#the rko show
This audience is amazing.
They are super into it and it’s really very nice.
Snaps for Lyon.🫰🫰
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lifes-commotion · 10 months
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Lucille Ball
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monnynouse · 8 months
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“Some kind of hunting lodge for rich weirdos” - Brad Majors
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nocturnalmohawk · 1 year
The RKO Army Pre-Show: Born This Way
Performed before our Pride Themed Shadowcast of the Rocky Horror Picture Show 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈!
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kennyomegasweave · 1 year
I'm finally starting Episode 4. I've put it off cause I know Nueng yells at Palm and I didn't want to have to be hateful about him being rude to my man, but I know I must. Onwards to my live thoughts. 
Oh this fucking asshole dad. "Look at my son's condition, he was in the hospital!" Well your son is a bitch and he only has one bruise. What a weak ass bitch to need to be in the hospital after that.
Again I ask. Why doesn't Palm have a tie? Is it cause he's poor? Can he not afford a tie? Nueng get him a tie!
SORTA HANDHOLDING. Whee. It's been two minutes. I'm already overcome.
Not Chopper and Nueng both looking all cute when hearing about about Chinese I love you. Aww Nueng is really out here like "I wanna do this project with Palm." Who is currently suspended and not even present. That's so cute.
Chopper babe, your dad is shady as hell, and possibly killed your uncle, but if he didn't, I'm guessing he wants you to learn to shoot cause you MIGHT be in danger. Your uncle was straight up murdered in an alley and no one knows who did it.
NUENG CREEPING WHILE PALM WASHED THE CAR. I SEE YOU. Once again, I know Nueng because I am Nueng.
My bestie has said many times she wants to get business cards that say "she gay dude stop it lol" to hand out at the bar when she's with me. This is relevant because I feel someone needs to slide one to Maggie and just cross off the s.
Not Nueng doing a threepeat with his eyes looking at shirtless Palm. As always, same bestie. NOT NUENG PASSING INTO PALM'S ROOM TWO INCHES AWAY FROM HIS FACE.
NUENG. Your room is small, my room is big, you should move upstairs. First, you may as well have said "my bed is a California king." Also you know Palm's dad would never let him move upstairs. He's downstairs with the help baby.
Nueng really just keeps trying to blur the lines between employee and employer and Palm is trying to keep his place while also being thirsty as hell. My poor baby. Pour one out for Palm because he is in a hard place, no pun intended.
I do not like this "your number is dead" possible foreshadowing. I swear I thought the director said this wouldn't have a happy ending but they also got an Our Sky episode? So now I am all confused.
Aww Chopper and Nueng having cousin bonding. Let's be honest, neither of these kids want the family business. This is the tragedy.
Maggie is so cute and sweet and I know she just has a crush but baby it's not gonna work out. We need to continue playing Jonny McGovern's Don't Fall In Love With A Homo (A Song For The Ladies) for her until she understands.
So the song of this episode is gonna be Jealous by Nick Jonas because Nueng is already starting to act like an ass because he's mad about Maggie, who again, Palm don't want.
Oh this story is cute but again I don't like the possibly foreshadowing about lovers being separated but still in love. Nueng really puts his face all up in Palm's. Sir. Calm down. Talking about giving a reward while two inches away from another man's face. Sir. Sir please.
Chopper is my right hand arm man, my everything, my best friend, my confidant, my silly rabbit. And he's looking a whole clown over Ben. This is not endearing Ben to me. "I like those who are similar to me." OH GET FUCKED BEN. You've said that twice now and it's not cute. "Who wouldn't like you?" Chopper I want you to love yourself, I want you to want more for yourself, I want you stop caring about this boy and the fucked up part in his hair.
Palm is really praying over their paper. Baby just wants to get a good grade for Nueng because, let's be honest, he doesn't care about school. Was he even in it before? He was working on a boat.
I cannot stand Ben. And I need Nueng to do better. Nueng's face when Ben gave him that paper? How the fuck did Ben push past that? Why the fuck did Nueng let him? This is just embarrassing for everyone. I'm embarrassed. I can't decide if Ben is just that much of a cringefail 17 year old with a crush that he's just pushing ahead or if he's shady and I don't like that.
See this kiss is godawful and Nueng doesn't seem into Ben at all, but they did the heartbeat noise when they held hands that they earlier did when he was checking out Palm in a towel and so I genuinely think I'm supposed to think this is a real triangle*. And I don't understand. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. * - I want to say quad for my boy Chopper's sake but I don't feel that's going well right now, lol
Nueng you cannot mack on Ben and then be mad Palm doesn't want to talk to you. You don't get to do that. Oh mY GOD. Palm's reaction to that kiss. The boy is in deep deep. NUENG HOW CAN YOU BE UPSET PALM SAW. Palm is breaking my heart. Straight up. They are both dumb but I understand Palm, he's the one at a social disadvantage here and Nueng is just straight up refusing to acknowledge that.
Oh Nueng sitting up in that bathtub with that expression thinking about Palm. I know my man had ~fun 🍆🍆🍆~ in that tub.
Ben said "I thought you wouldn't talk to me after that day" about kissing Nueng. And he said that earlier to Chopper. If this means Ben made a move on Chopper and he reacted poorly, I will scream. I will stand with my cancelled wife Chopper but I will be prepared to soften on Ben. lol
Nueng is just getting white girl wasted and that never ends well. Where did Ben go? Like genuinely why is he letting his boyfriend get white girl wasted in a jealous rage? Oh Nueng don't do this in front of Maggie. In front of everyone. Oh see I'm not as mad at Nueng here now I'm like absolutely sad for him. Although my heart hurts for Palm too. 
Oh this shit escalated like really fast? Dear lord. Isn't this a party for the olds? Palm is straight up coughing blood. Nueng is having a panic attack and puking. They're reaching for each other and like I just genuinely don't understand how this happened? The party seemed chill? It wasn't even a house party? Thailand is wild. Again though I ask, where did Ben go? Did I miss him saying bye? I might have, but if I didn’t, this is one more time Nueng has got his ass beat while Ben was MIA. Suspicious.
Okay the preview. Ben def has a homophobic dad and, coupled with how I think Chopper might have acted a fool in the past, I'm feeling bad for him? I still need him to understand that Nueng Does. Not. Want. Him. But like damn.
I am genuinely so into this show, but now I’m like well damn maybe Ben isn’t like 100% terrible? And ugh. But also he may still be? And I just really need Palm to just straight up yell at Nueng. Like just let it all out baby. I know he can’t, but ugh. Nueng really needs like several reality checks, but he’s wealthy so I’m not sure how that’s gonna happen? I’m so ready for tomorrow and the next episode. Bring it on. 
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fagrackham · 2 years
I really thought i was only into men now but this butch you guys…….
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verse-the-comic · 2 years
Crazy how the ace dweeb is able to make hot characters Tumblr is simping for
signed, your friend who likes Architect
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masonismental · 1 year
The way I never saw citizen Kane before today but I did watch The rocky horror picture show a bunch and it's literally so spot on at mocking the RKO movies is so funny to me like why is this rocky horror but straighter help
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truthcakes · 2 years
We did a thing!!!
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vampcubus · 1 year
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Roommate!Kyojuro who’s been your best friend since Pre-K. You know each other inside and out, down to your usual orders and all your favorite restaurants. 
Roommate!Kyojuro who brings you food whenever he stops to grab takeout, always thinking of you and what you’d want. Haven’t eaten lunch yet? He’s driving up to your work so you can eat in his car. Falling asleep during college classes? He’ll show up with your favorite coffee order.
Roommate!Kyojuro who can read your mood with a single look and knows exactly what to say to get you cracking up. He’s emotionally intelligent and gives you massive side eye if you try to lie and say you’re feeling fine when you’re clearly not.
Roommate!Kyojuro who makes you do silly TikToks with him and has countless random pictures of you doing the most mundane shit in his camera roll. Most of the photos he takes are ruined somehow; there’s always a glare of light or you move at the last moment. Among those god-awful cryptid pics are albums upon albums of pictures of you two together. All photos from trips you’ve taken, those impulsive 3 am outings, and movie nights with you passed out on his shoulder.
Roommate!Kyojuro who sends you a meme when you’re both supposed to be asleep just to hear you laugh through the wall separating your rooms.
Roommate!Kyojuro who pokes his head into the kitchen the moment he hears pots and pans being moved around. “What’re you cooking?” 
Roommate!Kyojuro who relies on you for meals that aren’t takeout since he’s a pretty crummy cook, and though you’ve made progress teaching him, his rice still comes out crunchy and he overcooks most other things. Whenever you’re away for a few days he sends you pics of the meals he attempts by himself seeking your approval. Pls tell him his grilled cheese looks amazing, he’s so proud of it.
Roommate!Kyojuro who will actually RKO you if you even try to do the dishes. “You go through the trouble of cooking for me every day. I don’t want you to even look at those dishes, you hear me?” And if he finds out you did them, you’re in for an earful.
Roommate!Kyojuro who would never force you to come to the gym with him but always insists that he come along when you go. His close proximity wards off creeps and he’s an amazing hype man so you never complain, but he genuinely just wants to make sure you’re safe while you’re there.
Roommate!Kyojuro who cuddles with you on the couch and gets sucked into your tv dramas. He has the funniest reactions to shady moments and fights. He never fails to fall asleep at integral moments and needs to be briefed again, but acts so betrayed when he catches you watching them without him.
Roommate!Kyojuro who gets into crochet and makes you cute little plushies and socks. He’s SO proud to present his first full blanket to you and melts into a puddle whenever he finds you snuggled up with it.
Roommate!Kyojuro who has a bit of a “stray problem” and is always feeding the stray cats that roam around your apartment complex. At least two or three of them have become 100% indoor cats and he considers them his children. Takes them to get all their shots, sends you clips of them doing silly stuff while you’re at work, and crochets toys for them. He tears up when the most aloof kitty starts batting one of the crochet mice around. Sends you a frantic text of “HE TOUCHED IT!!!” 
Roommate!Kyojuro who mindlessly tosses your laundry in with his if he sees it building up.
Roommate!Kyojuro who sneaks your shampoo because he likes the way you smell and acts dumb when you complain about running out so fast.
Roommate!Kyojuro who respects you too much to steal your panties when they get mixed in with his laundry but desperately humps into his fist later that night to thoughts of you filling them. A hand clapped over his mouth to smother his loud whimpers so he doesn’t alert your sleeping form through the paper-thin wall between your rooms. 
Roommate!Kyojuro who wants to tell you how everything you do inadvertently turns him on, but would rather die than risk fucking up your friendship.
Roommate!Kyojuro that always cums with your name on his lips without fail, golden-red eyes rolled back as he fantasizes about your hands replacing his own. 
Roommate!Kyojuro who never forgot the time you were dared to kiss at a party in high school. The soft press of your plush lips against his trembling ones has been burnt into his mind, always surfacing when he’s rutting into a pillow, pretending it's you. He imagines kissing you so often it’s a wonder you don’t see the way his eyes stare at your lips when you drink from a straw or chew at a pen.
Roommate!Kyojuro who would do anything for you, but selfishly wishes you'd see him as more than a friend.
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co-sharkie · 2 months
Medic! Reader with her boys after an ambush
Grayson Waller, Logan Paul, and Austin Theory x F! Reader
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Grayson and Austin came stumbling into the medical room after their match with New Catch Republic. They were looking more roughed up than you had expected. Grayson holding up Austin who was visibly in pain and holding his chest.
"What happened?" You worried and rushed them both over to a chair. Logan was still lying on the cot, even though he was feeling better after his encounter with Kevin and Randy.
"Judgement Day, that's what happened." Austin managed wheezed out. He flinched as he spoke.
You had to swallow down your anger when hearing the group's name. It seemed like every show someone from the Judgement Day was the reason you had a patient. "Logan, get up. Let Austin lay down."
Logan groaned as he rolled off the cot and sat in the chair Austin was occupying. Austin stumbled into the cot and laid face up.
"Let me guess, Coup de Grace?" Austin nodded. You sighed and felt around his torso. You made sure nothing was broken before moving over to Grayson. "And what happened with you?"
"My fingers just hurt..." he pouted and held up his hand.
"Pete Dunne?" He nodded. You knew Pete wouldn't actually break anyone's fingers, but you figured you'd double check just in case.
While you checked Grayson's hands, he started questioning Logan. "Why are you here?"
"I got a stunner and an RKO. No thanks to you guys." Logan crossed his arms and looked away from Grayson. Logan frowned as he stared at the blank wall.
Grayson looked like he was about to say something to Logan when you cut him off sternly. "Boys, do not start arguing." Austin let out a strangled laugh. Grayson also crossed his arms and turned his back to Logan. Both of their chairs were right next to each other, which made the scene look even more hilarious to you.
"You didn't watch our match?" Austin tried to sit up but you pushed him back down. Your hand had subconsciously rubbed at his shoulder. His pain was evident, and you hated seeing it.
"No, I'm sorry. I was too busy nursing Logan back to health and the t.v. kept cutting out." Austin frowned. "I'll watch the playbacks later tonight."
You ran a hand through Austin's hair. He smiled and leaned into your touch. Thankfully the other boys didn't see, because there would for sure be some jealousy. "You guys should get changed, show ends in ten minutes." You looked over at Logan and Grayson. "Logan, help them get to the locker room?"
Logan grumbled but stood up anyway. "You can't?" Even though he'd do what you said, he was a little upset with the other boys and their lack of success on his planned ambush. Logan and Grayson helped Austin up to his feet.
"No," you grabbed your bag and walked to the door. "I think it's time I had a little chat with Rhea."
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ac3may · 9 months
“ the wag diaries ”
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Dating ~ Sam Kerr ~
• Sam was definitely the more comfortable flirter before getting together
• but as soon as you were official?
• you gave as good as you got
• and somehow she found herself loving that more
• you say “jump”, she says “how high?”
• you humble her and keep her grounded
• she cares for you and teaches you that your Miss Independent act wasn’t necessarily healthy or necessary
• Sam’s favourite hobby is teasing you
• she gets to the point where you tell her to “fuck off” though and she’s like a schoolchild in trouble
• doesn’t know where to look or how to approach you when she gets on your wrong side
• knows full well you can survive without her and she'll have to keep winning you over to keep her place
• you know you can't though, not really
• as much stick as you give her, your life post-Sam has made you a much happier person and there’s nothing you’d wouldn't give her up for
• sometimes its fun to see her get a little hot under the collar though
• as if he couldn’t get worse he does, Elys becomes the bane of your relationship in the most classic annoying younger brother fashion
• secretly you love it though, seeing Sam adopt him as if he were her own brother warms your heart
• she and Enya already had a strong relationship as teammates but even the crowds begin to notice the extra protectiveness she shows on the pitch
• the feeling is returned when Sam sees you interact with her younger sister too
• although a number of their conversations are teasing over the red vs blue football rivalry 
• everyone thinks Sam would be the hardarse in the relationship but it's you putting her in check and telling her to cool it on the pda
• she knows you need and love the extra care and attention
• the affection surprises you anyhow
• it takes time to get used to how exceptionally soft she is
• and how much she spoils you
• especially after the hardcore flirting
• doesn’t stop her RKOing you onto the bed though
• Sam goes from spending time with her cat and sister in an otherwise large and empty house to cramming into a three-bedroom flat with you and the twins
• despite the endless teasing that follows her from home to training she somehow loves it more
• although she is constantly begging to spend the night at her place (not that her little sister would be any better)
• you always get your way though, like the princess you are
I said I had thoughts in the bank! Both are dating head-cannons tho so sorry if that’s annoying or whatever
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film-classics · 25 days
Constance Bennett - The Hollywood Fox
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Constance Campbell Bennett (born in New York City on October 22, 1904 – July 24, 1965) was an American actress born to an aristocratic family of actors of English and Spanish ancestry. Blonde, stunning and honey-voiced, she glided through Hollywood with a sprite-like lightness and definite air of style and sophistication, receiving the moniker, "The Hollywood Fox."
The eldest of three daughters of actress Adrienne Morrison and actor Richard Bennett, she attended the Chapin School in New York along with her sisters Joan Bennett and Barbara Bennett, both of whom were actresses.
She was first Bennett sister to enter motion pictures, appearing in New York–produced silent movies before a meeting with Samuel Goldwyn led to her Hollywood debut in 1924. She took a hiatus during a brief marriage, but resumed it after her divorce.
In the early 1930s, Bennett was frequently among the top actresses named in audience popularity and box-office polls due to hits like Topper (1937). Her contracts with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Warner Brothers, and RKO made her a big star in Hollywood, and her cutthroat contract negotiations earned her the sole female spot among Hollywood’s poker-playing elite comprised of top movie moguls.
By the 1940s, Bennett was working less frequently in film but was in demand in both radio and theatre, and she also formed her own production company, Constance Bennett Pictures, which produced two films. Nonetheless, shrewd investments made her a wealthy woman, even founding a cosmetics and clothing company, called "Fashion Focks."
Shortly after Madame X (1966) was completed, Bennett collapsed and died from a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 60 in Walston Army Hospital at Fort Dix, New Jersey. In recognition of her military contributions, and as the wife of John Theron Coulter, who had achieved the rank of brigadier general, she was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Was the highest-paid actress in Hollywood during the early 1930s
Founded the Constance Bennett Cosmetics Company and a clothing company called "Fashion Frocks" in the 1930s
Formed her own production company, Constance Bennett Pictures, which produced two films: Paris Underground (1945) and Smart Woman (1948)
Made smart business investments, including holding stocks in the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel
Awarded military honors for her role in coordinating shows flown to Europe for occupying troops (1946-48) and the Berlin Airlift (1948-49)
Nominated as the Hall of Fame: Actress Award in the 1978 Photoplay Award
Has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to motion pictures at 6250 Hollywood Boulevard
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glitchaxolol · 2 months
Honest opinions on Wrestlemania XL Sunday:
Drew v Seth: I was so happy for Drew when he pinned Seth. Seth was taking those hits like a boss but Drew was honestly slaying. Drew’s entrance looked cool asf but wth was Seth’s😭!? Him tweeting during the match was actually so funny. But anyways, DAMIAN CASHING IN WAS AMAZING AND JUDGEMENT DAY CHEERING TOGETHER AT THE END MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! (I expected Damian to cash in but I was glad he did) Match was still really short tho.
The Pride v The Final Testament: I like both teams but may I say, Scarlett and Karrion looked badass. Some of those hits had to be painful, on both sides. Also Karrion just picking Scarlett up at the end was lowkey sweet. Again, it was really short.
LA Knight v AJ Styles: That flip from AJ over the top rope was smooth. Both of them got in some good hits. That Avalanche German Suplex was actually insane. I was honestly rooting for AJ(who was looking like an absolute daddy btw😩) and I’m genuinely sad he lost. The end was lowkey stupid tho.
Randy Orton v Kevin Owens v Logan Paul: The start was genuinely funny, Randy getting on the back of the cart and riding along. Teaming up on Logan was a good idea. Also like, what did KO expect? Ofc Randy was gonna try to RKO him. They all got some good hits. I was NOT expecting IShowSpeed to be in the suit😭🤣! I was pulling for Randy but I still didn’t mind Logan retaining. Honestly he makes a good heel.
Bayley v Iyo Sky: Bayley’s wrestling gear looked great but Iyo looked lowkey drunk walking down(lol). They both gave us a good match tbh. Bayley was being an absolute beast, taking those hits pretty well. And I’m so happy that Bayley is finally getting what she deserves, she absolutely deserved that win!
Cody v Roman: The orchestra for Roman’s entrance was pretty cool honestly. (He looking fucking hot as ever btw🤭 also he stuck his tongue out so omfg, he cannot keep lookin like that😩). (He could call me a little bitch if he wanted🤞). Jimmy and Jey coming out to fight was pretty cool. I was just waiting for Solo to show up lol. John Cena and Rock coming out to face off with each other was great! I was hoping Dean was the one to come but Seth is alr ig. Roman choosing to hit Seth over Cody was a nice “Fuck you” for when they were in Shield. I actually cheered when Taker came out!!! Both Roman and Cody were absolute BEASTS during the match. I love Roman and I would’ve loved for him to win but it was for the best.
Overall: The matches were a bit short but holy shit was it worth it. The main event was amazing and so chaotic!!!
Reminder: These are just my opinions so don’t get like pressed or anything lol.
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citizenscreen · 2 months
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#OnThisDay in 1953, the Academy Awards were televised for the first time. The ceremony was held at the RKO Pantages Theatre in Hollywood.
Harold Lloyd was an Honorary Award recipient. Acting awards went to Gary Cooper, Shirley Booth, Anthony Quinn, and Gloria Grahame. #Oscars THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH took Best Picture.
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georgefairbrother · 7 months
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Iconic British actress Diana Dors, ‘the English Marilyn Monroe’, and 'Siren of Swindon’, was born Diana Mary Fluck, on October 23rd, 1931.
She enjoyed great success in British films, her first role in 1947, and later had a limited career under contract to RKO in Hollywood. In her later years she was a favourite on chat shows, and had character roles in a number of British films, including Steptoe and Son Ride Again, as well as guest turns in television programmes such as The Sweeney, The Two Ronnies, and Hammer House of Horror.
She passed away from cancer in 1984, at the age of 52.
This great clip is from her Yorkshire Television sitcom, Queenie's Castle (1970-72) in which, as the family matriarch, she unwisely confronts her son, 'Our Raymond', over having been seen at the pub with a 'right tarty blonde...'
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