#the real demon king
rockymountainqueen2 · 2 months
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From this -
This post is mostly for those who don't want to have to click on the link in order to read the entirety of The Owl House's series bible.
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transmascfalin · 9 months
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i love gary so much he really gets me
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nibbelraz · 5 months
before lbh came back to the human realm he asked mobei why he kept the most pathetic sopping wet peak lord about. mbj casually "oh sometimes i ask him things and it literally changes reality." what. mobei what. no seriously what the fuck do you mean. what do you mean he changes reality. what are you talking about. are you serious. are you fucking with him rn fr "he cant change people though" WHY WOULD YOU GET HIS HOPES UP THEN "i believe qinghua calls it a 'power move'."
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kozmicmizuu · 27 days
a silly lil thing i had in my brain…. more uzurengiyuu… and wives cause they’re pretty
in honors of the newest demon slayer ep frfr
shinobu, noticing giyuu’s wearing a ring: oh? what’s with the rings??
giyuu; i’m married
shinobu: what-
giyuu: i’m still processing it myself
shinobu: to who?? help me process this…
giyuu: tengen and rengoku
shinobu: WHAT
giyuu: rengoku proposed to me with a half eaten ringpop, tengen had an actual ring, and hina, suma and makio just grabbed me and told me im their husband now
shinobu: … oh my god
giyuu: my bloodline is now secure and i got myself some babes, life is good
shinobu: i can’t believe this
i’m so sane about them i promise,,, giyuu went from being lonely to having two husbands and three wives, he has that autistic rizz dont fuck with him
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sigh…. i love them all
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ministarfruit · 6 months
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world is mine👑
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outfit swaaaaapppp
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
honestly your dpxdc clone au gives me life, its adorable as all hell and im a sucker for found family but with that being said, its so freaking hysterical to me that Danny is going full feral liminal menace at Wes any time hes near and Wes himself is still 100% into it the freak (affectionate) and thats not even pointing out the paralles it could possible create since danny and dames gives massive parallels to dick and damian and dick does have a thing for redheads.
yeesSSSSS! I was planning on hoarding this to myself but i can't not reply. and i'll be able to find this again with the clone^2 tag so win WIN. i'm so glad you are as delighted by this as me. It's so hilarious to me that Danny just becomes a complete freak whenever he spots Wes, and I'm the one who wrote it into existence. Like- like i don't know how to explain my vision in words but like, its like Danny sees Wes and immediately goes 'what can I do to make his day worse'. And then he goes and does it.
(honorary read more because i talk a lot)
He's relatively normal around his friends too, which makes him going full-fledged unhinged around Wes even funnier to me. Like, Danny will spout weird shit sometimes to Sam and Tucker, but usually its prefaced with him talking about patrol or there would be context before he said anything. With Wes? Though?? he will just. say anything, completely unprompted. Slings an arm around his shoulder like they've been buddies since primary school and then spits out a weird new fun fact he learned about the bodily anatomy while researching his latest cold case. All vaguely-threatening but utterly insane things to say as way to start a conversation.
And sometimes its not even that, he'll walk up to Wes and ask him if he saw the latest daytime fight between Phantom and Skulker. And then he'll say "yeah i missed it myself but I saw clips of it being posted online" and then watch Wes mentally explode him with his mind. or he'll disparage Phantom for having such a young partner with him, "Can you believe he'd let a kid fight ghosts with him? I'd never let my brother ghosthunt with me if I was Phantom."
All of this with such a deceptive look on his face but the most delighted, shit-eating gleam in his eyes. Wes is chewing glass and he wants to yell that he does let his brother fight ghosts with him. Also you told him yourself that nothing would've stopped your demonic (Wes' words) little brother from joining you.
Damian gets in on the fuckery occasionally, but since he's not around often with Wes about, it doesn't happen nearly as often as it does between Wes and Danny. Sam and Tucker know he's screwing with him too, and both of them are a little wary about him being careless with his secret id. But he's been doing this since he was 14-ish and it hasn't backfired yet. So. They're not actively stopping him.
Danny walks back to his lunch table after terrorizing Wes and Tucker just asks him what he said, because Wes was about as red as a tomato when he walked away. Danny offhandedly sighs and innocently says he tried to have a conversation about Phantom with him. Wes didn't seem to like it all that much. Weird.
And yes, yes. Wes is totally into it and is slightly enraged about this fact, because not even he knows why he's into it. The freak (affectionate). Danny gives him this troublemaker smirk, and i did say smirk, and Wes doesn't know whether or not if he wants to smack him or kiss him. Or both. Like, yeah, pine, white boy, pine.
(And this is a dramatized image but I'm also highly entertained by the idea that Wes keeps getting routine dirty looks from various peers because they, too, have a crush on Fenton. Except Fenton doesn't talk to anyone else unless its his friends and sometimes Valerie, and Weston, the guy who keeps accusing him of being the local vigilante, is somehow routinely having conversations with him?? And BLOWING IT?? Like everyone else thinks he's fumbling so bad, and yet fenton keeps tALKING to him.)
And yes!! i'm always so pleased whenever someone brings up the parallels D+D have to Dick and Damian, because that was lowkey my intention when I was making the solo clone damian au. Although it was supposed to be more implied since I don't really know much about Damian and Dick other than they're very close and Dick was Damian's Batman for a year. And then of course the very smaller parallel (??) 'what if' between Bruce and Damian and D+D in clone^2 considering who they are both clones of.
And man this just makes me want to talk about when batfam meet D+D because I just want them to see D+D be so brotherly towards each other. Like I want them to see Bby Dames wearing his goofy fun fact shirts and stealing Danny's hoodies/flannels/etc and blatantly lying about it when Danny asks. Only for Danny to then throw him over his shoulder like Tadashi from BH3 and jump around.
And also. I do not know what Damian Wayne's (DW as I'll call him) stance on being called "Dami" is - the general consensus I've seen is that its usually used as a playful nickname in order to get a rise out of him, and he doesn't really like it.
But baby Dames being called that freely, and often, and its sometimes used to get a rise out of him but thats typically what nicknames do. Its used as easily as his full name is with the same amount of affection. And its like his main go-to nickname. "Dami" and "Dames" with the occasional "Bud/Buddy", "Squirt", "Little man", etc. Not once is he ever called 'demon-spawn'
(which i know is a fanon nickname but its a relatively popular nickname)
but yeah, uhhh. i think thats all of my thoughts on the matter. for now lmAO
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mispelled · 8 months
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Ty I am saying it! He's also half demon . I present to you Hermie's full natural form
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fauvester · 5 months
cannot STRESS how much i love your svsss demon prince oc. his hair... the cunty clothes... the coloring on his eyes and fingers and lips.... ohhh goddd
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I hope we get to see the demon king at some point, even if it's in a flashback.
I'm tryna be Diavolo's stepdad 😏
— Anon
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hell-is-cozy · 1 month
*enters my room and sighs*
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I'm not beating the autism allegations
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rockymountainqueen2 · 2 months
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From The Owl House pitch bible - https://web.archive.org/web/20240425221922/https://litter.catbox.moe/581x55.pdf
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thestarfilledsea · 2 years
so I had a big brain moment. absolutely shocking I know but hear me out.
we all know that Wukong wore a tiger pelt on the journey right?
well I rewatched the ‘game on’ episode and paid more attention to MK’s character this time round.
Specifically the pelt wrapped around his waist.
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it’s not quite a tiger pelt, rather, i believe it’s a leopard one.
now here’s the thing, Wukong gets his game back and sees MK’s save and his character, leading Wukong getting an idea.
as we all know, Wukong’s not the best at communicating but he is good at observing.
and after all that crap with LBD, I bet he’d want to give MK some sort of coming of age “congrats on saving the world” gift. a mark of growth on MK’s journey. so what’s better than a pelt reminiscent to the one Wukong got on the beginning of his own journey?
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now I dearly want Wukong to find a leopard pelt, enchant it with all the protection spells he can find, throw in an extra scarf, shirt, and trousers and gift it to MK.
this has not given me peace since last week, so now I curse you all. you’re welcome.
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horsewizardart · 1 year
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this is canon
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mildly april fooling around on twibber
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Thinking about that Zhihu AU where Tang Seng's disciples were Erlang Shen, Sun Wukong, and Bull Demon King instead.....
[ID: 1. An illustration of Erlang Shen, Sun Wukong, and Bull Demon King from the waist-up. Erlang Shen is wearing a weimao and a purple yuanlingpao archer-style with the left lapel flipped out. His two inner robe layers are checkered blue and purple-ish off-white. He has a snow leopard pelt at his waist. Sun Wukong is in his typical pilgrimage outfit, chewing on a piece of willow with his arms crossed. Bull Demon King has his arm around SWK's shoulder, leaning against him. He has a leopard pelt across his chest and a dark red scarf around his shoulders, with a red banbi and off-white inner robe. His other hand is on his mixed-iron rod, which is placed on his shoulder. 2. A translated screenshot from the aforementioned Zhihu thread. It reads "西天路走的太顺利畅,我反而无聊 This path to the Western Heaven is too smooth. I'm actually bored." End ID]
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mashedmangos · 9 months
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They talk sm shit
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