#the roar of victory
ella390-the-potato · 8 months
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Promotional Visuals for
Kimetsu no Yaiba: To The Hashira Training
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Off to see the new Demon Slayer movie!
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neonganymede · 11 months
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Nikolai is the cutest ever, and nobody can change my mind
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jjproduction297 · 4 months
Godzilla 2014 victory roar (HD) :)
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vigilskeep · 11 months
very fun to have tristan in mind as i go through anora’s dialogue file actually, because it’s necessary to the narrative i have in mind that he bears a grudge against the mac tirs as a whole but wow he really would hate her in specific. which almost makes me more committed to putting her on the throne alone this run because i love the weight it gives that choice
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void-tiger · 3 months
…wHY do y’all feel the need to mention where someone’s at when they’re not around! Sure I have a crush on that idiot but I’m never going to admit to it, and actively avoid bringing them up myself ‘cause it’d feel like a freudian slip and it’s not my business anyway.
How often do I even come up in y’all’s home conversation. Is it out of pity? Or is this idiot just as insufferable as I am to my friends who are WELL AWAY from this and therefore Safe to repeatedly try spring-cleaning my demiromantic acengst with.
Are y’all pressuring them about me, too, or has that FINALLY, finally eased off.
(And what value can I possibly have, anyway. I’m unemployed and just shy of a shutin from severe anxiety/moderate depression and cptsd, adhd, and a smorgasbord of muscular-skeletal issues that just keep creeping up and staying and moving the goalpost to even TRY getting a job. The idiot has other friends when they have time to spend on them. All I am is stubborn enough to stick around and wait if I’m not actively being chased off IF the other party seems to really want that connection.)
#tiger’s roar#i am pathetic#and it’s hard to feel Good about being moved out#when I CAN’T work/keep a job. and how many credits I have to take to keep my scholarship makes trying to get a part time job Impossible Too#I’m doing this on student debt#and my parents won’t just Stop calling me spoiled apparently out of envy#that they’re able to spot my deposits and rent for the 2 months before reimbursement#and cover getting things like cooking utensils and used furniture and cleaning supplies#even though 2/3rds of what I have I either bought/kept myself OR are things they don’t want anymore#if anything. it should be a victory that they CAN provide this for me#where their parents’ couldn’t or wouldn’t#sure I got to move out whereas they immediately married ‘cause a kid was in the oven and the judgement that came with that#but they also weren’t chronically ill to the point of disability#and the chances of me marrying? almost zero. because I’m asexual and kiss repulsed and demiromantic#…sure I’m pretty sure my crush likes me back. and despite what happened last year their family really seems to like me#but even if they felt they did have the time and energy to just. ask me out? or hang out like we both seem to want?#I don’t think I’d ever accept that I wouldn’t just. drag them down with my stupid health#and even WORSE: make them feel sensually neglected ‘cause I can’t even think about kissing without basically gaslighting myself.#…friends can be supportive and physically intimate with hugs and whatnot#but me as a girlfriend? HA. I can’t give someone ‘enough’ without making myself feel utterly awful#and yeah. there’s a grief with that.#I’ll…try to let it be someone else’s Choice. not make someone else’s decisions for them#…but.
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aus-wnt · 1 year
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
Can’t help thinking of the missed opportunities in my life [not reblogging pinned vague post about me while it was still pinned for posterity]
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skypied · 2 years
The floorboards creak as Alberto approaches behind him. Hands land on his tense shoulders, thumbs circling along his neck. A grateful groan falls from his lips, the force as Alberto kneads under his aching shoulder blades making his vision go blurry.
Warm breath draws goosebumps on his neck when Alberto leans closer to whisper, "Maybe you need a break to inspire a stroke of brilliance?" -- Or, Alberto is bored. Luca is busy. No one's surprised at what that leads to.
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authorkoushik · 1 year
Jaya mantram from Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana 
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Jayamantra means the mantra of victory. Jaya mantra is a collection of verses from sundara kānda of valmiki Rāmāyana.These are loud roars of hanuman in the ashoka garden of lanka and the streets of lanka. These are the battle cries of hanuman challenging his opponents, ravāna, and his men. 
In our tradition, we recite these battle cries of hanuman to seek blessings of victory from rama, lakshmana, sita and hanuman. These verses praise, rama, lakshmana, surgreeva and proclaim their victorious nature. Hance chanting these verses bring positive energy, hope, zeal, happiness and confidence to the devotees. 
These verses resulted in fear amongst demons. Hence these verses can keep away negative forces from us. 
This jaya mantra has three occurrences in sundara kanda of valmiki ramayana with mild variations. The scholars tell us that this verse is repeated in multiple occasions in sundara kanda to indicate that this is a mantra and this must be chanted by the devotees. 
This is said by hanuman for the first time in chapter forty two of sundara kanda. 
सर्ग ४२
जयत्यतिबलो रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः॥ ३३॥
दासोऽहं कोसलेन्द्रस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।
हनूमान् शत्रुसैन्यानां निहन्ता मारुतात्मजः॥ ३४॥
न रावणसहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्।
शिलाभिश्च प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः॥ ३५॥
अर्दयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कामभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्।
समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्॥ ३६॥
jayatyatibalo rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 33..
dāso'haṃ kosalendrasya rāmasyākliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ.
hanūmān śatrusainyānāṃ nihantā mārutātmajaḥ.. 34..
na rāvaṇasahasraṃ me yuddhe pratibalaṃ bhavet.
śilābhiśca praharataḥ pādapaiśca sahasraśaḥ.. 35..
ardayitvā purīṃ laṅkāmabhivādya ca maithilīm.
samṛddhārtho gamiṣyāmi miṣatāṃ sarvarakṣasām.. 36..
In chapter 43 its repeated again with a small variation 
सर्ग ४३
अस्त्रविज्जयतां रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः॥ ८॥
दासोऽहं कोसलेन्द्रस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।
हनूमान् शत्रुसैन्यानां निहन्ता मारुतात्मजः॥ ९॥
न रावणसहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्।
शिलाभिश्च प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः॥ १०॥
धर्षयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कामभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्।
समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्॥ ११॥
astravijjayatāṃ rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 8..
dāso'haṃ kosalendrasya rāmasyākliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ.
hanūmān śatrusainyānāṃ nihantā mārutātmajaḥ.. 9..
na rāvaṇasahasraṃ me yuddhe pratibalaṃ bhavet.
śilābhiśca praharataḥ pādapaiśca sahasraśaḥ.. 10..
dharṣayitvā purīṃ laṅkāmabhivādya ca maithilīm.
samṛddhārtho gamiṣyāmi miṣatāṃ sarvarakṣasām.. 11..
For the third time, it is retold by hanuman in sarga 59, while he narrates everything that happened in lanka to the varanas, when he returned to the sea shore after meeting mother sita. 
मयैव निहता लङ्का दग्धा भस्मीकृता पुरी।
राजमार्गेषु सर्वेषु नाम विश्रावितं मया॥ १८॥
जयत्यतिबलो रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः॥ १९॥
अहं कोसलराजस्य दासः पवनसम्भवः।
हनूमानिति सर्वत्र नाम विश्रावितं मया॥ २०॥     
mayaiva nihatā laṅkā dagdhā bhasmīkṛtā purī.
rājamārgeṣu sarveṣu nāma viśrāvitaṃ mayā.. 18..
jayatyatibalo rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 19..
ahaṃ kosalarājasya dāsaḥ pavanasambhavaḥ.
hanūmāniti sarvatra nāma viśrāvitaṃ mayā.. 20..
This proves the significance of this event. It was reiterated by hanuman himself three times. 
Let us discuss the meaning of these verses, including the variations word by word. 
Jayati - जयति सर्वोत्कर्षेण वर्तते 
jayati sarvotkarṣeṇa vartate
He remains victorious. He wins, he 
atibalah - extremely strong and powerful
अतिशयितं बलं यस्य सः 
atiśayitaṃ balaṃ yasya saḥ
One whose strength and power is abundant.  One who is excessively powerful. One whose strength is extraordinary. One who can surpass or exceed others with his strength.  One who is superior by strength. One who can excel others in strength and prowess. 
In other words one who can overpower or defeat those who stand against him. As he is always excessively powerful and hence invincible. 
अतिशयबलवान् । प्रकृष्टबल- विशिष्टः 
atiśayabalavān . prakṛṣṭabala- viśiṣṭaḥ
He who is characterized with supreme strength. He who is limitlessly powerful. 
The word atibala also give us a mystic indication, which suits lord rama alone. 
One who possesses the wisdom of the atibala vidya is atibala
गृहाण द्वे इमे विद्ये बलामतिबलां तथा । न ते श्रमो जरा वाभ्यां भविता नाङ्गवैकृतम् ॥ न च सुप्तं प्रमत्तं वा धर्षयिष्यन्ति नैरृताः । न च ते सदृशो राम! वीर्य्ये- णान्यो भविष्यति । सदेवनरनागेषु लोकेष्विह पुमां- स्त्रिषु । न सौभाग्ये, न दाक्षिण्ये, न बुद्धिश्रु तिपौरुषे ॥ नोत्तरे प्रतिपत्तव्ये त्वत्तुल्यो वा भविष्यति । एतद्विद्याद्वयं प्राप्य यशश्चाव्ययमाप्स्यसि ॥  - इत्यादि विश्वामित्र वचनाः 
gṛhāṇa dve ime vidye balāmatibalāṃ tathā . na te śramo jarā vābhyāṃ bhavitā nāṅgavaikṛtam .. na ca suptaṃ pramattaṃ vā dharṣayiṣyanti nairṛtāḥ . na ca te sadṛśo rāma! vīryye- ṇānyo bhaviṣyati . sadevanaranāgeṣu lokeṣviha pumāṃ- striṣu . na saubhāgye, na dākṣiṇye, na buddhiśru tipauruṣe .. nottare pratipattavye tvattulyo vā bhaviṣyati . etadvidyādvayaṃ prāpya yaśaścāvyayamāpsyasi ..  - ityādi viśvāmitra vacanāḥ
“O rāma, Accept these two vidyas (feminine mantras) named  balā and atibalā, you will then not have tiredness, you will not experience aging, or fear. Neither will you face disfigurement of your body. The demons cannot defeat you even when you are asleep, or when you are careless.  There will be no one like you in prowess, vigour and strength amongst gods, humans, serpents, men  and women, also in fortune, skill, intellect and bravery. There shall be none to match you in these great qualities, by accepting these two vidyas, you will attain eternal glory and fame.” - these are the words of sage viśvāmitra when he gifted these mantras to rama. 
rāmo - the word rama has multiple meanings which signify different facets of the lord. 
रमन्ते सर्वे जनाः गुणैः अस्मिन् इति रामः
ramante sarve janāḥ guṇaiḥ asmin iti rāmaḥ
All the people are pleased by his great qualities, hence he is called rāma
lakṣmaṇaśca - लक्ष्मणो लक्ष्मिसंपन्नः
lakṣmaṇo lakṣmisaṃpannaḥs
One who is blessed with immense wealth, lustre, knowledge, charm, and various skills is lakṣmaṇa. 
when  sage vashishta named him, 
Mahābalaḥ.- very Strong, robust, powerful. mighty
महदुत्कृष्टं बलं ऐश्वर्य्यं यस्य 
mahadutkṛṣṭaṃ balaṃ aiśvaryyaṃ yasya
He, whose power and might is great, superior
महदतिशयितं बलं सामर्थ्यमस्मात् । महत् बलमस्येति वा ।
mahadatiśayitaṃ balaṃ sāmarthyamasmāt . mahat balamasyeti vā .
He who has great efficacy, ability, strength. In Ramayana, we can  evidently see the multi-faceted abilities of Lakshmana,  he builds a house for lord Rama in Panchavati, he builds a small boat for them to cross the rivers and seas during their exile. He takes care of lord rama and sita just like a father would.  Lakshmana’s skill has no bounds. 
He who has great strength. 
rājā - राजते शोभते इति 
rājate śobhate iti
He who rules over, governs, shines, reigns is rājā
He shines because he is the chief and he leads his subjects.  An extensive definition is given below. 
यथा प्रह्लादनात् चन्द्रः प्रतापात् तपनो यथा । 
तथैव सोऽभूदन्वर्थो राजा प्रकृतिरञ्जनात् ॥
yathā prahlādanāt candraḥ pratāpāt tapano yathā .
tathaiva so'bhūdanvartho rājā prakṛtirañjanāt ..
The king is called rājā as he pleases his subjects and ensures their joy.  says kalidasa in his epic raghuvamsham. 
jayati - wins
sugrīvo - suegreeva the monkey king. He is the representation of a normal devotee of rama. He loves rāma, he treats rāma like his best friend, he respects rāma, he has his own set of flaws. He isn't perfect. His friendship or love for rāma is not selfless like hanuman's love. At the same time his love for rāma is pure. 
Rāghaveṇa - by the descendent of king Raghu. Here rāmais addressed as Rāghava to indicate to the family values of rama, A promise given by them is always fulfilled. 
Abhipālitaḥ - अभितः पालितः रक्षितः  
abhitaḥ pālitaḥ rakṣitaḥ
On who is Completely protected by 
Dāsa - servant
दास्यते भृतिरस्मै दासति ददात्यङ्गं स्वामिने उपचाराय वा दास 
dāsyate bhṛtirasmai dāsati dadātyaṅgaṃ svāmine upacārāya vā dāsa
One who offers his service, one who offers ones own body and mind for the service of his master is dāsa. 
Hanuman’s mind, body and soul works for lord rāma, all his skills and his life benefits rāma.  Hanuman offered himself to lord rama. He has given himself completely to the lord, that is indicated by the word Dāsa. 
a'haṃ - I am 
kosalendrasya - the lord of kosala kingdom
Rāmasya - of Rāma
Akliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ - unwearied in action.
अक्लिष्टम् अनायाससाध्यं कर्म्म यस्य 
akliṣṭam anāyāsasādhyaṃ karmma yasya
One who does his deeds effortlessly. 
अक्लेशेन कर्म्मकर्त्ता 
akleśena karmmakarttā
One who can painlessly do anything he wishes to. 
Hanūmān - there are many meanings for the name hanuman but here, the main implied meaning is he whose cheek could only be slightly damaged even by the ferocious attack of vajra, the great celestial weapon of indra, his name stands as a testimony for his divine strength. 
śatrusainyānāṃ nihantā - the destroyer of enemy armies
Mārutātmajaḥ -  the son of Māruta (the wind god vāyu)
na - no / not 
rāvaṇasahasraṃ - thousands of  rāvaṇa
me - to me 
yuddhe - in battle
pratibalaṃ - equally matched or powerful, a worthy match or opponent 
Strong enough worthy to combat, 
Bhavet - will be 
śilābhiśca - with rocks 
praharataḥ - as i attack, hit, strike
Pādapaiśca - and with trees
 Sahasraśaḥ - thousands of 
Here it implies that hanuman doesnt  need celestial weapons to defeat ravana, even by fighting with rocks and trees he could effortlessly defeat the entire demon army and return home. 
Ardayitvā - अर्दति हिंसायति, हिंसति 
ardati hiṃsāyati, hiṃsati 
To hurt, afflict, 
यातना ताडनं 
yātanā tāḍanaṃ
To cause suffering, by hitting 
after hurting or killing 
purīṃ - city
abhivādya - नामोच्चारणपूर्ब्बकनमस्कारः । 
nāmoccāraṇapūrbbakanamaskāraḥ .
Abhivāda means to offer salutation along with the utterance of the name. 
तत्तु पादस्पर्शपूर्ब्बकनमस्कारः 
tattu pādasparśapūrbbakanamaskāraḥ
Offering salutation by touching the feet out of respect. 
अभिमुखीकरणाय वादनं वदनम् 
abhimukhīkaraṇāya vādanaṃ vadanam
Offering salutation to make them turn towards us
ca - and 
Maithilīm - the princess of mithila. 
Samṛddhārtho - having increased substance or wealth  , having fully accomplished my task
gamiṣyāmi - I will go
miṣatāṃ - as they keep looking, seeing, , this implies that they cannot stop him while he destroys
Sarvarakṣasām  - all the demons. 
In the second iteration of the same shloka , 
The words अस्त्रविज्जयतां (Astravijjayatāṃ) replaces the words jayati atibalah 
Astravit - the knower of celestial weapons. He who obtained an abundance of celestial weapons from sage  vishvamitra 
And in the place of Ardayitvā, we find dharṣayitvā 
dharṣayitvā  - शक्तिबन्धने संहतौ हिंसायाञ्च 
The root verb dharṣa means to control one's power, to kill, to hurt, to destroy. 
In the third iteration, hanuman , tells the vanara warriors about what he did in lanka. 
I alone, destroyed lanka and burnt the whole city, and in all royal roads, I made the Name Popular, meaning I roared the names of Rama, Lakshmana and sugriva, 
jayatyatibalo rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 19..
ahaṃ kosalarājasya dāsaḥ pavanasambhavaḥ.
I also roared “I am hanuman, the son of god pavana,  the servant devotee of the lord of kosala, thus I made them hear the names out loud.  This also indicates that hanuman made them realize the glory of rama, by my deeds. 
Hence this is regarded as a prayer for victory, since all the greatness required for attaining victory is enumerated in the form of these verses. 
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 1 month
in case you were wondering how things went down at the pokemon world championships this weekend:
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-during the top 8 of the TCG masters division, chilean player fernando cifuentes was running a gimmick deck that consisted exclusively of four iron thorns ex and a whole ton of control-focused trainer cards in a strategy that either completely shuts down opponents or shits the bed entirely
-through skillful play and some good luck, fernando made it through 2 days in a tournament with over 1100 players to get to the quarterfinals
-fernando lost 2-0 to ian robb, who was running regidrago vstar (widely considered one of the best decks in the current format)
-in an overexuberant victory celebration, ian did what can only be described as a jacking-off gesture, on a stream with tens of thousands of viewers run by a company with very firm player conduct expectations
-the judges determined that this warranted a penalty of game loss, but for some reason, rather than applying it to ian’s next game in the semifinals, they applied it to the one he had just won in the top 8
-(it should be noted that the prize money for making top 8 is $15k while top 4 is $20k, so this jerking gesture cost ian robb $5,000)
-nearly an hour after fernando came to terms with his loss and the end of an impressive run, he was told that he was to get back on stream because he’s now playing in the semifinals due to winning by default
-the player he was up against in the semifinals was playing a deck (miraidon) that happens to get shut down hard by iron thorns’s gimmick, so fernando wins the semifinals
-said player, jesse parker, had notably had an undefeated run throughout the whole tournament up to this point, and likely would have continued that streak had his intended semifinal opponent not gotten a game loss penalty for miming a lewd act on stream
-meanwhile, the other semifinal winner is japan’s seinosuke shiokawa, running a deck (roaring moon) that players had largely written off as underwhelming months ago
-the grand finals are on the following day, so saturday evening was abuzz with a lot of people baffled by the absurdity of the situation
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-come sunday afternoon, the grand finals are set to begin, with fernando cifuentes running iron thorns and seinosuke shiokawa running roaring moon
-it should be noted here that the roaring moon deck doesn’t rely very much on abilities, so iron thorns’s gimmick has very little effect - this is basically an even matchup
-fernando wins the first game of the set, and seinosuke wins the second
-the third and final game of the set is a bonafide cheek-clencher, with both players reaching a state where a single KO will win the game, but fernando manages to clinch it at the last minute
-and that’s the story of how a guy pretending to jork it led to the first instance of a pokemon world champion who also lost the quarterfinals
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evl-qn · 4 months
* _ ⁰ ³ / ' arc‚ once tame and gentle. * _ ⁰ ³ / ' arc‚ evil reigns : heart turns black. * _ ⁰ ³ / ' arc‚ victory lost to time unmoving. * _ ⁰ ³ / ' arc‚ curse broken : magic bound. * _ ⁰ ³ / ' arc‚ the line of succession. * _ ⁰ ³ / ' arc‚ the end is nigh. * _ ⁰ ³ / ' arc‚ beauty is a beast that roars.
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kdmiller55 · 5 months
Shepherd Turned Savior
51 Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled. 52 And the men of Israel and Judah rose with a shout and pursued the Philistines as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron, so that the wounded Philistines fell on the way from Shaaraim as far as…
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lesbicastagna · 6 months
btw i woke up this morning to a text from her that ended with ❤️ and i didn't even wrap my car around a tree so far. today.
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gemstarb · 10 months
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s0dium · 2 months
Haikyuu men x Reader
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A/n: This is part of my Olympic event, please click on the for more! If you would like to suggest something for this event don't hesitate!
Synopsis: What do Haikyuu men do after the Olympics? Well, they do you
Warnings: Spanking, fingering, praise, groping, squirting
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The camera zooms in on the bustling Olympic stadium in Paris, its energy palpable even through the television screen. The crowd's roaring cheers reverberate, celebrating the electrifying victory of the Japanese volleyball team. Among the sea of jubilant teammates, the camera focuses on one player, your boyfriend, glistening with sweat and wearing an infectious smile: fresh from clinching the gold medal.
As he steps away from the celebratory huddle, a reporter, microphone in hand, intercepts him. The reporter's voice is enthusiastic, mirroring the atmosphere, "So, what are your plans to celebrate the big win?"
He chuckles, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow, his grin widening, "Well, after drinks with the guys," he pauses, "I have a little post-game ritual."
Intrigued, the reporter leans in, the crowd's cheers serving as a dramatic backdrop, "Oh yeah? What's that?"
He winks at the camera, "Secret."
Yes a secret it was, one that only you and him knew. One that started off with you being bent over his knee with his fingers deep in your creamy cunt.
"Been thinking about this all day," he murmurs, right hand caressing the fat of your ass while his left curls and massages the sweet part of your gummy walls that makes your eyes roll back. At this point you have given up resisting, letting your body hang limp over his muscular thighs.
As his fingers probe and massage your gspot, the wet sounds of your arousal fill the room, an intoxicating symphony that drowns out all other thoughts. Each movement, each touch, creates a chorus of slick, rhythmic noises that seem to echo in your mind, pushing you further into a state of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
"So good," you whine and you don't know it but the tips of his ears go red from the sound of your voice. Your brain begins to haze, the world around you blurring until all that exists is the sensation of his ministrations. His touch is both fast and demanding, knowing exactly how to tease and please, drawing you closer to the edge. He reaches a spot inside you that you can only dream about reaching with your own fingers.
"I know baby, I know you feel good. Shit, i cant feel you squeezing my fingers." he groans at the feeling of your cunt convulsing around his digits. He is already two fingers deep in you but at this point he's thinking about stretching you further and slipping in a third. So he does. Using your dripping arousal as lubricant he slips in a third finger making your thighs tremble from the sudden intrusion. The stretch is delicious, who knew a volleyball player's hands had other uses besides volleyball?
"I won for you princess, the whole time i was playing I was thinking about you."
You can feel your pussy tighten and convulse at his words, the clicking sound of your arousal a testament to your connection, your mutual need.
Time loses all meaning as you surrender to the overwhelming sensations. His fingers, his praises, every part of him is dedicated to driving you wild, and you find yourself unable to hold back the moans that escape your lips. The noises you make together are primal, raw, and they pull you deeper into the abyss of pleasure.
"M'feel weird," You choke. Your breath comes in short, sharp gasps as the sensations become almost overwhelming. You feel something press down on your core like there is a pressure building inside you, a sweet, urgent tension that demands release.
"Shhh its ok, let it go baby." He coos and before you can respond he delivers a sharp smack to your ass. "make a mess on my hands, come on~"
The pleasure is so intense, so all-consuming, that it creates an almost paradoxical sensation. The euphoria is so great it feels as though you might lose control, as if you need to pee. It's a raw, primal feeling that heightens the urgency and the pleasure, pushing you further toward the edge.
You squeeze your eyes shut, your senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity. Your mind races, caught between the need to let go and the fear of losing control. Then, it hits you. with a curl of his fingers against your wall, you surrender to it, letting the sensation wash over you.
Your are too lost in the ecstasy to realize that you are squirting all over his hand. It's like an explosion, your body trembling, your mind going blank, consumed entirely by the pleasure he has given you.
"Just like that, let it go y/n let it go." His hands rubs circles on your ass as your body shakes and trembles from your orgasm.
"So perfect so perfect, the best prize I swear."
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