked at him. 
“Shh,” He mumbled, bringing his hand up to his mouth, “Maybe we should do something else.” He suggested, confirming that she wouldn’t be able to stay quiet. The walls were thicker, but he wasn’t sure if they were that thick.
“Please,” She begged, her voice as sweet as sugar as she brushed her nose against his, “I’ll be good. I promise.” She whimpered, her tone shaking as she continued to rub up against him. He closed his eyes tightly, unable to deny his own lust as she moved her hand down and pressed her palm against his hardening cock. 
“You have to be quiet.”
“I will be,” She nodded her head eagerly, “Just please.” He nodded his head, almost feeling like he was condemning the both of them as he hooked his fingers through the band of her panties. He wiggled them down slowly, trying to take his time before she quickly pushed the clothing away on her own. 
He nodded his head softly, watching the quick way she rested fully on her back against the hard floor. He felt his eyes lingering against her flushed cheeks, the lustful look in her eyes and how her lips had parted as a soft moan escaped her lips.
She reached between them, her slender fingers wrapping around his hard cock and stealing the air from inside of his lungs. He watched in awe at the way she slowly slid her hand up and down the length of his cock, squeezing softly near his base to earn a groan from his lips.
He exhaled roughly, shifting a little closer until the back of her thighs were resting over his legs. She wiggled urgently against him, pressing his cock against her wet folds. She licked her bottom lip, her flush spreading down to her neck as he brushed her hands away from his dick.
He pressed his reddened tip against her fluttering hole, enjoying the way she was trying to wiggle herself up onto his cock. He grinned, his eyes flickering up to her desperate expression as he slowly slid himself inside of her. He huffed deeply, groaning at the way her smooth walls stretched around his girth. He felt his own eyes fluttering shut for just a second, enjoying how wet and tight she felt all at once. 
“God,” Kim breathed out in awe, her eyes fluttering as a dazed smile formed on her lips, “Wait. Don’t move. Just stay- stay there for a minute.” She begged him as she lightly dragged her nails up her torso. She sighed loudly, a delighted expression across her relaxed features. 
“Fuck,” He sat up on his knees a little bit better, “Like that?” He replied hotly as he dragged his palms down her knees, her thighs and then to her waist. Her skin was warm, vibrating against his as her cunt squeezed roughly around his throbbing cock. 
“Uh huh,” She sighed deeply as she ran her fingers across his back, “Feels nice. Just wanna savor you.” She mumbled, her eyes flashing as she pulled him down a little closer. He grazed his lips against hers slowly, enjoying the sensation of her soft lips against hers for just a moment.
He kissed her passionately, groaning as her fingertips fell to his dirty blonde curls. She knitted her fingers through his hair tightly, pulling him closer as her lips moved against his frantically. He groaned in response, covering her moan with his own at the way that she rutted her hips up towards him.
He groaned at the sensation of his cock sliding deeper into her wet cunt, enjoying her velvety, wet walls that squeezed him tightly. She whimpered against his mouth as she arched her back up closer to his skin. He sighed at the feeling of her pink nipples brushing against his skin, at how whiny she grew.
“Move,” She demanded, her eyes flashing full of lust as she pulled away slowly from his mouth but not before flicking her tongue against his lips, “Billy, please.” She whimpered a second later, like she could no longer wait before she began to drag her hips up and down the length of his cock.
Her motions brought a smirk to his lips as he suddenly thought about how impatient she could be, how urgent she grew when she wanted to cum. He felt a little bad, knowing that it would be difficult for her to reach her peak if she was even able to. The time with her had been the only time he’d cum with the drug pumping in his system.
“Such a desperate little whore,” He tsked at her, groaning as he slowly pulled his thick cock from her warm cunt, then thrusted back into her. She whimpered loudly, her pouty lips pressing together as she turned her gaze up towards him desperately and nodded her head, “You like my cock, baby sister?” 
“Yeah,” She cried out, looking up at him blissfully, “Love my big brother's cock.” She moaned out as she wiggled her body closer to him. He groaned as his fingertips dipped into her soft flesh, squeezing harshly as he dragged her body against his hard cock. He moved his lips down slowly, kissing her sweaty skin.
Her grip on his hair increased as he brought his lips around one of her pink nipples, flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud. She whined in response as he continued to press her back into the hard floor. 
“Wanna cum, wanna cum so bad,” She cried out as she rolled herself up and down the length of his cock, “Please, please make me cum.” She pleaded with him, her eyes dark and hazy as she sat herself up by her palms. He groaned, sitting back as he watched her work her cunt along the curve of his cock. 
“Trying, I’m trying, baby,” He encouraged her, licking his lips as he watched his cock disappear inside of her wet cunt again. He breathed out harshly, feeling the sweat beginning to form at the base of his neck, “You’re so pretty.” He mumbled a second later, enjoying how her flushed skin molded together with her freckles.
She whined as she rolled her head back, her hips grinding forward in complete bliss as he brought his hand down against her clit. He rubbed her sensitive bud in soft circles, slowly pressing down harder before gently moving away. Her moans encouraged him, making him repeat the movements in hopes that she’d reach her high.
“God, daddy.” She moaned even louder, quickly making him move his free hand over her mouth. He watched the way her eyes fluttered, how her features continued to twist into pleasure as he rocked his cock deeper inside of her wet walls. He grunted, enjoying the way her tongue flicked over his palm
“You’re insatiable,” He told her quickly, as a jolt of pleasure traveled up his spine and through his bones, “Little minx.” He grunted out roughly as he gripped his fingertips a little harder into her soft face. She whimpered underneath him, her eyes wide with pleasure as she continued the same frantic movements. 
The sound of the flesh meeting, of her wet pussy clenching around his thick cock echoed in his ears like a nice melody. He could feel him cock throbbing against her walls, grunting as she slid him in deeper with each thrust. Her moans were growing louder despite his palm over her mouth.
He squeezed his eyes shut, his eyebrows knitting together as he did his best to keep his composure. His stomach muscles were clenching as it became harder and harder to breathe. He was doing his best to keep from reaching his high, wanting her to feel as good for as long as possible.
“Fuck,” His forehead fell against her own, their sweaty skin mingling as he dropped his hand to her hip while he roughly pressed his thumb against her clit, “Fuck, oh holy fuck, baby.” He nearly whined, his hips pressing against hers urgently as he came down from his high.
He groaned, his lips brushing against her pouted ones as thick ropes of cum painted her fluttering walls. He breathed in her air, holding onto her tightly as his heart hammered roughly inside of his chest. Everything felt too good, too intense.
“Billy,” She whined, still trying to grind against him, “I’m not there.” She pouted her lips, moving a little too far as his softening cock slid from her slippery cunt. He groaned, sitting up a bit as she crawled over on top of him.
He nodded his head, his face entirely too hot as she began to rut against him. He groaned softly, lazily placing his hands on her hips as her warm pussy slid against his skin easily. 
“God,” She whimpered as she continued to grind against his hip, “Why can’t I cum? I need it, need you again.” She whined desperately as she licked away the sweat from the side of his neck. He rubbed his fingertips against her skin, squeezing softly. 
“Relax,” He mumbled as he drifted his lips across her mouth, “Just give me a few minutes.” He reassured her, slightly worried that this might be an all night thing. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to give her the same intensity from a few weeks ago. 
“I don’t wanna wait,” She pouted as she rolled off of him. He shook his head softly, trying to catch his own breath as he stared up towards the ceiling, “Ouch.” She mumbled as she faced away from him, one of her hands resting on her chest as she took deep breaths. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked her, still trying to come down from his last high. He thought that his dick would be far too sore to do another round. He rolled onto his side, prepared to hunt down her vibrator and hairbrush. 
“My heart is beating too fast,” She spit out as she inhaled sharply, her chest moving roughly as she spit out rapid breaths of air, “I think I’m having a heart attack.” She spoke truthfully as she held her hand over her chest, looking towards him panicked. 
“No, no you’re not having a heart attack,” He reassured her, rolling over better so he could try and soothe her, “You’re fine, just breathe deeply.” He encouraged her, feeling bad that she had spiraled deeply. He thought that it wasn’t that bad, that her emotions would change once she stopped focusing on the way her heart was beating. 
“I think I need to go to a hospital.” She said shrilly, sitting up a bit as she dug her fingertips into her thighs tightly. She continued to breathe harshly, her eyes darting back and forth as an alarmed look spread on her features. He joined her, pulling her close to his chest as he gently rocked her back and forth. 
“You don’t need to go to the hospital,” He spoke softer, trying to get him to focus on him rather than the way she was darting her eyes around the room rapidly, “You’re fine. Just a little anxious. Let’s breathe together.” He guided her, gently tapping his fingertips against her back as he took deep, slow breaths. She struggled for a moment before she was able to calm her breathing enough to follow his lead. 
It was some time later when she fully relaxed, slumping her body against his as her eyes peered wildly at the wall in front of her. He sighed, resting his head against hers as he gave her another reassuring squeeze. She held onto his biceps, squeezing softly as she remained tense against him.
He rubbed her skin softly, moving his hands across her arms and shoulders to try and ease the tension in her body. She blinked a few times, like she was finally drawing out of whatever trance she was stuck in. 
“That feels nice,” Kim sighed gently, her voice no longer panicked as she lightly turned to face him, “Really nice.” She nodded her head softly, her eyes fluttering for just a moment. He wished it would be enough for her to relax and sleep, but he knew it wasn’t possible. He was always away for days after he got high. His mind just never seemed to want to shut off after. 
He moved for a moment, beginning to slide his boxers on quickly when he was stalled by her palm connecting with his ass cheek. He jumped, looking at her curiously as a goofy grin spread on her lips again. He chuckled softly before he grabbed something from his dresser and shut the lights off. 
“I’m not sleepy.” She protested, her voice whiny as she spoke. He shook his head, standing up on the bed for just a moment to push a few of the stickers onto his ceiling. 
“Look,” He mumbled as he looked back down at her, showing her the little stars that he was going to gift her for her room, “Don’t they look neat?” He asked her, grinning at the way her eyes were quickly glued to the lights. He suddenly wished that he had a lava lamp. Those were always fun to stare at. 
“Woah,” Kim drew out dramatically, her eyes flashing as she stared at them, “They’re so pretty.” She reached her handout towards the ceiling, swiping her fingers softly like she might pull them from the ceiling. He chuckled softly, watching her in amusement for a while.
He could feel himself beginning to doze off a few times as he laid next to her. She was clearly distracted, still staring up at the pretty colors of the fake stars as he did his best not to sink into the mattress. 
“What?” He blinked, looking over at her curiously as she nudged at him. She pouted her lips out and he wondered if he had missed whatever she had said. 
“Hold me,” She whined as she held her arms out straight and fell into his lap, “Feels nice.” She squealed softly as she curled up to him. He pressed his fingertips into her skin softly, enjoying the feeling of her boobs against his bare skin. 
“You’re a dork, you know that?” He asked her seriously, stifling a yawn as she began her cheek up against him again. He enjoyed the way she tossed her long leg over his body, wiggling herself even closer. 
“Your dork,” She said as she continued to brush her cheek and body against him, “You feel good.” She mumbled again. He petted at her hair softly, wondering if she would enjoy a shower. He always liked just standing in the water, the feeling of the jets always a nice sensation. 
“Do I?” He questioned her, smiling as she hummed in response. She was soft for a moment as she traced her fingertips up and down his bicep. He pressed his cheek against her forehead gently, holding her a little tighter. 
“I wanna sleep,” She turned to look up towards him, “But I can’t sleep, it's like my mind is racing.” She said, looking at him in disbelief like she wanted the answers. He pressed his lips together, afraid that she’d freak out again if she knew the truth. 
“Mhm,” He mumbled as he rubbed his thumb across her skin, “What are you thinking about?” He watched her curiously, sitting up a little bit as she fell onto the floor again. He sat up, his eyebrows raising at the rough way she snapped her head up and motioned him to join her.
He grumbled underneath his breath, feeling like his body was too sore to sit on the floor again. He joined her regardless, laying on the opposite side of her so that their cheeks were pressed together. 
“Oh,” She giggled softly as she rubbed her nose against his skin again, “Nothing.” She said at last, leaving him in the dark to whatever she was thinking of. He turned towards her curiously, watching how the glow of the lights danced across her skin. He averted his eyes for a second, checking the time to see that it wouldn’t be long before the sun started to rise. Which meant, hopefully, that the drug was almost out of her system. 
“That doesn’t sound like nothing.” He told her as he turned his direction back to her. Her eyes were staring back towards the little stars that were decorating the ceiling. He pursed his lips together, wondering if she knew how cute she was. 
“Tell me something I don’t know,” She turned her head towards him, “Please.” She said at last, her tone so urgent that it took him by surprise. He paused, unsure of what she wanted to hear. He supposed he could tell her that he’d spoken to Neil, that he still felt guilty over what had happened. But something about that didn’t feel right. There was something else that was bothering him. 
“You remember Adrian?” He felt a little surprised as he asked the question. He peeled his eyes back up towards his ceiling, trying to ignore the way his heart was racing now. He felt nervous, worried that this would be the end of it for them. 
“Yeah,” Kim mumbled as she mindlessly ran her fingers through his curls, “He was cute too.” Billy grumbled in response, not sure that he appreciated her referring to him as cute. He watched the way she pursed her lips together tightly, like she was trying to hide the smile that was forming. 
“We used to be friends.” He started there first, still trying to figure out a way to wiggle himself out of what he’d started. Kim hummed in response, her fingers still twisting around his curls. He closed his eyes at the sensation, trying to focus on that rather than the worry that was beginning to chew at his stomach. 
“Yeah, I remember that.” She said softly, sounding like she was stuck in another dream. He figured that now would be the best time to tell her. Hopefully, if things went bad, she’d forget about it when she snapped out of her state. 
“We sorta-,” He paused, staring straight ahead so he couldn’t look at the disappointment in her eye, “We messed around.” He said at last, the words burning on his tongue like coals in a fire. He felt like his heart stopped, his lungs filling with ice as his sentence bounced around the room. He wouldn’t give himself the satisfaction of looking at her, still too fearful of what she might say. 
“You’ve been a boy?” She looked at him curiously as he continued to look ahead. He waited for her to scream, to call him disgusting, “Does he kiss better than me?” She asked instead, making his eyes snap over towards her in disbelief. 
“That’s what you’re worried about?” He asked her seriously, watching the way she licked at her lips again. She looked at him for a long moment, like she was trying to understand what he might be worried about. 
“Well-,” Kim paused as she looked down at her lap, “I don’t have the parts that he has, so yes.” She said at last, fanning her hands over her lap like she was missing something. He scoffed as he turned away, feeling like his cheeks had grown too hot. 
“Oh Jesus,” He sighed deeply as he rubbed at his temple, “I didn’t touch his dick.” He protested, suddenly not surprised at all from her question. He waited, sure that she had a million different questions on how men had sex. 
“That doesn’t seem very fun,” She said, her features wrinkled up, “Ha. You said something similar when I kissed Robin.” She smiled triumphantly when he turned to face her again. He shook his head, feeling like there was a laugh bubbling in his chest. 
“You are a mystery to me.” He told her truthfully, feeling like any other girl would quickly redress and have nothing to do with him again. He was sure that she would’ve returned to Hawkins with Susan after he came clean. 
“I mean-, I kissed Robin.” She said slowly, looking at him seriously like there was some comparison to make. He wished he could smile. She was trying, but their experiences were vastly different. 
“Who knows if I would’ve done it again though,” She said breathlessly, furrowing her eyebrows together tightly, “I mean I could’ve if I wanted to.” She replied forcefully, nodding her head at him as she turned to look at him better. 
“Mhm.” He hummed along, a little amused at her antics. She frowned at his response, lightly poking him as she rolled over onto her back again. 
“I just didn’t want to,” She shrugged her shoulders so high that it brushed against the top of his head, “I mean who cares? I don’t care.” She said at last, nodding her head like it was the end of the conversation. He felt his eyebrows raise this time. 
“You don’t care?” He asked softly, feeling like there must be something hidden. She looked at him in confusion, like she couldn’t understand why he would ask such a question. 
“No,” She said quickly, “I don’t. You’re still the softest, most sweetest-” She began again, looking like she was heading into a long ramble again. 
“Okay, okay,” He stopped her, shaking his head at the way her lips were beginning to brush against his skin as she spoke, “I get it.” He told her, grinning as she repositioned herself so she could look at him. He rubbed at her sides softly, trying to ignore how close her perky tits were to his face. 
“I don’t think you do,” She pouted, “I’m just trying to tell you how much I care.” She grumbled as she rested on top of him again, curling up against him. He looked around, reaching blindly until he found his shirt and a pair of her panties. 
“You’ve said it already,” He reminded her gently, “It’s really alright.” He began to dress her, much to her whining as she languidly moved to pull the articles of clothing on herself. He shook his head, but savored the feeling of his fingertips against her skin. 
“I love you,” She told him quickly, “And nothing about what you’ve done will change that.” She breathed out dreamily, moving her hands against his cheek slowly. He glanced up towards her, letting a warm smile spread on his lips as she continued to squish on his cheeks.
“I love you too,” He mumbled, sitting up a bit so she could stop pressing against his skin, “Are you hungry or anything?” He asked her, fixing the shirt over her thighs. She tilted her head curiously. 
“How about some more water?” He asked her, watching the way she furrowed her eyebrows together as she thought about it. She started to grind her jaw again, making him reach over to hand her another piece of gum. 
“Only if there’s ice.” She said a second later as she unwrapped the piece of gum and popped it in her mouth. He paused for a moment, slightly wondering where the last piece had gone. He sighed gently, hoping that she hadn’t swallowed it. 
“I’ll be right back,” He told her as he stood to grab the glass, “Do you have to go to the bathroom or anything?” He looked at her seriously, still not quite trusting her to be on her own. 
“Nope.” She said, popping the p dramatically as she began to roll around again. He sighed deeply, pausing her movements for just a second as he stared down at her. 
“Stay here.” He told her, pointing a finger lightly in hopes that she knew that he was serious. She grinned, staring up at his finger before she nodded her head. 
“I’ll stay right here.” She replied as she laid on her side again and began to roll back and forth. He chuckled underneath his breath before he turned away, exiting the room quickly. 
He crept down the hall, doing his best to stay silent as he walked to the kitchen. He knew the only one that would really stir would be Max, but he doubted she’d come out to check what he was doing. If she was even here.
He glanced down at his foot, feeling soft paws on his skin before he heard Pearl meow. He sighed, popping a few more cubes of ice into the cup and filling it before he scooped Pearl up with his free hand. He swore a goofy expression formed on her face as he carried her back to the room. 
“Here,” Billy handed Kim the water first, ensuring that she actually drank some of it before he presented the next gift to her, “Here’s your nosey cat.” He said, his eyebrows wrinkling up in amusement at the delight that spread across her features. 
“Pearl!” Kim squealed in happiness as she scooped the kitten up. She giggled as she began to rub her face over Peal’s little cheeks, “Oh your fur feels so funny!” She grinned brightly, amusement burning into the lines on her face. 
“You’re petting her backwards.” He observed a second later, watching the way her hand swooped up Pearl’s spine in a backwards motion. She looked up at him, like she wanted to say duh. 
“It feels funnier this way,” Kim replied quickly as she held Pearl out to him, “You try it.” He looked at her curiously before he brought his hand across the kitten. By the time he reached the top of his head, Pearl was swatting at him and trying to bite him. He yanked his hand back quickly, a little offended that she didn’t do the same thing with Kim. 
“Feels a lot funnier,” He agreed, “She’s a brat.” He said at last, watching the way Pearl arched her back as Kim continued to pet her. He shook his head, joining Kim on the bed as the rays from the sun began to dip in through the window. It decorated the room, bounced off of her pale skin and lit up against the walls.
Kim was quiet for a while after that. She curled up against his side, Pearl laying on her chest as she continued to brush her fingers through the puffy fur. He watched with interest for a while, feeling himself slowly zoning out as she hummed along to the music that was playing in the background. 
“What time is it?” She asked him curiously, turning to face him. He looked at her, noticing that her eyes had grown back to normal. He leaned over, cupping her chin gently in hopes that everything was slowly going back to normal. 
“Almost six in the morning.” He responded as he looked over at what time it was. She moved her head towards his chest, exhaling deeply. 
“Wow,” Kim said, her eyes flashing wide, “We haven’t even slept tonight.” She said in awe, blinking a few times like she was waking up from a dream. He watched as Pearl lifted her paws up to Kim’s chin, resting them there as she slumbered on. 
“I wasn’t tired,” He smiled as he brushed his nose against hers, “What about you?” He asked her softly, wondering if she was becoming aware of what had happened. 
“Mhm nope,” She smiled brightly, “Did I act funny? Something seemed off.” She said at last, drawing the words out slowly. She pulled her hand up to her jaw, holding onto it softly as she chewed on her gum. 
“No,” He shook his head, “You acted fine.” He told her as stoically as possibly, but was unable to stop the grin that was forming on his lips. She groaned loudly, pulling her hands up to her face. 
“Billy.” She whined softly, peaking her eyes out through her parted fingers to look at him in worry. He pressed against her skin softly. 
“You may have gotten into something of mine,” He replied sheepishly, “But it’s all gone now.” He told her reassuringly, hoping that she wouldn’t get mad. He felt really bad about what had happened, really guilty. It was enough to make him worried about doing drugs at the house. He supposed that was off the table for a while. 
“Oh shoot,” Kim groaned as she held her hands in her face, “This is bad.” She sighed deeply, rubbing at her face as she shook her head. He grinned, patting her back gently. 
“Nothing is bad,” He said softly, “You did good. There’s no reason to freak out now. I’m sorry.” He reassured her, then apologized quickly. He really didn’t plan on her finding his little pills. He supposed it was a good thing. He wouldn’t have to deal with that temptation anymore. 
“I shouldn’t have gotten into your stuff,” She mumbled underneath her breath, “They looked like candies. They betrayed me.” She pouted her lips out, looking a little disappointed as she held Pearl to her chest. 
“Yeah, they did,” He chuckled as he pushed her hair behind her ears, “I love you too.” He said softly, hoping she knew just how much her words meant to him. 
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extraskully5 · 5 months
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Noxipup, The needy pokemon
Poison/ Normal type
Ability- Consoling: when this pokemon is sent into battle, the opponents defense is dropped
"Noxipup is often heard loudly crying for attention. It's eyes are frequently swollen from its incessant crying. It's tears and saliva are said to be rather irritating when they come into contact with skin. Similarly, it's fur will often cause a rash that itches constantly for a few days if touched. Ironically, it has been described as having very soft and curly fur."
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Toxhund, The Manipulation pokemon
Poison/ Dark type
Ability- Toxicity: Contact with this pokemon, through physical attacks or receiving physical attacks, may poison (a fusion of poison point and poison touch essentially)
May also have Intimidate as an ability
"Toxhund is known to act sickly and injured in order to lure in trainers and other pokemon. It's fur grows long and patchy in parts to further sell its sickly/mangy appearance. It also secretes an irritating mucus from patches of skin under the longer fur to simulate he appearance of an oozing wound. It's fur is made up of extremely fine toxic needles that's hook into the skin of anyone that touches it."
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Heart to Heart
Nightmares were not a new phenomenon. Everyone had suffered at least once, and Matthew Valentine was no exception. Like most children, he had had nightmares at an early age, and then again during his early teenage years when a death in the family had shaken him to his core.
Lack of sleep was par for the course in the medical field. Matthew had learned to function on four or five hours a night. The worst he could remember it being was a night in his intern year, during the Mrs Martinez investigation, when he had turned up for a shift after no more than ninety minutes of sleep. But this was different. This was a plague that haunted him every night since the attack on the senator. Fitful bouts of sleep, punctuated with images of long, dark hallways, the robotic beeping of a heart monitor, the feel of cold plastic, and three faceless bodies in hazmat suits looking down at him as he lay in a hospital bed, unable to move. 
Matthew woke with a gasp, his heart pounding, a sheen of sweat on his forehead. With a shaking hand, he clicked on his bedside lamp and a soft light filled the room. His own room. His own bed. Matthew let out a breath and sank back against the pillows, wiping his hand across his forehead. The clock on his bedside table read 22:55 and he sighed. He had only been asleep for an hour. There was no way he could keep himself awake until morning.
He sat up slowly, breathing deeply, and reached for the glass of water beside his lamp, sipping it steadily until it was empty. He continued with his measured breathing: breathing in for five seconds, holding for three, and releasing. One of his earliest patients had reminded him of the importance of breathing and that technique had never failed him since. Keeping count of his breathing, he turned off the lamp, lay back down and slowly focused on relaxing his tense muscles. Eventually he drifted away.
He was walking down a long corridor, much longer than it should be at Edenbrook, was he even at Edenbrook at this point? But the patient rooms were very familiar, though they were dark and empty and covered in plastic. There was a slight ringing in his ears, and was that someone calling his name? Something told him not to go near it, but he couldn't stop his feet. Lights started to flicker up ahead and he got a glimpse at what was inside some of the rooms.
The silhouette of a patients body, under a sheet.
Another body, except the sheet had a long bloodstain across the abdomen.
Another body had an elderly arm hanging below the sheet, blood dripping steadily from a pinprick in the forearm.
Matthew started to sweat, breathing in short sharp bursts. He shouldn't be here, he should turn around, but his feet just kept on going. He couldn't stop them, though he tried. The ringing in his ears was growing louder and louder.
And then, out of nowhere, Bryce's voice, loud and frantic. I'm sorry, Matthew, I couldn't save her. I'm sorry. I failed you. But Bryce was nowhere in sight. Instead Kyra was lying on the bed, her chest cut open, a tumour creeping out of the wound and over her body. Her eyes were open and glassy. A trickle of blood oozed from the corner of her mouth.
Matthew stumbled, his subconscious screaming that this wasn't real, Bryce did save Kyra, Matthew had seen her recovering from the surgery. He tried again to make himself stop walking but he only ended up falling into yet another patient room where the ringing in his ears was louder than ever. Matthew had just found the source: it was a flatline.
Rafael was lying on an examination table, his eyes wide open and empty. There was a rash spreading across his chest, growing faster than what should have been possible. A black cannister rolled by Matthew's feet.
Matthew gave a silent, agonised scream, his instincts telling him to try CPR, though for some reason it suddenly felt like his limbs were encased in concrete. He knew it shouldn't matter, Rafael was alive, but seeing him lying there, cold and dead, was exactly what Matthew had been so afraid of that night.
Tears of blood suddenly ran down Rafael's cheeks.
"AAH!" Matthew woke with a sharp cry, sitting bolt upright. He drew his knees up to his chest, shaking like a leaf, desperately trying to calm his ragged breathing. Sweat was running down his forehead and his heart felt like it might jump out of his chest. His clock now read 00:07.
When they were in that room, Matthew had held Rafael's hand and looked deeply into his eyes as if he could will him back to health, only for Rafael's eyes to fall shut and his hand become limp in Matthew's grasp. Matthew was almost convinced that Rafael had died then and there; it took a minute to register that the heart monitor was still beeping weakly. When Rafael had woken up and they had started their long recovery process, Matthew took a little comfort in the fact he would never have to think about Rafael dying in his arms again. Apparently his subconscious now wanted to deny him that relief. A lump formed in Matthew's throat and he forced himself to keep breathing as he weakly reached for his phone and shot Rafael a message:
Are you awake?
Let me know when you get this.
He didn't get a reply straight away and sternly told himself that Rafael was probably asleep; it was the middle of the night after all. 
Matthew slowly sat up, then shuffled out of bed and padded into the living area. When he flicked on the main light, he heard a squeak and saw their chinchilla--Spooky--sitting on one of the couch cushions, blinking at him in the sudden light. She had a cage but they never closed it, instead allowing her to roam free.
"Hey, Spooky," Matthew whispered, going over to stroke her. She responded eagerly, grabbing onto his fingers. Matthew picked her up and rested her on his shoulder, taking comfort in her incredible fur.
His phone buzzed in his hand and he sighed in relief when he saw a message from Rafael.
Aveiro.Rafael: Yeah, just woke up. You OK??
Matthew swallowed and typed out a reply.
M@thewValentine: Bad dreams. Just wanted to check in.
Aveiro.Rafael: Believe me, I get that.
Aveiro.Rafael: Do you want to come over?
M@thewValentine: What, right now?
Aveiro.Rafael: If you want to.
Aveiro.Rafael: It would be nice to have your company.
Matthew's heart fluttered a little. Now more than ever he treasured the time he spent with Rafael. Before the memorial, a few days ago, they had shared a glorious kiss in the park, but they still hadn't properly talked about what happened over the summer.
M@thewValentine: Thank you. I'm on my way.
Aveiro.Rafael: Great :) Text me when you're close, I'll let you in.
Forty-five minutes later, Matthew was walking down the road--lit by the familiar streetlamps--to Juliana's small house. He shot a text to Rafael to say he'd be there in a few minutes, but as he approached the house he was surprised to see Juliana herself at the door. 
"Rafael told me you were coming," she said gently, before Matthew could say anything. "Come in darling."
As she lead Matthew into the house, he caught sight of her tired eyes and hollow cheeks and felt a rush of sympathy for her; Juliana loved Rafael so much, Matthew doubted she would have been able to survive his death. 
"Have you slept at all?" he asked her, and Juliana shook her head ruefully.
"I try, but I can't stay asleep for long. I keep thinking something will happen if I'm not there...and I don't want to hover over him too much, he hates that, although he'd never say anything...but..." Juliana trailed off and swallowed back tears. Matthew put a hand on her shoulder.
"I can stay with him tonight. I'll take care of him. Just, please, get some sleep."
Juliana hugged Matthew tightly and he heard her sniffle. He rubbed her back gently and they stayed that way for a few minutes before Juliana pulled away.
"Go on up to his room, he's waiting for you."
As Matthew approached Rafael's room, the door opened. Rafael stood there, dressed in pyjamas, his curly hair dishevelled. His eyes were a little puffy.
"I thought I heard your voice," he said, smiling gently.
"You're here," Matthew said, weakly. He suddenly didn't know what else to say, he just knew that Rafael was alive and well and standing right in front of him. 
Rafael frowned and pulled Matthew into a tight hug, speaking softly to his grandmother, in Portuguese, over Matthew's shoulder, before leading Matthew into his bedroom and carefully closing the door behind them. He guided Matthew over to the bed, where Matthew sat on the edge of the mattress, raking his hands through his hair. Rafael sat beside him and rubbed his back.
"Matthew, what happened?" Rafael asked, his voice full of concern. "Talk to me. Please."
"Just the nightmares..." Matthew whispered, hoarsely. "There's one I've been having every night...I don't fully remember the details but I'm back in that room, completely alone." Matthew gulped and turned to look at Rafael, who took one of his hands, linking their fingers together and holding tightly.
"The one I had just now...it was new," Matthew continued. "I was walking down a corridor and all these patient rooms were covered in plastic. I think I saw Mrs Martinez and the pregnant woman you brought in that one time but...they were both dead." Matthew took a shaky breath and leaned heavily against Rafael's side. "And then I saw Kyra and she was dead...and so were you..." Tears filled Matthew's eyes and he tore his hand from Rafael's to cover his face.
"Hey, Matthew," Rafael said soothingly. "It's OK. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He gathered Matthew in his arms and held him tightly. Matthew clung to him desperately, sobbing into Rafael's neck.
"It was just...the way you died, Kyra too...the worst thing...and that night in the room, when I was alone, I really thought I'd never see you again." Matthew pulled back a little to look at Rafael and saw that he had tears on his face too. When Matthew reached out to brush them away, Rafael caught hold of his hand and kissed it. Matthew leaned forward, pressing his forehead to Rafael's, looking him straight in the eye.
"I don't think I've ever been happier to see you than I was when you came out of your room just now."
Rafael let out a quiet sob and the two hugged each other tightly, falling back onto the bed, quietly crying into each other and comforting each other simultaneously. Matthew buried his face in Rafael's shoulder, once again listening to his beating heart, treasuring how it felt to be back in Raf's arms, how warm his skin was. He felt Rafael pressing his cheek to the top of Matthew's head...and his tears falling into Matthew's soft hair. 
Eventually, the sobs subsided. Matthew pulled away a little, carefully brushing a stray tear off Rafael's cheek. Rafael took Matthew's hand and held it over his heart.
"You feel that, right?" he whispered, and Matthew nodded. Rafael placed his own hand over Matthew's heart and the ghost of a smile flitted briefly across his face when he felt the pace increase slightly.
For a little while, neither of them said anything. They merely lay together, hands over hearts, cherishing the warmth of the other, the concrete proof they were alive.
"I wanted to ask before, but is everything else OK?" Rafael hesitantly asked. "Apart from the attack, I mean. When I first told you I was leaving. That day you seemed very stressed and upset. You still looked like you weren't sleeping back then."
Matthew remembered that day that felt like so much more than a month ago. The day Jackie had rushed him to Kyra's office to find her hacking up blood, the day he had run the tests that showed exactly how much her cancer had spread, the day he thought--not for the first time, and certainly not the last--that he would lose Rafael for good.
The day he had allowed June to talk him into breaking into Mass Kenmore and convincing that senator that he should leave Kenmore and be treated at Edenbrook instead.
Guilt suddenly swelled inside him. Did that mean he was indirectly responsible for the near-death of Rafael and the actual deaths of Bobby and Danny? What if the senator hadn't come to Edenbrook and the attack had happened at Kenmore? Would it have been him watching helplessly as Aurora spent the night deteriorating and Tobias frantically searched for both the poison and it's antidote? Would Rafael be in Brazil right now, Sora on his way to visit, with Matthew left behind with nothing but old memories?
Matthew blinked. Rafael was frowning, his hand resting on Matthew's cheek, brushing away the tears that Matthew hadn't realised were falling.
"Sorry," he muttered. "Just...got caught up thinking." He suddenly cuddled closer into Rafael's chest. Rafael's arms tightened around him. 
"The truth is, I wasn't OK," Matthew sighed. "The hospital's financial situation was weighing on me, we'd just lost a potential research grant to Mass Kenmore, I let the stress hurt my friendship with Aurora even though I said I wouldn't, and then Kyra's cancer got worse and at the time she seemed doomed, and you were with Sora and you were moving and I wouldn't have you around at all..." He choked up, a lump in his throat. Pulling away from Rafael's chest, he looked at him directly.
"I've missed you so much," he whispered, brokenly. "I've tried to move on but I really haven't." He turned away, suddenly feeling pathetic.
Rafael didn't quite know what to say to Matthew's confession. He carefully put a hand on Matthew's arm. "Listen...I meant it when I told Sora I still had feelings for you. They never went away." A lump was growing in Rafael's throat now, but he ignored it. "I made the wrong choice over the summer. I'm so sorry, Matthew."
Tears formed in Rafael's eyes, but he blinked them away. Matthew's hand found Rafael's. He turned back to look at him.
"Why did you do it?" He asked. "Please, just tell me the truth."
Rafael nodded, though he was nervous.
"OK. The whole truth. I guess...obviously Sora and I dated in high school, and then I stayed in Boston whereas he went to college in Nevada. There was no bad blood when we broke up, we were just going in different directions. We stayed in touch a little at first, but then we drifted apart. I got my college degree and joined the paramedic service. To be honest, Matthew, by the time I met you I had almost forgotten about Sora."
"Right..." Matthew nodded. "So...what happened? I know we never actually defined what we were but I thought...I thought we had something..." Matthew trailed off, remembering the pain of the break-up and how he'd spent days wondering what could have changed so quickly.
"We did. I really, really cared about you. I still do." Rafael squeezed Matthew's hand, silently imploring him to understand.
"Sora had told me he was moving back to Boston and I didn't think much of it. I just thought it might be nice to catch up with him again," Rafael continued. He sighed, looking at Matthew fully, still holding his hand. "When he and I met up again...I was a little attracted to him, which surprised me. And I'm not trying to make you feel bad here, I just want to give you the whole truth."
Matthew closed his eyes against a stab of pain in his long-suffering heart but he held on to Rafael's hand.
"Go on," he encouraged.
"You didn't always have the confidence in yourself last year, Matthew, but you really were someone to be proud of. How you unanimously won your trial on the Mrs Martinez case, how you diagnosed Dr Banerji...I was always so impressed by you. Your career was on track to take you wherever you wanted. I didn't think I would ever leave Boston. When Sora came back to town, it wasn't ever as much attraction as I'd ever felt for you but...it made me think."
Matthew frowned. He didn't like where this was going.
"You're very clever, very talented. I didn't ever want to be the one to hold you back from any opportunities that came your way. As I got to know Sora again, the more I thought he was more on my level."
"And...I wasn't?" Matthew asked, softly.
"No. You were above it," Rafael whispered as a tear spilled over. Saying the words aloud only made him more aware of how stupid he'd been. "I've said before that I don't have much to offer an ivy-league doctor. Sora felt...safe. I decided that maybe I should stay with Sora in Boston, but you and I could be friends while you did whatever you wanted, wherever you were needed. And then just after I told you that I had chosen Sora, I heard that Dr Ramsey had been asked to join the W.H.O. in the Amazon and it was uncertain how long he'd be there for. It only seemed to confirm that I had made the right choice...the safe choice."
Matthew was looking at Rafael, unblinking. "You...thought I was...too good for you?" he asked incredulously. He sat up in the bed, looking back at Rafael. Tears had started to fall again but he didn't make any movement to wipe them away. "Raf...hadn't we been through this last year?!"
Rafael sat up too, his stomach churning. "Matthew, I'm so sorry, I wish I..." He couldn't finish the sentence. It seemed pointless. What did it matter what he wished for? It wouldn't change anything. He had said his truth, the ball was in Matthew's court now. All he could do was sit back and accept the consequences, no matter what they were.
"Oh god, Raf..." Matthew looked at him, agonised. "You're one of the bravest, kindest, most beautiful people I've ever met, but goddammit that was the stupidest thing I have ever heard!" Matthew tugged his fingers through his hair in exasperation. "I've told you, I don't care about where someone went to school or how they grew up. That's not what makes a person. You're selfless, you're funny, and you are clever, and you've always been there for me when I need you. That's who you are, and you are the only person I have ever wanted to be with." Matthew began to cry quietly as he caressed Rafael's face. "It's only ever been you and no one else," he confessed through his tears. "And I need you to remember that."
Rafael's heart was beating fast. He held Matthew's hand to his face as he looked into his eyes.
"You'd still have me?" He whispered. "Even after all this?"
"Yes," Matthew nodded. "I've said before, I thought I was lucky to be with you." He linked their fingers together and gave Rafael's hand a gentle squeeze. "I just...I assumed that you and Sora had too much history for me to compete with," he admitted, softly.
Rafael brushed the tears off Matthew's face. "Whatever I had with Sora doesn't matter anymore," he said, firmly. "He's not who I want anymore. Matthew...maybe I don't deserve this...but I want to be with you. I know I've hurt you and I'm so sorry for that. But I promise you, I'll do anything I can to make it up to you...if you want."
Matthew's eyes widened, his heart suddenly soared. Given the circumstances, it felt wrong, but he couldn't help it. He had been hoping to hear those words for months. He took Rafael's face in his hands and pulled him in for a deep, tender kiss. Raf responded eagerly, his arms making their familiar way around Matthew's waist and holding him tightly. Matthew felt more tears on his face, but whether they belonged to him or Rafael, he wasn't sure.
The kiss ended but Rafael continued to hold Matthew close, Matthew's head on his shoulder. They stayed that way for a few minutes, letting the feeling linger.
"To be clear," Matthew said, with a gentle smile, "I want to be with you too."
Rafael laughed quietly and smoothed Matthew's scruffy hair, combing his fingers through the tangled waves. 
"Thanks," he replied. It seemed such a silly, insignificant way to express his relief and his gratitude but he couldn't seem to find any other words.
"Will you stay here tonight?" he asked Matthew, shyly. "I don't really like the idea of you being alone at the moment."
"I'd like that."
Matthew pulled off his sweater and jeans. Rafael removed his t-shirt and they cuddled together under the covers. Matthew lightly traced his fingers over Rafael's skin, and every so often Rafael kissed his hair, which sent a little jolt of happiness down Matthew's spine.
"Have you been sleeping much at all?" Matthew asked Rafael. "Both you and your grandma were awake."
"She's...been struggling," Rafael admitted, pained. "I don't have much of a sleeping pattern at the moment; I just sleep when I'm tired. But I can't seem to sleep for more than a few hours at a time. When you said you'd come over, I thought I'd wait for you downstairs and she heard me moving and came out to check I was OK. When I said you were coming over, she offered to wait and let you in herself." Rafael hugged Matthew closer. "I heard what you said to her downstairs. Thanks for telling her to get some sleep." He kissed Matthew's cheek.
"Do you think she will?" Matthew asked as he looked at Rafael, who sighed.
"I hope so, I really do. But she's been worrying about me so much. I just wish I could convince her she doesn't need to but..."
"Ssh," Matthew whispered, rubbing Rafael's back. "It's OK. It'll take time, but we'll get there."
Rafael hid his face in Matthew's hair, treasuring the scent and softness of it.
"My family love you," he said suddenly. "That's twice now you've saved my life."
Matthew shook his head, modestly. "You can thank Bryce and Harper Emery for the first time, I just handed them the tools while they did the hard work. And it was everyone else who developed a cure for the maitotoxin."
"I know that but...I was a lot less scared than I would have been if you weren't there."
Matthew leaned in and gave Rafael a loving kiss, Rafael stroking his cheek as he did so. When they broke apart, Matthew whispered, "Please try not to make it a third time."
"I'll try," Raf promised, and Matthew kissed him again. Rafael kissed him back sweetly, trying to convey the depths of his gratitude in one kiss. He wasn't sure if it worked, but he thought he could feel Matthew smiling against him.
Breaking apart, they lay side-by-side, gazing at each other.
"When I was holding your hand in there..." Matthew swallowed, "I remembered the day I first met you."
"Yeah?" Rafael asked, his eyes widening a little.
Matthew nodded, blushing. "I suddenly remembered little things I barely thought about. I remembered the difference in the temperature of the ER and the temperature outside, and the smell of smoke that was coming off your clothes. And the nerves that I always got when a new patient came in and I didn't know their status...it became a slightly different set of nerves when I saw you," he added, with a shy smile. "I don't know why I suddenly thought about it...it might have been the look in your eyes in that room: despite everything else, it was the same as it was back then."
Rafael kissed Matthew's forehead. "I thought about that day too...I had been focused on getting the patient to safety and then you had the brightest eyes I'd ever seen...I got a little distracted all of a sudden," he told Matthew, with a light chuckle. 
"Damn," Matthew grinned. "Here I was thinking that nothing would come between you and your patients."
"Nah, that's you," Raf smiled. "And I've been your patient, so I know what I'm talking about."
Matthew raised an eyebrow. "OK, but I hope you realise I don't usually climb into bed with my patients."
Raf chuckled again. "I feel special."
"You are." Matthew squeezed Rafael's hand. His skin was warm, his grip strong.
Rafael's gaze softened when Matthew yawned suddenly. "Do you want a backrub?"
Matthew fondly remembered Rafael's comforting hands smoothing away his tension. Perhaps a massage was long overdue, and yet...
"Maybe another time? I actually just really want to be cuddled by you."
Affection swelled in Rafael's chest. "Of course. In fact...turn onto your other side."
Matthew did so, slightly confused at first, but he couldn't help smiling when Raf spooned him from behind and wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight.
Matthew sighed in relief. His eyes started to close and for the first time in a long time he allowed himself to get lost in the feeling of Rafael's embrace.
Some of the hurt he had been carrying for so long finally melted away.
Rafael kissed the back on Matthew's head as he also started to drift off to sleep. He couldn't help noticing that everything that had been missing with Sora was right there with Matthew.
Juliana woke up a little later than she usually did. It hadn't been the best nights sleep she'd ever had--it would be a long time before that would happen again--but it hadn't been the worst. Somehow the knowledge that Matthew was with Rafael helped her stay calm.
She wrapped herself in a lavender-coloured dressing gown and started to make her way down the stairs. As she did so, Matthew and Rafael's voices drifted up towards her. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but it was interspersed with laughter and then there was the unmistakeable sound of a kiss.
Juliana smiled to herself. She had always thought Matthew was a better match than Sora anyway.
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mblcprek · 21 days
What are the hours of operation?
Monday - Friday 8:30am to 2:30pm
What days are you closed?
New Year's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independance Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Teacher Inservice Days TBD.
MBLC Preschool reserves the right to close in case of severe weather conditions or "State of Emergency."
What is needed for enrollment?
Child Health Assessment – completed and signed by the child’s health care provider (submit within 30 days of child’s first day of care). Updates are required according to state mandates (within the first 30 days of enrollment, 3, 4 & 5 years of age). Children can be excluded for failure to update physicals. 
Emergency form – completed and signed by parent/legal guardian. Must be updated every six months and whenever information changes.  
Fee agreement – completed by parent/legal guardian. 
Special Care Plan – if applicable (IEP, IFSP, Behavior Plan)   
Release of Information Form – completed by parent/legal guardian.  
Getting to Know You form  
Enrollment Form
Legal documentation of any custody arrangements – for children in divorce/separation situations in order to adhere to them. 
Legal documentation of any protection from abuse orders – in order to adhere to them. 
All open children and youth cases must be reported at enrollment.   
Are meals included?
Yes, meals are included in the weekly tuition cost. Contact your local county assistance office to see if your child qualifies for the free meal program.
Financial Responsibilities
What is the tuition rate?
Tuition is $250 per week, and tuition is due each Friday. The enrollment fee is $75 per child or $125 for siblings.
What payment methods are accepted?
We accept money orders, checks, cash or you can pay through the ProCare app with a credit or debit card. However, there is a processing fee if you pay through the app. We also accept vouchers through your local county assistance office.
What happens if I can no longer afford services?
On a case-by-case basis, we are willing to forgive tuition if your family falls on hard times. However, this is temporary until your family is able to afford tuition again. We must be given a two-week notice for these cases. If you are unable to pay your tuition after one month without any notice, you may be discharged from the program.
Health & Safety
What is your illness policy?
We need your help in keeping MBLC Preschool a healthy place for your child. Please consider our illness policy when your child is not feeling well. The policy is a state mandated regulation and helps to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. We may ask you to take your child to the doctor for a diagnosis.
The following guidelines are used when making a decision about sending your child home or readmitting him/her to the classroom after an illness:
Fever of 99.5 degrees or higher – when no fever has been had for 24 hours.  
Vomiting one or more times – when no longer vomiting after 24 hours.  
Diarrhea one or more times – no diarrhea for 24 hours .   
Ear infection – when treated.  
Pink eye – until treated with a doctor’s written permission or prescription.  
Impetigo – until treated with a doctor’s written permission.   
Head Lice – until treated and after treatment.  
Influenza – with a doctor’s written permission.  
Chicken Pox – May return 6 days after rash appears or when all scabs are crusted and dry. 
Hand/Foot/Mouth – when healed (no oozing or bleeding), a small scab may be present.  
Strep infection – 24 hours after antibiotic treatment. 
What is your child abuse policy?
All childcare staff members are mandated by PA state law to report any signs or suspicions of child abuse that may happen. All staff members receive mandated reporter training within 30 days of hire. At the time of filing a report, staff members are asked to report all suspicions to the center administration. 
To report abuse please call the Child Line at 1-800-932-0313 or report online at https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home. 
What happens in the event of an emergency?
Our emergency plan is distributed to parents at the time of enrollment. 
First Aid kits are located in each classroom and are taken along when children leave the facility.
Written emergency first aid plans are posted in all classrooms. 
All staff are required to have annual training in CPR, fire safety and emergency procedures. 
If a child should be injured, parents will be notified via phone call or personal contact per the child's emergency contact. An official report will be placed in the child’s file as well as given to the parent on the date of the incident.
If a child is needed to be transported to a hospital, 911 will be called and a staff member will assist the child until a parent or guardian can be with the child. Consent for Emergency Treatment forms will be signed by the parent or guardian of each child enrolled and kept on file in case the parent or guardian cannot be reached.  
How do you handle dietary restrictions?
MBLC Preschool is a nut-free facility. All special diets will be posted in a confidential manner.  All special diet requests must go through the director. The director will communicate any and all special diet requests to Kitchen Management.  
How can I express concerns I have?
MBLC Preschool values each and every one of its families and students. If you have a concern, you may write or orally report your concern to the director or assistant director. Additionally, MBLC Preschool holds bi-monthly parental and staff meetings so that parents may express their concerns or ideas before the staff.
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squids-comics · 8 months
Medical Log Three: The Leak (Part Five)
Medical log three, Dr. Jones speaking.
Mr. Smith's condition has worsened. He has been in isolation a total of twelve hours now. I checked in on him to monitor his symptoms approximately thirty minutes ago. They were even worse then they had been at the time of the last log. The rash on his back has grown a deeper shade of red. Mr. Smith has elected to untie the top of his gown, letting it hang over the lower half, giving the appearance of a trim on the lower gown, like some sort of formal dress. While this is not proper patient care procedure, it does provide easier viewing of the rash, so I allowed him to continue dressing that way. The edges of the rash have started peeling, causing a yellow coloured puss to ooze out. The rash seems to have expanded, encapsulating a larger area of Mr. Smith's back. It looks quite painful now. 
When asked if the rash pained him, Mr. Smith stared straight forward at me, as if not fully understanding the question. Once thirty seconds had elapsed, I repeated the question, "Do you feel any discomfort or pain from the rash?". He looked me in my eye, without blinking, and told me "The body does, but I do not.". I asked him what he meant by that, unsure how his body could feel it without he himself feeling it. He told me it wasn't his body. I believe his exact words were "This isn't my body. It used to be, but now it's not. It doesn't fit me anymore. I'm trapped."
I asked him to expand on these feelings of alienation from his own flesh. He told me "I've changed, but my body hasn't. It needs to. It's not the right shape. Too small. My skin is too tight.". He began scratching at his arms while he talked, clawing hard at the skin. By the end of the sentence, he was drawing up blood. I dropped the discussion there. While I believe this is an important discussion to have with the patient, the way it talks about it is enough to make my skin crawl. It sounds too calm about it. It states these ideas so matter of factly, with no hint of uncertainty in its voice. It has completely convinced itself its body no longer belongs to it. And the way it stares, god the way it stares. I'm not sure I saw it blink in the entire ten minute checkup. The glass between us should provide me with some comfort, a shield between me and its piercing eyes. But it doesn't. The glass warps its face, blurring it and distorting it into something that doesn't look human anymore. I realize this is highly unprofessional of me, but I am unnerved by this patient. I have to find what's wrong with it and get it out of here, for my own sake. 
I tried my best to keep my composure in front of the patient, calmly asking it to refrain from scratching. It listened, dropping its arms down to its sides. I gave the patient one last look over, to examine the growths discovered in the last log. The two lumps on the chest had been enlarged greatly, now appearing around the size of baseballs. The patient's waist had shriveled up slightly, giving it a slight hourglass figure. The patient's hips had widened, increasing this effect. None of the doctors in sick bay have a working theory for what could be causing this. It is now blatantly clear that radiation is not the cause of these ailments facing the patient. Could something else have slipped through the leak? This requires further investigation. 
In my next check in, I intend to delve into the patient's psyche. I will conduct a live interview with the patient. I hope it goes well.
End of log.
0 notes
outerspacebisexual · 2 years
A Place in this World - Steve Harrington
Book B - Part Six
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Summary: You and Steve Harrington are together, and you realise you love with him at the worst possible time.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence and gore, steve and eddie interaction! huzzah!
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Skull Rock was a hell of a lot more intimidating covered in vines in the dark.
Still, you were thankful for its protection as you crouched beneath it, eyes on the hoards of bats that were circling the sky searching for you guys.
Even the air was different in the Upside Down. It had a dank stench to it that you couldn’t escape, and the tiny flecks of…whatever it was…swirled around on an invisible breeze. You might have been more worried about the effects of inhaling it if Death itself wasn’t lurking around every corner, silently praying for you to make a mistake.
Eddie was crouched in front of you, and you leaned over his back to get a better look at the sky as the shrieking became distant. He huffed as you practically pushed him to the ground in your efforts, only steadying himself just in time.
He shot you a look over his shoulder, but your eyes didn’t leave the sky.
“Where are they going?” you asked, mainly directing it to Nancy. She seemed to know the most about this place.
“I don’t know,” she said, standing up.
According to all the stories you’d heard about your friends’ encounters with the monsters in Hawkins, Nancy had always known what to do. The fact that she didn’t know unnerved you even more.
You stood, too, following Eddie and Robin out of your hiding spot.
Steve hissed, and you spun just in time to see him collapse against the rockface. Reaching for him, you only just stopped him falling over completely, steadying him as best you could. “Steve,” you breathed, and your eyes shot to his abdomen.
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” he managed, but his breathing was heavy, and his hand pressed hard over the bite mark on his side.
You seemed to freeze as you stared at the hole that had been left by the bat. It was oozing blood, and you finally got the chance to properly look him over. His chest was covered in scratches and nicks, some barely surface level and some deeper that had stopped bleeding in the time it had taken for you guys to run from the lake to Skull Rock.
He had run with his injuries.
Your eyes flickered to his neck, and you swallowed harshly at the angry, raised welts that circled his neck. Even seeing them now had that unknown feeling that had overcome you on the lake threatening to take over. If you tried to place it, it was like a mixture of fierce protectiveness and a completely new level of fear that you had never encountered before. And you knew that if you gave yourself over to it, there would be no coming back.
Just like on the lake, there was nothing that could stand between you and Steve when he was hurt.
The thought of Steve dying had panic rising quicker than you could stop it.
You couldn’t lose Steve. You couldn’t lose the love of your life to some fucking bats in an alternate Hawkins.
As Nancy forced Steve to sit and started wrapping a piece of fabric from her shirt around him, you couldn’t pull your eyes from his back.
The once unmarked expanse of his skin was marred by gravel rash that stretched all the way from his shoulders to his hips. It was dulled by the dark, but you could still see the bruising that was beginning to form.
Steve caught your eye as Nancy tied the knot. “I’m OK,” he reassured you.
You just stared at him.
How many times had the two of you said that to each other in the past few days? You’d lost count.
You couldn’t remember how many times you had both been in trouble and tried to reassure the other than you were all right.
How many more until one of you wasn’t all right? a tiny voice in the back of your mind whispered. How long until you lose him, in one way or another?
Your thoughts continued to darken the longer you looked at his injuries—the longer you looked at him.
You had never had to worry about someone in the way you worried about losing Steve.
Sure, the thought of losing your friends—of losing Eddie—was almost too much to bear, but if you lost Steve? You weren’t sure if you would be strong enough to handle it. Even just thinking about it had your heart squeezing painfully in your chest.
Deep down, you knew why.
You loved Steve Harrington.
And that scared the shit out of you.
You turned from him, only just missing the hurt look flash across Steve’s face.
Eddie was climbing up one of the rocks, searching the sky for any sign of the bats. “So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?”
“Pretty much,” Nancy affirmed, helping Steve up. He groaned a little as she let go and shouted at Eddie, “Wait! Watch out for the vines. It’s all a hive mind.”
“It’s all a what?”
“All the creepy crawlies around here, dude,” Steve cut in. “They’re, like, one or something. You step on a vine, you’re stepping on a bat, you’re stepping on Vecna.”
You looked down at the ground. There was a vine a mere millimetre from the toe of your shoe. You shuffled back an inch.
The last thing you needed right now was Vecna showing up.
Across from you. Robin tilted her head and said, “But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people, obviously?”
Nancy nodded. “As far as I understand it, yeah.”
“So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever else we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate?”
“I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin,” Steve said, “but guns, yeah, sure.”
Nancy considered something for a second. “Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom.”
You raised a brow, and Eddie said exactly what you had been thinking. “You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?”
“A Russian Makarov and a revolver.”
“You almost shot me with that one,” Steve said, siding up to Nancy.
If you remembered correctly, that was the time that Dustin had told you about. Back when it was Steve’s first introduction to the Upside Down and he had lost his mind in the Byers’ house.
Before you could vocalise those thoughts in a teasing way, Eddie shimmied out of his denim jacket-turned-vest and threw it at Steve. Steve barely caught it in time, and despite his raised eyebrows, he thanked Eddie.
You knew that Steve didn’t mean to be a bit of a snob about the clothes he wore, but he kind of was. The two of you had had many conversations about your individual choices in clothing, and while you justified your reasoning behind what you liked, he didn’t have one a reason for his beyond ‘It’s classic. Jeans. Polos. They’re never out.’
Eddie’s attention shot from Nancy and Steve to you. You knew what he was going to ask. “What about yours?”
You shook your head. “I sold mine.”
“Sold your what?” Steve asked, confused.
Ignoring him completely, Eddie frowned. “To who?”
“Remember that weird guy who lived at the park for a few months?”
“The one with the mohawk?”
“No, the one with the bleached hair. Had a bit of a limp?”
Eddie’s mouth dropped open. “You sold your handgun to the guy fresh out of prison?”
You shrugged. “He offered me heaps for it. And my shotgun, too.”
Steve held his hand up. “Shotgun? You have a shotgun?” The bewilderment on his face was comical.
“Had,” you corrected offhandedly, before continuing. “Plus, he was a nice enough guy.”
“Yeah,” Eddie drawled, “a nice enough guy for a three-time armed robber and arsonist.”
You levelled him a look. “You’re a drug dealer, Munson. As if you can talk.”
“At least I’m not the thief who got caught breaking and entering while being intoxicated underage.”
You narrowed your eyes. “That was only because all of you bailed while being the lookout. And I did my time over night for that.”
Somewhere throughout your conversation, you both seemed to forget that you had company.
Nancy, Robin, and Steve just stared at the two of you, eyes flicking between you and Eddie like watching a tennis match, as you and him vaulted the verbal ball back and forth.
Eddie shook his head and said, “You took too long and the cops showed up. What else were we supposed to do? Get caught with you?”
“Guys.” Nancy cut you off before you could speak. “This really isn’t helping, and it’s really not the time.”
Just as she said it, the ground shook, and you were thrown off balance. Steve was quick to grab you, pulling you against him and the side of the rock as you struggled to keep your feet beneath you.
The others were the same, Eddie and Robin hitting the ground, while Nancy used Skull Rock to hold herself up.
Steve’s chest was warm and firm, just like it always was, and for those seconds that the earth shook, you savoured the feeling of him behind you—solid, constant. Just how he always had been.
Your own hand came up to rest on his forearm that he had slung around your chest as the ground suddenly stilled again.
Breathing heavy, you glanced at each person, silently grateful when everyone seemed fine.
“Guns seem like a good idea,” Eddie sputtered.
You had to agree. You gingerly pulled away from Steve, still not entirely trusting of the ground.
“You OK?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Are you?” You tried and failed to keep your eyes on his face.
He pulled Eddie’s jacket closer around him, almost as if shielding his body from your sight, before following after Robin and Nancy as they took off towards the Wheeler’s house. “I’m fine. Let’s get going.”
You stared after him for a second, confusion and a little hurt creeping in. You didn’t even fully understand where those feelings were coming from.
Eddie waited for you, and if he could see the puzzlement on your face, he didn’t say so.
Six-year-old you sat out the front of your trailer, playing a game that somehow involved both Barbies and dragons.
The toys had been hand-me-downs from you older cousins, not that you minded at all. To you, they were brand new, and held the possibilities of new, untold stories.
You were holding the dragon up, pretending it was flying when your mother called your name.
You looked up, immediately running to her when you saw her out the front of Mr. Munson’s trailer. It wasn’t until you were only a few feet away from her and Mr. Munson that you noticed there was a small boy beside Mr. Munson.
You stopped dead in your tracks. You sought out your mother, hiding behind her legs as she beckoned you to her.
“Y/N,” she said to you, brushing a hand over your head. “This is Mr. Munson’s nephew, Eddie. He’s your age.”
You peeked your head out just enough to see this new boy Eddie.
He was about the same height as you, with dark hair that curled around his ears the same colour as his eyes.
Mr. Munson nudged Eddie and he looked up at his uncle who only nodded towards you.
Despite looking nervous, Eddie stepped forward. “Hello,” he said softly. “My name is Eddie.” He held out his hand, and you glanced at it.
Your mother gave you a pat on the shoulder, reminding you of your manners.
Stepping forward, you took his hand in your own. “Hello, Eddie. My name is Y/N.”
Eddie nodded, and he looked back to his uncle, searching for reassurance.
Even then, your little brain worked out that he was scared. You could be brave, you told yourself. Or at least, you could pretend to be brave. “Eddie,” you said, and you gripped your mother’s skirt tight in your hands. “Would you like to play?”
“What—What are you playing?” he asked apprehensively.
“Dragons and warriors.”
His eyes lit up and he took a few steps towards you until he was right in front of you, very much in your personal space. You didn’t find it intimidating. “You play dragons? Like Smaug?”
You were already smiling as you said, “Yes! Like Smaug! He is fighting my Barbies because they want his treasure.”
You each sought permission, and once you got it, you took off towards your abandoned toys.
You held up the orange dragon to show him. “This is Red Wing,” you told him.
Eddie’s little face scrunched. “Red Wing? But he’s orange?”
You paused. You hadn’t thought about that. It was just the name that your cousin had given him. “What would you name him?”
Eddie thought for a long moment, his tongue licking his lips. “Hmm. I would call him…Tivren the Firebreather. And he is going to kill all the men who come to steal his treasure.” He made swooshing sounds as he moved Tivren like he was flying.
You held up your one-armed Barbie. “Then it’s lucky that it is Elvira the Brave who is going to kill you.”
Eddie laughed, and his voice got very low as he pretended to be Tivren. “You will not be able to defeat me, warrior! I have fire!”
“But I have fire-proof armour!” you said.
“Fire-proof armour? Not against my special fire,” Eddie explained.
You and Eddie spent the rest of the day playing dragons and warriors, only letting up when Mr. Munson called Eddie in for dinner.
“Will you play with me again tomorrow, Eddie?”
Eddie nodded furiously. “Yes. Do you want to play with me?”
“Absolutely,” you said, proud of yourself for your new favourite word.
Eddie was half-way to his trailer when he turned around and yelled, “See you tomorrow!”
Eddie was acutely aware that something was wrong with you.
He didn’t quite know what it was yet, but he knew that it had something to do with Steve.
As he watched you walk beside Robin, he could hear the way you tried your best to fake nonchalance, to pretend that everything was OK.
Nothing had been OK since the moment he fled his trailer and took you along with him. He knew that you would have become involved anyway, you always did. But it didn’t stop the gnawing feeling that he had dragged you into this.
You two had been dreaming up insanely complex campaigns full of monsters and heroes and creatures from hell, but it was nothing quite like meeting the real thing.
Even still, he knew that your sudden stiffness hadn’t come from the otherworldly beings. It had come from within you. A revelation, perhaps. And he had seen the moment that it had transpired. The moment that your eyes locked on Steve and his injuries, then like closing shutters before a storm, you had slammed them shut and turned away from Steve.
Eddie knew that you hadn’t seen Steve’s wounded expression, and he had known you long enough to know that whatever Steve had taken your actions for was most definitely not what you meant.
Whatever it was that you had realised in that moment had you shaking in your boots.
Steve calling Eddie’s name had his eyes leaving you and going to your boyfriend instead.
He still wasn’t sure how much he liked that.
You were his best friend, and he had been beside you every step of your very complicated relationship with Steve Harrington. From when your parents forced you to become friends with Steve because of a deal that they were doing with Mr. Harrington, to when you had cried because Steve didn’t talk to you on your first day of high school, and even that day in the cafeteria when Steve had been such an asshole that Eddie had wanted to kill him on the spot.
Even though he, Gareth, Jeff, and Angus had aided you into your relationship with Steve, it didn’t mean that he particularly liked him. They had done that for your own happiness, not for Steve.
But you had been happier than he could remember these past few months with Steve than you had been in your life. And he supposed that he had Harrington to thank for that.
“Hey, man,” Steve said to him as he caught up to walk beside him. “I—uh—I just wanted to say thanks. You know, for saving my ass back there.” There was a sort of bashfulness to him, and he refused to meet Eddie’s gaze.
“Shit. You saved your own ass, man.” He kept his eyes trained on the ground, carefully stepping over the vines like a weird game of hopscotch. “I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there.”
Steve’s brows pulled together. “Ozzy?”
“When you took a bite out of that bat?” Steve still looked confused, and Eddie leaned closer. “Ozzy Osbourne?”
A lightbulb flicked behind his eyes, even as he leaned away. “Black—Black Sabbath?” He sounded so unsure of his answer, and Eddie couldn’t help an impressed smile. Maybe you were actually succeeding in schooling this jock.
“Yeah,” he said. “Black Sabbath. Well, he bit a bat’s head off on stage.”
“It’s very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.”
Steve smiled small, but Eddie caught it. “Thanks.”
For some reason, Eddie didn’t want to let the conversation die. This was the most that he’d ever talked to Harrington, and if he wanted to get to the bottom of why you were upset without asking you, he needed to talk to him.
Plus, he had really impressed him with the Black Sabbath thing.
“Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact.”
“Henderson said that?”
“Oh yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It’s kind of annoying, to be honest.” Steve let out a sound that was halfway between a scoff and a laugh. “Between him and Y/N, I can’t escape you.”
Steve’s eyes went from the ground to your back. You were still walking ahead with Robin, Nancy spinning around to interject with something. That distressed look came back, the same one that Eddie had spotted earlier. He wanted to roll his eyes as he caught you peering back at Steve, examining him to make sure he was still OK, just like you’d been doing the whole time. It seemed like the only person who missed you doing it was the patient himself.
Trying to bring his attention back, Eddie continued, “I guess I got a little jealous, Steve. I guess I couldn’t accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular. Not still a douche? No way.”
Eddie could almost see Steve’s high school memories play out in his mind as he walked. He might have been bordering on asshole behaviour in bringing it up, but he couldn’t quite find it in himself to feel bad about it.
“I’m sorry,” Steve confessed, and Eddie nearly tripped over his own feet.
“I’m sorry, for who I was in high school. For how a treated you and your friends…How I treated Y/N.”
Eddie’s brows shot up, but Steve continued.
“I was such an asshole. And I deserve everything that you give me. I was just hanging around the wrong crowd and making stupid decisions and being a really, really shitty person. So, I’m sorry for that.”
Eddie couldn’t say anything for a long moment. “Right. Well, thanks, I guess.”
Steve nodded and looked back to the ground, even as Eddie studied him.
“You know,” he remarked, “I would have never jumped in that lake to save your ass if it wasn’t for Y/N. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. But Y/N, she’s hero material, even in the real world. She wasted no time in jumping after you.”
Steve spared a single glance at you.
“I’ve known Y/N a really fucking long time. So, trust me when I say that her jumping in after you was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen. I might not particularly like you, Harrington, but she does. A lot. And the way she is with you? She’s never been like that before. Ever. She’s…fucking insanely happy.”
“Yeah. Don’t…Don’t get caught up in your head, man.” Eddie stuck his tongue between his lips as he thought for a second.
Steve stopped walking, even as he watched you walk on. He was so obviously immersed in his own thoughts that he couldn’t see the forest for the trees—both figuratively and literally.
Eddie wanted to say more, but he was already walking a dangerously close line to betraying your best friend confidentiality. Instead, he decided on clapping Steve on the shoulder and giving him what he hoped was a reassuring half-smile.
Nancy’s house was exactly like you remembered.
Big, beautiful, very Wheeler.
You and Eddie shared a look as you reached it. He was thinking the same thing you did when you first arrived at her place a few days ago.
There were some perks to growing up in a trailer park, albeit not very legal ones, but it was all you had ever known.
You had no idea what it would be like to grow up in a house on a nice street with nice neighbours and nice cars. And even now, with otherworldly vines crawling all over it, it was still nice. It still screamed ‘The American Dream’.
Less than a week ago, before Vecna, Steve had floated the idea of moving in together at some point.
You had spent three days at Steve’s place, the longest that you had spent consecutively.
It was nice, spending the time with Steve like a normal couple. Going to work, coming back home, eating together, sleeping together. It was very domestic.
You had been sitting beside his pool, fantasy novel in hand, when he returned from work.
He collapsed into the deck chair beside yours. “Hey.”
“Hey, baby. How was work?” you teased. You knew that he had worked all day with Keith, which was his least favourite day of the week.
“You’re funny,” he mumbled, closing his eyes. He was normally like this when he finished his shift, whether it was at his place or yours. He often spent his nights at your trailer.
At first, you didn’t understand why he would want to finish work and come to the trailer park, but he had admitted that his house was lonely at night, especially when his parents were away for weeks at a time.
He actually liked seeing people, and he had become friendly with your neighbours and your parents.
You turned back to your book, immersing yourself in it for a few minutes until Steve spoke.
“I like this,” he said, and you looked over at him.
“Like what?”
He threw his arm around. “This. Us being together like this.”
You smiled. “I like it, too.”
Steve went silent for a long moment, long enough that you went back to reading. “Do you think…Do you think that you would want to do it more?”
You turned your gaze back to him. “What do you mean?”
He chewed on his bottom lip. “Do you think that you would want to…move in?”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
Steve took it as a bad thing, and he rushed out, “I mean, you don’t have to. And you could just have some of your stuff here and come and go.” He turned his eyes to the water. “Or you could move in, like, permanently.”
Steve didn’t want to look at you, and frankly, you were a little grateful as you tried to work through your racing thoughts.
Of course you had thought about moving in with Steve at some point, but you hadn’t really thought it through. It had just been a fleeting thought.
But faced with the actual possibility, you were suddenly nervous.
“Talk to me,” Steve murmured when you didn’t say anything.
“I…” You shook your head. “I don’t know. I’m nervous.” You caught the look of sadness flash across Steve’s face, and you immediately reached out and took his hand. “I’m not scared of living with you. God, that sounds amazing. But I’m scared of what people will think.”
His brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
You sent him a look. “You know what I mean.”
He looked around. “Uh, I’m fairly sure that I don’t.”
You sighed. “I’m from the trailer park, Steve. I can’t just move into a nice neighbourhood.”
Steve’s confusion turned into disbelief. “Why not?”
“Because!” you exclaimed. “Normal people don’t like us trailer park folk.”
Steve scoffed. “Normal people? What are you talking about?”
You placed you book down, turning to face him. “Baby, when I say this, I need you to know that I mean it with all good intentions.” He opened his mouth but nodded instead. “You have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be on the outer. You’re a handsome, rich, white guy who lives in suburbia. I know that your parents aren’t great people, but you’ve grown up in this nice place with a nice life. For someone like me, who grew up poor and in the trailer park, life is fucking hard. And normal people, people who don’t live there, they just see trailer trash who will do anything they can to get out of it.”
“Are you saying that people will think you’re using me?” Steve cut you off.
You swallowed. “That’s not exactly what I’m saying, but yeah, I guess.”
“Baby, I don’t care what other people think—”
“—But I do, Steve.” You had no idea where any of this was coming from. Maybe it was just all your insecurities manifesting itself into sabotaging yourself. “I know this is an oxymoron, considering that I dress the way I dress and do what I do, but if I move in with you, your neighbours will say things about it. About you.”
Steve sat up and took both your hands in his. “Y/N. Listen to me. I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. I work at Family Video and I’m friends with freshman. Believe me when I say that people’s opinions don’t mean anything to me. And please, please believe me when I say that I want to live with you someday.”
You weren’t sure why, but your lip began to tremble. “Steve—”
“Whenever you’re ready,” he reassured you. “It doesn’t have to be now. But, whenever you’re ready, let me know. OK?”
You blinked away your tears and nodded. “OK.”
Looking back, you had probably overreacted. But faced with leaving the only place that you had ever known as home? That was a scary proposition.
You were an outcast, sure, but everyone at the trailer park was an outcast in some way. You fit right in alongside them.
Suburbia? That was a whole different story.
Shaking yourself out of your own mind, you followed Nancy and Robin inside.
The inside looked just the same as the outside; vines creeping through every crack and crevice, winding around any available surface.
“Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler,” Robin joked, but it fell flat.
“Come on,” Nancy said, already making for the stairs. “I don’t want to stay here longer than we have to.”
“Agreed,” you mumbled, following after her.
Eddie was hot on your heels as you ascended the stairs. “What’s your deal?”
You turned to him, right at the top. Robin and Nancy went on ahead. “What do you mean?”
“With Harrington.”
Your brows furrowed. “What are you talking about? I’m confused.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, giving you a look as he brushed past you. “So is he.”
Eddie didn’t say anything else as he entered Nancy’s room, you close behind.
Nancy was quick to pull a shoebox from the top of her closet, but you were surprised when it actually did contain shoes.
“Those aren’t guns,” Eddie observed.
“These heels are a bit pointy, but I was hoping for something along the lines of a deadly projectile,” Robin voiced.
“I don’t understand,” Nancy mumbled, eyes searching the shoebox like if she looked hard enough, the guns would just appear.
“Maybe you left them somewhere else?”
“There’s a six-year-old in the house,” she snapped. “I know where I keep my guns. And also, I threw these away years ago.” Her eyes caught something on her desk, and she lifted up a pile of flashcards. “And these. These are from sophomore chemistry.”
Your brows rose. “You keep flashcards from years ago?”
“No, I—I threw them out straight after the test. And this…this is old wallpaper. And this mirror, this went to a yard sale.” She was talking to herself, trying to piece together why on earth everything wasn’t like normal.
She grabbed a notebook from her nightstand, flicking through it with haste. “Nancy?” you said cautiously. “What’s going on?”
“I—I think the reason that my guns aren’t here is because they don’t exist yet.”
Eddie gave her a weird look. “They don’t…exist?”
Nancy turned to the three of you. “This diary should be full of entries. It’s not. The last entry is November 6, 1983. The day Will went missing. The day the gate opened. We’re in the past.”
You blinked at her.
As if things could not get any fucking worse, now you guys were in the past?
“For fuck’s sake,” you groaned, putting your head in your hands.
“Wait,” Eddie said to you, “that means that your guns exist right? You still have them?”
“Eddie, we didn’t buy them until summer break in ’84. I don’t even have them yet either. We’re still months away from then—”
“Dustin! Dustin!”
You jumped at Steve’s voiced carrying up the stairs. The four of you raced down towards him, coming to a stop when you saw him circling the room shouting at nothing.
“Dustin!” he called again. “Can you hear me? Hello? Hel—Hello?”
“Maybe he really does have rabies,” Robin whispered to you.
You shot her a look. “Steve, what the fuck are you doing?”
He spun on you, shining the torch directly in your eyes. “He’s here,” he breathed, joy and disbelief written all over his face. “Henderson. That little shit, he’s here. He’s, like, in the walls or something. Just listen.”
He grabbed your arm and dragged you to the centre of the room, looking at you expectantly. You couldn’t hear anything, and you were seriously starting to worry about him. “Babe, are you feeling OK—”
“—There!” he cut you off. “There! Hear him?”
You opened your mouth to say no, but then you did. You froze, eyes looking around as you heard him. It was warped and faded, but very much Dustin Henderson.
“Holy shit. Dustin!” you shouted. “How is he here?”
“I don’t know,” Steve said, “but he’s here.”
The five of you began shouting, calling for him, but there was no indication that he’d heard you.
“Either this kid can’t hear us, or he’s being a total douchebag,” Steve grumbled.
“Will found a way,” Nancy said, and you saw the moment she pieced together an idea. “He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights.”
She flicked the switches and lamps, trying to get anything to work. It wasn’t until Steve pointed it out that you saw the orange glow from the overhead chandelier. It glistened bright against the darkness, the tiny flecks of white dust floating as you ran your hand through them.
It felt like wading your hands through warm water that flowed through your actual hand.
“Does anyone know Morse Code?” Nancy asked.
You glanced at Eddie. “We know S.O.S? Or at least, I think we do? Do you remember it?”
Eddie turned to face you. “Yeah, I remember it.”
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a/n: one more part to go! i hope you enjoyed this part!
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forthechubbies · 3 years
Our Little Wife
Jimin’s Past Vol. 4
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Being Korea's deadliest kingpins made seven men into untouchable demons yet their little wife is made out of sugar and spice?
Mafia! Bangtan x Chubby! Reader
Mentions of brothels and prostitution, Alcohol use (Drunk Yoongi), Blood, Strong Language, Sappy Pet names I love it, Sexual theme-based chapter. Quick Warning; Jimin was a gigolo back in the day.
My Teddies ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ @lolalee24 @mwitsmejk @mcusuperfreak @jinswifeyy @transparentprinceblr @flowery-hope @agustdboyoongie @mochiarcher @toughbook @couldadepressedpersondothis @omgsuperstarg @joonado @97cityy @akshreads @jiminie-08 @livvy43
Is This Love Vol.3 - Shadows Vol. 5
“Welcome home, Jimine”
“We missed you so much.”
Jimin smiled through the bitterness oozing out of his chest. “I missed you all as well.”
He lied.
The day he left is the day he thought he cleaned his hands of this godforsaken place. The Red Light District. A place hidden in the shadows of South Korea where brothels strive, demons walk freely and was home to a little boy named Park Jimin. The poor boy witness unspeakable hardships growing up but always came out victorious. As a young man, Jimin developed his charm and wit alongside his attractiveness; this earned him a title in the district.
Visitors; men, and women alike tripped to Korea for the sole purpose of being in his presence but living in the limelight grew stale. As the days go by, Jimin felt an empty yearning for love upon his recent discovery; nobody finds love in a gigolo.
He found this true for a moment until a stranger spilled into the shadows of the district. Word of the man spread quickly like wildfire.
“ A devilishly handsome man about yay high, firm figure, and a jawline that could cut diamonds.” The women in the brothel would always gossip when someone tickles their fancy. “Oh yeah, I heard about him. I believe he's Jimin’s age as well.”
“Yeah, He-”
The bell startled the women as walks in the mystery man. The rumors were true he was young and gorgeous however, the glare in his eyes give off the impression he wasn't here to loosen his tie.
His dark brown eyes fell on Jimin across the brothel. Apparently, The man remembers Jimin from when he runs errands for the brothel. The man introduced himself as Taehyung before lightly bowing.
The moment resembled a scene taken from a movie, Taehyung expressed his feelings for Jimin asking him to leave with him. Probably not finding another opportunity as this Jimin said yes in a heartbeat.
A rash decision? Yes of course but by far the best decision Jimin has ever made. For a while, everything was just dandy in Jimin’s world; every day he was surrounded by a family that didn't love him superficially but emotionally and physically....that is until you come along-
When you came along it was the princess this or creampuff that. He was no longer the center of attention and for that, a little green monster controlled his feelings towards you.
He hated you.
That's putting it lightly. You had the same attraction as a newborn puppy, everybody adored you, give you their undivided attention, and everything your heart desires. Jimin felt abandoned because of you and as far as he's concerned you will never be his wife.
Until One day, Jimin got injured during one of their ‘missions’ and was bedridden leaving Yn to play nurse. Within a few weeks, the time you two shared wasn't in vain Jimin grew fond of your gracious nature and officially opened up to you.
However, at this current time, he wished he never had.
Meanwhile, Jimin is reliving his past on the other side of town, You sat blissfully unbothered at your station -well before the feeling of having to pee crept up on you.
But on your way back from the bathroom something caught your eye, a small shiny gleam. Your heels clicked against the marble floor as you walked into a different section of the building. Authorized access only. Every employee must keep their ID card with them at all times.
“A carrot?” A carrot-shaped pin is what caught your eye. Strangely, the pin resembles the one you give to Jungkook on your anniversary if this is true…How did it get here?
You didn’t put much thought into it, You simply slipped the pin into your pocket before heading back to the front desk.
Little did you know a bunny would come back for his good luck charm.
“Shit Shit. Where did it go? Fuck, Hyung going to kill me if I leave any evidence.” Jungkook panicked. “Aish!” He was about to strike the wall out of frustration but froze when a light bulb went off.
“The cameras.” It's damn near child's play to break into the security room. He will just check the cameras and see where he dropped it. “Dummy.” He chuckled at himself.
Just an in-and-out operation. On the cameras, Kookie observed his pin bringing taken but he couldn't believe his eyes who was the thief. His little cream puff! In your adorable skirt and blouse. He would rewind the tape a couple of times adorning you for every angle until he came to realize-
“Why is she here?”
This is where the operation turned into an entirely different mission. Kookie abused his power over the surveillance system to follow your every move from there he made a horrendous discovery his cream puff is a secretary.
He nearly gagged; the thought of his cream puff work, in general, made him sick to his stomach. Your elegance shouldn't be wasted on worthless nobodies but instead, pampered daily and cherished like you once were.
Despite, being treated as damn near bury treasure, you were determined to leave and live like a commoner. The twist of the knife is there is never a day you weren't smiling behind that desk.
“Do you even miss us?” Jungkook scoffed.
It’s no time for that, Jungkook sole purpose was to come here and spy on the MM4 due to the active activities of their goons spotted on Bangtan territory yet again. He got the information he needed now it's time to report back to Namjoon.
And He did just that as vanished in the shadows.
A Couple Of Hours Later.
Yn’s Pov
I got to give them credit; ketchup and eggs on a sandwich is pretty tasty-
“You serious?! Where!?”
“I'm not kidding! The man is piss poor drunk wobbling down in the middle of traffic.”
I remember back in the day Yoongi being that way when work and stress weighted on his shoulders so he turned to the warm embrace of alcohol. Instead of washing away his sorrows the only thing he received was a higher than average alcohol tolerance.
Maybe I should go see if I can help the poor dear.
Narrative's Pov
You wouldn't have to travel too far; the chaos was unfolding right in front of your work. Clear as day, A intoxicated young man struggling to maintain his balance while weaving in-between cars stopped at a traffic light.
“Have you seen my Bug A Boo?... She-she’s about yay high..I-Um thinks.” Yoongi’s sour breath was wasted on a person who didn't give a damn about his situation; The man hit the gas not giving Yoongi the chance to back up.
“Shit!” Yoongi collapsed to Clement.
“Kitten!?” Regardless of your well-being, You sprung into traffic and damn near dragged your husband out of death’s grip. “Kitten- Are you alright-Ow!?”
Yoongi slapped your hands off him. “Get your hands off me, temptress.” He hiccuped. “ I'm-.. sStill married...My wife just went on a little break that's all!” Yoongi’s eyes became glossy as a single streamed down his flushed cheeks. “She wouldn't leave us-She loves us too much, right?”
“Yoongi.” You only manage to say that. You were speechless. How selfish can you be? You never really cared to think how this is affecting your husbands.
“I’m going to call Taehyung to come and get you. Ok?”
Yoongi grumbled in response.
You sighed. The phone rang but no dice every endeavor ended in a voicemail. “Tae, I need you to come to take Kitten home, He's been drinking way past his limit. Call me when you get the message.”
The only person aware of your whereabouts is baby bear; being so he's the only one who can get Yoongi without jeopardizing your secret life.
Where could he be? You thought.
“She was our everything...why would she leave us?” Yoongi chucked the empty whiskey bottle in the street. “We give her everything. She's so fucking selfish!!” Anger boiled over burning Yoongi's heart causing him to shed tears. “ We miss you- I miss you.”
“Hyung, What are you doing out here?!” Taehyung’s voice boomed.
Feeling somnolent, Yoongi didn't fight when Taehyung bum-rushed him into the car. “ How did he get all the way out here?”
You shrugged. “ Thank you for coming, Baby bear...You got here fast-Where did you-?”
“ I got to go honey pot. I'm in a hurry. I love you.” A quick kiss on the cheek and back in the car. As much as Taehyung adores the ground you walk on, The amount of blood coating his favorite sweater grew troublesome.
He was stabbed twice in the abdomen by some low-life thugs that just ended up corpses anyway. If matters weren’t worse enough, Jimin is the best uncover doctor there is but he’s nowhere to be found.
Which means He has to go to her.
“Anybody but her.”
"Well, Well, Mr. Kim Taehyung, What do I owe the displeasure." She smirked.
"Hello, CL," Taehyung loathed every moment of being in her presence.
“ Alrighty, I have to get going.” You dismissed yourself, bidding your coworkers a wonderful night before heading on your way.
It’s rare for you to get off this late in the night but you couldn’t leave your team in the middle of a bunch of paperwork like that. Strangely calling in quits was the last thing on your mind for tonight, The girls often don’t come home until around three or four am.
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Odd, There’s no ride out here.
You frankly didn’t make a fuss about it. A beautiful night like this was just the perfect walking ambiance. It takes a few sharp turns and fruitless shortcuts to lead you to a place with a vibrant rouge hue.
The red lighting was alluring like a moth to a flame you followed it. Your heels clicked against the now stone flooring. The atmosphere reversed completely-Everywhere you looked sexual advertisement was plastered about.
Getting the gist you don’t belong here your decision to high tail and leave was out the window. When two women adopted you into their night of fun.
“ You are stunning!” She’s so loud. She’s drunk out of her mind. The women were tall dolls wrapped in luxury lingerie with a fluffy robe to protect them from the winter chill.
“Shhh! You’ll wake up China….You know she looks like the type he would enjoy.” The girls literally spoke above your head using their height to their advantage.
The other girl gasped. “ You are so right, He loves the unhappy married types. The ones who husbands can’t satisfy their needs.”
You can’t even get a word in as the women poke their noses where they don’t belong.
Before you knew. You stared down a building laced with rouge and a vintage feel. A brothel. The women took to a brothel! A lively one at that.
“He’s going to adore her.” The woman squeaked.
Light footsteps of someone walking downstairs put everyone’s conversations on hold.
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
Can you talk a little more about ghoul diseases and syndromes?
Absolutely! They may regenerate fast, but they do get sick, and even have some illnesses unique to them. Some of these I’ve mentioned before but I’ll elaborate here
There’s an infection of the kakuhou that has many nicknames, but is most often referred to as red run. When ghouls retract their kagune, they can drag in any viscera, debris, or general filth stuck to it into the kakuhou. If they have time they wipe their kagune first, or if they don’t they know to at least gently clean inside of the kakuhou when they bathe. When this debris gets trapped inside and isn’t cleaned out, it can damage the inner walls of the organ and cause an infection that makes it ooze blood and liquid Rc. It’s extremely painful, makes closing the kakuhou hard, and smells awful. It usually only happens once, because once is enough for any ghoul to never let it happen again
There’s IKFD, Intravenous Kagune Formation Disorder. This is a chronic illness in which the rc cells in the body never stop trying to form bonds even while inside the body, some are born with it, and others develop it after massive injuries. It creates microscopic clumps at best, and multiple inch long protrusions that cut through themselves at worst. It stops up blood flow and damages tissue in ways that would be lethal to humans, and puts a huge strain on their healing. It’s treated with rc suppressants if they can afford it, but most can’t and can only avoid symptoms by keeping their kagune out at all times and thus keeping most of the rc out of their bloodstreams
There’s RUS and ROS, Over and Under secretion of Rc. Under secretion often crops up in regularly underfed ghouls, and causes weak scent, weak skin, and not being able to produce enough RC to form a kagune and regenerate. Over secretion is more rare and happens sometimes to kakuja. It causes almost permanent kakugan, difficulty containing the kagune for long periods of time, strong scent, and uncontrolled patches of kagune tissue growth.
There’s Cleptacaro Influenza, the ghoul strain of the flu. It has the same symptoms of a human flu, but also causes damp kagune and stronger territorial instincts
There’s Mad Ghoul Disease, a variant of rabies that targets them. It’s contracted through bites or eating infected ghouls, and has all the same symptoms but much worse since the victim has so much strength. The only good thing about it is that the afflicted can’t think rationally enough to avoid the CCG, and can be shown the mercy of being hunted before they can infect other ghouls. It’s rare but extremely dangerous, because one infected ghoul can rampage for awhile before being taken down, either by the CCG or other ghouls. It’s a terror to witness and are told as horror stories to ghoul children by their parents to drive home the danger of cannibalism
There’s Ruspica, an std that causes a rash with small spots of hard kagune tissue through it. It isn’t dangerous but itchy and irritated. It’s unclear if it can be spread to humans or not, some say it can’t, others say they’ve seen humans with it. It hasn’t been recorded by humans yet, so it’s safe to say if any have gotten it, they never reported it
There’s Bonfire Heat, a problem that can crop up when ghouls in heat get dehydrated, causing their symptoms to be worse and not let up for longer. It’s dangerous and can cause severe heat stroke, but as long as they get in water they’ll be fine, it just sucks
There’s KAAD and KDD. Kakugan Auto Activation Disorder is when someone’s kakugan activate uncontrollably whenever they’re feeling pain, pleasure or strong emotions. It can’t be stopped like other ghouls can stop it, and makes hiding their eyes hard. Kakugan Detachment Disorder is when someone’s kakugan don’t activate when they feel strong emotion, and causes them to fail to put out a lot of ghoul social cues
There’s RCDS, RC Disconnect Syndrome. Some ghouls have a gene that makes the rc cells remain loosely bonded while formed together, causing oddly shaped kagune and discoloration of keratin, something RC binds to very well. Ghouls like the Kirishima siblings have this (it’s the technical term for the Flare mutation in ukaku) as does Shuu (it causes his to be oddly thin and curled.) The side effect of colorful hair and generally pretty kagune makes it considered very beautiful in ghoul society
There are some ghouls called “Human Minded.” This is where a ghoul operates in a way that is, to a human, neurotypical. Ghouls almost all have hyperactive and interest based nervous systems, so one that doesn’t may fit in well with humans, but doesn’t so much with ghouls. There’s nothing wrong with them, they just have behaviors that are too human and a little off-putting
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bnhahq101 · 4 years
may i ask for sugar daddy overhaul falling in love with his sugar baby after she/they take care of him on an off day of his? like maybe he's stressed and his sugar baby's like "no i'm taking care of you, get over it" and then they get together?
So I may have gone a little overboard but here you go! 
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Kai had started this sugar daddy/baby relationship as a means of releasing stress and relaxing on his own terms. He had created the profile on a whim, though his bio would say otherwise. If he were, to be honest, he was surprised that anyone would meet his expectations, let alone someone as gorgeous and pure as them. They were quirkless and oozed inexperience, even admitting to him this was their first time trying a relationship like this.
He spoiled them rotten as a means of making up for so little affection. Jewelry, clothes, plushies, you name it. If they expressed any interest in a hobby, he would buy them the best supplies possible. The fact they became flustered with his gifts only fueled him to get them more, more than happy they seemed to be in the relationship for more than his money.
At the beginning of their relationship, Kai maintained a no skin contact rule outside of his arm around their hip. They accepted this with more ease than Kai had expected. They didn’t push him or even nudge him to try and get over his mysophobia. Instead, they remained patient, asking if he was okay with holding their hand before doing so, and not pushing it any further if he was having a no touchy day. It was months before he finally bedded them, and when he did he questioned why he waited for so long. The feeling of their skin against his own soothed him better than any amount of antiseptics or lotions ever could. Instead of the itches and rashes that he usually experienced at skin contact, he felt soothing warmth that practically had him in tears.
After the first time, Kai became freer with his physical affection towards them. When he took them on a shopping spree he would nearly always hold their hand. He allowed cuddles to happen in privacy without his mask so he could bury his face into their hair and neck, finding comfort in their smell and touch. They began to spend the night with him, sharing his bed. Kai relished in the conversations that became almost philosophical in nature as the two laid in their bed, legs tangled and fingers locked together.
Kai never meant to develop feelings for them, yet here he was sitting in a bubble bath leaning against his sugar baby allowing them to wash his hair, massaging his scalp in such a way he all but purred.
It had been his first full weekend off in months, and the first thing he had done was called them, telling them to clear their weekend and come over ASAP. They obliged and an hour later, they arrived, duffle bag in hand of their overnight needs beyond what they already had there. The moment he opened his door, their smile dropped into a frown as their eyebrows furrowed at the sight of him and he knew why.
Dark bags hung under his eyes, and there was tiredness behind those pools of amber beyond what could be said with words. They put a hand against his cheek, revelling in the way he leaned into their bare touch. But as soon as the contact came, their hand was gone. They flitted by him and into the room, tossing the duffle bag to the side and bee-lining for the bathroom. Shortly after, Kai began to hear the sound of running water.
“What are you doing pet?” He asked, leaning against the doorframe leading to the bathroom as he watched them flit about gathering up shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap and various other things.
“Making you a bath.” They said nonchalantly, not so much as pausing in their work.
“I am not a child. You don’t have to-“ He was cut off by them removing his mask and kissing him softly.
“Nope, you aren’t getting out of this. You look like you’re about to drop dead from exhaustion. I’m going to take care of you, so might as well get over that ego of yours and accept it.” They said sternly. “Now strip.”
Back to the present, Kai smiled and hummed as their fingers ran through his locks as they gently poured water over to remove the soap, taking care to dig their fingers a bit at the base of his neck soothing the tightened muscles there.
Kai had to chuckle when the bath ended and his love ordered him to dress in pjs and head to the bed.
Wait... love? He thought pausing in his dressing. He shook his head. No. That’s not what I meant. They are a means of relaxing. I don’t love them and they certainly don’t love me. They are just in it for my money. That’s it.
He knew they weren’t though. Every gift he had gotten them had been met with soft but genuine protests, insisting the gift was too expensive, too luxurious for them.
Kai finished dressing and entered the bedroom to find his darling, not in the bed. Instead, he heard rustling and occasionally the bang of a pot from his kitchen. Upon entry, he was met with the sight of his darling working away, making something that already smelt delicious. They hummed away as they cooked away, completely oblivious to the young yakuza boss all but looming over them. As he approached, he noticed they were making his favourite, Shoyu ramen, steamed rice, and Yaki Nasu (grilled eggplant).
Shit… I do love them.
The revelation he felt with that statement surprised him, yes, but what surprised him more was how happy it made him feel. Without making a sound Kai went back to the bedroom and got into the bed as they had requested and mulled over his newfound feelings. Then he realized something.
He wanted more than just a side piece. He wanted to see the sight before him every day.  He wanted to soak in warm baths with them, washing each other’s hair and basking in the loving touch of each other. He wanted to spend his sleepless nights holding them in his arms as he whispered all his worries, plans, and sweet nothings into their hair.
“ai..Kai? You in there?” he felt a gentle tap against his forehead pulling him back to the outside world. There they stood, tray in hand covered in food.
“I love you.”
He didn’t know what compelled him to say it then. Not once through the relationship had he ever said the words to them and he had made it a point of telling them their relationship was nothing more than stress relief Maybe it was the way they looked at him with such concern and affection. Maybe it was the way they were entirely focused on destressing him, despite knowing full well, he did not expect it of them.  
Shock flashed over their face before softening into a gentle smile as they carefully set the tray aside onto the side table. They then straddled his waist and cradled his face in their hands. Kai couldn’t help but release the sigh he didn’t know he was holding as he closed his eyes, revelling in the contact. He then felt their lips gently press against his before slowly pulling away.
He opened his eyes as he felt them lay against his chest, staring up at him with what he could only describe as utter adoration and love.
“I love you to Kai.”
With those words, they both agreed that what they had was no longer an exchange. They were his and he was theirs, unwaveringly and beyond words. It was beyond fuckbuddies, beyond sugar daddy and sugar baby, and beyond boyfriend/girlfriend/date mate. At that moment they became lovers, whatever that future held.
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lost-in-fanfic · 4 years
The Woman - Thomas Shelby x reader (Part 2)
A/N: So here is part 2, I hope you all enjoy it. Part 1 link below. Not my Gif and please don’t steal my work :)
Warnings: Mention of killing, quiet a bit of bad language. 
A brief summary: After receiving a mysterious note, Tommy is about to meet with the woman hired to kill him. 
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Word Count: 2538
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“This is fucking mental Tommy!” Arthur shouted for the tenth time that morning. After Tommy had run out of The Garrison last night without warning Polly had demanded to see the note. He had consequently spent the rest of the night, and now this morning stood in the kitchen at Watery Lane being told he was making a stupid mistake. Gripping the back of the chair, Tommy let out an exasperated sigh, his patience was wearing thin and it was time he headed to his meeting. He had been to meetings with people who wanted to kill him before, but normally he manged to get the business done without any of the others realising what he was up to. “Thomas,” Polly was leaning against the fireplace looking at her nephew, his eyes staring down at the floor, “when you get a note, from someone who won’t even give their name, saying they have been hired to kill you, it isn’t generally a good idea to go and sit down for a cosy chat. At least let Arthur and John hide in the backroom.” She was just as tired of arguing as Tommy. Tired of watching him seek out ways to find danger, it came easily enough in their lives, why did he have to always hold the door open for it? Finally, he looked up at her, then Tommy straightened up as he pulled his peaky cap onto his head, fastened his coat, and moved to the door. “Today is going to be a busy day here. Arthur and John, keep an eye on the bets and don’t forget to watch Sam Guest, he’s won a fucking lot recently and no one gets that lucky on a fixed race. Polly it’s safe count day.” He opened the door and stepped onto the street just before he closed the door behind him, he turned back and said, “and if any of you set foot in The Garrison this morning, I will shoot you myself.” With that he slammed the door and headed up the road.
Tommy pulled out his keys, finding the correct one for the back door of The Garrison knowing that the front door would still be bolted from the inside this time of day, however as he drew closer to the pub, he could see the front door wasn’t locked at all. In fact, it stood ever so slightly open with no sign of damage to suggest it had been forced. Tommy took his gun from its holster and held it up as he slowly pushed open the door, just for a second he pictured the ambush he was about to walk into and thought to himself he should probably have brought John and Arthur after all.
(Y/N) had arrived early that morning, keen to be as prepared as always. She had made a note of the heavy sliding bolts on the front door the night before, and when a small argument had broken out earlier in the night and distracted the barman, she had taken the opportunity to check exactly where the back door was and find out just how easy that lock would be to pick. This should be a day like any other in her life, but that morning she had found herself strangely nervous to meet with Tommy and regretted her rash decision to arrange a face-to-face meeting.  In her career she had developed a policy of never giving out her name and only met with people face to face on rare occasions. The only time she had broken this rule was with people she was certain would not be a threat to her in the future, such as grateful targets that she decided to let live or the odd desperate housewife. Tommy Shelby was definitely not desperate and could very possibly be the biggest danger to her future she had ever faced, yet here she sat waiting for him.
When he entered the pub the last thing Tommy had truly expected was one woman, sat on her own at a table in the middle of the room. She had moved the other chairs away from it so there was just one for her and one for him. Leant back smoking she looking as relaxed as if she owned the place and he were walking into her territory, not the other way around. This woman, however, could not have stood out more against the grey of Small Heath. Her hair was shinning in the light coming through the dusty windows, each strand perfectly in place, her bright green dress fitted each part of her body perfectly and was so stylish she would have looked more at home in one of Ada’s magazines than sat in The Garrison. Tommy was so taken aback he did not even realise he was still pointing his gun at her.
“I did promise not to kill you during this conversation Mr Shelby, I would appreciate it if you lowered your gun.” Her voice was like silk as it reached him and without really meaning to, he put his gun away, closing the door behind him. She motioned to the seat opposite her for him to sit down, but her initial spell over him seemed to weaken somewhat as he realised he was not accustomed to being offered a seat in his own pub. Instead, he walked over to the bar, leaning against it he took a cigarette from his case and rolled it over his lips before striking a match and lighting it. All the while never breaking eye contact with the woman before him. (Y/N) refused to let his stare cause her to back down, she looked straight back at him. Quickly though she realised how right she had been in thinking that meeting Tommy like this was a big risk, his eyes seemed to be seeing right into her, and she was fairly sure if one of them did not break the silence soon there was a very big chance her carefully built defences would crumble. Exhaling his first draw on his cigarette Tommy decided to take the opportunity to try and control the conversation. “Well, you know my name, seems only fair you should tell me yours.” His voice oozed with confidence and sent a thrill deep into (Y/N)’s core. “I’ll tell you what Mr Shelby, how about I ask what I need to know so I can make my decision and at the end of the conversation you can ask me any question you like, which I swear I will answer honestly. If knowing my name is still important then, I shall give you the truth. Alternatively, I could just give you a fake name now and we can go into this telling lies.” She matched his confidence with every word, putting out her cigarette as she finished, showing she was ready to get down to business.
Tommy couldn’t help but allow the smallest of smiles to tug at the corner of his mouth as he sat down opposite her unbuttoning his coat and motioning for her to continue. “As I said, I am here to decide if you deserve to die.” She began, “Almost certainly do.” Tommy’s answer cut across her, she wasn’t expecting him to speak yet, and would never have imagined that would be the answer he gave. Raising her eyebrow slightly she scanned his face, his jaw was set and eyes fixed, there was no hint that he was joking or even scared of the idea of dying.
“Mr Shelby, my client has hired me for a specific reason. I have several rules in my business and one of them is I will only carry out the contract if that reason is justified, regardless of whatever else maybe true of the person.” She paused as Tommy flicked his ash into the tray, his face was expressionless, but there was something in his eyes. (Y/N) was convinced that she had never seen a more crystal-clear blue in her life and although they seemed cold and calculating she had a gut feeling that if only she knew him better, they would be the only key to reading how he felt. Tommy said nothing, he had never been more intrigued by a woman so quickly and he wanted to ensure he paid attention to everything she said, after all this woman may yet try to kill him.
“I am here to get your side of the story, regarding Daniel Owen better known as Danny Whiz-Bang.” Whatever Tommy had been expecting her to say it certainly wasn’t that. (Y/N) noticed the way his eyes unwittingly widened in shock, once again she had surprised him putting him entirely on the back foot, she had always relished being in control of every situation and there was something even more intoxicating about having any sort of power over a man like Thomas Shelby.
The end of Tommy’s cigarette glowed as he inhaled deeply, taking the opportunity of a brief pause to get himself back in check. “Daniel Owens was killed by Billy Kimber. I killed Billy Kimber. End of story.” His voice was deep and controlled as he tried to reveal as little emotion as possible. (Y/N) leant forward slightly, the fact that he didn’t fully understand why she was here excited her. “I know that. My client is more interested in the fact he was there at all, after all you had already killed him yourself, hadn’t you?” Tommy decided enough was enough, putting out his cigarette he leant forward to match her, “who the fuck is your client?” his tone had changed it dripped with menace and power. “I told you Mr Shelby, I will answer one question at the end. Don’t worry,” she could see his eyes darkening, there were only so many times you could poke a stick at a dangerous animal before it attacked, and she felt she had pushed her luck far enough. “I only have one more question for you, why did you let Danny Whiz-Bang live?” her tone was different, she was no longer toying with him, vying for control, she genuinely wanted to know why he hadn’t just killed him. If Tommy were more of a fool, he would have thought she cared.
“Danny Whiz-bang didn’t kill that Italian, the monster that lived in the mud in his head did. He brought that monster back from France, he saved my life over there in that mud, so I killed the monster and sent Danny away so he could try and clean his head out.” It was the truth; he had known since they returned from France that Danny had no control at times. Tommy had brought his own monster back with him and the thought of what that monster could turn him into is what kept him fighting.
“Very well.” (Y/N) had listened to every word he had said, the honesty in his voice was clear. This time she found herself on the back foot, the truth concealed just the tiniest shred of vulnerability and that was something she had not expected to find. Over his shoulder she spotted two silhouettes, which she strongly suspected of belonging to his brothers, hovering by the door. “Thank you for meeting with me this morning Mr Shelby.” Standing up she slipped into her white coat and made towards the back room and the door she had come in through earlier. “Hang on,” said Tommy standing up as well, “you owe me a question remember? A deal is a deal.” His eyes were back to being their calm crystal blue, if there had been a moment in which he had been even close to vulnerable it had passed. There was, however, a slight tinge of desperation to keep her there in his voice which even Tommy wouldn’t have been able to explain. (Y/N) turned back to him and nodded. “What’s your name? I assume from your note it starts with W.” There were other more important questions he should probably ask, like if she was still going to try and kill him, but all he wanted to know was her name. (Y/N) couldn’t stop a small soft smile from forming and she bit her bottom lip to try and stop it. Every single part of her willed her to lie, or distract him, she couldn’t risk giving any part of herself to him. Not even her name was safe to give, but even the strongest woman can’t hold out fully under the gaze of those eyes. “I use the W for business. My name is (Y/N), oh and by the way I think your brothers are getting impatient.” She replied, nodding towards the door where Arthur and John were waiting. As Tommy turned to look, she silently slipped away, gone by the time he turned back.
He stood there stuck in silence for a moment, her name playing through his head like a song, as if she had placed him under a spell again. It was only a first name though and he felt cheated, he had clearly meant both names. Tommy Shelby did not like being cheated. He gathered himself together and then went out the front where Arthur and John were stood with guilty faces. “We didn’t come in Tom.” John said as soon as he walked out, he sounded like a child that had been caught going for the biscuit tin. Tommy didn’t care though, he just wanted to know where (Y/N) was going. “Round the back, she’s wearing a white coat, you can see her green dress hanging out the bottom and she’s got (y/h/c) hair. Follow her and tell me where she goes.” He barely looked at them just gave the order and began to move back to the house. “She?” said Arthur, “The killers a she?” his confusion evident. “Yes Arthur, a woman, now go before you lose her.” Tommy strode off. “Polly is gunna love this.” Muttered John. The brothers hurried around the corner looking for the white coat and green dress. “Watch out!” shouted Arthur as he turned the corner colliding straight into a woman wearing all black. “Sorry.” She muttered scurrying up the street.
When Tommy had turned his back (Y/N) had moved quickly, going to where she had left a bag earlier by the back door. Knowing she only had moments she pulled off her coat, grabbed out a black skirt that she put on to cover the bottom of her dress, turned her coat inside out so it was now black and put it on over the top. Looking down she checked that no green was now showing. Next, she took out a wig that was several shades darker than her natural colour, it pulled on easily as she gathered her own hair up. Finally, a simple black hat with a vail to cover her face. Checking quickly in the mirror she was pleased to see she looked just like a young widow, not an unusual sight in Small Heath. Leaving out the back door she rounded the corner and walked straight into Arthur Shelby, muttering apologies she moved out of his way and headed back to the boarding house.
@comebackjessica​ @nemesis729​ @spacenijntje​
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bltngames · 3 years
About SAGE 2021 Coverage
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Hey! SAGE starts in about a week, and I generally do my best to write something up about the event. In recent years, it’s become difficult to cover everything, and that’s fine, because SAGE has grown to become this massive thing, bigger than I ever could have dreamed when I originally started it back ~20 years ago.
But 2021 has been especially rough for me. We were temporarily displaced from our apartment in February 2021 because the complex forced renovations on us. Around that time I was meant to go in for dental surgery, which had to be postponed. The whole thing turned out to be a gigantic nightmare. Technically they still owe us compensation for food, even though they say we no longer qualify for that.
After how we were treated, it was a struggle to unpack, because we really needed to find some place better. On top of that, both my Mom and I were scheduled for covid vaccinations, so we were trying to take it easy while we recovered from those.
Then, my desktop broke. I think it’s just a bogus HDD that might’ve been damaged in all the moving, but there’s no way of telling. I have a replacement HDD right here ready to put in so I can install Windows, but I needed a little time to recover from how genuinely traumatic the renovation was for us. Around this time, I also spent nearly three weeks pet sitting for a cousin (across two sessions), as well.
Before that could happen, my mom was injured in May. It started out with shoulder pain, but that graduated to back and hip pain that got so bad she couldn’t even lay down in bed anymore. After a week and a half of not sleeping, she got confused one day and became worried she’d had a stroke. Checking in to the ER, they confirmed she was just tired, but that she had sciatica problems.
As the sciatica passed, she developed a rash that turned out to be cellulitis. Though the back problems eventually faded, the leg pain never really went away, and if anything, it was getting worse. She had four more trips to the ER with them being increasingly rude and unhelpful as her rash continued to grow and the leg pain never subsided. She eventually got in to see a different doctor, who demanded she get checked in to the ER for her rash, which started as a little spot on her ankle and was now spreading up over her knees, swelling and oozing. She was given specific instructions to make sure they took her seriously.
The ER finally admitted her to the hospital properly and put her on antibiotics. Unfortunately, as the rash was healing, while they were moving her for x-rays, they broke one of her legs. When I saw her Thursday, she was in the worst pain I’ve ever seen anyone in. The doc came in and confirmed they had broken her femur, and suggested it could be either cancer or osteoporosis, since the femur is typically the longest, strongest bone in the body.
Osteoporosis effects more than half of all women over the age of 50, so it’s believable that could be what was happening to her. A common symptom is that the loss of bone density makes you get shorter, and we’ve joked for a while that either I’m getting taller or she’s getting smaller, because she’s been going down in height. (Despite this, all her trips to the ER insisted she had very minimal compression of the spine, another typical osteoporosis symptom).
She had surgery Friday morning, and they put a metal rod in her leg, claiming the bone was so thin that the two pieces weren’t even connected anymore. Despite this, they maintain she does not have cancer or apparently even osteoporosis. The hospital is actually being weirdly quiet about what happened to her, even going so far as to make it harder to talk to her. We used to be able to just call her room phone directly, but now we have to go through a phone tree and know her special PIN. She says her leg broke because the nurses were way too rough with her when they moved her. My brother is looking in to things.
The point in all of this is that I’m currently typing this from an 11 year old business laptop that can’t run most games made after 2005. Most SAGE games are out of the question, and while I could try installing Windows 10 on the new drive I have literally sitting next to me, I just don’t have the energy for a lot these days. It has been a hard six months, with the last two months being particularly difficult. I never even had my dental surgery.
Pretty much the only thing I’ve had energy for is streaming Fortnite, because I can do that straight from the PS4 with the push of a button. But I am not equipped to handle SAGE, emotionally or technologically. Depending on how things shake out, this could be the end of a lot of things in my life for the foreseeable future.
We’ll see what happens, but for the time being, consider me having sat things out this year.
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kibybun · 4 years
It's not over yet! Part 1 here and part 2 here!
Platonic Yandere Hawks x reader pt. 3!
Tw: Yandere, gore, body mutilation, animal killing, delusions
💛Hawks takes out of the city, deep into the woods. There you help him fix up a cute little cabin and start your new life.
💛Admittedly, it took a month or two for you to adjust but now you love your new life with your big brother!
💛You changed your last name to Takami so the delusion that the two of you are related grow. Hawks also bleachs the ends of your hair to match his hair color.
💛For food everything is homemade. You bake, with his help, with some berries and herbs the two of you collected earlier in the day. Hawks also hunts wild animals for meals.
💛You've tried asking him to teach you how to hunt so you can help but he only replies with a "You're too young," "I can't let my 'Baby' sister get hurt".
💛So you stay complacent inside.
💛On the off occasion you wander outside and meet a friendly animal, Hawks makes sure no other animal wanders by. He ends up brutally slaughtering the little animal and showing off the heads to warn other animals to stay away. It didn't matter if it were rabbits, foxes, deer, or even other birds.
💛At night he shares the same bed as you, holding you close and making sure you couldn't get away even if you wanted too. Bedtime stories, snuggles, wing blankets, and lullabies. The best a big brother can do.
💛One night, after months of bo other social interactions that made their delusions grow, his hands wander your back. It felt so empty.
💛If you were his little sister, where were your wings?
💛He pondered this question for a few days. Why didn't you have your wings yet? Maybe you didn't have his quirk... No. You did. You're just a late bloomer.
💛Or maybe they were stuck beneath your skin.
💛He traces lines on your back where your beautiful wings would sprout, imagining them to be a deep red just like his.
💛Time goes on and he grows impatient, wanting to teach you how to fly and how to groom your feathers. He slowly starts killing all the birds he sees, plucking all their feathers and storing them away for later use.
💛He drugged you in preparation, heavy sleeping medication being put into your food and drink before bed.
💛Its now or never.
💛He carefully carves long divots right next to your shoulder blades, setting room for your new wings. He starts layering and placing in the bird feathers he collected into your back, using many if his own feathers to help keep the others in place. He could always regrow them.
💛Hawks applies healing ointment and bandages the bases of your new makeshift wings.
💛When you wake up all you could feel in your drowsy haze was that your back was in pain. You try to move but it only makes it hurt worse. You call put for Hawks, not knowing what's happening as well as scared.
💛Hawks smiles fondly at you saying you didn't need to worry, it was only your wings growing in.
💛Excitment overshadowed the pain as you try to get a good look of your wings. It hurt so bad sitting up and twisting to see your multiple colored wings but you didn't care.
💛Hawks explains how it's going to hurt for a while because your body is adjusting and how it's going to be a bit before you can move them.
💛A week or two passes and you're stuck in bed. The pain in your back didn't subside, it only grew to a insufferable amount. It left you paralyzed with pain.
💛Occasionally, the bases of your "wings" would ooze puss and blood, heavily indicating that it was infected.
💛Maybe Hawks should've waited a little longer, taking his time to wash the feathers before attaching them to you.
💛He begins to worry, looking for places to discreetly go and have your back healed. That's when he remembered the Shei Hassaikai group.
💛Hawks carefully takes you in his arms and sets off for the city in the veil of night in hopes of not being seen.
💛He arrives and enters the groups hideout. The people inside immediately take defensive stances, worried the former pro would attack.
💛They were surprised when he asks for help instead of a fight.
💛Overhaul approaches Hawks, wanting to take the opportunity of a possible business deal. He listens intently on what Hawks is asking of him befors asking what he gets out of it.
💛Given Overhaul's quirk, he could practically do anything. Hawks was going to take advantage of this.
💛In exchange of healing your back, giving your wings nerves and muscles, and inserting his DNA in you so the two of you ars related biologically, Hawks was willing to give them all the information the heros had on their little group and to let Overhaul test out his special quirk erasing tool.
💛Overhaul was conflicted on doing such a grotesque thing but agreed to do it, it would greatly help his group in the end.
💛Hawks was more than happy to carry you to the backroom, holding your hand the entire time.
💛He watched as Overhaul stumbled back in surprise at the horrific sight of your back. The area was agitated, rashes all over due to the feathers constantly rubbing against your back, and the thick puss mixed with blood constantly oozing out.
💛It was disgusting. Overhaul almost wanted to put you out of your misery but he couldn't compromise all the work he did to achieving a world without quirks.
💛He has Hawk's blood drawn, preparing to rearrange your molecular structure.
💛He takes off his gloves and begins, hives quickly covering his body. Your body disassembles, leaving all parts separated. He quickly separates a bit of your blood away from the rest, incorporating Hawk's and meticulously changing the DNA code for many more blood cells. After that he adds in the nerves and muscles into the makeshift wings, bringing life and feeling into them. As a final touch, he puts you back together and fixes the infection in your back.
💛You were barely conscious as you felt Hawks wrap his arms around you, gently as to not hurt you.
💛Your body didn't feel like your own. It felt as if your skin wasn't yours, your back also became incredibly heavily.
💛You suddenly became so hyper aware of everything on you. Every stand of hair, your breathing and blinking, your fingernails, the feeling of air on your skin. It felt so familiar yet foreign at the same time.
💛You were interrupted by a sharp pain in your arm. Looking over you see an unfamiliar man in a bird mask and hives injecting a serum into your arm.
💛You look to Hawks for help but he only gives you a reasurring smile.
💛A few moments after the syringe was emptied into your arm Hawks asks you to use your quirk. You try your hardest but nothing happens.
💛Both of the men are pleased by the results.
💛Hawks stays true to his word and tells Overhaul what he knew. The last time he looked at the investigation they had located multiple people in the group. By now they must've pinpointed the hideout. Hawks heavily suggests fleeing somewhere more abandoned and secluded.
💛With that, he flies away holding you tight and leaving you confused on why you didn't feel like yourself.
💛Your eyes were also incredibly irritated.
💛Once home, Hawks soothes you back to sleep. You needed rest after all.
💛When you wake up your eyes remain irritated. You also feel you back twitching which really bothered you.
💛You bring it up to Hawks, earning an estatic response from him. He picks you up and spins you around, saying how happy he was because you were finally going to be able to fly. To think, his little sister flying in the sky with him!
💛In the next few days to come you gain more and more controll over your new wings. You also gain identical eye marks to Hawks, as well as part of your eyes shifting to gold to mimic his.
💛The two of you really look like siblings now.
💛He teaches you everything you need to know about being a bird. He slowly teaches you how to fly, how you clean your feathers, and how to bird call. He preens your feathers as you do him.
💛Over time the two of you make your own language, composed solely of coos and chirps.
💛The two of you forgot about civilization, more than happy with just having each other.
💛You wanted nothing more.
Look out for part 4!
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Axel was not okay.
Sure, he wore the skin of a man keeping it together. They’d ask “how are you doing?” and he’d say he’s “doing just fine” when in reality he was a man held together by duct tape and chewing gum and a rediscovered smoking habit.
623 days.
Six hundred and twenty three days.
Axel kept count.
His friends told him he looked well, lately. That he stood a little taller. That he looked grounded. They purposefully didn’t look at the gold band still on his finger. They didn’t ask about his work.
Axel had quit the Institute. He was being rash, he was having a breakdown, he’d regret it once the world settled around him. That’s what they all told him. It was such a great honor to work there, according to everyone else. Axel had thought that way too, once upon a time.
Six hundred and twenty three days ago.
Axel didn’t trust the Institute anymore. The name tasted like bile on his tongue, it’s pristine halls were glorified prisons. Eyes watched him, he was sure. They wouldn’t tell him anything. He had a right to know and they wouldn’t tell him anything! They just filled him with empty platitudes about how sorry they were for his loss...
His loss.
How patronizing.
Everyone ignored it. People went missing all the time now, each a mini tragedy that was chalked up to natural reasons and forgotten by the world at large.
Deja vu was a daily occurrence for everyone. No one talked about it. Nor did they talk about the things only seen from the corner of your eye, or how you would be so sure some everyday object was... different. Exactly the same, yet not. Replaced, somehow, by a perfect replica that could fool the eye, but you knew. You always knew. But you didn’t mention it.
People ignored the way the sky would sometimes shift and bend, like cellophane pulled and twisted by greedy hands. Axel wondered when it would break – he was sure it eventually would – and what would come pouring into their world that had previously been kept just behind the blue.
623 days.
Everything was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.
An no one mentioned it. Pretended not to see. The same way they pretended not to see the way Axel still kept two pairs of shoes by the door. Two coffee mugs on the kitchen counter. Two toothbrushes in the bathroom.
A wedding ring on his left hand.
Six hundred and twenty three days. That’s how long he’d been alone. That’s when his world had fallen apart.
That’s when-
“Hey, Axel.” A heavy hand clapped down on his shoulder, pulling Axel from his thoughts.
Axel blinked rapidly and pulled his eyes away from his computer screen. “Morning, boss.”
Barret was a mountain of a man. Tall, imposing, and built like a brick house. He could easily snap Axel’s skinny body in half, if Barret weren’t, in reality, such a softie. The man had taken Axel into when he needed it most. Practically grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and hauled his drunken ass in to the little group he’d formed.
“Heard ya used to work for the Institute. We could use a brain like yours. Now, don’t lookit’ me that way, I – we – understand. We know what you’re goin’ through, kid. It’s hard. You ain’t obligated to do anything, but at the very least, come see what we’re about.”
Axel had done just that, and accepted his position on the spot.
Their team was small. Underground and secretive in their work. They didn’t even have a name, just a common goal.
Axel found he fit in with the band of misfits. They were all like him, eyes opened to the world around him, and disillusioned to its lies.
He was grateful to the team. After departing the Institute, he’d spent his time alone, isolated, running himself thin. When he wasn’t working, he was drinking into oblivion. When he wasn’t drinking into oblivion, he was working. He often had more cigarette smoke in his system than food.
The team gave him some stability. A sense that he belonged. That he wasn’t alone. That he wasn’t crazy. He couldn’t say he was terribly close with any of them — though some were certainly more friendly than others — but their presence was grounding and reassuring all the same.
And they were all looking for something. Someone.
Yuna’s boyfriend had gone missing two years prior. Lightning’s sister just a little longer than that. Prompto was looking for his best friend – a senator’s son, shockingly enough. Balthier was looking for his ‘partner in crime’, though Axel suspected there was more to the relationship than the man let on.
Barret probably had it the hardest. His young daughter had been missing for four years. It had been the driving force behind him starting up his little venture in the first place.
And Axel? Well...
“I’m sending you, Lightning, and Prompto out to the Western Wilds today,” Barret said. “Big energy flux out there.
With a nod and no questions asked, Axel grabbed his things and prepared to depart.
The Western Wilds had been beautiful once. Rolling green hills interspersed with the occasional grove of lush green trees. Blue skies that stretched on for miles. It had been left largely uncultivated, and instead acted as a nature preserve and wildlife park. There’d been a time when Axel, like many others, enjoyed weekend getaways there to camp or hike and simply ‘be one with nature.’
Now, it felt broken. Damaged. Strange rifts had opened up there, distorting the once beautiful and safe landscape. People couldn’t ignore the rifts as much as they did everything else, so they opted to abandon the place altogether. Retreat to the cities and their illusion of safety. Axel supposed be couldn’t blame them, there. Even much of the wildlife had fled.
It had become a routine place for the team to investigate because of the strange rifts. Surely it held answers for them. Surely it was connected to everything else so broken and wrong with their reality.
It’s distorted landscape was familiar enough, but as Axel and his companions hiked out onto the rolling fields, it felt... different. The air felt sharp, and something hummed in Axel’s veins.
Next to him, even the usually chatty Prompto had fallen quiet, camera gripped tightly in his hands, a thumb playing nervously with a dial. Lightning was never chatty, but there was a sharpness in her gaze. A tenseness in her shoulders. Something was different today.
It didn’t take them long to find their target, the cause of the energy flux. Cresting over a hill, the team spotted it immediately.
What had once been a small grove of trees, mercifully untouched by the schisms, was now a rats’ nest of distortions. Axel could hardly focus his eyes on the place. It was a smeared painting of what had once been trees. Leaves vibrated to the point of blurring, or seemed to flicker in and out of existence entirely. The very air around it warped and bent, like heat rising off asphalt. A strange black substance, so dark it absorbed light, oozed from bark like poisoned sap.
It was unlike any distortion they’d seen before.
Next to him, in a hushed voice, Prompto asked, “What on Earth is that?”
No one answered him. They had no answer to give.
Slowly, cautiously, they carried their equipment down the hill and approached the rift-torn-grove. The air buzzed as they picked their way between trees, closer and closer to the source of the distortion.
They knew it when they saw it, as it was unlike anything Axel had seen before. The very space seemed cracked, like a broken mirror, and reality sat disjointed and askew. A deep void in the center of the breakage, swirling black, and Axel felt the very blood in his veins pulled towards it.
The rifts of the Western Wilds often distorted and broke the landscape. None had such a... hole in them.
They stopped a few feet away, not daring to move any closer, and unloaded their equipment.
Every member on the team had their own theory to the distortions. A rift in time, from the future or the past. A tie to another reality altogether. Even a sentient being, or collection of beings caught in space time. No one theory prevailed above the others, but neither had any been ruled out.
Attempting communication with them or whatever was on the other side was one of their key goals, and since Axel had been working on doing just that before joining the team, he was in charge of continuing that work.
His equipment worked to record any transmission received from the rifts, where Axel would take them back to the lab to decipher what – if anything — they relayed.
He also sent his own messages out to the rifts, hoping something — someone — might pick it up.
His messages were wide and varied. Greetings in numerous languages. Speeches, Morse code, music. One song in particular was his favorite. It had been their song. Axel hoped that maybe it would reach, well...
It was one of multiple messages he’d use today. His teammates had their work as well. Prompto snapped photos and recorded video of the odd new rift, documenting it from every angle he could safely reach. Lightning surveyed the surrounding area, made notes of the trees, the plants, the soil, the wildlife – or lack thereof.
Axel’s first transmission went out, the sound oddly muffled and muted in the warped air around them. If Axel didn’t know better — and maybe he didn’t — he could have sworn the very sound and frequency was pulled into the void itself. He sent it out a second time, but his machines recorded no response.
A second, a third, a fourth, and a fifth all went out the same way, and all were greeted with silence from the other side. Axel couldn’t say he was surprised. Disappointed maybe, but this had long since become routine. He’d become used to the lack of a breakthrough.
He was nothing on his own. A bitter thought really, one that burned like bile. Smart? Capable? Hard working? Yes. But brilliant? No. Brilliant had been... brilliant was when they were together. Two minds working as one, filling in for and lifting up the other. Brilliant was-
With a sigh, Axel prepped the last message to be sent off to the void. His song — their song. The soft melody drifted up and out, bittersweet these days but no less lovely to Axel’s ears. He had almost let himself drift away with the music, when a loud ringing echoed through the grove. A sharp ping, like a glass being struck, so clear and loud compared to all other muted and warped sound.
All three members of the group stopped and, after a moment’s pause Lightning and Prompto rejoined Axel’s side. He could practically feel the questions on their tongues, but neither spoke, as all three simply waited with baited breath.
As they hoped, there was another loud ring. It came from the void and Axel’s equipment at once, as though the two were linked and communicating somehow. His heart stuttered in his chest at the revelation. Something had made contact! Something had made contact!
The next ring that came stretched into a long note, and Axel realized it was in tune with the music. A little warbly and distorted, but sure enough, there was a second song playing along with his own.
Axel didn’t have time to process that thought before the music began to get louder, and louder. Shrill and ringing it sliced through the crackling air, and sent the three team members to their knees. They covered their ears as the whole world vibrated around them, like a struck tuning fork. Cracks in the sky and the air splintered out, slicing reality like so much broken glass. Just when Axel thought they couldn’t take much more, it stopped.
The air went quiet and still.
Looking up, Axel saw the void had changed. The hole, the rift, had gotten wider. The dark expanse beyond it now seeped out, rolling like fog and dripping like oil. Where once the world had bent and pulled in towards toward the rift, now whatever was on the other side seemed to bulge and push back out.
The three held their breath as they watched, as silent and still as the air around them.
Movement. A shape, dark and cloaked in shadows, or rather, dripping with them. Inky black and moving oddly as it emerged from the void. It took a moment for Axel realize there was solid form at all beneath the darkness.
It shambled, staggered, then righted itself, moving like something injured or exhausted beyond reason. Perhaps both. All the while, the black substance sloughed off it like so much rotten skin. As more fell, the shape beneath was revealed.
They were human, or at least, human-esque.
Another stagger, and an arm raised to wipe away more of the inky black substance. It fell away with ease, leaving the person beneath it clean where Axel would have assumed them stained in black.
Each bit that fell away revealed more of the person beneath. Tanned skin, muscular arms. A tattered top, and dark, worn-in boots. Blond hair.
Axel tried to swallow the odd lump that had formed in his throat as his own heart threatened to beat out of his chest. He was standing, equipment dropped and forgotten on the grassy earth. Next to him, his team members called his name, but they sounded so far away. So unimportant. All Axel could focus on was the figure before him.
623 days.
Another step, and the man faltered, exhaustion finally taking its toll. He fell, one leg giving way, then two, before he slumped to the ground entirely.
Axel was running before he knew it, the frantic calls of Lightning and Prompto far, far behind him. He skidded to the ground next to the fallen, unconscious man.
With shaking hands and held breath, Axel brushed blond hair aside to behold the familiar face. Tanned skin. Freckles. Hidden eyes that Axel knew to be blue. A wedding ring on one finger.
Six hundred and twenty three days since he’d gone missing, disappeared like so many others. Six hundred and twenty three days that Axel had waited, and hoped, and searched, and now...
Axel’s husband was home.
Roxas was home.
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chatwithana · 3 years
Thanks to Dagon’s power, this round of fighting the residents goes much smoother. With every one that perishes, the duo’s very blood burns hotter. An inexplicable frustration burns within them. With their partner still nowhere to be found, both of them are angry with their lack of progress. That being said, the leader of the pack (the last one standing) dodges attacks with unnatural ease. Just when it’s about to be ensnared by tentacles and devils, it leaps high into the air.
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“What…!?” It silently proceeds to run atop an idle tendril. In his shock, Dagon doesn’t react quick enough to stop it from reaching him. Instead, someone else does.
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Right when the creature’s close enough to reach for his face, a tentacle impales its head. With a loud crack, it goes limp, and is lifted away from the Old One. The limb shakes it off with ease. “A conversation I just can’t have…” It finally speaks, but its body soon melts away on the stone floor. Shiro is quick to run to Dagon’s side.
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“Dagon! Are you alright!?”
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“Stay back, Shiro.”
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The lord puts himself before the student. He stares down the very tendril that killed the demon. “Come out of there. Now- my patience is already wearing thin.” Both of them hear a long, drawn-out sigh, followed by slow, heavy footsteps. Whatever aggression Dagon and Shiro had accumulated from their fight, it was thoroughly shocked out of them by who showed up. Awkwardly, Cthulhu comes out from the fog. His tentacle returns only to be held by him, like he’s trying to hide huge frame behind it.
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“Um… hello. You can call me, Cthulhu. I-it’s nice to meet you. The… the both of you…” Oh dear— looks like nerves are getting the better of him.
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“Where the hell are they?” Ana’s anger has crumbled away, but they’re still worrying for their lovers. Their emotions have been all over the place, it seems. In their stupidly rash decision to blindly bolt into the fog, they have now gotten lost. They didn’t think at all when they ran off, and so they are paying the price for it. “Shit… where the hell am I?”
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For them, the fog has only gotten darker, and it is so painfully quiet without someone to talk to. In this silence, Ana feels a familiar sense of loneliness. It’s the last thing they need right now, for it reminds them of how they used to be when they first came to this Tokyo. If this version of themself hadn’t been lucky, they’d likely still be afraid of making connections. Ana starts fidgeting with their hands. They’re so tired… when can they get some rest for once? Luckily, they‘re not alone for too long.
Amidst their meandering in the murky fog, Ana sees a silhouette. It looks like…
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… Cthulhu? Wait— he’s walking somewhere…? Does he not notice me or something? “Hey, Cthulhu!” Ana calls out, but he doesn’t respond at all, continuing to walk to some unknown destination. Something about this doesn’t feel right, but… maybe following him will lead me somewhere? He at least seems to know where he’s going. With that, Ana tails the lookalike, completely unaware of how the floor is no longer stone, but muck and ooze instead. How astoundingly foolish.
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