#the road to clarines
redmemoirs · 1 year
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its funny how much more guarded they both were at the start. shirayukis better at (or more conscious of?) masking it (until she hits her tipping point that is) meanwhile zen has that abrasive princeyness going on. must be fun to look back on for them... also interesting how relaxed they all are, zens got his trusty knights to back him up and we know shirayuki's no damsel in distress but they all clocked each other as trustworthy so quick. this would be very fun as an extended scene
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lynkurosawa · 10 days
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Twisted Wonderland and Akagami no Shirayuki hime crossover AU part 1!
So i was thinking what if Yuu or Fuyumi is Shirayuki twin sister and she suddenly transported by a black carrige to night raven collage infront of her sister, Zen, Mitsuhide, Kiki and Obi? Her sister married with the second prince so when she got missing all hell would broke loose, Mitsuhide in panic, Kiki is mad, Obi going to kill someone. Izana plotting things with Zen. They fond of Yuu as little sister they never had afterall.
When she come to the school and knowing she cant come back she say "Oh no Izana nii and Zen would wrack havoc right now. Wait how about my work?!! Oh no my babies!! The plant would die without me!! What about nee san?!! She would be stressed she's pregnant with little prince or princess right now!! Obi, Kiki, and Mitsuhide would be so mad!! Im so done!! " Yep she's more concerned with her medical plant and how the other's would wrack havoc to search her as she is an important pharmacist in the kingdom with her sister before she got married.
When Fuyumi explain she's younger sister of a princess consort everyone in uproar. Crowley sweating bullets knowing she's an important figure. If something happend to her his head could fly!!
She ask Crowley to at least search a way to made her can communicate with her sister and brother's in law ASAP, if not Izana could start a war to neighboring kingdom just to search for her with Zen in their over protective brother mode and he agree with it even ask Lilia to ask Maleus if he maybe know something.
Knowing this is not a laughing matter Lilia agree and in the mean time Fuyumi need to stay at Pamofiore while Ramshackle being renovated and Vil agree with it. Afterall if she have magic Vil know the girl would be shorted to Pomefiore as she an axellent pharmacist.
She end up become Divus asistant with grim being her familiar.
Part 1 of how everyone view her
Riddle Rosenheart
Riddle think she is smart. He fist meet her in the morning picking a weed at the side road that aparantly could be used as remedy for fever. She say it was the perfect time to pick because the effect would be more potent. He don't know that and make sure to remember it.
Fuyumi don't like to see Riddle being too strict and ask him why he become like that. When she hear what Riddle mother do to him Fuyumi was so mad. Fuyumi tell him that what his mother did is wrong and made his grow disturbed. She literaly claim him as little brother and invite him to come with her if he want when Crowley found a way for her to comeback to her kingdom.
He is surprised but happily accept it. Fuyumi eventually decide to stay until Riddle is done with his school years, and Riddle become calmer with her around. He start to call her nee san made her occasionally give him a big hug.
He wasn't happy when he know his nee san actualy run away from her birth place Tanbarun because an idiotic prince want her and her sister as concubine. He is so going to give him a beating if he meet him.
When Fuyumi found a way to contact her family they also agree to adopt Riddle. Izana and zen teach him Clarines law.
When Riddle overblot her patience is gone, she give a piece of her mind to his mother and tell her Riddle already agree to be adopted by her. This shock her she scream at her but she calmly say that he already 17 and he could pick what he want "You say your rules is the right but you can't even see he hasn't growing right physically and mentaly. You are lucky this is not my kingdom or you would be in jail right now for child neglect." This stunned her and her husband give his signature to agree with the adoption because he actualy love Riddle and want him to find his happiness.
Tray Clover
Tray think she is strong, she don't cower at Riddle and give him a piece of her mind without screaming or insult him. She calming him and ask him what wrong first before give him other option. She teach him to become better leader instead force him with her belive. She never say Riddle is wrong, but he tell him his magic should be the last resort to punish someone.
She teach Tray how to cook things with herb not just made it more delicious but also tell him the effect he could get from each herb.
She scold him as he coddle Riddle too much because as a leader he need to know when he was in the wrong. Izana even never coddle Zen and he is a real prince!! Tray could only accept it while sitting in seiza for an hour.
He was sad to know his friend would come with her when she can comeback to her kingdom but happy as he would be free from his mother.
Carter Diamond
Carter think she's cool, there is no one who could stop Riddle when he is too strict than her and he literaly think she is Riddle sister the first time he saw her red hair but she apparantly not. They don't have any blood relation with each other but she did think of Riddle as little brother.
He is exasperated knowing a phone still not found yet in her world and they still use a bird to communicate with others, can't imagine how bored she could be without one but apparantly she isn't and obsessed over medical plant instead.
With her obsession with medical plant and her beauty Carter think if she have magic she would be accepted in Pomefiore easily.
He teach her how to use a phone when Vil give one to her.
Deuce spade
He think she is so calm, the first time he meet her Ace insult her as she don't know about the seven statue on the hall, he is trying to stop him as he dont like ace to hurt other people feelings. But instead being mad she don't give him any reaction. Grim was the one who is mad and she stop him in time before he could burn the statue.
She just say she would mark ace as 'troublesome' student and tell Crawell to give extra attention to Ace behaviour. When Crowley come she tell him what Ace did and he punish him and Grim to clean the window as he not just insult a staff member but also someone who have relation with royal family from another world.
This shock them ofcourse but the more shocking was she could calm the house swarden when he hear the news and made Ace got more lenient punishment (cleaning the flamingo cage for a week without magic). She aparantly claim him as little brother and they are become really over protective with each other.
Her knowledge of herbs also facinating, Crawel class always more fun when she's around.
Deuce tell her his past and she just smile and say she' proud that he could change.
She think everyone younger than her is her cute little brother and apparantly Riddle and Deuce is in her favorite list.
Ace Trappola
Ace don't like her as he can't make fun of her, and because she's the staff and have relation with royal family in another world he can't do anything to her. She also mark his name as 'problem child' made the teacher give extra attention at him and made him can't run away from his punishment.
When he found out she have brother sister bond with Riddle he is freaking out and when Riddle hear about what happend he also mark Ace, he say "You, insult my nee san again it would be off with your head!!" Yup Riddle had sister complex over her.
In the end he never dare to make fun of her again but he still thankful that she made Riddle become more lenient with his punishment, he already hear some horor story from the others. Can't use magic the same thing as choping your head as a mage afterall.
She think of Ace as mischievous annoying little brother.
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claudeng80 · 1 year
Dearest Readers, Ch. 7
Dearest Readers,
Once again the streets of Wistal are overcrowded. A carriage takes up easily the space of twenty people on foot, with additional hazards due to flighty horses, broken wheels and unwieldy turns. One misunderstood map or overestimated passageway clearance can lead to hours of road blockages, occasionally drawing spectators and, if the accident is a truly entertaining one, hecklers.
Perhaps next time Lady Haruka hosts an event that nobody in the kingdom wants to miss, she should recommend the luminaries of Clarines arrive on foot. There would be far less disruption to Wistal’s daily flow of activity.
Perhaps the king would like to start. Surely he has places to go worth a penitent arrival.
Read the rest on AO3
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anxiety-thyme · 1 year
It’s time for first Friday fic night!
For a refresher you can see what this is about here.
Last month we returned to Teen Wolf.
This month it is Snow White With the Red Hair. Poll at the end for what we should cover next month!
I'm really excited this month to talk about what may be my favorite fandom. This list was a little harder because for all that there are fewer fics for this ship there is such a wide array of feels and themes to pull from.
Fandom: Akagami no Shirakukihim | Snow white with the red hair. Ship: Obiyuki (Obi my beloved!) Theme: Shirayuki figuring out what she actually wants
As always, mind the tags. There will be smut.
I have to start off by acknowledging my favorite author in the fandom, Sabraeal. I love everything she writes but I feel like linking to each of her fics would be overkill. So instead, here are three that I feel in my bones and that fit the theme. I can guarantee you will see more of her work in future posts.
Seven Suitors for Shirayuki, by Sabraeal
"If someone had told her this was going to happen, maybe she would have taken Zen up on his offer."
I have reread this fic so many times that I actually lost count. The same can be said for the companion fic 100 Headaches for Haki. Just, Obi's devotion to Shirayuki, and Obi & Haki's friendship, and Haki shipping the hell out of Obiyuki, and Shirayuki growing into herself are all just. Fantastic
as seen through a mirror, sharply, by Sabraeal
"It takes a certain type of stubbornness to believe that one tragedy won't beget another; Shirayuki is finding that she no longer has it in her to turn a blind eye and hope for the best."
and all my winding roads have led me here (to you), by Sabraeal
"Shirayuki turns thirty and ponders at all her untaken roads-- as well as the one she put herself on, all those years ago."
Eclectic80 is another of those authors who has so many fics to love. Their most recently completed one is just everything.
Changling, by Eclectic80
"Shirayuki goes to extreme measures to help the king and queen of Clarines, and ends up with an unexpected consequence."
Fairy Tales, by Eclectic80
"After Zen's royal engagement is announced, Shirayuki finds her path leads her to the far corners of the continent. Good thing she has her best friends along."
This is the lightest on this list. I just think it's neat.
Period Piece, by ccprovolomies
"Shirayuki's life told through days of her menstruation"
I actually found this one more recently and I cannot express how much I adore the way the the author uses Shiryuki's cycles as measure of her life's trajectory. Just :chef's kiss:
I hope you enjoy. Let me know how much you love them on a scale of 'Oh. Oh' to flower porn.
For next month we are going to pick a theme instead of a fandom. Within each theme you could get works from: Snow white with the red hair, My hero academia, Teen wolf, Attack on titan, and maybe even Yuri on Ice or Buffy thrown in as a wild card.
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sabraeal · 5 months
3, 6, 11, 16 and 20 for the fic rec asks!
3.) 😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
First one to come to mind is @claudeng80's Away From It All, which she wrote for the 2020/2021 winter challenge. Obi is just SUCH a disaster in the first chapter, having agreed to essentially put himself in a bottle episode with the object of his huge, life-shattering crush, and Shirayuki isn't faring much better in hers. Both their POVs are SO funny, it gets me every time (especially Shirayuki really pondering if she should let that terrible mattress Take The Wheel on this whole thing)
6.) 😊 A fic that made you smile on a bad day
I can't remember any SPECIFIC bad days but every time @codango posted a chapter of The road to Clarines is gravel it was an EVENT in the server. Fully everyone dropping everything to scream at whatever new twist had happened. I think me and Joanna spent several days after every drop speculating over what might happen next, and even if there was no outstanding crummy day to pin this on, it at least gave me a whole lot of joy.
11.) 🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
Tension in Three Parts by negoshi26. I watched the first season of Attack on Titan right when it came out, and as much as I loved the characters, I didn't have any like...bulletproof ships out of it. Beside knowing I really just did not like either Jean or Eren for Mikasa. One of the people I followed from BSG fandom was a mod on het_reccers, which became a mainstay for finding new pairings for me, and this fic showed up on it as a rec for Levi/Mikasa. Kinda squinted a little bit over it-- I don't mind an age gap but even this one was a bit big-- but I liked both the characters, said what the heck, and then came out the other side of this one being like, OH WELL THIS IS IT FOR ME, I GUESS 🤣
16.) 💞 A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Analysand by @infinitelystrangemachinex. There were like a total of 20 fics on AO3 when I first fell into AnS fandom, and about 7 of them were obiyuki...and about three of those were Andi's fic 🤣 After I inhaled Sharon's Knots, I fell straight into Andi's fics...and I think it was this one where I was like, I cannot lurk anymore. I must come be this woman's friend. She needs someone to feed her as regularly as she is feeding me. And so then I very coolly and calmly left comments on EVERYTHING SHE HAD EVER WRITTEN, and started commenting on posts she made on the comm, and definitely made Andi worry I was going to invite her to a Secondary Location until I posted the first chapter of Seven Suitors. AND NOW WE ARE FRANDS.
20.) 💖 A drabble that made you want 100K more words
Listen there are so many but I must say that is it this drabble where Wen Ying suffers over his working dick by @bubblesthemonsterartist. If you don't know, Joanna and I have OBSESSED over this modern AU EXTENSIVELY, with absolutely no intention of ever writing it, but like. I mean I do want to read it. All of it. In my eyeballs. I KNOW THIS MEANS I WOULD HAVE TO WRITE STUFF TOO. But it would be worth it for the complicate Wen Ying dick feelings okay???
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lunatenais · 1 year
I’m realizing as I’m writing I don’t know my own interests! Wahoo! Anyway I’ve had such a wonderful 2 years in TOA, and I’m so excited to be here for many more years to come!!
Tagging: You. [grabs you]
Name: Eleven/Emil
Pronouns: He/they
Birthday (no year): June 19th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? AST :) I’m in Atlantic Canada
Roleplay experience: I think it’s been like 10-11 years? My first RP was for like Sonic OCs but I mainly did DR OC :]
Got any pets? Yes! I have a cat named Jerrie! I also live with 3 cats who belong to my roommate.
Favorite time of year: Autumn
Some interests and things you like: Flowers/gardening, magical girls, classic literature, pink things tm, stuffed animals, idols
Some fun facts & trivia about you: I have no idea
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Dangan Ronpa, Granblue Fantasy, Love Live, Ensemble Stars, Genshin Impact, League of Legends, been on a visual novel kick recently also EDIT I FORGOT PERSONA AND HARVEST MOON
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fairy type & my fav pokemon is Lilligant!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I bought Awakening because a friend of mine (N) liked it so much, and then I didn’t play it for almost a whole year after that! But I decided to try it out while I was on a road trip and quickly became obsessed.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? (In order): Awakening, Sacred Stones, Fates, like 1/4th of Gaiden, SoV, Three Houses, Genealogy, like half of Shadow Dragon, Binding Blaze, Blazing Blade.
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Sacred Stones :)
Any Fire Emblem crushes? a Frederick, Niles, Leon, Seth, Linhardt, Henry, Ced, Donnel, Duessel, JOSHUA
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Frederick, Fates: Niles, Three Houses: Linhardt, Engage: ?
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Mage :)
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Probably Cleric or Pegasus Knight
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? EIRIKAAAA
How did you find TOA? My good pal N was talking about it and I was interested in it! I often follow him to different rp groups like a dog.
Current TOA muses: Eirika, Lugh and (hopefully soon) Tharja!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Knoll! I have highly entertained the thought of bringing him back, though I worry about the interest in him a lot!
Have you had any other TOA muses? a Knoll, Julia, Patty, Olwen, Peri, Ingrid, Nanna, Lute, Leon, Hisame, Florina, Panette (am I forgetting someone??)
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? I love thieves, though it doesn’t show from my list since Patty stuck around so long— I also love quieter, mysterious characters a lot or characters with some sort of image issue tm especially in the vein of growing up too soon
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love anything I can put some fucking angst on happy characters going through something tm is my fav ever.
Favorite TOA-related memory: Uh yeah that bitch explodes
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Nótt, Clarine, Ced, Tethys, Virion, Nina, Seadall, Marni, Maribelle
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l. Beauty and Her Beast
<<Previous || first arc || second arc || third arc || AO3 || Next>>
“State your business.”
The servant who opens the door to Haruka manor is as unsmiling and impeccably dressed as her master. She is expressionless, but something in the very air conveyed her unwelcome.
Her gaze travels from Shirayuki’s sturdy boots to the hood neatly laced at her chin. She does not qualify her command by appending any title or respectful address.
Shirayuki inclines her head politely. “I am here to see Lord Haruka,” she said.
“You have no appointment.” It was not a question.
Shirayuki shook her head. “No, I’m sorry to come unannounced,” she agreed quietly, “but it is important.”
The woman regarded her expressionlessly, the line of her mouth unyielding. 
“It is not permitted to allow entrance without an appointment,” she said, without apology.
Shirayuki lifts her chin. 
“This is a — a family matter. It’s about this letter.”
She lifted the envelope delivered by the royal messenger, its seal still intact.
The servant spared it a glance. “That message was not addressed to you,” she said, coldly now.
A flush crept over Shirayuki’s cheeks, but she held the woman’s gaze.
“It was entrusted to me. I must speak to Lord Haruka about it, as soon as possible.”
“You are requested,” said the servant, barring her way, “to present identification.”
Shirayuki hesitated, her fingers tight on the letter. Everything in her rebelled against the idea of forcing her way inside by claiming a rank that had never really belonged to her.
She almost turned back, gave up the struggle until she thought of a better way. She might send a message in advance, perhaps, follow the protocol expected of her.
She almost let it go for another day, just one more day — but then she thought of Obi.
He was out there somewhere, alone, hurting, and it was her fault.
She had to find him.
She needed to know where to look.
Shirayuki sought for relenting in the woman’s stony face, rigid posture, but found nothing. She sighed to herself.
Then she reached up and lowered her hood.
That insolent girl could hardly have chosen a worse time for her visit.
Lord Haruka’s manor was in a state of what would have devolved into full-on uproar, in another household.
Even in an estate managed as rigorously in its lord’s absence as when he was present, a low current of tension simmered in the air.
Servants trained to march the halls straight-backed and prompt had quickened their pace — not hurrying, which would be unseemly, a symptom of disorder, but brisk.
The usual silence pervading the halls trembled like a pot about to simmer. It stirred with whispers as packages changed hands, grooms left their stations, and an army of maids wielding dusters stalked the outdoor livery invading their sanctum.
Lord Haruka had lately returned from a journey — a disruptive event under any circumstances, which was why he avoided travel unless absolutely necessary.
He managed his estate by letter and steward; he resided in Wistal where he could best perform his duties to the crown.
Today, however, those duties had seen him depart from not only the castle but Clarines itself.
Haruka well remembered the last time he had undertaken a mission of foreign diplomacy.
How could he forget, when it had led to his committing the gravest error of his life — an error that plagued him still?
For some score years and more, that error had dogged him, a living breathing reminder of his folly.
Now it returned in its latest guise — or rather, by extension, in the form of an uninvited guest.
He stood in his office, papers stacked unconscionably high, half-full chests and trunks open in every corner.
Haruka still wore a traveling suit, though a footman had immediately relieved him of his road-worn cloak.
The servant who had brought this unwelcome news waited in the doorway, her hands folded in an uncharacteristically nervous gesture.
She had known before she spoke what her master would think of the intrusion, and his sustained silence let her know again.
A muscle clenched in Haruka’s jaw. That girl had once been betrothed to a prince of the land. Now, as the wife of his good-for-nothing heir, she could expect a claim to hospitality from his estate, if nothing more.
It would not do to send her away, dismiss her like the commoner she once was.
“Beg the lady Shirayuki’s pardon,” he ordered, “for my receiving her in my office. Inform her that I am to depart immediately in the morning on business for the crown.”
No, Haruka’s journey was not yet done. He would spend but one night at the estate, ostensibly as a respite to break the long ride north, but in fact to prepare the documents that the prince Izana required.
It was this brief window that the unfortunate girl had landed in, with all her usual penchant for stirring up trouble.
The work was delicate, involved. Doubtless, it would cost him not only the daylight hours but many candles into the night.
If it were not also essential that the urgent nature of his task remain unknown, he would have directed his steward to receive their guest.
As it was, a lady of her particular connection to himself — little would he have ever imagined consenting to such an arrangement — could hardly fail to command a personal audience.
Even one as unversed as she in courtly manners might take the hint, though, if she met him in the midst of paperwork.
Their meeting may yet prove mercifully short.
Indeed, Shirayuki’s first impulse on walking into the room was dismay.
A palpable sense of stress rocked her from the threshold; she cast an anxious eye over the scene she had disturbed.
“Good afternoon, my lady,” came the curt greeting in the accustomed stiff tones.
Shirayuki’s hands dropped automatically to her skirts, answering the signal as she had rehearsed countless times under his stern eye.
She almost surprised herself as she executed a textbook curtsy.
Then Shirayuki raised her head and straightened her shoulders. “Lord Haruka, I received your message, but I couldn’t give it to Obi.”
The lines around her father-in-law’s mouth deepened. “As the messenger was instructed to inform you, we are aware that the … that your husband has left Clarines.”
She nodded and said, “I want to find him.”
Lord Haruka’s gaze left her, dismissing her from his presence as completely as if she had bid him farewell and walked out the door.
He turned over a paper and paused, seemingly surprised to find her still there. “Yes?”
Shirayuki’s brow furrowed. “I want to find him,” she repeated.
Sunlight slanted between them, revealing the quality of the furniture by the warm glow it summoned from the polished wood.
The curtains hung in heavy folds, the fabric tastefully subdued in color and design yet unmistakably distinguished by its richness.
This was the estate that Obi would one day inherit. If not for her, he might have been here now, learning what was needed to take his father’s place someday.
Haruka regarded her grimly for a moment then returned to his papers.
“No permit is required should you wish to depart Clarines,” he said. “I trust that you —”
“But, Lord Haruka,” she broke in, aghast. “Don’t you want to help? Aren’t you worried about him? He —” 
She swallowed hard. “He didn’t tell me where he was going.”
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Don't mind me, just rereading The road to Clarines is gravel again (It has become my Hallmarks Classic for this fandom, December is a perfect time to read it). I also still can't get over how @codango made Obi the main cowboy love interest in a romance novel, we need to buy a million books from her.
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linnorabeifong · 6 months
Which of those smut fics do you recommend? ?
anon you are bold lmao. I will compile a list. It will take some time. Will update this post a few times while I find my bookmarks.
No kink or ship shaming !
Snow White With the Red Hair
will forever stay reading and rereading this . Long fic with a few smut scenes.
Diet smut for anyone with delicate sensibilities . Amazing ship.
For Legend of Korra wanting controversial ships
Too cute !
Linzolt is my OTP but there’s not a lot of smut for it. I have to write my own.
No actual action between Lin and Zolt portrayed but it is implied and hey Korra and Wu get it on.
not outright smut but we all know what’s she’s doing 🫣
This one is such a treat
Linzin Smut !!!
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redmemoirs · 4 months
Orange green blue and white for Retsu and Amira! ^^
thank you for asking <333 answered orange for retsu and white for amira here!
🟠 Orange- What is a trait your OC hides about themself from others? Do they refuse to acknowledge it or begrudgingly accept it?
Amira: how incredibly jealous she is of others. it's something she really struggles with. before she loved her sister or kiki (in different ways of course) she was deeply jealous of them for their pedigree and how it seemed like they had everything so easy. even after she realises how untrue that is she finds herself drawing comparisons all the time. she's not ashamed of her background, which makes the feeling worse because it comes with a side of guilt. she's definitely far from acceptance on this lol
🟢 Green- What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
Retsu: ohh first is definitely her apathy to politics. one could argue it gives her a unique perspective... for the second, i think her loyalty would be the obvious answer.
Amira: from a noble's perspective it would be her humble birth and childhood. it shaped her as a person though, and she wouldn't be half the person she is now without the sense of community her hometown imparted in her. it takes a village and all that. the second case is very specific - her family's territory is right on the border with tanbarun on the clarines side and they manage the border crossings. amira has a reputation there for being able to recognise anyone who's passed through even just once, which instead inspires the kind of shifty people she should be looking for to find ways to dodge around her or simply be on exceptionally good behaviour. it comes up when mihaya reappears during tanbarun arc, because him managing to escape into tanbarun is a failing on her part.
🔵 Blue- How would your OC spend a single day of interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
Retsu: ... all roads lead to haki. she would love to return to their childhood days when haki just did whatever she wanted and retsu got to follow her around all the time.
Amira: she would love to spend an idle day just hanging out with her sister. they don't really spend much time together, or even in the same house really - since their lands are along the border with tanbarun, they're careful about having at least one person in the area all the time. usually that's amira, while her sister is away on other duties. other than that, maybe just a day in town, chatting with the locals and stimulating the economy and all that. she prefers being around people to being alone.
⚪️ White- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
Retsu: not sure how to answer this one so heres top 10 worst moments of retsu's life, in no particular order
her brother's death. she was part of the knight circle when it happened (not yet the captain) and found out through gossip. one of the few times she remembers being truly, genuinely angry.
The Wedding Invitation, naturally. she was alone with haki, which is always her ideal scenario, except it felt like a permanent goodbye.
the bergatt situation. following some incidents in the north and house arleon's refusal, she was engaged to touka for a while. she very nearly threw her family name away in order to avoid it. before it got to that point though, the canon arc happened, and zen didn't ask for her help, which stung.
actually this is just a top 3
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themarketupdate · 2 months
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
GONZAVENTURAS..ha acabado su 1er Entrena_miento con su RIEJU AVENTURA de cara a ir a CABO NORTE [NO_RUEGA] x OFF ROAD [x cierto..lo veo muy ARRIESGADO para un INEXPERTO en CONDUCCION Y MECANICA]..en TUREGANO q me recuerda 3 Cosas:
1 Que el día del TRABAJADOR de 2007 fui a COMER CORDERO con RAMON VALLE_INCLAN LAPIDO [hijo de ex_presidente de TABACALERA y bisnieto del escritor del ESPERPENTO=algo ridículo y absurdo] y CASANDRA SAINTE_MARIE DEL AGUA [nieta del fundador de diario chileno CLARIN "DARIO SAINTE_MARIE " alias VOLPONE exiliado en MADRID donde escribió sus desaparecidas MEMORIAS en la BAÑERA de su apartamento en CENTRO COLON.. a la q me reencontré trabajando en la tienda de REAL MADRID del BERNABEU tras fotografiarme a sus PUERTAS Y A CONTRA_LUZ ..con CLIFORD LUYK cuyo malogrado hijo jugo 5 años en los TORMENTA ROJA de la UNIVERSIDAD DE ST JOHN sita en PKWAY UTOPIA en QUEENS , NY..y al q me presentaron en sala ROJA de disco AVE NOX donde tenía una barra alquilada y hacía de DJ diciéndome q negociaba con DI_AMANTES tras retirarse del Basket donde además jugo en REAL MADRID entrenado x su padre y en FORUM FILATELICO q fue una ESTAFA PIRAMIDAL a cientos de miles y cuyo jugador Franquicia LALO GARCIA heredó la cartera de clientes de su padre, por lo q se arruino, se divorcio 2 veces y al final se suicido ahogandose en el Río PISUERGA]..q entonces al parecer se acababan de enrollar [aunque RAMON es 20 años mayor y ella decía tener un novio escritor] tras VOLVER a ver solos la película 300 q vimos antes los 3 juntos [luego me llamó casandra para decirme q no íbamos a salir los 3 juntos más xq RAMON se enfado al preferir continuar con su novio..x lo q solo me iba a invitar a su cumple con sus amigas viendo en el cine MORA_SOL el estreno de PIRATAS DEL CARIBE: EN EL FIN DEL MUNDO]..también estuvimos x las HOCES del RIO DURATON donde mi tía arrojó las cenizas de mi primo q murió con 26 años al quedarse dormido tras llevar a su novia a casa
2 la Madre de Miguel BOSE puso en TUREGANO un MUSEO SOBRE ANGELES q quebró y donde murio al vivir allí x lo q según mi compañero de colegio SANTA MARIA DE LA HISPANIDAD Javier Sierra fue a TUREGANO a VISITARLA en su libro EL MAESTRO DEL PRADO Y LAS PINTURAS PROFETICAS centrado en el libro APOCALIPSIS NOVA q segun dice esta en el MONASTERIO DEL ESCORIAL
3 A la 1era reportera de fútbol en TV "EVA TUREGANO" a la q conocía de ponerme muchas Copas como camarera en el ZIPANGO [=JAPON para EUROPEOS]..donde se pusieron junto a MI Alfonso REYES y Piculin ORTIZ cuando jugaban en CB MALAGA..luego paso a la disco BARNON como la mujer de RAUL de REAL MADRID o MAMEN [=CHUPEN..q es lo q hace falta q hagan pero gratis y libre o x AMOR de dios.. en vez de tanto vicio e idolatria, prostitucion, pornografia, consoladores, esclavitud sexual, falso amor, soledad, etc]..actualmente es la directora de comunicación de LA LIGA
X cierto..desde TARIFA [precio x un servicio] a CABO NORTE fue una pareja en BICI..q parecian uña y carne x como vivieron y relataron la aventura x su canal de YouTube.. y al volver para convivir juntos..enseguida se separaron y ella se quedó el perro q compartían y q fue al viaje jaja
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maisondeliam · 2 years
makeup + skincare recs for my friends!!
something im doing for funsies since im getting more into beauty products :-) if anyone randomly stumbles across this feel free to use the recs for urself!
L'Oreal Telescopic Lift Mascara in Black Brown
NYX Epic Wear Liquid Eyeliner
Too Faced Major Love Mini Eyeshadow Palette (weird theme but the shades r so good)
Milani Gilded Nude Palette
e.l.f Luminous Putty Blush in Maui
Essence The Blush in Believing
Winky Lux Cheeky Rose Highlighter in Champagne
e.l.f Hydrating Core Lip Shine in Happy
r.e.m beauty Essential Drip Lip Oil in Pickin' Petals
Burt's Bees Tinted Lip Balm in Rose
Benefit Cosmetics Liquid Lip Tint in Floratint (doubles as a liquid blush!)
L'Oreal Lash Paradise Mascara
Clinique Quickliner in Intense Ebony (you can blend it out w/ an angled brush and it would slay also)
r.e.m beauty Midnight Shadows Eyeshadow Palette in groovy baby
Colourpop All Amethyst Pressed Powder Palette
Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush in Encourage (will last you FOREVER but it takes a learning curve to use it right bc of the formula)
Milani Baked Highlighter in Rosa Italiana
rom&nd Glasting Melting Balm in Coco Nude
Too Faced Too Femme Heart Core Lipstick in Never Grow Up
Fenty Beauty Poutsicle Hydrating Lip Stain in Mai Type
NYX Suede Matte Lipstick in Brunch Me
NYX Suede Matte Lipliner in Cannes
Clinique High Impact Mascara
MAC Pro Longwear Fluidline Eyeliner in Lowlights
Essence Super Precise Eyeliner
Morphe 9T Neutral Territory Artistry Palette
Too Faced Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette
NARS Mini Blush in Orgasm X
NYX Sweet Cheeks Creamy Powder Blush in Summer Breeze
Colourpop Super Shock Highlighter in Wisp
Essence Kissed By The Light Face Illuminator in Sun Kissed
Maybelline Lifter Gloss in Topaz
Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey
Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Ice Cooling Lip Luminizer
Essence Heart Core Fruity Lip Balm in Cherry (has a bit of tint!)
Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash Mascara
Wet n' Wild Megaliner Liquid Eyeliner
Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner in Starfire
Colourpop Sweet Talk Eyeshadow Palette
Juvia's Place Warrior II Eyeshadow Palette
Benefit Cosmetics WANDERful World Powder Blush Mini in Shellie
Clinique Cheek Pop Blush in Melon Pop
Rare Beauty Positive Light Liquid Luminizer Highlight in Mesmerize (will last you FOREVER but it takes a learning curve to use it right bc of the formula)
MAC Lustreglass Sheer-Shine Lipstick in Lady Bug
Benefit Cosmetics Liquid Lip Blush and Cheek Tint in Benetint (doubles as a liquid blush!)
Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Heat in Hot Cherry
NYX Butter Gloss in Rocky Road
Maybelline Lash Sensational Sky High Mascara
L'Oreal Infalliable Grip Gel Mechanical Eyeliner
Too Faced Natural Eyes Neutral Eyeshadow Palette
Colourpop Sage The Day Pressed Powder Palette
e.l.f Powder Blush Palette
Benefit Cosmetics Dandelion Twinkle Highlighter Mini
r.e.m beauty On Your Collar Plumping Lip Gloss in scrunchie
Clarins Lip Comfort Oil in Pitaya
NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Zurich
e.l.f Hydrating Core Lip Shine in Joyful
r.e.m beauty Flourishing Lengthening Mascara
NYX Epic Ink Vegan Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner
Morphe 18T Truth or Bare Artistry Palette
Milani Guilded Terra Eyeshadow Palette
Pixi On-The-Glow Blush in Juicy
Clinique Blushing Blush Powder Blush in Sunset Glow
Makeup Revolution Highlight Reloaded in Dare to Divulge
Essence Extreme Shine Volume Lipgloss in Nude Mood
Urban Decay Vice Hydrating Lipstick in Dtla
r.e.m beauty Essential Drip Lip Oil in lavender kiss
Fenty beauty Poutsicle Hydrating Lip Stain in Berry Banger
Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter and Fenty Beauty Eaze Drop Blurring Skin Tint are my fav concealers!
Morphe Continuous Setting Mist is one of my fav setting mists!
I use a mix of CeraVe, The Ordinary, and Good Molecules for skincare! The Cerave cleansers and daily lotion have become my non-negotiables, if u dont already have a skincare routine i recommend them
The LANIEGE Lip Sleeping Mask works so well and is def worth the splurge, but it has a scent so if sickeningly sweet scents give you a headache it might be best to stay away from the sweet candy version
I just use Kroger Brand micellar cleansing water as a makeup remover, but I recommend Garnier's! Especially this rose water and glycerin one (which i think lyn might already have LMFAO)
Cleansing balm is a bit more expensive but honestly works a little better than the micellar cleansing water and it doesn't take much product to get a clean face, my fav is the e.l.f cleansing balm
For pimple spot treatment, I use neutrogena rapid clear
My dermatologist told me to use the dove beauty bars since bar soap doesn't dry your skin out like liquid soap and it is SO GOOD, i use those alongside my philosophy 3-in-1 as an exfoliator + extra wash
this was fun to do, i hope u guys enjoy the recs! <3
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sabraeal · 6 years
Read Along with Sab!
Today I’m at:
A low-risk investment by @codango
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another-miracle · 3 years
Nobody actually told Obi what exactly happened to make Shirayuki leave Tanbarun (now on AO3)
Leave it to Sarah to know the exact “right to the good part” scenario I needed to scratch my writing itch. This one’s for you @claudeng80 :) Set before Eisetsu arc when Shirayuki, Obi and Ryuu are still travelling on the road together.
Dinner starts off as a simple affair. Miss cooks up half the dishes while Obi settles the other half in the in-built kitchen of a decidedly-not-small room they’ve found themselves in (wonders what accommodation one affords with all that sweet Wisteria cash; they are delegates after all). A trade-off that they’d agreed on so that they could cook and have dinner in the same space they would reside for the night - instead of going down to the common area. Ryuu sets the table as best he can.
Eventually, they settle down to eat. The conversation steers towards Miss’ early days in the pharmacy - Ryuu still a boy who hid under tables, a fact present-Ryuu did not appreciate being brought up - and Miss still desperately trying to find her footing in a foreign land. It’s new to Obi, to hear of their endeavours before his arrival to Clarines, and he finds himself enjoying the journey down memory lane. That is, until Miss drops a wayward comment that catches the both of them off guard.
So casual, she says, “It’s so funny. And to think I’d almost had to live my life as Raj’s concubine.”
Ryuu freezes and his eyes dart over to Obi. Similarly, Obi’s glass has paused over his lips. It feels like the air in the room has been abruptly sucked out. The word ‘concubine’ rings in his ears as Miss continues to laugh between bites.
“What do you mean concubine?” Obi asks carefully. He’d thought she’d been invited to the palace to be a princess, or perhaps a lady-in-waiting. To be seen, not...
“Oh yes,” Miss shares, something almost fond lining her lips. “Raj and Sakaki-san had pretty wild ideas back then. Sent me poisoned apples and everything.”
Shirayuki looks up, only now noticing Obi’s tone. Next to him, Ryuu lowers his utensils down and places them on either side of his plate. Obi immediately fixates on Miss’ form. His eyes dart down to her arms, searching for any scars, mind desperately rifling through memories of when they first met, whether she had been constantly wearing long sleeves. She’d worn leggings all this while hasn’t she? Obi resists the urge to bend down to look under the table.
“Oh,” Miss starts again, startling Obi’s gaze back to hers. “Oh! He didn’t get to me- I mean, he did. It’s a funny story actually- Zen ended up being the one eating said apple and getting poisoned. I’d only followed to get the antidote, but thankfully-” she glances at Ryuu, “Zen has had quite a resistance against most poisons, and he was fine.”
The sentence is met with tense silence. Ryuu seems to be staring at his plate as if the peas could conjure up a response. A part of Obi wants to shake the boy and tell him not to worry, to crack a joke to diffuse the air. The other part is blinded by red hot anger. The urge to retrieve his knives and march right up to Tanbarun to commit regicide thrums wildly in his temples.
Friend of the Crown? What on earth was Master thinking - working with someone like that. What on earth was he thinking? He’d spent every afternoon for a month, watching, not knowing, as the two - kidnapper and concubine-to-be - traipsed through the gardens of Tanbarun castle, sat next to each other for hours in the libraries. He’d carried the man on his fucking shoulders.
A touch to his hands and his eyes fly open. Miss’s hand is placed on his, on both of their hands. A small smile plays at her lips. Obi turns to Ryuu. The boy looks frustrated enough to cry.
Miss gives a small laugh. “Hey, it’s over alright? I didn’t bring it up to see you guys upset. It was just in passing. And look, we’re all here now. Royal delegates, serving the Wisteria Crown for the greater good of her people!”
Miss glances up at him, then flicks her gaze at Ryuu. Obi suddenly remembers how distraught Ryuu was when they returned to Clarines after their visit to Tanbarun, having only received news that Miss had been kidnapped. He also remembers the fear in his eyes when both he and Shirayuki succumbed to the then-Lyrias disease.
Obi sighs.
His hand reaches out to ruffle Ryuu’s hair. “Yeah,” Obi says, “Miss wouldn’t let something like that get her down. She’s strong, isn’t she, Little Ryuu?”
Ryuu stares up at him, unshed tears, his gaze darting between the both of them. Obi gives him his best reassuring smile; he knows Miss does too, even if he doesn’t look at her.
The boy sniffs. “Yeah- she is. Yeah.”
Later when the plates are cleared and Ryuu has fallen asleep, exhausted from the additional emotional tirade he had earlier, Obi finds Miss by the window. She sits with her feet propped on the sill, arms wrapped around her knees, gaze focused on the distant horizon. The moon is out, deciding to grace Miss in all the splendour and glow her countenance deserves. If Miss thinks he looks good by the firelight, then it should be of no consequence for him to say-
“You look good in the moonlight, Miss,” Obi tells her, holding out a cup of tea and sitting down by her. Miss accepts the drink with a smile before looking out again. She is quiet - more so than usual. Obi sips his tea and waits.
She thumbs at the rim of the cup, looks down, then up at him. With a sheepish smile, she says, “I wonder if that’s something I might have heard from...men...if…”
She trails off, bringing the cup to her lips, the picture of grace and relief. Obi, on the other hand, is struck frozen for the second time this evening. That’s not what he meant. That’s not what he meant.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Miss rushes out. “That wasn’t fair- it’s just- it’s my fault, I’d brought it up. I don’t mean to say that you’re like any of them- I don’t-”
Miss breathes, a shaky exhale. Obi watches as she struggles with something bigger than her, bigger than the both of them. It’s something more immense than even the distance between two countries, if he’s honest. His heart pulls toward her; the burden she has been carrying for almost two years - the shame, the fear - feelings he has no way of possibly understanding in this lifetime. He aches to reach out for her, but he’s not sure- in that moment, he rehashes every single touch between the two of them. Belatedly, he also finally understands why she’d run when Master kissed her.
“It’s alright,” he murmurs, an assurance that falls flat in the space between them. Miss hums in response, forcing out a smile at him in apology. And- Obi doesn’t want that. How many smiles has she hidden behind? Sweet words that fall from her lips - not just to him, but to the very people who’d wanted to kidnap her, to turn her into an object of possession, to reduce her brilliant mind and her wonderful soul and the endlessly faith-bearing light in her eyes into a mere ornament to be gawked at, prodded until nothing is left. What has he been doing? What have they all been doing?
Obi places his mug down on the table before sidling up to the sill, back to the scenery, hands clasped in front of him. He notices Miss is looking at him curiously. Obi sets his gaze on the ceiling, tracing the cracks in the concrete. He doesn’t do this- doesn’t offer more than platitudes to soothe, doesn’t give others more than he should, more than he can spare another human being. But- he thinks of the broken smile on Miss’ face-
“I’d almost lost my life once,” Obi tells the ceiling. “Thought myself hot shit and went around accepting jobs that were clearly beyond my pay grade. Risked my life because I’d thought it a resource to be utilized when needed - as long as it puts bread on the table, money in my pocket.”
Obi turns down and gives Miss a wan smile. “And it’s funny, because that was me when I met you. You, with all your incredible courage, this red-haired girl who’d walked forward in face of an arrow shot at her. Who’d saved an entire colony in face of a disease no one knew. Who’d jumped off a tower. Who’d walked straight back into the place she’d been running from, head held high, into the den of the very person who’d deigned her an object.
Miss flinches at this. And Obi aches.
“And-” Obi pauses. Breathes. “So much of me just wants to ride down the South back to Tanbarun, go up to Raj’s door and wrangle his neck - him and Sakaki both. But beyond that, Miss-”
Obi stares at her, willing the words, “You are beyond what anyone says of you, beyond whatever value anyone places on you. You’re not some object that someone just picks up and calls their own. Because whatever that’s in there,” Obi jabs his thumb against his chest, “it’s not something that can be assigned by anyone else. You are your own person, Miss. You belong to you. And it’s this you who has toppled boundaries, created antidotes, you and your brilliant mind, and your wonderful soul and everything that is you.
“And-” Obi wrenches his gaze from her, hand coming up to push down on his shoulder. “I can’t imagine myself without you. I’ve changed, because of you. Myself and many other people you’ve met in Clarines - Little Ryuu, too. So please-
“Don’t think you are anything less than who you have made yourself to be. Don’t let anything cause that- not Raj, not Master, not Izana, not even me. You are yours, Miss.”
Obi says it quietly, a whisper taken by the wind into the meadows ahead of them. But he knows Miss hears it all the same. Obi lets the words take up the silence, let them take root. He hopes, desperately, that in between the awkward cadence and messy phrasing, Miss may find some comfort in them. An unspoken assurance that he is on her side - always have, and always will be.
Sneaking a glance at her, Obi is startled to find Miss’ head buried in her knees, shoulder shaking.
He jumps up and immediately frets. “M-miss, ahh- I didn’t mean to make you upset! I’m sorr-”
In an instant, Obi’s hand is enclosed between both of hers, warmth effusing through skin. A warbled laugh escapes her and she looks up from her knees up at him. Arrested by the tears in her eyes, Obi watches as she smiles that broken smile again - only this time, he knows it isn’t forced. She brings his hand close to her, and places the back of it against her forehead. Obi’s hand twitches, almost aching to cup her face and rub the tears trickling down - but clearly Miss is having a moment as she closes her eyes and breathes.
“Thank you, Obi,” Miss tells him, words entangling around his fingers. “It never gets easier- I don’t think it will, but-”
She takes his hand and cups it against her cheek anyway, collapsing all his walls. “You, being here. You remind me that I’m worth more.”
He can’t resist his fingers running across the apples of her cheekbones. He wipes away every tear that falls and bends down close, leaning his forehead against hers. There are no words to describe the monument of a woman before him now, and as he draws strength from this little form of comfort he’s offered, he only hopes she receives the same.
It will not be easy, probably never will, as Miss says.
But Obi will be damned if she ever faces it alone again.
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xlvii. Beauty and Her Beast
<<Previous || first arc || second arc || third arc || AO3 || Next>>
Parallel scene: A Traveler from Obiyuki Winter Challenge 2018.
Amber liquid splashed in the glass.
As he poured, the tavern keeper’s eyes flickered between his customer and the crowd gathering behind him.
Obi drained the glass and slammed it on the counter. “Another.”
Coming to Tanbarun had been a mistake. He hadn’t meant to – hadn’t planned it this way – just set his feet to the road and his face to the wind.
He had no mission, no destination, no purpose – only the necessity of removing himself.
He should have resurfaced somewhere new, somewhere unknown and unknowable, ready to begin again the endless wrestling match of taking enough from life to stay in the game.
Instead he found himself here, in her homeland, and everything reminded him of her.
For the first time, his wandering had led him astray, backtracking until he double-crossed himself.
He had shed his old lives as easily as he changed names, as easily as a snake shed its skin. He could remake himself, forget who he had been, leave everything behind — everything but her.
He heard her in their voices. He saw her in their faces. He felt her in the air.
He could forget himself, but he could not escape her.
The tavern keeper opened a new bottle. He glanced past Obi again. The night was cold, the bar room drafty, but the man was sweating. 
Every head had turned when Obi walked in, and now every eye was fastened on his back, tracking the stranger’s progress through drink after drink, bottle after bottle. The regulars had banded into knots, muttering to each other behind the rims of their glasses.
Obi showed the owner a coin to soothe him. “Another.”
If he had stopped to think of it, Obi might have noticed the imposing figure he presented: a tall and dark stranger, too bold for his own good, marked with old wounds and that ineffable sense of danger — or rather, dangerous because he knew no danger to fear.
Obi did not notice. 
He thought of only two things now: the pain, and how to end it.
He had wondered once if he could ever leave her. Now he had - but she had not left him.
It hadn't been so bad at first because he'd been busy.
Their uninvited guest had had the sense to take himself off during the night, but Obi hadn't left anything to chance. 
He planted false trails leading away from the cottage, taking care to let himself be seen moving north, deeper into Clarines.
Then Obi had melted back into the shadows where he belonged, confusing the tracks he left behind to shake any interested parties off his scent.
If anyone was still interested in what had drawn him to that cottage again and again, if they had been hoping to uncover a stockpile or even a treasure trove hidden away among the woods, they would have every reason to believe it had found a new home.
As for the red-haired woman, she and Obi had parted ways. Observers might, if they cared, conclude that he had abandoned her.
His hand tightened on the glass.
They wouldn’t be wrong, whoever thought that. What they would not understand was that he had done it for her.
She was better off this way.
He had spared a fleeting thought for the old man as he left, pictured briefly his seething rage at the discovery that Obi had confirmed all his worst predictions yet again. 
Then again, perhaps he might instead feel relief, a release from the one responsibility he had ever begrudged. 
The instructions, the threats, the promises had all amounted to words on a page, lines of ink smudged into meaninglessness with a drop of rain — much like every other binding contract Obi had experienced.
That was why his world sealed their contracts in blood. 
He couldn’t help but think of that, as he raised the glass once more and a thin scar showed white on his palm.
For the first time since his master’s death, Obi was glad. He had endured a lifetime of disappointing the man responsible for his birth, but the prince was another matter.
No matter what became of him now, it was some small consolation that Zen would never know.
He could drink and drink, and the ghosts might watch, but they couldn’t speak.
Another hour of this, and Obi thought he might not be able to, either.
He no longer knew what the bartender poured him, whether it was alcohol or swill–his mouth was too numb to tell the difference. The edges of his vision blurred; his ears were buzzing.
Still, when he closed his eyes, he could see her face.
She smiled, she laughed, she cried – a thousand faces, a thousand moments he had stolen and hoarded until the inevitable good-bye. Now they played in an endless loop behind his eyelids, taunting him with the evidence of his crime.
Obi gripped the bridge of his nose, slumping forward. He couldn’t forget. He’d been drinking for hours, but he couldn’t forget.
You’re right, Obi, her voice whispered in his ear. I shouldn’t keep you here.
He had been a fool to think he could make her happy. Week after week, her bloom had faded, the color leaving her cheeks, her laugh losing its luster, until he had returned that night to find her blighted, like a flower transplanted to an unfriendly soil. She didn’t belong with him.
She never had.
His fingers dug into the rough wood of the counter, but the sting didn’t balance out what he felt inside. Obi raised his head, staring around wildly for a distraction.
The tavern keeper held out a drink, but he was looking past Obi. His fingers were trembling.
A hand like a bear paw engulfed the cup. It belonged to one of the regulars. He was taller and broader than Mitsuhide, his face battered with old scars. 
He looked like a brawler to Obi — more bulk than speed, flailing fists rather than precision, not likely to kill…unless you stayed still long enough for him to beat you bloody. 
The man sat down too close, his elbow jostling Obi’s.
It was the first rule of the underworld to never draw attention. If you wanted to stay free, never give people a reason to remember you. 
If you wanted to stay alive, never make unnecessary enemies.
A fight with a bruiser like him wouldn’t end quickly. It would be a messy, noisy affair with broken glass and smashed chairs. 
Everyone in the room would get involved — the angry ones who caught a stray blow by chance, the riled ones who enjoyed the smell of blood in the air, the greedy ones who cut purses in the chaos, even the fearful ones who ran into the streets calling for help. 
Start a fight like that, and you could never show your face in that town again.
Perfect, Obi thought.
The stranger tipped back his head and raised the drink.
Quick as a cat, Obi slapped it out of his hand.
The glass struck the counter and shattered, spraying alcohol and fumes over both of them. The man whirled on him, nostrils flaring. The tavern keeper backed away.
Obi grinned.
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